Paul Holser
Paul Holser
Color Key
= Triple Triple
= Bingo 9+
= Improbable
= +
= +
= +
= + +
Player Lists
Type Play Probability Score
ORATIOn 286 64
CaRBUR(E)T 13294 63
S(a)MPLERS 20066 78
E(L)EVATeD 7362 65
(T)UNGsTEN 17333 62
LI(Q)UORED 5762 86
(J)INGLERS 10043 84
BANTERs 1506 72
R(E)ADORNS 1080 149
WADDIEs 9575 79
AGON(I)ZES 2383 122
lABORIN(G) 3623 64
tEMP(l)ATE 14394 83
AWAItIN(G) 9495 74
RO(O)TAGES 937 63
SATCHEL 9571 82
ExPOUND 14999 82
U(P)RATING 5508 72
MATRIXe(S) 6655 68
ENcASES 11102 66
IVOrIE(S)T 1695 78
(Y)OUNGEST 7361 92
URE(T)HANE 1520 72
QuITTOR 12994 95
GRISONS 10561 70
WAITRON(S) 1116 67
gRE(E)NIES 2707 78
SOZINEs 11541 86
RATLINS 1014 72
DEAeRAT(E) 2172 68
ESS(A)YING 10407 66
(O)dOMETER 4722 63
SEnDING 6889 74
BA(T)HROOm 20157 80
WILDEST 5664 99
(C)OPIABlE 8398 76
CONTES(T)S 18118 61
HETAErA 2511 82
VIBR(A)TOs 5908 70
TEENS(I)ER 861 68
VENeRAT(E) 2522 78
NELLIES 6331 75
IMPoN(I)NG 23197 74
(G)RATINEE 85 63
LENTIGO 405 63
EnM(I)TIES 3507 131
ME(G)ABITS 7969 176
SALTiNG 2778 76
ThEOLO(G)S 11831 131
NICETIE(S) 3486 76
E(L)EcTION 831 64
TENACIT(Y) 6915 76
BORAXES 8714 114
SANGERS 7380 68
ANTIRAP(E) 509 72
LAcTATE(D) 12555 68
GALIlEE 5374 78
TOLERAN(T) 479 60
TrIBADE 618 85
OEDIPAL 856 69
DOUCeUR 13920 65
sTEAMIE 1063 86
L(I)CENSeD 5334 70
LENiTED 590 61
SATINET 554 81
OVA(T)iONS 3455 61
PITCHER(S) 14724 82
ASSAYER 13630 98
sOURCES 13927 75
SArTO(R)II 2476 57
PANTILE 682 72
(N)EGROIDS 692 86
LI(G)ATURE 475 62
SEEDI(E)ST 10747 72
DeAERAT(E) 2172 61
(J)ETLINER 3328 67
PEdUNC(L)E 16837 72
SALLIER 2882 65
(I)MPuLSES 23787 86
CRAN(K)IER 10504 70
R(E)UNITED 386 60
ATOPIES 337 67
HADARIM 13120 74
(S)CRANNEL 8315 83
EARMARk 18090 62
TA(R)LATAN 15795 68
R(A)DICALS 10570 76
SIDEHI(L)L 20031 76
CaTLIKE 7785 88
WINDI(N)GS 23627 64
CA(S)EATEd 5855 67
V(I)OLATES 575 72
aNNEALE(D) 5416 60
(C)ATMINTS 15925 89
(W)aXINESS 17896 84
TIp(c)ARTS 16739 113
WORRIES 4457 73
PE(R)FORCE 20341 88
ReVERE(N)D 16021 78
DRESSeR 16514 75
UNIQUES 16612 90
BUNIONS 12745 74
(U)NRIPEST 2398 70
MEs(O)GLEA 5137 62
(R)OUTINES 105 77
hEINIES 4574 66
(G)IMLETED 7508 64
BIOTINS 6264 83
(G)ENTIlES 1651 77
tRAILED 80 71
pRO(T)EGEE 7645 66
STEELIE 2627 77
(O)UTHEARS 1386 63
BROMIZE 13643 104
ISO(B)ATHs 17978 167
SI(T)UATED 2072 74
TREATER 4392 82
B(R)AVAdOs 16384 61
(J)AROSITE 705 82
