Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Games in which there are at least 5 challenges made. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
I'm okay with this because it kills this spot but so 5B WA(I)F and there are a bunch of column C and E plays I should have at least considered. #visionsmall
L7 Z(Y)MOID. I think I knew this word? Anyway, if I had studied it more I think I would have found it so I'll tag as #knowledgemedium instead of finding or vision.
I have to leave one in the bag here. 14A (T)IP is best because it sets up D12 JAIL to outrun any bing winning everytime according the Championship Player. This is almost as good. #strategymedium
KATI and KRAI sim less than a point ahead of KINA despite KINA's slightly better bingo% - probably because they synergize a bit better with the K I just hung in space, though it's unlikely I get to use it. #tacticssmall
Pivotal move. I saw the star equity move of 14F YGOE leaving the nice DENR; but that leave isn't particularly helpful for bingoing on this board. I felt it was much more important to blow through some tiles to get at least one of the four unseen esses for JIBERS. However, what the DENR leave *is* helpful for doing is letting me score with WEIGHTED, WEIGHERS, or WEIGHMEN with any of MSSSST, and in general good leave synergy/balance never hurts. #strategymedium
Took a stupidly long time here and still didn't even think to look for a play like B1 OCEANID for 38. I did ECAD over other plays like DECANI in the same spot (my other primary choice) to keep IN together for -ING words down to the G of TROMPING. But the AINO leave is just too imbalanced and the pool not bingo prone enough. Just EOAN in the same spot is Quackle's pick, and if I want to keep IN together something like 2B ODA looks like a much better way to do it. #strategymedium 11:17
N2 OUS is Quackle's interesting suggestion - only the L hooks it in the unseen pool, and I have the N to hook NOUS myself; the AEINR leave also bingos a solid amount here. #strategysmall 10:18
I saw 8K HANAP but figured the two plays would be less than 5 points of valuation apart, and my odds of getting a challenge were pretty high. Instead, the plays are actually closer to 10 points of valuation apart, especially because I bingo from either the V of VODKA or P of HANAP a lot for a very good score next turn. Basically, I wanted to be able to say "I played SHWANPAN" instead of making the correct play. #strategysmall #egolarge 18:10
Whew, not a gamble worth taking - honestly thought SCAWING* was a word. Just CAWINGS. Lucky that the score was close enough that Bob didn't feel he could afford the five points. The crazy thing is that TAR bingos an amazing amount more often than TAD, which I was debating playing instead of CAD - Quackle says 33% to 19%. Quite surprising. CAD does actually sim quite well, but I gotta give this a #knowledgelarge 12:30
Very tricky move. I desperately wanted to keep ET together here to play down column O with RE and ST; drawing the H or M would be great if I could find a way to keep EET here. However, I also have to worry about being outrun if I take too small of a score here. For that reason, I felt the best compromise was BURET; I did also consider BUTEO, which appears to be a smidge better according to sim/CP, but it's not because it performs better defensively by covering the O1 triple; it's because I score 4 more points on my next turn with BUTEO than BURET. A little bit of that is because BUTEO occasionally draws bingos at the bottom of the board, which BURET blocks; the rest of it is that keeping EEL works better with the O12 spot than ELO. For example, if I draw HT or MT, I get my big play down there after BUTEO, but need more help after BURET. #strategysmall 4:26
This is delusional. First, 11I VAU(N)T is better, but I irrationally didn't want to put the A next to the triple word. Second, 3A VATU is way better, I'm not up enough to be pulling shit like what I did. Third, HAININGS is a word, so this doesn't even lock the board down. #strategySADDEST
9E EXO scores 7 more and is much more defensive, but tanks my next turn bingo%; Quackle actually wants the other placement of OXO at 9H, giving up a few more points to Bob but also maxing out my chances of bingoing. Really close options, at most a #tacticssmall
I didn't want to open anything unnecessarily here but GUAVA or VAGUER might be worth doing just for the more balanced leaves and more tiles drawn towards one of the blanks. The pool is also pretty vowel-heavy so leaving ADEU after VAG could go south fast. #strategysmall
I didn't write down the remaining D at the bottom of my sheet, so O2 DITTIES is still available after this play, so this is a bad mistake. Maybe something like 9N OB can always win. I dunno. #strategysaddest
I had a hunch that I should've played BLIVE right after hitting my clock and before Bob's next play...too fixated on keeping an E with seven more to redraw. #strategysmall 15:03
Played the correct move of DZO and then picked it up for just ZO; it's better to play DZO and then play my M atop CRUOR next turn. For the third straight game I was extremely low on time, didn't record it for these last few moves. #endgamelarge
I know that FRS is in the bag and I was trying to set up some unblockable bingo but I think he's able to block everything. I dunno. F1 (ZO)RI seems pretty good here. #strategysaddest
13G PYE is probably slightly better. I didn't play it because I wanted to more completely block row 14 bingos. I figured my opponent must be on really good stuff to only play 1 tile. The problem is that after 13D PEONY, I basically guarantee that I Q stick myself. I could not find anything better so I just ate the Q. #strategysaddest
whichever god blessed me with these tiles four times in a row is crying in their bedroom listening to emo music from the early 2000s. 13H GLARIER #KNOWLEDGESADDEST
I didn't want to play N5 NY while my opponent still had the hooks, but I didn't pay attention to his leave because I was running short on time. It was safe for me to play #strategylarge
I considered fishing the F with 5K F(AD) but I thought the 11H bingos would all get blocked. Apparently, it's best. I was trying to block the possible 2A (R)EADVISE with this play. #endgamesaddest
At this point I am very low on time and proceed to absolutely blow the game for this turn and the nex. This is technically winning, but it's way harder for a human to play, especially with no time. L4 AE is best. #TIMESADDEST
14M KIT sims best, but I was worried about O7 bingos ending in IEST or EST. What I didn't see during the game is that I can also definitely lose to plays like N4 BONACIS, 6H VIB(R)ANCE, and 6G COVE(R)ING, so 14M KIT is probably best. #strategysaddest