Daniel Milton
Daniel Milton
Color Key
= Triple Triple
= Bingo 9+
= Improbable
= +
= +
= +
= + +
Player Lists
Type Play Probability Score
SILTIER 1690 66
(B)OuLDERS 10766 72
DEFEnSE 15795 76
(R)EADIEST 150 63
RERAISE 1127 70
sYENITE 3054 76
LINEAGE 582 74
NOVENAS 6153 75
INTENSE(R) 1669 77
ARANEO(U)s 496 78
NOSEANs 9582 64
FURR(I)ErS 28622 64
n(E)URITIS 1103 59
GROMETS 7376 87
LAUDERS 3098 64
EXHUMed 29208 102
TARIFFs 22904 81
L(E)MONAdE 2470 70
BL(O)ATeRS 1706 86
RiGH(T)EST 14056 72
FRIEZES 16188 104
OLiVINE 3154 82
SON(G)fEST 20890 68
ESTEEM(E)D 26544 74
CARNIER 2740 73
DELAYER(S) 6796 64
MU(D)DIeST 20405 69
TAXITES 9088 103
POLITES(T) 7986 70
BrOMATE(D) 5240 64
ClASHED 17848 78
VALUERS 7554 79
UNDINEs 6947 88
rE(S)TATED 3526 72
AUgITES 975 66
BRINiES 4740 72
BOATIN(G)S 4878 74
SCARFI(N)G 18747 65
aROUSES 4784 60
DILlIES 15610 78
RETAINE(R) 229 68
(C)RINITES 3480 83
dENUDES 11950 72
LEISTER 788 78
FOREGOe(S) 13399 100
TOONIEs 474 64
BOoTEES 8231 73
DIVESTS 17381 94
ADENINE(S) 1622 62
rEALISE 267 67
A(T)AVIsMS 30293 74
(P)aRTINGS 7047 83
PREVAIl 5886 84
WIND(I)EST 6518 76
FORAY(I)Ng 10628 76
NOVATEs 1216 74
REtINAS 34 79
QUADRAt(E) 11361 107
DI(L)ATING 6162 78
(C)URATIOn 1430 72
OuTGUES(S) 29237 80
UNLADES 2270 77
FORTIES 924 74
SEXToNS 14096 120
FROnTED 1972 87
NUTRIAS 1331 72
OENoMEL 8233 72
WaGON(E)RS 2914 65
TREADLE(D) 6680 71
COOTIES 2656 73
RE(T)SINAs 919 59
PAISLEY 9254 84
ANIMIsT(S) 20494 63
ITCH(I)NgS 27842 67
HArRIES 3632 77
OUTsIDE 491 65
LANTERn 1288 64
SORTIES 1742 71
BePAINT(S) 3119 69
SENIORS 2377 70
URINAtE 43 72
CANDIES 1407 68
AR(R)ANGED 5826 70
StYMIES 23247 96
DICKENs 18910 74
PE(N)ITEnT 14130 76
H(E)ATINgS 2388 74
(A)NALyZEd 23409 95
FELTERS 9033 74
HASTENS 13046 73
NEROLIs 231 72
RETAILS 146 70
C(U)RATInG 7202 61
E(n)TRAILS 89 68
ONERIES(T) 44 70
LISTING 11715 66
SANDING 12234 81
tWEE(T)ING 11115 63
GaZEBoS 18586 137
TIMEOUs 1951 72
ROUtERS 4577 72
BLoWIEr 6774 73
FIdGETs 10048 74
R(e)LATION 6 66
RELACEs 3857 71
PROTESt 7155 71
AdO(P)TERS 1301 86
(T)ANGLERS 1500 70
GI(L)BERTs 8107 72
MOTIONs 9841 72
NASTIlY 6624 76
INSER(T)ED 478 140
AeRATES 1045 70
HAILINg 13989 66
FORINTS 4553 76
bACKLE(S)S 38100 86
The of bingos played by the player that were not challenged off.
