Richard Buck
Richard Buck
Color Key
= Triple Triple
= Bingo 9+
= Improbable
= +
= +
= +
= + +
Player Lists
Type Play Probability Score
STINTED 3825 71
UnwISER 3060 81
FARTING 3913 70
ENACTED 2877 65
(A)LIENEES 986 66
H(A)NgOUTS 12878 70
PARGETS 6285 94
AIL(E)TTES 1635 62
EUGENIA 588 62
GRA(T)INEE 104 86
DAUTING 3815 73
INTONER(S) 598 77
T(U)MbLING 27135 70
TEOPANS 1190 72
FORZAN(D)I 13079 112
TROUTIN(G) 5827 70
RUS(T)ICLY 19149 76
FEElESS 20568 82
ENDOsTE(A) 209 77
O(V)ERPLAN 5341 66
ABROGAT(E) 3275 72
MAIDEnS 1996 97
MEgAC(I)TY 17707 86
(I)NTERCoM 2747 86
AVO(D)IRES 705 74
sTRAINS 4650 81
LINNETS 2725 64
REGRANt 3154 85
TO(K)ENInG 11381 86
EXPlAIN 10206 106
DETAILS 543 76
A(L)iASING 10712 60
C(H)EAPEST 21081 98
CADgING 25350 80
ALIENEE 644 69
OPsONIC 20334 72
DONAT(I)NG 4465 66
AILETTE 1131 68
REOILED 392 71
(F)ORTUNED 3836 76
I(R)ONLIKE 4837 69
ROsACEA 3062 81
AT(T)AINED 1090 72
OUTSAIL 1178 73
FAIL(I)NGS 16407 76
RECOIL(E)R 5698 63
DONKeYS 19629 88
VECTORS 10603 84
GARRONS 9701 72
DEFuNCT 17913 72
(C)ARBuRET 18267 83
TWIRLIN(G) 17103 89
SLATING 2906 75
O(C)TANGLE 2228 65
LEaCHED 11349 100
RETAILs 146 84
BAITERS 804 70
ANIMATE 1075 94
AGONIZE 2220 126
H(O)MESITE 4418 76
TRoLAND 1106 70
AeROSAT 224 60
ANtLIAE 158 70
EPISTLE 5458 77
(M)ONETISE 1054 83
REBAITS 791 66
RACIEST 825 74
DETAIN(E)E 369 85
SCORIAe 412 74
TAMPErE(R) 15048 92
SOApIER 438 69
MO(U)NTING 18551 78
(H)AVIOURS 12111 80
(I)GNAROEs 78 82
OUTLETS 7973 66
SOUBISE 10205 66
sEEMING 5526 72
BUSTINg 13068 81
(P)ALAdINS 10567 80
OUtSOAR 3277 65
(B)EGUINES 7137 86
sENATOR 41 65
eNVIRON 2481 73
LyNCHER 16908 88
(R)ATLINES 70 77
(F)RITTErS 12460 83
CONSENT 7119 73
pAYOLAS 16041 72
REOILIN(G) 734 72
BOATING 2549 73
AbETM(E)NT 10901 72
LOUTISH 8460 77
ENAME(L)ED 7357 62
R(E)SiLINS 7354 71
GReE(N)ERY 17289 65
hAP(T)ENES 6777 131
OBLI(G)EES 4874 86
ANSWE(R)ER 8170 64
I(N)DAMINS 19523 158
(C)UTWATER 17852 78
ENLaR(G)ES 1571 61
(C)UNEATEd 3013 80
SNIGGLE 12446 66
WoORALI 4534 76
FREN(C)HED 19719 86
HEADSE(T)S 13699 74
HITTINg 16484 68
LICHEES 10901 80
ASTOUND 2363 79
AIRINGS 4493 84
UNTA(N)GLE 5270 63
AUNTiES 118 78
SOCA(G)ERS 11393 149
(L)EPORINE 802 72
INSNARE 712 70
CHARR(I)nG 24950 67
DEMAINE 1370 76
REDATES 750 81
UNSTATE(S) 15078 77
OVeRK(I)ND 10057 92
RESIGNS 9782 77
sTAINeD 121 75
(E)DgINESS 13819 77
(T)ETANIES 660 77
FLUo(R)ITE 1457 80
UNRAI(s)ED 269 82
SPeCTRA 9173 80
The of bingos played by the player that were not challenged off.
