Robert Linn
Robert Linn
Color Key
= Triple Triple
= Bingo 9+
= Improbable
= +
= +
= +
= + +
Player Lists
Type Play Probability Score
SQuAREL(Y) 16560 110
Wi(N)DLASS 23640 71
PEONIES 1609 74
(F)EUTrING 4696 83
SHELLI(E)r 17577 62
SAMURAI 11121 84
ELDRICH 13546 74
SOUNDEr 1743 73
AIRBO(A)TS 3567 61
(P)LaNLESS 22321 61
LOB(U)LATE 9157 64
DUNnIES 6913 79
COMA(N)AGE 12412 80
NORMALS 7815 66
ESTaTED 4963 78
MI(n)ISTRY 21543 76
VErITGO(S)* 0 62
E(N)TAILED 141 63
ROUPI(E)ST 1907 74
GALENAs 3803 75
AMAZONS 16648 82
EUGENIA 432 67
ENTITL(E)S 3551 68
GRANNiE(S) 2142 62
lAUWINE 2055 68
STEAMIN(G) 2422 72
G(E)RANIAL 791 74
URALITE 151 74
CAS(E)MENT 9285 78
oRANGIE(R) 403 77
NIRLIER 4544 61
ARSENI(D)E 107 60
ArCADED 18273 74
EQUA(LIS)iNG 5219 72
AGENISE 584 68
ETAEr(I)OS 17 61
OPALINE 424 72
DARNEST 550 72
GRaViN(G)S 26380 86
(R)EORDErS 20414 68
EnVYING 21804 71
(I)NTIMATE 4281 66
TWITChe(R) 25676 86
REORDA(I)N 174 76
RATTIE(S)T 8028 60
TURACOs 7827 66
(D)UOtONES 3874 68
ATHEISE 1379 71
NUTMEGS 14210 76
LEASiNG 980 83
BRACIO(L)A 12943 70
ALeRION(S) 29 74
SUIc(I)DES 26393 66
ROMAN(C)Ed 5259 158
BILTO(N)GS 12959 61
DIShRAG 12970 70
NEARLIE(R) 652 77
FALSIeS 12821 76
PINKEST 14726 88
ANERGIA 480 73
SEATERs 5268 70
WOMBATS 23809 80
DANCERS 4108 85
TOURING 2464 67
sTA(N)DEES 6688 59
TAINTEd 511 83
RELEASE 3507 66
GAUCHER 16396 77
BEnEMPT 21584 79
GARCONS 10483 88
sEJEANT 4196 76
HOO(R)AyED 10882 81
DECREAS(E) 10172 86
METOPES 12129 98
ARIsTAE 166 79
STRIGAE 371 78
EASTERS 5264 76
(C)ANDIDAS 24609 76
MO(D)ULATE 3547 76
AIERIES 315 74
DEBONER 3431 67
DERRIES 3427 71
POETISE(D) 1762 76
PRiVATE 2225 83
PELORIA 298 68
TEALIKE 3141 82
VICINAG(E) 10699 95
COLOBUS 27893 67
MORE(N)DOs 9010 140
SPATIAl(S)* 0 81
INERTIA(E) 39 68
cONSULT 16019 64
DISA(S)TER 2856 70
(D)ENIABlE 1954 83
SLATIER 115 68
ANOmIES 311 78
LaL(I)QUES 22107 77
CARBID(E)S 7392 82
W(I)NtERLY 7698 69
LAMINOU(S) 6044 62
COWRIEs 6842 82
ALLEGR(O)S 9096 70
CHA(T)TERS 18386 76
BOURNES 5130 78
SILvERS 17431 75
BODICES 7391 80
uPHOLDS 18982 85
MOUNDIN(G) 23738 64
PELISSE 19044 75
sETTLED 12295 64
CHANTOR 9838 88
HUTZPAS 30783 88
Q(U)ARRIEd 11741 114
WONTONS 23057 77
LENTORS 686 74
(E)RECTIoN 376 80
ENCAGEd 7684 76
DEPART(E)R 8333 63
bANTIES 800 65
JOIN(T)ERs 1616 72
S(O)TERIAL 34 82
QUO(I)NInG 29652 89
LOONIES 1357 68
ROUNdE(S)T 1172 113
ScARVES 22610 77
(D)ELETIoN 212 77
GALIPoT 4490 69
F(L)eTTONS 12435 66
LAUWINe 2055 78
WHITTL(E)S 23042 78
NUDDiES 11324 67
FERRITE(S) 8449 63
TEDISO(M)E 2508 64
(A)GUISING 24708 74
PALATI(N)E 1561 68
NUTMEA(T)S 10987 61
(U)nVARIeD 1331 70
LaTIGO(E)S 314 69
STANINE 711 71
NaTURAL 4126 64
RAVELIN 884 78
(R)EFOuNDS 6846 90
REPLA(C)ER 14368 63
MATINEE(S) 632 64
HEATERS 2934 80
vENATIC 3184 75
SOrEHEA(D) 2457 74
EUPh(O)RIA 2661 131
ENSUITE 791 71
ONEsELF 6445 76
E(R)GATOID 72 61
NITERIE 400 66
UPDAT(I)NG 11490 63
THIL(L)ERS 16128 80
RIOtOUS 4590 72
WOODIER 3742 90
LEISUR(E)S 10788 66
SONNIES 9585 74
NURSErS 20741 82
MILREIs 8122 84
APTNESS 13135 81
sOARERS 9639 74
cARELIN(E) 808 80
CANTEST 8665 74
AGEINGS 8336 93
EMBLiCS 23469 85
NATUrAL 5939 68
RUSTIER 3842 85
REMANDS 4185 102
STR(I)PPeD 23697 98
VIRG(A)TES 1777 74
EMBR(U)TEs 13504 69
EPHEDr(A)E* 0 67
INSIDER 1220 67
DOSSING 18398 87
InTRUDE 574 84
HEGIrAS 3386 91
ROSEAtE 88 70
kHEDI(V)Al 24718 76
(D)AINTIER 115 66
PIRATED 851 76
(V)ALOnIAS 6581 72
TOOTING 8225 68
MOU(N)TAIN 4929 62
(A)BLuENTS 4249 80
ACETInS 602 76
MUTTERS 16599 77
VARIATe(S) 1535 70
AUDIENT 117 71
IN(C)LOSER 1346 72
NOISIER 320 71
OUTSWAM 18126 91
I(D)EAtING 800 60
NEGATES 1135 69
UNSHOED 8521 74
EMER(G)ENT 13116 62
ENTRAN(C)E 5065 72
ANYTIME 2219 92
RELEASE 2415 70
EARINGS 345 63
MINDSET 4345 75
ARGENTS 1055 70
R(E)FINERS 8447 72
SETUALe 1821 73
fARN(E)SOL 1761 61
STARReD 2691 82
(M)OULTERs 4951 68
DIQUATs 15185 109
FAINTIS(H) 15874 95
INDU(V)IaE 3372 65
RIN(D)IEST 1103 68
REPLEAd 5444 90
RERAISE 1099 72
REVISIT 4907 73
A(N)sERINE 658 64
C(L)AIMERS 7253 76
TROWeLS 5255 77
(L)ONEsOME 10493 77
BIOC(I)DES 13974 82
REDLINE 764 80
NoURSLE(D) 2678 77
AlANINE 2225 64
SPEWIEr 11286 72
CAREL(E)SS 17987 61
IRO(N)ISED 499 68
DhOOTIE 3720 69
RESILED 1815 66
SER(I)CINS 17023 90
(N)EGATONS 2592 80
PREdOOM 16984 75
RAT(IO)NALS 541 63
COiNABL(E) 2619 63
(I)NTERNED 1670 70
cURTAIN(ED) 635 63
(P)HOsGENE 18361 78
(A)BALONES 4184 70
EY(E)LINER 6274 74
ALIQUOT 8327 89
RE(C)OILED 2424 62
sAVAGER 10704 81
AMIDAS(E)S 16160 72
OUGuIYA 19677 79
(A)NTIQUER 1584 131
AIERIES 326 73
SABINES 8698 64
DI(P)TERON 748 62
F(O)RSOOTH 34883 85
OOFIEST 3749 88
lANGURS 11369 71
ROsEOLA 1352 64
BANT(E)RER 5063 64
COOLERS 10790 78
LIVEDOS 5030 77
RADwA(S)TE 6485 70
QUINTIL(E) 11376 69
ROT(A)TION 2116 66
REPU(R)iFY 29518 82
OUTSOaR 4561 65
UNIfIES 5627 71
NOTATES 1013 78
REELInG 1542 68
REANO(I)NT 51 62
BLiTHEL(Y) 32263 69
DRAPERY 18815 89
OUTVOTE(S) 19550 86
fANFARE 20656 74
U(N)ITARDS 1693 72
FrASSEs 28797 75
STEA(M)ILy 7353 131
PANNIER 2753 65
SOLATES 4783 83
TrEA(S)URE 3536 68
VERTIGO 1898 78
EvANISH 5723 85
REBRAND 8431 72
WEIGHtS 16381 87
RAVIGO(T)E 495 78
ELECTi(N)G 5876 90
PI(A)NISTE 1552 78
OVEr(N)EAT 273 61
EQUATED 6772 92
iNTONER 265 69
INCAGES 3349 68
MAsSIER 8916 81
BOTa(N)IES 236 62
bETAINE 484 71
AR(R)ESTEE 5840 68
(R)IDDLERs 19938 70
EROT(I)CAS 255 90
mA(R)AUDER 16444 68
IN(T)AGLIO 2049 60
TOASTIE(R) 133 68
URE(D)INIA 284 72
KENOSIS 10658 77
PUNNERs 16442 74
ATTUNES 3807 76
NOSEgAY 3969 74
POI(N)TIER 914 68
SORTERS 9524 93
SIGMaTe(S) 14358 68
NITRIDS 4127 86
PATTIES 3526 68
LINTELS 5023 73
DEFROST 5192 107
VIEWING 17126 80
INPOURs 7908 82
LIENEES 3512 69
(U)NTANgLE 7263 74
REUNITE 285 66
CREMaTo(R) 10238 74
BO(N)EYARd 3647 64
NEtTLER 3474 64
STRaFED 4165 80
AVIATEd 2372 72
TEAWARE 3349 72
SWIFTER 9581 78
LINTERS 415 64
UNHOrSE 5217 70
CORRIES 6042 76
BURdEN(E)D 22176 61
GI(G)ATONS 10781 76
fEATU(R)ES 3991 78
R(E)ADORNS 1462 60
SMELTED 12937 76
GRUNtIN(G) 29646 70
RAT(E)ABlE 4370 86
R(A)NGOLIS 1564 60
SAPO(N)INE 2226 64
SPENDEr 6242 73
sNOOTIE(R) 215 61
YARDmAN 21792 78
UNLIM(B)ER 11959 86
(E)XACTOrS 10071 101
GANTLO(P)E 2838 94
tONSURE 671 76
gRANITE 81 82
LEWIS(I)TE 7710 86
ScORIAE 297 68
SAT(I)NETS 6610 59
TRUNDL(E)R 9108 65
(T)ONSIlAR 363 74
LEEChES 25392 66
DINGBAT 8787 85
RAN(G)IEST 198 72
GENISTA 360 94
sTRIGIL 12018 77
OuTS(T)ATE 13863 68
INS(U)RINg 20920 118
R(E)FUNDER 17557 68
STANINE 715 87
PUNKIER 14783 80
LIC(E)NSEE 10190 72
WEIRDED 14950 73
mORRILL* 0 65
The of bingos played by the player that were not challenged off.
