Tim Weiss
Tim Weiss
Color Key
= Triple Triple
= Bingo 9+
= Improbable
= +
= +
= +
= + +
Player Lists
Type Play Probability Score
TETRADS 3790 73
Eq(U)ATION 905 58
FROUNCE 10865 69
REMIXI(N)G 22202 86
REGR(O)UNd 8696 64
DONEGAL 1432 70
lINDIED 11886 78
DISUSES 28508 73
WIZAR(D)Ly 32156 110
AnTIPO(D)E 259 74
(T)OURIStA 2796 74
M(A)RDIEST 1314 62
RESIDUA 545 64
(R)ETINALS 94 60
Ha(R)DLINE 1299 82
PANTIES 909 73
PERTUsE 9022 66
O(LI)TORIeS 1038 81
(V)ALKYRIE 20556 90
VIRGATE 1616 80
GIN(G)KOES 25679 80
HOUsIER 2703 92
LANGUED 4603 78
ALERTLy 13054 73
rEFENCE 18394 89
SHAIRNS 16301 91
PANTHER 5981 82
EnTASIS 1831 70
MINDERS 4342 78
ALCOVES 10625 68
(F)LIGHTEd 19896 104
STIBNIt(E) 11679 86
(S)PAMMING 36987 104
PANEERS 2955 78
DI(A)ZOLES 4218 69
(F)AINTIeR 641 70
LENTISC 4305 80
(U)NAVOWED 8613 80
(Q)uITTORS 21451 70
VENINES 10104 70
AGENISE 571 64
ANIMATE 1054 76
FAITHER(S) 4258 66
OLESTRA 197 84
NEREIDS 755 90
PUGAREE 7676 76
LUStIER 1523 73
POlI(C)IES 13984 80
DITT(Y)ING 27576 63
UNAWARE 4837 79
B(R)INIEST 3475 64
READIER 1122 72
HALOG(E)Ns 5699 74
DOTTIER 1018 76
(P)EAKInGS 16165 66
VIGOR(O)US 19957 63
PERSALT 4265 82
G(R)ITTERS 13114 69
ABRADES 8082 76
GARRISO(n) 4471 68
NAVI(C)ERT 2224 84
(M)AINdOOR 4522 77
(H)EARINGS 2395 86
OS(T)ENTED 4450 74
UR(N)FIELD 5942 89
INgROUN(D) 11718 60
TAlLI(A)TE 11170 58
RIVULET 4395 70
STRIVEN 2112 104
ROUSTED 1708 83
DOOLEES 6507 73
FrANKE(R)S 24241 98
(C)ORDAGES 5678 76
VERsANT 2123 86
PARVISE 5881 107
FORWAsT(E) 5288 76
MILKeRS 18961 82
PLASTID 10611 76
DANTONS 7202 72
STYLISE 17498 78
DANCIN(G)S 22448 65
UNFAnCy 30897 83
TWINSeT 8759 81
IONISES 5606 79
COAUTH(O)R 19326 70
SHEERER 21648 79
(O)VERLATE 1045 65
rETINUE(D) 484 77
LESIONS 4804 93
sTEERED 6502 86
SAZERAc 19529 100
MONIKER(S) 10066 82
GAULTE(R)S 3284 71
DOWNERS 5192 79
PHEEsI(N)G 16677 96
URETHRA 8653 90
CAPOEIR(A) 2960 70
FINAL(I)SE 3360 72
ARTE(R)IAL 1037 68
WALlIES 9186 68
LeASOWS 14229 78
OVULATE 2619 65
(W)ITHERED 9177 67
UNFAIR(E)D 1270 80
NAMINGS 18307 74
THEORiS(E) 1049 83
rUSHEES 22122 82
(H)EREINTO 372 74
COrTINS 4457 73
NIBlETS 4285 81
FAINTi(E)R 641 70
SEAWANT 4839 82
DANDERs 7201 77
LAIRIZE 5302 105
OVE(R)MeLT 10285 98
TOURIS(T)Y 15385 74
SANGARE(e) 2523 62
AETHErI(C) 2747 98
T(R)EENAIL 40 72
GRANTER 3231 83
S(T)ARNIES 1237 131
BALO(N)eYS 8782 98
URIDI(N)ES 2546 70
GERMIER 12811 74
tOPSMAN 13884 81
U(N)VEILER 4098 76
sNARFED 4142 78
(T)ARTANED 3196 70
BANDROL(S) 9910 89
CA(B)RIOLE 2609 74
RE(M)ASTER 8351 72
A(N)THEMIA 4971 67
EUTAxIA 5297 63
MALIGNS 12990 76
OSTEOID 1350 77
RETILES 789 73
HIRSUTE 4377 88
AcELD(A)MA 29017 90
SILTIEr 1690 80
NEATENS 2499 77
SpRAYER 19269 78
ATEMOYA 7397 82
sHEARER 10257 86
ETALONS 199 67
TEERING 611 72
TRIaLED 109 65
NASUTeS 7219 68
FARRENS 8645 101
(T)eRGITES 5507 77
FIN(E)RIES 4537 149
FLINTED 4319 70
AFEAREd 5953 72
BAITERS 789 90
ORARIAN 2208 67
BaDDEST 16777 82
MISFaLN(E) 7318 78
LENTOUS 1710 65
(B)RoCOLIS 23270 86
RER(E)MIND 8202 63
ONSTeAD 182 85
(E)PERGNES 17416 72
SANTOUR 1550 66
SENDERS 12259 78
DIOCEsE 3402 97
LENGESt 5942 70
GALUTHS 20885 95
IDOlISM 16094 80
OVERGET(s) 6726 89
UrOSOME 10552 72
(r)EALLOTS 3338 77
MONSTER 2720 92
EK(L)oGITE 7411 68
DEITIES 2190 93
GuTTATE 20430 80
(L)INEAGES 893 80
OPUNT(I)AS 3124 71
METI(C)ALS 7430 78
GAU(L)TERS 3284 59
EXEQui(E)S 32064 73
(S)OLiDARE 122 80
qUASSiN 24832 78
RED(O)LENT 646 62
WEASAND 8117 72
ME(N)TORED 2569 67
CRUMENA(L) 11892 76
MACHAIR 23439 77
AGONISE 102 70
SWEALED 8840 79
(C)LARIONS 3172 62
FiNLITS 15660 95
IDEATES 265 65
MIEVInG 17094 80
TUTORED 4681 62
ALlURES 11310 80
HOLARDS 11748 80
(L)ATEENER 1085 62
CA(R)MINEs 4325 92
TYP(E)ABLE 21061 92
WEIRDIE 6091 79
AUrIF(I)ED 3348 72
CONGRE(E)S 6875 76
NETWORk 11823 78
AVERTIn(G) 1007 86
PLASHET 13436 82
P(L)ASTRoN 6148 140
BOYSIER 6778 83
NIT(R)OGEN 1156 72
FLEA(S)OmE 10321 74
HAGDENS 9972 117
bUVETTE 24149 62
TUNNE(L)ED 10540 62
ARAISI(N)g 6726 64
COWPATS 23830 90
QuENELL(E) 33655 82
COVA(L)ENT 5246 73
EASEFUL 8804 74
ROOINEK 4074 70
WEI(R)DING 9109 80
(J)ESTINGS 25390 68
DONaIRS 589 61
DETrAIN 21 85
TRISULA 2498 72
EMBRYOS 21214 82
SLINTER 579 70
ELUSION 675 77
ENERVED 12064 81
WEALTHS 13493 94
HIRSE(L)ED 7027 78
I(N)ErTIAS 118 65
SABOTED 2555 79
FRICAN(D)O 7788 66
EVOLUTE(d) 8101 83
o(U)TASITE 562 74
ENSWEPT 15375 83
LARNIeR 701 64
STIVIE(S)T 27529 74
NEROLIS 231 70
PARD(A)LiS 13976 90
MANTEAU(S) 6528 62
TEENIER 658 73
(S)ERIATIM 1600 62
CARIBOU(S) 11974 80
JANTIES 2337 89
DISPUTE 7620 77
ESTRONE 443 73
CAGIEST 3351 102
UNDErLI(P) 5946 83
CRUIVES 13523 72
FASCINe 5748 96
SEAPORT 1219 88
S(M)ARTIES 7145 63
ARTSIER 717 80
L(A)TENING 2136 68
nASAL(I)ZE 7112 70
PARAGES 10992 64
UTOpIAS 4494 74
M(O)STESTs 38575 76
REREMIC(E) 23360 74
CONNIES 6198 69
ETHOSES 16091 72
OU(T)rANGE 325 66
MAGNETS 6310 75
ESTROG(E)N 1202 72
UNBALED 7458 67
MOL(E)SKiN 14515 76
sTAIRED 129 66
IRISATE 175 62
HEROI(S)ES 10008 71
AnHEDR(A)L 6436 65
sADIRON 592 70
INSIDES 11890 78
CaSTORY 13863 79
(D)AYTALES 10361 64
(V)ENETIAN 2560 63
TAENIAS 166 73
(U)NHaIRER 3820 86
FLOSSIE 14309 73
(Q)UADRATi 14816 69
ETAErIO 3 70
INBREED 2967 68
TONGERS 1465 68
MANITUS 6632 68
(E)yESIGHT 16777 86
PANIERS 914 83
(O)RIGiNAL 2039 80
SASTRUG(I) 15527 65
ELA(T)ERIN 39 66
BUGgIES 26004 77
URALITE 151 66
INDITES 1679 71
ROSEtTY 9941 83
aGATOID 3063 74
HORSTeS 14518 81
POTASsI(C) 23605 86
BLISTER 4286 83
AGNOsIA 3066 71
FAWNIeS(T) 4361 92
(F)AULTIER 1342 90
NORITEs 63 79
(S)ILTIEST 20701 66
SILVeRN 4386 72
EUDAE(M)On 2462 61
FrEESIA 1003 80
PIC(R)AtED 3128 70
EVASION 317 93
(S)TEEVING 6141 98
MILEAGE 4078 76
GLOIRES 1455 69
ELASTIC 1953 74
(J)amBONES 22122 82
PEDICUR(E) 13684 80
PAROTIS 2207 75
F(L)UTIEsT 15414 74
CAFTaNS 21650 79
ANODIsE 46 96
BANAL(E)ST 6421 61
NITRIDS 5940 94
DUNNEST 11000 75
IG(N)ORAmI 5654 70
AGEISMs 11296 69
SNIRtLE 578 79
ESPOUSE 20128 76
(C)ANAlLER 17011 70
(W)ARIMENT 2216 100
(T)AENIaTE 891 74
So(L)ITARY 3202 80
OdORATE 472 65
DEVIsES 19109 76
TsARINA 1530 64
IMPENDS 13550 74
ERIACHS 5760 79
ARISTAE 166 76
sCAMMED 29856 82
PRESSI(O)N 8499 74
BaLDING 12952 76
POOR(T)ITH 25573 78
BOASTER 1139 77
MODELIN(G) 5718 89
TOAdIES 52 66
BREL(O)QUE 21267 92
MISCOIN(ED) 9929 80
MINDSeT 4345 96
EQUATES 9743 93
F(L)OODLIT 27695 76
EXIT(A)NCE 6184 84
MURAEnA 4829 73
STHENIA 862 76
(O)uTSTEER 4434 74
EMBoGUE 19308 74
S(A)LARIES 6123 71
UtILISE 3571 70
PUR(I)TANS 5093 72
CLoWDER 14980 84
ARRIVAL(S) 20006 63
D(R)AWLErs 15391 78
BES(I)EGeS 28422 61
DIETERS 777 88
FASCIAE 10121 85
AGEnISE 584 85
DESeRTS 12523 80
PlAUDIT 10551 89
INJERAS 2323 74
ONERIEr 604 70
THrOAT(E)D 4614 82
TSOORIS 13263 66
(S)EMITONE 1077 62
LOVIEST 2717 90
SCREE(N)ER 20998 72
MILLiN(E)R 17028 62
ARIDEST 123 73
eNTETEE 19282 75
NUTRIAS 1337 64
RELIs(T)ED 1223 60
SENARII 173 75
INLIERs 1694 72
THORIAS 2201 80
RIVAGES 3406 80
MeRC(A)PTO 11131 102
DELAINE 258 78
LINNETS 3810 79
TARTIER 2408 64
(S)ENATORS 1644 77
JINgALs 18376 91
WALDOEs 5020 78
(D)ERATING 189 72
pREDO(O)MS 20563 74
PIERIDS 8119 94
DARBARs 24413 75
FISTI(A)NA 10271 63
sERPENT 5646 98
(M)ONILIAE 896 83
DIVORCE(E) 6325 95
TW(I)NTERS 6920 65
CORNEAE 614 75
FLAuNTS 14832 71
DEViLED 19098 69
ARANEID 160 67
PUERING 6375 94
SHINERS 13170 94
NEUTRON 2411 61
(P)ENSTERs 18353 83
URINOSE 243 70
INJuNCT 28582 88
OBLIGAT(O) 10535 92
FEChTER 21509 93
AN(N)EAlER 4147 64
TONEMES 3529 76
DAUBING 12954 85
TeSTOON 6478 86
(P)RECISES 25176 89
ROUND(L)ET 1167 72
SWEETI(S)H 25195 80
sINGULT 11313 81
(M)ALANdER 6438 60
RESOLVE 6426 78
BOOk(L)ICE 28633 94
BATAVIA 23426 94
SCODIER 2640 83
HAIrWIN(G) 19510 68
RUMKINS 25255 76
TITTERs 14199 81
SaNTERA 643 76
O(V)ERWIDe 6338 86
TORULAE 204 75
INCROSS 17708 79
ASSUAgE 18734 68
TINSELS 7241 66
R(E)MANIES 849 72
TERMI(N)AL 535 76
PIT(T)ANCE 9015 74
TRAM(P)LEd 11843 176
sTARRED 3769 81
TAWTIER 2818 78
HISTRIO 8383 69
sTARNED 553 68
CHOO(S)ING 27013 67
BEdUSTE(D) 27117 88
LEPTONs 5228 74
FILEN(A)ME 5574 64
ARSHEEN 2931 65
dERAILE(R) 1620 78
gUANIDI(N) 15789 68
P(L)AISTER 1372 61
BATAVIa 23426 90
M(O)ONLIKE 12187 83
RE(t)IArII 3479 60
GRAVEST 6286 76
KINDIES 12780 108
ATiSHOo 6035 85
PLICATE 5776 86
LECTION 1235 85
FILA(C)ERS 7415 102
(C)ITTERNs 6905 80
DENAYIn(G) 9600 89
CAPO(N)IER 1150 62
HEADERS 5461 82
FORAGEd 3966 68
EERIEST 1685 73
AGELaST 5317 68
INC(E)NTER 5048 68
SE(R)JEANT 4574 80
ClA(N)GORS 12872 90
(B)EUNCLED 23179 80
GLUTENS 8016 73
(P)ERSEITY 9410 84
FRENETI(C) 5642 92
(V)ELARISE 2007 63
AlIBIED 4695 72
FEDARIE 1368 85
MORLiNG 10476 69
