Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Games in which there are at least 5 challenges made. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Championship Player's suggestions here are not useful. During the stream, chat was suggesting J2 P(OX). I don't think this works out for most draws because he can block the M(POX) hook completely with H2 S(LAD)E or 1K TELI(C) and partially block with 2D LEV or 2D SEV. I looks like J2 P(OX) only wins if I draw the S, which would threaten 13A DOssELS as well as bingos with a blank M on row 1. In all other cases, I don't have 13A DOssELS and he can totally block the MPOX setup or I don't have an M blank bingo that fits even when he can't block (I think). I considered K11 P(O)D, but it seemed like there were way too many bingos in the pool ending in S for that to be correct. I feel like this or something similar like E10 P(OR)E or E10 L(OR)E or E11 (OR)D or D11 (HA)P give me good chances since I have a reasonable shot at hitting bingos on row 1 and row 14. I tried to do a bit of math and it seems like E10 L(OR)E is my best shot. It hits the most bingos to the C and when they do hit they should always overcome his attempts to outrun since I triple the D and P. E10 D(OR)P doesn't hit as many bingos to the C and some of them get outrun by plays like A11 (B)LIVE. This isn't accounting for inferences, but I've already written more than I thought I would so I'll leave that as an exercise to the reader. I've done all of this analysis manually using Zyzzyva, so engines might be able to refute some of these lines or suggest ones I haven't thought of. #strategysaddest
Before this turn, I had maybe 9 minutes on my clock, but my tracking was off. I think I spent about 8 minutes retracking before realizing we were missing a tile. By the time we found it I had maybe a minute left. I panicked and played this. #TIMESADDEST
4A QUARE(R) is a #visionSADDEST. I saw 4C QUA(R)ER but I was in such a defensive mindset I didn't think to hang anything in the triple line, especially after two 1 tile plays. I decided to put the S on this so she can't hook it and is forced to find eights.
Didn't know fricking EWERS. Feels like SADDEST but since it's only 5 points. #knowledgesad and also 1K VEG(A)S. I was completely out of time. #timeSADDEST
Didn't know fricking EWERS. Feels like SADDEST but since it's only 5 points. #knowledgesad and also 1K VEG(A)S. I was completely out of time. #timeSADDEST
This is really weak. I need to get rid of more vowels. I was thinking this would force his bings to open up so I could bingo through the floaters. I can't see anything I really like, so suggestions are welcome. #strategymedium
I was low on time and forgot to track the blank in BIOTITE. I gave up an played line with seconds left. Only 14A LINIE(R), 14A INLIE(R), and 12F (T)I(R)E win. #TIMESADDEST
D4 KILL(JO)Y. I'm pretty sure I would have known this was good if I had seen it and I didn't even look at playing through JO, making it a #visionsmall mistake. Also #knowledgesmall for the +5.
D4 KILL(JO)Y. I'm pretty sure I would have known this was good if I had seen it and I didn't even look at playing through JO, making it a #visionsmall mistake. Also #knowledgesmall for the +5.
12H (M)aLEaTES is probably worth the 16 more. Saw plays at I1 but didn't want to hang anything in the triple, especially against this opponent. #visionmedium
I'm okay with this because it kills this spot but so 5B WA(I)F and there are a bunch of column C and E plays I should have at least considered. #visionsmall
L7 Z(Y)MOID. I think I knew this word? Anyway, if I had studied it more I think I would have found it so I'll tag as #knowledgemedium instead of finding or vision.
I have to leave one in the bag here. 14A (T)IP is best because it sets up D12 JAIL to outrun any bing winning everytime according the Championship Player. This is almost as good. #strategymedium
At this point I think I have the board under control because she didn't put the E on HAWS, so I burnt the R so sevens didn't fit on the board. Big mistake. There are a bunch of vowels left and I'm not even up by that much. #strategymedium
1F ST(O)OKIES or 1F SO(O)KIEST or 1E STO(O)KIES. I'd like to think that I would have found the bings with more time, because I had almost none at this point, so I'm marking this as #TIMESADDEST
At this point I have 3 seconds on my clock. The best play is 6A ES, which is 4 points better than this. What I should have played was 1G T(O)EAS or 1F ST(O)AE so the game is over and I don't have to worry about going overtime, but I completely missed them. #timesaddest
jvc: I think M8 OUTATE is probably better than this, but it's really aggressive so I'm not sure if it's best. This is definitely a mistake though. #findingmedium
I12 (I)GLU wins. I didn't see 15A (D)OTATION. Even if I didn't, I might not have had time to figure out how to block and win. I just played this and hoped he wouldn't find a bing. #endgamelarge
Incredible. Not only did I not know 14J QuIST, but I also chickened out of putting the S on JETSOM and didn't think to play 14J WRIST. This move is so bad that I'm tagging it with multiple mistakes. #knowledgelarge #knowledgelarge #visionlarge
Incredible. Not only did I not know 14J QuIST, but I also chickened out of putting the S on JETSOM and didn't think to play 14J WRIST. This move is so bad that I'm tagging it with multiple mistakes. #knowledgelarge #knowledgelarge #visionlarge
Incredible. Not only did I not know 14J QuIST, but I also chickened out of putting the S on JETSOM and didn't think to play 14J WRIST. This move is so bad that I'm tagging it with multiple mistakes. #knowledgelarge #knowledgelarge #visionlarge
I dunno. Championship Player says it's alright, but the only play that has a nonzero win % is M8 UM, which sets up the massive N8 VAQUERO which should always be blocked. Probably worth a shot I guess. #endgamelarge
I thought that the leave for 8G VAX was too vowel heavy and guaranteeing and X spot would be worth it. But this caps my score next turn at around 30-something and bings a lot less, and is also less defensive. It probably isn't that different but in hindsight 8G VAX seems a bit better. #strategysmall
M7 MOD is way better. It lets me fish for B10 Q bombs and even if they are blocked I can probably do something with the Q. I didn't see M7 MOD because I tunneled on getting rid of the Q. #strategylarge
I had her on sticks including the D after this. Since I didn't have a good block I'd thought I set up my S, though maybe I should have just done H1 TONUS. I'm not really sure how big of a mistake this is, I'll just mark it as #strategymedium
The Duck says there is a 1/8 chance of winning after this play but I'm pretty sure it's lying to me because I went through every endgame and it never has me winning. So, since I'm pretty sure there is no win, I have to hope he screws up. This play fishes for 15D DISU(N)ITE but he's probably going to see that and block. I need to play something like O11 Y(OWIE) to hit the M because he is probably less likely to see 2G D(I)MITIES. If Quackle is actually correct about the 1/8 please let me know, but for now #strategymedium
I seriously considered playing 1A WAZ(O)OING* before deciding that it was more likely that the blank was in the bag and I could draw it to win than WAZOOING* being a word. This isn't actually the best play. C1 ZO(A) saves 1A WA(ZO)O and wins about 50% of the time as opposed to this which wins about 30% of the time. #endgamelarge
Completely tanked on this move. I didn't even consider keeping the U, which might led me to G12 (M)EG or G10 UN(M)ET. The metrics I used for this turn were off, I was too focused on dumping the U, so #strategylarge.
