Will Anderson
Will Anderson
Color Key
= Triple Triple
= Bingo 9+
= Improbable
= +
= +
= +
= + +
Player Lists
Type Play Probability Score
SOUTANE(S) 2485 68
APERI(E)NT 228 63
URINA(T)ES 79 60
BOOKLE(T)S 19105 65
ORdERED 11028 61
SANTERA 501 79
SkILLED 18921 72
ORDUROU(S) 33873 63
RUNLeTS 3252 68
EThNI(C)AL 3131 68
BASTION 1565 83
ENDOR(S)OR 5822 68
(U)NDERSEA 904 80
DiA(L)INGS 7251 86
ACEROUS 1846 83
ILLITES 8525 70
ELONGA(T)E 349 60
J(O)INDeRS 3387 98
OVARIAl 3529 69
ACETON(E)S 764 83
DRAINER 509 64
CELLAR(E)T 10019 61
(L)IVErIED 5874 76
(Q)UASHERS 24552 92
HEROIZ(E)s 8703 109
G(R)OWLING 20925 78
AXOlOTl 20052 90
T(R)OCKING 16526 230
VITRINe 1847 72
ENTRANC(E) 3860 76
TEQUILa(S) 4981 101
NEAREST 216 70
SER(O)TINE 49 70
LE(G)ATEEs 5044 59
VISITOR 6276 82
AIRSHOT 1660 87
(R)EGRATeS 4211 77
BLEARIE(R) 3680 68
rETRIMS 6550 80
BISTORT 9664 82
ANTIGEN 1127 79
FEEDiNG 5739 84
(S)ANDIEST 2192 83
LAUREA(T)E 1123 59
L(I)BRATED 993 80
NOTEPAD 902 79
ARRIVED 3799 80
F(E)TErITA 1964 80
ELAST(I)NS 2200 70
UNJADED 16591 87
ACORNED 880 75
ENGiNED 5303 75
T(U)RREtED 11935 70
LORRIEs 1701 62
OUTDRAN(K) 8245 65
INV(E)STED 3132 65
MOIDORE 3743 74
CORNIST 4572 85
SHw(A)NPAN 37385 66
TENEBRI(O) 375 83
rIBEYES 11213 74
(T)aNAGERS 2024 80
VoETSAK 11718 95
NUNHOOD 26169 66
RETO(UR)ING 1381 72
(E)vOCABLE 17539 86
LUMIN(I)ST 14288 61
A(V)ARICES 6273 80
LEASURE 1809 79
HAPTENS 6765 76
APTERIA 789 83
StONErN 2398 65
SATiNET 554 81
CHIELDs 13273 89
SOILURE 523 66
jESUIT(I)C 16992 76
MA(G)DALEN 9683 63
IND(E)XING 18390 90
AbNEGA(T)E 4770 70
BAyWOOD(S) 23991 71
cHAQUeT(A) 21634 134
SIGN(I)ORY 9983 76
CoVERED 9032 66
HYALiNS 11889 89
SE(D)ATION 15 71
QUiNO(I)DS 15492 68
TABOOED 2651 84
(R)ESAILED 347 70
DENUDI(N)g 16710 76
SA(T)INETS 5010 131
TELEV(I)SE 7756 65
DRAINED 1385 85
WRANgLe 4705 70
BEADIER 1041 69
BIGEyEs 13350 81
STALEST 12285 72
AERATED 800 75
R(E)ALNESS 5099 61
(S)ATIATEd 2329 68
IODIDeS 6637 76
(D)ESIRING 2975 83
(U)NGRATED* 0 78
stROKED 6968 94
(D)RAGONET 319 83
(T)UBENOSE 4901 83
RACH(I)DES 7440 90
aGUISIN(G) 24731 80
NONsUIT 5154 67
LE(s)IONED 471 68
DUBIeTY 10082 68
ASSUROR 15508 75
TRANCED 1582 78
GYNOE(c)IA 3207 65
S(T)OTINKI 17309 63
ApHOTIC 11947 83
(T)RIOLETs 1163 74
SA(G)AMORE 4767 76
LIDLESS 17402 69
(R)EINSmAN 2781 74
UNKI(N)DlY 26115 67
MENTORS 1984 70
ANyTIME 2304 77
REUNION 751 71
CHImLEY 19737 86
(I)NERTIAE 40 62
REDOLEN(T) 648 70
MERRILy 19405 77
INDITES 1690 64
(P)OTATOEs 10205 61
REALGAR 10145 69
AGELESS 15401 75
ISOBARE 305 82
(O)ThERING 981 77
NEGATES 1135 75
DRE(A)RILY 4888 66
PEREGr(I)N 8058 72
DEADENS 6056 80
RELaTIV(E) 630 74
(N)OTICeRS 573 86
SE(C)RETED 10567 74
DRONERs 3332 84
EpIT(A)XIC 15634 86
DILATES 403 71
OPERONS 5024 86
(N)IDATION 2345 80
R(E)oRDERS 14748 60
INSURED 1103 75
RARITI(E)S 1046 61
(B)RICOlES 6447 86
GLEAN(E)RS 1634 70
sUBdEAN 5336 68
V(I)TAMERS 3195 67
ERADIAT(E) 121 68
SEMIRAW 4222 85
STOrIED 172 76
STaININ(G) 8228 70
COnIINE(S) 6342 80
SUNDOW(n)S 25930 82
dIOCES(E)S 10295 74
VESTI(G)IA 3976 68
BARO(U)CHE 11278 80
ALINERS 100 80
(b)AtTERIE 1858 71
RAZEE(I)Ng 2584 67
RAISINS 7872 70
AcAROID 3526 71
THRENOD(Y) 6670 98
SOLUNaR 2364 64
AERATES 761 70
DoUCEUR 13326 71
OMELETT(E) 12720 70
SuBVIRA(L) 15455 89
TRaDERS 2692 75
M(E)TRITIS 11704 62
DESTiNE 772 78
zEBRINA 6486 73
ROADStE(R) 1081 80
(O)XIDiZER 15739 102
(D)ERISION 374 80
lATTINS 6105 78
MYIASIs 28474 92
RAVINES 709 72
LUSTReD 4480 82
CADAST(r)E 4655 74
SETLINE 579 65
DEA(L)INGS 1072 72
OUTD(O)ERS 2813 86
OVeRG(I)LD 4368 66
pURL(O)INS 10000 78
DIMMERS 23753 77
UN(T)ENTED 16532 60
BoSSMEN* 0 80
DE(T)ENUES 8017 72
EXPOUND 20207 117
SENARII 137 62
PELISSE 13621 90
AI(R)FARES 5293 74
RESTERS 13150 80
UNTWISt 14533 81
BAYARDS 17756 82
(A)TRAZINE 1492 78
ISSUaNT 7279 78
U(N)gUENTA 13419 58
UNTrIMS 10759 74
PANIERs 914 71
TAV(E)RNER 5076 61
MOINEAU 432 78
aSSENTE(D) 6726 77
TRAN(S)iTS 10730 64
REMOTI(O)N 1200 74
COLUMNE(A) 6395 66
SPICULE 12718 72
ITERA(N)CE 225 74
MILiT(A)TE 5305 70
LIATRIS 3175 68
TACTIlE 5080 76
D(E)VOTiNG 2260 86
CERATOI(D) 190 81
LEVULIn 13016 76
SH(O)WInGS 25427 80
AVERTED 2919 76
TWIRLED 4340 76
CAJOLES 15729 89
ALEURON 198 75
(R)ACEGOER 6092 72
(N)OODLInG 14443 72
TRA(C)HLeD 9009 67
SPECTED 14471 73
pAR(E)IRAS 5570 68
(E)ASEMENT 4737 89
E(R)OSIONS 3855 66
(T)ELEpORT 7464 74
GRADUAL 16033 67
P(A)TTERED 8334 72
ARI(E)TtES 664 68
DOULE(I)AS 399 60
SHO(U)tIER 1875 90
B(E)DIAPER 5525 76
TALENTE(D) 3495 70
RATTENS 1799 86
DIAL(E)CTS 2998 74
dEFRAUD(S) 20974 76
BRANTLE 2090 73
BILsTED 7561 85
GATEAUS 3808 70
TOWNlET 7134 65
(T)OLERANT 454 60
AN(E)ROIDS 13 70
CON(C)EDES 19594 63
REIGnIT(E) 843 70
(F)OUNTAIN 5111 63
IODISER 957 72
eNVIRON 3471 71
STONNED 4671 80
BARFL(I)ES 7415 64
S(A)RMENTA 2522 70
ERIStIC 3468 84
IOLITEs 704 67
DEMENTI 2264 76
ETE(R)NISE 860 70
GAUDIER 758 74
CATTiSH 16419 82
AVERTED 2203 94
(Q)uADRANT 15077 69
oXAZOLE 16958 100
N(A)GGIEST 4833 64
(S)TEADIER 112 70
ShAKERS 19177 87
T(E)NTORIA 39 68
(A)GATOiDS* 0 72
TABORIN(G) 1986 86
ALUNITE(S) 273 77
A(T)WITTER 11260 74
cASERNE 2179 63
cRANK(I)NG 21671 78
INVITER 1758 80
MaNTRIC 6048 82
DISPU(T)ES 15203 74
PATENTS 6500 71
INDICES 6053 94
fI(L)ARIAN 7807 58
COWBAnE 9083 70
BANTERE(D) 1499 86
kLISTER 5906 81
STANINE 522 69
MaRTINS 2589 72
(U)NDERWIT 3129 74
AIRDROp 8870 79
RUb(E)FIED 13727 94
SI(N)EWIER 4582 64
(E)NDPLAYS 12000 95
C(A)TALOGS 13427 62
EPISODE(S) 10297 80
rAVIOLI 3538 74
AL(l)USION 6890 64
KIRTLEs 5905 70
tRI(P)EDAL 973 90
DENOTES 807 71
FLAuNTS 10588 73
OATMEAL 2245 73
(C)OENURES 3546 64
GINGkOE(S) 18600 62
DENOTES 807 95
I(N)ERTIAS 118 68
SM(e)ARIER 4859 140
(G)ONADIAL 3924 62
TAJINES 2325 83
TADDIES 3848 76
IMBURs(E)D 16536 66
LUSTRAL 13203 73
sANIC(L)ES 8159 158
PALEATE 4370 81
FRISE(T)TE 6128 72
SWI(S)HIER 20502 82
(D)ANDIEsT 2071 90
VE(G)ETIST 11223 64
INVITES 3490 78
(Y)OUNGERs 7006 86
BONDAgE 2791 79
E(L)ATERIN 26 70
(O)UTsLEEP 5862 86
(P)ACkAGED 25108 76
N(I)OBATES 175 61
MODER(A)TE 1037 62
BAPTISE 5759 95
ARTICLe(S) 1295 80
CeRRIAL 5078 73
ReTINIT(E) 2130 74
(A)ERATION 15 70
BITTE(R)ED 8407 66
kNOT(T)IER 5496 78
AGATIZE(D) 9945 110
R(E)SPONSE 10534 74
EPEIrIC 8491 76
ASSERTS 16365 81
FAZENDA(S) 16975 77
CANO(n)IsT 5095 70
sLANGED 3304 80
EASTING 260 85
VAL(I)DATE 2415 78
UNIPOL(A)R 2316 72
Be(N)ZOINs 15041 84
SPORTIL(Y) 12310 80
TORULUS 19836 69
AL(I)ENORS 30 66
(C)ONVULsE 18335 64
(B)EADSMAN 17407 78
TWOPEN(C)E 13543 73
TOWP(L)aNE 4071 98
BACTeRI(C)* 0 92
ANTIRIO(T) 1131 68
PURITAN 2716 74
GUNITES 1748 73
SMaRTED 3121 73
FR(E)AkOUT 10076 70
DEWANIS 2014 68
PRODI(GI)Es 6747 80
RuNTIER 1360 64
ANOD(I)ZES 1667 88
I(N)wARDLY 11682 82
SCALENE 4035 95
HEbETIC 12789 80
TELEMEN 8988 74
(T)EETHING 8485 78
VANDALS 19783 82
AGRISES 6030 75
RAINBO(W)S 5916 64
MEL(A)NOSE* 0 61
O(R)BITING 7232 74
ReDE(FE)ATS 4858 158
PALFRe(Y)S 17443 75
LEISTER 581 73
iNFLOWS 12953 72
PREsI(D)IA 3357 72
AD(J)UNCts 22918 84
(s)UTURING 15622 59
E(N)TASIAS 2478 68
LIGAnDS 5313 75
FAHlB(A)ND 26149 104
(E)GGfRUIT 17556 86
WRA(T)HING 10652 65
HOS(T)ELER 3771 74
ADAXIAl 19043 82
RIESLIN(G) 2982 80
G(E)MSTONE 5251 62
S(T)ARTLED 3967 140
LITERAR(Y) 2928 86
TAPPING 18717 80
T(A)LKIEST 8977 78
FANWIsE 4374 80
TRAWLIN(G) 5510 64
AVERAGE 6209 81
gR(A)INIER 2539 64
PROXIES 11785 86
dRAINED 1384 68
LES(I)ONED 498 61
CHECKE(R)S 30464 75
ARTEFA(C)T 14494 80
RITARDS 4386 77
EUTa(X)IES 3250 65
(M)aRIMBAS 25685 98
SNOOTED 2031 70
CANNONE(R)* 0 72
Ze(N)AIDAS 5134 71
ALLEGED 11024 72
POIS(O)NED 3740 74
BITTE(R)ED 6094 67
n(E)POTIST 3415 70
(E)NTOZoAL 4341 101
WAULINg 9312 75
ED(U)CTION 1343 65
PIASTRE 685 74
OVErSEA 1188 75
PR(O)NATED 555 76
(D)ESIGNEE 4794 64
TINEIDS 1691 74
CO(W)HIDES 14956 86
TANGE(N)CE 8046 62
PtE(R)YGIA 4641 67
TU(N)NELeD 8040 64
BEaCO(N)ED 4789 63
AMI(T)OTIC 13861 64
RE(B)ATINg 738 140
(O)ESTRONE 835 62
(C)RANNoGE 4811 72
PERIODS 1918 78
(A)ILERONS 17 77
FedEXED 22557 122
E(S)OTERIc 791 64
CoNFLAT(E) 3807 74
TRA(N)SECT 4991 68
MANDRIL 4947 82
SERIATe 58 72
InFLATE 662 64
MOTLIER 1288 74
(I)dIOLECT 4229 80
SEEDBED 27797 81
STANINE 716 102
(T)ROMpING 15353 80
R(I)PARIAN 16196 64
tEPID(I)Ty 18073 86
INTITLE 3402 77
DISTANT 4385 68
RESILEd 1315 64
(U)NATONEd 1078 74
(T)REFOIlS 1380 83
OU(T)EARNs 95 64
LACTEAL 13606 72
PENONCe(L) 16380 74
CONINES 4629 80
E(L)UVIAtE 1562 78
M(A)CARIZE 21633 248
NITRATE(D) 448 72
L(E)FtOVER 10559 86
BOISERI(E) 2151 83
(B)rOWNEST 7007 89
(I)NVADERS 1036 76
ALOGICA(L) 18999 65
IO(D)ISERS 7063 72
LA(C)ERANT 3461 62
FET(A)tION 975 64
CONDuIT 7877 77
PIETIST 13711 102
CANTR(A)IP 11606 63
MERLONS 3744 74
(U)LTiMATE 4900 68
ADENOID 778 85
(M)IGRATOR 7164 76
OUT(R)AVEd 1304 140
VINEWED 11232 87
CHUNTER 13847 80
FLIM(S)IER 17515 63
INOT(R)OPE 1200 74
ORNISES 2434 84
ARIETTA 749 73
INCITES 3635 90
SNAILED 419 86
(G)RIEVANT 794 78
AERIALS 494 68
RETOOLE(D) 1886 61
TILLER(E)D 4857 72
(T)ITaNIAS 6992 74
(A)GLYCoNS 18046 98
FRUITAG(E) 1730 68
CE(R)EmONY 12897 63
VENTURE 4230 105
pRINTER(S) 5284 74
(A)TELIERS 114 77
DIAmANT(E) 1140 66
CENtRAL 1508 72
(S)OcIALLY 21180 83
(c)URArINE 2897 60
INGESTA 276 75
ELU(V)IATE 1562 63
DEvOTES 4813 79
O(UT)SPENDS 12456 74
(R)ETRIALS 1186 77
(L)ISTERIA 297 77
OUTWITS 12213 81
SUBVENe(S) 23452 86
BIDArK(E)E 7383 66
SILVERN 3153 66
TIGRESS 9788 78
NuCLIDE 7532 72
TOWNIES 1009 96
DARTLeS 1149 61
OVERSPI(N) 4163 76
ONSTEAD 188 84
JUMAREd 14096 81
RACEMOS(E) 4808 80
GALLISE 9575 70
(G)RAFTING 21989 80
(F)ORESEEN 7183 94
(T)ALENTED 3495 72
INV(E)STOR 618 72
HATBOXE(S) 16853 106
RaNCHER 11291 74
LIqUATE 3543 68
QUAINTL(Y) 16559 72
(D)REAMIER 3691 92
GOOFILy 19070 93
W(A)kELeSS 23962 68
D(E)TINUES 915 74
mEASLES 14196 64
BOATELS 1919 68
VA(S)ELINE 1554 71
ALgESIA 2761 73
OSTRACA 6006 68
OVERSLI(P) 6519 92
CASERNS 13106 64
INVE(S)TOR 779 74
(T)ELEtRON 2282 74
T(A)NGLERS 1108 60
cOTTONE(D) 10681 77
(P)ALTERER 6076 62
(D)ESPITES 18000 67
COnGEST 7358 81
T(A)NGELOS 878 72
ANDESIT(E) 149 80
UNSH(A)PEN 16635 70
STE(N)CILS 11629 90
INFEST(E)R 1537 72
(W)ITHERED 6830 84
(IS)OOCtAnE 391 59
PETERIN(G) 2336 74
CLOSInG 10329 73
NONSTOp 16435 82
SHAVERS 16524 86
M(A)TERIEL 624 74
pELTING 4552 71
FIRRIEr 17458 74
wANIONS 6361 65
ROSEOlA 1353 77
REPTI(L)IA 1182 70
(R)ADIOmAN 2591 72
PRAEL(E)CT 6755 66
TRIOSES 1744 69
ORBITAL 1564 81
(G)OUrAMIS 6017 83
ZAIKaIS 20505 119
TOASTED 1614 65
COnGREE 5354 74
(R)OSEOLAS 8321 77
oUTP(A)INT 7094 59
OUGIYaS 10200 84
STRIGAE 374 76
ENCASeD 5406 75
CLARTED 4129 79
STOTiNK(A) 12274 76
EA(T)ERIES 371 68
VARAcTO(R) 23979 74
cELOSIA 856 80
(s)EXTANTs 21253 108
POLICER(S) 6816 101
FORGaVE 9149 84
UNIT(E)DlY 5949 64
VOLUMIS(E) 13241 76
ULNARIA 3146 70
NEONATE 606 70
GRIEVE(R)S 15568 76
INHALES 1465 75
NO(S)EGAYS 11400 76
(C)OvETING 5325 83
FEDERAL 5400 86
(P)RISTINE 3491 83
UNLOVED 8533 72
JAD(E)LIkE 15980 110
T(e)NACULA 4902 62
DEFINER 2988 82
EATABLE 6076 84
(T)ONNAGeS 2593 77
AzALEAS 23298 69
(A)NTIWEAR 639 95
EDICTAL 1934 71
TIETAcS 5065 79
DuRN(E)DER 16704 86
F(O)RETOLD 6535 78
TRUNNEl 5072 72
TA(N)ISTRY 7343 62
GORINES(S) 3988 71
G(U)TTaTeD 18084 70
DRONERS 3332 74
EVEN(T)IDE 6228 63
ALIENEE 472 70
SAROD(I)ST 5785 68
INSISTE(R) 6190 77
ISOPH(O)NE 10863 71
FLIPP(I)ER 25884 66
ReF(R)AINS 2917 62
PIGnUTS 13084 81
SA(V)ELOYS 18830 82
INER(R)ANT 1186 58
FAUREST 4234 70
(V)OICINGS 18557 82
DECLARE 3845 74
RE(Q)UITAL 3451 69
SHEILAS 12823 80
STANDEE 744 79
ASTE(R)OID 27 61
ITALICS 11429 88
BURgHAL 18618 80
(R)OyALISM 8737 80
DIv(I)DUAL 21138 61
pRINCEL(Y) 14727 74
INBURST 7677 85
MAHON(I)AS 9395 64
RECANES 2075 86
L(A)CEwING 7551 62
VIT(R)AGES 2433 72
(L)ONeLIER 2308 74
LOESSIC 14237 100
ALIBIEs 4718 94
uMBRILS 24551 73
MOLDING 10790 68
ORATIO(N)S 450 70
AREDInG 327 68
A(B)DICATE 8224 64
AVIAR(I)ES 3917 61
SKATOLE 4266 88
TWAnGLE(R) 3704 78
CaDGING 17941 81
RESININ(G) 5836 70
u(P)DATING 8286 62
AZURI(T)ES 2511 71
STERILE 790 72
NOVAtED 1180 74
MISTAKE(R) 8723 84
PrONOTA 6250 73
TiTULAR 4585 64
TENTAC(L)E 6349 70
WH(A)CKiER 20993 88
MANU(R)iAL 7276 140
IRONERS 1028 72
FLEAB(I)TE 5530 65
DIORItE 233 67
bOW(E)LING 11634 94
OILIEST 964 68
R(A)LLYING 17507 98
dRU(M)LINS 13625 61
lOUDEST 2723 78
(C)ASImERE 4258 77
E(V)ECTION 2603 67
FRAISES 6671 87
NUPTIAl 4965 69
(V)OGUINGS 22482 65
RApTURE(D) 7910 77
PUNCHE(O)N 21904 68
GuILTIE(R) 2833 77
SCENERY 10985 83
EUSTASy 12379 72
RERISI(N)G 5839 60
URE(T)HrAL 7917 62
AVIA(T)ORS 2600 62
AMIDASE 3360 91
(F)OOTPACE 13372 82
M(A)TTOIDs 8032 76
INCEPTE(d) 6808 92
CULTIST 16855 87
HA(Z)ELNUT 13153 74
APERIEs 1014 71
VEINLET(S) 2988 63
FA(V)ORING 7712 98
PeSEWAS 17413 80
OLIGUR(I)a 2997 74
WA(R)TIMES 3196 84
CLASHED 12685 86
(O)pERATED 774 82
UNCAKES 13463 86
SALIENC(E) 1445 83
SYLVITE 9750 84
LETTERs 6239 64
PICOT(E)ES 4825 80
pACIFI(E)D 20061 69
JOUSTER 9328 94
ELE(C)TION 1057 70
(E)VIRATES 864 86
SYENITE(S) 13262 86
NAS(A)LIZE 7109 118
OOTh(E)CAL 10875 79
KAIS(E)RIN 4139 78
ELUATES 1820 67
ELUATES 1311 71
MICRONS 9969 83
SULKiER 8748 67
DOES(K)INS 13683 76
RETaIN(E)R 166 58
IOTA(C)ISm 12974 61
DECEASE(D) 25874 89
DiRECTL(Y) 8634 80
(A)IRBOUND 2285 65
SEATING 264 80
GASHEST 14395 76
WI(S)TARiA 7430 70
RAMMIER 15020 75
REA(D)DICT 5161 80
oPHIURA 9727 80
PAEsANI 2378 71
KE(T)oXIME 25351 96
DOGFISH 24328 88
LAWINEs 2051 73
HAULERS 7533 77
MILTERS 4399 79
CONgAED 2925 74
(T)RIALLED 2191 80
NITRATE 254 76
FAST(E)NeR 1514 70
WEZANDS 18863 110
DO(V)ERING 2929 80
D(U)STiEST 14425 68
NAE(T)HING 4200 66
UrANIUM 11666 75
(S)ILICoNE 3059 80
CHIMERS 14259 86
(S)LATTERN 2028 77
FIFTIEs 17227 100
TE(L)OmERE 5216 58
LISPERS 12458 78
DEBASER 3834 75
VENATiO(N) 727 83
INV(E)NTOR 1700 76
LEVER(E)TS 10589 74
REFRAI(N)S 2768 65
DE(W)INESS 18096 74
POLKAEd 15820 82
QUITTER 13762 77
Un(E)ROTIC 764 140
CRaNNOG 11792 78
UPGAZED 18556 119
T(U)RNSOLE 922 70
FIDEIST 8108 72
GERENUK 16660 84
VARiANT 4067 101
TERCIOS 1250 89
(N)OnESUCH 18545 77
DEBONED 11431 80
SILANeS 2760 76
AG(E)NTIAL 791 63
DANCET(T)Y 18272 78
SALUKIS 27504 68
GRIT(T)IER 13987 68
(O)RBItIES 2174 77
EN(T)ERONs 2271 66
BRID(O)ONS 8807 64
WESTERN 4039 89
L(I)TREAGE 352 65
SALTPAN 15553 80
THeT(I)CAL 13301 82
(I)NFRInGE 14823 86
POLENTA 876 75
sTAGIER 270 70
sANDIER 111 89
(B)uTLERED* 0 74
PLUMAGE 15330 78
ANOXIAs 6773 106
THONGED 5509 107
STARING 1411 91
OUTDRAG 3670 74
SULpHA(T)E 12630 90
(F)ANDAnGO 24677 76
NETBALL 13078 71
O(n)ANISMS 22760 76
P(I)NKENeD 25926 78
UNH(O)ODED 18738 102
CI(T)RATES 2903 68
HEROINE 461 74
PlACEBO 12023 78
RUNDLET 2326 64
SENARII 143 65
(G)ROWAbLE 8821 82
FILAREE 1381 73
rED(F)OOTS 9006 86
(S)IDELONG 2120 88
KIlOTON(S) 13136 74
MELANO(U)S 2650 74
IROnWA(R)E 728 70
GARIALS 7936 75
VENiRES 3047 84
TARAIRE 965 68
LE(A)DENED 14079 76
S(C)IAENID 2428 63
(mO)TORBIkE 13851 68
CAVEA(T)OR 5882 64
NEMESEs 25261 82
DENOTI(N)G 2007 72
(R)EINSURE 2715 70
SNAKIlY 16227 101
GRICERS 15654 79
ENTE(L)LUS 15277 70
DY(S)TONIC 16911 64
RAILBE(D)S 2966 65
NIOBItE 1481 75
GERUNDS 8011 74
OTtAVAs 17987 88
S(O)UNDING 11897 75
LISENTE 578 77
MON(K)fISH 26310 114
RETA(P)ING 749 149
oX(AL)ATING 10476 114
MoROSEL(Y) 20458 80
POLARIS(E) 717 70
AGOUTAS 8944 85
RIVIERA 4472 78
BRACH(E)Ts 14687 68
DERiDIN(G) 9928 74
EvA(C)UEES 16583 68
NITRILE 505 79
STOOGED 5543 81
TAtAMIS 12354 74
ROE(N)TGEN 2611 59
(A)VERRING 4421 78
FLAvONE 5040 105
(A)NTIMALE 1211 89
GlAS(S)IES 22791 72
(E)NTERONS 1753 77
REPEATS 2236 89
DUtIABL(E) 2288 83
AMENDER 2085 74
ROA(D)STER 1081 93
RUSTLIN(G) 6876 80
F(E)iGNERS 4408 80
InTREP(I)D 2534 76
VESTiGE 7718 68
(D)ITHERER 8386 89
OVE(R)LATE 821 63
B(E)STEADS 13645 74
SORRIEr 8556 65
GLISTEN 2319 92
(W)ORRITED 4698 64
KAInGAS 19096 71
RE(A)DVISE 1985 78
SPUMONE 15070 84
ACeTYLS 13377 104
LoGGERS 18147 87
SATINET 554 78
ENDRINS 2839 82
(E)LAPHINE 4265 80
UMBElUL(E) 29513 70
NEMATIC 2287 65
FACTO(I)Ds 8699 64
TENSoRS 3559 87
OVERING 1366 78
SYL(V)aTIC 19726 88
(S)INUATES 2093 68
lI(G)ATURE 474 66
ARROWEd 4610 75
ADD(I)TiON 4534 62
EERIEST 1212 76
DENTALS 1090 64
MURICES 9694 90
H(E)DONIST 1361 63
PRoGERI(A) 2614 70
(W)OODSIER 3945 74
DEXTRAN 3594 120
OCT(U)pLET 18571 67
RaIMENT 302 74
ANCILIA 11972 63
DISEUSE 12340 74
BESMILE 11376 77
SEGETAL 2345 78
NARCeIN(E) 1859 70
OVER(L)ATE 1045 72
ENGINES 7114 67
JINgLET 11051 78
BHARALS 17758 82
TERRINE 976 73
SWARD(I)NG 8288 67
ImPIOUs 16048 74
LiMACON 6950 76
eLUSIVE 6342 71
ARIDeST 123 94
LE(A)RNING 2123 72
ERECTIO(N) 375 91
CONQUeR 11394 90
V(I)PERInE 7336 63
ApNOEAS 2247 64
CRIPP(L)ER 26288 84
TEAZELs 7013 101
SENT(I)NEL 2711 68
INERTIA(L) 93 77
HA(D)RoNIC 5618 76
SPONGiN 14158 77
GUENONS 10598 72
GADOIDS 10421 67
SENORES 4671 81
RAILCAR 11830 63
PReBIDS 9660 74
BOSS(i)EST 22115 60
GYrATES 4520 78
ON(E)RIEST 44 82
PURCHA(S)E 17436 78
BIoTOPE(S) 7870 63
(L)IMBEcKS 26202 66
STR(A)DDLE 6846 93
HE(N)cHMAN 27899 95
INdORSE(R) 1157 66
R(E)EFAGES* 0 76
La(N)THORN 8132 62
(RE)GENCIES 6245 76
oTTOMAN 11020 71
hIERUR(G)Y 18884 76
(A)EROlITE 9 71
(P)ROTaMIN 3317 83
RELOAdE(R) 1613 58
AEOLiAN 78 64
MANURES 4257 74
AGENTrY 3482 93
SPINNER 6595 72
VINASSE 6422 86
MELDERS 9612 73
(D)ELEAVED 19701 69
STHENIA 672 76
DISCOU(R)E 3681 65
H(E)LPLiNE 25339 86
HANDSOM(E) 6413 98
EReCTOR 5535 81
(P)ITHEADS 5415 68
UpTReN(D)S 7181 82
APE(R)IENT 228 66
iRATEST 560 78
DEtENTS 6235 75
RIPSTOP 17820 108
VAG(A)RIES 3969 98
DIAMI(D)ES 12166 66
C(UT)EsIEST 17483 83
FAINTER 229 72
lEVITI(E)S 7708 70
ANOESIS 1069 64
RETA(I)NED 28 70
(R)OCKIEsT 7684 69
GRAVI(T)AS 9383 74
NESTING 4445 64
YEAsT(I)ER 643 61
ASHIEST 6677 81
REALISt 117 68
ENcINAL 3784 67
ExURBIA 7773 68
INHuMED 10128 67
OSTIAtE 321 81
PA(L)LIATE 12183 74
OUTSTAY 17075 72
TYLOSIn 5647 69
DEMES(N)ES 29893 65
TESTIER 2534 63
JAUNTIe 2326 76
CA(V)ItIES 6311 158
RED(E)EMER 24258 78
GA(M)ACHES* 0 88
SHEBEEN 16543 75
WAILERS 1564 74
FUSTIAN 4958 76
ADVISED 9575 69
PiCOTED 5085 77
ABUsIVE 6908 81
RESLATE 586 70
SOWARRY 23018 90
TANLiNG 8315 73
ESSENCE 17878 70
O(U)TPLANS 7210 61
FOURE(Y)ED 10810 67
LiTIGAN(T) 8225 77
SUBLATE 7435 97
TALARIA 7935 68
SNIBBED 23608 75
UPROOTS 18189 85
INFERIA(E) 970 67
WATERLO(O) 1967 86
(E)XPIAtED 7395 88
S(A)TIRISE 2360 68
LENTIGO 383 68
NATURIS(M) 3701 83
F(E)ATURED 3948 74
EL(E)GIzED 23331 68
ACAR(I)NES 1536 74
EpILO(G)UE 6734 77
FATIgUE 3366 77
(g)ARCINIA 13101 72
(G)aRROTED 1892 72
INVOLUT(E) 1395 88
GER(B)ILLE 15376 72
EYESoRE 6567 82
ISOGONY 11797 76
OUTNESS 8255 71
UPRIS(A)lS 24526 62
DIRIGE(N)T 2017 78
EELFARE 7939 68
ASLAkED 17094 76
LIGATUR(E) 594 80
SUIDIAn 5694 79
DELAtOR 183 83
ISATINE 173 70
(S)ERENATA 566 60
MANLIER 865 70
RoUTHIE 1279 71
ARTICLE(D) 1279 72
LOERIES 393 79
SENILIT(Y) 4700 72
PICTU(R)ED 8641 64
SUBdEAN 5336 75
MITOSES 10216 77
ESTER(A)SE 9874 78
PRE(L)IMiT 12854 62
SUBRING 12508 71
OvE(R)LOAD 3719 62
PE(K)EPOOs 38532 66
(D)ISRATED 2833 83
CaNNULA(R) 24887 70
LOTHaRI(O) 4497 92
IMPE(R)IAL 8253 65
TRAINER 250 66
ISTANAS 11036 66
TITTERS 14279 70
RAT(A)NIES 111 82
STIVIER 4912 79
SPAREST 9768 83
AR(C)HIVED 10839 69
N(O)NTIDAL 2786 70
ENLA(R)GEN 5486 60
REPOSAL 2613 96
CUSTODE(S) 16254 86
A(L)ATIONS 830 70
FINGERE(D) 4629 65
RAD(I)AtES 290 92
(D)ETINUES 915 61
JIvIEST 14633 109
HUNTA(B)LE 9007 80
EXACtAS 14610 85
RACEMO(S)E 4808 89
OUgUIYA 14541 79
TuRTLIN(g) 11022 62
DIoE(C)IES 3977 60
SEACOA(S)T 10334 68
WAHINES 4199 87
COARSEN 846 77
GuLPIER 7254 71
(C)OUNTERS 2798 83
(F)ReNULAR 8332 70
NE(G)ATOrY 979 71
NARDINE 508 82
(A)UREOLAS 933 66
(V)AULTIeR 1022 72
KNESSET 16686 84
(T)OADLETS 2490 68
MORTGA(G)E 11235 74
FLUOR(E)NE 3770 76
INFUsED 5420 92
cLERIDS 5408 86
OU(T)SKIRT 16767 76
PETUNIA 674 69
AUDITOr 438 75
(C)OLLEENS 13924 83
UNADEPT 2990 70
(F)ORTIETH 10323 86
I(N)VADING 23241 69
TAEn(I)ATE 894 76
GUIDERS 4653 78
NUMBATS 20967 91
ALTE(R)AnT 3197 78
STRONDs 15627 76
DOODIES 10230 75
ANOThER 350 76
UNbEARS 4099 75
ImPAVES 15713 98
EIGHTVO 9162 88
MAEsTRO 887 76
sEPTIME 11218 70
s(N)OWLINE 7941 70
TONALLY 13205 72
GLOATED 1433 69
OUTC(H)EAT 14646 65
GEArING 4986 79
QUANTU(M)S 36773 71
ARRIDES 1758 85
SNoODED 14488 90
ENTOILS 176 69
vERITES 2204 65
CITRINS 11500 76
LODEsTA(R) 415 67
GLADDEr 10290 86
HETAERA(E) 5222 80
CaT(H)ODES 6707 80
FOOTL(E)RS 6883 76
HOATzIN 10741 76
(T)OPRAILS 3201 83
PRINTER 5350 96
MISkNEW 24653 90
SCOLDER 6101 74
ILEUSES 12341 72
HANGOV(E)R 7326 88
ENRAGES 1556 91
PEONAgE 2740 75
AZOTeM(I)C 12328 90
SANGOMA 15291 79
COPIERS 6811 78
STANDEE 744 73
FOLK(S)mEN* 0 80
YMOLTEN 10871 75
FLENsER 6470 75
KETONES 5069 82
TADPOL(E)S 2644 64
(O)VERBORe 17152 67
AVA(R)IcES 5968 90
OR(A)NGiER 299 59
SUITERS 5209 78
SERVILE 4002 93
NATURIN(G)* 0 63
ERASERS 14042 82
TIMBE(R)ED 9342 67
LEWISIA 4700 82
IM(I)TAToR 7721 72
ARGUING 11769 72
MORD(A)NTS 4682 65
OVERHA(U)L 6772 78
(E)RIONITE 81 70
FErmIUM 28049 81
MUTABLE 9542 80
SWIFTER 6860 89
P(O)UCHIER 11361 88
SAININg 9814 77
(C)HALANED 17323 82
E(N)NOBLER 9736 78
REURGIN(G) 21995 83
(R)EtAINED 38 77
MINoRED 1253 83
FrA(C)TION 3500 76
PAVISES 19497 82
CURATES 3090 71
TORtILE 789 69
F(E)WTRiLS 9122 63
SIENITE 763 74
OsTIOLE 988 76
(S)OUTHROn 12320 83
