Karl Higby
Karl Higby
Color Key
= Triple Triple
= Bingo 9+
= Improbable
= +
= +
= +
= + +
Player Lists
Type Play Probability Score
(E)ARrINGS 1653 77
aN(T)IFOAM 6598 63
SERENAD(E) 1882 63
S(H)IRTIER 11754 74
(A)UTOMATA 28470 74
ENGAOLS 1446 75
PINIONS 13434 77
(A)BSEILeD 2814 90
INVERTS 1557 88
LATIGOs 1722 68
(R)ElIANCE 610 80
D(E)XTrANS 4786 66
WOOLIES 5163 78
CESSING 15046 93
VIE(W)dATA 6277 64
PeRVERT 15430 86
TIARAEd 134 70
(R)ONDURES 4719 68
TERGI(T)Es 4219 70
TALIONS 466 74
rETAILE(D) 106 77
AEROLIT(H) 209 74
MATINGS 6827 85
ERO(D)ABLE 1892 72
SOLATIA 1246 69
ARTINeS(S) 918 74
(R)EGAINED 260 74
A(s)TERIAS 2479 70
ELOINEd 298 69
FETIALS 1535 86
RETEARS 1888 65
(S)NEERERS 19239 77
CLEAN(I)Ng 7327 61
HUNGERS 10186 71
TART(U)FEs 8327 65
DrA(F)TING 5497 89
mIAULED 4054 60
TRAINeR 196 75
FaNIONS 6619 73
AEROBAt(S) 1675 80
SENORAS 1733 74
ACInOSE 296 86
OrATORS 9176 64
cRONIES 1245 79
VIOLINS 12347 70
ANTHOID 2190 78
(T)ARWEEDs 3073 69
ROTATIV(E) 773 74
AIRwISE 1803 76
VALINES 1556 72
IRR(I)TATE 2987 70
KEyLESS 23201 82
gONADI(A)L 2992 66
DEMOING 2972 68
ABORT(I)VE 897 65
(L)OWLIEST 9722 63
O(B)TESTEd 10685 68
SUPERNA(L) 4289 72
LITTERY 6284 65
ENTASIA 129 85
INDOLES 486 83
NOSED(I)VE 1931 72
MOUNTED 3888 74
S(E)RRaNID 929 72
fRA(C)TION 3500 70
ArENOSE 68 74
ROTATEs 783 72
TOASTED 1695 70
WESTING 4766 85
KNEADED 14731 86
ONaNIsT 1404 68
ERASA(B)LE 5852 70
cONCAVE(D) 21267 65
(A)GREsTIC 1815 80
RET(I)NALS 71 68
AILERO(N)S 17 70
INHALES 1465 71
SAUCiNG 9689 80
ONSTAgE 393 66
INTE(R)TIE 1555 62
WOODIES 4949 70
GRIST(E)RS 14085 63
OVER(T)IME 2609 64
(I)NHAULER 1051 74
GOONIES 1573 72
DOGFACE 9412 83
GRA(N)DEST 1106 61
NEGATI(O)N 298 70
R(E)DLINED 4853 149
ANTHERS 1594 78
FEDORAS 2590 82
REMAINE(R) 2558 64
PrOGERI(A) 3604 70
R(E)NITeNT 4540 64
(D)ECIDING 25001 65
MONOS(o)ME 27408 62
GNATTI(E)R 709 62
OUTSAIL 1120 87
tRIADIC 5256 66
SATIRI(S)E 2360 70
R(E)iNSMAN 2781 68
RAtHOLE 867 68
BIGFOOT 16812 69
TERRINE 1023 93
PEARLIE(R) 3700 83
SPIRTED 3272 81
PLAYGoE(R) 8832 89
DERIVES 4158 76
DRONgOS 10475 69
PETUNI(A)S 1079 72
EnGLISH 7557 85
SN(O)OTING 14220 65
NEOLITh 1275 69
GOOIEST 2081 84
LAN(C)IERS 1011 72
BLIND(E)Rs 4512 78
(C)HiEFDOM 20983 71
REI(G)NiTE 890 64
(T)ENTORIA 43 66
ARMOIRE 1209 82
FINISH(E)R 9821 66
P(I)NnATED 2914 80
FoNDLER 3871 78
(O)UTDUELS 11344 60
ELISION 737 71
cANNIES(T) 2896 74
DOURNE(S)S 8073 72
OuTPLA(N)S 7580 68
RADIALE 492 62
(O)VERHeLD 14980 68
WATTLIN(G) 17735 82
RaT(L)INES 70 68
G(u)ERDONS 3208 68
WARRIS(O)N* 0 74
(U)LTRaISM 6590 80
MURKIeR 16890 80
(E)MERSION 803 83
SQUAD(D)IE 16842 88
LINIEST 1290 84
SANTERA 501 76
sMOKING 18698 83
VIBIEsT 14398 78
EsTRUAL 1516 69
ENTASIA(S) 3245 77
PHILT(R)ES 8664 76
ASTERIA 132 65
AN(K)ERItE 758 61
CArOMED 5012 82
REGINAE 126 73
DEB(A)TInG 1803 80
SOFtIES 7638 85
BEGROaN 1412 64
RETIRE(R)S 10788 66
GUNFIRE 4740 77
PODESTA 1959 88
Cu(L)VERIN 9106 78
WOmAN(I)Ze 9434 70
DEFIERS 4134 83
V(I)NEGARS 1868 84
(C)RINKLES 13826 68
(R)EDSTARt 7813 77
(t)INsTONE 3203 71
ANTLION 1854 71
DECIARE 1372 87
dIA(l)YSES 15894 70
SECTARY 7021 80
IRONI(S)ED 398 65
FARDING 6800 77
U(N)HELPEd 17684 66
UNNAILS 7351 67
DERA(T)iNG 147 72
lIMO(N)ITE 1693 72
SWING(I)ER 7013 66
AMIDOLS 5681 73
SLACKED 16814 93
CEDILL(A)S 12055 69
JAssIDS 24371 71
DODGERS 11328 85
SARMENT 1529 72
LaTINOS 439 76
CROSSlY 21627 78
REWINDS 3126 76
IRONIES 234 73
S(T)EERaGE 2703 58
VOLANTE 877 68
BEATING 1157 84
VALIANT 5462 75
D(Y)sTONIA 2437 83
CHERTI(E)R 11475 71
BUSTIER 3215 77
PALtERs 3172 88
INSTARS 4854 84
ISATINE 144 78
(E)VOCAbLe 13335 92
(C)OOEEiNG 3979 74
SHOUTER 3922 74
WASTERi(E) 677 83
(T)ACONITE 762 72
MONSoON 21390 87
OBV(E)rTED 7599 66
LAYWOME(N) 11917 74