Triple Triples
Type Play Probability Score
hAP(T)ENES 6777 131
I(N)DAMINS 19523 158
SOCA(G)ERS 11393 149
Triple triples played by the player that were not challenged off. They do not have to be bingos.
Challenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were challenged off by an opponent.
Unchallenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
(D)YNO* 0 24
(G)ALLOW* 0 36
(R)IEVE* 0 27
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were not challenged by an opponent.
Plays That Were Challenged
Type Play Probability Score
CHEDA* 0 0
FLATTY 18505 39
BA(L)IEU* 0 0
JAR 720 71
CE(N)TI* 0 0
MERaNT(I)C* 0 0
REGRANt 3154 85
(AN)TING 3629 14
PETRO* 0 0
BIG 866 22
(PLATY)S 16296 22
LaERING 326 0
FAIL(I)NGS 16407 76
RECOIL(E)R 5698 63
GA(R)DANT 7837 18
SPORY* 0 0
(S)ORBING 10452 24
NIFFER 13143 50
BRIG 2922 0
(I)GNAROEs 78 82
SOUBISE 10205 66
OPO(M)EA* 0 0
CORIU(M)S* 0 0
I(N)DAMINS 19523 158
(C)UTWATER 17852 78
OVeRK(I)ND 10057 92
Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Opponent Lists
Type Play Probability Score
SANTOUR 1550 66
SENDERS 12259 78
DIOCEsE 3402 97
LENGESt 5942 70
InFRACT 8451 81
SeEPING 7746 83
GREATEN 438 64
INGESTE(D) 1584 83
PARVISE 5881 107
FORWAsT(E) 5288 76
MILKeRS 18961 82
FLEA(S)OmE 10321 74
DALA(P)ONS 15204 72
ONION(I)ER 2822 68
(W)EbINARS 4319 83
sEALIFT 1980 96
KaLIANS 15850 78
EMERIES 7787 88
SLOTHED 8346 80
LINTIES(T) 5835 68
HA(E)MATIC 14744 69
(b)EWINGED 16252 74
(S)ELENITE 2387 77
EPERGNE 14602 75
GODLIEr 1106 69
ANTBEAR 1831 76
PROLI(N)ES 1840 72
GENTI(L)ES 2206 60
LOGIEsT 1467 61
INTE(G)ERS 966 72
pIROGHI 21438 78
TRAILED 108 68
(O)CTANOLS 12185 83
DEADENS 8464 82
ADONIsE 45 68
NOISIER 235 63
C(O)LlATED 9160 61
(L)ENITIES 1415 77
(D)OMINAtE 188 83
LEaNERS 551 80
TETR(A)CID 3676 65
ASTERID 119 73
ZoYSIAS 27120 84
BARRE(I)NG 5781 61
DYNAM(I)ST 15314 78
RETIREE 4513 62
aQU(A)TONE 4950 80
SCODIER 2640 83
HAIrWIN(G) 19510 68
RUMKINS 25255 76
TITTERs 14199 81
(T)REaTInG 906 74
ENTASIA 164 75
INSNARE 707 84
OInOMEL 3750 80
ENSLA(V)ER 4026 72
MARViES(T) 4422 86
CREAM(E)rY 27100 90
DHOOTIE 3738 96
DELIGHT 10095 82
ANALCI(T)E 1539 74
GLE(E)NIES 6621 74
VIHARAs 17576 91
ReFININ(G) 14824 86
PELTERS 8826 74
DE(C)ORATE 999 65
(S)ERVANTs 11223 92
JERRIES 11409 94
B(O)DINgLY 18958 92
AuRI(C)U(L)AE 9090 74
ReTAIL(O)R 180 58
sNOWIER 1288 75
BEDOUIN 2575 75
OUTREA(D)S 410 61
ALArMED 8067 65
SHIRRED 12633 78
NOTAEU(M)S 1793 61
VERIEST 3060 79
UNLASTE 1506 68
BRUISI(N)g 16735 61
TERESES 11906 78
MADNESS 17238 75
REQuEST 14013 92
DOUANI(E)R 24 61
