Seth Lipkin
Seth Lipkin
Color Key
= Triple Triple
= Bingo 9+
= Improbable
= +
= +
= +
= + +
Player Lists
Type Play Probability Score
SHOUTeR 3918 89
ANNELID 1331 63
ACTIONs 1646 71
PERIODS 2010 77
HEIRESs 11147 99
EdIBLES 6601 72
FILT(E)RED 3118 66
(F)OLIATES 562 74
NARDiNE 508 71
ASSUMED 15200 83
BRuTING 9426 79
OUTGIVE 3000 82
STERAN(E)S 2862 66
ASTErIS(M) 5455 86
URIDINE 1280 70
ONStAGE 392 71
MEGAD(O)SE 5129 63
(M)ONACIdS 9164 92
VALERAT(E) 3469 80
ALASToR 2716 81
W(A)MEFOUS 15733 67
TOwE(L)ING 2272 72
CIRROsE 4635 74
DAhLIAS 11515 81
COASTED 1835 97
FERUlAE 3907 67
CHA(R)LIES 5379 92
(R)EVOICES 4835 67
Fr(I)GATES 1828 76
ISOGRAF(T) 3639 92
rEVOICE(S) 4586 86
(A)TTaGIRL 8659 74
TINDERS 447 93
BA(R)ATHEa 15495 74
A(R)ROWINg 7533 74
PORTAGE 1428 67
LUNIEST 1164 74
S(T)OmODEA 3923 60
PELTAST 9431 83
ARMOReD 4611 67
OUTGIVE 2997 71
DIAZOL(E)S 3237 84
D(E)PONINg 8167 70
CLASSI(C)O 27079 70
(M)ORALIZE 4598 90
TOI(L)ETeD 1707 131
aNAPAeS(T) 10026 66
CASE(A)TES 14315 90
ALLERG(E)n 7322 68
SPILLED 16010 76
KASHrUT 18915 93
IN(T)ERVAl 433 74
GReASED 2452 75
LITER(A)TI 1098 68
FORAm(I)NA 6573 83
WI(R)EWoRK 27224 94
UnSTAT(E)D 3974 73
PLEASA(n)T 4927 70
(T)HEnAGES 4612 86
ANTI(W)EAR 508 65
EROTISM 997 85
RE(M)ANENT 3870 63
DIGEsTI(F) 10214 89
EN(V)IABLE 4242 66
DISUSED 18202 72
sNOOKER 8777 74
(E)NFEVeRS 16794 92
DIThIOL 9171 69
(F)OUGHTEN 12533 82
LiNTELS 5416 77
F(L)UORITE 1456 65
DECEITS 4123 76
cEmENTA 5112 80
SANTERA 473 74
gENTLI(N)G 16781 68
AUN(T)LIER 78 66
BIPA(R)OUS 9171 78
TRO(C)HARS 16793 67
SEDGIER 2350 70
OVE(R)BETS 8005 67
RETUNES 1443 82
(E)REcTILE 4740 74
UNCARDE(D) 12173 76
RO(D)EOING 989 61
AMANI(T)AS 12678 90
VOTRESS 10879 73
DuTIA(B)LE 2288 80
CRINGED 4724 69
(S)ANYASIN* 0 76
PEDIcLE 11374 95
SEEDIER 2625 74
AGNIzED 5188 67
ANTLIoN 1401 83
SEEDIER 2625 70
E(N)TRAILS 72 70
(C)REODoNT 3982 86
(T)EENSIER 816 77
BIRETTA(S) 2880 83
COtINGA 2673 91
STINTER 1363 67
MESSIER 11149 86
TEASINg 280 75
SEVE(R)ITY 7194 80
SPIREME 8388 83
POINTIL(Y)* 0 82
A(G)OUTIES 254 72
ZARA(T)ITE 6473 87
SQUAReD 9116 76
STAMINA 5470 76
E(N)TERING 2185 62
DERELI(C)T 3105 65
PE(R)CaLES 10435 83
HELMEtS 14495 93
HEADIER 1046 72
ImBOSOM 23652 83
D(E)CREERS 19409 76
NOVELIS(T) 1471 63
LORRIeS 1701 71
STORMED 3889 99
TOLLmeN 10865 62
LIVERIE(S) 5880 76
OUTWILE 2047 76
OURANGS 3672 67
DELA(I)NES 367 86
PITT(A)NCE 6923 78
EREmURI 7737 62
TOLEDoS 3792 68
UNGUIDE(D) 20119 76
ONSTREA(M) 562 79
BAITERS 623 78
OVERMAN 2744 80
SE(P)ARATE 3474 64
DESIGns 9877 79
BEANIES 992 70
OBLIG(A)TO 7645 65
(O)RINASAL 876 77
NEGATiO(N) 317 66
UnuRGED 13565 68
(R)EORIENT 286 70
WOOLERS 8072 79
INSANER 547 78
DERAI(G)nS 457 70
UNLEARn 2821 78
JARgOON 13250 92
EXALTIN(g) 4305 69
MOTIVED 5148 87
HEELIN(G)S 7557 63
DEVALUE 6607 68
BaS(E)FIES* 0 194
EdICTAL 1474 69
FORETO(L)D 6872 72
ANISEED 205 88
FRETSAW 6754 78
STErNLY 5824 79
ANNuLAR 11164 64
PL(A)NCHET 14695 66
LOAMIER 323 78
FOZIN(E)Ss 19938 70
oUTBUI(L)T 23378 62
OUTDATE 1701 72
SENArII 143 68
TERRITS 5766 66
(C)OINAGES 924 72
MING(L)ERS 6220 61
TAMBO(U)RS 12958 74
INJuRES 5897 76
OPALINE 307 69
SOLATI(O)N 1062 70
TRITOM(A)s 5387 86
iNVADES 1521 79
ORN(A)TELY 589 94
D(I)STRAIN 1660 70
TAENIAS 136 62
cANTR(A)IP 8815 72
MoN(T)AGED 2235 72
GARPIkE 9676 73
LINEAGE 430 75
AVERTIN(G) 751 76
DESTINE 567 68
(G)RAINiER 1849 77
ISOHELS 10220 86
ThEREIN 1086 65
VIOLIsT 9245 72
fLOSSES 23368 72
BENDERS 6715 69
AdULATE 2682 68
CASTLES 12836 79
T(E)NDoNED* 0 72
