Orry Swift
Orry Swift
Color Key
= Triple Triple
= Bingo 9+
= Improbable
= +
= +
= +
= + +
Player Lists
Type Play Probability Score
ENLiSTE(D) 960 77
bARTEND(S) 2357 70
UNHAIL(E)D 2302 66
TOLUEnE 850 70
SORINGs 10561 70
THROBB(E)D 24026 221
HAN(G)OVER 5315 75
TOP(A)ZiNE 2405 122
VI(R)GATES 1877 63
O(S)TEOMAS 11442 72
SAN(G)UINE 3199 59
sTONILY 5889 87
pRETEND(ER) 11959 68
MAnROPE 2743 80
REwRITE 4927 74
PENISES 10678 80
EXOT(E)RIC 5473 71
SETTLER 6240 70
GORIEST 413 73
SMoTH(E)RS 19037 65
(T)ROUPIAL 2443 64
INOSITE 248 75
INGRA(T)ES 163 68
TROPINS 3274 90
SIDERIT(E) 1127 80
(s)ERVICES 19200 84
CABOOSE 9314 85
AGITaTO 4930 73
INVOiCE 5317 80
TRA(C)TILE 2740 60
COUTHIE 5123 71
ESCAP(I)SM 22857 86
(T)OTTEReD 11844 66
FARA(d)ISE 2541 83
SPLINED 5663 87
OStINAT(I) 2472 74
HITM(A)KeR 11845 84
LOBELIA 4768 81
ANIMA(LI)ST 7705 62
FA(T)WOODS 18168 75
VIRG(A)TES 1877 66
n(I)TRATOR 2720 64
PRIO(r)ATE 771 72
eXER(T)ION 948 77
READMIT 649 72
LOIASES 1752 85
(K)EIRETSU 5717 78
DYSPNEA 10039 80
TAVERNS 1613 88
PELAGES 8648 69
REIMP(O)RT 7857 78
RIFL(E)MEN 6833 78
UNWEARy 6799 88
UnIT(R)UsT 18054 71
DRIVELS 5697 77
SPYWAR(E)S 25293 86
DECEN(A)RY 7104 74
DU(E)LISTS 10500 61
UNWISEL(Y) 12043 95
EMOTING 1362 76
VOL(I)TiON 9450 70
HOARSER 4414 68
ORATING 288 81
WESTERN 4223 91
ADLANDS 17066 72
(E)RoDIBLE 1919 90
TO(N)NEAUS 1153 68
hOLIEST 2037 88
ANTILOG 837 63
SURFACE 9996 79
CENOTES 2644 82
HELISkI 17260 77
GrOTTOE(S) 7815 60
F(E)MINIzE 19812 98
(T)ABOOLEy 8256 61
ENR(O)OTED 881 70
H(A)NGNAIL 16766 74
R(E)TROFIt 6908 74
POR(T)RAIT 9139 61
GLEANED 2331 72
TE(L)EPOrT 7103 70
MASONRY 9948 69
RE(P)OSALS 9189 70
RAVINEs 675 81
TIMBRES 7102 79
NEUROID 174 74
(EX)OGAMIES 7710 107
ANCe(S)TRY 5832 74
ARSENAL 1279 77
RAdIOES 35 68
(A)RANEIDS 305 80
C(H)OLERAS 6728 64
DA(M)PInGs 17813 86
RESALUT(E) 957 60
B(R)OADeST 1326 158
RECtRIX 15153 83
REL(A)TIVE 666 76
LAMENTS 3161 78
PLENI(S)MS 21170 78
(C)IPHERER 20506 67
LIRIO(P)Es 3231 72
INDITEs 1283 81
AMOEBAE 6585 78
CLARIO(N)S 2421 74
E(P)AZOTES 8700 88
T(E)RRINES 1307 70
(T)ASTABLE 12489 83
TAILRA(C)E 1132 74
C(IS)TERNAE 248 62
(S)ERRANID 881 61
ORIENTE(D) 43 70
WIREABl(E)* 0 63
E(Y)EGLASs 18610 64
ANTIS(M)UT 10425 83
LAbR(A)DOR 15710 66
READOUt 151 79
RETOTAL 775 66
OleFINE(S) 1939 89
RERAISE 863 95
AROUsIN(G) 1196 77
AEROSAT 231 69
(S)NOUTIER 99 68
FOCUS(I)NG 18053 65
A(N)TIpOPE 4980 68
bIELDED 13597 80
RAMENTA 1747 94
MARRERS 17865 88
OVERCAS(T) 3828 65
PRO(T)EOSE 4726 62
MI(G)RATOr 7164 74
I(N)TRADOS 290 68
THeO(R)IzE 5481 131
GUTTlED 13187 64
TAILIN(G)S 4702 72
DESINE(N)T 2709 74
SERA(P)HIM 10892 110
NO(N)ISSUE 8891 61
(V)IOlATED 550 86
NEMATO(D)E 812 65
SCOTIAS 9850 78
PIScARY 16955 80
AIRfOIL 3537 71
RATIONA(L) 302 60
UNPItI(e)D 4690 72
SPlINES 12453 72
ENACTOR 329 84
ETOILEs 286 65
YeSTErN 4041 86
SENECIO 1252 71
SIERRAS 6192 70
ALMONER 872 66
(N)EEDLING 6563 72
HERNIAL 632 81
TWIRLER(S) 8390 72
ENTICEs 2252 74
S(U)RGICAL 11531 72
MIL(K)IEST 17846 80
VITRA(I)Ns 4408 72
(B)OULtING 9849 72
TOSTONE 4863 72
SLA(V)EREd 5309 140
OSsETRA 1735 88
I(N)sURANT 3508 75
