Randy Greenspan
Randy Greenspan
Color Key
= Triple Triple
= Bingo 9+
= Improbable
= +
= +
= +
= + +
Player Lists
Type Play Probability Score
ACTINI(D)E 1129 62
PARTIES 664 79
BURIALS 7316 76
GlOB(B)IER 16727 80
ALIENE(E)S 706 70
TENURI(A)l 73 68
dIGOXIN 14041 88
EOLOpIL(E) 11688 64
PO(L)ICIES 9738 63
OVERLIT 913 73
eNSNAR(E)D 2451 82
INQuIRE 6161 86
ATOPIeS 309 80
KARATES 6155 79
AN(T)IRUST 3195 76
TANGeLO(s) 628 77
(N)EARSIDE 105 68
SHEARIN(G) 1672 89
(D)REamING 1655 74
(G)UANINEs 2919 77
CABLeTS 9188 73
INTER(W)AR 1380 62
SPO(N)DAIC 8354 69
RA(S)HlIKE 9101 80
VERTIgO 1320 73
DARKIEs 3256 77
REVEREN(T) 11275 63
ENOLASE 268 66
(O)RANGISH 3509 92
PICA(D)ORS 8355 66
(C)ARBINER* 0 74
SUTTEES 15813 65
CuRV(E)TTE* 0 78
ToKENED 5066 88
MATA(D)ORS 7722 64
(L)EAdWORT 1291 70
INDULTs 6040 70
LINKMEN 16887 70
(D)EFEREnT 7484 69
AMYLASE 13226 92
cURIOsA 3199 68
LOANERS 152 71
ENTIREs 209 77
TAPPERS 14314 77
UNEROTI(C) 575 72
AC(A)NTHAE 14757 80
hEMLINE 8028 80
(O)UTSPEND 4944 65
VERVETS 17730 78
PlATT(I)NG 12825 60
WILlERS 12446 72
rESOLED 1725 79
SATIETY 3652 84
ENTICER 1029 66
HAuLIER 1468 76
GLAIRES 726 79
SeNDERS 8959 71
SNARERS 8506 71
NETTIER 945 75
EMPOWeR 12852 91
(B)EbOPPER 28628 78
WORS(T)EDS 12865 66
STATURE 2712 72
PUNkEST 16179 74
AuGURAL 17854 61
StRIVeD 3025 75
SPINIER 3368 71
ANCON(E)aL 6107 72
STURDIe(R) 3635 77
SUlFATE 5384 92
REAPING 1173 65
SOLIDER 489 76
UMPIRED 9713 72
INDOLES 486 76
UPSTAIR 4771 94
LEERING 1142 73
DIGReSS 9878 74
OUTLINE 178 70
E(N)TASIAS 2352 70
ISODOSE 7345 77
COUNSEL 6109 73
MOVIEGO(ER) 8007 94
DOWNIER 887 96
TONETIC 2470 90
P(O)ETLIKE 8267 78
RATLINS 967 72
UNNAI(L)ED 1956 86
ESQUIRE(D) 8870 106
UN(P)OISED 2685 62
LEANEST 553 75
PINNIeS 9441 74
DOURInE 163 85
(M)ORAINES 202 62
(B)EWORMeD 15642 80
hYMNIST 18424 92
The of bingos played by the player that were not challenged off.
Bingo Nines or Above
Type Play Probability Score
MOVIEGO(ER) 8007 94
Bingos played by the player that were nine letters or longer and were not challenged off.
Challenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were challenged off by an opponent.
Unchallenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were not challenged by an opponent.
