Richard Popper
Richard Popper
Color Key
= Triple Triple
= Bingo 9+
= Improbable
= +
= +
= +
= + +
Player Lists
Type Play Probability Score
pOETISE 1259 72
DIOPTER 964 77
(A)MIRATES 1222 83
ISATINE 144 70
RATITEs 561 75
INL(A)NDER 924 60
BUSIEsT 13033 78
S(I)NISTeR 4742 74
PURINES 3311 80
PERTAIN 227 65
GRAb(B)ERS 26520 70
R(E)COUNTS 2961 65
(I)NDURATE 69 80
ESU(R)IENT 391 66
PASTORS 13236 76
SAL(I)ENTS 2205 68
IN(S)NARES 5011 70
FOLDING(S)* 0 95
(O)DORLESS 13418 91
ATINGLE 259 76
GaPIESt* 0 73
BoVINES 5075 84
FATTEnE(R) 3863 70
SuNBIRD 11080 73
LOFTIER 968 91
INEARTH 231 67
ELaSTIC 1493 72
DE(T)ONATE 732 60
ANOMIES 328 72
PILEATE 1059 86
INERTIA(L) 93 60
FOREIGN 1426 80
O(Z)oNATES 4571 68
ADVISER 1525 90
SE(P)TORIA 230 61
ENtWINE 4920 70
R(E)TICULE 3109 70
RE(L)ATIVE 666 72
INSHORE 929 82
ETERNAL 212 70
L(O)NESOME 8007 64
(B)UTtrESS 23418 74
FATTIES 3631 78
RESUMIN(G) 5925 83
REs(O)LUTE 1259 58
DANDIES 2889 85
TAWSING 6560 86
DINITRO 1330 66
(R)ATANIES 89 70
BIRAM(O)sE 2024 62
STINTeR 1367 63
EARNE(S)TS 2712 82
FL(I)RtING 12424 63
OvERAWE 3572 76
LINgERS 1744 67
ORTOLAN(S) 2505 62
i(N)VESTeD 3134 72
ToURIST 5155 64
PRIN(T)ERS 5275 63
INSANER 518 69
SOLERET 811 61
OVERWIS(E) 4598 89
UNLE(A)RNT 2027 58
SPRuCES 20247 75
DI(S)TANCE 1008 67
rELEVAN(T) 1523 83
(E)TERNALS 355 77
(A)RREStED 2548 70
COnDONE 12100 76
REAdIES(t) 117 62
SLENDER 2912 78
LORNEST 528 82
(B)ARIToNE 50 80
INCENSE 7716 66
ENTOIL(E)d 161 64
RAVINES 675 95
HOTTIEs 4446 76
bOINKED 8374 82
VERSING 4559 83
FLIND(E)RS 4532 76
(T)ETANIES 525 77
DICIEST 6056 99
(B)EATINGS 1711 86
OUTRAIS(E) 25 77
TRAINER 196 66
DEVIATO(R) 206 89
SCALIER 1487 88
TROUGHs 13992 74
AMPLEST 10062 82
ORGEAtS 396 74
AUNTLIE(R) 78 62
SPINOfF 22295 87
REMINDS 3115 76
UNSTATe 2711 69
WALKING 17155 87
SALTERN 414 81
ORANGEs 391 71
ELUENTS 2789 64
SPIRIES(T) 12387 83
TOTALIS(E) 448 60
(c)APRIOlE 2038 78
REJOInS 2342 72
AUdILES 1117 74
TRANCES 1515 82
(T)ERRAInS 339 74
NoNVIR(A)L 5381 63
IRONIE(S)T 129 59
M(I)SGuIDE 13863 80
TOILETS 1701 70
MONTAGE(D) 2238 66
(G)LOOMIEr 5543 89
PENNING 19231 67
DETECTs 13881 73
LENIENT 1907 61
SNICK(E)RS 22213 67
FAITOuR 1664 77
MUTTeRS 12680 69
(P)OlITIES 3245 68
DENTINA(L) 925 70
DER(I)VING 6980 78
LITOTES 1702 66
EMIGRE(E)S* 0 63
RAIMENT 234 75
DECANES 3848 76
SALVOED 3573 84
E(X)pOSING 12923 66
dEARIES 206 66
RATT(L)ING 5062 70
ENNERVE(S)* 0 63
(T)RACTING* 0 72
ARTSIER 554 74
TRAInEE 10 80
CIS(T)ErNA 390 59
(I)NFLATEd 1019 70
MIAOUED 857 97
COURtER 7423 68
DOt(AT)IONS 3200 72
ANEROId 1 66
LISTENS 5422 79
ESERInE 1270 77
CREASIE(R) 3699 83
The of bingos played by the player that were not challenged off.
