Sue Tremblay
Sue Tremblay
Color Key
= Triple Triple
= Bingo 9+
= Improbable
= +
= +
= +
= + +
Player Lists
Type Play Probability Score
CHEE(R)IOS 6363 78
COTISEs 10242 89
BOGaRTS 10478 92
RUGOLAS 8174 72
T(E)NSIBLE 4051 63
rEMINDE(D) 13253 86
(C)ONSIdER 1818 80
(F)REEhAND 9335 83
SATIrES 1852 68
TRISECT 6265 64
DEpLANE 3878 75
BATTLED 8973 71
(E)SERINES 7176 77
REBOoKS 22054 94
mAGNATE 7055 61
(AM)EERATES 7179 74
AREoLAE 500 69
SURNAME 4259 72
ALeURON 198 74
MIS(C)ITeD 17403 84
cROZIeR 17100 96
NERDIER 2512 68
OUTRaG(E)D 876 81
(P)OSITING 9980 86
cOURIER 4436 65
EISWeIN 4381 85
LI(N)OLEUM 12726 61
MOSHING 20719 84
OUT(F)LOAT 23036 62
EMERItI 2399 73
B(E)ADIEST 1951 80
OARlIKE 1426 67
REWR(I)TES 8441 94
hANDLE(R)S 5878 68
(T)HORNILy 12321 83
T(U)TTINGS 31733 72
(S)TRIDINg 10249 80
POSITED 2683 79
ODORATe 469 63
GRADAtE 2042 79
TOWLINE 940 99
CURRIES 12628 103
HENRIES 3021 75
(T)ENTORIA 39 60
DESISTS 18491 82
REASTI(E)R 665 82
INLIERs 1694 75
E(N)SNARED 3514 60
sEXTAIN(S) 12567 82
LEANEST 757 68
HORSIER 4445 78
DETAIN(E)e 277 82
OdONATE(S) 782 74
LIGURES 4657 67
PU(T)TERER 23827 67
EXHO(R)TED 11745 70
(B)REakING 8336 77
INSANER 518 69
sINUATE 119 86
SUGARED 3307 68
FESTIVE 8027 82
CARLINE 596 72
SINLeSS 18492 68
ICOnISE 3147 76
(G)ASOLIER 312 63
DENSEST 12579 82
REPA(V)iNG 4635 63
SKELTER 14065 82
ENHAlOS 1872 86
TRIDENT 1295 83
NIOBIT(E)S 1595 74
GRoWERS 16707 74
DElAINE 258 84
MER(A)NTIS 542 70
O(U)TRACES 1731 64
SAFrOLE 2612 97
D(O)uBTERS 6824 67
lORDO(T)IC 12143 70
ROGATI(O)N 1115 70
tIME(L)INE 4545 59
sTRIATE 726 65
REaLIZ(E)R 9250 70
SIDEMEN 5557 97
RIOTERS 1039 71
S(Q)UIRTED 10679 69
TABOuLI 4433 74
LIGHTES(T) 18868 98
INQ(u)iRES 11378 84
DIOXANS 8323 75
(DE)PLOYERS 15230 84
LeATHER 2949 84
TREFOI(L)s 1871 61
SHOWIER 6878 88
SaNITIz(ED) 4494 68
The of bingos played by the player that were not challenged off.
Bingo Nines or Above
Type Play Probability Score
(AM)EERATES 7179 74
(DE)PLOYERS 15230 84
SaNITIz(ED) 4494 68
Bingos played by the player that were nine letters or longer and were not challenged off.
Challenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were challenged off by an opponent.
Unchallenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
FOMATE* 0 30
KETOS* 0 27
WOXES* 0 39
(C)UREX* 0 28
(S)UEING* 0 24
DA(KI)R* 0 20
JOMONS* 0 86
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were not challenged by an opponent.
