Marlon Hill
Marlon Hill
Color Key
= Triple Triple
= Bingo 9+
= Improbable
= +
= +
= +
= + +
Player Lists
Type Play Probability Score
GRIN(C)HES 10430 64
BED(E)SmEN 18275 79
oUTLAST(S) 17957 71
eROTICA 73 78
FLOATI(E)r 265 70
YARRoWS 23142 82
COSIGNE(D) 4147 74
PARBO(I)LS 12054 70
OvERGOA(D) 7281 61
SEEKABl(E)* 0 102
TWINkLE 11016 86
TRICkI(L)Y 26575 63
SENARII 137 79
R(A)DIANCE 1128 72
REs(C)rEEN 15235 60
OCTANES 892 73
ANTI(P)OLE 215 72
BRO(W)NeST 7007 74
RE(S)IFTED 4058 72
EmOTING 1879 75
(R)EYNARDs 7909 88
PEaRLER 7368 81
M(O)URNERS 9467 64
TENTAGE 2894 63
ViSIONS 16583 77
A(R)DOROUS* 0 68
SOLVATE 1818 81
sANSERI(F) 5171 88
REAT(T)aIN 407 78
(g)REENEST 4729 66
ABETTOR 2453 74
PULSATE 5393 77
PARAG(O)Ns 9974 78
(D)EbONAIR 167 77
TOLEDOS 3792 75
EPICe(D)IA 7178 74
gRANTOR 4362 59
DRIL(L)eRS 15151 68
NUTRIaS 1017 72
BIlIOUS 16450 76
ORIENT(E)D 59 60
(S)ETLInES 6718 74
PRANCES 9354 81
DETiNUE 569 73
SCOO(T)ING 10982 65
DERATIN(G) 147 83
BLEAR(I)ER 3680 74
RELIAN(C)E 812 70
G(R)AYOUTS 12953 72
(I)NTITLED 6003 80
STEAMI(L)Y 7526 65
HOODiEs 4948 88
AliDADE 5890 83
(T)EMPURAS 9070 89
CO(W)INNER 7840 66
SIALIDS 13712 75
NATTERS 1355 64
ESTRIOL 186 72
AFREETS 2103 70
STINgI(N)G 23824 74
PAgURID 9291 74
ANTEATE(R) 1554 70
GAUDILY 12230 84
TATTERS 10175 67
(A)LIENAGE 1092 80
GREeTER 14182 74
VE(N)DABLE 9828 68
GAUNTER 1065 69
HETEROS 3545 76
CODEINE 1636 90
ET(E)SIANS 1693 131
BASINET 801 78
MERLINS 3289 71
CATENOI(D) 189 72
HILlOED 10213 89
FOLIAtE 304 79
LABOREd 1823 72
(U)LtRAREd 3966 71
ENSILES 6082 78
HOGTIES 2849 71
(S)TRAUNGE 1502 80
GIMLETE(D) 9838 68
CARRIER 12107 74
aRMONIC(a) 6238 83
INSTATE 524 66
WORkmEN 15860 80
cOMPEND 15105 80
REVISIT 3496 76
LAUWiNE 2044 72
INTITLe 4523 61
EPItOME 3393 83
DERIVED 10663 72
OUTLIES 676 66
(P)REENINg 11106 70
ADJURER 17857 90
GARDeNS 2271 79
LANNERS 3795 68
RETAI(N)ED 25 70
U(N)VARiED 984 61
RETAILS 112 80
IN(C)REASE 812 70
DYnASTy 28511 86
SYrETTE 10445 86
SADIRON 437 70
DEBAT(i)NG 1705 62
LATENIN(G) 1559 63
INSOlAT(E) 20 74
(C)OVERLID 6468 94
FlAUNTE(D) 4257 86
INCePTS 6840 96
(S)TRONGYL 12908 89
M(A)CArOON 14687 94
fILMLES(S) 26704 86
STAGERS 7042 83
INDIR(E)CT 2527 63
DRINKER 9796 81
M(E)ANDERS 2893 74
PRoLOGS 17261 66
mEAS(U)RED 6962 82
(S)OUThPAW 28544 86
ANISEED 260 80
DOWElED 14378 74
S(T)INKILY* 0 66
CLIENTS 4325 81
MISPAGE 12065 67
TELErGY* 0 78
STOOGED 5319 94
MOANERS 882 70
WORSENS 10408 77
MANNERs 8715 78
OESTRIo(L) 592 74
TEEtERS 8419 68
REPLANT 1526 86
P(I)TTaNCE 6913 65
WH(O)RESON 11831 118
WAITER(E)D 619 72
CRADL(I)NG 8278 67
TUSSORE 5942 80
SOLUTI(O)N 4275 59
S(T)UDLIER 1553 72
WINGIE(S)T 6659 63
SECEDEd 19591 74
A(C)ERVULI 5403 76
MINGLeR 4550 83
INHERES 2171 73
ADULAtE 2559 70
P(R)IMROSE 10669 66
OUTREAD 150 65
BREGMat(A) 11437 89
ENTITLE(S) 2574 68
ODoNATE 341 71