Triple Triples
Type Play Probability Score
ROMAN(C)Ed 5259 158
MORE(N)DOs 9010 140
ROUNdE(S)T 1172 113
EUPh(O)RIA 2661 131
STEA(M)ILy 7353 131
INS(U)RINg 20920 118
Triple triples played by the player that were not challenged off. They do not have to be bingos.
Bingo Nines or Above
Type Play Probability Score
EQUA(LIS)iNG 5219 72
RAT(IO)NALS 541 63
cURTAIN(ED) 635 63
Bingos played by the player that were nine letters or longer and were not challenged off.
Challenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were challenged off by an opponent.
Unchallenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
VErITGO(S)* 0 62
DUR* 0 21
SPATIAl(S)* 0 81
SKETT* 0 48
PIROGS* 0 36
EPHEDr(A)E* 0 67
(EEK)S* 0 18
WEE(PED)* 0 16
COL(D)Y* 0 28
BIGO* 0 19
GERME* 0 16
EXACTO* 0 34
MATTY* 0 27
J(I)NXER* 0 40
mORRILL* 0 65
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were not challenged by an opponent.
Plays That Were Challenged
Type Play Probability Score
W(E)NTS 3248 32
DHOLE 3686 24
CRENN(E)L* 0 0
BL(A)IZE 9183 43
GRaViN(G)S 26380 86
JEED 2986 37
OUTGULp* 0 0
OVERQuI(ET)* 0 0
GAVOT(E)* 0 0
FALSIeS 12821 76
AFA(L)D 8299 31
(NO)R 112 10
HOLP(EN) 9682 28
BEnEMPT 21584 79
(L)EU 211 0
(n)URS 2066 19
SAI(N) 260 0
DISA(S)TER 2856 70
(D)ENIABlE 1954 83
LaL(I)QUES 22107 77
PAA(l)S 8323 36
MOUNDIN(G) 23738 64
PELISSE 19044 75
CHANTOR 9838 88
PA(C)EY 8356 26
(F)ACETTY* 0 0
U(N)SuDDEN* 0 0
(C)HOBS* 0 0
SOrEHEA(D) 2457 74
(G)OBY 4836 35
DIzAINS 16263 0
KORIrIS* 0 0
WORk(S)PAN* 0 0
FEE 370 0
BRUX 5234 42
CANTEST 8665 74
DOSSING 18398 87
FILU(M) 10009 28
ZOIST* 0 0
MIMS* 0 0
GLEY 3067 0
(D)OOZY 11677 32
INDU(V)IaE 3372 65
JEW* 0 0
REPLEAd 5444 90
OA* 0 0
STALAG 10541 32
GOU(C)H 10968 38
TAUbE 1462 21
DhOOTIE 3720 69
FOME* 0 0
RAT(IO)NALS 541 63
TIX 754 0
BANT(E)RER 5063 64
LIVEDOS 5030 77
RADwA(S)TE 6485 70
QUINTIL(E) 11376 69
TZADI* 0 0
VINY 3674 23
B(Y)WATER* 0 0
BOoHI(N)GS* 0 0
BIGSHO(T)s* 0 0
SUNL(A)ND 18126 20
MAsSIER 8916 81
LARIATS 3167 0
BAWNS 8597 31
HEXONE 11008 40
(K)ALIFA* 0 0
BU(A)CH* 0 0
BARQU(E) 12146 37
LIBRA 2697 29
PICAS 7110 0
YARDmAN 21792 78
UNLIM(B)ER 11959 86
TRUNDL(E)R 9108 65
LAT 171 0
OYER 651 0
TAUTOG 8708 31
OFFY 5528 40
PUNKIER 14783 80
Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Opponent Lists
Type Play Probability Score
UNRETiR(ED) 1384 68
BAUL(K)IER 12624 78
(T)ICKLERs 17672 104
ADV(E)NING 9381 76
ATEBRIN 289 72
CoINVE(N)T 10314 76
MOONIER 1782 87
SOUTANE 160 66
I(N)TROITS 4468 61
VaLIA(N)CY 27940 80
(R)EEDIEST 2443 61
(H)ArDNOSE 1734 74
RELIAN(C)E 810 61
CADEnZA 19599 95
BAINITE 1087 75
HALY(A)RDS 29954 101
T(R)EBLIER 8413 88
BEACoNS 6679 76
ReNaMED 2923 79
SaRTORI(I) 2347 69
PERFECt(A) 11662 85
MOTLIER 1288 74
(I)dIOLECT 4229 80
SEEDBED 27797 81
STANINE 716 102
(T)ROMpING 15353 80
R(I)PARIAN 16196 64
WINTERS 2167 78
A(R)MOIRES 2314 65
OUTSEEN 1117 69
GLISTEN 2319 92
(W)ORRITED 4698 64
DOOLEES 6507 73
FrANKE(R)S 24241 98
(C)ORDAGES 5678 76
VERsANT 2123 86
OUtDONE 2838 71
VEILIER 6124 81
LOUNGES 5692 82
STANZAi(C) 22490 107
(N)OtITIAE 294 66
OuT(L)ANDs 3229 66
P(R)AIRIES 7355 70
RISOTT(O)S 22830 70
TENSELY 6484 82
DETOURS 1264 76
ARENI(T)ES 29 68
cOTTAGE 8394 76
DENTILS 1509 73
REPE(L)LED 30037 94
SEEMLI(E)R 10202 70
R(E)LISTED 1223 73
LANATED 1677 70
SNARFLE 4222 79
A(T)EBRINS 511 62
(D)EALINGS 1453 83
TRANNIE 247 66
LOERIES 393 68
M(E)TEWANd 9298 80
(M)YOSITIS 32403 92
LEANERS 760 72
(C)OTHURNS 22062 84
(A)LPINELY 18667 88
BRAVOES 6670 81
UNSER(V)ED 11206 78
F(R)ONTAgE 1245 80
hEPTANE 7126 72
TERRAIN 249 63
DIeTARY 847 97
DIRTIES 1681 67
ALUNITE 110 70
UNDREsT 2328 73
lAIRA(G)Es 1919 59
FOLATES 2613 71
INcANTE(D) 3774 77
LI(G)rOINS 4956 82
SERVING 4408 94
(U)RBAnITE 515 77
SEABANK 19519 86
cRAZIER 15789 79
SNOOPER 6986 78
IGArAPE 3746 79
SCOPINg 20226 91
OUTRA(V)ES 1760 74
DAWNING 12921 83
UNTRIED 414 70
D(I)ApHoNE 1866 86
PLEAdeR 5270 88
PROTEAN 442 84
DIAMINE 2312 81
DOGFISH 24328 88
LAWINEs 2051 73
HAULERS 7533 77
MILTERS 4399 79
o(X)ALATED 5721 80
E(M)ULATOR 1270 74
pRO(G)ERIA 2518 59
DAIRIES 639 75
L(E)VANTED 2888 72
HERBIES(T) 6801 80
UNWARnE(D) 10902 86
R(E)TAILOR 179 59
VENE(N)OsE 17583 90
(F)LAUNTEr 3100 83
ENTIREl(Y) 2104 74
ATTONES 1012 78
RETIR(A)NT 1530 76
AMIDINS 11417 80
hOOkNO(S)E 33399 62
MISGAVE 12066 80
HENBANE 16506 82
WENNIER 6551 70
TANGELO 504 70
ATHE(T)OID 2294 63
(I)NSERTED 347 72
PiEROGI 4598 74
T(O)NGSTER 5113 72
ADU(L)ARIA 13803 68
(B)EGIRDED 20650 89
TAIGLeS 972 68
COOPT(I)Ng 22054 65
HELIMAN 5712 83
NANITES 714 76
ANDESIT(E) 149 80
ADVISER 2018 71
ENcASIN(G) 9636 77
ONSTEAD 188 84
M(E)TERAGE 8642 72
(C)ELErIES 7368 60
ENTE(L)LUS 15277 70
DY(S)TONIC 16911 64
RAILBE(D)S 2966 65
NIOBItE 1481 75
CHARISM 22816 81
