Steve Hartsman
Steve Hartsman
Color Key
= Triple Triple
= Bingo 9+
= Improbable
= +
= +
= +
= + +
Player Lists
Type Play Probability Score
PISH(O)GUE 11856 67
eRUDITE 574 67
RUNLESS 11526 64
InSIDER 1281 77
SAVABlE 13214 94
VITAMER 2306 93
AGNOSTI(C) 3630 72
(V)IDEOTEx 8262 86
G(R)ADIENT 148 64
MAnNISH 16467 93
DE(L)ATION 10 74
WILDERS 5435 89
NUTTIER 1302 67
SMARTIN(G) 5234 86
TRITO(N)ES 467 66
TACHIS(T)E 9653 80
FuNERAL 3007 75
G(O)DLIeST 1549 77
SE(P)TATED* 0 76
EPIMErE 10055 70
EOLITHS 1935 76
A(V)ODIRES 531 68
OUT(S)WEAR 1333 63
NAT(I)VeLY 3188 78
OVERRUN(S) 8995 86
IGNEOUS 1061 68
ABsTAIN(ED) 1297 86
TWISTER 6313 78
ROSEOLA 981 72
GATEMEN 3220 73
FARtLEK 10501 86
ACIER(A)TE 718 72
(S)PANDRIL 6266 89
(D)UCTINGS 15349 89
LOGANIA 2206 68
DATiV(E)LY 5425 80
UNRISeN 2730 66
MALTEDS 5594 78
(T)ROPICAL 5922 66
(I)NCITInG 25003 72
AROINTS 122 73
NIdATES 89 72
(P)ANDOURS 7576 65
UIN(T)AITE 1045 68
PRA(I)SING 8913 76
RETESTs 13151 76
HER(O)INES 798 62
(O)UTSOARS 11840 77
TONEMES 2534 71
BALLsI(E)R 8144 60
AGOUTIE(S) 239 61
PLATENS 3029 67
L(A)NNERET 1221 70
cHIMERS 14259 95
DILUTeR 1102 70
MATELO(T)s 5747 70
LOITERS 180 63
ISOBARE 289 70
(F)RONTING 10819 86
(R)AINIEST 89 77
CEMENTE(D) 15993 67
L(O)ONIEST 590 61
RECENtE(R) 11730 70
ILLITeS 8525 68
Ma(D)ERIZE 7394 77
A(M)OTIONS 3271 62
PTOMA(I)NE 862 70
CY(T)OsOLS 26860 82
ENTE(R)ONS 1659 59
MILAGES 4461 70
AIRWISE 1710 74
PRE(D)RIES 9124 62
AIrIEST 139 68
SARCENE(T) 1509 89
(S)EPAlINE 1471 80
VIPERIN(E) 7336 67
REDIALS 400 68
ReDIALS 400 89
ESTRiOL 179 77
ADHE(S)iON 516 76
QUINTES 5910 76
(E)LATERIN 26 77
SIlLIER 8524 67
LeTDOWN 3705 78
TOW(E)RIER 2218 63
REDTaIL 79 75
WADSETS 12328 77
pATEL(L)AE 13630 61
POCHA(R)DS 20566 72
TENAILS 109 89
MORE(L)LES 13949 63
GARROT(E)D 1892 70
ENSLAVE 3913 84
SOAPERS 7309 92
RADIALs 4071 71
VOIDANC(E) 1926 98
MARL(I)EST 1009 72
BLAZOnS 16277 91
cELOSIA 815 71
BUI(L)DING 19049 76
(V)INERIES 3308 72
(I)NTRADOS 272 72
DIAZOLE 2210 72
SLEIGHT 7244 70
VIC(U)GNAS 16943 88
jOINDER 2227 73
RESTING 775 85
DRAGONS 3500 68
sTEWiNG 4564 75
WATERED 2101 80
SCALAgE(S) 20861 75
DATAR(I)ES 289 74
dISTORT 5152 79
GLEEMAN 5490 94
RUMINAL 4756 69
DIGLOTs 5845 82
KEENESt 12016 80
DUSTING 8106 79
HOiSTED 1907 93
VISTAED 1458 82
nOUVEAU 7308 79
LEADENS 1306 68
ANaLCIT(E) 1130 80
(B)USGIRlS 24495 86
IN(D)ULGES 4526 76
WAItROn 710 85
R(I)DDANCE 5160 80
CURIOSA 3199 74
VE(R)SEMAN 6789 73
LaRRUPS 16852 82
SOLI(T)ARy 2445 78
S(C)REAMED 9851 78