ElATION 8 66
WONDERS 5193 74
SToNIER 66 83
(N)AIVETES 859 63
FOOTnO(T)E 23912 70
BAULDRI(C)* 0 67
ENA(R)GITE 104 76
GIRNElS 2303 68
GA(l)EATED 5024 63
SCORNED 5137 78
(P)OSTDIvE 8921 86
TOUCHES 15004 71
(N)EOTERIc 376 68
(C)ASTRATE 11666 72
(T)ANIWHAS 16237 106
UNVARI(E)d 1325 70
LINTI(E)ST 5972 59
DES(Y)ATIN 1327 80
AUDITOR 594 74
DETOURS 1737 76
REFIN(E)RS 8407 158
MISDOES 14248 97
PAINTIn(G) 18531 83
GLE(E)NIES 6621 74
VIHARAs 17576 91
ReFININ(G) 14824 86
ZoYSIAS 27120 84
BARRE(I)NG 5781 61
PRIeSTS 13112 85
(A)MEERATE 6846 74
F(O)CALISE 5101 67
UNITAG(E)S 596 68
ESCAPA(DE)s 29711 69
IN(T)RADAY 5797 63
KOmITAJ(I) 31373 80
ING(R)OOVE 4216 74
SPINIEs(T) 17035 61
DIALERS 539 70
ANDIRON 1842 67
NEGATeS 1559 86
(V)ARIAtES 1568 83
(M)AUNGIER 2407 89
OSTEOID 1350 70
NUTTERS 7067 68
DISAVOW 13703 85
GAITERS 368 85
CENOTEs 3514 81
ANOES(T)RA 163 66
E(R)GATOID 73 62
NERVATE 1411 78
DICkIER 19552 68
UNBUILT 24076 95
GUINEAS 993 75
DONATEs 186 88
REGULUS 21926 62
LIENORS 230 84
(T)REaTInG 906 74
ENTASIA 164 75
INSNARE 707 84
INEDITA 170 65
PRIVATe 3209 81
CALLtIM(E) 18632 86
(D)EGLAZES 20174 82
GESTAPO 3950 77
ATONIAs 679 74
TwYfALD* 0 74
CLIENTS 4303 81
STEAMIE 1393 86
HERRING 11514 81
ReIVERs 10321 91
JEtTIED 15270 103
BED(E)RAlS 6926 149
FEDARiE 1368 78
CATMIN(T)S 21929 80
BOUGhTS 27164 81
PORINAs 2200 71
TORTURE 9265 61
(D)INGIEST 3874 83
YEALINg 3383 97
(C)OAlIZEs 9893 84
TAWN(I)EST 3822 71
P(R)OVAnTS 12316 77
SLINTER 577 74
URANISM 6631 74
LEVI(A)BLE 20287 73
SONERIS 2423 92
uNTHAWE(D) 11841 95
COFFLEs 30542 84
(E)MERGENT 13116 64
UREMIAS 2058 75
WARSTLE 4270 89
TORCHEs 10864 87
(F)ROGFISH 37710 110
SHAFTER 9383 82
DAINTIE(S) 390 80
TORpORS 23058 74
INWRAPS 12422 78
AbR(A)SION 3549 64
TOASTER 1011 70
GRANTER(S) 4221 68
UNNOTED 4651 73
ATRESIA 168 68
CORtE(G)ES 6876 74
GrISTER 5930 81
ARENOUs 205 75
R(E)BAITED 804 74
ANTLIAE 163 79
(O)vARITIS 3579 74
TITTUp(E)D 28449 60
HARIANA 13945 78
ANO(R)ETIC 67 72
FA(I)RIeST 1590 80
(E)LYTROID 1839 90
PERENTy 11321 73
(N)AsALIZE 7071 71
RIM(E)LESS 18025 90
MOT(I)VATE 6179 77
BODG(I)ESt 5708 74
GOBSHI(T)E 11568 76
ROLFERS 14092 72
TU(R)BINAL 5083 65
PLENI(S)TS 16057 74
LeVATOR(S) 1788 90
GASPIER 3400 84
IDEATES 263 68
CnEMIAL 5763 78
TRENDI(E)R 1666 61
GUILDE(R)S 6256 74
WATERED 2923 80
(U)NDERLIP 5946 80
PINKIES 19566 76
WAsTRIF(E) 4362 76
DREAR(I)NG 2122 66
POT(T)ABlE 14637 74
(C)RANNIED 3754 86
TROILUS 3289 76
SIMARRE 5093 67
BORTI(E)ST 4652 70
ANT(I)QuEY 8692 74
SAURELS 11266 66
TItUBAN(T) 27537 86
ALAMORT 8368 72
RINDIER 4519 72
BOUGETS 11402 85
INO(S)ITES 4130 82
OCTOfID 20248 81
STREAMS 13059 81
DITTOEd 9584 70
REALEST 759 78
TUNNELs 10961 70
(H)EPARINs 4370 89
STINGIE(s) 13013 80
FORTIES 1266 72
ENCODI(N)G 10699 76
RAIYATS 7312 77
dEMOTI(C)S 8876 158
SArODES 4754 72
BARB(A)sCO 36534 66
RUrALIS(E) 2676 74
SIPPERS 29669 72
ELUTION 235 70
CANNeLS 12556 69
(R)EMOUNTS 3847 83
RESINED 780 78
HOTTIEs 6245 77
IMPAIRS 17617 84
LATIT(A)TS 26174 62
R(A)sMALAI 21556 80
CHEE(R)ERS 31271 108
MIsTUNE(D) 5950 80
(t)OURISTY 15764 62
BROMATE 3635 78
TALIONS 596 76
RAISInY 7342 70
ARSHEEN 2931 76
REALiS(M)S 11318 80
(E)NTRAINs 450 74
PLIS(K)IER 23437 68
RANgIES(T) 206 74
(W)ElCHING 27081 70
tEREFAH 7118 79
TORSADE 190 72
SAUN(T)ERS 5667 60
BIrI(Y)ANI 23823 64
ISOLAT(E)D 125 72
SEIG(N)IOR 990 63
N(E)RVULES 11213 62
FRESH(I)NG 14985 90
ALSOONE 1344 66
A(N)OINTED 170 68
(P)INdAREE 822 70
UNS(E)XIER 7874 82
PORRiD(G)Y 30117 176
KAOLINE 1425 103
END(O)STEA 213 83
DITONES 218 70
fERRIED 10283 85
MOONSeT 7010 76
STEARED 757 99
LAIRISE 642 75
ORDAIN(E)D 625 64
HUSwIFE 23491 98
FASTENE(R) 2065 76
BlOV(I)ATE 2617 194
ANNATES 4516 70
TOELESS 9849 101
GLOMERA 3940 74
(E)BONISTS 8474 83
PAR(a)VANE 20327 62
WINDIER 3471 80
VELAR(I)ZE 7406 71
ATTaIN(E)D 1404 66
gRAINIE(R) 2538 66
SARODES 4754 70
Wa(T)ERING 1012 158
VERNACL(E) 9327 67
(L)UNARIST 1695 77
anEURIN 713 81
STR(O)BILI 7730 72
EASTERN 207 82
SENARII 167 74
SLAV(E)RED 6794 67
RECRUIt 8537 71
BASTERs 9329 72
ABA(N)DONS 21628 69
(S)WEATIER 863 74
TEERING 611 72
GASTERS 9774 92
ORGASmI(C) 15169 80
ANCIENT 2794 82
(T)ITUBaTE 19513 86
(T)ROMPING 15266 80
EELIEST 3495 70
TOUPIES 2731 73
ANNELID 1754 69
DONNINg 24663 65
ENCAE(N)IA 5591 74
PLOTTIE 6188 74
COPTERS 10826 95
HURLeRS 21012 70
FLINDER 4318 80
gREENI(N)G 18879 75
AUL(N)AGEs 6839 62
STERVED 8985 75
NADIRAL 3142 79
CORKTRe(E) 22680 76
PEANUTS 4264 74
FuLMINE(S) 16566 76
MATCHET 24720 87
(L)ADYfIES 11644 82
(B)RINIEST 3475 62
CERASTE(S) 13137 74
DeASOIL 177 77
sHEERED 16211 92
TONUSES 8289 84
MADNESS 17238 75
REQuEST 14013 92
DOUANI(E)R 24 61
(V)OLITION 13044 86
LEgUANS 4612 77
sENTIMO 1298 80
PODESTA 2593 67
TENABLE 2868 74
AUNTERS 564 87
FRaNKI(N)G 30088 84
DECUBIt(I) 17394 78
SANGARS 21793 82
TANNATE 9028 76
MINDSET 4345 70
SEMIRaW 5877 78
FAR(N)ESOL 1761 79
(C)aNTREFS 7702 89
WARNING 10460 84
UTENSIL 1522 76
(I)SOTHErM 5406 76
(G)RANITEs 151 77
RIANTLY 2588 83
(U)NDARING 10605 66
NITRILE 649 64
PANETeL(A) 4522 80
mAREROS 6148 81
UNTRIDE 574 70
SNAILED 535 90
DABbITY 29481 71
PRIMING 23957 80
OVEREAT 621 77
GAINAB(L)E 5439 62
HEDGEpI(G) 33722 84
DEBITED 14876 97
BENDIES(T) 4020 94
m(A)IASAUr 21558 58
(L)AUGHIEr 4754 95
PANDANI(S) 19998 65
CRETINs 2133 67
SNIRTeD 569 66
LISTBOX 22850 92
TORMENT 6245 71
LAoGAIS 5586 64
ANTLION 1844 68
DEPUTES 12885 89
cOrVINA 6021 83
STREETY 14581 78
SeRAGLI(O) 313 72
RUsSIFY 30029 82
AVARICE 6365 84
(G)RITTERS 13114 99
(T)REELAWN 2075 65
(U)NBUsIED 20901 74
(A)GATISED 1911 83
(P)ENsIOnI 8717 77
SWARFED 13392 77
INE(R)TIAS 118 68
(A)NGLEDUG 20299 74
CHIGRES 16354 80
ZAR(E)EBAS 20334 80
(C)UDGErIE 9832 63
MATRICS 12385 91
BAWNE(E)NS 19848 102
LON(E)sOME 10493 72
NO(N)GUEST 8698 74
sTERNED 1887 84
INT(R)ADOS 361 70
UnNAMED 12575 72
BR(A)KEMEN 22439 74
DENIERS 768 72
MATUrIN(G) 7213 76
kENNELS 23122 83
ISOTONE 476 80
ENGRASP 6307 75
ANTISAG 4599 85
MISDONE 2682 79
PROMINE 3696 76
DEANERS 741 75
AURATED 1671 63
HORNILy 13931 69
(U)NRIPEST 3127 64
INOSITE 318 75
PORRECT 16305 82
NEATENS 2513 73
RAGMANS 18325 81
(F)ORPINED 5378 72
RESEI(Z)Ed 15333 79
NITRILS 5941 66
AbOULIC 13686 72
kATIONS 4928 64
VILIaCO 14457 73
(U)NWASTED 5899 89
MEDICAL 9223 83
CREASES 14840 82
cUTWATE(R) 18292 70
ReINSUR(E) 3552 74
GRIVETS 6379 70
VERTISO(L) 1892 76
BAWNEe(N)S 19751 74
mOCKAGE 24384 76
UNITIES 1701 68
D(E)CRIaLS 2990 70
CHEWERS 25014 88
TURBANS 10734 67
(B)UOYANcE 15638 89
MINTERS 2153 76
SEILING 5345 87
BO(A)TsMAN 17872 76
ODORATE 469 74
FOLDErS 8512 88
EBONI(S)Es 10000 70
LARDING 3883 93
rALLIES 3859 68
TOONIES 474 78
M(E)TERAGE 8642 76
JESTING 11052 96
ELAPINE 1391 74
PaNDITS 6600 74
ERGATOI(D) 73 63
PAsTIER 928 74
(D)EWOOLED 26235 78
A(M)ITROLE 270 68
LOGgiER 9763 66
WaRR(I)SON 7092 62
TABOULI 4452 74
CAUSErI(E) 1973 80
(B)RIGHTEN 10651 98
BOLTERS 5126 72
mATURER 8710 68
ME(N)SURAL 5941 78
(C)REATINE 299 83
SANT(O)ORS 11665 82
HEMLINE 11245 90
GaUNTRE(E) 962 77
(MI)DPOiNTS 17793 66
HORNIER 3444 77
(D)AUbIEST 2972 68
sYNO(V)IAS 23615 84
S(E)LENIAN 1626 59
GRIM(O)IrE 11485 76
(P)ETUnIAS 1379 77
H(E)PATIZE 17238 94
CERITES 2984 66
RECEDIn(G) 6064 86
UNHOO(D)ED 24616 76
REFrAIN 2804 72
STERNED 1887 84
UNItISE 1692 88
CAVORTS 13862 83
MEATiLY 5861 78
UNWISER 4411 78
TAILzIE(S) 7082 71
TARDIEs 130 71
RETAILO(R) 179 68
TRAINeR 252 61
DeRIVAT(E) 826 72
TORPIDS 7885 68
DErATES 752 70
(B)OUNTREE 2549 70
R(E)cANTED 2051 59
CODETTA 6149 82
U(N)COATeD 1718 72
AROINtS 156 63
PITaRAS 7311 78
REVISAL 2051 67
LADINGS 7087 72
HOOKN(O)sE 33194 65
ANEStRI 29 77
P(R)ONATED 735 67
EN(G)RAFTS 4842 72
(C)APELINS 7432 89
BELL(E)TER 26071 63
ESTAtED 4963 72
ORIGANS 1093 68
PROLINE 936 68
TOAdIED 781 80
(B)ANJOIST 13456 85
TrITOMA 5598 78
DRIS(H)EEN 4059 64
PRUNEl(L)E 22768 68
TENTaGE 3875 68
BONNETS 9877 80
INSIDER 1676 72
sENARII 172 67
TeNaBLE 2868 67
DECRIER 10281 68
MANGOES 3946 83
SENARII 172 65
TILLIER 7923 74
KINREDS 8201 73
gALLNUT 21041 62
ENRIC(H)ER 15053 65
zYMITES 24658 74
DOUSING 8142 83
TRAVOIs 2208 77
DOCENTS 5139 97
FEUTrED 8973 78
SERRATI 718 70
SHARIaT 7284 78
InEDITA 170 71
OUTSAIL 1539 76
RIOTiSE 319 81
COINAGE 732 68
FIERCES(T) 9365 98
T(R)ENDieR 1231 122
GALIlEE(S) 9228 68
CO(R)ONATE 1192 64
ADAPTER 4817 75
(T)IDINESS 7351 63
bA(S)ENEsS 24400 62
OVE(R)TIME 2474 73
(S)EDATION 26 80
iGNITRO(N) 8556 77
SAILING 5678 81
(G)OLIARDS 3372 62
STUdIED 11327 79
CYANIzE 16755 75
(L)UNKhEAD 22802 66
BAREGES 5477 80
NAUgHTS 12503 77
The of bingos played by the player that were not challenged off.