EXtERNA(L) 3512 82
UNlEARN 2697 78
OSTiOLA(R) 1064 74
P(O)STCARD 12255 91
TRUSTEE 6245 61
(T)ERAWATt 19221 92
DIPROTI(C) 12948 78
NIDATI(N)G 8224 70
VESTRAl 3041 76
LOANERS 152 108
BOURsIN 5620 69
GEODETI(C) 2724 78
POINtIE(R) 713 68
COT(I)NINE 3960 68
HAUNTED 3098 83
UINTAiT(E) 1099 74
DENIALS 394 82
REEXPOS(E) 17647 125
PLOdDeD 23367 75
GASKE(T)ED 11624 90
METALIS(E) 1550 83
RAZ(E)EING 2722 92
dOOBIES 5153 85
KHAMSE(E)N 19394 84
ENTAIL(e)D 102 72
PrOVERB 18095 82
(L)IONISeD 934 68
GRISLI(E)R 9008 68
DIASTEM 1448 82
REALISE(R) 1201 73
WRANgLE 4506 70
(U)NORNATE 456 62
DOGEARS 1043 69
F(L)UORINE 1379 72
INDUC(E)RS 4302 62
rESOL(I)NG 660 70
(S)MOKIEST 18960 68
MaESTRI 664 68
(T)ABoURET 3346 80
COURAGe(S) 4126 62
sWEARIN(G) 1770 72
MILORDS 8823 76
ARGE(N)TAL 1562 60
TROWELS 3934 72
DIBBInG 22200 70
ASCRI(B)ES 13549 98
FRONTER(S)* 0 72
METHIO(N)E* 0 67
DOPINES(S) 9218 86
NAIVETE 357 69
SEMIBAL(D) 8430 92
OuTLANd 2362 66
R(E)DLINED 4853 70
(D)IsROBED 9194 68
tANNING 15007 65
STABLER 2926 66
SC(R)AWInG* 0 63
(M)UNITORY* 0 84
BROILeR 4429 81
WAIVERS 4230 110
DIESTER 570 87
(D)ENARIUS 251 77
AB(H)ORrED 10607 76
NITRI(D)ES 824 72
DISRoOT 3280 75
ReGIMES 5528 74
CORN(I)CED 11493 76
ETHOsES 11444 69
RAMENTA 1747 87
SLANDER(s) 6849 68
GAIET(I)eS 820 72
INNER(V)ED 6436 68
STINTER 1362 72
LATRIAS 2375 69
AGREEM(EN)T 4048 86
CO(N)VENER 12564 102
MOI(E)TIEs 2155 86
ENROBED 2510 76
OSTIARY 1597 67
HA(I)RLESS 8196 94
MANhOLE 4836 90
R(E)TINUED 363 72
DE(C)LARES 5286 76
BIAsING 10452 74
DICENT(R)A 410 64
REDAMAG(E) 8056 80
(L)UTANISt 5896 64
STOOLIE 1038 76
PIRAGUA 10016 66
VOyAGES 9422 82
INTONAT(E) 662 77
FOOTAgE 4077 85
REGRETS 8054 69
HIBERN(A)L 3109 73
CLANKIE(R) 6307 90
OESTrIN 46 70
(F)EIGNERS 4408 76
CHoICER 16454 81
INTARSI(A) 1851 60
(D)ELUSION 838 68
PRESTER 10902 74
SLIMMER 16833 78
REDTAIL(S) 250 80
N(E)RDIEST 381 68
GROANED 384 74
(A)LDOLASe 8453 60
BYRNIES 6821 94
PEYTR(E)LS 13534 76
OZONISe 5326 85
T(H)EORIES 843 72
TH(I)ONATE 722 65
AERIESt 54 72
INFECtS 6827 71
ENCLOS(ER)S 10240 64
cA(N)CROID 14961 90
RESTING 813 81
W(E)LCOmER 17126 62
VIO(L)ONES 3950 94
MARINAs 5466 61
BENIG(N)lY 19834 80
SW(A)TTERS 17199 72
(P)ORKIeST 7702 78
VOLTAG(E)S 4365 63
COUNTI(E)S 1429 70
(l)EAKIEST 3431 86
TWEET(E)RS 15254 74
OUTRAVE 894 72
LYSOGEN 8188 77
pOLItIC(O) 18014 68
OFFERER 19682 84
TUNNAgE 4427 66
SHEeNIE 5936 99
RETAILO(R) 140 64
Ec(S)TATIC 19439 70
WINGeRS 4761 83
INTERNS 1296 70
rEPENT(E)D 7485 64
FOULInG 10340 67
UNBRAK(E)S 13141 78
RAdIAN(C)E 1128 72
ErOSIVE 1260 78
THORIAS 1660 73
PRESTER 10918 74
SALIVAS 18247 74
TRIS(T)ATE 6117 82
(M)ARKETER 16308 68
(U)NpLOWED 13958 86
(V)IREMIAS 6308 65
RELEAS(E)S 10735 70
WEAPONR(Y) 8501 69
STONERS 3729 73
CALoYER 5022 98
FEsCUES 20740 80
CALZON(E)S 10438 92
MEANEST 2122 76
(S)OLDIERS 4859 80
ZE(P)pOLES 28685 212
SECR(E)TIN 1613 90
SHUNTED 8677 99
ErEMITE 3558 73
AIRTHED 644 86
SIMLINS 20345 75
OEsTRIN 49 73
TO(W)LINES 1472 74
INSURED 1158 74
A(R)RAYING 13481 76
BUTANES 2928 90
The of bingos played by the player that were not challenged off.