Plays That Were Challenged
Type Play Probability Score
RADD(L)ERs* 0 0
C(I)tRATOR* 0 0
SARSNET 2873 0
COK(Y) 3891 23
MOVIEGO(ER) 8007 94
P(O)ETLIKE 8267 78
Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Opponent Lists
Type Play Probability Score
cENTAVO 2514 68
HEISTED 3823 80
PARDINE 599 75
ESTROG(E)N 866 140
GyNOECI(A) 2928 83
SuRMIS(E)D 14589 90
TE(T)RADIC 2637 158
(E)XAMINeR 4311 101
RESINED 551 79
ANyWHE(R)e 11212 76
EPEEIsT 5509 72
RETINU(L)A 72 62
SUDATIO(N) 679 62
(I)NSTATES 4581 68
SOIREES 2301 71
oNSTAGE 361 84
VIRiONS 5815 78
(B)ONEYARD 3647 68
GAINLIE(R) 585 72
(T)ENEbRAE 2295 57
rOOTLET 4506 68
FOLAtES 1804 81
GRAPhIT(E) 4461 74
EART(H)PEA 7055 64
AUTEuRs 5013 68
REGALES 2255 77
LATI(G)OES 231 70
(T)ANTAlIC 10596 80
T(I)DELIkE 9071 72
(M)AINTOPS 5659 76
PrONATE 333 63
ISLAN(D)ER 247 70
OMITTER 2479 72
CANOEIS(T) 185 83
(R)EINCITE 1685 62
SAL(T)ERNS 4113 62
hORNETS 1980 65
TE(R)TIANS 344 61
FOLIAGE(S) 2096 89
LEACHA(T)E 10377 74
(E)LVIShLy 25528 60
HI(E)RO(D)ULE 1890 64
TONGmEN 8920 82
INDOLES 486 68
BErLINS 3067 84
PROMI(S)ED 6499 71
(T)RIGONAL 484 80
FEATHE(R)S 6770 80
(B)eNEDICT 6795 66
EMIRATE 354 96
CLOSeT(E)D 5629 61
DEVIANT 622 80
(T)UNNElED 7649 77
(D)ELATION 10 80
PEL(T)RIEs 2991 70
GAd(R)OONS 6204 82
O(u)TLINED 317 66
ECOTONE 3561 68
AVaILED 3358 74
MoRNING 11307 83
SITTERS 8825 80
DILATES 392 66
ENT(R)AINS 325 70
M(I)SENTRY 5356 80
CLAUSeS 15188 72
RETIRED 1809 74
NuCLe(ID)ES* 0 60
DURAMeN 2977 82
RElEASE(R) 6894 74
REMANDE(D) 9528 89
NOVAT(I)On 6715 61
LINGeRE(R) 4005 80
DOnGLES 4062 71
EDITINg 2048 76
(W)RITINGS 12434 89
ARS(E)NIDE 107 72
WEiGEL(A)S 4237 74
(C)ApRICES 19290 86
EPItOME 3393 83
DERIVED 10663 72
sPENDER 6242 71
sERMONI(C) 3763 92
SENARII 137 79
R(A)DIANCE 1128 72
REs(C)rEEN 15235 60
TIN(K)ERED 3199 65
HAILERS 1413 89
OLEINES 276 73
sETTLED 8457 63
WASTERS 9365 74
DOUrINE 167 78
The of bingos played by the player that were not challenged off.
Triple Triples
Type Play Probability Score
ESTROG(E)N 866 140
TE(T)RADIC 2637 158
Triple triples played by the player that were not challenged off. They do not have to be bingos.
Bingo Nines or Above
Type Play Probability Score
Bingos played by the player that were nine letters or longer and were not challenged off.
Challenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were challenged off by an opponent.
Unchallenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were not challenged by an opponent.
Plays That Were Challenged
Type Play Probability Score
Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Notable Lists
Many Double Words Covered
Games in which at least 15 double word bonus squares were covered.
All Triple Words Covered
Games in which every triple word bonus square was covered.
