Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
10F WONS has to be worth it even though this sets up my J nicely. I could draw a J play at C7 as well as hit K5 JO, but WONS is too many more points. #strategylarge
I had the right idea by passing up D1 QUAKY as I will likely draw a play there next turn. 1H NARKY is a sligtly better version of this because I have a 9/29 chance of picking an A or an O for QUAD/QUOD as opposed to only a 6/26 chance of picking an A or an E for QUAY/QUEY. #visionsmall
There's no excuse for missing 8L DITZ. Let's just leave it at that. I'm glad I didn't do F5 TIZ because I could sorely use an S hook to bingo and get back in this one. But I needed to see DITZ. That's just too many points right there, not to mention the Z is a sucky tile on this board. #findinglarge
4G B(E)NZOL was the play I was looking for here. Right idea to dump the Z because it's a sucky tile on this board, but the B also needed to be dumped. #findingsmall
H7 VERB for 9 would have allowed the X spot to be open, although that's not a move I want to make against Mitchell. Against most other players, I might have done that as the opponent would have had to deal with the X hotspot allowing me the VERBS hook. #strategylarge
Looked for a while here, no bingoes play. 11G MAt(E)RNAL and TAL(E)sMAN both got blocked. Seeing I had one of the blanks, and now the pool is meh at best from my perspective, I might as well scare Mitchell a bit and allow him to take one of the open triples. He could have drawn the W and/or Y after he just played off 5 tiles, and those can be bingo killers themselves at times. I just know he's gonna try to be as defensive as he can possibly be, which would require him to empty the bag in order to do that, in this case, taking out both 3x3s. That would allow me the best odds to bingo out and win the game. #strategyspoton
I unfortunately missed his out play of O1 FACIAE. FOP should have been the play here as I can get rid of my Q in 2 spots next turn knowing he can't go out. #endgamebad
No home for UPRAISE. I did see 7E PIA(L) but so many options allow me to dump the U. However, 10F (J)U(B)A actually allows me to have a reasonable shot at bingoing next turn for only 7 less. #strategylarge
Her only out play is A6 LE(AR)N, so this scores while blocking her only out. But come to think of it, J11 D(E)VS gets more stuff off my rack. So it's better to allow her to go out. #endgamelarge
I apparently underestimated my chances of hitting a bingo after exchanging I instead of IO. Keeping EGINOS is actually great as even with some clunky draws (namely J for JINGOES and Y for ISOGENY or drawing an A, E, O, or U) would help. #knowledgemedium
And SIEGING doesn't play. I hate it when these small exchanges don't pan out! This was a suboptimal move and is where I feel like I lost the game. I can score the same with 9E GI and keep much better. While I do set up SEXING, he can use Column G to both score and block effectively. #strategylarge
And let's just say that I delivered myself an even bigger blow by not seeing I1 CREESES and not being sure of B5 RECESSE(D), which I chickened out of. #knowledgelarge
This is one way to force the board open against him. He's not going to suspect that I am keeping an S. However, this was not a good time to make this specific play because I saw H7 G(A)RISHLY and talked myself out of it. #knowledgelarge
I did not know D6 MADHO(u)SE in this position. I did look for H11 plays and did not come across H11 (A)MAHS. That's a gettable one and clearly worth it over YODH if I don't know the bingo. #findinglarge
I did intentionally choose this over J4 WEKAS and WAKES just because I have another S to make SKAS. I probably overvalued the K5 hotspot and he would probably sniff my setup and play defensively. WAKES and WEKAS are simming a couple points ahead of KAS despite my bingo % being roughly equal between WEKAS and KAS. #strategysmall
Right idea with the turnover and blocking the HUMPS hook. I will say that TURNIP is a worse play than it usually is because I should not be keeping 2 Os with 3 more usneen. While TURNIP isn't egregious, I should be looking to address my O problem while also blocking more indirectly with F2 UNROOT or even 4C UNROOF. #visionmedium
Meh, I liked the 12 extra points over AUDIT in the same spot, but AUDIT keeps a much more flexible leave for this particular board. I can draw plays like 5K PARR or PAIR as well as 8L PAGE next turn. IU just isn't doing much. #strategymedium
This was probably the #visionsolid moment of the tourney for me. It almost ties my 6 letter parallel that I found one time at my home club last January.
Rough turn and pretty much a contributing factor to how this board turned out. I missed 10G J(e)UX which is clearly the move despite taking out my own S hook. It keeps the board open the longest and allows me to fork nicely. 11E JUGS does sim better even though the difference is only 7 between JUGS and my play due to the board shape that I would need because I'm already behind. I wasn't crazy about burning my S for only 7 more, but J(e)UX was the only way to accomplish that. #visionlarge
I think 3I WUD could have been done here to open up a 2nd lane. The extra points immediately were not worth it. Gotta love new themes sometimes, right? That's the beauty of Scrabble. #visionmeh
I didn't see the bingoes on Column I- hANGABL(E), GNAwABL(E), and GAiNABL(E) all play. However, not bingoing is actually better with all those 3x3s that those plays give up in a close game. If I'm not going to bingo, which I suppose I had the right idea either way, then O8 ALANG is definitely better. #findingmedium
I unfortunatly rushed this play because I realized this was better than anything else I had before Dan played MODISH. But the fact is, 11E T(R)ENChED or C(R)ENaTED are better regardless of what Dan played prior. #visionmedium
It's been that kind of day for me. I was so on tilt that I picked one of a few tiles that would not allow me to bingo that I end up misspelling a word. I meant to play VEINER at 12A. Luckily, neither one of us would catch this careless mistake until it was far too late. Also, VERITE or VENIRE both play at 12D which I failed to spot. #visionmedium
That 3 Rs rack was very annoying to start. I unfortunately did not see G2 ARmOUR(E)R, and C8 (A)URORA was a much better play if I'm gonna miss the bingo. #findingbad
No home for IMPOSTS or MISSTOP. I did think about simply playing off an S with G7 (HOY)S to fish for 15A OPTIMIS(E) or 15A EPISTOM(E) and so that Ed can't just drop an A at 10G. This way, I can eventually open up the top left of the board if I pick an A. It felt like too big of a point sacrifice on a board that is only getting worse for bingoes due to me needing an E to make any sort of Column M plays. In addition, there's only 4 Is and 7 Es and a blank left to hit those specific bingoes. However, the sim appears to back up HOYS here as it is a slightly slower attempt to deplete the tile bag. #strategymedium
Absolutely clutch draw with picking both remaining Ss on just a 3 tile pull. I did bend by accepting the phony, which led to him drawing into his 1st bingo, but there's nothing I can do about his 2nd one except score and dump the V. I also could have left the S off to try scoring with YAEGERS*, which he might not even challenge if both of us really thought YAEGER* was good. #strategymedium
This is OK in its own right, and it does score the most, but 8J IDEATE would have allowed me to save my J and given me 5 chances to draw an A and something else for nice 6F plays! #visionmedium
I wish Woogles would have a button that allows me to change lexicons in the middle of the game, JAI# at 6F would have easily been it in that case! LOL
I looked for a while for nice QU- plays and there were none to be worth playing. Probably a slight overreaction with defense, N1 CEE is fine. #strategysmall