SALAbLE 15696 69
PROTEGE 3814 75
CLONERs 3679 74
IDEOLOG(Y) 8316 92
(O)BsESSED 27779 83
TeRPIN(O)L 611 72
INTE(R)IOR 586 66
ELoN(G)ATE 328 82
CRAZI(E)ST 6309 96
LEFTIST 8751 72
AmBIANC(E) 10948 86
FoISTED 1904 78
CATA(To)NIA 10275 90
FINCHES 14253 85
BEADSM(E)N 9831 64
OPIATED 417 87
GIDDIE(S)T 12292 63
EmBO(W)eLS 19470 158
VOMITER 3701 82
SENIORs 2422 64
SPACIAl 21431 68
BUNIONS 17169 75
GErENTS 3331 68
oUTGIV(E)S 4168 82
UNAKIT(E)S 3466 74
(C)AVORTER 10297 92
SLIDeRS 11346 68
DOWNIE(S)T 1856 64
(F)UNEREAL 2801 63
BE(D)OUINS 2560 64
TUNDRAS 5062 68
CRAYO(N)ED 5262 78
T(H)RUMmED 36480 80
HE(M)AToID 1865 102
(R)ATANIES 81 70
LATERIZ(E) 2281 86
(A)STEROId 27 68
DREAM(E)RS 9094 65
THIRSTe(D) 7956 86
nOTARIE(S) 6 74
(T)ROTLINE 460 77
ADIPOSE 793 95
lIBATIO(N) 2507 81
ENAMELS 4090 70
UNsEALE(D) 2154 89
IMP(E)DInG 14999 102
MENTHOl 7790 74
(R)ESIDUAL 640 83
ACTI(N)IAE 1435 70
TOMENTA 3447 70
SPLE(N)DID 21038 66
AIrSCRE(W) 13388 92
SPORAD(I)c 8356 149
TRIDENT 1252 80
IlLUSIV(E) 18237 81
SURLIER 4809 78
UTILISE(D) 3356 80
BARO(N)IES 168 62
V(E)RSICLE 9543 73
AILMENT 624 77
OVeRWET 5663 69
FAINEST 612 73
NEGATIO(N) 290 65
The of bingos played by the player that were not challenged off.
Triple Triples
Type Play Probability Score
ET(E)SIANS 1693 131
EmBO(W)eLS 19470 158
SPORAD(I)c 8356 149
Triple triples played by the player that were not challenged off. They do not have to be bingos.
Bingo Nines or Above
Type Play Probability Score
CATA(To)NIA 10275 90
Bingos played by the player that were nine letters or longer and were not challenged off.
Challenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were challenged off by an opponent.
Unchallenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
SEEKABl(E)* 0 102
CLOM(b)S* 0 30
A(R)DOROUS* 0 68
COBAR* 0 22
S(T)INKILY* 0 66
TELErGY* 0 78
GLUMPS* 0 23
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were not challenged by an opponent.
Plays That Were Challenged
Type Play Probability Score
QUIn(J)ETS* 0 0
WHE(N)S 7505 38
RE(S)IFTED 4058 72
BIlIOUS 16450 76
SIALIDS 13712 75
BUNT 2369 0
CAU(D)A 8296 22
WON 458 0
VIBED* 0 0
S(U)Q 960 0
(R)HEOlITE* 0 0
GIMLETE(D) 9838 68
WHInNeI(S)* 0 0
LANNERS 3795 68
GASP 3705 0
ARrEDES* 0 0
COT(S) 2047 0
CATA(To)NIA 10275 90
VOMITER 3701 82
UNAKIT(E)S 3466 74
(C)AVORTER 10297 92
(LATERIZE)S 2572 0
PEENS 4037 0
TOMENTA 3447 70
Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Opponent Lists
Type Play Probability Score
DEA(D)LINE 2519 74
PELoRIA 298 75
SLIDEWA(Y) 8449 82
SIMO(N)IAC 9407 64
SQuINT(E)D 7445 67
ORNITHE(S) 561 76
ALEMBiC 10837 80
STARL(I)NG 2222 62
NUBI(L)OSE 2804 68
AIRLINe(R) 1096 66
SHOTTEN 9958 89
DETRACT 8670 77
bUNYIPS 28539 95
KERA(T)INS 1639 78
DI(S)RATES 2858 65
PRO(S)EmEN 10582 76
ZOONITE 4097 70
CA(T)ALOES 4220 74
DePOSiT 1919 98