(V)OLITION 13044 86
(M)ANDRILS 8589 86
WaITRON 964 78
SCUTaGE 9966 89
S(A)TUrATE 5965 122
HEELErS 16183 86
ANnOYED 4266 72
IsOLEAD 137 77
(E)dENTATE 5676 74
REGIONS 515 70
ILEITiS 8601 64
PTERINS 2109 71
SIEGING 17645 64
STREAMS 13059 81
DITTOEd 9584 70
GUIDeRS 4533 72
cHATTED 19332 78
TAN(G)ELOS 880 60
(A)ERATION 10 60
GOLFERS 8540 74
ACTIVES 4355 70
ERADIAT(E) 121 83
(N)ONTITLe 3037 74
MILTERS 3147 66
TARDiLY 4745 78
OVERMEN 5862 76
DEFIAN(C)E 4038 70
(S)PEARING 1767 86
WIFTIER 7438 82
GROSCH(E)N 11913 65
IM(p)UTErS 8677 77
EvZONES 12494 93
SOCKEYE 18714 111
ALEVINS 1482 76
LOACHES 7629 82
BEGOTTE(N) 9053 78
MONTANE(S) 3372 74
ANNOYER 2463 67
E(S)THESIA 6291 62
ROUTEME(N) 2507 72
(A)RANeIDS 376 78
HoODIES 6736 88
AIrSPA(C)E 5749 61
AERATeD 798 62
ANTIWAR 3041 76
(A)NGsTROM 6547 83
(I)NFINITE 14106 74
AULDEST 2273 87
(A)EROlITE 9 71
(P)ROTaMIN 3317 83
wAVIEST 5768 76
(T)AWDRIEr 3705 86
EROTEMA 603 94
(E)ARNINGS 1563 68
GRU(E)LING 11136 64
rOOTa(G)ES 937 58
(E)NtOILED 161 77
rESUM(E)RS 22945 158
EUSO(C)IAL 1215 61
EATAB(L)ES 7710 61
(TI)MELINES 4874 78
SENSATe 5262 83
MANGOES 3946 83
GLOATIE(R)* 0 61
DEGREES 12481 79
HAIRpIN 13212 76
RETrIE(V)E 11478 72
GIN(G)KOES 25679 80
HOUsIER 2703 92
C(A)VITIED 6303 78
ADNA(T)ION 2469 59
TRUELOv(E) 3777 74
IN(L)AYERS 1071 72
PHoTONs 17750 80
AIRTR(A)MS 11623 76
VIOLONe 3663 82
SECRETE 11756 77
The of bingos played by the player that were not challenged off.
Triple Triples
Type Play Probability Score
S(A)TUrATE 5965 122
rESUM(E)RS 22945 158
Triple triples played by the player that were not challenged off. They do not have to be bingos.
Bingo Nines or Above
Type Play Probability Score
AuRI(C)U(L)AE 9090 74
(TI)MELINES 4874 78
Bingos played by the player that were nine letters or longer and were not challenged off.
Challenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were challenged off by an opponent.
Unchallenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were not challenged by an opponent.
Plays That Were Challenged
Type Play Probability Score
FORWAsT(E) 5288 76
FLEA(S)OmE 10321 74
ESTERI(FY) 9395 45
(Z)ABRAS* 0 0
DYNAM(I)ST 15314 78
eNQUOTE* 0 0
ENTASIA 164 75
GYELD 7727 23
(MACE)RS 8473 19
VIHARAs 17576 91
REST(O)WeD* 0 0
wHITNEY* 0 0
VOLAE 953 27
PAWK* 0 0
SOREL(e)AD* 0 0
rESUM(E)RS 22945 158
Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Notable Lists
One Player Plays Every E
Games in which one player plays every E.
Four or More Consecutive Bingos
Games in which the player bingos at least 4 times in a row.
