Peter Armstrong
Peter Armstrong
Color Key
= Triple Triple
= Bingo 9+
= Improbable
= +
= +
= +
= + +
Player Lists
Type Play Probability Score
SEMINAL 1473 72
ARDUOuS 11108 81
P(E)RCENTS 10060 86
BRIgAND 6505 66
FAS(H)IONS 16406 66
LAME(N)TER 1466 62
PINA(F)ORE 831 66
O(BE)SITIES 10712 63
sOUNDER 1699 80
B(A)RRELED 12222 66
APPLIER 15332 70
EUTAXIT(E) 9255 69
PANTIES 916 80
RELIEvE(D) 10199 66
ENATION(S) 184 60
tHRiVES 9597 90
BEAUTER 2893 85
ENACTOR 453 72
ALThAEA 10696 70
(B)IVALENT 3113 76
ZOISITE 4481 90
IDEATES 265 79
E(R)OsIONS 5063 65
(D)ErAILED 3610 80
STE(A)LING 446 86
(M)ADRIGAL 12211 89
BLOVI(A)TE 1916 73
hISSIER 18258 64
COAT(T)END 4604 72
OUtRAGE(D) 648 70
BONFIRE 2625 96
EPILATE 1006 68
SCOLDED 15963 76
INTERN(E)D 1229 71
lA(L)IQUeS 16046 120
TENSION 753 80
CABALAs 21638 69
RUNDLET 2326 76
PAVIsER 4226 84
LOANERS 152 82
REAV(AI)LED 1744 78
EASTERN(ER) 2346 61
COUVADE 7628 73
CADAST(R)E 4655 69
MIaOUED 818 69
U(N)DERlAY 4266 71
ANSWE(R)ED 2897 76
VIBRaTE 2282 76
eXAMINE 5654 96
HEROINS 928 77
CL(A)IMING 17551 86
HINDERE(R) 6107 92
TAIL(O)RED 12 63
F(O)RGIVES 8396 80
ERADIAT(E) 121 83
B(E)ETLING 4394 62
ISOMERS 7332 71
YOUnG(I)SH 18065 68
MEGARAD 10966 76
WAREHOU 6763 73
(P)REUNItE 2109 80
CAROTIN 707 74
U(N)LISTED 1610 61
CoINAGE 538 77
AUSTERE 559 81
HEAVIEs 5041 98
BACTER(I)N 1619 80
LOMENTA 873 66
SNIFTER 1547 65
PANt(H)EON 7450 89
SPLURGE 13200 75
GAINS(A)ID 7777 74
OUTDUEL 12239 68
GRANTEE 607 73
NASTIeR 31 82
ORTOLAN 2256 63
(D)AYTIMES 7481 95
OVERWAR(Y) 16116 69
WAIVERS 4230 82
DENTALI(A) 380 80
mUCOSAE 10628 80
ANTACID 5218 74
NEWSMEN 17197 97
LAMPREY 14232 99
REVAlUE 3928 67
SERRANO 740 91
oCTANeS 849 72
ENLAR(G)ER 5520 95
MOIDERs 2684 75
pAREIRA 4274 79
(O)BTAINER 47 62
SINKAGE 4981 86
BL(A)THERS 8537 76
SCOLDER 6101 66
HoOVERS 12088 89
ROSOLIO 11326 68
aIRIEST 139 69
eREMIT(I)C 10141 94
(S)URNAMeD 5927 83
ENTERON 1154 65
mALLEOL(I) 19344 64
LOWERED 4595 91
(m)ISHEARS 13583 78
(T)HiONATE 722 72
TImEOUT 4448 68
SOLACED 3568 71
TERRINE 1347 63
ClAIMED 6632 98
FULMINE 13618 72
ITE(R)ATES 502 60
RAPINES 669 75
POSTOR(A)L 12137 64
A(W)ARDERS 16353 78
OUT(S)HaME 8829 158
PA(I)NTIER 483 78
DEU(T)ERIC 2943 66
CoRRIDA 8822 74
cONSOLE 10740 70
AGNATES 2850 92
lABIATE 2305 77
R(I)DDLERS 14417 66
RA(N)DIEST 63 86
SOILAGE 498 84
NEUR(O)NES 4432 59
ETOILES 395 78
cOAsTED 1835 66
SUNBEAM 9549 99
HITcHE(R)S 22068 77
CANOERS 845 80
SAI(N)tDOM 2306 140
OUTDRAG(S) 4537 86
APERIES 1014 80
SP(A)ROIDS 11249 76
LAZIEST 3270 83
pENNANT 14172 63
YONNIES 6197 79
HEIRLo(O)M 10860 63
TEREDOS 1107 78
RIOTISE 319 77
ALIEN(AG)ES 1336 72
ST(A)PEDII 3374 62
BARRELs 12597 84
(A)CCRETES 21299 89
ANGIOMA 7085 91
VITRIO(LI)c 25018 72
INCL(I)NES 11875 60
ENACTIV(E) 2816 76
DEICERS 5497 72
UPHrOES 15057 87
TIMIDER 4856 87
aLARUMS 14067 74
(G)AUDIEsT 1076 61
OTOLOgY 20628 76
REPRIN(T)S 5012 79
SILENTL(Y) 11647 74
OILSEED 765 64