Triple Triples
Type Play Probability Score
S(T)ARNIES 1237 131
FIN(E)RIES 4537 149
P(L)ASTRoN 6148 140
TRAM(P)LEd 11843 176
REFIN(E)RS 8407 158
BED(E)RAlS 6926 149
dEMOTI(C)S 8876 158
PORRiD(G)Y 30117 176
BlOV(I)ATE 2617 194
Wa(T)ERING 1012 158
T(R)ENDieR 1231 122
Triple triples played by the player that were not challenged off. They do not have to be bingos.
Bingo Nines or Above
Type Play Probability Score
O(LI)TORIeS 1038 81
MISCOIN(ED) 9929 80
ESCAPA(DE)s 29711 69
(MI)DPOiNTS 17793 66
Bingos played by the player that were nine letters or longer and were not challenged off.
Challenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were challenged off by an opponent.
Unchallenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
CORMED* 0 28
MA(Z)ARS* 0 51
BLU(MY)* 0 24
ALLE(Z)* 0 28
CLEPTS* 0 43
BAULDRI(C)* 0 67
(C)OATY* 0 28
TwYfALD* 0 74
CHIDS* 0 33
TANKI* 0 44
POGUE* 0 22
AMO(R)E* 0 30
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were not challenged by an opponent.
Plays That Were Challenged
Type Play Probability Score
DISUSES 28508 73
WIZAR(D)Ly 32156 110
M(A)RDIEST 1314 62
KAWAI(I) 17530 26
O(LI)TORIeS 1038 81
LANGUED 4603 78
rEFENCE 18394 89
MANEB 4067 34
YET 288 28
LENTISC 4305 80
LIV(O)Rs 7392 36
HUZOOR 19861 68
DITT(Y)ING 27576 63
WAR 447 31
G(R)ITTERS 13114 69
UR(N)FIELD 5942 89
TAlLI(A)TE 11170 58
GIBLI 9261 27
FORWAsT(E) 5288 76
DEWIEST 5574 0
DANCIN(G)S 22448 65
(COZ)ENAGE 14587 60
UNFAIR(E)D 1270 80
TAE 10 21
VERD 1709 16
COrTINS 4457 73
NIBlETS 4285 81
FAINTi(E)R 641 70
VR(I)L 2466 14
LAIRIZE 5302 105
tOPSMAN 13884 81
U(N)VEILER 4098 76
(FEIJOA)DA 10470 38
BANDROL(S) 9910 89
A(N)THEMIA 4971 67
(E)M 52 0
ERIC(H)S* 0 0
AcELD(A)MA 29017 90
SILTIEr 1690 80
TYEES 4059 26
NASUTeS 7219 68
FARRENS 8645 101
DOLOR 5243 30
MISFaLN(E) 7318 78
GALUTHS 20885 95
OVERGET(s) 6726 89
EK(L)oGITE 7411 68
GuTTATE 20430 80
GAU(L)TERS 3284 59
ENRT(Y)* 0 0
FiNLITS 15660 95
CONGRE(E)S 6875 76
P(L)ASTRoN 6148 140
FLEA(S)OmE 10321 74
ESTERI(FY) 9395 45
(KI)TTENY 20292 24
WEB 877 20
P(L)UFF 12774 34
LO(X)ING 12798 42
TALAUN(T) 14935 14
(J)ESTINGS 25390 68
(G)AZAR 9427 30
INFOCAR(d)* 0 0
FRICAN(D)O 7788 66
ENSWEPT 15375 83
HEPT 2965 36
FASCINe 5748 96
WIFEY(S) 15732 46
M(O)STESTs 38575 76
GALUTH 14207 37
AnHEDR(A)L 6436 65
LO(B)I 1898 21
CaSTORY 13863 79
(D)AYTALES 10361 64
FLOSSIE 14309 73
RECCE(ED) 28974 24
ROSEtTY 9941 83
WELKT 9311 32
(T)WANK 8972 48
G(I)RONNY 15816 44
VAGG(ED) 17438 36
BANAL(E)ST 6421 61
DUNNEST 11000 75
(W)ARIMENT 2216 100
POOR(T)ITH 25573 78
BREL(O)QUE 21267 92
F(L)OODLIT 27695 76
DRICE 1738 35
OSHAC 7526 44
EMBoGUE 19308 74
DIRHAM(S) 16628 48
NEINEI 3465 27
ZONATE 1461 56
FESSE 9463 24
TSOORIS 13263 66
MeRC(A)PTO 11131 102
(F)OBBING 31070 30
YU(N)X 5250 54
(S)ETT 1675 8
PIERIDS 8119 94
FISTI(A)NA 10271 63
sERPENT 5646 98
THEED 3957 37
OVATOrS 9931 0
GAPY 4718 54
(P)RECISES 25176 89
J(O)DEL 5570 26
DRIC(E) 1738 24
CHOKRA 18457 63
BOOk(L)ICE 28633 94
BATAVIA 23426 94
(u)NBED 4917 24
S(I)L(E) 309 23
YIRKS 10295 30
(H)O(R)I 1165 9
HISTRIO 8383 69
BATAVIa 23426 90
ISOLEX 5561 80
FILA(C)ERS 7415 102
TEME 1385 31
ClA(N)GORS 12872 90
WALD(O) 5103 18
FEDARIE 1368 85
MORLiNG 10476 69
CEILED 5483 24
JUSTER 10671 70
(T)ANIWHAS 16237 106
NIE 12 27
VIHARAs 17576 91
PRIeSTS 13112 85
YAHS 4256 58
E(R)GATOID 73 62
DECOCT 16423 28
(C)AURI 2720 14
ENTASIA 164 75
GYELD 7727 23
PRIVATe 3209 81
GLENT 2087 36
CALLtIM(E) 18632 86
M(E)FF 5440 32
JEtTIED 15270 103
BED(E)RAlS 6926 149
WAIDE 688 35
SLINTER 577 74
LEVI(A)BLE 20287 73
SONERIS 2423 92
uNTHAWE(D) 11841 95
OUK 1002 32
SHAFTER 9383 82
TITTUp(E)D 28449 60
(FLANK)ENS 28333 45
VAUS 3215 27
PERENTy 11321 73
KYRIE 6017 32
BODG(I)ESt 5708 74
GASPIER 3400 84
RAIYAT 4540 34
(C)RANNIED 3754 86
BORTI(E)ST 4652 70
TItUBAN(T) 27537 86
OCTOfID 20248 81
LOANEE 140 21
HONDA 3316 26
RAIYATS 7312 77
BARB(A)sCO 36534 66
ALOI(N) 205 17
PLIS(K)IER 23437 68
CUED 2564 39
HAKAM 12118 49
(S)OWTHED 15035 42
UNS(E)XIER 7874 82
PORRiD(G)Y 30117 176
FL(O)NG 7973 21
PAR(a)VANE 20327 62
ZIP 1212 42
VELAR(I)ZE 7406 71
SENARII 167 74
PLOTTIE 6188 74
CORKTRe(E) 22680 76
(BO)VVER 19290 28
MATCHET 24720 87
sENTIMO 1298 80
FRaNKI(N)G 30088 84
TANNATE 9028 76
DABbITY 29481 71
HEDGEpI(G) 33722 84
WORE 659 46
(S)ISTED 6817 20
SWARFED 13392 77
(A)NGLEDUG 20299 74
CHIGRES 16354 80
(S)HAD 3164 24
(C)UDGErIE 9832 63
MATRICS 12385 91
sTERNED 1887 84
BR(A)KEMEN 22439 74
THRID 4672 21
MIRKER 15817 25
ISOTONE 476 80
ANTISAG 4599 85
MISDONE 2682 79
VICH(Y) 12158 32
PORRECT 16305 82
RESEI(Z)Ed 15333 79
VILIaCO 14457 73
CREASES 14840 82
PaNDITS 6600 74
PTUI 2494 13
sYNO(V)IAS 23615 84
H(E)PATIZE 17238 94
STERNED 1887 84
SH(I)LY 10010 24
PL(O)NKO 19863 24
BELL(E)TER 26071 63
(W)IDDLE 14155 22
G(I)NZOES 7962 51
TILLIER 7923 74
WAAH 4463 51
KINREDS 8201 73
ENRIC(H)ER 15053 65
FEUTrED 8973 78
(Y)AMEN 4133 30
ADRY 2299 26
BAREGES 5477 80
Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Opponent Lists
Type Play Probability Score
I(N)TEGERS 965 92
gALEATE 3612 64
CaTTAL(O)S 21754 70
GUENONS 10659 83
HEADfUL 17864 90
UNSHOED 8521 74
EMER(G)ENT 13116 62
mOINEAU 429 63
NONETTE 7178 78
DEPAI(N)TS 1321 65
TRAj(E)CTS 24236 131
SILTIER 1690 66
MINATOR(Y) 4564 82
GOUTIER 531 74
SINUATE(S) 2860 77
ETHi(C)ALs 7419 67
TOWMoNT 27540 76
POS(T)ERNS 13009 140
ANTHOID 2179 74
ALeMBIC 15691 94
(E)DgINESS 13819 77
(T)ETANIES 660 77
DITTIES 7759 75
pURIFIE(D) 17417 65
S(p)IRALED 3000 80
R(U)MINATE 545 78
NATROnS 4008 74
EPI(L)ATES 2006 90
SEALANT 1673 75
ONL(I)NERS 1484 62
(B)OuLDERS 10766 72
ISATINE 173 69
H(I)RELINg 9113 74
FEATEST 10253 78
EMPTIES 11217 87
(M)iGRATOR 9865 62
RENAILS 134 71
DEFEnSE 15795 76
BLiTHEL(Y) 32263 69
DRAPERY 18815 89
ScARVES 22610 77
(D)ELETIoN 212 77
PERSANT 2119 97
A(B)ROGATE 3258 62
ORTOLAN 2256 87
BEsPATE 11030 66
WEARIN(Es)S 5467 74
MeTRITI(S) 11704 91
(R)EDUCERS 22235 74
AdONISE 45 76
SLAVIsH 28100 83
MUSTIES(T) 26901 74
ENDUrED 12513 70
BELAY(E)RS 13571 84
RAFTMeN 5980 76
TUTANIA 6895 78
SOLVATE 2634 83
NEONATE(S) 941 77
sAUNAED 3568 83
SEMINAr 891 84
TARTInG 5044 72
DIALLEr 3872 69
(E)NTODERM 2567 89
BOaSTIN(G) 4994 76
SWELTER 8832 78
ENACTED 2877 65
(A)LIENEES 986 66
RE(I)NVITE 2329 94
GLaSSM(A)N 34710 60
ENDLANg 9215 75
TOTTIER 7438 70
RUSTIER 3842 85
REMANDS 4185 102
PIKeMAN 16757 80
BaTSW(I)NG 18849 69
(D)ECRIALS 2992 86
GELATIS 996 76
ORCEINS 1247 79
TWINERS 2166 88
UnITARD 1336 76
SECONDO 10737 76
REBOLT(E)D* 0 67
(U)NRETiRE 1677 74
tHENARS 1521 80
DRA(F)TInG 7203 74
BOR(n)ITES 753 68
OR(D)AINED 613 86
TANGiES(T) 2092 80
LADdERs 11011 67
ENTRANT 4820 70
TAMPERS 9238 71
OUTLI(E)RS 428 66
(T)ETAnIZE 5495 88
INSHORE 1271 77
GIRDERs 9188 77
PLAINTS 6620 65
NONARTS 3930 66
TRAVOIs(E) 291 92
TAWPIES 5907 76
(R)EVEALED 10178 64
TRANCES 2100 73
OLEATES 389 72
NORITEs 63 79
rESHOES 16061 71
ROUTeRS 4676 68
WORRI(E)RS 21044 67
ENACTOR 450 74
OLoGIES 4050 73
OR(G)ANIST 644 86
ROULADE 656 74
ANTHERA(L) 3464 63
INCOMeS 6806 68
ERING(O)ES 444 72
SATIREs 1840 79
SCARLET 4132 77
GASSILy 25861 81
(D)EMARkED 30195 86
FENnECS 24151 91
n(E)URITIS 1103 59
GROMETS 7376 87
aV(E)RTING 1007 71
(I)NOSITOL 6646 70
vIRTUOU(S) 21427 64
INBREED 2967 90
ENTICeR 1415 77
MESTiNO 1295 83
OVERWI(D)E 6338 71
PAINTUR(E) 552 72
SONSIER 2424 62
RESILIN 1651 86
sPOORED 10539 67
DANCETT(E) 8114 74
EMPANAD(A) 24380 76
(T)ESTATOr 9364 66
REBO(U)NDS 6628 62
KLAVERN(S) 17649 80
nONETTI 3150 68
DR(A)WLERS 15026 68
sYENITE(S) 12885 83
rO(T)ENONE 3157 59
RATITES 711 66
DJEMbES 29199 89
AVERTIn(G) 985 86
(A)RMCHAIr 31663 101
GHER(A)OeD 3731 80
FAW(N)IEsT 4361 64
N(U)TSEDGE 7614 74
TOONIES 474 79
(V)INEGARS 2422 66
RENAIL(E)D 138 72
TRITONE 380 68
GROSERT 6883 69
(D)ULCINEA 2975 86
BLO(O)PING 27172 76
DOGfI(G)HT 35673 69
UNLACIN(G) 22471 91
STUSHIe 17495 71
HOARIES(T) 268 63
AP(Y)REtIC 10016 92
VIZIERS 19646 91
(E)DUcATED 17966 80
ROLLIES 4793 78
FR(E)AkOUT 10076 70
DEWANIS 2014 68
PRODI(GI)Es 6747 80
HiRAGES 3387 80
ChIANTI 13260 73
(S)EACRAFT 12853 98
(G)LOBATED 5709 78
IN(V)ITING 33227 66
TEREFAH 7146 91
(T)OTALISE 563 62
IN(E)RTIAE 55 82
AUREITY 942 83
REGOLIT(H) 2936 76
RESOLVE 6426 89
SLO(V)ENLY 29114 82
BARONeT 448 80
TID(D)LERS 9425 74
NOINTED 1015 62
LENTICE(L) 13170 82
VaUNTIE 925 82
H(A)NgOUTS 12878 70