Plays That Were Challenged
Type Play Probability Score
HE(M)O* 0 0
BRO 568 0
RUGOLAS 8174 72
(F)REEhAND 9335 83
(S)TREWN 4590 42
OBIAH* 0 0
TO(W) 605 0
B(U)LGE 5413 0
TOED 174 0
EISWINe* 0 0
MO(MY)* 0 0
OUT(F)LOAT 23036 62
VIGAE* 0 0
SCR(AT)S 16077 42
T(U)TTINGS 31733 72
MINi(J)ETS* 0 0
VANE 453 30
POSITED 2683 0
BEsC(R)IBE* 0 0
GEUM 3073 31
O(U)TRACES 1731 64
DEBToRS 5137 0
L(EN)T(ES)* 0 0
(C)ATTER* 0 0
JURET* 0 0
sNOUT 2648 24
pATDo(W)NS* 0 0
ABOOM* 0 0
BUMA* 0 0
Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Opponent Lists
Type Play Probability Score
EN(A)UNTER 1663 61
RONNIES 1029 75
OUTD(R)EAM 1755 64
OESTrIn 64 99
DIATRET(A) 1406 80
EAGERER 10157 78
TRENDOI(D) 1648 62
AMPOULE 7644 78
(L)EARNERS 2554 68
FEDAYiN* 0 84
(D)EFUSION* 0 84
CEILERS 3943 68
aBDOMEN 4782 88
OTAL(G)IAs 2840 82
BORANES 1144 74
ROSITED 223 78
RELIERS 4996 65
(B)OLTOnIa 4518 65
TREELIN(E) 1087 77
TAILERS 150 76
FrAISES 8895 75
VARiAT(E)D 1142 71
MIS(V)ALUE 8450 76
RAVINEs 675 70
RUsSIFY 30029 82
AVARICE 6365 84
(G)RITTERS 13114 99
ASTE(R)OID 27 61
ITALICS 11429 88
BANKS(I)DE 13048 77
CATnA(P)ER 8525 74
BARELAN(D) 6418 65
(G)LOaTING 8000 77
CURVETS 12819 87
REPEGG(e)D 24601 76
HIER(A)RCh 31521 66
aEROBES 1622 80
ATTUNED 2686 82
DIUReTI(C) 4682 64
SILVeRN 4386 72
EUDAE(M)On 2462 61
SAINTED 119 68
gODLESS 19421 85
E(S)TROGEN 1197 70
UNITIVE 4886 79
PROMOTE 12745 81
GUENONS 10598 72
STARNED 555 73
CHAPaTT(I) 32717 82
I(C)TERINE 2315 70
(E)RUCTATE 8314 64
BIMeTAL 5723 95
WELLInG 14421 78
SECANTS 9334 81
MARTIAN 2904 65
BEAVERS 7905 98
LANGUED 4603 72
F(L)EETING 6078 86
STEA(M)iER 857 131
PEANUTs 4264 84
GLUTEiN* 0 66
SHORING 10518 68
TURGENT 9614 72
VINEYA(R)D 4382 96
NOVATES 1222 77
FInLITS 15634 77
EYEHOlE 19429 74
ENABLER 2883 73
PANTIES 916 76
RE(N)TINGS 4257 68
DHURNAS 14762 80
VOL(U)TiON 12156 90
DITSIER 1682 89
ImPURIT(Y) 31704 89
BIOT(O)PeS 7870 64
DIEStER 570 77
TRIGONS 2473 72
SMALT(I)NG* 0 74
PINNATE 2011 75
C(O)LLiERS 9201 72
ARREST(e)D 2548 82
SEqUOIA 3091 67
(B)IrACIAL 22114 65
ETALONS 200 78
(G)ROTTOED 10817 62
(C)LIToRAL 11584 59
ExISTED 7025 73
ENDpOIN(T) 4697 82
WHILERE 11246 86
C(O)WRIDES* 0 68
AUDIT(E)ES 350 72
SOILURE 495 83
AWESoME 5735 80
TURBAN(E)D 2234 65
STIMiED 5827 70
cAGE(F)ULS 17816 74
HARDIeS(T) 969 89
MONSI(E)UR 1895 61
OVERAGE 2741 68
SLACK(E)NS 32448 84
THA(N)KING 30235 82
AMIRATE 1082 73
K(A)NTELES 7857 63
MERCHES 24925 88
DrAGNET 1051 86
PENNERS 14566 68
M(A)RDIEST 1314 62
RESIDUA 545 64
(R)ETINALS 94 60
MU(R)AENID 1317 72
(E)lATERIN 39 79
OBEAHEd 7990 80
ARMOIR(E)S 2302 70
PA(R)ADINg 12248 72
P(R)OTEOSE 6523 61
CERATES 2894 86
(R)OARIEST 186 62
NEOTE(R)IC 377 90
BANSELA 8083 74
TEERING 611 72
TRIaLED 109 65
NASUTeS 7219 68
The of bingos played by the player that were not challenged off.
