Rafi Stern
Rafi Stern
Color Key
= Triple Triple
= Bingo 9+
= Improbable
= +
= +
= +
= + +
Player Lists
Type Play Probability Score
FOSSETT(E) 18401 86
(F)LINGeRS 5905 89
C(U)RaRINE 2748 63
G(I)ARDIAS 7778 74
(S)UBERInS 11623 86
SCU(T)ELLA 15124 62
ApIARIA(N) 12801 74
N(E)URoNIC 3387 74
REE(D)LING 1638 76
RIBOS(O)ME 7868 63
PETERIN(G) 2336 72
ENTA(I)LED 102 86
GRANTER(S) 3073 72
THIcKET 19755 70
LATTINS 4583 72
aNDIRON 1400 64
AVER(A)gES 8061 140
TRACHEI(D) 3124 104
T(O)LIDINE 373 63
WETSUIT 9080 67
UMBRA(G)ES 14448 84
BEMIST(E)D 10436 83
TOYLIkE 8765 86
WILLeRS 12446 66
ADVENTS 2994 71
LIMPEST 9742 80
LiGHTE(S)T 13728 63
LAM(I)NOsE 537 72
RADIALS 4071 70
HOMINES 4917 83
AErATES 761 68
D(O)ORSTOP 21599 77
HIDEoUS 3575 80
DIS(T)RICT 18039 61
SE(R)FDOMS 22127 88
CUpRITE 7142 79
(V)ErONALS 1392 83
OUTR(A)NCE 582 76
eRMINES 2180 79
MAlEMI(U)T 14049 84
LEGATOS 1048 65
(D)ARIOLES 90 80
GLIDErS 3319 77
FROGMAN 11806 84
EARLIEr 822 70
SAVIOUR 3215 80
VENATIO(N) 727 71
SHARIAT 5454 96
IsOLEAD 146 80
TEENERS 2692 66
(B)RAnCHIA 17996 80
EQUAtOR 2337 82
(O)VERTUrE 7115 83
SHIATz(U)S 24839 75
KYANiTE 4672 86
(M)ODERATO 1965 65
COENURE 2521 82
GUANI(n)ES 3033 59
TROUSER 3510 74
MATTERS 6494 73
aCARINE 822 67
FLANE(R)IE 655 67
ROASTED 153 80
AWL(W)oRTS 20794 78
(R)EADAPTS 4910 78
WISTE(R)IA 1254 74
oWNABLE 4989 81
AmBOINA 7555 72
REPINES 2188 79
TOElIKE 2676 80
SOIrEES 2388 81
MuNTINS 14532 73
ApTERIA 789 68
RUSTING 5210 73
PITEOUS 1955 83
COrY(P)HEE 21070 70
GLOATED 1042 72
E(L)ATERIN 26 66
SWINGeR 4760 80
IN(D)URATE 69 62
PYO(R)RhEA 16911 70
CALLANs 19371 81
WIRINGS 13717 80
AZU(R)ITES 2648 104
SOARING 840 75
RETINI(t)E 1556 68
ADUL(AT)ION 965 62
(C)RITERiA 3094 80
(G)ENITuRE 757 77
ALTOIST 2743 72
AL(A)TIONS 877 82
(A)SPIRATE 1224 83
NEWSIER 2305 89
NONPAST 9253 80
INLA(N)DER 875 80
ESTRIOL 186 77
RETAILE(D) 113 80
TITANOU(S) 2164 68
ImAGIST 10480 64
PENLITE 2286 82
AREtHU(S)A 4924 62
sTARTED 2693 74
OUTSEEN 812 63
COnTU(S)ES 12854 70
INMATES 695 77
HIRELIn(G) 6996 74
SHAN(K)ING 25214 67
(A)SHLARED 7521 89
TINTyPE 10847 72
D(I)LATERS 248 72
RENEsTS 6318 77
AGAINsT 3288 69
ROPELI(K)E 8266 68
BEANINg 5276 72
ROTARI(E)S 135 70
STOOPED 7729 77
cOUTEAU(X) 18944 66
DATIVEs 1457 91
BLES(S)InG 17355 90
(E)NTERINg 2068 74
(E)XTRUDES 13072 101
ARENOsE 64 65
TAENIAS 130 70
SENNITS 8823 79
S(N)oWMELT 9772 74
RESIDUA 404 72
(S)uPERFIX 21337 110
OVERSEA 1188 86
TALIPO(T)S 8037 74
lOBElIA 4568 88
LENIT(I)ES 1068 81
GUSTING 16733 73
AUGmENT 4514 71
DIARIST 2380 73
JErBOAS 8711 80
TAmARIN(D) 4181 77
(D)ISAsTER 2078 70
HEARTeD 2189 78
TALKIES 3539 81
SALIVAR(Y) 15416 95
SORTERs 9856 76
(Z)INGIEsT 10483 104
(L)ITERARY 2932 86
STAIDeR 103 68
ErOTIC(A)L 181 68
SAVORI(E)R 1680 72
UNST(A)BlE 4250 131
(O)RGANIST 485 72
(F)ELTINGS 6210 64
(O)VERMILD 6834 101
SANTOUR 1206 70
CAPT(U)ReD 9017 68
DIARr(H)EA 5565 74
DISHIER 6062 77
HORR(I)DER 16059 98
ST(E)ADIED 2765 66
HERRING(S) 10729 98
ELECTEE 17202 71
RaSCALS 20328 74
UNI(T)ARDs 1316 82
MATRONS 3261 74
U(N)HINGES 13729 76
ARTERI(A)L 1092 61
OUTSPAN 5858 80
OVE(R)WORk 25401 102
LANDSID(E) 4065 86
C(Z)ARiNAS 17062 86
ANERO(I)DS 15 72
LAZIeST 3384 82
MONTERO 2741 76
P(L)UMErIA 5459 65
GIRDERS 6613 71
ImITATE(D) 5300 60
(DE)MENTIaS 664 76
dIAL(O)GIC 9783 68
JoIN(T)ERS 1708 176
VAPIDLY 18309 90
ON(E)RIEST 44 82
EARNEsT 206 76
RETRIES 1911 70
OBVIATE 1235 82
(D)AUGHtER 5871 74
V(A)LOrIZE 4375 73
jOH(A)NNEs 15038 72
ANOR(EX)iES 431 72
ORIOLES 986 76
DEA(L)ATES 2338 63
TIERCED 2244 83
THORITE 2598 78
PRIS(O)NER 3607 72
PLAShED 13285 85
DERAILs 398 74
TINDERS 421 74
LEWDEsT 9624 86
DINGERS 1651 73
EqUALIN(G) 6707 66
ACYLOIN 6951 77
ROUTEMA(N) 564 82