(H)OMEFeLT 22620 107
UNREELs 2788 65
sTRIATA 5172 72
OATIEST 249 69
HANDLES 5588 80
O(R)NERIER 5245 66
DOGDOMS 23234 104
SUBLATE 5567 68
GENUInE 5306 79
UN(P)OISED 2685 62
LEANEST 553 75
bASIDIA 12027 72
PLATOON 7375 76
PANEERS 2231 73
TOONIES 366 73
S(T)RIATES 6579 59
GAUNTeS(T) 7268 66
BISECTS 16539 74
FRONTIE(R) 1697 82
LOE(S)SIAL 9247 66
DEvOTIO(N) 2089 68
(E)xORDIAL 1521 80
(A)MBIENTS 2996 86
(C)ArOLING 3495 83
N(I)RVAnAS 10606 74
RENATU(r)E 1179 61
F(L)ORISTS 15547 76
AgITATO 4572 64
R(E)SOLING 660 68
(W)ORdIEsT 1377 80
ACETALS 5788 77
W(E)ASANDS 15866 80
O(V)ERWIND 3927 66
SATINET 554 81
DEFINER 2988 75
SCALDER 7442 78
SEPARAT(ED) 4764 78
dOMAINE 415 72
(d)IETINES 1444 68
PALEATE 4370 81
FRISE(T)TE 6128 72
SWI(S)HIER 20502 82
sTEA(M)iLY 5745 74
HEAUmES 11363 66
CaRNIER 2814 72
(A)FTERSUN 3103 65
PRE(L)ATIC 4354 68
TEDIEST 4972 92
OWRiEST 1324 78
CERTAIN 217 74
TOLIDIN(S) 3885 83
SAHIwAL 15978 78
CANZOnI 14543 74
SACRIST 11661 82
BOTHRIA 4506 68
OVERs(E)EN 5486 72
JOnESED 7865 98
ALUNI(T)ES 342 59
SNOwIER 1313 69
PURITaN(S) 5093 61
DEP(U)TIZE 14982 74
VERONIc(A) 903 83
BEN(A)MING 11885 65
INHALES 1465 72
ROMAIne 71 70
DIAPERS 1454 80
UNVARI(E)d 1325 70
LINTI(E)ST 5972 59
DES(Y)ATIN 1327 80
STEARIc 591 76
FA(V)ORItE 861 67
DE(t)AINER 24 60
InSOFAR 1580 83
(C)OnJURES 19580 75
LEANERS 760 78
INEDITA 170 65
HONEYEd 9047 82
SAVIOUR 3363 66
DRE(A)MIER 3686 65
COSIESt 7631 73
LEUCINE 3942 68
HARiSSA 21208 101
TH(I)ONINE 5207 82
FEIJOAs 7430 93
INTE(R)EST 1687 59
INLAYER 650 66
HYpONO(I)A 15955 63
TREFOI(L)S 1380 76
RETAKEN 2377 74
iNSIDES 8523 75
DIARIST 2268 72
(R)ELAXiNg 4074 113
(A)CERVULi 5403 108
DrAFTi(N)G 7203 76
DI(R)ENESS 6709 65
LAUnDE(R)S 1696 122
TRAiNFU(L) 3899 83
DITTIES 5794 79
CATIONS 1650 90
(A)NTISERa 82 74
(I)NFORMER 7464 76
VINASSE 6422 74
I(N)STROKE 1618 78
RATAFIA 9990 66
uNHI(N)GED 14404 62
SAPLESS 23032 91
i(D)EALITY 2438 63
URANISM 6631 74
ESQUIRE(D) 8870 106
GOBSHI(T)E 11568 76
STEELIE 3515 71
CRoCEI(N)S 15938 94
TERGITE 3881 68
IDEATES 263 95
EMENDED 17880 83
ReVISIT 3496 74
HURTiNG 9429 87
LOCATED 1832 86
INBURST 7677 85
MAHON(I)AS 9395 64
RECANES 2075 86
L(A)CEwING 7551 62
REVOTES 2547 79
PLUNgE(R)S 12532 75
BARN(I)EST 383 60
(P)REBOARD 10609 76
CAL(A)MiNE 5960 74
ORA(T)IONS 426 59
(T)ACNoDES 1272 80
INTRONs 2870 66
ABOIdEA(U) 1552 67
RELAX(I)NS 2505 84
COASTEd 1835 78
AlO(P)ECIA 4177 80
ARSINES 1326 70
OpIATED 301 68
ABS(E)NTlY 8544 106
DOTTING 6989 75
C(E)NTARES 2052 80
CAVERNS 6730 72
APNOEIC 1239 99
(E)LOIGNeR 329 80
STATuED 6904 68
STOR(E)MEN 2566 90
RETURN(IN)g 9012 66
TEAtIME 3596 72
ENGRAIN 1477 74
(D)OgBANES 5711 83
NAVI(C)ERT 1620 80
ANTIBIA(S) 7423 89
AdVI(S)ORy 8729 89
I(N)TUITED 4334 86
TRAIPSE 687 78
PANIERS 668 74
INSTALS 7278 82
mIAOUED 818 62
IN(D)ORSER 1487 72
(B)lOUSIER 3671 80
