Terry Kang
Terry Kang
Color Key
= Triple Triple
= Bingo 9+
= Improbable
= +
= +
= +
= + +
Player Lists
Type Play Probability Score
DESPOIL 4899 70
A(L)GERINE 342 63
aRGENTI(C) 740 66
STOLlEN 8291 74
EXcISED 14558 85
(B)AUlKING 29127 82
TR(A)ITORs 4706 78
PANDeRS 2986 74
PERIDOT 1268 67
CONTr(O)LS 17044 60
MOREENs 2654 75
COLEADE(R) 1894 63
TRA(M)LINE 538 74
VESTRAL 4269 79
INSTATE 719 73
ROOTLeD 2030 68
SENILES 8469 65
AMATOLS 12327 74
(S)pOONIER 2728 74
RADIANS 3160 70
ISLANDs 14229 81
cHARIOT(S) 7795 83
PSCHENT 23871 77
UPRAIse 2073 67
TARRIED 704 74
CRISPeD 9678 78
NOTIONS 6575 68
G(E)LATINE 263 61
SNOTTEd 4679 69
NEEDLES 10171 89
FATSOES 10224 81
M(A)NGIESt 1757 78
rETITLE 1814 68
LEANEsT 553 77
TRASHES 13105 79
PANTIES 915 74
CARAG(E)EN 6585 76
EARNEST 272 79
VaUNTIE 925 82
TRASHES 13105 79
PANTIES 915 74
COnTEND 9925 92
(G)RAfTERS 14096 68
MINSTER 2141 64
MAtINEE 488 71
AGArOSE 1619 69
REPROVE 17823 69
REN(E)WiNG 11108 76
INSTIlL 19437 66
(W)ARpINGS 18894 79
INTITLE 4545 73
ORANGES 511 72
(R)EARMIcE 10502 80
TROOPEd 5006 72
HERNIAs 865 72
(A)IRTImEs 1606 71
OV(E)RNETS 2583 80
DONATES 187 69
ADR(O)ITEr 176 82
(D)EmONISE 2494 74
INROADS 590 66
AUDILES 1062 69
iONONES 2502 66
OUTSEEN 1110 69
SOLATiA 1709 64
COUPLES 19120 71
HORDEIn 1251 94
OPERANT 456 70
MATURED 4195 78
OVERA(W)eD 6310 82
SPINNER 8746 81
CONGERS 7356 78
S(T)IPENDS 16042 74
PANEERs 2971 64
HEADSET 5434 91
GUNNERS 13259 77
(R)OOTLInG 5074 77
APPeASE(D) 30392 89
SI(B)ILATE 3349 149
BAR(R)IEST 3769 78
BALDIEs 4042 73
cOLORED 7704 76
REVELRY 17196 116
rERAISE 824 88
UNMOLDE(D) 22512 78
PATROON(S) 7877 68
sTOnIER 66 84
VALLEyS 18590 78
JAVE(L)InS 9477 71
DINGIER 2046 65
SIgNORY 10549 86
SCARLET 4151 77
LOANERs 196 68
RETYINg 3487 70
TANNERS 1289 68
STIFLED 7592 75
VIOLERs 2732 73
POSTEEN 2543 65
DOUbLET 6097 73
sTONIER 66 75
D(E)BONINg 7767 74
LENTOI(D)S 424 61
AGENTrY 3482 67
COT(Q)UEAN 10066 88
DeFINED 14943 73
VALIuMS 20851 71
GORMIE(S)T 2962 74
JUnCATE 14697 108
PEELING 5524 68
RANTERS 1291 74
SWISHER 23317 85
TUNICLE 3087 95
EPSILON 1942 82
gAMIEST 3394 70
BRAN(C)HED 13982 194
PRESIDE 3972 78
SINTERY 2168 75
LOT(H)ARIo 4529 140
OUTROdE 2860 78
LiENTE(R)y 2096 64
NEAREST 274 73
FONDLER 3693 70
COSTArD 5579 77
ANESTRA 642 69
SLEDDER 16819 76
(T)ENTORiA 54 74
S(E)NTiNEL 2573 78
ELMIEsT 3990 68
LAZIEST 3384 79
FORAYED 4826 109
EUCRITE 2987 68
CORViNE 3682 78
STENTOR 2389 79
BEARING 1590 69
(L)ARDIEST 334 80
DADAiSM 24517 81
tEETHER(s) 21010 80
OVERSAL(E) 1810 86
LOUSIER 494 76
SWERvES 27255 91
ENTRE(A)Ts 1660 64
ISATINE 138 70
REStRA(I)N 453 78
U(N)SEALED 2040 74
STERN(E)ST 17168 70
R(A)TIONaL 407 78
RELATED 744 72
SINUATe 154 65
AIRIEST 174 74
TACTiO(N)S 5400 62
GENTLES 6067 73
RETINES 280 75
GURNEYs 10190 101
HAZIEST 7472 116
CIRROSE 4432 70
ANILInE 2226 72
SEVERAL 5499 89
CORoNAE 1774 83
TALLIES 3882 62
TINP(L)ATE 3822 76
EsCOTED 4587 67
TEEN(S)IER 1093 58
DIURNAL 2489 77
AMATOLS 12327 74
(S)pOONIER 2728 74
HOSTELS 18676 69
AUNTLIE(R) 97 77
SYENItE 3054 67
TA(L)IPEDS 2315 72
SiGNETS 9830 77
CRATERS 8667 69
Pa(T)OOTIE 3267 60
rESTORA(L) 1475 74
SP(A)ETZEL* 0 70
W(E)ARYING 6444 84
ELANETS 760 70
COQ(U)INAs 18198 122
GHERAOS 3938 82
SPERMA(R)Y 29506 75
CALDRON 7807 77
(S)ANTERAs 6188 64
UTTERiN(G) 4233 77
KIBbEHS 33064 82
EDU(C)AtED 17879 72
SENaTES 5261 76
STYmIES 16570 66
FAIRISH 12587 86
ANISEeD 205 83
AEROLIT(H) 209 86
MISCIt(E)d 17488 167
ABOUNDS 11802 75
sNIRTED 572 81
TINKLEs 8214 75
cAS(C)ADES 38122 70
DUALIsT 4995 72
INMATES 900 87
(O)VERTEEM 13895 92
ROOSTER(S) 13837 77
LEVaTOR 880 90
MOULAGE(S) 6886 63
R(O)OTLERS* 0 68
BANTIES 589 76
TOLuIDE 490 73
GREIsEN 1145 77
RICIEST 4855 94
SITTERS 12332 63
DRAFTIE(R) 3783 74
CAUSINg 9284 71
NEROLIS 175 80
sTENTOR 1715 74
FLEERIN(G) 4406 89
GRANDEr 4236 75
LeSSENS 20692 81
ReSENTE(R) 9694 59
F(R)OTTEUR 13546 63
LOCA(T)IVE 1932 64
(W)INDABLE 5346 98
LADRONS 2357 76
INGrATE 83 65
TARDIEs(T) 1188 77
eNDIRON 1019 83
ENTENTE 17016 73
cONFIDE 6812 70
LENTOUS 1755 70
GAUNtER 1064 68
NAILSET 139 74
DRA(G)NETS 1105 83
DIGE(S)TOR 657 74
SONNIES 9629 77
GLOATE(R)s 881 69
OVARiAN 2483 72
FLINT(I)ER 2535 62
DUsTMEN 8319 81
(D)OGEArEd 4752 66
REiFIES 4377 85
DUBIETy 9662 72
SONATAS 8640 71
MOTLEYe(R) 8026 74
SNAILED 537 80
RESCIND 4317 87
(T)ROLLEYS 17803 72
EBONITE 624 75
DETE(R)GES 7810 64
PTERINS 1556 86
BAITERS 591 83
eSC(A)LAtE 5567 82
AGOUTIS 1724 79
SATIATE 1599 73
RANDI(E)ST 67 60
A(D)VISEES 9936 66
FRO(S)TIlY 12931 76
rENTIER(S) 1239 74
DEALA(T)ED 8346 64
FACETI(A)E 4433 66
