Cesar Del Solar
Cesar Del Solar
Color Key
= Triple Triple
= Bingo 9+
= Improbable
= +
= +
= +
= + +
Player Lists
Type Play Probability Score
EQUABlE 20345 86
GELDErS 6917 79
MAN(I)HOTS 5648 67
SMA(R)AGDE 10208 98
SOLOING 7889 73
AUREITY 942 64
SLITTED 6910 67
(D)EVOTIOn 2700 88
REVOLTS 5235 76
TIPSHE(E)T 15190 76
AcETONE 480 75
DINGErS 1731 94
OILcANS 4442 80
Z(A)rATITE 6151 77
ASTERIS(K) 9065 89
RESEATS 3777 99
(A)DDUCeRS 15879 76
iNVASIO(N) 8982 83
SALUTeD 2388 69
aCETAM(I)D 6258 84
ASTRICT(S) 19786 83
LANUGOs 6086 68
T(W)EEDIER 6229 65
ANIMAlS 11346 76
ToRULAE 204 74
RELUMIn(G) 6221 70
SHEEREd 12053 66
I(SO)THERAL 229 65
ANAEMI(A)S 6623 82
OUTSAIL 1178 78
HEISTIn(G) 6986 80
DILATO(R)S 741 72
SCANTEr 1588 86
MERITED 2267 76
PONGEES 6170 84
fRIVOLS 12954 63
ENDORSE 806 90
COlOURS 15674 75
sATU(R)ANT 9493 64
GENOISE 506 89
REPAINT 228 74
DUSTILY 13438 81
KER(N)ITES 3329 86
FEStIVE 8027 79
SERRATE(S) 8929 75
OR(I)NASAL 829 70
ARENOUs 159 74
GESTURE 4361 76
UR(I)DINES 1853 74
ALIENED 194 66
V(I)OLATOR 3458 62
CREATIN 227 64
G(R)ADiEnT 148 140
ANODISe 34 70
PULSATE 5619 83
STOOGED 5552 87
VULGARS 15268 80
(A)GITAToR 3653 77
DIA(T)OMIC 9405 65
RODE(O)ING 938 90
ENOLASE 276 66
NAySAID 8131 92
OUTSWA(R)E 1332 76
DERISIO(N) 374 68
ATH(E)ISED 1970 64
OsS(I)FIER 13535 80
(PE)RIPTERS 26848 80
bLINDE(S)T 5922 140
PRELATE 2118 76
TENNERS 3596 75
SPIRIER 13632 74
LEGENDs 9608 82
STOURIE 243 72
INE(R)TIAE 40 70
A(N)ESTRUs 4114 68
BIPL(A)NES 5361 65
TRILLER 9203 65
RESOlIN(G) 697 66
AGENDUM 7482 70
(R)OOTSIER 1948 77
FIELd(E)RS 5334 61
BEDST(A)ND 11569 78
POLITER 942 77
cO(P)ULATE 6400 72
PERMIAn 2300 76
SENARII 137 77
U(N)FALLeN 20427 78
TEIG(L)ACH 7936 78
SYRINGA(S) 17547 74
S(E)PTAGES 16137 76
BA(N)NEREt 3857 60
(R)ESADDLE 7781 63
(N)UCELLaR 11579 80
REINL(E)SS 5120 68
COLO(R)IzE 12806 68
OROIDEs 1030 63
INSANER 546 63
BATIStE 3607 82
NARRATE(D) 2455 70
ELECTIN(G) 4635 76
ASHIEST 6407 79
TRIPPET 17594 79
bIbELOT 11995 67
MiNT(A)BLE* 0 64
ATONIAS 526 65
UN(F)ENcED 21888 62
READOPT 861 76
BRIsANT 2581 78
PINTOeS 953 81
CO(N)T(E)MNED 12390 67
R(E)NmINBI 14510 68
SALtIRE 120 73
gLAIVES 4660 102
SKIPLA(N)E 9979 65
(R)UmORING 14542 70
SqU(A)RERS 23821 78
WI(N)TRIEr 5784 78
DAINTI(E)S 293 68
CURATED 3075 77
R(U)MINATE 411 72
anIMALI(C) 15982 89
FAINTED 642 72
AGENTED 1185 73
REPLANT 1602 71
CaN(I)STER 388 72
(U)RETHANE 1520 95
GREASIE(R) 2023 66
aDVECTS 9563 83
(R)ETICULA 963 70
GODSEN(D)S 20960 74
HELICAS(E)* 0 92
WRESTeD 6751 90
STARERS 9213 79
REsLATE 585 82
SEDATES 6312 80
CRAF(T)ING 10654 69
(C)OWLIcKS 30647 101
AVAILIN(G) 13558 78
TORSADE 148 72
BEETL(E)RS 10562 78
MIsPLOT* 0 77
MA(D)ROnES 1364 74
GERENTS 2505 66
(A)NDANTES 4548 70
(V)ELARIZE 7785 110
ACHIESt 4329 98
REGULI(N)E 1745 62
R(ET)AINERS 178 70
BOOGEYS 17396 77
GREEnIE 2133 84
(G)AIETIES 866 61
FLoWAGE 9826 86
MAT(E)ShIP 10884 94
CHEMIST 14261 102
DIS(H)RAGS 20701 65
DIsRATE 102 79
gELATIS 728 71
GAINERS 266 76
ALNICOS 3342 73
UR(B)ANITE 409 70
AER(I)FIED 1755 74
EU(C)AINES 1526 74
AMRITAS 5245 80
(N)ONCOLOR 24426 83
UNLEADS 2271 72
BEGONIA 565 78
RADI(A)NtS 1659 62
(M)ANaCLED 12601 78
TRITOmA 4018 69
TAMEINS 696 64
BrAWL(I)NG 14344 84
DoCTORE(D) 15313 72
PEASECO(D) 7893 82
RACINOS 1645 79
ESPRiTS 9814 70
IGNITOR 2324 72
SHEROEs 11966 78
COOI(N)GLY 20537 67
ASTRIDE 100 85
WAGSOME 9829 100
S(T)RAiTEN 365 113
DECLiNE 4116 84
CALT(R)oPS 12885 74
DUNgIES(T) 2527 75
ORATU(R)ES 1152 68
SOAPILY 10269 90
tEXTUaR(Y) 18488 101
O(R)ANGIER 318 70
ESTRIOl 186 70
AROUSED 512 77
CYAN(A)TES 9786 69
(V)ISCERAL 5691 78
MENTORS 1984 84
O(N)ERIEST 44 61
OUTVIeD 2025 98
(L)EIsURED 2158 77
HANTLES 3155 78
Je(L)UTONG 11548 80
GiNSENG 16480 71
AINSELL 2883 66
kINDEST 6136 72
I(N)TONATE 701 66
HISTONE 931 76
GELATIN 249 62
STOUTER 3352 77
NOCTUR(N)E 6111 74
INROADS 461 83
NEITHEr 1081 87
LENsMEN 13287 81
P(E)DImENT 7192 90
AvENUES 4116 71
C(O)TENANT 7257 61
InDITES 1283 110
PIGNORA 2678 79
LEADERS 1372 92
EN(C)OmIAL* 0 72
IRoNCLA(D) 2291 63
INsANER 547 74
TELERAN 205 64
LI(T)ERATI 1043 58
iNTeNSE 1816 75
EJEC(T)InG 13231 68
LIONISE(R) 404 66
NO(I)SETTE 738 59
(F)AULTInG 8733 86
NEGATED 1186 78
(S)TALLINg 11765 64
LIGA(T)URE 475 60
ROMA(I)NES 221 90
DECALO(G)S 7245 68
(N)IOBITES 1683 83
ELECTR(O)N 1969 78
ANTERI(O)R 42 59
R(EF)uNDERS 12840 78
VOLTAI(S)M 9205 64
SENNITS 12073 76
CAThOUS(E) 8576 68
(YO)UNGStER 4632 89
CORNEO(U)S 6869 80
NEPOtIS(M) 4162 86
RADI(A)LIS* 0 63
P(E)tANQUE 11268 86
ENT(O)ZOAN 8424 71
MEALIER 1004 64
STIGMAL 9303 75
PLASTID 7577 78
EAS(E)LESS* 0 82
ENAMORE(D) 811 76
(I)SOLATeD 99 77
(E)RGASTIC 1718 72
SCA(N)TIER 392 62
(M)ODErATE 771 80
OVE(r)LAID 520 72
TOONIES 345 70
INCREaS(E) 611 80
(G)OITrOUS 6525 74
SpENDER(S) 17341 80
(D)OMIcILE 10131 83
(O)lEANDER 211 77
FLAMI(N)Go 15258 76
INV(I)TING 33265 76
SARSNET 3005 69
OR(G)ANdiE 60 122
cOUPLET(S) 13952 92
SEVICHE 15919 100
UNsEX(I)LY 17434 85
SOnLIKE 4275 64
PA(P)ERINg 13629 78
K(A)THODAL 21365 86
I(S)OLATED 99 63
RECOATS 893 72
BEGIRDS 7522 78
(R)ETCHINg 8097 89
AbIOSES 4774 69
IGNOREd 401 68
(C)ASHMERE 16084 88
R(E)DREAMT 6377 74
VENENOS(E) 13387 88
(M)OUSIEST 9742 70
(I)NOSITOL 5070 84
AENEOUS 280 76
INERTia 38 64
(C)OMBINER 8503 101
T(R)EACLES 3022 64
HUSKILy 23612 74
WATAPeS 10740 73
RITUALS 1868 75
(D)OMINATE 202 86
BECLOwN 15783 79
LOITE(RE)RS 800 72
AlIENED 202 94
(R)IPIENOS 1694 83
PANSIES 6689 67
DISTrAC(T) 10953 89
OVERDO(E)S 7575 63
mARTLET 6222 70
VINIFIE(D) 18143 88
TENDERS 1900 74
SHOE(SH)INE 28996 70
F(A)WNIEST 3173 65
(MIST)REaTINg 1315 83
(D)ENTINAL 924 68
(R)EVISION 1694 71
INTERLI(E)* 0 66
PEERIEs 5941 74
HUMO(R)ING 15408 70
RETINES 220 93
NETFUlS* 0 75
DOYENN(E)S 10698 66
PORTEND 2077 89
(B)ILTONGS 9848 74
OUTDrAG 3674 68
RAM(O)SITY 5968 71
WHARFED 14880 112
(G)ONADIAl 2995 83
COALIES(T) 540 83
(S)NOOKERS 18835 89
GREEtER 10626 71
T(A)LIPEDS 2315 63
NIOBAtE 71 89
DECIARE 1042 65
sYNDETS 16042 77
PInWEED 8367 76
DINITRO 1268 70
W(O)RMINGS* 0 72
(A)ERONAUT 127 77
NEATENS 1881 76
LEPIDo(T)E 1926 63
mURALED 5593 81
NEROLIS 181 68
IRRIt(A)TE 2987 79
ACTUATE 10185 84
THERIac(A) 3604 80
JOAnNES 8031 92
TATTIER 4627 66
(I)NGATHER 746 89
IrACUND 4733 72
(A)BaLONES 3047 80
BENTHOS 7742 109
ROOTERS 4662 74
BREADT(H)s 8531 77
yAUTIAS 8493 72
AGROUnD 3669 67
RETIEI(N)G 891 63
PoINtME(N) 7854 83
ALMNERS 3157 64
BEZANTS 10968 82
ROU(N)DERS 4729 70
(D)EhISCES 21117 83
GOONIeR 696 65
GERANI(A)L 628 86
ToWNLET(S) 9480 74
CRAVEN(L)y 19241 80
LEFTIST 12652 93
VIRTUES 3317 74
INSOLAT(E) 23 84
EMERITA(E) 1164 83
B(I)OTrONS 5988 72
DIL(U)TION 3892 60
SERE(N)ADE 1879 72
TRYSTES 19118 75
SOVRANS 13235 82
T(R)OLLOPy 26969 64
QINTARs 5540 86
DEBAUCH 17489 91
TELNET(T)E(D) 19364 63
BEEFaLO 5969 68
REPLYI(N)G 11432 84
SIGNORA 839 78
VAGRaNT 10582 84
S(A)LARIED 798 68
DESPOIL 3749 82
STANDER 433 68
RIPOsTE 1012 78
pROT(R)ADE 3550 122
DERAILS 422 72
SWEETlY 14509 95
BISTrED 3205 88
(R)EACTING 743 76
OVER(L)AND 1360 92
ENNEADI(C) 3682 76
SINK(A)gES 15602 94
PATTERS 6508 72
SELEN(I)TE 1891 62
AMORINO 2512 76
EtOILES 286 69
(M)ONANDRY 17670 86
ORDAINS 436 77
BRUiTED 3210 74
STEALER 586 78
TOSTONE 6509 72
REWIReS 10384 89
(BE)ANERIES 1787 72
DARNING 5974 64
LETCHES 14505 79
BEWRAPT 11851 90
SANTeRA 500 78
(I)NVeRTED 1617 86
AzOTISE(D) 1668 77
FRAGILE 2542 68
ADEN(O)SES 3252 59
sERFAgE 5489 68
INTENTS 6010 70
SUBDUCE 22586 81
TENAILS 109 77
D(I)ALYZES 12984 100
PERITUS 3170 71
LATINOS 439 70
SEMANT(I)C 3147 65
TE(R)ATOID 139 60
MIsGROW 15478 85
TANGLER 806 68
SINNERS 9219 65
MANGOeS 2821 74
O(U)TLIERS 325 77
UR(E)dINIA 291 113
HEADRES(T) 3040 89
INTONER(S) 488 77
LIP(O)MATA 9903 63
SKIDDOO 21635 99
F(L)ANNELs 20453 70
RIPE(N)INg 11317 59
TANG(I)EST 1657 74
DINOSaU(R) 742 66
IS(L)ANDER 264 70
MINUTER 1629 94
MALEATE 4565 65
TRIC(O)LoR 14113 80
F(A)TIGUED 3626 76
TONN(E)AUS 1150 70
RESAILE(D) 347 70
DOPANTS 5597 88
AUT(HO)RING 2060 64
FRUST(U)LE 19597 94
T(E)StIEST 22354 59
EROsION 364 74
PIMENTO 2772 97
VENDORS 3895 90
LINNIES 5796 66
CARTAGE 5258 79
CLaTTeR 6451 81
REc(E)PTOR 12544 86
SeNORAS 1821 64
ORA(L)ISMS 12325 90
RONtGEN(S) 3915 62
THUNKEd 16901 69
(T)OEPLATE 4438 74
HOL(l)EReD 14632 90
E(C)LIPSES 22215 63
(S)AUTERNE 379 68
NORL(A)NDs 7037 64
HED(G)IEST 7507 67
BA(R)ONETS 576 77
DORMERS 10532 83
AVOsETS 7624 89
TENSEST 13729 79
UNGlOVE 8542 63
LIBRATe 619 71
(T)ENTORIA 43 66
DUETING 1737 72
AENEoUS 297 69
POSTMAN 10373 83
LACIEST 1490 76
HANG(F)IRE 4872 80
kEN(N)ELEd 22916 71
EMBO(L)IEs 10092 78
ENGIRDs 2255 76
ORGIAST 845 83
HERNIAL 666 92
TAcTILE 3785 70
ACREAgE(S) 8050 63
FLOO(D)ERS 9615 76
TrO(L)LIED 2623 82
ANNEALS 5802 65
INShORE 975 75
DORMIE(N)T 576 62
DUODENA 3567 63
IRONERS 754 76
AUDILEs 1062 74
CONCEIT 8936 69
bEAUTER 2168 70
OUT(L)IVES 2841 76
HIPSTER 7158 70
SALTER(N)S 4326 81
(U)RTICANT 7338 74
B(E)sTOWED 10787 67
INDORSE(D) 2625 63
GOVErNS 5526 83
S(P)OTTIeR 3606 72
SHORiNG 7857 78
CInEOLE 1251 76
wILLOWS 23943 105
RUNN(A)BLE 8309 61
bEATNIK 4873 71
ANAERO(b)E 949 68
FAILURE 1534 80
GOOIEST 1575 74
WARlIKE 7810 107
STYlENE* 0 81
CARDINA(L) 7266 65
(T)EMPLaTE 15121 74
NEURINE 1904 70
BADNESS 12800 82
(d)ECODERS 14614 82
FOREN(O)ON 18208 82
GENERAL 1188 78
OUTRIGS 3687 74
TURGEN(C)y 15307 72
TE(X)TURAL 12796 84
(P)RAWNERs 14016 78
MENACED 8271 73
FIR(E)WoOD 8296 66
N(E)OtENIC 2340 70
INWARDS 4958 73
SAINING 9829 79
FROgLI(K)E 13592 69
SENARII 143 66
L(I)CENSER 3101 78
TRIANGL(E) 156 68
EdACIOU(S) 1281 72
(R)ETIARII 3675 62
LORNeST 528 71
GRADINS 2904 76
ENTHUSE 6760 78
OVERWI(N)D 4143 82
MARRANO 10448 80
(F)AROLITO 3451 74
PuTLoGS 16762 73
BEMIReS 8349 98
CRUDEST 8682 77
HEGIRAS 2548 80
(C)oLUBRId 16606 89
LAIRIER 1680 72
rENOWNS 7437 73
D(E)TANGLE 1718 74
(A)NCIENTs 2891 80
THOrIUM 9982 80
(r)ADIALIA 10955 64
COWIEST 4900 100
ONEnESS 11029 66
AUB(R)IETA 1127 64
cRITICS 21412 74
DENTILS 1509 73
TEEtERS 8798 64
AC(R)IDEST 1010 80
ARG(I)NASE 633 63
BEAKERS 15700 82
ARTISTs 15285 63
CRAAlED 7889 74
(NO)NVIRILE 5384 78
(H)AUnTERS 2376 83
GYnECIA 5968 89
INULASE 430 74
RAiSINS 8228 72
TOWNwEA(R) 8096 72
ALUmINA 8136 62
(G)LADIEST 1075 74
TAGLINE 251 73
DERiDES 6073 77
EELIEST 2506 70
THIST(L)ED* 0 78
RESIDUA 428 76
(I)NFUSiON 16498 83
NEEDiNG 5304 75
TELLURi(C) 12234 60
ENTA(I)LER 30 62
ROOTA(G)ES 988 72
(T)AURINEs 82 74
MANGLER(S) 6179 86
SE(R)IATED 118 72
HONdLER* 0 82
IOD(A)TION 1486 63
TRIF(L)ERS 8381 61
ILLUMES 15893 67
EROT(I)CAS 200 60
sECONDI 1990 78
TESTATE 11812 85
StANDEE 575 87
MAR(C)ONIS 5933 74
(EN)VISAGeD 2625 92
(D)IATReME 650 83
CORONA(T)E 891 63
NAsTIER 21 90
UNsENSE(D)* 0 77
SPAmBOT 17768 67
F(I)STfULS 30039 66
vAGINAE 2798 61
GRANDES(T) 1167 72
T(U)TORIAL 2046 66
ECOcIDE 13168 72
ENDEARS 574 72
dIASPOR(A) 4988 68
(N)ICETiES 3480 80
HEALERS 3908 83
AERObIA 392 74
CRiTTER 10169 71
VARIAT(E)S 1227 76
OiLSEED 803 82
BESTEaD 4021 68
(N)ONIDEAL 447 83
LEMNIS(C)I 13319 65
TREEH(I)LL* 0 74
VOcATIO(N) 7707 72
TERCETS 10886 69
AGAINST 3288 62
SPOROID 9905 87
IMPLOR(E)d 6833 65
BU(L)LIEST 15927 90
(R)ENEGERS 12864 83
LA(R)KSOME 10983 90
TRIENEs 212 68
PELITES 4181 79
OMINOUS 10339 76
BaST(A)RDY 19756 63
DOGGIES 10271 82
tEMPURA 7072 89
UNC(O)RKED 14873 110
RUTILES 1169 61
CAJONES 8718 98
DEbON(A)IR 178 82
SEMINAL 1546 88
SPENDER 6464 77
LEDGERs 6918 72
DAISIED 5901 68
sOIGNEE 535 79
dITSIER 1284 72
TRITONi(TE)* 0 77
OT(A)LGIAS 2996 72
ISOLAT(E)D 92 71
AREoLAE 383 64
PAInTIE(R) 510 77
(V)EHEMeNT 28885 82
SPITF(I)RE 12922 66
IODINES 735 74
VeRATR(I)N 1510 61
(C)RAMPInG 19919 67
DIStILS 17108 73
D(E)NTINAL 924 68
RA(Z)EEING 2725 69
R(A)TOONED 234 60
ISATINE 174 65
(E)NTRENCH 20168 73
WAENESS 10646 96
SoRGHUM 19250 83
UNFeNCe 17970 71
AORISTS 3031 70
ROOTIeR 1267 70
fLUR(R)IED 11745 66
FrONTAL 3411 69
RETINI(T)E 1642 66
BREA(T)HES 7092 84
(H)yALINES 5445 90
SINUATE 119 72
OVE(R)TASK 7292 84
FOOTNo(T)E 17341 61
GL(A)NDERS 2517 76
SID(E)ReAL 370 82
FUELWO(O)D 19205 69
PUERILE 4179 74
DETAINs 92 77
MINARET 303 77
GNoSTIC 10518 94
EARNERS 1885 78
LINOCuT 5857 71
HO(N)EYbUN 23039 78
(DE)FLaTORS 1561 89
DETAI(L)ER 111 67
kULTURS 23086 68
ECOTO(N)ES 4965 63
UNRIVET 1637 77
SA(N)ITISE 2484 75
SINCERE 2143 65
RAN(D)IEST 63 86
(T)RANSECT 4991 83
AREOLES 294 65
OC(T)aNGLE 2228 89
(O)RIENTED 47 80
TENANCI(ES) 2072 74
ICELESS 13604 90
PELORUS 6148 92
HESSIaN 6684 80
LOUSIER 521 72
ATOMICS 7259 77
(S)AnDlOTS 10636 74
PODESTA 1957 75
AZUrITE 1768 92
STRIVER 6571 72
P(R)IMINES 9822 74
(F)LAGGINg 30119 86
(L)OYALEST 9672 80
AMTRAcS 16176 72
D(E)ROGATE 348 75
ECtOZOA 9782 83
SAUNTER 418 86
SOURINg 3513 79
AGLY(C)ONE 8823 74
BLEaTER 2163 69
vARIOLA 3700 66
REZONES 5288 95
AIRTHED 646 79
TRAPeZI(I) 7266 113
SA(R)CINAE 1201 64
RESEI(Z)ES 20389 71
ENTASIA 135 82
uNDERE(A)T 376 131
MANGIES(T) 1858 74
MUSTERE(D) 8562 86
fEATLIE(R) 656 68
PEROGIs 2995 76
IDEATES 208 70
TATSOIS 9246 78
RETABLO 871 85
PINcERS 7123 73
IONONEs 2623 84
BEADIES(T) 1518 89
EXUDInG 11415 95
B(R)OWNING 20013 82
DOODIeS 7344 75
APnOEIC 1298 76
M(A)NURERS 8357 74
FERRIeD 7708 78
NEGATES 1191 76
(E)VENsONG 13128 72
FR(U)ItAGE 1830 69
DELATES 1372 77
(A)MITROLE 212 76
(O)XIDANTs 5066 98
COR(D)AGES 4345 98
AMORINI 1862 77
(G)ANTLInE 1644 77
ROaDEOS 979 78
SMaTTER 6237 83
(C)REOLISE 1821 64
rATOONE(D) 219 70
(W)INTERED 1618 78
PLAN(N)ERS 8333 63
UrINALS 1869 71
AUTE(C)IST* 0 62
THIO(U)REA 211 63
STREAK(E)D 6010 64
(T)REElAWN 1607 80
SEATING 264 82
FRUITED 3102 71
EAT(E)RIES 296 82
INT(E)GRIN 3803 63
WHEREIN 5367 78
NEROLIs 181 62
S(I)ZEABLY 19341 129
MOLdWAR(P) 21687 84
TETANOI(D) 128 61
UNV(A)RIED 984 76
TEDiUMS 5438 72
gALERES 2456 70
NEAREST 208 70
INTRONS 2870 68
ASTERIS(M) 5457 72
(D)IACONaL 4993 76
BRIEFES(T) 7160 92
M(A)NGLERS 5877 80
TR(A)NSECT 4991 63
UNROVEN 7450 76
LEWisES 14253 85
PETERIN(G) 2336 63
SQuIRM(E)R 21552 86
NAILSET 111 82
OV(E)RHUnG 12536 74
CaTLIKE 7785 73
PERSpEX 23832 96
TRE(E)LAWN 1607 72
MODELI(N)G 4373 65
FUHRErS 19339 83
EpICENE 10486 68
ATRESIA 139 70
SOL(A)NDER 305 80
CANtD(O)GS 9341 62
ARANEi(D)S 305 74
SA(P)IENCE 4267 65
EPICU(R)ES 10449 76
fROGLET 5288 78
RESTING 775 71
EROSELY 4619 103
aFGHANS 19015 82
FORESA(I)D 542 74
E(N)CASING 7329 78
(G)EOdETIc 2870 71
HAErED(E)S 7356 67
ANTIDRU(G) 2104 63
PRISOnE(D) 1365 72
ALGUA(Z)Il 26532 84
(W)EIRDOES 1937 92
UnSWEAR 3191 80
GRIDIR(O)N 9751 61
GORIEST 413 75
GEsTATE 5308 69
BETIDES 5379 79
EnOLASE 276 74
SE(R)ENADE 1879 68
BARBOTS 17834 72
(D)ILATERS 265 80
GEEZeRS 17400 80
bURRITO 9678 71
WA(R)ISoNS 8362 70
BrIGADE 2404 74
(G)ODETIAs 247 72
ACNODES 1926 82
SILURID 9842 87
DANCERs 3066 78
TOXEMiA(S) 4602 98
SWERVES 20217 81
HERNIAE 371 82
CAPTU(R)ES 9033 70
ORIENT(E)D 47 68
(F)ELSToNE 3765 80
(Q)UEASILY 13635 90
NERVATE(D)* 0 98
COROnAT(E) 939 72
VaRICOS(E) 2045 82
ARANEID 131 84
VANI(T)IED 1242 66
MaTTING 10457 74
PUSHIER 10158 89
ZITHERS 11009 97
DENIERS 593 70
HARRIG(A)N* 0 72
RE(N)EGUED 8221 76
MiDLINE 6072 74
AFFEcTS 20783 89
DAUBI(E)ST 2294 83
HEISTER 2285 79
cOENZ(Y)ME 25263 94
ANTIARS 1171 74
TREEINg 479 63
ZiNNIAS 16063 86
sCRIEVE 8361 80
(A)STASIAS 28128 70
VULPINE 10172 82
EDITORS 175 65
MA(N)DRILS 6582 62
(I)NfOLDER 1431 68
AERIAlS 494 76
S(K)OALING 10626 80
ToNaL(I)TY 5384 70
FUSTIER 3283 90
CRAALED 5780 84
SEGMEnT 8475 86
BESTIAL 1464 74
LAKePOR(T) 7674 69
(e)NVISAGE 2353 74
CONT(E)SSA 6161 72
EASTERN 207 77
QAbALaS 22559 98
SEEDERS 14166 76
BA(R)ONIAL 2585 64
(G)RUmPHIE 19592 86
(T)RINDLES 686 74
GuNNERA 4425 74
CRIST(A)TE 2904 64
ADAgIOS 4007 64
aMMONIT(E) 4979 74
NERDISH 3105 86
(N)OSEBAGS 11390 67
ABDuCE(N)S 11962 64
SAND(I)EST 2192 63
(P)rISTANE 440 80
ABALONE 2353 66
DECANTe(D) 10031 86
LIATRIS 2382 72
BO(R)ACITE 894 74
TeRRAIN 195 66
zEOLITE 2678 71
METALIN(G) 1744 63
RESOAKE(D) 4228 65
S(E)AWANTs 13026 86
DENSIFY 10140 78
HAUL(I)ERs 2322 72
AIGR(E)TTE 947 86
BUMWADs 22445 80
CICEROS 12551 79
ELITISm 6083 77
SEASIdE 3758 75
TERMORS 7435 87
INDITER 502 74
(H)ORrIDLY 20890 95
ATIShOO 4528 66
WORRIED 4641 86
GAUZiER 5202 84
GYROiDS* 0 95
STARTED 2817 79
CLIENTS 3082 75
SCiURID 14690 69
TARPONS 3266 69
IMPEaRL 4207 90
(U)PROOTED 6543 86
LANTERN 1288 67
APOSTIL 3212 84
CIsTERN 1543 84
TANGELO 367 88
NOnID(E)AL 422 59
pROTEGE(ES) 7129 80
LA(N)DINGS 10838 70
WHI(T)EoUT 10666 64
TEOCAL(L)I 3579 64
(C)LARIONS 2297 80
TiNkLED 5890 82
OVERGON(E)* 0 82
SURFAB(L)E 12610 78
(E)VENTUAL 3077 71
(S)TEGODOn 4442 80
AcINOUS 3348 71
COVET(I)NG 5325 88
CANTERs 1509 95
ANTIFOG 2678 75
TODDIES 3415 82
MO(R)AINES 206 80
INDITER 474 72
(B)REACHED 15274 107
ANOTHER 330 67
UN(S)WEARS 11614 61
ADuLATE 2680 71
STRIDES 5414 73
REMAT(I)NG 790 78
O(I)NOMElS 3952 63
AlEATOR(Y) 1681 83
REBOIL(E)D 1917 76
SaUCIER 1492 70
ADORERs 1612 68
NOTEcA(S)E 765 66
CURIOSA 3199 84
MIS(A)NDRY 11691 80
HEARTEN 1078 78
RECA(N)TED 1587 63
CLOSERS 13914 65
(I)RItIDES* 0 77
(S)PEARMAN 9784 89
SIMIT(A)RS 15628 64
BORANES 874 81
ROSELI(K)E 4222 64
(M)ETAnOIA 263 61
ANDESI(T)E 116 61
UNDE(R)LIE 959 70
(P)ETROLIC 4110 89
sOIGNEE 507 71
TRAIPSe 724 71
(G)AINLIER 637 61
oUTRATE 785 73
SQuIRTE(D) 8149 104
SEEpIEr 5942 71
RUBIEST 3216 74
SUBOPT(I)C 21685 78
NOVATES 936 70
NIObITE 1136 70
(B)ELiQUOR 10990 134
SADDEST 14966 82
ELECtRO 2518 76
AcETOSE 1183 72
(R)OLAMITE 199 72
TWIBIlS 17792 74
FISHERs 16551 86
TINTeRS 1301 64
NOURiSH 5876 81
PRAWNER 11308 78
SkATOLE 4266 86
SHAULIN(G) 12128 76
PLAITER 652 75
DURIONS 2484 75
DAINTIL(Y) 7295 78
BEAKI(E)ST 7766 72
(N)aPIFORM 10602 80
(V)INDALOO 5534 78
ONsTAGE 393 70
(S)UNDOWNs 27324 89
PARBO(I)LS 8692 70
RESITED 573 69
ASTRICT 8872 69
DOLER(I)TE 173 60
INSANER 547 71
(V)IeWPORT 8517 110
ENVIR(O)NS 3413 72
OBlASTI 3184 81
AMORTI(S)E 212 76
LIFEBOA(T) 1915 78
MANUREs 3046 72
A(T)hEROMA 4241 72
TESTING 4261 88
VENDA(C)ES 9852 82
EMANaNT 6909 72
S(E)ABOARD 3046 76
MARINER 2009 76
(A)RILLOIN* 0 68
ENDEARS 574 79
DILDOES 5989 72
(O)RCHARDS 20881 95
READMIT(S) 1030 89
REHEaTS 2217 76
DERMIS(E)S 13088 78
oPERATE 483 75
SAU(T)OIRE 26 131
DEMUrIN(G)* 0 86
SENdING 6611 76
SORICI(N)E 1686 74
R(A)MENTuM 14921 69
(E)DUCTION 1417 74
GASOGEN(E) 7255 86
LI(Q)uORED 7581 90
(D)IVERTED 10060 67
SILTIER 1292 73
cANULAE 6032 64
FENNI(E)sT 6448 74
EQU(A)TING 4289 106
fORMATE 2735 67
PATTIES 3820 76
TERRI(N)ES 1306 82
SNOWIEr 1008 84
EPIGEAN 1579 74
INtUR(N)ED 2144 82
(C)ADASTRE 4897 63
ANOI(N)TER 40 68
DIAZiNS 12098 91
HUMERAL 10066 69
GARNETs 808 66
(B)ACKSPIN 27315 92
OUTLIER 189 76
DIqUATS 11595 72
WAR(P)AINT 8816 78
AGEN(C)IES 2341 72
(N)ITRATED 332 80
REWaRDS 9408 77
ZITHERS 11009 108
KEITL(O)AS 1670 78
DONNERT 1798 69
R(I)FLEMAN 3343 76
SANTOUR 1148 74
ONStAGE 372 86
hAI(R)IEST 1181 122
TREAsON 45 79
BURRIES(T) 8358 63
RoSEBAY 4798 94
DIETHER 2153 89
RUTTI(E)ST 13104 59
RELLENO 4670 72
JONeSED 8208 99
HANG(O)VER 5315 86
OILIESt 705 71
STILLED 8436 70
(C)OVARIED 2035 80
GOURAM(I)S 6017 72
PAREIRA 4274 81
OVE(R)PLAN 4070 78
BEASTIE 1043 86
NUTSE(d)GE 5813 131
CH(A)NDLER 9008 65
ORBIEST 947 74
BEADIEr 1041 70
TAENIAS 130 73
RECAN(I)NG 4198 63
(I)SOlATES 1120 79
WEIGHTS 12224 86
BEAMIES(T) 4246 64
L(I)TERATE 521 66
ADJOInS 6193 100
VITTLEs 9469 77
FABLIsT* 0 74
NETTLI(E)R 1299 59
SURIMIS 20302 73
(T)OOLhEAD 3920 70
(D)EAcONED 7628 77
(G)ENERALS 1728 72
hALIT(O)SE(S) 3854 76
GInSENG 16444 76
ANTIPO(L)E 215 61
eTER(N)ITY 3880 72
STRIDOR 5369 91
AMOEBAS 8564 89
SINUATE(D) 272 80
AEOLIaN 60 79
(I)DENTIfY 9807 94
PRUI(N)OSE 1479 90
SATINET 554 82
(E)ARTHiNG 786 65
hOMICID(E) 21034 74
bONEYER 7979 73
TRITONE 380 73
(P)ENtANOL 4631 80
CASTli(N)G 8282 86
STRIVEN 1558 91
CLEATIN(G) 1714 69
RETEAM(IN)G 495 63
ORCEINS 907 65
(A)PhOLATE 7025 80
DOoDADS 21928 76
RE(L)OANED 166 74
TH(R)EAPER 10910 65
GENTOOs 3175 72
ELITIST 5565 71
cRITERI(A) 3266 68
(P)LEONASm 6780 80
AEROBEs 1237 64
LORIsES 3592 83
R(A)TAFIAS 12674 63
MAR(G)INED 1821 79
COPArEN(T) 2109 86
(C)LOgGIER 14895 86
ROASTED 153 87
SERENA(T)E 814 68
COLONIA(L) 13639 64
ENtERIC 1028 78
RADOMES 1862 92
RHYTHmI(C) 30638 73
LARGEST 1729 72
aNGSTED 1726 70
GLOATER 389 71
SECTION 959 65
GALEATE 2700 74
RID(G)ETOP 2143 66
SEABOOT 2652 73
mEDIACY 11721 88
ANSERI(N)E 522 59
ZINGIER 8836 107
REPLIES 3994 83
SI(L)TIEST 15029 66
NICTATE(D) 2736 86
OPT(I)ONaL 3451 60
E(L)ATIONS 22 68
MATERI(E)L 624 78
A(V)ARICES 5968 82
(R)EBATING 738 96
RE(C)KONED 12348 73
CA(P)TURES 9033 63
GAMEPAd* 0 70
GLA(Z)IEST 7058 69
RETINTE(D) 1298 61
GElATIS 767 70
SCARIES(T) 5436 72
ReSPOND 3892 80
AbANDON 13419 67
SA(P)ONINE 1775 74
S(T)EADIES 2764 72
dILUTER 1159 77
C(R)OWDIES 8884 212
EPIStLE 5573 90
ABAL(O)NES 3215 70
(P)INiONED 6682 83
TRANCED 1582 76
GLOTTIS 9780 71
REASONE(R) 693 77
AEROSAT 241 72
ALBI(Z)IAS 23529 71
JESSING 17455 79
SEdILIU(M) 10743 80
Fa(G)GOtED 14173 74
BARYTON 7057 81
DI(A)LLIST 13858 60
ESOTERI(C) 834 62
READYIN(G) 1725 67
EROS(I)BLE 1817 70
(M)oNSIEUR 1398 80
PIETIES 4579 76
R(I)NGDOVE 2140 64
PATONcE 2730 72
REV(E)NANT 3866 65
TUIT(I)ONS 7620 60
TEENIES(T) 4214 60
ASSeGAI 7543 84
RETUNED 1371 80
VErVETS 18553 91
RE(G)ICIDe 7671 94
DE(I)FIERS 5579 63
RIDLEYs 5663 71
(C)AmPOREE 9730 76
SETI(F)ORM 4138 65
LAWYERS 10072 125
(T)HREADER 6363 89
WANTOnS 9657 82
(S)HIPpERs 29039 92
(H)OrNIEST 578 83
LAETRI(L)E 1252 70
RaBBiTO 15909 73
PlUNDER 8678 96
AROINTs 128 77
CODEIAS 814 68
WAT(E)RBED 6732 78
RELAPSE 3918 82
MUTI(N)EER 1541 78
HELo(T)AGE 2719 75
GU(A)IACUM 26897 68
DEvOT(E)ES 8567 70
AeONIAN 347 64
FLOWERY 15122 73
(C)OTTAGES 7756 86
(F)ETIAlIS 2445 83
SEIGNEU(R) 1748 83
TAW(N)IEsT 2940 83
(S)TERANES 2859 77
S(E)RIATES 1321 70
ARGeNTS 809 73
(E)MCEEING 15395 84
BaTTENS 6444 72
(C)ASEMENT 6758 95
FAGOTED 2805 83
(T)RITONEs 467 74
sPONGES 21203 75
CLIENTS 3223 77
FETERIt(A) 1964 62
Di(V)ULGER 9043 82
rOSARIA 3426 65
FAG(G)OTED 14889 66
CALDER(A)S 7904 71
(M)UNCHIER 14719 107
TSARINA 1173 65
rEF(O)REST 7472 90
UP(S)TATER 8364 67
RATtIER 1813 65
FRIGATE 1161 89
qUERIDA 3371 69
SPIRAE(A)S 8848 62
S(C)IAENID 2560 74
STAINEd 97 71
PENNERS 10431 74
BEELINe 5698 82
UlTERIO(R) 1162 63
BIENNA(l)E 3684 71
SChERZO 18063 72
WOOLIER 2669 70
DEFR(A)UDE(R) 17460 68
(P)RISTINE 2540 83
DEpOSED 14380 90
GAHNITE 1163 80
TRIOxID 9409 78
SNORING 6991 86
ANA(L)OgUE 1687 58
LEERING 1200 72
TRIEN(N)IA 445 70
REVOTES 2547 79
PLUNgE(R)S 12532 75
BACUlIN(E) 5614 86