L7 SHARDED. I knew SHARDING* was a phony and that SHARD was a noun, but I also felt like there was a bingo in this rack and got confused with HADDIES. #KNOWLEDGESADDEST
Not sure what's correct here. Blocking the S hook after his last play seems maybe okay, since this play isn't a huge equity sac anyway. #strategysadder
This sims best but I'm not sure it's correct. I might need to make some drastic opening at this point because the sun is rapidly setting on this game. #strategysadder
The sun has pretty much set and I was also slightly tilted because I thought UNMARRED might have been phony (it's not). I have no idea what I'm supposed to do here other than resign. #strategysaddest
NOT A WORD. #KNOWLEDGESADDEST. 3G F(E)WS sims best but Quackle is probably incorrectly emptying the bag too much in response. 11F Wo(L)FINGS seems okay.
Given his last play I wanted to block the H column and row 6. H6 FL(Y) is better for that since it can't be extended as easily as (FY) but it's also 8 points less. Maybe I should have just played equity with K9 G(I)F(T). I'm not completely sure so #strategysmall
Quackle says I can win 1/4 times with but I'm pretty sure it's lying to me beacuse I played them out and I don't see it. I have no idea if I have a win here or what the best play is. Regardless this play is terrible and I had no time. #strategylarge #timelarge
Quackle says I can win 1/4 times with but I'm pretty sure it's lying to me beacuse I played them out and I don't see it. I have no idea if I have a win here or what the best play is. Regardless this play is terrible and I had no time. #strategylarge #timelarge
14A ZO has 25 more win % points. I'm really surprised by that because I thought I needed more vowels. I guess the odds of drawing no vowels is fairly low and I need the K for scoring. #endgamelarge
Awful miss of M9 YEANS. I saw it after I hit my clock. I wanted to block row 15 and knew I had the case S, but somehow I didn't realize I didn't need to block it with the case S. #strategysaddest
I didn't think SEEMINGS was a word but IT IS. Anyway, since I can't block effectively, I have to play C1 (C)ZAR to outrun. FOR FUCK'S SAKE. #REEEEEEEEEEE #VISIONSADDEST
Using the E instead of the A or O brings my bing % way up, but I'm probably better off playing 6I N(IT)ROX hoping to draw all the vowels. #strategylarge
At this point I was really paranoid that Marty had the other blank. I think I've gotta suck it up and just hope he doesn't bing through the O and play 11J (I)NVEST. #findinglarge
I had no time. There's two in the bag, so The Duck *should* be able to figure this one out and it's saying E11 (MAW)N at 16.67% win. Maybe I have to play that and hope to draw the other S, I'm not sure. Anyway, #endgamelarge I'm sure.
There are no great options and his last play indicated a strong range (yes, I know, even for Dan the Destroyer). 11M HAM is best for reducing bing %, but M5 MAHUA(S) also significantly reduces bing % and sets up my X. After UN, he probably doesn't have a Y (or B), which is the only thing he could really use at 6N. This makes M5 MAHUA(S) best IMHO. #strategylarge
I passed on B2 YIELD because I didn't want to hang floaters on rows 2 and 3 or leave the R open, but looking at it now, it seems best. It sims with 20 more win percentage points over B6 DRILY. Probably because the I and Y aren't great floaters, and I sometimes get outrun by A8 plays. Big mistake. #strategylarge
13B MANIA is a better block. H1 A(C)UMEN is available but I think a bingo ending in QUE is the only way I can lose so I think I have to block. #findingsadder
This is delusional. First, 11I VAU(N)T is better, but I irrationally didn't want to put the A next to the triple word. Second, 3A VATU is way better, I'm not up enough to be pulling shit like what I did. Third, HAININGS is a word, so this doesn't even lock the board down. #strategySADDEST
N10 BEG sims best against a random rack, but after 9K S(O) and the available pool, it seems extremely likely that he has another S. It seemed like the game would be over if I play N10 BEG and he bingos on the O column or even just plays there with his S and I'm holding the Q. I thought my best shot was to to throw the Q back (holding consonants because I thought the bag seemed slightly vowel heavy) and hope he draws it after his N column bingo and I respond with an 1H bingo or column O bingo. However, even simming against the best possible racks, N10 BEG is winning every time. It's probably partly because he is unlikely to be holding a U, which gives me a good chance of drawing a U after N10 BEG. But even with AENQU??, I'm not sure how I can ever win after a column O play. #strategysaddest
This was probably a huge mistake. I need to exchange here to get vowels to block whatever he opens. Him opening and me drawing two consonants is a disaster. #strategylarge
I was trying to decide between 8A GUY and 15D AUGITE. I figured if I kept the Y, I might be able to cash it at 15L after his bingo, but 8A TUYE(R) looks better. #knowledgemedium
I was trying to block 15A (G)ARRISON because I thought A3 CORRI(D)AS might not be a word (it is) or he might not see it. SAD! H11 F(R)APE can just outrun everything. #endgameSADDEST
I thought this would bring his bing % down significantly compared to better equity plays, but The Duck says no, only by 1-2 percentage points. #strategymedium
I thought the O6 TASH hook and digging for the blank was my best shot, but this gets blocked too much. I felt like O6 HOLIER and O6 HOURI lose immediately. M3 HO(PAK) seems okay maybe. #strategysaddest
I overthought this one. I saw that if I played H10 (A)SHLAR and he binged for 80ish from the R with AI?, I would probably be Q stuck. But even then I'm up too much for it to matter and I can always outrun. #strategylarge
N9 SHoFARS and N9 SHARiFS lose to 15H ACRIDE(S)T. I had about 30 seconds left when I took the S off of N9 SHoFARS. This never loses, but H10 (A)SHRAF is much better. #knowledgelarge
The Duck says K9 (PO)ND, I have no idea why. I thought I had to try and go out in two, I don't know what POND does. Anyway, #strategylarge or something.
Sims says G5 (M)U(REX) but I think this is assuming way more openings than Sokol would make, though it also partially blocks 6F plays. I dunno. #strategysadder
This play somehow wins a sim, though again a pure equity sim won't give great results for this situation. I really thought this was an error after I played it. I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do here. I thought later that 4K OUMA might be okay, but seems reckless now. I dunno. #strategysad
This is the best in terms of win %, winning 7/8. N12 Z(I)G does the same but with a slightly better equity. #endgamesmall and #knowledgesmall for my sad challenge next turn.
This is the best in terms of win %, winning 7/8. N12 Z(I)G does the same but with a slightly better equity. #endgamesmall and #knowledgesmall for my sad challenge next turn.