Triple Triples
Type Play Probability Score
A(GO)NISES 2104 90
Triple triples played by the player that were not challenged off. They do not have to be bingos.
Bingo Nines or Above
Type Play Probability Score
DOt(AT)IONS 3200 72
Bingos played by the player that were nine letters or longer and were not challenged off.
Challenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were challenged off by an opponent.
Unchallenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
FOLDING(S)* 0 95
GaPIESt* 0 73
TOL* 0 20
PIRCH(E)D* 0 54
HORALS* 0 69
EMIGRE(E)S* 0 63
ENNERVE(S)* 0 63
(T)RACTING* 0 72
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were not challenged by an opponent.
Plays That Were Challenged
Type Play Probability Score
C(OKA)* 0 0
M(ID)DING* 0 0
VE(L)O* 0 0
PU(L)K 4082 20
O(B)OLO* 0 0
ARFED* 0 0
WAES 706 0
Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Opponent Lists
Type Play Probability Score
PLuNDER 8737 73
(T)ORMENTs 6153 80
THANKER 7980 84
TURG(I)DlY 16134 63
SANTIM(U)S* 0 70
WINKlER(S) 13874 107
PROBAt(E)D 3994 78
HOPL(I)TES 6884 63
MISsAV(E)D* 0 65
ENABLER(s) 3011 70
OVARIAN 1867 79
inVALID 8501 72
M(i)GHTIER 12047 68
MODE(L)ING 4150 64
MaN(N)ERLY 13323 74
SIStERS 16368 70
(R)EPEALEd 7775 90
(D)OORNAIL 1116 63
EMBaRKS 18274 82
PLAINEs(T) 1068 77
bEAUTER 2168 70
OUT(L)IVES 2841 76
H(E)LENIUM 10483 78
(S)LAWINGS* 0 89
F(E)TERiTA 1968 80
DEUTERo(N) 517 66
(M)ANTEAUS 4950 72
(G)RATINEE 85 61
BELDAME 11342 77
APOGEEs 3778 66
GAROTES 394 72
EERIEST 1271 61
(C)LAMLIkE 25797 86
ALDRInS 1863 75
EAsTERN 215 69
HOGTIED 2990 85
D(A)IRYmEN 3350 70
OOTHEcA 6452 66
L(I)TeNESS 5128 71
PEONISM 5140 73
(I)NTeGRAL 153 74
(T)ACtIONS 5379 86
ANSATED 1275 69
ROTATI(O)N 1638 131
FOrES(I)DE 1822 68
TENU(r)IAL 75 78
(R)ATIFIED 1242 68
GHER(A)OED 2875 63
PaNTiLE 648 89
AL(I)GHTED 3438 64
INlIERS 1291 71
DICTIER 3464 64
(G)RATINEE 80 80
pHOEBES 16711 80
HAMLETE(D)* 0 68
BATTE(R)ER 10826 72
SCIENcE 15946 89
WARSLED 5373 78
EGOISTI(C) 4524 86
TuNDISH 10597 69
AMNEST(I)C 3323 76
ElE(V)AtES 7751 68
CLOTHES 11292 75
EvULSIN(g) 9582 74
(T)OURETTE* 0 77
LUNIEST 1162 71
AStON(I)ES 503 75
EUGEnIA(S) 720 70
UNM(E)lTED 8117 79
LEASHEs 14187 85
DUNLINS 13543 66
CAlL(O)WER 15327 65
SAIlING 5678 66
THRIVEs 6875 110
UNITIES 1232 83
CONNeRS 7118 70
NEEDLED 14163 67
ARBUTEA(N) 2514 74
LADRONS 2357 76
RUNNELS 7859 74
FENINgS 11654 76
PRELIMS 10163 77
EUPAT(R)Id 1042 74
OVERRI(P)E 8414 69
MONGR(E)Ls 7004 72
RETAILS 112 68
COSIEsT 7319 88
P(R)AEDIAl 2413 74
NITERIE(S) 429 77