Triple Triples
Type Play Probability Score
STEA(M)iER 857 131
Triple triples played by the player that were not challenged off. They do not have to be bingos.
Challenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were challenged off by an opponent.
Unchallenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
FEDAYiN* 0 84
(D)EFUSION* 0 84
RHEMIC* 0 39
PEASY* 0 38
GLUTEiN* 0 66
(J)OCKY* 0 29
DRAPY* 0 36
GL(O)WIER* 0 17
HOLA* 0 24
SMALT(I)NG* 0 74
(T)Y(E)D* 0 16
C(O)WRIDES* 0 68
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were not challenged by an opponent.
Plays That Were Challenged
Type Play Probability Score
EAGERER 10157 78
CEILERS 3943 68
MOHUA 7573 26
FrAISES 8895 75
BANKS(I)DE 13048 77
CATnA(P)ER 8525 74
BARELAN(D) 6418 65
ALOW 1376 47
HIER(A)RCh 31521 66
E(S)TROGEN 1197 70
BI(S)H 4294 52
DOEK 2042 45
CHAPaTT(I) 32717 82
I(C)TERINE 2315 70
BIMeTAL 5723 95
LANGUED 4603 72
DRAPY* 0 36
FInLITS 15634 77
LEVI* 0 0
DHURNAS 14762 80
OBTECtS* 0 0
VEsTI(G)AL* 0 0
W(I)EL 1016 32
PARKY 11512 36
(G)ROTTOED 10817 62
ANATTO 3521 32
MInDSET 3117 0
ENDpOIN(T) 4697 82
WHILERE 11246 86
STIMiED 5827 70
TUTEE 3862 28
M(A)RDIEST 1314 62
KAWAI(I) 17530 26
OBEAHEd 7990 80
(P)AXIUBA 29223 36
(G)UMLINE 10082 22
TELD 740 0
NASUTeS 7219 68
Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Game Stats
Stat Average Total
Games 1.00 61
Invalid Games 0.05 3
Incomplete 0.05 3
Disconnected 0.00 0
Other 0.00 0
Total Turns 25.97 1584
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Player Stats
Stat Average Total
Wins 0.26 16
Score 390.69 23832
Score per Turn 30.2053
Turns 12.93 789
Vertical Plays 5.39 329
Horizontal Plays 6.15 375
One Tile Plays 0.46 28
Other Plays 0.93 57
Firsts 0.49 30
Vertical Openings per First 0.0000
Horizontal Openings per First 1.0000
Full Rack per Turn 0.3105
Exchanges 0.36 22
High Game 508
Low Game 288
Highest Scoring Turn 103
Bingos Played 1.64 100
Sevens 0.92 56
Eights 0.67 41
Nines 0.05 3
Tens 0.00 0
Elevens 0.00 0
Twelves 0.00 0
Thirteens 0.00 0
Fourteens 0.00 0
Fifteens 0.00 0
Bingo Probabilities 6663.53
Sevens 5597.87
Eights 7898.49
Nines 8967.67
Tens 0.00
Elevens 0.00