NONDAI(R)Y 5107 98
PARADER(S) 11870 74
SWEETIE 5709 84
AErADIO 77 79
C(I)GARETS 1717 72
T(A)NgIBLE 2346 86
(B)lEATING 2345 83
SUBF(I)ELD 15699 72
TINCTED 6261 73
KINDEST 8204 83
ARCTIId 7314 69
hAUTBOY 23805 77
PASTIC(h)E 14244 86
THUD(D)ING 31071 72
ROSETTE 3300 84
VAGUElY 20536 93
FARINHA 13197 87
LINTERS 426 75
(E)ERINESS 7175 77
BI(N)DWEED 18230 80
(S)LALOMED 12540 86
AUNt(H)OOD 8794 72
BEEYAR(D)S 9836 67
D(R)OOLIER 3423 63
OUT(E)ARNS 95 68
(L)OGICISE 7382 86
OVE(R)LAIN 199 68
DELIRIA 468 73
bEDRAIL 1379 69
ANAGO(G)ES 9415 70
W(I)LDERED 13080 80
INCISES 18249 75
DOCIBLE 10690 80
SAUTEED 1818 74
RETI(R)ANT 1124 82
DIViDE(N)D 25650 67
WOODMAN 14463 85
AIRHEA(D)S 2322 74
DANDIER 1275 80
ANTIDOR(A) 292 70
GEMMING 31044 77
FLAWIE(S)T 7327 68
BRAVeST 9369 83
(PI)ASTEREd* 0 72
TODDLES 8713 70
INGRESS 7048 79
DIlATOR 434 72
SLAINTE 108 80
jACAlES 22552 85
TONIEST 755 70
ANTLERS 546 75
TEET(H)ERS 20487 62
LITIgAN(T) 11090 66
ROTTERS 6435 78
O(R)ATIONS 426 61
ENVIROS 956 82
INTREAT 189 72
D(I)ASPORE 528 74
MEANERs 2120 95
DUOTONE 2032 69
(I)NITIATE 3348 60
diVERG(E)S 6882 155
DE(G)REASE 4615 74
REL(I)ANCE 590 72
BRAZENS 14315 84
MANITOS 2154 77
BATONEd 1108 76
NANNIES 7259 72
TARRIE(S)T 2380 59
WARFARE 14126 81
(R)AILROAD 4431 70
LATERA(L)s 7344 61
pOPO(V)ERS 35598 80
ETHANES 2932 86
TROPInE(S) 584 86
INTERNs 1296 67
DOTAGES 1437 87
DAMNERS 2975 73
ENTREs(O)L 490 66
ELATERS 554 79
IRONWOo(D) 15682 86
STEWARD 4198 93
DATIV(E)LY 7476 66
(L)ISTENER 486 80
DAINTIE(R) 116 80
ROGAtIO(N) 1115 66
RESIDUA 545 85
ROOTAG(E)S 1256 63
(R)OUNDLET 1167 68
(BE)ATBOXER 26597 90
(D)IABETIc 5982 64
RETIL(I)NG 1484 74
OU(T)lINED 317 66
BAYO(NE)TtE* 0 84
STAIDeR 97 73
HIGHT(A)iL 33631 74
CEN(T)RIST 6904 140
(L)AICIZES 18599 110
ME(S)HwORK 35126 67
FIACRES 5752 91
EDGIEST 2266 72
LEACHER 7656 97
RET(I)NOLS 93 62
VEI(N)IEST 4452 94
SLICKEN 18497 78
I(G)NORANT 1657 63
ORDNaNC(E) 3347 74
ENtICED 2914 89
gOATEES 675 65
AURELI(A)N 380 60
RUNTIES(t) 2712 66
EEL(W)RaCK 26805 76
MIDLIFE 18491 73
PROFI(L)ES 6267 64
MO(R)EOVER 16442 84
(T)ABANIDS 6656 65
RAI(n)BOWS 7566 66
COGENT(L)Y 16007 72
ENTERAT(E) 2992 77
FRAUGHT 22704 71
fIANCEE 3756 69
(Q)UaRTERS 16301 82
PLE(a)SING 4652 68
ISOBARE 392 70
Aw(A)RDEES 7505 82
(M)EANNESS 23369 83
EULOGI(A)E 401 78
CISTERN 2092 79
RATTIER 2361 77
INNERVE(D) 6114 90
F(A)MELESs 21107 97
TACRINE 219 70
TEN(T)ORIA 54 60
fAGGOTE(D) 19599 86
(D)RABNESS 16042 86
TAINTED 511 71
TWINIER 1760 69
GROSSEs 20147 62
TURDION 1552 72
FiDGETS 9846 70
NARGiLE 328 78
TOELESS 9652 72
URaNI(T)IC 5648 68
SHeRIAT 848 91
RE(E)DIEST 1719 63
OU(T)FAcES 6153 74
UnSNARL 9689 75
ANADEMS 5794 79
gEsTAPO 2823 81
TENURES 1377 76
N(E)GATION 290 68
OUTeATE(N) 671 78
REFUGIA 2337 77
SELLING 9546 88
VITRI(O)LS 7436 76
UPHROES 10778 74
ANTIWAR 2907 75
LENTAN(D)o 1077 131
The of bingos played by the player that were not challenged off.
