Reid Hattaway
Reid Hattaway
Color Key
= Triple Triple
= Bingo 9+
= Improbable
= +
= +
= +
= + +
Player Lists
Type Play Probability Score
NEARING 1125 71
TOlEDOS 3969 81
RIOTOuS 3437 62
CRU(I)SILY* 0 67
(L)ISTELED* 0 68
sTEELIE 2627 82
(R)OmANCES 4026 83
REUNI(T)Ed 386 64
(L)ITTERER 5794 70
INFE(R)NOS 3584 71
STREAM(E)R 6392 70
BAWbIES* 0 75
(W)ICOPiES 15669 70
ROMANIs(E) 208 80
OBLIGAT(O) 7645 76
TrAPPED 14303 76
HORM(O)NIC 19187 69
VERsING 4559 94
EREMUrI 7408 64
LOUNGED 4063 75
OMItTER 2599 90
LAPTOPS 19954 95
LIVIeRS 5837 71
R(e)OVIRUS 5776 64
SHEITAN 636 89
EGOTISM 2986 70
ALATIoN 525 68
CATENO(I)D 189 102
OUTWARS 5850 67
MA(N)TEAUS 4677 72
OBT(A)INER 47 76
CO(W)IN(N)ERS 7483 82
BA(R)ITONE 46 78
OLDSTER 1258 72
GLEAMi(E)R 2224 63
DIPTERA 623 119
AIR(D)ATES 306 72
NEbbI(S)HY 28111 86
TOLERAN(T) 479 60
(T)ERrANEs 1223 71
ESCOLAR 1932 87
POiNTIE(R) 713 61
LESIONE(D) 471 70
HER(O)INEs 798 60
ROOtLIK(E) 4574 83
WINgB(A)TS* 0 63
(A)RNOTTos 5220 71
ET(H)YLENE 16002 80
BIZNa(G)AS 21289 90
EaR(D)RUMS 11161 90
HEGARIS 2427 77
REaROUS(E) 1614 74
HYD(R)OTIC* 0 70
TAKInGS 10129 77
WELTING 4554 80
mAND(A)RIN 11037 58
ENTERIN(G) 2068 70
(G)EARLESS 10017 80
(S)MELTINg 5919 74
STEELED 7268 66
LADRONS 2357 76
RUNNELS 7859 74
NONARTS 3002 71
TRIOLET 788 62
DENIERS 564 76
BURNIES 3213 78
SHARIAT 5454 91
DIVALE(N)t 1024 65
GEST(U)RER 10291 70
STOMATE 4620 77
DIALO(G)UE 682 76
AuTUNIT(E) 5012 74
UvEITIC 10736 62
G(E)RANiAL 628 82
CISTRON 3419 74
LADRONE 147 74
DASHERS 12863 80
HETAIrA 824 76
(I)DOLATER 13 61
APHIDES 6927 73
HAREEMs 8304 114
GAMBITS 14620 78
TROWELs 3934 73
UPDATI(N)G 8727 68
BRINIEs 3626 68
RA(I)NBOWS 5907 76
IDO(C)RASE 536 67
SEXTAIN(S) 9545 80
INTARSI(A) 1955 70
A(N)TIGENE 896 63
eSCAROL* 0 81
POETISE 1261 74
BROWNOU(T) 18460 65
TAINTED 540 95
TACKLEs 14057 83
I(N)ERTIAE 44 68
LECT(E)RNS 5415 62
EXHAUST 14083 93
MOIsTER 998 82
BEE(T)LING 4394 72
The of bingos played by the player that were not challenged off.
Bingo Nines or Above
Type Play Probability Score
CO(W)IN(N)ERS 7483 82
Bingos played by the player that were nine letters or longer and were not challenged off.
Challenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were challenged off by an opponent.
Unchallenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
CRU(I)SILY* 0 67
(L)ISTELED* 0 68
L(UNARY)* 0 9
GRR(L)* 0 10
BAWbIES* 0 75
WINgB(A)TS* 0 63
HYD(R)OTIC* 0 70
(J)ETTER* 0 42
NI* 0 30
eSCAROL* 0 81
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were not challenged by an opponent.