(F)LANNIES 6796 76
pREMO(L)AR 14744 158
FAITHER(S) 4258 66
OLESTRA 197 84
NEREIDS 755 90
DIABAS(E)s 11680 70
W(E)IRDOES 1765 78
IOLITES 962 69
GENTILE 1582 66
ORBIEST 1235 89
GRICERS 15654 79
BARReNS 8611 70
NETTLES 8336 74
MEIOSES 8190 74
UNREAdY 2887 87
BERGEns 11800 74
CLAImED 9260 76
ASHIVER 5870 97
PANNiST 11921 94
FATIG(U)ES 3452 63
DiVESTS 12425 77
UnTHRO(N)E 5815 90
LADRONE 180 90
NIFTIES 4866 69
FA(I)LUReS 3011 60
(F)ORTIETH 10323 86
I(N)VADING 23241 69
TAEn(I)ATE 894 76
GUIDERS 4653 78
NUMBATS 20967 91
(D)ETAINER 36 72
YESHiVA 15773 81
FERMATE 7149 78
INFLATe(R) 530 83
ALERCEs 5410 76
OPERATE(S) 1049 62
TELFORD 5183 78
aT(R)AMENT 7612 158
PIRNIES 4895 73
GALEA(T)ED 5053 61
E(N)CEINTE 11475 68
JINgLET 11051 78
DIPTERA 843 68
Us(T)ULATE 19899 61
uMBRAT(E)D 11834 65
DO(U)ANIER 24 62
DANCIN(G)S 22448 65
UNFAnCy 30897 83
VIRGATE 1587 80
(e)NDEMIAL 1930 70
GR(I)EVING 17201 76
InWARDS 4749 83
(EL)EVATING 1222 92
PANIERS 914 80
UGLIF(I)Ed 18247 94
TEN(E)BRIO 375 61
SL(U)MPIER 16654 74
ENTOILS 234 77
TEA(k)WOOD 16339 74
S(A)LTERNS 5696 59
(W)ALkOVER 22258 73
EQUA(T)ORS 3082 84
R(E)JOINED 1974 86
(S)WITHERS 17055 104
EROTI(Z)ED 2051 70
ESCARpS 16505 94
TILTAB(L)e 12742 72
A(G)AcERIE 3362 70
(C)OMPARES 15218 82
OcTAGON 8802 68
RESILED 1315 78
PETUNIA 919 73
VICARAT(E) 4999 76
(F)AMILLES 23428 78
TRUdGER 13310 73
HIRSLED 7589 94
STERNuM 5558 82
(U)nRULIER 10940 61
DISUSES 28508 73
WIZAR(D)Ly 32156 110
AnTIPO(D)E 259 74
vIADUCT 16673 74
TAN(G)ENTS 13173 68
COINTE(R)S 759 61
(F)REAKING 11570 113
REFIXEs 11116 134
LARNIeR 701 64
STIVIE(S)T 27529 74
NEROLIS 231 70
FROgBIT 16523 78
DEoDATE 3313 75
VAnITIE(S) 1610 62
SARNIES 1840 75
DaLTONI(C) 3153 74
REUNION 1025 65
IMPEDES 15235 87
EPIGEAN 2074 72
LANDL(E)SS 18171 60
TANNERY 5227 78
SaLIVAS 23931 70
OUTRIGS 4818 67
RIALTOS 601 78
VANITAS 7099 78
STRIn(G)ED 1455 131
RAbBITO 15426 72
INSHORE 929 83
SKINTER 4818 73
cROUPIE(R) 14774 80
UNLOADE(R) 412 70
DEALING 951 74
(D)IOptERS 1811 68
RA(T)IFIES 1597 74
TER(P)ENIC 5678 78
AIRTIME 1084 69
RETIR(A)NT 1531 66
ENSILAG(E) 918 80
SIDERAT(E) 152 80
ENTRAIN(S) 450 77
ToILWO(R)N 7845 74
OvERGOT 9271 83
ENACTED 2065 67
FOOTaGE 4077 77
VALI(A)NTS 6929 72
INTR(U)DES 688 70
GUI(S)ARDS 20418 72
UNmOORE(D) 6298 77
SIRUPI(E)R 16371 63
(R)IDgIEST 3877 70
JAROViS(E) 6060 104
tAPPIC(E)D 26808 67
ACHIEST 5643 75
PARETNs* 0 72
(F)ENESTRA 2004 91
STRID(E)Rs 14591 70
FReTTED 14637 71
DETeR(G)ER 16423 86
F(U)RCaTED 11514 86
MIsERE(R)E 16010 67
DEALATE(S) 3230 68
IND(E)CENT 8412 94
SPINNER 8785 70
HOUNgA(N)S 23840 72
REMAkES 16131 62
CHAIRED 5739 80
ERMINES 3033 76
ETOILES 277 64
EERIEST 1171 70
HEEDIER 7976 79
ARRANgE 6526 69
(E)PICEDeS 21858 95
SENARII 167 74
SLAV(E)RED 6794 67
RECRUIt 8537 71
VENINES 10104 70
AGENISE 571 64
ANIMATE 1054 76
SIDEWAL(K) 17943 113
(T)OLERATE 914 77
MANTLEs 4139 81
sOUPING 14528 87
OCTUPLE 14680 68
ADOP(T)ING 4890 74
SUCtION 7681 80
rATOONe(D) 288 66
bA(D)LANdS 32671 66
IONONES 3489 70
ESOTERY 3552 75
ANOX(E)MIA 6502 68
(T)OENAILs 31 61
HERNIAS 839 81
MA(N)DOLAS 10523 75
DEAREST 533 78
JOGglER 18787 81
REGALES 2255 78
VERITAS 937 67
ANTIBOS(S) 11587 76
RIAN(C)IEs 1588 61
MOIDORE 3743 74
CORNIST 4572 85
SHw(A)NPAN 37385 66
TENEBRI(O) 375 83
REIN(V)ADE 596 74
UNBlEsT 8021 83
LaTCHES 12958 80
VERBAlS 13367 99
REMINd(E)R 8427 76
RATTENS 1799 86
DIAL(E)CTS 2998 74
dEFRAUD(S) 20974 76
TURdINe 412 73
WEA(K)LING 11265 68
DO(L)LIERS 6366 86
TRIZONE 1464 96
sENATOR 40 86
V(I)oLENCE 4411 82
SERRATE 1737 74
UNLEA(R)NT 1952 59
DRONInG 6753 70
ORGA(n)iSE 59 88
TANNABl(E) 11725 70
DEUT(E)RON 649 61
CoESITE 1639 65
SOAPERS 10180 70
(RE)WEARING 4256 92
SOLDIE(R)Y 3678 74
AUBERG(E)S 6854 76
INPOURS 7908 72
STELLIT(E) 16891 70
HAINING 19574 80
cADUCEI 19890 71
PINTOES 923 81
(D)ELETiNg 1578 74
TORAnAS 1750 75
DYNEiNS 12380 78
ANOREXI(A) 995 112
PINGOES 4016 74
L(A)BORINg 5023 76
(S)INTERED 481 68
FA(I)NTIER 643 71
OXGATES 8001 80
J(E)OfAILS 9580 80
MORWONG(S) 29686 106
BRAUNIT(E) 494 74
W(A)GONAgE 14136 84
LACE(R)TID 922 82
PREACTS 6503 92
INTINES 4546 71
P(U)TRIDER 11038 65
AGATOID 3082 97
GESTURE 6101 78
RAPHIAS 17183 78
CL(I)MBeRS 23460 69
(F)ASTENED 3946 64
IMPAS(T)OS 23614 75
UN(P)ROVED 13460 80
(D)IGyNIAN 23105 70
(R)AVIGOTE 495 92
TEnORI(T)E 269 61
(T)RADUCES 4255 69
HALIDES 4049 78
PROTO(N)IC 14555 70
APpEARS 24209 64
FATIGUE 3382 80
R(I)PARIAN 16184 65
BErCEA(U)X 26919 78
REALIST 146 72
CALLING 22984 76
GRISTeR 5959 89
ROVINgS 10202 89
CLEANE(S)T 3815 62
aIRSIDE 621 83
TINDeRS 557 68
ALIENAT(E) 170 77
SAPROBE 6693 81
EXARATE 6664 94
DIpLE(G)IA 8766 72
AETATIs 2224 75
UNSTITC(H) 30412 78
ELMIEST 5587 70
FIBROUS 18136 94
The of bingos played by the player that were not challenged off.
