wrote a big X here on my scoresheet, which seems to designate that I saw that I had missed NAKFA from the N in DESIGNEE. #findingmedium
AUK L1 is only a 4-point sacrifice too, seems worth making for the leave.
D4 KILL(JO)Y. I'm pretty sure I would have known this was good if I had seen it and I didn't even look at playing through JO, making it a #visionsmall mistake. Also #knowledgesmall for the +5.
2nd best play, but a distant 2nd. This is where I could have used the WORM extension INCH(WORM) for 66. I clearly did not think of the extensions that could have come into play with my placement. #visionsad
I didn't think SEEMINGS was a word but IT IS. Anyway, since I can't block effectively, I have to play C1 (C)ZAR to outrun. FOR FUCK'S SAKE. #REEEEEEEEEEE #VISIONSADDEST
I was trying to decide between 8A GUY and 15D AUGITE. I figured if I kept the Y, I might be able to cash it at 15L after his bingo, but 8A TUYE(R) looks better. #knowledgemedium
This would be close with C9 ZO except that she put down an S on the board before playing 15A KIN(G) the turn before, making this very sad. #strategysaddest
FIE 14A is best here. I considered stuff like that, but GRIEF seemed better because it scored more and didn't give back parallel plays. (-3) #strategysmall
quackle really thinks i should play through this rack. i didn't spot O4 LARDER, that seems ok enough, i suppose. or I10 REAR? gross choices here. -7 #strategymedium
DOOZIE might be 6 more but I figured the odds of Rob having a B or W weren't great so might as well try to get back in it this way. This is 2nd behind DOOZIE. #tacticssmall?
It's not like I was a huge fan of this play, but again, it seemed pretty straightforward. It's not. It's way less defensive than POGO and even EGO. POGO is probably the best play #strategysmall
this was a pretty bad move. i was going to play P(O)W, and i talked myself into this somehow. i think a large part of it is that i wasn't sure if POWS was good. but clearly, POW is much better than TWA. i could at least play it at 10E. i think once in a while, i just have one move where i completely don't have a focused brain, but hopefully this will improve! -7.5 #strategymedium
quackle likes 14A ARVO solely because it bingoes a lot more than my play. should i really do that? it seems like it gives up more points and bingoes than FRAT. what a weird move. -4 #strategymedium ??
I thought this may not have been best but if I lost I knew it would be close, which was important at this point in the tournament because I just need to beat Alec on spread to make the finals. However, it looks like 13K (D)HOW is just too good here. #timesaddest
PEOY* #KNOWLEDGESADDEST Also Quackle likes 13A QATS but i'm not about that dangerous life. Not that I made the correct decision, because my opponent ended up playing for the same amount of points under 4J QAT next turn anyway #strategylarge
i did not want to use my case S on C9 ZONES. i don't see a path to victory after it with a IOTV leave... another tough move. is ZONES actually right? -8.5 #strategylarge ?
This bingo is very hard to find which I did miss, M2 SPAReR(I)B for 80. Not sure I'd ever think to look for something that ended with a B. #findinglarge
10A DHOTI would have been really nice for 6 more and I save the J for another scoring play! Gotta learn to find higher scoring without needing power tiles sometimes. #visionmedium
totally missing COU(V)ADE which I saw instantly today. Interesting that I'm patting myself on the back for an error I made. I guess people (never) change #findingsaddest
My reasoning for this move was to set up a board where I either hit my fish and bingo or brick my draw and score decently to the triple with OCAS. But AGIRS just doesn't bingo quite enough more to warrant the 10 point sacrifice over ORGIAC. #strategysmall 21:12
I didn't have much time here and decided I just needed to play fast and I missed K3 (G)OETY. I also wasn't sure of 12H (C)OUTHY. #timesaddest #knowledgesaddest
I didn't see TUR(BI)D, which looks like a better X setup. It's not as clearly an X setup and doesn't open an S hook for him. With ADES I wasn't so concerned but I'm still giving him a couple awesome lanes, and he's taking the spot very often anyways. Even XU/LOT is probably fine here. #findingmedium
I saw 8K HANAP but figured the two plays would be less than 5 points of valuation apart, and my odds of getting a challenge were pretty high. Instead, the plays are actually closer to 10 points of valuation apart, especially because I bingo from either the V of VODKA or P of HANAP a lot for a very good score next turn. Basically, I wanted to be able to say "I played SHWANPAN" instead of making the correct play. #strategysmall #egolarge 18:10
K5 JAY. I totally missed that spot. Also B10 CA(R)NY sets up a huge X spot which I guess is okay since I'm down a lot but I didn't even notice it. #VISIONSADDEST