Triple Triples
Type Play Probability Score
THROBB(E)D 24026 221
B(R)OADeST 1326 158
THeO(R)IzE 5481 131
SLA(V)EREd 5309 140
ZE(P)pOLES 28685 212
Triple triples played by the player that were not challenged off. They do not have to be bingos.
Bingo Nines or Above
Type Play Probability Score
pRETEND(ER) 11959 68
ANIMA(LI)ST 7705 62
(EX)OGAMIES 7710 107
C(IS)TERNAE 248 62
AGREEM(EN)T 4048 86
ENCLOS(ER)S 10240 64
Bingos played by the player that were nine letters or longer and were not challenged off.
Challenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were challenged off by an opponent.
Unchallenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were not challenged by an opponent.
Plays That Were Challenged
Type Play Probability Score
V(E)STIGE 5762 0
ACETA 1576 0
ELUTERs* 0 0
C(IS)TERNAE 248 62
UTTER 2074 0
R(E)RATInG* 0 0
COOTY* 0 0
REVS 1362 0
TERM 783 0
OVERFA(T) 2614 42
NOES 133 30
NOVAL* 0 0
lEUKOID* 0 0
(MEZE)N* 0 0
UPR(O)VE* 0 0
KEV(E)E* 0 0
ENCLOS(ER)S 10240 64
TWEET(E)RS 15254 74
TUNNAgE 4427 66
WAR 360 0
FEsCUES 20740 0
Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Opponent Lists
Type Play Probability Score
IS(O)GRIVS 22217 66
ALIENIN(G) 3671 80
TRE(N)DiER 1297 122
SPOILER 2040 64
DeVOTIN(G) 2260 89
(T)RIPLINE* 0 70
EpIMYSI(A) 15238 78
CATT(I)EsT 14193 61
ERADIA(T)E 130 62
ANGLERS 1724 68
FIGTREE 3384 79
MISA(T)ONE 225 72
(R)EBOUNDS 5184 74
SEQUOIa 2323 77
GAYnESS 15067 118
NE(E)DIEST 1884 75
AROUS(I)NG 1196 68
AVIAtEs 1700 80
ENGULF(E)D 13832 65
REVE(L)iNG 4644 94
fROMA(G)ES 8826 72
UNSEATS 5412 73
fAERiES 1050 70
CHARLIe(S) 5657 72
HATEFUl 10045 73
sTRID(E)NT 2146 140
TRA(C)HLeD 9009 67
SPECTED 14471 73
pAR(E)IRAS 5570 68
BI(D)EnTAL 941 90
SOIrEES 2388 60
W(O)RNNEsS 18158 64
BA(N)ALITy 12391 86
SHEE(N)IER 4745 94
URANOUs 8217 69
BE(V)ATRON 1994 76
THERMES 10999 75
DILAT(I)ON 831 72
RAPINES 704 75
BUTAN(O)Ne 3540 71
REROLL(E)R 23199 62
TONTiNE 2440 66
A(U)DiENTS 272 82
ANO(D)ISES 1184 72
dEGLA(Z)ED 23112 70
ANTERO(O)M 940 78
(G)ONOPORE 16106 72
EIDOLiC 4260 91
GRAI(N)IEr 1954 62
AIRlOCK 11085 86
LACTEAL 13606 72
PENONCe(L) 16380 74
sIPHONS 18775 84
bANALIT(Y) 11758 83
LI(T)ANIES 314 59
BRIEFiN(G) 12029 89
IOnONES 2622 64
STOTIn(O)V 14120 64
SIENITE 803 63
TOMENTA 2462 83
ERODA(B)LE 1791 64
WID(E)nESS 13091 72
H(O)RNTAIL 1056 62
FORAmEN 2749 85
sECRETE 9034 72
MARINER 2121 79
BARBITA(L) 21525 64
DAN(D)IEST 2195 83
THIOnYl 10428 80
NEWsMEN 17197 84
FAIR(G)OER 2611 64
(N)OcTUIDS 7216 62
(N)UBbIEST 17625 80
RESEDAS 6060 83
ARENOsE 64 65
TAENIAS 130 70
GaV(O)TTES 8164 76
FRINGIE(R) 11300 76
ORIENTE(R) 285 60
TER(R)ANES 1292 68
DEFeATS 4072 72
NAUSE(A)TE 1127 62
SPIRULA 7970 90
BALBOAs 21890 83
MEGADY(N)E 12806 90
PICKLiN(G) 28923 70
OUTT(U)RNS 19107 70
VARMINt(S) 8251 84
OBLIGES 5165 76
ASININE 1601 84
IM(P)ORTER 7856 74
GLORIES 1114 73
ABO(I)TEAU 699 61
ANT(I)NODE 124 72