Triple Triples
Type Play Probability Score
pREMO(L)AR 14744 158
aT(R)AMENT 7612 158
STRIn(G)ED 1455 131
Triple triples played by the player that were not challenged off. They do not have to be bingos.
Bingo Nines or Above
Type Play Probability Score
UNRETiR(ED) 1384 68
(EL)EVATING 1222 92
(RE)WEARING 4256 92
Bingos played by the player that were nine letters or longer and were not challenged off.
Challenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were challenged off by an opponent.
Unchallenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
FUCIN* 0 24
U(N)WIRY* 0 26
PARETNs* 0 72
(FRITZ)ING* 0 63
NUBIAE* 0 82
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were not challenged by an opponent.
Plays That Were Challenged
Type Play Probability Score
FIN(N)Y 10221 30
ZOUNDS 11265 58
VaLIA(N)CY 27940 80
BATT(A) 8799 14
HEND 1722 52
T(R)EBLIER 8413 88
CABiNES* 0 0
GEEKY 10595 52
DAU(K)* 0 0
GIBLI 9261 27
VEILIER 6124 81
(D)EALINGS 1453 83
(M)YOSITIS 32403 92
FL(A)VID* 0 0
THARS 4624 46
(A)LPINELY 18667 88
DIRTIES 1681 67
ADIPOsA* 0 0
YUCH(Y)* 0 0
SWIFT 8733 28
VENE(N)OsE 17583 90
AMIDINS 11417 80
HENBANE 16506 82
ADU(L)ARIA 13803 68
(B)EGIRDED 20650 89
TAIGLeS 972 68
G(O)LP 3979 22
ADVISER 2018 71
MUD 1144 26
M(E)TERAGE 8642 72
ALAP 3403 24
YUFT 4864 58
(F)LANNIES 6796 76
pREMO(L)AR 14744 158
(R)IFTED 2349 28
GRICERS 15654 79
TANKIA 7460 51
NIFTIES 4866 69
FENEG(A)* 0 0
FERMATE 7149 78
TELFORD 5183 78
aT(R)AMENT 7612 158
GALEA(T)ED 5053 61
Us(T)ULATE 19899 61
uMBRAT(E)D 11834 65
DANCIN(G)S 22448 65
PANIERS 914 80
SL(U)MPIER 16654 74
TEA(k)WOOD 16339 74
(S)WITHERS 17055 104
(S)ILuRIAS* 0 0
PART 1164 18
DISUSES 28508 73
WIZAR(D)Ly 32156 110
KEB 1114 29
ROAT* 0 0
VANITAS 7099 78
RAbBITO 15426 72
FYC(E) 4732 36
TER(P)ENIC 5678 78
ToILWO(R)N 7845 74
OvERGOT 9271 83
VALI(A)NTS 6929 72
SIRUPI(E)R 16371 63
tAPPIC(E)D 26808 67
PAUL 3211 21
DETeR(G)ER 16423 86
Y(ERK)S 9362 53
MEAgERS* 0 0
VACANT 14435 45
GESTIC 6149 25
SENARII 167 74
POU(L)tING* 0 0
ESOTERY 3552 75
JOGglER 18787 81
ANTIBOS(S) 11587 76
BOW(S)EY 16563 54
TANNABl(E) 11725 70
YU(N)X 5262 33
(RE)WEARING 4256 92
STELLIT(E) 16891 70
HAINING 19574 80
COLUReD* 0 0
cADUCEI 19890 71
MEME* 0 0
ZAX 1301 47
TE(A)CHIE 3851 28
MORWONG(S) 29686 106
P(U)TRIDER 11038 65
DRONY 5201 37
GRISTeR 5959 89
Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Notable Lists
Many Double Words Covered
Games in which at least 15 double word bonus squares were covered.
All Triple Words Covered
Games in which every triple word bonus square was covered.
Many Challenges
Games in which there are at least 5 challenges made. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Four or More Consecutive Bingos
Games in which the player bingos at least 4 times in a row.
Game Stats
Stat Average Total
Games 1.00 197
Invalid Games 0.02 4
Incomplete 0.02 4
Disconnected 0.00 0
Other 0.00 0
Total Turns 25.78 5078
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Player Stats
Stat Average Total
Wins 0.38 75
Score 407.12 80202
Score per Turn 31.6754
Turns 12.85 2532
Vertical Plays 5.61 1106
Horizontal Plays 6.21 1224
One Tile Plays 0.50 99
Other Plays 0.52 103
Firsts 0.52 103
Vertical Openings per First 0.0000
Horizontal Openings per First 1.0000
Full Rack per Turn 0.3108
Exchanges 0.23 45
High Game 556
Low Game 234
Highest Scoring Turn 158
Bingos Played 1.83 361
Sevens 0.96 190
Eights 0.85 168
Nines 0.01 2
Tens 0.01 1
Elevens 0.00 0
Twelves 0.00 0
Thirteens 0.00 0
Fourteens 0.00 0
Fifteens 0.00 0
Bingo Probabilities 7598.95
Sevens 7034.59
Eights 8341.39
Nines 588.00
Tens 5219.00
Elevens 0.00
Twelves 0.00
Thirteens 0.00
Fourteens 0.00
Fifteens 0.00
Tiles Played 47.56 9369
A 4.27 842
B 0.87 172
C 1.00 197
D 1.87 368
E 5.60 1104
F 1.02 201
G 1.43 282
H 1.01 198
I 4.10 808
J 0.56 110
K 0.46 90
L 2.02 397
M 1.01 198
N 2.83 558
O 3.88 765
P 1.01 199
Q 0.56 110
R 2.54 501
S 1.87 368
T 2.76 544
U 1.93 381
V 0.95 187
W 1.04 205
X 0.46 90
Y 1.07 210
Z 0.44 87
? 1.00 197
Power Tiles Played 4.88 962
? 1.00 197
J 0.56 110
Q 0.56 110
X 0.46 90
Z 0.44 87
S 1.87 368
Power Tiles Stuck With 0.17 34
? 0.03 6
J 0.01 1
Q 0.03 6
X 0.01 1
Z 0.00 0
S 0.10 20
Turns With a Blank 1.13 222
Triple Triples Played 0.03 6
Bingoless Games 0.06 11
Bonus Square Coverage 15.44 3041
Double Letter 4.87 960
Triple Letter 5.29 1043
Double Word 3.01 592
Triple Word 2.26 446
Phony Plays 0.31 62
Unchallenged 0.08 16
Challenged Off 0.23 46
Challenges 1.00 197
You Won 0.11 21
Opponent Lost 0.25 50
You Lost 0.41 80
Opponent Won 0.23 46
Challenge Percentage 0.2079
Defending Challenge Percentage 0.5208
Percentage Phonies Unchallenged 0.2581
Comments 6.10 1201
Comments Word Length 96.80 19070
Mistakeless Turns 12.85 2532
Mistakes per Turn 0.0000
Mistakes 0.00 0
Knowledge 0.00 0
Finding 0.00 0
Vision 0.00 0
Tactics 0.00 0
Strategy 0.00 0
Endgame 0.00 0
Time 0.00 0
Dynamic Mistakes 0.00 0
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Player Confidence Intervals
Tile p CI
A 0.4744 (0.4450, 0.5062)
B 0.4350 (0.4108, 0.5404)
C 0.5000 (0.4108, 0.5404)
D 0.4675 (0.4298, 0.5214)
E 0.4667 (0.4491, 0.5021)
F 0.5100 (0.4108, 0.5404)
G 0.4767 (0.4227, 0.5285)
H 0.5050 (0.4108, 0.5404)
I 0.4556 (0.4450, 0.5062)
J 0.5600 (0.3839, 0.5673)
K 0.4600 (0.3839, 0.5673)
L 0.5050 (0.4298, 0.5214)
M 0.5050 (0.4108, 0.5404)
N 0.4717 (0.4382, 0.5130)
O 0.4850 (0.4432, 0.5080)
P 0.5050 (0.4108, 0.5404)
Q 0.5600 (0.3839, 0.5673)
R 0.4233 (0.4382, 0.5130)
S 0.4675 (0.4298, 0.5214)
T 0.4600 (0.4382, 0.5130)
U 0.4825 (0.4298, 0.5214)
V 0.4750 (0.4108, 0.5404)
W 0.5200 (0.4108, 0.5404)
X 0.4600 (0.3839, 0.5673)
Y 0.5350 (0.4108, 0.5404)
Z 0.4400 (0.3839, 0.5673)
? 0.5000 (0.4108, 0.5404)
To learn more about these statistics, check the 'Confidence Intervals' section on the about page.