SOONEsT 7598 79
SAUTOI(R)E 23 62
N(O)NFLOOR* 0 63
REALIST(S) 2088 68
(R)ONDEaUX 3202 82
(L)EGATEES 4793 76
LOlLING 21015 68
SHANN(I)ES 12749 72
CANDLEr(S) 4253 62
RIPIENO 1082 64
R(E)VENUAl 2917 70
B(E)FOOLED 16126 74
VeLARIA 1694 75
OUTRAG(E)S 654 60
I(S)ATINES 2356 64
ENIsLED 1312 89
NAUGHTS 12503 82
LIBERAT(E) 608 70
ASS(U)AgER 12799 59
(P)HILTErS 8663 98
(T)WaNGLES 6195 89
REDIA(L)ED 2762 74
FOLDErS 6378 75
B(E)IGNeTS 4630 78
TRIbUNA(L) 3899 78
cHOLERA 4806 76
OVERG(I)LD 4153 82
NITROUS 1150 74
CONFE(T)TO 16038 84
tITTE(R)ED 10255 66
vITRAIN 2909 75
PARI(T)IeS 1188 140
FRETSAW 6754 78
MI(D)FIELd 22995 71
SOlARIA 1245 73
EUDaE(M)ON 1904 68
(R)EDESIGN 1736 94
(S)POTTERs 17264 80
BLE(E)DERS 13973 94
DART(L)ING 2219 70
SITHENS 9803 85
TERRaCE 4897 81
IROnIST 1269 71
NESTLES 8967 76
TANNERS 1289 84
PEAHENS 8318 80
READOUT(S) 312 62
(L)ACEWORK 16068 113
WRISTED 3280 70
PTYaL(I)NS 11703 76
ME(T)ALlED 13025 90
(G)ONDO(l)IER 1116 64
KiDnAPS 15536 106
CLEAR(I)NG 1712 76
C(L)EANING 6974 67
READIEs 199 64
(G)ILTHEaD 3439 98
mISTIME 17231 73
RENaMED 2193 77
(BE)SToWING 5846 95
GUITARS 2781 81
INCRUST 7678 78
TAXLESS 15887 93
(A)RmATURE 8462 64
UPGIRDS 15272 78
DIALOG(U)E 645 61
SNEERIN(G) 4006 61
IDEALI(S)M 4544 158
SHIVeRS 16559 82
RATTLeD 2682 68
(e)UCAINES 1446 68
GRAINER(Y)* 0 64
(W)ORTHIES 3941 80
AUDILES 1062 72
PETERIN(G) 2336 74
BORSTAL 5569 99
NAtURAL 4266 75
UNdERA(C)T 2239 140
(D)IALIStS 13203 60
(O)UTRAISE 22 62
(D)ECRIaLS 2173 80
MIGRATE 1171 77
FRAi(L)EST 994 90
PILSNER(S) 11649 64
ME(G)ATONS 2129 62
CAtENA(T)E 6721 59
FIGEAt(E)R 1028 74
CARIbO(U)S 8684 86
AROUSeS 3412 67
(S)YNTAGMS 25322 76
RENEWaL 2115 72
TuRBANS 7673 78
(S)CORnERS 17255 68
(E)SPALIER 1473 83
ROOKIES(T) 4345 72
(H)EARTIEr 1862 83
(NO)VATIONS 7029 74
GA(S)KETED 11640 95
(S)CARIeST 5445 80
THEMING 8700 79
ViDEO(TAP)ES 1053 110
SOUR(D)INE 320 72
LITHARG(E) 1834 98
OLDSTER 1318 79
DES(T)INES 5124 61
EYEBARs 7907 70
AGONI(S)eS 1992 131
RIBLETS 3070 84
(E)QUATInG 4295 104
INoSITE 247 72
LECTION 904 73
TRUN(D)lER 6610 70
LEC(T)ERNS 5147 70
PURIT(I)ES 4958 61
(R)EVENANT 3872 72
ANTELO(P)E 819 74
IMBIbER 21040 84
CUNEA(T)ED 2859 67
RENAILS 102 74
GORHENs 5292 72
PURIT(I)ES 4958 61
(R)EVENANT 3872 72
ANTELO(P)E 819 74
IMBIbER 21040 84
MODE(R)NeR 7458 64
AR(T)ERIES 528 74
pETRONE(L) 1875 74
SAPIENT 672 92
REL(I)NINg 6136 61
UNTAMED 3120 74
(C)oVeRLID 6801 82
SAUCIeR 1492 68
The of bingos played by the player that were not challenged off.
