Puneet Sharma
Puneet Sharma
Color Key
= Triple Triple
= Bingo 9+
= Improbable
= +
= +
= +
= + +
Player Lists
Type Play Probability Score
OOZIEST 7268 86
TERTIAL 705 72
FANTEeG 4479 74
ALFREdO 2523 81
EUPNOE(A)S 2416 63
(O)UTRAISE 35 77
FANTIGU(E) 2375 89
DIGoNAL 2390 81
SEXTONS 19718 91
ERIONI(T)E 81 62
HoAGIES 1809 74
S(O)DOMISE 19829 76
RECTION 463 98
(Q)uOITERs 4414 82
LAICI(s)ED 6277 74
CODEIN(A)S 674 84
LAR(D)OONS 6170 59
SHOPLI(F)T 28751 76
AN(A)EROBE 1165 64
SP(O)RTIER 4546 74
YEASTI(N)G 2442 74
TENNIES 2540 78
NOTATES 1014 73
(N)AUSEAtE 1449 66
P(E)ARLITE 848 70
OR(L)ISTAT 2728 62
UPrAISE(S) 11068 84
GRILLEd 13480 67
DE(T)ANGLE 2171 66
PRESIDI(O) 4116 86
(I)NNOVATE 959 63
DEaFENS 5427 94
MODUl(A)TE 3645 140
(D)IARIZES 7117 107
THERIAN 291 78
PAEONIc 1700 72
UN(H)OLIeR 1869 74
I(N)CITERS 3481 76
LAMB(E)RTS 11783 74
SIENITE 1055 78
D(E)FlATOR 1740 63
LEGATES 3190 73
OUTSAID 1509 83
ROOsTED 2783 70
A(N)EROIDS 21 60
SNoWIER 1313 80
TEASING 355 86
INTo(W)ARD* 0 78
(L)aTHERER 8339 83
R(E)EDITED 9877 78
MANTLES 4223 82
BRIE(F)InG 15773 78
TOUGHEN 7369 91
RETAIN(E)D 38 72
(V)ELaRIZE 10192 110
GENTIER 611 70
(E)MULSiON 3709 62
AERO(L)ITE 16 82
SEIG(N)IOR 990 80
VOuCHEd 24685 93
ARISTAE 161 66
DILATES 533 72
AGNISEs 5871 70
RELIERS 4868 66
INCENT(E)d 8185 62
EMERgER* 0 78
NOTI(T)IAS 3222 70
OVERSEA 1641 78
(C)ANNONED 21151 63
IMAGI(NE)RS 3160 98
BLOO(D)IER 5158 76
TOuPETS 14188 73
sEARiNG 355 74
E(C)LOGITE 3759 62
oVULATE 2633 74
AStILBE 1931 72
iNC(E)NTER 4931 63
GERONiM(O) 4123 70
LATTIC(E)d 6740 70
iDOLI(S)ER 1254 70
JANTiES 2337 90
OU(T)FABLE 8779 84
PLEADED 19067 89
LARNIES(T) 90 62
VOMIT(E)rS 5458 64
DAT(A)BASE 17834 78
SOILIER 955 69
TABOU(R)IN 1416 70
ESTOVE(R)S 14536 62
EROtEMA 617 66
(E)dENTATE 5676 74
REGIONS 515 70
WINTERS 2114 70
APE(R)IENT 305 90
CAT(A)GENS 9121 61
ILEITiS 8601 64
PTERINS 2109 71
JONTIES 3044 85
LOADeRS 639 67
BL(U)ESIER 6810 74
LINNETS 3828 78
ATOMISE 424 95
DETINUE 761 70
ANTIRA(P)E 625 83
REBITES 2912 74
OU(T)WRITE 4596 71
(C)LAVIGEr 10170 96
DRAGOON 6506 93
PELTERS 8826 74
DE(C)ORATE 999 65
(S)ERVANTs 11223 92
SERICIN 4869 75
ANTLERS 560 79
sNOWIER 1288 75
BEDOUIN 2575 75
OUTREA(D)S 410 61
NOTA(R)IZe 319 84
HARRIED 4925 78
PLiABLE 18850 81
ACETOUS 2507 72
ROU(P)IEST 1860 149
THIEVES 10969 76
UTTERED 8168 76
FIL(I)GREE 10334 98
BE(T)AINEs 788 68