Triple Triples
Type Play Probability Score
INSER(T)ED 478 140
Triple triples played by the player that were not challenged off. They do not have to be bingos.
Challenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were challenged off by an opponent.
Unchallenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
URS* 0 33
BU* 0 32
AU* 0 7
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were not challenged by an opponent.
Plays That Were Challenged
Type Play Probability Score
BOS 797 0
SOILE(R)* 0 0
AXONE 1108 33
QIS 969 0
GR(R) 1074 6
GROMETS 7376 87
DEA(F) 898 0
(A)LABSTeR* 0 0
FRIEZES 16188 104
WABS 4202 39
DO(T)AL 1255 26
W(E)EING 4615 33
AGATiS(E)D* 0 0
VUG(t)* 0 0
OpALISE* 0 0
OrALISE* 0 0
(F)EARER 6425 27
REX 553 0
DICKENs 18910 74
(A)XIONS 4883 42
BEGGErS* 0 0
(M)OILER 1368 27
DENTILS 1100 0
CARFU(L) 16201 33
C(AR)NIE 334 16
aZIdES 4743 44
HAILINg(S)* 0 0
HAILINg 13989 66
bACKLE(S)S 38100 86
Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Opponent Lists
Type Play Probability Score
PERTUsE 9022 66
O(LI)TORIeS 1038 81
STIBNIt(E) 11679 86
(S)PAMMING 36987 104
(U)NAVOWED 8613 80
(Q)uITTORS 21451 70
ETEsIAN 74 72
DOUANES 660 74
AZURiTE 2346 79
MAIDENS 1946 76
qUERIEs 9567 66
ORNATER 376 61
STRAWIE(R) 3824 86
(S)tATURES 15080 74
DEN(T)ALIA 380 70
TwEEzED 25931 66
SYMITAR 12421 93
ARTIEST 721 69
SELEcTs 22627 64
ANOESIS 1069 88
ROISTER 1034 77
ReALIZE(R) 9208 86
(s)UPERBAd 16483 68
TELEPIC 11224 72
TELSONS 8294 72
ATEMOYA 7397 82
LAMENTS 4137 81
(E)LOiGNER 444 80
GA(N)TLoPE 2919 74
LATICES 1967 96
EERIEST 1676 66
TRIODES 227 77
COVA(L)ENT 5246 73
EASEFUL 8804 74
ROOINEK 4074 70
WEI(R)DING 9109 80
GLU(C)INAS 15984 94
(T)REMBLED 18646 98
mEANIES 1364 70
(E)lECTRON 2491 70
ROMAI(N)eS 273 60
FORSAID 4360 80
EPIGONE 2688 77
AC(C)eNTOR 10908 76
STROBeD 5014 71
(C)REATION 67 83
SENVIES 14996 77
(V)AgINATE 2774 83
SaLFERN 4224 83
LONELIE(R) 2320 60
ORLEANS 197 64
SNOWMEN 20549 80
wERGELT 11874 66
WESTERN 5654 75
RONd(E)LET 649 68
TENTOR(I)a 54 62
cONFEST 10866 70
TERR(A)INS 456 59
(A)RSENALS 10160 68
(S)CARIEST 6956 83
VETcH(I)ER 15703 64
GUESTEN 5944 70
RIDINGS 11712 81
LAMpREY 19460 76
AEROSAt 308 84
TRAPPIN(G) 26253 67
DIHEDR(A)L 11270 67
TENIOID 310 64
A(T)ROPINS 1431 74
DEHISCE 15223 95
EOsINIC 3149 68
ISOZYME 22285 98
STRAVA(G)E 8894 65
DIS(A)BLER 2899 94