Plays That Were Challenged
Type Play Probability Score
(B)LOTTI* 0 0
HORM(O)NIC 19187 69
COOEY 5257 39
FULL 4041 18
PFT* 0 0
GEST(U)RER 10291 70
VIARL* 0 0
APHIDES 6927 73
NEGRO* 0 0
F(L)OWY* 0 0
MAIDAN 5124 24
BENE 1032 0
Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Opponent Lists
Type Play Probability Score
OUTSAIL 1178 78
G(R)ADATES 2969 66
IRONIER 1069 64
INERt(I)AE 44 64
OnENESS 11509 78
(S)INGUlAR 4300 77
UNRAISE(D) 269 61
C(L)ODDIER 9684 68
ADRO(I)TlY 2427 74
ExIST(I)NG 11022 72
DETUnED 9347 65
ENTOILS 176 67
AV(i)ARIES 2837 70
ABIOSES 4569 82
ApTERIA 789 68
RUSTING 5210 73
PITEOUS 1955 83
COrY(P)HEE 21070 70
(D)EPAINTS 982 72
ASTERO(I)D 16 74
AWA(I)TInG 9495 94
SPIRANT 2591 67
ReFOR(G)ED 13105 65
CINEAST 637 85
DICIEST 6055 98
EQUA(L)ISE 5593 88
ATTAINT 13141 83
AUXEtIC 7458 114
BRIDLeD 12381 98
MI(D)YEARS 5427 78
FORCING 11812 81
ANT(I)SMUT 10425 72
NEbULAE 3840 80
TATTLES 13162 66
DRAF(T)ERs 7898 72
(s)ALaRIES 4439 74
OUTDOnE 2137 70
TANGOeD 365 67
AGNAILS 5669 73
sWEEP(I)ER 12363 62
INHALES 1465 74
(N)UGaTORY 6221 74
MAZIEST 7485 76
DEAI(R)ING 602 64
EGESTeD 8928 72
SKINNER 10227 87
ORPINES 1001 68
(s)TATURES 10935 74
FROWSIE(R) 10664 80
PANGENE(S) 11214 86
SOONERS 7597 67
AUgITES 731 67
TANnOYS 9256 78
A(D)EEMING 2345 72
COLLA(t)ED 9659 70
COWrITe 2640 75
MEANEST 2122 79
SINNERS 8822 71
CODEINS 1895 72
FA(C)TIOnS 5622 74
RELENTs 1374 80
CEN(T)aVOS 3824 62
IdE(a)LISE 1047 60
UTTE(R)ING 3082 72
SWINKED 13544 81
ALIENED 194 70
FANNERS 6210 71
JaILERS 3374 118
SACATON 6005 93
LACKEYS 19331 90
PANZeRS 10514 79
DeALING 714 73
ANEStRI 19 70
UNLE(A)RNT 2027 58
SPRuCES 20247 75
BED(S)TRAW 9005 98
LEPROUS 6411 87
(D)IEStRUM 4550 70
PLAcO(I)DS 12733 61
APRAxIA 19253 72
COInM(A)TE 852 188
SUGARIN(G) 13873 83
zINCIT(E)S 14381 76
NEURITI(C) 2669 62
RaVINES 711 88
GEnOISE 535 86
GLOATER 389 88
RINGeRS 4447 84
INSIDER 1281 68
CURTSEY 13387 82
RONTGEN 2797 68
STAGIER 285 73
UN(C)OPIED* 0 65
R(E)SLATED 951 60
MEGIlLa 11785 62
DILUTES 2388 67
PUNNIE(S)T 8394 64
TAbORIn 744 76
hORNILY 10411 78
MATTINS 8885 77
AZOTISE 1095 91
AEOLIAn 60 66
EnDE(X)INE 16725 66
AIRIESt 145 67
CALEN(D)AR 4893 62
QUOTieN(T) 6934 95
SHUNNER 12650 78
gOATIER 11 65
MOREENs 2654 75
COLEADE(R) 1894 63
OvERSEA 1247 73
S(L)EETING 1746 73
tW(E)EDIER 4743 94
AbIGAIL 13439 76
FINErI(E)S 3297 92
(B)RUISING 16735 86
(S)YSTOLIC 23911 76
gODETIA 77 82
FEUDIST 5648 86
ROUlADE 510 70
ALIG(H)TEd 3627 63
TRID(E)NTS 2033 60
MENAgES 5498 84
REAwAKE 11938 81
SPHERES 20256 82
NOVICES 5109 79
TERAoHM(S) 4071 90
STEADI(ES)T 5996 83
(S)OFABEDs 18842 98
The of bingos played by the player that were not challenged off.