HORNITO 6094 78
SAGIEST 5877 114
COROTA(T)E 6112 63
ERECt(I)LE 6077 70
BAR(E)LAND 6269 63
SMI(R)KIeR 28263 81
PE(S)TERER 20495 70
MARINAD(E) 1508 74
VITRInE 2405 76
BOLETES 6249 81
FLAT(W)ISE 7326 176
cARTONS 4530 64
EMBOWEl 22446 82
SLURPER 21015 70
UNVEILE(D) 6996 89
ANTLERS 558 65
DITHERS 4335 75
RURALI(T)E 1188 62
(M)ORtISER 4684 80
OILIEsT 963 80
VE(R)aNDAS 6479 67
SU(P)PLIER 28823 78
ERMINES 3049 85
UNWROTE 2783 77
CROW(N)INg 26242 76
ORANGES 508 71
INE(R)TIAL 117 66
LETtERS 8339 63
GrOUsED 5547 84
(D)ELUsTRE 5646 70
HITTERs 8768 78
MOI(E)TIEs 2781 86
ELUANTS 1504 72
BEAU(T)IES 1958 78
ADVECTE(D) 25256 68
GOALIES 497 85
ENAMORS 1201 76
ADVECTE(D) 25256 68
SIDEWA(Y)S 23310 221
CITOLES 2651 74
ARAISED 630 88
B(R)IGHTEN 10598 86
SEEMING 7709 86
PaGEaNT 7024 77
LOERIES 393 77
O(V)ERHENT 6562 67
LEvE(R)AGE 12990 68
SATiNET 716 70
GOT(H)iEsT 10705 76
WORMIER 11947 83
DI(S)TUNES 9434 60
The of bingos played by the player that were not challenged off.
Triple Triples
Type Play Probability Score
MODUl(A)TE 3645 140
ROU(P)IEST 1860 149
FLAT(W)ISE 7326 176
SIDEWA(Y)S 23310 221
Triple triples played by the player that were not challenged off. They do not have to be bingos.
Bingo Nines or Above
Type Play Probability Score
IMAGI(NE)RS 3160 98
Bingos played by the player that were nine letters or longer and were not challenged off.
Challenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were challenged off by an opponent.
Unchallenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
INTo(W)ARD* 0 78
EMERgER* 0 78
SHUG* 0 25
CHRONO* 0 30
MUP* 0 26
ROUC* 0 28
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were not challenged by an opponent.
Plays That Were Challenged
Type Play Probability Score
FOALERs* 0 0
HADJES 14721 0
PRI(L)L 9794 21
DIGoNAL 2390 81
S(O)RDO 5354 33
Z(A)RIBA 14908 54
YONDS* 0 0
TENNIES 2540 78
(R)EGRILLs* 0 0
VOUDOU 20137 24
HERY 2922 25
KILNS 8047 34
SaUTEED 1772 0
FED 499 0
CRIS 2422 38
L(I)NCHED* 0 0
J(O)LLING 27501 48
(B)UNGY 11510 33
YO(G)IC 8530 30
OJIME 4786 31
MONG(E)REr* 0 0
REMOt(I)NG* 0 0
SLICER 4376 0
CI(S)E* 0 0
CHONS 9111 0
ESTOVE(R)S 14536 62
MEROpAE* 0 0
DEP* 0 0
VOLAE 953 27
ORAL(I)SeD* 0 0
CARVERS 18807 0
SERICIN 4869 0
STAVED 4241 42
FOUET 2212 45
PE(S)TERER 20495 70
EMBOWEl 22446 82
SLURPER 21015 70
WAACS 10141 0
YUGH* 0 0
MOsS(W)EED* 0 0