Apparently, B6 COR wins the most. I think I considered that but I thought there must've been something deadly on row 15 or maybe an A8 bing starting with P or B. #endgamemedium
Here I am again shitting my pants trying to block as many bings as possible when I should just be playing equity. Compared to the top equity play of O12 OURN, this brings her % down by a chonking 2 percentage points. #STRATEGYSADDEST
What in the ever living fuck. I remember thinking "Welp, it's ENAMOUR and NEUROMAS which don't fit". No, I don't know where the S came from, I was clearly delirious. #FINDINGSADDEST
JC: LMAO. I thought I played optimally here but it's not even close. A1 DEVO is 14 points better. It leads to some dumbass 7 turn dinking sequence that sticks me with the Q but is somehow better. #ENDGAMESADDEST
This hits a few sevens, but they're all too easiliy blocked. The best play seems to be 10L (G)OV, which Championship Player says wins 14% of the time. I guess if I draw a bing that ends in S or starts with A, E, I, or O, my bing can't be blocked? That's the only thing I can think of. #strategylarge
And here I am. Again. For the third fucking time, shitting my pants trying to block shit when I should be playing equity. This is total ASS and I chickened out of L2 COBIAS. #STRATEGYSADDEST #KNOWLEDGESADDEST
And here I am. Again. For the third fucking time, shitting my pants trying to block shit when I should be playing equity. This is total ASS and I chickened out of L2 COBIAS. #STRATEGYSADDEST #KNOWLEDGESADDEST
I thought I need to go for one of the blanks and if he played 3 or more tiles making GRUNTLED or something I could bingo out, but this blocks an important bingo line and doesn't score anything. Something like C2 GURL seems much better. #strategysaddest
I had no time here and sort of gave up. I probably should've played 5A (AW)K to make it at least a bit harder to block possible bingos at 14F and 15A. #timesaddest
Pretty sure G3 XU wins 7/8 (loses with Q draw) and this wins 6/8 (loses with G and Q draw). I wanted to block G3 QI and 1H (F)REEZInG. I was very scared of losing with 1H (F)REEZInG + Q stick for a bajillion points. I probably have to just give up if the Q is in the bag. #strategysadder
I thought it was only CAYOMAS* instead of MACOYAS (I got confused with CAEOMAS) so this is a huge mistake. I was probably supposed to play G2 RUBI(CONED) which is totally badass. #KNOWLEDGESADDEST
I think I briefly thought the E in BIVALENT was an I (lmao) and didn't play L12 WAUR. Seems pretty lost regardless, not sure what I'm supposed to do. I thought If I drew XZ and some vowels I might have a chance. #strategysaddest
I thought he must have the S after OMBRE, so I played this hoping to bingo back on the N column after O8 plays or starting with H at 2D. 2D (H)OI looks like a good try. #strategysaddest
8K (T)OZIE is best. This ties because he can play M7 D(E)NI threatening to go out with E1 (Y)ODE if I play B4 ZO, though he had very little time remaining and finding that sequence would have been difficult. #endgamesaddest
Sim says 2F VE(R)TUE, I guess, but I'm not sure I could ever play that in this position. Anyway, there's probably something better than this. #strategysad
I completely failed to see any of the -LIKE bingos through the K that were available in the pool until after I made my play. I3 F(O)H is definitely best here for blocking bingos. #findingsaddest
I was confident there were no bingos through the K with his tiles but I missed that he had no bingos starting at E1, so 9E CH(A)W is best, blocking all bingos on the E column. #endgamesad
I didn't write down the remaining D at the bottom of my sheet, so O2 DITTIES is still available after this play, so this is a bad mistake. Maybe something like 9N OB can always win. I dunno. #strategysaddest
This would be close with C9 ZO except that she put down an S on the board before playing 15A KIN(G) the turn before, making this very sad. #strategysaddest
Sims says C1 OAT, but I'm not convinced. A human player won't open as much. Maybe I have to play 10F RE(LEG)ATIOn and hope for the best. #strategysaddest
This wins a sim but I'm not sure if it's correct against a human. It might be blocked by plays on the N column too often, I dunno. Also, #knowledgesad for the challenge of MICKY.
I thought SCRIB was a word #knowledgesaddest so this doesn't leave a bingo line that I need to win. Something like 3K (C)L(E)W seems good here. #strategysaddest
I thought SCRIB was a word #knowledgesaddest so this doesn't leave a bingo line that I need to win. Something like 3K (C)L(E)W seems good here. #strategysaddest
I didn't see any wins here and went for tricks. My opponent has about 2 minutes left and I thought if I created some distraction she might miss A1 METALIZ(E) or A1 MELANIZ(E) or have mistracked and block the N column. That hits 2/8 and I need my opponent to make a mistake, but J10 ZO wins 1/8 when I draw the G, threatening A2 MILEAG(E) and L6 MILEAGE, so that seems like a better way to go. #endgamesaddest
Misevaluted the equity here. I did not realize HORS (13.6) was that much better than ORRS (4.1), which makes A1 RUN just slightly better. #tacticssmall
14J TROGGS sims best, but I'm not sure if I prefer that given her range. Although I really liked what J9 (A)GGRO did to the board with my leave, I don't think this is correct, though I'm not really sure what is. N4 GROG and 13K GORG(E) seem like reasonable options. #strategymedium
I was paranoid about Z plays on row 15, but 6J JO(I)NE(R) looks best here (and also 15M SAZ still plays, sad!). I can probably only lose to a bingo after 6J JO(I)NE(R) and it blocks a bunch of them. #strategylarge
I didn't like my position after K8 SAnDBOY -> play on A12 for 40ish points, so I played this instead, but K8 SAnDBOY is fine and K8 DAYBOyS is 1 more point, maybe, I dunno. #strategysadder
6A UNA(L)I(v)E and B1 U(N)AI tie the game. I thought of B1 UNAI before it was blocked but didn't realize it was still available. With more time I think I would have been able to find at least B1 U(N)AI. #TIMESADDEST
I was under time pressure and just played equity. I got very lucky that this blocked 11D (BE)WEARIED which I completely missed. 12K VLOG(S) is best. #timesaddest
This was a complete misread and overreaction to his last play. I thought he had really good stuff, possibly an S. My thinking was that I would force his bingo to open lots of floaters that I could counter bingo with my leave of AEGR. In reality, he's making this play with a lot of different racks since it scores 30 points, including keeping a bunch of consonants which is was actually happened. Even if he does have a strong leave the slight defensive value of this play doesn't warrant the equity sacrifice. The equity play of 15A PEW or D4 GAW is fine here. #strategysaddest
I didn't have much time here and decided I just needed to play fast and I missed K3 (G)OETY. I also wasn't sure of 12H (C)OUTHY. #timesaddest #knowledgesaddest
I didn't have much time here and decided I just needed to play fast and I missed K3 (G)OETY. I also wasn't sure of 12H (C)OUTHY. #timesaddest #knowledgesaddest
11I RAJA is best equity but given the game situation I wanted to play a bit more aggressively and keep lines open. However, something in between like 11K JA keeping a slightly better leave seems best here. #strategysad
I thought this may not have been best but if I lost I knew it would be close, which was important at this point in the tournament because I just need to beat Alec on spread to make the finals. However, it looks like 13K (D)HOW is just too good here. #timesaddest
J: I couldn't find a win and ran out of time. I was considereding 10K T(O)Y(O), but even if I hit the TOYON hook it never scores enough. L11 A(G)ONE seems to give me an chance if I can draw some IES bingo like N5 DOILIES or something. #strategysaddest
I missed the R hook on JAKE and the L hook for PATAGIA (which I straight up just didn't know, I thought it maybe took an S or nothing). Once I saw that B9 (BA)IRNS guaranteed the win I didn't really think too hard. #visionsaddest #knowledgesaddest
