Rob Robinsky
Rob Robinsky
Color Key
= Triple Triple
= Bingo 9+
= Improbable
= +
= +
= +
= + +
Player Lists
Type Play Probability Score
RECuILE 5391 72
OROTUND 7794 70
NON(I)NERT 5654 62
PRONATE 333 72
GLIstER 1663 76
(U)NRETiRE 1677 74
OVERLON(G) 8405 72
(E)LICITeD 5578 83
AlBE(D)OES 3463 61
ENDLONg 7611 76
VIRAGOE(S) 928 89
S(A)RTORII 3155 75
UNA(N)ELEd 6261 66
BOOSTeR 6808 72
CHA(R)TInG 13632 102
iNTROLD 1590 67
ELANETS 760 70
MEDINAS 1996 96
(O)UTBEAMS 6374 76
JERRIC(A)N 10503 68
UnASkED 8733 66
MOR(A)LITY 5653 80
DINGOES 1054 75
FOAMIES(T) 2590 78
GOUST(I)ER 870 60
EPIgONA(L)* 0 77
COR(O)TaTE 4359 60
TENSIVE 2120 77
GUTTERS 13313 77
AVEnUES 5509 68
KERATI(N)S 1638 66
BLI(T)ZERS 18183 88
(P)ERCOLIN 5386 89
NATIVES 677 68
EELIEST 2506 78
(S)AFETIeD 1449 86
TUL(L)IBEE 17962 61
eRGO(T)IsM 2947 86
PROP(e)NSE 22640 80
ISOLATE(D) 125 80
ANSATED 1216 73
VENIRES 2192 70
SuGARC(AN)E 6584 88
RESP(L)ITS 16139 74
TORDION 2271 70
(I)NCOMERS 5393 64
NIMRODS 7882 68
ShTeTLS 28285 62
EXoGENS 13767 89
EXPOSED 21367 80
CR(E)oLIST 1824 74
cIRC(L)ING 36158 90
(P)ELORIES 2512 83
UTILIzE(D) 15880 68
INTERM(A)T 1936 72
DOU(L)EIAS 399 72
(B)rOMELIN 5327 86
f(I)GURINE 9112 66
p(R)OXIMAL 25611 82
(C)ERULEIN 4042 83
INFRARE(D) 2758 78
GUERIlL(A) 5517 77
GLEAMIn(G) 13218 86
sANCTIF(Y) 16662 104
(MI)NIBUSES 19688 67
ASIAGOS 14800 84
AVIATED 2357 85
WITHIER 10360 70
IRELESS 6084 79
TRIbADE 586 82
PENNERS 10431 79
(N)eURITIS 827 68
REKNOTS 4269 80
ROGUERy 11935 82
COI(N)AGES 924 65
IdIOTIC 13822 72
gALANGA 21331 65
INTITLE(D) 4333 75
NEROLIS 175 74
RADIATE(D) 2349 74
A(C)EqUIAS 13541 61
(D)OMAINES 525 86
DRUNKEN 21988 84
TERAGLI(N) 198 72
EISWEIN 6121 83
HEPsTER 15363 108
REMOVAL 6743 76
IDEATEs 263 89
REBOiLS 2630 81
SCORIAE 297 65
NETROOt 3584 78
ECLECT(I)c 39810 80
JEERING 8295 73
YERS(I)NIA 1603 72
FIcTION 14806 74
CROWBAr 27545 82
TREFOIL(S) 1864 72
PENNA(M)ES 19797 76
UNWOUnD 30173 91
NATIVES 919 86
TuRKOIS 12351 73
EBONI(S)ED 2479 76
(D)IGESTOR 657 83
CLINIcS 21615 69
REEDILY 3964 71
CANOP(I)ED 1925 82
BOWLInG 14792 96
BE(D)STRAW 11774 72
LAURELS 11263 67
TES(T)IEST 21249 68
SOVIETS 7343 77
(C)URATInG 5226 83
MASSAGE 17273 78
ANDESI(T)E 109 68
NADIRAL 2259 66
P(O)LEwARD 6419 74
fEA(R)LESS 13041 74
SALLOwE(R) 9185 74
OODLINS 7891 79
DUMAIST 10555 75
TONGERS 1465 70
AIL(A)NTOS 1110 81
MELTAG(E)S 7131 72
RADIC(A)TE 1129 69
SWATHED 9609 75
OUTLEAR(N) 94 66
(D)ECISIVE 13870 78
SOAPING 4646 72
PERILLA 8911 74
DEL(I)BATE 1948 71
OATIEST 320 79
LISSOME 10224 67
UnHIVES 13579 76
EXOPODs 25262 109
SAWMILL 28103 83
ROOSTER 6480 78
RENTAbL(E) 2045 74
ATONIcS 2175 64
VAINNEs(S) 17550 78
(c)ERATOID 243 66
BR(I)DEMEN 9341 97
SNORT(E)RS 12029 68
ANOE(S)TRA 164 66
DiGLOTS 8175 75
TOTALIn(G) 3223 62
AMBOI(N)As 9387 64
ZOISItE 6238 100
mUSICAL 20765 69
ANtISEX 1680 98
NOSEB(A)ND 5723 72
PITMaNS 8886 81
WINGIEr 5060 79
(H)AVIOURS 8735 80
TOISECH 6797 107
(P)IRAGUAS 16806 63
BALANCE(R) 12762 95
DENTOID 2420 76
DAWTIeS 2023 89
ALIMONY 9732 73
Bi(T)TERNS 5002 69
MaCERAT(E) 10084 72
(D)IALOGEr 306 80
STEA(D)ILY 3007 76
TOADIeD 781 70
TOAdIES 35 65
ATELIER(S) 114 77
SUZ(E)RaiN 2510 80
ORGIAST 1101 71
t(I)MELIER 4546 70
RECRUIT 8711 65
NAUSEAT(E) 1442 68
(T)OOTsING 14155 70
TeETERS 11733 76
PENTADS 4181 81
LOVESEA(T) 2474 63
N(A)rWHALE 12804 76
O(V)ERBITE 3391 65
OUTLIES 676 66
ALAMODE(S) 7234 72
sM(E)LLIER 18017 60
BEGONIA 537 83
nU(T)SHELL 25755 97
UNROVEN 9918 74
REB(A)TeRS 8293 86
INTERA(G)E 106 80
P(R)IEVING 15785 82
FADAISE 4686 93
DENNiNG 20912 89
MARINE(R)A 4240 149
(A)ESTIVAL 3328 88
SCORIAE 297 71