Triple Triples
Type Play Probability Score
PARI(T)IeS 1188 140
IDEALI(S)M 4544 158
UNdERA(C)T 2239 140
AGONI(S)eS 1992 131
Triple triples played by the player that were not challenged off. They do not have to be bingos.
Bingo Nines or Above
Type Play Probability Score
ABsTAIN(ED) 1297 86
(G)ONDO(l)IER 1116 64
(BE)SToWING 5846 95
(NO)VATIONS 7029 74
ViDEO(TAP)ES 1053 110
Bingos played by the player that were nine letters or longer and were not challenged off.
Challenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were challenged off by an opponent.
Unchallenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
SE(P)TATED* 0 76
(M)IAUING* 0 11
OBIEH* 0 28
W(I)FT* 0 20
TWINEY* 0 24
C(U)V(E)T* 0 12
HINKS* 0 79
N(O)NFLOOR* 0 63
PUKERS* 0 48
GRAINER(Y)* 0 64
FRONTE* 0 28
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were not challenged by an opponent.
Plays That Were Challenged
Type Play Probability Score
SUSTAIN 7588 0
WILDERS 5435 89
CE(C)AE* 0 0
DATiV(E)LY 5425 80
UIN(T)AITE 1045 68
IBEX 2220 46
GADJO 5683 32
CY(T)OsOLS 26860 82
ASSORTS 18562 0
V(A)U 537 0
WADSETS 12328 77
VIC(U)GNAS 16943 88
PODGE* 0 0
SHANN(I)ES 12749 72
B(E)FOOLED 16126 74
(QAT)S 2490 0
AStI* 0 0
C(L)EOME 7420 22
NESTLES 8967 76
SAU 262 0
(G)ONDO(l)IER 1116 64
UPGIRDS 15272 78
DOO(BY)* 0 0
EI(R)IE* 0 0
TRUN(D)lER 6610 70
DISSUIt* 0 0
XI 105 0
Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Opponent Lists
Type Play Probability Score
REALISE 202 66
CREOLES 4789 74
wH(I)TTLED 17472 91
DURANCE 2933 72
RUNLeSS 11046 72
HETAERA 2392 80
CRYOL(I)TE 3904 64
TRAWLED 2973 92
RESEWEd 11569 77
INOSITE 247 72
CHIRREs 13785 80
STINKIE(R) 5197 74
C(EN)TIAReS 247 83
NEGATON 1249 74
R(E)STAGED 1631 63
AnO(S)MIaS 12438 88
LAMSTER 3024 81
PERIODS 1918 81
EXtORTS 10808 92
ENT(E)RONS 1659 113
JINGl(E)RS 10043 82
INTORTS 2871 70
CASTiNG 6523 79
SARTO(R)II 2347 59
INVE(R)tED 1534 94
(R)ETRiALS 886 74
FAWNIE(S)T 3173 74
(A)RaBIzES 10068 80
AGIOT(A)GE 3680 64
RETA(I)NED 25 70
tONUSES 5934 78
mIAOUED 818 61
MELTAG(E)S 7131 72
RADIC(A)TE 1129 69
SWATHED 9609 75
INDURAT(E) 69 80
FLUo(R)IDE 2814 94
SWANNER(Y) 13989 95
WAGOnER 1356 83
GLISTE(R)S 8773 70
cATAPU(L)T 25599 68
GARROtE 1314 64
E(Q)UALITY 9486 90
EScAPED 10876 82
OvE(R)VIEW 18273 68
INTROIT 3368 66
RADIAt(E)D 2349 60
NEREIDS 565 67
(S)ABOTEUR 1267 83
sHARPEN 6764 78
FILTERe(D) 2958 86