ERMINES 3049 85
TAWED 1553 28
MUFTI 8560 26
QIS 969 48
NEAF* 0 0
VITES* 0 0
O(V)ERHENT 6562 67
Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Opponent Lists
Type Play Probability Score
EtAERIO 3 64
L(A)MINARY 15841 64
cOLUB(R)ID 21237 66
ESTRADE 734 90
GHETTOS 16335 81
PEDLARY 13407 82
NATIONS 1810 71
IRONIES 307 75
PLa(N)NING 32290 80
F(I)NDABLE 7189 67
pOSTGRA(D) 12572 80
(N)ETTLeRS 6444 70
CODDLE(R)S 22384 74
UNMELTE(D) 11197 74
PHONATe 3653 75
Co(L)LIDES 17263 68
(A)VERSION 288 86
ROCKL(I)nG 26333 70
GREENIE 2833 70
ORARIAN 2264 64
REDTAiL 107 76
BRIERED 10335 82
MALT(S)TeR 10976 68
R(O)bOTICS 18682 86
INFIcET(E) 9772 93
COSMETi(C) 28207 71
E(U)RONOTE 1124 64
SYNTEN(I)C 18435 64
D(E)FECATE 17061 78
AERIESt 75 77
DEIFyIN(G) 20761 98
DEERLET 6489 77
I(G)NiFiES 20464 90
GOONIES(T) 1264 80
AUNTLIE(R) 97 68
LANYARD(S) 18792 74
ARISTAE 161 79
BEa(N)POLE 6145 64
GAZIEsT 6795 88
TI(D)ERIPS 6524 94
BAnDAGE 10972 84
ArEOLAS 953 76
CORNHO(L)E* 0 64
(C)ONGRATS 8533 76
POInAD(O)S* 0 74
MURRIEs 12409 68
IRoNISE 308 72
RABI(E)TIC 4859 82
cI(N)EREAL 791 73
ABORIGE(N) 483 80
PAROTIS 2207 75
F(L)UTIEsT 15414 74
SPOoLED 14598 75
NI(T)ROLIC 6629 64
(A)TABRINs 5759 80
(B)INARIES 1572 70
SAMISEN 8915 75
EPATERS 2961 67
A(R)RIEROS 5657 76
PTISANS 16311 86
OEnO(P)HIL 10861 74
AR(S)ENATE 565 59
ENDUROS 1731 82
VAcATED 13979 78
(S)HEAVING 10185 80
TERRINE 1315 86
HEYDUcK 31740 81
LOGIEST 1432 68
SHARiAH 26449 81
I(N)ACTIVE 5010 176
DENTATE 2486 70
IRONMAN 5597 68
LEAVIER 1386 88
SLEIGHT 10077 81
SILIQUA(S) 33321 124
NOVATeS 1216 85
aMBIENT 3185 76
DACITEs 1953 86
TABANI(D)S 9549 86
TRIZoNE 1473 106
STATION 1860 66
DISNAT(uR)E 123 77
LIFTERS 4386 91
VENATO(R)S 753 79
STIBiAL 11408 119
PARURES 12663 86
TERTIUS 3843 71
PLETHO(R)A 5176 78
OREXINS 3046 86
ESPOUSE 20128 76
(C)ANAlLER 17011 70
(W)ARIMENT 2216 100
(T)AENIaTE 891 74
THRENES 5620 97
MANWISE 5868 95
ANTLIAE 164 66
CORNMEA(L) 5273 98
PERIDOt 1261 68
(N)EStLERS 10813 59
EXPLAIn 10420 91
OsTE(O)GEN 3901 66
ARRES(T)ER 14140 68
L(O)ONIEsT 781 122
F(OR)TIfIED 16932 78
SARSNET 4018 67
mUR(R)ELET 17062 61
DE(m)ErGES 21988 82
ETALONS 194 83
ESCOLAR 2510 82
ANtLIAE 158 70
EPISTLE 5458 77
NOSIEST 2380 71
IGNATIA 5217 80
ZOO(P)ErAL 16343 69
R(I)GOROUs 19004 59
CRAVENs 9399 73
TARtARE 9070 68
SAFfRON 23983 83
MESCALS 26263 96
(M)ONETISE 1054 83