PUdENDA 12313 70
TAILORE(d) 12 68
NOVATES 1216 81
ENCLOSE(R) 4880 68
(I)NTERNEt 4510 74
OUTASKE(D) 7538 92
ARTEfA(C)T 18957 76
ARREE(D)ES 9481 60
STaNGeD 1640 77
OUTL(E)ADS 837 65
mYIASES 19495 88
WoN(D)ERED 10527 78
HURTLES 8326 77
HER(N)IATE 302 74
COURTER(S) 12362 70
DELIRIA 633 71
CRETiNS 2133 68
ITERATE(D) 651 80
HiPSTER 9541 83
DUMPERS 21855 78
COSTmAR(Y) 24407 89
SKEP(T)ICs 36358 82
DiV(E)RGED 21181 78
BAROQUE 11644 95
WAIVERs 5886 83
ABELIAN 2348 83
BAS(E)LINE 1954 82
TRAS(H)MEN 7643 106
A(C)AULOSE 7271 74
ACTUAtE 13668 105
RATIO(N)AL 406 82
(P)HREATIc 9967 84
GOLD(T)ONE 4216 72
C(A)TERERs 6042 74
SHERIAS 8903 98
EUsTELE 10118 62
GRADINI 4582 83
BIZaRRO 14542 73
AERATOR 1397 66
SINUATE 153 64
(I)NCITAnT 21710 80
LACINI(A)E 3888 72
DE(C)OLORS 13250 67
HERNIAT(E) 302 76
UNVOIc(E)S 8894 72
FREEGAN 4478 84
DRUPELE(T) 11200 86
(U)NLImBER 11892 87
POINTED 1256 75
PL(A)NNERS 10972 61
SALUTED 2274 77
PACIF(I)Ed 14503 88
PENATES 2957 80
(C)ITTERNS 6905 74
EVAsION 317 76
RENEGEs 6176 72
SWOTTI(E)R 4731 76
GREATLY 6300 81
bEA(U)TIES 1958 78
UNSTAID 2480 71
DEMOTED 15992 83
DEVIlIN(G) 13374 86
G(R)ADATOR* 0 64
CREMATE(D) 9265 78
IBOGA(I)NE 1449 67
TESTIfY 19287 81
MENOR(A)HS 5296 64
REjOICE 6367 79
ADDUCES 15185 89
LOFTIER 1263 90
GOLIATH 6449 85
BIL(G)IEST 13365 76
ENVE(L)OPS 14934 80
DANGLeD 9861 78
MeDUSAN 5375 78
FAIRIEs 1706 77
(A)GONISED 230 83
R(E)INSMAN 3808 64
VEI(N)IEST 3311 74
SILENUS 8096 81
EASIEST 2752 89
SEETHED 11551 75
tU(R)BOFAN 8939 82
DONNErT 1711 68
PRER(E)NAL 6075 63
WINDAB(L)E 5346 78
ILEUSEs 8833 70
DE(N)TALIA 381 70
ORANGES 511 67
HIdALGO 10185 75
PaRTNER 5360 75
EXOE(R)GIc 14579 84
ATTORNS 3931 66
ARCADES 7890 72
(O)ZONATED 5840 90
SaNTOOR 2216 84
WAUCHtS 27673 96
RINGENT 3156 73
POUKING 24549 103
LIVENED 5408 86
STIMIED 7950 97
UNLOAD(E)R 404 60
SaTYRID 6469 81
NARCIST 3607 65
MYELINS 13582 85
DISRATE(D) 2833 83
FROGLET 7213 71
ENtRO(PI)ES 517 62
TONEARM 331 75
REPOL(I)sH 6511 74
NONUSER 3343 76
RIpIENI 7824 69
ANGIOMA 5090 78
ASSURED 8071 76
BURNIEs 3072 81
RETRAI(T)E 2224 66
E(L)ATERID 141 65
SHOALER 2553 97
MISBE(G)AN 7541 98
(M)ALEDICT 5370 78
AwFULLE(R) 20056 72
GRACIO(U)S 6007 76
MIlESI(A)N 2448 59
MISERER(E) 11545 70
THENAGE 4499 80
EGOTIsE 696 81
MEATILY 5883 112
COST(E)ANs 8453 86
BET(A)INES 806 75
ORDAIN(E)R 172 62
sTOLONS 15513 70
OUTF(I)RES 1382 62
(V)ORACITY 10601 82
UNREELs 3906 62
TES(T)OONS 13836 77
DIETHER 2153 66
HEmPIER 12253 77
DURAT(I)ON 363 67
(V)IlLAGER 14420 86
EMPHATI(C) 22164 86
RItUALS 1781 77
GR(A)PIEST 1776 72
ACE(R)ATED 3277 63
ELYSIAN 1485 75
TRI(P)LoID 7736 72
LIRIoPe 3076 78
TOWERIE(R) 2974 72
(A)NOVULAR 10412 75
SODA(L)IST 9261 70
WEANERS 2902 95
INTRUST 7111 78
MAROONS 7080 75
CaRNAGE 5043 74
ENGRaVE 3222 68
RALLINE 1323 68
S(E)CTIOnS 6180 72
TERATOM(A) 3755 83
(T)UTORING 5531 80
INOSITE 236 77
AN(T)IARIN 4326 62
BEARISH 4106 75
OUTGREw 5306 70
OUTmODE 10759 70
DONEGAL 1432 72
bLINDIN(G) 31201 74
(D)ENTARIA 107 80
UnTILES 1495 70
ANNUAlS 18617 66
RECANES 2833 95
DURIANs 2433 80
MANIOCS 9471 78
OBEDiEN(T) 1027 86
WORRiTS 12674 83
FLEAPIT 5705 82
D(E)MOTING 2862 68
(W)INDOReS 1808 86
GLINTIE(R) 1976 74
MOSSIER 7090 79
(T)ROILITE 1372 70
aU(D)ITING 4294 60
DA(T)eABLE 7490 78
TANRECs 2048 70
DOTAGES 1044 70
GALEATE 2575 72
SETTING 5806 81
dEADLI(F)T 11010 76
(A)SPIRANT 5769 83
QUARTIE(R) 7569 104
REPOINT 464 89
(I)NTROITs 6172 66
INtAG(L)IO 1997 62
AIRDATE 155 63
FADEINS 1923 75
(G)rAVELLy 29517 83
S(T)RoWInG 8547 76
ZEATINS 2345 107
The of bingos played by the player that were not challenged off.
