Tony Leah
Tony Leah
Color Key
= Triple Triple
= Bingo 9+
= Improbable
= +
= +
= +
= + +
Player Lists
Type Play Probability Score
LINIEST 1652 74
TRANSE(C)T 6728 61
BREVIA(R)Y 20159 92
NAILERS 107 68
IATRI(C)Al 7804 60
GlUIEST 3485 83
(I)SLANDED 4274 83
INOsINE 2774 64
ENACTI(V)E 2751 82
RATIC(I)DE 1546 76
ENERGID 1537 86
(T)EETOTAl 10566 59
(O)BEISANT 235 74
tH(I)OUREA 263 61
(EM)bAtTLED 20033 90
SEALING 989 71
ENVENOM 17919 82
OUTGOES 7441 73
LATICEs 1422 77
DiSEASE 5039 79
GRANTED 1059 86
A(N)TIPORN 4152 77
(E)MIRAtES 857 80
VENTURI 2170 84
DELIB(A)TE 1957 74
DENTILE(D) 6741 62
hE(N)EQUIN 25126 68
TINSTON(E) 3038 77
NORTENO 3513 70
FAU(L)TIER 1314 62
DENTISt 3733 83
FU(R)NAcES 11872 70
TWIRL(I)Er 11760 80
MINAR(E)TS 545 83
RIVALED 1437 70
CANIsTE(L) 959 76
GREmLIN 4549 122
SNOTTIE(R) 604 77
STeRILE 776 88
(F)EELINGS 9628 89
cERCARI(A) 25502 86
POLI(C)IES 13656 66
POINTIE(R) 888 72
(S)IRVENTE 1545 74
OERsTED(S) 5678 74
GERAN(I)OL 74 60
SITUATE 1772 77
CR(O)ONERs 10270 70
REMORID 4438 69
GOUTIES(T) 3689 80
PA(I)NCHES 10322 66
(C)OVENANT 7442 73
SUGARIE(R) 3035 72
OP(A)LINES 541 76
MO(T)HIEST 14791 80
CoNTR(A)ST 10957 63
DILA(T)IVE 3279 66
BIO(C)IDES 13646 84
STE(G)OdON 5815 122
LIQUEUR(S) 26619 69
TUTELAR 2706 66
DIC(T)ATOR 5093 65
LESBIAN 1390 85
cOLANDE(R) 1222 73
PATINES 653 84
STREA(K)ER 9996 76
PEASANT 3455 75
PERMIAN 3197 70
FLOORA(G)E 7242 76
LOTIONs 3283 73
(F)rEEWAYS 20355 101
POOCHES 25111 83
ENAtION 76 68
STIBINE 3459 78
NAUSEAT(E) 1066 65
GAsEOUS 7818 69
(E)GESTION 331 80
(P)INWALES 5465 78
TA(U)RINES 100 82
STOGIES 7032 71
RELOADE(D) 4505 83
PROtEAS(E) 782 86
bALONEY 4785 74
OvERDID 7324 85
ACINOSE 296 66
(E)NLARGED 1623 83
PREANAL 4822 74
HEADIeR 1369 90
IDEATES 208 73
FAI(N)TERS 422 72
mILLION 16578 67
LASSOeD 5988 78
MEATIES(T) 3505 83
tESTUDO 7930 70
INHES(I)ON 8716 65
CREDE(N)ZA 14421 72
MATELO(T)E 5694 70
INVIoUS 12042 84
PERINEA 482 68
ENTAIL(E)r 39 77
BRUNEtT(E) 9379 80
FAGOT(E)Rs 2122 72
lAUDING 5095 85
PARQUET 10515 96
HETAErA 2392 73
(P)ROMINES 3945 76
SNACKER 10489 75
CELEsTA 3860 89
OUTRANc(E) 554 64
hYDRIAE 5695 78
HIDALGO 9935 81
POTeENS 3471 78
KAISERS 13713 96
WAILERS 2064 78
(E)THERIAL 835 86