Triple Triples
Type Play Probability Score
COInM(A)TE 852 188
Triple triples played by the player that were not challenged off. They do not have to be bingos.
Bingo Nines or Above
Type Play Probability Score
STEADI(ES)T 5996 83
Bingos played by the player that were nine letters or longer and were not challenged off.
Challenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were challenged off by an opponent.
Unchallenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
CO(R)B* 0 22
TEPIFY* 0 46
CURF(Y)* 0 15
BATTE* 0 40
UN(C)OPIED* 0 65
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were not challenged by an opponent.
Plays That Were Challenged
Type Play Probability Score
PUrEFIE(R)* 0 0
fATTY 7577 0
sHIT 1797 0
EQUA(L)ISE 5593 88
CrEA(S)A(B)LE* 0 0
sWEEP(I)ER 12363 62
TED(Y)* 0 0
OURI(E) 59 7
FULVI(C)* 0 0
Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Game Stats
Stat Average Total
Games 1.00 62
Invalid Games 0.00 0
Incomplete 0.00 0
Disconnected 0.00 0
Other 0.00 0
Total Turns 26.18 1623
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Player Stats
Stat Average Total
Wins 0.37 23
Score 387.24 24009
Score per Turn 29.6042
Turns 13.08 811
Vertical Plays 6.56 407
Horizontal Plays 5.53 343
One Tile Plays 0.52 32
Other Plays 0.47 29
Firsts 0.52 32
Vertical Openings per First 1.0000
Horizontal Openings per First 0.0000
Full Rack per Turn 0.9408
Exchanges 0.16 10
High Game 491
Low Game 245
Highest Scoring Turn 119
Bingos Played 1.65 102
Sevens 0.79 49
Eights 0.84 52
Nines 0.02 1
Tens 0.00 0
Elevens 0.00 0
Twelves 0.00 0
Thirteens 0.00 0
Fourteens 0.00 0
Fifteens 0.00 0
Bingo Probabilities 5314.22
Sevens 4942.57
Eights 5632.94
Nines 7483.00
Tens 0.00
Elevens 0.00
Twelves 0.00
Thirteens 0.00
Fourteens 0.00
Fifteens 0.00
Tiles Played 47.15 2923
A 4.39 272
B 0.92 57
C 1.08 67
D 1.97 122
E 5.31 329
F 0.87 54
G 1.29 80
H 1.15 71
I 4.03 250
J 0.45 28
K 0.53 33
L 2.19 136
M 1.08 67
N 2.73 169
O 3.74 232
P 0.87 54
Q 0.52 32
R 2.94 182
S 1.50 93
T 2.87 178
U 1.92 119
V 1.02 63
W 1.08 67
X 0.55 34
Y 0.90 56
Z 0.47 29
? 0.79 49
Power Tiles Played 4.27 265
? 0.79 49
J 0.45 28
Q 0.52 32
X 0.55 34
Z 0.47 29
S 1.50 93
Power Tiles Stuck With 0.08 5
? 0.00 0
J 0.00 0
Q 0.02 1
X 0.00 0
Z 0.00 0
S 0.06 4
Turns With a Blank 1.74 108
Triple Triples Played 0.00 0
Bingoless Games 0.10 6
Bonus Square Coverage 15.68 972
Double Letter 4.87 302
Triple Letter 5.68 352
Double Word 2.77 172
Triple Word 2.35 146
Phony Plays 0.34 21
Unchallenged 0.16 10
Challenged Off 0.18 11
Challenges 0.48 30
You Won 0.16 10
Opponent Lost 0.10 6
You Lost 0.05 3
Opponent Won 0.18 11
Challenge Percentage 0.7692
Defending Challenge Percentage 0.3529
Percentage Phonies Unchallenged 0.4762
Comments 15.89 985
Comments Word Length 531.87 32976
Mistakeless Turns 13.06 810
Mistakes per Turn 0.0025
Mistakes 0.03 2
Knowledge 0.02 1
Finding 0.00 0
Vision 0.00 0
Tactics 0.02 1
Strategy 0.00 0
Endgame 0.00 0
Time 0.00 0
Dynamic Mistakes 0.00 0
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Player Confidence Intervals
Tile p CI
A 0.4878 (0.4171, 0.5259)
B 0.4600 (0.3560, 0.5870)
C 0.5400 (0.3560, 0.5870)
D 0.4925 (0.3899, 0.5531)
E 0.4425 (0.4244, 0.5186)
F 0.4350 (0.3560, 0.5870)
G 0.4300 (0.3772, 0.5658)
H 0.5750 (0.3560, 0.5870)
I 0.4478 (0.4171, 0.5259)
J 0.4500 (0.3082, 0.6348)
K 0.5300 (0.3082, 0.6348)
L 0.5475 (0.3899, 0.5531)
M 0.5400 (0.3560, 0.5870)
N 0.4550 (0.4048, 0.5382)
O 0.4675 (0.4138, 0.5292)
P 0.4350 (0.3560, 0.5870)
Q 0.5200 (0.3082, 0.6348)
R 0.4900 (0.4048, 0.5382)
S 0.3750 (0.3899, 0.5531)
T 0.4783 (0.4048, 0.5382)
U 0.4800 (0.3899, 0.5531)
V 0.5100 (0.3560, 0.5870)
W 0.5400 (0.3560, 0.5870)
X 0.5500 (0.3082, 0.6348)
Y 0.4500 (0.3560, 0.5870)
Z 0.4700 (0.3082, 0.6348)
? 0.3950 (0.3560, 0.5870)
To learn more about these statistics, check the 'Confidence Intervals' section on the about page.