ATELIE(R)s 114 122
DIURNAL 1777 74
REGENTS 2385 76
(S)ALTIEsT 7592 74
I(N)SOLATE 20 70
ReTORT(E)R 16021 58
GLAIRES 726 78
(A)DeNOSIS 1116 77
ISOTONE 473 84
BALUS(T)ER 5865 72
SOLATIA 1709 69
INSULAE 547 74
(H)ARANGuE 9085 72
LABIA(T)ES 3235 70
E(N)ACTORy 2662 80
DENIALS 537 75
LINtERS 579 78
BARRAGE 16319 80
SAcQuES 21635 97
SHOUL(D)ER 10775 65
GOOFIES(T) 7251 78
NEUTRA(L)S 925 59
GLEET(I)ER 3711 63
SEMATiC 5789 91
ENDEARS 545 64
OdORANT 1624 94
s(H)UNTING 19526 76
TINDERS 570 71
ZECHINS 24623 110
DEODARS 4752 69
GENTLED 6064 70
ISATINS 10978 66
RE(V)ERSED 25488 64
PARKA(D)Es 23408 88
MELTIE(S)T* 0 74
DIURNaL 1777 69
BROILED 2623 67
(T)ANGIEST 2139 83
TEENAG(E)R 1415 70
AERATES 761 72
(C)ALORIEs 510 70
DISGUI(s)e 16201 72
TONIEST 755 80
QUARTIC 12748 99
FASCISm 30851 73
VENTOSE 3544 75
LOTHARI(O) 4497 74
GOLIATH 6449 80
FORGONE 9268 65
RESPITE 3056 89
WiDEOUT(S) 3687 86
ENOLaSE 292 64
ATTIcIS(E)* 0 66
T(E)MPoRaL 3863 61
MURIAtE 667 66
JOTTERs 10804 124
DE(R)ANGES 1625 76
SUNDIAL 3553 70
bULLIER 12932 69
(D)ETINUES 964 80
SEEDING 3278 80
(P)RETRIAL 3824 83
SPACIER 5824 69
BL(O)NDEST 4910 71
JUTtIEr* 0 87
NEATEST 2517 70
LORI(C)aTE 250 77
EXULTED 13571 102
(G)ENEROuS 2763 77
RETRIES 2532 67
TENONER 1599 66
SAUTEEd 1818 73
TONEARM 455 88
VOTABLE 6686 82
GeNITOR 105 63
(S)hAWLIES 23431 92
ABOUND(E)d 12674 72
RESTRIV(E) 8477 76
V(I)EWIEsT 14399 73
(R)EBOANTS* 0 82
TARRIED 704 77
SHATTER 8694 81
TOENAI(L)S 33 66
(R)ESTORES 13848 77
ARGENTS 1062 73
(I)NERTIAE 55 77
(T)REATING 909 80
IRISATE 176 69
lAITIES 644 67
The of bingos played by the player that were not challenged off.
Triple Triples
Type Play Probability Score
SI(B)ILATE 3349 149
BRAN(C)HED 13982 194
LOT(H)ARIo 4529 140
MISCIt(E)d 17488 167
ATELIE(R)s 114 122
Triple triples played by the player that were not challenged off. They do not have to be bingos.
Challenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were challenged off by an opponent.
Unchallenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were not challenged by an opponent.
Plays That Were Challenged
Type Play Probability Score
RUDE 554 0
ISLANDs 14229 81
PSCHENT 23871 77
WALL 4801 0
(K)ERRY 10793 24
BAR(R)IEST 3769 78
(K)I(E)R 1100 0
BUNCH 8250 0
RANTERS 1291 74
REDDLES 16818 0
SLEDDER 16819 76
HAYED 4017 31
GNAUR* 0 0
HINT 1601 44
NY 104 0
MING 2928 0
GAZABO 18932 44
ANILInE 2226 72
B(I)CE 2104 16
FINE(R)Y 5855 32
CORoNAE 1774 83
V(A)LI 1541 33
QAID 2502 66
(ZEN)DO 3894 30
FR(I)P* 0 0
YAUTIA 6985 36
Pa(T)OOTIE 3267 60
rESTORA(L) 1475 74
COQ(U)INAs 18198 122
SPERMA(R)Y 29506 75
FAIRISH 12587 86
fADEINS 1492 0
MISCIt(E)d 17488 167
AVO(I)DAL* 0 0
ABOUNDS 11802 75
ReSENTE(R) 9694 59
(dO)MIC 7591 24
RI(PE)D 1795 16
(BIN)T* 0 0
(S)WANNY 13122 39
MOTtLEY* 0 0
PEAVIE(R)* 0 0
H(O) 86 0
BOATY* 0 0
VIG 858 0
VOR 604 15
DIVAN 2734 38
(BA)LKY 12011 28
BATT(L)IeR* 0 0
ZECHINS 24623 110
GENTLED 6064 70
ISATINS 10978 0
QUARTIC 12748 99
CONTO 6054 17
MATIN 1334 36
DUNT 2060 14
JIAO 1109 31
FORGONE 9268 65
RESPITE 3056 89
(U)PDYES* 0 0
YOYO* 0 0
OUtVIEW* 0 0
VOTABLE 6686 82
(S)hAWLIES 23431 92
RESTRIV(E) 8477 76
DA(P)S 3184 26
JUBE 4599 47
Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Opponent Lists
Type Play Probability Score
PReMIXT 20583 118
NEbULAE 3840 70
CAHIERS 4138 85
GRAZIeR 12115 81
FIBROSE(S) 20226 92
VISIONA(L) 6595 74
INDURA(T)E 65 140
PeRIGE(A)L 3065 72
INCLUDE 7564 74
MA(I)NDOOR 4522 71
RE(V)ENANT 3666 64
ORAcIES 414 78
F(L)ANGERS 8126 74
(S)PEELING 9903 69
SEXTAIN(S) 9545 80
(U)NTENANT 23445 68
ICtERIn(E) 2326 82
pHILtRE(D) 11994 90
(T)OLERANT 454 60
AN(E)ROIDS 13 70
CON(C)EDES 19594 63
REIGnIT(E) 843 70
(F)OUNTAIN 5111 63
FLIRT(I)ER 11688 72
(G)rEGALES 17182 80
DROPs(I)ED 12699 74
NOTITIA 2251 75
CETANES 2910 70
UN(R)EINED 3540 63
UNITIES 1702 70
COSTIVE 6850 94
NEAREST 276 87
WORDIe(S)T 1377 86
MINORED 915 104
TESTERS 13155 81
BANJOI(S)T 9711 69
CRoTONS 10060 69
DIALERS 541 77
ELEGIST 3269 78
AVOUREs 2622 77
UNDeRL(I)T 929 60
P(L)ASTRoN 6148 140
BOYSIER 6778 83
NIT(R)OGEN 1156 72
DIALERS 541 77
TORTURE 9265 61
(D)INGIEST 3874 83
YEALINg 3383 97
LISTBOX 22850 92
INGENER 3900 73
NAEVOId 419 80
RENAiLS 102 79
EPINAOS 438 101
DRATTIN(G) 6637 74
NEONATE 606 70
GRIEVE(R)S 15568 76
InFORCE 3685 74
(D)ERAILER 1620 63
(A)NATEXIS 4111 98
(T)RI(A)LOGUE 116 64
RESEA(L)ED 3333 63
ENGRAFT 2493 76
ROSINOL 4567 66
TeNORIn(O) 1091 71
TAINTED 697 82
SERICON 1243 70
INHALES 2019 83
ENDITES 773 76
EPIsTLE 5573 69
ATTONED 997 68
DROUkED 16575 72
aBOM(I)N(A)TE 1154 86