vOTABLE 4789 71
ORBIEST 899 98
EPIGENE 7616 69
fO(U)NTAIN 5111 66
ADAmaNT 16357 64
SPRI(N)TER 5277 62
ENTAIL(E)D 109 65
VIBRATE(S) 3294 92
GRADi(E)NT 148 72
SaLTIER 119 67
MINU(ET)INg 11062 72
LEONInE 1179 64
u(N)BEATEN 6339 63
(D)EPILATE 1536 86
UINTA(I)TE 1099 82
FINALlY 19006 71
AN(t)EDAtE 3185 61
LAUNDER 1142 78
PONIA(R)DS 2431 74
HUNk(E)RER* 0 90
I(N)QUIrED 8675 88
(C)EINTURE 1614 70
UN(P)OTTED 9456 65
SWIGGED 19214 84
VISCeRA 4354 79
PiNWaLE 4397 76
SERVANT 1610 76
UPChARG(E)* 0 86
STANGED 1640 72
POLLERS 13361 67
(R)EJOICER 12802 76
INPUTTE(D) 7960 86
(A)QUIFERS 9985 133
MANDAR(I)N 11037 65
CLARETS 2950 76
MEL(A)NIST 1006 74
AbSINTH(E) 3111 83
ETALONS 155 65
ALTHORN 3260 83
REGAINE(R) 897 80
BITTIER 7199 69
SOLAC(I)NG 6313 62
(T)ACONITE 762 68
LATENED 540 69
p(R)OFANED 3830 62
DEIC(I)DAL 12164 76
GARDYLO(O) 15235 102
SINCERE 2250 77
TAPPING 18717 80
T(A)LKIEST 8977 78
FANWIsE 4374 80
FORTUNE(S) 2960 83
TEAShOP 4840 80
UNARGUe(D) 8759 80
PHrASED 9604 82
IDEATES 200 75
CENTRAL 1508 80
AUREO(L)Ae 644 66
ANT(I)GENE 896 61
DEALA(T)ES 2338 70
INFLATE(S) 993 74
UNITERS 429 76
LAIT(A)NCE 1131 74
TATTe(R)ED 10781 72
nOISOME 2794 69
TEktITE 18220 62
OU(t)WAITS 8039 66
TABOR(I)NS 1048 70
MAN(I)FEST 3345 64
SNEEZER 12020 85
bI(O)FUELs 9592 70
CAvIA(R)ES 6274 71
TRiTEST 10623 76
DEAREST 576 77
TOOTSIE 2623 83
aPIA(R)IES 2989 86
ARIOSOS 6662 73
GIGATON 6418 81
SUAVEST 12924 87
(R)EGISTRY 10200 89
NEURO(N)Es 3399 64
AN(G)ELICA 3963 64
TeRRINE 976 73
BITuMEN 6816 73
(B)EFOULED 14307 88
(A)LIZARIN 11205 104
PLOTTIN(G) 13823 86
URINOsE 190 70
AGEISTS 4498 68
ClOSELY 20125 87
ENDORSE 846 74
TINStON(E) 3038 74
OTALGIC 4635 74
CONVERT 5200 80
INLIERS 1288 83
SANTOUR 1206 70
SULLENE(R) 11645 62
OVERlIT 991 75
(C)OALIeST 512 89
(T)YRANnIC 12403 89
OSIERED 284 70
DEPICTS 9679 88
LEA(V)IEST 1477 63
TONSURE 502 64
(G)ENDEREd 16049 68
PAVEABl(E)* 0 90
ODO(R)ANTS 2365 65
HOrNETs 1980 80
INTItLE 3248 72
ANTERI(O)R 38 59
DyNASTY 20183 87
DE(M)OTION 1974 75
REUNITE(D) 364 72
DENTATE 1782 75
PIOSITY 14030 72
OSTEiT(I)S 9624 71
UPLAN(D)ER 4491 64
FINALIS(T) 7307 63
(A)STUtElY 11747 80
CURLINg(S) 15350 80
SILENUS 8096 81
WORRIES 4457 73
PE(R)FORCE 20341 88
TRI(B)UTEs 7948 70
INVERTs 1557 74
(O)UTSPEAK 10985 76
ANNELID 1333 64
(L)ItERACY 3315 89
RESTORE(R) 11776 62
TOADIEs 35 67
PUNNIER 6294 63
MATRONS 3261 74
GRATI(N)EE 80 74
StAINER 26 77
ANTICaR 2903 64
LiBERA(T)E 608 82
VENTURI 1561 78
mOONEYE 10355 76
LINNETS 2725 75
DEPICTS 9679 84
(V)ETERANS 1526 65
tRO(P)HIED 3920 65
TaVERNS 1537 91
TRIENES 212 77
EMOTIVE 3394 81
sARtOR(I)I 2347 66
INsULAT(E) 257 74
OArLESS 3408 80
READIEs 207 73
RuN(R)OUND 25230 70
N(U)THOUsE 13517 80
EOLITHS 2028 67
RAMADAS 18778 65
BrOLGAS 10781 66
sTARRED 2818 78
bLUNTED 8670 73
PETIOL(A)R 204 72
(E)RUcTING 3519 70
EXIsTED 7025 90
RED(O)LENT 513 60
(D)UVETInE 3133 63