INWARDS 6602 69
SEND(A)BLE 6925 74
AmENAGE(D) 10558 80
SINUATE 153 74
SECTILE 5505 75
L(A)RIATED 286 68
HEGEMON 10850 84
ERRATAS 3245 73
M(E)LANITE 659 72
DIATRON 127 79
(I)NhOLDER 1433 68
LOIASES 1752 76
SARODES 3569 78
GLOXiNI(A) 10540 119
TUNNELS 7860 75
IMPA(C)TER 7242 67
SENARII 137 89
(B)EFOULED 14307 88
FAVOr(I)NG 7712 106
OST(I)OLAR 1064 60
PEREIO(N)S 852 70
LaRIGAN 3438 74
WELTIN(G)S 6226 72
PI(T)TANCE 6913 78
UdOMETE(R) 3754 72
N(I)OBITES 2173 70
(D)ECORATE 1021 73
INBOARD 1562 81
GADrOON 4773 73
WE(E)KEND(E)R 32939 79
WaTERAG(E) 5022 80
NEUROS(A)L 314 68
GUIL(TI)EST 12470 66
NOSEBA(G)S 15701 63
VISITOR 8391 70
(H)ITMAkER 15536 89
TH(A)LLINE 7128 67
SELVAGE(S) 25688 98
CTENOID 900 65
REMAILS 1477 76
VANA(D)ATE 9507 66
OSTRACA 6006 81
GaLLET(E)D 10011 70
BIPHENy(L) 21859 67
GENDERS 4358 77
(L)ITERATI 1043 70
ELEGITs 2354 75
HAIRpIN 13212 75
DRAINER 695 67
RESOLI(N)G 888 68
DESPITE 4161 78
DIS(S)EISe 23540 77
PENTODE 2525 66
PEC(O)RINI 4467 63
U(R)EdINIA 309 68
KEElAG(E)S 17796 64
OWLIEST 2044 65
CaVALER(O) 9658 89
INDIGEN 10146 96
T(A)BLETED 12516 62
STEELIE 3515 71
CRoCEI(N)S 15938 94
H(E)MIPoDE 17458 86
dELIC(A)TE 1959 70
AROYNTS 4546 88
FEASIbL(E) 9156 83
THRuST(E)R 26506 74
IDEATIO(N) 47 72
BEEPERS 22214 68
(L)ENITING 8031 63
TOWnL(I)ER 770 90
AR(A)BISED 3302 76
EMIGRES 7710 76
(E)SCALADE 11747 86
qUARTIE(R) 5777 71
AlIENOR 3 72
C(A)TERANS 2515 74
F(I)BROiNS 12942 62
RoZELLE 20939 100
ANAErOB(E) 1202 80
REDR(Y)INg 10181 72
SIMILAr 8156 70
ARRI(V)ALs 15283 74
HUNKE(R)ED 18706 80
BILAN(D)ER 1259 76
C(R)ITTURS 29446 68
TEET(H)ING 11105 66
DEL(E)TION 216 65
B(U)LKIEsT 22814 96
PREDAT(E)S 3980 80
(H)OMEFeLT 22620 107
VENTR(A)LS 2256 74
gLADIeR 716 73
R(U)NDALES 2193 63
DEIFIES 7000 88
CESURAL 7455 71
DoDGEmS 24708 81
LePTINS 3150 64
ESTR(A)YED 2907 63
SlEAZES 16660 92
LOMENTA 873 73
TESTING 4261 86
AlKANET 6373 82
(F)LOuNCES 13264 89
(E)ARLIEST 115 77
FROgBIT 16523 78
DEoDATE 3313 75
LICENSE 4120 81
mESONIC 5101 88
TANGOeD 502 89
TORULAE 204 69
(M)ANDORLA 8112 74
DRAFTEE(S) 3030 98
FATHOmE(D) 11896 104
INCoRPS(E) 4117 84
LICENSE 5499 85
OORIALS 2219 69
VEALIER 1395 79
IgNOBLE 2830 80
BRACERS 13736 82
pARVENU(E) 6794 92
SWATTE(R)S 16360 76
ORGAnI(S)E 61 131
SUR(p)LICE 12022 60
KER(Y)GMAS 22919 68
GUS(S)ETED 16879 72
UNLOD(G)Ed* 0 63
LINEMEN 10305 74
SIGNORS 14118 82
SHOOtIE 3730 67
DIAT(R)ONS 360 75
ISOlATE 37 75
FEDARIE 1368 81
ENSNARL 3773 86
(A)CUITIeS 3343 80
(F)ORELEND 4890 74
ARE(N)ITES 42 68
hEROIsE 1645 83
WENNIER 4919 67
SHOV(E)lED 15034 89
WASTRIE 731 78
CANOLAs 8773 74
A(R)ILLOdE 1115 68
SANTON(I)N 9626 66
D(R)OOPIER 7798 65
GROwAB(L)E 8821 61
LIZARDS 11594 95
B(O)RNItES 598 61
LEANEST 553 77
INTERWA(R) 1431 86
INTROIT 4702 66
SPI(N)ULAE 3016 62
(D)IRIGENt 2017 83
NOTChEL 10807 68
GREAsIE(R) 2023 70
LANGURS 8104 77
R(U)BBEReD 25966 82
NOSTRIL 1149 69
(H)URLInGS 15356 86
TEL(E)StIC 9599 95
RADIALI(A) 11517 68
pERMITS 7169 89
(C)OUPLING 18966 80
KIESTER 4349 93
ONERIES(T) 44 66
TRAPRO(C)K 33935 73
BIgUINE 10998 71
THEEING 4501 84
TANKERs 4796 75
DI(C)TIONS 7732 67
UINTAI(T)E 1045 77
UNW(A)TERY 7651 80
FLINGER 6310 97
OLEATES 386 80
MENT(O)RED 2555 72
I(M)PARTeD 4350 67
LAVROcK 27454 86
MISCRE(E)D 13681 79
GRANt(I)NG 20681 65
TABINET 2786 74
lAN(I)ARDS 3026 82
cRESTAL 2951 75
DIALLER 2750 73
PENDAn(T)S 7905 70
PIS(C)AtOR 5642 149
(R)EALNESS 4846 68
MORE(S)QUE 15448 90
TAINTED 511 72
LUCERNS 8310 74
FLANGER(S) 5874 89
(M)ORDENTS 2802 76
TReNAIL 18 75
GREISEN 1573 79
HALtERS 3154 81
DiA(L)OGUE 682 60
PARENTS 2128 76
(O)VERTASK 10080 98
CEASING 3348 65
(C)AGELIkE 18038 74
REBRAND 8605 72
E(M)ERSION 1075 62
FORGaVE 9149 84
UNIT(E)DlY 5949 64
VOLUMIS(E) 13241 76
ULNARIA 3146 70
RELENTE(D) 4794 86
Ta(P)ESTRY 18317 76
DEVIaNT 842 80
LISTERI(A) 398 70
COnVENE(S) 21500 89
FEDERAL 5400 86
(P)RISTINE 3491 83
UNLOVED 8533 72
TRYPSiN 16789 73
TSAR(I)NAS 9185 82
OUVRIE(R)E 5837 64
STEPDaD 17226 90
OUVrAGE 3953 72
OUTSAID 1537 78
GLOATER 389 88
RINGeRS 4447 84
INSIDER 1281 68
RESLATE 557 71
PERC(E)NTS 13552 65
SPRAINS 16309 76
ANTLIAE 163 79
mOORING(S) 10991 77
ICTERI(D)S 6504 66
ALIGNED 974 65
M(I)NERALS 1055 72
EDITORS 175 87
LITORAL 3032 77
DRuNK(E)ST 11637 74
NIT(E)RIES 568 82
CAST(L)INg 11487 86
HORNIER 3463 71
BEN(Z)OATE 7164 88
EERIEST 1665 73
REM(I)SORY* 0 76
INCLOSE(D) 2663 84
CLATTER 8623 84
IO(D)InATE 48 70
TOHER(O)AS 2703 74
(T)EMULENt 17584 70
RAT(O)ONED 295 61
MiSDONE 2668 94
REDA(C)TOR 4605 74
(F)URACITY 22947 101
ANGLERS 2278 76
C(O)NFIDER 4090 78
RETAIL(O)R 140 62
SE(R)IATED 118 68
(P)ENTISED 4073 86
sALVORs 21599 73
TOESHOE(S) 21819 86
NAVi(G)ATE 2018 94
BROMISE 6776 78
SIgNEUR 2316 74
TINDERS 570 68
COASTED 2554 88
GRIsTLE 2313 80
COSTEA(N)S 8453 85
BARTER(E)R 21597 61
SURLIEr 6919 76
NONAgON 26019 64
BISSONs 31361 90
LE(G)UMINS 9048 64
LOTIONs 3283 71
(M)ONIlIAE 700 86
SOLERET 851 75
CENSUSE(D) 20622 78
AGE(N)TIVE 1087 68
TEENiER 478 78
TAILB(O)NE 169 61
cHAUNTS 14905 87
BROGANS 7491 69
BLATANC(Y) 31681 69
RA(M)ULOSE 3639 64
VEsSAIL 12839 93
ANTIPO(R)N 4124 61
ARAISED 630 72
RIn(G)HALS 11443 185
sTIRRER 14197 64
NOTICEs 1246 77
DISSEAT 3855 76
TRUDGEN 4746 64
AIRPOST 1594 70
MONASTi(C) 5633 76
UNTA(N)GLE 5270 74
ETAMINE 372 89
ILEITIS 6580 73
CANT(A)LAS 19892 74
INNERLy 8772 64
EN(D)AmAGE 7664 140
(D)OMINION 17251 62
SeXTILE 7322 91
SOlUNAR 2480 67
HALOGEN 2943 69
lITIGA(T)E 3667 70
SLANDER 1142 73
ENROOTS 1374 67
ROT(U)RiER 9369 64
(R)ETINUED 385 63
PETROSA(L) 1394 72
aREOLAE 384 78
PURLInS 11072 69
RESINED 595 77
BERGEns 11800 74
RESLATE 761 70
PAToNCE 3641 100
DEVOURS 8553 89
LaRGeST 2288 86
DIGERAT(I) 799 86
VERLANS 4235 88
INTAKES 2332 81
F(A)NCIERS 4303 65
TROUVE(U)R 23816 88
ARGOtIC 2676 68
DEITIES 1688 72
(S)NIVELER 3149 95
WADDLES 15868 79
hORDEO(L)A 3924 68
OVERLIT 989 74
INBOARD 2159 76
AN(CH)OVIES 7371 86
(D)IMErISE 7699 80
UNHOLIE(R) 1869 76
AvIETTE 3579 67
GRASpED 9986 73
BANGLES 9950 73
SHORTI(N)G 8542 64
O(R)ANGIER 403 69
CURTS(I)ED 5934 82
STEELIE 3496 83
FLAUTAS 14065 100
DELEING 2347 71
I(N)ERTIAS 118 68
SM(e)ARIER 4859 140
(G)ONADIAL 3924 62
CONDuIT 7877 77
FlUENT(L)Y 23836 102
TENSiTY 6565 77
PADRO(N)ES 1758 72
(E)CLIPSED 18523 98
FRONTEd 2774 79
EARLIES 268 70
ReTR(A)CER 21722 70
FRISTED 4350 82
NEONAT(E)S 733 77
(L)UTEOLIN 2627 62
PHILI(B)EG 22514 114
STANGED 1640 89
READIES(T) 117 72
ENDLESS 11955 77
ANOIN(T)ED 123 68
(V)IbRATOR 9817 74
FOREPAR(T) 7449 67
EVILeST 4004 82
ENGRAIL 336 76
TINsELY 4412 102
SNIRTED 572 70
ESQUIRE(D) 12294 88
APOSTLE 2630 96
BULLIEs 21404 67
CONSTRU(E) 2797 83
(C)OGiTaTE 2610 80
REDLIN(E)S 909 72
MEN(D)IGOS 4154 63
VICO(M)TEs 11374 106
RELIsTS 5206 76
SALARIA(T) 9954 60
TRaP(S)ING 7257 86
ANTIGAy 9917 72
POLEM(I)ST 6517 66
BURNIES 3072 81
ReVALUE 3928 66
INGESTS 7052 80
RATOONS 2257 75
LORDK(I)NS 15367 80
DICT(A)TES 6741 63
CA(V)EATOR 5850 67
GAiNSA(I)D 10710 72
RESI(Z)ING 14462 70
TARAIRE 965 66
(S)CAnDIAS 25264 83
SERIALs 3871 84
ENABL(I)NG 9590 74
OuTVOTE 16220 72
SaVOROU(S) 27688 62
TEGMI(N)AL 2394 84
GUINEAS 993 81
PRANCKe 21050 91
DIGEStS 9879 89
OILsEED 765 81
rABID(I)TY 16345 89
CLERKED 24099 102
MI(L)ITANT 15323 84
ONEFOLD 10807 84
CASELAW 18583 88
WEANeRS 2978 95
TIGE(R)EYe 8690 73
BRAILLE 8927 95
ATTENDE(E) 5838 80
SpOTTI(N)G 19113 72
CRANNOG 11298 70
ENRO(O)TED 834 63
TAILfIN 5259 69
(G)YnECOID 8392 101
NOUMENA(L) 7950 89
DECIS(O)RY 8930 74
ChOLENT 10868 72
ANEA(R)ING 2537 60
REENLIS(T) 488 77
COUGUAR 24045 69
MADDEsT 12312 88
NOTTuRN(I) 7688 59
ORDURES 7928 86
ALNAGER 2849 81
gLAMORS 14399 78
ISOTOPE 3741 73
HIDAGES 6209 108
NEDDIES 6072 74
MERLONS 5220 73
THREAP(E)D 9295 66
CANCERs 20001 77
ABrOSIA 4932 73
NETTIES 2541 66
AEDICUL(E) 3879 86
NOSTRIL 1592 77
pROTYLs 22218 81
IMPANNE(L) 13392 69
TRIPLO(I)D 7736 63
ABJECT(I)V(E)* 0 106
DOMIN(a)NT 7071 70
DiA(L)OGUE 874 86
(N)ONENTRy 21487 66
DECANTS 4131 92
(M)ARGARIN 14146 86
ENDEARS 574 82
bED(Q)UILT 22922 68
TENORIS(T) 619 77
SHOWmAN 23916 78
BUSTLeS 17652 76
STINGER 776 89
AcHIOTE 1297 83
GENTEEL 8637 70
(D)IATRONS 361 80
(V)iBrATED 4301 80
ORDN(A)NcE 4630 82
R(E)DDiNGS 12148 66
ELMIEST 5587 72
vOLLEYS 20129 76
CATAlOG(S) 14091 74
HOISTED 2001 66
NEUTR(O)NS 2505 68
RA(M)ILLIE 9322 74
EOSINES 2506 75
SHARiNG 6815 69
BROMIDE 5067 83
AIRtING 1633 71
SPACIER 4164 82
dECIA(R)ES 1444 74
T(O)NSuRED 872 70
RESTAGE(D) 1631 83
L(E)TTEReR 14650 66
SOnARM(A)N 12138 70
AIRfARE 4273 70
VIRTUAL 4765 65
(G)ARIGUES 7809 83
DIAP(A)UsE 4781 62
PLEADER 4063 80
sTANDER 407 71
COTERI(E)S 790 74
SAUTOIR 472 66
(L)E(S)BIGAYS 19260 69
MEWLING 12226 70
(F)eISTILY 13317 92
OMERTAS 934 90
AIRIEST 145 67
WHiR(L)ING 21700 80
BA(R)BARIN* 0 74
SUL(L)ENER 11645 68
sAF(A)RIED 2539 74
NAGGIER 3736 79
PINIEST 3655 84
DEC(A)GONS 4336 66
EXHaLED 15185 114
SALL(O)WER 9671 66
RER(A)ISED 1265 61
(S)PEARING 1867 74
FAINTER 229 74
UNhORSE 3741 73
SILuRIA(N) 3028 78
SCREAME(D) 9851 92
RINSA(B)LE 946 74
SERRANO 740 72
(G)ESNERIA 266 80
WHIdDED 22969 87
(A)NTERIOR 38 66
TARDiLY 4745 78
OVERMEN 5862 76
DEFIAN(C)E 4038 70
(S)PEARING 1767 86
ENRAGED 1124 72
INVAD(E)RS 983 78
ZEBrANO 5460 80
WIFTIER 7438 82
GROSCH(E)N 11913 65
IM(p)UTErS 8677 77
RENEGAD(E) 2696 83
ISOPAcH 14435 100
SALLIED 5280 86
RUNNeRS 12159 67
ANGIOmA 5308 71
(L)EAChATE 10911 70
AEROSAT(S) 3170 68
SMIDGEN 7535 83
DOLLIEs 5990 81
(G)RATINEE 85 72
DES(T)INED 5109 72
REKNOTS 4269 70
LEONiNE 1121 73
S(E)MINUDE 5083 72
I(N)fOBAHN 18561 70
R(I)GAUDON 1257 74
HENNERY 15426 73
SALVABL(E) 24180 67
PLACOId 10240 72
T(E)RRARIA 6954 59
GENOMEs 6424 83
SOOTIER 346 69
LARDO(O)NS 4440 68
ORATURE 782 64
(R)IGATONI 684 72
EKISTIC 13982 107
FRE(E)LOAD 1797 62
TOWNEES 3546 76
HOYDENs 15032 92
NARTJI(E)S 1630 80
DAW(N)LIKE 9469 114
(V)ELOCITy 11372 95
ANOSMIC 9660 85
(A)THETISE 4820 86
SEIZORS 11519 92
(Q)UARRIeD 8966 69
L(E)NITION 1500 70
I(O)DATION 1485 68
VAGrANC(E)* 0 84
MIDGUTs 15941 78
HERNIAE 485 97
(C)ERAMALS 17346 76
(F)ETtERED 21003 86
(L)AvABOES 13971 61
REuRGES 15177 74
NEATEST 1798 73
LUNGERs 5747 78
(I)SOLEADS 3295 80
OpIATED 417 80
ESTATED 4963 71
AREOLES 277 68
TEENDI(N)G 5530 72
AERIALS 635 79
UNW(A)TERY 7651 80
FLINGER 6310 97
OLEATES 386 80
MENT(O)RED 2555 72
I(M)PARTeD 4350 67
(P)ERMUTEd 14193 78
TRuANTL(Y) 14798 83
RESHAPE 8308 80
HER(O)ICAL 2036 64
ENCASED 4030 81
SENDERS 9353 70
LEF(T)OVER 8015 65
(m)ACERATE 7701 68
ZLOTIEs 4276 81
ALIENI(S)T 313 72
KITBAGS 17144 80
ETERN(A)LS 355 82
LEADIER 261 75
TENDRON 2397 70
E(L)ECTIoN(S) 1249 67
AIRLINE 136 65
sTUDIED 11342 70
ENTER(I)NG 2844 65
ABROADS 12328 77
TIMELIE(R) 3489 64
FURN(A)CEs 9019 66
(G)RODIESt 888 72
cARBIES 5704 87
(A)LUNITES 342 70
(K)ORERoED 22445 78
TERCELS 9020 68
MaUVE(I)NE 5586 76
COLDIES 4999 88
ENTHRAL(S) 2250 65
(C)ONATIVE 857 92
SwEETIE 5709 79
B(R)AiDERS 4879 72
(R)EcURVED 21890 72
T(R)IFORIA 5890 74
BROA(D)EST 1325 74
SAFfRON 17798 98
WENNIER 4919 66
AORISTS 3031 87
dEGLA(Z)ED 23112 70
ANTERO(O)M 940 78
CORONAE 1276 68
(M)ODIFiED 18500 70
SMARTED 2984 78
RAPI(E)RED 3695 80
(G)HERKINS 16390 101
REMELTS 6762 76
(A)NTIDRUG 2224 74
REGInAE 155 72
CENOTES 3533 65
TOLLING 10558 67
(R)EDDIEST 5111 78
PANICLE(D) 5648 76
SHOAL(I)NG 6320 88
AsININE 1681 76
STRID(E)NT 2032 59
AN(A)BASEs 20721 63
PlUVIAN 11897 66
(T)HROBBER 25258 82
PERIDIu(M) 17524 92
FEEBLED 25431 76
S(E)XTUPLE 28948 84
T(U)RNDOWN 20887 78
RAVINgS 6557 64
ENLISTE(D) 911 80
INSTAT(E)D 882 75
NOVENAS 4621 76
NOILIES 961 65
cONURES 5177 84
SMEIkED 20475 85
MOUSERS 13377 63
ARBITE(R)S 2731 72
cELADON 2563 70
TOUGH(E)ST 20358 63
A(R)TIFACt 16480 82
ELUSIvE 6342 69
BLUEbEA(T) 18698 74
SLIDEWA(Y) 8449 82
SIMO(N)IAC 9407 64
CURVETE(D) 13512 78
ORGIAST 805 81
AdENINE(S) 1198 74
N(U)THOUsE 13517 80
ICEFISh 18002 95
bRUNETT(E) 9874 78
AMENTI(A)S 1220 74
(b)IELDING 10199 68
PRESI(D)IA 2574 86
(C)OCAINES 8426 89
TRUCINg 9836 83
BOHEmIA 6303 67
OVERTON(E) 2583 71
WROnG(E)ST 4232 72
DUN(N)ITES 3978 59
BOT(A)NiCA 6555 72
THISTLE 9463 67
DOTAGES 1099 77
SPEARMA(N) 9784 74
ACORNED 880 76
(S)ETLINES 5122 77
STEWA(R)DS 12193 82
NEAtNIK 4454 79
(B)ALLONNE 14455 62
oUTLAND(S) 3410 77
AdELGID 7181 76
EISWEIN 4577 73
URANOUs 8217 69
BE(V)ATRON 1994 76
THERMES 10999 75
DILAT(I)ON 831 72
DOCTRI(N)E 570 94
HANDSEl 5364 90
UMBONAT(E) 3792 78
nITRIFY 12675 66
WELL(B)ORN 25010 65
(O)UTCOMES 20427 86
INCEDED 14880 114
WORDIER 6181 77
PLEONA(S)T 1780 61
(V)AGARIES 4178 78
nORTENO 2688 79
OMELETs 4812 72
GELATES 2458 69
A(M)ANITAs 12678 63
(R)ALLYiNG 17507 95
hY(P)HENED 29574 76
SAN(T)EROS 1275 70
ASPIReD 2015 95
(B)RAIDEST 1273 89
GNASHeR(S) 19371 86
CATENA(N)E 9233 74
COPaIBA 20746 96
(F)lEDGING 27330 80
L(A)IRISED 1015 72
VEILIER 6124 81
LOUNGES 5692 82
STANZAi(C) 22490 107
(N)OtITIAE 294 66
LOUSIER 678 72
C(H)ApATTI 32754 74
fLUORID(E) 3684 77
RET(S)INAS 1235 70
SPRAINS 16309 76
ANTLIAE 163 79
(W)RoNGEST 5840 89
UNRI(P)EST 3127 140
PARbOIL 9691 72
FENDiNG 15682 77
TREFOI(L)S 1871 96
NO(N)AGOnS 31133 73
TOUPEES 6460 77
(F)ATIGUeD 3626 64
OUTE(A)TEN 735 62
mANNERS 6486 71
IN(E)RTIAE 55 68
FEEZING 19178 81
(L)eAPROUS 3662 80
CATERAN 2452 66
APHORIs(M) 19542 95
A(N)BURIES 1283 62
SOSaTIE 1077 86
PARIETE(S) 639 89
NUClEIN 9041 80
GODETI(A)S 310 70
INROADS 593 82
URALITE(S) 345 60
CORNlAN(D) 15824 80
JOGGLER(S) 23712 107
REALEST 555 66
OPEN(C)AST 3823 63
AG(E)NESEs 12478 82
lOTHARI(O) 3264 70
ST(OP)BaNKS 25209 67
OXAL(A)TED 5939 88
(O)pERATED 774 77
VERACIT(Y) 7245 88
InEDIBL(E) 5576 90
BEAUTIf(Y) 10302 89
GHE(R)AOED 2717 73
REBOARD 4396 82
lUPANAR 11129 77
WAT(E)RMAN 8574 102
ANADEMS 8115 74
PELOTO(N)S 9028 72
LOGLINE 7036 71
RELO(O)KEd 11516 76
RIDGILS 11472 74
PRE(C)IeUX 26999 122
VALONIA 4963 76
STEALED 1819 86
ROOFeRS 16304 79
RE(V)ENANT 3666 64
OUTRIGS 3518 78
GNATH(I)Te 4201 89
cOZE(N)ERS 16277 114
CaR(C)ASED 29314 158
OUTRANG 2470 73
ONLIEST 236 77
NEUTRAL(S) 684 71
WEIGELA 4102 80
(R)UNAbOUT 16478 66
RIeMPIE 11904 87
PERMITS 6884 99
LIMIT(E)RS 4699 64
sULCATE 5357 71
UNAMUSE(D) 15151 63
IdEATES 200 80
URAnIAS 2266 79
T(H)ERMALS 8594 76
(M)ATZOONS 18358 110
SANdARA(C) 18936 80
StETTED 23415 75
DEHISCE 15223 73
MOOLIEs 6881 82
UTRIcUL(I) 21212 74
ArTIFI(c)E 3613 68
GANGLI(O)N 16019 66
VIROSES 7657 85
ClEANSE 4034 80
END(O)RSER 3212 61
cLOSURE 6111 62
VULT(U)RES 18665 94
bILINEA(R) 1166 66
sAUTEED 1310 71
AnTITAX 12622 91
DIRe(C)TOR 3386 83
MOUcHED 17550 76
ELEVONS 4614 78
RONTGEn 2673 66
(D)ISEAsED 12486 72
TOONIES 345 62
A(I)RDROME 1674 72
INTENSE 1816 66
DIESELS 8829 86
FRONTED 2774 80
AN(O)DYNES 7942 63
INOSITO(L) 6686 68
MOOLEYS 20977 75
FoRBEAR(S) 14635 78
ERIN(G)OES 352 61
PINO(T)AGE 394 64
TERATOI(D) 139 80
SARAnGI 4598 78
OVERSEE(N) 7229 86
TEL(E)GONy 6920 68
ENS(E)ALED 4614 70
SIRNAMe 899 75
FORDON(N)E 14816 78
ACUIT(I)ES 3361 63
MERYcIS(M) 37532 104
EMU(L)ATED 6946 63
EN(C)EINTE 8756 61
ARISTAE 137 84
(G)ATELeGS 13127 80
LAYsHA(F)T 34780 82
(D)IOECiES 5495 89
TINWARE(S) 555 95
INORBED 1229 76
ISOTONE 476 65
ENTROLD 684 63
PONTAGE 1881 80
(M)OUNTiNG 19002 62
CORNERS 9886 74
DIAMINE 2371 91
CHiRPeD 14873 74
UNBEAT(E)N 6339 70
BEAUT(I)ES 1441 64
UN(B)ELIEF 9917 65
SIE(N)ITIC* 0 64
ORGAsM(I)C 11000 74
(O)UtBLEAT 5731 80
(E)NDEAVOR 772 89
REzE(R)OED 16821 66
(R)EImAGES 2227 77
(S)POORiNG 10992 70
BEARISH 4106 87
SOR(E)HEAD 1799 65
tREFOIL 923 72
ARTIS(T)ES 4764 79
G(R)UNGIER 15970 72
STOMPED 10765 87
SIRENI(a)N 1044 64
EXORdIA 1034 84
bEEDIES 11899 77
GASELI(E)R 916 74
(D)ELIBATE 1948 92
RETE(A)MED 6209 94
OUTHoWL 26701 91
AERAdIO 77 60
GOWPENS 17731 76
CRONIEs 906 84
ANGElI(C)A 3963 83
INSHRI(N)E 11694 76
EATAB(L)ES 7710 61
(TI)MELINES 4874 78
GERENTS 2384 67
CAST(L)INg 11487 86
HORNIER 3463 71
REIFIEs 4578 78
RETIMED 2269 86
mOLDA(B)LY* 0 78
AMITIES 1796 74
RETOTAL 777 72
DERI(S)ION 397 61
ARRAYAL 21098 82
(D)IHEDRAL 8599 78
OVeRWI(N)D 4135 106
PELOTAs 1978 82
NEUSTON 3504 76
(T)REENAIL 41 68
ANTROR(S)E 606 76
PEST(E)RED 11123 94
TeENFUL 6744 84
dADAISM 18244 88
JANITOR 1849 87
ELUATES 1375 72
DEVI(A)NCe 4253 78
CREATO(R)s 3539 68
ANDESI(T)E 116 68
PI(N)TANOS 7089 68
sLEEKEN 21000 71
FO(O)TWEAR 6895 94
TRANNIE 247 66
LOERIES 393 68
M(E)TEWANd 9298 80
(N)EURONIc 3574 74
SER(I)EMAS 6616 70
ERGOTiC 1426 74
PARV(I)SES 14269 84
ELONGaT(ED) 419 80
BUGgIER 16254 74
PLE(D)GEOR 7988 62
ACEROSE 1182 78
EGOTIST 2580 71
(D)EUtERON 489 63
ENGRAFT 2613 80
INGOTeD 405 82
MORAINA(L) 3580 62
DISROOT 4587 81
W(A)XInESS 24835 68
ENS(E)ALED 4582 70
FLACONS 13453 75
TREADL(E)D 5090 73
cANDIES 1407 83
(U)RBANITe 385 74
DISBUDS 22761 84
PROLERS 14179 74
FINCHEs 14878 81
(T)RAVELOG 2243 74
BREaD(NU)TS 2626 94
(R)ECTORAL 4638 83
NOTITIA 2265 64
SUDATES 11324 68
BOARISH 6934 88
AURE(O)lED 468 58
INTeR(I)OR 606 71
LEANERS 551 66
STUCCO(E)D 21435 67
ThEURG(I)C 10862 70
OSTMARK 13717 85
PORCInE 2635 76
(P)AHOEhOE 22237 89
BAPTISE 4119 84
(G)AIETIES 820 70
P(A)NFrIES 3172 74
ZIBETHS 17501 85
SEDAT(E)ST 12197 69
AVERaGE 5963 79
SQu(I)RTED 10679 69
TENSING 5923 88
SIERRAN 552 65
ISATI(N)ES 2482 68
(P)LAUSIVE 8905 78
DENARII 140 70
MAENADS 6033 92
RE(I)NLESS 5120 66
P(I)LOTMAN 7830 74
O(R)ANGIER 404 60
START(L)ED 3763 68
(L)EGATINE 264 63
PRISSED 12423 76
EU(G)ENIAS 679 72
L(A)RCENER 6038 61
F(E)ATHERY 11667 101
(F)ASTENED 3946 64
IMPAS(T)OS 23614 75
UN(P)ROVED 13460 80
(D)IGyNIAN 23105 70
(R)AVIGOTE 495 92
ENdWAYS 9622 90
RAIDING 3290 68
PHRASED 9604 100
DISLIkE(S) 22312 77
OrBITED 897 70
DETRaCT 6192 88
FUMI(G)ANt 13667 63
INTRO(R)SE 491 59
ESSONIT(E) 1781 60
STRIVER 6309 77
tH(R)ONGED 4231 98
STAR(T)LED 3763 86
ETHENES 8606 89
AERObIC 1233 73
FLANgES 7190 82
BRACERS 13736 79
DANDLER 5170 72
(U)NWITTEd 7962 86
A(I)RFOILS 4745 88
OVERT(A)LK 7291 84
OU(T)COMES 14831 63
FAINT(E)RS 422 65
INSETTE(D) 2708 75
AcEDIAS 3517 74
HEL(O)TIsM 6508 65
St(O)OLIES 6023 78
QUANTED 5877 111
TRaG(O)PAN 7220 74
INSNARE 548 85
ReGIFTS 6345 79
AUN(T)LIKE 3462 98
ROASTED 190 106
INTENDS 3823 72
E(N)ROLLED 5673 72
IMAGINE 2675 76
BENDIER 2982 72
LUTETI(U)m 27031 68
DEPOSAL 5013 70
A(N)APHORA 25477 66
wAVESON 6786 74
(U)NvEILER 4126 74
DENTAR(I)A 107 70
RECLUSE 12852 78
PTOMAI(N)s 7801 78
PAESA(N)OS 10321 64
OUTSOLE 3973 71
SNOUTIE(R) 106 60
(N)EURONaL 1144 78
LINTELE(D) 5112 70
ISoHY(E)TS 15364 76
RE(N)ATURe 1290 73
BANDIES 1451 74
RASHEST 9752 70
UNWIS(E)LY 12667 65
RIVETTE(D) 6434 89
FOMENTs 8126 82
CHATE(A)US 13251 78
TOAD(L)IKE 1576 66
RATITES 533 67
SANAT(I)VE 1159 62
TANsIEs 1331 75
MITTENS 6287 77
BRINIsH 15484 77
RE(N)EWING 8056 74
MIL(IT)ATES 5443 76
SARONIC 2186 97
UNADO(R)ED 3425 62
D(O)GNAPeR 2914 76
LINkABL(E) 17882 80
FURRING 16073 79
SCORERs 16674 76
WASTERS 9365 74
DOUrINE 167 78
DIVAL(E)NT 1024 66
SHORTeR 7429 73
HAIRNET 230 80
EARLOBE 1238 75
INUR(EM)ENT 3962 63
UNIqUES 16612 67
ACEROSE 1240 86
URAEMIA 1782 70
SEABAGS 18107 81
ENHALO(E)D 1899 67
CAGIEST 2536 98
OUTDARE 155 69
TELOgEN 1349 79
ENCAMp(E)D 15289 66
SEePAGE 10473 85
ADENInE 1121 75
TOUKING 15461 69
TASERi(N)G 209 72
BORSTAL 5801 68
TENORIN(I) 638 70
GROSSED 11330 72
AE(R)OFOIL 892 64
STRAI(G)HT 13467 63
AI(R)PROOf 20809 74
SATIRIC 7354 88
C(L)INAMEN 13379 95
(N)OILIEST 509 70
REvEN(G)ED 17946 65
LI(T)ERATE 521 62
BILLERS 17320 85
ACETINS 819 100
MINICAR 9462 78
NOnELE(C)T 7080 72
PINTANO 5625 68
UNTRUSS 29109 87
sLEIDEd 12407 85
TOODLED 14567 92
HATREDs 4175 75
NATTIER 255 65
WOOD(B)INE 10893 68
(C)ONSPUES 29272 76
DONEgAL 1441 73
ATRESIA 169 74
DETRaCT 8670 90
ERI(O)NITE 81 82
RePENT(E)R 16269 70
C(O)NVIvES 28220 90
LEGAToR 390 73
RE(G)ULINE 1744 60
MES(T)ESOS 26286 64
UN(C)ARVED 9016 65
UNB(U)SIER 16117 86
FLAILED 12887 114
TILLINg 21917 76
PERVADE 11157 80
SWIT(C)HER 14023 194
VENTR(A)LS 2256 71
BLuNTER 5544 91
GUTLIKE 11418 80
COqUINA 14896 72
AMOTION 3327 86
DELOUSE 3561 75
SNOOT(I)ER 235 59
SAFArIE(D) 2539 67
STARRIn(G) 5035 77
GORDITA 796 68
PINOlES 1943 76
ENCLOS(E)R 3540 66
AIRprOX 20451 83
OSTIO(L)AR 1445 58
ABSTERG(E) 6071 74
DECAd(E)NT 9514 149
(I)DOLATER 11 70
LA(D)ENiNG 3029 80
DANDIFy 18158 77
SOLID(E)ST 4610 70
URI(N)ATOR 1225 60
(E)STrADES 6691 77
ECToPIA 1701 78
RESEA(L)ED 3333 63
ENGRAFT 2493 76
OUTAGES 1050 71
VIR(U)LENT 2268 74
AROINTS 122 81
SOAPERS 10180 70
(RE)WEARING 4256 92
SOLDIE(R)Y 3678 74
CATENAS 3610 99
SPITTI(E)R 8959 62
LOADERS 479 74
E(G)ESTION 331 70
OV(E)RTURE 7115 72
DASHEEN 4054 85
URINE(M)IA 1249 64
IS(O)GRIVS 22217 66
ALIENIN(G) 3671 80
SETTING 5928 76
OUTDATE(S) 2361 83
SIRUPED 5439 78
REIFIES 4377 78
ECOL(O)GIC 21713 64
ImPAIRS 12592 72
(S)CaVENGE 12102 92
DESAL(T)ED 7782 60
HYGIENE 9840 83
OILSEED 1057 67
(F)OLACiNS 12071 95
TUnNELE(R) 6634 66
(I)nTERNAL 333 74
TUMEFI(E)S 9958 78
SAPIENC(E) 4050 74
PUsSIER 12473 90
LAM(I)NOSE 537 61
(U)NWEDDED 27217 67
INSERTE(R) 1236 59
(G)OLDURNS 15032 62
HEWAbLE 21445 82
SEPTO(R)IA 290 72
FILIATE 1705 78
QU(A)INTER 1206 71
OUTCUrV(E) 18122 84
AURI(C)LeD 2176 72
ENGrAFT 2493 75
ANETHO(L)E 775 72
STONIES(T) 5485 77
ENDEA(R)ED 9921 63
GAUDIER 756 77
SCRAPIE 4353 72
REGNANT 2314 73
OUTLI(N)ER 97 61
SEEPING 5530 77
The of bingos played by the player that were not challenged off.