Twelves 0.00
Thirteens 0.00
Fourteens 0.00
Fifteens 0.00
Tiles Played 46.66 2846
A 4.13 252
B 0.90 55
C 1.02 62
D 1.97 120
E 5.66 345
F 0.87 53
G 1.44 88
H 0.98 60
I 4.36 266
J 0.49 30
K 0.52 32
L 1.82 111
M 0.93 57
N 2.67 163
O 3.80 232
P 0.69 42
Q 0.48 29
R 2.80 171
S 1.93 118
T 2.74 167
U 1.66 101
V 0.95 58
W 0.90 55
X 0.46 28
Y 0.97 59
Z 0.52 32
? 0.98 60
Power Tiles Played 4.87 297
? 0.98 60
J 0.49 30
Q 0.48 29
X 0.46 28
Z 0.52 32
S 1.93 118
Power Tiles Stuck With 0.11 7
? 0.05 3
J 0.00 0
Q 0.02 1
X 0.00 0
Z 0.00 0
S 0.05 3
Turns With a Blank 1.26 77
Triple Triples Played 0.00 0
Bingoless Games 0.08 5
Bonus Square Coverage 15.08 920
Double Letter 5.08 310
Triple Letter 4.98 304
Double Word 2.59 158
Triple Word 2.43 148
Phony Plays 0.61 37
Unchallenged 0.16 10
Challenged Off 0.44 27
Challenges 1.30 79
You Won 0.15 9
Opponent Lost 0.16 10
You Lost 0.54 33
Opponent Won 0.44 27
Challenge Percentage 0.2143
Defending Challenge Percentage 0.2703
Percentage Phonies Unchallenged 0.2703
Comments 7.67 468
Comments Word Length 122.02 7443
Mistakeless Turns 12.92 788
Mistakes per Turn 0.0013
Mistakes 0.02 1
Knowledge 0.02 1
Finding 0.00 0
Vision 0.00 0
Tactics 0.00 0
Strategy 0.00 0
Endgame 0.00 0
Time 0.00 0
Dynamic Mistakes 0.00 0
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Player Confidence Intervals
Tile p CI
A 0.4589 (0.4118, 0.5214)
B 0.4500 (0.3503, 0.5829)
C 0.5100 (0.3503, 0.5829)
D 0.4925 (0.3843, 0.5489)
E 0.4717 (0.4191, 0.5141)
F 0.4350 (0.3503, 0.5829)
G 0.4800 (0.3716, 0.5616)
H 0.4900 (0.3503, 0.5829)
I 0.4844 (0.4118, 0.5214)
J 0.4900 (0.3021, 0.6311)
K 0.5200 (0.3021, 0.6311)
L 0.4550 (0.3843, 0.5489)
M 0.4650 (0.3503, 0.5829)
N 0.4450 (0.3994, 0.5338)
O 0.4750 (0.4084, 0.5248)
P 0.3450 (0.3503, 0.5829)
Q 0.4800 (0.3021, 0.6311)
R 0.4667 (0.3994, 0.5338)
S 0.4825 (0.3843, 0.5489)
T 0.4567 (0.3994, 0.5338)
U 0.4150 (0.3843, 0.5489)
V 0.4750 (0.3503, 0.5829)
W 0.4500 (0.3503, 0.5829)
X 0.4600 (0.3021, 0.6311)
Y 0.4850 (0.3503, 0.5829)
Z 0.5200 (0.3021, 0.6311)
? 0.4900 (0.3503, 0.5829)
To learn more about these statistics, check the 'Confidence Intervals' section on the about page.
