Stefan Rau
Stefan Rau
Color Key
= Triple Triple
= Bingo 9+
= Improbable
= +
= +
= +
= + +
Player Lists
Type Play Probability Score
MIS(T)RAIN 5776 79
CI(N)EREAL 809 72
Re(L)EARNS 3510 122
VACATES 14310 87
(P)ORTIGUE 2956 64
TOADFIS(H) 12021 101
ENTERON 1588 69
PRETEST 10438 83
(A)CAULINE 2406 83
TATTIES 10151 69
(T)EASELED 4614 63
FASCiST 18150 74
GARPIKE 9273 93
METE(O)RIC 2467 68
LINES(M)AN 4894 62
SOU(T)ANES 2485 60
OREIDEs 283 72
BARTE(N)Ds 2232 149
(P)ANDERED 9529 64
SALARI(A)T 7191 66
B(O)RNITeS 568 72
ME(A)THEAD 10381 78
RICOTTa 5615 92
REA(L)NESS 6729 59
RETINUl(A) 98 68
RETIRa(N)T 1530 78
STRAvAG(E) 9143 80
EOLIEN(N)E 3605 68
PARODOS 13858 76
COENOBI(A) 3734 74
TENABlE 2884 82
VERRuCA 19315 69
DUGITES 4652 87
ChEATED 11087 80
nEUSTON 3344 81
FOR(N)IcES 3892 140
GOALIES 360 78
MURIATE 667 65
BARYTO(N)E 1995 71
SMELTeR 6482 69
WARTiES(T) 2793 80
MEDALIN(G) 4769 76
CANDLES 7476 76
StOICAl 4468 72
BRIGADE 2404 78
DRAGST(E)R 5269 63
ALI(E)NORS 18 60
WOO(D)SHED 24196 84
MAGNETS 4513 76
OCELOTS 7714 74
WE(L)TERED 10576 98
(A)UTOPSIC 8717 95
DARTLES 1505 75
ENDOZOA 7439 128
LA(E)TRILe 1697 58
ARMOURS 12195 74
ASTrIDE 94 86
cONATIV(E) 857 80
SPINATE 673 74
THINnED 6268 73
(L)OFTINGS* 0 86
NEUROID 168 76
OU(T)BLOWN* 0 67
ARMYwOR(M) 28597 84
NOVEL(I)ST 1393 84
STO(N)KINg 25051 94
AScARED 8055 81
dOU(Z)EpER 15445 67
UNIDEAL 537 68
DIrTBAG 9040 73
RUNOVER 9925 78
CLE(R)ICAL 30132 89
(U)RAEMIAS 3330 64
(O)UTGATES 5069 74
ALERTES(T) 3515 89
STEELEd 7268 64
NIObATE 93 64
AIRPOST 2219 75
LEEWARD 3887 86
RA(V)IGOtE 372 61
MI(L)ITiAS 15656 86
INERTIA(S) 88 77
PE(A)RLIER 3500 68
GLUTTON(S) 15670 65
bREEZIN(G) 13230 86
ArANEID(S) 287 77
GREENIE 1957 82
(Q)UANTILE 2410 71
ELYTRON 1914 68
pEANUTS 4179 79
H(I)DROSIs 25784 72
(O)DORIZED 20753 88
R(U)DIMENT 3045 76
TRENAI(L)S 95 64
VENTERS 4038 71
FORNIcA(L) 5620 72
CROUTES 3691 75
VENDUES 9226 77
BORIDES 1890 67
ETHIONs 1272 82
An(T)ILOCK 13392 65
YEUk(I)EST 19622 70
HEMLINE 11197 84
LAM(E)nTED 2884 90
(A)IRTIMES 1185 76
NEOTER(I)C 283 69
sULLE(N)ER 11076 58
CAPSTON(E) 3822 64
HIsTONE 1273 76
WISeNTS 13107 85
ORINA(S)AL 829 59
BI(O)TRONS 5692 74
ALCOVEs 7633 98
GOBLeTS 11400 92
WINESAP(S) 18677 76
D(A)INTiER 116 72
NITRO(G)EN 1156 72
FAINTeD 829 84
HEDGERO(W) 18358 70
(A)RMOIRES 2302 68
TELNETs 8337 72
STANDEE(S) 4844 77
DR(A)MATIC 11762 76
(N)EUtERED 3484 68
(E)UCAINES 1446 68
OR(I)ENTER 357 62
uNRO(O)F(I)NG 21691 78
NERITiC 2458 88
KERNELs 14084 79
VAURI(E)NS 1388 72
CY(N)OSUrE 13514 62
TR(A)CHEID 4328 65
ARTSIER 526 84
ROPIEST 964 69
iNCOMES 4891 77
HOSTELS 13356 73
P(f)ENNIGE 16726 66
MISN(A)MED 14042 66
REA(D)IEST 110 86
DOTAGEs 1044 68
(E)RMELINS 4113 83
DISTAVE(S) 11356 66
OUtEARN 43 73
TEREDOS 809 75
NONWAGe 6033 78
TOLuENE 810 72
PLAICES 6640 83
STUIVEr 3172 70
SUPERNA(L) 4289 74
BR(I)NIEST 2525 72
(A)LEURONS 313 77
LAZIEST 3384 120
SCANNER 6195 78
TOURINg 1769 71
SEROTIN(Y) 587 86
LISTEN(E)R 366 62
(R)EALISES 2625 62
NONUPLE 14156 65
TARRIED 513 63
RESOJET 5068 108
P(I)MeNToS 3947 89
SCALENE 3855 96
VALENCe(D)* 0 92
METALI(N)G 1744 78
TWIRLED 3112 73
(G)ODLIEST 1549 83
NEUROID 168 70
BUSHIER 9665 82
TERTIAL 517 67