Triple Triples
Type Play Probability Score
T(R)OCKING 16526 230
SA(T)INETS 5010 131
SM(e)ARIER 4859 140
sANIC(L)ES 8159 158
ReDE(FE)ATS 4858 158
S(T)ARTLED 3967 140
RE(B)ATINg 738 140
M(A)CARIZE 21633 248
OUT(R)AVEd 1304 140
MANU(R)iAL 7276 140
Un(E)ROTIC 764 140
RETA(P)ING 749 149
CA(V)ItIES 6311 158
ORGAnI(S)E 61 131
PIS(C)AtOR 5642 149
RIn(G)HALS 11443 185
EN(D)AmAGE 7664 140
SM(e)ARIER 4859 140
UNRI(P)EST 3127 140
CaR(C)ASED 29314 158
SWIT(C)HER 14023 194
DECAd(E)NT 9514 149
Triple triples played by the player that were not challenged off. They do not have to be bingos.
Bingo Nines or Above
Type Play Probability Score
RETO(UR)ING 1381 72
PRODI(GI)Es 6747 80
ReDE(FE)ATS 4858 158
O(UT)SPENDS 12456 74
(IS)OOCtAnE 391 59
(mO)TORBIkE 13851 68
oX(AL)ATING 10476 114
(RE)GENCIES 6245 76
C(UT)EsIEST 17483 83
WE(E)KEND(E)R 32939 79
GUIL(TI)EST 12470 66
AN(CH)OVIES 7371 86
ABJECT(I)V(E)* 0 106
(L)E(S)BIGAYS 19260 69
E(L)ECTIoN(S) 1249 67
ST(OP)BaNKS 25209 67
(TI)MELINES 4874 78
ELONGaT(ED) 419 80
BREaD(NU)TS 2626 94
MIL(IT)ATES 5443 76
INUR(EM)ENT 3962 63
(RE)WEARING 4256 92
Bingos played by the player that were nine letters or longer and were not challenged off.
Challenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were challenged off by an opponent.
Unchallenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were not challenged by an opponent.
Plays That Were Challenged
Type Play Probability Score
T(R)OCKING 16526 230
BISTORT 9664 82
RETO(UR)ING 1381 72
TRANCED 1582 78
VIZORE(D) 8386 63
BLETCh(E)S* 0 0
BOW(S)EY 16563 54
(U)NDERWIT 3129 74
UNS(U)NK 15340 30
TADDIES 3848 76
IMBURs(E)D 16536 66
TOWP(L)aNE 4071 98
EVILLER 11166 0
GEEKY 10595 52
M(A)CARIZE 21633 248
ADENOID 778 85
MUD 1144 26
I(L)IAL 6561 15
CALAL(U) 19941 18
(T)YMBAL 19136 53
LOESSIC 14237 100
uMBRILS 24551 73
UNCAKES 13463 86
(Be)PELTED 26328 39
(H)ELVE 5958 36
GRICERS 15654 79
TANKIA 7460 51
ALAP 3403 24
GERUNDS 8011 74
AMMO(N)O 13049 45
RaIMENT 302 74
AGENTrY 3482 93
(G)ILPIE* 0 0
TOLZeY 13252 95
(U)NMIRY 13883 36
(A)RGHAN 12014 36
REPOSAL 2613 96
URANIC 2631 31
ARRIDES 1758 85
UNKE(N)D 11845 33
E(N)NOBLER 9736 78
REURGIN(G) 21995 83
INWARDS 6602 0
RoZELLE 20939 100
MUTON 5213 23
(A)LGINIC 13984 24
(H)OMEFeLT 22620 107
AMNESIC 4158 0
KEB 1114 29
ZITS 2426 44
REFLO(W) 9654 39
BLAHE(D) 11410 36
FULVI(C)* 0 0
(T)EMULENt 17584 70
BISSONs 31361 90
BLATANC(Y) 31681 69
BOTH 3819 43
TO(C)O 3083 21
HEMIPO(D) 16875 36
DIGERAT(I) 799 86
P(INBOARDS) 8127 42
L(EN)GS 3584 17
A(F)FOORD 27987 54
(T)RIFID 7158 28
SALARIA(T) 9954 60
TRaP(S)ING 7257 86
TARAIRE 965 66
COUGUAR 24045 69
(L)IMINA 4990 33
L(E)TTEReR 14650 66
REKNOTS 4269 70
FRICO(T) 8915 42
TENDRON 2397 70
COUTA 3327 45
(K)ORERoED 22445 78
GING 4146 30
KIST 3334 0
FEEBLED 25431 76
NOILIES 961 65
SMEIkED 20475 85
VEILIER 6124 81
TICKEY 16443 65
STEALED 1819 86
cOZE(N)ERS 16277 114
FORDON(N)E 14816 78
MERYcIS(M) 37532 104
(P)YRENES 15462 39
(L)ARKY 7100 39
JUKU 5606 35
HUDDEN 16691 47
BISK 4947 53
tH(R)ONGED 4231 98
UNADO(R)ED 3425 62
UNTRUSS 29109 87
(RE)WEARING 4256 92
LOA(m)LIKE* 0 0
OUTCUrV(E) 18122 84
(P)HOH 5550 24
Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Opponent Lists
Type Play Probability Score
WISE(L)IER 5589 69
AR(T)ERIAl 1037 66
ALCaYDE 13218 94
nEUSTON 3344 81
FOR(N)IcES 3892 140
GOALIES 360 78
ENTRAIN 185 66
UNM(I)TRED 2264 94
A(B)iDANCE 5946 82
BASMATI 12547 71
GRILSEs 10311 78
TEENIES(T) 4429 70
DEAcO(N)RY 4009 72
(U)NSEATED 956 80
M(U)RICaTE 3327 67
JESTING 11052 96
ELAPINE 1391 74
SQuARES 15888 77
BLEARED 3830 76
SOIREES 2509 64
SILIqUE 12216 74
SQUARED 9114 104
LoRDLI(N)G 13042 62
PRoFANE 2736 78
TONIEsT 795 74
LEOnINE 1179 64
(C)ARLINES 1010 74
SOUARIS 5434 72
M(A)TERIEL 660 70
PAESANI 1785 90
ORDI(N)aTE 3 72
RENAI(L)ED 107 60
(A)ERAdIOS 126 71
ENDEmIC 8344 80
CHU(G)GERS 28208 66
RESoNAt(E) 46 68
IGNEOUs 1116 84
INTENSE 1905 78
QUeST(I)ON 3386 82
REMOVAL 5050 82
ADAPTIv(E) 5971 72
NOTEpA(D)S 1370 70
EROT(I)CAS 255 90
mA(R)AUDER 16444 68
IN(T)AGLIO 2049 60
OUTLIN(E)D 426 68
DAISIES 7914 79
(G)OATIEST 1111 68
rEWIRI(N)G 11308 65
MINUTI(A)L 9558 74
(S)TRANgER 4223 74
BOGaRTS 10431 70
RUNNIeS(T) 2034 74
BANDERS 4105 81
FI(L)ATURE 1350 76
STR(I)PING 13067 63
OUTACTE(D) 5733 76
SHAKIER 7470 112
REFuSER(S) 22942 80
(R)EFOREST 7101 71
nO(T)ArIZE 246 185
NATURES 417 72
FREAKo(U)T 7286 82
(C)LOUTInG 9358 70
LETHALS 12333 64
DEFLATE 3864 90
ETHANES 2109 88
GENI(T)URE 716 78
CO(N)IInES 6342 60
INVERT(E)D 1534 98
(R)ELAXING 4074 68
ACEROLA 2242 78
ARISTAE 137 74
SQUINCh 22815 129
GRIPI(E)sT 6660 70
TRILLED 5410 66
OBVeRTS 8083 70
DROOPEd 15419 76
OUTLIER 189 66
(R)UNOVERS 9471 74
CHOKIER 13637 78
NASALi(Z)E 5402 70
ETEsIAN 56 82
CO(R)ELATE 804 68
SIRLOIN 2722 69
MENTEES 9003 94
DILATER 106 75
AmARONE 1489 73
LIV(E)NERS 2986 72
SIENITE 763 71
ScULLED 20410 68
(C)HARRIEr 20196 89
OUTEARN(S) 102 77
COLTISh 13511 71
FATNeSS 9747 87
RASSLER 12307 64
PEONIES 1201 72
pEDLaRY 9611 81
SMALTI(N)e 1007 61
ROILIER 2025 67
EGOTIsM 2855 80
TELEOST 6021 69
tEETHER(s) 21010 80
ENVIRON 2603 90
GA(I)TERED 278 64
PATENTO(R) 1790 72
OUTgOES 5554 66
CERVICa(L) 19286 80
ANTIWEA(R) 482 74
OUTRIGS 3518 67
rOADIES 33 81
MATTRES(S) 16352 70
UNlEA(D)ED 7780 140
DrIFT(I)NG 12422 62
AIRLINE 136 72
GOOnEYS 9491 79
STILLER 5198 73
cOLORED 7704 76
REVELRY 17196 116
rERAISE 824 88
ESCOLaR 1839 88
SAINING 9406 68
FERMION 2641 76
ThUN(K)ING 25579 74
S(O)UnDING 11897 74
LONELI(E)R 1683 61
(C)RAzIEST 6309 80
JAR(O)sITE 665 64
MISfITS 21447 77
BEEL(I)NEs 7366 72
(M)ACRURAL 24305 64
bARTISA(N) 4180 74
LOU(S)IEST 4616 70
ETHANOL 865 74
REALEST 555 71
LOONIES 1034 73
MInUT(E)LY 8672 74
OUTHEAR(S) 1314 76
THANA(G)ES 6624 66
OMELETS 4612 73
ENTENTE 17016 73
GAINERS 266 76
ALNICOS 3342 73
L(E)FTWArD 8575 65
ENLAR(G)Es 1632 69
(T)haNATOS 12137 80
(MO)nZONITE 12964 110
(E)yESIGHT 16777 86
PANIERS 914 83
TRACTIO(N) 4151 76
F(A)RInOSE 266 70
GArOTES 373 67
F(r)AgRANT 16887 78
G(A)RBAGEY 23900 84
DETHR(O)NE 1866 98
ANsATED 1216 66
WOODIES 4949 82
RESE(W)ING 4425 74
SALUTED 2274 78
URACIlS 7575 73
GY(N)EcOID 8392 63
TRUEING 777 76
AIRPORt 4021 65
D(A)TABASE 12965 176
COLl(A)GEN 11391 63
TEREDOS 809 77
ONsTAGE 372 75
O(V)ERLENT 1876 62
REGInAE 120 68
RHE(N)IUMS 8668 76
(R)ESILiNG 2828 77
POUTIER 965 84
(T)IERCELS 4074 72
BITRATE 2808 69
ODOrISE 1355 72
SNOTTEd 4679 69
NEEDLES 10171 89
FATSOES 10224 81
L(A)TENING 2136 68
nASAL(I)ZE 7112 70
ELE(C)TING 4626 74
OOMIAkS 15513 64
MEDALIN(G) 4769 76
CANDLES 7476 76
StOICAl 4468 72
GOnIdIA 2209 72
(T)INKERED 3326 92
JANgLES 15331 73
OvICIDE 8569 72
EMERSIO(N) 847 64
TOPAZES 8735 108
DE(n)TINAL 924 59
BaTONED 1130 94
DOFFERS 24771 72
AUgU(S)TER 12083 61
(F)EIsTIER 4539 70
DANCI(E)ST 1281 80
TrAS(H)ILY 11680 73
INGRA(T)ES 163 68
INDOLES 663 69
sTONIER 66 75
NOSEgAY 3969 74
POI(N)TIER 914 68
FIGMENT 12225 109
HI(R)EAGES 3063 76
ONSTrEA(M) 746 80
TEN(T)ORIA 39 62
(A)NTHELIA 1144 74
(P)RAXISeS 17897 122
ROOTLeD 2030 68
(L)EThARGY 15041 86
RENTALS 413 86
PUSSIEs 21985 72
ENGIRDE(D) 6963 86
CARRIOL(E) 1765 70
MAROONs 7376 76
C(o)ASTERS 6477 61
(C)UB(I)CALlY 28449 118
VARIOLA 3530 95
VICT(OR)IeS 4680 79
WI(C)OPIES 16476 66
TIDINE(S)S 7740 63
BLONDeR 3653 74
SALTIER 113 65
OVATIoN 2382 68
FORELEG 6422 78
BLOOME(R)S 15554 78
AMOUNTS 5613 78
NONGLAr(E) 1894 80
OVERING 1366 92
OREIDEs 283 72
E(X)PLAINS 13155 84
PENAlIZ(E) 10238 127
SCRIBES 23285 81
AN(T)ISPAM 16323 67
YACHTED 19944 127
BEArDED 14885 73
FO(A)MIEsT 1943 76
VITTlED 9053 72
CR(I)NGERS 10179 72
STA(I)NERS 920 68
L(E)CTURED 8108 64
ANOmIES 311 74
HERNIAS 635 79
CoNGAED 2796 92
PROTR(A)DE 3363 72
B(O)RNITEs 568 70
DE(M)ASTED 13017 78
D(E)TRITAL 877 60
DIO(R)AmAS 4738 64
DiNNERS 2713 67
DINGIES 5348 73
UPBORNe 10853 85
HEARTEN(S) 2079 86
ReAROSE 1540 81
rEVOICE(S) 4586 64
DETiNUE 569 73
SCOO(T)ING 10982 65
ANtIHE(R)O 54 86
DOLERIT(E) 162 80
SA(U)TOIRE 23 68
NATTERS 1292 81
DELImED 13607 74
ARMOURS 12195 74
ASTrIDE 94 86
ROUNDER 3334 68
RE(L)ATERS 2558 59
AUgITES 1001 78
SHOALER 2616 78
SINOPIA 4974 70
WiNCH(I)NG 38451 66
SMARTIN(G) 7250 86
EUlOG(I)AE 303 59
InTEGRA(L) 143 64
REDI(R)ECT 6099 63
U(R)ALITES 258 70
ARG(U)FIES 3451 101
E(XI)STENCE 12838 69
VOLI(T)ATE 2313 69
(S)CAURING 11491 78
EPINAOs 438 89
SpAWNIE(R) 4429 72
RU(N)ANgAS 20930 71
IMPuTIN(G) 21739 66
RADIxES 3534 84
(O)TALGIAS 2993 83
SURI(C)ATE 1017 62
SHIMmED 22157 94
BOUGIES 5387 93
NEG(A)TRON 911 131
CUSHATS 22201 77
MACHAIR 23439 77
AGONISE 102 70
AIRBU(R)ST 10962 63
PR(A)TtLED 8321 74
TAMEINS 696 91
GRISONS 10561 70
WAITRON(S) 1116 67
RENTAB(L)E 1582 62
(O)RDAINED 498 78
FIGUR(I)NE 6993 98
OSTRAkA 9817 80
STOLLEN 8291 74
DERI(V)ATe 828 72
DE(F)INITE 3487 76
HINTERs 1622 83
SNEAPEd 4081 82
DECENT(L)Y 13506 70
(P)OSITION 13045 72
AGENCIE(S) 3041 86
ADHERER 10244 90
ESTRONE 341 70
PENNERS 10896 74
pREVIEW 12796 85
SLOTTER 3503 82
STEELIE(R) 1891 77
PAR(A)DORS 16511 72
PITcHES 14905 89
EXPENDs 17865 86
BAI(l)OUTS 4576 61
FIN(A)NCED 10155 66
ALEUrO(N)E 169 68
SERA(P)HIM 10892 110
NO(N)ISSUE 8891 61
(V)IOlATED 550 86
UNIT(I)ZeS 8693 88
DESEXES 22206 93
(P)EABRAIN 4997 64
UN(P)OsTED 6860 74
C(A)PTIONS 5637 64
(S)EdATION 15 74
METHODS 10758 80
(U)NBRIDLE 4295 84
LEaFIER 1001 62
ALEUR(O)NS 313 66
COLItIS 8789 74
(S)TODGIER 659 64
FOCUSED 13668 84
GOANNAS 10373 77
RE(D)LINES 909 72
URALITE 117 66
HAND(L)IKE 9466 84
MINAREt 224 71
DOORNA(I)L 1059 65
sOLERET 811 86
(C)OpARENT 2739 80
UNSEAT(E)d 1216 71
AL(A)TIONS 877 82
(A)SPIRATE 1224 83
NEWSIER 2305 89
(R)ESINATE 31 70
ACERATE 2510 67
FIC(T)IOnS 13615 63
(B)RUISERS 20436 72
(A)RTERIaL 1091 74
ENTITL(E)S 3551 68
DECEITS 4123 76
ENCORES 2519 75
ACIDiTY 12580 92
REATTEs(T)* 0 80
eXER(T)ION 948 77
READMIT 649 72
LOIASES 1752 85
gENTLI(N)G 16781 68
AUN(T)LIER 78 66
BIPA(R)OUS 9171 78
AIRSTRI(P) 15322 62
SLUDGED 25301 72
DIRTyIN(G) 17180 68
GALE(N)OID 306 62
OUTRAVE 942 80
NUCLEAR 4145 71
(D)ELAINES 465 70
INJErAS 2338 83
mENSURA(L) 5944 74
ACUITI(E)S 2432 70
(L)IFTBOYS 28701 114
A(N)TELOPE 1042 77
TAXINgS 14189 103
(F)OUNTAIn 5378 62
MiNGLES 7551 69
POU(L)TICE 6483 70
(S)HEARING 1738 89
SHOWMAN 16973 95
OU(T)FIELD 2671 78
EGOTIsM(S) 11410 83
(M)OORLAND 8795 65
ENTR(A)INS 334 70
P(R)ETREAT 10238 74
INVITES 3490 94
O(V)ERTIRE 2339 72
CLA(r)INET 411 70
WEBINAR 2397 66
HANTLeS 3155 85
BuRGLES 13193 62
INMATES 661 77
GE(N)IUsEs 13825 78
SANGARE(E) 1889 70
(R)EZONInG 8453 88
SEEDING 2349 75
ANTISER(A) 82 74
LANATEd 1214 75
rEA(C)TiNG 743 86
KITTENS 9803 79
(R)AREBITS 2732 72
PRe(N)ATAL 3470 72
NeURIT(I)S 873 64
dONaTOR 1704 85
SMARTIE 702 90
ENCAGEd 7684 76
DAL(L)IERS 5630 86
Ou(T)VOICE 10907 65
(G)ARRIGUE 16913 74
wANDERE(R) 6383 80
VIOLIST 9195 81
WHIPTA(I)L 27964 67
TRIUNES 580 69
(B)EEYARDS 13564 70
L(I)TERATI 1409 62
AMYlAS(E)S 31986 66
NEURO(T)IC 761 74
ENSILES 6333 69
TRAVOiS 1673 68
j(I)HADIST 20370 71
NIRVAN(A)S 11619 67
OVERHO(L)Y 20896 88
CEMETER(Y) 20706 69
(N)OTIFIED 1599 66
UNABAT(E)D 4897 72
ARRiVED 3799 79
UNLOOSE 3972 82
NATTERS 1798 75
VERSeMA(N) 9376 89
DETrAIN 21 85
MAsHERS 16516 78
FACINGS 14004 84
NORMALS 5604 75
A(N)TImINE 3096 70
(T)RAINMEN 1935 70
HUTZPAS 30783 88
Q(U)ARRIEd 11741 114
WONTONS 23057 77
RESI(L)ING 2828 63
(T)OTALInG 3223 77
paTERNA(L) 2520 74
S(p)OLIATE 544 58
STAMINA 5244 87
REGIONs 386 73
DOYENN(E)S 10155 78
URINoUS 8221 69
LABORIn(G) 3623 89
RA(I)SONNE 132 68
To(N)ETICS 3391 72
CL(E)ANEST 2864 76
INTR(A)DOS 362 86
STOREYS 10418 82
EROsION 343 78
(R)EINVADE 616 68
FO(I)lSMEN 6505 76
(C)AROTINS 1428 72
DISHWAR(E) 7507 69
TENO(R)ITE 359 66
PRE(S)SRUN 30899 64
S(L)ITHERS 16141 63
WORkING(S) 26363 74
UNFORmS 22255 97
ANTIQu(E)D 3459 68
REM(A)ILER 4854 64
CREASED 5407 93
HALITES 2037 77
ENTrOLD 684 74
bARONNE(S) 3524 74
sOMEONE 6162 72
NOR(M)ANDE 3542 72
A(E)RATING 236 68
(R)UNOVERS 9471 95
(A)IRTImEs 1606 71
PROFAN(E)S 3847 84
MARRIE(R)S 19520 74
TESTiNG 5929 76
COONtIE 1768 67
HEARTeD 2189 78
TALKIES 3539 81
CORRAD(E)S 7887 78
EUCRITE 2987 68
CORViNE 3682 78
STENTOR 2389 79
URINAtE 43 72
(C)ONTESSA 6475 83
(A)NiSOLES 1182 59
(D)OLOmITE 3733 74
ARMINGS 6548 84
LEADmAN 5791 67
rEASONS 1732 65
T(E)ENSIER 816 62
STO(N)KINg 25051 94
AScARED 8055 81
WAnTONS 9255 73
UND(O)ABLE 2627 65
EMIGREs 7750 91
(R)ELiEVES 10209 72
ROTATEs 1010 69
(S)URETIEs 6725 64
Wa(G)GONED 14890 64
GASTREA 2148 79
PI(S)TOLEs 9726 77
ROILIER 2848 72
FOuNTAI(N) 7080 70
(D)iALOGUE 874 80
LAOGAIS 4008 79
sPaTIAL 8138 78
JOyRIDE 11691 71
ARTIGIs 4594 97
cROZIeR 17100 96
SANTERA 473 73
(R)EENTERS 7014 66
cOMPOST 21035 66
A(Z)URITES 2511 69
BRINI(E)ST 2662 90
(A)TTAINtS 16561 74
INSOlAT(E) 20 74
STEWPaN(S) 23485 82
MINIL(A)BS 21238 66
(Q)UADRATi 14816 69
ETAErIO 3 70
INBREED 2967 68
PROPANE 12561 67
FANTASM 21795 86
AIGRE(T)TE 1205 70
RINgLET 813 75
ACTIVES 4355 70
REtAILO(R) 180 71
H(U)MIDORs 16625 65
EGESTIO(N) 353 80
FERMION 2641 82
CHEeRI(O)S 4579 65
TOOTLES 7276 71
(A)vIARIES 3892 68
SHIPMEN(T) 14729 67
DIGItAL 5908 63
ATHEIST 3805 76
BRULZIE 14107 99
ACER(B)ITY 7601 80
POINTED 964 86
ISOGONE 1574 79
dELAINE 258 71
MISAIMS 32174 80
EROTISM 948 75
MOnTAGE 1880 73
WINTER(E)D 2102 78
(M)AUNGIER 2419 89
SNO(O)LING 14446 59
(S)TRAFERs 17150 92
A(N)TISMOG 3847 72
NAPE(R)IES 673 64
FOrNICE(S) 4099 79
GRADATE 2146 84
MISFARE 5852 79
BADIOUS 7641 106
OPt(I)ONEE 1635 67
sERIATE 58 77
RENVOIS 1006 74
ALiGNER 242 70
FOMENT(E)d 7620 76
STuNNER 5073 69
SARSNeT 2873 74
dEFENSE(S) 21538 83
SINGLET 1659 74
RO(L)AMItE 199 70
(O)RGANIZE 1104 86
FLaVINS 11885 95
ENCODES 4583 84
ASSIzES 21226 64
H(A)LBeRDS 11966 86
qUINOLS 11847 68
fIXATI(F)S 28913 84
SLASHER 12886 79
POWER(I)NG 5331 78
BATSMAN 15449 92
INEdITA 135 69
AGNATEs 2043 76
HEMIPT(E)R 11680 79
PREBINd(S) 8614 86
IRO(N)IEST 168 62
AcCOIED 12409 81
CALDRON 7807 77
ERADI(A)TE 169 60
oUTRING 2475 69
AIRLIKE 3978 71
GROuNDS 9144 91
INTRIg(U)E 1572 66
NEITHEr 1030 70
RENNASE 2512 80
pOE(T)ISER 1087 64
CANAL(L)ED 15854 80
YEUk(I)EST 19622 70
HEMLINE 11197 84
GYRATED 4496 82
LECTINS 3083 67
ESpO(U)SED 17277 72
ATONIEs 7 78
FRONTIE(R) 2344 69
MORE(N)DOs 9010 140
oRTH(O)SIS 17942 90
AROINTS 128 67
INVIA(B)LE 6298 92
MOULTeN 5223 69
SHRAPN(E)L 11860 88
STRANGE 1057 89
NA(E)THING 4200 67
UNSTICK(S) 26316 66
HORSTeS 14518 81
POTASsI(C) 23605 86
CLERGI(E)S 7503 63
RITzIER 10815 73
ANGLeRS 1724 76
EREMITE 3397 74
SENIORS 1737 79
(E)QUATORS 3204 104
ADOPtEE 1185 80
(U)NMITRES 2271 90
SAUtEIN(G) 450 77
DOOLEEs 4884 75
PANICLE 4334 98
(T)OTALISe 561 74
APTEROU(S) 1798 74
DELIRIA 633 86
ADHERER 10244 94
(D)ESTAINS 2837 72
VEtERAN 1080 82
TERRANE 969 75
PET(I)TION 3760 72
MINARET 301 74
TEXTiSM 23714 97
AERATED 1043 64
OVEREAT 621 75
(HA)bERgEON 4111 70
UNRAIS(E)D 337 71
MOR(T)ISER 3409 72
TENSInG 5946 82
TREELIN(E) 1091 70
HOISINS 16577 101
AURORAE 2128 72
MESHIEr 8376 75
SEEDiLY 6607 79
UN(G)RADED 9225 78
C(U)RArIZE 14669 86
(E)ELWoRMS 11379 74
PREUN(I)ON 3599 78
LOGGETS 13561 68
TETANIs(E) 499 78
TURBINE 2142 68
(U)nWORTHY 28897 68
SPEND(E)RS 16522 64
NEGATES 1135 69
TROATEd 1007 64
PRAIsED 2018 87
sYNO(V)IAS 23615 84
ALUmNAE 5801 60
CHITTER 10839 74
(I)NSNARER 2377 68
APSIDES 12871 76
(P)ERSONAL 1783 72
U(N)WATeRY 7689 80
INqUEST 6153 83
CAROTID 1645 79
(C)AVORTER 7825 67
NUTMEA(T)S 10987 61
(U)nVARIeD 1331 70
S(O)TERIAL 34 82
QUO(I)NInG 29652 89
INSTALL 10133 67
BIOTOPE 8575 72
BONE(H)eAD 4550 102
DIVINES 5828 84
FAInTE(S)T 2770 72
ORIOLES 986 76
DEA(L)ATES 2338 63
BAILERS 1918 86
(RE)SCALING 2672 86
cRUNOdE 5138 74
TEOS(I)NTE 739 82
URTEXTE 14567 89
(Z)OOPHIlY 29318 106
EnDO(G)ENS 7811 60
GALERES 2454 70
TONGUED 2328 66
(S)UETIEST 12835 77
(B)EDOUINS 2803 74
SECTARY 7021 80
IRONI(S)ED 398 65
FARDING 6800 77
U(N)HELPEd 17684 66
NAUSE(A)TE 1124 82
BRISTOL 5852 79
COLLI(E)RS 9688 64
STOL(I)DER 339 86
bASIDIA 12027 73
CRANK(L)ES 13799 65
BIFAcEs 11222 74
SIEnITE 763 76
ABEAR(I)NG 2749 67
tIMEOUS 2049 72
cAS(C)ADES 38122 70
DUALIsT 4995 72
INMATES 900 87
(O)VERTEEM 13895 92
lAUWINE 2055 68
STEAMIN(G) 2422 72
G(E)RANIAL 791 74
NEGATOR 104 64
TEMpO(R)AL 5307 80
SEEMING 7709 78
POSTURE 3940 80
TAT(T)OOEd 12266 61
ExPOSER 12495 64
LIAISOn 1248 65
V(I)OLATES 575 72
PARFAIt 9454 78
BINGERS 4523 86
GEMINAT(E) 1084 65
HOaRIER 1210 85
TITRATE 4828 66
(A)GUElIKE 8108 86
R(E)BREEDS 19408 62
CHOOSin(G) 20563 89
DRaGONS 3500 92
PREHEAT 5125 85
sIERRaN 718 71
APTNESS 13135 81
sOARERS 9639 74
DOUbLET 6097 73
(E)INKORNS 6593 76
AUNTIES 118 75
N(O)TARIAL 405 70
BRUCInE(S) 11885 72
MADDING 16298 74
MOLTERS 3748 68
ERRANT(L)Y 4995 67
CANTERS 1584 90
RIGHTED 4732 75
INOSITE 236 74
(T)HORNILy 12321 83
T(U)TTINGS 31733 72
TURBOTS 15837 86
TOTALED 1611 67
QUiNELA 3380 70
GRENADE 1126 89
PU(R)ItANS 3702 72
WIN(G)IEST 6659 64
vULPINE 9746 68
STEADIL(Y) 2193 89
(L)UTEOLIN 2492 62
JERBOAS 8348 92
RERISEN 1818 80
ERGATES 1136 76
hoSTESS 22502 71
LiNTIER 504 72
ORIFIc(E)S 7387 64
INFA(N)TRY 17161 106
LIATRIS 3175 68
pARADES 8119 90
QUE(S)TERs 20377 114
RO(L)LINGS 12409 63
DEMESNE 11557 67
(F)ALCONER 4017 65
(F)LaTTENS 7912 72
BAXTERs 14637 77
ENCODED 15988 104
FRIENDs 3243 91
sNIFFLE 17606 78
DIPNETs 3123 70
ESTRUAL 1098 67
ISOLeAD 146 87
LIMBATE 4296 74
(C)OPARENT 2111 66
LINIEST 1290 84
FERROUS 10547 79
ALG(I)DITY 16813 102
RESKUEd 18163 83
FLO(U)RIER 7936 74
GAS(E)LIER 677 62
DAiNTIE(R) 92 68
DEBACLe 11339 67
(R)EOBtAIN 64 77
VOMIcAE 6313 76
EUCLAsE 6589 74
P(R)EDRIED 18271 78
OUTRAVe(D) 1375 88
JUNkI(E)ST 18516 80
GRAdU(A)TE 2970 68
INVOiCE 5545 80
HEREUN(T)o 1980 78
SEMI(L)LON 9719 74
V(O)LUTiON 12156 64
ISOLA(T)ES 1520 70
POUNDAG(E) 4133 78
(R)EAlIZED 3243 88
DRAINER 695 79
bECLOWN 21126 80
IO(D)InATE 48 70
(A)NTEROOM 892 74
ROUCHES 10740 80
HYDrIAE 4178 92
PAVONES 6753 82
TERTIAL 705 67
REB(A)ITED 804 94
GUERILL(A) 7602 61
REALIS(T)S 2088 70
EUPATRI(D) 988 65
ARCHINE 2284 83
(C)ANTDOGs 9341 72
INDOLES 486 76
GARNERE(D) 5481 62
(A)rMOURED 7899 83
(R)ETAILOR 180 77
F(E)TiCIDE 14320 76
HOUND(E)rS 6811 76
ANT(I)PODE 259 62
S(A)LTiNGS 15437 60
(E)CLOGITE 2725 65
mINOR(I)TY 13098 60
ENACTOR 450 76
ROOTAGE 695 83
sOOTIER 346 69
GENTLES 6067 73
RETINES 280 75
EVItATE 3580 77
VEERIES 7954 71
(L)ANNErET 1655 74
UNItISE 1692 88
UNI(F)IeRs 6526 70
WALDOEs 5020 78
(D)ERATING 189 72
pREDO(O)MS 20563 74
lONGEST 2332 66
LiSENTE 607 72
OLIVInE 3135 68
DrAFTED 13039 77
(T)UNnELER 4779 66
YaWNERs 7081 80
E(C)AUDATE 5566 72
eN(G)RAFTS 3509 88
ATINGLE 259 86
TRINDLE 420 82
T(R)ILLERS 10939 82
DIPT(E)rAL 972 72
QUERIDA 3371 90
SINGLES 10326 71
(V)ITRINES 2682 74
PETRO(N)eL 1981 60
INROAdS 435 67
MOANING 8293 78
GETTERS 8055 76
KARATES 6374 82