Opponent Stats
Stat Average Total
Wins 0.62 122
Score 437.89 86265
Score per Turn 33.8826
Turns 12.92 2546
Vertical Plays 5.79 1140
Horizontal Plays 6.27 1236
One Tile Plays 0.43 84
Other Plays 0.44 86
Firsts 0.48 94
Vertical Openings per First 0.0625
Horizontal Openings per First 0.9375
Full Rack per Turn 0.9214
Exchanges 0.31 62
High Game 653
Low Game 294
Highest Scoring Turn 158
Bingos Played 2.03 400
Sevens 1.01 199
Eights 1.01 198
Nines 0.02 3
Tens 0.00 0
Elevens 0.00 0
Twelves 0.00 0
Thirteens 0.00 0
Fourteens 0.00 0
Fifteens 0.00 0
Bingo Probabilities 7803.51
Sevens 6384.59
Eights 9298.83
Nines 2287.33
Tens 0.00
Elevens 0.00
Twelves 0.00
Thirteens 0.00
Fourteens 0.00
Fifteens 0.00
Tiles Played 49.83 9817
A 4.54 895
B 1.10 216
C 0.94 185
D 2.05 403
E 6.12 1205
F 0.94 186
G 1.50 296
H 0.98 194
I 4.60 907
J 0.43 85
K 0.54 107
L 1.86 366
M 0.92 181
N 2.96 584
O 3.92 772
P 0.97 191
Q 0.39 76
R 3.17 624
S 1.99 393
T 3.03 596
U 1.95 384
V 0.99 196
W 0.95 187
X 0.54 106
Y 0.93 184
Z 0.55 109
? 0.96 189
Power Tiles Played 4.86 958
? 0.96 189
J 0.43 85
Q 0.39 76
X 0.54 106
Z 0.55 109
S 1.99 393
Power Tiles Stuck With 0.08 16
? 0.01 2
J 0.01 1
Q 0.03 5
X 0.00 0
Z 0.01 1
S 0.04 7
Turns With a Blank 1.81 357
Triple Triples Played 0.02 3
Bingoless Games 0.03 6
Bonus Square Coverage 16.35 3220
Double Letter 5.54 1092
Triple Letter 5.57 1097
Double Word 2.98 587
Triple Word 2.25 444
Phony Plays 0.15 29
Unchallenged 0.04 8
Challenged Off 0.11 21
Challenges 1.00 197
You Won 0.23 46
Opponent Lost 0.41 80
You Lost 0.25 50
Opponent Won 0.11 21
Challenge Percentage 0.4792
Defending Challenge Percentage 0.7921
Percentage Phonies Unchallenged 0.2759
Comments 6.10 1201
Comments Word Length 96.80 19070
Mistakeless Turns 11.55 2275
Mistakes per Turn 0.1115
Mistakes 1.44 284
Knowledge 0.42 82
Finding 0.20 40
Vision 0.21 41
Tactics 0.14 27
Strategy 0.28 56
Endgame 0.11 22
Time 0.08 16
Dynamic Mistakes 0.00 0
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Opponent Confidence Intervals
Tile p CI
A 0.5044 (0.4677, 0.5289)
B 0.5500 (0.4334, 0.5632)
C 0.4700 (0.4334, 0.5632)
D 0.5125 (0.4524, 0.5442)
E 0.5100 (0.4718, 0.5248)
F 0.4700 (0.4334, 0.5632)
G 0.5000 (0.4453, 0.5513)
H 0.4900 (0.4334, 0.5632)
I 0.5111 (0.4677, 0.5289)
J 0.4300 (0.4065, 0.5901)
K 0.5400 (0.4065, 0.5901)
L 0.4650 (0.4524, 0.5442)
M 0.4600 (0.4334, 0.5632)
N 0.4933 (0.4608, 0.5358)
O 0.4900 (0.4659, 0.5307)
P 0.4850 (0.4334, 0.5632)
Q 0.3900 (0.4065, 0.5901)
R 0.5283 (0.4608, 0.5358)
S 0.4975 (0.4524, 0.5442)
T 0.5050 (0.4608, 0.5358)
U 0.4875 (0.4524, 0.5442)
V 0.4950 (0.4334, 0.5632)
W 0.4750 (0.4334, 0.5632)
X 0.5400 (0.4065, 0.5901)
Y 0.4650 (0.4334, 0.5632)
Z 0.5500 (0.4065, 0.5901)
? 0.4800 (0.4334, 0.5632)
To learn more about these statistics, check the 'Confidence Intervals' section on the about page.
Opponent Mistakes
Play Type Size Comment
5J DEG +21 Tactics Small
5J GEL #tacticssmall
F9 ZHO +42 Strategy Small
F9 ZOL #strategysad
5B W(OO)FS +22 Endgame Small
5A WR(OO)TS #endgamesad
9G OWE +19 Strategy Medium
9C WOE leaves the R open. #strategysadder
D1 VOTEEN +30 Finding Large
12H WINOE(S) +26 Vision Large
2J RU(B)ATO +20 Time Large
C9 OUTRA(G)E. I think I had 4 seconds left. #TIMESADDEST
13H (E)CAD +30 Strategy Medium
Took a stupidly long time here and still didn't even think to look for a play like B1 OCEANID for 38. I did ECAD over other plays like DECANI in the same spot (my other primary choice) to keep IN together for -ING words down to the G of TROMPING. But the AINO leave is just too imbalanced and the pool not bingo prone enough. Just EOAN in the same spot is Quackle's pick, and if I want to keep IN together something like 2B ODA looks like a much better way to do it. #strategymedium 11:17
D8 (M)OUE +15 Strategy Small
N2 OUS is Quackle's interesting suggestion - only the L hooks it in the unseen pool, and I have the N to hook NOUS myself; the AEINR leave also bingos a solid amount here. #strategysmall 10:18
K7 P(O)UFED +24 Finding Small
Saw UPDOVE a moment too late. #findingsmall
3G ZO +44 Tactics Large
lmao. wtf. 3G ZOO. #tacticssaddest
M5 REV +23 Finding Large
L8 HESP +38 Finding Medium
L8 POHS #findingsadder
A3 WOF +16 Time Medium
A3 AFT is 3 points better. #timesadder
E10 (R)OO +6 Strategy Medium
Too fishy. 4L AEON. #strategysadder
H4 QI(S) +22 Tactics Small
5F QI #tacticssad.