(O)RDINALS 740 86
ACINOUS 3344 74
REPLYI(N)G 11432 78
(C)LEaNSER 3016 80
DESTROY 3907 92
RENEWER(S) 16012 95
(S)ALARIED 798 70
(C)APERING 4871 76
PE(N)ITENT 10781 78
SWOONeD 8064 78
SPIRULa 7918 72
NUMErA(L)S 4505 72
CODIFIE(D) 19432 98
CLERGI(E)S 7139 62
D(E)fEATED 15568 68
G(R)OSSeST 22450 69
tACRINE 219 68
(R)IVULETS 4325 76
OR(N)ATELY 591 74
sENECIO 1255 86
OUTfIRE 925 69
TERNIO(N)S 488 70
PATINAE 788 74
ERUCTI(N)G 3519 78
dOOBIES 4942 71
SNAILED 395 89
PIGTA(I)lS 12854 61
DIlATED 2871 71
RESTATE 1892 78
fUSAINS 15307 73
VERTISO(L) 1475 86
REDWOOD 15429 80
(D)IERESIS 8348 63
tOIl(W)ORN 5696 131
AlANINE 1598 76
SHOALER 1873 81
TApESTR(Y) 13334 83
AGUeWEE(D) 12779 70
ENVIRoS 956 76
TOADIEs 35 67
PUNNIER 6294 63
pAROLES 1881 68
AQ(U)iLINE 5138 86
ICEBERG 9835 73
NEGATOR(S) 243 80
HEROINS 928 77
ASPERsE 10647 80
ACARINE 782 70
LIAISED 1263 69
TrIASSI(C) 15625 76
HORNETS 1980 84
(R)EUNIONS 1102 60
DEF(I)LING 9694 102
mONISHE(D) 6826 63
R(A)ReFIES 3697 70
DA(N)AZOLs 15491 91
REVISEd 3979 71
REPLA(C)ER 15123 74
WALNUTS 11079 91
ANERgIA(S) 599 66
(E)NGENDER 12234 78
ME(L)ANiZE 7781 88
UNRE(N)TEd 5027 113
STrETTO 11656 77
REIgNI(T)E 843 66
MI(N)UTIAE 1184 68
ANDESY(T)E 3057 68
HOMINEs 5128 79
TRELlIS 5422 72
GrUNGE(R)S 22969 140
(G)rADIENT 148 83
GRADATE 2145 74
(I)RITISES 13188 70
L(E)VuLINE* 0 67
DITHERs 3249 76
FORTIES 970 76
EGO(T)IZEd 5794 86
mU(R)IATED 1032 80
Ho(R)NDOGS 18817 76
TINWARE 230 71
ELEGIZe 14051 84
ENACTED 2065 90
DEVEINs 4149 69
REPAYI(N)g 4885 78
RADiAN(C)E 1193 70
ENTRAIN 192 92
OVERSEA 1245 86
TELECOM 9043 69
sILURID 9842 66
VIBRANT(S) 8242 65
The of bingos played by the player that were not challenged off.
Triple Triples
Type Play Probability Score
R(E)ADORNS 1080 149
EnM(I)TIES 3507 131
ME(G)ABITS 7969 176
ThEOLO(G)S 11831 131
TIp(c)ARTS 16739 113
H(E)R(E)INTO 284 99
ISO(B)ATHs 17978 167
tOIl(W)ORN 5696 131
UNRE(N)TEd 5027 113
GrUNGE(R)S 22969 140
Triple triples played by the player that were not challenged off. They do not have to be bingos.
Challenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were challenged off by an opponent.
Unchallenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
BACUL(A)R* 0 28
HONGIS* 0 24
L(E)VuLINE* 0 67
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were not challenged by an opponent.