POLyACT 23254 79
KLIsTER 8218 87
TRYSAIl 6627 76
AiRIEST 174 72
RE(S)tRING 3079 66
AEROSAT 231 75
ENTRAIN 185 62
lOYALES(T) 9186 72
HON(O)RERS 14737 76
(P)ENDANTS 10901 89
INTROIT 4702 66
SPI(N)ULAE 3016 62
(D)IRIGENt 2017 83
NERVATE 1411 78
DICkIER 19552 68
UNBUILT 24076 95
(J)ADEITes 4465 92
DETINUE 775 70
PiGEONs 3994 77
DRIBLET 3060 71
ANNATeS 3244 72
LImNERS 3145 67
STANDEE 730 75
FLATCAR 21725 82
DOVIEST 2708 99
FAWNI(E)ST 4390 68
GOBLETS 11448 83
STUD(E)NTS 24636 70
E(N)SNARER 7588 66
NIFtIER 2444 79
AIRfOIL 4952 76
WISPIER 14374 86
(G)RANTORS 7443 61
S(I)RVENTE 2060 72
HEINOUS 2650 72
R(E)INJuRE 13462 96
IRI(D)IUmS 29147 59
CHEE(R)ERS 31271 108
MIsTUNE(D) 5950 80
(t)OURISTY 15764 62
(E)RISTICS 17121 83
RAVElIN 649 75
MANTELS 3021 74
(E)LEvATOR 778 74
VACUOuS 20314 96
HOARIER 1152 83
DETOURS 1264 79
(M)ORALIST 2315 83
ExTE(R)IOR 6500 78
ENDIRON 1013 70
MALTIER 644 72
MALADI(E)S 6272 74
SLANDER 1488 78
FOREHA(N)D 5143 66
REVOTIn(G) 1222 69
BAL(D)PaTE 16883 90
WARIEST 923 90
v(O)TARIST 6896 71
DIAM(I)NES 3282 79
(L)OnEsOME 10207 74
FORELA(I)D 667 78
EDICTAL 1934 71
TIETAcS 5065 79
TAILO(R)ED 20 62
NOTATED 998 80
SIRLOIN 2597 68
PIGLETs 7255 73
PLAINER 875 67
BRaXIES 10371 87
AMORIST 2198 69
TWITTED 24008 77
REARISE(N) 657 77
LORRIES 2245 69
IRONI(Z)ES 4956 88
GRATINS 1853 79
BESHADE(d)* 0 101
MA(I)NOURS 3204 72
YAWIeST 5910 91
(E)xPEDITE 22989 86
VAgUEST 10022 84
DENIERS 768 72
MATUrIN(G) 7213 76
EmOTIVE 3394 71
HARP(O)OnS 14067 62
GRISTLE 2271 73
FURANoS(E) 1726 83
TOILERS 239 82
(F)LUTTERs 20395 72
MILL(R)AcE 18631 76
NITRILS 5941 66
(W)RESTLES 16537 86
(S)TROBiNG* 0 89
ESTREAT 2462 77
ENFORCE 8147 87
C(U)STOMER 13436 78
MISTRAL 6618 75
H(E)ADIEST 1971 66
ENGLOOM 13238 80
THEINeS 3024 79
(MI)DPOiNTS 17793 66
HORNIER 3444 77
(D)AUbIEST 2972 68
DIGITAL 5674 63
TRENDIS(H)* 0 89
(T)EENSiER 816 74
RESALU(t)E 908 64
OWRIEST 1324 77
LIENORs 230 68
IRISAtE 175 70
DIL(A)TION 1112 86
HOtLINE 1268 75
WA(I)TRONS 1432 65
REFLECT 15324 80
DARINGL(Y) 8285 65
UVEItIS 5839 71
RA(I)NCOAT 1247 70
(C)APOEIRA 2162 74
MANTlED 2970 83
DEADERs 8429 73
DESTROY 5204 92
SAGIEST 6003 74
VERSETS 19168 98
KINREDS 8201 73
gALLNUT 21041 62
AIRsIDE 635 86
ETAE(R)IOs 17 64
HOASTED 2577 77
W(H)ITENER 5651 65
(P)EARLING 2396 86
The of bingos played by the player that were not challenged off.