D12 POEM +30 Strategy Medium
12C IP(O)MOEA digs for the other blank I guess. #strategysadder
F10 (F)IAR +14 Time Large
14J JE(E)LS +56 Knowledge Large
14D OOP +25 Finding Large
8K (A)HINT +36 Finding Large
J5 AZO +37 Tactics Medium
L4 VAU #tacticssadder
9C KON +25 Finding Large
9C KILN. I'm playing this game badly now but it gets way worse later. #FINDINGSADDEST
O10 LINIER +27 Strategy Medium
G10 LI(c)E apparently bingos a lot. Maybe at 7A. I dunno. #strategysadder
N4 IDE +14 Time Large
At this point I am very low on time and proceed to absolutely blow the game for this turn and the nex. This is technically winning, but it's way harder for a human to play, especially with no time. L4 AE is best. #TIMESADDEST
B12 REE(L) +8 Time Large
Only J12 (E)RE and J12 (E)AR win. I had no time, again. #TIMESADDEST
J6 FL(A)VID +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
12C VENUE +22 Knowledge Small
12A VENULE is better and I'm not sure why I didn't play 12A VENUE. #knowledgesmall #strategysmall
12C VENUE +22 Strategy Small
12A VENULE is better and I'm not sure why I didn't play 12A VENUE. #knowledgesmall #strategysmall
M12 OXIC +49 Vision Large
I didn't even look at the A column. WOW. #visionSADDEST
14F PROB +20 Vision Small
4D PROB(E) #visionsmall
O6 RHYTANS +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
N8 DEE +15 Finding Large
N2 NEEDIER is obviously the move but because I am blind and also should not be allowed out in public, I did not see it. #FINDINGSADDEST
G7 U(R) +3 Finding Large
12J FIN +20 Knowledge Large
Okay this one I just straight up didn't know: M1 FLANERI(E) #knowledgeSADDEST
13K GIRL +19 Knowledge Large
whichever god blessed me with these tiles four times in a row is crying in their bedroom listening to emo music from the early 2000s. 13H GLARIER #KNOWLEDGESADDEST
C5 lAIRA(G)Es +59 Knowledge Large
M1 AcIERAt(E) and E4 pERIAg(U)A are notable #KNOWLEDGESADDEST
14E FOLATES +71 Knowledge Medium
5B F(l)OATELS is better here #knowledgesadder
13D OIS +10 Strategy Small
I had the case S with no blanks or Fs out, so I wanted to be clever and make a set-up. 6J OI(K)S is better though #strategysmall
7K R(E)Z +49 Knowledge Large
ALSO yes I let my opponent get away with DUR* because that's how we do here #KNOWLEDGESADDEST
5C (l)AIR +14 Vision Large
9J OXO +22 Knowledge Small
E9 V(E)GAN +18 Knowledge Large
K3 OURI(E) +10 Knowledge Large
1K WA(G)ER +30 Knowledge Large
12K MIL +18 Strategy Medium
2L L(A)M is good but I was trying to create a lane with 12K MIL #strategymedium
G3 FEAR(ED) +14 Knowledge Large
F12 REF(T) is nice #visionsaddest #knowledgesaddest
G3 FEAR(ED) +14 Vision Large
F12 REF(T) is nice #visionsaddest #knowledgesaddest
8A ALIT +29 Finding Medium
8A LOIN is better #findingsadder
13J OUK +19 Vision Large
jesus christ F10 (n)UKE #VISIONSADDEST
H4 NYE +20 Strategy Large
I didn't want to play N5 NY while my opponent still had the hooks, but I didn't pay attention to his leave because I was running short on time. It was safe for me to play #strategylarge
exch PE +0 Strategy Medium
8G PE is better #strategymedium
exch IIY +0 Strategy Small
I6 YI(TE) maybe? There should be three Is in the bag if my opponent kept IRS. Hmmm. #strategysmall
K2 ZENITH +49 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for challenge
1L (F)OLD +24 Knowledge Medium
M2 LATI is nice #knowledgesadder
H12 (C)LAT +18 Strategy Medium
Fishing off my A is still best here #strategymedium
13C WAY +27 Finding Small
L7 YAWING oh my god #findingsad
3B GU(V) +14 Knowledge Large
L8 PIE(C)E +24 Knowledge Large
L8 PIE(C)ENS is cool af #knowledgeSADDEST
13L SAI +16 Endgame Large
B13 AI #endgamesaddest Also something went wrong because I did not end up drawing the last O, which should have been in the bag. WTF
exch GHLQU +0 Tactics Medium
Exch. HLQU is better. #tacticssadder
6B XI +27 Vision Medium
13B GADDIS +25 Strategy Medium
This is 13 raw equity worse than 5A GADID, which is probably too much to justify blocking the ONE hook. #strategysadder
14H LAR +25 Time Small
10E FAD +29 Knowledge Large
14M EIK +22 Strategy Large
14M KIT sims best, but I was worried about O7 bingos ending in IEST or EST. What I didn't see during the game is that I can also definitely lose to plays like N4 BONACIS, 6H VIB(R)ANCE, and 6G COVE(R)ING, so 14M KIT is probably best. #strategysaddest
N9 IT +19 Endgame Large
I thought this was clever, but it doesn't block his outplay of 3K (C)OCOA. #ENDGAMESADDEST
10F PUPA +26 Finding Small
L9 APOOP #findingsmall
N10 CAN(T)Y +32 Knowledge Medium
O11 NYSSA #knowledgemedium
M6 VID +23 Strategy Medium
SAD! 11M V(A)V is fine! #strategymedium
4H MORIA +37 Finding Large
B10 TEA +15 Time Large
E5 VEN(I)TES +40 Tactics Small
10F VENUE #tacticssmall
15A PU(R)I +21 Knowledge Large
8F CHOW +24 Knowledge Large
E9 OBIA +21 Knowledge Small
5A OUBAAS is OP #knowledgesad also another #Knowledgesad for the challenge
E9 OBIA +21 Knowledge Small
5A OUBAAS is OP #knowledgesad also another #Knowledgesad for the challenge
E5 GU +10 Vision Medium
7H GAU #visionsadder
13F ADVISER +76 Vision Large
J4 ADVISER I'm a dumbass #visionsaddest
12K MONK +28 Knowledge Large
exch OOEE +0 Knowledge Large
exch OOEE +0 Vision Large
O8 RAZES +57 Knowledge Large
N6 MOUE +16 Knowledge Large
F6 Z(EL) +32 Strategy Small
Exchanging crushes ZEL in sim. #strategysmall 19:29
H11 S(C)ARY +30 Tactics Medium
Still making this error too often. CAYS is far better, the R improves ATS a ton. #tacticsmedium 16:40
11J AWING +32 Finding Small
Almost; AWEING is better by a smidge. A bunch of Es to redraw if I'm worried about that. Didn't think of it. #tacticssmall #findingsmall 13:35
11J AWING +32 Tactics Small
Almost; AWEING is better by a smidge. A bunch of Es to redraw if I'm worried about that. Didn't think of it. #tacticssmall #findingsmall 13:35
I11 C(A)D +26 Knowledge Large
Whew, not a gamble worth taking - honestly thought SCAWING* was a word. Just CAWINGS. Lucky that the score was close enough that Bob didn't feel he could afford the five points. The crazy thing is that TAR bingos an amazing amount more often than TAD, which I was debating playing instead of CAD - Quackle says 33% to 19%. Quite surprising. CAD does actually sim quite well, but I gotta give this a #knowledgelarge 12:30
14F BU(R)ET +22 Strategy Small
Very tricky move. I desperately wanted to keep ET together here to play down column O with RE and ST; drawing the H or M would be great if I could find a way to keep EET here. However, I also have to worry about being outrun if I take too small of a score here. For that reason, I felt the best compromise was BURET; I did also consider BUTEO, which appears to be a smidge better according to sim/CP, but it's not because it performs better defensively by covering the O1 triple; it's because I score 4 more points on my next turn with BUTEO than BURET. A little bit of that is because BUTEO occasionally draws bingos at the bottom of the board, which BURET blocks; the rest of it is that keeping EEL works better with the O12 spot than ELO. For example, if I draw HT or MT, I get my big play down there after BUTEO, but need more help after BURET. #strategysmall 4:26
8G HAWK +28 Tactics Large
9B CHARISM +81 Strategy Medium
F8 CHRISMA is best (given his rack) to go for the L that he probably doesn't have. #strategysadder
2A (R)IFTED +33 Endgame Large
I considered fishing the F with 5K F(AD) but I thought the 11H bingos would all get blocked. Apparently, it's best. I was trying to block the possible 2A (R)EADVISE with this play. #endgamesaddest
O1 ZE +37 Strategy Large
N10 TOZIE is way better since it blocks the N10 spot. #strategysaddest
6B MORA +21 Endgame Medium
B11 (F)R(A)ME is apparently best but I thought giving back A13 (D)EP would make it bad. Apparently not. #endgamesadder
I4 YEXES +28 Strategy Large
I8 SYE #strategysaddest
6B MEATS +41 Tactics Small
J5 (S)IM #tacticssad
H1 FECA(L) +39 Knowledge Large
C10 OUPA +22 Tactics Medium
C11 UPO #tacticssadder
7M K(I) +11 Strategy Large
Fishing for the 1/10 to hit L1 NUBBERS and 14I SNUBBER but I dunno what's best. #strategysaddest
14I UNROBe +23 Finding Small
12J BOsUN #findingsad
L14 (O)B +23 Time Large
M12 WI(N)Y +20 Time Large
2F AI +10 Time Small
L4 (JOT)A #timesad
K4 TRAW(L) +16 Vision Medium
Missed 9F WART. #visionmedium
L1 KINA +30 Tactics Small
KATI and KRAI sim less than a point ahead of KINA despite KINA's slightly better bingo% - probably because they synergize a bit better with the K I just hung in space, though it's unlikely I get to use it. #tacticssmall
G7 I(N)VADING +69 Tactics Small
AVOIDING doesn't make a Z-bomb spot. #tacticssmall
4B ONEYRE +29 Strategy Medium
Pivotal move. I saw the star equity move of 14F YGOE leaving the nice DENR; but that leave isn't particularly helpful for bingoing on this board. I felt it was much more important to blow through some tiles to get at least one of the four unseen esses for JIBERS. However, what the DENR leave *is* helpful for doing is letting me score with WEIGHTED, WEIGHERS, or WEIGHMEN with any of MSSSST, and in general good leave synergy/balance never hurts. #strategymedium
E10 (C)OVED +22 Endgame Medium
12C NEVOID is best because Bob can block my lone out after COVED while retaining unblockable WEIGHERS by playing 7G IO. #endgamemedium
G6 GU(G)A +8 Strategy Small
9I ALU #strategysad
2F JAR +32 Finding Large
E4 VE(E)P +18 Vision Small
13A (E)EVN #visionsad
C1 (G)AUD +12 Endgame Large
14G BUDO #endgamesaddest. C1 (G)AUD blocks 2B JIB and 4B AJI(V)A but it doesn't score enough and doesn't leave an outplay.