REBADGE 7670 79
MeT(H)ADON 5146 80
(E)nFEVERS 21491 76
FERM(E)NTS 13554 67
(C)RITERIA 4156 83
LOITERS 180 84
BRAKiES(T) 6304 82
WAESOME 7832 82
FASTEN(E)D 3861 78
RE(C)LINED 3942 62
UNROBES 5026 74
ClINI(Q)uE 22838 84
EPIZOON 13366 77
MINATOR(Y) 4460 82
AS(P)ERITY 4305 78
b(I)OMETRY 8082 74
SO(L)ATIUM 4364 61
ReTRIEV(E) 8314 92
FUNNELS 15010 66
(A)LTITUdE 1957 74
PE(T)IOLAR 275 61
TRI(N)KETS 12105 78
DI(O)PTASE 530 78
aUDILES 1062 86
Vin(T)NERS 5010 86
W(A)TOOTSI(E)* 0 63
TERRINE 976 62
SHOALIe(R) 536 70
NOPAlI(T)O 3267 131
sANTOUR 1589 69
NOVEL(I)ST 1893 65
ACETONE 481 65
(S)UPINATE 1079 83
aDENOID 816 76
InTWIN(E)D 11411 62
AROUSED 647 88
POTABLE 6525 67
SNORTED 668 68
AC(I)DURiA 14202 60
VEALIER 1059 78
sIGN(E)TED 1740 86
V(A)LUATES 7914 65
RET(A)INED 25 61
HEL(L)IONS 8863 74
SUCcOMB* 0 102
FADEOUt 1852 74
SANGRIA 3286 74
YAUTiAS 7863 76
REjOICE 6148 68
TARRInG 3469 68
(G)ANYMEDE 11625 82
OU(T)PEERS 4814 65
LASTIng 3817 71
(R)ENEWING 10855 78
V(I)BrATOS 7567 76
ABSEILE(D) 3770 74
SLUTTI(E)R 5232 66
SENNITS 12400 67
F(O)RESTED 4779 68
TABOOED 3635 64
LATINI(S)E 389 70
fOOTG(E)AR 4121 59
LENTIGO 509 70
EX(T)RUDER 22453 70
DEVI(L)TRY 11537 82
rESUMED 9225 64
BRI(G)HTEN 10361 68
COWERED 11837 73
BLUEFI(n)S 16130 90
WIF(E)LEsS 21128 63
PILSNER 3148 67
(D)ENDRITE 3746 61
(D)OTATiON 4164 77
EMOTERS 3460 97
TEStIFY 18853 110
DEGREES 12219 77
APATiTE 5831 81
The of bingos played by the player that were not challenged off.
Triple Triples
Type Play Probability Score
STE(G)OdON 5815 122
NOPAlI(T)O 3267 131
Triple triples played by the player that were not challenged off. They do not have to be bingos.
Bingo Nines or Above
Type Play Probability Score
(EM)bAtTLED 20033 90
W(A)TOOTSI(E)* 0 63
Bingos played by the player that were nine letters or longer and were not challenged off.
Challenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were challenged off by an opponent.
Unchallenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
ROOFY* 0 30
GO(E)TH* 0 36
MARGED* 0 15
(JA)RKED* 0 36
CHIGO* 0 41
W(A)TOOTSI(E)* 0 63
SUCcOMB* 0 102
KI* 0 40
GR(EN)Z* 0 45
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were not challenged by an opponent.