GAIE(T)IES 820 61
EOSINES 2506 66
RET(S)INAS 968 70
FEMINIE 8863 71
INTENSE 1816 67
mODIFiE(R) 7040 72
(G)LAIRIEr 3476 68
ANISEED 205 85
L(A)NNERET 1287 70
pURITI(E)S 4949 58
COlTANS 5814 82
VERDITE(R) 6433 76
ANYbODY 22262 82
BEADING 2522 72
V(O)LCAnOS 18187 74
RESEEIN(G) 2855 87
GAVeL(I)NG 13219 63
PROSIER 4452 74
MUTTERS 12118 69
R(E)NITENT 3274 70
SMeLTIN(G) 5919 72
METH(A)NoL 4065 65
SAPIENT 706 79
HOPLITE 4916 79
WAGON(E)RS 2251 78
OU(T)SHAME 6774 80
REInCUR 6523 88
ABUTTER 6448 63
MISMADe 14770 87
RECO(P)IED 4822 65
DAIKONs 6196 68
TALL(I)ERS 2200 62
DOW(N)TIME 3924 65
B(E)CRIMED 15319 80
(F)AULTIEr 995 83
UNABAT(E)D 4897 72
ARRiVED 3799 79
UNLOOSE 3972 82
HANDLIs(T) 6262 89
ReMOVES 8684 96
MIS(A)TONE 225 90
uNSTEPS 15343 70
SNOUTED 1263 74
ANURETI(C) 394 74
(O)MIcRONs 14078 77
FLATBED 9518 70
RUSTING 5210 91
AdVISEE 2020 67
bILIOUS 11760 59
TWITTED 17084 68
INSERTS 2875 77
EVZONES 13047 115
UgLIF(I)ES 13864 64
TRIoLET 790 66
DILAT(I)ON 878 60
OCTANES 890 82
PALLEtS 12891 70
ROSACES 7607 93
hAIRIER 4469 59
AN(O)INTED 123 63
LIGATES 768 75
(T)IBIALEs 2557 72
DECLINE(R) 2934 76
SOIREES 2388 85
RETYInG 2621 74
ESCROWS 18095 79
BORANEs 872 73
UN(G)LOVED 10642 84
QUARTE(R)N 9257 88
SoRRELS 12760 79
DECAGO(N)S 4123 65
CASETTE 7352 74
(S)PINELLE 13108 72
mAFIOSI 10837 70
PIG(N)OLIA 7060 80
RAIsONN(E) 132 71
ISATINS 7873 69
DERIDES 6073 78
LORDINg 3508 75
ASININE 1601 79
OERsTED 808 72
MURRAIn 8511 74
RIMSHOT 9981 79
QuAES(T)OR 3205 104
QUAGMI(RE)S 12378 119
L(E)ATHERN 1600 74
DARTLES 1093 74
HEAPING 5725 70
sTOD(G)IER 659 68
NEARING 1069 74
(W)IDENERS 3131 76
HAREEMS 7959 82
L(E)VANTED 2888 78
CARBOyS 16947 81
(A)NDROGEn 1891 80
PRAETOR(S) 3378 74
M(E)WLINGS* 0 73
UTI(L)ISER 1857 62
MEDIvAC 11228 77
(s)ANTERIA 84 64
TER(T)IANS 366 82
DIV(I)DEND 27063 80
ESTEEM(E)D 20751 72
RAGLANS 8565 69
(G)ENITORs 245 82
TU(N)ELESS 11078 61
GRABENs 4490 82
FILIBEG 15711 79
AVIAnI(Z)E 11055 83
TROLLO(P)s 22637 63
(U)NDOCkED 23907 86
BEGONiA 566 67
CLARIES 1484 67
AIGLETS 764 77
(T)RIASSIC 15625 64
YEARlIE(S) 1557 72
THA(N)KERs 10136 65
PEAR(L)IER 3500 90
EBONISE 1190 91
TORULAS 2365 61
OREIdES 299 73
SNO(O)LING 14446 59
(S)TRAFERs 17150 92
SLINKER(S)* 0 89
HILLIER 13069 67
(L)AMINARY 11780 76
(W)ERGILDS 9535 65
AURISTs 7600 81
(L)EVIRATe 665 83
AzYGOSE* 0 88
tREA(S)ONS 1278 71
DEARIES 206 76
TITIANS 5179 68
NEUsTIC 3090 75
DoYLIES 3583 65
(C)RANNOGE 4811 76
(S)TEADIES 2623 65
ARTI(S)ANS 6687 66
SIDER(I)TE 1126 63
O(V)ERTIRE 2339 72
CLA(r)INET 411 70
bOUDINS 8448 79
VINTAGe 1233 83
(N)EWSIEST 10087 76
SAUTEEd 1310 74
(G)ELATION 63 72
ANTEVER(T) 3668 86
SOCIALs 12531 85
OVOIDAl 7215 78
FARAd(I)SE 2538 64
CASTORS 13200 77
UNDERLi(E) 959 77
NuTSIES(T) 11515 74
FOR(E)DONE 4974 67
LAC(E)WORk 16068 62
DUNITES 1104 71
GrAVIES 2446 74
SPITTLE 9072 90
COLISTi(N) 7733 80
(G)ODLIEST 1634 70
MONIlIA 3708 81
SCARVES 17297 80
CENTRiS(T) 5267 68
WASTERI(E) 677 86
BUTYRAL 15545 94
lIAISON(S) 7802 66
SHELVIN(G) 15206 82
FAINTER 220 77
uMPTEEN 11006 77
VORTEX(E)S 12386 78
ReFUSER 13899 79
L(A)CUNARY 19807 82
CO(R)ELATE 804 72
EMEUTEs 12088 71
PROT(E)INS 614 72
(R)ETIRANT 1188 77
ALIYOTH 7261 96
QUA(A)LuDE 23467 84
DOMICIl 16767 78
(D)OGCARTs 9835 80
SE(A)SONAL 5395 66
E(R)UPTION 617 82
BEAStIE 1041 78
THIO(N)AtE 764 61
DIvESTS 12998 86
(C)ARCANET 15455 78
BIOGENY 6870 87
REOILED 282 70
LUNATED 1092 83
MEDINAS 1441 70
The of bingos played by the player that were not challenged off.