Opponent Stats
Stat Average Total
Wins 0.63 39
Score 423.77 26274
Score per Turn 32.3571
Turns 13.10 812
Vertical Plays 5.92 367
Horizontal Plays 6.23 386
One Tile Plays 0.40 25
Other Plays 0.55 34
Firsts 0.48 30
Vertical Openings per First 0.1538
Horizontal Openings per First 0.8462
Full Rack per Turn 0.3670
Exchanges 0.29 18
High Game 661
Low Game 272
Highest Scoring Turn 188
Bingos Played 2.15 133
Sevens 1.26 78
Eights 0.87 54
Nines 0.02 1
Tens 0.00 0
Elevens 0.00 0
Twelves 0.00 0
Thirteens 0.00 0
Fourteens 0.00 0
Fifteens 0.00 0
Bingo Probabilities 6133.14
Sevens 5563.76
Eights 6952.19
Nines 5996.00
Tens 0.00
Elevens 0.00
Twelves 0.00
Thirteens 0.00
Fourteens 0.00
Fifteens 0.00
Tiles Played 49.77 3086
A 4.35 270
B 1.03 64
C 0.89 55
D 2.00 124
E 6.13 380
F 1.13 70
G 1.63 101
H 0.84 52
I 4.65 288
J 0.55 34
K 0.47 29
L 1.71 106
M 0.87 54
N 3.08 191
O 4.10 254
P 1.08 67
Q 0.47 29
R 2.76 171
S 2.32 144
T 2.81 174
U 1.90 118
V 0.94 58
W 0.90 56
X 0.44 27
Y 1.08 67
Z 0.50 31
? 1.16 72
Power Tiles Played 5.44 337
? 1.16 72
J 0.55 34
Q 0.47 29
X 0.44 27
Z 0.50 31
S 2.32 144
Power Tiles Stuck With 0.21 13
? 0.05 3
J 0.00 0
Q 0.00 0
X 0.02 1
Z 0.03 2
S 0.11 7
Turns With a Blank 1.31 81
Triple Triples Played 0.02 1
Bingoless Games 0.03 2
Bonus Square Coverage 15.76 977
Double Letter 5.39 334
Triple Letter 5.42 336
Double Word 2.94 182
Triple Word 2.02 125
Phony Plays 0.27 17
Unchallenged 0.11 7
Challenged Off 0.16 10
Challenges 0.48 30
You Won 0.18 11
Opponent Lost 0.05 3
You Lost 0.10 6
Opponent Won 0.16 10
Challenge Percentage 0.6471
Defending Challenge Percentage 0.2308
Percentage Phonies Unchallenged 0.4118
Comments 15.89 985
Comments Word Length 531.87 32976
Mistakeless Turns 13.00 806
Mistakes per Turn 0.0074
Mistakes 0.10 6
Knowledge 0.02 1
Finding 0.03 2
Vision 0.00 0
Tactics 0.02 1
Strategy 0.02 1
Endgame 0.02 1
Time 0.00 0
Dynamic Mistakes 0.00 0
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Opponent Confidence Intervals
Tile p CI
A 0.4833 (0.4432, 0.5522)
B 0.5150 (0.3820, 0.6134)
C 0.4450 (0.3820, 0.6134)
D 0.5000 (0.4159, 0.5795)
E 0.5108 (0.4505, 0.5449)
F 0.5650 (0.3820, 0.6134)
G 0.5433 (0.4033, 0.5921)
H 0.4200 (0.3820, 0.6134)
I 0.5167 (0.4432, 0.5522)
J 0.5500 (0.3341, 0.6613)
K 0.4700 (0.3341, 0.6613)
L 0.4275 (0.4159, 0.5795)
M 0.4350 (0.3820, 0.6134)
N 0.5133 (0.4309, 0.5645)
O 0.5125 (0.4399, 0.5555)
P 0.5400 (0.3820, 0.6134)
Q 0.4700 (0.3341, 0.6613)
R 0.4600 (0.4309, 0.5645)
S 0.5800 (0.4159, 0.5795)
T 0.4683 (0.4309, 0.5645)
U 0.4750 (0.4159, 0.5795)
V 0.4700 (0.3820, 0.6134)
W 0.4500 (0.3820, 0.6134)
X 0.4400 (0.3341, 0.6613)
Y 0.5400 (0.3820, 0.6134)
Z 0.5000 (0.3341, 0.6613)
? 0.5800 (0.3820, 0.6134)
To learn more about these statistics, check the 'Confidence Intervals' section on the about page.
Player Mistakes
Play Type Size Comment
15C WINgB(A)TS +63 Knowledge Large