DEMONIc 4873 74
NU(T)GRASS 14858 70
(c)REEPAGE 14657 89
PEDALOS 3572 80
RANcHER 10816 72
PRAT(I)QUE 6328 91
TRELLIS 7089 75
DIGEStI(F) 13057 86
NA(E)THING 4200 67
UNSTICK(S) 26316 66
(A)QUIFERS 9475 90
rESTIVE 2201 84
GApOSIS 14540 70
STEELIE 2507 76
DAIRIES 639 66
PAGEAN(T)S 9096 76
BRAnTAI(L) 5758 70
HINTERS 2137 67
DEVICES 10899 85
PETARDS 2997 70
RIVERM(E)N* 0 67
LeVANT(E)R 1522 65
CA(N)ZONEt 11508 86
YATTERS 8696 82
EUPATRI(D) 988 65
ARCHINE 2284 83
(C)ANTDOGs 9341 72
INDOLES 486 76
EROsION 343 78
GRUN(T)ERs 11336 68
ARbO(R)ETA 5049 66
ABO(R)tIVE 1141 98
CAM(PI)NESS 26165 67
WHORISh 30101 78
JAR(O)SITE 899 74
SUBRe(N)TS 14870 74
DOC(T)RINE 552 84
STRIG(I)LS 26141 60
SANTOUR(S) 9681 68
(D)EBATING 2353 95
(A)NtETYPE 10914 89
IODINAt(E) 35 77
CARNIES(T) 518 80
INFERN(O)S 3397 65
AdENI(N)ES 1198 66
ROQUETE(D) 6725 88
CREATES 2911 73
(O)RLISTat 2808 71
OSTRA(C)ON 5689 90
(S)CIUROID 10964 72
DRENC(H)ER 17867 70
UNHAI(R)ED 967 66
ERASIOn 6 85
JOInTED 2228 92
CROSSlY 21627 82
uNDERP(A)Y 11570 80
TENNIsT 5764 73
AIRFARE 4273 84
SMITTEN 8565 81
RE(L)IaBLE 8430 72
TOUTIER 1017 82
ANEUrIN 712 64
E(N)DOSTEA 214 72
AIRIEsT 139 74
UNLEaRN 3704 64
CASTLES 16811 77
SLOTTED 7767 72
UNtRACE(D) 3009 76
PRONAOI 3245 91
FILaMEN(T) 4261 98
DOnATES 181 86
RADIALE 628 74
APTNESS 13061 76
L(E)NTOIDS 416 60
C(O)MBUSTS 37894 78
AGrOUND 4793 73
SERRIEd 4971 71
I(N)TiMATE 4252 60
G(R)UNTLED 6207 76
DE(C)IBELS 17970 64
DEBUTIN(G) 5888 78
RELINES 769 87
LYRiC(I)SE 16984 98
lEN(I)ENTS 3454 78
ADVISOR 4371 82
QiNDARS 8203 82
DIGRESs 13483 75
BOUTAD(E)S 3629 76
GRE(M)LINS 8185 72
ALiQuA(N)T 14900 67
LONGLEA(F) 15706 76
PRET(A)sTE 8363 86
ENTiCES 2983 77
ADuLAT(E)D 14370 75
PENtICE 7150 85
LICKERS 13529 98
ViGNE(T)TE 8060 76
RET(A)ILOR 131 68
OUTHEAR 871 76
(C)OUPlETS 13269 83
RESE(W)ING 4425 74
SALUTED 2274 78
URACIlS 7575 73
GY(N)EcOID 8392 63
REGInAE 120 68
RHE(N)IUMS 8668 76
eSPANOL 1878 72
DAIN(T)IES 293 63
GROSERT 6883 69
(D)ULCINEA 2975 86
L(A)TENING 1644 62
AIRSIdE 496 77
BEACHES 15897 98
BrE(C)HAMS 21847 66
(E)ArPHONE 2457 98
NATURES 417 72
FREAKo(U)T 7286 82
(C)LOUTInG 9358 70
(O)VERsOAK 12174 80
ROPIEST 964 87
DINkIER 6376 68
(T)ERAOHMS 3858 71
HE(A)PIEST* 0 64
TosTADA 8496 83
REUNION 751 77
OUTWEAR 895 67
DEFI(N)ItE 3296 149
SKATOLE 4081 81
MEGABIT 5719 80
OODLINS 5668 72
MEATILy 4210 72
CA(S)IFIED* 0 98
rEREMIC(E) 16864 76
INH(U)MATE 4401 84
BLAzERE(D) 19694 83
STARVe(R)S 22657 86
FO(r)MALIN 5646 80
DETINUE(S) 1195 80
(e)ILDINgS 6683 70
CURATES 2954 76
SIEnITE 763 76
PUSSIEs 21985 72
ENGIRDE(D) 6963 86
EXoRDIA 1034 94
NOSEDiV(E) 1829 81
BROI(D)eRS 7958 72
HARPIES 5873 88
TWONIES 1321 79
GARROtS 9746 75
DIPNETS 4371 83
MEATIER 491 74
SECT(I)ONS 8479 82
ASTRIDE 125 95
SCENAR(I)O 251 74
(T)RILlION 10390 74
CILIATE 1701 74
REEFIEr 9471 74
SeRRATE 2505 84
EXECRAt(E) 13286 107
INN(O)vATE 726 68
JUMP(I)EsT 21339 74
SHIVARE(E) 4058 104
(M)ISTREAT 2784 83
PREVENT 8115 80
t(E)RRIFIC 13799 70
OLEATES 279 64
VICTUAL(S) 20375 76
STIRRED 3826 80
NUTTING 21914 69
INDOrSE(D) 3420 80
MANGLES 10000 82
ABUSION 4434 73
The of bingos played by the player that were not challenged off.