EUSTASY 12379 67
WA(T)ERING 755 72
INSTATE 552 72
RETRAI(N)S 359 60
SCALADO 12296 74
S(O)LENOID 1409 70
GITANOS 802 80
CIRRATe 2000 74
AEROLIt(H) 195 70
SPADERS 12326 71
SCUTATE(D)* 0 86
SEIZING 11808 96
AnTIARS 1171 69
OVERtOP 9132 80
s(C)IURINE 4684 61
ROULADE 482 72
RETA(I)NED 25 68
(T)ONEARMS 563 83
NEbU(L)IZE 14253 82
NEROLIS 175 84
sTRIVEN 1558 83
SENaRII 137 69
B(A)RONAgE 2504 68
DEN(D)RITE 2863 72
BIVALEN(T) 3113 78
FAIN(T)ISH 11810 78
SUNWISE 12472 88
CRINGeR 8610 66
WETLAND 3108 81
mILLINE 13650 71
ISOPREn(E) 807 86
(A)UNTLIER 73 70
WAN(T)ONED 3357 78
DEPUTI(E)S 5085 74
NUTSIE(S)T 10945 70
VARIoLE 309 73
RENDING 4247 71
UN(S)HAVED 12617 80
TOL(E)RANT 479 66
(D)ANDIEST 2186 83
LAOgAIS 4008 75
BOTAN(IS)ES 2019 94
DEBONES 4779 85
PARLING 6820 74
HEAT(H)ERS 16234 68
RILLETS 5197 63
PANTILe 648 64
POU(L)ARDS 10272 76
(E)NTRaILS 68 77
SUBAGEN(T) 5866 74
ORGEATS 374 63
(C)OALIeST 512 89
(T)YRANnIC 12403 89
OSIERED 284 70
NASALIZ(E) 5135 104
RATAN(I)ES 83 62
sTR(A)NDED 4111 68
(G)ENDEREd 16049 68
PAVEABl(E)* 0 90
ODO(R)ANTS 2365 65
DOWNiNg 14155 96
PIRATED 625 75
HOTNESS 10400 87
ULTRA(I)SM 6272 74
ArENOSE 64 64
ATHEISM 4195 78
OnLOADS 5901 79
SLA(V)ERED 5309 74
BREAtH(E)R 11455 76
PALLORS 15406 80
(H)OLIBuTS 15827 95
OUTVIES 1956 78
RELEARN 1787 67
TOLERAN(T) 454 77
sI(C)KLIER 16994 75
REGLAZE 8766 73
TSA(R)INAS 7036 93
TRIBAS(I)C 12402 76
LIqUATE 3543 64
RATCHES 7007 80
ENDINGS 6887 90
NAUSE(A)TE 1124 82
BRISTOL 5852 79
COLLI(E)RS 9688 64
MARTINS 2589 76
ENDNOTE 2370 74
ALcAIdE 3356 66
gOATEED 532 72
SILAGEs 7187 79
ECARTES 2081 90
KiRTlES 5905 85
ST(R)OBILS 15541 72
DAYTIME 4180 84
(L)APIDARy 15410 80
SNIPING 18525 74
VO(M)ERInE 2473 86
STRAN(G)ER 3254 72
HANDPR(IN)t 12838 68
(A)NEArING 1847 68
SALTIRE 114 70
ThIsTLE 9463 71
(C)ANONISE 1671 72
MANA(G)ERS 6625 80
OUTsHIN(E) 1387 80
ARGALIS 5670 72
MAROONS 7376 79
JINg(L)ERS 10566 65
CREATES 2185 65
GENDERS 4358 66
FOAMING 8753 78
HETAIRA 784 77
TRAINER 188 71
BECLAMO(R) 11279 82
(C)ENTARES 1589 72
INSURES 5427 87
I(N)DORSED 2622 76
POITREl 989 83
WINTE(R)ER 3878 62
GIMLETs 7250 74
(B)LEATING 1707 74
ENOUNcE 8274 70
DRAGONS 3500 79
TrAILE(RE)D 519 74
TRAWLE(Y)S 8606 78
VINEGAR 1175 75
ADAPTER 3615 74
LANDL(E)RS 7209 60
TITMO(U)sE 6081 158
COT(E)RIES 833 68
vARIANT 2906 79
LORINER 788 71
HErNIAE 370 74
SATIATE 1599 75
TREHALA 3446 83
SOLACES 10196 74
(D)EEDLESS 25262 70
PILEOUS 3585 65
HADRONS 5589 94
BANDEAU 6017 72
sAUTOIR 471 75
MEROPIA 1243 76
WIdEBA(N)D 13551 67
FAGO(T)ERS 2122 167
INS(O)ULED 886 61
THI(N)NEST 13097 71
ENR(O)BERS 7432 64
oURANGS 3676 68
O(U)TTAKES 10194 67
NE(A)THERD 1595 74
(R)ETIARII 3479 75
(A)UGMENTS 5884 74
(S)TRANDEd 4111 77
cASTING 6523 70
INTONED 746 82
NOVATED 903 72
RACHITI(S) 11801 102
(A)NTIFOam 6246 89
RESCUED 9202 92
ELUATeS 1374 64
O(R)ANGIER 318 70
ROSETTE 2494 83
MeTOPON 9544 78
NARCIST 2707 73
(R)EFINING 11314 89
CAREW(O)RN 7443 86
DRyABLE 9952 76
NETTLER 3769 70
TRABEA(t)E 6720 72
MOSSiNG 17038 75
(O)vERNICE 2468 70
ENTOILS 176 84
EXHAL(E)RS* 0 84
SE(A)PLANE 5864 78
TA(I)LFINS 6947 72
REGLUES 6925 78
SUBLIME(D) 15700 92
VOMIT(I)ER 4472 82
ARDENCY 7005 86
INQ(U)IRER 13459 71
(G)REETERS 12887 61
TANTRI(S)M 7728 149
sNOGG(E)RS 21433 70
DIO(C)ESAN 508 74
R(E)LOCATE 763 74
WAFfLES 22121 80
GAINERS 254 77
MAST(H)EAD 12627 67
BIM(E)STER 6803 89
HOORaYE(D) 7859 95
OU(T)LIERS 325 62
LOUVE(R)ED 6157 74
ApANAGE 13164 69
EERIEST 1273 76
SORiTES 1741 74
AmB(I)TION 6249 86
PARTIER 2013 71
JEM(I)dARS 9468 114
DRAWL(I)NG 8284 76
DISRA(T)ES 2079 68
CRIMINE 7435 78
ARtSIER 526 71
HaSTIER 673 89
LAWINES 1557 79
DERING(E)R 4004 81
PREFLAM(E) 15308 107
(E)VALUATE 5575 74