(A)NTIQUER 1205 71
HEILInG 7847 65
(Z)ARATITE 6151 104
TANAGER 1069 78
MARRIE(D)s 5158 76
INEDITA 141 71
EErIEST 1212 66
ILLUDES 10923 73
(P)ARVENUS 8611 101
CORNUTE 2069 84
REMOtIO(N) 942 80
CANDIES 1475 83
rEwEIGH(ED) 14831 76
TENDERS 1369 68
IMP(O)RTEd 3925 94
(S)HELLIER 13103 65
REGLUES 6925 86
DENOTEd 4669 72
ECARTES 2186 79
PIBROCh 20712 70
HARDLIN(E) 1019 76
cORNUTE 2069 85
PATINAE 826 88
(F)LITTERS 7967 65
(D)EVILisH 16163 92
CARMINE(s) 3143 76
(S)CENARIO 183 72
BASINET 590 69
A(R)EOLATe 255 64
TERRiES 1910 70
PLAINES(T) 1068 83
DRIfTP(I)N 15561 70
(E)USOCIAL 1215 89
OUTWEAr 895 70
HERNIAS 635 91
SOARING 838 95
sTHENIA 670 80
N(E)UROTIC 574 74
VAGARI(E)S 3969 98
LEGATOR 369 70
uNFLa(W)ED 11990 64
ANAEMIc 4772 72
HEFTILY 14904 73
R(EH)EATING 522 80
(H)APLITES 5729 102
RAISING 3297 73
ShUNNED 15006 82
TOLLMEN 10402 83
FORCA(B)LE* 0 71
ANTIDOT(E) 136 65
TU(B)EROSE 3731 61
STRIATE 562 83
SExTARI(I) 3167 61
SHRo(O)MER 20222 82
pEREION 489 66
THANAGE 5266 80
UNWISER 3317 82
(T)ARDIEST 932 83
(r)ESiGNED 1739 85
CINERAR(Y) 6924 92
ThERA(PI)ST 6937 78
ROSOLIo 11845 77
TRAINLO(AD) 406 83
DIvER(TE)RS 6361 68
CLATTER 6491 75
SMARTIE 701 97
(E)ULoGIAE 323 80
REDEARS 3717 76
RECaGES* 0 72
INEPTER 1087 64
(F)IReBOAT 896 95
ALLOwED 10643 68
(G)LEETING 9539 64
PROTE(I)DE 838 76
TELOGEN 1349 68
PLUNKER 16943 89
(B)EARpAWS 18906 86
AREoLAE 383 61
S(T)IfLERS 12264 122
QUIETER 4354 96
(A)BSOLVeR 6370 67
TaNGOED 365 71
ENDEARS 545 67
oRECT(I)VE 2470 70
OUTRANG 1762 64
HIPSHOT 22483 88
BILG(I)EST 10260 94
MARaVE(D)I 6308 65
EXIlIAN 4003 127
WAISTED 1460 83
AGEN(E)SIA 819 60
UTENSIL 1164 76
(F)ERRATED* 0 89
DEAVING 2538 79
sERIEMA 1062 70
DISaBLE 3011 67
COAgULA 14443 72
GAINERS 266 74
ENTRAN(C)E 3865 70
KERaTIN 797 73
TYmPANA 19833 81
ImPAIRS 12592 72
(S)CaVENGE 12102 92
DESAL(T)ED 7782 60
HYGIENE 9840 83
The of bingos played by the player that were not challenged off.
Triple Triples
Type Play Probability Score
ROTATI(O)N 1638 131
S(T)IfLERS 12264 122
Triple triples played by the player that were not challenged off. They do not have to be bingos.
Bingo Nines or Above
Type Play Probability Score
rEwEIGH(ED) 14831 76
R(EH)EATING 522 80
ThERA(PI)ST 6937 78
TRAINLO(AD) 406 83
DIvER(TE)RS 6361 68
Bingos played by the player that were nine letters or longer and were not challenged off.
Challenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were challenged off by an opponent.
Unchallenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were not challenged by an opponent.