REBAITS 791 66
TAUNTER 1753 66
gELA(S)TIC 4612 80
LEAC(H)IER 5435 64
ANOMIES 420 74
PONYT(A)iL 7618 90
StEPSON 14210 87
AMP(H)ORAE 16545 67
TUILYIE 8166 74
dONATES 187 82
rEINV(A)DE 826 84
BLAThER 9111 82
GRUNTeD 4645 76
PASTInG 8922 84
I(R)ONLIKE 4837 69
ROsACEA 3062 81
sQUALID 19782 92
FAIL(I)NGS 16407 76
RECOIL(E)R 5698 63
DONKeYS 19629 88
VECTORS 10603 84
bAJREES 15698 90
PLEATIN(G) 2340 72
(V)ASElINE 1960 80
(V)ERITIES 4453 70
COPAIBA 20271 91
oUTSAID 1509 75
WOO(D)IEST 5031 63
ALERTlY 12786 75
sNA(I)LIER 387 78
(E)UPNOEIC 6185 74
AMOUN(TI)NG 9842 74
HAIRDOS 4361 81
(T)ELEWORK 16195 69
GORIEST 530 81
DEC(I)DUAl 15803 63
(E)TIOlOGY 7255 76
TRANSU(M)E 3099 77
DIARIES 637 73
(N)EeDLIEr 2439 74
(I)NTRUDeS 930 77
OVE(R)LAND 1738 74
TELFERE(D) 14649 76
LINSEED 1824 81
(E)NLIStER 486 74
BANI(S)TER 512 74
GO(UR)AmIES 1581 60
SOM(E)DELE 15699 85
LARNIES(T) 90 70
ReGULOs 5667 69
S(U)DAMINA 13841 65
(A)TTAINER 555 77
OpIATED 417 67
STIRRER 14197 71
D(E)CAGRaM 20636 74
(A)NT(I)ARINS 6062 63
NEUR(O)TIC 745 70
DIGESTE(R) 2200 72
RE(A)LTONE 56 66
(E)VERYmAN 16088 101
PALLIEs 12879 79
aQUA(T)INT 21489 101
LINTERS 576 66
SUETIEr 792 74
DOURINE 215 67
PLEAT(I)NG 2397 67
RELIQuE(S) 12224 101
PALLIEs 12879 79
aQUA(T)INT 21489 101
ANEARiN(G) 2525 77
ERGATEs 1562 73
SAUTEED 1808 65
INDITES 1690 72
DURAMeN(S) 5928 62
QUEAzIE(R) 16021 86
SALiNES 3792 71
STERNeR 4928 70
MICROBE 12440 79
FUNI(C)LES 16541 76
TAILORE(D) 20 70
DREDGES 19689 66
(C)HALANED 17323 82
E(N)NOBLER 9736 78
The of bingos played by the player that were not challenged off.
Triple Triples
Type Play Probability Score
I(N)ACTIVE 5010 176
L(O)ONIEsT 781 122
Triple triples played by the player that were not challenged off. They do not have to be bingos.
Bingo Nines or Above
Type Play Probability Score
DISNAT(uR)E 123 77
F(OR)TIfIED 16932 78
AMOUN(TI)NG 9842 74
GO(UR)AmIES 1581 60
(A)NT(I)ARINS 6062 63
Bingos played by the player that were nine letters or longer and were not challenged off.
Challenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were challenged off by an opponent.
Unchallenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
(H)OOPIER* 0 24
CORNHO(L)E* 0 64
POInAD(O)S* 0 74
II* 0 16
JAT* 0 16
PE(A)VE* 0 26
RARIE* 0 34
INVI(C)T* 0 36
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were not challenged by an opponent.