Game Stats
Stat Average Total
Games 1.00 76
Invalid Games 0.03 2
Incomplete 0.03 2
Disconnected 0.00 0
Other 0.00 0
Total Turns 26.26 1996
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Player Stats
Stat Average Total
Wins 0.36 27
Score 412.12 31321
Score per Turn 31.2585
Turns 13.18 1002
Vertical Plays 5.61 426
Horizontal Plays 6.29 478
One Tile Plays 0.67 51
Other Plays 0.62 47
Firsts 0.54 41
Vertical Openings per First 0.0000
Horizontal Openings per First 1.0000
Full Rack per Turn 0.2715
Exchanges 0.39 30
High Game 556
Low Game 272
Highest Scoring Turn 158
Bingos Played 1.72 131
Sevens 0.89 68
Eights 0.83 63
Nines 0.00 0
Tens 0.00 0
Elevens 0.00 0
Twelves 0.00 0
Thirteens 0.00 0
Fourteens 0.00 0
Fifteens 0.00 0
Bingo Probabilities 6925.27
Sevens 5504.04
Eights 8459.30
Nines 0.00
Tens 0.00
Elevens 0.00
Twelves 0.00
Thirteens 0.00
Fourteens 0.00
Fifteens 0.00
Tiles Played 47.21 3588
A 4.49 341
B 0.84 64
C 0.97 74
D 1.92 146
E 5.51 419
F 0.95 72
G 1.47 112
H 0.93 71
I 4.09 311
J 0.46 35
K 0.39 30
L 1.89 144
M 0.92 70
N 3.08 234
O 3.57 271
P 0.97 74
Q 0.45 34
R 2.79 212
S 1.89 144
T 3.01 229
U 1.66 126
V 0.96 73
W 1.01 77
X 0.46 35
Y 1.01 77
Z 0.55 42
? 0.93 71
Power Tiles Played 4.75 361
? 0.93 71
J 0.46 35
Q 0.45 34
X 0.46 35
Z 0.55 42
S 1.89 144
Power Tiles Stuck With 0.12 9
? 0.01 1
J 0.00 0
Q 0.00 0
X 0.00 0
Z 0.00 0
S 0.11 8
Turns With a Blank 1.12 85
Triple Triples Played 0.04 3
Bingoless Games 0.13 10
Bonus Square Coverage 15.78 1199
Double Letter 5.01 381
Triple Letter 5.17 393
Double Word 3.13 238
Triple Word 2.46 187
Phony Plays 0.25 19
Unchallenged 0.04 3
Challenged Off 0.21 16
Challenges 0.64 49
You Won 0.09 7
Opponent Lost 0.21 16
You Lost 0.13 10
Opponent Won 0.21 16
Challenge Percentage 0.4118
Defending Challenge Percentage 0.5000
Percentage Phonies Unchallenged 0.1579
Comments 6.03 458
Comments Word Length 92.92 7062
Mistakeless Turns 13.18 1002
Mistakes per Turn 0.0000
Mistakes 0.00 0
Knowledge 0.00 0
Finding 0.00 0
Vision 0.00 0
Tactics 0.00 0
Strategy 0.00 0
Endgame 0.00 0
Time 0.00 0
Dynamic Mistakes 0.00 0
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Player Confidence Intervals
Tile p CI
A 0.4989 (0.4229, 0.5213)
B 0.4200 (0.3678, 0.5764)
C 0.4850 (0.3678, 0.5764)
D 0.4800 (0.3983, 0.5459)
E 0.4592 (0.4295, 0.5147)
F 0.4750 (0.3678, 0.5764)
G 0.4900 (0.3869, 0.5573)
H 0.4650 (0.3678, 0.5764)
I 0.4544 (0.4229, 0.5213)
J 0.4600 (0.3246, 0.6196)
K 0.3900 (0.3246, 0.6196)
L 0.4725 (0.3983, 0.5459)
M 0.4600 (0.3678, 0.5764)
N 0.5133 (0.4119, 0.5323)
O 0.4462 (0.4199, 0.5243)
P 0.4850 (0.3678, 0.5764)
Q 0.4500 (0.3246, 0.6196)
R 0.4650 (0.4119, 0.5323)
S 0.4725 (0.3983, 0.5459)
T 0.5017 (0.4119, 0.5323)
U 0.4150 (0.3983, 0.5459)
V 0.4800 (0.3678, 0.5764)
W 0.5050 (0.3678, 0.5764)
X 0.4600 (0.3246, 0.6196)
Y 0.5050 (0.3678, 0.5764)
Z 0.5500 (0.3246, 0.6196)
? 0.4650 (0.3678, 0.5764)
To learn more about these statistics, check the 'Confidence Intervals' section on the about page.