STUNNER 5290 73
SAILHeA(D)* 0 88
DEPLORE 4794 80
RUSTIER 2734 74
DIS(G)UISE 16201 60
TOMB(O)LAS 17296 66
ScRAG(G)ED 19744 90
STRIVEN 1558 92
(V)ErIDITY* 0 86
(G)ALILEES 6717 70
DEaL(F)ISH 8443 185
sPUMIER 9751 84
(E)JECTORS 11740 104
BUTANES 2928 75
TORCHES 7766 81
GLUTENS 5749 75
RELaTOR 737 74
FEsTIVE 8027 78
OVE(R)LOoK 23850 82
REgAT(HE)RS 7971 74
THENARS 1521 74
MOL(E)STEd 5851 67
D(E)F(E)NSIVE 11915 101
EPHoRAT(E) 2458 86
MANTLED 3106 100
NeBULaR 3055 77
VIOLABL(E) 11461 71
mEISTER(S) 10076 74
NE(U)tERED 3679 68
BrEADTH(S) 8531 92
RE(B)ORING 4821 62
OUTrOWE(D) 6545 74
HOmETO(W)N 17639 80
THErEIN 1031 76
TRE(N)DOID 1212 63
R(E)STREWN* 0 64
(N)IOBITES 1595 74
IGNAT(I)As 4871 82
BRINIEs 3626 62
(F)AiRWAYS 20186 110
(T)ORTONIS 5223 74
ENTICER 1029 63
STRAYED 3004 83
DUVETyN(E) 13527 80
SOONEST 7923 75
CLEAR(A)GE* 0 67
(K)AOLIaNG 11096 98
RECI(T)ERS 6103 70
ACERAT(E)D 3461 62
RETINTS 1362 75
OV(E)R(T)IRES 2581 74
SCLERO(I)D 2811 78
(Q)UeSTION 3386 67
UNSL(A)TED* 0 68
TONEMES 2534 97
OViPARA 7561 92
(R)ESIDUAl 663 82
R(I)SOTTOS 16495 70
C(O)PILOTS 17329 72
CAYEN(n)ES 14373 76
INtAG(L)IO 1580 62
M(I)NUTIAE 1250 70
COVERED 9034 91
VIOLABL(E) 11467 71
lEISTER(S) 5132 74
NE(U)tERED 3680 68
C(O)DeINAS 534 70
(D)IcROTAL 2418 74
REPUTES 6767 64
DEGAMIS 4662 88
HEMAGOG 18957 95
(L)EAChATE 10911 70
MAULERS 5613 86
aLBINOS 3327 85
UPDRAFT(S) 19100 104
BUSTiNG 12509 83
(T)ERATOID 130 73
LEEWARd(S) 5319 92
MATINEE 372 78
GORI(N)ESS 4197 61
OBsCEN(E)R 7986 76
STROWEd 3909 79
WILLeRS 12446 66
ADVENTS 2994 71
LIMPEST 9742 80
The of bingos played by the player that were not challenged off.
Triple Triples
Type Play Probability Score
TRE(N)DiER 1297 122
sTRID(E)NT 2146 140
H(E)R(E)INTO 284 99
DEaL(F)ISH 8443 185
Triple triples played by the player that were not challenged off. They do not have to be bingos.
Bingo Nines or Above
Type Play Probability Score
MINU(ET)INg 11062 72
REgAT(HE)RS 7971 74
D(E)F(E)NSIVE 11915 101
OV(E)R(T)IRES 2581 74
Bingos played by the player that were nine letters or longer and were not challenged off.
Challenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were challenged off by an opponent.
Unchallenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were not challenged by an opponent.
Plays That Were Challenged
Type Play Probability Score
fROMA(G)ES 8826 72
EIDOLiC 4260 91
YAKOW* 0 0
VULGOI(D)* 0 0
IMPAI(N)* 0 0
TAS 141 0
ETCH 2223 0
UNARGUe(D) 8759 80
VI(R)AlITY* 0 0
JOIST 3923 0
AGEISTS 4498 68
FIN(C)A 3981 36
STATT(I)Ng* 0 0
ANTICcR* 0 0
SALIHeA(D)* 0 0
RUSTIER 2734 74
DEaL(F)ISH 8443 185
EDI(C)T 1267 0
OUT 178 15
CR(AY)* 0 0
(C)HAPELeD* 0 0
H(A)LED 2103 35
GRRR(V)VY* 0 0
(ZA)Q(JEWEL)* 0 0
VOXE(S)* 0 0
GA(P)IER* 0 0
Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Notable Lists
Many Double Words Covered
Games in which at least 15 double word bonus squares were covered.