GARNISH 9121 80
ALEURON 199 77
nITRIDe 650 71
TORMENT 6245 71
LAoGAIS 5586 64
ANTLION 1844 68
bEADIN(G)s 4708 82
bAUD(E)KIN 13115 76
IRONISE 319 78
FEDARiE 1368 78
CATMIN(T)S 21929 80
(C)ANINiTY 22814 98
BL(I)NDERS 5952 62
(A)TROPInE 71 86
INSURED 1103 75
ONSTEAD 188 62
(Y)EARNING 4205 89
AGU(A)CATE 21086 67
RIM(E)LESS 18025 90
MOT(I)VATE 6179 77
BODG(I)ESt 5708 74
UTTERER 9996 66
DISCArD 14639 82
PUTAMEN 9478 78
CANINES 5081 80
jOUNCES 20191 78
DI(S)TANCe 954 64
OVERc(A)LM* 0 84
BRASSED 12259 89
(A)IRLINER 1042 77
BHARALS 17758 82
TERRINE 976 73
DOULE(I)AS 399 60
SHO(U)tIER 1875 90
B(E)DIAPER 5525 76
TALENTE(D) 3495 70
E(N)SILING 9006 62
(N)OVELLAs 9182 78
SNIRTeD 569 66
SWIRLED 7607 91
IN(A)RABLE 1532 76
RETINOI(D) 166 72
TANGOED 505 75
S(O)ILURES 6411 68
PEANUtS 4283 81
TRANSIT 3481 83
DIOrITE 233 71
SOREH(E)AD 2468 78
sTOTIN(O)V 18575 67
ANNULeT(s) 5216 66
AGOUtIs 1724 67
CHIGRES 16354 80
TITrATE 4628 64
(D)EXTRINS 4788 101
WINgIER 5060 76
LEVEL(E)RS 30081 94
ARGUFI(E)S 4748 64
UNROVEN 9918 79
UNDrESS 15425 65
fLOATEL 10165 64
DEIfIER 4373 64
WARMEST 6790 82
DEMEANS 3892 72
EMULATE(D) 5035 74
TANGOED 365 65
MIrADOR 8827 65
(S)OLUTiON 6134 74
ISATINE 173 71
ROsEATE 88 78
ARSHEEN 2931 65
DEPUTES 12885 89
cOrVINA 6021 83
ATTIRED 514 73
TOUCANS 5584 68
sLEEPIN(G) 7157 83
OVERRUN 7145 82
AzALEAS 23298 69
(A)NTIWEAR 639 95
i(N)ERRaNT 1522 64
OUTsI(Z)ED 7540 84
BIPARTY 19138 94
BEDFAST 13281 76
REAWOKE 8843 75
CHANTIE 3176 81
(P)OTATOEs 10205 61
REALGAR 10145 69
AGELESS 15401 75
PR(O)TENDS 2804 63
C(R)AnKIER 10504 76
UNiTAGE 365 63
ACERVU(L)I 7448 64
(R)eOPENED 7181 70
NOUMENa 4420 83
CHOOSI(N)G 19539 86
VeNTRAL 1527 64
ALEPINE 1389 65
SUBTEND 11629 73
(R)OLAMITE 199 89
DEPAINT 617 88
ADE(Q)UATE 13102 74
DOLOuRS 16027 73
DONATI(V)E 261 66
PRAISED 2006 79
pARANOI(D) 3556 68
(H)OUSELeD 12409 86
ERODENT 442 89
MATADOR 6297 85
HOLIEST 2037 71
oLEASTE(R) 171 78
PE(K)EPOOs 38532 66
(D)ISRATED 2833 83
OUTWENt 7147 66
NUTRIaS 1337 71
TERNATE 1341 63
ELoGIS(E)S* 0 77
DOATInG 1095 81
SOlATIA 1720 76
BEDRAP(E)S 13627 65
ROE(S)TOnE 1122 71
SMARTiN(G) 7250 70
COIGNED 3985 88
UPSOARS 15414 70
ANXIOUS 5959 83
AGENiZE 4808 73
VOl(E)RIES 2527 90
EGESTED 12539 79
(P)ILLBUGS 38961 69
GALABEA 21405 74
(L)EUKOTIc 14432 65
WRIN(K)LED 18112 82
SAN(G)AREE 2584 61
EXErGUE(S) 27861 80
S(I)GNABLE 4713 76
BOT(R)YOID 19340 78
(D)EsTRIER 3528 77
SONICAT(E) 253 74
bREWERS 24148 82
GENITOR 105 77
StRIDOR 5151 63
SEmINA(R)Y 3372 66
ALTER(I)NG 152 86
mILAGES 6238 75
ORARIAN(S) 3234 60
VIRAGOs 4647 73
(A)RSENATE 427 82
ENCODER 3522 76
XERANtI(C) 5107 98
I(N)VERTED 2100 76
AVIDEST 2009 90
AORTI(T)IS 3225 59
JOUSTER 9328 94
ELE(C)TION 1057 70
(E)VIRATES 864 86
SYENITE(S) 13262 86
SEISINS 26550 69
SWIfTER 9526 97
URGINGS 23503 82
SEROSAE 2386 72
ATTiCI(Z)E 14571 96
eRRATIC 2001 76
WEIRDLY 10136 88
BIOWAsT(E) 2029 66
ANDANTE 4533 71
STEAR(A)TE 4176 68
(T)INKEReR 6873 67
DEALIN(G)S 1072 61
TURTLED 11013 72
CELE(R)IES 10195 72
cYANURE(T) 7682 64
PAStERN 2131 92
INFARES 856 81
BERYLLI(A) 18720 71
U(T)TeRING 4265 68
INGRESS 9837 98
SPANNED 12578 76
OUTBRAG 10432 97
LEANEST 553 77
INTERWA(R) 1431 86
HANDSo(M)e 6413 176
EXCRETE 16333 89
BEANIES 992 63
pACIEST 4166 86
MOTORCA(R) 25564 89
PE(O)NAGEs 3737 68
ENvISIO(N) 6348 74
LUCITES 5416 79
COVE(R)ING 5323 78
DIHEDRO(N) 6182 67
JANgLED 15329 98
REMORsE 8279 80
G(R)UMPIER 18887 76
dOOLEES 6537 66
NAUTIcS 6621 64
LOONIES 1358 75
LEGA(L)ISE 9275 72
REMELTs 9055 84
UNDER(L)IE 1219 68
TONGUES 3109 67
cONSTA(N)T 22353 78
TEARIER 448 68
lATTINS 6105 78
MYIASIs 28474 92
DEARIES 263 66
RACEgOE(R) 8018 68
GASA(L)IER 1919 63
DETR(A)INS 82 74
TURFInG 13215 66
STROBIC 13953 97
RELLIES 8501 65
PIEDF(O)rT 5412 84
(L)EUCOTIC 20897 89
M(I)DLIFER 17497 82
WEbLISH 23554 104
OVERD(O)NE 6555 74
AVOSETs 7312 82
TRAMPLE 6776 90
ANTIMER(E) 227 83
(M)ARGARIN 14146 86
ENDEARS 574 82
rEAsONE(D) 213 58
ViTaMIN(E) 5014 80
MILITIA(S) 15656 83
OvERDUE 4607 71
(R)ESTRiNG 3079 73
UTOPIAS 3214 67
(E)tHOXIEs 8264 101
CO(U)NTING 13815 74
SUbTILE(r) 4301 71
HEAD(N)OTE 767 65
(C)ANONISE 1671 72
(O)UtRAGED 648 70
OMITTER 2479 66
INSIGHT 13126 68
SANItIE(S) 2357 74
BEHAVed 15233 84
AUTO(d)YNE 1300 64
WItNESS 9391 74
A(G)REsTAL 2821 64
(I)NSIgNIA 17004 66
PAGO(D)ITE 1241 81
fERRIER* 0 64
TeNaBLE 2868 67
DECRIER 10281 68
TRAPE(Z)eD 14776 88
SAN(T)OORS 11606 68
PREVENT 11320 79
TESTRIL 3814 80
SAUT(E)ING 595 80
(P)LOATING 4899 86
RONdINO 8951 66
FILAC(E)RS 7457 64
R(E)SeARCH 19856 74
GALIlEE(S) 9228 68
CO(R)ONATE 1192 64