RIVE(R)BEd 14402 72
ESURIE(N)T 369 70
SNAILED 419 81
cONTAGI(A) 4295 77
ENSKIED 7312 70
MASO(N)ITE 224 70
DITCHER 7106 98
COQUInA 10612 92
AVE(R)AGeD 7666 74
PERIODS 1918 71
AVOSETs 7312 82
TRAMPLE 6776 90
QUI(N)IElA 5139 70
SARSNET 2873 61
SEcANTS 9739 76
(EX)TRANETS 6893 68
TRITONS 3007 81
DEAR(E)STS 5107 61
(P)AGEANTS 6631 86
(E)MErITAE 1103 80
A(I)RDATES 288 65
PARGETS 4517 80
GROOVES 9492 80
INCASED 1408 79
PARE(I)RAS 5295 74
MID(T)OWNS 12300 64
TOOTERS 4664 66
BEDSITS 12383 69
PYThONS 19088 71
ASsEGAI 7543 70
COAPTED 4803 69
AMAzONS 16648 73
(D)EIFIERS 5579 76
FAILING 10021 83
OCTANES 849 92
AIGLETS 727 70
WEaKF(I)SH 22557 90
COATERS 851 70
INWEaVE 2739 82
AUTOmA(T)S 15719 59
DATIVEL(Y) 5425 98
TENT(A)GES 4001 63
(A)LmANACS 24849 80
ADVISER 1456 94
BeDTICK 17497 84
DILATOR 434 68
ANNELID 1270 72
JO(N)ESiNG 11908 194
(I)NTREPID 2534 76
OUTFIEL(D) 2671 76
COeQU(A)LS 13958 90
PATRI(A)TE 3262 68
UNRAVEl 3171 73
TELEOST 4493 69
LENITES 605 71
(A)RGININE 1953 80
ENGRAI(N)S 1650 83
SOUBIsE 10651 72
OL(D)STYLE 17076 98
PImIENT(O) 4461 80
STINTED 2722 69
OvERfAT 2614 59
WOORALI 4334 78
N(I)HILITY 22834 88
ALGERI(N)E 261 62
BONIEST 898 63
DI(S)INTER 868 72
SAMPLER 10061 98
POINDIN(G) 18692 89
RESIST(O)R 5769 60
HETA(I)RAS 1146 63
MULT(I)TOn 11429 63
INGATHE(R) 746 89
ILLAT(I)vE 8852 78
ATTENDE(D) 8917 83
DEOdARA 4023 70
INSTALS 7278 73
PERUSAL 5617 77
IN(D)OxYLS 20838 82
TOUgHEN 5294 70
TOPAZI(N)E 2281 72
TRILOBE(D) 1335 65
ENAmOUr 930 86
AERATED 760 67
THI(A)ZOLE 4370 92
MaLTOLS 16118 70
NIELL(O)ED 3255 60
AMOEBAE 6320 96
BIONICS 13421 75
GAL(I)POTS 6015 62
SNORTER 1714 71
ANTINU(K)E 5491 63
BUNRAkU 22640 66
FORELEG 6422 78
BLOOME(R)S 15554 78
V(I)RTUOSA 2326 91
DRA(G)NETS 1105 62
MARGENT 2495 71
BORDURE(S) 12392 92
INTEGER 478 79
GREATEN 476 72
R(E)TINOLS 103 60
COLTISh 13511 71
FATNeSS 9747 87
SLEEkER 14950 68
IDONeIT(Y) 1600 86
TRIBUTE 6260 79
LoRINER 788 70
DENOTI(V)E 794 64
GORIEST 390 69
NODDERS 5922 81
EERI(N)ESS 7175 68
OUTDRA(G)S 4714 69
ANTIPO(L)e 201 70
UNDREST 2328 74
RETYiNG 2501 81
(T)AUNTING 11960 68
AIRIEST 145 78
LeTDOWN 3883 72
GRaDERS 6878 69
AUTOGIR(O) 1991 80
AUTOmAN 6263 69
I(N)STATED 882 74
GUTsIER 1668 79
DELATI(N)G 456 76
WONNERS 7449 70
GUESTeD 6923 70
IDE(A)LISE 1047 65
ANA(L)OgUE 1784 59
DIURONS 2485 77
TRUSTIE(R) 7436 70
DUPlEXE(S) 23194 116
CARBONs 9914 90
ENLISTS 5201 80
NOxIOUs 13631 73
SMIDGE(N)S 17364 74
GALENiC 2409 80
(i)NDITERS 823 68
NO(N)METRO 7507 82
INTERC(O)M 2002 74
(E)NTREPOt 4350 80
PELAGES 8288 74
PRIORAT(E) 729 72
uNCAND(I)D 21500 64
SUDARIA 4256 75
The of bingos played by the player that were not challenged off.
Triple Triples
Type Play Probability Score
AVER(A)gES 8061 140
UNST(A)BlE 4250 131
JoIN(T)ERS 1708 176
TITMO(U)sE 6081 158
FAGO(T)ERS 2122 167
TANTRI(S)M 7728 149
JO(N)ESiNG 11908 194
Triple triples played by the player that were not challenged off. They do not have to be bingos.
Bingo Nines or Above
Type Play Probability Score
ADUL(AT)ION 965 62
(DE)MENTIaS 664 76
ANOR(EX)iES 431 72
BOTAN(IS)ES 2019 94
HANDPR(IN)t 12838 68
TrAILE(RE)D 519 74
(EX)TRANETS 6893 68
Bingos played by the player that were nine letters or longer and were not challenged off.
Challenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were challenged off by an opponent.
Unchallenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
JAY(h)AWK* 0 93
SCUTATE(D)* 0 86
PAVEABl(E)* 0 90
NANCI(F)Y* 0 34
(U)TOPIC* 0 33
PO(G)IE* 0 33
(J)URUM* 0 20
EXHAL(E)RS* 0 84
FO(N)TED* 0 32
OK* 0 25
ACHIL(Y)* 0 42
VALENT* 0 26
VAN(I)NG* 0 16
HUI(N)G* 0 21
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were not challenged by an opponent.