A(R)SEnOUS 2484 61
STENCIL 3084 86
(N)AtURALS 5266 66
EXoTICA 2900 99
LEANING 2347 76
RIBOSES 7630 89
OBELISE 2488 68
ALINERS 100 71
GORS(I)EST 4206 61
(F)RONTmEN 11325 83
COINAGE 566 81
VAMO(O)SES 19486 97
AGENTED 1185 73
REPLANT 1602 71
(E)NDGAMeS 7125 76
LOOTERS 2037 77
GERoNT(I)C 930 78
ONEsELF 6445 76
RESINED 770 71
lEWISES 14224 74
SUETIER 792 72
TRO(W)ELER 9777 149
UTI(L)ISeD 3486 82
WOOD(S)IER 3741 66
TOLANES 200 71
UTTER(I)NG 4233 70
RENNASE 1882 70
COTIn(G)AS 3832 64
VISOrED 2021 88
AIRTHED 831 76
MORaINE 97 74
REMAINS 890 71
ME(A)TLoAF 9660 74
BROUHAh(A) 26149 89
NARAsES 7918 85
MORTI(C)ES 5365 70
(F)LASHIER 7487 95
BESTIAL 1465 81
cOSIEST 7631 83
ARANEID 131 64
FIr(E)ABLE 4236 82
UNcOVER 10886 74
(E)ARLIEST 157 77
LyNCHI(N)G 38050 82
SOLA(R)IUM 4363 62
AVeRMEN(T) 4097 95
bIENNIA 4276 68
TRUDGES 5746 84
GUaRDEE 3244 72
ERAS(A)BLE 7667 89
STE(A)DIER 153 70
(E)NERGIZE 13967 110
FALSiTY 16638 94
AER(O)DART 1924 63
REQuIE(M)S 19626 90
TRANSAC(T) 14699 74
LEARNED 539 70
iNGReSS 7341 71
GOATEEs 689 67
NARDINE 694 71
sERENA(D)E 1879 70
(G)ALLOPED 15740 89
FOREPAW 9490 95
TAENIAS 136 76
WAFTURE 9388 84
INTEG(R)AL 194 72
REPUTEs 6495 83
AERATIN(G) 221 80
AmANITA 9992 69
CR(U)STiNG 11692 61
GASSIER 4304 66
INCUDAt(E) 1008 76
ANOSmIA 3701 72
ESTRIOL 186 73
GOT(H)iEsT 10705 76
WORMIER 11947 83
DI(S)TUNES 9434 60
N(o)TARIES 11 64
CL(A)TTERS 8306 90
NAIAdES 493 81
COW(r)ITES 4124 76
DADAISM 18244 68
ANISEED 205 77
MAND(A)TES 4662 94
CERA(M)IdE 4040 80
TARTN(E)SS 7744 58
AIRIEST 145 70
MEDIATo(R) 203 80
(I)NSULATE 343 70
R(E)FUTINg 4855 76
WORSENs 14529 75
bRINDLE 4275 68
(R)EFUSINg 5909 86
FAR(I)NOSE 194 71
EVERSIO(N) 854 65
AnOMIES 329 74
REGALES 2455 74
SMIdGES 17502 84
UTTERED 6235 63
ELOpING 2983 85
VERSANT 1614 80
WEARIER 2686 78
ENt(W)INED 6428 72
WUTHErS 13393 71
ORTO(L)ANS 2495 68
BAGLIkE 12232 72
NIDATI(N)G 8224 70
nAUSEAS 8522 78
CONTRI(V)E 2005 76
CALIFA(T)E 5955 76
URI(N)ATED 67 61
AnIMATO 1860 75
FO(I)LSMAN 9196 84
RADIANT 1170 68
ReCLUSE 9605 92
TRAVOIS(E) 231 84
INOSITE 318 69
HErOISE 1645 77
VASTiER 688 81
POINTES 954 74
NUMbERS 17909 68
nITRILS 5941 65
VIB(R)ANtS 8231 68
P(A)STIEST 12759 64
SAINFo(I)N 8522 72
FRINGIE(R) 10753 74
HAVIORs 6974 74
GrOTT(I)ER 6170 68
SER(E)NATE 1086 82
pETiTIO(N) 5176 64
PEdA(L)ING 3445 90
TOLUATE 1616 72
WrIT(A)BLE 4282 76
SaMBARS 22514 76
NIBLIKE 14621 92
ALLOwED 10661 62
SHORTEN 2082 82
STOWAGE 2826 69
CROOnER 8635 84
TERETES 8799 70
EQUALEd 10300 128
R(E)TAINED 28 68
A(L)UNITES 342 68
UNSATeD 1503 75
TErRORS 11655 75
LEAGU(E)RS 3267 70
BOONIES 2778 83
LOOPIeR 3735 68
LUNCHEd 21833 70
(S)ARSNETS 23237 77
LANNERS 3795 68
AUTODIA(L) 2577 83
ARISTAE 166 68
TINDERS 570 71
SULFATe 7496 82
WARIEST 940 76
YPERITE 5147 83
(P)HThISIS 29079 78
ACEROLA(S) 3049 62
INSUR(E)RS 15096 66
LIG(A)TING 15261 70
ISOBARE 305 74
ADVERTS 4196 80
LaM(I)NOSe 709 79
UNTEA(M)ED 3970 64
SAtANGS 21794 73
(V)ENDINGS 18862 92
PARBO(I)LS 12054 70
OvERGOA(D) 7281 61
SO(N)NETED 3211 60
THRONES 2772 81
nI(C)TATES 2750 140
fOLDBO(A)T 17295 88
P(E)RTAINS 548 72
LEARIES(T) 158 62
RINGDOV(E) 2140 76
AUTEURS 5186 83
AN(T)IARIN 4326 62
ARGENTS 1055 70
KARTiNG 7409 73
CRITER(I)A 4248 70
OPAQUES 15739 112
AL(E)XINES 4468 83
NARASES 7918 78
BL(O)NDEST 6781 65
AEROBIA 532 87
MI(N)IsHEd 17418 83
DIMOUTS 8825 76
TOR(T)IOUS 8530 82
(R)EIGNITE 890 72
REGLUES 7213 68
zENAID(A)S 7070 74
(A)NTIQUER 1634 131
GEODE(T)IC 3760 63
ALle(GOR)IST 1369 96
(B)ARONNES 3337 62
COSIGNs 17035 62
TRAINER 250 61
U(N)aRGUED 12078 74
WAsPIER 5883 85
CENTAGE 4477 81
INfAR(C)TS 10791 70
NUTTERS 7067 68
DISAVOW 13703 85
GAITERS 368 85
TICKETS 17654 82
(I)NTENDED 8935 70
REPRISE 7414 79
RELIEFS 4167 75
MOTILEs 2037 75
ROOSTER(S) 13837 77
LEVaTOR 880 90
sEVE(R)EST 26098 90
MUTInEE(R) 2098 72
SCORNED 5137 69
DESISTE(D) 22192 83
DISSENT 5191 65
A(N)KERITE 717 66
OVULAtE(S) 2656 83
cONATIV(E) 857 80
SKOLInG 14673 98
DENUDAT(ED) 18152 64
OEDIPAL 858 71
TIRE(L)ESS 5124 60
REG(A)THER 8467 78
UNdER(T)AX 4787 82
D(I)AZINES 5137 72
SNATcHE(D) 8553 83
RIgATON(I) 647 74
(O)UTDRAWn 4448 72
AI(R)FiELD 3363 74
TRANNI(E)S 452 66
ROSETTE 3300 84
VAGUElY 20536 93
FARINHA 13197 87
POSABLE 7621 75
O(B)EDIENT 784 65
DONGLeS 4062 79
CREATI(N)E 223 74
CHUNTER 13791 79
BESHINE 11142 81
SmILODO(N) 16623 68
CAROTEN(E) 371 76
(R)ECREATE 8305 64
s(H)EEPDOG 16686 78
sUBPENA 9550 72
(P)INNACLE 9654 89
TINGLER 774 68
SEGMENT 8475 77
PENTODE 3519 85
QuERIED 9750 71
INSC(I)ENT 11683 73
SArONGS 14110 84
(R)ADIANCE 1193 78
PIPIEST 18040 73
FRUITIE(R) 8941 86
FLAMING(O) 15248 66
cURRIEs 12685 66
DIANOIA 2082 70
TaMPER(E)R 15048 76
CHAINEs 5756 73
STOLONs 21729 80
UPREARS 12607 65
(T)ABANIDS 9503 86
STAR(C)HED 11802 82
MARRIE(R)S 19520 74
TESTiNG 5929 76
COONtIE 1768 67
(T)RoPONIN 13779 68
LABROID 4426 66
P(E)TTLiNG 14058 64
ST(R)EIGNE 965 68
(F)RANIONS 7037 83
T(E)TRACID 3759 72
DIALO(G)UE 682 76
AuTUNIT(E) 5012 74
BAItERS 591 71
UrINOSE 183 79
sITELLA 3789 84
REBEGI(N)S 5922 76
NEATEnS 2499 75
EUDA(E)mON 2462 70
RACIEST 607 67
MeANIES 1011 74
L(I)FESPAN 7531 67
INNO(V)ATE 984 65
(M)iRBANES 4312 92
MONTIES 993 68
OBTAI(N)ER 51 64
BETATr(O)N 1786 63
INWA(R)DLY 11672 65
VISORED 2021 90
BEA(R)INGS 1807 65
kWAITOS 14822 73
QUAKErS 23582 128
OUTADDs 15595 91
TINGLES 2325 92
R(E)ANOINT 52 59
UNSHOES 18677 77
LeXICo(N)S 14433 82
SPITTEd 9058 68
DARIOLe 32 83
MISTERS 13100 70
UnRe(P)AIR 3818 59
SNIBBED 23608 75
UPROOTS 18189 85
INFERIA(E) 970 67
HOI(D)ENED 10054 67
RINGTAW 5672 71
CREATIv(E) 2817 68
ANTIWEA(R) 639 65
OMN(I)VOrA 7696 63
LA(T)EENER 1085 59
MIS(s)IONS 37808 72
SNEAKIL(Y) 9482 110
(D)IEGEsIS 19121 80
rAIN(B)OWY 14692 67
GANOINE 654 72
INERRA(N)T 1122 70
ReF(L)ATED 2872 88
SI(D)ERiTE 1126 131
(B)ENzOATE 5467 80
PIGMEN(T)S 11436 80
(P)LIOCENE 4821 66
HARIAN(A)S 12675 94
SALoONS 12630 71
OUTHOlD* 0 73
StIFLES 17387 80
GNASHER 6262 88
RE(T)AINEr 229 66
TUBELI(K)E 19597 67
DEARLIN(G) 570 62
NERVINE 6550 72
REPUlSE(D) 15733 62
(L)ADYfIES 11644 82
RESILED 1815 84
AGNAILS 7893 84
TEDI(S)OME 2497 76
(H)ANDLiSt 8587 86
(E)NROLLED 5673 61
VENDA(B)lE 9828 64
(E)NDuRING 5549 80
DEVoTES 4808 91
TABOOLE(Y) 8256 78
STEAR(I)NE 35 66
DIST(A)INS 13469 74
OUT(W)AsTE 7952 61
SPRINkL(E) 13192 80
(R)OTTENER 4062 77
TRADERS 2816 78
AN(T)IRIOT 1130 66
BOTA(N)IES 184 78
IN(C)ITERS 3405 63
GOURAMi 6326 77
WITlESS 13014 88
R(E)CRUITS 8365 61
BOt(T)LING 14499 76
BORANES 874 95
HOLLIEs 14253 76
ENSURES 12534 73
PAINTED 838 84
CO(I)NSURE 1825 74
EGOTiST 3604 77
DARRAIN(E) 1397 70
OUT(V)AlUE 12665 74
AROLLAS 16229 71
SPITInG 18364 87
TATTlED 18400 70
(P)IPInESS 36120 83
ROOT(I)NGS 5076 86
STONE(C)UT 9464 74
INTEGER 478 70
IN(C)HOaTE 898 78
RANKLED 6114 72
rA(M)IFIED 6310 64
THRONES 2772 76
DIOrIT(E)S 504 66
LE(M)ONIER 1072 72
(C)AMpFIRe 22052 101
INAUR(A)TE 115 68
CATENAS 4810 96
DUVET(Y)NE 18577 66
(Z)EALOTRY 10040 110
JERBIlS 18895 96
mIAU(l)ING 16822 59
IO(D)ATInG 1495 68
DINGIES 5348 73
UPBORNe 10853 85
HEARTEN(S) 2079 86
NUCLEAR 4145 71
PETIOLE 1257 78
REOBTA(I)N 52 74
SPURTED 8684 70
(A)NtINODE 172 77
EDGIEST 3283 64
AMBRIES 5758 76
EqUATES 9799 69
AUREATE 802 72
GLAIrIE(R) 3666 70
SEcTORS 10853 76
GAMBlES 14683 65
AREOLAE 363 66
(G)rUNTLED 4599 68
FaLLInG 17039 73
LAC(E)LIKE 19004 90
oNSTAGE 372 65
DIARIST 2268 72
WIGLETs 7257 67
VeN(A)TORS 753 70
NEATEST 2519 66
A(I)DANCES 3326 64
DIArRHE(A) 7335 86
MENTOR(E)D 1869 72
INFANTE 2005 80
(s)ANTERIA 84 64
RAFFIAs 18697 79
PALmIER 4209 78
SWOTTED 10102 69
(S)INISTER 6230 68
OLOGIST 7554 68
TOTEAB(L)E 4218 65
(T)ERRELLA 8921 60
CUsTArD 10574 77
SWINDLE 7567 72
INCEPT(O)R 2735 81
MAnDOLA 12263 86
SNORTED 682 65
END(O)STEA 213 83
DITONES 218 70
fERRIED 10283 85
sPENDER 8980 82
OPAQUES(T) 10448 110
RETAINE(D) 25 80
FATT(E)NER 5071 76
BONUSES 18723 79
ERRANTS 1796 67
PERSONA 1220 83
D(E)ALATES 2338 60
BOUTAD(E)S 3629 76
GRE(M)LINS 8185 72
ALiQuA(N)T 14900 67
DOW(D)IEST 12773 76
jUICIES(T) 23426 86
DRAGLI(N)E 571 61
CoRONEL 6950 78
LOwBALL 23392 71
STEEDIN(G) 2253 83
EtAERIO(S) 17 74
AGUiZES 10903 91
ENDORSE 1103 68
SNAKIER 2331 95
(A)THETOID 2294 90
SKIPpED 22490 78
THEOREM 5857 81
(N)EOnATES 692 61
WaRR(I)SON 7092 62
TABOULI 4452 74
CAUSErI(E) 1973 80
(B)RIGHTEN 10651 98
VA(R)IANTS 5804 62
MOTLEYe(R) 8026 74
OEDEM(A)TA 2793 66
(D)ELAYERS 6996 74
YEASTED 3906 79
GOONIER 696 65
ISOBARS 9846 88
E(C)OTONAL 2074 64
LIThI(U)Ms 22605 82
CLERISY 10116 83
sTONIER 48 67
FIN(A)NCES 13364 78
ME(N)SURAL 5941 78
(C)REATINE 299 83
SIERRAn 552 69
INV(E)RTeD 1617 72
TRANNIE 193 68
BOLDEST 6347 82
SCANt(I)NG 13461 73
FATIGuE 2425 72
RATOONE(R) 817 60
SERRIED 3551 72
T(R)ACHEID 3124 67
INOSINE 2026 65
INTONES 792 67
StEWIER* 0 82
VAvASOU(R) 23478 72
A(V)ERTING 751 78
NONFoRM* 0 78
FLEERI(N)G 4634 66
ESCORTs 10851 80
hATLESS 12883 64
VE(R)ONALS 1392 72
TARMACS 16142 74
wH(I)NIEST 9820 80
DOMICIl 16767 78
(D)OGCARTs 9835 80
STEMMeD 20477 76
OVERTIR(E) 2339 86
EL(e)CTION 831 68
REISSUE 6340 73
PEANUTs 3190 74
CHAFERS 14822 113
LANdGRA(B) 16726 62
ENFORCE 6094 71
TIARAEd 134 70
(R)ONDURES 4719 68
TERGI(T)Es 4219 70
AUNTLIE(R) 78 62
SPINOfF 22295 87
NEROLIS 181 68
UPRAISE 1570 74
HEaTING 1222 83
iDO(L)ATE(R)S 23 74
BELAYIN(G) 7540 95
ROAMiNG 2555 72
(M)INUENdS 11175 61
HETAIRA 784 79
TeTRODE(S) 3216 77
AER(O)STAT 1420 62
TRIAGEs 271 68
QUIE(T)ING 10480 74
DISCANT 4734 72
(L)ANKiEST 2498 76
(R)ATLINES 70 77
(F)RITTErS 12460 83
BERAtIN(G) 737 76
CRUSTAL 10575 65
CONSENT 7119 73
pAYOLAS 16041 72
REOILIN(G) 734 72
DEO(R)BITS 1337 62
BRIDGES 7512 68
(V)IREMIAS 6308 65
RELEAS(E)S 10735 70
REMOVED 9051 77
ARSENAT(E) 451 77
OVERFr(E)E 18722 91
ANSE(R)INE 496 58
fRUITA(G)E 1730 60
ERMINES 2180 75
PAR(A)SItE 1161 131
(H)EADIEST 1531 64
LePROTI(C) 4109 74
PERTAIN 237 84
WIRIEST 3666 78
BOOTERI(Es) 1447 62
JOBNAM(E)s 16057 72
CRUISEY 10120 76
S(C)OTTIEs 14468 80
SAMISEN 6682 97
ENTWIn(E)S 6140 70
RESINED 566 84
COINAgE 732 82
CATTIES 5063 75
GUISaRD 5097 73
AT(R)OPINS 1057 79
HIpBONE 12706 87
gRAFTI(N)G 21989 82
AMATEUr 3621 65
EDEn(T)ATE 5804 59
ABREAST 4806 88
ScHOON(E)R 11808 74
EMBR(U)INg 14965 94
TETTERS 20059 77
GROANED 364 72
BATT(E)NED 6025 67
TORSION 1631 69
BAILEYS 9215 104
ERINITE 396 66
(T)RANSIRE 457 77
NOmINEE 4425 73
sTEEVEs 17889 71
REi(M)AGES 3070 61
CHUNTER 13791 79
BESHINE 11142 81
SmILODO(N) 16623 68
AUdITEE 209 60
TOSSING 10563 73
TWINERS 1635 78
BUrSTED 8660 74
SPOTTiN(G) 14518 62
dOOmFUL 21424 74
DEPAIN(T)S 1035 72
BRAc(K)ENS 19395 102
MALON(A)TE 1679 68
ESCARO(L)E 1896 74
REWEA(V)ES 12336 78
REO(R)DAIN 126 70
STIPEND 4375 69
ViRUL(E)NT 2268 60
(A)NISEEDS 2622 70
M(E)NTORED 1869 82
AP(O)ApSES 24813 90
ENAMINE(s) 4857 63
aGGRESS 25772 92
BETAKEN 8907 90
CUrTANA 8595 85
DuSTING 11371 72
(U)NDARING 10605 66
NITRILE 649 64
PANETeL(A) 4522 80
UPR(o)OTED 9020 72
CI(N)EREAL 811 68
TELPHeR 15446 74
FILtHI(E)R 12841 78
SLO(T)TING 8498 59
hEA(D)LONG 4342 80
BEH(O)WLED 20462 118
RIGA(U)DON 1257 74
INCENTS 6522 98
HARpOON 11956 86
FARA(d)ISE 2541 83
SPLINED 5663 87
APOGEAN 3298 72
(D)ILATORS 700 80
HAVErEL 8316 81
NEOtENI(C) 2340 61
DOURINE 216 71
lUNIEST 1164 77
(B)ANtERER 3858 80
GRACKLE 15992 82
STA(R)TLER 7815 82
kNOWERS 11898 93
MaNI(T)OUS 2322 143
VOT(E)LESS 13954 74
PRETRIM 10846 92
pOUTIER 965 76
VEN(O)SITY 5467 106
sAHUARO 8782 77
WHISKER 17525 114
(D)ENTURAL 680 80
RESIST(O)R 5769 60
SERENAT(A) 568 70
TRa(M)PIER 6583 94
UNDE(R)ATE 353 63
ESTRIOL 239 68
CaVIT(I)ES 8288 98
DURABLE 7462 76
TWIGGED 16260 84
SPR(I)NTER 5013 74
(C)ARAGEEn 4771 86
(D)iSANNUL 8526 62
(C)INEASTE 612 64
oUTLAST(S) 17957 71
oXIDASI(C) 17074 71
REGINAE 120 69
LATRIAS 2375 69
AGREEM(EN)T 4048 86
fEAT(U)RED 3031 82
(O)UTSTRIP 12021 74
WILIEsT 6080 79
INSULA(N)T 5894 59
PENNATE 4897 78
ErUPTIO(N) 617 86
DAMAGED 18067 69
INT(E)RNAL 355 60
ENTOI(L)ED 172 77
DOILIES 1496 92
fELLATI(O) 3779 61
sLANTEd 1147 71
CR(E)ELING 4625 72
DeFIANT 643 81
INVOiCE 5317 80
TRA(C)TILE 2740 60
DARNELS 1083 73
A(M)ERCERS 14369 64
V(E)RATRiA 4245 70
STIFLER 4368 84
STRAYED 4201 74
RAFTS(M)EN 7642 67
iLEITIS 8779 77
(O)VErSHOT 15520 65
VEGETAL 5724 69
(R)AISONNE 142 66
StONILY 5880 88
MURIA(T)ED 1031 158
NEUrINE 1904 69
ANOSMIA 3701 72
RENAMES 2226 70
SIEVE(R)TS 10075 65
DIATRON 127 69
MI(N)UETED 3127 72
RADIOM(E)N 201 63
HAl(F)TONE 5307 76
ALERTED 742 75
(T)UTELARY 10932 95
INDIgEN 10146 68
AMOEBAN 7394 71
NIRLIER 4544 61
INANElY 5114 79
SOVIETS 10287 80
FLEAPiT 5852 68
NEATEnS 2499 75
EUDA(E)mON 2462 70
RETAINs 34 72
(B)ORNITES 755 62
BROI(D)eRS 7958 72
HARPIES 5873 88
LEAV(I)NGS 4795 80
BARISTA 5437 92
ETHOSES 16091 72
OU(T)rANGE 325 66
MAGNETS 6310 75
DANNIES 1768 70
TALENTS 3802 64
S(N)OOPIER 2728 69
(D)EVOICed 22019 89
MANNeRE(D) 8366 83
(C)ONTENDS 12427 74
STANDEN 3779 82
dEVOT(I)ON 2715 70
BANDiES 1382 67
HAPLESS 18587 78
(D)ETAINEE 370 70
RA(D)IUSED 5631 76
zEBRINE 11984 73
(G)UTTIEST 18086 70
WALLIEs 9186 100
INSPIRE 3485 85
LOUSIER 494 82
MANG(O)NEL 7761 67
ZINCATE(S) 6308 92
ENVIROS 956 84
IMAMATE 11631 76
OuTDREW 3733 94
(A)TTESTOr 9625 74
(C)ORDITEs 1822 76
GINGI(V)AS* 0 84
TIMIDER 3469 100
TANGOED 505 85
TR(A)ITORs 4706 78
PANDeRS 2986 74
MARiNAS 5243 74
INCENSE 7387 76
CERVINE 5138 75
ABlEIST 1392 79
JEnNETS 13951 72
STAPED(I)I 3376 65
R(E)INSERT 1679 59
SOOTIlY 9911 88
BOURREE 8273 67
DEALERS 1307 69
LISTEES 6086 73
BENIsON 4430 87
FIB(E)RIZE 19810 82
P(A)TENTOR 1692 64
ASSERTS 16365 75
P(A)PERING 13629 70
DELETIO(N) 171 61
ALDRINS 1865 75
ONETIME 489 81
pERKIES(T) 11281 98
RE(T)AINED 25 60
DORSALS 11106 67
CURATES 2954 76
EXoRDIA 1034 94
NOSEDiV(E) 1829 81
ORIENtE(D) 43 77
(A)THEIsTS 12750 83
AUDiTEE 266 70
fLAUNTS 14773 64
SORENES(S) 19945 66
(T)ALLIERs 2197 74
(R)EGaTHER 8467 74
(A)BLUTIoN 3162 72
CARDIOs 4460 75
ESTOILE 397 70
COOEYEd 18609 80
ERADIAT(E) 169 63
(R)EASCEND 3954 63
aNDROID 4075 88
MAESTRo 1218 82
TRIOLE(I)N 167 73
TEnORI(T)E 359 64
VAPORI(n)G 10688 88
DIESeLS 12337 68
POOFTE(R)S 15507 80
TERRACe 6519 72
TAI(L)hOOK 15539 72
NOT(E)CASE 1030 72
AMORInO 3326 72
SEDARIM 1992 81
FISHNET 7137 84
GERONTI(C) 980 76
(N)EGROIDS 692 62
(E)NTERING 2068 80
TRIABLE 588 66
THINNES(T) 12461 80
PHOTONS 16938 89
SAp(O)NITE 214 89
MU(L)TIAGE 3456 76
DESTINE(D) 4855 83
ELODEAS 764 73
DENIAlS 394 79
ISOTOpE 2672 76
JI(B)bOOMS 29153 212
RELINES 576 68
GELANTS 1644 73
BIR(T)HINg 17746 63
OrIENTA(L) 4 74
MEGaBIT 5719 72
AN(T)IARiN 5959 61
PRONATE 454 77
OR(O)NASAL 6645 76
D(A)INTIER 116 65
WINTeRY 5988 69
(T)ImELIER 4546 64
INSNARE 712 70
(A)UTISTIC 14536 75
(D)ENTUREs 2099 70
OUTADDs 15595 91
TINGLES 2325 92
fOISTED 1996 71
REPINES 2299 80
DeFOR(M)ED 20115 70
M(A)NnOSES 14460 80
OUTLEAP 1979 74
UL(C)ERING 6196 65
DU(M)AISTS 24639 67
RECENT(L)Y 13943 80
mU(D)IrIEH 17504 61
CA(E)SIOUS 6236 60
MATTERS 6494 73
aCARINE 822 67
(D)OUPIONI 13485 63
TRIA(C)IDs 7291 74
KITTIES 13849 69
gUAR(A)NTY 13055 83
EYEhOLE 14453 74
CRuCI(A)TE 14541 62
OUTWEA(R)S 1808 72
SIDERAT(E) 153 76
LUNIEsT 1107 67
(D)ATARIES 289 77
DOMELIK(E) 11559 84
ReTIARY 2016 79
LEASiNG 980 83
BRACIO(L)A 12943 70
A(N)IMATOS 2738 74
TROUPI(A)l 2443 80
TOKENIN(G) 8906 92
R(E)TRACED 6346 67
EMULA(T)OR 1388 63
PANF(R)IED 3161 68
REA(D)ORNS 1080 72
RAT(I)oNAL 302 58
ATTORNS 2868 71
R(E)BOOTeD 4718 70
R(A)MpIONS 5658 80
INcEPT(O)R 2004 86
RE(T)INULA 79 70
PROCESS 18094 94
PETIOLE 1257 94
ENTRANT 4945 76
cOLORER 16296 60
DEMoL(I)SH 13235 76
k(A)NTELES 7857 68
UR(A)NITIc 4405 66
A(c)TInIAE 1572 62
CI(T)HERNS 5841 84
IRONERS 794 68
G(R)EENIES 2707 72
AVENgER 3221 69
ArUANAS 16129 61
LOaTHIN(G) 5044 74
O(L)EANDER 165 62
(R)EAdYINg 2382 70
ANN(U)LETS 3767 59
SPIRAL(E)D 2189 65
OPERATE(S) 781 90
MEISTER 2182 67
RECUSI(N)G 5896 65
N(E)UTRONS 2376 66
T(R)APNEST 5001 64
(P)RONATEd 555 68
ORINA(S)AL 829 59
BI(O)TRONS 5692 74
ALCOVEs 7633 98
SARDARS 19095 73
RE(B)ODIED 7264 176
TEXTiLE 10936 78
(S)NARLIER 885 62
JAILoRS 5953 101
AlIENEE(S) 986 64
(C)URATORS 15738 83
INANELY 3810 75
gRITTED 4440 77
OV(E)RGILT 2270 68
eXPORTE(R) 17285 101
ENSEMBL(E) 20040 82
(D)IRECTlY 9096 92
OUTFAwN 13929 65
BULLISH 31581 79
VETTUr(A)S 10997 80
TRAM(E)LED 3983 76
UnPLUGS 22358 74
DI(V)ISORS 19177 63
BITuMEN 6816 82
GrOANED 364 66
TIRLInG 5740 73
gRANITE 81 82
LEWIS(I)TE 7710 86
ENV(I)SAGE 2228 98
DELOUSE 3399 73
(S)TROBIlS 15541 80
SWAbBED 21082 96
(R)ELATING 144 86
OLEFInE 1254 87
rETAILE(D) 106 77
M(O)NETARY 2000 64
SILKIE(S)t 19741 82
BRANDIE(D) 5155 74
SNOOTI(E)R 220 60
TRANSEC(T) 4991 83
STANiNE 522 78
OUTLINE 178 68
(A)UREOLEs 496 66
Da(N)CIEST 1006 76
TEASERs 3957 77
IMPRINT 13236 89
(L)IbATION 2741 78
INSURED 1160 73
DESERTI(C) 3097 83
S(E)ASONED 3253 65
WREA(K)ING 8343 72
sISTERS 17108 75
SPACIER 5824 69
OUTASkE(D) 5472 77
P(E)NANCEs 14372 67
INCuBAT(E) 3106 83
FLAT(B)oAT 20354 98
ENT(I)TIES 3024 122
ORRiSES 9630 73
XERAFIN 6516 92
MEGABIT 7970 68
ExPANDE(R) 11259 76
REGRETS 8403 62
bELATED 4011 75
SPOILER 2040 68
TELERAN 213 76
mAIA(S)AUR 16428 66
CREsTED 6451 90
LoUNGES 4070 80
EREC(T)ION 282 64
COURAGe 2803 73
pANZERS 10514 74
CITRALS 4741 82
pELO(R)IAN 200 68
FREEsIA 1386 75
hYMNIST 18424 92
LIMBOEd 7979 78
REAT(T)AIN 444 82
EaRTHED 2188 78
FOReL(O)CK 24455 88
INQU(I)RES 8241 106
BROILED 2623 67
(T)ANGIEST 2139 83
(R)ESIDING 2976 74
VAcCINE 16526 72
sEEMiNG 5755 83
GREENIE 2852 70
REMOvIn(G) 5605 72
EL(A)STASE 8794 66
DoCTO(R)AL 9253 76
DIsHER(I)T 6475 74
FLAREUP 13504 70
BAR(G)HEST 15035 65
tELLINS 7268 64
OESTR(O)US 13004 62
PINTADO 2195 79
WEBFOOT 17079 94
P(I)PETTES 23332 80
(G)ENEROuS 2763 77
rET(I)CENT 5082 86
AB(R)ASION 3568 65
(E)NTICERS 2094 89
ROMANIS(E) 208 74
wEARIES 1065 78
TRICOR(N)E 1793 66
DUNITES 1525 75
(R)ENATURE 1666 68
B(R)IONIEs 2183 61
(R)OTATiON 1553 66
MISENTR(Y) 5558 92
ENTIRES 209 75
AqUA(T)IcS 19349 66
GENNETS 11299 70
SEASIdE 3587 61
DISrOBE 1891 71
POLENTA 876 72
GROUpED 8184 77
AUDILES 1062 69
iONONES 2502 66
HARA(N)gUE 6623 68
(E)RADIATE 121 90
REUNITE 285 66
CREMaTo(R) 10238 74
WItHERS 7171 87
tERRANE 1016 65
STINGER 776 75
LITOTES 1700 71
MEANIEs 1059 73
INLIERs 1286 71
ENLiSTE(D) 960 77
bARTEND(S) 2357 70
LENTIGO 523 69
REeARNS 2502 84
CEROONS 6951 76
AErAT(I)ON 8 61
LAsSIES 17065 79
MATINEE 373 67
(S)ONATINE 185 77
RELi(A)NCE 610 67
A(N)ERGIES 265 60
PASTURE 3053 83
SLANTeD 1091 72
WiDGETS 10126 80
SA(T)IATED 2207 63
PE(T)IOLEs 1838 60
ELYSIAN 1485 86
NIOBIT(E)S 1595 61
R(E)ALNESS 4846 77
ENDLONg 7611 76
VIRAGOE(S) 928 89
STRuNTS 26658 70
VIDIOTs 12359 101
SAU(R)iANS 10241 78
ENtAI(L)ED 109 77
ARISTOs 2898 70
sALUTES 8077 80
DEITIEs 1610 72
STICkLE(R) 13173 86
The of bingos played by the player that were not challenged off.
