Noah Walton
Noah Walton
Color Key
= Triple Triple
= Bingo 9+
= Improbable
= +
= +
= +
= + +
Player Lists
Type Play Probability Score
PaNETEL(A) 3284 72
GUMSHO(E)D 18863 71
(P)RUrIGOS 17222 83
TRIPoLI 6024 68
COESITE 1194 70
MRIdANG(A) 8889 83
S(I)NCERER 6422 64
MAJORLY 20392 124
mONA(R)DAS 8127 68
(S)OLONETS 9376 74
(g)REWsOME 13368 92
NIOBITE 1080 75
RETIEIn(G) 844 67
BORDeR(E)R 19639 70
AMOR(T)IZE 2279 108
(I)nEDIBLE 5576 62
ORGIAST 843 70
BA(T)TErIE 1963 66
LEPORI(D)S 2678 158
sCENTED 6450 81
pREV(U)ING 11438 82
EULOG(I)ES 2063 74
(G)ANISTER 160 80
R(E)SOLDeR 5288 62
DILUTI(O)N 3685 68
HAEMOId 2572 85
InFANT(R)Y 12404 101
(L)ENTOIDS 337 70
dRONERs 3496 75
UNFIsHE(D) 12667 74
(T)ENDRILS 725 72
GE(N)ITIVe 5030 76
D(I)SCANTS 15054 106
FRIDGEs 7534 86
ELATIV(E)S 1559 88
UN(R)AISED 252 70
RANKEST 3427 87
INFLATE(R) 397 65
BASI(L)ECT 5341 70
O(U)TRIVAL 2321 65
NO(C)TULES 4924 69
TAXICAB 19232 77
ChED(I)TES 9921 74
AIRIEST 139 69
COTTIER 2471 70
pAISLEY 6656 86
(M)EANNESS 17392 95
PAIsANO 3534 72
NEITHER 1030 69
DEVISO(R)Y* 0 75
lIPO(M)ATA 9397 69
STRIVEN 1558 79
cLINGIE(R) 6637 68
CRANNI(E)S 2741 78
(M)ERcAPTO 8072 74
CHAFING 17824 94
LANCERS 2942 79
N(O)NVITAL 5115 76
CUtESIE(R) 2956 80
POTEENS 2544 75
COuLOIR 9902 72
U(N)POTTEd 8981 70
(M)OROSITY 14085 65
ZESTERS 16689 90
ELuENTS 2789 71
(P)AIRWISE* 0 78
(S)TONABLE 1263 83
(R)EARREST 10253 77
E(N)FORCES 7610 76
NEATHE(R)D 1512 76
NOTATED 734 75
TABORE(T)S 3344 72
ANILITY 5498 70
PRE(A)UDIT 1043 94
SWIvELS 19525 79
AG(L)ITTER 1647 63
(C)OINMAtE 899 92
URBANIS(M) 11086 66
BlADERS 5564 80
TRAVeLO(G) 2126 65
zOISITE 4481 74
GHERKIN 12541 93
PUR(I)TIES 4703 72
DOTTLIN(G)* 0 83
OSIEREd 284 78
ELEGIaC 2913 74
VAHINES 4198 100
(F)ORAYING 7713 77
READMIT 615 66
THE(N)AGES 4386 76
UNROlLE(D) 7678 60
WOOPIeS 9333 76
NATTIER 199 80
PLATIER 687 74
TEAROOM 1338 75
WEa(R)YING 4891 80
REGLOWs 8551 89
(C)ARINATE 504 70
pEREONS 2663 64
ALINERS 106 71
EXHORTS 11399 73
RA(D)IOING 1494 70
yACHTED 14197 84
PIE(F)ORTS 3932 80
STARLI(n)G 2105 60
SECRETE 8597 84
INQUIRE 6381 105
OLEINEs 285 67
COLDEST 6103 75
URE(d)INIA 291 59
ANTiGEN 1071 74
AMASSER 13043 81
PELITIc 10283 76
UPDIVES 12724 99
SCORERS 16674 74
OR(B)ITALs 2289 70
(D)IViNERS 4691 80
MEINIES 4580 70
Qu(A)DRANT 14350 68
STRA(D)DLE 6846 70
TRaNGAM 10140 97
WEAvING 5730 82
DEMOINg 2972 74
UNTIEI(N)G 6140 60
DENIERS 564 70
LOCaTIV(E) 1932 78
CRED(I)TOR 3385 65
PEPINOS 12007 78
AGAROSE 1179 68
ST(R)AWiNG 5240 72
(i)NFLATED 965 74
ROSEBUD 6098 83
BATTENS 6186 69
PATT(E)RED 6065 74
QUAvERE(D) 14994 101
dEBILIT(Y) 12648 74
CUDDLI(E)R 15169 76
OUTRULe(D)* 0 77
CALOYE(R)S 6402 98
tATTOOE(R) 8366 66
ANAE(R)ObE 900 59
ANEARED 759 72
(E)CHOGRAm 13840 95
SPAEIN(G)S 10405 63
APTERIA 789 78
(G)RANITIC 5785 72
CAU(S)ERIE 1447 74
TRaSHES 9348 92
(S)IDERATE 150 63
SELFING 7238 92
EG(A)LITES 678 63
OUTS(P)eNT 8994 61
(G)ENTLEsT 9780 77
MOLTING 7527 76
REDWING 4534 81
OOZIEsT 5327 93
BAYoNET 2605 79
RITZIER 10357 84
OFTENEr 1266 66
G(E)RARDIA 3665 76
INOSINE 2129 70
BERETTA 4887 62
AGRy(P)NIA 14919 140
DONAIRS 460 78
OUTLEAD 511 73
VIZIERS 13991 100
(D)ULCINEa 2172 89
EFTsOON 5008 66
S(E)CANTLY 8571 84
(A)ILERONS 20 68
SU(B)ERINS 12247 74
EEL(W)ORMs 10829 76
(T)ESTAbLE 9084 74
SWAGGIE 14278 81
KNEADER 4535 83
vARIO(L)A(T)E 305 122
DISTICH 18662 88
GREISEN 1201 68
CENTALS 3086 79
T(E)NTORIA 43 61
NATURA(L)S 5548 68
cONSTRU(ED) 3166 70
GASTRIN 1342 83
AMOTION(s) 3271 70
(T)OILsOME 3745 77
ELAtE(R)ID 105 82
CATAGEN 5264 77
s(Y)BARITE 3297 86
SEROT(I)NE 49 131
(T)ITLEIST* 0 68
(C)LEARERS 9582 72
RETWIST 6585 77
SLANTED 1145 68
NOTAtOR 4424 74
(D)UKEDOMS 25577 104
UNDOCIL(E) 2666 64
BEgRIMS 11696 88
CYANOSI(S) 17112 73
EN(T)ENTES 14652 70
CANGUES 7175 79
E(N)DOSTEA 168 65
EpIDOTE 1255 70
TRIPOD(A)L 2426 72
EA(R)NESTS 2857 82
U(N)EASIER 125 59
BALMI(E)St 5357 94
UNC(t)IONS 11427 59
LIVIERS 5837 83
SUBTO(T)AL 14889 62
(F)AMULATe* 0 89
NEROLIs 175 65
ENROLLS 5928 64
(E)UDaIMON 526 83
PON(D)LIKE* 0 69
SCA(M)STER 17013 64
VERTIg(O)S 2161 90
LEADENs 1306 75
INSOLA(T)e 20 66
MARTAG(O)N 7228 72
TARtUFI 8936 80
PITIERS 3686 77
SEROSAL 3596 85
KUN(Z)ITEs 17638 90
bOODLES 10682 69
(N)EARLIER 492 62
(E)NFLAMES 9888 92
INLaCED 1399 88
AMMONO(I)D 19161 76
ALASTOR 2594 80
CRE(A)SING 1715 61
TISSUED 8094 104
AcAUL(I)NE 2406 59
PREFIG(H)T 16474 71
LADLING 11976 86
(D)ETOURED 5672 70
TAC(N)ODES 1272 74
CAlO(M)ELS 17914 65
(T)OILsOME 3745 77
ELAtE(R)ID 105 82
LIMITES 5835 73
ENVIROS 956 79
SACRiNG 6520 81
(W)OODBINE 7864 71
EDITION 232 84
(B)URGEONS 6993 74
FRIVOLS 12954 85
CUNeATE 2078 71
VITA(L)ITY 19565 66
RELAt(I)ON 5 78
RE(D)UCTED* 0 70
bLoOMED 14976 79
ATROPIN 709 65
COEQUAT(E) 8247 137
B(O)TULINs 7213 77
TABOULI 3186 73
(U)NPoSTED 4945 72
SEA(F)LOOR 3722 63
SELTZEr 10040 94
ELOINED 281 79
BOOKENd(S) 19103 104
SIGHInG 21303 77
GAlAXES 14168 74
(V)IRGULES 9052 66
hEMIOLA 2574 72
RETELLS 9374 81
ORANgER(Y) 5078 83
DUNITES 1159 62
VER(B)OTEN 5007 76
(E)XORABLe 8698 114
gODOWNS 18095 89
LAM(E)NTER 1604 64
ISATINE 144 77
MEDALlI(C) 17785 89
STILLER 5425 81
B(E)ACONeD 4798 74
WEARISH 4394 88
COLOC(A)tE 17621 72
C(A)NTORIS 1108 78
(Z)YMOgENS 24840 71
REANOI(N)T 41 60
EPHE(D)RAS 10401 84
SOL(I)TUDE 888 63
RAGTAIL 3443 68
KEELSON 8224 68
lINEATE 54 77
sCLERAE 4044 75
AIR(W)ARDs* 0 67
(R)ESEATED 1880 73
SID(E)BARS 8586 69
rEPLIED 4144 77
SIGMOID 14468 76
(I)dONEITY 1690 74
T(O)LIDINS 3891 74
(D)INETTES 2710 68
UNRObED 3833 79
GER(A)NIOL 57 60
INT(E)RBED 1527 69
ATT(O)RNED 453 86
SARSENS 17141 80
MAEsTRI 698 77
STUPEfY 18907 88
lINTIER 476 84
sTRAFED 2956 74
REIFIEs 4578 80
ERRaNDS 2811 73
C(U)DDLERS 22538 68
ACERATE 2511 95
ENqUIRE 4550 70
SI(E)NITeS 5571 68
ABlATED 6015 75
ALEURON 160 75
LOONIES 1032 70
oUTRAVE(D) 1376 86
MUTASES 12945 87
UNVE(I)LeD 5350 78
BANSHIE 4294 76
BIOTINS 6273 85
PICOTED 4877 80
EL(A)TIONS 19 66
(R)EBURIES 9115 72
CARDIN(A)L 6914 62
NOISIE(s)T 3011 68
MENAGES 5498 78
mONARDA 6008 65
TREEING 453 69
FOOTLER 5007 80
(G)NoMONIC 22836 78
DAUBIER 1389 74
SMaLTIN(E) 1007 68
SINUATE 119 73
MONT(E)ROS 4202 77
EXTOR(T)Ed 11493 72
TEAZLES 7316 86
cARNIES 633 81
CORNERE(D) 7447 69