I missed the R hook on JAKE and the L hook for PATAGIA (which I straight up just didn't know, I thought it maybe took an S or nothing). Once I saw that B9 (BA)IRNS guaranteed the win I didn't really think too hard. #visionsaddest #knowledgesaddest
I couldn't see any way to fish off 1 tile and guarantee a bingo in two spots that can't be blocked. It turns out there are none, but fishing off the U draws into I6 AN(T)Il(A)BOR and 14F BARItON(E) which is pretty cool, but I'm never finding I6 AN(T)Il(A)BOR and blocks of 14F BARItON(E) will often block I6 AN(T)Il(A)BOR too if I somehow manage to find it (I won't) and he doesn't. None of this matters too much anyway since this is the finals and a tie is pretty unlikely. 1C (C)ARIBOU is probably fine. #findingsadder
I really did not like any of my options and I thought there was a good chance Jim would play at H1 again allowing me to bingo through the floaters. D7 (ABID)ER is probably fine. #strategylarge
The options are 15D OBE(S)E, 15G (S)EX, and L5 EXO. Quackle is saying blocking the triple is best, so this is probably a slight mistake. #strategymedium
G2 UNCOPE wins more. I didn't want to give up all those floaters during the game, but most of them aren't that easy to use. Turns out it's not about the floaters, but denying my opponent an additional turn thus giving him fewer chances to fish. #strategymedium and #knowledgesad for the challenge
G2 UNCOPE wins more. I didn't want to give up all those floaters during the game, but most of them aren't that easy to use. Turns out it's not about the floaters, but denying my opponent an additional turn thus giving him fewer chances to fish. #strategymedium and #knowledgesad for the challenge
I saw 2B SWANNIE available after this play, but I felt like I had to accept that and just outrun him. Also loses to KYANISE, SWANKIE, and ANYWISE. M7 EON is best. #strategylarge
I tanked for a long time on this turn just to play this. Sad! Better options are 6E (W)YTE and 10G BYTE, probably. I think I was afraid of giving back too much, but in hindsight that seems delutional because this probably gives back even more. #strategysaddest
Another terrible decision. I got spooked by his last play and was trying to find something that would work best against his range. It's not what I played. G3 UND(E)R(LI)T is a much better play with the same idea. Also probably better than this is just 6B Z(E) or some echange like Exch. DUNNT. Of those options, I like G3 UND(E)R(LI)T the best. It blocks a few spots while saving B6 and C9 Z plays. #findingsaddest
I know that FRS is in the bag and I was trying to set up some unblockable bingo but I think he's able to block everything. I dunno. F1 (ZO)RI seems pretty good here. #strategysaddest
This is a mistake. I think I can play more open after G10 DALT, which probably blew up his rack with no blanks left. H12 IOTA seems okay. #strategylarge
Despite opening a triple-triple, WASA(BI) (great sushi there by the way) is probably the right play, since it distracts Jason from the X-bomb at J10 #findingmedium
I should've just passed, but I wasn't sure of the math after B8 TIRITIS -> G8 (G)EROnIMO, but it wins by 1. This loses 3/8 when the I is in the bag, except none of any of that matters since we miscounted the bag and it actually wins, but I didn't do a recount oops lmao. #STRATEGYSADDEST
I was still tilted from missing the winning pass in the previous game against Mark, so I thought I'd make up for it and pass here. N1 VEND is fine. #strategysad
This is a huge mistake because it allows 10B JAR creating a pretty much unblockable A(JAR) hook. I was trying to block 11C RAJ, but I should have played D1 WYLE allowing it and the board is toast. #strategylarge
I have no idea what to do here and none of Quackle's suggestions stand out. I figured I had to try to block D(JIN) as much as possible. Maybe I need to just not even try to block and give myself a line with 4D TE. Marking as #strategylarge for now. I await your hatemail.
I again don't really know if I should play 4A BEGS or M3 BEGS or exchange. I was trying to block what I thought was the easier spot here. I await your hatemail #strategylarge
D10 ETUI is fine, but this isn't. I was afraid of making another S hook, but at this score I think the equity doesn't justify what I did. #strategymedium also #knowledgesad for the challenge.
D10 ETUI is fine, but this isn't. I was afraid of making another S hook, but at this score I think the equity doesn't justify what I did. #strategymedium also #knowledgesad for the challenge.
H11 AITU wins a sim, but that doesn't seem right to me with the S unseen. I don't know what is correct here, but this is probably a mistake. #strategymedium
I tanked on this play for a long time and had no idea what to do. I still don't have a great idea of what is correct here. Sim says I4 A(R)E or H11 (R)ORIE or I5 (R)EO which look much better. plz holp. #strategymedium probably.
I tanked for a long time just to play this. Sad! Sim says 9F SAIN, which looks way better. I was trying to block row 9 bings and column N bings, but I give back row 15 bings which is asinine. #strategysaddest
The other options are terrible so this block isn't actually that bad. Sim is saying G13 (P)IU is the only other viable option, but I didn't want to give back big 15F Q plays. Those probably aren't a concern though since I'm ahead by enough to only have to worry about bingos. #strategysmall
J2 V(I)N and 6D V(IF)F sim best here. I liked H2 G(U)V because it killed the top part of the board and H1 plays by Austin create long term problems for board control. The equity is just too bad though, and a two consonant draw is devastating. H2 F(U)NG is a better version of this idea (since I get another shot at a vowel) but still bad. #strategylarge
I misread a 9 on my scoresheet a 4 and thought I was 50 points worse than my actual score. Even so, this would be okay except that B1 (VAC)UA is much better. #strategylarge
K5 JAY. I totally missed that spot. Also B10 CA(R)NY sets up a huge X spot which I guess is okay since I'm down a lot but I didn't even notice it. #VISIONSADDEST
Wow, I completely overestimated how bad CDQTW because 8A RE(SHAVED) is just much better here. I figured I could always just hit it next turn since I didn't think it would get blocked or taken. #tacticssaddest
The only win is fishing the U or OU with OE in the bag to draw the unblockable G2 TENAIL(L)O(N) which is notable but difficult to spot. #endgamesaddest
Sokol suggests 11K (DO)RE and 11K (DO)RES. Sid agrees with 11K (DO)RES. Matt O'Connor suggests 13H ROUXS. M11 REX is correct, setting up J10 ZO. #strategysaddest
I was trying to block row 1 bings, but with both blanks unseen I think I just have to try to go for my own bingo. 13E SITCOM and 14B (TE)LOMIC both look good here to dig for a blank. It's likely he has one, but I think turnover could be important here with so few tiles left to dig for the other. #strategylarge
Too defensive or nah? I wanted to block 1A bings and 12E MUTUE(L) creates an S hook (he might not know RIPERS). I await your hatemail. 12E MUTUE(L) and 12M UTU are probably okay? #strategymedium
I thought I need to make some desperate fish here but my best shot is to just try and outrun with plays making BIRLS. I really just needed more time to figure it out. #timesaddest #strategysaddest
I thought I need to make some desperate fish here but my best shot is to just try and outrun with plays making BIRLS. I really just needed more time to figure it out. #timesaddest #strategysaddest
H10 (T)ANGUN is better because it doesn't make the hotspot. I really hated giving all those floaters but I didn't see anything better. #knowledgemedium
13A/B plays come out on top in a sim and according to CP, which is strange because I would think that I have to block the N column because bings there would probably give the least back. Suggestions welcome as always. #strategysmall I suppose.