Triple Triples
Type Play Probability Score
TOI(L)ETeD 1707 131
BaS(E)FIES* 0 194
Triple triples played by the player that were not challenged off. They do not have to be bingos.
Bingo Nines or Above
Type Play Probability Score
QUAGMI(RE)S 12378 119
Bingos played by the player that were nine letters or longer and were not challenged off.
Challenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were challenged off by an opponent.
Unchallenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were not challenged by an opponent.
Plays That Were Challenged
Type Play Probability Score
TRO(C)HARS 16793 67
VOTRESS 10879 73
GRUT* 0 0
GALABI(A) 17887 20
AU(R)IR* 0 0
CWMS 4096 0
JET 422 31
(U)NCOrDED* 0 0
SUMS 4047 0
Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Opponent Lists
Type Play Probability Score
SERICIn 3635 72
SwITHES* 0 78
VAR(I)ATES 1228 62
OCTANG(L)E 2231 76
DaYCARE 10701 83
TONS(I)LAR 274 66
PH(E)ASANT 9290 80
SEAGOIN(G) 3418 74
AnTI(Q)UES 2648 82
(UN)DeRLIPS 4729 62
INANElY 3814 75
MARINAS 5469 75
TOWMOND(S) 21506 82
REFINES 2279 81
ENGINES 5312 73
TOWNEEs 2666 80
AUDIENT(S) 271 62
IONISEd 738 85
STARERS 9213 66
SELTZER(S) 21474 71
DILUVI(O)N 11543 74
COINVA(DE)d* 0 106
GLE(E)TIER 2704 63
WEARIER 2689 78
(E)PIGoNES 2875 78
D(E)SERTER 10090 61
(M)ERINGUE 4418 75
ACETONE 481 73
ONlIEST 183 74
FERMI(O)NS 4137 64
I(N)VOLUTE 1474 72
GOaTHER(D) 2242 89
RING(L)ETY 3715 78
BLEE(D)ERS 14673 64
AQUARIA 16735 69
(C)oDOMAIN 10927 89
AROUSED 512 66
NUTCASe 3093 80
F(O)rETIME 2605 74
RETYING 2621 79
BORAGES 2923 68
TALONED 148 72
LANKI(E)ST 2637 78
(R)ATTLERS 7853 82
OUTsANG 3674 72
ARRIVER 12112 74
INWARDS 4958 73
SAINING 9829 79
FROgLI(K)E 13592 69
AMARONE 1133 78
O(V)ERLAiN 216 62
(T)ENTORIA 43 77
AMIDINS 8500 69
(A)EROnAUT 127 71
UNMEANT 6487 90
OVE(R)SOUL 10140 65
OEIL(L)ADE 1751 72
cHIN(O)OKS 26001 86
ELYTROI(D) 1436 76
NITRATE(S) 364 77
tEPID(I)Ty 18073 86
INTITLE 3402 77
SHEITAN 636 85
RETINU(L)A 74 62
CONINES 4629 80
E(L)UVIAtE 1562 78
MOrALES 1875 77
CLAW(L)IKE 24435 84
ELEM(E)NTS 10584 72
SLOGGED 16390 89
HASTATE 10189 75
bIDENTA(L) 992 77
FAINTER 229 77
EUGENIA(S) 719 68
TYROSIn(E) 620 70
LIfEBO(A)T 2021 77
GLA(C)IERS 3621 67
O(U)TEATEN 735 62
PASTOR(E)D 1373 69
NODALIT(Y) 2424 89
ORNATE(L)Y 589 63
cOTHURN(I) 9422 64
NESTLED 2785 81
TrIL(B)IES 4681 71
(D)REAMERS 9574 92
LOwLIFE 15395 73
PAI(N)TERS 436 90
MAUSIER 1568 73
ID(E)ATIVe 1756 74
APpOIN(T)S 14951 70
ELISION 739 68
CoUVADE 7955 88
POrTA(g)ED 2237 86
QUERIES 7326 95
sHITTED 9447 81
UnFUSED 18491 78
MO(U)RNERS 9467 74
ANTIpO(P)E 5249 77
STREAKS 13762 76
T(A)UTENED 2687 62
BA(L)MORAl 24406 62
DeSTROY 3931 79
SOLOING 7928 88
WINKERS 11021 86
(F)AtIGUES 3641 86
(F)IANCEES 4262 78
ROU(N)DING 8962 70
COENURI 957 70
TERCETS 10886 69
OUTACTs 12751 67
INCItED 3635 73
cROQUIS 17068 82
FINLESS 13002 75
ENTRESO(L) 490 62
HAIRCAp(S) 20181 76
ROOTIeR 1267 70
fLUR(R)IED 11745 66
IGNITED 2049 76
PINNACE(s) 9656 65
ARIETTA 747 68
TAPEL(I)NE 663 76
TrACHLE 7001 70
TAF(F)ETAS 25195 74
BALKERS 14039 76
AUdIENT 98 67
sILVIC(A)L 26023 74
HETAIRA 822 66
ORATURE 780 69
HOWLERS 11251 83
STOUTeN 3505 75
(N)ITINOLs 7618 59
pEATIER 358 75
CILIaTE 1701 68
PER(V)IEST 7226 76
(T)EAROOMS 2079 72
(G)IRlIEST 2985 74
SCULpIN 18196 76
(A)LIENEES 773 77
ADORNED 1815 73
SNARLER 2824 74
EucRITE 2255 64
TOL(E)RATE 732 82
ROASTED 153 82
PRIORIt(Y) 18172 70
TAWPIES 4441 109
TRAGEdY 4497 78
TRIFOCA(L) 5621 82
FORBADE 4781 116
FOUETT(E)S 10688 62
CLEAnED 4022 79
OUTROaR 6848 78
TAPERER 4930 69
NAUTILI 2391 69
GAsSILY 19356 86
ORDiNAR(Y) 5109 76
MEDIATE 997 104
O(I)NOMElS 3952 63