Plays That Were Challenged
Type Play Probability Score
PRANT* 0 0
UNCI(T)Y* 0 0
MOVIEmA(N)* 0 0
DOWNiNg 14155 96
WIPES 4098 41
FEOF* 0 0
HADRONS 5589 94
(L)URIDiTY* 0 0
MOSSiNG 17038 75
VEEJ(A)Y 12472 46
WHINE(Y) 9310 30
OL(D)STYLE 17076 98
EONIC* 0 0
DROPT 3663 0
NODDERS 5922 81
IDE(A)LISE 1047 65
SMIDGES 16739 0
SMIDGE(N)S 17364 74
Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Opponent Lists
Type Play Probability Score
V(E)LURInG 5922 66
AUDI(T)ION 832 86
sTRICTE(R) 12459 70
MINDS(E)TS 11635 72
OSIERED 284 81
ER(U)PTION 585 70
DINDlES 8079 81
CALLETS 12283 65
MINARET 224 72
GRAsPED 7186 73
O(V)ERFUlL 20993 67
ARSINES 1326 66
CRADLES 5346 80
SECT(O)RAL 1351 90
ENTASIA 135 74
INNArDS 4384 70
LiNGERS 1656 82
gOATEES 505 67
ANTaCID 5218 87
(M)ENTIONs 3600 70
A(R)RAYING 13481 76
BUTANES 2928 90
IC(E)BERGS 12109 63
INDOR(S)OR 8102 77
TRACHE(A)S 9275 102
TELOMES 4613 70
CADDiEs 9167 72
GRIDIR(O)N 9751 61
GORIEST 413 75
GEsTATE 5308 69
(E)dENTATE 4425 74
GINNIER 4882 70
LOUSIER 521 72
ATOMICS 7259 77
(S)AnDlOTS 10636 74
LECTORS 3685 77
hARIANA 9991 61
RE(J)ECTED 19778 122
(E)LOIGNEd 869 62
FENNeCS 17180 98
ALTERED 542 85
AGoNISE 75 82
INFECT(O)R 2001 76
S(T)RAiTEN 365 113
TONLETS 3498 77
(E)THEREAL 4500 86
EROT(I)ZES 2054 78
(L)EaLTIEs 2624 71
SEDATER 550 80
(i)NVASIOn 8525 80
LAMBIER 4110 69
NANCIES 3788 71
BANISHE(R) 3279 67
ELUATES 1375 72
DEVI(A)NCe 4253 78
L(O)GICISE 7760 72
LIONIS(E)R 404 62
(T)AGBOArD 10491 83
dEPON(E)NT 7448 72
BROOkIE 9783 64
N(O)TEPADS 1299 69
RETRIaL 544 74
INURNED 2840 68
KAUrIES 3379 71
RINGL(E)TS 1110 68
GALEATE 2575 63
INDRA(F)TS 3697 62
cRUSADO 8424 73
SEDATER 550 76
BA(R)FLIES 5353 64
ZEBRAn(O)S 7279 90
ENHANcE 11731 76
GIARDI(A)S 7778 70
(N)EONATAL 1417 68
(T)IDeMARK 6310 68
CONGOES 9478 85
SANTOOR 1710 68
REFINES 2168 82
REsURGE 10862 67
(G)AINLIER 637 61
oUTRATE 785 73
SQuIRTE(D) 8149 104
MEDITA(T)E 3688 63
BaRONNE 2570 64
cRASHED 9555 101
INtERNE 973 68
(A)NIMALiC 15982 86
sT(R)ONGLY 12907 74
SHEbEAN 7897 86
TU(N)NELeD 8040 64
BEaCO(N)ED 4789 63
(R)OLAMITE 199 72
TWIBIlS 17792 74
dOGVANE 2939 82
DISPREA(D) 8617 95
(A)ILERONS 20 68
SU(B)ERINS 12247 74
LEAVIER 1008 70
INDUlG(E)R 2393 68
(B)ILINEAR 1166 72
INSURIN(G) 15104 61
W(E)DELINg 7145 158
CARROTS 9245 70
GrI(S)TERS 14111 82
ANORETI(C) 55 83
OUTBRED 3838 92
rESULTE(D) 4081 77
PASSION 9444 74
pORT(A)BLE 3790 86
RESLATE 557 86
SENIORS 1737 71
GREATER 2769 71
lEONINE 1121 70
SEIZURE 7035 86
CORTINS 3270 89
(U)RETHANE 1520 95
GREASIE(R) 2023 66
aDVECTS 9563 83
STUDIEs 8093 71
TRUNDL(E)S 3409 76
stHENIA 672 108
FO(R)ESTED 3745 74
ORATING 288 81
ORI(E)NTER 267 70
AcINOSE 296 73
RETINUE 213 70
SIGNORA(S) 5778 80
SIDERIT(E) 1067 80
OSIERED 284 66
WIFTIER 7438 74
BOLIDeS 3574 84
VOM(I)TORy 19190 62
TiNDERY 1546 71
cATLINS 4738 79
TWIRLI(E)r 8938 72
ESPYING 12231 106
ANTI(A)CNE 3085 70
A(N)TICOLD 2292 67
JAD(E)LIkE 15980 110
T(e)NACULA 4902 62
OmITTI(N)G 14482 59
CONINEs 4431 70
(S)OLANINE 423 60
ETEsIAN 56 70
(E)DITRESS 5126 80
lEV(A)NTER 1604 90
CoRNETT 4680 70
(D)RONgOES 4432 74
INFECTS 7111 81
TABOReR 2572 62
ABoRTI(V)E 897 76
LIANOId 1307 64
PETALOI(d) 547 63
lAYOUTS 8827 72
GR(E)ASILY 3658 98
D(E)NDRITE 2863 74
ST(A)MPEdE 9883 72
RE(S)IDUAL 663 65
GR(A)DATED 9430 80
CREEpIE 10052 88
STABLeD 5568 74
PEARLIT(E) 664 62
IODI(N)ATE 35 61
PREOWNE(D) 7623 78
STANGeD 1640 88
DELOUSE 3561 75
SNOOT(I)ER 235 59
SAFArIE(D) 2539 67
STARRIn(G) 5035 77
VAINEsT 712 63
ATTUNES 2707 64
sOLUNAR 2364 80
lAUREA(T)E 1065 68
SIEMENS 10673 73
HEROINS 928 77
ASPERsE 10647 80
ACARINE 782 70
(P)INNULAR 10419 72
EnDOSTE(A) 157 77
STANING 5977 69
fORMANT 7059 89
LOIASES 1752 84
COESITE 1253 75
OATC(A)KEs 11012 102
CARLINS 4737 74
(T)HAlLIUM 22013 89
TH(U)NDERS 7180 68
G(E)OLOGIC 19124 74
TaNISTR(Y) 7719 72
NARDINE 508 74
SOM(B)RERO 19195 66
P(A)RENTED 1513 62
SEEDING 2349 88
HERNIAL 632 75
bIE(N)NALE 3487 78
G(L)ACIATE 3964 65
LADINOS 1117 76
MON(K)fISH 26310 114
RETA(P)ING 749 149
(U)NMITRES 2396 89
(S)EAROBiN 183 80
ADEpTES(T) 9596 74
DEWOOLS 11182 78
AUREATE 800 81
