Joshua Castellano
Joshua Castellano
Color Key
= Triple Triple
= Bingo 9+
= Improbable
= +
= +
= +
= + +
Player Lists
Type Play Probability Score
FURB(A)LLs 36279 66
NONETTI 3231 72
TIGRESS 9889 75
BISHOP(E)D 20808 82
ALL(A)NITE 3243 60
EBRIOsE 1644 67
(P)HOROSIS* 0 92
(A)NAlECTS 6432 80
REALISE(S) 3601 77
REtAINE(R) 229 74
MELO(D)EON 10437 67
ACIdIER 2368 90
RELlISH 17394 79
RADOMEs 2590 90
SENOpIA 436 85
ALINERS 132 68
V(A)LETiNG 2402 61
PIGFAcE 18512 99
T(EL)ESALEs 25063 77
DOGCART(s) 12871 92
LAITIES 643 71
GAM(B)ESON 11608 64
(E)NAmELER 6251 66
CaTTAL(O)S 21754 70
GUENONS 10659 83
HEADfUL 17864 90
FLO(r)IGEN 2949 63
PEARTEs(T) 8401 86
LADRONE 180 90
NIFTIES 4866 69
FA(I)LUReS 3011 60
cURTAIN 3626 64
NEGUSES 19767 79
P(O)SHTEEN 10569 76
NES(T)MATE 8389 61
COALERS 2557 63
GUI(S)ARDS 20418 72
HEAVING 8014 73
UNWATER 2139 83
TEENIER 651 70
(T)IERCELS 4046 63
TUNI(C)LES 5937 74
HAIRpIN 13212 76
RETrIE(V)E 11478 72
PENNERS 14566 68
EVIRATE 495 89
HUDDLeR 24866 85
(D)RAISENE 147 68
OUT(E)aRNS 131 74
(Y)ODElERS 8094 83
CINEREA 487 74
ALAMORT 8402 70
APERIT(I)F 5012 82
INTONES 1032 79
REALI(Z)ER 9250 70
SATINI(E)R 120 59
(T)ULCHANS 25222 78
DI(G)ITRON 4166 61
STAGIER 373 89
INoRN(A)TE 51 68
(A)UNTLIER 97 77
REVOTED 3539 78
CANDIES 1945 79
ORATIO(n)S 566 66
(C)lANGOUR 12936 62
DIRIGES 5344 81
ENTOzOA 4090 67
yEARNIN(G) 5829 77
DAYLOnG 14475 83
VESIC(L)ES 29463 64
ALBUGoS 18615 81
DEAREST 751 86
AI(R)BURST 14445 61
EVE(R)SION 1087 71
SCARLET 4154 80
NEUR(O)PIL 1881 61
UNALLiE(D) 5597 66
DINEROS 209 73
(A)nERGIES 354 80
STRaINT 3464 78
POOVIER 8580 85
(O)UTNAmED 1747 77
PERSANT 2119 97
A(B)ROGATE 3258 62
ORTOLAN 2256 87
PEARLIE(R) 4823 80
TAPsTER 8690 89
NOTICES 1246 78
NOILIES(T) 507 82
ETEsIAN 74 72
DOUANES 660 74
AZURiTE 2346 79
GALABEA 21405 74
(L)EUKOTIc 14432 65
WRIN(K)LED 18112 82
BEsPATE 11030 66
WEARIN(Es)S 5467 74
MeTRITI(S) 11704 91
(R)EDUCERS 22235 74
TIGR(I)DIA 12664 66
EASTErN 275 77
ALERCEs 5410 76
OPERATE(S) 1049 62
SKIRTeD 8238 76
HARNESS 13099 76
FIXATUR(E) 8711 88
ACATERs 4829 87
(P)OPERINS 15934 76
BRiSTLY 20968 89
(P)ApERING 17940 83
TENANTS 8060 78
AEROt(O)NE 129 78
V(E)NTURED 7138 74
EYEBA(L)LS 29400 80
NAUSE(A)NT 5997 70
CLARINI 7346 76
LATRONS 1587 72
SEROSAL 4776 78
iNERTIA 55 63
TRIE(N)NIA 559 66
EYEsORE 9169 73
HAURIE(N)T 536 74
MATELOT 6166 78
TOMATOs* 0 74
RAFTMeN 5980 76
TUTANIA 6895 78
ORNATER 376 61
oVERAPT 3678 80
(P)ETITIOn 5205 80
GAROTED 506 76
(D)EPORTEE 7220 74
(D)EVOTINg 2947 86
fIREDOG 3989 77
SELEcTs 22627 64
REMORsE 11549 72
ArEOLAS 946 59
FONtINA 5622 74
TEABOAR(D) 2171 92
SIDERAT(E) 152 80
ENTRAIN(S) 450 77
EGALITE 586 71
TROLLED 8287 76
REANo(IN)TS 54 60
ToILWO(R)N 7845 74
OvERGOT 9271 83
(D)IPRoTIC 17814 80
PENTODE 3519 69
SONNETS 13734 70
aNNELID(S) 2669 72
Is(C)HURIA 21347 67
(T)READLES 1211 83
ENGLOBE 8621 78
ISOB(A)RES 4961 74
SOLVATE 2634 83
NEONATE(S) 941 77
CORNEAL 1156 68
TARTInG 5044 72
DIALLEr 3872 69
E(Q)UINELy 19721 98
OORIEsT 478 74
SPI(N)NERY 18439 98
MANTRA(M)S 32025 86
URcEOLI 2664 76
AERAtED 1049 72
DECRIAL 1938 80
YUlE(T)IDE 7043 72
qUEENIT(E) 10856 74
N(A)TTERER 4537 70
FLY(T)IERS 12002 69
lEWISIA 4719 73
SoRBITE 1236 86
HEdGERS 15832 74
BOTUlIN 7866 72
ENRAGES 1566 96
SAtIRIC 7347 76
OP(t)IONED 2713 70
VOLuBIL 28808 80
THUNDER 7773 87
DORS(A)LLY 26031 63
A(T)EBRINS 511 68
PODGIE(S)T 5763 66
TRIAGeS 376 88
HOmI(L)IES 13986 72
(C)LAQUERS 22800 92
ST(I)CKMEN 25523 90
VAP(O)UReR 14683 74
N(I)TROXEs 2209 83
DEMASTS 17239 80
(N)OBOdIES 5127 80
CATENAE 3320 74
BUSSInG 28423 65
A(D)APTiON 3557 68
LITOTES 2247 84
TRIpODS 7886 88
RADIANT 1537 76
NONMeaT(S) 4668 83
DICTION 8418 71
OUTRATE 1019 70
pREDRIL(L) 27048 66
BREENGE(S) 17944 78
A(N)TBIRDS 5113 78
AMPHORA 24502 91
FISTUlA(S) 24665 74
ONERIER 607 73
AERIESt 75 77
DEIFyIN(G) 20761 98
DEERLET 6489 77
COONT(I)ES 2710 64
LOONIES 1357 66
CrOWNET 6965 78
gLUTENI(N) 7319 74
PARTYIN(g) 14032 89
TRICKER 20361 71
SWOTTER 9985 88
ENTICER 1422 92
(R)ATTLINE 450 77
VEILIE(S)t 7747 74
EGEST(I)ON 446 61
DIABASE(S) 16808 65
CERATOI(d) 244 63
GRAINIE(R) 2545 80
METERIn(G) 3237 83
EGALITE 585 81
(S)NaPTINS 26123 80
TAEnITE 447 61
POIGNAD(O) 10590 64
COaRSEN 1161 79
LITOTES 2259 99
ACA(U)LINE 3326 70
BURLIES(T) 5961 83
GARDENS 2283 77
INBUIlT 15627 61
(O)UTGAtES 5101 77
FIGMENT 12225 109
HI(R)EAGES 3063 76
ONSTrEA(M) 746 80
TOPAZiN(E) 3155 76
EATE(R)IES 371 62
RE(I)NVITE 2329 94
GLaSSM(A)N 34710 60
AURE(L)IAS 1017 70
BARYToN 9837 92
IRRITAN(T) 10246 62
SHITBAG 19655 90
eXCAM(B)ED 35325 77
ABAsHES 26820 86
VAPOURS 18128 84
E(V)ENTING 11163 72
RETILED 772 67
E(C)OTONAL 2698 61
NUTSIER 581 81
MANLIES(T) 1359 80
(C)LOSINGS 28619 74
EXAMINE 7908 103
REVERSO 11603 78
FURPIE(C)e 21221 66
SMITTLe 12722 71
(P)IANETTE 2560 72
PURRINg 22649 70
INERT(I)AL 117 82
SU(B)TrADE 5894 76
SU(R)ICATE 1299 61
(R)ERAILED 1627 74
(S)IDEWALK 17943 68
BIrY(A)NIS 16340 67
INCITED 4865 66
RANDIEs 110 70
(C)LEANERS 3958 72
I(N)SULATE 344 70
STILET(T)O 13876 68
ENDLANg 9215 75
TOTTIER 7438 70
TONAL(I)TE 179 59
DYNOdES 18730 97
NOTI(T)IAE 294 72
D(A)KERING 5636 75
PETiOLA(R) 276 72
sHEARED 5438 93
TEARLI(K)E 2291 63
REsISTE(R) 12375 74
ReNNING 16969 72
LAM(e)NTER 2081 68
AIRSOME 433 75
TRIS(K)ELE 7910 78
SELT(Z)ERS 28372 84
TEABO(W)LS 8792 76
(A)uRIFIES 3381 92
PERTAKE(S) 14866 95
LAC(E)RATE 4548 62
(T)IRAmISU 9612 71
vICIATE(D) 8278 83
DIVE(R)GES 9895 102
(S)OMEWAYS 31084 84
HERNIaT(E) 303 83
UNiMO(D)AL 6040 70
rECO(N)VEY 17845 70
RETAIL(E)R 655 68
EmBO(L)ISE 10382 60
UnUSA(B)LE 20957 68
(L)ONICERA 248 83
CITRATE 2821 67
hEROI(S)ES 10057 66
(D)OVETAiL 693 86
MARTENS 2123 70
BaTSW(I)NG 18849 69
(D)ECRIALS 2992 86
GELATIS 996 76
ARTE(F)ACT 19063 65
ORCEINS 1247 79
TWINERS 2166 88
UnITARD 1336 76
ADI(P)SIAS 30035 67
(S)LATTING 10670 80
BiFACES 15777 78
INFEcTE(R) 5678 62
REACTOR 3441 74
(D)ENTIsTS 15171 77
GER(O)NTIC 1252 94
GROINED 524 82
WENNIER 6581 76
(D)ESERtER 13995 77
GRANDE(E)S 2236 70
(U)NCLOSEd 10824 86
RIPPERS 27497 71
OVOIdA(L)S 11812 82
RENTERS 5054 79
SL(U)IcIER 10422 78
fAGGOT(R)Y 33219 78
YAC(H)TIES 14324 82
LIPURIA 11444 63
BU(I)LDINg 26453 76
SPANNEd 12652 73
DERA(C)INE 809 63
(G)OITERED 443 70
ETALONS 200 71
PRANCES 9407 102
TRADING 1862 68
BRUCINE 9501 78
CRUME(N)AL 11892 67
D(E)PARTED 13223 167
IN(C)ISION 28498 72
QuErIDA 4730 89
SILURIA(N) 4190 77
TOLUANE(S)* 0 77
sCANTeD 4136 77
(S)ANTERIA 113 77
GOATeED 692 71
TENTIGO 1733 77
AGENDEr 1554 74
DARNEST 553 79
MAnSUET(E) 4037 80
ROsINER 1035 71
ORARIAN 2264 64
REDTAiL 107 76
MoTIVES 6892 68
NOYADES 2608 92
STARETs 12394 88
(J)INgLIER 14537 95
ATEBRIN 289 72
CoINVE(N)T 10314 76
MOONIER 1782 87
TRAVOIs(E) 291 92
TAWPIES 5907 76
LINSEED 1826 71
Ov(E)RSWUM 25629 76
AROMATI(C) 8606 76
fLOOR(P)AN 19444 68
(T)ARAMEAS 13197 72
ENTREES 3606 81
IOdATED 1074 86
LAIRIE(S)T 398 59
TOL(I)DiNE 499 60
RO(O)KIEST 6021 76
NONUSER 4692 76
sPLINTS 24209 70
DOORhA(L)L* 0 68
NERITES 281 76
GRAVIT(A)S 12329 63
SpAEING 3416 80
(O)UTHIRES 1881 74
(I)DONEITY 2191 63
TOODlEs 5311 67
UNMITR(E)D 3128 74
SUBRING 17589 81
ARRIAGE 3516 70
(R)OZETINg 3423 101
CAULINE 1959 64
T(E)NEBRIO 375 72
USeLESS 30997 67
EMBRA(I)DS 7409 82
PRIDIAN 7356 68
RIAN(C)IEs 1588 61
PR(I)ORIeS 8759 67
EUCAINE 1373 64
DODgERs 15322 82
UNIRONE(D) 1489 77
DI(S)RATES 2858 65
PRO(S)EmEN 10582 76
ZOONITE 4097 70
CA(T)ALOES 4220 74
OPPILA(N)T 19684 74
AGITATE 3514 74
CARRyO(UT)S 23287 76
CoLDISH 21972 82
FOMITES 6861 94
(R)EVEALED 10178 64
TRANCES 2100 73
VITE(L)LIN 17114 94
TEARERS 2520 78
UnVAILE 2054 70
ENDEARS 747 80
DEAERAT(E) 2820 72
OUTFIEL(D) 3683 98
PALACES 18550 78
SoNLIER 233 69
STEATIT(E) 9838 77
F(L)oWINGS* 0 78
OLEATES 389 72
NORITEs 63 79
rESHOES 16061 71
TELEPIC 11224 72
TELSONS 8294 72
sOUPING 14528 87
ORGAnIC 3575 72
(C)OnJURES 19580 75
LEANERS 760 78
IN(D)ORSER 1487 72
(B)lOUSIER 3671 80
HEMATOI(D) 2660 68
SPAVIET 5912 94
BLO(O)PING 27172 76
DOGfI(G)HT 35673 69
UNLACIN(G) 22471 91
STUSHIe 17495 71
(E)LOiGNER 444 80
GA(N)TLoPE 2919 74
LATICES 1967 96
ROARING 3292 76
DIsCRET(E) 4064 89
MeMENTo 18624 74
FL(o)ATIER 265 61
P(E)RSAUNT 3116 70
FUSSING 28573 71
SPOTTIE 6231 77
AGGRI(E)VE 14911 76
TINSEL(R)Y 3132 74
T(U)TOrIAL 2809 68
AgNAILS 7927 69
STEARIC 832 93
FEINTED 3008 80
SLORMIN(G) 12977 86
PERDUES 12935 99
TARAIRE 971 74
ZOONIT(E)S 6021 68
pIROGHI 21438 78
TRAILED 108 68
(O)CTANOLS 12185 83
HOARIES(T) 268 63
AP(Y)REtIC 10016 92
VIZIERS 19646 91
(E)DUcATED 17966 80
ROLLIES 4793 78
TAWHAIS 17674 84
O(N)ERIEST 60 66
(R)EGiLDeD 13890 76
S(O)ILURES 6411 68
PEANUtS 4283 81
TRANSIT 3481 83
PASPIeS 27772 84
CISTERN 2143 83
Q(U)ESTING 13930 69
RINGLET(S) 1511 63
LEAVING(S) 4792 76
REJONEO 8979 79
RUI(N)AbLE 1277 78
SCRUNTY 24615 79
VE(R)ITIES 4586 62
WEE(D)lIKE 27350 84
VARIATE 1085 97
OVER(T)IME 3417 76
DOO(B)RIES 5157 65
NAUPLI(U)S 24646 76
PREyiNG 12223 83
NITRIDE 650 68
DIvIDED 31419 72
TOETOES 7926 78
HaRD(T)AIL 9556 74
MiRL(I)TON 6670 66
ApOLUNE 2625 68
TUTOYEr 9987 70
SNIRTED 571 86
HOAgIES 1809 73
RETAILS 147 67
MI(S)RAISE 12266 64
(TE)NTORIAl 52 60
LEANERS 760 72
QINTARs 7425 90
WINGLeT 6364 100
TRIODES 227 70
VERANDA 4837 70
ANTIl(E)FT 3812 70
SEEMING 7749 73
(D)EFINERS 4083 66
sTARDOM 7842 77
ANTIBOS(S) 11587 76
StARNED 556 84
VEN(O)SITY 5467 106
VAWNTIE 3226 70
BANSELA 8083 74
hOOkNO(S)E 33399 62
MISGAVE 12066 80
HENBANE 16506 82
HEMIO(L)AS 5138 80
ERYNGOS 7418 90
C(O)JOINEd 16856 84
INT(R)INCE 7617 64
s(C)HEMATA 24939 108
RESEDAS 8479 78
FRONT(I)Ng 14266 74
SIGNORA 1101 62
F(L)OOSIES 19848 67
AILETTE 1132 68
CETANES 2910 70
IN(V)ITING 33227 66
TEREFAH 7146 91
(T)OTALISE 563 62
HaILERS 2033 83
OUTSAID 1547 73
RATTInG 5043 70
DEHISCE 15309 76
ANEARED 1049 82
CaRNIER 2814 72
(A)FTERSUN 3103 65
PRE(L)ATIC 4354 68
oRDINES 212 74
EERIEST 1676 66
TRIODES 227 77
SNAILED 538 75
CObALTs 18095 75
INTRIN(C)E 7613 64
(T)ESTATUM 28588 83
SHElL(I)NG 24071 94
R(E)MITTER 14204 74
DEHIsCE(D) 29457 97
GAUNTES(T) 7310 68
NITRa(T)OR 3575 66
SAVINES 9018 90
SPRAIN(E)D 1325 72
(Y)ONdERLY 25872 65
GLU(C)INAS 15984 94
(T)REMBLED 18646 98
(A)PErIENT 305 80
MAtE(r)I(A)LS 1889 86
ATTORNS 4028 70
(R)ENDZINA 7600 78
THIEVEs 11249 79
ERO(T)ESES 11079 62
AUNTIES 153 70
D(E)FOaMED 21996 106
sIRTUIN 5965 73
CARAgEE(N) 6622 70
PELORIA 428 73
SUBVERT 17979 87
GAROTEs 514 70
BENIs(E)ED 10188 72
mILAGES 6238 75
ORARIAN(S) 3234 60
SORTALS 11509 70
PLEURAE 5494 66
SESELIs 27124 86
PEYOTLS 15126 83
DUNKERS 16576 110
ZELANTs 8224 103
HOVERI(N)g 7382 84
STONERN 2396 73
REBAITS 812 97
GUCkIER 21539 64
INPOURS 7908 72
STELLIT(E) 16891 70
PEPSINE 21313 84
GYNNIES 15669 75
(R)EaDABLE 7702 86
BALLIES 12866 78
EIDET(I)CS 7733 62
HAINING 19574 80
cADUCEI 19890 71
ICEW(O)rMS 15754 78
ERI(O)NITE 81 70
DrAPPI(E)S 19400 72
TAMARI(N)D 5796 76
I(N)TERtIE 2128 68
ACETONE 617 80
LAIGHER 3384 84
VESTIGE 7759 94
APOSTLE 2630 86
ENTRUsT 7101 70
LATRIAS 3168 92
mELODI(C)A 5130 158
LOUNGES 5692 63
OPINI(O)NS 23917 80
TORSIVE 1329 80
(R)IGAUDON 1617 83
STERANE 278 79
ST(E)ELbOW 14948 90
ARGONON(S) 14217 68
GLACI(A)TE 5474 62
NITROUS 1604 70
(R)EBODIES 2499 78
ISO(G)OnIC 20923 60
(E)nErVATE 3298 89
CALOYER(S) 8833 65
BASINET 808 83
AMIDINE 2383 76
EVITATE 3597 69
aDENYLS 7509 69
(C)INERINS 11682 62
DEARIES 263 66
RACEgOE(R) 8018 68
GASA(L)IER 1919 63
DETR(A)INS 82 74
LAIRIER 2239 66
mA(R)ITAGE 2779 70
ARISTOS 4100 70
OrPHANS 14027 71
STIPELS 17523 87
GARNETS 1063 86
(R)ENAGUES 2251 83
DANDERS 7236 89
NYLONED 14152 69
LADRONE 180 70
LIStING 11960 86
STABIL(E)S 11250 67
MITSVAH 23002 100
O(V)ERNEAR 3055 76
HANd(W)ELL* 0 71
LAB(O)RIST 3162 72
ANIMA(T)ED 1548 84
OUTDOes 5307 73
OARAGES 1620 78
PENSTEr 5622 80
RESTOR(E)R 15533 68
ORATION 377 76
HEARSIN(G) 2396 76
(E)UGLEnAS 4285 68
DARCIES 1948 100
A(N)TIPoDE 260 60
OTI(T)IDES 3736 60
LA(D)DISMS 35875 66
(H)AYRIDES 7509 67
SOLVENt 5254 76
BURGLeS 18542 75
PREARMS 19365 84
(S)TOOLInG 8561 77
MANNeRE(D) 8366 83
(C)ONTENDS 12427 74
FLOTELS 18775 77
DILATER 106 75
AmARONE 1489 73
NoNR(A)TED 599 82
(S)oRRIEST 7602 74
OVERHAN(D) 5302 82
POUNCeT 10885 86
POODLES 14982 77
NARROWS 12976 80
(O)sTOMATE 10251 86
dOOLEES 6537 66
NAUTIcS 6621 64
GRAZIeR 12115 81
FIBROSE(S) 20226 92
VISIONA(L) 6595 74
LOONIES 1358 75
LEGA(L)ISE 9275 72
REMELTs 9055 84
(S)PECTeRS 29529 92
BEACONE(D) 6287 78
(E)NLISTER 485 71
BETTIES 10339 70
EtOU(R)DIE 225 61
LEGLEnS 19800 84
ALDRINS 2490 64
AIRSOME 433 90
STAPED(I)I 3376 65
R(E)INSERT 1679 59
PEROXiD 11759 88
(D)ERATING 189 83
REJOINs 3119 97
VETTURA 8735 70
FA(I)NTIER 643 71
OXGATES 8001 80
AE(R)ATION 15 62
MINIBIK(E) 34944 88
VIOlETS 2734 92
FORE(C)AST 5268 76
vEINIER 3352 69
AUREOlE 388 61
(D)ORMIENT 765 74
rETAILE(R) 655 58
I(N)FLECTS 11978 67
CLOVERY 21274 88
UNNEED(E)d 29349 68
HOUTING 10535 85
TARRIED 704 82
STOnIER 66 82
WAFEREd 11147 85
IGNI(T)ORS 4170 74
(I)SOLAToR 1444 78
RAMENTA 2453 85
BIOG(A)SES 11090 64
A(S)CRIBES 18695 74
RER(O)UTED 4457 59
AE(G)IRITE 402 72
KAMERAD(S) 23543 69
REDS(H)ORT 12429 63
(T)ONSILAR 364 68
mORAINE 97 92
LIN(E)aTED 142 82
AM(I)TROLE 270 61
pRESONG 7415 83
GUYLInE(R) 8194 74
(RE)LUMInED 4437 76
COUNTIE(S) 1835 74
sTORAGE 516 72
ALIASED 1665 73
UlT(E)RIOR 1494 68
(D)ETRAINS 82 80
TRIGONS 2473 72
(N)ONpOLAR 18560 74
TACONI(T)E 977 74
RETICU(L)A 1298 68
Gu(A)RDANT 10248 60
ANGINAS 13178 80
BASIdIA 16178 78
THEANIN(E) 2555 72
COGNATE 1871 90
tARRIED 704 74
SUEDING 4652 73
TOILERS 241 67
UN(P)AIRED 1325 72
SLYNEsS 32278 86
IMPETUS 13681 88
CODRIV(E)N 5369 80
FRE(E)HOLd 14984 84
FURANOS(E) 1772 74
FoGYISM 28420 88
THEORI(S)E 1075 67
POSNETS 14608 84
ORAcIES 414 78
F(L)ANGERS 8126 74
(S)PEELING 9903 69
EN(A)UNTER 1663 61
DePURA(T)E 4011 63
(C)REOLIAN 247 74
ILEITIS 8830 63
ACR(I)DINE 1581 69
SERVITO(R) 4732 95
GEnESIS 11453 76
CONFINE 12004 80
PUNIEsT 4430 78
SESTINA 1846 67
SENArII 173 71
TUGBOaT 19906 84
STRAYED 4247 67
GOONIES(T) 1264 80
AUNTLIE(R) 97 68
LANYARD(S) 18792 74
AoRIS(T)IC 3594 140
NOTAR(I)ZE 330 69
(E)RINGOES 445 72
tWISTER 8824 80
FlEAPIT 5852 82
(M)OPINESS 20261 89
MIsWROT(E) 5462 66
OESTRIO(L) 785 77
EsTHETE 21649 90
rAILMEN 875 82
SENVIES 14996 77
(V)AgINATE 2774 83
INTINES 4546 71
P(U)TRIDER 11038 65
AGATOID 3082 97
GESTURE 6101 78
CEILERS 5529 82
ENdLANG 9227 84
DIETINE 1053 72
NAIVETY 3224 75
LEPTINS 4402 76
pHILtRE(D) 11994 90
BR(A)INING 18612 76
aMPUTEE 11174 76
REA(d)VISE 1993 62
O(U)TDURED 22125 78
aVODIRE 421 104
OXY(T)ONES 22090 116
GLOUTED 5682 72
RELIEVO 1658 79
DIA(G)RIDs 21482 64
MET(A)NOIA 331 72
UNsINEW 12731 89
RESHOES 16061 91
ENFIRES 3031 77
(O)UTLOVeS 13336 70
TOVA(R)ICh 14689 84
REZONEs 7085 92
(A)UXETICs 13130 98
SLITTIE(R) 6007 68
(K)AkEMONO 37094 67
FReTTED 14637 71
TALIS(M)AN 9570 64
ANTHERA(L) 3483 76
OU(T)ASITE 564 72
UNWARnE(D) 10902 86
R(E)TAILOR 179 59
bADGERS 9994 74
ESTImAT(ED) 5145 70
VI(R)TUOSO 12224 71
ORAT(O)RIO 11213 80
SNEEZED 20998 112
FONTaN(E)L 4657 70
ASHIVER 5870 97
PANNiST 11921 94
TOILE(TI)nG 3360 68
SDaININ(G) 15866 80
(C)OUNTIES 1835 64
WEARIES 1403 82
SNOUTIE(R) 138 68
SIGNORI 5707 70
WEARIED 1389 72
WOND(E)RER 9846 98
egGFRU(I)T 23244 74
(C)ORNLAND 15812 65
S(L)IPKNOT 23182 84
UnGA(r)BED 8110 60
T(E)RMLIES 4116 64
TI(D)ERIPS 6524 94
BAnDAGE 10972 84
ArEOLAS 953 76
(T)UTORIZE 9087 89
(D)IALINgS 10032 77
TOADISh 4474 75
DETINUE(S) 1226 80
TAR(R)AGON 8599 65
ABIETiC 6399 88
ROOfTOP 29034 72
AVIATES 2382 81
rAGEFUL 10051 78
SHITTAH 29207 87
VOLI(T)ATE 2313 69
(S)CAURING 11491 78
EPINAOs 438 89
SpAWNIE(R) 4429 72
BEGILdS 14220 72
sHO(R)EMEN 10570 76
HAGDEnS 10029 94
(I)OPANOIC 15288 76
ENABLeR 2886 81
SOLOIST 17775 73
BoREC(O)LE 17377 72
TONSI(L)AR 364 78
AEONiAN 482 61
EOLiPIL(E) 15268 76
SaLFERN 4224 83
LONELIE(R) 2320 60
ORLEANS 197 64
(O)INOMELS 5183 89
WARDIAN 7312 79
(S)ALVOINg 8314 83
RARI(T)IES 1419 66
LINGE(R)IE 2600 60
BANDERS 4105 77
SNOWMEN 20549 80
wERGELT 11874 66
ROISTER 1040 64
aGITATE 3514 79
D(I)APSIDS 36227 80
UREDINI(A) 389 72
ENsUITE 797 68
DETAINS 116 74
z(O)IATRIA 7998 58
IOLITES 956 87
SUETIER 792 81
CENTURY 13849 70
TAN(T)ALUS 17842 82
(M)ATURING 7251 67
AGNISED 982 68
EOLIThS 2713 68
LINGERE(D) 2254 64
oUTEATE(N) 942 66
L(E)AVINGS 4792 63
PHONERS 10908 88
ISOETES 3336 85
IOLITES 962 69
DENTILS 1518 68
DUN(N)ITES 5223 74
ANOpSIA 4964 67
(D)UDHEENs 27266 74
ERA(s)IONS 629 68
OBVIATE(D) 2626 80
ATTAINS 6920 69
HAURI(E)NT 536 65
OXIdASE 3089 88
TRIMT(A)BS 22029 74
EAgErER 10145 73
MOULTeN 5223 69
SHRAPN(E)L 11860 88
STRANGE 1057 89
TAIH(O)AED 895 98
VISCOSE 20692 111
REALT(O)NE 56 59
(D)RUMLIeR 15486 79
SMOOrED 10806 86
NONTITL(E) 4198 60
EUCHRES 19460 96
UTERInE 288 64
DIORAM(A)S 6576 64
STRUDEL(S) 18621 74
GANGREL(S) 15428 74
AEROBiC 1703 84
SIRLOIN 3643 89
STINKI(E)R 7200 94
EMOTInG 1889 65
FATIGUE 3382 80
R(I)PARIAN 16184 65
BErCEA(U)X 26919 78
REALIST 146 72
T(H)URIBLE 11952 89
HIRSTIE 4887 102
DEfOR(E)ST 4921 131
OTIO(S)eLY 5189 72
(L)IFEBOaT 2627 69
R(E)ANSWER 8396 69
ELOIN(E)RS 226 68
DENARII 170 66
B(I)VALeNT 4308 95
RI(V)ALISE 3384 76
KENOTI(C)S 10094 66
TR(I)AXONs 3624 80
(B)LONDEST 6818 63
EPIScIA 10172 74
CEMI(t)ARE 2829 86
SULFITE 7622 79
VIBRATE 3191 91
TERTIUS 3846 68
POPETTE(S) 32031 89
LAETARE 1050 64
mIDNOON 19459 73
ASTONES 2431 72
APE(R)IEnT 305 74
MORRI(O)NS 18587 78
HeTAI(R)IC 5011 62
NOVATES 1223 76
LAZURI(T)E 3471 70
INERTI(A)E 55 73
DAIMIoS 8273 81
(R)APTURED 10964 72
GERuNDS 8053 93
oVE(R)RASH 14752 102
ENROOTS 1407 64
CAREER(E)D 16001 92
CALLING 22984 76
GRISTeR 5959 89
SHOTTEN 9958 89
DETRACT 8670 77
bUNYIPS 28539 95
KERA(T)INS 1639 78
DELIMI(T)S 10374 62
JAROViS(E) 6060 104
tAPPIC(E)D 26808 67
RERISEN 2539 66
REBATOE(S) 1022 76
(E)UDAImON 700 77
TIPULAS 10619 74
O(V)ULATES 3645 64
JOINTER(S) 2205 84
STReLI(T)Z 16720 84
THORiAS 2190 76
SEAfOLK 15796 81
FERmATA 10388 78
DOATInG 1095 81
SOlATIA 1720 76
DUBITA(T)E 6775 67
DRYLOTS 16024 85
PERLOUS 8599 74
DONjONS 29046 74
RESILIN(G) 3903 63
DIRTILy 15633 74
U(N)ATONED 1466 70
OU(T)GNAWS 12944 78
ARIETTA 972 68
RETI(N)ALS 94 62
AcEQUIA 15344 79
BEN(E)FITS 9385 76
C(H)OROIDS 24007 95
AGENiZE 4808 73
VOl(E)RIES 2527 90
EGESTED 12539 79
(P)ILLBUGS 38961 69
AEDILES 734 70
SIDESmE(N) 18077 77
WESTERN 5654 75
RONd(E)LET 649 68
PO(S)ItING 13763 86
FIBROSe 6769 80
mATTOID 8879 68
EP(A)NODOS 5122 74
HAsTiNG 9084 93
MAESTRI 900 87
TENTOR(I)a 54 62
cONFEST 10866 70
TERR(A)INS 456 59
(A)RSENALS 10160 68
AGUISeD 2236 70
ABASERS 18304 78
CRAVING 15567 74
V(A)LIANCE 8240 71
REFLOAT(S) 1771 66
TRIP(L)ANE 541 84
(D)ESTINED 6739 83
PELORIA 428 66
LEANERS 759 70
CIvILIT(Y) 37847 80
ROTcHES 10862 65
uNIPODS 11838 94
NOCENTS 9930 70
SL(E)AZIER 4499 74
M(I)XTURES 18221 86
JOB(A)TION 15525 86
cAROTIN 965 73
P(O)WERiNG 7415 76
lOIASES 2347 68
OSTIATE 325 70
HEROIZE 8936 97
PORTHOL(E) 15671 84
(D)ESuGARS 16773 83
OUTSWAR(E) 1812 76
(C)aMELINE 5610 72
SOMNI(A)TE 285 90
DELAToR 184 81
AIRSIdE 638 65
FACETiN(G) 6421 84
TWiLTED 12695 78
AKINESI(S) 18242 89
(G)oRGETED 14015 86
OUVRIER 6229 89
AUREITy 948 70
ENLa(R)GEN 5518 68
DIETING 2871 75
EXARATE 6664 94
DIpLE(G)IA 8766 72
EELINGS 3281 88
TROUPEs 5270 75
(c)OUNTIES 1835 59
ABROgAT(E) 3273 80
R(A)DIATOR 3231 63
(I)NVADERS 1328 66
AETATIs 2224 75
UNSTITC(H) 30412 78
ELMIEST 5587 70
FIBROUS 18136 94
HORS(E)POX 32427 94
RATITES 730 77
NYLONED 14130 88
BRAISED 1921 78
RUNTIER 1804 61
TAGA(R)EEN 1133 63
PLaNTI(N)G 17747 70
SHRIEKE(R) 25928 69
STADIuM 10604 88
(T)OLLGATE 14881 62
PaRRING 14664 75
SIENITE 1054 74
FL(I)TTERN 6947 76
G(H)ERAOEd 3749 72
CLINAME(N) 13371 70
SIDERAT(E) 153 80
WOOINGS 16598 68
SID(E)BURN 5962 66
SEITIES 9333 65
(C)APRIFiG 30568 84
STEREOM(E) 7228 83
(H)ARDlINE 1305 83
MALAI(S)ES 16829 74
TRUMPI(N)G 23702 71
(S)TARKENS 17395 101
TABULAE 8088 74
ROSETTE 3320 70
PAR(E)IRAS 7338 72
(R)EJOICED 11448 118
ROYAlET 1206 70
DIEDRAL 3859 89
UNRESTS 11443 67
VIRANDA(S) 9560 72
AIrBOAT 2478 63
HEADING 3368 82
MAnATEE 3343 83
ANT(i)wEED 827 78
APPOSI(T)E 11105 67
MAUl(I)NGS 15982 90
DURATIO(N) 363 63
A(C)ARBOSE 9695 78
MODERNE 3532 77
LAETrI(L)E 1697 66
PANTHER 6004 75
pA(L)INODY 12092 67
ChARTED 9367 97
EVOL(V)ENT 22745 80
BORDERS 14112 75
DIALING 7931 72
UNT(E)AMED 3995 74
ETRIeRS 2542 71
(F)OREPAST 5316 98
WALKERS 18946 93
(C)ATCHILY 38620 116
NoTE(C)ARD 730 90
LAMSTER 4245 92
ATRESIA 169 70
FORGETS 7400 83
DIASTOl(E) 125 77
MOnTAGE 1878 73
GyROLIT(E) 2959 74
WAIlSO(M)E 5138 74
DURGI(E)ST 3306 83
OUTFAwN 13929 65
BULLISH 31581 79
VETTUr(A)S 10997 80
TRAM(E)LED 3983 76
ENTASIS 1841 78
REROOFE(D) 16478 76
S(A)LICINE 3356 61
VEINOUS 2742 80
PEAR(L)ITE 848 78
(H)EREUNTO 2575 74
uNlIVED 7603 76
TRIDARN 3477 61
REBAITS 812 80
URINAnT 3479 64
DANNIES 1767 73
MAUVEIN 5891 75
LOOSELy 24222 64
EPIT(O)NIC 5886 66
(E)XiGENTS 10796 98
(V)ERMINED 9474 69
OUGLIeS 3102 77
CORS(E)LET 4934 74
STEEPE(R)S 26365 77
ERADIAT(E) 169 62
SNORTED 682 77
IMP(R)EGNs 15002 74
(F)LITTERN 6909 63
DIATrON 155 70
TH(R)OWERS 19666 78
BEDRAP(E)S 13627 65
ROE(S)TOnE 1122 71
SMARTiN(G) 7250 70
COIGNED 3985 88
SHARiAH 26449 81
I(N)ACTIVE 5010 176
STA(G)GIER 6711 158
ORDIN(A)ND 10798 66
COOkIEs 17946 66
R(I)PPLING 36349 71
RETAI(L)ED 145 74
TRITIA(T)E 9114 62
KILOMO(L)E 31787 68
SIRINGS 21879 75
TRU(T)HILY* 0 78
CRAALED 8086 79
BOULTER 5147 74
SOLANOs 17741 71
TAPINGS 9150 97
DEBONAI(R) 231 86
HISTORY 13993 93
DEADMAn 18278 90
TAIL(E)ROn 7 78
ANNEXIO(n) 17273 94
GREE(D)IER 12238 64
(Y)EASAyeR 26500 80
ASTE(R)OID 27 74
RECRAT(E)S 8349 74
AGRASTE 2867 75
AEcIDIA 5375 70
FAvOURE(R) 14737 62
W(A)YGoOSE 18964 70
(S)PINSTER 11557 78
DOGPILE 7222 70
AGI(T)AtOR 5058 60
DEVIAtE 1380 73
ACTIOnE(D) 242 70
NESTING 5944 82
(P)iROQUES 14523 134
UTOPIAN(s) 3208 86
SILENTS 7268 85
DAL(L)IERS 5630 86
Ou(T)VOICE 10907 65
(G)ARRIGUE 16913 74
DU(M)AISTS 24639 67
RECENT(L)Y 13943 80
mU(D)IrIEH 17504 61
PUDEnDA 17285 76
FE(n)TANYL 18384 67
(F)ORESAYS 20191 74
TErA(G)LIN 198 82
DEcARES 5403 74
MASCONS 26528 78
LOATHER 1187 82
W(I)DEbAND 18697 63
N(A)RTJIES 1636 80
(T)rIGONAL 645 70
TEREDOS 1113 71
sMITHED 13595 77
KAbLOON(A) 30099 72
(D)ETINUES 1225 80
CIBoRIA 10580 78
ELEGITS 3290 77
JaDEITE 3241 113
IVR(E)SSES 34223 63
(G)UARANIS 6198 80
TeLECOM(S) 14977 92
DALTONS 3310 75
ETAGERE 2863 70
REsINI(S)E 7358 122
(C)ANNULAR 24887 64
EnTIT(L)ED 3519 60
(A)UDITIOn 1113 77
VOlOSTS 28691 80
ENORM(O)US 8984 98
TOENAI(L)S 33 59
DELOPED 20189 78
COULIsS(E) 17351 76
RUSTIER 3842 75
LINDIES 3587 67
SIRINGS 21879 75
READOUT 195 74
InFECT(E)R 5675 88
INTON(A)TE 897 68
LeVERAG(E) 13054 86
(L)ACELIkE 26364 80
ZYGOTIC 29023 105
PARGOES 3967 71
AtRESIA 169 71
DRIVERs 12705 76
(T)RADEFUL 5910 89
CINE(R)ARY 9057 63
HOLEYER 12169 81
O(B)VIATEd 2626 84
GALL(I)EST 7641 86
(R)OOFTREE 11795 86
NO(N)ARIES 182 70
(S)OAPROOT 21696 80
N(E)GATIVE 1401 63
DIETARY 853 80
TINNIER 2238 72
NOVELIS(E) 2522 86
OuTRAVE(d) 1766 89
AURElIA 635 66
POL(A)RISE 719 140
ANILInE 2226 72
TsARINA 1539 73
KINREDS 8235 75
SCENARY 9401 85
WH(I)RLERS 23041 86
BILLIo(N)S 26609 70
GOUST(I)ER 891 59
MEBOsES 25377 79
NEOLOGY 13295 78
I(N)DIRECT 3494 76
CSARDaS 27412 74
(T)ABORInE 65 82
SOLECI(S)T 12752 77
FlAXIER 10437 95
(E)NTERING 2843 61
TURTLES 11011 70
EOL(I)EnNE 3605 59
TRAIToR(S) 6534 74
(T)ENURIAL 99 77
(E)BAYINGS 10445 95
SENARII 173 73
(L)oUNGIER 890 80
AUGuRAL 25215 64
LORICAT(E) 250 83
TURIONS 1595 73
oZONISE 7448 88
INFARES 855 78
TAENI(A)TE 893 60
TRIELLa(S) 2860 74
LEO(T)ARDs 415 74
GR(I)TTERS 13180 68
(C)OPAIVAS 25072 70
RENE(G)ADO 440 74
A(X)EBIRDS 13116 98
TESTIER 2534 78
P(R)OTEIDE 1064 76
ROTA(T)ION 2116 68
pI(C)AROON 10122 68
DE(S)IGNEE 6657 64
POSTFIR(E) 5432 86
DELIGHT 10095 82
ANALCI(T)E 1539 74
INSULAR 2494 84
GUMLInE 10127 88
UpTRAIN 3638 84
O(O)SPHERE 17379 80
FANTEEg 4498 76
ARKITES 2349 89
eXOR(A)BLE 11436 101
AEDILES 734 78
UNDrESS 15425 65
fLOATEL 10165 64
SANCTUM 20943 65
pRONaTE 457 74
TAR(G)ETED 5517 62
VEI(N)ULET 4125 63
(G)ASTRINS 11080 80
TRAPS(I)NG 7254 76
AkARYO(T)E 10673 62
FEAST(I)NG 2385 63
REOILED 392 64
TENIOID 310 64
A(T)ROPINS 1431 74
DEHISCE 15223 95
COMBiNG 25917 69
GENIT(O)RS 326 70
(T)URbANED 3082 77
ABSEILS 12867 81
ONEIRIC 1490 75
L(A)RRIgAN 11401 57
OUtWEAR 1221 70
ORBITAs 2179 71
VE(R)bENAS 9306 78
CHEERI(E)R 23357 84
ROADEOS 1350 72
NAUTILI 3174 71
DIlUTEE 1829 71
(N)ICOTINE 5205 62
ORAnGER 1728 79
GEFILTE 7742 68
RELEARN(T) 1663 68
IMAGiST 14076 83
INGENER 3900 73
INWEA(V)ES 5624 66
(F)ELONOuS 13341 83
(O)VaTIONS 4536 83
PANICLE 5794 86
RALLYeS 17339 82
RESU(M)ING 8199 74
LIpURIA 11444 67
(A)cROLEIN 245 74
SAVAGED 15167 82
(L)UCIGENS 12518 69
ALIENEE 645 76
EOsINIC 3149 68
ISOZYME 22285 98
NAEVOId 419 80
GO(O)SIEST 11089 72
BIRDMAn 12365 76
BEHAV(I)NG 17619 68
RAINCOA(T) 1683 89
HOIDENS 2671 80
TAB(O)URIN 1422 72
GOsPORT 20829 75
(C)AuDICES 24291 89
GREENIE 2849 62
DETAI(N)EE 370 65
NIPTERS 2159 81
REMANET 1416 83
TRITONE 384 70
OEdEMAS 3499 85
SO(R)EHEAD 2475 90
(B)RAEHEID 5577 68
METEOR(I)C 3424 64
ETRENNE 7960 63
HETAIR(A)I 2039 94
ALeRION 6 83
PeTTLED 18751 69
HINTING 23373 81
PRIMUSE(S) 28141 86
OLIVInE 3135 68
DrAFTED 13039 77
bAILEES 2850 75
SNOTRAG(S) 12517 80
(b)OLtONIA 4534 60
(D)ERATING 189 83
fLAU(G)HTS 31575 76
QUINTES 8257 128
BOuRLAW 18072 92
INTERA(C)T 1942 63
(U)NpRIZED 18200 104
ALIUNDE 536 66
DR(A)TTING 6600 61
PARA(V)AIl 28391 64
REUNITE 288 71
POUT(I)NES 1911 64
FAIl(O)VER 2675 67
STERANE 279 71
M(I)LLRUNS 29123 74
AMNIONS 8923 82
WEARIED 1389 73
TRIBADE 806 78
ALbINOS 4474 69
MIScODE(D) 25001 86
ARSENID(E) 145 80
TREATIE(S) 667 68
GOMEREL 8590 71
POINTe(L)S 1882 60
LiNEAGE 588 68
XA(N)THANS 35060 71
SNASHeS 29537 72
GR(A)NULeS 3282 66
AGEISTS 6002 64
(C)OROTATE 6258 72
RAVIEST 940 78
(S)tORAXES 14022 80
ERBIUMS 13539 69
B(E)ACHIEr 11389 78
ROU(S)tING 3557 60
OUTLAID 1543 67
INCLINE 13679 70
FORtIES 1272 79
CANT(O)RIS 1427 90
STYRING 13241 88
AMPOuLE 10699 86
TO(L)ERANT 602 66
SONLIeR 233 75
LEVEL(E)RS 30081 94
OdONATE 471 78
OPERATE 621 73
GaD(G)ETRY 23121 65
INHAL(A)NT 15295 76
sOULDAN 6034 73
RELOADS 659 76
WAT(E)rLOO 2704 72
J(U)RYMASt 35183 88
(A)DDITION 6333 63
(I)MMUNIsE 29468 78
PO(A)CEOUS 15531 70
INULASE 554 71
BROMAN(C)E 11221 65
DOYLIeS 5061 79
GREE(S)ING 12611 83
CADDIES 12798 79
SH(O)UTIER 1875 72
KLIsTER 8218 87
TRYSAIl 6627 76
HANApEr 10342 74
IN(C)LUDES 9713 63
(A)RSENITE 43 77
GAuDIES 2235 88
PADDInG 22945 86
(T)ABINETS 3766 89
NIACINS 16573 71
GNAT(W)rEn 9768 72
META(Z)OAN 10674 88
TRACTiL(E) 3782 86
ENRAVIS(H) 4404 104
UN(R)EINED 3540 63
HEliXES 20438 111
LAGERED 3253 77
ITE(R)AN(C)ES 357 62
STINGER 1069 73
InFORCE 3685 74
BEaRDIE 1368 73
(E)NABLERS 3933 74
STRIVEN 2163 72
HELLO(I)NG 15797 76
SQuAILS 27586 80
CARINAE 1078 74
rHODORA 19418 75
VALiSES 12892 86
BEHOTES 12124 96
I(C)TERINE 2315 70
(E)RUCTATE 8314 64
BIMeTAL 5723 95
SITUATE 1772 78
BaRG(U)EST 8113 90
(H)eADROOM 10880 67
(D)ETRUSOR 6234 80
PEARLIN(G) 2407 86
(O)UTWASTE 7952 74
O(L)ESTRAs 3431 87
UN(P)AIRED 1325 78
ORALITY 2191 95
CATEn(O)ID 242 66
DiSBARS 20464 80
AVIDEST 2009 90
AORTI(T)IS 3225 59
ONEIRIC 1490 75
L(A)RRIgAN 11401 57
PLI(O)CENE 6366 76
WINGLET 6358 80
ALbINOS 4447 78
SPORTFU(L) 26553 92
CROTONs 14091 72
InOSITE 321 66
DIRTIES 1681 67
DOLOuRS 16027 73
DONATI(V)E 261 66
ARBLAST 15589 76
EXEQU(I)aL 21083 81
ROOMIEr 7998 68
RIGOURs 13700 70
RACISTS 16358 75
D(I)sUNITE 2547 82
(I)MpALERS 7550 80
VIRELaI 2390 67
FOLIATE 420 83
NAV(I)GATE 2757 82
REREDOS 5990 74
ROTINIS 1763 72
AIRGAPS 14034 71
ROsETTE 3317 65
(S)IlICONE 4230 89
tELECON 3508 85
TITFERS 8765 89
ORPINES 1309 77
NeGATOR 104 80
ME(A)SUREd 7000 140
TACH(I)NID 16353 72
RONDELS 1734 68
SPANIEL 2049 79
HaPLOID 13752 82
WIRIEST 4910 92
LUXAtES 12207 90
E(M)AILERS 1996 74
GORIEST 532 76
t(R)AYFULS 25226 65
REqUIN(T)O 2219 66
TERAGLI(N) 198 85
AEOLIaN 78 64
PR(O)VABlE 15647 64
UNALLI(E)D 5597 63
ERAsION 10 78
AEQ(U)OrIN 901 68
INERTeR 1343 72
LIPURIA(S) 13917 70
(C)OGITATE 3600 74
INQUIET 8908 80
BENaMED 11050 85
DUOTONE 2853 69
DE(B)ATING 2353 74
LUTHE(R)NS 9932 62
CAVIARE 6390 82
WAcONDA 18835 77
IMPO(R)TED 5421 78
PREARMS 19329 92
LIFTERS 4386 91
VENATO(R)S 753 79
YUgARIE 3425 66
(I)NTERIOR 804 68
EIDOLoN 1353 74
DOULEIA 179 71
SAV(O)URER 7951 65
CROAKEd 11697 95
TAONGAS 5655 71
UPLEANs 7506 75
OSTE(N)TED 4421 74
SC(O)UTHEr 13428 90
SEDATED 8431 70
jADEITE 3238 68
POUTIER 1328 65
GENET(I)CS 6104 78
ADULTE(R)Y 5924 78
AUREItY 948 70
RANGOLi(S) 1614 80
TIMONEE(R) 379 83
NEGAT(O)RY 1250 72
B(E)SIEGED 17667 66
WARR(E)YED 19881 69
TRINDLE 568 68
WORRIED 6182 81
SWE(E)TMAN 9375 80
PRONESt 2796 87
HECA(t)OMB 23367 78
DIP(N)OOUS 16707 82
AIRB(U)SES 11305 140
URCeOLI 2664 78
OUT(S)TEER 4463 60
UNMORAL 7850 84
MISD(A)TED 11328 78
STIBiAL 11408 119
PARURES 12663 86
ANATTOS 7945 68
C(O)LORANT 7869 70
WhANGEE 13771 66
SINEWED 5563 84
SUNCARE 4153 76
fICtILE 14403 70
(V)ALERIAN 1562 63
RODENTS 684 76
MANTUAS 15621 76
sPICIER 14412 70
PINDERS 4397 78
SEABIRD 1933 94
AGITAtE(D) 4831 70
BIRLERS 12670 76
sAPIDeR 2017 76
NE(A)TNIKS 7603 66
COLORIE(R) 10255 83
BEWAREs 11032 76
EST(R)OGEN 1197 65
STRIC(K)LE 18193 82
TINDING 17692 68
VERITES 3061 78
IODIZEd 20298 91
C(O)NVERTS 9228 64
LeISHE(S)T 18197 86
PORGIEs 4043 74
CAULINE 1967 66
pAEOnI(E)S 370 67
UNRIVET 2177 72
FINALES 2025 90
(T)REASONS 1646 77
UNDE(R)LIT 936 86
(A)NTICoLD 3179 70
IMPOnED 6853 78
IN(D)URATE 86 80
INWICKS 31007 103
SNORT(I)NG 7656 65
SHOOGLe 17719 87
PREDICT(ED) 20713 101
PRU(R)IENT 6956 64
ASTONIE(S) 632 77
ASCARED 8088 77
PIsHEOG 13209 83
BETwEEN 18583 80
oUTEDGE(S) 5228 80
SWITHlY 28493 84
F(I)REdaMP 14331 102
(B)OOTLEGS 16375 86
(A)FEBRIlE 5559 89
F(A)SCIOLE 5129 65
HARBOrS 22989 80
ANTI(B)ODY 7739 66
REC(O)NNED 9783 65
NItROS(Y)L 6189 75
FLAVoUR(Y) 28686 110
PROTO(N)IC 14555 70
APpEARS 24209 64
ENTERAL 269 82
NOTATES 1007 82
AIRCONS 2171 73
(C)OnTOURS 16950 68
DITSIER 1692 77
DA(T)EBOOk 16831 72
ATHODY(D)S 31733 86
OMENING 8436 78
TRICARS 11902 77
sENARII 173 85
C(I)TIFiED 25036 86
ISOKO(N)TS 29079 89
N(I)TROLIC 6666 61
ARChA(I)ZE 21528 70
RAISINS 11024 67
REINVAD(E) 826 78
TOuGHIE 4004 87
VI(R)UlENT 3119 70
LANATED 1677 70
SNARFLE 4222 79
A(T)EBRINS 511 62
TEArOOM 1776 72
lINEATE 71 72
APpEA(S)ED 30392 63
(I)NDORSER 1486 86
LATRIn(E)S 91 66
REPEN(T)ER 16346 61
STIsHIE 18449 87
PEONAG(E)S 3771 76
BeMIXES 25798 70
KLISTeR 8297 67
HOARIE(S)T 268 71
REQuITA(L) 3468 98
TENO(R)INO 1095 66
EMOVING 9204 87
SOLDANS 15510 79
DERI(S)ION 498 72
(P)RUNiEST 3124 77
T(E)RMINaL 535 80
(G)LOATeRS 879 77
BASELIN(E) 1954 83
(R)AINDATE 108 83
TEARIER 445 66
LAUDATO(R) 5064 63
DItCHeD 23215 74
TRANNIE 247 76
ARSINES 1829 79
UNCHAIR 12374 81
STONIES 2440 83
IN(E)RTIAS 118 60
PLOSIVE 10725 90
SLINTER 579 72
ImPALAS 21515 82
ADE(Q)UATE 13102 74
ANNOYER 3445 69
TRUANT(E)R* 0 68
B(O)UGHTeN 16489 84
S(C)LEREID 7016 83
HOOPERs 16993 80
WINNERS 8790 72
FLOA(T)ERS 1768 71
mIDYEAR 5839 85
(T)ETANIsE 663 74
AILETT(E)S 1634 70
DENTiNA(L) 1173 68
HON(O)RERS 14737 76
(P)ENDANTS 10901 89
INDARTS 1327 88
ARUGULA 25136 74
SWOOPED 21048 78
RONNELs 4682 74
VEALIER 1394 65
MOUSIeR 2738 84
BESPR(E)AD 13628 84
SLAINTE 142 82
SASINES 19387 77
CEsTOID 2656 89
NERITES 281 74
PETaLL(E)D 18001 73
R(E)SINERS 12368 60
NAUPlII 11428 66
AEONIAN 479 62
DURIANS 2478 71
nOR(T)HERS 8008 78
RELOAD(E)D 4505 149
ARRES(T)ER 14140 68
L(O)ONIEsT 781 122
READJUS(T) 10727 104
GLUCOsE 15514 97
EsCOLAR 2572 85
SLAKING 18447 71
aQUAFIT 22444 89
BRaSSET 13083 98
Po(E)TICAL 2636 80
TONGERS 1465 73
(R)URAlITE 1188 74
ENs(E)ARED 2445 82
CENT(I)ARE 298 90
HaNDSET 4167 90
POSTERN 2795 69
(T)ALENTED 3495 65
IN(G)RAINS 11354 72
ASPiRIN 7339 85
J(O)BAtION 15448 86
ELEGIST 3269 78
AVOUREs 2622 77
UNDeRL(I)T 929 60
BINoCLE 6761 81
ESTRONE 443 61
OUTC(R)IES 1831 61
TENoRIS(T) 617 66
TRAWLED 4161 78
AsKANTE(D) 11359 89
DON(A)TISM 3170 72
NUTCASE 4136 69
DEFAULt 7462 67
TARWEEd 2100 74
THEREIN 1418 67
LAMENTS 4221 76
NARGILE 336 73
MYElITI(C)* 0 84
RESI(D)ENT 480 131
(L)InGUISA 9987 77
EUCAINS 1957 71
STROWeD 5202 89
DaLTONI(C) 3153 74
REUNION 1025 65
IMPEDES 15235 87
EPIGEAN 2074 72
DETINUE 775 70
PiGEONs 3994 77
QUINATE 2353 95
GOVERNS 7410 82
PIONEER 630 72
MARIA(C)hI 28855 62
DE(V)IATOR 262 78
REvIEW(A)L 5585 70
(Y)EASTIeR 867 62
LAIRIER 2227 62
DeCANTS 4131 73
EPEIRI(D)S 7739 92
SHORING 10518 68
TURGENT 9614 72
VINEYA(R)D 4382 96
NOVATES 1222 77
FInLITS 15634 77
R(E)TRaCED 8341 67
DIANOiA 2082 75
dRANT(I)NG 6636 60
FOISTER 1271 94
ROUI(L)LES 6409 70
INfERIA(E) 973 74
(F)ROSTILY 17013 95
F(OR)TIfIED 16932 78
SARSNET 4018 67
EuGENOL 3756 84
SORBITE 1230 73
P(R)EcLEAN 9279 86
OUTHIRE 1278 74
nOCTUAS 7789 69
LIVEDOS 5011 82
AvIATeD 2357 65
NEMATO(D)E 1039 64
AUm(I)LDAR 13973 59
VENATIO(N) 989 86
(E)THICALS 7489 92
ROUND(l)ET 1175 70
POODLES 15082 94
SNO(W)iEST 8581 140
TRIENES 285 76
RETOTAL 1015 64
TUlADIS 5026 68
WOUN(D)IER 1860 74
AErADIO 78 73
INFANTS 11858 92
ANT(I)sLIP 9562 76
AMIDOnE 414 77
DIAPAUS(E) 6342 72
(A)ERADIOs 162 77
LENSMAN 12733 74
BUTANES 4144 72
INsULAE 553 69
wARRAND 21020 69
TE(R)RANES 1669 82
STRAINT 3497 70
REMA(N)ENT 5042 90
OILPANS 4468 74
RECITE(R)S 8380 74
TOUGHEN 7369 67
(S)EALIFTs 11303 78
SOmEONE 8234 65
AENEOUS 390 84
U(R)ALITES 345 59
SNIFTER 2136 72
L(E)MONADE 2458 72
NETTIES 2527 77
DaRNERS 3759 70
REPAINT 305 73
TENSITY 8760 93
REFIXED 16090 102
UNWEAVE 11129 70
IgNA(T)IAS 6727 59
FLATTIe 5079 77
(T)ENTORIA 54 68
(E)MPEaRLS* 0 76
BOA(R)DMEN 5207 64
Br(I)EFING 15773 89
AUDIENT(S) 340 68
(A)NDESITE 150 85
DOLLISH 25241 83
gIRASOL 2421 71
FLATCAR 21725 82
DOVIEST 2708 99
FAWNI(E)ST 4390 68
GOBLETS 11448 83
DREDGES 19689 66
VISITEE 6124 71
PER(I)NEAL 843 62
FADeOUT 2589 76
TOLANES 201 65
(G)LACIATE 5477 86
rAIN(B)OWY 14692 67
GANOINE 654 72
OUTAGES 1444 77
La(V)ENDER 3960 65
RuNDLET 3262 75
(B)AiLMENT 4324 92
LINGOTS 4959 94
TECHIES 11273 104
VA(R)GUENO 2940 80
STR(I)DENT 2788 65
DI(G)AmIES 8767 77
IGNITOR 3092 81
STA(M)PERS 23719 98
(S)EGOLATE 1171 68
qUOITI(N)G 19538 66
ECHElON 12090 83
SPARRED 12581 79
LANTERN 1781 61
TZADIKS 25905 125
IMpORTS 13938 66
SHuNNER 16968 76
RODEOI(N)G 1257 64
RE(T)AINED 38 68
(L)ARNIEsT 90 78
HEADIER 1369 72
(B)UNGLINg 38197 83
EPIsTLE 5573 69
ATTONED 997 68
(R)ECANTeR 5037 86
AVODIRE 418 73
RELEASE(E) 11231 77
FL(A)TIRON 1425 72
TOnIFI(E)S 2184 78
(T)READLED 6680 86
TANNERs 1783 73
RE(L)AXERS 18508 82
ENAC(T)ION 980 64
F(L)ATLINE 7191 76
REWINDS 4401 78
UNDERLA(Y) 5946 76
INTERlA(Y) 545 80
DOLLIES 8021 72
FORE(D)ATE 1028 167
PROnGED 7360 78
GASTRIC 9060 77
STUD(E)NTS 24636 70
E(N)SNARER 7588 66
NIFtIER 2444 79
P(A)NTOFLE 5278 68
M(E)LTIEsT 12580 72
CANtO(R)IS 1420 67
(A)NTBIRDS 5081 72
(W)ARRANDs 25145 63
SOBERER 11537 64
TROPONI(N) 13914 74
(L)OCALITE 4984 70
(B)AUDRONS 9998 74
MINEOLA 426 80
NuCLEON 14215 62
CE(N)OBITE 3420 74
I(N)JECTOR 6220 77
SuBSIDE 21506 85
SKEEING 12389 90
TRI(P)IeST 11825 140
mIRADOR 8827 82
TOUZIE(S)T 13344 88
PETARDS 4192 69
E(S)OTERIC 1058 61
CERITEs 2984 88
OUTbARK 19376 80
VINOSI(T)Y 18015 74
LESBIAN 1937 83
OUTWRO(T)E 14899 65
IN(S)NARED 1183 61
FLUTINA 6666 82
TAILYES 2077 90
(O)vERBOIL 10943 80
LISPUnD 19001 77
INV(A)sIVE 20236 102
EX(T)ENSOR 5684 84
FRI(C)ADEL 7462 70
(S)OUtPIEL 3729 86
(N)EOTENIc 3060 74
FLIRT(I)ER 11688 72
(G)rEGALES 17182 80
DROPs(I)ED 12699 74
NOTITIA 2251 75
ETHERIO(N) 379 86
(W)OUNdIER 1860 77
RETiRER 11970 79
NUANcES 12699 71
LIONELS 4821 71
iNTIFAD(A) 10312 86
FINGERE(D) 6133 92
(G)UERILLA 7672 80
COLDEST 8496 87
(D)AUNTING 10607 83
sOLERET 1109 72
MISTiER 4922 87
BAiLEYS 9256 97
UNtAILE(D) 334 77
HAIRNET 300 88
RETAIL(O)R 180 68
PINGOES 4038 74
PENNIES 10420 77
TARDIEs(T) 1191 80
AIRfOIL 4952 76
WISPIER 14374 86
DIST(A)INS 13469 74
OUT(W)AsTE 7952 61
NONRATE(D) 599 80
REEFaBL(E) 17045 76
InCITES 4871 70
L(I)OnCELS 12745 76
TRIPLeD 4358 71
bAUD(E)KIN 13115 76
IRONISE 319 78
SEPTORI(A) 290 83
COAL(I)ESt 682 72
(P)ETARIES 861 83
I(N)VIABLE 8230 86
REND(E)RER 26953 61
GrITTED 5914 84
HARPINS 12404 101
GOITRES 531 74
(E)CLIPsED 18506 76
ABRID(G)ER 9631 68
TELFORD 5183 78
aT(R)AMENT 7612 158
PIRNIES 4895 73
GALEA(T)ED 5053 61
(D)EMONIaN 2306 83
TASTING 8354 82
ASTONED 186 87
LINTERS 578 74
ADOPTi(O)N 4523 61
ELEGIST 3269 93
LAN(N)ERET 1655 58
(H)AURIeNT 534 83
AmIDINE 2383 69
LEFTISH 13639 81
TREA(D)ING 192 140
SAlADIN(G) 10031 83
TABLE(T)ED 12580 72
AR(C)ADING 12304 74
RARI(T)IES 1418 68
ERRANTS 1794 71
EPISO(D)ES 14267 74
EASTERN 275 72
DE(N)ARIUS 337 72
SEMILOG 7231 74
(N)ITRIDeS 1103 77
ANDANTE 4533 71
STEAR(A)TE 4176 68
SPrA(I)NED 1318 90
INDE(N)TOR 606 72
NER(V)ULAR 10923 72
CLE(A)NSED 6928 78
MA(T)UTINE 3811 61
SILTIER 1690 76
TWANGLE 6299 68
(M)ORAInES 278 80
DoGCART 10481 69
PETUNIA 919 73
VICARAT(E) 4999 76
(F)AMILLES 23428 78
TRUdGER 13310 73
HIRSLED 7589 94
PROBaND 13889 78
(D)OTTRELS 6228 80
cHATTED 19332 78
TAN(G)ELOS 880 60
FOODlA(N)D 27680 70
(H)ERMITIc 20162 89
PETUN(T)SE 17491 74
wHARFED 19980 84
(R)EBOOTED 6548 72
SA(I)NTDOM 3185 74
CRENELS 9006 76
GiARDIA 8617 89
DEMEANE 7938 73
STINTED 3807 77
RoULEA(U)S 6364 67
TRIAGeS 373 86
M(I)SEAtEN 852 156
AErOSAT 308 68
CrOWNED 10800 70
SEISmAL 12832 68
RAIKING 15002 78
EUPNOEA 1640 74
MONGO(O)SE 25725 67
PRE(R)ADIO 2310 72
cH(I)LLEST 27940 61
OVULAT(E)D 3650 80
LI(T)REAGE 353 61
ISATInS 11025 80
OV(E)RlOAD 3719 72
W(H)ARENUI 4407 68
DISTANC(ES) 7607 74
HEEDIER 7976 79
ARRANgE 6526 69
(E)PICEDeS 21858 95
VENDACE 11093 80
SyNARCh(Y) 39774 83
sUETIER 798 72
WRASTLE 4272 83
PROFUSE 15110 80
LARNEYS 4236 91
TINNIEs 4525 70
AgITATO(R) 5058 59
AI(R)SHEDS 11334 64
MiL(I)TANT 15313 76
(S)TERNITE 1687 77
FO(O)TNoTE 24032 90
DAUNT(E)RS 925 76
PLONGES 11470 78
CENTAUR 2101 67
DAIKONS 8310 75
CLARTI(E)R 3781 76
sTATUED 6930 79
TRICEPS 9551 71
TAMALES 8120 77
EXTORtS 15162 92
(E)NSILAGE 917 80
REtAILO(R) 180 71
DO(G)GONER 19487 72
PARA(D)ISE 3341 76
(V)EAlIEST 2019 83
(T)IDESMEN 4091 86
TORChIN(G) 15338 64
TASTERS 12380 70
TUtANIA 6921 62
JeNNIES 15334 84
A(E)ROSTAT 1935 66
EBIOn(I)TE* 0 61
L(E)RNAEAN 4174 60
WINDLOA(D) 16212 92
STO(W)LINS 21523 72
pINTADO 2193 80
LITeRAT(O) 181 71
ENTREAT 1339 65
LAUREA(T)E 1447 66
G(R)EgALES 17267 79
OCHR(I)EST 5380 84
TA(L)EGGiO 4477 65
TORE(A)DOR 2530 60
LAcTARY 21736 76
FReEWAR(E) 23335 76
DEIONIZ(E) 6145 107
TE(A)RDOWN 740 74
AGONIST 1103 75
ETTLInG 5944 65
SC(E)NEMAN 19860 63
AIRGlOW 6479 74
(C)AITIFFS 36054 75
BRIERED 10335 82
MALT(S)TeR 10976 68
OCEANId 406 82
EpAZOTE 8896 127
ELOIGN(E)R 444 70
(N)EATNESS 12354 82
(Q)UIETERS 7913 84
nO(N)DAIRY 7072 158
TWANg(L)ES 8136 64
SONAT(I)NE 185 68
EDiFICE 15928 78
UROSTEG(E) 2764 61
(C)ALIFATE 8193 65
iODATED 1067 66
HEXA(G)ONS 17772 88
RE(S)INOID 501 72
ASTERIA(S) 3231 77
MINIaTE 1083 71
(E)GENCIES 13061 92
UNOBEyE(D) 14943 71
GOITRED 524 64
tAHINAS 7312 88
SUNCARE 4153 81
GRATI(N)EE 105 59
NEARING 1478 73
(E)UCAlYPT 24181 84
TORTILE 1028 66
ANTIL(O)GY 3644 84
JOINTER 1471 84
ONETIME 627 73
FoRWeNT 6967 92
ABOIDEA(U) 2125 85
MAmALIG(A) 38785 83
DARTLEs 1505 71
(S)OTERIAL 34 74
ADIPOSe 1125 104
(B)IOMETER 3406 86
SITELLA 3880 70
CaRINAE 1078 88
GAZELLE 25507 80
STATuED 6904 68
STOR(E)MEN 2566 90
RETURN(IN)g 9012 66
BEATIER 485 91
(B)IpAROUS 12054 80
SNOOZED 15720 88
TRADUCE(D) 15962 92
ALEPINE 1389 65
SUBTEND 11629 73
BORTIER 3452 96
BIjWO(N)ER 17284 90
IMBRAST 12429 77
PrOFUSE 15110 75
ONLINER 1025 74
SULCaTE 7491 73
RACeMOS(E) 6338 84
MANURED 4187 67
SW(O)RDINg 12965 167
InTROIT 4721 70
BENEaTH 7129 79
WASSAIL 24604 75
(E)RISTICS 17121 83
DORPInG* 0 74
NYSTaT(I)N 20807 61
AIGLETS 994 76
CHARMER(S) 29640 70
(L)ANDLESS 25206 80
REG(R)ATED 5516 64
FADEINs 1970 85
rOOTIES 479 69
MIsERE(R)E 16010 67
DEALATE(S) 3230 68
WEANERS 2128 88
BITT(E)RNS 5002 64
SKINTER 4818 73
cROUPIE(R) 14774 80
UNLOADE(R) 412 70
CREPAN(C)E 28352 78
OVERNeT 1671 75
STELLIO 4796 79
BESTiNG 6325 74
RE(N)AILED 139 72
ENAMOUr 1210 74
EDAcI(O)US 1651 69
WoLVERS 15128 86
EU(R)OLANd 411 64
KErNITE 3320 80
PARD(O)NED 8496 84
RETIR(A)NT 1531 66
ENSILAG(E) 918 80
LAOGAIS 5612 74
HARiSSA 21208 101
TH(I)ONINE 5207 82
FEIJOAs 7430 93
INTE(R)EST 1687 59
mISENTR(Y) 7700 70
ASCIdIA 16179 84
FORERAN(K) 15938 88
OVERALL 10219 76
INNYAR(D)S 14452 78
BLUInGS 21461 74
MURIC(A)TE 4365 66
AcEQUIA 15344 105
CREATES 2911 77
THIRDIN(G) 17179 92
GENTILE 1582 66
Y(EL)LOWING 23407 110
DA(G)GIEST 10806 62
NEEDIER 1672 74
ANtIRAP(E) 640 80
P(T)OMAINE 1156 64
REPAVEs 11177 100
COSTLIe(R) 1829 60
VERBAlS 13367 99
REMINd(E)R 8427 76
SEXIEST 19829 80
TERTIAN 258 76
CARVeRS 19312 76
ENNOBLe 11585 86
GALANTS 12007 66
NECKLeT 20520 81
GOnIDIA 3083 78
GuRRIES 9238 78
INFLA(T)ED 1301 84
DILuTER 1102 64
(A)WAKENER 11183 84
An(T)IWEED 825 72
OUTHEAr 1188 83
LIGULAS 20819 76
S(A)LARIED 1013 72
AmNESIA(C) 8204 70
D(I)SHErIT 6475 88
LUNGEES 9619 73
VITrIoL 8420 72
AERAT(I)ON 15 60
PI(G)MENTS 15079 78
VIOLATE 430 73
SHOOLES 24267 74
AUTOMAN 8405 74
ACID(O)SES 8205 94
P(IN)TABLES 4704 92
REVEURS 18655 80
INLA(C)INg 23218 140
HERBOSE 12069 84
RESE(E)ING 3715 68
sTAYING 9121 91
SIGHTER 6355 93
CATENAE 3340 63
OBLIGED 7190 84
ExTE(R)IOR 6500 78
OMNIFIE(S) 9689 84
SPORRAN 12920 76
ONDINeS 2242 73
P(A)RDNERS 10904 72
CATTA(L)OS 21631 64
DEADPAN 18212 69
mUTATI(V)E 13328 80
rAFTMEN 5980 78
Q(U)EENITE 10860 79
NOSTRIL 1593 78
TRIODES 173 81
FADEINS 1970 80
BALI(S)TAe 3321 63
iNGENUE 7112 86
REREMAI 3595 78
(E)GOTIZES 7623 107
SEABANK 19519 86
cRAZIER 15789 79
SNOOPER 6986 78
SC(U)RVIeR 22922 62
ATELIE(R)S 155 70
ELFLAND 17231 88
bIG(A)MIEs 15456 131
REWIRES 10325 64
RENTALS 559 78
SODDEnL(Y) 22404 97
ENDIRON 1013 70
RiBIBLE 24290 76
VALE(R)IAN 1562 65
(H)YPnOSES 34246 98
RETOTAL 1003 66
SERVILE 5578 71
INSULT(E)R 932 66
CLEaNED 5372 79
ANEURIN 708 74
NoTECAS(E) 1033 68
HaRDLIN(ER) 4260 97
R(E)GALErS 9076 72
FIGURE(R)S 19055 72
PENANcY* 0 77
RET(U)RFeD 17473 71
SEEINGS 11509 70
FAKiEST 10498 109
ENGAOL(E)D 1167 74
BReWING 12277 84
VERONIC(A) 1152 65
RESITES 5331 80
ETAGERE 2863 73
LEMO(N)ING 10809 61
DUELERS 7165 72
HEAPIEr 3870 79
fLITTER(N) 6977 66
VINEG(A)RY 6473 71
NERINES 2547 70
OPH(I)URiD 22831 102
ANERGIA 486 79
MISEATS 9009 95
bAUDRON(S) 9955 80
T(O)TALISE 563 62
STORAGE 516 70
BOATELS 2558 82
(C)ORNIFIc 34542 89
ABsINTH(E) 4276 89
RILLeTS 7234 77
MED(I)VACS 19080 80
LACUNAR 15595 75
WINCERs 9547 81
INTONeD 1020 69
(I)NARABLE 1532 72
BLOVIAT(E) 2630 78
SARDINE 112 70
(M)ASONITE 282 83
CARLINE 817 69
LINkROT 8445 60
ALDRINS 2488 76
SALTILY 20576 78
ESTAT(I)NG 2148 60
THORIAS 2201 78
FEA(T)EOUS 2477 65
OLEINES 395 71
VENDiSE(S) 18081 72
ElOINiN(G) 5776 74
ANT(I)HERO 70 65
NAMETA(G)S 9134 86
DENIABL(E) 1954 86
BOLINEs 2641 71
cANINES 5058 79
bEGO(T)TEN 12477 64
PEtTING 11573 90
SHERANG 6289 98
ACTUATE 13668 81
KIRTANS 7416 86
LABIATE 2362 74
LOGIST(I)C 18545 80
PINWO(R)mS 24564 63
HERNIAE 488 82
(D)IAMONDs 16213 86
HAsTIER 869 94
OESTRAL 202 77
ALMUCES 17824 93
ALeURON(E) 214 74
SALTIES 3872 71
BANDErS 4102 77
FRO(N)TALS 6181 62
CARITAs 7301 67
REVEALS 5498 83
RENDIBL(E) 4043 78
CERVINE 7179 111
PERSANT 2130 81
(ME)TALISED 2215 68
DEBIT(I)NG 9103 77
RAR(I)TIES 1412 62
CrOTTLE 9882 71
TEDIEST 4972 92
OWRiEST 1324 78
DEFINER 2988 75
SCALDER 7442 78
SEPARAT(ED) 4764 78
(M)ANDRILS 8589 86
WaITRON 964 78
SCUTaGE 9966 89
dOMAINE 415 72
(d)IETINES 1444 68
LATEXES 9739 80
OfFErIN(G) 19119 83
ImP(A)RTED 4350 70
(R)AUNGIER* 0 72
OLESTRA 202 76
TERMIT(I)C 19060 74
(A)LDOLASE 11114 70
LATEXES 9739 80
OfFErIN(G) 19119 83
MALADI(E)S 6272 74
SLANDER 1488 78
REGENTS 3312 76
LATEEN(E)D* 0 140
MIrADOR 8827 65
(S)OLUTiON 6134 74
ISATINE 173 71
TENO(R)IST 617 70
POOTING 12312 74
sCANNED 12551 81
DAMSONS 21797 71
(G)L(E)AMIEsT 3584 84
OROIdES 1365 73
AI(R)WARDS 20206 74
(F)ANAtICs 16387 83
SIENnAS 8350 68
WAISTER 950 106
(R)ONTGENS 5161 70
RATIONS 159 70
CODLINS 11900 81
OERSTED 1118 80
DeTESTS 22406 76
BEAGL(I)NG 18245 78
OUtWENT 9971 74
DOWDIER 10250 70
ANEc(D)OTE 1023 60
ENACTED 2893 80
RENNeTS 5048 61
REINST(A)L 93 70
CoNStRU(ER) 8335 63
TiTR(A)BLE 3746 86
NEDDIER 5272 77
FESSING 20161 108
DEPURAt(E) 3983 83
CORONET 3836 70
WORSETs 14544 96
(S)UITORED 434 61
HEmIOLA 3610 78
K(O)FTGARS 26325 82
ENAMINE(s) 4857 63
aGGRESS 25772 92
NOSHERY 10862 83
SORDINE 214 88
SHIlLI(N)G 34517 72
GlUTEUS 21929 81
NETTIER 977 69
FEN(L)ANDs 11154 61
(E)LUTIoNS 323 74
GEARING(S) 4830 62
ROBUSTL(Y) 19126 78
INARMED 833 82
REViSAL 2051 88
EPIcENE 14025 75
RAMILI(E)S 3367 70
LINNETS 3810 71
CAN(O)EIST 252 83
REALLOT 2413 70
OVERSEA 1631 68
SNOWCAT 13860 81
(I)NERTIAE 55 77
DRYSTON(E) 3840 72
VAMOoSE 12476 67
ASTHORE 1185 81
EmaNATO(R) 910 74
AKENIAl 5313 91
ACrIDIN 7342 63
MRIDan(G)S 11489 90
INTIMAE 1088 71
(E)PICEDIA 9927 80
IGArAPE 3746 79
pAYOUTS 18130 80
ANT(I)WEAr 641 83
DEFI(N)ERS 4080 62
EN(A)UNTER 1664 61
PINWaLE 5890 93
EUKArYO(N) 10079 70
SUBTILe 7563 92
(V)ENTAYLE 9368 95
AMEERAt(E) 6883 80
SW(E)ELING 9901 84
T(O)NNEAUS 1478 60
HARDWIr(E) 13316 98
TIMBERS 9466 84
XANT(H)iNE 14496 75
TOLIDIN(E) 497 70
FoRT(I)ETH 10270 102
(o)VERMAST 5315 74
SESTINA 1834 86
FIGURED 10046 96
AMENT(I)As 1560 62
TAILO(R)ED 20 62
NOTATED 998 80
SOLidER 667 75
ALMONER 1189 69
i(N)ERRaNT 1522 64
cYANINE 10719 76
GARDENI(A) 787 86
(c)REATIVE 2817 72
SAFROLE(S) 12647 86
BoiNKED 11674 68
DEACONs 2552 82
(A)RANEOUS 496 82
SANDIeS(T) 2838 80
TIMINGS 18360 71
EQUERRY 27701 98
GOUSTIE(R) 891 61
BLANKIE 10414 72
TWITTED 24008 77
REARISE(N) 657 77
LORRIES 2245 69
IRONI(Z)ES 4956 88
GRATINS 1853 79
BESHADE(d)* 0 101
hEPTANE 7126 72
TERRAIN 249 63
DIeTARY 847 97
OUtDONE 2838 71
(D)IALYZES 17858 82
COOLErS 10741 81
FRETtED 14556 78
ETAE(R)IOS 17 68
TAPHOLE 6735 79
RESI(D)UAL 896 68
UnDERAT(E) 472 82
GUN(M)ETAL 8088 63
MADRONO 9816 71
INhALIN(G) 23106 77
AVENTRE 1410 77
RE(B)OILED 2477 72
AGITAT(E)S 4786 68
AIRS(H)EDS 11281 82
(G)LOATERS 879 80
MA(I)NOURS 3204 72
YAWIeST 5910 91
(E)xPEDITE 22989 86
WRINKL(I)E 18924 110
TIARAED 163 74
VAgUEST 10022 84
LEARNED 739 78
CUTT(A)GES 18951 74
IDEOG(R)AM 1245 64
INBR(E)EDs 4047 61
DUNITES 1525 75
(R)ENATURE 1666 68
B(R)IONIEs 2183 61
TERRaRI(A) 9116 64
REEMITS 3053 98
sAINTED 119 78
AGONISE 102 68
ANKLETS 8217 91
ViTaMIN(E) 5014 80
TURFInG 13215 66
STROBIC 13953 97
RELLIES 8501 65
kAISERS 14072 84
SHIITA(k)E 13969 70
(P)lOWTAIL 23728 76
TENOURS 688 78
TAUPIES 2072 77
(N)EGAtORS 321 70
(B)ATWOMEN 11175 98
LIMITIN(G) 28936 63
(F)oRPINED 5410 89
REPE(L)LED 30037 94
ORDEALS 657 74
DRYST(O)NE 3863 64
(H)ARANGUE 9127 76
TRUNKED 12369 79
(O)VErRATE 3048 83
OPpRESS 30388 80
COILERS 2662 76
(M)ERCADOS 8801 102
FORE(S)tAY 5320 80
(D)EALINGS 1453 83
TWIGGEN 19277 68
cARITAS 7301 62
STABIlE 1926 86
cARBARN 25874 79
SEROT(I)NE 61 68
TOILERS 239 82
(F)LUTTERs 20395 72
MILL(R)AcE 18631 76
cOTTAGE 8394 76
ARSENAL 1672 72
DUSTBIn 14782 76
TRIFOLD 7842 69
RECOVEr 17814 104
UN(W)RITES 3130 163
rET(IN)ULAS 124 82
DUECEn(T)O 4905 61
N(I)GHTIES 9157 90
GRANTED 1058 75
RAWHID(E)D 18735 82
(A)LLEGROS 9096 70
SAnDBAG 22073 74
(S)OULDIER 1125 63
PEIZINg 22195 110
lOD(E)STAR 416 68
STINGER 1069 79
ETRAN(G)ER 2842 72
P(O)RTIGUE 2970 63
LINEMEN 10305 63
aUDITOr(Y) 3179 83
ABuSIVE 9217 80
U(M)ANGItE 2414 83
NONSTOP 23054 79
VeNTRED 5619 78
bEAMERS 11027 94
UNiTAGE 365 63
PER(C)EaNT 5631 74
SHATTER 8656 72
TENURI(A)L 99 70
SiGNERS 9783 71
MERINGU(E) 6094 65
(R)IVIERAS 7317 88
FL(A)UNTED 5876 74
Pr(E)TTILY 18350 63
STRI(C)KEN 13278 98
pONDERA(L) 1737 68
ACERVU(L)I 7448 64
(R)eOPENED 7181 70
SPI(N)NERY 18353 63
DOrMIEN(T) 763 89
RESTACK 14648 86
HAGRIdE 3353 78
BOATING 3554 74
JET(T)IEST 30635 82
APpERIL(L) 30139 80
SOLDERS 12182 86
CHESNUT 17921 70
(D)ElAINES 464 77
GIRnERS 5925 75
OPS(I)MATH 19432 80
DISAVOW 13703 90
LENTORS 683 74
UNLOAdE(D) 6359 77
(T)OLUENES 1615 60
AUGITEs 1001 76
GODETIA 100 75
LEpTONS 5247 84
TERE(B)RAE 11527 60
TONIEST 1037 74
(E)NTERATe 3072 78
(E)PIDURAL 3015 86
MANG(O)LdS 17588 68
(B)ILINEAR 1577 62
GLYCERI(A) 10456 78
SPOTTIE 6225 84
SAGENIT(E) 356 80
HY(M)ENIAl 14340 80
pINBOAR(D) 7738 89
TINDERY 2135 79
NoTATED 998 74
SC(A)LEPAN 17350 74
SANATOR(Y) 6627 86
(D)ELIBAtE 1948 72
ATRESiC 823 94
S(U)DAMINA 13841 65
(A)TTAINER 555 77
OpIATED 417 67
REQUO(T)ES 9246 71
AERIALS 631 80
ENFORCE 8147 87
C(U)STOMER 13436 78
EVEc(T)ION 3395 60
(S)TURDIeS 9439 80
(O)oGAMIES 4145 89
(Z)OnETIME 7178 122
THIOnIN 13959 78
NIDATES 118 78
RESTRO(V)E 9789 76
OYSTeRS 14545 82
SOCaGER 3924 74
SENORES 6228 75
SIMITAR 7338 93
LACIEST 1954 89
SMEARIE(R) 4827 74
INQUIRE 8868 70
bAUDRON* 0 67
DAIN(T)IER 116 86
(E)PILATES 2014 83
ExPIATE(S) 10243 80
(T)ORMENTS 8050 72
ASC(e)TICS 30315 72
MODELLE(R) 19264 86
(E)IgHTEEN 8688 83
ROSIESt 2442 77
PaNDOOR 9862 83
TURACIn 3627 92
SOUREST 8294 84
GROUTI(E)R 2616 86
DENTU(R)ES 2882 74
UNNER(V)ES 17575 76
SURFABL(E) 16567 65
MONEtI(S)E 1080 72
AS(T)IGMIA 17851 62
SCORING 10502 91
REHIrED 10334 85
(T)UTRIXEs 16807 95
PLEoNaL 10169 74
STRANDS 14375 75
EMAILIN(G) 5455 69
CLOSERS 18632 79
PERFUSE 19411 88
WAVIClE 15704 108
(C)ADgIEST 4719 83
GAROTED 503 76
DERmATI(C) 4298 83
NaVICER(T) 2213 89
BUSTIeR 4293 72
M(O)ITHERs 5407 64
T(H)EBAInE 2807 98
APHO(n)IES 2658 62
STILLED 11281 81
aN(O)DIZER 898 84
AEROLIT(E) 16 77
NIACINS 16573 71
tOXEMIA 4059 80
CADEnZA 19599 95
BAINITE 1087 75
HALY(A)RDS 29954 101
G(A)SOLENE 1165 65
VInI(F)ERA 4982 76
ShINGLE(D) 12455 80
EsERINE 1674 80
THER(E)MIN 5679 84
ICoNIZE 12229 98
ARGU(F)IES 4776 78
SERRANO 1011 75
DEARTHS 4169 87
SEqUOIA 3091 67
(B)IrACIAL 22114 65
ETALONS 200 78
P(E)RONEAL 1041 72
TRUEMAN 2124 83
DISPEN(D)s 31163 76
CHORDE(E)S 14953 78
EMERODS 6427 71
TOnSURE 689 62
BEDAMNS 13344 80
ELOIGNs 1458 75
DrAFTi(N)G 7203 76
DI(R)ENESS 6709 65
POLENTA 1194 79
EVIT(A)TED 4817 63
XERASIA 5295 81
TRANKIN(G) 18983 76
rEFAS(T)EN 2075 78
CA(r)OTOID* 0 68
NU(T)TIEsT 17240 66
(O)RGANISE 79 80
DENIALS 536 66
TREEING 614 69
SITUlAE 551 64
ASsEVER 14872 101
BRAVOES 6670 81
UNSER(V)ED 11206 78
F(R)ONTAgE 1245 80
STAtUES 16529 64
BLOTTIE(r) 4675 70
CARDIES 1947 81
REMAILS 2044 74
LATEENS 761 88
PLoSIVE 10725 93
TELESAL(E) 14146 68
STARNED 555 70
JAcINTH(E) 15612 84
NAIAdES 632 74
(P)ENTOsAN 4669 78
GOATIES 103 72
A(P)TEROUS 1804 63
pLUM(B)ITE 24208 74
(E)NROLLED 7856 80
DETENUE 6494 80
NORTENO 3600 71
CHARISM 22816 81
(F)LANNIES 6796 76
pREMO(L)AR 14744 158
ENRANGE 3892 81
MA(N)TILLA 20582 68
WEIGEla 4099 73
OESTRAL 202 75
FoZIEST 11751 136
FO(R)TUNES 3865 82
STINGER 1069 79
ETRAN(G)ER 2842 72
(E)XTENdER 15459 106
B(I)tTACLE 13285 67
sTRETTE 20058 67
AIRLINE(R) 1408 70
G(A)SIFiES 19985 72
LANNER(E)T 1655 66
TRU(E)BORN 7994 61
POULARD(S) 14164 86
IMpEDES 15235 85
cONSTA(N)T 22353 78
TEARIER 448 68
lEIPOAS 1120 73
LIENEES 3493 72
STEeRED 6472 78
MIN(T)AGES 2409 94
CALIBrE(D) 7351 89
sW(E)ARING 2424 82
SOLVERS 18697 79
SENOReS 6228 73
RESI(G)NED 2250 72
LOAMIER 423 75
SPORTIN(G) 8545 86
ASSuMED 21278 76
SlIP(P)IER 29159 76
GRAINER 1476 77
THEOLOG 13236 78
INdUSIA 5672 77
DECIS(I)ON 4198 84
NAIFEST 853 66
GOBONeE 10965 74
S(T)ARTLED 5181 72
SNARLI(N)G 10609 63
VETOING 1885 76
JOINT(e)RS 2205 74
AIRLINE 171 66
(D)ANgLERS 3277 74
SCRINES 13084 77
BA(R)ONETS 726 61
W(I)NDSAIL 13845 74
DIEtINE 1047 70
PLAuDIT(E) 3003 80
UNAIRED 113 89
IgNOBLE 3961 71
GROUSED 5664 89
ENOLASE 382 73
ClEAVER 11068 82
R(O)UILLES 6373 70
PoNDERS 5187 78
SARSNET 4018 80
GAlLERI(A) 8520 77
MITISES 18270 75
INTRIN(C)E 7575 64
G(R)OUTIEr 2603 82
TENUOUS 8257 67
(V)ASELINE 2012 86
OUTAGES 1453 73
WHITING(S) 28790 66
G(L)ASSIER 7654 68
OBTEND(e)D 14594 76
MONOC(R)AT 14629 74
SULPHIT(E) 16664 78
gERAN(I)AL 791 77
DEPONES 6429 83
TEE(N)DING 5527 63
I(N)fErIAE 973 64
PARSLE(Y)S 27920 89
PIEDF(O)rT 5412 84
NONElIT(E) 943 74
M(I)NILABS 21342 74
E(S)COTTED 14066 62
PALE(W)AyS 29098 65
OOSIEST 6532 66
ZaIBATS(U) 26867 90
CRANNO(G)E 6684 62
VENE(N)OsE 17583 90
(F)LAUNTEr 3100 83
SEATRAI(N) 114 77
TENSInG 5946 82
TREELIN(E) 1091 70
(L)EUCOTIC 20897 89
M(I)DLIFER 17497 82
WEbLISH 23554 104
OVERD(O)NE 6555 74
NAIaDES 632 74
(M)YOSITIS 32403 92
IRO(N)IEST 168 62
AcCOIED 12409 81
ENTRANT 4945 76
cOLORER 16296 60
FUNGOId 14477 73
NOVELLA(S) 12717 86
JOLTING 15521 76
EONISMS 10212 74
DOTTIER 1018 68
BLiNGER 6291 82
OCULATE 2567 73
AVIATOR 2485 70
RETRATE(S) 7590 77
SEDITIo(N) 503 77
C(A)NTICOY 27031 68
STELLAR 7210 82
GLOATIE(R)* 0 61
DEGREES 12481 79
S(A)LTERNS 5696 59
(W)ALkOVER 22258 73
GUSTIER 2331 85
feEDBOX 26466 113
SEMITAR 910 83
CAUTION(S) 3176 70
TELLARE(D) 6721 80
aCETOUS 2584 84
GoRHENS 7396 78
IND(E)CENT 8412 94
SPINNER 8785 70
HOUNgA(N)S 23840 72
GRAI(N)IER 2538 61
HINdERE(D) 13243 105
AIGRETs 370 86
ELDESTS 16800 73
DAT(E)LINE 140 70
(V)ALLhUND 36243 83
ENGLOOM 13238 80
THEINeS 3024 79
SpURIAE 2059 77
REDTAIL 107 63
CONJURE 15922 88
(U)rBANEST 3070 80
KAmERAD 19608 77
PATTENS 8718 80
M(E)TERAGE 8642 72
LOADENE(D) 4504 86
ROSTING 2470 83
TAMEINS 903 103
GERO(N)TIC 1251 71
ACINOSE 412 78
uNTRIED 577 79
LEAK(I)EST 4496 63
D(RE)NCHERS 24758 73
BOOTLaS(T) 23144 80
AR(b)ORING* 0 131
LATINAS 3147 67
REGINAE 154 71
pURTIER 8763 64
DENT(a)RIA 107 70
MOnTANT(O) 24569 80
ARo(M)ATIC 8562 72
GNARLIE(R) 2126 80
OSTINAT(I) 3223 77
UGLIFIE(S) 18148 78
NAETHIN(G) 5787 82
FILMERS 13563 78
EGAlITE 583 68
RET(I)RaNT 1524 66
ENSUItE 791 79
(E)LASTANE 1439 77
TENo(R)MEN 5992 68
EyESORE 9169 72
(W)RETCHES 25995 107
WEAPONS 6778 88
LACERAT(ES) 4835 86
QWERTI(E)S 14878 90
(C)OaCTING 22974 79
JESSANT 18412 101
WHINGIE(R) 15782 98
FROTTA(G)e 6650 72
PAI(N)TIER 642 68
F(A)CETIAE 6149 71
BANNE(R)ET 5033 70
TRICARS 11851 86
HOA(R)DERS 7896 62
LATINOS 595 71
AIRPOSt 2205 72
DEERLET 6465 77
TRIFOLY 13924 107
VEINIER 3332 84
TRIFOlI(A)* 0 70
GAUNTL(E)T 7265 62
VERBOTE(N) 6557 76
ARMO(R)IAL 11814 62
EARCONS 1163 75
ALT(E)SSES 28963 60
DO(L)LIERS 6366 86
TRIZONE 1464 96
SIEGING 17645 64
QUINTET 13683 90
OUGLiED 3070 70
VeN(T)URED 7138 63
EULOgIA(E) 408 59
JONESED 10968 120
TEnNESI 2523 82
IDOL(A)tER 19 82
(R)OUTINES 136 77
OUThITS 17147 78
C(EN)TROIDS 838 89
BOTANIE(S) 237 83
(A)cOEMETI 1502 70
(F)UCOIDAL 16723 80
GODLiKE 12034 84
SPaWNED 13470 81
GLEAME(R)S 9860 64
FOREDAT(E) 1031 92
EDITION 312 73
BARTSIA 7288 77
UNPAI(R)ED 1325 86
O(V)ERsELL 19265 149
PYROLI(S)E(S) 20407 77
MOVANTS 13944 104
RE(F)ERENt 16255 61
HALIDES 4049 78
EMOTIOn 1783 75
TSIGANE 367 90
NEURONE 3314 65
EDGIEsT 3280 71
PREBUI(L)T 11958 74
FL(Y)LINES 27960 67
TEAROOm 1776 69
GoTCHAS 20748 75
SNOTTIE 1037 86
CInEREA 487 65
INTORTS 4032 72
lOANEES 386 72
ALAtION 681 68
ST(U)NKARD 19106 78
VITRA(G)ES 2444 78
IDEALI(S)T 1019 60
BORNEOl 6970 75
REWIN(D)ER 8396 76
SOLATED 658 73
UNTAXeS 8235 116
SURpRIN(T) 19480 71
(D)IAMONDS 16225 66
tAXLESS 22370 76
IDENTI(F)Y 12902 71
ATTONES 1012 78
RETIR(A)NT 1530 76
AMIDINS 11417 80
GNARLED 2279 72
(N)UMERATE 2085 76
FO(R)WArNS 23256 69
(B)ALDIEsT 2981 83
DIlUTEE 1827 72
A(G)EnESIA 1097 59
pRENEED 12063 68
LAU(R)ELED 10772 61
HOR(S)EwAY 15688 167
VINTNER 5369 65
GRiEsIE 3614 78
bRISANT 3624 85
FORELAN(d) 1738 64
DER(A)IGNS 575 90
N(O)DALiTY 3178 88
CEASInG 2412 67
TETrODE 3294 68
(N)ICTATED 3757 72
TAWTIER 2818 67
GaRLICS 12963 73
(A)TROPINE 71 89
(R)ETABLOs 1707 70
(S)AUTOIRS 5755 70
DIOL(E)FIN 4202 66
(P)ERIGEAN 1393 89
GOUTW(E)ED 11020 86
S(L)EAZING 9213 88
EtAERIO 3 68
LINEM(A)TE 836 61
PROBATE 3638 81
sERAG(L)IO 313 77
CURITES 4316 76
IOdURET 228 74
BAR(M)IEsT 4285 149
UNTAIL(E)D 332 68
o(Z)ONISED 9798 86
GRISLIe(R) 12406 82
TANNOYS 12919 73
LADRONS 3290 81
wEATHE(RE)D 12640 74
(D)ETAINER 37 68
ENABLES 5394 74
NITRATE 256 75
SENIORs 2435 70
GL(E)gNESS 34940 68
FRaGME(N)T 10649 80
(M)EDIATOR 259 72
OcULATE 2581 69
DOORMEN 6985 81
ABASHED 18537 90
ENROBES 3519 87
(C)OTHURNS 22062 84
(A)LPINELY 18667 88
OWRIEST 1324 77
LIENORs 230 68
IRISAtE 175 70
SIDEMEN 5536 84
DIL(A)TION 1112 86
HOtLINE 1268 75
WA(I)TRONS 1432 65
REFLECT 15324 80
C(E)NTARES 2052 80
LUNGEES 9619 74
RAVINES 915 82
TROLl(I)NG 12395 66
(P)LauDITE 3003 83
TaRTIER 2408 64
TENSeLY 9008 80
RU(L)ERING 7281 72
BARE(G)iNE 1384 63
FORINTs 4553 76
SI(s)TROID 14751 62
(G)ORMANDS 12937 86
OESTR(O)US 13004 62
PINTADO 2195 79
IODINES 954 70
CRUSTAE 4158 79
(L)AKESIDE 7749 88
GODE(T)IAS 310 64
INLANdE(R) 1176 74
(R)ETAILOR 180 77
PROPAG(E)S 24188 67
(O)VERSOWN 15603 69
NURHAGS 17550 80
TRAITOR 5004 74
HORNIES(T) 768 86
(H)APTeRON 2742 89
RETAILS 147 86
SEgUGIO 13785 72
CRE(A)SERS 24090 64
PA(C)IFiER 15182 106
BOROnIC 16082 87
RAVELIN(S) 1372 86
GENTILE 1582 81
MEDIANS 1995 77
PRI(S)TINE 3508 72
(TI)DELANDS 3258 76
(A)RETHUSA 6452 72
MOLE(H)UNT 13468 84
LaC(E)RTID 1280 68
SENSATe 5262 83
DEADERs 8429 73
DESTROY 5204 92
SWIfTER 9526 97
F(A)SCIATE 8194 76
pADRONI 2180 75
PAINTED 838 75
ORIN(A)SAL 1109 70
UNHOLIE(R) 1869 86
AGAtoID 3063 71
GLENOID 1445 82
LENTORs 683 66
RE(E)ARNED 5802 68
lEAKAGE 17114 66
TINCTED 8706 79
SAGIEST 6003 74
LAITIES 640 68
CICErON(E) 12757 76
SYRINGE 6350 97
PAGO(D)ITE 1241 81
fERRIER* 0 64
ABUTTeR 8618 75
SNaRLER 3778 76
URGINGS 23503 82
ENGUaRD 2272 65
NOODGES 7401 90
ETHoGRA(M) 7323 89
D(I)ORAmIC 12967 70
ALETHIc 5754 82
ELEGANT 1555 81
RELiEFS 5558 82
TERGITE 3881 68
IDEATES 263 95
DOMiNEE 1640 74
VOICERS 6816 81
NOBILIT(Y) 17809 67
STOCKED 20077 105
GLOTTiS 13643 68
ANGORAS 5633 74
R(O)NDURES 6195 68
(M)ISBEGIN 20656 92
INVADES 2001 79
AZURIES 4743 93
G(L)UElIKE 30610 68
PLANkIN(G) 33413 62
(E)NWREATH 5666 94
ANCESTR(Y) 7680 78
VEDALIA(S) 6314 98
(B)RIDEKIN* 0 98
SeQU(I)TUR 22433 88
GOR(E)FEsT 6919 72
INFLATE 855 86
(U)NTENANT 23445 68
ICtERIn(E) 2326 82
SECURIt(Y) 11990 89
mUSCADE(L) 21710 89
ROSINOL 4567 66
TeNORIn(O) 1091 71
TAINTED 697 82
TR(A)NCHET 13563 78
(C)LUBBIST 39181 78
R(A)REFIES 4847 72
DISPUTE(S) 21060 92
(A)NTIMALe 1557 86
ISMATIc 17667 74
(E)LOINERS 226 77
oPTaT(I)VE 6218 64
FAST(I)NGS 23084 66
REMANET 1416 70
GENI(T)URE 969 61
CENTR(I)ST 6942 70
(R)EMAILER 4851 64
TRANSEC(T) 6924 68
CY(A)NOSEs 20185 74
TOADIeD 1074 75
ROARING 3289 70
ALEURON 199 76
TIMEOUS 2739 73
TENON(I)NG 12233 68
JINGL(I)ER 14457 66
ENTRUST 7066 83
GReNADe 1548 77
RELICTS 4310 74
AMOTION 3307 75
SEEDMEN 16157 80
StEALED 1807 86
NE(U)RULAR 15073 58
LOOTING 6643 74
SNIRTED 569 75
(D)IALOGER 306 70
THORONS 14038 92
(R)OUNDISH 9943 66
TONEARM 452 81
READINg 330 71
ISSUANT 10135 82
CLeAROU(T) 1728 80
(S)TEARINs 1234 74
CItRATE 2818 92
INDEV(O)UT 1856 86
TERA(T)OID 177 61
TROADES 191 78
(S)IlICONE 4201 72
YE(A)STING 2430 78
UNWATER 2139 78
CRUISEY 13580 88
LANGrEL 9814 83
ANT(I)SNOb 7016 78
(A)TTONING 9047 80
STOITE(R)S 7561 72
bESIEGE 14680 79
TIMEOUS 2739 74
OUTPLAN 7855 70
ACRI(D)EST 1289 86
STEaRIN(E) 45 85
PEIZINg 22195 110
lOD(E)STAR 416 68
TORREFy 16310 76
TRIENES 284 74
OTALGIc 6467 70
AWOKENE(D)* 0 68
(D)ESCRIES 18055 63
JUMbOI(S)E 26709 101
NETbALL 13078 73
IDOLAT(R)Y 3183 74
POSTtES(T) 36511 80
NIDATES 118 88
PAEnULA 8121 63
READING 333 73
STIFLER 4387 72
NAUT(C)HES 11884 68
(C)OURAnTS 6173 80
WARBLEs 13369 85
TARNISH 3631 85
PHONIER 3712 82
LATRONS 1587 72
OESTrIN 64 78
VL(O)GGERS 28721 72
TEOPANS 1220 92
RA(T)IFIES 1597 74
TER(P)ENIC 5678 78
vIADUCT 16673 74
TAN(G)ENTS 13173 68
COINTE(R)S 759 61
(F)REAKING 11570 113
TA(C)HIsME 14301 92
LATERIS(E) 158 77
TAWPIEs 5907 79
TR(I)ENNIA 559 70
MIDSToR(Y) 17012 76
PINTOEs 1312 74
(B)EARABLE 26491 66
RESAILS 3868 76
SAPIENT 911 92
(P)REvALUE 13650 80
EnTRALL 4017 69
SENSILE 8470 68
ALLAYE(R)S 21847 65
LECTuR(E)R 17468 80
DINNERS 3796 84
FARDENS 4160 88
COSTING 10504 71
BITTERS 8742 82
pLEONAL 10215 70
MOLINeS 2720 80
VaLIA(N)CY 27940 80
(R)EEDIEST 2443 61
AIRsIDE 635 86
ETAE(R)IOs 17 64
HOASTED 2577 77
W(H)ITENER 5651 65
(P)EARLING 2396 86
TOAdIED 1075 78
SPORiNG 10551 77
ANTIGEN(E) 1203 80
The of bingos played by the player that were not challenged off.