Triple Triples
Type Play Probability Score
OUT(S)HaME 8829 158
SAI(N)tDOM 2306 140
diVERG(E)S 6882 155
CEN(T)RIST 6904 140
LENTAN(D)o 1077 131
Triple triples played by the player that were not challenged off. They do not have to be bingos.
Bingo Nines or Above
Type Play Probability Score
O(BE)SITIES 10712 63
REAV(AI)LED 1744 78
EASTERN(ER) 2346 61
ALIEN(AG)ES 1336 72
VITRIO(LI)c 25018 72
(PI)ASTEREd* 0 72
(BE)ATBOXER 26597 90
BAYO(NE)TtE* 0 84
Bingos played by the player that were nine letters or longer and were not challenged off.
Challenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were challenged off by an opponent.
Unchallenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
OT* 0 24
FAAED* 0 24
(BID)DED* 0 13
COPE(K)* 0 32
POtJE* 0 68
(PI)ASTEREd* 0 72
BAYO(NE)TtE* 0 84
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were not challenged by an opponent.
Plays That Were Challenged
Type Play Probability Score
(M)Y(N)AE* 0 0
(BED)E* 0 0
PAWA 4394 17
APPLIER 15332 70
EUTAXIT(E) 9255 69
VOM(E)N* 0 0
E(D)EN* 0 0
HEXOnE 7709 74
QUA(G)gISh* 0 0
BRUnCH(IF)Y* 0 0
fROGW(OMA)N* 0 0
ROSOLIO 11326 68
POSTOR(A)L 12137 64
OUT(S)HaME 8829 158
FORB(A)D 11458 25
SP(A)ROIDS 11249 76
YONNIES 6197 79
UPHrOES 15057 87
(O)VERBAD* 0 0
BI(N)DWEED 18230 80
DOCIBLE 10690 80
ROTTERS 6435 78
(BE)ATBOXER 26597 90
ME(S)HwORK 35126 67
FIACRES 5752 91
(R)UTTY 9728 27
SLICKEN 18497 78
J(a)PP* 0 0
fAGGOTE(D) 19599 86
OU(T)FAcES 6153 74
GAMBOlE* 0 0
(B)IBLIC* 0 0
Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Opponent Lists
Type Play Probability Score
R(E)SOLDeR 5288 62
DILUTI(O)N 3685 68
METERA(G)E 6295 65
T(R)UsTIER 7436 64
MELLO(W)ED 20868 66
LINGuAE 703 73
(V)IRUcIDE 12148 74
TRIEnNI(A) 408 74
INDOLEs 473 80
SENNITS 12073 76
CAThOUS(E) 8576 68
ORACIES 414 96
TWISTeR 8824 97
TARTANE 2239 74
ESTIMA(T)E 4860 167
yAUTIAS 11420 64
IMPRESS 23364 79
NOLIT(I)ON 12297 70
BREVETS 15408 89
fRUMEN(T)Y 17594 98
RELEGAT(E) 3725 61
PLO(S)IVES 24914 64
(O)UTLEARN 131 70
(S)ELADANG 6838 62
oSTINAT(O) 4138 59
(V)ERSEMEN 16004 92
(A)ERATORs 1419 66
MIN(U)TIAE 1184 72
LINIME(N)T 8482 64
STROKER 10806 92
ZE(B)RINES 10724 71
(D)EPUTIES 5085 86
(S)HAmANIC 20176 89
DARTLES 1093 75
bRUNETT(E) 9379 74
(A)NDAnTES 4327 68
(C)OHESION 7872 92
kELOIdS 6599 77
TRIENEs 212 77
FAUcETS 9566 76
ERBIUMS 9670 78
MaRLINS 4755 72
ELITIST 5565 63
RAN(D)IEST 63 86
(T)RANSECT 4991 83
NEUR(U)LAE 4847 60
SIGnALE(D) 1074 70
RUBAsSE 12271 89
LAMI(N)ATE 1148 61
CANTERs 1509 95