UN(D)RIVEN* 0 78
gYPSIED 14693 110
FO(R)EPAST 4054 77
ER(G)OTISM 2272 86
U(N)PArTED 2370 76
VIRELAY(S) 5468 95
FANNIES 3630 75
oRDN(A)NCE 3347 64
C(A)RDIOId 12441 78
BOLSTER 3664 79
PLAICES 6640 83
STUIVEr 3172 70
SUPERNA(L) 4289 74
dEPO(R)TEE 5482 61
E(N)TERING 2182 65
BANtAMS 15448 87
THY(M)INES 14028 67
BEsIEG(E)D 13448 94
H(AB)ANEROS 4680 65
UNcOLO(RE)D 6793 81
DOtARDS 8213 72
WAVIClE 11233 92
ADIpOUS 5456 75
AILERO(N)S 20 68
SUFFIX(E)S 28945 79
StRAINS 4650 64
DR(I)FTING 13073 76
RO(S)EMARY 11199 64
FANE(g)AdA 16002 78
(D)ROPOUTS 16594 86
SANtERA 473 67
CUITTlE 9043 70
pRAN(C)ERS 13310 68
ERODING 377 77
POCKI(E)ST 16091 71
PO(D)GIEST 4374 66
TuLADIS 3555 75
GALLOWS 18989 80
(R)ENATURE 1224 68
oPERATE 483 75
SAU(T)OIRE 26 131
DEMUrIN(G)* 0 86
ILL(A)TION 4535 59
sLOTT(E)RS 11944 77
DALApON 9159 70
WORKMEn 15860 96
MISRATe 665 79
ALOETiC 295 72
PREENA(C)T 4092 65
KHAMSE(E)N 19394 84
ENTAIL(e)D 102 72
(H)OnORING 15730 86
GRISLI(E)R 9008 68
LINEAGE 430 75
AVERTIN(G) 751 76
DESTINE 567 68
(G)RAINiER 1849 77
ISOHELS 10220 86
ROWABlE 4788 78
ERISTIc 3468 70
TERTIAN 193 77
G(L)EETIER 2704 60
U(N)DERLAY 4266 63
FONDLES 6114 78
TITHERS 6280 110
PURiTAN 2592 85
SHARPEN 7047 90
ZInGIER 8836 70
TEAPOYs 5058 78
TITR(A)BLe 2875 74
(F)ORESTAL 1379 86
TAtAMIS 12354 74
ROE(N)TGEN 2611 59
(A)VERRING 4421 78
FLAvONE 5040 105
JINGlI(E)R 10476 66
(V)EINIEsT 3311 61
DURRIES 5186 73
VAR(I)ANTS 4188 62
EXPERT(L)y 22165 98
INSANER 518 69
B(U)SINESS 25426 90
RADIANC(E) 1128 86
HE(T)aERAE 4960 72
MATERI(E)L 624 78
A(V)ARICES 5968 82
(R)EBATING 738 96
TOLANES 162 78
U(R)InATES 84 113
DOURINE 167 71
pI(L)LORIE(S) 9584 59
MARTIAN 3038 95
WEAKONS 8731 83
DESCENT 6721 83
PICKEtS 17516 82
EREMITE 3397 72
GALILEE 5374 68
VA(S)ELINE 1553 72
ERECtIO(N) 300 61
HAErED(E)S 7356 67
ANTIDRU(G) 2104 63
PRISOnE(D) 1365 72
CASTli(N)G 8282 86
STRIVEN 1558 91
StE(AT)ITES 14412 82
BEANING 5508 76
pERMING 9097 81
WAINSCo(T) 5943 74
SObERER 8631 72
(V)ERBAtIM 7603 95
(D)RoPLETS 5201 83
FREEGAN 3366 78
BO(N)EYEST 7991 86
(B)OLIVARS 9157 101
TABLE(A)US 7516 64
CUNN(I)NgS 26885 72
DEGRADE 8158 72
(F)AINTERS 398 86
GRADeRS 6601 85
PENSILE 3991 85
READYIN(G) 1725 67
EROS(I)BLE 1817 70
(M)oNSIEUR 1398 80
SA(N)TONIN 9143 59
lACTEO(U)S 2635 67
UNFIsHE(D) 12667 74
(T)ENDRILS 725 72
GRIDdLE(R)* 0 83
(R)UDERALs 6688 70
CARNIES 633 89
(C)ORTICES 11501 89
ARMoIRE 1153 75
eNGLISH 7546 83
ScARLET 3087 73
DOOLIES 2060 70
(K)ERATOID 703 67
SEAMING 2560 85
BATIStE 3607 82
sCANTER 1513 77
RuNWAYS 14921 82
dETINUE 569 65
BIRETTA 1994 75
ARs(E)NIDE 107 82
RESONAt(E) 42 66
(T)ROUNCES 2800 83
(S)LATTErN 2028 68
FRONTIE(r) 1697 80
MANTRAS 8612 74
rEADIED 2057 100
SCROOGE 9904 96
FRONTES 1978 78
C(E)NTESES 18895 61
TROLlI(E)D 2488 66
RACCOOn 18810 92
DAHLIAS 11491 82
READmIT 649 80
ANTIMIN(E) 3096 74
AZUlEjO 15023 100
A(N)THEMED 6764 94
DANSeUR 1151 81
RULIEST 1168 77
EROTIsM(S) 6515 74
STO(P)COcK 29364 88
EChI(D)NAE 4039 70
SCURRIe(R)* 0 80
TOUPIES 2055 77
BUNDLEs 11668 77
PEN(T)ANOL 3369 70
DEGREAS(E) 4792 73
BlOSSOM 22719 83
BOLT(O)NI(a)S 3372 74
LYRISTS 17134 87
ALTIT(U)De 1957 72
F(LA)UNTERS 2495 63
FOININg 14739 80
CORVINE 2763 69
R(e)MISING 7004 70
ASHAmED 13834 76
(EX)ERtIONs 1100 95
(s)EICENTO 789 80
SOMEONE 6171 81
(C)URVIeST 9126 64
ENISLeD 1312 84
(O)UTDAtES 2361 77
AN(T)HEMED 6764 65
INFESTe(D) 3117 86
(F)ORAYINg 8105 78
(A)UREOLES 496 66
DIURE(T)IC 4682 62
E(S)POusAL 12545 76
UNSTEPS 16052 76
MEATIER 375 75
(E)ARLIEST 115 77
EUCHRES 13867 73
FUMIgAT(E) 7557 70
cOINAGE(S) 924 76
SPINULA 7917 74
REDIA(L)ED 2759 61
NIDATI(N)G 8662 64
SHoRTER 7429 71
ALUnITE 110 66
OvERTO(N)E 2583 64
PLOTTIE(R) 3406 76
ELONGAt(E) 328 66
RETITLE 1814 75
ENQUIrE 4350 91
VaRMINT 6301 80
(A)PHANITE 3809 65
TUBEROI(D) 1411 80
TERNaRy 3820 75
DEBU(T)ING 5888 74
NEGATED 1128 73
cRU(I)SING 15945 71
SNOWIEr 959 85
DeFU(N)CTS* 0 82
GOODIES 2893 80
A(L)IEnAGE 818 66
HALTERS 3013 74
(T)ENDONED* 0 62
(F)RIULAnO 2438 62
MEGATO(n)S 2246 74
RO(P)ERIEs 4229 60
INBURST 7677 74
A(d)EEMINg 2220 86
BLOUsIE(R) 2805 68
TROLLED 5926 79