ADAPTER 4817 75
cYANINE 10719 76
GARDENI(A) 787 86
(c)REATIVE 2817 72
PAGURId 9291 66
PR(E)SORTS 17261 68
(L)ENITING 8031 63
TOWnL(I)ER 770 90
AR(A)BISED 3302 76
PASTILL(E) 11314 74
IN(D)ItERS 1097 122
MANTEAU 4831 81
(R)OMANTIC 4560 78
DIE(H)arDS 11271 94
BONIEST 1233 74
cHEVI(O)TS 15744 76
WAIwODE 12412 81
SWIDDEN 17425 78
(A)STOUNDS 10622 70
AR(C)HINES 3304 76
DrIPP(I)NG 27289 73
PETITES 7416 73
ADENInE 1121 75
TOUKING 15461 69
TASERi(N)G 209 72
AREOLAS 697 75
SYN(O)VIAL 8739 82
CoPIOUS 16750 78
AUTOcA(D)E 4186 59
EPI(C)IERs 14324 62
BUTEnES 8958 89
DERRIES 4967 71
IN(V)ITERS 3492 62
EXTREMA 8915 84
LUNA(R)IAN 6596 68
(E)NGIRDLE 1636 83
CInEREA 487 65
INTORTS 4032 72
lOANEES 386 72
SNA(F)UING 17021 158
TElERAN 213 70
ANAL(G)IAs 17304 77
ENAT(I)ONS 184 70
CHiDDEN 23292 84
ReGIFTS 6345 79
AUN(T)LIKE 3462 98
ROASTED 190 106
INTENDS 3823 72
(V)AGINATE 2019 86
SQuAILS 27586 80
CARINAE 1078 74
GoRHENS 5516 72
UNB(U)SIER 16117 86
FLAILED 12887 114
EELIEST 3495 70
TOUPIES 2731 73
ANNELID 1754 69
RETAILS 147 67
MI(S)RAISE 12266 64
(TE)NTORIAl 52 60
KAmERAD 19608 77
PATTENS 8718 80
SLORMIN(G) 12977 86
PERDUES 12935 99
SO(D)ALITE 127 86
tOTIENT 7435 75
NEEDIER 1672 75
IMPREST 9597 90
dUALISM 14537 72
LoUTISH 11840 87
SAPEGOE(S) 17643 72
ST(R)ANGER 4252 81
LIpURIA 11429 60
CE(N)TAGES 6071 72
LOWNEsS 18795 93
X(AN)THINEs 14847 86
DRIFTE(R)S 11025 80
BRAsSET 13083 85
ARRIvIN(G) 18620 59
TINK(L)IER 7202 64
CLAUgHT 26395 100
CROWDIe 6822 82
HEARSIN(G) 2396 76
(E)UGLEnAS 4285 68
ORDIN(A)ND 10798 66
COOkIEs 17946 66
R(I)PPLING 36349 71
RETAI(L)ED 145 74
VAILInG 14071 78
SNOUTED 1747 75
TA(C)NODES 1723 62
The of bingos played by the player that were not challenged off.
Triple Triples
Type Play Probability Score
INDURA(T)E 65 140
P(L)ASTRoN 6148 140
HANDSo(M)e 6413 176
IN(D)ItERS 1097 122
SNA(F)UING 17021 158
Triple triples played by the player that were not challenged off. They do not have to be bingos.
Bingo Nines or Above
Type Play Probability Score
(T)RI(A)LOGUE 116 64
aBOM(I)N(A)TE 1154 86
(TE)NTORIAl 52 60
X(AN)THINEs 14847 86
Bingos played by the player that were nine letters or longer and were not challenged off.
Challenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were challenged off by an opponent.
Unchallenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
DALL* 0 20
CIRO(C)* 0 24
CIRO(C)* 0 24
R(U)TA* 0 6
GANID* 0 24
OVERc(A)LM* 0 84
O(BY)* 0 8
ELoGIS(E)S* 0 77
CE(PI)* 0 24
MOOCHY* 0 26
LYDI(C)* 0 36
fERRIER* 0 64
(LI)NNERET* 0 34
GURRE* 0 24
RE(QUOTED)* 0 18
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were not challenged by an opponent.
Plays That Were Challenged
Type Play Probability Score
DENAY 1510 36
QUiTS 8060 86
PReMIXT 20583 118
GRAZIeR 12115 81
HANT 1152 18
ENCORE 1250 38
F(L)ANGERS 8126 74
NIXED 3539 37
MAIDAN 5124 24
(U)NTENANT 23445 68
(G)rEGALES 17182 80
DROPs(I)ED 12699 74
CALID 4438 31
GOD 616 37
ERGOD* 0 0
P(L)ASTRoN 6148 140
S(I)CH 4307 30
(S)ISTED 6817 20
NEPER 2472 23
TIM(E)L(I)NER* 0 0
WAIDE 688 35
(C)ANINiTY 22814 98
UNRUL(E) 10081 12
SUB 1132 0
BODG(I)ESt 5708 74
CANINES 5081 80
ANNULeT(s) 5216 66
KOORI 6137 34
CHIGRES 16354 80
LEVEL(E)RS 30081 94
KI 101 33
GUP 1221 18
(B)OWNE 4490 30
BIPARTY 19138 94
PR(O)TENDS 2804 63
A(L)ULA 6618 18
TERNATE 1341 63
UPSOARS 15414 70
VOl(E)RIES 2527 90
(P)ILLBUGS 38961 69
CALID 4438 31
ENGREEt* 0 0
ENGREEn* 0 0
BOT(R)YOID 19340 78
(N)UN 744 9
XERANtI(C) 5107 98
M(I)DDY 11871 30
(RONZ)EL* 0 0
FOI(G)N* 0 0
JAKE 4020 39
TURTLED 11013 72
cYANURE(T) 7682 64
BERYLLI(A) 18720 71
SCRINES 13158 0
BA(G)WIG 14332 19
NAHALS 13081 54
DIRTI(E)D 5688 0
NAUTIcS 6621 64
YO 97 17
REMELTs 9055 84
VITTAT(E) 16319 20
STROBIC 13953 97
WEbLISH 23554 104
WHINE(Y) 9310 30
GLOZY* 0 0
GLOVY* 0 0
OvERDUE 4607 71
ZA 90 36
SUbTILE(r) 4301 71
VENIC(H)* 0 0
R(E)INDUCE 2938 0
BAL(LO)NET 6153 46
PAGO(D)ITE 1241 81
G(I)NZOES 7962 51
TRAPE(Z)eD 14776 88
COM* 0 0
(P)OTT 3739 12
(Y)AMEN 4133 30
DIE(H)arDS 11271 94
UPF(I)ELD 17795 30
YAGER 2603 0
INANGA 8339 22
SWIDDEN 17425 78
KAM(U)T* 0 0
EPI(C)IERs 14324 62
dEBUTES* 0 0
(BA)JU 4878 29
CHiDDEN 23292 84
SQuAILS 27586 80
LOW(S) 3486 23
MAISE* 0 0
MI(S)RAISE 12266 64
KAmERAD 19608 77
IMPREST 9597 90
BAU(K) 4883 20
SAPEGOE(S) 17643 72
X(AN)THINEs 14847 86
(G)INKO* 0 0
MOTLY* 0 0
(E)UGLEnAS 4285 68
VAILInG 14071 78
Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Notable Lists
Many Double Words Covered
One Player Plays Every Power Tile
Games in which one player plays the Z, X, Q, J, every blank, and every S.