EOLIThS 2713 68
NEROLIS 175 74
RADIATE(D) 2349 74
A(C)EqUIAS 13541 61
EMANaNT 6909 72
S(E)ABOARD 3046 76
MARINER 2009 76
HAVIORS 6974 83
SWOUnED 6139 82
HEaVIER 2738 72
BORATES 835 79
INTRIN(C)E 7613 64
(T)ESTATUM 28588 83
SHElL(I)NG 24071 94
NoTATED 998 72
STAR(F)ISH 19367 68
(P)ONDEREd 10526 83
AIR(D)ROME 2297 62
OUTR(A)NGE 244 65
LeAFIES(T) 1466 92
SPIRALS 14671 72
AIRTHED 612 66
(C)OALIEST 512 72
TOEIEsT 1552 67
COVINES 6833 76
GRANOlA 4043 68
AIGLETS 727 79
AUTOPEN(S) 1328 83
TRICEPS 9551 71
PERIgYN(Y) 23619 99
KARATES 6374 80
BORAGES 2795 73
TR(I)BRACh 28821 67
NEEDiNG 7113 67
N(O)NIDEAL 422 63
ABaLONE 2241 69
SCORNER 7121 84
RECOIN(E)D 1055 67
GRATINE(E) 105 70
THER(M)ALS 11920 67
TRINARy 5681 64
REFIXED 16090 102
UNWEAVE 11129 70
IgNA(T)IAS 6727 59
GOITRes 389 71
N(O)NSOLID 11270 74
ELASTIN 103 77
ARSINES 1326 84
AMI(T)OTIC 13861 64
RE(B)ATINg 738 140
(O)ESTRONE 835 62
(C)RANNoGE 4811 72
WAISTIN(G) 12278 66
SCORIAE 404 89
SAUNTED 1476 72
(G)REGaLES 16763 83
TANNATE 6498 78
APOLUN(E)S 2653 72
FEiS(T)IlY 12675 84
EBONIZE 8846 75
UTILISe 3571 80
(D)ECORATE 1021 65
LOAFERs 2597 68
CRISTAE 824 76
INT(O)RTED 459 68
BORNEOL 4992 67
(D)EUTERON 489 70
tEE(T)HING 8054 72
(S)OLDERER 5096 77
TUNNIES 2731 84
METAGES 5500 71
SO(L)ANDER 305 70
SEMILOG 4995 81
LAN(N)ERET 1655 58
(H)AURIeNT 534 83
OUTRIDE 174 70
TEACART 6908 71
INFiRMS 15491 79
NOVATES 1216 81
ENCLOSE(R) 4880 68
(I)NTERNEt 4510 74
AZOTIzE 18496 100
NEAREST 276 79
VERA(N)DAS 6443 63
ARTE(R)IES 662 82
hERITO(R)S 4675 72
RADIATE 127 68
ALINERS 132 68
SESTINA 1330 79
fATHOM(E)D 11312 76
PIThIER 7440 74
OpENERS 2538 84
SOIrEES 2388 64
(H)ApTENIC 7238 89
dELETIO(N) 217 64
(R)ATLINES 70 77
BRI(S)TLER* 0 61
SH(E)ITANS 7133 74
(G)ENEROUS 2747 80
ANTIRA(P)E 481 70
SUIcIDE 8629 88
VERN(I)ERS 8432 76
THEEING 4501 84
TANKERs 4796 75
(M)IrEPOIX 16544 74
SUgARIE(R) 3035 66
mONISHE(D) 6490 86
OStRAKA 9408 76
(D)WELLING 17363 102
HIsTONE 931 79
rEARMIC(E) 7581 86
GRISTLE 1664 75
SLURREd 10434 77
FACTOID 6705 78
A(N)TIKiNG 16921 203
TESTOON 4660 67
NATTERS 1292 74
GUNNERs 9500 68
SABEING 2405 81
CESARI(A)N 1135 62
INFANTS 11858 92
ANT(I)sLIP 9562 76
AMIDOnE 414 77
PUREEIN(G) 6134 72
BOTHIEs 6795 74
BAnSHIE 5737 107
GAUNtRY 9425 78
RETS(I)NAS 919 73
ROUTERs 3235 66
(C)OCREATE 8890 76
STEL(L)ATE 11716 59
LOSINGS 17889 71
ALU(M)INES 2948 70
LAZURI(T)E 3471 70
INERTI(A)E 55 73
pROTEI(D)E 795 82
NITERIE 287 71
INERTlY 1549 82
GRO(T)TOES 7815 62
(K)NEAdERS 5703 86
ADWOMEN 4829 88
TODDIES 4668 77