Plays That Were Challenged
Type Play Probability Score
EGOISTI(C) 4524 86
ROMAN 1459 47
(P)ARVENUS 8611 101
uNDEFL(A)t(E)* 0 0
LOA(m)LIKE* 0 0
Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Notable Lists
Four or More Consecutive Bingos
Games in which the player bingos at least 4 times in a row.
Game Stats
Stat Average Total
Games 1.00 89
Invalid Games 0.03 3
Incomplete 0.03 3
Disconnected 0.00 0
Other 0.00 0
Total Turns 26.55 2363
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Player Stats
Stat Average Total
Wins 0.18 16
Score 379.26 33754
Score per Turn 28.6537
Turns 13.24 1178
Vertical Plays 5.78 514
Horizontal Plays 6.00 534
One Tile Plays 0.54 48
Other Plays 0.92 82
Firsts 0.51 45
Vertical Openings per First 0.0244
Horizontal Openings per First 0.9756
Full Rack per Turn 0.2725
Exchanges 0.61 54
High Game 522
Low Game 252
Highest Scoring Turn 99
Bingos Played 1.65 147
Sevens 0.91 81
Eights 0.73 65
Nines 0.01 1
Tens 0.00 0
Elevens 0.00 0
Twelves 0.00 0
Thirteens 0.00 0
Fourteens 0.00 0
Fifteens 0.00 0
Bingo Probabilities 4062.38
Sevens 3972.28
Eights 4193.20
Nines 3200.00
Tens 0.00
Elevens 0.00
Twelves 0.00
Thirteens 0.00
Fourteens 0.00
Fifteens 0.00
Tiles Played 45.88 4083
A 3.99 355
B 0.84 75
C 0.85 76
D 1.83 163
E 5.40 481
F 0.96 85
G 1.28 114
H 0.81 72
I 4.19 373
J 0.48 43
K 0.45 40
L 1.87 166
M 1.00 89
N 2.83 252
O 3.98 354
P 0.90 80
Q 0.52 46
R 2.67 238
S 2.02 180
T 2.73 243
U 1.66 148
V 0.96 85
W 1.02 91
X 0.44 39
Y 0.94 84
Z 0.46 41
? 0.79 70
Power Tiles Played 4.71 419
? 0.79 70
J 0.48 43
Q 0.52 46
X 0.44 39
Z 0.46 41
S 2.02 180
Power Tiles Stuck With 0.12 11
? 0.00 0
J 0.00 0
Q 0.02 2
X 0.00 0
Z 0.00 0
S 0.10 9
Turns With a Blank 0.90 80
Triple Triples Played 0.01 1
Bingoless Games 0.08 7
Bonus Square Coverage 14.99 1334
Double Letter 4.51 401
Triple Letter 5.64 502
Double Word 2.39 213
Triple Word 2.45 218
Phony Plays 0.24 21
Unchallenged 0.11 10
Challenged Off 0.12 11
Challenges 0.21 19
You Won 0.04 4
Opponent Lost 0.01 1
You Lost 0.03 3
Opponent Won 0.12 11
Challenge Percentage 0.5714
Defending Challenge Percentage 0.0833
Percentage Phonies Unchallenged 0.4762
Comments 9.30 828
Comments Word Length 186.78 16623
Mistakeless Turns 13.22 1177
Mistakes per Turn 0.0008
Mistakes 0.01 1
Knowledge 0.00 0
Finding 0.00 0
Vision 0.01 1
Tactics 0.00 0
Strategy 0.00 0
Endgame 0.00 0
Time 0.00 0
Dynamic Mistakes 0.00 0
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Player Confidence Intervals
Tile p CI
A 0.4433 (0.4134, 0.5042)
B 0.4200 (0.3626, 0.5550)
C 0.4250 (0.3626, 0.5550)
D 0.4575 (0.3908, 0.5268)
E 0.4500 (0.4195, 0.4981)
F 0.4800 (0.3626, 0.5550)
G 0.4267 (0.3802, 0.5374)
H 0.4050 (0.3626, 0.5550)
I 0.4656 (0.4134, 0.5042)
J 0.4800 (0.3227, 0.5949)
K 0.4500 (0.3227, 0.5949)
L 0.4675 (0.3908, 0.5268)
M 0.5000 (0.3626, 0.5550)
N 0.4717 (0.4033, 0.5143)
O 0.4975 (0.4107, 0.5069)
P 0.4500 (0.3626, 0.5550)
Q 0.5200 (0.3227, 0.5949)
R 0.4450 (0.4033, 0.5143)
S 0.5050 (0.3908, 0.5268)
T 0.4550 (0.4033, 0.5143)
U 0.4150 (0.3908, 0.5268)
V 0.4800 (0.3626, 0.5550)
W 0.5100 (0.3626, 0.5550)
X 0.4400 (0.3227, 0.5949)
Y 0.4700 (0.3626, 0.5550)
Z 0.4600 (0.3227, 0.5949)
? 0.3950 (0.3626, 0.5550)
To learn more about these statistics, check the 'Confidence Intervals' section on the about page.