Triple Triples
Type Play Probability Score
FOR(N)IcES 3892 140
nO(T)ArIZE 246 185
UNlEA(D)ED 7780 140
D(A)TABASE 12965 176
NEG(A)TRON 911 131
MORE(N)DOs 9010 140
TRO(W)ELER 9777 149
nI(C)TATES 2750 140
SI(D)ERiTE 1126 131
PAR(A)SItE 1161 131
MaNI(T)OUS 2322 143
MURIA(T)ED 1031 158
JI(B)bOOMS 29153 212
RE(B)ODIED 7264 176
ENT(I)TIES 3024 122
Triple triples played by the player that were not challenged off. They do not have to be bingos.
Bingo Nines or Above
Type Play Probability Score
(MO)nZONITE 12964 110
(C)UB(I)CALlY 28449 118
VICT(OR)IeS 4680 79
E(XI)STENCE 12838 69
(HA)bERgEON 4111 70
(RE)SCALING 2672 86
ALle(GOR)IST 1369 96
DENUDAT(ED) 18152 64
iDO(L)ATE(R)S 23 74
BOOTERI(Es) 1447 62
AGREEM(EN)T 4048 86
Bingos played by the player that were nine letters or longer and were not challenged off.
Challenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
(i)X* 0 0
MIStURN* 0 0
OORY* 0 0
SUCKUp* 0 0
FRIZI(E)R* 0 0
XE* 0 0
TOXIFI(E)d* 0 0
AVI(EWE)D* 0 0
FUCIN* 0 0
VANGA* 0 0
DECA(L)iNG* 0 0
DECAl(LI)NG* 0 0
LIT(E)RAT(E)D* 0 0
AlODIAS* 0 0
ENRT(Y)* 0 0
TNOY* 0 0
WRATH(E)* 0 0
(J)UTTINgS* 0 0
BURPE(R)* 0 0
GREISEs* 0 0
RErOUSE* 0 0
GELL* 0 0
(S)L(A)KY* 0 0
TREFS* 0 0
GNAUR* 0 0
EyEFADE* 0 0
FEyADEE* 0 0
(SI)CHS* 0 0
HOOF(Y)* 0 0
POU(P)EE* 0 0
MUNT* 0 0
CRI(T)cHE(R)S* 0 0
KAU(R)A* 0 0
POGIE* 0 0
ROIlIES* 0 0
CO(R)ULED* 0 0
B(E)LY* 0 0
(L)ODESmEN* 0 0
TOKI* 0 0
SEM(I)pURE* 0 0
WAURS* 0 0
SE* 0 0
LIC(T)H* 0 0
(P)ILUK* 0 0
MINi(J)ETS* 0 0
MOOK* 0 0
JIB(O)OM* 0 0
(J)AUPON* 0 0
DEMAT* 0 0
JEONS* 0 0
INGOS* 0 0
FAKIE* 0 0
VOGE(L)* 0 0
FEIN* 0 0
VIRDUiN* 0 0
VIRUDiN(S)* 0 0
(O)ESTReOL* 0 0
REEI(N)G* 0 0
FERV(U)O(R)ED* 0 0
ONGLE* 0 0
DZOM(O)S* 0 0
PINE(R)* 0 0
SURaMEN* 0 0
ANsATES* 0 0
CO(O)IE* 0 0
EBAH* 0 0
(FE)RL* 0 0
UY* 0 0
FENE* 0 0
(R)OWDIE* 0 0
DRAGO* 0 0
BRUC(E)* 0 0
VUG(t)* 0 0
GRAYHeN(S)* 0 0
WHAN* 0 0
VARDA* 0 0
BETHE* 0 0
DAT* 0 0
PE(WE)D* 0 0
(L)UGTAIL* 0 0
P(I)CCED* 0 0
I(L)EATE* 0 0
ATTA* 0 0
BENJS* 0 0
NYMS* 0 0
(V)ERDIC* 0 0
FAR(N)NG* 0 0
(L)ATIN* 0 0
PEPIN* 0 0
LB* 0 0
WEO* 0 0
PAIO(C)KY* 0 0
MOTtLEY* 0 0
AORA(G)E* 0 0
BUT(A)N* 0 0
WAEFU* 0 0
PEIZO* 0 0
SUD* 0 0
ARIDS* 0 0
MAT(T)Y* 0 0
OUTJESt* 0 0
(E)GRE* 0 0
KAG* 0 0
VO(O)M* 0 0
C(U)SH* 0 0
SUJO* 0 0
LO(A)NoUTS* 0 0
QUIn(J)ETS* 0 0
BUTYLiN(S)* 0 0
DIN(G)EINg* 0 0
CRENN(E)L* 0 0
W(A)L(I)ER* 0 0
W(H)IMP* 0 0
VO(L)VAE* 0 0
DAR* 0 0
CAR(I)X* 0 0
nAUTICA* 0 0
mA(I)AUTIC* 0 0
(W)INEN* 0 0
ROOtLER* 0 0
YOYO* 0 0
MIn(X)ED* 0 0
(YON)S* 0 0
BU(A)CH* 0 0
PHOHS* 0 0
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were challenged off by an opponent.
Unchallenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
REATTEs(T)* 0 80
GUIDO* 0 18
CREWE* 0 26
FAI(R)IE* 0 26
(I)NCURL* 0 33
OUTHOlD* 0 73
StEWIER* 0 82
NONFoRM* 0 78
GINGI(V)AS* 0 84
OCRA* 0 15
GOW* 0 27
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were not challenged by an opponent.
Plays That Were Challenged
Type Play Probability Score
(i)X* 0 0
BURBOTS 20621 0
ARCS 1718 0
MIStURN* 0 0
LUM 874 0
NY 104 0
SUCKUp* 0 0
FRIZI(E)R* 0 0
GWED(U)CK 22494 38
(E)X 71 0
TOXIFI(E)d* 0 0
AVI(EWE)D* 0 0
(YO)NIS 2459 0
pATRIOT 4022 0
DECA(L)iNG* 0 0
DECAl(LI)NG* 0 0
LIT(E)RAT(E)D* 0 0
AlODIAS* 0 0
ENRT(Y)* 0 0
MOGGED 17984 25
FLORY 9147 52
TNOY* 0 0
WRATH(E)* 0 0
MUDRA 4622 0
(J)UTTINgS* 0 0
WHIPTA(I)L 27964 67
BURPE(R)* 0 0
GREISEs* 0 0
RErOUSE* 0 0
GELL* 0 0
(S)L(A)KY* 0 0
ACUTEs 2967 0
GNAUR* 0 0
EyEFADE* 0 0
FEyADEE* 0 0
(SI)CHS* 0 0
GILL 3286 0
HOOF(Y)* 0 0
POU(P)EE* 0 0
MUNT* 0 0
CRI(T)cHE(R)S* 0 0
SUMS 4047 0
INDeNTS 2717 0
KAU(R)A* 0 0
POGIE* 0 0
ROIlIES* 0 0
YEUk(I)EST 19622 70
HEMLINE 11197 84
CO(R)ULED* 0 0
MOULTeN 5223 69
AUAS 2180 22
VAVS 5297 0
sYNO(V)IAS 23615 84
B(E)LY* 0 0
AVO(I)DS 3369 0
(L)ODESmEN* 0 0
TOKI* 0 0
SEM(I)pURE* 0 0
FEE 370 0
LIC(T)H* 0 0
(P)ILUK* 0 0
T(U)TTINGS 31733 72
MINi(J)ETS* 0 0
MOOK* 0 0
JIB(O)OM* 0 0
(J)AUPON* 0 0
DEMAT* 0 0
SONS 2580 0
NAR(C) 1563 0
FAKIE* 0 0
VOGE(L)* 0 0
FEIN* 0 0
VIRDUiN* 0 0
VIRUDiN(S)* 0 0
FI(s)K 4956 45
(O)ESTReOL* 0 0
REEI(N)G* 0 0
SAVELOY 7987 0
FERV(U)O(R)ED* 0 0
ONGLE* 0 0
DZOM(O)S* 0 0
PINE(R)* 0 0
SURaMEN* 0 0
ANsATES* 0 0
CO(O)IE* 0 0
FORELEG 8589 0
(FE)RL* 0 0
LANNERS 3795 68
GLEY 3067 0
FENE* 0 0
(R)OWDIE* 0 0
VIREO 271 0
BRUC(E)* 0 0
VUG(t)* 0 0
GRAYHeN(S)* 0 0
WAITER 371 0
VARDA* 0 0
ZEE 633 0
ZEBUB(S) 22426 60
EVENT 2468 0
rAIN(B)OWY 14692 67
PE(WE)D* 0 0
(L)UGTAIL* 0 0
P(I)CCED* 0 0
EDDO 1995 0
QAID 2465 0
I(L)EATE* 0 0
ATTA* 0 0
EGOTiST 3604 0
PISSIEr 18272 0
(V)ERDIC* 0 0
FAR(N)NG* 0 0
(L)ATIN* 0 0
PEPIN* 0 0
ABO 230 0
PAIO(C)KY* 0 0
MOTtLEY* 0 0
AORA(G)E* 0 0
BUT(A)N* 0 0
WAEFU* 0 0
PEIZO* 0 0
SUD* 0 0
WAR 360 0
PSI 593 0
MAT(T)Y* 0 0
OUTJESt* 0 0
(E)GRE* 0 0
KAG* 0 0
aGGRESS 25772 92
VO(O)M* 0 0
C(U)SH* 0 0
SUJO* 0 0
LO(A)NoUTS* 0 0
QUIn(J)ETS* 0 0
BUTYLiN(S)* 0 0
DIN(G)EINg* 0 0
CRENN(E)L* 0 0
LEAV(I)NGS 4795 80
W(A)L(I)ER* 0 0
W(H)IMP* 0 0
RUDE 554 0
VO(L)VAE* 0 0
RIMS 1809 0
BLOATER 1142 0
CAR(I)X* 0 0
nAUTICA* 0 0
mA(I)AUTIC* 0 0
(W)INEN* 0 0
ROOtLER* 0 0
YOYO* 0 0
MIn(X)ED* 0 0
(YON)S* 0 0
PINTADO 2195 79
BU(A)CH* 0 0
REAReRS 15831 0
STRuNTS 26658 0
Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Notable Lists
Many Double Words Covered
Combined High Scoring
Games in which the combined score is at least 1100 points.
Combined Low Scoring
Games in which the combined score is no greater than 200 points. Many games on cross-tables.com end before a combined score of 200 points but are considered incomplete and are not counted. Many valid six pass games are not included because they are malformed.
Many Challenges
Games in which there are at least 5 challenges made. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
No Blanks Played
Games in which no blank is played. Blanks in words that are challenged off do not count.
Four or More Consecutive Bingos
Game Stats
Stat Average Total
Games 1.00 1060
Invalid Games 0.01 7
Incomplete 0.01 6
Disconnected 0.00 0
Other 0.00 1
Total Turns 25.02 26520
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Player Stats
Stat Average Total
Wins 0.66 701
Score 442.32 468861
Score per Turn 35.2580
Turns 12.55 13298
Vertical Plays 5.69 6035
Horizontal Plays 6.09 6457
One Tile Plays 0.45 477
Other Plays 0.31 329
Firsts 0.50 535
Vertical Openings per First 0.0000
Horizontal Openings per First 1.0000
Full Rack per Turn 0.9676
Exchanges 0.28 292
High Game 691
Low Game 82
Highest Scoring Turn 248
Bingos Played 2.21 2344
Sevens 1.03 1087
Eights 1.17 1235
Nines 0.02 22
Tens 0.00 0
Elevens 0.00 0
Twelves 0.00 0
Thirteens 0.00 0
Fourteens 0.00 0
Fifteens 0.00 0
Bingo Probabilities 7388.85
Sevens 6615.22
Eights 8044.96
Nines 9236.48
Tens 0.00
Elevens 0.00
Twelves 0.00
Thirteens 0.00
Fourteens 0.00
Fifteens 0.00
Tiles Played 50.30 53313
A 4.62 4898
B 1.00 1056
C 1.02 1076
D 2.03 2151
E 6.05 6411
F 1.00 1063
G 1.48 1574
H 1.02 1079
I 4.63 4909
J 0.50 535
K 0.54 572
L 2.02 2136
M 0.98 1042
N 2.98 3162
O 3.94 4173
P 1.03 1094
Q 0.47 498
R 3.01 3186
S 2.01 2135
T 2.98 3154
U 1.96 2082
V 1.01 1067
W 1.03 1095
X 0.49 518
Y 0.99 1051
Z 0.50 535
? 1.00 1061
Power Tiles Played 4.98 5282
? 1.00 1061
J 0.50 535
Q 0.47 498
X 0.49 518
Z 0.50 535
S 2.01 2135
Power Tiles Stuck With 0.07 76
? 0.01 11
J 0.00 1
Q 0.01 13
X 0.00 3
Z 0.00 5
S 0.04 43
Turns With a Blank 1.75 1853
Triple Triples Played 0.02 22
Bingoless Games 0.03 31
Bonus Square Coverage 16.23 17202
Double Letter 5.40 5719
Triple Letter 5.60 5940
Double Word 2.83 3002
Triple Word 2.40 2541
Phony Plays 0.06 64
Unchallenged 0.04 43
Challenged Off 0.02 21
Challenges 0.32 343
You Won 0.20 215
Opponent Lost 0.08 90
You Lost 0.02 17
Opponent Won 0.02 21
Challenge Percentage 0.9267
Defending Challenge Percentage 0.8108
Percentage Phonies Unchallenged 0.6719
Comments 6.84 7255
Comments Word Length 177.40 188044
Mistakeless Turns 12.23 12967
Mistakes per Turn 0.0262
Mistakes 0.33 348
Knowledge 0.02 20
Finding 0.07 71
Vision 0.03 28
Tactics 0.05 51
Strategy 0.11 114
Endgame 0.06 61
Time 0.00 3
Dynamic Mistakes 0.00 0
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Player Confidence Intervals
Tile p CI
A 0.5133 (0.4898, 0.5162)
B 0.5000 (0.4750, 0.5310)
C 0.5100 (0.4750, 0.5310)
D 0.5075 (0.4832, 0.5228)
E 0.5042 (0.4916, 0.5144)
F 0.5000 (0.4750, 0.5310)
G 0.4933 (0.4802, 0.5258)
H 0.5100 (0.4750, 0.5310)
I 0.5144 (0.4898, 0.5162)
J 0.5000 (0.4634, 0.5426)
K 0.5400 (0.4634, 0.5426)
L 0.5050 (0.4832, 0.5228)
M 0.4900 (0.4750, 0.5310)
N 0.4967 (0.4869, 0.5191)
O 0.4925 (0.4890, 0.5170)
P 0.5150 (0.4750, 0.5310)
Q 0.4700 (0.4634, 0.5426)
R 0.5017 (0.4869, 0.5191)
S 0.5025 (0.4832, 0.5228)
T 0.4967 (0.4869, 0.5191)
U 0.4900 (0.4832, 0.5228)
V 0.5050 (0.4750, 0.5310)
W 0.5150 (0.4750, 0.5310)
X 0.4900 (0.4634, 0.5426)
Y 0.4950 (0.4750, 0.5310)
Z 0.5000 (0.4634, 0.5426)
? 0.5000 (0.4750, 0.5310)
To learn more about these statistics, check the 'Confidence Intervals' section on the about page.
Opponent Stats
Stat Average Total
Wins 0.34 359
Score 400.61 424646
Score per Turn 32.1166
Turns 12.47 13222
Vertical Plays 5.53 5863
Horizontal Plays 5.91 6263
One Tile Plays 0.47 497
Other Plays 0.57 599
Firsts 0.50 525
Vertical Openings per First 0.1578
Horizontal Openings per First 0.8422
Full Rack per Turn 0.4507
Exchanges 0.31 325
High Game 650
Low Game 0
Highest Scoring Turn 212
Bingos Played 1.81 1918
Sevens 0.88 936
Eights 0.92 970
Nines 0.01 11
Tens 0.00 1
Elevens 0.00 0
Twelves 0.00 0
Thirteens 0.00 0
Fourteens 0.00 0
Fifteens 0.00 0
Bingo Probabilities 6530.37
Sevens 6168.11
Eights 6865.98
Nines 8126.82
Tens 1369.00
Elevens 0.00
Twelves 0.00
Thirteens 0.00
Fourteens 0.00
Fifteens 0.00
Tiles Played 46.87 49679
A 4.19 4445
B 0.97 1025
C 0.93 984
D 1.87 1981
E 5.66 5999
F 0.96 1022
G 1.42 1505
H 0.96 1013
I 4.05 4294
J 0.49 515
K 0.45 475
L 1.82 1927
M 0.98 1039
N 2.76 2923
O 3.87 4100
P 0.93 990
Q 0.50 527
R 2.74 2905
S 1.87 1987
T 2.79 2958
U 1.87 1982
V 0.93 982
W 0.94 1000
X 0.50 532
Y 0.99 1047
Z 0.48 513
? 0.95 1009
Power Tiles Played 4.80 5083
? 0.95 1009
J 0.49 515
Q 0.50 527
X 0.50 532
Z 0.48 513
S 1.87 1987
Power Tiles Stuck With 0.14 150
? 0.03 37
J 0.01 8
Q 0.02 21
X 0.00 5
Z 0.01 6
S 0.07 73
Turns With a Blank 1.26 1335
Triple Triples Played 0.01 15
Bingoless Games 0.08 86
Bonus Square Coverage 15.35 16269
Double Letter 4.95 5251
Triple Letter 5.19 5500
Double Word 2.97 3152
Triple Word 2.23 2366
Phony Plays 0.22 230
Unchallenged 0.01 15
Challenged Off 0.20 215
Challenges 0.32 343
You Won 0.02 21
Opponent Lost 0.02 17
You Lost 0.08 90
Opponent Won 0.20 215
Challenge Percentage 0.1892
Defending Challenge Percentage 0.0733
Percentage Phonies Unchallenged 0.0652
Comments 6.84 7255
Comments Word Length 177.40 188044
Mistakeless Turns 12.35 13089
Mistakes per Turn 0.0104
Mistakes 0.13 138
Knowledge 0.02 25
Finding 0.02 26
Vision 0.02 21
Tactics 0.01 12
Strategy 0.03 32
Endgame 0.02 16
Time 0.01 6
Dynamic Mistakes 0.00 0
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Opponent Confidence Intervals
Tile p CI
A 0.4656 (0.4555, 0.4819)
B 0.4850 (0.4408, 0.4966)
C 0.4650 (0.4408, 0.4966)
D 0.4675 (0.4490, 0.4884)
E 0.4717 (0.4573, 0.4801)
F 0.4800 (0.4408, 0.4966)
G 0.4733 (0.4459, 0.4915)
H 0.4800 (0.4408, 0.4966)
I 0.4500 (0.4555, 0.4819)
J 0.4900 (0.4292, 0.5082)
K 0.4500 (0.4292, 0.5082)
L 0.4550 (0.4490, 0.4884)
M 0.4900 (0.4408, 0.4966)
N 0.4600 (0.4526, 0.4848)
O 0.4838 (0.4547, 0.4827)
P 0.4650 (0.4408, 0.4966)
Q 0.5000 (0.4292, 0.5082)
R 0.4567 (0.4526, 0.4848)
S 0.4675 (0.4490, 0.4884)
T 0.4650 (0.4526, 0.4848)
U 0.4675 (0.4490, 0.4884)
V 0.4650 (0.4408, 0.4966)
W 0.4700 (0.4408, 0.4966)
X 0.5000 (0.4292, 0.5082)
Y 0.4950 (0.4408, 0.4966)
Z 0.4800 (0.4292, 0.5082)
? 0.4750 (0.4408, 0.4966)
To learn more about these statistics, check the 'Confidence Intervals' section on the about page.
Player Mistakes
Play Type Size Comment
11C CANOED +38 Strategy Small
Quackle slightly prefers 11B ODA and OCA, sacrificing some points to gain a solid chunk of bingo%. That does make sense. JAGAS overlapping plays still go down after CANOED, and JESTINGS is still wide open, so I shouldn't be scared to make JAGAS plays more accessible after ODA/OCA, especially at a deficit. #strategysmall - forgot to record time.