Plays That Were Challenged
Type Play Probability Score
GANOV* 0 0
WINDI(N)GS 23627 64
lAVABOs 16039 0
VOMITA(L)* 0 0
ORALiSE* 0 0
D(U)ALIZE 5742 27
SRI 155 0
Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Opponent Lists
Type Play Probability Score
FUSI(L)EER 5360 65
DONAT(I)VE 205 86
(E)ASEmENT 4744 61
(H)AIRLINE 1180 74
(R)ESIDING 2824 90
(S)ENTINEL 2573 60
ESTR(A)NGE 746 86
A(N)THEMIC 7616 88
ENTI(C)ERs 1613 60
DE(S)eRTIC 2940 80
pRICIER 14129 64
RATTLES 2703 66
(E)NTRESOL 516 62
(B)ANDITrY 8230 65
A(r)MORIES 1774 82
sEALAN(T)S 7722 75
T(R)OUVERE 7116 72
(U)NSOILED 840 68
LONGEIN(G) 13458 86
hYPONEA(S) 11321 89
(A)MITROLE 198 83
TZI(G)ANES 4290 221
DENIERS 593 70
HARRIG(A)N* 0 72
TRIAGES 271 79
UNSOAKE(D) 5471 96
iNSTEAD 88 81
I(N)wARDLY 11682 82
SCALENE 4035 95
LON(g)HAIR 3640 74
(A)BDUCTOR 12242 65
BARTEND 1578 86
RETRAI(NE)E 478 61
nIDGETS 1734 65
VINIEST 3663 101
ANnULOS(E) 2362 74
THIRTE(E)N 3673 63
TURGITE 4452 68
bILSTED 5628 87
RECOINS 954 76
TRANS(U)DE 722 86
aEROSTA(T) 1499 74
SPOUTED 6397 77
DIALERS 423 66
DEMONI(S)H* 0 80
FOLIaGE 1365 80
THOR(N)ING 10836 76
SHOUtER 3918 87
REBUILT 3235 65
GANDERS 1638 83
SUBSETS 23851 82
SEASIdE 3758 75
TERMORS 7435 87
INDITER 502 74
RO(E)NTGEN 2622 60
LIATRIS 2382 69
SINUSES 19367 72
POWErED 9052 82
ECOGIFT 6863 83
AIRIEsT 145 79
LEA(F)IEST 1547 72
NOTI(F)IES 1691 65
F(L)ANNELs 20453 80
MI(s)EnROL 1466 70
NARGILE 256 68
REAL(T)ORS 1146 62
sEQUOI(A)S 10587 86
DERRIeS 3547 75
UNBrAID 4933 74
O(U)tLIVER 1475 74
TITIANS 5173 76
WEARIlY 4401 82
(S)orRIEST 5488 73
(M)UGGIEST 20808 68
TEEtER(I)N(G) 3632 68
DEEpENS 12072 79
(V)INOUSLY 16650 68
KEToNES 5288 78
hEMP(L)IKE 26582 82
ARGENTI(C) 782 64
INCE(N)TEd 6416 86
ADIOSES 1749 79
INOsItE 248 68
SWILING 16477 69
TREEINg 479 63
SANITA(T)E 1093 82
PINDeRS 3264 79
lI(G)ATURE 474 66
ARROWEd 4610 75
SoLACeR 1842 72
HEADIER 1044 80
LADRO(N)ES 323 72
BEAMIER 2735 71
cUNEATE 2182 68
BENISON 4627 65
IM(P)LODED 18867 78
NAIVETE 357 69
SEMIBAL(D) 8430 92
OuTLANd 2362 66
VeSTURA(L) 4518 74
INSANER 546 73
CARNIES 635 75
REWIReD 7712 88
ROUTINe 52 66
POTENCE 6096 82
RO(T)TENEr 4278 82
URiNATE 32 76
rEAVAIL 1780 71
NEROLIS 175 74
CITATI(O)N 5889 61
FERVENT 8466 83
WaITRON 746 82
OSTIOLE 988 71
CRAM(P)ONS 17693 82
NON(E)LITE 736 122
SENORit(AS) 171 64
(R)EALLOTS 2615 77
oUTWAST(E) 6049 70
STEn(O)TIC 3577 86
NIOBItE 1136 72
BINGERS 4722 74
TURISTA 4586 69
NOBLEST 3836 91
(r)OTARIES 145 61
PINH(O)LES 6509 102
WATERH(E)N 4094 65
RET(I)NTED 1232 63
HONKIEs 8393 76
ALUNITE 116 69
NEGATOr(Y) 980 94
GNAT(T)IER 669 72
FiTTIN(G)S 19919 76
SLEE(P)IER 7376 61
SOLACED 3568 69
EQuATOR 2337 109