Opponent Stats
Stat Average Total
Wins 0.82 73
Score 446.75 39761
Score per Turn 33.5536
Turns 13.31 1185
Vertical Plays 6.11 544
Horizontal Plays 6.33 563
One Tile Plays 0.46 41
Other Plays 0.42 37
Firsts 0.49 44
Vertical Openings per First 0.3421
Horizontal Openings per First 0.6579
Full Rack per Turn 0.9797
Exchanges 0.33 29
High Game 666
Low Game 319
Highest Scoring Turn 131
Bingos Played 2.22 198
Sevens 1.11 99
Eights 1.04 93
Nines 0.07 6
Tens 0.00 0
Elevens 0.00 0
Twelves 0.00 0
Thirteens 0.00 0
Fourteens 0.00 0
Fifteens 0.00 0
Bingo Probabilities 5603.08
Sevens 5654.94
Eights 5597.24
Nines 4848.50
Tens 0.00
Elevens 0.00
Twelves 0.00
Thirteens 0.00
Fourteens 0.00
Fifteens 0.00
Tiles Played 51.53 4586
A 4.80 427
B 1.13 101
C 1.10 98
D 2.10 187
E 6.31 562
F 1.02 91
G 1.64 146
H 1.16 103
I 4.44 395
J 0.51 45
K 0.54 48
L 2.01 179
M 1.00 89
N 2.91 259
O 3.84 342
P 1.09 97
Q 0.46 41
R 3.11 277
S 1.84 164
T 3.00 267
U 2.20 196
V 1.00 89
W 0.98 87
X 0.56 50
Y 1.01 90
Z 0.54 48
? 1.21 108
Power Tiles Played 5.12 456
? 1.21 108
J 0.51 45
Q 0.46 41
X 0.56 50
Z 0.54 48
S 1.84 164
Power Tiles Stuck With 0.04 4
? 0.00 0
J 0.01 1
Q 0.00 0
X 0.00 0
Z 0.00 0
S 0.03 3
Turns With a Blank 2.21 197
Triple Triples Played 0.02 2
Bingoless Games 0.03 3
Bonus Square Coverage 16.65 1482
Double Letter 5.79 515
Triple Letter 5.47 487
Double Word 3.17 282
Triple Word 2.22 198
Phony Plays 0.26 23
Unchallenged 0.21 19
Challenged Off 0.04 4
Challenges 0.21 19
You Won 0.12 11
Opponent Lost 0.03 3
You Lost 0.01 1
Opponent Won 0.04 4
Challenge Percentage 0.9167
Defending Challenge Percentage 0.4286
Percentage Phonies Unchallenged 0.8261
Comments 9.30 828
Comments Word Length 186.78 16623
Mistakeless Turns 12.93 1151
Mistakes per Turn 0.0287
Mistakes 0.38 34
Knowledge 0.03 3
Finding 0.17 15
Vision 0.06 5
Tactics 0.02 2
Strategy 0.07 6
Endgame 0.03 3
Time 0.00 0
Dynamic Mistakes 0.00 0
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Opponent Confidence Intervals
Tile p CI
A 0.5333 (0.4698, 0.5608)
B 0.5650 (0.4188, 0.6118)
C 0.5500 (0.4188, 0.6118)
D 0.5250 (0.4471, 0.5835)
E 0.5258 (0.4759, 0.5547)
F 0.5100 (0.4188, 0.6118)
G 0.5467 (0.4365, 0.5941)
H 0.5800 (0.4188, 0.6118)
I 0.4933 (0.4698, 0.5608)
J 0.5100 (0.3788, 0.6518)
K 0.5400 (0.3788, 0.6518)
L 0.5025 (0.4471, 0.5835)
M 0.5000 (0.4188, 0.6118)
N 0.4850 (0.4596, 0.5710)
O 0.4800 (0.4671, 0.5635)
P 0.5450 (0.4188, 0.6118)
Q 0.4600 (0.3788, 0.6518)
R 0.5183 (0.4596, 0.5710)
S 0.4600 (0.4471, 0.5835)
T 0.5000 (0.4596, 0.5710)
U 0.5500 (0.4471, 0.5835)
V 0.5000 (0.4188, 0.6118)
W 0.4900 (0.4188, 0.6118)
X 0.5600 (0.3788, 0.6518)
Y 0.5050 (0.4188, 0.6118)
Z 0.5400 (0.3788, 0.6518)
? 0.6050 (0.4188, 0.6118)
To learn more about these statistics, check the 'Confidence Intervals' section on the about page.