PEELERs 12090 73
(F)RANKeRS 18472 80
TREATER 4588 71
TARGeTS 4433 68
AEONIaN 367 64
N(A)RRATED 2455 72
ECOL(O)GIC 22888 102
HURLIES 5679 78
A(E)RIFIED 1756 71
REFR(O)NTS 6123 94
PAINT(I)ER 510 64
TITBiTS 22789 67
DR(O)WSING 9364 76
RAISO(N)NE 132 70
DEGAMIS 4459 80
STIPULe 5451 73
CREN(A)TED 1503 76
ELUSION 493 75
(B)ALEfIRE 4026 83
lOD(G)INGS 18338 74
(R)EGRATED 4224 78
TIDE(L)ESs 8233 68
ECO(T)OURS 6880 68
IVORIES 2370 65
eXpEDIT(E) 17466 95
AILERO(N)S 20 68
CoRNETT 4680 70
(D)RONgOES 4432 74
RUNTiES(T) 2712 74
DUNG(A)REE 1723 90
wIPEAB(L)E 12128 80
ExCITER 8921 80
CAT(E)NOiD 189 65
GO(D)LI(N)ESS 6893 69
(V)ERSEMEN 16004 92
(A)ERATORs 1419 66
FANCIER 2283 82
(D)ELETION 160 61
REsITED 573 77
TA(G)LINES 447 70
MUTInIE(D) 4943 62
(E)NHANCED 15115 80
MI(S)PLEAD 8448 95
N(E)OTERIC 283 74
D(O)OMsDAY 25460 78
oUTLEAP 1885 87
TIDERIP 3474 74
(F)ORePAST 3848 95
RIpOSTE 963 79
CATBoAT 17557 95
UNGIFTE(D) 6211 69
VINTAGE 1233 82
POISON(E)D 3740 65
ARTSIER 526 84
APOl(O)GUE 8315 64
(I)NTERMAt 1425 80
PAE(A)NISM 5979 98
DE(N)ARIUS 251 72
SEIcENT(O) 789 66
SPRUCeD 15586 83
MATELOT 4415 77
MENACES 7937 87
OUTSNOR(E) 1434 77
ViBRIOS 13425 81
NUCLE(O)LI 9200 90
COTERIE 460 92
LaRGESS 9871 82
(T)AWDrIES 990 89
ESTANcI(A) 1137 66
N(E)URONES 3218 59
RANcOUR 9243 63
TAVERNA 1748 66
COTuRNI(X) 13381 88
LIM(E)ADES 2816 94
APEr(T)URE 6088 74
KETCHUp 30976 93
DOTTIER 998 69
bEEZERS 25292 99
D(R)EARILY 4888 86
SLEDGED 16461 74
ZE(B)RINES 10724 71
(D)EPUTIES 5085 86
bOWLInG 14792 82
SNARLER 2824 76
ELAT(E)RIN 29 70
U(N)WHEELS* 0 82
TAXITEs 6965 79
HEARTEN 1076 87
AN(E)ARING 1955 76
(F)LEAPITS 5750 92
SAUNtER 443 85
PIGsNEY 12257 106
REVOTIN(G) 931 89
(B)APTISED 5350 80
OV(E)REATS 783 76
RHApHIS* 0 95
SENARII 137 70
ESTiVAL 1493 83
NAE(M)EAtP* 0 75
ITLSMGA* 0 113
ECLEHIV* 0 135
(N)EIKRGOV* 0 110
AUSiDRY* 0 127
ESFDIUN* 0 120
THEO(R)IES 843 94
POrK(I)EST 7317 69
ERECTiO(N) 300 65
UNDRAwS 11058 78
ENLAR(G)ES 1727 70
(D)EIONIzE 4666 77
AERIALS 493 62
DEVIANT 654 69
PaTRIA(TE)D 3392 76
SNEERfU(L) 8564 68
POESIEs 8853 84
SOUNDME(N) 13048 72
MaDUROS 8809 75
EPISODE 2611 100
MENTHOL 8131 89
hORRENT 4684 68
NASTIES 1392 80
ANTLION 1400 70
WAIVERS 4416 86
WAUGHTS 19503 71
TANGENT 8172 65
(P)ODESTAS 9677 65
LANGUOR 3503 71
NoTA(R)IZE 246 203
UpRIGHT 17362 80
lE(V)EEING 9423 62
RINSERS 8824 73
FACU(L)ATE* 0 65
D(E)RIDInG 9432 70
VOmERIN(E) 2473 74
(B)OLIVARS 8693 65
(L)ATTICES 4883 83
ImPLORE 4926 70
YATAgH(A)N 24127 89
SANGA(R)E(E)S 7331 73
MaRTING 4051 102
TaTT(L)ERS 12466 58
ENqUIRY 10556 63
lISTERI(A) 297 74
SCARLeT 3091 69
LARRUPs 17631 75
RAvIEST 723 76
OVOIDAL 7216 80
INFARES 661 76
SteRNLY 5790 66
mIDlEGS 10137 80
ELAT(I)ONS 19 58
ADJUS(T)Er 7746 119
eNPLANE 7367 72
INTE(G)RAL 143 72
REENACT 1023 65
ASININE 1601 68
NATAlLY* 0 73
OOLITES 987 72
DANGERS 1637 79
FRITTED 6267 80
AU(D)INIAL* 0 68
CREATI(N)E 223 78
DRYS(T)ONE 2805 80
PENANGs 11148 74
STATIST 20025 65
LEA(T)HERN 1517 79
(S)PROUTER* 0 83
CHASTEN 6720 86
PAT(O)OTiE 2369 72
ANALY(T)IC 11771 63
OUTDATE 1615 72
SUSlIKS 23720 86
INFERN(O)S 3397 65
PUNCT(A)TE 13311 82
(I)NVEIGlE 7674 88
DUNNAGE 6600 64
LATINAS 2261 75
GLOrIED 1052 76
INGESTE(D) 1645 64
FeRNIER 4704 76
OUTL(I)NED 317 68
LIGATU(R)E 449 72
HELO(T)ISM 6508 76
BlUNTED 8296 77
bI(P)ARTED 3107 90
REALIsE 202 70
UL(C)ERATE 2868 64
ANOO(P)siA 6233 70
(S)HAmANIC 20176 89
DARTLES 1093 75
bRUNETT(E) 9379 74
ANAtHE(M)A 14758 65
VESTURE 6496 77
D(E)nTISTs 11507 64
VaLI(A)NCE 6267 70
A(L)BUMENS 12590 66
UNIO(N)IZE 10740 68
TaNISTR(Y) 7719 72
HEDONIc 4871 87
M(O)ULDIER 2674 62
ZEBRiNE 8542 115
PARERGA 12146 76
CANTR(I)PS 8246 70
CRUSTEd 8309 83
VIOLATE(S) 547 74
REFINES 2168 74
MATRON(A)L 4796 68
pEREONS 2663 64
ALINERS 106 71
BRINIES 3458 106
FETICiD(E) 10383 92
TARGeTS 4433 68
CON(I)OSES 11459 72
PER(V)IEST 7226 76
MOUsIER 2047 72
UNSE(I)ZED 9357 86
CAPTU(R)ED 9030 88
tOSTADA 8496 70
TIdERIP 3474 81
EpIGRAM 6000 91
PYR(E)NOID 3926 80
R(E)TIArII 3479 122
(B)aLONEyS 6704 77
INSWePT 6886 78
SLANTI(S)H* 0 67
cASERNS 9332 78
BAlNEAL 13026 87
NAILERS 101 74
ACRO(L)EIN 192 70
(D)ELISTED 8230 72
cOGITOS 12400 70
SAVELOY 7977 97
BRAILeD 1447 73
POWERiN(G) 5613 92
OUTL(O)VES 10141 74
MANnING 19663 93
O(U)TvYING 14678 72
(U)NMITRES 2396 89
(S)EAROBiN 183 80
ADEpTES(T) 9596 74
DEWOOLS 11182 78
AUREATE 800 81
DESI(G)NEE 5052 70
TRIODEs 179 85
TRI(C)ORNE 1793 140
EBONITE 608 73
(A)NIMAtER 479 80
(A)LERTING 141 72
cOINSU(R)E 1353 63
G(R)AZIERS 11403 72
DISJOIN 13093 75
TALlO(W)ED 9673 86
PERINEA(L) 661 68
SPLENII 5836 65
R(E)ORDERS 15516 60
(S)INISTER 4725 70
SNORTED 527 63
ARtICLE 628 69
SLINKIE(R) 8238 84
fLAGPO(L)E 19935 70
tRAWLER 6227 70
TUNNELS 7860 83
ELOIGNE(R) 351 70
BINDERS 3203 77
LORDING 3680 77
A(U)REOLED 495 72
pITI(A)BLE 6301 72
RIPIENO 1136 76
(P)ACIFIES 15264 69
FrO(W)NING 20016 66
DA(Y)GLOwS 22037 74
MICeLLA 14576 104
WAITrON 746 89
FEASI(B)LE 7029 176
EARLI(E)sT 122 131
GUILTED 3482 83
(R)UBbERED 27406 90
FlOOZIE 13374 88
AURIFOR(M) 14080 92
R(E)ADABLE 5859 72
LENI(E)NCE 12156 61
ETES(I)ANS 1253 62
ROULADE 482 69
bLOUSIE(R) 2662 74
CRUSHED 15583 89
SETLINE 579 83
EERIEST 1212 76
RADIALE 490 75
eNTWINE(D) 6462 74
ANTE(D)ATE 3194 72
RETIrEE 3415 66
vEGETI(S)T 11873 82
RELe(v)ANT 1608 64
TOWARDS 5870 80
DY(N)AmITE 3351 78
SOMITAL 3382 70
CRUmMIE 20963 87
DENTINE 1900 84
TAILFAN 5483 83
(L)EGHORNS 7388 76
E(T)cETERA 8798 122
SLENDER 2912 73
IRRIgAT(OR) 12286 66
EQU(I)TANT 5783 71
IN(C)ENSES 18398 90
(B)EELINEd 7781 80
HEA(D)SAIL 4804 66
(F)LEEcING 12821 83
SNUFFI(l)Y 29604 82
BIOWAS(T)E 2033 64
PERU(S)iNG 6262 70
PRIDInG 13795 76
TSARIST 11751 71
SOCCAGE 17465 73
AGrOUND 3673 76
STAIDES(T) 7994 85
ALIDADE 5927 70
OFTEN(E)sT 7496 73
(S)EPtICAL 5709 62
SOYbEAN 4795 82
COVE(R)AGE 6598 64
REMAILE(R) 3708 70
PREWARn(S) 14083 98
NAUSE(A)TE 1127 62
SPIRULA 7970 90
BALBOAs 21890 83
MEGADY(N)E 12806 90
sILVIC(A)L 26023 74
FEAsING 2557 92
NARCISS(I) 15733 74
JEMIDAR 7829 76
(N)ATIONAL 2478 77
BUSYING 19659 90
NETLESS 9426 72
AUtOLYS(E) 2812 72
IO(D)ATING 1580 60
EOBIONT 1344 63
(T)HATChER 26395 94
ANTElOP(E) 820 80
SOIREES 2521 72
RELU(C)ENT 5446 61