(B)RANTAiL 4394 80
HEALERs 4089 73
GAMIEST 2562 71
CRUDITE(s) 4524 64
ANTIRA(P)E 481 70
SUIcIDE 8629 88
sTOLLEN 6173 69
R(E)C(U)TTING 7397 86
HEPAtOM(A) 11955 95
AGENESI(A) 819 70
LEVANT(E)D 3043 66
M(U)TInINg 20950 68
REMORSE 8279 65
ACArINE 782 68
TREATER 4392 63
COdEINE 1250 75
SARODES 3569 82
B(R)UCITES 11886 67
TARTUFE 8650 101
TEACART 7196 79
SpAREST 9768 63
(S)COLDeRS 17056 80
rEALI(S)ES 2766 58
SORICI(N)E 1686 61
JOINTeR 1119 85
ENDWISE 4152 75
GRAS(P)ING 20072 98
NAUS(E)ATE 1124 68
(E)RRHINES 6443 74
VEINIER 2519 76
SORITIC 6019 68
ELENcH(I)C 24083 63
UNFILLE(D) 15944 89
HELLOeD 14382 80
ONERiER 447 69
ESCOTIN(G) 2256 86
P(R)OTASES 6490 72
WARDENS 3129 67
HOMINES 5127 82
FOOTSI(E)s 11444 149
ERU(C)TING 3713 63
MAESTRO 933 83
(S)kYWROTE 20306 101
(T)AbOURED 1261 77
(S)UBTOPIA 9162 76
POUTIER 1014 67
ENDRINS 2839 75
CARDiOI(D) 12441 74
FOLkIER 8389 63
GRIDDED 20583 76
TE(R)RANES 1289 62
ENsUITE 613 72
OGREISM 2985 73
NITROSO 1711 75
sES(A)MOID 6239 87
(R)ESTRING 3246 70
(I)NERTIAE 40 66
ENJoYER 9728 88
bRITzKA 19499 94
DUELERS 5099 74
TOASTI(E)R 136 68
(P)AtINAED 1141 83
WISEnTs 9797 91
SMEARER 7690 83
ALUNITE 116 69
DILAT(E)RS 265 60
(M)ISUNION 16499 83
pERINEU(M) 7188 70
RAINIER 750 66
NA(P)ERIES 673 64
bEH(A)VING 13449 104
CIGARE(T)S 2359 74
TOhEROA 1765 73
HATABLE 14274 98
FI(D)GEtED 16140 73
(I)NTWINED 8925 66
ERASuRE 3716 65
VISIONS 16583 99
INSIDER 1220 85
SORTAB(L)E 1265 65
ENAMOUR(S) 1325 74
PEDICU(R)e 9925 64
PAROTID 1657 76
CERiTES 2253 87
SEANCEs 11103 83
sECTION 959 74
GESTALT 6882 77
SENORES 4671 76
(A)NTIGENS 1651 83
TRADItO(R) 4950 74
TWINN(E)RS* 0 72
GUERDON 2326 78
VOCATiO(N) 7707 76
KARTIN(G)S 9571 76
(I)NGRoUND 8951 61
BOOSTER 5207 86
(L)iNDANES 1955 80
SUFFRAG(E) 22300 107
RECLINE(R) 6100 83
REN(E)WALs 2916 90
TEAcUPS 9596 73
ANTIQUE(D) 2497 86
INgENUE 5089 72
GELAt(I)NE 263 82
LOITERS 180 69
OT(A)LGIES 238 60
BOATELS 1828 76
SIgNAL(E)D 1135 72
MINTERS 1551 80
FuNER(A)LS 4283 83
DIASTOL(E) 91 80
ROuLE(A)UX 13681 78
CADASTE(r) 4896 83
PINNULA 11869 76
(N)OBoDIES 3928 62
(E)NAMORED 769 86
PAN(T)OFLE 3841 73
PoSTUrE 3763 74
ASHAmED 13834 76
(F)ANCiEST 3301 86
ELOIGNE(R) 351 66
AIR(B)ORNE 760 72
(A)EQuORIN 707 122
(I)GnORERS 1904 77
gRAYNES(S) 14095 92
TOGgLER 10429 74
INEARTH 231 78
DeVOTI(N)G 2260 65
SPEARER 7693 85
(S)ATIAtED 2329 77
MICRONs 9969 78
HEINIES 4378 71
DIPTERA 623 78
FINITES 3645 75
(D)ENATuRe 374 74
LIOn(I)ZER 3596 122
nOISETT(E) 697 74
(M)INUTEST 8405 65
(A)GENDUMS 9498 92
(S)TOREMAN 592 83
ERLKING 8224 93
STEARiC 642 89
EASTERN 207 67
APIA(R)IST 7808 72
GASTR(I)NS 8430 77
VERAT(R)IN 1510 65
FREESIA 1053 72
(K)ERATINS 1269 76
RING(B)ONE 4820 63
LADRONe 141 65
IONISES 4232 76
PLOVERs 11336 75
PARI(E)TES 639 90
(D)OLLARdS* 0 77
TRAWLIN(G) 5232 78
NEUTRON(E)* 0 77
DECIARE 994 67
TRAVOIS 1595 88
REINSMA(N) 2781 82
mORAI(N)IC 6568 60
BIGHEAD 8964 85
ENSNARE 1881 64
oUT(W)ORKS 32729 66
(T)EABERRY 15037 67
DOLMENS 6124 77
gASOLIE(R) 249 74
AEOlIAN 60 68
S(Y)NERGIC 10865 80
PHELO(N)IA 1945 78
STANDEE 546 85
COSIEST 7319 81
BRINIER 6910 69
SPOOFER 12084 73
TEENAGE 2131 63
SIGNETs 7053 76
ROADEOS 979 72
MONA(Z)iTE 2278 71
SOUVE(N)IR 1403 64
BON(I)ATOS 3259 64
DISBaRS 14636 75
PALTR(I)Er 2777 86
(T)UBEWORM 15055 67
SEnARII 137 73
TULAdIS 3555 77
(En)SLAVING 6922 64
DIGERAT(I) 604 72
EnTASIA 129 77
TRIDENT 1358 72
SERoTYP(E) 8034 89
(F)URROWER 26015 80
S(A)RCINAS 14868 68
ARIDESt 93 66
CATE(N)OID 189 63
HA(N)dAXES 17858 116
LACIEST 1421 73
PO(D)GIEST 4374 66
AGENDaS 4004 84
SECTION 960 87
RESILES 6085 65
R(O)UTINES 98 66
ENDURES 2786 80
JIgGER(E)D 21518 90
(G)ALENITE 262 80
AIRLIF(T)S 7309 88
GLIADI(N)S 7632 64
(D)ISAGREE 674 83
WEbFOOT 16339 85
SUITERS 5209 83
DOORSTE(P) 6541 86
SCaRRED 8985 67
TENORI(T)E 269 70
NAMABLE 10230 89
E(N)JOINED 7579 86
C(R)EOSOLS 18775 61
AD(D)ITIVE 9335 92
RUNA(G)ATE 1482 80
NARKIER 4455 82
TOOTSES 14793 74
hAGDONS 10765 63
mI(G)RAINE 2136 62
COG(N)iZES 12921 73
D(E)CRIERS 9612 74
FOURGON(S) 18834 98
ALLUDEs 11420 84
ENTrOPY 5209 81
STROKED 6958 95
VIRtUAL 4970 75
PROSIER 4452 80
ARSeNAL 1218 72
EELpO(U)TS 5861 66
RE(H)EATED 4495 80
VERMEIL 8033 67
SANTOOr 1629 74
U(N)HAIRER 2771 62
EERIEsT 1212 77
GeRBILS 7211 65
FLIRTED 3095 77
EVILD(O)Er 1927 94
rECREAT(E) 8748 84
GRISE(T)TE 4218 60
ANATAsE 4009 64
TILTYaR(D) 10956 86
DIRIMEN(T) 2670 86
ECTASIS 6665 77
LANNERE(T) 1221 62
REHA(N)GED 4380 84
ING(A)THER 746 68
RAVIS(H)eD 5416 92
NoCTURN(S) 15071 61
DETAI(N)eE 277 68
OUTRATE(D) 1082 80
(S)ESTINAS 13424 60
ENTrEES 2568 75
MAYwEED 15920 82
BESTING 4723 75
BERLInE 2134 68
TRIODES 173 94
(W)HITNEYS* 0 104
TERRAri(A) 6614 71
SEVENTH 11484 91
STAIDER 103 80
SMaRTER 6233 80
EISwEIN 4381 79
ETOILES 302 66
LOBULEs 16692 65
BRISKET 10987 66
EmISSIO(N) 10339 66
ZIRCON(I)A 10740 70
A(R)ANEIDS 305 68
DASHeEN 4049 91
(S)IStROID 11252 77
(R)OUGHLeg 21832 92
ADEL(G)IDS 8970 62
EsPARTO 891 78
G(I)GANTiC 20577 65
ENTI(c)ERS 1529 68
POTPIES 12010 79
TRAN(C)ING 9433 64
FUSTIER 3140 83
THERIAN(S) 401 86
AIDLeSS 5065 79
UNW(E)ANED 9096 64
INWEA(V)Es 4061 66
(A)LIENATE 170 77
DR(A)CENAS 4652 76
REHING(E)D 4404 67
FOL(I)ATES 534 94
TARSIER 528 73
R(E)VENuES 11133 90
POS(T)AGES 11989 62
INTEgR(ATE)S 355 80
CONSULt(S) 21557 80
ELEG(I)SEs 15978 73
ENDIVeS 3969 80
L(E)AcHIER 4048 63
AMAR(O)NES 1593 64
ImPULSE 12727 71
CREAMIn(G) 4626 95
STUBbLE 20525 81
CLOUDI(E)R 2668 76
PE(R)MEANT 4096 80
LITeRA(T)I 1043 59
REA(L)ISES 2625 66
THORAc(E)S 3813 72
REsOLES 7093 83
T(R)IPLINE* 0 74
NEgRO(N)IS 1903 68
TRAM(E)LED 2885 94
W(R)ITHINg 17748 68
d(E)CRYING 10856 71
EVASION 317 74
(N)ODOsITY 8820 83
AL(U)NITES 256 59
LAOGAIS 4008 73
STAIDEr 97 68
(Z)OOECIAl* 0 72
TOPSIdE 1924 95
PETARDS 2997 81
dEFENSE 11544 71
LAIT(A)NCE 1131 74
NEOGENE 8169 65
RELI(G)ION 733 70
SEQUOIA 2212 134
SLAL(O)MER 9181 61
M(E)METICS 22899 90
ODDITi(E)S 5396 72
INTONED 746 70
CRE(A)MIeR 7580 65
GRODIES(T) 658 72
ENgAGES 10147 88
rEPOSIN(G) 2156 83
LIZARDS 11111 88
(S)EASONER 1682 62
(D)ISQUIET 11526 88
SILTIER 1231 72
AdVI(S)ORy 8729 89
I(N)TUITED 4334 86
TRAIPSE 687 78
bLITZES 13511 80
STERNeR 3599 72
INTRA(N)ET 1123 82
F(A)TIGUES 3452 76
MARRIED 3625 76
UNDE(R)EAT 354 74
tRIBALS 4731 71
DAUBIER 1458 74
DEVOU(R)ER 10685 98
TER(A)TOID 139 80
FrETSAW 7037 90
BANTIES 589 74
HAiR(B)AND 11756 76
PALTER(E)R 6076 63
WEARIES 1015 69
(H)AGRIdES 3442 86
CREDENT 4028 65
HEDONIS(M) 6489 95
KEROG(E)NS 8780 64
TRILL(e)RS 10939 57
ANCESTr(Y) 5543 76
sHOOTER 5016 83
PINITOL 6023 92
UNKINDE(R) 12153 81
WI(S)tERIA 1189 72
PERITUS 3170 63
LEAFIEr 1001 70
R(E)ORIENT 268 59
TEGMINA 1170 76
LEUCE(M)IA 6678 74
CLEAVEs 10879 79
cATLINS 4738 80
SORTALS 8573 78
DUsTLIK(E) 11030 89
pLEOPOD(s) 24669 72
HERNIAL 632 75
TUT(O)RAGE 2006 72
ES(S)ONITE 1780 59
R(E)NEGADO 347 77
BARCH(A)nS 23957 65
TALIPED 1506 77
PE(T)UNIAS 1025 62
(F)RICANDo 5617 92
LEAVEN(E)D 7735 63
REFIXED 12012 97
STRATAl 11167 84
TROIL(I)TE 1501 70
(F)LUTIEsT 11767 72
DEGERMS 11798 66
ORDERIN(G) 1902 63
Pi(O)NEERS 809 80
LEPI(D)OTE 1823 74
FInIALS 8153 76
PRoTEUS 3765 70
EVERSIO(N) 810 96
CRA(N)IATE 504 64
ALUMINE 1547 76
BISTORT 9664 77
IDEATES 200 72
(M)ONSTERS 9428 83
VeRTIGO(S) 2161 86
DARBIES 1455 72
ClyPEAT(E) 16064 89
NITRO(l)IC 5050 67
THrIVED 7134 95
TERTIAL 546 66
L(I)GROINE 774 72
(B)ELOVEDS 15031 95
ARRIvIN(G) 13489 74
TEENIER 478 70
COR(E)IGNS 2136 61
fELLA(T)I(N)G 7267 80
CaSINOS 9848 82
KYANISE 7482 92
LARCENy 6725 75
GOBShIT(E) 8387 83
(M)ATeRNAL 2517 77
AGOUTIS 1810 69
NAIVEsT 710 82
F(U)NGOIDS 13379 64
CARLINE 629 83
BAwDILY 19153 83
T(E)NDONED* 0 61
VIOl(A)TES 547 84
M(U)LLIGAN 19699 63
(I)NVENTED 6115 66
S(U)ZERAIN 2510 84
ENR(O)LLED 5673 61
(T)ROPICaL 5629 72
TeNIASI(S) 2359 69
ABORTED 827 78
MIsEATE(N) 633 80
OV(E)RSTEP 7642 64
(I)NERTIAE 44 66
(P)ATTERNS 4999 83
LOUSIER 494 69
(L)iNURONS 6693 75
DEODArS 3405 72
A(N)ISETTE 497 63
DREAR(I)ER 7117 88
DIOXANE 1032 84
(L)IVErIES 5588 80
EIDOLON 982 82
pROTEI(D)E 795 82
NITERIE 287 71
OUTL(E)ARN 94 73
TAGlIKE 4980 86
ALIEN(A)TE 122 68
D(I)aTRONS 271 60
TUATARA 15281 66
GROVELS 8193 94
A(N)T(E)VeRTS 3953 67
INERTlY 1549 82
GRO(T)TOES 7815 62
(K)NEAdERS 5703 86
ADWOMEN 4829 88
TUSSOr(E)S 21907 78
NECROSE 2640 74
(E)ARLDOMS 2782 65
TROIlI(S)M 8135 61
SLAINTE 114 68
RACINGS 6519 71
TYLOSIn 5647 80
LINIEST 1229 79
sABEING 2525 64
THEREON 1269 76
A(N)GINOUS 5334 77
ENTITLE(S) 2574 60
UNSIG(N)ED 8334 70
PUSSIeS 23047 72
(P)IRACIEs 6300 72
RIVIE(R)AS 5583 62
DENARIi 140 84
CURVETS 13385 84
(G)ESNERIA 284 70
UN(V)EIlED 5341 158
AU(B)RETIA 1190 60
MASOnRY 10376 89
CORNELS 3853 80
OVEREDI(T) 839 64
pRONAT(O)R 10512 122
TONIEST 795 78
VItA(L)ISM 16197 74
CO(N)SIDER 1414 76
(T)AbOURED 1261 60
GLOSSI(E)S 22330 77
SAINtED 95 85
WOOLIES 5164 86
(M)ITOGENS 2271 89
RUDDIES(T) 7206 72
rADIOES 35 70
DAEMONS 1951 76
SHEERER 16052 78
TOADFIS(H) 9195 101
DISsEAT 2880 95
NEGATRO(N) 911 72
AIRWISE 1795 76
SaNTOOR 2258 69
IODIDES 6637 69
STeEK(I)NG 8195 74
(G)AITERED 278 74
AMATEUr 3621 65
GRISTLE 1744 76
PERSOnA 933 79
DOGN(A)PER 2236 78
REMAND(E)R* 0 64
WORSETs 10416 76
TILTeRS 2728 71
INMATES 661 76
eTIO(L)ATE 259 59
ACI(D)OSIS 15963 62
DECIARE 1044 91
(C)LOTHIER 4102 78
ORGaNDY 7820 74
FEIJOAs 5534 83
SCOWDER 10731 87
EN(A)CTION* 0 61
OERsTEd(S) 5678 67
IM(P)ErIAL 6307 72
DErAIG(N)S 457 87
HERNIAS 669 78
VIN(I)FIES 19061 80
G(R)IMACEs 7940 84
BEADIE(S)t 1517 70
EROT(I)CAS 200 60
INROaDS 462 76
LaCTONE 885 73
GISARME 2559 80
OUT(H)EARS 1386 72
OATIEST 249 72
ABALONE 2352 85
NOTELI(K)E* 0 65
ARTLESS 5401 79
DAMPNes(S) 21075 86
CORON(A)TE 891 61
WEARISH 4389 86
VENTUR(E)d 5419 61
(E)CHINATE 2171 98
MEISTER 2182 80
TO(r)NILLO 8416 58
(O)BELISks 21617 77
ANNOTA(T)E 3670 61
(D)ELAINES 367 70
SAINTIN(G) 8227 61
(T)RiCLADS 6256 83
ANSWERE(D) 2897 76
LAPISES 9192 80
BANKiNG(S) 25187 84
DRAW(B)ORE 11164 176
(I)NTeRLAY 433 70
MON(T)AGED 2238 70
BINDLes 5624 72
SA(N)ITARY 4410 82
AC(C)URATE 19037 86
AIrSPEE(D) 1460 83
SADiRON 437 69
RITUALS 1868 75
EPIfAUN(A) 6287 77
StROKED 6959 95
PETRELS 6768 76
JARG(O)NER* 0 74
BONESET 2636 80
IVORIEs 2257 80
MI(N)UETED 3127 72
RADIOM(E)N 201 63
vAULTIE(R) 1075 74
iNVADES 1521 72
O(U)TCRAWL 16965 76
DEALERs 1814 69
PAGI(N)ATE 2017 65
ENGIRDL(E) 1636 83
PANGE(N)IC* 0 84
OVERFL(E)W 17134 103
TITA(N)ATE 6953 68
BI(S)TOuRY 12914 64
RAINbOW 4507 75
CANDELA 6015 79
FO(R)GIVeR 13783 64
DRAU(G)HTS 16108 78
KE(Y)StONE 12365 65
MINGLE(R)S 6220 64
GOuRAMI 4645 78
ALEVIN(E)S* 0 72
PROChAI(N) 11140 92
AMBROID 6932 72
ENDNOTE 2370 72
ECHINuS 9686 69
ENCRUST 5549 91
NAILERs 101 67
TERRANE 969 77
(A)NGsTROM 6547 83
IMPrOVE 9117 84
KI(E)LBASA 13540 65
bIE(N)NALE 3487 78
G(L)ACIATE 3964 65
LADINOS 1117 76
(c)RADLING 8719 61
UNFASTE(N) 8326 76
VELARIA 1781 79
VeNTURI 1561 74
P(E)TIOLAR 204 74
(G)AIETIES 1094 61
REPaVIN(g) 6403 84
(T)ANAGERS 1563 68
EGOTIZE 4453 75
STUBbIE(R) 18506 72
S(L)IGHTEd 9518 72
RIFTL(E)SS 12244 80
SILAGEs 7187 68
RENAMES 2226 68
RECEDIN(G) 4624 92
SEITANS 1394 85
PARTIaL(S) 7283 70
SPoONED 7725 96
(B)OISErIE 2151 70
CARLIN(G)S 8721 63
NEONATE 473 72
RETiLED 592 73
WItNESS 9391 74
TONLETS 3498 75
B(E)ROUGEd 8404 72
PUSHING 19515 82
(D)iScOVER 6809 83
DININGS 15931 76
cASTLES 12288 81
DETINUE 598 77
VARIO(L)AS 4991 62
QUaHaUG 24485 106
AERA(T)ION 10 70
D(I)STRAIN 1659 74
E(P)ITASIS 9325 70
VERBeNA 5322 69
ANDIRO(N)S 2157 68
IN(E)RRANT 1122 66
sPUR(T)ING 11694 62
EGeSTED 8928 82
DEvIOUS 3755 70
INTERN(A)L 355 66
BONnIER 2587 80
AEOLIAn 60 67
(I)NERRANT 1186 66
STIPU(l)ED 7419 98
TRIGGeD 8904 72
(G)RAVIDAS 12213 66
WA(T)ERLOG 2127 72
(D)IASTOLE 98 80
ESTIMA(TE)D 3762 89
GENE(R)OUS 2127 61
S(T)OWABLE 6701 80
(D)ECURIeS 5064 83
tABORIN 706 71
FIRINGs 13121 97
(R)AINLESS 2083 77
SCOfFED 21575 80
DRAGNET 766 75
AI(R)SIDES 4669 74
LEISURE 1319 78
RA(N)CHERO 7818 80
INULASE 431 75
SOLATES 3576 71
ALUMNAE 6040 72
INTR(O)RSE 464 70
F(L)AVINES 5438 70
WAITINg 7108 76
NARGILE 257 73
eXPAND(E)R 11259 78
AmAN(D)INE 5566 58
BEERNUT 4210 76
(T)ETANOID 137 80
BILLETE(D) 13716 86
RETILED 592 84
(S)hNORRER 19614 59
(O)UTLEADS 884 80
STERLI(N)G 1111 140
AERONAU(T) 119 77
LIT(E)RALS 2080 68
PrEB(O)UND 9722 65
oCTANES 849 71
GODdESS 19242 74
INTERW(A)R 1431 72
TAENIAS 130 66
(P)OURaBLE 6368 74
SORDINE 166 66
(B)IAsEDLY 8432 101
POTEN(T)Ly 14302 70
UNSMART 8008 78
P(I)VOTMEN 8516 71
URANI(T)ES 83 83
N(E)UTRINO 489 66
FALDERO(L) 9656 68
NOvELTY 8144 75
FEIGNED 5740 82
DEPUTi(Z)E 14982 75
SI(D)ECARS 8587 69
FILLETS 12976 72
(R)ECOINED 830 86
(D)RAgOONS 6517 77
BOATMEN 2725 68
DEWIEST 5579 88
A(P)OLUNES 3661 70
(D)EATHcUP 18336 67
RIGA(U)DON 1258 62
(V)ICuGNAS 17823 95
PuDDLES 19496 74
GOSPORT 15515 74
TaN(G)ENCY 16479 76
PACIEST 4351 74
CEnTIAR(E) 237 74
bABOOLS 22033 64
(P)RENOONS* 0 83
UNVA(R)IED 984 72
DeNTI(N)AL 876 82
INhALER 633 78
JAVElI(N)S 9477 71
MELTONS 3746 76
VENOGRA(M) 5318 72
ATOMIZ(E)D 4369 94
(D)eLETION 160 74
LACUNES 5577 95
LEGHORn 5515 80
LIBRA(T)ES 1002 63
bRULYIE 10089 74
ORDAI(N)ER 134 70
QINdARS 8559 71
MAILERS 1546 73
AGrEEIN(G) 3665 70
FElONRY 8124 69
OuTRANK 6300 63
ALIBIED 3526 69
(P)RAtIQUE 6328 107
INcEPT(O)R 2004 86
SHERBET 10963 100
REaCTOr 2457 70
BA(R)GUEST 5867 67
ELASTIN 103 71
TELEOsT 4300 70
ALIUNDE 420 67
FAC(T)IONS 5915 64
STRaFED 2956 90
NIMRODS 5632 74
bEIGNES 5507 71
FORZAN(D)I 9713 72
PE(N)aLIZE 7405 88
ALEATO(R)Y 1592 65
OUTSM(A)RT 11424 90
UNDRAPE(D) 11584 89
DOOLIES 2060 73
INSECT(A)N 2897 70
SAnTOOR 1710 69
TENsILE 609 77
B(A)RONNES 3337 61
(e)NUREtIC 1532 66
NUTTIER 1365 67
sNAGGLE 12433 75
PREDIVE 8369 72
ANA(G)OgES 9911 59
SINGLET 1741 81
cAS(E)ATEd 5855 74
DIsSERT 5413 75
BEADING(S) 3613 89
TRIOLEt 788 75
WARDENS 3133 74
PITEOUS 2054 79
(B)EVATRON 2106 81
AREOlAE 384 68
ENdEAVO(R) 814 62
TINGLER 814 68
F(R)EElOAD 1897 82
CHATBO(T)S* 0 71
GRAVIES 2566 71
ENDCAPS 9974 91
FOU(R)TEEN 1976 74
cOESITE 1253 71
AEROSAT 240 77
ORDAINs 462 74
CORD(I)TES 1417 94
TRI(P)LANE 406 90
STRIDOR 5151 66
VEsI(C)ANT 3154 98
RA(Z)EEING 2584 86
TONnEAU 778 88
sUTURED 11525 78
(G)OEThITE 6093 74
TANTRAS 7826 73
SEAFrON(T) 559 90
GEORgIC 11951 74
STRO(L)LED 8071 60
RI(N)GTONE 915 63
HEMLInE 8428 68
TRIBADE 618 74
SHREWDE(R) 21895 98
LASER(I)NG 464 70
(G)ElCOATS 4339 76
AIRTRAM 9305 74
PROtAS(E)S 6490 77
NINnIES 14426 75
(O)UTCHIDe 6466 101
N(O)NALiEN* 0 64
MENIsCI 10284 71
DIScEPT 10103 77
AVIATEs 1787 71
DO(G)eARED 5002 80
LANUGOS 6086 71
ELEGIS(T)S 10547 70
STHENIA 672 92
FETATIO(N) 763 72
RESINEd 595 68
VEALIES(T) 1560 74
IDOLATE(R) 11 72
(M)ATELOTE 4437 72
EUCLASE(S) 17271 69
ATTIRES 560 71
ENDRINS 2839 82
BOATELs 1921 72
PADRONE 900 73
CO(N)SIDER 1414 69
TIDELIN(E) 1450 70
PAnDIED 8944 85
BEMISTS 16541 80
DROWS(I)LY 16628 88
PELTERE(D) 11117 69
(P)iShOGUE 12470 80
ANGELUS 3465 71
RESI(D)ING 2824 74
SEVERIT(Y) 6844 95
AERATES 761 63
TELAMON 920 72
aNDIRON 1400 61
(S)WIPLING* 0 86
RELATES 585 71
NOT(A)RIZE 262 88
DIThIOL 9171 79
UNDERSe(A) 953 72
STONERS 3729 70
AUDITOR 465 80
LINGERs 1738 71
DEAREST 575 94
CONgEED 6429 81
F(L)EERING 4406 74
D(O)TATiON 3013 62
FLOU(R)IER 6063 76
OPIATES 339 82
OARSmAN 6261 76
(S)eDATING 460 65
LINE(M)ATE 658 70
(U)NPOLITE 1470 74
SONSIER 1824 72
FERO(C)ItY 8520 80
CARLIN(g)S 8280 63
ENDOSAR(C) 1270 72
sT(I)BNITE 8466 69
FIRINgS 13121 88
MISHApS 21811 80
NAIL(S)ETS 2085 68
DReADER* 0 67
(B)ARGUEST 5867 86
PALAbRA(S) 24848 68
NiCOTIN 10433 77
ENLARGE 1187 86
ERlKI(N)GS 10583 94
SEV(E)RALS 13726 95
ReTSINA 26 76
REA(V)AILS 2552 72
SAUTOIR 472 80
DOTtING 7278 70
TARTUFI 8876 78
SERIOUS 3590 73
pLAUSI(V)E 8451 61
IGNEOUS 1061 66
ISObARE 305 67
REAG(I)NIC 2137 78
wILD(F)IRE 13302 149
HORsTES 10864 77
D(E)NTALIA 303 60
vAGINAE 2798 66
MIDAIRS 8502 68
RELO(A)NED 155 70
RESITES 3964 65
pROFUSE 11249 82
INDICES 6053 76
MALATES 5802 69
(I)RRIGAtE 1850 68
EMULAtE 4096 63
SEINERs 3960 72
TRIeNNI(A) 421 68
(M)AUSOLEA 5530 90
ORN(I)THEs 579 90
SUBS(P)ACE 25512 65
(E)RECTION 282 83
BEwAIL(E)R 4034 86
(R)ESONATE 42 68
L(I)STERIA 297 68
STEP(W)ISE 19224 71
sTIBINE 3627 85
DUSTIER 1105 69
PyR(O)LIZE 16900 122
CINEAST 603 73
ANTRORS(E) 457 62
(TE)LPHEreD 16171 88
fRESHET 15442 95
DEEPEN(IN)G 13988 66
AER(I)FIES 1757 76
FADDIEr 6398 73
VE(R)IFIEd 10385 78
I(N)ERRANT 1186 66
BATTLES 9371 79
TERNION 274 65
TOROIds 3281 68
NAIADEs 466 67
MEDIATE 997 78
GUINEAS 730 74
KAOLINE 1036 82
SEAPI(E)CE 8836 70
ERo(G)ENIC 1416 72
REGRETS 8054 86
PLATINA 5237 87
(L)IGNEOUs 1550 77
B(I)LlETED 13066 70
INGESTA 263 79
NU(M)ERATE 1525 61
RIOTERS 756 77
PRae(D)IAL 2413 86
aBELIAN 1685 79
ADIPOUS 5456 76
(C)ELErIES 7368 60
GRANITI(C) 5785 86
EU(L)OGIST 1551 68
sPUTTER 12689 79
EM(U)LATES 5326 72
(B)INARIES 1167 74
AMNESTI(C) 3146 89
TENACEs 2077 73
SANT(O)uRS 7008 78
TERRANE 969 64
OUTLIES 496 67
SOLER(E)TS 5978 59
RAVENOU(S) 1402 74
CHARNEL 6999 72
AGATIzE 5684 69
BIgAROO(N) 5017 70
TISSUIN(G) 19802 72
COLI(N)EAR 180 70
OzONOUS 22358 69
RUG(E)LACH 15207 88
RETREAT 4587 73
TOGGLES 12986 87
HERIOTs 932 90
ANIMATE 824 80
APoTHEG(M) 14533 67
OUTSEEN 852 78
MONSI(E)UR 1895 61
AIRLINE 142 73
NOTO(R)NiS 5501 66
RETEAMS 2229 81
GHET(T)oES 13133 78
TAILORE(D) 20 70
SeRIATE 76 85
(I)NVESTOr 618 83
CERULEA(N) 3021 62
REOILED 298 73
HOA(r)IEST 210 71
W(A)STELOT 7912 67
ENTICED 2972 66
S(T)ODGIER 887 61
OmENTAL 1192 72
LIATRIS 3156 70
ATTESTO(R) 9579 60
CALYCEA(L) 39816 78
BASIL(E)CT 5626 63
BOTUL(I)NS 7213 72
REcREA(N)T 3868 70
COLL(A)TES 9661 63
CHLOR(I)DS 16615 68
ORANGES 371 70
I(O)DATION 1407 61
INNLESS 11780 61
C(A)LTRAPS 18815 66
RIVAL(I)Ng 8907 70
GEMSTON(E) 4988 86
SORDINE 172 83
R(A)CHItIS 11801 62
(S)ERIEMAS 6292 82
The of bingos played by the player that were not challenged off.
Triple Triples
Type Play Probability Score
G(R)ADiEnT 148 140
bLINDE(S)T 5922 140
S(T)RAiTEN 365 113
OR(G)ANdiE 60 122
pROT(R)ADE 3550 122
UR(E)dINIA 291 113
uNDERE(A)T 376 131
SAU(T)OIRE 26 131
hAI(R)IEST 1181 122
NUTSE(d)GE 5813 131
C(R)OWDIES 8884 212
FOOTSI(E)s 11444 149
UN(V)EIlED 5341 158
pRONAT(O)R 10512 122
DRAW(B)ORE 11164 176
STERLI(N)G 1111 140
wILD(F)IRE 13302 149
Triple triples played by the player that were not challenged off. They do not have to be bingos.
Bingo Nines or Above
Type Play Probability Score
I(SO)THERAL 229 65
(PE)RIPTERS 26848 80
CO(N)T(E)MNED 12390 67
R(ET)AINERS 178 70
R(EF)uNDERS 12840 78
(YO)UNGStER 4632 89
LOITE(RE)RS 800 72
SHOE(SH)INE 28996 70
(MIST)REaTINg 1315 83
TELNET(T)E(D) 19364 63
(BE)ANERIES 1787 72
AUT(HO)RING 2060 64
(NO)NVIRILE 5384 78
(EN)VISAGeD 2625 92
TRITONi(TE)* 0 77
(DE)FLaTORS 1561 89
TENANCI(ES) 2072 74
pROTEGE(ES) 7129 80
hALIT(O)SE(S) 3854 76
RETEAM(IN)G 495 63
DEFR(A)UDE(R) 17460 68
R(E)C(U)TTING 7397 86
(En)SLAVING 6922 64
INTEgR(ATE)S 355 80
fELLA(T)I(N)G 7267 80
A(N)T(E)VeRTS 3953 67
ESTIMA(TE)D 3762 89
(TE)LPHEreD 16171 88
DEEPEN(IN)G 13988 66
Bingos played by the player that were nine letters or longer and were not challenged off.
Challenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
LEGrOLL* 0 0
YEVED* 0 0
T(R)UANTAl* 0 0
AU(C)UNE* 0 0
FL(AR)E(R)* 0 0
bURSER(A)S* 0 0
WA* 0 0
VASED* 0 0
D(EF)S* 0 0
PI(R)AI* 0 0
GA(P)IER* 0 0
CAVEY* 0 0
SWIRlER* 0 0
(L)EIS(T)* 0 0
(F)OODY* 0 0
TSETZeS* 0 0
HADS* 0 0
JUGA(S)* 0 0
A(T)AME* 0 0
UNRI(V)E* 0 0
U(N)CRAVEd* 0 0
NONSWE(E)t* 0 0
WiNNABL(Y)* 0 0
(R)EDRUNK* 0 0
(G)ALLOW* 0 0
PLOTT* 0 0
MAZEY* 0 0
RE(SEGMEnT)* 0 0
MANTLeR* 0 0
GLEGS* 0 0
BUCKY* 0 0
UV(E)ATE* 0 0
M(U)DROLL* 0 0
MUTCHE(D)* 0 0
KUT(T)A* 0 0
CONIiNS* 0 0
(A)C(QUILT)* 0 0
(P)APYrEAN* 0 0
RI(T)ZING* 0 0
U(N)WRAPT* 0 0
LEVS* 0 0
(R)ES(C)OuTED* 0 0
(D)OULIE* 0 0
(T)ANE* 0 0
BOSC* 0 0
fONT(E)LLE* 0 0
ECdYSIA* 0 0
LEUS* 0 0
GEEkILY* 0 0
PEN(A)TE* 0 0
OAT(E)D* 0 0
LI(V)Y* 0 0
GENI* 0 0
BOTHS* 0 0
(S)WEETY* 0 0
FUDGY* 0 0
KY(U)* 0 0
U(N)S(QUARE)* 0 0
DORA* 0 0
CARME(L)I(T)E* 0 0
(T)OFTED* 0 0
PO(T)TI* 0 0
YIRRE* 0 0
COI(L)Y* 0 0
OVER(G)O* 0 0
(C)ALLUP* 0 0
L(aXE)D* 0 0
PAWA* 0 0
(C)OAM* 0 0
aMORTED* 0 0
(S)UBzONAL* 0 0
RATHI* 0 0
BETTINg(S)* 0 0
STYGIUm* 0 0
GON(O)V* 0 0
TAGHAI(R)m* 0 0
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were challenged off by an opponent.
Unchallenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
FAES* 0 67
BANIS* 0 46
VI(DE)OED* 0 32
ELUCT* 0 20
MiNT(A)BLE* 0 64
QUEI(G)H* 0 45
HELICAS(E)* 0 92
MIsPLOT* 0 77
F(L)IPT* 0 22
(HAD)JE* 0 32
EN(C)OmIAL* 0 72
EVEW* 0 32
TORULE* 0 27
RADI(A)LIS* 0 63
EAS(E)LESS* 0 82
INTERLI(E)* 0 66
NETFUlS* 0 75
BURG(H)Y* 0 45
W(O)RMINGS* 0 72
DAYMAN* 0 23
VANING* 0 34
P(Y)UrIC* 0 24
R(E)BAKE* 0 45
CAVAE* 0 45
R(e)LIVER* 0 28
UNKEEP* 0 30
(G)IBB* 0 27
DA* 0 27
(R)USING* 0 18
TINTY* 0 26
FA(N)G(U)M* 0 30
VILL(E)* 0 12
MEROMA* 0 34
STYlENE* 0 81
KHEDI* 0 36
LUME* 0 30
THIST(L)ED* 0 78
HONdLER* 0 82
UNsENSE(D)* 0 77
TREEH(I)LL* 0 74
TRITONi(TE)* 0 77
BO(U)CHE* 0 27
ABL(I)NG* 0 30
FANGLE* 0 38
NERIN(E)* 0 16
(F)AIRIE* 0 18
AUTE(C)IST* 0 62
JURAS* 0 47
AF* 0 30
IMBUER* 0 78
PODFUL* 0 47
TAMEN* 0 33
NERVATE(D)* 0 98
HARRIG(A)N* 0 72
WHEES* 0 83
PALEO* 0 23
EP(H)AE* 0 22
CALLU(P)* 0 20
CILIAL* 0 30
BOUBIE* 0 26
GYROiDS* 0 95
OVERGON(E)* 0 82
(I)RItIDES* 0 77
(R)EEVE(R)t* 0 18
(A)RILLOIN* 0 68
DEMUrIN(G)* 0 86
FLO(W)Y* 0 36
PERV(Y)* 0 26
A(A)RGHH* 0 26
FABLIsT* 0 74
(SEXTO)RCE* 0 51
GLACED* 0 26
NG* 0 20
GAMEPAd* 0 70
(MU)NG* 0 9
IO(D)IUM* 0 13
HONGIS* 0 40
PILEAS* 0 19
ABBY* 0 24
(RE)GIFT* 0 20
H(AI)FA* 0 33
PRESID* 0 38
NUMENA* 0 24
(s)HIVED* 0 32
(T)ALED* 0 24
FUSER* 0 55
MAT(H)Y* 0 42
DRAVES* 0 37
TWINN(E)RS* 0 72
CARBI(D)* 0 42
OU(T)LIT* 0 14
DI* 0 7
(D)OLLARdS* 0 77
NEUTRON(E)* 0 77
EU(T)AXIC* 0 64
GROVER* 0 28
(W)HITNEYS* 0 104
SYBIL* 0 46
T(R)IPLINE* 0 74
(Z)OOECIAl* 0 72
WE(T)TEN* 0 26
CLIVE* 0 25
N(ED)DED* 0 21
DUTIF(Y)* 0 39
OU(T)WON* 0 20
YINCES* 0 52
T(E)NDONED* 0 61
(E)MBUES* 0 39
INBE* 0 14
KAMAR* 0 33
K(N)ARR* 0 28
KIL(I)N* 0 18
REMAND(E)R* 0 64
EN(A)CTION* 0 61
NOTELI(K)E* 0 65
STOWER* 0 41
LO(s)* 0 16
JARG(O)NER* 0 74
FOC(C)IA* 0 39
PANGE(N)IC* 0 84
ALEVIN(E)S* 0 72
ALBE* 0 16
BAL(L)PIT* 0 30
(P)RENOONS* 0 83
MOOCHY* 0 34
CEROES* 0 34
CHATBO(T)S* 0 71
N(O)NALiEN* 0 64
K(A)LIM* 0 33
(S)WIPLING* 0 86
DReADER* 0 67
(T)RUCER* 0 27
BEEDIS* 0 86
INVI(C)T* 0 36
BEDE* 0 27
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were not challenged by an opponent.