Triple Triples
Type Play Probability Score
D(E)PARTED 13223 167
mELODI(C)A 5130 158
AoRIS(T)IC 3594 140
DEfOR(E)ST 4921 131
I(N)ACTIVE 5010 176
STA(G)GIER 6711 158
REsINI(S)E 7358 122
POL(A)RISE 719 140
ME(A)SUREd 7000 140
AIRB(U)SES 11305 140
RELOAD(E)D 4505 149
L(O)ONIEsT 781 122
RESI(D)ENT 480 131
T(ANA)IsTE 1404 63
SNO(W)iEST 8581 140
FORE(D)ATE 1028 167
TRI(P)IeST 11825 140
aT(R)AMENT 7612 158
TREA(D)ING 192 140
M(I)SEAtEN 852 156
nO(N)DAIRY 7072 158
SW(O)RDINg 12965 167
INLA(C)INg 23218 140
bIG(A)MIEs 15456 131
LATEEN(E)D* 0 140
UN(W)RITES 3130 163
pREMO(L)AR 14744 158
AR(b)ORING* 0 131
O(V)ERsELL 19265 149
HOR(S)EwAY 15688 167
BAR(M)IEsT 4285 149
Triple triples played by the player that were not challenged off. They do not have to be bingos.
Bingo Nines or Above
Type Play Probability Score
T(EL)ESALEs 25063 77
WEARIN(Es)S 5467 74
REANo(IN)TS 54 60
CARRyO(UT)S 23287 76
(TE)NTORIAl 52 60
MAtE(r)I(A)LS 1889 86
(RE)LUMInED 4437 76
ESTImAT(ED) 5145 70
TOILE(TI)nG 3360 68
ITE(R)AN(C)ES 357 62
PREDICT(ED) 20713 101
F(OR)TIfIED 16932 78
DISTANC(ES) 7607 74
RETURN(IN)g 9012 66
Y(EL)LOWING 23407 110
P(IN)TABLES 4704 92
HaRDLIN(ER) 4260 97
(ME)TALISED 2215 68
SEPARAT(ED) 4764 78
(G)L(E)AMIEsT 3584 84
CoNStRU(ER) 8335 63
rET(IN)ULAS 124 82
D(RE)NCHERS 24758 73
LACERAT(ES) 4835 86
C(EN)TROIDS 838 89
PYROLI(S)E(S) 20407 77
wEATHE(RE)D 12640 74
(TI)DELANDS 3258 76
Bingos played by the player that were nine letters or longer and were not challenged off.
Challenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
CATTLeS* 0 0
CANTRE(P)* 0 0
sUMMITI(C)* 0 0
(LAR)GING* 0 0
ENGREEt* 0 0
ENGREEn* 0 0
(J)AKY* 0 0
A(N)tHODIC* 0 0
ELFWaND(S)* 0 0
KAB(OO)DI* 0 0
BIsMARK* 0 0
SQUA(W)* 0 0
D(I)SBOARd* 0 0
GAMbEAU* 0 0
(F)RAW* 0 0
(B)ANQUE* 0 0
(A)RBORE* 0 0
PEAT(W)OOd* 0 0
KLUtZED* 0 0
WH(O)RY* 0 0
FLI(R)R* 0 0
POU(L)tING* 0 0
WAIRAUs* 0 0
DO(C)HTInG* 0 0
FL(A)VID* 0 0
UNURG(E)* 0 0
DROGE(T)* 0 0
bECHIDE(D)* 0 0
CUVET* 0 0
BENDIEs* 0 0
COLUReD* 0 0
GR(U)NCH* 0 0
KOADIEs* 0 0
GL(Y)CiMER* 0 0
SiNKETS* 0 0
P(E)LAGIA* 0 0
PALA* 0 0
MIDPA(T)H* 0 0
(Q)UINZY* 0 0
HU* 0 0
FOU(D)OIR* 0 0
(T)OPII* 0 0
HAVE(R)eRS* 0 0
N(u)TTIN* 0 0
(D)UNKIN* 0 0
BUS(L)E* 0 0
DRIBL(Y)* 0 0
EXTR(O)N* 0 0
RASHY* 0 0
COMB(O)NGi* 0 0
REBAG* 0 0
DOULANs* 0 0
n(G)IAO* 0 0
(G)LADDY* 0 0
WIGGINs* 0 0
TANUK(A)* 0 0
TONYIsH* 0 0
SCuLPIT* 0 0
RAHUE* 0 0
CARIB* 0 0
MATOo(K)AS* 0 0
BL(E)H* 0 0
(D)OTTLIeR* 0 0
VI(T)ULIN* 0 0
FIZES* 0 0
INIAS* 0 0
IH* 0 0
MUNT* 0 0
THUR* 0 0
CLU(M)B* 0 0
TOILY* 0 0
FAANS* 0 0
PONTE* 0 0
(F)IcTIOUS* 0 0
SAlIAN(C)E* 0 0
KIB* 0 0
BUTA* 0 0
P(I)GMIE* 0 0
IMPLE* 0 0
wHITNEY* 0 0
UNSCRew(ER)* 0 0
SCRUNch(ER)* 0 0
ADIPOsA* 0 0
YUCH(Y)* 0 0
NoNTAXE(D)* 0 0
OUEN* 0 0
FOEdARY* 0 0
REMO(W)* 0 0
TRAWLiN* 0 0
WITCH(E)Rs* 0 0
VIvI(F)ERA* 0 0
FEWE(D)* 0 0
ROOtLER* 0 0
REDUG* 0 0
(D)OChTING* 0 0
EYET* 0 0
URU* 0 0
DOPIAnA* 0 0
DOPIAtA* 0 0
PE(L)VID* 0 0
(AGEnESIA)V* 0 0
V(AGEnESIA)* 0 0
(A)V(EYE)* 0 0
GRUT* 0 0
KIPI* 0 0
CALC* 0 0
(MO)UD* 0 0
I(N)DUVIA* 0 0
(RONZ)EL* 0 0
SKIV* 0 0
DAVOT* 0 0
BEWED* 0 0
TOND* 0 0
DREYiNG* 0 0
cRADINE* 0 0
gRADIEN* 0 0
(S)TRICTeD* 0 0
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were challenged off by an opponent.
Unchallenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
(P)HOROSIS* 0 92
HARLE* 0 24
IMBOW* 0 32
LEIF* 0 21
KAA* 0 42
TOMATOs* 0 74
DO(T)EY* 0 26
CIPHO(N)* 0 38
VITT(AY)* 0 14
TAUN* 0 23
DUEI(N)G* 0 24
TOLUANE(S)* 0 77
DOORhA(L)L* 0 68
F(L)oWINGS* 0 78
L(UMM)eD* 0 29
LO(t)N* 0 5
HANd(W)ELL* 0 71
NI* 0 9
GURR* 0 39
PODIC* 0 40
WH(I)NCH* 0 42
FRU(C)T* 0 30
TRU(T)HILY* 0 78
HICKY* 0 59
ALA(R)IA* 0 10
BUKSHA* 0 38
HAGGY* 0 39
KI(P)I* 0 30
UNWIG* 0 17
TRACTI* 0 26
P(O)WNED* 0 30
JAZIE* 0 60
PULIK(S)* 0 34
FUGOU(S)* 0 22
TRUANT(E)R* 0 68
(R)EWANS* 0 38
MYElITI(C)* 0 84
DRAPY* 0 36
(TO)PIK* 0 16
BAUGH* 0 28
(E)MPEaRLS* 0 76
OGELD* 0 13
EBIOn(I)TE* 0 61
DITTA* 0 23
FELLO* 0 33
DORPInG* 0 74
VOLVO* 0 32
PENANcY* 0 77
(R)AUNGIER* 0 72
LATEEN(E)D* 0 140
THENG* 0 42
JIZE(S)* 0 66
BESHADE(d)* 0 101
(T)AGETE* 0 24
K(IT)TE(R)* 0 30
(L)EXI(C)* 0 41
DULUTH* 0 23
EOUI* 0 18
PE(A)VE* 0 26
RA(H)UE* 0 26
bAUDRON* 0 67
BAGNET* 0 47
CA(r)OTOID* 0 68
RARIE* 0 34
KIDG(Y)* 0 28
VINEY* 0 44
HUBBE(D)* 0 28
BLU(MY)* 0 24
ZENDA* 0 50
GLOATIE(R)* 0 61
AR(b)ORING* 0 131
DERER* 0 33
TRIFOlI(A)* 0 70
BLIN(K)Y* 0 30
LA(ST)E* 0 10
fERRIER* 0 64
(B)RIDEKIN* 0 98
SILVIC* 0 30
AWOKENE(D)* 0 68
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were not challenged by an opponent.
Plays That Were Challenged
Type Play Probability Score
FURB(A)LLs 36279 66
BISHOP(E)D 20808 82
COTTAE 3528 35
ACIdIER 2368 90
RELlISH 17394 79
ALINERS 132 68
PIGFAcE 18512 99
MILKO 9385 37
GAM(B)ESON 11608 64
CATTLeS* 0 0
NIFTIES 4866 69
LOV(E)RED 6396 38
CANTRE(P)* 0 0
UNWIVE 8814 29
DAYLOnG 14475 83
VESIC(L)ES 29463 64
DOWLY 10418 32
ALBUGoS 18615 81
C(U)NNER 11024 9
BUPPIE 20227 50
STRaINT 3464 78
POOVIER 8580 85
MISE 1015 0
SANTI(R) 531 26
NOMIC 5907 31
CHADO 7520 33
NOILIES(T) 507 82
sUMMITI(C)* 0 0
(LAR)GING* 0 0
ENGREEt* 0 0
ENGREEn* 0 0
(J)AKY* 0 0
BEsPATE 11030 66
MeTRITI(S) 11704 91
DUAN 1305 20
KIRB(E)H 16393 30
ORNATER 376 61
A(N)tHODIC* 0 0
TEABOAR(D) 2171 92
ToILWO(R)N 7845 74
OvERGOT 9271 83
ELFWaND(S)* 0 0
(TO)NTI(N)ER 2159 27
RIFTY 7175 56
Is(C)HURIA 21347 67
KAB(OO)DI* 0 0
E(Q)UINELy 19721 98
SPI(N)NERY 18439 98
MANTRA(M)S 32025 86
URcEOLI 2664 76
VOLuBIL 28808 80
DORS(A)LLY 26031 63
D(ENE)T 868 9
ST(I)CKMEN 25523 90
VAP(O)UReR 14683 74
N(I)TROXEs 2209 83
pREDRIL(L) 27048 66
BREENGE(S) 17944 78
GRABEN 3582 38
LIPIN 6841 29
BOSH 4487 41
N(E)TOP 1087 26
BIsMARK* 0 0
SHITBAG 19655 90
eXCAM(B)ED 35325 77
NAPRON 8284 35
YWRoKE 17175 47
VAPOURS 18128 84
SQUA(W)* 0 0
(E)YEBANK 22411 36
MURRY 11822 28
SCR(O)W 9138 21
D(I)SBOARd* 0 0
GAMbEAU* 0 0
LOUPIT 7411 26
(F)RAW* 0 0
vICIATE(D) 8278 83
(S)OMEWAYS 31084 84
rECO(N)VEY 17845 70
DE(W)ING 6167 33
EmBO(L)ISE 10382 60
TOOMER 3908 32
D(E)VON 2223 26
GRUNTLE 4769 0
(B)ANQUE* 0 0
LINTE(D) 642 24
PROWE(R) 13551 45
INFEcTE(R) 5678 62
(A)RBORE* 0 0
OVOIdA(L)S 11812 82
VORS 2796 34
SL(U)IcIER 10422 78
FLEY 3780 36
PEAT(W)OOd* 0 0
MAnSUET(E) 4037 80
KLUtZED* 0 0
fLOOR(P)AN 19444 68
BY 121 28
NONUSER 4692 76
SUBRING 17589 81
WH(O)RY* 0 0
PRO(S)EmEN 10582 76
OPPILA(N)T 19684 74
FLI(R)R* 0 0
DEBIL(E) 5497 35
VITE(L)LIN 17114 94
TELEPIC 11224 72
TELSONS 8294 72
POU(L)tING* 0 0
WOKEN 6684 43
WAIRAUs* 0 0
WARBY 10656 34
LATEEN(ER) 1090 27
DO(C)HTInG* 0 0
KANT 2526 34
MeMENTo 18624 74
WRIED 1804 27
SPOTTIE 6231 77
TAWHAIS 17674 84
(R)EGiLDeD 13890 76
E(D)ENIC 3240 30
Q(U)ESTING 13930 69
SCRUNTY 24615 79
WEE(D)lIKE 27350 84
NIC(KA)R 11390 26
LEAZE 4214 51
MI(S)RAISE 12266 64
FL(A)VID* 0 0
THARS 4624 46
UNURG(E)* 0 0
GODOWN 16216 49
TRIODES 227 70
GOGGA 12390 27
ANTIBOS(S) 11587 76
StARNED 556 84
(N)IMPS 8787 30
DROGE(T)* 0 0
HENBANE 16506 82
C(O)JOINEd 16856 84
INT(R)INCE 7617 64
s(C)HEMATA 24939 108
BI(D)DY 11914 26
PR(O)NK 9461 42
bECHIDE(D)* 0 0
DEHIsCE(D) 29457 97
(Y)ONdERLY 25872 65
GLU(C)INAS 15984 94
CUVET* 0 0
BENDIEs* 0 0
STELLIT(E) 16891 70
BALLIES 12866 78
MOOVED 13942 33
HAINING 19574 80
COLUReD* 0 0
cADUCEI 19890 71
ICEW(O)rMS 15754 78
ZOWIE 4791 63
ST(E)ELbOW 14948 90
VITTAT(E) 16319 20
STIPELS 17523 87
GR(U)NCH* 0 0
KOADIEs* 0 0
(E)UGLEnAS 4285 68
OTI(T)IDES 3736 60
NAUTIcS 6621 64
GRAZIeR 12115 81
YO 97 17
REMELTs 9055 84
PERAI 283 33
GL(Y)CiMER* 0 0
LEGLEnS 19800 84
DOCUS 8396 39
VETTURA 8735 70
LOIR 366 24
TE(A)CHIE 3851 28
CLOVERY 21274 88
HOUTING 10535 85
BIO(N)TIC 14826 33
SiNKETS* 0 0
BIOG(A)SES 11090 64
CH(O)D(E) 6169 44
PL(O)NGD 15150 12
KAMERAD(S) 23543 69
REDS(H)ORT 12429 63
(T)ONSILAR 364 68
pRESONG 7415 83
GRAZ(I)E(R) 12115 39
(RE)LUMInED 4437 76
(I)NDEW 1789 30
W(I)EL 1016 32
MIRY 3660 84
IMPETUS 13681 88
FRE(E)HOLd 14984 84
FoGYISM 28420 88
PULW(A)R 16328 14
F(L)ANGERS 8126 74
NIXED 3539 37
(H)OVED 6209 39
(C)REOLIAN 247 74
P(E)LAGIA* 0 0
MAX 1201 0
SERVITO(R) 4732 95
BI(C)HORD 23969 60
TEMPER(A) 7171 36
P(U)TRIDER 11038 65
BR(A)INING 18612 76
O(U)TDURED 22125 78
OXY(T)ONES 22090 116
MINTED 2355 49
KL(U)GED 17640 42
HID(A)LGA 18202 48
(A)UXETICs 13130 98
PAUL 3211 21
ANTHERA(L) 3483 76
(V)RIL 2466 14
SWIFT 8733 28
I(C)HABOD 20252 30
ORAT(O)RIO 11213 80
SNEEZED 20998 112
MIDPA(T)H* 0 0
SDaININ(G) 15866 80
HY(D)RIC 19221 57
KNO(W)E 6683 34
(G)ITCH 9611 36
OVER(BOLD) 20518 45
MAR(K)MEN 28983 45
SHITTAH 29207 87
BEVY 4743 56
sHO(R)EMEN 10570 76
(I)OPANOIC 15288 76
(Q)UINZY* 0 0
BEAU 887 22
WARDIAN 7312 79
EQUANT 4827 32
SUETIER 792 81
TAN(T)ALUS 17842 82
UG 108 0
TRIMT(A)BS 22029 74
MOULTeN 5223 69
AUAS 2180 22
WUDS 4680 75
DRONY 5201 37
LIGGER 10898 20
POPETTE(S) 32031 89
YEP 904 38
MORRI(O)NS 18587 78
FOU(D)OIR* 0 0
(T)OPII* 0 0
HAVE(R)eRS* 0 0
oVE(R)RASH 14752 102
(W)HEEP 10103 39
WEA(L) 942 25
N(u)TTIN* 0 0
GRISTeR 5959 89
tAPPIC(E)D 26808 67
TIPULAS 10619 74
STOND 2634 32
PERLOUS 8599 74
C(H)OROIDS 24007 95
VOl(E)RIES 2527 90
(P)ILLBUGS 38961 69
VIDAME 5733 24
(A)RPA 2662 18
(D)UNKIN* 0 0
YEVING 10650 59
OUTSWAR(E) 1812 76
AIRSIdE 638 0
AKINESI(S) 18242 89
HORS(E)POX 32427 94
H(I)N(G)ER 3609 43
WOOINGS 16598 68
RIBAS 2706 45
TABULAE 8088 74
C(A)MOODI 15922 39
APPOSI(T)E 11105 67
pA(L)INODY 12092 67
HANGI 3879 37
INULA 1040 31
BUS(L)E* 0 0
(C)ATCHILY 38620 116
R(I)CKLY 20729 25
DRIBL(Y)* 0 0
REROOFE(D) 16478 76
ALBATA 17179 29
(E)XiGENTS 10796 98
STEEPE(R)S 26365 77
SHARiAH 26449 81
COBZAs 19938 98
NESTING 5944 82
IO(S) 108 24
MASCONS 26528 78
(BA)IRNS 3668 16
W(I)DEbAND 18697 63
sMITHED 13595 77
KAbLOON(A) 30099 72
CHAP(E) 8351 24
ELEGITS 3290 77
(C)ANNULAR 24887 64
VOlOSTS 28691 80
DELOPED 20189 78
COULIsS(E) 17351 76
(L)ACELIkE 26364 80
(T)RADEFUL 5910 89
HOLEYER 12169 81
(F)UGUED 19628 22
(S)OAPROOT 21696 80
HOO 910 31
SCENARY 9401 85
CSARDaS 27412 74
FlAXIER 10437 95
EOL(I)EnNE 3605 59
(E)BAYINGS 10445 95
SWANG 7352 24
NITRY 2827 55
TRIELLa(S) 2860 74
GR(I)TTERS 13180 68
(C)OPAIVAS 25072 70
DEB 498 60
SLANK 8200 41
VOWS 4578 31
EXTR(O)N* 0 0
RASHY* 0 0
COMB(O)NGi* 0 0
(b)UPPIE 20227 18
ME(T)S 1782 42
CADG(Y) 10741 24
NEPER 2472 23
(F)ELONOuS 13341 83
SAVAGED 15167 82
FO(R)RAD 11085 32
RE(MEN) 2467 15
(C)AuDICES 24291 89
NIPTERS 2159 81
SO(R)EHEAD 2475 90
REBAG* 0 0
PRIMUSE(S) 28141 86
TASHED 4191 62
GOMEREL 8590 71
SNASHeS 29537 72
LEVEL(E)RS 30081 94
INHAL(A)NT 15295 76
DOULANs* 0 0
DEBE 2121 23
KLIsTER 8218 87
B(O)RDE 2163 35
GNAT(W)rEn 9768 72
n(G)IAO* 0 0
MIST 2476 0
SQuAILS 27586 80
LOW(S) 3486 23
rHODORA 19418 75
BEHOTES 12124 96
(G)LADDY* 0 0
I(C)TERINE 2315 70
BIMeTAL 5723 95
BaRG(U)EST 8113 90
(O)UTWASTE 7952 74
O(L)ESTRAs 3431 87
(S)TOWP 9201 26
WIGGINs* 0 0
DIRTIES 1681 67
AURIFY 10826 32
AIRGAPS 14034 71
LI(E)NAL 1920 14
UNALLI(E)D 5597 63
CLAPT 8598 24
PREARMS 19329 92
VENATO(R)S 753 79
(C)OAITA 2849 16
DIP(N)OOUS 16707 82
OUT(S)TEER 4463 60
PARURES 12663 86
DOV(E)D 7891 10
TANUK(A)* 0 0
STRIC(K)LE 18193 82
DOM 808 34
GOAT 608 29
INWICKS 31007 103
SWITHlY 28493 84
BIND(I) 6827 30
ATHODY(D)S 31733 86
OMENING 8436 78
POLLEE 13466 33
TONYIsH* 0 0
REPEN(T)ER 16346 61
SCuLPIT* 0 0
GAL(I)NG 13189 18
NAN(G) 2885 28
PLOSIVE 10725 90
B(O)UGHTeN 16489 84
S(C)LEREID 7016 83
NOYAU 3392 23
(JA)CKER 18841 38
MOUSIeR 2738 84
RAHUE* 0 0
BESPR(E)AD 13628 84
PETaLL(E)D 18001 73
WICK 5345 24
UNGUM 11947 29
L(O)ONIEsT 781 122
EsCOLAR 2572 85
BRaSSET 13083 98
TONGERS 1465 73
JOY 1237 46
VENDIS 4426 53
AsKANTE(D) 11359 89
STROWeD 5202 89
CARIB* 0 0
OO(B)IT 4330 26
FROST 5203 0
EPEIRI(D)S 7739 92
DRAPY* 0 36
FInLITS 15634 77
POXES 8298 53
FOISTER 1271 94
MATOo(K)AS* 0 0
(E)THICALS 7489 92
M(A)HMaL(S) 33367 21
QIS 972 33
KORUN 7123 23
SPROD 6917 35
ANT(I)sLIP 9562 76
wARRAND 21020 69
QUITS 8221 59
TENSITY 8760 93
BL(E)H* 0 0
BH(E)L 3743 30
(D)OTTLIeR* 0 0
POONCE 10982 39
GRAIP 3878 36
rAIN(B)OWY 14692 67
(S)EGOLATE 1171 68
VI(T)ULIN* 0 0
TZADIKS 25905 125
SHuNNER 16968 76
CA(P)H 5077 45
M(E)LTIEsT 12580 72
UN(BURY) 21419 16
SuBSIDE 21506 85
FIZES* 0 0
EX(T)ENSOR 5684 84
FRI(C)ADEL 7462 70
(G)rEGALES 17182 80
DROPs(I)ED 12699 74
HOUGH 12272 53
INIAS* 0 0
BELLE(E)K 32069 26
I(N)VIABLE 8230 86
HARPINS 12404 101
ABRID(G)ER 9631 68
TELFORD 5183 78
aT(R)AMENT 7612 158
GALEA(T)ED 5053 61
(D)EMONIaN 2306 83
QUaRE 3517 0
AmIDINE 2383 69
(B)EIGY 6989 22
INDE(N)TOR 606 72
OIDIA 675 0
FOODlA(N)D 27680 70
(H)ERMITIc 20162 89
PETUN(T)SE 17491 74
WISE 1026 55
DEMEANE 7938 73
RoULEA(U)S 6364 67
RUMPO 9179 35
NIRLY 4683 50
MISEAT 1012 29
HOIST 2446 0
GESTIC 6149 25
VENDACE 11093 80
LARNEYS 4236 91
TINNIEs 4525 70
CHOU(T) 9123 33
PLONGES 11470 78
WANIG(A)N 19535 24
FAVE 2091 36
TRON 377 25
MUNT* 0 0
WINDLOA(D) 16212 92
BLUD(S) 10568 24
THUR* 0 0
FReEWAR(E) 23335 76
ETTLInG 5944 65
BRIERED 10335 82
MALT(S)TeR 10976 68
nO(N)DAIRY 7072 158
TWANg(L)ES 8136 64
CLU(M)B* 0 0
DARZI 4762 77
TOILY* 0 0
POSE 1265 40
BORTIER 3452 96
IMBRAST 12429 77
ONLINER 1025 74
(G)YNIE 2629 39
Y(ERK)S 9362 53
SHEArED 3873 0
FYC(E) 4732 36
CREPAN(C)E 28352 78
BOOHAIS 15921 0
PONTE* 0 0
ACCREW 18872 50
PLOD 3456 28
MODES 3707 83
MOT(I) 1173 12
(F)IcTIOUS* 0 0
NURL 2064 20
NECKLeT 20520 81
BENCHY 20192 45
SAlIAN(C)E* 0 0
REVEURS 18655 80
HERBOSE 12069 84
BANC 3559 0
V(U)LCAN 16209 22
P(I)GMIE* 0 0
WOWS 5364 0
OOR 356 17
ELFLAND 17231 88
TOYON 6061 33
RiBIBLE 24290 76
KEFS 4624 30
RET(U)RFeD 17473 71
DO(V)ECOT 16897 30
FAKiEST 10498 109
fLITTER(N) 6977 66
OPH(I)URiD 22831 102
VIRTU 4714 45
STRAW 4646 47
(C)ORNIFIc 34542 89
(I)NARABLE 1532 72
PANI(C)K 17874 42
SALTILY 20576 78
IMPLE* 0 0
SLING 4870 40
BOLINEs 2641 71
PINWO(R)mS 24564 63
DENCH 7427 33
CrOTTLE 9882 71
GU(R)N 2631 18
TEDIEST 4972 92
SCALDER 7442 78
wHITNEY* 0 0
DAVY 4225 35
HOURI 3436 47
TERMIT(I)C 19060 74
LEASH 3004 0
(A)LDOLASE 11114 70
FL(EE)TER 12071 30
DAVY 4225 35
HOURI 3436 47
GUP 1221 18
POOTING 12312 74
VIVES 9546 24
RAD(I)ATA 8012 18
AI(R)WARDS 20206 74
THRIVE 5903 41
UNSCRew(ER)* 0 0
SCRUNch(ER)* 0 0
CoNStRU(ER) 8335 63
ABUNA 6750 35
NEDDIER 5272 77
WORSETs 14544 96
aGGRESS 25772 92
WU(L)L 5384 7
NOSHERY 10862 83
TAI 29 28
YOGEE 3796 37
TEMED 3955 30
BUKE 4590 27
GEARING(S) 4830 62
S(MOO)RED 10757 40
AKENIAl 5313 91
(E)PICEDIA 9927 80
ADIPOsA* 0 0
YUCH(Y)* 0 0
(F)AVRILES 7537 0
EUKArYO(N) 10079 70
SUBTILe 7563 92
NoNTAXE(D)* 0 0
OUEN* 0 0
SPAUL 8039 36
(B)OWNE 4490 30
ABOUTS 7263 44
MADRONO 9816 71
UROPOD 14775 28
WRINKL(I)E 18924 110
CUTT(A)GES 18951 74
Y(A)KOW 11037 46
TERRaRI(A) 9116 64
STROBIC 13953 97
BEGIFT 10569 32
(B)ATWOMEN 11175 98
(F)oRPINED 5410 89
SULFA 8040 39
PAED(O) 959 16
(M)ERCADOS 8801 102
FOEdARY* 0 0
(D)EALINGS 1453 83
SEROT(I)NE 61 68
rET(IN)ULAS 124 82
U(M)ANGItE 2414 83
bEAMERS 11027 94
SPI(N)NERY 18353 63
(G)RAPY 9566 22
CHESNUT 17921 70
FAND 2281 32
GIRnERS 5925 75
OPS(I)MATH 19432 80
TERE(B)RAE 11527 60
HY(M)ENIAl 14340 80
REMO(W)* 0 0
SC(A)LEPAN 17350 74
SANATOR(Y) 6627 86
TRAWLiN* 0 0
S(U)DAMINA 13841 65
AGU(T)I 1422 8
MENT 1056 26
SMEARIE(R) 4827 74
WA(S)T 2399 33
(D)OT(C)OM 18070 24
BARBE 8176 48
SURFABL(E) 16567 65
AS(T)IGMIA 17851 62
(T)UTRIXEs 16807 95
AR(Y) 448 18
PERFUSE 19411 88
GEM 636 29
WITCH(E)Rs* 0 0
CAV(E)L 5664 33
STILLED 11281 81
G(A)SOLENE 1165 65
MUTI 2478 12
VIvI(F)ERA* 0 0
EsERINE 1674 80
PARKY 11512 36
TRUEMAN 2124 83
CHORDE(E)S 14953 78
ASsEVER 14872 101
BLOTTIE(r) 4675 70
PENK 3877 48
FEWE(D)* 0 0
GERT 603 25
RARIE* 0 34
YUFT 4864 58
(F)LANNIES 6796 76
pREMO(L)AR 14744 158
(R)IFTED 2349 28
POULARD(S) 14164 86
LIENEES 3493 72
HE(A)TS 1587 51
SlIP(P)IER 29159 76
GOBONeE 10965 74
(T)RIMIX 17289 41
(C)OWAL 7531 33
GROUSED 5664 89
FRIB 3635 44
MITISES 18270 75
INTRIN(C)E 7575 64
PODEX 8265 58
MONOC(R)AT 14629 74
SULPHIT(E) 16664 78
TEE(N)DING 5527 63
CRANNO(G)E 6684 62
VENE(N)OsE 17583 90
WEbLISH 23554 104
BILES 3056 43
(M)YOSITIS 32403 92
ROOtLER* 0 0
GE(R)ENUK 16723 36
DENAR 106 42
FEY(L)Y 12238 18
RETRATE(S) 7590 77
C(A)NTICOY 27031 68
ELDESTS 16800 73
(V)ALLhUND 36243 83
REDUG* 0 0
WAVERER 16430 0
PEKAN 5979 45
KAmERAD 19608 77
M(E)TERAGE 8642 72
LOADENE(D) 4504 86
VI(R)GE 2632 30
DR(U)IDIC 27439 22
ROSTING 2470 83
DI(C)KTy 20689 42
pURTIER 8763 64
MOnTANT(O) 24569 80
EGAlITE 583 68
SUNN 3994 13
(D)OChTING* 0 0
JESSANT 18412 101
WI(L)I 3422 33
WHINGIE(R) 15782 98
TRICARS 11851 86
TIE 15 0
MAA 790 33
KAAS 4144 33
TRIFOLY 13924 107
URU* 0 0
DOPIAnA* 0 0
DOPIAtA* 0 0
KLEPHT 19918 54
JONESED 10968 120
PE(L)VID* 0 0
(P)RIVADO 9674 39
C(EN)TROIDS 838 89
(F)UCOIDAL 16723 80
MOVANTS 13944 104
NEURONE 3314 65
FL(Y)LINES 27960 67
GoTCHAS 20748 75
(BA)JU 4878 29
PEI(S)E 2420 47
BORNEOl 6970 75
TIC(H)Y 10651 42
UNTAXeS 8235 116
AMIDINS 11417 80
GIL(P)Y 10722 34
(AGEnESIA)V* 0 0
V(AGEnESIA)* 0 0
(A)V(EYE)* 0 0
pRENEED 12063 68
LAU(R)ELED 10772 61
HOR(S)EwAY 15688 167
ROUE 198 24
GRiEsIE 3614 78
GRUT* 0 0
P(R)UNT 6488 15
KIPI* 0 0
TAWTIER 2818 67
(P)ERIGEAN 1393 89
CALC* 0 0
BAR(M)IEsT 4285 149
(MO)UD* 0 0
G(I)BBET 17295 42
(A)LPINELY 18667 88
EH 50 32
REFLECT 15324 80
RU(L)ERING 7281 72
SI(s)TROID 14751 62
PINTADO 2195 79
(F)OILIST 12344 33
O(VERMIN)ED 3982 30
I(N)DUVIA* 0 0
AR 16 15
FOIN 1166 31
NURHAGS 17550 80
LOUED 1359 27
SEgUGIO 13785 72
NUBBLE(D) 29078 15
POUK 5062 90
MOLE(H)UNT 13468 84
TWINKY 19613 54
M(I)DDY 11871 30
(RONZ)EL* 0 0
SKIV* 0 0
LAITIES 640 68
PAGO(D)ITE 1241 81
ALETHIc 5754 82
CALID 4429 29
(M)ISBEGIN 20656 92
AZURIES 4743 93
G(L)UElIKE 30610 68
OO 63 12
(E)NWREATH 5666 94
VEDALIA(S) 6314 98
SeQU(I)TUR 22433 88
(U)NTENANT 23445 68
FAST(I)NGS 23084 66
SCOG 3966 22
DAVOT* 0 0
BEWED* 0 0
(B)ICORN 8906 39
CREEK(Y) 18952 30
THORONS 14038 92
TOND* 0 0
DREYiNG* 0 0
cRADINE* 0 0
gRADIEN* 0 0
OATY 1149 30
PIPA(S) 10500 30
CLeAROU(T) 1728 80
(S)TRICTeD* 0 0
RIVEL 1847 24
(G)ROVY 9867 14
POSTtES(T) 36511 80
VL(O)GGERS 28721 72
CL(E)EP 8132 18
TER(P)ENIC 5678 78
EX 83 56
MIDSToR(Y) 17012 76
(P)REvALUE 13650 80
ALLAYE(R)S 21847 65
VaLIA(N)CY 27940 80
BATT(A) 8799 14
HEND 1722 52
(P)EARLING 2396 86
CA(GO)ULE 7219 40
Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Opponent Lists
Type Play Probability Score
LOCATED 2566 75
FUTuRES 21605 75
(L)URDANES 2204 83
AMORISM 20319 78
BEAUX(I)TE 10261 86
REHEARD 10353 82
(R)EGIONAL 75 74
TRAiNED 22 79
DE(M)IVOLT 8913 80
NERVIN(G)S 14061 63
PLAINER 875 75
mOINEAU 429 64
STOURIE 243 85
RINGETT(E) 2829 63
TAUTeNS 3791 66
ENACTIV(E) 2816 76
DEICERS 5497 72
UPHrOES 15057 87
TIMIDER 4856 87
RAISINS 10977 69
STRAINE(D) 84 80
(T)rAPSING 7216 63
YPERITE 7162 68
FROUNCE 10865 69
REMIXI(N)G 22202 86
ANEUrIN 712 64
E(N)DOSTEA 214 72
HEATERS 2934 80
vENATIC 3184 75
DEPlETE 16214 75
SENSUAL 11312 84
ENATION(S) 184 77
OUT(W)EEDs 8063 158
TIPSIER 4888 69
(s)EARCHeS 25132 86
(L)INGUICA 16893 65
ONEROUs 2862 67
TEDDIES 8494 97
GUTROTs 17953 77
HEpTADS 13402 87
PREdOOM 16984 75
RAT(IO)NALS 541 63
COiNABL(E) 2619 63
COmITIA 10582 68
SEPIuMS 26334 80
MADRONA 8392 83
LeWISIA 4700 87
(S)WORDMEn 13455 78
ACTION(E)D 241 63
MEDIaTE 1371 72
pATROON 6219 71
tIME(L)INE 4545 59
sTRIATE 726 65
SOSATIE 1070 86
TRAiNFU(L) 5089 83
PLENIST 4385 69
AFFLiCT 29583 86
TOUPEEs 6454 74
BALLI(E)ST 11292 74
sINNERs 12383 67
PAINTER 306 82
HA(I)RWOrm 25760 62
(T)ARGETED 5517 74
VID(E)nDUm 27955 72
VERNIX(E)S 14875 96
AE(R)oTONE 129 66
SMARTEd 4194 91
SULLAGE 17963 82
LENDERS 3915 78
MINTAGE 1616 76
ANODIsE 46 74
RANSELS 7240 70
ANnEAL(E)D 7122 72
MOULAGE 7216 93
DeRAILS 540 79
COrDONS 18239 75
SECT(I)ONS 8519 61
KERMODE 17522 82
ODORA(N)TS 3264 59
LAWNIE(S)T 1377 65
RAILCA(R)s 20091 74
DE(P)UtIZE 19708 88
VUGHIeR 16471 84
sTANNEL 3797 85
NIObATE 93 64
AIRPOST 2219 75
PUGAREE 7676 76
LUStIER 1523 73
RUNDLEs 5966 76
EXIsTED 9753 97
LAIcISE 4699 64
HOSTELS 18676 69
POlI(C)IES 13984 80
DITT(Y)ING 27576 63
UNAWARE 4837 79
B(R)INIEST 3475 64
LAUDERS 3175 75
THIL(L)ERS 16128 80
ELE(V)ATOR 1043 63
bIOTITE 6912 63
LAIR(I)ESt 398 78
DE(N)IABLE 1954 64
qUASHED 22669 82
PROTEAS(E) 1050 83
(G)ERMiEST 6131 89
FLOrIST 7890 76
(A)STERIAS 3246 77
A(T)ROPINE 71 61
BESAINT 808 78
T(E)RMiNAL 537 80
BaRHOPS 23882 86
DREARI(E)S 1630 90
DISTAIN 3169 82
WOmA(N)IZE 12397 221
UNMoORS 18253 86
CORDiTE 1240 109
IRONIZE(D) 4980 107
EMBALES 15252 82
V(A)NITORY 4595 65
tRUSTER 16352 73
GANTL(I)NE 2134 81
(T)ROLlIES 3446 74
(R)EADIEST 150 63
TRIcORN 9076 64
RECrEA(T)E 11523 68
OCARINA 2480 66
MINDERS 4342 76
ROTTENs 2387 68
GREMIaL 3375 68
OPIATED 417 87
(P)EAKInGS 16165 66
VIGOR(O)US 19957 63
RERAISE 1127 70
sYENITE 3054 76
(o)RDAINED 627 70
I(n)SULINS 32158 58
RESILED 1825 72
pLEUSTO(N) 6868 68
(E)XCITErS 14869 101
MARRIES 5110 82
INTENSE(R) 1669 77
MENTOR(E)D 2555 78
STAND(E)RS 5663 63
CAMOTES 6734 77
DITSIER 1693 77
IRO(N)ISED 499 68
DhOOTIE 3720 69
AERIALS 635 74
MAUSIER 2070 72
RESILED 1815 66
SER(I)CINS 17023 90
(N)EGATONS 2592 80
ENDEARS 742 73
DEVIL(E)TS 7004 63
VOMITER 3701 82
SENIORs 2422 64
SPACIAl 21431 68
PERSALT 4265 82
gETABLE 7679 72
CAKINES(S) 24815 95
GUEsTED 9674 77
LEIGERS 3287 72
ABRADES 8082 76
GARRISO(n) 4471 68
(C)RoONING 21751 83
GRANTEE 607 69
R(O)UTEMAN 749 70
DAYmARE 14375 79
TSA(R)ITZA 21491 104
MARINAS 7326 72
FA(L)CONET 5264 67
ARSENAL 1682 73
SWOTTI(E)R 4731 76
GREATLY 6300 81
rATTOON 5913 66
ERMINES 3049 78
AQuILON 8326 75
COLORED 10794 98
MEANIES 1397 83
(F)ORETOLD 8961 78
UNE(A)SIER 160 59
OdALLER(S) 6360 74
T(A)ILORED 20 60
(L)OrDLESS 26394 77
MOTOR(I)Ng 10682 60
UNTAXIN(g) 23535 68
AErODY(N)E 1038 62
SLOgANS 18394 64
PIL(O)TING 13837 65
P(E)ARLITE 848 70
ANLAcES 8091 70
pRELATI(C) 4351 70
dIETiNE 1053 69
LINDIES 3587 80
TINIEST 4546 78
CENTURy 13849 78
LAAGERS 5335 75
SCREWEd 19453 82
OV(A)RITIS 3597 94
EN(D)EMIAL 1980 86
sIMILOR 12346 84
INSANIE 2241 68
COTISED 2672 79
JANtIER 1045 96
SEMITA(U)R 1383 74
TO(G)GERED 14016 62
DeLAINE 260 86
TOUGHIE 4004 93
A(C)AULOSE 7271 74
ACTUAtE 13668 105
TUTELA(R)S 5221 61
STEARIC 833 77
BRANTLE 2090 73
BILsTED 7561 85
(D)ENDRITE 3746 61
(D)OTATiON 4164 77
PLASTID 10611 76
DANTONS 7202 72
ENTICED 2988 74
PLICATE(D) 7446 82
J(A)MDANIS 26871 70
MOISTEN 1302 99
LEC(T)IOnS 1825 86
(F)AINTERS 531 76
SO(N)ORANT 7228 76
AIrCREW 10770 77
tANGELO 507 81
B(O)UNTREe 2562 70
M(I)LITATE 7353 74
PLACITs 16681 91
UNSOIlE(D) 1128 60
LEPORID 2676 81
SPAVIET 5906 69
ERrANDS 3778 68
PH(A)NTASm 31843 74
PROININ(G) 20023 63
GOAtIES(T) 1111 70
AGRASTE 2867 70
BAR(R)ELED 12578 94
ARMORI(E)S 2314 63
(E)COsTATE 5851 77
sWILLED 21386 83
(AR)RESTERS 25505 80
TRIenES 284 72
RACQUET 14734 106
LEADIES(T) 469 83
OVER(L)ORD 19562 63
ANTi(P)OLE 273 131
FORtIES 1273 87
STYLISE 17498 78
ELONGA(T)E 442 72
(O)RECTIVe 3412 89
BALISTA 11377 79
Co(N)GRESS 20888 66
BESTING 6325 78
SLUI(C)ING 26455 74
INSIDER 1687 64
AGaPEiC 12753 92
lEVYING 16449 72
DRaSTIC 6604 80
PR(E)OWNED 10556 78
VEINIEr 3352 85
ACEROSE 1634 66
BUNIONS 17169 75
GErENTS 3331 68
INWORKS 19303 88
RETAINE(R) 230 68
RATTLIN 3481 64
JOHn(N)IES 20846 84
ABIETIc 6399 72
(LI)NCTURES 3592 63
WEARIES 1404 85
DEHAIRS 1981 82
SHEERER 21648 79
(O)VERLATE 1045 65
rETINUE(D) 484 77
FERULEs 12960 82
LINOC(U)TS 9990 90
HERNI(A)TE 303 65
LESIONS 4804 93
sTEERED 6502 86
OR(I)ENTER 357 62
uNRO(O)F(I)NG 21691 78
NERITiC 2458 88
RESTAGE 1574 85
NEURUL(A)S 9467 66
SEDATER 757 76
PLUMBA(GO)s 34238 88
INCENTS 8794 79
FIDEl(I)TY 17592 82
CAN(O)EMEN 11709 63
ARISTAE 168 79
TaBLOID 4473 76
FETIALS 2028 78
GEN(D)ERED 22219 67
BEDMATE 11069 80
PAnACHE 20745 76
SCUtTER 17052 78
TABULAE 8088 67
PEATMAN 10402 72
SLIOTAR 603 64
TRUSSI(N)G 20584 61
IODIsER 957 80
STATICE 5087 83
(P)EDAlIER 1984 70
C(R)OONERS 14815 72
P(O)rTAGES 2933 74
THEMING 12228 84
CAR(T)OONS 7874 62
(R)EVENGED 17946 78
RIBSTO(N)E 756 72
pREVI(O)US 8990 80
JILTERS 8250 101
RUBEOLA 2559 78
TURFMeN 13872 80
(M)INERALS 1354 83
TAUTEST 18472 89
CODEIN(A)S 674 84
LAR(D)OONS 6170 59
PRESIFT 9580 81
SENNITS 12400 73
(R)EgOLITH 2952 83
ELDRICH 13546 74
SOUNDEr 1743 73
AIRBO(A)TS 3567 61
GRANTER 3231 83
S(T)ARNIES 1237 131
RESOLED 2418 78
RETIRED 2530 63
OSTINA(T)I 3240 70
DASHIE(S)T 11342 68
AGNISED 983 78
(D)EODARAS 7101 74
HARISsA 21208 82
ENTERON 1599 65
ANSEROU(S) 3434 68
SIDERAL 544 90
MAILmAN 26506 72
LISTE(R)IA 399 66
qUITTED 17968 68
FANCIER 3192 83
TROPINS 4577 75
gRADINO 1093 98
(S)pANDRIL 8635 80
ENIGMAS 3404 73
TAINTED 702 79
AR(R)ESTEE 5840 68
(R)IDDLERs 19938 70
LIG(N)EOUS 2123 68
GOuRAMI 6482 73
CORRA(D)ES 7959 80
ESPARTO 1230 73
YARRoWS 23142 82
RES(O)LDER 7333 63
INFuSeD 7594 85
LOGi(C)ISE 10211 140
AERATES 1051 70
REPRiEV(E) 23345 86
JOUStED 13318 71
BALO(N)eYS 8782 98
URIDI(N)ES 2546 70
trANCEY 6002 84
INTERNE 1342 72
DRUNKEN 21988 84
TERAGLI(N) 198 72
EISWEIN 6121 83
(C)RApPING 35126 95
(G)AOLBIRd 8296 89
UNMARRE(d) 10951 80
dO(C)UMENT 13484 76
V(I)TAMERS 4423 67
AREOLES 387 81
GERMIER 12811 74
FURR(I)ErS 28622 64
SOLATES 4783 83
TrEA(S)URE 3536 68
VERTIGO 1898 78
(S)ANDIEST 2854 71
GAUNTER 1065 69
HETEROS 3545 76
MANNERs 8715 78
SNARiER 719 77
WEASAND 8117 72
ME(N)TORED 2569 67
CRUMENA(L) 11892 76
LACIEST 1966 79
AIrSCRE(W) 13388 92
AIR(W)ARDs 20097 72
KINDLIE(R) 11428 76
ATOMISE(R) 286 89
(I)RRUpTeD 11037 68
POUTeRS 5266 80
VOTABLE 6686 82
GeNITOR 105 63
(S)hAWLIES 23431 92
GOONDAS 10561 80
dESCENt 9002 80
NATURED 557 80
MEgAC(I)TY 17707 86
CI(S)TRONS 16481 61
GORMIE(S)T 2962 74
JUnCATE 14697 108
DIAGnO(S)E 309 72
NO(N)IDEAL 560 70
DIO(E)CIES 5492 65
(M)EDALInG 4766 80
TOOThIL(Y) 29611 83
OVULATE 2633 73
NANOWIR(E) 983 72
B(O)LTOnIA 4515 80
(O)UTcHIDE 8913 74
HIdALGO 10185 75
PaRTNER 5360 75
UNTAIL(E)D 333 68
S(O)LICiTS 26612 75
TIKANgA 15000 82
POLECAT 6720 84
AUDITE(E)s 470 66
URInAT(O)R 1229 68
RESTORE(D) 4452 70
RIOTISE 322 73
COMFiER 12770 74
GLASSI(E)R 7650 60
SIERRAN 717 81
STEEDIN(G) 2264 76
ORATURE 1015 68
ROMAN(C)Ed 5259 158
BILTO(N)GS 12959 61
pEROGIS 4019 83
STEAmED 5467 68
RETI(N)UED 484 86
iGNEOUS 1468 68
bETAINE 484 71
DUPLIES 11549 95
BRIDGES 10083 80
PERIDIu(M) 17524 92
FEEBLED 25431 76
S(E)XTUPLE 28948 84
T(U)RNDOWN 20887 78
ASTERIA 168 66
DIsHIER 8151 82
LOVELIE(S) 14279 86
LeATHER 2949 84
TREFOI(L)s 1871 61
CHA(T)TERS 18386 76
FINaLES 2027 83
AIRLINE 172 66
OoZIEST 7456 104
INSuLAT(E) 344 88
L(I)QUATED 6566 69
(E)MIRAtES 857 80
VENTURI 2170 84
MIEVInG 17094 80
TUTORED 4681 62
ALlURES 11310 80
IN(D)ENTED 12371 80
RE(F)IRInG 14910 65
RELIAN(C)E 812 70
G(R)AYOUTS 12953 72
(I)NTITLED 6003 80
HAGDENS 9972 117
TARIFFs 22904 81
L(E)MONAdE 2470 70
DOATING 1095 74
RESAYI(N)G 2438 66
BEDROLL 18720 78
OUTDUEL 12239 68
GRANTEE 607 73
(J)ESTINGS 25390 68
DONaIRS 589 61
OUTSWAR(E) 1807 86
ACOnITE 95 86
(E)NDIRONS 1488 76
ALIASES 7919 69
VOMiTER 3722 78
FRIEZES 16188 104
OLiVINE 3154 82
SON(G)fEST 20890 68
sECRETA 2916 75
TOMENTA 3447 70
SPLE(N)DID 21038 66
SpURIAE 2070 79
ANGINAS 13178 70
GEYSERs 25068 78
TRISULA 2498 72
EMBRYOS 21214 82
SLINTER 579 70
AEDILES 734 68
SiGNETS 9830 77
DIOXANE 1428 88
DOYLIES 5031 79
EVANISH 5864 85
ElIXIRS 12838 100
TIARAED 163 69
ObLIGAT(O) 10588 60
STRaFED 4165 80
AVIATEd 2372 72
AbUTT(A)LS 29041 61
GA(S)OLINE 311 70
iSOLINE 959 75
EARlIES 268 73
TEAWARE 3349 72
SWIFTER 9581 78
DOATING 1094 77
K(I)LORADS 10803 82
OvEREAT 623 67
RE(V)OLUTE 4953 74
NI(D)ATION 3236 61
CALOR(I)CS 24610 73
tOTTERs 15677 70
MANOAOS 14810 68
SAURIES 3891 77
BuRNERS 17042 66
REGELAT(E) 3724 76
NOYADES 2608 65
VEERIEs 7996 77
COGNISE 3990 76
SEDATES 8470 69
CURATEd 4137 71
RENTA(B)LE 2053 62
PROLATE 1204 75
RADIANS 3160 72
ENAUNTe(R) 1663 74
PARD(A)LiS 13976 90
MANTEAU(S) 6528 62
BOONEST 6979 74
ZINCIT(E)S 18933 77
ATRESIC 829 91
POKIeST 11713 84
uNPAVED 13418 75
cONFIDE 6812 70
LENTOUS 1755 70
TEENIER 658 73
REHOUSe 6448 76
EN(C)UMBEr 26004 89
(S)EPARATE 4560 83
EELpOUt 6455 59
RESIGNE(D) 2262 86
RETAsTE 2509 69
DICTaTO(R) 7087 64
(N)ASALItY 9613 70
DENIERS 777 78
SIMiLES 22106 91
AGONIZE 2232 126
FOCUSES 27206 80
sETTLOR 4685 69
RIVE(R)AIN 4283 73
APNOEIC 1709 76
ROTATES 1016 69
ARCHILS 16612 75
VIC(A)RIES 8242 64
TEGUlAE 3275 67
IODINES 955 75
FA(N)cIEST 4337 61
WAMEFOU 16952 102
(I)NERTIAE 55 77
PEANINg 7380 72
NITROUS 1594 72
TRaCiNG(S) 7239 72
TANKAGE 11848 80
NANOBEE 4441 66
NAIADES 633 70
NOsTRIL 1593 60
DENOTES 1111 75
APHORIs(M) 19542 95
A(N)BURIES 1283 62
ANNoyED 6167 82
(D)RAGONET 319 83
(T)UBENOSE 4901 83
RACH(I)DES 7440 90
aGUISIN(G) 24731 80
PARAGES 10992 64
UTOpIAS 4494 74
(A)ERADIOS 162 83
ENDB(R)AIN 3765 67
M(O)STESTs 38575 76
STOLlEN 8291 74
INGrATE 83 65
DISLEAF 4051 80
GRE(C)IZES 22977 92
DARR(A)INE 1404 86
MIgRA(TI)ON 3338 62
DUALISE 1462 73
IRRIG(A)TE 2528 86
REBI(t)TEN 5079 68
POINDER 1261 78
(A)CERBaTE 10130 92
lO(V)ELORN 20158 80
WEIGELA 4102 80
(R)UNAbOUT 16478 66
RIeMPIE 11904 87
STREAMS 13133 80
TANSIES 1845 78
DoLERIT(ES) 232 68
SMELTED 12937 76
GRUNtIN(G) 29646 70
RATIONS 158 67
WH(I)NiEST 12916 102
VITrAGE 1628 68
BASTINg 9099 78
SANDING 12306 80
LI(M)BIEST 17499 67
(R)INGDOVE 2946 80
UNPARED 4201 74
ArENOSE 87 69
STANDEE 749 73
TRIPMeN 6011 78
ABO(R)tIVE 1141 98
CAM(PI)NESS 26165 67
(C)APSULES 31552 76
BATtING 14669 74
sTARRED 3787 68
GLORIED 1454 75
FAITOrS 2199 88
ImPEDI(N)G 20781 64
(U)NCOVERS 13513 101
LOAFERS 2611 78
STANDEE 750 73
ARCHAEI 6387 80
(A)NTIGENE 1202 72
STOODEN 2852 83
WAENESS 14923 90
ISOETES 3336 69
AgOUTAS 8984 69
ESTROG(E)N 1202 72
UNBALED 7458 67
OdONATE(S) 782 74
LIGURES 4657 67
PU(T)TERER 23827 67
(V)ENETIAN 2559 63
LATTICE 5075 74
SWELLIS(H) 37519 95
FOUnDER 5184 81
HOTTIEs 6216 79
CRaDLES 7479 71
TENDONS 4669 83
nEUTERE(d) 4825 62
ROO(F)LINE 2715 62
REQUOTE(D) 9287 99
DEPOSAL 5017 77
rO(T)ATING 2280 131
ANNATES 4535 81
A(N)TINODe 172 66
sOLERET 1116 70
TINIEsT 4549 76
PERIDOT 1268 67
CONTr(O)LS 17044 60
CHEE(R)IOS 6363 78
COTISEs 10242 89
HAUNTER 2114 74
NObODIE(S) 5159 66
(S)ONARmEN 4666 74
EGGIEST 14248 72
DELIB(A)TE 1957 74
DENTILE(D) 6741 62
DAR(K)NESS 22416 65
AIRDATe 162 61
ByGONES 17907 78
DEaFENS 5427 94
MODUl(A)TE 3645 140
(D)IARIZES 7117 107
DEFLECT 19481 81
SA(U)ROIDS 9522 72
UNT(H)REaD 3097 63
MERANTI 302 74
ANtIPHO(N) 13620 82
(V)ENETIAN 2560 63
TAENIAS 166 73
(U)NHaIRER 3820 86
TRUDGES 8055 75
ORGIAST 1108 72
OORIEST 478 78
AIrLIFT 7359 73
POLITES(T) 7986 70
YARDmAN 21792 78
UNLIM(B)ER 11959 86
(E)XACTOrS 10071 101
(I)NTERIOR 804 68
(C)ERULEIN 4070 64
OUTVo(T)ED 19565 61
MOTH(E)RED 10554 86
ENSURED 3921 83
l(A)NGUoRS 6543 66
VESTRAL 4269 79
INSTATE 719 73
TAINTED 701 69
S(P)IReMIA* 0 72
(F)ILIATES 3378 74
dENYING 15661 72
FLOSSIE 14309 73
ECAUDA(T)E 7710 66
HYALITE 5857 78
SQUIRED 12275 85
(C)AUTIONS 3176 83
MI(s)DOERS 12769 74
RELATES 765 85
AIERIES 326 73
sTIVIER 4912 94
MIDGETs 10063 87
TONNISH 12936 73
LaL(I)QUES 22107 77
REACTiN(G) 1002 89
RADIATE(S) 386 70
RAVELIN 884 78
(R)EFOuNDS 6846 90
REALTOR 1007 78
GASELI(E)R 919 72
RANdL(O)RD 20320 59
SHALI(E)ST 11412 61
rEQUINT(O) 2219 114
ORRAMEN 3443 72
TICklIS(H) 37428 83
(A)NCHORED 5256 72
TeDIOUS 675 75
TENAbLE 2887 73
GUs(T)I(N)ESS 30265 102
AGRASTE 2870 66
IM(P)ARTED 4382 82
EBONIS(T)S 8518 70
LAWINES 2053 74
TELETHo(N) 9819 67
SEARATS 7960 80
OUTL(I)NER 135 60
TORULUS 19836 69
AL(I)ENORS 30 66
FLaMMIN(G) 37221 95
HOGTIES 4006 85
DENOTEs 1111 77
MATTERE(D) 8369 69
GRAINES 351 85
BrOMATE(D) 5240 64
HASTATE 13695 80
COsTEAN 1166 78
(N)ARgILEH 2392 83
ROTIFE(R)S 4702 71
(D)ELUsION 1126 68
P(E)TIOLED 2502 74
CAlCTUF(A) 39313 86
DAIMONS 4474 86
PREXIES 16113 97
SQUAREs 22292 99
AIRSIDE 638 75
RONIONS 9182 76
EPICIST 14413 69
SQu(E)aLED 16915 88
MEGARAD 10966 76
WAREHOU 6763 73
(P)REUNItE 2109 80
RESP(L)ITS 16139 74
TORDION 2271 70
(I)NCOMERS 5393 64
zOOECIA 9308 72
(I)GNoBLER 2935 74
mACOYAS 27261 66
F(L)eTTONS 12435 66
LAUWINe 2055 78
JuMBLES 31114 95
PERI(D)OTE 1066 86
SAUTEED 1818 64
INDITED 7954 71
UROSTE(G)E 2763 60
PUERILE 5593 81
ATHEIsT 5103 86
TOILETS 2260 72
LAR(D)IEST 335 140
NARDINE 698 65
NITRATE 254 76
AErOLI(T)E 16 60
REGARDS 9218 71
AGINNER 1474 94
PLAGUI(E)r 4797 68
SE(n)ORITA 14 68
ARRIVES 5124 64
SMALLER 17331 82
pATENTO(R) 2338 72
R(E)ADAPTS 6483 72
CROW(D)IES 8925 68
OXyGE(NA)tE 10644 80
LEEChES 25392 66
EXoGENS 13767 89
ONSTEAD 188 73
mIAULED 4054 60
CUbOIDS 21966 84
O(b)SOLETE 10484 61
CRONIES 1245 90
DeODARS 4770 78
tINHORN 9077 70
EGENCEs 19166 85
DiSHORN(s) 21537 83
SOLANDe(R) 410 77
NEUROS(I)S 3450 66
CAVErN(E)D 9308 65
CURT(N)ESS 21468 72
ANI(m)ATeD 1549 74
REVILES 5603 70
ORGANI(S)E 79 63
AT(H)EISMs 18761 65
RUSTIER 3845 69
R(E)ADAPTS 6483 72
CROW(D)IES 8925 68
OXyGE(NA)tE 10644 80
hICATEE 3850 77
NEURITe 285 66
BRAVeST 9369 83
(PI)ASTEREd* 0 72
LETtUCE 18653 83
TIERING 1410 64
VAULtIE(R) 1381 72
VERANdA 4837 82
SOUdANS 15600 67
TROP(O)NIN 13855 72
FLOATI(E)r 265 70
ASTRIDE 125 81
VAlONIA(S) 6544 72
EY(E)LINER 6274 74
ALIQUOT 8327 89
COADMIT 9642 109
NITERI(E)S 570 70
GOALIES 500 68
GENETIC 4513 76
CATAPAN 26643 69
(S)ONDELis 6404 77
uNBATED 4104 79
(D)IVERGES 9891 101
TOWHEES 12175 96
A(V)IATINg 13168 70
(C)AMELOTS 8821 89
PHaLL(I)SM 37247 78
ERADIAT(E) 169 83
(T)RUSTIER 10281 60
jASMINE 10449 92
JOInTED 3115 94
AEOnIAN 482 65
VISORED 2702 80
TEEN(S)IER 1093 58
DIURNAL 2489 77
(R)UDDLINg 25374 83
ClASHED 17848 78
TOISECH 6797 107
(P)IRAGUAS 16806 63
BALANCE(R) 12762 95
DENTOID 2420 76
NECKLET 20559 72
DODGIE(S)T 9058 67
DUALLIE 7044 62
ARVICO(L)E 2637 67
(E)NVIRONS 4688 71
TESTRIL 3835 88
IRIsATE 176 69
VALUERS 7554 79
UNDINEs 6947 88
rE(S)TATED 3526 72
TENORiT(e) 359 71
S(T)RONTIA 1231 66
(E)XaCTORS 10067 101
POULTER(S) 6870 83
IRONIES(T) 168 68
(A)rRANGES 8061 68
BESpAKE 25649 84
UNRENtE(D) 6631 60
(A)MNESICS 18740 89
ADVERSE 5470 88
OuTBIDS 11837 78
AzALEAS 23421 64
(S)TEEVING 6141 98
PRENaME 7162 68
I(N)NATELY 3821 82
KARATES 8895 77
(L)ABIATED 3317 63
ANTI(H)ERO 70 86
INFANtE 2834 71
ARISTAS 11022 69
R(E)FUNDER 17557 68
STANINE 715 87
PUNKIER 14783 80
LIC(E)NSEE 10190 72
TAVERNS 2133 78
VIR(U)LENT 3133 74
RECLINE 2991 83
cHEERIO 4749 77
PL(A)NNERS 10972 61
WEIRDED 14950 73
mORRILL* 0 65
AREOlAE 503 65
POTZERS 16007 86
CITRALS 6610 81
I(N)ERMOUS 1900 82
RESTIVE 3073 80
SERO(T)INE 61 82
PEr(C)ENTS 13954 78
DUNNEST 11000 75
IG(N)ORAmI 5654 70
pISCI(N)AE 8279 86
VEN(E)NOSE 17583 61
(T)ABOUrET 4629 72
NUMERO(U)S 17823 70
N(O)TIoNAL 4165 64
RE(M)OTION 1200 64
TUNICLE 4331 84
ARCADiA 18058 91
CONGEAL 3940 76
TRiTEST 14280 81
A(I)RLINES 393 70
ISOTHeR(E) 1073 83
(R)ETAILED 145 72
LaWINES 2053 76
RI(S)OTtOS 22851 58
DeNARII 170 74
AZIONES 1439 101
PROFANE(D) 5293 104
TWITChE(S) 29661 70
SMITERS 13155 66
PIQuETS 19052 86
GE(N)IZOTH 13096 72
(P)IONEERS 1085 62
O(V)ErWARM 22314 67
TA(B)LEAUS 10398 70
ONSIDES 4788 79
PREBIND(S) 11949 78
(S)CHOOLEd 25364 89
OATLiKE 1436 80
WINGLET(S) 8197 74
ORIENTE(D) 59 77
OLiVERS 2729 69
So(L)ITARY 3202 80
SHuTOUT 30267 76
SOLDANS 15572 72
GUERI(D)ON 885 70
GAPIEST 3419 96
STOU(N)InG 11785 82
ReLLENO 6251 61
GREISEN 1583 70
VIOLAtE 430 64
SPEARED 5469 87
SCAILED 4047 76
GRIDD(L)ES 16690 72
OVERRUN 9969 75
HON(G)IInG 35433 167
PENTITO 3470 69
EYEsTON(E) 7227 92
OUTL(I)NER 135 62
(T)APELINE 845 82
BROOM(I)eR 17224 76
EA(R)NINGS 2140 72
BAL(A)NCED 17384 84
CHAINER 3191 79
SKIVIeR 19642 77
EXAmINE 7908 87
(l)EPORINE 1078 86
P(I)LOTMAN 7830 74
O(R)ANGIER 404 60
OdORATE 472 65
DEVIsES 19109 76
REA(R)ISEN 659 66
MIdLINE 8143 79
OUTSEEn 1116 85
DISaVOW 13759 87
LUStRI(N)E 936 78
DENOTES 1110 77
(O)DDITiES 7100 80
PA(l)ISADE 6310 68
KEEST(E)RS 30830 86
SLEDGED 23172 74
OVERMAN(y) 11189 72
TWAITES 5128 80
FLEABAg 21284 67
sANITA(T)E 1413 66
GNATHIC 15641 78
HONOrED 7024 78
WHORISh 30101 78
JAR(O)SITE 899 74
ARISTAE 166 76
sCAMMED 29856 82
PRESSI(O)N 8499 74
FETI(C)IDE 14320 82
ULTeR(I)OR 1487 57
TALLIES 3882 62
TINP(L)ATE 3822 76
GENTIER 611 70
(E)MULSiON 3709 62
AERO(L)ITE 16 82
TEASELE(R) 2449 77
UPhAUDS 31567 77
VIOLATE 430 76
(T)REATING 909 80
IRISATE 176 69
ADVANc(E)S 17418 74
HAN(D)sOME 8841 64
RED(L)INED 6737 63
MISTUT(O)r 15838 73
NEGATOR 104 68
F(E)RNINSt 6948 79
(N)AINSELL 10513 68
FOIS(T)ERS 8523 74
VITIC(E)TA 14167 67
(N)ONSTORY 23294 90
DALLiER 3868 63
DONNATS 7196 84
VISIBLE 18557 89
FU(R)NAcES 11872 70
STONIED 220 86
FETTL(I)NG 14113 68
FORDONE 6982 86
MUS(t)IEST 27036 70
REDOUND 8274 70
TAE(N)IOID 49 68
ENDPLAT(E) 3984 67
MULLEIN 17466 85
UNTUnED 20812 73
(T)REENAIL 41 68
ANTROR(S)E 606 76
ENSURER 8377 75
ENT(A)ILER 40 70
FOLIaTE 423 69
ANNE(X)ING 28325 68
GRASSUM 28503 83
MIsR(O)UTE 1902 86
TETHErS 14621 69
Il(L)USION 19536 64
(I)NSULATE 344 68
MUTINED 4368 72
(U)RCEOlUs 22509 77
ELUENTS 3925 70
NARASES 7952 68
AGILEST 993 72
MORALES 2622 80
(L)ANTERNs 2782 66
IdENTIC 4868 73
AINSELl 3895 67
MA(N)AGERS 9171 70
(E)VIRATES 862 95
iNTRUDE 571 73
ARSHEEN 2931 82
PINNATE 2827 70
IN(D)UCTEE 4058 62
(Z)ORILlAS 22442 68
ARCHERS 19303 73
MOINEAU 432 95
REARGuE 7102 74
NATIo(N)AL 3232 68
EROTI(C)AS 255 62
REGALER 7097 68
SHOOTIE 3748 65
(E)STRONES 4610 77
MURDERs 21082 84
INN(E)RVES 8463 72
EBE(N)ISTE 6255 76
(L)IPsALVE 23434 89
TRIFLED 4340 75
FRESNeL 9031 81
MANITOS 2206 83
(J)OISTING 19633 101
WIzARDS 21848 78
BANAlI(S)E 3319 65
UNFACEd* 0 78
(O)UTLIERS 439 70
(C)YANITES 4368 78
T(R)AWLERS 10981 72
FEALTI(E)S 1998 62
OUTPArT 12979 76
IDEATES 265 76
(T)ONIfIED 2189 72
OUTSER(T)S 16543 70
BR(E)ATHES 9297 80
URANINS 6132 74
ANTLION 1854 71
DECIARE 1372 87
dIA(l)YSES 15894 70
VISIONE(R) 2199 86
OSTEOID 1356 82
WAVINe(s)S 18765 70
SWE(A)RING 2435 98
RAILMaN 7315 90
ESTRONE 446 71
(S)TORMIER 4714 66
GAmiEST 3410 90
U(N)sTAYED 5900 76
GASELI(E)R 916 66
NUTRIAS 1337 64
RELIs(T)ED 1223 60
REOILED 392 71
TEDIOUS 674 73
RESON(A)NT 604 62
GENERIC 4512 76
MA(N)DRILL 19787 62
COTiNGA 3574 63
DEATHIE(R) 818 66
VERA(N)DAS 6479 66
PASTIES 8974 87
EnTASIA 165 86
LANUGOS 8173 70
NEAREST 274 73
LITIGAT(ES) 4987 83
FURRIES 12713 70
SENARII 173 75
INLIERs 1694 72
THORIAS 2201 80
BIDENtA(L) 1265 83
m(I)SoRDER 7969 131
LOOBIES 6895 73
GIRLIES 5351 83
AMORIST 2212 74
BRISKER 23778 80
DaMPENE(R) 9339 78
STATUED 6937 83
(F)IGGIEST 28165 84
LOOTERS 2861 72
SUMmaRY 32360 74
HoTLINE 1275 73
LUNGERS 8056 85
INSTIlL 19437 66
(W)ARpINGS 18894 79
(G)ARROTeS 2609 70
(S)ENATORS 1644 77
DEARIES 263 70
ASTONIE(D) 25 80
THERMaL(S) 11926 74
ENdURER 8375 65
aROUSES 4784 60
INTITLE 4545 73
ORANGES 511 72
(R)EARMIcE 10502 80
DUOTONE 2837 66
RANTING 5018 71
SOVRANs 17768 67
CA(R)EENED 6237 82
TOILIN(E)T 1937 59
GAoLERS 1448 73
A(L)UNITES 343 74
GORSIER 3620 70
REUNITE 287 84
MEANIES 1396 94
AuTOD(I)AL 2590 62
OrATORS 9176 64
cRONIES 1245 79
VIOLINS 12347 70
ANTHOID 2190 78
DINNERs 3834 69
LO(N)ICERA 248 74
NE(R)VIEsT 2116 80
SONA(T)INE 185 59
RETSINa 36 82
(N)EREIdeS 2451 71
GITT(e)RNS 4278 59
AErUGOS 1461 75
N(O)NTIDAL 2786 70
ENLA(R)GEN 5486 60
REPOSAL 2613 96
(I)NDRAFTS 5138 82
MOnGREL 7401 82
NOTATES 1013 73
NERITES 281 73
SWIpIER 14431 72
OVERTOp 12884 93
JOSTLER 9382 97
B(E)LTINgS 8178 67
SEEPI(E)ST 21677 70
OUTROAr 9230 79
ELUENTS 3946 64
ASLAkES 25856 71
REMATED 2940 80
F(E)EDlOTS 8118 91
CRESTED 9057 75
HER(N)IATE 302 74
COURTER(S) 12362 70
ATONIcS 2175 64
VAINNEs(S) 17550 78
(c)ERATOID 243 66
BR(I)DEMEN 9341 97
TUNNAGE 5898 66
FADDISt 20474 76
ENNEaDS 4957 84
DEViLED 19098 69
ARANEID 160 67
FRAGILE 3379 81
SM(O)GGIER 19595 74
ASTRIDE 125 71
OMMATEA 17764 73
NODULes 3649 68
E(E)NTSIER* 0 82
SINTERY 2168 75
LOT(H)ARIo 4529 140
OUTROdE 2860 78
lOUSIER 677 85
C(E)NTROID 757 76
(T)aRTINES 462 74
ANALYSE(D) 10412 82
FORAGES 3957 85
PUERING 6375 94
SHINERS 13170 94
EYEBARS 11145 82
TRIAP(S)AL 9616 65
lIENEES 3526 83
NEUTRON 2411 61
(P)ENSTERs 18353 83
AEROTON(E) 128 77
EnL(A)RGER 5488 59
RETAINE(R) 229 68
XEROTES 7060 94
NEOLIT(H)S 1872 83
SIGMATE 3395 79
URINOSE 243 70
DIAZOES 3074 81
INJuNCT 28582 88
RADIANS 3160 70
ISLANDs 14229 81
cHARIOT(S) 7795 83
REMAINE(R) 2558 64
ENDITES 779 77
STAIDEr 128 73
REWRITE 6585 78
PRIMATE 3218 99
OV(E)RNETS 2583 80
DONATES 187 69
GAZIEST 6960 99
THROATE(D) 4643 89
APpEASE 25314 74
OBTaI(N)ER 63 86
NEATEST 2517 70
LORI(C)aTE 250 77
POSITED 2683 79
ODORATe 469 63
SH(E)LLErS 35175 74
LINDENS 6933 73
ENDAN(G)ER 5477 76
REPROOF 22275 73
(T)ALENTED 3495 68
COQ(U)INAs 18198 122
GHERAOS 3938 82
SPERMA(R)Y 29506 75
BRISKER 23778 80
DaMPENE(R) 9339 78
g(E)R(A)NIOLS 109 89
HALoIDS 7642 72
C(o)NSENTS 23919 68
BA(N)dURAS 18770 86
SITULAE 551 76
UNPI(T)IED 6515 67
(T)ARTANES 3216 66
FEASTI(N)G 2385 66
E(P)IDURAL 3015 167
TOURING 2464 67
sTA(N)DEES 6688 59
RELATED 744 72
SINUATe 154 65
OVULATE 2633 75
R(E)CTITIS 11743 74
RITUALS 2497 70
(R)ESORBED 14056 63
SENARII 172 76
LOADENS 652 70
(V)AnITORY 4566 92
nUTTIES(T) 17240 66
F(O)REDATE 1031 63
STARTLE 3804 67
DOOLIES 2738 76
SPUEiNG 10099 68
pOSABLE 10659 81
CuDGELE(R) 19098 72
AILETTE 1131 69
VITTLIN(G) 27732 89
FOUTRES 5238 73
aWNINGS 18802 69
REALTOR 1007 69
SNUB(B)IER 24431 89
PORTEND 2763 71
bOOMING 22527 77
AGNISED 976 72
WeSANDS 17302 95
sCODIER 2654 76
SHELTIE 5585 73
CONFE(C)TS 31927 90
HITCHES 28113 88
GEYsERS 25068 86
T(R)INKLED* 0 86
GAITERE(D) 348 70
ST(U)RNInE 2791 75
WAMBlED 23515 88
UNIFACE 5772 80
G(I)RLOnDS 6544 140
(C)OBBLING 37693 84
R(U)RAlITE 1192 78
THRILLE(R) 22640 63
bEGUINE 7714 67
sEARiNG 355 74
SPOUTIE(R) 1908 62
NARThEX 10633 92
(E)NhYDROS 13514 94
AN(T)EDATe 4172 140
INHAL(E)RS 1344 94
U(N)WONTEd 12366 80
F(O)ODOIRS 26026 72
W(E)ENSIER 6240 63
OMERTAS 1218 74
ENcLOSE(R) 4909 74
ANGAR(I)ES 794 86
STA(G)NATE 8024 72
RINGSi(D)E 3872 140
ORACLEs 2573 77
RAD(I)CATE 1538 62
AGItATE 3514 68
UNEARED 748 71
(S)TEREOmE 7225 61
ZE(O)LITES 5544 106
TRENISE 283 83
ANEARED 1048 62
O(U)TGaZED 10504 72
LaNKIER 2340 68
E(C)LOGITE 3759 62
oVULATE 2633 74
SEDIMEN(T) 4090 86
UNRIPER 8795 70
AUDITOR 596 74
TA(R)SIOID 1118 82
(I)NSIDERs 10163 80
DISRATE 127 71
COMPETE 18674 80
RESIZIn(G) 14532 86
BETHOrN 6961 75
EMITTER 6570 90
AVANTIS(t) 15304 70
LE(E)CHEES 35307 102
AERATI(O)N 15 66
WILDESt 7610 89
WHAISLE 9345 70
CENT(R)OID 757 66
BATAVIa 23426 90
(S)EAFOLKS 30149 87
RENAgUE 1567 64
TzAREVN(A) 14035 83
SATIRIC 7318 77
ReTENES 3587 81
TUNDRAS 5088 68
DERISIO(N) 502 66
DORIsED 4784 96
CAPO(N)IER 1150 62
HEADERS 5461 82
FORAGEd 3966 68
EERIEST 1685 73
sITTINE 4545 63
EXOE(R)GIc 14579 84
RUB(I)CONS 16985 68
SwEeTEN 12094 78
EQuANTS 8225 123
TREN(D)ILY 3137 63
ERGOTIC 1895 75
TIgROID 5669 76
LABRIDS 10585 80
OUTN(A)MED 1753 62
E(P)URATED 4009 64
STAPED(I)I 3374 78
T(E)NDERLY 7135 74
ALcAYDE 18546 117
ClA(N)GORS 12872 90
(B)EUNCLED 23179 80
GLUTENS 8016 73
(G)AUDIEST 1464 74
PLEADI(N)G 4768 63
(T)ONSIlAR 363 74
RELEaSE 3491 70
DALTONS 3276 79
(S)CRIpTED 11914 83
AGINNER 1466 87
L(IN)EMAtES 937 74
E(NA)RGITES 127 62
AMPErES 11171 97
TANGELO 507 75
(P)ERSEITY 9410 84
FRENETI(C) 5642 92
(V)ELARISE 2007 63
APnOEIC 1709 76
(C)ARILLON 11583 62
EARDROP 6163 97
(L)EAcHOUR 8812 73
WARPATH(S) 31846 90
C(O)RNEREd 9784 70
ASOCIAL 8228 63
EROT(E)SIS 2311 85
OUTNAME 1209 66
MaRBLES 13362 80
TEAGLES 3270 70
FLOSsED 22422 100
TI(N)WARES 553 82
RETIREE 4513 66
SOLDERS 12182 74
RATTIE(S)T 8028 60
TURACOs 7827 66
(D)UOtONES 3874 68
SE(r)JEANt 4603 75
M(A)NDATOR 6659 62
AwLWORT 23984 82
SIL(T)IEST 20804 68
DECANTS 4156 85
TINDERY 2156 77
ROCAILL(E) 4983 74
BULLERE(D) 27400 65
WAILERS 2064 78
(E)THERIAL 835 86
REBADGE 7670 79
SToNIER 66 83
TOUCHES 15004 71
(N)EOTERIc 376 68
RAViNES 915 79
(E)ReCTING 3206 74
UNITAG(E)S 596 68
ESCAPA(DE)s 29711 69
IN(T)RADAY 5797 63
KOmITAJ(I) 31373 80
JAMMERs 30758 96
UNBARES 4117 83
VAHINEs 5865 75
INDICES 8132 116
(R)aINIeST 119 71
REAVERS 10318 72
DIORITE 314 63
STERN(E)ST 17168 70
R(A)TIONaL 407 78
pERILU(N)E 4118 64
EA(R)LIEST 157 66
TEtRADI(C) 3779 83
(A)GENIZES 6627 86
DE(t)OURED 7855 72
AROINTS 157 78
T(I)MEWORN 2757 78
ALPINES 2034 92
L(O)THsOME 20453 67
BASHERS 23146 90
CA(N)ALING 23094 72
BOoTEES 8231 73
TROADeS 191 86
(D)RONIEST 132 80
ING(R)OOVE 4216 74
SPINIEs(T) 17035 61
AMITIES 2391 69
CERTAIN 292 70
ENSUINg 9235 80
(G)RAPLINE 2406 86
IMPLAT(E)D 7511 66
RIDLEYs 7609 79
DE(T)AINEE 370 60
SMaTTER 8674 78
BULLIED 21285 101
(R)URAlITE 1188 71
DEsTINE 772 82
INQUEST 8223 130
OVERR(U)LE 14018 63
STALKEr 8186 85
AUDITED 3849 63
DELATIO(n) 18 59
(R)iVAGOTE* 0 62
ESTOVE(R)S 14536 62
LOTTING 9750 70
DET(A)INED 1695 62
NATTERS 1796 69
INEDItA 171 66
INTURNS 9871 73
TOSTO(N)ES 19015 70
NECkATE(E) 18258 72
INVADER 840 80
MAULING 12991 80
IONISER 314 79
ERUCTIN(G) 4882 92
pERMUTE 15435 76
OVERSAD 2608 85
SWINGED 10110 82
sORITIC 8411 67
REGULUS 21926 62
LIENORS 230 84
CARAG(E)EN 6585 76
EARNEST 272 79
pUPPIES 33521 97
A(W)EARIED 2274 74
LI(P)URIAs 13851 60
RESTING 1062 72
(L)AICIZES 18599 110
ME(S)HwORK 35126 67
FIACRES 5752 91
ISATINE 173 86
TARRIeS 527 75
IN(TI)mATER 2431 82
EUGLE(N)AS 4256 82
(K)ABLOOiE 11762 92
COOLANT 9809 74
ARSENAL 1672 74
EXP(L)ORED 21275 92
(P)ROOFING 22623 80
NEPOTIS(T) 4690 72
fARN(E)SOL 1761 61
NURSI(N)GS 30431 86
MANLIEr 871 79
REVIVED 21229 78
ALB(E)RGHI 10387 80
VERTICa(L) 4352 89
TAcKLES 18908 80
AnTISEX 2355 103
HEINIES 6117 75
EROtEMA 617 66
QUAYAGE 25321 75
SENO(P)IAS 4946 64
TAENITE 444 68
TOILERs 239 78
HAEMOID 3590 90
DISTORT(S) 20225 72
GLEENIe 5253 76
INTORTE(D) 611 70
FOOTiNG 12443 77
SEDIlIA 1677 71
(S)IlURIAN 4204 74
ALENCON 6183 69
(S)UITRESS 27855 70
INCISES 18249 75
HERRIED 10394 80
AuTO(D)YNE 1767 158
TELOSES 9952 85
EcLOGUE 12644 63
SERrIED 5020 71
C(U)LTURES 25741 62
VERsION 1318 80
pOMADES 10680 93
wEAKISH 20838 113
LINIEST 1686 76
HEROINS 1270 89
POSTOR(A)L 12137 64
A(W)ARDERS 16353 78
OUT(S)HaME 8829 158
DeNUDES 16729 74
INWRAPS 12422 78
AbR(A)SION 3549 64
SNA(I)LERY 1375 94
CURRIEs 12702 65
(U)RBANEST 3086 74
MIGRATE 1629 104
INEPTER 1436 65
PREVAIl 5886 84
WIND(I)EST 6518 76
O(V)ERHENT 6562 67
LEvE(R)AGE 12990 68
SATiNET 716 70
EASIEST 2752 89
STIRRIn(G) 16040 66
TRITONS 4036 72
BISSONs 31361 90
(L)OITEREr 941 64
ACETOSE 1624 77
SOMITIC 18993 84
EXHAUSt 19065 78
REGAlIT(Y) 2421 83
NODDIER 2445 70
HEARTI(E)R 2564 72
bETOILS 2659 80
AqUILON 8316 65
TOQUETS 19411 70
(C)APAcITY 38990 64
MOISTEN 1296 67
PERENTy 11321 73
(N)AsALIZE 7071 71
ROLFERS 14092 72
TU(R)BINAL 5083 65
PLENI(S)TS 16057 74
(O)UTGATES 5069 74
ALERTES(T) 3515 89
IDEATES 263 68
CnEMIAL 5763 78
TRENDI(E)R 1666 61
COUPLES 19120 71
HORDEIn 1251 94
PIST(O)LES 12732 72
UnTWIN(E)D 10975 76
ISOMERE 1650 78
(I)NSCRIBE 12816 78
CANOEIS(T) 252 62
POT(T)ABlE 14637 74
(C)RANNIED 3754 86
TROILUS 3289 76
SIMARRE 5093 67
G(R)ACIOUS 8260 65
ULTIsOL 15517 70
(S)PATHOSE 20098 76
OVER(W)iND 5393 82
ENGRAFT 3476 73
TINAJAS 12116 75
IDEATES 266 75
EnCODER 3539 81
FOR(E)SEEN 7251 76
cOATEES 1625 70
U(N)EARNED 3498 68
FORAY(I)Ng 10628 76
ROTUNDE(R) 3261 62
ZIPOLaS 19088 97
YEARnE(R)S 8358 70
(A)GRESTIC 2358 74
ST(R)INGED 1513 90
DENIALS 534 73
DiVERTE(D) 13181 64
(U)NbLOODY 32261 86
STEADI(E)S 3630 80
SOdAINE 47 76
OVER(L)AND 1750 64
PRELUDE 13008 74
(T)ELETRON 2288 77
VeRTIGO 1906 76
bUNGLES 18438 67
FLORINS 7853 74
AURATES 1695 77
aDDINGS 16954 76
POTHERS 10977 79
DESErTI(C) 4076 83
BErTHAS 9401 86
SENILES 8469 65
ELUTION 238 63
(T)OPSIDER 1870 65
DEViSO(R)S 12839 69
STRONT(I)A 1234 66
(R)OPERIES 5894 61
dEMOTI(C)S 8876 158
TUNNAgE 5954 61
ADVECTS 13486 68
(C)UrTAINS 5114 70
ELANETS 764 80
wIDEOUT 2725 75
LEM(U)rIAN 1360 93
STEREoS 6290 80
OENO(P)HIL 10963 102
FRONTeS(T) 8079 83
NOVATEs 1216 74
INNERLy 8772 64
H(E)ARTENS 2078 76
PANEERs 2971 64
HEADSET 5434 91
PENTaDS 4200 74
FOX(T)AiLS 18285 76
AUREOLA(S) 1257 62
(W)AGONERS 2929 82
R(O)UTEMAN 749 90
PaNTHER(S) 7644 89
DIVULgE 14145 88
HOO(L)IEST 5150 62
LAWINES 2051 73
MANOrIA(L) 3577 65
OUTL(I)NES 437 66
TRENDOI(D) 1647 61
RIOtOUS 4590 72
WOODIER 3742 90
LEISUR(E)S 10788 66
IRONIZ(E)d 4980 80
InVeRTO(R) 2338 77
NO(R)TENAS 601 62
YONNIES 6197 79
HEIRLo(O)M 10860 63
TEREDOS 1107 78
AIRbASE 2363 64
GOI(T)ERED 443 66
(D)ECEIVeD 31674 82
PICO(L)INE 9718 70
CLOOTIE 3734 73
THr(O)EING 1254 80
sPOONED 10810 80
OUTRAVe(s) 1805 63
(O)UTrANGE 325 77
LAETR(I)LE 1698 66
MISCIt(E)d 17488 167
CRITTEr 14187 68
STOKINg 15460 74
EUCRITE 2987 76
STRUDEL 5992 81
NOISIER 320 71
OUTSWAM 18126 91
I(D)EAtING 800 60
REDACTS 4135 82
(T)EEnIEST 5841 68
SPIFfI(E)S 40022 82
NARCIST 3625 75
OVER(V)OtE 24892 84
(H)AVIOURS 12111 80
(I)GNAROEs 78 82
OUTLETS 7973 66
WALIEST 2055 80
INVADEs 2011 71
RATS(B)ANE 3476 64
INOSITE 321 80
TRENTAL 1792 69
EGoTISE 696 77
ME(T)ANOIA 331 78
ONANIST 1847 81
(C)OTELINE 1053 72
OUGUIYA 20334 71
LATERAD 1668 85
ALLU(R)ERS 19897 70
sTENTED 8367 69
S(A)BURRAL 29040 61
DOCILeR 2648 73
SEAPIEC(E) 12236 76
sTEAMIE 1400 74
KERNITE 2378 66
ELUTI(O)NS 323 59
FLESHI(E)R 13787 67
PiNKEST 14784 91
NOTATES 1013 78
ATELI(E)RS 156 68
SHIDDER 17412 93
CoALIZE 7421 107
ICOnISE 3147 76
MISCuED 17792 77
RANDIER 700 68
SNIFTER 2147 72
CONCE(D)ES 27229 78
(A)IRHEADS 3334 76
PREsELL 22750 72
TRAVE(L)OG 2920 74
TAKINGS 14187 96
AD(E)sPOTA 4220 82
TIER(C)ELS 4071 61
TAILB(O)NE 233 70
gOATIER 19 78
REcEIPT 7180 87
(D)EnOTING 2611 70
YEARN(E)RS 8397 62
cIRROSE 6193 82
LOITERS 240 83
REM(I)TTOR 9543 64
SEAFOOD 6892 76
eREMIT(I)C 10141 94
(S)URNAMeD 5927 83
EqUISE(T)A 4501 58
A(D)VANCeS 17418 66
CA(R)FAReS 23781 70
NITRITE(S) 3217 70
AREDInG 327 68
A(B)DICATE 8224 64
AVIAR(I)ES 3917 61
HEFtIER 7181 80
UNNOTED 4670 79
IV(O)RIEST 2201 72
RELlENO 6251 66
RAVINGS 9152 74
CANOEI(N)G 3599 74
ESO(T)ERIC 1061 83
STEWIER 3078 74
FAnTODS 7828 78
GR(I)MNESS 19473 69
NOURICE 1251 72
MENIS(C)AL 7461 74
SWIPING 26944 82
SHORTeN 2785 93
ABOIDEA(U) 2125 86
NA(I)LSETS 2865 70
TOONIES 477 67
NAUPLII 11443 70
ARROWEd 6170 82
SHOPLI(F)T 28751 76
SLUTTI(E)R 5232 66
SENNITS 12400 67
DOORMEN 6985 73
(C)ANOPIED 2641 65
EMULaTE 5488 68
TSARINA 1540 82
(F)LUTAGES* 0 76
SERRaNO 1005 65
GLOMERA 3940 74
(E)BONISTS 8474 83
PAR(a)VANE 20327 62
DECAMPS 23531 81
QUARRIE(S) 11804 104
mOINEAU 432 64
GORIEST 532 100
SAYaBLE 18542 69
TEN(T)ORIA 54 60
fAGGOTE(D) 19599 86
(D)RABNESS 16042 86
F(L)UKIEST 16576 77
BEN(E)fICE 17590 74
AERATES 761 80
EUp(A)TRID 988 122
NETTIES 2541 66
AEDICUL(E) 3879 86
NOSTRIL 1592 77