Triple Triples
Type Play Probability Score
MARINE(R)A 4240 149
Triple triples played by the player that were not challenged off. They do not have to be bingos.
Bingo Nines or Above
Type Play Probability Score
SuGARC(AN)E 6584 88
(MI)NIBUSES 19688 67
ENtRO(PI)ES 517 62
Bingos played by the player that were nine letters or longer and were not challenged off.
Challenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were challenged off by an opponent.
Unchallenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
PEPIN* 0 16
EPIgONA(L)* 0 77
TERGAI* 0 25
CYBERS* 0 40
HEMPE(D)* 0 45
VOGIES* 0 75
(JINX)ER* 0 32
SHARKY* 0 50
GIFTER* 0 33
G(R)ADATOR* 0 64
TIN(s)FUL* 0 28
YEAL* 0 47
(N)EVUSES* 0 22
AP* 0 20
CHAKED* 0 33
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were not challenged by an opponent.
Plays That Were Challenged
Type Play Probability Score
OROTUND 7794 70
TUILZ(i)E 12785 52
OVErSIN(G)* 0 0
VErSION(AL) 228 0
A(P)ODIC* 0 0
VISNE 1871 51
TORDION 2271 70
(C)ERULEIN 4042 83
MATY* 0 0
HEPsTER 15363 108
GAITA 2078 21
QUASI 6506 80
DUMAIST 10555 75
DISK 4101 40
CUV(E)T* 0 0
(P)IRAGUAS 16806 63
SUZ(E)ReiN* 0 0
BIN(G)IE* 0 0
P(R)IEVING 15785 82
MARINE(R)A 4240 149
P(O)SHTERs* 0 0
kICKS(T)EP* 0 0
CUTTO 8886 20
JI(G)GY 12653 41
SWOTTI(E)R 4731 76
GENIE 570 31
UNSTAID 2480 71
GIFTER* 0 33
DIANE 17 29
(PO)INTLIeR* 0 0
INBOuGH(T)* 0 0
ARRI(B)A 7643 27
HIdALGO 10185 75
MOKI 3887 57
DuGGERY* 0 0
DaGGERY* 0 0
F(E)DEX 9469 43
POUKING 24549 103
FINC(A) 5405 20
DU(P) 1140 0
HENTA(I)* 0 0
(N)ULL 3374 21
REPOINT 464 89
VEXT 3830 0
ETUIS 533 23
Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Opponent Lists
Type Play Probability Score
SAWDUsT 26312 96
FLOTSAM 17638 81
(U)NEROTIC 575 83
LIVERI(E)S 5588 65
CAPOEIR(A) 2960 70
FINAL(I)SE 3360 72
METE(O)RIC 2467 68
LINES(M)AN 4894 62
SOU(T)ANES 2485 60
ANETHO(L)E 775 72
STONIES(T) 5485 77
BUNGLES 18024 76
(T)WIRPING* 0 101
(I)NTORTED 595 70
ELODEAS 1028 75
SUPER(L)IE 6852 74
VEInLE(S)S 18116 149
FLORIST 5639 77
MaDEIRA 1689 88
PATTIES 3648 76
TENACEs 2835 75
CATENAE 3256 68
DETERR(E)d 24574 70
SEATING 256 105
SExT(A)RII 2891 68
WiNGNUT 22647 63
(P)LANTAiN 11041 70
HEALThY 19823 90
BEAVERE(D) 12325 72
(B)ErGAMOT 5310 89
(W)EIRDING 6639 92
UNSATED 1503 75
GAUNTER 1058 76
OUTsING 3516 75
INDOORS 3278 74
LINGERE(D) 2254 64
oUTEATE(N) 942 66
L(E)AVINGS 4792 63
T(H)URIBLE 11952 89
HIRSTIE 4887 102
DEfOR(E)ST 4921 131
S(T)ARVING 7218 76
TWiLTED 12695 78
AKINESI(S) 18242 89
(G)oRGETED 14015 86
OUVRIER 6229 89
RATTILY 11866 78
NOSTRUM 11881 87
SETUALE 1811 71
DISCE(R)NS 16029 62
NOODLES 5283 73
HANDLED 12301 80
REASC(E)NT 1507 78
IN(S)OULED 839 74
GOITERs 528 83
uNSTRAP 10692 76
TEEPEeS 16425 71
TABLING 6509 87
MERIT(I)NG 4017 83
EERIEST 1212 68
eNATION(S) 133 81
(G)INkGOES 18601 83
LOrDOMA 9894 75
PERIGEE 7617 69
BLUD(G)eON 10098 74
TEAC(A)RTS 8459 64
SNARkIL(y) 15778 71
UN(I)ONIZE 10211 84
FIBULAE 6623 83
CAROTIN 707 74
U(N)LISTED 1610 61
CoINAGE 538 77
ATTIRED 514 86
GYPlURE 17164 84
UpSTATE 9030 70