PARGETS 6285 94
oRDINES 212 74
COLuMN(E)A 8777 72
(T)RENCHED 13875 80
SPOOLEd 14924 71
BL(O)ATeRS 1706 86
RiGH(T)EST 14056 72
CASERNS 13106 64
INVE(S)TOR 779 74
(T)ELEtRON 2282 74
ERO(T)ESES 11079 62
AUNTIES 153 70
D(E)FOaMED 21996 106
sIRTUIN 5965 73
GAROTEs 514 70
BENIs(E)ED 10188 72
TAxICAB 27225 76
MuPPETS 31646 87
OROIDES 1355 78
LE(F)TOVER 10559 69
APOSTLE 2628 68
cLEANSE 5406 82
dOMAINS 4478 69
RETUnED 1903 66
YATTERS 8696 82
EARINGS 345 63
MINDSET 4345 75
NITROUS 1604 70
(R)EBODIES 2499 78
ISO(G)OnIC 20923 60
LAIRIER 2239 66
mA(R)ITAGE 2779 70
ARISTOS 4100 70
OrPHANS 14027 71
PATr(O)NNE 2325 70
(W)EARINGs 2425 98
SANIcLE 1955 77
ORATORS 9176 71
SA(T)IATED 3025 63
EMeRITA 489 77
LeCTION 1235 84
(G)ROOMING 29532 76
VERTIc(A)L 4323 74
GATHERS 6268 95
MIXiEsT 19571 96
TAV(E)RNER 5076 61
MOINEAU 432 78
aSSENTE(D) 6726 77
NoNR(A)TED 599 82
POODLES 14982 77
NARROWS 12976 80
(O)sTOMATE 10251 86
STAGERS 9831 83
IN(E)RTIAE 55 68
FEEZING 19178 81
(L)eAPROUS 3662 80
ALIASED 1665 73
UlT(E)RIOR 1494 68
(D)ETRAINS 82 80
SCORNED 5156 75
OP(E)RANTS 748 76
IOLITEs 956 59
REPLIES 5570 98
MANUREs 4257 61
BuTLERS 11586 79
RIPTIDE 4860 68
FlEAPIT 5852 82
GLOUTED 5682 72
RELIEVO 1658 79
DIA(G)RIDs 21482 64
LOESSIC 14237 100
PAVANES 14334 81
REA(P)INgS 2420 140
TaBORER 3414 75
pURL(O)INS 10000 78
DIMMERS 23753 77
UN(T)ENTED 16532 60
ORTHIAN 961 66
SPEIrED 5545 91
gROOMED 13306 74
TrIELLA 1840 80
TRYSTIN(g) 22745 83
(M)ALLEOlI 26889 80
ANOSMIA 4966 73
STOVA(I)NE 288 72
GUNTERS 4748 92
WEZANDS 18863 110
DO(V)ERING 2929 80
(T)ORPEDOS 8974 92
cRISTAE 824 72
GAdR(O)ONS 8512 82
B(E)ADIEST 1951 80
LEANERS 759 70
CIvILIT(Y) 37847 80
ROTcHES 10862 65
CRISTAE 824 97
STATURE 3795 68
MUDdIER 17359 79
SNoWIER 1313 80
EXEDRAS 9732 91
NOYAdES 2592 88
SHRIEKE(R) 25928 69
STADIuM 10604 88
(T)OLLGATE 14881 62
PANDIES 1450 76
UN(A)BATED 4648 74
INFR(A)RED 2758 167
REC(A)LLEd 13004 68
FoURGON 20752 80
MODERNE 3532 77
LAETrI(L)E 1697 66
ENTASIS 1841 78
AL(M)ONERs 1773 70
U(N)BOILED 3647 72
GOUTIER 531 74
(F)LITTERN 6909 63
MeTTLES 18573 65
DISToRT 7174 88
M(A)RLINGS 11446 76
H(A)LfLINS 30572 62
(F)OAMIEST 2653 92
NEUROMA 1205 82
READ(D)IcT 7113 68
PALSIES 12837 73
STAGIER 370 68
RELATI(N)G 195 63
PROM(I)SED 8915 66
AUdITOR 594 67
CENTRES 5615 66
HARDMEN 9369 84
REF(A)STEN 2067 62
STROOKE 11724 98
STEEVES 25189 65
GE(S)TALTS 23017 63
VIRANDO 2183 82
(C)RAWLIER 13308 76
HYDROG(E)n 16413 107
cONDEMN 20417 65
AIRLINE 171 67
(S)NUGgLED 29307 63
SUNGA(Z)ER 13855 69
pI(C)AROON 10122 68
DE(S)IGNEE 6657 64
POSTFIR(E) 5432 86
TAR(G)ETED 5517 62
BARrOWS 22991 75
WRISTED 4365 87
R(E)qUITED 7865 70
NAiVE(T)ES 859 176
(O)VaTIONS 4536 83
PANICLE 5794 86
RALLYeS 17339 82
RESU(M)ING 8199 74
RAT(A)NIES 111 82
STIVIER 4912 79
mATINeE 491 75
PESTLES 22760 74
PEACiNG 7975 74
RESTING 1062 75
(R)ENEWALS 4027 76
AIRDATe 160 68
(D)EsINING 12400 80
MEcHOUI 16868 78
NEARLI(E)R 652 68
(F)LOOSIEs 19734 83
EOBIOnT 1777 72
ELODEAS 1055 78
RAVIEST 940 78
(S)tORAXES 14022 80
RELOADS 659 76
WAT(E)rLOO 2704 72
J(U)RYMASt 35183 88
INULASE 554 71
BROMAN(C)E 11221 65
DOYLIeS 5061 79
GREE(S)ING 12611 83
PADDInG 22945 86
(T)ABINETS 3766 89
META(Z)OAN 10674 88
TRACTiL(E) 3782 86
ENRAVIS(H) 4404 104
NOSTRiL(S) 9640 74
COTEAUS 2571 86
MIS(C)OUNT 16918 74
GaRR(O)TED 2589 63
AEROSAT 308 81
HIREABL(E) 5533 82
(F)ORELAIN 262 65
VENDERS 8981 80
BORSCHT(S) 37730 75
SERJ(E)ANT 4574 74
sTIPULE 7605 83
NO(M)INEES 5834 72
AGNATIO(N) 5027 65
LEFTIES 5560 100
TANGI(B)LE 2346 74
SUNDIAL 4975 79
UtTE(R)ERS 16440 57
DELOuSE 4744 76
DOCENTS 5139 75
FERMEnT(S) 13880 95
C(H)EAPEST 21081 98
TEFLONS 5209 71
RElEARN(T) 1656 68
BA(U)XITES 13058 85
FAN(T)ASTs 33484 74
OR(G)ASMED 5692 74
MANLIeR 865 72
FUMETTO 20431 83
UNALLI(E)D 5597 63
ERAsION 10 78
AEQ(U)OrIN 901 68
ADROIT(E)R 176 60
P(I)GFEEDs 21669 72
(A)DVECTeD 25129 94
ENGINES 7079 66
WAVIClE(S) 19085 80
(F)OREDATE 1028 92
R(E)SIDUAL 896 60
STEARED 752 86
pRE(L)ATIC 4322 86
BOOKIsH 30377 112
OXA(L)ATES 8178 185
ESTOILE 394 70
(T)ENTORiA 54 74
PINNAC(E)S 13310 78
BEWAREs 11032 76
EST(R)OGEN 1197 65
(O)VERBItE 2465 95
A(B)ALONES 3047 62
SToUTEN 4672 69
HE(R)METIc 16092 63
DEANERS 741 82
(A)GINNERS 2128 68
SAUCIER 1958 70
SEITaNS 1833 92
(N)ONADULT 9187 75
POUNcED 14983 74
UNDE(R)LIT 936 86
(A)NTICoLD 3179 70
BRASIER 5047 76
h(Y)OIDEAN 2647 83
LAURE(A)TE 1441 61
OU(T)HIRED 1837 66
HARBOrS 22989 80
ANTI(B)ODY 7739 66
C(I)TIFiED 25036 86
(Y)EASTiER 867 83
SOLDANS 15510 79
DERI(S)ION 498 72
(P)RUNiEST 3124 77
LEISTER 788 78
FOREGOe(S) 13399 100
TOONIEs 474 64
ASTONES 2416 76
EN(C)LAVES 13599 76
BAPTIST 22033 75
cONCAVE 23068 77
T(E)RMINaL 535 80
(V)AGINULE 4768 74
REWIRES 10325 74
HEMiOLA 3593 76
REGRIN(D)S 7276 72
LOANERS 195 66
(G)LOATeRS 879 77
MA(R)GRAVE 26591 68
BATTERs 8616 74
ROOTINg 3626 62
(A)LIENAGE 1092 80
GREeTER 14182 74
DETA(I)NER 37 86
SILURId 13171 67
(T)OUCANEt 4608 61
ZOOLITE 7416 75
EATErIE 179 64
APERIES 1394 74
(A)BEARInG 2749 83
TRASHES 13051 71
AE(G)IRITE 401 60
(F)ORTUNED 3836 76
MALTOSE 2608 71
ANTLIAE 163 78
dEAWiNG 3357 76
TEARIER 445 66
LAUDATO(R) 5064 63
DItCHeD 23215 74
TRANNIE 247 76
ARSINES 1829 79
UNCHAIR 12374 81
STONIES 2440 83
INDARTS 1327 88
ARUGULA 25136 74
(D)ERIVATE 826 76
LINDANE(S) 2670 61
(C)ENTRoID 755 83
hEROIsE 1645 83
DECRIAL 1928 68
TUNNIeS 3820 68
TRIB(U)nES 3105 76
RAI(N)OUTs 364 68
DIVESTS 17381 94
ADENINE(S) 1622 62
rEALISE 267 67
DeTOURS 1737 75
ALMONER(S) 1773 74
(T)ALENTED 3495 65
IN(G)RAINS 11354 72
ASPiRIN 7339 85
J(O)BAtION 15448 86
CODEINE 1636 90
ET(E)SIANS 1693 131
BASINET 801 78
(M)OrALIST 3182 80
SN(I)TTIER 3203 70
DRUG(G)ISt 28244 64
OLEAND(E)R 210 70
sALIGOT 2399 70
ESCHEAT 11060 87
GUNNERS 13259 77
(R)OOTLInG 5074 77
LINeUPS 7596 83
RE(S)INOID 501 140
YELLOWS 27141 83
RE(V)IvERS 30811 70
MINSTER 2141 64
MAtINEE 488 71
(B)ISeRIAL 3331 80
LAUWiNE 2044 72
INTITLe 4523 61
STIGMaT(A) 23098 74
INDARTS 1327 83
PRAWNED 9378 105
Eq(U)ISETA 4472 68
AvIATeD 2357 65
NoYSOME 16997 91
UREDI(N)IA 389 63
DIV(I)GATE* 0 64
LEMONI(E)R 1072 63
EDGIEsT 3264 68
AREnITE 15 90
(B)ARRINgS 17631 80
BOA(R)DMEN 5207 64
Br(I)EFING 15773 89
TENSILE 787 64
INS(P)IRED 6478 63
SASt(R)UGA 26002 67
ONSC(R)EEN 9746 60
UNPI(N)NED 28448 76
EASYINg 3399 77
SUSTAIN 10136 69
(E)RECTING 3206 74
GROwTHS 24363 81
INTONED 1014 73
LANTERN 1781 61
RETYINg 3487 70
OUTLIES 676 66
(P)REENINg 11106 70
ADJURER 17857 90
GARDeNS 2271 79
TZADIKS 25905 125
IMpORTS 13938 66
OUTGRIN 2461 74
C(H)aTTERS 18283 76
HEADIER 1369 72
(B)UNGLINg 38197 83
RATTLES 3783 71
DEBaTES 5367 76
FA(T)IGUEs 4749 73
(S)HiNGLES 23951 86
TANNERs 1783 73
SKIRTED 8205 79
DIlU(T)ING 14504 70
SCAN(T)EST 22509 68
TASTEFU(L) 15394 63
LE(X)icONS 14433 80
PONd(L)IKE* 0 78
EXPECtS 28160 98
W(A)RISONS 11535 62
OLIVInE 3135 77
SOApIER 438 69
PIETIES 6099 81
LINcTUR(E) 3108 64
ROUG(H)EsT 9631 72
AB(s)OLVED 13202 67
EASTERN 273 77
UPSTAIR 6639 82
COLDEST 8496 87
(D)AUNTING 10607 83
sOLERET 1109 72
NOVITI(AT)E 1379 66
FRIANDE 827 83
(R)IVERAIN 4254 86
GN(A)RLIER 2126 68
GReET(E)RS 16842 70
TURNSOL(E) 1179 60
YEARLI(E)S 2008 72
DISTOME 2672 91
(E)TIOLAtE 345 74
AROUSED 661 70
GEODe(S)IC 6731 63
QUADRAt(E) 11361 107
DI(L)ATING 6162 78
SLIPPER 23647 70
(Q)UIETiSM 23439 107
AsTERIA 167 67
(R)EqUIRED 18513 80
CONsENT 9884 75
(O)VERWISE 6354 104
GALEn(O)ID 305 70
TELLErS 12529 69
UNSTATE 3793 68
SERIALs 3871 84
ENABL(I)NG 9590 74
OuTVOTE 16220 72
SaVOROU(S) 27688 62
TEGMI(N)AL 2394 84
EN(T)RESOL 652 59
(R)EMEdIED 21557 74
PRELaTE 2945 72
EMPTINS 9549 75
(R)ETREAtS 7591 78
HEXA(G)ONS 17772 88
RE(S)INOID 501 72
ASTERIA(S) 3231 77
MINIaTE 1083 71
EPAUL(E)TS 5054 70
ROTATI(O)n 1553 59
SITUATe 1275 66
(P)ANCREAS 12856 64
M(A)DEFIED 20393 70
AREoLAE 500 75
TOEIEST 1543 70
SULCaTE 7491 73
RACeMOS(E) 6338 84
LAOGAIS 5612 74
ADDaXEs 18340 76
WADDIES 9175 83
(C)ENTIMOS 3907 89
lITIGAT(E) 3477 80
G(R)ApHEME 17511 90
REELInG 1542 68
REANO(I)NT 51 62
FET(A)TION 721 65
O(T)ALGIeS 238 131
An(T)IWEED 825 72
OUTHEAr 1188 83
LIGULAS 20819 76
S(A)LARIED 1013 72
AmNESIA(C) 8204 70
D(I)SHErIT 6475 88
LUNGEES 9619 73
SWiSHED 18606 88
B(E)ARSKiN 6300 78
RE(L)OAdER 2201 61
LEFTOVE(R) 10507 80
STEALI(N)G 590 74
RETRIES 2532 67
DOURINE 215 71
BRAAIED 2347 71
EIDOLON 1347 71
OPHItES 6846 100
RIn(G)HALS 11443 185