pROTYLs 22218 81
IMPANNE(L) 13392 69
ASIAGOS 14859 70
SE(M)ITAUR 1383 61
NAUT(C)HES 11884 65
INOrBED 1228 85
NITHER(E)D 2098 66
NOTATED 1004 81
nODULAr 3275 96
READORN 996 70
(S)TERLiNG 1512 77
MIAULED 4036 83
REStRA(I)N 453 78
DEADENs 8464 88
EROTEMA 619 76
(H)OATzINS 13461 80
W(A)RIMENT 2227 76
ELECtRO 3526 65
MARINER 2824 81
RON(D)EAUX 4433 82
HAP(T)ENIC 10007 68
(C)URATIOn 1430 72
OuTGUES(S) 29237 80
RICOTTa 5615 92
REA(L)NESS 6729 59
RETINUl(A) 98 68
PARv(O)LIN 7833 86
(P)ETULANT 10974 72
ERMINeD 3013 87
F(O)RSOOTH 34883 85
OOFIEST 3749 88
lANGURS 11369 71
AGENTED 1127 64
(E)SPECIAL 6680 90
IMMINE(N)T 21717 80
REVISIT 4907 73
A(N)sERINE 658 64
(P)ARITORS 7094 90
(G)ASKETED 15326 95
dURIANS 2491 81
UNAKIT(E)S 3466 74
(C)AVORTER 10297 92
RONNIES 1029 79
DRAGGIE(R) 16909 76
AENEOUS 390 70
TORmI(N)AL 1435 58
AlANINE 2225 64
SPEWIEr 11286 72
CAREL(E)SS 17987 61
VERNACL(E) 9327 67
(L)UNARIST 1695 77
anEURIN 713 81
(E)RMELINS 4113 83
DISTAVE(S) 11356 66
TONGERS 1473 64
DIALeCT 1943 75
UNDE(L)EtE 8010 66
DURAT(I)ON 363 67
(V)IlLAGER 14420 86
EMPHATI(C) 22164 86
AlATION 681 64
FISHING 26931 80
LOAFERS 2611 79
(C)LEEPING 16756 80
tUNICAE 828 85
WHITTL(E)S 23042 78
NUDDiES 11324 67
FERRITE(S) 8449 63
MANS(I)ONS 22759 74
TEACHEs 11108 85
ATTUNES 3807 76
GUILDER 4646 70
SARCINA 7299 76
TE(R)AFLOP 5309 84
PTERION 466 69
WHAREN(u)I 4407 84
EGOTIsE 696 79
HETEROS 2531 78
GODETIA(S) 232 64
(R)ESUPINE 2996 94
U(N)COINED 5758 76
AMR(E)EtAS 3288 86
ABA(N)DONS 21628 69
(S)WEATIER 863 74
TEERING 611 72
(D)ELAYING 4769 65
ETERNIS(E) 1092 62
VeRDINS 4373 69
CHORTLE(R) 19748 80
TOENAI(L)S 33 82
(I)DOLATER 19 72
SEATR(A)iN 114 72
AFE(A)RING 2766 80
cURVATE 9409 80
rECOIL(E)D 2484 64
OVErlIE 1658 69
POLECAT 6696 65
(R)OTAvATE 5170 74
FaSHION 9675 80
NUTRIAS 1331 72
OENoMEL 8233 72
COtTAGE 8394 71
DAU(N)TING 10607 64
ADVISOR 4461 89
BAILERS 1918 74
EnGORES 1778 70
REOFFE(N)d 22632 84
OUTAGES 1444 71
(R)ETICULE 4048 62
ROOTLI(K)E 5982 78
LOADS(T)Ar 5062 61
SEDUCES 25760 79
ANAtASE 5587 65
TOTHERs 9906 83
IMBRUED 13546 80
(I)NTORTED 609 78
dIS(C)IPLE 22396 72
P(L)EDGETS 19118 74
DoURInE 167 72
DUOTONE 2853 72
TRICEPS 9551 75
RATLINS 1337 72
LAICISE 4721 75
ELASTIN 137 78
TANGLER 1059 70
CLEANED 5392 79
METOPES 12129 98
ARIsTAE 166 79
FAG(G)IEST 18167 80
RACIEST 825 82
TURTLEd 10951 68
WaGON(E)RS 2914 65
TREADLE(D) 6680 71
HONOURE(E) 6559 86
ClARIO(N)S 3158 81
(D)IETINES 1454 80
UNITAgE(S) 600 74
ORE(C)TIVE 3427 63
GENTILE 1592 72
DIShIER 8187 68
TETRO(N)AL 603 70
LA(M)INOSE 709 90
cENTRAL 2082 68
LAR(I)ATED 383 63
HERESIE(S) 21673 74
TOUZIER 3141 97
DEVeLoP(S) 19885 86
POGONIA 8315 72
CHAD(L)ESS 31688 194
TONITES 1044 70
MIDrOLL 21843 67
AUT(A)CoID 6603 62
RECITER 6594 74
UNF(O)RKEd 19570 106
IDEATES 265 69
M(E)NTORED 2568 80
ED(E)NTATE 5836 86
(B)RINIEST 3475 62
CERASTE(S) 13137 74
DeASOIL 177 77
sHEERED 16211 92
TONUSES 8289 84
STOGIES 7032 71
SONLEsS 27087 64
FOREG(O)NE 9217 74
ROOTiER 1668 64
PAR(L)AYED 17457 80
I(N)TROITs 6207 58
RE(L)IEVED 10195 74
CZARIN(A)S 22468 95
vIDICON 18857 81
IS(O)LINES 7103 61
POAcHI(N)G 22848 76
(D)eTRITAL 1178 77
SAUT(O)IRE 36 58
T(H)ONGIER 1253 63
HALFTIM(E) 14271 82
NAILSET 139 76
READERS 4978 64
INFAnTE 2819 82
DEnTILE(D) 6738 80
BIREMES 11195 78
L(I)POMATa 13023 67
TISANES 1846 72
TENABLE 2868 74
AUNTERS 564 87
FRaNKI(N)G 30088 84
(L)INgUINE 12470 74
RESTOKE(D) 9282 67
INTO(R)TED 609 72
SUTURES 24625 71
OUTFIR(E)S 1874 62
AUrEAtE 1052 59
GIAOURs 2414 74
TW(I)GGERS 23130 100
ATHLETA 13672 82
STYLI(Z)ER 18135 72
FISsATE 8898 98
RODlIKE 5687 67
MI(S)aTONE 282 76
UP(B)UILDs 37908 98
SOLI(D)ARY 6007 62
APNEUSI(S) 11327 76
GLEEnIE 5253 74
ENTAMED 2908 66
MaILERS 2031 78
STEAMI(L)Y 7526 65
BIlIOUS 16450 76
BAITERS 804 70
ANIMATE 1075 94
ORIENT(E)D 59 60
(S)ETLInES 6718 74
PRANCES 9354 81
ODOR(I)ZES 9799 69
PETUnIA 913 72
(G)LEnOIDS 2109 77
TRACIN(G)S 7201 69
AEROBIA 534 74
VAURIeN 922 62
SEXTAnT 13721 72
PAISLEY 9254 84
ANIMIsT(S) 20494 63
JAR(O)SITE 899 66
ACREAgE 8289 82
ANESTRA 642 69
REGINaE 154 74
REMI(T)TAL 3801 74
(D)ENDROID 19714 86
GLOvERs 11547 84
ZANIEST 2370 72
BRAILED 1923 91
RENVOIS 1327 77
WAITE(R)ED 835 64
STERNaL 568 79
BLOAT(I)NG 5042 62
OUTSEEN 1123 66
(C)ALCINED 19489 80
ROOsTER 6540 76
ZoOLITE 7489 100
(I)NcURRED 11059 77
BOULD(E)RS 10869 62
UNLOADE(D) 6425 83
PArALLE(L) 36186 86
RENAGUE(D) 2246 83
TROULIN(G) 3569 80
ReADMIT 841 74
ROARERS 11486 70
A(N)ODISED 1517 63
PLAINTS 6644 77
ATREsIA 169 61
ADERMIN 832 74
rOSEATE 88 65
TWEENER 8138 65
ETHYNES 15362 80
ALUNITE 144 83
INHALES 2019 78
FROST(I)nG 8540 67
DESTINE 772 83
UNAlIVE 2042 64
P(A)NARIES 1563 72
ATOMiZ(IN)G 17633 71
(A)UMAILED 6309 84
REDEC(i)DE 21554 65
sTUDIED 11342 70
ENTER(I)NG 2844 65
ABROADS 12328 77
(D)IURNAlS 3580 77
CAVETTO(S) 14650 92
ERADIA(T)E 168 60
EnTAILS 137 69
COROnAE 1764 73
TRITONE 380 76
REsHAVE 11113 80
PREWA(R)MS 29505 84
NIELLI(S)T 10121 131
CINDERS 4295 69
LIERNES 575 72
RESTAG(E)S 6962 70
(R)OSINATE 13 77
WEETInG 4512 78
HOAgIES 1799 78
ABOULIc 13686 72
OVErMAN 3657 80
sIGNAGE 8304 77
SAtURAT(E) 5965 85
DEFERRE(D) 33929 68
SaNDIeR 111 64
TRIgGER 18288 66
UILLEAN(N) 10462 68
INSO(L)ATE 32 59
FLAWiER 5826 89
INTERNA(L) 448 62
RENaMES 2948 82
NANITES 714 66
PL(AT)ELETS 24008 72
STRAINS 6487 76
LACTONE 1156 74
AGNISED 982 75
STRIGAE 371 78
EASTERS 5264 76
INTENSE 2536 69
RAtI(C)IDE 1586 74
(F)LOATIER 265 86
RANTERS 1795 75
TARD(I)EsT 1187 82
(A)NDESITE 150 80
FINCHES 19944 91
HEISTER 3025 65
(T)REELAWN 2075 65
(U)NBUsIED 20901 74
SATINET 716 70
BEARING 1590 69
(L)ARDIEST 334 80
GLEET(I)ER 3711 63
SEMATiC 5789 91
POUTINE 1309 67
STEE(L)ING 2262 74
EROTISE(D) 223 72
DEROGaT(ES) 554 70
LiF(T)GATE 9603 72
HOOTERS 6973 76
BAWNE(E)NS 19848 102
LON(E)sOME 10493 72
DICKENs 18910 74
PE(N)ITEnT 14130 76
H(E)ATINgS 2388 74
(A)NALyZEd 23409 95
WOMBATS 23809 80
DANCERS 4108 85
URALITE 151 74
CAS(E)MENT 9285 78
oRANGIE(R) 403 77
ANTIQuE 2339 79
ROILING 5650 77
pENSIVE 11219 88
WI(T)HERED 9389 66
ENSnARE 2497 79
HUmERUS 28609 74
NO(N)GUEST 8698 74
sTERNED 1887 84
INT(R)ADOS 361 70
UnNAMED 12575 72
BR(A)KEMEN 22439 74
(O)VERLaIN 273 83
AURATEs 1675 70
FELTERS 9033 74
IGNATIA 5347 72
MUSIC(A)LS 33739 66
REPONES 3554 67
gLIADIN(E) 1922 80
HASTENS 13046 73
NEROLIs 231 72
SATIRES 1852 70
mO(N)ILIAE 897 59
COqUINA 14896 72
AMOTION 3327 86
AL(I)QUOTS 10809 84
(P)LEATINg 2409 80
HEINOUs 2717 80
pINDARI 7348 77
LONGERS 3102 75
AgISTED 985 91
RESCIND 4317 87
(T)ROLLEYS 17803 72
EBONITE 624 75
GAUNtER 1064 68
NAILSET 139 74
PANTILE 883 74
NET(T)LIER 1674 70
RAcINOS 2183 75
TRAHISO(N) 1434 95
(D)ANSEURs 9462 77
(R)EORDErS 20414 68
EnVYING 21804 71
(I)NTIMATE 4281 66
RET(A)PING 1008 65
ARRIVEd 5093 79
(S)TATIOnS 10802 74
SN(O)OTING 14220 65
NEOLITh 1275 69
GOOIEST 2081 84
ATHEISE 1379 71
NUTMEGS 14210 76
REa(D)IEST 151 68
REELMEN 12022 75
RADGeST 2277 77
EDUCAT(O)R 1727 78
SNARFI(N)G 17726 78
SANDING 12234 81
tWEE(T)ING 11115 63
AGENISE 584 68
ETAEr(I)OS 17 61
(U)NPACkER 25510 64
VENTAIL 882 97
(R)EALTIME 840 74
R(E)IMAGED 3044 78
ARCAdES 8054 77
ErOTEMA 619 72
N(I)TTiEST 18264 66
NOUR(I)CES 1827 78
SKELlUM 31978 105
GUESSED 23175 80
ITERANT 254 75
STANYEL 4259 72
SANCAIS 21162 89
GOAtEED 691 75
ReQUIRE 15341 100
UNERR(I)NG 13176 65
(E)SCAPAdE 19148 92
MIDGETS 10063 79
MITTENS 8739 75
STEAMIE 1393 65
ABRIDG(e)S 4710 64
SWERvES 27255 91
STEROID 224 68
dEBON(I)NG 10698 74
RESONAt(E) 58 59
TONGUEs 3090 76
NIELLoS 4774 67
AUCTION 2177 63
VI(T)iABLE 8232 98
ENTRE(A)Ts 1660 64
EXPIrES 16112 85
ORACIES 411 73
BROLGAS 14387 81
INFARES 849 74
KE(R)OSInE 2803 76
R(U)NNIEST 2775 70
MEDICAL 9223 83
CREASES 14840 82
cUTWATE(R) 18292 70
(G)LIADiNE 1916 70
LEnIT(I)ES 1446 58
TRAILER 704 68
RIOTeRS 1033 68
REPANEL(S) 4028 89
gODROON 22574 75
COIS(T)REL 1829 78
TARRA(S)ES 15986 70
P(AL)LIATED 12449 89
OMiC(R)ONS 19458 74
OUTHItS 17178 74
MADRONA 8392 76
SQUAMAE 23193 89
UNIrONE(D) 1485 68
REPEATE(R) 11530 62
ErASION 10 76
ACAUL(O)sE 7271 62
AEONIAN 482 74
AnTHELI(A) 1553 72
STINGER 1069 73
ROARIES(T) 186 77
EsTRONE 446 73
PETIOLA(R) 276 61
OBELIzE(S) 16014 80
ReINSUR(E) 3552 74
GRIVETS 6379 70
FELONi(E)S 2506 74
VERTISO(L) 1892 76
BAWNEe(N)S 19751 74
mOCKAGE 24384 76
INGESTA 359 79
NUMbERS 17909 68
ROAMING 3561 86
RE(T)ITLES 3533 70
CROW(N)INg 26242 76
ORANGES 508 71
(A)NTIDORA 404 83
RA(L)LIERS 10464 70
MaLEmI(U)T 19311 62
BLoWIEr 6774 73
DYN(A)MICS 27277 87
EPI(G)AEAL 6377 76
CARNIES(T) 518 80
IMPLAT(IN)G 19462 67
oEUVRES 6431 66
TOUTIER 1038 87
ZeNAiDA 5293 90
VITTlES 12670 70
BRANTL(E)S 3067 64
SCANTIE(R) 523 76
UNITIES 1701 68
D(E)CRIaLS 2990 70
SLIDeRS 11346 68
DOWNIE(S)T 1856 64
NaEVOID 419 79
CHEWERS 25014 88
TURBANS 10734 67
(B)UOYANcE 15638 89
CAVO(R)TED 5261 84
TEnTIGO 1732 72
LANTE(R)NS 2781 62
LAWINGS 13053 100
UNP(L)AYED 16520 78
DeITIES 2231 73
RETITLE 2519 71
FAINEA(N)T 4238 76
CERATES 2894 92
R(E)NAILED 138 70
pRIN(C)ESS 23498 86
ESpANOL 2609 68
GL(e)ETIER 3711 70
E(T)AERIOS 17 78
AEST(I)VAL 3328 94
DIATRON 155 76
CORSITE(S) 8480 83
MIS(F)IRED 17416 68
STEANED 745 82
NeCTARY 5978 70
GUITARS 3896 72
T(A)DPOLES 3630 62
(O)BTEmPER 17733 72
DIAZOES 3074 81
ATRESIA 168 87
RESITIN(G) 2026 70
URIn(A)TED 88 70
MI(n)ISTRY 21543 76
VINDiC(A)T(E) 5324 80
LENTORS 686 77
HABITAN 13190 71
STREWER 14576 78
BELIEFS 15280 77
G(E)mATRIA 2769 59
DEPIL(A)TE 1984 84
(A)NTIACnE 4266 80
OU(T)RANCE 736 63
U(N)SAINED 2688 68
RELeARN 2506 77
RELAYED 5451 93
GLEAnED 3252 64
SCU(R)RIED 15478 72
LaTT(I)CED 6777 70
GIRASOL 2408 84
REENTER 7919 70
SNIRTI(N)G 16026 86
V(I)LAYETS 7571 66
ExPI(A)TED 10227 61
(S)TRAUNGE 1502 80
GIMLETE(D) 9838 68
ENCHA(N)TS 18277 102
sNOTTED 4657 88
H(I)REABLE 5565 75
DIRECTS 4321 76
(E)sTREPES 26228 80
TRENDOi(D) 1647 70
TIDERIP 4879 81
DaYTIME 5840 83
ATHEISE 1386 77
LESBIAN 1927 82
OATlIKE 1039 96
LATERIZ(E) 2281 86
(A)STEROId 27 68
PINKEST 14726 88
ANERGIA 480 73
SEATERs 5268 70
CURrIED 12680 76
SAR(C)ENET 2064 149
LaWNIER 885 70
SkERRIN(G) 20115 74
RIV(U)LOSe 3714 72
PORTENT 6270 70
EvEN(T)IDE 6264 74
ETAE(R)IOs 17 71
MANDIRS 6622 72
COGNISE 3987 88
RuPIAHS 16708 109
(D)ELUsTRE 5646 70
HITTERs 8768 78
UNSPIED 7616 84
MIAOUEd 1124 75
sTATIVE 5126 95
LOONIES 1357 68
ROUNdE(S)T 1172 113
OUTRID(E)S 433 80
TYRONES 2797 80
PERAEO(N)S 1047 77
STANYEL 4259 72
SANCAIS 21162 89
GOAtEED 691 75
NEGATOR(Y) 1246 89
INEDIT(E)D 7287 74
BILGIEr 10934 74
(A)VOWABLE 21574 101
OUTEDGE(S) 5178 66
NOUR(I)CES 1827 74
ZArEEBA 16710 104
ROTUND(A)S 2283 70
EATERIE 179 70
uNLATCH 20861 96
eNDIRON 1019 83
DEADENS 8428 72
HARDIES 1970 97
KERAT(I)Ns 1632 62
COINT(E)RS 757 61
(A)TtENDED 12281 80
REALIST 145 69
DECRIER 10281 76
ZOOLAT(E)R 5979 70
sNAFUED 7464 73
GUTTIES 9199 88
EBONI(S)Es 10000 70
LARDING 3883 93
mARRERS 24002 69
(O)UiSTITI 22065 74
G(R)OUTERS 8699 72
rALLIES 3859 68
BEARERS 10237 80
(H)EADREsT 3955 89
SCoUTED 8504 95
(E)lEVATES 10139 92
DIRTIeS 1681 68
FEELINg 7700 78
bURRITO 12927 64
DOLMENs 8524 77
HIRSUTE 4377 77
ERInITE 396 66
TANTALU(M) 24892 62
(P)TOMAINE 1152 64
N(E)TROOTs 4801 71
ALEVINS 2038 66
VARLETS 4271 74
B(A)NiSHED 7402 86
INSULAe 550 64
RETAXI(N)G 2841 70
uRODELE(S) 3316 82
MI(S)ALTER 1367 74
REVISAL 2062 76
REUNITE(D) 485 86
(R)ETRACES 8350 83
OUTREDS 1750 85
SONNIES 9629 77
GLOATE(R)s 881 69
tINAJAS 12036 114
CARBID(E)S 7392 82
A(M)ITROLE 270 68
LOGgiER 9763 66
sANDIER 111 89
OVARiAN 2483 72
ImAGINE 3765 79
ALeRION(S) 29 74
SUIc(I)DES 26393 66
pACIFI(E)D 20061 69
MORAINA(L) 3580 62
DISROOT 4587 81
W(A)XInESS 24835 68
U(N)DERUSE 15351 68
(E)RECTERS 21103 83
GRAdINO 1092 70
AUSTERE 763 71
(T)INHORNs 11224 92
DRE(A)RIeR 9836 66
(G)ENErALS 2247 74
CAGELi(K)E 18038 78
STRIDER(S) 15087 83
NEOTERI(C) 376 72
SPEArED 5448 71
RESIGNS 9782 77
sTAINeD 121 75
PIRATED 851 76
(V)ALOnIAS 6581 72
TEARILY 894 65
AE(R)ADIOS 162 70
REIN(S)URE 3552 70
NANNIES 10149 70
DODGIES(T) 9099 89
ROsEOLA 1352 64
BANT(E)RER 5063 64
mATURER 8710 68
R(e)LATION 6 66
DEARIES 261 72
dIORITE 311 68
TENONER 1599 66
SAUTEEd 1818 73
TONEARM 455 88
DEPART(E)R 8333 63
bANTIES 800 65
pARADES 8110 69
EROTI(S)ED 224 67
LOCALIz(E) 21585 80
DENTALS 1501 84
(Y)EArLING 2412 72
NIDATES 118 76
(T)OrNADES 130 66
OORIEsT 478 73
REGRAF(T)S 14097 64
(E)NCODERS 4901 89
bIMETAL 5745 71
(M)ENISCUS 27947 64
ANNUiTY 11924 88
SEARO(B)IN 235 74
CERESIn 2980 75
BORNITE 457 73
VERSANT 2123 83
DaWTIES 2012 80
BOASTER 1139 84
(G)AVELMaN 20647 78
D(E)MIURgE 9843 70
cERTAIN 290 64
STEARES 5269 85
PER(C)HING 22690 70
DIRECT(E)R 8373 74
ORTHIAN 967 77
ASToUND 3296 86
NEMESIA 1397 76
OROIDES 1355 76
sPELTE(R)S 22884 76
(U)NSALTED 2205 80
NIRlIER 4541 67
BuLLIES 21364 73
RETAI(L)OR 180 59
HEALERs 5456 72
DEcEASE 11895 73
CAVORTS 13862 83
MEATiLY 5861 78
DIGLOTs 8175 70
MOOLIES 6905 69
PARTITA 12518 79
LOOPErS 10820 66
UNWISER 4411 78
TAILzIE(S) 7082 71
TARDIEs 130 71
RETAILO(R) 179 68
ANODIZE 1422 81
POWTERS 10887 116
(O)UTRAGED 876 64
TeR(R)OIRS 9584 78
EM(I)GRANT 1003 82
PEEKIng 19076 76
OPEROsE 8235 72
TRAINeR 252 61
(U)NVARIED 1325 73
BHIStIE 14337 80
SIGMaTe(S) 14358 68
RACIEST 825 74
DETAIN(E)E 369 85
SCORIAe 412 74
TAMPErE(R) 15048 92
tANAGER 1400 70
ISATINS 10978 76
CENTRAL 2082 85
GONIDIA 3083 72
STOREMA(N) 747 74
SUBARID 10540 76
ENOLASE 382 78
CLANGEr 6251 74
C(r)AFTIER 9010 72
RESIdIN(G) 3871 77
NIMRODS 7882 68
ShTeTLS 28285 62
TORPIDS 7885 68
DErATES 752 70
VARIOLE 429 74
(PE)TRONeLS 2852 75
FENNIER 6566 78
HALITO(U)S 6046 65
RIBEYES 11213 91
ReSTiES(T) 12377 66
PET(I)OLAR 276 90
LINEAGE 584 73
ISSUANt 10180 78
INLIErS 1694 79
DIRTIER 4539 71
CHAN(T)IES 4343 84
IRIDEaL 637 74
TR(I)ZoNES 2221 82
ANICUTS 6614 74
ROTATOr 14858 71
VALETES 5504 90
SAT(I)NETS 6610 59
TRUNDL(E)R 9108 65
WATErME(n) 5672 74
ORATION 377 68
(T)ENONERS 2283 70
YAWNERS 9483 78
KERNELs 14084 79
VAURI(E)NS 1388 72
CY(N)OSUrE 13514 62
TR(A)CHEID 4328 65
PEATMaN 10390 76
(a)GENISED 915 72
ALBERGO 3929 75
RESINAT(A) 112 70
(C)OENURUS 17773 62
HEGEmON 15218 77
MARAvE(D)I 8251 61
AVENGER 4502 80
CANON(I)SE 2303 72
PO(L)ARISE 719 83
DILATED 3862 84
NIDGETS 2299 68
IODINES 948 80
HARELIP 5861 107
CARDIAE 2368 82
FOI(S)TING 13824 62
COWRIEs 6842 82
ALLEGR(O)S 9096 70
ENTAN(G)LE 5519 63
NOSIEST 2438 80
CODETTA 6149 82
OVE(R)RIPE 11663 73
BUR(N)INGS 27112 80
ABATERS 4823 75
TOWNIES(T) 4721 66
AERATEd 1049 64
RETRACE 6542 74
rONNELS 4682 72
PA(R)IETES 862 70
SNARLIE(R) 885 72
ZILLION 18467 90
PITaRAS 7311 78
REVISAL 2051 67
LADINGS 7087 72
HOOKN(O)sE 33194 65
ANEStRI 29 77
PORCHeS 21154 84
(V)ALoRISE 720 83
COURIES 2652 67
JUGgLER 30810 90
cURTAI(L)S 8585 68
AU(R)EOLES 622 70
AIRFOI(L)S 6552 72
TOITInG 10594 68
NITRO(G)EN 1156 72
FAINTeD 829 84
HEDGERO(W) 18358 70
ACTIONs 2174 73
SNARLER 3778 78
SUPI(N)ATE 1380 68
(B)ESTOWEd 14873 74
FRESHES 27238 107
LIVENED 5522 65
RETARDE(D) 12283 65
CALDER(A)S 10350 76
FLASHeR 13478 77
NETSUkE 14066 79
TA(C)ITUrN 10149 140
SPURRED 21125 79
LOG(I)NeSS 9104 68
INTERN(E)T 4539 66
HEDERaL 5427 81
O(U)TLINED 426 72
ENVIROS 1316 78
AERIALS 634 82
TUMpING 23369 74
DIShRAG 12970 70
NEARLIE(R) 652 77
FALSIeS 12821 76
POACHEs 16852 77
ETc(E)TERA 11466 68
ENViOUS 2725 69
SPINiER 4879 72
(T)ANGLERS 1500 70
mEAS(U)RED 6962 82
(S)OUThPAW 28544 86
ANISEED 260 80
GOaTEeS 689 80
P(R)ONATED 735 67
EN(G)RAFTS 4842 72
(C)APELINS 7432 89
MANTLE(T)S 10917 85
REQUIT(a)L 3451 76
CADAS(T)ER 6429 94
SAINTED 119 65
(A)UREoLED 620 74
CAR(R)IONS 7028 64
TOLLIES 4779 83
STU(D)LIER 2200 72
TAENIOI(D) 49 80
EqUATES 9787 64
(W)EARiEST 868 80
ENTOILS 234 71
ERI(O)NITE 81 82
RePENT(E)R 16269 70
C(O)NVIvES 28220 90
(T)RiGOnAL 645 74
EUTEX(I)AS 4503 80
THIOT(E)pA 6211 72
OLEATES 389 71
P(A)RCLOSE 8823 98
SUIDIAn 5694 79
DELAtOR 183 83
DECA(L)ING 4744 98
GELANTs 2297 79
E(P)ILATES 2014 76
INSNA(R)eS 6604 68
PO(R)RIDGE 10757 88
OBELISm 10706 78
SIRTUIN 5965 89
SARMENT 2122 85
ORgEATS 515 70
DEBATER 2880 67
FOuGADE 7213 82
(B)ANJOIST 13456 85
LIGAT(I)VE 5489 68
CREASeS 14899 76
SUrN(A)MED 5894 66
CHARR(I)nG 24950 67
DEMAINE 1370 76
GI(L)BERTs 8107 72
KIBbEHS 33064 82
TrITOMA 5598 78
DRIS(H)EEN 4059 64
TELOmE(R)E 7185 64
CONjOIN(T) 30374 80
(MY)OTONIAS 10258 78
HASTENS 13046 69
ITChIER 10349 68
RONDELL(E) 7819 83
(R)ETINUES 491 77
O(P)UNTIAs 3192 77
INTORTs 4014 77
ISOTONE 473 84
BALUS(T)ER 5865 72
OUTMAnS 7827 76
DELICTS 7535 79
EUCLASE 8790 83
EDU(C)AtED 17879 72
SENaTES 5261 76
UNDIAlE(D)* 0 85
(l)AIGHEST 4755 65
INHERIT 2445 78
RACISTS 16295 70
FUSILEE(R) 7011 76
CARD(I)TIs 9543 90
PRUNEl(L)E 22768 68
IN(C)REASE 812 70
DYnASTy 28511 86
ReADOUT 194 83
ES(C)ALIER 1963 74
sAMOYED 10634 91
PAGAN(D)OM 25615 65
RASSLI(N)g 15434 68
GUARDER 9178 77
QUEENIT(E) 10802 74
NUTSIER 579 76
ELUTIoN 235 80
SHaNTIS 16302 78
NAPPERS 20019 79
REININg 6505 64
SATI(R)IZE 4120 88
FO(R)EDOES 10436 63
OUTGaTE 3601 69
TRA(M)LINE 538 74
SOLITON 4588 65
(L)ABORITE 234 70
OUTSEEN 1110 69
PAROTIS 2219 63
SWAR(V)INg 18880 64
sTONERN 2396 72
NOTaEUM 1214 92
DEHISC(e)D 29426 68
CHAPLET 19950 76
CoRSNED 5155 78
C(U)PBOARD 28648 80
OUtSWEA(R) 1807 70
WEASAND 8108 101
TaENIAE 86 64
BEANIES 1369 84
LASTERS 7243 84
MERANTI 302 97
SHARPeN 9441 92
DETEC(T)OR 9743 65
ALEURON 198 66
VISAGES 15801 90
BAT(T)ENED 8285 66
(C)LINGERS 8109 89
(S)URfAcED 16488 71
HALVeRS 13437 80
RESENTS 8783 72
UlULA(T)ES 25081 68
(H)ESITAtE 4821 69
DAMSELs 21277 93
CORSAGE 3923 94
SPALTED 7480 70
ESTRONE 443 82
FrEDAIN(E) 815 93
SIRREES 14050 71
(E)RRATICS 3777 70
(R)ESONATE 58 74
THRENES 5620 67
KEITlOA 1427 77
pIETIES 6123 73
PON(D)eRER 9760 90
(H)UMANISM 35566 98
SPITT(I)Er 11770 86
(rE)TRAINED 242 68
AERATED 1043 62
CASHIER 5759 91
FA(V)OUReD 8798 82
(O)UVRIERE 5837 74
eSCORTS 14559 69
IO(D)InATE 48 60
(O)VERHeLD 14980 68
WATTLIN(G) 17735 82
GUESSED 23175 80
ITERANT 254 75
UPTAkEN 14727 80
AIDaNCE 2365 83
TANGOED 505 65
GLOrIAS 2409 69
(L)AIRIeST 398 78
OVER(C)ALL 20181 102
BASHING 19654 96
ARANEID 160 74
ASTROID 595 82
DEL(A)YInG 4769 66
EU(L)OgISE 2682 68
CORDiTE 1240 109
IRONIZE(D) 4980 107
CREATES 2911 73
(O)RLISTat 2808 71
BITTERS 8704 74
EARNEST 272 70
OUNDIEr 217 68
TENDENZ 19577 101
OUTROWs 18257 95
TROWeLS 5255 77
(L)ONEsOME 10493 77
ENTRAN(C)E 5065 72
STUdIED 11327 79
(T)ONSURES 6620 66
ENTREAT 1339 73
SILUR(O)ID 8483 61
mANSION 8875 65
CYANIzE 16755 75
(L)UNKhEAD 22802 66
ONEYERS 3542 87
TETRAGO(N) 1155 70
NUTTING 21914 69
INDOrSE(D) 3420 80
OUTrAGE 515 71
AVIATOr 2485 76
rADIATE(D) 3242 62
(A)URELIAN 387 70
DUNnIES 6913 79
COMA(N)AGE 12412 80
HAILINg 13989 66
FORINTS 4553 76
bACKLE(S)S 38100 86
MAIDENS 1996 78
aSTERN(A)L 1100 58
The of bingos played by the player that were not challenged off.
Triple Triples
Type Play Probability Score
OUT(W)EEDs 8063 158
WOmA(N)IZE 12397 221
ANTi(P)OLE 273 131
S(T)ARNIES 1237 131
LOGi(C)ISE 10211 140
ROMAN(C)Ed 5259 158
rO(T)ATING 2280 131
MODUl(A)TE 3645 140
LAR(D)IEST 335 140
HON(G)IInG 35433 167
m(I)SoRDER 7969 131
LOT(H)ARIo 4529 140
E(P)IDURAL 3015 167
G(I)RLOnDS 6544 140
AN(T)EDATe 4172 140
RINGSi(D)E 3872 140
INSA(NE)ST 6568 81
AuTO(D)YNE 1767 158
OUT(S)HaME 8829 158
dEMOTI(C)S 8876 158
MISCIt(E)d 17488 167
EUp(A)TRID 988 122
CHAD(L)ESS 31688 194
NIELLI(S)T 10121 131
SAR(C)ENET 2064 149
ROUNdE(S)T 1172 113
TA(C)ITUrN 10149 140
Triple triples played by the player that were not challenged off. They do not have to be bingos.
Bingo Nines or Above
Type Play Probability Score
RAT(IO)NALS 541 63
(AR)RESTERS 25505 80
(LI)NCTURES 3592 63
uNRO(O)F(I)NG 21691 78
PLUMBA(GO)s 34238 88
MIgRA(TI)ON 3338 62
DoLERIT(ES) 232 68
CAM(PI)NESS 26165 67
GUs(T)I(N)ESS 30265 102
OXyGE(NA)tE 10644 80
OXyGE(NA)tE 10644 80
(PI)ASTEREd* 0 72
LITIGAT(ES) 4987 83
g(E)R(A)NIOLS 109 89
L(IN)EMAtES 937 74
E(NA)RGITES 127 62
ESCAPA(DE)s 29711 69
IN(TI)mATER 2431 82
ATOMiZ(IN)G 17633 71
PL(AT)ELETS 24008 72
DEROGaT(ES) 554 70
P(AL)LIATED 12449 89
IMPLAT(IN)G 19462 67
VINDiC(A)T(E) 5324 80
(PE)TRONeLS 2852 75
(MY)OTONIAS 10258 78
(rE)TRAINED 242 68
Bingos played by the player that were nine letters or longer and were not challenged off.
Challenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
PUNTiN(G)S* 0 0
FOME* 0 0
VAWT* 0 0
G(R)RR* 0 0
uNT(H)RIVE* 0 0
LAgENDA* 0 0
NONER* 0 0
DE(S)PONEd* 0 0
REF(O)* 0 0
FR(I)P* 0 0
YONDS* 0 0
YONDS* 0 0
FLO(W)IeST* 0 0
REB(URN)* 0 0
PRAME* 0 0
ZA(X)InG* 0 0
TEA(KY)* 0 0
KYA* 0 0
DAWTY* 0 0
(IXIA)L* 0 0
(T)ENNA* 0 0
AmAZERS* 0 0
MaLLRAT* 0 0
LOM* 0 0
B(Y)WATER* 0 0
VIBED* 0 0
DIAN(A)* 0 0
OA* 0 0
FL(U)MY* 0 0
UNTAG* 0 0
iGNEUOS* 0 0
(V)OIL* 0 0
TEFT* 0 0
BRUnCH(IF)Y* 0 0
PELK* 0 0
(A)YED* 0 0
VIT(T)LErS* 0 0
NIMA* 0 0
BREEI(N)G* 0 0
ALBAE* 0 0
INIAS* 0 0
TINIA* 0 0
NOOS* 0 0
WHOS* 0 0
FAUcHES* 0 0
HE(M)O* 0 0
RETONeD* 0 0
PEINT* 0 0
AP* 0 0
RA* 0 0
MEZ* 0 0
(U)PRUNG* 0 0
(GU)RR* 0 0
(I)CAD* 0 0
(T)ODGE* 0 0
VIBIN(G)* 0 0
BOHIA* 0 0
OVA(R)IA* 0 0
VITiST(AT)E* 0 0
ZAE* 0 0
DN* 0 0
MURIuTE* 0 0
(b)UOYANTS* 0 0
TAL* 0 0
GAMEsHI(P)* 0 0
DANGELs* 0 0
FERLA(N)* 0 0
KOHO* 0 0
POCOS* 0 0
BAHS* 0 0
TAL(IT)* 0 0
TER* 0 0
AFOOL* 0 0
UHI* 0 0
DAR(K)EY* 0 0
(KI)VE* 0 0
BOEK* 0 0
BL(UR)RER* 0 0
C(I)NCO* 0 0
(U)NHAD* 0 0
OWP* 0 0
(G)OY* 0 0
MU(n)DANES* 0 0
ReSCANS* 0 0
ONAN* 0 0
BOATY* 0 0
LES* 0 0
PLAUD* 0 0
GOAR* 0 0
S(TOUTED)* 0 0
OKAH* 0 0
GARR* 0 0
(N)ALE* 0 0
ADAY* 0 0
OUTGULp* 0 0
WI(F)T* 0 0
AFLOW* 0 0
KNAB* 0 0
TAMI* 0 0
(D)AIN* 0 0
BAIN* 0 0
FIRY* 0 0
IN(TI)rATER* 0 0
TReBLER* 0 0
BEWAiTS* 0 0
MEROpAE* 0 0
lOUVRIN(G)* 0 0
(E)YRER* 0 0
CARSY* 0 0
INBOuGH(T)* 0 0
SCAUF* 0 0
PINER* 0 0
SCLaVED* 0 0
A(C)E(TA)tION* 0 0
DAYM(E)N* 0 0
(P)ONCET* 0 0
KORIrIS* 0 0
R(R)EY* 0 0
AF* 0 0
TZADI* 0 0
WHE(N)A* 0 0
TOAdIER* 0 0
NYMS* 0 0
(T)HIGA* 0 0
VAIL(E)* 0 0
SPATH* 0 0
IL* 0 0
TINTO* 0 0
VARIT(Y)* 0 0
JIgGER(E)R* 0 0
OA* 0 0
EBIONIT(e)* 0 0
U(N)SuDDEN* 0 0
RAILeRY* 0 0
MATHY* 0 0
(NE)RVAtIZE* 0 0
(WO)R(E)S* 0 0
SK(E)RF* 0 0
UNRIVAl* 0 0
VAURIeN(T)* 0 0
BOA(T)Y* 0 0
SID* 0 0
OBID* 0 0
FLIRR* 0 0
WISHY* 0 0
LOTIS* 0 0
NOD(A)LIC* 0 0
P(A)RG(E)R* 0 0
SNIE* 0 0
OVERQuI(ET)* 0 0
LON* 0 0
TEGU(M)* 0 0
UNE* 0 0
SOR* 0 0
(H)ENCH* 0 0
(P)EsK* 0 0
COM* 0 0
KAA* 0 0
HOUK* 0 0
DOFS* 0 0
PUGHS* 0 0
(F)ACETTY* 0 0
ARODE* 0 0
(BIN)T* 0 0
S(C)ARRERs* 0 0
BAWT* 0 0
VORTSE(K)* 0 0
TURVY* 0 0
ROUTI(N)eR* 0 0
SUBVENa(L)* 0 0
MAYO(r)IAL* 0 0
VALLI(U)M* 0 0
GAVOT(E)* 0 0
NEO* 0 0
(U)NFOAMEd* 0 0
(U)NMERGeD* 0 0
UNSIE(V)Ed* 0 0
RERU(L)E* 0 0
RASHY* 0 0
(T)HIRR* 0 0
MANDY* 0 0
GALT* 0 0
FANGY* 0 0
NAO* 0 0
(U)PDYES* 0 0
PUGHS* 0 0
UnTRITE* 0 0
UPOS* 0 0
LOSSiNG* 0 0
KIRT* 0 0
ARrEDES* 0 0
STAN* 0 0
MElDOIA* 0 0
HAKEE* 0 0
ZOOTS* 0 0
RETEL* 0 0
(MO)LLER* 0 0
S(H)AKEY* 0 0
VOETS(e)RK* 0 0
EFTE* 0 0
(T)NE* 0 0
WELM* 0 0
YELDInG* 0 0
HAI* 0 0
HAILINg(S)* 0 0
WICES* 0 0
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were challenged off by an opponent.
Unchallenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
FAM* 0 23
COL(D)Y* 0 28
ILLUSE* 0 29
A(L)D* 0 18
A(R)EDED* 0 30
ALLEZ* 0 48
FOMATE* 0 30
S(P)IReMIA* 0 72
HOMINE* 0 47
BAHS* 0 97
(PI)ASTEREd* 0 72
mORRILL* 0 65
MELE* 0 22
NONNA* 0 12
UNFACEd* 0 78
U(N)ITAB* 0 12
FEUL* 0 19
(JINX)ER* 0 32
E(E)NTSIER* 0 82
PU(N)TA* 0 28
T(R)INKLED* 0 86
(R)iVAGOTE* 0 62
BU* 0 32
(C)UREX* 0 28
IPI* 0 11
AP* 0 30
GEEKI(N)G* 0 30
RIS(E)D* 0 31
BANIS* 0 21
(F)LUTAGES* 0 76
FELLOS* 0 88
FAINE(D)* 0 20
TAL* 0 36
OUT(LI)FT* 0 36
MH* 0 27
AU* 0 7
VO(L)TO* 0 24
POGUE* 0 22
MATTY* 0 27
EXE* 0 38
DOWNAS* 0 33
UNDIAlE(D)* 0 85
GOW* 0 24
UG(H)ED* 0 33
W(O)B* 0 16
OORIES* 0 37
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were not challenged by an opponent.
Plays That Were Challenged
Type Play Probability Score
UPHrOES 15057 87
QUIC(H) 12048 38
PUNTiN(G)S* 0 0
ROTGUTs 17954 0
HEpTADS 13402 87
FOME* 0 0
RAT(IO)NALS 541 63
TIX 754 0
T(U)NDED 10076 27
pATROON 6219 71
G(R)RR* 0 0
uNT(H)RIVE* 0 0
ZA(N)IED 2526 52
VERNIX(E)S 14875 96
FICT(O)R 8935 24
LAgENDA* 0 0
CANTING 14672 0
DE(S)PONEd* 0 0
sPEEDO 6277 31
VUGHIeR 16471 84
REF(O)* 0 0
LIV(O)Rs 7392 36
FR(I)P* 0 0
HUZOOR 19861 68
DITT(Y)ING 27576 63
WAR 447 31
DIzAINS 16263 0
QUAGS 10415 0
FLO(W)IeST* 0 0
BaRHOPS 23882 86
DREARI(E)S 1630 90
BOKED 8253 30
TRIcORN 9076 64
REB(URN)* 0 0
PUKE(R) 9328 36
AXONE 1108 33
DhOOTIE 3720 69
VOMITER 3701 82
PRAME* 0 0
ZA(X)InG* 0 0
STOB 2700 38
CAKINES(S) 24815 95
SWOTTI(E)R 4731 76
GENIE 570 31
TEA(KY)* 0 0
A(WRY) 3631 0
NEATLY 2223 0
(IXIA)L* 0 0
(T)ENNA* 0 0
BEMUD 9029 26
(D)ENDRITE 3746 61
MOISTEN 1302 99
(AR)RESTERS 25505 80
DEWIEST 5574 0
AmAZERS* 0 0
MONTRE 1440 41
COQU(I)S 17490 36
DEHAIRS 1981 82
LINOC(U)TS 9990 90
(COZ)ENAGE 14587 60
T(W)IXT 11454 45
(A)LMEH 5728 24
BOC(C)E 11457 34
DE(I)FIC 12085 36
LYTING 11340 54
qUITTED 17968 68
SINGLES 13863 0
BOLETE 3631 25
BAWNS 8597 31
WHE(N)S 7505 38
JAsMIN 14378 69
trANCEY 6002 84
MaLLRAT* 0 0
LAUNdER 1498 0
GR(R) 1074 6
VINY 3674 23
B(Y)WATER* 0 0
SAL 346 16
VIBED* 0 0
DIAN(A)* 0 0
DEA(F) 898 0
PEENS 4037 0
VOTABLE 6686 82
(S)hAWLIES 23431 92
(B)UNJIE 12245 48
FL(U)MY* 0 0
TOOThIL(Y) 29611 83
HIdALGO 10185 75
ICKILY 21565 38
UNTAG* 0 0
SIERRAN 717 81
iGNEUOS* 0 0
(V)OIL* 0 0
LARIATS 3167 0
ZATI 1638 32
FEEBLED 25431 76
(KI)TTENY 20292 24
WEB 877 20
BRUnCH(IF)Y* 0 0
TALAUN(T) 14935 14
(J)ESTINGS 25390 68
(G)AZAR 9427 30
FRIEZES 16188 104
TOMENTA 3447 70
PELK* 0 0
ANGINAS 13178 70
(A)YED* 0 0
WYLED 9052 53
AbUTT(A)LS 29041 61
VIT(T)LErS* 0 0
BARQU(E) 12146 37
FO(Y)NED 9672 26
TORANA 819 0
BREEI(N)G* 0 0
ARCHILS 16612 75
WAMEFOU 16952 102
ZYDECO 18924 51
TICKEY 16443 65
ENDB(R)AIN 3765 67
(I)NTIME 2745 42
XYLO(N)IC 27619 38
UPMADE 11518 48
M(O)STESTs 38575 76
(dO)MIC 7591 24
RI(PE)D 1795 16
ETIC 500 0
(A)CERBaTE 10130 92
LIBRA 2697 29
PICAS 7110 0
UNPARED 4201 74
FUNSTER 7784 0
RERENTS 5055 0
CAM(PI)NESS 26165 67
FREON 1071 26
H(I)MBO 9690 24
NOOS* 0 0
SHEET 3992 0
UNSEATS 7255 0
SWELLIS(H) 37519 95
FAUcHES* 0 0
HE(M)O* 0 0
LORDI(N)G 4926 33
GL(OB)BY 22517 28
kUD(Z)U 12877 42
ByGONES 17907 78
RETONeD* 0 0
YARDmAN 21792 78
UNLIM(B)ER 11959 86
LABS 3152 43
FLOSSIE 14309 73
RUBE(L) 4933 41
PEINT* 0 0
PAR 439 0
LaL(I)QUES 22107 77
ZO 113 0
QIS 967 0
GUs(T)I(N)ESS 30265 102
FLaMMIN(G) 37221 95
(U)PRUNG* 0 0
(GU)RR* 0 0
WABS 4202 39
DO(T)AL 1255 26
TORDION 2271 70
(I)CAD* 0 0
mACOYAS 27261 0
mACOYAS 27261 66
(T)ODGE* 0 0
DINGOED 7027 0
(Be)PELTED 26328 39
VIBIN(G)* 0 0
BOHIA* 0 0
WOE(F)UL 12714 24
OVA(R)IA* 0 0
TROP(O)NIN 13855 72
(R)UDDLINg 25374 83
(P)IRAGUAS 16806 63
NECKLET 20559 72
(E)XaCTORS 10067 101
BESpAKE 25649 84
UNRENtE(D) 6631 60
PUNKIER 14783 80
VITiST(AT)E* 0 0
DOUM 3464 26
FEDS 2579 0
DUNNEST 11000 75
MAE 123 0
AZIONES 1439 101
JA(N)NEY 15837 48
STOU(N)InG 11785 82
EYEsTON(E) 7227 92
WILCO 7597 27
(m)ICKY 12496 34
WHORISh 30101 78
DUELLI 9895 19
ENSURER 8377 0
MURIuTE* 0 0
PIES 1020 70
(b)UOYANTS* 0 0
TOY 612 0
ARSHEEN 2931 82
GAMEsHI(P)* 0 0
DANGELs* 0 0
FERLA(N)* 0 0
KOHO* 0 0
E(A)SY 962 0
SWY 1290 0
GASELI(E)R 916 66
TAL(IT)* 0 0
ATT 487 0
(F)IGGIEST 28165 84
LAIC 1516 0
JO(RAMS) 15242 26
ENdURER 8375 65
W(E)EING 4615 33
L(O)IR 366 0
DAR(K)EY* 0 0
REPOSAL 2613 96
(KI)VE* 0 0
WOODIER 3724 0
JOSTLER 9382 97
HOOEY 7193 54
TUNNAGE 5898 66
TIFT 3541 25
BOEK* 0 0
BL(UR)RER* 0 0
C(I)NCO* 0 0
OVATOrS 9931 0
EnL(A)RGER 5488 59
G(Y)RI 2934 10
(U)NHAD* 0 0
PAMPA 12481 0
(G)OY* 0 0
DIAZOES 3074 81
MU(n)DANES* 0 0
ISLANDs 14229 81
POSITED 2683 0
AVOCeTS 6737 0
ReSCANS* 0 0
SH(E)LLErS 35175 74
RHO 585 0
BOATY* 0 0
VOLTA 3376 0
REPROOF 22275 73
COQ(U)INAs 18198 122
SPERMA(R)Y 29506 75
F(E)LCH 10766 39
DUXES 8519 84
PLEB 3745 0
TRIGR(AM) 14602 24
JARInAs 12051 0
BORTIeR 3455 0
SNUB(B)IER 24431 89
CONFE(C)TS 31927 90
(H)O(R)I 1165 9
YO(G)IC 8530 30
CAMIS 7090 41
S(TOUTED)* 0 0
BAH 1010 0
U(N)WONTEd 12366 80
F(O)ODOIRS 26026 72
GARR* 0 0
ENcLOSE(R) 4909 74
BATAVIa 23426 90
ISOLEX 5561 80
(S)EAFOLKS 30149 87
TzAREVN(A) 14035 83
OKEH 3355 32
(N)ALE* 0 0
(V)ERGED 10390 33
(E)ARS 94 0
ClA(N)GORS 12872 90
LAT 171 0
AGINNER 1466 87
EARDROP 6163 97
OUTGULp* 0 0
JUSTER 10671 70
WI(F)T* 0 0
ATES 99 0
TUTUED 16199 20
INDICES 8132 116
TOOK 4000 0
TENNO 996 33
L(O)THsOME 20453 67
BE(I)GE 3270 28
TAMI* 0 0
ESTOVE(R)S 14536 62
(D)AIN* 0 0
BAIN* 0 0
INTURNS 9871 73
PIGMY 11727 44
DECOCT 16423 28
(C)AURI 2720 14
FIRY* 0 0
LI(P)URIAs 13851 60
ME(S)HwORK 35126 67
FIACRES 5752 91
(R)UTTY 9728 27
IN(TI)rATER* 0 0
EUGLE(N)AS 4256 82
SHEER 3981 27
NURSI(N)GS 30431 86
ALB(E)RGHI 10387 80
H(U)MINT 13818 33
TReBLER* 0 0
BEWAiTS* 0 0
MEROpAE* 0 0
QUAYAGE 25321 75
TAENITE 444 68
HAEMOID 3590 90
(S)UITRESS 27855 70
lOUVRIN(G)* 0 0
wEAKISH 20838 113
CoQUE(T) 13222 51
POSTOR(A)L 12137 64
OUT(S)HaME 8829 158
CHAISE 5693 43
(E)YRER* 0 0
CRED 1709 0
O(V)ERHENT 6562 67
INBOuGH(T)* 0 0
BISSONs 31361 90
SOMITIC 18993 84
MARID 2749 39
(N)AILERY 881 33
OBLASTS 21554 0
PERENTy 11321 73
KYRIE 6017 32
(K)ERRY 10793 24
PIST(O)LES 12732 72
UnTWIN(E)D 10975 76
(C)RANNIED 3754 86
ULTIsOL 15517 70
ZIPOLaS 19088 97
(YON)I 1185 0
PINER* 0 0
SCLaVED* 0 0
H(A)WSER 8570 48
N(ELL)IES 8463 16
A(C)E(TA)tION* 0 0
DAYM(E)N* 0 0
(P)ONCET* 0 0
(W)AGONERS 2929 82
KORIrIS* 0 0
YONNIES 6197 79
R(R)EY* 0 0
MISCIt(E)d 17488 167
PLOYE 6224 43
SPIFfI(E)S 40022 82
OVER(V)OtE 24892 84
(I)GNAROEs 78 82
FACT 3577 0
GABB(E)R 17286 22
TZADI* 0 0
SHIDDER 17412 93
GEUM 3073 31
MISCuED 17792 77
WHE(N)A* 0 0
TOAdIER* 0 0
ZOOKS 12225 69
UNNOTED 4670 79
DAG(G)A 10967 21
BUTLERS 11636 0
FAnTODS 7828 78
UN(R)IVET 2167 20
(T)HIGA* 0 0
VAIL(E)* 0 0
FOUER 2254 49
PAR(a)VANE 20327 62
ZIP 1212 42
fAGGOTE(D) 19599 86
QATS 3303 0
ENGS 1190 49
MIAULED 4036 83
KOI(N)E 1114 0
FLOP 4528 0
RON(D)EAUX 4433 82
GYTE 2201 34
VARIT(Y)* 0 0
VEHM 4741 37
IMMINE(N)T 21717 80
JIgGER(E)R* 0 0
OA* 0 0
EBIONIT(e)* 0 0
UNAKIT(E)S 3466 74
(C)AVORTER 10297 92
DATIVES 2021 0
FEGS 3067 0
WENTS 3256 62
U(N)SuDDEN* 0 0
GUILDER 4646 70
(KOI)S 2837 0
PTERION 466 69
(F)EARER 6425 27
RAILeRY* 0 0
REOFFE(N)d 22632 84
P(L)EDGETS 19118 74
YE 49 0
FAG(G)IEST 18167 80
FEE(Z)ED 19217 46
CHAD(L)ESS 31688 194
(NE)RVAtIZE* 0 0
UNF(O)RKEd 19570 106
IDEATES 265 69
(WO)R(E)S* 0 0
FRI(ZeD) 12262 54
SONLEsS 27087 64
VEX(E)R 8435 31
T(H)ONGIER 1253 63
FRaNKI(N)G 30088 84
SK(E)RF* 0 0
TW(I)GGERS 23130 100
ATHLETA 13672 82
STYLI(Z)ER 18135 72
CL(O)ZE 8254 38
SOLI(D)ARY 6007 62
APNEUSI(S) 11327 76
BIlIOUS 16450 76
TE(PO)Y 4556 34
UNRIVAl* 0 0
VAURIeN(T)* 0 0
SEXTAnT 13721 72
REX 553 0
(D)ENDROID 19714 86
(C)ALCINED 19489 80
ZoOLITE 7489 100
QUIRKE(D) 23703 42
D(I)NN(A) 2655 10
COUTA 3327 45
(D)IURNAlS 3580 77
CAVETTO(S) 14650 92
KUTCH(E)S 29397 64
PERAI 281 26
ABOULIc 13686 72
BOA(T)Y* 0 0
GED 323 0
OBID* 0 0
LAH 669 25
GOORIE 1098 0
ORGI(A) 342 0
GADJE 6455 37
HOURI 3444 0
DARKEY 12135 38
(E)PODE 2658 33
I(N)FILL 18505 20
RORIC 5596 0
DICKENs 18910 74
(NO)R 112 10
FIATS 2748 44
NAY 438 0
ENSnARE 2497 79
REBORES 11536 0
SOBERER 11537 0
HUmERUS 28609 74
sTERNED 1887 84
BR(A)KEMEN 22439 74
NOD(A)LIC* 0 0
P(A)RG(E)R* 0 0
(G)OORIE 1098 18
SNIE* 0 0
OVERQuI(ET)* 0 0
LON* 0 0
UNWA(T)ER 2128 30
TEGU(M)* 0 0
SNARFI(N)G 17726 78
mILIEUS 12107 0
(A)XIONS 4883 42
SMITTEN 8740 0
EC(T)OPIA 1701 37
STEAMIE 1393 65
MING 2928 0
VI(T)iABLE 8232 98
GAZABO 18932 44
BROLGAS 14387 81
(H)ENCH* 0 0
CREASES 14840 82
gODROON 22574 75
TARRA(S)ES 15986 70
P(AL)LIATED 12449 89
(P)HAGE 7013 32
(P)EsK* 0 0
CAGED 4289 0
FAUT 2316 25
EPI(G)AEAL 6377 76
IMPLAT(IN)G 19462 67
oEUVRES 6431 66
YO 95 40
HEIRED 3240 38
REDIPT 2365 34
UNP(L)AYED 16520 78
(ORA)TUREs 1473 24
ENR(I)NG 3431 11
KAA* 0 0
CONOI(D) 9003 18
(Z)ONDA 5312 30
OX(H)ERD 13227 54
EX(OD)E 4712 56
(QUOIF)ED 15746 20
DIAZOES 3074 81
HABITAN 13190 71
COOE(R) 2832 20
STREWER 14576 78
HABUS 9884 69
HOUK* 0 0
GIMLETE(D) 9838 68
H(I)REABLE 5565 75
(E)sTREPES 26228 80
(LATERIZE)S 2572 0
CUMINS 16331 0
SkERRIN(G) 20115 74
GURSH 10123 39
CENT(A)S 2130 34
(F)ACETTY* 0 0
ARODE* 0 0
INEDIT(E)D 7287 74
VIMIN(A) 11343 38
(A)VOWABLE 21574 101
AGUNA 5377 17
YOU 843 26
(BIN)T* 0 0
ZOOLAT(E)R 5979 70
S(C)ARRERs* 0 0
mARRERS 24002 69
(O)UiSTITI 22065 74
G(R)OUTERS 8699 72
(H)EADREsT 3955 89
BAWT* 0 0
VORTSE(K)* 0 0
TURVY* 0 0
ROUTI(N)eR* 0 0
(L)EY 532 36
DOLMENs 8524 77
SUBVENa(L)* 0 0
MAYO(r)IAL* 0 0
VALLI(U)M* 0 0
(S)OURLY 13447 20
CRY 1166 28
GAVOT(E)* 0 0
(O)XALIC 12368 46
VINAS 2799 84
NEO* 0 0
BANT(E)RER 5063 64
(U)NFOAMEd* 0 0
(U)NMERGeD* 0 0
UNSIE(V)Ed* 0 0
PERDY 7459 40
RERU(L)E* 0 0
BOASTER 1139 84
(G)AVELMaN 20647 78
RASHY* 0 0
FRAYS 8626 45
(T)HIRR* 0 0
SNUG 3382 32
SNIDEY 4430 32
YOJAN 7939 0
BHIStIE 14337 80
HEXONE 11008 40
NIFFER 13143 50
BRIG 2922 0
SUBARID 10540 76
FANGY* 0 0
(M)AUN 2342 18
ARGOT 1011 0
TRUNDL(E)R 9108 65
(U)PDYES* 0 0
PUGHS* 0 0
UnTRITE* 0 0
ANLAG(E) 3114 14
SIEVED 3930 0
PL(O)NKO 19863 24
TOITInG 10594 68
SKIMO 9387 47
UNTR(I)M 6539 16
SUPI(N)ATE 1380 68
FRESHES 27238 107
LOSSiNG* 0 0
LOG(I)NeSS 9104 68
FALSIeS 12821 76
AFA(L)D 8299 31
CARFU(L) 16201 33
KIRT* 0 0
ETc(E)TERA 11466 68
PILI 3421 15
ARrEDES* 0 0
(Y)ARNER 5392 27
MANTLE(T)S 10917 85
TOWNEE 1760 24
STAN* 0 0
(W)IDDLE 14155 22
ADORERS 2246 0
MElDOIA* 0 0
(D)EAWIE 1456 33
(MY)OTONIAS 10258 78
TRIE 31 22
C(AR)NIE 334 16
aZIdES 4743 44
H(O) 86 0
DELICTS 7535 79
OUGIYA 6244 32
(l)AIGHEST 4755 65
GASP 3705 0
ES(C)ALIER 1963 74
JOS(H)ED 15747 70
RASSLI(N)g 15434 68
SHaNTIS 16302 78
CONFA(B) 15844 51
LIE(D)ER 871 21
PUNJI(E)D 18941 57
OUTGaTE 3601 69
SWAR(V)INg 18880 64
LA 33 0
(L)OOS(I)ES 10279 31
(MO)LLER* 0 0
S(H)AKEY* 0 0
UPSOARS 21601 0
SCLIM 9984 28
BAT(T)ENED 8285 66
VOETS(e)RK* 0 0
DENCH 7416 62
G(AT)ER 327 0
(B)RIK 4396 30
ENSEA(R)ED 2445 0
(T)NE* 0 0
B(IF)FING 32881 32
TANGOED 505 65
W(O)NT 1953 0
T(AL)MUDIC 20367 38
GONEF 2897 35
YELDInG* 0 0
TO(R)RID 4046 0
OUTROWs 18257 95
STALAG 10541 32
ADRY 2299 26
ONEYERS 3542 87
RAKI 1624 0
HAILINg(S)* 0 0
HAILINg 13989 66
bACKLE(S)S 38100 86
WICES* 0 0
Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Notable Lists
Many Double Words Covered
All Triple Words Covered
High Scoring
Games in which at least one player scores at least 700 points.
Combined High Scoring
One Player Plays Every Power Tile
One Player Plays Every E
Games in which one player plays every E.
Many Challenges
No Blanks Played
Games in which no blank is played. Blanks in words that are challenged off do not count.
Four or More Consecutive Bingos
Game Stats
Stat Average Total
Games 1.00 1535
Invalid Games 0.01 12
Incomplete 0.01 12
Disconnected 0.00 0
Other 0.00 0
Total Turns 25.08 38504
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Player Stats
Stat Average Total
Wins 0.62 957
Score 445.95 684540
Score per Turn 35.4647
Turns 12.57 19302
Vertical Plays 5.64 8664
Horizontal Plays 6.14 9428
One Tile Plays 0.41 622
Other Plays 0.38 588
Firsts 0.51 776
Vertical Openings per First 0.0000
Horizontal Openings per First 1.0000
Full Rack per Turn 0.9850
Exchanges 0.23 352
High Game 668
Low Game 258
Highest Scoring Turn 176
Bingos Played 2.19 3361
Sevens 1.10 1685
Eights 1.07 1648
Nines 0.02 28
Tens 0.00 0
Elevens 0.00 0
Twelves 0.00 0
Thirteens 0.00 0
Fourteens 0.00 0
Fifteens 0.00 0
Bingo Probabilities 7955.14
Sevens 6943.53
Eights 8980.68
Nines 8625.14
Tens 0.00
Elevens 0.00
Twelves 0.00
Thirteens 0.00
Fourteens 0.00
Fifteens 0.00
Tiles Played 50.14 76963
A 4.52 6939
B 1.04 1590
C 0.96 1473
D 2.01 3079
E 6.01 9231
F 1.05 1615
G 1.51 2325
H 1.06 1630
I 4.48 6879
J 0.49 757
K 0.50 775
L 1.97 3020
M 0.98 1504
N 3.02 4632
O 3.97 6100
P 1.03 1582
Q 0.52 800
R 2.95 4523
S 1.95 3000
T 2.96 4544
U 2.05 3144
V 1.01 1545
W 1.03 1580
X 0.53 815
Y 1.00 1532
Z 0.51 790
? 1.02 1559
Power Tiles Played 5.03 7721
? 1.02 1559
J 0.49 757
Q 0.52 800
X 0.53 815
Z 0.51 790
S 1.95 3000
Power Tiles Stuck With 0.08 126
? 0.01 22
J 0.00 5
Q 0.01 18
X 0.00 3
Z 0.00 6
S 0.05 72
Turns With a Blank 1.87 2867
Triple Triples Played 0.02 31
Bingoless Games 0.03 48
Bonus Square Coverage 16.09 24691
Double Letter 5.39 8280
Triple Letter 5.37 8239
Double Word 2.97 4562
Triple Word 2.35 3610
Phony Plays 0.20 308
Unchallenged 0.06 90
Challenged Off 0.14 218
Challenges 1.08 1651
You Won 0.23 353
Opponent Lost 0.44 675
You Lost 0.26 404
Opponent Won 0.14 219
Challenge Percentage 0.4663
Defending Challenge Percentage 0.7550
Percentage Phonies Unchallenged 0.2922
Comments 5.43 8333
Comments Word Length 50.87 78086
Mistakeless Turns 9.53 14626
Mistakes per Turn 0.2498
Mistakes 3.14 4822
Knowledge 0.62 947
Finding 0.53 814
Vision 0.47 716
Tactics 0.31 477
Strategy 0.69 1057
Endgame 0.30 455
Time 0.23 356
Dynamic Mistakes 0.00 1
200IQ 0.00 1
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Player Confidence Intervals
Tile p CI
A 0.5022 (0.4904, 0.5124)
B 0.5200 (0.4782, 0.5246)
C 0.4800 (0.4782, 0.5246)
D 0.5025 (0.4850, 0.5178)
E 0.5008 (0.4919, 0.5109)
F 0.5250 (0.4782, 0.5246)
G 0.5033 (0.4824, 0.5204)
H 0.5300 (0.4782, 0.5246)
I 0.4978 (0.4904, 0.5124)
J 0.4900 (0.4685, 0.5343)
K 0.5000 (0.4685, 0.5343)
L 0.4925 (0.4850, 0.5178)
M 0.4900 (0.4782, 0.5246)
N 0.5033 (0.4880, 0.5148)
O 0.4962 (0.4898, 0.5130)
P 0.5150 (0.4782, 0.5246)
Q 0.5200 (0.4685, 0.5343)
R 0.4917 (0.4880, 0.5148)
S 0.4875 (0.4850, 0.5178)
T 0.4933 (0.4880, 0.5148)
U 0.5125 (0.4850, 0.5178)
V 0.5050 (0.4782, 0.5246)
W 0.5150 (0.4782, 0.5246)
X 0.5300 (0.4685, 0.5343)
Y 0.5000 (0.4782, 0.5246)
Z 0.5100 (0.4685, 0.5343)
? 0.5100 (0.4782, 0.5246)
To learn more about these statistics, check the 'Confidence Intervals' section on the about page.
Opponent Stats
Stat Average Total
Wins 0.38 578
Score 411.25 631273
Score per Turn 32.8754
Turns 12.51 19202
Vertical Plays 5.49 8434
Horizontal Plays 6.04 9265
One Tile Plays 0.44 673
Other Plays 0.54 830
Firsts 0.49 759
Vertical Openings per First 0.1719
Horizontal Openings per First 0.8281
Full Rack per Turn 0.3800
Exchanges 0.30 464
High Game 741
Low Game 220
Highest Scoring Turn 221
Bingos Played 1.87 2869
Sevens 1.01 1550
Eights 0.84 1291
Nines 0.02 28
Tens 0.00 0
Elevens 0.00 0
Twelves 0.00 0
Thirteens 0.00 0
Fourteens 0.00 0
Fifteens 0.00 0
Bingo Probabilities 7595.04
Sevens 6650.59
Eights 8659.70
Nines 11038.41
Tens 0.00
Elevens 0.00
Twelves 0.00
Thirteens 0.00
Fourteens 0.00
Fifteens 0.00
Tiles Played 47.10 72291
A 4.27 6550
B 0.92 1415
C 0.98 1511
D 1.89 2899
E 5.70 8745
F 0.92 1410
G 1.40 2143
H 0.92 1411
I 4.18 6421
J 0.50 766
K 0.48 743
L 1.87 2869
M 0.98 1501
N 2.74 4208
O 3.85 5913
P 0.94 1439
Q 0.45 694
R 2.80 4297
S 1.93 2959
T 2.80 4305
U 1.82 2793
V 0.94 1442
W 0.95 1459
X 0.46 707
Y 0.98 1510
Z 0.48 736
? 0.94 1445
Power Tiles Played 4.76 7307
? 0.94 1445
J 0.50 766
Q 0.45 694
X 0.46 707
Z 0.48 736
S 1.93 2959
Power Tiles Stuck With 0.13 196
? 0.03 44
J 0.00 7
Q 0.01 23
X 0.01 10
Z 0.00 3
S 0.07 109
Turns With a Blank 1.16 1774
Triple Triples Played 0.02 27
Bingoless Games 0.08 124
Bonus Square Coverage 15.37 23589
Double Letter 5.03 7723
Triple Letter 5.29 8115
Double Word 2.89 4436
Triple Word 2.16 3315
Phony Plays 0.26 400
Unchallenged 0.03 49
Challenged Off 0.23 351
Challenges 1.08 1651
You Won 0.14 219
Opponent Lost 0.26 404
You Lost 0.44 675
Opponent Won 0.23 353
Challenge Percentage 0.2450
Defending Challenge Percentage 0.5337
Percentage Phonies Unchallenged 0.1225
Comments 5.43 8333
Comments Word Length 50.87 78086
Mistakeless Turns 12.42 19062
Mistakes per Turn 0.0086
Mistakes 0.11 166
Knowledge 0.05 79
Finding 0.01 15
Vision 0.01 14
Tactics 0.01 11
Strategy 0.02 25
Endgame 0.01 19
Time 0.00 3
Dynamic Mistakes 0.00 1
adjudicationSADDEST 0.00 1
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Opponent Confidence Intervals
Tile p CI
A 0.4744 (0.4601, 0.4819)
B 0.4600 (0.4478, 0.4942)
C 0.4900 (0.4478, 0.4942)
D 0.4725 (0.4546, 0.4874)
E 0.4750 (0.4615, 0.4805)
F 0.4600 (0.4478, 0.4942)
G 0.4667 (0.4521, 0.4899)
H 0.4600 (0.4478, 0.4942)
I 0.4644 (0.4601, 0.4819)
J 0.5000 (0.4382, 0.5038)
K 0.4800 (0.4382, 0.5038)
L 0.4675 (0.4546, 0.4874)
M 0.4900 (0.4478, 0.4942)
N 0.4567 (0.4576, 0.4844)
O 0.4813 (0.4594, 0.4826)
P 0.4700 (0.4478, 0.4942)
Q 0.4500 (0.4382, 0.5038)
R 0.4667 (0.4576, 0.4844)
S 0.4825 (0.4546, 0.4874)
T 0.4667 (0.4576, 0.4844)
U 0.4550 (0.4546, 0.4874)
V 0.4700 (0.4478, 0.4942)
W 0.4750 (0.4478, 0.4942)
X 0.4600 (0.4382, 0.5038)
Y 0.4900 (0.4478, 0.4942)
Z 0.4800 (0.4382, 0.5038)
? 0.4700 (0.4478, 0.4942)
To learn more about these statistics, check the 'Confidence Intervals' section on the about page.
Player Mistakes
Play Type Size Comment
8A PAVE +33 Finding Large
E8 D(O)RK +29 Finding Medium
A1 KILO #findingmedium
3G HAD(IT)H +19 Finding Large
How did I miss B13 HAH. #findingSADDEST
D11 OOP +16 Finding Large
4D TOPOI. I can't find anything this game. #findinglarge
4A MARC +40 Strategy Small
D4 I(H)RAM #strategysad
8M AUF +25 Vision Large
E10 D(OR)P +7 Strategy Large
Championship Player's suggestions here are not useful. During the stream, chat was suggesting J2 P(OX). I don't think this works out for most draws because he can block the M(POX) hook completely with H2 S(LAD)E or 1K TELI(C) and partially block with 2D LEV or 2D SEV. I looks like J2 P(OX) only wins if I draw the S, which would threaten 13A DOssELS as well as bingos with a blank M on row 1. In all other cases, I don't have 13A DOssELS and he can totally block the MPOX setup or I don't have an M blank bingo that fits even when he can't block (I think). I considered K11 P(O)D, but it seemed like there were way too many bingos in the pool ending in S for that to be correct. I feel like this or something similar like E10 P(OR)E or E10 L(OR)E or E11 (OR)D or D11 (HA)P give me good chances since I have a reasonable shot at hitting bingos on row 1 and row 14. I tried to do a bit of math and it seems like E10 L(OR)E is my best shot. It hits the most bingos to the C and when they do hit they should always overcome his attempts to outrun since I triple the D and P. E10 D(OR)P doesn't hit as many bingos to the C and some of them get outrun by plays like A11 (B)LIVE. This isn't accounting for inferences, but I've already written more than I thought I would so I'll leave that as an exercise to the reader. I've done all of this analysis manually using Zyzzyva, so engines might be able to refute some of these lines or suggest ones I haven't thought of. #strategysaddest
A11 (B)ELLE +24 Time Large
M11 L(A)bEL #timesaddest
5K (G)Oes +18 Time Large
5J y(G)Oe #timesaddest
15H (P)HOROSIS +92 Knowledge Large
not a word, lol #knowledgesaddest
3B THON +20 Finding Large
A7 THO(L)E #findingsaddest
5E JO +20 Time Small
N8 JO #timesad
10E CATTLeS +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
Yep, this happened. #KNOWLEDGESADDEST
M3 NOY +31 Finding Medium
M3 LOY #findingmedium
O8 BEG +23 Time Large
Before this turn, I had maybe 9 minutes on my clock, but my tracking was off. I think I spent about 8 minutes retracking before realizing we were missing a tile. By the time we found it I had maybe a minute left. I panicked and played this. #TIMESADDEST
5C DUNIT(E) +14 Knowledge Large
5D NUDI(E) #knowledgesaddest
9B OXEYE +55 Tactics Medium
I miscounted 4C EXOGE(N). #tacticssadder
14K BLIND +26 Time Medium
13I BRI(A)RD. #timesadder
M13 R(I)Z +28 Time Large
F2 QUA(I) +33 Endgame Medium
10L (S)UQ is 7 points better. #endgamesadder
D12 OR +14 Endgame Small
J1 (I)ON #endgamesad #timesad
D12 OR +14 Time Small
J1 (I)ON #endgamesad #timesad
11C BOGUE +22 Knowledge Small
11B BOUGIE #knowledgesad
H7 H(O)WF +13 Knowledge Small
H7 F(O)WTH #knowledgesad
E7 T(U)RFS +16 Knowledge Small
E7 F(U)NGS #knowledgesad
N2 AVO +14 Finding Large
M8 AVO(S)ET #findingsaddest
N6 BEAD +30 Strategy Large
N6 BE #strategysaddest
O13 EEK +29 Finding Medium
13C KIE(R)IE #findingsadder
13B GIBE(R) +16 Knowledge Large
13C BEG(R)IM #knowledgesaddest
L1 MELI(C) +24 Strategy Medium
B10 MIN(G)LE #strategysadder
M13 IWI +29 Strategy Large
B11 WI(G)AN #strategysaddest
12A RATA +23 Vision Large
5B TANTRA #visionsaddest
1G DIATO(M) +27 Finding Large
1G RANDO(M) #findingsaddest
1A NARCO +34 Endgame Large
14B sCAN #endgamesaddest
15G DON +21 Strategy Large
15G SONDA(G)E to go for the blank. #strategysaddest
1B sU(Q) +17 Vision Small
J10 Ut #visionsad
exch GLLWW +0 Strategy Medium
8D TWILL #strategysadder
8A AUE +15 Strategy Large
10E AUNE. I was too fearful of the 8A spot. #strategysaddest
6A IOTA +15 Finding Large
6B HOA #findingsaddest
K3 FEH +30 Strategy Large
12J (S)HARIF, probably. #strategysaddest
15H DOUR +29 Strategy Small
K8 GUR #strategysad
15C (E)RG +5 Time Large
8G (DEFO)GS #timesaddest
M2 BES +17 Time Large
exch IIM +0 Knowledge Large
K3 MEINI(E) #knowledgesaddest
O3 (S)WOUNE +39 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for challenge
1E KEPI +47 Strategy Large
1E KALI. There are a bunch of As left and I have the case E. #strategysaddest
O12 DICT +32 Finding Large
4H C(U)NIT +20 Tactics Medium
H1 LINN #tacticssadder
C3 PUR +21 Strategy Large
4B VU(G). #strategysaddest
1G (Q)I +33 Strategy Medium
H6 VA(T) #strategysadder
B2 VOL +20 Time Medium
B2 VOLT #timesadder
E14 AY +15 Vision Large
3L ONY #visionsaddest
6L MOM +18 Vision Large
3K MON #visionsaddest
3E O(O)N +17 Time Large
G4 JOIN(T) +27 Strategy Large
7E J(A)I #strategysaddest
C9 (C)ROUP +18 Vision Small
2H POX #visionsad
1D FROM +21 Knowledge Large
exch BGKM +0 Strategy Small
10B G(R)R #strategysad
J8 UEY +36 Knowledge Large
L2 CAA +18 Strategy Large
10B A(R)EA is best because it blocks bingos from the H. #strategysaddest
15A BO(O)T +21 Finding Large
K4 VOCAL +30 Knowledge Small
N10 CLAVI(E) #knowledgesad
13I ZA +45 Strategy Small
13I ZE #strategysad
O1 GRISY +40 Knowledge Small
O1 GRYSIE #knowledgesad
11K DIYA +29 Knowledge Medium
M2 PY(G)IDIA #knowledgesadder
2J PATTE(R) +34 Endgame Large
10M AP(E) #endgamesaddest
M8 LI +22 Time Small
3I LI #timesad
H5 CLO(A)M +9 Strategy Small
H7 L(A)C #strategysad
3L EEN +14 Strategy Medium
G8 (V)OE. I got too focused on blocking the R. #strategysadder
I8 (V)OM +14 Strategy Small
O1 OM. I tried to open something, but 10 is too many. #strategysad
H12 (Z)ATI +39 Knowledge Small
H12 (Z)ITI #tacticssad #knowledgesad for challenge
H12 (Z)ATI +39 Tactics Small
H12 (Z)ITI #tacticssad #knowledgesad for challenge
O4 (R)IBIBE +30 Knowledge Small
O4 (R)IBBIER #knowledgesad
D12 PR(A)Y +26 Vision Medium
13F PR(A)Y #visionsadder
7N Q(I) +11 Tactics Small
13F HE(A)D #tacticssad
10M UGS +19 Endgame Small
9M US(E) #endgamesad
F9 (T)YPY +20 Knowledge Large
3C COURD +28 Finding Large
D8 DUROC #findingsaddest
11I FOUL +27 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for challenge
2J QAT +35 Endgame Large
6L Q(I)N #endgamesaddest
O4 SACK +26 Endgame Large
C11 SAK(I) #endgamesaddest
I3 REALI(Z)ER +70 Vision Large
9H LEARIER. I played too quickly. #visionsaddest
10D DEBUR(R)ER +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
M11 VIEWY +35 Knowledge Large
10F VER(R)Y #knowledgesaddest
E11 FINI +27 Tactics Small
J6 QIS #tacticssad
10F QI +37 Tactics Small
J6 QIS #tacticssad
I11 OE +12 Vision Large
13D S(N)O(W)ED #visionsaddest
D3 WEX +45 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for challenge
K2 MAUVE +23 Vision Small
J4 NU(DIS)M #visionsad
N4 VAUTE +14 Finding Small
B5 UVEA #findingsad
exch FOE +0 Strategy Large
F6 PU(N) +11 Finding Small
D4 PILU(M) #findingsad
10F GE(N)II +12 Tactics Small
L1 GI(R)O #tacticssad
M5 COWAN +19 Finding Small
G1 COWP(E)A #findingsad
A2 SQUID +19 Endgame Large
11D QUIS(T) #endgamesaddest
12L EE +10 Tactics Unspecified
N10 TEAED #tacticsad
O13 (V)OE +18 Tactics Large
O11 DE(V)OT #tacticssaddest
8K AXED +25 Vision Large
7F DEX #visionsaddest
12D CANDIES +79 Tactics Small
I didn't count 2B CANDIES. #tacticssad
3A HEW +47 Finding Unspecified
3C WAIT #findingsadd
J4 (T)IYN +15 Vision Medium
5I YIN #visionsadder
14E (F)IERY +13 Endgame Large
D4 VE(R)RY #endgamesaddest
6L V(A)U +8 Time Large
N8 (D)IV #timesaddest
12K OE +10 Strategy Small
7G O(R) bingos a lot. #strategysad
15E WIST +44 Finding Large
A14 MI +25 Vision Large
3D (C)RUX #visionsaddest
3D (C)lANGOUR +62 Finding Large
2H GROANfU(L) #findingsaddest
2J GOV +20 Endgame Small
4J LO #endgamesad
8G QAT +24 Tactics Small
Wow, didn't think 8G VOW would be that much better. #tacticssmall
N1 LET +30 Tactics Medium
I didn't count up plays to the J. #tacticsmedium
2I (O)I +4 Strategy Medium
What can I say? I wanted to bing. H1 BI is best. #strategymedium
1F FEEB +34 Endgame Medium
1H ImBUE is 7 points better. #endgamemedium
14B mU(N)I +8 Time Medium
E10 (R)UIn. #timemedium
7G MITT +25 Knowledge Medium
K5 MID(LI)ST #knowledgemedium
12C CIG +28 Tactics Medium
Wow. 12C LIG is about 5 points better. I completely misevaluated the leave here. #tacticsSADDER
4B SQUA(R)ER +34 Vision Large
4A QUARE(R) is a #visionSADDEST. I saw 4C QUA(R)ER but I was in such a defensive mindset I didn't think to hang anything in the triple line, especially after two 1 tile plays. I decided to put the S on this so she can't hook it and is forced to find eights.
8A VAI(R) +21 Knowledge Large
I think I'm blocking the last line. #KNOWLEDGESADDEST
1M V(A)G +21 Knowledge Small
Didn't know fricking EWERS. Feels like SADDEST but since it's only 5 points. #knowledgesad and also 1K VEG(A)S. I was completely out of time. #timeSADDEST
1M V(A)G +21 Time Large
Didn't know fricking EWERS. Feels like SADDEST but since it's only 5 points. #knowledgesad and also 1K VEG(A)S. I was completely out of time. #timeSADDEST
J5 EVE(R)SION +71 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesmall for the challenge.
I11 HAWK +33 Tactics Small
I11 PAWK is slightly better #tacticssmall
K2 BANT +16 Knowledge Medium
7I B(E)PAT #knowledgemedium
13G JO(W) +40 Knowledge Large
G8 (H)URL +8 Knowledge Large
I3 WAI +16 Tactics Small
Saw 5G W(A)IRUA but thought it was too open. Probably a #tacticssmall because the U is so bad.