Bingo Nines or Above
Type Play Probability Score
O(LI)TORIeS 1038 81
(MI)DPOiNTS 17793 66
Bingos played by the player that were nine letters or longer and were not challenged off.
Challenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were challenged off by an opponent.
Unchallenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
(T)OOTY* 0 27
GE(L)L* 0 9
CILIA(L)* 0 22
BLIME* 0 24
BESHADE(d)* 0 101
(T)AGETE* 0 24
(S)TROBiNG* 0 89
RA(H)UE* 0 26
TRENDIS(H)* 0 89
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were not challenged by an opponent.
Plays That Were Challenged
Type Play Probability Score
O(LI)TORIeS 1038 81
YET 288 28
sUMMITI(C)* 0 0
(LAR)GING* 0 0
ORNATER 376 61
A(N)tHODIC* 0 0
SYMITAR 12421 93
ALATI(N)G* 0 0
ROISTER 1034 77
TELEPIC 11224 72
TELSONS 8294 72
KANT 2526 34
GLU(C)INAS 15984 94
(FID)S 3179 0
WAT 449 32
VETcHER* 0 0
RASHY* 0 0
RE(MEN) 2467 15
DIS(A)BLER 2899 94
POLyACT 23254 79
DEBE 2121 23
KLIsTER 8218 87
JI(S)T* 0 0
WALD(O) 5103 18
POONCE 10982 39
JIRRE(S)* 0 0
SoRCErY 14606 0
YaCkERS* 0 0
MERL 1292 15
MASTI(F)* 0 0
SPAUL 8039 36
DOR(B) 2681 14
HEADI(E)ST 1971 0
REDUG* 0 0
RESALU(t)E 908 64
REFLECT 15324 80
TWINKY 19613 54
VERSETS 19168 98
KINREDS 8201 73
(P)EARLING 2396 86
Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Notable Lists
Many Double Words Covered
Games in which at least 15 double word bonus squares were covered.
Game Stats
Stat Average Total
Games 1.00 99
Invalid Games 0.02 2
Incomplete 0.02 2
Disconnected 0.00 0
Other 0.00 0
Total Turns 27.11 2684
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Player Stats
Stat Average Total
Wins 0.22 22
Score 370.27 36657
Score per Turn 27.3764
Turns 13.53 1339
Vertical Plays 5.68 562
Horizontal Plays 6.71 664
One Tile Plays 0.57 56
Other Plays 0.58 57
Firsts 0.48 48
Vertical Openings per First 0.0000
Horizontal Openings per First 1.0000
Full Rack per Turn 0.2226
Exchanges 0.36 36
High Game 519
Low Game 259
Highest Scoring Turn 140
Bingos Played 1.20 119
Sevens 0.70 69
Eights 0.51 50
Nines 0.00 0
Tens 0.00 0
Elevens 0.00 0
Twelves 0.00 0
Thirteens 0.00 0
Fourteens 0.00 0
Fifteens 0.00 0
Bingo Probabilities 7891.02
Sevens 6752.35
Eights 9462.38
