Sal Piro
Sal Piro
Color Key
= Triple Triple
= Bingo 9+
= Improbable
= +
= +
= +
= + +
Player Lists
Type Play Probability Score
HE(R)NIATE 241 76
OR(D)AINER 134 72
(T)WENTIES 6460 86
REAGIN(I)C 2134 74
RE(O)ILING 776 68
POSOLES 17965 86
ELEGITs 2470 80
A(D)eNITIS 310 68
ZENAIDA 3975 102
FANwISE 4379 85
(G)RUELING 11708 62
TAN(G)ENTS 9997 80
FOuLEST 6401 74
TAENITE 342 66
RESTUDY 8696 73
DOM(E)lIKE 12175 80
Re(P)AINTS 442 80
CRETINs 1490 81
FACT(O)IDS 8351 66
STOPinG 7284 88
(A)TRAZINE 1437 88
CAREFUL 9237 80
NO(T)IfIER 649 64
STRAINE(D) 62 80
POTHERB 12712 84
PARTITE 2118 69
ANILInE 1679 74
STRiNG(E)D 1170 63
BRIsTlE 3214 92
A(M)NIOTES 223 74
SEA(T)RAIN 82 70
VISORIN(G) 9588 89
(V)ArIOLES 529 83
ODO(N)ATEs 570 70
PAtENTS 6500 90
STRInGY 9839 72
BANDeRS 2918 70
FRACTAL 15454 110
HUDDLE(R)S 22541 78
POINTES 1001 79
ReGaLES 2455 76
UNDOCK(E)D 25180 68
(S)ERRAtED 2688 77
LATENED 569 70
(D)EBATING 1803 92
rETAPES 2237 93
REARErS 11316 70
ES(C)OTING 2138 72
OPERATE(S) 781 90
MEISTER 2182 67
T(E)LERANS 378 70
MiNGLES 7551 69
OUtSINS 8594 80
DARTLES 1147 77
APoSTLE 1975 71
SLITT(I)NG 15890 70
(D)iPTERAN 421 83
BESTOWA(L) 6700 64
ENTER(I)CS 1611 61
LEWD(N)ESs 20633 82
IN(T)REATS 363 131
HOM(E)WARD 11897 74
SARDINE(S) 2190 83
SERENIt(Y) 1629 83
CO(I)NAGES 973 69
cONVERT 5200 75
(T)ERNIONS 489 77
UN(W)ITTED 7962 78
TRIBADE 586 76
(Y)ODElING 4367 86
IRENICA(L) 1237 62
DOTTIER 787 73
EDGIEST 2467 74
sEABAGS 18066 91
SQUARED 9114 104
SEMI(L)LON 9719 74
rODDING 10556 72
BEMIRED 8329 73
AMOsITE 331 83
EDIT(A)BLE 1437 94
CANOERS 845 76
UNR(U)STED 10610 70
APTERIA 829 75
(A)CARINES 1197 83
UNfROZE(N) 19536 122
(e)NVISAGE 2350 76
DELATOR 149 73
TONNE(A)US 1150 62
BIRLERS 9443 66
aNTIQUE(S) 2648 109
PALMATE(d) 13272 92
CLAN(G)ERS 6171 74
UN(E)ASIER 125 68
AVIaTOR 1862 75
RENTERS 3768 65
SMATTER 6495 82
RELAPSE(R) 9586 62
TUnELE(S)S 11647 61
FOREMEn 5856 80
ENLaRGE 1129 68
NONUSER 3503 78
DiSROOT 3432 79
ADORInG 834 70
MUN(C)HIER 14719 221
LITTERS 2726 73
NAKeDlY 13473 106
(T)ENURIAL 80 68
SE(E)DLING 3268 61