AlEATOR(Y) 1681 83
REBOIL(E)D 1917 76
AlGEBRA 7829 73
(R)ENATURE 1224 70
InNLESS 11780 66
ROADEOS 979 80
(I)dEATION 34 74
(T)OLLGATE 11285 73
INEDITA 141 62
MILDEsT 5655 78
UNsPOKE 15002 84
HOMAGED 9823 69
DURIONS 2484 75
DAINTIL(Y) 7295 78
BEAKI(E)ST 7766 72
CREATIN(E) 239 83
ANTI(L)eFT 2914 90
(P)HRASING 14346 95
ERA(D)IAtE 130 82
MINI(S)TER 2678 140
TREENAI(L) 28 77
(B)ARNACLE 9259 64
U(D)OMETER 3754 62
AReOLA(T)E 255 68
STRANDe(R) 2138 60
O(V)ERBETS 7992 76
TAEnIAE 67 71
DILA(T)ION 831 61
(S)TROLLER 11940 70
ImPLIES 13234 80
FRU(I)TIER 8477 74
LISTERI(A) 297 68
AUTEURS 5406 82
(I)NnOVATE 768 94
NITERIE 304 67
CLARIES 1485 77
AGNATES 2147 74
A(E)ROLItH 209 80
I(N)ERTIAL 93 70
LiNECUT 3086 66
DE(S)CANTS 11578 176
(F)ALTERER 6386 65
bUTENES 6719 71
STEARIC 608 73
ENDmOST 3712 78
oBTAINS 1567 76
DEITIEs 1688 75
(L)EVIRATE 665 67
DALTONS 2477 73
LEERI(E)ST 1889 77
OUtLOVE 7738 75
(K)ITcHENS 18478 92
mEASLES 14196 64
BOATELS 1919 68
VA(S)ELINE 1554 71
TALENTS 2702 66
RaNKLI(N)G 17066 98
REIMAG(E)S 2227 78
LAPIdAT(E) 2414 70
ORDAINE(d) 472 62
HIRSUTE 3144 85
UNCURSE(D) 19586 65
CHINONE 8933 80
sTRIPED 3273 80
OVE(R)TURN 6122 65
(L)OBElIAS 6242 86
U(N)SOILED 887 65
TREPANS 1609 83
MELANIN 3808 80
OUTSwEE(P) 11383 80
TORSADE 154 75
MATIlDA 8126 70
NO(T)IFIES 1601 94
EYELAsH 10886 79
DARNEST 432 67
FANJETS 10966 89
E(L)OINERS 176 60
NO(N)VIRAL 5114 67
TORR(E)NTs 5267 68
URALITE 117 82
BURkITE 10519 93
INMATES 697 84
EGLATE(R)E 2845 68
STICKLE 14158 122
MAXImI(Z)E 29993 91
SYN(E)RgIA 1772 90
FLOW(E)RET 7625 80
SARTORS 11971 73
gOATEED 503 63
BlI(N)DGUT 15346 72
RONDELS 1316 70
INSPI(R)ED 4689 62
sATANIC 5226 84
FLUTIST 16857 83
REAGiNS 255 83
RE(I)NVITE 1686 71
T(R)iNODAL 270 66
ARCSINE 599 74
AREOLAE 383 65
(Q)UIPSTEr 13873 107
RUDD(I)eST 7215 72
MUcOIDS 15622 71
AGNOSTI(C) 3630 86
TAENIAS 130 78
ABETTOR 2453 74
INDuSI(A)L 5194 70
RENTIER 975 68
(F)ONDAnTS 11421 86
NeATENE(D) 4207 77
PEdICAB 11713 77
AURoR(E)AN 1497 64
(B)ADMOUTH 20560 90
SOYBEAN 4795 112
C(H)IANTIS 11800 68
COUNsEL 6109 72
DUNITEs 1104 77
REPINER 4717 79
MEN(D)IGOS 4154 63
VICO(M)TEs 11374 106
RELIsTS 5206 76
JOU(S)TING 14439 66
SOLaRIA 1305 71
ESCULEN(T) 8112 83
(P)RETEENs 7488 80
APNOEAS 2247 72
ORD(E)RING 1902 62
sEALANT 1219 84
ENDNOTE 2486 66
CITRALs 4945 82
STO(N)IEST 5485 82
DENARII 134 62
DAUTIES 429 74
HARRIEd 3794 71
GENITO(R)S 260 61
uTOPIST 12758 91
I(C)EBLINk 22798 158
NARGILE 257 73
GLARIER 2237 70
CE(R)OTYpE 12901 70
ACINOUS 3197 78
cOTEAUS 1940 70
R(A)LLYING 17507 98
APERITi(F) 3823 89
STArTER 6008 74
PrIV(A)TES 3198 82
CONFInE 8557 68
CONINES 4634 102
BURNIES 3215 76
EUD(A)EMON 1905 62
OAT(M)EALS 3221 64
pALATES 6055 72
MURIC(AT)ED 3474 65
ODDMENT 10874 73
TuRBITH(S) 21792 95
PEATIER 358 69
OZALIdS 8764 72
A(L)GERINE 261 100
UNSEAMS 12916 83
CArE(T)AKE 11756 63
ENTItLE(S) 2712 68
(S)OcIALLY 21180 83
(c)URArINE 2897 60
PRANCEs 6729 86
REDOWAS 1960 78
DIMERI(Z)E 14772 76
NUTLIkE 5903 70
MON(K)EyED 21400 66
INAR(A)BLE 1125 61
NOPA(l)ITO 3450 61
L(A)RDIEST 266 62
MELDINg 7530 74
TROPICS 10402 72
BARITES 622 75
T(E)NACULA 4909 74
gRANNIE 1068 68
YATTERS 6255 76
RiANTLY 2588 70
MARENGO 1351 69
cOWPATS 16967 68
tELEXES 15604 83
PASTINA 5473 89
ECOTOPI(A) 2853 89
vIDETTE(S) 9626 64
IvORIES 2370 63
BOATELs 1921 72
PADRONE 900 73
CO(N)SIDER 1414 69
BILSTED 5399 70
MILREIS 5831 79
R(E)ORIENT 286 60
HEADWA(R)D 21592 84
PUrISTS 17926 73
BANkERS 10945 81
METERI(N)G 2460 69
TOWABLE 4996 81
STEARIN(E) 35 77
(E)SCORTED 3739 76
IGNOREd 401 68
(C)ASHMERE 16084 88
(I)NVESTOr 618 83
CERULEA(N) 3021 62
REOILED 298 73
HOA(r)IEST 210 71
GoR(G)EOUS 17495 131