TORDI(O)NS 3181 65
G(R)UFFEST 33254 66
MATUReD 2985 65
(e)VeNINGS 11221 70
REGRATE(D) 3997 83
WIREMEN 5145 83
LEAVENS 5353 74
NOOkIER 3993 76
SLAYING 8990 85
pERSONA(L) 1271 74
AIRpLAN(E) 1150 74
GENTLES 4359 68
KIRTLEs 5905 101
(G)YROIdAL 6010 80
AUNTIES 118 85
VULgARS 15268 75
SENECIO 1193 66
WANTING 10462 81
MIDDIES 15710 80
TOURACO 6835 64
(T)EMPORAL 3721 86
CL(A)YIEST 7277 84
LITERO(S)E 223 70
IOD(I)NATE 47 68
BLAZOnS 16277 91
SETlINE 579 86
NEGATIV(E) 1034 74
LANCIE(R)S 958 73
EM(B)ODIES 10325 76
LUTINGs 11312 81
ROSEBAY 4798 82
FRISKED 13538 103
NITRATE 254 91
HALLIAN 21091 78
COUNSEl 6109 76
AUNTIES 118 66
TOvARIC(H) 10598 76
vEnETIA(N) 2546 71
Q(U)EENIES 15337 84
(B)ARMIEST 4285 86
ANNEXI(N)G 28182 88
LITANIE(S) 396 62
TRiDEN(T)S 2774 82
RED(W)INGS 8125 167
RUStLER 10963 85
SMaRTER 6233 80
IDOLATE(R) 11 72
GLOATER 368 70
COHOLDE(R) 14818 74
THERMOS 7795 108
VALINES 1483 82
SA(G)INATE 796 68
CASSENA 18209 82
LIFECAR(E) 5552 64
ANTIQUE 2339 90
(H)ANDcART 21429 74
DISAG(R)EE 913 61
TRAWLED 4161 78
(O)VErDOES 7279 72
QUERI(D)AS 4552 108
ATr(O)PINE 53 61
NiTrOSO 2219 74
UNCRATE 2051 90
WOOLIES 6743 76
SESTINA 1834 91
PINEWOO(D) 10856 86
ARDRIG(H)S 22345 89
UNCRATE(D) 3073 86
DeSTINE 552 74
UNLADEn 6760 68
ROOSTED 2783 73
DAIKERS 4606 92
(T)IMARAUs 9323 70
(R)EMEDIAT 802 65
T(R)IGONAL 630 68
THALAMI 17180 83
DELAINE 251 66
ShINILY 24455 81
INTRUdE 558 68
DAYSIDE 9176 82
DETOXES 7867 91
LEASiNG 700 77
AIRIEsT 136 67
INVOLU(T)E 1346 83
TORTILE 1028 66
COVARI(E)D 1927 78
APERIE(N)T 298 72
U(R)BANEST 3004 61
N(O)RTENAS 589 59
CROTAL(U)M 16452 66
DOWELED 19653 87
CITTERN 3694 77
STINTER 1300 72
SNACKIN(G) 23880 90
VE(S)TIARY 3201 65
TENORI(T)E 262 68
ALIzA(R)IN 10764 64
STOURIE 184 73
SURVeIL 5452 74
SCORERS 16674 74
OR(B)ITALs 2289 70
The of bingos played by the player that were not challenged off.
Triple Triples
Type Play Probability Score
ESTIMA(T)E 4860 167
RAIn(B)I(R)d 11045 72
RE(B)ATINg 738 140
A(N)TIKiNG 16921 203
RED(W)INGS 8125 167
Triple triples played by the player that were not challenged off. They do not have to be bingos.
Challenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were challenged off by an opponent.
Unchallenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
(M)ONAE* 0 14
GLUMP* 0 30
EVEW* 0 32
(HI)CKING* 0 20
(ACYL)IC* 0 39
F(i)B(R)ED* 0 22
AC(H)EY* 0 51
HARLE* 0 24
BRI(S)TLER* 0 61
NIDOL* 0 27
PANAY* 0 28
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were not challenged by an opponent.