M2 UNALLiE(D) +66 Knowledge Small
There are 4 bings that double the blank. #knowledgesmall
13J UP(T)ER +20 Time Small
Nothing looked great so I thought I might bait a false S hook, I was also low on time and shouldn't have opened the triple-double. #timesmall
3M (NO)W +6 Time Medium
No time and I wanted to block the S hook. 8M (E)GG is probably okay. #timemedium
O3 (W)HORE +25 Time Large
SAD! #timelarge
12L (R)EV +6 Strategy Medium
This is really weak. I need to get rid of more vowels. I was thinking this would force his bings to open up so I could bingo through the floaters. I can't see anything I really like, so suggestions are welcome. #strategymedium
G4 ION +9 Finding Medium
I dunno, N10 EN(V)OI probably. #findingmedium
M11 B(E)DU +27 Finding Large
O13 WHA #findinglarge
O13 YET +28 Vision Small
4A YITE/YETT #visionsmall
8G YONI +14 Finding Large
Scrabble Soiree at Sammy's, Round 1. 8G TIDY #findingsaddest
O10 HIE +19 Strategy Large
I11 HUI. This is playing too scared. #strategysaddest
G6 GU(G)A +8 Strategy Small
9I ALU #strategysad
2F JAR +32 Finding Large
N5 SKIRTeD +76 Tactics Small
N2 SKIRTeD. I misscored it. #tacticssad
exch PUUWW +0 Tactics Small
Exch. NUUWW #tacticssad
L11 YOND +24 Finding Small
L11 YAPON #findingsad
6J PI +21 Vision Large
5I IN(QUEST) #visionsaddest
11E W(A)N(E) +16 Knowledge Large
15A AWNERS #knowledgesaddest
1E (H)OLD +24 Strategy Large
C3 ELOIN #strategysaddest
B8 LINE +14 Time Large
I was low on time and forgot to track the blank in BIOTITE. I gave up an played line with seconds left. Only 14A LINIE(R), 14A INLIE(R), and 12F (T)I(R)E win. #TIMESADDEST
M9 HOING +35 Knowledge Large
8F FLAG +16 Strategy Large
WESPA Championship 2023, Round 6. 8G CALF #strategysaddest
D4 DRAC +21 Strategy Small
D11 DOR #strategysad
H12 A(D)ZE +45 Vision Large
J6 ZESTY #visionsaddest
L3 BRiSTLY +89 Knowledge Small
L4 TRiLBYS #knowledgesad
J11 MOGS +25 Tactics Small
J11 DOGS #tacticssmall
8A JU(T) +30 Strategy Small
K9 (K)UE #strategysad
M10 E(V)ITE +16 Endgame Small
M11 (V)ETO #endgamesad
B3 TOYS +18 Time Small
15M STY #timesad
1H (P)ApERING +83 Vision Large
G2 AGINnER #visionsaddest
N6 BI +22 Strategy Small
N5 AB #strategysad
9I YA(H) +30 Strategy Small
2M OY(E) #strategysad
10E CO(C)O +10 Finding Large
10J ESTOC #findingsaddest
13C WH(E)T +20 Strategy Large
5E M(OWER). I have to block that spot. #strategysaddest
10L MI(Z) +14 Strategy Large
8A ELDI(N) #strategysaddest
9C FOX +31 Strategy Large
D8 (W)AXEN. This gives away bingos making WOF. #strategylarge
H1 AZO +41 Finding Medium
H1 ZOEA #findingsadder
N4 AMI +22 Endgame Large
L12 MI(L)K #endgamesaddest
F10 (H)IKED +21 Time Large
L13 E(L)K #timesaddest
7E GAMA +24 Finding Large
7G MAGG #findingsaddest
6H CLEG +14 Strategy Small
Exch. GLL #strategysad
12C VINYL +30 Knowledge Small
O11 DOILY #FINDINGSADDEST #knowledgesad for challenge
12C VINYL +30 Finding Large
O11 DOILY #FINDINGSADDEST #knowledgesad for challenge
10I OY +31 Knowledge Small
13J OUI(JA) #visionsaddest #knowledgesad for challenge
10I OY +31 Vision Large
13J OUI(JA) #visionsaddest #knowledgesad for challenge
C11 O(V)OID +18 Vision Large
13J OUI(JA) #visionsaddest
K11 (P)RI(OR) +19 Vision Medium
7J RI(A) #visionsadder
F7 Y(R)IVD +20 Finding Large
E7 C(O)RVID #findingsaddest
5E CRON(K) +22 Strategy Medium
7C CON(Y) #strategysadder
B13 (J)EU +20 Strategy Medium
14B AE still bingos over 50% of the time. #strategysadder
H1 HEBE(N) +33 Finding Large
15A B(U)RHEL #findingsaddest
3A RADE +26 Endgame Medium
3A EATER #endgamesadder
exch CIIY +0 Finding Large
L11 HEFTY +41 Vision Large
2A DEFY #visionsaddest
exch IIOU +0 Strategy Small
Exch. AIIINU #strategysad
M12 AA +16 Strategy Small
M12 AAS #strategysad
9C SEROSAL +78 Strategy Small
E5 AER(O)SOLS sims better. Just take the points. #strategysad
10H LAUF +15 Knowledge Large
E6 FL(OR)ULAE. #knowledgesaddest
7G TUG +16 Finding Small
11J TEGU and K10 (F)UG. #findingsad
A14 ZE +50 Tactics Large
13G L(I)ONIZEs #tacticssaddest
M4 LION +18 Finding Large
M4 LOIN sims better than M4 LION, but M3 INION sims best overall. #findingsaddest
O6 GHI +31 Vision Large
11B H(U)IA. #visionsaddest
14J AINE +16 Vision Large
6A bIENNIA. #visionsaddest
O11 CO(N)I +7 Time Large
12N OI. Out of time at this point. #timesaddest
3E iNERTIA +63 Strategy Large
Championship Player likes 11C (U)TA and D12 (O)NE over bingoing. #strategysaddest
3A EXON +40 Strategy Large
2E BLUD(G)ERY +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
F6 KN(I)VE +24 Finding Small
F7 M(I)RV #findingsad
3F VELDT(S) +13 Strategy Medium
M5 PET #strategysadder
12K SWEPT +35 Strategy Large
N6 PEW #strategysaddest
2G D(A)E +10 Endgame Medium
1H (H)UB #endgamesadder
exch GLUG +0 Strategy Large
8F GLUG #strategysaddest
E5 COO(E)E +14 Finding Small
10C (D)OOCO(T) #findingsad
14K AGIO +21 Tactics Large
D11 GOON #tacticssaddest
D11 EOAN +28 Vision Small
D11 ANOA #visionsad
12B C(IO)N +6 Strategy Small
10L CLEG #strategysad
exch DDLTV +0 Strategy Medium
Exch. DJLTV #strategysadder
7M HAJ +33 Strategy Large
K7 JA(F)A is a sick find. #STRATEGYSADDEST
O5 TA(J) +10 Time Large
I mistracked and thought there was an O unseen and planned on trying to outrun any REGO plays. #TIMESADDEST
9F FANE +29 Strategy Small
9H NAIF #strategysad
L5 (D)EPORTEE +74 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for challenge
K10 AHA +26 Knowledge Large
3H (K)HALAT #knowledgesaddest
D8 OD(I)SM +32 Vision Small
J9 SOCS #visionsad
H12 FO(p)S +30 Endgame Small
7A FOG #endgamesad
K5 GRAV(E)LS +44 Knowledge Large
L3 ZHO +33 Finding Large
6K (R)ONZ #findingsaddest
N1 WEEM +46 Finding Large
O1 ONS +42 Knowledge Large
N6 LI(D)O +16 Strategy Medium
10A IO #strategysadder
E3 ORATIO(N) +14 Endgame Large
6I OO(R) #endgamesaddest
10F HILLY +41 Knowledge Small
D4 KILL(JO)Y. I'm pretty sure I would have known this was good if I had seen it and I didn't even look at playing through JO, making it a #visionsmall mistake. Also #knowledgesmall for the +5.
10F HILLY +41 Vision Small
D4 KILL(JO)Y. I'm pretty sure I would have known this was good if I had seen it and I didn't even look at playing through JO, making it a #visionsmall mistake. Also #knowledgesmall for the +5.
14A BOEP +30 Knowledge Large
J3 POTBElL(Y) #knowledgelarge
5H SELEcTs +64 Vision Medium
12H (M)aLEaTES is probably worth the 16 more. Saw plays at I1 but didn't want to hang anything in the triple, especially against this opponent. #visionmedium
14F FA(E) +30 Tactics Small
Equity between this and M3 FA(T)WA (which I considered) is almost even, but against this opponent I should probably play M3 FA(T)WA. #tacticssmall
J2 DOW(L)Y +24 Vision Medium
14J DAISY #visionmedium
15M DIG +19 Finding Small
Maybe 15L NGAI, but I'm okay with this because I have the case N. #findingsmall
3L QA(D)I +28 Tactics Large
I saw 10L QIN but was low on time and didn't think of it as a setup with my Ss. This is 20% points of win difference. #tacticslarge
8B REMORsE +72 Strategy Large
Anything else that doubles the M. I thought I'd have a better shot at hitting the P or that maybe dad doesn't know it. #strategylarge
F6 FU(R)TIVE +23 Vision Small
9C FEU maybe, thought I didn't even see it. #visionsmall
15A TIGE +49 Finding Large
YIKES. 15A EIGHT. #findinglarge
14F HI(N)AU +18 Knowledge Medium
Chickened out of D3 HALOU(M)I #knowledgemedium
L11 LO(L)L +8 Vision Large
9F (T)OLL. This sets up a dangerous Y hook. #visionlarge
exch IIIRU +0 Strategy Large
Championship Player says J6 IUR(E) to block the bings which is definitely right but I was low on time. #strategylarge
O1 RENVOI +42 Strategy Large
J6 VIR(E)O blocking the bings. No time here. #strategylarge
8L F(O)ID +36 Tactics Small
8L F(O)IN #tacticssmall
E9 (V)OX +32 Tactics Small
6I OBO #tacticssmall
6F OUPHE +25 Knowledge Large
N6 HO(I)ED #knowledgesaddest
13K GLARY +22 Endgame Large
A12 YA(D)S #endgamesaddest
4A BAMS +42 Finding Medium
4B BESLAV(E) is 2 more and doesn't put the B in the triple line. #findingmedium
A4 (B)EVEL +30 Vision Small
I'm okay with this because it kills this spot but so 5B WA(I)F and there are a bunch of column C and E plays I should have at least considered. #visionsmall
1K (C)ROWN +33 Knowledge Large
13E (F)OREWORN #knowledgelarge
H11 KIORE +43 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesmall for the +5.
B9 PAUA +16 Knowledge Large
As Marlon noted after the game J6 (X)U is clearly the play as I have a bing if I draw G, L, R, or U though I didn't know most of them. #knowledgelarge
8G WEEP +18 Knowledge Medium
8D PEWEE #knowledgemedium
7H OH +24 Finding Medium
7F GOTH #findingmedium
14B DRI(E)D +29 Knowledge Large
Chickened out of 14H DIDDERS. #knowledgelarge
O8 GY(T)E +24 Vision Large
6J Y(A)G #visionlarge
L12 DIF +30 Knowledge Small
FIND is the best equity but I need to play 11I DIF to keep the N open except I wasn't 100% on PIPI. #knowledgeSAD
L4 COMF(Y) +30 Knowledge Medium
L7 Z(Y)MOID. I think I knew this word? Anyway, if I had studied it more I think I would have found it so I'll tag as #knowledgemedium instead of finding or vision.
B1 ToILWO(R)N +79 Knowledge Medium
D7 (S)TOWLINs gives back much less. #knowledgemedium
D1 KUDO +32 Knowledge Small
1A O(T)AKU and D1 HAKU #findingmedium #knowledgesmall
D1 KUDO +32 Finding Medium
1A O(T)AKU and D1 HAKU #findingmedium #knowledgesmall
J8 (V)OGUE +13 Knowledge Large
Chickened out of 1J OUGLIE and everything else is pretty crap. #knowledgelarge
9C JA(I) +18 Strategy Medium
I have to leave one in the bag here. 14A (T)IP is best because it sets up D12 JAIL to outrun any bing winning everytime according the Championship Player. This is almost as good. #strategymedium
14K PILEA +28 Vision Small
13E PE(RE)IRA for 1 more. #visionsmall
8G TIVY +20 Finding Small
8G KIVA #findingsmall
7J KAWA +21 Knowledge Large
9A KAhAWAI #knowledgelarge
4F (D)IPRoTIC +80 Knowledge Large
5E P(E)TRIfIC/P(E)RlITIC/P(E)RIoTIC #knowledgelarge
C3 ELFWaND(S) +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
Thought this was something. #knowledgelarge
6M BOX +22 Vision Small
6A OX(ER) #visionsmall
J4 BAZA(R) +36 Knowledge Medium
If I win I get 1st and if I don't get blown out I probably get 2nd. J6 BA(R)AZA is a bit better #knowledgemedium and also #knowledgesmall for the +5.
J4 BAZA(R) +36 Knowledge Small
If I win I get 1st and if I don't get blown out I probably get 2nd. J6 BA(R)AZA is a bit better #knowledgemedium and also #knowledgesmall for the +5.
13A BEY +33 Finding Medium
Played too fast. Need to consider 13A UEY and 13A BUY. #findingmedium
7E TOG +21 Tactics Small
E5 TIG(O)N is 2 points better. #tacticssmall
E5 HOV(E)D +31 Strategy Small
E4 HOOV(E)D is fine. #strategysad
A1 GEE +16 Finding Large
N8 ISOB(A)RES +74 Strategy Large
14G S(N)OB is best given his rack. #strategysaddest
15H ADRY +30 Finding Small
I think H11 ADY(T)A maybe a little better even though it leaves no vowels. #findingsmall
E2 IO +6 Knowledge Large
Chickened out of 1D (L)IROT. #knowledgeSADDEST
N2 TIE +14 Strategy Medium
Panicked and played too defensively. 2I GUERIT(E) looks fine. #strategymedium
F1 IDEE +20 Endgame Large
3C E(TO)URDIE #endgamelarge
I3 PIVOT(E)D +19 Finding Small
K7 V(A)PID or K7 P(A)VID. #findingsmall
J6 MO(T)I +27 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesmall for the challenge.
L8 (B)RUIN +24 Finding Small
K3 ARUAN(A) #findingsmall
2B DINAR +36 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesmall for the challenge
O11 WA(D)DY +42 Knowledge Small
O11 WI(D)DY #knowledgesmall
8G KY +18 Tactics Medium
8G WYTE. I did not know how to evaluate this equity. #tacticsmedium
B10 (Z)IBET +32 Knowledge Large
8L (S)OUP +18 Endgame Large
12G UNI is way better. #ENDGAMESADDEST
E5 KAB(OO)DI +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
11B BIASED +37 Strategy Large
7H KAB #strategysaddest
H12 (E)XEC +39 Finding Large
2F FAH +37 Finding Large
O6 CHEAP(E)N +45 Finding Large
A1 BORA +41 Strategy Large
A1 BOR at least gives me a shot to bingo back if he bingos and should always outrun. #strategysaddest
L4 JE(F)E +28 Tactics Small
11E JETE #tacticssad
8L SIBS +37 Tactics Small
12D BY #tacticssad
12B KEY +35 Strategy Medium
12D BY doesn't get overlapped as much. #strategysadder
14B BAT +35 Tactics Large
14B BAIT #tacticssaddest
B1 AL +12 Time Large
D1 LIES +22 Time Large
10D LEI #timesaddest
6N U(P) +10 Time Large
J8 (D)U(X) #timesaddest
E10 (A)VOW +20 Finding Large
G13 FA(N) +28 Tactics Large
O8 FLEA(M) #tacticssaddest
E3 FROGM(A)N +26 Strategy Small
6F FOG is fine. I was too worried about keeping MNOR in this board. #strategysad
M2 LEO(N)E +26 Finding Medium
M1 OLEI(N)E #findingsadder
4G VEL(D)TS +22 Strategy Medium
K8 SEV #strategysadder
12C AR +25 Strategy Small
Quackle wants 12B RAN, which seems crazy, but who knows. #strategysad
5C VEIN +28 Strategy Medium
13G YONI #strategysadder
14F ADDIO +20 Endgame Large
I didn't realize I can block his out. #endgamesaddest
9E WEXE +41 Strategy Small
9G WEX #strategysad
exch IIU +0 Knowledge Small
3A I(W)I #findingsaddest #knowledgesad for challenge
exch IIU +0 Finding Large
3A I(W)I #findingsaddest #knowledgesad for challenge
15G UN(C)AGE +30 Knowledge Large
15D PRAUN(C)E #knowledgesaddest
O1 JAM +45 Tactics Large
O1 JAMS #tacticssaddest
14A QA(T)S +26 Knowledge Small
A12 (G)RAV #endgamesad and #knowledgesad for challenge
14A QA(T)S +26 Endgame Small
A12 (G)RAV #endgamesad and #knowledgesad for challenge
8G HUNT +14 Finding Small
Autumnal Rumble 2023, Round 12. 8F THUD, lmao. #findingsad
11E TEF +29 Tactics Small
11E REFT #tacticssad
H1 CRU(X) +39 Strategy Large
N10 CURIE(T) #strategysaddest
11J (R)EI(F) +14 Endgame Unspecified
15G IN #endgamesadd
J9 U(L)U +3 Knowledge Large
M8 UNSUIT #knowledgelarge
E11 F(A)X +26 Knowledge Small
Chickened out of E11 F(A)LX #knowledgeSAD
15G ZLOTE +50 Tactics Medium
15G ZHO is better #tacticsSADDER
7B NTH +21 Endgame Large
D7 B(AWK) is 30 points better because it threatens B9 (MY)THIER, I think. #endgamelarge
C2 REBAI(T) +22 Knowledge Large
13A HOmI(L)IES +72 Knowledge Small
13C HE(L)IOsIS #knowledgesmall
H11 CA(S)CO +30 Knowledge Small
B9 CACO(O)N #knowledgesmall
14H (C)ALQUERS +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
oOps #knowledgelarge
12H (A)F(T) +6 Vision Small
O10 FA(VEST). #visionsmall
O5 D(ENE)T +14 Time Small
D12 (MI)D looks better but I had no time. #timesmall
C13 (mE)E +2 Time Large
Absolutely no time. I probably could have setup for a bingo if I didn't panic and play this. #timelarge
5I VIN(E) +14 Time Medium
K3 VINA #timemedium
H1 ANIMAL +35 Knowledge Large
Chickened out of H1 MALKIN. #knowledgelarge
3F ST(I)CKMEN +95 Knowledge Small
5G T(A)CKSMEN for 1 more. #knowledgesmall
C9 ZO +44 Tactics Small
C9 ZOO. I thought keeping the O was worth at least 3. #tacticssmall
A9 EAU +6 Vision Small
C9 (ZO)A also blocks the A column. #visionsmall
15M THY +37 Knowledge Large
12I SYPH #knowledgelarge
10I QIS +21 Knowledge Large
I could have sworn Frenchy challenged off SPIV when I played him but it was SKIV*. #knowledgelarge
10F YARR +32 Finding Small
10F TRAYF #findingsmall
4K Q(U)ID +14 Finding Medium
4K Q(U)IT to set up (QUIT)E did not occur to me and wins everytime. This only wins 94% of the time. #findingmedium
13J TWO +17 Tactics Medium
13F TATTOW looks better. #tacticsmedium
M5 CAV(E)D +17 Tactics Large
K5 GAV(O)T is way better equity and I totally misevaluated it. #tacticslarge
4D NATTY +33 Finding Medium
4D ATONY #findingmedium
L4 Q(I) +22 Finding Medium
B1 QORM(A) #findingmedium
4A UP +12 Vision Small
I really didn't want to play 3G UPO after an exchange. Maybe 7A UPO is better. #visionsmall
10C FOUR +22 Strategy Medium
At this point I think I have the board under control because she didn't put the E on HAWS, so I burnt the R so sevens didn't fit on the board. Big mistake. There are a bunch of vowels left and I'm not even up by that much. #strategymedium
11A VISES +36 Knowledge Large
11A VISItES. Rest in kill. #knowledgelarge
13A (OB)IIt +12 Knowledge Small
2J (K)IErIE #knowledgesmall
L4 DO(T)EY +26 Knowledge Large
hmmm #knowledgelarge
6D AIDE +15 Finding Medium
5I AID(O)I and other plays that I missed while I was clearly azleep. #findingmedium
D3 JA(FA) +28 Finding Large
K4 AJ(I) #findinglarge
2E BUSSInG +65 Knowledge Small
2E BUSInGS #knowledgesmall
2B KY +23 Finding Large
B3 HO(W)K #findinglarge
J12 (R)EZ +32 Finding Medium
13G ZHO #findingmedium
M10 (O)YER +22 Knowledge Large
Wow, I chickened out of 11I WEE(N)Y. RIP. I thought I knew the 4s to make 5s. #knowledgelarge
6A GO +12 Time Large
J10 (P)OGO #timelarge
8G VAPE +18 Tactics Medium
Misevaluted the leave. 8G VAG and Exch. GPV sim on top, but Exch. GPV is probably a bit better after an exchange five. #tacticsmedium
4H GR(O)UPED +26 Tactics Large
12L GUP. I once again misevaluted the leave. #tacticssaddest
2B LEU +13 Strategy Large
4A EUOI sims best but seems too crazy to me. I'm probably playing too scared here. #strategylarge
H12 I(B)E(X) +14 Time Large
I tanked for a while on this play and lost all of my time. #timesaddest
L9 OK +20 Time Large
1F ST(O)OKIES or 1F SO(O)KIEST or 1E STO(O)KIES. I'd like to think that I would have found the bings with more time, because I had almost none at this point, so I'm marking this as #TIMESADDEST
6A EST +16 Time Large
At this point I have 3 seconds on my clock. The best play is 6A ES, which is 4 points better than this. What I should have played was 1G T(O)EAS or 1F ST(O)AE so the game is over and I don't have to worry about going overtime, but I completely missed them. #timesaddest
8A CLOVE +44 Finding Small
8A VOICE might be slightly better. I should have at least seen it. #findingsmall
10B JE(T)E +32 Time Medium
Lost 10 for time deciding whether/what to fish last turn. #timemedium
12K UNT(AX) +24 Finding Medium
M9 NEUM #findingmedium
6E LA +18 Finding Small
Jeez, not sure why I didn't play 6E AA #findingsmall
15D UNHInG(E) +33 Time Medium
H11 (O)HING. No time left. #timemedium
F14 E(H) +21 Time Small
12B E(SKY) #timesmall
1A QI +35 Strategy Small
E10 QI is slightly better. I thought blocking the T would be worth 2 points but it's not. #strategysmall
14B FISTUlA(S) +74 Knowledge Medium
A5 SUlFATI(C) #knowledgemedium
10I EH +28 Strategy Small
10J HIREE sets up my S. #strategysad
O8 ALMOST +36 Endgame Large
K11 S(A)LTO #endgamesaddest
13G COTS +25 Time Large
K11 S(A)V #timesaddest
H12 F(I)DO +36 Strategy Small
H12 D(I)VO #strategysad
15H (O)BVS +9 Time Small
M2 D(I)B #timesad
E11 LEE +14 Finding Large
E8 (r)UELLE #findingsaddest
F2 ZAN(Y) +36 Strategy Small
6B ZILA #strategysad
A4 (C)HICO +36 Knowledge Small
A4 (C)HORIC #knowledgesad
14B N(E)TOP +31 Strategy Small
15A PO(S)T #strategysad
I11 BRAG +20 Vision Large
C1 B(ORA)GE #visionsaddest
9E HUGE +27 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for challenge
O1 WOOL(y) +24 Strategy Small
C2 ALOO #strategysad
C3 ZA +52 Finding Large
L11 (W)AAH +20 Strategy Large
10L AHA #strategysaddest
8D Q(I) +21 Knowledge Large
I decide that GAFFE is not a word with with devastating and apt effect. #KNOWLEDGESADDEST. O12 PERC
C11 VANT +22 Knowledge Large
B10 LEHUA +44 Knowledge Large
14E ODE +21 Knowledge Large
5E BAL(N)EAL +36 Strategy Small
E5 ALK(O) #strategysad
A4 (F)LIMP +36 Knowledge Large
13G F(I)Z +29 Tactics Medium
3G F(A)V #tacticssadder
7I HELM +26 Strategy Small
11C MEL(TI)TH or J7 H(E)LM which simmed really well for some reason. #strategysad
1G ALAND +26 Vision Small
1M DAN #visionsad
E12 GREN +14 Strategy Medium
4F TERN or 12D GR(EEK) or K5 G(AL)S #strategysadder
N10 CIPHO(N) +38 Knowledge Large
H1 QUA(G) +42 Finding Medium
E4 (PI)QU(A)NCE #findingsadder
12D COaRSEN +79 Finding Small
12D SERiCON #findingsad
12L BLEY +38 Strategy Small
I was too scared of playing 12L BUY, but it's probably correct. #strategysad
exch BHPR +0 Strategy Small
H4 BR(A) #strategysad
K3 I(N)BY +32 Finding Small
K6 YIP #findingsad
6G FIN +9 Strategy Medium
10J F(EM) or 6F FAIN I guess. #strategysadder
N1 QIN +32 Vision Large
3D (C)INQ #visionsaddest
O12 JAGS +87 Finding Small
O12 JABS. I played too quickly. #findingsad
11B ETHER +37 Endgame Large
8G BORK +20 Tactics Small
Looks like 8G JOB is a little better. I misevaluated 4 consonants versus 3. #tacticssmall
5D POI +15 Finding Small
9F DIP(S)O maybe. I should at least see it. #findingsmall
D3 DE(P)RAVE +34 Finding Small
D3 DE(P)RIVE #findingsmall
8M (A)XE +30 Finding Medium
1J (F)iXATE #findingmedium. It might not be best but I gotta see that.
K8 SPUN +23 Endgame Large
4C N(E)PS is 13 points better. #endgamelarge
15A FI(S)K +48 Knowledge Large
E10 (N)EAT +18 Finding Medium
jvc: I think M8 OUTATE is probably better than this, but it's really aggressive so I'm not sure if it's best. This is definitely a mistake though. #findingmedium
A12 RO(OF) +14 Vision Large
jvc: N1 (ZE)RO #visionSADDEST
8G HABU +18 Knowledge Medium
Chickened out of 8D BHUNA. #knowledgemedium
L3 LIN +30 Tactics Medium
L3 TINEA #tacticsmedium I didn't even consider playing more than 3 because I misevaluated these leaves.
9F JANE +26 Knowledge Small
6F JANTE(E) #knowledgesmall
4F OFFA +19 Tactics Small
7 points probably isn't worth passing on 11J OFFA. #tacticssmall
11J IRRUPT +27 Knowledge Small
A1 TWIRP. Wow. SAD. I stopped looking after I saw 11J IRRUPT #visionSADdest. Also #knowledgesmall for the challenge.
11J IRRUPT +27 Vision Large
A1 TWIRP. Wow. SAD. I stopped looking after I saw 11J IRRUPT #visionSADdest. Also #knowledgesmall for the challenge.
A1 WAGE +30 Knowledge Medium
3C GAWSIE #knowledgemedium
L9 MI(R)S +34 Knowledge Large
M8 SIM(U)RG sims pretty nicely. #knowledgelarge
3C HERL +20 Endgame Large
I12 (I)GLU wins. I didn't see 15A (D)OTATION. Even if I didn't, I might not have had time to figure out how to block and win. I just played this and hoped he wouldn't find a bing. #endgamelarge
I7 P(I)RN +10 Vision Small
7I PIRN #visionsmall I must've been tired.
L3 BIsMARK +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
10F BRI(N)KMAn or H10 IMBARK #knowledgelarge
H10 IMBARK +53 Knowledge Small
10F BRI(N)KMAn #knowledgesmall
10F VE(IN)Y +27 Vision Large
2F HY(L)E #visionlarge
2A DOH +27 Strategy Unspecified
M5 HOD #strategysadd
10D ROUGE +20 Finding Small
E1 (Y)OUNG #findingsad
L1 FURCAE +40 Vision Small
14B CAREFU(L) #visionsad
15A YWRoKE +52 Time Large
J2 ABAsHES +86 Vision Large
3J (B)O(T)EL +14 Endgame Large
I8 (BEE)N +6 Strategy Small
G6 NO #strategysad
D7 (C)LOSINGS +74 Knowledge Large
2J CLOG(S) +14 Vision Large
F10 REGO #visionsaddest
B2 POT(T)IER +22 Finding Large
B1 PETI(T)IO #findingsaddest
H12 C(A)ME +33 Finding Small
H10 COM(A)TE #findingsad
14J FIENT +46 Vision Large
14F FO(M)ENT #visionsaddest
N2 REVERSO +78 Vision Small
B1 REVERSO or 10G REVERSO. I played too fast. #visionsad
A6 SQUA(W) +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
I thought OLDSQUAW was the slur. #KNOWLEDGESADDEST
A8 VO(W) +27 Vision Large
M10 VISO(N) #visionsaddest
M12 SI(N) +27 Vision Large
14B NO(N)IS #visionsaddest
B2 ALBINO +25 Endgame Large
14B NO(N)IS #endgamesaddest
A8 (VOW)S +12 Vision Large
15A (QUAG)S #visionsaddest
14A AXE +49 Strategy Small
(Almost) never play the Z. A13 (F)EZ is slightly better. This gives back 10 more points. #strategysad
12L ZO +46 Finding Large
14F COOER +36 Finding Large
Not sure why I couldn't form 14J ROO. #findingsaddest
15A BUS +26 Finding Small
15A URSID #findingsad
8H MURRY +33 Finding Small
8G MURRAY #findingsad
1L (H)AGG +27 Vision Medium
7D G(E)EBAG #visionsadder
D1 BOXED +43 Vision Small
G12 EXO #visionsad
2I SCR(O)W +26 Strategy Large
I have no idea why I didn't see/play M12 SCOW. #strategysaddest
14G D(I)SBOARd +0 (Lost challenge) Finding Large
M9 BOASt +33 Finding Large
7M R(I)D +7 Time Large
I12 (U)RD #timesaddest
I6 SU(B)TrADE +76 Vision Small
2G (R)EADjUST #visionsad
C10 YARR(OW) +24 Strategy Medium
10L (A)RY is a nice setup. #strategysadder
N6 MO(N)TH +24 Vision Large
1A PUF(F) +36 Finding Large
Played too fast. 1A PLU(F)F. #findingsaddest
J9 INCITED +66 Time Large
13G (A)CTINIDE #timesaddest
15J (D)ROGUE +27 Time Small
A11 GEARE #timesad
H7 V(A)W +9 Tactics Small
9F JOW #tacticssad
M12 MEFF +34 Strategy Small
M12 TOFF #strategysad
L2 VITA +23 Finding Small
I8 (N)OVITY #findingsad
E8 PU(D)IC +20 Time Large
I was running out of time at this point. 9C (Q)UIP. #timesaddest
12A BI(A)T(C)H +32 Time Large
I11 KNOT(S) +20 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for challenge
10E AJI +28 Tactics Small
D3 JEA(N) is probably slightly better. #tacticssmall
13B WEY +39 Tactics Large
2B WREN. I severely misevaluated the leave. #tacticssaddest
4H (C)LEANERS +72 Vision Medium
M2 REALNES(S) #visionsadder
E5 M(I)NX +26 Endgame Small
14L M(U)X is 1 point better. #endgamesad
H7 Q(U)IVER +19 Finding Large
J5 WHARF +29 Vision Large
2E IXORA +32 Vision Medium
12C OXIM. The sun is setting on my wision. #visionsadder
L4 GENN(Y) +24 Strategy Large
exch GLQ +0 Vision Small
J8 (A)NGEL #visionsad
H1 KEF(I)R +36 Finding Large
H10 REK(N)IT #findingsaddest
15G GAMbEAU +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
15G GAUM +25 Knowledge Large
13B BAA +28 Vision Large
9G OHO +18 Time Large
I was trying to make a sad line, but 11E HOI is fine. #timesaddest
E1 C(O)S(T)A +26 Endgame Small
No wins. 14K LAIC is 4 points better. #endgamesad
4B DIDY +34 Tactics Medium
4B DOY #tacticssadder
8A OBEAH +41 Vision Large
3L PIE +29 Vision Large
3K UPON. I must've been tilted. #VISIONSADDEST
10E HON(E) +34 Vision Large
15E LOUPIT +31 Strategy Small
8J (R)OUPIT. Row 15 is not as dangerous as I thought. #strategysad
13E CURFEW +21 Strategy Medium
6G W(A)UFF. I was panicking and tried to screw up the lower left when I should just play equity. #strategysadder
E7 (JO)INT +24 Tactics Small
F6 K(OE)L probably. #tacticssmall
14A PETiOLA(R) +72 Knowledge Medium
14B LAkEPO(R)T #knowledgemedium
L3 ANO(I)N(T) +12 Time Small
Completely out of time. #timesmall
3K T(A) +4 Time Small
3L (A)T(OM). Still completely out of time. #timesmall
7F VOW +20 Knowledge Medium
9F TEWIT #knowledgemedium
12D Q(U)ELLS +32 Finding Medium
12A BASQ(U)E #findingmedium
H7 J(A)XY +21 Knowledge Large
L2 EYRIE. I really needed to see something like that. #knowledgelarge
13H BLIV(E) +11 Finding Large
Piss poor, I really need to see stuff like 11C DIVNA. #findinglarge
11C FAD +25 Tactics Small
The bag is vowel heavy, I should have put the O on that. #tacticssmall
B5 VITT(AY) +14 Knowledge Large
Not a word #knowledgelarge
B1 (A)I +4 Time Small
12L (PEN)I #timesmall
H8 (A)uRIFIES +92 Knowledge Medium
5E ShERIFI(AN) #knowledgemedium
14B DEID +25 Finding Large
14B DUED you moron, jesus. #findinglarge I guess
14G R(E)GULAR(S) +13 Strategy Medium
8A R(U)RAL blocks bings that I wasn't even paying attention to. #strategymedium
A7 LINEAR +35 Vision Small
I saw A7 LINIER right after I hit the clock. I found it but didn't think to put it in the same spot as LINEAR. #visionsmall
3N Q(I) +11 Knowledge Large
Incredible. Not only did I not know 14J QuIST, but I also chickened out of putting the S on JETSOM and didn't think to play 14J WRIST. This move is so bad that I'm tagging it with multiple mistakes. #knowledgelarge #knowledgelarge #visionlarge
3N Q(I) +11 Knowledge Large
Incredible. Not only did I not know 14J QuIST, but I also chickened out of putting the S on JETSOM and didn't think to play 14J WRIST. This move is so bad that I'm tagging it with multiple mistakes. #knowledgelarge #knowledgelarge #visionlarge
3N Q(I) +11 Vision Large
Incredible. Not only did I not know 14J QuIST, but I also chickened out of putting the S on JETSOM and didn't think to play 14J WRIST. This move is so bad that I'm tagging it with multiple mistakes. #knowledgelarge #knowledgelarge #visionlarge
I5 TWP +22 Vision Large
14J WRIST #visionlarge
11C DEF +28 Knowledge Large
Chickened out of C9 B(E)FELD. Since all other options are way worse #knowledgelarge
12B PH(O)T +22 Finding Medium
13A HYPS is better equity, but this sets up my case Ss nicely, though I still should have at least found it. #findingmedium
13A YES +32 Vision Medium
F10 (N)YS #visionmedium
G6 CL(I)FT +15 Vision Medium
7E CWM #visionmedium. I don't know why I didn't think it would score enough in that spot. It works out though.
M8 (S)OMEWAYS +89 Knowledge Medium
11A SOMEWAY #knowledgemedium
F8 TIER +30 Knowledge Large
10A TRIcHI(T)E #knowledgelarge
15A HERNIaT(E) +83 Finding Medium
I knew 15A pREHNIT(E) but was too lazy to iterate through the entire alphabet. #findingmedium
14E ODA(L) +19 Knowledge Large
4F DiANO(D)AL #knowledgelarge
4F UNiMO(D)AL +70 Knowledge Small
C8 cOLUMNA(R) blocks more lanes. #knowledgesmall
1A TAUN +23 Knowledge Large
Not a word #knowledgelarge
K9 NON +16 Knowledge Large
K9 NONNIES #knowledgelarge
O4 EmBO(L)ISE +65 Vision Large
2G EBIOn(I)SE or 1H BE(DEWING) #visionlarge
3J HU(N)K +22 Time Large
6H O(C)HE. I was very low on time. #timelarge
14H (EA)T +11 Time Small
M7 (PA)T #timesmall
C1 VOX +44 Knowledge Large
O8 ZEX. I thought it was only RATTLIN/GS. RIP. #knowledgelarge
3J D(A)ZED +32 Knowledge Large
O8 ZEK. Here I save the G for RATTLING, of course.#knowledgelarge
5C F(U)M +16 Vision Large
2M FEM #visionlarge
J7 (W)I(T) +10 Knowledge Small
I was only 95% sure COQUI took the S. #knowledgesmall
7C LOAD +18 Finding Small
7D ALOED #findingsmall
F6 I(DE)E +13 Strategy Large
Egregious. I can't be playing scared when I'm down this much, I need to play G8 (T)UI. #strategylarge
14A JOY +33 Vision Medium
I didn't see the R(ABIETIC) hook yet for B8 RAJ but this leave is going to bingo much sooner. #visionmedium
H3 XI +22 Vision Medium
M4 XY(S)T #visionmedium
12A VR(OU) +11 Vision Large
N1 VROT sort of forks the board, though a trip-trip through the V is unlikely, this is probably the only realistic way I can win. #visionlarge
8D PRIZE +38 Finding Small
8D PIEZO #findingsmall
K5 GRUNTLE +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
12F hEROI(S)ES +66 Knowledge Small
Wasn't sure of BOGLED. #knowledgesmall
O8 (D)OVETAiL +86 Finding Small
Probably O1 sOLVATE(D), although this makes a better board for the resulting score. #findingsmall
M3 EYLIA(D)S +26 Finding Medium
I was trying to block bingos through the U, D, and E, which don't actually exist, so I burnt a lot of equity. #findingmedium
A11 ACORN +32 Knowledge Small
A10 ANCORA #knowledgesmall
N9 PA +14 Knowledge Large
Chickened out of I2 PALATES cuz I didn't know it was spelled that way. I thought that I could forgo it and still win. #knowledgelarge
6A V(E)NDI(S) +10 Endgame Small
There are only 3 winning plays: this, 6A V(E)ND, and 12D (OO)F. 6A V(E)ND is 1 point better. #endgamesmall
E8 DIV(E)RT +10 Knowledge Large
12F DIV. Didn't know DJINNI. #knowledgelarge
2F ARTE(F)ACT +65 Knowledge Medium
13A TRAC(T)ATE #knowledgemedium
8A PAGO(D) +30 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesmall for the rage challenge.
L2 (C)EA(S)ING +38 Knowledge Medium
12C VE(R)DIN #knowledgemedium
N2 SHAD +44 Knowledge Medium
N2 SADHU #knowledgemedium
12D B(R)U +12 Vision Medium
I dunno. I was fishing for an I for O4 MAQUI which wasn't going to stay open. Maybe C10 VUM. #visionmedium I guess.
M8 OVUM +16 Endgame Large
I dunno. Championship Player says it's alright, but the only play that has a nonzero win % is M8 UM, which sets up the massive N8 VAQUERO which should always be blocked. Probably worth a shot I guess. #endgamelarge
8E AGAVE +18 Strategy Small
I thought that the leave for 8G VAX was too vowel heavy and guaranteeing and X spot would be worth it. But this caps my score next turn at around 30-something and bings a lot less, and is also less defensive. It probably isn't that different but in hindsight 8G VAX seems a bit better. #strategysmall
8M HOX +44 Finding Large
8L OXIC #findinglarge
4D INERM +31 Vision Small
5C NIMB #visionsmall
2F BE +22 Knowledge Large
B1 (LI)BERTINE #knowledgelarge
I5 (RAPE)D +10 Vision Large
"Well, nothing fits here" #visionlarge
7A (A)LL +4 Knowledge Small
N7 N(O)LL #visionmedium and #knowledgesmall for the challenge.
7A (A)LL +4 Vision Medium
N7 N(O)LL #visionmedium and #knowledgesmall for the challenge.
D11 JA(R)K +30 Knowledge Large
2J JUDoK(A) #knowledgelarge
L13 V(A)G +9 Vision Medium
N7 G(O)V #visionmedium
12A FRITS +36 Tactics Small
12A FITTS because IR is better than IT for some reason. #tacticssmall
M9 IDEA +25 Strategy Small
B2 DOUANE is okay because the exposed triples are balanced. #strategysmall
1C (B)ANQUE +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
#knowledgelarge but maybe he'll give me a place for UNEQUAL next turn.
15D JEEL(S) +30 Vision Small
5H JEEL #visionsmall
F5 VIR(A)L +10 Finding Small
G3 VIRGI(N) #findingsmall
L4 TRO(A)DING +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
I think I saw Adam Logan enter this into a the word judge inbetween games but I forgot the result. #knowledgelarge
6H DOG +23 Tactics Small
6I OD. Keeping the G bings slightly more which gives TRING a better equity than I thought. #tacticssmall
O1 PROWE(R) +50 Knowledge Large
N8 (P)IPEWORT #knowledgelarge
9I YOM +27 Finding Large
F1 MYXO(VIRAL) is a huge flex, but 9H MYXO is the play. #findinglarge
B4 WEM +24 Endgame Large
B6 MU is 19 points better and I was out of time #endgamelarge #timelarge
B4 WEM +24 Time Large
B6 MU is 19 points better and I was out of time #endgamelarge #timelarge
2A DUEI(N)G +24 Knowledge Large
4H GUIDE and this is not a word #visionlarge #knowledgelarge
2A DUEI(N)G +24 Vision Large
4H GUIDE and this is not a word #visionlarge #knowledgelarge
C1 D(E)BUG +18 Vision Small
4K DUB #visionsmall
6D L(U)V +14 Knowledge Small
J2 VITT(A) #knowledgesmall
13K ZACK(s) +38 Knowledge Small
12K KHAZ(I) #knowledgesmall
L8 (QI)N +12 Finding Large
I only saw TAENIAE and missed the fish for AEONIAN which plays in two spots and would cut the spread a bunch. #findinglarge
12J (JOL)E +20 Time Small
... and the last tile was the O. RIP. 1F AINEE is 4 points better #timesmall
12B AVO(C)ADO +28 Knowledge Small
12D O(C)TAVO #knowledgesmall
B10 QU(A)D +34 Strategy Large
M7 MOD is way better. It lets me fish for B10 Q bombs and even if they are blocked I can probably do something with the Q. I didn't see M7 MOD because I tunneled on getting rid of the Q. #strategylarge
D4 WU(D) +17 Knowledge Large
N3 UNsWORE and N3 UNWROtE #knowledgelarge
L6 ER +18 Finding Large
On tilt. L5 NOR. #findingsaddest
14F JA(I) +53 Strategy Large
B3 JOOK. #strategysaddest
C12 OBEY +36 Strategy Small
C12 OBOE #strategysad
15A WE(Y) +27 Finding Small
2A OW(R)E #findingsad
6K HOAX +39 Knowledge Large
N2 HEXAnO(I)C #knowledgelarge
H12 (Y)ONT +21 Finding Medium
H11 N(Y)LON #findingmedium
G12 (A)W(E) +19 Endgame Large
11A (SMIDGE)N is about 20 points better. #endgamelarge
10K TuRF(S) +18 Endgame Medium
13A (O)RFs is 9 points better. #endgamemedium
A6 OCTET +26 Finding Large
D9 COTT #findingsaddest
K4 (U)NCLOSEd +86 Strategy Small
8H (A)LENCOnS probably. #strategysad
M1 VAUs +29 Endgame Small
M2 VIsA #endgamesad
F6 VI(D)EO +19 Finding Large
9C VIREO #findinglarge
exch IIOOO +0 Finding Large
D8 (B)OOAI #findinglarge
D8 (B)OOAI +14 Tactics Small
6H OVA #tacticssmall
12F YEW +32 Knowledge Medium
H11 WRY #knowledgemedium
12K EM +21 Endgame Small
N12 MI blocks (INFRA)CTS, this is only two points worse. #endgamesmall
11B VORS +44 Knowledge Medium
11B OVIST #knowledgemedium
14J DeLI +19 Time Large
3A UNLIDs #timelarge
H2 TOUN +7 Strategy Medium
I had her on sticks including the D after this. Since I didn't have a good block I'd thought I set up my S, though maybe I should have just done H1 TONUS. I'm not really sure how big of a mistake this is, I'll just mark it as #strategymedium
E4 GA(L) +18 Finding Large
E2 GLIA(L) is better than this, which is total shit. #findingSADDEST
M7 BU(I)LDINg +76 Knowledge Large
15F UnBLIND #knowledgelarge
E10 OD +22 Knowledge Medium
6J ODEA #knowledgemedium
2F (P)OWTER +53 Time Large
Low on time and completely missed 5H WROTE. I stopped looked once I found a win. #timelarge
L8 FLEY +41 Knowledge Small
I considered fishing just the Y, but he'll almost always block my bing if I draw one. Also, L7 FLUEY looks slightly better. #knowledgesmall
14B FoN +16 Time Large
No time. O3 FUNs #timeSADDEST
1M WOF +34 Finding Medium
14H (L)OWLIFE #findingmedium
3B BOTTLE(D) +27 Endgame Small
3B BLOTTE(D) is 1 point better. #endgamesmall
L9 MUGGAR +27 Finding Large
2J MUGGAR. lmao. #findingSADDEST
1H PEAT(W)OOd +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
4B OPErATO(R) and N1 hA(N)EPOOT play. LMAO. #knowledgeSADDEST
M10 POOT +26 Finding Large
4B OPErATO(R). I only saw N1 HA(N)EPOOT. #findingSADDEST
2B QuErIDA +89 Vision Medium
4A QuAIlED. It didn't even occur to me to hang anything in the triple line. #visionsadder
1A TOLUANE(S) +77 Knowledge Large
2B DIRT +22 Tactics Small
2B DITA #tacticssmall
3A VAG +26 Finding Large
12F sCANTeD +77 Knowledge Large
8A AN(THEMING) or 15B sCANTeD. I didn't think PIERTS was a word. #knowledgeSADDEST #knowledgeSADDEST
12F sCANTeD +77 Knowledge Large
8A AN(THEMING) or 15B sCANTeD. I didn't think PIERTS was a word. #knowledgeSADDEST #knowledgeSADDEST
F1 (N)Y +30 Strategy Medium
The Duck says there is a 1/8 chance of winning after this play but I'm pretty sure it's lying to me because I went through every endgame and it never has me winning. So, since I'm pretty sure there is no win, I have to hope he screws up. This play fishes for 15D DISU(N)ITE but he's probably going to see that and block. I need to play something like O11 Y(OWIE) to hit the M because he is probably less likely to see 2G D(I)MITIES. If Quackle is actually correct about the 1/8 please let me know, but for now #strategymedium
3J TIDIES +21 Knowledge Small
D12 TIED is 1 point better #endgamesmall and #knowledgesmall for the challenge.
3J TIDIES +21 Endgame Small
D12 TIED is 1 point better #endgamesmall and #knowledgesmall for the challenge.
H8 (S)ANTERIA +77 Vision Small
D3 NAART(J)IE. Didn't even think to look there. #visionsmall
N10 REN(E)Y +30 Knowledge Small
D8 (JO)NTY #knowledgesmall
9G H(A)UT +24 Knowledge Medium
B10 (KI)AUGH #knowledgemedium
K2 GOATeED +71 Vision Small
14B ErGATO(I)D #visionsmall
K12 G(E)RM +12 Vision Small
14F GR(I)M #visionsmall I thought K12 G(E)RM would leave space for a bingo in the lower half but it doesn't.
C3 C(A)IRD +20 Endgame Medium
5B TRAIT is 9 points better. #endgamemedium
5G ATT +17 Vision Small
5H TAT(T) #visionsmall
1B WOK +22 Knowledge Medium
I didn't think 3C GOWK was a word. #knowledgemedium
4H AGENDEr +74 Knowledge Medium
6D mANEGED #knowledgemedium
6E ARF +19 Knowledge Large
Chickened out of 7H FARRAND #knowledgeSADDEST
J4 HIVE +27 Finding Large
J2 KEVIL #findingsaddest
14I FY +39 Finding Small
14H ONY #findingsad
N11 A(V)ION +16 Finding Large
N2 GOB +26 Knowledge Large
N4 GOLdBUG and E8 GOL(D)BUGs #knowledgelarge
O1 HUG +35 Strategy Large
I played too fast and didn't see E8 LAR(D)OONS. #strategylarge
D3 KLUtZED +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
This isn't a verb? #knowledgeSADDEST
13B MEN(O) +18 Knowledge Large
8J (IT)EMED and 8A MERE(L)L are really good here. #knowledgelarge
10E (R)YA +37 Strategy Large
Apparently I'm supposed to exchange here. Puneet was low on time and I played this instantly trying to force him over. #strategylarge I suppose.
7A ULU +13 Endgame Small
N10 OI is 3 points better. #endgamesmall
8K LINUM +30 Knowledge Small
H10 C(R)INUM #knowledgesmall
14F CR(E)W +15 Knowledge Medium
14F GW(E)DUC #knowledgemedium
10K ADZ +18 Finding Large
10G ADZ #findinglarge
8G YAY +18 Finding Small
8G YOGA #findingsmall
H12 H(O)UR +33 Knowledge Large
D10 AHURU #knowledgelarge
M4 SERVAGE +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
D11 GRAVS #knowledgeSADDEST
5J DEG +21 Tactics Small
5J GEL #tacticssmall
F9 ZHO +42 Strategy Small
F9 ZOL #strategysad
5B W(OO)FS +22 Endgame Small
5A WR(OO)TS #endgamesad
15A HUSK +69 Strategy Small
15A CUSK #strategysad
13F Ov(E)RSWUM +76 Knowledge Small
D1 MUgWOR(T)S is worth considering. #knowledgesad
13A COG +22 Tactics Large
Terribly misevaluated the leave here. 15A GOO is much better. #tacticslarge
1A WAZ(O)O +51 Endgame Large
I seriously considered playing 1A WAZ(O)OING* before deciding that it was more likely that the blank was in the bag and I could draw it to win than WAZOOING* being a word. This isn't actually the best play. C1 ZO(A) saves 1A WA(ZO)O and wins about 50% of the time as opposed to this which wins about 30% of the time. #endgamelarge
H12 (E)XIT +33 Vision Medium
E10 KU(R)I is a neat fit that I didn't see. #visionmedium
4I KU(B)IE +22 Finding Medium
E10 KU(R)U #findingmedium
9H UG(H) +11 Strategy Large
Completely tanked on this move. I didn't even consider keeping the U, which might led me to G12 (M)EG or G10 UN(M)ET. The metrics I used for this turn were off, I was too focused on dumping the U, so #strategylarge.
B10 JO +55 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesmall for the challenge.
15B FLORUI(T) +11 Knowledge Large
I couldn't find a fish I liked so I tanked until I ran out of time and played this. 1G FUROL looks fine. #knowledgelarge
O14 ET +19 Time Small
No time #timesmall
exch CT +0 Tactics Large
8D CREDIT is way better. I must have been tired. #tacticslarge
11D Q(I)N +18 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesmall for the challenge.
O4 VOX +28 Knowledge Large
O1 HOOVE. Wow. #knowledgelarge I should probably start studying the 5s.
H6 HU(E) +6 Strategy Large
I panicked again. This is shit. 13B HOBO looks okay. #strategylarge
14A VARE +30 Strategy Large
4F TAVER is the block I'm looking for. I thought bings on column 4 were unlikely enough to play this. #strategylarge
15C BY +33 Endgame Medium
3B RUB is 12 points better. #endgamemedium
E8 (V)IOLIN +25 Finding Small
E7 O(V)INE is a tad better. #findingsmall
3G RO(O)KIEST +76 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesmall for the challenge
15C (UP)HANG +36 Knowledge Large
5E A(F)GH(A)NS is a sick fit and 15C (UP)HUNG is a word. #findinglarge #knowledgelarge
15C (UP)HANG +36 Finding Large
5E A(F)GH(A)NS is a sick fit and 15C (UP)HUNG is a word. #findinglarge #knowledgelarge
5H M(A)CE +16 Knowledge Small
I was only 95% sure of GAMME and GIMME and I need to block 6H E(T)TERCAP or I lose the game. #knowledgesmall
7C ZIG +31 Finding Large
E4 GIZM(O) #findinglarge
N4 sPLINTS +70 Vision Large
N4 sPLINTS, lmao, #visionlarge
8L Vi(N)Y +39 Endgame Large
Anything that blocks his out is better than this #endgamelarge
7I FEG +22 Vision Small
D8 (M)OUPED +22 Finding Large
M5 TUGGER +19 Vision Medium
G2 DOORhA(L)L +68 Finding Large
L9 RANOLAS +70 Knowledge Large
1G PLUE +23 Knowledge Medium
N6 PI(C)UL #knowledgemedium
3E FAGGIES +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
9F FAG +22 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesmall for the challenge.
H11 (A)YONT +36 Knowledge Medium
H11 (A)VION #knowledgemedium
11E W(H)IPT +26 Vision Small
K2 PI(L)OW and K3 P(L)OW. #visionsmall
K4 (L)OO +14 Vision Small
K2 TO(L)EDO #visionsmall
E3 TOODlEs +67 Vision Small
M1 OzO(N)aTED is pretty cool. #visionsmall
13E OX +20 Time Small
7G (ZA)X #timeSAD
11G T(E)NEBRIO +72 Vision Large
11E TEN(E)BRIO you fucking moron. #visionSADDEST
6F USeLESS +67 Knowledge Small
15H (g)UStLESS #knowledgesmall
15L (Y)ACK +39 Endgame Small
6N P(I) #endgamesmall
10N PI +21 Endgame Small
M11 (I)NN #endgamesmall
6F WH(O)RY +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
I7 GYVE +29 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesmall for the challenge.
C5 FECES +22 Endgame Small
I1 FLEES is 1 point better. #endgamesmall
exch CUUID +0 Strategy Medium
7K (F)UCI. I couldn't play scrabble this turn. #strategymedium
3C BROIL +19 Vision Large
N13 OX(O). I guess I forgot how to play scrabble. #visionlarge
O1 FA(W)S +43 Knowledge Large
F5 OCA +26 Vision Large
2J PICAR(A) #visionlarge
10B QI(s) +31 Vision Large
10B QI(s) +31 Vision Large
A12 DRIP +36 Finding Large
A12 PTUI #findingSADDEST
C12 VENT +30 Strategy Large
Championship Player likes N13 AV(O) the best. Seems alright. I'm down tempo I need to make something happen. #strategylarge
N10 ZEA +35 Finding Small
8A NAZ(E) #findingsmall
6H AAHED +29 Strategy Small
J: 9H AAH wins a sim. Probably because it's keeping the E for MOZE and bingos more. #strategysad
O8 AIGA +21 Finding Large
13K FIT +27 Finding Large
J: I must've autpiloted here. 13K FINI. #findingsaddest
14J VAN +31 Vision Medium
J: 3C ARRIV(E) #visionsadder
D11 YOD +30 Strategy Large
J: D8 DRONE is best. I'm not losing by enough to play this. #strategysaddest
I6 (A)X(L)E +20 Strategy Large
H11 HEN +19 Strategy Large
B9 EW +28 Endgame Large
J: 11G (CH)ELP #endgamesaddest
J9 OPE +28 Strategy Small
J9 OP. I need to keep the E here. #strategysad
F6 FO(R)TY +27 Knowledge Small
D11 HUG +26 Finding Large
C9 AUK +18 Strategy Large
I was too concerned about making another opening, which is why I will never get the J8 (S)UK. #STRATEGYSADDEST
O7 JOMO +44 Knowledge Small
O7 JOMO +44 Finding Small
A1 QUA +48 Endgame Large
8H DUVET +20 Finding Small
8H IVY #findingsmall
6B PITAYAH +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
8A LIEGE(R) +27 Knowledge Large
D1 GALEAE #knowledgelarge
15L BA(B)Y +42 Knowledge Large
K4 INUR(E) +10 Endgame Small
K3 TRIUN(E) is 3 points better. #endgamesmall
8G JOBE +26 Strategy Small
8G GOJI #strategysad
8L TAUT +18 Finding Small
8L TATU #findingsad
I13 YA +20 Strategy Medium
9C YA. I tanked for a long time and then played too fast. #strategysadder
N13 OF +22 Strategy Small
I score way more on my next turn with 8A OF. #strategysad
L1 CARRyO(UT)S +76 Knowledge Large
3I FLI(R)R +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
2F FLIR +19 Endgame Large
7C HOON +20 Tactics Small
9F HON #tacticssmall
C3 LINC(H) +20 Vision Small
B7 CLINT #visionsad
13E YEZ +32 Tactics Medium
Never play the Z. 13C BYTE. #tacticssadder
I6 OI(L) +16 Finding Small
I6 LI(L)O #findingsad
8F CoLDISH +82 Strategy Small
8C CHIeLDS. I underestimated the value of the hotspot created by 8F CoLDISH. #strategysad
K3 KNAVE(S) +26 Vision Medium
J6 KN(I)VE #visionsadder
O1 ZE(I)N +42 Finding Large
D4 ST(R)IVED +30 Tactics Large
J7 V(I)D #tacticssaddest
9C G(E)E +6 Strategy Small
C9 EAGLE #strategysad
B9 ACETYL +39 Time Large
2E (O)Y #timesaddest
I8 (R)EVEALED +64 Knowledge Large
I got tilted because I was unsure of LAVEERED and DELEAVE and played to fast and missed K3 LEAVE(N)ED. #KNOWLEDGESADDEST
E2 HEWGH +35 Knowledge Medium
I chickened out of E1 WHEUGH #knowledgesadder
B10 F(R)O +29 Vision Large
N7 OUTFIRe. Totally missed the ODSO hook. #VISIONSADDEST
6K (LAT)U +6 Time Large
F1 tATOU #timesaddest
J6 MURL +22 Strategy Small
9F MUIL #strategysad
L4 OOH +26 Knowledge Medium
I didn't think VITELLINE was good. 12B ZOOEA. #knowledgesadder
5G AE +15 Knowledge Large
Still didn't think VITELLINE was a word. 12C S(T)EARATE. Also, totaly missed the spot for K9 AERATES lmao. #knowledgesaddest
14A TEARERS +78 Vision Large
14B TEARERS. F. #visionsaddest
M2 FIND +23 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for challenge
L1 HADDERS +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
L7 SHARDED. I knew SHARDING* was a phony and that SHARD was a noun, but I also felt like there was a bingo in this rack and got confused with HADDIES. #KNOWLEDGESADDEST
A8 D(U)H +21 Knowledge Large
L7 SHARDED. I play the rest of the game on tilt and way too fast. #KNOWLEDGESADDEST
K5 Y(OK) +20 Tactics Small
L3 RANDY #tacticssad
exch AIIOOU +0 Strategy Small
8L U(N)AI #strategysad
15F GOMPA +35 Tactics Small
15F GOMPAS #tacticssad
3J FO(C)I +18 Strategy Medium
Not sure what's correct here. Blocking the S hook after his last play seems maybe okay, since this play isn't a huge equity sac anyway. #strategysadder
15A U(G) +9 Strategy Small
F13 SU(G) I guess. #strategysad
4B RETINAS +90 Vision Small
2F RETAINS #visionsad but I guess ending the tournament on RETINAS is notable.
K11 GOD +20 Strategy Small
K11 DO #strategysad
M13 VAU +33 Knowledge Small
15G VAUNT(Y) #knowledgesad
3I C(L)UED +22 Strategy Medium
4L ECU is really annoying to try and block if he doesn't have an S. #strategysadder
N9 UM +24 Strategy Medium
This sims best but I'm not sure it's correct. I might need to make some drastic opening at this point because the sun is rapidly setting on this game. #strategysadder
9C TE(N) +8 Strategy Large
The sun has pretty much set and I was also slightly tilted because I thought UNMARRED might have been phony (it's not). I have no idea what I'm supposed to do here other than resign. #strategysaddest
L1 ST(END) +9 Time Small
6J (I)TS #timesad
J2 CANIDS +28 Finding Medium
G7 (P)LACID #findingsadder
10H SoNLIER +69 Strategy Small
10E pILSNER #strategysad
3B TAD +17 Strategy Small
L1 DE(I)T(Y) #strategysad
12C (L)EERY +16 Strategy Medium
12B Y(L)IKE. The K is not that valuable even with the PANICK hook. #strategysadder
O6 EUOI +14 Finding Medium
9K (B)A(J)U #findingsadder
1A AHS +46 Time Large
I had no time. 1A OH is best. #timesaddest
C9 POO +19 Strategy Small
B10 PAE(d)O brings down opp score more than I thought. #strategysad
B10 HYN(d)E +56 Tactics Small
B10 ZE #tacticssad
B6 XU +52 Finding Large
3C AGUIZ(E)D #findingsaddest
11G F(L)oWINGS +78 Knowledge Large
NOT A WORD. #KNOWLEDGESADDEST. 3G F(E)WS sims best but Quackle is probably incorrectly emptying the bag too much in response. 11F Wo(L)FINGS seems okay.
14K R(E)FER +16 Endgame Medium
M13 EF #endgamesadder
14C rESHOES +71 Finding Large
14E SHEEpOS #findingsaddest
6E UFO +19 Finding Medium
12J FOUA(T) #findingsadder
5C TIX +38 Vision Large
B10 XI, lol, #visionsaddest
11E AAL +21 Time Small
11D TAAL #timesad
G5 PEL(M)ETIC +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
exch AIOOU +0 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesmall for the challenge
E8 HAVE(N) +22 Knowledge Medium
E8 HOVE(N) #knowledgemedium
2D COKY +30 Finding Small
I have to at least consider 2C CORKY and 2C CONKY. #findingsmall
5J H(O)AR +20 Finding Small
L2 RA(T)H #findingsmall
J7 BIZ +28 Vision Large
I saw KIBITZ but didn't realized it scored so much at J5 KIBItZ. #visionlarge
10I KEX +33 Strategy Large
K9 EXO is best. It makes his bings score way less. #strategylarge
4H POU(L)tING +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
11K UNCO +30 Finding Medium
I was not on it today. 11K UNAU #findingmedium
4B FEL(C)H +26 Knowledge Large
4A FLEE(C)H #knowledgelarge
A1 TEF +28 Finding Small
1H (D)EFI and A1 FOE are better than this. #findingsmall
10A OI +11 Vision Medium
Cut some spread with 1H (D)ANIO I suppose. #visionmedium
1J DINAR +25 Endgame Small
1H (D)RAIN is 3 points better. #endgamesmall
5A S(E)T +13 Time Small
7E (E)ST. I had no time left. #timesmall
3B PUCE +26 Finding Small
4H PU(B)IC #findingsmall
L2 YID +30 Tactics Small
Keeping the Y is slightly better. #tacticssmall
L7 ORGAnIC +72 Knowledge Medium
L7 ARGOtIC doesn't take an S #knowledgeSADDER
14D WAIRAUs +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
O5 WAURs +28 Knowledge Large
12J T(HI)RL +8 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for the sad challenge.
D3 CODEI(N) +18 Finding Small
9F ODIC isn't bad. #findingsmall
10E CH +31 Finding Medium
F8 (BA)JU or 10B JEHUS #visionmedium #findingmedium
10E CH +31 Vision Medium
F8 (BA)JU or 10B JEHUS #visionmedium #findingmedium
1H PIRN +27 Knowledge Small
1F LIPIN #knowledgesmall
6L FEW +25 Knowledge Large
O10 (S)EWINS #knowledgelarge
E10 (C)AP +25 Strategy Large
12M ZA sets up the P #strategylarge
O8 LATEEN(ER) +32 Vision Small
7D TA(U)ON look a bit better #visionsmall
7H FLA(G) +17 Strategy Small
Given his last play I wanted to block the H column and row 6. H6 FL(Y) is better for that since it can't be extended as easily as (FY) but it's also 8 points less. Maybe I should have just played equity with K9 G(I)F(T). I'm not completely sure so #strategysmall
4D PONG(O) +16 Vision Small
E2 PENGO #visionsmall
7G GAWP +32 Knowledge Large
Chickened out of K5 WAT(T)APE and didn't see K5 WAT(T)AGE #knowledgelarge #knowledgelarge
7G GAWP +32 Knowledge Large
Chickened out of K5 WAT(T)APE and didn't see K5 WAT(T)AGE #knowledgelarge #knowledgelarge
10F WAIVE +31 Vision Small
10I VIEW #visionsmall
exch CGHNV +0 Vision Large
I didn't even look for G9 V(A)RS #visionlarge
13C DAH +25 Vision Medium
L2 HADE. I didn't see ALMUDE. #visionmedium
D4 TOLLiN(G) +14 Strategy Large
Quackle says I can win 1/4 times with but I'm pretty sure it's lying to me beacuse I played them out and I don't see it. I have no idea if I have a win here or what the best play is. Regardless this play is terrible and I had no time. #strategylarge #timelarge
D4 TOLLiN(G) +14 Time Large
Quackle says I can win 1/4 times with but I'm pretty sure it's lying to me beacuse I played them out and I don't see it. I have no idea if I have a win here or what the best play is. Regardless this play is terrible and I had no time. #strategylarge #timelarge
A10 (V)EG +22 Time Large
Fuck. 6D (L)EG wins by two but I had like 5 seconds left. #TIMESADDEST
8D YITIE +24 Knowledge Small
8G TITELY #knowledgesmall
A1 DO(C)HTInG +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
It's better without the ING. #KNOWLEDGESADDEST
11A STUSHIe +71 Strategy Large
I literally just didn't count up 7A SHUfTIS, which wins if I draw the Z. #strategylarge
F6 ZU(R)F +36 Knowledge Small
F6 FU(R)ZY #knowledgesmall
10B YEARS +37 Knowledge Small
9C YAR(F)A or 10B YAARS look better. #knowledgesmall #findingsmall
10B YEARS +37 Finding Small
9C YAR(F)A or 10B YAARS look better. #knowledgesmall #findingsmall
H1 CITO +29 Finding Large
wtf. H1 QI. #findinglarge
11A QADI +24 Knowledge Medium
I8 DJIN #knowledgemedium
K4 JAI +39 Knowledge Large
K4 bRINJAL #knowledgelarge
13F GA(N)TLoPE +74 Knowledge Small
Was only 85% on 13F PA(N)TLEGs. #knowledgesmall
N7 VATU +17 Vision Medium
C9 V(ED)UTA #visionmedium
O1 (N)ITRE +10 Vision Large
C9 T(ED)IER #visionlarge.
J10 H(I)NNY +27 Finding Large
M8 RHY(T)INA looks pretty good here, or maybe 6B HIYA. #visionlarge #findinglarge
J10 H(I)NNY +27 Vision Large
M8 RHY(T)INA looks pretty good here, or maybe 6B HIYA. #visionlarge #findinglarge
L3 GAP +26 Knowledge Large
9B PIE +14 Finding Large
L11 (S)MUT +12 Strategy Large
I have no idea what to do, I want my lines open, but the options are terrible. Definitely #strategylarge though.
11B YE +17 Knowledge Large
F4 L(EA) +3 Time Large
Might not be my exactly rack. Doesn't matter. #TIMESADDEST
4A DiVO +24 Time Large
4A VeTO is way better. #TIMESADDEST
I2 T(I)T +5 Time Large
7C LEE +20 Finding Small
7A TELAE #findingsmall
A11 GRACE +30 Tactics Small
A11 GAGER because the G is terrible. #tacticssmall
14F BI +23 Vision Large
6B BIRD #visionlarge
J10 WU(S) +14 Finding Medium
I3 UNWIT #findingmedium
M12 (NU)N +3 Strategy Large
I3 RANT blocks pretty much everything. I was instead focused on trying to draw my own bingo by fishing for an E. #strategylarge
7G (ALA)R +4 Endgame Large
J5 INRO. #endgamelarge
O2 ORATIN(G) +11 Time Large
6J AROINT. I was already overtime at this point. #timelarge
H12 ALOW +28 Knowledge Large
Chickened out of 11F TOW(N)LAND. #knowledgeSADDEST
10B F(UG)LY +28 Finding Large
O1 FY. Oops. #findinglarge
14G D(O)OMED +16 Strategy Large
G12 DEMO is way better. I thought blocking parallels on the M column would be worth something but that's delusional honestly. #strategylarge
F7 Q(U)E(Y) +16 Finding Medium
Play off the N on that too ya moron. E8 (O)R(L)E is better anyway, maybe. #findingmedium
N12 VER(A) +14 Knowledge Large
N11 VERR(A) is a word and brings my winning % way up. #knowledgelarge
13M Z(E)K +32 Endgame Large
14A ZO has 25 more win % points. I'm really surprised by that because I thought I needed more vowels. I guess the odds of drawing no vowels is fairly low and I need the K for scoring. #endgamelarge
H1 HUP(S) +27 Finding Medium
12L OUPH #findingsadder
2B CON(I)C +30 Knowledge Large
6C CO(I)NFECT and that's the game. #KNOWLEDGESADDEST
O12 FE(D)S +36 Strategy Small
I should probably play O11 FEN(D)S since I need to bing soon. #strategysmall
4H HO(P)ING +32 Endgame Large
If I had drawn the T instead of the D I woulda won. lmao. The Duck says 5J (A)D is best. #endgamelarge
I3 D(O)T +11 Time Large
8G PAW +16 Knowledge Large
J6 AgNAILS +69 Vision Medium
I5 IN +5 Strategy Large
14A INSERT #strategylarge
5C DACK +29 Endgame Large
C2 K(EN)DO #endgamesaddest
6E TWI(T)CH +30 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for challenge
1L (K)NUR +24 Tactics Small
M2 ELF #tacticssad
N6 YO(U) +29 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for challenge
N10 EVICT +28 Finding Large
C3 UVEIT(I)C #findingsaddest
B6 FU(R) +29 Strategy Large
B12 FEU #strategysaddest
7F VLY +15 Tactics Small
L8 (M)ALVA is probably fine. #tacticssad
11E PEBA +17 Tactics Small
K10 (C)AB #tacticssmall
10B JUBA +34 Vision Medium
13G BAJU #visionsadder
O5 REPO +32 Finding Medium
B2 FITMEN(T) +28 Strategy Medium
10H INFAM(Y) is more defensive. #strategymedium
15B AP(Y)REtIC +92 Finding Small
5D PAC(I)fIER #findingsad
F6 HA(N) +32 Tactics Small
F4 AAH #tacticssad
I7 U(R)AO +6 Strategy Large
4C OURA(R)I is best but I could bear to break up the leave. #STRATEGYSADDEST
H10 MAX +28 Tactics Small
5I DA(ZE)D #tacticssad
O8 (E)DUcATED +80 Tactics Small
I didn't count up bingos at C2 but they're all better. #tacticssad
M2 BONE +27 Vision Small
F1 OBE #visionsad
D1 GAED +24 Endgame Large
F2 ROBINI(A) +26 Knowledge Large
3E O(O)ZE +46 Knowledge Large
3E O(O)ZE +46 Finding Large
H1 UR(EA) +12 Tactics Small
K4 (F)OUR is probably better. #tacticssmall
1C LOR +14 Knowledge Large
J8 BAK(ER) +21 Knowledge Large
2H (R)EGiLDeD +81 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesmall for the challenge
O1 E(D)ENIC +35 Endgame Small
O1 O(D)IC is 1 point better #endgamesmall
D8 HI +18 Finding Large
Missed 10A SHIRT(Y) and didn't even think of something like 14J AIRTH which wins a sim. #findingsaddest #strategysaddest
D8 HI +18 Strategy Large
Missed 10A SHIRT(Y) and didn't even think of something like 14J AIRTH which wins a sim. #findingsaddest #strategysaddest
K10 ADRY +33 Finding Large
Didn't see K10 ABY lol. #findingsaddest
10A RINGLET(S) +63 Knowledge Medium
I wasn't 100% sure of B3 TRE(B)LING. #knowledgesadder
D12 ANTI +23 Endgame Small
E8 UN(L)IT #endgamesad
A12 (J)ANE +33 Tactics Small
A12 (J)APE #tacticssmall
H10 PANNED +44 Knowledge Small
H10 PANDAN #knowledgesad
L7 LEAVING(S) +76 Vision Large
D4 COBB(Y) +28 Vision Small
6L COBB #visionsad
4K OR +11 Strategy Small
F2 RATO maybe. #strategysad
3F ARENITE +66 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for challenge
K4 RUI(N)AbLE +78 Strategy Small
K5 tE(N)URIAL. I guess hanging the E is bad? Maybe that's just confirmation bias. #strategysad
8J P(A)D +23 Strategy Small
I didn't want to open another line for sevens, but 13J PODD(Y) is too much equity and the bingos aren't great and give good counterplay. #strategysad
7C OA(T)H +25 Strategy Small
F6 HO(O) #strategysad
3H (J)OE +16 Strategy Small
3F GA(J)O doesn't give back 2J plays. #strategysad
G8 (L)IG +5 Strategy Medium
2J GAR #strategysadder
10G (G)RR +4 Strategy Small
10G (G)IRR #strategysad
6M Q(IN) +12 Strategy Small
J8 QI or 11E QIS are better. I was tilted from the last two plays. #strategysad
15K STONY +41 Strategy Large
Awful miss of M9 YEANS. I saw it after I hit my clock. I wanted to block row 15 and knew I had the case S, but somehow I didn't realize I didn't need to block it with the case S. #strategysaddest
M11 AA +17 Vision Medium
J13 AIA #visionsadder
O8 WINY +37 Tactics Small
8A SN(O)WY #tacticssad
G8 (PEA)S +24 Vision Small
D11 (Q)ATS #visionsad
L4 STRAD +26 Strategy Small
3C L(a)RD I guess. #strategysad
1E LOON +20 Time Large
L10 LOO(F) #timesaddest
8D HEART +24 Finding Small
2024 Crescent City Cup, Round 6. 8D HARTEN #findingsad
B1 ZIG +39 Tactics Small
Always keep the Z. B1 VOG. #tacticssad
1L (W)OMB +33 Strategy Large
B6 MOBEY is apparently fine, but I thought I would be in a world of pain after playing it. #strategysaddest
D8 (H)INNY +25 Tactics Small
D8 (H)ENNY. I wasn't paying attention to the pool. #tacticssad
6B Q(I) +31 Tactics Medium
Type a note here! #tacticssadder
B9 UN(W)RAP +26 Finding Small
H12 (K)NUR #findingsad
6K (V)OE +6 Time Large
Out of time and ideas. #timesaddest
K5 FUG(L)E +18 Knowledge Small
L4 FOGE(Y) #findingsad #knowledgesad for the challenge
K5 FUG(L)E +18 Finding Small
L4 FOGE(Y) #findingsad #knowledgesad for the challenge
D12 QA(I)D +32 Finding Small
D11 FAQ(I)R. I played too fast. #findingsad
D3 WI(Z) +30 Strategy Small
D3 FI(Z) doesn't give up an S hook and is slight harder to overlap. #strategysad
3B MO(W)ER +24 Finding Large
H1 E(C)OMA(P) #findingsaddest
10B FA +22 Strategy Large
3J FA(Y)ER keeps the G for possible B2 bingos making GOLDEN. #strategysaddest #timesaddest
10B FA +22 Time Large
3J FA(Y)ER keeps the G for possible B2 bingos making GOLDEN. #strategysaddest #timesaddest
B2 A(M)ORT +18 Endgame Large
14L T(H)IO #endgamesaddest
3L (Y)ETI +22 Time Large
M1 TIE #timesaddest
K1 PREyiNG +83 Knowledge Small
K1 cREPiNG #knowledgesad
1I VA(P)E +10 Knowledge Small
1H TAU(P)E #knowledgesad
11J (C)UZ +28 Strategy Large
11J (C)UTIE #strategysaddest
L3 (V)AE +17 Strategy Large
13L AA #strategysaddest
F7 RUPIA +11 Time Small
11C RUPI(A) #timesad
N2 PEEK +36 Vision Large
N2 PACKET #visionsaddest
A1 C(R)AW +39 Strategy Large
O1 VAW #strategysaddest
I7 T(I)Z +23 Strategy Medium
E11 AZ(O)TH and E11 ZH(O) hit more bingos. #strategysadder
10D LOIR +28 Finding Medium
A8 ROLL(M)OP #findingsadder
14G E(R)UV +15 Strategy Large
M7 VAU is fine here I don't need to block. #strategysaddest
F1 AM +24 Endgame Large
15F CR(A)N #endgamesaddest
B2 LEAZE +56 Knowledge Small
I'm sure this challenge will be of no consequence. #knowledgesad for sad challenge of AWEIGH.
14C HIND +28 Strategy Large
14F HIN #strategysaddest
14B A(HIND) +22 Vision Medium
12G U(N)A(I) #visionsadder
1G GARE +21 Vision Large
Completely missed 4E AGRIA which is clearly best. #VISIONSADDEST
4F INIA +21 Endgame Large
L10 SAI(S) #endgamesaddest
exch FMOOQV +0 Tactics Small
8F OMOV #tacticssmall
I6 ZEN +23 Knowledge Large
H10 HENNER #knowledgelarge
K4 HEN +34 Knowledge Large
K1 CHEVEN #knowledgelarge
D2 COCA +21 Vision Medium
I4 CO(ZEN) #visionmedium
9J GIMP +21 Vision Medium
11C VIM #visionmedium
11B JIVY +48 Knowledge Medium
N6 JIVY is way more defensive but I chickened out of GIMPY. #knowledgemedium
O6 BL(U)D +7 Vision Medium
5B BL(AGUE)R #visionmedium
E1 D(UP) +6 Time Large
Completely out of time. H1 (WIVE)D or M8 (UP)DART or whatever. #timelarge
1E (D)A +8 Knowledge Large
13C (TE)ARsTAIN #knowledgelarge
15D ORATE +30 Time Large
Lost 20 points on time. #timeSADDEST
J6 FL(A)VID +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
12C VENUE +22 Knowledge Small
12A VENULE is better and I'm not sure why I didn't play 12A VENUE. #knowledgesmall #strategysmall
12C VENUE +22 Strategy Small
12A VENULE is better and I'm not sure why I didn't play 12A VENUE. #knowledgesmall #strategysmall
M12 OXIC +49 Vision Large
I didn't even look at the A column. WOW. #visionSADDEST
14F PROB +20 Vision Small
4D PROB(E) #visionsmall
O6 RHYTANS +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
3C UNURG(E) +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
10I FLY(I)NG +28 Endgame Small
Championship Player says 10J FR(I)NGY is slightly better. I don't want to spend the energy to find out why so #endgamesmall
12B CAMA +22 Tactics Small
12C AWA does better statically and in a sim. #tacticssmall
I8 (N)EA(L) +17 Vision Small
9G TOE(A) #visionsmall
6B TRIODES +75 Knowledge Large
C2 BEVO(R) +20 Knowledge Large
Hmm, QUINSY is a word. #knowledgelarge
3C (E)F +13 Knowledge Large
K7 FY #knowledgelarge
D1 HALLOW +39 Knowledge Large
B4 ANTIl(E)FT +70 Vision Small
H3 FAINT(E)sT #visionsmall
10G SEEMING +73 Tactics Small
4H ME(N)INGES is probably better, especially since SEEMINGS is a word. #tacticssmall
L4 ROTI +27 Vision Large
C1 (C)ZAR #visionlarge
11I DIF +31 Vision Large
H4 PRIZ(E) +19 Vision Large
I didn't think SEEMINGS was a word but IT IS. Anyway, since I can't block effectively, I have to play C1 (C)ZAR to outrun. FOR FUCK'S SAKE. #REEEEEEEEEEE #VISIONSADDEST
B11 L(A)H +13 Tactics Medium
I didn't not do the math on B11 H(A)RE. Oops. #tacticsmedium
B6 QIN +37 Strategy Large
Massive fuck up. I should be killing the hot spot with J6 Q(A)T, especially against this player. #strategylarge
L2 PERC(AL)E +27 Knowledge Medium
4A CR(U)IVE #knowledgemedium
N11 ANUS +22 Endgame Large
3I AUN(E)S #endgamelarge
11G CO(R) +14 Knowledge Large
#KNOWLEDGESADDEST for SAD unchallenged phony!
15A MI +16 Strategy Large
This is really uninspiring. I don't know what the best play is but #strategylarge
8H WHOA +20 Knowledge Medium
8H DAWAH #knowledgemedium
exch DGLVY +0 Strategy Small
12F TYG looks a bit better. #strategysmall
4K HOVE(D) +24 Knowledge Large
O12 (Y)OGH. I completely forgot about this word. #knowledgelarge
6L TUM(P) +20 Knowledge Large
12C UNTRIM. I didn't think SUMI was a word. #KNOWLEDGESADDEST
13C GONE +25 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesmall for the challenge.
13H AE +11 Strategy Large
Really wanted to play L9 (EW)E(R) but there's just too many vowels in the bag, though I should have kept the A for A(GONE). SAD! #strategylarge
M9 AGONE +27 Vision Small
Tanked on this move for a while. C12 ATO(M) looks best. I shouldn't be opening this easy line with this score. #strategymedium #visionsmall
M9 AGONE +27 Strategy Medium
Tanked on this move for a while. C12 ATO(M) looks best. I shouldn't be opening this easy line with this score. #strategymedium #visionsmall
C1 UEY +28 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesmall for the challenge.
H1 VAUT(E) +27 Finding Small
H1 VITA(E) is gonna be a bit better since it undoubles the Is and the Q is still out. #findingsmall
8H UDO +8 Finding Small
M4 DROOG +17 Knowledge Medium
M2 DORADO #knowledgemedium
H11 (N)IMPS +35 Finding Large
1K SPIMS #findingSADDEST. Even H11 (N)IMBS is better.
M10 ABUNA +24 Knowledge Large
8A SAGBU(T) #knowledgeSADDEST
8A DROGE(T) +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
5H DOGS +32 Vision Large
8A REPOR(T) +27 Endgame Large
L1 PER(I) is way better #endgameSADDEST
8G QI +22 Knowledge Large
F9 W(I)VED +18 Knowledge Medium
11B PWNED #knowledgemedium
14N GI +15 Vision Large
F2 (L)IEGE #visionlarge
10F PUPA +26 Finding Small
L9 APOOP #findingsmall
N10 CAN(T)Y +32 Knowledge Medium
O11 NYSSA #knowledgemedium
M6 VID +23 Strategy Medium
SAD! 11M V(A)V is fine! #strategymedium
4H MORIA +37 Finding Large
B10 TEA +15 Time Large
1D (F)UBAR +30 Vision Small
E2 TUBAR #visionsmall
B6 CHAT +41 Vision Medium
D10 N(I)GHTY #visionmedium
O7 WAVER +35 Finding Small
O7 NAVEW #findingsmall
exch TTI +0 Finding Large
8C TITTIE #findinglarge
M12 XI +33 Vision Large
wtf? G3 PIXY #visionSADDEST
14F BI(D)DY +31 Knowledge Small
14H (D)IBBS #knowledgesmall
2B PR(O)NK +47 Knowledge Small
1C K(A)POWS #knowledgesmall
M7 H(E)P +31 Time Small
4K CHUF(F) #timesad
G13 F(I)N +21 Time Large
I was low on time and the only way Matt could win was if I screwed up. 4K SCUF(F) #TIMESADDEST
H11 (D)OUMA +27 Knowledge Small
H11 (D)UOMO #knowledgesmall
I9 TR(A)NT +12 Finding Large
7M KOA +29 Vision Large
K3 WINTER +34 Finding Large
H2 (V)EX +21 Strategy Large
Using the E instead of the A or O brings my bing % way up, but I'm probably better off playing 6I N(IT)ROX hoping to draw all the vowels. #strategylarge
A12 FORA +52 Endgame Small
A11 FLORA is 1 point better #endgamesmall
8G CAY +16 Tactics Medium
8G YEA #tacticsmedium
O7 E(L)F +6 Strategy Large
Too fishy. I think 15C FENIN(G) scoring and looking for blanks is fine. #strategylarge
J13 GO +16 Endgame Small
J13 GOa is 2 points better. #endgamesmall
7B paTIO +8 Time Small
2C pOrTI(ERE) and 2C IsOTh(ERE). No time left. #timesmall
4C WI(C)E +18 Vision Small
9C WI(T) #visionsad
N9 R(E)PLY +12 Endgame Large
E13 LOR #endgamesaddest
8D HURRA +24 Finding Medium
8D AHURU #findingmedium. This game took maybe 5 years off my life.
6L RAI(N) +13 Knowledge Large
6L RAI(N) +13 Vision Large
13G HaILERS +83 Knowledge Small
13G HuRLIES doesn't slot the A. #knowledgesmall
15G V(O)XEL +15 Finding Large
At this point I was really paranoid that Marty had the other blank. I think I've gotta suck it up and just hope he doesn't bing through the O and play 11J (I)NVEST. #findinglarge
14C SENT +22 Endgame Large
I had no time. There's two in the bag, so The Duck *should* be able to figure this one out and it's saying E11 (MAW)N at 16.67% win. Maybe I have to play that and hope to draw the other S, I'm not sure. Anyway, #endgamelarge I'm sure.
11B L(UMM)eD +29 Knowledge Large
This isn't a word and also gives up A7 FANGS. #KNOWLEDGESADDEST #TIMESADDEST
11B L(UMM)eD +29 Time Large
This isn't a word and also gives up A7 FANGS. #KNOWLEDGESADDEST #TIMESADDEST
10I Q(I)N +12 Vision Large
13F (G)URU +7 Vision Large
7E B(E)EN +12 Knowledge Large
D10 GAPE +23 Vision Large
8D CaRNIER +72 Knowledge Small
Chickened out of 8D ChIRREN #knowledgesmall
C9 FOEHN +39 Knowledge Small
C9 FUERO #knowledgesmall
1G OX +56 Knowledge Large
A4 (P)AVED +33 Knowledge Small
A4 (P)AVID #knowledgesad
K3 AGO(N)E +29 Vision Medium
1L (B)UBU #visionmedium
15K ABLED +37 Knowledge Large
15K ABLED +37 Endgame Large
D8 P(R)ONGED +28 Vision Small
8C JOG #visionsmall
11M HAM +17 Strategy Large
There are no great options and his last play indicated a strong range (yes, I know, even for Dan the Destroyer). 11M HAM is best for reducing bing %, but M5 MAHUA(S) also significantly reduces bing % and sets up my X. After UN, he probably doesn't have a Y (or B), which is the only thing he could really use at 6N. This makes M5 MAHUA(S) best IMHO. #strategylarge
11B YU(N)X +28 Finding Large
B1 (R)IANCY #findingSADDEST. That's the game.
exch AGIOU +0 Tactics Medium
8F AGUE #tacticsmedium
exch AIIUW +0 Strategy Small
7E IWI is slightly better #strategysmall
M6 OINK +35 Finding Large
C11 RIT +17 Strategy Small
C1 TIRIT(I) is the right idea here. #strategysmall
15A MASA +34 Time Large
14K (H)ASH #timesaddest
A4 FO(G)LE +39 Finding Large
G3 SN(EE)ZY +55 Vision Large
N4 NAZ(IF)Y doesn't create an opening. #visionsaddest
3B ADORE(S) +14 Finding Large
3B ADOOR(S) #findingsaddest
8L OPED +30 Tactics Small
I saw L4 PRO(Y)NED, but I didn't think it would be that much. #tacticssmall
O1 bECHIDE(D) +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
I think this must have been a phony someone else played, regardless, #KNOWLEDGESADDEST
B6 DRILY +32 Strategy Large
I passed on B2 YIELD because I didn't want to hang floaters on rows 2 and 3 or leave the R open, but looking at it now, it seems best. It sims with 20 more win percentage points over B6 DRILY. Probably because the I and Y aren't great floaters, and I sometimes get outrun by A8 plays. Big mistake. #strategylarge
D11 JAM(BE) +32 Endgame Small
C2 JUMA(R) is 2 points better. #endgamesmall
8G GOLE +10 Strategy Small
2025 Crescent City Cup, Round 16. 8H OGLE #strategysad
6A AZO +37 Strategy Small
5K SAZ or F11 U(N)AU maybe. #strategysad
G11 G(I)B(E) +17 Strategy Small
5K PAGOD outruns everything and blocks O1 DIGERAT(I) which is the only way be can win. #strategysad
H4 KAI +27 Tactics Small
Apparently CINS is slightly better than ACNS, so maybe H1 AKA is better. It also keeps the S open. #tacticssmall
7I (E)CU +5 Strategy Medium
E5 ARS(E)NIC. I wasn't even looking for these kinds of plays. #strategymedium
B11 GREW +28 Knowledge Medium
Chickened out of 2B G(O)R(S)Y. #knowledgemedium
14F (Y)ONdERLY +70 Strategy Medium
I did not even look for 1A LE(V)Y, which has a about 4 more win percentage points. #strategymedium
1K S(Q)UIB +48 Endgame Medium
13L EAT is 6 points better. #endgamemedium
8H AUK +14 Finding Small
8D OTAKU #findingsmall
exch AEO +0 Strategy Medium
10I OATEN #strategymedium
L4 DEE +27 Knowledge Small
H1 IODINE #findinglarge and #knowledgesmall for the challenge
L4 DEE +27 Finding Large
H1 IODINE #findinglarge and #knowledgesmall for the challenge
2K (F)UCI +18 Vision Large
3I CU(R)IO #visionlarge
13C HELD +23 Vision Medium
G10 DH(O)L #visionmedium
14M EXO +49 Endgame Large
O10 AVO(Y)ER is best. I ran out of time and just made the best equity play which is terrible. #timelarge #endgamelarge
14M EXO +49 Time Large
O10 AVO(Y)ER is best. I ran out of time and just made the best equity play which is terrible. #timelarge #endgamelarge
L4 HEM +32 Knowledge Small
L4 MELI(K) #knowledgesmall
4F BIDI +12 Vision Medium
M5 DIBS #visionmedium
N10 SORRY +26 Strategy Large
5C DORY is better. I panicked and blocked unnecessarily. #strategylarge
13D MOE +20 Vision Medium
M5 EMOS scores more and blocks the (FRANK)EST extension. #visionmedium
11D MAtE(r)I(A)LS +86 Knowledge Small
I6 pE(T)ALISM is fucking sick. #findinglarge and #knowledgesmall for the challenge
11D MAtE(r)I(A)LS +86 Finding Large
I6 pE(T)ALISM is fucking sick. #findinglarge and #knowledgesmall for the challenge
I6 LU(T)E +21 Knowledge Large
Damn, I thought it was only GLUTENIN, but 15E GLU(T)ELIN is also good. #knowledgelarge
F9 LO(t)N +5 Strategy Large
I had absolutely no idea what to do here and I thought the blank there was an R. I gotta open up and play something like F4 LON(G). #strategylarge
M2 HERNS +38 Strategy Medium
M3 EHS is apparently way better. Probably because it doesn't give back the H to double. I was running low on time too. #strategymedium
K3 EE +11 Endgame Medium
N1 OE is best apparently. #endgamemedium
N1 VORS +35 Endgame Large
Damn, the only winning play is 5E SOVIE(T) setting up N3 OR. #endgamelarge
9F COLE +22 Tactics Small
J: J6 COL #tacticssad
N1 UM +18 Knowledge Large
J: I couldn't remember the definition for 14B CU(S)UM so I thought it wasn't a word. #knowledgesaddest
2G CUVET +0 (Lost challenge) Time Large
J: I knew this wasn't a word but I needed more time to realize that and I had seconds remaining #TIMESADDEST
exch BDJW +0 Tactics Small
Exch. BDJSW #tacticssmall
E4 JO +22 Tactics Small
10B JIAO(S) #tacticssmall
11E D(E)FOaMED +106 Finding Small
11E D(E)FOrMED #findingsad
A4 sIRTUIN +73 Vision Medium
A3 sIRTUIN, lol. #visionsadder
D8 (G)UMBO +20 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for challenge
C10 HOOP +31 Knowledge Large
1C (C)ANYON +36 Knowledge Large
1C (C)YANIN #knowledgesaddest
7F OF +29 Strategy Small
7G FILO #strategysad
E4 EL +9 Knowledge Large
I thought I was hallucinating 2G REALLIE. #KNOWLEDGESADDEST
2F AUA +16 Strategy Small
11I U(R)A(R)I #strategysad
15J VICE +15 Finding Large
14G WIZ +29 Endgame Large
Only 8L (B)ID and M4 DIT win. I had a few seconds at this point. #ENDGAMESADDEST #TIMESADDEST
14G WIZ +29 Time Large
Only 8L (B)ID and M4 DIT win. I had a few seconds at this point. #ENDGAMESADDEST #TIMESADDEST
10L (E)DIT +9 Time Large
F4 DIT(ONE) #timesaddest
8G CONF +18 Strategy Large
8H VOW #strategysaddest
M1 GAROTEs +70 Finding Large
9L (I)CY +11 Tactics Small
2F BYE #tacticssad
3C BENDIEs +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
D5 BENIs(E)ED +72 Finding Large
A8 (G)UAVA +10 Endgame Large
I gave up. Apparently, A6 VA(G)UE is best. #endgamesaddest
9I BEAU +18 Finding Large
11C PIX +42 Strategy Medium
10M (O)X to go for triple triples. #strategysadder
12D NEATH +38 Tactics Large
H10 (L)ENGTH #tacticssaddest
15L (P)LUS +18 Knowledge Small
E10 (AXE)S #strategysadder and #knowledgesad for challenge
15L (P)LUS +18 Strategy Medium
E10 (AXE)S #strategysadder and #knowledgesad for challenge
K1 CHIMO +30 Vision Large
K2 MOCH #visionsaddest
4K (M)ADLY +30 Vision Small
L1 (LI)NY #visionsad
J12 A(N)I +7 Strategy Medium
10K (N)AIF is fine, this is too fancy. #strategysadder
4D ZOA +34 Time Large
I was out of time and want to save my L for ANIL, but E3 ZLOTY is fine. #TIMESADDEST
C5 (C)RYPT +17 Time Large
I think I didn't draw the last tile which was the O, lmao. #TIMESADDEST
8G NONG +10 Tactics Small
8G ROGNON #tacticssad
1L (M)ENU +18 Finding Large
J10 FY +22 Endgame Large
H11 (s)WY #endgamesaddest
14F Ji(V)ED +35 Time Large
13G J(I)G #timesaddest
G6 W(IN)G +10 Time Small
6B W(E) #timesad
8G GIFT +16 Finding Small
8G GYP #findingsad
M5 DENT +17 Tactics Small
3J D(EA)N #tacticssad
13A MEAN +33 Finding Medium
13B MANIA is a better block. H1 A(C)UMEN is available but I think a bingo ending in QUE is the only way I can lose so I think I have to block. #findingsadder
K11 J(E)R(K) +30 Vision Large
11K (J)UG(A) +17 Strategy Small
5G TUG is best apparently. #strategysad
9G MOB +22 Strategy Small
G5 GAMBO #strategysad
A8 LOAN(E)D +21 Strategy Small
A7 DONNE(E) #strategysad
B7 TARN +14 Strategy Small
C7 ENTRA(I)N I guess. #strategysad
13C FIN +43 Strategy Small
D5 (T)EEK #strategysad
D2 KHE(T) +22 Strategy Small
G3 KH(ET) #strategysad
O1 ADZEs +52 Endgame Large
B1 DUE #endgamesaddest
7H GUCkIER +64 Knowledge Large
I missed 3 nines through IN, F. #KNOWLEDGESADDEST
N6 B(RE)W +15 Vision Medium
E3 BEDAW(INS) #visionsadder
5H (V)ULN +14 Time Large
I start running out of time here and play increasingly more panicked. E5 UNP(INS) is fine here. #timesaddest
15F V(ES)T +7 Vision Large
E4 TENP(INS) #visionsaddest
J4 B(L)O(C) +10 Strategy Medium
Had no time. L12 OO(N)T is fine, but I wanted the T for HAIRST. #strategysadder
O10 TINFUL +49 Finding Large
O10 TUFOLI #findingsaddest
I2 TR(OU) +5 Finding Large
I missed F3 RETRO(NYM) to win the game, but I was already overtime here. #timesaddest #findingsaddest
I2 TR(OU) +5 Time Large
I missed F3 RETRO(NYM) to win the game, but I was already overtime here. #timesaddest #findingsaddest
M1 COB +29 Strategy Small
3A TIFO or M1 FOB are better. I thought the F might be useful for 10F, but no, wrong. #strategysmall
G11 (F)IAT +16 Strategy Large
I panicked here and played too defensive. D11 (T)AFIA is a good compromise between defense and equity. #strategylarge
11K FRENA +33 Endgame Medium
11K FAIR is 6 points better. #endgamemedium
8G RIZ +24 Finding Large
8H RESIZE, lol. #findingsaddest
15A (R)EaDABLE +86 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for challenge
13D (S)EEDSHOP +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
L6 PEH +26 Vision Large
4B HOD(JA) #visionlarge
O5 DONNAR(T) +24 Strategy Large
This setups up bingos, O8 DAN(T) isn't bad. #strategySADDEST
5B RUR(U) +4 Strategy Large
3J R(UR)U blocks the better line. #strategySADDEST
14A LENTOR +26 Endgame Large
I thought this outran everytime, but loses to 15F YEASTED and other bings. 10L (GO)O(R) is the only winning play. #ENDGAMESADDEST
5E FINGE(R)S +44 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesmall for the challenge.