LENDERS 2782 85
ISAtINE 138 69
MASsIVE 13943 84
WARST(L)ED 4269 78
(D)EfUSING 9037 68
F(E)LSPARS 20058 64
PANIERS 668 81
ENTWI(N)ED 6116 80
TEaMING 1169 89
(E)NDoSTEA 157 74
ENGRAIL 243 67
SE(C)ONALS 9648 61
ROSULA(T)E 336 62
DUDETTE 16512 77
BrAYERS 13743 71
GRIEVES 5531 65
PALLiAT(E) 8844 68
mARSUPI(A) 15418 80
E(M)ANATED 3280 74
TIMIDEr 3469 74
AViDITY 12586 85
TOTALED 1611 84
ACAR(B)OSE 7019 64
BELACED 10863 79
HONGIEs 2846 79
GRITTED 4252 82
ROADEOS 979 69
ATTENDS 2685 75
TRAInER 188 73
TR(A)INERS 340 69
ARIETTE 325 66
SE(N)SORIA 474 66
PE(N)NaNTS 17743 60
ESTRIOL 179 85
GLEANED 2331 77
CEMENTA 5112 67
MEALIES 2021 70
E(N)VISION 6348 72
WHO(D)UNIt 12296 78
(S)AFETIEd 1449 70
CIST(E)RNA 390 74
DESTINE 567 73
TOMENtA 2462 81
NO(V)AtION 6715 61
STOURIE 184 74
sHEREEF 15847 86
R(E)TAINER 166 61
CRUSTAL 10575 88
MANsArD 11124 77
NANNIES 7259 72
TARRIE(S)T 2380 59
SAMOVAR 13420 80
DRAGoN(E)T 241 76
S(T)EALINg 446 76
EVAsION 317 76
RENEGEs 6176 72
INTU(I)TeD 4334 66
MiSEDIT 5826 84
NEgATIV(E) 1034 90
RECEIP(T)S 6826 72
ABORTER 2451 76
ETOILES 286 74
EROtICA 69 73
TROpIC(A)L 5629 68
PIONEER 464 74
BEN(E)FITS 6799 68
IODATED 780 78
U(N)EASIER 118 70
LOOSENE(D) 3599 63
ACEdIAS 3357 66
CA(R)OTInS 1052 60
CULLERS 17659 75
RELOANS 153 84
A(R)GINASE 601 60
DENIALS 394 87
FOOTRES(T) 10685 86
(G)LUmMEST 26051 89
PISTOLE 1946 76
TURRETS 11655 87
(R)EAcCUsE 18703 83
BESTIRS 9369 73
MENAcES 7937 74
UNSWEA(R)S 12218 65
WANTO(N)ED 3544 64
CAREE(N)ED 4722 62
PROL(I)NEs 1389 74
W(H)IPPERs 26682 84
(O)RINASAL 829 79
(E)NTERICS 1528 72
oPENERS 2538 70
VA(G)ARIES 3969 74
FLI(R)TIER 8473 71
TrAM(P)LED 8583 80
G(R)AFTERS 10169 98
ATRESIA 133 74
EXTRACt 14505 82
OsTIOLE 988 72
INTERIO(R) 606 70
BEASTIE 993 74
SCENARI(O) 183 83
INSTATE 524 76
(G)LUTeNIN 5281 68
CINEAST 603 81
PINTANO 4019 73
DElTOID 3413 85
RAISING 3456 76
HErOIN(E)S 841 76
HAIRLI(N)E 1246 72
(S)ILENTER 391 77
ROSINED 171 71
SITTERS 9211 78
TR(E)ELAWN 1524 94
VENO(U)SLY 13280 80
GANNETS 4238 77
OUTSID(E)R 322 60
(O)CEANAUT 1590 70
AG(A)TOIDS* 0 70
cANNERY 10822 75
sOLDIER 488 69
SIBLI(N)GS 24758 76
sUBRACE 9517 99
ANAGR(A)MS 21837 67
OVERE(D)IT 839 63
BOLDFAc(E) 15687 95
STERANE 217 64
(A)ILERONS 17 77
UNITAGe 266 65
OUTLIES 524 69
STAKEOu(T) 10180 98
gAUDIES 1684 86
GANGLES 12457 81
DARTLIn(G) 2222 80
MENTION 2600 68
OREOD(O)NT 4959 86