TENO(R)ITE 288 66
SlICERS 13039 78
A(R)GININE 1956 68
SP(A)VINED 5740 84
O(U)TLOOKS 27453 78
OAKIEST 1092 78
(G)aROTiNG 5288 70
ENVIROS 1003 77
UPChARG(E)* 0 86
DI(s)RATED 2072 65
TOTALIS(E) 424 79
ACArINE 820 71
RES(I)L(I)eNT 534 122
AIRTING 1712 64
WAnTONS 9658 86
pAVISE(R)S 14287 149
SNIbBED 17583 82
EOLITHs 1935 66
AST(H)ENIA 1145 74
CREASER 7351 84
JETL(I)NER 3328 82
PIGNORA 2681 76
OVArIES 339 85
(A)IRPLAYS 16209 92
TAm(E)LESS 13051 81
LEAVIER 1008 70
INDUlG(E)R 2393 68
EQUINES 7031 85
FOSTERS 10397 99
(N)ERVIEsT 1543 72
(G)ERANIAL 596 72
OFTENEr 1266 66
G(E)RARDIA 3665 76
INOSINE 2129 70
BERETTA 4887 62
AGRy(P)NIA 14919 140
INER(R)ANT 1187 68
VALUA(T)ES 7925 62
FR(E)NETIC 4099 73
TRA(C)TILE 2740 74
MENThOL(S) 9765 80
APANA(G)ES 15225 94
RESA(M)PLE 10419 78
DISTRAC(T) 10963 69
TA(M)ENESS 10049 74
wOODBIN 15120 71
REMORAS 4421 98
(L)IGNEOUS 1550 70
(AB)OMINATE 1154 76
PERKIER 15970 93
pATZERS 10985 88
FOVEOL(A)S 11731 82
pATZERS 10985 88
FOVEOL(A)S 11731 82
N(O)TATORY* 0 63
FAIRIeR 4468 80
STRAYeR 6512 73
DANDERS 5393 80
bAGUETT(e) 11801 66
PUERILE 4178 77
INER(R)ANT 1187 68
VALUA(T)ES 7925 62
ACYLOIN(S) 9186 68
MINDERS 3258 78
EYE(L)INER 4755 80
FRE(E)LOAD 1898 76
INUR(N)INg 24490 59
RETILIn(G) 1567 68
AVIATI(O)n 3192 75
sNIFTeR 1547 79
ALPINES 1478 76
SENECIO 1250 72
tHRALLE(D) 12200 86
(I)NNUENDO 10536 80
WATAPES 10725 75
wOMBLIK(E)* 0 73
S(M)ALLEsT 22320 68
dOGVANE 2939 82
DISPREA(D) 8617 95
PATR(O)NAl 5057 62
LUSTIER 1165 79
REDbUGS 13797 74
RUINERS 2733 61
MEASlIE(R) 1467 61
V(A)MOOSED 11147 70
TATAmIS 12361 69
ROAMERS 4624 77
LITTeRE(R) 5803 74
THEREON 1209 67
FIBERIN(E)* 0 78
MOREENS 2533 68
TROPINS 3274 65
ST(ER)OiDAL 21 62
GNAWERs 4715 78
FLINDER 3236 69
ORGIAST 843 70
BA(T)TErIE 1963 66
UpRIGHT 17362 80
STRAYeR 6512 73
DANDERS 5393 80
bAGUETT(e) 11801 66
PUERILE 4178 77
JAUNTED 6113 76
NOTIFIe(R) 712 72
PRAI(R)IES 5589 84
STEN(O)SES 18988 77
EUcLAsE 6323 76
(C)ROONIER 4777 62
EP(I)LATES 1557 72
OvERDUE 4807 76
(R)UMBLIER* 0 74
T(R)IFORIA 5897 74
LIv(E)LIER 14323 68
TINGLED 1730 67
BANsHIE 4289 74
(P)ATCHIER 7620 70
mONERAN 2580 67
DATELiN(E) 108 77
AROWAN(A)s 13957 74
EGALITE 456 63
BU(L)KIESt 17403 64
UNF(ET)TERS 9484 76
R(e)FORMED 16404 76
OORALIS 1680 71
GLABR(A)TE 6966 62
CONDOES 8044 100
HYAl(O)GEN 8837 68
CORTINS 3423 79
P(L)ATEAUS 7924 78
ENE(R)GIES 2852 63
VENIsON 4649 74
FITNESS 9782 77
LANCHED 9967 80
TA(R)RIEST 2513 70
OBELIAs 851 77
A(B)ETMENT 11466 64
EPEIRIc 8864 82
TOL(E)RATE 732 82
ROASTED 153 82
PRIORIt(Y) 18172 70
REALIGN 257 70
SOPPING 21031 95
CLEARO(U)T 1353 83
UTERINE 224 62
BRAINED 614 72
CARLINS 4941 68
EpIDOTE 1253 70
IMPINGS 19944 80
TaRANTA(S) 15797 74
VENDA(B)LE 10349 95
HAbITAT 16822 75
SCOPULA(E) 10096 99
MELTAGE 5724 70
hEADH(UN)TS 18054 98
ROILIES(T) 406 82
aUDIBLE 3013 90
TARDIVE 658 75
KNOUTED 6958 81
EMINENc(Y) 20534 89
DEODArA 4205 70
CESSION 7632 95
fL(I)NTILY 25972 70
F(O)LIAGED 2213 65
QuAINTE(R) 1273 91
IMAG(I)NeR 2135 74
aDVERSE 3901 87
TROUN(C)ES 2800 72
DEVIATE 999 105
ANIMATE 786 87
REGO(L)ITH 2266 84
UPRAISE 1568 75
(S)ALTINES 2206 77
ENsUITE 612 70
DITCHI(E)R* 0 68
WIREMAN 2418 83
PISsOIR 16620 77
bRIARDS 11888 84
REGALiA 1038 79
ETERNIS(E) 860 65
EN(T)ANGLE 4214 68
FUSTI(A)NS 15062 71
LATHE(R)ER 6069 94
FIREDO(G)S 4148 89
ANGINOS(E) 874 65
(T)ATtOOER 8823 74
FELINES 4162 73
SOLERET 849 71
ATTEN(D)Ed 8917 82
FOREGO(N)E 6686 64
SCORNER 7121 75
TABOURE(R) 3342 72
AUNTIES 118 69
FoR(E)WENT 4751 68
RAFTE(R)ED 6049 78
COWIEST 4900 76
UNrEPAI(D) 981 83
OOTHE(C)AE 6004 92
HARLOTs 5602 78
TERRAIN 187 75
A(G)ENTIAL 597 67
LOCATO(R)S 8791 64
(A)NTiQUED 2497 88
A(S)PIRANT 4185 82
O(C)ULISts 18787 64
UNOIlED 487 68
SOVIeTS 7343 88
OARSMEN 883 74
PyREN(O)ID 4140 78
SNOOZER 8414 84
MARLINS 4755 84
AVOIdER 303 66
RECOATS 852 71
AR(C)HAEoN 4239 76
DUVeTYN 12824 81
RESHOED 4791 80
TAENITE(S) 524 62
DATINGs 2902 72
cOMPLOT 22044 78
JOUStE(R)S 17124 95
(S)CENArIO 183 65
CLATTER 6193 82
PREFAC(E)D 16064 68
INVIA(B)LE 6298 65
(F)ACTIOUS 9182 65
AuBADES 9005 76
BAR(C)oDES 6695 82
DEVIAN(C)E 4261 68
pIROQUE 8787 88
STREUSE(L) 11659 74
FLoUN(C)ED 13924 80
PETTInG 8261 74
AN(T)IWEED 652 80
ISLAN(De)RS 2428 63
(P)RuRIGOS 18118 72
SALTERS 5410 66
CESSION 7632 74
LAAG(E)RED 3854 64
ENHALOS 1872 78
A(N)EMONES 4223 62
ARR(O)GATE 2205 72
INsPIRE 3485 67
LOOPIER 2668 72
LEvERAG(E) 9417 77
OuTREA(D)S 331 131
NEUTERE(D) 3484 63
REFUELS 9234 71
(T)IsSUING 18848 77
(F)INAGlED 3435 78
TENOURS 501 68
B(R)IDLERS 11164 80
SYn(T)AXES 20954 92
TOASTER(S) 5482 62
UNREPAI(R) 2787 72
TREAT(E)RS 5508 70
MARTINS 2589 87
(V)ENOSITY 3955 66
UPGIRds 15272 80
bRILLOS 15422 72
LOBATE(L)y 14583 86
E(X)CISINg 20228 67
UNNEr(V)ES 13374 72
MISREFE(R) 14428 73
HUrRA(Y)ED 16632 82
OCE(A)NAUt 1590 67
DOPANTS 5597 75
GOoNIES(T) 939 82
vEALINg 2555 69
SEROTIN(Y) 619 63
FORESTE(R) 7468 86
CO(W)RITES 4132 66
FRINGIE(R) 10753 74
HAVIORs 6974 74
(J)ADEITES 3242 68
NItE(R)IES 429 68
ELATERI(N) 29 68
MARLiES(T) 1009 80
(A)TTAINEd 1036 74
S(T)EADING 437 66
DOOLEES 4680 91
ULUlATE 15623 64
(U)NTRACKS 20033 82
IGNITES 2156 84
TITT(E)RER 14856 59
CReN(EL)ING 7982 66
VIR(T)UOsO 8824 72
OBELISE 2488 68
START(E)RS 15707 82
TORQuER(S) 13380 82
(A)d(M)IRABLE 6032 89
NAILERS 107 64
MODER(A)TO 2078 65
TwEENIE 3564 70
LO(C)ATION 3260 70
AURATED 1217 78
IMPl(O)DED 17945 66
GREASIL(Y) 3462 89
(I)NCUBAtE 3106 65
t(U)RNKEYS 16698 96
FI(R)EPANS 3171 64
DRaGNET 805 82
BARQUES 13447 94
uNDREST 2328 75
OREIdES 283 74
CAVEATS 10257 89
TIREDES(T) 2572 76
DISLI(K)ER 11523 64
PEERING 3235 76
(I)DOLATER 11 87
LAUGH(I)NG 21739 64
MUTInIE(D) 4943 62
(E)NHANCED 15115 80
PAEsANO(S) 10321 77
TE(A)SELER 1881 66
V(O)LUTiNS 7229 60
(A)STHENIA 1145 74
(I)NURBANE 2729 89
TOUZLED 9507 95
TRITONE 275 68
(E)MpRISES 18256 80
UNERASE(D) 905 68
AMMONIT(E) 4979 89
IkEBANA 8049 77
TUAtERA 3246 64
CHAU(N)TER 5542 84
STOTIN(K)I 16493 63
EM(P)YREAL 15318 66
ACAU(L)OsE 5249 63
ENROLLS 5928 67
SNIFTER 1547 81
bEA(U)TIFY 10302 78
DESIGN(E)D 10022 76
JoI(N)TERS 1616 65
FUrROWE(D) 17668 95
AmI(D)ONES 523 142
RESTING 775 77
DEFR(A)yER 14380 94
(D)EcLAWED 21098 74
ANTI(P)ORN 3008 61