Plays That Were Challenged
Type Play Probability Score
NOUP 2777 28
RELIT 168 20
KE(s)H 4611 42
PLO(S)IVES 24914 64
(J)OLTER 4095 39
UG 108 0
FAVE 2091 36
TOW(HE)AD 6744 56
THER(M)ALS 11920 67
BL(E)H* 0 0
BH(E)L 3743 30
(G)REGaLES 16763 83
GITES 681 0
PEART 574 34
IN(T)OWn 5679 54
EKE 484 0
ALINERS 132 68
(TI)YIN 5091 24
O(C)REA 346 21
KORUN 7123 23
SPROD 6917 35
ANT(I)sLIP 9562 76
PHR(E)NItE* 0 0
sTRIPY 13557 0
TORDI(O)NS 3181 65
NEVA* 0 0
HALLIAN 21091 78
sPAVINE* 0 0
Q(U)EENIES 15337 84
CUNI(T) 4658 20
CASSENA 18209 82
VENDIS 4426 53
PINEWOO(D) 10856 86
DARZI 4762 77
Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Game Stats
Stat Average Total
Games 1.00 141
Invalid Games 0.03 4
Incomplete 0.03 4
Disconnected 0.00 0
Other 0.00 0
Total Turns 25.35 3575
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Player Stats
Stat Average Total
Wins 0.48 67
Score 428.31 60392
Score per Turn 33.7952
Turns 12.67 1787
Vertical Plays 5.66 798
Horizontal Plays 5.82 820
One Tile Plays 0.60 84
Other Plays 0.60 85
Firsts 0.54 76
Vertical Openings per First 0.9355
Horizontal Openings per First 0.0645
Full Rack per Turn 0.3721
Exchanges 0.40 56
High Game 631
Low Game 283
Highest Scoring Turn 158
Bingos Played 2.30 324
Sevens 1.19 168
Eights 1.04 147
Nines 0.06 9
Tens 0.00 0
Elevens 0.00 0
Twelves 0.00 0
Thirteens 0.00 0
Fourteens 0.00 0
Fifteens 0.00 0
Bingo Probabilities 6683.19
Sevens 5666.71
Eights 7656.77
Nines 11292.17
Tens 0.00
Elevens 0.00
Twelves 0.00
Thirteens 0.00
Fourteens 0.00
Fifteens 0.00
Tiles Played 48.22 6799
A 4.33 611
B 0.99 139
C 0.99 140
D 2.06 290
E 5.74 809
F 0.93 131
G 1.50 212
H 1.01 142
I 4.24 598
J 0.52 74
K 0.48 68
L 1.86 262
M 0.99 140
N 2.80 395
O 3.98 561
P 1.01 143
Q 0.43 60
R 2.89 407
S 1.91 270
T 2.72 383
U 1.89 267
V 0.91 129
W 0.96 136
X 0.60 85
Y 0.99 140
Z 0.50 71
? 0.96 136
Power Tiles Played 4.94 696
? 0.96 136
J 0.52 74
Q 0.43 60
X 0.60 85
Z 0.50 71
S 1.91 270
Power Tiles Stuck With 0.12 17
? 0.05 7
J 0.00 0
Q 0.01 2
X 0.00 0
Z 0.01 1
S 0.05 7
Turns With a Blank 1.13 160
Triple Triples Played 0.04 5
Bingoless Games 0.03 4
Bonus Square Coverage 15.40 2172
Double Letter 5.22 736
Triple Letter 5.10 719
Double Word 2.79 394
Triple Word 2.29 323
Phony Plays 0.19 27
Unchallenged 0.07 10
Challenged Off 0.12 17
Challenges 0.60 84
You Won 0.13 19
Opponent Lost 0.16 22
You Lost 0.18 26
Opponent Won 0.12 17
Challenge Percentage 0.4222
Defending Challenge Percentage 0.5641
Percentage Phonies Unchallenged 0.3704
Comments 6.81 960
Comments Word Length 140.02 19743
Mistakeless Turns 12.67 1787
Mistakes per Turn 0.0000
Mistakes 0.00 0
Knowledge 0.00 0
Finding 0.00 0
Vision 0.00 0
Tactics 0.00 0
Strategy 0.00 0
Endgame 0.00 0
Time 0.00 0
Dynamic Mistakes 0.00 0
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Player Confidence Intervals
Tile p CI
A 0.4811 (0.4461, 0.5183)
B 0.4950 (0.4056, 0.5588)
C 0.4950 (0.4056, 0.5588)
D 0.5150 (0.4280, 0.5364)
E 0.4783 (0.4509, 0.5135)
F 0.4650 (0.4056, 0.5588)
G 0.5000 (0.4196, 0.5448)
H 0.5050 (0.4056, 0.5588)
I 0.4711 (0.4461, 0.5183)
J 0.5200 (0.3738, 0.5906)
K 0.4800 (0.3738, 0.5906)
L 0.4650 (0.4280, 0.5364)
M 0.4950 (0.4056, 0.5588)
N 0.4667 (0.4379, 0.5265)
O 0.4975 (0.4439, 0.5205)
P 0.5050 (0.4056, 0.5588)
Q 0.4300 (0.3738, 0.5906)
R 0.4817 (0.4379, 0.5265)
S 0.4775 (0.4280, 0.5364)
T 0.4533 (0.4379, 0.5265)
U 0.4725 (0.4280, 0.5364)
V 0.4550 (0.4056, 0.5588)
W 0.4800 (0.4056, 0.5588)
X 0.6000 (0.3738, 0.5906)
Y 0.4950 (0.4056, 0.5588)
Z 0.5000 (0.3738, 0.5906)
? 0.4800 (0.4056, 0.5588)
To learn more about these statistics, check the 'Confidence Intervals' section on the about page.