Plays That Were Challenged
Type Play Probability Score
LEGrOLL* 0 0
YEVED* 0 0
T(R)UANTAl* 0 0
VULGARS 15268 80
AU(C)UNE* 0 0
OsS(I)FIER 13535 80
(PE)RIPTERS 26848 80
SPIRIER 13632 74
BEDST(A)ND 11569 78
GAI(T)ED 338 30
FL(AR)E(R)* 0 0
TRIPPET 17594 79
bURSER(A)S* 0 0
WAP 792 0
ANES 53 35
VASED* 0 0
COOI(N)GLY 20537 67
D(EF)S* 0 0
WU(Z) 1066 16
R(EF)uNDERS 12840 78
H(I)DE 741 40
HUSKILy 23612 74
PI(R)AI* 0 0
KYU 1327 27
GA(P)IER* 0 0
MOIRE 267 34
CAVEY* 0 0
TELNET(T)E(D) 19364 63
UN(B)AN 6151 24
(H)ACKIE 9894 48
SWIRlER* 0 0
RA(P)HE 2916 33
(L)EIS(T)* 0 0
(F)OODY* 0 0
TSETZeS* 0 0
DORMERS 10532 83
UNGlOVE 8542 63
(E)X(E)S 2259 0
JUGA(S)* 0 0
A(T)AME* 0 0
UNRI(V)E* 0 0
U(N)CRAVEd* 0 0
NONSWE(E)t* 0 0
COWIEST 4900 100
(N)E(R)ITE 111 14
(NO)NVIRILE 5384 78
WiNNABL(Y)* 0 0
PAX 970 0
(R)EDRUNK* 0 0
(G)ALLOW* 0 0
CURN 3271 28
OVE(R)TASK 7292 84
M(I)TT 2657 0
YINS 1879 0
P(R)IMINES 9822 74
DOODIeS 7344 75
MAZEY* 0 0
RE(SEGMEnT)* 0 0
BRE(V)E 4775 26
aMMONIT(E) 4979 74
MANTLeR* 0 0
TODDIES 3415 82
GLEGS* 0 0
BUCKY* 0 0
UV(E)ATE* 0 0
M(U)DROLL* 0 0
ERN 34 0
MUTCHE(D)* 0 0
KUT(T)A* 0 0
TEAK 832 27
NUTSE(d)GE 5813 131
CONIiNS* 0 0
(A)C(QUILT)* 0 0
(P)APYrEAN* 0 0
(P)ENtANOL 4631 80
RI(T)ZING* 0 0
U(N)WRAPT* 0 0
RE(G)ICIDe 7671 94
LEVS* 0 0
(R)ES(C)OuTED* 0 0
(D)OULIE* 0 0
(T)ANE* 0 0
BOSC* 0 0
fONT(E)LLE* 0 0
SOX 761 41
ECdYSIA* 0 0
ASCI 1152 0
(I)MPARK 12411 28
GEEkILY* 0 0
SMEARER 7690 83
HATABLE 14274 98
I(N)TROITS 4700 0
ZOEAS 1723 55
PEN(A)TE* 0 0
JASPER 8538 0
RAJES 2472 0
OAT(E)D* 0 0
LI(V)Y* 0 0
GENI* 0 0
BOTHS* 0 0
(S)WEETY* 0 0
COREMIA 1238 0
VENTS 2311 0
DOGDOM 14560 26
MISO 1925 24
FUDGY* 0 0
KY(U)* 0 0
TRILL(e)RS 10939 57
AIRWIsE 1710 0
U(N)S(QUARE)* 0 0
(CONTEMN)ER 8981 39
HIPS 3135 0
D(JIN) 2491 0
CARME(L)I(T)E* 0 0
(T)OFTED* 0 0
PO(T)TI* 0 0
pRONAT(O)R 10512 122
V(E)NDU 4986 18
SaNTOOR 2258 69
YIRRE* 0 0
AYRIE 286 20
SCOWDER 10731 87
COI(L)Y* 0 0
IFS 554 0
REPaVIN(g) 6403 84
OVER(G)O* 0 0
BAL(LO)NET 6153 46
(C)ALLUP* 0 0
PIANI 2359 35
L(aXE)D* 0 0
PAWA* 0 0
(R)ECOINED 830 86
EPISC(I)A 10127 44
(C)OAM* 0 0
aMORTED* 0 0
WI(F)TIER 7755 28
HO(ME)RIC 9108 56
ENDCAPS 9974 91
(S)UBzONAL* 0 0
RATHI* 0 0
FAT 333 0
BETTINg(S)* 0 0
sT(I)BNITE 8466 69
STYGIUm* 0 0
TARTUFI 8876 78
SYN 795 0
GON(O)V* 0 0
PyR(O)LIZE 16900 122
EYE 286 0
TAGHAI(R)m* 0 0
TUTEE 3862 28
W(A)STELOT 7912 67
IVY 1068 29
ATTESTO(R) 9579 60
CALYCEA(L) 39816 78
Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Opponent Lists
Type Play Probability Score
HOOFErS 16924 79
AIRTIME 1084 67
GAIET(I)ES 1094 63
ESSAyIN(G) 10407 74
REG(RE)TTER 22992 90
SACAtON 6005 84
VALETIN(G) 1753 89
RET(O)RTeD 6946 60
LEPROsE 6424 63
METEPAS 8333 79
DEF(AT)TING 4619 64
UNSEX(I)Er 7874 66
aDHERIN(G) 1720 89
PELITIc 10283 64
NEAREST 216 78
EARnEST 214 72
ORIEN(TE)ER 597 59
LINIEST 1686 78
NOCTULE 5145 85
AMBONES 6665 89
(T)ASTINGS 16781 80
OCEAN(A)UT 1677 74
NEARING 1125 71
TOlEDOS 3969 81
(R)OUTEWAY 4078 74
idOLIZE 7460 123
WATE(R)ING 797 86
QUINElA 3380 103
DAZzLES 22172 101
FASCiST 18150 74
GARPIKE 9273 93
ENCoDER 2515 73
ENTOMBs 7745 92
(L)IGNITEs 2830 77
(s)ARKIEST 9066 86
RINS(I)BLE 4680 68
SQ(U)INtED 7751 84
AGLITTE(R) 1561 62
ENTASIA 129 83
(V)oLITIOn 9450 80
FOXHOU(n)D 27338 79
REBUILT 3216 74
(B)RoTHIER* 0 98
(R)ECONNeD 7434 83
TERMITE 4921 67
OvERtI(M)E 2612 68
TOTALIS(E) 449 62
oRATORS 6571 79
ENURE(S)IS 4869 62
BENiSON 4430 72
m(E)TALLIC 13567 61
ADORNER 769 69
ATTENdS 2812 87
FUMIEST 13568 80
ESCRIBE 11132 83
OZONISE 7417 74
TANNERs 1289 73
StEROID 171 66
BiANNUA(L) 14523 68
ENmES(H)ED 19084 63
kAURIES 3379 76
GrI(E)VOUS 4167 64
STATION(ED) 138 62
CARRIO(N)s 5101 70
MINARET(S) 543 72
(G)RUNTLED 6355 74
CAMPOrE(E) 12738 98
VERDaNT 1518 72
DILATOR 434 69
EMACIAT(E) 4663 78
GOATEED 532 77
PLOTtED 10529 79
ADVAN(C)ES 12605 66
HERNIAS 635 79
DeNOTES 847 69
MOUSIER 2048 77
CUTESiE 4131 76
lE(S)SONED 9225 131
TOuRIST 5373 81
(P)ERIGEAL 2347 65
OPTIMEs 4934 79
DaKOITS 6196 76
ANGUINE 2350 75
SLOPINg 10818 71
Q(U)INTETS 12804 101
SNORTER 1799 64
(I)OTACISm 9918 86
SATIATE 1599 75
wHATSIT 16469 99
ONAnISM 6634 90
VIR(E)MIAS 6003 64
(E)STRaNGE 705 74
TON(E)TICS 3391 70
ALLURER(S) 14399 59
LENITIO(N) 1421 59
I(N)TERIOR 606 70
MARTiNI 3042 64
PIASABa 18807 81
(I)NPUTTEd 7960 61
RE(P)ULSES 20683 80
TRAiNEE(S) 36 68
GRiDdLE 10303 68
LEAKERS 7302 80
WEIGE(L)IA 4865 72
ONLOADS 5901 70
SPEANED 4078 71
REBAT(I)nG 738 76
GODlESS 13814 87
FARTInG 4232 78
P(A)LSIEST 8643 70
SLICERS 12942 75
DISU(N)ITE 1854 68
N(E)EDIEST 1784 70
(D)EAFNESS 13696 90
TAILBON(E) 180 72
OVeRT(O)NE 2724 64
OU(T)SKIRT 16767 76
OStMAR(K)S 23440 63
BLES(S)InG 17355 90
GEnIPAP 13258 91
BRiONIE(S) 1594 86
AUSTERE 587 70
VARIOLE 326 71
ENNEADS 3715 68
REPOSeR 8639 79
EA(R)SHOTS 6492 94
SIERRAn 551 79
SEED(L)ING 3268 90
FIrEPOT(S) 4139 89
DOlLARS 11103 86
ERGATI(V)E 1035 66
REN(A)TURE 1224 62
(P)OUTIEST 5775 72
OVEr(L)EAP 4809 82
AGMINAT(E) 2128 76
ESTREAT 1891 81
SENARII 143 78
DARIOL(E)S 97 68
dAUTIES 428 95
REMITTE(d) 6434 80
LINuRON 5371 62
AURIC(L)ES 2301 149
ANTHODI(A) 2728 68
LUSTiNG 8108 73
PULVIN(A)R 11116 86
IGNORER(S) 1904 61
ENTO(D)ERM 1972 94
REIMaGE(D) 2343 92
BRISANT 2703 73
RINgERS 4259 61
RAVINES 709 72
LUSTReD 4480 82
BINDERS 3201 76
(B)rONZERS 19533 88
OATlIKE 1093 77
ABOIDea(U) 1552 80
(G)IgATONS 8001 77
INsOULS 11110 83
COnCERT 12726 78
TESTIER 1911 74
EU(G)ENIAS 719 62
MOMENTs 15837 78
PODGILy 18089 66
(W)ARSTLeD 4497 83
IRONIST 1329 81
OdALISk 8763 66
AIrHOLe 322 73
OU(T)DATES 2491 72
APORIAS 3705 84
(R)EFUELED 14676 78
SHARIAT 5454 96
IsOLEAD 146 80
TEENERS 2692 66
ABAShED 13794 76
GAV(E)LLeD 19545 64
EPIGONE 2065 67
TRITOMA 4201 90
PREyING 9100 64
(R)EINSURE 2718 60
LORIcAE 310 70
SOUNdLY 14293 63
SNITTIE(R) 2460 62
FINESSE 11161 71
(W)ANTONED 3550 76
UNEaSIE(R) 125 74
HOGMANE 6867 90
POi(G)NANT 7543 83
(H)AULMIER 5733 76
(E)STEEMEd 20768 80
PORGIES 2996 78
pARDONE(d) 6488 77
SIGNINg 21940 76
OPErATE 456 77
DENSELY 9216 72
UNBOXES 14344 79
SEA(T)RAIN 91 60
OVERHOL(D) 15582 98
vISAGES 11815 91
FLEYING 12241 116
INVERTS 1557 69
HELOtRY 7792 76
PIMPINg 23103 68
SEVERAl 4106 76
DENOTES 847 68
AGaROSE 1237 74
READOPT 861 76
LOCATIN(G) 3628 72
RETARDS 2814 70
RAVINED 655 70
ON(S)TREaM 591 80
CYA(N)OSED 6713 76
STIBINE 3631 81
PEDDL(I)nG 18265 63
AbETTER 4891 76
(A)DRENAlS 1956 77
(E)MOtIONS 2094 80
OUT(C)APER 4031 63
B(A)RRELED 12222 66
APPLIER 15332 70
LINNIES 5796 70
COLEAdE(R) 1894 80
T(E)STICLE 9600 76
WaLLOPS 21335 79
SATIRES 1398 72
cRUISER 9439 76
(D)ESIRING 2975 72
ENCODEs 4583 68
OUTSE(L)Ls 19116 68
LECTION 904 73
(T)IRAmISU 6956 83
LA(N)THORN 8572 76
BANdAGE 8181 88
(U)NDULATE 6850 80
GOONEYS 9491 67
PAROdOI 4333 72
PERMUTE(D) 14193 65
(O)RGANDIE 60 79
OLEINEs 285 67
TIREDLY 3255 80
B(O)RNITES 598 70
P(Y)RENOId 4134 74
LORRIES 1701 88
MOTIONs 7386 90
AM(I)TOSES 3782 61
EtESI(A)NS 1319 68
BIRLERS 12687 68
OUTRAC(E)D 1729 76
TEETHIN(G) 8488 64
SCARRED 9394 80
(A)QuIFERS 9989 119
D(E)CISION 3223 67
GESTUR(A)l 2522 131
INSANER 546 78
TONI(F)IES 1692 62
SAOUARi 1721 72
VICENAR(Y) 10018 101
THeOCRA(T) 10289 82
FERRIES 10357 77
VAL(U)ATED 7912 98
NOTICES 958 69
LO(C)ULATE 9647 64
RURA(L)ISE 2071 60
CAPSID(I)N* 0 82
SEDaTER 579 89
GREENeR 10622 68
SALUTE(R)S 7214 66
A(G)ENTIAl 629 70
SNARLI(E)R 933 78
E(V)ERMORE 18761 66
(V)auLTING 8757 83
SERPIGO 2862 80
PRET(T)IES 6461 90
COLANDE(R) 1336 80
Si(L)URIAN 3193 64
(R)EDATING 149 72
TELLERS 9375 74
mAUSIER 1566 71
BaGLIKE 12773 86
REDLIN(E)S 958 63
AGAROSE 1179 68
ST(R)AWiNG 5240 72
(i)NFLATED 965 74
DiSEASE 5039 79
GRANTED 1059 86
A(N)TIPORN 4152 77
CULTLI(K)E 23335 72
GLADIAT(E) 1411 74
REGI(L)DED 10542 67
COmPARE(S) 11892 92
SHOW(C)AsE 23395 66
STOMPER 8149 96
RoOT(I)EST 1949 122
SNAILED 419 69
TIGHTEN 8629 68
FUgI(T)IVE 15786 80
UPRAISE 1570 71
NOSIeST 1827 78
pEDAGOG 14515 84
WIGGIEr 17452 80
CE(r)VIcES 24140 69
UNdERLI(E) 959 74
(M)ASTEREd 3051 80
UT(T)ERInG 3254 72
DETERGE 6438 65
tENSION 791 78
P(E)RINEAL 661 72
(O)UTMOVED 15616 82
AIRTHED 644 86
SIMLINS 20345 75
OEsTRIN 49 73
CYaNIDE 4126 76
BU(r)GONET 4230 68
(S)AMPLERS 20066 89
ORIENTs 50 73
GLOATER 389 75
CITOLEs 1997 78
(C)ALDERAS 7518 67
ALUNiTE 110 68
ALBITES 1461 78
LUMI(N)ARy 11701 72
SANTERA 500 65
pEACHES 15907 79
SATIRES 1399 71
FRIEZES 11516 108
CO(R)OTATE 4529 63
COAT(I)NGS 3632 65
GLEAMIE(R) 2224 76
THISTLE 9478 78
INER(T)IAE 44 60
(R)EPOsING 2277 76
DETON(A)TE 690 68
SIALiDS 13712 68
ENAMORS 881 74
SEE(D)IEST 10209 68
(S)TURDIER 3774 83
ENSNARE 1792 86
STRIVER 6309 66
PALA(T)INE 1151 72
ANTiWE(E)D 652 94
LEIstER 581 75
NE(A)RLIER 492 66
E(L)OINInG 4384 66
COZENA(G)E 11056 90
TRIPED(A)L 1026 78
SYNECTI(C) 23211 80
ORANGES 392 82
t(H)IONINE 3969 71
RETOOL(E)D 1994 70
(H)AIrLESS 8643 74
PALLET(E)D 13030 74
SPORRAN 9674 77
ASSUAgE 14008 63
TABULAR 15528 67
MONOACI(D) 14336 71
SINEWED 5542 88
CRAsHED 9969 89
L(A)TINIZE 3162 84
IRATELY 690 79
ANEsTRI 20 64
OBlIQUE 11774 109
YEAs(T)IER 679 64
DITSIE(s)T 15811 64
RIN(S)ABLE 999 90
OEDI(P)EAN 294 74
SEABO(R)NE 800 63
UNTA(S)TED 3975 60
sOVIETS 7671 67
SAVOuRS 16094 80
INHALED 1495 80
GATE(L)IKe 5025 64
TONGUES 2334 72
POINT(E)Rs 612 74
aVIfORM* 0 83
(I)NITIALS 7192 77
LACTATE 10184 68
oNSTAGE 393 86
BONDERS 3826 84
O(V)ERTURE 7476 65
DANGLED 10288 88
PLATI(E)ST 5194 78
TR(A)VELED 3057 66
ESCOTIn(G) 2265 83
WEARING 1176 68
UGLIfI(E)D 13206 68
INVADES 1520 79
AUnTIEs 124 76
cHUrNER 16354 74
(A)NTINODE 124 80
TABESES 11178 70
jERO(B)OAm 18691 82
SILVERY 10243 87
AsT(O)NIED 17 82
GINGERS 9359 71
DONATeS 152 88
CRAGG(i)eR 18514 78
EU(G)ENIAS 719 60
sURVEIL 7646 77
CHILLIN(G) 37849 95
ORANGIE(R) 299 80
lIMEADE 2019 91
INUTILE 1289 66
INDAGAT(E) 627 72
INARMED 645 86
HERRIES 7731 81
CLAYIER 4342 80
INEDITA 141 75
NARCO(M)AS 12935 63
(T)ENORITe 269 74
SOOtIEr 346 66
FRIGA(T)ES 1728 76
E(M)PLOYeR 16332 78
StINGER 776 81
cORNEAS 888 72
PESEWAs 18256 90
gOUTIES(T) 3896 74
REWI(N)DER 6118 72
YELPING 11715 85
sHAfTED 10031 74
(R)OUNDLET 918 70
AUGITES 768 91
PAINTED 652 74
RECTRIX 15145 73
PREGaME 10260 84
ALIENEe 500 64
B(E)EFIEST 12969 73
cOM(I)NGLE 8844 76
OUTSTYL(E)* 0 72
GERBER(A)S 11788 77
VOICERs 5107 95
sEEdMEN 11558 73
HOISTEd 2001 102
ENDEARS 574 85
R(A)NCIDER 2883 63
ARmOIRE 1211 65
DULcIME(R) 12638 76
DATIVeS 1528 79
pEERIES 5941 76
URBANES(T) 2358 72
EATERIE(S) 296 68
MARTINS 2711 72
ClAYIER 4342 78
FLAYING 14641 86
ELEcTEE 17164 76
rEPINN(E)D 6425 72
CTeNOID 948 80
RESEAUS 6320 76
RE(L)ISTED 963 77
LoRINER 788 70
DEMARKs 14071 79
RAISING 3452 69
TOADIes 38 68
ORANGEY 1423 65
(A)DOPTION 3444 65
SUETIER 614 70
ERUPTIV(E) 9200 98
CAULINE 1910 69
(BE)DSONIAS 5022 89
SM(I)THERS 17899 86
(R)OTIFERS 3400 74
TUNNiES 2856 66
BAILIES 3524 72
GOSP(EL)lED* 0 66
GAINERS 266 72
(D)iSPOSAL 15365 74
SIDECAR 1410 77
CINERIN 7200 70
GASOL(I)NE 248 60
(D)ETAINEE 277 68
UPRA(I)SeR 4905 86
PASTORS 13236 76
In(T)ERNAL 355 87
(IN)CLEmENT 11230 83
PRISTAN(E) 416 83
STOLlEN 5929 84
SABINES 6658 78
COsTING 7837 85
ADVISEE 2124 82
OUTREAD 156 77
COWARdS 13450 72
SYRINGE 4762 86
GRaDERS 6878 69
AUTOGIR(O) 1991 80
AUTOmAN 6263 69
CLUTTER 12664 65
RE(C)OATED 803 158
(V)ALuATES 7914 83
ALIENEd 202 64
MElO(D)IES 3657 64
EPIsO(D)Es 10828 86
(R)EGRADES 6892 85
ETIOLA(T)E 276 61
G(R)ILLADE 5806 70
GJETOST 16231 75
SPOORED 8076 79
LITER(A)TI 1098 68
FORAm(I)NA 6573 83
T(R)AVESTy 13995 70
SAVORED 1959 80
AGISTED 757 88
CORSLET 3860 82
DERAIGN 249 82
HEaLERS 4093 73
(G)ERENUKS 15493 75
DONGLES 4246 81
PATi(N)ATE 3257 70
SALTInE 113 65
bL(O)USIER 2808 122
OPALINE 424 72
DARNEST 550 72
GRaViN(G)S 26380 86
rARERIP(E) 12542 80
NEOLOGY 9914 74
ILMENIT(E) 4439 83
UPRAISE 2020 75
AMOuNTS 7666 80
ENDOWE(R)S 4793 74
STERILE 776 86
ACErBER 16055 80
RIMLAN(D)S 8401 88
COoLEST 10517 67
VENiRES 2303 73
DERAILS 421 70
ARIETTA 711 66
SIERRAN 523 67
BOLIDES 3574 90
MONO(R)AIL 3265 72
iNFERNO(S) 3397 83
(T)HESAUrI 999 74
CELLIST 12395 82
PATIENT 2012 68
OUTbRE(A)K 7277 76
PUNIEST 3167 66
(R)ETAINEd 25 64
BROOKIe 9783 80
(B)lAZERED 14240 92
FLAUNTS 10588 89
SYNDr(O)ME 10269 67
RERISEn 1908 74
RECOAtE(D) 803 72
SAURIEs 2893 70
CATTIES 3791 63
VOYAGEU(R) 8835 80
TInSELL(Y) 12254 62
DARBIES 1455 75
sTRUMAE 3189 72
GRAnTEE 475 82
PARONYM(S) 18590 80
SIG(N)ALED 1134 60
INVITE(R)S 2678 82
AIGLETS 764 70
YU(L)eTIDE 5357 76
CoDEINE 1250 76
INUN(D)ATE 927 68
SUNBLOC(K) 28257 107
CORNETT 4685 74
S(P)IELING 10233 63
DETICKS 13520 88
(S)ITUAtED 1959 77
THEINES 2173 69
PARETIC 2409 78
AnTRO(R)SE 484 68
(B)ETAINEs 642 80
ENHAL(O)ES 1908 76
DUALIST 3725 73
TOELIKE 2800 70
SuPREME 14511 87
RELICTS 3088 82
AL(L)USION 6890 66
EpINAST(Y) 3197 83
ALUNITE 116 70
NOUMENA 4420 67
LAITIEs 471 66
cOOLANT 7363 69
SuBV(E)NED 17703 68
ROOTIER 1265 67
(O)UTSIDES 4862 70
JAUNTEd 6121 85
REA(R)MING 4427 65
PIlO(T)AGE 976 70
TOLLmeN 10865 62
LIVERIE(S) 5880 76
OUTWILE 2047 76
OURANGS 3672 67
DEARIES 198 70
LaTRINE 15 70
RETENEs 2691 75
(A)NTeATER 1639 74
(T)IDELAND 2184 72
DEtINUE 598 72
RESPRu(N)G 17955 83
DAHlIAS 11014 78
sPINU(L)AE 2322 70
(D)ENTURAL 720 68
STUlTI(F)Y 25240 89
OUTR(A)ISE 25 66
REHEA(T)ED 4727 78
(I)NNOVATE 768 63
(F)LOORINg 11548 72
RECRATE 4890 74
ANEROI(D)S 15 70
EASTiNG 260 81
REQUINS 5908 112
GASTREA 2044 80
(I)NVITeRS 2681 61
HUDDLE(R)S 22541 78
POINTES 1001 79
MiSSORT 12660 76
(R)EPANELs 2914 72
SCOTOP(I)A 10945 78
MIDIRoN(S) 8146 70
(C)YANATES 9786 85
REMINDS 3261 83
ISOlATE 40 69
(A)sTONIED 17 77
DECRiA(L)S 2294 63
S(T)RAIGHT 17745 86
TOWNLIE(R) 772 74
CARTOON 6247 85
(S)WITChED 24238 84
OM(E)LETTE 13386 70
ANTIDO(t)E 136 82
LIM(B)IEST 13314 158
ABOmASI 10834 86
OVERmEN 6114 76
GLASsIE(R) 5820 65
COSINES 7629 86
STRAINE(R) 360 66
ELEvATE 7981 66
(R)EVISALS 11382 71
RENnASE 1793 79
RESITES 3964 68
BAITERS 623 78
OVERMAN 2744 80
SE(P)ARATE 3474 64
EVIL(L)ESt 13781 90
SATURAN(t) 10004 66
(I)RONICAL 2748 74
ENRAGES 1191 67
NATUrAL 4456 66
GUERI(D)ON 693 64
CAS(E)ATES 14298 72
SERIEmA 1064 74
EMITT(E)RS 6449 64
TR(I)ANGLE 156 72
NICKElS 14123 105
LA(T)EWOOD 5152 76
(R)EAdDING 4483 62
TA(B)ORINE 53 70
MIDYEaR 4365 78
(K)EROSINE 2167 91
TARDIE(S)T 884 62
BREgMAT(A) 12026 83
BLUNTER 5773 77
STE(A)LING 446 86
(M)ADRIGAL 12211 89
BLOVI(A)TE 1916 73
IM(P)uNITY 22791 71
ENDIT(I)NG 5832 90
EVILDO(E)R 1825 74
rEG(E)NTAL 704 80
VIO(L)ATES 547 74
U(N)DERlAY 4266 71
ANSWE(R)ED 2897 76
VIBRaTE 2282 76
(J)AROSITE 705 67
BOUQuET 20568 90
SONICAT(ED) 192 80
ROUSTER 3347 71
sIGNORA 799 73
GUTTER(E)D 10303 64
GoLDT(O)NE 4440 68
OUTR(A)NCE 582 76
SUBTONe 3671 81
EVE(N)TIDE 4751 78
AlVEOLI 4776 81
TARTaRS 15259 71
LAWGI(V)ER 7950 68
(S)TRICKEN 10138 68
DElA(T)ION 12 82
OUTLIES 523 62
REDA(C)TOR 3351 62
(I)ROnSIDE 399 74
LASTING 2904 69
rELEAS(E)S 10735 74
ABOITE(A)u 699 68
TOROiDS 3433 75
WeBSITE 8355 99
PRANCES 7022 79
DOLLARs 11609 65
INdULGE 3477 76
DEODARA 4205 78
MASSIER 6684 74
TOASTER 782 74
STOURIE 184 65
MEDI(A)TED 6618 68
VO(C)ALIST 9194 86
(D)EFERr(I)NG 8444 80
LEAVE(N)ED 7747 78
BEAR(S)KIN 6300 98
TUNDRAS 3602 68
(R)ECaNTED 1505 83
AIRTIME 833 68
DISAVOw 10251 73
TRESSED 8963 80
GRIEVES 5531 93
MOBILES 7998 76
CATERiN(G) 783 76
LOANERS 158 67
ANG(U)LATE 2975 63
DIGES(T)ED 10559 72
NORTENO 2691 77
F(L)ASHIEr 5722 92
mIDlEGS 10137 80
ELAT(I)ONS 19 58
TALLIED 2881 70
UPROARs 12762 73
MINNEOl(A) 1773 72
DECLAWS 13275 74
SADIRON 463 76
AIRLESs 2761 69
SOCKLES(s) 28974 71
tOSSING 10580 99
RE(P)AINTS 442 72
(IN)FLATERS 466 76
ID(O)LATER 11 60
DI(V)IDErs 15877 81
ADMIRED 6678 86
(F)LOATiNG 3843 86
STICKLE(R) 13173 82
ENCAsED 3849 84
ANALY(T)IC 11771 63
OUTDATE 1615 72
SUSlIKS 23720 86
SANIOuS 5439 74
REPLANT 1600 90
SHINOLA 3356 86
STEALER(S) 5112 62
TERpENI(C) 4323 77
FILT(E)RER 6436 69
HEADILY 6648 86
(S)TOtINKI 16493 82
(L)EERIEST 1788 60
ROmANOS 7387 79
DOM(I)NEER 835 94
TARDIEs 104 68
(T)ERATOMa 3959 70
ETIOlA(T)E 259 60
(S)EXTAINS 9067 80
REIGNED 1141 78
OLESTRA 157 69
OMIKRON 14994 80
ACRIDIN(E) 1168 86
HANTLES 3151 73
(S)TRAINER 360 59
GENDERS 4358 66
ARcADIA 13436 75
(c)HUTNEYS 21573 73
REM(I)sING 6995 78
PASTIES(T) 13404 89
SE(R)FDOMS 22127 88
CUpRITE 7142 79
FARRAgO 20127 79
COdEINA 394 70
BELAyED 14856 77
OuTSEEN 1089 83
SLENDER 3826 71
TIErING 1020 76
UNtI(D)IER 871 66
RAN(G)IEST 164 63
ElISION 737 75
UNLEARN 2697 66
DEBATIN(G) 1803 74
(A)NNALiST 6597 74
BERRIED 7699 73
CUtTERS 12643 64
(A)LGArOBA 19693 83
(P)ROLINES 1466 83
F(R)UITING 13061 74
SEASONE(D) 3435 72
BAtTENS 6444 82
OUTEArN 46 64
DELUSIO(N) 885 80
INDUSIA 4258 77
DEALA(T)ES 2464 60
GRAnNIE 1124 93
mIDLINE 6063 71
DEtAIN(E)E 295 68
OUtSINS 8594 80
DARTLES 1147 77
APoSTLE 1975 71
RELICTS 3088 78
sPOTTED 10099 73
NAIADES 493 79
sTADDLE(S) 19088 83
IMPLAnT(s) 11682 83
HEDG(I)EST 7507 88
RetIAR(I)I 3669 66
TONIEST 795 66
ENcASES 11102 66
IVOrIE(S)T 1695 78
(Y)OUNGEST 7361 92
ESTRONE 341 73
SWATHES 17315 99
POLLIST 16150 82
SLITT(I)NG 15890 70
(D)iPTERAN 421 83
MaRRIES 3639 76
GURRIES 6894 72
hOARDED 7609 74
STEAMED 4076 75
OVeRRAT(E) 2336 61
TUCKERS 16900 79
R(A)DICALS 10570 76
SIDEHI(L)L 20031 76
CaTLIKE 7785 88
TANGOEs 393 75
MA(s)TERLy 9070 131
CHiSEL(E)D 14068 80
TINDERS 447 76
EXCITEs 12011 91
(E)XPUNgES 23567 84
AN(T)IRIOt 1131 68
JOINDER 2338 72
CHEMISE 15917 94
HOATZIn 7669 94
PASTRI(E)S 5463 70
NOMINeE 3328 83
NIGgLES 11920 79
REG(A)INER 897 86
NOtATOr(Y)* 0 70
L(A)TRINES 73 70
VIRT(u)OSE 1405 90
ENTIRE(L)Y 1538 74
ELUTION 184 82
(R)EASONER 693 77
C(A)USEWAY 20880 82
NI(T)RITES 2331 67
A(L)ATIONS 830 64
VOCATIo(N) 7321 89
URBaNES(T) 2236 77
SEnITIS 5923 64
(A)N(D)ROGENS 2186 73
(R)ENOVATE 281 95
sENARII 137 62
STOnING 7293 75
MENHIRs 7149 81
GRAVEST 4717 74
AREOLAS 697 73
TERBIAS 594 76
PORT(R)AiT 9139 76
C(O)RTICES 12110 76
H(E)LMETED 20095 70
(N)IgROSIN 9754 61
H(E)DONIST 1361 63
PRoGERI(A) 2614 70
TENACIT(Y) 6915 76
BORAXES 8714 114
TOILERs 188 75
TW(I)TtERY 23076 76
EL(E)CTION 831 81
CONSOLE 8058 80
FLITTER(S) 8382 65
(G)REENthS 7256 74
SNACKER(S) 20948 101
ENTRAIN(S) 334 77
NOTELET(S) 3397 70
S(T)AGgIER 5085 60
(A)BIDANCE 5946 92
(A)dAMSITE 2417 70
REEDITS 572 69
(P)EARMAIN 3611 74
(D)EBITiNG 6636 86
RAZEEIN(G) 2584 107
BA(P)TIzEd 14903 70
SARDIN(E)D 2070 67
METIERS 2183 75
HERBIER 11746 82
SHINIER 3479 76
(R)EUnITED 364 70
AERIALS 467 70
ODDITI(E)S 5129 74
ANTERI(O)R 38 66
G(Y)PSTERS 24066 70
FAINTEd 610 83
ERRATIC 2001 72
PLEDGOR 8547 78
STARTIN(G) 5045 80
MINE(R)ALS 1055 64
SARDIuS 10157 74
COURtES(Y) 9750 86
F(O)RGIVES 8396 80
ERADIAT(E) 121 83
B(E)ETLING 4394 62
ISOMERS 7332 71
YOUnG(I)SH 18065 68
AReNOUS 165 64
LOITE(R)ER 737 61
CO(M)PLETE 17158 65
B(R)OAdeST 1259 131
DOGSLeD 14418 79
RELENTS 1442 70
ROTATES 783 76
(E)NjOINER 4953 74
FAINTIN(G) 13483 82
H(E)MLINES 9959 102
JAEGERS 9159 93
eXERGuE(S) 21199 82
VA(N)ITIES 1253 62
vILAyET 4402 79
ChAG(R)iNS 14324 71
iNANEST 550 81
LaKIEsT 3538 94
M(I)NSTREL 2388 72
JOLTIER 2340 94
UNSOuND 20156 76
GRiTTED 4440 79
GRANDER 4423 68
STUNNi(N)G 23997 68
CANTORS 3401 76
DONNERt 1798 67
POLYEN(E)S 11381 64
UnDEREA(T) 376 77
GUEsSED 17210 88
SNARFI(N)G 13465 85
OSSIfI(E)R 9813 68
LAvEERS 4103 74
MEDICOS 7990 81
RAGLANS 8940 72
WIRINGS 13717 80
AZU(R)ITES 2648 104
PR(E)TTIED 6431 69
ORIolES 1033 73
E(N)JOINER 4960 85
DETO(N)ATE 731 131
NONPAST 9253 80
INLA(N)DER 875 80
FOLLIES 10216 73
ISATINE 138 86
CRAVENs 7014 78
ETOILES 303 71
MEMORI(Z)E 23029 74
ANTeNNA 11402 68
COO(P)tING 17237 74
GUNFIRE 4740 77
PODESTA 1959 88
Cu(L)VERIN 9106 78
DE(L)AtION 10 66
(D)ILATErS 248 68
MoN(T)AGED 2235 72
GARPIkE 9676 73
lEVI(T)ATE 3501 70
TURNAB(l)E 2235 67
RA(I)NLESS 2083 70
CELOSIA 856 70
(C)ARLINES 1010 72
INTONED 786 70
CALyXES 20241 95
ARTICLE(D) 1004 63
NOOKIEs 5549 76
LEERInG 1142 68
HOStLER 3740 83
nICOISE 2362 79
DE(T)ONATE 731 72
AGAtOID 2205 70
G(L)ITZIEr 10479 69
STANDEE 546 72
SASSIER 13816 74
TACNOD(E)S 1272 64
SADIRON 437 68
GEN(E)ROUS 2013 60
ICHNITE 7431 82
BROW(N)EST 6663 102
SEgETAL 2345 70
AUSTERE 559 81
HEAVIEs 5041 98
BACTER(I)N 1619 80
BReaSTS 9735 68
sATINET 554 73
sANG(U)INE 3199 68
BRATTLE(D) 8291 78
(D)ETINUES 964 72
(E)LUVIATE 1561 98
(V)ITREOUS 1484 74
TOTALIn(G) 3223 62
AMBOI(N)As 9387 64
UN(S)HAVED 12617 80
TOL(E)RANT 479 66
(D)ANDIEST 2186 83
AUREOLA 698 72
FiRSTLY 14938 84
DOPINGs 10794 80
PERINEA 376 79
BARBOTS 17807 92
(A)CARINES 1197 83
DOgwA(T)CH 23466 98
(E)STRANGE 746 80
DYSP(N)OEA 6762 92
HOTE(L)ING 2951 76
PERAEoN 621 78
PASTELS 17382 83
F(I)NANcED 10155 72
ORIsONS 9912 65
BEADIER 1041 76
(G)UILTIER 2986 70
sUNSH(I)NE 20449 70
UNNAILS 7351 67
DERA(T)iNG 147 72
PI(A)NOLAS 4989 72
pENNAME 12255 75
RUgRATS 12338 76
LEANERS 580 70
HEKTAR(E)S 11261 194
GENTOOS 3322 70
LAn(G)RAGE 12472 68
COND(U)CTs 26460 70
RETINES 220 69
WR(A)NGLER 10174 74
tAPENa(D)E 3281 140
(T)ADPOLES 2787 86
pTOMAIN(E) 909 86
RERAISE 824 79
SAPIEN(T)S 5451 72
TRAIKED 1669 79
DEL(A)TION 10 60
FLUORId 8454 79
(D)ELUDINg 12069 83
RESCuER 13856 78
BUStIER 3074 86
GRAInEd 252 70
STINTED 2847 70
ADVENTS 2994 73
LIsTERs 5205 78
dENOTES 847 73
WO(R)RIERs 16033 70
PURTIES(T) 8396 83
OLEATES 296 68
RED(A)CTED 9516 80
TsARINA 1116 70
DAIN(T)IER 92 72
(C)HERTIER 11475 68
TRIOLE(T)S 1162 68
(R)EIMAGED 2346 66
KAOLINs 6208 77
UNBRAID 4933 105
fO(U)RSOME 15591 70
ANDiRON 1400 68
BIRLERS 9443 66
aNTIQUE(S) 2648 109
SLITTER 2852 74
CHAsTEN 7003 83
ENFORCE 6094 92
MISDATE 1995 81
SEVERAL 5478 72
NANITES 710 83
FOAMING 8753 78
HETAIRA 784 77
TEETERS 8419 67
JAUNTI(E)R 1203 67
OEsTRIn 46 74
STA(G)GIER 4834 99
INEPTER 1085 70
S(E)AFLOOR 3924 62
bILLiES 16400 62
T(R)AWLERS 8341 72
MaNDA(T)ED 13000 69
TYROSIN(E) 620 74
PODEsTA 1865 74
DE(F)ICITS 12650 65
EM(P)YREAL 15318 86
BLURRIe(R) 20522 67
OUTPAcE 4821 70
(U)LtRAREd 3966 71
TONSURE 530 68
RENNASE 1880 72
ANURIAS 2377 67
(R)ATIONAl 321 61
rISKIER 13848 82
E(N)MITIES 3492 74
(r)ESAWING 1869 77
A(C)ROLEIN 191 74
sELENiD(E) 3522 74
GATEW(A)Ys 14993 78
COuLT(E)RS 4927 78
DISTEND 5189 91
OU(T)RATES 1091 70
MURIATE 667 68
(I)NTONATE 662 82
ALIENeE 500 69
ASTRIDE 100 90
LEA(T)HERY 7158 68
BERATEd 2165 76
MAsTERY 7074 80
INTeRIM 1843 70
SPiNNER 6564 79
BESTIAl 1464 75
SP(I)RITED 4950 94
TALLY(I)NG 16682 63
VaRI(A)TED 1142 72
ENGINES 5087 73
SMATTER 6495 82
RELAPSE(R) 9586 62
TUnELE(S)S 11647 61
CORNEAs 847 65
UPShORE* 0 85
HaIRILY 13143 82
RADIALE 492 70
DENTATE 1871 84
NERItIC 1840 94
SNIPING 18525 74
VO(M)ERInE 2473 86
STORE(Y)ED 3762 74
AV(E)NtAIL 1217 72
dINOSAU(R) 742 68
FIrEPAN 2410 72
SM(O)THeRY 15821 86
RATTLES 2828 74
ARRIVAl 11836 82
FrEEZES 19256 106
POLECAT 5021 69
PEONIEs 1260 72
(I)nVERTER 5056 86
HEDGERO(W) 18358 104
COW(B)ANES 11882 80
DATURaS 6947 73
ANThER(I)D 419 62
mISDONE 1914 82
EROSIvE 1203 71
OEsTRIN 46 80
CHAUN(T)eR 5831 74
OvERLE(A)F 4807 70
VIOl(A)TOR 3270 70
NOTEC(A)RD 550 62
CISTERN 1543 85
(V)ASELINE 1472 76
SPANGlE 7495 64
URINATE(D) 71 86
B(E)AKIEsT 7766 77
TOLID(I)NS 3885 86
RE(s)PITeD 3136 70
OUTSETs 12763 74
BE(R)ATiNG 737 61
DRAGONS 3500 79
TrAILE(RE)D 519 74
DINGOES 1109 78
iNFORME(R) 7846 74
SQuARED 9114 81
PONDERS 3891 93
ArOUSED 513 73
sOMITAL 3359 78
PUMICIN(G) 25771 80
SHIk(A)REE 7776 90
HEMA(T)OID 2046 84
LOCALES 10638 87
CLOGgI(E)R 14178 74
DARN(I)NGS 8088 70
(D)EAERATe 2169 77
TODDLE(R)S 7675 63
P(E)NTAGON 4816 69
rATTOO(N)S 5221 64
SIMPLEr 10164 74
(I)NDAGATE 627 86
(E)STIVATE 3702 95
JICAMAS 21673 98
H(O)RRIBlE 11194 74
BATARDS 11599 76
SUD(A)TORY 7579 65
BrUCITE(S) 9074 63
NEATNIK 4454 72
TERTIAL 546 66
BOVINES 5075 75
QUERIDA 3532 95
GOUrDES 4252 69
ARGOTIC 2674 80
ONEROUS 2041 71
TEDDIES 6076 86
(M)UTUALLy 28233 70
TWA(N)GLED 8082 73
LATRONS 1577 72
TIRASSE 1841 92
STEELIE 2627 74
FAIREST 665 92
REPaVED 8298 72
BOTU(L)INS 7213 74
SEXTaIN 1681 83
L(O)N(G)LINES 10945 64
(D)iRECTER 6410 89
REALNES(S) 5099 77
(B)REEDiNG 4620 74
(D)ELATION 12 61
FILTER(E)D 3115 63
ENAcTOR 349 76
IODATED 820 70
ST(I)NGIER 1570 68
mODIFI(E)S 10672 63
NEROLIS 181 71
YEASTI(E)R 643 76
ARCHILS 11865 101
(D)ElAINES 345 77
cROSSED 18627 92
LOATHE(s)T 7907 62
APO(c)RINE 1141 59
REAR(I)SEN 657 68
CU(R)TAILS 6578 63
DOCeNTS 3675 78
SMIRKEd 14140 79
DEfINI(T)E 3481 64
WEIR(D)OeS 1936 77
WRONG(E)ST 4448 64
BALLADS 20745 76
SESTINa 1330 76
ELAPSiN(G) 3457 89
SUNlIKE 9127 80
(U)NDERARM 8313 86
pOTLINE 985 73
IBO(G)AINE 1130 63
JILTErS 5896 105
OPEROsE 5919 69
DETESTS 16516 66
V(E)NTUrIS 2273 60
PROTEST 7455 81
ENDORsE(R) 3394 70
STOUTER 3352 71
STON(I)ESt 5768 61
NEUROmA 885 60
HYdRIDE 16550 81
AErATES 761 76
THULIAS 7587 78
EPIS(T)OME 4596 82
IND(O)RSER 1157 70
OUT(G)AZED 7975 230
ARANEiD 131 73
(C)OVERLID 6468 94
FlAUNTE(D) 4257 86
ADVERTS 3137 69
ROASTER 781 79
SUBF(I)ELD 15699 72
TINCTED 6261 73
UNREAS(O)N 1149 62
WINDERS 3269 81
READIES 207 87
sTARRED 2691 77
P(A)nTHERS 5548 80
TAU(T)OMER 3562 62
(T)INKEReR 6873 84
ICIcLES 19201 74
ACEROSE 1240 74
UNVALu(E)D 15147 65
(C)OURANtE 553 70
TAILBO(N)E 169 90
ETOIlES 286 71
CANTRAP 12671 71
TONS(U)RED 872 72
BALDISh 14840 73
LAnGUI(S)H 11533 72
SATIRES 1399 81
sWOTTER 9940 76
WENDiGO 3977 71
GANOI(N)ES 1106 61
RIPOSTE 1010 75
ELEgANT 1190 81
ADVISED 9574 72
LETTING 4441 62
TOWLINE(S) 1471 65
MILTIER 3649 74
AVENGES 5729 80
VEcTORS 8115 99
IRATELY 690 79
EN(R)OOTED 881 74
oUTLEAP 1979 74
ANO(L)YTES 1393 71
OLEA(S)TER 170 68
NONUSER 3503 78
DiSROOT 3432 79
ADORInG 834 70
RINGLET 773 74
CR(E)MATeS 6759 72
OU(T)EAtEN 694 58
HA(R)DNESS 12189 74
NEAREsT 216 70
INTREAT(ED) 168 83
TRANS(I)TS 10201 59
WA(T)ERBED 6732 82
DISTEND 5189 72
GLASSfU(L) 29915 77
JOURNEy(S) 14882 94
RE(S)EALED 3520 71
DIRLINg 8943 62
TOYLIKE 8763 70
(R)eGICIDE 8062 80
SErIATI(M) 1251 80
SWAYInG 14048 76
DEGASES 11504 70
TILLERE(D) 5113 61
AE(R)OLITH 209 65
(R)EZERoeD 17657 82
LEANERs 580 76
aBST(E)RGE 4604 70
(S)PIRALED 2310 74
UNITIES 1232 68
C(R)EASIER 3684 65
FOAm(I)EST 2052 72
BIDARkA 16643 79
HERALDs 5590 84
PAYOUtS 12921 82
REACTIN(G) 743 92
VIR(U)LENT 2393 71
STEAmIE 1063 82
LEANERS 579 74
NASCENT 6196 77
AEOnIAN 347 68
NOTECA(R)D 550 78
DAWTING 6806 82
ELOIG(N)ER 351 63
(D)ERAcINE 643 66
PErIDI(U)M 13311 82
ENSURES 9365 77
BEAMI(E)ST 4246 76
VIrTUES 3317 68
ETESIaN 56 81
CO(U)NSELS 17060 78
ALLSEED 9211 71
(R)EAgINIC 2134 70
MoVANTS 13888 78
PU(T)AMENS 11878 63
TREILLE 5275 79
ARIL(L)ODE 1178 60
AERATeS 801 64
(e)NDOwING 8169 74
ABRUPTE(R) 13955 79
GIRASOL 1807 85
(P)RANDIAL 7272 72
EXTENTs 13952 81
(G)ASOLIER 234 82
AL(A)NINEs 2330 64
GUERID(O)N 693 64
InTERIm 1755 69
IN(C)LOSED 2807 74
(D)ELIvERS 5342 66
REMAKER 15954 78
FEATURe 2210 69
ALLODIA 8951 85
OU(T)LINES 345 66
RELiQ(U)ES 9359 67