HEMATOI(D) 2660 68
SPAVIET 5912 94
EX(P)IATES 7408 88
SEETHEd 11551 71
HIRSUTe 3287 81
GLEANE(R)S 1728 61
AN(E)MOSES 7262 72
RET(I)ARIi 3479 68
EBONITE 459 73
GAMBLIN(G) 25043 70
INSOFAR 1525 79
OVERlID* 0 92
CATTISH 15172 70
(V)ENERAtE 2389 62
(B)ROOKING 20333 84
lEMURES 9235 82
EnCAE(N)IA 4063 59
GOL(D)TONE 4216 64
S(O)NORANT 5219 60
INTRIGU(E) 1489 61
G(L)EAMIER 2224 62
ENDOcAS(T) 1271 77
LINEBR(E)D 2925 74
REENT(E)RS 7014 131
ABELmOS(K) 19235 92
GRANGES 8898 72
tOLI(D)INE 373 77
o(V)ERWIND 3927 70
VILLOSE 10223 78
TOASTIE(R) 136 70
SCARTED 2939 76
SERVInG 4558 68
SO(L)dIERY 2680 72
MEtEORS 2536 76
Ac(T)INIAE 1572 68
READILY 1508 68
CRuSA(D)ES 15883 90
G(AR)DENING 9222 82
RECOALS 1777 74
PA(R)IETES 617 68
(G)RITTiER 9741 59
QUAIN(T)ER 1164 89
RABIDLY 11852 94
ORGA(N)DIE 56 66
RENTALS 402 71
wIEL(D)IER 5379 58
(A)MNESIAC 5965 89
(C)OnSULAR 7200 80
TRiPPER 17593 72
FINI(A)LED 2433 98
(C)REEPInG 8755 76
WENNIER 6581 76
(D)ESERtER 13995 77
TOMATOs* 0 74
(HA)RDCAsES* 0 106
NEMESIS 10672 82
vICIATE(D) 8278 83
PRAISER 3644 76
TaNNATE 6498 69
BESTiNG 6325 74
RE(N)AILED 139 72
ASC(e)TICS 30315 72
MODELLE(R) 19264 86
(E)IgHTEEN 8688 83
EXACtED 11087 98
(EX)PLODING 10908 94
M(I)RTHFuL 21458 80
HELOT(A)GE 3754 63
E(T)HEREAl 6252 61
(E)PIZOOTY 24527 119
TONGERS 1030 75
THEROID 884 88
EARSTO(N)E 40 68
ASsEVER 14872 101
AIRWISE 1710 72
DET(E)CTOR 7079 149
(S)AvELOYS 17931 80
BOnESET 2514 72
STAUM(R)EL 4287 70
EN(C)ORING 5073 74
TARTEST 10617 74
DERISO(R)Y 6062 76
T(E)ASPOON 2080 74
CONCEIT 8936 73
DUOTONE 2032 75
GARRONS 6987 71
FA(S)TENER 1459 71
MeMENTo 18624 74
FL(o)ATIER 265 61
P(E)RSAUNT 3116 70
(A)PErIENT 305 80
MAtE(r)I(A)LS 1889 86
FUSSING 28573 71
SPOTTIE 6231 77
HEtAIRA 760 74
(B)ACTERIN 1560 89
(N)AUSEATE 1032 66
HELIUMs 12284 94
GEArCA(S)E 7357 70
PHONIER 2551 69
WIDGETs 6997 73
JOINteD 2150 92
(F)ARTHING 9717 107
T(A)RGETED 3850 83
(G)RInDING 22817 72
ROADEOS 947 67
The of bingos played by the player that were not challenged off.
Triple Triples
Type Play Probability Score
LAUnDE(R)S 1696 122
REENT(E)RS 7014 131
DET(E)CTOR 7079 149
Triple triples played by the player that were not challenged off. They do not have to be bingos.
Bingo Nines or Above
Type Play Probability Score
SEPARAT(ED) 4764 78
RETURN(IN)g 9012 66
G(AR)DENING 9222 82
(HA)RDCAsES* 0 106
(EX)PLODING 10908 94
MAtE(r)I(A)LS 1889 86
Bingos played by the player that were nine letters or longer and were not challenged off.
Challenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were challenged off by an opponent.
Unchallenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
BLUE(S)ED* 0 33
INKME(N)* 0 45
RO(T)H* 0 12
OVERlID* 0 92
TOMATOs* 0 74
(HA)RDCAsES* 0 106
LO(t)N* 0 5
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were not challenged by an opponent.