FOLIAGE 1303 80
(O)RDERERS 14747 63
NERVOUS 3760 77
EPI(B)LAST 5363 76
ST(O)RMING 6226 69
R(E)TOTALS 1088 60
DEAI(R)ING 634 90
RoTATIO(N) 1638 74
DUALISE 1118 81
BALLOTS 16058 83
ApERINT(H)* 0 83
OUT(L)INeR 97 58
CORNEAL 842 73
MANGLEd 7182 85
TE(R)RANES 1223 66
DESKMAN 13474 80
RATABLE 3434 67
CRiN(G)ERS 10179 74
(A)CESCENT 15459 95
SPAVIET 4228 70
FEiNTED 2259 65
DuPATTA 18117 83
AL(E)RTEST 2698 70
SORRELS 13325 81
SWAPpER 20771 98
R(E)TILINg 1566 66
(N)EUMATiC 3322 74
DOO(R)mATS 9267 62
STANDER 433 76
CODINGS 10784 77
ANEROId 1 65
(F)IERIEST 3485 86
DAWTIEs 1530 77
PENATES 2233 81
REQ(U)ESTS 20378 71
LOANERS 152 69
BAStION 1642 80
STRIpED 3273 79
REnTABL(E) 1582 80
AdHESIO(N) 544 80
RODENTS 526 71
IRoNIST 1331 77
ATONIAS 526 70
AZOTISE 1095 91
AEOLIAn 60 66
(M)ISVALUE 8904 65
(L)OTIONED* 0 75
mOULAGE 5381 65
OORALIS 1682 75
DOLLARS 11103 70
ORANg(I)ER 299 64
STOWiNG 7541 91
OROIDEs 1032 74
TERRITS 6004 75
CANNErS 6452 72
REItBOK 5693 84
FRUI(t)AGE 1829 63
OBVIATE 1235 76
qUARTER 9794 67
IN(q)UIETS 8242 68
ARANEID 131 62
MYTHIEr 11862 74
EUGEN(I)ST 1593 62
PRATTL(E)s 7614 68
ERELONG 1244 65
OXIDATE 1002 85
(R)ENTIERS 1239 82
InARMED 613 84
CISTRON 3268 82
(B)EADSMEN 9831 92
SHALOMS 21287 77
NETTlED 6231 61
cOTTIER(S) 3580 64
(R)ETINUES 392 77
SpEARMA(N) 9784 70
TuRMOIL 5877 74
RECUSeD 9600 85
EUGE(N)IsT 1749 82
S(A)VORERS 13777 85
(A)POSTLES 9190 76
INTONES 792 67
StEWIER* 0 82
The of bingos played by the player that were not challenged off.
Triple Triples
Type Play Probability Score
IN(T)REATS 363 131
MUN(C)HIER 14719 221
Triple triples played by the player that were not challenged off. They do not have to be bingos.
Challenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were challenged off by an opponent.
Unchallenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
CASTED* 0 50
(I)NDY* 0 16
PILE(R)* 0 21
ApERINT(H)* 0 83
OUTDUG* 0 14
(L)OTIONED* 0 75
V(E)RID* 0 21
StEWIER* 0 82
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were not challenged by an opponent.