Opponent Stats
Stat Average Total
Wins 0.64 49
Score 427.46 32487
Score per Turn 32.6831
Turns 13.08 994
Vertical Plays 5.86 445
Horizontal Plays 6.28 477
One Tile Plays 0.49 37
Other Plays 0.46 35
Firsts 0.46 35
Vertical Openings per First 0.0625
Horizontal Openings per First 0.9375
Full Rack per Turn 0.9326
Exchanges 0.26 20
High Game 575
Low Game 304
Highest Scoring Turn 158
Bingos Played 2.14 163
Sevens 1.13 86
Eights 0.99 75
Nines 0.03 2
Tens 0.00 0
Elevens 0.00 0
Twelves 0.00 0
Thirteens 0.00 0
Fourteens 0.00 0
Fifteens 0.00 0
Bingo Probabilities 6982.30
Sevens 7263.33
Eights 6655.72
Nines 6982.00
Tens 0.00
Elevens 0.00
Twelves 0.00
Thirteens 0.00
Fourteens 0.00
Fifteens 0.00
Tiles Played 49.97 3798
A 4.32 328
B 1.11 84
C 0.97 74
D 1.99 151
E 6.20 471
F 1.03 78
G 1.45 110
H 1.04 79
I 4.55 346
J 0.53 40
K 0.58 44
L 2.03 154
M 1.08 82
N 2.67 203
O 4.29 326
P 0.99 75
Q 0.47 36
R 3.04 231
S 1.97 150
T 2.64 201
U 2.11 160
V 1.03 78
W 0.95 72
X 0.54 41
Y 0.93 71
Z 0.45 34
? 1.04 79
Power Tiles Played 5.00 380
? 1.04 79
J 0.53 40
Q 0.47 36
X 0.54 41
Z 0.45 34
S 1.97 150
Power Tiles Stuck With 0.13 10
? 0.01 1
J 0.01 1
Q 0.08 6
X 0.00 0
Z 0.00 0
S 0.03 2
Turns With a Blank 2.14 163
Triple Triples Played 0.03 2
Bingoless Games 0.03 2
Bonus Square Coverage 15.92 1210
Double Letter 5.38 409
Triple Letter 5.53 420
Double Word 2.84 216
Triple Word 2.17 165
Phony Plays 0.13 10
Unchallenged 0.04 3
Challenged Off 0.09 7
Challenges 0.64 49
You Won 0.21 16
Opponent Lost 0.13 10
You Lost 0.21 16
Opponent Won 0.09 7
Challenge Percentage 0.5000
Defending Challenge Percentage 0.5882
Percentage Phonies Unchallenged 0.3000
Comments 6.03 458
Comments Word Length 92.92 7062
Mistakeless Turns 12.84 976
Mistakes per Turn 0.0211
Mistakes 0.28 21
Knowledge 0.03 2
Finding 0.05 4
Vision 0.01 1
Tactics 0.03 2
Strategy 0.08 6
Endgame 0.03 2
Time 0.05 4
Dynamic Mistakes 0.00 0
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Opponent Confidence Intervals
Tile p CI
A 0.4800 (0.4505, 0.5489)
B 0.5550 (0.3952, 0.6042)
C 0.4850 (0.3952, 0.6042)
D 0.4975 (0.4258, 0.5736)
E 0.5167 (0.4571, 0.5423)
F 0.5150 (0.3952, 0.6042)
G 0.4833 (0.4144, 0.5850)
H 0.5200 (0.3952, 0.6042)
I 0.5056 (0.4505, 0.5489)
J 0.5300 (0.3520, 0.6474)
K 0.5800 (0.3520, 0.6474)
L 0.5075 (0.4258, 0.5736)
M 0.5400 (0.3952, 0.6042)
N 0.4450 (0.4394, 0.5600)
O 0.5363 (0.4475, 0.5519)
P 0.4950 (0.3952, 0.6042)
Q 0.4700 (0.3520, 0.6474)
R 0.5067 (0.4394, 0.5600)
S 0.4925 (0.4258, 0.5736)
T 0.4400 (0.4394, 0.5600)
U 0.5275 (0.4258, 0.5736)
V 0.5150 (0.3952, 0.6042)
W 0.4750 (0.3952, 0.6042)
X 0.5400 (0.3520, 0.6474)
Y 0.4650 (0.3952, 0.6042)
Z 0.4500 (0.3520, 0.6474)
? 0.5200 (0.3952, 0.6042)
To learn more about these statistics, check the 'Confidence Intervals' section on the about page.