Game Stats
Stat Average Total
Games 1.00 52
Invalid Games 0.00 0
Incomplete 0.00 0
Disconnected 0.00 0
Other 0.00 0
Total Turns 27.00 1404
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Player Stats
Stat Average Total
Wins 0.44 23
Score 401.04 20854
Score per Turn 29.8768
Turns 13.42 698
Vertical Plays 5.79 301
Horizontal Plays 6.17 321
One Tile Plays 0.81 42
Other Plays 0.65 34
Firsts 0.40 21
Vertical Openings per First 0.0000
Horizontal Openings per First 1.0000
Full Rack per Turn 0.3009
Exchanges 0.46 24
High Game 576
Low Game 254
Highest Scoring Turn 106
Bingos Played 1.85 96
Sevens 1.08 56
Eights 0.75 39
Nines 0.02 1
Tens 0.00 0
Elevens 0.00 0
Twelves 0.00 0
Thirteens 0.00 0
Fourteens 0.00 0
Fifteens 0.00 0
Bingo Probabilities 6050.59
Sevens 5808.59
Eights 6363.97
Nines 8007.00
Tens 0.00
Elevens 0.00
Twelves 0.00
Thirteens 0.00
Fourteens 0.00
Fifteens 0.00
Tiles Played 48.63 2529
A 4.79 249
B 1.10 57
C 1.02 53
D 1.87 97
E 5.40 281
F 0.87 45
G 1.58 82
H 0.90 47
I 4.21 219
J 0.54 28
K 0.56 29
L 1.85 96
M 0.88 46
N 3.06 159
O 3.73 194
P 1.13 59
Q 0.50 26
R 2.77 144
S 1.92 100
T 2.79 145
U 2.15 112
V 0.96 50
W 1.12 58
X 0.56 29
Y 1.10 57
Z 0.42 22
? 0.87 45
Power Tiles Played 4.81 250
? 0.87 45
J 0.54 28
Q 0.50 26
X 0.56 29
Z 0.42 22
S 1.92 100
Power Tiles Stuck With 0.08 4
? 0.02 1
J 0.00 0
Q 0.00 0
X 0.00 0
Z 0.00 0
S 0.06 3
Turns With a Blank 0.96 50
Triple Triples Played 0.00 0
Bingoless Games 0.08 4
Bonus Square Coverage 15.77 820
Double Letter 5.21 271
Triple Letter 5.35 278
Double Word 3.12 162
Triple Word 2.10 109
Phony Plays 0.12 6
Unchallenged 0.04 2
Challenged Off 0.08 4
Challenges 0.31 16
You Won 0.15 8
Opponent Lost 0.06 3
You Lost 0.02 1
Opponent Won 0.08 4
Challenge Percentage 0.8889
Defending Challenge Percentage 0.4286
Percentage Phonies Unchallenged 0.3333
Comments 4.98 259
Comments Word Length 106.38 5532
Mistakeless Turns 13.42 698
Mistakes per Turn 0.0000
Mistakes 0.00 0
Knowledge 0.00 0
Finding 0.00 0
Vision 0.00 0
Tactics 0.00 0
Strategy 0.00 0
Endgame 0.00 0
Time 0.00 0
Dynamic Mistakes 0.00 0
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Player Confidence Intervals
Tile p CI
A 0.5322 (0.4268, 0.5458)
B 0.5500 (0.3601, 0.6125)
C 0.5100 (0.3601, 0.6125)
D 0.4675 (0.3970, 0.5756)
E 0.4500 (0.4348, 0.5378)
F 0.4350 (0.3601, 0.6125)
G 0.5267 (0.3832, 0.5894)
H 0.4500 (0.3601, 0.6125)
I 0.4678 (0.4268, 0.5458)
J 0.5400 (0.3078, 0.6648)
K 0.5600 (0.3078, 0.6648)
L 0.4625 (0.3970, 0.5756)
M 0.4400 (0.3601, 0.6125)
N 0.5100 (0.4134, 0.5592)
O 0.4662 (0.4232, 0.5494)
P 0.5650 (0.3601, 0.6125)
Q 0.5000 (0.3078, 0.6648)
R 0.4617 (0.4134, 0.5592)
S 0.4800 (0.3970, 0.5756)
T 0.4650 (0.4134, 0.5592)
U 0.5375 (0.3970, 0.5756)
V 0.4800 (0.3601, 0.6125)
W 0.5600 (0.3601, 0.6125)
X 0.5600 (0.3078, 0.6648)
Y 0.5500 (0.3601, 0.6125)
Z 0.4200 (0.3078, 0.6648)
? 0.4350 (0.3601, 0.6125)
To learn more about these statistics, check the 'Confidence Intervals' section on the about page.