Plays That Were Challenged
Type Play Probability Score
PRO(S)EmEN 10582 76
(H)OMEFeLT 22620 107
HY(P)ION* 0 0
KAN(G)A 9426 24
S(T)RIATES 6579 59
SCALDER 7442 78
TEDIEST 4972 92
DUCI 2346 0
LUM(P)IA 9932 39
FIER* 0 0
ABS(E)NTlY 8544 106
WARBY 10656 34
LATEEN(ER) 1090 27
(B)ROOKING 20333 84
OI 9 11
BEGET 3543 23
PUG 930 20
HUG 889 21
(TO)NTI(N)ER 2159 27
RIFTY 7175 56
vICIATE(D) 8278 83
(D)OT(C)OM 18070 24
ASsEVER 14872 101
TARTEST 10617 74
MeMENTo 18624 74
WRIED 1804 27
SPOTTIE 6231 77
Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Notable Lists
Many Double Words Covered
Games in which at least 15 double word bonus squares were covered.
Combined Low Scoring
Games in which the combined score is no greater than 200 points. Many games on end before a combined score of 200 points but are considered incomplete and are not counted. Many valid six pass games are not included because they are malformed.
Games that end in ties.
No Blanks Played
Games in which no blank is played. Blanks in words that are challenged off do not count.
Game Stats
Stat Average Total
Games 1.00 137
Invalid Games 0.01 1
Incomplete 0.00 0
Disconnected 0.01 1
Other 0.00 0
Total Turns 25.96 3557
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Player Stats
Stat Average Total
Wins 0.38 52.5
Score 395.50 54183
Score per Turn 30.4913
Turns 12.97 1777
Vertical Plays 5.53 758
Horizontal Plays 6.17 845
One Tile Plays 0.53 72
Other Plays 0.74 102
Firsts 0.50 68
Vertical Openings per First 0.0000
Horizontal Openings per First 1.0000
Full Rack per Turn 0.3320
Exchanges 0.41 56
High Game 588
Low Game -6
Highest Scoring Turn 158
Bingos Played 1.59 218
Sevens 0.75 103
Eights 0.83 114
Nines 0.01 1
Tens 0.00 0
Elevens 0.00 0
Twelves 0.00 0
Thirteens 0.00 0
Fourteens 0.00 0
Fifteens 0.00 0
Bingo Probabilities 6664.84
Sevens 6191.10
Eights 7067.64
Nines 10275.00
Tens 0.00
Elevens 0.00
Twelves 0.00
Thirteens 0.00
Fourteens 0.00
Fifteens 0.00
Tiles Played 46.60 6384
A 4.16 570
B 0.96 131
C 0.99 135
D 2.09 287
E 5.55 761
F 0.91 125
G 1.46 200
H 0.93 128
I 4.13 566
J 0.47 65
K 0.45 62
L 1.95 267
M 0.93 127
N 2.61 357
O 3.70 507
P 0.96 131
Q 0.53 72
R 2.79 382
S 1.80 247
T 2.86 392
U 1.72 235
V 0.91 124
W 0.91 124
X 0.43 59
Y 0.97 133
Z 0.55 76
? 0.88 121
Power Tiles Played 4.67 640
? 0.88 121
J 0.47 65
Q 0.53 72
X 0.43 59
Z 0.55 76
S 1.80 247
Power Tiles Stuck With 0.09 13
? 0.02 3
J 0.00 0
Q 0.01 2
X 0.01 1
Z 0.00 0
S 0.05 7
Turns With a Blank 1.07 147
Triple Triples Played 0.02 3
Bingoless Games 0.12 17
Bonus Square Coverage 15.60 2137
Double Letter 4.85 664
Triple Letter 5.61 768
Double Word 2.72 372
Triple Word 2.43 333
Phony Plays 0.26 35
Unchallenged 0.05 7
Challenged Off 0.20 28
Challenges 0.53 73
You Won 0.07 9
Opponent Lost 0.09 12
You Lost 0.18 24
Opponent Won 0.20 28
Challenge Percentage 0.2727
Defending Challenge Percentage 0.3000
Percentage Phonies Unchallenged 0.2000
Comments 6.64 910
Comments Word Length 125.51 17195
Mistakeless Turns 12.97 1777
Mistakes per Turn 0.0000
Mistakes 0.00 0
Knowledge 0.00 0
Finding 0.00 0
Vision 0.00 0
Tactics 0.00 0
Strategy 0.00 0
Endgame 0.00 0
Time 0.00 0
Dynamic Mistakes 0.00 0
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Player Confidence Intervals
Tile p CI
A 0.4622 (0.4294, 0.5026)
B 0.4800 (0.3884, 0.5436)
C 0.4950 (0.3884, 0.5436)
D 0.5225 (0.4111, 0.5209)
E 0.4625 (0.4343, 0.4977)
F 0.4550 (0.3884, 0.5436)
G 0.4867 (0.4026, 0.5294)
H 0.4650 (0.3884, 0.5436)
I 0.4589 (0.4294, 0.5026)
J 0.4700 (0.3562, 0.5758)
K 0.4500 (0.3562, 0.5758)
L 0.4875 (0.4111, 0.5209)
M 0.4650 (0.3884, 0.5436)
N 0.4350 (0.4212, 0.5108)
O 0.4625 (0.4272, 0.5048)
P 0.4800 (0.3884, 0.5436)
Q 0.5300 (0.3562, 0.5758)
R 0.4650 (0.4212, 0.5108)
S 0.4500 (0.4111, 0.5209)
T 0.4767 (0.4212, 0.5108)
U 0.4300 (0.4111, 0.5209)
V 0.4550 (0.3884, 0.5436)
W 0.4550 (0.3884, 0.5436)
X 0.4300 (0.3562, 0.5758)
Y 0.4850 (0.3884, 0.5436)
Z 0.5500 (0.3562, 0.5758)
? 0.4400 (0.3884, 0.5436)
To learn more about these statistics, check the 'Confidence Intervals' section on the about page.