LArDERS 5176 91
PEdA(L)ING 3445 90
(D)ELATIOn 10 77
QUILtER 6151 100
BESEEMS 22635 88
RE(t)AILOR 140 58
EQUATOR 2226 93
(D)ULCImEr 12017 86
AIRTInG 1712 61
(N)EATENED 4431 80
DIVESTE(D) 13735 89
REALISE 210 66
COATINg 2672 64
PEsTIER 2310 75
APTERIA 829 77
ENTOILs 176 68
cREAMIE(R) 7580 61
WA(N)TONEd 3357 62
SANTERA 473 70
dEU(T)ERON 489 78
RESTAGE 1573 70
RIPtIDE(S) 6519 70
DENTALS 1501 79
RIDInGS 8946 71
SNA(I)LERY 1375 94
CURRIEs 12702 65
(U)RBANEST 3086 74
(U)NLOADED 4844 63
AN(O)RETiC 55 86
DESIGNS 10304 82
INDENEs 3546 69
BOATMEN 2728 67
DIALOGs 3560 77
(G)ASOLINE 248 70
AEROBES 1237 77
RELOA(N)ED 166 62
NEgATES 1191 87
FILTErE(D) 3118 86
OVERSEA 1245 79
NATIVES 677 91
LIGRO(I)Ne 732 62
AdVENtS 2994 64
I(N)SECURE 2953 64
BEADIER 991 78
OPIATeS 320 81
STEA(D)INg 461 122
OVARIEs 340 83
PERTAIN 227 81
SEDGIES(T) 10025 86
INFORMs 9975 73
N(E)TSUKES 20374 66
tHRIVES 6875 83
INERRAN(t) 1122 59
TIMEOUS 1951 69
OUT(T)HREw 14301 60
HANkEYS* 0 105
A(E)ROBATS 1675 61
ENtICED 2242 92
STYMIES 17321 82
ILEITIS 6315 76
AV(E)RTERS 6403 80
TARBOO(S)H 14762 86
DEcOYIN(G) 8840 89
LACUNAE 6024 82
VERN(I)CEs* 0 78
MANACL(E)S 13275 76
gRANITA 1711 66
BROASTE(D) 1326 86
SAUCIER(S) 8164 89
SIDECAR 1410 81
(F)OREgONE 6686 72
STERANE 217 70
LORIcAE 310 70
ENTERED 2567 77
NONRAT(e)D 452 59
GAmBEAU* 0 64
(P)OUtINES 1481 70
STRIPER 6576 83
LA(t)IGOES 252 66
UTILISE 2686 71
(C)oATTEND 3543 83
KERATIN(S) 1270 64
ORBIEST 945 84
FAINTER 220 88
GEOTYPI(C)* 0 101
(N)ONLeVEL 18402 72
OBELIAS 853 75
DATAR(I)ES 307 60
E(V)ERMORE 18761 66
(V)auLTING 8757 83
HUNkIEs 14180 84
AGEDN(E)SS 10548 66
RETAILS 118 82
FLATTeN 6208 76
UnIONI(S)E 2710 59
EROTICS 912 73
ISATINE 144 70
ERRAbLE 7663 69
INVITES 3659 80
DRAM(A)TIC 12388 78
(D)ESCENTS 16515 74
UNLADEn 4962 73
OUTLEAD 512 69
cOAN(C)HOR 26472 90
ACONi(T)ES 197 65
MI(s)DOERS 12769 74
(A)IRPLANE 1215 83
UR(I)NAToR 965 64
FLINTED 3237 80
fORTIFI(ER) 16969 71
EX(O)TICAS* 0 90
sPILLED 15899 69
IN(T)ERaCT 1423 140
SCHE(D)UlE 19895 82
SUPINAT(E) 1080 72
ETOILES 302 73
SWOuNDS 20500 94
ARTE(R)IES 527 77
CEBOIdS 7989 76
iNNARDS 4585 73
oUTFISH 13554 92
INSET(T)ER 1243 82
IVORIEs 2257 78
REgNANT 2431 64
SEMIW(I)lD 16997 102
SIN(E)WIER 4582 94
ENRO(L)LED 7856 72
DEPLe(TI)NG 6467 64
YODELER 4797 80
R(E)LATIVE 666 67
(C)AESURiC 14742 86
DARNEST 432 72
SLATTED 5177 72
(A)CERBaTE 10130 92
lO(V)ELORN 20158 80
CANDLES 7476 82
oBTA(I)NER 63 59
CREStED 6723 83
WINTR(I)ER 5784 65
SAUNAeD 2560 68
WiNGL(E)SS 18281 76
AUDItOR 464 68
DAbBLER 17563 93
OUTCALL 16100 71
TAINTED 701 69
S(P)IReMIA* 0 72
(F)ILIATES 3378 74
dENYING 15661 72
sTAMInA 5475 81
VIOlENT 985 76
OUT(R)AGES 691 59
RISIBLE 6060 80
INDIR(E)cT 2667 59
(C)RISPiNG 21741 95
HAUnTED 3102 84
OVARIAN 1861 73
HOI(D)ENED 7652 67
D(E)NTeLLE 14476 62
EDACITY 4317 76
INFL(A)TER 397 63
The of bingos played by the player that were not challenged off.
Triple Triples
Type Play Probability Score
R(E)DLINED 4853 149
STEA(D)INg 461 122
IN(T)ERaCT 1423 140
Triple triples played by the player that were not challenged off. They do not have to be bingos.
Bingo Nines or Above
Type Play Probability Score
fORTIFI(ER) 16969 71
DEPLe(TI)NG 6467 64
Bingos played by the player that were nine letters or longer and were not challenged off.
Challenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were challenged off by an opponent.
Unchallenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
WARRIS(O)N* 0 74
HANkEYS* 0 105
VERN(I)CEs* 0 78
HOK(Y)* 0 42
GAmBEAU* 0 64
GEOTYPI(C)* 0 101
MONGO(L)* 0 20
EX(O)TICAS* 0 90
GULOG(s)* 0 14
S(P)IReMIA* 0 72
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were not challenged by an opponent.