Plays That Were Challenged
Type Play Probability Score
LINIEST 1652 74
(EM)bAtTLED 20033 90
ENVENOM 17919 82
(C)OTYL* 0 0
BELLYUp* 0 0
JA* 0 0
SQUEG 9477 41
TUnY 3226 18
ClINI(Q)uE 22838 84
SILVEX 10527 0
UNFE(X)* 0 0
(T)HIGA* 0 0
VAIL(E)* 0 0
TREK 1902 50
BLUEFI(n)S 16130 90
(D)ENDRITE 3746 61
TEStIFY 18853 110
(VEG)ETALS 9600 36
Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Opponent Lists
Type Play Probability Score
H(I)DROSIs 25784 72
(O)DORIZED 20753 88
R(U)DIMENT 3045 76
TRENAI(L)S 95 64
CRUSHeS 27890 80
LOdE(S)MAN 3545 98
INSULAE 536 82
RETINI(T)E 2074 64
PETUNiA 710 74
(C)ARINATE 503 72
REST(R)UNg 8872 66
(P)IGbOATS 14803 83
NATURED 543 86
LINTeRS 563 74
ANTLION 1808 77
PENONCE(L) 20960 76
E(R)GOTISE 436 68
M(O)RAINES 278 70
LUSHiNg 21509 96
CONFABs 16942 77
RE(E)NLIST 367 70
REDRIVE 7395 80
TENDERS 1900 74
SHOE(SH)INE 28996 70
ANEMOn(E)S 5696 66
ST(A)RtLED 5063 60
F(L)OOSIES 19848 67
AILETTE 1132 68
CONFINE 12004 80
PUNIEsT 4430 78
SESTINA 1846 67
IDOL(A)tOR 1403 81
TEAROOM 1731 80
EXECRAt(E) 13286 107
INN(O)vATE 726 68
SERRANI(D) 1154 63
AUNTIES 147 76
(G)RAcILES 4611 77
ASTE(R)OID 27 74
RECRAT(E)S 8349 74
CINCHES 28102 84
THERMOS 7795 80
NAILERY 865 78
SECTARY 9175 80
AnTISEX 2298 90
(D)IHEDRON 8294 77
THIAZOL 10616 92
LUSTIES(T) 14442 68
JAILORs 5953 72
rEREMIC(E) 16864 76
TURNkEY 19172 70
CHOrDA(T)A* 0 102
MISBRA(N)D 15363 65
PRETEEN 5637 73
DALTONS 2275 69
DISCASE 9170 75
INsTILS 13827 67
FREEInG 3229 78
SUnDERE(D) 11072 63
C(U)DGERIE 9880 74
ERINITE 399 73
BENEATH 6955 82
GLoVERS 11428 103
(T)RENDINg 3076 80
CAMERAS 9911 72
(F)ARInOSE 191 64
IN(D)ULGER 2393 64
ISOlATE 37 64
COGnATE 1349 80
MILLrUN 17131 67
STHENIA 637 92
VIGIL(A)NT 12272 76
STUDIES 11288 82
dEEPENE(D) 25101 83
NITERIE 386 61
cOINFER 2628 67
ROOKIES(T) 4345 72
(H)EARTIEr 1862 83
AORISTS 2897 80
CLAM(O)ReD 6379 66
lITI(G)ATE 3477 58
GLEENIE 5146 72
BONsOIR 9875 66
PRUNIE(S)T 3138 74
T(E)RYLENE 10351 65
SWANNI(N)g 33374 61
DAUNTED 5174 72
THINnED 6268 76
SETTEES 17540 61
DREAMI(E)R 3493 62
RE(C)OPIES 4584 78
GOL(I)ArDS 2453 86
PARL(A)NTE 2519 63
RERAISE(D) 1200 80
SENO(R)ITA 14 82
NUCLE(A)TE 3936 63
WAILERs 2053 75
BhELPU(R)I 18328 63
ENTASTI(C) 2898 83
(U)NWiSEsT 11655 80
GIANTIS(M) 8910 86
SAWDERS 17245 81
UNARMED 4089 73
STELENE 6341 70
RESO(N)AtE 57 59
LUCARNE 2943 75
REDENI(E)S 1783 61
SIDESLI(P) 19029 86
RECLUSE 9205 75
I(O)NOMERS 1980 74
LA(T)ENESS 4848 82
(S)TRONGeR 3715 74
DENOTIN(G) 1901 62
rEFIGUR(E) 11218 86
Y(E)ASTIER 643 76
NEROLIS 175 77
APPRAIS(E) 14545 78
REPLETE 11778 70
HOARIE(S)T 268 71
REQuITA(L) 3468 98
TENO(R)INO 1095 66
EMOVING 9204 87
(T)RIOLETS 1455 73
STU(R)GEON 1575 63