I did see F6 ZA as well as N4 MAZIER, but there's only 3 Es left which makes Row 11 harder to hit for her and she's random. However, I did not see 4H (JO)R(A)M which would have maximized score over 2 turns and allowed me to outrun some bingoes better. #visionmedium
I might take out Column K seeing how easy PEE is to hook, but there's a better bingo that I missed either way- D8 (C)LAMOURS for 2 more. Not to mention, Libero isn't out of this one yet with how easy it is to hook this board. #visionmedium
I did see O10 ARGUER, but what prompted me to keep EGR was the open I in TRIGO and the 4 unseen Ns. I didn't think this would sim too far back, but Quackle doesn't seem to like my move, and I understand that knowing ARGUER is 11 more. #strategylarge
I didn't see E11 (K)HAF, but this isn't too much worse. It felt reckless to set up an S hook that I don't have and keep a not very promising leave. With that said, a play that might fit the theme of playing it safer is 13D HUB, and it does sim ahead of FUB despite HATE being a usually better leave. #strategysmall
This play wasn't great. I had the right idea by blocking him from potentially getting QI down for 64, but this actually gives him back something else. J10 AIT would have done that just fine without giving up a lot of points. #visionsmall
I missed a really cool play here: 4K AR(E)CA. Even though it is a huge point sacrifice, Noah is going to have a hard time blocking the board after that, and there's still 3 Is and 4 Ns left to hit gerund bingoes on Column E. #visionmedium
I'm up by enough that I can withstand a bingo at this point, but I think F6 ALLOW goes thru just as many tiles and plays better defense as well. #findingsmall
I feel that I had the right idea by doing this over M7 OLEO given the 24 consonants and only 12 vowels unseen, but I think M5 LOOM might be a slightly better version of this just because I get to hang onto my E, although I am scoring 2 more points here and it's not possible to close down the board just yet. LOOM does edge out MOLE in the sim. #strategysmall
I didn't see DICTY in this spot, and it's probably better to ditch my T here despite that seeming counterintuitive at first because keeping a V usually won't get along nicely with a hugh consonant:vowel imbalance. #findingmedium
WATERI(S)H got blocked this time, yay. I will admit that I was mesmerized by Eric drawing into a lot of good things after playing longer and should not have tried minting the board with this move for another score on this board with there only being 2 Ns left. F12 HAW or 9G H(A)W score about the same and keep better. Yes, I might protect myself a little better by keeping the W to score again at F14, but the lanes in EMANATED and INTINES probably won't get blocked as often after playing off my H and W as as move like VOG. Threrefore, it would have been fine to keep AEIRT or EIRT to attempt to bingo again. My next draw was disastrous, and Eric probably would have ran away from me regardless if I screw up this turn with how well he drew all game. Maybe this would have been awash, idk. #strategylarge
2nd best play, but a distant 2nd. This is where I could have used the WORM extension INCH(WORM) for 66. I clearly did not think of the extensions that could have come into play with my placement. #visionsad
Played it safe with taking out 3x3s, but 15C (D)EGRADeS would have addressed it directly while scoring 13 more. No 3x3s were missed, but spread still matters. Also misscored as 70. #findingmedium
DIATRON doesn't play, wonderful. If Jamie is gonna bingo anyway even after I do L9 ODOR, maybe do that instead. This was too aggressive. #strategylarge
There's usually a big difference between games not being winnable by drawing poorly and games being lost by me not finding plays. K5 INI(T)IAL is definitely worth it over exchanging. However, if I'm not going to see that, at least my play beats out may other short plays. But yea, this was a miss. #findinglarge
Wasn't crazy about Column I plays, and they would actually benefit me more they would benefit Lynn because I am keeping a 2nd O. They also restrict Column K plays and potential 2x2s on Row 5. Yes, this sets up a nice scoring move of PEON on top, but I would say I3 KOP is a little better and the sim puts that and E4 POOKA ahead of FORK. #visionsmall
I thought DIALOGUED was the only valid spelling, but DIALOGED is valid too. Same with DIALOGER just like DIALOGUER. If I wasn't fully sure of the bingo, blocking the hotspot was fine and it at least sims ahead of 4J DODGE and 4J DADO. #knowledgemedium
Wow. I could have just as easily done something like (C)OTTAgES in the same spot and be OK. Instead I phonied for the 2nd time today. Am I seriously wrong when I thought 2 people could give a speech or do a protest at the same time? Apparently, COSTATE means having ribs, and thus it takes no hooks. #findingsad
Leaving OO isn't appealing either, but AXIAL was missed for 6 more. An exchange 4 is at least random enough to the point where I can just play my game. AXIAL keeps the board open longer, which is what I sorely need to have against Richard. #findingsmall
I liked that I saw this play hoping he wouldn't see that METICAL is good, but 13B ME(S)TIZA is a more sound play, clearly best, and is 56 which was missed. #findinglarge
I was about to do O1 REpAIRE(D) until this got blocked, but if only I looked a little harder, I would have seen A2 (P)EARlIER. I should have put him away several turns ago and now! #visionlarge
The last time I had an S, the only way I can get out of the bad rack was to score decently with it. I would have only scored so many more with it now that I didn't feel that it was worth it. 2J GLUMS I suppose would have been OK, I think I allowed emotions to influence this move too much. #strategymedium
I saw but hated how blocky D9 TOPO was. I liked this move to eventually open up the top left because I have the P hook for POI. Maybe OVATE would have been a better version of this if I was going to also pass up G12 OPT. #strategysmall
I think I needed to do K4 VERITY here- while there's no guarantee that I'll dump the Q next turn, it's a little more open, and I do still have 4 chances to draw an I or T. And I score 12 more. #visionmedium
Not sure this move really accomplished as much as I thought it would. I suppose it might prevent more 7s from playing, but I'm not closing everything down. 13C BEAU is fine. #strategylarge
I intentionally did not go out with 13C sENN(IT) knowing he had 3 seconds left on his clock and was going to lose 10 points accordingly. D8 N(AB)Es would have been better than my move to prevent his highest scoring out play. #endgamesmall
Spent some time seeing which bingo would be best. Definitely wasn't sure what to do, but even if I saw 12H PIdDLE(R)S, I think I should have at least given more thought to doing I6 DESPoIL or DISPELs. This move definitely could have been better. #visionlarge
How do I have almost the same rack as last turn?! Maybe just I9 KOI is fine. I'm lucky he didn't punish me harder with the EIKON hook which I didn't even think of tbh. #findinglarge
I did not know SQUILLA, which is the bingo on this rack. While that would not have stopped him from bingoing next turn, it would have made this one more interesting. I did see L8 QUASI, but I really need to both score and bingo. QUELL basically makes it a tie game and LL is an awful leave on this board. #knowledgemedium
So Roman numeral 11 is good and Roman numeral 9 is not, as we already know. This position is deceptively bad because I only have HIT or HILT underneath VOX and neither of those plays keep good leaves. It is nice to be able to fork against Richard just because I need an open board against him, but H7 G(O)THIC cleans up the rack nicely and doesn't give as much back to him even though it scores 5 less. #findingmedium