Nines 0.00
Tens 0.00
Elevens 0.00
Twelves 0.00
Thirteens 0.00
Fourteens 0.00
Fifteens 0.00
Tiles Played 45.99 4553
A 4.25 421
B 0.98 97
C 1.05 104
D 1.73 171
E 5.55 549
F 0.96 95
G 1.40 139
H 0.92 91
I 4.01 397
J 0.46 46
K 0.43 43
L 1.63 161
M 0.92 91
N 2.66 263
O 3.64 360
P 0.93 92
Q 0.48 48
R 2.61 258
S 1.96 194
T 2.70 267
U 1.95 193
V 0.91 90
W 0.93 92
X 0.52 51
Y 0.95 94
Z 0.49 49
? 0.98 97
Power Tiles Played 4.90 485
? 0.98 97
J 0.46 46
Q 0.48 48
X 0.52 51
Z 0.49 49
S 1.96 194
Power Tiles Stuck With 0.11 11
? 0.02 2
J 0.01 1
Q 0.02 2
X 0.00 0
Z 0.02 2
S 0.04 4
Turns With a Blank 1.09 108
Triple Triples Played 0.01 1
Bingoless Games 0.19 19
Bonus Square Coverage 14.84 1469
Double Letter 4.75 470
Triple Letter 4.97 492
Double Word 2.82 279
Triple Word 2.30 228
Phony Plays 0.17 17
Unchallenged 0.03 3
Challenged Off 0.14 14
Challenges 0.77 76
You Won 0.20 20
Opponent Lost 0.16 16
You Lost 0.26 26
Opponent Won 0.14 14
Challenge Percentage 0.4348
Defending Challenge Percentage 0.5333
Percentage Phonies Unchallenged 0.1765
Comments 5.36 531
Comments Word Length 66.22 6556
Mistakeless Turns 13.53 1339
Mistakes per Turn 0.0000
Mistakes 0.00 0
Knowledge 0.00 0
Finding 0.00 0
Vision 0.00 0
Tactics 0.00 0
Strategy 0.00 0
Endgame 0.00 0
Time 0.00 0
Dynamic Mistakes 0.00 0
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Player Confidence Intervals
Tile p CI
A 0.4722 (0.4169, 0.5029)
B 0.4900 (0.3687, 0.5511)
C 0.5250 (0.3687, 0.5511)
D 0.4325 (0.3954, 0.5244)
E 0.4625 (0.4227, 0.4971)
F 0.4800 (0.3687, 0.5511)
G 0.4667 (0.3854, 0.5344)
H 0.4600 (0.3687, 0.5511)
I 0.4456 (0.4169, 0.5029)
J 0.4600 (0.3309, 0.5889)
K 0.4300 (0.3309, 0.5889)
L 0.4075 (0.3954, 0.5244)
M 0.4600 (0.3687, 0.5511)
N 0.4433 (0.4072, 0.5126)
O 0.4550 (0.4143, 0.5055)
P 0.4650 (0.3687, 0.5511)
Q 0.4800 (0.3309, 0.5889)
R 0.4350 (0.4072, 0.5126)
S 0.4900 (0.3954, 0.5244)
T 0.4500 (0.4072, 0.5126)
U 0.4875 (0.3954, 0.5244)
V 0.4550 (0.3687, 0.5511)
W 0.4650 (0.3687, 0.5511)
X 0.5200 (0.3309, 0.5889)
Y 0.4750 (0.3687, 0.5511)
Z 0.4900 (0.3309, 0.5889)
? 0.4900 (0.3687, 0.5511)
To learn more about these statistics, check the 'Confidence Intervals' section on the about page.