K3 BOA +20 Vision Large
L3 LI +26 Finding Medium
Missed L4 INAPTNESS for 20 more points, though it bingos 10% less often than LI to lessen the equity damage. #findingmedium 17:05
M2 VINT +30 Strategy Small
I had a hunch that I should've played BLIVE right after hitting my clock and before Bob's next play...too fixated on keeping an E with seven more to redraw. #strategysmall 15:03
N12 AUE +16 Finding Medium
Surprising miss of N12 AUA, which obviously is better to keep the E and only one A. #findingmedium 6:51
15L Z(O) +21 Endgame Large
Played the correct move of DZO and then picked it up for just ZO; it's better to play DZO and then play my M atop CRUOR next turn. For the third straight game I was extremely low on time, didn't record it for these last few moves. #endgamelarge
G3 POMS +20 Vision Medium
10H SOM #visionsadder
E10 HAT +27 Strategy Large
2N HO is a great OVER setup that I didn't see. #strategysaddest
A6 MOUE +20 Endgame Large
B1 MO(V)E #endgamesaddest
11C Q(I)N +24 Finding Large
5I TRUdGER +73 Finding Large
1K BORAX +50 Tactics Small
A7 HOX #tacticssad
H11 B(R)IEF +30 Strategy Small
11C GIF #strategysad
8K (I)MSHI +39 Vision Large
15A SIGHS. I played too find. #visionsaddest
D5 GRIPLES +68 Knowledge Large
4J GAL(AX) +26 Vision Large
L1 GAST #visionsaddest
F10 DO(N)EE +26 Finding Large
9E FLAM +21 Finding Large
9F GIF #findingsaddest
F3 GIGA +15 Tactics Medium
D6 EGG #tacticsmedium
7H CONE +21 Knowledge Large
13D VAnITIE(S) +62 Knowledge Large
13G IzVE(S)TIA is notable #knowledgesaddest
C2 WET +24 Vision Small
8K (F)ENCE #visionsad
14B CL(O)NE +23 Vision Medium
14B CL(O)NE #visionsadder
3F (G)I +4 Finding Large
12C B(I)B +13 Vision Small
12G TEX #visionsad
11J T(E)X +10 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for challenge also #knowledgeSADDEST for 12K (R)EDUX. Maybe 12G TUX here instead
11J T(E)X +10 Knowledge Large
#knowledgesad for challenge also #knowledgeSADDEST for 12K (R)EDUX. Maybe 12G TUX here instead
N6 MURID +36 Endgame Medium
12G MUTE(R) #endgamesadder
J8 ABB +21 Knowledge Large
11I DAD +18 Knowledge Large
L8 ORZOS +36 Knowledge Large
5I ZORRO #KNOWLEDGESADDEST and #knowledgesad for challenge
L8 ORZOS +36 Knowledge Small
5I ZORRO #KNOWLEDGESADDEST and #knowledgesad for challenge
C3 TON(I)C +20 Knowledge Small
C3 LOT(I)C #knowledgesad
5I LOOM +15 Knowledge Large
3L RAT +17 Knowledge Medium
13C XED +27 Vision Large
A13 WEN +35 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for challenge I considered A5 UNWET but didn't play it because I wanted the 3 more points I guess? #tacticssad
A13 WEN +35 Tactics Small
#knowledgesad for challenge I considered A5 UNWET but didn't play it because I wanted the 3 more points I guess? #tacticssad
A8 UH +26 Knowledge Large
14F CO(P)YIST +22 Vision Large
4B DUE +14 Tactics Small
4A DUET #tacticssmall
13D PEONY +27 Strategy Large
13G PYE is probably slightly better. I didn't play it because I wanted to more completely block row 14 bingos. I figured my opponent must be on really good stuff to only play 1 tile. The problem is that after 13D PEONY, I basically guarantee that I Q stick myself. I could not find anything better so I just ate the Q. #strategysaddest
F12 (LO)G +8 Endgame Large
5K A(T) is 13 points better. #endgamesaddest
6F H(I)JAB +31 Vision Large
4E RA(T)IFIES +74 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for challenge
3H TODDED +36 Knowledge Small
8J D(A)DOED #knowledgesad
D4 GAIN +36 Finding Large
D2 RAGINI #findingsaddest
1L RYUS +38 Finding Small
1K UNSAY #findingsad
N5 AV(IN)E +16 Endgame Large
M5 AU(XI)N #endgamesaddest
3B KU(R)I +16 Knowledge Medium
3C K(R)UBI #knowledgemedium
12D B(U)M +26 Finding Medium
J12 MIB #findingmedium
15L (Y)OOP +27 Knowledge Small
N6 POTOO #knowledgesmall
4A BAMS +42 Finding Medium
4B BESLAV(E) is 2 more and doesn't put the B in the triple line. #findingmedium
A4 (B)EVEL +30 Vision Small
I'm okay with this because it kills this spot but so 5B WA(I)F and there are a bunch of column C and E plays I should have at least considered. #visionsmall
1K (C)ROWN +33 Knowledge Large
13E (F)OREWORN #knowledgelarge
H11 KIORE +43 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesmall for the +5.
B9 PAUA +16 Knowledge Large
As Marlon noted after the game J6 (X)U is clearly the play as I have a bing if I draw G, L, R, or U though I didn't know most of them. #knowledgelarge
L4 COMF(Y) +30 Knowledge Medium
L7 Z(Y)MOID. I think I knew this word? Anyway, if I had studied it more I think I would have found it so I'll tag as #knowledgemedium instead of finding or vision.
B1 ToILWO(R)N +79 Knowledge Medium
D7 (S)TOWLINs gives back much less. #knowledgemedium
D1 KUDO +32 Knowledge Small
1A O(T)AKU and D1 HAKU #findingmedium #knowledgesmall
D1 KUDO +32 Finding Medium
1A O(T)AKU and D1 HAKU #findingmedium #knowledgesmall
J8 (V)OGUE +13 Knowledge Large
Chickened out of 1J OUGLIE and everything else is pretty crap. #knowledgelarge
9C JA(I) +18 Strategy Medium
I have to leave one in the bag here. 14A (T)IP is best because it sets up D12 JAIL to outrun any bing winning everytime according the Championship Player. This is almost as good. #strategymedium
14K PILEA +28 Vision Small
13E PE(RE)IRA for 1 more. #visionsmall
exch GLLWW +0 Strategy Medium
8D TWILL #strategysadder
8A AUE +15 Strategy Large
10E AUNE. I was too fearful of the 8A spot. #strategysaddest
6A IOTA +15 Finding Large
6B HOA #findingsaddest
K3 FEH +30 Strategy Large
12J (S)HARIF, probably. #strategysaddest
15H DOUR +29 Strategy Small
K8 GUR #strategysad
15C (E)RG +5 Time Large
8G (DEFO)GS #timesaddest
M2 BES +17 Time Large
10I OXO +55 Vision Medium
15A OXID #visionsadder
9H PAW +27 Knowledge Large
O8 AE +25 Tactics Small
O8 ANE #tacticssmall
12F UNAU +7 Knowledge Large
Keeping one U is not as bad as I always think it is, so 10L AU(E) is fine and also badass. #knowledgelarge
12K ED +20 Knowledge Large
10L DU(E) #knowledgelarge
D9 PAUL +26 Knowledge Large
10L AU(E). Not studying nines is no excuse. #KNOWLEDGESADDEST
6D M(AX) +15 Endgame Large
7M (LO)D is best for some reason. #ENDGAMESADDEST #TIMESADDEST
6D M(AX) +15 Time Large
7M (LO)D is best for some reason. #ENDGAMESADDEST #TIMESADDEST
14K SCARE +23 Time Large
I had maybe 9 seconds left. Yes, there are many wins. No, this is not one of them. #TIMESADDEST
6B MIsERE(R)E +67 Knowledge Large
9B EMERIEs #knowledgelarge
13K DACK +45 Tactics Small
10J KAT doesn't make the massive Z setup even easier to hit. #tacticssmall
9I INNIT +12 Finding Medium
10F INION #findingmedium
2K COPED +31 Tactics Medium
14L PEC #tacticssadder
6I GE(D) +13 Strategy Small
10D GRISE #strategysad
I9 SPINNER +70 Vision Large
12C HOUNgA(N)S +72 Knowledge Large
10B FAUVE +26 Endgame Large
15L ERUV. This gives back B7 ROL(F)S. #endgamesaddest
8G GOO +8 Knowledge Large
Round 5 Scrabble Soiree at Sammy's 2023 8G UPGO #Knowledgesaddest
K4 PIE +13 Knowledge Large
I missed every iteration of EPEIRAS and APERIES here and wasted like 30 minutes doing it too #KNOWLEDGESADDEST
11D YA +19 Knowledge Large
15F AHI +44 Knowledge Small
M1 LAIR #visionSADDEST and #knowledgesad for the challenge
15F AHI +44 Vision Large
M1 LAIR #visionSADDEST and #knowledgesad for the challenge
15K L(E)GER +18 Vision Small
7H GL(I)T #visionsad
M2 BIT +37 Knowledge Large
exch FUV +0 Strategy Medium
Maybe 13B FE or 12K F(A)V(O)R #Strategymedium
13B PE +32 Knowledge Large
N6 WIRE +25 Knowledge Small
L1 IROKO +31 Strategy Medium
L2 KORO is more defensive. #strategysadder
M10 GESTIC +30 Strategy Large
This is too aggressive. 6B CIGS is better. #strategysaddest
J7 BIZ +28 Vision Large
I saw KIBITZ but didn't realized it scored so much at J5 KIBItZ. #visionlarge
10I KEX +33 Strategy Large
K9 EXO is best. It makes his bings score way less. #strategylarge
4H POU(L)tING +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
11K UNCO +30 Finding Medium
I was not on it today. 11K UNAU #findingmedium
4B FEL(C)H +26 Knowledge Large
4A FLEE(C)H #knowledgelarge
A1 TEF +28 Finding Small
1H (D)EFI and A1 FOE are better than this. #findingsmall
10A OI +11 Vision Medium
Cut some spread with 1H (D)ANIO I suppose. #visionmedium
1J DINAR +25 Endgame Small
1H (D)RAIN is 3 points better. #endgamesmall
5A S(E)T +13 Time Small
7E (E)ST. I had no time left. #timesmall
11G CO(R) +14 Knowledge Large
#KNOWLEDGESADDEST for SAD unchallenged phony!