RAISINs 7872 73
The of bingos played by the player that were not challenged off.
Triple Triples
Type Play Probability Score
MINI(S)TER 2678 140
DE(S)CANTS 11578 176
I(C)EBLINk 22798 158
GoR(G)EOUS 17495 131
Triple triples played by the player that were not challenged off. They do not have to be bingos.
Bingo Nines or Above
Type Play Probability Score
(UN)DeRLIPS 4729 62
COINVA(DE)d* 0 106
MURIC(AT)ED 3474 65
Bingos played by the player that were nine letters or longer and were not challenged off.
Challenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were challenged off by an opponent.
Unchallenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
SwITHES* 0 78
COINVA(DE)d* 0 106
N(O)GGY* 0 14
DAWTY* 0 58
DI* 0 31
(GINK)ED* 0 19
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were not challenged by an opponent.
Plays That Were Challenged
Type Play Probability Score
InCISER* 0 0
(S)EIN* 0 0
DALTONS 2476 0
QI 92 22
VOCABS 13008 0
BACONS 8508 0
QUAERES 7015 0
GAPEY* 0 0
(H)EtAIRAE* 0 0
PU(R)D* 0 0
CHUSE 6571 0
GEYS* 0 0
RAM(B)A* 0 0
VENDS 3522 0
DO(W)NsTEP* 0 0
PIANI 2359 35
(u)NFENCE 17181 38
HARPIeR* 0 0
Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Notable Lists
Many Double Words Covered
Games in which at least 15 double word bonus squares were covered.
All Triple Words Covered
Games in which every triple word bonus square was covered.
Game Stats
Stat Average Total
Games 1.00 192
Invalid Games 0.02 4
Incomplete 0.02 4
Disconnected 0.00 0
Other 0.00 0
Total Turns 25.48 4893
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Player Stats
Stat Average Total
Wins 0.42 80
Score 411.70 79047
Score per Turn 32.4229
Turns 12.70 2438
Vertical Plays 5.58 1071
Horizontal Plays 6.21 1192
One Tile Plays 0.52 100
Other Plays 0.39 75
Firsts 0.45 86
Vertical Openings per First 0.0139
Horizontal Openings per First 0.9861
Full Rack per Turn 0.4061
Exchanges 0.29 55
High Game 584
Low Game 249
Highest Scoring Turn 194
Bingos Played 2.01 385
Sevens 1.01 194
Eights 0.99 190
Nines 0.01 1
Tens 0.00 0
Elevens 0.00 0
Twelves 0.00 0
Thirteens 0.00 0
Fourteens 0.00 0
Fifteens 0.00 0
Bingo Probabilities 6214.90
Sevens 5870.12
Eights 6543.05
Nines 12378.00
Tens 0.00
Elevens 0.00
Twelves 0.00
Thirteens 0.00
Fourteens 0.00
Fifteens 0.00
Tiles Played 48.56 9324
A 4.30 826
B 1.06 203
C 0.91 174
D 2.01 386
E 5.92 1136
F 0.96 184
G 1.52 292
H 1.02 195
I 4.31 827
J 0.49 95
K 0.45 87
L 1.94 373
M 0.90 172
N 2.93 562
O 3.86 742
P 0.91 174
Q 0.51 97
R 2.79 535
S 1.95 374
T 2.91 558
U 1.93 370
V 1.01 194
W 0.94 181
X 0.49 95
Y 1.01 194
Z 0.53 102
? 1.02 196
Power Tiles Played 4.99 959
? 1.02 196
J 0.49 95
Q 0.51 97
X 0.49 95
Z 0.53 102
S 1.95 374
Power Tiles Stuck With 0.11 21
? 0.02 3
J 0.01 1
Q 0.02 3
X 0.01 1
Z 0.01 1
S 0.06 12
Turns With a Blank 1.32 253
Triple Triples Played 0.01 2
Bingoless Games 0.04 8
Bonus Square Coverage 15.58 2991
Double Letter 5.01 961
Triple Letter 5.56 1067
Double Word 2.72 522
Triple Word 2.30 441
Phony Plays 0.08 16
Unchallenged 0.05 9
Challenged Off 0.04 7
Challenges 0.19 37
You Won 0.12 23
Opponent Lost 0.02 4
You Lost 0.02 3
Opponent Won 0.04 7
Challenge Percentage 0.8846
Defending Challenge Percentage 0.3636
Percentage Phonies Unchallenged 0.5625
Comments 7.76 1489
Comments Word Length 195.27 37492
Mistakeless Turns 12.69 2437
Mistakes per Turn 0.0004
Mistakes 0.01 1
Knowledge 0.01 1
Finding 0.00 0
Vision 0.00 0
Tactics 0.00 0
Strategy 0.00 0
Endgame 0.00 0
Time 0.00 0
Dynamic Mistakes 0.00 0
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Player Confidence Intervals
Tile p CI
A 0.4778 (0.4546, 0.5166)