J12 (A)DZ +33 Strategy Medium
Seemed a worthwhile gamble; if Tim doesn't have an E or blank it's just so annoying. Quackle slightly prefers M8 PEZANT, 2A PATZER, and 13J GATED. PEZANT opens two lines at once on a board without many good ones; PATZER creates a moderately annoying threat on column A. Marlon noted that GATED sets up both ZAG and ZIT as potential overlaps on row 11, which I didn't consider. All three plays draw more tiles towards a blank with both unseen than ADZ does. Upgrading this from small to #strategymedium. 11:14
O13 FAG +28 Strategy Small
N1 GAUFERS never wins, obviously; CP slightly prefers 11K UG to FAG, but I was imagining FAG potentially drawing into solid scoring bingos on both columns A and N. The problem with FAG is obviously that first, it empties the bag. Second, I was worried that if Tim has the Y he can outrun me with any reasonable FREETY play, but given that I probably need the Y and either the M or the other blank to even threaten the win, I should just bank on drawing it myself, making blocking it unimportant. At least I made a play that has a nontrivial chunk of winning%. #strategysmall 0:45
10B SHw(A)NPAN +66 Strategy Small
I saw 8K HANAP but figured the two plays would be less than 5 points of valuation apart, and my odds of getting a challenge were pretty high. Instead, the plays are actually closer to 10 points of valuation apart, especially because I bingo from either the V of VODKA or P of HANAP a lot for a very good score next turn. Basically, I wanted to be able to say "I played SHWANPAN" instead of making the correct play. #strategysmall #egolarge 18:10
L3 INIA +18 Finding Small
Didn't think of SIDA; underestimated the bingo% of IXIA. #findingsmall #strategymedium 22:35
L3 INIA +18 Strategy Medium
Didn't think of SIDA; underestimated the bingo% of IXIA. #findingsmall #strategymedium 22:35
K3 TUAN +20 Vision Large
Saw both playable sevens here but somehow spaced on the T hook to OP - to make matters worse I took five full minutes looking through all the open 8s lanes. #visionlarge 16:18
14E IWI +19 Endgame Medium
Nope, best sequence is 14A DICE setting up WILI. #endgamemedium 0:29
6B LI(V)E +9 Endgame Small
A8 ZEL is 4 better. #endgamesmall 0:15
11E IZAR +30 Finding Large
IZAR would be a reasonable play here, on par with N8 NAZI and 11B REPAIR, except that I completely whiffed on L11 CAPIZ for 56. After MENTEES, I need those extra points to withstand an A1 bingo to the D and might even struggle to deal with a STAW hooking bingo without those points too. #findinglarge
5A (W)ANTS +22 Endgame Small
Incorrect, 9D TANS 3 better. #endgamesmall
9F NOW +24 Tactics Small
Tough call here; went for most aggressive opening. DOW is most defensive; LOW sims better but I don't have hooks for it. I guess DOW is what I should've done. #tacticssmall
6C ENOW +31 Tactics Medium
If I'm keeping the G here I have to hold the N with 6A OWE, very basic stuff. I really do seem to misplay Gs all the time. Should be an easy fix... #tacticsmedium
D8 (J)EHAD +41 Vision Medium
I liked JEHAD because I left an I, but I didn't think of the much safer F6 HATED for more points and much better defense. #visionmedium
A7 VINO +26 Tactics Small
Considered A6 VIDEO; classic give and take between points and bingo%. The RASSLER lanes look pretty appealing for bingos but odds are pretty good that they get blocked. The plays sim in a near dead heat with VIDEO slightly ahead. #tacticssmall
D8 (H)AIKA +24 Finding Medium
A bunch of plays sim better, including G6 AKA, E5 RAKIA, and a few more plays on the G column. I played HAIKA quite fast - clearly I should've slowed down and looked harder. #findingmedium
15A GUDE +31 Tactics Small
Tacking on the S is probably worth it. #tacticssmall
15F PAID +34 Finding Large
Bizarre miss of PITIED for 15 more. #findinglarge
15D (S)ICKED +39 Strategy Medium
W: I need to do KITE and get lucky; I felt there was a chance of outscoring after SICKED, but I still have that chance after KITE and I get way more bingos down. #strategymedium
14D (I)VY +30 Finding Small
Don't think I saw G6 BALKY, which looks nice. #findingsmall
10I OPA +30 Finding Large
I'm proud to say that I didn't miss the overlaps for UTOPIAN at N9, I literally did not think of either bingo on my rack whatsoever. Amazing. #findinglarge
11J EA +18 Endgame Large
Well, I like to think that if I had had to see it, I would've spotted F1 PEACE, which Dave saw but correctly forced me to see by blocking the much easier L1 EALE; but EA and EE at 11J both get the job done. I must have been tired. #endgamelarge
12D PANIERs +71 Strategy Small
Thought PANIERS would perform closer to 5 points better on defense than PERINEAL, but sadly it's closer to 2-3. #strategysmall 18:52
L8 L(AME)R +16 Finding Small
The board is nearly completely bereft of scoring spots after this move (just ZA hooking plays); Quackle calls for K7 LUREX, but I'm very content to stay turtled up here. LAMER badly outperforms all other candidate moves defensively. However, I missed L8 RAMEAL, which is a better equity version of my move. #findingsmall 16:41
5M L(UN) +9 Strategy Small
Obviously not opening after YIN. LUN preserves HAZAN/AZAN possibilities for the future. The only other move I would potentially do here is 9C HULA, which should be pretty difficult to bingo with. #strategysmall 14:46
O12 SEEM +26 Strategy Small
My thinking here was that by playing SEEM down low instead of EMEUTE the odds were good that if Ayo bingoed, it would still be on row 3 or 5 yielding strong counterplay. the other play I strongly considered was 5E MEE, but a SMEE bingo after that could be a disaster, especially because it scores 11 fewer points than SEEM. Quackle calls for 3B EMEUTE, which I also thought about; I suppose I can withstand most of the responses to that too, and the somewhat bingo-prone unseen tiles combine well with the S, so I get EFS bingos a lot. Thinking this is probably at least a #strategysmall 6:56
A1 TR(O)P +27 Strategy Medium
RURP and URP on row 6 look best here; they score as well or better than TROP and yield fewer bingos in response, especially RURP. The A1 scoring spot is tough for Ayo to hit with this pool. #strategymedium 4:39
2D USER +20 Endgame Medium
Was trying to safely block ZAG plays but for some reason couldn't come up with 13F SEN or 13A RUNES. At least my move wins the game. #endgamemedium 1:15
J2 GRITH +38 Finding Small
Missed CHIGGA. #findingsmall 22:55
8J L(O)ANEE +21 Strategy Small
Fatal mistake here; again, not many Es left, so not liking L8 NEELE: but the play here is 14F EEN after Terry's VAE. I have to try and force her into opening the board and letting me get my bingo down first. Probably more of a #strategysmall but I got burned pretty hard. 12:11
15L BEIN +38 Strategy Medium
Second mistake in a row. I need to play BEEPING now while I have a playable bingo that scores 78. I balked at evening the score only to still be down tempo afterwards with potentially massive overlaps available; but there's only one A and one O left, so it's possible Terry can't even do anything on column A after BEEPING with APE/OPE. Also, GP? is pretty poor and there are a ton of whammy tiles in the bag that will torpedo my bingo% if I draw them. I regretted not playing BEEPING almost immediately. Quackle says it's a 7 point equity mistake. #strategymedium 10:20
11J K(E)LP +18 Strategy Small
G3 GAP or PEG in the spot where I played are better to preserve the CKLR synergy. Another idea is N2 PRICKLE, hoping to draw tiles to outrun. #strategysmall
N5 CUB(E) +12 Endgame Medium
CUB/UVAE, I was almost over. Plenty I could've done differently here. #endgamemedium
8D FIQUE +42 Tactics Small
Although FIQUE gets me 12% more bingos than QUITE, it only results in an average score of one more point per turn for me on my next move. Odd. #tacticssmall
12B BLETCh(E)S +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
No idea what got into me here...I was sure there was some CSW-only variation of BLOTCH. I don't think I was confusing this with BLENCH, so I wonder how I got my wires crossed. #knowledgelarge
2C CROZE +38 Strategy Small
Case S is extremely strong here with LUVS and a very bingo-friendly pool, so I played CROZE to at least partially block some stuff through the K and completely take out the the row 2 bingo line; 1I MOCKERS was very tempting as well. Obviously, I'll feel pretty stupid any time Joey triple-triples through the K after CROZE, whereas pretty much no bingo after MOCKERS will score enough to threaten me, especially with me holding the Z. I think I got a little greedy here and should've played MOCKERS just to secure the win. #strategysmall
1G MAE +20 Strategy Small
Many close plays here; MAE is okay, but J3 WEE or WEEL set up my S a second way and score/leave slightly better than my play. #strategysmall
L10 (R)ITARD +18 Endgame Small
Missed 2K MURID, which works out 2 better. #endgamesmall
9B OXO +21 Tactics Small
9E EXO scores 7 more and is much more defensive, but tanks my next turn bingo%; Quackle actually wants the other placement of OXO at 9H, giving up a few more points to Bob but also maxing out my chances of bingoing. Really close options, at most a #tacticssmall
G8 (W)HIP +29 Tactics Small
Considered tacking the T on here after all these short plays from Bob; in retrospect I probably should have. #tacticssmall
K6 VAG +25 Strategy Small
I didn't want to open anything unnecessarily here but GUAVA or VAGUER might be worth doing just for the more balanced leaves and more tiles drawn towards one of the blanks. The pool is also pretty vowel-heavy so leaving ADEU after VAG could go south fast. #strategysmall
4B dEFRAUD(S) +76 Strategy Small
Playing DEFRAUDS over UNFEARED cuts Bob's bingo% from 14% to 5% but given that I always win anyway, giving up 12 points is too much. #strategysmall
12C (AWA)RD +9 Strategy Small
Will: Burned all the rest of my time here. I considered AWARN, AWARD, HARDLINE, HARDLINER, and N10 IDLER/ELDIN. HARDLINER attempts to luck into an outbingo that Josh can't block by playing parallel to HARDLINER, and also might luck into ZQ draws (HARDLINER makes a big Q spot). Maybe I draw something to the I and play it after he blocks the R, for example. Amazingly AWARD bingos 35% to AWARN's 11%, though the usual caveat applies that those numbers are going to be lower than Quackle thinks because Josh is going to seek to lower them. I'm just amazed at that disparity. My problem with IDLER, which looks good at first glance, is that any parallel play putting a difficult letter on row 15 is basically game over; there's no space left. At least after AWARD there's both row 13 and the Y of DAVY. I kinda wish I did HARDLINER now just for the lulz. #strategysmall
7F IODISER +72 Strategy Small
Think I misevaluated how defensive IODISER was compared to PRESIDIO. #strategysmall
5K JADE +44 Vision Small
I tunnel visioned the new spot and didn't even notice that JEAN plays at N12 for 44 as well. JADE gives back nasty parallels with AJEE and perhaps X bombs in addition to Z bombs, which would play with ZEE anyway if I don't address that area. #visionsmall
3E (LUG)E +5 Endgame Small
Nice move by Jason with LUG. I'm supposed to play G2 UG instead of this. #endgamesmall
exch BTUUV +0 Strategy Small
VATU looks better than exchanging, I feel like I knew that during the game but still did the wrong thing. #strategysmall
D1 LAR +25 Endgame Small
12L ARIL is 3 better #endgamesmall
I8 (G)ONADIAL +62 Finding Large
Total tunnel vision on this, not sure I even considered the R of JARVIE to come up with ORDALIAN. #findinglarge
M7 V(A)URIEN +30 Finding Medium
Didn't generate M8 AVOURE as a choice, which is better defensively and bingos a solid amount more than VAURIEN (33% to 21%). I had it down to BOUVIER vs. VAURIEN which is indeed more of a coin flip. #findingmedium
H3 MODER(A)TE +62 Finding Small
Now I miss TREMORED...#findingsmall
C9 R(I)DIC +18 Strategy Medium
My thinking here was that RIDIC blocks the board for bingos completely and after any IRIDIC play I was highly likely to follow up with a bingo of my own. But something like 12B CIRL also blocks the board nearly completely without allowing huge potential counterplay, and I completely spaced on K11 CRIT, though I'm not sure how smart that move is to actually play. (edit: K11 CRIT was not actually available to me thanks to my AUGITES annotation error referenced earlier) #strategymedium
A1 ARTICLe(S) +80 Finding Small
TRICLADS #findingsmall
B12 NO +19 Endgame Small
N1 EON #endgamesmall
A11 SWINE +38 Finding Large
Odd lapse here, definitely should be playing H1 WINDS. Honestly don't think I thought about ZEKS plays at all or else I surely would have. #findinglarge
N11 DU(N)T +20 Endgame Small
W: TUND (-1) #endgamesmall
B4 (C)ONVULsE +64 Knowledge Large
Chickened out of UNCLOVEN# after a long think and didn't look hard enough for VENULOSE. #findingmedium #knowledgelarge
B4 (C)ONVULsE +64 Finding Medium
Chickened out of UNCLOVEN# after a long think and didn't look hard enough for VENULOSE. #findingmedium #knowledgelarge
B14 TE +19 Tactics Large
This might be the play I'm unhappiest about from the entire tournament. Why am I still making this error? EE, same spot, gives me 20% more bingo. #tacticslarge
1E COLY +44 Finding Large
Missed the much better VLY. #findinglarge
M2 DOSA +26 Vision Medium
Didn't think of 7B ADOBO here; I prefer it now. #visionmedium
13F PRODI(GI)Es +80 Vision Small
Hmm. Odd miss of PERCOIDS, I absolutely did not even look through the C at all once I saw this. One benefit of PRODIGIES is that if Tim had a higher scoring tile he probably would have tried to play it last turn, so I'm a favorite to hit the H column hard. #visionsmall
14A ONS +39 Vision Large
Thanks for watching Champion's Corner. Missing BINOCLES is actually a #visionlarge #endgamelarge #satiremedium
14A ONS +39 Endgame Large
Thanks for watching Champion's Corner. Missing BINOCLES is actually a #visionlarge #endgamelarge #satiremedium
H12 (W)ICH +36 Tactics Small
I had a suspicion WHID would bingo a smidge more thanks to the D at H15 instead of the H, but I'm surprised at how much more (27% to 21%). WHID also sets up a nice backup plan of -CH words on row 13, and that little bump shows up in my avg. score next turn as well. They sim between a quarter and a half of a point of valuation apart...I long for a future when this type of mistake is the only type I ever make. #tacticssmall
M12 YUK +33 Strategy Medium
I was so close to just doing M11 KYU instead of YUK to be safe. Yes, there is huge Z-bomb upside to YUK, but Vince has one of the *fifteen* unseen Es and Os so, so often to play there himself, and it's instantly by far the best scoring spot on the board. However, I need to add that Vince put down QUID, then looked at it in frustration and picked it up to play QUIN - I kind of read this as an admission that he didn't have an E himself on that turn, which does tip the odds a fair bit in my favor. I probably should still have played it safe here. #strategymedium
N13 PA(N) +26 Strategy Large
This absolutely needs to be something at 3E or 3F using up more tiles. I liked the annoying O column lane that PAN created, especially with the possibility of a huge ZE/OX/NO hooking play coming down and crushing me, but something like GAMBA also creates lanes while avoiding being saddled with 5 consonants. #strategylarge
J10 FOU +27 Finding Medium
I should do I6 UNROOF. I figured he always has a Z bomb with the second A of ACETA, but maybe sometimes whiffs the top one, but it draws into stuff enough on a four tile pull that I should be blocking both. Unfortunately, I looked through the R for only a little while for plays like that, figuring I had nothing worth playing, and didn't think of it as an option. #findingmedium
H1 WA(D) +21 Tactics Medium
Getting a decent S hook on the board while the equity hit to do so is minimal - I say decent because it takes too many other hooks. Of course, the AANOS leave is pretty gross. It looks like H1 NADA is actually a fair bit better to create an S-specific hook and undouble the A's. #tacticsmedium
3C CUD +17 Vision Small
Disappointing to not generate 14E CUD as an option instead of my inferior CUD. That being said, the difference in bingo% on my next turn is not particularly large (Quackle estimates are 47% to 43%). #visionsmall
9F LI(PE) +12 Strategy Small
I counted SLIMING as 36 somehow instead of 40, and the difference between SLIMING and LIPE is about 4 points of equity. #strategysmall
10I (V)O(E) +8 Vision Large
Drat. NOESIS scores 45, and playing parallel to OBOE on column M with any number of things retainng one S is just far better than fishing just an O. Might've been a bit tilted drawing my third consecutive unplayable CSW bingo - but the disappointing thing is that in this particular case, I might've been more apt to find NOESIS since I already had ANOESIS# in my mind. #visionlarge #strategylarge
10I (V)O(E) +8 Strategy Large
Drat. NOESIS scores 45, and playing parallel to OBOE on column M with any number of things retainng one S is just far better than fishing just an O. Might've been a bit tilted drawing my third consecutive unplayable CSW bingo - but the disappointing thing is that in this particular case, I might've been more apt to find NOESIS since I already had ANOESIS# in my mind. #visionlarge #strategylarge
D1 XERUS(E)S +48 Strategy Medium
Truly hated giving up both esses, but felt I needed the space in the upper left quadrant...I could've done O1 ASSURE for 52, hoping for an X bomb underneath JOEY to follow up, or just fish my X there and try to hit ASSURE bingos for a zillion. Both seem like better ideas than XERUSES. C8 EXTRAS also scores well and keeps an S for OILS. #strategymedium
C8 DA(T)URA +16 Strategy Small
Saw OREAD but felt the quadrant space could prove to be more valuable at some point. Probably still a #strategysmall at least.
G5 DIT(Z)Y +23 Finding Medium
Was really close to playing SLY; somehow missed J4 IDYLS which looks good too. DITZY gets hit way harder in response and scores much less. #strategymedium #findingmedium 21:44
G5 DIT(Z)Y +23 Strategy Medium
Was really close to playing SLY; somehow missed J4 IDYLS which looks good too. DITZY gets hit way harder in response and scores much less. #strategymedium #findingmedium 21:44
J4 LUCKS +32 Tactics Small
J6 WUS a smidge better defensively and much higher upside for me next turn, CKLN crushes the H1 triple a lot with vowels. (CALKIN, LUCKEN in particular score massively) #tacticssmall 20:04
1A S(U)LFO +36 Strategy Large
Tanked down to next to nothing here, just could not find anything I liked. However, SULFO is obviously very wrong and hemorrhages any win% I have here. I probably should've done the other move I was considering of N10 FUERO and hope to draw unblockable bingos in different areas of the board, of which there are a handful. #strategylarge
14A URE +14 Strategy Medium
Flailing. 5B URODELE looks like it gets paralleled and utterly fails to open anything for me but perhaps I just need the 22 points and six draws towards the blank and then worry about the board after. I kinda like C9 LOUCHE now to open the board and to fake a double Z setup, which might be annoying for Evan if he doesn't have it. #strategymedium
6C EILD +22 Endgame Small
B2 TITULED is 5 better #endgamesmall
13H (E)CAD +30 Strategy Medium
Took a stupidly long time here and still didn't even think to look for a play like B1 OCEANID for 38. I did ECAD over other plays like DECANI in the same spot (my other primary choice) to keep IN together for -ING words down to the G of TROMPING. But the AINO leave is just too imbalanced and the pool not bingo prone enough. Just EOAN in the same spot is Quackle's pick, and if I want to keep IN together something like 2B ODA looks like a much better way to do it. #strategymedium 11:17
D8 (M)OUE +15 Strategy Small
N2 OUS is Quackle's interesting suggestion - only the L hooks it in the unseen pool, and I have the N to hook NOUS myself; the AEINR leave also bingos a solid amount here. #strategysmall 10:18
5E tEPID(I)Ty +86 Tactics Small
Nice draw. TEPIDITY is not my best choice here, no need to make an X spot. TYPIFIED or PEPTIDIC look better. #tacticssmall
O1 BRO(W) +27 Strategy Small
Could play 1A REBATO, but covering the W reduces Seth's scoring for next turn and the AEGT leave bingos a little bit more than a lone G. I somehow didn't consider 4A BOATER, which also scores quite well and covers the 4A scoring spot, which will score a lot if Seth can play a six hooking EX. #strategysmall
4C IT +19 Tactics Small
I kept the A here to perserve the chances of drawing something that hooks AG going down on column M. A better idea is probably just QI, going for ARIETTA/ATRETIC/ITERATE/INTREAT/ARTISTE, but IT is ok too. #tacticssmall
E10 (E)AR +18 Strategy Medium
I was worried that I would get outrun with a small fish, so I grabbed enough points that a lucky bingo would still matter; but keeping EIILT and blocking the O of GAUCHOS is not a good way to do that. 9A LIEU is the play if I want to get points without blocking any of my scarce bingo lines. #strategymedium
1J AREA +18 Endgame Medium
G4 APE is six points better, leaving CARLE 12K and CARL F12 hooking ORC. #endgamemedium
A13 EAU +16 Vision Small
WA: I didn't see F10 TATOU, which looks nice, especially if I read HOB as a Z setup; though keeping the T for TREW is helpful as well. I'll go ahead and say #visionsmall.
H13 ANY +20 Endgame Medium
WA: Out of time. No wins; best was 3E YETT. #endgamemedium
7E TOM +24 Finding Large
I have a habit of misevaluating Gs and Vs. 7G MOG is clearly better, bingoing a whopping 10% more often and yielding 7 fewer points per turn to Matthew. Oddly, I'm not sure it crossed my mind as an option. #findinglarge
F7 (OK)EH +19 Strategy Large
Quackle doesn't like this either because the leave is too gross (too GROST...heh). It prefers F5 GOOK, but Matthew is perhaps least likely to play the way that Quackle expects of anybody I know. Maybe 9H DOG or 6H LOG are more reasonable. #strategylarge
B1 EX +37 Endgame Medium
This should've been AX, leaving me 1A MAZER and L6 REZ as my subsequent Z options. #endgamemedium
3H INGESTA +75 Knowledge Small
GENISTA and TEASING are a tiny bit better than INGESTA. Quackle prefers SWEATING for 78; amazingly, giving up column A is not expected to increase Darrell's average score beyond what he will get after TEASING/GENISTA/INGESTA. I'm unconvinced. If I'm honest, I was 99% sure GENISTA was TWL and opted for a 100% option. #knowledgesmall
8A TOY +28 Finding Medium
Also considered C3 OUTRAVE, which looks better in retrospect to avoid keeping UV and blocking the easy QIS lane; but didn't consider the likely best move of F6 VAUNTY. Not too hard a play to generate. #findingmedium
L8 (U)NSNAG +14 Strategy Small
Well, Quackle hates this, but it reduces Darrell's bingo percentage to zero, so that's nice. Quackle hates it because it believes Darrell's bingo percentage on the board as currently constituted is approximately 4%. UNSNAG scores so little that it puts me at risk of being outrun, but YZ is certainly a good combo to keep to alleviate that problem. A better way to go about this would've been to play 13f YANGS, which also reduces Darrell's bingo percentage to near-zero and keeps the Z, but also scores 8 more points in the process. I generated that as an option, but couldn't be sure that there weren't still playable overlaps on row 11 afterwards. #strategysmall
14H OOZY +40 Strategy Small
Quackle is saying F2 ZITI is best, and that does make sense - keeping multiple I's is gonna hurt me in the endgame. #strategysmall
10A IT +13 Endgame Large
Big mistake, I only leave myself one out after this. Completely careless error. Best is M1 TITI - this is 17 points off. #endgamelarge
F6 Z(EL) +32 Strategy Small
Exchanging crushes ZEL in sim. #strategysmall 19:29
H11 S(C)ARY +30 Tactics Medium
Still making this error too often. CAYS is far better, the R improves ATS a ton. #tacticsmedium 16:40
11J AWING +32 Finding Small
Almost; AWEING is better by a smidge. A bunch of Es to redraw if I'm worried about that. Didn't think of it. #tacticssmall #findingsmall 13:35
11J AWING +32 Tactics Small
Almost; AWEING is better by a smidge. A bunch of Es to redraw if I'm worried about that. Didn't think of it. #tacticssmall #findingsmall 13:35
I11 C(A)D +26 Knowledge Large
Whew, not a gamble worth taking - honestly thought SCAWING* was a word. Just CAWINGS. Lucky that the score was close enough that Bob didn't feel he could afford the five points. The crazy thing is that TAR bingos an amazing amount more often than TAD, which I was debating playing instead of CAD - Quackle says 33% to 19%. Quite surprising. CAD does actually sim quite well, but I gotta give this a #knowledgelarge 12:30
14F BU(R)ET +22 Strategy Small
Very tricky move. I desperately wanted to keep ET together here to play down column O with RE and ST; drawing the H or M would be great if I could find a way to keep EET here. However, I also have to worry about being outrun if I take too small of a score here. For that reason, I felt the best compromise was BURET; I did also consider BUTEO, which appears to be a smidge better according to sim/CP, but it's not because it performs better defensively by covering the O1 triple; it's because I score 4 more points on my next turn with BUTEO than BURET. A little bit of that is because BUTEO occasionally draws bingos at the bottom of the board, which BURET blocks; the rest of it is that keeping EEL works better with the O12 spot than ELO. For example, if I draw HT or MT, I get my big play down there after BUTEO, but need more help after BURET. #strategysmall 4:26
9H TIX +27 Tactics Small
This should have been XIS or SIX; CRST much better for bingoing. #tacticssmall
I8 (BI)G +6 Strategy Small
Tricky move; Quackle wants H6 GNAT to increase my odds of drawing a vowel. Even though that move leaves only one S hook on the board, it's seemingly impossible to block effectively without very specific plays from BI that probably represent huge equity sacrifices. #strategysmall
D3 INVE(S)TOR +74 Finding Small
I wish I could say I picked INVESTOR because I balked at all the CONTRIVE hooks - but in fact I actually just somehow missed CONTRIVE despite looking at the C. #findingsmall
B9 AH +39 Strategy Medium
HALER gives up 5 more points per turn than AH does; not enough to account for the 10 point gap in score. #strategymedium
5C E(V)ET +29 Strategy Medium
EVET sims worse than obvious moves like 1F KEF but I like that it reduces Tim's average score by about 5 points and eliminates that nightmare huge 4x scenario. Still probably a #strategymedium.
M12 SKIO +24 Endgame Large
Nope, I2 LOID setting up the huge SKI play at J1. #endgamelarge
C11 YEP +24 Vision Small
Hmm, not sure why not C11 PYE. Don't think I saw it. #visionsmall
13F V(ER)MIL +14 Strategy Small
Sim slightly prefers G1 VIMS; it scores a lot more and doesn't offer parallels thanks to the V. In fact, VERMIL yields more points to Andrew on his next turn than VIMS does. Obviously, I do much better on my own next turn holding the S, but still #strategysmall
I6 JESS +22 Strategy Small
Huge tank on this turn as I tried to figure out which way to go. At various points I was close to playing M10 or N10 JESSIE and H7 JASS. Sim wants M10 JESSIE, drawing more tiles for blanks and leaving the VARIAS hook open without exposing the triple lane the way N10 JESSIE does; makes sense to me. #strategysmall
G3 FEW +29 Endgame Medium
Somehow spacing on KEF, same spot. Definitely down well under a minute of time here. #endgamemedium
8D COnGREE +74 Knowledge Small
Just flat out missed CORTEGE, which doesn't take the zillion hooks CONGREE does - I actually forgot about the D hook and hoped perhaps I would be likelier to remember the T hook than Benjy. #findingsmall #knowledgesmall
8D COnGREE +74 Finding Small
Just flat out missed CORTEGE, which doesn't take the zillion hooks CONGREE does - I actually forgot about the D hook and hoped perhaps I would be likelier to remember the T hook than Benjy. #findingsmall #knowledgesmall
I8 (E)XOME +47 Strategy Small
C11 MAX outperforms EXOME - extra point, unduplicates the As, yields one fewer point to Benjy thanks to that nasty column J reparallel. #strategysmall
G12 HAKA +29 Finding Medium
I missed F6 KANGHA. #findingmedium
2E IF +28 Finding Large
Drat. Still not rock solid on finding the 30k-40k probability 8s like UNFIXITY, which plays at A8 for 89. I'd have had a shot of seeing it if the X had been a natural tile as opposed to the blank designation. #findinglarge
6F oUTP(A)INT +59 Finding Small
Missed 6E TULIPANT for 2 more. #findingsmall
A10 GLINT(Y) +11 Strategy Small
Stopping miracle column A bingos and scary plays like 10B JAR. Something like 2I DINTING is mostly bulletproof as well, though I guess it would suck if Benjy had AGITABLE or EGLATERE. Quackle also likes 11H EMEND which I admit looks quite good to me, holding my lone vowel to dump the Q if I draw it and blocking the N and T of OUTPAINT. #strategysmall
I8 STRIGAE +76 Tactics Small
Another tank here as I evaluated as many placements as possible. The board after STRIGAE was pretty close to locked down, FOXIEST plays aside; maybe one or two more defensive moves would create a real problem for Dave. Quackle actually prefers 11A STRIGATE and I5 AIGRETS, both of which I considered; I'm not sure I thought of 14B SEAGIRT, which is also a play it likes better. #tacticssmall
H1 DAL(ET)H +30 Endgame Small
KEP first is better #endgamesmall
6G BOIL +16 Strategy Large
I felt like a moron after this - I really, truly was weighing BOIL vs LOBI against Noel's leave of TIRES and somehow brain farted and played BOIL, which allows 20% more bingos than LOBI. I remember realizing I had made a big mistake even before Noel played his bingo. #strategylarge 18:52
7I D(I)P +13 Finding Small
Didn't see SPREDD, which must be better just to shed so much clunk. The left side of the board isn't quite as dire as it looks thanks to ANANA. #findingsmall 16:44
L11 ZUPA +42 Strategy Large
Gotta try and learn something here. I'm making too many wild moves when it's just not necessary; 11C AZO scores better and doesn't get crushed in response so often. I thought maybe Noel wouldn't know ZUPAN, but it's just too risky a gamble. #strategylarge 13:15
N8 VIS +24 Endgame Medium
N5 TUTTIS is better because my lone out of EVO is unblockable! #endgamemedium
3B APOD +28 Finding Large
Whiffed on A1 ISOPOD. #findinglarge
A4 (U)GALI +18 Strategy Small
Tough move here. I think after Rasheed's OKE perhaps UGALI isn't the best idea. It feels like 13B RIZ is much better than usual after that play, since he probably rarely has a G and certainly never an F on that move; unless maybe he can have ING leaves with OKE? Hard to say. I think I like RIZ here, but other Quackle favorites like G13 GI/GIE don't seem smart. #strategysmall
M1 GLEIS +29 Strategy Small
Quackle likes GLEIS but likes G13 GIE a bit more; interestingly, it far prefers GIE to GIO in the same spot, expecting I get a lot more bingos down the M column paralleling SO and perhaps a handful on column I with the (D)O(R) insertion. #strategysmall
1K CA(G)ER +27 Endgame Medium
N2 OW threatening ACERB on column K is best; if Rasheed tries to block it he sacrifices too many points giving me two more turns. #endgamemedium
7E GIBE +24 Tactics Small
Quackle prefers 7G GIBE for two more points to my GIBE pretty strongly; I would've thought 7E GIBE does a little better on defense relative to 7G than simulation indicates but I suppose it's still quite easy to get a seven down on rows 6 and 9. There's also 7E BEGIN available for maximum defense; that looks pretty good too. #tacticssmall
1A WIL(J)A +45 Finding Medium
I played WILJA extremely fast, thinking it had to be right - but 11I BEWIG scores 40 and leaves AL, which is far more flexible than BEG for bingoing next turn. Didn't generate it as a choice. #findingmedium
13K ZHOM(O) +57 Endgame Large
I calculated that ZHOMO would win by 1 here, and it does; but there could have been a scoring error, and there's far a better option here of 14F HERTZ for 62, following up with 10J MOO. #endgamelarge
11H (FA)RER +16 Tactics Small
Damn, just FAIR bingos quite a bit more. Too focused on undoubling Rs; of course the AERRS leave is stronger despite the dupes. #tacticssmall 18:46
exch IOO +0 Strategy Small
Balked at playing G7 AGIO and making big scoring spot, but ZO and JO already go down at C9 for a lot. Just grab some points. #strategysmall 17:10
5C HOO(C)H +26 Finding Medium
Didn't see G5 HEIGH. The KA hook hardly needs blocking with just the lone O remaining unseen and no esses left. #findingmedium 8:38
J2 P(L)ED +22 Strategy Small
Blocking CONGREE but there are ways to do it that set me up better for the endgame. #strategysmall 6:32
11J TARN +10 Tactics Medium
Really confusing turn. Basically after EA I wanted whatever my play was here to limit the damage from AXE hooks. Sadly, I saw 10H NEAT and I guess didn't fully appreciate how effectively it accomplishes that task while keeping my vowel. #tacticsmedium
8M (R)IB +15 Strategy Medium
Hated to not play on row 14 but those plays just get smashed compared to RIB. But there's a cool nuance I didn't really appreciate here; while plays like sim-winning 14E BITTED surely give up a few more points than RIB does, they actually decrease Tijan's bingo% quite a bit compared to RIB. That's because row 14 after BALDY is much easier to hit than row 15 after BITTED, and RIB also gives him a bonus floater of a B to play with. Quackle is pretty emphatic that this is a #strategymedium.
13C NETOP +29 Tactics Small
Should be POTED for better leave synergy. #tacticssmall
H1 QUIR(T) +45 Tactics Small
I played QUIRT because the pool was more than 2-1 consonants to vowels, and preferred EIT to IRT. Quackle suggests that the plays are equivalent defensively but that I still get a couple percentage points more bingos down with QUIET compared to QUIRT. #tacticssmall
8G KY +18 Strategy Small
Thought about exchanging down to CHS and that appears to be slightly better. #strategysmall
12F VAVS +20 Finding Medium
No idea how I missed L1 VROT. #findingmedium
6E AGA +22 Finding Medium
Big missed opportunity with 3B TAG setting up case S. #findingmedium
13B AINE +15 Endgame Small
2L EINE/EINA #endgamesmall
10F BOH +20 Strategy Small
Should've done my original idea of 7H BHAI. BOH is surely better defensively but not by 10 points. #strategysmall
11E BI +12 Strategy Small
Sim prefers K5 TINY, which bingos surprisingly often. I did 11E BI to leave the YARAK lanes open and put another bingo lane on the board for my nice leave. 11E DIB was also tempting; though it gives me fewer bingos than my move, it still gives me enough that it's basically even in avg. score for me next turn. #strategysmall
D8 WAN +21 Strategy Medium
Already feeling a little time crunch here and threw down D8 WAN pretty fast, hoping that my -ER containing leave might work better for hitting column E than whatever Sue held; but I'm much better off playing inside with something like O8 KNEW, scoring just as well while retaining the A to play parallel to the J in the future. #strategymedium
O10 SOUND +24 Finding Large
Well, I missed URODELANS, so that's not good. But Quackle also hates my choice of SOUND over something like L10 DUO. My thinking was that on this board, the S isn't really a key tile; the key tiles are the I to play TINY or LINY hooking QI, the H to play HO/HUN, and the X just because it's the last power tile. Rather than play L10 DUO, I wanted to get more cracks at any of these three tiles to maintain tempo advantage. #findinglarge for sure and not sure if this is a #strategymedium as Quackle indicates it is.
O10 SOUND +24 Strategy Medium
Well, I missed URODELANS, so that's not good. But Quackle also hates my choice of SOUND over something like L10 DUO. My thinking was that on this board, the S isn't really a key tile; the key tiles are the I to play TINY or LINY hooking QI, the H to play HO/HUN, and the X just because it's the last power tile. Rather than play L10 DUO, I wanted to get more cracks at any of these three tiles to maintain tempo advantage. #findinglarge for sure and not sure if this is a #strategymedium as Quackle indicates it is.