L3 SFOR(Z)aTO is not an easy one to spot by any means and is definitely more sound than this with it being the same score. Words starting with SF are not ones you see too often. And I'm glad that I talked myself out of EBONIZER*. #visionmedium
B13 OW does sim ahead of dumping the Q immediately because I can easily dump it on a future turn, as much as well all know how dreaded it is. I would do B13 OW over L7 (Z)ORILS even though that is shockingly the top simming play out of everything there is. #strategysmall
Sometimes it's not necessarily one move that costs me the game, but I feel like this is where I lost this one by not seeing 15A CULOTTES. That one is gettable and I have no idea how this game would have turned out if I did see it. #findinglarge
I did want to save my I for JINNI plays as well as play some sort of defense on the bottom, but I do think that J8 (NOVEL)LY was a better way of doing that. #findingsmall
N5 (D)ALTONIC got blocked and LACTONIC doesn't fit due to the Z being in the way. I think O8 COATI loses on the spot because that empties the bag and Scott could use Column E to take everything out. Maybe A8 AL is better just because it's 12 more and I could still hit ELECTION on Row 4 with 3 more Es unseen. #strategymedium
Definitely did not like B8 TIZ with there being only the unseen K in this pool, and I also didn't care for 5K GLITZ as that's like throwing meat in a lion's cage. 2F (BLOW)ZIER is a nice extension which I did not spot. That's easily better than anything else there is. #findingmedium
Definitely not doing N10 DATOS here. While I didn't even consider doing 11D QATS, that would have been worth it with 3 more Ss left. The sim does easily concur. #strategyquestionable
This and TIMInGS play in several spots. I figured I would choose not to be reckless with this placement, but H8 (R)IGhTISM is not a word I saw here. #findingmedium
Good for finding a scoring play, but Rs are better to keep than Ls on this board, so MOLLIE in the same spot would have been a little better. #findingsmall
F7 FREE scores the same as this play but is 6 more spread points for me. At least I correctly chose this over 2M FET as my move is 1 point better than that. #visionbad
H1 BLIP is only 1 less but keeps much better. 4D D(u)PING is sick vision and keeps a comparably good BL leave, but DGIN is just much better than GL as a leave. #findingquestionable
#visionsolid on this one with another 5 letter underlap. I also saw 14A sYNDETS, L6 aNDESYT(E), and DENSiTY in the same spot. I did not, however, see 2B eN(C)YSTED, but I would have passed it up anyway.
This play isn't bad. At least I found an OK way to play thru this rack, but the play I was looking for here was F7 (BE)RYL which I did miss. That would have given me another S hook to work with despite the slightly less synergistic DNPS leave. On the other hand, I think my play surprisingly sims a little better than BERYL because LPRS is more synergistic. #findingmedium
I did consider H11 XENIA and I6 ONYX. The problem with ONYX is that it gives him a nice scoring spot to work with and keeping 4 vowels wasn't exactly appealing to me. N11 OCEAN would have been really nice as I do save the X for another score. #visionlarge
This isn't bad for scoring, but 7C CORIUM is probably a better defensive option at this score because AWED takes too many hooks. #findingmedium
Also, if CORIA and CORIUM are both good, and SCORIA is good, why can't SCORIUM* be good?
Maybe just J14 SH would have been fine, as much of an S telegraph as that is as well as GUEST. I clearly made a more desperate move than needed. #visionmedium
No way will I be able to Q-stick him unless something miraculous happens, so I had the right idea to score again, but 1A FOLKIE is slightly better. #findingsmall
DOOZIE might be 6 more but I figured the odds of Rob having a B or W weren't great so might as well try to get back in it this way. This is 2nd behind DOOZIE. #tacticssmall?
I did see the bingo LEONINE on this rack, but missed my spot for it. M1 it is. Also, THIS IS PHONY! Only ENNOBLE is good with all the hooks. Maybe if I'm gonna miss my spot for the bingo, probably N9 ONE is decent. That's part of why I didn't win this game. #visionsad
His last play was interesting. I wonder if he perhaps didn't think of AMOTION or EMOTION when he played MOTION. While I liked PIT over DIP with the T in MEET available, C2 PITIED scores enough that I should just do that instead of hoping he misses the hooks if he drew them. #strategymedium
Since SUE was played quickly, I really thought he kept nicely. Still shouldn't have passed up M11 GYP for 10 more due to OPAH still being present with 8 Os left.. #strategylarge
This, however, is where I should have lost this game. I thought there was only 1 spot to play the U, but 8L UDO is the other one. So 11D EM should have come down first. #endgamelarge
Definitely wasn't sure how to approach this turn. Given that I needed to win this game as opposed to trying to cut spread due to having a large spread lead over Mark, I wasn't in any mood to parallel all the floaters I'm gonna want to have later on. As it turns out, this was a lame and unaggressive move. I think B8 (c)OMPONE was the play I was looking for here to stay withing striking distance and not shut the board down. #findinglarge
Tied for best play with 11F ELONGATE scorewise. Seeing the board is open as is, I might as well get others going. This was held but not challenged. #tacticssmall
I did see OXY in this spot but I wasn't willing to do that after Noah exposed an F. That would have given him great counterplay. Probably E7 UNAXED would have been a little better just because the X is a terrible tile to keep on this board too. #findingsmall
I guess I could empty the bag by doing B(E)NZAL in the same spot. I can comfortably outrun out bingoes he could have. But since I didn't see that, I settled on this. #findingmedium
This rack, while LEGIT AF if you will, seemed pretty awkward for this board. I didn't see the G being that good here and was looking to partially block the S if I didn't see anything that scored super well. With that said, 9C GELATI for 26 is insane board vision and didn't spot that. #visionlarge
I think that if I'm going to go with a board that is open enough to potentially benefit me but still leave the left side of the board blocked off, I think M2 DOGNAP(S) is a better version of this play as it doesn't expose as many floaters with QUIZ being in the way. Doing 9H GA(Z)ED, which I didn't even see, is defensive in the short term, but it would eventually defeat the purpose of doing VALINES in the first place. #findingsmall
I did consider just doing 14I MY, but 9 seemed like too many to sacrifice when I could conceivably get back in this game without needing to bingo. But I will admit that a stronger play given this pool would be 14I RYE just because there's only 3 Es left and Eric will often enough have a harder time scoring if he doesn't have an E left. Maybe he might be forced to score less while opening. #strategysmall
Q does like 5H PODGY better than my play for the better leave, but this makes the board quieter overall with a nice lead in hand if Robin doesn't have an S. A better version of this play is GYRING in the same spot because SPRYING is good. #visionmedium
Yea, this is not going well. Probably 12A VIEW is a better play at this score. This doesn't give me enough volatility compared to VIEW and also gets more clunkers off my rack. #findingmedium
I only have 1 win in this position that I missed- 6E (P)YI(N). It saves O6 ID which Froilan cannot block- his best block of that play is 5M A(U)K which gives me O5 KID to go out! This was misscored as 11. #endgamelarge
Wasn't exactly sure how to feel about telegraphing another S here. L3 HUTS would have really blasted the board open better and he would have a really hard time closing the board down after this. #strategymeh
Rd 2 of Philly virtual 1-24-2021. SEXLIKE* is not a word fyi. I know some of you all wish it was.