ABsINTH(E) 4276 89
RILLeTS 7234 77
MED(I)VACS 19080 80
LACUNAR 15595 75
RETAILs 146 84
RE(W)INDER 8396 78
RAITING 2265 67
IdEATIO(N) 47 78
RERISEN 2525 76
OiLIEST 957 81
ALeURON(E) 214 74
SALTIES 3872 71
LETHEAn 2928 86
(C)OMPRISE 15676 68
REOR(D)AIn 173 59
DAMOSEL 5042 82
ENAMELS 5511 69
(K)ALINItE 4155 86
RAINDA(T)E 108 60
SAVIORS 9445 81
CANTLES 2946 75
sUPPORT 20625 98
LEADWO(R)T 1742 78
TWOOnIE 1774 72
CAVI(T)IED 5988 66
PlAGUER(s) 9030 83
REVOKE(R)S 19572 81
cARBIES 5704 87
(A)LUNITES 342 70
RECRUIT 8711 65
NAUSEAT(E) 1442 68
(T)OOTsING 14155 70
MISSTeP 23245 89
INIT(I)AtE 4791 68
EBONIsE 1633 86
T(R)ANGLES 1501 66
GENOISE 690 80
ERMINES 3033 77
STOCkED 20077 65
uNEATEN 2500 71
GOD(E)TIAS 309 64
LENTOI(D)S 424 61
AGENTrY 3482 67
AGArOSE 1619 69
REPROVE 17823 69
REN(E)WiNG 11108 76
OVERA(W)eD 6310 82
SPINNER 8746 81
(R)EESTING 963 68
PARDINE 836 91
MIS(C)ITeD 17403 84
FoRT(I)ETH 10270 102
(o)VERMAST 5315 74
FRACAS(E)S 28385 81
GUNITES 2317 73
REEnTeR 7885 62
gAMIEST 3394 70
A(T)ROPINE 71 70
EQUERRY 27701 98
GOUSTIE(R) 891 61
BLANKIE 10414 72
AVENTRE 1410 77
RE(B)OILED 2477 72
AGITAT(E)S 4786 68
RETAILS 146 70
C(U)RATInG 7202 61
E(n)TRAILS 89 68
LOOTERS 2858 74
COUPLEs 19192 69
(T)ERATOID 178 63
DISFAvO(R) 12086 72
OVeRWET 8167 74
LA(T)TICEd 6740 140
FL(A)TTERS 10910 158
REMORSE 11599 72
(E)NFLoWER 10558 78
UNIVERS(E) 4109 76
GaZEBoS 18586 137
(C)rIMPERS 29514 78
cRAZIE(S)T 8666 86
(D)ETAINER 37 80
APpERIL(L) 30139 80
SOLDERS 12182 86
HY(M)ENIAl 14340 80
TINDERY 2135 79
DAIN(T)IER 116 86
(E)PILATES 2014 83
ExPIATE(S) 10243 80
(T)ORMENTS 8050 72
GROUTI(E)R 2616 86
DENTU(R)ES 2882 74
FEASInG 3380 79
LANCE(T)ED 3946 62
RELEARn 2492 64
SENOReS 6228 73
RESI(G)NED 2250 72
LOAMIER 423 75
GRAINER 1476 77
THEOLOG 13236 78
INdUSIA 5672 77
DECIS(I)ON 4198 84
TeLEGAS 3255 78
tWINBOR(N) 18539 89
ELICITS 8102 76
GAL(I)VANT 12254 76
ORDUROU(S) 33873 63
RUNLeTS 3252 68
SEATRAI(N) 114 77
DOMIN(a)NT 7071 70
ANgArIA 10589 66
ELDESTS 16800 73
DAT(E)LINE 140 70
(V)ALLhUND 36243 83
ORDN(A)NcE 4630 82
R(E)DDiNGS 12148 66
ELMIEST 5587 72
BROMIDs 18133 83
PORTEN(T)S 8051 83
VENiRES 3047 84
TARAIRE 965 68
LE(A)DENED 14079 76
DAWNINg 18721 73
FLAC(K)ERY 34467 90
TIM(E)LESS 18026 64
REWrOTE 7729 63
MUNChES 26648 75
TRAINER 250 66
PAI(N)TIER 642 68
ARMO(R)IAL 11814 62
EARCONS 1163 75
MAHSEER 11104 82
LINEUPs 7596 74
OUThITS 17147 78
oUTROLL 21727 71
ENRAGEs 1556 78
FL(Y)LINES 27960 67
TEAROOm 1776 69
GoTCHAS 20748 75
STOuRIE 243 70
LINGERE(D) 2243 74
DIlUTEE 1827 72
A(G)EnESIA 1097 59
TETrODE 3294 68
(N)ICTATED 3757 72
TAWTIER 2818 67
GaRLICS 12963 73
(A)TROPINE 71 89
(R)ETABLOs 1707 70
RAVINES 915 82
TROLl(I)NG 12395 66
pHORESY 21179 88
SE(T)ENANT 7589 69
(T)RAMLINE 536 64
STERILE 583 84
STRUNTS 18805 72
CRE(A)SERS 24090 64
PA(C)IFiER 15182 106
BOROnIC 16082 87
RAVELIN(S) 1372 86
GENTILE 1582 81
F(A)SCIATE 8194 76
pADRONI 2180 75
RELiEFS 5558 82
VENINES 10314 85
T(R)ITONeS 618 66
OARLESS 4757 65
SOLATIA 1709 69
INSULAE 547 74
REDATES 750 81
UNSTATE(S) 15078 77
OVeRK(I)ND 10057 92
CLAS(S)IER 11258 90
OUTV(O)TEs 19455 64
OVERA(G)ES 3738 66
INSER(T)ED 478 140
AeRATES 1045 70
SIENITE 1048 73
NARGILE 336 92
FERTILE 3014 78
PUNALUA 27355 66
Un(H)AIRER 3798 70
GR(I)TTIER 13987 65
UNMO(N)IED 7930 62
AUT(O)DYnE 1755 63
IMPROVS 17004 73
SHOUL(D)ER 10775 65
GOOFIES(T) 7251 78
NEUTRA(L)S 925 59
TAPETAL 9765 70
SALADES 15951 73
TUMEFI(E)D 13702 67
SEnOPIA 436 90
RANuLAS 6659 68
OUTwORE 5029 74
nONSKID 22062 76
DON(A)TIVE 260 98
(R)EALIZES 4469 86
TA(C)HIsME 14301 92
LATERIS(E) 158 77
RESAILS 3868 76
SAPIENT 911 92
(IN)DENTORS 503 74
(L)EMPIRaS 5458 86
QUOINED 4087 91
The of bingos played by the player that were not challenged off.
Triple Triples
Type Play Probability Score
TRAj(E)CTS 24236 131
POS(T)ERNS 13009 140
REA(P)INgS 2420 140
INFR(A)RED 2758 167
NAiVE(T)ES 859 176
OXA(L)ATES 8178 185
ET(E)SIANS 1693 131
RE(S)INOID 501 140
O(T)ALGIeS 238 131
RIn(G)HALS 11443 185
LA(T)TICEd 6740 140
FL(A)TTERS 10910 158
INSER(T)ED 478 140
Triple triples played by the player that were not challenged off. They do not have to be bingos.
Bingo Nines or Above
Type Play Probability Score
WEARIN(Es)S 5467 74
PRODI(GI)Es 6747 80
NOVITI(AT)E 1379 66
(IN)DENTORS 503 74
Bingos played by the player that were nine letters or longer and were not challenged off.
Challenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
CATTLeS* 0 0
ATTS* 0 0
L(EN)T(ES)* 0 0
SOILE(R)* 0 0
(J)AKY* 0 0
PIL* 0 0
BIsMARK* 0 0
GAMbEAU* 0 0
PENTS* 0 0
PEINT* 0 0
AF* 0 0
(T)HUI(A)* 0 0
ABOOM* 0 0
BUMA* 0 0
GH(E)T* 0 0
BITED* 0 0
IE* 0 0
A(N)aTTOES* 0 0
TAIHOAs* 0 0
CHEDA* 0 0
BA(L)IEU* 0 0
DO(C)HTInG* 0 0
ADEEP* 0 0
(A)LABSTeR* 0 0
BENDIEs* 0 0
AREL* 0 0
THUGLI(F)e* 0 0
CULE* 0 0
BLETCh(E)S* 0 0
INjUROR* 0 0
HOHO* 0 0
ISOTA(G)eS* 0 0
VIGAE* 0 0
N(E)ATO* 0 0
pREGIVE(N)* 0 0
LAXED* 0 0
OPTIOn(E)R* 0 0
(W)OMP* 0 0
ABI* 0 0
HAB* 0 0
PETRO* 0 0
Q(U)OIR* 0 0
NOK* 0 0
KOP(E)C* 0 0
BRISTlE(R)* 0 0
OpALISE* 0 0
OrALISE* 0 0
GINE* 0 0
WIN(ER)* 0 0
HEE* 0 0
RHINOsE* 0 0
P(E)U* 0 0
(B)RAINeRS* 0 0
UNHEM* 0 0
(F)IXIE* 0 0
(MAR)R* 0 0
C(AL)S* 0 0
SABO* 0 0
VROTS* 0 0
CLU(M)B* 0 0
FAANS* 0 0
SAlIAN(C)E* 0 0
V(I)B* 0 0
TOTAlER* 0 0
(A)LARS* 0 0
(L)OWERErS* 0 0
EREWOnS* 0 0
RESWOrE* 0 0
TILD(A)* 0 0
ReDLIST* 0 0
P(I)XI* 0 0
BEGGErS* 0 0
REMO(W)* 0 0
VAUR* 0 0
DR(Y)ROT* 0 0
(AGEnESIA)V* 0 0
V(AGEnESIA)* 0 0
(A)V(EYE)* 0 0
BOATY* 0 0
LEVEN* 0 0
(S)UDATElY* 0 0
BATT(L)IeR* 0 0
bOTTONE(E)* 0 0
cOTTONE(R)* 0 0
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were challenged off by an opponent.
Unchallenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
(NUR)LIE(R)* 0 7
REBOLT(E)D* 0 67
MY(C)O* 0 36
CHRONO* 0 30
DIV(I)GATE* 0 64
PONd(L)IKE* 0 78
BOW(N)* 0 21
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were not challenged by an opponent.
Plays That Were Challenged
Type Play Probability Score
CATTLeS* 0 0
OPS 833 0
L(EN)T(ES)* 0 0
TRAj(E)CTS 24236 131
BOS 797 0
SOILE(R)* 0 0
(J)AKY* 0 0
BEsPATE 11030 66
MeTRITI(S) 11704 91
COTTED 9090 24
BELAY(E)RS 13571 84
PIL* 0 0
BIsMARK* 0 0
GAMbEAU* 0 0
TUILZ(i)E 12785 52
PENTS* 0 0
PEINT* 0 0
JAM 1185 0
(T)HUI(A)* 0 0
GROMETS 7376 87
ABOOM* 0 0
BUMA* 0 0
OVERWI(D)E 6338 71
GH(E)T* 0 0
NAT 74 0
A(B)ID 1483 0
A(N)aTTOES* 0 0
TAIHOAs* 0 0
CHEDA* 0 0
FLATTY 18505 39
BA(L)IEU* 0 0
sYENITE(S) 12885 83
DO(C)HTInG* 0 0
(G)LOBATED 5709 78
YE(R)D 1737 36
(T)RENCHED 13875 80
ADEEP* 0 0
(A)LABSTeR* 0 0
BENDIEs* 0 0
AREL* 0 0
THUGLI(F)e* 0 0
CULE* 0 0
BLETCh(E)S* 0 0
(I)NDEW 1789 30
INjUROR* 0 0
IRON 153 0
SPICE 5768 0
ISOTA(G)eS* 0 0
BI(C)HORD 23969 60
LOESSIC 14237 100
VIGAE* 0 0
N(E)ATO* 0 0
pREGIVE(N)* 0 0
CRIS 2422 38
NEUROMA 1205 82
F(ETA)L 1558 0
OPTIOn(E)R* 0 0
(W)OMP* 0 0
VERANDA 4815 0
HAB* 0 0
NEAL 70 23
VILD 3230 21
SMARTER 8670 0
PANNE 3826 29
VOLAGE 3920 28
PETRO* 0 0
UNALLI(E)D 5597 63
Q(U)OIR* 0 0
GAL(I)NG 13189 18
NOK* 0 0
BAPTIST 22033 75
NAN(G) 2885 28
(JA)CKER 18841 38
KOP(E)C* 0 0
BRISTlE(R)* 0 0
OpALISE* 0 0
OrALISE* 0 0
WOES 1270 0
WIN(ER)* 0 0
WINES 1875 35
HORNIEr 3444 0
RHINOsE* 0 0
P(E)U* 0 0
SWUNG 10121 0
NoYSOME 16997 91
(B)RAINeRS* 0 0
FISC 4302 0
(K)I(E)R 1100 0
TZADIKS 25905 125
UNHEM* 0 0
UNMET 3235 26
CA(P)H 5077 45
HA(U)TER 2203 39
(F)IXIE* 0 0
(MAR)R* 0 0
C(AL)S* 0 0
NOVITI(AT)E 1379 66
NAI(V)EtES 859 0
REMADEs 5438 0
(O)VERWISE 6354 104
CLU(M)B* 0 0
(G)YNIE 2629 39
BOOHAIS 15921 0
SAlIAN(C)E* 0 0
V(I)B* 0 0
TOTAlER* 0 0
(A)LARS* 0 0
(L)OWERErS* 0 0
EREWOnS* 0 0
RESWOrE* 0 0
TO(C)O 3083 21
SHUTE 5011 32
IWIS 3424 0
TILD(A)* 0 0
ReDLIST* 0 0
UROPOD 14775 28
P(I)XI* 0 0
(T)ERATOID 178 63
(E)NFLoWER 10558 78
BEGGErS* 0 0
HY(M)ENIAl 14340 80
REMO(W)* 0 0
FEASInG 3380 79
CURRAN 13485 27
ELDESTS 16800 73
(V)ALLhUND 36243 83
QIS 969 0
FLAC(K)ERY 34467 90
URGE 1198 0
DR(Y)ROT* 0 0
TOLZeY 13252 95
FL(Y)LINES 27960 67
GoTCHAS 20748 75
GIL(P)Y 10722 34
(AGEnESIA)V* 0 0
V(AGEnESIA)* 0 0
(A)V(EYE)* 0 0
TAWTIER 2818 67
OVALL(Y) 13442 39
JEST 2804 0
BOATY* 0 0
OVeRK(I)ND 10057 92
LO(B) 796 0
(S)UDATElY* 0 0
GARI(A)L 4776 21
BATT(L)IeR* 0 0
bOTTONE(E)* 0 0
cOTTONE(R)* 0 0
Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Notable Lists
Many Double Words Covered
High Scoring
Games in which at least one player scores at least 700 points.