I ran out of time, mistracked, and gave up and just scored, which wins 4/8 with no inference. M6 DIRL(S) wins 5/8 with no inference when he doesn't have a bingo on the O column (if I draw EIRS?) and O3 DIXI wins 5/8 with no inference when he doesn't have a bingo from the V (if I draw AERS?). The evaluation of this endgame with inference is left as an exercise to the reader. #TIMESADDEST #STRATEGYSADDEST
I ran out of time, mistracked, and gave up and just scored, which wins 4/8 with no inference. M6 DIRL(S) wins 5/8 with no inference when he doesn't have a bingo on the O column (if I draw EIRS?) and O3 DIXI wins 5/8 with no inference when he doesn't have a bingo from the V (if I draw AERS?). The evaluation of this endgame with inference is left as an exercise to the reader. #TIMESADDEST #STRATEGYSADDEST
This gives back a cool 10. #endgamesadder
Sokol: this is my analysis of what should happen after (F)UN for 6. tl;dr the play, all things considered, probably wins 50/50, due to inference. My calculations come to a cynical result of 216/360, inferring that Josh will always block correctly when I can only hit one area. Optimism gives me closer to 2/3 when he blocks the wrong spot.
CE loses
CO wins 16/360
GE dead with O in bag, K in bag, 1/2 C in bag, L in bag, S in bag, probably dead with E in bag, so 5/16*2/45 so 5/360
GO dead with E in bag, L in bag and K in bag, 8/360
EE loses
KO loses
KE loses
KG loses with E in bag, O in bag, 4/360
KL wins 8/360
KS wins 16/360
CG wins 8/360
CL wins 8/360
CS wins 16/360
GS wins 16/360
LS wins 16/360
ES wins 32/360
OS wins 32/360
EO loses
OO loses
SS wins 8/360
EL wins 16/360
LO wins 16/360
GL wins 6/360
CK probably loses
Wolfram remarked that he should have just kept the T after losing the challenge (or something to that affect) which is why I favored this over N1 AROID, but A10 (A)DAGIO is probably just better. #visionsadder
With all other power tiles gone except the Z, I was thinking that drawing it would be crucial, which is why I favored B9 Q(U)ARTO over J6 Q(i). However, 3I YO is probably just better, saving B9 Q(U)ATRE and J6 Q(i) for next turn. Honestly, I'm not sure what is really best here. #strategylarge
This is going for a draw of B, C, H, or L to threaten 3E bingos while keeping row 10 open. However, M9 WAI(S) sims best, probably because it keeps 3C bingos available, which might be more likely. #strategylarge
H1 TANKAS is probably fine here, but I was scared of bings and I was fairly sure the H1 spot was going to be available in future turns. #strategysaddest
Big mistake. I was low on time and did not see that 2B BRAINI(A)C was available in the pool. The best play is L10 (GO)AT by about 30 equity points (I have no idea why Championship Player says it's that much better). 11K (HOO)N is second best making a strong S setup. Other winning plays are stuff like N11 POTT. #strategysaddest
The Duck is saying that I need to keep either the M or B to increase my bing % with something like 10F OM or 10F OB, which seems right looking back at it. NOSE is probably slightly too vowel heavy. #strategymedium
Very panicky. I was low on time and did not realize that triple-triples were unlikely with this pool. D1 LATRINE is fine. On the other hand, Moiz was very low on time and making a drawn out endgame will be favorable. #strategysaddest
C9 H(A)LIER sims best, but I don't know why I would open the triple for the S and give up my I keeping LQ when the similar C9 H(A)LER is available. #strategysad
I was panicky and low on time. I wanted to block at least one of A8 of 15H bingo spots, but basically ran out of time after not finding anything and played this to maybe setup my X. 11E VEX(T) is the clear winner. #STRATEGYSADDEST
I had no time and was afraid that a bingo after 3A CONFITS would lose me the game. I figured it was unlikely that he could end a bingo with an A at 3A. I did not realize I was up by enough that only a 3x3 would lose me the game. #TIMESADDEST
I had about 1.5 minutes and overtracked my last play of 6I (P)ENT, so I did not think there was an E in the bag. I was only 90% sure of H1 TOXICS and did not want to risk it when I had 4I TOXIC that I thought would win everytime since there are no bingos without the E unseen. Anything that blocks the bingos wins here, but this doesn't. #TIMESADDEST
13G PYE is probably slightly better. I didn't play it because I wanted to more completely block row 14 bingos. I figured my opponent must be on really good stuff to only play 1 tile. The problem is that after 13D PEONY, I basically guarantee that I Q stick myself. I could not find anything better so I just ate the Q. #strategysaddest
Apparently I'm supposed to play on row 4 according to a sim and CP. I guess he bingos there a lot and I have to block or it gives me a better chance to draw a blank. In hindsight I think I agree. This play is bad. #strategylarge
At this point I was shitting my pants. I thought he had S? and was gonna end me on row 14. I burnt a lot of time thinking of ways I could block, I even considered 14D TOC before realizing that was insane. I eventually resigned to just play equity, but I had already used like 5 minutes or something. B2 NOTC(H) looks fine here. #visionSADDEST
10M (E)VO is best. He can't block the O column for that much and it gets rid of the V while scoring something. 7A B(I)Z is comically terrible because of what happens next. I think I had about 20 seconds left. #endgamesaddest
Fishing the R hits sevens 22 out of 23 times, only missing when I draw the R. F13 R(EM) is probably slightly better because it guarantees a spot for TARSEAL if I draw the A. #strategysmall
L12 L(I)T(U) is best, scoring while leaving 1 in the bag and keeping good enough tiles to outrun most bingos. I think the only sequence that doesn't win for me after L12 L(I)T(U) is O2 SAKERET -> D1 MERCY -> J10 (OO)S, which is a tie. I did not think CAULDS was valid so I didn't think I could lose here. #knowledgesaddest #strategysaddest
L12 L(I)T(U) is best, scoring while leaving 1 in the bag and keeping good enough tiles to outrun most bingos. I think the only sequence that doesn't win for me after L12 L(I)T(U) is O2 SAKERET -> D1 MERCY -> J10 (OO)S, which is a tie. I did not think CAULDS was valid so I didn't think I could lose here. #knowledgesaddest #strategysaddest
Quackle says N5 IN is the only winning play, but when I play out the games it loses to A1 FUNKiA, A1 FANKlE, and even A1 UNRAKE, so I'm not sure what's best here. #strategysaddest
Now I'm more inclined to open up since I'm down and he played off 3 tiles instead of one, though I should have looked at the pool here. 8L (C)OPE is clearly better. #strategysad
I hallucinated A1 I(D)OLATOR even though I tracked correctly and made what I thought was a 400 IQ block when there's actually no triple-triple available in the pool and I sacked a bunch of equity. I'm fairly sure this never loses though. #strategysaddest
There are only 4 winning plays. In order from best to worst valuation, they are 12L (ZOO)N, G1 (T)UP, H1 (R)UNG, and G1 (T)UNG. All of these block 2A FRIGATE except for 12L (ZOO)N, which always wins after 2A FRIGATE because I get C2 (I)NGROUPs if I draw the R and C1 P(I)QUiNG if I draw the Q. G1 (T)UP is only about 2 points worse. #endgamesad
So, usually I would mark this as a KNOWLEDGESADDEST for missing 15H (F)AVRILES, but I'll cut myself some slack this time. O4 ALIVE is fine, I was out of time here. #timeSADDEST
Really tanked on this turn. I didn't want to leave the D open because a bingo there seemed like the only reasonable way I could lose. I should probably just play 15A ZET(A). #strategymedium
I briefly considered 8N AG, which wins a sim, but Quackle is underestimating how often it will get blocked. Any play making YAH/YAS/YAR or YACHT should be good enough for him. I'm not sure what's best here. #strategysaddest
M3 ZE #TIMESADDEST. I spent all my time on the previous turn. The P was in the bag, so I had a 1/3 to hit 14E PELITIC. Also, #knowledgesad for sad desparate challenge.