TOGGLEr(S) 13018 63
(E)RRATICs 2906 61
dRIFTED 9374 74
ST(A)LLiNG 11190 58
UNURGED 13592 69
TEENAgE(R) 1495 64
TASTIER 535 64
TRAIPSE 687 98
THIR(T)IES 8481 61
(T)ENURIAL 75 68
DOSSIER 3416 74
RECLINE(D) 2935 86
GAROTED 386 68
PINOLEs 1943 75
VENOG(R)AM 5318 72
ENTRAIN 185 86
bASTION 1565 66
DEmEANS 3892 67
CARLIN(E)S 957 78
INFlATE(D) 965 74
LOO(S)ENER 1887 131
UNPA(I)RED 980 149
WEd(G)IEST 7152 95
(A)VIDNEsS 8190 74
CLOTTIE(R)* 0 74
BURPErS* 0 73
S(P)RINTED 2265 78
SOUTANE 160 67
REMINDS 3115 80
LOOS(E)NER 1887 70
bANDAGE 7828 66
GREASI(E)R 2023 62
EDItION 232 78
VERsION 958 84
(C)ULVERTS 15765 76
IATRIC(A)L 7424 62
INSiDER 1220 81
CINDERS 3076 71
StROYIN(G) 6232 74
(P)INWALES 5465 78
SIRUpIE(R) 12519 59
(B)ARRENLY 13979 92
TARTILY 8510 67
(S)ODAlITE 93 74
TWInJET 15178 90
YTTeRB(I)A 6918 78
UR(B)ANITE 385 70
PiLLAGE 11293 69
MENACES 7937 88
EPInAOI 393 80
SLATIER 115 63
STEROID 171 69
ARSENAL(S) 7345 62
REbOANT 328 68
ALTRUIS(T) 5905 68
A(n)ISOLES 1183 68
MAESTRO 887 72
VE(N)OMINg 13131 76
REGINAE 120 67
FARIN(O)SE 208 82
(E)NABLING 7337 72
ANTLIkE 1671 64
IGNITER 1019 78
FARIN(O)SE 208 82
(E)NABLING 7337 72
GLu(T)ELIN 9249 60
RARIf(I)ED 5298 82
U(G)LIfIER 9706 82
ARCHINE 2284 75
VIREMIA 4578 81
G(R)ACEFUL 14449 84
AUDIENt 92 66
REMNaNT 3815 70
CU(P)ELING 15196 78
(T)EARDOWN 586 79
INT(E)RBeD 1610 62
SU(P)INATE 1079 61
HACKEES 18946 87
ELITIsT 5797 68
(O)NLOADED 6327 78
DeFINES 5536 94
SCENTED 9003 75
ROARERs 11486 72
The of bingos played by the player that were not challenged off.
Triple Triples
Type Play Probability Score
LOO(S)ENER 1887 131
UNPA(I)RED 980 149
Triple triples played by the player that were not challenged off. They do not have to be bingos.
Bingo Nines or Above
Type Play Probability Score
C(EN)TIAReS 247 83
Bingos played by the player that were nine letters or longer and were not challenged off.
Challenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were challenged off by an opponent.
Unchallenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
MUNT* 0 91
VOGIES* 0 75
NI(TO)L* 0 12
tEaZ(EL)ER* 0 60
C(L)ANGY* 0 39
DJI(N)I* 0 30
GORER* 0 32
HINK* 0 26
TYINS* 0 42
AGUE(D)* 0 8
AG(A)TOIDS* 0 70
F(R)OCKY* 0 44
CY(S)TI* 0 20
KAN(E)F* 0 34
CLOTTIE(R)* 0 74
BURPErS* 0 73
PUTTIS* 0 34
PINDAR* 0 35
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were not challenged by an opponent.