One Player Plays Every Power Tile
Games in which one player plays the Z, X, Q, J, every blank, and every S.
Many Challenges
Games in which there are at least 5 challenges made. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Game Stats
Stat Average Total
Games 1.00 456
Invalid Games 0.01 5
Incomplete 0.01 4
Disconnected 0.00 0
Other 0.00 1
Total Turns 25.71 11723
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Player Stats
Stat Average Total
Wins 0.60 274
Score 438.26 199847
Score per Turn 34.1269
Turns 12.84 5856
Vertical Plays 5.73 2611
Horizontal Plays 6.34 2893
One Tile Plays 0.50 229
Other Plays 0.27 123
Firsts 0.53 240
Vertical Openings per First 0.0409
Horizontal Openings per First 0.9591
Full Rack per Turn 0.7708
Exchanges 0.23 103
High Game 651
Low Game 245
Highest Scoring Turn 194
Bingos Played 2.10 959
Sevens 1.18 538
Eights 0.91 417
Nines 0.01 4
Tens 0.00 0
Elevens 0.00 0
Twelves 0.00 0
Thirteens 0.00 0
Fourteens 0.00 0
Fifteens 0.00 0
Bingo Probabilities 8232.97
Sevens 7150.17
Eights 9566.73
Nines 14617.75
Tens 0.00
Elevens 0.00
Twelves 0.00
Thirteens 0.00
Fourteens 0.00
Fifteens 0.00
Tiles Played 49.25 22456
A 4.47 2039
B 1.00 454
C 0.93 423
D 1.98 902
E 5.86 2674
F 0.98 447
G 1.46 666
H 1.00 457
I 4.46 2036
J 0.48 217
K 0.53 240
L 1.91 870
M 1.01 462
N 2.89 1317
O 4.00 1824
P 0.97 442
Q 0.51 234
R 2.90 1323
S 2.01 916
T 2.91 1325
U 1.94 883
V 0.94 427
W 1.02 464
X 0.49 225
Y 1.09 495
Z 0.54 244
? 0.99 450
Power Tiles Played 5.01 2286
? 0.99 450
J 0.48 217
Q 0.51 234
X 0.49 225
Z 0.54 244
S 2.01 916
Power Tiles Stuck With 0.11 48
? 0.02 7
J 0.00 1
Q 0.02 7
X 0.01 3
Z 0.00 2
S 0.06 28
Turns With a Blank 1.62 741
Triple Triples Played 0.02 11
Bingoless Games 0.04 16
Bonus Square Coverage 16.20 7385
Double Letter 5.19 2366
Triple Letter 5.59 2548
Double Word 2.99 1364
Triple Word 2.43 1107
Phony Plays 0.06 29
Unchallenged 0.03 15
Challenged Off 0.03 14
Challenges 0.92 419
You Won 0.29 131
Opponent Lost 0.48 219
You Lost 0.12 55
Opponent Won 0.03 14
Challenge Percentage 0.7043
Defending Challenge Percentage 0.9399
Percentage Phonies Unchallenged 0.5172
Comments 5.04 2296
Comments Word Length 53.44 24369
Mistakeless Turns 12.82 5847
Mistakes per Turn 0.0015
Mistakes 0.02 9
Knowledge 0.00 0
Finding 0.01 5
Vision 0.01 4
Tactics 0.00 0
Strategy 0.00 0
Endgame 0.00 0
Time 0.00 0
Dynamic Mistakes 0.00 0
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Player Confidence Intervals
Tile p CI
A 0.4967 (0.4724, 0.5126)
B 0.5000 (0.4499, 0.5351)
C 0.4650 (0.4499, 0.5351)
D 0.4950 (0.4623, 0.5227)
E 0.4883 (0.4751, 0.5099)
F 0.4900 (0.4499, 0.5351)
G 0.4867 (0.4577, 0.5273)
H 0.5000 (0.4499, 0.5351)
I 0.4956 (0.4724, 0.5126)
J 0.4800 (0.4322, 0.5528)
K 0.5300 (0.4322, 0.5528)
L 0.4775 (0.4623, 0.5227)
M 0.5050 (0.4499, 0.5351)
N 0.4817 (0.4679, 0.5171)
O 0.5000 (0.4712, 0.5138)
P 0.4850 (0.4499, 0.5351)
Q 0.5100 (0.4322, 0.5528)
R 0.4833 (0.4679, 0.5171)
S 0.5025 (0.4623, 0.5227)
T 0.4850 (0.4679, 0.5171)
U 0.4850 (0.4623, 0.5227)
V 0.4700 (0.4499, 0.5351)
W 0.5100 (0.4499, 0.5351)
X 0.4900 (0.4322, 0.5528)
Y 0.5450 (0.4499, 0.5351)
Z 0.5400 (0.4322, 0.5528)
? 0.4950 (0.4499, 0.5351)
To learn more about these statistics, check the 'Confidence Intervals' section on the about page.
Opponent Stats
Stat Average Total
Wins 0.40 182
Score 415.09 189281
Score per Turn 32.2620
Turns 12.87 5867
Vertical Plays 5.92 2701
Horizontal Plays 5.88 2683
One Tile Plays 0.46 211
Other Plays 0.60 272
Firsts 0.47 216
Vertical Openings per First 0.1326
Horizontal Openings per First 0.8674
Full Rack per Turn 0.5275
Exchanges 0.30 137
High Game 709
Low Game 184
Highest Scoring Turn 185
Bingos Played 1.89 861
Sevens 0.96 437
Eights 0.92 420
Nines 0.01 4
Tens 0.00 0
Elevens 0.00 0
Twelves 0.00 0
Thirteens 0.00 0
Fourteens 0.00 0
Fifteens 0.00 0
Bingo Probabilities 7898.72
Sevens 7003.53
Eights 8874.52
Nines 3524.00
Tens 0.00
Elevens 0.00
Twelves 0.00
Thirteens 0.00
Fourteens 0.00
Fifteens 0.00
Tiles Played 48.06 21916
A 4.32 1972
B 0.97 443
C 1.01 461
D 1.91 870
E 5.84 2664
F 0.99 451
G 1.46 668
H 0.98 448
I 4.19 1912
J 0.52 238
K 0.47 214
L 1.94 884
M 0.96 437
N 2.86 1302
O 3.82 1743
P 1.00 454
Q 0.46 212
R 2.84 1296
S 1.88 859
T 2.88 1311
U 1.92 877
V 1.02 467
W 0.96 437
X 0.50 227
Y 0.91 414
Z 0.46 209
? 0.98 446
Power Tiles Played 4.80 2191
? 0.98 446
J 0.52 238
Q 0.46 212
X 0.50 227
Z 0.46 209
S 1.88 859
Power Tiles Stuck With 0.08 35
? 0.02 9
J 0.00 0
Q 0.01 3
X 0.00 1
Z 0.00 1
S 0.05 21
Turns With a Blank 1.45 663
Triple Triples Played 0.03 13
Bingoless Games 0.08 35
Bonus Square Coverage 15.61 7118
Double Letter 4.99 2274
Triple Letter 5.45 2487
Double Word 2.90 1321
Triple Word 2.27 1036
Phony Plays 0.31 141
Unchallenged 0.02 10
Challenged Off 0.29 131
Challenges 0.92 419
You Won 0.03 14
Opponent Lost 0.12 55
You Lost 0.48 219
Opponent Won 0.29 131
Challenge Percentage 0.0601
Defending Challenge Percentage 0.2957
Percentage Phonies Unchallenged 0.0709
Comments 5.04 2296
Comments Word Length 53.44 24369
Mistakeless Turns 12.25 5586
Mistakes per Turn 0.0501
Mistakes 0.64 294
Knowledge 0.16 74
Finding 0.12 54
Vision 0.09 39
Tactics 0.07 31
Strategy 0.12 54
Endgame 0.06 28
Time 0.03 14
Dynamic Mistakes 0.00 0
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Opponent Confidence Intervals
Tile p CI
A 0.4800 (0.4605, 0.5007)
B 0.4850 (0.4380, 0.5232)
C 0.5050 (0.4380, 0.5232)
D 0.4775 (0.4505, 0.5107)
E 0.4867 (0.4632, 0.4980)
F 0.4950 (0.4380, 0.5232)
G 0.4867 (0.4458, 0.5154)
H 0.4900 (0.4380, 0.5232)
I 0.4656 (0.4605, 0.5007)
J 0.5200 (0.4203, 0.5409)
K 0.4700 (0.4203, 0.5409)
L 0.4850 (0.4505, 0.5107)
M 0.4800 (0.4380, 0.5232)
N 0.4767 (0.4560, 0.5052)
O 0.4775 (0.4593, 0.5019)
P 0.5000 (0.4380, 0.5232)
Q 0.4600 (0.4203, 0.5409)
R 0.4733 (0.4560, 0.5052)
S 0.4700 (0.4505, 0.5107)
T 0.4800 (0.4560, 0.5052)
U 0.4800 (0.4505, 0.5107)
V 0.5100 (0.4380, 0.5232)
W 0.4800 (0.4380, 0.5232)
X 0.5000 (0.4203, 0.5409)
Y 0.4550 (0.4380, 0.5232)
Z 0.4600 (0.4203, 0.5409)
? 0.4900 (0.4380, 0.5232)
To learn more about these statistics, check the 'Confidence Intervals' section on the about page.
Player Mistakes
Play Type Size Comment
A1 DOZ(Y) +51 Finding Medium
LAYDEEZ A2. #findingmedium
O8 rETINUE(D) +77 Vision Medium
DETINUE A9. #visionmedium
14M AK(E) +28 Finding Medium
SKYF H1, FYKE 9L. #findingmedium
8M BUY +28 Vision Medium
Played this instantly and didn't consider playing in another wenue. YBORE 10J, OY 10I. #visionmedium
F4 DEW +30 Vision Small
WUD N7. Never considered hooking EXHALE. Also probably better to leave the D off of my play. #visionsmall
H12 VA(I)L +33 Finding Small
Threw this down right away. OVERLOAD B8 available, but VOID in this wenue looks best. #findingsmall
B8 pREDO(O)MS +74 Finding Small
Should have at least seen BEDROOMS B8 for 4 more, but probably would have picked this for defense. #findingsmall
J2 JE(T) +26 Finding Medium
REFI 5I. #findingmedium
A6 RYU +21 Vision Large
Also considered a sad block of the S hook, but not my scoring options at 2L. #visionlarge
The listing of all of the player's mistakes. For more information about mistakes, check the 'Mistakes' section of the about page.
Opponent Mistakes
Play Type Size Comment
10E CATTLeS +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
Yep, this happened. #KNOWLEDGESADDEST
M3 NOY +31 Finding Medium
M3 LOY #findingmedium
O8 BEG +23 Time Large
Before this turn, I had maybe 9 minutes on my clock, but my tracking was off. I think I spent about 8 minutes retracking before realizing we were missing a tile. By the time we found it I had maybe a minute left. I panicked and played this. #TIMESADDEST
15H ADRY +30 Finding Small
I think H11 ADY(T)A maybe a little better even though it leaves no vowels. #findingsmall
E2 IO +6 Knowledge Large
Chickened out of 1D (L)IROT. #knowledgeSADDEST
N2 TIE +14 Strategy Medium
Panicked and played too defensively. 2I GUERIT(E) looks fine. #strategymedium
F1 IDEE +20 Endgame Large
3C E(TO)URDIE #endgamelarge
8G KY +18 Tactics Medium
8G WYTE. I did not know how to evaluate this equity. #tacticsmedium
B10 (Z)IBET +32 Knowledge Large
8L (S)OUP +18 Endgame Large
12G UNI is way better. #ENDGAMESADDEST
I7 P(I)RN +10 Vision Small
7I PIRN #visionsmall I must've been tired.
L3 BIsMARK +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
10F BRI(N)KMAn or H10 IMBARK #knowledgelarge
H10 IMBARK +53 Knowledge Small
10F BRI(N)KMAn #knowledgesmall
10F VE(IN)Y +27 Vision Large
2F HY(L)E #visionlarge
L4 GENN(Y) +24 Strategy Large
exch GLQ +0 Vision Small
J8 (A)NGEL #visionsad
H1 KEF(I)R +36 Finding Large
H10 REK(N)IT #findingsaddest
15G GAMbEAU +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
15G GAUM +25 Knowledge Large
13B BAA +28 Vision Large
9G OHO +18 Time Large
I was trying to make a sad line, but 11E HOI is fine. #timesaddest
E1 C(O)S(T)A +26 Endgame Small
No wins. 14K LAIC is 4 points better. #endgamesad
A11 ACORN +32 Knowledge Small
A10 ANCORA #knowledgesmall
N9 PA +14 Knowledge Large
Chickened out of I2 PALATES cuz I didn't know it was spelled that way. I thought that I could forgo it and still win. #knowledgelarge
6A V(E)NDI(S) +10 Endgame Small
There are only 3 winning plays: this, 6A V(E)ND, and 12D (OO)F. 6A V(E)ND is 1 point better. #endgamesmall
8E AGAVE +18 Strategy Small
I thought that the leave for 8G VAX was too vowel heavy and guaranteeing and X spot would be worth it. But this caps my score next turn at around 30-something and bings a lot less, and is also less defensive. It probably isn't that different but in hindsight 8G VAX seems a bit better. #strategysmall
8M HOX +44 Finding Large
8L OXIC #findinglarge
4D INERM +31 Vision Small
5C NIMB #visionsmall
2F BE +22 Knowledge Large
B1 (LI)BERTINE #knowledgelarge
I5 (RAPE)D +10 Vision Large
"Well, nothing fits here" #visionlarge
7A (A)LL +4 Knowledge Small
N7 N(O)LL #visionmedium and #knowledgesmall for the challenge.