Game Stats
Stat Average Total
Games 1.00 175
Invalid Games 0.03 6
Incomplete 0.03 5
Disconnected 0.00 0
Other 0.01 1
Total Turns 25.23 4416
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Player Stats
Stat Average Total
Wins 0.50 88
Score 415.43 72700
Score per Turn 32.8810
Turns 12.63 2211
Vertical Plays 5.55 972
Horizontal Plays 6.14 1075
One Tile Plays 0.51 89
Other Plays 0.43 75
Firsts 0.50 88
Vertical Openings per First 0.0000
Horizontal Openings per First 1.0000
Full Rack per Turn 0.3971
Exchanges 0.24 42
High Game 569
Low Game 280
Highest Scoring Turn 221
Bingos Played 1.91 334
Sevens 0.82 143
Eights 1.06 185
Nines 0.03 6
Tens 0.00 0
Elevens 0.00 0
Twelves 0.00 0
Thirteens 0.00 0
Fourteens 0.00 0
Fifteens 0.00 0
Bingo Probabilities 6430.07
Sevens 5471.17
Eights 7173.36
Nines 6985.00
Tens 0.00
Elevens 0.00
Twelves 0.00
Thirteens 0.00
Fourteens 0.00
Fifteens 0.00
Tiles Played 48.99 8574
A 4.56 798
B 0.96 168
C 1.01 176
D 1.92 336
E 5.81 1017
F 1.00 175
G 1.44 252
H 0.87 152
I 4.24 742
J 0.51 89
K 0.58 101
L 1.95 341
M 0.98 171
N 2.90 508
O 4.10 717
P 1.03 181
Q 0.47 82
R 3.01 526
S 2.07 363
T 2.85 499
U 1.97 344
V 0.95 166
W 1.00 175
X 0.43 75
Y 1.01 177
Z 0.51 89
? 0.88 154
Power Tiles Played 4.87 852
? 0.88 154
J 0.51 89
Q 0.47 82
X 0.43 75
Z 0.51 89
S 2.07 363
Power Tiles Stuck With 0.08 14
? 0.01 2
J 0.01 1
Q 0.01 1
X 0.02 4
Z 0.00 0
S 0.03 6
Turns With a Blank 1.10 193
Triple Triples Played 0.03 5
Bingoless Games 0.06 11
Bonus Square Coverage 16.03 2805
Double Letter 5.28 924
Triple Letter 5.43 951
Double Word 2.87 502
Triple Word 2.45 428
Phony Plays 0.21 37
Unchallenged 0.10 18
Challenged Off 0.11 19
Challenges 0.35 62
You Won 0.15 27
Opponent Lost 0.03 6
You Lost 0.06 10
Opponent Won 0.11 19
Challenge Percentage 0.7297
Defending Challenge Percentage 0.2400
Percentage Phonies Unchallenged 0.4865
Comments 7.53 1317
Comments Word Length 200.38 35066
Mistakeless Turns 12.63 2211
Mistakes per Turn 0.0000
Mistakes 0.00 0
Knowledge 0.00 0
Finding 0.00 0
Vision 0.00 0
Tactics 0.00 0
Strategy 0.00 0
Endgame 0.00 0
Time 0.00 0
Dynamic Mistakes 0.00 0
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Player Confidence Intervals
Tile p CI
A 0.5067 (0.4575, 0.5223)
B 0.4800 (0.4211, 0.5587)
C 0.5050 (0.4211, 0.5587)
D 0.4800 (0.4412, 0.5386)
E 0.4842 (0.4618, 0.5180)
F 0.5000 (0.4211, 0.5587)
G 0.4800 (0.4337, 0.5461)
H 0.4350 (0.4211, 0.5587)
I 0.4711 (0.4575, 0.5223)
J 0.5100 (0.3926, 0.5872)
K 0.5800 (0.3926, 0.5872)
L 0.4875 (0.4412, 0.5386)
M 0.4900 (0.4211, 0.5587)
N 0.4833 (0.4502, 0.5296)
O 0.5125 (0.4555, 0.5243)
P 0.5150 (0.4211, 0.5587)
Q 0.4700 (0.3926, 0.5872)
R 0.5017 (0.4502, 0.5296)
S 0.5175 (0.4412, 0.5386)
T 0.4750 (0.4502, 0.5296)
U 0.4925 (0.4412, 0.5386)
V 0.4750 (0.4211, 0.5587)
W 0.5000 (0.4211, 0.5587)
X 0.4300 (0.3926, 0.5872)
Y 0.5050 (0.4211, 0.5587)
Z 0.5100 (0.3926, 0.5872)
? 0.4400 (0.4211, 0.5587)
To learn more about these statistics, check the 'Confidence Intervals' section on the about page.