Player Mistakes
Play Type Size Comment
15H DAL +20 Vision Large
um. It would seem that I let him get away with TOL* here? This seems very weird. But this is what I have recorded. I'm gonna go with this not having happened, but I'll record the game as it is! Heh. #visionlarge?
The listing of all of the player's mistakes. For more information about mistakes, check the 'Mistakes' section of the about page.
Opponent Mistakes
Play Type Size Comment
12A FIFERS +45 Knowledge Large
chickened out of both SNIFFLER and SNUFFIER. It's not that I didn't think I could get away with SNIFFLER, but I was going to challenge the S hook, which means I was not playing optimal Scrabble. SNUFFIER just looked wrong, but FUNFIRES kept resounding in my head, so I should have gone with it. #knowledgeSADDEST
5B SANTIM(U)S +70 Knowledge Large
and then I didn't even question this S hook. Phony... #knowledgeSADDEST
4F OU(T) +9 Finding Small
OE B14 is decent here, and ONE 6A is also good. Quackle loves ONE. #findingsmall
9F ZONAE +29 Strategy Medium
this move is way too meek. just play ZETA or AZOTE and be done with it. -3 #strategymedium
J2 NUCHA +29 Tactics Small
this is admittedly a bit of a weird move. i'm not up by that much and i have the dreaded Q, but at least i have a U to go with it -- yet i can't really play it somewhere that makes sense. NUCHA does sim best, keeping the U open, drawing for an I for QI, or maybe some other synergistic tiles. tough move. RANCH J1 seems to sim best as keeping QU is probably for the best despite the point sacrifice. -1.5 #tacticssmall
D12 Q(U)ID +32 Finding Small
-2 DIQUAT #findingsmall
D6 JAG +20 Strategy Medium
i got a bit upset after this move as i noticed the far better 8B JAGG shortly after hitting my clock. i was low on time, and worried that a bingo from him might end up winning him the game, and i kinda freaked out! -4.5 #strategymedium
7B B(LAM)E +9 Endgame Large
obviously poor, but i was low on time after trying to find a bingo that fit and just wanted to ensure the win. #endgamelarge
8F OXO +20 Finding Small
Leaving OO isn't appealing either, but AXIAL was missed for 6 more. An exchange 4 is at least random enough to the point where I can just play my game. AXIAL keeps the board open longer, which is what I sorely need to have against Richard. #findingsmall
M9 METICA +35 Finding Large
I liked that I saw this play hoping he wouldn't see that METICAL is good, but 13B ME(S)TIZA is a more sound play, clearly best, and is 56 which was missed. #findinglarge
A1 A(P)ER +21 Vision Large
I was about to do O1 REpAIRE(D) until this got blocked, but if only I looked a little harder, I would have seen A2 (P)EARlIER. I should have put him away several turns ago and now! #visionlarge
9I ITCH +20 Finding Medium
So Roman numeral 11 is good and Roman numeral 9 is not, as we already know. This position is deceptively bad because I only have HIT or HILT underneath VOX and neither of those plays keep good leaves. It is nice to be able to fork against Richard just because I need an open board against him, but H7 G(O)THIC cleans up the rack nicely and doesn't give as much back to him even though it scores 5 less. #findingmedium
J8 LEK +41 Strategy Unspecified
champ likes lev g11 over lek. Fascinating. In hindsight i much prefer kep over lek which i dont think i considered #strategy small
8M V(I)N +18 Finding Medium
Inhume has to be best #findingmedium
12G OF +19 Knowledge Small
I think I missed 3B NA(I)F. That seems good here as well, since I am not sure of SEPTORIAS, so a lot of the value of OF decreases if I choose not to play SEPTORIAS. #knowledgesmall
14I MOS +17 Endgame Large