11I EXO +22 Endgame Medium
Again, time pressure #timemedium #endgamemedium
11I EXO +22 Time Medium
Again, time pressure #timemedium #endgamemedium
4L O(C)A +10 Strategy Small
My reasoning for this move was to set up a board where I either hit my fish and bingo or brick my draw and score decently to the triple with OCAS. But AGIRS just doesn't bingo quite enough more to warrant the 10 point sacrifice over ORGIAC. #strategysmall 21:12
O1 ZHOS +58 Finding Medium
Played ZHOS quite quickly but didn't stop to think of N2 SHASH, which scores 9 more and draws into a boatload of heavy Z plays on column A or at the very least O1 ZO/ZOO. #findingmedium 14:42
12L DE(Y) +22 Endgame Medium
Second best play to B8 DEXIE, but could've been a very costly mistake. Vince's best play of VUMS F5 will tie after DEY, making DEXIE the only win. #endgamemedium though obviously it would certainly feel more like an endgamelarge to miss the only winning move. 0:30
12H ZE(R)OTH +56 Tactics Small
ZEP scores 10 fewer than ZEROTH but yields 8 fewer points to Chris by not floating the Z in column H and earns me 5 extra points on my own next turn. #tacticssmall
13B WEX(E)D +32 Strategy Medium
I think NEPHEW crossed my mind but I don't think it occurred to me that it sets up my X. WEXED gives back much higher scores as well. #strategymedium
F2 BARPS +31 Finding Small
I didn't see M0 PREHAB; I don't mind getting some more lanes on the board with BARPS, but PREHAB looks better. #findingsmall
6H ENGINES +67 Knowledge Medium
Maybe gunshy about -INGS after CASTLINGS, but I realized in-game that PEENINGS was definitely good a turn or two later. #knowledgemedium
L3 LI +26 Finding Medium
Missed L4 INAPTNESS for 20 more points, though it bingos 10% less often than LI to lessen the equity damage. #findingmedium 17:05
M2 VINT +30 Strategy Small
I had a hunch that I should've played BLIVE right after hitting my clock and before Bob's next play...too fixated on keeping an E with seven more to redraw. #strategysmall 15:03
N12 AUE +16 Finding Medium
Surprising miss of N12 AUA, which obviously is better to keep the E and only one A. #findingmedium 6:51
15L Z(O) +21 Endgame Large
Played the correct move of DZO and then picked it up for just ZO; it's better to play DZO and then play my M atop CRUOR next turn. For the third straight game I was extremely low on time, didn't record it for these last few moves. #endgamelarge
9F GIT +19 Tactics Small
GIS and just GI bingo much more than GIT, though keeping both esses ensures that I sometimes get QIS scoring plays to bring up my low-end scores next turn after GIT. Obviously, GIS is ill-advised here thanks to the EGIS hook, but I accept that GI should've been my play. #tacticssmall
13J END(E)R +15 Strategy Medium
Bad decision here, should've exchanged. The board isn't nearly lock-down closed enough to be grabbing at such a low number of points and keeping a V. #strategymedium
D8 TE(A) +15 Endgame Medium
Missed PURL as an out, this is -11 from the easy best move of B2 ELATE. #endgamemedium
5H O(G)EE +10 Finding Small
Don't think I saw F6 EON somehow. It scores 6 more than OGEE and bingos roughly the same amount, making it several points of valuation better. #findingsmall
N10 HA(L)IER +34 Endgame Medium
N5 REAM is genius, setting up O7 HIE/ODAH/MI. HALIER is seven points worse if Chris plays his top move of OUTRANK/KNIT in response. #endgamemedium
exch QOE +0 Strategy Large
Figured this would be a controversial move, but while I accept it's a mistake and I certainly got burned to the maximum possible extent, I had logic behind it, as I expressed on the stream; if Alec didn't have a bingo, I expected he might be more apt to open something than the Gibsons of the world. #strategylarge
B13 OAF +18 Strategy Large
I suppose FOAM is simply too many points not to play, but I was really unhappy with its effects on the board...I suppose the D of SQUID is very difficult to block without sacrificing a lot of points after I play FOAM. #strategylarge
1K sHEEP +41 Endgame Medium
PUREE/PIQUE at 1K are 6 better. #endgamemedium
K4 TRAW(L) +16 Vision Medium
Missed 9F WART. #visionmedium
L1 KINA +30 Tactics Small
KATI and KRAI sim less than a point ahead of KINA despite KINA's slightly better bingo% - probably because they synergize a bit better with the K I just hung in space, though it's unlikely I get to use it. #tacticssmall
G7 I(N)VADING +69 Tactics Small
AVOIDING doesn't make a Z-bomb spot. #tacticssmall
4B ONEYRE +29 Strategy Medium
Pivotal move. I saw the star equity move of 14F YGOE leaving the nice DENR; but that leave isn't particularly helpful for bingoing on this board. I felt it was much more important to blow through some tiles to get at least one of the four unseen esses for JIBERS. However, what the DENR leave *is* helpful for doing is letting me score with WEIGHTED, WEIGHERS, or WEIGHMEN with any of MSSSST, and in general good leave synergy/balance never hurts. #strategymedium
E10 (C)OVED +22 Endgame Medium
12C NEVOID is best because Bob can block my lone out after COVED while retaining unblockable WEIGHERS by playing 7G IO. #endgamemedium
N9 GEWGAW(S) +34 Tactics Small
Thought WAGGAS would give up the extra points it scores on defense, but apparently it's only two points worse than GEWGAWS. Maybe GEWGAWS slightly likelier to get +5 from challenge too, but still #tacticssmall 17:58
11K EEE(W) +14 Vision Medium
Pool is consonant heavy, no harm in playing INFEED at 14G here - don't think I saw it. #visionmedium #strategymedium 7:51
11K EEE(W) +14 Strategy Medium
Pool is consonant heavy, no harm in playing INFEED at 14G here - don't think I saw it. #visionmedium #strategymedium 7:51
13G Y(I)D +13 Finding Medium
No clue why not I11 YID instead for 11 more points; as I said last turn but clearly forgot here, no point grooming rack leave on this board. Also no idea why I spent five minutes to come up with this. #findingmedium #timesmall 2:51
13G Y(I)D +13 Time Small
No clue why not I11 YID instead for 11 more points; as I said last turn but clearly forgot here, no point grooming rack leave on this board. Also no idea why I spent five minutes to come up with this. #findingmedium #timesmall 2:51
4A CR(A)NED +35 Strategy Small
SCEND looks a little better now after FAH, my DS leave after CRANED isn't that good to play down from H1 and there are no good S hooks left. #strategysmall
H12 V(A)GI +36 Finding Large
Total whiff on the lovely 5H QIVIUT. #findinglarge
15K UNITE +29 Endgame Small
Should block the W plays on column N with ETUI, leaving UNITE for next turn - five better than UNITE, the next best move #endgamesmall
13B U(N)I +5 Endgame Small
12L DUI for 3 more #endgamesmall
K3 BABOO(N) +20 Strategy Medium
BABOO is massively better defensively, yikes. #strategymedium
C9 FL(EX)OR +40 Strategy Small
This was a very lazy sequence for me. The first thing that crossed my mind after FUG was, hmm, I bet he has QU more than usual after a move like that; but I really should've stopped, taken a second, and realized that he practically always has QU after FUG - he also made setups on me in each of our first two games! Therefore, I should have at the very least considered 12I LITHO, which obviously is gonna do very well against the QU range. This isn't as bad as the next turn, but still probably at least a #strategysmall
12I MA(T)H +28 Strategy Large
OK, even less excuse now with some time to think about it, and another turn for him to draw something there - I gotta do something like M9 MAGIAN to block that area. I think I thought that after he gets 80 there, I bingo for hopefully a comparable amount and still have tempo on a crummy board. But why wouldn't I try to stop the 80? FLEXOR and MATH would have been ok plays otherwise, but...come on. I will say that of all my turns at Nationals this year, this one was most tilting, because I saw all 4 of my playable CSW bingos here, and got agitated that I somehow didn't have a single TWL one...stopping myself from those kinds of reactions might be a bigger challenge than actually keeping the words straight. #strategylarge
15H TRIP +26 Finding Large
Somehow spaced on DRIPT, I need the points and extra draws at the S. #findinglarge
E4 CRoCEI(N)S +94 Knowledge Large
I'll give myself a #knowledgelarge for challenging the valid 4 even though it only ended up costing me 5 points; it could've been much, much worse to have chickened out of a valid bingo on row 10.10:55
2F DU(R)A +22 Strategy Small
Again, major consonant overload to come - the EIIL leave should combine with the pool to hit some plays on row 1 that Marlon can't really address. Still, keeping two Is is avoidable here with plays like 4A LUDIC, 4C DUCI, and perhaps best of all, 2F LIRA; CP actually picks 2F DURAL, really going all in on drawing consonants to the leave of EII. Makes sense to me. #strategysmall 5:22
C8 (G)L(A)IVE +22 Endgame Small
One point off of the best move of C10 ATIGI, setting up 12A VEIL for 22. #endgamesmall 3:26
N1 (V)I(D)UAL +24 Finding Small
Missed a couple options here - 2K TELIA is ok, but the normal top equity move of 5B AUDIT also looks pretty good, and I missed it. VIDUAL was not held. #findingsmall 21:07
5D HID +28 Finding Small
Missing more good options, including 2F DHOTI and somehow C3 HYOID. #findingsmall 20:03
B1 BIO +22 Strategy Medium
Too crazy. I was getting nervous that a simple TRAPROCKS bingo would be the death of me and wanted to get more threats on the board, but I just don't need to play this aggressively yet. B1 BI (confusing notation, eh) bingos much more than BIO thanks to the better-balanced leave hitting COCA plays more often; a different approach would be B1 BE, which sets up 1A ONTIC/OB/NEF for me next turn. 6D OB is a pretty simple way to set up a new line without opening myself up to heavy counterplay. Just fishing the B at 2K also bingos a ton of the time. #strategymedium 17:01
B9 (H)YE +33 Knowledge Large
GAWSY crossed my mind here but I didn't want to take a risk - thought HYE would run the score up to where I could outrun a lot of bingos. I'll give myself a blanket #knowledgelarge here to cover the rest of the game for not knowing CASTLINGS for sure.
G13 ZO +48 Strategy Small
CP likes this, saying it wins 95%, but it's surely dependent on full confidence in CASTLINGS. Given that I did not have that confidence, a great option is 11D VOW/VAW, setting up SOZ/SAZ to follow up in the endgame, also winning 95% because the bingos Bradley does get down score so much less. Unfortunately, I burned a huge amount of time grappling with this position and somehow still didn't generate VOW/VAW, leaving me vulnerable to time pressure on my next move. #strategysmall #timelarge
G13 ZO +48 Time Large
CP likes this, saying it wins 95%, but it's surely dependent on full confidence in CASTLINGS. Given that I did not have that confidence, a great option is 11D VOW/VAW, setting up SOZ/SAZ to follow up in the endgame, also winning 95% because the bingos Bradley does get down score so much less. Unfortunately, I burned a huge amount of time grappling with this position and somehow still didn't generate VOW/VAW, leaving me vulnerable to time pressure on my next move. #strategysmall #timelarge
N6 SWAMI +25 Endgame Large
I had well under a minute here and the fastest math I could do indicated that this move would win without needing to risk CASTLINGS (I scored it right but added it wrong) - it turned out that it actually tied instead. Then I insisted on recounting the game, even after Bradley offered me a tie, and discovered multiple plays I had overscored, and ended up losing by 3. Tough loss, but I've had worse. #endgamelarge
A4 PU(T)ON +30 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesmall for the challenge which I did because I thought ZEBUB might've been an oath that didn't pluralize.
1L DISC +35 Endgame Large
I missed Matthew's spot for UNI. Gotta focus. #endgamelarge
L4 AIA +11 Strategy Small
Almost did 10F AWA, which bingos quite a bit more than L4 AIA; L11 AIA also looks smarter to set up a more usable lane. #strategysmall 18:14
E7 AUA +9 Strategy Medium
I somehow spaced on the fact that C11 GAU sets up GAUR. #strategymedium 14:39
1A EN +24 Tactics Medium
Nope, need to just use one vowel here, big mistake. Spending my N absolutely torpedos my bingo%. Unfortunately, Neither RETINE or ORIENT hit the F from 1H very often. Also, if I was going to play two tiles ON is better than EN by a fair margin. #tacticsmedium bordering on large, the plays sim pretty close but I think the error is larger than that. 10:13
L10 PYOT +29 Tactics Medium
My play allows plays down column M to potentially block both PYOTS and column N. I'm very much preferring 13A COPSY now for some more points and to create multiple lines in different quadrants of the board. #tacticsmedium 8:34 (guess I played this move fast)
M12 XED +35 Knowledge Small
Chickened out of 2F PLEXED for one more point. #knowledgesmall #endgamesmall
M12 XED +35 Endgame Small
Chickened out of 2F PLEXED for one more point. #knowledgesmall #endgamesmall
A12 EINE +25 Endgame Small
E1 OLEINE, which I considered, is 2 better, blocking the W spot James ends up using and saving 2N OI. #endgamesmall
B12 WOW +25 Strategy Small
Very close to doing M9 WOW instead to block the new opening. I think I probably should do it. #strategysmall 18:07
N6 FORA +42 Knowledge Small
Will: Only two Es left so the odds of Josh paralleling this aren't as bad as usual. Josh: Adding a #knowledgesmall for Will for challenging ENTERINGS. Will, if you wanna play with the big boys, you gotta tag EVERYTHING.
12A VIOL +30 Endgame Medium
Will: Better to block the lone out of WINDY with 3A TIL/LIT, as I suspected, but was too lazy to math out. #endgamemedium
C11 AX +27 Finding Small
Top equity C13 KEX gives up extremely simple VOX in response. I played AX over C12 XI because I wanted to cut off DUSTINGS now while it was still so dangerous; sadly, I missed C11 AKIN, which looks wonderful to score, give nothing back, stop DUSTINGS, and set up the stealth AKING hook for later. #findingsmall 16:31
13H (K)ITTEN +22 Strategy Medium
So close to doing 8A THO despite the duplicated Is and lost my nerve. Another idea I didn't see: I13 IT to set up ETH plays. KITTEN blows up my rack far too much for not enough points. #strategymedium 13:23
2B FAN(G)ED +39 Finding Small
Didn't see DAFTER for one more point. #findingsmall
K2 BE(S)ET +18 Endgame Small
N1 BETE #endgamesmall
10J NOWED +21 Vision Large
Beautiful, best part of this move is I realized seconds after I hit my clock I had failed to think of MOILE. ZENDO for 57. #visionlarge 19:12
9M ZIT +46 Strategy Large
Yikes, sim far, far prefers ZESTING. #strategylarge 18:32
L4 FY +24 Strategy Small
Now I'm supposed to exchange. #strategysmall 16:40
A4 DETAI(L) +27 Finding Small
A3 EDENTAL scores 3 more and beautifully sets up my I for the (D)I(VAN) insertion! #findingsmall
6A dEGLA(Z)ED +70 Vision Medium
DELEGACY with WHIRRA #visionmedium
15A TEGU +32 Strategy Small
This should've been DEGUST, which I considered; there are no spots for sevens with my DST leave apart from DOJOS or EMS. Quackle says I bingo 21% after TEGU and 18% after DEGUST, which is easily close enough for me to take 9 extra points here. #strategysmall
1L (V)ATU +21 Strategy Medium
Bad job by me here, I was so close to doing FUSTIC like I'm supposed to, but got foolishly seduced by static equity. VATU gives Orry a lifeline to fish later on with multiple lines on opposite sides of the board. FUSTIC opens nothing new and scores well. #strategymedium
9H TALLY +23 Strategy Small
TALLY isn't really a dramatic enough fork to do over just I6 LAZY; a play to the triple after TALLY leaves a horrendous board for scoring if I don't hit a bingo, and hitting one isn't very likely. That being said, LAZY can get me fenced in pretty much immediately as well. Tough spot. I think LAZY is better. #strategysmall
M7 DO +20 Strategy Medium
Generated a lot of options here. For some reason I seemed to be reluctant to just play OXIDE. Sim likes 11B OH, but I don't, since it blocks UTS and incentivizes Kenji to block SOH at all costs, leaving me with much more difficult lanes to hit. I didn't generate 9H TALLYHO which looks stronger than DO solely on the basis of the RIDES leave hitting so much more than HIRES. Also thought of N10 HORDE, 14B DEHORS, and a few other things. Ultimately OXIDE is just too many more points not to play, but the idea of making more S hooks that can't ever really be usefully addressed was very appealing. #strategymedium
4J AQ(U)AE +14 Strategy Small
Amazingly, I didn't realize until after I played that I really should have at least considered C8 AQUA for 9 more points; the scarcity of the Es in the unseen pool led me to want to play through, but Quackle still slightly prefers exchanging down to just E. #strategysmall
10H (N)EP +27 Finding Large
Lamented STEEPEN being blocked - at no point did ENSTEEP remotely come close to entering my mind. If I'm being honest, what *did* go through my mind was - should I play STEEPEN and hook NAD*? Nah, Winter surely knows that NADS is sticky-S, and probably has some kind of lewd device for remembering that factoid. #findinglarge
14J FAV(E)R +38 Vision Small
Somehow missed 13I VAV - although it sims completely evenly with FAVER I think I prefer VAV for a couple reasons. First, the FHRT leave synergizes really well with the row 4 scoring lane forming CH. Second, in this particular scenario, it's not clear to me that Winter will know PAWAW and if I draw the W I could score a boatload with it at 14J to the DWS. #visionsmall
E2 F(E)TCH +26 Tactics Medium
Pivotal move. I balked at VETCH because I felt that I was in control of the game and saw no reason to create a massive-scoring K hook along row 1. However, after I played, I realized that I should have played FECHT instead of FETCH at the very least because I was holding an S, and adding another S hook would help me dump some bad draws. Looking at it now, though, it might actually be a good thing for me to add the K hook with a slight tempo advantage; given that the X already scores well on top of DUNAM and that the J could score decently paralleling BELAY, adding the K hook to the board makes it more difficult for Winter to draw each and every one of those tiles to stay ahead. As long as I can draw some of JKXS?, I should be able to use them to preserve tempo. Sim prefers VETCH by about 4 points of valuation. #tacticsmedium
15A MIM(E) +24 Finding Small
Missed J8 LIMIER though MIME bingos significantly more often. #findingsmall 18:15
I3 (R)ID +25 Endgame Small
Just going out is best. #endgamesmall
F10 AIL +14 Tactics Small
OK, I drew some A's - that was lucky. I have to play AI over AIL here; for one fewer point I get 15% of bingo. Why do I keep making this mistake over and over? #tacticssmall 20:10
J3 NOILIES +70 Tactics Small
ELISION is worth the extra points. Was trying to get more 8s lanes on the board, but it's an even game after I bingo. #tacticssmall 15:10
4H DR(OU)K +24 Finding Large
Whiffed on some good options here, especially L1 DUSKER, and definitely should've done L1 RUSK, taking a small advantage on a bad board. KNAUR is also better than DROUK just to avoid keeping a U. #findinglarge #strategymedium 11:10
4H DR(OU)K +24 Strategy Medium
Whiffed on some good options here, especially L1 DUSKER, and definitely should've done L1 RUSK, taking a small advantage on a bad board. KNAUR is also better than DROUK just to avoid keeping a U. #findinglarge #strategymedium 11:10
N9 SMEIkED +90 Vision Small
N2 DELIMES or DECIMES. #visionsmall
8A FA +20 Strategy Small
Sim likes POUF which I wouldn't do, but 6E OAF setting up potential MARID reparallels looks pretty good. I think I saw that but didn't appreciate it fully. #strategysmall
8K (I)NURE +18 Finding Large
Would've been funny if I played my other choice of 2B URP because then I could say "Your play: URP" - I somehow missed 2D PRURIENT. Pretty lazy. #findinglarge
2D (P)IXY +32 Finding Large
L1 YIRTH appears to be best. Think I let laziness set in this game. #findinglarge
K7 P(O)UFED +24 Finding Small
Saw UPDOVE a moment too late. #findingsmall
7F OOM +16 Tactics Small
Considered just 7G OO and I apparently get 5% more bingos keeping the M here. Would not have guessed that. Then of course there's the fact that OO doesn't make the big scoring spot for power tile bombs. #tacticssmall
12A VI(N)Y +28 Finding Small
Didn't spot 6G DAVY. #findingsmall
5D C(H)ApATTI +74 Vision Large
Groan, I saw ATACTIC but missed the humongous row 3 overlap for 92. #visionlarge
A8 TUB +25 Strategy Large
This is top equity, but I'm really disappointed in myself for this move. RORE is a flashing neon sign that Winter has the X or in the best case scenario for me is hoping to get it on his draw. Josh Sokol, please forgive me for not learning my lessons from you. I deserved to get hit with a ZEX bomb for 90 points after this. The play is obviously J10 WRIT. #strategylarge
15A (O)UTWIN +13 Vision Medium
3F LUNT is better to keep a vowel and score 9 more. Don't think I saw it. #visionmedium
B2 ST(O)RE +30 Endgame Small
N8 DREST for 2 more. #endgamesmall
N2 WAUR(E)D +20 Vision Medium
Odd to space out on MAUVER here. Not sure whether this is finding or #visionmedium
O7 EROTISE +77 Vision Medium
10 more with MAUVER #visionmedium
H1 SO(T)HS +36 Endgame Small
F12 HOKE apparently slightly better. #endgamesmall
10J K(A)E +17 Endgame Small
15A ERK #endgamesmall
A12 M(O)OI +27 Tactics Small
Thought I was clever holding the K for DRACK followup moves but Quack still wants MOKI. #tacticssmall
8A G(R)IPE +33 Knowledge Small
I chickened out on PINNIE. #knowledgesmall
I5 TIDS +23 Endgame Medium
Almost got this one. Couldn't come up with just SUD I5 setting up a second spot for TINT to go with TINCT. #endgamemedium
5H GUE +7 Vision Small
Same letters hook BRO for 11 (BROGUE)! #visionsmall
6J RAINY +22 Vision Medium
I didn't stop to think about YGO here in my haste to block the BAR hooks, but 6J RAINY isn't even a very effective block. #visionmedium
10J HIND +30 Tactics Small
This needs to be HIN or HAN for sure, setting up a board where any -D bingo plays in several spots. There are six As unseen compared to just four Is, so HAN appears to have the tiniest edge. Both of those plays are incredibly close in sim with HAND and HIND but the little things matter... #tacticssmall
D8 (D)UOMO +16 Strategy Small
Pretty gross options here. 9G YOM scores enough extra to be worth playing. #strategysmall
O5 JI(S)M +39 Strategy Small
Probably need to hope Noah draws poorly and play 11A JIMMY for maximum volatility and better bingo%. #strategysmall
5K GUY +31 Finding Small
E11 YUGA maybe - didn't generate as an option. #findingsmall
1H AARGH +45 Strategy Small
Incredibly, I actually have a solid winning chance here. It does appear that GRAPH and GRAPHS both do slightly better than AARGH, which makes sense; GRAPH bingos a solid amount more often. #strategysmall
14G B(E)NJ +33 Strategy Large
Will: Close, but there are more than enough bingoes that still go down along column L that I absolutely need to play BENJES here instead; I probably also do a bit better in endgames by going out in one. #strategylarge
H6 D(HA)L +21 Strategy Small
EENRR is so gross to keep with DHAL...Quackle is saying I should've tried to avoid that with something like 9H DERN. DHAL sims closely behind. #strategysmall
exch ENRRV +0 Knowledge Large
Ooh, D5 VERJUICED - crud. #knowledgelarge
J4 RAH +29 Endgame Small
Out of time, I slapped this down, and it's only a point off of 15L YEAH. #endgamesmall
O5 CORNlAN(D) +80 Tactics Small
Played over CONURBAN because I hoped it would drop Matthew's bingo% more; but actually CONURBAN yields about 1% fewer bingos than CORNLAND because it blocks both the B and the O (and I suppose the F of FIGGY) compared to just the D. #tacticssmall
D11 FUGU +25 Tactics Small
Looks like FUGIO is a bit better; WU is certainly worse than the IOW after FUGU, but FUGU gives back the big easy E hook and FUGIO scores 4 more. #tacticssmall
A1 PIK(I) +30 Knowledge Medium
I stared at PICKIN for like 3 minutes before ultimately chickening out. #knowledgemedium
14B YO(U)RN +34 Finding Medium
Missed 14B NOUNY for 6 more and slightly better leave. #findingmedium
M3 DEN(A)R(I)I +39 Finding Large
Sigh. 11G REUNIFIED. And to think I was pleased with DENARII. #findinglarge
L12 YAGE +30 Finding Medium
Just whiffed on OFAY somehow...#findingmedium
D8 (P)INEA(L)S +28 Endgame Small
Many slightly better options here, like 4I ANESTRI blocking his good out and using one more tile. #endgamesmall
4I Q(I) +11 Strategy Small
Hmm, don't think AEEEMN is good enough to just dump the Q here. I think I'm liking ex. EEQ better now. #strategysmall
13H (R)UNAbOUT +66 Finding Small
Will: Didn't notice that OUTVAUNT plays at 14F. There's already a gigantic S hook on the board so making another one isn't quite the same problem it would normally be, and OUTVAUNT doesn't open a 9x lane for Josh. #findingsmall #strategysmall
13H (R)UNAbOUT +66 Strategy Small
Will: Didn't notice that OUTVAUNT plays at 14F. There's already a gigantic S hook on the board so making another one isn't quite the same problem it would normally be, and OUTVAUNT doesn't open a 9x lane for Josh. #findingsmall #strategysmall
C12 V(A)W +9 Strategy Large
Will: Too crazy. I was going for the maximum chance at a 9x myself here and also a fallback of ZANIER with an E draw. But the simple 14A VAW still preserves a good crack at a 9x while scoring 18 more points. #strategylarge
N2 RIeMPIE +87 Vision Large
Will: K4 PRIMSIE scores 100. #visionlarge
L7 SOOTE +19 Endgame Medium
Will: Only one out for Josh here with GOAD. BOSKET blocks it and leaves OOS/VAWS, among other things. I think I can be forgiven for laziness at this point. #endgamemedium
10G LEEP +24 Strategy Small
No 8L WEEP anymore thanks to PORTABLE O8; I was aware of RETABLO as an option but was ready to just live with it if she knew it. Something like 9E EPEE opening nothing new is probably best anyway. #strategysmall
N5 OP +20 Vision Small
Missed 4A VOIP, though OP does block easy J plays. #visionsmall
5K RURP +16 Knowledge Large
Your play: RURP. I chickened out of SPURRER and bizarrely didn't play PURR for 4 more, probably distracted by my deliberations over SPURRER's validity. #knowledgelarge
15A I(N)ANE +18 Strategy Small
Perhaps I should go for broke for a bingo here with DEXIE or ICE, but INANE seems ok too. Quackle is pretty emphatic that DEXIE is better; I did see it but felt it made the H15 triple so easy to crush. The extra bingo% makes up for it. #strategysmall
9C PONY +30 Finding Small
I missed 9C NONYL. #findingsmall
10D ENE +28 Finding Small
Or E5 ELOINED, which looks a tad better. #findingsmall
5C EVO +22 Knowledge Small
Crap, considered FITCHE but then chickened out. #knowledgesmall
L2 ENS(E)ALED +70 Knowledge Medium
Now I'm not 100% sure of DEVO. I wonder if I was rattled or something. #knowledgemedium
O7 W(U)RST +8 Finding Medium
10B WIENERS is far superior, but even if I don't see that something like C2 WRIEST is absolutely fine...way too big an equity hit with WURST just to get another S hook on the board. #strategymedium #findingmedium
O7 W(U)RST +8 Strategy Medium
10B WIENERS is far superior, but even if I don't see that something like C2 WRIEST is absolutely fine...way too big an equity hit with WURST just to get another S hook on the board. #strategymedium #findingmedium
E9 (W)AE +12 Knowledge Medium
This was tough. AUNE looks like the best way to shed vowels (especially the U) and not open anything too dangerous the way I7 UREA does. Truth be told, I wrote the word on my sheet and thought I was confusing it with Cornelia's daughter. WAE sims a couple points behind. #knowledgemedium
12A KUIAS +35 Strategy Small
J2 KUNA holding on to the S was my other option here and maybe I need to do that. After KUIAS I'm pretty much committed to bingoing to the R of AIRILY. #strategysmall
J2 VINE +21 Strategy Medium
Chosen over 13E VINED to preserve a better board for making a comeback, but there sure are a lot of Os unseen... F2 or 13H VENINE look like safer options that still keep a lot of threats available. Tough call. #strategymedium
O4 WISED +47 Endgame Medium
4A WELD blocks Benjy's best scoring area. -7 #endgamemedium
J10 BOP +25 Tactics Small
I get 7% more bingo by holding onto the P and those bingos I do get score slightly more thanks to my holding a tile worth more than one point. #tacticssmall
L8 W(R)UNG +26 Finding Medium
Just didn't spot A5 PUGH here somehow. #findingmedium
15H (A)FREET +10 Endgame Medium
Close. I have to block SIXTHS/XYST down there, but better by a few points is simply 15G EATER, scoring only one fewer point than AFREET but setting up FAE on row 14 for many more points than the move I ended up playing. #endgamemedium
7I WIN +19 Strategy Medium
Only did this because I know Peter left the punchless IOST on his previous play, but it's still better to play something more traditional undoubling and keeping my vowel like just 4B WREN. #strategymedium
B3 WARY +27 Tactics Small
12H DOWERY was tempting as well, but WANY and WARY actually cut off more bingos than DOWERY does by a lot (A1 P bingos, column B overlapping bingo, a handful of bingos through the O of JOLTS). WANY bingos a tiny bit more often next turn than WARY. #tacticssmall
C10 ME(L)ENA +16 Strategy Small
Just MEEK seems fine, I bingo a ton more to the T. Also considered 14G ACME to block rows 14 and 15, but didn't like that it opened a new sevens lane for -ST words and an easy triple. #strategysmall
C3 EAT +19 Endgame Small
Almost; right idea to block CZAR 3B, but playing TEA or TAE at F3 blocks both CZAR and the big F spot at 2F. #endgamesmall
D8 (M)AGPIE +22 Vision Small
10H CIG bingos a surprising amount, but there's quite a nice array of excellent 8s lanes. I appear to have been blind to DEFI plays. #visionsmall 22:54
J1 NOTITIA +64 Vision Medium
Again blind to DEFI, didn't remotely think of CITATION. #visionmedium 21:22
7F EX +36 Finding Small
Odd that I didn't think of 5E OVERATE or even 10H COX; just debated OX vs EX, really. I figured the Z already played in some good spots and I would bingo more after EX than OX, which is true. But OVERATE is much better defensively and draws into XI 14J with an I and redraws the EX/OX plays atop MANURE next turn with any of AEO, at which point I can play them without worrying about high scoring parallels. #findingsmall 17:23
6D REZ +64 Finding Small
Tunneled on REZ almost immediately, and it's not a huge error; but OOZE and ZOO at least retain some bingo% and need to be considered. #findingsmall 16:51
C1 KLAP +35 Endgame Small
Felt clever mathing this out and feeling like I had gotten this endgame right - but Quackle humbles me with 2L NAN, setting up NANE/KELP in a way which can only be blocked if Lynda plays something like US/NANS for 10, eating both the J and V when I respond with 15K KELPY. KLAP is second best and 4 points off of that sequence. #endgamesmall 7:10
2J FOH +34 Vision Small
Pretty interesting sim result here. Quackle's favorite play here is F7 FROG, followed by 2J HOG, 8L FAIR, 2J FOG, then my move of 2J FOH, then 8L FARO. They're all really closely packed together in valuation. Terry just bingoed and the board is loaded with high-equity scoring spots so simulation is going to be even more accurate than usual. FROG is both the highest scoring and most defensive move, cutting off SLEW and badly damaging the scoring potential of any racks Terry draws with the X in it. (By contrast, the Z plays all over the place on this board and there's little I can do about it.) I didn't think of FROG at all, unfortunately. On the other hand, I'm losing and might like SLEW to stay open. HOG vs FOG vs FOH at 2J is quite interesting. Sim prefers HOG, perhaps expecting me to get down some much heavier bingos with SHEN and THEN afterwards. My play of FOH gives me the highest bingo% on my next move, but nevertheless trails HOG by 3 points per turn because of those heavy bingos I draw into, and which stay open a huge amount of the time thanks to the other good scoring spots available. I'll give FROG a #visionsmall and HOG a #tacticssmall.
2J FOH +34 Tactics Small
Pretty interesting sim result here. Quackle's favorite play here is F7 FROG, followed by 2J HOG, 8L FAIR, 2J FOG, then my move of 2J FOH, then 8L FARO. They're all really closely packed together in valuation. Terry just bingoed and the board is loaded with high-equity scoring spots so simulation is going to be even more accurate than usual. FROG is both the highest scoring and most defensive move, cutting off SLEW and badly damaging the scoring potential of any racks Terry draws with the X in it. (By contrast, the Z plays all over the place on this board and there's little I can do about it.) I didn't think of FROG at all, unfortunately. On the other hand, I'm losing and might like SLEW to stay open. HOG vs FOG vs FOH at 2J is quite interesting. Sim prefers HOG, perhaps expecting me to get down some much heavier bingos with SHEN and THEN afterwards. My play of FOH gives me the highest bingo% on my next move, but nevertheless trails HOG by 3 points per turn because of those heavy bingos I draw into, and which stay open a huge amount of the time thanks to the other good scoring spots available. I'll give FROG a #visionsmall and HOG a #tacticssmall.