Plays That Were Challenged
Type Play Probability Score
VaCUATE* 0 0
LAICY* 0 0
F(I)GGY* 0 0
VOIL* 0 0
MERLINS 3146 0
TOReDOS* 0 0
MUN(C)HIER 14719 221
FOSTERS 10860 0
EPI(B)LAST 5363 76
BARRY 7569 26
Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Opponent Lists
Type Play Probability Score
VaCATES 10721 88
SUNNILY 17665 76
RICHENs 7113 79
(I)MAGINES 4184 78
RI(G)AUDOn 1257 72
S(I)LICIFY 29364 82
DILUTaN(T)* 0 77
NEUT(E)RED 3674 86
FIRES(I)DE 5873 100
RA(G)WORTS 14495 63
ULCER(A)TE 3026 90
(G)ENEROUS 2130 61
REDR(O)OTS 6135 65
PODESTA 1959 82
REAdO(u)TS 332 74
NATRIUM 2712 85
WEBSTER 11469 94
OV(E)RTIRE 2133 67
ST(A)nDING 7393 72
RELISTS 5033 72
NOODGEs 5141 81
REP(E)ALED 7079 74
SHORiNG 7857 78
OLOGIES 3028 76
TWINGED 4386 75
PTERINs 1502 76
VERSION 1007 90
LENSINg 6388 78
gATELIK(E) 4775 86
dITSIER 1284 72
TRITONi(TE)* 0 77
OT(A)LGIAS 2996 72
INTE(R)RED 1296 70
HYALITE(S) 5732 95
PRONEST 2091 89
PAESANO 2359 67
(PA)STOrALI 2994 80
INARMED 613 91
NATI(V)ELY 3188 176
JU(N)cTION 20728 82
ROOFIES 2663 73
BOARISH 6934 88
AURE(O)lED 468 58
INTeR(I)OR 606 71
(E)NtODErM 1972 83
ENTRAI(N)S 356 70
(G)RIEVANT 794 78
AERIALS 494 68
VANI(T)IED 1242 66
AFFEcTS 20783 89
DAUBI(E)ST 2294 83
NOTeDLY 3880 75
RAILING 3447 74
oUTSAIL 1178 68
TREATED 1874 78
OUtSEEN 852 64
NEITHER 1083 86
OBLIQ(U)ER* 0 88
PERCIDS 10101 103
REAPInG 1231 79
ArRASED 5792 80
OUREBIS 1988 69
DIORITE 242 66
T(H)READER 6373 74
GLUTENS 5986 72
GRADuAT(ED) 9601 89
WHEREIN 5360 89
Es(C)APEES 22644 72
OUTlINE 178 80
AGAROSE 1237 73
cOLOR(I)SE 3933 74
ENABlED 4009 68
ROuLADE 510 64
LIAISED 1265 78
LEIsTER 610 80
CELLAR(E)T 10019 61
(L)IVErIED 5874 76
(Q)UASHERS 24552 92
HEROIZ(E)s 8703 109
G(R)OWLING 20925 78
PiCOTED 5085 77
ABUsIVE 6908 81
RESLATE 586 70
ROTU(N)DER 2504 86
SOMiTES 7648 78
TAILLES 2883 70
UNNaMES* 0 74
STR(A)n(G)LER 3171 72
VORLA(G)ES 4356 74
rA(V)IGOTE 395 86
RAMpING 11575 94
SORICI(N)E 1686 74
R(A)MENTuM 14921 69
REMATeD 2194 84
BARG(A)INS 9355 80
TWAnGIE(R) 796 83
RECLA(I)MS 5665 74
LAUWINE 1559 76
NeURONA(L) 1144 74
A(N)NoTATE 3670 59
AEOLIaN 60 79
(A)eRIFIEd 1755 89
REST(R)UNG 8872 70
WANTERS 1615 78
A(N)NULOSE 2489 70
O(V)ERTRIM 7858 71
TUXEdoE(D) 19254 95
RESTING 815 66
IMPENDs 10136 90
mEDIACY 11721 88
ANSERI(N)E 522 59
ZINGIER 8836 107
TAVERNS 1613 80
IsTHMO(I)D 17225 76
CRESTAL 3086 80
(K)NEADERS 5703 92
GaI(E)tIES 820 78
UNREpAI(R) 2939 78
MESHiNG 12227 96
ELISION(S) 5404 60
DIRLINg 8943 70
CATENAS 3606 79
REGGAES 10591 70
PEP(T)ININ* 0 63
DEFI(A)NCY* 0 81
EASTWAR(D) 4667 76
ANGELIc 2407 77
FUnE(R)EAL 2908 80
TWIRLeD 3254 78
EMBAYED 15899 74
M(O)BOcRAT 19181 76
HOSTAgE 2815 77
TREP(A)NGS 3515 94
BICORnE 2624 66
ENGRAIN 1123 70