Opponent Stats
Stat Average Total
Wins 0.50 87
Score 414.01 72452
Score per Turn 32.8580
Turns 12.60 2205
Vertical Plays 6.03 1055
Horizontal Plays 5.47 958
One Tile Plays 0.54 95
Other Plays 0.55 97
Firsts 0.50 87
Vertical Openings per First 0.3827
Horizontal Openings per First 0.6173
Full Rack per Turn 0.9850
Exchanges 0.27 47
High Game 551
Low Game 268
Highest Scoring Turn 185
Bingos Played 1.99 348
Sevens 0.89 155
Eights 1.08 189
Nines 0.02 4
Tens 0.00 0
Elevens 0.00 0
Twelves 0.00 0
Thirteens 0.00 0
Fourteens 0.00 0
Fifteens 0.00 0
Bingo Probabilities 6392.94
Sevens 5457.30
Eights 7144.03
Nines 8382.25
Tens 0.00
Elevens 0.00
Twelves 0.00
Thirteens 0.00
Fourteens 0.00
Fifteens 0.00
Tiles Played 48.37 8464
A 4.23 741
B 1.01 176
C 0.94 165
D 1.95 342
E 5.87 1028
F 0.98 172
G 1.47 257
H 1.11 195
I 4.47 782
J 0.48 84
K 0.42 74
L 1.90 333
M 0.99 173
N 2.82 493
O 3.75 656
P 0.94 164
Q 0.51 89
R 2.79 488
S 1.82 318
T 2.97 519
U 1.89 330
V 1.01 176
W 0.99 173
X 0.54 95
Y 0.95 166
Z 0.49 85
? 1.09 190
Power Tiles Played 4.92 861
? 1.09 190
J 0.48 84
Q 0.51 89
X 0.54 95
Z 0.49 85
S 1.82 318
Power Tiles Stuck With 0.13 23
? 0.02 4
J 0.01 1
Q 0.02 3
X 0.01 1
Z 0.01 1
S 0.07 13
Turns With a Blank 2.26 396
Triple Triples Played 0.02 4
Bingoless Games 0.03 5
Bonus Square Coverage 15.77 2760
Double Letter 5.36 938
Triple Letter 5.23 915
Double Word 2.90 507
Triple Word 2.29 400
Phony Plays 0.25 43
Unchallenged 0.09 16
Challenged Off 0.15 27
Challenges 0.35 62
You Won 0.11 19
Opponent Lost 0.06 10
You Lost 0.03 6
Opponent Won 0.15 27
Challenge Percentage 0.7600
Defending Challenge Percentage 0.2703
Percentage Phonies Unchallenged 0.3721
Comments 7.53 1317
Comments Word Length 200.38 35066
Mistakeless Turns 12.46 2181
Mistakes per Turn 0.0122
Mistakes 0.15 27
Knowledge 0.02 3
Finding 0.03 6
Vision 0.01 1
Tactics 0.05 9
Strategy 0.02 4
Endgame 0.02 3
Time 0.01 1
Dynamic Mistakes 0.00 0
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Opponent Confidence Intervals
Tile p CI
A 0.4700 (0.4513, 0.5161)
B 0.5050 (0.4149, 0.5525)
C 0.4700 (0.4149, 0.5525)
D 0.4875 (0.4350, 0.5324)
E 0.4892 (0.4556, 0.5118)
F 0.4900 (0.4149, 0.5525)
G 0.4900 (0.4275, 0.5399)
H 0.5550 (0.4149, 0.5525)
I 0.4967 (0.4513, 0.5161)
J 0.4800 (0.3864, 0.5810)
K 0.4200 (0.3864, 0.5810)
L 0.4750 (0.4350, 0.5324)
M 0.4950 (0.4149, 0.5525)
N 0.4700 (0.4440, 0.5234)
O 0.4688 (0.4493, 0.5181)
P 0.4700 (0.4149, 0.5525)
Q 0.5100 (0.3864, 0.5810)
R 0.4650 (0.4440, 0.5234)
S 0.4550 (0.4350, 0.5324)
T 0.4950 (0.4440, 0.5234)
U 0.4725 (0.4350, 0.5324)
V 0.5050 (0.4149, 0.5525)
W 0.4950 (0.4149, 0.5525)
X 0.5400 (0.3864, 0.5810)
Y 0.4750 (0.4149, 0.5525)
Z 0.4900 (0.3864, 0.5810)
? 0.5450 (0.4149, 0.5525)
To learn more about these statistics, check the 'Confidence Intervals' section on the about page.