Q does understandably like 8G KEX a little better, but KEX will get paralleled too often by someone like Jay. This allows the board to stay open for reasonably longer, but EXILES is probably even better than this. #visionlarge
10A DHOTI would have been really nice for 6 more and I save the J for another scoring play! Gotta learn to find higher scoring without needing power tiles sometimes. #visionmedium
Stupid J draw. While it is basically a tossup between this and 10B JADES, 3G JA(C)ALES is worth it despite how much that could give up. I played this turn too scared. #strategylarge
Looked for -MEN bingoes, and F1 LIEgEME(N) is the only bingo that plays for 67 which I missed. 3 Es is annoying sometimes. Maybe M9 EME for 22 is a better move than this if I'm gonna miss the bingo? Don't miss hooks. #visionmeh
I did see 9F MIsCITE which I passed up. However, I missed the anagram of COMITIEs- 5D sEMI(O)TIC is 94, but even better positionally is 5D EpIT(O)MIC. #findinglarge
I wasn't sure if it was FUTHORc or FUTHORk. They're both good. But either way, FOURTHs is not hard to spot. This was just bad. Definitely would have done FUTHORk if I played this position optimally. #findingsad
I must ask: how is it that I can find harder to spot bingoes but space out on an easy one occasionally? It's a good thing I continued looking after initially seeing J8 (I)DONeOUS. #visionmuchsolider
Right idea to block the 3x3 after Dustin has been fishing all this time, but 15K SHOWS is fine for 21 more. Shouldn't concern myself with leave too much when I'm already winning this one. #strategylarge
This and 10H TUP(I)K, which I saw, sim closely. The D is a reasonably easy lane to hit and TUP(I)K undoubles my T, so maybe that was a little better. Doesn't seem like 5 extra points is quite enough to justify keeping an extra T. #strategysmall
Another awful draw, but this was not a good play. I would do 3I FIT if I had to do this over again as that will create easier access to the left side of the board and disposes of my F. #visionlarge
It's not bad for the score, but if I wasn't willing to do 1M (S)OB as that appears to give up too many points, 4G BOOR once again makes a lane that will be easy to use to access the left side of the board and keeps better. But even better is 4B OBVERT as that forks vertical lines and dumps the V. #visionsmall
I did consider 10F VE(L)UM, but that's too blocky for my liking since VELUMS* isn't good. I did not know 5H (S)WEVEN, which does look better positionally at this score even though I don't care for the right angle it creates. #knowledgemedium
Hm. I saw CAPRIC but didn't like how it took out lanes in ENROBERS. It is an 11 pt sacrifice but it doesn't sim that far behind CAPRIC. #strategysmall?
The most important line for me to be able to hit is the NAPERIES/JAPERIES hook on Row 1. I don't mind a move like this with 4 Ns left, but 13H (I)NCU(D)AL keeps the entire top open nicely. #visionmedium
Yea, this move carries too much risk with the leave and, of course, drawing 2 more vowels. HOO does sim better. Not to mention, AINOS isn't the best leave with an open K and I. #strategymedium
This bingo is very hard to find which I did miss, M2 SPAReR(I)B for 80. Not sure I'd ever think to look for something that ended with a B. #findinglarge
I am happy to burn my S here if it means scoring nearly 20 points more than my next best play, but the move should have been 14B EASEL for 34. That's a miss. #visionmedium
3E BEWIG, which I did not see, seems to be the best immediate equity play, but I do like this play anyway to set up -GH plays ending at 2F that score a lot. #tacticsstrong
This was a big mistake though. I should have realized that L2 (A)V(A) is my only spot to dump my V. Now I allowed him to slow play me instead of forcing him to go out. #endgamequestionable
While it might normally be OK to block JALOPS plays, it's definitely not OK to miss Column K plays with KLUTZY though. Therefore, maybe K5 PINY or K3 PARITY? #visionbad
It does give me a good bingo %, but the exchange was not worth it. 10F ZLOTY was missed and is certainly worth it because it gives me a juicy S hook that's not easy for Beth to block. The duck's blood pressure has increased. #findinglarge
Not exactly a fan of this position either, but the fact that I just drew another A makes my miss of LOGAN look that much bigger. Since the X isn't that good of a tile on this board, it's probably better to just take the 2 more points with 9F (T)AX instead of trying to force the board open, even though I like open boards better against him. #strategymedium
Found the bingo BEELINE, but unfortunately I did not know it took a D hook. If I'm not gonna realize there's a playable bingo, EEILN is OK to keep on this board for the open D and G, so I think (ADO)BE would have been better than this. #knowledgemedium
Other bingoes I saw here were 9C ARENOsE, 4D OvEN(W)ARE, and several thru the L. I'd rather open up 2 2x2s with this over ARENOsE, and make this safer play over OvEN(W)ARE, but I did actually have a 2x2 that I missed which was 5D EARp(H)ONE. #visionlarge
8D FAGOT sims a little better without an S in hand. An argument could be made for FOP, which I also considered, but I much prefer open boards against Richard. #findingsmall
This play is another mistake. I looked for some time for -LESS words and I can't be chickening out on things like K5 BeDLESS which is 101. The only playable bingo on Row 14 is DEBtL(E)SS. Even something as simple as 14G B(E)DS is better because it isn't worth it to keep 2 Ss on this board. #findinglarge
I did see 15B ChEWIE(S)T which is the only bingo there is, but that only scores 35 more than this. This is where it's correct to pass up the bingo and continue to outrun while I'm ahead. And CEIT? bingoes a lot on this board. Quackle approves. #strategysolid
While I did purposely pass up 14F TE(L)ECInE as well as 12G E(N)CEInTE just because of massive counterplay potential, and this will make the top right of the board hard to access, 14G E(L)ECTIvE is too many more points which was missed. That would have been the play if I saw it. #findingmedium
I liked the idea of turning over more tiles to clean up my rack after his exchange 7, and I wasn't scared of putting a U in the 2x2 lane, but I will say that J6 LUC(E)NT is a better version of this- NV is less clunky than TV is and I score 2 more, plus LUCENT doesn't take an S hook. #findingsmall
As frustrating as this game was, I didn't see BIZE at 13F unfortunately. If I had to do it over again, I play 13F G(I)BE threatening to go out with N10 InIA and C10 lI(T)AI, forcing him to play 11I BIZ(E)S. #endgamebad
I briefly thought about doing 5C OHIA or 5C CIAO as well as this, but those gave up too many points, and I still have Columns C and D to use. J2 OHO would have also been an interesting move setting up my C, however, I'm still not likely to win this game. And that's the hardest for Robin to block. #visionlarge #strategylarge
