Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
this is just not a word. It doesn't make sense as a word, but I wrote out the alphagram and it looked decent. I also trust Seth, perhaps to a fault. #knowledgeSADDEST
The listing of all of the player's mistakes. For more information about mistakes, check the 'Mistakes' section of the about page.
I always screw up the ACDEINOV rack on zyzzyva! I type this but it's VOIDANCE and it will always be VOIDANCE. I saw the bingos through the R, VOLCANIC through the L, and obviously VOIDANCE to the E if COINVADEd* comes off so I'm almost definitely bingoing anyway... but when this one scores 106 and I think it's good, I have to try it, right? #knowledgesmall anyway
This is just a much worse version of (R)OWA(N) 9H and I could easily just play (P)OW or something but I still want to dodge the 10 unseen vowels #endgamesad
I didn't see the bingoes on Column I- hANGABL(E), GNAwABL(E), and GAiNABL(E) all play. However, not bingoing is actually better with all those 3x3s that those plays give up in a close game. If I'm not going to bingo, which I suppose I had the right idea either way, then O8 ALANG is definitely better. #findingmedium
considered MUD/DUM but i liked the extra pts and thought it was worth exposing the E, making my rack a little worse, etc. i always gotta take defense into account. -2 #strategysmall
i like this move, but quackle thinks just dropping the H is fine. apparently i bingo close to 89% of the time when i do that! definitely sounds a bit high, since i don't hit bingos with the B or R, and he's going to block some percentage of the time. so i'm not sure. anyway, i didn't see that many possible bingos, and wanted to keep the F for scoring at O4. #strategysmall ?
Could play 1A REBATO, but covering the W reduces Seth's scoring for next turn and the AEGT leave bingos a little bit more than a lone G. I somehow didn't consider 4A BOATER, which also scores quite well and covers the 4A scoring spot, which will score a lot if Seth can play a six hooking EX. #strategysmall
I kept the A here to perserve the chances of drawing something that hooks AG going down on column M. A better idea is probably just QI, going for ARIETTA/ATRETIC/ITERATE/INTREAT/ARTISTE, but IT is ok too. #tacticssmall
I was worried that I would get outrun with a small fish, so I grabbed enough points that a lucky bingo would still matter; but keeping EIILT and blocking the O of GAUCHOS is not a good way to do that. 9A LIEU is the play if I want to get points without blocking any of my scarce bingo lines. #strategymedium
I was ready to play UNTENTED despite being unsure, but he gave me an A to play through, and I decided to make a big sacrifice to play something I was sure of. Once I played TAUTENED I started getting a bit pissed off at myself. I had been convinced UNTENTED was valid, but was more like 70% beforehand. 30% of the time I lose way too much to justify not taking around a 10 point sacrifice, but this assumes Seth will always know. Once again intimidated by the word knowledge, to a fault. Seth was likely to have challenged this, as he demonstrated when I asked him about UNTENTED after the game. #knowledgeSADDEST
I really didn't want to play YOWIEs N10 because of the I draws, but this has to be worse. I ran out of time. Quackle likes 11E (Q)I, which is hilarious. I think this is just bad. YOWIEs has to be better #strategySAD
I shouldn't play so many tiles to let him stick me with RR. 15K RE is 8 points better than this. But I calculated it out and it seemed I still won. He was also low on time. #endgamemedium
this was very tough. (B)I(Z)E comes to mind. I really didn't like my position here, and felt the need to score. However, this is just a terrible leave, more terrible than WU would be. Just play BIZE. Tunnel vision. #findingmediu
spent way too long looking for better bingoes and eventually gave up. i couldn't find MONgOES and didn't like MOONErS for whatever reason. #findingmedium
i did see XEBE(C), but it's just.. you know, that seems like the only realistic way to lose now, even though i can't think of an 8-letter word with X in 4th position. #strategysmall
I only remembered ANTEFIXA taking an L, but it is EL. my position if I accept is also not very good, I will probably do OPERA or exchange. #knowledgelarge
looks pretty close, OC(R)EA is also worth considering. I need to bingo pronto and CO(R)IA lets me do that the most of the 24+ point plays. AERIE felt like it put me a bit too far out of one bingo range. In retrospect, I think OC(R)EA might be the best because it truly forks the board, not letting him parallel on columns G or I, whereas after CO(R)IA he can get stuff like B(O)TT or whatever that blocks everything. I don't expect him to make these plays too often but it's not an option I want to allow. #strategysmall
The listing of all of the player's mistakes. For more information about mistakes, check the 'Mistakes' section of the about page.
Duplicate game detected (Tournament 11589, Round 14).
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