DEAERAT(E) 2820 72
OUTFIEL(D) 3683 98
S(U)RFACES 27731 80
NAMASTE 4830 88
RADI(O)MEN 255 94
LOUDENE(D) 8743 64
TWIBILS 17792 78
HELIaST 1470 83
PEONIES 1651 77
B(E)AUTIFY 14210 84
URNLIKE 8245 82
mEMBRAN(E) 28350 86
MISM(A)RKS 40553 70
SITELLA 3862 78
FARNEs(O)L 1761 70
DISPOSE 14249 76
INDABaS 11324 85
vERONI(C)A 1144 86
BaNGERS 4489 73
PRONoUN 16434 89
PIEFOrT(S) 3932 66
RADIANT 1113 74
REL(O)ANED 155 131
INERTIa(L) 87 74
NERVING 8259 81
GARBLER 11145 67
UNIFIES 5830 71
TORTONi 4234 66
HEIRDOM 6823 89
AN(TI)GEnEs 1499 60
BARRA(G)ED 19541 74
PANIcKY 29829 96
(R)EnTIERS 1674 74
LOGANIA 2206 68
DATiV(E)LY 5425 80
UNRISeN 2730 66
FRiENDl(Y) 8653 92
A(C)ARBOSE 7019 64
ANISOlE 53 97
TALuKAS 24027 76
(I)SOGRaFT 3639 74
SARC(E)NET 2056 90
PEAB(R)AIN 4965 66
RI(N)G(E)TTES 3201 62
RETIR(I)NG 4961 63
ApPENDI(X) 31897 84
(H)OTELMAN 5291 92
AGEISTS 6002 64
(R)ATANIES 83 80
CARMINE 3194 77
REDEFE(A)T 6242 90
DERMIS(E)S 13088 78
ENSEARS 5258 84
B(I)oGENIC 9012 70
I(N)TERCOM 2002 66
(R)ATSBANE 2513 83
(I)NCUBAtE 3106 65
t(U)RNKEYS 16698 96
FI(R)EPANS 3171 64
PO(S)ItING 13763 86
FIBROSe 6769 80
(G)ENITORS 326 80
HERNIAS 865 82
ETCHERs 10975 82
KIELbAS(A) 18595 86
DENTA(L)IA 380 60
FETIDER 2993 81
IGNORER 1721 73
BASINED 1908 67
GORSIES(T) 5475 80
MaDUROS 11758 63
ACETINs 819 90
AErOBIC 1693 66
(B)ISTABlE 19292 76
SNAGGIN(G) 28252 89
UN(D)ERACT 2239 64
EASIEST 2737 63
(F)OGgIEST 19497 86
mAREROS 6148 81
UNTRIDE 574 70
RETINES 280 70
DOGE(A)TES 1160 76
A(N)TEVERT 5045 71
uNAWAR(E)S 6464 61
CHO(I)CEST 28036 77
TOSSIEs(T) 29853 61
fL(I)TTING 19918 82
NON(G)LARE 1894 63
REPUTES 6495 79
OUTDATE 2237 69
P(L)ENARTY 7645 78
(O)UtCHIDE 8872 76
(D)EMARcHE 21066 92
GLISS(A)DE 11729 62
M(E)TaLLED 17907 65
RIOTISE 319 77
IN(V)EIGLE 10572 78
SCUNNEr 16957 78
EIDOLON 982 66
Qu(I)ETISM 17001 90
(T)ROTLINE 460 60
SNASHeS 29537 72
GR(A)NULeS 3282 66
UNO(P)ENEd 14007 59
A(C)ETONES 1025 61
INFL(A)TOR 1426 63
ADVeNTS 4187 74
WEIGHTY 22471 81
gADOIDS 9989 72
(E)XEMPLAR 19397 73
tUNICAS* 0 62
GARDENS 2283 77
INBUIlT 15627 61
D(R)ESSErS 37636 68
(M)ISgRAFT 18770 89
PeIGNOI(R) 3259 76
AD(R)ENALS 2530 63
(S)EPTORIA 289 68
HITTERS 6279 80
(G)RINNERS 13109 61
LINEMEN 10305 74
SIGNORS 14118 82
SHOOtIE 3730 67
sHO(O)LING 14495 94
STERNER 5033 75
EJ(E)CTING 18185 111
ObLIGEE 5041 79
THO(L)EPIN 5402 65
TENUOuS 8257 66
AtAATAS 30689 69
CTENOID 1231 102
(D)ILATORS 945 80
B(E)StREWN 13874 84
ABROgAT(E) 3273 80
R(A)DIATOR 3231 63
(I)NVADERS 1328 66
(I)NFERRED 6105 64
UVEITIS 5839 76
ALASTOR 3622 78
sETUALE 1811 70
(N)ANOTUbE 4591 74
TARRIEs 719 79
dUNGEO(N)S 13020 68
SLEIGHT 7244 70
SAtIRIC 7347 76
OP(t)IONED 2713 70
VOLuBIL 28808 80
THUNDER 7773 87
LOUNGER 3087 68
A(L)IENERS 154 70
CREO(L)IAN 246 74
ROOTAgE 944 63
SENECIO 1638 73
TURNING 12357 85
ALINERs 132 81
DETON(A)TE 935 67
pEERL(E)SS 29904 78
SAUTOIR 602 83
RAZEEIN(G) 3545 106
IDEAT(I)NG 603 62
AGNAT(I)ON 3652 63
WoRRITS 9269 79
EsTRONE 323 65
IGNItEs 2861 69
RUINABl(E) 947 80
sPHENO(I)D 8908 75
TARDIE(s)T 1183 68