Opponent Stats
Stat Average Total
Wins 0.78 77
Score 443.65 43921
Score per Turn 32.6550
Turns 13.59 1345
Vertical Plays 5.99 593
Horizontal Plays 6.67 660
One Tile Plays 0.47 47
Other Plays 0.45 45
Firsts 0.52 51
Vertical Openings per First 0.0426
Horizontal Openings per First 0.9574
Full Rack per Turn 0.9740
Exchanges 0.23 23
High Game 619
Low Game 238
Highest Scoring Turn 108
Bingos Played 2.12 210
Sevens 1.21 120
Eights 0.89 88
Nines 0.02 2
Tens 0.00 0
Elevens 0.00 0
Twelves 0.00 0
Thirteens 0.00 0
Fourteens 0.00 0
Fifteens 0.00 0
Bingo Probabilities 6974.95
Sevens 6043.70
Eights 8221.28
Nines 9415.50
Tens 0.00
Elevens 0.00
Twelves 0.00
Thirteens 0.00
Fourteens 0.00
Fifteens 0.00
Tiles Played 51.60 5108
A 4.67 462
B 1.01 100
C 0.91 90
D 2.18 216
E 6.21 615
F 1.03 102
G 1.53 151
H 1.05 104
I 4.60 455
J 0.52 51
K 0.56 55
L 2.19 217
M 1.03 102
N 3.17 314
O 4.16 412
P 1.05 104
Q 0.48 48
R 3.18 315
S 1.94 192
T 3.06 303
U 1.93 191
V 1.07 106
W 1.07 106
X 0.48 48
Y 1.04 103
Z 0.48 48
? 0.99 98
Power Tiles Played 4.90 485
? 0.99 98
J 0.52 51
Q 0.48 48
X 0.48 48
Z 0.48 48
S 1.94 192
Power Tiles Stuck With 0.09 9
? 0.01 1
J 0.01 1
Q 0.01 1
X 0.00 0
Z 0.00 0
S 0.06 6
Turns With a Blank 1.92 190
Triple Triples Played 0.00 0
Bingoless Games 0.04 4
Bonus Square Coverage 16.74 1657
Double Letter 5.71 565
Triple Letter 5.80 574
Double Word 3.05 302
Triple Word 2.18 216
Phony Plays 0.32 32
Unchallenged 0.12 12
Challenged Off 0.20 20
Challenges 0.77 76
You Won 0.14 14
Opponent Lost 0.26 26
You Lost 0.16 16
Opponent Won 0.20 20
Challenge Percentage 0.4667
Defending Challenge Percentage 0.5652
Percentage Phonies Unchallenged 0.3750
Comments 5.36 531
Comments Word Length 66.22 6556
Mistakeless Turns 12.93 1280
Mistakes per Turn 0.0543
Mistakes 0.74 73
Knowledge 0.25 25
Finding 0.13 13
Vision 0.14 14
Tactics 0.04 4
Strategy 0.06 6
Endgame 0.08 8
Time 0.03 3
Dynamic Mistakes 0.00 0
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Opponent Confidence Intervals
Tile p CI
A 0.5189 (0.4729, 0.5591)
B 0.5050 (0.4245, 0.6075)
C 0.4550 (0.4245, 0.6075)
D 0.5450 (0.4513, 0.5807)
E 0.5175 (0.4787, 0.5533)
F 0.5150 (0.4245, 0.6075)
G 0.5100 (0.4413, 0.5907)
H 0.5250 (0.4245, 0.6075)
I 0.5111 (0.4729, 0.5591)
J 0.5200 (0.3866, 0.6454)
K 0.5600 (0.3866, 0.6454)
L 0.5475 (0.4513, 0.5807)
M 0.5150 (0.4245, 0.6075)
N 0.5283 (0.4632, 0.5688)
O 0.5200 (0.4703, 0.5617)
P 0.5250 (0.4245, 0.6075)
Q 0.4800 (0.3866, 0.6454)
R 0.5300 (0.4632, 0.5688)
S 0.4850 (0.4513, 0.5807)
T 0.5100 (0.4632, 0.5688)
U 0.4825 (0.4513, 0.5807)
V 0.5350 (0.4245, 0.6075)
W 0.5350 (0.4245, 0.6075)
X 0.4800 (0.3866, 0.6454)
Y 0.5200 (0.4245, 0.6075)
Z 0.4800 (0.3866, 0.6454)
? 0.4950 (0.4245, 0.6075)
To learn more about these statistics, check the 'Confidence Intervals' section on the about page.
Opponent Mistakes
Play Type Size Comment
10F HILLY +41 Knowledge Small
D4 KILL(JO)Y. I'm pretty sure I would have known this was good if I had seen it and I didn't even look at playing through JO, making it a #visionsmall mistake. Also #knowledgesmall for the +5.