ENOLASE 276 71
ITERA(T)ED 491 60
(O)RANGIER 397 83
SABEING 3273 76
(V)IsITORS 21539 75
ARP(E)GGIO 7379 63
(I)NTUBATE 2730 70
bURDENS 8298 73
ZAPTIE(H)S 20050 94
ESTRIOL 230 80
FILaMEN(T) 4261 98
DOnATES 181 86
INTENSE 1816 74
A(E)ROBiUM 1918 61
UNRESTS 8168 69
FOAMiLY 20190 84
SANAT(i)VE 1564 70
CLUmPI(E)R 24115 84
INTERMA(T) 1425 61
EnOLASE 276 67
URALITE 117 66
REVISAL(S) 8209 74
BUTANES 2928 79
CAVETTO 8548 77
LEGALIS(T) 5518 86
(O)RATuRES 1479 71
C(A)ROTINS 1108 70
HAV(E)RING 4875 75
REStABL(E) 3006 80
(P)LASTRON 4691 72
BEsM(I)RCH 23038 88
OVERUSE 4829 77
RESTING 751 70
BHAkTAS 21026 79
INVI(T)eRS 3416 70
LAXATOR 12862 73
REFO(R)MAT 10011 102
JEsTEES 27489 91
FOOTAGE 3941 80
PAt(R)ONAL 4620 86
RES(t)YLED 8120 74
PREMIX(E)D 19416 80
STEEPLY 13414 83
RE(A)LGARS 8649 60
(I)MPOSTER 3804 86
D(E)NTAlIA 278 70
BESTIAR(Y) 3000 82
POSTURE(R) 8643 83
BA(S)eLINE 1389 70
MAGNATE 6879 76
CORDWAI(N) 7572 78
OREIDES 382 89
OCEANId 406 82
EpAZOTE 8896 127
ELOIGN(E)R 444 70
IlLA(T)IVE 11910 78
EUPL(O)IDY 12928 80
NETLIKE 5876 66
SABINES 8628 86
UNAIDEd 3748 85
(DA)RRAINeS 1544 77
KOUM(I)SEs 21624 68
ARMOZ(E)EN 7003 98
ESERINE 1631 77
HEARING 1569 80
(I)DeATInG 781 77
TENTORI(A) 39 70
ViSAGED 4460 69
TOPAZiN(E) 3155 76
EATE(R)IES 371 62
(D)ESCRIBE 13335 98
uNRISEN 3747 75
TOLU(E)NES 1574 82
dEICING 10708 70
LEVELIn(G) 20656 64
The of bingos played by the player that were not challenged off.
Bingo Nines or Above
Type Play Probability Score
SHOE(SH)INE 28996 70
(DA)RRAINeS 1544 77
Bingos played by the player that were nine letters or longer and were not challenged off.
Challenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were challenged off by an opponent.
Unchallenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
KIPA* 0 35
DROUGH* 0 37
DAUN* 0 28
CHOrDA(T)A* 0 102
TILTY* 0 26
(TI)TTERY* 0 28
LAN(O)ID* 0 24
QI* 0 23
ZA* 0 18
UNCURE* 0 18
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were not challenged by an opponent.
Plays That Were Challenged
Type Play Probability Score
H(I)DROSIs 25784 72
LOdE(S)MAN 3545 98
ERGATE 539 0
MARDY 8444 43
PINDERS 4373 0
LUSHiNg 21509 96
REDRIVE 7395 80
KYU 1327 27
HOXES 8284 58
(C)REPY 9629 27
P(Y)ING* 0 0
C(U)DGERIE 9880 74
RaNKLER* 0 0
GLoVERS 11428 103
TIGER(L)I(L)Y* 0 0
T(E)RYLENE 10351 65
(E)UPHROIc* 0 0
PUEBLIs* 0 0
BhELPU(R)I 18328 63
SAWDERS 17245 81
FOAMiLY 20190 84
LAXATOR 12862 73
JEsTEES 27489 91
EUPL(O)IDY 12928 80
ARMOZ(E)EN 7003 98
FRIgA(T)ED* 0 0
NO(U)T 798 14
Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Notable Lists
Many Double Words Covered
Games in which at least 15 double word bonus squares were covered.