Opponent Stats
Stat Average Total
Wins 0.74 45
Score 443.11 27030
Score per Turn 34.0000
Turns 13.03 795
Vertical Plays 5.75 351
Horizontal Plays 6.44 393
One Tile Plays 0.46 28
Other Plays 0.38 23
Firsts 0.51 31
Vertical Openings per First 0.2857
Horizontal Openings per First 0.7143
Full Rack per Turn 0.9887
Exchanges 0.21 13
High Game 606
Low Game 333
Highest Scoring Turn 131
Bingos Played 2.08 127
Sevens 1.15 70
Eights 0.93 57
Nines 0.00 0
Tens 0.00 0
Elevens 0.00 0
Twelves 0.00 0
Thirteens 0.00 0
Fourteens 0.00 0
Fifteens 0.00 0
Bingo Probabilities 6901.67
Sevens 6026.17
Eights 7971.72
Nines 0.00
Tens 0.00
Elevens 0.00
Twelves 0.00
Thirteens 0.00
Fourteens 0.00
Fifteens 0.00
Tiles Played 50.85 3102
A 4.66 284
B 1.08 66
C 0.93 57
D 2.00 122
E 6.03 368
F 1.11 68
G 1.48 90
H 1.00 61
I 4.28 261
J 0.51 31
K 0.48 29
L 1.97 120
M 1.02 62
N 3.08 188
O 4.13 252
P 1.30 79
Q 0.51 31
R 2.98 182
S 2.02 123
T 3.00 183
U 2.21 135
V 1.02 62
W 1.07 65
X 0.54 33
Y 1.03 63
Z 0.48 29
? 0.95 58
Power Tiles Played 5.00 305
? 0.95 58
J 0.51 31
Q 0.51 31
X 0.54 33
Z 0.48 29
S 2.02 123
Power Tiles Stuck With 0.02 1
? 0.02 1
J 0.00 0
Q 0.00 0
X 0.00 0
Z 0.00 0
S 0.00 0
Turns With a Blank 2.05 125
Triple Triples Played 0.02 1
Bingoless Games 0.03 2
Bonus Square Coverage 16.46 1004
Double Letter 5.33 325
Triple Letter 5.72 349
Double Word 3.30 201
Triple Word 2.11 129
Phony Plays 0.38 23
Unchallenged 0.23 14
Challenged Off 0.15 9
Challenges 1.30 79
You Won 0.44 27
Opponent Lost 0.54 33
You Lost 0.16 10
Opponent Won 0.15 9
Challenge Percentage 0.7297
Defending Challenge Percentage 0.7857
Percentage Phonies Unchallenged 0.6087
Comments 7.67 468
Comments Word Length 122.02 7443
Mistakeless Turns 12.23 746
Mistakes per Turn 0.0667
Mistakes 0.87 53
Knowledge 0.20 12
Finding 0.13 8
Vision 0.15 9
Tactics 0.03 2
Strategy 0.26 16
Endgame 0.07 4
Time 0.03 2
Dynamic Mistakes 0.00 0
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Opponent Confidence Intervals
Tile p CI
A 0.5178 (0.4535, 0.5635)
B 0.5400 (0.3919, 0.6251)
C 0.4650 (0.3919, 0.6251)
D 0.5000 (0.4261, 0.5909)
E 0.5025 (0.4609, 0.5561)
F 0.5550 (0.3919, 0.6251)
G 0.4933 (0.4133, 0.6037)
H 0.5000 (0.3919, 0.6251)
I 0.4756 (0.4535, 0.5635)
J 0.5100 (0.3436, 0.6734)
K 0.4800 (0.3436, 0.6734)
L 0.4925 (0.4261, 0.5909)
M 0.5100 (0.3919, 0.6251)
N 0.5133 (0.4412, 0.5758)
O 0.5162 (0.4502, 0.5668)
P 0.6500 (0.3919, 0.6251)
Q 0.5100 (0.3436, 0.6734)
R 0.4967 (0.4412, 0.5758)
S 0.5050 (0.4261, 0.5909)
T 0.5000 (0.4412, 0.5758)
U 0.5525 (0.4261, 0.5909)
V 0.5100 (0.3919, 0.6251)
W 0.5350 (0.3919, 0.6251)
X 0.5400 (0.3436, 0.6734)
Y 0.5150 (0.3919, 0.6251)
Z 0.4800 (0.3436, 0.6734)
? 0.4750 (0.3919, 0.6251)
To learn more about these statistics, check the 'Confidence Intervals' section on the about page.