7A (A)LL +4 Vision Medium
N7 N(O)LL #visionmedium and #knowledgesmall for the challenge.
D11 JA(R)K +30 Knowledge Large
2J JUDoK(A) #knowledgelarge
L13 V(A)G +9 Vision Medium
N7 G(O)V #visionmedium
15A HUSK +69 Strategy Small
15A CUSK #strategysad
I8 (R)EVEALED +64 Knowledge Large
I got tilted because I was unsure of LAVEERED and DELEAVE and played to fast and missed K3 LEAVE(N)ED. #KNOWLEDGESADDEST
E2 HEWGH +35 Knowledge Medium
I chickened out of E1 WHEUGH #knowledgesadder
B10 F(R)O +29 Vision Large
N7 OUTFIRe. Totally missed the ODSO hook. #VISIONSADDEST
6K (LAT)U +6 Time Large
F1 tATOU #timesaddest
14C rESHOES +71 Finding Large
14E SHEEpOS #findingsaddest
6E UFO +19 Finding Medium
12J FOUA(T) #findingsadder
5C TIX +38 Vision Large
B10 XI, lol, #visionsaddest
11E AAL +21 Time Small
11D TAAL #timesad
8D YITIE +24 Knowledge Small
8G TITELY #knowledgesmall
A1 DO(C)HTInG +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
It's better without the ING. #KNOWLEDGESADDEST
11A STUSHIe +71 Strategy Large
I literally just didn't count up 7A SHUfTIS, which wins if I draw the Z. #strategylarge
15B AP(Y)REtIC +92 Finding Small
5D PAC(I)fIER #findingsad
F6 HA(N) +32 Tactics Small
F4 AAH #tacticssad
I7 U(R)AO +6 Strategy Large
4C OURA(R)I is best but I could bear to break up the leave. #STRATEGYSADDEST
H10 MAX +28 Tactics Small
5I DA(ZE)D #tacticssad
O8 (E)DUcATED +80 Tactics Small
I didn't count up bingos at C2 but they're all better. #tacticssad
M2 BONE +27 Vision Small
F1 OBE #visionsad
D1 GAED +24 Endgame Large
M2 DOSA +26 Vision Medium
Didn't think of 7B ADOBO here; I prefer it now. #visionmedium
13F PRODI(GI)Es +80 Vision Small
Hmm. Odd miss of PERCOIDS, I absolutely did not even look through the C at all once I saw this. One benefit of PRODIGIES is that if Tim had a higher scoring tile he probably would have tried to play it last turn, so I'm a favorite to hit the H column hard. #visionsmall
14A ONS +39 Vision Large
Thanks for watching Champion's Corner. Missing BINOCLES is actually a #visionlarge #endgamelarge #satiremedium
14A ONS +39 Endgame Large
Thanks for watching Champion's Corner. Missing BINOCLES is actually a #visionlarge #endgamelarge #satiremedium
10F MUN +14 Knowledge Large
k4 urman #knowledgelarge
L1 ZINE +50 Knowledge Large
zarnec is an improvement #knowledgelarge
4C WI(C)E +18 Vision Small
9C WI(T) #visionsad
N9 R(E)PLY +12 Endgame Large
E13 LOR #endgamesaddest
9H TIX +27 Tactics Small
This should have been XIS or SIX; CRST much better for bingoing. #tacticssmall
I8 (BI)G +6 Strategy Small
Tricky move; Quackle wants H6 GNAT to increase my odds of drawing a vowel. Even though that move leaves only one S hook on the board, it's seemingly impossible to block effectively without very specific plays from BI that probably represent huge equity sacrifices. #strategysmall
D3 INVE(S)TOR +74 Finding Small
I wish I could say I picked INVESTOR because I balked at all the CONTRIVE hooks - but in fact I actually just somehow missed CONTRIVE despite looking at the C. #findingsmall
B9 AH +39 Strategy Medium
HALER gives up 5 more points per turn than AH does; not enough to account for the 10 point gap in score. #strategymedium
5C E(V)ET +29 Strategy Medium
EVET sims worse than obvious moves like 1F KEF but I like that it reduces Tim's average score by about 5 points and eliminates that nightmare huge 4x scenario. Still probably a #strategymedium.
M12 SKIO +24 Endgame Large
Nope, I2 LOID setting up the huge SKI play at J1. #endgamelarge
exch BDJW +0 Tactics Small
Exch. BDJSW #tacticssmall
E4 JO +22 Tactics Small
10B JIAO(S) #tacticssmall
11E D(E)FOaMED +106 Finding Small
11E D(E)FOrMED #findingsad
A4 sIRTUIN +73 Vision Medium
A3 sIRTUIN, lol. #visionsadder
8G CONF +18 Strategy Large
8H VOW #strategysaddest
M1 GAROTEs +70 Finding Large
9L (I)CY +11 Tactics Small
2F BYE #tacticssad
3C BENDIEs +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
D5 BENIs(E)ED +72 Finding Large
A8 (G)UAVA +10 Endgame Large
I gave up. Apparently, A6 VA(G)UE is best. #endgamesaddest
8G YIP +16 Knowledge Large
myopia #knowledgelarge
I6 DI(P) +16 Knowledge Large
daimios #knowledgesaddest
K9 LIKE +36 Knowledge Large
tearlike #knowledgesaddest
H12 (BA)NC +24 Endgame Small
H12 (BA)RN #endgamesad
O7 OVATOR +33 Vision Small
L2 OUTRAV(E) #visionsad
4K FLU(N)K +34 Knowledge Small
J6 WO(R)KFUL #knowledgesad
10B OrPHANS +71 Finding Large
8D FIQUE +42 Tactics Small
Although FIQUE gets me 12% more bingos than QUITE, it only results in an average score of one more point per turn for me on my next move. Odd. #tacticssmall
12B BLETCh(E)S +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
No idea what got into me here...I was sure there was some CSW-only variation of BLOTCH. I don't think I was confusing this with BLENCH, so I wonder how I got my wires crossed. #knowledgelarge
K7 M(I)XED +30 Finding Large
K5 DEN(I)MED #findinglarge
15D AUGITE +29 Knowledge Medium
I was trying to decide between 8A GUY and 15D AUGITE. I figured if I kept the Y, I might be able to cash it at 15L after his bingo, but 8A TUYE(R) looks better. #knowledgemedium
8A FUM +32 Knowledge Medium
K5 IM(MIXED) #knowledgemedium
3B ALCID +28 Knowledge Large
K5 AD(MIXED) #knowledgelarge
11D N(E)RKS +11 Time Large
I was low on time and forget there were tiles in the bag. Sad. I played this thinking I had two outs. D11 N(E)K is best. #TIMESADDEST
8G HUGY +22 Finding Medium
GUMDWOPS 2025, Round 1. 8D PUDGY #findingsadder
6E CID +22 Strategy Medium
6B RANCID #strategysadder
A12 (B)APU +24 Knowledge Small
14B TAPAcU(L)O #FINDINGSADDEST #knowledgesad for the challenge
A12 (B)APU +24 Finding Large
14B TAPAcU(L)O #FINDINGSADDEST #knowledgesad for the challenge
A1 BE(A)NERY +39 Finding Small
A1 EB(A)YER #findingsad
10J HIND +30 Tactics Small
This needs to be HIN or HAN for sure, setting up a board where any -D bingo plays in several spots. There are six As unseen compared to just four Is, so HAN appears to have the tiniest edge. Both of those plays are incredibly close in sim with HAND and HIND but the little things matter... #tacticssmall
K5 COMICS +30 Vision Large
8A CROC(I) #visionlarge Given his last play I want to keep it closed. He almost certainly doesn't have heavy tiles.
8K (I)NDEW +35 Finding Large
15A LOI(R) +12 Knowledge Large
B13 YG(O) +14 Vision Large
1L AEON +25 Finding Large
3L ZA(S) +37 Finding Large
G5 BARNY +32 Finding Medium
I just flat-out missed BARYE here. I was also unsure of BARNEY, even though I would have played that in an NWL game. I also just missed BYRE J5. #findingmedium
D12 UT +17 Tactics Small
weird spot. this isn't ideal since it's harder to trade bingos now. Stuff will play on the C column down to the 12th row and it's a lot harder to hook bingos on the B column up than down given how the English language works. So this doesn't do a good job at trading bingos, but it's such good equity. I recognized that I probably wasn't Q-sticking no matter what. Quackle suggested ET instead, which doesn't run into the same problem with allowing stuff down to C12, since there's only one R for REH#. But the main difference is that we just bingo a lot more to begin with. RE(ADO)UT is the other suggestion. I like ET. #tacticssmall
J14 WO +28 Knowledge Small
15H O(N)IUM #knowledgeSAD
6L (EN)G +8 Endgame Large
N6 GERS, N6 SERR, M9 GERS, all win, if I had realized that Tim should've drawn the last two tiles. I was fishing for O6 STARRED. #ENDGAMESADDEST
M2 GEEZ +51 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for challenging FLOSSIE
1J WA(B) +8 Strategy Large
Spent all my time trying to think of the best fish and didn't see K1 AW, lol. 14A WAA(C) seems fine here. #strategysaddest #timesaddest
1J WA(B) +8 Time Large
Spent all my time trying to think of the best fish and didn't see K1 AW, lol. 14A WAA(C) seems fine here. #strategysaddest #timesaddest
B10 CRA(P)E +30 Time Medium
B10 COR(P)sE #timesadder
2H RoO +13 Time Large
K4 RO(EME)r #timesaddest
14D (I)VY +30 Finding Small
Don't think I saw G6 BALKY, which looks nice. #findingsmall
15H (C)OO +7 Tactics Large
G7 O(R)A #tacticssaddest
8K GYRUS +48 Vision Large
L8 RI(D)GY #visionsaddest
L1 CIvILIT(Y) +80 Knowledge Small
O8 (S)pILITIC #knowledgesad
2C ROTcHES +65 Time Large
I ran out of time and played the wrong bingo. #TIMESADDEST
8H NYAFF +36 Strategy Small
8H OFFY #strategysad
14J DEALT +31 Knowledge Large
N2 MAT(C)HUP +48 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for challenge
O7 RIZA +53 Tactics Small
O7 REZ #tacticssad
B7 H(U)CK +23 Endgame Medium
N11 KE(N)CH #endgamemedium
7G GOE +14 Finding Small
7C GELATO #findingsad
K8 TALA +14 Finding Small
8J (A)TAATA #findingsad
C13 EGO +19 Strategy Small
C12 TEG #strategysad
A2 BELEA(P)T +36 Finding Large
H6 W(OU)LD +9 Knowledge Large
I thought SCRIB was a word #knowledgesaddest so this doesn't leave a bingo line that I need to win. Something like 3K (C)L(E)W seems good here. #strategysaddest
H6 W(OU)LD +9 Strategy Large
I thought SCRIB was a word #knowledgesaddest so this doesn't leave a bingo line that I need to win. Something like 3K (C)L(E)W seems good here. #strategysaddest
3A (E)NVIER +18 Time Large
D10 (A)RF #timesaddest
E7 S(A)B +19 Strategy Small
C9 BE(L)S blocks the C9 spot. #strategysad
J3 OUPA +19 Finding Medium
L1 EXUDE +33 Strategy Large
9F DEB(Y)E setting up my X. #strategysaddest
1H BARB(E) +27 Knowledge Large
2K O(X)IC +30 Vision Large
J12 NOG +19 Strategy Small
3B TIGNON to go for the blanks. #strategysad
H7 Q(A)T +30 Strategy Small
H7 Q(A)NAT. I really need to go for the blanks. #strategysad
C7 FAN(N)IED +32 Strategy Small
Sims says 11B FAINNE is best, but I didn't want to block the board like that. It's probably fine. #strategysad
E4 KENTS +39 Endgame Large
12A KN(E)ES #endgamesaddest
10E OH +30 Tactics Small
lmao. I didn't score 10F HO(a). #tacticssad
E3 WIPE +23 Tactics Small
C10 WI(M)P #tacticssad
G13 JA +36 Tactics Small
C2 JAAP #tacticssad
O1 FAD +28 Finding Large
O1 DARAF #findingsaddest
L4 RALLYeS +82 Vision Large
1G LAuRYLS #visionsaddest
7G COO +21 Finding Medium
G5 VOICE forgot about the COXY hook oop #findingsadder
6I DIVA +21 Tactics Small
6I VIAE #tacticssad
K4 HO(V)E +20 Knowledge Medium
chickened out of K3 HOO(V)E #knowledgesadder
13A mATINeE +75 Finding Small
13A cANIEsT is slightly better #findingsad
O7 WAD +38 Knowledge Large
14B SALEWD is insane #knowledgeSADDEST
1I GAU +8 Knowledge Large
1F GULAR #knowledgesaddest
exch LLMNN +0 Strategy Small
Quackle wants me to exchange everything here so #strategysad i guess?