M3 ZE #TIMESADDEST. I spent all my time on the previous turn. The P was in the bag, so I had a 1/3 to hit 14E PELITIC. Also, #knowledgesad for sad desparate challenge.
There are some bingos through the O that I have to block, but M6 FA is apparently better. I think we forgot to add the +5 for this challenge during the game. #endgamesaddest
There's a lot of stuff that's better than this like 7F MENYIE and F6 ME(I)NY that I wasn't sure of. B6 YE(R) is best. #STRATEGYSADDEST #KNOWLEDGESADDEST
There's a lot of stuff that's better than this like 7F MENYIE and F6 ME(I)NY that I wasn't sure of. B6 YE(R) is best. #STRATEGYSADDEST #KNOWLEDGESADDEST
I put down 15K (S)HIVA first but picked it up because I was afraid of not drawing enough vowels with FLT to get the bing I need. I didn't even consider Q bombs. RIP. Even 15K (S)HAFT is alright, this is a huge oversight. #strategylarge
Championship Player says this doesn't win but when I played it out it does. Also listed as winning plays in descending valuation are 6L ORD, 6J (T)ROD, 12H DUG, and 2B DUR(OY). #endgamesadder
K10 IS bings way more. Whatever I play here, he's going to know I'm close to a bing. I might as well increase the bing % and fish the S instead of the N. #strategylarge because this is way worse for bing %.
D1 hORSIES. I didn't consider putting a letter in the triple would be better. Also, despite being about 8 fewer points than all the other bingos, J4 vIROSES sims second best just barely behind D1 hORSIES. #strategysad
13M GU(T). I thought 1H UNRO(V)E was a huge strategic error after the game, but it's too close to be making short blocking plays, I need to score. It's still a mistake though. #strategysadder
Matt's suggestion of H12 (TE)DY after the game seems to be correct. That and 13M GA(T) are the only winning plays. They outrun bingos in every scenario. #strategysaddest
I think I had 10 seconds left here. I did not have time to track and didn't realize how good the pool was. 10N (P)O wins 5/8, this wins much lesser than that. #TIMESADDEST
This is not correct because 11J ODEON and 11J ODEONS block both outplays of 11J OUTLAW and N5 OUTLAW. I saw the ODEON(S) blocks but couldn't see anything better. B12 LOUT is best. #endgamesaddest
4J JUM(P)ED is probably fine here. I shouldn't be too worried about triple-triples after a 5 tile play. It also blocks bingos making EDS. #strategysmall
He tried blocking F2 EAtERIE but forgot about EARD. I also forgot about EARD. I hope I would have seen it with more than 1 minute. 1F EAtERIE is gg. #TIMESADDEST
N10 FEERIN and N10 FINEER sim best which seems reckless but plays parallel to N10 FREON can score a lot, so I think they are slightly better. #strategysadder
K5 B(OR)D is best. I need to block the 5K OCa -> 4I LOBS sequence and just playing K4 D(OOR)/B(OOR) just gives back 4H BOL(D)S/4H BLO(B)S. #endgamesaddest
Really bad strategic fuckup. I thought after 2F CLY blocks 2B bingos I should be the clear favorite, but the score is too close to be doing this. I should have just played equity with 10I WYTE. #STRATEGYSADDEST
Another big mistake. 10I WERE is much harder to underlap since WA and WI are not words. My opponent scores 7 fewer points after 10I WERE. #STRATEGYLARGE
#knowledgesad for the desperate challenge. This turn is notable because there are 14 plays that are all tied for best at a valuation of 13 points (this is one of them).
I tunneled on fishing and didn't see 14A LYMS, which seems best here. I was thinking that this play wins with any vowel + blank draw threatening SALMONS/SIMNELS in multiple places. #STRATEGYSADDEST
I considered fishing the F with 5K F(AD) but I thought the 11H bingos would all get blocked. Apparently, it's best. I was trying to block the possible 2A (R)EADVISE with this play. #endgamesaddest
I completely misevaluated the leave of KLTX. It's actually the same or slightly worse than a bunch of leaves keeping the Q, so a bunch of 6J K plays are better than this. #tacticssaddest
A8 WEiGElI(A)/A8 WEIGEli(A) ties after B2 HIPLINE and loses to 4C ELENCHI. I undercounted my score by 1 point so I thought B2 HIPLINE would lose. There are 4 winning plays here. This is one of them, which is better than the also winning B2 WEIGhEd but worse than B2 pIGWEEd. The best play is the savage K9 (OR)G, which I'm guessing always bingos next turn because Championship Player is giving it 40 more points of valuation than B2 pIGWEEd. #ENDGAMESADDEST
I have no idea what is best here. I considered N10 DU(E), which is simming best, but I'm pretty sure Quackle is severely underestimating how often that gets blocked. Something like 10L L(ID)O would be good enough. I played this because if IOT? was somehow in the bag, I could win with either A1 (D)ORMIEnT or D6 EROTIsM. There are probably better plays that go for something similar. #strategysaddest
Sim is saying 15F HUI by 8 points, but I thought I really needed the S hook created by D12 HUB. Someone convince me that D12 HUB is wrong. I await your hatemail. EDIT: it's wrong, I was wrong, #STRATEGYSADDEST
Again, sim saying 15H IOTAS, but I don't see how I can ever win after that play. I thought the T at A15 lets me draw into IEST bingos. I dunno. #strategylarge
I don't remember my exact leave here and I didn't record it because I was extremely low on time. This is just a guess since I know I had AEIIRST the next turn. Regardless, this is almost certainly incorrect. #strategylarge
Shitty attempt at blocking O6 bingos. I did not think about the IER, IES, IED bingos that still fit after N10 GRE(Y). I was considering N8 TIGER(Y) but I thought that gave too many O7 possibilities back. N8 TIGER(Y) is slightly better than this at blocking bingos. Blocking the ELKS hook seemed forced to me at the time, but 15M GUE is best. #STRATEGYSADDEST
G1 QI seems like the kind of play that would sim best, but this time it's just the timid 9C QA(T) that wins. I have difficulty evaluating these kinds of decisions, though this one seems correct. Also, #knowledgesad for the challenge.