TIP(S)TERS 17177 74
E(N)FACING 12501 88
FUlSOME 14284 74
OARSMEN 883 79
(A)PIARIAN 12801 83
ETHICAL 4136 82
EXPOR(T)ED 11748 76
TUNNELE(R) 4779 60
WEAPo(N)ED 4564 88
LINTERs 426 64
UNHEATE(D) 2881 80
GROSSED 10855 89
InEDI(B)LE 5576 90
TAURINE(S) 77 66
LIONISe 703 75
LEASInG 721 71
TAVeRNA 1836 68
(U)NROBiNG 14500 70
RIOTING(S) 3181 61
(R)ETICULE 3109 89
CRITErI(A) 3094 72
ALIDADE 5890 72
LE(A)KIEST 3426 66
DO(U)BTERS 5177 80
INEARTH 231 71
OBELISE 2608 89
GRO(U)nDER 6657 74
N(E)OLITHS 1462 65
RA(t)IFIED 1239 65
LEVANTE(R) 1604 72
RIVIE(R)AS 5583 62
DENARIi 140 84
CURVETS 13385 84
NITRIDS 4462 74
LIGHTE(R)S 6215 75
SLANDEr 1142 61
HAREEMs 8304 114
APOlUN(E)s 2796 122
SNEEZI(E)R 8243 69
INTERN(A)L 355 66
BONnIER 2587 80
LAZIEST 3384 91
PRERI(N)SE 6142 84
ABO(U)LIAS 7978 61
EMOTIoN(S) 2094 80
GNATHIC 11079 82
CTEn(I)DIA 1170 78
STHENIA 672 92
FETATIO(N) 763 72
RESINEd 595 68
RE(L)IANCE 590 72
HOOPOOS 23603 82
(D)OORNAIl 1059 66
FEATHER 5114 73
dEUTERO(N) 489 66
(M)ONIKERS 7313 80
F(A)nTASIA 12049 61
SUBRING 13062 71
ALIEnAT(E) 131 58
AGNIZED 5188 92
RESITES 3964 65
pROFUSE 11249 82
RIdG(E)TOP 2261 72
CHORTLE(S) 10247 92
DAPHNIA 13116 82
MUSCLED 18727 94
SUETIER 614 72
LAMBI(E)ST 5635 64
INDOLES 514 75
INTERB(E)D 1610 76
LAAGERS 3985 71
L(A)pIDATE 2414 65
DIAP(A)UsE 4781 62
PLEADER 4063 80
The of bingos played by the player that were not challenged off.
Triple Triples
Type Play Probability Score
NATI(V)ELY 3188 176
OVEr(WET)S 8035 117
APOlUN(E)s 2796 122
Triple triples played by the player that were not challenged off. They do not have to be bingos.
Bingo Nines or Above
Type Play Probability Score
TRITONi(TE)* 0 77
(PA)STOrALI 2994 80
GRADuAT(ED) 9601 89
STR(A)n(G)LER 3171 72
Bingos played by the player that were nine letters or longer and were not challenged off.
Challenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were challenged off by an opponent.
Unchallenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
DILUTaN(T)* 0 77
(PEACE)R* 0 12
FRONTE* 0 34
TRITONi(TE)* 0 77
WISHAS* 0 25
WHEES* 0 83
PALEO* 0 23
OBLIQ(U)ER* 0 88
SWIVER* 0 78
PULPEN* 0 27
UNNaMES* 0 74
(SEXTO)RCE* 0 51
PEP(T)ININ* 0 63
DEFI(A)NCY* 0 81
(K)EGEL* 0 32
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were not challenged by an opponent.
Plays That Were Challenged
Type Play Probability Score
SARRAZ(I)n* 0 0
TWINGED 4386 75
CALM 2953 30
PONDS 4845 26
NATI(V)ELY 3188 176
RI(T)ZING* 0 0
SHOlATE* 0 0
TITI 1998 0
UNC(O)RK 12186 0
FEE 294 22
NEGRO* 0 0
Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Notable Lists
Many Double Words Covered
All Triple Words Covered
Games in which every triple word bonus square was covered.