B 0.5300 (0.4199, 0.5513)
C 0.4550 (0.4199, 0.5513)
D 0.5025 (0.4391, 0.5321)
E 0.4933 (0.4588, 0.5124)
F 0.4800 (0.4199, 0.5513)
G 0.5067 (0.4320, 0.5392)
H 0.5100 (0.4199, 0.5513)
I 0.4789 (0.4546, 0.5166)
J 0.4900 (0.3927, 0.5785)
K 0.4500 (0.3927, 0.5785)
L 0.4850 (0.4391, 0.5321)
M 0.4500 (0.4199, 0.5513)
N 0.4883 (0.4477, 0.5235)
O 0.4825 (0.4528, 0.5184)
P 0.4550 (0.4199, 0.5513)
Q 0.5100 (0.3927, 0.5785)
R 0.4650 (0.4477, 0.5235)
S 0.4875 (0.4391, 0.5321)
T 0.4850 (0.4477, 0.5235)
U 0.4825 (0.4391, 0.5321)
V 0.5050 (0.4199, 0.5513)
W 0.4700 (0.4199, 0.5513)
X 0.4900 (0.3927, 0.5785)
Y 0.5050 (0.4199, 0.5513)
Z 0.5300 (0.3927, 0.5785)
? 0.5100 (0.4199, 0.5513)
To learn more about these statistics, check the 'Confidence Intervals' section on the about page.
Opponent Stats
Stat Average Total
Wins 0.58 112
Score 422.85 81188
Score per Turn 33.0705
Turns 12.79 2455
Vertical Plays 5.77 1107
Horizontal Plays 6.09 1169
One Tile Plays 0.52 99
Other Plays 0.42 80
Firsts 0.55 106
Vertical Openings per First 0.3596
Horizontal Openings per First 0.6404
Full Rack per Turn 0.9580
Exchanges 0.21 41
High Game 613
Low Game 275
Highest Scoring Turn 176
Bingos Played 1.92 368
Sevens 0.96 185
Eights 0.93 179
Nines 0.02 4
Tens 0.00 0
Elevens 0.00 0
Twelves 0.00 0
Thirteens 0.00 0
Fourteens 0.00 0
Fifteens 0.00 0
Bingo Probabilities 5949.36
Sevens 5279.78
Eights 6654.55
Nines 4101.50
Tens 0.00
Elevens 0.00
Twelves 0.00
Thirteens 0.00
Fourteens 0.00
Fifteens 0.00
Tiles Played 48.82 9374
A 4.53 869
B 0.89 170
C 1.05 202
D 1.89 362
E 5.80 1114
F 1.01 193
G 1.44 276
H 0.97 186
I 4.33 831
J 0.50 96
K 0.53 101
L 1.89 363
M 1.08 208
N 2.90 556
O 3.95 759
P 1.04 200
Q 0.46 88
R 2.93 562
S 1.95 375
T 2.95 566
U 1.90 364
V 0.95 182
W 1.03 198
X 0.50 96
Y 0.98 188
Z 0.46 88
? 0.94 181
Power Tiles Played 4.81 924
? 0.94 181
J 0.50 96
Q 0.46 88
X 0.50 96
Z 0.46 88
S 1.95 375
Power Tiles Stuck With 0.08 16
? 0.02 4
J 0.00 0
Q 0.02 4
X 0.00 0
Z 0.01 1
S 0.04 7
Turns With a Blank 2.15 412
Triple Triples Played 0.02 4
Bingoless Games 0.05 9
Bonus Square Coverage 16.10 3091
Double Letter 5.20 999
Triple Letter 5.46 1049
Double Word 3.06 588
Triple Word 2.37 455
Phony Plays 0.17 32
Unchallenged 0.05 9
Challenged Off 0.12 23
Challenges 0.19 37
You Won 0.04 7
Opponent Lost 0.02 3
You Lost 0.02 4
Opponent Won 0.12 23
Challenge Percentage 0.6364
Defending Challenge Percentage 0.1154
Percentage Phonies Unchallenged 0.2812
Comments 7.76 1489
Comments Word Length 195.27 37492
Mistakeless Turns 12.55 2410
Mistakes per Turn 0.0196
Mistakes 0.25 48
Knowledge 0.04 8
Finding 0.08 15
Vision 0.01 1
Tactics 0.02 3
Strategy 0.06 12
Endgame 0.05 9
Time 0.00 0
Dynamic Mistakes 0.00 0
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Opponent Confidence Intervals
Tile p CI
A 0.5033 (0.4572, 0.5192)
B 0.4450 (0.4225, 0.5539)
C 0.5250 (0.4225, 0.5539)
D 0.4725 (0.4417, 0.5347)
E 0.4833 (0.4614, 0.5150)
F 0.5050 (0.4225, 0.5539)
G 0.4800 (0.4346, 0.5418)
H 0.4850 (0.4225, 0.5539)
I 0.4811 (0.4572, 0.5192)
J 0.5000 (0.3953, 0.5811)
K 0.5300 (0.3953, 0.5811)
L 0.4725 (0.4417, 0.5347)
M 0.5400 (0.4225, 0.5539)
N 0.4833 (0.4503, 0.5261)
O 0.4938 (0.4553, 0.5211)
P 0.5200 (0.4225, 0.5539)
Q 0.4600 (0.3953, 0.5811)
R 0.4883 (0.4503, 0.5261)
S 0.4875 (0.4417, 0.5347)
T 0.4917 (0.4503, 0.5261)
U 0.4750 (0.4417, 0.5347)
V 0.4750 (0.4225, 0.5539)
W 0.5150 (0.4225, 0.5539)
X 0.5000 (0.3953, 0.5811)
Y 0.4900 (0.4225, 0.5539)
Z 0.4600 (0.3953, 0.5811)
? 0.4700 (0.4225, 0.5539)
To learn more about these statistics, check the 'Confidence Intervals' section on the about page.