2J BLE(A)T is 17 fewer points but reduces the opponent's next turn score by about 6 and increases my next turn score by about 13, apparently. This makes it sim about 2 points better. #strategysad
At this point I am very low on time and proceed to absolutely blow the game for this turn and the nex. This is technically winning, but it's way harder for a human to play, especially with no time. L4 AE is best. #TIMESADDEST
I need to lose by less than 257 to win the tournament. Losing by 257 exactly is a tie. This sets up an OUTVENOM extension that I didn't see for the whole game. 8H ENMOVE is slightly better. #findingsad
J: Very lost this turn. There aren't really any great options. At this point I figured I needed to blank to win, so I went for turnover, but blocking all those lanes is certainly incorrect. Championship Player is saying N12 OU, but I think that's too aggressive given the score and the pool. Something like 2I (O)UR maybe, I dunno. Suggestions are welcome and also #strategylarge.
Huge mistake. Probably my biggest of this tournament. I didn't realize 1) How many bingos were in the pool starting with PE and ending with some IN pattern and 2) That I could most likely outrun these scenarios. I was concerned about a refish after I made a play like K2 QAD(I) and only wanted to give him one shot. I just assumed the bingos would score too much and that I would always lose. A play like J3 DA(F)TLY is really strong here keeping 1 in the bag and saving QI. #strategysaddest
I thought the S was pretty valuable on this board but Quackle is saying to play L9 (T)EAMS. J12 A(U)F is also worth considering, but her last few plays seem kinda fishy. #strategysmall
14E R(A)ND is the kind of play that I have a really hard time seeing. It sims best, but I'm not sure what is actually best since I assume a human would play very differently from Quackle. On the other hand, the EDS/EDH hook is difficult to block without the hooks. I dunno. #strategysadder
M13 N(O)R and other similar plays such as K13 R(A)N and D13 (E)RN are probably the saddest top simming plays I have ever seen. I should have recognized that I need a huge Q bingo to hope to win the game, so despite the sadness, I would have to agree with Quackle. #STRATEGYSADDEST
I was panicked at this point because I thought he might be close to a bingo which would be game over. This put me deep in the tank and I tunneled on row 13 plays and column J plays. 12J GU(C)K is just clearly best and it's not even close. I need to calm down and just play the equity here. #strategysaddest
According to Championship Player 13L PA wins 27% of the time. I guess he only has one vowel a lot of the time and I can outrun him if I don't give him something to play through. Unfortunately, I was on tilt and may have also been out of time and I couldn't think clearly. #endgamelarge
I used my astounding and unfathomable knowledge of the leave values to correctly determine that H1 LIMA is better than H1 DIME and I am vindicated by the engine analysis which evaluates H1 LIMA as 0.1 equity better. Also, I completely missed G6 ID(E)M which is the best play #visionsad
14M KIT sims best, but I was worried about O7 bingos ending in IEST or EST. What I didn't see during the game is that I can also definitely lose to plays like N4 BONACIS, 6H VIB(R)ANCE, and 6G COVE(R)ING, so 14M KIT is probably best. #strategysaddest
I hope I would have found 11D SCRE(W)ERS OTB, but after challenging off the phony I completely stopped looking at horizontal plays through OUTWIT as I thought that all of them would give him DIDDLERS. However, 12C CRESS(I)ER is best with his rack. #findingsadder
N5 (Z)O is best according to Championship Player. There are no sevens in the pool that fit at O6 and not even the Q can be dumped in O6 plays. It also minimizes the chances of drawing the Q if it's still in the bag while keeping the I to dump it off if it's drawn. Also, if I draw a bingo at O6, my opponent will most likely (if they have the Q) have to choose between dumping the Q off at J13 allowing me to bingo out or sacrificing equity to block it. This is just my best guess analysis, I may have missed something. Even though N5 (Z)O looks fucking nuts and would probably only be played by Nigel, this play is still a mistake. #strategylarge
I gave up 10 to play this over C3 TOOLING because I wanted to kill easy double-triple plays. But when I'm up this much I shouldn't be opening another triple-triple. #strategymedium
Will: Burned all the rest of my time here. I considered AWARN, AWARD, HARDLINE, HARDLINER, and N10 IDLER/ELDIN. HARDLINER attempts to luck into an outbingo that Josh can't block by playing parallel to HARDLINER, and also might luck into ZQ draws (HARDLINER makes a big Q spot). Maybe I draw something to the I and play it after he blocks the R, for example. Amazingly AWARD bingos 35% to AWARN's 11%, though the usual caveat applies that those numbers are going to be lower than Quackle thinks because Josh is going to seek to lower them. I'm just amazed at that disparity. My problem with IDLER, which looks good at first glance, is that any parallel play putting a difficult letter on row 15 is basically game over; there's no space left. At least after AWARD there's both row 13 and the Y of DAVY. I kinda wish I did HARDLINER now just for the lulz. #strategysmall
Will: Close, but there are more than enough bingoes that still go down along column L that I absolutely need to play BENJES here instead; I probably also do a bit better in endgames by going out in one. #strategylarge
Tough call here; went for most aggressive opening. DOW is most defensive; LOW sims better but I don't have hooks for it. I guess DOW is what I should've done. #tacticssmall
If I'm keeping the G here I have to hold the N with 6A OWE, very basic stuff. I really do seem to misplay Gs all the time. Should be an easy fix... #tacticsmedium
Will: Didn't notice that OUTVAUNT plays at 14F. There's already a gigantic S hook on the board so making another one isn't quite the same problem it would normally be, and OUTVAUNT doesn't open a 9x lane for Josh. #findingsmall #strategysmall
Will: Didn't notice that OUTVAUNT plays at 14F. There's already a gigantic S hook on the board so making another one isn't quite the same problem it would normally be, and OUTVAUNT doesn't open a 9x lane for Josh. #findingsmall #strategysmall
Will: Too crazy. I was going for the maximum chance at a 9x myself here and also a fallback of ZANIER with an E draw. But the simple 14A VAW still preserves a good crack at a 9x while scoring 18 more points. #strategylarge
Will: Only one out for Josh here with GOAD. BOSKET blocks it and leaves OOS/VAWS, among other things. I think I can be forgiven for laziness at this point. #endgamemedium