Triple Triples
Type Play Probability Score
Re(L)EARNS 3510 122
BARTE(N)Ds 2232 149
FOR(N)IcES 3892 140
DEFI(N)ItE 3296 149
Triple triples played by the player that were not challenged off. They do not have to be bingos.
Bingo Nines or Above
Type Play Probability Score
uNRO(O)F(I)NG 21691 78
CAM(PI)NESS 26165 67
Bingos played by the player that were nine letters or longer and were not challenged off.
Challenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were challenged off by an opponent.
Unchallenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
Z(E)RKED* 0 60
(J)INXER* 0 40
SERI(C)* 0 22
FUZEED* 0 31
(L)OFTINGS* 0 86
OU(T)BLOWN* 0 67
PEGGER(S)* 0 26
OUTWIN* 0 32
GOREY* 0 52
VALENCe(D)* 0 92
TU(L)ING* 0 21
RIVERM(E)N* 0 67
STINE* 0 16
TY* 0 26
AEE* 0 32
MOBE* 0 24
(F)OUD* 0 12
FOUDS* 0 77
EA* 0 98
NY* 0 31
HE(A)PIEST* 0 64
CA(S)IFIED* 0 98
WE(L)LER* 0 30
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were not challenged by an opponent.
Plays That Were Challenged
Type Play Probability Score
HOOS* 0 0
TATTIES 10151 69
BLEB 5105 41
(T)EASELED 4614 63
DOGPI(L)E* 0 0
STRAvAG(E) 9143 80
SKI 966 36
PARODOS 13858 76
REDED 5496 42
(C)UMMING 32800 42
ARMYwOR(M) 28597 84
H(I)DROSIs 25784 72
YEUk(I)EST 19622 70
HEMLINE 11197 84
ROMA 1137 14
SKIMO 9387 47
ZIKUR(A)T 16238 22
DATIVES 2021 0
Q(AIDE)* 0 0
TRELLIS 7089 75
BRAnTAI(L) 5758 70
CAM(PI)NESS 26165 67
WHORISh 30101 78
DUELLI 9895 19
SUBRe(N)TS 14870 74
sERVENT* 0 0
FUNG 4372 23
CUIT 2427 38
LONGLEA(F) 15706 76
PENtICE 7150 85
GWED(U)CK 22494 38
UNSEX 4928 51
GARROtS 9746 75
OS 43 42
Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Opponent Lists
Type Play Probability Score
IRONMAN 5597 74
LIFTmEN 9519 73
fELWORT 10846 73
INTURNS 9871 69
JANNIES 9273 76
BEgROAN 1857 88
SC(U)NGILE 12448 67
MAsONI(T)E 210 68
DILATES 403 78
SPUrGES 18941 77
LORNEsT 687 73
STRIGAE 374 85
sATU(R)ANT 9493 64
GENOISE 506 89
OVERLON(G) 8405 72
(E)LICITeD 5578 83
AlBE(D)OES 3463 61
MaRTINS 2589 72
NOOdLED 10375 68
M(E)METICS 22899 90
dIABASE 3354 68
REVISAL 1491 71
BOOTIES 2655 71
SOLIDIT(Y) 15202 89
EXAMINe 7908 116
(C)oCAINES 11096 86
PARISO(N)S 11592 70
MUR(A)ENID 1317 74
(I)DEATING 800 66
REL(I)STED 1223 70
IN(H)ERITS 3504 62
URINA(T)ES 79 60
sULCATE 5357 71
DELETES 7266 83
SINOPIA 3539 76
CHASTI(S)E 13564 64
(E)NLISTEE 1786 72
INSTALS 7278 75
REMOTI(O)N 1200 74
H(E)LLIONS 9226 65
SELE(N)AtE 1780 68
UN(B)ODIED 9193 74
UNDe(R)MAN* 0 140
mONITI(V)E 4246 80
SERiNGA 259 70
UNBE(A)REd 3928 76
COATEES 1635 77
REEDING 1578 70
SOLARIA 1717 75
BONDAgE 2791 79
E(L)ATERIN 26 70
(H)URLInGS 15356 86
OVERT(O)IL 1979 64
UMbELLe(D) 25201 80
YOGHOU(R)T 22203 69
INARABL(E) 1125 72
S(P)ANNERS 16355 61
OOGAME(T)E 3978 74
TEASELS 6067 68
DISPART(S) 14317 72
PHOnI(E)ST 3939 82
EVEN(T)IDE 6228 63
S(E)PTAGES 15374 65
AVI(A)TING 9494 76
DaNTONS 7167 75
ORGEATS 512 67
SHuNNER 16968 76
RODEOI(N)G 1257 64
RE(T)AINED 38 68
(L)ARNIEsT 90 78
(E)NERGIDS 1641 86
TEXTiLE 10936 80
(A)nERGIES 354 80
InTEN(T)LY 12463 70
CONDU(I)TS 7214 74
(D)ENTALIA 285 69
DIA(S)TOlE 91 72
SEIGNOR(I)* 0 80
NAC(R)EOUS 1282 74
LENTOID 161 77
OUTSEEN 812 79