Plays That Were Challenged
Type Play Probability Score
BRIEFs 6337 0
F(O)REBIdE* 0 0
NEREIDS 565 67
SE(C)ONALS 9648 61
RIF(F)IesT* 0 0
TUFTaGE* 0 0
(P)ICO* 0 0
DEBOX* 0 0
JURAL(s)* 0 0
WANTO(N)ED 3544 64
(E)NTERICS 1528 72
SN(E)B* 0 0
(BRAG)U(R)* 0 0
(ACUTER)U(N)* 0 0
(HELIAC)AL 18374 39
L(O)W 671 24
VIGIA 4209 0
PELL* 0 0
N(A)VIR* 0 0
CU(P)ELING 15196 78
Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Notable Lists
Many Double Words Covered
All Triple Words Covered
Games in which every triple word bonus square was covered.
Combined High Scoring
Games in which the combined score is at least 1100 points.
Game Stats
Stat Average Total
Games 1.00 136
Invalid Games 0.05 7
Incomplete 0.03 4
Disconnected 0.00 0
Other 0.02 3
Total Turns 26.70 3631
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Player Stats
Stat Average Total
Wins 0.57 78
Score 424.74 57764
Score per Turn 31.8084
Turns 13.35 1816
Vertical Plays 6.41 872
Horizontal Plays 5.74 781
One Tile Plays 0.50 68
Other Plays 0.70 95
Firsts 0.54 74
Vertical Openings per First 1.0000
Horizontal Openings per First 0.0000
Full Rack per Turn 0.7841
Exchanges 0.38 52
High Game 658
Low Game 276
Highest Scoring Turn 158
Bingos Played 1.98 269
Sevens 0.88 120
Eights 1.06 144
Nines 0.03 4
Tens 0.01 1
Elevens 0.00 0
Twelves 0.00 0
Thirteens 0.00 0
Fourteens 0.00 0
Fifteens 0.00 0
Bingo Probabilities 5715.25
Sevens 5236.20
Eights 6199.54
Nines 3822.00
Tens 1053.00
Elevens 0.00
Twelves 0.00
Thirteens 0.00
Fourteens 0.00
Fifteens 0.00
Tiles Played 48.71 6624
A 4.35 592
B 1.02 139
C 0.91 124
D 2.07 281
E 5.68 773
F 0.99 134
G 1.59 216
H 1.01 138
I 4.24 576
J 0.44 60
K 0.54 74
L 1.93 262
M 1.12 153
N 2.82 384
O 3.93 534
P 1.04 142
Q 0.49 67
R 2.98 405
S 1.99 271
T 2.79 380
U 1.92 261
V 0.93 127
W 0.88 120
X 0.51 69
Y 0.99 135
Z 0.51 69
? 1.01 138
Power Tiles Played 4.96 674
? 1.01 138
J 0.44 60
Q 0.49 67
X 0.51 69
Z 0.51 69
S 1.99 271
Power Tiles Stuck With 0.08 11
? 0.01 2
J 0.01 2
Q 0.01 2
X 0.00 0
Z 0.00 0
S 0.04 5
Turns With a Blank 1.90 258
Triple Triples Played 0.03 4
Bingoless Games 0.04 5
Bonus Square Coverage 16.25 2210
Double Letter 5.11 695
Triple Letter 5.74 780
Double Word 2.96 403
Triple Word 2.44 332
Phony Plays 0.24 33
Unchallenged 0.11 15
Challenged Off 0.13 18
Challenges 0.43 59
You Won 0.14 19
Opponent Lost 0.11 15
You Lost 0.05 7
Opponent Won 0.13 18
Challenge Percentage 0.7308
Defending Challenge Percentage 0.4545
Percentage Phonies Unchallenged 0.4545
Comments 11.57 1573
Comments Word Length 156.56 21292
Mistakeless Turns 13.35 1815
Mistakes per Turn 0.0006
Mistakes 0.01 1
Knowledge 0.01 1
Finding 0.00 0
Vision 0.00 0
Tactics 0.00 0
Strategy 0.00 0
Endgame 0.00 0
Time 0.00 0
Dynamic Mistakes 0.00 0
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Player Confidence Intervals
Tile p CI