FLINT(I)ER 2535 62
DUsTMEN 8319 81
LATHE(R)ER 6069 65
DEMOINg 2972 74
UNTIEI(N)G 6140 60
YEOMAnR(Y) 17091 73
laN(O)LINE 3255 74
TUBE(l)IKE 15000 80
CON(T)RITE 1794 140
STROKEs 14094 80
PETUNIA(S) 1025 83
ShRIE(KI)NG 15397 102
LADINOS 1117 71
(B)oUNCIER 3874 92
RELyING 4553 68
HOR(S)EMAN 3855 76
sqUAMAE 16472 78
FInIALS 8153 76
PRoTEUS 3765 70
EVERSIO(N) 810 96
SERENEr 8416 64
LIONLIK(E) 14171 89
AER(A)TING 221 72
E(N)GRAINS 1564 65
InSWATH(E) 3183 101
PREGN(A)NT 7064 72
(I)nERTIAL 87 74
ENT(W)INED 6116 167
SILLERS 14973 79
(R)ELIGiON 733 82
STINTER 1300 71
A(R)BORIZE 8040 83
MISHEAR 4194 109
VAC(A)TION 6244 78
(R)EGAINEd 277 62
HAND(L)ERS 4484 70
ExERTIO(N) 948 68
ELEGIAc 3047 70
RESI(D)ING 2824 74
sTORAGE 397 72
(A)ERIFIES 1663 95
UNSAVOR(Y) 12278 82
(S)tEAMINg 1760 83
A(L)TRUIST 5605 68
AQUIFEr 7465 92
SWErVIN(G) 10886 95
MAN(G)RELS* 0 72
R(E)FA(C)TORS* 0 78
(B)IOETHIc 12587 89
RESC(A)LED 5287 76
TrANSIT 2606 82
pATNESS 9763 87
NOVENAS 4621 76
(S)PANDREL 4262 72
ORDEALs 480 61
ELISION(S) 5130 73
HOARiLY 6972 83
DRAINED 1385 76
SOURiNG 3686 74
D(R)EARILY 4888 86
SLEDGED 16461 74
TERTIAL 546 70
SOCCAGE 16668 80
SAN(C)TITY 15927 76
RAIsINS 7872 65
hAnDSET 2961 75
NEUROID 168 69
GREEN(T)Hs 7638 72
TERGItE 2771 79
UNWiSER 3169 76
SMUTtIE(R) 7978 80
BRIDALS 7566 70
COTIN(I)NE 3960 72
PATENTS 6500 71
INDICES 6053 94
fI(L)ARIAN 7807 58
cOM(I)NGLE 8393 72
IOLITES 704 76
GREEtER 10626 71
T(A)LIPEDS 2315 63
NIOBAtE 71 89
(B)ETAKING 8337 82
ReTINTS 1299 70
ArOUSAL 4727 73
GRIT(T)IER 10138 70
ENCODES 4583 92
D(E)SPISER 13092 84
TOTTERs 11170 73
HOUSEM(A)N 6775 64
TRuNDLE(S) 3414 66
(D)OGsBODY 29897 80
DASHIER 1497 72
(R)EVOlUTE 3770 74
(T)ENTORIA 43 66
(D)AUBRIEs 2169 72
(C)APErING 4629 86
IGNITER(S) 1486 65
BALMI(E)St 5357 94
UNC(t)IONS 11427 59
EEL(W)ORMs 10829 76
(T)ESTAbLE 9084 74
OREIdES 299 75
FAILURE 1534 80
ELATER(I)N 26 59
GOLDEN(E)R 2012 74
REWEAVe(D) 12334 95
tENEBRA(E) 2515 80
R(A)PIDEST 1039 72
IN(S)NAReR 2507 68
T(A)NISTrY 7731 70
RANTeRS 1291 71
ToRMENT 4691 73
MISWRI(T)e 9839 63
JAC(U)LATE 17855 86
VA(L)ORIZE 4609 94
M(A)NGOLDS 12725 63
OPERATE(D) 774 86
HATLESS 12339 89
ACA(D)EmIC 22316 66
(G)eTTERED 12236 70
A(C)ERATED 3277 62
EVE(R)SION 810 74
CINEAST(s) 5166 80
NITROUS 1150 76
(E)RYThEMA 11668 86
UNTiNTE(D)* 0 68
EyESPOT 8685 84
(A)LUnITES 256 74
(F)INAGLER 1726 92
RELOANS 153 76
DOWAgE(R)S 4349 74
The of bingos played by the player that were not challenged off.
Triple Triples
Type Play Probability Score
S(T)RAiTEN 365 113
W(E)DELINg 7145 158
RETA(P)ING 749 149
SAU(T)OIRE 26 131
U(R)InATES 84 113
CON(T)RITE 1794 140
ENT(W)INED 6116 167
Triple triples played by the player that were not challenged off. They do not have to be bingos.
Bingo Nines or Above
Type Play Probability Score
H(AB)ANEROS 4680 65
UNcOLO(RE)D 6793 81
pI(L)LORIE(S) 9584 59
StE(AT)ITES 14412 82
BOLT(O)NI(a)S 3372 74
F(LA)UNTERS 2495 63
(EX)ERtIONs 1100 95
ShRIE(KI)NG 15397 102
R(E)FA(C)TORS* 0 78
Bingos played by the player that were nine letters or longer and were not challenged off.
Challenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were challenged off by an opponent.
Unchallenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were not challenged by an opponent.
Plays That Were Challenged
Type Play Probability Score
SEEMING 5526 0
(T)IEPIN 1983 16
JUn(I)PERY* 0 0
LEAD(PLANT) 11950 42
JIVES 5730 0
DOINK* 0 0
(N)ACK* 0 0
BOTHS* 0 0
KNE(E) 1589 16
(N)qIVE* 0 0
ZAS 718 0
MEADE* 0 0
JIMpIER* 0 0
DERN* 0 0
FEAR(AB)lE* 0 0
PLUE* 0 0
FEOD 931 0
UPfLOW(AG)E* 0 0
Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Notable Lists
Many Double Words Covered
Games in which at least 15 double word bonus squares were covered.
All Triple Words Covered
Games in which every triple word bonus square was covered.
High Scoring
Games in which at least one player scores at least 700 points.
Combined High Scoring
Games in which the combined score is at least 1100 points.
Four or More Consecutive Bingos
Games in which the player bingos at least 4 times in a row.