I briefly thought about doing 5C OHIA or 5C CIAO as well as this, but those gave up too many points, and I still have Columns C and D to use. J2 OHO would have also been an interesting move setting up my C, however, I'm still not likely to win this game. And that's the hardest for Robin to block. #visionlarge #strategylarge
While this play might have been #visionsolid, I crossed out the wrong letters and had him having ANR left instead of AER. If I had gotten it right, I would have done C4 AVO blocking RAVE knowing he has many outs. Luckily I only lost a couple of spread points because of this.
Ack, missed the BLAZING hook on this turn, although I would see it later. If I'm not gonna see that, maybe it's better to ditch the V with VERB in this spot. #findingsmall
15D CURV(Y) setting up my S is such a great play. He might not even think I have an S after that play too! Looks like a missed opportunity. #visionlarge
Verna is another player that I like open boards against, but this was the wrong way of going about this position. It did not look to me like Verna kept the X after CUING, and nothing keeps that great along with giving back hotspots. I felt that this was the least likely to get punished because she wasn't keeping great tiles. M3 HOU(N)D is a little safer positionally even with its own drawbacks. #strategymedium
Too aggressive and open here...M3 ZOMBIS is fine to score, but 7G UMBO is also better score, more defensive, and does just as good a job of saving scoring potential. #findingmedium
It is preferable to play thru this rack over exchanging, although exchanging down to CEN or CEIN doesn't sim too far back. 12H INU(R)E does score 6 more but I honestly didn't love the prospect of keeping CII here. I probably should have gone with INURE, nothing is really that good here. #strategysmall
I did look for plays that would block Row 14 and the I in MANWISE nicely, but I just couldn't come across 14F CONGE. That's what I needed to do at this score. #findingmedium
Not bad, but K1 (HE)L(I)X is a little better. With the FAKIES hook open, I'd rather dump the X and try to bingo asap instead of doing M1 LUNS. But yea, HELIX it is. #visionsmall
I didn't challenge it off, but for the wrong reason: I really thought HOMMOG* was good and therefore I thought HOMMOGS* was good! But more importantly, 12A TYLOSINS was missed! #visionsad
Fishing off the Y with WIFEY would have been better than my play, and also too many bingoes were missed namely StRIPEY and PYRItES, both of which are not hard to spot. #findinglarge
Even after an exchange 6, I think 10E LIE would have been a little better because even though I set up EWER and the EDIT hooks, L10E LIE sets up both my D and my R and Brandon averages about 3 less next turn. #strategysmall
Oof, I really would do B2 NONAG(ON) if I had to do this over again to keep more than 1 section of the board open. And CONGAMAN* looked too ridiculous to pass muster. #visionmedium
Perhaps I should have thought to do 4A GEnITORS here, which is the top simming play, instead of either my play or VERGIToS in the same spot because it doesn't open up anything new for Brandon, even though I am sacrificing 4 points. It's still a relatively nice pool and I would not be out of the woods. I should probably force Brandon's potential counterbingo with this reasonably nice pool to score less and give me back more. #strategymedium
He's close to a bingo after fishing off DE and EN on back to back turns. While doing this will allow me a nice opportunity to score respectably next turn with an A or I draw because he is likely to bingo and this can help keep the game close, probably doing E4 TROV(E) or TROV(E)R are both better given his strong range as they block both possible 2x2s. #visionmedium
10D RIFE would have been fine, EIN is overall better than just I. But then I make Libero have to outrun me and I take out a high scoring bingo lane. #strategymedium
I didn't see 12H BER(R)ETTA or 12H BAR(R)ETTE here but they all sim very closely. An E in the 5th position of a 3x3 isn't usually scary, but after Richard's last play, even if I saw the anagrams, I might still do this after I will be up 2 bingoes. It's a close call. #strategylarge
I think it might be fine to cash in immediately with 2J ZE(A)lS immediately which I didn't even see. I'm up by enough that I can comfortably just score. #findinglarge
Because I'm the only one with 5 wins, by taking this game I will guarantee myself the tournament win. ANOR is a decent leave for the board because I have the ABA hook and the APE/OPE hooks. MAP doesn't sim too far back of more aggresive options like J8 (T)AP setting up my A and 7F/9F PA setting up my O. For the same reason I would not be a fan of TAP because that takes too many unseen hooks, I can say the same thing about either placement of PA. Maybe J6 PO(T)MAN is probably the play to keep a slightly better leave and not give back hooks to Mark. #findingsmall
Not bad, but 14A MISDID is fine if it means outrunning better, which I can safely do at this score. I would have done MISDID if I had seen that. #findingmedium
Not bad in terms of opening up, but 9F HAY is a little safer. I will get X parallels more often next turn and Joel would have to open up for cheaper on his next move. #visionsmall
This endgame was terribly played. I spent way too long looking for bingoes and there were none, which put me on the verge of going OT after this play. EPIGEAn doesn't play, and I failed to spot Row 10 plays, namely 10K GAPE(D). #visionterrible
I did see 9D INCOMEs and 9D INCOMEr, but I intentionally passed those up. While this is definitely safer than 9D plays, I did miss H8 (A)NOxEMIC. Not always easy to make the blank an X. #visionmedium
Definitely questionable. I didn't like 5I MOTLIEr or MOTILEs, but I did not see 11G T(O)ILsOME, which is definitely safer knowing there's 3 Ss left, and Robin didn't seem to hesitate burning an S with DUNTS. #findinglarge
Definitely didn't seem crazy about D11 OBE, which I saw, but it would have been worth it here, 10 points is too many to give up when the board is wide open as is. #strategyquestionable
Nothing is particularly appealing to me here. I could have also done 6H VAV(s) as well, but I would like to be able to counter with a bingo should he bingo. That's just gonna make it extremely difficult to play on the top of the board in the future. However, H4 VALV(A)R is a miss and would have gotten me out of this mess better. #findingbad
If I saw the 7, which I unfortunately did not, 7B LARIGAN is the move at this score. I effectively make the top right of the board hard to access and 14A LARRIGAN gives him great counterplay. #findingmedium