Plays That Were Challenged
Type Play Probability Score
GONEFS 5129 0
FETIALS 1535 86
ADEN(D)A* 0 0
DAR(K)EY* 0 0
FEE(L)Y* 0 0
DEIGnLY* 0 0
ANGOR(a) 2518 0
SITUP 4732 39
YLKE 4621 25
SNIE* 0 0
aR(V)ECOLE* 0 0
M(O)WINGS 15468 40
OVE(R)TEsT* 0 0
TOM(B)Y* 0 0
C(LOR)* 0 0
CHERTI(E)R 11475 71
(E)VOCAbLe 13335 92
HAJ 902 0
YEUk 3468 0
JARVY* 0 0
BEC(L)ADS* 0 0
(Z)ENNIA* 0 0
(N)ONLeVEL 18402 72
HARN 1571 27
UNWI(S)H 11841 36
RUBE(L) 4933 41
TYRAnIC* 0 0
WEA(N)Y* 0 0
CURAtES 3090 0
(A)CERBaTE 10130 92
LABS 3152 43
Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Opponent Lists
Type Play Probability Score
STIRRED 2848 66
PONTo(ON)ED 17397 62
ABOIDEA(U) 1637 63
MOTILEs 2044 72
HANDIES(T) 1307 66
REVISOR 6227 79
G(A)rROTEr 12296 122
ESCALOP 7958 69
ISOPRE(N)E 807 74
GUILTIL(Y) 24772 64
OT(I)TIDES 2854 60
V(I)OlATED 549 74
TI(T)LARKS 15521 74
MIDIRO(N)S 8133 63
SALL(O)WER 9671 66
RER(A)ISED 1265 61
DETAINE(E) 295 61
eRRANTS 1352 70
STRIVER 6309 77
tH(R)ONGED 4231 98
UNPIt(I)ED 4943 68
ALLUREd 8416 66
PELOR(I)AN 200 62
(C)HEAPEsT 16061 101
AWAITE(R)S 1228 62
OUTRANC(E) 582 90
e(N)TWINES 6453 86
GeRBILS 7514 71
OUTlINE 185 65
ANOMIES 329 70
DInITRO 1328 67
NITROSO 1709 65
sTIPULA(R) 6594 80
PLANNED 8998 71
sIERRAn 523 75
FLAMENS 10046 74
ATO(M)IZES 4603 90
ELOIN(E)RS 226 68
SHINNED 9443 79
(A)LENCONS 6031 89
SPI(N)NERY 18439 98
MANTRA(M)S 32025 86
URcEOLI 2664 76
AERAtED 1049 72
DEUTE(R)ON 489 63
EtAMINE 351 71
rHODORA 19418 75
VALiSES 12892 86
BEHOTES 12124 96
NIPTERS 2159 81
REMANET 1416 83
INTER(V)aL 431 83
(A)NTIRAPE 507 76
ACETALS 6026 82
OPERA(N)CY* 0 84
S(Y)NOVIAl 9216 176
TENDRIL 444 76
CaTEcH(I)N 16969 98
ADORING 834 67
CENTRAL 1581 69
TELERAN 205 62
SHOWInG 14819 80
CODIcIL 20721 74
DIAZOLE 2321 95
HYPERON 12721 72
PHYLLI(T)E 25111 90
MINTERS 1627 69
ANTIAIR 1306 66
RELUmIN(G) 6221 68
HIRpLES 10153 75
ASTErIA 132 74
E(N)TICERs 1529 140
EIDETIC 4568 76
GANTRI(E)S 150 86
CONTUSE 3689 63
hEXEREI 14313 92
SPLENIA 1554 85
sLITTED 4971 88
UnREPAI(R) 2787 61
SWEATEd 3905 80
AUDIEnC(E) 1443 78
ENTERER 5662 76
WELDoRS 6389 78
NORTEN(o)S 3682 58
PIRAGUA(S) 12856 65
(C)ERVElAT 7114 98
T(E)NTORIA 43 60
DIOCESE 2610 86
UNITIeS 1291 69
(E)AGERESt 2848 77
ORINA(S)AL 876 59
VIGOUrS 14530 78
GELATIn 344 84
I(G)NITERS 1568 86
HEliXES 20438 111
LAGERED 3253 77
ITE(R)AN(C)ES 357 62
RESKINS 18491 79
PLANULA(R) 29551 74
ATTONED 1003 69
CANDoUR 5810 74
sUBSOIL 18568 92
ENDN(O)TES 3210 59
SYRINGE 4562 65
TO(U)RNEYS 2811 65
C(O)LUMNED 13937 78
hISTONE 977 78
ESCOT(I)NG 2259 76
RATIONS 129 70
ALIENED 202 70
(D)oVEKIES 12158 82
TALLIEs 2884 74
DEVOIRS 2018 78
(M)ERCADOS 8801 102
FORE(S)tAY 5320 80
RECENTL(Y) 10583 78
DEX(T)rALS 8144 73
NUMER(O)US 13528 74
(R)OSEOLAR 3610 68
ELYTRoN 2084 76
ANIMATE 824 80
TIMEOUS 2739 74
OUTPLAN 7855 70
ACRI(D)EST 1289 86
STEaRIN(E) 45 85
SPAVIET 4414 76
HADRONs 5822 83
NAVETTE 4697 78
ERASING 253 72
REFACEs 8266 68
BLITZE(R)S 13821 94
TRUNKED 12369 79
(O)VErRATE 3048 83
OPpRESS 30388 80
COILERS 2662 76
SHE(E)TING 6121 74
ECARTEs 2081 72
BRANDE(R)S 7884 71
wRESTLE 6492 71
STARTED 2693 80
REGE(L)ATE 2699 76
DE(V)OUTER 3566 66
OAKIESt 1040 80
BuNCOED 10702 71
OPERAT(E)S 824 90
VERONAL 920 89
RADUlAS 9856 77
PRANCES 7022 76
GUERiDO(N) 693 72
SkATOLE 4266 86
SHAULIN(G) 12128 76
ENTRAIN 192 68
CATERED 2170 86
BURSTED 8663 90
OUTLIES 524 66
HEREDIT(Y) 7180 98
(S)AUTOIRE 26 66
FlAXIER 10437 95
(E)NTERING 2843 61
TURTLES 11011 70
EvA(C)UEES 16583 68
NITRILE 505 79
STOOGED 5543 81
EQU(A)TING 4289 106
fORMATE 2735 67
PLANTER 1599 75
AIRDATE 132 74
SOApIER 336 73
WEARISH 4389 86
VENTUR(E)d 5419 61
(E)CHINATE 2171 98
ADI(P)OSIs 15965 70