Player Mistakes
Play Type Size Comment
D8 (C)UREX +28 Knowledge Large
The listing of all of the player's mistakes. For more information about mistakes, check the 'Mistakes' section of the about page.
Opponent Mistakes
Play Type Size Comment
J10 QIN(S) +33 Strategy Large
7I ZIT is clearly best. I was not thinking of setting up my Q with a Z play. #strategysaddest
K7 TIYIN +31 Strategy Medium
12D OY sims best, saving column K plays I guess. It also leaves the FOMATE* hook open, which I might get another turn with. #strategysadder
12D AW +27 Vision Large
Completely missed 12D OWL(ED). #visionsaddest
7C JOG +27 Vision Large
4D J(EW)EL #visionsaddest
4B REN(EW)AL +22 Finding Medium
4D N(EW)ELL #findingsadder
2H LOUIE +11 Strategy Large
I thought the O6 TASH hook and digging for the blank was my best shot, but this gets blocked too much. I felt like O6 HOLIER and O6 HOURI lose immediately. M3 HO(PAK) seems okay maybe. #strategysaddest
9K (YE)R +7 Strategy Large
Out of time and ideas. I didn't see a win even if I drew the blank. #strategysaddest
12D OESTrIn +99 Finding Small
didn't think long enough about other vowel combinations under HW, but FOISTED or HOISTED score 2 points, and have different defensive value and different drawbacks to this. This is probably as close to a 2-point mistake as one gets #findingsmall
8K (G)RIFT +30 Finding Large
wasn't sure on GLIFT# and missed the 13A spot for CLIFT due to WOF#. CLIFT 13A is best, followed by LIFT in that spot #findinglarge
O1 AMBE(R) +30 Endgame Large
somehow missing REWARM but seeing BEWARM* #endgameSADDEST -10
10F BOH +20 Strategy Small
Should've done my original idea of 7H BHAI. BOH is surely better defensively but not by 10 points. #strategysmall
11E BI +12 Strategy Small
Sim prefers K5 TINY, which bingos surprisingly often. I did 11E BI to leave the YARAK lanes open and put another bingo lane on the board for my nice leave. 11E DIB was also tempting; though it gives me fewer bingos than my move, it still gives me enough that it's basically even in avg. score for me next turn. #strategysmall
D8 WAN +21 Strategy Medium
Already feeling a little time crunch here and threw down D8 WAN pretty fast, hoping that my -ER containing leave might work better for hitting column E than whatever Sue held; but I'm much better off playing inside with something like O8 KNEW, scoring just as well while retaining the A to play parallel to the J in the future. #strategymedium
O10 SOUND +24 Finding Large
Well, I missed URODELANS, so that's not good. But Quackle also hates my choice of SOUND over something like L10 DUO. My thinking was that on this board, the S isn't really a key tile; the key tiles are the I to play TINY or LINY hooking QI, the H to play HO/HUN, and the X just because it's the last power tile. Rather than play L10 DUO, I wanted to get more cracks at any of these three tiles to maintain tempo advantage. #findinglarge for sure and not sure if this is a #strategymedium as Quackle indicates it is.