10F HILLY +41 Vision Small
D4 KILL(JO)Y. I'm pretty sure I would have known this was good if I had seen it and I didn't even look at playing through JO, making it a #visionsmall mistake. Also #knowledgesmall for the +5.
14A BOEP +30 Knowledge Large
J3 POTBElL(Y) #knowledgelarge
5H SELEcTs +64 Vision Medium
12H (M)aLEaTES is probably worth the 16 more. Saw plays at I1 but didn't want to hang anything in the triple, especially against this opponent. #visionmedium
14F FA(E) +30 Tactics Small
Equity between this and M3 FA(T)WA (which I considered) is almost even, but against this opponent I should probably play M3 FA(T)WA. #tacticssmall
J2 DOW(L)Y +24 Vision Medium
14J DAISY #visionmedium
15M DIG +19 Finding Small
Maybe 15L NGAI, but I'm okay with this because I have the case N. #findingsmall
3L QA(D)I +28 Tactics Large
I saw 10L QIN but was low on time and didn't think of it as a setup with my Ss. This is 20% points of win difference. #tacticslarge
G5 PEL(M)ETIC +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
exch AIOOU +0 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesmall for the challenge
E8 HAVE(N) +22 Knowledge Medium
E8 HOVE(N) #knowledgemedium
2D COKY +30 Finding Small
I have to at least consider 2C CORKY and 2C CONKY. #findingsmall
5J H(O)AR +20 Finding Small
L2 RA(T)H #findingsmall
F6 ZU(R)F +36 Knowledge Small
F6 FU(R)ZY #knowledgesmall
10B YEARS +37 Knowledge Small
9C YAR(F)A or 10B YAARS look better. #knowledgesmall #findingsmall
10B YEARS +37 Finding Small
9C YAR(F)A or 10B YAARS look better. #knowledgesmall #findingsmall
H1 CITO +29 Finding Large
wtf. H1 QI. #findinglarge
11A QADI +24 Knowledge Medium
I8 DJIN #knowledgemedium
K4 JAI +39 Knowledge Large
K4 bRINJAL #knowledgelarge
13F GA(N)TLoPE +74 Knowledge Small
Was only 85% on 13F PA(N)TLEGs. #knowledgesmall
N7 VATU +17 Vision Medium
C9 V(ED)UTA #visionmedium
O1 (N)ITRE +10 Vision Large
C9 T(ED)IER #visionlarge.
D8 P(R)ONGED +28 Vision Small
8C JOG #visionsmall
11M HAM +17 Strategy Large
There are no great options and his last play indicated a strong range (yes, I know, even for Dan the Destroyer). 11M HAM is best for reducing bing %, but M5 MAHUA(S) also significantly reduces bing % and sets up my X. After UN, he probably doesn't have a Y (or B), which is the only thing he could really use at 6N. This makes M5 MAHUA(S) best IMHO. #strategylarge
11B YU(N)X +28 Finding Large
B1 (R)IANCY #findingSADDEST. That's the game.
8H AUK +14 Finding Small
8D OTAKU #findingsmall
exch AEO +0 Strategy Medium
10I OATEN #strategymedium
L4 DEE +27 Knowledge Small
H1 IODINE #findinglarge and #knowledgesmall for the challenge
L4 DEE +27 Finding Large
H1 IODINE #findinglarge and #knowledgesmall for the challenge
2K (F)UCI +18 Vision Large
3I CU(R)IO #visionlarge
13C HELD +23 Vision Medium
G10 DH(O)L #visionmedium
14M EXO +49 Endgame Large
O10 AVO(Y)ER is best. I ran out of time and just made the best equity play which is terrible. #timelarge #endgamelarge
14M EXO +49 Time Large
O10 AVO(Y)ER is best. I ran out of time and just made the best equity play which is terrible. #timelarge #endgamelarge
F6 PR(O)F +15 Tactics Medium
H7 F(O)P looks better. #tacticsmedium
8J (E)RSATZ +48 Knowledge Large
8J (E)NTREZ #KNOWLEDGESADDEST. L1 ZENS gives back too much.