Opponent Stats
Stat Average Total
Wins 0.62 84.5
Score 426.96 58494
Score per Turn 32.8618
Turns 12.99 1780
Vertical Plays 5.64 773
Horizontal Plays 6.39 875
One Tile Plays 0.61 83
Other Plays 0.36 49
Firsts 0.50 69
Vertical Openings per First 0.2131
Horizontal Openings per First 0.7869
Full Rack per Turn 0.8904
Exchanges 0.25 34
High Game 622
Low Game -16
Highest Scoring Turn 149
Bingos Played 2.10 288
Sevens 0.96 132
Eights 1.09 150
Nines 0.04 6
Tens 0.00 0
Elevens 0.00 0
Twelves 0.00 0
Thirteens 0.00 0
Fourteens 0.00 0
Fifteens 0.00 0
Bingo Probabilities 6007.68
Sevens 5833.79
Eights 6120.00
Nines 7159.00
Tens 0.00
Elevens 0.00
Twelves 0.00
Thirteens 0.00
Fourteens 0.00
Fifteens 0.00
Tiles Played 49.95 6843
A 4.59 629
B 0.99 135
C 0.96 131
D 1.80 246
E 6.05 829
F 1.05 144
G 1.45 199
H 1.01 139
I 4.39 602
J 0.52 71
K 0.53 73
L 1.90 260
M 1.05 144
N 3.13 429
O 4.07 558
P 1.01 138
Q 0.44 60
R 2.91 399
S 2.05 281
T 2.83 388
U 2.08 285
V 1.03 141
W 1.05 144
X 0.55 75
Y 1.01 138
Z 0.43 59
? 1.07 146
Power Tiles Played 5.05 692
? 1.07 146
J 0.52 71
Q 0.44 60
X 0.55 75
Z 0.43 59
S 2.05 281
Power Tiles Stuck With 0.11 15
? 0.01 2
J 0.00 0
Q 0.01 2
X 0.01 1
Z 0.01 1
S 0.07 9
Turns With a Blank 1.95 267
Triple Triples Played 0.02 3
Bingoless Games 0.04 5
Bonus Square Coverage 16.04 2197
Double Letter 5.32 729
Triple Letter 5.53 758
Double Word 3.10 425
Triple Word 2.08 285
Phony Plays 0.12 16
Unchallenged 0.05 7
Challenged Off 0.07 9
Challenges 0.53 73
You Won 0.20 28
Opponent Lost 0.18 24
You Lost 0.09 12
Opponent Won 0.07 9
Challenge Percentage 0.7000
Defending Challenge Percentage 0.7273
Percentage Phonies Unchallenged 0.4375
Comments 6.64 910
Comments Word Length 125.51 17195
Mistakeless Turns 12.42 1702
Mistakes per Turn 0.0466
Mistakes 0.61 83
Knowledge 0.20 28
Finding 0.12 16
Vision 0.08 11
Tactics 0.01 2
Strategy 0.09 13
Endgame 0.08 11
Time 0.01 2
Dynamic Mistakes 0.00 0
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Opponent Confidence Intervals
Tile p CI
A 0.5100 (0.4628, 0.5362)
B 0.4950 (0.4217, 0.5773)
C 0.4800 (0.4217, 0.5773)
D 0.4500 (0.4445, 0.5545)
E 0.5042 (0.4677, 0.5313)
F 0.5250 (0.4217, 0.5773)
G 0.4833 (0.4360, 0.5630)
H 0.5050 (0.4217, 0.5773)
I 0.4878 (0.4628, 0.5362)
J 0.5200 (0.3895, 0.6095)
K 0.5300 (0.3895, 0.6095)
L 0.4750 (0.4445, 0.5545)
M 0.5250 (0.4217, 0.5773)
N 0.5217 (0.4546, 0.5444)
O 0.5088 (0.4606, 0.5384)
P 0.5050 (0.4217, 0.5773)
Q 0.4400 (0.3895, 0.6095)
R 0.4850 (0.4546, 0.5444)
S 0.5125 (0.4445, 0.5545)
T 0.4717 (0.4546, 0.5444)
U 0.5200 (0.4445, 0.5545)
V 0.5150 (0.4217, 0.5773)
W 0.5250 (0.4217, 0.5773)
X 0.5500 (0.3895, 0.6095)
Y 0.5050 (0.4217, 0.5773)
Z 0.4300 (0.3895, 0.6095)
? 0.5350 (0.4217, 0.5773)
To learn more about these statistics, check the 'Confidence Intervals' section on the about page.