wOrRIED 4443 66
ASININE 1545 69
AD(E)NOiDS 1076 71
PORTHoL(E) 10800 76
SPE(E)NING* 0 92
F(A)CTOrED 3657 63
LIGH(T)EST 13170 76
CASEFIE(S) 19793 92
RAVINED 826 83
INSTATE(D) 1155 80
N(A)TIfORM 4458 72
LINIEST 1652 74
S(T)EELIES 10210 61
UNSTRaP 7676 90
RADIALl(Y) 18307 86
(R)ELAUNCH 8565 67
FOOTIER 1280 78
PENALTy 6779 79
YO(U)NGEST 9638 82
(U)NEASIER 160 77
IOTA(C)ISm 12974 61
DECEASE(D) 25874 89
ISOLEAD(S) 2396 80
SHINDIG 15762 81
OORALIs 1602 83
ENTiTLE 1813 69
ENRAGED 1546 74
ThEURG(I)C 10862 70
OSTMARK 13717 85
ORR(E)RIES 10811 59
PROBATE 3638 81
sERAG(L)IO 313 77
CURITES 4316 76
ENDOCAS(T) 1715 86
TRIAGED 331 75
REBUK(I)nG 21468 84
SATORIS 4057 72
TREATeR 4392 64
(R)EADORNS 1080 70
TERRIBL(Y) 13337 78
ADI(P)SIAS 30035 67
SNOTTIE 1037 86
TEENAG(E)D 2697 75
fUR(Z)IEST 13186 67
NOTIfIE(R) 672 64
ReSILIN 1228 66
DECLINE(S) 5060 72
GAOLERs 1046 73
mISENTR(Y) 7700 70
ASCIdIA 16179 84
AUTOPEn 890 79
TINDERS 421 74
VIaTICA 13146 79
JElLIES 16664 120
ELATIVE 1010 78
TAILRAC(E) 1132 76
TURB(I)NAl 3694 86
SODDING 13090 90
DEKARES 7003 75
PARTIES 682 74
AMENTIA 785 75
INfEFTS 20111 77
DESIST(E)D 22300 66
NOTAR(I)SE 12 66
SHEA(R)InG 1738 94
WIPeOUT 4939 91
ADAPTO(R)S 7724 94
APERIES 1014 87
FaCTURE 6714 85
WRITTEN 3827 86
AGO(N)ISTs 5780 64
OROIDES 983 74
DANDIEs(T) 2071 83
O(P)ERANTS 565 70
MON(S)IEUR 1398 74
LAX(I)TIES 5141 84
CYaNI(D)ES 5375 102
INVOKE(R)s 7315 221
MARRIED 3625 89
L(E)CTERNS 5147 64
GLYC(E)RIn 10863 76
(B)EGUILER 7136 63
vENDING 15261 78
C(E)NTESES 25396 64
FAST(E)NeR 1514 70
gASHEST 14395 88
HISTORY 9984 90
PROC(U)rED 17658 76
NOIS(E)TTE 697 74
IODAtI(O)N 1407 82
INFANT(A)S 11039 72
CO(I)NMATE 1144 66
REL(I)STEd 1223 68
EUGLEnA 3261 79
DIETInE 1047 71
eLOIGNE(D) 869 72
METIERS 2183 81
SHARPEN 6764 109
UNEASES 6068 67
o(U)TASITE 562 74
ENSWEPT 15375 83
GER(B)ILLE 15376 72
EYESoRE 6567 82
ISOGONY 11797 76
PRAEL(E)CT 6755 66
SNOTTED 4558 77
ENRICH(E)S 9156 88
CLOVERY 21274 88
UNNEED(E)d 29349 68
HOUTING 10535 85
SNORTED 682 77
IMP(R)EGNs 15002 74
TINCT(U)RE 4824 70
GE(M)StONE 4805 74
I(S)OBARES 4961 68
MARLITe 879 78
ONiONED 3504 71
SLURPED 11187 100
(HE)RALDIST 1171 76
(O)oGAMIES 4145 89
(Z)OnETIME 7178 122
(S)POIlAGE 2097 64
HOLL(E)RED 13935 92
CODEIAS 814 80
SAUNTER 418 70
cA(R)TLOAD 7718 70
LANTE(R)NS 2026 68
PEATIEr 358 65
MAILL(O)TS 15745 65
(C)UTLINES 5798 83
OVARIEs 432 68
ENGLISH 7242 93
ENTEReD 2567 66
(D)ECIARES 1444 86
WANtAG(E)S 8892 74
RELINES 769 64
FLO(r)IGEN 2949 63
PEARTEs(T) 8401 86
VA(L)IDAtE 2415 73
GIMBA(L)ED 14494 78
REGAIN(ER)S 1468 83
MANTUAS 15223 74
APRONI(N)G 9645 62
T(A)BOOiNG 6429 83
HEAVERS 10880 97
RURaLIS(M) 18618 80
EPIZOON 13366 77
MINATOR(Y) 4460 82
AS(P)ERITY 4305 78
HE(K)ETARA 15424 80
TEUCHtE(R) 24647 84
dISROOT 4565 80
(C)LERIhEW 20593 82
DIR(E)NESS 6709 74
FLAVO(R)ED 8796 87
FOURTEE(N) 2500 74
DIpNOAN 8651 79
DONATi(V)E 255 74
nOVENAE 3178 76
W(A)TERING 990 78
OTTOMaN 15059 63
(B)OLDFaCE 20067 107
OUTRATE(D) 1432 63
hORI(Z)ONS 18360 70
SeNSATE 5154 70
ENDEARS 728 73
BALMIER 5601 79
W(A)ITERED 810 68
NOUMENA(L) 7950 89
DECIS(O)RY 8930 74
FRATERS 8647 76
(T)ENNISTS 21624 77
RONNIES 1023 79