TWINERS 1559 76
HESSItE 10669 85
PLACAT(E)D 12603 84
AROInTE(D) 1 73
SHARPEN 6764 86
sHARPIe 4201 76
CURSIVE 9695 97
TR(E)ENaIL 31 64
PhONIER 2773 78
NEMATIC 2287 65
FACTO(I)Ds 8699 64
TENSoRS 3559 87
OVERING 1366 78
IGNA(T)IAS 5128 61
POTL(I)NES 1467 70
PROSTIE 1008 75
GUNITES 1748 72
BRESA(O)LA 3213 61
DIORITE 233 63
AVOwING 8754 77
F(E)RMeNTS 10601 85
FL(A)TBEdS 12597 78
DISTEND 5411 90
(E)ROSIBLE 1920 81
NO(P)ALITO 3454 74
REA(S)SAIL 4438 92
PANNIER 2113 74
FIRET(R)AP 6925 71
OSTRACA 6006 81
GaLLET(E)D 10011 70
(n)ONmETAL 3368 68
THYMOmA 23747 97
AE(R)ONAUT 127 70
ELATERS 554 71
BuLLRIN(G) 23570 70
UNSATED 1152 78
cONTENT 11629 69
RALLYES 12892 86
FORMAN(T)s 9416 75
RE(P)ENTED 7485 77
ASTER(I)AS 2353 66
ENGInES 5087 81
DYN(A)MiTE 3163 64
LUNATED 1092 83
(D)REARIES 1199 68
RIGHT(I)Ng 31020 94
IONIUMS 9184 81
FOLIAGE 1365 81
s(Q)UINTED 8159 88
AUDIENT(S) 340 68
(A)NDESITE 150 85
NETWOrK 8853 75
D(I)GERATI 604 78
(B)OASTInG 3830 80
PHILTER 7157 87
ACERATE 2511 72
ALEXINS 3546 80
BIOMAsS 17402 99
END(P)LANE* 0 63
ARENOUS 159 79
(D)URATIOn 273 70
NEGATER 450 71
O(R)GANDIE 56 63
aR(O)YNTED 558 66
PRAWNED 6748 72
CULTuR(E)S 19588 68
ICTERUS 3233 104
(M)OTORISE 2097 83
DELAINE 203 70
ESTRIoL 186 68
LOGAN(I)AS* 0 60
METEREd 8600 74
TRaCTIO(N) 3007 80
(R)ETiNTED 1298 77
ADDAxES 19196 67
fREESIA 1003 70
NOTICER 357 88
WoOMERA 6158 80
ACETINS 602 87
ROISTeR 757 81
SPAWnED 10038 83
STARRED 2818 67
SARSNET 3005 64
(B)EdPLATE 10341 92
SNEEReD 4854 73
MISTaKE(S) 17890 92
LEOTARD 144 76
EUdEMON 4599 64
VITRINE 1759 68
O(V)ERHAUL 6432 212
CLArINE(T) 387 76
CANONIS(E) 1671 83
cHARADE 10697 82
BOuG(H)TEN 12548 76
AROUSED 512 77
CYAN(A)TES 9786 69
(V)ISCERAL 5691 78
SHITBAG 19655 90
eXCAM(B)ED 35325 77
PRePARE 18177 77
OV(E)RTHIN 2124 80
ENDEARS 573 72
BIrDL(I)ME 13311 80
SANDInG 8756 66
SC(U)RRIeD 11741 70
(I)NVERTIN 5783 80
PROLANS 7854 69
vICIATE 6395 73
vERGERS 21194 70
R(E)DREAMT 6377 74
VENENOS(E) 13387 88
(M)OUSIEST 9742 70
(I)NOSITOL 5070 84
INSO(L)ATE 23 82
M(A)NNITES 2782 74
APOGEeS 3774 75
PHENE(T)OL 8019 80
EDUCTOR 3851 97
SATIRES 1398 72
BOiLO(V)ER 8283 74
ReNTALS 413 69
RESON(A)TE 42 70
LAUDAN(U)M 24729 74
RENTAB(L)E 1582 64
REZONEs 7085 92
(A)UXETICs 13130 98
SLITTIE(R) 6007 68
rEAVOWS 5062 89
SORBENT 2066 87
GARGLER 16455 78
INDORS(E)R 1158 61
ETOILES 286 66
TINEIDS 1223 79
(D)EATHcUP 18336 67
RIGA(U)DON 1258 62
(V)ICuGNAS 17823 95
PLA(Y)ROOM 22946 68
RONd(E)LET 5 61
TRIOLEt 788 75
WARDENS 3133 74
PRINTeD 1545 64
MADUROS 11808 69
lITE(R)ATI 1415 66
TALIPOt 6621 75
(O)XAZInES 8434 122
ORG(A)STIC 3833 65
WAN(D)EROO 2077 89
ALDRINS 2490 64
AIRSOME 433 90
NOVENAE 4446 95
LAsAGNE 3983 92
PlEBEIA(N) 4032 63
DIS(A)GREE 674 61
(D)ELETING 1734 83
BR(A)INING 18612 76
aMPUTEE 11174 76
REA(d)VISE 1993 62
O(U)TDURED 22125 78
aVODIRE 421 104
OXY(T)ONES 22090 116
DAI(R)YMEN 3341 78
A(D)ROITER 138 61
GENTOOS 3324 70
SEDILIA 1264 83
REASONS 1818 68
LIONI(S)ER 380 59
DONNERT 1711 67
CHeVIOT(S) 11365 98
oUTWARS 5616 76
ACON(IT)UMs 6043 62
SKiRTED 6137 87
PARO(D)IES 556 74
ORIEN(T)ED 47 68
C(H)ANTERS 5836 102
WINESAP 4414 69
S(O)UNDEST 7686 62
NITCHIE 7432 79
The of bingos played by the player that were not challenged off.
Triple Triples
Type Play Probability Score
G(A)rROTEr 12296 122
S(Y)NOVIAl 9216 176
E(N)TICERs 1529 140
RE(CORD)INg 5008 99
O(V)ERHAUL 6432 212
Triple triples played by the player that were not challenged off. They do not have to be bingos.
Bingo Nines or Above
Type Play Probability Score
PONTo(ON)ED 17397 62
ITE(R)AN(C)ES 357 62
ACON(IT)UMs 6043 62
Bingos played by the player that were nine letters or longer and were not challenged off.
Challenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were challenged off by an opponent.
Unchallenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were not challenged by an opponent.
Plays That Were Challenged
Type Play Probability Score
REVISOR 6227 79
(E)COGIFT 9198 30
tH(R)ONGED 4231 98
YOGIC 6206 0
G(O)RMY* 0 0
SPI(N)NERY 18439 98
MANTRA(M)S 32025 86
URcEOLI 2664 76
rHODORA 19418 75
BEHOTES 12124 96
(G)LADDY* 0 0
NIPTERS 2159 81
HYPERON 12721 72
PHYLLI(T)E 25111 90
RESKINS 18491 79
PLANULA(R) 29551 74
SUN(D)RY 11066 42
(M)ERCADOS 8801 102
FOEdARY* 0 0
(R)OSEOLAR 3610 68
PAED(O) 959 16
ANONS* 0 0
BUCKY* 0 0
FlAXIER 10437 95
M(U)DROLL* 0 0
FORESEE 6841 0
(MA)GING* 0 0
THYMOmA 23747 97
RALLYES 12892 86
FEEING 3400 29
LUNATED 1092 83
(D)OTTLIeR* 0 0
NETWOrK 8853 75
SPILErS* 0 0
PRAWNED 6748 72
(M)OTORISE 2097 83
SHITBAG 19655 90
eXCAM(B)ED 35325 77
NAPRON 8284 35
YWRoKE 17175 47
vERGERS 21194 70
GAPOSEs* 0 0
EDUCTOR 3851 97
LAUDAN(U)M 24729 74
HID(A)LGA 18202 48
(A)UXETICs 13130 98
MADUROS 11808 69
(KA)HAWAI 31743 34
AYWORD 11774 31
NOVENAE 4446 95
BED(R)IT(E) 2987 34
BR(A)INING 18612 76
O(U)TDURED 22125 78
OXY(T)ONES 22090 116
ACON(IT)UMs 6043 62
Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Notable Lists
Many Double Words Covered
Games in which at least 15 double word bonus squares were covered.
Game Stats
Stat Average Total
Games 1.00 185
Invalid Games 0.02 4
Incomplete 0.02 4
Disconnected 0.00 0
Other 0.00 0
Total Turns 25.97 4804
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Player Stats
Stat Average Total
Wins 0.41 75
Score 405.78 75070
Score per Turn 31.4363
Turns 12.91 2388
Vertical Plays 5.39 997
Horizontal Plays 6.36 1177
One Tile Plays 0.42 78
Other Plays 0.74 136
Firsts 0.46 86
Vertical Openings per First 0.0270
Horizontal Openings per First 0.9730
Full Rack per Turn 0.3681
Exchanges 0.34 63
High Game 538
Low Game 243
Highest Scoring Turn 149
Bingos Played 2.02 373
Sevens 1.04 192
Eights 0.97 179
Nines 0.01 2
Tens 0.00 0
Elevens 0.00 0
Twelves 0.00 0
Thirteens 0.00 0
Fourteens 0.00 0
Fifteens 0.00 0
Bingo Probabilities 5547.21
Sevens 4693.17
Eights 6394.13
Nines 11718.00
Tens 0.00
Elevens 0.00
Twelves 0.00
Thirteens 0.00
Fourteens 0.00
Fifteens 0.00
Tiles Played 47.49 8786
A 4.48 829
B 0.97 180
C 0.90 167
D 1.87 346
E 5.68 1051
F 0.99 183
G 1.45 268
H 0.94 173
I 4.33 801
J 0.54 99
K 0.43 80
L 1.89 350
M 1.02 189
N 2.85 527
O 3.80 703
P 0.88 162
Q 0.46 86
R 2.68 496
S 1.97 365
T 2.71 502
U 1.82 336
V 0.98 181
W 0.92 170
X 0.50 92
Y 0.93 172
Z 0.44 82
? 1.06 196
Power Tiles Played 4.97 920
? 1.06 196
J 0.54 99
Q 0.46 86
X 0.50 92
Z 0.44 82
S 1.97 365
Power Tiles Stuck With 0.10 19
? 0.01 2
J 0.01 2
Q 0.02 4
X 0.00 0
Z 0.00 0
S 0.06 11
Turns With a Blank 1.29 239
Triple Triples Played 0.02 3
Bingoless Games 0.06 11
Bonus Square Coverage 15.55 2877
Double Letter 5.11 945
Triple Letter 5.09 942
Double Word 3.12 577
Triple Word 2.23 413
Phony Plays 0.28 52
Unchallenged 0.08 15
Challenged Off 0.20 37
Challenges 0.59 110
You Won 0.10 18
Opponent Lost 0.06 12
You Lost 0.23 43
Opponent Won 0.20 37
Challenge Percentage 0.2951
Defending Challenge Percentage 0.2449
Percentage Phonies Unchallenged 0.2885
Comments 7.47 1382
Comments Word Length 171.04 31643
Mistakeless Turns 12.86 2380
Mistakes per Turn 0.0034
Mistakes 0.04 8
Knowledge 0.01 1
Finding 0.02 3
Vision 0.00 0
Tactics 0.01 2
Strategy 0.01 1
Endgame 0.01 1
Time 0.00 0
Dynamic Mistakes 0.00 0
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Player Confidence Intervals
Tile p CI
A 0.4978 (0.4434, 0.5064)
B 0.4850 (0.4080, 0.5418)
C 0.4500 (0.4080, 0.5418)
D 0.4675 (0.4276, 0.5222)
E 0.4733 (0.4476, 0.5022)
F 0.4950 (0.4080, 0.5418)
G 0.4833 (0.4203, 0.5295)
H 0.4700 (0.4080, 0.5418)
I 0.4811 (0.4434, 0.5064)
J 0.5400 (0.3803, 0.5695)
K 0.4300 (0.3803, 0.5695)
L 0.4725 (0.4276, 0.5222)
M 0.5100 (0.4080, 0.5418)
N 0.4750 (0.4363, 0.5135)
O 0.4750 (0.4415, 0.5083)
P 0.4400 (0.4080, 0.5418)
Q 0.4600 (0.3803, 0.5695)
R 0.4467 (0.4363, 0.5135)
S 0.4925 (0.4276, 0.5222)
T 0.4517 (0.4363, 0.5135)
U 0.4550 (0.4276, 0.5222)
V 0.4900 (0.4080, 0.5418)
W 0.4600 (0.4080, 0.5418)
X 0.5000 (0.3803, 0.5695)
Y 0.4650 (0.4080, 0.5418)
Z 0.4400 (0.3803, 0.5695)
? 0.5300 (0.4080, 0.5418)
To learn more about these statistics, check the 'Confidence Intervals' section on the about page.