Many Challenges
Games in which there are at least 5 challenges made. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Game Stats
Stat Average Total
Games 1.00 209
Invalid Games 0.02 4
Incomplete 0.02 4
Disconnected 0.00 0
Other 0.00 0
Total Turns 27.13 5671
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Player Stats
Stat Average Total
Wins 0.31 64
Score 394.37 82424
Score per Turn 29.1251
Turns 13.54 2830
Vertical Plays 6.40 1338
Horizontal Plays 5.55 1160
One Tile Plays 0.66 137
Other Plays 0.93 195
Firsts 0.51 107
Vertical Openings per First 0.9901
Horizontal Openings per First 0.0099
Full Rack per Turn 0.2802
Exchanges 0.61 128
High Game 579
Low Game 259
Highest Scoring Turn 194
Bingos Played 1.67 350
Sevens 1.05 220
Eights 0.62 130
Nines 0.00 0
Tens 0.00 0
Elevens 0.00 0
Twelves 0.00 0
Thirteens 0.00 0
Fourteens 0.00 0
Fifteens 0.00 0
Bingo Probabilities 6138.69
Sevens 5508.05
Eights 7243.58
Nines 0.00
Tens 0.00
Elevens 0.00
Twelves 0.00
Thirteens 0.00
Fourteens 0.00
Fifteens 0.00
Tiles Played 46.02 9619
A 4.30 898
B 0.98 205
C 0.96 200
D 1.81 378
E 5.46 1142
F 0.98 205
G 1.36 285
H 0.98 204
I 3.99 834
J 0.45 95
K 0.47 98
L 1.93 404
M 0.91 190
N 2.63 550
O 3.84 802
P 0.89 187
Q 0.48 100
R 2.53 528
S 1.99 416
T 2.79 584
U 1.69 353
V 0.96 201
W 0.91 191
X 0.47 99
Y 0.88 184
Z 0.44 93
? 0.92 193
Power Tiles Played 4.77 996
? 0.92 193
J 0.45 95
Q 0.48 100
X 0.47 99
Z 0.44 93
S 1.99 416
Power Tiles Stuck With 0.14 30
? 0.03 6
J 0.00 1
Q 0.01 2
X 0.00 1
Z 0.00 1
S 0.09 19
Turns With a Blank 1.02 214
Triple Triples Played 0.02 5
Bingoless Games 0.07 14
Bonus Square Coverage 15.13 3163
Double Letter 4.71 984
Triple Letter 5.36 1121
Double Word 2.75 574
Triple Word 2.32 484
Phony Plays 0.29 60
Unchallenged 0.07 15
Challenged Off 0.22 45
Challenges 0.97 202
You Won 0.15 31
Opponent Lost 0.22 45
You Lost 0.39 81
Opponent Won 0.22 45
Challenge Percentage 0.2768
Defending Challenge Percentage 0.5000
Percentage Phonies Unchallenged 0.2500
Comments 6.98 1458
Comments Word Length 117.71 24602
Mistakeless Turns 13.53 2828
Mistakes per Turn 0.0007
Mistakes 0.01 2
Knowledge 0.00 0
Finding 0.00 1
Vision 0.00 0
Tactics 0.00 0
Strategy 0.00 0
Endgame 0.00 0
Time 0.00 1
Dynamic Mistakes 0.00 0
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Player Confidence Intervals
Tile p CI
A 0.4778 (0.4306, 0.4898)
B 0.4900 (0.3974, 0.5230)
C 0.4800 (0.3974, 0.5230)
D 0.4525 (0.4158, 0.5046)
E 0.4550 (0.4346, 0.4858)
F 0.4900 (0.3974, 0.5230)
G 0.4533 (0.4089, 0.5115)
H 0.4900 (0.3974, 0.5230)
I 0.4433 (0.4306, 0.4898)
J 0.4500 (0.3714, 0.5490)
K 0.4700 (0.3714, 0.5490)
L 0.4825 (0.4158, 0.5046)
M 0.4550 (0.3974, 0.5230)
N 0.4383 (0.4239, 0.4965)
O 0.4800 (0.4288, 0.4916)
P 0.4450 (0.3974, 0.5230)
Q 0.4800 (0.3714, 0.5490)
R 0.4217 (0.4239, 0.4965)
S 0.4975 (0.4158, 0.5046)
T 0.4650 (0.4239, 0.4965)
U 0.4225 (0.4158, 0.5046)
V 0.4800 (0.3974, 0.5230)
W 0.4550 (0.3974, 0.5230)
X 0.4700 (0.3714, 0.5490)
Y 0.4400 (0.3974, 0.5230)
Z 0.4400 (0.3714, 0.5490)
? 0.4600 (0.3974, 0.5230)
To learn more about these statistics, check the 'Confidence Intervals' section on the about page.