9F BAYT +39 Finding Small
9F YABA #findingsmall
L6 HAINING +85 Vision Small
OUPH is also a word. #visionsmall
11J VA(N)T +14 Strategy Large
This is delusional. First, 11I VAU(N)T is better, but I irrationally didn't want to put the A next to the triple word. Second, 3A VATU is way better, I'm not up enough to be pulling shit like what I did. Third, HAININGS is a word, so this doesn't even lock the board down. #strategySADDEST
14H COLUReD +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
This is really bad. I just went from an 100% win to like, not that. #KNOWLEDGESADDEST
F11 DI(A)RY +17 Vision Small
H2 RID(G)Y #visionsmall
7H BOX +23 Finding Large
5J LUV +22 Tactics Small
5J VAU #tacticssmall
F2 DrAPPI(E)S +72 Finding Medium
14G oPPIDA(N)S #findingsadder
1G KUDO +44 Tactics Medium
1G DAKOIT #tacticssadder
13C NINJA +29 Finding Large
4A JARIN(A) #findingsaddest
M1 LOUR +21 Strategy Medium
1A TRIOL #strategysadder
4H JOM(O)N +44 Tactics Small
3I JO(t)UN #tacticssad
N6 QA(I)D +34 Strategy Large
C13 Q(I)N is best. I bingo way more than I thought. #strategysaddest
9G WAID +23 Knowledge Large
L8 (K)AWAU #knowledgelarge
4J O(V)UM +18 Vision Small
J6 AM(AD)OU #visionsmall
13K GEO +13 Strategy Medium
Playing too sad and scared here, 13F OGEE looks okay. #strategymedium
B1 OXID +49 Knowledge Medium
B2 DOXIE #knowledgemedium
13A H(A)RL +14 Endgame Medium
F1 RH(Y) #endgamemedium
13K (D)ZHO +34 Knowledge Large
D8 ZO(AR)IAL #knowledgelarge
3I TOG +27 Vision Large
14H GOT #visionSADDEST
8D FOLIO +24 Strategy Small
8H UNFOOL #strategysad
11C (YO)NIC +20 Strategy Small
B12 CANN. Play without fear. Though since it's Broersma I think he's likelier to be holding a Y after his last play. #strategysad
H13 HEW +34 Vision Large
J6 WIENIE #visionsaddest
14F ZE(ES) +33 Strategy Medium
14G L(ES)TED #strategysadder
15E BE +15 Vision Large
J4 (P)LEB #visionsaddest
8F PLOW +18 Knowledge Medium
I couldn't remember the definitino for 8H PILOW and I'm not sure why I didn't play 8E WIMP. #knowledgesadder #findingsadder
8F PLOW +18 Finding Medium
I couldn't remember the definitino for 8H PILOW and I'm not sure why I didn't play 8E WIMP. #knowledgesadder #findingsadder
8A U(T)U +9 Finding Small
15H UNSE(E) #findingsad
4B JIB +32 Finding Large
14G I(V)Y is a great setup. Too bad I didn't see it. #findingsaddest
B10 HERSE +45 Strategy Small
Sims says E3 GE(R) #strategysad
I1 IGLO(O) +29 Endgame Medium
A1 LIG #endgamesadder
H12 (BA)NC +24 Endgame Small
H12 (BA)RN #endgamesad
exch IIIUV +0 Tactics Small
D11 IURE might be slightly better. #tacticssmall
B1 (O)PAH +30 Strategy Small
B13 HAW is a little better. He can't hit anything there. #strategysmall
2F WO +16 Endgame Large
D12 OWER wins 2/3 and this only wins 1/2. #ENDGAMESADDEST
K11 APER +20 Endgame Small
No wins. K12 QI is 11 points better #endgamesmall
11A RI(G) +13 Endgame Small
2I (A)IR is 3 points better #endgamesmall
9C AU(N)E +15 Finding Small
12E (E)UOUAE #findingsad
8M (F)IZ +45 Knowledge Large
E5 VITTAT(E) +25 Vision Small
3F T(E)NT is a bit better #visionsmall
C7 DETR(A)INS +74 Finding Large
O7 OVATOR +33 Vision Small
L2 OUTRAV(E) #visionsad
4K FLU(N)K +34 Knowledge Small
J6 WO(R)KFUL #knowledgesad
10B OrPHANS +71 Finding Large
6F ZO(U)K +37 Finding Large
J: G3 ZO #VISIONSADDEST M: #findinglarge for josh for this bullshit
6F ZO(U)K +37 Vision Large
J: G3 ZO #VISIONSADDEST M: #findinglarge for josh for this bullshit
12L NIM +17 Knowledge Small
9F MISP(R)INT #FINDINGSADDEST #knowledgesad for the challenge
12L NIM +17 Finding Large
9F MISP(R)INT #FINDINGSADDEST #knowledgesad for the challenge
5C JAP +40 Vision Medium
13J BREN +23 Vision Small
H11 (FA)BLE #visionsad
14A ALLOTIN(G) +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
J: #KNOWLEDGESADDEST E7 ILLAT(I)ON #FINDINGSADDEST M: #knowledgesaddest for josh for this atrocity
14A ALLOTIN(G) +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
J: #KNOWLEDGESADDEST E7 ILLAT(I)ON #FINDINGSADDEST M: #knowledgesaddest for josh for this atrocity
14A ALLOTIN(G) +0 (Lost challenge) Finding Large
J: #KNOWLEDGESADDEST E7 ILLAT(I)ON #FINDINGSADDEST M: #knowledgesaddest for josh for this atrocity
exch III +0 Tactics Small
F4 INIA probably. #tacticssmall
8A ROUE(N) +18 Vision Small
12A AUREO(L)E, probably. #visionsmall
C6 GR(U)NCH +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
#KNOWLEDGESADDEST (I think I had this, not sure)
M1 (S)CLiM +16 Strategy Large
E3 GAWCI(E)R +26 Finding Small
7F GAWD #findingsmall
11K MOTH +31 Knowledge Medium
I didn't think K5 HO(p)T(O)AD was a word. #knowledgemedium
E11 P(OO)RT +14 Strategy Large
I should just block row 1 and try to outrun. #strategylarge
B6 (F)LIM +9 Endgame Large
There are a bunch of wins if EELPOUT was scored correctly as 59 instead of 69. This is not one. #endgamelarge
D1 WALIE +28 Strategy Small
7C WE(R)O #strategysad
H12 (H)OVE +30 Finding Medium
8J AVO(Y)ER #findingsadder
C9 Q(I) +21 Endgame Small
M13 J(A)G #endgamesad
10H SLOK(E)N +12 Endgame Small
10I JOL(E)S #endgamesad
10F HANd(W)ELL +71 Knowledge Large
C3 RAN(I)D +16 Vision Large
A1 PRO(X)Y +51 Knowledge Large
O5 GIEN +29 Endgame Large
I1 ANA is 3 points better. #endgamesaddest
14F ANA +17 Vision Large
M7 ANA(L) #visionsaddest
A6 DU(X) +11 Tactics Medium
7G D(ZO) #tacticssadder
13F GAYE(R) +24 Time Large
Was low on time and lost my mind here. #TIMESADDEST
O1 NEONs +27 Endgame Large
H12 (AY)IN #endgamesaddest
O13 AI +15 Time Large
K10 AI(R) #timesaddest
8D XENIC +44 Finding Medium
CoCo Silver Spring April 2023, Round 14. 8H CIMEX #FINDINGSADDER
G7 M(I)LKY +18 Strategy Large
I thought this would do okay given his range but E7 (WE)LKT is clearly best. #strategysaddest
14G B(E)TH +17 Strategy Small
Exch. BDDF #strategysad
exch DDFG +0 Tactics Small
Exch. DDDFG #tacticssad
exch ABEEQ +0 Strategy Large
N10 BEG sims best against a random rack, but after 9K S(O) and the available pool, it seems extremely likely that he has another S. It seemed like the game would be over if I play N10 BEG and he bingos on the O column or even just plays there with his S and I'm holding the Q. I thought my best shot was to to throw the Q back (holding consonants because I thought the bag seemed slightly vowel heavy) and hope he draws it after his N column bingo and I respond with an 1H bingo or column O bingo. However, even simming against the best possible racks, N10 BEG is winning every time. It's probably partly because he is unlikely to be holding a U, which gives me a good chance of drawing a U after N10 BEG. But even with AENQU??, I'm not sure how I can ever win after a column O play. #strategysaddest
O4 RENIG +36 Strategy Large
B9 EARING is a cool play that sims best which I didn't consider. #strategysaddest
2H (AB)A +7 Time Large
Out of time and ideas. #TIMESADDEST
M3 RESTOR(E)R +68 Knowledge Small
4L G(E)Y +20 Strategy Large
7C Y(A) bings with every vowel. #strategySADDEST
4D (V)OGUE +19 Vision Large
8G HORN +14 Strategy Small
8G NOX #strategysad
10E BOP +21 Strategy Small
11E DOB #strategysad
exch DFGLS +0 Finding Large
14F F(EM)S #findingsaddest
I3 Q(I) +21 Strategy Small
5C COTT. Good chance of getting QI bomb next turn I guess. #strategysad
5D OFT +29 Strategy Small
14M OFT. Block the last good lines. #strategysad
8G VAX +26 Tactics Medium
8D WAIVE #tacticssadder
L4 H(AL)F +20 Finding Large
L4 C(AL)IF #findingsaddest
7L (F)E +6 Knowledge Large
8L ACER. I thought it was only ALFA. #knowledgesaddest
15K MOTOR +30 Finding Large
L11 GROOM #findingsaddest
O11 TAU +14 Tactics Medium
O10 TEGU #tacticssadder
9I YEGG +34 Finding Large
9H GYTE #findingsaddest
D3 A(N)TIPoDE +60 Knowledge Large
1G PEDATIf(ID) #knowledgesaddest
H12 VI(D)S +36 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for challenge
J6 LA(D)DISMS +66 Knowledge Large
N10 HO(N)ED +34 Knowledge Medium
N10 HO(N)IED #knowledgesadder
B4 PURI +19 Endgame Large
C7 UR(N) #endgamesaddest
D2 LORE +23 Endgame Small
D2 ROLE. This gives him RELIE/LOREL, lmao. #endgamesad
8D MERCY +30 Tactics Large
I knew this was a mistake and played it anyway. 8H COREY. #tacticsSADDEST
D4 ZO +46 Finding Large
2F (H)AYRIDES +67 Knowledge Large
N3 SOLVENt +76 Knowledge Small
N3 SLOVENs does not take an S. #knowledgeSAD
10H BURGLeS +75 Knowledge Small
10H BUGLeRS #knowledgeSAD
12G HEARER +30 Vision Large
8G CUIF +18 Tactics Small
8D FUCUS #tacticssmall
E10 AA +12 Tactics Small
C10 PARA #tacticssmall
3A CREM +30 Tactics Large
C12 GEM #tacticslarge
9L D(R)IB +12 Strategy Large
Terrible play. Needed to fish one tile like F2 H(OI) or 10D (AA)H. #strategylarge #timelarge
9L D(R)IB +12 Time Large
Terrible play. Needed to fish one tile like F2 H(OI) or 10D (AA)H. #strategylarge #timelarge
3H (C)ONTENDS +74 Knowledge Small
Josh: #knowledgesmall for the challenge
B6 WAX +30 Finding Large
Josh: I'm convinced that this basically gives away the game if Will has an E. 12D UPWA(F)T and 2C R(O)UX look better. #visionlarge #findinglarge
B6 WAX +30 Vision Large
Josh: I'm convinced that this basically gives away the game if Will has an E. 12D UPWA(F)T and 2C R(O)UX look better. #visionlarge #findinglarge
L1 DARN +26 Vision Small
4H DR(OW)ND #visionsmall
1A (BO)MB +13 Strategy Large
This was probably a huge mistake. I need to exchange here to get vowels to block whatever he opens. Him opening and me drawing two consonants is a disaster. #strategylarge
K4 PLUMS +38 Knowledge Large
8A DRUI(D) +24 Finding Large
H1 G(R)OVE +39 Vision Small
1L (J)OBE is probably better, but this sets up my T. #visionsmall
K7 M(I)XED +30 Finding Large
K5 DEN(I)MED #findinglarge
15D AUGITE +29 Knowledge Medium
I was trying to decide between 8A GUY and 15D AUGITE. I figured if I kept the Y, I might be able to cash it at 15L after his bingo, but 8A TUYE(R) looks better. #knowledgemedium
8A FUM +32 Knowledge Medium
K5 IM(MIXED) #knowledgemedium
3B ALCID +28 Knowledge Large
K5 AD(MIXED) #knowledgelarge
11D N(E)RKS +11 Time Large
I was low on time and forget there were tiles in the bag. Sad. I played this thinking I had two outs. D11 N(E)K is best. #TIMESADDEST
8G JA +18 Tactics Small
8G RAJ is harder to hook. #tacticssmall
15H (S)oRRIEST +74 Tactics Small
I didn't even count the double-doubles. #tacticssmall
12A OVERHAN(D) +82 Knowledge Medium
12E HAN(D)OVER #knowledgemedium
O5 POUNCeT +86 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesmall for the challenge
B10 WO(V)E +34 Strategy Medium
N6 WOE doesn't give up big scores. #strategymedium
I8 BE(A)TS +41 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesmall for the challenge
J4 TREK +30 Knowledge Small
N4 EUK is fine. #tacticssmall #knowledgesmall for the challenge
J4 TREK +30 Tactics Small
N4 EUK is fine. #tacticssmall #knowledgesmall for the challenge
L3 LUDO +20 Finding Small
M2 GOUT gives back plays on the L column, but L5 LOU looks better. #findingsmall
13L GO(V) +14 Vision Small
G10 (B)O(N)G #visionsmall
15D FIR +25 Knowledge Small
4D STARL(IT) is 7 points better because it gives me 15C IF to go out. #endgamemedium #knowledgesmall for the challenge
15D FIR +25 Endgame Medium
4D STARL(IT) is 7 points better because it gives me 15C IF to go out. #endgamemedium #knowledgesmall for the challenge
8G HUGY +22 Finding Medium
GUMDWOPS 2025, Round 1. 8D PUDGY #findingsadder
6E CID +22 Strategy Medium
6B RANCID #strategysadder
A12 (B)APU +24 Knowledge Small
14B TAPAcU(L)O #FINDINGSADDEST #knowledgesad for the challenge
A12 (B)APU +24 Finding Large
14B TAPAcU(L)O #FINDINGSADDEST #knowledgesad for the challenge
A1 BE(A)NERY +39 Finding Small
A1 EB(A)YER #findingsad
12D GRAV(Y) +24 Knowledge Small
I'm looking to keep it closed. #knowledgesmall for the challenge.
4H J(U)GAL +42 Vision Large
D3 JAB #visionlarge
O7 BINE +23 Knowledge Small
O6 BONIE looks better. There are other better equity plays but I have to block the O column here. #knowledgesmall
6I (D)ZHO +37 Vision Small
N6 ZOL #visionsmall
M12 HEM(E) +31 Endgame Medium
M7 LOVE is 5 points better #endgamemedium
8H APO +10 Tactics Small
8D PATRON is probably a bit better. #tacticssmall
10H TROP +28 Tactics Small
10I PORN #tacticssmall
11K ARY +20 Tactics Small
11K AIRY #tacticssmall
14B HAE +28 Vision Large
J2 MELEE +23 Strategy Large
I completed discounted plays on column N as too offensive, but N10 ELEMI is too many points. #strategylarge
F11 C(R)IM(S) +15 Vision Large
G12 (A)MI(E) isn't bad. #visionlarge
H2 L(EN)T +4 Endgame Large
I gotta block N10 FLINTY. #endgamelarge
G12 (A)D +11 Knowledge Large
6I T(EWE)D #knowledgelarge
B7 LEGA(L)ISE +72 Knowledge Small
B7 GALI(L)EES is better, I think I was only 95% sure of it. #knowledgesmall
7D CERI(C) +10 Strategy Medium
Saw no plays I liked, so I went defensive. I8 YE might be better though. #strategymedium
9G (JO)YS +29 Vision Large
LMAO. I completely tunneled on blocking the S hook and missed 12D PEG, though this does completely destroy the S hook. #VISIONSADDEST
D3 VOG +21 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesmall for the challenge
7D CLOT +13 Finding Small
L8 (F)LITT looks better. #findingsmall
E9 EFT +32 Finding Large
O1 HON +30 Finding Large
A12 SA(D)E +24 Vision Large
9A SEA(ZE) #VISIONSADDEST also I think I forgot to draw the L.
9G HUG +25 Knowledge Large
9F LOUGH #knowledgelarge
J2 MOL +20 Vision Medium
L7 O(W)LIER #visionmedium
E5 KO +26 Knowledge Large
B10 KO(U)RA #knowledgelarge
B11 o(U)PA +18 Endgame Large
I was trying to block 15A (G)ARRISON because I thought A3 CORRI(D)AS might not be a word (it is) or he might not see it. SAD! H11 F(R)APE can just outrun everything. #endgameSADDEST
8D MOURN +20 Finding Large
8H ODIUM #findinglarge
H10 FEISTY +46 Tactics Small
6I FY might be better #tacticssmall
15F GL(Y)CiMER +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
12A CR(I)M +22 Knowledge Small
12A GL(I)M #knowledgesmall
F4 N(I)B +23 Vision Medium
4F B(E)ANO #visionmedium
7B OPAH +23 Finding Large
E8 (OE)NOPH(I)L #findinglarge
O4 (R)ELAND +21 Finding Medium
6I RELAND #findingmedium
11E SH(EE)RER +40 Endgame Large
11F J(EE)RERS lets me go out #endgameSADDEST
F6 BL(A)DY +25 Knowledge Medium
F4 BAJR(A) #knowledgemedium
J2 WAI +32 Tactics Small
J2 WAE might be better cuz of the Q. #tacticssmall
D6 MEE +16 Knowledge Small
14B A(D)EEM #visionlarge #knowledgesmall for challenging
D6 MEE +16 Vision Large
14B A(D)EEM #visionlarge #knowledgesmall for challenging
L1 HAIKA +34 Vision Large
J10 HAIKA #visionlarge
N2 SNORT +23 Endgame Large
This only wins 37.5% of the time. 13H (aXE)L wins everytime apparently. #endgameSADDEST
15F BOSK +57 Tactics Small
jvc: 15E FOBS #tacticssmall
K4 THIN +27 Tactics Medium
jvc: 4J HIDD(e)N looks better in hindsight. #tacticsmedium
9H NY +24 Finding Small
G8 (L)YNX #findingsmall
B6 DUO +20 Endgame Medium
4F UN(R)ID wins the most. It probably blocks a bunch of 4A plays. #endgamemedium
K9 ORIGIN +16 Endgame Large
4F GO(R)I wins 5/8. This only wins 1.5/8. #ENDGAMESADDEST
E9 NI(X) +19 Knowledge Large
#KNOWLEDGESADDEST for letting the phony go.
E10 FO(O) +24 Tactics Small
E10 FO(O)L #tacticssad
K3 PEEP +30 Strategy Medium
5F GRIPPE(S) or 5F GIPPER(S) #strategysadder
9M L(UR) +9 Endgame Large
I6 GR(R) blocking bingos to the ES is best. #endgamesaddest
9E WHIT +20 Tactics Small
9E WRIT is slightly better. #tacticssmall
10D REM +30 Knowledge Large
Chickened out of B4 REMA(I)NER #KNOWLEDGESADDEST #KNOWLEDGESMALL for the challenge.
10D REM +30 Knowledge Small
Chickened out of B4 REMA(I)NER #KNOWLEDGESADDEST #KNOWLEDGESMALL for the challenge.
3I A(X)ILE +30 Endgame Large
4L EGAL is way better. #endgamelarge
F2 PA(N)G +17 Knowledge Small
E2 GA(U)P #knowledgesmall
F6 AE(R)ATION +62 Strategy Medium
I didn't even count 2G AE(R)ATION lol #strategysadder
G5 UNF(I)T +27 Strategy Small
L4 OUTRUN #strategysad
H7 W(I)LT +7 Tactics Small
Burning the S to make GRIFTS is slightly better. #tacticssmall
exch CDP +0 Tactics Large
wtf is this #tacticsSADDEST
2H T(I)RR +6 Knowledge Small
5E TART(A)RS is slightly better #knowledgesmall
N10 JOBES +65 Endgame Large
8N P(A) +4 Endgame Large
E13 P(I)C is way better #ENDGAMESADDEST
exch PTVXH +0 Vision Large
7F PHT #visionlarge also CH is better.
H11 SHIRT +49 Finding Large
H11 SHIUR #findinglarge
O12 CL(E)M +33 Knowledge Small
O10 CULM(E)N #knowledgesmall
12C UPRU(SH) +22 Knowledge Small
12C KURU(SH) #knowledgesmall
13C HO(A) +26 Knowledge Large
13C HO(A) +26 Knowledge Large
I8 (W)AR +15 Tactics Small
I7 E(W)ER seems slightly better. #tacticssmall
I7 J(A)I +19 Knowledge Small
7I JET #findingsmall #knowledgesmall for the challenge.
I7 J(A)I +19 Finding Small
7I JET #findingsmall #knowledgesmall for the challenge.
15H DICH(T) +33 Knowledge Large
13H CHIV(E)D #knowledgelarge
13G (A)LB +8 Vision Medium
Not terrible actually, but N12 SUQ is probably better for the blocks. #visionmedium
O4 QUERN +78 Knowledge Large
10F (FA)B +8 Knowledge Large
10F (FA)B +8 Time Large
B1 (YA)S +8 Knowledge Small
15H (DICHT)S #knowledgesmall
C1 (CLINT)S +10 Knowledge Small
15H (DICHT)S #knowledgesmall
H13 ZOL +49 Tactics Small
H13 FEZ #tacticssad
L11 RIB +34 Strategy Small
D7 D(J)IBBA #strategysad
14K HAEN +20 Strategy Small
C9 NED #strategysad
C9 GOD +21 Strategy Medium
G6 DO(T)E #strategysadder
7K YA(R) +15 Vision Small
13C IS(IT) #visionsad. I also took way too long to play this. #timesaddest
7K YA(R) +15 Time Large
13C IS(IT) #visionsad. I also took way too long to play this. #timesaddest
9M (PO)I +7 Time Large
N3 INIA or 13C IS(IT). #timesaddest
O1 KE(T)O +27 Time Large
I have to do something like O1 KE(T) to threaten I2 E(V)O later or just play I2 E(V)O now. #timesaddest
14A GNEIS(S) +20 Time Large
L3 FIDO +23 Tactics Small
L12 FOID is probably worth it. #tacticssmall
exch AAIIO +0 Finding Large
F6 AE(C)IDIA #findinglarge
O1 PA(L)M +33 Knowledge Large
Chickened out of O1 MA(L)WA #knowledgelarge
A8 JA(W) +39 Finding Large
C7 JUT(TI)NG #findinglarge
H4 ZHO +47 Knowledge Large
H4 ZORR(O) #knowledgelarge
E4 ARID +28 Knowledge Small
E3 DARIS #knowledgesmall and #knowledgesmall for the challenge
E4 ARID +28 Knowledge Small
E3 DARIS #knowledgesmall and #knowledgesmall for the challenge
7G BUY +33 Finding Small
7G BOYG #findingsmall
6F VOG +24 Knowledge Small
E7 G(A)TVOL #knowledgesmall
O9 BIO(N)TIC +38 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesmall for the challenge
N8 HOH +34 Vision Large
13K YEH #visionSADDEST
15G SiNKETS +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
15J KENS +30 Knowledge Large
15J KENS +30 Vision Large
1E ORIXA +38 Knowledge Large
L9 HEARE +34 Knowledge Small
L9 HEARIE #knowledgesmall
8A PI(N)T +21 Knowledge Large
Chickened out of B2 PANIM #knowledgelarge
M2 WOOD +25 Finding Medium
M2 GOWD #findingsadder
K4 CH(O)D(E) +49 Strategy Small
B10 HA(L)VED #strategysad
15K KINE +25 Endgame Small
10K T(O)N #endgamesad
15A (E)FT +6 Endgame Small
K10 T(I)T is 3 points better. #endgamesad
11B RER(O)UTED +59 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesmall for the challenge
A8 TA(J) +30 Vision Large
H10 D(EF)RAG #visionlarge
15H LEZ +42 Tactics Large
15H MAK #tacticslarge
D2 OUTFLE(W) +31 Vision Large
D11 (R)EF(I)X #visionsaddest
1A VIS +28 Knowledge Large
5C Y(F)ER(E)S #knowledgeSADDEST
12A DEMP(T) +24 Strategy Medium
10C DR(O)PT #strategysadder
10D W(O)X +29 Vision Small
B9 NIX(E)RS #visionsad
8H VIAE +14 Finding Small
8F EVOE #findingsmall
13M HOW +31 Vision Small
G9 HOWE #visionsmall
J8 (A)LU +12 Strategy Large
I didn't see 14B UNSEATS, but probably wouldn't have blocked it. Also, I really gotta block the A with 1K UR(A)EI, this is terrible. #strategylarge
8M (E)BB +21 Tactics Small
B6 GR(I)PY #tacticssmall
C2 GRAZ(I)E(R) +44 Endgame Large
C2 GRIP(I)E(R) is way better #endgamelarge
B3 B(I)B +18 Finding Large
A12 ARIA +29 Finding Large
I allowed myself to get tilted by the draw and missed A11 QuAIR. Very bad. #findingsaddest
13A (RE)LUMInED +81 Knowledge Large
13A (RE)IlLUMED #knowledgesaddest
L3 OORIE +23 Finding Large
L3 ORIOLE #findingsaddest
9F DELI +19 Strategy Small
9F LIE #strategysad
N1 NEB +29 Strategy Small
D3 (O)BO #strategysad
F1 AI(N) +18 Vision Medium
1L (F)I(N)O #visionsadder
15K BELON +30 Time Medium
C9 B(OW)NE #timesadder
5B DAV(Y) +11 Time Medium
14J VA(N) #timesadder
K5 COMICS +30 Vision Large
8A CROC(I) #visionlarge Given his last play I want to keep it closed. He almost certainly doesn't have heavy tiles.
8K (I)NDEW +35 Finding Large
15A LOI(R) +12 Knowledge Large
B13 YG(O) +14 Vision Large
1L AEON +25 Finding Large
3L ZA(S) +37 Finding Large
8M UNS +14 Strategy Small
L9 SUNN #strategysad
11B TRIGONS +72 Vision Large
L9 SORTING, lol, #visionsaddest
C11 (R)EZ +48 Finding Large
lmao, apparently I missed C13 ZAX? I didn't even consider putting anything in the triple. #FINDINGSADDEST
F9 IX(O)RA +28 Strategy Small
L6 A(L)F #strategysad
B13 DEB +25 Strategy Medium
6A (A)B #strategysadder but at least now I open the triple lol.
B6 W(I)EL +37 Vision Large
L6 A(L)LEYED #visionsaddest
L9 EYLIAD +28 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for upcoming challenge
8G VAN +12 Strategy Small
Exch. LNV #strategysad
K1 HAVIOR +30 Strategy Medium
F13 OH. This gives too much back. #strategysadder
12A TACONI(T)E +74 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for challlenge
I6 BU(N)K +35 Vision Small
I6 PU(N)G #visionsad
B6 PUNGS +31 Vision Small
L4 TUP #visionsad
2B TATER +25 Vision Large
3J A(V)IATE #visionsaddest
O3 BEE +14 Endgame Large
K10 AME #endgamesaddest
3A RIMY +34 Finding Small
O7 AIMER #findingsad
6C DEAF +44 Finding Small
6B DARAF #findingsmall
exch GNU +0 Vision Large
13B AI(R)HORNS +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
C3 HO(OD) +16 Vision Large
wtf this is terrible #visionSADDEST
14A VARS +31 Vision Large
11D (D)OUP +14 Vision Large
C9 P(I)ONE(R) #visionSADDEST
15L YENS +46 Knowledge Large
15J ROYNES #knowledgelarge
N1 JOG +36 Endgame Small
N1 JUT is 4 points better #endgamesmall
J2 RETICU(L)A +68 Strategy Small
Most likely challenging ALLEZ* and playing 8D CUITER or something is slightly better. #strategysad
M9 HOERS +48 Knowledge Large
14I HORNERS. I couldn't remember if it was HERRONS* or HORNERS. #knowledgesaddest
14B ANGINAS +80 Finding Small
14B INANGAS lol, #findingsad
exch CHLLQT +0 Strategy Small
Pool seemed slightly consonant heavy, but Exch. LLQT is still fine. #strategysad
M6 FY +29 Vision Small
13E TIF(T) #visionsad
12F WE(N) +22 Vision Large
F6 WILT(JA) #visionsaddest
O13 LI(E) +14 Endgame Large
7G L(u)A(U) #endgamesaddest
M7 W(U)Z +29 Tactics Medium
6E EWT. Misevaluated CGNZ vs CEGNT. #tacticssadder
J3 TO(N)Y +29 Vision Large
4E CAT(A)TO(n)Y #visionsaddest
N10 EL +13 Strategy Large
I tunneled on fishing. Playing 5 tiles and scoring with N11 LOSEN is fine here. #strategysaddest
G7 T(U)BIFIED +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
11I A(G)LY +16 Vision Large
1H OU +18 Vision Unspecified
1C EUOI #visionssmall
G7 H(E)X +42 Vision Small
Oof, 9F (A)XE. #visionsad
14F QU(O)IT +36 Finding Large
5E LIQU(A)TE #findingsaddest
O2 L(e)VERET +39 Knowledge Medium
Was only 90% sure of O1 GR(e)VE. #knowledgesadder
K6 MEDICO(s) +22 Endgame Large
11J MUID #endgamesaddest
C8 VOAR +11 Strategy Medium
I thought this would bring his bing % down significantly compared to better equity plays, but The Duck says no, only by 1-2 percentage points. #strategymedium
4A W(I)G +11 Finding Large
6C COMFIE(R) +22 Finding Medium
D7 O(F)FICE #findingSADDER
15D PULW(A)R +19 Strategy Medium
Too defensive, 3K DOWP is fine. #strategymedium
H1 QI +35 Vision Medium
13A QAID #visionSADDER
M1 K(E)T +18 Finding Large
9B WEB +21 Strategy Medium
This doesn't do much to lower her bing % because the pool is garbage. Just play E3 NEWB. #strategymedium
D2 LIST +22 Knowledge Medium
4A SIDD(H)I is 8 points better #knowledgemedium
J10 QIN(S) +33 Strategy Large
7I ZIT is clearly best. I was not thinking of setting up my Q with a Z play. #strategysaddest
K7 TIYIN +31 Strategy Medium
12D OY sims best, saving column K plays I guess. It also leaves the FOMATE* hook open, which I might get another turn with. #strategysadder
12D AW +27 Vision Large
Completely missed 12D OWL(ED). #visionsaddest
7C JOG +27 Vision Large
4D J(EW)EL #visionsaddest
4B REN(EW)AL +22 Finding Medium
4D N(EW)ELL #findingsadder
2H LOUIE +11 Strategy Large
I thought the O6 TASH hook and digging for the blank was my best shot, but this gets blocked too much. I felt like O6 HOLIER and O6 HOURI lose immediately. M3 HO(PAK) seems okay maybe. #strategysaddest
9K (YE)R +7 Strategy Large
Out of time and ideas. I didn't see a win even if I drew the blank. #strategysaddest
8H FRITH +30 Knowledge Large
12F DePURA(T)E +63 Vision Small
9B UPgRADE is probably fine, I didn't even think to play there. #visionsmall
8D WIN +21 Vision Medium
D8 W(EEN)IER #visionmedium
N2 VET +25 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesmall for the SAD challenge. Case E gets a little better after this play.
K1 TErNE +27 Knowledge Large
Top equity, but also TOP SAD! I have to block SAGUINS, which I saw but didn't think was a word. #KNOWLEDGESADDEST
8A RE(EVOKES) +45 Strategy Medium
9E BOW is slightly better equity and saves 8A RE(EVOKES) if he doesn't hit it next turn. #strategymedium
C7 P(E)LAGIA +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
C7 P(E)LAGIA +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Small
B6 PL(EA)D +18 Knowledge Large
D3 AIA +19 Knowledge Large
8K (O)YERS +36 Knowledge Large
D1 ZOEA +52 Strategy Small
12J ZOOEA might be slightly better. My opponent might not know all of the hooks. #strategysmall
N10 CONDO +44 Knowledge Small
I shoulda just put the R on that or play N10 CODON. It had more hooks than I realized. #strategysmall and #knowledgesmall for the challenge
N10 CONDO +44 Strategy Small
I shoulda just put the R on that or play N10 CODON. It had more hooks than I realized. #strategysmall and #knowledgesmall for the challenge
9A MAX +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
K4 TINK +41 Endgame Large
G4 UP is about 13 points better #endgamelarge
L3 DAP +23 Endgame Small
14E PUL(E)D is 3 points better #endgamesmall
F6 ZE(N) +32 Knowledge Large
L1 WOAH +42 Knowledge Small
4A WAHOO #knowledgesmall
H3 (T)OO +11 Vision Small
4F E(M)O #visionSAD
D7 E(C)U +5 Strategy Large
9E USE. I was not even looking for plays like this #strategySADDEST
exch LOQ +0 Strategy Large
I overthought this one. I saw that if I played H10 (A)SHLAR and he binged for 80ish from the R with AI?, I would probably be Q stuck. But even then I'm up too much for it to matter and I can always outrun. #strategylarge
N9 SHoFAR +43 Knowledge Large
N9 SHoFARS and N9 SHARiFS lose to 15H ACRIDE(S)T. I had about 30 seconds left when I took the S off of N9 SHoFARS. This never loses, but H10 (A)SHRAF is much better. #knowledgelarge
D8 (G)LITZY +38 Finding Medium
9G YB(E)T or F8 (C)OZILY #findingSADDER #visionSADDER
D8 (G)LITZY +38 Vision Medium
9G YB(E)T or F8 (C)OZILY #findingSADDER #visionSADDER
F2 VOMIT +27 Knowledge Large
H1 FAINE +35 Strategy Medium
B10 FAN(J)ET is best equity but I don't think it's quite enough for a response to exchange 2. J14 FA is probably a bit better. #strategymedium
K5 FRENUM +30 Knowledge Small
K5 UNFORM #knowledgesmall
15K AXONE +65 Knowledge Large
2H (A)UA +7 Vision Medium
12G (S)U(r)A #visionSADDER
8D AXION +26 Finding Large
2025 Toki's Thunderstorm Tourney (15 minute clocks), Round 3. 8D XOANA #FINDINGSADDEST
13J G(E)EZ +28 Finding Large
14A GILPE(Y) #findingsaddest
H13 DIP +26 Vision Large
14I GI(D)DAP #visionsaddest
B10 (V)AG(R)OM +24 Strategy Small
J8 E(R)GO #strategysad
A14 OM +32 Knowledge Small
A1 O(B)EISM #visionsad also #knowledgesad for challenge.
A14 OM +32 Vision Small
A1 O(B)EISM #visionsad also #knowledgesad for challenge.
M1 AUNTLIE(R) +68 Finding Small
2F JEU +30 Finding Medium
13B HERE +36 Endgame Large
E7 Q(I) is 27 points better. #ENDGAMESADDEST
14H (E)AT +11 Endgame Large
15A AoRIS(T)IC +140 Finding Small
15A ARtIS(T)IC doesn't make a hotspot. #FINDINGSAD
D1 YOUNG +33 Tactics Small
D11 HOY. #tacticssmall. It's also doesn't open the board like a dumbass. #strategymedium
D1 YOUNG +33 Strategy Medium
D11 HOY. #tacticssmall. It's also doesn't open the board like a dumbass. #strategymedium
M2 HOLED +37 Finding Large
E8 (E)RGODIC +22 Knowledge Small
E7 G(E)ODIC #knowledgesad
10J G(R)IND +15 Strategy Medium
I have no idea what to do. #strategymedium
15A WE(A)L +24 Tactics Small
15A TW(A)E is slightly better for this bag. #tacticssmall
L1 TOPEE +25 Endgame Medium
8M (H)OT is 5 points better. #ENDGAMESADDER
J14 WO +28 Knowledge Small
15H O(N)IUM #knowledgeSAD
6L (EN)G +8 Endgame Large
N6 GERS, N6 SERR, M9 GERS, all win, if I had realized that Tim should've drawn the last two tiles. I was fishing for O6 STARRED. #ENDGAMESADDEST
E2 KAIE +30 Knowledge Small
6I KI(N)ASE sets up my other S. #knowledgesmall
M13 Q(I) +22 Vision Large
D8 WEB(R)ING +34 Vision Large
O12 CI(T)Y +36 Knowledge Medium
O10 ENMI(T)Y or O10 NICE(T)Y #knowledgemedium #findingmedium
O12 CI(T)Y +36 Finding Medium
O10 ENMI(T)Y or O10 NICE(T)Y #knowledgemedium #findingmedium
13B MA(N)NED +22 Strategy Large
The Duck says K9 (PO)ND, I have no idea why. I thought I had to try and go out in two, I don't know what POND does. Anyway, #strategylarge or something.
5G C(A)VED +22 Knowledge Large
I7 EYE +16 Knowledge Large
8F LU(NY) +7 Knowledge Large
N1 PIRLIEU +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
12C PIU +13 Knowledge Large
O7 HEW +38 Vision Medium
1G TEMPER(A) +41 Vision Large
2F KADE +28 Vision Large
F6 PR(O)F +15 Tactics Medium
H7 F(O)P looks better. #tacticsmedium
8J (E)RSATZ +48 Knowledge Large
8J (E)NTREZ #KNOWLEDGESADDEST. L1 ZENS gives back too much.
M6 (G)R(A)TED +18 Strategy Small
I thought this might be an S setup. Against this opponent, who knows. 9M G(E)E looks fine. #strategysmall
H13 (L)OU +9 Endgame Large
D14 (K)O is way better. #ENDGAMESADDEST
J8 (N)ULL +6 Knowledge Small
I dunno. #knowledgesmall for the challenge
2A P(U)TRIDER +70 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesmall for the challenge
11D QI +37 Strategy Large
N10 HOI is better I think. I have to block N10 J and Z plays, especially after he just drew 7. Besides, 11D QI will probably stay open. #strategylarge
2J AZIDO +39 Endgame Large
2J AVOID is 9 points better. #endgamelarge
B6 ZO +64 Knowledge Large
1H AXIL +50 Knowledge Large
M6 DAHS +28 Endgame Large
Didn't see TANDEMS. SAD! M4 AIDS blocks everything. #ENDGAMESADDEST
N5 IO +18 Vision Large
J8 Q(I) +11 Strategy Medium
C2 QIN. I need to score more. #strategysadder and also #drawinglarge I guess
C1 VROW +25 Time Large
A13 PAV #timesaddest
G6 GOX +26 Finding Small
11H EXPO #findingsad
10B JET +39 Tactics Medium
D12 J(E)U #tacticssadder
13M DUN +25 Time Large
13M DUE is slightly better, but I completely burnt up my time and play the rest of the game in a sad panic. #timesaddest
M3 RIEM +25 Time Large
M2 MAIRE #timesaddest
10J U(R)AEI +9 Time Large
6E CO(G) +8 Time Large
6E VU(G) #timesaddest
O8 AB +18 Time Large
12N BA #timesaddest
E4 VA(C) +16 Time Large
6I (N)O(H) #timesaddest
8K (L)O +3 Time Large
15A (D)O #timesaddest
F6 ZE(N) +32 Finding Small
F6 ZI(N)KE #findingsad
13L WAX +44 Strategy Small
13L WEX #strategysad
N2 aMPUTEE +76 Strategy Medium
N2 PErMUTE #strategysadder
L3 WHY +54 Time Large
C10 O(V)A +18 Knowledge Large
I got confused between the hooks for WEM and WEEM. Luckily my opponent has almost no time. #KNOWLEDGESADDEST
D6 WI(Z) +15 Finding Large
13C GART +28 Finding Large
K10 NO(G) +14 Endgame Large
14B COR #endgamesaddest
M2 GEEZ +51 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for challenging FLOSSIE
1J WA(B) +8 Strategy Large
Spent all my time trying to think of the best fish and didn't see K1 AW, lol. 14A WAA(C) seems fine here. #strategysaddest #timesaddest
1J WA(B) +8 Time Large
Spent all my time trying to think of the best fish and didn't see K1 AW, lol. 14A WAA(C) seems fine here. #strategysaddest #timesaddest
B10 CRA(P)E +30 Time Medium
B10 COR(P)sE #timesadder
2H RoO +13 Time Large
K4 RO(EME)r #timesaddest
12I A(L)IBI +27 Vision Small
3I (C)EIBA #visionsad
5E FEE +23 Vision Large
A1 HO(U)F. I missaw the U as in the wrong spot and didn't look there again. #visionsaddest
M11 B(I)Z +54 Knowledge Medium
A1 BL(U)NK. I couldn't remember the definition or if it was a word. #knowledgesadder
4A (G)OOD +21 Knowledge Large
10F OUND(Y) #knowledgesaddest
E5 (F)LUTINA +20 Endgame Large
6G LA(D) #endgamesaddest
9F LAROID +23 Strategy Medium
7F LIDO #strategysadder
5A (O)UTLOVeS +70 Knowledge Large
#KNOWLEDGESADDEST for no challenge
M7 TOVA(R)ICh +84 Finding Medium
M7 VICT(R)OlA #findingsadder
2J PENK +36 Finding Large
14J KYT(h)E #findingsaddest
C3 TA(T)TY +30 Endgame Medium
3M AY #endgamesadder
L6 NAY +21 Endgame Medium
4N NY #endgamesadder
exch CDNQ +0 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for the challenge
N3 TAMED +34 Knowledge Small
I chickened out of O10 MA(F)TED. #knowledgesad
N10 JO(R) +26 Vision Medium
I didn't like N10 JO(R)Um because I thought his range was strong, but 2J JOU(R) is a big miss. #visionsadder
H11 GY(R)AL +39 Tactics Small
H11 AY(R)IE is better since the pool is a bit vowel heavy. #tacticssmall
J5 QIS +20 Strategy Large
10E AI is a clear sim winner. 10B QuASI is also better than this. #strategysaddest
10B ELIAD +28 Strategy Medium
Sims says G5 (M)U(REX) but I think this is assuming way more openings than Sokol would make, though it also partially blocks 6F plays. I dunno. #strategysadder
4D OUT +11 Strategy Small
This play somehow wins a sim, though again a pure equity sim won't give great results for this situation. I really thought this was an error after I played it. I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do here. I thought later that 4K OUMA might be okay, but seems reckless now. I dunno. #strategysad
14J FRANC +49 Finding Small
14J FINCA. I sorta stopped looking after finding this. #findingsad
12A CO(N)D +26 Knowledge Small
This is top equity but 12H (H)ODDIN sims best. I saw 12H (H)IDDEN but I don't think I knew HODDIN. #knowledgesad
O1 VOW +34 Endgame Small
O1 VaWTE #endgamesad
9H PAW +27 Knowledge Large
O8 AE +25 Tactics Small
O8 ANE #tacticssmall
12F UNAU +7 Knowledge Large
Keeping one U is not as bad as I always think it is, so 10L AU(E) is fine and also badass. #knowledgelarge
12K ED +20 Knowledge Large
10L DU(E) #knowledgelarge
D9 PAUL +26 Knowledge Large
10L AU(E). Not studying nines is no excuse. #KNOWLEDGESADDEST
6D M(AX) +15 Endgame Large
7M (LO)D is best for some reason. #ENDGAMESADDEST #TIMESADDEST
6D M(AX) +15 Time Large
7M (LO)D is best for some reason. #ENDGAMESADDEST #TIMESADDEST
14K SCARE +23 Time Large
I had maybe 9 seconds left. Yes, there are many wins. No, this is not one of them. #TIMESADDEST
10I NEANIC +30 Strategy Small
8L NAIN #strategysad
14E KA +27 Strategy Small
7M AX #strategysad
3C ESTImAT(ED) +88 Time Large
3C hESITAT(ED) or 3C AThETIS(ED) #timesaddest
8H GERMY +30 Tactics Large
D11 B(A)N +9 Endgame Large
9D B(LI)N to block 8A WASH(UP). #endgamesaddest
A5 INSULA +21 Endgame Small
C1 (MO)R to go for A5 INSULAE. #endgamesad
M12 WI(N)Y +20 Time Large
2F AI +10 Time Small
L4 (JOT)A #timesad
11E MIDPA(T)H +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
K10 DIMP +25 Tactics Small
K10 DAMP #tacticssad
15M AAH +25 Vision Large
13K (P)HIAL #visionsaddest
8H OCCY +22 Finding Large
8D YOGIC, lol. #findingsaddest
A3 (S)UPINE +27 Endgame Medium
2E UP is best since he isn't threatening anything serious apparently. #endgamesadder
6K (ODE)A +17 Endgame Large
9E (WE)A(R) #endgamesaddest
14F JA(I)L +27 Finding Large
1A PYA +29 Finding Large
5G UnGA(r)BED +60 Knowledge Medium
Chickened out of 5D BeDEGUA(r) #knowledgesadder
M4 T(E)RMLIES +64 Knowledge Small
O1 HEED +42 Finding Small
O1 EHED #findingsad
3B MANAT +27 Tactics Small
I didn't think he would play 2A (A)VERSELY, so this close, but 3B MATT is slightly better. A4 (Q)ANAT is no good because of B2 VE(A)LY. #tacticssmall
O1 THE(Y) +30 Finding Large
This does block row 1, but O3 K(Y)THED is way better. #findingSADDEST
C9 KNO(W)E +39 Finding Large
15E ArEOLAS +76 Tactics Small
15D ArEOLAS. lmao. #tacticssmall
B11 W(O)RE +26 Endgame Large
The Duck says N2 OA(R). #endgamelarge
N2 AE(R)O +26 Time Large
I went over on time. #TIMESADDEST
10J DEAF +34 Knowledge Medium
I chickened out of 10F (T)EAED. #knowledgemedium
D10 UPO +24 Vision Large
A8 WALDO +34 Knowledge Small
A8 OWLED #knowledgesmall
8D FEAGUE +28 Knowledge Medium
8D FUMAGE #knowledgemedium
3I J(E)WED +48 Tactics Small
3I J(E)RKED looks a little better in hindsight. #tacticssmall
4L WARK +45 Finding Large
12D QU(O)IT +30 Knowledge Large
I bitched out of 14H QUIDdIT. As soon as I played this I was sure it was good. #KNOWLEDGESADDEST
1F HUNTER +33 Knowledge Large
I bitched out of 1E LUTHERN because I was only 80% sure. #KNOWLEDGESADDEST
9F HALID +33 Finding Medium
6H DHAL #findingSADDER
12F TOADISh +75 Vision Large
exch EHUV +0 Finding Large
4J WAIL +35 Vision Large
D4 J(U)D +22 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesmall for the challenge
M2 F(EL)L +7 Strategy Large
I had no idea what to do. This is so fucked. #strategylarge I guess.
M7 ABIETiC +88 Knowledge Large
6D DOF +35 Tactics Small
6E OF. Apparently DEISV is way better than EISV. #tacticssmall
5C COB +35 Tactics Small
5C LOB bings slightly more to be worth it. #tacticssmall
12C GLIDER +28 Vision Large
C8 THIN(G)Y +34 Finding Large
Even after missing a bing I can still win it with 14E THINLY, which makes bings on row 15 unlikely. #FINDINGSADDEST
15H EX +42 Knowledge Small
This is the best in terms of win %, winning 7/8. N12 Z(I)G does the same but with a slightly better equity. #endgamesmall and #knowledgesmall for my sad challenge next turn.
15H EX +42 Endgame Small
This is the best in terms of win %, winning 7/8. N12 Z(I)G does the same but with a slightly better equity. #endgamesmall and #knowledgesmall for my sad challenge next turn.
9F VERY +32 Tactics Large
L10 IVY #tacticslarge
J2 INDE(X) +20 Finding Large
15D (R)ECUR +21 Endgame Medium
Apparently, B6 COR wins the most. I think I considered that but I thought there must've been something deadly on row 15 or maybe an A8 bing starting with P or B. #endgamemedium
B4 MOZO +39 Vision Large
I1 Z(I)N +31 Time Large
exch DL +0 Tactics Small
Keeping the D bings slightly more. #tacticssmall
9A BEGILdS +72 Vision Large
10D GIBLEtS is a big miss. Her bing % goes way down after that. #VISIONSADDEST
E9 (L)OOR +8 Strategy Large
Here I am again shitting my pants trying to block as many bings as possible when I should just be playing equity. Compared to the top equity play of O12 OURN, this brings her % down by a chonking 2 percentage points. #STRATEGYSADDEST
O12 ARUM +30 Finding Large
What in the ever living fuck. I remember thinking "Welp, it's ENAMOUR and NEUROMAS which don't fit". No, I don't know where the S came from, I was clearly delirious. #FINDINGSADDEST
12B sHO(R)EMEN +81 Finding Small
14B DWELT +35 Knowledge Small
10E WIN +26 Vision Medium
J6 WUS(S) is better because it's way more defensive. #visionmedium
O4 WAG(E)S +39 Vision Large
6I SEWAGE #visionSADDEST even 6K WAGE is better than this. YIKES.
C11 (F)OU +12 Strategy Large
I should stop being so chickenshit about the 5E spot and just play 6E AERUGO. #strategySADDEST
6F VOIDER +32 Finding Large
A6 OVERDO(G) blocks A column IN(G) bings which are very likely with this pool and doesn't even give back column B bings. #FINDINGSADDEST
4E (I)OPANOIC +81 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesmall for the challenge.
K7 ENABLeR +81 Knowledge Large
N6 VEE +18 Endgame Large
JC: LMAO. I thought I played optimally here but it's not even close. A1 DEVO is 14 points better. It leads to some dumbass 7 turn dinking sequence that sticks me with the Q but is somehow better. #ENDGAMESADDEST
I5 CROW +19 Tactics Large
I11 BOW gives the best bing %. #tacticslarge
E8 BoREC(O)LE +72 Knowledge Medium
B6 BECuRLE(D) #knowledgemedium
1D (Q)UINZY +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
M2 FU(R)ZY +40 Strategy Small
M2 PU(R)IFY. I didn't even consider keeping the Z. #strategysmall
5E POI +14 Strategy Large
This hits a few sevens, but they're all too easiliy blocked. The best play seems to be 10L (G)OV, which Championship Player says wins 14% of the time. I guess if I draw a bing that ends in S or starts with A, E, I, or O, my bing can't be blocked? That's the only thing I can think of. #strategylarge
C3 EOLiPIL(E) +76 Knowledge Small
Chickened out of L1 POLLIEs. At least he might not know the hook for this. #KNOWLEDGESAD
K5 BA(T)S +32 Knowledge Large
And here I am. Again. For the third fucking time, shitting my pants trying to block shit when I should be playing equity. This is total ASS and I chickened out of L2 COBIAS. #STRATEGYSADDEST #KNOWLEDGESADDEST
K5 BA(T)S +32 Strategy Large
And here I am. Again. For the third fucking time, shitting my pants trying to block shit when I should be playing equity. This is total ASS and I chickened out of L2 COBIAS. #STRATEGYSADDEST #KNOWLEDGESADDEST
1A OM +28 Knowledge Large
O1 AE +17 Time Large
wtf. I saw the word EPEIRA but not O3 EPEIRA. I think I had less than a minute or something. #TIMESADDEST
H12 (H)OUR +21 Time Large
H12 (H)URT is best. #TIMESADDEST
12K AR +13 Knowledge Large
4A INNARD +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
1E ODIC +23 Knowledge Large
15A WARDIAN(S) +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
3I DU(R)OC +20 Knowledge Large
15H (S)ALVOINg +83 Knowledge Medium
6C REEF +32 Strategy Medium
6B FEWER. The differences in defense between row 6 plays are marginal. #STRATEGYSADDER
3A G(R)RL +10 Endgame Large
M13 PUH +31 Vision Medium
5E JOIN +36 Tactics Medium
5C JUNTOS #tacticsmedium
O1 MUTS +32 Endgame Medium
I really wanted him to play H1 Gu(QIN), that woulda given me a badass bing. 13J UT is best apparently, not sure why. #endgamemedium
3C DECAY +39 Knowledge Large
D8 wERGELT +66 Knowledge Medium
D8 wERGELT +66 Knowledge Medium
H11 AIDOI +28 Knowledge Small
E10 AIDOI #TIMESADDEST #knowledgesad for challenge.
H11 AIDOI +28 Time Large
E10 AIDOI #TIMESADDEST #knowledgesad for challenge.
14H (O)NLINER +18 Knowledge Small
12G (PI)NNER #TIMESAD #knowledgeSAD for sad challenge of WERGELTS.
14H (O)NLINER +18 Time Small
12G (PI)NNER #TIMESAD #knowledgeSAD for sad challenge of WERGELTS.
M3 PAL(S) +23 Knowledge Large
1M V(O)W +27 Tactics Small
1L WO(O)D #tacticssmall
8A CE(D)E +24 Tactics Medium
10G G(R)EGE #tacticssadder
7B F(E)Z +31 Tactics Small
B10 (W)HIFT #tacticssmall
K4 DEP(LA)NES +44 Knowledge Large
J10 YE +28 Vision Large
1K DE(C)AY #visionsaddest
O7 z(O)IATRIA +58 Strategy Unspecified
1L A(C)AI. There's a bunch of Es left to maybe triple triple through the P. #strategysadd
B5 AZURE +45 Endgame Small
B4 RAZE #endgamesad
1L (P)ALM +24 Knowledge Small
1J IM(P)ARL #knowledgesad
M6 G(R)UNTLE +9 Strategy Large
I thought I need to go for one of the blanks and if he played 3 or more tiles making GRUNTLED or something I could bingo out, but this blocks an important bingo line and doesn't score anything. Something like C2 GURL seems much better. #strategysaddest
H12 (O)K +6 Time Large
I had no time here and sort of gave up. I probably should've played 5A (AW)K to make it at least a bit harder to block possible bingos at 14F and 15A. #timesaddest
H11 S(OK)Es +35 Time Large
8K (A)G(U)ED #timesaddest
J3 CIMEX +29 Tactics Small
E5 C(O)A(L)IER #tacticssad
L3 (T)EW +20 Tactics Small
N2 GREW #tacticssad
8G LOB +10 Strategy Small
8D BAILOR #strategysmall
exch OUUU +0 Knowledge Large
I5 URU(B)U #knowledgesaddest
F1 RHOS +37 Knowledge Large
A12 GORP +34 Finding Small
A12 GOLP #findingsad
2M OU +11 Vision Small
L4 oUTEATE(N) +66 Finding Small
M6 EUTAx(I)TE #findingsad
A4 WHATA +63 Finding Large
A3 AWHATO #findingsaddest
H11 LA(M)BY +39 Finding Small
H10 DIA(M)YL #findingsad
2F VI(A)ND +21 Strategy Medium
Pretty sure G3 XU wins 7/8 (loses with Q draw) and this wins 6/8 (loses with G and Q draw). I wanted to block G3 QI and 1H (F)REEZInG. I was very scared of losing with 1H (F)REEZInG + Q stick for a bajillion points. I probably have to just give up if the Q is in the bag. #strategysadder
6L (TA)X +26 Time Large
I just have to block 14M QI(S), but I was already overtime at this point. lmao. #timesaddest
F11 Un(C)O +13 Time Large
I finished with -1:00 on the clock like a badass. #timesaddest
9C DROOG +29 Strategy Small
12A DROOG is simming best, probably because row 1 is already open, but I thought playing more defensively would be worth it. #strategysad
1H WEEK +44 Tactics Small
1F WOWEE #tacticssad
I7 D(O)Z(E) +26 Finding Medium
14I ZANI(E)D #findingsadder
15F TANTI +20 Endgame Small
12K RA(BA)T #endgamesad
6E UN(C)OIL +12 Finding Small
6F O(C)ULI #findingsad
15C (G)RIPER +30 Knowledge Large
I thought it was only CAYOMAS* instead of MACOYAS (I got confused with CAEOMAS) so this is a huge mistake. I was probably supposed to play G2 RUBI(CONED) which is totally badass. #KNOWLEDGESADDEST
13J TABUS +29 Finding Small
15L STUB #findingsad. I was probably tilted.
12K JOY +55 Vision Medium
L1 JOTS. I guess I was still tilted and played too fast. #visionsadder
4A BOAT +28 Time Large
4D TAV probably. I'm low on time and there aren't enough vowels. #timesaddest
O1 ZE +37 Strategy Large
N10 TOZIE is way better since it blocks the N10 spot. #strategysaddest
6B MORA +21 Endgame Medium
B11 (F)R(A)ME is apparently best but I thought giving back A13 (D)EP would make it bad. Apparently not. #endgamesadder
1M (V)AU +18 Vision Medium
5I DAU(B) #visionsadder
M5 AID +18 Strategy Medium
N1 (A)T wins a sim. I guess he plays there a bunch next turn? #strategysadder
C7 DUN(N)ITES +74 Time Medium
B1 DUNITES. I played too fast here. #timesadder
13G M(A)FIA +24 Tactics Large
13G F(A)A #tacticssaddest
M12 ZA +40 Endgame Large
15L ARGH #endgamesaddest. I spent all my time trying to look for a win and didn't see anything.
D8 HE(T) +21 Time Large
J6 E(XI)NG #timesaddest
I5 FIL(MY) +14 Strategy Small
J4 FRIBS or Exch. BFL is better. #strategysad
K5 (D)UDHEENs +74 Strategy Small
J9 UNHEEDy for 2 more is fine since it's a blank Y in the triple. #strategysad
12H ERA(s)IONS +68 Finding Large
J10 TE(A)T +12 Vision Large
I need to block the J10 Z bomb but J9 TE is a way better version of this. #visionsaddest
M1 (A)MICE +18 Vision Small
L6 GEM is a better version of plays that block bingos from the L. #visionsad
14L PRAT +28 Endgame Small
14M RAP #endgamesad
15K GEE +18 Time Large
L6 GEE #timesaddest
K5 SE(L) +12 Finding Large
3H SE(N)SATES. I guess I forgot how to play scrabble this game. It gets worse. #FINDINGSADDEST
8L AVES +30 Strategy Large
F8 SAV. I thought this was too easy to hook. #strategysaddest
D6 (P)IOY +10 Knowledge Large
E9 ATTAINS +69 Knowledge Large
H1 BO(ET) +18 Vision Small
Not sure why I didn't just play 3C BO #visionsad
K10 AKE +31 Endgame Small
K11 KEA #endgamesad
M11 REIn +44 Time Small
M8 (V)aIRE #timesad
D12 DOPY +40 Tactics Small
H1 YORP(E)D #tacticssmall
N2 CL(E)VER +26 Finding Small
13C C(ON)VERT #findingsad
J3 V(E)NDS +13 Vision Medium
14C S(PI)V #visionsadder
12J NE +19 Endgame Large
13H UNLAC(E) #endgamesaddest
G6 EAgErER +73 Finding Small
G7 EtAgERE #findingsad
4H PA(R)APET +28 Finding Small
4H PE(R)IAPT #findingsad
1E FA(G)IN +27 Vision Large
H1 IF #visionsaddest
M3 W(E)AVE +24 Endgame Large
5J (D)WAM #endgamesaddest
3K J(A)RK +30 Tactics Small
3K J(A)K #tacticssad
10I OF +19 Strategy Medium
7I MOO is better, especially given his range. #strategysadder
C2 BAP +22 Endgame Medium
3B BA(R)PS #endgamesadder
8H UTERInE +64 Strategy Small
Champions Cup 2024, Round 6. 8F UTERInE #strategysmall
K4 XU +33 Finding Medium
K3 OXIM #findingsadder
3L WANG +22 Finding Large
15A GANGUE #findingsaddest
12L U(T)A +28 Strategy Small
N1 AW(N) #strategysad
7F JOW +20 Strategy Small
10B WE #strategysad
B5 QIB(LA) +18 Time Large
10B BEG #timesaddest
15A AGENDA +31 Strategy Small
15A AGNATE #strategysad
9E WAFTS +34 Strategy Medium
9E WAFT #strategysadder
8L CO(L)Y +36 Finding Large
O6 YGO #findingsaddest
L8 (C)HEDITE +26 Endgame Medium
5C HIDE #endgamesadder
15A (K)UTI +9 Finding Large
A5 LUETI(C) #findingsaddest
exch Q +0 Vision Large
K5 ON(BO)ARD #visionsaddest
8D XENIA +40 Tactics Small
Champions Cup 2024, Round 10. 8H ANNEX #tacticssad
C11 H(EE)D +26 Strategy Medium
Sim likes C1 (HA)W, not sure why, C1 (HA)J doesn't seem that dangerous. #strategysadder
D8 (F)OUET +16 Tactics Medium
H1 ROTE and 12D TRE(IF) and other stuff that keeps the U, which I underestimated. #tacticssadder
D3 OI +17 Strategy Medium
Apparently keeping both Is with D1 GOOR is fine here. #strategysadder
E9 (M)UMU +16 Knowledge Large
E9 (M)UTUUM #knowledgesaddest
10J Z(I)G +33 Strategy Small
J2 GRIZ #strategysad
10D D(U)NT +25 Finding Large
J3 RITT #findingsaddest
J4 ETA +18 Time Small
E3 OATE(R) #timesad
D5 OTIO(S)eLY +72 Knowledge Large
B8 C(O)ZY +38 Vision Large
10B KY(e) #visionsaddest
I3 LIGGER +25 Knowledge Small
This actually somehow does okay in a sim but I3 MIGGLE is better. #knowledgesad
1G MAAED +30 Strategy Small
This gives back too much on 2J. 1G MEAD is better #strategysad
G8 (P)IU +6 Tactics Small
9E UNI #tacticssad
M2 ELOIN(E)RS +68 Finding Small
N7 (D)ISENROL #findingsad
N2 NTH +34 Finding Large
1H MIMI(C) +33 Vision Large
D9 (C)AFF +24 Vision Medium
7I F(I)EF #visionsadder
L4 ARRA(Y) +16 Vision Medium
10F AIA #visionsadder
14J WAI(T)ER +34 Strategy Large
I think I briefly thought the E in BIVALENT was an I (lmao) and didn't play L12 WAUR. Seems pretty lost regardless, not sure what I'm supposed to do. I thought If I drew XZ and some vowels I might have a chance. #strategysaddest
8A ANUS +29 Endgame Large
10K UN(A)U #endgamesaddest
B5 SUE(N)T +18 Endgame Medium
I assumed blocking his out of A5 GLO(A)M would be best but O10 TU(Y)E(R)S is best. #endgamesadder
10I AYE +26 Strategy Small
10I AY. #strategysad
8A AFA(R)A +24 Strategy Small
I should probably play C11 FAA and hope that a better tile ends up on A8. #strategysad
1G GRANU(M) +27 Strategy Small
12F UG, maybe. #strategysad
15G (T)AI +9 Strategy Small
I'm supposed to be fearless and play 11F A(N)I. #strategysad
L7 DAUTIE +20 Strategy Small
I was playing too scared. O3 (D)UTIED is fine. #strategysad
11A OE +13 Strategy Small
O3 (D)IESEL #strategysad
N9 SULFITE +79 Time Large
13M A(IN) +16 Time Large
11K H(E)M +32 Finding Large
5I PROVER(B) +28 Vision Large
11D YOU +23 Knowledge Large
Josh: E6 TUTOYE(R) does not make a massive J spot. #KNOWLEDGESADDEST
14F LIN +9 Vision Large
J3 T(AR) +3 Endgame Large
D3 FA is best apparently. It's probably tough to block after that. #ENDGAMESADDEST
G1 FLAN +26 Endgame Large
14B ENS +20 Endgame Small
14C EN is 1 point better. #ENDGAMESAD
K7 A(M)AZING +38 Strategy Large
7L AZO #strategysaddest
10B BEDEW +40 Knowledge Large
10I WI(Z) +26 Strategy Small
F5 TWO #strategysmall
O1 KITT(L)E +33 Knowledge Large
6B DI(C)EY +23 Vision Large
B12 ILEA +17 Vision Small
H11 (ET)AGE +18 Vision Large
8H OF +10 Strategy Large
Hood River 2020, Round 6. 8D FATSO #strategySADDEST
K8 ASTONES +72 Vision Small
9H ASTONES #visionsad
12D YEP +43 Tactics Medium
12F PYX #tacticsmedium
K3 JI(BE) +13 Endgame Large
4J L(I)G +16 Time Large
8G GUV +14 Finding Large
Hood River 2020, Round 10. 8D VOUGE #FINDINGSADDEST
5J TOFU +22 Vision Small
12G APE(R)IEnT +74 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for sad challenge.
2K A(W)EE +22 Vision Medium
O7 J(A)FA +14 Vision Large
D11 NIE(C)E +26 Time Large
15L MINO +33 Endgame Large
15K AMORT is 8 points better. #ENDGAMESADDEST
4J (B)AYOU +20 Vision Large
A1 FAU(V)E +33 Knowledge Small
#KNOWLEDGESAD for the nonchallenge coming up.
13E FOU(D)OIR +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
A12 (R)OOF +21 Vision Small
12K EIGNE #visionsmall
B14 HA +25 Strategy Large
4G THRI(V)E is the fork I need. #strategylarge
M2 VI(Z)IR +39 Knowledge Large
12A CLOTS +38 Finding Small
J2 GRACE +25 Knowledge Large
8K (K)NOWE +39 Vision Small
M1 BANT +22 Vision Small
I4 BATT #visionsmall
C11 G(O)DLY +20 Vision Large
H11 (T)OPII +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
13G E(P)IGEAN +24 Endgame Medium
12K EIGNE is 5 points better #endgamemedium
5D HAVE(R)eRS +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
O1 ONL(Y) +21 Tactics Small
B6 FRO +33 Tactics Small
C4 (Q)UOIF #tacticssmall
J11 (D)ITZ +34 Vision Small
exch GIIOUU +0 Tactics Small
lmao, wut. #tacticssmall
H10 N(u)TTIN +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
I coulda sworn isa seen thissun sumwer. #KNOWLEDGESADDEST
9G TOOT +18 Tactics Small
9F STOOD #tacticssmall
11J TUTU +11 Tactics Medium
7D DU(I)T #tacticsmedium
O11 G(A)DES +21 Finding Medium
O10 ST(A)GED #findingmedium
exch DR +0 Tactics Small
Tunneled on ERNST. #tacticssmall
L2 RHY +38 Vision Small
O8 RHA(GADES) #visionsmall
8K (N)AIVE +27 Finding Small
8K (N)OVAE #findingsmall
1A P(EW) +24 Endgame Small
B13 PIC is 3 points better. #endgamesmall
H6 VE(I)NY +11 Finding Large
If I had seen L11 ENVOY I would have played it. At least this murdered the board. #findinglarge
O8 DEKES +36 Knowledge Large
4L (Q)UA +12 Strategy Large
No hooks for QUA in the bag, oh, except for THE BLANK, YOU MORON. G8 (L)OA(F). #STRATEGYSADDEST
2L OPA(H) +18 Endgame Large
Not even close. M2 NO(U)P. #ENDGAMESADDEST
14F TONE +14 Vision Large
8H ALMEH +28 Knowledge Large
4J V(O)W +18 Knowledge Large
exch TYYP +0 Finding Large
As soon as I exchanged I saw 9E TYPY. #FINDINGSADDEST
L10 JEU +35 Strategy Large
14J FAU(N)AE is really strong against his rack. #strategylarge
5E FIXE(R) +30 Vision Large
J8 (M)OOI +9 Knowledge Medium
10I OXO +55 Vision Medium
15A OXID #visionsadder
F2 VOM +46 Tactics Small
F1 AVO #tacticssad
F10 ONE +22 Tactics Small
C10 NONA #tacticssad
11B ROHE +26 Tactics Large
11D EH #tacticssaddest
A1 BIGAE +37 Time Small
A1 GOBI #timesad
D6 Q(IN) +12 Time Small
J2 DOLTS #timesad
N2 STOND +37 Time Small
8L D(I)RL #timesad
8F VR(O)U +7 Tactics Large
I8 FOU #tacticssaddest
H12 BO(R)E +27 Vision Small
2N XU +38 Endgame Large
N7 LUZ #endgamelarge
6A (l)ULZ +14 Vision Medium
7A (A)DZ #visionsadder
J2 DUBITA(T)E +67 Strategy Small
J4 DUBI(T)ATE #strategysad
N1 QI +28 Strategy Small
Exch. GIIQWW is best and O7 EW is slightly better than this. #strategysad
E9 F(R)EEWAY +32 Strategy Medium
11B WIFE wins a bit more when he doesn't have the S or T to hook EF. #strategysadder
14B RIV(A)L +20 Knowledge Large
15D S(Y)LVIN #knowledgesaddest
exch CFGNT +0 Tactics Unspecified
Exch. FGNT #tactics
12E DONjONS +74 Finding Small
12E NaNDOOS #findingsad
M3 WA(T) +21 Finding Small
14B AWATO #findingsad
14C RATO +25 Vision Large
I saw TORCULAR but didn't think it actually fit on the board. I must've been seriously tilted. #VISIONSADDEST
11B GULA +20 Finding Small
11A GOURA #findingsad
15A AUE +11 Vision Medium
O11 EAU #visionsadder
15H MALIB(U) +39 Time Large
2B BREAM #timesaddest
7E VROT +16 Strategy Small
9F ROTI, lmao. #strategysad
9H BI +20 Tactics Small
8A LIBR(I) #tacticssad
D1 KHAN +39 Finding Small
H11 H(O)PAK #findingsad
13H PEG +22 Strategy Medium
13H PEE setting up J14 F**** plays. #strategysadder
15D FEAR +22 Finding Small
I saw 8K (T)REFA and didn't see how I could win after he overlapped it. I didn't see 8K (T)ERFE which looks best. #findingsad
13L OUR +16 Strategy Large
I thought he must have the S after OMBRE, so I played this hoping to bingo back on the N column after O8 plays or starting with H at 2D. 2D (H)OI looks like a good try. #strategysaddest
8K (T)HEIC +42 Endgame Large
8K (T)OZIE is best. This ties because he can play M7 D(E)NI threatening to go out with E1 (Y)ODE if I play B4 ZO, though he had very little time remaining and finding that sequence would have been difficult. #endgamesaddest
F8 (N)IEVE +18 Strategy Small
Sim says 2F VE(R)TUE, I guess, but I'm not sure I could ever play that in this position. Anyway, there's probably something better than this. #strategysad
13B YAE +32 Strategy Small
C3 TYEE #strategysad
K1 TRIAD +34 Finding Small
K1 NITID #findingsad
7I ZOEAL +49 Strategy Small
7I ZO #strategysad
12G ARIETTA +68 Time Large
I played too fast. This is a big mistake. The 12F ARIETTA placement is way better positionally and scores 2 more. #timesaddest
M10 GR(A)NuM +16 Endgame Large
J11 H(E)XeR #endgamesaddest
M12 PANG +31 Knowledge Small
D4 FAND(In)G is about 3 fewer equity but way more defensive. #knowledgesad
N2 M(U)NGE +33 Endgame Small
N2 L(U)NG is 4 points better. #endgamesad
3A LE(X) +14 Vision Large
7I AGENiZE +73 Strategy Large
E4 GEEZ #strategylarge
15G HOIED +43 Finding Medium
15G ROHE #findingsadder
O1 SIDESmE(N) +77 Vision Small
11A IDlESSE #visionsad
exch BCLPRR +0 Tactics Medium
N7 P(E)RC or J7 (FA)LX. #tacticssadder
5K CUTI(S) +22 Vision Large
L4 Q(U)AT(R)E +30 Vision Medium
J7 (FA)UX +30 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for the challenge.
12J JIV(E)R +30 Finding Large
8D JEDIS +42 Strategy Small
8G QI is probably slightly better. Especially against The Destroyer. #strategysmall
J8 AUA +9 Vision Large
10C mATTOID +68 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for the challenge.
11B FINI +21 Knowledge Medium
11B FILII #knowledgeSADDER
L4 OLIO +17 Vision Large
B11 (FA)QIR +34 Strategy Large
This was dumb. M3 QI is better. #strategySADDEST
D1 ViRAND(AS) +30 Knowledge Small
2F VaRNA is 7 points better. #endgamemedium and #KNOWLEDGESAD for this upcoming challenge.
D1 ViRAND(AS) +30 Endgame Medium
2F VaRNA is 7 points better. #endgamemedium and #KNOWLEDGESAD for this upcoming challenge.
9B VIDAME +29 Vision Medium
6F CHON +44 Finding Small
4J (J)OW +26 Strategy Medium
4J (J)OWED #strategySADDER
10C DIME +30 Knowledge Large
exch DGGHO +0 Vision Large
H11 (R)EZES +45 Vision Large
A12 (V)OLA +21 Knowledge Large
M10 UNBORN +20 Finding Medium
2M (C)AG +12 Endgame Large
13E YUT(Z) +17 Endgame Large
14A (LO)UNGY #endgamelarge
9G AIA +18 Vision Small
10D QUIT +21 Strategy Small
F4 (G)I. I think a 1/5 shot for INQUIET is good enough. #strategysmall
L10 (YEs)K +10 Endgame Small
Of course he has ERASION. 14M GJ(U) is 5 points better. #endgamesmall
6B JOL +37 Endgame Medium
I12 (I)LL is 5 points better. #ENDGAMESADDER
4H H(O)LME +28 Knowledge Small
4H H(O)LLO #knowledgesad
12J LOGY +29 Knowledge Small
N1 (L)ONGLY #knowledgesmall
8C AGUISeD +70 Knowledge Small
Chickened out of 8D GlADIUS #KNOWLEDGESAD
G2 HUT +17 Vision Small
10D TELEMON +67 Knowledge Large
Give it the ol' 'Yes and No'. NOT A WORD. #KNOWLEDGESADDEST
11H ABASERS +78 Knowledge Large
M9 AE(R)IE +12 Knowledge Large
H10 (MAN)AIA #knowledgeSADDEST
13B FATWA +31 Knowledge Large
14F PODIC +40 Knowledge Large
14F PODIC +40 Vision Large
N3 CRAVING +74 Vision Large
8D APAID +18 Time Large
G11 HOKE +36 Strategy Small
G11 HIKE #strategysad
6D V(A)LIANCE +71 Knowledge Large
#knowledgesaddest for challenge
4J JOLE +34 Tactics Small
14M JO(R) #tacticssad
C11 MAUD +29 Vision Large
N2 T(E)D(I)UM #visionsaddest
13J RU(E)D +10 Time Large
12A TU(AN) #timesaddest
K7 J(A)WING +34 Knowledge Small
K7 J(A)WING +34 Tactics Small
9F QI +17 Tactics Large
7M ZA +42 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for challenge.
C1 LOD +16 Vision Small
5K AWRY +32 Finding Small
9H TRANQ +17 Strategy Large
Exch. Q #strategysaddest
C12 UH +14 Strategy Small
C11 HUN #strategysad
A9 (P)EDLARY +44 Vision Large
I deserve to lose. J2 READILY #VISIONSADDEST
11D (D)UNKIN +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
A1 FUNGI +35 Knowledge Small
4J G(OE)R +5 Vision Large
5J G(u)R ya fucking moron. #VISIONSADDEST
15H (C)OO +7 Tactics Large
G7 O(R)A #tacticssaddest
8K GYRUS +48 Vision Large
L8 RI(D)GY #visionsaddest
L1 CIvILIT(Y) +80 Knowledge Small
O8 (S)pILITIC #knowledgesad
2C ROTcHES +65 Time Large
I ran out of time and played the wrong bingo. #TIMESADDEST
8G WEB +16 Tactics Small
Exch. BWW #tacticssad
2H uNIPODS +94 Strategy Small
2H SPINODe #strategysad
exch LLLV +0 Tactics Medium
K2 (PO)LLS #tacticssadder
11H NOCENTS +70 Vision Large
11C Q(A)T +24 Tactics Large
5C LILO #tacticssaddest
7H SL(E)AZIER +74 Vision Large
15D YEE(D)S +39 Strategy Large
F14 YE #strategysaddest
14F W(E)IR +30 Strategy Small
I got scored of the 14F spot, but 5I W(A)IN is fine here. #strategysad
5I H(A)Y +37 Finding Large
I completely failed to see any of the -LIKE bingos through the K that were available in the pool until after I made my play. I3 F(O)H is definitely best here for blocking bingos. #findingsaddest
E4 THUG +19 Endgame Small
I was confident there were no bingos through the K with his tiles but I missed that he had no bingos starting at E1, so 9E CH(A)W is best, blocking all bingos on the E column. #endgamesad
9F C(A)W +14 Endgame Small
E11 F(OP) #endgamesad
8D VODUN +26 Strategy Medium
8G GUV #strategysadder
C12 (K)YU +20 Strategy Large
13C AU(N)E #strategysaddest
B13 AMU +23 Vision Large
exch OBEE +0 Strategy Large
F14 OE #strategysaddest
B2 lOIASES +68 Strategy Small
I4 lOIASES #strategysad
J11 LEER +22 Vision Large
J2 WILIER +21 Finding Medium
5A E(A)RWIG #findingsadder
4D GREBO +26 Finding Large
L11 OBEY #findingsaddest
O5 AOR(T)AE +12 Endgame Large
14N EA #endgamesaddest
5H VO(I)CER +22 Knowledge Large
12D PORTHOL(E) +84 Knowledge Small
A12 PL(O)D +30 Finding Large
F7 D(O)UX +28 Strategy Large
7G XU #strategysaddest
12G (C)aMELINE +72 Knowledge Large
I10 JI(M)P +18 Strategy Small
K9 JAI(L) #strategysad
14J EPEI(R)A +15 Finding Small
K10 EA(L)E #findingsad
4C HOG +21 Finding Large
O7 ARGH #findingsaddest
3B DELAToR +81 Finding Large
G7 G(O)E +7 Tactics Medium
7G GIE #tacticssadder
5C AIRSIdE +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
15J INTIMA +29 Vision Medium
C1 DIA(C)T #visionsadder
4J (A)GLOW +18 Endgame Large
H13 BIS +22 Finding Small
H12 IBIS #findingsad
4A WH(I)NCH +42 Knowledge Large
NOT A WORD. This isn't even better than 4A WHICH. Sad! #knowledgesaddest
9G APT +24 Finding Small
9F TAUT #findingsad
C3 WAR(R)IOR +24 Strategy Small
3C AROW #strategysad
10J HUMA +38 Knowledge Large
I guess I hadn't seen L6 ACHEN(I)UM in a while. #KNOWLEDGESADDEST
9A YEZ +49 Strategy Medium
7H AZO #strategysadder
A7 JO(Y) +39 Tactics Medium
A5 WOOP(Y) #tacticssadder
14M POW +29 Finding Large
N10 WEAPO(N) #findingsaddest
J10 HEAL +35 Tactics Medium
J10 HEIL #tacticssadder
A12 (V)IGA +35 Finding Large
I saw REALIGNED but not 11E ALIG(NE)D #findingsaddest
N6 BR(O)D +13 Strategy Large
I didn't write down the remaining D at the bottom of my sheet, so O2 DITTIES is still available after this play, so this is a bad mistake. Maybe something like 9N OB can always win. I dunno. #strategysaddest
O1 COLDIE +37 Endgame Large
O9 ODIC #endgamesaddest
J5 HM +30 Finding Large
8K (I)MPRO #findingsaddest
M5 TROUPEs +75 Knowledge Small
M5 TROUPEr #knowledgesad
12A DE(L)E +34 Time Small
K6 BL(A)ZER +34 Strategy Large
7K ZERK #strategysaddest
10E PINK +32 Finding Large
M9 PSI #findingsaddest
M9 AS +24 Finding Large
12B SUITE #findingsaddest
C4 O(V)A +13 Strategy Small
3M OAR #strategysad
N11 AERO +18 Endgame Large
3M TAI #endgamesaddest
D4 OUTW(A)IT +20 Vision Large
C3 OUTWIT. Sad miss of TAXITE. #visionsaddest
C8 THIO +35 Strategy Small
C8 THIOL makes it slightly harder to use the B10 triple letter and the S hook doesn't seem that dangerous in hindsight. #strategysad
8A GOAD +36 Strategy Small
10I GAID #strategysad
5B ELMIEST +70 Vision Medium
3F ELMIEST #visionsadder
A11 EX +37 Knowledge Large
#KNOWLEDGESADDEST for sad yes and no of MORRILL.
8E JUKE +30 Tactics Small
GUMDWOPS 2025, Round 12. 8G JUBE #tacticssmall
D9 BANYA +29 Strategy Medium
10B FANE setting up the Y. #strategysadder
11B F(UN)GI +18 Strategy Small
B13 FIG #strategysad
K5 MICEL(l)E +40 Finding Small
H10 (R)IMPLE #findingsad
N1 RATITES +77 Strategy Medium
N1 ATTIRES is harder to overlap. #strategysadder
5E QI +46 Endgame Large
H12 WI(N)O #endgamesaddest
11B VOTED +30 Finding Small
11D VOE, apparently. Also, 11B DUVET. #strategysad #findingsad
11B VOTED +30 Strategy Small
11D VOE, apparently. Also, 11B DUVET. #strategysad #findingsad
D11 (T)UNA +14 Finding Small
12E (G)ENUA #findingsad
H1 BA(E)L +21 Vision Medium
C10 L(O)BO(L)A #visionsadder
L2 Q(I)N +24 Finding Large
15F OKE +26 Strategy Large
15D SOAKER #strategysaddest
12J FEEs +32 Vision Small
C9 Fl(O)TE(L) #visionsad
6F VI(G) +15 Vision Large
I8 RUNTIER +61 Knowledge Large
4L JO +38 Knowledge Large
D6 BOW +25 Finding Large
B6 CUM +26 Endgame Medium
N14 Z(O) is 5 points better. #endgamemedium
2M Z(AX) +19 Time Large
8H NYAFF +36 Strategy Small
8H OFFY #strategysad
14J DEALT +31 Knowledge Large
N2 MAT(C)HUP +48 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for challenge
O7 RIZA +53 Tactics Small
O7 REZ #tacticssad
15J WOO +13 Strategy Small
I don't know what I'm supposed to do here. #strategysad
3G JUBA +31 Strategy Medium
3G JUGA bingos more. #strategysadder
4D GULAG +32 Strategy Small
4D UNGAG makes it harder to overlap I guess. #strategysad
6A DINT +26 Finding Large
6B INDART #findingsaddest
3B (V)IA +14 Endgame Large
I6 (XI)S #endgamesaddest
H7 A(Y)U +6 Tactics Medium
9H AUA #tacticssadder
I9 PIU +15 Tactics Small
I9 GAU #tacticssad
12C AGE +20 Tactics Small
12D GIE #tacticssad
O1 COS +30 Vision Medium
M2 C(O)P +7 Strategy Large
Mistracked and thought there was still an S out. LMAO. #STRATEGYSADDEST
C3 RENE(W) +16 Endgame Medium
6A EVE is 7 points better. #ENDGAMESADDER
I5 SID(E)BURN +66 Knowledge Large
A8 PAGE(D) +27 Vision Medium
13B EATI(N)G #visionmedium
11E H(I)D +28 Finding Large
L4 R(E)LAX +40 Tactics Large
14J JEES +37 Strategy Large
14B JEEPS is fine. I need the blanks. #strategylarge
7H DHABA +29 Tactics Small
F6 BA(N)DH doesn't give back 8L plays. #tacticssmall
M8 (E)VZONE +44 Strategy Large
This would be close with C9 ZO except that she put down an S on the board before playing 15A KIN(G) the turn before, making this very sad. #strategysaddest
13F YOU +10 Strategy Medium
I thought D2 YOU and 4G YOU gave back too much. I have no idea what is correct here or why. #strategymedium
9H LOS +35 Vision Medium
10B POGO +31 Tactics Medium
10D GOOF #tacticsmedium
G3 FADO +23 Vision Large
H8 (H)ARDlINE +83 Finding Small
H8 (H)EADRINg #findingsad
E4 CUD +25 Knowledge Large
11E SCU(D)DLE #knowledgesaddest
L1 M(I)RV +24 Finding Large
K1 M(A)RVY #findingsaddest
13A YOUK +42 Vision Large
11A RIBAS +50 Endgame Small
1L (M)ERI is better if you're a badass and can see 5 turns ahead. #endgamesmall
6A OD +17 Knowledge Large
13C FUELL(E)D +28 Knowledge Large
11F VE(R)B +15 Vision Large
13K (X)EBEC #visionsaddest
M13 QI(S) +24 Strategy Large
Championship plays says 1J CEE. Maybe I have to give up on binging and try to outrun with plays like 9A QIS after this. #strategylarge
1I C(A)MOODI +44 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for sad challenge.
2J (Z)AIRE +42 Vision Large
14A HID +39 Knowledge Small
14A LIG #tacticssmall and #knowledgesad for sad challenge.
14A HID +39 Tactics Small
14A LIG #tacticssmall and #knowledgesad for sad challenge.
M7 RULER +17 Endgame Medium
M6 ROUL apparently wins slightly more. I don't know why. #endgamemedium
G12 (O)UTA +15 Endgame Small
No wins. 14F TO(E)TOE is 1 point better. #endgamesmall
13L (V)O(T)E +14 Endgame Small
13L (V)E(T)O is 1 point better. #endgamesmall
G3 ZOL +50 Vision Small
G5 FAZ(E) #visionsad
F2 FA +25 Finding Large
E3 GILD +27 Time Small
E3 GLID. #timesad
C9 CROMB +38 Vision Large
3C B(E)D(I)M #visionsaddest
7I WITHY +39 Tactics Medium
7H WHY #tacticssadder
L4 DAC(H)A +24 Vision Medium
H1 ADO(B)E #visionsadder
1M OAT +11 Strategy Large
Sims says C1 OAT, but I'm not convinced. A human player won't open as much. Maybe I have to play 10F RE(LEG)ATIOn and hope for the best. #strategysaddest
A1 BEGAN +29 Tactics Medium
A7 BEAN. I didn't bother evalutating 3 tile leaves. GNR is actually positive. #tacticssadder
12B (M)ENDING +26 Vision Large
C2 MUG +27 Tactics Small
C2 MUD #tacticssmall
3I G(R)EEDY +37 Vision Large
N2 W(Y)N +18 Strategy Large
9E SWINE #strategySADDEST. I tunneled on fishing.