ATT(E)STED 13754 68
SANDHOG 10314 75
REPRISA(L) 4903 83
INDO(R)SEd 2487 82
(R)ATOONED 219 80
RALLIES 2755 84
FUNERAL 3007 76
(A)TRAZINE 1492 78
ISSUaNT 7279 78
mAC(A)ROON 14687 86
OBTRUDE 3660 78
qUASSiN 24832 78
RED(O)LENT 646 62
AMITRO(L)E 212 64
(O)VERPAST 3869 98
EX(P)IAT(I)ON 2864 68
LOONIER 342 72
dEFIC(I)TS 12650 74
(D)ELICATE 1442 74
F(U)RANOSE 1309 72
TONN(E)AUS 1090 82
GASTRIN 1342 75
TuRTLER 11652 73
LAn(D)LORD 18384 62
mOONERS 5021 75
(T)WENtIES 6146 65
OERsTED(S) 5678 74
KIDDErS 15890 83
URE(D)INIA 291 63
(N)ONGLARE 1894 63
RECOURS(E) 10150 83
DeV(I)ATOR 256 67
DIRe(C)TOR 3386 83
MOUcHED 17550 76
ELEVONS 4614 78
InTREP(I)D 2534 76
IOLITEs 704 67
TOONIES 345 62
A(I)RDROME 1674 72
INTENSE 1816 66
FENDiNG 15682 77
TREFOI(L)S 1871 96
REDEfIN(E) 6263 77
(D)OTArDLY 21506 76
HAUNTED 4168 66
PYRIFO(R)M 36825 98
NONFATT(Y) 28987 68
INE(R)TIAE 55 62
TUTOrED 4662 73
DRyBEAT(S) 11836 76
BLONDeR 3653 64
MEL(A)NOID 686 63
VIbISTS 30359 96
TINSTON(E) 3038 77
EXCITER 8544 98
MORTISE 950 78
(S)LUTTIEr 3779 74
REALI(Z)ER 6704 69
HoWDIES 7664 86
(R)ENOVATe 281 70
STOMOD(E)A 3721 62
ARSENIC 600 79
fRI(V)OLED 6487 63
WEAnERS 2975 83
PUTTER(In)G 10108 62
(U)PVOtING 20316 80
CAN(O)NISE 2303 61
ALLAYE(R)S 21847 65
PICRATE 3187 78
TAINTeD 697 73
The of bingos played by the player that were not challenged off.
Triple Triples
Type Play Probability Score
UNDe(R)MAN* 0 140
INVOKE(R)s 7315 221
Triple triples played by the player that were not challenged off. They do not have to be bingos.
Bingo Nines or Above
Type Play Probability Score
(HE)RALDIST 1171 76
REGAIN(ER)S 1468 83
EX(P)IAT(I)ON 2864 68
PUTTER(In)G 10108 62
Bingos played by the player that were nine letters or longer and were not challenged off.
Challenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were challenged off by an opponent.
Unchallenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
LOONED* 0 18
UNDe(R)MAN* 0 140
SEIGNOR(I)* 0 80
SPE(E)NING* 0 92
POOFE(D)* 0 36
WHEATY* 0 30
TYGU* 0 17
NY* 0 29
C(U)LTY* 0 26
(GRAPH)ERS* 0 42
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were not challenged by an opponent.
Plays That Were Challenged
Type Play Probability Score
PE(D)O* 0 0
T(R)UANTAl* 0 0
G(I)NK 2751 42
NAZIFIe(R)* 0 0
(C)HROMA 15892 31
CALAL(U) 19941 18
PERAI 281 40
SHuNNER 16968 76
ARSEN* 0 0
LINIEST 1652 74
CALC* 0 0
(B)ANQUE* 0 0
PONTE* 0 0
RUSE 568 0
YEAHS 4050 57
ANTISAG 3289 0
CA(P)AS* 0 0
C(E)NTESES 25396 64
OAKIE(S) 1433 33
M(U)NTU 10974 21
WOXES* 0 0
LEGIONe(D)* 0 0
ENSWEPT 15375 83
CLOVERY 21274 88
HOUTING 10535 85
LEANY 1604 55
(HE)RALDIST 1171 76
AGU(T)I 1422 8
P(H)AGI* 0 0
FRAgGL(E)D* 0 0
(R)ANDON 3967 24
GIMBA(L)ED 14494 78
APRONI(N)G 9645 62
BOU(G)E 4728 24
PRECiOUS 8694 0
HE(K)ETARA 15424 80
TEUCHtE(R) 24647 84
OLEA 36 0
KAURU 10871 29
HUGH* 0 0
VIZORE(D) 8386 63
VA(r)ROA 11931 24
NONFATT(Y) 28987 68
ESTRO 251 28
GOW(A)NY 13645 23
FIVES 5778 0
(C)OTYL* 0 0
(U)PVOtING 20316 80
ALLAYE(R)S 21847 65
TAINTeD 697 73
Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Notable Lists
Many Double Words Covered
Games in which at least 15 double word bonus squares were covered.