Opponent Mistakes
Play Type Size Comment
8H ALMEH +28 Knowledge Large
4J V(O)W +18 Knowledge Large
exch TYYP +0 Finding Large
As soon as I exchanged I saw 9E TYPY. #FINDINGSADDEST
L10 JEU +35 Strategy Large
14J FAU(N)AE is really strong against his rack. #strategylarge
5E FIXE(R) +30 Vision Large
J8 (M)OOI +9 Knowledge Medium
F6 FO(R)TY +27 Knowledge Small
D11 HUG +26 Finding Large
C9 AUK +18 Strategy Large
I was too concerned about making another opening, which is why I will never get the J8 (S)UK. #STRATEGYSADDEST
O7 JOMO +44 Knowledge Small
O7 JOMO +44 Finding Small
A1 QUA +48 Endgame Large
8D CaRNIER +72 Knowledge Small
Chickened out of 8D ChIRREN #knowledgesmall
C9 FOEHN +39 Knowledge Small
C9 FUERO #knowledgesmall
1G OX +56 Knowledge Large
A4 (P)AVED +33 Knowledge Small
A4 (P)AVID #knowledgesad
K3 AGO(N)E +29 Vision Medium
1L (B)UBU #visionmedium
15K ABLED +37 Knowledge Large
15K ABLED +37 Endgame Large
D3 CODEI(N) +18 Finding Small
9F ODIC isn't bad. #findingsmall
10E CH +31 Finding Medium
F8 (BA)JU or 10B JEHUS #visionmedium #findingmedium
10E CH +31 Vision Medium
F8 (BA)JU or 10B JEHUS #visionmedium #findingmedium
1H PIRN +27 Knowledge Small
1F LIPIN #knowledgesmall
6L FEW +25 Knowledge Large
O10 (S)EWINS #knowledgelarge
E10 (C)AP +25 Strategy Large
12M ZA sets up the P #strategylarge
11E HARiSSA +101 Knowledge Small
Hmm, okay, maybe I'll be alright. 11E ASHlARS doesn't make a hotspot. #knowledgesmall
K3 FOX +48 Vision Small
G9 FO(R)EX #visionsmall
E4 CRoCEI(N)S +94 Knowledge Large
I'll give myself a #knowledgelarge for challenging the valid 4 even though it only ended up costing me 5 points; it could've been much, much worse to have chickened out of a valid bingo on row 10.10:55
2F DU(R)A +22 Strategy Small
Again, major consonant overload to come - the EIIL leave should combine with the pool to hit some plays on row 1 that Marlon can't really address. Still, keeping two Is is avoidable here with plays like 4A LUDIC, 4C DUCI, and perhaps best of all, 2F LIRA; CP actually picks 2F DURAL, really going all in on drawing consonants to the leave of EII. Makes sense to me. #strategysmall 5:22
C8 (G)L(A)IVE +22 Endgame Small
One point off of the best move of C10 ATIGI, setting up 12A VEIL for 22. #endgamesmall 3:26
E8 (B)ULK +20 Finding Small
H(A)IKU F7 #findingsmall
2J GO +9 Strategy Large
A4 BOSsED +38 Endgame Medium
-6 #endgamemedium
8D CAMEO +24 Knowledge Medium
8G OOMIAC #knowledgemedium
9G TUMORIC +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
I really thought this was a word. #knowledgelarge
7G MOU +18 Vision Medium
9B CO(R)IUM #visionmedium
G5 CA(ME)O +10 Strategy Large
I had no idea what to do here I sorta fell apart. There were probably plenty of mistakes, but I didn't even what metrics to use. #strategylarge
12I V(E)RB +18 Vision Small
6D (I)NV(A)R maybe? #visionsmall
O8 LATEEN(ER) +32 Vision Small
7D TA(U)ON look a bit better #visionsmall
7H FLA(G) +17 Strategy Small
Given his last play I wanted to block the H column and row 6. H6 FL(Y) is better for that since it can't be extended as easily as (FY) but it's also 8 points less. Maybe I should have just played equity with K9 G(I)F(T). I'm not completely sure so #strategysmall
4D PONG(O) +16 Vision Small
E2 PENGO #visionsmall
6K HOAX +39 Knowledge Large
N2 HEXAnO(I)C #knowledgelarge
H12 (Y)ONT +21 Finding Medium
H11 N(Y)LON #findingmedium
G12 (A)W(E) +19 Endgame Large
11A (SMIDGE)N is about 20 points better. #endgamelarge
10K TuRF(S) +18 Endgame Medium
13A (O)RFs is 9 points better. #endgamemedium
J4 BAZA(R) +36 Knowledge Medium
If I win I get 1st and if I don't get blown out I probably get 2nd. J6 BA(R)AZA is a bit better #knowledgemedium and also #knowledgesmall for the +5.