O10 SOUND +24 Strategy Medium
Well, I missed URODELANS, so that's not good. But Quackle also hates my choice of SOUND over something like L10 DUO. My thinking was that on this board, the S isn't really a key tile; the key tiles are the I to play TINY or LINY hooking QI, the H to play HO/HUN, and the X just because it's the last power tile. Rather than play L10 DUO, I wanted to get more cracks at any of these three tiles to maintain tempo advantage. #findinglarge for sure and not sure if this is a #strategymedium as Quackle indicates it is.
11I EXO +22 Endgame Medium
Again, time pressure #timemedium #endgamemedium
11I EXO +22 Time Medium
Again, time pressure #timemedium #endgamemedium
I6 WU(D)U +10 Knowledge Large
J6 WUSHU #knowledgeSADDEST
K10 HOY +27 Vision Medium
9E AUA +9 Knowledge Large
10B STARNED +73 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for the challenge
14B ARMOIR(E) +22 Knowledge Large
L4 FEG +19 Knowledge Large
L4 FEG +19 Finding Large
B1 CHAPaTT(I) +87 Knowledge Large
B1 CHAPaTT(I) allows for triple-triples so it's actually not the correct play here. B2 PATHeT(I)C(S) is better so a big ol' #KNOWLEDGESADDEST because i didn't know it.
4B (P)OEM +31 Finding Medium
D1 FL(O)G #visionsadder #findingsadder
4B (P)OEM +31 Vision Medium
D1 FL(O)G #visionsadder #findingsadder
M1 JOLE +27 Endgame Large
10B JO(R) +26 Strategy Unspecified
4A ROJI. I was too scared. #strategysmallest
3G W(A)I +24 Vision Large
9I DRAPY +41 Knowledge Large
She challenged DIMP instead of DRAPY*. #KNOWLEDGESADDEST
8H OAKUM +28 Strategy Small
8G YUKO #strategysmall
11E (R)E +7 Strategy Medium
11D ORE #strategymedium
N10 G(E)NIP +31 Strategy Medium
2I PITTING #strategymedium
8M UNS +14 Strategy Small
L9 SUNN #strategysad
11B TRIGONS +72 Vision Large
L9 SORTING, lol, #visionsaddest
C11 (R)EZ +48 Finding Large
lmao, apparently I missed C13 ZAX? I didn't even consider putting anything in the triple. #FINDINGSADDEST
F9 IX(O)RA +28 Strategy Small
L6 A(L)F #strategysad
B13 DEB +25 Strategy Medium
6A (A)B #strategysadder but at least now I open the triple lol.
B6 W(I)EL +37 Vision Large
L6 A(L)LEYED #visionsaddest
L9 EYLIAD +28 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for upcoming challenge
7H FAND +22 Strategy Small
9K FAWN #strategysad
7C WHEN +18 Finding Large
L3 HWAN +31 Tactics Medium
L3 WHA keeps the N which is slightly better. #tacticssadder
H1 BRUMA(L) +39 Tactics Small
H1 BROMA(L) is better because I have the case U and there are 3 Os unseen. #tacticssad
D3 MET(A)GE +20 Endgame Medium
D4 ME(A)NT doesn't empty the bag. #endgamesadder
13G TOWN +16 Time Large
3A T(O)W(M)ON #timesaddest
E4 GR(EX) +24 Knowledge Large
e5 dexters #knowledgelarge
4C NO(G)GED +22 Vision Medium
1l gent #visionmedium
14F MAMA(S) +33 Knowledge Small
10 e umma #knowledgesmall
8G QI +22 Knowledge Large
F9 W(I)VED +18 Knowledge Medium
11B PWNED #knowledgemedium
14N GI +15 Vision Large
F2 (L)IEGE #visionlarge
The listing of all of the player's mistakes. For more information about mistakes, check the 'Mistakes' section of the about page.
Game Line Error
Game 14292 36 Game is incomplete.
Game 27735 42 Game is incomplete.
Game 27747 29 Game is incomplete.
Errors are (most likely) the result of malformed GCG files. To learn more, check the 'Errors and Warnings' section in the about page.