Opponent Stats
Stat Average Total
Wins 0.59 110
Score 429.20 79402
Score per Turn 32.8651
Turns 13.06 2416
Vertical Plays 6.01 1112
Horizontal Plays 5.98 1107
One Tile Plays 0.56 103
Other Plays 0.51 94
Firsts 0.54 99
Vertical Openings per First 0.3333
Horizontal Openings per First 0.6667
Full Rack per Turn 0.9863
Exchanges 0.33 61
High Game 674
Low Game 280
Highest Scoring Turn 212
Bingos Played 1.95 361
Sevens 1.05 194
Eights 0.89 164
Nines 0.02 3
Tens 0.00 0
Elevens 0.00 0
Twelves 0.00 0
Thirteens 0.00 0
Fourteens 0.00 0
Fifteens 0.00 0
Bingo Probabilities 5920.14
Sevens 5086.91
Eights 6881.49
Nines 7932.33
Tens 0.00
Elevens 0.00
Twelves 0.00
Thirteens 0.00
Fourteens 0.00
Fifteens 0.00
Tiles Played 49.56 9169
A 4.34 802
B 0.99 183
C 1.03 191
D 1.98 366
E 6.06 1121
F 0.99 183
G 1.42 262
H 1.04 193
I 4.35 805
J 0.44 82
K 0.56 104
L 1.94 358
M 0.95 175
N 2.87 531
O 4.00 740
P 1.11 206
Q 0.49 91
R 3.01 556
S 1.95 360
T 3.05 564
U 1.94 358
V 0.97 180
W 1.08 199
X 0.50 93
Y 1.05 195
Z 0.55 101
? 0.92 170
Power Tiles Played 4.85 897
? 0.92 170
J 0.44 82
Q 0.49 91
X 0.50 93
Z 0.55 101
S 1.95 360
Power Tiles Stuck With 0.08 14
? 0.01 2
J 0.01 2
Q 0.02 4
X 0.00 0
Z 0.01 2
S 0.02 4
Turns With a Blank 2.08 384
Triple Triples Played 0.03 5
Bingoless Games 0.06 11
Bonus Square Coverage 16.29 3013
Double Letter 5.41 1001
Triple Letter 5.81 1075
Double Word 2.91 539
Triple Word 2.15 398
Phony Plays 0.16 29
Unchallenged 0.06 11
Challenged Off 0.10 18
Challenges 0.59 110
You Won 0.20 37
Opponent Lost 0.23 43
You Lost 0.06 12
Opponent Won 0.10 18
Challenge Percentage 0.7551
Defending Challenge Percentage 0.7049
Percentage Phonies Unchallenged 0.3793
Comments 7.47 1382
Comments Word Length 171.04 31643
Mistakeless Turns 12.57 2325
Mistakes per Turn 0.0393
Mistakes 0.51 95
Knowledge 0.16 29
Finding 0.11 21
Vision 0.05 9
Tactics 0.05 9
Strategy 0.08 14
Endgame 0.05 10
Time 0.02 3
Dynamic Mistakes 0.00 0
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Opponent Confidence Intervals
Tile p CI
A 0.4822 (0.4640, 0.5272)
B 0.4950 (0.4286, 0.5626)
C 0.5150 (0.4286, 0.5626)
D 0.4950 (0.4483, 0.5429)
E 0.5050 (0.4683, 0.5229)
F 0.4950 (0.4286, 0.5626)
G 0.4733 (0.4409, 0.5503)
H 0.5200 (0.4286, 0.5626)
I 0.4833 (0.4640, 0.5272)
J 0.4400 (0.4009, 0.5903)
K 0.5600 (0.4009, 0.5903)
L 0.4850 (0.4483, 0.5429)
M 0.4750 (0.4286, 0.5626)
N 0.4783 (0.4569, 0.5343)
O 0.5000 (0.4621, 0.5291)
P 0.5550 (0.4286, 0.5626)
Q 0.4900 (0.4009, 0.5903)
R 0.5017 (0.4569, 0.5343)
S 0.4875 (0.4483, 0.5429)
T 0.5083 (0.4569, 0.5343)
U 0.4850 (0.4483, 0.5429)
V 0.4850 (0.4286, 0.5626)
W 0.5400 (0.4286, 0.5626)
X 0.5000 (0.4009, 0.5903)
Y 0.5250 (0.4286, 0.5626)
Z 0.5500 (0.4009, 0.5903)
? 0.4600 (0.4286, 0.5626)
To learn more about these statistics, check the 'Confidence Intervals' section on the about page.
Player Mistakes
Play Type Size Comment
G7 MOI +18 Finding Small
the key play here is EURI(P)I 4D. #findingsmall
8L SHEW +45 Knowledge Large
now I give it some second thought, and still misremember the definition in Zyzzyva being an adjectival one. #knowledgelarge
9C RELOA(N)ED +62 Tactics Small
or OLEA(N)DER. Karl wasn't sure whiich to play, and neither am I really. I guess OLEANDER forks the scoring spots better. #tacticssmall
D7 S(P)IReMIA +72 Strategy Medium
I'm not sure if I'm supposed to challenge this off or not. It depends on how much I think Karl will see/find. If I challenge it off, the problem is I have no good plays that don't give back bingos I think he can find, and my rack is bad while he has the blank. On the other hand, if I keep this on and play 14B BR(A)INING, I'm down a tempo. I'm not sure what's best here. #strategysadder
11E K(E)RB +20 Finding Medium
I missed the super-aggressive B(I)LK, which is probably fine. Or E3 TREBL(E) to score. Missed both. #findingmedium #tunnelvision
L12 PARR +33 Tactics Medium
really obsessed with keeping a vowel nowadays. PAIR is just better. #tacticsmedium
O1 VOGS +32 Finding Large
GIVE(N) is a given H1 ugh. #findinglarge
A5 AMAH +53 Endgame Small
B13 MAE is one better. #endgamesmall
The listing of all of the player's mistakes. For more information about mistakes, check the 'Mistakes' section of the about page.