GUARA(N)Is 4459 60
SLEETIN(G) 1652 80
NIDATIO(N) 2345 61
MINUTED 3119 79
MEADOwS 7640 86
R(E)ORIENT 268 131
(D)ISROBES 9195 74
CHINOOK 20191 92
DOuBT(I)NG 9354 84
SPAROID 3207 93
IDO(L)ISER 987 61
PICKETS 18366 93
e(L)U(S)IVELY 21321 68
(R)eTAILOR 140 66
SCARLeT 3091 69
TIGHTER 8620 67
TUmBRE(L)S 16555 76
SA(V)EABlE 13866 74
(L)OUvERED 5855 74
LIToRAL 2896 70
DASHIER 1497 72
(R)EVOlUTE 3770 74
obIT(U)ARY 5616 86
RA(T)OONED 219 68
PAgURID 9291 74
mASONED 1860 84
LAMINAR 5233 62
(E)THICIaN 3614 89
CH(A)NNELS 16622 71
IMPA(C)T(I)NG 18409 72
RETRIED 1897 70
O(UT)GUIDES 6894 63
ARMOIRE 1209 76
AGITATE 2508 68
H(A)NDLOoM 17302 73
(O)VERSIDE 1832 64
(S)UPERCAR 16628 76
CA(T)ENOID 177 72
OLEATES 279 70
LEVIRAT(E) 629 72
DENTATE 1782 75
ANtHILL 12193 67
ALASTOR 2719 83
pERINEA 356 69
HOT(E)LIER 797 66
OvERLEA(F) 4567 72
cHAISES 13935 72
AN(T)HEMED 6764 65
CONgAED 2796 75
AbSTR(U)SE 11574 81
E(L)ATERID 105 72
(H)ERBIEST 6801 70
DAPPErL(Y) 25605 104
ANOINTS 1401 65
DARTLES 1147 86
PLANISH 12433 75
NITR(A)TOR 2723 66
LEASING 758 79
FAT(I)GUES 3452 63
CUTOVEr(S) 9748 80
SPINDLE 5426 83
TAINTED 539 67
ENACTED 2065 98
OvE(R)HEAP 9245 82
LOMENTS 3925 71
(O)CTANtAL 12777 80
PAVISER 4417 82
ENTOILs 182 67
FElAFE(L)S 26145 63
SHOWIER 4923 86
PUNNIeS(T) 7979 80
DISRAT(E)D 2072 72
ETAMINE 351 70
(O)LDSTERS 7681 65
BOATLIf(T) 13387 80
(G)ERANIOL 57 61
BICRONs 10400 76
DIl(A)TIVE 2572 64
STABLeD 5568 74
PEARLIT(E) 664 62
RAIDERS 1273 68
WIShERS 17351 81
INDICtE(E) 3483 83
TUT(O)RAGE 2008 70
SLAN(T)ING 8107 140
D(I)ASTRAL 3195 68
INHUMEd 10144 93
BIOTOpE 6424 86
(LI)NEARISE 139 63
(R)ECENTER 12361 70
TANiS(T)RY 7731 78
AI(R)TRAMS 11623 72
WETTiNG 8637 88
AnERGIA 368 76
OBLAsTS 16094 87
ANTI(G)ENS 1652 61
NODICAL 3336 87
SARDIUS 10602 77
HEARING 1218 68
COWBIRD 17767 79
F(A)CTIOUS 8708 76
sPERM(I)NE 6838 61
LIMBEC(K)S 27612 86
GOSSoON 22734 64
(W)HITTLER 14007 95
(T)WOONIES 2103 63
RAdIXES 3533 130
SOLANIN(E) 447 70
W(A)TErAGE 5022 72
C(U)RARINE 2897 78
TAILING 3449 77
SOILURE 523 76
BECLOUD 14262 70
NUMBErE(D) 14165 66
GODETIa 77 74
RATTLES 2703 64
FRON(T)EST* 0 76
D(E)CLAIMS 8436 64
AUT(O)cADE 3048 70
ANgUINE 2239 67
TRIN(IT)IES 5820 61
FLIGHTS 18638 84
OV(E)RRuNS 8995 68
A(C)ROmION 7319 82
D(A)RIOLES 90 60
IN(T)RANET 1188 59
(F)IREPOTS 4147 98
(L)ATTICED 5148 74
CEm(E)TERY 20706 66
bU(S)LOADS 21466 70
STRANDE(R) 2024 63
UNBrAID(S) 6255 80
(R)OUPIEST 1404 64
STOURES 5941 75
A(V)ENGING 17599 69
SINUATE 125 83
PROTEA(S)E 825 62
ADJOINe(D) 7238 84
MENTION 2478 72
OUTSOLE(S) 13356 62
LANATED 1273 80
PARErGA 12164 78
DIP(T)ERAL 1026 81
ANCIENT 2101 72
DORMO(U)Se 10143 62
ANCIENT 2101 72
DORMO(U)Se 10143 62
T(U)ITIONS 7250 66
TILAPIA 8581 63
(S)ARTORII 2347 77
MANNIT(I)C 16482 78
TURN(H)AlL 17823 74
PURInES 3165 77
RIaLTOS 443 70
DEANING 2233 71
UNSOILE(D) 840 80
YEOMAnR(Y) 17091 73
EDITION 232 71
POTAB(L)eS 6369 76
sORBENT 1966 78
GORILLA 7097 84
DITcHER 7116 85
LARKERS 12766 104
IN(D)UCING 22454 74
FONDAN(T)S 11421 115
ENFOrCE 5851 76
bROWLE(s)S 20973 78
D(O)UBLETS 7818 62
OuTSAID 1119 73
ENTeRIC 1028 86
DERBIES 3932 83
(F)EWTRILS 8659 80
APOSTA(T)e 6340 68
REYNARD 6207 97
LENITES 605 73
sTEARIC 640 89
(P)UgAREES 7507 84
RATIONS 123 66
LIVERI(E)D 5582 66
OLESTRA 157 72
UShERIN(G) 5915 77
FON(T)ANEL 3366 82
PATTE(R)NS 4999 80
SPEEDI(E)R 7373 94
REFORM(AT)E 5475 65
DEC(R)OWNS 9732 78
TUGRIkS 15912 79
(T)ERAtOMA 3755 77
(A)NTILOGS 1194 88
DINKIES 9156 70
S(E)aBIRDS 8142 76
EXULTED 12995 132
(E)UlOGIAE 303 80
TrOCHEs 7767 89
INFECTE(D) 6804 90
ALiASES 5657 67
CENTARE 1021 74
ETHANES 2109 67
ROO(T)LESS 9377 60
DItCHIN(G) 20624 101
OcTANTS 9244 81
AVERTED 2098 74
cOM(I)NGLE 8393 72
IOLITES 704 76
MIAOUI(N)G 6702 62
eN(S)NARLS 10928 61
pETIOLE 1198 76
(A)ERIFIES 1663 95
UNSAVOR(Y) 12278 82
(S)tEAMINg 1760 83
DYNEINS 9057 75
CARBIDe 4094 101
EVERTEd 8604 71
ATLASES 8521 84
ENACTOR 329 63
OSSeTRA 1735 72
GEO(D)ETiC 2724 67
SENARII 137 80
FLAVORe(R) 10628 78
bROWNIE 2627 78
CLEWING 11699 95
INTERNE(S) 1235 66
BELDAME 11347 80
INDI(C)TER 2666 74
ATRESIC 637 75
ENsHRIN(E) 6452 74
G(A)TEWAYS 15778 88
MONSIEU(R) 1477 62
(O)dOMETER 4722 80
INV(I)TING 23746 80
DRAGEES 2336 80
SCREW(I)ER 15172 76
(A)LGEBRAS 10203 74
DUSTERS 11547 73
CABbaGE(S) 28490 89
GIRASOL 1805 67
TRAPNES(T) 5273 83
T(I)THoNIA 5900 70
(P)ENURIES 3158 83
ELOIGNS 1108 77
DISYOKE 11777 82
AEOnIAN 367 64
ACY(L)OINS 9189 64
(R)ESETTER 15418 60
DINNERS 2841 68
TAMPONE(D) 4050 92
AgO(N)IZED 2514 84
REdEFI(N)E 4750 72
SORTABL(E) 1334 68
MO(N)IlIAE 700 72
INURBA(N)E 2879 63
N(U)RSLINg 15268 64
(R)ETuNING 3248 77
(P)RuRIGOS 18118 72
SALTERS 5410 66
REDIALS 400 82
(T)hERMION 2007 86
COTIDAL 3189 81
ENHALOS 1872 82
LOITERE(R) 696 77
(I)NsURANT 4466 59
ULcERA(T)E 3855 78
TIDIEST 7603 78
SENSUAL 8074 66
bORRELI(A) 1669 64
TR(A)CTILe 2740 80
InROADS 435 71
MISAVER 4221 89
JACoNET 5461 101
DO(V)ENING 7770 69
FIlAM(E)NT 3169 70
LAMSTER 3024 81
UPR(O)OTED 6543 69
NAILERS 107 64
MODER(A)TO 2078 65
TwEENIE 3564 70
(C)ARDINGS 8733 78
pINB(AL)LE(R)S* 0 80
DURRIES 4974 84
OUTFlIE(S) 2687 65
(E)nLIVEN(E)D 11113 63
CO(W)RITES 4132 66
STEMMED 19556 76
SCRIVED 9681 83
EnTWINE 4716 79
ViRUL(E)NT 2268 60
(A)NISEEDS 2622 70
M(E)NTORED 1869 82
AP(O)ApSES 24813 90
U(N)SWAYED 12003 80
SOIREES 2388 76
NIOBIuM 13424 76
TErTIAL 545 72
EPATERs 2234 72
WAGGLED 19218 74
GIBLETS 7527 73
ANER(G)IAS 599 68
OATC(A)KEs 11012 102
CARLINS 4737 74
(T)HAlLIUM 22013 89
SEMPLI(C)E 18591 68
GATEmEN 3220 68
SAR(C)OIDS 11698 72
OUTSMEl(T) 12399 86
TANGEN(T)S 9497 80
WANDERE(R) 6063 68
VITRAI(N)s 4193 61
GROANED 364 73
C(R)UcIATE 10489 83
AUTOPEN 890 85
BOWeRED 8643 100
(P)ILSNERS 12274 83
BEDE(W)ING 12757 84
MU(N)CHIEr 14746 78
DEGAMIS 4662 88
HEMAGOG 18957 95
DEskMAN 14099 91
HOISTED 1999 96
STELENE 4656 74
A(C)QUIREs 9464 70
SITU(A)TED 2072 60
RODeNTS 499 80
HER(A)LDED 13688 102
ENDRINS 2842 80
ABORTIv(E) 897 80
PEALING 2554 84
SHORTIA 1659 76
PReB(O)ARD 11169 74
(A)GRESTAL 2976 80
ANO(X)EMIA 4965 68
FEE(D)YARD 18219 71
PIsT(O)LED 2679 97
OVE(R)NEAR 2211 62
ERECTIN(G) 2332 92
BRANDE(R)S 7884 80
LIMbATE 4112 77
SIERRAN 523 67
GUMTRE(E)S 10286 74
(W)RINKLED 13178 113