Opponent Mistakes
Play Type Size Comment
O5 REPO +32 Finding Medium
B2 FITMEN(T) +28 Strategy Medium
10H INFAM(Y) is more defensive. #strategymedium
N1 ONER +22 Knowledge Large
N8 SEZ +47 Tactics Large
L10 OOZE #tacticsSADDEST
I7 E(L)OCUTE +12 Strategy Large
J10 OE is fine here. #strategylarge
N13 MOG +23 Time Large
7F JEF(E) #timesaddest
13H F(E)WER +26 Strategy Large
10A WOF is way better but I was needlessly scared of column A plays. #strategylarge
10A DOE +16 Strategy Large
This loses to 11B (KAVA)L. 12A DE/DO/IO/OE all win because they don't give back 15 point A7 plays. #STRATEGYSADDEST #TIMESADDEST
10A DOE +16 Time Large
This loses to 11B (KAVA)L. 12A DE/DO/IO/OE all win because they don't give back 15 point A7 plays. #STRATEGYSADDEST #TIMESADDEST
6G BEDU +25 Finding Medium
6G BEDUIN #findingmedium
15A YIN(S) +21 Vision Medium
14B NI(R)LY #visionmedium
E5 INI(A) +8 Finding Small
C11 LIN(EN) #findingsmall
10J HILD +30 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesmall for the previous challenge
5J MOB +18 Strategy Medium
The Duck is saying that I need to keep either the M or B to increase my bing % with something like 10F OM or 10F OB, which seems right looking back at it. NOSE is probably slightly too vowel heavy. #strategymedium
7I ATTIC +16 Finding Large
i mean ricotta is pretty hard to see here no matter how focused you are. -13 #findinglarge
B6 UPO +16 Tactics Medium
i think POGO is better than this actually. i didn't want to block a lane with N2 POD, but maybe that lane is way too hard to hit anyway? 6E UP also worth a thought. tough position for sure. -4 #tacticsmedium
F8 (O)OZ(ES) +34 Strategy Large
i did not want to use my case S on C9 ZONES. i don't see a path to victory after it with a IOTV leave... another tough move. is ZONES actually right? -8.5 #strategylarge ?
14E AVI(ON) +16 Endgame Large
i had about 30 seconds or so on my clock. i didn't think he was going to let me play OVATIONS, so i was looking for a Q stick. then he did this. i didn't think he had given me a bingo, and i was only looking to the right. i saw novations on my rack at some point but then thought too bad the ON is backwards. i then tried to continue thinking of a way to Q stick him and couldn't figure it out. this is of course a ridiculously bad play, but it didn't register that i wasn't Q-sticking him at the time, i literally just ran out of time. The funniest thing is that slow-playing the game actually works too, i didn't need to find novations. 6F IT wins for example. -120 #endgamelarge #timelarge #nojudgment #meowmeow
14E AVI(ON) +16 Time Large
i had about 30 seconds or so on my clock. i didn't think he was going to let me play OVATIONS, so i was looking for a Q stick. then he did this. i didn't think he had given me a bingo, and i was only looking to the right. i saw novations on my rack at some point but then thought too bad the ON is backwards. i then tried to continue thinking of a way to Q stick him and couldn't figure it out. this is of course a ridiculously bad play, but it didn't register that i wasn't Q-sticking him at the time, i literally just ran out of time. The funniest thing is that slow-playing the game actually works too, i didn't need to find novations. 6F IT wins for example. -120 #endgamelarge #timelarge #nojudgment #meowmeow
5K ON(E)S +26 Endgame Unspecified
n10 snot -5 #timelarge #endgame. i actually saw NOVATIONS at this point and just stared at the board without feeling, the way i like it.
5K ON(E)S +26 Time Large
n10 snot -5 #timelarge #endgame. i actually saw NOVATIONS at this point and just stared at the board without feeling, the way i like it.
The listing of all of the player's mistakes. For more information about mistakes, check the 'Mistakes' section of the about page.
Game Line Error
Game 33774 35 Game is incomplete.
Game 5005 26 Game is incomplete.
Errors are (most likely) the result of malformed GCG files. To learn more, check the 'Errors and Warnings' section in the about page.