Game Stats
Stat Average Total
Games 1.00 98
Invalid Games 0.07 7
Incomplete 0.03 3
Disconnected 0.01 1
Other 0.03 3
Total Turns 25.48 2497
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Player Stats
Stat Average Total
Wins 0.49 48
Score 416.38 40805
Score per Turn 32.7225
Turns 12.72 1247
Vertical Plays 5.55 544
Horizontal Plays 6.18 606
One Tile Plays 0.54 53
Other Plays 0.45 44
Firsts 0.49 48
Vertical Openings per First 0.0000
Horizontal Openings per First 1.0000
Full Rack per Turn 0.6199
Exchanges 0.26 25
High Game 585
Low Game 248
Highest Scoring Turn 131
Bingos Played 1.97 193
Sevens 0.86 84
Eights 1.09 107
Nines 0.02 2
Tens 0.00 0
Elevens 0.00 0
Twelves 0.00 0
Thirteens 0.00 0
Fourteens 0.00 0
Fifteens 0.00 0
Bingo Probabilities 6104.43
Sevens 5103.36
Eights 6750.79
Nines 20033.00
Tens 0.00
Elevens 0.00
Twelves 0.00
Thirteens 0.00
Fourteens 0.00
Fifteens 0.00
Tiles Played 47.78 4682
A 4.46 437
B 1.07 105
C 0.91 89
D 2.06 202
E 5.55 544
F 0.96 94
G 1.40 137
H 1.03 101
I 4.33 424
J 0.50 49
K 0.48 47
L 1.89 185
M 0.96 94
N 2.69 264
O 3.61 354
P 1.02 100
Q 0.41 40
R 2.48 243
S 1.81 177
T 2.97 291
U 2.09 205
V 1.06 104
W 1.02 100
X 0.48 47
Y 1.09 107
Z 0.47 46
? 0.98 96
Power Tiles Played 4.64 455
? 0.98 96
J 0.50 49
Q 0.41 40
X 0.48 47
Z 0.47 46
S 1.81 177
Power Tiles Stuck With 0.11 11
? 0.03 3
J 0.00 0
Q 0.02 2
X 0.00 0
Z 0.00 0
S 0.06 6
Turns With a Blank 1.71 168
Triple Triples Played 0.02 2
Bingoless Games 0.09 9
Bonus Square Coverage 15.36 1505
Double Letter 5.09 499
Triple Letter 5.29 518
Double Word 2.67 262
Triple Word 2.31 226
Phony Plays 0.23 23
Unchallenged 0.09 9
Challenged Off 0.14 14
Challenges 0.55 54
You Won 0.10 10
Opponent Lost 0.11 11
You Lost 0.19 19
Opponent Won 0.14 14
Challenge Percentage 0.3448
Defending Challenge Percentage 0.4400
Percentage Phonies Unchallenged 0.3913
Comments 7.29 714
Comments Word Length 107.49 10534
Mistakeless Turns 12.72 1247
Mistakes per Turn 0.0000
Mistakes 0.00 0
Knowledge 0.00 0
Finding 0.00 0
Vision 0.00 0
Tactics 0.00 0
Strategy 0.00 0
Endgame 0.00 0
Time 0.00 0
Dynamic Mistakes 0.00 0
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Player Confidence Intervals
Tile p CI
A 0.4956 (0.4345, 0.5211)
B 0.5350 (0.3859, 0.5697)
C 0.4550 (0.3859, 0.5697)
D 0.5150 (0.4128, 0.5428)
E 0.4625 (0.4403, 0.5153)
F 0.4800 (0.3859, 0.5697)
G 0.4667 (0.4028, 0.5528)
H 0.5150 (0.3859, 0.5697)
I 0.4811 (0.4345, 0.5211)
J 0.5000 (0.3478, 0.6078)
K 0.4800 (0.3478, 0.6078)
L 0.4725 (0.4128, 0.5428)
M 0.4800 (0.3859, 0.5697)
N 0.4483 (0.4247, 0.5309)
O 0.4512 (0.4318, 0.5238)
P 0.5100 (0.3859, 0.5697)
Q 0.4100 (0.3478, 0.6078)
R 0.4133 (0.4247, 0.5309)
S 0.4525 (0.4128, 0.5428)
T 0.4950 (0.4247, 0.5309)
U 0.5225 (0.4128, 0.5428)
V 0.5300 (0.3859, 0.5697)
W 0.5100 (0.3859, 0.5697)
X 0.4800 (0.3478, 0.6078)
Y 0.5450 (0.3859, 0.5697)
Z 0.4700 (0.3478, 0.6078)
? 0.4900 (0.3859, 0.5697)
To learn more about these statistics, check the 'Confidence Intervals' section on the about page.