ANGUIP(E)D 4744 64
SAL(A)RIAT 7191 82
AN(E)MoNES 4223 60
EARNING 1066 64
LUST(R)ATE 3768 72
METHIO(N)E* 0 67
DOPINES(S) 9218 86
VISITEE 6124 71
PER(I)NEAL 843 62
FADeOUT 2589 76
TOLANES 201 65
FLAVORS 12904 84
INERTI(A)E 40 59
ANSWERE(D) 2897 76
LAPISES 9192 80
RAVENED 2926 68
In(D)UCIAE 3354 74
TUNIEST 3841 76
DEsPOIL 5023 86
OVER(T)IME 3417 76
SNORT(I)NG 7656 65
SHOOGLe 17719 87
PREDICT(ED) 20713 101
PRU(R)IENT 6956 64
LEnI(T)IES 1415 78
FOR(E)HEAD 6157 75
D(I)ABEtIC 8043 86
MAGNUMS 30492 100
A(L)IMeNTS 1324 158
DI(G)ITALs 9760 65
CA(L)YPTER 18781 80
(B)URRITOS 15371 83
aEROBI(U)M 2558 84
EXEGETE 27435 105
RET(AI)LING 330 90
GU(A)RDANT 9967 74
HoR(N)LETS 3760 61
SKINN(I)ER 17595 67
DONATES 186 73
VOlI(T)ATE 2301 74
DEvALUE 8802 63
ENT(O)ILEd 217 78
BA(R)RAGED 19541 74
BANGeRS 6248 69
VIN(T)AGES 2370 92
sPITTIN(G) 26881 72
T(O)TALING 3223 60
UPLIfT(E)R 8658 70
FILTERe(D) 2958 86
VI(C)UGNAS 16943 65
FOOTL(E)RS 6546 71
REL(O)ADED 3251 64
DAMNINg 13384 71
TESTIER 1822 66
CORSET(E)D 3537 76
E(V)ACUANT 9283 89
DuBIETI(ES) 5615 74
(S)IDEARMS 8187 86
INGOTED 382 89
SEMInAR 659 94
GlOBALL(Y) 28993 65
ORDAI(N)ER 125 63
STINTER 1300 81
LOOKERS 11243 85
(G)oLDEYeS 11180 86
RANDONS 7194 80
TREADLE 745 67
SANd(B)ARS 29538 68
(MI)NnEOLAS 2559 83
WI(S)TERIA 1607 62
CORANT(O)S 7833 70
ENG(I)nEER 7957 70
(AT)TAINTED 9037 70
THIRDI(N)g 17094 72
SDAINED 3773 83
SEASIDE 4912 78
MI(S)VALUE 11379 76
PERSONA 1189 75
(Z)ARaTItE 8255 98
AURISTS 7281 64
CA(S)EATED 7670 62
tAMBO(U)RS 16856 181
HAPPENs 19828 79
RE(s)OLVED 5853 74
ACrOGEN 1347 82
(I)NDORSED 2487 63
TOnSURE 689 62
INNYAR(D)S 14452 78
BLUInGS 21461 74
(A)NIMATED 1139 88
HINTLE(S)S* 0 62
vARLETS 3040 76
MOU(L)AGED* 0 76
SNELLED 11953 70
AIRF(R)AME 10219 80
ENUrESI(S) 4869 61
LEVELE(R)S 21549 65
PANGENS 11147 98
STEA(R)INE 32 70
SPEARGU(N) 5886 86
dETAINS 87 75
SlEAZES 16660 92
LOMENTA 873 73
TESTING 4261 86
(D)ERIsION 374 77
UnALIKE 4614 93
MELTONS 5116 83
TESTIER 2488 87
DOWNBE(A)t 5093 176
EVASION 307 80
DEnOTES 781 79
(R)ADIOMAN 2496 74
DOLERIT(E) 214 68
S(T)ATURES 10935 59
EM(E)RITUs 2994 76
PIG(M)ENTS 10884 76
PARAFOI(L) 9394 77
ReVISAL 1491 74
FIRINGS 17929 78
HALOiDS 7454 75
E(N)DEMIAL 1972 76
WELFArE 11099 80
OB(T)EMPER 17305 76
SUNTANS 22815 81
Di(P)LOGEN 5594 158
TAGINES 353 80
LaMsTER 4142 73
REIND(E)ER 5678 65
WIELDER 5417 78
WESTERN 5512 101
SENARII 172 70
NAIVETY 3208 75
The of bingos played by the player that were not challenged off.
Triple Triples
Type Play Probability Score
VEInLE(S)S 18116 149
DEfOR(E)ST 4921 131
REL(O)ANED 155 131
A(L)IMeNTS 1324 158
tAMBO(U)RS 16856 181
DOWNBE(A)t 5093 176
Di(P)LOGEN 5594 158
Triple triples played by the player that were not challenged off. They do not have to be bingos.
Bingo Nines or Above
Type Play Probability Score
AN(TI)GEnEs 1499 60
RI(N)G(E)TTES 3201 62
PREDICT(ED) 20713 101
RET(AI)LING 330 90
DuBIETI(ES) 5615 74
(MI)NnEOLAS 2559 83
(AT)TAINTED 9037 70
Bingos played by the player that were nine letters or longer and were not challenged off.
Challenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were challenged off by an opponent.
Unchallenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
Z(E)RKED* 0 60
(T)WIRPING* 0 101
JINN(Y)* 0 45
BLIN(K)Y* 0 30
DAUN* 0 23
WH(I)NCH* 0 42
OBTEND* 0 34
WAULE(R)* 0 18
OBIEH* 0 28
GUN(BAG)* 0 20
tUNICAS* 0 62
HOS(S)* 0 20
METHIO(N)E* 0 67
HINTLE(S)S* 0 62
MOU(L)AGED* 0 76
GA* 0 32
(C)HAKE* 0 37
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were not challenged by an opponent.
Plays That Were Challenged
Type Play Probability Score
VEInLE(S)S 18116 149
MaDEIRA 1689 88
TSP* 0 0
GA(Z)ES 6326 0
PED 510 0
AKINESI(S) 18242 89
ROTATEs 1010 0
(FE)IN* 0 0
TANNERS 1289 0
(E)NgAGEEs* 0 0
DATiV(E)LY 5425 80
TALuKAS 24027 76
JEST 2058 0
SPAUlED* 0 0
(B)ISTABlE 19292 76
P(i)D* 0 0
SNASHeS 29537 72
(L)ICITS* 0 0
(E)PINOMY* 0 0
sHO(O)LING 14495 94
SITF* 0 0
VOLuBIL 28808 80
LUST(R)ATE 3768 72
IMB(I)R* 0 0
In(D)UCIAE 3354 74
MAGNUMS 30492 100
OBI 241 19
DuBIETI(ES) 5615 74
QADI 2464 0
(AT)TAINTED 9037 70
ACCREW 18872 50
PANGENS 11147 98
Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Notable Lists
Many Double Words Covered
Games in which at least 15 double word bonus squares were covered.
High Scoring
Games in which at least one player scores at least 700 points.
Combined High Scoring
Games in which the combined score is at least 1100 points.
Games that end in ties.
Four or More Consecutive Bingos
Games in which the player bingos at least 4 times in a row.
Game Stats
Stat Average Total
Games 1.00 189
Invalid Games 0.05 9
Incomplete 0.03 5
Disconnected 0.00 0
Other 0.02 4
Total Turns 24.89 4705
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Player Stats
Stat Average Total
Wins 0.57 107.5
Score 436.28 82457
Score per Turn 35.0285
Turns 12.46 2354
Vertical Plays 5.47 1033
Horizontal Plays 6.03 1139
One Tile Plays 0.41 78
Other Plays 0.55 104
Firsts 0.52 99
Vertical Openings per First 0.0000
Horizontal Openings per First 1.0000
Full Rack per Turn 0.5892
Exchanges 0.34 64
High Game 745
Low Game 290
Highest Scoring Turn 149
Bingos Played 2.07 391
Sevens 1.03 194
Eights 1.03 194
Nines 0.02 3
Tens 0.00 0
Elevens 0.00 0
Twelves 0.00 0
Thirteens 0.00 0
Fourteens 0.00 0
Fifteens 0.00 0
Bingo Probabilities 7317.17
Sevens 7024.90
Eights 7587.29
Nines 8929.67
Tens 0.00
Elevens 0.00
Twelves 0.00
Thirteens 0.00
Fourteens 0.00
Fifteens 0.00
Tiles Played 49.22 9303
A 4.48 846
B 0.96 182
C 1.07 202
D 1.95 369
E 5.89 1114
F 0.92 174
G 1.45 274
H 0.97 184
I 4.41 834
J 0.55 104
K 0.49 93
L 2.07 392
M 0.99 187
N 2.82 533
O 4.14 782
P 0.94 178
Q 0.48 90
R 2.96 560
S 1.95 369
T 2.94 555
U 1.87 354
V 0.93 175
W 0.96 181
X 0.48 91
Y 0.98 185
Z 0.52 99
? 1.04 196
Power Tiles Played 5.02 949
? 1.04 196
J 0.55 104
Q 0.48 90
X 0.48 91
Z 0.52 99
S 1.95 369
Power Tiles Stuck With 0.10 19
? 0.03 5
J 0.00 0
Q 0.01 2
X 0.00 0
Z 0.00 0
S 0.06 12
Turns With a Blank 1.67 316
Triple Triples Played 0.01 1
Bingoless Games 0.07 13
Bonus Square Coverage 16.06 3035
Double Letter 5.21 984
Triple Letter 5.46 1031
Double Word 3.06 579
Triple Word 2.33 441
Phony Plays 0.20 38
Unchallenged 0.08 15
Challenged Off 0.12 23
Challenges 0.52 98
You Won 0.14 27
Opponent Lost 0.16 31
You Lost 0.09 17
Opponent Won 0.12 23
Challenge Percentage 0.6136
Defending Challenge Percentage 0.5741
Percentage Phonies Unchallenged 0.3947
Comments 8.16 1542
Comments Word Length 191.19 36134
Mistakeless Turns 12.46 2354
Mistakes per Turn 0.0000
Mistakes 0.00 0
Knowledge 0.00 0
Finding 0.00 0
Vision 0.00 0
Tactics 0.00 0
Strategy 0.00 0
Endgame 0.00 0
Time 0.00 0
Dynamic Mistakes 0.00 0
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Player Confidence Intervals
Tile p CI
A 0.4978 (0.4610, 0.5234)
B 0.4800 (0.4260, 0.5584)
C 0.5350 (0.4260, 0.5584)
D 0.4875 (0.4454, 0.5390)
E 0.4908 (0.4652, 0.5192)
F 0.4600 (0.4260, 0.5584)
G 0.4833 (0.4381, 0.5463)
H 0.4850 (0.4260, 0.5584)
I 0.4900 (0.4610, 0.5234)
J 0.5500 (0.3985, 0.5859)
K 0.4900 (0.3985, 0.5859)
L 0.5175 (0.4454, 0.5390)
M 0.4950 (0.4260, 0.5584)
N 0.4700 (0.4540, 0.5304)
O 0.5175 (0.4591, 0.5253)
P 0.4700 (0.4260, 0.5584)
Q 0.4800 (0.3985, 0.5859)
R 0.4933 (0.4540, 0.5304)
S 0.4875 (0.4454, 0.5390)
T 0.4900 (0.4540, 0.5304)
U 0.4675 (0.4454, 0.5390)
V 0.4650 (0.4260, 0.5584)
W 0.4800 (0.4260, 0.5584)
X 0.4800 (0.3985, 0.5859)
Y 0.4900 (0.4260, 0.5584)
Z 0.5200 (0.3985, 0.5859)
? 0.5200 (0.4260, 0.5584)
To learn more about these statistics, check the 'Confidence Intervals' section on the about page.