I saw 15L PI(N)T. I hated the leave with this pool and was nervous about potentially picking the Q. That would have absolutely screwed me over if Scott bingoes with either the FUDGES hook, the TOUCHE hook, or throught the E in KERF. And even if Scott doesn't have a bingo, I then have to potentially waste my blank to dispose of the Q. Championship player does not put this too far behind A1 TaWPI(E) and O8 VIeW. Lookng back, maybe I should do 5D W(A)P if I'll score something and minimize turnover if the V is also very clunky on this board, except if I draw -TIVE bingoes on Row 2, namely 2A OpTATIV(E). #strategymedium
I did see G1 PYRANOI(D) which got blocked. This does fine to allow me to start to close down the top left with other parallels to FIVER and GODDESS. But a very nice play that I did not see was H1 PINA(F)OR(E) for 42! #visionlarge
Not the start that I was looking to have after a disappointing Round 2. Yes, Mark is an offensive-minded player just like I am, but on an undeveloped board, keeping E or keeping EP are still fine over this. POKE does not score enough and gives back too many hooks to justify keeping a leave that will not allow me to bingo for several turns. #strategymedium
If HU* (or Hofstra University, my alma mater) was good, 10G THION(I)NE still plays!! However, G3 HON is fine even with all those Es left. #strategymedium
This is one way to force the board open against him. He's not going to suspect that I am keeping an S. However, this was not a good time to make this specific play because I saw H7 G(A)RISHLY and talked myself out of it. #knowledgelarge
I did not know D6 MADHO(u)SE in this position. I did look for H11 plays and did not come across H11 (A)MAHS. That's a gettable one and clearly worth it over YODH if I don't know the bingo. #findinglarge
I did intentionally choose this over J4 WEKAS and WAKES just because I have another S to make SKAS. I probably overvalued the K5 hotspot and he would probably sniff my setup and play defensively. WAKES and WEKAS are simming a couple points ahead of KAS despite my bingo % being roughly equal between WEKAS and KAS. #strategysmall
Right idea with the turnover and blocking the HUMPS hook. I will say that TURNIP is a worse play than it usually is because I should not be keeping 2 Os with 3 more usneen. While TURNIP isn't egregious, I should be looking to address my O problem while also blocking more indirectly with F2 UNROOT or even 4C UNROOF. #visionmedium
As much as I really wanted the B off my rack, 7G ANA was considered. I didn't think it would be that much better in terms of equity, but it does force Jeff to potentially have to open for cheap if he can't use Row 14 efficiently. So 5 more points would have been worth it despite the worse leave. #strategymedium
I did see 4F VE(I)L which probably was fine to do over dumping the Q immediately. Exchanging down to ERT or ELRT would have also been fine. Nothing is really that inspiring, not sure. #strategymedium?
I like how well this goes through the tile bag while I'm ahead by a lot, but 2K BOIT(E) was missed and should have been the play. I should be making plays with less turnover with all those As left. #visionmedium
This one came to mind just because we all went through such an era! If I had seen D8 (M)ODICA, I would have played it just because I keep better and I score an extra point. #findingsmall
Oof, missed H8 (U)NAwARES for 8 more. I was correct to pass up J8 SANtERA because of bingoes with SANTERAS and I also didn't care for ARSENAL at 9D or 7D. My play sims well ahead of the 9D and 7D placements, but after an exchange 5, (U)NAwARES would have been fine to do if I had seen that. #findingmedium
It was about 2 minutes later during the game that I realized I missed the E5 placement for the same word. I would eventually hit that spot. But still, this is #visionbad.
Probably just 6L LI is fine. I really should focus on my I issues knowing it was hard to stop Cornelia from potentially bingoing next turn. G8 (N)IOBITE cleans up my rack nicely but with an S inferred it helps her a lot more than it helps me at this score. #strategymedium
Wayyyy to many points to lose out on here. Not only was I unsure of M8 LITHOES (LITHOS* isn't good), but 13B HOSTILE plays for 90! I could have had much more on this turn. #visionlarge
I need to be more sure of some things. I won't continue to get away with mistakes like this. I thought it was only UNGLUED, but apparently you can perform the action in real time. Therefore, 8J UNG(L)UE is the play. #knowledgemedium
M3 PER(I)WIG is not easy to spot, but it is clearly best. Also, it is probably ok to do 5K WELP for just 2 less and make a much worse board for Jack. I didn't see that one and Jack averages so much less after WELP. #findingmedium
I was unbelievably lucky to pull both blanks like that. This is the highest scoring bingo available and is the only one that allows me to slot the C in the 5th position. Well done. #findingsolid
While I did like CORE over COLE because of more remaining Rs than Ls, I did miss a bingo here- 11G RELOC(AT)EE. I gotta work on finding 9s. I realize they're not easy sometimes, but that could use some work. #findinglarge
Rd 3 Philly virtual 6-24-2021. Got too focused on dumping the W here, I think 8D CUTIE would have been just fine. It's definitely harder to parallel which is needed against Mitchell. #findingsmall
I did see F2 WARN, which would have been fine if she didn't phony. But BOUNCERS was the only bingo I saw for her. Although I couldn't stop her from making parallels on Row 5, I think 7H ULN(A)R would have been a much better version of this while still accomplishing what I was looking to do- block the U. #visionlarge
Definitely wasn't doing 7F or 7H GIGOT, especially against someone so defensive and when I'm already down a bingo. K4 OUTING was probably a better play with the open N in INOSINE even though it's no guarantee that's staying open, and it takes many hooks so that the board stays open longer. #strategyquestionable
ESTANCIA got blocked, which I would have seen this time. Clearly things are not going my way this game. I think I needed to do N1 ACETA here and create better scoring opportunities. #findingmeh
15D (H)UcKSTER is a cool one that is much better than this, and J1 TUR(N)KEyS is something that would have taken away the entire bottom right for him! #findingmedium
I did like VOGUE setting up my S better than G5 GUV(s). However, I was not sure if VOGUED was good, and it is. Despite me taking out my own hook, it is clearly better equity. I don't need to be leaving the title of Doctor of Dental Sciences on my rack in this position. #knowledgemedium
Another pathetic play. I did not know CLADIST, but I'm thankful that no bingoes were missed here. O8 ALCIDS is 41 which is perfectly fine. #findinggross
