Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
wrote down JAGLESS on my scoresheet, and i haven't studied enough to know the words cold. sorry to disappoint my loyal fans out there. now i'll never know how sick it would have been to bingo with JAGLESS. 2E J(A)G is better than my move, btw, i think. -58 #knowledgelarge
K4 GoRSIEST is best; I didn't bother to iterate the blank. GrISTERS opens only three distinct floaters instead of four, while GoRSIEST weakens 6J and puts the S in row 10, rather than row 11 which has a DWS. #tacticssmall
Trying to block row 15 without opening anything on row 14 that didn't already play on row 12. But 15G FLARE fulfils this requirement while scoring three more points. Apparently 15F RALLYE is best, but I would still play FLARE. M3 VOCABLY is awesome, and it doesn't take any hooks, unlike VOCABLE. #findingsmall
-3 exch R actually sims ok, although DOR sims better on 4-ply. main problem with DOR is that it's relatively easy to block and i only hold one hook for it. i thought of GRIND as well but didn't consider -R. #strategysmall
this gives up too many points. about half the time he has a letter to hook it and can hit me back bigly. i had typical tunnel vision here and didn't consider any other move besides getting rid of EE somewhere, but EERST is even better than EORST, and K5 OE makes my bingo more likely to fit. this was not a good move. -9 #strategylarge #focus
considered K2 POLKA but in the end i can't pass up that many pts, even if i have the case S -- i have the blank! and this move ties the game. i also wanted to take a potential big -ED play for him. didn't think of 6J FLANK. -3 #strategysmall -- i suppose.
Wasn't really sure either way here. Decided to go with it, but was kind of aware it might not be a word. Some are intentional, some are unintentional, and this is somewhere in between. #knowledgesmall
It's probably just MINCY here. I don't hate this I guess, but if you don't hit you're in a lot of trouble. The sim has this very close, and MY does underperform since I'm farther behind than Quackle realizes, but OPA means that I really need to kill the C and T more than Quackle would think too #findingsmall
UTA sims a lot worse than 6F AA; it says I bingo a lot more often with DESTU than ADES. wow, i had no idea that DESTU was better, and the three extra points make it worth it. (-4.5) #tacticsmedium
i should have played QUEUER (i wasn't 101% on it). i didn't want to give up an easy high scoring S hook. but it's important to balance my rack. -5.5 #tacticsmedium #knowledgesmall
i should have played QUEUER (i wasn't 101% on it). i didn't want to give up an easy high scoring S hook. but it's important to balance my rack. -5.5 #tacticsmedium #knowledgesmall
OY E9 wins the sim, even though there aren't many bingos to be drawn. It's probably even better than that since Rafi is telegraphing a bingo and might give me more lanes. (-2) #strategysmall
Another difficult decision. What's better, BOWER for 40 keeping IU, or OUREBI for 33 keeping W? It's close, but I think BOWER actually was the play. It scores seven more points and opens a new lane on Column O. Also, even though IU is a terrible leave, it 's probably better than a W for bingoing, and at this score I probably need to bingo. (-1.2% win chances) #strategymedium
I spent forever on this play, and didn't get anywhere. My brain was fried and I couldn't focus. I saw plays like WEB 7L or NEWB 12M. I also saw GLOW 5A. WEB/NEWB has to be right. It's possible that Rafi doesn't have either the blank or the S, and with the board getting tighter every turn, I need to keep lanes open to give myself a fighting chance. (-4) #strategymedium
I spent forever on this play too and couldn't wrap my sleepy head around it. Quackle plays PI J14, fishing for FEVERING/FORGIVEN/AVENGING/AVERTING/AGENTIVE. It doesn't hit often, but it's my best chance. All OPING accomplishes is make it easy for Rafi to shut everything down. (-23) (-7% win chances) #strategylarge