14F REC +15 Strategy Large
I should just get the points. quackle is not a fan of me blocking #strategysaddest
15D NUN +6 Knowledge Medium
I saw K11 F(L)EW but then i wanted to get rid of my Ns. M10 UN(S)EWN is nice #knowledgesadder
F4 WON +14 Knowledge Large
K9 REF(L)OWN #knowledgesaddest
C1 M(I)D +20 Endgame Medium
C1 R(I)M is slightly better but i forgot MEL existed #endgamesadder
M7 (JAR)L +11 Endgame Small
O7 (WAD)T is better to stop WADSETT i guess? #endgamesad
13L R(E)T +5 Endgame Large
A13 (mE)T to stop 15A ES #endgamesaddest
D6 WO(V)EN +11 Knowledge Small
I dont know enough words to get out of this situation. spent like 5 minutes here just completely befuddled F4 EWKE(D) #knowledgesad
C3 JUKE +35 Knowledge Medium
F4 EWKE(D) #knowledgesadder
B6 FINCH +46 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for challenge C9 FINCH sims marginally better, better bingo chances. #strategysad
B6 FINCH +46 Strategy Small
#knowledgesad for challenge C9 FINCH sims marginally better, better bingo chances. #strategysad
5J (B)Y +26 Knowledge Small
A10 SPACEY #knowledgesad
A10 CAPERS +46 Knowledge Medium
M3 SECPAR #Knowledgesadder
8M (N)YM +24 Knowledge Small
E6 SM(I)LEY is notable #knowledgesad for challenge
14A (R)ENEWALS +76 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for challenge
F5 GAU(D) +12 Knowledge Large
C10 OURA(N)G #knowledgesaddest Also play was miscounted as 15
13C UDO +20 Knowledge Large
L9 URODELE #knowledgesaddest Also, play was miscounted as 19
N5 EEL(Y) +19 Endgame Small
N5 EER(Y) is slightly better #endgamesad Final score was recorded as 400-521
L5 (S)tORAXES +80 Vision Large
6B bORAXES #visionsaddest
K11 YUPPY +42 Knowledge Small
E3 YUPP(i)FY #knowledgesad
A8 C(A)Z +42 Tactics Small
A8 C(A)SABA #tacticssad
M9 BUSES +45 Strategy Medium
12B (L)OBI is the same equity but the case Ss are too powerful. #strategymedium
2E COW(A)N +12 Endgame Large
C3 CTEN(E) #endgamesaddest
I2 RELOADS +76 Vision Large
7G AI(D) +10 Strategy Medium
J5 (R)EI is fine. This is too panicky. #strategymedium
H12 AE +8 Strategy Large
This is a mistake. I think I can play more open after G10 DALT, which probably blew up his rack with no blanks left. H12 IOTA seems okay. #strategylarge
6F OW +13 Strategy Large
Maybe B12 WAU(L) or 4D TW(I)G, but not this. #strategylarge
1A AGUTI +26 Strategy Medium
1A TINGE wins more apparently. #strategymedium
A1 (A)DVENT +11 Finding Large
I would have never thought to exchange, but apparently that's what I'm supposed to do. Also A1 (A)DVECT #strategylarge #findinglarge
A1 (A)DVENT +11 Strategy Large
I would have never thought to exchange, but apparently that's what I'm supposed to do. Also A1 (A)DVECT #strategylarge #findinglarge
M9 CEPAG(E) +28 Endgame Large
13K BAP #endgamelarge
14B LOXED +42 Finding Small
14A OXLAND #findingsad
11I DOYLIeS +79 Finding Small
C1 P(O)OH +18 Strategy Large
3C HOOR #strategysaddest
15A KI(W)I +48 Time Large
I7 ZEK +39 Knowledge Large
J3 CLOYE +29 Vision Large
4J (L)UX +25 Finding Large
M11 TELIA +22 Strategy Medium
J9 AVITAL blocks pretty well. #strategymedium
J9 OAf +16 Finding Small
15K zO(AE)A #findingsad
exch EUI +0 Tactics Small
Keeping the I seems to sim slightly better. #tacticssmall
4B AIYEE +20 Tactics Medium
9G OYE #tacticsmedium
O1 HOOD +37 Vision Medium
3B BOOH #visionmedium
3C BOW +35 Strategy Large
15E BOWES #strategylarge
3I KON +28 Finding Large
4B (LI)T(U) +12 Vision Large
J6 FR(O)ND +21 Tactics Small
Exch. DFNVV #tacticssmall
L4 BURR(Y) +20 Vision Small
9A BUHR #visionsad
B12 FOHN +28 Vision Medium
D8 FO(EH)N #visionsadder
H10 (P)E(I)NCT +30 Vision Large
14J MEL +26 Vision Large
J2 KUBIES +32 Tactics Large
I was blind to keeping a U and didn't see F7 B(U)IK. #tacticssaddest
1K (G)YNIE +44 Tactics Small
4H VI(BE)Y #tacticssmall
4H JI(BE)S +44 Finding Large
4J (BE)NJ #findingsaddest
15A VEN(D) +24 Finding Large
N1 (I)NFEFT #findingsaddest
12A BOOHAIS +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
N13 XI +31 Strategy Large
Apparently I'm supposed to play on row 4 according to a sim and CP. I guess he bingos there a lot and I have to block or it gives me a better chance to draw a blank. In hindsight I think I agree. This play is bad. #strategylarge
5A LINED +20 Knowledge Large
5C LARNED #knowledgelarge
8D PAYOR +26 Finding Small
8D BOYAR #findingsad
13A NEXT +43 Finding Large
H11 F(L)ITE +24 Tactics Small
13G FIT #tacticssad
3H OVA +19 Finding Small
B9 AVI(DE)R #findingsad
A6 TUINA +20 Finding Large
B6 AT +16 Time Large
2J PRYSED +50 Strategy Medium
N2 TR(I)PY #strategysadder
1L MiNI +46 Strategy Large
This is terrible. H1 JI(N) is fine. #strategysaddest
B3 J(A)GG +17 Endgame Small
B3 G(A)G #endgamesad
14L D(I)TZ +28 Endgame Large
14L Z(I)P #endgamesaddest
B13 P(O)T +11 Endgame Small
7F T(W)P #endgamesad
10E WIG +21 Knowledge Large
N4 WIGLETS #KNOWLEDGESADDEST also a #Knowledgesad for the challenge
10E WIG +21 Knowledge Small
N4 WIGLETS #KNOWLEDGESADDEST also a #Knowledgesad for the challenge
D7 LOOTERS +74 Knowledge Small
11C LOOTERS OOF also #knowledgesad for the challenge
3E P(I)XI +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
I had no idea what to do here, but that's okay because I phoneyed instead like a n00b. Yes, I'm a dumbass. Yes, I'm aware of it. #knowledgesaddest
L12 XI +36 Knowledge Medium
12H CAP(E)X oof #knowledgeSADDER
J1 COUPLEs +69 Knowledge Large
Holy shit 1C OPUsCLE #knowledgeSADDEST
4J (P)RICEY +34 Finding Large
4J (P)RICEY +34 Vision Large
1A ALIENS +34 Knowledge Small
#Knowledgesad but I had to challenege THRIDS if i were to have any hopes of winnning Also, 15L LI(E)N blocks F(E)H and is better
H7 R(E)V +6 Vision Small
7H TAIVER #visionsad
14F FOO +21 Knowledge Small
14B FORMEE #knowledgesmall
4L UMU +20 Vision Small
EMEU #visionsad
13E EE +7 Finding Large
13E EE +7 Vision Large
H1 JE(A)T +36 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for challenge
8A BRI(M) +24 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for the challenge #KNOWLEDGESADDEST for 1H (J)IRBLING
8A BRI(M) +24 Knowledge Large
#knowledgesad for the challenge #KNOWLEDGESADDEST for 1H (J)IRBLING
11A WIL(D)ING +24 Knowledge Small
1A U(D)O +12 Strategy Large
C1 ANOA leaving 4B (FA)UNA or 4E AUN(T) #strategysaddest #endgamesaddest
1A U(D)O +12 Endgame Large
C1 ANOA leaving 4B (FA)UNA or 4E AUN(T) #strategysaddest #endgamesaddest
D1 NANA +16 Endgame Large
1H (J)NANA is better because it doesnt make a spot for C3 ORE #endgamesaddest
D6 HY(M)ENIAl +85 Vision Large
E1 BOVATE +27 Tactics Medium
E10 (D)OB. I didn't think AELTV was that good. #tacticssadder
6D (HE)P +30 Finding Large
10I AZO +37 Strategy Medium
E10 (D)OTAL #strategysadder
13B JI(l)LET +26 Tactics Medium
I need a better leave here. 13B JO(l)T or 13B JO(l). #tacticssadder
L1 (F)RANC +20 Knowledge Small
I was not 100% sure of 5H (S)C(E)ND. I should have thought of the DESCEND/SCENDED pair. #knowledgesad
L9 UN(L)ORD +27 Endgame Medium
Championship Player says this doesn't win but when I played it out it does. Also listed as winning plays in descending valuation are 6L ORD, 6J (T)ROD, 12H DUG, and 2B DUR(OY). #endgamesadder
7C DEFO +22 Finding Large
8K (I)NION +18 Strategy Small
4K (D)ON #strategysad
9D EE +14 Vision Small
O1 ALE(Y)E #visionsad
J1 AHA +29 Finding Large
15A ExPIATE(S) +80 Finding Small
Should've done 15A EPIlATE(S) for the memes, but actually 15H (S)PEcIATE. #findingsad
13H (T)ORMENTS +72 Strategy Large
2A MONSTER is better, but I mistracked and thought he might have bingos in the bottom right. #strategysaddest
L8 P(A)NNER +22 Strategy Small
L8 P(A)NNE. I didn't realize I had the case R. #strategysad
11C CANOED +38 Strategy Small
Quackle slightly prefers 11B ODA and OCA, sacrificing some points to gain a solid chunk of bingo%. That does make sense. JAGAS overlapping plays still go down after CANOED, and JESTINGS is still wide open, so I shouldn't be scared to make JAGAS plays more accessible after ODA/OCA, especially at a deficit. #strategysmall - forgot to record time.
J12 (A)DZ +33 Strategy Medium
Seemed a worthwhile gamble; if Tim doesn't have an E or blank it's just so annoying. Quackle slightly prefers M8 PEZANT, 2A PATZER, and 13J GATED. PEZANT opens two lines at once on a board without many good ones; PATZER creates a moderately annoying threat on column A. Marlon noted that GATED sets up both ZAG and ZIT as potential overlaps on row 11, which I didn't consider. All three plays draw more tiles towards a blank with both unseen than ADZ does. Upgrading this from small to #strategymedium. 11:14
O13 FAG +28 Strategy Small
N1 GAUFERS never wins, obviously; CP slightly prefers 11K UG to FAG, but I was imagining FAG potentially drawing into solid scoring bingos on both columns A and N. The problem with FAG is obviously that first, it empties the bag. Second, I was worried that if Tim has the Y he can outrun me with any reasonable FREETY play, but given that I probably need the Y and either the M or the other blank to even threaten the win, I should just bank on drawing it myself, making blocking it unimportant. At least I made a play that has a nontrivial chunk of winning%. #strategysmall 0:45
D12 HUB +25 Strategy Large
Sim is saying 15F HUI by 8 points, but I thought I really needed the S hook created by D12 HUB. Someone convince me that D12 HUB is wrong. I await your hatemail. EDIT: it's wrong, I was wrong, #STRATEGYSADDEST
15A TONS +25 Strategy Large
Again, sim saying 15H IOTAS, but I don't see how I can ever win after that play. I thought the T at A15 lets me draw into IEST bingos. I dunno. #strategylarge
E9 DI(V) +7 Strategy Large
I don't remember my exact leave here and I didn't record it because I was extremely low on time. This is just a guess since I know I had AEIIRST the next turn. Regardless, this is almost certainly incorrect. #strategylarge
9E FOODIE +25 Tactics Small
9F FIDO #tacticssad
O8 JI(R)GA +42 Finding Small
O8 JA(R)K. I stopped looking after JIRGA. #findingsad
7B PORK +33 Finding Large
10D TSK #findingsaddest
13I TSOTSES +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
12I STO(P) +12 Tactics Large
J8 S(EA)S. I was tilted here. #tacticssaddest
15G ANN +14 Strategy Large
C6 N(OW)N bingos way more than I would have thought. #strategysaddest
6B ARMO(R)IAL +62 Strategy Small
H3 MORAI(N)AL is nice and defensive and only 1 point fewer. #strategysad
C12 TIED +26 Knowledge Medium
G8 (I)DEE. I didn't know POLYPE. #knowledgesadder
14F EE +11 Knowledge Large
G10 EE. #knowledgesaddest
J2 QuI(Z) +41 Vision Large
13G FIG(O) +24 Vision Large
K8 BADE +23 Time Large
J3 VOW +18 Strategy Small
L10 YOW is fine, but I was too scared of the E hook. #strategysad
O7 OUThITS +78 Strategy Small
Anything that doesn't put the H at O10 is better to avoid plays like N10 CLA(I)M. I stopped looking after seeing OUTHITS. #strategysad
G2 ITA +20 Strategy Small
14C O(T)TO #strategysad
K9 POGO +17 Finding Small
L1 (G)OOG #findingsad
8L (O)VEL +21 Finding Large
9I V(APO)UR sets up my case S. #findingsaddest
O2 NAES +17 Endgame Large
M2 NAE #endgamesaddest
8D BENNI +20 Knowledge Medium
CoCo Silver Spring April 2023, Round 14. 8D BONNIE #knowledgesadder
7E FOAM +25 Tactics Medium
7C FAB #tacticssadder
A8 BA(C)ON +30 Finding Large
12C TONG +16 Tactics Medium
12C GONG #tacticssadder
B2 DIlUTEE +72 Knowledge Large
15G A(G)EnESIA +59 Strategy Large
A1 EA(V)E #strategysaddest
E2 NARC +24 Endgame Large
3F CR(AG). This V sticks myself, so I have to pass to the end of the game, but just passing seemed boring. #endgamesaddest
F5 CRE(A)SERS +64 Finding Medium
I hope I would have found 11D SCRE(W)ERS OTB, but after challenging off the phony I completely stopped looking at horizontal plays through OUTWIT as I thought that all of them would give him DIDDLERS. However, 12C CRESS(I)ER is best with his rack. #findingsadder
5D PA(C)IFiER +106 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for challenge
6J WEETE +33 Finding Large
C2 BOROnIC +87 Finding Small
C3 BROCOlI #findingsad
9G EX +22 Knowledge Small
G5 TAH(R) #tacticssad #knowledgesad for challenge
9G EX +22 Tactics Small
G5 TAH(R) #tacticssad #knowledgesad for challenge
J8 (G)RUE +7 Strategy Small
I have to block TURFINGS but 6F (J)URE is better #strategysmall
12F BEZ +49 Strategy Large
C9 WEB #strategysaddest
6J VA(T) +14 Endgame Large
5I LAR(N)S #endgamesaddest
O2 SLART +28 Time Large
The listing of all of the player's mistakes. For more information about mistakes, check the 'Mistakes' section of the about page.
Game Line Error
Game 22698 37 Game is incomplete.
Game 35203 20 Invalid column letter: 2.
Game 27735 42 Game is incomplete.
Game 28886 31 Game is incomplete.
Game 29904 38 Game is incomplete.
Errors are (most likely) the result of malformed GCG files. To learn more, check the 'Errors and Warnings' section in the about page.
Game Line Error
Game 41630 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 11378, Round 3).
Warnings are notifications to players that they might want to update some of their GCG files. To learn more, check the 'Errors and Warnings' section in the about page.