Opponent Stats
Stat Average Total
Wins 0.51 50
Score 427.49 41894
Score per Turn 33.5152
Turns 12.76 1250
Vertical Plays 5.98 586
Horizontal Plays 5.81 569
One Tile Plays 0.49 48
Other Plays 0.48 47
Firsts 0.51 50
Vertical Openings per First 0.0930
Horizontal Openings per First 0.9070
Full Rack per Turn 0.9704
Exchanges 0.33 32
High Game 612
Low Game 290
Highest Scoring Turn 127
Bingos Played 2.06 202
Sevens 0.90 88
Eights 1.14 112
Nines 0.02 2
Tens 0.00 0
Elevens 0.00 0
Twelves 0.00 0
Thirteens 0.00 0
Fourteens 0.00 0
Fifteens 0.00 0
Bingo Probabilities 6960.84
Sevens 6669.69
Eights 7041.95
Nines 15270.00
Tens 0.00
Elevens 0.00
Twelves 0.00
Thirteens 0.00
Fourteens 0.00
Fifteens 0.00
Tiles Played 49.33 4834
A 4.27 418
B 0.89 87
C 1.04 102
D 1.84 180
E 6.06 594
F 1.01 99
G 1.50 147
H 0.96 94
I 4.36 427
J 0.50 49
K 0.52 51
L 1.95 191
M 1.01 99
N 3.03 297
O 4.17 409
P 0.92 90
Q 0.55 54
R 3.32 325
S 2.04 200
T 2.85 279
U 1.79 175
V 0.87 85
W 0.97 95
X 0.51 50
Y 0.91 89
Z 0.53 52
? 0.98 96
Power Tiles Played 5.11 501
? 0.98 96
J 0.50 49
Q 0.55 54
X 0.51 50
Z 0.53 52
S 2.04 200
Power Tiles Stuck With 0.13 13
? 0.01 1
J 0.00 0
Q 0.02 2
X 0.01 1
Z 0.00 0
S 0.09 9
Turns With a Blank 1.76 172
Triple Triples Played 0.00 0
Bingoless Games 0.03 3
Bonus Square Coverage 16.13 1581
Double Letter 5.23 513
Triple Letter 5.23 513
Double Word 3.23 317
Triple Word 2.43 238
Phony Plays 0.21 21
Unchallenged 0.11 11
Challenged Off 0.10 10
Challenges 0.55 54
You Won 0.14 14
Opponent Lost 0.19 19
You Lost 0.11 11
Opponent Won 0.10 10
Challenge Percentage 0.5600
Defending Challenge Percentage 0.6552
Percentage Phonies Unchallenged 0.5238
Comments 7.29 714
Comments Word Length 107.49 10534
Mistakeless Turns 12.30 1205
Mistakes per Turn 0.0376
Mistakes 0.48 47
Knowledge 0.19 19
Finding 0.03 3
Vision 0.08 8
Tactics 0.06 6
Strategy 0.08 8
Endgame 0.03 3
Time 0.00 0
Dynamic Mistakes 0.00 0
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Opponent Confidence Intervals
Tile p CI
A 0.4744 (0.4499, 0.5367)
B 0.4450 (0.4013, 0.5853)
C 0.5200 (0.4013, 0.5853)
D 0.4600 (0.4283, 0.5583)
E 0.5050 (0.4557, 0.5309)
F 0.5050 (0.4013, 0.5853)
G 0.5000 (0.4182, 0.5684)
H 0.4800 (0.4013, 0.5853)
I 0.4844 (0.4499, 0.5367)
J 0.5000 (0.3632, 0.6234)
K 0.5200 (0.3632, 0.6234)
L 0.4875 (0.4283, 0.5583)
M 0.5050 (0.4013, 0.5853)
N 0.5050 (0.4402, 0.5464)
O 0.5212 (0.4473, 0.5393)
P 0.4600 (0.4013, 0.5853)
Q 0.5500 (0.3632, 0.6234)
R 0.5533 (0.4402, 0.5464)
S 0.5100 (0.4283, 0.5583)
T 0.4750 (0.4402, 0.5464)
U 0.4475 (0.4283, 0.5583)
V 0.4350 (0.4013, 0.5853)
W 0.4850 (0.4013, 0.5853)
X 0.5100 (0.3632, 0.6234)
Y 0.4550 (0.4013, 0.5853)
Z 0.5300 (0.3632, 0.6234)
? 0.4900 (0.4013, 0.5853)
To learn more about these statistics, check the 'Confidence Intervals' section on the about page.