15A MI +16 Strategy Large
This is really uninspiring. I don't know what the best play is but #strategylarge
exch CUUID +0 Strategy Medium
7K (F)UCI. I couldn't play scrabble this turn. #strategymedium
3C BROIL +19 Vision Large
N13 OX(O). I guess I forgot how to play scrabble. #visionlarge
O1 FA(W)S +43 Knowledge Large
F5 OCA +26 Vision Large
2J PICAR(A) #visionlarge
10B QI(s) +31 Vision Large
10B QI(s) +31 Vision Large
A12 DRIP +36 Finding Large
A12 PTUI #findingSADDEST
C12 VENT +30 Strategy Large
Championship Player likes N13 AV(O) the best. Seems alright. I'm down tempo I need to make something happen. #strategylarge
N10 ZEA +35 Finding Small
8A NAZ(E) #findingsmall
10B SHw(A)NPAN +66 Strategy Small
I saw 8K HANAP but figured the two plays would be less than 5 points of valuation apart, and my odds of getting a challenge were pretty high. Instead, the plays are actually closer to 10 points of valuation apart, especially because I bingo from either the V of VODKA or P of HANAP a lot for a very good score next turn. Basically, I wanted to be able to say "I played SHWANPAN" instead of making the correct play. #strategysmall #egolarge 18:10
6J BLIT +25 Tactics Medium
6J BRITT #tacticssadder
5B REMINd(E)R +76 Finding Small
5B tERMIN(E)R #findingsad
9I LIKED +20 Strategy Large
Failed attempt at a block giving him L8 O(E)STRONE in response. #STRATEGYSADDEST
4A GAPO +32 Vision Small
Not sure why I didn't pay 11K GAPO. #visionsad
N2 QI(S) +24 Endgame Small
N1 QIN(S) #endgamesad
6B ME +26 Time Large
9B OXO +21 Tactics Small
9E EXO scores 7 more and is much more defensive, but tanks my next turn bingo%; Quackle actually wants the other placement of OXO at 9H, giving up a few more points to Bob but also maxing out my chances of bingoing. Really close options, at most a #tacticssmall
G8 (W)HIP +29 Tactics Small
Considered tacking the T on here after all these short plays from Bob; in retrospect I probably should have. #tacticssmall
K6 VAG +25 Strategy Small
I didn't want to open anything unnecessarily here but GUAVA or VAGUER might be worth doing just for the more balanced leaves and more tiles drawn towards one of the blanks. The pool is also pretty vowel-heavy so leaving ADEU after VAG could go south fast. #strategysmall
4B dEFRAUD(S) +76 Strategy Small
Playing DEFRAUDS over UNFEARED cuts Bob's bingo% from 14% to 5% but given that I always win anyway, giving up 12 points is too much. #strategysmall
7F YALD +26 Knowledge Large
11d dearnly #knowledgelarge
E5 Q(I) +22 Vision Medium
12d volae #visionmedium
M1 COB +29 Strategy Small
3A TIFO or M1 FOB are better. I thought the F might be useful for 10F, but no, wrong. #strategysmall
G11 (F)IAT +16 Strategy Large
I panicked here and played too defensive. D11 (T)AFIA is a good compromise between defense and equity. #strategylarge
11K FRENA +33 Endgame Medium
11K FAIR is 6 points better. #endgamemedium
5E FINGE(R)S +44 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesmall for the challenge.
9F BAYT +39 Finding Small
9F YABA #findingsmall
L6 HAINING +85 Vision Small
OUPH is also a word. #visionsmall
11J VA(N)T +14 Strategy Large
This is delusional. First, 11I VAU(N)T is better, but I irrationally didn't want to put the A next to the triple word. Second, 3A VATU is way better, I'm not up enough to be pulling shit like what I did. Third, HAININGS is a word, so this doesn't even lock the board down. #strategySADDEST
14H COLUReD +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
This is really bad. I just went from an 100% win to like, not that. #KNOWLEDGESADDEST
F11 DI(A)RY +17 Vision Small
H2 RID(G)Y #visionsmall
9E WHIT +20 Tactics Small
9E WRIT is slightly better. #tacticssmall
10D REM +30 Knowledge Large
Chickened out of B4 REMA(I)NER #KNOWLEDGESADDEST #KNOWLEDGESMALL for the challenge.
10D REM +30 Knowledge Small
Chickened out of B4 REMA(I)NER #KNOWLEDGESADDEST #KNOWLEDGESMALL for the challenge.
3I A(X)ILE +30 Endgame Large
4L EGAL is way better. #endgamelarge
F2 PA(N)G +17 Knowledge Small
E2 GA(U)P #knowledgesmall
J8 (N)ULL +6 Knowledge Small
I dunno. #knowledgesmall for the challenge
2A P(U)TRIDER +70 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesmall for the challenge
11D QI +37 Strategy Large
N10 HOI is better I think. I have to block N10 J and Z plays, especially after he just drew 7. Besides, 11D QI will probably stay open. #strategylarge
2J AZIDO +39 Endgame Large
2J AVOID is 9 points better. #endgamelarge
12C YOUNG(S) +20 Finding Large
Missed J2 YOGA and 11D AGOU(T)Y somehow. #FINDINGSADDEST
exch AAOUUW +0 Vision Large
F2 PUL(I)K +27 Strategy Medium
Sims says M9 KUNA, but there's probably something even better than that. #strategysadder
7A ETA +17 Endgame Large
Probably G5 (R)OA(R). #endgamesaddest
D8 (F)OUET +16 Tactics Medium
H1 ROTE and 12D TRE(IF) and other stuff that keeps the U, which I underestimated. #tacticssadder
D3 OI +17 Strategy Medium
Apparently keeping both Is with D1 GOOR is fine here. #strategysadder
H6 VE(I)NY +11 Finding Large
If I had seen L11 ENVOY I would have played it. At least this murdered the board. #findinglarge
O8 DEKES +36 Knowledge Large
4L (Q)UA +12 Strategy Large
No hooks for QUA in the bag, oh, except for THE BLANK, YOU MORON. G8 (L)OA(F). #STRATEGYSADDEST
2L OPA(H) +18 Endgame Large
Not even close. M2 NO(U)P. #ENDGAMESADDEST
14F TONE +14 Vision Large
9A YEZ +49 Strategy Medium
7H AZO #strategysadder
A7 JO(Y) +39 Tactics Medium
A5 WOOP(Y) #tacticssadder
14M POW +29 Finding Large
N10 WEAPO(N) #findingsaddest
J10 HEAL +35 Tactics Medium
J10 HEIL #tacticssadder
A12 (V)IGA +35 Finding Large
I saw REALIGNED but not 11E ALIG(NE)D #findingsaddest
N6 BR(O)D +13 Strategy Large
I didn't write down the remaining D at the bottom of my sheet, so O2 DITTIES is still available after this play, so this is a bad mistake. Maybe something like 9N OB can always win. I dunno. #strategysaddest
O1 COLDIE +37 Endgame Large
O9 ODIC #endgamesaddest
8A GOAD +36 Strategy Small
10I GAID #strategysad
5B ELMIEST +70 Vision Medium
3F ELMIEST #visionsadder
A11 EX +37 Knowledge Large
#KNOWLEDGESADDEST for sad yes and no of MORRILL.
The listing of all of the player's mistakes. For more information about mistakes, check the 'Mistakes' section of the about page.
Game Line Error
Game 8054 44 Game is incomplete.
Game 6020 32 Game is incomplete.
Game 22698 37 Game is incomplete.
Game 22774 32 Game is incomplete.
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