Opponent Stats
Stat Average Total
Wins 0.43 81.5
Score 419.79 79340
Score per Turn 33.7473
Turns 12.44 2351
Vertical Plays 5.52 1043
Horizontal Plays 6.01 1136
One Tile Plays 0.47 89
Other Plays 0.44 83
Firsts 0.48 90
Vertical Openings per First 0.1111
Horizontal Openings per First 0.8889
Full Rack per Turn 0.8265
Exchanges 0.26 49
High Game 639
Low Game 202
Highest Scoring Turn 181
Bingos Played 2.00 378
Sevens 0.89 169
Eights 1.06 201
Nines 0.04 7
Tens 0.01 1
Elevens 0.00 0
Twelves 0.00 0
Thirteens 0.00 0
Fourteens 0.00 0
Fifteens 0.00 0
Bingo Probabilities 7745.28
Sevens 7107.18
Eights 8382.03
Nines 6136.29
Tens 767.00
Elevens 0.00
Twelves 0.00
Thirteens 0.00
Fourteens 0.00
Fifteens 0.00
Tiles Played 47.84 9042
A 4.35 822
B 0.94 178
C 0.87 165
D 1.97 372
E 5.72 1082
F 1.04 197
G 1.45 274
H 1.01 191
I 4.20 794
J 0.43 81
K 0.50 95
L 1.75 330
M 0.97 184
N 2.96 559
O 3.70 700
P 1.02 192
Q 0.48 91
R 2.77 523
S 1.91 361
T 2.86 540
U 2.00 378
V 1.01 191
W 1.04 196
X 0.51 97
Y 0.99 188
Z 0.48 90
? 0.90 171
Power Tiles Played 4.71 891
? 0.90 171
J 0.43 81
Q 0.48 91
X 0.51 97
Z 0.48 90
S 1.91 361
Power Tiles Stuck With 0.16 31
? 0.03 6
J 0.02 4
Q 0.03 6
X 0.01 1
Z 0.00 0
S 0.07 14
Turns With a Blank 1.66 313
Triple Triples Played 0.04 7
Bingoless Games 0.08 15
Bonus Square Coverage 15.45 2920
Double Letter 5.10 963
Triple Letter 5.18 979
Double Word 2.83 535
Triple Word 2.34 443
Phony Plays 0.25 48
Unchallenged 0.11 21
Challenged Off 0.14 27
Challenges 0.52 98
You Won 0.12 23
Opponent Lost 0.09 17
You Lost 0.16 31
Opponent Won 0.14 27
Challenge Percentage 0.4259
Defending Challenge Percentage 0.3864
Percentage Phonies Unchallenged 0.4375
Comments 8.16 1542
Comments Word Length 191.19 36134
Mistakeless Turns 12.16 2299
Mistakes per Turn 0.0230
Mistakes 0.29 54
Knowledge 0.05 10
Finding 0.04 8
Vision 0.04 7
Tactics 0.04 7
Strategy 0.07 13
Endgame 0.02 3
Time 0.03 6
Dynamic Mistakes 0.00 0
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Opponent Confidence Intervals
Tile p CI
A 0.4833 (0.4472, 0.5096)
B 0.4700 (0.4122, 0.5446)
C 0.4350 (0.4122, 0.5446)
D 0.4925 (0.4316, 0.5252)
E 0.4767 (0.4514, 0.5054)
F 0.5200 (0.4122, 0.5446)
G 0.4833 (0.4244, 0.5324)
H 0.5050 (0.4122, 0.5446)
I 0.4667 (0.4472, 0.5096)
J 0.4300 (0.3848, 0.5720)
K 0.5000 (0.3848, 0.5720)
L 0.4375 (0.4316, 0.5252)
M 0.4850 (0.4122, 0.5446)
N 0.4933 (0.4402, 0.5166)
O 0.4625 (0.4453, 0.5115)
P 0.5100 (0.4122, 0.5446)
Q 0.4800 (0.3848, 0.5720)
R 0.4617 (0.4402, 0.5166)
S 0.4775 (0.4316, 0.5252)
T 0.4767 (0.4402, 0.5166)
U 0.5000 (0.4316, 0.5252)
V 0.5050 (0.4122, 0.5446)
W 0.5200 (0.4122, 0.5446)
X 0.5100 (0.3848, 0.5720)
Y 0.4950 (0.4122, 0.5446)
Z 0.4800 (0.3848, 0.5720)
? 0.4500 (0.4122, 0.5446)
To learn more about these statistics, check the 'Confidence Intervals' section on the about page.