Game Stats
Stat Average Total
Games 1.00 105
Invalid Games 0.01 1
Incomplete 0.01 1
Disconnected 0.00 0
Other 0.00 0
Total Turns 25.68 2696
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Player Stats
Stat Average Total
Wins 0.30 31
Score 392.31 41193
Score per Turn 30.6040
Turns 12.82 1346
Vertical Plays 5.54 582
Horizontal Plays 6.13 644
One Tile Plays 0.45 47
Other Plays 0.70 73
Firsts 0.53 56
Vertical Openings per First 0.0000
Horizontal Openings per First 1.0000
Full Rack per Turn 0.2808
Exchanges 0.42 44
High Game 549
Low Game 242
Highest Scoring Turn 221
Bingos Played 1.85 194
Sevens 0.96 101
Eights 0.89 93
Nines 0.00 0
Tens 0.00 0
Elevens 0.00 0
Twelves 0.00 0
Thirteens 0.00 0
Fourteens 0.00 0
Fifteens 0.00 0
Bingo Probabilities 5219.04
Sevens 5128.81
Eights 5318.20
Nines 0.00
Tens 0.00
Elevens 0.00
Twelves 0.00
Thirteens 0.00
Fourteens 0.00
Fifteens 0.00
Tiles Played 46.86 4920
A 4.34 456
B 1.05 110
C 0.95 100
D 1.88 197
E 5.62 590
F 0.76 80
G 1.38 145
H 0.86 90
I 4.19 440
J 0.45 47
K 0.48 50
L 1.90 199
M 0.92 97
N 2.86 300
O 3.81 400
P 0.95 100
Q 0.43 45
R 2.87 301
S 1.93 203
T 2.89 303
U 1.75 184
V 0.94 99
W 0.97 102
X 0.49 51
Y 0.82 86
Z 0.47 49
? 0.91 96
Power Tiles Played 4.68 491
? 0.91 96
J 0.45 47
Q 0.43 45
X 0.49 51
Z 0.47 49
S 1.93 203
Power Tiles Stuck With 0.23 24
? 0.04 4
J 0.01 1
Q 0.03 3
X 0.01 1
Z 0.00 0
S 0.14 15
Turns With a Blank 1.03 108
Triple Triples Played 0.02 2
Bingoless Games 0.09 9
Bonus Square Coverage 15.30 1606
Double Letter 4.80 504
Triple Letter 5.54 582
Double Word 2.78 292
Triple Word 2.17 228
Phony Plays 0.23 24
Unchallenged 0.08 8
Challenged Off 0.15 16
Challenges 0.30 31
You Won 0.07 7
Opponent Lost 0.03 3
You Lost 0.05 5
Opponent Won 0.15 16
Challenge Percentage 0.5833
Defending Challenge Percentage 0.1579
Percentage Phonies Unchallenged 0.3333
Comments 7.35 772
Comments Word Length 180.33 18935
Mistakeless Turns 12.82 1346
Mistakes per Turn 0.0000
Mistakes 0.00 0
Knowledge 0.00 0
Finding 0.00 0
Vision 0.00 0
Tactics 0.00 0
Strategy 0.00 0
Endgame 0.00 0
Time 0.00 0
Dynamic Mistakes 0.00 0
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Player Confidence Intervals
Tile p CI
A 0.4822 (0.4268, 0.5104)
B 0.5250 (0.3799, 0.5573)
C 0.4750 (0.3799, 0.5573)
D 0.4700 (0.4059, 0.5313)
E 0.4683 (0.4324, 0.5048)
F 0.3800 (0.3799, 0.5573)
G 0.4600 (0.3962, 0.5410)
H 0.4300 (0.3799, 0.5573)
I 0.4656 (0.4268, 0.5104)
J 0.4500 (0.3432, 0.5940)
K 0.4800 (0.3432, 0.5940)
L 0.4750 (0.4059, 0.5313)
M 0.4600 (0.3799, 0.5573)
N 0.4767 (0.4174, 0.5198)
O 0.4763 (0.4243, 0.5129)
P 0.4750 (0.3799, 0.5573)
Q 0.4300 (0.3432, 0.5940)
R 0.4783 (0.4174, 0.5198)
S 0.4825 (0.4059, 0.5313)
T 0.4817 (0.4174, 0.5198)
U 0.4375 (0.4059, 0.5313)
V 0.4700 (0.3799, 0.5573)
W 0.4850 (0.3799, 0.5573)
X 0.4900 (0.3432, 0.5940)
Y 0.4100 (0.3799, 0.5573)
Z 0.4700 (0.3432, 0.5940)
? 0.4550 (0.3799, 0.5573)
To learn more about these statistics, check the 'Confidence Intervals' section on the about page.