M7 MAnATEE +83 Finding Small
M7 MEATAxE #findingsad
exch EQX +0 Tactics Large
8D QuENA #tacticssaddest
H12 S(I)GH +38 Finding Medium
3C WR(O)TH #findingmedium
C3 QUITE +35 Strategy Large
3C QU(O)IT doesn't make a lane. #strategylarge
L1 DOPA +26 Tactics Large
12B APOD. I didn't count it. #tacticssaddest
O3 SKEP +21 Tactics Medium
O3 SKEG #tacticssadder
B7 H(U)CK +23 Endgame Medium
N11 KE(N)CH #endgamemedium
D8 (H)OODY +24 Knowledge Medium
D7 D(H)OOLY #knowledgesadder
10N Q(I) +31 Vision Large
E7 Q(u)IRE #visionsaddest
7K S(I)X +47 Finding Large
14J BOUSE #findingsaddest
15K INULA +36 Finding Medium
15K UNLID #findingsadder
6G EUOI +9 Tactics Small
6F TENUE #tacticssad
3I CRO(N)Y +26 Strategy Small
M6 TYRO #strategysad
C13 TOE +17 Strategy Large
15A URA(L)ITE #strategysaddest
J3 RAUN +14 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for challenge
L4 HAH +39 Tactics Large
L4 HAG #tacticssaddest
B6 ZEDA +41 Finding Large
C9 BUS(L)E +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
J8 SUB +15 Tactics Medium
2H (H)UB #tacticssadder
1A NEI(F) +21 Vision Large
K9 MOC +26 Strategy Small
K9 MICO #strategysad
O12 ADOS +30 Time Large
2N M(U) +16 Finding Large
A7 SILO +29 Vision Large
F11 (T)RAP +29 Finding Small
12L GR(A)V #findingsad
3D TUG +6 Endgame Large
2C VIG +13 Time Large
N10 FU(N) +31 Tactics Small
N10 FE(N)I #tacticssad
6L AIDE +20 Finding Medium
D10 I(D)EA #findingsadder
K11 U(R)AO +8 Finding Small
D8 (C)AI(D) I guess. #findingsad
14E FOIN +21 Endgame Small
H1 VI(ES) #endgamesad
1A DIASTOl(E) +77 Knowledge Small
#knowledgeSAD for challlenge.
L1 B(L)EYS +45 Finding Large
10F FUDG(E) +32 Knowledge Large
D3 DUL(L)ED +20 Knowledge Medium
M9 COTTAR(S) +24 Endgame Large
D10 (RE)MEX +28 Strategy Small
10I EX #strategysad
10I MOnTAGE +73 Strategy Small
B14 GO #strategysad
O3 GyROLIT(E) +74 Finding Large
E13 PYE +35 Strategy Large
14B P(OX)Y #strategysaddest
15G JIBE +44 Strategy Small
14B B(OXY) #strategysad
13G AULA +12 Strategy Small
13G AURAL #strategysad
14B P(OXY) +40 Strategy Large
12E ITEM +24 Finding Medium
12F TIME #findingsadder
14B CETES +37 Vision Medium
14B REGEST. I missed the T hook for TEL. #visionsadder
6B YOGA +20 Vision Small
1N YO or just 4B YOGA lol #visionsad #strategysad
6B YOGA +20 Strategy Small
1N YO or just 4B YOGA lol #visionsad #strategysad
B1 DRIBL(Y) +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
L4 OSS(I)A +29 Finding Medium
5J ASEA #findingsadder
4K J(O)WL +14 Knowledge Small
This wins a sim but I'm not sure if it's correct against a human. It might be blocked by plays on the N column too often, I dunno. Also, #knowledgesad for the challenge of MICKY.
O5 VESTS +34 Strategy Small
10B V(I)S #strategysad
10B Q(I) +31 Strategy Large
M11 V(A)T #strategysaddest
4J RE(T)RO +16 Strategy Large
H2 (T)OO looks like the best block here. #strategysaddest
7G GOE +14 Finding Small
7C GELATO #findingsad
K8 TALA +14 Finding Small
8J (A)TAATA #findingsad
C13 EGO +19 Strategy Small
C12 TEG #strategysad
A2 BELEA(P)T +36 Finding Large
H6 W(OU)LD +9 Knowledge Large
I thought SCRIB was a word #knowledgesaddest so this doesn't leave a bingo line that I need to win. Something like 3K (C)L(E)W seems good here. #strategysaddest
H6 W(OU)LD +9 Strategy Large
I thought SCRIB was a word #knowledgesaddest so this doesn't leave a bingo line that I need to win. Something like 3K (C)L(E)W seems good here. #strategysaddest
3A (E)NVIER +18 Time Large
D10 (A)RF #timesaddest
O5 O(U)TRO +15 Strategy Large
I didn't realize that I really needed to block B10. B10 TA(V) is the play. #strategysaddest
B10 TA(V) +14 Strategy Medium
B10 OA(V)ES #strategysadder
10D ETH +33 Vision Large
10E THE #visionsaddest
2B WIMPSI(L)Y +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
13H (i)NCAVI +22 Finding Large
F11 MAFIC #findingsaddest
M12 O(I) +2 Endgame Large
I didn't see any wins here and went for tricks. My opponent has about 2 minutes left and I thought if I created some distraction she might miss A1 METALIZ(E) or A1 MELANIZ(E) or have mistracked and block the N column. That hits 2/8 and I need my opponent to make a mistake, but J10 ZO wins 1/8 when I draw the G, threatening A2 MILEAG(E) and L6 MILEAGE, so that seems like a better way to go. #endgamesaddest
J10 ZA +35 Endgame Large
So I guess J10 ZO would have won. oops. 11M MIZ #endgamesaddest
6I U(P) +4 Strategy Medium
A8 (Q)UA scoring well compared to other fishes with the possibility of extending it to the triple next turn sims best. #strategysadder
H12 PR(I)G +30 Knowledge Large
I thought I was making up the definition for H11 PUG(I)L. #knowledgesaddest
L10 LEAL +21 Tactics Small
L8 (V)ALETA #tacticssad
M11 LAITH +33 Time Medium
The sim wants K2 FI(S)H. I was pretty low on time at this point. #timesadder
13B CRAW +27 Endgame Large
13C NUB #endgamesaddest
9F BUN +23 Endgame Small
F6 (JAM)BU #endgamesad
O1 OHO +34 Finding Medium
1J MEHN(D)I #findingsadder
12A JEF(E) +22 Vision Small
1A FEMS #visionsad
F1 M(U)S +14 Tactics Large
F1 P(U)L #tacticssaddest
M9 KR(E)eP +30 Time Large
M9 KR(E)ePS #timesaddest
I3 YOU +25 Strategy Medium
1G DUR(O)Y #strategysadder
M10 MOER +29 Time Large
L3 FON lowers his bingo % the most here. I ran out of time and just made a play. #timesaddest
11C HOU(N)D +18 Knowledge Large
9H (V)ERMINED +69 Strategy Small
7H (R)EREMIND #strategysad
O7 FRU(C)T +30 Knowledge Large
D8 MO(B)IE +24 Strategy Large
A6 (V)OE #strategysaddest
11H KAON +34 Vision Small
3G KAIN #visionsad
8B BEDRAP(E)S +65 Strategy Small
8G B(E)DRAPES is probably better for long term board shape, which I completely didn't think about when I played this. #strategysmall
A1 HUN +26 Tactics Small
Misevaluted the equity here. I did not realize HORS (13.6) was that much better than ORRS (4.1), which makes A1 RUN just slightly better. #tacticssmall
J9 (A)GGRO +11 Strategy Medium
14J TROGGS sims best, but I'm not sure if I prefer that given her range. Although I really liked what J9 (A)GGRO did to the board with my leave, I don't think this is correct, though I'm not really sure what is. N4 GROG and 13K GORG(E) seem like reasonable options. #strategymedium
M12 FUB +21 Finding Large
N11 BUFO is probably best here. #findingsaddest
14K JI(B)E +26 Strategy Large
I was paranoid about Z plays on row 15, but 6J JO(I)NE(R) looks best here (and also 15M SAZ still plays, sad!). I can probably only lose to a bingo after 6J JO(I)NE(R) and it blocks a bunch of them. #strategylarge
B11 WEEL +22 Endgame Large
15C (T)ELNET #endgamesaddest
6H BOLD +18 Strategy Small
F6 B(OP) sims best. #strategysmall
10F COLE +33 Finding Small
10G OLEIC #findingsmall (COOLIES is not valid in CSW21).
13J F(I)EF +30 Finding Large
C3 FIQH. This must be the third time I have missed this word in a tournament game. #FINDINGSADDEST
4H CRO(W)ER +28 Vision Unspecified
L1 GORE. I didn't even see L1 plays. Terrible! #VISIONDSADDEST
1A GA(U)M +30 Vision Large
2K (J)OINT +24 Endgame Small
2A OR(P)IN is 1 point better. #endgamesad
9B COOkIEs +66 Finding Large
5C K(U)EH +39 Knowledge Large
11D EX(P)O +48 Strategy Small
14L LOX to save the EXO hook. #strategysad
12J OIL +14 Strategy Small
1L EUOI is fine here. #strategysad
11I EMO +21 Time Large
11C BECLADS +81 Knowledge Large
2G TRU(T)HILY +78 Knowledge Large
7I WAI +21 Strategy Medium
7H AW #strategysadder
I5 V(OWE)L +12 Strategy Medium
M12 VILD #strategysadder
10K (HA)H +9 Finding Medium
H1 SIDHE. I thought this would bingo enough to be okay. #findingsadder
C12 DEV +35 Strategy Medium
C12 DEVI #strategysadder
4K IRE +17 Strategy Small
I needed to be fearless and play 4J RORIE. #strategysad
B6 BARE +22 Time Large
B4 REBAR #timesaddest
5J JO +41 Tactics Medium
5I SJOE #tacticssadder
L1 FENCE +38 Tactics Medium
H11 C(L)EFT #tacticssadder
O13 IT +6 Time Small
O14 TI #timesad
7F DUMA +23 Strategy Small
F8 TUM #strategysad
2D (F)AVONINE +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
8K (L)IVEN +27 Vision Small
C1 VINO #visionsad
13C TWEEN +32 Strategy Small
B9 TW(I)NGE. I thought this gave me better odds for bingoing by opening a line for sevens. #strategysad
15D PRESE +41 Time Large
I2 GREW blocking I1 CHEAP. #timesaddest
A12 BODY +48 Strategy Medium
I didn't like my position after K8 SAnDBOY -> play on A12 for 40ish points, so I played this instead, but K8 SAnDBOY is fine and K8 DAYBOyS is 1 more point, maybe, I dunno. #strategysadder
6C OPA +17 Vision Medium
6A TEOPAN #visionsadder
K3 ABIDE(D) +20 Knowledge Small
K4 BEDI(D)E #knowledgesad
11D AGRASTE +75 Strategy Small
11F GASTREA is slightly more defensive. #strategysad
A12 (B)IGG +24 Finding Small
A10 GO(B)IID #findingsad
9K ZHO +38 Vision Small
B8 VIZO(R) #visionsad
C6 EUOI +8 Time Large
6A UNA(L)I(v)E and B1 U(N)AI tie the game. I thought of B1 UNAI before it was blocked but didn't realize it was still available. With more time I think I would have been able to find at least B1 U(N)AI. #TIMESADDEST
11K VAN +18 Finding Small
11K NAV, lol. #findingsad
O6 WAGYUS +50 Finding Small
O8 GAWSY #findingsad
8G VET +12 Knowledge Large
I chickened out of 8B CuVETTE. #KNOWLEDGESADDEST
M9 V(I)RGA +26 Strategy Small
9M GOV #strategysad
7C YE +26 Vision Large
H1 YO(U) definitely seems like the best play here. #visionsaddest #timesaddest
7C YE +26 Time Large
H1 YO(U) definitely seems like the best play here. #visionsaddest #timesaddest
H1 PI(U) +15 Time Large
B8 QUOP and hoping both vowels are in the bag is probably my best shot. This was a pretty desparate play made with no time. #timesaddest
D4 NAN +13 Finding Large
D4 TINA(J)A #findingsaddest
A7 UDO +25 Tactics Medium
A6 GOD. I tunneled on getting rid of the U and misevaluated the leave. #tacticssadder
4J HIRER +27 Tactics Small
4J HERL #tacticssad
12J HAVOC(S) +28 Time Large
I was under time pressure and just played equity. I got very lucky that this blocked 11D (BE)WEARIED which I completely missed. 12K VLOG(S) is best. #timesaddest
I5 WOP +19 Strategy Large
This was a complete misread and overreaction to his last play. I thought he had really good stuff, possibly an S. My thinking was that I would force his bingo to open lots of floaters that I could counter bingo with my leave of AEGR. In reality, he's making this play with a lot of different racks since it scores 30 points, including keeping a bunch of consonants which is was actually happened. Even if he does have a strong leave the slight defensive value of this play doesn't warrant the equity sacrifice. The equity play of 15A PEW or D4 GAW is fine here. #strategysaddest
H1 WO(R)M +36 Vision Large
C3 MOUTHY. #visionsaddest
L1 YO(U)TH +30 Knowledge Large
I didn't have much time here and decided I just needed to play fast and I missed K3 (G)OETY. I also wasn't sure of 12H (C)OUTHY. #timesaddest #knowledgesaddest
L1 YO(U)TH +30 Time Large
I didn't have much time here and decided I just needed to play fast and I missed K3 (G)OETY. I also wasn't sure of 12H (C)OUTHY. #timesaddest #knowledgesaddest
B4 NAM +25 Time Small
1K T(Y)NDE #timesad
3C BR(A)ZE +34 Knowledge Large
H12 (E)XPO +39 Knowledge Medium
11A AJIVA(S) +32 Strategy Small
11I RAJA is best equity but given the game situation I wanted to play a bit more aggressively and keep lines open. However, something in between like 11K JA keeping a slightly better leave seems best here. #strategysad
4H Q(A)T +22 Tactics Medium
H1 QuEP #tacticssadder
14E DEcARES +74 Time Large
Played too fast, 14H rEDSEAR is much better. #timesaddest
F4 KHUD +21 Finding Large
D1 WOOSH +39 Time Large
I thought this may not have been best but if I lost I knew it would be close, which was important at this point in the tournament because I just need to beat Alec on spread to make the finals. However, it looks like 13K (D)HOW is just too good here. #timesaddest
M9 TI +16 Time Large
C1 ELT #timesaddest
8H CAHOW +34 Strategy Small
J: 8D OWCHE is best given her rack. #strategysad
L1 FILE +30 Vision Small
J: 4H FIL(M)I #visionsad
8A OO +24 Strategy Large
J: I couldn't find a win and ran out of time. I was considereding 10K T(O)Y(O), but even if I hit the TOYON hook it never scores enough. L11 A(G)ONE seems to give me an chance if I can draw some IES bingo like N5 DOILIES or something. #strategysaddest
9E MOYA +30 Knowledge Large
#knowledgesaddest for no challenge.
7C BAP +20 Tactics Small
7C BAC #tacticssmall
N4 C(O)Z +34 Finding Large
B2 DRAF(F) +24 Strategy Large
I should have just played 13L DIF. Big sad. #STRATEGYSADDEST
N1 OI +22 Endgame Large
J10 (JA)ILOr #endgamesaddest
E3 OFF +38 Finding Small
4D PA(Y)OFF #findingsad
E7 P(A)TAGIA +24 Vision Large
6B TOPA(Z) #visionsaddest
B9 (BA)IRNS +21 Knowledge Large
I missed the R hook on JAKE and the L hook for PATAGIA (which I straight up just didn't know, I thought it maybe took an S or nothing). Once I saw that B9 (BA)IRNS guaranteed the win I didn't really think too hard. #visionsaddest #knowledgesaddest
B9 (BA)IRNS +21 Vision Large
I missed the R hook on JAKE and the L hook for PATAGIA (which I straight up just didn't know, I thought it maybe took an S or nothing). Once I saw that B9 (BA)IRNS guaranteed the win I didn't really think too hard. #visionsaddest #knowledgesaddest
H7 W(I)DEbAND +68 Finding Large
This would be a great play if it didn't take an S. It does. H3 hEADW(I)ND #FINDINGSADDEST
E8 (F)UCK +26 Tactics Medium
I severely overestimated the value of EITY. Fuck. #tacticssadder
12A YITES +38 Knowledge Large
C1 VEG +24 Tactics Small
3A B(A)GH #tacticssad
C6 DEV +25 Vision Small
10G D(E)RV #visionsad
F3 LUR +13 Vision Large
10E YU +21 Finding Medium
I was having trouble forming words this turn. I think the nerves were getting to me. 10B DUTY #findingsadder
2M MOC +22 Finding Small
2M MOG #findingsad
N5 sMITHED +82 Vision Large
I completely whiffed on the C hook for ALIF. #VISIONSADDEST
M12 WEEP +23 Vision Medium
M2 (MIXT)APE #visionsadder
1C (C)ARBON +37 Finding Medium
I couldn't see any way to fish off 1 tile and guarantee a bingo in two spots that can't be blocked. It turns out there are none, but fishing off the U draws into I6 AN(T)Il(A)BOR and 14F BARItON(E) which is pretty cool, but I'm never finding I6 AN(T)Il(A)BOR and blocks of 14F BARItON(E) will often block I6 AN(T)Il(A)BOR too if I somehow manage to find it (I won't) and he doesn't. None of this matters too much anyway since this is the finals and a tie is pretty unlikely. 1C (C)ARIBOU is probably fine. #findingsadder
13G sUI +14 Time Large
8D MAVIE +26 Strategy Large
8H IVY #strategysaddest
E1 KAbLOON(A) +77 Finding Large
L9 EUDEMO(N) +20 Finding Medium
14L EMEU #findingsadder
A8 TRADE +30 Endgame Large
9D ET or A8 IRADE are best, though I wasn't 100% focused on the game at this point. #endgamesaddest
8G (HID)AGE +12 Tactics Large
N4 SAGO. I was not even thinking about dropping the S. #tacticslarge
2A CLAP +25 Endgame Large
L8 (E)PICAL blocks 12G R(ET)RO. #endgamelarge
3I V(I)PER +28 Tactics Small
3I W(I)VER #tacticssmall
O1 D(U)X +33 Vision Large
13K (F)AUX #visionlarge
14G UEY +12 Strategy Large
This is a hilariously terrible play that completely ignores the Q that is still unseen. 14F YOU is better. #strategysaddest
D9 Q(I) +11 Endgame Large
Sad! I thought I had to block bings on the C and E columns, but there are none. 14B BAL. #endgamesaddest
F9 B(E)GA(T) +14 Endgame Medium
F9 G(E)N leaving 2D NABLA is best. #endgamemedium
I6 (d)A +8 Vision Small
7F NA(M) #visionsad
13C YEX +38 Strategy Medium
13F AERY #strategysadder
C3 NIK(A)H +32 Finding Large
10F BO +24 Strategy Large
3G C(U)BOID #strategysaddest
A7 TOR(P)ID +33 Strategy Medium
11E DOD #strategymedium
14F MO(E) +23 Vision Medium
B2 META(ZOA) #visionsadder
H1 GUINE(A) +24 Endgame Large
13K GU(R) blocks 13G W(I)RY. #endgamesaddest
7G ELATION +73 Knowledge Large
K9 S(A)I +12 Tactics Large
12K LIRI +12 Vision Medium
F2 OILI(E)R #visionsadder
3C ME(V)ED +26 Strategy Large
13I MESNE I guess, I dunno. #strategylarge
3I ABORT +23 Strategy Large
I was digging for blanks but maybe the equity 4D N(U)B is just better. I dunno. #strategylarge
5I REVS +26 Endgame Large
4D R(U)NS is 9 points better. #endgamesaddest
E8 (N)UTTIE(R) +14 Endgame Large
12C (s)ETOUT #endgamesaddest
6H M(I)XEN +30 Tactics Small
6H N(I)X #tacticssad
D3 LOOP +22 Finding Small
D3 LOOPE(D) #findingsad
12B (S)AVED +18 Time Small
G7 V(I)VAED #timesad
H1 LeVERAG(E) +86 Finding Large
13C TUFF +25 Vision Large
8D ZA +44 Tactics Small
8D ZE #tacticssad
10J A(M)ICI +13 Time Large
M12 (E)UOI #timesaddest
N12 SOU +19 Time Large
F2 OU(D)S #timesaddest
C1 B(O)LL +12 Tactics Medium
1B BLAG #tacticssadder
10G DRIVERs +76 Knowledge Large
L2 Q(U)ALE +28 Tactics Small
L2 Q(U)ELL #tacticssad
1G LINDY +33 Strategy Small
This is probably playing too scared, O1 D(E)NY is fine. #strategysad
4E GAN(JA)H +22 Time Large
12C COGNA(C) #timesaddest
E5 BRA(G)GY +26 Finding Large
E10 YEDE +21 Strategy Small
E7 YE #strategysad
exch AAIIO +0 Strategy Small
The sim tends to avoid vowels on the first turn, but Exch. AAIO is wins this time. #strategysad
11H (F)UGUED +27 Knowledge Large
This is probably best if HICKY* is valid. #knowledgesaddest
14B DONSY +59 Knowledge Large
C2 OE +13 Strategy Small
Too fishy, 1L AEON is fine. #strategysad
9E OAF +22 Vision Medium
L4 FOA(MY) #visionsadder
H1 NOVELIS(E) +86 Knowledge Large
#KNOWLEDGESADDEST for sad no challenge.
N4 OON +14 Endgame Large
Yikes. Just play D2 TO(P)EE first. #endgamesaddest
12H VANTS +29 Vision Large
I thought I could go out with 14F GO making OT*. Sad! #visionsaddest
2M GO(O) +32 Time Small
L4 (E)GO #timesad
9C PUH +20 Strategy Small
7C PUH #strategysad
exch IIU +0 Vision Medium
L3 UNITI(On) #visionsadder
12H OLEIC +21 Finding Large
F1 ECOLOGI(C). lol. #findingsaddest
6D BRITT +13 Time Large
E7 D(OH) #timesaddest
5C Y(E)ED +29 Time Large
I1 VERMIN +23 Finding Small
I2 VIMEN #findingsad
9B KINREDS +75 Vision Medium
J5 KINREDS #visionsadder
B12 TOUT +16 Strategy Large
A1 O(S)TIAL is fine. This sets up A13 JOE and stuff. #strategylarge
K5 YAWL +34 Vision Large
E2 (A)NIL saving 7E LAW(N)Y is nice. #visionsaddest
5C J(A)B +24 Endgame Small
5D (A)JI is 2 points better. #endgamesmall
8A MATE(Y) +33 Finding Large
8A ATOM(Y) #findingsaddest
3M FA +24 Vision Large
11E AIAS +28 Knowledge Small
J: I6 EASIES #knowledgesad
K4 MEBOsES +79 Finding Small
J: 12A BEcOMES #findingsad
M1 T(E)RCET +16 Time Large
J: I took too long to find this. #timesaddest
1F LOO(N) +22 Vision Small
J: H1 O(R)IEL #visionsad
15H (T)ABORInE +82 Finding Large
15A fIREBOA(T) #findingsaddest
15E WAIVE +36 Tactics Small
I underestimated the valuation of AEIV, which is 0.85, so K4 IWI is slightly better than this I think. #tacticssmall
14D OOF +32 Vision Medium
13F OOFIE(R) #visionmedium
M4 (E)NTERING +61 Strategy Medium
N4 (S)TERNING is better than both M1 ENT(E)RING (gives back 1L plays) and M4 (E)NTERING (gives back 3M plays making TENTERING). #strategymedium
C12 L(E)WD +18 Knowledge Large
12H DW(AA)L #knowledgesaddest
7E EOL(I)EnNE +64 Finding Medium
5F EN(R)OlLEE #findingsadder
8A SHIFT +47 Finding Large
5D VOLA(R)Y +24 Finding Large
3M K(O)W +20 Finding Large
6E SWANG +29 Vision Large
exch PEG +0 Strategy Large
I really did not like any of my options and I thought there was a good chance Jim would play at H1 again allowing me to bingo through the floaters. D7 (ABID)ER is probably fine. #strategylarge
exch LOQ +0 Tactics Large
feelsbadman.jpg Just exchanging the Q bingos way more. #tacticssaddest
8D HARDEN +28 Tactics Small
8D HANTED #tacticssmall
L1 EUGE(N)IC +22 Finding Medium
L1 CUEI(N)G #findingsadder
13K J(O)L +31 Knowledge Medium
D1 JO(N)G #knowledgesadder
7A ETUI +15 Finding Large
C12 (R)IG +18 Endgame Medium
L9 D(EH)AIR #endgamemedium
O1 D(A) +9 Endgame Medium
A5 VI(E) #endgamemedium
O11 SORDO +27 Endgame Small
L10 S(U)D(D)ER is 1 pointer better. #endgamesad
L5 EXO +35 Strategy Medium
The options are 15D OBE(S)E, 15G (S)EX, and L5 EXO. Quackle is saying blocking the triple is best, so this is probably a slight mistake. #strategymedium
M2 EALE +11 Vision Small
E8 EEE(W) #visionsmall
O7 DECEIT +38 Finding Large
O7 DEICED #findingsaddest
B2 TERMlY +28 Knowledge Large
3C DRaME(D)Y #knowledgesaddest
G6 KU(D)U +11 Tactics Small
J8 AUK #tacticssmall
F4 GIO +14 Tactics Small
6F O(K)A #tacticssmall
H1 AXE(D) +36 Vision Large
H10 (T)AXIES #visionsaddest
8M J(E)E +30 Strategy Large
Terrible miscalculation. O8 is not that dangerous since there is only one E left. 8A JEE(R) is best. #strategysaddest
O3 AWEE +28 Tactics Small
9B AW(E)E. Vowels aren't as bad as you would think. #tacticssmall
11J P(I)NY +15 Strategy Large
I6 PA(N)F(R)Y is such a good move. Too bad I didn't see it. #STRATEGYSADDEST
E7 S(A)B +19 Strategy Small
C9 BE(L)S blocks the C9 spot. #strategysad
N1 ONER +22 Knowledge Large
N8 SEZ +47 Tactics Large
L10 OOZE #tacticsSADDEST
I7 E(L)OCUTE +12 Strategy Large
J10 OE is fine here. #strategylarge
N13 MOG +23 Time Large
7F JEF(E) #timesaddest
13H F(E)WER +26 Strategy Large
10A WOF is way better but I was needlessly scared of column A plays. #strategylarge
10A DOE +16 Strategy Large
This loses to 11B (KAVA)L. 12A DE/DO/IO/OE all win because they don't give back 15 point A7 plays. #STRATEGYSADDEST #TIMESADDEST
10A DOE +16 Time Large
This loses to 11B (KAVA)L. 12A DE/DO/IO/OE all win because they don't give back 15 point A7 plays. #STRATEGYSADDEST #TIMESADDEST
9C COW +20 Vision Small
9E WAUR #visionsad
14H (G)IF +15 Strategy Large
I bingo way more E4 FA(A) keeping the I. #strategysaddest
6I POI +19 Time Large
N9 EXTR(O)N +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
1M ENG +20 Strategy Medium
4L GEIT is fine. I was playing too scared but I need to score more. #strategysadder
15L (D)OTE +27 Endgame Small
11C LEET #endgamesad
B9 TURNDON +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
11K GOON +27 Strategy Small
11K GOOR #strategysad
14G ILIACI +12 Endgame Large
I needed to block JOWAN/AJOWAN with 2F LI. #endgamesaddest
L3 (G)UR +10 Vision Large
M10 (DO)UR #visionsaddest
12D AEDILES +78 Finding Large
13B PUNT +21 Finding Large
O6 QiN +40 Endgame Large
15A EH #endgamesaddest
15A ER +11 Time Large
10M (N)YE +29 Finding Medium
10B DROLL +28 Knowledge Large
14A pRONaTE +74 Knowledge Large
A12 YI(p)E +30 Time Large
I have no time now. 11C EXO. #TIMESADDEST
4J XED +39 Finding Large
13M SOV +30 Time Large
B7 VAU(D)OO #timesaddest
B7 QUA(D) +17 Time Large
12C (W)O +10 Time Large
O7 OOS(E) and give up, probably. #timesaddest
O4 AGAROS(E) +39 Time Large
3K GORA #timesaddest
J3 OUPA +19 Finding Medium
L1 EXUDE +33 Strategy Large
9F DEB(Y)E setting up my X. #strategysaddest
1H BARB(E) +27 Knowledge Large
2K O(X)IC +30 Vision Large
J12 NOG +19 Strategy Small
3B TIGNON to go for the blanks. #strategysad
H7 Q(A)T +30 Strategy Small
H7 Q(A)NAT. I really need to go for the blanks. #strategysad
C7 FAN(N)IED +32 Strategy Small
Sims says 11B FAINNE is best, but I didn't want to block the board like that. It's probably fine. #strategysad
E4 KENTS +39 Endgame Large
12A KN(E)ES #endgamesaddest
F11 CWM +16 Strategy Small
This is too defensive. 11D COW(ERE)D is fine. #strategysad
14H KEX +38 Finding Medium
Top equity! SAD! I forgot about REIKI lol. This doesn't sim as bad as you would think, but 7K TEX is best. #findingsadder
B11 F(OO)T +14 Strategy Medium
M7 G(I)FT sims best, but not sure what I'm gonna do with NPST next turn. I was definitely on tilt for this play. #strategysadder
B2 FANES +33 Endgame Small
B4 SOFA #endgamesad
C9 MIZ(U)NA +40 Vision Large
1A EWT +39 Vision Medium
14A RE(A)VOW #visionsadder
15L (P)EEN +21 Strategy Small
I played this too fast. I shoulda played 15L (P)ENE. #strategysad
K4 COMB(O)NGi +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
#KNOWLEDGESADDEST It's good to be back (valid word is CUMBUNGI).
E5 WE(B)BY +30 Tactics Small
L10 (A)WFY #tacticssmall
C2 GENIT(O)RS +70 Knowledge Large
1D (V)ALID +27 Finding Large
B2 ANODI(C) 1D (V)IOLD #findinglarge #visionlarge
1D (V)ALID +27 Vision Large
B2 ANODI(C) 1D (V)IOLD #findinglarge #visionlarge
B1 NAW +26 Knowledge Large
9C OYE +17 Tactics Large
9C OYES #tacticslarge I did not even consider using my S here. Sad!
H1 REEFS +47 Knowledge Large
4H (F)IRIE +16 Tactics Small
11D I(N)IA #tacticssmall
J1 ALA(R)IA +10 Knowledge Large
Gave 'em the old YES and NO. #KNOWLEDGESADDEST
11D U(N)AIRED +21 Tactics Medium
11D U(N)AI #tacticsmedium
C2 DEU(C)ED +24 Knowledge Large
15E CUD(G)ELED. I did not think that was a word. #KNOWLEDGESADDEST
B6 MOC +26 Tactics Large
B6 MOL #tacticssaddest
8K T(O)WER +24 Endgame Medium
14B ETNa #endgamemedium
2J (LA)NTs +10 Time Large
13L sT(U)N #timelarge
13I NASTY +33 Vision Small
6E TZAR #visionsmall
8A ROINED +29 Strategy Medium
14L (Z)ORI. The I on 14O is not that usable. #strategymedium
13B CAG +19 Vision Large
6F CAG #visionlarge
14A KHI +37 Strategy Medium
2J KAR(A)HI #strategymedium
L2 DA(F)T +17 Vision Large
K3 D(I)RL does the exact same thing with a better leave. #visionlarge
J3 G(U)RL +7 Finding Large
15C GRRL #findinglarge
15C GRIP +13 Finding Small
15A (s)EGAR #findingsmall
M7 RIVO +21 Strategy Large
15B OVOLI. This sad attempt to open gives back too much. #strategylarge.
A9 RoN(Z) +18 Time Large
13A eRN #timelarge
I2 ORBITAs +71 Tactics Small
I2 TABORIn doesn't make the hot spot. #tacticssmall
11E WEIL +36 Tactics Large
11A VOWEL #tacticslarge
4A PUBE +26 Tactics Small
D1 BEVO(R) #tacticssmall
A4 (P)OLLUTE +27 Knowledge Medium
A3 U(P)VOTE #knowledgemedium
13H CHEERI(E)R +84 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for challenge.
12A CODON +31 Knowledge Medium
12J NOOK(I)E #knowledgemedium
M1 ET(A)LON +16 Knowledge Small
15C LENTO(S) #knowledgesmall
8G JOE +20 Tactics Small
8G JO #tacticssmall
K1 QI +13 Tactics Medium
E3 RAVINE(D) #tacticsmedium
E4 BRAVE(D) +31 Knowledge Small
E3 BAVINE(D) #knowledgesmall
10A IF +27 Strategy Medium
L10 F(a)D. Need bingo. #strategymedium
6D G(A)K +18 Strategy Large
L10 G(a)K. I need the S hook. #strategylarge
L4 STAND +36 Tactics Small
3M ADD #tacticssmall
10J HEP +35 Strategy Medium
L10 G(a)P sets up my case E. #strategymedium
L10 (Pa)V +14 Strategy Large
4B GRU(B) wins around 80%. This only wins 39%. I guess I need more shots at vowels. #strategylarge
3A TRUG +17 Endgame Small
C1 GRU(N)T is 1 point better. #endgamesmall
H7 V(A)X +13 Strategy Small
I thought H7 V(A)RIX was too offensive but it's not that significant. #strategysmall
10E LUR +15 Strategy Small
This is actually too offensive. 10F LI is better. #strategysmall
E2 DIlUTEE +71 Finding Small
C2 qUIETED #findingsmall
M2 AGIO +16 Endgame Large
This is a comically terrible play. #ENDGAMESADDEST
8A VOA(R) +21 Finding Large
Sad! 12H VIT(T)AE or M3 OHIA #findingsaddest
N12 SWAY +35 Endgame Large
N11 SARI sets up O13 WYE. #endgamesaddest
O1 (S)UQ +12 Strategy Medium
Keeping the QU with O1 (S)ORGO is probably fine? I'm not too sure. #strategymedium
J1 (V)OE +18 Finding Medium
H1 ARO(HA) #findingmedium
G3 LOR +14 Finding Large
N8 (ZOA)RIAL is fine after an exchange 5. #findinglarge
D3 NEPER +28 Finding Small
I don't know why I didn't play D4 PEEN. #findingsmall
C12 AXE +41 Vision Large
14B TE(l)EX #visionsaddest
15A BIL(L)ET +35 Finding Large
F12 WHI(T) +12 Strategy Large
14A (A)K(El)A wins 1/3 of the time by blocking row 14F bings and outrunning sometimes. #strategylarge
4L WUD +28 Tactics Medium
4J DOWIE. Too focused on leave. #tacticsmedium
14F XI +52 Finding Medium
Missing H12 V(e)XT is very sad. I stopped looking after I found this. #FINDINGSADDER
10E OH +30 Tactics Small
lmao. I didn't score 10F HO(a). #tacticssad
E3 WIPE +23 Tactics Small
C10 WI(M)P #tacticssad
G13 JA +36 Tactics Small
C2 JAAP #tacticssad
O1 FAD +28 Finding Large
O1 DARAF #findingsaddest
L4 RALLYeS +82 Vision Large
1G LAuRYLS #visionsaddest
8H (E)RR +8 Finding Medium
11J TIRR #findingsadder
11J TIC +18 Knowledge Small
H7 (FEHM)IC is better. There's nothing I can do if he finds GREIGES. #knowledgesmall
J1 CU(Z) +22 Knowledge Small
G2 UNCOPE wins more. I didn't want to give up all those floaters during the game, but most of them aren't that easy to use. Turns out it's not about the floaters, but denying my opponent an additional turn thus giving him fewer chances to fish. #strategymedium and #knowledgesad for the challenge
J1 CU(Z) +22 Strategy Medium
G2 UNCOPE wins more. I didn't want to give up all those floaters during the game, but most of them aren't that easy to use. Turns out it's not about the floaters, but denying my opponent an additional turn thus giving him fewer chances to fish. #strategymedium and #knowledgesad for the challenge
1H PE(C) +21 Strategy Large
I saw 2B SWANNIE available after this play, but I felt like I had to accept that and just outrun him. Also loses to KYANISE, SWANKIE, and ANYWISE. M7 EON is best. #strategylarge
2F WYE +21 Endgame Large
L14 (E)W is best. #endgamelarge
3E NOUT +21 Endgame Large
F10 (W)O(p). This gives back E3 (N)ANKIN. lmao. #endgamelarge
10D (L)UCIGENS +69 Finding Large
J2 YO +31 Vision Small
10A OY #visionsmall
O11 PEREA +35 Knowledge Unspecified
#knowledge small for the sad challenge.
O11 RAUPO +26 Vision Large
K5 PUN(ALU)A #visionsaddest
6A EOsINIC +68 Finding Small
L1 IrENICO(N) #findingsad
C10 TOEA +33 Knowledge Small
C10 ODEA #FINDINGSADDER #knowledgesad for challenge.
C10 TOEA +33 Finding Medium
C10 ODEA #FINDINGSADDER #knowledgesad for challenge.
B2 O(W) +10 Endgame Large
NO. 2A IO is best. #endgamesaddest
1A ID +16 Endgame Large
NO. 1A ID is best. #endgamesaddest
E2 RE(MEN) +20 Endgame Large
NO. L4 LEAR(N) is best. #endgamesaddest
H4 W(OX) +17 Strategy Large
This is hopeless, I have to keep up with L1 MUNS. #strategylarge
L1 YUM +17 Finding Large
L10 (H)YMN #findinglarge
15H (R)EI +8 Strategy Large
I misssed that 8A (F)IE would give me an R hook. #strategylarge
A1 BABE +33 Endgame Large
I1 RE sets up 1D BABIE(R) which is not blockable. #endgamelarge
K9 WAZ +41 Finding Small
K9 HAWM #findingsad
14K MIDG(Y) +24 Finding Large
14I TRIGAM(Y) #findingsaddest
1A FUB +30 Vision Small
C1 B(E)FO(G) #visionsad
C10 (O)VEL +14 Time Large
I had no time here. #timesaddest
1E PO +21 Time Small
2J PO #timesad
L7 QAT +19 Time Large
NO TIME #TIMESADDEST J1 (u)EY is best. I lost 10 points on time.
C9 W(E)NT +17 Time Large
4F (TE)W is best #timesaddest
E2 ORA +18 Finding Large
M1 As(S)U(R)OR #findingsaddest
O1 CRAIG(S) +30 Finding Medium
O1 GLACI(S) #findingmedium
12K BIGLY +40 Knowledge Medium
12K GABBY #knowledgemedium
A9 MAGI +27 Finding Large
A8 IMAGE #findingsaddest
6E LOUR +9 Vision Small
E5 UR(EA) #visionsad
K2 D(E)TOX +26 Tactics Small
J2 F(I)XT #tacticssad
8L (M)OTT +18 Vision Large
9K TIFT #visionsaddest
C9 FID +23 Strategy Small
10B JI(N) is probably a bit better since the DJIN setup is so hard to block. #strategysad
A12 ARTY +30 Endgame Small
A12 AYIN #endgamesad
8H BUKSHA +38 Knowledge Large
2025 Crescent City Cup, Round 9. Only BUQSHA and BUKSHI. #KNOWLEDGESADDEST
M2 NEON +22 Tactics Small
K2 NOEL #tacticssad
C11 B(R)A(E) +12 Strategy Small
I wanted to block bingos to the G but it doesn't lower bingo % by that much. 15A BAA is fine. #strategysad
7I ALOO +21 Finding Small
7I OLIO #findingsad
exch DDV +0 Vision Large
6C P(AT)Y +17 Finding Large
9C PIG +16 Tactics Small
G8 (Z)IG #tacticssmall
A5 FRUITS +36 Tactics Small
A6 TOFUS #tacticssmall
12D REBAG +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
4H BAE +23 Tactics Small
4H BAO #tacticssmall
3A EQ(U)AL +14 Finding Medium
B2 LOO(I)E or just exchange. #findingsadder
13B MAD +21 Strategy Medium
I'm supposed to just cash in the S and just score, apparently. #strategymedium
14A LADS +31 Endgame Large
B10 (PA)L(M)S #endgamesaddest
I2 PeTTLED +69 Vision Small
G8 PETTLeD #visionsad
K8 FUME +26 Finding Large
2E EX +54 Finding Large
M9 DIR(G)E +18 Endgame Small
G8 RE(IN) #endgamesad
11E J(O)ULE +24 Finding Small
10B JULE(P) #findingsad
D3 AW +24 Vision Small
15L WAI #visionsad
15K EL +17 Finding Large
L1 (HAY)LE #findingsaddest
D4 QI +24 Tactics Small
Slightly misevaluated the equity here. 4C GEY looks a bit better. #tacticssmall
C5 BEY +17 Strategy Large
I tanked for a long time on this turn just to play this. Sad! Better options are 6E (W)YTE and 10G BYTE, probably. I think I was afraid of giving back too much, but in hindsight that seems delutional because this probably gives back even more. #strategysaddest
G3 DUN(E) +7 Finding Large
Another terrible decision. I got spooked by his last play and was trying to find something that would work best against his range. It's not what I played. G3 UND(E)R(LI)T is a much better play with the same idea. Also probably better than this is just 6B Z(E) or some echange like Exch. DUNNT. Of those options, I like G3 UND(E)R(LI)T the best. It blocks a few spots while saving B6 and C9 Z plays. #findingsaddest
L2 GROW +25 Vision Large
I saw WARDOGS but completely missed CEILIS. I must've been tilted as fuck after those exchanges. #VISIONSADDEST
M5 NI(T)ID +14 Time Large
I had no time because I tanked the whole game making bad decisions. J5 PU(R)I #TIMESADDEST
4A MInO +34 Finding Small
5K BANT +24 Strategy Small
E11 NAN #strategysad
15D M(O)PER +36 Strategy Small
15A PIER(O)G sets up a Q bailout. #strategysad
N8 GI(R)R +5 Strategy Large
I know that FRS is in the bag and I was trying to set up some unblockable bingo but I think he's able to block everything. I dunno. F1 (ZO)RI seems pretty good here. #strategysaddest
8L FO(G)S +36 Endgame Small
13I FI(E)NTS #endgamesad
N2 SEDGY +55 Strategy Small
E5 TR(A)GEDY #strategysad
H1 MINA(R) +24 Strategy Large
13I SAMEN #strategysaddest
2D POUT(I)NES +64 Vision Large
9B RO(T)O +17 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for challenge
4C WIZ +41 Endgame Large
4A UNWIT #endgamesaddest
G4 FAIl(O)VER +67 Strategy Small
G5 FAV(O)RItE #strategysad
B10 DISCUS +35 Strategy Large
B10 YUS or B10 CISSY. I was trying to setup H1 FY plays. Bad. #strategysaddest
K8 GO(N)CH +22 Strategy Large
6D GO or E7 G(I)P. I'm losing focus here. #STRATEGYSADDEST
3C GAL +29 Strategy Small
3C GALA #strategysad
L4 AMNIONS +82 Finding Large
C13 YEX +36 Finding Large
6G ALbINOS +69 Finding Small
6F kAOLINS #findingsad
15L MAUD +37 Knowledge Small
I wasn't 100% on 15L DUKA. #knowledgesad
13M UR(D) +8 Endgame Small
13M RU(D) #endgamesad
15A PIAN +29 Endgame Large
15A INIA #endgamesaddest
L5 (S)tORAXES +80 Vision Large
6B bORAXES #visionsaddest
K11 YUPPY +42 Knowledge Small
E3 YUPP(i)FY #knowledgesad
A8 C(A)Z +42 Tactics Small
A8 C(A)SABA #tacticssad
M9 BUSES +45 Strategy Medium
12B (L)OBI is the same equity but the case Ss are too powerful. #strategymedium
2E COW(A)N +12 Endgame Large
C3 CTEN(E) #endgamesaddest
8D FEYED +32 Finding Large
Hood River 2022 Round 7. 8D FEDAYEE #FINDINGSADDEST
11C B(E)ACHIEr +78 Strategy Large
B8 bABICHE. I think I would have seen this but I didn't even look for column B bings after his last play. #strategylarge
2H (O)LLAV +12 Finding Large
2F VL(O)G #findingsaddest
O5 NEWT +34 Endgame Small
O5 KENT is 4 points better. #endgamesad
8H UNION +12 Knowledge Small
Hood River 2022 Round 10. 8D NOUNAL #knowledgesad
D8 BIGHA +36 Finding Small
8A BIOG(EN) #findingsad
N1 FORtIES +79 Vision Small
14D FORtIES probably. #visionsad
G3 VAT +23 Vision Medium
G4 DAFT #visionsadder
11J (TI)P +5 Endgame Small
A11 PED is 3 points better. 11J (TI)P blocks his out but it doesn't score enough. #endgamesad
11G F(I)NLIT +18 Vision Large
O10 TEFS is a huge miss. #VISIONSADDEST
C11 WHA +35 Strategy Large
Quackle says to keep a consontant with something like C11 HOE, but I'm not exactly sure why. Maybe he just outruns me too much. #strategylarge
F8 (N)AZE +33 Finding Small
F6 ZA(N)TE #findingsad
10I AMPOuLE +86 Knowledge Large
6N Q(I) +31 Vision Large
J10 SATINY +33 Strategy Medium
E11 YA(G)S is probably better. It is too easy to reopen after this play by making a K11 reply. #strategymedium
exch FJNPY +0 Tactics Medium
CCC 2023 - Round 16. I misevaluted the equity. 8F FRY is best. #tacticssadder
F6 ZE(I)N +33 Strategy Small
9C ZIN sets up IER plays. #strategysad
9A LOBI +20 Finding Large
I tanked for a while just to miss 6B BRON(ZE). #FINDINGSADDEST
B2 HEI(G)HT +42 Knowledge Large
B2 THI(G)H sims best. Also, I thought of AHEIGHT and did not think it was a word. Sad! #KNOWLEDGESADDEST
4L OOM +21 Strategy Medium
Even after inferring an S for my opponent, Quackle prefers 13A TOOMER over 4L OOM. #strategysadder
8G QAT +24 Tactics Medium
Exch. BFQ #tacticssadder
8A TOADS +36 Vision Large
4J POUF +26 Vision Small
B13 UFO #visionsad
B2 LOOSE +27 Strategy Large
B5 OLE(O) is a nice setup. #strategysaddest
9F AI(D) +17 Endgame Large
N1 LIE is best. #timesaddest #endgamesaddest
9F AI(D) +17 Time Large
N1 LIE is best. #timesaddest #endgamesaddest
J7 GLEG +24 Tactics Small
10E VEG #tacticssmall
K5 ZHO +33 Tactics Small
13G OOH. Once again I underestimate the value of the Z. #tacticssmall
M9 DOULANs +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
15L CO(S)T +27 Tactics Small
14J CLOV(E) #tacticssmall
H6 PR(OF) +9 Vision Large
O12 PHA(T) #visionsaddest
I2 RELOADS +76 Vision Large
7G AI(D) +10 Strategy Medium
J5 (R)EI is fine. This is too panicky. #strategymedium
H12 AE +8 Strategy Large
This is a mistake. I think I can play more open after G10 DALT, which probably blew up his rack with no blanks left. H12 IOTA seems okay. #strategylarge
6F OW +13 Strategy Large
Maybe B12 WAU(L) or 4D TW(I)G, but not this. #strategylarge
1A AGUTI +26 Strategy Medium
1A TINGE wins more apparently. #strategymedium
A1 (A)DVENT +11 Finding Large
I would have never thought to exchange, but apparently that's what I'm supposed to do. Also A1 (A)DVECT #strategylarge #findinglarge
A1 (A)DVENT +11 Strategy Large
I would have never thought to exchange, but apparently that's what I'm supposed to do. Also A1 (A)DVECT #strategylarge #findinglarge
M9 CEPAG(E) +28 Endgame Large
13K BAP #endgamelarge
14B LOXED +42 Finding Small
14A OXLAND #findingsad
11I DOYLIeS +79 Finding Small
C1 P(O)OH +18 Strategy Large
3C HOOR #strategysaddest
15A KI(W)I +48 Time Large
8G NAW +12 Tactics Small
8D WANNER #tacticssmall
L12 FEH +28 Tactics Medium
L12 FEET #tacticsmedium
N10 BIGOT +38 Strategy Small
N10 BITOU #strategysmall
B12 VAL(E) +14 Strategy Small
B10 LAVAG(E) is probably fine. #strategysmall
13A S(A)C +18 Finding Small
15G C(EN)S #findingsmall
I7 ZEK +39 Knowledge Large
J3 CLOYE +29 Vision Large
4J (L)UX +25 Finding Large
M11 TELIA +22 Strategy Medium
J9 AVITAL blocks pretty well. #strategymedium
J9 OAf +16 Finding Small
15K zO(AE)A #findingsad
exch BUQ +0 Strategy Large
8H SQUAB is too many points. #strategylarge
12A JOHN +48 Strategy Medium
C9 JOHNS #strategymedium
E10 Q(I) +11 Strategy Large
Exchanging is probably correct. #strategylarge
9L I(V)Y +9 Knowledge Large
14H (OCCULT)LY is a huge miss. #knowledgelarge
8K OB +14 Finding Large
15D VITE(X) +19 Knowledge Large
exch EUI +0 Tactics Small
Keeping the I seems to sim slightly better. #tacticssmall
4B AIYEE +20 Tactics Medium
9G OYE #tacticsmedium
O1 HOOD +37 Vision Medium
3B BOOH #visionmedium
3C BOW +35 Strategy Large
15E BOWES #strategylarge
2F UN(R)EINED +63 Knowledge Small
N9 ENNUIED #FINDINGSAD #knowledgesad for sad desparate challenge.
2F UN(R)EINED +63 Finding Small
N9 ENNUIED #FINDINGSAD #knowledgesad for sad desparate challenge.
M7 BURQA +28 Strategy Large
1L BORN #strategylarge
1L POWN +46 Tactics Medium
1L WANG #tacticssadder
7B OMA +23 Tactics Medium
J10 MO(ZE) #tacticsmedium
15M EGG +20 Strategy Large
15F TEGGS #strategysaddest
12H LAGERED +77 Vision Large
3K Z(E)X +38 Finding Large
I think passing up M1 ZEX is correct, but 3H DZER(E)N is best. #findingsaddest
C10 TH(A)R +14 Strategy Small
C11 H(A)RT is probably a better idea. #strategysmall
E3 STINGER +73 Vision Small
13E RESTING #visionsad
11K COOK +36 Finding Small
11K SOCKO #findingsad
6J F(LI)P +17 Endgame Large
14I IF #endgamesaddest
14D PWNED +30 Endgame Large
13M PWN wins 1/4. I mistracked and thought there was no S. #ENDGAMESADDEST
N2 MILO +28 Finding Large
15K OIS +13 Strategy Medium
6F OIS is fine. #strategymedium
O12 JE(S)S +57 Knowledge Large
L10 GON +17 Endgame Large
6E NOOk #endgamesaddest
13G n(G)IAO +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
A4 AzOI(C) +11 Time Large
13G I(G)ApO #timesaddest
C9 BENDY +40 Tactics Medium
BYDED or EDDY #tacticsmedium
12A QA(D)I +48 Strategy Medium
3M QI gives me AWED next turn as a floor #strategymedium
O2 W(EE)KDAY +54 Tactics Large
Counted WE(E)KDAYS as 67 for some reason #tacticssaddest
K9 STRIVEN +72 Vision Small
10H #visionsad
13F IF +23 Strategy Medium
SNIRT scores more and leaves me with high point letters which probably is more important on the closed board #strategysadder
O12 MIST +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
#knowledgesaddest no wins
14D RIMS +32 Endgame Large
gotta give myself an out #endgamesaddest
3I L(A)T +6 Endgame Small
8D HERMA +28 Knowledge Large
8D KERMA #knowledgesaddest
6D DOG +27 Strategy Large
I6 AVID blocks everything. #strategysaddest
M7 R(I)F +22 Vision Large
9F NIB(S) #visionsaddest
3C BINE +23 Vision Large
9F NIB(S) #visionsaddest
13K (T)OM +22 Finding Small
13J A(T)OM #findingsad
10A GENII +18 Finding Medium
10E EINE #findingmedium
15E VALiSES +86 Finding Large
A7 d(I)S(G)AVELS #findingsaddest
A10 (G)LADDY +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
2H VARDY +21 Endgame Large
7I UNWIG +17 Knowledge Large
Strong. Gave her the ol' "Yes and No". #KNOWLEDGESADDEST
O6 GAK +45 Finding Large
H1 G(r)EY +33 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for the challenge.
L6 D(I)T +18 Strategy Large
L4 DaV(I)T #strategylarge
3G M(E)T +19 Finding Large
10J MOT(ET) is a huge miss because the X is still out. #findingsaddest
C9 OVULE +21 Finding Large
13C (ER)R +3 Strategy Large
I mistracked and thought she could have SHINIER. NO. 11K XI is best. #STRATEGYSADDEST
11K XI +38 Finding Large
G10 (A)DONIs +20 Time Large
G10 (A)DONIs #timesaddest
F8 (F)AX +29 Finding Medium
Despite opening a triple-triple, WASA(BI) (great sushi there by the way) is probably the right play, since it distracts Jason from the X-bomb at J10 #findingmedium
10H SEW +44 Knowledge Large
talked myself out of SWOUNES #knowledgesaddest
D10 ZORI +47 Finding Large
ZOIC missed #findingsaddest
9H FIZ +25 Strategy Small
9H FIT is slightly better because it sets up my T and keeps the Z which is better on this board than sticks. #strategysmall
C9 JO(L) +23 Strategy Small
13B JA(K) is slightly better. I was afraid of 14A responses, but those give me 15A responses. #strategysmall
6A (P)ULU +8 Strategy Medium
13F A(EM)ULES scores nicely and digs for the blanks. I'm ahead by too much to be fishing like this. #strategymedium
F2 BO(W)IE +18 Endgame Large
E1 BIO(T)As #endgamelarge
L3 FrA(G) +22 Time Large
5I ArF #timesaddest
D4 PEE +14 Vision Medium
9C LO(U)PE #visionmedium
15L (F)AWN +30 Finding Medium
15H WHAR(F) #findingmedium
D11 HIP +21 Finding Large
12C INSHIP #findingsaddest
N6 SARIN +22 Strategy Large
Terrible! F8 (U)RANIA looks good here. #strategysaddest
O8 EN +24 Finding Large
O8 EN +24 Time Large
B12 R(U)DI +10 Time Large
10E (D)eRIG +14 Vision Large
2G T(O)FFY +22 Strategy Small
3A FUT(Z) sets up the FY nicely if it's not blocked. #strategysad
2A JUD +35 Finding Large
M11 VIEWS +35 Strategy Large
14B VIREO sims best, but I really didn't like leaving the M column open after his last play. I'm not really sure what is best here. #strategylarge
1K REALO +24 Knowledge Large
12I WU(L)L +14 Finding Large
9F TWP #findingsaddest
L4 JI(G) +23 Finding Large
J10 PT(U)I #findingsaddest
10B ORA(N)T +28 Finding Large
11A AROU(S)E #findingsaddest
7G J(URE)L +20 Strategy Medium
7G J(URE). Keeping the L is much better. #strategysadder
13A WIGGINs +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
Desparate attempt #KNOWLEDGESADDEST
F3 (P)E +4 Endgame Large
Fishing the O is better. J13 (T)O(W). #endgamesaddest
A6 AROUsE +21 Vision Small
E4 OARAgE #visionsad
8D WINGLET +80 Finding Small
8D WELTING #findingsad
15A VIL(D)E +27 Finding Large
11D (Y)UFT #findingsaddest
13M FOG +24 Knowledge Medium
N12 DOF #knowledgesadder
F12 Q(I)N +14 Strategy Large
I got distracted by dreams of bingoing. B1 Qu(O)THA is fine. #strategysaddest
J2 YAW +40 Finding Medium
C3 UNH(A)T +18 Finding Large
11B MULL +18 Strategy Small
K4 LUM #strategysad
L6 InOSITE +66 Finding Large
M12 DEEV +19 Endgame Large
8G GAK +16 Strategy Small
8G KEG #strategysad
11B BEENTO +19 Strategy Medium
G6 BE(G) #strategysadder
N7 REWAX +33 Strategy Medium
N9 RAX #strategysadder
K3 FILED +30 Strategy Small
K2 FUELED. Hanging the F is fine. #strategysad
G6 VU(G) +8 Time Large
M1 VIREO #timesaddest
K10 GAD +24 Finding Large
M2 (D)O(Z)E +28 Tactics Small
M2 (D)O(Z)EN #tacticssad
4C ANNUL +18 Finding Medium
6D TEDY +26 Vision Large
B7 ROOMIEr +68 Strategy Large
I should've just passed, but I wasn't sure of the math after B8 TIRITIS -> G8 (G)EROnIMO, but it wins by 1. This loses 3/8 when the I is in the bag, except none of any of that matters since we miscounted the bag and it actually wins, but I didn't do a recount oops lmao. #STRATEGYSADDEST
I1 OAK +25 Vision Small
7F OAKE(R) #visionsad
2G LI(AR) +15 Strategy Small
7H AI(R) #strategysad
E5 D(I)sUNITE +82 Finding Small
E5 f(I)NITUDE #findingsad
15C D(E)GAMI +41 Strategy Medium
I gotta keep the I for the Q. #strategysadder
pass - +0 Strategy Small
I was still tilted from missing the winning pass in the previous game against Mark, so I thought I'd make up for it and pass here. N1 VEND is fine. #strategysad
G5 AUA +11 Strategy Small
6F OU(T)A #strategysad
I3 NON +12 Finding Large
I7 ENOL #findingsaddest
12B WIDE +35 Finding Medium
12A DWILE #findingsadder
13A HOB +31 Tactics Large
13C BOLE #tacticssaddest
exch FLQ +0 Strategy Small
14A EFS #strategysad
15H (I)MpALERS +80 Vision Small
8H (E)MERALdS #visionsad
M10 THRON(E) +18 Strategy Small
Exch. NNQ #strategysad
2B JEANS +61 Endgame Small
J2 JAN(T)Y is probably better. #endgamesad
G3 V(I)RL +11 Finding Medium
H3 V(E)LCR(O) #findingsadder
B2 JO +24 Strategy Small
7H JA(I) #strategysad
A12 IDEE +21 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for the challenge
F1 OY +28 Strategy Medium
I tunneled on playing fewer tiles. 15K A(G)ONY #strategysadder
N6 ZI(N)cO +35 Finding Large
8D ZENANA +50 Knowledge Small
8D ZANANA #knowledgesad
13I CREWE +32 Vision Large
12L AD +24 Finding Large
N4 ROsETTE +65 Finding Large
N2 OTTEREd #findingsaddest
L1 HUI +21 Finding Large
L2 NIHI(L) #findingsaddest
3G K(I) +22 Endgame Large
A4 FORK(Y) #endgamesaddest
M1 ORS +37 Endgame Large
12B D(EL)F #endgamesaddest
N6 ZOBUS +49 Knowledge Large
9M R(U)N +14 Strategy Small
9M N(U)N, I guess, but it seems lost. #strategysad
9E B(A)KEN +34 Tactics Small
I miscounted E7 B(A)KEN #tacticssad
13C ORPINES +77 Vision Small
13B ORPINES lol. #visionsad
14H NeGATOR +80 Finding Medium
K7 sNOTRAG #findingsadder
15E CLOD +45 Tactics Small
15D ACOLD #tacticssad
4H ZO(E)CIA +54 Finding Large
G4 TACH(I)NID +72 Tactics Small
I did not do the math. G2 TACHIN(I)D is 1 more. #tacticssmall
11C YEW +33 Strategy Large
This is a huge mistake because it allows 10B JAR creating a pretty much unblockable A(JAR) hook. I was trying to block 11C RAJ, but I should have played D1 WYLE allowing it and the board is toast. #strategylarge
15F MEAD +38 Strategy Small
H11 AMI(N)O #strategysad
M2 OPIATE +26 Knowledge Large
5C GUNITE +16 Strategy Small
C9 (GO)UGE I guess. #strategysad
14B THEOW(S) +40 Finding Small
J4 WEPT #findingsad
C12 MO(H)O +39 Finding Small
15A COA(X) #findingsad
L6 CIAO +15 Strategy Small
I wanted to make bingos open up the triple on row 15. Not sure if that's sound logic in hindsight, probably E8 (J)IAO is fine. #strategysad
15M IOS +36 Strategy Small
K1 IO #strategysad
B10 KA +32 Endgame Large
B12 AL(T) #endgamesaddest
4A LI(E)NAL +19 Endgame Small
F6 LI(AN)A #endgamesad
9G AWA +20 Knowledge Large
13C BRI(T) +22 Finding Large
9B TIE(R) +9 Strategy Large
I have no idea what to do here and none of Quackle's suggestions stand out. I figured I had to try to block D(JIN) as much as possible. Maybe I need to just not even try to block and give myself a line with 4D TE. Marking as #strategylarge for now. I await your hatemail.
M3 BEGS +20 Strategy Large
I again don't really know if I should play 4A BEGS or M3 BEGS or exchange. I was trying to block what I thought was the easier spot here. I await your hatemail #strategylarge
7A (S)OP +28 Strategy Large
I dunno. #strategylarge probably
8K (I)T +9 Strategy Large
Create another line I guess. I still have no idea what is correct. I eagerly await your hatemail. #STRATEGYSADDEST
12L Q(I)N +24 Endgame Large
12L Q(I) is 9 points better. #endgamesaddest
B1 ENOL +19 Endgame Large
N1 NOEL #timesaddest #endgamesaddest
B1 ENOL +19 Time Large
N1 NOEL #timesaddest #endgamesaddest
8C AEOLIaN +64 Strategy Small
I don't know why I didn't make the first A the blank. #strategysmall
12J GOAL +22 Strategy Small
6B GOT blocks X bombs and doesn't make row 14 bingos easier. #strategysmall
4K (W)ITE +20 Knowledge Small
D10 ETUI is fine, but this isn't. I was afraid of making another S hook, but at this score I think the equity doesn't justify what I did. #strategymedium also #knowledgesad for the challenge.
4K (W)ITE +20 Strategy Medium
D10 ETUI is fine, but this isn't. I was afraid of making another S hook, but at this score I think the equity doesn't justify what I did. #strategymedium also #knowledgesad for the challenge.
C12 TUI +14 Strategy Medium
H11 AITU wins a sim, but that doesn't seem right to me with the S unseen. I don't know what is correct here, but this is probably a mistake. #strategymedium
H1 RE(NY) +21 Endgame Large
Everything wins, even though I get Q stuck, but 11H A(JAR) is best. #endgamesaddest
6H BOY +44 Finding Medium
6H NOBLY #findingsadder
5A FALL +19 Knowledge Large
10D (O)NFALL #knowledgesaddest
F8 (T)UMP +21 Strategy Medium
14B MU is called for in this situation. #strategymedium
M9 INERTeR +72 Knowledge Large
K10 TONAN(T) +23 Strategy Small
There's no realistic way for me to win, but I should be trying to make plays like D1 TONA(L) if I want an outside chance. #strategysmall
9G HOVE +30 Knowledge Large
9G HOVEN #knowledgesaddest
6J R(Y)E +25 Strategy Medium
I tanked on this play for a long time and had no idea what to do. I still don't have a great idea of what is correct here. Sim says I4 A(R)E or H11 (R)ORIE or I5 (R)EO which look much better. plz holp. #strategymedium probably.
4C YAE +20 Tactics Medium
D3 YO(G)A #tacticsmedium
L12 AHI +19 Finding Large
N11 TAROT +20 Endgame Large
3B TORT is best. #endgamesaddest
exch BIKUVW +0 Tactics Small
Exch. BKUVW #tacticssmall
10D GOX +57 Vision Medium
N9 OX(Y) is best, but this is still better than E3 EXOGEN(I)c. #visionsadder
B12 RAIT +19 Strategy Medium
I was in a very defensive mindset, so I didn't see N10 A(Y)RI(E), which looks best. #strategymedium
4H SEI +11 Strategy Small
The only thing that sims better than this is F9 (EX)IES, which must block some big 11E plays, but I'm not totally sure. #strategysmall
B4 SALTI(N)E +24 Knowledge Small
6A STELAI #knowledgesmall
F4 WUXI(A) +31 Knowledge Medium
H10 U(N)WONT #knowledgesadder
4H JET +38 Finding Large
O4 FO(Y)ER +45 Knowledge Small
O4 FO(Y)NE #knowledgesad
N10 INDIAS +29 Strategy Large
I tanked for a long time just to play this. Sad! Sim says 9F SAIN, which looks way better. I was trying to block row 9 bings and column N bings, but I give back row 15 bings which is asinine. #strategysaddest
4B VINE(W) +24 Endgame Small
2B VINA is 2 points better. #endgamesad
A1 FLO(W) +30 Knowledge Small
4K FUDD(Y) #knowledgesmall
8J DUX +32 Strategy Small
4I DOUX is a nice setup. It's probably less likely that he has the I or U after EE. #strategysmall
O8 OY +26 Endgame Large
5D DOI(L)Y is best, blocking KLUTZ plays, I suppose. #endgamesaddest
9K GI +15 Endgame Large
9J SRI #endgamesaddest
13E TWP +13 Vision Small
K4 TW(P) #visionsad
4H LIFTERS +91 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for the tilted challenge.
H1 WOR(L)D +27 Tactics Small
H1 WOA(L)D seems slightly better. #tacticssmall
K14 TI +4 Strategy Small
The other options are terrible so this block isn't actually that bad. Sim is saying G13 (P)IU is the only other viable option, but I didn't want to give back big 15F Q plays. Those probably aren't a concern though since I'm ahead by enough to only have to worry about bingos. #strategysmall
4C NUB +20 Endgame Small
5C UNBIN(D) is 2 points better. #endgamesad
8D TEAZE +30 Strategy Small
I didn't like the potential responses to 8G YEZ, but it makes him bing slightly less and me bing slightly more. #strategysmall
E5 QI +27 Finding Small
Completely missed 13C TR(A)NQ. #findingsad
H2 G(U)V +11 Strategy Large
J2 V(I)N and 6D V(IF)F sim best here. I liked H2 G(U)V because it killed the top part of the board and H1 plays by Austin create long term problems for board control. The equity is just too bad though, and a two consonant draw is devastating. H2 F(U)NG is a better version of this idea (since I get another shot at a vowel) but still bad. #strategylarge
1J PUNT +20 Strategy Medium
11K PUNT blocks more likely bingos. I think I just played too quickly here. #strategymedium
D3 AMEBOI(D) +26 Strategy Medium
10E OBE is much more defensive. #strategymedium
14J K(E)NAF +60 Knowledge Unspecified
#knowledge for challenge (I was not sure of OWCHES).
10F REW +22 Endgame Large
10F RUE is the only play that gives me a chance. I can win if I draw the I by threatening O8 TWIRE(D) and 11B TWIER. #endgamesaddest
E9 (O)TTER +17 Vision Large
11B UTTER #visionsaddest
C9 P(O)WNED +30 Knowledge Large
This is top equity. Too bad it's not a word. #KNOWLEDGESADDEST
E8 UN(L)IVED +22 Finding Large
12C (N)UDNIK #findingsaddest
B2 CROAKEd +95 Tactics Small
B2 CrOAKER. I didn't realize it scored 1 point more. #tacticssmall
exch AOOQT +0 Tactics Medium
The Q has nowhere to go on this board, so I have to exchange. Keeping AET is better, since there is only one other A left. #tacticsmedium
E3 (J)O(L) +10 Endgame Small
O3 (T)O is 1 point better since it blocks O3 (T)I. #endgamesmall
6B HON +25 Tactics Medium
Equity fail. 6B OOH. #tacticssadder
1D (F)ANON +24 Strategy Small
B2 ANION. I can feel Quackle calling me a coward. #strategysmall
L2 (T)RANQ +28 Strategy Large
14C Q(I) bingos an absurd 77%. #strategylarge
D7 U(V)A +15 Strategy Large
I misread a 9 on my scoresheet a 4 and thought I was 50 points worse than my actual score. Even so, this would be okay except that B1 (VAC)UA is much better. #strategylarge
K8 (W)IPE +18 Finding Large
L2 (TRANQ)U(I)lISE #findingsaddest
J10 UnIS +20 Time Small
12H UnIS #timesad
J6 PU(T)Z +21 Knowledge Large
J4 MAZU(T) #knowledgesaddest
K2 GOOIER +20 Tactics Medium
L10 EGO #tacticsmedium
14B AIYEE +27 Vision Small
I7 O(L)DIE #visionsad
13C OK +25 Vision Large
13B DOOK #visionsaddest
C1 V(O)W +18 Endgame Large
N7 VITE #endgamesaddest
1G EFT +19 Finding Large
O8 KAF +54 Knowledge Large
B10 CA(R)NY +32 Vision Large
K5 JAY. I totally missed that spot. Also B10 CA(R)NY sets up a huge X spot which I guess is okay since I'm down a lot but I didn't even notice it. #VISIONSADDEST
8L ORAL +23 Strategy Large
I placed too much value on blocking the O8 triple. E7 R(E)GAL is fine and 8M ROC is a better equity version of what I did. #strategysaddest
L4 LIE +14 Strategy Medium
Sim says L1 TEIL but I'm not convinced though to be fair I'm kinda clueless in this situation so I dunno. #strategymedium
M7 F(RE)ITY +16 Strategy Medium
M7 F(RE)ITIER. I was not even considering blowing up the rack like that but I should have. #strategysadder
6D W(A)X +29 Knowledge Large
6B MIG(A)WD #knowledgesaddest
4F SUQ +34 Endgame Large
G7 Q(I) #endgamesaddest
O12 VAC(S) +13 Time Large
13A CAP #timesaddest
exch CDQW +0 Tactics Large
Wow, I completely overestimated how bad CDQTW because 8A RE(SHAVED) is just much better here. I figured I could always just hit it next turn since I didn't think it would get blocked or taken. #tacticssaddest
C1 QUA +34 Strategy Large
B6 XU. I was playing too chicken. #strategysaddest
1G WAGE +41 Endgame Large
H1 A(M)IGA blocks more stuff. #endgamesaddest
11I GAI(T)s +16 Vision Large
15G A(X)InG #visionsaddest
2K H(E)XAD +32 Strategy Large
2I oXH(E)AD. I did not considering using the blank here. #strategysaddest
14F MEN +23 Vision Small
I5 NEM(N) #visionsad
B10 BIN +26 Vision Medium
3L (R)IB #visionsadder
3K A(R)IA +34 Knowledge Large
3I ORA(R)IA #knowledgesaddest
L1 FEUS +41 Vision Large
14J FUSEE #visionsaddest
15A YEW +37 Finding Large
L6 LIMP +22 Knowledge Large
B12 LI(FE) +7 Endgame Large
The only win is fishing the U or OU with OE in the bag to draw the unblockable G2 TENAIL(L)O(N) which is notable but difficult to spot. #endgamesaddest
O3 OON +13 Vision Large
E5 AUT(OMA)T or E5 AUT(OMA)N #visionsaddest
J1 UT +9 Time Large
E5 AUT(OMA)T #timesaddest
1H TA(U) +19 Time Large
10I (T)AT #timesaddest
K8 F(E)LL +19 Vision Large
B2 SUNCARE +76 Vision Large
B1 SURANCE #visionsaddest
H5 DOV(E)D +15 Tactics Medium
I was being too scared of the V here. B1 DOD is fine. #tacticsmedium
1C UN(A)U +5 Strategy Large
1D N(A)NUA is better equity but also opens another line for me. #strategylarge
N2 TANUK(A) +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
N6 B(A)TIK +42 Tactics Medium
N6 K(A)B #tacticsmedium
L11 FONDA +30 Endgame Medium
L11 FOUD #endgamesadder
13E sPICIER +70 Finding Small
4F (O)PIfICER #findingsad
3F (G)URU +13 Vision Small
L2 (T)ORULUS #visionsad
8H AY +10 Strategy Small
2025 Crescent City Cup, Round 15. I played too fast. 8G YA is better. #strategysad
5I A(D)UKI +20 Strategy Small
2J (P)IKAU #strategysad
15F SEABIRD +94 Strategy Large
This is a serious mistake allowing massive Q plays. #STRATEGYSADDEST
G4 UNJA(M) +15 Finding Large
L6 sAPIDeR +76 Finding Large
10D ALE +16 Finding Large
D4 AZOI(C) +32 Vision Large
13G STRIC(K)LE +87 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for the challenge.
N12 T(E)W +22 Strategy Small
N12 D(E)W bingos slightly more. #strategysad
O6 RIPE +40 Tactics Small
O6 GIP #tacticssad
O1 PEEL +26 Knowledge Small
C1 GEEP wins if I can hit O1 ILEX. #knowledgesad for challenge.
10J KAF +30 Vision Large
3I WO(O)ZY +48 Strategy Small
10C WOAH #strategysad
4A HAIN +28 Strategy Small
4H HAI(R) #strategysad
13C YO(G)I +16 Vision Medium
F6 SO(OE)Y #visionsadder
A5 (T)EAZE +42 Strategy Small
I10 TEEK #strategysad
G3 (JA)K +20 Strategy Large
L3 DUETTO +22 Endgame Large
13K (T)ET #endgamesaddest
exch AIU +0 Strategy Small
O7 A(G)UTI #strategysad
3A TIRO +18 Knowledge Large
13C BITO +30 Strategy Small
1A ORB #strategysad
14K THIR +19 Endgame Medium
3F (O)RTHO #endgamesadder
3I KON +28 Finding Large
4B (LI)T(U) +12 Vision Large
B10 BAHUS +49 Knowledge Large
I chickened out of 7H BEAUISH #knowledgesaddest
D11 FAE +33 Finding Small
D11 FAA #findingsad
4I DOREE +19 Endgame Medium
6F (Z)EE #endgamesadder
9F MADEFY +33 Tactics Medium
I think I miscounted J5 MADEFY #tacticssadder
A6 HAEN +52 Tactics Small
A7 HAIN #tacticssad
L3 QASID(A) +32 Knowledge Large
14N B(I) +8 Vision Medium
14E PRU(R)IENT +64 Vision Large
9G EHED +30 Tactics Small
11A HEP #tacticssad
11G RORTER +19 Tactics Small
10I RETRO #tacticssad
7H H(I)PT +18 Endgame Small
7H P(I)TH #endgamesad
E3 CUTTO +25 Strategy Small
9F TUM #strategysad
4D M(U)XED +34 Finding Large
H1 MIN(D) +21 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for challenge
A8 (B)ARCADES +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
I've been to several barcades wtf. #KNOWLEDGESADDEST
4A (T)IVY +20 Knowledge Small
N9 IVY #knowledgesad
K13 VOL +21 Endgame Small
J11 (C)OVIN #endgamesad
15A ET(H)AL +27 Strategy Medium
I was playing too scared. Shoulda done 15A ET(H)ANAL. #strategysadder
I1 (C)EE +6 Strategy Small
I burnt all my time here I had no idea what to do. 14A NE(T)E. #strategysad
3F OK +24 Time Large
14B S(T)EAK #timesaddest
M11 EARN +27 Time Large
E7 JI(G)GER +30 Tactics Medium
10D JIG #tacticssadder
6J AIOLI +20 Vision Medium
C11 OLIO #visionsadder
O1 CHO(W) +36 Strategy Medium
O1 CRA(W)L is clearly best. I played equity too fast. #strategysadder
7M ANE +9 Knowledge Large
I was trying to block M6 (L)ATENESS and O6 SENATES, but this gives back N6 (IN)SENSATE. #KNOWLEDGESADDEST
14D VEX +64 Tactics Small
14D VEXI(l) #tacticssad
N10 (Y)IRRS +16 Finding Large
15A GRR #findingsaddest
L8 WI(R)ING +28 Tactics Large
11J IF #tacticssaddest
8L (W)HID +33 Tactics Small
K4 FOH #tacticssad
L1 (H)OOVE +22 Endgame Large
D4 FRAN(K) +24 Tactics Small
9G FEN #tacticssmall
H11 (P)EGGY +43 Knowledge Small
I chickened out of H1 GYLDEN #knowledgesad
M10 TUQU(E) +28 Tactics Small
L12 QU(I)N is better even though it keeps a U. #tacticssmall
8K (R)AWIN +27 Strategy Large
9J W(O) draws into a ton of bingos. #strategysaddest
L1 JAZIE +60 Knowledge Large
Gave him the old "Yes and No" #KNOWLEDGESADDEST
9J H(O)H +27 Endgame Large
I figured this gives me a shot at hitting 15A FLAVoUR(Y). Fishing for 15A HoVERFL(Y) is even better. #endgamesaddest
exch IFVOO +0 Finding Large
5K F(A)NNY +22 Vision Large
13B DA(T)EBOOk +72 Finding Small
8F ELEGACY +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
#KNOWLEDGESADDEST and now tilt-mode is activated.
K5 CLY(P)E +24 Finding Medium
L8 (H)YLEG #findingsadder
5I FO(C)AL +10 Finding Large
K5 (CLYPE)AL #findingsaddest
M2 OVA(L) +14 Finding Large
3I OGIVE #findingsaddest (tilt-mode is still activated).
11E DHOW +29 Finding Medium
4L D(A)WD #findingsadder
15B sENARII +85 Finding Small
15B RAINIEr #findingsad
L1 HEAV(E)D +34 Strategy Small
4L HAVE makes an line for my S. #strategysmall
N2 LEV +24 Strategy Small
10B VOLS or 10B VOLES are better, probably. #strategysmall
K8 TABINID(S) +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
3A T(I)TIAN +12 Knowledge Small
I need to keep more vowels. #tacticssaddest #knowledgesad for challenge.
3A T(I)TIAN +12 Tactics Large
I need to keep more vowels. #tacticssaddest #knowledgesad for challenge.
L9 ANTE +21 Strategy Medium
The options are all garbage here, but my play is not correct. #strategymedium
D8 KI(A)AT +28 Strategy Small
12J OIK #strategysmall
G3 GOGO +17 Strategy Medium
I dunno. #strategymedium
15K DO(B)IE +33 Finding Large
15J DOO(B)IE #findingsaddest
5J ZA +43 Strategy Large
L11 ZA wins 1/6 apparently. The N column is probably harder to block. #strategysaddest
L8 QiBL(A) +25 Endgame Large
C12 sUQ #endgamesaddest and I lost 20 for time #timesaddest.
L8 QiBL(A) +25 Time Large
C12 sUQ #endgamesaddest and I lost 20 for time #timesaddest.
8G WIN +12 Finding Large
7F BED +16 Vision Large
14F WI(N)DY +44 Tactics Small
There are too many vowels unseen, so 14F WI(N)EY is slightly better. #tacticssad
M3 TOuGHIE +87 Vision Large
D3 OX +40 Time Large
13L (L)I +6 Time Small
I have 3 seconds left. #timesad
E10 (R)OO +6 Strategy Medium
Too fishy. 4L AEON. #strategysadder
H4 QI(S) +22 Tactics Small
5F QI #tacticssad.
D12 POEM +30 Strategy Medium
12C IP(O)MOEA digs for the other blank I guess. #strategysadder
F10 (F)IAR +14 Time Large
14J JE(E)LS +56 Knowledge Large
4L Y(E)GG +22 Finding Large
L8 (M)OGGY #findingsaddest
J5 XU +24 Strategy Large
Sokol suggests 11K (DO)RE and 11K (DO)RES. Sid agrees with 11K (DO)RES. Matt O'Connor suggests 13H ROUXS. M11 REX is correct, setting up J10 ZO. #strategysaddest
H13 SOZ +37 Strategy Large
This is just giving up. 7H Z(E) gives me a shot. O2 NO(G) is also interesting, but is blocked by L2 plays, among other things. #strategylarge
14A RENT +20 Strategy Large
14D TENN(O)S seems okay. #strategylarge
11K (DO)C(O) +7 Endgame Large
A7 NITRI(L) #endgamesaddest
9G YODH +28 Knowledge Large
9E HOYED #knowledgesaddest
D8 (F)EERIE +31 Finding Small
10E (L)OERIE #findingsad
exch AAEOQG +0 Tactics Large
10H GOE. I underestimated the value of AAEQ. #tacticssaddest
13H APpEA(S)ED +63 Finding Medium
O7 E(S)cAPADE doesn't give back H12 plays. #findingsadder
2A ENG +22 Vision Large
L11 GE(A)N #visionsaddest
K5 WAU(L) +14 Tactics Medium
7F WAAH #tacticssadder
O5 MOCHS +42 Finding Small
Play without fear. 7G GOB is fine. Also, O5 COMBS is clearly better than this. #findingsad #strategysadder
O5 MOCHS +42 Strategy Medium
Play without fear. 7G GOB is fine. Also, O5 COMBS is clearly better than this. #findingsad #strategysadder
8A FADE(R) +30 Knowledge Medium
8A AFEA(R)D #knowledgesadder
5E (N)IE +15 Endgame Small
C10 EdI(L)E is 1 point better. #endgamesad
14G TOwIE +14 Knowledge Small
I chickened out of 14F TOIsE. #knowledgesad
5G V(I)SIE +26 Strategy Medium
12H A(L)IVE #strategysadder
D7 LATRIn(E)S +66 Strategy Small
2B SLARTIn(G) #strategysad
12H O(L)EO +14 Finding Medium
H11 (BOT)OX +42 Strategy Small
N1 COB #strategysad
D1 VOEMA +32 Time Large
15A MOS #timesaddest
15B ES +21 Time Small
L12 S(ON)E #timesad
8G FAND +16 Finding Small
F6 Z(O) +31 Strategy Small
J6 ZE(D) #strategysmall
B6 ITA +13 Vision Medium
5F VOGU(E)D +22 Knowledge Medium
I wasn't 100% sure of 4H VU(L)GO. #KNOWLEDGESADDER
9B BeMIXES +70 Strategy Small
I7 B(O)X #strategysmall
M11 EUOI +20 Finding Large
M10 OURIE #findingsaddest
B8 (ABY)S +9 Finding Large
12B SCuLPIT +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
3A C(A)P +14 Tactics Small
3A C(A)LP #tacticssad
D3 HAAR +25 Time Small
15A REQuITA(L) +98 Strategy Medium
12A QuARTIE(R) #strategysadder
9E QI +14 Knowledge Medium
G5 VIB(R)IO sets up the Q which isn't bad. #knowledgemedium
9I YOB +21 Knowledge Medium
H10 (S)YBOES #knowledgemedium
3C PULIK(S) +34 Knowledge Large
PULIK does not take an S #knowledgelarge
O1 GOO(G) +18 Knowledge Large
O1 GOR(G)IO brings my winning % way up. #knowledgelarge
J6 FR(O)ND +21 Tactics Small
Exch. DFNVV #tacticssmall
L4 BURR(Y) +20 Vision Small
9A BUHR #visionsad
B12 FOHN +28 Vision Medium
D8 FO(EH)N #visionsadder
H10 (P)E(I)NCT +30 Vision Large
14J MEL +26 Vision Large
exch D +0 Finding Small
I5 D(AT)TO #findingsmall
N9 AXEL +66 Strategy Small
N10 XED bingos slightly more, but this sets up O12 plays that start with D and scores 3 more. I dunno. #strategysmall.
O12 DIPT +33 Vision Medium
Tunneled and missed L10 T(E)PID. #visionsadder
4J BUY +34 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for challenge.
8G BOX +24 Tactics Small
2020 CoCo Boston Open, Round 1. 8H BLOOP #tacticssmall
10J H(E)ID +29 Knowledge Small
6G DAH #VISIONSADDEST #knowledgesad for challenge.
10J H(E)ID +29 Vision Large
6G DAH #VISIONSADDEST #knowledgesad for challenge.
3L DUH +17 Strategy Medium
Sim is saying 3L DUIT, thinking I get to hit O1 with my H, but I feel like he will just make is own O1 play setting up row 1. I dunno. #strategymedium
H1 COM(A) +24 Strategy Large
I was trying to block row 1 bings, but with both blanks unseen I think I just have to try to go for my own bingo. 13E SITCOM and 14B (TE)LOMIC both look good here to dig for a blank. It's likely he has one, but I think turnover could be important here with so few tiles left to dig for the other. #strategylarge
M3 FUGOU(S) +22 Knowledge Large
L1 CHER +35 Knowledge Small
N1 CHE(NIX) is notable but doesn't bingo as much. #knowledgesad for challenge.
7F NEMN +19 Finding Medium
F5 NEMP(T) #findingsadder
11J EMEU +14 Tactics Large
I know I saw 9G U(N)MEET but I don't know why I didn't play it. #tacticssaddest
8B ROJ(I) +39 Time Large
I took too long on this play and all the plays after and got into time trouble. #timesaddest
7A FOY +24 Vision Large
L10 R(E)VIEW +32 Strategy Small
B13 DIV is probably better. #strategysad
15L (W)IDE +24 Vision Large
D1 HEDGE +30 Strategy Large
14K Y(E)DE #strategylarge
N3 TRUANT(E)R +68 Knowledge Large
10D BEG +26 Finding Large
10D KEB #findingsaddest
5D WOOD +23 Vision Large
O1 WOOERS #visionsaddest
12I (S)WOUNE +18 Tactics Medium
6B WOO #tacticsmedium
G7 SWOOPED +78 Knowledge Medium
J9 LO +19 Strategy Large
Josh: 12D LO will force him to fish again while I hold the blank. #strategysaddest
F10 D(A)P +25 Finding Small
Josh: F9 SP(A)R #findingsad
8D RAHUE +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
9I EAU +11 Strategy Medium
9G AUE doesn't set up the hotspot. #strategysadder
11J POX +32 Finding Large
B2 MUCRO +28 Vision Large
C1 DEKE +50 Finding Large
7F FIG +11 Endgame Small
7F GID is 2 points better. #endgamesad
K5 SA(G)INESS +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
H12 (P)IUM +24 Strategy Small
11E UME bings the most. #strategysad
B9 VOX +34 Endgame Medium
3M F(EW) #endgamesadder
8D GEOID +18 Knowledge Medium
Word Cup 2022, Round 22. 8D GOODIE #knowledgesadder
10H BOON +20 Finding Medium
K8 BOEP #findingsadder
3D R(E)SINERS +60 Finding Large
14B TR(E)M +18 Finding Small
O9 TEG(U)MEN +30 Finding Medium
13K GENET #findingsadder
C4 WICK +29 Vision Medium
F9 (R)YAL +30 Finding Medium
5J ONY #findingsadder
B6 ZO +35 Strategy Large
I don't bingo as much as I thought after B6 ZO, so N10 ZOIsT is better. #strategysaddest
A13 JET +42 Endgame Large
4F WA(D) +17 Tactics Medium
L1 WA(D)I #tacticssadder
3E aQUAFIT +89 Tactics Small
3E AQUaFIT doesn't put the A in the triple lane. If I lose by less than 4 after he makes an H1 play, I'm going to be a bit upset. #tacticssmall
14H BEPOU(R)ED +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
Man, I coulda sworn I seen this somewhere. #KNOWLEDGESADDEST
14G BEEP +32 Finding Large
14J PUE(R)ED. The tilt has probably taken effect. #FINDINGSADDEST
C9 COGUE +30 Vision Large
C2 ELICIT +22 Knowledge Large
O6 sIGH +33 Vision Large
K5 BRaSSET +103 Finding Small
K5 BiTSERS doesn't take an S. #findingsmall
N2 PENTEL +30 Finding Small
N2 PELLET. wtf. #findingsmall
J10 FELL +30 Finding Medium
3I FLEDG(E) #findingsadder
1F TE(R)TIUM +12 Strategy Medium
Too defensive or nah? I wanted to block 1A bings and 12E MUTUE(L) creates an S hook (he might not know RIPERS). I await your hatemail. 12E MUTUE(L) and 12M UTU are probably okay? #strategymedium
5D QUEE(R) +28 Tactics Large
12C LIEGE. I failed to remember that a leave of QU is not terrible. #tacticssaddest
15E HATES +43 Strategy Medium
I'm not sure what is correct here, but I liked that this took out (mostly) both triples. #strategymedium
A12 (V)INY +30 Endgame Large
6C SIGN #endgamesaddest
9M GAS +15 Time Large
6E GAS #timesaddest
D3 WOF +26 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for the challenge
1A WA(D)E +27 Strategy Medium
Just play 2A WA(Z) you coward. #strategysadder
K2 B(O)LO +12 Strategy Small
B3 BAL #strategysad
11I (G)UL +8 Strategy Small
11I (G)NU I guess. #strategysad
I13 QIS +31 Vision Large
12H QI #visionsaddest
15K (C)OALY +33 Finding Large
15K (C)OYAU #findingsaddest
F12 OU(P)A +6 Endgame Large
15F AUA #endgamesaddest
H1 LOBE(S) +24 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for challenge.
O1 TYED +48 Knowledge Small
O1 TYNDE #knowledgesad
13L HAFT +31 Endgame Small
13K sHAFT #endgamesad
13A PeR(EON) +18 Time Large
I6 HI(P) +21 Strategy Medium
I6 GI(P) #strategysadder
4K AW +15 Finding Large
3K GER +20 Tactics Medium
3I TIGER #tacticssadder
O5 RONZ +44 Finding Small
O5 ROZIT #findingsad
M6 UNWIVE +18 Tactics Medium
J4 W(R)EN #tacticssadder
8A DE(E)K +53 Strategy Medium
15D LAKED kills the triple and draws more tiles for the blank? #strategysadder
15E ULAN +21 Endgame Medium
15D UNLiT is 3 points better #endgamesadder
exch OQ +0 Strategy Small
Exch. IOQ is probably slightly better because I need a hook for UMU or AME. #strategysmall
11B YITE +24 Vision Large
11E AYE. Forgot to think of AMENE. #VISIONSADDEST
J8 VAQUE(R)O +41 Vision Large
A4 ONDATR(A) +27 Finding Large
B4 MUON +21 Vision Medium
10B JO(R) +26 Strategy Unspecified
4A ROJI. I was too scared. #strategysmallest
3G W(A)I +24 Vision Large
9I DRAPY +41 Knowledge Large
She challenged DIMP instead of DRAPY*. #KNOWLEDGESADDEST
B9 FLUNK +22 Strategy Small
I forgot he probably has an S, but this is still okay somehow. 3C T(R)UNK is slightly better. #strategysad
6M CAN +27 Knowledge Large
4J TIE +14 Endgame Large
G13 EE first is 6 points better. #endgamesaddest
6E dRANT(I)NG +60 Finding Small
10G TRA(Y)NiNG #findingsad
L8 SENVY +35 Finding Large
2K V(E)NEY #findingsaddest
14A CID +25 Finding Small
8A DICO(T) #findingsad
11E UDON +17 Finding Large
4J (HA)VING +30 Tactics Small
L4 GOV #tacticssmall
N7 FEAZE +44 Strategy Large
14H FOE is the fearless, creative, sim winning move that I never would have thought of here. #strategysaddest
2I OR(C) +15 Vision Small
14M OR(T) #visionsad
7F QAT +21 Strategy Small
7H TAO #strategysad
D12 OUP(H) +18 Time Large
At this point I had almost no time #timesaddest
4D (T)I +5 Strategy Large
I thought I need to make some desperate fish here but my best shot is to just try and outrun with plays making BIRLS. I really just needed more time to figure it out. #timesaddest #strategysaddest
4D (T)I +5 Time Large
I thought I need to make some desperate fish here but my best shot is to just try and outrun with plays making BIRLS. I really just needed more time to figure it out. #timesaddest #strategysaddest
3B YO(U) +31 Strategy Small
4G C(A)JOLE #strategysad
C13 JEE +38 Strategy Small
13C J(A)CAL #strategysad
12B VA(G) +18 Strategy Small
7C VA(I)L #strategysad
N8 M(A)HMaL(S) +26 Endgame Small
15G Us #endgamesad
L4 J(O) +18 Strategy Small
4L JET #strategysad
8H TUlADIS +68 Finding Small
2025 Crescent City Cup, Round 13. 8F UnSTAID #findingsad
15L WI(S)H +42 Knowledge Large
15J UNWI(S)H #knowledgesaddest
H1 ZO(O)NAL +48 Strategy Small
2B ZOON #strategysad
H8 (TO)PIK +16 Knowledge Large
A12 KI #endgamesad also, this isn't a word. #KNOWLEDGESADDEST
H8 (TO)PIK +16 Endgame Small
A12 KI #endgamesad also, this isn't a word. #KNOWLEDGESADDEST
D8 (H)URTLE +18 Tactics Small
5H ULE #tacticssad
2A (E)M +14 Time Small
9C M(U) #timesad
7N B(E) +8 Endgame Small
4C R(APE) #endgamesad
I7 (YE)A +7 Time Large
D3 (JA)R #timesaddest
9C O(U) +6 Time Small
C10 (O)U #timesad
4C R(APE) +6 Time Small
D3 (JA)R #timesad
B2 DOOLEE +26 Vision Small
7B A(CH)OO #visionsad
L6 wARRAND +74 Knowledge Small
L6 DARRAyN #knowledgesad
J6 PA(L) +24 Knowledge Large
11E TE(R)RANES +82 Strategy Medium
11D TER(R)ANES #strategysadder
13B TUMOR +21 Strategy Small
I was focused to much on blocking after his fish.12I TUMOR is fine. #strategysad
B10 BL(IT)E +26 Vision Small
1K KEB. I missed the BOVINE hook. #visionsad
D1 WEKA +34 Finding Medium
15A ASKEW #findingsadder
8G COG +12 Knowledge Medium
Autumnal Rumble 2023, Round 10. 8D COGGIE and 8D COGIE #knowledgesadder #knowledgesadder
8G COG +12 Knowledge Medium
Autumnal Rumble 2023, Round 10. 8D COGGIE and 8D COGIE #knowledgesadder #knowledgesadder
11G ZEE +32 Strategy Small
7F EE #strategysad
exch EEIO +0 Tactics Small
Exch. AEEIO #tacticssmall
B7 M(I)DRIB +24 Vision Small
2D MIDR(I)B #visionsad
8H HM +14 Knowledge Medium
8D HAMING #knowledgemedium
D3 ZAX +51 Vision Large
8A SEAZ(E) #visionlarge
F2 PUH +20 Vision Medium
7I HUP #visionmedium
J1 QI(N) +14 Finding Large
I13 (I)O +2 Endgame Large
Chickened out of N4 LORIOTs. SAD. Not best though. The Duck says D14 TO wins the most. #endgameSADDEST
6E (D)OTTLIeR +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
7I JOY +40 Tactics Small
7I JOEY #tacticssmall
G5 EAR(T)H +27 Finding Large
D3 HEREO(F) #findingsaddest
M6 VISITEE +71 Vision Small
9E VISITEE #visionsad
15G CAGE +32 Tactics Small
15G AGEE #tacticssad
14A OY +40 Tactics Small
14A UG #tacticssad
4A FLUE(D) +26 Knowledge Small
I was only 95% sure of 2B GUF(F). #knowledgesad
I4 GOLE(M) +9 Tactics Medium
9H EEL. I misevaluated the leaves pretty badly #tacticsmedium
4D EE +9 Vision Medium
3J (FE)ESE looks better and I should have counted the points for 9H ESES #visionmedium #tacticssmall
4D EE +9 Tactics Small
3J (FE)ESE looks better and I should have counted the points for 9H ESES #visionmedium #tacticssmall
1K EA(S)ES +18 Finding Small
1K OA(S)ES #findingsmall
H10 (T)UNING +24 Knowledge Medium
H10 (T)ANGUN is better because it doesn't make the hotspot. I really hated giving all those floaters but I didn't see anything better. #knowledgemedium
8G BIZ +28 Knowledge Large
lmao 8D BAIZINg is a word? News to me! #KNOWLEDGESADDEST
F1 UPHELD +34 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesmall for the challenge.