Player Mistakes
Play Type Size Comment
12A POINTIL(Y) +82 Knowledge Large
this is just not a word. It doesn't make sense as a word, but I wrote out the alphagram and it looked decent. I also trust Seth, perhaps to a fault. #knowledgeSADDEST
The listing of all of the player's mistakes. For more information about mistakes, check the 'Mistakes' section of the about page.
Opponent Mistakes
Play Type Size Comment
15H WAMUS +44 Knowledge Large
ugh! I studied the list BUMWADS would be on before it was valid, I think. Still, horrible miss. #findinglarge #knowledgelarge
15H WAMUS +44 Finding Large
ugh! I studied the list BUMWADS would be on before it was valid, I think. Still, horrible miss. #findinglarge #knowledgelarge
G1 OOH +34 Finding Unspecified
14G YODH was missed. #findinggsmall
13C LA +18 Endgame Small
-1 URIAL or ARIEL or UREAL because I overscored this by 2 #endgamesmall #endgamesilly
13C LA +18 Endgame Unspecified
-1 URIAL or ARIEL or UREAL because I overscored this by 2 #endgamesmall #endgamesilly
6A SELTZER(S) +71 Tactics Small
wow ok what a pull. I should play this on the other side to close the board better though #tacticssad
2F COINVA(DE)d +106 Knowledge Small
I always screw up the ACDEINOV rack on zyzzyva! I type this but it's VOIDANCE and it will always be VOIDANCE. I saw the bingos through the R, VOLCANIC through the L, and obviously VOIDANCE to the E if COINVADEd* comes off so I'm almost definitely bingoing anyway... but when this one scores 106 and I think it's good, I have to try it, right? #knowledgesmall anyway
4A CO(w)E(R) +18 Endgame Small
This is just a much worse version of (R)OWA(N) 9H and I could easily just play (P)OW or something but I still want to dodge the 10 unseen vowels #endgamesad
O10 HA(U)T(E)R +27 Endgame Small
HA(U)TER at 5J guarantees I'm scoring at least 25 on my outplay #endgamesad
K7 I(N)VOLUTE +72 Finding Small
I did not think of the fact that this has hooks as much as it sounds like an adjective. Also, D2 OUTLIVE(R) was missed for 2 more. #findingsmall
O7 BANAL +28 Finding Medium
I didn't see the bingoes on Column I- hANGABL(E), GNAwABL(E), and GAiNABL(E) all play. However, not bingoing is actually better with all those 3x3s that those plays give up in a close game. If I'm not going to bingo, which I suppose I had the right idea either way, then O8 ALANG is definitely better. #findingmedium
13B MI +30 Vision Large
The only way to dispose of the J is to do L3 DJINN(Y)! #visionlarge
8D MUTED +22 Strategy Small
considered MUD/DUM but i liked the extra pts and thought it was worth exposing the E, making my rack a little worse, etc. i always gotta take defense into account. -2 #strategysmall
7F UDON +18 Strategy Small
UNDO E8, or DUNNO at E7. again, playing more defensively. -2 #strategysmall
C3 HO +24 Strategy Small
i like this move, but quackle thinks just dropping the H is fine. apparently i bingo close to 89% of the time when i do that! definitely sounds a bit high, since i don't hit bingos with the B or R, and he's going to block some percentage of the time. so i'm not sure. anyway, i didn't see that many possible bingos, and wanted to keep the F for scoring at O4. #strategysmall ?