Combined High Scoring
Games in which the combined score is at least 1100 points.
Games that end in ties.
Many Challenges
Games in which there are at least 5 challenges made. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Four or More Consecutive Bingos
Games in which the player bingos at least 4 times in a row.
Game Stats
Stat Average Total
Games 1.00 163
Invalid Games 0.04 7
Incomplete 0.02 3
Disconnected 0.00 0
Other 0.02 4
Total Turns 25.08 4088
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Player Stats
Stat Average Total
Wins 0.54 87.5
Score 428.28 69809
Score per Turn 34.1031
Turns 12.56 2047
Vertical Plays 6.10 994
Horizontal Plays 5.45 888
One Tile Plays 0.37 61
Other Plays 0.64 104
Firsts 0.51 83
Vertical Openings per First 0.9577
Horizontal Openings per First 0.0423
Full Rack per Turn 0.4944
Exchanges 0.52 84
High Game 585
Low Game 281
Highest Scoring Turn 149
Bingos Played 2.11 344
Sevens 0.97 158
Eights 1.13 184
Nines 0.01 2
Tens 0.00 0
Elevens 0.00 0
Twelves 0.00 0
Thirteens 0.00 0
Fourteens 0.00 0
Fifteens 0.00 0
Bingo Probabilities 6613.11
Sevens 5412.82
Eights 7483.98
Nines 23928.00
Tens 0.00
Elevens 0.00
Twelves 0.00
Thirteens 0.00
Fourteens 0.00
Fifteens 0.00
Tiles Played 48.64 7928
A 4.26 694
B 1.00 163
C 0.99 161
D 2.00 326
E 6.04 984
F 0.90 146
G 1.43 233
H 0.98 159
I 4.25 692
J 0.47 76
K 0.50 82
L 1.99 325
M 1.07 174
N 2.79 455
O 3.71 604
P 1.01 164
Q 0.48 78
R 3.02 493
S 1.98 323
T 2.87 467
U 1.98 323
V 0.91 148
W 1.00 163
X 0.48 78
Y 1.02 166
Z 0.55 90
? 0.99 161
Power Tiles Played 4.94 806
? 0.99 161
J 0.47 76
Q 0.48 78
X 0.48 78
Z 0.55 90
S 1.98 323
Power Tiles Stuck With 0.11 18
? 0.04 6
J 0.01 1
Q 0.02 4
X 0.00 0
Z 0.00 0
S 0.04 7
Turns With a Blank 1.20 196
Triple Triples Played 0.02 4
Bingoless Games 0.02 4
Bonus Square Coverage 15.86 2585
Double Letter 5.15 840
Triple Letter 5.48 893
Double Word 2.89 471
Triple Word 2.34 381
Phony Plays 0.21 35
Unchallenged 0.14 23
Challenged Off 0.07 12
Challenges 0.62 101
You Won 0.18 29
Opponent Lost 0.18 29
You Lost 0.19 31
Opponent Won 0.07 12
Challenge Percentage 0.4833
Defending Challenge Percentage 0.7073
Percentage Phonies Unchallenged 0.6571
Comments 7.17 1169
Comments Word Length 131.18 21383
Mistakeless Turns 12.56 2047
Mistakes per Turn 0.0000
Mistakes 0.00 0
Knowledge 0.00 0
Finding 0.00 0
Vision 0.00 0
Tactics 0.00 0
Strategy 0.00 0
Endgame 0.00 0
Time 0.00 0
Dynamic Mistakes 0.00 0
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Player Confidence Intervals
Tile p CI
A 0.4733 (0.4528, 0.5200)
B 0.5000 (0.4151, 0.5577)
C 0.4950 (0.4151, 0.5577)
D 0.5000 (0.4360, 0.5368)
E 0.5033 (0.4573, 0.5155)
F 0.4500 (0.4151, 0.5577)
G 0.4767 (0.4282, 0.5446)
H 0.4900 (0.4151, 0.5577)
I 0.4722 (0.4528, 0.5200)
J 0.4700 (0.3856, 0.5872)
K 0.5000 (0.3856, 0.5872)
L 0.4975 (0.4360, 0.5368)
M 0.5350 (0.4151, 0.5577)
N 0.4650 (0.4452, 0.5276)
O 0.4637 (0.4507, 0.5221)
P 0.5050 (0.4151, 0.5577)
Q 0.4800 (0.3856, 0.5872)
R 0.5033 (0.4452, 0.5276)
S 0.4950 (0.4360, 0.5368)
T 0.4783 (0.4452, 0.5276)
U 0.4950 (0.4360, 0.5368)
V 0.4550 (0.4151, 0.5577)
W 0.5000 (0.4151, 0.5577)
X 0.4800 (0.3856, 0.5872)
Y 0.5100 (0.4151, 0.5577)
Z 0.5500 (0.3856, 0.5872)
? 0.4950 (0.4151, 0.5577)
To learn more about these statistics, check the 'Confidence Intervals' section on the about page.