D9 KH(U)D +24 Knowledge Small
D10 H(U)CK is a word. Not sure if I knew that. #knowledgesmall
exch CFLLMV +0 Tactics Small
I shouldn't probably keep something else too, like the C or M. #tacticssmall
N8 GOJI +31 Strategy Small
13A/B plays come out on top in a sim and according to CP, which is strange because I would think that I have to block the N column because bings there would probably give the least back. Suggestions welcome as always. #strategysmall I suppose.
O11 DRAMA +30 Endgame Small
13A RAMS , O11 SMART , and 10B DA(H) are all 1 points better. #endgamesmall
13B RANID +29 Knowledge Small
C9 (HO)D(M)AN #findingsadder and #knowledgesad for the challenge
13B RANID +29 Finding Medium
C9 (HO)D(M)AN #findingsadder and #knowledgesad for the challenge
10E (MO)Z +14 Strategy Small
10B GIZ(MO) #strategysmall
6I BL(O)C +10 Tactics Small
6J C(O)B #tacticssad
L1 YEAN +30 Strategy Large
L2 NOY #strategysaddest
2F FINO +34 Endgame Large
2C NIEF #endgamesaddest
J6 ZE(D)A +34 Tactics Small
L3 AVENU(E) #tacticssad
7L H(A)LF +15 Tactics Small
N13 PHT #tacticssad
12F WEX +43 Tactics Small
12F DEX #tacticssad
O5 WE(F)T +30 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for challenge
8A TACO +24 Vision Large
I saw the QIN spot but then forgot about it. #VISIONSADDEST
10B FIRIE +31 Finding Large
F6 STR(I)DENT +65 Knowledge Small
E6 STR(U)NTED #knowledgesad
J11 GOLE +15 Tactics Medium
G9 (L)IEGE #tacticssadder
2J HE(L)VE +38 Finding Small
2J VI(L)ER #findingsad
4G FOY +25 Endgame Large
M1 I(V)Y #endgamesaddest
I1 FEW +27 Tactics Small
4A WEFTE #tacticssad
9D I(L)IA +11 Vision Small
B10 LI(A)NA #visionsad
L8 VI(T)ULIN +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
11K XI +38 Strategy Large
I ran out of time, mistracked, and gave up and just scored, which wins 4/8 with no inference. M6 DIRL(S) wins 5/8 with no inference when he doesn't have a bingo on the O column (if I draw EIRS?) and O3 DIXI wins 5/8 with no inference when he doesn't have a bingo from the V (if I draw AERS?). The evaluation of this endgame with inference is left as an exercise to the reader. #TIMESADDEST #STRATEGYSADDEST
11K XI +38 Time Large
I ran out of time, mistracked, and gave up and just scored, which wins 4/8 with no inference. M6 DIRL(S) wins 5/8 with no inference when he doesn't have a bingo on the O column (if I draw EIRS?) and O3 DIXI wins 5/8 with no inference when he doesn't have a bingo from the V (if I draw AERS?). The evaluation of this endgame with inference is left as an exercise to the reader. #TIMESADDEST #STRATEGYSADDEST
4A D(A)LI +14 Time Large
4A L(A)RD #timesaddest
13F (E)L +9 Time Small
2A L(U)R. I made these last 3 plays with 0:01 on the clock without going overtime, which is notable but also #timesad
12J R(OE) +3 Time Small
M3 (O)R #timesad
5H H(A)TH +20 Tactics Small
5H L(A)THY #tacticssad
15E MoTEN +29 Endgame Large
L1 (UNDERLAY)MENT is notable. 15E LoTI #endgamesaddest
G8 FOR +22 Strategy Small
8G F(A)RRO #strategysad
H14 P(A) +4 Time Large
Ran out of time. #TIMESADDEST
N9 EH +17 Time Large
11D Y(ON) +6 Time Large
J13 U(ME) +5 Time Large
J5 Ea(R) +15 Time Large
12B EWE +36 Knowledge Medium
M9 WH(I)TE +30 Finding Medium
H1 TURB(O) #findingsadder
2D (E)RR +17 Vision Large
K7 (G)RR #visionsaddest
14H ZOEAE +35 Strategy Medium
14H ADOZE #strategysadder
8A T(O) +6 Time Large
H1 WAU(L) +21 Tactics Small
3I OUTWAR #tacticssad
2B RANARI(A) +18 Vision Small
4F (GOLF)IANA #visionsad
A3 (G)ALUTH +33 Endgame Large
N5 nAH #endgamesaddest
6H UM +16 Finding Medium
6F GEUM #findingsadder
O8 FIZES +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
12E HAZE +39 Finding Small
C9 HE(E)ZIE #findingsad
M8 OX +40 Strategy Large
B4 MOXIE #strategysaddest
4A P(R)EM +22 Endgame Large
C3 MEIN #endgamesaddest
E5 (C)RINE +9 Endgame Large
K9 R(I)N #endgamesaddest
1G HAZIE(R) +54 Strategy Small
5H HAZE #strategysad
8C FE +14 Finding Large
11D (I)NCEDE +18 Knowledge Large
7F BALM +31 Knowledge Small
7C BLAMER #knowledgesad
M1 CRUD +18 Finding Large
K11 UNCUT #findingsaddest
14F BR(ON)ZE +43 Strategy Medium
10B KEFIR #strategysadder
5B LOCKS +44 Endgame Medium
This gives back a cool 10. #endgamesadder Sokol: this is my analysis of what should happen after (F)UN for 6. tl;dr the play, all things considered, probably wins 50/50, due to inference. My calculations come to a cynical result of 216/360, inferring that Josh will always block correctly when I can only hit one area. Optimism gives me closer to 2/3 when he blocks the wrong spot. CE loses CO wins 16/360 GE dead with O in bag, K in bag, 1/2 C in bag, L in bag, S in bag, probably dead with E in bag, so 5/16*2/45 so 5/360 GO dead with E in bag, L in bag and K in bag, 8/360 EE loses KO loses KE loses KG loses with E in bag, O in bag, 4/360 KL wins 8/360 KS wins 16/360 CG wins 8/360 CL wins 8/360 CS wins 16/360 GS wins 16/360 LS wins 16/360 ES wins 32/360 OS wins 32/360 EO loses OO loses SS wins 8/360 EL wins 16/360 LO wins 16/360 GL wins 6/360 CK probably loses
8G HIP +16 Finding Small
8G PHT #findingsad
L1 KA(Z)I +44 Strategy Small
N1 QIS #strategysad
1D (C)UVEE +30 Endgame Small
1D (C)AVIE #endgamesad
1A EDH +38 Finding Small
11I DJEMB(E) #findingsad
12C I(BE)RIS +17 Finding Small
F12 SIRI #findingsad
4H WEN +23 Strategy Small
J2 W(A)ND #strategysad
2J DA(U)NER +36 Strategy Large
Maybe 5G GED is a better shot. Not sure. #strategysaddest
8A FAS(H) +30 Time Large
Apparently G7 G(I)FS ties, but we had the score wrong. I had no time. #TIMESADDEST
B1 OAF +32 Tactics Medium
A1 FAVOSE #tacticssadder
I2 TEX +37 Strategy Medium
I1 GETA #strategysadder
L8 PI(D)GIN +26 Strategy Large
I was too focused on trying to block the O column and made a bad play. 11H PAIN is fine. #strategysaddest
13K A(N)AL +8 Strategy Large
I was low on time and I thought I had to block J14 ZESTS when really I just need to block bingos. #STRATEGYSADDEST
10D FAVE +28 Tactics Small
10D FAVER #tacticssad
5I E(N)OW +21 Knowledge Small
5G POW(N)IE #knowledgesad
13I PETIT +34 Strategy Small
13I PETTI #strategysad
L7 GUE +13 Finding Small
L7 LOUE(D) #findingsad
6A (A)X +50 Finding Large
C3 ICEB(O)X #findingsaddest
D1 BIOG +31 Endgame Small
D4 GUA(N)O #endgamesad
K3 BUDO +23 Tactics Small
K5 DOF #tacticssad
15K (L)AXED +42 Strategy Large
J14 FA sets up 15H OX(AL)ATED. #strategysaddest
1L (V)AWS +30 Knowledge Large
1C SWAGG(i)ES. I have absolutely no memory of this word. #KNOWLEDGESADDEST
8A GIR(R) +15 Finding Medium
E3 G(O)IER #findingsadder
F11 CADI +19 Time Large
E3 C(O)DAs #timesaddest
15F sAT +19 Time Large
L11 TAi #timesaddest
J2 QA(ID) +34 Vision Small
9D CI(N)Q #visionsad
5C JEFE +32 Time Large
A8 OUR +13 Time Large
O8 ABID(E) +24 Endgame Small
6B BA #endgamesad
D4 E(EN) +14 Time Large
10F (N)E #timesaddest
7G OYE +26 Strategy Large
F6 YO(G)EE prevents the start from being just a box which is bad for bingos. #strategysaddest
C1 PROF +29 Finding Large
2B PR(E)IF #findingsaddest
10J VA(S)AL +18 Strategy Large
M10 HALVA #strategysaddest
9D THON +18 Strategy Large
9B THORON #strategysaddest
12D ERR +13 Strategy Large
12C RERENT #strategysaddest
4H GE(L) +17 Endgame Large
F11 G(R)UED #endgamesaddest
D8 F(L)EXO +38 Finding Large
8K ERUCT +26 Vision Small
5I COUTER #visionsad
D2 DIYA +19 Endgame Large
13B TAD #endgamesaddest
O7 SCRAW +52 Strategy Small
O7 SCAW #strategysad
13H PENNIES +77 Vision Large
L4 KAL(I) +16 Endgame Large
3L DR(UG) #endgamesaddest
1H LOXE(D) +39 Finding Large
M8 OXaZOLE. I played too fast. #FINDINGSADDEST
2F ZOO +34 Strategy Small
3C TOZE #strategysad
11H MELT +16 Endgame Small
11I GET #endgamesad
13F SAG +25 Time Large
F7 GAU +14 Strategy Large
F6 GOAL sims best. The defense is too powerful. #strategylarge
H12 D(E)ED +24 Strategy Large
10D (FA)NDED. Playing too scared. #strategylarge
14L Q(U)OD +28 Vision Large
5A InCITES +70 Strategy Large
12G I(D) is best. Apparently I can always bingo out. #strategylarge
G6 UV(E)A +12 Strategy Large
I overthought this turn way too much and got scared of the hotspot for some reason. Either 9C VA(T)U or 12A VIRUS are fine here. #strategylarge
15K INIAS +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
#KNOWLEDGESADDEST. J11 (R)E(SH) is best, blocking J10 C(R)A(SH).
15L NIES +26 Endgame Large
3K INIA #endgamesaddest
G6 WIZ +33 Tactics Medium
I8 NOWL is probably best. #tacticssadder
J2 YONT +34 Knowledge Large
1F CLA(P) +24 Finding Large
11C CROUTER +72 Knowledge Large
D8 JEE(R)E(R) +42 Endgame Large
E7 (F)OG(O)U +18 Finding Small
10L DUG #findingsad
4H (P)ODIA +22 Vision Medium
Wolfram remarked that he should have just kept the T after losing the challenge (or something to that affect) which is why I favored this over N1 AROID, but A10 (A)DAGIO is probably just better. #visionsadder
exch GGIUVV +0 Vision Large
10J VIG #visionsaddest
B9 Q(U)ARTO +30 Strategy Large
With all other power tiles gone except the Z, I was thinking that drawing it would be crucial, which is why I favored B9 Q(U)ARTO over J6 Q(i). However, 3I YO is probably just better, saving B9 Q(U)ATRE and J6 Q(i) for next turn. Honestly, I'm not sure what is really best here. #strategylarge
3I YET +30 Finding Large
3I BIG. YIKES. #findingsaddest
F4 COAL(I)ESt +72 Strategy Medium
Playing too scared. 14A COlESLA(W) is fine. #strategymedium
O9 EMBAS(S)Y +45 Knowledge Small
O11 ABY(S)M #findingsaddest #knowledgesad for challenge.
O9 EMBAS(S)Y +45 Finding Large
O11 ABY(S)M #findingsaddest #knowledgesad for challenge.
15L IN +23 Finding Small
J8 SINE(W) #findingsad
N2 P(E)G +16 Knowledge Small
J3 G(UM)P #knowledgesad
3I B(A)ULK +28 Knowledge Large
A6 OOT +21 Knowledge Medium
Chickened out of E1 O(N)TO because I was only 95% sure of CHAPT and if it's not good I lose. #knowledgesadder
E4 VE(E)P +18 Vision Small
13A (E)EVN #visionsad
C1 (G)AUD +12 Endgame Large
14G BUDO #endgamesaddest. C1 (G)AUD blocks 2B JIB and 4B AJI(V)A but it doesn't score enough and doesn't leave an outplay.
K3 BOA +20 Vision Large
14C OBEY +41 Finding Large
J9 (H)UI +8 Tactics Large
K5 RUINS #tacticssaddest
13B OGHAM +26 Vision Small
7M HOM #visionsad
4G EXOD(I)ST +46 Knowledge Large
14J QUaRE +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
B10 QUO(O)kE +68 Vision Large
M1 VOTE +23 Knowledge Large
#KNOWLEDGESADDEST for no challenge. M2 OATY #findingsadder
M1 VOTE +23 Finding Medium
#KNOWLEDGESADDEST for no challenge. M2 OATY #findingsadder
7C YAD +16 Knowledge Large
C3 ONLA(Y) +21 Strategy Small
9B LO(F)T is nice here. Jason probably didn't have an A last turn and only has two chances to draw one, leaving the ALOFT hook for me. #strategysmall
E2 P(R)OM +16 Time Large
I had burnt up all my time by this point. 2A PO is best. #timesaddest
F3 (T)ROW +21 Finding Medium
9G (ADO)WN #findingsadder
K1 T(E)NT +10 Finding Small
G1 NT(H), probably #findingsad
exch MUU +0 Finding Large
8L (G)EUM #findingsaddest
8L (G)EEZ +45 Endgame Large
10B E(R) is best, blocking the only spot for the J. #endgamesaddest
N8 (E)LD +14 Vision Small
1A (AW)DL #visionsad
I3 LEFTISH +81 Vision Small
9C LEFTISH #visionsmall
9D GOBI +20 Tactics Small
5I (F)RO is even in equity but probably better for not opening like that. #tacticssmall
11A LOWER +22 Finding Large
11D DREW #findinglarge
O8 SAlADIN(G) +83 Knowledge Large
1H (J)AmDANIS #knowledgelarge
13A F(O)OTMAN +26 Endgame Medium
D7 M(AG)N(E)TO is 15 points better. #endgamemedium
O5 V(E)LUM +30 Finding Large
O5 V(E)HM #findingsaddest
B1 JEWIE +38 Tactics Small
B1 JEWIES #tacticssad
M9 (DO)T +4 Finding Large
6F KAMA +43 Finding Small
9I APEEK or 9I APEAK. #findingsad
exch CGQUW +0 Strategy Large
Sim wants me to keep QTU. I guess I can hit M9 QUE(S)T and F10 QU(EN)A? I'm not totally sure. #strategylarge
14H EASTERN +72 Vision Medium
M4 I(N)TI +5 Strategy Small
I couldn't bring myself to play 4L TITI but it might be correct. I'm not sure. #strategysad
O4 (D)EBEL +24 Finding Small
O4 (D)EBTEE #findingsad
15L WEEN +46 Strategy Large
Sim says 15L WEET bingos about twice as much, but I'm not really sure why. #strategylarge
F4 AW(K) +10 Strategy Large
This is going for a draw of B, C, H, or L to threaten 3E bingos while keeping row 10 open. However, M9 WAI(S) sims best, probably because it keeps 3C bingos available, which might be more likely. #strategylarge
G2 SEMILOG +74 Knowledge Large
Chickened out of 15H (E)GLOMISE #knowledgelarge
I8 KING +31 Vision Large
F11 SLOG +25 Knowledge Large
J9 GOSLETS #KNOWLEDGESADDEST #knowledgesad for challenge.
F11 SLOG +25 Knowledge Small
J9 GOSLETS #KNOWLEDGESADDEST #knowledgesad for challenge.
3G B(O)W +31 Vision Large
6F C(U)RB #visionsaddest
4A QA(T) +22 Vision Large
D4 SPICA +50 Endgame Small
6F C(U)R is 2 points better. #endgamesad
8G YU +10 Strategy Large
Potomac Round 4. Too much equity lost. 8H UNLAY is best. #strategysaddest
G2 AIDOI +18 Knowledge Small
13H AIDE #visionsadder. #knowledgesad for challenge.
G2 AIDOI +18 Vision Medium
13H AIDE #visionsadder. #knowledgesad for challenge.
11C Q(I)N +24 Finding Large
5I TRUdGER +73 Finding Large
1K BORAX +50 Tactics Small
A7 HOX #tacticssad
D7 O(P)HELIAS +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
9C HI +13 Strategy Large
L3 HIE probably, I dunno. #strategysaddest
J3 JOW +34 Strategy Small
12D WOO saves J3 J plays, I think. #strategysad
A11 OX +36 Vision Large
A14 KA +27 Strategy Large
H1 TANKAS is probably fine here, but I was scared of bings and I was fairly sure the H1 spot was going to be available in future turns. #strategysaddest
H1 PANTOS +40 Strategy Large
Big mistake. I was low on time and did not see that 2B BRAINI(A)C was available in the pool. The best play is L10 (GO)AT by about 30 equity points (I have no idea why Championship Player says it's that much better). 11K (HOO)N is second best making a strong S setup. Other winning plays are stuff like N11 POTT. #strategysaddest
11I ADZE +31 Strategy Medium
6E (CHAW)ED #strategysadder
15H (D)OTTRELS +80 Finding Large
N2 NEMPT +40 Vision Large
O1 (JA)NE +21 Endgame Large
K11 (Z)IBE(T) #endgamesaddest
6G BEDU +25 Finding Medium
6G BEDUIN #findingmedium
15A YIN(S) +21 Vision Medium
14B NI(R)LY #visionmedium
E5 INI(A) +8 Finding Small
C11 LIN(EN) #findingsmall
10J HILD +30 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesmall for the previous challenge
5J MOB +18 Strategy Medium
The Duck is saying that I need to keep either the M or B to increase my bing % with something like 10F OM or 10F OB, which seems right looking back at it. NOSE is probably slightly too vowel heavy. #strategymedium
8H wHARFED +84 Strategy Small
8C wHARFED #strategysmall
J12 JA(Y) +24 Vision Large
15K (D)ATTO #visionsaddest
I13 KET +31 Vision Large
D4 PUHA +27 Finding Large
A13 T(I)X +30 Knowledge Large
A9 DISTR(I)X #knowledgesaddest
N9 CODRIV(E) +30 Knowledge Large
J1 CORVIDS. I saw this but didn't think it was a word. #KNOWLEDGESADDEST
1H FR(E)TS +27 Strategy Large
I probably have to play 11I KN(A)R, hoping he plays on row 1 allowing me to bing on row 3. #strategysaddest
6E AGO +23 Vision Small
9G GOA #visionsad
B10 DE +25 Strategy Large
K7 U(N)DUE. I got very scared of the B10 spot. #strategysaddest
L11 HAIRY +39 Tactics Small
L12 HIYA #tacticssad
O12 WI(S)T +33 Strategy Large
15D TWICE #strategysaddest
4L POI +21 Strategy Medium
4L POIS is apparently a bit better. 4L POI seems reckless but I wasn't sure what else to do. #strategysadder
2A MISEAT +34 Endgame Medium
14A (PO)STIE #endgamesadder
L2 cH(I)LLEST +61 Strategy Large
2G H(E)LL #strategysaddest
15I MAQUI +32 Strategy Small
13G M(A)Y still mostly blocks row 15 for bingos. #strategysad
8L (S)WEY +30 Finding Large
8G JOW +26 Tactics Unspecified
Champions Cup 2023, Round 7. 8F DOWF #tacticsasdder
7H FAND +25 Tactics Small
7H FAD #tacticssad
3F GIBUS +13 Strategy Large
14D GIB. I did not want to give him another chance to fish, but leaving 1 in the bag is fine. #strategysaddest
H3 EEE(W) +15 Tactics Large
H1 TOEA #tacticssaddest
9F YOU(R) +20 Tactics Unspecified
J1 OY #tacticsadder
5K O(B)A +16 Vision Medium
K4 OA(R) #visionsadder
J9 NOT +13 Vision Medium
7I (I)NT(R)AN(T) #visionsadder
L11 MIM(I)C +28 Strategy Small
A1 MIME(D) #strategysad
C13 VIE +28 Endgame Large
15L (C)OIL #endgamesaddest
F2 LOA(N)s +19 Endgame Large
I12 AL(A) #endgamesaddest
L1 IROKO +31 Strategy Medium
L2 KORO is more defensive. #strategysadder
M10 GESTIC +30 Strategy Large
This is too aggressive. 6B CIGS is better. #strategysaddest
11C VENDACE +85 Knowledge Small
I wasn't 100% on 11D ENCAVED. #knowledgesad
15E SyNARCh(Y) +83 Finding Large
13A BUG(S) +14 Knowledge Large
13A BUG(S) +14 Endgame Large
I6 LIT +18 Strategy Large
I7 IT is waaay better. #strategysaddest
5I AJI +24 Strategy Small
O11 (R)AJAS #strategysmall
E11 Y(A)Y +18 Strategy Large
At least put another S on that. 14F GY(N)NY looks fine. #STRATEGYSADDEST
8K W(E)NGE +27 Strategy Large
Play without fear. 9M WO is best. #strategysaddest
15H (K)UIA +8 Strategy Large
I need to score, this isn't good enough. O11 (R)ADII. #strategysaddest
14J BAITED +42 Time Large
I saw O2 BEAUTI(E)D after the game. #TIMESADDEST
7H FAND +22 Strategy Small
9K FAWN #strategysad
7C WHEN +18 Finding Large
3D HURL +25 Finding Large
I saw N6 HOT but didn't think of N6 HOTEL. #findingsaddest
N1 INS +33 Strategy Medium
I did not see the cool N1 AN setup. #strategysadder
O8 (C)OWPEA +14 Time Large
I panicked and tried to block, but I just need to outrun with N5 OW. #timesaddest
B12 UND(O) +14 Time Large
H4 DUN #timesaddest
E5 VEGO +20 Vision Large
M2 NI(S)I +8 Strategy Medium
B14 I(O) hits a surprising amount of bingos. #strategymedium
10J BARDY +36 Finding Small
13C P(A)RBA(K)ED #findingsad
B4 JEHAd +29 Finding Medium
B2 HEJIrA #findingsadder
H4 BUNC(E) +12 Vision Large
7F PUB #visionsaddest
E7 F(R)OTHED +28 Tactics Small
K9 FOH #tacticssad
13C F(AD)ED +24 Finding Medium
5E MED(U)S(A)N #findingsadder
8A LO +13 Knowledge Large
5E TOR(U)L(A)E #findingsaddest #KNOWLEDGESADDEST
8A LO +13 Finding Large
5E TOR(U)L(A)E #findingsaddest #KNOWLEDGESADDEST
M6 RYE +17 Strategy Large
M5 TRAYNE digs for the blank #strategysaddest
O7 ZATI +56 Time Large
2K (B)ANE is best because it forces him to get stuck with the Q. His best play after that is 1M oWT. Unfortunately, I had no time. #timesaddest
8A CHOU(T) +38 Finding Large
4H MICE(L)LED +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
H7 D(I)TZ +14 Tactics Large
5J (V)AU +12 Strategy Small
K9 ECU I guess. I dunno what's best here. #strategysad
N1 CAFS +24 Strategy Large
12I SCAND sims best with his rack. #strategysaddest
1K GLA(C)E +27 Finding Large
14J HEWED +53 Strategy Medium
This gives too much back. H12 H(O)WE is fine. #strategysadder
4I WANIG(A)N +29 Vision Large
11H VOE +21 Finding Large
14B UNDY +29 Strategy Medium
14A TUNY. I have no time at this point. #strategysadder
11A STRAIT +23 Endgame Large
12L (IT)A is best. #endgamesaddest
D10 UNIPED +26 Finding Small
D10 UNPAID #findingsad
H10 GUV +24 Finding Medium
H12 HUG(Y) #findingsadder
14I (I)NJURE +30 Endgame Small
B1 JURE #endgamesad
7G I(T)A +5 Tactics Large
This leave is too vowel heavy, apparently. 9A AIA is fine. #tacticssaddest
10I DUI +9 Strategy Large
C8 (D)U(P) is best. I failed to recognize that after C8 (D)U(P) the B is rarely blocked. #strategysaddest
L1 JELL +40 Finding Large
8J J(I)LLET #findingsaddest
5I RO(R)Y +22 Vision Large
6A TRICEPS +71 Endgame Large
13M T(OM) is best, lmao. #endgamesaddest
5C JUL(I)ETTE +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
H1 DOME(T)T +30 Strategy Small
4H ENTOMB is more defensive. #strategysad
O6 A(P)OGEAN +33 Vision Large
E5 JIL(T) +22 Strategy Medium
7F JA bings way more. #strategysadder
H6 MO(t)ORIC +13 Strategy Large
F2 MICO is best. I was playing too scared. #strategysaddest
11J MEW +28 Tactics Large
11J EEW #tacticssaddest
14H DOZY +40 Strategy Large
M12 YGO is a sick setup. Too bad I didn't see it. #STRATEGYSADDEST
4A T(R)IO +10 Endgame Small
3E TO #endgamesad
F6 JE(T)ON +30 Strategy Small
I undervalued how defensive F6 JO(T) is. #strategysad
C9 F(I)LLO +24 Knowledge Large
L1 RECULE +24 Knowledge Large
4A MUNT +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
This was expurgated. #KNOWLEDGESADDEST
13K IWI +25 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for challenge.
E2 PAENUL(A) +18 Strategy Large
This is too panicky. 10D (N)APA is fine. #strategylarge
A1 GAITER +39 Finding Medium
A1 TAIGA #findingsadder
N2 VOW +25 Strategy Large
Too panicky again. L2 VAW is fine. #strategysaddest
J7 J(A)UK +25 Vision Large
O8 (T)IDESMEN +86 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for challenge
15L AE +15 Knowledge Small
K4 ILEA(l) #strategysmall. #knowledgesad for challenge.
15L AE +15 Strategy Small
K4 ILEA(l) #strategysmall. #knowledgesad for challenge.
K5 LEA(l) +15 Strategy Medium
13B LIER is probably fine. #strategymedium
L1 ELIXIR +32 Strategy Medium
4G ELIXIR is probably better, not sure though. #strategymedium
C4 TORChIN(G) +64 Endgame Large
10J (K)OR is apparently best. #endgamesaddest
9C TASTERS +70 Vision Small
6F ASTERTS #visionsad
1F DAU(R) +15 Finding Large
L9 M(A)NIC +18 Strategy Large
4H (QI)N bings a fuckton more than you would think. #strategysaddest
10B BOW +21 Knowledge Large
13J UN(C)OWL #knowledgesaddest
N6 JEU +31 Vision Small
6I (G)JU #visionsad
N12 N(Y)M +16 Vision Large
4K ALAE +12 Time Large
15A (Z)OAEA is probably fine. I had no time. #TIMESADDEST
2H R(A)P +23 Endgame Small
2G TR(A)P #endgamesad
K2 JeNNIES +84 Knowledge Medium
7I JaNNIES #knowledgesadder
6F EBIOn(I)TE +61 Knowledge Large
11D L(O)X +10 Knowledge Large
A7 AX. I was scared of bings that didn't exist. #knowledgesaddest
B9 RAT +13 Vision Large
L6 FAIRI(N)G +24 Strategy Small
L7 FIRI(N)G is a bit more defensive. #strategysad
7C (B)LIN +6 Strategy Large
Very panicky. I was low on time and did not realize that triple-triples were unlikely with this pool. D1 LATRINE is fine. On the other hand, Moiz was very low on time and making a drawn out endgame will be favorable. #strategysaddest
5F OF +13 Time Large
5F FOX looks a bit better #timesaddest
E5 APH(A)SIA +48 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for challenge.
12L F(O)HN +32 Vision Large
14K EN(U)F sets up another easy line. #visionsaddest
F2 BEVY +23 Knowledge Large
N2 BYLIVE #knowledgesaddest
M2 DUEL +20 Vision Large
D8 (F)U(R)LED #visionsaddest
8G NAW +12 Knowledge Large
Word Cup 2022, Round 28. 8D WANNA #knowledgesaddest
L8 G(R)EgALES +79 Finding Large
11G ALGESEs #findingsaddest
M12 DOD +20 Vision Large
M9 (E)LUTOR #visionsaddest
J4 THUR +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
A7 M(E) +4 Vision Large
BASED. But 6A MIS(O) is more based. #VISIONSADDEST
13C I(T) +4 Vision Large
9D (R)I(MY) #visionsaddest
12D (S)I +2 Vision Large
9D (R)I(MY) #visionsaddest
M5 (T)I +2 Vision Large
9D (R)I(MY) #visionsaddest
8D CENTU +20 Strategy Medium
Word Cup 2022, Round 29. 8G CUT bings way more and is more defensive. #strategysadder
C9 H(A)LER +33 Strategy Small
C9 H(A)LIER sims best, but I don't know why I would open the triple for the S and give up my I keeping LQ when the similar C9 H(A)LER is available. #strategysad
15J INYALA +45 Endgame Large
5K LUNA #endgamesaddest
11D FReEWAR(E) +81 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for challenge
O8 PATE +36 Finding Small
O7 PIETA #findingsad
10D (D)OG +20 Finding Large
7G AGOUTIS. This was probably my rack, lmao. #findingSADDEST
D1 VEAL +30 Vision Medium
B4 HAVE #visionmedium
B4 DAH +37 Finding Large
13B HA(N)DLIsT and 13A THI(N)cLAD. #findingSADDEST
14F FU(R)Y +31 Endgame Small
G13 FEU is 6 points better. #endgamesmall
4L IRED +42 Time Large
BANIS is not a word #timeSADDEST. Finished with 0:04 on my clock.
exch AIIOU +0 Tactics Small
Exch. AIOU #tacticssad
5B VARIA +25 Knowledge Small
5B VARROA #knowledgesad
O4 THE(S)E +27 Strategy Small
This is the right idea, but O7 (S)HENT is a better execution. #strategysad
1H TAJ +51 Strategy Small
2M JA is a few points better. #strategysad
12K SL(I)VE +28 Endgame Small
15A DENS #endgamesad
8H DROID +18 Finding Small
8G TOROID #findingsmall
K4 METR(I)C +20 Knowledge Small
Chickened out of H11 (O)RMER #knowledgesmall
5B MALT(S)TeR +73 Knowledge Large
Chickened out of N6 MARTLeT. #knowledgelarge
N6 WANG +32 Knowledge Small
N6 WAGGA #knowledgesmall
J13 EX +60 Endgame Small
J12 tUX is 3 points better. #endgamesmall
H1 UNIt(e) +21 Finding Large
H1 gUIN(e)A #findinglarge
1E (B)URKA +33 Knowledge Large
15H ADSUKI #knowledgelarge
H11 (N)OVEL +27 Tactics Small
H11 (N)IVAL #tacticssad
M10 (M)OOVE +20 Tactics Small
M8 EN(M)OVE is simming best. I guess ENS isn't as valuable on this board. #tacticssad
13F TI(V)Y +15 Vision Medium
15M DO(Y) +19 Endgame Large
12L C(O)D(A) is 12 points better. #ENDGAMESADDEST #TIMESADDEST
15M DO(Y) +19 Time Large
12L C(O)D(A) is 12 points better. #ENDGAMESADDEST #TIMESADDEST
15G (D)WEEB +33 Knowledge Medium
I chickened out of 14I WEBFED. #knowledgemedium
B10 PL(AS)H +32 Vision Medium
I didn't even bother to count up plays like 11K HOG. #visionmedium
15A OY +29 Vision Medium
15B YOGI and 5J GOOI(L)Y #visionmedium
3I MOI +19 Strategy Large
3H MOI is probably what I need to do. It makes blocking the horizontal bings much harder. #strategylarge
E5 DITTA +33 Knowledge Large
NOT A WORD #knowledgelarge
3I F(E)RIAE +26 Finding Large
G10 BOAT +25 Endgame Large
O10 ROTE. I have to block O4 LeGH(O)LD. #endgamesaddest
7C KOI +27 Finding Large
L3 FOB +30 Finding Large
L1 BUFO. I played too fast. #FINDINGSADDEST
O1 AD +40 Tactics Large
O1 AE. Still playing too fast. #tacticssaddest
O10 FOVEA(E) +16 Endgame Large
L12 OU +11 Vision Large
4F W(a)Z +24 Vision Large
14B COED +23 Time Large
Any play making EUCALYPTI is fine. #TIMESADDEST
H1 DARZI +82 Finding Large
O5 DELI +49 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesmall for the challenge.
M12 WIV(E) +25 Endgame Small
M12 WIP(E) is 2 points better. #endgamesmall
A8 RA(J)A +33 Tactics Small
11D AIA #tacticssad
J10 HAW +32 Finding Large
H1 WHIN(G)E #findingsaddest
K8 BOOH +36 Endgame Large
K10 OBO(E) #endgamesaddest
J6 WI(T)GAT +20 Vision Large
13G VEX +44 Finding Large
15D POOLS +48 Finding Large
15J AVENIR +35 Vision Large
D10 FEH +36 Endgame Large
5E ES +25 Vision Small
11J (T)EASE(L) #visionsad
L4 PEH +32 Finding Large
M3 BIN +26 Finding Large
15H OW +30 Endgame Large
H10 R(I)P is 8 points better. #endgamesaddest
H5 IMI(N)O +7 Tactics Small
13D SIMI #tacticssad
8A BRUI(T) +24 Vision Large
7B OBI(A) #visionsaddest
D10 WAFF +33 Vision Unspecified
I must've been tired or was playing too fast. O1 IF. #VISIONSADDESET
13C P(F)UI +18 Strategy Large
N6 PAUPER #strategysaddest
14H AIVER +19 Strategy Large
J1 AA #strategysaddest
I7 NIDI +19 Strategy Medium
I thought I7 NIDI would lower my opponent's bingo % enough to be worth it compared to 10J DIN, but it's not even close. #strategysadder
N6 RA(I)NE +23 Strategy Large
I gave into fear, tunneled on blocking, and did not see 1M RAX. #STRATEGYSADDEST
11D OVER(T) +16 Strategy Large
I was panicky and low on time. I wanted to block at least one of A8 of 15H bingo spots, but basically ran out of time after not finding anything and played this to maybe setup my X. 11E VEX(T) is the clear winner. #STRATEGYSADDEST
B11 C(H)oUX +32 Time Large
K7 TYG +16 Time Large
Lost 10 for time. #TIMESADDEST
J10 FELLO +33 Knowledge Large
L2 NOVAE +31 Knowledge Large
14B OVINE #strategysmall and #KNOWLEDGESADDEST for SAD FELLOS*
L2 NOVAE +31 Strategy Small
14B OVINE #strategysmall and #KNOWLEDGESADDEST for SAD FELLOS*
L10 GAUNT +22 Knowledge Large
The wheels are coming off and it's all down hill. L8 STUNG and 1C GUTTAS #visionsaddest #knowledgesaddest
L10 GAUNT +22 Vision Large
The wheels are coming off and it's all down hill. L8 STUNG and 1C GUTTAS #visionsaddest #knowledgesaddest
O1 US +19 Strategy Large
I gave into fear again. 3B CUTINS is fine. #strategysaddest
N10 CONFI(T) +34 Time Large
I had no time and was afraid that a bingo after 3A CONFITS would lose me the game. I figured it was unlikely that he could end a bingo with an A at 3A. I did not realize I was up by enough that only a 3x3 would lose me the game. #TIMESADDEST
8G DID +10 Strategy Small
8G TINDAL #strategysmall
H7 T(I)NT +4 Strategy Small
Exch. LNTT #strategysmall
6C PrOFUSE +75 Knowledge Medium
8A HAG +29 Knowledge Large
9D GUQI(N) +20 Knowledge Large
5I BHEL +22 Strategy Medium
J4 HERB. I autopiloted and played equity. #strategysadder
12I IDEM +16 Vision Medium
14A (N)IE #visionsadder
L3 W(AL)LER +10 Vision Medium
L3 W(AL)LER +10 Time Medium
N2 CR(Y)ER +24 Endgame Small
M7 R(O)C or M2 RE(V) is 1 point better. #endgamesad
J2 KUBIES +32 Tactics Large
I was blind to keeping a U and didn't see F7 B(U)IK. #tacticssaddest
1K (G)YNIE +44 Tactics Small
4H VI(BE)Y #tacticssmall
4H JI(BE)S +44 Finding Large
4J (BE)NJ #findingsaddest
15A VEN(D) +24 Finding Large
N1 (I)NFEFT #findingsaddest
14L EGO +18 Finding Large
Missing 14A (R)ONEOE(D) here is really sad. #findingsaddest
8E KAZI +34 Strategy Small
8H TAROK will sometimes let me get Z bombs. #strategysmall
H10 (R)EDUIT +27 Finding Medium
5F WASSAIL +75 Tactics Small
9I WASSAIL. I did not count it. #tacticssmall
L1 MOGU(L) +22 Strategy Large
I put down 6J MOONG and picked it up. Turns out it's better and I was too scared. #strategysaddest
F2 KNEE +22 Knowledge Large
15D KERO(S)ENE #knowledgeSADDEST
N6 FUGU +20 Vision Small
Missed all the 13K plays. #visionsad
6D (DI)DY +27 Vision Large
B9 OX #visionSADDEST
B8 LOX +59 Finding Medium
B9 OX is way better. I was on tilt after missing this the first time. #findingsadder
J8 FYKE +34 Tactics Small
J5 FLAKEY #tacticssmall
I11 HAJ +34 Tactics Medium
I11 TAJ #tacticssadder
11C WOMB +28 Vision Large
D10 G(O)V +14 Finding Large
N10 HUI +31 Vision Large
8D DORPInG +74 Knowledge Large
8D DORPInG +74 Finding Large
13D EE +18 Tactics Large
13D EASE #tacticssaddest
13G AIGLETS +76 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for the challenge
6L E(C)U +7 Vision Large
N8 (R)EMS +31 Endgame Small
2J MO(O)SE is 3 points better. #endgamesad
5J YEOW +31 Strategy Medium
I was too scared to play 5K YOWE. #strategysadder
6K TOO +14 Knowledge Large
12A TOOTED making PARVOLINE #knowledgesaddest
6B REG(R)ATED +64 Knowledge Small
Chickened out of 6B GAR(R)ETED. #knowledgesad
13H (E)VINCE +30 Finding Small
8A UNI(VOCAL) #findingsad
M7 QOR(M)A +27 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for the challenge.
8L G(O)BI +27 Strategy Large
N3 BAGUIO #strategysaddest
15E SAFE +29 Strategy Large
N6 FI(B). I played too fearfully yet again. #strategysaddest
O7 N(I)L +15 Vision Large
Totally missed E11 L(ARKS). #VISIONSADDEST
14I rOOTIES +69 Strategy Small
14I SOOTIEr seemed to make O12 plays easier but this is not what the sim is saying. #strategysmall
J14 (O)P +4 Tactics Small
H7 T(ID) #tacticssmall #timesmall
J14 (O)P +4 Time Small
H7 T(ID) #tacticssmall #timesmall
10F (C)H +7 Time Medium
H7 T(ID), again. #timesadder
4I TOXIC +31 Time Large
I had about 1.5 minutes and overtracked my last play of 6I (P)ENT, so I did not think there was an E in the bag. I was only 90% sure of H1 TOXICS and did not want to risk it when I had 4I TOXIC that I thought would win everytime since there are no bingos without the E unseen. Anything that blocks the bingos wins here, but this doesn't. #TIMESADDEST
2K LURGI +22 Time Large
6B MIsERE(R)E +67 Knowledge Large
9B EMERIEs #knowledgelarge
13K DACK +45 Tactics Small
10J KAT doesn't make the massive Z setup even easier to hit. #tacticssmall
9I INNIT +12 Finding Medium
10F INION #findingmedium
4B DUE +14 Tactics Small
4A DUET #tacticssmall
13D PEONY +27 Strategy Large
13G PYE is probably slightly better. I didn't play it because I wanted to more completely block row 14 bingos. I figured my opponent must be on really good stuff to only play 1 tile. The problem is that after 13D PEONY, I basically guarantee that I Q stick myself. I could not find anything better so I just ate the Q. #strategysaddest
F12 (LO)G +8 Endgame Large
5K A(T) is 13 points better. #endgamesaddest
C9 ZO +42 Strategy Medium
C9 ZIP is harder to overlap. #strategysadder
4K UNMEW +30 Tactics Small
2L WEM #tacticssad
3C RE(N)AILED +72 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for the challenge.
F2 H(A)E +29 Knowledge Large
7E (T)AUHOU is incredible here. #knowledgelarge
D7 A(B)OUND +22 Finding Small
9I YOU #findingsmall
9I YUNX +30 Strategy Medium
11B YU(N)X sets up the F. F. #strategymedium
1L GOJI +53 Finding Medium
15J JOWA(R)I #findingmedium
L12 L(I) +12 Time Small
J8 (GU)L #timesmall
K11 WOKE +30 Finding Medium
13G OUK #findingsadder
10I ENAMOUr +74 Finding Medium
10H NOtAEUM #findingsadder
O8 CU(r)ED +27 Vision Large
13B SU(BI)DEA #visionsaddest
N2 LAIRED +28 Time Large
N1 SIDERAL. I had no time and didn't think of the 4th anagram in ADEILRS. #TIMESADDEST
5G C(ANAL) +7 Time Large
M14 P(E) +4 Time Large
15A (GU)P #timesaddest
1G INCUDE +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
H1 UNBI(N)D +30 Vision Medium
B2 CUB(E)D #visionsadder
3E COB(B)Y +21 Finding Medium
H10 V(I)BEY #findingsadder
J13 C(H)E +12 Vision Large
7H AUF +17 Finding Small
6B FUGA(L) #findingsad
A1 FLI(P) +27 Strategy Medium
A1 CLI(P)T. I thought putting the F here instead of the C would be slightly better, but it's not even close. #strategysadder
C3 W(R)OTH +30 Strategy Medium
2F WOT sims best, blocking 1A bingos that score a bunch and leave no response. #strategysadder
3B KU(R)I +16 Knowledge Medium
3C K(R)UBI #knowledgemedium
12D B(U)M +26 Finding Medium
J12 MIB #findingmedium
15L (Y)OOP +27 Knowledge Small
N6 POTOO #knowledgesmall
12A BOOHAIS +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
N13 XI +31 Strategy Large
Apparently I'm supposed to play on row 4 according to a sim and CP. I guess he bingos there a lot and I have to block or it gives me a better chance to draw a blank. In hindsight I think I agree. This play is bad. #strategylarge
5A LINED +20 Knowledge Large
5C LARNED #knowledgelarge
11E HARiSSA +101 Knowledge Small
Hmm, okay, maybe I'll be alright. 11E ASHlARS doesn't make a hotspot. #knowledgesmall
K3 FOX +48 Vision Small
G9 FO(R)EX #visionsmall
15A PONTE +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
15A PONTE +0 (Lost challenge) Vision Large
14L AUK +23 Vision Large
N1 GAK #visionsaddest
O2 (T)ERMING +33 Endgame Small
H1 ENIGM(A) #endgamesad
C1 WAI(V)E +22 Vision Large
1E XU +21 Tactics Small
11H EXUL #tacticssad
6A B(O)RN +18 Knowledge Medium
12L THON +27 Knowledge Large
I8 (T)HANX +19 Strategy Small
E7 N(O)X sims slightly better #strategysad
G5 OE +16 Strategy Small
12H A(X)ITE #strategysad
B10 (D)E(V)O +14 Strategy Small
C1 CI(N)E #strategysad
E1 (DOY)EN +18 Strategy Small
B10 (DEVO)T #strategysad
C11 (P)OX +26 Vision Small
G8 (l)OX #visionsad
B1 DOATED +31 Endgame Small
B4 DAD #endgamesad
7I BEG +19 Strategy Small
10G BERG #strategysmall
8L (A)NCE +18 Strategy Medium
J6 N(E) is winning a sim. #strategysadder
O11 MODES +88 Finding Large
11G OOT +14 Vision Small
11D (PA)TOOT #visionsad
N5 AH +29 Time Large
6L (LA)H #timesaddest
5E MOT(I) +17 Endgame Large
K3 SOM #endgamesaddest
I4 YEXES +28 Strategy Large
I8 SYE #strategysaddest
6B MEATS +41 Tactics Small
J5 (S)IM #tacticssad
H1 FECA(L) +39 Knowledge Large
C10 OUPA +22 Tactics Medium
C11 UPO #tacticssadder
7M K(I) +11 Strategy Large
Fishing for the 1/10 to hit L1 NUBBERS and 14I SNUBBER but I dunno what's best. #strategysaddest
14I UNROBe +23 Finding Small
12J BOsUN #findingsad
L14 (O)B +23 Time Large
15F DA(G)GIEST +62 Finding Large
O1 ANtIRAP(E) +80 Finding Medium
exch BDGH +0 Strategy Small
Keep the H. #strategysad
12H WARST +40 Tactics Medium
11E S(E)W #tacticssadder
11B AXIS(E)D +49 Finding Large
M7 ZI(G) +23 Tactics Medium
H5 VIZ(Y) #tacticssadder
15H (F)IcTIOUS +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
15C (D)UI +5 Strategy Small
5K O(B)I(A) #strategysad
6J BLIT +25 Tactics Medium
6J BRITT #tacticssadder
5B REMINd(E)R +76 Finding Small
5B tERMIN(E)R #findingsad
9I LIKED +20 Strategy Large
Failed attempt at a block giving him L8 O(E)STRONE in response. #STRATEGYSADDEST
4A GAPO +32 Vision Small
Not sure why I didn't pay 11K GAPO. #visionsad
N2 QI(S) +24 Endgame Small
N1 QIN(S) #endgamesad
6B ME +26 Time Large
8D TOWIE +18 Knowledge Medium
2024 Crescent City Cup, Round 16. Chickened out of 8D WETTIE. #knowledgesadder
5G PO(L)JE +28 Knowledge Small
4H P(I)VOT #tacticssad #knowledgesad for challenge
5G PO(L)JE +28 Tactics Small
4H P(I)VOT #tacticssad #knowledgesad for challenge
12C NURL +25 Tactics Small
12C LUR #tacticssad. I'm sure this challenge will be of no consequence.
11J ZI(T)I +26 Finding Medium
C11 I(N)ION #findingsadder
2F Qu(AG) +33 Finding Large
10C (R)E(V)ERT #findingsaddest #timesaddest
2F Qu(AG) +33 Time Large
10C (R)E(V)ERT #findingsaddest #timesaddest
K5 (E)HE(D) +22 Time Small
13A HE(T) #timesad
N13 ADZ +45 Finding Large
E1 (I)DEALiZE or 5E DEL(E)A(V)E or I7 E(M)bLAZED. #findingsaddest #findingsaddest #visionsaddest
N13 ADZ +45 Finding Large
E1 (I)DEALiZE or 5E DEL(E)A(V)E or I7 E(M)bLAZED. #findingsaddest #findingsaddest #visionsaddest
N13 ADZ +45 Vision Large
E1 (I)DEALiZE or 5E DEL(E)A(V)E or I7 E(M)bLAZED. #findingsaddest #findingsaddest #visionsaddest
7H HE(R)O +18 Finding Large
I6 HE(M)OcOEL #findingsaddest
9F CINE +19 Tactics Medium
J7 TEND #tacticssadder
I5 VAT(TE)D +11 Strategy Large
7F VAT is fine. I was trying to be too defensive. #strategysaddest
N11 PIX +29 Strategy Medium
7E GIP is a nice setup. #strategysadder
M1 JIG(G)Y +34 Vision Large
12A VROU +36 Strategy Small
12D BUR. I played too fast. #strategysad
12F FIAT +23 Endgame Large
12F FIE leaving PITA. #endgamesaddest
J13 PE(L) +7 Time Large
K4 VO(R) +12 Finding Small
L4 NA(T)IVE #findingsad
A6 (P)ARDINE +33 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for challenge
2M FEU +18 Endgame Large
N1 FUB #endgamesaddest
K7 Q(I) +11 Finding Large
K5 SQu(I)RRS #findingsaddest
M7 R(OM)S +7 Strategy Small
Exch. RRS #strategysad
N2 GuRRIES +78 Knowledge Large
I trusted that GUTTATE didn't take any hooks. F. #knowledgesaddest
12C VARIX +39 Knowledge Small
15L DIVA #knowledgesad
4J DEF +33 Knowledge Large
15G LIFTED #knowledgesaddest
5F MALIST +30 Knowledge Large
15G LITM(U)S #knowledgesaddest
5B JOT +23 Strategy Small
I felt like I needed to block the easy B line but G9 JO is fine. #strategysad
6A WAN +32 Knowledge Large
15H DEN(U)DE #knowledgesaddest
exch GE +0 Strategy Small
Word Cup 2022, Round 30. 8G GIE is slightly better. #strategysad
4H (C)URVED +24 Strategy Medium
6E UVA(E) is the same equity but bings way more. #strategysadder
K2 CO(V)EY +26 Strategy Medium
N10 YITE. I did not consider opening the triple. #strategysadder
N5 NIXED +38 Strategy Small
N5 NIX seems slightly better. Bings more and gives back less. #strategysad
13E HIND +19 Vision Large
K8 THRA(E) #visionsaddest
13L AFAR +17 Strategy Medium
11J (F)RA(G) wins a sim against opp having AENRSTT. #strategysadder
N12 P(A)R +10 Strategy Large
I think I'm down by too much for this to ever work. Something like 14J ARPEN is better. #strategysaddest
L7 PI(G)MENTS +78 Strategy Large
Didn't even consider M3 EMPTINS because of what it did to the board, but 9 points is too much. #strategysaddest
M3 ORC +16 Vision Large
M10 OR is a nice opening that I didn't see. #visionsaddest
O5 ERUGO +20 Strategy Medium
O10 RUN sims best. Maybe I need to keep it for C7 and D9. #strategysadder
N1 SI +15 Endgame Medium
N4 SEA is 7 points better. #endgamesadder
N5 EAN +16 Vision Small
M3 (ORC)EIN #visionsad
exch EII +0 Tactics Small
H8 (Y)ITIE #tacticssmall
7H OU +8 Tactics Medium
9G EUOI #tacticsmedium
11F SHOOLES +74 Strategy Large
Big mistake. B1 SHOOLES does not give back much and is certainly better than this placement. #strategySADDEST
A4 (F)OREX +45 Vision Large
12G EXPO. I didn't think to look anywhere else. #visionSADDEST
N2 BONG +21 Vision Small
I have no idea what to do here. L2 GOB I guess. #visionsmall
9I M(OS) +19 Endgame Small
9H EM(OS) #endgamesad
A10 PA(W)NEE +33 Finding Large
14M FOB +21 Vision Large
14B IONI(ZE) +30 Tactics Small
Not sure why I didn't play E8 (B)IJOU, I know I saw it. #tacticssmall
H13 ARY +36 Tactics Medium
F10 YU is better. I keep misevaluating these terrible leaves. #tacticsmedium
F8 (R)OW +29 Knowledge Large
12D FY +28 Knowledge Large
5B BAUD +20 Knowledge Large
5B BLUDE #KNOWLEDGESADDEST and #knowledgeSAD for the challenge.
5B BAUD +20 Knowledge Small
5B BLUDE #KNOWLEDGESADDEST and #knowledgeSAD for the challenge.
A10 LASH +22 Time Large
J4 BALI(S)TAe +63 Knowledge Large
E7 B(AT)TALIAs #knowledgesaddest
O12 WOWS +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
13F WOW +24 Vision Medium
E11 WOR(T)S #visionsadder
8L (E)R(R)S +12 Endgame Large
2A ARIS #endgamesaddest #timesaddest
8L (E)R(R)S +12 Time Large
2A ARIS #endgamesaddest #timesaddest
2A KAIL +24 Time Large
J1 TYE +33 Finding Small
1L (B)ONG +21 Vision Large
At this point I was shitting my pants. I thought he had S? and was gonna end me on row 14. I burnt a lot of time thinking of ways I could block, I even considered 14D TOC before realizing that was insane. I eventually resigned to just play equity, but I had already used like 5 minutes or something. B2 NOTC(H) looks fine here. #visionSADDEST
N6 FR(I)TT +18 Vision Large
9K R(I)FT is pretty good here. It mostly blocks bings from the P. #visionSADDEST
14I JOcUND +39 Endgame Large
No wins, but 14I JUNTO is best equity. #ENDGAMESADDEST
8G WAX +26 Knowledge Large
8D WAXEN #knowledgesaddest
8L DYNE +40 Tactics Small
8L TYPE #tacticssmall
J4 TIC(S) +12 Tactics Medium
6I TI #tacticsmedium
D11 OI +9 Finding Small
D9 (N)AOI #findingsad
14F BUNA +29 Vision Large
H12 B(E)AU #visionsaddest
N10 DUO +19 Strategy Large
12H DOUAR #strategysaddest I was too focused on keeping AIRT.
10A HAH +24 Vision Large
6L HAH #visionsaddest
8K (A)XITE +60 Knowledge Small
3F SY(N)TEXIs #knowledgesad
9H DAIMYO +29 Finding Medium
9H DOBY #findingsadder
14L AURA +27 Strategy Medium
O11 RA(K)EE #strategysadder
O1 ONER(Y) +27 Strategy Small
O1 SONN(Y) #strategysad
4D POUP(T) +18 Knowledge Large
I13 JOR +37 Strategy Small
2A DHOL #strategysad
10D LAM +23 Finding Large
12A MALVA #findingsaddest
7K (A)RK +18 Knowledge Large
I chickened out of C4 LARKeRS. #KNOWLEDGESADDEST
14G R(E)GALErS +72 Knowledge Small
4D SLAnGER #knowledgesad
L12 PH(E)W +32 Vision Large
lol wtf I saw 4D HIPPO but not H1 HIPP(O) #VISIONSADDEST
C1 BID +21 Endgame Large
I thought I needed to block A1 JAW but I should have just gone out in two. Very sad. N9 (A)POD. #endgamesaddest
N9 (A)POD +27 Endgame Small
3G PON(G) #endgamesad
E4 CITR(IN) +16 Finding Small
I missed INT. 10B PINT. #findingsad
K9 PENANcY +77 Knowledge Large
11E SIRUP +39 Vision Large
12C MIXUP #visionsaddest
11I J(E)ELY +30 Tactics Small
11I J(E)FE #tacticssad
6C VERONIC(A) +65 Knowledge Medium
7A CORVINE #knowledgesadder
E11 O(XI)M +26 Finding Small
A1 UM(B)O #findingsad
12C FLO(E) +23 Finding Small
12A FLORA(E) #findingsad
K4 EUOI +18 Strategy Medium
A11 IN(C)OG #strategysadder
3I Q(U)AI +23 Tactics Small
3I Q(U)InA #tacticssad
N4 NAM +36 Finding Small
4L N(O)LL #findingsad
15A OK +30 Finding Small
13B TIK #findingsad
C7 fLITTER(N) +71 Finding Medium
C8 TRoTLI(N)E #findingsadder
2K NEIF +31 Tactics Small
3L FIL #tacticssad
8D LIDA(R) +7 Strategy Large
G7 DALI #strategysaddest
B1 VIA +17 Finding Large
F8 (D)ILUVIA #findingsaddest
D1 OIL +10 Strategy Small
9E OIL #strategysad
7G W(E)B +32 Finding Large
C9 U(P)LAY +22 Vision Large
D11 WIG +21 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for the challenge
4H (D)UI +4 Finding Small
G6 LI(E)U #findingsad
2G L(A)PJE +60 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for the challenge
M12 BOW +29 Strategy Large
B13 VOW #strategysaddest
7F LANX +31 Finding Small
9F WAUL #findingsad
exch UUW +0 Strategy Large
I dunno. #strategysaddest
14F OPA +20 Endgame Small
14G POI is 1 point better. #endgamesad
8D PAYOR +26 Finding Small
8D BOYAR #findingsad
13A NEXT +43 Finding Large
H11 F(L)ITE +24 Tactics Small
13G FIT #tacticssad
3H OVA +19 Finding Small
B9 AVI(DE)R #findingsad
A6 TUINA +20 Finding Large
B6 AT +16 Time Large
5C INTONeD +69 Knowledge Large
4H ZOO +48 Knowledge Medium
4F TOZIE #knowledgesadder
E2 QI +15 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for challenge
exch IRUUU +0 Vision Medium
8L (R)URU #visionsadder
10F PRO +15 Vision Large
12J BINE +25 Vision Medium
8A BU(R)IN seems okay. #visionsadder
13M KY +32 Time Large
7H FAUR +17 Finding Small
7H FAUT #findingsad
3A (W)AXY +34 Strategy Large
I wasn't paying attention to all of the reminaing Is, so this is pretty terrible. 2I IXIA looks best. #strategysaddest
A8 PANI(C)K +47 Strategy Large
A10 PI(C)KIN doesn't give back PANICKY or PANICKED. #strategysaddest
9I HALF +31 Strategy Large
9I JEAN is too many points. #strategysaddest
E3 JANE +27 Finding Large
E2 JNANA #findingsaddest
B2 TIAR +17 Strategy Large
3E (J)ILT #strategysaddest
7H LINkROT +60 Knowledge Large
7H LINkROT +60 Finding Large
L3 DIVE(R) +18 Strategy Medium
G3 IS blocks his play there. #strategysadder
K2 TIX +22 Strategy Large
3I WIL(D)S is clearly best. #strategysaddest
O12 (B)AWD +30 Endgame Large
J1 GIB sets up I2 DAWT. #endgamesaddest
E8 LO +4 Strategy Large
C7 DOUX is probably fine. #strategysaddest
E3 (Z)A +14 Endgame Large
E3 (Z)EA #endgamesaddest
13B FEST +25 Endgame Large
M10 PE(R)T #endgamesaddest
15H HAYE(D) +36 Knowledge Large
14G POEM +34 Strategy Medium
J12 POG(Y) bings a bunch. #strategysadder
O1 BUNDTS +42 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for the challenge.
M1 ATWAI(N) +24 Finding Medium
NO. M1 WANIO(N). #findingsadder
9G (S)EE +14 Endgame Large
15A (MUGG)EE is best. This is terrible because it sets up 11B F(A)TUOUs. #ENDGAMESADDEST
E8 IMBU(E) +18 Finding Small
E6 BIGTIM(E) #findingsad
A1 VO(W) +27 Endgame Large
2A ORF is 1 point better. #endgamesaddest
8D IMPLE +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
G7 A(J)I +12 Strategy Small
14B AIA #strategysad
J4 CIAO +14 Strategy Small
13A ECO #strategysad
E5 YOD(H) +22 Knowledge Large
13A OE +11 Strategy Large
D2 LOLO(G) seems fine. He probably can't bing on column A that much. Also 13A OI is a better version of this play. #strategysaddest
3K L(O)X +20 Strategy Large
L8 XI doesn't make the row 2 plays score more (stuff like 2J WA(V)ER and 2J BE(V)ER aren't as good). #strategysaddest
8H BORTY +28 Tactics Small
8G REBODY #tacticssad
H1 RAIKED +51 Strategy Medium
H12 DIKA #strategysadder
10B MUTE +20 Vision Small
H13 UMU #visionsad
10H Q(I) +22 Strategy Medium
Just exchange here, I can't draw into anything. #strategysadder
9I PINCH +26 Knowledge Small
G2 AUA +11 Strategy Medium
This is too fearful. 11K EAU is fine. #strategysadder
7M DEE +22 Finding Large
I saw 6H (B)EELINED right after I hit my clock. #FINDINGSADDEST
G7 A(J)I +15 Strategy Large
9F IO #strategysaddest
F2 K(O)RA +38 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for challenge.
4K ORAD +33 Endgame Large
9B AG wins the most according to CP. I guess it threatens column A and row 13 bingos for a lot of draws, but I'm not totally sure. #endgamesaddest
9B AG +24 Endgame Small
These plays are all 1 point better: 10B (Q)I, 9B AI, B9 A(QUIVER), 5J SOG, 5H (A)GIOS, and I3 SAG. #endgamesad
7F YUKE +26 Strategy Medium
J8 EWK is better defense. #strategysadder
K9 AIL +8 Strategy Large
B3 (HA)IL #strategysaddest
L4 VIRILE +23 Strategy Large
B2 T(HA)LI blocks B2 D(HA)RMIC. #strategysaddest
I2 FEND +17 Vision Medium
5I T(I)N(I)NG #visionsadder
13H OX +37 Strategy Large
H12 (D)OWD saves K6 XU if I draw a U. #strategysaddest
7A B(I)Z +24 Endgame Large
10M (E)VO is best. He can't block the O column for that much and it gets rid of the V while scoring something. 7A B(I)Z is comically terrible because of what happens next. I think I had about 20 seconds left. #endgamesaddest
L13 OVA +12 Time Large
10A COT(E) +21 Time Large
J9 (A)R(C) +7 Vision Small
H7 (CON)STRAIN #visionsad
4H ZIP +39 Vision Large
K2 Z(I)POL(A) #visionsaddest
5G WO +16 Strategy Large
I gave into fear. 5E POLO is much better. Huge mistake. #strategysaddest
5K POD(A)L +16 Finding Large
Not sure if this was the rack. I probably missed 15H PRO(LONGE) or 5K PIL(A)F. #findingsaddest
10D RAZEE +39 Strategy Medium
7F ZEE wins a sim. It tanks the opponent's next turn score and increases my next turn score by binging a bunch. #strategysadder
H10 (E)NVIER +39 Tactics Small
H10 (E)VINCE #tacticssad
15C PINWO(R)mS +68 Vision Large
D10 TUI +11 Vision Large
H1 REUNIT(ER) #visionsaddest
5I LOO +21 Strategy Medium
14F OLIO is better for bing chances. #strategysadder
10I EE +10 Vision Large
11C E(UG)E is a better version of this. #visionsaddest
10D (TO)R +5 Strategy Small
Fishing the R hits sevens 22 out of 23 times, only missing when I draw the R. F13 R(EM) is probably slightly better because it guarantees a spot for TARSEAL if I draw the A. #strategysmall
7H (JOB)E +15 Strategy Large
I gave into fear. K5 ONE(R). #strategysaddest
J10 OO +10 Finding Medium
J7 (BE)ANO #findingsadder
9C BANDErS +77 Strategy Large
L4 BAND(Y). I did not even look for nonbingo plays. #strategysaddest
14M HAW +32 Strategy Large
I was too focused on blocking the O column. 7C WALD is best. #strategysaddest
M5 MYC +21 Knowledge Large
L12 L(I)T(U) is best, scoring while leaving 1 in the bag and keeping good enough tiles to outrun most bingos. I think the only sequence that doesn't win for me after L12 L(I)T(U) is O2 SAKERET -> D1 MERCY -> J10 (OO)S, which is a tie. I did not think CAULDS was valid so I didn't think I could lose here. #knowledgesaddest #strategysaddest
M5 MYC +21 Strategy Large
L12 L(I)T(U) is best, scoring while leaving 1 in the bag and keeping good enough tiles to outrun most bingos. I think the only sequence that doesn't win for me after L12 L(I)T(U) is O2 SAKERET -> D1 MERCY -> J10 (OO)S, which is a tie. I did not think CAULDS was valid so I didn't think I could lose here. #knowledgesaddest #strategysaddest
10A CARITAs +67 Knowledge Large
8A MA(T)Y +39 Strategy Medium
B2 YEALM seems insane to me, but it wins a sim convincingly. #strategysadder
J11 ANODE +25 Finding Large
N4 DIN +19 Strategy Large
Quackle says N5 IN is the only winning play, but when I play out the games it loses to A1 FUNKiA, A1 FANKlE, and even A1 UNRAKE, so I'm not sure what's best here. #strategysaddest
5G IO +5 Endgame Large
O3 AIT. This play doesn't even block. F. #endgamesaddest
L3 RENDIBL(E) +78 Vision Large
I forgot why I didn't play L4 LINEBR(E)D, because I know I saw it. #visionsaddest
14J BAAED +41 Knowledge Large
M10 SINC(E) +29 Finding Large
6C P(U)LKA +21 Strategy Large
3B UPTAK. I was too focused on blocking that I didn't look for other stuff. #strategysaddest
7J ST(I)NG +9 Endgame Large
The calm 7K P(I) is best. #endgamesaddest
O7 SUP +42 Endgame Large
6C (PULKA)S is best. #endgamesaddest
exch IE +0 Strategy Large
Exch. I bingos way more. Big sad. #strategysaddest
L11 WOUND +27 Vision Large
5D UNOW(E)D #visionsaddest
7G K(E)D +31 Knowledge Small
I played too fast here. 5E DOZ(E) is slightly better. #strategysad #knowledgesad for challenge.
7G K(E)D +31 Strategy Small
I played too fast here. 5E DOZ(E) is slightly better. #strategysad #knowledgesad for challenge.
11C PERSANT +81 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for challenge.
M7 V(I)M +15 Strategy Large
J: I didn't realize that VAURIEN was the only available bingo and if I had, I probably would have played something like H7 V(A)T. #strategysaddest
I5 WID(E) +20 Strategy Large
J: I should've played 9E WAID for similar reasons to last turn #strategysaddest
D8 R(U)PIA +16 Vision Small
J: 10F TRIP(Y) #visionsad
O8 LEASH +0 (Lost challenge) Strategy Large
J: Maybe she wouldn't challenge because she played AEROBIAL* herself #strategysaddest
C11 HAE +19 Vision Large
J: E7 HA(R)ES #visionsaddest
H12 KA(n)G +39 Strategy Small
J: 2A KEN is better because it opens row 1. #strategysad
13G J(A) +34 Endgame Medium
J: 13G J(A)I is 7 points better #endgamesadder
1K QUOI(F) +18 Endgame Small
J: C7 QU(A) is 2 points better #endgamesad
I7 GRUED +27 Tactics Small
7F GUP #tacticssad
K5 MOO +24 Tactics Small
4J (C)ORIUM #tacticssad
K11 V(IN)E +33 Tactics Small
L1 VISIER #tacticssad
9C H(A) +9 Strategy Small
Going for the S, though it doesn't win so maybe I should just give up. #strategysad
9F HUED +21 Strategy Large
O1 LONGES +35 Strategy Medium
8J EN(TREZ) #strategysadder
K11 H(U)N +12 Strategy Large
8J EN(TREZ) #strategysaddest
15G EE +14 Tactics Small
15G EEN #tacticssad
D7 RAD(I)ATA +23 Endgame Large
C7 DAT(O) #endgamesaddest
9D FADO +28 Strategy Small
9F FADO #strategysad
4L NETE +20 Endgame Small
4L NEST #endgamesad
A8 (F)ANAtICs +83 Knowledge Large
N1 THRIVE +46 Knowledge Large
I didn't think SPERRED was good, lol. N3 RIVET is best. #KNOWLEDGESADDEST
8L (C)LOP +24 Strategy Small
Now I'm more inclined to open up since I'm down and he played off 3 tiles instead of one, though I should have looked at the pool here. 8L (C)OPE is clearly better. #strategysad
5E (H)A +8 Time Large
I think I went overtime on this play. #timesaddest
4F SIENnAS +100 Time Large
I think I went over another minute making this play. #TIMESADDEST
I4 OYE +23 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for challenge
D2 Q(I) +11 Finding Small
C1 QA(T) #findingsad lol
K2 ACETA +32 Finding Small
K3 COTEA(U) #findingsad
8H UVEA +14 Tactics Small
8G VAU #tacticssad
2J VI(C)AR +36 Tactics Small
M9 ZAIRE scores too much. #tacticssad
G3 PO(r)ED +28 Strategy Small
K1 Q(I) #strategysad
1A AY +28 Strategy Large
I hallucinated A1 I(D)OLATOR even though I tracked correctly and made what I thought was a 400 IQ block when there's actually no triple-triple available in the pool and I sacked a bunch of equity. I'm fairly sure this never loses though. #strategysaddest
N13 OX +38 Endgame Small
3B XI #endgamesad
O5 OBIIT +24 Time Large
O11 BATON #timesaddest
O5 AXIS +63 Tactics Large
O4 GIGAS #tacticssaddest
I3 ZEL +32 Strategy Small
2F LOZENgE #strategysmall
13D OUtWENT +74 Finding Small
13B UNWrOTE #findingsad
15A ASPIC +40 Knowledge Small
15K PAISE #endgamesaddest #knowledgesad for challenge
15A ASPIC +40 Endgame Large
15K PAISE #endgamesaddest #knowledgesad for challenge
12B UNITI(S)E +16 Vision Medium
H7 E(T)UI #visionsadder
10C ANEc(D)OTE +60 Finding Small
E2 ANEThO(L)E #findingsad
H6 QA(T) +14 Tactics Medium
15A REE #tacticssadder
9C HOY +33 Vision Large
M3 M(I)RV +18 Tactics Small
M3 V(I)M #tacticssmall
E2 DRAC +29 Time Large
B1 DRAC #timesaddest
N3 YEGG +25 Finding Medium
6L FUJ(I) #findingsadder
J3 (W)AKF +27 Vision Small
B6 F(RE)AK #visionsad
6A JAP +24 Time Medium
10J JA #timesadder
3B ZHO +32 Tactics Small
10J ZA #tacticssmall
F9 (V)AV +11 Strategy Large
10I OVA #strategysaddest
O7 GETOU(T) +21 Strategy Large
14L TUG #strategysaddest
5J HOY +35 Knowledge Large
5B HOOEY #knowledgesaddest
N8 TAJ +55 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for challenge
I8 (D)EGLOVES +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
Josh: I thought this was a thing, don't google it though. #KNOWLEDGESADDEST
13C BIRTH +38 Endgame Small
Josh: 7A BIRD is better apparently, probably threatening 8A IN when I draw an I. #endgamesmall
A12 (V)INY +30 Endgame Small
Josh: A1 (W)INDY #endgamesmall
F5 MO(B)IE +11 Finding Large
15A JIZE(S) +66 Knowledge Large
D4 MAU(V)E +22 Vision Large
L12 ROID +22 Vision Large
6I CA(P) +18 Vision Large
J: A3 CAUsE(W)Ay is notable. #VISIONSADDEST
15L (D)AUR +15 Vision Large
J: 14C UR(E)A #visionsaddest
J10 WE +28 Time Large
Had no time. 14B WAN(E). #TIMESADDEST
C13 (C)O(Z) +14 Finding Large
O7 BAND +28 Knowledge Large
4G UNBRAND(ED) #knowledgesaddest
L10 T(I)Z +24 Strategy Large
I saw 4H RETUND(ED) but didn't believe it. #strategysaddest
15D BREWS +59 Tactics Small
15G WEBS #tacticssad
G1 (T)UP +8 Endgame Small
There are only 4 winning plays. In order from best to worst valuation, they are 12L (ZOO)N, G1 (T)UP, H1 (R)UNG, and G1 (T)UNG. All of these block 2A FRIGATE except for 12L (ZOO)N, which always wins after 2A FRIGATE because I get C2 (I)NGROUPs if I draw the R and C1 P(I)QUiNG if I draw the Q. G1 (T)UP is only about 2 points worse. #endgamesad
10D T(E)XT +27 Tactics Medium
10D T(E)GG sims best. Gs are bad. #tacticssadder
12K GHI +18 Knowledge Large
Chickened out of B8 (LO)GGISH. #knowledgesaddest
12A (N)OVA +14 Strategy Small
12F AVO is slightly better. I probably don't need to make another line with the blank in hand. #strategysmall
B1 DUEL +17 Vision Large
15A (R)YU #visionsaddest #timesaddest
B1 DUEL +17 Time Large
15A (R)YU #visionsaddest #timesaddest
8J RaJ +23 Time Large
1A a(D)JURE #timesaddest
8F BHEL +18 Tactics Medium
Potomac Round 14. 8G HM #tacticssadder
4B FEUED +31 Vision Large
3A NEB +23 Finding Medium
10A NEATER #findingsadder
L8 VATU +27 Finding Medium
H1 LARV(a) #findingsadder
3L WAN +29 Endgame Large
6N NA is best. I don't know why. Maybe it blocks a bunch of J(UR) plays. #endgamesaddest
4N KY +21 Endgame Medium
F1 (O)Y is 8 points better. #endgamesadder
10I EROTISE +65 Knowledge Small
J: #knowledgesad for challenge
H6 PO(U)T +24 Knowledge Small
This blocks all of his bings. Also, even though GOORIE came off, I have to give myself #knowledgesmall because it is actually a word.
exch GHJPVW +0 Knowledge Small
Hs are better, therefore, #tacticssmall, also ORGIA is a word so #knowledgesmall I guess.
exch GHJPVW +0 Tactics Small
Hs are better, therefore, #tacticssmall, also ORGIA is a word so #knowledgesmall I guess.
3A BEDIM +33 Knowledge Small
3H IBIDEM #knowledgesmall
C7 VA(GI) +12 Time Large
So, usually I would mark this as a KNOWLEDGESADDEST for missing 15H (F)AVRILES, but I'll cut myself some slack this time. O4 ALIVE is fine, I was out of time here. #timeSADDEST
8A AV(A) +18 Time Small
I think the bag was trying to tell me something here. Too bad I didn't have time to think about it. 8A VI(A) looks better, #timesmall.
7G (NO)H +10 Time Large
N9 STERIL(E) +18 Time Large
J6 IXIA +18 Tactics Large
9G AIA. I tunneled on playing the X. #TACTICSSADDEST
5K AHA +36 Finding Large
L2 QOP(H) +36 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for the challenge
M1 GIO +23 Knowledge Large
14I EMOVES +35 Strategy Medium
13K OMOV sims best. #strategysadder
N8 FICIN +21 Endgame Small
9J (A)CINI is better by 2 points. #endgamesad
15A DAWDS +39 Tactics Small
I saw 15A SWAPT but I don't think I actually counted it. #tacticssad
2J PRYSED +50 Strategy Medium
N2 TR(I)PY #strategysadder
1L MiNI +46 Strategy Large
This is terrible. H1 JI(N) is fine. #strategysaddest
B3 J(A)GG +17 Endgame Small
B3 G(A)G #endgamesad
14L D(I)TZ +28 Endgame Large
14L Z(I)P #endgamesaddest
B13 P(O)T +11 Endgame Small
7F T(W)P #endgamesad
7E YEZ +48 Strategy Medium
7E REZ keeps the Y for potential KY and LOOKY plays. #strategysadder
N2 HUN(G) +16 Finding Medium
F4 UNH(EL)M #findingsadder
15C (T)AGETE +24 Knowledge Large
Apparently, this isn't a word. Only TAGETES. I wanted to kill both triple-triples. #KNOWLEDGESADDEST
11A R(AW)ARU +18 Vision Small
D11 NUR #visionsad
13G VOL(E)D +29 Endgame Large
13E RAV #endgamesaddest
9D FOH +16 Finding Large
9E RHONE #findingsaddest
8A VADE +33 Vision Small
L1 VADE #visionsad
1H BITT(Y) +30 Tactics Small
1K G(Y)BED #tacticssad
O12 (E)DGE +18 Strategy Large
B8 (A)NGERED to go for blanks. #strategysaddest
M2 NOT +20 Tactics Small
M12 (Q)AT #tacticssad
J6 HE +29 Tactics Unspecified
13L HI #tacticssadd
4A M(U)TINE +26 Endgame Small
13L MIN(D) #endgamesad
8G YAPP +22 Knowledge Large
8H BOPPY #knowledgelarge
7H BOUN +22 Knowledge Small
10C UNBONE #knowledgesmall
exch AEIOO +0 Vision Large
J6 E(UP)NOEA #visionlarge
K2 DUNITES +75 Knowledge Small
9E DISTUNE is better but I was only 80% sure of it. #knowledgesmall
13D B(R)IONIEs +61 Knowledge Large
D1 BIOgENI(C) #knowledgelarge
2K (D)ITZ +28 Strategy Medium
Really tanked on this turn. I didn't want to leave the D open because a bingo there seemed like the only reasonable way I could lose. I should probably just play 15A ZET(A). #strategymedium
3F GR(I)N +13 Endgame Small
J13 (E)NG blocks 15H (B)LASE. #endgamesmall
8D FADGE +28 Knowledge Small
8D FIDGE #knowledgesmall
1A GIED +38 Vision Large
E7 W(A)GED #visionlarge
H1 WYLE +39 Vision Small
G2 WYNN #visionsmall
L10 EA +22 Vision Small
L10 EA #visionsmall
E10 (H)OLE +14 Tactics Large
E10 (H)OE #tacticssaddest
J4 DEW +33 Tactics Small
2J C(H)AWED #tacticssad
L1 CANN +33 Finding Small
2J C(H)ANCE #findingsad
8C P(A) +4 Endgame Large
C13 P(IT) ties 1/8 according to Championship Player. #endgamesaddest
I7 ZONE +33 Tactics Small
10F ZE(A) #tacticssmall
K10 AI +10 Strategy Small
M12 AI #strategysad
10K (AN)N +3 Vision Large
4J G(U)QIN +30 Vision Large
N6 DE(E) +18 Tactics Small
J6 (WEX)E #tacticssad
B10 MOTEL +40 Endgame Small
14J PI #endgamesad
15H PI +26 Vision Small
12H (H)IP #visionsad
7F QAT +15 Strategy Small
9F GHEE #strategysad
C3 ViTaMIN(E) +80 Finding Small
O8 BOWE(D) +33 Vision Small
N10 WE(N)GE #visionsad
14I GI +9 Endgame Large
F9 (FEN)I(N)G #endgamesaddest
15E WILTS +29 Endgame Small
14B SWIM #endgamesad
N2 ZO +46 Tactics Small
N1 AZO #tacticssmall
O14 HM +26 Finding Medium
12K MH(OR)R #findingsadder
12L H(OR)N +16 Time Large
M3 HEN(t) #timesaddest. I think I had less than a minute.
10M Y(E)N +6 Time Large
1L (C)OWY +36 Finding Large
I didn't even see 10G UNGO(R)GED. I might have decided not to block it, but still. #FINDINGSADDEST
6B BIVIA +27 Tactics Small
6B VIGIA #tacticssad
7E MEE +22 Vision Medium
13C G(AT)EMEN #visionsadder
C1 PUJAR(I) +30 Endgame Large
J5 (A)PT(E)R blocks a bunch of his decent plays. #endgamesaddest
J4 G(A)DD(E)R +27 Endgame Small
J5 (A)D threatens 13H TODGER. #endgamesad
F10 TE +18 Time Large
Just go out with 13H TOE. #TIMESADDEST
E7 JEU +20 Vision Large
L5 DOO +13 Tactics Medium
I think I probably need another opening, but L6 OO seems like a better version of this. #tacticsmedium
D3 Q(I) +11 Strategy Large
I think 3A QuAG and hoping to draw a column M bingo is my best shot. I'm too far behind for D3 Q(I). #strategysaddest
M7 (N)EGAtORS +70 Strategy Large
I briefly considered 8N AG, which wins a sim, but Quackle is underestimating how often it will get blocked. Any play making YAH/YAS/YAR or YACHT should be good enough for him. I'm not sure what's best here. #strategysaddest
12L B(O)RT +14 Endgame Large
No wins and no time. 3I ST(A)RR. #endgamesaddest
I4 SAR +23 Time Medium
5B RAS #timesadder
14H (E)XILIC +17 Knowledge Large
14G X(E)RIC #knowledgesaddest
N6 JO(E) +26 Strategy Medium
N7 V(E)RD looks nice here. #strategysadder
2J DECKO +42 Vision Large
9C QUINT(A) +26 Time Small
12D QUIN(O) is 2 points better #timesad
3G ZO +44 Tactics Large
lmao. wtf. 3G ZOO. #tacticssaddest
M5 REV +23 Finding Large
L8 HESP +38 Finding Medium
L8 POHS #findingsadder
A3 WOF +16 Time Medium
A3 AFT is 3 points better. #timesadder
8D FICAIN +30 Knowledge Large
6F J(E)U +26 Tactics Large
J8 SAJOU #tacticssaddest
E7 Q(I) +11 Tactics Large
L4 RESTY #tacticssaddest
1L DEGU +29 Strategy Large
I'm not sure I could ever roll the dice on H11 GAUD, but it wins a sim and looks correct. #strategylarge
B3 BETH +38 Vision Large
11K WO(V)E +38 Finding Large
O6 TIZ +38 Knowledge Small
M3 ZE #TIMESADDEST. I spent all my time on the previous turn. The P was in the bag, so I had a 1/3 to hit 14E PELITIC. Also, #knowledgesad for sad desparate challenge.
O6 TIZ +38 Time Large
M3 ZE #TIMESADDEST. I spent all my time on the previous turn. The P was in the bag, so I had a 1/3 to hit 14E PELITIC. Also, #knowledgesad for sad desparate challenge.
J3 HANDIES +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
G7 F(AG) +11 Endgame Large
14A OF is fine. #endgamesaddest
K1 STOUNd +18 Endgame Large
7J NU(R)S #endgamesaddest
D4 JAN(T)Y +38 Strategy Small
G9 JA with the possible H12 (B)EVY next turn sims best. #strategysmall
5H PAED(O) +21 Endgame Large
There are some bingos through the O that I have to block, but M6 FA is apparently better. I think we forgot to add the +5 for this challenge during the game. #endgamesaddest
14F FR(Y) +17 Time Large
14F FR(Y) #timesaddest
H4 DHAB(A) +13 Knowledge Large
H7 B(A)HADA #knowledgesaddest
C1 FOEdARY +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
C1 FOEdARY +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
C6 FORE(S)tAY +80 Knowledge Large
15A WEN(G)E +27 Tactics Medium
B12 TREW #tacticssadder
14G C(R)ITTUR +11 Strategy Large
This tanks his bingo % more than any other play, but it's probably wrong. I don't know what's correct here. #strategysaddest
8A WI(R)R(A) +27 Endgame Large
C2 R(A)W is best, making a nice D setup. #endgamesaddest
M9 K(IT)TE(R) +30 Knowledge Large
E5 GUY(L)E +18 Strategy Medium
9F AYE #strategysadder
10F EA +14 Finding Large
12K EL +6 Strategy Large
H11 (R)E #strategysaddest
3G H(O)VED +20 Tactics Medium
J4 D(E)V #tacticssadder
M10 KUTA +19 Strategy Small
6J DAUT #strategysad
N9 BY +32 Strategy Small
8J BRA(T)TY #strategysad
2M (E)XO +43 Endgame Large
14M SOX #endgamesaddest
L10 GED(A)CT +22 Finding Small
D11 DEG(U)M #findingsad
4I KL(U)TZ +36 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for challenge.
10C MILOS +28 Strategy Small
M2 MI(Z)/MO(Z) bingo way more than I thought. #strategysmall
E10 (L)EXI(C) +41 Knowledge Large
9E NUDDY +36 Strategy Medium
9F DIDY wins a sim, significantly bringing down my opponent's bingo %. I'm shook. I would never think to keep the U here. #strategymedium
E5 rET(IN)ULAS +87 Finding Small
4D AUST(ER)ELy has better defense. #findingsmall
F4 VEGO +24 Strategy Small
10C VO(U)GE has slightly better defense. #strategysmall
A2 DUECEn(T)O +61 Finding Small
1A OUC(H)ED #findingsmall
M2 HEX +45 Strategy Large
9K (D)OXIE. Fearless. Bold. Couldn't be me. #strategysaddest
C11 BIO +28 Strategy Large
E11 BOIL. #strategysaddest
1E VISUA(L) +27 Vision Large
N1 VIA #visionsaddest
C1 OUGIYA(S) +22 Vision Large
14A LOGY #visionsaddest
N1 PEIZINg +110 Finding Large
3K LOB(I) +25 Finding Large
E10 (G)ACHED +26 Strategy Medium
JC: L11 (V)ADED #strategysadder
15E (D)EMUR +26 Vision Large
JC: G7 ROR(E) #visionsaddest
M8 lOD(E)STAR +68 Vision Large
JC: 4D STARDOm #visionsaddest
exch EIOU +0 Strategy Small
CCC 2023 - Round 4. Exch. AEOU is slightly better. #strategysmall
7A MAY +22 Knowledge Large
There's a lot of stuff that's better than this like 7F MENYIE and F6 ME(I)NY that I wasn't sure of. B6 YE(R) is best. #STRATEGYSADDEST #KNOWLEDGESADDEST
7A MAY +22 Strategy Large
There's a lot of stuff that's better than this like 7F MENYIE and F6 ME(I)NY that I wasn't sure of. B6 YE(R) is best. #STRATEGYSADDEST #KNOWLEDGESADDEST
5H EINE +13 Strategy Medium
C1 NEI(V)E. My play isn't aggressive enough. #strategymedium
6B HOB +46 Strategy Small
The leave for 6A OBOL gets 5 more points next turn. #strategysmall
N8 LOOKETS +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
C2 LE(V) +12 Vision Large
L11 LENT +17 Endgame Medium
E3 N(I)T is best. #endgamesadder
B10 PINDE(R) +30 Knowledge Small
#note #knowledgesmall for the challenge.
E2 RETSINA +70 Finding Medium
9G AN(O)ESTRI is a nice fit. #findingmedium
F10 JAW +39 Finding Large
Played too fast and missed H12 JAR(L) #findinglarge
2B CUR(R)Y +36 Knowledge Small
GUR(R)Y. I'm down and the C is better for bings. #knowledgesmall
1F AUGITEs +76 Tactics Small
I didn't do the math on 1F fATIGUE #tacticssmall
15K (S)HIFT +45 Strategy Large
I put down 15K (S)HIVA first but picked it up because I was afraid of not drawing enough vowels with FLT to get the bing I need. I didn't even consider Q bombs. RIP. Even 15K (S)HAFT is alright, this is a huge oversight. #strategylarge
M8 BEG +20 Knowledge Small
(A)BBE #knowledgesmall
9G CLOUDY +26 Knowledge Large
J7 D(OU)X +28 Knowledge Small
12D PRET(A)X #knowledgesmall and #knowledgesmall for the challenge.
J7 D(OU)X +28 Knowledge Small
12D PRET(A)X #knowledgesmall and #knowledgesmall for the challenge.
exch OQRR +0 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesmall for the challenge.
H1 EVIT(E) +27 Finding Large
1C (O)UTVIE #findinglarge
3G F(I)N +11 Strategy Large
I didn't want to block row 1 but this is so bad I just gotta play M2 FAN or something. #strategylarge
5J AYE +29 Strategy Small
8A AYU #strategysad
O4 (F)UNGS +27 Vision Large
11D (E)NTERATe +78 Vision Small
3B TRANsE(C)T #visionsad
exch MNNNU +0 Tactics Small
Keeping the M is slightly better. #tacticssmall
4J WOOT +36 Vision Medium
13K OWI(E) #visionsadder
O1 BL(O)C +33 Endgame Large
C1 G(I)B is about 10 points better. #ENDGAMESADDEST
G10 GE(R)MS +22 Endgame Medium
11H S(A)GUM is 5 points better. #endgamesadder
12D BUSED +40 Finding Large
5A GLYCERI(A) +78 Finding Large
5A GLYCERI(A) +78 Vision Large
8L (T)OUT +12 Strategy Large
11E O(F) bingos about 52% next turn. #strategylarge
7C RA(J)A +26 Strategy Small
15M AIA #strategysad
N5 AH +32 Strategy Small
10J FI(L) #strategysad
N2 DE +21 Endgame Large
D6 HY(M)ENIAl +85 Vision Large
E1 BOVATE +27 Tactics Medium
E10 (D)OB. I didn't think AELTV was that good. #tacticssadder
6D (HE)P +30 Finding Large
10I AZO +37 Strategy Medium
E10 (D)OTAL #strategysadder
13B JI(l)LET +26 Tactics Medium
I need a better leave here. 13B JO(l)T or 13B JO(l). #tacticssadder
L1 (F)RANC +20 Knowledge Small
I was not 100% sure of 5H (S)C(E)ND. I should have thought of the DESCEND/SCENDED pair. #knowledgesad
L9 UN(L)ORD +27 Endgame Medium
Championship Player says this doesn't win but when I played it out it does. Also listed as winning plays in descending valuation are 6L ORD, 6J (T)ROD, 12H DUG, and 2B DUR(OY). #endgamesadder
7C DEFO +22 Finding Large
8K (I)NION +18 Strategy Small
4K (D)ON #strategysad
9D EE +14 Vision Small
O1 ALE(Y)E #visionsad
J1 AHA +29 Finding Large
15A ExPIATE(S) +80 Finding Small
Should've done 15A EPIlATE(S) for the memes, but actually 15H (S)PEcIATE. #findingsad
13H (T)ORMENTS +72 Strategy Large
2A MONSTER is better, but I mistracked and thought he might have bingos in the bottom right. #strategysaddest
7G UFO +16 Knowledge Small
E5 FU(GI)O #knowledgesmall
9C IN +9 Strategy Large
K10 IS bings way more. Whatever I play here, he's going to know I'm close to a bing. I might as well increase the bing % and fish the S instead of the N. #strategylarge because this is way worse for bing %.