M6 (G)R(A)TED +18 Strategy Small
I thought this might be an S setup. Against this opponent, who knows. 9M G(E)E looks fine. #strategysmall
H13 (L)OU +9 Endgame Large
D14 (K)O is way better. #ENDGAMESADDEST
12K AR +13 Knowledge Large
4A INNARD +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
1E ODIC +23 Knowledge Large
3C DECAY +39 Knowledge Large
D8 wERGELT +66 Knowledge Medium
D8 wERGELT +66 Knowledge Medium
H11 AIDOI +28 Knowledge Small
E10 AIDOI #TIMESADDEST #knowledgesad for challenge.
H11 AIDOI +28 Time Large
E10 AIDOI #TIMESADDEST #knowledgesad for challenge.
14H (O)NLINER +18 Knowledge Small
12G (PI)NNER #TIMESAD #knowledgeSAD for sad challenge of WERGELTS.
14H (O)NLINER +18 Time Small
12G (PI)NNER #TIMESAD #knowledgeSAD for sad challenge of WERGELTS.
8D JEDIS +42 Strategy Small
8G QI is probably slightly better. Especially against The Destroyer. #strategysmall
J8 AUA +9 Vision Large
9G AIA +18 Vision Small
10D QUIT +21 Strategy Small
F4 (G)I. I think a 1/5 shot for INQUIET is good enough. #strategysmall
L10 (YEs)K +10 Endgame Small
Of course he has ERASION. 14M GJ(U) is 5 points better. #endgamesmall
6B JOL +37 Endgame Medium
I12 (I)LL is 5 points better. #ENDGAMESADDER
4H H(O)LME +28 Knowledge Small
4H H(O)LLO #knowledgesad
12J LOGY +29 Knowledge Small
N1 (L)ONGLY #knowledgesmall
O11 RAUPO +26 Vision Large
K5 PUN(ALU)A #visionsaddest
6A EOsINIC +68 Finding Small
L1 IrENICO(N) #findingsad
C10 TOEA +33 Knowledge Small
C10 ODEA #FINDINGSADDER #knowledgesad for challenge.
C10 TOEA +33 Finding Medium
C10 ODEA #FINDINGSADDER #knowledgesad for challenge.
B2 O(W) +10 Endgame Large
NO. 2A IO is best. #endgamesaddest
1A ID +16 Endgame Large
NO. 1A ID is best. #endgamesaddest
E2 RE(MEN) +20 Endgame Large
NO. L4 LEAR(N) is best. #endgamesaddest
7I JOY +40 Tactics Small
7I JOEY #tacticssmall
G5 EAR(T)H +27 Finding Large
D3 HEREO(F) #findingsaddest
F2 KNEE +22 Knowledge Large
15D KERO(S)ENE #knowledgeSADDEST
N6 FUGU +20 Vision Small
Missed all the 13K plays. #visionsad
6D (DI)DY +27 Vision Large
B9 OX #visionSADDEST
B8 LOX +59 Finding Medium
B9 OX is way better. I was on tilt after missing this the first time. #findingsadder
7E YEZ +48 Strategy Medium
7E REZ keeps the Y for potential KY and LOOKY plays. #strategysadder
N2 HUN(G) +16 Finding Medium
F4 UNH(EL)M #findingsadder
15C (T)AGETE +24 Knowledge Large
Apparently, this isn't a word. Only TAGETES. I wanted to kill both triple-triples. #KNOWLEDGESADDEST
11A R(AW)ARU +18 Vision Small
D11 NUR #visionsad
13G VOL(E)D +29 Endgame Large
13E RAV #endgamesaddest
The listing of all of the player's mistakes. For more information about mistakes, check the 'Mistakes' section of the about page.
Game Line Error
Game 12572 25 Game is incomplete.
Game 27584 31 Game is incomplete.
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