Plays That Were Challenged
Type Play Probability Score
PEDLARY 13407 82
WHENA* 0 0
DEIsILS* 0 0
ROCKL(I)nG 26333 70
PLANED 4196 33
GREENIE 2833 70
KLUtZED* 0 0
BRIERED 10335 82
MALT(S)TeR 10976 68
VA(N)S 2366 34
SYNTEN(I)C 18435 64
GRABEN 3582 38
B(I)GHS* 0 0
BEa(N)POLE 6145 64
KNO(W)E 6683 34
JONTY 9236 44
G(I)RONNY 15816 44
PODSoLE* 0 0
EPATERS 2961 67
OEnO(P)HIL 10861 74
ERUCI(C) 15287 39
HEYDUcK 31740 81
SHARiAH 26449 81
SILIQUA(S) 33321 124
VENATO(R)S 753 79
PARURES 12663 86
CEROS 2199 28
(W)ARIMENT 2216 100
THRENES 5620 97
PINER(Y) 5855 36
U(NE)QuALER* 0 0
EQUALeR* 0 0
L(O)ONIEsT 781 122
(P)ALEOZOa* 0 0
CRAVENs 9399 73
SILVEX 15110 39
MESCALS 26263 96
(P)OWT* 0 0
AMP(H)ORAE 16545 67
U(P)RISED* 0 0
LaERING 326 0
OUTJEEr* 0 0
FAIL(I)NGS 16407 76
RECOIL(E)R 5698 63
GA(R)DANT 7837 18
SHTIK 10072 45
W(E)ILD* 0 0
(T)ELEWORK 16195 69
MUSICK 21494 38
TELFERE(D) 14649 76
(C)AID 1512 28
GO(UR)AmIES 1581 60
INWOVE 3799 32
S(U)DAMINA 13841 65
(A)NT(I)ARINS 6062 63
(S)HIVOO 15835 24
GERT 603 25
RARIE* 0 34
FISC 4302 50
(E)VERYmAN 16088 101
PALLIEs 12879 79
aQUA(T)INT 21489 101
KIN 744 21
WA(G)GON 17597 21
U(N)BALED 7420 40
PALLIEs 12879 79
aQUA(T)INT 21489 101
G(AI)TT 3810 12
(BA)nALNESS* 0 0
STERNeR 4928 70
WAID 1500 35
FUNI(C)LES 16541 76
ZABETA 12770 82
GRAIP 3878 36
E(N)NOBLER 9736 78
Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Notable Lists
Many Double Words Covered
Games in which at least 15 double word bonus squares were covered.
Four or More Consecutive Bingos
Games in which the player bingos at least 4 times in a row.
Game Stats
Stat Average Total
Games 1.00 91
Invalid Games 0.00 0
Incomplete 0.00 0
Disconnected 0.00 0
Other 0.00 0
Total Turns 25.46 2317
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Player Stats
Stat Average Total
Wins 0.41 37
Score 418.67 38099
Score per Turn 32.9576
Turns 12.70 1156
Vertical Plays 5.87 534
Horizontal Plays 5.65 514
One Tile Plays 0.43 39
Other Plays 0.76 69
Firsts 0.49 45
Vertical Openings per First 0.3514
Horizontal Openings per First 0.6486
Full Rack per Turn 0.4247
Exchanges 0.36 33
High Game 608
Low Game 253
Highest Scoring Turn 221
Bingos Played 2.00 182
Sevens 1.00 91
Eights 0.99 90
Nines 0.01 1
Tens 0.00 0
Elevens 0.00 0
Twelves 0.00 0
Thirteens 0.00 0
Fourteens 0.00 0
Fifteens 0.00 0
Bingo Probabilities 5768.61
Sevens 4434.88
Eights 7146.64
Nines 3160.00
Tens 0.00
Elevens 0.00
Twelves 0.00
Thirteens 0.00
Fourteens 0.00
Fifteens 0.00
Tiles Played 46.91 4269
A 4.25 387
B 0.99 90
C 1.01 92
D 1.90 173
E 5.54 504
F 1.03 94
G 1.43 130
H 0.85 77
I 4.33 394
J 0.55 50
K 0.52 47
L 1.69 154
M 0.96 87
N 2.49 227
O 3.98 362
P 0.97 88