ETaLONS 161 67
BEA(D)LIKE 11097 69
(E)STROGEN 895 62
ENTEreD 2567 60
(D)RaTTING 4782 80
AEROBES 1181 73
PROD(I)GAL 6009 68
SILENUS 8096 62
FREeSIA 1003 82
MARRIES 3639 74
obIT(U)ARY 5616 86
RA(T)OONED 219 68
E(N)TICERS 1613 74
LOOKING 16026 72
REOVIRU(S) 6084 69
TEAZLES 7316 102
H(A)RDENED 10039 80
SCORiAE 297 75
SOLVATE 1886 73
pURLINE 3149 69
ABREAST 3436 78
(R)ECOILeD 1818 83
DIESTER 570 76
(G)UIDABLE 5788 89
FE(I)STIER 3298 71
(A)BORTION 1668 72
mURDERE(R) 23779 82
rEVULSE(D) 12005 86
CLA(R)INET 411 90
ONLIEST 183 82
(A)NTRORSE 457 77
MeTOPON 9544 78
NARCIST 2707 73
(R)EFINING 11314 89
TROMPED 8122 84
RInGLET 813 69
(A)UDITION 879 65
LANTER(N)S 2140 64
STyLIzE 14165 78
(O)UTGASES 6943 70
ASTUT(E)LY 11737 62
POISING 10956 76
ME(A)LIEST 1468 61
TOrSION 1712 66
(I)NITIATE 3668 82
OUTRAI(S)E 22 62
REDSTA(R)T 7433 72
DEtA(I)NEE 277 68
NEEDERs 4652 85
GENEvAS 5502 75
LYCOpE(N)E 16321 76
ANNELID 1270 70
DEBO(N)AIR 167 65
STHENIA 637 74
NEAREsT 216 73
RELIEVE 5946 64
BOOBIES 16960 81
gUTTATE 15593 78
WATTAGe 11636 73
VOIDErS 1928 77
pEBBLED 23552 77
TALI(p)EDS 2312 122
D(E)VOUTeR 3769 62
RAmBU(T)AN 16356 68
GAuDIER 758 72
RELATED 543 95
STANdIS(H) 14314 74
ISObARE 289 83
(G)EArLESS 10017 77
POOFTER(S) 11241 92
(F)ATtENED 6392 86
ENSNAR(E)D 2545 68
(C)ENTaURs 2242 70
RIPOSTE 963 82
HOOKiER 9785 70
REJUDGE 14853 114
s(L)IPCASE 16916 70
SHARERS 16023 75
AIRMO(BI)lE 2395 74
(O)VERLAND 1289 89
ReADOUT 151 83
(C)IVILISE 22019 73
HUMIDO(R)S 21801 70
ANTIWEe(D) 825 95
LENTOID 207 80
BENDERS 6443 67
BARNING 10447 68
BESTING 4723 83
TANNATe 6498 69
EXTOrTS 10808 88
CORNUaL 5580 68
OPU(N)TIAS 2324 62
H(A)RICOTS 5627 80
ENFrAM(E)D 6762 76
tORQUER 10807 75
TuMESCE 13871 84
(C)AGInESS 10952 64
rEADIE(s)T 110 59
FoRGING 16369 67
JE(R)eMIaD 7390 70
ANEMONE 3177 65
AGENTI(A)L 597 61
TOLERaN(T) 454 74
DIPSHIt 17800 89
CRADLES 5346 71
NATTERS 1292 78
ENTERON 1154 65
(U)nErOTIC 575 78
SATIR(I)ST 14278 82
LASTERS 5182 69
D(E)sANDED 21977 90
AMOUNtE(D) 1366 70
LECTORS 3862 79
RETITLE 1901 70
SANTERA 473 63
ODOnAtE 341 71
CRINGeR 8610 66
WETLAND 3108 81
mILLINE 13650 71
(V)IOLATER 220 74
A(R)MIGERO 2766 83
CItEABL(E) 4022 72
AbALONE(S) 3047 61
AEROBAT 1078 79
BRINeRS 6257 87
NURSING 11827 69
(N)OTATING 6599 72
tEAMSTE(R) 6081 86
NAILSeT 105 71
PANTHEr 4483 68
FO(r)ESTER 7468 64
aRENITE 8 70
DETAINE(E) 277 80
(M)AGNESIA 3967 67
NACElLE 10627 71
ITERAT(E)D 491 86
UNG(L)OVES 10103 74
TIPTOES 4455 82
GRUNteD 3400 83
BLAS(T)ING 8275 74
(H)OmERiNG 5612 74
TRAINER 196 76
RATTLED 2809 64
REPOSED 4605 73
HEATInG 1164 72
OBLI(G)aTE 922 61
OVERBET 5850 82
G(L)OSSIER 6608 70
(H)ARIANAS 12051 86
ACHOLIA 10359 82
TODDIES 3415 72
R(E)LIEVES 7377 74
(P)ASTIEST 13427 83
TONSURE 530 70
EnCA(E)NIA 4063 86
OXAL(A)TED 5939 70
A(I)RDATES 306 61
GUIdERS 3324 69
GRO(G)rAMS 25083 74
LI(O)NISED 934 63
PINKEN(E)D 18690 82
EXACTi(N)G 8339 100
A(G)GRADES 15487 63
P(Y)RANOSE 3868 67
BRIGAND(S) 8272 80
NA(P)IFORM 11146 70
INGOTED 405 72
SEASIdE 3587 70
sER(O)TINE 49 78
STOLLEN 6173 71
(L)ABIATeD 2401 72
AErOBES 1181 75
KATSURA 14676 101
STA(I)N(A)BLE 1300 62
IDEAlI(S)M 4544 78
STRAINE(D) 64 70
AnTISLI(P) 6952 80
EVITING 5061 68
THRoWER 11627 92
CRONIES 906 67
(N)ATIVITy 16486 70
DEaCO(N)RY 4015 102
PI(N)OTAGE 395 69
SUBRENT 5780 71
MASTOID 3206 79
PUNChE(R)S 21554 72
ISOLEAD 146 73
(D)IABETIc 5982 64
sQUATTY 21406 106
wISTARI(A) 7820 74
ANIM(A)TOR 1315 64
EARsHOT 913 83
DETUNES 2918 76
WORM(I)EST 4169 76
ORALIsT 442 69
CADDIES 9567 74
(W)ORKSITE 7691 84
cURTALS 10576 67
ORDAInE(R) 125 66
(S)TEELING 1653 65
UNIvO(C)AL 8712 70
(R)EPLICoN 3900 94
mERCURY 20813 100
PAINTEd 618 63
VI(T)IaTOR 5601 72
SENORES 4473 80
fABULO(U)S 24775 70
a(S)TUTELY 11163 81
GENTEEL 6175 74
(B)ROMATeD 3785 89
D(E)STINeD 6742 65
cODEINE 1647 73
RAPPELs 16791 74
NEUTERS 1375 74
(C)OTERIES 790 66
SANDLOt 2361 77
ABElIAS 3355 74
ENAMOR(E)D 811 72
(T)RIANGLE 156 72
DREADI(N)G 3233 80
(B)EASTIES 6284 91
(S)HORTENS 9427 86
CHOIRI(N)G 15255 82
(B)ECARPET 11661 95
DI(L)ATORS 700 60
TREsTLE 5996 69
JIGgLES 20496 78
DrA(C)ENAS 4652 61
WAVEREd 7954 71
DENT(I)NAL 876 63
GENOISE 506 70
sTRIATA 4960 74
SOIGNEE 507 82
ARBITER 1991 63
ARENOsE 64 68
MI(L)KIeST 17000 84
PAIRING 7106 75
VENTA(I)ls 1018 76
STUDIES 8093 81
RINGERs 4259 76
THEREON 1209 78
FR(E)AKOUt 7286 66
INT(E)RVAL 407 62
(V)ERSIONS 6195 72
WI(D)EOUtS 2686 61
SPARKLE(R) 20443 95
ShANTIH 16237 79
B(E)ERIEST 4504 74
CAN(O)EIST 185 70
SeRPIGO 2862 80
AT(R)OPINS 1057 63
SAN(T)ERIA 84 68
REBODIE(S) 1816 74
ERE(C)TinG 2332 72
BLONdES 6091 84
DINKIES 9156 70
S(E)aBIRDS 8142 76
EXULTED 12995 132
CITTERn 3822 78
TaLLOWS 15407 73
MUCINAT(E)* 0 89
YeSTErN 4041 86
EXT(R)acTS 17570 102
(P)ANDERED 9529 64
SALARI(A)T 7191 66
B(O)RNITeS 568 72
M(O)NORAIL 3265 70
HERRIED 7391 81
SETTlED 8760 79
UNiONIS(E) 2855 64
(C)ANOEIST 198 83
ASCRIBE 4283 74
SHELTER 6477 78
OUTRA(V)eD 1304 63
DIETArY 627 65
NITROLI(C) 4799 83
FL(A)REUPS 12006 80
WORSENS 10408 77
REtIRER 8494 73
hOUSEM(A)N 6433 72
SNOOKED 11239 71
bIELDED 13597 80
RAMENTA 1747 94
ETHENeS 8606 80
UNWI(S)HED 12030 69
OUREBIS 1894 69
CAPSTON(E) 3822 89
PEREIOn 463 67
FREE(L)OAD 1797 69
CONNERS 7118 69
CRE(A)TION 52 74
BULImIA 15310 76
SPINIEr 3486 86
AZURiTE 1684 87
ATENOLO(L) 3654 60
SOAPING 4646 74
E(L)EvATES 7364 64
JUNIORs 8840 90
ROAStER 742 79
NOTICES 910 74
GRODIE(S)t 658 72
DEVISO(R)Y* 0 70
ANTIRAP(E) 507 64
O(R)AtIONS 450 63
INTEN(t)LY 13099 62
UNFITT(E)d 7953 70
MOULDI(N)G 12737 72
(S)NOWSUiT 15553 92
SIRLOIN 2597 76
SANTeRO 40 78
AL(I)ENIsT 295 78
eLICI(T)OR 1596 68
MARROWE(D) 10625 95
uPRISEN 3166 96
TRIPLED 3111 74
EY(E)SHINe 12358 102
UNSEEI(N)G 6565 70
CAULDR(O)N 7197 74
MEGABU(C)K 27075 88
(s)NORTERS 8680 71
EASIEST 1960 80
bYRNIES 6821 93
(P)AINTInG 13486 62
MoISTEN 946 76
TEAPOYS 4850 82
MUSHIER 9732 90
TWeETiN(G) 8061 70
VENT(A)ILS 1018 61
DIREcTO(R) 3386 77
RAGTIME 1172 76
AIRIEST 139 77
NONRI(V)AL 5113 72
rEPASTE(D) 2902 76
dEBATED 11096 74
hRYVN(I)AS 17496 78
YARNERS 6246 78
(D)ECIARES 1444 86
ELUSION 493 75
jOH(A)NNEs 15038 72
WIN(D)wARD 26635 66
PEOnIES 1260 79
GEARING 3735 81
(V)ENTURES 5422 79
LINTERs 452 63
TOLL(B)ARS 15528 62
(E)YESTONE 5487 94
HAdARIM 13115 86
HELIAsT 1541 86
CANTLeS 2946 77
TOOTERS 4664 66
ANATASE 4192 63
(C)OENURES 3741 72
OS(T)OMIEs 11446 72
RO(P)ERIEs 4229 60
HALITES 1542 68
TROILuS 2485 69
NEGATES 1193 68
AMPU(T)EES 10415 74
GRINDED 7336 81
oRALIST 442 71
MANITOU 1587 65
BENAmED 7889 77
RAD(I)ATES 308 72
NoRTENA 288 68
DEAREST 547 80
E(V)ENTUAL 2918 65
D(R)AFTERS 8318 80
sTRIDEr(S) 11508 74
CUSTAR(D)S 21897 72
(A)bALONES 3215 74
UREMIAS 1569 76
FURiOSO 9906 78
LIERNES 575 71
ROTATIO(N) 1553 62
(E)NFRAMES 6771 92
RESeCTS 13697 82
DARTInG 1406 77
SIERRAN 552 73
QuO(I)TING 14928 90
SURGEON 2222 68
U(N)FETTER 9381 65
NOSHING 14156 104
BONDErs 3654 83
O(V)ERSALT 1324 74
REOILED 299 68
m(E)GABITS 7929 70
(N)EOLITHS 1462 63
PiNTOES 953 80
(O)UTDAReS 310 77
AIRIEsT 139 69
TASTIER 535 68
AU(D)ITInG 4461 68
MALTIER 644 73
CHuRNIN(G) 23370 64
OLEATES 279 83
(S)UBfLOOR 22953 72
SHORANS 12645 76
ENISLED 1312 77
CElEsTA 3860 84
ENSKIED 7019 68
DAYROOm 14464 85
TODDLES 8713 70
INGRESS 7048 79
DIlATOR 434 72
TISANES 1332 81
RUBIOUS 15423 79
FEdERAT(E) 4493 83
(W)ATERINg 755 83
CARY(O)TIN 3503 66
EyESORE 6843 76
SLAINTE 108 80
OUTRAI(S)E 25 62
rEG(U)LATE 1729 66
cRASH(I)nG 14352 78
ErASING 253 68
ONErOUS 2041 66
ILEITIS 6315 67
SEXIEST 14120 104
NOVENaE 3178 65
MAESTRI 664 84
ONSTReA(M) 591 80
MINARE(T)S 409 77
(O)pTIoNEE 1202 68
AfFINES 11202 90
oUTLEAD 484 72
GENITOR(S) 260 63
REnTABL(E) 1582 80
rEALISE 210 69
A(D)IPOSES 6240 64
(R)EeNTERS 7368 74
TErTIAL 546 69
ENDITES 597 78
OPALInE 325 80
OV(E)RMANs 4073 98
OWLIEST 2045 69
LITHOED 1905 83
bUTYRAL 14897 69
ASTERIA 138 68
SOpRANI 1666 70
AdOPTEE(S) 1906 86
COWIEST 5110 101
EROTI(C)AL 194 61
RHaMN(O)SE 4069 66
SNARLIE(r) 933 66
RE(L)EVaNT 1606 61
SMARTIE 700 89
TItTER(E)D 10794 70
LA(I)TANCE 1196 60
GUeRITE 1574 82
BOOHAIS 15833 83
EDIBLES 6600 78
AUT(O)mATA 21493 66
P(OW)TERiNG* 0 66
SEIZORS 11519 92
(Q)UARRIeD 8966 69
L(E)NITION 1500 70
I(O)DATION 1485 68
BEATING 1213 76
MOILERs 2035 78
PROTEI(DE)S 969 63
RECITAL 631 74
NATTI(E)ST 6100 70
DOMaINS 3351 92
(T)RACHEID 3124 66
DROpPeR 19885 73
SALTIER(S) 2089 68
tRENDER* 0 68
MELTA(B)LE 19123 64
GORIEST 414 73
HOARIER 1152 78
INSERTS 2875 80
PARROTS 9661 74
OUTLEA(R)N 101 62
TRaINED 14 68
(V)ANADATE 10007 66
TORS(I)ONS 8870 59
RE(G)LAZED 11625 70
HaLB(E)RDS 15 67
P(H)EASAnT 9290 74
TUNDRAS 3602 69
RESIDUa 404 87
SOGgIER 6999 83
VISAGED 4460 94
TUNICLE 3228 80
FANcIES 4314 75
OVERsEE 6842 74
QU(I)SLING 22332 86
F(R)EEbASE 12328 70
NArWHAL 15477 74
AMIDOLS 5681 73
SLACKED 16814 93
TAHINIS 5261 74
MEATIEr 355 83
OUTbIDS 8816 68
PERI(Q)uES 14995 94
SYLvANS 21187 73
TROPINE 340 65
DONNErT 1711 68
PRER(E)NAL 6075 63
WINDAB(L)E 5346 78
ILEUSEs 8833 70
INS(U)LARS 9503 59
T(W)ANGIER 796 78
NEARLI(E)R 519 68
DECANES 3848 72
TUILLES 8095 71
RETA(P)ING 791 76
STAtION 1404 66
ANESTRi 20 70
AUTOpE(N)S 1402 66
(A)nTSIEST 4757 58
hY(P)HENED 29574 76
SAN(T)EROS 1275 70
(A)SSERTER 9400 70
TENORIS(T) 492 66
INSOLES 4803 88
eXERTED 16923 90
AVIATIN(G) 13176 78
ENTR(E)SOL 490 60
(Y)ODELlED 23736 68
SENTIMO 996 65
ALtHEAS 6039 87
PEDLERS 9617 89
(O)NcOMING 24025 70
BLASTeR 3058 94
SPRINTE(R) 5277 83
VARiCES 4353 84
FOOTSIE 2665 81
TEMPTIN(G) 15679 98
ENSILED 1377 70
STORING 1852 76
E(N)LIVEnS 9133 70
BEWITcH 18005 73
WoORALI 4534 76
FREN(C)HED 19719 86
HEADSE(T)S 13699 74
DEPL(O)RES 5852 74
ANOR(EX)iES 431 72
ENAcTED 2170 68
UNSEATE(D) 956 68
STROYI(N)G 6550 67
OPp(I)LATE 8432 87
GENTLiN(G) 15969 80
ZINgERS 10995 95
DOTAGES 1437 74
D(E)CLaRES 5286 68
SILICON(E) 3225 83
(H)ARDNOSE 1357 74
GERANIU(M) 1856 63
BET(R)AYED 7082 68
BeN(E)FITS 7148 98
aTINGLE 260 78
SEATING 264 76
RECO(P)IEd 4575 74
KINARAS 8961 82
SINUATE 125 63
qUIETI(N)G 11020 66
DEB(A)TInG 1803 80
SOFtIES 7638 85
ReTORT(E)R 16021 58
TEACa(K)ES 15504 88
ACETONE 481 82
SP(A)RTaNS* 0 79
MEDIA(T)ED 6609 78
A(L)LOSAUR 14846 70
(K)EIRETSU 6013 67
CONV(U)LsE 13925 72
BENEFIT 5350 80
ASsHOLE 10646 73
NE(E)DIEST 1884 60
BUGSEED 14753 104
LACUNaT(E) 4901 72
ANOMIES 311 72
SNIFTER 1623 75
CYAnITE 2406 69
mOULAGE 5381 65
OORALIS 1682 75
pROTEAN(S) 597 74
gROOVED 9892 80
M(E)DIEVAl 7027 80
CYAN(O)SED 6382 88
I(S)LANDER 264 68
tR(E)ADING 150 86
INTROI(T)S 4700 59
(E)LATERID 105 80
OVE(R)RODE 11903 64
TUNDRAS 3602 68
I(N)TERLAY 408 72
THEELIN(S) 2979 74
Ov(E)RBITE 2465 72
kAURIES 3540 70
(A)MBUlATE 13230 83
ARGYLES 7203 94
(I)NVeSTOR 586 62
EmIRATE 375 73
EXOGENI(C) 11057 88
UNOILED 487 73
T(E)ABOXES 8246 75
APTeRAL 3451 68
ANODIzE 1033 65
(C)ORoNATE 939 80
(L)EISUREs 8194 79
EUCAINE(s) 1446 61
StR(A)NDED 4111 86
(W)RESTING 3524 78
(T)RIASSIC 15625 64
YEARlIE(S) 1557 72
THA(N)KERs 10136 65
STRANGE 811 71
CREATOr 2576 72
(R)EtAILOR 140 59
TOsSING 10123 88
BOOkMAN 20188 83
STRANGE(r) 3075 66
iNJUr(I)ES 8237 64
T(R)ENDIER 1231 61
GORD(i)TAS 1193 70
pARAKI(T)E(S) 6939 76
SINUATE 119 74
reLEA(S)ED 3332 64
TROUPES 3767 74
OPInION 14520 74
(D)ENARIUS 251 68
OCULARS 8426 76
SALTIES 2766 71
CRuZADO 17016 79
GUESTIN(G) 11710 66
SLATTIN(G) 8095 63
EVOLUtE 4820 62
WANDE(R)ER 6373 68
DELAINE 203 70
(T)INKEReR 7223 65
VERAC(I)TY 7615 76
LEVELI(N)g 16143 64
AIRTING 1714 82
AIRInES(S) 2481 71
qUO(I)NING 29831 71
ENMEsH(E)S 34824 78
SUPINAT(E) 1080 72
ETOILES 302 73
RORTIES(T) 4172 77
SEVRUGA 10021 68
BRITtLE(D) 10946 83
OWNAbLE 4784 76
(C)ONTRAST 8129 70
(D)ESIGNER 1640 86
(C)HARIEST 3314 102
GRIDIR(O)n 9751 60
SNOWIER 1006 70
O(I)LBIRdS 11525 80
ApERIEN(T) 243 69
DR(A)FTIER 2908 63
ASTER(I)AS 2479 66
PRIMUlA(S) 15468 92
V(I)RULeNT 2390 80
JOUSTER 6679 94
(N)ARgILES 440 74
TRIAGES 271 65
OVER(B)EAT 2454 76
(E)LEGISeS 16771 82
(N)ERVIEsT 1626 80
DIATRON 127 63
MANTRAM 19680 78
TALKIN(G)S 13155 96
AUnTIES 124 83
DE(l)EGATE 5042 63
HAUlAG(E)S 13205 74
ANTIPOR(N) 3008 84
PORTAGE(S) 2133 86
MELLOw(E)D 21773 74
EGOTIST 2580 71
(D)EUtERON 489 63
L(A)NTHORN 8132 62
(O)BEDIEnT 784 61
FEARl(E)SS 13041 61
HO(U)SIEST 9718 82
(A)GINNERS 1562 63
REASOn(E)R 693 64
(A)BRIDGED 10394 78
BULLieS 15873 70
SORBENT 2067 75
LUMPENS 15606 87
LORRIES 1620 70
BEATERS 2061 81
(L)OtHARiO 3264 80
BEGROAN 1346 72
WHINERS 6871 99
RATANIE(S) 89 68
BROMIDs 13522 79
CRUSADe 5350 97
WAISTED 1531 71
DRIPpED 21973 78
J(E)RRIcAN 11043 64
FADEINS 1493 74
AIRSHOt 1660 85
CREaTUR(E) 6356 77
MAEN(A)DIC 6257 66
RAT(A)NIES 83 82
TREATI(S)E 505 68
ICINESS 13062 71
pEELING 5524 64
WASHIng 14035 98
(R)EGULINE 1650 80
POSTURA(L) 7211 76
oUTFISH 13554 92
BEARING 1214 76
STILLER 5418 71
PLENIST 3295 92
CODRI(V)EN 4093 78
RESILES 6336 76
sMEARER 7690 83
FaSTENE(R) 1597 83
eQUATED 7297 92
WEIRDeS(T) 3137 78
aEONIAN 347 70
DeSPITE 3975 81
IGUANAS 5671 66
(P)EROrATE 2212 86
SHIELDS 15221 70
SH(A)MISEN 14249 88
BAPTI(s)IA 16774 92
SIDLING 11970 92
CAPsT(O)NE 4027 72
TOLU(A)TES 2363 82
TELLERs 8966 62
sHAD(I)EST 8611 94
U(N)AfRAID 7306 68
HUNTErS 5785 77
DISTORT 5370 75
ANT(e)RIOR 38 58
GL(I)TTErS 5283 70
(T)OLIDINE 373 63
RESEALE(D) 3333 70
(E)UPNOEAS 1812 72
dISTENT 2721 69
(S)PECIATe 4051 86
CORSAGE 2930 76
ETALONS 161 81
NETSURf 5783 80
WOODHEN 12611 96
ATTENDS 2809 74
ISATInS 8216 70
NEUROSa(L) 334 58
ARANEID 131 62
MYTHIEr 11862 74
G(A)UNTLET 5545 63
TANKErS 3595 72
T(ER)RIFiED 6978 76
RETIL(I)NG 1484 74
OU(T)lINED 317 66
BAYO(NE)TtE* 0 84
MuRDERS 15665 74
REA(C)HINg 4864 78
WASTERI(E) 677 86
BUTYRAL 15545 94
lIAISON(S) 7802 66
SHELVIN(G) 15206 82
CO(S)TLIER 1830 61
SOLARIA 1718 67
uN(K)OSHER 19590 92
AIrTHED 612 83
wETWARE 12226 73
BREADIN(G) 1802 64
IMPAS(T)ED 5706 66
WORSTED 3906 86
TERnARY 3999 95
STINTED 2722 69
OvERfAT 2614 59
V(I)TREOUS 1406 65
DIAL(O)GED 3751 74
THISTL(E)s 20448 61
DOTArDS 8570 70
OO(Z)iNESS 16218 86
RIOTERS 796 79
TANgLES 1727 76
OUTSAIL 1176 71
fRINGIE(R) 11316 80
DUOD(E)nAL 4602 61
GREASER 5081 86
RETRIES 1911 74
STROLl(E)R 12578 59
SAPPINg 19632 72
BIgEYES 12785 78
STEEVES 17889 81
ETERNA(L)S 355 59
POSTERS 10410 72
RE(L)aTIVE 630 74
NAILERS 107 73
NODA(L)ItY 2427 63
(F)OCUSING 19002 82
FOLIATE 321 76
ADENOID 816 76
uNFAD(I)NG 17018 79
POSTERN 2090 77
E(R)OGENiC 1495 70
ETOIlES 286 65
REAGENT 477 74
RIOTOUS 3439 70
CL(E)ANEST 3019 61
TRIENES 221 74
(H)UMOrI(S)TS 19459 65
cOTTIER(S) 3580 64
GENOTyP(E) 10306 68
M(A)RTINIS 4191 70
TEAPOTS 4622 70
vAR(O)OMED 8276 80
CL(E)AREST 3023 78
UR(I)NATES 84 69
OLEFINS 2027 73
INT(E)RMIT 5789 72
PRECAvA(L) 18898 76
DUNNITE 2719 63
AIR(P)OwER 4475 68
NATTIEr 191 75
STAGIER 270 70
(F)ORTUNEs 2807 83
wHI(T)ENED 6829 63
SNARING 5975 70
REStAGE 1137 90
pLAITIN(G) 9394 60
DILA(T)ORS 741 61
VENT(R)ALS 2378 65
PYROGEN 9497 90
VESiCLE 10903 69
DEcOYER(S) 10799 82
BIENNI(A)L 5572 61
WHETTeD 17187 69
ANEM(O)SES 7642 90
PINGOES 2990 71
LASERED 1815 77
WANIGA(N)S 23236 81
COA(C)TORs 23013 94
MENAGEs 5726 65
VERT(I)CAL 3141 78
WA(R)IsONS 8809 80
LIONIzE(R) 3793 67
IRONIST 1269 68
AU(N)TLIKE 2499 65
POULT(E)RS 4953 72
VECTORS 7778 93
INDITES 1222 68
(P)EAcEFuL 18575 83
REFuTED 6460 72
ENTRIES 210 70
SABRInG 6511 81
TOWELIN(G) 2151 64
ReALISE 202 69
DROVERS 10100 73
ALMUDES 8229 73
P(E)nALITY 3187 74
BI(L)ANDER 940 76
HET(A)ERIC 2059 102
AVERrE(R)S* 0 74
(H)ABITATE* 0 78
MISDAT(E)D 8172 71
TEN(N)ISES 8936 70
dERISI(V)E 5586 61
JOIN(T)ERs 1616 72
LUNgEES 6924 80
SCARRED 8985 73
ANTIDO(R)A 319 60
DERIS(O)RY 5765 74
A(N)TISNOB 5090 74
GRAZiEr(S) 10843 82
BOTA(N)IES 173 70
TOVArIS(H) 5650 92
EUGENIA 432 63
OUTRa(G)ES 654 82
(S)CIAEnID 2428 70
EVE(C)TION 2469 73
LOGICI(S)E 7760 63
RAWHIDE 4362 74
ROTUNDA(S) 1762 70
STOWINg 7541 74
AgENESI(A) 819 74
PERIG(E)AL 2350 67
MATERnA(L) 2657 67
EL(A)STINS 2203 59
IN(D)ITERS 869 68
(R)ETiNALS 75 74
RESIGNS 7343 84
MATU(R)ING 5235 67
EVASION 317 85
nEURONE 2373 67
FoNDLER 3871 78
(O)UTDUELS 11344 60
ELISION 737 71
cANNIES(T) 2896 74
SAUTOIR 472 61
GRoWERS 16707 74
DElAINE 258 84
ARIETTE 344 66
QU(A)RTiLE 2645 88
(R)EESTING 755 78
SUNlAND 13569 61
OUTC(R)IES 1431 74
SEEMING 7709 86
PaGEaNT 7024 77
LOERIES 393 77
LEVANTs 4239 65
CYSTOID 18080 106
FLOUNCE(D) 18213 78
(G)OLIARDS 3372 64
LEIDG(E)RS 4260 66
DIvESTS 12998 86
(C)ARCANET 15455 78
BIOGENY 6870 87
ATROPIN 963 72
fEIJOAS 7393 79
ReLIEVO 1648 82
INFUlAE 1531 79
RENVOIs 1004 76
FLAMENS 9627 72
(B)ANIsHER 3110 86
EUCAInE 1043 67
SCRIBED 10075 80
BR(O)WNOUT 18460 65
sOL(A)NINE 423 66
IGNITES 2052 81
(I)tERATES 502 74
InOSITE 236 65
RADIALs 4071 69
ORIGANS 798 69
OBVIA(T)ED 1914 70
WOmMERA(S) 20247 82
FOIBLES 7994 82
AvARICE(S) 6283 80
(T)EENSIEr 861 66
TAIPANS 5253 67
GERONTi(C) 930 72
The of bingos played by the player that were not challenged off.
Triple Triples
Type Play Probability Score
lE(S)SONED 9225 131
AURIC(L)ES 2301 149
GESTUR(A)l 2522 131
RoOT(I)EST 1949 122
RE(C)OATED 803 158
bL(O)USIER 2808 122
LIM(B)IEST 13314 158
VO(ID)AbLE 3905 108
MA(s)TERLy 9070 131
B(R)OAdeST 1259 131
DETO(N)ATE 731 131
HEKTAR(E)S 11261 194
tAPENa(D)E 3281 140
OUT(G)AZED 7975 230
TALI(p)EDS 2312 122
GLOA(TE)RS 688 81
Triple triples played by the player that were not challenged off. They do not have to be bingos.
Bingo Nines or Above
Type Play Probability Score
REG(RE)TTER 22992 90
DEF(AT)TING 4619 64
ORIEN(TE)ER 597 59
STATION(ED) 138 62
(BE)DSONIAS 5022 89
GOSP(EL)lED* 0 66
(IN)CLEmENT 11230 83
SONICAT(ED) 192 80
(D)EFERr(I)NG 8444 80
(IN)FLATERS 466 76
(A)N(D)ROGENS 2186 73
TrAILE(RE)D 519 74
L(O)N(G)LINES 10945 64
INTREAT(ED) 168 83
AIRMO(BI)lE 2395 74
STA(I)N(A)BLE 1300 62
P(OW)TERiNG* 0 66
PROTEI(DE)S 969 63
ANOR(EX)iES 431 72
pARAKI(T)E(S) 6939 76
T(ER)RIFiED 6978 76
BAYO(NE)TtE* 0 84
(H)UMOrI(S)TS 19459 65
Bingos played by the player that were nine letters or longer and were not challenged off.
Challenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
CRA(V)IT* 0 0
CrANERS* 0 0
AP* 0 0
(c)IZES* 0 0
SHOS* 0 0
LABROU(S)* 0 0
UnALIVE* 0 0
TeLL(U)RID* 0 0
LOD* 0 0
DI(C)AD* 0 0
MERCE* 0 0
LISI* 0 0
aLIMONE* 0 0
GEEZE* 0 0
(FIZ)ES* 0 0
TYRI* 0 0
I(N)VECT* 0 0
LEVOS* 0 0
FI(S)K* 0 0
HOL(A)* 0 0
TEAKInG* 0 0
FELLO* 0 0
TOS* 0 0
REMIt(T)UR* 0 0
GA(w)D* 0 0
TEEDS* 0 0
XE* 0 0
WOWER* 0 0
ABAT(TI)* 0 0
AUTEc(O)ID* 0 0
HU* 0 0
A* 0 0
A* 0 0
SOR* 0 0
BLINY* 0 0
POOVY* 0 0
FAE* 0 0
ATI* 0 0
PARAmO(R)E* 0 0
K(A)TIONIc* 0 0
(I)Q* 0 0
(RE)F(I)* 0 0
(D)EPLaEN(D)* 0 0
AGoNI(Z)ER* 0 0
FUZ(E)L* 0 0
TOM(B)Y* 0 0
BIRdKIN(D)* 0 0
pA(R)ERGAL* 0 0
M(E)WN* 0 0
(Z)OEGLEA* 0 0
EYERINg* 0 0
OUtPAID* 0 0
VOIL* 0 0
II* 0 0
LANIToL* 0 0
(G)OOIDE* 0 0
KWAN* 0 0
AWAYS* 0 0
JOCKeR* 0 0
TOReDOS* 0 0
COWERE(R)* 0 0
COSMO* 0 0
REcENCE* 0 0
M(I)NTH* 0 0
HAUtIER* 0 0
AB(ORA)D* 0 0
LIDER* 0 0
VIN* 0 0
N(I)MBY* 0 0
COStOID* 0 0
SPAVOiD* 0 0
NI* 0 0
UnHE(M)* 0 0
TE* 0 0
CLO(N)G* 0 0
DI* 0 0
f(I)CTIOUS* 0 0
HELDS* 0 0
(S)ECLUdER* 0 0
OWS* 0 0
THW(A)P* 0 0
KAUR* 0 0
PEAVIE(R)* 0 0
B(A)B* 0 0
GASE(F)iED* 0 0
aULDERS* 0 0
WEA(N)Y* 0 0
(R)EL(I)QUA* 0 0
FARENG(A)* 0 0
WYCHS* 0 0
HoSANNI(C)* 0 0
K(ER)ATeNES* 0 0
FOOL(E)R* 0 0
MIAO* 0 0
BEZAL* 0 0
OG* 0 0
MIGGIEs* 0 0
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were challenged off by an opponent.
Unchallenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
(B)RoTHIER* 0 98
(CLAD)ING* 0 33
COM(P)TE* 0 36
PULIKS* 0 24
CAPSID(I)N* 0 82
KACI(N)A* 0 34
GI* 0 49
aVIfORM* 0 83
SENS* 0 37
OUTSTYL(E)* 0 72
GOSP(EL)lED* 0 66
VILLES* 0 29
BOILER(Y)* 0 24
DHOOT* 0 29
CLARE* 0 24
SAL(V)A* 0 24
RICTIC* 0 18
FL(I)M* 0 18
S(KA)TTED* 0 40
UNFAC(E)D* 0 30
NOtATOr(Y)* 0 70
(C)ARDIAL* 0 30
SURFHE(AD)* 0 57
MI(C)KIE* 0 34
C(R)OQUE* 0 37
JINGOS* 0 21
PILE(R)* 0 21
(C)YBERS* 0 42
UPShORE* 0 85
(C)IDERY* 0 28
WECH* 0 24
SO(C)* 0 20
TRO(OD)* 0 11
(F)AUVIC* 0 28
A(N)KA* 0 27
PINER* 0 40
OUT(GAMED)* 0 13
TOTHS* 0 29
TONIT(E)* 0 12
PENNES* 0 70
MUCINAT(E)* 0 89
HILIUM* 0 31
DEVISO(R)Y* 0 70
FRAYE(R)* 0 48
T(OX)EME* 0 45
(C)ODGE* 0 30
GHOUL(Y)* 0 26
pRE(BONDED)* 0 36
KNARRS* 0 84
P(OW)TERiNG* 0 66
SHENS* 0 92
tRENDER* 0 68
(D)OWAGE* 0 45
SP(A)RTaNS* 0 79
HINNED* 0 49
FETALL(Y)* 0 39
MU(R)RIE* 0 24
(LEECH)ER* 0 24
VANING* 0 28
BAYO(NE)TtE* 0 84
VALENT* 0 26
UN(VERIFIEd)* 0 16
POROTI(C)* 0 23
AVERrE(R)S* 0 74
(H)ABITATE* 0 78
WABB(E)d* 0 45
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were not challenged by an opponent.
Plays That Were Challenged
Type Play Probability Score
HOOFErS 16924 79
CRA(V)IT* 0 0
CrANERS* 0 0
CAF 1017 20
WAAH 4463 0
(c)IZES* 0 0
SQUAT 6007 0
ORIEN(TE)ER 597 59
LINIEST 1686 78
ESCRIBE 11132 83
OZONISE 7417 74
(T)AMIN 1335 28
(GENETIC)AL 1690 36
LABROU(S)* 0 0
P(A)LSIEST 8643 70
UnALIVE* 0 0
TeLL(U)RID* 0 0
DANDIER 1384 0
DI(C)AD* 0 0
ESTREAT 1891 81
PULVIN(A)R 11116 86
MERCE* 0 0
LISI* 0 0
APPLIER 15332 70
LORRIES 1701 88
aLIMONE* 0 0
LIEU 229 0
(FIZ)ES* 0 0
TYRI* 0 0
I(N)VECT* 0 0
TRANNI(E)S 357 0
SYNECTI(C) 23211 80
FI(S)K* 0 0
HOL(A)* 0 0
TEAKInG* 0 0
TONGUES 2334 0
DANGLED 10288 88
CITOLAS 3342 0
REMIt(T)UR* 0 0
VOICERs 5107 95
(BLINK)ARD 15773 45
GA(w)D* 0 0
OMINOUS 10339 0
AX(E) 195 0
GRaViN(G)S 26380 86
JEED 2986 37
WOWER* 0 0
ABAT(TI)* 0 0
AUTEc(O)ID* 0 0
GUT 639 0
A* 0 0
TOWNLIE(R) 772 74
YORKS 10642 48
EVIL(L)ESt 13781 90
A* 0 0
LOOKIE 6967 22
LUNGEES 7212 0
BROK(A)GE 10305 30
HEXOnE 7709 74
BEE 277 0
POOVY* 0 0
FAE* 0 0
COOlIES 5156 0
VID 582 0
PARAmO(R)E* 0 0
SOY 641 33
SUSlIKS 23720 86
K(A)TIONIc* 0 0
AIN 19 0
(I)Q* 0 0
(RE)F(I)* 0 0
(D)EPLaEN(D)* 0 0
AGoNI(Z)ER* 0 0
UNA(WAKED) 16980 50
FUZ(E)L* 0 0
TOM(B)Y* 0 0
BIRdKIN(D)* 0 0
HOTE(L)ING 2951 76
PERAEoN 621 78
pA(R)ERGAL* 0 0
RIP 386 0
M(E)WN* 0 0
HEN 199 0
(Z)OEGLEA* 0 0
EYERINg* 0 0
OUtPAID* 0 0
VOIL* 0 0
(O)I 10 0
EM(P)YREAL 15318 86
CORSLeT 3683 0
LANIToL* 0 0
FLUKY 9166 60
(G)OOIDE* 0 0
ABUNA 6750 29
KWAN* 0 0
ACHIEST 4325 0
TIRASSE 1841 92
IODATED 820 70
ISATINS 8218 0
OUT(G)AZED 7975 230
sWOTTER 9940 76
JOCKeR* 0 0
GANOI(N)ES 1106 61
TOReDOS* 0 0
GIRTHS 7934 0
CO(H)O(E) 5256 20
COWERE(R)* 0 0
DAWTING 6806 82
COSMO* 0 0
RINDS 1710 0
REcENCE* 0 0
ELITIST 5797 0
REDSTA(R)T 7433 72
PATS 1736 25
M(I)NTH* 0 0
FUGLE 7735 29
B(L)INGER 6291 40
BARNING 10447 68
HAUtIER* 0 0
NACElLE 10627 71
AB(ORA)D* 0 0
LIDER* 0 0
GRO(G)rAMS 25083 74
(T)I 17 0
N(I)MBY* 0 0
COStOID* 0 0
SPAVOiD* 0 0
STA(I)N(A)BLE 1300 62
MASTOID 3206 79
NOIsE 57 0
HAE 92 0
cURTALS 10576 67
UnHE(M)* 0 0
SOIGNEE 507 82
TE* 0 0
UNWI(S)HED 12030 69
CLO(N)G* 0 0
TOLL(B)ARS 15528 62
DRAG 1247 0
f(I)CTIOUS* 0 0
TOPS 2045 0
(S)ECLUdER* 0 0
SHORANS 12645 0
SHORANS 12645 76
AfFINES 11202 90
SYN 795 0
VISAGED 4460 94
THW(A)P* 0 0
HURT 2377 27
INSOLES 4803 88
KAUR* 0 0
PEAVIE(R)* 0 0
TEACa(K)ES 15504 88
B(A)B* 0 0
GASE(F)iED* 0 0
VERD(I)N 1706 24
aULDERS* 0 0
OLEO 736 21
WEA(N)Y* 0 0
RORTIES(T) 4172 77
OWNAbLE 4784 76
(R)EL(I)QUA* 0 0
FARENG(A)* 0 0
GRISTLY 13080 0
HoSANNI(C)* 0 0
K(ER)ATeNES* 0 0
SECRETE 8974 0
FOOL(E)R* 0 0
MIAO* 0 0
BEZAL* 0 0
FOOT 2246 0
MIGGIEs* 0 0
CA(P)RIC 14400 30
LEIDG(E)RS 4260 66
GLEI 598 26
Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Notable Lists
Many Double Words Covered
All Triple Words Covered
Games in which every triple word bonus square was covered.
One Player Plays Every E
Games in which one player plays every E.
Many Challenges
Games in which there are at least 5 challenges made. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Four or More Consecutive Bingos
Game Stats
Stat Average Total
Games 1.00 1216
Invalid Games 0.02 21
Incomplete 0.02 21
Disconnected 0.00 0
Other 0.00 0
Total Turns 25.66 31204
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Player Stats
Stat Average Total
Wins 0.51 621
Score 414.65 504220
Score per Turn 32.2680
Turns 12.85 15626
Vertical Plays 5.72 6951
Horizontal Plays 6.19 7522
One Tile Plays 0.43 528
Other Plays 0.51 625
Firsts 0.50 602
Vertical Openings per First 0.0041
Horizontal Openings per First 0.9959
Full Rack per Turn 0.9557
Exchanges 0.34 410
High Game 664
Low Game 227
Highest Scoring Turn 212
Bingos Played 1.86 2266
Sevens 0.89 1085
Eights 0.95 1152
Nines 0.02 27
Tens 0.00 1
Elevens 0.00 1
Twelves 0.00 0
Thirteens 0.00 0
Fourteens 0.00 0
Fifteens 0.00 0
Bingo Probabilities 5851.70
Sevens 5097.21
Eights 6528.86
Nines 8083.23
Tens 355.00
Elevens 1315.00
Twelves 0.00
Thirteens 0.00
Fourteens 0.00
Fifteens 0.00
Tiles Played 49.29 59933
A 4.48 5445
B 1.02 1239
C 0.98 1191
D 1.97 2394
E 5.94 7229
F 1.02 1241
G 1.52 1848
H 1.00 1214
I 4.47 5437
J 0.52 632
K 0.50 606
L 1.96 2388
M 1.01 1226
N 2.91 3544
O 3.93 4776
P 1.00 1218
Q 0.50 605
R 2.91 3537
S 1.91 2325
T 2.89 3515
U 1.97 2395
V 0.99 1206
W 0.99 1205
X 0.45 549
Y 1.00 1217
Z 0.52 632
? 0.92 1119
Power Tiles Played 4.82 5862
? 0.92 1119
J 0.52 632
Q 0.50 605
X 0.45 549
Z 0.52 632
S 1.91 2325
Power Tiles Stuck With 0.09 108
? 0.02 25
J 0.00 4
Q 0.01 17
X 0.00 5
Z 0.00 5
S 0.04 52
Turns With a Blank 1.91 2325
Triple Triples Played 0.01 17
Bingoless Games 0.07 80
Bonus Square Coverage 16.13 19620
Double Letter 5.34 6490
Triple Letter 5.53 6728
Double Word 3.03 3690
Triple Word 2.23 2712
Phony Plays 0.24 288
Unchallenged 0.13 156
Challenged Off 0.11 132
Challenges 0.37 452
You Won 0.16 189
Opponent Lost 0.05 65
You Lost 0.05 66
Opponent Won 0.11 132
Challenge Percentage 0.7412
Defending Challenge Percentage 0.3299
Percentage Phonies Unchallenged 0.5417
Comments 9.85 11976
Comments Word Length 223.04 271212
Mistakeless Turns 12.25 14897
Mistakes per Turn 0.0497
Mistakes 0.64 777
Knowledge 0.08 94
Finding 0.09 111
Vision 0.05 58
Tactics 0.10 122
Strategy 0.24 296
Endgame 0.06 78
Time 0.01 18
Dynamic Mistakes 0.00 0
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Player Confidence Intervals
Tile p CI
A 0.4978 (0.4806, 0.5052)
B 0.5100 (0.4668, 0.5190)
C 0.4900 (0.4668, 0.5190)
D 0.4925 (0.4744, 0.5114)
E 0.4950 (0.4822, 0.5036)
F 0.5100 (0.4668, 0.5190)
G 0.5067 (0.4716, 0.5142)
H 0.5000 (0.4668, 0.5190)
I 0.4967 (0.4806, 0.5052)
J 0.5200 (0.4560, 0.5298)
K 0.5000 (0.4560, 0.5298)
L 0.4900 (0.4744, 0.5114)
M 0.5050 (0.4668, 0.5190)
N 0.4850 (0.4778, 0.5080)
O 0.4913 (0.4798, 0.5060)
P 0.5000 (0.4668, 0.5190)
Q 0.5000 (0.4560, 0.5298)
R 0.4850 (0.4778, 0.5080)
S 0.4775 (0.4744, 0.5114)
T 0.4817 (0.4778, 0.5080)
U 0.4925 (0.4744, 0.5114)
V 0.4950 (0.4668, 0.5190)
W 0.4950 (0.4668, 0.5190)
X 0.4500 (0.4560, 0.5298)
Y 0.5000 (0.4668, 0.5190)
Z 0.5200 (0.4560, 0.5298)
? 0.4600 (0.4668, 0.5190)
To learn more about these statistics, check the 'Confidence Intervals' section on the about page.