Opponent Stats
Stat Average Total
Wins 0.69 145
Score 443.55 92701
Score per Turn 32.6297
Turns 13.59 2841
Vertical Plays 6.15 1285
Horizontal Plays 6.45 1348
One Tile Plays 0.54 113
Other Plays 0.45 95
Firsts 0.49 102
Vertical Openings per First 0.1889
Horizontal Openings per First 0.8111
Full Rack per Turn 0.9764
Exchanges 0.28 58
High Game 625
Low Game 251
Highest Scoring Turn 176
Bingos Played 2.04 427
Sevens 1.06 222
Eights 0.96 201
Nines 0.02 4
Tens 0.00 0
Elevens 0.00 0
Twelves 0.00 0
Thirteens 0.00 0
Fourteens 0.00 0
Fifteens 0.00 0
Bingo Probabilities 7328.29
Sevens 6919.27
Eights 7846.53
Nines 4042.25
Tens 0.00
Elevens 0.00
Twelves 0.00
Thirteens 0.00
Fourteens 0.00
Fifteens 0.00
Tiles Played 51.34 10731
A 4.55 950
B 0.99 207
C 1.01 211
D 2.11 440
E 6.29 1314
F 0.99 207
G 1.57 329
H 1.00 210
I 4.59 960
J 0.54 113
K 0.52 108
L 1.91 400
M 1.03 215
N 3.17 662
O 4.00 837
P 1.09 228
Q 0.50 105
R 3.19 667
S 1.90 397
T 3.00 626
U 2.16 452
V 0.96 201
W 1.06 222
X 0.52 109
Y 1.10 230
Z 0.55 115
? 1.03 216
Power Tiles Played 5.05 1055
? 1.03 216
J 0.54 113
Q 0.50 105
X 0.52 109
Z 0.55 115
S 1.90 397
Power Tiles Stuck With 0.04 9
? 0.01 3
J 0.00 0
Q 0.01 2
X 0.00 0
Z 0.00 0
S 0.02 4
Turns With a Blank 1.84 385
Triple Triples Played 0.02 5
Bingoless Games 0.05 10
Bonus Square Coverage 16.50 3448
Double Letter 5.46 1141
Triple Letter 5.52 1154
Double Word 3.37 704
Triple Word 2.15 449
Phony Plays 0.23 48
Unchallenged 0.08 17
Challenged Off 0.15 31
Challenges 0.97 202
You Won 0.22 45
Opponent Lost 0.39 81
You Lost 0.22 45
Opponent Won 0.15 31
Challenge Percentage 0.5000
Defending Challenge Percentage 0.7232
Percentage Phonies Unchallenged 0.3542
Comments 6.98 1458
Comments Word Length 117.71 24602
Mistakeless Turns 12.43 2597
Mistakes per Turn 0.0919
Mistakes 1.25 261
Knowledge 0.31 64
Finding 0.15 32
Vision 0.22 47
Tactics 0.11 22
Strategy 0.27 57
Endgame 0.09 19
Time 0.10 20
Dynamic Mistakes 0.00 0
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Opponent Confidence Intervals
Tile p CI
A 0.5056 (0.4837, 0.5431)
B 0.4950 (0.4504, 0.5764)
C 0.5050 (0.4504, 0.5764)
D 0.5275 (0.4689, 0.5579)
E 0.5242 (0.4877, 0.5391)
F 0.4950 (0.4504, 0.5764)
G 0.5233 (0.4620, 0.5648)
H 0.5000 (0.4504, 0.5764)
I 0.5100 (0.4837, 0.5431)
J 0.5400 (0.4243, 0.6025)
K 0.5200 (0.4243, 0.6025)
L 0.4775 (0.4689, 0.5579)
M 0.5150 (0.4504, 0.5764)
N 0.5283 (0.4770, 0.5498)
O 0.5000 (0.4819, 0.5449)
P 0.5450 (0.4504, 0.5764)
Q 0.5000 (0.4243, 0.6025)
R 0.5317 (0.4770, 0.5498)
S 0.4750 (0.4689, 0.5579)
T 0.5000 (0.4770, 0.5498)
U 0.5400 (0.4689, 0.5579)
V 0.4800 (0.4504, 0.5764)
W 0.5300 (0.4504, 0.5764)
X 0.5200 (0.4243, 0.6025)
Y 0.5500 (0.4504, 0.5764)
Z 0.5500 (0.4243, 0.6025)
? 0.5150 (0.4504, 0.5764)
To learn more about these statistics, check the 'Confidence Intervals' section on the about page.
Player Mistakes
Play Type Size Comment
H4 CLEPT +24 Finding Large
Spoiler alert, I pick up both Ys this game and do NOT see the hook. BIG whoops #findingsaddest
L9 AVERT +20 Time Large
9G S(NE)D #timesaddest
The listing of all of the player's mistakes. For more information about mistakes, check the 'Mistakes' section of the about page.
Opponent Mistakes
Play Type Size Comment
8H APO +10 Tactics Small
8D PATRON is probably a bit better. #tacticssmall
10H TROP +28 Tactics Small
10I PORN #tacticssmall
11K ARY +20 Tactics Small
11K AIRY #tacticssmall
14B HAE +28 Vision Large
J2 MELEE +23 Strategy Large
I completed discounted plays on column N as too offensive, but N10 ELEMI is too many points. #strategylarge
F11 C(R)IM(S) +15 Vision Large
G12 (A)MI(E) isn't bad. #visionlarge
H2 L(EN)T +4 Endgame Large
I gotta block N10 FLINTY. #endgamelarge
G12 (A)D +11 Knowledge Large
6I T(EWE)D #knowledgelarge
M1 K(E)T +18 Finding Large
9B WEB +21 Strategy Medium
This doesn't do much to lower her bing % because the pool is garbage. Just play E3 NEWB. #strategymedium
D2 LIST +22 Knowledge Medium
4A SIDD(H)I is 8 points better #knowledgemedium
8H NOYAU +18 Knowledge Small
8D NOYAU. I didn't think this took an S. #knowledgesad
9G VAE +16 Strategy Small
L4 AVA #strategysad
K4 MAA +13 Finding Large
10B CURB +18 Tactics Medium
E7 RUBR(I)C. I misevaluated RRS compared to RS. #tacticssadder
13C MAE +35 Tactics Large
13E ERM. Really bad misevaluation of NRRS. Yikes. #TACTICSSADDEST
G6 GOX +26 Finding Small
11H EXPO #findingsad
10B JET +39 Tactics Medium
D12 J(E)U #tacticssadder
13M DUN +25 Time Large
13M DUE is slightly better, but I completely burnt up my time and play the rest of the game in a sad panic. #timesaddest
M3 RIEM +25 Time Large
M2 MAIRE #timesaddest
10J U(R)AEI +9 Time Large
6E CO(G) +8 Time Large
6E VU(G) #timesaddest
O8 AB +18 Time Large
12N BA #timesaddest
E4 VA(C) +16 Time Large
6I (N)O(H) #timesaddest
8K (L)O +3 Time Large
15A (D)O #timesaddest
8G CAY +16 Tactics Medium
8G YEA #tacticsmedium
O7 E(L)F +6 Strategy Large
Too fishy. I think 15C FENIN(G) scoring and looking for blanks is fine. #strategylarge
J13 GO +16 Endgame Small
J13 GOa is 2 points better. #endgamesmall
7B paTIO +8 Time Small
2C pOrTI(ERE) and 2C IsOTh(ERE). No time left. #timesmall
2F UN(R)EINED +63 Knowledge Small
N9 ENNUIED #FINDINGSAD #knowledgesad for sad desparate challenge.
2F UN(R)EINED +63 Finding Small
N9 ENNUIED #FINDINGSAD #knowledgesad for sad desparate challenge.