FOLDOUT 16368 79
TAENIOI(D) 39 80
IDOLIS(E)R 986 68
PHeNYLs 19793 91
UNCLOSE 6364 84
GREEN(T)Hs 7638 72
VERM(I)ANS* 0 67
GRISTLE 1746 70
EPAULE(T)S 5319 70
FIR(E)lIKE* 0 88
sIAMESE 7602 73
ATOMISE(D) 555 92
(SO)UVeNIRS 6545 74
BASTING 6785 79
NEGATER 476 84
TrENDIL(Y) 2262 74
(R)OTIFERS 3400 71
F(A)IRLEAD 2540 63
ATE(L)IERS 121 82
(C)ApSTONE 4033 80
RELI(E)VOS 1943 80
(T)OWELInG 2272 86
WINCERs 7128 84
FETICH(E)s 16110 80
SAMLETS 12903 77
GADDErS 10292 66
RETITLE 1901 66
YElPERS 14514 84
(D)UALIsED 7040 80
QUAAL(U)dE 22310 82
FOISTED 1904 89
NEKTONi(C) 11515 78
CORNIeR 2469 89
STELENe 4656 75
OUTVIES 1956 93
SCORING 7846 79
TeLEGO(N)Y 5259 76
VENISON 4654 67
TALEGGI(O) 3417 66
UNBEIN(G)S* 0 67
a(T)HETOID 1672 90
I(N)TERNED 1229 75
(L)ANCIErS 958 80
SA(L)INITY 6955 76
SECAT(E)UR 2869 61
LENITES 577 66
FOR(E)MIlK 16096 66
eUREKAS 7312 80
ANHINgA(S) 17637 72
INCIS(I)NG 26811 72
RIOTERS 794 70
UNGIRD(E)d 9243 70
HAIRLI(N)E 1246 72
(S)ILENTER 391 77
E(N)TREATY 3875 76
DESCALE 6598 76
GROT(T)OES 8228 68
FIlET(I)NG 6994 78
(L)OATHERs 1385 92
(s)MELTERS 17384 80
AEONIaN 367 72
LONGEIN(G) 14150 64
PARKADE 14614 114
FO(R)NICEs 4106 63
EXILIAN 3983 71
SOLDIER 515 91
OUTSOLE(S) 13356 62
LANATED 1273 80
PARErGA 12164 78
DIP(T)ERAL 1026 81
HORm(O)NES 11244 72
GRI(P)SACK 25795 72
EERIEST 1212 72
EaGLETS 2342 82
SAMuRAI 8139 75
TSARINA 1171 71
REGOLIT(E)* 0 80
sTOOGeD 5552 72
GUTTIER 4263 70
GUARD(I)AN 4458 76
(R)ESCHOOL 14826 67
(U)NVARIED 1038 64
(A)REOLATE 255 77
T(e)NORINO 863 68
CRaNN(O)GE 5071 74
SUITERS 5436 69
EXISTeD 7025 116
RETILIN(G) 1484 80
HaLBE(R)DS 12605 70
UNTA(N)NED 13123 86
(S)ALVAGES 22001 98
TANKING 14086 87
URiNEMI(C) 9797 86
SINUATE 125 83
PROTEA(S)E 825 62
ADJOINe(D) 7238 84
SHORTIe 982 73
(S)COOTING 11545 72
TAX(P)AYER 19926 71
CONINES 4634 102
UTOPIAS 3214 67
(E)tHOXIEs 8264 101
INTER(A)GE 86 70
ALDOSES 5996 69
SIGNORs 10577 75
sUBTONE 3848 75
bLUNTED 8670 73
pALATES 6055 72
MURIC(AT)ED 3474 65
ODDMENT 10874 73
INBREED(S) 2927 86
RECOATS 852 88
D(U)TIABLE 2291 89
GEOP(H)ORE* 0 68
ERiGE(R)ON 1186 64
(R)OaRINGS 3411 77
SPIRA(LI)TY 12222 80
ELASTIN 109 80
GARBLIN(G) 19097 65
TONNERS 1712 81
(A)SPIrATE 1160 77
AN(I)SEEDS 2622 77
WAT(E)RING 797 98
BRAW(L)IER 10152 78
RANTERS 1354 68
PElOTON 5233 79
ADDITIO(N) 4773 66
VASTIER 726 85
OVErLET 2653 84
(E)XPIRING 16821 107
LAITIES 471 66
REENACT 1023 73
UPDAtES 5379 81
CLANG(E)RS 5869 62
WOr(R)ITED 3396 84
(A)QUEDuCT 23314 113
RAT(I)ONED 3 140
BANTIES 589 78
fRAISES 6672 72
CILANT(R)O 1050 63
PROsTIE 1008 95
TABERED 2159 85
INHALES 1535 68
(D)AUBRIEs 2169 72
(C)APErING 4629 86
SA(N)TONIN 9143 59
lACTEO(U)S 2635 67
(T)OLUIDES 889 72
ANTIBI(A)S 7813 62
BRUITED 3066 85
TELEOST 4300 70
NUC(E)LLAR 11579 74
OCtANTS 9244 75
(V)ALERIAN 1152 81
O(R)CHARDS 19861 70
INDE(XI)CAL 9824 73
BEETLEd 11533 63
(G)UILDERS 4527 62
A(R)OUSING 1196 72
TEREDOS 809 77
GUNITES 1666 72
ATTIC(I)ZE 14571 73
V(E)RNIeRS 6145 70
STEARIC 640 80
POA(C)HERs 11903 80
PLAINeD 1500 74
STUDIES 8093 81
NARROWE(D) 3359 64
BEETLI(N)G 4394 63
LEgATE(E)S 4793 68
ACORNED 838 81
ACUITI(E)S 2432 65
(D)EFINITE 3296 64
TARRYIn(G) 9434 86
REVISAL 1491 91
STRIPER 6304 76
FOILING 10952 90
RATTLEs 2703 82
BOTHERS 7743 76
CAL(E)NDER 2854 94
A(N)TIDORA 300 72
UNEXpE(R)T 14337 96
(C)LINGIER 6637 64
cIN(E)ASTE 612 113
RELUMED 9213 76
BIFOR(A)Te 848 64
PAN(I)CLED 5371 78
(A)CROgENS 2112 76
OVOIDAL 6927 74
(I)NTUrNED 2030 70
L(I)ONISER 380 70
PAEsANI 1698 80
LUCARNE 2943 84
LA(R)IATED 286 60
(D)IATRONS 271 80
SURNAME(S) 11613 83
NODAL(I)TY 2300 78
REGNANt 2314 66
(G)ERMANIA* 0 74
EUSTACY 9597 70
ATEMOyA 5314 100
CORONA(T)E 891 70
pETE(C)HIA 8217 78
HOrNDO(G)S 18833 167
VEGETAL 5496 80
ENCLOSE 4588 73
TONSURE 502 76
DUN(G)IESt 2394 131
PUR(G)INgS 24032 70
MEASLES 13591 76
pARTICL(ES) 3281 83
CHAmBER 17996 79
AMATOLs 8783 72
GUITARS 2781 76
SYNCOPE 15114 72
TORSADE 148 76
DE(s)ALTED 7782 86
BAStION 1565 71
VISO(R)ING 9982 64
EPERGN(E)s 12974 90
LENITIN(G) 5835 70
WOORARI 8401 76
T(E)GMENTA 8479 78
ANNOnAS 17172 82
LaTINIZ(E) 3002 101
PENALLy 17290 79
DIARChY 16934 85
B(R)EATHES 7092 67
SECTION 957 70
ARIETTA 711 66
FOReRAN 2458 86
(R)ENATURE 1224 68
PREVUI(N)G 10885 68
I(D)EATION 34 70
P(A)RLEyER 14395 72
(S)LUGABED 12487 80
FReSCO(E)D 10791 78
ENER(V)ATE 2388 63
HEADI(E)ST 1451 84
aIRLIFT 5260 76
LINGUL(A)R 11189 68
GUINEAS 730 67
BONIA(t)OS 3259 60
HITLESS 12437 79
COUNSEL 6109 91
SImULAR 7589 66
cITTERN(S) 5005 74
ATTENDS 2685 70
SP(O)TTIER 3418 76
qUINELA 3380 73
OuTLIFT* 0 76
ANEStRI 19 81
UNBALES 5341 74
R(E)STRIKE 10001 74
(D)ORMIENT 576 63
O(C)TaNGLE 2111 90
EV(E)NTUAL 2918 63
bRATTI(E)R 5796 66
IOD(I)NATE 35 70
The of bingos played by the player that were not challenged off.
Triple Triples
Type Play Probability Score
LEPORI(D)S 2678 158
AGRy(P)NIA 14919 140
vARIO(L)A(T)E 305 122
SEROT(I)NE 49 131
NoTA(R)IZE 246 203
R(E)TIArII 3479 122
TRI(C)ORNE 1793 140
FEASI(B)LE 7029 176
EARLI(E)sT 122 131
E(T)cETERA 8798 122
RES(I)L(I)eNT 534 122
pAVISE(R)S 14287 149
AGRy(P)NIA 14919 140
OuTREA(D)S 331 131
AmI(D)ONES 523 142
R(E)ORIENT 268 131
SLAN(T)ING 8107 140
ROSE(H)I(P)S 15390 117
RAT(I)ONED 3 140
cIN(E)ASTE 612 113
HOrNDO(G)S 18833 167
DUN(G)IESt 2394 131
Triple triples played by the player that were not challenged off. They do not have to be bingos.
Bingo Nines or Above
Type Play Probability Score
vARIO(L)A(T)E 305 122
cONSTRU(ED) 3166 70
GO(D)LI(N)ESS 6893 69
PaTRIA(TE)D 3392 76
SANGA(R)E(E)S 7331 73
IRRIgAT(OR) 12286 66
RES(I)L(I)eNT 534 122
(AB)OMINATE 1154 76
ST(ER)OiDAL 21 62
UNF(ET)TERS 9484 76
hEADH(UN)TS 18054 98
ISLAN(De)RS 2428 63
CReN(EL)ING 7982 66
(A)d(M)IRABLE 6032 89
e(L)U(S)IVELY 21321 68
IMPA(C)T(I)NG 18409 72
O(UT)GUIDES 6894 63
(LI)NEARISE 139 63
TRIN(IT)IES 5820 61
REFORM(AT)E 5475 65
pINB(AL)LE(R)S* 0 80
(E)nLIVEN(E)D 11113 63
(SO)UVeNIRS 6545 74
MURIC(AT)ED 3474 65
SPIRA(LI)TY 12222 80
INDE(XI)CAL 9824 73
pARTICL(ES) 3281 83
Bingos played by the player that were nine letters or longer and were not challenged off.
Challenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were challenged off by an opponent.
Unchallenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
(WIZ)ArDING* 0 72
PILA* 0 32
DEVISO(R)Y* 0 75
(P)AIRWISE* 0 78
DOTTLIN(G)* 0 83
(N)O(N)TOPIC* 0 48
KACI(N)A* 0 34
OUTRULe(D)* 0 77
BRUSKS* 0 100
AMNIAL* 0 22
UNLIFE* 0 26
(T)ITLEIST* 0 68
TYINS* 0 68
NON(WASTE)* 0 33
(F)AMULATe* 0 89
PON(D)LIKE* 0 69
TWEEZ(Y)* 0 63
(W)EEPED* 0 24
KILNWO(OD)* 0 51
RE(D)UCTED* 0 70
(B)EWH(I)TE* 0 32
AIR(W)ARDs* 0 67
WAKE(U)P* 0 30
U(N)WHEELS* 0 82
RHApHIS* 0 95
OJ* 0 18
NAE(M)EAtP* 0 75
ITLSMGA* 0 113
ECLEHIV* 0 135
(N)EIKRGOV* 0 110
AUSiDRY* 0 127
YZE* 0 48
ESFDIUN* 0 120
IT(iLSLEOJ)* 0 57
FACU(L)ATE* 0 65
WIFER* 0 33
NATAlLY* 0 73
AU(D)INIAL* 0 68
(S)PROUTER* 0 83
LEKED* 0 36
SLANTI(S)H* 0 67
PURIM* 0 34
(F)UGLERS* 0 39
PUDENT* 0 27
UPChARG(E)* 0 86
N(O)TATORY* 0 63
WOWIE* 0 75
wOMBLIK(E)* 0 73
FIBERIN(E)* 0 78
(R)UMBLIER* 0 74
DITCHI(E)R* 0 68
Q(U)INAL* 0 30
DICIL(Y)* 0 24
ATWIRL* 0 83
(NU)NLY* 0 18
U(N)SWELL* 0 53
FRON(T)EST* 0 76
KART(E)D* 0 25
FAGGIE* 0 30
JO(T)TIER* 0 31
UN(F)UN* 0 27
(FA)V(I)ST* 0 24
T(R)AW* 0 25
DOBBO* 0 22
pINB(AL)LE(R)S* 0 80
VERM(I)ANS* 0 67
FIR(E)lIKE* 0 88
COME(UP)* 0 30
UNBEIN(G)S* 0 67
REGOLIT(E)* 0 80
GEOP(H)ORE* 0 68
(G)ERMANIA* 0 74
(COUNSEL)R(RE)* 0 12
OuTLIFT* 0 76
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were not challenged by an opponent.
Plays That Were Challenged
Type Play Probability Score
C(HIM)* 0 0
OUTsTEP* 0 0
CRA(N)S* 0 0
TYRI* 0 0
MO(B)LED 8836 26
(U)NFOOTEd* 0 0
FLUIN(G)* 0 0
ACKEE 4802 47
TREEING 453 69
F(LI)MS* 0 0
YCLEP(E)* 0 0
DOBLO* 0 0
GLuCOSE 11061 0
bECLOGS 15495 0
UPfLOW(AG)E* 0 0
GOR(G)ERY* 0 0
LANGUOR 3503 71
SOY 641 33
eNPLANE 7367 72
SUSlIKS 23720 86
KNE(E)D 4286 30
PYR(E)NOID 3926 80
TETANiZ(ER)* 0 0
RUINERS 2733 61
ROADER(S)* 0 0
(I)NF(I)XT* 0 0
(H)AS 516 32
L(U)N(K)ED* 0 0
cOMPLOT 22044 78
(T)IsSUING 18848 77
XYlASES* 0 0
PEPS(I)* 0 0
TACT 2554 0
DEC(O) 898 0
FE(T)AlITY* 0 0
WHEW(S) 8471 28
RINDS 1710 0
(b)EGLOwER* 0 0
DEXY 3328 60
A(T)OMY 4164 32
VISE 775 28
MANNIT(I)C 16482 78
LARKERS 12766 104
REFORM(AT)E 5475 65
ONI(U)M 2451 20
ELGAR* 0 0
CORGI(E)* 0 0
ENTA* 0 0
REsIZER* 0 0
DISAVOw 9825 0
(HAND)MAN* 0 0
BRAW(L)IER 10152 78
REBAN* 0 0
INDE(XI)CAL 9824 73
CHOO(F)* 0 0
XU 97 0
CHI(R)O 4174 32
GONADS 3576 0
Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Opponent Lists
Type Play Probability Score
ENRAGES 1133 74
DEFLEAS 6324 82
PIASTER 718 90
AEROBEs 1237 82
HILLOED 10661 104
GENITU(R)E 757 72
HARLOTS 5839 79
SLEI(G)HER 7155 78
HEADINg 2415 76
U(R)INEMiC 9306 69
ANEURIN 520 70
OLEFINE 1197 72
PARDINE 616 77
GINNERS 4443 69
EL(E)CTIVE 12993 86
NITROUS 1150 73
DeFINIT(E) 3296 76
DERIDES 6324 68
SEMINAL 1473 72
ARDUOuS 11108 81
REEDITS 572 80
oVErFAT 2740 67
ANG(E)RING 9361 70
ADAPTER 3615 74
LANDL(E)RS 7209 60
TITMO(U)sE 6081 158
DRU(M)BLES 19972 76
OMENING 6287 80
ROTUnDE(R) 2507 59
ENdOSTE(A) 168 74
SNORTER 1799 73
ANNULeT 2825 60
ANtICAR 2903 77
REA(T)TAIn 420 113
ELEVENs 11578 73
DIURONS 2367 75
(O)CTOROON 25607 70
PERIdIA 1704 81
ADA(P)TION 2594 72
E(X)ERTIOn 899 65
WITCHeS 14270 100
STUIVER 3172 79
aUDILES 1062 73
OVERLA(P)S 6442 69
M(O)IDORES 3736 83
OReGA(N)OS 936 68
SEDATES 6061 69
PARdNeR(S) 7908 58
STIRRED 2723 67
R(E)AVOWED 4566 73
TRIND(L)ES 686 69
MaRRInG 10456 71
oVOIDAL 6927 72
(R)EDRIVES 9129 89
CURSInG 12514 84
BOLIDEs 3574 69
DENTINE 1805 72
EGOIStS 5036 75
WONnINg 20149 84
RESINED 566 71
SCENTEd 6450 80
lIONISE 739 79
ART(E)RIES 500 82
GArVEYS 11691 70
bO(A)TYARD 12926 72
K(I)NGLIER 10477 65
(N)eGATORS 258 78
DIOCESE 2489 86
UpLIF(T)ED 12027 82
PODIUMs 16348 91
I(N)CoNNUS 24446 72
(R)EMITTER 10785 74
FLUSHE(R)S 26077 82
OLeANDE(R) 165 60
DIRTIES 1283 76
POLEYNS 11277 72
wORRIED 4443 69
LANTErN 1288 72
MANAgER 5046 72
CEI(N)tURE 1531 65
UNS(O)NSIE 8429 68
OUTLIER 182 80
M(E)DITATE 3495 74
OnANISM 6358 75
TRE(A)DLEs 903 122
PRiNTED 1545 77
OLEFInE(S) 1836 68
(D)OMIcILE 10131 83
SOILURE 495 71
CRUShER 18434 85
AdENINE 820 60
(I)SOlATED 92 77
(D)ELUSION 838 80
TRE(N)DIES 362 131
TR(I)BADES 945 72
REDLINE(D) 4853 83
ARNATTo 3367 67
FOReWAR(N) 7448 79
LENTAN(D)o 1077 131
STELLAS 14969 75
iNGOTED 382 67
sOOTIER 366 71
SCARILY 11871 96
ROR(Q)UALs 19121 70
SEcANTS 9739 76
VENiSO(N)S 13787 72
ADORNED 1729 70
ROSINED 165 68
ANEAREd 759 62
UNTWISt 14533 86
OVERDO(E)S 7575 63
mARTLET 6222 70
VINIFIE(D) 18143 88
S(E)VeRING 4424 74
BREE(Z)ING 13912 72
SEALIFT 1534 72
TEARIER 343 63
LATEENS 552 71
RUCTIo(N)S 4455 68
ASSUrAL* 0 67
P(r)OcAINE 855 68
YESTERN 4041 76
NINETEE(N) 12964 62
DEFINER(S) 2959 89
GU(T)TIeST 18086 60
sTANDER 407 66
ENTRIES 210 74
FLANGES 7190 79
MORULAE 1876 76
PISt(A)CHE 13910 106
NELLIES 8291 64
UNdE(R)rAN 7432 66
R(E)TRIALS 886 68
DIgERAT(I) 604 70
(A)MPHORAE 11954 80
SCArERS 16017 76
OOLITES 987 81
THIOUrE(A) 197 72
VERSION(S) 6195 86
TEASiNG 265 71
DRAFTEE 2082 70
PLEaTED 4065 100
YEASTIE(R) 643 63
FOOTPaD 14459 72
TOPSIDE 1924 83
dETOURS 1264 72
ImAGIST 10480 64
PENLITE 2286 82
AREtHU(S)A 4924 62
(T)AUNTING 11960 68
REDFISh 10137 85
pERSONA 933 77
EARNEST 214 77
INOSITE 247 69
UPRATEs 3198 69
HAI(R)LINE 1246 74
HAULIER 1539 80
DOILIED 6646 77
RAFfIsH 20854 78
C(A)PONIER 854 70
TYROSIN(E) 588 86
(OR)DAiNeRS 134 77
uN(V)EILED 5350 63
SNOWIeR 959 70
ATREsIA 133 70
CAMISAS 21107 74
Ro(L)LOVER 22725 64
BIRT(H)ING 18635 67
UNDREST 2328 74
RETYiNG 2501 81
TRAN(C)ING 9433 63
AEROSAT 231 63
(T)ROUNCER 5812 72
SNOOtIL(Y) 8821 83
(S)ERIEMaS 6292 80
GOBBLED 20442 73
sUITINg 8575 65
GUNNERS 9500 64
KERrIES 10935 90
EPIGEAN 1504 73
VI(N)ERIES 3308 94
wOOLIES(T) 3748 74
nORTHER 4486 73
NONR(A)TED 452 60
DAMPiN(G)S 16947 69
IRO(N)IZED 3593 70
SOUNdLY 14928 77
ANIsE(T)TE 524 68
(D)IALOGER 244 72
DElETES 7266 73
FOrESAI(L) 533 84
(C)AROUSED 2632 86
TONSURE(S) 4769 77
A(N)TERIOR 38 68
InANEST 521 84
DURA(T)IVE 991 64
sTYRENE 4040 93
(F)IGMENTs 10873 76
C(A)PONIER 854 70
TYROSIN(E) 588 86
PRIVaT(E)R 6585 66
PIRAYaS 12569 80
(D)ESTRUCT 14801 74
RETAXI(N)g 2067 66
AEROSAT 231 68
LATIGOE(S) 237 80
LANOSI(T)Y 2317 94
A(D)APTING 8891 72
(I)NERTIAS 88 77
RELA(T)ORS 1086 66
UNsNAPS 20907 73
APPRI(S)ED 14045 102
OUT(D)rINK 7845 86
SINC(E)RER 6102 72
GERANIU(M) 1756 74
uRINALS 1780 67
(C)ONTRoLS 12967 80