Opponent Mistakes
Play Type Size Comment
L4 oUTEATE(N) +66 Finding Small
M6 EUTAx(I)TE #findingsad
A4 WHATA +63 Finding Large
A3 AWHATO #findingsaddest
H11 LA(M)BY +39 Finding Small
H10 DIA(M)YL #findingsad
2F VI(A)ND +21 Strategy Medium
Pretty sure G3 XU wins 7/8 (loses with Q draw) and this wins 6/8 (loses with G and Q draw). I wanted to block G3 QI and 1H (F)REEZInG. I was very scared of losing with 1H (F)REEZInG + Q stick for a bajillion points. I probably have to just give up if the Q is in the bag. #strategysadder
6L (TA)X +26 Time Large
I just have to block 14M QI(S), but I was already overtime at this point. lmao. #timesaddest
F11 Un(C)O +13 Time Large
I finished with -1:00 on the clock like a badass. #timesaddest
D4 BLIN(K)Y +30 Knowledge Large
N1 WEE +24 Strategy Small
Apparently N2 EWE is fine, but it seemed scary. #strategysad
10I MINE +18 Strategy Large
I was out of ideas at this point, the game didn't seem very winnable. The sim suggests E2 UME but that seems too easily blocked. #strategysaddest
10B U(R) +4 Time Unspecified
tNo time. Forgot about OUR, lmao. Even without OUR this never works. #timesadddest
D12 (T)O +11 Time Large
9A (O)O(FY) #timesaddest
E9 (M)UMU +16 Knowledge Large
E9 (M)UTUUM #knowledgesaddest
10J Z(I)G +33 Strategy Small
J2 GRIZ #strategysad
10D D(U)NT +25 Finding Large
J3 RITT #findingsaddest
J4 ETA +18 Time Small
E3 OATE(R) #timesad
H13 BIS +22 Finding Small
H12 IBIS #findingsad
4A WH(I)NCH +42 Knowledge Large
NOT A WORD. This isn't even better than 4A WHICH. Sad! #knowledgesaddest
K11 GOD +20 Strategy Small
K11 DO #strategysad
M13 VAU +33 Knowledge Small
15G VAUNT(Y) #knowledgesad
6G FIN +9 Strategy Medium
10J F(EM) or 6F FAIN I guess. #strategysadder
N1 QIN +32 Vision Large
3D (C)INQ #visionsaddest
O12 JAGS +87 Finding Small
O12 JABS. I played too quickly. #findingsad
11B ETHER +37 Endgame Large
D4 OUTW(A)IT +20 Vision Large
C3 OUTWIT. Sad miss of TAXITE. #visionsaddest
C8 THIO +35 Strategy Small
C8 THIOL makes it slightly harder to use the B10 triple letter and the S hook doesn't seem that dangerous in hindsight. #strategysad
9E WEXE +41 Strategy Small
9G WEX #strategysad
exch IIU +0 Knowledge Small
3A I(W)I #findingsaddest #knowledgesad for challenge
exch IIU +0 Finding Large
3A I(W)I #findingsaddest #knowledgesad for challenge
15G UN(C)AGE +30 Knowledge Large
15D PRAUN(C)E #knowledgesaddest
O1 JAM +45 Tactics Large
O1 JAMS #tacticssaddest
14A QA(T)S +26 Knowledge Small
A12 (G)RAV #endgamesad and #knowledgesad for challenge
14A QA(T)S +26 Endgame Small
A12 (G)RAV #endgamesad and #knowledgesad for challenge
M6 VISITEE +71 Vision Small
9E VISITEE #visionsad
15G CAGE +32 Tactics Small
15G AGEE #tacticssad
14A OY +40 Tactics Small
14A UG #tacticssad
4A FLUE(D) +26 Knowledge Small
I was only 95% sure of 2B GUF(F). #knowledgesad
O8 WINY +37 Tactics Small
8A SN(O)WY #tacticssad
G8 (PEA)S +24 Vision Small
D11 (Q)ATS #visionsad
L4 STRAD +26 Strategy Small
3C L(a)RD I guess. #strategysad
1E LOON +20 Time Large
L10 LOO(F) #timesaddest
9F MADEFY +33 Tactics Medium
I think I miscounted J5 MADEFY #tacticssadder
A6 HAEN +52 Tactics Small
A7 HAIN #tacticssad
L3 QASID(A) +32 Knowledge Large
14N B(I) +8 Vision Medium
14E PRU(R)IENT +64 Vision Large
15H BALL(Y) +30 Tactics Small
I undercounted 15H LEAF(Y) by 3 points. #tacticssmall
D9 (V)AHINE +24 Finding Medium
K4 NAH #findingsadder
B7 SNIRLIN(G) +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
10C D(A) +7 Vision Large
14I (FEED)ER #visionsaddest
M4 ZAMIA +29 Endgame Large
I8 (T)HANX +19 Strategy Small
E7 N(O)X sims slightly better #strategysad
G5 OE +16 Strategy Small
12H A(X)ITE #strategysad
B10 (D)E(V)O +14 Strategy Small
C1 CI(N)E #strategysad
E1 (DOY)EN +18 Strategy Small
B10 (DEVO)T #strategysad
The listing of all of the player's mistakes. For more information about mistakes, check the 'Mistakes' section of the about page.
Game Line Error
Game 7745 32 Game is incomplete.
Game 21749 0 No moves found.
Game 29099 36 Game is incomplete.
Game 3004 24 Game is incomplete.
Game 5470 28 Game is incomplete.
Game 21819 0 No moves found.
Game 21812 0 No moves found.
Game 21742 0 No moves found.
Game 21755 25 Game is incomplete.
Errors are (most likely) the result of malformed GCG files. To learn more, check the 'Errors and Warnings' section in the about page.