Opponent Stats
Stat Average Total
Wins 0.52 74
Score 429.75 60595
Score per Turn 33.8898
Turns 12.68 1788
Vertical Plays 5.59 788
Horizontal Plays 6.04 852
One Tile Plays 0.57 81
Other Plays 0.48 67
Firsts 0.46 65
Vertical Openings per First 0.0714
Horizontal Openings per First 0.9286
Full Rack per Turn 0.9245
Exchanges 0.27 38
High Game 615
Low Game 297
Highest Scoring Turn 203
Bingos Played 2.13 300
Sevens 1.06 150
Eights 1.06 150
Nines 0.00 0
Tens 0.00 0
Elevens 0.00 0
Twelves 0.00 0
Thirteens 0.00 0
Fourteens 0.00 0
Fifteens 0.00 0
Bingo Probabilities 6270.93
Sevens 5660.40
Eights 6881.46
Nines 0.00
Tens 0.00
Elevens 0.00
Twelves 0.00
Thirteens 0.00
Fourteens 0.00
Fifteens 0.00
Tiles Played 49.04 6914
A 4.48 631
B 0.98 138
C 0.96 136
D 1.87 264
E 5.95 839
F 1.04 146
G 1.42 200
H 0.94 133
I 4.44 626
J 0.48 67
K 0.51 72
L 1.98 279
M 0.96 136
N 2.98 420
O 3.80 536
P 0.89 126
Q 0.55 77
R 2.88 406
S 1.99 281
T 3.08 434
U 1.97 278
V 1.03 145
W 1.00 141
X 0.40 56
Y 1.00 141
Z 0.48 68
? 0.98 138
Power Tiles Played 4.87 687
? 0.98 138
J 0.48 67
Q 0.55 77
X 0.40 56
Z 0.48 68
S 1.99 281
Power Tiles Stuck With 0.07 10
? 0.01 1
J 0.00 0
Q 0.01 2
X 0.00 0
Z 0.01 1
S 0.04 6
Turns With a Blank 1.86 262
Triple Triples Played 0.04 5
Bingoless Games 0.03 4
Bonus Square Coverage 16.03 2260
Double Letter 5.48 773
Triple Letter 5.30 748
Double Word 2.93 413
Triple Word 2.31 326
Phony Plays 0.23 32
Unchallenged 0.09 13
Challenged Off 0.13 19
Challenges 0.60 84
You Won 0.12 17
Opponent Lost 0.18 26
You Lost 0.16 22
Opponent Won 0.13 19
Challenge Percentage 0.4359
Defending Challenge Percentage 0.5778
Percentage Phonies Unchallenged 0.4062
Comments 6.81 960
Comments Word Length 140.02 19743
Mistakeless Turns 12.52 1765
Mistakes per Turn 0.0134
Mistakes 0.17 24
Knowledge 0.04 5
Finding 0.04 6
Vision 0.04 5
Tactics 0.01 1
Strategy 0.04 5
Endgame 0.01 2
Time 0.00 0
Dynamic Mistakes 0.00 0
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Opponent Confidence Intervals
Tile p CI
A 0.4978 (0.4543, 0.5265)
B 0.4900 (0.4137, 0.5671)
C 0.4800 (0.4137, 0.5671)
D 0.4675 (0.4362, 0.5446)
E 0.4958 (0.4591, 0.5217)
F 0.5200 (0.4137, 0.5671)
G 0.4733 (0.4278, 0.5530)
H 0.4700 (0.4137, 0.5671)
I 0.4933 (0.4543, 0.5265)
J 0.4800 (0.3820, 0.5988)
K 0.5100 (0.3820, 0.5988)
L 0.4950 (0.4362, 0.5446)
M 0.4800 (0.4137, 0.5671)
N 0.4967 (0.4461, 0.5347)
O 0.4750 (0.4521, 0.5287)
P 0.4450 (0.4137, 0.5671)
Q 0.5500 (0.3820, 0.5988)
R 0.4800 (0.4461, 0.5347)
S 0.4975 (0.4362, 0.5446)
T 0.5133 (0.4461, 0.5347)
U 0.4925 (0.4362, 0.5446)
V 0.5150 (0.4137, 0.5671)
W 0.5000 (0.4137, 0.5671)
X 0.4000 (0.3820, 0.5988)
Y 0.5000 (0.4137, 0.5671)
Z 0.4800 (0.3820, 0.5988)
? 0.4900 (0.4137, 0.5671)
To learn more about these statistics, check the 'Confidence Intervals' section on the about page.