Opponent Mistakes
Play Type Size Comment
9E GREW +20 Finding Medium
Bad move. 7E WROTE is fine, despite how horrible the G is, two G's isn't much worse and it doesn't give back as much. Also points. I missed WROTE, too equity-minded #findingmedium #tacticsmedium
9E GREW +20 Tactics Medium
Bad move. 7E WROTE is fine, despite how horrible the G is, two G's isn't much worse and it doesn't give back as much. Also points. I missed WROTE, too equity-minded #findingmedium #tacticsmedium
7H YOGI +28 Strategy Small
TORY but I didn't want to set up an S hook that's tough to block. silly play number 2 #strategysmall
14J HOI(S)E +32 Tactics Small
totally auto-piloting here, no need to give so much back. L12 HOOT scores nearly as much , doesn't allow Tony to play as many tiles and score as much (gives me a better shot at the blank(s) further down the line). HOO in the same spot is fine as well, or OHO at J3 to try and maximize bingo chances #tacticssmall
15D LECTONE +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
classic, but this is pretty bad in terms of thinking this might be a word. LACTONE/LECTERN #knowledgelarge
H10 AROYNT +34 Knowledge Medium
did'nt know anatropy. #knowledgemedium
12G M(O)RAINES +70 Knowledge Medium
was'nt sure on conoids #knowledgemedium
13H (Y)ETT +20 Vision Medium
15a retr(ai)t(t) #visionmedium
3G FOU +26 Knowledge Large
FOURSES TYGG #knowledgelarge
E5 CRE(E)PED +48 Vision Unspecified
prec(e)des gg #vision1000ratingskilled
12L WORD +32 Vision Medium
2f qindar #visionmedium
H1 CIN(Q) +45 Vision Large
lacini(a)e #tiltlarge, #visionlarge
9I OE +10 Strategy Large
i'm pretty sure i saw EE, and thought keeping STEEN was fine. i don't like Os that much. it's kinda shocking to me that EE sims so much better at 7H, but i guess it also doesn't give back some big pts. yeah, i shoulda done that. -11 #strategylarge
K2 TENDERS +74 Knowledge Small
i don't know STERNED# or TENDRES#. -1 #knowledgesmall
J6 FO(NE) +30 Finding Medium
fishing is less often right in collins. i probably missed ZE and THIEF, although i did think of ZE in other turns. HOMY is probably ok too. -6 #findingmedium
15A AJE(E) +33 Tactics Small
maybe 5D JIAO -0.5 #tacticssmall
exch AAIIOUW +0 Vision Large
oh jesus, OUTWAIT C6!! -14 #visionlarge
12H KYU +32 Knowledge Large
KURVEY# lol :/ -15 #knowledgelarge .. at least i drew a challenge on NEK# !