This line certainly looks weird, but the S just doesn't have a lot of value here, and I really want points this turn. Quackle is convinced that TOE bingos over 1/3 of the time and thus prefers it, but I just don't know if I believe that, especially since Sam is more likely to block than Quackle believes and doesn't have VW as much as randomness dictates, but still, that is a massive number, so I'll go with it. #strategymedium
in speed games, there is enormous value in seeing bingos quickly. I unfortunately do not usually have that capacity, so I often make plays like this, that can't be too much worse than a bingo, but that are clearly inferior. The time I save is very valuable, but immediately missing the bingos is obviously a problem. Had I taken the time to see a bingo after not immediately seeing one, I would have lost a lot of time and it would not have been worth it. Best looks to be L5 cATHEAD, which looks like it would lead to a game where whoever gets the next bingo will win. #findingmedium
i was very low on time at this point and freaking out about how close he got so i missed a million outs. i just picked something that scored and accepted the fact that i totally bolloxed up the second half of this game. -11 F11 YIrRS. my favorite out is G6 S(AVO)RILY (L is a blank). #endgamelarge #time
J3 VANqU(I)SH #findinglarge
He took over 3 minutes on his opening move, I should have seen all the possible 8s since there are only 3... Just saw UNSHAVEN and UNSHAVED fuck
I had problems focusing and counting plays here. I don't remember exactly, but I remember counting both plays and getting it wrong and then trying again and getting it right, but blocking the TO and partially the E in AUTOED is much better for bingo defense than blocking up top. This is a stupid decision on my part. I think I thought I could deal with the right side later. #strategysmall
Even if the scores of both HEW plays were reversed, I should still play under AUTOED.
I had the right idea by passing up D1 QUAKY as I will likely draw a play there next turn. 1H NARKY is a sligtly better version of this because I have a 9/29 chance of picking an A or an O for QUAD/QUOD as opposed to only a 6/26 chance of picking an A or an E for QUAY/QUEY. #visionsmall
just with BRANG*, I was about ready to snap challenge, and the longer I took, the less I felt I should challenge. This is a huge mistake, but I still figured my best chances were holding on from this position. But I missed AR(M)Y for 39, which is too many to say no to. There is very limited risk of 7 consonants next turn being pivotal enough to lose the game, and also very minimal chance of not drawing a vowel, given the 15/10 vowel/consonant ratio. Something like 10-15%? I just missed AR(M)Y, but worse, I made this play with absolutely no clue about RALLYE, a word I know. I never saw RALLYE. This was Jackson's game to come back and win. Incredibly good pressure by him, picking at my confidence levels more and more every turn. #knowledgesaddest #visionsaddest #strategysaddest #findingsaddest
hilariously ran out of time here. I assumed he was going to play something with QUATE like ME(R)C so I put down PASSIvE and EQUAT* and only stopped because I didn't have enough time to circle the blank and hit the clock before going overtime. Then I realized I was about to play a hilarious phony and laughed instead of actually finding a better bingo. Then I was down to -00:45 so I had to just play the first thing I saw. #timeSADDEST #findingSADDEST
this is probably an overadjustment, I wanted to prevent monster E column bingoes. however, I am taking quite a big hit, about 6 points in the sim. Tough call, cause VERY also makes her plays a bit easier. I think this is a bit too far, since TERM has some risk involved as well with the leave and stuff. #strategysmall but it's up for debate!
Keeping the G for 13C, but CURVET is better; though it sets up a high-scoring S-hook on O3, there are already high-scoring S-hooks available. Quackle prefers 4H VENGE, but given the board I don't like it as much. Honorable mention goes to 13B EGRET, which sets up my R with only one unseen; Quackle doesn't seem to consider it. #tacticssmall
venge 30
curvet 29.4
verged 27.7
curve 27.3
now, the same idea is potentially completely ridiculous and bad. I have to give up here and play JETES or JEES, the latter of which I missed. This is the problem with playing B(A)D last turn. One of the reasons is that I will have K column plays to score next turn, and I should play those. But I forwent those last turn. So it's sort of a paradox, and very human to try and continue in the same vein as last turn. But now, I'm sacrificing far more by not taking the points. This play is very commital and I'm basically deciding to never play on the K column unless Lou plays a bingo elsewhere or plays on the 15 row. Quackle hates this because it mainly assumes I will use the K column when I miss. The point is that when I miss, I'm more and more screwed by not scoring. #strategymedium
i would have played TIYIN but i was scared after losing the UNRIVE* challenge. i knew TIYIN was good in at least one dictionary. i laid down YETI at L2 but i really don't think that's the play. -2 #knowledgesmall