Q 0.45 41
R 2.66 242
S 1.97 179
T 2.74 249
U 1.91 174
V 1.03 94
W 0.95 86
X 0.51 46
Y 0.91 83
Z 0.49 45
? 0.81 74
Power Tiles Played 4.78 435
? 0.81 74
J 0.55 50
Q 0.45 41
X 0.51 46
Z 0.49 45
S 1.97 179
Power Tiles Stuck With 0.15 14
? 0.05 5
J 0.00 0
Q 0.01 1
X 0.00 0
Z 0.00 0
S 0.09 8
Turns With a Blank 1.10 100
Triple Triples Played 0.04 4
Bingoless Games 0.08 7
Bonus Square Coverage 15.60 1420
Double Letter 5.16 470
Triple Letter 5.41 492
Double Word 2.76 251
Triple Word 2.27 207
Phony Plays 0.46 42
Unchallenged 0.07 6
Challenged Off 0.40 36
Challenges 1.55 141
You Won 0.21 19
Opponent Lost 0.27 25
You Lost 0.67 61
Opponent Won 0.40 36
Challenge Percentage 0.2375
Defending Challenge Percentage 0.4098
Percentage Phonies Unchallenged 0.1429
Comments 6.57 598
Comments Word Length 125.63 11432
Mistakeless Turns 12.70 1156
Mistakes per Turn 0.0000
Mistakes 0.00 0
Knowledge 0.00 0
Finding 0.00 0
Vision 0.00 0
Tactics 0.00 0
Strategy 0.00 0
Endgame 0.00 0
Time 0.00 0
Dynamic Mistakes 0.00 0
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Player Confidence Intervals
Tile p CI
A 0.4722 (0.4242, 0.5140)
B 0.4950 (0.3738, 0.5644)
C 0.5050 (0.3738, 0.5644)
D 0.4750 (0.4017, 0.5365)
E 0.4617 (0.4302, 0.5080)
F 0.5150 (0.3738, 0.5644)
G 0.4767 (0.3913, 0.5469)
H 0.4250 (0.3738, 0.5644)
I 0.4811 (0.4242, 0.5140)
J 0.5500 (0.3343, 0.6039)
K 0.5200 (0.3343, 0.6039)
L 0.4225 (0.4017, 0.5365)
M 0.4800 (0.3738, 0.5644)
N 0.4150 (0.4141, 0.5241)
O 0.4975 (0.4215, 0.5167)
P 0.4850 (0.3738, 0.5644)
Q 0.4500 (0.3343, 0.6039)
R 0.4433 (0.4141, 0.5241)
S 0.4925 (0.4017, 0.5365)
T 0.4567 (0.4141, 0.5241)
U 0.4775 (0.4017, 0.5365)
V 0.5150 (0.3738, 0.5644)
W 0.4750 (0.3738, 0.5644)
X 0.5100 (0.3343, 0.6039)
Y 0.4550 (0.3738, 0.5644)
Z 0.4900 (0.3343, 0.6039)
? 0.4050 (0.3738, 0.5644)
To learn more about these statistics, check the 'Confidence Intervals' section on the about page.
Opponent Stats
Stat Average Total
Wins 0.59 54
Score 452.00 41132
Score per Turn 35.4281
Turns 12.76 1161
Vertical Plays 6.01 547
Horizontal Plays 5.85 532
One Tile Plays 0.42 38
Other Plays 0.48 44
Firsts 0.51 46
Vertical Openings per First 0.1316
Horizontal Openings per First 0.8684
Full Rack per Turn 0.9009
Exchanges 0.27 25
High Game 610
Low Game 289
Highest Scoring Turn 176
Bingos Played 2.29 208
Sevens 1.12 102
Eights 1.11 101
Nines 0.05 5
Tens 0.00 0
Elevens 0.00 0
Twelves 0.00 0
Thirteens 0.00 0
Fourteens 0.00 0
Fifteens 0.00 0
Bingo Probabilities 8016.41
Sevens 6543.03
Eights 9575.55
Nines 6908.00
Tens 0.00
Elevens 0.00
Twelves 0.00
Thirteens 0.00
Fourteens 0.00
Fifteens 0.00
Tiles Played 50.36 4583
A 4.55 414
B 0.98 89