Admittedly, I was nervous about the Q, which is why I passed up I1 PUJA as the Q only would have played at B7 until my move. PUJA would have been fine as Robin can't do much with this pool. #strategyquestionable
1st live tourney for me in 2.5 years! The drive to Holden, MA was well worth it. I stopped off in CT on the way there the day before to hang out with another buddy and had a great time with him too. Despite some word knowledge errors I made this tourney, it felt nice to use real equipment when it mattered most. So here it goes: I saw SLEEPED* but correctly passed that up. Unfortunately, I thought SPEEL was a noun and not a verb, so I chickened out of SPEELED. #knowledgelarge
The only bingoes in this rack that I found were VAROOMs, OMNIVORA, and VAROOMED. Perhaps the aggression with 15F ARVO is warranted with a blank in hand, clearly a little stronger. #strategysmall
Spent a while on this turn looking for bingoes starting at C3 ending with -MOS or -MES, and there were none. 15H (A)cROSOME is a hard find, but nonetheless a miss for 6 more. #findingmedium
Maybe 8A DEV(A) is a little less blocky, or even 9C V(I)G is probably slightly better leavewise, but my win % is still around 8% either way. #visionsmall
Yea, I suppose I could try to reparallel with my J on row 2 now, but maybe let's do C3 DJINNI instead. I did overestimate future scoring prospects with the J, which aren't as abundant as I once thought. I should have just dumped it now. #strategylarge
I didn't even consider doing 8A BUsH for 51 which would have been sick! While I'm glad to have seen this one with 2 blanks, as well as D8 H(O)LIBUts, D6 BIH(O)UrLy is the safest one for only 2 less. #findinglarge
I spent quite a while looking for other bingoes besides COMPUTER, which would have been instantly played had the C been 1 spot further left. This looks like a great fish with how open this board is, but I did miss 11E PROM(O)TE for 44. Definitely a mistake. #findinglarge
Atrocious draw, but I didn't see C9 F(E)T(O)R. Yea, that looks a little safer to force Connie to open. This gives back the D and G hooks that I don't have. #visionsmall
This play doesn't even sim because that's how bad this rack is. Probably should have exchanged down to CR instead of forcing my way through this. #strategylarge
5D STRaNDE(R) is clearly a better choice and his next move explains why. If I'm going to miss that, maybe 15C NERDi(E)ST is a better choice. #findingmedium
This is where I wasn't sure what to do. I do want a more open board against David but REG seemed slightly reckless. Maybe GIE in the same spot is fine. I can still make a 2nd S hook without giving back hooks I don't have (AREG, DREG). #strategysmall
Yea, I looked thru the N in INCH trying to find something other that INTERNAL which would not open up a 3x3 for David. It's too easy to spend several minutes on a turn like this when I have a million bingoes available. Might as well just do 11A ReTINAE, idk. That's several more. #strategylarge
Sucks that O2 POL(Y)ENiC got blocked as well as the flashier but lower scoring N1 PENO(N)CeL. The P isn't that great on this board, therefore B2 CLOP would have been fine. #strategymedium
I did see E5 DEXTe(R)S, but the leave is not great. The X isn't worth keeping for long on this board, which is where the duck agrees with me. DGST? is not 6 points better than EGS? which would have happened after doing H5 D(I)X(I)T for 24. #findingmeh
I intentionally did not go out with C3 MEH because I saw that he was over by about 55 seconds and he had no out plays himself, so that netted me 10 more spread points plus an extra turn. #tacticssolid
I had the right idea if I wanted to go here, but it should be UDOS in this spot with the K on the board already. But even better is setting up another S hook with H5 DO(ZEN)! #visionlarge
I really liked how I could draw into H10 (FA)DEIN with an E draw with this play. It would be challenging to end a 6 with an F or H for H1 plays which is why I felt it was best to dump those and score a few extra points with FOH over 10F FID. This is ok if I wasn't looking to bingo asap, but if I didn't see the possibility of drawing into FADEIN, I might have given more thought to doing 10F FIDO instead. #strategysmall
I didn't see FETE in this spot, but I still liked keeping my other E for the GEMOTE hook to bingo. FETE would have still been a little better to score 8 more to dig for the blanks more. #visionmedium
As unconventional as this looks, I was not doing L10 (TI)BIAE with a lead. Probably L10 (TI)BIA would have been fine because this pool is very clunky. Don't play scared and pass that up. #strategylarge
This play isn't bad. It is a sound play. But the leave after 12H BE(S)TOW, which I didn't see, is much less clunky. The score I average next turn is several points higher after BESTOW than KOEL, and it is more than enough to offset the 1 extra point David will average after I make the more open move. BESTOW is the play since I can save my K to score again next turn. #findingmedium
Another play that doesn't do as well on static equity but sims very well. I don't think VAGI in the same spot is as good as it might usually be just because there's so many Es left. 13G AGE seems to be best as -TIVE is a fantastic leave for Column N bingoes if David seemed to be hesitant to play there with AXES/AXED plays being a thing. #strategysmall
I liked finding a play that opens up nicely. I think if I wanted to also dump my G here with Column H already being one of my main bingo lines, E2 VAGIN(AL) was a slightly better play for 2 more. The sim agrees. #findingsmall
I know Bernie's game well enough that he's gonna just take the TWS as soon as I open one up, which won't help him at his deficit. Still should do 7D DUO for 3 more. #strategysmall
I did have the right idea by realizing that the Q didn't need to be dumped immediately. However, M9 KALIF is definitely better as that doesn't do his work for him shutting down the board, and it's 17 more. #findingbad
I did not know 4B S(C)ABLAND. Maybe B5 AB if I had to do this one over again as that's 10 more and now there's only so much I can do to block after VOCAL. #findingmedium
Not sure how M7 MED is better when I dump an additional consonant with MELD. I definitely wasn't doing M7 MEDAL with what that opens up, but I think if I'm going to keep another consonant on my rack, 7M MUD is actually a farily sound play not offering Richard anything new to work with. ABDLT is not as bad of a leave on this board as I would have thought. #visionmedium
I did see POTTERED on Column I until Richard blocked it. But H1 DEPORTER scores enough to make it worth blowing up the rack as opposed to this bingo-friendly leave. #findinglarge