Opponent Stats
Stat Average Total
Wins 0.49 595
Score 407.54 495566
Score per Turn 31.8119
Turns 12.81 15578
Vertical Plays 5.63 6842
Horizontal Plays 6.13 7458
One Tile Plays 0.46 564
Other Plays 0.59 714
Firsts 0.50 614
Vertical Openings per First 0.0962
Horizontal Openings per First 0.9038
Full Rack per Turn 0.4133
Exchanges 0.35 420
High Game 616
Low Game 220
Highest Scoring Turn 230
Bingos Played 1.91 2324
Sevens 0.96 1164
Eights 0.93 1136
Nines 0.02 24
Tens 0.00 0
Elevens 0.00 0
Twelves 0.00 0
Thirteens 0.00 0
Fourteens 0.00 0
Fifteens 0.00 0
Bingo Probabilities 5886.12
Sevens 5311.07
Eights 6489.98
Nines 5051.67
Tens 0.00
Elevens 0.00
Twelves 0.00
Thirteens 0.00
Fourteens 0.00
Fifteens 0.00
Tiles Played 48.01 58385
A 4.34 5280
B 0.95 1159
C 0.96 1170
D 1.94 2363
E 5.76 7004
F 0.95 1153
G 1.41 1717
H 0.98 1189
I 4.20 5104
J 0.47 574
K 0.49 600
L 1.86 2263
M 0.96 1167
N 2.85 3463
O 3.88 4718
P 0.97 1175
Q 0.47 575
R 2.87 3490
S 1.99 2415
T 2.87 3492
U 1.86 2264
V 0.95 1160
W 0.99 1200
X 0.54 658
Y 0.98 1195
Z 0.47 576
? 1.04 1261
Power Tiles Played 4.98 6059
? 1.04 1261
J 0.47 574
Q 0.47 575
X 0.54 658
Z 0.47 576
S 1.99 2415
Power Tiles Stuck With 0.11 131
? 0.02 27
J 0.00 6
Q 0.02 19
X 0.00 4
Z 0.00 3
S 0.06 72
Turns With a Blank 1.27 1539
Triple Triples Played 0.01 16
Bingoless Games 0.06 71
Bonus Square Coverage 15.70 19088
Double Letter 5.15 6260
Triple Letter 5.35 6507
Double Word 2.90 3526
Triple Word 2.30 2795
Phony Plays 0.22 267
Unchallenged 0.06 78
Challenged Off 0.16 189
Challenges 0.37 452
You Won 0.11 132
Opponent Lost 0.05 66
You Lost 0.05 65
Opponent Won 0.16 189
Challenge Percentage 0.6701
Defending Challenge Percentage 0.2588
Percentage Phonies Unchallenged 0.2921
Comments 9.85 11976
Comments Word Length 223.04 271212
Mistakeless Turns 12.79 15549
Mistakes per Turn 0.0019
Mistakes 0.02 29
Knowledge 0.00 5
Finding 0.00 4
Vision 0.00 1
Tactics 0.01 7
Strategy 0.01 11
Endgame 0.00 1
Time 0.00 0
Dynamic Mistakes 0.00 0
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Opponent Confidence Intervals
Tile p CI
A 0.4822 (0.4678, 0.4924)
B 0.4750 (0.4540, 0.5062)
C 0.4800 (0.4540, 0.5062)
D 0.4850 (0.4616, 0.4986)
E 0.4800 (0.4694, 0.4908)
F 0.4750 (0.4540, 0.5062)
G 0.4700 (0.4588, 0.5014)
H 0.4900 (0.4540, 0.5062)
I 0.4667 (0.4678, 0.4924)
J 0.4700 (0.4432, 0.5170)
K 0.4900 (0.4432, 0.5170)
L 0.4650 (0.4616, 0.4986)
M 0.4800 (0.4540, 0.5062)
N 0.4750 (0.4650, 0.4952)
O 0.4850 (0.4671, 0.4931)
P 0.4850 (0.4540, 0.5062)
Q 0.4700 (0.4432, 0.5170)
R 0.4783 (0.4650, 0.4952)
S 0.4975 (0.4616, 0.4986)
T 0.4783 (0.4650, 0.4952)
U 0.4650 (0.4616, 0.4986)
V 0.4750 (0.4540, 0.5062)
W 0.4950 (0.4540, 0.5062)
X 0.5400 (0.4432, 0.5170)
Y 0.4900 (0.4540, 0.5062)
Z 0.4700 (0.4432, 0.5170)
? 0.5200 (0.4540, 0.5062)
To learn more about these statistics, check the 'Confidence Intervals' section on the about page.
Player Mistakes
Play Type Size Comment
8H OK +12 Strategy Small
the previous game against chris schneider was one of the worst games i've ever played. i know i like saying that a lot and hyperbolizing, but it really truly was; it's up on cross-tables for your viewing needs. i still blame it on that first round loss; i truly believe that if i had won the first game i would have won this tournament, but instead i am sitting here at 5-7 with 8 games to go. after tacos el gordo, one of my favorite restaurants in north america, i felt like it would be a waste of my time and money to not give it my very best shot, so i resolved to play the next 8 games as well as i possibly could. i think KEG or OAKED are a little better than my move, though. -1.5 #strategysmall
11G V(e)RSE +26 Strategy Small
3J BRAVE is fine. i hold a bunch of the hooks for it. -2 #strategysmall
3F DRUB +17 Strategy Medium
i did actually see BUSLOAD but i didn't love using my S like that. dunno, DRUB is overall pretty weak, i suppose. should just take the points. -5 #strategymedium
13A VIGA +21 Strategy Small
-1, quackle like using the S again, for C9 AVISO. eep. i don't think HOP actually implies he has the S, though, but if he did would that make AVISO even worse? #strategysmall -- another move that looks good here is 13B AVO, which blocks the S but doesn't give up pts like VIGA.
15A (W)ITHY +18 Strategy Large
quackle never likes plays like this, but i'm fine with it. just trying to avoid miracles. -6 vs the straightforward B10 TIYIN.. #strategylarge ?
14I NIDATE +35 Finding Medium
this seemed like a decent block, but it could backfire. DILATE is a little harder to underlap (LA LI LO vs NA NE NO NU with the blanks as vowels), and there are two Ns left. -3 #findingmedium
E5 TIPSHE(E)T +76 Knowledge Medium
i chickened out on PETTISH. I still found a decent bingo, but PETTISH is better. -8 #knowledgemedium
D1 VODKA +36 Finding Small
i considered trying OVERDARK* here. he might have let it go after an incorrect challenge. REVOKED C3 sims best though; didn't spot it. -1 #findingsmall
12J ERR +14 Knowledge Large
oof. i chickened out on RETRACER, wrote it down but couldn't pull the trigger. ERR is still not right if retracer was phony, maybe something at 12 A like CARET/CERATE/CREATE. -38 #knowledgelarge
B14 Q(I) +22 Strategy Large
none of this crap would hae happened without retracer. quackle likes 7C TEPEE a lot more, or 7B ETAPE, etc. i think with all the Us out i might be able to score more next turn. -10 #strategylarge
7C RE(P) +18 Vision Large
fairly poor move. i didn't spot the much better TEPEE in the same spot, or F9 ENTERA. i think i was nervous that i was going to lose. -9 #visionlarge
10A (OX)O +10 Knowledge Medium
i forgot about ZINCO. -7 #visionmedium #knowledgemedium
10A (OX)O +10 Vision Medium
i forgot about ZINCO. -7 #visionmedium #knowledgemedium
L3 BRAVER +27 Strategy Medium
AVER 7J sims best. he has a decent M spot there but there's no good reason to give him a bunch of letters to bingo through. -4 #strategymedium
J5 OTIC +14 Strategy Large
well now i'm worried so it's ok to sacrifice some equity to block here. 3K OBOE just seems way too aggressive right? i guess OTIC keeps way too terrible of a leave, and he could still bingo through the B or something. M3 OE might be ok. idk. -12.5 #strategylarge
I4 OLIO +12 Strategy Small
with an ERS inference, OLIO is second best to 3K O(B)OLI, which i thought about and wasn't 100% sure was a word. i still don't like OBOLI all that much, i give him his choice of two lanes to bingo to. i like that OLIO sets up a spot for the W i might draw here (since he likely didn't keep it). still, quackle says it's a -2, and quackle is gospel. PBUH. -2 #strategysmall
H1 BLED +32 Knowledge Large
not sure enough of BLAWED (and i really should be because i know BLAW is a verb, but maybe its only past tense is BLAWN, who knows). but whatever, this wins. -9 #knowledgelarge
M5 CREATIN +64 Tactics Small
since i'm at a disadvantage even after i bingo, quackle actually prefers i volatilize it a bit with M5 TACRINE. i didn't want to fall behind again to a lucky X, but i do need more scoring spots since there's a potentially big one in the left of row 12. -3 #tacticssmall
10D C(A)M +30 Tactics Medium
i can smell that X setup from a mile away, Josh. YACK is the obvious play here, but when you infer an X, 10D DAM goes up to the top. there is a lot more C-K synergy so CAM is not right here. -5.5 #tacticsmedium
G8 (B)Y +20 Knowledge Large
bingoes like B3 GYrAtED are not worth it here, but IDEAloGY is definitely the right play here. it's 83 points and i should be able to survive a bingo back on column B. i should have looked a bit harder. -16.5 #findinglarge #knowledgelarge
G8 (B)Y +20 Finding Large
bingoes like B3 GYrAtED are not worth it here, but IDEAloGY is definitely the right play here. it's 83 points and i should be able to survive a bingo back on column B. i should have looked a bit harder. -16.5 #findinglarge #knowledgelarge
1A G(R)ADiEnT +140 Finding Small
then again there was something to be said for waiting for him to bing first. gradated is a better bingo, not giving up any X points. #findingsmall
15A YEW +34 Strategy Small
ROT is a T setup, but it's actually a QATS setup. if i infer EST for him (reasonable, although HAH doesn't necessarily imply the S, he did play it fast enough), YEW does a little better than before, but still not as well as M9 WANEY - i need to keep a better leave. i wasn't ultra worried because the bag is very slightly consonant heavy but still i may have overreacted here. -3 #strategysmall
4L (V)O(G) +10 Endgame Small
-3, 14F ON(E) #endgamesmall
3J MI(R)K(E)R +24 Vision Medium
gotta find K7 KEMPT here, it keeps a much better leave; i especially need a good leave because based on his last two plays another bingo is coming down right about now. -6.5 #visionmedium
N8 PUB +28 Tactics Small
i played the rest of this game in like 2-3 minutes. i realized the only way i was going to win is to speed play; i believe he was down to around 5-6 minutes by now. i'm normally a very slow player so this was an interesting tactic. -3 NUB in the same spot, but shrug. #tacticssmall
M13 FET +31 Strategy Medium
more speed playing so i'm not making super accurate moves here. 14A GIF looks awesome, i have the case T, and i also block the S(ELECTING) hook which is now worrisome. -5.5 #speed #strategymedium
A14 LA +21 Vision Small
i think i counted this as 16 accidentally, oops, can't speed count either. 12C RAI makes my next rack slightly less disastrous #visionsmall -1
B4 ACAI +10 Endgame Medium
yeah i should see RAI again. -5 #endgamemedium
8D CHOKY +40 Tactics Small
wow!! i really, really must have been out of it. i was 1-4 for the day, having just ruined my nationals, and i suddenly got demoted to table 22 for some weird reason. it's more crowded, less comfortable, and i somehow doubled the C instead of the Y for literally no reason. the higher scoring CHOKY is even more defensive. -3 #tacticssmall
D1 PEIN +27 Strategy Unspecified
i think if i were to train a neural network to play scrabble, it would choose 10B PAINED. that really really is not my style, but i did very strongly consider it. i think i do need to play like that when necessary. PAINED puts me up at least 50 on a closed board. now he has the responsibility to open it and i can just keep it closed. i would come to regret this move strongly. #strategy?
I3 WAX +31 Finding Small
tawpie, -2. nice play! oops. #findingsmall
13C UTRIC(L)E +26 Knowledge Large
i missed reticule... sigh. yeah, i was definitely not feeling it at all this afternoon :( i'm not surprised i missed it. i don't think i miss it earlier in the tourney. but then again, this just shows me how much i need to study. that way even if i'm having a bad day, the words just come automatically. #knowledgelarge
12H (I)NJERA +28 Finding Large
wow i actually missed 12A JANE? unbelievable, seriously. -15 #findinglarge
A13 B(I) +4 Strategy Large
really wasn't sure about reboring. i was worried i would play it and he'd come back with some big Q play. i didn't think i was going to win if i bingoed, in any case. either i draw the Q and have to go out in two turns, or he has the Q and even if he doesn't have the U he can score enough. however, he does have 20 fewer points because of his clock. this was a desperation move to block QUIT, maybe he doesn't have QUATE or QUOTA, i don't know, i suck. quackle says ReBORING almost never wins, and 7M B(E) will win a bit more often (but again quackle doesn't have his correct score). #strategylarge
D4 WRAN(G)LE +22 Strategy Medium
probably just QI for 10 right? very sad play, but it seems right equity-wise. #strategymedium
F7 Q(i) +10 Strategy Medium
9I OX now sims best, or maybe J4 OCHR(E). i was very tempted by OR(A)CH. it's all very tough. #strategymedium
F11 (PE)RCH +18 Strategy Medium
i don't think i'm that far off from being right. he's about to bingo again, and if he doesn't hit the H i can maybe get some big points back. maybe J7 R(E)X would block his bingo, but idk. #strategymedium?
4J (BA)IRN +14 Strategy Small
... which is why i didn't play IRONI(C) here; i don't want to just give up easy points. i thought it better to try my luck at the S and a bingo. #strategysmall ?
M1 (ZA)I(R)E +28 Strategy Small
i spent a very long time on this move before finally deciding to give up and try to cut spread. 14I OY is the obvious equity play here, and much of the time it's just met with another big comeback. i was up around 1000 spread and 3 games on the rest of the field, so the only way to lose the tournament is to lose 3 games by a combined 500 spread points. now that it looks like i'm going to get blown out here, i wanted to try to stem the bleeding and keep scoring tiles. #strategysmall
11K AW +28 Tactics Small
i always absolutely hate having to make decisions like this. is AW a fish? it seems like i just have to score. quackle likes it too, but it also likes 11C EARWIG. upon further thought, i think i would have played EARWIG if i'd seen it. #tacticssmall
11D QUEI(G)H +45 Finding Medium
11D QUIRED is the only play that gives me any shot of winning, and i should play it instead of this dumb phony. -6 #findingmedium
9L TR(AY) +8 Knowledge Large
they added strines cesar. i lost a game earlier because i missed TAENIOID for the same reason ("there are only x words in this rack"). #knowledgelarge
B9 SKIES +24 Knowledge Large
he blocked kinesis and apparently i don't know that INKLE is a word. why don't i know literally any words? i really didn't deserve to be in the top tables, but that's ok. #knowledgelarge
O14 IN +14 Endgame Small
incage, but i was down to like 2-3 seconds. -1 #time #endgamesmall
O14 IN +14 Time Unspecified
incage, but i was down to like 2-3 seconds. -1 #time #endgamesmall
L3 FIB +26 Knowledge Small
shoot, i considered RIBLIKE but thought i was making it up. i guess FIB is fine though. #knowledgesmall -1
F5 BLINK(ED) +16 Knowledge Small
KILNED might be a tiny bit better. i wasn't totally sure of it either. -0.5 #knowledgesmall.
J10 Z(O)O(I)D +39 Strategy Large
this move symbolizes everything that is wrong with my scrabble game (i know that sounds hyperbolic, but hear me out). of course i should try to block, but the only thing that looked halfway decent was ADZ. still, the most important thing here is to ask myself how I can lose this game, and it is by him hitting a huge bingo afterwards, and me drawing poorly to RTVY, and him bingoing again. can that happen? absolutely. if i play ADZ, i force him to bingo at the top; row 2 or 3 most likely. I can then overlap his play, blocking any potential bingos, and i'm still up by a lot, and should be heavily favored to win. i even thought about something silly like VIZSLA being possible but if anything i have the V. ZOOID sims best of course. the biggest mistake i made here, and one that i make often, is not having enough empathy to put myself in his shoes and realize he's likely keeping an extremely strong leave. of course i thought the leave was probably pretty good, but it also seemed desperate enough that ZOOID might just block whatever he has, and that there's a decent chance he missed his fish as well. i didn't think he would have the blank. if i give him AEIS? as a leave ADZ DOES sim better than ZOOID, lowering his average score by about 24. with 4-ply ADZ is still on top. the only issue is that the win% diff is so tiny, yet i'm convinced this is a massive error. #strategylarge
3F GYV(E) +15 Finding Small
it's happening. G3 TRY for the slightly better leave -1 #findingsmall #tacticssmall
3F GYV(E) +15 Tactics Small
it's happening. G3 TRY for the slightly better leave -1 #findingsmall #tacticssmall
K10 UPO +14 Strategy Medium
wow, this is a big misevaluation. i thought my UPO was much better defensively than the UPO on lane 4, so i gladly sacrificed the point. mainly, it blocks the QUALMS/QUALMY hook. but my UPO is very easy to overlap for a ton of points, so it gives up at least 5 more points on average, and only slightly decreases his bingo %. UNROPE at 4G however is the best simming play. -5.5 #strategymedium
11K (PI)A +5 Strategy Medium
i think 9H AAL actually. i didn't want to do just BA/AL and then have him bingo on the right and then my bingo won't fit. -3.5 #strategymedium
1A FRA(T) +21 Strategy Medium
quackle likes 14A ARVO solely because it bingoes a lot more than my play. should i really do that? it seems like it gives up more points and bingoes than FRAT. what a weird move. -4 #strategymedium ??
13C I(C)H +16 Tactics Large
12C VID for the much better leave and also 100% win. also, notably, H(UM)P seems to win 100% of the time even though it leaves ERECTILE open, probably because i'll score a lot in the triple. i didn't see anything else.. this is a big mistake for spread purposes. #tacticslarge -54
B11 VIRiD +25 Endgame Medium
4L RUMP wins by more. -5 #endgamemedium
10B HU(R)LY +27 Knowledge Medium
i actually chickened out on HILUM. i thought HILI was the plural of HILUS and didn't think of HILA. oops. -7 #knowledgemedium
N2 (FAB)LER +13 Finding Medium
he blocked LEANERS. i'm not unhappy with this play. sometimes i just like going for it. he seemed unlikely to have the last E and actually was probably very consonant heavy (bag only has 4 vowels in it). the best simming play is 5I E(ATE)N though, which also looks pretty good. perhaps this is the play and i just got too greedy. -5.5 #findingmedium
2D RADI(A)NtS +62 Strategy Large
i suppose i should play a proper endgame here. this is how to get spread. i knew with near absolute certainty DOWNSME(N) was phony and didn't bother looking for a bingo from it (pretty sure i'd find ordinals if needed). i have to block ENOW with 12C DE, and then draw an F or a G, which i know are in the bag. G bingoes in both lanes, and F bingoes up top with SAFRANIN. i also have tRI(JUGATE), in case i draw the F and he blocks the top lane. I was going to try it if i needed it, but wasn't sure of it. in any case, this results in a very large spread error, even though the game is 100% won. -85 #strategylarge #endgamelarge
2D RADI(A)NtS +62 Endgame Large
i suppose i should play a proper endgame here. this is how to get spread. i knew with near absolute certainty DOWNSME(N) was phony and didn't bother looking for a bingo from it (pretty sure i'd find ordinals if needed). i have to block ENOW with 12C DE, and then draw an F or a G, which i know are in the bag. G bingoes in both lanes, and F bingoes up top with SAFRANIN. i also have tRI(JUGATE), in case i draw the F and he blocks the top lane. I was going to try it if i needed it, but wasn't sure of it. in any case, this results in a very large spread error, even though the game is 100% won. -85 #strategylarge #endgamelarge
E2 DoCTORE(D) +72 Strategy Medium
-4 stuff like cODIRECT is better, two more pts, and gives back a lot fewer pts. #strategymedium
4C HE(C)K +26 Strategy Medium
-7.5 EH or EKE. yuck, i did consider both of those, but my internal equity meter must be broken. #strategymedium
12H (HAD)JE +32 Knowledge Large
oh my god what am i doing this is not a word. i wanted to play K12 JEEP for the longest time but couldn't stomach it because of the E hook (???) and the more obvious I hook. 3A QUA is fine here. #knowledgelarge
H1 FAIRER +40 Finding Large
i shouldn't be that hard on myself, but wow am i sucking this game. i saw AIRFARE, and it plays, hooking HADJE* (HADJEE). kind of embarrassed. -43 #findinglarge
3B TA +22 Strategy Small
i wrote BAD !! next to this play at some point. not sure what makes it so much worse than missing HADJEE, but something like AVAIL or even EVICT is straightforward here. -2.5 #strategysmall i think i'm mostly mad at myself for fishing for no reason.
L1 CLOG +30 Finding Large
logical/alogical/etc. i'm just not seeing anything this game. -12 #findinglarge
pass - +0 Knowledge Large
i challenged .. christ #knowledgelarge
A4 IONI(Z)E +16 Endgame Large
-11 apparently. #endgamelarge
7F QAT +20 Vision Medium
this is often a failing of mine, failing to spot the very nice setup play of 9G OF.. but even if i saw it, i am not a huge fan. look at that ugly leave i keep, and imagine he blocks it. -3 #visionmedium
pass - +0 Knowledge Large
i challenged this ridiculous word. i looked at my study history and i had guessed it correctly, once, months ago, and never saw it again. jonathan told me he was very surprised i challenged this... but podgy is already a dumb spelling of pudgy, how the hell can podgily be good? in a podgy manner? stupidass dictionary. what a way to lose games. -51 #knowledgelarge
D1 WAME +38 Tactics Small
hard for me to determine which one is better between YEW and WAME. i see that EUY is a worse leave than AEMU and WAME might be worse defensively, but i like keeping the Y to score again next turn; YEW seemed easier to overlap etc. meh. -2 #tacticssmall
B4 HEY +38 Strategy Small
just YE B6 for 31, keeping the H, i suppose for more scoring . oops. HEY also gives up more points. i need to improve at defense! -2.5 #strategysmall
D9 (G)UANO +12 Vision Medium
lol, i was looking for a place to fish off YU and i forgot that that RYU is a word.. i saw AYU in collins right next to it. :| -5.5 #visionmedium
12G YARROW +31 Strategy Small
not sure what to do here. i laid down YARROW, and then couldn't pick it up for ROSARY cuz he saw that i had a W, and that's annoying; i thought ROSARY was better after all. maybe it's ok to let him know i have the W! quackle likes C13 YOW or C11 VOWER too. it's hard to make a play like YOW when i'm down by a lot, giving him an easy scoring spot, but it gives me the best bingo chances and i need that. -2 #strategysmall ? seems like a bigger mistake.
H12 (A)JEE +33 Strategy Medium
C13 JEE is the obvious play here. my main issue is that i thought the chances of that E staying open were infinitesimal, and not only that but i was probably going to give up a bunch of points. but the amount of points i give up is actually not that big, he has a bad rack a lot of the time and may overreact to the open E (but then i still have nowhere to bingo except through the N or some miracle overlap). so i don't even know. maybe i shouldn't concern myself too much with this situation. -5 #strategymedium
J5 OPES +28 Knowledge Medium
jeez, sigh, totally missed the anagram of OPES -- PESO. even 6H OP is pretty decent. OPES is just like "here be my guest and score some points / bingo". -7 #knowledgemedium
4H RACINOS +79 Finding Medium
i actually did not see RACINOS at K1 at all, it's still better, can't sacrifice 6 pts like that. -3.5 #findingmedium
2J PED +22 Strategy Small
i did consider G10 DUNG but i didn't want to open it up for him after his last play or two. his rack kind of smelled of blanks (i can smell them) and i thought i should keep it a bit closed. i maybe could play H1 GNAR too, or 5M GOD or something. either way, i'm in decent shape. -3.5 #strategysmall
O7 GYRONS +43 Tactics Small
i considered not burning my S. i could save that spot, or let him burn equity trying to block it. what do you think? i could play 1G GYNO keeping RST. or even GYNOS keeping a more synergystic RT. -2 #tacticssmall
N10 HA(e) +28 Tactics Medium
very annoying, playing HAE instead of HIE. i still do this crap too often. -5 #tacticsmedium (or what is this? i have no idea how to qualify this dumb error)
G14 ID +6 Strategy Medium
giving him ES as a leave. i also have to assume that he doesn't know BANDA (for the purposes of getting lucky, i mean). matt did a similar play to this one a few weeks ago and i lost because i didn't block it. in this case, my rack is so garbage that quackle thinks i should mostly ignore it and try to clean up my rack. he probably won't bingo - the bag kind of sucks, but there's big tiles out there so his next score is going to suck for me. the main problem with ID is that it only reduces his average score by about 13 next turn (from 61 to 48), which is not enough to warrant making such a bad sacrifice on my end. so this situation is not at all similar to the one two weeks ago, when i actually had a great block. i really should have done some math here and realized ID was bad. 13K IRID is the play -- -7.5 #strategymedium
K9 TIT(H)ER +18 Strategy Small
maybe TITHE keeping the R hook for next turn? quackle likes 12A TITLE, which seems counterintuitive to me, but i think i need to keep scoring spots open for myself too. -2.5 #strategysmall
1G LITU +16 Strategy Medium
i wonder if i should actually exchange. quackle likes 14J WRIT. at this point in the game i'm low on time and not thinking straight; there's a lot of Es to draw so if i play WRIT i give myself a chance at JEU (which is hard to block) or even JOULE. i need to play faster and stop taking so long on every play so i have time to actually think here. -7 #strategymedium
8H BY +14 Tactics Medium
just stick the S on cessssarrrrrrr. -6 #tacticsmedium
exch NQ +0 Tactics Small
wow, i would hate to play QaTS here, but it sims best by a little. lol. i should keep RS? or ST? or something. i don't need this ugly RSST? leave. jeez. -3 #tacticssmall
15H WILD(S) +27 Finding Medium
WI(E)LD! it's right there, for 7 more! is this even a finding mistake? i just didn't look hard enough. #findingmedium -5.5
2N FA +26 Tactics Small
OAF might be a little better. -2.5. it sure is aggressive. #tacticssmall
5C GID +29 Strategy Large
H1 GANEF; let's keep some good leaves, open boards, and score. GID keeps an inflexible leave for next turn and i will struggle a bit more to score. -10 #strategylarge
15B NAIRA +17 Strategy Large
i got so afraid that he would have some 3-3 through IT that i decided to block it, instead of just play AA, keeping EINRS for the triple-triple (or a likely bingo) myself! i really psych myself out a ton when playing top players. -10 #strategylarge
8L (O)RLE +12 Endgame Small
M12 GEL is 1 pt better. #endgamesmall
7C GLEE +34 Endgame Large
big spread leak; O1 L(AM) and one-tiling him is best. (SEXED, GEL/ZOEAL, etc) -17 #endgamelarge
8G AUTO +8 Tactics Small
i was trying to be a little bit clever and not keep IU or ITU or EITU. i thought this might sim slightly below but it seems like a stylistic choice. -1 #tacticssmall
E9 (C)OZIED +36 Strategy Medium
i need to consider defense more. the problem with COZIED is that it gives back a lot more points than ZOOID, which has an atrocious leave but scores 39 pts. i didn't really consider OUZO; i think that's an in-between play that i would have made if i'd thought of it more. J7 DOOZIE is also decent. -6 #strategymedium
H12 (L)ULU +12 Strategy Medium
yeah, i need to consider equity a bit more robotically. WAUR/WAUL at 13G score too much to disregard. i know they keep ILU or IRU, but that's 11 pts better than keeping a W, and giving back slightly more bingos. -7.5 #strategymedium. it's funny, two fairly significant strategic errors in a row, but i did think it through at least.
F14 OI +9 Strategy Medium
joel tells me he hates fishing but wtf do i do with racks like this and the previous one? the problem here at least seems to be that if i'm going to fish i should make it easier for my bingo to fit next turn, so F14 OI is definitely better. -4 #strategymedium
F2 JI(G) +27 Vision Large
i didn't even see 13G FUJI. this is a bad mistake. #visionlarge -12
M5 FAY +21 Strategy Medium
i saw E4 NEIF but i hate Ys. equity better, cesar. wow, even 13G FUMY keeping AEE? sims better than my play. -5 #strategymedium
14J INK +14 Strategy Large
well he blocked my much better spot for INK. i don't know why i didn't play AKIN at 11K though; that blocks up pretty much everything and seals the game. I think i was worried about an UN- bingo but that's unlikely with the pool. i feel like a lot of these mistakes are just purposeful choices and i'm not weighing the probabilities properly. there is probably something i can infer from LA. -10 #strategylarge
8A AN +14 Finding Large
i don't think i looked hard enough for a bingo from the E. this is hideous, lol. -37 #findinglarge
13L OF +17 Finding Medium
something like 4L FOR. i was worried about like QuAERE or something. quackle doesn't worry. shrug. -3.5 #findingmedium
11I ESTRIOl +102 Endgame Medium
i've actually studied narcotise, i should find it. -7 #endgamemedium (or entropies for style points)
O8 KOANS +41 Knowledge Small
okras is the play here. even though RS > NS, the difference is small on this board, and OKRAS gives back enough fewer points from that overlap that it's worth it. i'm still sad about playing KOANS instead of KAONS, which sims half a point higher. it's a tiny difference, but it had a huge effect, and that's why it's important to make as few errors as possible. it seems impossible to get rid of all these little leaks. -1 #tacticssmall #knowledgesmall
O8 KOANS +41 Tactics Small
okras is the play here. even though RS > NS, the difference is small on this board, and OKRAS gives back enough fewer points from that overlap that it's worth it. i'm still sad about playing KOANS instead of KAONS, which sims half a point higher. it's a tiny difference, but it had a huge effect, and that's why it's important to make as few errors as possible. it seems impossible to get rid of all these little leaks. -1 #tacticssmall #knowledgesmall
4A TAUON +18 Strategy Medium
i saw UNROOT at M3 but i didn't like it that much. i'm down a bit over a tempo and there's only a couple of lamish bingo lanes open. UNROOT sets up some overlap possibilities for him. it didn't seem that exciting. but maybe it's right. TAUON gives back 6 more pts on average. -4 #strategymedium
11B P(A)IR +20 Endgame Small
-1 RIP lol #endgamesmall
I3 DOCKE(T) +16 Strategy Large
wow, it looks like i made a very amateurish bad play. i'm surprised I6 OF(T) and 9I OF sim THAT much better than it. i gotta get better!! - 12.5 #strategylarge
2B WAR +28 Vision Medium
i need to find stuff like DWAR(FED). i just need to. -3 #visionmedium
L1 AE +15 Tactics Medium
just KEP apparently. hm. -4 #tacticsmedium
11E O(G)EED +14 Tactics Medium
i'm fine with trying to make it a bit harder for him to bingo here and drawing some high pt tiles. quackle still likes just KEP or KOP, hm. -4.5 #tacticsmedium ? i think my play isn't terrible
M2 METRIC +34 Tactics Medium
it seemed too easy for him to bingo making metrics if i play it at 12H. but then i can get a big Z play! if i play my metric and he bingoes i might not get much back! -3.5 #tacticsmedium
C3 W(A)ILING +28 Strategy Large
crap!! i did that thing i do when i'm down early and instead of trying to keep a good leave i turn over tiles like an idiot! 3F OWIE keeps a great leave of GILN especially with the open letters on this board. -10.5 #strategylarge
11G C(I)THE(R) +22 Endgame Medium
11E TELIC setting up HEW is 7 pts better #endgamemedium
9I OE +10 Strategy Large
i'm pretty sure i saw EE, and thought keeping STEEN was fine. i don't like Os that much. it's kinda shocking to me that EE sims so much better at 7H, but i guess it also doesn't give back some big pts. yeah, i shoulda done that. -11 #strategylarge
K2 TENDERS +74 Knowledge Small
i don't know STERNED# or TENDRES#. -1 #knowledgesmall
J6 FO(NE) +30 Finding Medium
fishing is less often right in collins. i probably missed ZE and THIEF, although i did think of ZE in other turns. HOMY is probably ok too. -6 #findingmedium
15A AJE(E) +33 Tactics Small
maybe 5D JIAO -0.5 #tacticssmall
exch AAIIOUW +0 Vision Large
oh jesus, OUTWAIT C6!! -14 #visionlarge
12H KYU +32 Knowledge Large
KURVEY# lol :/ -15 #knowledgelarge .. at least i drew a challenge on NEK# !
5D QUAI +30 Strategy Large
i had too little time here, but i think i should keep the Q and hope to get lucky! 20-minute timer really messes with me, clearly OW is the only thing that gives me a chance to win here. -15 #strategylarge
N8 FOG +19 Endgame Large
down to just a few secs, but this is bad and gives up fLIR for a lot. #endgamelarge
8G BEND +14 Strategy Small
equitied badly. I have to exchange and keep DENT! is BNT really that terrible? -3.5 #strategysmall (interestingly, i simmed this in CSW19 accidentally first and it was 6 pts worse!)
7F R(ANI) +4 Strategy Small
this is likely wrong. a good player like Joey would be setting up a heavy tile to hit the spot at 10F after my inevitable bingo. i should dump the R there. I considered it but thought he might just be keeping low tiles himself and trying to race me to the bingo, and then OR would be easy for him to bingo to since it has so many hooks, etc. hard choice. i also considered abort for a while. -1.5 #strategysmall
2J ZAR(F) +36 Strategy Small
sigh, hard choice here. 12A MAZER is probably right, but i just hated giving up a ton of points if he has an A. should i not care? hard choice.. but i think i have to play MAZER. ZARF's leave is just so lame. my average score after MAZER is higher, and MAZER also scores more. i regret this play. -2 #strategysmall
B6 YOU +18 Strategy Small
it's a significant mistake here to miss DORMY. YOU there is (a lot?) better; it sets up a new lane and it also gives up fewer points. -2 #strategysmall
7I H(E)W +22 Tactics Medium
not great; the leave is not good enough. i could do something like 7I WEAR or even the pretty awesome 7I WE -- ACHRRS is a very strong leave through that E. (but would that stay open?). tough move. -6 #tacticsmedium
11E RICRA(c)S +32 Tactics Small
i held for another 3-4 minutes, and decided that it's very likely good and i had to let it go. i'm glad i didn't make a steam challenge. about my play - i wasn't super enthused about blocking some lanes but i just don't know how to catch up without scoring points. i decided i was going to need to get lucky so i thought scoring 32 pts and bingoing asap next turn was better than fishing. H7 SIR sims best though by win %, it makes sense. #tacticssmall
H11 (R)EVUE +27 Tactics Small
a bit of a counterintuitive situation here. quackle says i bingo slighlty more next turn if i do ROVED, and it scores 3 more. it sure doesn't seem that way to me. -2.5 #tacticssmall
N10 FID +28 Tactics Small
i did not want to burn the last S with FIDOS. perhaps it just scores too much. i thought i needed to score and then bingo next turn making IFS. the main issue is that FID is too easy to overlap downwards. so FIDO > FID (besides having the better leave). i was playing most of this game on autopilot to protect myself i think; i realized my win % was very low, so i didn't want to spend too much time stressing about it. -2.5 #tacticssmall
H7 L(A)RNT +13 Tactics Medium
mistake here. LAR is simming best, and then LARN. i really should have played LARN, but i became afraid because the pool is pretty consonant heavy (21V 31C and a blank). surprised LAR is best. IRS just doesn't bingo enough. -4.5 #tacticsmedium
A2 URP +30 Tactics Small
POUF is best. -2 #tacticssmall
11E (E)DI(T)ION +16 Knowledge Large
NOOOOO I FORGOT THEY ADDED A THIRD WORD TO THE ADEIINOT RACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -50 also maybe 3F ION. #knowledgelarge
10J SI(M) +13 Endgame Small
meh just play gentry and take the loss, he's not gonna mess up #endgamesmall
exch HLRX +0 Finding Medium
SIXTH does sim a bit better. i'm slightly unconvinced it's best, but it does put me up by 54 despite the bad leave. -6 #findingmedium
15A AI(D)E +18 Finding Medium
EIDE of course. i didn't think of it. -3.5 #findingmedium
N9 DILUTE +25 Knowledge Medium
N5 DUELLI is beautiful. DILUTE isn't that great. it actually slightly raises his bingo percentage, even though i'm trying to block an easy 7 lane. -3 #findingmedium #knowledgemedium #strategymedium
N9 DILUTE +25 Finding Medium
N5 DUELLI is beautiful. DILUTE isn't that great. it actually slightly raises his bingo percentage, even though i'm trying to block an easy 7 lane. -3 #findingmedium #knowledgemedium #strategymedium
N9 DILUTE +25 Strategy Medium
N5 DUELLI is beautiful. DILUTE isn't that great. it actually slightly raises his bingo percentage, even though i'm trying to block an easy 7 lane. -3 #findingmedium #knowledgemedium #strategymedium
6I TAL(E) +23 Strategy Small
MIXT scores enough that i can one-tile this, apparently. maybe it's not a big deal if he has the Ss? -1.5 #strategysmall
D6 (P)O(W) +8 Knowledge Medium
i sacrificed some spread here by blocking a bingo that doesn't exist, and keeping an ugly rack. #knowledgemedium
4A VI(B)eS +26 Finding Medium
i was very close to playing VITULINS* and losing the game. the best play here is 2A LU(V)VINg. -6 #findingmedium #time #endgame
4A VI(B)eS +26 Endgame Unspecified
i was very close to playing VITULINS* and losing the game. the best play here is 2A LU(V)VINg. -6 #findingmedium #time #endgame
4A VI(B)eS +26 Time Unspecified
i was very close to playing VITULINS* and losing the game. the best play here is 2A LU(V)VINg. -6 #findingmedium #time #endgame
F10 KOI +39 Tactics Small
KOEL is slightly better, quackle says it's slightly more defensive, plus the extra point. it's a tiny difference. -1 #tacticssmall
K5 THO(R)N +16 Tactics Medium
i spent too long on this play. i disagree with 13L HON. come on, man. i know i have a good leave for it, but who makes plays like that when up this much? however, NOH in that spot is probably better than my play. -4 #tacticsmedium
1H BURG(H)Y +45 Knowledge Large
this is phony. even though it was unchallenged, it is still a large mistake; part of me thought it was good for some reason. the best play here is N2 BUGEYE. this turn could have gone much worse for me. -5 #knowledgelarge
N6 CEP +19 Knowledge Medium
a middling, bad move. i was not sure about PECHS, but MECHS is good too, at 6H. #knowledgemedium #findingmedium -7.5
N6 CEP +19 Finding Medium
a middling, bad move. i was not sure about PECHS, but MECHS is good too, at 6H. #knowledgemedium #findingmedium -7.5
J10 JI(G) +27 Tactics Small
i did see 2F JEE, but didn't like that i don't have one of the A's to front-hook it. i don't like it that much, idk. i think i would still do JIG any day unless someone convinces me otherwise. -4 #tacticssmall (if anything)
K11 F(O)E +22 Vision Medium
i'm making a ton of dinky plays this game. 13J SEME scores and keeps the F for scoring / outrunning. that's what i should be doing. #visionmedium #tacticsmedium -5
K11 F(O)E +22 Tactics Medium
i'm making a ton of dinky plays this game. 13J SEME scores and keeps the F for scoring / outrunning. that's what i should be doing. #visionmedium #tacticsmedium -5
E5 FA +22 Strategy Medium
more dinky plays. quackle likes C7 FLEA to make it harder for him to bingo. #strategymedium -3.5
3A QUO(D) +28 Finding Medium
i didn't think of 3B VO(D)UN! it is much better. -6 #findingmedium #tacticsmedium
3A QUO(D) +28 Tactics Medium
i didn't think of 3B VO(D)UN! it is much better. -6 #findingmedium #tacticsmedium
2F HI +28 Finding Medium
TH(I)AZIN 5G -4.5 -- aggressive, scores a lot, goes for the blank. i need to find it. #findingmedium
8J GA(P)IER +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
#knowledgelarge this is collins-only. meh, i don't feel too bad about it.
K2 TENOR +20 Endgame Medium
8J RAPINI -4 #endgamemedium
I13 (V)IA +24 Endgame Large
wow i can't even find 9L INIA. i was probably low on time / discouraged. #time #endgamelarge
I13 (V)IA +24 Time Unspecified
wow i can't even find 9L INIA. i was probably low on time / discouraged. #time #endgamelarge
D3 CORKE(D) +26 Strategy Medium
-7.5 F6 KOA, it's ok to fish a bit here. IT isn't a great leave. #strategymedium
6B YA(K) +18 Vision Small
3A TRACERY is great. -2 #visionsmall
B2 CUTE(Y) +20 Vision Medium
(YAK)U(ZA)!! so sick!!! ya ya ya, yakuza, yakuza. -4.5 #visionmedium (but it's so hard to think of this)
13C GREEtER +71 Knowledge Medium
-4. REnEGER is the play i was looking for. #findingmedium #knowledgemedium (i should be able to remember the EEEGNRR set cold)
13C GREEtER +71 Finding Medium
-4. REnEGER is the play i was looking for. #findingmedium #knowledgemedium (i should be able to remember the EEEGNRR set cold)
L7 JAGS +25 Knowledge Large
wrote down JAGLESS on my scoresheet, and i haven't studied enough to know the words cold. sorry to disappoint my loyal fans out there. now i'll never know how sick it would have been to bingo with JAGLESS. 2E J(A)G is better than my move, btw, i think. -58 #knowledgelarge
4D (O)O(R)IE +6 Tactics Medium
NAOI is better. -4 #tacticsmedium
K6 Q(I) +11 Strategy Large
wow, this play sims unexpectedly badly. i bingo a lot less than i thought i did -- only about 46%. I guess Ys are the worst letter in Scrabble. quackle likes 3L DY(K)E for 24 - even though i don't bingo often, i get a ton of points the next turn. -9.5 #strategylarge
12H VEXILS +43 Vision Large
quackle doesn't like this very much. even though i block way more bingos with my play, 5D VEXIL scores more and keeps AS. also, trains can bingo up top, and it doesn't bingo THAT often (about 60% if i leave the bottom open). #visionlarge -9.5
5C ONTO +17 Tactics Small
maybe OOT at 11C since the board has a few lanes anyway. idk. -1 #tacticssmall
13B IOTA +15 Tactics Large
OWIE clearly, keep a consonant. #tacticslarge -10
L12 (L)EI +10 Endgame Medium
-7, UMM first #endgamemedium
exch HOQ +0 Tactics Small
-0.5 #tacticssmall. basically a choice to not keep the H this time. i thought it might sim slightly worse but i wanted more bingo % since he exchanged if that makes any sense.
L12 NE +16 Tactics Small
probably need to take the points with L12 NENE; NE only bingoes slightly more than it. -3 #tacticssmall
J4 BEY +35 Finding Medium
DWEEBY; missed it, hard to see. -3.5 #findingmedium
H1 F(U)D +21 Finding Medium
i gotta find FL(U)ID ... FUD is not good enough. i was a little worried about the X so that flipped the scales, but i hadn't seen FLUID. -4 #findingmedium
15B LEPIDo(T)E +63 Strategy Medium
i thought i had a better chance of drawing the X if i just bingo now. the worst thing is that ELEPIDOTE is not available because i have the last two Es. quackle thinks I should do 15L DUPE or PULE which i considered. maybe i draw the X, use it, and bingo the following turn?? -7 #strategymedium. honestly i don't know how to compare the two plays.
3F CO(D) +10 Endgame Large
-10 LOCI but i finished with 0:00 on my clock #endgamelarge #time
3F CO(D) +10 Time Unspecified
-10 LOCI but i finished with 0:00 on my clock #endgamelarge #time
G8 EAU +16 Finding Large
FEA(T)URE obviously. i suck. -18 #findinglarge
12D FA(K)E(Y) +30 Finding Medium
KEYFRAME is a fantastic play. -6 #findingmedium (i could also do G12 EF)
L12 JI(N)N +24 Finding Medium
-6.5 NEEM 15H #findingmedium -- lots of bad mistakes this game after my initial miss of FEATURE and now i'm down a ton.