C 0.92 84
D 2.05 187
E 6.15 560
F 0.92 84
G 1.52 138
H 1.13 103
I 4.35 396
J 0.45 41
K 0.48 44
L 2.05 187
M 1.00 91
N 3.26 297
O 3.85 350
P 1.01 92
Q 0.51 46
R 3.02 275
S 1.92 175
T 3.03 276
U 2.01 183
V 0.95 86
W 1.03 94
X 0.49 45
Y 1.08 98
Z 0.49 45
? 1.13 103
Power Tiles Played 5.00 455
? 1.13 103
J 0.45 41
Q 0.51 46
X 0.49 45
Z 0.49 45
S 1.92 175
Power Tiles Stuck With 0.05 5
? 0.00 0
J 0.00 0
Q 0.03 3
X 0.00 0
Z 0.01 1
S 0.01 1
Turns With a Blank 2.07 188
Triple Triples Played 0.02 2
Bingoless Games 0.07 6
Bonus Square Coverage 16.38 1491
Double Letter 5.40 491
Triple Letter 5.53 503
Double Word 3.04 277
Triple Word 2.42 220
Phony Plays 0.31 28
Unchallenged 0.10 9
Challenged Off 0.21 19
Challenges 1.55 141
You Won 0.40 36
Opponent Lost 0.67 61
You Lost 0.27 25
Opponent Won 0.21 19
Challenge Percentage 0.5902
Defending Challenge Percentage 0.7625
Percentage Phonies Unchallenged 0.3214
Comments 6.57 598
Comments Word Length 125.63 11432
Mistakeless Turns 12.25 1115
Mistakes per Turn 0.0405
Mistakes 0.52 47
Knowledge 0.13 12
Finding 0.09 8
Vision 0.03 3
Tactics 0.03 3
Strategy 0.12 11
Endgame 0.09 8
Time 0.02 2
Dynamic Mistakes 0.00 0
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Opponent Confidence Intervals
Tile p CI
A 0.5056 (0.4586, 0.5486)
B 0.4900 (0.4081, 0.5991)
C 0.4600 (0.4081, 0.5991)
D 0.5125 (0.4361, 0.5711)
E 0.5125 (0.4646, 0.5426)
F 0.4600 (0.4081, 0.5991)
G 0.5067 (0.4257, 0.5815)
H 0.5650 (0.4081, 0.5991)
I 0.4833 (0.4586, 0.5486)
J 0.4500 (0.3686, 0.6386)
K 0.4800 (0.3686, 0.6386)
L 0.5125 (0.4361, 0.5711)
M 0.5000 (0.4081, 0.5991)
N 0.5433 (0.4485, 0.5587)
O 0.4813 (0.4559, 0.5513)
P 0.5050 (0.4081, 0.5991)
Q 0.5100 (0.3686, 0.6386)
R 0.5033 (0.4485, 0.5587)
S 0.4800 (0.4361, 0.5711)
T 0.5050 (0.4485, 0.5587)
U 0.5025 (0.4361, 0.5711)
V 0.4750 (0.4081, 0.5991)
W 0.5150 (0.4081, 0.5991)
X 0.4900 (0.3686, 0.6386)
Y 0.5400 (0.4081, 0.5991)
Z 0.4900 (0.3686, 0.6386)
? 0.5650 (0.4081, 0.5991)
To learn more about these statistics, check the 'Confidence Intervals' section on the about page.
Opponent Mistakes
Play Type Size Comment
N2 GOB +26 Knowledge Large
N4 GOLdBUG and E8 GOL(D)BUGs #knowledgelarge
O1 HUG +35 Strategy Large
I played too fast and didn't see E8 LAR(D)OONS. #strategylarge
D3 KLUtZED +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
This isn't a verb? #knowledgeSADDEST
13B MEN(O) +18 Knowledge Large
8J (IT)EMED and 8A MERE(L)L are really good here. #knowledgelarge
10E (R)YA +37 Strategy Large
Apparently I'm supposed to exchange here. Puneet was low on time and I played this instantly trying to force him over. #strategylarge I suppose.