Game Stats
Stat Average Total
Games 1.00 290
Invalid Games 0.03 8
Incomplete 0.03 8
Disconnected 0.00 0
Other 0.00 0
Total Turns 25.35 7352
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Player Stats
Stat Average Total
Wins 0.53 155
Score 420.31 121890
Score per Turn 33.1944
Turns 12.66 3672
Vertical Plays 5.49 1591
Horizontal Plays 6.19 1794
One Tile Plays 0.51 147
Other Plays 0.48 140
Firsts 0.48 138
Vertical Openings per First 0.0800
Horizontal Openings per First 0.9200
Full Rack per Turn 0.6966
Exchanges 0.36 105
High Game 724
Low Game 262
Highest Scoring Turn 194
Bingos Played 1.94 562
Sevens 0.96 279
Eights 0.95 275
Nines 0.03 8
Tens 0.00 0
Elevens 0.00 0
Twelves 0.00 0
Thirteens 0.00 0
Fourteens 0.00 0
Fifteens 0.00 0
Bingo Probabilities 5921.32
Sevens 5097.88
Eights 6828.90
Nines 3475.57
Tens 0.00
Elevens 0.00
Twelves 0.00
Thirteens 0.00
Fourteens 0.00
Fifteens 0.00
Tiles Played 48.39 14032
A 4.43 1284
B 1.03 298
C 0.90 261
D 2.00 579
E 5.54 1606
F 1.00 291
G 1.54 446
H 1.04 303
I 4.25 1232
J 0.49 143
K 0.50 144
L 1.92 558
M 0.93 270
N 2.80 813
O 3.99 1157
P 0.94 274
Q 0.53 155
R 2.94 852
S 2.00 581
T 2.90 841
U 1.95 566
V 0.98 283
W 1.00 289
X 0.50 145
Y 0.96 277
Z 0.46 134
? 0.86 250
Power Tiles Played 4.86 1408
? 0.86 250
J 0.49 143
Q 0.53 155
X 0.50 145
Z 0.46 134
S 2.00 581
Power Tiles Stuck With 0.08 24
? 0.01 4
J 0.00 0
Q 0.01 3
X 0.00 1
Z 0.01 3
S 0.04 13
Turns With a Blank 1.30 377
Triple Triples Played 0.02 7
Bingoless Games 0.06 17
Bonus Square Coverage 16.10 4670
Double Letter 5.20 1509
Triple Letter 5.46 1584
Double Word 3.09 897
Triple Word 2.34 680
Phony Plays 0.11 32
Unchallenged 0.05 15
Challenged Off 0.06 17
Challenges 0.18 53
You Won 0.08 23
Opponent Lost 0.03 10
You Lost 0.01 3
Opponent Won 0.06 17
Challenge Percentage 0.8846
Defending Challenge Percentage 0.3704
Percentage Phonies Unchallenged 0.4688
Comments 8.99 2608
Comments Word Length 239.72 69520
Mistakeless Turns 12.66 3672
Mistakes per Turn 0.0000
Mistakes 0.00 0
Knowledge 0.00 0
Finding 0.00 0
Vision 0.00 0
Tactics 0.00 0
Strategy 0.00 0
Endgame 0.00 0
Time 0.00 0
Dynamic Mistakes 0.00 0
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Player Confidence Intervals
Tile p CI
A 0.4922 (0.4587, 0.5091)
B 0.5150 (0.4304, 0.5374)
C 0.4500 (0.4304, 0.5374)
D 0.5000 (0.4461, 0.5217)
E 0.4617 (0.4621, 0.5057)
F 0.5000 (0.4304, 0.5374)
G 0.5133 (0.4403, 0.5275)
H 0.5200 (0.4304, 0.5374)
I 0.4722 (0.4587, 0.5091)
J 0.4900 (0.4083, 0.5595)
K 0.5000 (0.4083, 0.5595)
L 0.4800 (0.4461, 0.5217)
M 0.4650 (0.4304, 0.5374)
N 0.4667 (0.4530, 0.5148)
O 0.4988 (0.4572, 0.5106)
P 0.4700 (0.4304, 0.5374)
Q 0.5300 (0.4083, 0.5595)
R 0.4900 (0.4530, 0.5148)
S 0.5000 (0.4461, 0.5217)
T 0.4833 (0.4530, 0.5148)
U 0.4875 (0.4461, 0.5217)
V 0.4900 (0.4304, 0.5374)
W 0.5000 (0.4304, 0.5374)
X 0.5000 (0.4083, 0.5595)
Y 0.4800 (0.4304, 0.5374)
Z 0.4600 (0.4083, 0.5595)
? 0.4300 (0.4304, 0.5374)
To learn more about these statistics, check the 'Confidence Intervals' section on the about page.
Opponent Stats
Stat Average Total
Wins 0.47 135
Score 416.53 120795
Score per Turn 32.8247
Turns 12.69 3680
Vertical Plays 5.85 1697
Horizontal Plays 5.88 1705
One Tile Plays 0.46 132
Other Plays 0.50 146
Firsts 0.52 152
Vertical Openings per First 0.2462
Horizontal Openings per First 0.7538
Full Rack per Turn 0.8022
Exchanges 0.32 94
High Game 641
Low Game 245
Highest Scoring Turn 167
Bingos Played 1.96 567
Sevens 0.87 252
Eights 1.06 306
Nines 0.03 9
Tens 0.00 0
Elevens 0.00 0
Twelves 0.00 0
Thirteens 0.00 0
Fourteens 0.00 0
Fifteens 0.00 0
Bingo Probabilities 5729.85
Sevens 5140.63
Eights 6187.87
Nines 7229.12
Tens 0.00
Elevens 0.00
Twelves 0.00
Thirteens 0.00
Fourteens 0.00
Fifteens 0.00
Tiles Played 48.95 14196
A 4.42 1283
B 0.93 271
C 1.06 306
D 1.93 560
E 6.17 1790
F 0.97 281
G 1.39 403
H 0.94 272
I 4.42 1282
J 0.50 146
K 0.49 142
L 1.91 553
M 1.02 296
N 2.99 866
O 3.82 1108
P 0.99 288
Q 0.43 126
R 2.84 825
S 1.89 549
T 2.85 826
U 1.90 552
V 0.96 278
W 0.97 281
X 0.50 144
Y 1.02 297
Z 0.51 149
? 1.11 322
Power Tiles Played 4.95 1436
? 1.11 322
J 0.50 146
Q 0.43 126
X 0.50 144
Z 0.51 149
S 1.89 549
Power Tiles Stuck With 0.11 31
? 0.01 4
J 0.00 1
Q 0.02 6
X 0.00 0
Z 0.01 4
S 0.06 16
Turns With a Blank 2.00 580
Triple Triples Played 0.02 7
Bingoless Games 0.06 18
Bonus Square Coverage 15.82 4589
Double Letter 5.09 1476
Triple Letter 5.37 1556
Double Word 2.99 866
Triple Word 2.38 691
Phony Plays 0.17 50
Unchallenged 0.09 27
Challenged Off 0.08 23
Challenges 0.18 53
You Won 0.06 17
Opponent Lost 0.01 3
You Lost 0.03 10
Opponent Won 0.08 23
Challenge Percentage 0.6296
Defending Challenge Percentage 0.1154
Percentage Phonies Unchallenged 0.5400
Comments 8.99 2608
Comments Word Length 239.72 69520
Mistakeless Turns 12.59 3652
Mistakes per Turn 0.0082
Mistakes 0.10 30
Knowledge 0.02 5
Finding 0.01 3
Vision 0.01 2
Tactics 0.02 5
Strategy 0.03 9
Endgame 0.02 6
Time 0.00 0
Dynamic Mistakes 0.00 0
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Opponent Confidence Intervals
Tile p CI
A 0.4911 (0.4643, 0.5147)
B 0.4650 (0.4360, 0.5430)
C 0.5300 (0.4360, 0.5430)
D 0.4825 (0.4517, 0.5273)
E 0.5142 (0.4677, 0.5113)
F 0.4850 (0.4360, 0.5430)
G 0.4633 (0.4458, 0.5332)
H 0.4700 (0.4360, 0.5430)
I 0.4911 (0.4643, 0.5147)
J 0.5000 (0.4139, 0.5651)
K 0.4900 (0.4139, 0.5651)
L 0.4775 (0.4517, 0.5273)
M 0.5100 (0.4360, 0.5430)
N 0.4983 (0.4586, 0.5204)
O 0.4775 (0.4628, 0.5162)
P 0.4950 (0.4360, 0.5430)
Q 0.4300 (0.4139, 0.5651)
R 0.4733 (0.4586, 0.5204)
S 0.4725 (0.4517, 0.5273)
T 0.4750 (0.4586, 0.5204)
U 0.4750 (0.4517, 0.5273)
V 0.4800 (0.4360, 0.5430)
W 0.4850 (0.4360, 0.5430)
X 0.5000 (0.4139, 0.5651)
Y 0.5100 (0.4360, 0.5430)
Z 0.5100 (0.4139, 0.5651)
? 0.5550 (0.4360, 0.5430)
To learn more about these statistics, check the 'Confidence Intervals' section on the about page.