PALADIN 8478 76
MARPlOT(S) 12922 92
INDOWI(N)G 17801 65
AVENUES 3931 92
(S)ORROwED 14146 70
O(U)TGAINs 1263 76
GUYl(I)NES 9543 78
APRON(I)NG 7530 72
BEIGNET 3376 71
NONAGEs 2701 80
SEVER(I)TY 6844 65
PLAGUER 7200 74
DOTTLeS 5690 92
BREWAGE 9832 90
(T)AUtENED 2547 77
(O)DORANTS 2365 80
LABIA(T)ED 2401 67
DILATOR(Y) 2304 64
STABLER 2926 66
SC(R)AWInG* 0 63
TIERCES 2147 98
(L)IMBUSES 22574 70
TAlIPOT(S) 8037 76
RUNTIER 1360 70
ADVERSE 4081 87
TOYlAN(D)S 7585 65
VIRIONs 6275 83
GIRASOL 1807 84
BARY(T)OnE 1995 194
(A)NTRORsE 457 74
HURTLEd 8676 82
C(A)NeWORK* 0 76
SELENI(D)E 3335 61
UNITIES 1291 69
MODERNS 3887 85
ZITHeRN 7945 77
ARDUOUS 11108 68
INT(R)OITS 4468 60
HE(R)ITAGE 1029 78
(F)URANoSE 1309 83
SPANNED 9007 80
SORTING 1851 75
ABUSING 9683 79
(d)ENOTERS* 0 74
V(A)LIDITY 16191 66
AER(O)LITH 209 94
SPIRALS 15311 83
REiNC(U)RS 8363 76
DaRNELS 1083 78
UREMIAS 1567 92
DIVERTS 3276 77
P(L)ATEAUS 7924 78
ENE(R)GIES 2852 63
BRAINED 614 72
CARLINS 4941 68
(T)ENTOrIA 43 74
AB(N)ORMAL 13590 66
ENDORSE 844 78
LIERNES 604 68
MInTIER 1844 66
D(I)STAINS 10227 74
SY(L)VATIC 20769 77
ONERIER 473 63
OUTSEEN 812 70
(E)RASABLE 5859 83
REMATED 2193 70
AREOL(A)TE 255 59
ANTIGEN(E) 945 70
ARiSTAE 137 81
KALIF(A)TE 10604 90
(A)CIERAtE 759 80
CONCED(E)S 20626 76
SMOThER 8135 77
WATApES 10725 75
GISARmE 2560 79
The of bingos played by the player that were not challenged off.
Triple Triples
Type Play Probability Score
TZI(G)ANES 4290 221
NON(E)LITE 736 122
BARY(T)OnE 1995 194
Triple triples played by the player that were not challenged off. They do not have to be bingos.
Bingo Nines or Above
Type Play Probability Score
RETRAI(NE)E 478 61
TEEtER(I)N(G) 3632 68
SENORit(AS) 171 64
Bingos played by the player that were nine letters or longer and were not challenged off.
Challenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
LECHT* 0 0
ALEES* 0 0
UNH(O)MELy* 0 0
RUSED* 0 0
MOONPI(E)* 0 0
BRIMY* 0 0
MU(R)* 0 0
(DE)C* 0 0
GAVOT(E)* 0 0
(I)NF(I)XT* 0 0
OT* 0 0
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were challenged off by an opponent.
Unchallenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were not challenged by an opponent.
Plays That Were Challenged
Type Play Probability Score
LECHT* 0 0
ZEST 2135 0
ABIDIN(G) 10450 24
UNH(O)MELy* 0 0
PRETELL 14313 0
O(U)tLIVER 1475 74
MOONPI(E)* 0 0
ISOGRAM 4845 0
BRIMY* 0 0
MU(R)* 0 0
WATERH(E)N 4094 65
(DE)C* 0 0
SORTING 1851 75
GAVOT(E)* 0 0
(I)NF(I)XT* 0 0
WATApES 10725 0
Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Notable Lists
Many Double Words Covered
Games in which at least 15 double word bonus squares were covered.