Opponent Stats
Stat Average Total
Wins 0.70 74
Score 441.65 46373
Score per Turn 34.3504
Turns 12.86 1350
Vertical Plays 5.96 626
Horizontal Plays 5.99 629
One Tile Plays 0.48 50
Other Plays 0.43 45
Firsts 0.47 49
Vertical Openings per First 0.4000
Horizontal Openings per First 0.6000
Full Rack per Turn 0.9437
Exchanges 0.32 34
High Game 684
Low Game 302
Highest Scoring Turn 176
Bingos Played 2.07 217
Sevens 1.02 107
Eights 1.00 105
Nines 0.05 5
Tens 0.00 0
Elevens 0.00 0
Twelves 0.00 0
Thirteens 0.00 0
Fourteens 0.00 0
Fifteens 0.00 0
Bingo Probabilities 5315.77
Sevens 4861.46
Eights 5837.86
Nines 3945.00
Tens 0.00
Elevens 0.00
Twelves 0.00
Thirteens 0.00
Fourteens 0.00
Fifteens 0.00
Tiles Played 50.21 5272
A 4.49 471
B 0.92 97
C 1.01 106
D 2.03 213
E 6.10 640
F 1.22 128
G 1.51 159
H 1.10 116
I 4.53 476
J 0.54 57
K 0.52 55
L 1.99 209
M 1.05 110
N 2.77 291
O 4.01 421
P 1.02 107
Q 0.53 56
R 2.92 307
S 1.90 199
T 2.79 293
U 2.05 215
V 0.97 102
W 0.99 104
X 0.50 53
Y 1.15 121
Z 0.53 56
? 1.05 110
Power Tiles Played 5.06 531
? 1.05 110
J 0.54 57
Q 0.53 56
X 0.50 53
Z 0.53 56
S 1.90 199
Power Tiles Stuck With 0.04 4
? 0.00 0
J 0.00 0
Q 0.01 1
X 0.00 0
Z 0.00 0
S 0.03 3
Turns With a Blank 2.10 221
Triple Triples Played 0.03 3
Bingoless Games 0.06 6
Bonus Square Coverage 16.75 1759
Double Letter 5.57 585
Triple Letter 5.63 591
Double Word 3.10 326
Triple Word 2.45 257
Phony Plays 0.24 25
Unchallenged 0.17 18
Challenged Off 0.07 7
Challenges 0.30 31
You Won 0.15 16
Opponent Lost 0.05 5
You Lost 0.03 3
Opponent Won 0.07 7
Challenge Percentage 0.8421
Defending Challenge Percentage 0.4167
Percentage Phonies Unchallenged 0.7200
Comments 7.35 772
Comments Word Length 180.33 18935
Mistakeless Turns 12.73 1337
Mistakes per Turn 0.0096
Mistakes 0.12 13
Knowledge 0.02 2
Finding 0.03 3
Vision 0.00 0
Tactics 0.03 3
Strategy 0.04 4
Endgame 0.01 1
Time 0.00 0
Dynamic Mistakes 0.00 0
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Opponent Confidence Intervals
Tile p CI
A 0.4989 (0.4602, 0.5440)
B 0.4600 (0.4132, 0.5910)
C 0.5050 (0.4132, 0.5910)
D 0.5075 (0.4393, 0.5649)
E 0.5083 (0.4658, 0.5384)
F 0.6100 (0.4132, 0.5910)
G 0.5033 (0.4295, 0.5747)
H 0.5500 (0.4132, 0.5910)
I 0.5033 (0.4602, 0.5440)
J 0.5400 (0.3764, 0.6278)
K 0.5200 (0.3764, 0.6278)
L 0.4975 (0.4393, 0.5649)
M 0.5250 (0.4132, 0.5910)
N 0.4617 (0.4508, 0.5534)
O 0.5012 (0.4577, 0.5465)
P 0.5100 (0.4132, 0.5910)
Q 0.5300 (0.3764, 0.6278)
R 0.4867 (0.4508, 0.5534)
S 0.4750 (0.4393, 0.5649)
T 0.4650 (0.4508, 0.5534)
U 0.5125 (0.4393, 0.5649)
V 0.4850 (0.4132, 0.5910)
W 0.4950 (0.4132, 0.5910)
X 0.5000 (0.3764, 0.6278)
Y 0.5750 (0.4132, 0.5910)
Z 0.5300 (0.3764, 0.6278)