Opponent Stats
Stat Average Total
Wins 0.56 29
Score 408.33 21233
Score per Turn 30.0751
Turns 13.58 706
Vertical Plays 5.98 311
Horizontal Plays 6.37 331
One Tile Plays 0.50 26
Other Plays 0.73 38
Firsts 0.60 31
Vertical Openings per First 0.0385
Horizontal Openings per First 0.9615
Full Rack per Turn 0.6062
Exchanges 0.38 20
High Game 580
Low Game 306
Highest Scoring Turn 158
Bingos Played 1.75 91
Sevens 0.75 39
Eights 0.96 50
Nines 0.04 2
Tens 0.00 0
Elevens 0.00 0
Twelves 0.00 0
Thirteens 0.00 0
Fourteens 0.00 0
Fifteens 0.00 0
Bingo Probabilities 4604.84
Sevens 3767.49
Eights 5312.28
Nines 1890.00
Tens 0.00
Elevens 0.00
Twelves 0.00
Thirteens 0.00
Fourteens 0.00
Fifteens 0.00
Tiles Played 48.77 2536
A 4.08 212
B 0.90 47
C 0.96 50
D 2.10 109
E 6.21 323
F 1.08 56
G 1.38 72
H 1.06 55
I 4.44 231
J 0.46 24
K 0.42 22
L 1.98 103
M 1.10 57
N 2.75 143
O 4.13 215
P 0.87 45
Q 0.46 24
R 2.92 152
S 2.00 104
T 2.90 151
U 1.67 87
V 1.02 53
W 0.85 44
X 0.44 23
Y 0.90 47
Z 0.58 30
? 1.10 57
Power Tiles Played 5.04 262
? 1.10 57
J 0.46 24
Q 0.46 24
X 0.44 23
Z 0.58 30
S 2.00 104
Power Tiles Stuck With 0.08 4
? 0.02 1
J 0.00 0
Q 0.04 2
X 0.00 0
Z 0.00 0
S 0.02 1
Turns With a Blank 1.75 91
Triple Triples Played 0.04 2
Bingoless Games 0.06 3
Bonus Square Coverage 15.75 819
Double Letter 4.88 254
Triple Letter 5.37 279
Double Word 3.08 160
Triple Word 2.42 126
Phony Plays 0.19 10
Unchallenged 0.04 2
Challenged Off 0.15 8
Challenges 0.31 16
You Won 0.08 4
Opponent Lost 0.02 1
You Lost 0.06 3
Opponent Won 0.15 8
Challenge Percentage 0.5714
Defending Challenge Percentage 0.1111
Percentage Phonies Unchallenged 0.2000
Comments 4.98 259
Comments Word Length 106.38 5532
Mistakeless Turns 13.58 706
Mistakes per Turn 0.0000
Mistakes 0.00 0
Knowledge 0.00 0
Finding 0.00 0
Vision 0.00 0
Tactics 0.00 0
Strategy 0.00 0
Endgame 0.00 0
Time 0.00 0
Dynamic Mistakes 0.00 0
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Opponent Confidence Intervals
Tile p CI
A 0.4533 (0.4282, 0.5472)
B 0.4500 (0.3614, 0.6140)
C 0.4800 (0.3614, 0.6140)
D 0.5250 (0.3984, 0.5770)
E 0.5175 (0.4362, 0.5392)
F 0.5400 (0.3614, 0.6140)
G 0.4600 (0.3846, 0.5908)
H 0.5300 (0.3614, 0.6140)
I 0.4933 (0.4282, 0.5472)
J 0.4600 (0.3092, 0.6662)
K 0.4200 (0.3092, 0.6662)
L 0.4950 (0.3984, 0.5770)
M 0.5500 (0.3614, 0.6140)
N 0.4583 (0.4148, 0.5606)
O 0.5162 (0.4246, 0.5508)
P 0.4350 (0.3614, 0.6140)
Q 0.4600 (0.3092, 0.6662)
R 0.4867 (0.4148, 0.5606)
S 0.5000 (0.3984, 0.5770)
T 0.4833 (0.4148, 0.5606)
U 0.4175 (0.3984, 0.5770)
V 0.5100 (0.3614, 0.6140)
W 0.4250 (0.3614, 0.6140)
X 0.4400 (0.3092, 0.6662)
Y 0.4500 (0.3614, 0.6140)
Z 0.5800 (0.3092, 0.6662)
? 0.5500 (0.3614, 0.6140)
To learn more about these statistics, check the 'Confidence Intervals' section on the about page.