Game Stats
Stat Average Total
Games 1.00 115
Invalid Games 0.05 6
Incomplete 0.05 6
Disconnected 0.00 0
Other 0.00 0
Total Turns 25.54 2937
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Player Stats
Stat Average Total
Wins 0.48 55
Score 404.18 46481
Score per Turn 31.7060
Turns 12.75 1466
Vertical Plays 5.61 645
Horizontal Plays 6.22 715
One Tile Plays 0.35 40
Other Plays 0.57 66
Firsts 0.52 60
Vertical Openings per First 0.0000
Horizontal Openings per First 1.0000
Full Rack per Turn 0.3554
Exchanges 0.37 42
High Game 602
Low Game 238
Highest Scoring Turn 176
Bingos Played 1.83 211
Sevens 0.76 87
Eights 1.08 124
Nines 0.00 0
Tens 0.00 0
Elevens 0.00 0
Twelves 0.00 0
Thirteens 0.00 0
Fourteens 0.00 0
Fifteens 0.00 0
Bingo Probabilities 6957.41
Sevens 5620.89
Eights 7902.76
Nines 0.00
Tens 0.00
Elevens 0.00
Twelves 0.00
Thirteens 0.00
Fourteens 0.00
Fifteens 0.00
Tiles Played 47.96 5515
A 4.51 519
B 0.97 112
C 0.98 113
D 2.06 237
E 5.85 673
F 1.03 118
G 1.42 163
H 0.98 113
I 4.41 507
J 0.49 56
K 0.50 57
L 1.98 228
M 0.93 107
N 2.67 307
O 3.82 439
P 0.97 112
Q 0.42 48
R 2.86 329
S 1.77 204
T 2.80 322
U 1.77 204
V 0.92 106
W 0.89 102
X 0.43 49
Y 0.96 110
Z 0.50 58
? 1.06 122
Power Tiles Played 4.67 537
? 1.06 122
J 0.49 56
Q 0.42 48
X 0.43 49
Z 0.50 58
S 1.77 204
Power Tiles Stuck With 0.17 19
? 0.04 5
J 0.01 1
Q 0.02 2
X 0.00 0
Z 0.02 2
S 0.08 9
Turns With a Blank 1.30 149
Triple Triples Played 0.09 10
Bingoless Games 0.10 11
Bonus Square Coverage 15.85 1823
Double Letter 5.19 597
Triple Letter 5.56 639
Double Word 2.73 314
Triple Word 2.37 273
Phony Plays 0.10 12
Unchallenged 0.03 3
Challenged Off 0.08 9
Challenges 0.24 28
You Won 0.11 13
Opponent Lost 0.02 2
You Lost 0.03 4
Opponent Won 0.08 9
Challenge Percentage 0.7647
Defending Challenge Percentage 0.1818
Percentage Phonies Unchallenged 0.2500
Comments 8.73 1004
Comments Word Length 257.07 29563
Mistakeless Turns 12.75 1466
Mistakes per Turn 0.0000
Mistakes 0.00 0
Knowledge 0.00 0
Finding 0.00 0
Vision 0.00 0
Tactics 0.00 0
Strategy 0.00 0
Endgame 0.00 0
Time 0.00 0
Dynamic Mistakes 0.00 0
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Player Confidence Intervals
Tile p CI
A 0.5011 (0.4396, 0.5196)
B 0.4850 (0.3947, 0.5645)
C 0.4900 (0.3947, 0.5645)
D 0.5150 (0.4196, 0.5396)
E 0.4875 (0.4450, 0.5142)
F 0.5150 (0.3947, 0.5645)
G 0.4733 (0.4103, 0.5489)
H 0.4900 (0.3947, 0.5645)
I 0.4900 (0.4396, 0.5196)
J 0.4900 (0.3596, 0.5996)
K 0.5000 (0.3596, 0.5996)
L 0.4950 (0.4196, 0.5396)
M 0.4650 (0.3947, 0.5645)
N 0.4450 (0.4306, 0.5286)
O 0.4775 (0.4372, 0.5220)
P 0.4850 (0.3947, 0.5645)
Q 0.4200 (0.3596, 0.5996)
R 0.4767 (0.4306, 0.5286)
S 0.4425 (0.4196, 0.5396)
T 0.4667 (0.4306, 0.5286)
U 0.4425 (0.4196, 0.5396)
V 0.4600 (0.3947, 0.5645)
W 0.4450 (0.3947, 0.5645)
X 0.4300 (0.3596, 0.5996)
Y 0.4800 (0.3947, 0.5645)
Z 0.5000 (0.3596, 0.5996)
? 0.5300 (0.3947, 0.5645)
To learn more about these statistics, check the 'Confidence Intervals' section on the about page.