5D YAIR(D) +18 Strategy Medium
i hate keeping the Y here with AJI but YAIRD just gives up too many pts. come on cesar consider defense more. -4 #strategymedium
11F FL(O)OIE +18 Tactics Small
i would have played FORELIE# if she'd given me a spot. collins has ruined my brain. -1 3A LIEF #tacticssmall
1E CAVEY +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
ugh awful #knowledgelarge
1D CAVAE +45 Knowledge Large
this is still not a word. #knowledgelarge
14J MIND +25 Strategy Large
MIND 12K is great. why did i create such a GIANT SPOT for no reason?? just 3 more points?? incomprehensibly bad, how do i stop making these errors? i quit. -4.5 #strategylarge
C10 AW(N) +28 Endgame Large
lmao, did i really miss WAW? #time #endgamelarge -11
C10 AW(N) +28 Time Unspecified
lmao, did i really miss WAW? #time #endgamelarge -11
9K (D)ON +10 Finding Small
just I8 CON might be best here. maybe INCONY as well. this is tough. i don't know. -1 #findingsmall
L11 FETID +28 Strategy Large
i need to keep fishing. 9G D(I)F is totally fine. mistake here. #strategylarge -10 (fetid at 13I is a lot better, i didn't even think of it because i was not focused and playing like garbage)
G3 CAB +19 Strategy Medium
yeah i don't know. 8A BANI i guess for more pts and a bigger TWS and leaving the Y open for a miracle. -5 #strategymedium
G7 T(R)OLLOPy +64 Strategy Medium
it's better through the second R; fewer overlaps to the triple! but O(U)TPOLLs still sims best as it gives up fewer pts (but slightly higher bingo%), i just didn't want to expose an S. -4.5 #strategymedium
C7 CUTE(Y) +14 Strategy Medium
bad move. but ACUITY can give up so many pts! i don't know. ACUTE 14J also seems wrong. maybe 10G LIEU is fine but i also hate it. i don't know, i hate all my options. what's best here?- 5.5 #strategymedium
D2 OLEA +11 Strategy Large
this is me attempting to play defense. ugh so ugly. 14I EAU is probably ok, at least it blocks a bingo lane, although it opens up scoring potential. ZOEA may be fine too. but OLEA is pretty much terrible, and i knew it as i was making it. #focus #strategylarge -14.5
exch L +0 Tactics Small
noursle# but i'm playing a dictionary that uses actual normal english words. this sims a tiny bit under UN/NU -0.5 #tacticssmall
8H (LURCH)ERS +39 Finding Medium
i drew noursle# again and missed leucons. i'm good at scrabble. -4 #findingmedium
L4 IF +15 Finding Medium
many terrible choices here. i regret not playing 13J FIZ. i didn't think of it - only thought of FRIZ. need to generate more plays and be better at it. my IF opens a lane but blocks the E. -3.5 #findingmedium
O14 EN +11 Finding Large
i considered fishing for the O for CANONIZER but his last play makes it seem like he might have it. #findinglarge J10 ENCINA for spread i guess.
13L (Z)A(R)F +38 Endgame Large
idk. j11 fuci i guess, better endgame. #endgamelarge -14
N1 CO(R)N +14 Endgame Large
2b ounce -11 #endgamelarge #time
N1 CO(R)N +14 Time Unspecified
2b ounce -11 #endgamelarge #time
F1 (A)E +4 Endgame Large
time obviously #time #endgamelarge
F1 (A)E +4 Time Unspecified
time obviously #time #endgamelarge
7F ZOA +21 Finding Small
HAUL at 7H sims best, i score a lot more next turn. -2 #findingsmall
5I B(L)OW +22 Finding Large
jesus. i suppose i have to find 3I (MU)GWORT if i actually want to be considered a good player. C2 GOB is the best findable play. -11.5 #findinglarge
B2 GROT +23 Finding Medium
O11 TRIGO is best. should see it. (or should see TROG..) -3 #findingmedium
9A REX +42 Strategy Medium
i couldn't really explain my decision to end up choosing this of all moves, other than just the hope that the amount of time he took to play HABIT might mean he left the other S in the bag, and that my only chance of winning is to score a lot and get some big bingo next turn. i totally missed EXPO though, which is better than my play and keeps the S hook open. i considered 15A COXES for a while, that also does the trick. overall this is a bad situation though, so props to him on HABIT, that's a good move. i maybe shoulda done QI at 9E instead. quackle prefers B8 FOX best for some reason. #strategymedium ?
8G FAWN +20 Tactics Medium
i equitied badly. 8G WAW is the play. -7 #tacticsmedium
K8 SWIM +29 Tactics Large
i don't remember why i played this instead of MIX(T). that's bizarre! wtf. -9 #tacticslarge
exch BDXY +0 Strategy Large
wow. quackle actually wants me to burn the blank with L10 BoXY. pretty sick. -12 #strategylarge
M2 FROZ(E) +34 Vision Large
oh god i played badly the entire day. why?? this is the day i slept best. L10 FEZ is the clear play. -11 #visionlarge
6A BRUiTED +74 Tactics Medium
oUTBRED. i could only find one bingo... -3 #tacticsmedium
O7 STEALER +78 Knowledge Large
palestrae. amazing. -8 #knowledgelarge
14F AVIDIT(Y) +18 Tactics Large
i missed 2c trivia although i don't like it that much. maybe it gives up fewer pts though, scores more and keeps a nice D. -9 #tacticslarge
F7 Z(I)P +18 Tactics Medium
he would later mention that i got all 10 power tiles but if you notice here it's a great disadvantage to have these tiles in this case. D11 BEG looks standard, i suppose, but so ugly. ugh. -7.5 #tacticsmedium
12I IG(L)OO +12 Finding Large
aw crap. i didn't look through the E for OOGAmIES. -18 #findinglarge
13K (E)RN +12 Vision Large
L11 D(O)RR is perfect here. -31 #visionlarge
C7 DOR +13 Strategy Large
2B QI is far better, blocks MEDFLY. #strategylarge
6H S(H)Y +30 Endgame Large
i was very low on time at this point and freaking out about how close he got so i missed a million outs. i just picked something that scored and accepted the fact that i totally bolloxed up the second half of this game. -11 F11 YIrRS. my favorite out is G6 S(AVO)RILY (L is a blank). #endgamelarge #time
6H S(H)Y +30 Time Unspecified
i was very low on time at this point and freaking out about how close he got so i missed a million outs. i just picked something that scored and accepted the fact that i totally bolloxed up the second half of this game. -11 F11 YIrRS. my favorite out is G6 S(AVO)RILY (L is a blank). #endgamelarge #time
8G PI +8 Strategy Small
att 1-2 i have no hope of making the cold equity play here -- as i said in an earlier game i either am too scared to not bingo immediately, or too scared to fall behind in score, depending on the rack (usually the wrong choice for the rack). PIING or PIG are fine here, but i'm too scared. -3 #strategysmall
10C WIGAN +23 Tactics Small
ok fine i'll open. missed WAGON, slightly better. -0.5 #tacticssmall
1H TR(I)CKED +57 Knowledge Medium
wasn't sure enough of MEDICK to risk the lost turn. -5 #knowledgemedium
3H IN(T)IMAE +20 Strategy Medium
i had a very bad feeling about his rack based on my last couple of games, and knew i needed to race to the blanks and S (SWILE, two blanks unseen, etc). i thought i should block a few lanes. of course it's an overreaction to blow up this nice rack for 20 pts only when i can do L1 KAMI, which decently blocks the T as well but keeps a much better leave. 4B CINEMA is another very nice alternative. this is clearly me being scared and overreacting to the way this tournament is going. -7 #strategymedium
15H FARA(D) +27 Strategy Medium
just don't want to leave that D open, sorry quackle. -5 #chicken #strategymedium 4L AX for spread
5E A(R)BOURS +36 Knowledge Large
i'm too much of a perfectionist, once i saw that i missed this bingo i felt bad. i think it's my only bingo miss of the tournament, but it's annoying because i wrote AABORRSU and i checked that i've both gotten and missed this word a few times when studying. the alphagram didn't really look familiar, and it's a hard word, but if one wants to win nationals, one has to find BAROSAUR here. #knowledgeSADDEST
D10 T(U)FT +14 Strategy Large
of course, sometimes i just make bad plays. i didn't want to play FUG because it's much easier to end some random bingo in an S, but aren't there more words that start with S? also CGU? is not as good as CTT?. also FUGU through the U takes an E, etc etc. still, a lot of the time i am aware i am not making the equity play, but it very rarely seems to be right, and i should just play more like macondo/quackle unless i have a _really_ good justification... but then again -- look at the position. does it really make sense to just play FUG there, giving him a free bingo lane when up by a lot? i always struggle with moves like this and take half-measures. #strategylarge
K9 DUAL +23 Knowledge Large
and then... this happens. ladies and gentlemen, your 2020 National Scrabble Champion can't find a top 500 word, or its anagram, on a wide open board. i don't know what to attribute this to. lord knows i've spent many hours thinking about this move and how i've been playing for nearly 15 years and how simple of a word it is, one doesn't even have to be a scrabble player to anagram the simple everyday word UNIDEAL. argh. makes me want to never play again. but i'm pretty sure it was due to a combination of nerves and tilting, and as long as i am actively working towards those, i suppose errors like this will become rarer. but talk about not being clutch at all, god damn. -39.5 #knowledgelarge #unideal #ridiculous
exch OOE +0 Vision Medium
probably tilting now. i should probably play G7 OBE! -7 #focus #visionmedium
13E SINNERS +65 Vision Large
oh my god enshrines!! -22 #visionlarge
11C LOW +29 Strategy Small
i liked setting up my A here. -2.5, CROW is best apparently. #strategysmall
A7 CERIA +30 Endgame Large
CERIA so i can play ZONKED next turn. #endgamelarge
9F ZEK +29 Strategy Medium
i guess i didn't realize how much more defensive Z(E)K was than ZEK. -5.5 #strategymedium
E10 (V)IVE +20 Strategy Medium
i strongly considered -U here, but i guess not strongly enough, i bingo 71% of the time! -4.5 #strategymedium also vivat > vive
H11 (H)URDS +30 Strategy Small
probably a good idea to keep my S here. a small part of me confesses they did this to maybe draw a challenge on this somewhat rare sticky-S word but that's not worth throwing away an S. i just wasn't enthused about RSU as a leave. -2.5 #focus #strategysmall
4H WAW +18 Strategy Large
14M AW maybe? quackle mainly likes it because of my score next turn; i can probably bingo if i'm lucky or use the W for some points (for example a lucky WREN). i must have misthought this, the equity difference is massive! -11.5 #strategylarge
14L EARS +30 Strategy Large
i don't know about this. i think i was a bit unfocused here and unable to figure out how to break ahead. i saw my S wasn't worth a ton on this board and i need to score. but 12L LARS looks a lot better. -8.5 #focus #strategylarge
H5 LIP(O)MATA +63 Finding Small
i didn't think of PRIMATAL. when we talked about it at the end of the game Lou told me it took an S.. sheesh, maybe it's better i didn't play it or i would have likely lost a turn on an S hook. #findingsmall
13B BODICE +30 Strategy Small
i strongly considered C2 BRO, which sims best, but i feel like i should stop screwing around. i'm holding on to a bit of a tenuous lead, both blanks and X are unseen, etc. it seemed good to kill a few lanes here and score and stuff. #strategysmall ?
D10 VER(D)IN +22 Vision Medium
FERVID is better and cooler! #visionmedium
3K (P)I +8 Endgame Small
(MO)I #endgamesmall
9G OLE +12 Vision Small
shoulda seen leone -3 #visionsmall
K10 IOTA +14 Tactics Small
K10 OI is better for my bingo chances. -1 #tacticssmall
N3 (D)ICK +21 Strategy Medium
he has a very strong rack; if we give him AENRS then 9L NICK jumps to the top. is this really the best block?? i didn't consider it. i did think of 14L EMIC setting up a possible big play but it doesn't block TOW. -3.5 #strategymedium ?
2A CO(A)X +26 Endgame Medium
-6, J13 OXO :( #endgamemedium
9F ZONAE +29 Strategy Medium
this move is way too meek. just play ZETA or AZOTE and be done with it. -3 #strategymedium
J2 NUCHA +29 Tactics Small
this is admittedly a bit of a weird move. i'm not up by that much and i have the dreaded Q, but at least i have a U to go with it -- yet i can't really play it somewhere that makes sense. NUCHA does sim best, keeping the U open, drawing for an I for QI, or maybe some other synergistic tiles. tough move. RANCH J1 seems to sim best as keeping QU is probably for the best despite the point sacrifice. -1.5 #tacticssmall
D12 Q(U)ID +32 Finding Small
-2 DIQUAT #findingsmall
D6 JAG +20 Strategy Medium
i got a bit upset after this move as i noticed the far better 8B JAGG shortly after hitting my clock. i was low on time, and worried that a bingo from him might end up winning him the game, and i kinda freaked out! -4.5 #strategymedium
7B B(LAM)E +9 Endgame Large
obviously poor, but i was low on time after trying to find a bingo that fit and just wanted to ensure the win. #endgamelarge
8C SHORiNG +78 Finding Small
yeah throngs is a bit better. i also wasn't 100% sure if horsings# was good. (or shorings for that matter, sniff)-2.5 #findingsmall
12A VIRI(D) +26 Knowledge Small
J4 VIBIST is best, i definitely was not sure enough about shorings. this is ok though. -2 #knowledgesmall
5A BR(O)WN +20 Strategy Medium
noooo just play B(O)W. i think i wanted him to waste some equity but why not try to bingo again. i'm trying to consciously fish a little less but blowing up INRST with a nice G to bingo through is just silly. -6.5 #strategymedium
F2 JOBS +40 Strategy Large
B11 JIBE is much better, partially because SHORING takes an S, but also better leave, etc. got tunnel vision here. #strategylarge -10
2I FOE +20 Tactics Small
C10 FERIAE maybe, a bit of a cleaner leave. -2.5 #tacticssmall
10B VIGA +20 Finding Medium
-3.5 to the pretty aggressive 10A OGIVAL. but i shoulda spotted VOILA or GAVOT. remember that the meow meow was not in full effect after my round 2 loss. I had to reset myself after the early bird and start over, and it wasn't until the next day that i achieved good focus again! #findingmedium
10B G(O)NG +10 Tactics Small
gold probably. -2 #tacticssmall
B13 D(A)H +16 Finding Medium
hm. #findingmedium -4
exch BLMP +0 Tactics Small
keep PS? apparently -2 #tacticssmall
1F (C)AUDAL +27 Strategy Medium
a poor pre-endgame. once i laid it down i realized where it put the A, and with the unseen tiles he's likely to hit me back for a ton of points. i figured i'd probably won the early bird but i shouldn't be so lazy and pick it up and look again. i considered ducal and acold too. 1F CADI sims best on many-ply. -3 #lazynessmedium #strategymedium
E3 ZONAR(Y) +36 Strategy Small
i saw YOWZA but didn't like the leave and what i thought was worse defense. guess i was wrong though. ZONARY has much worse defense; lots of overlaps i guess, or plays through the Z. -3 #strategysmall
K7 OKEHS +46 Tactics Small
quackle likes H11 AKEES about as well; says i score a lot more next turn! i guess it keeps a better leave. i like OKEHS though... -1 #tacticssmall
O5 FIR(E)WoOD +66 Strategy Medium
considered just 10B FID. the amazing K4 WIF(EH)OoD is available for MORE pts than the bingo, keeping an R. but FID still sims best. oops. got a bit too greedy/scared since matt has beaten me like 6 times in a row. -5.5 #strategymedium
A5 UNRI(V)E +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
oh my god what am i doing #knowledgelarge
N4 NIX +56 Strategy Medium
the X spot might stay there; quackle likes getting rid of the Q first. - 4 #strategymedium
C3 YETI +25 Knowledge Small
i would have played TIYIN but i was scared after losing the UNRIVE* challenge. i knew TIYIN was good in at least one dictionary. i laid down YETI at L2 but i really don't think that's the play. -2 #knowledgesmall
8D MUTED +22 Strategy Small
considered MUD/DUM but i liked the extra pts and thought it was worth exposing the E, making my rack a little worse, etc. i always gotta take defense into account. -2 #strategysmall
7F UDON +18 Strategy Small
UNDO E8, or DUNNO at E7. again, playing more defensively. -2 #strategysmall
C3 HO +24 Strategy Small
i like this move, but quackle thinks just dropping the H is fine. apparently i bingo close to 89% of the time when i do that! definitely sounds a bit high, since i don't hit bingos with the B or R, and he's going to block some percentage of the time. so i'm not sure. anyway, i didn't see that many possible bingos, and wanted to keep the F for scoring at O4. #strategysmall ?
M7 FROgLI(K)E +85 Finding Small
-1; missed overfill #findingsmall
2A EdACIOU(S) +72 Knowledge Medium
CAEsIOU(S) in the same spot obviously. ACEIOSSU. study more cesar #knowledgemedium -5
G7 HEH +29 Strategy Small
-1.5 HIE #strategysmall
J10 J(e)LL +26 Strategy Medium
is this too greedy? L8 JILTS is probably best. -4.5 #strategymedium
O13 FOY +34 Strategy Small
OF probably, take the spot. -3.5 #preendgame #strategysmall
12F PuTLoGS +73 Finding Small
PiGLeTS -2 #findingsmall
1D UMIA(Q) +17 Finding Large
MIA(O)U is 9 more at B10 with the same letters :/ -9.5 #findinglarge
B3 (J)O(L)E +17 Endgame Large
-21 #endgamelarge. i should do better. I10 TE(L)OI looks best here. i considered GIT/GIN/AGIN, etc, but didn't see EONIAN. eventually i just said screw it, let's see if this works.
11E BEMIReS +98 Finding Small
begrims for slightly less overlappability and not exposing an E. -2 #findingsmall
7F PELF +24 Vision Small
i was actually doing some math here to try to figure out what the chances he drew an E were. i think i calculated somewhere in the 30% range. didn't see the amazing H10 PINETA. -0.5 #visionsmall
8G BOW +16 Tactics Small
SWOB -1 #tacticssmall
J6 KIS +26 Strategy Medium
DIMS -3.5 #strategymedium
11D MODS +26 Tactics Small
don't know why DORMS is simming better; but maybe it's the increased pts that MODS gives up. -0.5 #tacticssmall
5D cRITICS +74 Finding Small
vITRICS. -0.5 #findingsmall
F3 TH(I)GH +16 Strategy Large
tough situation here. should i do 14A JIG for real? it sims far best. but if i don't, JIG at H4 and GITCH at D2 are still significantly better than my lamish move. i definitely saw JIG, but it really didn't seem right. -14 #strategylarge
13I FAC(E)D +30 Strategy Medium
i just score so much more next turn if i do M12 IF but why open another lane? ugh this is hard. i should just play equity. -7.5 #strategymedium
D3 AL(c)OVE +18 Strategy Large
stupid quackle. i'm basically just going to get every move wrong this game as it wants me to keep making dumb plays at 14A. yes 14A LOVE scores good and keeps a nice leave but then i have to worry about that spot all game if i don't draw the S! -10 #strategylarge ?
J13 (A)ZO +32 Strategy Medium
i should have just played VIPER at 8A. i keep the Z to score next turn. i thought she was less likely to have a bingo through the O, after what could be a vowel dump. quackle likes 15A UP keeping VIZOR for next turn. -7 #strategymedium
J6 JU(S) +26 Strategy Small
JUBE sims a little bit better. i guess quackle wants me to keep the R and S open for my own strong leave.. even though it's a little more volatile and i'm up. shrug. i do like starting to close down stuff early if possible. -1 #equity #strategysmall
O8 QUE(Y) +48 Strategy Small
-0.5 i think, QUELEA lessens disaster racks next turn. i typically like taking Ys in triple lanes because they're good dumps of ugly letters for my opponents. #strategysmall
L3 (S)WAMP +24 Strategy Large
-14 ! bad bad move here. i liked it thematically; blocking a few vertical bingo lanes. quackle prefers three moves at 12K - PAW, MAW, WAP. ordinarily, with a nice lead, it would be foolish to open the board like that. however, her bingo chances are very low - there's only 1 E, lots of I's and other ugly letters left. so PAW is good! #strategylarge #focus #bag
A3 (L)UCARNE +30 Strategy Large
quackle doesn't like moves like this, trying to "end the game faster". i was mostly going for some of those goodies, like the S or the third blank (the Z). but a V leave sucks. V(E)ENA at K2 is awesome and it blocks the R in case she has some crazy bingo. -13 #strategylarge #focus
K1 VO(E) +6 Strategy Medium
oof. VOTES 12A loses to T(R)IFORIA but that's probably about it. my move is a bit bad. maybe 9J TOON? -4% win chance #strategymedium
8K OWE +16 Vision Medium
i probably just didn't spot NOME somehow, so OWIE there is best. -6 #visionmedium
H1 (B)I +4 Strategy Medium
BI "only" bingoes around 78% of the time. i always miss ZEDA, something like 1K ELAIN is pretty good; i'm a little less enthused about stuff like 10M AIL. i don't know. i didn't realize this was that bad, although i thought it might not be best. 10M AIL bingoes more than 50% of the time, which seems slightly high, but i guess i can buy it. -7.5 #strategymedium
12I HEME +33 Strategy Large
i just make bad decisions when i'm sucking. i think i'd only won 2 games this whole day by now, and even though i did see BEVEL at 11K i thought HEME was better for some reason. i just want points now even though he can score a lot overlapping me, and EHM? is a perfectly good leave. -8 #strategylarge
3E VERB +17 Strategy Large
VEEP bingoes more and scores more at 4L. my play is clearly wrong. i was totally out of it. -9 #strategylarge
6F JO +31 Strategy Small
4K JADE bingoes more often, and he also doesn't have an O so i can fish there for a lot if i miss. -0.5 #strategysmall
14A RAiSINS +72 Finding Medium
he asked me why i didn't play it at like 14D and the simple answer is because i suck. #findingmedium
E10 JOW +35 Tactics Small
unmown is winninger. oops. #tacticssmall
7G PELF +22 Strategy Small
i was in a bad mental state after losing the first game, and i know this affects me. FL(O)P is the equity play here. I think when I'm tilting, I just make weird bad plays, either adjusting to score too much or to leave too much, depending on how worried I am. I may have overcompensated here, thinking i better take the extra 5 points and keep MNT instead of EMNT (i even remember thinking the E is not worth 5 points, so take the 5 points, but as is common for me when I'm playing unwell, I don't pay attention to defense at all -- PELF gives up 4 more pts on average than FL(O)P). -3 #strategysmall
F10 YEA +27 Knowledge Small
my sheet has "YAGE???" on it. the collins confusion is real. YAGE is good in TWL too. -3 #knowledgesmall
1A WAGE +33 Tactics Small
i did see 15A AGOU(TI) but i wanted to score more and the bag is consonant heavy. seems like i might be wrong. -2 #tacticssmall
O8 OLDY +33 Endgame Unspecified
14M DAY #endgame -4
J8 (C)OX +28 Tactics Medium
9C MIX keeps a more bingoable leave! dammit. 2-5 and playing on autopilot. i tried. -3.5 #tacticsmedium
12J F(A)IRLY +32 Finding Medium
come on. i have to fake open the board (PARETICS is obviously available but he might catch on if i don't try to open another lane?). E8 AFIRE is beautiful though, i should have seen it. #findingmedium -2.5
O12 (Y)OGA +24 Knowledge Small
jeez, i actually was pretty sure YAGE was a Collins word, but it's good in TWL! -1 #knowledgesmall.
I4 HON(GI) +15 Strategy Medium
this is mostly a frustrated move, it doesn't seem right. L4 BONNE is ok, keeping SH, just give up on making PARETICS and try to find the best play cesar. -4.5 #strategymedium
J1 DIME +23 Finding Medium
the best play here is N1 MINA, which i completely missed, which is sad in several ways. -4.5 #findingmedium #wifemedium . i really like MINA because it keeps the D to score something in both spots!
G5 T(OWE)L +9 Strategy Medium
this is not a good move. i need to outrun him and score more. i didn't want to empty the bag so he wouldn't plan his outgame, but i may not have a choice here. N1 TAN scores 18 and will help outrun him. i don't think i have many ways to win after TOWEL. -3 #preendgame #strategymedium
N14 NA +14 Endgame Large
this is a slow play game and apparently ENG wins by itself with no NA. let's see. #endgamelarge #time
N14 NA +14 Time Unspecified
this is a slow play game and apparently ENG wins by itself with no NA. let's see. #endgamelarge #time
F8 (R)EV +16 Endgame Large
i saw ELVEN and i was positive it wasn't good, or at least just Collins. did they add it in 2014 or 2018? i should have played it anyway since it's my only win right? i was 2-5 and had to leave for dinner and was not thinking straight. #endgamelarge
F10 G(A)DJE +20 Strategy Large
i don't know if this is an overreaction. do i just play Z(A)G? GADJE sacrifices a lot of points but gets rid of some ugliness. CDEJT doesn't strike me as an appetizing leave. i suppose if i draw another E i can get JETTED for a few points, or DEJECT, etc. i hate this and should have exchanged on my first move. quackle thinks the sacrifice from GADJE is not worth it as i only get slightly more points next turn with GADJE than ZAG, but i'm sacrificing 13 pts now. makes sense that this is such a big equity loss. -10.5 #strategylarge
L8 CU(T)CH +30 Finding Medium
when i choose to play all ugly i have to play as precisely as possible. maybe a robot can play perfectly after VIM, but i have to be able to find the somewhat hard to anagram CATGUT through the T and see that it's better than CUTCH. keeping the H is nice for the possibility at B10, and CH has good synergy as well. -4.5 #findingmedium
E7 DOG +21 Strategy Small
he played CRAB too quickly. he has a bingo there a lot of the time, but he probably has it even if i block CRAB. AG bingoes more often, but i wanted to open an additional lane.. so i don't know. if we give him a leave of ATS? for giggles, my move rises up a little higher, but G13 OD is at the top, i guess opening another triple for me to use or something. not a good position for me, but this is all a result of VIM. i'm going to be down my next move unless i bingo back. -0.5 #strategysmall
N13 AYE +25 Strategy Small
I HATE THE LETTER Y SO MUCH. M12 AYE actually sims just a tad higher than my play, despite scoring 8 fewer - i knew my play was inviting a big annoying comeback as well. damn it. #strategysmall
2G SPAmBOT +69 Finding Large
spent forever trying to find a triple triple and ran out of time. i hope i would have found POSTBAg if the game depended on it. -14 #findinglarge i absolutely knew i was going to have a bad tournament after this game. it really sucks to lose the opening game, and as much as i need to practice zen and whatever, you just know it's not your tournament after this. i was not feeling it. i do need to practice staying calm before nationals though, and i should have made more of an effort here.
F9 IF +28 Finding Small
saw and passed up the only bingo here (notifier).. FIE sims slightly best at F10. -1.5 #findingsmall
pass - +0 Knowledge Large
i thought about this for a while and i've been studying 6s and only remembered UNGUAL and UNGULAR. i couldn't think what UNGULA could be the plural of. but i guess UNGULAR should mean pertaining to an UNGULA. he also took a while on this and thought he might be makng it up #knowledgelarge
4J Q(U)IT +26 Finding Medium
-7 QUOIT 7J #findingmedium
13E PARDI +14 Finding Large
giving him an inference of ES here. i didn't see PYXIDIA, but i thought PARDI had some troll value since he knew i had the X. obviously PYXIDIA is the play. sheesh. -35.5 #findinglarge
10G BESTEaD +68 Strategy Large
ugh i was so frustrated by JAUNTEd that i spent literally 9 minutes on this move. i spent a very long time trying to alternatively talk myself out of BESETTED*, talk myself into playing DEBT instead of bingoing, and then trying to find a better bingo than BESTEaD. then for about two minutes i started even doubting BESTEad was good. With about 12 minutes on my clock i said screw it and just played bestead. very frustrating, constantly losing to Joel. DEBT sims significantly better than BESTEaD, and BEDrEST is also a better bingo. -8.5 #strategylarge -- i didn't think he would leave the 3-3 open
9I (G)UY +14 Strategy Medium
ugh this is too difficult. with such a small % chance of winning, i don't know what's right anymore. it seems in these types of situations i have to limit the amount of damage he can do, so something like 4K AY or YA is going to sim best despite keeping a U. the problem with GUY, even though it does play short and keeps a good leave, is that it gives back so many points; i know this but have to hope he can't punish it too much. -3 #strategymedium
13K AWA +28 Endgame Large
awful and discouraging. I completely forgot that DEVI was a word so i only thought of making the hook an A. also, because I had spent like half my time on the first three moves, i was pretty low here and could not see a good way to win. i did see FRAT, which quackle says is a winning play, but where's the other spot for WAI besides WAIT? -8 #endgamelarge (edit: 5B WAIR, making three "new" in the last few years 2s!! how can I hope to play Collins if I can't find TWL 2s??)
J8 SHRUG +27 Strategy Small
i don't remember why i didn't play GURSH instead. doesn't make sense. -2.5 #strategysmall #focus
5A BELIVE +27 Strategy Medium
-3 5D VOE, better leave and stuff, maybe i got scared. #strategymedium
M10 (N)AIRU +14 Strategy Large
just terrible; AGOUTI keeps a much better leave. O(ID)IA is also decent. i should be able to find either one easily. -9 #focus #strategylarge
3H VOcATIO(N) +72 Finding Large
did i even look for bingos to the R? there is no evidence that i did so, although i did look through the U for some reason. wtf? -11 #findinglarge #focus
14L Q(U)A +24 Strategy Large
i did see OXO but i found it much more important to kill that S hook on NAIRU. but is it really that dangerous? QUA also lets him score to the triple, although there's only a couple hook tiles left in the bag. D3 QAID is fine too. -10.5 #strategylarge
H10 (E)EK +12 Strategy Large
this move right here, officer. what was i thinking? luckily, i have an exact snapshot into my mental state at the time, so i'll write it here. let's see, i'm up by NINE points and he just set up an obvious S hook (yes, i forgot that it took a T until after i hit the clock). so, he has an S, and likely another E. he just played off two tiles, and my defense has been terrible this tournament, so it all comes down to this next move; it is crucial to prevent his bingo since i'm not ahead by much at all. this is a 36.5 point mistake (the obvious KEET is the only play here worth making) with no inference; with an EST inference (let's say), this "only" becomes a 33-point mistake. now, with a clear head: it DOES cut his bingo percentage to almost 0%, but he still scores 36 pts on average! and i'm not going to survive that with this lame move. and, most crucially, something that i realized right after, is that no sane person is going to play B(ID)E with a bingo leave. why would he set up a SCORING spot if he has a strong bingo leave, instead of trying to open up another bingo lane? so it's unlikely that he has a strong bingo leave, but is instead trying to set up a 50+ point score next turn. but i freaked out, didn't even think of BIDET, and had already decided to block the bingo lane at all costs. #strategySADDEST #focusworst
G1 POET +19 Strategy Large
ok, so back when he played REARMING i immediately thought "don't forget the P hook" and was looking for a P all game. right after JAYS played, i realized that i missed KEET, and that BIDE was never a bingo fish. you can imagine my brain immediately short circuiting. what happened? this was the last game of the morning. was i hungry? THIS whole game right here is why i'm not coming close to winning nationals unless i change something, and even though i now know that it is my focus that needs help, actually getting to that deeply focused state requires so much effort (for me) that it is insanely difficult. i pulled it off to a small extent at lake george (and still made a bunch of silly mistakes), but i haven't been practicing. what is my POET even doing; i'm going to let him score a bunch off the P, and i'm not even setting up a hopeful S hook. i seem very undeserving of a 2000 rating when i make mistakes like this, which explains why i'm almost never there. -19 #strategySADDEST #focusworst
D3 AYE +33 Tactics Small
-0.5 #tacticssmall; AY is good enough.
13C JO +31 Tactics Small
didn't want to expose the J for an easy dump so i passed up 13A JIAO. idk. -1.5, i guess i should worry more about my own rack. #tacticssmall
14E DAISIED +68 Vision Medium
ridiculous lapse of concentration here; i somehow didn't see it at I5. i'm such a strange player. -7 #focus #visionmedium
11I LUX +40 Strategy Medium
-5.5, 15F DOM and keep two huge scoring tiles! #strategymedium
15F DOM +41 Strategy Medium
aggro AF, way too fearless. what if she has like, NARKIEST or something insane? SELDOM O7 keeping the Z is great. -4 #strategymedium
N9 AZO +37 Endgame Large
LEET B2. poor endgame award. #endgamelarge -21
9F dITSIER +72 Strategy Medium
i saw iritises but wanted to expose fewer letters, especially not Ss. however this gives back a ton of points. 9D vISITER is much more defensive. but iritises still sims best anyway - even though he bingoes slightly more after iritises, he scores more on avg after ditsier. #strategymedium -- on 4-ply, visiter climbs up to the top over iritises. -6
8J AM(E)BAE +36 Strategy Medium
K3 AXE is better defensively than AMEBAE and scores 4 more. so it's better, even though AMEBAE scores a little more on avg next turn. -6.5 #strategymedium i don't understand scrabble.
O11 OXIME +71 Finding Large
so lame, i immediately saw MONOXIDE the second i typed this into quackle. -15 #focus #findinglarge
1H WIVE(S) +33 Strategy Medium
not good enough. 12A SWIVED scores more and i might be able to score next turn too on the S. VICED though sims best, for 38 vs 33 and keeps the W to score with. -6 #strategymedium
H11 (R)AMIN +24 Strategy Small
10J IS is interesting, i should at least have considered it. -1 #strategysmall
N11 BIRO +24 Endgame Medium
N10 OBIT; make his out worth less -6 #endgamemedium
pass - +0 Knowledge Large
worst challenge ever. #knowledgeSADDEST
E10 WY(N)N +20 Finding Large
-13.5 DRYLOT. i was looking there. #findinglarge
10I LOO +16 Strategy Small
2E OOT gives up fewer points. -1 #strategysmall
12K ERGO +24 Strategy Medium
12I TOERAG -3 #strategymedium -- but i wanted to set up the T or something. i was running out of ideas.
14H JOW +37 Strategy Medium
well. one O unseen, and i have to hope he doesn't have it, i think. but quackle thinks this is too much and that i should exchange all -- i might agree, actually. -5 #strategymedium
C11 BOP +28 Finding Medium
i should find REBOP. i think the extra permutations with CSW just makes me miss more normal stuff. -4 #findingmedium
E10 OY +31 Knowledge Large
there it is; missing PETITORY# is unacceptable. but i know literally 3 csw words. #knowledgelarge -27 also i should block the 14F spot with NOY if i'm going to play those letters (i thought of BEZ too, but the Z at 14F would be worse).
H3 SPITF(I)RE +66 Finding Small
-2 FRUMPIEST #findingsmall
A7 ZEDA +45 Vision Large
aw man i gotta see YEZ at 13K! -10 #visionlarge
F8 (L)EY +31 Tactics Small
i fish way too much in general. i think i should play EYE here. at B5 it might give up a lot of pts, but if he bingos i might get a big play back, and he seemed like he was going to bingo again. -2.5 #tacticssmall
8F QAID +28 Strategy Small
probably just do the standard QADI here. didn't feel right for some reason. -1 #strategysmall
L4 IODINES +74 Strategy Small
-3 IONISED at 10B is fine, i didn't want to leave that L hook open, i guess. #strategysmall
10L (S)IZY +36 Strategy Medium
K4 BYE sims a bit higher because of average scores next turn, but i wanted to block some lanes as well... -5.5 #strategymedium ?
D10 (U)NCURB +26 Strategy Medium
-7 it's not really the triple triple fear, but FS is not a great leave and i'm giving him some more letters to bingo through, C and R and keeping the E open. i wanted to obviously block the 2-2 lane, but something like 5K FORB is effective because if he bingos i have a good chance at a high scoring comeback at O1. #strategymedium
I1 JAV(A) +18 Endgame Medium
oh jeez didn't see JO/LENTO. -6 #endgamemedium
E7 D(E)NTINAL +68 Knowledge Medium
i did see NONTIDAL but i wasn't totally sure about it. i figured i would take the bingo i'm sure of. I think i would have tried nontidal if dentinal didn't exist. no excuse for not learning my high prob bingos better, though. better hit the books again... -4 #knowledgemedium
9A PAX +37 Strategy Medium
wow i didn't expect XU 9H to sim that much better if at all. XU really limits her score next turn. it's ok to play defense if i'm down. -4 #strategymedium
J4 CUIF +16 Strategy Medium
i hated the leave of J9 OH. i probably have no choice. i thought i would open a bit, keep a better leave, and keep OH for next turn, but i guess CUIF just doesn't score enough. -5.5 #strategymedium
3K (D)IT +10 Strategy Medium
i wanted to keep the ED for the tricky lane on row 2, and still open something. at this point my win % is so low that i don't bother too much with worrying about what my best play could be. maybe DIT just takes way too many hooks or something. quackle likes J12 TID(E) which doesn't create a new lane. however, it blocks a scoring spot for her. if i have to get lucky i might as well play the extra tile to draw for an N for ING or some crap.. who knows? scrabble is too hard. -4 #strategymedium
1L TI(M)E +21 Endgame Medium
tome damn it -3 #endgamemedium
7H GOOF +18 Tactics Medium
-7.5 #tacticsmedium 9H FOG, GOOF gives up too many pts.
D4 PR(A)WN +22 Knowledge Medium
-5 PWNED! #knowledgemedium
5C U(R)AO +16 Strategy Large
-8.5 #strategylarge ORATE is best, turns over for the blank / Q / X, keeps the U for the Q; EEIT is too inflexible.
E7 B(O)NEY +20 Finding Medium
ridiculous, i immediately see BONNY on quackle but not over the board. there's so much to work on. but NOBLY is even better. -7 #findingmedium
F10 DEN +20 Strategy Small
i would, of course, play RECLINED here if i had played goddamn BONNY. what is wrong with me. -0.5 to (PE)NCIL which i sorta like. #strategysmall
I1 HESSIaN +80 Strategy Medium
this is the worst possible draw to EINSS, seriously. i need the blank after the bingo! although H1 HIES actually looks better than my play. -3.5 #strategymedium
M3 HITME(N) +27 Strategy Small
should play J14 MI here to go for GOETHITE. -0.01% #strategysmall
10B PNEUMA +27 Tactics Small
10E UPON is a little better. it gives him fewer letters to bingo through, and it has a better leave. -1.5 #tacticssmall
J13 (I)F +13 Knowledge Medium
i wasn't totally sure on FOLIAGED. FADO at N11 is simming best. it seems a bit too aggressive for my liking, but maybe i can do D9 DEAF or DEFEAT then (i didn't see AMIRS). my play bingos < 60% of the time and it may not be worth it. -4.5 #tacticsmedium #knowledgemedium #visionmedium
J13 (I)F +13 Vision Medium
i wasn't totally sure on FOLIAGED. FADO at N11 is simming best. it seems a bit too aggressive for my liking, but maybe i can do D9 DEAF or DEFEAT then (i didn't see AMIRS). my play bingos < 60% of the time and it may not be worth it. -4.5 #tacticsmedium #knowledgemedium #visionmedium
J13 (I)F +13 Tactics Medium
i wasn't totally sure on FOLIAGED. FADO at N11 is simming best. it seems a bit too aggressive for my liking, but maybe i can do D9 DEAF or DEFEAT then (i didn't see AMIRS). my play bingos < 60% of the time and it may not be worth it. -4.5 #tacticsmedium #knowledgemedium #visionmedium
N6 PODESTA +75 Vision Large
wow, EMIRS and AMIRS were just completely invisible to me this game. #visionlarge -16
3I QUOI(T) +24 Vision Large
ooh, this is a bad mistake. i don't seem to have spotted QUAG L2 at all. #visionlarge -12
1J WAYaNG +55 Tactics Small
quackle very slightly likes 1J DAWiNG by win%. the Y can score a bunch after his bingo, maybe at B14, or somewhere similar. #tacticssmall
B12 DOST +25 Endgame Small
15A DOST is 1 pt better #endgamesmall
14D SOY +42 Strategy Large
worst mistake of my life. i thought SOY closed that part of the board permanently and forgot about the H hook on RAKIS. additionally the leave is so much worse than playing YOU 14F. of course YOU has its own defensive issues, but then maybe YOUSE is an in-between play. SOY is so so so bad and lost me the game. but would YOU be comfortable playing YOU here? -12 #strategylarge
J1 UNWI(T) +10 Strategy Large
now i'm treading water but should still be strongly favored to win if i make the right play here. 6I NEWIE is fine, score 11 more and keep a more balanced leave at least! argh! -10 #strategylarge
O4 CARIE(S) +33 Strategy Large
why was i so nervous? my brain settled in on CARIES and considered nothing else except CRANES (which is better). but I didn't like CRANES because if he draws the S he can have an easy high scoring overlap like MATED, etc. but i didn't think of the simple CARERS, which keeps a vowel (i DID notice the bag was vowel heavy, but i was so nervous at this time after the RAKIS mistake ...) and i'm quite likely to draw an E because the bag is E heavy, but i thought of nothing else!!! #strategylarge
8H IRONY +24 Tactics Small
ZORI sims best by just a bit, at 8G. I liked opening the board and keeping the Z? for scoring potential. -0.5 #tacticssmall
L4 LINT(Y) +16 Vision Medium
wow -- 5D TINMEN. -6.5 #visionmedium
F6 (E)MBALM +14 Strategy Large
D3 MAVEN; -11 #strategylarge .. should i be this harsh on myself
9E V(A)V +13 Strategy Large
-9.5 FEH is simplify too many pts to pass up here. #strategylarge
15J AUGUs(T) +17 Endgame Large
FUGU -9 #endgamelarge
G6 HOM +17 Tactics Medium
I7 OH sims ok, or G10 MOTH, or even HOMA on the right. (better than on the left because of -LY bingos i think). -3 #tacticsmedium
4H F(L)OUT +24 Strategy Medium
oops, not enough equity. LEARN CESAR LEARN ::BASHES HEAD ON WALL:: M9 FOU -6.5 #strategymedium
12D MANGIES(T) +74 Knowledge Large
lame missing MISAGENT, and chickening out on MOUCH. LEARN CESAR LEARN. -8.5 #knowledgelarge
D4 PY(O)ID +26 Endgame Small
13A PRISE #endgamesmall -2
9H OWL +13 Strategy Small
-2.5 #strategysmall OWLET to the T is worth the extra 14 pts.
2B TOO +14 Strategy Medium
so defensive .. 10H TOO scores 4 more and it's worth continuing to be aggressive when the board has some juicy bingo lanes. i think? -4.5 #strategymedium
N1 fEATLIE(R) +68 Finding Large
omg i missed the coolest bingo ever at 4G -- you can find it. -14.5 #findinglarge
5J V(A)U +6 Strategy Large
i remember playing this too fast, PIX, POX etc are fine! -7.5 #patience #focus #strategylarge
M13 KAB +33 Strategy Large
i'm not going to lose the game, but this is a terrible move. i guess i got greedy and thought he might give me a bingo, but instead this gives back a ton of points. just play BATIKS for 49. sheesh! -21 #strategylarge #focus
C7 M(I)X +40 Strategy Medium
9F MAXI is a _perfect_ move here, especially after he took so long on DUCKS (it was several minutes, which strongly implied to me he kept a blank; it seems like an easier play to make if he's holding another S). -4 #strategymedium
11D (K)IP +18 Tactics Small
and he blocked epitasis.. i always hate moves that keep too outrageous of a vowel-consonant ratio, but i suppose IPSST > AISST? since it likes E11 AI more. -1.5 #tacticssmall
J10 FAY +32 Knowledge Large
JOLLIER takes an S cesar....... no wonder i lost this game. i remember considering it briefly and then dismissing the idea. -44.5 #knowledgelarge
B10 NERIN(E) +16 Endgame Large
amazing. RI(S)EN M11 wins 100% of the time. i suppose this was a standard out in two, combined with trying to find his best play, and i should have figured it out. i didn't think i'd be able to outrun him though, and was trying to draw a challenge on this word (not knowing it's CSW only :/ ) #endgamelarge
9F GANE +18 Tactics Medium
whenever i have the option to overlap the same word above and below, i ALWAYS pick the wrong one. i don't know why the simmer likes the top one so much better (almost 4 pts??). help? #tacticsmedium
K10 T(O)T +9 Strategy Medium
obviously L(A)TTER here, which i was about to lay down, but i don't seemingly understand the concept of "cut your losses". now i am absolutely putting all my eggs in the AELRT basket. this one is definitely a significant mistake, simming almost 8 pts back. #strategymedium #tilt?