M7 BURQA +28 Strategy Large
1L BORN #strategylarge
1L POWN +46 Tactics Medium
1L WANG #tacticssadder
7B OMA +23 Tactics Medium
J10 MO(ZE) #tacticsmedium
15M EGG +20 Strategy Large
15F TEGGS #strategysaddest
J2 GRITH +38 Finding Small
Missed CHIGGA. #findingsmall 22:55
8J L(O)ANEE +21 Strategy Small
Fatal mistake here; again, not many Es left, so not liking L8 NEELE: but the play here is 14F EEN after Terry's VAE. I have to try and force her into opening the board and letting me get my bingo down first. Probably more of a #strategysmall but I got burned pretty hard. 12:11
15L BEIN +38 Strategy Medium
Second mistake in a row. I need to play BEEPING now while I have a playable bingo that scores 78. I balked at evening the score only to still be down tempo afterwards with potentially massive overlaps available; but there's only one A and one O left, so it's possible Terry can't even do anything on column A after BEEPING with APE/OPE. Also, GP? is pretty poor and there are a ton of whammy tiles in the bag that will torpedo my bingo% if I draw them. I regretted not playing BEEPING almost immediately. Quackle says it's a 7 point equity mistake. #strategymedium 10:20
11J K(E)LP +18 Strategy Small
G3 GAP or PEG in the spot where I played are better to preserve the CKLR synergy. Another idea is N2 PRICKLE, hoping to draw tiles to outrun. #strategysmall
N5 CUB(E) +12 Endgame Medium
CUB/UVAE, I was almost over. Plenty I could've done differently here. #endgamemedium
O1 (S)UQ +12 Strategy Medium
Keeping the QU with O1 (S)ORGO is probably fine? I'm not too sure. #strategymedium
J1 (V)OE +18 Finding Medium
H1 ARO(HA) #findingmedium
G3 LOR +14 Finding Large
N8 (ZOA)RIAL is fine after an exchange 5. #findinglarge
D3 NEPER +28 Finding Small
I don't know why I didn't play D4 PEEN. #findingsmall
C12 AXE +41 Vision Large
14B TE(l)EX #visionsaddest
15A BIL(L)ET +35 Finding Large
F12 WHI(T) +12 Strategy Large
14A (A)K(El)A wins 1/3 of the time by blocking row 14F bings and outrunning sometimes. #strategylarge
H4 W(OX) +17 Strategy Large
This is hopeless, I have to keep up with L1 MUNS. #strategylarge
L1 YUM +17 Finding Large
L10 (H)YMN #findinglarge
15H (R)EI +8 Strategy Large
I misssed that 8A (F)IE would give me an R hook. #strategylarge
A1 BABE +33 Endgame Large
I1 RE sets up 1D BABIE(R) which is not blockable. #endgamelarge
11H (FA)RER +16 Tactics Small
Damn, just FAIR bingos quite a bit more. Too focused on undoubling Rs; of course the AERRS leave is stronger despite the dupes. #tacticssmall 18:46
exch IOO +0 Strategy Small
Balked at playing G7 AGIO and making big scoring spot, but ZO and JO already go down at C9 for a lot. Just grab some points. #strategysmall 17:10
5C HOO(C)H +26 Finding Medium
Didn't see G5 HEIGH. The KA hook hardly needs blocking with just the lone O remaining unseen and no esses left. #findingmedium 8:38
J2 P(L)ED +22 Strategy Small
Blocking CONGREE but there are ways to do it that set me up better for the endgame. #strategysmall 6:32
14D PWNED +30 Endgame Large
13M PWN wins 1/4. I mistracked and thought there was no S. #ENDGAMESADDEST
9G BY +31 Knowledge Large
K5 BRISTLY #knowledgelarge
J3 TIM(E)L(I)NER +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
I6 (P)I(N)E +28 Vision Small
K5 ERASURE #visionsmall
13G TIK +28 Knowledge Large
13C TRAIKIT #knowledgelarge
G6 WIZ +33 Tactics Medium
I8 NOWL is probably best. #tacticssadder
J2 YONT +34 Knowledge Large
1F CLA(P) +24 Finding Large
11C CROUTER +72 Knowledge Large
D8 JEE(R)E(R) +42 Endgame Large
N13 GEO +15 Finding Medium
Totally missed N12 OGEE whoops #findingsadder
3M EW +28 Finding Large
H10 STREWN is so much smarter here. #findingsaddest
H13 J(E)E +39 Finding Medium
Didn't even see H13 J(E)U jesus #findingsadder
15A HM +25 Finding Large
I do not see 13B MIHI oof #findingsaddest
3J (F)AZED +36 Knowledge Large
3J (F)EAZE looks good here because I can use the D and S hooks + the Z isn't right on top of the double word as it would be with 3J (F)AZE. #knowledgesaddest
4L EL +32 Knowledge Large
Didn't even see 4L ILEA big oof #knowledgesaddest ALSO, I miscounted the play as 30 so that's another big oof
D8 HI +18 Finding Large
Missed 10A SHIRT(Y) and didn't even think of something like 14J AIRTH which wins a sim. #findingsaddest #strategysaddest
D8 HI +18 Strategy Large
Missed 10A SHIRT(Y) and didn't even think of something like 14J AIRTH which wins a sim. #findingsaddest #strategysaddest
J10 SATINY +33 Strategy Medium
E11 YA(G)S is probably better. It is too easy to reopen after this play by making a K11 reply. #strategymedium
I7 NIDI +19 Strategy Medium
I thought I7 NIDI would lower my opponent's bingo % enough to be worth it compared to 10J DIN, but it's not even close. #strategysadder
N6 RA(I)NE +23 Strategy Large
I gave into fear, tunneled on blocking, and did not see 1M RAX. #STRATEGYSADDEST
11D OVER(T) +16 Strategy Large
I was panicky and low on time. I wanted to block at least one of A8 of 15H bingo spots, but basically ran out of time after not finding anything and played this to maybe setup my X. 11E VEX(T) is the clear winner. #STRATEGYSADDEST
B11 C(H)oUX +32 Time Large
K7 TYG +16 Time Large
Lost 10 for time. #TIMESADDEST
11J EMEU +14 Tactics Large
I know I saw 9G U(N)MEET but I don't know why I didn't play it. #tacticssaddest
8B ROJ(I) +39 Time Large
I took too long on this play and all the plays after and got into time trouble. #timesaddest
7A FOY +24 Vision Large
L10 R(E)VIEW +32 Strategy Small
B13 DIV is probably better. #strategysad
15L (W)IDE +24 Vision Large
D1 HEDGE +30 Strategy Large
14K Y(E)DE #strategylarge
8G GAK +16 Strategy Small
8G KEG #strategysad
11B BEENTO +19 Strategy Medium
G6 BE(G) #strategysadder
N7 REWAX +33 Strategy Medium
N9 RAX #strategysadder
K3 FILED +30 Strategy Small
K2 FUELED. Hanging the F is fine. #strategysad
G6 VU(G) +8 Time Large
M1 VIREO #timesaddest
M6 HOLIEST +71 Vision Large
Wayyyy to many points to lose out on here. Not only was I unsure of M8 LITHOES (LITHOS* isn't good), but 13B HOSTILE plays for 90! I could have had much more on this turn. #visionlarge
L3 GURU +15 Knowledge Medium
I need to be more sure of some things. I won't continue to get away with mistakes like this. I thought it was only UNGLUED, but apparently you can perform the action in real time. Therefore, 8J UNG(L)UE is the play. #knowledgemedium
G8 TEGG +18 Knowledge Large
I6 GUGA #knowledgeSADDEST
6F HAR(P)Y +29 Finding Large
6F HAR(P)Y +29 Vision Large
D1 CHUR(L) +26 Knowledge Large
1A TIN(CAKES) +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
1A TIN(CAKES) +0 (Lost challenge) Vision Large
1L WEFT +51 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for the challenge
6B YA +30 Finding Small
1A PAN(CAKES) #findingsad #VISIONSAD
6B YA +30 Vision Small
1A PAN(CAKES) #findingsad #VISIONSAD
A6 PINED +32 Strategy Small
L1 (WE)ND because I have the P and R to get a bingo on the triple for next turn #strategysmall
11G (GO)V +7 Strategy Large
Exch. NRTV #strategylarge
F4 R(EH) +6 Finding Medium
C10 TRIN #findingsadder #strategymedium