A 0.4833 (0.4503, 0.5239)
B 0.5100 (0.4090, 0.5652)
C 0.4550 (0.4090, 0.5652)
D 0.5175 (0.4319, 0.5423)
E 0.4733 (0.4552, 0.5190)
F 0.4950 (0.4090, 0.5652)
G 0.5300 (0.4234, 0.5508)
H 0.5050 (0.4090, 0.5652)
I 0.4711 (0.4503, 0.5239)
J 0.4400 (0.3767, 0.5975)
K 0.5400 (0.3767, 0.5975)
L 0.4825 (0.4319, 0.5423)
M 0.5600 (0.4090, 0.5652)
N 0.4700 (0.4420, 0.5322)
O 0.4913 (0.4481, 0.5261)
P 0.5200 (0.4090, 0.5652)
Q 0.4900 (0.3767, 0.5975)
R 0.4967 (0.4420, 0.5322)
S 0.4975 (0.4319, 0.5423)
T 0.4650 (0.4420, 0.5322)
U 0.4800 (0.4319, 0.5423)
V 0.4650 (0.4090, 0.5652)
W 0.4400 (0.4090, 0.5652)
X 0.5100 (0.3767, 0.5975)
Y 0.4950 (0.4090, 0.5652)
Z 0.5100 (0.3767, 0.5975)
? 0.5050 (0.4090, 0.5652)
To learn more about these statistics, check the 'Confidence Intervals' section on the about page.
Opponent Stats
Stat Average Total
Wins 0.43 58
Score 411.88 56016
Score per Turn 30.8628
Turns 13.35 1815
Vertical Plays 5.77 785
Horizontal Plays 6.15 836
One Tile Plays 0.65 89
Other Plays 0.77 105
Firsts 0.46 62
Vertical Openings per First 0.1224
Horizontal Openings per First 0.8776
Full Rack per Turn 0.4887
Exchanges 0.38 51
High Game 618
Low Game 250
Highest Scoring Turn 149
Bingos Played 2.03 276
Sevens 1.03 140
Eights 0.99 135
Nines 0.01 1
Tens 0.00 0
Elevens 0.00 0
Twelves 0.00 0
Thirteens 0.00 0
Fourteens 0.00 0
Fifteens 0.00 0
Bingo Probabilities 5192.61
Sevens 4290.03
Eights 6173.10
Nines 247.00
Tens 0.00
Elevens 0.00
Twelves 0.00
Thirteens 0.00
Fourteens 0.00
Fifteens 0.00
Tiles Played 48.40 6583
A 4.45 605
B 0.95 129
C 1.03 140
D 1.87 254
E 6.04 821
F 0.98 133
G 1.35 183
H 0.96 131
I 4.38 596
J 0.54 74
K 0.43 59
L 1.92 261
M 0.84 114
N 2.99 406
O 3.82 519
P 0.89 121
Q 0.48 65
R 2.78 378
S 1.92 261
T 3.00 408
U 1.85 251
V 0.97 132
W 1.05 143
X 0.49 67
Y 0.99 135
Z 0.49 67
? 0.96 130
Power Tiles Played 4.88 664
? 0.96 130
J 0.54 74
Q 0.48 65
X 0.49 67
Z 0.49 67
S 1.92 261
Power Tiles Stuck With 0.08 11
? 0.01 2
J 0.00 0
Q 0.01 2
X 0.00 0
Z 0.00 0
S 0.05 7
Turns With a Blank 1.21 165
Triple Triples Played 0.01 2
Bingoless Games 0.02 3
Bonus Square Coverage 15.54 2113
Double Letter 4.89 665
Triple Letter 5.65 768
Double Word 2.82 383
Triple Word 2.18 297
Phony Plays 0.28 38
Unchallenged 0.14 19
Challenged Off 0.14 19
Challenges 0.43 59
You Won 0.13 18
Opponent Lost 0.05 7
You Lost 0.11 15
Opponent Won 0.14 19
Challenge Percentage 0.5455
Defending Challenge Percentage 0.2692
Percentage Phonies Unchallenged 0.5000
Comments 11.57 1573
Comments Word Length 156.56 21292
Mistakeless Turns 13.29 1808
Mistakes per Turn 0.0039
Mistakes 0.05 7
Knowledge 0.01 2
Finding 0.02 3
Vision 0.01 1
Tactics 0.00 0
Strategy 0.00 0
Endgame 0.01 1
Time 0.00 0
Dynamic Mistakes 0.00 0
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Opponent Confidence Intervals
Tile p CI
A 0.4944 (0.4472, 0.5208)