Opponent Mistakes
Play Type Size Comment
1K C(A)GEY +33 Finding Small
Didn't see GR(A)PEY, keeps a bit of stuff open. Was confused between CREEPY and CAGEY but missed that one #findingsmall
12I ALLUREd +66 Knowledge Large
ALLURER is a word. Damn it. #knowledgesaddest
I5 (QOPH)S +31 Finding Medium
G1 STrIGIL #findingmedium
D8 (B)ELCH +24 Knowledge Small
(B)LENCH is better #knowledgesmall
8K (R)UANA +18 Finding Large
B1 ANNUAlS #findinglarge
J2 HOME +37 Finding Medium
missed HEIR(D)OM, don't think other stuff is worth playing through the D but maybe #findingmedium
L7 AVENIR +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
missed VI(MI)NA until next turn I think. This is really bad, CSW confusion #knowledgelarge
4H RA(MI)E +31 Strategy Medium
A(MI)N is best, much more workable than this #strategymedium
B6 QA(I)d +66 Finding Large
failed to find QU words here that retained my vowel and scored the same or better. I imagine you can find them. #findinglarge
2B FL(I)R +14 Strategy Small
getting V stuck if I play REL(I)EF, so I need to keep at least an E or playing the V. Thought this would be good to keep VEE(P). Quackle doesn't find it but I imagine it's fine. I draw into EVENT sometimes as well. This play has a value of -3.875, average spread +137.125. Quackles best find is 2A LEV(I)N which has an accurately calculated value of -1.75, average spread being 139.25. So this is -2 unless there's something better #strategysmall
G8 (P)IU +6 Tactics Small
9E UNI #tacticssad
M2 ELOIN(E)RS +68 Finding Small
N7 (D)ISENROL #findingsad
N2 NTH +34 Finding Large
1H MIMI(C) +33 Vision Large
E10 (A)VOW +20 Finding Large
G13 FA(N) +28 Tactics Large
O8 FLEA(M) #tacticssaddest
10A GENII +18 Finding Medium
10E EINE #findingmedium
15E VALiSES +86 Finding Large
A7 d(I)S(G)AVELS #findingsaddest
A10 (G)LADDY +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
2H VARDY +21 Endgame Large
O1 CRAIG(S) +30 Finding Medium
O1 GLACI(S) #findingmedium
12K BIGLY +40 Knowledge Medium
12K GABBY #knowledgemedium
L12 GAUM +28 Finding Large
misread rack and played wrong vowel at 13L #findingsaddest
H4 PEWEE +26 Knowledge Small
however, in 2017, I won against Joe Edley, thinking I had cashed, but everything else did not go my way and I ended up right outside the money. I saw WEEPIE and was just too uneasy about its validity to play it. I knew that I could afford a few small mistakes, so long as I didn't lose a turn. Though, I had lost a turn to Karl earlier in the tournament and still won that game. WEEPIE is obviously a word and I just have no self-confidence. #knowledgesmall
M9 PAG(E)R +22 Endgame Large
I panicked here. Massively. I didn't know what the standings were, I just knew I had to play a valid word to secure the win. I also wanted to play the endgame well. I saw (S)PURGALL and briefly wondered if I could be making it up. I tried to see what his highest-scoring play was, but with seconds to go I could only see 15, which would tie the game, but I couldn't be sure. Had I been aware of the standings, I would have played the bingo! #endgamelarge
12H LAGERED +77 Vision Large
D7 EOLITH +31 Knowledge Small
totally forgot about OOLITH here. I saw 14B OTOLI(T)H even. Tunnel vision. #knowledgesmall
J4 hISTONE +78 Tactics Small
apparently -1 NOSIEsT #tacticssmall
B6 BR(A)W +25 Strategy Medium
this was a grave mistake. I am not in a position to be able to afford just pure balance. Sure, keeping a vowel is a plus, but it's not a plus enough. I'm going to need more than just a balanced leave to stay in this game. L13 FEW is the play. #strategymedium
J7 (NU)TSY +21 Strategy Small
Quackle likes 11E TREYS to score 10 more and restrict the 11 row, but I'm not so sure - between row 11 and SAL I'm pretty likely to bingo with EIRS after NUTSY. #strategysmall if anything.
H4 DHAB(A) +13 Knowledge Large
H7 B(A)HADA #knowledgesaddest
C1 FOEdARY +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
C1 FOEdARY +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
C6 FORE(S)tAY +80 Knowledge Large
15A WEN(G)E +27 Tactics Medium
B12 TREW #tacticssadder
14G C(R)ITTUR +11 Strategy Large
This tanks his bingo % more than any other play, but it's probably wrong. I don't know what's correct here. #strategysaddest
8A WI(R)R(A) +27 Endgame Large
C2 R(A)W is best, making a nice D setup. #endgamesaddest
M9 K(IT)TE(R) +30 Knowledge Large
I9 KI +24 Knowledge Large
D4 JAN(T)Y +38 Strategy Small
G9 JA with the possible H12 (B)EVY next turn sims best. #strategysmall
5H PAED(O) +21 Endgame Large
There are some bingos through the O that I have to block, but M6 FA is apparently better. I think we forgot to add the +5 for this challenge during the game. #endgamesaddest
14F FR(Y) +17 Time Large
14F FR(Y) #timesaddest
3K B(R)UNG +16 Finding Medium
Quackle really likes (E)RUV, citing a nice increase in bingo and scoring chances next turn. I think the board is open enough that I don't need to worry about closing the N and O files with (E)RUV. #findingmedium
15E WAIVE +36 Tactics Small
I underestimated the valuation of AEIV, which is 0.85, so K4 IWI is slightly better than this I think. #tacticssmall
14D OOF +32 Vision Medium
13F OOFIE(R) #visionmedium
M4 (E)NTERING +61 Strategy Medium
N4 (S)TERNING is better than both M1 ENT(E)RING (gives back 1L plays) and M4 (E)NTERING (gives back 3M plays making TENTERING). #strategymedium
C12 L(E)WD +18 Knowledge Large
12H DW(AA)L #knowledgesaddest
K11 GAMY +28 Tactics Unspecified
HAEM K11 is a good play. Doesn't give back the things that the Y does. This was not thought about enough. #tacticsmeidum
N9 TOTARA +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
I didn't see E2 OAT this turn. This was my only CSW confusion of the event, thankfully #knowledgesaddest
N9 ROTATE +31 Strategy Medium
now I definitely need to play OAT. Regretted this instantly #strategymedium
15L KIDS +50 Knowledge Large
I am terrible. I thought it was only KNAIDELS and that I had phonied with SANDLIKE before, but it was DIRTLIKE* against Vera in 2013 where I had TIDELIKE available and chose wrong. Stupid stupid, this is the perfect time to phony anyway. Dahhhhh also KADI and KINDA..... #knowledgesaddest #findingsaddest
15L KIDS +50 Finding Large
I am terrible. I thought it was only KNAIDELS and that I had phonied with SANDLIKE before, but it was DIRTLIKE* against Vera in 2013 where I had TIDELIKE available and chose wrong. Stupid stupid, this is the perfect time to phony anyway. Dahhhhh also KADI and KINDA..... #knowledgesaddest #findingsaddest
14C SLAW +30 Endgame Medium
1G AWL -6 to block AGENCY and stuff #endgamemedium
6B HUE +27 Knowledge Medium
Didn't think NUBBER was good, and eschewed NABBER because of the leave and opening more lanes (remember I'm effectively winning here since Karl needs to beat me by 43). HUE is probably fine over NABBER, but NUBBER is certainly worth it. #knowledgemedium
1L (J)EON +33 Strategy Small
JOBS is much better equity, but the S seemed really important to keep for the EQUINES hook. Also, the N at O1 is much harder to use than an S for 8s. Even adding +45 to each play (to account for the 43-point head start I have), Quackle strongly prefers JOBS, which I find fairly surprising. #strategysmall?
