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Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
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I kinda like giving so little back with TORN, but QUIN may just be fine. QUINT plays will give me hooks. There's also NOR which gives even less back, the I and M hooks aren't really dangerous. Looks like a better version of TORN, I can get some INN plays too. I often feel compelled in these games to give back no hooks at all, but that doesn't mean TORN is the most defensive play. QUIN is fine for offence. #tacticssmall
think I just gotta pull the trigger on DUNCH here. I figured he knew BENDYS so wasn't worried about making another S hook, although CHOMPS is harder to block. NQRU also isn't very good here, I really need a couple more vowels to make it a decent leave, so it's really not so much less risky than PQR, just less shitty. given the difficulty of blocking CHOMPS I should just play DUNCH. #tacticssmall
yeah really bad decision here. I usually don't like phonying with stuff where you know what the definition would be, but the doubt is on whether it is included. I feel like people are usually more likely to challenge cause they don't give you as much blind trust as if you plop down some crazy shit. If I didn't have (A)RF available then this decision would be more okay, but I had already talked myself into playing FLARERS and playing it quickly, so when TOO came down I still just went with my decision, but it's so much better to just play ARF. #strategylarge
Missed the sweet (F)O(D)GEL. I am not in a good position, but any board opening play I can make will just get outrun too easily. FODGEL is a better version of this plsy. #visionmedium
Setting up my C and fishing, for lack of a better idea. But now if Tom plays a bingo hooking to make CRIB or DRIB, he can close the board at the same time; the bingo lanes before RIB (columns C, H, and J) all create floaters. G8 MIB is best. #tacticsmedium
Here I figured that 9-letter words on 2D were the most dangerous threat. Bingos on column B require designating the blank an A, and give me something back. CAIN seemed better than WAIN because the W fits better at F6. Quackle agrees with all this, but there's an even better block: AECIA L11. (-4) #visionsmall
This is pretty good, but TEENIER 14B is even better, because it sets up QI in two places. UNIFIES 3H is also cool (I didn't see it) but I have to keep an I here. (-3) #visionsmall
M1 NISI is best. But that requires me to know VOLATILES. Failing that, N12 HUB sets up the S on row 15 with low risk, at least compared to 2H HUB. #knowledgemedium
-7 it's not really the triple triple fear, but FS is not a great leave and i'm giving him some more letters to bingo through, C and R and keeping the E open. i wanted to obviously block the 2-2 lane, but something like 5K FORB is effective because if he bingos i have a good chance at a high scoring comeback at O1. #strategymedium
Already fucking up. 8D WIVER is just too many points to pass up. Intuitively it feels like I should be able to justify exchanging here, but the sim says its an 8 point mistake. #tacticssadder
Sim likes 5E ZA better than K3 LAZ(Y) by about 3 points. More defensive and better leave apparently is enough to overcome the 5 point difference. #tacticssad
Doubted myself on AVERTERS and didn't spot the STARVER spot. This is the best non-bingo play but it still sucks majorly. 9G STARVER #visionsaddest #knowledgesaddest
Doubted myself on AVERTERS and didn't spot the STARVER spot. This is the best non-bingo play but it still sucks majorly. 9G STARVER #visionsaddest #knowledgesaddest