Opponent Mistakes
Play Type Size Comment
8G DOR +8 Strategy Small
-3 exch R actually sims ok, although DOR sims better on 4-ply. main problem with DOR is that it's relatively easy to block and i only hold one hook for it. i thought of GRIND as well but didn't consider -R. #strategysmall
6B E(R)E +7 Strategy Large
this gives up too many points. about half the time he has a letter to hook it and can hit me back bigly. i had typical tunnel vision here and didn't consider any other move besides getting rid of EE somewhere, but EERST is even better than EORST, and K5 OE makes my bingo more likely to fit. this was not a good move. -9 #strategylarge #focus
A1 PLANKS +43 Strategy Small
considered K2 POLKA but in the end i can't pass up that many pts, even if i have the case S -- i have the blank! and this move ties the game. i also wanted to take a potential big -ED play for him. didn't think of 6J FLANK. -3 #strategysmall -- i suppose.
N4 YAUD +13 Endgame Small
N4 DAVY is apparently better by a point. -1 #endgamesmall
K4 GrI(S)TERS +82 Tactics Small
K4 GoRSIEST is best; I didn't bother to iterate the blank. GrISTERS opens only three distinct floaters instead of four, while GoRSIEST weakens 6J and puts the S in row 10, rather than row 11 which has a DWS. #tacticssmall
15H FLEA +25 Finding Small
Trying to block row 15 without opening anything on row 14 that didn't already play on row 12. But 15G FLARE fulfils this requirement while scoring three more points. Apparently 15F RALLYE is best, but I would still play FLARE. M3 VOCABLY is awesome, and it doesn't take any hooks, unlike VOCABLE. #findingsmall
L1 WIPAB(L)E +36 Knowledge Small
Wasn't really sure either way here. Decided to go with it, but was kind of aware it might not be a word. Some are intentional, some are unintentional, and this is somewhere in between. #knowledgesmall
9H MY +15 Finding Small
It's probably just MINCY here. I don't hate this I guess, but if you don't hit you're in a lot of trouble. The sim has this very close, and MY does underperform since I'm farther behind than Quackle realizes, but OPA means that I really need to kill the C and T more than Quackle would think too #findingsmall
H1 NEE +18 Endgame Small
Messed up this endgame pretty badly. OOCyTE is quite nice. #endgamesmall
6D UTA +16 Tactics Medium
UTA sims a lot worse than 6F AA; it says I bingo a lot more often with DESTU than ADES. wow, i had no idea that DESTU was better, and the three extra points make it worth it. (-4.5) #tacticsmedium
9F GED +18 Tactics Small
AGED, -1 at 4L. stop fishing to ADES, it's clearly not working. #tacticssmall
10H ASHAmED +76 Knowledge Medium
i think i wasn't totally sure that metopons was good. but metopae/metope are two different things. so abashed is better. -6.5 #knowledgemedium
B6 QU(E)UED +38 Knowledge Small
i should have played QUEUER (i wasn't 101% on it). i didn't want to give up an easy high scoring S hook. but it's important to balance my rack. -5.5 #tacticsmedium #knowledgesmall
B6 QU(E)UED +38 Tactics Medium
i should have played QUEUER (i wasn't 101% on it). i didn't want to give up an easy high scoring S hook. but it's important to balance my rack. -5.5 #tacticsmedium #knowledgesmall
7J TROOZ +28 Endgame Small
-3, perv at 12D. he blocked the better trooz. #endgamesmall
1M V(AW) +9 Endgame Small
pe at 12D lol, do some math. i obviously didn't really care at this point. i'll have to cash some day. #endgamesmall
8F AJI +20 Strategy Small
8H placement sims a bit higher. (-1) #strategysmall
6F (C)ATTY +18 Strategy Small
OY E9 wins the sim, even though there aren't many bingos to be drawn. It's probably even better than that since Rafi is telegraphing a bingo and might give me more lanes. (-2) #strategysmall
1A OUREBI +33 Strategy Medium
Another difficult decision. What's better, BOWER for 40 keeping IU, or OUREBI for 33 keeping W? It's close, but I think BOWER actually was the play. It scores seven more points and opens a new lane on Column O. Also, even though IU is a terrible leave, it 's probably better than a W for bingoing, and at this score I probably need to bingo. (-1.2% win chances) #strategymedium
exch BGGLW +0 Strategy Medium
I spent forever on this play, and didn't get anywhere. My brain was fried and I couldn't focus. I saw plays like WEB 7L or NEWB 12M. I also saw GLOW 5A. WEB/NEWB has to be right. It's possible that Rafi doesn't have either the blank or the S, and with the board getting tighter every turn, I need to keep lanes open to give myself a fighting chance. (-4) #strategymedium
E9 (O)PING +24 Strategy Large
I spent forever on this play too and couldn't wrap my sleepy head around it. Quackle plays PI J14, fishing for FEVERING/FORGIVEN/AVENGING/AVERTING/AGENTIVE. It doesn't hit often, but it's my best chance. All OPING accomplishes is make it easy for Rafi to shut everything down. (-23) (-7% win chances) #strategylarge
A12 (F)lEW +27 Endgame Medium
Best is WIsS 11D -6 (#endgamemedium)
6H (O)AT +10 Endgame Small
totally forgot about B(ED)/B(OP) despite him having it on the board on the OP turn and taking the B away... -2 #endgamesmall
D3 CORKE(D) +26 Strategy Medium
-7.5 F6 KOA, it's ok to fish a bit here. IT isn't a great leave. #strategymedium
6B YA(K) +18 Vision Small
3A TRACERY is great. -2 #visionsmall
B2 CUTE(Y) +20 Vision Medium
(YAK)U(ZA)!! so sick!!! ya ya ya, yakuza, yakuza. -4.5 #visionmedium (but it's so hard to think of this)
13C GREEtER +71 Knowledge Medium
-4. REnEGER is the play i was looking for. #findingmedium #knowledgemedium (i should be able to remember the EEEGNRR set cold)
13C GREEtER +71 Finding Medium
-4. REnEGER is the play i was looking for. #findingmedium #knowledgemedium (i should be able to remember the EEEGNRR set cold)
L7 JAGS +25 Knowledge Large
wrote down JAGLESS on my scoresheet, and i haven't studied enough to know the words cold. sorry to disappoint my loyal fans out there. now i'll never know how sick it would have been to bingo with JAGLESS. 2E J(A)G is better than my move, btw, i think. -58 #knowledgelarge
4D (O)O(R)IE +6 Tactics Medium
NAOI is better. -4 #tacticsmedium
The listing of all of the player's mistakes. For more information about mistakes, check the 'Mistakes' section of the about page.
Game Line Error
Game 14921 6 Game is incomplete.
Game 17401 22 Game is incomplete.
Game 17458 8 Game is incomplete.
Game 16281 27 Game is incomplete.
Game 17457 9 Game is incomplete.
Game 32585 32 Game is incomplete.
Game 10661 16 Game is incomplete.
Game 17459 10 Game is incomplete.
Errors are (most likely) the result of malformed GCG files. To learn more, check the 'Errors and Warnings' section in the about page.