? 0.5250 (0.4132, 0.5910)
To learn more about these statistics, check the 'Confidence Intervals' section on the about page.
Opponent Mistakes
Play Type Size Comment
8C SHORiNG +78 Finding Small
yeah throngs is a bit better. i also wasn't 100% sure if horsings# was good. (or shorings for that matter, sniff)-2.5 #findingsmall
12A VIRI(D) +26 Knowledge Small
J4 VIBIST is best, i definitely was not sure enough about shorings. this is ok though. -2 #knowledgesmall
5A BR(O)WN +20 Strategy Medium
noooo just play B(O)W. i think i wanted him to waste some equity but why not try to bingo again. i'm trying to consciously fish a little less but blowing up INRST with a nice G to bingo through is just silly. -6.5 #strategymedium
F2 JOBS +40 Strategy Large
B11 JIBE is much better, partially because SHORING takes an S, but also better leave, etc. got tunnel vision here. #strategylarge -10
2I FOE +20 Tactics Small
C10 FERIAE maybe, a bit of a cleaner leave. -2.5 #tacticssmall
9F dITSIER +72 Strategy Medium
i saw iritises but wanted to expose fewer letters, especially not Ss. however this gives back a ton of points. 9D vISITER is much more defensive. but iritises still sims best anyway - even though he bingoes slightly more after iritises, he scores more on avg after ditsier. #strategymedium -- on 4-ply, visiter climbs up to the top over iritises. -6
8J AM(E)BAE +36 Strategy Medium
K3 AXE is better defensively than AMEBAE and scores 4 more. so it's better, even though AMEBAE scores a little more on avg next turn. -6.5 #strategymedium i don't understand scrabble.
O11 OXIME +71 Finding Large
so lame, i immediately saw MONOXIDE the second i typed this into quackle. -15 #focus #findinglarge
E8 P(U)GH +20 Finding Large
if I had already known GUTFUL, I probably would have seen my bingo #playlessscrabblestudymorewords? #findinglarge
exch BDGWX +0 Tactics Small
B(A)WD is apparently worth it at B7 #tacticssmall
K2 JI(N)NEE +26 Tactics Unspecified
#theAisyourfriend but JA(N)E is still probably the play. #tacticsssmall
B5 AQu(A) +38 Endgame Medium
Qu(A) still slowplaying is 5 points better! wowee lol #endgamemedium
12K (K)U(E) +14 Knowledge Large
UPROUSE #knowledgelarge
The listing of all of the player's mistakes. For more information about mistakes, check the 'Mistakes' section of the about page.
Game Line Error
Game 3648 28 Game is incomplete.
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Game Line Error
Game 21959 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 9196, Round 2).
Warnings are notifications to players that they might want to update some of their GCG files. To learn more, check the 'Errors and Warnings' section in the about page.