Opponent Stats
Stat Average Total
Wins 0.52 60
Score 413.74 47580
Score per Turn 32.3453
Turns 12.79 1471
Vertical Plays 6.14 706
Horizontal Plays 5.78 665
One Tile Plays 0.49 56
Other Plays 0.38 44
Firsts 0.48 55
Vertical Openings per First 0.3462
Horizontal Openings per First 0.6538
Full Rack per Turn 0.9701
Exchanges 0.17 20
High Game 558
Low Game 292
Highest Scoring Turn 221
Bingos Played 1.86 214
Sevens 0.93 107
Eights 0.90 104
Nines 0.03 3
Tens 0.00 0
Elevens 0.00 0
Twelves 0.00 0
Thirteens 0.00 0
Fourteens 0.00 0
Fifteens 0.00 0
Bingo Probabilities 5055.97
Sevens 4039.00
Eights 6265.08
Nines 1427.00
Tens 0.00
Elevens 0.00
Twelves 0.00
Thirteens 0.00
Fourteens 0.00
Fifteens 0.00
Tiles Played 49.49 5691
A 4.35 500
B 1.00 115
C 0.96 110
D 1.83 211
E 5.90 678
F 0.96 110
G 1.50 173
H 1.00 115
I 4.28 492
J 0.50 58
K 0.49 56
L 1.86 214
M 1.02 117
N 3.12 359
O 3.98 458
P 0.98 113
Q 0.56 64
R 2.95 339
S 2.15 247
T 3.03 348
U 1.99 229
V 1.03 119
W 1.07 123
X 0.57 66
Y 1.03 119
Z 0.48 55
? 0.90 103
Power Tiles Played 5.16 593
? 0.90 103
J 0.50 58
Q 0.56 64
X 0.57 66
Z 0.48 55
S 2.15 247
Power Tiles Stuck With 0.01 1
? 0.00 0
J 0.00 0
Q 0.01 1
X 0.00 0
Z 0.00 0
S 0.00 0
Turns With a Blank 2.08 239
Triple Triples Played 0.03 3
Bingoless Games 0.04 5
Bonus Square Coverage 15.78 1815
Double Letter 5.14 591
Triple Letter 5.39 620
Double Word 3.01 346
Triple Word 2.24 258
Phony Plays 0.23 26
Unchallenged 0.11 13
Challenged Off 0.11 13
Challenges 0.24 28
You Won 0.08 9
Opponent Lost 0.03 4
You Lost 0.02 2
Opponent Won 0.11 13
Challenge Percentage 0.8182
Defending Challenge Percentage 0.2353
Percentage Phonies Unchallenged 0.5000
Comments 8.73 1004
Comments Word Length 257.07 29563
Mistakeless Turns 12.61 1450
Mistakes per Turn 0.0156
Mistakes 0.20 23
Knowledge 0.03 4
Finding 0.07 8
Vision 0.00 0
Tactics 0.00 0
Strategy 0.06 7
Endgame 0.03 4
Time 0.00 0
Dynamic Mistakes 0.00 0
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Opponent Confidence Intervals
Tile p CI
A 0.4833 (0.4549, 0.5349)
B 0.5000 (0.4100, 0.5798)
C 0.4800 (0.4100, 0.5798)
D 0.4575 (0.4349, 0.5549)
E 0.4917 (0.4602, 0.5296)
F 0.4800 (0.4100, 0.5798)
G 0.5000 (0.4256, 0.5642)
H 0.5000 (0.4100, 0.5798)
I 0.4756 (0.4549, 0.5349)
J 0.5000 (0.3748, 0.6150)
K 0.4900 (0.3748, 0.6150)
L 0.4650 (0.4349, 0.5549)
M 0.5100 (0.4100, 0.5798)
N 0.5200 (0.4459, 0.5439)
O 0.4975 (0.4524, 0.5374)
P 0.4900 (0.4100, 0.5798)
Q 0.5600 (0.3748, 0.6150)
R 0.4917 (0.4459, 0.5439)
S 0.5375 (0.4349, 0.5549)
T 0.5050 (0.4459, 0.5439)
U 0.4975 (0.4349, 0.5549)
V 0.5150 (0.4100, 0.5798)
W 0.5350 (0.4100, 0.5798)
X 0.5700 (0.3748, 0.6150)
Y 0.5150 (0.4100, 0.5798)
Z 0.4800 (0.3748, 0.6150)
? 0.4500 (0.4100, 0.5798)
To learn more about these statistics, check the 'Confidence Intervals' section on the about page.