It's none of Jay's BEESWAX what I have on my rack (except if he tracked correctly which he did). Sadly there is no spot for this cool bingo and I would go on to miss F1 WAXE(r)S saving multiple out plays with BE. #endgamelarge
3G PRODDERS is the bingo that he just had to take out! PEDRO in the same spot does sim better than this understandably because I have the S. That's a miss. #findingbad
Definitely wasn't sure how to feel about WO in the same spot as I didn't love EILNR on this board. Maybe WON is a little better for the leave, but there's still 4 Ss left and I don't give up an S hook with WORN over WON. WO is a reasonable play because Robin will want to score thru the V in VETOED some of the time which could open up a bingo line for me. I did not spot D8 WOL(V)ER which would have given me a nice fork and scored a couple more. #strategymedium
This is my first big mistake this game missing the superior 14B A(N)TIPHoN. It is a word that I knew, and although I also saw 13B T(R)ANsHIP, I like the play I made over T(R)ANsHIP with the Z still unseen. #findinglarge
I didn't like 13L DOJO with what that gives back. Out of all options that keep the J, which seemed like the right idea, 11K MHO is just as reasonable and is 6 more. #findingsmall
Yea, I wasn't a fan of K11 J(A)VA here. I'm not sure why it sims better than my play if I get to keep my only vowel. Maybe K9 JAV(A) is fine because the 10J spot is not that dangerous after that play and I have a vowel at the bottom and top of the board to bail me out with a play like 2F WR(O)NG if I pick more consonants. K9 JAVA does look to be a bit stronger with respect to the leave and it giving a lot less back than K11 JAVA. #strategymedium
W(YE) looks like a good fish on the surface, but I thought Dustin was more likely to block after my fish. Most 7s wouldn't even play on this current board even if I drew into one. I think I would have done J6 DREW if I had to do this one over again. #visionsmall
I figured this was a very good rack and I had a feeling I might have missed something after I hit my clock. I just could not come across 9C BURSEED for 73 or I3 DEBRU(I)SE for 65. #findinglarge
Rd 3 Philly virtual 5-16-2021. Missed DEGAGE which is better for turnover. Maybe GEODE should have been it if I'm gonna miss DEGAGE. This just makes it easy for him to parallel. #findinglarge
The G is so bad that A8 KNUR is barely worth it for 7 more. 14L YUK is worth it though because of the open I in INFIX which suits leaving GNST nicely. #visionlarge
4A JE(ZA)IL would have been 10 more and forced a response from him that would allow me to open the board more. If he takes the J spot, I could have a nice Column K reparallel. #findingmeh
Definitely better than 7B KH(ET) as I keep a better scoring tile for next turn, but 10B BL(E)AK seems a bit better for 3 more, a little more balanced leave, and blocking the good floaters Eric has to bingo. #visionsmall
Yea, the V is bad enough that 4 points isn't quite worth it to do this over L1 DRAV(E). ADM is that much more flexible than AV is on this board. #strategysmall
I did not know the ATWAIN hook in this situation. So I decided to try to bingo again and rack up additional spread. #knowledgelarge because I would have scored much better than this.
Pretty significant mistake by getting too greedy. Just take the guaranteed bingo with NOTIFIER. Why can't TONIFIER* be good if TONIFIES and TONIFIED are good along with NOTIFIER, NOTIFIES, and NOTIFIED? Good challenge Beth. #knowledgesad #dictionaryflawslarge
This normally plays good bingo defense, but after I once again can't shut everything down, O1 CHAYS for 15 more is worth it this time because I can't even draw any more Ts. #findingmedium
9K REX would have been fine, it's more defensive and doesn't offer her big Column J scoring opportunities. I didn't like the C being in the position it's in, which kinda prompted me to play this. 9K REX is still the play. #visionlarge
It's a nice enough pool to the point where O7 LORANS, TOLANS, or even ROTLS sim much better than this lame fish. I'm just not too happy at this point, but I needed to just cut spread instead of passing those plays up. #strategylarge
I was hesitant to play 11A GODWIT just because it doesn't address the B10 hotspot, but 4 more points is fine and ITW isn't doing much on this board. John isn't going to shut down the lanes in CAPTAIN when he's behind. #strategymedium
How on earth did I draw a rack one letter off from the rack I had when I played DOGY a few turns ago? And even more impressive was the fact that I drew another D, W, and a Y, not even a high probability rack. K10 WY(N)D is a little tricky to spot and is 6 more. Not too big of a mistake. #findingsmall
His only valid bingo was 12H (N)OONTIDE for 70. Instead, I let him get away with this plausible phony. You can apply things like suntan lotion, right? #knowledgesad
i saw outrank pretty quickly, but missed outdrank. either way i was trying to figure out if it was worth passing the bingo up. F10 TAROK actually sims better than my bingo, but OUTDRANK sims best. -2.5 #findingsmall
haha, i adore D8 (F)A. i don't know how often that works, but i have ZOOID for 79 a lot of the time after that, and ZOOIDAL for 123 sometimes! LOL. clever quackle. always look for setups i guess. -10 #visionlarge ... my move isn't that bad, it's just that FA/AX is so awesome.
it's upsetting that INTIFADA just barely does not fit. what a tough tournament. i'm 1-5 at this point and can't figure out how to play. i should just play FAD. i might play FAD if this was a regular game and i wasn't terrified of losing, but keeping two i's get scarier and scarier the more i lose :/ i didn't even think of the S hook on TAIN until later in the game. it's so hard to play well. i could do D11 AID if i don't want to double my i's, or even 7C AIM. -5 #strategymedium
an unaggressive, lame move. BOW at H13 is probably better. but BROWS/CROWS at 14B for 39 pts is best. i didn't even bother counting the score. i think if i had counted it i would have realized that's the play i want to make. it's really really hard to focus when you're 1-5. i was probably on autopilot trying to keep the RS combo etc. instead of thinking about the game situation. -8.5 #strategylarge
wow. CEROES* is phony. CERO is a fish, not the number ZERO. never knew that. REBEC is still the best play, but i can't find plays like that when i'm 1-5 no matter how positive i am. -1 #knowledgelarge #tacticssmall
wow. CEROES* is phony. CERO is a fish, not the number ZERO. never knew that. REBEC is still the best play, but i can't find plays like that when i'm 1-5 no matter how positive i am. -1 #knowledgelarge #tacticssmall
The listing of all of the player's mistakes. For more information about mistakes, check the 'Mistakes' section of the about page.
Duplicate game detected (Tournament 11740, Round 1).
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