J4 BAZA(R) +36 Knowledge Small
If I win I get 1st and if I don't get blown out I probably get 2nd. J6 BA(R)AZA is a bit better #knowledgemedium and also #knowledgesmall for the +5.
13A BEY +33 Finding Medium
Played too fast. Need to consider 13A UEY and 13A BUY. #findingmedium
7E TOG +21 Tactics Small
E5 TIG(O)N is 2 points better. #tacticssmall
11C DEF +28 Knowledge Large
Chickened out of C9 B(E)FELD. Since all other options are way worse #knowledgelarge
12B PH(O)T +22 Finding Medium
13A HYPS is better equity, but this sets up my case Ss nicely, though I still should have at least found it. #findingmedium
13A YES +32 Vision Medium
F10 (N)YS #visionmedium
3C RE(N)AILED +72 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for the challenge.
F2 H(A)E +29 Knowledge Large
7E (T)AUHOU is incredible here. #knowledgelarge
D7 A(B)OUND +22 Finding Small
9I YOU #findingsmall
9I YUNX +30 Strategy Medium
11B YU(N)X sets up the F. F. #strategymedium
1L GOJI +53 Finding Medium
15J JOWA(R)I #findingmedium
L12 L(I) +12 Time Small
J8 (GU)L #timesmall
7G UFO +16 Knowledge Small
E5 FU(GI)O #knowledgesmall
9C IN +9 Strategy Large
K10 IS bings way more. Whatever I play here, he's going to know I'm close to a bing. I might as well increase the bing % and fish the S instead of the N. #strategylarge because this is way worse for bing %.
14A YITIE +21 Vision Medium
12A O(B)IIT #visionmedium
M8 (D)OT(C)OM +29 Knowledge Medium
B2 MOLTO #knowledgemedium
J2 QUA(G) +34 Endgame Small
4L R(OBE) leads to a long sequence that is ultimately 3 points better. #endgamesmall
7C LEE +20 Finding Small
7A TELAE #findingsmall
A11 GRACE +30 Tactics Small
A11 GAGER because the G is terrible. #tacticssmall
14F BI +23 Vision Large
6B BIRD #visionlarge
J10 WU(S) +14 Finding Medium
I3 UNWIT #findingmedium
M12 (NU)N +3 Strategy Large
I3 RANT blocks pretty much everything. I was instead focused on trying to draw my own bingo by fishing for an E. #strategylarge
7G (ALA)R +4 Endgame Large
J5 INRO. #endgamelarge
O2 ORATIN(G) +11 Time Large
6J AROINT. I was already overtime at this point. #timelarge
11D MAtE(r)I(A)LS +86 Knowledge Small
I6 pE(T)ALISM is fucking sick. #findinglarge and #knowledgesmall for the challenge
11D MAtE(r)I(A)LS +86 Finding Large
I6 pE(T)ALISM is fucking sick. #findinglarge and #knowledgesmall for the challenge
I6 LU(T)E +21 Knowledge Large
Damn, I thought it was only GLUTENIN, but 15E GLU(T)ELIN is also good. #knowledgelarge
F9 LO(t)N +5 Strategy Large
I had absolutely no idea what to do here and I thought the blank there was an R. I gotta open up and play something like F4 LON(G). #strategylarge
M2 HERNS +38 Strategy Medium
M3 EHS is apparently way better. Probably because it doesn't give back the H to double. I was running low on time too. #strategymedium
K3 EE +11 Endgame Medium
N1 OE is best apparently. #endgamemedium
N1 VORS +35 Endgame Large
Damn, the only winning play is 5E SOVIE(T) setting up N3 OR. #endgamelarge
H12 ALOW +28 Knowledge Large
Chickened out of 11F TOW(N)LAND. #knowledgeSADDEST
10B F(UG)LY +28 Finding Large
O1 FY. Oops. #findinglarge
14G D(O)OMED +16 Strategy Large
G12 DEMO is way better. I thought blocking parallels on the M column would be worth something but that's delusional honestly. #strategylarge
F7 Q(U)E(Y) +16 Finding Medium
Play off the N on that too ya moron. E8 (O)R(L)E is better anyway, maybe. #findingmedium
N12 VER(A) +14 Knowledge Large
N11 VERR(A) is a word and brings my winning % way up. #knowledgelarge
13M Z(E)K +32 Endgame Large
14A ZO has 25 more win % points. I'm really surprised by that because I thought I needed more vowels. I guess the odds of drawing no vowels is fairly low and I need the K for scoring. #endgamelarge
The listing of all of the player's mistakes. For more information about mistakes, check the 'Mistakes' section of the about page.
Game Line Error
Game 1013 30 Board error: disconnected play detected.
Errors are (most likely) the result of malformed GCG files. To learn more, check the 'Errors and Warnings' section in the about page.