I'm not sure if I'm supposed to challenge this off or not. It depends on how much I think Karl will see/find. If I challenge it off, the problem is I have no good plays that don't give back bingos I think he can find, and my rack is bad while he has the blank. On the other hand, if I keep this on and play 14B BR(A)INING, I'm down a tempo. I'm not sure what's best here. #strategysadder
N: 15F ULVAS sims better but I kinda liked putting the V out there to block #strategysadder ? definitely a #knowledgesadder for ULVAS
ALSO play was miscounted as 33 oop
N: 15F ULVAS sims better but I kinda liked putting the V out there to block #strategysadder ? definitely a #knowledgesadder for ULVAS
ALSO play was miscounted as 33 oop
Nope, need to just use one vowel here, big mistake. Spending my N absolutely torpedos my bingo%. Unfortunately, Neither RETINE or ORIENT hit the F from 1H very often. Also, if I was going to play two tiles ON is better than EN by a fair margin. #tacticsmedium bordering on large, the plays sim pretty close but I think the error is larger than that. 10:13
My play allows plays down column M to potentially block both PYOTS and column N. I'm very much preferring 13A COPSY now for some more points and to create multiple lines in different quadrants of the board. #tacticsmedium 8:34 (guess I played this move fast)
noticed him noticing S(CENT) finally and didn't notice my bing in the minute or so preceding this realization. ABSENTEE missed for the nth time #findingSADDEST
N: I saw 5K EX but I wasn't sure if I should go for the bingo that I was sort of sure of or play EX and hope I could find a bingo next turn. I figured the game was close enough that I needed to just get the points. Also a #knowledgesad for the challenge
Will: Only two Es left so the odds of Josh paralleling this aren't as bad as usual. Josh: Adding a #knowledgesmall for Will for challenging ENTERINGS. Will, if you wanna play with the big boys, you gotta tag EVERYTHING.
N: L2 GIRRS gives me a better shot at drawing a blank, though I played N14 G(U) just to make it harder for my opponent to hit O8 bingos. #strategylarge
Thought getting an S hook on the board would improve my bingo percentage but actually leaving the 8s lanes open with J1 LOX apparently gets me the highest bingo%. #strategysmall 21:31
17:05 (exchange to just M - the M is quite good here between MY plays on column D and column N overlaps. Apparently keeping MN does the tiniest bit better; probably because the N gives me flexibility to parallel the U of RENATURE going down) #tacticssmall
D1 CHAtEAU and D1 CHApEAU. Not me looking for a V to play VAUCH, not spotting it in AVIATOR, and missing every bingo ever while i was at it, too #knowledgesaddest
Yeah i don't think i have any wins here. I had hoped going out first might help the most but idek. championship player likes 10E (R)OO fwiw #endgamesaddest also #knowledgesad for challenge
Yeah i don't think i have any wins here. I had hoped going out first might help the most but idek. championship player likes 10E (R)OO fwiw #endgamesaddest also #knowledgesad for challenge
N: 1H COPI(T)A or H10 (G)AUCIE should be okay here. #knowledgesaddest Even if i HAD known these words, i was playing too scared. my opponent just blew up his rack, played 6 tiles. gotta be smort here
N: Literally just any valid bingo here thank u #knowledgesaddest i spent like all my time looking for a valid bingo, SAW 12F ToUTIER and then dismissed it as a funky lil thing my brain made up for funsies. why must these maladies befall me? america explain.
Will: Hmm, I almost did BENJ and Quackle ever so slightly prefers it, but not for the reason I would expect (allowing fewer bingos) - it actually allows more bingos than JEW (24% to 19%), but almost equivalent average scores, which I think suggests that JEW is easier to overlap for solid scores on non-bingo turns. Even the leftmost placement of BENJ, which certainly looks like it would be hard to play sevens against, yields more bingos than JEW. BENJ then outperforms JEW on my own next turn by several points thanks to the more flexible leave. #tacticssmall
Exch. AIOOOU keeping just the E is better #tacticssad
Spoiler: no nits's were harmed in the playing of this game, except, like, psychologically and in every other way that counts.
J4 ICEB(O)ATS #findingsaddest also #knowledgesad for challenge also I'm so sorry if you're rooting for the underdog in this game because i straight up zonked out
J4 ICEB(O)ATS #findingsaddest also #knowledgesad for challenge also I'm so sorry if you're rooting for the underdog in this game because i straight up zonked out
I have like 0% chance of winning. With L11 SIEGE at least I can prioritize reaching 300 sometime this century. But, like, it's the case S. I'm feeling greedy. Also I forgot to look on that side of the board. #strategysaddest ? #visionsaddest ALSO #knowledgesad for challenging a 3. May or may not have been a "stop closing down the board for the love of god" challenge, but my lips are sealed
I have like 0% chance of winning. With L11 SIEGE at least I can prioritize reaching 300 sometime this century. But, like, it's the case S. I'm feeling greedy. Also I forgot to look on that side of the board. #strategysaddest ? #visionsaddest ALSO #knowledgesad for challenging a 3. May or may not have been a "stop closing down the board for the love of god" challenge, but my lips are sealed
I have like 0% chance of winning. With L11 SIEGE at least I can prioritize reaching 300 sometime this century. But, like, it's the case S. I'm feeling greedy. Also I forgot to look on that side of the board. #strategysaddest ? #visionsaddest ALSO #knowledgesad for challenging a 3. May or may not have been a "stop closing down the board for the love of god" challenge, but my lips are sealed
#knowledgesad for challenge also can someone make this man please stop bingoing. im asking for my health just nbd
also O10 TENT(H)S but who's counting #findingsaddest #endgamesaddest
#knowledgesad for challenge also can someone make this man please stop bingoing. im asking for my health just nbd
also O10 TENT(H)S but who's counting #findingsaddest #endgamesaddest
#knowledgesad for challenge also can someone make this man please stop bingoing. im asking for my health just nbd
also O10 TENT(H)S but who's counting #findingsaddest #endgamesaddest
The listing of all of the player's mistakes. For more information about mistakes, check the 'Mistakes' section of the about page.
So, apparently, unbeknownst to both me and Winter, the challenge machine we were using somehow got switched to NWL18. I knew GOORY was a word but I wasn't sure of GOORIE. To be clear, GOORIE is valid in CSW19, but since we were using the NWL18 lexicon, it came off the board. ##adjudicationSADDEST
The listing of the player's dynamic mistakes. For more information about mistakes, check the 'Mistakes' section of the about page.
Duplicate game detected (Tournament 11350, Round 12).
Warnings are notifications to players that they might want to update some of their GCG files. To learn more, check the 'Errors and Warnings' section in the about page.