14M BYS for sure. I was unsure of SEPTORIAS, which is annoying. I wanted to block RELAND. This is -21. The best non-BYS play is the crazy J13 (T)OR for 5. #endgamelarge
8H GANOF +26 Finding Small
8D FAGOT sims a little better without an S in hand. An argument could be made for FOP, which I also considered, but I much prefer open boards against Richard. #findingsmall
12K BO(U)T +12 Vision Large
K8 (OKA)PI was missed for 10 more. The B isn't great on this board, but I would do OKAPI if I saw that. #visionlarge
14J ICI(E)R +18 Finding Large
I would also go on to miss the DOUCER hook and 15K CIRRI there is better. At least I realized DOUCES* isn't good. #findinglarge
4B Y(I)P +16 Finding Large
Fishing off the Y with WIFEY would have been better than my play, and also too many bingoes were missed namely StRIPEY and PYRItES, both of which are not hard to spot. #findinglarge
12F BATTE(R)ER +72 Strategy Large
I didn't see 12H BER(R)ETTA or 12H BAR(R)ETTE here but they all sim very closely. An E in the 5th position of a 3x3 isn't usually scary, but after Richard's last play, even if I saw the anagrams, I might still do this after I will be up 2 bingoes. It's a close call. #strategylarge
3C ZA +24 Finding Large
I think it might be fine to cash in immediately with 2J ZE(A)lS immediately which I didn't even see. I'm up by enough that I can comfortably just score. #findinglarge
5H INNO(B)LE +18 Vision Small
I did see the bingo LEONINE on this rack, but missed my spot for it. M1 it is. Also, THIS IS PHONY! Only ENNOBLE is good with all the hooks. Maybe if I'm gonna miss my spot for the bingo, probably N9 ONE is decent. That's part of why I didn't win this game. #visionsad
12A FADE +33 Finding Medium
I did not see O10 FADEIN. That is definitely the play. I guess I'm fortunate to still be in this one. #findingmedium
F6 CO(V)ID +21 Finding Small
This one came to mind just because we all went through such an era! If I had seen D8 (M)ODICA, I would have played it just because I keep better and I score an extra point. #findingsmall
6I HEN +21 Strategy Large
6E NAH looks best #strategysaddest
I2 pEREION +66 Strategy Small
Quackle prefers I3 hEROINE, which I considered but passed up because of the H4 spot. I guess 5 is a bit too much to sacrifice. #strategysmall
2L FUTZ +39 Finding Small
this was completely stupid, I missed this same word at J11 #findingsmall
15D XYLOSE +87 Finding Large
I have to play OXEY(E)S B9 to be more likely to bingo next turn. Thought I could steal it if he challenges or misses YOGINI #findinglarge
M5 NTH +20 Endgame Small
F1 NO setting up 3A RUTTISH and K5 HURST is 3 better. #endgamesmall
M7 M(E)LD +18 Vision Medium
Not sure how M7 MED is better when I dump an additional consonant with MELD. I definitely wasn't doing M7 MEDAL with what that opens up, but I think if I'm going to keep another consonant on my rack, 7M MUD is actually a farily sound play not offering Richard anything new to work with. ABDLT is not as bad of a leave on this board as I would have thought. #visionmedium
O5 TOD +19 Finding Large
I did see POTTERED on Column I until Richard blocked it. But H1 DEPORTER scores enough to make it worth blowing up the rack as opposed to this bingo-friendly leave. #findinglarge
8A FOI(L) +25 Vision Small
Should be FOUL in this spot. Right idea by blocking further, but UW is so bad that even keeping an extra I is fine. #visionsmall
7B TELOGEN +68 Tactics Small
Tied for best play with 11F ELONGATE scorewise. Seeing the board is open as is, I might as well get others going. This was held but not challenged. #tacticssmall
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Game 865 33 Game is incomplete.
Game 17539 19 Game is incomplete.
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