F8 ReGIFTS +79 Vision Large
Massive whiff on 5D FIGWORTS for 119. #visionlarge
B6 INTENDS +72 Strategy Small
Tough call here, I tried to Nigel this out and figure out as many permutations as I could here to see which bingo would yield the lowest chance of counter-bingo, or whether maybe I should just fish off an N or the D; as it turns out all three bingos yield exactly the same bingo% of 71%, but INTENDS does in fact yield the lowest average scores. It does look like I work out a little better here by fishing off the D, which hits everything except the M. #strategysmall
A8 AA +16 Endgame Small
Missing O5 AYAYA #endgamesmall
K9 EMIC +18 Finding Small
Considered AMINE and AMINIC but missed LIMACINE, which Quackle prefers; unlike AMINE, it doesn't hook/give up bingos, and it scores as much as I can get. #findingsmall 10:53
6C OUTDARE +69 Tactics Small
Not sure why not one of the 70 pointers instead in the same spot. #tacticssmall
N10 BEEFY +50 Endgame Small
1A BIFFY is two better, following up with 15A PEREA which isn't getting blocked. #endgamesmall
J5 CHAMP +30 Tactics Small
CHAMP seems like the word to play here, but which placement? There are so many. I think after Matthew's move I need to be making as few floaters as possible and definitely not a double-double line, making 9G CHAMP the best choice. #tacticssmall
C6 GRIG +19 Strategy Small
Here I overreacted to my good 7s lane being blocked and grabbed at points. 9C LUG has the nice attribute of setting up a new lane for ING with GLUG hooks; but it's very hard to imagine Matthew not blocking it somehow. Instead I think I prefer the simple C7 LIG over GRIG, just to maintain much better leave synergy. I also get some draws towards GLIFT and GLIFF 8A, which would be annoying board openings for Matthew. #strategysmall
12F DONEgAL +73 Finding Small
Somehow missed LADRONE/FUDGED, which I don't know if I'd have played thanks to the huge H12 scoring spot. Nevertheless a #findingsmall
H12 (N)AVE +21 Tactics Small
Waffled over VAWS, O1 EA, and NAVE for quite a while. I was going for the final blow bingo, and indeed I do get a massive amount more bingos down after NAVE; but VAWS still seems like the right play here, going up by 70 and keeping the board very tight. #tacticssmall
G3 BY(E) +11 Strategy Small
Regretting not doing VAWS now as I could have just kept scoring instead of commit myself to bingoing. I would've done C11 ABY except that I was easily envisioning situations where I hit a bingo that didn't play. Indeed, I get 77% bingo after ABY and 90% after BYE. Still at least a #strategysmall and maybe medium.
K2 POLO +40 Endgame Medium
K1 PAOLO is 7 better, following up with ROST/WAZIRS. #endgamemedium
8G JEW +26 Tactics Small
Will: Hmm, I almost did BENJ and Quackle ever so slightly prefers it, but not for the reason I would expect (allowing fewer bingos) - it actually allows more bingos than JEW (24% to 19%), but almost equivalent average scores, which I think suggests that JEW is easier to overlap for solid scores on non-bingo turns. Even the leftmost placement of BENJ, which certainly looks like it would be hard to play sevens against, yields more bingos than JEW. BENJ then outperforms JEW on my own next turn by several points thanks to the more flexible leave. #tacticssmall
8D WIGGER +30 Knowledge Large
Sigh, I spelled out GREWING on my rack and stared at it for 30 seconds before deciding against it. I should've been more deliberate to really think it over, but I'm trying really hard to go faster these days and in general I find it's helping me a lot. The pathway I could've taken to realizing GREWING is good is that I think my intuition is that there's something in DEEGRW, but that DEEGRW + S = SWEDGER, so whatever's in DEEGRW has to not be WEDGER, and is thus probably GREWED, thus making GREWING likelier to be good. #knowledgelarge
1J (P)EREIA +27 Strategy Small
Sim prefers J10 OORIE, expecting I do a bit better (8 points) on my next move holding AE. #strategysmall
exch OOOO +0 Knowledge Small
Chickened out on GOOROO now. #knowledgesmall
2I R(E)MELT +28 Finding Large
Missed H1 RAMJET. #findinglarge
9M A(C)E +20 Tactics Small
I strongly considered LANATE to go harder for the blank, but figured I could keep a leave that had a strong chance of connecting. Still, spending my L with LACE gets me another point, another tile pull, and several more percentage points of bingo%. #tacticssmall
3C VeTTE(R) +18 Endgame Large
Out of time, I should block 15A - my move is 15 points off #endgamelarge
9H DOX +27 Strategy Small
Thought getting an S hook on the board would improve my bingo percentage but actually leaving the 8s lanes open with J1 LOX apparently gets me the highest bingo%. #strategysmall 21:31
exch EEEEE +0 Tactics Small
17:05 (exchange to just M - the M is quite good here between MY plays on column D and column N overlaps. Apparently keeping MN does the tiniest bit better; probably because the N gives me flexibility to parallel the U of RENATURE going down) #tacticssmall
K11 CA(s)A +10 Endgame Small
3G AIA is best, my move -6. #endgamesmall
15H (B)LASE +16 Endgame Small
2E LAERS #endgamesmall
9B AIRprOX +83 Tactics Small
Right bing, but should've played AIrpROX instead of AIRprOX to reduce Jason's scores by 1 when he plays at 8A. #tacticssmall, like really really small.
M3 AA +13 Tactics Small
So admittedly I missed 2J ARIOT here which looks pretty nice, but picking which fish to make here was tricky. I don't think I appreciated that M1 HOA would bingo a similar amount to the plays fishing off two As. That looks definitely best thanks to the extra 6 points. But F6 AJAR vs M3 AA vs J10 AA was a tough call. I thought M3 AA would help me get down more bingos but apparently AJAR bingos just as much and doesn't open anything up - it certainly would've worked out better here. #tacticssmall
11F OSTIO(L)AR +58 Finding Large
Missing D4 ORATORIOS for 28 more points. #findinglarge
12A CONIUM +30 Finding Small
I didn't see O5 YONI; it seems a hair above CONIUM, which at least partially blocks some of the FOU hooking bingos Jason might have. #findingsmall
B11 B(O)RN +18 Tactics Small
My penchant for mishandling Gs strikes again; this should be RONG for the same score but far more flexible leave (and RONG doesn't allow BORNE plays to go down). #tacticssmall
15G OGLE +20 Strategy Small
I opted to empty the bag here because I was scared that fishes drawing into bingos with R in final position would be unblockable, and felt that playing along row 15 to the middle TWS blocked the most bingos; but it's actually tough for Jason to fish one tile in a way that scores enough for his eventual bingo to win. Something like 15M ERG or ORG to prevent the truly nasty bingos available with FLYPES is probably best. I was at least correct that playing at H15 cuts his bingo% the most. #strategysmall
8A MOO +21 Tactics Small
EMO bingos the tiniest smidge more often and opp. bingos starting with M aren't as damaging after EMO compared to MOO. #tacticssmall
11J (H)OOK +22 Finding Medium
Wanted to get a little action going in the bottom right, but I missed 2I OOMIAK, which I like. #findingmedium
1L PYRO +48 Finding Small
GYPO keeps the more synergistic FRS. Didn't think of it. #findingsmall
I7 O(U)R +21 Finding Large
Hahaha, missed NONGLARE. #findinglarge
D10 COT(T)AE +18 Strategy Medium
Well, this wins every time, as I calculated, but according to Quackle this is the worst play that does. It calls for 12B TOEA, which does look pretty good, keeping two consonants. #strategymedium
12A (C)RYPT +24 Strategy Small
Not thrilled to open the double-double but this was by far the most palatable equity move; 7E KEPT was my other option, and Quackle prefers it slightly based on just a bit better defense. #strategysmall 17:51
M3 (AX)LE +11 Strategy Small
Seemed justified with the blank in hand, but I almost did the much safer LUZ to create a really ugly board position. I think I prefer that now, but AXLE has its merits. #strategysmall 11:11
F11 (A)S +17 Endgame Small
REJIGS for 5 more. #endgamesmall 6:10
K5 MIS +23 Strategy Small
Tough move here. My hope was that reparalleling MIS with ISO would help me open more of the board on subsequent turns, but particularly blocky AMIS hooks like the one Vince played are bad news. Sim actually prefers LIS slightly over MIS on that basis, allowing many fewer points per turn to Vince by allowing fewer hooks and less lucrative plays down the L column. #strategysmall
9K I(W)I +12 Strategy Medium
Needed to use up more tiles here; IWI doesn't accomplish anything. 11E IODIC/OIDIA/AIDOI all smarter. #strategymedium
3K CAZ +39 Strategy Large
Sim despises this. I get it, EEIO is weak despite the lopsided C/V ratio unseen and I'm still just letting the LABS hook sit there undisturbed. I was close to doing 11E ZODIAC but balked at the possibility of Vince opening column A with a play from 12A, creating situations with multiple very dangerous bingo lines available. 10D AIZLE is a fine way to score nearly as well as ZODIAC, block a couple lines, and make it more difficult to open the left side of the board while also scoring anything. #strategylarge
12A BARF(S) +26 Tactics Small
My issues evaluating V-containing leaves continue. FAVES is the better option; it scores 4 more than BARFS and bingos approximately 1% more without yielding any higher opp. avg. score. #tacticssmall
1K (J)URAT +39 Endgame Medium
Better by ten points is just playing JURA. Very nice. #endgamemedium
12I (P)IE +15 Endgame Small
M1 REI for one more #endgamesmall
The listing of all of the player's mistakes. For more information about mistakes, check the 'Mistakes' section of the about page.
Opponent Mistakes
Play Type Size Comment
H11 F(A)CET +30 Strategy Small
The right play here is to just go for it with FUG 11H. If I had done that, I might have won this game. (-4) #strategysmall
11H (F)UGIO +20 Vision Small
Sid pointed out SNUG J8, which sims even with FUGIO, but is probably a little bit better. Quackle always underrates defensive moves like that. Another option, which I didn't see, is OUZEL C11. OUZEL wins the sim, but I like SNUG best. (-1) #visionsmall
N6 VIA +21 Strategy Large
The commentators liked this play, and I was disappointed by how badly this sims relative to REVISAL/SERVAL/VERSAL. I suppose turnover is important with both blanks unseen, but I figured Will probably had one by now. Also, I acknowledge that VIS is better than VIA, except that Will would know that I have another S. (-16) #strategylarge
14G D(E)BT +16 Strategy Small
DEBS > DEBT. -3 #strategysmall
K4 PLUMS +38 Knowledge Large
8A DRUI(D) +24 Finding Large
H1 G(R)OVE +39 Vision Small
1L (J)OBE is probably better, but this sets up my T. #visionsmall
D3 GRIM +23 Strategy Medium
When will I learn that I should never keep two I's? D2 MIDI is best. #strategymedium
N5 UPW(AR)D +22 Vision Small
J6 WISS is slightly better because it doesn't keep two I's. #visionsmall
14M OI +10 Strategy Small
No, Quackle, I'm not playing 10J OI because it blocks the lane on column K. Exchanging IIO is probably best. #strategysmall
H1 DI(R)GE +27 Finding Medium
I must not have found GIRD somehow. It's odd that Quackle rates DIRGE over 40 points back in valuation, given 4 unseen E's, a clunky pool (which means I am likelier to get a bingo than Will), and the fact that it is--well, seems--easier to play a bingo through a D than through a G. But DIRGE never wins anyway. #findingmedium
O1 EVILS +29 Finding Medium
4H GLOZE is best. It scores well, avoids a potential Q stick, and threatens VIS/GLOZES next turn. #findingmedium (-18.25)
O10 AZO +34 Endgame Medium
Incorrect. I was tired and played AZO quickly, but 2E ZA scores 30 and, as I found postmortem, threatens A1 OK to go out. #endgamemedium (-11)
M3 AG +22 Tactics Large
Blocking 2F CAZIQUES 106. Quackle hates this and prefers N6 BI, which blocks the hotspot at N6 (the Q and X are unseen) and outruns CAZIQUES with every possible draw. If I draw the X, I threaten A5 COAX 66! #tacticslarge
C3 BLI(T)Z +52 Endgame Large
This would be a great play if it wasn't the endgame. C2 CLIFTS is best, saving E5 BOZO and K13 BIZ. #endgamelarge (-39)
K10 UPO +14 Strategy Medium
wow, this is a big misevaluation. i thought my UPO was much better defensively than the UPO on lane 4, so i gladly sacrificed the point. mainly, it blocks the QUALMS/QUALMY hook. but my UPO is very easy to overlap for a ton of points, so it gives up at least 5 more points on average, and only slightly decreases his bingo %. UNROPE at 4G however is the best simming play. -5.5 #strategymedium
11K (PI)A +5 Strategy Medium
i think 9H AAL actually. i didn't want to do just BA/AL and then have him bingo on the right and then my bingo won't fit. -3.5 #strategymedium
1A FRA(T) +21 Strategy Medium
quackle likes 14A ARVO solely because it bingoes a lot more than my play. should i really do that? it seems like it gives up more points and bingoes than FRAT. what a weird move. -4 #strategymedium ??
13C I(C)H +16 Tactics Large
12C VID for the much better leave and also 100% win. also, notably, H(UM)P seems to win 100% of the time even though it leaves ERECTILE open, probably because i'll score a lot in the triple. i didn't see anything else.. this is a big mistake for spread purposes. #tacticslarge -54
B11 VIRiD +25 Endgame Medium
4L RUMP wins by more. -5 #endgamemedium
15A FI(S)K +48 Knowledge Large
E10 (N)EAT +18 Finding Medium
jvc: I think M8 OUTATE is probably better than this, but it's really aggressive so I'm not sure if it's best. This is definitely a mistake though. #findingmedium
A12 RO(OF) +14 Vision Large
jvc: N1 (ZE)RO #visionSADDEST
C2 HUMAN +24 Finding Medium
didn't find enough plays here - HUM 13B and P(R)AHU are both good. I saw THUMP and HAO, both of which seem a bit better than this. I underestimated IMNPU, I suppose it's at least balanced and decent for scoring despite the U. I feel like I overthought this position despite not thinking very coherently. #findingmedium
B3 NUB +21 Tactics Small
INCUBI is cool! PION was the other word I considered. BUN at b2 scores an extra point, but NUB is slightly more defensive, taking out the left side more. I score more next turn after PION, it looks wholly better. #tacticssmall
I7 C(O)X +40 Vision Small
EENRS really isn't very good on this board, I should be playing OXEN! even EXEC is better #visionsmall
N1 GLADE +23 Vision Small
huge misplay this turn, totally missed a lot of interesting options. HUMANE opens the door to GE(D) and LE(D)E and LE(D)GE as setups. GAED N2 is also perhaps a better play. S(T)AGED is interesting as well. The key here is whether he has a blank on his rack. I think the answer is usually, since Q(I) for 31 would often come down. But with the board not great for bingoes, or a rack that isn't helped by the blank a lot, he may elecet to play Qi without another blank in hand. I remember thinking it was decently likely he didn't have another blank, but wasn't sure. I now think that he would probably keep the blank very often and play for 31, the options to outrun in an endgame are immense. A sim has GED, LEDGE, STAGED, GAED, EDGE, and GLADE I'm really not sure what's right, but I am pretty sure I would play LE(D)GE had I seen HUMANE. #visionsmall
I1 Z(I)N +31 Time Large
10F GOA +21 Finding Large
this was absolutely terrifying. I saw that I didn't have DOGMA through the D in DEFINITE. I saw that I had GLIOMATA with an I or an L. I saw the -MATA suffix more than once. Yet, I miss dOGMATA. #findinglarge
12I Q(U)ART +28 Tactics Medium
1N HM was just better. Too concerned with getting rid of the Q. #tacticsmedium
14I SNEAPEd +82 Knowledge Medium
once again being safe, though I missed SPElEAN in the same spot which I would be sure of as opposed to SPEANEd, which I was not, given I always confused SNEAPED SPEANED with SNEAKED SKEANED*. #knowledgemedium #findingmedium I suppose he could have S(E)RAGLIO, the only playable 7 on row 14, and nothing else. I should therefore play deP(L)ANES A2 or fish with E(ME).
14I SNEAPEd +82 Finding Medium
once again being safe, though I missed SPElEAN in the same spot which I would be sure of as opposed to SPEANEd, which I was not, given I always confused SNEAPED SPEANED with SNEAKED SKEANED*. #knowledgemedium #findingmedium I suppose he could have S(E)RAGLIO, the only playable 7 on row 14, and nothing else. I should therefore play deP(L)ANES A2 or fish with E(ME).
L3 OBOE +22 Finding Large
I completely didn't see JOE until about 15 seconds after I hit the clock. BOOT(E)E is also really nice but also isn't congruent with my game plan #findinglarge
B11 M(O)TT +18 Endgame Small
whatever #endgamesmall
10K OSSIA +20 Strategy Small
Conrad recommended SORA here; it does sim a little better. At least I didn't try OASISES* against the great Wanderer. (-1) #strategysmall
I5 WOP +19 Strategy Large
This was a complete misread and overreaction to his last play. I thought he had really good stuff, possibly an S. My thinking was that I would force his bingo to open lots of floaters that I could counter bingo with my leave of AEGR. In reality, he's making this play with a lot of different racks since it scores 30 points, including keeping a bunch of consonants which is was actually happened. Even if he does have a strong leave the slight defensive value of this play doesn't warrant the equity sacrifice. The equity play of 15A PEW or D4 GAW is fine here. #strategysaddest
H1 WO(R)M +36 Vision Large
C3 MOUTHY. #visionsaddest
L1 YO(U)TH +30 Knowledge Large
I didn't have much time here and decided I just needed to play fast and I missed K3 (G)OETY. I also wasn't sure of 12H (C)OUTHY. #timesaddest #knowledgesaddest
L1 YO(U)TH +30 Time Large
I didn't have much time here and decided I just needed to play fast and I missed K3 (G)OETY. I also wasn't sure of 12H (C)OUTHY. #timesaddest #knowledgesaddest
B4 NAM +25 Time Small
1K T(Y)NDE #timesad
L7 O(X)O +10 Strategy Medium
I considered sim-winners OE/AEON 7K, but it seemed like Will would be able to control the board after that, whereas OXO ensured that I would have a place for my bingo if I drew one. Quackle says this gives up too much. (-7) #strategymedium
H12 YUT(Z) +20 Strategy Large
I figured I needed a bingo to win, but apparently not. LAY/NAY 6D wins the sim easily. (-8) #strategylarge
B10 PAN(E)L +26 Endgame Small
PALER is 3 points better because of AHING K11. #endgamesmall
F6 JE(T)ON +30 Strategy Small
I undervalued how defensive F6 JO(T) is. #strategysad
C9 F(I)LLO +24 Knowledge Large
L1 RECULE +24 Knowledge Large
4A MUNT +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
This was expurgated. #KNOWLEDGESADDEST
8D VENOM +28 Finding Small
I need to lose by less than 257 to win the tournament. Losing by 257 exactly is a tie. This sets up an OUTVENOM extension that I didn't see for the whole game. 8H ENMOVE is slightly better. #findingsad
7G VELURE +35 Strategy Small
7G VEE #strategysmall
6L RU(R)U +9 Tactics Medium
6J OUR. I tunneled on getting rid of both the Us. #tacticssadder
13B HAJ +39 Strategy Small
13B JAB sets up 14A HA and saves the H for plays on row 15. #strategysmall
A3 (P)IKAU +18 Endgame Large
B2 I(O) is an absolutely savage play, blocking the out and ensuring A1 KA(P)U is unblockable. #ENDGAMESADDEST
N3 TOUK +42 Finding Small
N3 TURK didn't occur to me. #findingsad
13J D(U)PLY +22 Strategy Large
Quackle says I bingo 24% of the time after G9 (JO)LTY. I have no idea what it's seeing. #strategylarge
N10 GRE(Y) +12 Strategy Large
Shitty attempt at blocking O6 bingos. I did not think about the IER, IES, IED bingos that still fit after N10 GRE(Y). I was considering N8 TIGER(Y) but I thought that gave too many O7 possibilities back. N8 TIGER(Y) is slightly better than this at blocking bingos. Blocking the ELKS hook seemed forced to me at the time, but 15M GUE is best. #STRATEGYSADDEST
F10 (C)UTIE +9 Vision Small
15M UTE. I was maybe *slightly* tilted at this point. #visionsad
1J R(EW) +6 Strategy Large
I had no time. 3I ER(E) seems like the best attempt. #strategysaddest
14F BL(E)D +13 Finding Large
This play is another mistake. I looked for some time for -LESS words and I can't be chickening out on things like K5 BeDLESS which is 101. The only playable bingo on Row 14 is DEBtL(E)SS. Even something as simple as 14G B(E)DS is better because it isn't worth it to keep 2 Ss on this board. #findinglarge
4H CAC(h)E +22 Vision Medium
Gotta love the 3 sets of duplicates. I definitely like 13B AECIA better here. #visionmedium
I5 OWES +42 Strategy Large
I5 OWES is top equity but gets destroyed in a sim. 5D EWHO(W) is best. I guess the S hook for BWAZI is really valuable. #strategysaddest
K2 BAPS +36 Vision Large
J12 PAX #visionsaddest
3C JINN(E) +24 Vision Large
10K (DI)CE +9 Time Large
H13 M(I)C is best. #TIMESADDEST
8M BUY +28 Vision Medium
Played this instantly and didn't consider playing in another wenue. YBORE 10J, OY 10I. #visionmedium
F4 DEW +30 Vision Small
WUD N7. Never considered hooking EXHALE. Also probably better to leave the D off of my play. #visionsmall
H12 VA(I)L +33 Finding Small
Threw this down right away. OVERLOAD B8 available, but VOID in this wenue looks best. #findingsmall
B8 pREDO(O)MS +74 Finding Small
Should have at least seen BEDROOMS B8 for 4 more, but probably would have picked this for defense. #findingsmall
J2 JE(T) +26 Finding Medium
REFI 5I. #findingmedium
A6 RYU +21 Vision Large
Also considered a sad block of the S hook, but not my scoring options at 2L. #visionlarge
8A RABB(I)T +39 Finding Small
I saw RABBI just after hitting my clock. I didn't know RABBIN, which is second. #findingsmall
12G ZED +30 Vision Large
I think I was on tilt by this point, causing me to miss D1 ZEES, as well as 14J ZEDA which blocks Will's next play. #visionlarge
15B SUQ +31 Strategy Small
M1 LOVE apparently has the best chance of winning; Will will block row 1 but I could potentially get a bingo at A1 with the Q and then draw another bingo? Nah, even if I get 2 bingos Will should outrun easily. 5I VLOG has the highest valuation. #strategysmall I guess
2C SAVELOY +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
Will blocked LAYOVERS, and with nothing to lose but spread, I decided to check whether HUNTABLE takes an S. O1 SYLVAE has the highest valuation. #knowledgelarge
J11 (V)AS +20 Endgame Small
12K SIC allows me to go out next turn. #endgamesmall (-4)
8D BIALI +20 Strategy Small
8G HI is apparently best, sacrificing ten points for a leave that's only four points better. Sure, Quackle. #strategysmall
E7 B(I)MAH +32 Finding Small
MIHRAB. #findingsmall
14G ERUV +20 Tactics Medium
ERUV scores well, unloads two of UVV, and blocks the easiest lane on the board, row 13. Naturally, Quackle hates it. There is something to be said for Quackle's picks, B2 VUM and K1 VENDU, namely that they both save a scoring play at 1K (DRAVE and VARVE respectively). Honorable mention goes to G13 VUm, which scores only 9 points but blocks row 13 while saving 1K DRAVE. #tacticsmedium
C1 DIV(O)T +18 Endgame Medium
L5 VIAND is a difficult find, but I should have seen 8K VAUNT at least. #endgamemedium (-10)
H8 ODD +10 Tactics Small
exch D is best #tacticssmall
11K (F)UG +7 Finding Medium
this has quite good recursion potential, so it's not as much of a mistake as quackle says over OU(T)AGE. But it's a testament to how OUTAGE is better than FUG doesn't immediately do as well, since it means I don't draw a huge Q play as often as I would like to. #findingmedium
O12 MIRE +41 Finding Medium
somehow, even after looking for a bit, I missed the ELMIER fit. #findingmedium
C3 INLAID +23 Strategy Small
I guess L2 LININ leaves 7 in the bag and I should win in most post-bingo endgames. But this way, it's very hard for him to bingo. I didn't think there was a heavy chance that he could outscore me in some other way. INLAND sims slightly better as well, because fewer bingos fit on the D column. Realized this after the fact. #strategysmall
L6 Si(X) +23 Endgame Large
went overtime here and also didn't make the best play #endgameSADDEST
8G BIZ +28 Knowledge Large
lmao 8D BAIZINg is a word? News to me! #KNOWLEDGESADDEST
F1 UPHELD +34 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesmall for the challenge.
D9 KH(U)D +24 Knowledge Small
D10 H(U)CK is a word. Not sure if I knew that. #knowledgesmall
exch CFLLMV +0 Tactics Small
I shouldn't probably keep something else too, like the C or M. #tacticssmall
N8 GOJI +31 Strategy Small
13A/B plays come out on top in a sim and according to CP, which is strange because I would think that I have to block the N column because bings there would probably give the least back. Suggestions welcome as always. #strategysmall I suppose.
O11 DRAMA +30 Endgame Small
13A RAMS , O11 SMART , and 10B DA(H) are all 1 points better. #endgamesmall
1H LOXE(D) +39 Finding Large
M8 OXaZOLE. I played too fast. #FINDINGSADDEST
2F ZOO +34 Strategy Small
3C TOZE #strategysad
11H MELT +16 Endgame Small
11I GET #endgamesad
13F SAG +25 Time Large
J6 WI(T)GAT +20 Vision Large
13G VEX +44 Finding Large
15D POOLS +48 Finding Large
15J AVENIR +35 Vision Large
D10 FEH +36 Endgame Large
5E ES +25 Vision Small
11J (T)EASE(L) #visionsad
I8 (D)EGLOVES +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
Josh: I thought this was a thing, don't google it though. #KNOWLEDGESADDEST
13C BIRTH +38 Endgame Small
Josh: 7A BIRD is better apparently, probably threatening 8A IN when I draw an I. #endgamesmall
A12 (V)INY +30 Endgame Small
Josh: A1 (W)INDY #endgamesmall
M9 AGONE +27 Vision Small
Tanked on this move for a while. C12 ATO(M) looks best. I shouldn't be opening this easy line with this score. #strategymedium #visionsmall
M9 AGONE +27 Strategy Medium
Tanked on this move for a while. C12 ATO(M) looks best. I shouldn't be opening this easy line with this score. #strategymedium #visionsmall
C1 UEY +28 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesmall for the challenge.
H1 VAUT(E) +27 Finding Small
H1 VITA(E) is gonna be a bit better since it undoubles the Is and the Q is still out. #findingsmall
H13 OWE +21 Finding Large
i really should see TOWAGE. come on. #findinglarge -12.5
M7 QI +23 Vision Small
-2.5 GLITZ. i need to learn to see setups like this, especially when down a lot. #visionsmall #tacticssmall
M7 QI +23 Tactics Small
-2.5 GLITZ. i need to learn to see setups like this, especially when down a lot. #visionsmall #tacticssmall
4H FUTURA(L) +28 Knowledge Large
i turn over UUF to my nice leave of ANRT and it's very frustrating. i didn't even look for a bingo, although i did write down AFLNRTUU. it only triggered the slighest stirring in a couple of neurons deep in my brain. #knowledgeSADDEST -46
J2 RU(T) +5 Tactics Medium
J2 ROT is actually a little better because it takes more hooks, as annoying as it is to keep the U. i actually have a decent shot at winning with it (well, if he doesn't have the F, which he likely does after TELIA because he's Will) i could also consider K3 O(U)R. -5 #tacticsmedium
4C JOE +24 Endgame Medium
13B JO is a better endgame, keeping RERaN 4B -8 #endgamemedium
4D LEAV(I)NGS +85 Knowledge Small
Amazingly I felt like I had never seen GER before in my life. Nice to learn a new CSW 3 as a 2150 rated player. #knowledgesmall
3H (C)ONTENDS +74 Knowledge Small
Josh: #knowledgesmall for the challenge
B6 WAX +30 Finding Large
Josh: I'm convinced that this basically gives away the game if Will has an E. 12D UPWA(F)T and 2C R(O)UX look better. #visionlarge #findinglarge
B6 WAX +30 Vision Large
Josh: I'm convinced that this basically gives away the game if Will has an E. 12D UPWA(F)T and 2C R(O)UX look better. #visionlarge #findinglarge
15F BOSK +57 Tactics Small
jvc: 15E FOBS #tacticssmall
K4 THIN +27 Tactics Medium
jvc: 4J HIDD(e)N looks better in hindsight. #tacticsmedium
3C BR(A)ZE +34 Knowledge Large
H12 (E)XPO +39 Knowledge Medium
11A AJIVA(S) +32 Strategy Small
11I RAJA is best equity but given the game situation I wanted to play a bit more aggressively and keep lines open. However, something in between like 11K JA keeping a slightly better leave seems best here. #strategysad
1G WE(M)B +33 Knowledge Medium
J: 2H B(O)WBENT #knowledgemedium
5H (PI)TY +18 Knowledge Large
J: Chickened out of 9B TATTERY #knowledgelarge
M9 ROOtLER +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
J: Ooof #knowledgelarge
11B OU(T)LED +14 Strategy Large
J: Very lost this turn. There aren't really any great options. At this point I figured I needed to blank to win, so I went for turnover, but blocking all those lanes is certainly incorrect. Championship Player is saying N12 OU, but I think that's too aggressive given the score and the pool. Something like 2I (O)UR maybe, I dunno. Suggestions are welcome and also #strategylarge.
F4 VAGUE(R) +14 Time Medium
J: 14J GUY #timemedium
O5 VESTS +34 Strategy Small
10B V(I)S #strategysad
10B Q(I) +31 Strategy Large
M11 V(A)T #strategysaddest
4J RE(T)RO +16 Strategy Large
H2 (T)OO looks like the best block here. #strategysaddest
11I J(U)ICE +28 Strategy Large
Too many ways this can go wrong. Just play JUICER. (-8) #strategylarge
9F KADE +30 Knowledge Large
jvc: Chickened out of G8 (J)ADELIKE. And that's the GAME. #KNOWLEDGESADDEST
14C OESTR(O)US +62 Finding Large
jvc: Went with this to keep stuff open but missed O1 TUSSORE(S) #findinglarge
C3 PINTADO +84 Knowledge Small
jvc: #knowledgesmall for the challenge
K2 DUNITES +75 Knowledge Small
9E DISTUNE is better but I was only 80% sure of it. #knowledgesmall
13D B(R)IONIEs +61 Knowledge Large
D1 BIOgENI(C) #knowledgelarge
2K (D)ITZ +28 Strategy Medium
Really tanked on this turn. I didn't want to leave the D open because a bingo there seemed like the only reasonable way I could lose. I should probably just play 15A ZET(A). #strategymedium
3F GR(I)N +13 Endgame Small
J13 (E)NG blocks 15H (B)LASE. #endgamesmall
14A L(E)VY +25 Finding Large
huge miss of 1C (P)HYTOL. Ouch #findinglarge
The listing of all of the player's mistakes. For more information about mistakes, check the 'Mistakes' section of the about page.
Game Line Error
Game 38106 26 Game is incomplete.
Game 38107 27 Game is incomplete.
Game 38112 21 Game is incomplete.
Game 34600 9 Move made by unknown player.
Game 30726 42 Game is incomplete.
Game 13248 38 Game is incomplete.
Game 34486 27 Game is incomplete.
Errors are (most likely) the result of malformed GCG files. To learn more, check the 'Errors and Warnings' section in the about page.
Game Line Error
Game 51125 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 11802, Round 11).
Game 32904 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 10791, Round 29).
Game 50335 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 11740, Round 6).
Game 32890 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 10791, Round 15).
Game 32897 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 10791, Round 22).
Game 51105 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 11802, Round 11).
Game 32903 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 10791, Round 28).
Game 32893 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 10791, Round 18).
Game 40655 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 11261, Round 12).
Game 33286 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 10791, Round 19).
Game 32888 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 10791, Round 13).
Warnings are notifications to players that they might want to update some of their GCG files. To learn more, check the 'Errors and Warnings' section in the about page.