J2 PINcERS +73 Finding Small
i didn't want to waste too much time on this rack but PrERINS(E) is best. #findingsmall
11B JUGA +28 Strategy Small
i strongly considered L6 GOJI/JUGA and 11C JIAO as well, which all sim slightly better than my play. i liked being aggressive with the blank and thought it unlikely that he had another A, although i don't really know why. i am again, though, putting a lot of eggs in that basket. it's probably better to just do GOJI; i seem to be doing that thing again where i take bigger and bigger risks when i am doing well at a tournament, and it usually ends up burning me. #strategysmall
D2 CRU(C)IAL +24 Strategy Medium
there's a bunch of plays that sim better again, but i thought it very important to go for the X. there are at least two large spots for it, and it seemed like this was the way to win. macondo likes being more measured with F2 CUI(N)G or 7C AULIC, 7D URIC, etc. am i deluding myself and just getting super lucky? #strategymedium
F2 GOO(N)Y +21 Knowledge Medium
i saw GOOLY of course, but i was not 100% on it and i'm not about to throw away this win. #knowledgemedium
A12 (V)AU +6 Strategy Medium
pretty sure he didn't have another S, he took quite a bit of time on VOWS, so i figured he had not kept an S and probably had a leave with one-pointers. still, it's a bit much; maybe just doing 13B AA is fine. but i still like this a lot. -4 #strategymedium
E1 CATER +25 Strategy Large
this however is a big mistake. i totally didn't spot JEEZ, so ZA there is perfectly fine, but so is CRAZE(D) if i miss ZA. i remember thinking of crazed and i wasn't enthused about it. i wanted to just keep scoring but thought this was probably not quackle's option; i was pretty far off. #strategylarge #focus -15
1H (B)IZ +14 Finding Large
yuck, kind of hard to see, but i should. DIGITIZE for 94! i was kind of worrying and playing badly here; CATER was quite the wrong move and it led to some crap :( -37 #findinglarge
J11 PHIAL +26 Strategy Large
J12 NOH because my play allows OVERmELT :/ -a lot #preendgame #strategylarge
J6 APnOEIC +76 Knowledge Medium
missed PAEONIC for 4 more.. dammit. -4 #knowledgemedium
O8 CLIP(T) +27 Finding Unspecified
LIBEL 11I is actually simming better; i suppose there's the dangerous hotspot i'm creating, plus it's relatively easy for him to score a bunch at 11K as well with the right letters. -2 #strategysmall #finding
O8 CLIP(T) +27 Strategy Small
LIBEL 11I is actually simming better; i suppose there's the dangerous hotspot i'm creating, plus it's relatively easy for him to score a bunch at 11K as well with the right letters. -2 #strategysmall #finding
H11 E(V)OKE +38 Finding Small
11I BIKER sims a bit better, significantly more bingos next turn. -3 #findingsmall
B1 TORR +12 Strategy Medium
GRR. -7 i don't care #dumb #gg #strategymedium
J5 PY(X) +23 Finding Large
really should see weepily. man i sucked at atlantic city. i don't understand how i almost won the whole thing. -23 #findinglarge
exch OIO +0 Strategy Large
i have no idea why i didn't play OORIE. -12 #strategylarge
N9 (A)Y +26 Strategy Medium
AACIRT is not all that strong of a leave here. weird move. i guess i like sorta blocking the S too, but this still is meh. -4 #strategymedium C2 YA looks standard, but very easy to overlap. maybe M1 YEA?
H11 ACARI +35 Finding Large
another missed bingo. should i even post this game? -37 #findinglarge #focus
A1 (PA)NNED +15 Endgame Large
#endgamelarge. playing the standard DENTS, even though i go out in two, results in more points for me
K5 PUNTO +18 Finding Medium
-3.5, M6 FUTON obvs #findingmedium
1M (D)UI +12 Finding Medium
fishy. be like nigel, cesar. UREDIA 1J is the obvious play. -4.5 #findingmedium
10F WA(I)L +32 Vision Small
oh maybe just L4 WAY yeah. -1 #visionsmall
J6 (B)I +6 Tactics Medium
L4 RAY seems to bingo fine too but scores 5 more. #preendgame #tacticsmedium
L4 EPIZ(O)A +34 Strategy Medium
-3.5 J5 AZIDO is probably fine. for some reason i thought it would be too easy to overlap. shrug. #strategymedium
K4 OOT +18 Strategy Medium
it's more important here to keep a balanced leave; OOZE does that better despite giving up quite a bit more points. i also score a lot more after it than OOT. -3 #strategymedium
exch DFLNN +0 Tactics Small
cool -- bag has good enough letters (including the blanks) and is consonant-heavy enough that quackle wants me to keep S instead of ST here. oops. -0.5 #focus #tacticssmall
8D GOURD +18 Finding Small
ODIUM -2 #findingsmall
E3 WHY +34 Strategy Medium
need to be way more aggressive! WITHY/WHITY at E1. -5 #strategymedium
D3 AERO +29 Vision Large
aw man i gotta find DEMOI here. -11 #visionlarge
L8 EMOJI +33 Vision Large
i can't even play OJIME#. EMOJI at 12H is better. DEMOI is still best. i suck. -7 #visionlarge
3J C(O)PAL +18 Strategy Large
this is very bad for preventing bingos, given his last move. i was thinking i can't win without drawing the blank here. while that's still likely, if i play COAPT at 14G that scores quite a bit and maybe i can draw an H or something to score next turn. i don't know. but COPAL is wrong. Quackle likes 10K COAPT best, i don't really get it. -10.5 #strategylarge
J12 MAK(E) +20 Vision Large
oh COPALM is a word. lol. -35 #visionlarge #endgame #isuck
J12 MAK(E) +20 Endgame Unspecified
oh COPALM is a word. lol. -35 #visionlarge #endgame #isuck
1L (J)EER +33 Strategy Small
maybe J10 HOB -0.5 #strategysmall
M4 NEROLIs +62 Vision Small
OR(CHID) is great! -1.5 #visionsmall
N12 F(Y)KE +28 Vision Large
this move does not have enough equity. 10D FEM has more equity. -8 #focus #visionlarge
O10 OVA +13 Vision Medium
-5 ORCHID, i failed to see that spot and to equity again! #visionmedium
C3 A(L)TER +16 Knowledge Medium
wow, TAWER is a word! -4 #endgame #knowledgemedium
C3 A(L)TER +16 Endgame Unspecified
wow, TAWER is a word! -4 #endgame #knowledgemedium
F5 OBIA +25 Tactics Small
-1 OHIA #tacticssmall
10E WYE +27 Strategy Medium
wow - i need to play D4 TEW here instead of 10E WYE; despite the worse leave, i have to kill the low-variance high scoring spot. this is the type of advanced move only a few players know how to make. how to learn. ::thinking emoji:: -3.5 #strategymedium
9K (I)MP +10 Strategy Small
8A PuTZ! what? or L4 PST. i guess my play is just way too weak. -3 #strategysmall
G3 QAT +27 Strategy Medium
the Q!!!! QAT(S) blocking the S, counterintuitively, is best. i need to score and get super lucky now. -7 #strategymedium
J12 N(E)W +14 Strategy Small
there are too many unseen Ts to make this move. i knew this at the time and knew i needed to get lucky, but that's asking to get too lucky. 10M AWN keeps the same leave and gives me a chance to come back... but he's never going to let me have that. so i don't know. maybe H4 WEN or L1 WRENS? WRENS seems like my type of move here actually. got too frustrated. -1.5 #focus #strategysmall
N2 gALERES +70 Vision Large
there are a number of fairly easy bingos available on row 11, which a player like me would find on any given day, but not in this game. which is problematic, as these are the types of games where i most need to find these moves. -18.5 #focus #visionlarge I had tunnel vision with setting up EST here partially.
E10 (W)ENT +14 Endgame Large
#endgamelarge #focus way to give him an out.
10D MOZO +41 Strategy Small
crackle thinks i should dump the S with it. -2 #strategysmall
E10 (O)LDY +16 Finding Large
wrong by quite a bit; 11A LYSED is straightforward and best here, scoring a lot more and keeping a great leave. -9.5 #findinglarge
I6 MO(J)O +15 Strategy Small
LIMO at 9F ? sigh i guesssssss isn't EOR a pretty crap leave? -3 #strategysmall
1M PEA +27 Strategy Small
-2 ONAGER, i suppose that's pretty nice. #strategysmall
10D RIGORS +25 Strategy Medium
i thought this was ok since his next rack is random/bad, but GIROS keeps a significantly improved leave, and also gives back a whole lot less. oops. -5 #strategymedium
11J PHOT(O) +30 Vision Small
12A POET is the slightly stronger play. -1.5 #visionsmall
A3 LEWisES +85 Knowledge Large
the Lewises say hi. Hi Lewises! wasn't sure enough of webless or aweless for that matter, although i liked the second more. but i should find tWELvES. bingos with two blanks are hard. #knowledgelarge -9
H7 B(I)LGED +12 Strategy Medium
errrr QI is straightforward here. i thought it just destroyed the board though, but BILGED probably does a better job of that! probably a hard move, but it feels so tough to play QI and then not have anywhere to play my bingo next turn. at least BILGED gives me a chance at a dump like QIS for 41, etc. -4 #strategymedium ?
H2 KUFI +19 Strategy Large
quai etc just seem bad. i don't wanna do that. QUAI only sims so high because my average play next turn does something huge with QUAIS and an SK word -- but she's either going to have the L or take care of that spot in another way, i think? i DO have the last S, but i don't like my chances of using the QUAIS hook at all. -10 #strategylarge ?
L8 (Y)OUNG +18 Vision Large
immediate fail; i saw BOOGYING shortly after hitting the clock. :/ YOUNG doesn't even seem good anyway; 9F CUE or something. -16.5 #focus #visionlarge
F8 CaTLIKE +73 Vision Small
-3; TICKLEs. i probably missed it. #visionsmall
G12 DOL +29 Knowledge Large
i think i just flat out missed PReSOLD, and probably 5H DROPLeTS too. i think i forgot polders had an anagram, but i can't remember. -16 #knowledgelarge
13I PERSpEX +96 Finding Large
i missed REEXPoS(E) for 11 more. -10.5 #findinglarge
C3 INURI(N)G +22 Tactics Small
quackle seems to like RUINING for some mysterious reason, by quite a bit more. quackle whisperers out there? -3 #tacticssmall ?
4A HA(N)IWA +32 Strategy Large
D3 FAH is extremely obvious. HANIWA is a rather bad move; she comes back with AMBIENT a lot of the time, or ANIMATE, etc! I don't lose but it's a massive spread difference. #preendgame #focus #strategylarge
3I VEN(D)U +26 Knowledge Medium
ok but FUSE M11 is better. i just wasn't sure enough about MODELINGS. -3.5 #knowledgemedium
C10 VERG(E)D +22 Strategy Small
J2 V(E)G doesn't seem good enough to me. quackle says i score a ton next turn though, even if i dont bingo that often? where? FUSED/MODELINGS? -2 #strategysmall
N9 FUHRErS +83 Finding Small
i just could not find FURtHEST at D1. N4 FEH sims great though and may be just as good as bingoing. -2 #strategysmall #findingsmall
N9 FUHRErS +83 Strategy Small
i just could not find FURtHEST at D1. N4 FEH sims great though and may be just as good as bingoing. -2 #strategysmall #findingsmall
L12 MILD +32 Strategy Medium
bingos aren't worth it here. but L11 positioning is best. L11 MID sims best here; my move gives back way too much for no reason. -5 #strategymedium
15F ARANEi(D)S +74 Finding Medium
-4.. ASTERNAL or SANGREAL for more pts. quackle doesn't mind keeping that D open. #findingmedium
3A YUKE +24 Endgame Large
large endgame mistake here as it allows TURION #endgamelarge
E9 FAU(G)H +24 Finding Large
wow, this is a plain bad play. i don't think i even looked that long, FAUGH seemed obvious to me. but surely 13L AHOY for 34 is great, and E10 FUGIO looks good too. -10 #findinglarge
exch EGIIOO +0 Strategy Large
OORIE probably, exchanging is an overreaction. i didn't want to block the R. -11 #strategylarge
G11 P(A)VID +39 Tactics Small
probably worth sacrificing some points to keep a better leave; G12 AVOW for 8 fewer keeps a better leave of DEIP. -2 #tacticssmall
8A WOO(D) +24 Knowledge Medium
cant takes an O. sigh. i'm probably just going to quit scrabble. -7.5 #knowledgemedium
15E M(ID)I +21 Strategy Small
i kind of gave up on finding the best way to win here. i'm not totally sure how to do it. it probably involves him having the Q. like - i'm going to lose anyway, so i shouldn't be trying to avoid the Q, just assume he has it and open up another lane and hope to draw for a miracle. i saw something like 2L MOI could lead to LEPORID, for example, but that seems easily blockable. 15L IM(ID)O is looking best here. #strategysmall
9C D(IF) +17 Endgame Large
C: i think i lost it here. this is how to do well at nationals; find the winning play. i cashed in my D too early. i can have that spot later (if he blocks it i have AD/DAH too). i need to play at N13 so that he can't play there!! i was low on time, only about 3 minutes, but i didn't do a good enough job here :( -- the winning play is N13 REI #endgamelarge (it's a small error point-wise, but it loses the game) A: Actually, REI loses by 2 after I play E4 RAH. (-6)
L14 (N)O +10 Endgame Small
5h ere -1 #endgamesmall
8G DOR +8 Strategy Small
-3 exch R actually sims ok, although DOR sims better on 4-ply. main problem with DOR is that it's relatively easy to block and i only hold one hook for it. i thought of GRIND as well but didn't consider -R. #strategysmall
6B E(R)E +7 Strategy Large
this gives up too many points. about half the time he has a letter to hook it and can hit me back bigly. i had typical tunnel vision here and didn't consider any other move besides getting rid of EE somewhere, but EERST is even better than EORST, and K5 OE makes my bingo more likely to fit. this was not a good move. -9 #strategylarge #focus
A1 PLANKS +43 Strategy Small
considered K2 POLKA but in the end i can't pass up that many pts, even if i have the case S -- i have the blank! and this move ties the game. i also wanted to take a potential big -ED play for him. didn't think of 6J FLANK. -3 #strategysmall -- i suppose.
N4 YAUD +13 Endgame Small
N4 DAVY is apparently better by a point. -1 #endgamesmall
J6 POGIES +27 Strategy Medium
quackle thinks just POGO at 13D, maybe it's not worth blowing up the rack. also playing at 13C might be best. i wanted to start taking out some problematic spots. idk, be aggressive. -4 #strategymedium
C10 M(E)LON +18 Strategy Small
10I LEMON results in a higher score for me (and for my opponent too) next turn, i guess the math equals the math. -2.5 #strategysmall
N6 BLU(E)T +15 Strategy Small
or 14B INCULT, maybe. -1 #strategysmall
4D (U)M +8 Strategy Small
couldn't pass up the chance to hit a giant requinto 1/4 of the time.. (and antique if it gets blocked sometimes) but there's not much else to go for. i guess QUEAN for a good score at 3I as well. (but maybe i should just burn the blank and play that instead). -1 #strategysmall
exch DILNUUU +0 Strategy Small
-1, keeping just an L is apparently just a bit better. #strategysmall
6B FI(E) +14 Strategy Medium
cmon cesar you know this isn't gonna sim well. yes it's good to play some defense but this is kinda weak. right? FEIRIE G9 sims best, i kinda like it. -7 #strategymedium
15C TOILE(D) +8 Strategy Medium
i don't know at what point i started playing such lame defense lol. F9 IODATE is fine, or 5D GIE as well. i know it's tempting to block all the things but it's hard to sacrifice so much equity. i don't care about winning, i care about equity. -7 to IODATE, which seems reasonable. i guess i like lowering stdev in this situation. right? maybe this isn't a mistake. #strategymedium maybe
14B QI +24 Vision Medium
i should see ENTOILED. -6 #visionmedium
I11 C(O)NE +12 Strategy Small
board is closed enough that i don't know why 13H ANE is best but gospel and so forth -3 #equity #strategysmall
10M LYE +37 Strategy Medium
probably just YE bingoes more often. -4 #strategymedium
M10 (L)UV +6 Strategy Small
greedy. quackle likes preventing miracles with 3E VAU. something like EUPNOEI(C) would suck and i could lose. -1% #strategysmall
1E NOYaDE +44 Endgame Large
i was quite low on time so didn't see that this gives him back a higher scoring spot, so it's not right, NODdY is best. -8 #endgamelarge
G8 GOT +14 Strategy Small
could someone explain how GOT gives up 2 more pts on average than TOG? easier to overlap? is it just the H hook? this is so weird. TOG also results in a higher average score for me next turn so overall this sims a shocking 1.5 pts worse than TOG! #strategysmall
J7 TILLED +16 Knowledge Large
disappointing move. i wrote down LINTELED on my scoresheet and decided to not pull the trigger on it, even though i certainly liked it. no reason to chicken out on this. also DENTIL is 4 more. -41.5 #knowledgelarge
L4 TAMEN +33 Knowledge Small
this is not a word.... and OATEN in the same spot is better. -1 #knowledgesmall
15A BRIO +33 Strategy Large
-7 #strategylarge - CRIB is 12 more!
5C SCOUR +29 Knowledge Large
i don't seem to have known that LYINGS is a word; a bunch of stuff on that column is best. O6 CURDS seems best. -9.5 #knowledgelarge
1N ZA +44 Endgame Small
-2 to ZAS obvs #endgamesmall
N1 MiDLINE +74 Knowledge Medium
a little upsetting that i missed mingled. i saw melding, and didn't immediately think it had an anagram, because i don't study as much as i should. pretty important to find the right plays in this game. -5 with an inference of IST or something like that; josh would never play ZIG without an S. #knowledgemedium
B10 F(O)UNT +32 Finding Medium
NOOO i need to find BUMF. -5 #findingmedium i was too trolled this game.
A8 CRO(P) +29 Strategy Small
the main problem with CROP is that it's much harder to open on the left side now. quackle prefers I11 B(E)D by win%, wish i'd thought of it. #strategysmall.
4D YAR +26 Strategy Medium
if i play AOUDAD here, josh is just blocking and i lose. i don't think i have a realistic chance of winning this game. quackle is so optimistic. i was hoping to keep scoring as much as possible and maybe i'd draw some miracle pREX or kYAR bingo. lol. I think DOURA gives me the best chance, though. #strategymedium
J9 OY +29 Finding Medium
i was annoyed here and only looked for a bingo briefly. i figured it wouldn't be worth to bingo in some situations, but i should have looked a little harder, thornily and nitrosyl are simple enough finds. i had my heart set on bingoing the following turn. -6.5 #focus #findingmedium
pass - +0 Knowledge Large
this was an immediate steam challenge. what a disaster. #knowledgelarge #focus #FML
11C J(U)T(E) +22 Strategy Small
i suppose i should play INJURE to give myself the tiny win %. #strategysmall
F5 UN(FROZEN) +22 Strategy Small
i should exchange here. -2 #strategysmall. for some reason, quackle prefers 2C RUINOUS here, lmfao.
14A URSA +20 Finding Large
auris for christ's sake -20 #endgame #findinglarge
14A URSA +20 Endgame Unspecified
auris for christ's sake -20 #endgame #findinglarge
A5 BAAED +28 Vision Medium
gg, i've already won this game. but 6D ARVO wins by more -3.5 #visionmedium (or does it? why fish? dumb quackle)
M2 UR(G)ENCY +32 Strategy Small
come on tile gods give me an X or Z, it will suck if he gets both. i saw D8 BOUNCY which is best equity wise. oops, i guess i should keep going for good racks :/ -3.5 #strategysmall
4C CALLU(P) +20 Finding Medium
js: this is not a word cd: yeah, i wanted to just play POUCH but i didn't like keeping ALL. i didn't think of HAUL I7, pretty straightforward. i spent a lot of time iterating subwords through P and R etc, gotta always get better at anagramming. -6.5 #findingmedium
9G (B)ERK +21 Strategy Small
i think this is mostly OK, but i don't like opening an S lane. quackle just likes XU or even burning the blank with REaNNEX! -3 - i have a lot of draws for tinkerer, or a bunch of 7s hooking AJAR. nice possibilities. #strategysmall
L6 HAUL(I)ERs +72 Strategy Small
-0.5 HAULmIER's a little more defense. #strategysmall
B11 RO(U)E +27 Strategy Medium
-3.5 9L LOBO is cool; keeps a good leave as well. i wanted to start killing dangerous lanes. #strategymedium
1H BROO(K) +33 Strategy Large
BIRO at 4I sims so much better, partly because of the leave, but also because BROOK gives up significantly more pts. i thought i had a strong chance of playing BROOKITE next turn. -9.5 #strategylarge
2G HAEM +31 Strategy Medium
-6.5 13H THEIsM. wanted to block a lane, but this doesn't really block anything, lol. #strategymedium
3C PATIO +22 Strategy Medium
-5.5; 3F TIPI gives up like 4-5 fewer pts! #strategymedium
14D ITS +22 Vision Large
disappointing, i figured i would win the game most likely and got lazy. i really should spot the KAYO hook, lame. -14.5 LIROT, #visionlarge
O7 NIL +19 Endgame Medium
15G AI -4 #endgamemedium
D11 OI +9 Strategy Small
-1.5 #strategysmall; 7H OI is just giving up too much; a little aggressive.
1L (P)OUF +27 Finding Medium
HEREOF sims a lot better; i suppose 13 extra points is nothing to sneeze at, even if it does give back a bunch more as well. -6 #findingmedium
13C ALIVE +21 Strategy Medium
-4 4A HEVEA #strategymedium . i'm not loving that play. it doesn't seem right for me to just give him a bunch of points. but i guess ALIVE makes it easier for him to bingo! it's also a sick pearl jam song. it comes down to points mostly, HEVEA is 11 more pts than ALIVE.
O7 (D)IGHT +30 Strategy Small
i think tacking on the S here is worth it. i kinda regretted not doing it, but it seems like a tiny mistake. -0.5 #strategysmall
12G WOKEST +33 Strategy Medium
i saw the only bingo here, 10E NETWOrKS. the main reason i didn't want to play it is that i might be down if he bingoes to DIGHTS afterwards, with an uglyish board. i thought i could take points, keep the blank, and draw some more of the good stuff in the bag? tough choice, but WOKEST does sim just above NETWORKS by win %! 12L WOKS though is the top play, which takes out that lane as well but keeps a better leave for bingoing next turn. oops. -6 #strategymedium
8G DUMP +18 Strategy Small
-1 TUMPED, sokay, minor head equity tweak here. #strategysmall
10K Q(U)ERN +16 Strategy Large
i'm a bit surprised at how horribly this sims, but it's not just a simple points formula; QUERN sucks because it gives up 12 more pts on average than exchanging keeping DENR! (it only barely increases the bingo %). -9.5 #strategylarge
2E WHO(A) +18 Vision Large
no; i just plain missed ETHANE at A10, and was focused on killing lanes. #visionlarge -14
3C TEEIN(G) +29 Strategy Medium
jesus i still didn't know if TAENITE was TWL, and i remember checking it after the game. 1A TENIAE sims best, despite opening up a potentially dangerous 8 lane. i think it wants me to kill row A's huge scores. bANJO or something. -5.5 #strategymedium
8H BELIVE +30 Tactics Medium
part of the reason i played this instead of the standard QI is the hope of challenging off a hook on it. some dead 6s are tricky and i think this is one of them. still, it's certainly not optimal play. -4 #tacticsmedium
15A PAS(H) +27 Strategy Medium
why does she have to have another P? PAS there was great. this move is not so good. i was nervous as i usually am in a game like this where my opponent keeps bingoing and i have to play perfectly to win, so somehow i thought i had the last two Ss. but since there is an unseen S, that makes taking the QUODS hook important, and doing so with O1 ANSA looks pretty good here. i still don't like how closed the board is though; my bingo % after ANSA is abysmal, and i kill a good scoring lane for only 30.. idk. -5.5 #strategymedium #focus
O1 DISH +51 Strategy Large
quackle likes C11 AWE. i have the last two Ss and the QUODS lane is open for next turn. also the pool looks like AEEIIOORRTTUU lol. DISS bingoes with a lot of that pool. i should at least have considered that. -14 #strategylarge #focus
10K (t)I(T)I +5 Endgame Large
i honestly didn't see autoed. this game is unwinnable anyway. #endgamelarge
O4 HAEIN(G) +42 Tactics Small
HOEING.. #tacticssmall -2
M3 OF +23 Strategy Small
FOU(R) 3K -1 #strategysmall
H11 (K)ITER +30 Vision Medium
SIREE - so TEEM is better. need to learn and see my hooks :( F4 EMIRATE also kinda rocks. -4.5 #visionmedium
exch GMVV +0 Strategy Medium
-3.5 #strategymedium - although, i really have a problem with quackle's top choice of F11 VOG. it seems like it would make it harder to open up the left side of the board. i sitll have a couple very weak bingo lanes, and a possibility through AR; maybe it is worth it to keep scoring as much as i can. i honestly don't know.
15A GIs +21 Endgame Medium
-4 #endgamemedium i was just out of time
F7 O(I)NOMElS +63 Finding Medium
spent way too long looking for better bingoes and eventually gave up. i couldn't find MONgOES and didn't like MOONErS for whatever reason. #findingmedium
E4 CHUG +23 Strategy Medium
just wanted to clean some stuff up but J1 EW, E4 CHEW, or E3 WENCH, my alternative play, all sim better. #strategymedium
6J J(U)G +27 Strategy Small
i did see XEBE(C), but it's just.. you know, that seems like the only realistic way to lose now, even though i can't think of an 8-letter word with X in 4th position. #strategysmall
9A REX +40 Strategy Small
again xebec/xeric but yeah #strategysmall
N2 REBOIL(E)D +76 Knowledge Medium
completely missed trilobed. #knowledgemedium
1D HAMZ(A) +23 Endgame Unspecified
AZO 3B and stretching out the sequence is best but i couldn't be arsed to figure it out. #endgamesomething
9C ZIT +35 Tactics Medium
ZO(O) is better. see kenji, this game was winnable after all. -4 #tacticsmedium
12H B(R)AVO +26 Vision Small
(QI)BLA. -1 #visionsmall
4H GL(O)TTAL +20 Knowledge Medium
although this game is not realistically winnable, i can get some spread back by continuing to fish, for example, H12 BELT is just a couple points below but it keeps a much better leave. i partially thought GLOTTALS* was good. -5 #strategymedium #knowledgemedium
4H GL(O)TTAL +20 Strategy Medium
although this game is not realistically winnable, i can get some spread back by continuing to fish, for example, H12 BELT is just a couple points below but it keeps a much better leave. i partially thought GLOTTALS* was good. -5 #strategymedium #knowledgemedium
1A DUKE(S) +33 Finding Large
i missed AD(S)UKI and chickened out on DU(S)KED. #findinglarge
4B VIN(O) +29 Finding Medium
i didn't even consider just V(OWED). that's an awesome play; i bingo back a ton of the time. #findingmedium
11D RUNE +16 Strategy Large
very hard to analyze a move like this. i need macondo to have inferencing. many moves here would look dumb in retrospect. of course my move looks terrible; i laid down FER/RUGAE first but FERE being good makes that bad. in the end i thought this would make his bingos less likely (i was inferring an S, but that's definitely not necessary). details window shows RUNE still gives up a few more bingos than RUGAE, but the "best" play is GENUA in the same spot, even though it gives up the most bingos. maybe it just really needs me to bingo back. #strategylarge
4I LO(DE) +5 Finding Medium
ugh, this move is so bad. at least i realized that i can't play 4J O(DE) by itself, it doesn't hit enough and scores abysmally. but LODE bingoes even less so it also sucks. i did see 2L ULNA and considered it for a while, but i hate ROTE and i'm down by 100 pts already, i absolutely need to bingo next turn. i didn't see M1 ENOL despite breathing deeply, so maybe there is no hope. -8 #findingmedium #strategylarge
4I LO(DE) +5 Strategy Large
ugh, this move is so bad. at least i realized that i can't play 4J O(DE) by itself, it doesn't hit enough and scores abysmally. but LODE bingoes even less so it also sucks. i did see 2L ULNA and considered it for a while, but i hate ROTE and i'm down by 100 pts already, i absolutely need to bingo next turn. i didn't see M1 ENOL despite breathing deeply, so maybe there is no hope. -8 #findingmedium #strategylarge
10B INTINE +20 Strategy Medium
i don't have time for this garbage. i need to like take care of my house and work on some side projects, not draw EIIN to INT. so i don't know, excuse me for not fishing again when i'm down by 150 pts with 12L INIA, this game is done. -6 #lucklarge #fml #strategymedium
K3 BLUN(T) +14 Strategy Large
i didn't see ANNUL, i did see ANN but didn't like keeping a U -- but even ANN sims a lot better than BLUNT. i think ANNUL/ANN are nice because of the defense, BLUNT gives up more pts. -8 #strategylarge
8K SNUCK +44 Knowledge Medium
i saw SCULK but i couldn't pull the trigger with 5-pt challenge. i was too worried i was misspelling SKULK. -7 #knowledgemedium
5E AWAY +30 Tactics Medium
3F VAW results in a significantly higher score next turn, as well as higher bingo %. if i don't bingo i score a lot at 6N frequently. -3 #tacticsmedium
8B (REF)I +7 Strategy Large
great play for Mina to make me totally freak out. i figured she for sure had a T, and maybe both Ts. i didn't think she'd have the blank, but it's possible. REFI# sims terrible; if i infer ET? for her it does go up a bit, but it's still too meek. i almost laid down 2B FLOOD, but my worry was that she'd just score a lot up there, and save her T for next turn. i have a lot of trouble when other players do stuff like this against me. quackle likes ignoring it and playing FOLIO at 2A (which is also actually a weak block sometimes), i considered this as well and was just worried about opening up another big bingo lane - but then again, maybe you do want to do this when you're up to decrease volatility (if there is a big bingo lane open, and you open another one, your variance in score difference after two plies goes down, and this is what you want when you're ahead by a bingo). -11.5 #strategylarge #niceplaybun
11K FOOD +29 Vision Medium
i deserved to draw another I. i recognized here that i was in trouble, and i took a deep breath to calm down, i spent about a minute before looking at the board again -- then i still was unable to find a spot for IDIOM even though i saw it on my rack. sigh. it's the best play here, at 11J. -4 #focus #visionmedium
O11 SHAME +51 Knowledge Large
i didn't know MEISHI# (or HOTELINGS#) or SHIAI#. i would think i would have seen the latter in a high playability list of some sort. SHAME is obviously quite weaker, but at least it scores a lot. -10.5 #knowledgelarge
13A (G)LARE +23 Endgame Small
i chickened out on (G)LUER -- was pretty sure but if i'm wrong i probably lose the game. my move also wins 100% of the time but i wasn't totally sure i would win, i had about 30 seconds and i saw that i just might outrun M10 NOIR, although i wasn't sure. too much nervousness early left me scrambling for time. -1 #endgamesmall
9H HUMERAL +69 Strategy Small
HUMERAL on top is slightly defensively better. it blocks the D lane and is also harder to underlap to the triple. -0.5 #strategysmall
M7 FL(A)P +13 Knowledge Large
i chickened out on the far better P(A)NFUL. i didn't want to risk it on a word i wasn't totally sure of, but i need to be better at the words. -17 #knowledgelarge. also, N7 VULN > FLAP because HUMERAL takes an S. i completely had forgotten about this.
F8 (G)UV +15 Vision Medium
quackle prefers taking the pts with B4 NAV (and also killing that part of the board). RTU? should bingo pretty often, and it's good to score more points here. -5.5 #visionmedium #tacticsmedium
F8 (G)UV +15 Tactics Medium
quackle prefers taking the pts with B4 NAV (and also killing that part of the board). RTU? should bingo pretty often, and it's good to score more points here. -5.5 #visionmedium #tacticsmedium
12E GARNETs +66 Knowledge Large
this is a very poor placement for my bingo, reminds me of playing newbs who play a blank bingo hitting nothing for 20 fewer than an actual good play. my main problem is that i just completely forgot HUMERAL took an S. if he had put an S on it i would have been like oh yeah! also, the pretty R(EH)EATING is available, and should be eminently findable by me. even BERATiNG is a ton better. i suppose i was trying to play defense, if one was to assume HUMERAL didn't take an S, my move might be defensible compared to BERATING. in any case, i'm very likely to win this game now no matter what, but i should learn the words better. #knowledgelarge -22
13H AX +36 Vision Medium
13H AWA is a great setup for my X. -6 #visionmedium #tacticsmedium
13H AX +36 Tactics Medium
13H AWA is a great setup for my X. -6 #visionmedium #tacticsmedium
J8 A(M)I +16 Tactics Medium
quackle's ridiculous robot brain wants me to do J12 TEAT or TEIN so i can have a great chance at a triple-triple or at least a bingo up top. pretty crazy. the equity loss here is gigantic, but i'll just roll my eyes at it. #tacticsmedium
14F ZEE +68 Endgame Small
bonze O1 (-1) #endgamesmall
8D FERRY +30 Strategy Medium
i thought i had a decent chance of getting away with FRAYERS* here but decided not to chance it. i considered FRY for a little while but liked points more. i keep forgetting about defense. it's a thing, cesar. -7 #strategymedium
K11 HE(A)VY +28 Knowledge Medium
wow, i don't think i knew UNSHED. SHELVY is also pretty good. -3.5 #knowledgemedium
8A JO +31 Strategy Medium
i'm pretty sure i passed up eNJOINS here, i remember seeing it and immediately ignoring it without counting it. i may have been wrong. also, J10 JO is better than my JO as it sets up an S-ending lane! -4 #strategymedium
L5 CONIiNS +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
oh god, what an awful mistake. i really thought this was a word. i laid it down for a while trying to think of something better and didn't see nuncios. #knowledgelarge
10L COIN +17 Finding Large
js: COIN at 7H is kinda sneaky cd: this is it, i finally lose. gg man. i should see 7H COIN, which is clearly much better, but i was starting to have tunnel vision. -11.5 #findinglarge
H4 WH(I)N(Y) +18 Strategy Medium
i wanted to open even a crappy lane so this board doesn't fully shut down on me. -8, 12D WHAT sims better, maybe i'll get lucky. idk, hard to know how bad my move is really. #strategymedium
O1 AQUAE +52 Tactics Small
quackle likes me playing UVEA instead. QUA can score a ton in various places next turn! -2.5 #tacticssmall
B7 (BO)GART +15 Knowledge Medium
chickened out on 1K TARG(A) but no reason to try that if i have a win, only if it was my only play. -5 #knowledgemedium i got so freaking lucky this game despite making a number of bad plays.
G4 COUP(L)E +14 Finding Medium
i should see TOUPEE but it's difficult. i saw CUVEE afterwards, even that is better. COULEE is another choice, -5 #findingmedium
9A CAFE +20 Finding Medium
for this tournament i'm trying to take my time quackling. often i can find plays i missed in the actual tournament if i look a little harder. i need to figure out how to stop missing these. FEE 9B seems pretty standard. my play is bad. but even 9C FE is better than what i played, or VEGETE, all of which i saw now. i couldn't see anything else while playing. :/ -5 #findingmedium
4C BREE(C)H +34 Knowledge Small
i must have chickened out on beech or something, because i have a memory of seeing it. at least it's close. -0.5 #knowledgesmall
12B (K)REWE +24 Finding Medium
missed EEW 5C. #findingmedium -5.5
H1 PAT(H) +27 Strategy Medium
3B PAEAN is worth thinking about, and so is B5 PA. PATH keeps a pretty bad leave and opens the board right after he fished. bad idea. -4 #strategymedium
E10 (L)A(W)INE +18 Strategy Small
this time my play was terrible. i don't care. this is the worst draw ever to EIN?. i was trying to make it slightly harder for him to hit the triple but i may have also made it slightly easier. what a disaster of a draw this was, it nearly seals the game, but i deserve it for the bad play earlier on. -AIII sims best; i almost did that. -3 #strategysmall
6A (Z)OEA +15 Strategy Large
bingoing here is wrong, at least i got that part right. paesanos never wins. i didn't have too much time left, but i figured that the spot at L4 was potentially worth a lot of points, and any bingo i made would be negated by that spot. so i should try to fish and go there, right? i saw ANOA but it empties the bag and i did not estimate my chances of having an out in two spots very highly (it seems to be higher than i thought). i didn't see L4 EON, and i might not have liked it for its AAS? leave. turns out EILO was in the bag so i win many games with a lot of those draws. i should have reasoned it out better. if i leave one in the bag, he can just score a lot and my bingo out won't be enough. why did i get it correct that i needed to pass up a bingo, but then not finish the thought? massive strategic mistake to end this game. -40% win chance roughly #strategylarge
6J INN +10 Tactics Small
It took me about 5 minutes to lay down (BO)NACI then i took it back and played INN. H7 BO(P) sims best here - hm. -2 #tacticssmall
4L FACT +34 Strategy Medium
just AFT, it is MUCH more defensive than FACT. -5 #strategymedium
4H MU +9 Strategy Medium
i spent absurdly long on this move. it was frustrating. i should probably just keep it closed and do EM at N1, and pounce on any openings (or still draw a bingo - EM bingoes 46% next turn, maybe a little less because he'll keep it closed, but still). -7 #strategymedium
2J KEPI +36 Tactics Small
i didn't see PINKOEs here, but it might not be worth bingoing. my first choice KOP is best. i want to give myself the best bingo chances next turn. -2 #tacticssmall
9A AEROBEs +64 Finding Large
i should actually play 1A AEROBE here!! LOL. i couldn't think of the E hook on NG. -10 #findinglarge
B2 MO(U)TH +36 Strategy Small
i did see MOTHERLY here but it didn't seem worth it to bingo for "only" 62. that's actually pretty dumb; particularly because motherly also blocks a lane and puts me up by a ton. MOUTH actually does better by equity, but motherly wins by win%, by just a little. #strategysmall
11H WALL +19 Tactics Small
ARROW making DOER -2.5 #tacticssmall
J7 FEUD +19 Tactics Small
DUFF is actually a little bit better. frank played FIR rapidly and confidently. he probably has a good leave. i didn't want it to be too easy to bingo, i guess, but FEUD doesn't really block anything. -2.5 #tacticssmall
12K BR(I)TH +28 Strategy Medium
i have to do something clever like 2K SIGH here. although my winning % is low, this is how to come back. the problem with my play is it just gives him an easy scoring dump. SIGH makes it tricky for him. also GRITH > BRITH. -3.5 #strategymedium
7C AGILE +14 Strategy Small
my win % is so low here. i don't really know what the best thing to do is. play short and extend the game? 7F AE? LEZ? -3 #strategysmall
D11 MOKE +30 Strategy Small
D11 DOM maybe, he might not have an E and then it's harder for him to do too much about this spot. -2 #strategysmall
H10 (A)RDENT +27 Strategy Medium
just putting the game to an end. N14 ED probably. -7.5 #strategymedium #nofocus
exch EII +0 Tactics Small
keeping ES is also worth thinking about. i figured that one was slightly better, but sometimes it's worth not always making the top equity play. i don't think that is a mathematically apt lemma (the top play should always be made) but i figured the difference was small enough that once in a while i like going for it. -0.5 #tacticssmall
A5 (C)HARY +39 Strategy Medium
should have considered 7H QI for longer, of course that's better! -5 #strategymedium
M7 GOOIE(S)T +22 Tactics Small
i spent a little while doing math on this move. 2 of the 43 unseen tiles are Z and J, so the chance he drew at least one of them is 1 - (41/43)*(40/42)*(39/41)*(38/40)*(37/39)*(36/38)*(35/37) or about 30%. First of all, is that actually right? And second, i estimated it as roughly 25% - which is not quite right, but i figured it was close enough. I should figure out a better way to do this kind of math. either way, it is probably for naught because the best play is either NOOGIE or GOOIER, sacrificing 8 pts but keeping a more workable leave, and not opening up as huge of a hotspot. -1.5 #tacticssmall
I7 U(T)E +5 Strategy Large
i spent a long time on this move and then made a bad play. i should play CURIE 10K here, i considered it and it is aggressive, and good, i have the case S. it might be slightly worse because he is consonant heavy. i strongly considered 9C UNTIE as well, and saw that the bag was consonant heavy (11 vowels and 16 consonants unseen). i knew he probably had like 4-5 of the consonants at least based on his last few plays, so that may even out the bag a little bit, but still, UTE seemed to bingo a lot. my problem is that the bag still has a lot of ugly high point tiles that won't bingo. i was worried that if i played UNTIE or CURIE i would draw 4 consonants and my rack would go to hell. still, i don't know how i spend such a long time on this rack and then make such a lame move. i should be less afraid and play CURIE. there are high scoring tiles to go for like the J, Z, X which i need to outrun him. i even considered DA(CE) for quite a while, which sims almost as well as CURIE. i basically grossly overestimated how much UTE would bingo, and then spent a while trying to justify to myself that i should play it, and then decided it was worth the risk. i was totally wrong. -9.5 #strategylarge
6D (A)BED +20 Finding Large
i missed ZIBET, which is weird because i'm pretty sure i thought the words "i have ZIBET". -8 #nervousnesslarge #findinglarge i knew i was going to find a way to lose this game because i haven't beaten joel in like 6 games and no matter how positive i was trying to think it was over as soon as something told me to play UTE.
B9 A(Z)O +17 Tactics Large
i blocked my own DIASTOLE. OPINIONED is nice, i wish i'd thought of it. i did think of the hook earlier on. it seems like he is going to block much of the time if i do that. #tacticslarge
exch LQ +0 Strategy Unspecified
insanely, 8G Qi is simming best. i've never seen anything like this. is new quackle broken??? -4 ????????? #strategylol
G3 QI +26 Strategy Medium
still need to improve at defense. D4 QI gives up way fewer points even though it scores 2 less. i can also draw stuff like hoplites or bingos to the S. i think i was trying to block the S lane partially, but that's not worth sacrificing easy triple pts. -6 #strategymedium
J9 DU(R)NED +21 Strategy Large
i was honestly going for the extra turnover here instead of just playing DURN. i hate doing things like that, but i realized it may be hard for me to win if he draws the blank. should i just keep grooming my leave instead? because quackle hates my play. -9.5 #strategylarge
exch LLRR +0 Strategy Medium
quackle really thinks i should play through this rack. i didn't spot O4 LARDER, that seems ok enough, i suppose. or I10 REAR? gross choices here. -7 #strategymedium
L12 RAID +18 Strategy Medium
maybe h11 tiara since it gives up fewer pts. -6 #strategymedium . scrabble is hard.