F4 R(EH) +6 Strategy Medium
C10 TRIN #findingsadder #strategymedium
12A NUTRIaS +71 Knowledge Small
O3 SIRTUiN Yeah, a huge #knowledgesad for missing every bingo down the triple here
C8 DOF +30 Finding Medium
C8 OOF #findingsadder
N1 (F)A(N) +12 Knowledge Large
B4 O(BY) +8 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for the challenge, a maSSIVE #knowledgeSADDEST for MANO making O3 OTARINE, and an even bigger #knowledgeSADDEST for the phony
B4 O(BY) +8 Knowledge Large
#knowledgesad for the challenge, a maSSIVE #knowledgeSADDEST for MANO making O3 OTARINE, and an even bigger #knowledgeSADDEST for the phony
B4 O(BY) +8 Knowledge Large
#knowledgesad for the challenge, a maSSIVE #knowledgeSADDEST for MANO making O3 OTARINE, and an even bigger #knowledgeSADDEST for the phony
O3 ANTIRED +121 Knowledge Small
O3 OTARINE #knowledgesad for MAND
F7 J(UT) +10 Finding Large
7D RE(J)IG +28 Strategy Small
7H OE #strategysmall
C2 TOTE +22 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for the challenge and C2 TOT #strategysmall
C2 TOTE +22 Strategy Small
#knowledgesad for the challenge and C2 TOT #strategysmall
E10 (L)EA +15 Knowledge Large
O4 ELoGIS(E)S +77 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for challenging LEAR AND A WHOLE ASS #KNOWLEDGESADDEST FOR O8 eL(E)GISES O8 SE(E)LInGS and O8 EL(E)GIStS oh my GOD because I instead phonied with ELOGISES*
O4 ELoGIS(E)S +77 Knowledge Large
#knowledgesad for challenging LEAR AND A WHOLE ASS #KNOWLEDGESADDEST FOR O8 eL(E)GISES O8 SE(E)LInGS and O8 EL(E)GIStS oh my GOD because I instead phonied with ELOGISES*
M2 ANOA +16 Knowledge Large
M9 W(A)URS +24 Strategy Large
2L W(A)UR #strategyLARGE
14F FE(L)T +31 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for challenging DOBE and a big ol' #KNOWLEDGESADDEST for 14J FORTE because WAURST is a thing
14F FE(L)T +31 Knowledge Large
#knowledgesad for challenging DOBE and a big ol' #KNOWLEDGESADDEST for 14J FORTE because WAURST is a thing
6J KY +36 Knowledge Medium
A8 (P)OKILY #strategylarge #visionsadder #knowledgesadder
6J KY +36 Vision Medium
A8 (P)OKILY #strategylarge #visionsadder #knowledgesadder
6J KY +36 Strategy Large
A8 (P)OKILY #strategylarge #visionsadder #knowledgesadder
A6 LO(P)ER +9 Strategy Large
I need to fish for A8 PELORIAN, PERCOLIN, PLERIONS, or PROLINES by getting rid of my R somewhere #strategylarge
2A CI(T) +10 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for the challenge also 1I CIN(Q) #endgamesaddest
2A CI(T) +10 Endgame Large
#knowledgesad for the challenge also 1I CIN(Q) #endgamesaddest
8F VR(O)U +7 Tactics Large
I8 FOU #tacticssaddest
H12 BO(R)E +27 Vision Small
2N XU +38 Endgame Large
N7 LUZ #endgamelarge
6A (l)ULZ +14 Vision Medium
7A (A)DZ #visionsadder
8B BEDRAP(E)S +65 Strategy Small
8G B(E)DRAPES is probably better for long term board shape, which I completely didn't think about when I played this. #strategysmall
A1 HUN +26 Tactics Small
Misevaluted the equity here. I did not realize HORS (13.6) was that much better than ORRS (4.1), which makes A1 RUN just slightly better. #tacticssmall
J9 (A)GGRO +11 Strategy Medium
14J TROGGS sims best, but I'm not sure if I prefer that given her range. Although I really liked what J9 (A)GGRO did to the board with my leave, I don't think this is correct, though I'm not really sure what is. N4 GROG and 13K GORG(E) seem like reasonable options. #strategymedium
M12 FUB +21 Finding Large
N11 BUFO is probably best here. #findingsaddest
14K JI(B)E +26 Strategy Large
I was paranoid about Z plays on row 15, but 6J JO(I)NE(R) looks best here (and also 15M SAZ still plays, sad!). I can probably only lose to a bingo after 6J JO(I)NE(R) and it blocks a bunch of them. #strategylarge
7I AGENiZE +73 Strategy Large
E4 GEEZ #strategylarge
15G HOIED +43 Finding Medium
15G ROHE #findingsadder
K1 CHIMO +30 Vision Large
K2 MOCH #visionsaddest
4K (M)ADLY +30 Vision Small
L1 (LI)NY #visionsad
J12 A(N)I +7 Strategy Medium
10K (N)AIF is fine, this is too fancy. #strategysadder
4D ZOA +34 Time Large
I was out of time and want to save my L for ANIL, but E3 ZLOTY is fine. #TIMESADDEST
C5 (C)RYPT +17 Time Large
I think I didn't draw the last tile which was the O, lmao. #TIMESADDEST
K9 DEEP +28 Knowledge Large
K3 SPEELED #knowledgesaddest
L8 GEL +22 Knowledge Large
12F LANGS(P)EL and L3 LEGLANS #knowledgesaddest
M7 COAST +33 Knowledge Large
13E COLTANS #knowledgesaddest
15A LI(M)B +33 Knowledge Large
15A LI(M)BO #knowledgesaddest
1K UNIF(Y) +12 Knowledge Large
3J FIBU(LA) seems ok #knowledgesaddest
C5 NUN +18 Vision Large
4L RU(I)N #visionsaddest
I8 KING +31 Vision Large
F11 SLOG +25 Knowledge Large
J9 GOSLETS #KNOWLEDGESADDEST #knowledgesad for challenge.
F11 SLOG +25 Knowledge Small
J9 GOSLETS #KNOWLEDGESADDEST #knowledgesad for challenge.
3G B(O)W +31 Vision Large
6F C(U)RB #visionsaddest
4A QA(T) +22 Vision Large
D4 SPICA +50 Endgame Small
6F C(U)R is 2 points better. #endgamesad
12D GRAV(Y) +24 Knowledge Small
I'm looking to keep it closed. #knowledgesmall for the challenge.
4H J(U)GAL +42 Vision Large
D3 JAB #visionlarge
O7 BINE +23 Knowledge Small
O6 BONIE looks better. There are other better equity plays but I have to block the O column here. #knowledgesmall
6I (D)ZHO +37 Vision Small
N6 ZOL #visionsmall
M12 HEM(E) +31 Endgame Medium
M7 LOVE is 5 points better #endgamemedium
B7 LEGA(L)ISE +72 Knowledge Small
B7 GALI(L)EES is better, I think I was only 95% sure of it. #knowledgesmall
7D CERI(C) +10 Strategy Medium
Saw no plays I liked, so I went defensive. I8 YE might be better though. #strategymedium
9G (JO)YS +29 Vision Large
LMAO. I completely tunneled on blocking the S hook and missed 12D PEG, though this does completely destroy the S hook. #VISIONSADDEST
D3 VOG +21 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesmall for the challenge
D11 PARTY +36 Knowledge Medium
c1 vapoury #knowledgemedium
J1 OA(R) +19 Vision Unspecified
6f hoa #visionmediu
10H SEWN +26 Strategy Large
F9 (O)WT #strategysaddest
12A AI +10 Strategy Small
B11 (B)I(N)E. Quackle says do it. #strategysad
8K (T)UMID +27 Vision Medium
7F DUMA #visionsadder
15K FEASE +35 Tactics Large
M2 FOES #tacticssaddest
7E FOU +13 Vision Large
8C OOF #visionsaddest
13J ARIE(L) +21 Vision Large
B9 RO(BIN)IA #visionsaddest
12L CO(L)A +28 Knowledge Large
N1 VIG +30 Endgame Large
F5 EV(O) #endgamesaddest I get Q stuck sometimes after this.
8M (F)IZ +45 Knowledge Large
E5 VITTAT(E) +25 Vision Small
3F T(E)NT is a bit better #visionsmall
C7 DETR(A)INS +74 Finding Large
N2 ZO +46 Tactics Small
N1 AZO #tacticssmall
O14 HM +26 Finding Medium
12K MH(OR)R #findingsadder
12L H(OR)N +16 Time Large
M3 HEN(t) #timesaddest. I think I had less than a minute.
10M Y(E)N +6 Time Large
I9 HURL +27 Strategy Large
H6 JU(ICY) is 9 equity worse but somehow sims better. Opp scores 8 points less and we score 3 more after H6 JU(ICY). wtf. #strategysaddest
O6 SLAM +34 Strategy Small
6D FLAM is 3 raw equity worse but sims 2 points better. #strategysad
8A BUR(P) +24 Vision Medium
5F VAUTE +21 Vision Large