5D QUAI +30 Strategy Large
i had too little time here, but i think i should keep the Q and hope to get lucky! 20-minute timer really messes with me, clearly OW is the only thing that gives me a chance to win here. -15 #strategylarge
N8 FOG +19 Endgame Large
down to just a few secs, but this is bad and gives up fLIR for a lot. #endgamelarge
K3 WINTER +34 Finding Large
H2 (V)EX +21 Strategy Large
Using the E instead of the A or O brings my bing % way up, but I'm probably better off playing 6I N(IT)ROX hoping to draw all the vowels. #strategylarge
A12 FORA +52 Endgame Small
A11 FLORA is 1 point better #endgamesmall
F6 ZE(N) +32 Knowledge Large
L1 WOAH +42 Knowledge Small
4A WAHOO #knowledgesmall
H3 (T)OO +11 Vision Small
4F E(M)O #visionSAD
D7 E(C)U +5 Strategy Large
9E USE. I was not even looking for plays like this #strategySADDEST
exch LOQ +0 Strategy Large
I overthought this one. I saw that if I played H10 (A)SHLAR and he binged for 80ish from the R with AI?, I would probably be Q stuck. But even then I'm up too much for it to matter and I can always outrun. #strategylarge
N9 SHoFAR +43 Knowledge Large
N9 SHoFARS and N9 SHARiFS lose to 15H ACRIDE(S)T. I had about 30 seconds left when I took the S off of N9 SHoFARS. This never loses, but H10 (A)SHRAF is much better. #knowledgelarge
6C OPA +17 Vision Medium
6A TEOPAN #visionsadder
K3 ABIDE(D) +20 Knowledge Small
K4 BEDI(D)E #knowledgesad
I7 O(G)EE +7 Knowledge Small
knowing REEDE# would have been nice. 4E REEDE# is the play. This is too weak. #knowledgesmall
14B AUTOS +26 Strategy Medium
maybe I can get away with A1 NOTA here, I just hated the idea of keeping the U. But that's such a damn dangerous spot, that it sims 6 higher than this, which was an attempt to create some counterplay and keep scoring. I think I was psychologically disinclined to play NOTA there because I was rebelling against my draw. #strategymedium
12J (T)OPING +22 Knowledge Large
still 6J PHANG# which I didn't know #knowledgeSADDEST
15A REQuITA(L) +98 Strategy Medium
12A QuARTIE(R) #strategysadder
D7 C(A)ROTINS +70 Tactics Small
or C(A)NTORIS, S(T)RONTIC seems too volatile, would much rather put a T in the 2x2 lane. Quackle obviously disagrees. This might be because S(T)RONTIC is a lot better for the board in the long run. #tacticssmall
4L HANK +45 Knowledge Small
chickening out of HARK? #knowledgeSAD
1E (B)URKA +33 Knowledge Large
15H ADSUKI #knowledgelarge
8G HABU +18 Knowledge Medium
Chickened out of 8D BHUNA. #knowledgemedium
L3 LIN +30 Tactics Medium
L3 TINEA #tacticsmedium I didn't even consider playing more than 3 because I misevaluated these leaves.
9F JANE +26 Knowledge Small
6F JANTE(E) #knowledgesmall
4F OFFA +19 Tactics Small
7 points probably isn't worth passing on 11J OFFA. #tacticssmall
11J IRRUPT +27 Knowledge Small
A1 TWIRP. Wow. SAD. I stopped looking after I saw 11J IRRUPT #visionSADdest. Also #knowledgesmall for the challenge.
11J IRRUPT +27 Vision Large
A1 TWIRP. Wow. SAD. I stopped looking after I saw 11J IRRUPT #visionSADdest. Also #knowledgesmall for the challenge.
A1 WAGE +30 Knowledge Medium
3C GAWSIE #knowledgemedium
L9 MI(R)S +34 Knowledge Large
M8 SIM(U)RG sims pretty nicely. #knowledgelarge
3C HERL +20 Endgame Large
I12 (I)GLU wins. I didn't see 15A (D)OTATION. Even if I didn't, I might not have had time to figure out how to block and win. I just played this and hoped he wouldn't find a bing. #endgamelarge
The listing of all of the player's mistakes. For more information about mistakes, check the 'Mistakes' section of the about page.
Game Line Error
Game 12660 29 Board error: disconnected play detected.
Game 3127 28 Game is incomplete.
Game 21819 0 No moves found.
Game 3125 27 Game is incomplete.
Game 21812 0 No moves found.
Game 21751 0 No moves found.
Game 21744 36 Game is incomplete.
Errors are (most likely) the result of malformed GCG files. To learn more, check the 'Errors and Warnings' section in the about page.