O1 QI +36 Knowledge Large
Didn't know WEFTE #knowledgesaddest
8H HM +14 Knowledge Medium
8D HAMING #knowledgemedium
D3 ZAX +51 Vision Large
8A SEAZ(E) #visionlarge
F2 PUH +20 Vision Medium
7I HUP #visionmedium
J1 QI(N) +14 Finding Large
I13 (I)O +2 Endgame Large
Chickened out of N4 LORIOTs. SAD. Not best though. The Duck says D14 TO wins the most. #endgameSADDEST
6E (D)OTTLIeR +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
G8 Q(A)T +30 Finding Small
missed Q(A)NAT in the same spot, which is technically better, but I thought it was unlikely he would be able to overlap on row 11 all the way #findingsmall
12B NOTA +19 Tactics Small
I might have to keep the vowel here for 6 fewer. TON looks best. #tacticssmall
C5 CL(EAR) +7 Knowledge Large
missing SILICLE #knowledgelarge
7G AWA +24 Finding Small
never thought of AHA, which bingos just about as much as AWA next turn, but is far more scoring-restrictive for Karl, as there are no vowels that can re-overlap HE. AWARD does a bit better than AWA as well, and I had definitely considered it. #findingsmall
2N J(O) +18 Knowledge Large
the only thing that would make up for the phony 4 would be to extend it to HOKYPOKY (which is obviously why I didn't just insta-challenge, why is that good but not HOKY*) Quackle much prefers JE(O)N 3I due to defense. Makes sense. (O)BE even does significantly better than my fish. #strategysmall and #knowledgesaddest for last move having scored 42 and not 0.
2N J(O) +18 Strategy Small
the only thing that would make up for the phony 4 would be to extend it to HOKYPOKY (which is obviously why I didn't just insta-challenge, why is that good but not HOKY*) Quackle much prefers JE(O)N 3I due to defense. Makes sense. (O)BE even does significantly better than my fish. #strategysmall and #knowledgesaddest for last move having scored 42 and not 0.
2A TRIL(BY) +22 Strategy Small
sad (just LIM(BY)) #strategysmall
L1 FURCAE +40 Vision Small
14B CAREFU(L) #visionsad
15A YWRoKE +52 Time Large
B12 E(R)E +12 Endgame Small
14I ERA works out 8 better since he can't block N7 FETES if he wants to unload the Q. #endgamesmall
exch CDNQ +0 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for the challenge
N3 TAMED +34 Knowledge Small
I chickened out of O10 MA(F)TED. #knowledgesad
N10 JO(R) +26 Vision Medium
I didn't like N10 JO(R)Um because I thought his range was strong, but 2J JOU(R) is a big miss. #visionsadder
H11 GY(R)AL +39 Tactics Small
H11 AY(R)IE is better since the pool is a bit vowel heavy. #tacticssmall
pass - +0 Knowledge Large
F6 BL(A)DY +25 Knowledge Medium
F4 BAJR(A) #knowledgemedium
J2 WAI +32 Tactics Small
J2 WAE might be better cuz of the Q. #tacticssmall
D6 MEE +16 Knowledge Small
14B A(D)EEM #visionlarge #knowledgesmall for challenging
D6 MEE +16 Vision Large
14B A(D)EEM #visionlarge #knowledgesmall for challenging
L1 HAIKA +34 Vision Large
J10 HAIKA #visionlarge
N2 SNORT +23 Endgame Large
This only wins 37.5% of the time. 13H (aXE)L wins everytime apparently. #endgameSADDEST
F6 ZE(N) +32 Finding Small
F6 ZI(N)KE #findingsad
13L WAX +44 Strategy Small
13L WEX #strategysad
N2 aMPUTEE +76 Strategy Medium
N2 PErMUTE #strategysadder
L3 WHY +54 Time Large
C10 O(V)A +18 Knowledge Large
I got confused between the hooks for WEM and WEEM. Luckily my opponent has almost no time. #KNOWLEDGESADDEST
D6 WI(Z) +15 Finding Large
13C GART +28 Finding Large
K10 NO(G) +14 Endgame Large
14B COR #endgamesaddest
pass - +0 Knowledge Large
I didn't recognize BECHALK at all and challenged. Nice play by Karl. #knowledgelarge
O6 EASE +24 Endgame Medium
I should block IZARD/DIP, which I forgot about. Turns out he missed it too though so it didn't matter. #endgamemedium
7K DOLT +15 Finding Medium
I saw M3 ALLODS but missed 7I ALLOD, which still sets up the S and is clearly better. #findingmedium
3G NTH +20 Strategy Medium
It's better to go the aggressive route with 2J NTH since it sets up plays like 5I FAS next turn while taking out a lot of Karl's scoring plays hooking YE. #strategymedium
The listing of all of the player's mistakes. For more information about mistakes, check the 'Mistakes' section of the about page.
Game Line Error
Game 27282 36 Game is incomplete.
Game 30690 37 Game is incomplete.
Game 3166 39 Game is incomplete.
Game 29312 38 Game is incomplete.
Errors are (most likely) the result of malformed GCG files. To learn more, check the 'Errors and Warnings' section in the about page.