B 0.4750 (0.4059, 0.5621)
C 0.5150 (0.4059, 0.5621)
D 0.4675 (0.4288, 0.5392)
E 0.5033 (0.4521, 0.5159)
F 0.4900 (0.4059, 0.5621)
G 0.4500 (0.4203, 0.5477)
H 0.4800 (0.4059, 0.5621)
I 0.4867 (0.4472, 0.5208)
J 0.5400 (0.3736, 0.5944)
K 0.4300 (0.3736, 0.5944)
L 0.4800 (0.4288, 0.5392)
M 0.4200 (0.4059, 0.5621)
N 0.4983 (0.4389, 0.5291)
O 0.4775 (0.4450, 0.5230)
P 0.4450 (0.4059, 0.5621)
Q 0.4800 (0.3736, 0.5944)
R 0.4633 (0.4389, 0.5291)
S 0.4800 (0.4288, 0.5392)
T 0.5000 (0.4389, 0.5291)
U 0.4625 (0.4288, 0.5392)
V 0.4850 (0.4059, 0.5621)
W 0.5250 (0.4059, 0.5621)
X 0.4900 (0.3736, 0.5944)
Y 0.4950 (0.4059, 0.5621)
Z 0.4900 (0.3736, 0.5944)
? 0.4800 (0.4059, 0.5621)
To learn more about these statistics, check the 'Confidence Intervals' section on the about page.
Player Mistakes
Play Type Size Comment
5G (NO)VATIONS +74 Knowledge Large
Held this for a while. Really shoulf have let this go. Absolutely fucking terrible. I didnt know it, but i had INJURIES in respone, not to mention that he obviously has ovations anyway. #knowledgesaddest
The listing of all of the player's mistakes. For more information about mistakes, check the 'Mistakes' section of the about page.
Opponent Mistakes
Play Type Size Comment
exch AADUUWY +0 Vision Large
first instance this tournament of seeing a clear best play after making my inferior play. He gave me the perfect letter at 9J to play through this rack, in pretty decent fashion. 9F AU(G)U(R)Y is way better than this. AU(G)U(R) is actually a really cool play as well, and sims similarly to AUGURY given the huge scoring potential of keeping the Y, not only for 10 row plays, but 8 row plays, and also just stuff like K9 YOW that will often balance really well and score 31. #visionsaddest
D1 F(R)OCKY +44 Knowledge Large
this is not a word. Gotta stomach just F(R)OCK #knowledgeSADDEST
13C STRAY +44 Endgame Medium
missing SORTA 13C which keeps a nice outplay on the 2nd row. #endgamemedium -7
exch RRUYY +0 Finding Large
NOYAUX #findingsaddest
exch AITUU +0 Finding Large
I think exchanign is better than every play except for 2B AUTUMN. Gotta find that #findinglarge
F1 MATH +25 Knowledge Large
SMARTISH is 92 FML. didnt know THIRAMS or THAIRMS either #knowledgelarge
F6 B(I)ND +13 Finding Medium
bundler #findingmedium
The listing of all of the player's mistakes. For more information about mistakes, check the 'Mistakes' section of the about page.
Game Line Error
Game 2625 51 Game is incomplete.
Game 8670 29 Game is incomplete.
Game 2939 47 Game is incomplete.
Game 3549 29 Game is incomplete.
Game 48444 17 No valid 5 item sequence found.
Game 48447 18 No valid 5 item sequence found.
Game 48450 5 No valid 5 item sequence found.
Errors are (most likely) the result of malformed GCG files. To learn more, check the 'Errors and Warnings' section in the about page.