BEACHES 15932 84
SUNDERS 11545 84
RORQuAL 16475 91
ORgANIS(M) 3850 70
NITROUs 1206 68
DETOXES 8223 91
REgINAE 126 63
TEASING 279 89
HERDMAN 7033 80
ENABLED 4013 68
(B)EdIAPER 4240 86
CLANKED 14072 101
C(O)NTOURS 12968 62
TYLOsIN 5890 87
(O)bEISANT 187 74
PURITAN 2717 70
OU(T)RANGE 259 61
AErATES 799 65
FRiTTED 6536 71
GASTERS 7041 78
ANIMU(S)eS 8658 86
TACRINE 228 72
OVERME(A)N* 0 64
NEU(R)OnAL 1084 78
DIPODIE(S) 13378 89
CHEN(I)LLE 18236 67
DESTINY 3275 80
ShORTLY 16525 87
(P)AcIFIEs 15264 95
rE(T)ICULA 1017 72
MINGIER 5280 78
VELOURs 6417 79
(D)UPERiES 5359 83
MINTERS 1625 77
HAGRIDE 2537 84
HAV(I)OURs 9212 68
TUMBLEr(s) 16554 76
FLySCHe(S) 39220 95
(U)REtHANE 1520 92
RAT(I)ONAL 302 60
P(A)CkINGS 24451 86
sAHUARO 8782 73
PILoTED 1911 77
ToLUENE 810 73
CAmISA(D)E 9070 70
DERINGE(R) 4004 72
STONIEr 48 78
REUNITE 214 80
(d)UCkIEST 17421 66
(B)ETAINEs 642 80
TAbOOED 2776 68
D(E)SEXING 11638 68
NITRO(G)EN 913 60
INC(L)UDES 7422 62
MOvABLE 12561 81
YUL(E)TIDE 5357 78
(C)OUNTIES 1429 70
(UN)DeRSOIL 418 80
LIATRIS 2382 92
ENLARgE 1185 69
SURFING 13097 99
NAtIVES 711 89
RELIERS 3727 80
TOLU(E)NES 1190 59
MIDIRoN 6020 87
YEAS(T)IER 643 75
bRIGAND 6505 81
STRIDOR 5151 70
RAC(H)ItIS 12492 86
SEIZING 11808 96
AnTIARS 1171 69
(O)VERMILD 6834 101
SANTOUR 1206 70
sOULDAN 5878 84
YEASTI(N)G 2372 74
O(U)TSAILS 7254 59
ANnEALE(D) 5418 68
CLARION 1644 68
ARMOR(I)ES 1775 60
FRAUL(E)IN 1046 67
OUtRAGE(D) 648 70
BONFIRE 2625 96
EPILATE 1006 68
WAShDAY 21545 96
FAGOTER 1350 70
NEURoTI(C) 574 80
(N)OsELIKE 4012 86
(S)ANDPITS 14316 86
LINEA(G)ES 716 70
RELEASE(D) 3525 77
TABLINg 6791 74
(T)OEShOES 15848 59
(R)EUNITED 364 70
DIRTbAG 6789 82
PR(E)ACTED 7106 76
OXI(D)ISES 17558 67
A(N)OINTER 36 68
CaRL(I)NES 1011 62
ANTI(M)INE 3096 62
(V)ENERATE 2389 86
GALENIC 2409 90
GOURAMI 4851 76
RENNASE 1880 83
tORSADE(S) 2617 77
CORSAgE 2801 83
DECISiv(E) 13870 80
LINTERS 426 72
(S)OLEReTS 5683 64
G(E)LSEMIA 4235 110
(S)UNNIEST 10943 60
RE(P)LEDGE 16377 65
MARLITE 645 67
(C)ONIFERS 3890 101
ATTRi(TI)On 6659 64
UNTIRIN(G) 11567 80
ANIsOLE 36 70
RO(T)ARIES 135 66
OUTFAST 12190 83
sTaLKER 5884 91
HAMUlA(T)E 12638 78
TOUgHEN 5294 70
TOPAZI(N)E 2281 72
TRILOBE(D) 1335 65
TENSION 753 80
CABALAs 21638 69
OLEINES 285 70
ACETONI(C) 4978 76
BARYTON 7353 74
(F)RaCTuRE 13975 86
HEINOUS 2032 88
OUTSIDE 518 75
TRITONE 290 66
OUTSIDE 518 90
ELEvATE 5970 63
BlUNTED 8715 85
SHORTEN 2091 67
JOiNTER 1117 74
APERIES 1064 87
MISGREW 12254 88
VItIATE 4478 68
LATTERL(Y) 16350 86
RoADEOS 979 76
CLINKED 13513 84
OUT(R)ANCE 554 61
(BAL)LOtEERS* 0 72
SARtO(R)II 2347 61
TTOSREN* 0 127
LAGUNEs 3470 67
ATOMI(S)ED 555 64
(P)ElORIAS 570 80
DILUTER 1102 71
INDENT(O)R 485 68
INCREA(S)E 645 63
(T)UTELAgE 6906 74
FELSITI(C) 13311 80
EnTE(R)ICS 1612 74
TR(A)ITORS 4959 66
RESAWED 4084 97
URTI(C)AnT 7724 60
TOLUIDE 517 68
lINKABl(E) 18798 86
WA(S)TRIES 5468 82
PL(I)GHTED 15217 86
DEFILEs 6603 72
LAMINAR 5458 81
RuNNIES(T) 2151 83
OPErATE 482 79
INTI(M)ATE 3097 90
FRAGI(L)ER* 0 74
RuBIGOS 10783 85
ENSNARL 2820 83
DISA(B)USe 11460 64
MUTINES 3163 73
AURIC(L)ES 2180 61
ANTISEX 1680 111
LIVER(I)ED 5582 80
RUNTIER 1360 68
ENOLOGy 9913 61
U(N)BEATEN 6347 74
ESQ(U)IRED 9355 88
ENGRAVE(D) 4615 66
SEATING 264 82
FRUITED 3102 71
TENDErL(Y) 5149 63
DICIEST 5815 91
SATIATE 1599 67
RePUBLI(C) 17452 92
OSmOsIS 22944 70
WhOR(T)LES 9767 64
PETERIN(G) 2336 63
LIST(E)RIA 297 82
ALMONER 872 81
RIFLERY 13790 84
ISLETED 1316 88
CONTRAC(T) 21556 89
TINDERS 421 83
mOONbE(A)M 21506 85
(e)LOIGNED 869 70
EPINAOI 393 75
ER(E)CTILE 4505 70
C(E)NTROID 569 76
GREATES(T) 4003 72
CRE(A)SING 1715 76
MEALIER 1004 77
RUNDLET 2326 76
CONGEES 6165 83
SE(R)IATIM 1252 61
ELAT(E)RID 112 74
PIaNIST 5498 92
RETRIES 1911 70
ASTON(I)SH 11260 76
ReTIARY 2760 78
UNbO(T)TLE 12062 64
LONGERS 2219 76
FA(N)ATICS 11765 86
DERIDIN(G) 9939 63
BrIQuET 10991 84
AI(R)POSTS 8363 65
AIRHOLE 305 81
rOQUET(E)D 6725 212
POLEYNS 11277 72
U(N)GULATE 8762 68
REA(D)IEsT 110 85
O(E)STRONE 835 70
NITRO(G)EN 913 60
INC(L)UDES 7422 62
MOvABLE 12561 81
NEcKTIE 8932 76
DeNARII 140 74
TRAItOr 3734 58
OVERING 1433 69
STErNLY 5824 79
TR(I)ENNIA 446 68
DRONeRS 3496 69
LOCA(T)ING 3833 72
SORTIES 1742 72
RESTOKE 5319 82
OPENAbL(E) 4822 77
(W)oMBIEST 11343 90
AIRLIF(T)S 7309 67
INVERTE(D) 1618 86
DISROBE(D) 9693 90
NEGAT(I)NG 8876 63
SALTIeS 2909 74
ECOTYpE 13902 99
DI(A)LOGUE 682 66
(S)PENDERS 17360 74
(C)OERCING 14619 98
OOdLINS 5905 78
TODDL(E)RS 7675 61
RESITES 3787 82
TIERCED 2244 83
THORITE 2598 78
PRIS(O)NER 3607 72
PLAShED 13285 85
DOuTING 3678 73
SANYASI 15741 83
C(R)AMpiER 20164 88
EREmITE 3559 64
SCALPEd 13254 83
STODGi(E)R 696 60
FOrT(I)ETH 7463 65
vALUERS 5394 87
ACRI(D)EST 1010 94
DWiNDLE 12976 67
HOLARDS 8812 77
jEO(P)ARDY 16075 76
(R)EQUITAL 2507 104
(C)HARIOTS 5626 78
RE(T)SINAS 919 70
tEARERS 1888 68
DIS(G)uISE 17034 131
UNSPENT 12683 72
ANOLYTE 922 89
RASSLER 12307 86
sPARING 6840 66
POR(T)LIER 3598 64
(V)EALIeST 1561 72
ENTIRET(Y) 3884 65
TWAN(G)ERS 3715 89
(C)oENACTS 12078 88
LIRIOPE 2366 68
MEDIATE 1045 71
DIVULGE(D) 21489 82
ECHIUr(OI)D 7417 107
MIDYEAr 4179 80
NE(S)TLING 5280 61
FRAGRAN(T) 16887 76
EARTHlY 6758 76
hOMAGES 9419 76
ENTRIES 210 75
ACRI(D)INe 1168 90
ERGATIV(E) 1035 64
pAGIN(A)TE 2017 70
SATINET 525 61
QUAr(T)ZeS 17619 98
MOUNTED 3714 65
BIDDERS 13025 72
SIMPLES 19636 80
DELUDER 12572 68
YAUPERS 10142 92
TINNERS 1364 66
SHARPIE(S) 14351 92
DEALI(N)GS 1135 66
DECIMAT(E) 4269 64
TETHERS 10968 68
IN(D)ICTED 13089 74
BOAStER 875 85
EqUITES 7374 62
MOREsQU(E) 16331 88
GR(E)ENIES 2863 74
AUTEURS 5439 68
SPA(D)ONES 9717 61
FREtTIN(G) 7463 74
PErSONA(S) 6521 74
(U)NITARDS 1318 70
AGrY(P)NIA 14919 102
GRAHAMS 19922 77
DISP(L)ACe 8941 66
SEDILIA 1269 82
ClAYIER 4367 78
ALMONER 917 81
ERO(G)ENIC 1497 72
qUADRAT(I) 11360 80
sINGULA(R) 4308 70
DRA(I)NERS 929 68
BR(O)MINES 4104 82
YEA(S)TIER 681 65
glAMAZ(ON)S 22468 86
OESTRIN(S) 1282 77
INqUIRE(R) 12791 74
TOGaTED 2713 67
L(O)RDLING 13126 74
hOLIEST 2037 88
ANTILOG 837 63
JARgOON 13250 92
EXALTIN(g) 4305 69
MOTIVED 5148 87
HEELIN(G)S 7557 63
STERLIn(G) 1175 68
PROTEsT 7501 80
DAUTIES 427 81
HURDIES 5687 80
INCL(I)NES 12566 72
INOSINE 2138 73
TERRIfI(C) 14583 72
