noooo just play B(O)W. i think i wanted him to waste some equity but why not try to bingo again. i'm trying to consciously fish a little less but blowing up INRST with a nice G to bingo through is just silly. -6.5 #strategymedium
considered CODE and ZAX as well, but I liked keeping more bingo chances and opening a new lane. D(E)X bingoes more than CODEX by a couple percent! I do like opening a lane with CODEX though so he can't kill everything with agene. #tacticssmall
L2 WIN is a nice idea to set up my case T. TWIN also sims better than this, not a human move, though I guess considering there are no vowels left it's fine. #findingsmall
FAIL or FAIR because I don't give back any 9s! UNGUARDED, UNDERHAND, UNADORNED, UNFOUNDED, UNDERFUND, UNROUNDED, UNDERHUNG play. (L)ONGHEAD still plays regardless #strategylarge
I did not know the ATWAIN hook in this situation. So I decided to try to bingo again and rack up additional spread. #knowledgelarge because I would have scored much better than this.
No home for IMPOSTS or MISSTOP. I did think about simply playing off an S with G7 (HOY)S to fish for 15A OPTIMIS(E) or 15A EPISTOM(E) and so that Ed can't just drop an A at 10G. This way, I can eventually open up the top left of the board if I pick an A. It felt like too big of a point sacrifice on a board that is only getting worse for bingoes due to me needing an E to make any sort of Column M plays. In addition, there's only 4 Is and 7 Es and a blank left to hit those specific bingoes. However, the sim appears to back up HOYS here as it is a slightly slower attempt to deplete the tile bag. #strategymedium
missed a bunch of better options here. QUIFF and QUAFF 9C are the most obvious. I couldn't stomach AQUAFIT 13I opening a 3x3, so I tunnelled on how I didn't like this play or that one. #strategymedium
I feel that I had the right idea by doing this over M7 OLEO given the 24 consonants and only 12 vowels unseen, but I think M5 LOOM might be a slightly better version of this just because I get to hang onto my E, although I am scoring 2 more points here and it's not possible to close down the board just yet. LOOM does edge out MOLE in the sim. #strategysmall
this was a pretty bad move. i was going to play P(O)W, and i talked myself into this somehow. i think a large part of it is that i wasn't sure if POWS was good. but clearly, POW is much better than TWA. i could at least play it at 10E. i think once in a while, i just have one move where i completely don't have a focused brain, but hopefully this will improve! -7.5 #strategymedium
Definitely not doing N10 DATOS here. While I didn't even consider doing 11D QATS, that would have been worth it with 3 more Ss left. The sim does easily concur. #strategyquestionable
Atrocious draw, but I didn't see C9 F(E)T(O)R. Yea, that looks a little safer to force Connie to open. This gives back the D and G hooks that I don't have. #visionsmall
ugh this is too difficult. with such a small % chance of winning, i don't know what's right anymore. it seems in these types of situations i have to limit the amount of damage he can do, so something like 4K AY or YA is going to sim best despite keeping a U. the problem with GUY, even though it does play short and keeps a good leave, is that it gives back so many points; i know this but have to hope he can't punish it too much. -3 #strategymedium
I don't know why I played this over J11 TENIA--maybe to keep the A for G9? Quackle prefers short plays like 4N DA, 14H AIT, and O10 AIT, but it doesn't realize that Mike has just fished. I like J11 TENIA best. #tacticssmall
GENISTA and TEASING are a tiny bit better than INGESTA. Quackle prefers SWEATING for 78; amazingly, giving up column A is not expected to increase Darrell's average score beyond what he will get after TEASING/GENISTA/INGESTA. I'm unconvinced. If I'm honest, I was 99% sure GENISTA was TWL and opted for a 100% option. #knowledgesmall
Close. I have to block SIXTHS/XYST down there, but better by a few points is simply 15G EATER, scoring only one fewer point than AFREET but setting up FAE on row 14 for many more points than the move I ended up playing. #endgamemedium
I honestly thought he had taken away a ticket back into the game, but unfortunately I did not see my bing to the O, once again. Damn. If I had only thought about this rack as more than a "play ENTICES/IGLOOS if he doesn't block and play it with KIS if he does block" #findinglarge #knowledgelarge
I probably need to do N5 OU(R) here, I need two bingoes to get back in here. that also does the mose for the board longterm, makes it hard to close everything. AUDIO sims well but I need to go harder on bingoes. #findingsmall
Tanked down to next to nothing here, just could not find anything I liked. However, SULFO is obviously very wrong and hemorrhages any win% I have here. I probably should've done the other move I was considering of N10 FUERO and hope to draw unblockable bingos in different areas of the board, of which there are a handful. #strategylarge
Yes, I saw 2A PANADA, and I absolutely should have played it--it scores better, keeps better, turns over one more tile for the blanks, and creates a high-scoring lane on column A, which I may need because I am behind. #strategymedium
CP likes this, saying it wins 95%, but it's surely dependent on full confidence in CASTLINGS. Given that I did not have that confidence, a great option is 11D VOW/VAW, setting up SOZ/SAZ to follow up in the endgame, also winning 95% because the bingos Bradley does get down score so much less. Unfortunately, I burned a huge amount of time grappling with this position and somehow still didn't generate VOW/VAW, leaving me vulnerable to time pressure on my next move. #strategysmall #timelarge
poor endgame. i wan't totally sure on FLOCS so didn't want to play it first. #endgamelarge #knowledgelarge. i bled a lot of spread this tourney and it may have made some difference for the cash prizes.
LOL this is phony! jeez... i remember thinking it looked a little funny, but i was pretty dejected by my record, lol. but even now i thought it was fine. #knowledgelarge
Quackle likes H6 MILE a lot. I don't see what's so great about it, but MIMEOED is probably a mistake anyway, as it blows up the rack. 7E MEG is the best equity play but Championship Player doesn't seem to consider it. D8 VIMEN is reasonable. #strategysmall
Gotta try and learn something here. I'm making too many wild moves when it's just not necessary; 11C AZO scores better and doesn't get crushed in response so often. I thought maybe Noel wouldn't know ZUPAN, but it's just too risky a gamble. #strategylarge 13:15
could not find a play to make here. IMP 8C looks best, and I also missed I6 KIT which is simple. This sucks but at least I have a chance of being able to shut the board down after this, but IMP is just superior #findingsmall
M13 N(O)R and other similar plays such as K13 R(A)N and D13 (E)RN are probably the saddest top simming plays I have ever seen. I should have recognized that I need a huge Q bingo to hope to win the game, so despite the sadness, I would have to agree with Quackle. #STRATEGYSADDEST
#knowledgesad for challenge also can someone make this man please stop bingoing. im asking for my health just nbd
also O10 TENT(H)S but who's counting #findingsaddest #endgamesaddest
french rant incoming "J'ai beau voir qu'il a joué IXIA pour 36 ici, je n'ai simplement pas réussi à voir où..."
All the accents are probably screwy in the annotation. Anyways, I couldn't see where the hell ixia played for 36. Ugh. I'm giving myself a #findinglarge even though it's not even my play.
6A UNA(L)I(v)E and B1 U(N)AI tie the game. I thought of B1 UNAI before it was blocked but didn't realize it was still available. With more time I think I would have been able to find at least B1 U(N)AI. #TIMESADDEST