7A ULU +13 Endgame Small
N10 OI is 3 points better. #endgamesmall
8H DROID +18 Finding Small
8G TOROID #findingsmall
K4 METR(I)C +20 Knowledge Small
Chickened out of H11 (O)RMER #knowledgesmall
5B MALT(S)TeR +73 Knowledge Large
Chickened out of N6 MARTLeT. #knowledgelarge
N6 WANG +32 Knowledge Small
N6 WAGGA #knowledgesmall
J13 EX +60 Endgame Small
J12 tUX is 3 points better. #endgamesmall
H1 UNIt(e) +21 Finding Large
H1 gUIN(e)A #findinglarge
A12 (V)RIL +21 Finding Medium
t(I)FT g10 #findingmedium
10I EH +28 Strategy Small
10J HIREE sets up my S. #strategysad
O8 ALMOST +36 Endgame Large
K11 S(A)LTO #endgamesaddest
13G COTS +25 Time Large
K11 S(A)V #timesaddest
M1 AUNTLIE(R) +68 Finding Small
2F JEU +30 Finding Medium
13B HERE +36 Endgame Large
E7 Q(I) is 27 points better. #ENDGAMESADDEST
14H (E)AT +11 Endgame Large
3B MANAT +27 Tactics Small
I didn't think he would play 2A (A)VERSELY, so this close, but 3B MATT is slightly better. A4 (Q)ANAT is no good because of B2 VE(A)LY. #tacticssmall
O1 THE(Y) +30 Finding Large
This does block row 1, but O3 K(Y)THED is way better. #findingSADDEST
C9 KNO(W)E +39 Finding Large
15E ArEOLAS +76 Tactics Small
15D ArEOLAS. lmao. #tacticssmall
B11 W(O)RE +26 Endgame Large
The Duck says N2 OA(R). #endgamelarge
N2 AE(R)O +26 Time Large
I went over on time. #TIMESADDEST
B11 WEEL +22 Endgame Large
15C (T)ELNET #endgamesaddest
J10 YEW +37 Knowledge Large
I didn't know 5A WRYThEN#. Ignoring that, I should have played J12 YEWS, which I saw almost immediately after I made my play. #knowledgelarge
A12 KI(T)E +39 Finding Small
I missed A12 KETO, which is better than KITE with three O's and one I unseen. A12 GITE is interesting, fishing for 1A COOK. #findingsmall
9E TAO +51 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesmall for the challenge
13E TWP +13 Vision Small
K4 TW(P) #visionsad
4H LIFTERS +91 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for the tilted challenge.
H1 WOR(L)D +27 Tactics Small
H1 WOA(L)D seems slightly better. #tacticssmall
K14 TI +4 Strategy Small
The other options are terrible so this block isn't actually that bad. Sim is saying G13 (P)IU is the only other viable option, but I didn't want to give back big 15F Q plays. Those probably aren't a concern though since I'm ahead by enough to only have to worry about bingos. #strategysmall
4C NUB +20 Endgame Small
5C UNBIN(D) is 2 points better. #endgamesad
2K H(E)XAD +32 Strategy Large
2I oXH(E)AD. I did not considering using the blank here. #strategysaddest
14F MEN +23 Vision Small
I5 NEM(N) #visionsad
B10 BIN +26 Vision Medium
3L (R)IB #visionsadder
3K A(R)IA +34 Knowledge Large
3I ORA(R)IA #knowledgesaddest
K5 VUGS +28 Strategy Small
K5 GUVS to sometimes hit the X bomb next turn. #strategysmall
6E GERT +30 Strategy Medium
I correctly guessed that 6E GERT would sim ahead of I2 EXERT(IN)G, but I missed 6F ERG. #strategysadder
4E WAXEN +23 Knowledge Large
4E WOXEN is better than this. It looked familiar but it also didn't look like a word to me. K11 OWE wins a sim. #KNOWLEDGESADDEST #STRATEGYSADDEST
4E WAXEN +23 Strategy Large
4E WOXEN is better than this. It looked familiar but it also didn't look like a word to me. K11 OWE wins a sim. #KNOWLEDGESADDEST #STRATEGYSADDEST
3F AERO +23 Strategy Large
6J Q(U)OD +34 Strategy Medium
1H RARIE +39 Knowledge Large
14L IDOL +20 Strategy Small
I11 DO(C) is a nice DOCO setup for -ION bingos that I didn't think of. #strategysad
The listing of all of the player's mistakes. For more information about mistakes, check the 'Mistakes' section of the about page.