Opponent Stats
Stat Average Total
Wins 0.46 75.5
Score 420.48 68539
Score per Turn 33.5811
Turns 12.52 2041
Vertical Plays 5.53 902
Horizontal Plays 6.11 996
One Tile Plays 0.40 66
Other Plays 0.47 77
Firsts 0.49 80
Vertical Openings per First 0.0781
Horizontal Openings per First 0.9219
Full Rack per Turn 0.9123
Exchanges 0.26 43
High Game 646
Low Game 271
Highest Scoring Turn 221
Bingos Played 2.01 328
Sevens 0.85 139
Eights 1.13 185
Nines 0.02 4
Tens 0.00 0
Elevens 0.00 0
Twelves 0.00 0
Thirteens 0.00 0
Fourteens 0.00 0
Fifteens 0.00 0
Bingo Probabilities 6867.54
Sevens 5871.15
Eights 7682.74
Nines 3902.75
Tens 0.00
Elevens 0.00
Twelves 0.00
Thirteens 0.00
Fourteens 0.00
Fifteens 0.00
Tiles Played 48.57 7917
A 4.56 744
B 0.96 156
C 0.96 156
D 1.90 310
E 5.63 917
F 1.06 173
G 1.50 244
H 1.01 165
I 4.45 725
J 0.52 85
K 0.48 79
L 1.88 306
M 0.89 145
N 3.01 490
O 4.12 672
P 0.96 157
Q 0.48 78
R 2.72 443
S 1.90 310
T 2.86 466
U 1.88 307
V 1.00 163
W 0.97 158
X 0.51 83
Y 0.96 157
Z 0.44 72
? 0.96 156
Power Tiles Played 4.81 784
? 0.96 156
J 0.52 85
Q 0.48 78
X 0.51 83
Z 0.44 72
S 1.90 310
Power Tiles Stuck With 0.13 22
? 0.02 3
J 0.01 1
Q 0.02 3
X 0.01 2
Z 0.01 1
S 0.07 12
Turns With a Blank 1.75 286
Triple Triples Played 0.01 2
Bingoless Games 0.05 8
Bonus Square Coverage 15.71 2560
Double Letter 5.12 834
Triple Letter 5.45 889
Double Word 2.72 443
Triple Word 2.42 394
Phony Plays 0.26 42
Unchallenged 0.08 13
Challenged Off 0.18 29
Challenges 0.62 101
You Won 0.07 12
Opponent Lost 0.19 31
You Lost 0.18 29
Opponent Won 0.18 29
Challenge Percentage 0.2927
Defending Challenge Percentage 0.5167
Percentage Phonies Unchallenged 0.3095
Comments 7.17 1169
Comments Word Length 131.18 21383
Mistakeless Turns 12.13 1977
Mistakes per Turn 0.0343
Mistakes 0.43 70
Knowledge 0.13 22
Finding 0.07 11
Vision 0.07 11
Tactics 0.05 8
Strategy 0.04 7
Endgame 0.04 7
Time 0.02 4
Dynamic Mistakes 0.00 0
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Opponent Confidence Intervals
Tile p CI
A 0.5067 (0.4521, 0.5193)
B 0.4800 (0.4144, 0.5570)
C 0.4800 (0.4144, 0.5570)
D 0.4750 (0.4353, 0.5361)
E 0.4692 (0.4566, 0.5148)
F 0.5300 (0.4144, 0.5570)
G 0.5000 (0.4275, 0.5439)
H 0.5050 (0.4144, 0.5570)
I 0.4944 (0.4521, 0.5193)
J 0.5200 (0.3849, 0.5865)
K 0.4800 (0.3849, 0.5865)
L 0.4700 (0.4353, 0.5361)
M 0.4450 (0.4144, 0.5570)
N 0.5017 (0.4445, 0.5269)
O 0.5150 (0.4500, 0.5214)
P 0.4800 (0.4144, 0.5570)
Q 0.4800 (0.3849, 0.5865)
R 0.4533 (0.4445, 0.5269)
S 0.4750 (0.4353, 0.5361)
T 0.4767 (0.4445, 0.5269)
U 0.4700 (0.4353, 0.5361)
V 0.5000 (0.4144, 0.5570)
W 0.4850 (0.4144, 0.5570)
X 0.5100 (0.3849, 0.5865)
Y 0.4800 (0.4144, 0.5570)
Z 0.4400 (0.3849, 0.5865)
? 0.4800 (0.4144, 0.5570)
To learn more about these statistics, check the 'Confidence Intervals' section on the about page.