Opponent Mistakes
Play Type Size Comment
H4 TURGITE +68 Knowledge Large
GUTTIER seems best. I just couldn't pull the trigger, was not convinced there were two words in this rack. #knowledgesaddest
2G PUDU +22 Finding Small
A4 (M)UDPIE just scores too well #findingsmall
H4 PETTO +20 Strategy Small
This was just a clear misevaluation of an opening position I think. The math in my head was all wrong. There are three plays better than this one, I like VET the best #strategysmall
4H (P)I(N)ONE +31 Knowledge Large
was pretty sure this was phony #knowledgelarge
A12 WILE +42 Endgame Small
K7 J(U)N is best. -4 #endgamesmall
J9 OY +29 Finding Medium
i was annoyed here and only looked for a bingo briefly. i figured it wouldn't be worth to bingo in some situations, but i should have looked a little harder, thornily and nitrosyl are simple enough finds. i had my heart set on bingoing the following turn. -6.5 #focus #findingmedium
pass - +0 Knowledge Large
this was an immediate steam challenge. what a disaster. #knowledgelarge #focus #FML
11C J(U)T(E) +22 Strategy Small
i suppose i should play INJURE to give myself the tiny win %. #strategysmall
F5 UN(FROZEN) +22 Strategy Small
i should exchange here. -2 #strategysmall. for some reason, quackle prefers 2C RUINOUS here, lmfao.
14A URSA +20 Finding Large
auris for christ's sake -20 #endgame #findinglarge
14A URSA +20 Endgame Unspecified
auris for christ's sake -20 #endgame #findinglarge
exch EO +0 Strategy Small
exchanging one seems better #strategysmall
O1 HAU(T)E +24 Strategy Small
(B)AIZA seems better. I didn't like that it gave some vowel racks a place to go. Really stupid #strategysmall
3A JAK(E) +30 Finding Large
I missed that I had VAC and VEERY. JOKE is therefore better to leave that, but COV(E) or CAV(E) is a fantastic idea to set myself up for 66 #findinglarge
3G (ZORI)L +16 Finding Large
missing NUCELLI after seeing it pop up in my head but doubting its validity. #findingsaddest
B2 B(A)L(TI) +24 Knowledge Large
did not know FENCIBLE #knowledgesaddest
J9 SQUID +40 Strategy Large
this is greedy as fuck. He could just bingo here. The S doesn't actually help him that much at A1. #bad #strategylarge
K10 INDEX +47 Finding Large
oh my god appendix fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk #findinglarge #fuck
K1 MOIRE +24 Finding Small
missed K4 ROM(E)O and other plays. I do not need to play this. #findingsmall
N11 YENTE +24 Endgame Small
13G (C)ENTU or N11 TEENY are best. -3 #endgamesmall
13G (C)RU +16 Endgame Small
took all of my time to make sure I still won if SYLVATICS* was somehow good. I would have still won by 1. Also 9J UR(D) is 2 more #endgamesmall
H4 PRIZE +38 Finding Medium
1) I should know the extensions for PRIZE if I play PRIZE 2) I should have calculated the difference between ZIG and PRIZE better 3) I should see PIEZO ffs #findingmedium #strategymedium
H4 PRIZE +38 Strategy Medium
1) I should know the extensions for PRIZE if I play PRIZE 2) I should have calculated the difference between ZIG and PRIZE better 3) I should see PIEZO ffs #findingmedium #strategymedium
The listing of all of the player's mistakes. For more information about mistakes, check the 'Mistakes' section of the about page.
Game Line Error
Game 38264 30 Game is incomplete.
Game 20021 38 Game is incomplete.
Game 38266 25 Game is incomplete.
Game 29048 16 Game is incomplete.
Game 17672 46 Game is incomplete.
Game 37998 24 Game is incomplete.
Errors are (most likely) the result of malformed GCG files. To learn more, check the 'Errors and Warnings' section in the about page.