Absolutely and horribly inexcusable. This is invalid and I held for a while, unable to remember if BATWING or WINGBAT* is valid. I remembered that Reid had a history of knowing a lot of words and I know that I don't know anything at all and eventually accept and make the spread-cutting move but WINGBATS* ISN'T A WORD ASDAFSD Literally when the only way to lose is to accept a word that looks funny to you, you should probably challenge that word. Guhhhhhh. This is one of many, many times where I show absolutely no faith in my word knoweldge this tournament. #knowledgesaddest #tacticssaddest (idk if I can tag two things but I'll try)
15C WINgB(A)TS +63 Tactics Large
Absolutely and horribly inexcusable. This is invalid and I held for a while, unable to remember if BATWING or WINGBAT* is valid. I remembered that Reid had a history of knowing a lot of words and I know that I don't know anything at all and eventually accept and make the spread-cutting move but WINGBATS* ISN'T A WORD ASDAFSD Literally when the only way to lose is to accept a word that looks funny to you, you should probably challenge that word. Guhhhhhh. This is one of many, many times where I show absolutely no faith in my word knoweldge this tournament. #knowledgesaddest #tacticssaddest (idk if I can tag two things but I'll try)
The listing of all of the player's mistakes. For more information about mistakes, check the 'Mistakes' section of the about page.
Opponent Mistakes
Play Type Size Comment
5H (A)GONY +18 Strategy Small
Everything is super close here but sim prefers MANGY and MANGEY by about 2 here #strategysmall
10J MENO +30 Knowledge Small
COLLEEN is a nice word that I didn't know #knowledgesad (actually a sim prefers MENO ever-so-slightly but I'm still docking myself)
1K A(F)RIT +24 Finding Small
I like closed boards and all, but I'm not sure this is the position where I should be happily closing. I didn't even look for plays down from the V even though they score more because I'm blind to opening closed boards. Plays like this make me "me" but I don't think that makes them right... (V)ARNA holding IRT looks pretty damn solid. #findingsad
12K HENT +23 Tactics Small
Wasn't really a fan of giving Reid easy and obvious underlaps to HEX, especially with 5 unseen Is and two unseen Us at this stage in the game. Sim still prefers HEX by about a point and HENT sets up sad possibilities if he's got one of the three unseen esses though. #tacticssad maybe but I'd probably do it again unless someone smart tells me not to
3A EJE(C)T +28 Finding Medium
Still had no idea what to play but missed the killer JESTER at O10, which gives me a 15% chance per Quackle. I'm so fixated on bingoing or trying to score a ton by drawing OU out of the bag but idk. man this game was so sloppy and this is why I'll never be good at scrabble #findingsadder
F3 SORB +27 Endgame Small
RESORB #endgamesad
The listing of all of the player's mistakes. For more information about mistakes, check the 'Mistakes' section of the about page.