Opponent Mistakes
Play Type Size Comment
8G LOB +10 Strategy Small
8D BAILOR #strategysmall
exch OUUU +0 Knowledge Large
I5 URU(B)U #knowledgesaddest
F1 RHOS +37 Knowledge Large
A12 GORP +34 Finding Small
A12 GOLP #findingsad
2M OU +11 Vision Small
A4 FO(G)LE +39 Finding Large
G3 SN(EE)ZY +55 Vision Large
N4 NAZ(IF)Y doesn't create an opening. #visionsaddest
3B ADORE(S) +14 Finding Large
3B ADOOR(S) #findingsaddest
7G I(T)A +5 Tactics Large
This leave is too vowel heavy, apparently. 9A AIA is fine. #tacticssaddest
10I DUI +9 Strategy Large
C8 (D)U(P) is best. I failed to recognize that after C8 (D)U(P) the B is rarely blocked. #strategysaddest
L1 JELL +40 Finding Large
8J J(I)LLET #findingsaddest
5I RO(R)Y +22 Vision Large
6A TRICEPS +71 Endgame Large
13M T(OM) is best, lmao. #endgamesaddest
8H AUA +6 Strategy Small
CoCo Seattle Scrabble tournament round 5. I have heard it said that on an opening turn, one should exchange rather than playing a low-scoring vowel dump, to avoid allowing eights. That is especially true here, as I can keep a better leave after exchanging AOU. #strategysmall
10F GOOSE +19 Strategy Medium
7F GOEL# is the clear best play, as it preserves the closed position and keeps the best possible leave, including an S to hook onto AUA# or LUV. #strategymedium
12A WAGED +31 Vision Medium
I saw GAWD# at D1 before it was blocked, but not at 5K. Oops. #visionmedium
N4 TR(I)BRACh +67 Finding Medium
N1 CaTBRIAR/CATBRIeR. #findingmedium
O1 WILI +27 Knowledge Medium
The only bingos are 1G WHIlLIED# and WHILlIED, which I did not know. However, Quackle prefers 13A IWI#, which keeps a better leave than WILI# (including two vowels, which is important given the consonant-heavy pool) and gives me a chance to play a bingo from 1H-1O next turn. I considered 9M WAI#, with the same idea; but WAI performs slightly worse than IWI and the bingos, likely because it blocks column L. #strategymedium #knowledgemedium
O1 WILI +27 Strategy Medium
The only bingos are 1G WHIlLIED# and WHILlIED, which I did not know. However, Quackle prefers 13A IWI#, which keeps a better leave than WILI# (including two vowels, which is important given the consonant-heavy pool) and gives me a chance to play a bingo from 1H-1O next turn. I considered 9M WAI#, with the same idea; but WAI performs slightly worse than IWI and the bingos, likely because it blocks column L. #strategymedium #knowledgemedium
4J (B)AYOU +20 Vision Large
A1 FAU(V)E +33 Knowledge Small
#KNOWLEDGESAD for the nonchallenge coming up.
H1 DARZI +82 Finding Large
O5 DELI +49 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesmall for the challenge.
M12 WIV(E) +25 Endgame Small
M12 WIP(E) is 2 points better. #endgamesmall
The listing of all of the player's mistakes. For more information about mistakes, check the 'Mistakes' section of the about page.
Game Line Error
Game 624 26 Game is incomplete.
Game 12774 31 Game is incomplete.
Game 18017 7 Game is incomplete.
Game 28864 40 Game is incomplete.
Errors are (most likely) the result of malformed GCG files. To learn more, check the 'Errors and Warnings' section in the about page.