M7 FROgLI(K)E +85 Finding Small
-1; missed overfill #findingsmall
5E tEPID(I)Ty +86 Tactics Small
Nice draw. TEPIDITY is not my best choice here, no need to make an X spot. TYPIFIED or PEPTIDIC look better. #tacticssmall
O1 BRO(W) +27 Strategy Small
Could play 1A REBATO, but covering the W reduces Seth's scoring for next turn and the AEGT leave bingos a little bit more than a lone G. I somehow didn't consider 4A BOATER, which also scores quite well and covers the 4A scoring spot, which will score a lot if Seth can play a six hooking EX. #strategysmall
4C IT +19 Tactics Small
I kept the A here to perserve the chances of drawing something that hooks AG going down on column M. A better idea is probably just QI, going for ARIETTA/ATRETIC/ITERATE/INTREAT/ARTISTE, but IT is ok too. #tacticssmall
E10 (E)AR +18 Strategy Medium
I was worried that I would get outrun with a small fish, so I grabbed enough points that a lucky bingo would still matter; but keeping EIILT and blocking the O of GAUCHOS is not a good way to do that. 9A LIEU is the play if I want to get points without blocking any of my scarce bingo lines. #strategymedium
1J AREA +18 Endgame Medium
G4 APE is six points better, leaving CARLE 12K and CARL F12 hooking ORC. #endgamemedium
13B T(A)UTENED +62 Knowledge Large
I was ready to play UNTENTED despite being unsure, but he gave me an A to play through, and I decided to make a big sacrifice to play something I was sure of. Once I played TAUTENED I started getting a bit pissed off at myself. I had been convinced UNTENTED was valid, but was more like 70% beforehand. 30% of the time I lose way too much to justify not taking around a 10 point sacrifice, but this assumes Seth will always know. Once again intimidated by the word knowledge, to a fault. Seth was likely to have challenged this, as he demonstrated when I asked him about UNTENTED after the game. #knowledgeSADDEST
14A RASPS +45 Finding Large
Sad miss of ASPERSOR. That locks the game in so much better than this. #findingSADDEST
14J YO +28 Strategy Small
I really didn't want to play YOWIEs N10 because of the I draws, but this has to be worse. I ran out of time. Quackle likes 11E (Q)I, which is hilarious. I think this is just bad. YOWIEs has to be better #strategySAD
15A EW +27 Endgame Small
I should just go out. I chickened out of WIGGIER and missed WINGIER. I also had like 7 seconds. #endgameSAD
K7 (R)IGId +16 Endgame Large
not going out is better #endgameSADDEST
2G JAW +22 Finding Large
B8 TAJ just destroys any other play here. Weird miss #findingsaddest
M4 OUTACTs +67 Knowledge Medium
fACTOTU(M) is the play. Didn't see it, not sure I knew it really. Still looks a bit off. #knowledgemedium
7B REGR(EW) +11 Endgame Medium
I shouldn't play so many tiles to let him stick me with RR. 15K RE is 8 points better than this. But I calculated it out and it seemed I still won. He was also low on time. #endgamemedium
K5 WAME +29 Finding Unspecified
this was very tough. (B)I(Z)E comes to mind. I really didn't like my position here, and felt the need to score. However, this is just a terrible leave, more terrible than WU would be. Just play BIZE. Tunnel vision. #findingmediu
J5 SCULpIN +76 Knowledge Small
was unsure of UNSLICk #knowledgesmall
L3 JURA +30 Finding Small
missed JEE and AJEE on the 6th rank #findingsmall
I8 DOE +12 Finding Small
I8 EON looks pretty good here. (V)OX is what I would normally do, but I decided to be frisky. #findingsmall
J10 XI +50 Finding Large
ALEXINS #findingsaddest
F7 O(I)NOMElS +63 Finding Medium
spent way too long looking for better bingoes and eventually gave up. i couldn't find MONgOES and didn't like MOONErS for whatever reason. #findingmedium
E4 CHUG +23 Strategy Medium
just wanted to clean some stuff up but J1 EW, E4 CHEW, or E3 WENCH, my alternative play, all sim better. #strategymedium
6J J(U)G +27 Strategy Small
i did see XEBE(C), but it's just.. you know, that seems like the only realistic way to lose now, even though i can't think of an 8-letter word with X in 4th position. #strategysmall
9A REX +40 Strategy Small
again xebec/xeric but yeah #strategysmall
N2 REBOIL(E)D +76 Knowledge Medium
completely missed trilobed. #knowledgemedium
1D HAMZ(A) +23 Endgame Unspecified
AZO 3B and stretching out the sequence is best but i couldn't be arsed to figure it out. #endgamesomething
10D COOS +21 Strategy Small
I6 CASE sims best by a lot. Hm. #strategysmall
F2 WI(Z) +45 Finding Large
missing QOPH and thinking I could afford not to block the 15 column #strategysad #findingsaddest
F2 WI(Z) +45 Strategy Small
missing QOPH and thinking I could afford not to block the 15 column #strategysad #findingsaddest
6B FRUG +23 Finding Large
devastating miss of F(I)ReBUGS. #findinglarge
2J (V)OCAB +24 Finding Large
devastating misses of Bi(V)OUACS, jACOBUS. #findinglarge
9B cOTEAUS +70 Knowledge Small
S(P)O(R)UlATE and SU(P)E(R)ATOm are both a bit better. #knowledgesmall
pass - +0 Knowledge Large
I only remembered ANTEFIXA taking an L, but it is EL. my position if I accept is also not very good, I will probably do OPERA or exchange. #knowledgelarge
H11 CO(R)IA +24 Strategy Small
looks pretty close, OC(R)EA is also worth considering. I need to bingo pronto and CO(R)IA lets me do that the most of the 24+ point plays. AERIE felt like it put me a bit too far out of one bingo range. In retrospect, I think OC(R)EA might be the best because it truly forks the board, not letting him parallel on columns G or I, whereas after CO(R)IA he can get stuff like B(O)TT or whatever that blocks everything. I don't expect him to make these plays too often but it's not an option I want to allow. #strategysmall
The listing of all of the player's mistakes. For more information about mistakes, check the 'Mistakes' section of the about page.
Game Line Error
Game 13896 13 Game is incomplete.
Game 1901 32 Game is incomplete.
Game 29939 33 Game is incomplete.
Game 43372 29 Game is incomplete.
Errors are (most likely) the result of malformed GCG files. To learn more, check the 'Errors and Warnings' section in the about page.
Game Line Error
Game 47184 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 11589, Round 14).
Warnings are notifications to players that they might want to update some of their GCG files. To learn more, check the 'Errors and Warnings' section in the about page.