14A YITIE +21 Vision Medium
12A O(B)IIT #visionmedium
M8 (D)OT(C)OM +29 Knowledge Medium
B2 MOLTO #knowledgemedium
J2 QUA(G) +34 Endgame Small
4L R(OBE) leads to a long sequence that is ultimately 3 points better. #endgamesmall
D2 ROSIESt +77 Strategy Small
D1 hORSIES. I didn't consider putting a letter in the triple would be better. Also, despite being about 8 fewer points than all the other bingos, J4 vIROSES sims second best just barely behind D1 hORSIES. #strategysad
13I Z(E)RDA +50 Vision Small
11E DRAZE(L)S #visionsad
L1 VOILE +35 Vision Large
1H UNRO(V)E +27 Strategy Medium
13M GU(T). I thought 1H UNRO(V)E was a huge strategic error after the game, but it's too close to be making short blocking plays, I need to score. It's still a mistake though. #strategysadder
J3 AY +9 Strategy Large
Matt's suggestion of H12 (TE)DY after the game seems to be correct. That and 13M GA(T) are the only winning plays. They outrun bingos in every scenario. #strategysaddest
L8 P(A)NNER +22 Strategy Small
L8 P(A)NNE. I didn't realize I had the case R. #strategysad
8G JOUR +22 Strategy Medium
8G JUN #strategysadder
B2 IONOME +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
B6 MOI +28 Finding Large
N7 MONEtI(S)E +72 Strategy Large
15A MENO #strategysaddest
M8 SCORING +91 Knowledge Large
12C OVERD(I)D +24 Strategy Medium
I really wanted to block both the ASTIGMIA an SCORING s hooks, but I couldn't find a good play. N12 DOUR is best here. #strategysadder
E8 PAIR(E) +26 Strategy Medium
3G RIPE #strategysadder
9G OWE +19 Strategy Medium
9C WOE leaves the R open. #strategysadder
D1 VOTEEN +30 Finding Large
12H WINOE(S) +26 Vision Large
2J RU(B)ATO +20 Time Large
C9 OUTRA(G)E. I think I had 4 seconds left. #TIMESADDEST
7H BRAVA +15 Strategy Large
H7 V(I)GA #strategysaddest
N10 PERCS +39 Finding Large
G13 DOF +22 Vision Large
K11 S(U)LU +40 Vision Large
A14 LO +26 Strategy Large
Maybe one day I will be brave enough to play 2I ALE(UR)ON. #strategysaddest
2I OE +13 Strategy Large
O8 (R)OON #strategysaddest
3H U(G) +3 Time Large
I think I had 10 seconds left here. I did not have time to track and didn't realize how good the pool was. 10N (P)O wins 5/8, this wins much lesser than that. #TIMESADDEST
K3 NOG +16 Time Large
I spent too much time trying to decide between this and 5E GOANN(A)S. They are within 1 point. I should not have wasted that much time. #timesaddest
1F WATT +36 Finding Small
H1 W(I)TGAT #findingsad
3A WINGY +31 Strategy Medium
E2 (B)UYING holding the S for BUYINGS sims best. #strategymedium
C9 UNSOD +24 Strategy Large
This does not block as many bingos as I thought. 4C OU is best. #strategysaddest
5A (R)IOJA +24 Strategy Large
B12 JIAO sims best, but I think it would lose to 5A bingos. I'm not sure what is best here. #strategysaddest
6D ADIEU +20 Strategy Medium
M2 IURE blocks setups on the M column. #strategymedium
M1 TIgER +17 Knowledge Large
C11 NOUP +26 Finding Large
G12 AX +36 Strategy Medium
G13 KEX blocks the S hook. #strategysadder
10G R(A)CK +20 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for challenge
3N E(A) +13 Endgame Large
This is not correct because 11J ODEON and 11J ODEONS block both outplays of 11J OUTLAW and N5 OUTLAW. I saw the ODEON(S) blocks but couldn't see anything better. B12 LOUT is best. #endgamesaddest
13B AYRIE +29 Tactics Large
I misevaluated H10 AYRIES and H10 AY. #tacticssaddest #tacticssaddest
13B AYRIE +29 Tactics Large
I misevaluated H10 AYRIES and H10 AY. #tacticssaddest #tacticssaddest
H10 OSCULA +45 Finding Large
A4 BAGNET +47 Knowledge Large
L3 BOW +39 Strategy Small
L4 OBO, apparently. #strategysmall
M2 UEY +33 Tactics Medium
M3 YEA #tacticssadder
C3 DEARTHS +87 Strategy Large
C2 THREADS discourages overlaps. #strategysaddest
E4 EDH +28 Vision Large
L3 HWAN +31 Tactics Medium
L3 WHA keeps the N which is slightly better. #tacticssadder
H1 BRUMA(L) +39 Tactics Small
H1 BROMA(L) is better because I have the case U and there are 3 Os unseen. #tacticssad
D3 MET(A)GE +20 Endgame Medium
D4 ME(A)NT doesn't empty the bag. #endgamesadder
13G TOWN +16 Time Large
3A T(O)W(M)ON #timesaddest
C3 (K)AIE +11 Strategy Medium
It's looking pretty bad so I have to be aggressive. This sims 3rd best behind F13 (P)IE and C13 AI. #strategymedium
1D (J)ITTER +39 Finding Large
13A DOG(Y) +18 Endgame Medium
I didn't realize I was emptying the bag, though it didn't matter. H3 S(E)CT has a slightly higher valuation. #endgamesadder
10E WIS +26 Tactics Small
10B MAURIS #tacticssad
14A VROT +24 Vision Medium
I6 TONG #visionsadder
A12 GA(V)E +30 Tactics Large
15H ED. I autopiloted this turn. #tacticssaddest
N1 DISPEN(D)s +76 Finding Large
M3 PINw(E)EDS #findingsaddest
2J FE +28 Endgame Large
2H FIT #endgamesaddest
L3 (W)A(D) +14 Endgame Large
O1 (S)T is 5 points better. #endgamesaddest
8G BEG +12 Strategy Small
J: 8D GERBE #strategysmall
J2 EMERODS +71 Finding Large
N5 (D)ZO +33 Endgame Large
No wins and no time. F1 ZE is 18 points better. #ENDGAMESADDEST #TIMESADDEST
N5 (D)ZO +33 Time Large
No wins and no time. F1 ZE is 18 points better. #ENDGAMESADDEST #TIMESADDEST
G12 HEI(L) +8 Endgame Large
G12 HEI(L) +8 Time Large
15H BALL(Y) +30 Tactics Small
I undercounted 15H LEAF(Y) by 3 points. #tacticssmall
D9 (V)AHINE +24 Finding Medium
K4 NAH #findingsadder
B7 SNIRLIN(G) +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
10C D(A) +7 Vision Large
14I (FEED)ER #visionsaddest
M4 ZAMIA +29 Endgame Large
2J F(E)RMI +36 Strategy Small
2J H(E)MIN #strategysad
I3 J(U)G +19 Finding Large
F1 PWN #findingsaddest
N7 O(B)OE +8 Finding Large
L6 AE(R)O #findingsaddest
4F rEFAS(T)EN +78 Knowledge Small
4H FAN(T)EEgS #findingsad and #knowledgesad for challenge
4F rEFAS(T)EN +78 Finding Small
4H FAN(T)EEgS #findingsad and #knowledgesad for challenge
F2 CA(r)OTOID +68 Knowledge Large
M1 GOW(N) +16 Strategy Medium
N13 EWT #strategysadder
13C NU(T)TIEsT +66 Vision Small
13B NUT(T)IEsT #visionsad
8D AMINO +16 Tactics Small
Champions Cup 2023, Round 3. 8D MANIA #tacticssad
D8 (AI)A +3 Knowledge Large
M4 DENIALS +66 Vision Large
6G BLUFF +26 Vision Large
N12 JUK(E) +30 Tactics Small
14L WUD #tacticssmall
H1 WID(E) +24 Finding Small
H1 WYT(E) #findingsad
5J OO +23 Knowledge Large
C9 (P)TOOEY #knowledgesaddest
14L YO(K) +19 Vision Large
12A ZITE +50 Time Large
I saw O3 S(QUILL)AE but was too low on time and didn't see that it wins. #TIMESADDEST
exch LLLN +0 Tactics Medium
Champions Cup 2023, Round 14. Exch. LLLX #tacticssadder
M2 VAG +22 Tactics Medium
12A VAGI #tacticssadder
10E EF +31 Vision Medium
K5 FEG #visionsadder
D3 OURALI +33 Knowledge Medium
D3 ARGULI #knowledgesadder
12L FEZ +46 Strategy Medium
I didn't realize how strong FFYZ was on this board which makes 8A NEX(T) best. #strategymedium
13M YON +39 Strategy Large
I was saving the X bomb for next turn but 2I OX is too many points. #STRATEGYSADDEST
13D HAD +18 Endgame Large
H3 AH is 11 points better. #endgamesaddest #timesaddest
13D HAD +18 Time Large
H3 AH is 11 points better. #endgamesaddest #timesaddest
15D MIS(E)RE +46 Strategy Small
G7 K(E)G is slightly better here. #strategysmall
8L PENK +53 Knowledge Large
8L PONK. I totally forgot about that word. #KNOWLEDGESADDEST
O10 AGRISE +32 Finding Medium
M7 (FER)RIAG(E) #findingsadder
F4 VAG +20 Strategy Medium
14B OVA is the fearless, gigachad play that I never would have considered but is somehow actually better than this. #strategysadder
O1 BIOTA +26 Vision Large
5C AB(LA)TIONs. I didn't even look for 9s through LA here. #VISIONSADDEST
4F (V)OTINgS +20 Time Large
No time. 11H SONNy is best. #timesaddest
H7 Q(A)T +12 Strategy Small
It's very close, but Exch. DEEQ is slightly better. #strategysmall
L4 FEWE(D) +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
#KNOWLEDGESADDEST #knowledgesad for challenging SKERRING.
L4 FEWE(D) +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Small
#KNOWLEDGESADDEST #knowledgesad for challenging SKERRING.
F6 HOL(E)D +30 Vision Small
C11 GHO(U)L #visionsad
13F PIMP +27 Finding Medium
C12 PI(U)M #findingsadder
H1 REU(S)E +15 Endgame Medium
N3 REE is 9 points better. #endgamesadder
J6 ENACT +23 Finding Medium
I spent a lot of time on this play just to make this pathetic move. I totally missed J6 ENFACE. #findingsadder
K9 HOOF +29 Vision Medium
4J JUM(P) +30 Strategy Small
4J JUM(P)ED is probably fine here. I shouldn't be too worried about triple-triples after a 5 tile play. It also blocks bingos making EDS. #strategysmall
1D EElIER +22 Time Large
He tried blocking F2 EAtERIE but forgot about EARD. I also forgot about EARD. I hope I would have seen it with more than 1 minute. 1F EAtERIE is gg. #TIMESADDEST
G8 (L)A +10 Time Large
D8 (Z)INGY +36 Tactics Medium
I misevaluated the leave GINN after 9H OXY. #tacticssadder
6J KOAP +44 Finding Large
N10 FREON +45 Strategy Medium
N10 FEERIN and N10 FINEER sim best which seems reckless but plays parallel to N10 FREON can score a lot, so I think they are slightly better. #strategysadder
1L VI(V)A +42 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for the ragechallenge.
11H FETID +34 Vision Medium
K5 T(OR)RIDE(S)T #visionsadder
9I MIRTH +27 Endgame Large
K5 B(OR)D is best. I need to block the 5K OCa -> 4I LOBS sequence and just playing K4 D(OOR)/B(OOR) just gives back 4H BOL(D)S/4H BLO(B)S. #endgamesaddest
N6 QATS +39 Strategy Large
4J Q(I) is a clear sim winner here. I was focused on equity and didn't calculate how many draws bingoed with AELPST. #strategylarge
H7 V(AG)I +8 Strategy Medium
I gave in to fear and played scared. 6H RIF(T) is fine. #strategysadder
5G HIE +11 Vision Medium
This does okay in a sim but 5H HEI(N)IE is the clear winner. #visionsadder
2C GRICED +22 Strategy Medium
Fishing with 6I GI(T) or 4C (ER)G sims best. #strategymedium
12B OMBU +18 Knowledge Large
Wasn't sure of M9 (C)UMBIA. Also, the K is still out for KOMBU, lmao. #KNOWLEDGESADDEST
F6 QINS +43 Strategy Small
7F QIN is slightly better. #strategysmall
G5 VI(N) +17 Strategy Medium
6I PAV is a clear winner and I think it's okay after an exchange 5. #strategysadder
B6 BR(A)P +14 Strategy Small
6I PANT #strategysmall
2J W(O)O +32 Strategy Small
I tanked for this turn. 4A ZO(E)A is about 2 points better. #strategysmall
2F CLY +21 Strategy Large
Really bad strategic fuckup. I thought after 2F CLY blocks 2B bingos I should be the clear favorite, but the score is too close to be doing this. I should have just played equity with 10I WYTE. #STRATEGYSADDEST
10I TERNE +27 Strategy Large
Another big mistake. 10I WERE is much harder to underlap since WA and WI are not words. My opponent scores 7 fewer points after 10I WERE. #STRATEGYLARGE
H13 TIE +13 Strategy Large
14B ELITI(S)T wins a sim somehow. #strategysaddest
D7 pLUM(B)ITE +74 Knowledge Medium
14B MULtI(SI)TE or 14B MULTI(SI)zE or 14B MULTI(SI)tE #knowledgesadder
B10 D(A)UNT +20 Finding Large
1L DI(C)E +27 Strategy Medium
L8 (J)OLED. I was too focused on the triple word. #strategysadder
A1 PON(C)E +27 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for the desperate challenge. This turn is notable because there are 14 plays that are all tied for best at a valuation of 13 points (this is one of them).
7F REZ +27 Strategy Large
7E REEK #strategysaddest
6L TOWT +35 Vision Large
I saw AMOWT but didn't see that it fit at 4K AMOWT. #VISIONSADDEST
N10 OMEGA +25 Strategy Large
B12 OGEE #strategysaddest
C5 FIXT +28 Vision Medium
4K OFT seems better. #visionsadder
K5 VUGS +28 Strategy Small
K5 GUVS to sometimes hit the X bomb next turn. #strategysmall
6E GERT +30 Strategy Medium
I correctly guessed that 6E GERT would sim ahead of I2 EXERT(IN)G, but I missed 6F ERG. #strategysadder
4E WAXEN +23 Knowledge Large
4E WOXEN is better than this. It looked familiar but it also didn't look like a word to me. K11 OWE wins a sim. #KNOWLEDGESADDEST #STRATEGYSADDEST
4E WAXEN +23 Strategy Large
4E WOXEN is better than this. It looked familiar but it also didn't look like a word to me. K11 OWE wins a sim. #KNOWLEDGESADDEST #STRATEGYSADDEST
3F AERO +23 Strategy Large
6J Q(U)OD +34 Strategy Medium
1H RARIE +39 Knowledge Large
14L IDOL +20 Strategy Small
I11 DO(C) is a nice DOCO setup for -ION bingos that I didn't think of. #strategysad
M9 CAR(D)I +22 Strategy Large
I tanked for like 5 minutes here to make the 3rd best play. Sad! B10 ACI(N)I or 13K SAIC would have been better. #strategysaddest
E4 KIDG(Y) +28 Knowledge Large
10L L(A)Y +14 Strategy Large
I tunneled on fishing and didn't see 14A LYMS, which seems best here. I was thinking that this play wins with any vowel + blank draw threatening SALMONS/SIMNELS in multiple places. #STRATEGYSADDEST
8G HAWK +28 Tactics Large
9B CHARISM +81 Strategy Medium
F8 CHRISMA is best (given his rack) to go for the L that he probably doesn't have. #strategysadder
2A (R)IFTED +33 Endgame Large
I considered fishing the F with 5K F(AD) but I thought the 11H bingos would all get blocked. Apparently, it's best. I was trying to block the possible 2A (R)EADVISE with this play. #endgamesaddest
F6 QA(D)I +34 Tactics Large
I completely misevaluated the leave of KLTX. It's actually the same or slightly worse than a bunch of leaves keeping the Q, so a bunch of 6J K plays are better than this. #tacticssaddest
15A ARIOSO +25 Vision Medium
I think turnover is important with both blanks unseen in 16 unseen tiles, but 15E GOR(G)IO is a better execution of that idea. #visionsadder
4C WEIGEla +73 Endgame Large
A8 WEiGElI(A)/A8 WEIGEli(A) ties after B2 HIPLINE and loses to 4C ELENCHI. I undercounted my score by 1 point so I thought B2 HIPLINE would lose. There are 4 winning plays here. This is one of them, which is better than the also winning B2 WEIGhEd but worse than B2 pIGWEEd. The best play is the savage K9 (OR)G, which I'm guessing always bingos next turn because Championship Player is giving it 40 more points of valuation than B2 pIGWEEd. #ENDGAMESADDEST
6J BAIT +25 Vision Large
M2 MIB +40 Strategy Medium
5B TOMB sims best since there's only 2 other Is unseen. #strategysadder
3E GERUND +20 Endgame Large
J4 COBB(Y) +20 Finding Large
L2 KIP(P)A +26 Knowledge Medium
E1 MOVED +32 Tactics Medium
3K D(I)M. I didn't realize how strong EORTV was. #tacticssadder
1A DATU(M) +27 Strategy Large
I have no idea what is best here. I considered N10 DU(E), which is simming best, but I'm pretty sure Quackle is severely underestimating how often that gets blocked. Something like 10L L(ID)O would be good enough. I played this because if IOT? was somehow in the bag, I could win with either A1 (D)ORMIEnT or D6 EROTIsM. There are probably better plays that go for something similar. #strategysaddest
10H SEWN +26 Strategy Large
F9 (O)WT #strategysaddest
12A AI +10 Strategy Small
B11 (B)I(N)E. Quackle says do it. #strategysad
8K (T)UMID +27 Vision Medium
7F DUMA #visionsadder
15K FEASE +35 Tactics Large
M2 FOES #tacticssaddest
7E FOU +13 Vision Large
8C OOF #visionsaddest
13J ARIE(L) +21 Vision Large
B9 RO(BIN)IA #visionsaddest
12L CO(L)A +28 Knowledge Large
N1 VIG +30 Endgame Large
F5 EV(O) #endgamesaddest I get Q stuck sometimes after this.
9I OUTAGES +73 Knowledge Large
12E WHITING(S) +66 Vision Large
14K P(E)RM +26 Vision Large
2I ATONIC +30 Tactics Medium
14B VOM +25 Vision Large
10J Ga(N)OF +44 Vision Large
B2 P(A)R +10 Knowledge Large
8N N(E) +10 Vision Small
O1 JOY +48 Vision Small
M2 JOEY #visionsad
A4 BAIZE +85 Knowledge Small
A4 BAIZA #knowledgesad
M2 WAI +36 Knowledge Large
12A VIEW is 9 points better #knowledgelarge
A14 KA +36 Knowledge Large
I talked myself out of M2 HAKU. There are also other better plays. I was too rattled by my lapse in 4s knowledge. #KNOWLEDGESADDEST
J1 (Y)U +7 Strategy Large
Championship Player says 6J O(RE). I'm not sure I believe that, but this is definitely not correct. #strategysaddest
O10 LIN(G)OT +24 Knowledge Large
O10 LIN(G)OT +24 Time Large
M13 (H)oG +10 Time Large
G5 TEE(N)DING +68 Knowledge Large
I didn't think H1 NIDGETE(D) was a word. #KNOWLEDGESADDEST
11F I(N)fErIAE +64 Finding Small
12L WANY +40 Finding Small
L1 (A)ZIDO +30 Strategy Medium
5K BOT(H) is a nice setup that I missed. #strategysadder
K5 BOX +32 Finding Large
I9 HURL +27 Strategy Large
H6 JU(ICY) is 9 equity worse but somehow sims better. Opp scores 8 points less and we score 3 more after H6 JU(ICY). wtf. #strategysaddest
O6 SLAM +34 Strategy Small
6D FLAM is 3 raw equity worse but sims 2 points better. #strategysad
8A BUR(P) +24 Vision Medium
5F VAUTE +21 Vision Large
4J KOI +28 Vision Large
3G ARY +29 Endgame Small
3F YAM is 1 point better. #endgamesad
8A NONElIT(E) +74 Vision Large
11E TENsION. I didn't even look there. Sad. #VISIONSADDEST
10J Q(AD)I +34 Strategy Large
J7 GOAF sims way better. Opp scores 7 less next turn and I score 4 more. #strategysaddest
O4 PALE(W)AyS +83 Time Large
I was low on time and totally missed A1 ScALEPA(N) and A1 SPELAeA(N). #TIMESADDEST
10F ZaIBATS(U) +90 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for challenge
13G Y(O)M +35 Knowledge Large
7F QUOTA +23 Strategy Medium
L4 TOQU(E) wins a sim against random racks, but given my opponent's range I feel like 7F QUOTA might be justified. I dunno. #strategysadder
5K XI +38 Tactics Medium
5K XED #tacticsmedium
C5 MATH +35 Endgame Large
This is a very sad play that gives my opponent an out. #ENDGAMESADDEST
exch GHLQU +0 Tactics Medium
Exch. HLQU is better. #tacticssadder
6B XI +27 Vision Medium
13B GADDIS +25 Strategy Medium
This is 13 raw equity worse than 5A GADID, which is probably too much to justify blocking the ONE hook. #strategysadder
14H LAR +25 Time Small
D12 HUB +25 Strategy Large
Sim is saying 15F HUI by 8 points, but I thought I really needed the S hook created by D12 HUB. Someone convince me that D12 HUB is wrong. I await your hatemail. EDIT: it's wrong, I was wrong, #STRATEGYSADDEST
15A TONS +25 Strategy Large
Again, sim saying 15H IOTAS, but I don't see how I can ever win after that play. I thought the T at A15 lets me draw into IEST bingos. I dunno. #strategylarge
E9 DI(V) +7 Strategy Large
I don't remember my exact leave here and I didn't record it because I was extremely low on time. This is just a guess since I know I had AEIIRST the next turn. Regardless, this is almost certainly incorrect. #strategylarge
N3 TOUK +42 Finding Small
N3 TURK didn't occur to me. #findingsad
13J D(U)PLY +22 Strategy Large
Quackle says I bingo 24% of the time after G9 (JO)LTY. I have no idea what it's seeing. #strategylarge
N10 GRE(Y) +12 Strategy Large
Shitty attempt at blocking O6 bingos. I did not think about the IER, IES, IED bingos that still fit after N10 GRE(Y). I was considering N8 TIGER(Y) but I thought that gave too many O7 possibilities back. N8 TIGER(Y) is slightly better than this at blocking bingos. Blocking the ELKS hook seemed forced to me at the time, but 15M GUE is best. #STRATEGYSADDEST
F10 (C)UTIE +9 Vision Small
15M UTE. I was maybe *slightly* tilted at this point. #visionsad
1J R(EW) +6 Strategy Large
I had no time. 3I ER(E) seems like the best attempt. #strategysaddest
F6 OU(P)ED +14 Tactics Small
D8 (P)OUTED #tacticssmall
exch AEEOQ +0 Strategy Medium
O1 EASE brings down the opponent's score and goes for the Us still lurking. #strategysadder
3C WAUGH(S) +34 Vision Large
L12 J(EF)E +30 Endgame Large
K9 REE is best. This is not even the top 15. #ENDGAMESADDEST
I5 MEMO +23 Tactics Medium
I7 MOE #tacticssadder
7M AYE +20 Strategy Medium
M5 AIE(R)Y is best. I have no response after they play on top of 7M AYE. #strategysadder
K11 DEX +30 Strategy Medium
K10 XI tanks opponent's next turn score. #strategysadder
M11 WIPE +32 Strategy Medium
I13 WEN is simming best. wtf. #strategysadder
15G GO(B) +18 Strategy Small
15H A(B) is a nice G setup. #strategysad
10E BIT +22 Vision Large
14L V(E)LL +14 Vision Large
7D VELL(UM) #visionsaddest
8A NOVAE +35 Time Medium
I need to keep the E here, but I had no time to evaluate. #TIMESADDER
9C QA(T) +26 Knowledge Small
G1 QI seems like the kind of play that would sim best, but this time it's just the timid 9C QA(T) that wins. I have difficulty evaluating these kinds of decisions, though this one seems correct. Also, #knowledgesad for the challenge.
N2 BILES +48 Strategy Small
2J BLE(A)T is 17 fewer points but reduces the opponent's next turn score by about 6 and increases my next turn score by about 13, apparently. This makes it sim about 2 points better. #strategysad
O6 MOWED +38 Strategy Medium
O6 MOW slightly decreases his bingo % but it doubles mine. #strategysadder
M13 NoT +19 Time Medium
14D OOP +25 Finding Large
8K (A)HINT +36 Finding Large
J5 AZO +37 Tactics Medium
L4 VAU #tacticssadder
9C KON +25 Finding Large
9C KILN. I'm playing this game badly now but it gets way worse later. #FINDINGSADDEST
O10 LINIER +27 Strategy Medium
G10 LI(c)E apparently bingos a lot. Maybe at 7A. I dunno. #strategysadder
N4 IDE +14 Time Large
At this point I am very low on time and proceed to absolutely blow the game for this turn and the nex. This is technically winning, but it's way harder for a human to play, especially with no time. L4 AE is best. #TIMESADDEST
B12 REE(L) +8 Time Large
Only J12 (E)RE and J12 (E)AR win. I had no time, again. #TIMESADDEST
8D VENOM +28 Finding Small
I need to lose by less than 257 to win the tournament. Losing by 257 exactly is a tie. This sets up an OUTVENOM extension that I didn't see for the whole game. 8H ENMOVE is slightly better. #findingsad
7G VELURE +35 Strategy Small
7G VEE #strategysmall
6L RU(R)U +9 Tactics Medium
6J OUR. I tunneled on getting rid of both the Us. #tacticssadder
13B HAJ +39 Strategy Small
13B JAB sets up 14A HA and saves the H for plays on row 15. #strategysmall
A3 (P)IKAU +18 Endgame Large
B2 I(O) is an absolutely savage play, blocking the out and ensuring A1 KA(P)U is unblockable. #ENDGAMESADDEST
1G WE(M)B +33 Knowledge Medium
J: 2H B(O)WBENT #knowledgemedium
5H (PI)TY +18 Knowledge Large
J: Chickened out of 9B TATTERY #knowledgelarge
M9 ROOtLER +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
J: Ooof #knowledgelarge
11B OU(T)LED +14 Strategy Large
J: Very lost this turn. There aren't really any great options. At this point I figured I needed to blank to win, so I went for turnover, but blocking all those lanes is certainly incorrect. Championship Player is saying N12 OU, but I think that's too aggressive given the score and the pool. Something like 2I (O)UR maybe, I dunno. Suggestions are welcome and also #strategylarge.
F4 VAGUE(R) +14 Time Medium
J: 14J GUY #timemedium
3I DANIO +24 Finding Large
4G O(PI)OID #findingsaddest
15C EX +36 Finding Large
15D XED. oof. #findingsaddest
H12 B(U)RN +27 Finding Small
H11 BR(U)NG #findingsad
4A FEY(L)Y +23 Endgame Large
14A AGO +16 Vision Large
G3 POMS +20 Vision Medium
10H SOM #visionsadder
E10 HAT +27 Strategy Large
2N HO is a great OVER setup that I didn't see. #strategysaddest
A6 MOUE +20 Endgame Large
B1 MO(V)E #endgamesaddest
1A HAW +34 Strategy Small
J: C9 CHAWIN(G) #strategysad
E8 CAUTION(S) +70 Knowledge Small
J: E2 (IN)CAUTION #knowledgesad
10B POD(U)NK +21 Endgame Small
J: 9D M(A)KO #endgamesad
A11 ARE(a)R +15 Time Large
I10 ROQ(U)E #timesaddest
L11 QUI(N)O +30 Strategy Small
N10 QUIR(E) to block the S is worth it. #strategysad
15H VIM +31 Finding Small
5B PRIM #findingsad
5C REG +22 Time Large
G4 PR(OBE)R #timesaddest
J4 GoRHENS +78 Time Large
B1 AX +39 Time Large
2K COPED +31 Tactics Medium
14L PEC #tacticssadder
6I GE(D) +13 Strategy Small
10D GRISE #strategysad
I9 SPINNER +70 Vision Large
12C HOUNgA(N)S +72 Knowledge Large
10B FAUVE +26 Endgame Large
15L ERUV. This gives back B7 ROL(F)S. #endgamesaddest
D12 PELF +37 Vision Large
13H (P)OETIC +22 Finding Medium
B12 TACO #findingsadder
N6 BUAT +25 Time Large
B10 NAWAB #timesaddest
B11 QUAT +38 Endgame Large
15B W(OF) is apparently best, blocking plays through OF. #endgamesaddest
K11 W(IT)TY +22 Time Large
9F (LI)NY #timesaddest
9E FOODIE +25 Tactics Small
9F FIDO #tacticssad
O8 JI(R)GA +42 Finding Small
O8 JA(R)K. I stopped looking after JIRGA. #findingsad
7B PORK +33 Finding Large
10D TSK #findingsaddest
13I TSOTSES +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
12I STO(P) +12 Tactics Large
J8 S(EA)S. I was tilted here. #tacticssaddest
15G ANN +14 Strategy Large
C6 N(OW)N bingos way more than I would have thought. #strategysaddest
I6 KAmERAD +82 Finding Large
F2 MALWA +24 Strategy Small
G10 MAW #strategysad
14B PATTENS +80 Vision Medium
12D GLAZ(ED) +34 Vision Large
G10 GAZO(N) #visionsaddest
D2 GOOR +16 Vision Medium
G1 RUG #visionsadder
10B SERIF +35 Endgame Small
5J (F)I(EN)D #endgamesad
11K S(E)D +12 Time Large
9G S(NE)D #timesaddest
C1 NAN(O) +21 Strategy Large
Too fearful. B7 ANOA is clearly best. #strategysaddest
2B (JA)GIR +19 Time Medium
N8 (G)RIG #timesadder
E6 DR(U)IDIC +27 Tactics Medium
9C DI #tacticssadder
H12 (G)AVE +24 Strategy Small
13I NAIVE sets up my R. #strategysad
11I NOUL +12 Vision Medium
3E OU(ZE)L #visionsadder
8D MAIZE +38 Tactics Medium
8G ZACK #tacticssadder
10I OX +53 Tactics Large
10J XI bingos about twice as often next turn. I totally misevaluated those leaves. #tacticssaddest
K7 GERO(N)TIC +71 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for the challenge.
O5 UNURGE +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
This looked really bad but I played it anyway. I'm not sure why. Maybe I was tilted for some reason. #KNOWLEDGESADDEST
15G HIN +41 Finding Large
1G B(U)RP +8 Endgame Small
C3 (JA)RP #endgamesad
D10 UVEAL +18 Knowledge Large
8A EAVE(D) #knowledgesaddest
3K (N)EAFE +24 Finding Large
M3 E(G)ESTA #findingsaddest
13C (BAIL)ER +9 Endgame Large
I was low on time and paranoid that I might have missed something. L6 (B)EL is best. #endgamesaddest
5D D(J)INNI +14 Knowledge Medium
C3 MINNI(E) #knowledgesadder
B9 (O)WN +14 Vision Large
I4 N(I)MBS #visionsaddest
2G D(U)MB +15 Finding Large
F4 D(I)PS(O) #findingsaddest
4A NOVA +22 Strategy Large
4B OVA. I didn't realize I had the last N. #strategysaddest
5K GUA(C)O +16 Strategy Medium
1N (D)O #strategysadder
12D PALA(D)INE +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
D7 I(W)I +6 Vision Small
11G (POH)IRI #visionsad
1A AR(b)ORING +131 Knowledge Large
Not a word apparently, lmao. #KNOWLEDGESADDEST
13A BED +23 Finding Large
K4 DIE +13 Strategy Medium
4J TAILED #strategysadder
M12 MAGG +20 Endgame Large
9F ME(N)E #endgamesaddest
G7 J(A)Y +25 Finding Small
5C C(R)YPT #findingsad
J6 BLIP +28 Strategy Large
J4 (H)ABLE #strategysaddest
12C QAT +26 Strategy Large
I10 Q(U)ATE #strategysaddest
12C ATOM +36 Finding Medium
12D TOMIA #findingsadder
H1 EY(E)D +30 Tactics Large
H1 DR(E)Y #tacticssaddest
F3 (sH)IV +17 Vision Large
K1 VI(E)W #visionsaddest
14G RONZ +38 Vision Large
8A VAS +30 Strategy Medium
4D SWIV(E) #strategysadder
15A (D)OChTING +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
N5 MOTU +22 Tactics Medium
2F MO(A) #tacticssadder
K6 DRA(I)NS +24 Endgame Medium
5K DRA(MA) #endgamesadder
8C GHAZEE +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
Word Cup 2023, Round 27. #KNOWLEDGESADDEST
E4 GHAZ(I) +36 Finding Medium
J4 GAZE(s) #findingsadder
8L NYED +39 Vision Small
5G BEDYE #visionsad
11D NOXES +34 Tactics Large
H1 OXES #tacticssaddest
11K DERE +29 Strategy Large
13E EDUCE #strategysaddest
O11 RUNTY +33 Knowledge Large
6B ARMO(R)IAL +62 Strategy Small
H3 MORAI(N)AL is nice and defensive and only 1 point fewer. #strategysad
C12 TIED +26 Knowledge Medium
G8 (I)DEE. I didn't know POLYPE. #knowledgesadder
14F EE +11 Knowledge Large
G10 EE. #knowledgesaddest
J2 QuI(Z) +41 Vision Large
13G FIG(O) +24 Vision Large
K8 BADE +23 Time Large
exch EIIOU +0 Strategy Small
8F EUOI #strategysad
J10 FAVA +36 Tactics Small
J10 FAVE #tacticssmall
15E VeN(T)URED +63 Tactics Medium
O1 VE(X) #tacticssadder
10B YARRS +36 Strategy Medium
5B RYUS. This gives back too many bingos. #strategysadder
D4 BLIN(K)Y +30 Knowledge Large
N1 WEE +24 Strategy Small
Apparently N2 EWE is fine, but it seemed scary. #strategysad
10I MINE +18 Strategy Large
I was out of ideas at this point, the game didn't seem very winnable. The sim suggests E2 UME but that seems too easily blocked. #strategysaddest
10B U(R) +4 Time Unspecified
tNo time. Forgot about OUR, lmao. Even without OUR this never works. #timesadddest
D12 (T)O +11 Time Large
9A (O)O(FY) #timesaddest
J3 VOW +18 Strategy Small
L10 YOW is fine, but I was too scared of the E hook. #strategysad
O7 OUThITS +78 Strategy Small
Anything that doesn't put the H at O10 is better to avoid plays like N10 CLA(I)M. I stopped looking after seeing OUTHITS. #strategysad
H11 WAIDE +35 Finding Medium
E4 DIS(PE)ACE #findingsadder
2I DAYLIT +32 Strategy Large
Huge mistake. Probably my biggest of this tournament. I didn't realize 1) How many bingos were in the pool starting with PE and ending with some IN pattern and 2) That I could most likely outrun these scenarios. I was concerned about a refish after I made a play like K2 QAD(I) and only wanted to give him one shot. I just assumed the bingos would score too much and that I would always lose. A play like J3 DA(F)TLY is really strong here keeping 1 in the bag and saving QI. #strategysaddest
E10 HODAD +40 Vision Small
7I or 10J HAUD maybe. #visionsmall
11K BEAU +24 Vision Medium
G7 U(N)BE maybe. #visionmedium
O8 GIE +28 Vision Medium
O8 GEIT #visionmedium
9G OBA +19 Strategy Small
10I OBIA #strategysad
O11 W(H)INY +42 Finding Large
4A CHAR(P)AI +34 Finding Small
4D A(P)ACHE #findingsad
L9 (T)EAM +27 Strategy Small
I thought the S was pretty valuable on this board but Quackle is saying to play L9 (T)EAMS. J12 A(U)F is also worth considering, but her last few plays seem kinda fishy. #strategysmall
14F YE +38 Strategy Small
O1 LEGES saving 14F Y* plays seem slightly better. #strategysad
M11 HENNY +33 Strategy Medium
M11 NOY #strategysadder
A3 CEES +20 Endgame Small
14A CEES is 3 points better because it blocks D12 (BI)RR. #endgamesad
exch EOTU +0 Strategy Small
Rationally, I knew that 8D TOUTIE was very likely the best play, but emotionally I couldn't do it. #strategysad
7C FAW +24 Strategy Small
J5 VAWS is very slightly better. #strategysad
8H JIAO +22 Knowledge Small
Briefly got confused about JIAOS and CIAOS* and made a bad placement. I was sure of JIAOS and CIAOS* as soon as I played this. #knowledgesad
15L (E)CCO +24 Strategy Large
I gave into fear again. L4 FUCI is clearly best. #STRATEGYSADDEST
L3 HEEDY +31 Finding Large
A12 LIEU +27 Strategy Medium
I saw N5 (M)OU (which is best) but gave into fear YET AGAIN and did this. #strategysadder
N1 HOI +23 Vision Small
M11 ASDI(C) #visionsad
13D DART +18 Endgame Medium
13D DRAG is 5 points better. #endgamesadder
E3 BRIO +18 Knowledge Large
I wasn't 100% sure of F10 B(A)RRIO which is very sad. #KNOWLEDGESADDEST
C7 P(L)Y +31 Strategy Small
F5 NY sims slightly better. #strategysmall
15F SHRI +32 Strategy Medium
14E R(A)ND is the kind of play that I have a really hard time seeing. It sims best, but I'm not sure what is actually best since I assume a human would play very differently from Quackle. On the other hand, the EDS/EDH hook is difficult to block without the hooks. I dunno. #strategysadder
5B QU(AIL) +14 Strategy Large
M13 N(O)R and other similar plays such as K13 R(A)N and D13 (E)RN are probably the saddest top simming plays I have ever seen. I should have recognized that I need a huge Q bingo to hope to win the game, so despite the sadness, I would have to agree with Quackle. #STRATEGYSADDEST
2J IAMB +18 Endgame Large
12C YOUNG(S) +20 Finding Large
Missed J2 YOGA and 11D AGOU(T)Y somehow. #FINDINGSADDEST
exch AAOUUW +0 Vision Large
F2 PUL(I)K +27 Strategy Medium
Sims says M9 KUNA, but there's probably something even better than that. #strategysadder
7A ETA +17 Endgame Large
Probably G5 (R)OA(R). #endgamesaddest
L4 FEW +35 Strategy Medium
N4 WIFE sims better. #strategysadder
15E VOLE +27 Strategy Medium
J4 LOVED wins a sim, but I'm not sure I could ever leave row 15 open in an actual game. #strategysadder
13C KULA +28 Strategy Large
I was panicked at this point because I thought he might be close to a bingo which would be game over. This put me deep in the tank and I tunneled on row 13 plays and column J plays. 12J GU(C)K is just clearly best and it's not even close. I need to calm down and just play the equity here. #strategysaddest
8G CONF +18 Tactics Small
8D CONFER #tacticssad
O6 UTE +19 Vision Small
D4 T(OU)ZE #visionsad
G2 ITA +20 Strategy Small
14C O(T)TO #strategysad
K9 POGO +17 Finding Small
L1 (G)OOG #findingsad
8L (O)VEL +21 Finding Large
9I V(APO)UR sets up my case S. #findingsaddest
O2 NAES +17 Endgame Large
M2 NAE #endgamesaddest
10N WE +33 Tactics Small
7C WEB might be a bit better. #tacticssmall
9G DREG +22 Finding Large
4A PREB(A)DE among other plays through the A which I couldn't seem to find. #findinglarge
H12 (BI)MA +24 Endgame Large
According to Championship Player 13L PA wins 27% of the time. I guess he only has one vowel a lot of the time and I can outrun him if I don't give him something to play through. Unfortunately, I was on tilt and may have also been out of time and I couldn't think clearly. #endgamelarge
N4 lOANEES +72 Vision Large
N6 ANOESEs #visionsaddest
D6 BIZ +31 Endgame Large
This is lazy. J8 N(A)S. #endgamesaddest
9A NOY +24 Endgame Medium
7A NON(I) #endgamesadder
7G FUTZ +39 Tactics Large
7G YUFT #tacticssaddest
14J HON(E)Y +38 Finding Large
15K HY(D)RO #findingsaddest
12D GIEN +24 Finding Large
G11 (E)IGNE #findingsaddest
A1 OYE +31 Finding Small
A1 EYOT #findingsad
13C RATES +28 Time Large
I2 ARTS #timesaddest
10D LUX(E) +27 Tactics Small
10B DELUX(E) #tacticssad
11C FID +24 Knowledge Unspecified
C11 DIFFS #knowledge
14K (T)E +7 Strategy Small
14K (T)ERAI #strategysad
C1 (A)NCHOR +22 Strategy Large
2A COR #strategysaddest
6B V(R)OOM +24 Endgame Large
L1 TRITON +21 Tactics Small
L2 LIROT #tacticssmall
2A MEAL +27 Finding Large
10B VUG(G) +17 Vision Small
2D TUX looks alright. #visionsmall
5D M(E)NG +15 Vision Large
C9 D(U)MB #visionSADDEST
J6 ZA +37 Finding Large
3I ZeRDA #findingSADDEST
E7 B(A)JUS +28 Tactics Medium
9G XU. BJLSS is not as bad as I thought and LSX is not as good as I thought. #tacticssadder
I2 tAXLESS +76 Finding Large
H1 LIMA +36 Vision Small
I used my astounding and unfathomable knowledge of the leave values to correctly determine that H1 LIMA is better than H1 DIME and I am vindicated by the engine analysis which evaluates H1 LIMA as 0.1 equity better. Also, I completely missed G6 ID(E)M which is the best play #visionsad
15D (W)HOEVER +48 Knowledge Small
13J OATEN +18 Knowledge Large
J5 OM +22 Finding Large
12H (D)ORM(I)E #findingsaddest
10E FAD +29 Knowledge Large
14M EIK +22 Strategy Large
14M KIT sims best, but I was worried about O7 bingos ending in IEST or EST. What I didn't see during the game is that I can also definitely lose to plays like N4 BONACIS, 6H VIB(R)ANCE, and 6G COVE(R)ING, so 14M KIT is probably best. #strategysaddest
N9 IT +19 Endgame Large
I thought this was clever, but it doesn't block his outplay of 3K (C)OCOA. #ENDGAMESADDEST
E1 JUPES +47 Finding Large
exch AEIIQ +0 Tactics Medium
H3 A(M)IE #tacticssadder
B8 IRK +40 Strategy Small
N10 KIORE(s) sims with the highest valuation. #strategysad
A14 OI +36 Vision Small
6M OI #visionsad
8D BENNI +20 Knowledge Medium
CoCo Silver Spring April 2023, Round 14. 8D BONNIE #knowledgesadder
7E FOAM +25 Tactics Medium
7C FAB #tacticssadder
A8 BA(C)ON +30 Finding Large
12C TONG +16 Tactics Medium
12C GONG #tacticssadder
B2 DIlUTEE +72 Knowledge Large
15G A(G)EnESIA +59 Strategy Large
A1 EA(V)E #strategysaddest
E2 NARC +24 Endgame Large
3F CR(AG). This V sticks myself, so I have to pass to the end of the game, but just passing seemed boring. #endgamesaddest
F6 MO(p)E +25 Finding Small
H1 DEMOI #findingsad
15L WITE +42 Finding Large
15A PUTID +30 Knowledge Large
H1 TAUPIE #knowledgesaddest
C11 SN(I)F(T) +8 Strategy Small
13M F(A)N #strategysad
L10 TOM +24 Endgame Large
8G GUE +8 Strategy Small
Champions Cup 2023, Round 1. 8G GU #strategysad
E3 JOLE +24 Strategy Small
I7 J(E)ON #strategysad
I7 D(E)G +14 Vision Large
M2 VEE +20 Vision Small
6J W(AT) +14 Endgame Large
J2 GRUT +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
exch CGGU +0 Tactics Large
J2 CURT #TACTICSSADDEST I was definitely tilted.
B8 (MO)I +7 Vision Large
J2 bRISANT +85 Vision Small
J5 SANTIRs #visionsad
10J P(R)UNT +20 Knowledge Medium
13H UNP(E)NT #knowledgesadder
E2 KIPI +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
4D ST(O)KVEL +36 Knowledge Large
C11 TAL(U)K #knowledgesaddest
14J BOWER +45 Knowledge Large
1L WERO #knowledgesaddest
L8 QIN(S) +23 Strategy Small
3C QI #strategysad
3L DAG +26 Vision Large
13A FIG(O) #visionsaddest
10B FA +22 Vision Large
13A FIG(O) #visionsaddest
K7 HE(R)EBY +35 Finding Small
3I WET(L)Y #findingsad
I2 TWIT(E) +20 Strategy Small
D12 WILT is fine, I was playing too scared. #strategysad
A10 UN(G)ILT +21 Finding Large
exch GIPPW +0 Strategy Large
13C (S)WIG #strategysaddest
M3 MY +31 Strategy Small
8K (EN)EMY #strategysad
7K (HO)E +7 Time Large
13F (A)UE probably, I have no time. #TIMESADDEST
N8 sEPTIC +18 Time Large
B1 (A)PnEIC #timesaddest
D14 (P)I +7 Time Large
E11 I(D) #timesaddest
D12 (V)INY +14 Endgame Small
C7 FI(Z) #endgamesad
O5 SHAWL +43 Vision Large
3L WHA #visionlarge
10J ZOA +65 Vision Large
M9 ZOEAE #visionlarge
2B MoTIF +50 Knowledge Large
B4 FEMITEr #knowledgelarge also METIF is a word.
13G NITRATE +75 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for challenge
8H OHO +12 Knowledge Large
WESPA Championship 2023, Round 11. I chickened out of 8D HOOpOES. #KNOWLEDGESADDEST
L11 FRY +23 Knowledge Large
10J F(U)STY #knowledgesaddest
6F KA +18 Finding Large
13I ALK(Y)N(E) #findingsaddest
13I WAL(Y) +14 Strategy Large
I was too scared to play 14C SLAW. #strategysaddest
H13 SEE +20 Finding Large
H12 ESNE #findingsaddest
4C GL(E)gNESS +68 Strategy Small
4C SE(E)LiNGS for better defense. #strategysad
2F MI(M)ED +20 Strategy Large
5J TIMID #strategysaddest
M2 P(E)RT +6 Endgame Large
14F PR(E) #endgamesaddest
10D OLEO +16 Tactics Small
10F LOTE #tacticssad
11D BOT +20 Strategy Large
9F O(XI)C #strategysaddest
14C DISC +35 Strategy Small
14D ID #strategysad
F4 KEFI(R) +31 Tactics Small
F6 KI(R) #tacticssad
L1 ZETAS +58 Strategy Small
15G (N)AZE #strategysad
3H EJEC(T)A +46 Finding Small
H1 JACA(R)E #findingsad
N10 TAgUAN +20 Time Small
J4 OcULATE +69 Tactics Small
I didn't realize 7C OvULATE was more. #tacticssad
11E KED +30 Knowledge Large
11B KERNED #knowledgesaddest
A11 ONLAY +30 Tactics Large
M3 ONELY #tacticssaddest
4C (H)UI +12 Endgame Large
K11 C(L)INT. I thought I was blocking his only out. SAD. #endgamesaddest
M3 TRAIK(S) +30 Strategy Small
J7 D(A)RK #strategysad
E7 (V)ERRY +22 Strategy Medium
1F (A)RY is fine. #strategysadder
11A (RE)N(AY) +8 Knowledge Large
9F KADE +30 Knowledge Large
jvc: Chickened out of G8 (J)ADELIKE. And that's the GAME. #KNOWLEDGESADDEST
14C OESTR(O)US +62 Finding Large
jvc: Went with this to keep stuff open but missed O1 TUSSORE(S) #findinglarge
C3 PINTADO +84 Knowledge Small
jvc: #knowledgesmall for the challenge
C5 UNB(O)X +25 Tactics Small
9C XI #tacticssad
13B WAFE(R)ED +30 Tactics Small
A9 WAFTED #tacticssad
3B (RE)J(O)N +12 Strategy Large
15A ROST #strategysaddest
13K REW +37 Finding Large
13I WORSE #findingsaddest
9L HIT +30 Vision Large
7H ZAX +37 Strategy Large
J8 NOX #strategysaddest
8A ROAD +30 Vision Large
10B ROADIE #visionsaddest
14F JI(V)ER +33 Strategy Medium
5D JI(G) #strategysadder
15E BON(E)D +22 Vision Large
O10 INTaKE +33 Finding Large
2N B(I) +10 Time Small
2N B(I) #timesad
I5 OWES +42 Strategy Large
I5 OWES is top equity but gets destroyed in a sim. 5D EWHO(W) is best. I guess the S hook for BWAZI is really valuable. #strategysaddest
K2 BAPS +36 Vision Large
J12 PAX #visionsaddest
3C JINN(E) +24 Vision Large
10K (DI)CE +9 Time Large
H13 M(I)C is best. #TIMESADDEST
4H B(O)NNY +26 Vision Medium
F7 B(O)NY #visionsadder
1D (W)HAUR +33 Vision Large
K3 I(N)DUVIA +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
N6 DIVI +15 Tactics Medium
J4 (N)IDI #tacticssadder
14A IRES +16 Time Large
9I AR +20 Tactics Small
9I ARD #tacticssmall
H7 D(O) +3 Strategy Large
H10 (E)DITOR #strategylarge
D10 W(H)AT +29 Strategy Small
D4 JOT #strategysad
H12 (C)OZE +45 Strategy Medium
D2 TOZIE #strategysadder
8G FEU +12 Tactics Small
Word Cup 2023, Round 17. Exch. EFUV #tacticssmall
K1 ROM +20 Strategy Small
11E MHORRS #strategysmall
C10 P(O)ND +14 Finding Small
C9 DR(O)PT #findingsad
F10 F(L)ECK +32 Knowledge Large
8D HELLO +24 Knowledge Large
Word Cup 2023, Round 26. 8H OILHOLE. lmao. #KNOWLEDGESADDEST
9D EXO +26 Tactics Large
F7 U(L)EX #tacticssaddest
10F YUKO +33 Strategy Medium
10D YOUK. 10F YUKO allows H10 (K)NAVES. #strategysadder
11H INPUT +22 Strategy Large
9I PUTTI #strategysaddest
9I YA +19 Strategy Medium
12I SATAI #strategysadder
L8 DIC(T)A +20 Knowledge Large
8J DICAST #knowledgesaddest
N4 IODID +27 Vision Large
8J IO(DI)DE #visionsaddest
L3 JIBE +36 Vision Large
11B JIBE #visionsaddest
15A ENE +25 Strategy Medium
J5 GU(R) #strategysadder
5H GU +10 Strategy Large
10B GUN #strategysaddest
O7 NyES +36 Endgame Large
O8 oUENS #endgamesaddest
10N U(S) +6 Time Large
A6 (Y)ARROW +36 Strategy Small
A6 (Y)OWL #strategysad
B10 KEN +38 Endgame Medium
11A (W)HELK #endgamesadder
14G LURCH +18 Time Medium
11A (WE)NCH #timesadder
F5 CRE(A)SERS +64 Finding Medium
I hope I would have found 11D SCRE(W)ERS OTB, but after challenging off the phony I completely stopped looking at horizontal plays through OUTWIT as I thought that all of them would give him DIDDLERS. However, 12C CRESS(I)ER is best with his rack. #findingsadder
5D PA(C)IFiER +106 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for challenge
6J WEETE +33 Finding Large
C2 BOROnIC +87 Finding Small
C3 BROCOlI #findingsad
8D FACIA +28 Strategy Small
8D FACIAE #strategysad
I7 MEDIANS +77 Finding Small
M2 GO(D)WIT +24 Strategy Medium
N7 WOUBIT #strategysadder
15B NUBBLE(D) +20 Strategy Small
I tunneled on making the massive hook. #strategysad
3G (L)EME +21 Endgame Medium
5K ME(W) #endgamesadder
8D CAMEO +24 Knowledge Medium
8G OOMIAC #knowledgemedium
9G TUMORIC +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
I really thought this was a word. #knowledgelarge
7G MOU +18 Vision Medium
9B CO(R)IUM #visionmedium
G5 CA(ME)O +10 Strategy Large
I had no idea what to do here I sorta fell apart. There were probably plenty of mistakes, but I didn't even what metrics to use. #strategylarge
12I V(E)RB +18 Vision Small
6D (I)NV(A)R maybe? #visionsmall
O6 ABID +24 Endgame Large
13M BE(E) #endgamesaddest
H8 (B)RIDEKIN +98 Knowledge Large
6L (T)UX +26 Tactics Medium
7I YU #tacticsmedium
15G I(N)IA +4 Vision Large
10M (I)O +4 Vision Large
3K O(C)A #VISIONSADDEST and #VISIONSADDEST for the no challenge.
10M (I)O +4 Vision Large
3K O(C)A #VISIONSADDEST and #VISIONSADDEST for the no challenge.
8H NOYAU +18 Knowledge Small
8D NOYAU. I didn't think this took an S. #knowledgesad
9G VAE +16 Strategy Small
L4 AVA #strategysad
K4 MAA +13 Finding Large
10B CURB +18 Tactics Medium
E7 RUBR(I)C. I misevaluated RRS compared to RS. #tacticssadder
13C MAE +35 Tactics Large
13E ERM. Really bad misevaluation of NRRS. Yikes. #TACTICSSADDEST
5K P(HI)Z +36 Tactics Small
5K C(HI)Z #tacticssmall
D2 GAUD +25 Strategy Small
Sim says D3 GAUD. I thought I had to worry more about 1A bings, but maybe not. #strategysmall
J11 TOGA +23 Strategy Large
N5 (Z)O is best according to Championship Player. There are no sevens in the pool that fit at O6 and not even the Q can be dumped in O6 plays. It also minimizes the chances of drawing the Q if it's still in the bag while keeping the I to dump it off if it's drawn. Also, if I draw a bingo at O6, my opponent will most likely (if they have the Q) have to choose between dumping the Q off at J13 allowing me to bingo out or sacrificing equity to block it. This is just my best guess analysis, I may have missed something. Even though N5 (Z)O looks fucking nuts and would probably only be played by Nigel, this play is still a mistake. #strategylarge
13J (GI)RN +17 Knowledge Large
4C (MU)RLINS #knowledgesaddest
6I MY +35 Tactics Medium
H13 RYU #tacticssadder
8H (INDEX)ERS +50 Strategy Small
K7 (PEAL)S #strategysad
6L DAFT +33 Tactics Small
6L TUFA #tacticssad
N13 OUD +17 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for the challenge
K2 LAZE +46 Time Large
I6 VAN +19 Finding Large
4D CIG +18 Tactics Small
E3 GID #tacticssad
8A HUGE(R) +30 Vision Large
4H (Z)E(R)OTH #visionsaddest
B12 HOW +26 Vision Large
13G WHE(RET)O #visionsaddest
M6 UPTALK +24 Endgame Large
14B (W)E +15 Time Large
I6 (VAN)E #timesaddest
9B VOW +15 Strategy Large
F7 V(A)W #strategysaddest
13G P(A)GINANT +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
C3 PAINT +34 Strategy Small
4B (J)APING #strategysad
13G H(A)NGOUT +32 Finding Medium
8J (R)OUGHT #findingsadder
11C VIS +27 Finding Large
E5 VIS(ITA)NT #findingsaddest
C1 LEU(C)O +14 Strategy Small
F10 (J)EE #strategysad
L7 (L)O(B)E +14 Finding Small
H7 (CH)OREE #findingsad
9G OE +14 Strategy Large
3G EGAL #strategysaddest
2A GR(E)EK +29 Strategy Small
14E GRAKLE #strategysad
N2 AX(E) +33 Endgame Large
15E WO #endgamesaddest
3H WARN +21 Endgame Large
8D QUINO +48 Strategy Small
8D QUONK #strategysad
J6 ISMATIc +74 Vision Small
13B ISA(R)IThM #visionsad
N3 TREF +30 Strategy Small
L10 ERF #strategysad
4D JUV(E) +28 Endgame Large
I1 NOW #endgamesaddest
H12 C(E)DI +30 Vision Small
6L DICT #visionsad
G3 DUET +18 Strategy Small
12J (E)TA #strategysad
1H SHIUR +36 Endgame Small
L8 (M)URRI(N)S #endgamesad
O5 (Y)ETT +21 Tactics Medium
9I ET #tacticssadder
B8 (B)OX +30 Finding Small
5C FOXI(E) #findingsad
10H VI(Z)IR +17 Finding Small
L8 SAVIN #findingsad
6D TRANSEC(T) +68 Finding Small
M3 OHED +29 Finding Small
5A QUE(U)ED #findingsad
2F JE(E)P +29 Tactics Small
13B FEM #tacticssad
C2 FEM +20 Strategy Large
13B FEM. I tunneled on making an opening. #strategysaddest
B1 sIR +26 Time Small
B2 IRe #timesad
9F YAE +22 Finding Large
7C FAB +21 Strategy Small
10H FAB #strategysad
O5 (G)ANEV +27 Strategy Small
M4 Q(I)N #strategysad
A4 (M)URRE +21 Strategy Large
A1 GRU(M)E #strategysaddest
13L SCOG +27 Endgame Large
5E GEO #endgamesaddest
I2 FUNKIE(R) +16 Knowledge Small
I3 FUNKE(R) probably. #knowledgesmall
D9 LOOTING +74 Strategy Medium
I gave up 10 to play this over C3 TOOLING because I wanted to kill easy double-triple plays. But when I'm up this much I shouldn't be opening another triple-triple. #strategymedium
1A GRA(V)E +27 Knowledge Small
L1 (C)ARAFE. #knowledgesmall
E5 RI(PE) +12 Finding Large
E5 CA(PE)RER #findingsaddest
D8 (MA)X +12 Strategy Large
12G AXL(E) for some reason. #strategysaddest #timesaddest
D8 (MA)X +12 Time Large
12G AXL(E) for some reason. #strategysaddest #timesaddest
C9 (V)ERBAL +31 Knowledge Large
F6 B(LA)ER #knowledgesaddest
E7 J(A)UNT +24 Strategy Small
G7 W(E)FT #strategysad
1G EF +33 Finding Large
13I CI(D)ER +22 Endgame Small
13I CI(D)ERS or 13I CE(D)ER. #endgamesad
L2 VIBE +20 Tactics Medium
8L (S)AVE #tacticssadder
11C AAH +23 Strategy Medium
This gives back way too much. J14 HA is best. #strategysadder
I3 QAD(I) +24 Strategy Large
A10 TA(B)ERD makes him score 6 fewer next turn. #strategysaddest
8L (S)TEP +18 Knowledge Small
M11 G(AI)TT #visionsaddest #knowledgesad for challenge
8L (S)TEP +18 Vision Large
M11 G(AI)TT #visionsaddest #knowledgesad for challenge
4H W(A)T +10 Finding Large
4E TULW(A)R #findingsaddest
O10 OH +8 Time Large
F1 NAY +20 Time Large
8H PUDSY +30 Strategy Large
Word Cup 2023, Round 3. 8G PUY #strategysaddest
11J (AGON)Y +9 Strategy Large
N13 FEN #strategysaddest
15H (QI)N +12 Strategy Small
4K (LIG)ER #strategysad
exch EIOL +0 Strategy Large
I have no idea what's correct here. #strategysaddest
11G O(E) +5 Time Large
G12 ORD. I couldn't see a play with a Z and I think I was already overtime here. #TIMESADDEST
15A ZEBRAs +58 Time Large
14D OB(E) +11 Time Large
I9 KI +24 Knowledge Large
N1 PEIZINg +110 Finding Large
3K LOB(I) +25 Finding Large
E10 (G)ACHED +26 Strategy Medium
L11 (V)ADED #strategysadder
15E (D)EMUR +26 Vision Large
G7 ROR(E) #visionsaddest
M8 lOD(E)STAR +68 Vision Large
4D STARDOm #visionsaddest
7F WIZ +30 Strategy Large
K7 (BE)WET #strategysaddest
D4 AE +23 Finding Large
3C TE(P)EE #findingsaddest
2H WUD +16 Tactics Large
B2 WED #tacticssaddest
C7 JA(PE) +21 Strategy Large
N1 VIS #strategysaddest
I5 Q(I) +11 Strategy Large
Exch. CIQV #strategysaddest
11E SILVIC +30 Knowledge Large
M12 OU +7 Time Large
I was low on time and didn't think H11 (V)OARS ever won. I'm not sure what's best. #timesaddest
4L DAK +34 Endgame Large
13H OKA #endgamesaddest
8A VOT(E)D +27 Vision Large
C2 B(R)OW +21 Knowledge Large
4I (P)EEOY +20 Finding Large
4I (P)AEONY #findingsaddest
B6 ZO(O) +32 Strategy Medium
6I (L)OO #strategysadder
B12 (Q)UAI +26 Strategy Medium
B11 A(Q)UA #strategysadder
9B NA +20 Knowledge Small
9I (M)AUNNA #knowledgesad
1H RAUN +18 Finding Large
1H ANURA #findingsaddest
3M (E)T +4 Strategy Large
I'm not sure what is correct, but 3M (E)T gives opp too many bingos. #strategysaddest
O5 PITTE(D) +27 Knowledge Large
O4 DITTIE(D) #knowledgesaddest
F9 (G)ROVY +19 Knowledge Large
13C NAV(Y) +20 Strategy Large
D10 NAVE #strategysaddest
J12 (R)EC +11 Strategy Large
M10 (OR)IEL #strategysaddest
B1 ROILIES +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
14G LO +13 Knowledge Large
M1 L(U)R #knowledgesaddest
9N R(E) +8 Time Large
G1 AWOKENE(D) +68 Knowledge Large
E1 (Q)UEYN +34 Strategy Small
E1 (Q)UINCE #strategysad
F5 CEL +14 Finding Medium
9H TELIC #findingsadder
5C EVI(C)T +20 Knowledge Medium
H7 (OU)TLIVE #knowledgesadder
K3 IDOLAT(R)Y +74 Strategy Small
K7 AD(R)OITLY #strategysad
C3 GR(E)X +24 Finding Large
C3 EX(E)RGY #findingsaddest
F9 LYE +31 Vision Small
D11 ELEGY #visionsad
9A OLE +23 Strategy Small
J3 (B)ONE keeping the W and A open I guess. #strategysad
N2 AErO +14 Knowledge Small
J2 A(B)OdE #timesaddest and #knowledgesad for challenge.
N2 AErO +14 Time Large
J2 A(B)OdE #timesaddest and #knowledgesad for challenge.
12G EW +24 Finding Large
3I HO(V)EL +30 Finding Large
2C PAEnULA +63 Knowledge Small
2C PApULAE #knowledgesad
1G MAY +43 Knowledge Medium
1D (C)RIMED #knowledgesadder
3B GA(R)RE +23 Tactics Small
3B GA(R)RES #tacticssmall
8G JOCK +34 Strategy Medium
Word Cup 2023, Round 23. 8D KOTCH wins a sim. #strategysadder
10D NETTL(E)D +14 Tactics Medium
J8 (K)ELT #tacticssadder
L4 BEE +20 Tactics Small
L1 BARBE #tacticssmall
M3 FAB +28 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for challenge
O10 D(I)VERT +42 Strategy Small
O8 VIR(I)D #strategysad
L8 SAI(M)IN +40 Finding Large
L8 SAL(M)I #findingsaddest
exch GLR +0 Finding Large
14H GRRLS #findingsaddest
9G AYU +17 Tactics Small
7F BEAU #tacticssad
9C JA +36 Strategy Small
9A RAJ #strategysad
15J BODE +32 Tactics Small
15M DEB #tacticssad
N5 SQUIT +36 Strategy Large
N10 QUE(ER) #strategysaddest
A11 F(E)M +8 Vision Large
12L (H)M #visionsaddest
6E NEF +17 Vision Small
M9 EFT #visionsad
exch CIIY +0 Finding Large
L11 HEFTY +41 Vision Large
2A DEFY #visionsaddest
exch IIOU +0 Strategy Small
Exch. AIIINU #strategysad
M12 AA +16 Strategy Small
M12 AAS #strategysad
L2 KIND +27 Vision Large
11I INDEX #visionsaddest
5C FRO(R)Y +22 Tactics Medium
G6 FY #tacticsmedium
14K LUSH +28 Strategy Medium
14K LOSH is better to hold the U for the potential Q draw. #strategysadder
F13 AFT +17 Time Large
8A EFTS seems to outrun everything. #timesaddest
9G LIRI +14 Strategy Small
L3 AIRIL(Y) saving H1 bingos is best here. #strategysad
N10 (Z)IGAN +30 Strategy Medium
7J NAN creating a G hook. #strategysadder
F10 F(LA)X +22 Tactics Small
14G FIX #tacticssad
D4 M(O)U(T)H +28 Endgame Large
M1 VOLS +26 Finding Small
B2 VOLS #findingsad
6F H(I)JAB +31 Vision Large
4E RA(T)IFIES +74 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for challenge
3H TODDED +36 Knowledge Small
8J D(A)DOED #knowledgesad
D4 GAIN +36 Finding Large
D2 RAGINI #findingsaddest
1L RYUS +38 Finding Small
1K UNSAY #findingsad
N5 AV(IN)E +16 Endgame Large
M5 AU(XI)N #endgamesaddest
H11 B(R)IEF +30 Strategy Small
11C GIF #strategysad
8K (I)MSHI +39 Vision Large
15A SIGHS. I played too find. #visionsaddest
D5 GRIPLES +68 Knowledge Large
4J GAL(AX) +26 Vision Large
L1 GAST #visionsaddest
F10 DO(N)EE +26 Finding Large
9G EX +22 Knowledge Small
G5 TAH(R) #tacticssad #knowledgesad for challenge
9G EX +22 Tactics Small
G5 TAH(R) #tacticssad #knowledgesad for challenge
J8 (G)RUE +7 Strategy Small
I have to block TURFINGS but 6F (J)URE is better #strategysmall
12F BEZ +49 Strategy Large
C9 WEB #strategysaddest
6J VA(T) +14 Endgame Large
5I LAR(N)S #endgamesaddest
O2 SLART +28 Time Large
13I BUN(C)E +24 Finding Large
exch CDJVI +0 Vision Large
14H CIG +21 Strategy Large
J2 PINTOEs +74 Finding Small
H4 OPTI(O)NEd #findingsad
14K GOJI +36 Vision Large
O8 CATTERS +93 Knowledge Large
H1 GRI(Z) +42 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for upcoming challenge.
E7 Q(I) +11 Strategy Small
Exch. GQ #strategysmall
7H POGO +14 Strategy Medium
7H GO #strategymedium
1A T(W)IN +24 Vision Medium
1L (F)IND. I tunneled on the W. #visionsadder
11K CAGO(T) +29 Vision Large
3L (R)ACH #visionsaddest
G11 J(O)R +11 Endgame Large
N4 HEMP +21 Vision Small
15M MEH #visionsad
11E YEAN +32 Tactics Medium
11C MYNA #tacticssadder
12G MOLINeS +80 Vision Large
14M GET +22 Vision Large
N7 E(L)OPE +21 Endgame Large
7I (FAR)O #endgamesaddest
13H QAT +21 Knowledge Medium
7M QAT #knowledgemedium
L14 (I)T +3 Endgame Small
G10 (OW)T #endgamesmall
13C C(O)WED +26 Vision Small
9C W(A)NE looks a bit better. #visionsmall
M2 HATTED +34 Knowledge Small
M2 TATHED doesn't take the front C. #knowledgesmall
The listing of all of the player's mistakes. For more information about mistakes, check the 'Mistakes' section of the about page.
Player Dynamic Mistakes
Play Type Size Comment
K4 VAU(S) +14 200IQ Dynamic
The listing of the player's dynamic mistakes. For more information about mistakes, check the 'Mistakes' section of the about page.
Opponent Mistakes
Play Type Size Comment
M12 (A)VE +31 Time Large
5J y(G)Oe #timesaddest
7H KUE +19 Knowledge Large
5E PYA +20 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for challenge and #knowledgesadder for F7 PATY
5E PYA +20 Knowledge Medium
#knowledgesad for challenge and #knowledgesadder for F7 PATY
3C REN(A)ME +22 Knowledge Large
2H dIETiNE +69 Knowledge Large
exch GOOU +0 Strategy Large
3M GU #strategysaddest
15A MU(S)ED +35 Knowledge Small
15C (S)EDARIM #findingsad also #knowledgesad for challenge
15A MU(S)ED +35 Finding Small
15C (S)EDARIM #findingsad also #knowledgesad for challenge
12A QA(D)I +48 Knowledge Large
#KNOWLEDGESADDEST for challenges
13E GOV +20 Endgame Large
3N GO is interesting, setting up OVERGO #endgamesaddest
5L ERGO +13 Endgame Large
L9 ORE because my opponent doesn't have an out in one so I can just play it slow #endgamesaddest
12C (AWA)RD +9 Strategy Small
Will: Burned all the rest of my time here. I considered AWARN, AWARD, HARDLINE, HARDLINER, and N10 IDLER/ELDIN. HARDLINER attempts to luck into an outbingo that Josh can't block by playing parallel to HARDLINER, and also might luck into ZQ draws (HARDLINER makes a big Q spot). Maybe I draw something to the I and play it after he blocks the R, for example. Amazingly AWARD bingos 35% to AWARN's 11%, though the usual caveat applies that those numbers are going to be lower than Quackle thinks because Josh is going to seek to lower them. I'm just amazed at that disparity. My problem with IDLER, which looks good at first glance, is that any parallel play putting a difficult letter on row 15 is basically game over; there's no space left. At least after AWARD there's both row 13 and the Y of DAVY. I kinda wish I did HARDLINER now just for the lulz. #strategysmall
A1 DOZ(Y) +51 Finding Medium
LAYDEEZ A2. #findingmedium
O8 rETINUE(D) +77 Vision Medium
DETINUE A9. #visionmedium
14M AK(E) +28 Finding Medium
SKYF H1, FYKE 9L. #findingmedium
6B BURRETS +75 Knowledge Large
15A MIM(E) +24 Finding Small
Missed J8 LIMIER though MIME bingos significantly more often. #findingsmall 18:15
I3 (R)ID +25 Endgame Small
Just going out is best. #endgamesmall
H4 GAUZE +34 Strategy Small
The G is bad, mkay. #strategysmall
14G B(E)NJ +33 Strategy Large
Will: Close, but there are more than enough bingoes that still go down along column L that I absolutely need to play BENJES here instead; I probably also do a bit better in endgames by going out in one. #strategylarge
9F NOW +24 Tactics Small
Tough call here; went for most aggressive opening. DOW is most defensive; LOW sims better but I don't have hooks for it. I guess DOW is what I should've done. #tacticssmall
6C ENOW +31 Tactics Medium
If I'm keeping the G here I have to hold the N with 6A OWE, very basic stuff. I really do seem to misplay Gs all the time. Should be an easy fix... #tacticsmedium
13H (R)UNAbOUT +66 Finding Small
Will: Didn't notice that OUTVAUNT plays at 14F. There's already a gigantic S hook on the board so making another one isn't quite the same problem it would normally be, and OUTVAUNT doesn't open a 9x lane for Josh. #findingsmall #strategysmall
13H (R)UNAbOUT +66 Strategy Small
Will: Didn't notice that OUTVAUNT plays at 14F. There's already a gigantic S hook on the board so making another one isn't quite the same problem it would normally be, and OUTVAUNT doesn't open a 9x lane for Josh. #findingsmall #strategysmall
C12 V(A)W +9 Strategy Large
Will: Too crazy. I was going for the maximum chance at a 9x myself here and also a fallback of ZANIER with an E draw. But the simple 14A VAW still preserves a good crack at a 9x while scoring 18 more points. #strategylarge
N2 RIeMPIE +87 Vision Large
Will: K4 PRIMSIE scores 100. #visionlarge
L7 SOOTE +19 Endgame Medium
Will: Only one out for Josh here with GOAD. BOSKET blocks it and leaves OOS/VAWS, among other things. I think I can be forgiven for laziness at this point. #endgamemedium
A1 EALE +28 Knowledge Large
4B (S)PALDEEN #KNOWLEDGESADDEST (tagged at Wiegand's request).
D7 S(P)IReMIA +72 Strategy Medium
I'm not sure if I'm supposed to challenge this off or not. It depends on how much I think Karl will see/find. If I challenge it off, the problem is I have no good plays that don't give back bingos I think he can find, and my rack is bad while he has the blank. On the other hand, if I keep this on and play 14B BR(A)INING, I'm down a tempo. I'm not sure what's best here. #strategysadder
N11 DU(N)T +20 Endgame Small
W: TUND (-1) #endgamesmall
9H DOWP +14 Knowledge Large
6E DEGS +17 Knowledge Large
A7 ANI(m)ATeD +74 Knowledge Large
Interesting that my opponent chose not to triple-triple here. Best Play! #KNOWLEDGESADDEST
K4 MIsR(O)UTE +86 Knowledge Large
N: gotta go back to my roots #findingsaddest H1 TUrMERI(C) also a big ole #knowledgesaddest
K4 MIsR(O)UTE +86 Finding Large
N: gotta go back to my roots #findingsaddest H1 TUrMERI(C) also a big ole #knowledgesaddest
2J FA(I)RY +38 Knowledge Small
N: 1J EF(F)RAY #knowledgesad
12I PUDGE +29 Finding Small
N: J11 PUGH #findingsad
M9 PYR(E)X +40 Vision Large
N: I7 (JA)XY #visionsaddest
3D TETHErS +69 Knowledge Large
N: 2B TeETHES #findingsaddest and #knowledgesaddest oop
3D TETHErS +69 Finding Large
N: 2B TeETHES #findingsaddest and #knowledgesaddest oop
9G B(O)I +20 Finding Large
N: 10F QIS #findingsaddest
15F VAUTS +36 Knowledge Medium
N: 15F ULVAS sims better but I kinda liked putting the V out there to block #strategysadder ? definitely a #knowledgesadder for ULVAS ALSO play was miscounted as 33 oop
15F VAUTS +36 Strategy Medium
N: 15F ULVAS sims better but I kinda liked putting the V out there to block #strategysadder ? definitely a #knowledgesadder for ULVAS ALSO play was miscounted as 33 oop
D8 (C)UREX +28 Knowledge Large
O8 (S)ERJANTS +0 (Lost challenge) Endgame Medium
G13 EE first is 6 points better. #endgamesadder
L4 AIA +11 Strategy Small
Almost did 10F AWA, which bingos quite a bit more than L4 AIA; L11 AIA also looks smarter to set up a more usable lane. #strategysmall 18:14
E7 AUA +9 Strategy Medium
I somehow spaced on the fact that C11 GAU sets up GAUR. #strategymedium 14:39
1A EN +24 Tactics Medium
Nope, need to just use one vowel here, big mistake. Spending my N absolutely torpedos my bingo%. Unfortunately, Neither RETINE or ORIENT hit the F from 1H very often. Also, if I was going to play two tiles ON is better than EN by a fair margin. #tacticsmedium bordering on large, the plays sim pretty close but I think the error is larger than that. 10:13
L10 PYOT +29 Tactics Medium
My play allows plays down column M to potentially block both PYOTS and column N. I'm very much preferring 13A COPSY now for some more points and to create multiple lines in different quadrants of the board. #tacticsmedium 8:34 (guess I played this move fast)
M12 XED +35 Knowledge Small
Chickened out of 2F PLEXED for one more point. #knowledgesmall #endgamesmall
M12 XED +35 Endgame Small
Chickened out of 2F PLEXED for one more point. #knowledgesmall #endgamesmall
2J VE(GO) +16 Finding Large
G1 NT(H) #findingsaddest
12E RON(D)EAUX +87 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for challenge.
3I P(E)EOY +26 Strategy Small
K5 OYE #strategysad
15E AUT(A)CoID +62 Finding Small
15A NYS +37 Endgame Large
I need to play 5B TRAN(Q) first. #ENDGAMESADDEST
9M O(O) +6 Endgame Large
M6 TO(O)N and M7 O(O)N win, but I had no time. #ENDGAMESADDEST
14E AN +10 Time Large
E11 (J)ART(A) #timesaddest
A4 BESET +37 Finding Large
noticed him noticing S(CENT) finally and didn't notice my bing in the minute or so preceding this realization. ABSENTEE missed for the nth time #findingSADDEST
N6 (G)Ue +3 Endgame Large
3K GOLEM +32 Knowledge Large
8A NGOM(A) #knowledgesaddest
9C VAURIeN(T) +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
N: Confused it with HAURIENT oop #KNOWLEDGESADDEST Also, at this point, I'm already sure I've lost the game
H3 AGOG +20 Knowledge Large
N: 5D GEWGA(W) #knowledgesadDEST
E4 ZO +37 Knowledge Small
N: 3H (A)ZIONE #knowledgesad also this play was miscounted as 34 + a #knowledgesad for the challenge
E4 ZO +37 Knowledge Small
N: 3H (A)ZIONE #knowledgesad also this play was miscounted as 34 + a #knowledgesad for the challenge
4C SI(ZE) +26 Knowledge Medium
N: W bad. Needed to get rid of it. 4B WIN(ZE) #knowledgeSADDER
3B WUD +21 Knowledge Large
N: Either 14A SUNDEW or 14B INDEW are nice here. #KNOWLEDGESADDEST
4K BONIE +31 Knowledge Large
N: E7 BO(R)EE is OP #knowledgeSADDEST also a #knowledgesad for the challenge
4K BONIE +31 Knowledge Small
N: E7 BO(R)EE is OP #knowledgeSADDEST also a #knowledgesad for the challenge
14C SEXTAnT +77 Knowledge Small
N: I saw 5K EX but I wasn't sure if I should go for the bingo that I was sort of sure of or play EX and hope I could find a bingo next turn. I figured the game was close enough that I needed to just get the points. Also a #knowledgesad for the challenge
E9 (R)EP +33 Knowledge Large
N: E7 SE(R)IPH is OP #knowledgeSADDEST
15D HUE +30 Vision Medium
N: I needed to play 1A UH to block row 1 plays #visionsadder #strategysadder
15D HUE +30 Strategy Medium
N: I needed to play 1A UH to block row 1 plays #visionsadder #strategysadder
10M SLY +17 Endgame Small
N: K2 L(OB)S blocks QUOIF; 2 point mistake #endgamesad
B1 C(OW) +12 Endgame Small
N: 11B C(HIP) duh #endgamesad
N6 FORA +42 Knowledge Small
Will: Only two Es left so the odds of Josh paralleling this aren't as bad as usual. Josh: Adding a #knowledgesmall for Will for challenging ENTERINGS. Will, if you wanna play with the big boys, you gotta tag EVERYTHING.
12A VIOL +30 Endgame Medium
Will: Better to block the lone out of WINDY with 3A TIL/LIT, as I suspected, but was too lazy to math out. #endgamemedium
9K TUX +23 Knowledge Small
N: K7 T(A)XUS is better. #knowledgesad
9H ST +13 Knowledge Large
N: I chickened out of D7 (V)ASTIEST because I thought that was stupid #KNOWLEDGESADDEST
E9 NANITES +66 Knowledge Large
N: I didn't wanna mess with MOBIES #knowledgesaddest
12D H(I)NNY +30 Knowledge Large
N: Let him get away with JIZES* #KNOWLEDGESADDEST
13B BOA(T)Y +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
M12 GED +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
N: J10 HE is much better. J: Obviously. It's valid. N: #KNOWLEDGESADDEST
A3 LAP +18 Vision Large
N: 14C AP(E) #visionsaddest
N14 G(U) +6 Strategy Large
N: L2 GIRRS gives me a better shot at drawing a blank, though I played N14 G(U) just to make it harder for my opponent to hit O8 bingos. #strategylarge
14E (E)R +4 Vision Large
N: I am a certifiable dumbass, I need to be playing more tiles. 14D R(E)I is better. #visionsaddest #strategylarge
14E (E)R +4 Strategy Large
N: I am a certifiable dumbass, I need to be playing more tiles. 14D R(E)I is better. #visionsaddest #strategylarge
8F OBID +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
Potomac Tournament Round 9 8D DOBLA and 8G BOD are better. Well, ANYTHING is better than a phoney #KNOWLEDGESADDEST
9H XI +23 Strategy Small
N: 6J (F)LIX is best. Two Ls fml #strategysmall
O7 DIC(E)R +24 Knowledge Large
N: O8 CL(E)RID gets rid of the L. #knowledgesaddest
13J LAMP +35 Knowledge Large
I4 TWO +11 Strategy Large
N: Didn't wanna play 14M OWN because I was too afraid of opening the triple lane. WHEN IN DOUBT, PLAY EQUITY (also I had an N). #strategylarge
D2 JAV(E)L +30 Vision Large
H13 O(I)K +21 Knowledge Large
N: 15A ORTHO #knowledgesaddest
13B ARCH +24 Knowledge Large
E7 BATON +23 Knowledge Large
N: E7 BIOTA is best because my opponent can't bingo through the A. #endgameSADDEST #KNOWLEDGESADDEST
E7 BATON +23 Endgame Large
N: E7 BIOTA is best because my opponent can't bingo through the A. #endgameSADDEST #KNOWLEDGESADDEST
9H DOX +27 Strategy Small
Thought getting an S hook on the board would improve my bingo percentage but actually leaving the 8s lanes open with J1 LOX apparently gets me the highest bingo%. #strategysmall 21:31
exch EEEEE +0 Tactics Small
17:05 (exchange to just M - the M is quite good here between MY plays on column D and column N overlaps. Apparently keeping MN does the tiniest bit better; probably because the N gives me flexibility to parallel the U of RENATURE going down) #tacticssmall
K11 CA(s)A +10 Endgame Small
3G AIA is best, my move -6. #endgamesmall
15H (B)LASE +16 Endgame Small
2E LAERS #endgamesmall
J10 UMM +21 Vision Large
L4 MAUMET #visionsaddest
14G TARRA(S)ES +75 Strategy Medium
M5 ERRATAS #strategysadder
exch DFNVX +0 Strategy Medium
7J D(OW)F #strategysadder
E1 Q(U)EEN +28 Tactics Small
E1 Q(U)ERN #tacticssad
9E BAJRI +30 Strategy Medium
1G RAJ #strategysadder
H7 R(E)X +10 Strategy Small
N: J8 SIX #strategysmall
5G SCU(R)RIED +72 Vision Small
N: 4D DECURIES #visionsmall
J10 WANG +29 Strategy Small
N: O1 WANG #strategysmall
K9 YEBO +34 Knowledge Large
E2 LaTT(I)CED +70 Vision Large
L12 HOUK +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
N: #knowledgelarge
10A AH +26 Knowledge Large
D1 CHAtEAU and D1 CHApEAU. Not me looking for a V to play VAUCH, not spotting it in AVIATOR, and missing every bingo ever while i was at it, too #knowledgesaddest
D3 CLUE +15 Knowledge Large
D1 fECULAE, 4G LEUCEm(I)A, 10H EUCLAsE etc. etc. you know how it goes #knowledgeSADDEST also #knowledgesad for challenge
D3 CLUE +15 Knowledge Small
D1 fECULAE, 4G LEUCEm(I)A, 10H EUCLAsE etc. etc. you know how it goes #knowledgeSADDEST also #knowledgesad for challenge
12C AW(e) +23 Tactics Large
12C AW(e)E I guess? #tacticssaddest
exch AOOO +0 Tactics Small
14F AE(R)O #tacticssad
8A OF +24 Knowledge Large
3C O(C)TOFID #knowledgesaddest
14H (R)IP +17 Finding Small
10D D(R)IP #findingsad
L10 ZIT +39 Strategy Small
L10 LIDO is slightly better here because i can still use the Z for points next time #strategysad
10E (R)ODEO +19 Knowledge Small
Yeah i don't think i have any wins here. I had hoped going out first might help the most but idek. championship player likes 10E (R)OO fwiw #endgamesaddest also #knowledgesad for challenge
10E (R)ODEO +19 Endgame Large
Yeah i don't think i have any wins here. I had hoped going out first might help the most but idek. championship player likes 10E (R)OO fwiw #endgamesaddest also #knowledgesad for challenge
A1 WOL(F) +30 Knowledge Small
Chickened out of A1 WOL(F)S #knowledgesad also #knowledgesad for challenge
A1 WOL(F) +30 Knowledge Small
Chickened out of A1 WOL(F)S #knowledgesad also #knowledgesad for challenge
L9 AVERT +20 Time Large
9G S(NE)D #timesaddest
7H DOPA +14 Knowledge Large
10H GAYS +28 Vision Large
N: 8A SC(AVENGER) #visionsaddest i think i had scavanger available for like four turns in a row this game and never once saw it
4B CANON(I)SE +72 Knowledge Large
N: 3G (F)ACONNES #knowledgesaddest oop
3I PUGHS +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
N: #knowledgesaddest for phony
8K (V)UGHS +39 Knowledge Small
N: 8K (V)AUCH #knowledgesad
N2 KAF +40 Knowledge Small
N: N2 POAKA #knowledgesad
2J CU(R) +11 Knowledge Large
N: 1H COPI(T)A or H10 (G)AUCIE should be okay here. #knowledgesaddest Even if i HAD known these words, i was playing too scared. my opponent just blew up his rack, played 6 tiles. gotta be smort here
11D UnTRITE +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
N: Literally just any valid bingo here thank u #knowledgesaddest i spent like all my time looking for a valid bingo, SAW 12F ToUTIER and then dismissed it as a funky lil thing my brain made up for funsies. why must these maladies befall me? america explain.
14B TIREd +22 Knowledge Large
14F TERTIUs #knowledgesaddest #endgamesaddest am i a dumbass? i might be a dumbass.
14B TIREd +22 Endgame Large
14F TERTIUs #knowledgesaddest #endgamesaddest am i a dumbass? i might be a dumbass.
8G JEW +26 Tactics Small
Will: Hmm, I almost did BENJ and Quackle ever so slightly prefers it, but not for the reason I would expect (allowing fewer bingos) - it actually allows more bingos than JEW (24% to 19%), but almost equivalent average scores, which I think suggests that JEW is easier to overlap for solid scores on non-bingo turns. Even the leftmost placement of BENJ, which certainly looks like it would be hard to play sevens against, yields more bingos than JEW. BENJ then outperforms JEW on my own next turn by several points thanks to the more flexible leave. #tacticssmall
8G MOBE +16 Knowledge Large
Word Cup 2023, Round 16. 8D BOMBE #knowledgesaddest
exch GTV +0 Knowledge Small
Exch. GTVX #tacticsmedium #knowledgesad for challenge
exch GTV +0 Tactics Medium
Exch. GTVX #tacticsmedium #knowledgesad for challenge
6G MAX +16 Strategy Medium
K5 MNAS #strategymedium
4I STAN +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
#knowledgesaddest note to self: learn words. #knowledgesad for challenge
4I STAN +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Small
#knowledgesaddest note to self: learn words. #knowledgesad for challenge
O1 TIN(Y) +21 Knowledge Small
O3 S(Y)NTAN #knowledgesad
C6 INSNA(R)eS +68 Knowledge Medium
1H NaISSAN(T) #knowledgesadder and #knowledgesad for challenge
C6 INSNA(R)eS +68 Knowledge Small
1H NaISSAN(T) #knowledgesadder and #knowledgesad for challenge
exch VVW +0 Vision Large
N2 PE(R)V #visionsaddest
A1 KEG +29 Knowledge Small
4A P(U)DGIER #visionsad #knowledgesad for challenge
A1 KEG +29 Vision Small
4A P(U)DGIER #visionsad #knowledgesad for challenge
L8 (J)ELLY +30 Knowledge Large
D3 CLUEY #knowledgesaddest
F11 (G)UL +4 Knowledge Large
L3 E(W) +5 Knowledge Large
L2 H(EW) +9 Knowledge Large
15H (E)CHINAtE #KNOWLEDGESADDEST #knowledgesad for upcoming challenge
L2 H(EW) +9 Knowledge Small
15H (E)CHINAtE #KNOWLEDGESADDEST #knowledgesad for upcoming challenge
exch AOOOU +0 Tactics Small
Exch. AIOOOU keeping just the E is better #tacticssad Spoiler: no nits's were harmed in the playing of this game, except, like, psychologically and in every other way that counts.
N2 BA +27 Knowledge Small
J4 ICEB(O)ATS #findingsaddest also #knowledgesad for challenge also I'm so sorry if you're rooting for the underdog in this game because i straight up zonked out
N2 BA +27 Finding Large
J4 ICEB(O)ATS #findingsaddest also #knowledgesad for challenge also I'm so sorry if you're rooting for the underdog in this game because i straight up zonked out
9I MU +16 Knowledge Large
K5 TUM(E)SCE #knowledgesaddest also im a dumbass who miscounted this as 20?
13E TOC(K) +13 Knowledge Small
straight up kmn i guess 7G E(G)O? also #knowledgesad for challenge
K5 GIV(E) +16 Knowledge Medium
10B GIVED #knowledgesadder
exch AEGI +0 Knowledge Small
I have like 0% chance of winning. With L11 SIEGE at least I can prioritize reaching 300 sometime this century. But, like, it's the case S. I'm feeling greedy. Also I forgot to look on that side of the board. #strategysaddest ? #visionsaddest ALSO #knowledgesad for challenging a 3. May or may not have been a "stop closing down the board for the love of god" challenge, but my lips are sealed
exch AEGI +0 Vision Large
I have like 0% chance of winning. With L11 SIEGE at least I can prioritize reaching 300 sometime this century. But, like, it's the case S. I'm feeling greedy. Also I forgot to look on that side of the board. #strategysaddest ? #visionsaddest ALSO #knowledgesad for challenging a 3. May or may not have been a "stop closing down the board for the love of god" challenge, but my lips are sealed
exch AEGI +0 Strategy Large
I have like 0% chance of winning. With L11 SIEGE at least I can prioritize reaching 300 sometime this century. But, like, it's the case S. I'm feeling greedy. Also I forgot to look on that side of the board. #strategysaddest ? #visionsaddest ALSO #knowledgesad for challenging a 3. May or may not have been a "stop closing down the board for the love of god" challenge, but my lips are sealed
O12 FE(H)S +42 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for challenge also can someone make this man please stop bingoing. im asking for my health just nbd also O10 TENT(H)S but who's counting #findingsaddest #endgamesaddest
O12 FE(H)S +42 Finding Large
#knowledgesad for challenge also can someone make this man please stop bingoing. im asking for my health just nbd also O10 TENT(H)S but who's counting #findingsaddest #endgamesaddest
O12 FE(H)S +42 Endgame Large
#knowledgesad for challenge also can someone make this man please stop bingoing. im asking for my health just nbd also O10 TENT(H)S but who's counting #findingsaddest #endgamesaddest
The listing of all of the player's mistakes. For more information about mistakes, check the 'Mistakes' section of the about page.
Opponent Dynamic Mistakes
Play Type Size Comment
H1 GOORIE +0 (Lost challenge) adjudicationSADDEST Dynamic
So, apparently, unbeknownst to both me and Winter, the challenge machine we were using somehow got switched to NWL18. I knew GOORY was a word but I wasn't sure of GOORIE. To be clear, GOORIE is valid in CSW19, but since we were using the NWL18 lexicon, it came off the board. ##adjudicationSADDEST
The listing of the player's dynamic mistakes. For more information about mistakes, check the 'Mistakes' section of the about page.
Game Line Error
Game 27584 31 Game is incomplete.
Game 27785 28 Game is incomplete.
Game 27751 26 Game is incomplete.
Game 27752 41 Game is incomplete.
Game 27754 27 Game is incomplete.
Game 27743 28 Game is incomplete.
Game 27747 29 Game is incomplete.
Game 28095 40 Game is incomplete.
Game 28360 35 Game is incomplete.
Game 43341 33 Game is incomplete.
Game 28937 49 Game is incomplete.
Game 30532 41 Game is incomplete.
Errors are (most likely) the result of malformed GCG files. To learn more, check the 'Errors and Warnings' section in the about page.
Game Line Error
Game 47980 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 11603, Round 3).
Game 39200 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 11265, Round 15).
Game 41414 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 11378, Round 13).
Game 39266 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 11265, Round 22).
Game 27783 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 10098, Round 21).
Game 39272 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 11265, Round 28).
Game 45309 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 11574, Round 5).
Game 41416 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 11378, Round 15).
Game 38715 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 11255, Round 5).
Game 41424 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 11378, Round 23).
Game 40813 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 11350, Round 12).
Warnings are notifications to players that they might want to update some of their GCG files. To learn more, check the 'Errors and Warnings' section in the about page.