Opponent Mistakes
Play Type Size Comment
I7 O(U)R +21 Finding Large
Hahaha, missed NONGLARE. #findinglarge
D10 COT(T)AE +18 Strategy Medium
Well, this wins every time, as I calculated, but according to Quackle this is the worst play that does. It calls for 12B TOEA, which does look pretty good, keeping two consonants. #strategymedium
5J (T)URF +14 Tactics Medium
pretty bad play here, way too fishy #tacticsmedium
F2 ZEE +37 Knowledge Large
another poor decision. I felt I had a larger grasp on this game than in actuality. I should play 8L (O)OZE for more and leave the R open not challenging last move was #knowledgelarge this move is #tacticsmedium
F2 ZEE +37 Tactics Medium
another poor decision. I felt I had a larger grasp on this game than in actuality. I should play 8L (O)OZE for more and leave the R open not challenging last move was #knowledgelarge this move is #tacticsmedium
8G GOX +22 Finding Medium
8F PUGH is best, setting up the X at 7G. #findingmedium
7H POUFS +25 Tactics Small
9H HUP, the sim winner, is extremely defensive, allowing Orry an average of only 16 points next turn; but I don't like that it keeps the F. I like POUFS because it unloads FU and sets up the H at 8L. Although a play like K7 FACTA would make the spot hard to use. #tacticssmall
J12 TIZ +34 Tactics Small
I see the merit in Quackle's pick J10 HIT, that TIZ blocks the H spot at J10 and the Z can consistently score well. But I have a blank, and the H is better for bingos. #tacticssmall
2M Q(I) +11 Tactics Medium
Apparently it is best to ignore row 1 and play G8 GRIN, setting up F10 QI. #tacticsmedium
13E OKRA +20 Tactics Small
The same word plays at 6E for 3 more points and blocks the -ER lane on row 5. I think I saw it. My play is more defensive, blocking the lanes on columns D and E without opening any new lanes. #tacticssmall
exch IU +0 Finding Medium
UNI plays at O11 and 15A. I have no idea why O11 gets a better win chance; 15A scores more and blocks column C. #findingmedium
10J G(EM) +10 Tactics Medium
Fishing is not the right play here, for I do not hit often enough, and once Orry makes his play of M13 LEU I have to start blocking again. I should take the points with 10D GIBES, the sim winner. #tacticsmedium
K4 BA(N)ALITy +86 Finding Large
missing SAILBOAT #findingSADDEST
6A dEGLA(Z)ED +70 Vision Medium
DELEGACY with WHIRRA #visionmedium
15A TEGU +32 Strategy Small
This should've been DEGUST, which I considered; there are no spots for sevens with my DST leave apart from DOJOS or EMS. Quackle says I bingo 21% after TEGU and 18% after DEGUST, which is easily close enough for me to take 9 extra points here. #strategysmall
1L (V)ATU +21 Strategy Medium
Bad job by me here, I was so close to doing FUSTIC like I'm supposed to, but got foolishly seduced by static equity. VATU gives Orry a lifeline to fish later on with multiple lines on opposite sides of the board. FUSTIC opens nothing new and scores well. #strategymedium
L9 AIRlOCK +86 Knowledge Large
couldn't remember if it was AIRSOCK* or OARSICK*. Turns out it was ARKOSIC, which is probably best at N8 for 98. This and it sim evenly, surprisingly. #knowledgeSADDEST
5J (O)X +36 Strategy Small
Definitely should've thought a bit harder about this turn. DET(O)X 13I should be better #strategysmall
O8 MITER +30 Endgame Large
was pretty nervous here for some reason. Just wanted to play something I was sure of. But I was as sure as I could be of MUTER. I then thought it didn't make a difference between MUTER and MITER, but the difference is 13 points. I'm expecting Q(I) 10K, so I should be able to see that I get a much stronger play after that if I keep MI than keeping MU. MI(R) would then be 32. Orry has to forgo QIS to play optimally after MUTER. #endgameSADDEST
6E AC(Q)UIT +25 Tactics Small
tough call here, definitely a weird position that took me a while. AX D12 is aggressive and certainly considerable, but it gives back a lot on an otherwise dead board, and then CIRTU doesn't go so far here. BRUX also gives back more than I'd like, I imagine he has X plays fairly often (though I draw EXACT and such quite often). XI/QI just seemed to not do anything proactive for me, whereas ACQUIT cleans out the rack that isn't good for bingoing or scoring. Q seems to think ACQUIT gives back more to him, and BRUX is better for me than for him. #tacticssmall
3A QUO(D) +28 Finding Medium
i didn't think of 3B VO(D)UN! it is much better. -6 #findingmedium #tacticsmedium
3A QUO(D) +28 Tactics Medium
i didn't think of 3B VO(D)UN! it is much better. -6 #findingmedium #tacticsmedium
2F HI +28 Finding Medium
TH(I)AZIN 5G -4.5 -- aggressive, scores a lot, goes for the blank. i need to find it. #findingmedium
8J GA(P)IER +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
#knowledgelarge this is collins-only. meh, i don't feel too bad about it.
K2 TENOR +20 Endgame Medium
8J RAPINI -4 #endgamemedium
I13 (V)IA +24 Endgame Large
wow i can't even find 9L INIA. i was probably low on time / discouraged. #time #endgamelarge
I13 (V)IA +24 Time Unspecified
wow i can't even find 9L INIA. i was probably low on time / discouraged. #time #endgamelarge
The listing of all of the player's mistakes. For more information about mistakes, check the 'Mistakes' section of the about page.
Game Line Error
Game 24404 37 Game is incomplete.
Game 39304 40 Game is incomplete.
Game 26602 34 Game is incomplete.
Game 16774 3 Move made by unknown player.
Game 29310 30 Game is incomplete.
Game 34487 35 Game is incomplete.
Errors are (most likely) the result of malformed GCG files. To learn more, check the 'Errors and Warnings' section in the about page.