Opponent Mistakes
Play Type Size Comment
G8 JUNK +30 Strategy Small
Quackle likes G8 JUN #strategysmall
exch WWGO +0 Vision Large
I8 WOW #VISIONSADDEST I'm a complete dumbass
C3 ZON(A)E +30 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for the challenge and #VISIONSADDEST for 12A ZONE
C3 ZON(A)E +30 Vision Large
#knowledgesad for the challenge and #VISIONSADDEST for 12A ZONE
I8 LORNEsT +73 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for that challenge
2F YONI +32 Knowledge Medium
12C TONEY #knowledgesadder
12G SA(E) +20 Finding Medium
12D ATES #findingsadder
D9 PE(D)O +0 (Lost challenge) Vision Large
10D OPE(N)E(R) #visionsaddest
A12 POET +37 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for that challenge and a #knowledgesaddest for A8 POTAE
A12 POET +37 Knowledge Large
#knowledgesad for that challenge and a #knowledgesaddest for A8 POTAE
15A (T)EACHIER +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
14I (T)HRICE +38 Knowledge Large
15N AA +8 Knowledge Large
K11 AFA(R)A #knowledgesaddest
F5 Q(I) +11 Knowledge Large
F5 Q(I) +11 Endgame Large
J8 FYKE +34 Tactics Small
J5 FLAKEY #tacticssmall
I11 HAJ +34 Tactics Medium
I11 TAJ #tacticssadder
11C WOMB +28 Vision Large
D10 G(O)V +14 Finding Large
N10 HUI +31 Vision Large
N8 (F)RUITED +26 Strategy Small
G8 TA(B)U opens a nice lane. #strategysmall
7J J(I)NX +45 Strategy Medium
L12 RAX #strategymedium
L12 GON(G) +30 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for challenge
M2 FAS +27 Knowledge Large
M2 FOSS #knowledgelarge
G7 EN +35 Knowledge Large
G8 AWA +24 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for challenge
E11 JAG +42 Vision Small
G7 JAWAN #visionsmall
M3 VEINY +38 Finding Small
6D INVERITY #findingsmall
C7 NAZIFIe(R) +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
13K TAB +30 Finding Large
O7 ALBITISED #findinglarge
8J SAI +27 Finding Medium
13C AIGA #findingmedium
A5 (C)oCAINES +86 Finding Medium
A2 VACCINES #findingmedium
4B (W)HIO +31 Strategy Small
O8 DITHERED #strategysmall
12L (R)EV +6 Strategy Medium
This is really weak. I need to get rid of more vowels. I was thinking this would force his bings to open up so I could bingo through the floaters. I can't see anything I really like, so suggestions are welcome. #strategymedium
G4 ION +9 Finding Medium
I dunno, N10 EN(V)OI probably. #findingmedium
M11 B(E)DU +27 Finding Large
O13 WHA #findinglarge
O13 YET +28 Vision Small
4A YITE/YETT #visionsmall
12A FRITS +36 Tactics Small
12A FITTS because IR is better than IT for some reason. #tacticssmall
M9 IDEA +25 Strategy Small
B2 DOUANE is okay because the exposed triples are balanced. #strategysmall
1C (B)ANQUE +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
#knowledgelarge but maybe he'll give me a place for UNEQUAL next turn.
15D JEEL(S) +30 Vision Small
5H JEEL #visionsmall
10N WE +33 Tactics Small
7C WEB might be a bit better. #tacticssmall
9G DREG +22 Finding Large
4A PREB(A)DE among other plays through the A which I couldn't seem to find. #findinglarge
H12 (BI)MA +24 Endgame Large
According to Championship Player 13L PA wins 27% of the time. I guess he only has one vowel a lot of the time and I can outrun him if I don't give him something to play through. Unfortunately, I was on tilt and may have also been out of time and I couldn't think clearly. #endgamelarge
15A PONTE +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
15A PONTE +0 (Lost challenge) Vision Large
14L AUK +23 Vision Large
N1 GAK #visionsaddest
O2 (T)ERMING +33 Endgame Small
H1 ENIGM(A) #endgamesad
L3 FIDO +23 Tactics Small
L12 FOID is probably worth it. #tacticssmall
exch AAIIO +0 Finding Large
F6 AE(C)IDIA #findinglarge
O1 PA(L)M +33 Knowledge Large
Chickened out of O1 MA(L)WA #knowledgelarge
A8 JA(W) +39 Finding Large
C7 JUT(TI)NG #findinglarge
H4 ZHO +47 Knowledge Large
H4 ZORR(O) #knowledgelarge
E4 ARID +28 Knowledge Small
E3 DARIS #knowledgesmall and #knowledgesmall for the challenge
E4 ARID +28 Knowledge Small
E3 DARIS #knowledgesmall and #knowledgesmall for the challenge
L2 KIND +27 Vision Large
11I INDEX #visionsaddest
5C FRO(R)Y +22 Tactics Medium
G6 FY #tacticsmedium
14K LUSH +28 Strategy Medium
14K LOSH is better to hold the U for the potential Q draw. #strategysadder
F13 AFT +17 Time Large
8A EFTS seems to outrun everything. #timesaddest
5C DUNIT(E) +14 Knowledge Large
5D NUDI(E) #knowledgesaddest
9B OXEYE +55 Tactics Medium
I miscounted 4C EXOGE(N). #tacticssadder
14K BLIND +26 Time Medium
13I BRI(A)RD. #timesadder
M13 R(I)Z +28 Time Large
F2 QUA(I) +33 Endgame Medium
10L (S)UQ is 7 points better. #endgamesadder
D12 OR +14 Endgame Small
J1 (I)ON #endgamesad #timesad
D12 OR +14 Time Small
J1 (I)ON #endgamesad #timesad
A12 M(O)OI +27 Tactics Small
Thought I was clever holding the K for DRACK followup moves but Quack still wants MOKI. #tacticssmall
8A G(R)IPE +33 Knowledge Small
I chickened out on PINNIE. #knowledgesmall
I5 TIDS +23 Endgame Medium
Almost got this one. Couldn't come up with just SUD I5 setting up a second spot for TINT to go with TINCT. #endgamemedium
13A FIB +35 Endgame Small
N10 GIBED #endgamesmall
The listing of all of the player's mistakes. For more information about mistakes, check the 'Mistakes' section of the about page.
Game Line Error
Game 21750 0 No moves found.
Game 5067 27 Game is incomplete.
Game 21769 10 No valid 5 item sequence found.
Game 21776 0 No moves found.
Game 21759 61 No valid 5 item sequence found.
Game 21743 32 Game is incomplete.
Game 23150 43 Game is incomplete.
Errors are (most likely) the result of malformed GCG files. To learn more, check the 'Errors and Warnings' section in the about page.