6D UTA +16 Tactics Medium
UTA sims a lot worse than 6F AA; it says I bingo a lot more often with DESTU than ADES. wow, i had no idea that DESTU was better, and the three extra points make it worth it. (-4.5) #tacticsmedium
9F GED +18 Tactics Small
AGED, -1 at 4L. stop fishing to ADES, it's clearly not working. #tacticssmall
10H ASHAmED +76 Knowledge Medium
i think i wasn't totally sure that metopons was good. but metopae/metope are two different things. so abashed is better. -6.5 #knowledgemedium
B6 QU(E)UED +38 Knowledge Small
i should have played QUEUER (i wasn't 101% on it). i didn't want to give up an easy high scoring S hook. but it's important to balance my rack. -5.5 #tacticsmedium #knowledgesmall
B6 QU(E)UED +38 Tactics Medium
i should have played QUEUER (i wasn't 101% on it). i didn't want to give up an easy high scoring S hook. but it's important to balance my rack. -5.5 #tacticsmedium #knowledgesmall
7J TROOZ +28 Endgame Small
-3, perv at 12D. he blocked the better trooz. #endgamesmall
1M V(AW) +9 Endgame Small
pe at 12D lol, do some math. i obviously didn't really care at this point. i'll have to cash some day. #endgamesmall
8G JET +20 Tactics Small
-FJT is actually a little better, i think. -1.5 #tacticssmall
K4 CHEF +31 Tactics Small
just weighing different leaves and scores against each other. REF and TREF score quite a bit fewer, but definitely keep better leaves. maybe i misevaluated a little because REF sims best. -2 #tacticssmall
M2 HERL +23 Strategy Small
3G HERL sims a little better. seems to be a bit better defense plus keeping the R hook open for my bingo next turn. -1 #strategysmall
B1 (Q)I +22 Strategy Medium
a bit of a hard move here. i had a feeling this wasn't quite right, but it seemed worth it to go for the small chance at IKEBANA/ABELIAN (~12%), score 22, and if it doesn't work i can fish next turn too. quackle likes D3 ABA for some reason, ugh. or BAIT 6B. i don't know. -3 #strategymedium
G1 BA(R) +13 Tactics Small
JAB G8 seems a little more aggressive, but i don't have the S.. but maybe he doesn't either? -1 #tacticssmall ?
14C VERAT(R)IN +65 Strategy Small
veratrin takes an E as well as an S. but that's a tiny number of the unseen tiles. maybe just take the points? would you? i suppose if i'm playing someone better i should try to make it a bit more volatile. -2 #strategysmall
exch IIIOOWY +0 Tactics Small
seriously, this draw... quackle wants me to keep the beautiful IY leave for some reason. maybe the bag is too consonant heavy. -1.5 #tacticssmall
15I (L)UCK +17 Finding Large
bad! by far the best play is the excellent 11J AMUCK. i have the case S, score 28 pts, and go for letters like the Z to score a lot with. i thought of AMUCKS/AMUCK on my rack, but didn't quite look hard enough. LUCK is very weak and is the type of game-losing play i make way too often. the fact that it takes a Y makes it even worse. 9J MUCK is ok if i don't think of AMUCK. -15.5 #strategylarge #findinglarge
15I (L)UCK +17 Strategy Large
bad! by far the best play is the excellent 11J AMUCK. i have the case S, score 28 pts, and go for letters like the Z to score a lot with. i thought of AMUCKS/AMUCK on my rack, but didn't quite look hard enough. LUCK is very weak and is the type of game-losing play i make way too often. the fact that it takes a Y makes it even worse. 9J MUCK is ok if i don't think of AMUCK. -15.5 #strategylarge #findinglarge
10G G(O)WD +13 Strategy Large
10G G(O)WD doesn't win often. i bingo rarely with that fairly ugly pool. neither does M11 GAWPS, but that one wins at least a little more often because of going for the Z or something. -12 #strategylarge
N8 PIMAS +29 Endgame Large
ooh, IMPROVS. #endgamelarge #time -11
N8 PIMAS +29 Time Unspecified
ooh, IMPROVS. #endgamelarge #time -11
N9 (E)VITED +36 Vision Large
ridiculous, my bingo doesn't fit anywhere, although that's what i was trying to do i suppose. VI(EWE)D here is better than EVITED for sure. i may have just not seen it. -8.5 #visionlarge
L5 MORN(AY) +12 Strategy Medium
yuck. maybe 8J MOR. quackle likes the nice 7B ROR(QUA)L, but that gives him more bingo chances! i don't know... -7 ? #strategymedium ?
9D NOD +12 Strategy Medium
for the love of god i need more than one vowel per rack. quackle just likes taking more pts with K4 NOD. i desperately wanted to block that AQUA hook and that side of the board.... -5 #strategymedium ?
5B CL(A)P +16 Tactics Small
at C2 it's a lil better, 6 more pts for CLAP and i have to forget about the past; i'm likely to draw a bunch of vowels. -2.5 #tacticssmall
D9 (N)ERTZ +28 Vision Large
totally missed O13 SEZ. i think, i can't remember. i don't think i would pass up that many pts for no reason, the S isn't worth anything on this board. -17.5 #visionlarge
7G WAE +22 Tactics Small
INTU is clearly a better leave than ETU but i think 7G WAIN sims best partially because i can bingo through the N? i'm not totally sure. my bingo % goes up after it. #tacticssmall
2H FIXT +35 Strategy Medium
i thought the leave after C13 XU was too clunky, but quackle thinks it's a fine play. FIXT gives up a lot more points and i shouldn't be volatilizing the board too much. still, the game is very close now so maybe having an open board isn't that bad. -4 #strategymedium
15D (G)UNKIER +36 Tactics Small
C13 KI, ENRSU is a pretty great leave for bingoing again. oops. -2 #tacticssmall
B1 JIN +24 Knowledge Large
poor endgame. i wan't totally sure on FLOCS so didn't want to play it first. #endgamelarge #knowledgelarge. i bled a lot of spread this tourney and it may have made some difference for the cash prizes.
B1 JIN +24 Endgame Large
poor endgame. i wan't totally sure on FLOCS so didn't want to play it first. #endgamelarge #knowledgelarge. i bled a lot of spread this tourney and it may have made some difference for the cash prizes.
2B B(R)OMID +26 Strategy Medium
i spent literally about 7 minutes on this move. i saw almost all the top possibilities, but for some reason really hated M(A)VIN. i also was not a big fan of BOVID, blowing the board wide open for no reason. i should just be more systematic. is BROMID keeping NV really that much better than scoring 6 fewer, but keeping an ok leave of BDO and not giving up a potentially giant scoring spot? i didn't see MO(R)BID (need to learn my 6s - anagram pairs) and i might have played it if i'd seen it; it sims almost as well as MAVIN. -4.5 #strategymedium
6B Q(I) +31 Finding Large
aw, i missed NIQAB. :/ -13 #findinglarge
3M HOB +34 Tactics Small
HOG is a little better for some reason. -1 #tacticssmall
14B ENTrOPY +81 Finding Small
darrell was not happy with this turn of events. POTENcY is a little better though -1 #findingsmall
1L PaIR +35 Endgame Large
best endgame is 3H PORInG saving the O for OBENTO! (-11, #endgamelarge)
9H LOBULEs +65 Knowledge Medium
i wasnt 100% on BOULLES. iirc this is one of the "hardest" racks in aerolith, because people always forget one of the three. also soluble takes an S and i wasn't sure on that either. eep. #knowledgemedium
10F MEATY +46 Tactics Small
interestingly, MANY at 10G sims best. i am confused. #tacticssmall
12F CHUG +21 Knowledge Large
i spent a long time trying to talk myself into TEUCH but couldn't pull the trigger on it, thinking i was confusing it with TEUGH. i have not as much time to study as some other, taller experts. #knowledgelarge
L1 LO(P)S +42 Knowledge Medium
i saw the beautiful OVERN(EW) and again couldn't pull the trigger on it. #knowledgemedium
14G J(I)VE +16 Finding Medium
6B JEAN really is way too much to give up, but i was very tired but now and just playing fast. it's ok. #findingmedium #sleepinessSAD
7C JOKE +36 Tactics Medium
wow, quackle likes sacrificing 9 pts to keep EHS over HOS! this is part of it; JOKE also gives up a lot more points. -2 #tacticsmedium
7H GOB +14 Finding Medium
-3.5; (KI)BOSH is the play here. #findingmedium
1A ADRESSE(R) +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
i told a few people this is the worst mistake i've ever made in a tournament game. i think this is correct. what hurts most is that this was day 4, and i'd been playing in the top 5 tables all tournament long pretty much. i had just beaten will and was still hanging around 6th place, just needed a run to get me to the finals. and then i play this. it doesn't make sense. of course i saw caressed, and in my infinite wisdom i decided to keep looking for bingos. i didn't remember studying addresser* but surely it's a word since adressee* is a word. when he challenged it i was kind of shocked and was like "that seems like a common enough word to me" but felt ok because i still had two playable bingos. #knowledgelarge
J7 (B)EVY +20 Strategy Small
and it's basically over now unless i draw something good fast. -2.5 15A VEES to open it up a bit more and take a scoring spot. #strategysmall
15J NEXT +23 Strategy Medium
a bad play. 9A NEXTS seems to give me a better shot and scores way more. -8.5 #strategymedium
12K MALL +24 Knowledge Large
any shot i had of winning disappeared by missing MEALLESS, which is kind of a hard find, granted, especially with my state of mind at this point. -24 #knowledgelarge
4A EmISSIO(N) +66 Knowledge Large
i've actually played ossifier at a tournament earlier this year, but no hope of finding it here. i was nearly in tears by the end of this game, which hasn't happened to me in many years! i ended up losing my focus for much of the rest of the day. -9 #knowledgelarge
K4 (E)RVIL +16 Tactics Small
K1 LIV(E)N sims best, by a little bit. i didn't wanna put the I there but close enough. #tacticssmall
3M EAU +14 Strategy Large
M2 RE(D)IAE is the best simmer here. #strategylarge
G6 MA(V)IE +12 Strategy Small
any of a number of plays that just get rid of EI are best. #strategysmall
11K FOB +28 Strategy Small
mistake; G2 FOB is better for defense etc. #strategysmall
J7 A(L)OE +17 Strategy Large
bad mistake. NOTICE H10 or COLLIE instead of ALOE .. anythng that uses up more letters. this was kind of an unfocused move. #strategylarge
5C COPE +31 Strategy Small
5B CLOP #strategysmall
3G A(X) +15 Strategy Medium
another poor play. where is my bingo going to go? i don't even draw very many with this bag. i think 6M AA is much better. #strategymedium
F3 T(RE)E +23 Strategy Medium
LIT(RE) is better, or OPT/TIME, or even LIT at 13G. another sorta steamy unfocused play. i'm definitely still not very good at close games. #strategymedium
3B GOT +14 Strategy Medium
considered 6K GO(O) for a long time. if i really wanna bingo i gotta go all out, no "half measures". play GO(O) keeping EILST. #strategymedium
G12 ORA +14 Tactics Small
-0.5 J12 OAR #tacticssmall
N10 TARRE(D) +18 Tactics Medium
TARRE or RETAR(D) are definitely better. -4.5 #tacticsmedium
5I NARTH(E)X +34 Knowledge Large
-13.5 3M H(O)X or M5 THANX #knowledgelarge #strategylarge
5I NARTH(E)X +34 Strategy Large
-13.5 3M H(O)X or M5 THANX #knowledgelarge #strategylarge
6I AWE +31 Tactics Small
-1 AW #tacticssmall
7D PFUI +13 Strategy Medium
too desperate, play FIX or HAUF -7 #strategymedium
M8 YU +15 Knowledge Large
YU is better at K10 but i can't figure out how to open the board. #knowledgelarge -12
K8 MISO +29 Endgame Unspecified
i had no time #endgame #time
K8 MISO +29 Time Unspecified
i had no time #endgame #time
4C KO(B)O +20 Tactics Small
funk - better leave. -2.5 #tacticssmall
C9 (P)ANFUL +22 Knowledge Large
i chickened out on baneful (thought maybe i was confusing it with baleful) but didn't think it was a huge mistake. but it sorta is. -12 #knowledgelarge (also, it's risky after his last couple plays).
10B W(A)E +33 Knowledge Medium
just totally missed the beautiful wellsite. the funny thing is i remember thinking of it at some point. maybe later in the game. luckily my play is not much worse. (well it might be if he has a bingo). -3.5 #knowledgemedium
12C (F)LUTIEsT +72 Tactics Small
fruitlet for some reason. shrug. -2 just more pts all around afterwards. #tacticssmall
B6 ZA +33 Strategy Small
maybe vasal is better strategically. #strategysmall
N10 QAT(s) +32 Strategy Medium
reasonably poor play. i saw O1 QAT but i wanted to block VIBRANT/VIBRANTS. but AVO keeps the possibility of QI. i don't know. #strategymedium
L10 BOV(I)NE +24 Endgame Large
i saw that this won, and i only had about a minute to find something better and didn't. the best play by far is 10H ENVOI, which leaves an out in two places. #time #endgamelarge
L10 BOV(I)NE +24 Time Unspecified
i saw that this won, and i only had about a minute to find something better and didn't. the best play by far is 10H ENVOI, which leaves an out in two places. #time #endgamelarge
L3 TWA +27 Strategy Medium
this was a pretty bad move. i was going to play P(O)W, and i talked myself into this somehow. i think a large part of it is that i wasn't sure if POWS was good. but clearly, POW is much better than TWA. i could at least play it at 10E. i think once in a while, i just have one move where i completely don't have a focused brain, but hopefully this will improve! -7.5 #strategymedium
H1 UNMEE(T) +27 Strategy Medium
i think i laid down 12D ME here but took it back. ME is much more defensive than UNMEET. play more defensively cesar. -3.5 #strategymedium
E1 RETOU(C)H +24 Vision Medium
i had a feeling this wasn't a good move, but i actually could not find anything better. i think i thought of OUCH E4 but that's only marginal. i like TOUCH but there's a lot of unseen Es. 2B URETHAN is the clear star play here; just need to improve anagramming. -7.5 #visionmedium
6N (Q)I +11 Endgame Medium
clearly i should block his F spot and play DIB at F2 but no matter what i lose. he can set up an unblockable FLAM at H12 by playing ER. still, endgame fail. #endgamemedium
H11 (B)LITZ +51 Tactics Small
oh nice. TIZ 9A has fewer of the problems that BLITZ does. after FARO too it seems he kept something fairly strong or else wouldn't have made such an aggro play. but idk. -1 #tacticssmall
L8 VE(I)NY +30 Vision Large
i didn't spot the J14 GYP spot, and at this point i'm pretty unfocused. gotta work on focusing in all situations. since a loss here will make me 1-2 in the early bird so far, it was tough to stay positive, given how i lost the last game! This is a great example of how one lost moment of focus costs one the game. The most elite players make the right play here - it is essential to keep the V to score at 8D, so the best plays should actually keep EV. that makes YEN even better. In the main event, I had a somewhat similar situation, but at that point I was significantly more concentrated and I think I made the right decision. -16 #visionlarge
11E XU +36 Finding Medium
B10 HO.X is 49 pts, too many to give up. #findingmedium
B6 HAO +33 Tactics Small
haha, getting careless. HOO in the same spot... #tacticssmall
J2 BINDLes +72 Tactics Medium
it's not that i missed every other bingo but i wanted to start killing the board a little bit. idk, it's probably not right. windslab is nice. B(E)DLINer is the "best" play here. #tacticsmedium
8G VAN +12 Strategy Medium
VARNA. #strategymedium
11C W(I)N +16 Tactics Medium
didn't wanna give up my E for wine, but mistake i guess. #tacticsmedium
J14 BE +20 Endgame Medium
forgot gillied was good lol #endgamemedium or large who knows
8G FONT +14 Strategy Medium
BET is a crappy leave. even ENTT is better; FOB is best here. -4 #strategymedium
K2 PETRELS +76 Knowledge Small
i probably wasn't sure enough of RESPELT at 10G .. oops. -2.5 #knowledgesmall
7C CLOG +20 Vision Medium
i saw GAMBIT right after hitting the clock and circled it bigly on my scoresheet. ugh. -5.5 #focus #visionmedium
9F LAR(K) +17 Strategy Small
don't want to open for no reason with J8 TAILOR but don't know what to infer here to make it worse. meh. -2 #strategysmall
M9 FJ(OR)D +40 Vision Medium
oh no! i should have kept looking. OXFORD is even better. -7 #visionmedium
O7 HOP(E) +27 Vision Medium
i didn't think of PRETAPING at the time but of course it's good. F2 PI most likely, but do i want to keep the E open like that, i don't know. -4.5 #visionmedium
3F Re(Z) +17 Endgame Small
RESTATION. -3 #endgamesmall
exch LLMV +0 Tactics Medium
-3.5, keep MARN actually. always tough for me to keep that vowel/consonant ratio for a leave that doesn't seem THAT appetizing. #tacticsmedium
11F PI(R)AYA +22 Finding Small
PIANI keeps a better leave .. #findingsmall -1.5
12I TANTO +19 Finding Medium
oh man, gotta get better about finding those parallel plays. 9G ANOINT fits perfectly and is very clearly best. i thought TANTO didn't even take an S. #findingmedium -5
exch IIIOO +0 Tactics Small
i think i actually have to exchange all of them. there's a lot of Es unseen already and Ss and blanks and other good tiles to go for. -0.5 #tacticssmall
5A GRI(N)D +14 Strategy Large
oof, this is a bad situation. considered IDS 15A strongly. it sims best. 27 pts is too much to give up. i was trying to go for some lucky big play and didn't want to take the triple. 9J IGGED is also pretty strong; my play is not good. -8 I think one of the main issues with my play, at least earlier on, but also in general, is just that i start freaking out and getting tunnel vision. I'm afraid of losing the game and it makes me only think of a small number of scattered options. I think I improved at this as the tournament progressed. #strategylarge
9H (N)AIL +18 Endgame Small
laid down but chickened out on pALI and didn't see C3 ILIA. -1 #endgamesmall
H13 OWE +21 Finding Large
i really should see TOWAGE. come on. #findinglarge -12.5
M7 QI +23 Vision Small
-2.5 GLITZ. i need to learn to see setups like this, especially when down a lot. #visionsmall #tacticssmall
M7 QI +23 Tactics Small
-2.5 GLITZ. i need to learn to see setups like this, especially when down a lot. #visionsmall #tacticssmall
4H FUTURA(L) +28 Knowledge Large
i turn over UUF to my nice leave of ANRT and it's very frustrating. i didn't even look for a bingo, although i did write down AFLNRTUU. it only triggered the slighest stirring in a couple of neurons deep in my brain. #knowledgeSADDEST -46
J2 RU(T) +5 Tactics Medium
J2 ROT is actually a little better because it takes more hooks, as annoying as it is to keep the U. i actually have a decent shot at winning with it (well, if he doesn't have the F, which he likely does after TELIA because he's Will) i could also consider K3 O(U)R. -5 #tacticsmedium
4C JOE +24 Endgame Medium
13B JO is a better endgame, keeping RERaN 4B -8 #endgamemedium
K7 DEALERs +69 Knowledge Medium
stupid "encradle" and other spenserian words. -5.5 #knowledgemedium
M7 AURA +15 Strategy Large
EUV just sucks way too much as a leave; AURA cannot be right. AHURU looks decent, but i am liking 6L UVA here. there's only one E and S left and i don't have much other hope. i also sorta like M6 VAU, but less. this is very difficult. -9 #strategylarge
N6 VIS +22 Endgame Medium
#endgamemedium -7
7I ATTIC +16 Finding Large
i mean ricotta is pretty hard to see here no matter how focused you are. -13 #findinglarge
B6 UPO +16 Tactics Medium
i think POGO is better than this actually. i didn't want to block a lane with N2 POD, but maybe that lane is way too hard to hit anyway? 6E UP also worth a thought. tough position for sure. -4 #tacticsmedium
F8 (O)OZ(ES) +34 Strategy Large
i did not want to use my case S on C9 ZONES. i don't see a path to victory after it with a IOTV leave... another tough move. is ZONES actually right? -8.5 #strategylarge ?
14E AVI(ON) +16 Endgame Large
i had about 30 seconds or so on my clock. i didn't think he was going to let me play OVATIONS, so i was looking for a Q stick. then he did this. i didn't think he had given me a bingo, and i was only looking to the right. i saw novations on my rack at some point but then thought too bad the ON is backwards. i then tried to continue thinking of a way to Q stick him and couldn't figure it out. this is of course a ridiculously bad play, but it didn't register that i wasn't Q-sticking him at the time, i literally just ran out of time. The funniest thing is that slow-playing the game actually works too, i didn't need to find novations. 6F IT wins for example. -120 #endgamelarge #timelarge #nojudgment #meowmeow
14E AVI(ON) +16 Time Large
i had about 30 seconds or so on my clock. i didn't think he was going to let me play OVATIONS, so i was looking for a Q stick. then he did this. i didn't think he had given me a bingo, and i was only looking to the right. i saw novations on my rack at some point but then thought too bad the ON is backwards. i then tried to continue thinking of a way to Q stick him and couldn't figure it out. this is of course a ridiculously bad play, but it didn't register that i wasn't Q-sticking him at the time, i literally just ran out of time. The funniest thing is that slow-playing the game actually works too, i didn't need to find novations. 6F IT wins for example. -120 #endgamelarge #timelarge #nojudgment #meowmeow
5K ON(E)S +26 Endgame Unspecified
n10 snot -5 #timelarge #endgame. i actually saw NOVATIONS at this point and just stared at the board without feeling, the way i like it.
5K ON(E)S +26 Time Large
n10 snot -5 #timelarge #endgame. i actually saw NOVATIONS at this point and just stared at the board without feeling, the way i like it.
J6 QA(T) +32 Finding Medium
oh wow, OEDIPEAN is beautiful. it didn't occur to me. i think i gotta take that. -4 #findingmedium
9C Z(E)K +32 Knowledge Large
i chickened out on ICKER. that's by far the best play here. i just need to learn the words basically. i don't know how to learn 4s and 5s. i don't think Aerolith is the best way for short words. -11. i also considered C12 MM but it seemed too weak, it sims better than my play though. #knowledgelarge
2B RET(E)M +26 Finding Medium
i should still do C12 MM. it just seems so lame. i'm not enthused by that leave and would rather get some more points. RETEM does give back a few more, though. if i'd seen CERMET i might have played it. -3 #findingmedium
12I FOAM +27 Vision Medium
i didn't think making dinky two-tile plays was gonna get me very far here (10F FA). i wanted to at least semi-block a lame lane (the L column). i didn't spot 2L O(V)UM which i like quite a bit. i also didn't spot 10I FOUL. that's better than FOAM for sure. i think i didn't look there too hard because it wasn't a double word score? lame. -4.5 #visionmedium
13G BUT +16 Strategy Medium
i think this was a massive mistake. i didn't want to play 3C TAX for 29 because it keeps two Us, and i was worried that i was just going to have a very clunky rack the following turn and lose that way. my play at least sets up a lane. but, if he has WAX or TAX himself i'm dead. i really regret not playing TAX. i think i could survive with BLSUU and 29 pts. having the case S is awesome. i can also do E11 HABU, which i also like. -6 #strategymedium
F10 L(A)VA +15 Strategy Medium
14D ULVA is a nice play. i saw it, and passed on it because there's a lot of big tiles left and he can just score there and outrun me (GOUTY or something). but maybe i should do this, so that i have a good scoring spot myself. maybe i don't have much choice. quackle likes ULVA a lot. i think the main point should be to try to find a winning line. what do i have after LAVA? nothing. after ULVA, i get to draw for a big play somewhere, leave 1 in the bag, and then maybe win that way. #strategymedium
14A SL(Y) +12 Endgame Large
-12 #endgamelarge i didn't see A(V)E for him.
15K E(X)POS +42 Finding Small
oh; sexpot. -2 #findingsmall
13C JET +22 Strategy Large
i should actually play G2 JEEP since i know he doesn't have the blank at this point so i should go for it. i can always block it next turn. -10 #strategylarge
14G FROE +25 Endgame Medium
JL: Great setup here. cd: something like 14F OF is even better as it's harder to block and i just go out somewhere else. #endgamemedium
7H OuTRANK +63 Finding Small
i saw outrank pretty quickly, but missed outdrank. either way i was trying to figure out if it was worth passing the bingo up. F10 TAROK actually sims better than my bingo, but OUTDRANK sims best. -2.5 #findingsmall
6L ZOO +35 Vision Large
haha, i adore D8 (F)A. i don't know how often that works, but i have ZOOID for 79 a lot of the time after that, and ZOOIDAL for 123 sometimes! LOL. clever quackle. always look for setups i guess. -10 #visionlarge ... my move isn't that bad, it's just that FA/AX is so awesome.
O3 TAIN +18 Strategy Medium
it's upsetting that INTIFADA just barely does not fit. what a tough tournament. i'm 1-5 at this point and can't figure out how to play. i should just play FAD. i might play FAD if this was a regular game and i wasn't terrified of losing, but keeping two i's get scarier and scarier the more i lose :/ i didn't even think of the S hook on TAIN until later in the game. it's so hard to play well. i could do D11 AID if i don't want to double my i's, or even 7C AIM. -5 #strategymedium
4K TAIG(A) +12 Finding Small
probably just 3K DIGIT, AAT isn't that bad.. or J6 ATIGI. -3 #findingsmall
6F BOW +20 Strategy Large
an unaggressive, lame move. BOW at H13 is probably better. but BROWS/CROWS at 14B for 39 pts is best. i didn't even bother counting the score. i think if i had counted it i would have realized that's the play i want to make. it's really really hard to focus when you're 1-5. i was probably on autopilot trying to keep the RS combo etc. instead of thinking about the game situation. -8.5 #strategylarge
15E CEROES +34 Knowledge Large
wow. CEROES* is phony. CERO is a fish, not the number ZERO. never knew that. REBEC is still the best play, but i can't find plays like that when i'm 1-5 no matter how positive i am. -1 #knowledgelarge #tacticssmall
15E CEROES +34 Tactics Small
wow. CEROES* is phony. CERO is a fish, not the number ZERO. never knew that. REBEC is still the best play, but i can't find plays like that when i'm 1-5 no matter how positive i am. -1 #knowledgelarge #tacticssmall
2J WEI(R)D +34 Strategy Small
WEEDIER only plays in Collins! :( WEIRD might just give up too many points. JEWED or WIDEN sim better partially for that reason -- i also bingo slightly more often after JEWED. -2 #strategysmall
2F YEH +24 Knowledge Large
totally forgot about WEIRDY. just bad. HYTE there obviously the play -- this is much, much worse. -25 #knowledgeSADDEST
13I HER(B) +13 Strategy Large
i think ORB doesn't necessarily imply an incredibly strong leave, but let's give him IRS; quackle still prefers 4D RATHE. i don't know what i was thinking. there are two open lanes, and i have a bigger comeback if i let him bingo on lane 14 a lot of the time. i can't block them both, so force him to bingo there. -11.5 #strategylarge it's a new day and i'm back to my bad play.
A4 (B)EWRAY +42 Finding Large
i probably didn't even see M11 GEY. i'm out of focus again, and making steam plays, instead of looking at the board and considering my options. WYTE O1 is fine too. BEWRAY is bad. -8 #findinglarge #focus i don't need to drop everything and score as much as possible, this isn't duplicate. find the best play depending on the situation. i still have a good shot after GEY.
pass - +0 Knowledge Large
i had like 8 seconds on my clock and i instantly challenged this because Ted Gest is a scrabble director and i have SLALOM to go out. #knowledgelarge
F6 PI(L)AW +24 Tactics Small
i purposely played it a bit more open instead of the obvious 7E PAW, but i think that's a mistake. probably just keep it closed. -3 #tacticssmall
1A CAL +28 Strategy Unspecified
i thought i had made a huge mistake here not playing A11 LINGA but quackle still likes 1A CAL best. maybe i did make the best play. shrug. +3 #strategybest
C11 (Z)OON +28 Strategy Small
now this is a mistake. playing ZOO would just work out better. i didn't want to keep two Ns but i have a good chance of using one the next turn if not bingoing outright. ugh! -2 #strategysmall
14A MI(N)ING +26 Tactics Small
ANIMI instead of my sad steam play. sigh. -1 #tacticssmall. it seems funny because i'm such a points person that it's such a small error, but it feels like ANIMI is a far better play. is it?
exch YY +0 Strategy Large
this is wayyyyy too steamful, and i thought i was focused. D10 YEN or YER or even better, 15E AIRY are fine! i'm pretty sure i saw AIRY or at least i should. what am i doing exchanging? bad mistake. -16.5 #strategylarge
15F ORDAINs +74 Knowledge Medium
i missed inboard, i quit. -5 #knowledgemedium
13I JAY +33 Finding Large
HE takes a Y CESAR. ARGH. CHRIST. i was freaking out that i was going to lose. -8 #findinglarge
O12 (D)UCT +21 Finding Large
it might be that the best way to win is to try to go out next turn. O9 CONDUIT/NOCTUID score a lot and may be possible ways to do this. totally didn't see them. minus a lot, #findinglarge
5G R(EF)ILM +22 Endgame Unspecified
i only played this because i thought it was phony and it might not take an S. i'm ridiculous. #endgame
J10 HAG +36 Knowledge Large
BHAI in the same spot is obviously much better, but it's going to take forever until i can reliably see plays like that. -12 #knowledgelarge
J4 BIMA +23 Tactics Small
M7 MIB is a lil better it seems, at least defensively. -4 #tacticssmall -- actually, i can't see why AEIP results in a higher average score next turn (but lower bingo %).. anyone?
M3 PAnDIED +85 Knowledge Medium
i wasn't totally sure on PLAIDED. oops. -3 #knowledgemedium
A4 (C)OWIEST +36 Strategy Medium
sigh. i thought the U was likely to be in the bag, there's also an S and a blank to draw for (this late in the game, turnover does start to matter a tiny bit). additionally, this is also a bit of a blocking play, but not totally, it's easier to overlap cowiest in collins. but i was reasonably happy with this play, it puts me up by a lot and there's a decent chance i can unload the Q next turn for some points as well. C3 Q(A)T only sims a little better, but the best simmer is 2A OWT! maybe it's ok to keep the Q for now and play shorter? after all 2A OWT scores only 7 fewer than COWIEST but keeps the S. damn. -6 #strategymedium
13I CONgEED +81 Strategy Small
i liked sacrificing some points here to kill the bottom left of the board; i thought it was worth it. 13G CODEiNE sims best because it scores best, i guess, lol. maybe i should do it. quackle doesn't like these types of sacrifices. is congeed correct? i also saw encoded etc at 13G but it still doesn't kill the bottom left quadrant. -3.5 #notanerror? #strategysmall?
H10 RAD +17 Tactics Medium
i didn't think of G7 HERD. it seems relatively easy for him to block downards though, with either HERD or my play (column G down, or even something like AE, lol). i'm in more trouble than quackle thinks. quackle likes N12 DENE but that doesn't open a new lane. should i do it anyway and try to open a lane later? i don't know. -4 #tacticsmedium
C6 TE +7 Time Unspecified
i ran out of time and made this terrible, sad play. none of quackle's top choices are sensible, like 3H OK. #time #noideawhattodo
C9 (E)KING +20 Endgame Unspecified
i ran out of time, but PIVOT is the play #time #endgame
C9 (E)KING +20 Time Unspecified
i ran out of time, but PIVOT is the play #time #endgame
11B V(I)S +6 Endgame Small
-2 #time #endgamesmall
11B V(I)S +6 Time Unspecified
-2 #time #endgamesmall
exch AEEGII +0 Tactics Medium
i am so doubtful that 9H GIE is the play here. i really am shocked that it sims better than exchanging. i know 18 pts is 18 pts, but come on, how could keeping AEEI be right here. -4? #tacticsmedium ?
H11 OFTER +41 Strategy Small
a little sad that FORGETS was blocked and he didn't give me any floaters for a bingo. i was thinking if he bingoes through the L he'd at least give me an E for GOREFEST! i considered GOFER, but not strongly enough, I guess; should have counted it and compared to OFTER. quackle prefers FOG(Y) best, keeping a great leave that bingoes > 2/3 of the time. i tend to dislike not taking points early and staying within striking distance; if FOGY doesn't work out I'll fall farther behind. It's hard to really know. -3 #strategysmall
F1 A(VIA)TED +25 Finding Medium
i missed TEREDO; always gotta practice anagramming. i'm fairly sure that's the best play, it's gotta be. i wanted to play AVIATE but it seemed trivial for him to just go downward and block me. with AVIATED, if he doesn't have an O i can use that lane, but it keeps a subideal leave. -3.5 #findingmedium
exch EGHI +0 Strategy Medium
i saw TARRIER but it seemed dumb to block up a couple of (bad) lanes. however, 10 pts is 10 pts. i should just take the points, right? what do you think? -7 #strategymedium
11E fRESHET +95 Tactics Small
I'm so damn lazy. i saw sherbet, and freshet, then i thought hey freshet looks cooler, so i laid it down, then halfway to hitting the clock i realized sherbet is better positionally, but i couldn't be arsed to change it!! wtf? come on cesar! -2 #tacticssmall
14H SIX +30 Knowledge Large
his actual rack...ouch cesar: i don't understand how i can chicken out on oxhides yet lay down an idiotic "lifesize" in another game, despite that word not looking study familiar. it's so crazy how i can constantly have brainfart turns that make no sense. at least the way i rationalized it might make a little sense: i spotted the word immediately, it looked familiar, but not so familiar that i could be 100% sure of it. i laid down 13G INDEX, then i thought, well, but it doesn't block the S hook, so i should block that. going up nearly a bingo score with the blank in hand, even if i'm a big chicken, i should still win a large % of the time. but this is so so so so bad, i guess i do have to constantly study. -31.5 #knowledgelarge
8L YU(C)H +48 Strategy Small
it's between yuch and huic here, but annoyingly i insta-played YUCH instead of considering them both. i think HUIC might have a small edge here because it's more defensive. #strategysmall
M8 (U)P +14 Vision Small
i always struggle a bit with making obvious fishes like this but it seemed to work with a lot of letters, and through the A, etc. quackle prefers N1 PST for 29 or O7 PHT for 14. i think i would have played PHT if i'd thought of it. -2.5 #tacticssmall #visionsmall
M8 (U)P +14 Tactics Small
i always struggle a bit with making obvious fishes like this but it seemed to work with a lot of letters, and through the A, etc. quackle prefers N1 PST for 29 or O7 PHT for 14. i think i would have played PHT if i'd thought of it. -2.5 #tacticssmall #visionsmall
O4 TIX +22 Strategy Medium
3F EX is fine here! no need to sacrifice that many points. -7 #strategymedium
7D VIGI(L) +14 Tactics Small
7D VIGIL scores one more and is slightly more defensive. -1.5 #tacticssmall
1C AFOOT +16 Strategy Medium
i'm too chicken to leave that lane open too much longer. i don't know, i always struggle to call these big mistakes because i purposely chose to block a lane given his last play. i suppose i should look at the pool, he may be consonant heavy after his last play VOE so maybe i should just play FONTAL for 14 more and take consonants. if he bingoes after AFOOT, i didn't score enough to outrun it. AFOOT only cuts his avg score by 1.5. -7.5 #strategymedium
E4 MAK(I)NG +26 Knowledge Medium
MARKING is better than MAKING cuz of the pool, i think. quackle still doesn't like blocking, instead playing 15H MANGEL to open another lane? i really disagree, i think hitting the L would be a lot harder than a wide open lane with MANGEL, and another lane in row 3 or 4. 3B RAGMEN seems to be the best play that blocks the lanes in the top left, and it keeps the K for scoring. -5 #findingmedium #knowledgemedium
E4 MAK(I)NG +26 Finding Medium
MARKING is better than MAKING cuz of the pool, i think. quackle still doesn't like blocking, instead playing 15H MANGEL to open another lane? i really disagree, i think hitting the L would be a lot harder than a wide open lane with MANGEL, and another lane in row 3 or 4. 3B RAGMEN seems to be the best play that blocks the lanes in the top left, and it keeps the K for scoring. -5 #findingmedium #knowledgemedium
15J BIR(L) +7 Knowledge Medium
J13 BUR is probably fine, i just have to be great at iterating through the bingos to make sure i'm not missing anything. i saw lysines/linseys so i definitely have to block. -6 #knowledgemedium
15A BUO(Y)S +30 Endgame Large
gives up a lot of spread (17 pts!) by letting him go out. #endgamelarge #time
15A BUO(Y)S +30 Time Unspecified
gives up a lot of spread (17 pts!) by letting him go out. #endgamelarge #time
The listing of all of the player's mistakes. For more information about mistakes, check the 'Mistakes' section of the about page.
Opponent Mistakes
Play Type Size Comment
11D UVUL(A)E +18 Tactics Small
perhaps L2 OVULE instead? This was a stylistic choice to try and limit the left side as much as possible. After a play comes down at 12A though, who knows if I can keep it up. #tacticssmall`
E9 NA(V)S +23 Tactics Large
just play X(U). This was stupidly fancy and cost me the game. It just seemed to fit my Nationals profile. Also shout out to PAN(CREATIN). #tacticslarge
15D (S)ICKED +39 Strategy Medium
W: I need to do KITE and get lucky; I felt there was a chance of outscoring after SICKED, but I still have that chance after KITE and I get way more bingos down. #strategymedium
6J HO +28 Finding Large
N2 OOHED is best. I think I saw N2 OOH and N3 OHO but nothing else. #findinglarge
O1 LOAD +37 Strategy Small
TOAD is better because AEL>AET. #strategysmall
15A AbETTER +76 Strategy Small
C: ugh RET? out of that poolllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll A: Apparently 15A ThEATER is best. #strategysmall although Quackle is bad at pre-endgames
7F TIP +16 Tactics Small
totally pissed after hitting my clock, I knew that PET was a better play. Gotta regroup my focus when my bingo is blocked #tacticssmall
H4 GOSP(EL)lED +66 Knowledge Large
this is so frustrating. first of all, SPONGED etc plays. yet, I have to challenge off a collins-only 9 confidently to win any games here, a perfectly plausible word, which is actually shocking that it's not good in TWL -- what else does a GOSPELER do?? how can GOSPELER / GOSPELLER be good but not GOSPELLED? a GOSPELER GOSPELS right? this game drives me crazy. #knowledgelarge
11E BOILER(Y) +24 Knowledge Large
LOL this is phony! jeez... i remember thinking it looked a little funny, but i was pretty dejected by my record, lol. but even now i thought it was fine. #knowledgelarge
E11 DHOOT +29 Knowledge Large
i really should challenge this but i didn't want my bingo to be blocked or something. this is ugly. #knowledgelarge
H8 SLEAZE +50 Tactics Small
I remembered to open vertically this time! ZEALS is better because it doesn't have lucrative hooks. #tacticssmall
I11 M(I)X +41 Strategy Small
13A MAX gives back a lot on column A and row 14, but there is already a lot of scoring potential on this board, and MAX unloads one of my A's and scores one more point. #strategysmall
O12 CYST +43 Strategy Medium
I took the points and defense, but AAR is a bad leave, I'm slightly behind, there are two good S spots (TOONIES and ALGUAZILS), and I know Cesar did not keep an S. I should play 13A CAY and go for a bingo. #strategymedium
M13 F(I)B +16 Strategy Medium
I think I liked that FIB blocks the L column, but it's a lousy block considering that it keeps five consonants and that I could potentially use ALGUAZIlS later for the same purpose. C11 FACT is best despite opening a high-scoring lane on row 15 for the unseen AAS. I like 7C FACT, Quackle's second choice. #strategymedium
C11 C(A)NT +12 Vision Large
K8 CUNTS is clearly best. I tunneled on blocking row 15 and am not sure I even noticed ALGUAZILs. #visionlarge
5B BU(R)AN +26 Tactics Medium
BURAN is the pure equity play, but 5H UNBE handily wins the sim. There are up to 5 E's in the bag and no A's, and UNBE blocks column K and scores one more point. #tacticsmedium
3H (T)W(I)NER +26 Tactics Medium
K6 STROWN is best, blocking bingos on rows 8 and 9. Plays in the B7 area also do well. #tacticsmedium
4J (V)OTER +24 Tactics Small
VOTE is probably better, giving me another tile to slow-play with. #tacticssmall
9G OWIE +25 Strategy Small
Quackle plays TOWIE J8 or the unorthodox EMU 9H. (-2) #strategysmall.
B6 JOG +34 Strategy Small
JIG is better because I can parallel it with the O. (-2) #strategysmall
14D ANIM(A)TOR +64 Strategy Small
Knowing that Cesar still has ESS on his rack makes this a tough decision. Quackle being Quackle, it still takes the points with the 14H placement. (-4?) #strategysmall
N6 VIEW +23 Strategy Medium
Not bad, but VIEW M1 accomplishes a lot of the same things while also devaluing Row 1 and scoring 6 more points. One upside to the N6 placement is that it neutralizes threats like RITZ N7. (-5) #strategymedium
8D VANING +28 Knowledge Large
why didn't i trust myself? i held him for a long time and i've looked VANED up out of curiosity, i'm sure. i was too worried my bingo would be unplayable next turn if i was wrong. #knowledgelarge
J4 NEVI +21 Finding Large
I spent a while looking for 7s and did not come across D3 INVIA(B)lE. #findinglarge
K3 DOH +26 Finding Small
I didn't like 13L DOJO with what that gives back. Out of all options that keep the J, which seemed like the right idea, 11K MHO is just as reasonable and is 6 more. #findingsmall
K11 J(A)W +26 Strategy Medium
Yea, I wasn't a fan of K11 J(A)VA here. I'm not sure why it sims better than my play if I get to keep my only vowel. Maybe K9 JAV(A) is fine because the 10J spot is not that dangerous after that play and I have a vowel at the bottom and top of the board to bail me out with a play like 2F WR(O)NG if I pick more consonants. K9 JAVA does look to be a bit stronger with respect to the leave and it giving a lot less back than K11 JAVA. #strategymedium
13G FORELE(N)T +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
very sad Collins confusion. Saw ENFOLDER and though FORELEND# could be its anagram. Greedy #knowledgeSADDEST
A9 VERTs +11 Endgame Large
KHa(T) 8A goes out in two with R(I)VET 6C or VERT(U) 9K. This is -10 #endgamelarge
13I WEF(T)S +30 Finding Medium
not sure what happened here. If I missed VIEW, if I didn't think it scored anything, what. It's a ton better. I played this whole game like Cesar, especially starting here. #findingmedium
The listing of all of the player's mistakes. For more information about mistakes, check the 'Mistakes' section of the about page.
Game Line Error
Game 31660 32 Game is incomplete.
Game 25804 43 Game is incomplete.
Game 10773 28 Game is incomplete.
Game 23662 17 Game is incomplete.
Game 22248 35 Game is incomplete.
Game 11479 32 Game is incomplete.
Game 22909 44 Game is incomplete.
Game 12774 31 Game is incomplete.
Game 12786 35 Game is incomplete.
Game 12827 43 Game is incomplete.
Game 22615 42 Game is incomplete.
Game 27327 37 Game is incomplete.
Game 6057 37 Game is incomplete.
Game 16241 43 Game is incomplete.
Game 18409 23 Game is incomplete.
Game 35357 39 Game is incomplete.
Game 17401 22 Game is incomplete.
Game 5455 34 Game is incomplete.
Game 18711 23 Game is incomplete.
Game 28111 18 Game is incomplete.
Game 29939 33 Game is incomplete.
Errors are (most likely) the result of malformed GCG files. To learn more, check the 'Errors and Warnings' section in the about page.
Game Line Error
Game 39983 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 11302, Round 5).
Game 33100 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 10791, Round 4).
Game 33235 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 10791, Round 13).
Game 34496 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 10791, Round 24).
Game 32714 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 10791, Round 16).
Warnings are notifications to players that they might want to update some of their GCG files. To learn more, check the 'Errors and Warnings' section in the about page.