M(I)SPaRTS 20508 84
(S)INECURE 3122 89
tR(E)NDING 3255 68
PUPARIA(L) 24189 66
N(O)nTAXES 6959 185
RUTtIER 6043 64
IsOBARE 305 83
TAILRA(C)E 1132 74
C(IS)TERNAE 248 62
(S)ERRANID 881 61
GOGLETs 12984 70
HASTIER 671 104
(F)LOURIER 6071 63
JUDICA(R)E 9971 104
VEN(G)EFUL 20020 66
SUITING 8575 87
OSTeOID 984 69
FLIcK(E)RS 21325 78
LO(I)TERER 737 66
ELONG(A)TE 349 63
(C)ITrININ 20840 61
OVEN(W)ARE 2462 82
sTARTED 2693 74
OUTSEEN 812 63
MILDENs 5424 77
CONGEA(L)S 4125 74
mON(N)IKER* 0 74
F(A)CTORED 4008 78
YI(E)LDInG 9701 62
RItARDS 4582 71
MEAGeRE(R) 14612 70
(U)NHEATED 3038 74
P(O)ITReLS 1474 76
MATINAL 5460 71
MURINES 3305 79
(G)INNIEST 5837 61
SPLIN(T)ER 2267 76
oUTsOLE 3795 67
FR(I)ENDLy 8653 62
YAcHTI(N)G 19901 82
LIPoIDS 12283 70
(R)ESUMING 6236 63
ISOLeAD 146 84
(R)ESUMING 6236 63
ISOLeAD 146 84
MUDDIES 15894 81
VeSTING 4763 76
mON(N)IKER* 0 74
F(A)CTORED 4008 78
fISTULA 7912 64
LUCIFER 10109 75
iNTONES 790 74
sCANNED 9378 78
LEEBOAR(D) 1893 86
OUTSkAT(E) 10188 68
TAR(W)EEDS 3064 64
RUSHINg 13079 81
LOGIEST 1060 70
TRIa(C)TOR 9633 70
INF(U)SERS 12258 76
ELONGAT(E) 349 80
SEXTANT 10219 86
ENvIROS 1003 84
(M)IRAcLES 5671 80
ESTRIOL 186 77
RETAILE(D) 113 80
TITANOU(S) 2164 68
SCANNER 6462 77
POI(N)TIeR 673 72
INSNARE 519 66
JuDOiST 11846 80
INANEST 549 72
(D)ILATERS 265 80
TEGMINA 1226 86
DIGITAl 5674 71
(C)AUDATED 15852 78
RE(T)RACTs 12453 74
POLICES 7995 76
(E)USTELEs 17932 74
GINNERS 4443 69
EL(E)CTIVE 12993 86
RuBIGOS 10783 85
ENSNARL 2820 83
ARTSIER 554 88
AKRATIc 13829 67
(c)OCAINES 8437 72
DISTAIN 2267 76
FIREMAN 2410 80
VOGUERs 8555 75
C(I)NEASTE 646 74
LEARIE(S)T 123 62
FLA(T)NeSS 12207 83
TIELESS 6340 70
(B)AUDRONs 7572 74
GLORIES 1112 77
G(A)RROTTe 4704 66
DITHERY 7137 80
HAULiNG 9700 68
ReMITT(A)L 2926 70
GLAIVES 4660 85
AEROGEL 532 77
P(E)TUNTSE 13375 64
GLi(T)CHES 15212 78
FANIONs 6620 98
TRELlIS 5422 72
SNARLER 2824 74
MARO(O)NED 2077 63
SHORTIN(G) 6551 76
RENE(W)ING 8487 158
PEYOTeS 9066 69
PIASTER 718 79
UnMAR(K)ED 13821 78
oUTBUI(L)T 23378 62
AIRL(I)NES 312 82
GrUNGE(R)S 22969 140
(G)rADIENT 148 83
ADJUSTE(D) 20263 86
GARROTE 1312 72
ELITIST 5800 66
LARDIER 1333 70
NOTICES 956 79
(R)ETRIALS 934 70
IRONIZE(D) 3795 88
STANDEE 574 75
ENTOiLS 182 86
SPIRITS 18401 79
TREMB(L)ED 14164 65
EXORCiS(E) 8697 86
AGIStIN(G) 14513 60
FAIRGOE(R) 2611 92
RECORDS 10083 84
VeRONI(C)A 856 76
TEGUm(E)NT 14978 74
(R)eQuITED 6018 84
unLEARN 2824 62
TINNERS 1359 76
SA(N)GUInE 3201 64
SPELLER 16894 75
sONORAN(T) 5495 64
COLi(N)EAR 192 76
sIeRRAN 523 66
PETSAIS 6430 87
(D)IALLIST 13874 80
METEPAS 8322 73
r(E)DRYING 10719 82
SPANIEL 1551 67
D(U)MPSTER 16564 88
YE(A)STIER 643 64
(T)READING 140 66
PATiNES 671 78
BANK(B)OOk 29627 82
TEL(ES)cOPE 12909 63
(U)NBARReD 7885 83
CLEANIN(G) 6974 63
GRE(E)TERS 12240 70
PADDERs 12314 69
DIOE(C)IES 3977 63
(W)INTERlY 5557 84
GASELIE(R) 677 72
PIGEONS 2857 66
REB(O)OKED 16930 86
TILLERS 5199 68
GORIEST 413 74
INTE(R)AGE 81 70
PRO(T)EAS(E)s 4556 80
TENO(R)ITE 269 62
HEDGERS 11277 100
(D)ANSEURS 7201 70
(C)AVILERS 5680 92
REDRIVE 7395 67
PEARLIK(E)* 0 90
W(I)NNABLE 9645 76
ONSTAGE 372 68
LEErIER 5689 74
TALKERS 6129 74
DeMASTS 12873 81
STREEL(E)D 6099 72
AMES(A)CES 22639 78
LAtINOS 465 72
DONAIRS 460 70
WIREMAN 2418 76
AIRIEST 145 74
(I)NDUSIAL 5194 80
STImIED 5827 74
O(V)ErBITE 2602 74
EqUATED 7307 71
TANGELO(S) 687 72
TELF(E)rED 11122 94
POL(I)TICO 18947 70
(C)hOWTIME 17745 66
OUTRIDe 174 66
EPIsCIA 7274 86
AUTEURS 5186 71
dINGIER 2149 67
(E)AGErEST 2701 74
TIEBREA(K) 4477 70
q(U)AINTLY 15779 65
lUPANAR 11129 72
AN(T)HERID 395 90
O(T)ALGiES 238 70
ARGOTIC 2553 65
LINSEED 1314 74
THRONG(E)D 4231 64
DOTTILY 12203 78
AIRpLAY 12566 75
REDOUTs 1266 66
REEMITS 2184 96
CANOEI(N)G 2609 65
EGLAT(E)RE 2698 63
PANTIES 670 80
NESTING 4450 70
EM(P)LOYER 17157 70
DiALOGE(R) 244 80
SWATTED 9413 93
HyALINE 4189 94
ORI(g)AMIS 7060 70
(B)ALLONET 6477 61
PEACHES 15942 85
(O)RGANISE 65 76
NEUROS(A)L 314 68
(B)REAKOUT 7276 107
(A)NTIGENE 896 63
UPSTA(t)ES 19441 72
(M)OLDIEST 2821 74
SAUrIAN 2377 75
(E)QuALIZE 15221 95
ANTIAIR 1244 63
B(E)ROUGED 7987 66
SElFWAR(d) 11992 98
OVERINg 1433 78
sCRAPED 9562 78
DAKOiTS 5951 84
INVEN(T)OR 1700 82
ANTIWE(e)D 617 71
SIERRAN 523 65
NARDINE 508 82
(A)UREOLAS 933 66
(V)AULTIeR 1022 72
OUT(L)INES 324 60
INS(U)LATE 257 62
ANGELIC 2407 87
SLITHER 3289 77
LOANERs 152 75
SADIRON 437 68
(H)AVIOURS 8735 80
hEARSAY 10788 87
HAGRIDE 2416 70
(W)IPEOUTS 6524 67
ANNEaLE(D) 5142 77
(M)ISDRIVE 12670 68
(B)RaNDING 12809 89
ANTIFUr 2585 66
COLLAG(E)N 11391 76
FLOUNCE 10732 82
ENDWISE 3970 105
fILTHI(E)R 9318 70
E(P)ILoGIC* 0 78
TELE(X)ING 7798 68
(R)ESEATED 1779 61
I(N)tERNAL 333 64
SCaNNEr 6195 74
LINEA(G)ES 716 70
RELEASE(D) 3525 77
TABLINg 6791 74
PEsTIER 2310 82
RESTING 775 70
PRELIVe(S) 9963 90
ILLITES 8525 70
BITsIEr 3460 85
TES(S)ERAE 7172 58
NEREIDS 565 88
NoVICES 4893 79
gASEITY 2449 77
DE(I)ONIzE 4430 82
PIGLEtS 7255 73
DRAFTER 6202 79
IDOLISE 1497 70
FRONTIE(r) 1697 72
TRASHED 2968 76
BUSTERS 15328 84
AROUSIN(G) 1196 80
ACA(R)INES 1133 68
(C)ARRYING 18077 82
BALANcE 10226 82
CaMERaE 8490 71
OBSIDIA(N) 4743 67
MARA(T)HON 9488 67
JUTTIES 12776 74
AN(T)IWEAR 509 62
RUNTIER 1360 68
ENOLOGy 9913 61
EBONItE 485 76
STERTOR 6665 71
(E)LUTIONS 323 60
BEA(D)INGS 3425 74
bANTAMS 15448 79
GREATEN 476 72
R(E)TINOLS 103 60
BOATELS 1828 76
IRON(I)ZES 3598 71
(S)EGUEING 12494 70
SCAPOSE 14746 78
OUTSID(E)S 4612 60
JAILERs 3374 70
bROOMIE(R) 12447 80
(N)EBULOSE 5842 62
(R)ESONATE 46 62
(D)ELATING 457 74
GLITTEr(Y) 10730 86
PIR(A)TINg 5787 91
RAT(I)ONeD 3 82
COURAGe(S) 4126 62
sWEARIN(G) 1770 72
GRO(U)TING 11991 74
NEmATOD(E) 812 77
(R)ETUNInG 3077 68
SACRIN(G)S 16676 64
A(R)BORETA 3753 70
P(E)CULIUm 25524 72
DONATES 146 63
(A)RBOURED 5727 86
ANERG(I)ES 265 86
MOSSiNG 17038 75
(O)vERNICE 2468 70
ENTOILS 176 84
REgENCY 13577 66
WEARIES 1065 77
TORTEL(L)I 5774 60
BOOTEES 6168 79
N(O)RmaNDE 3548 76
ReINSER(T) 1237 74
WONNeRS 7141 69
hARMONY 15219 77
SEl(F)WARD 12626 176
PLINTHS 15600 79
(T)RAVOISE 216 63
DO(V)eNING 7770 98
(D)ELAINES 367 80
PENaLI(T)Y 3368 98
LAKIEST 3542 102
ANGLERS 1642 74
I(N)DRAFTs 3697 76
TEnORI(N)O 863 61
DElATOR 149 76
SEXTILE 7332 89
RESISTs 16367 68
PINNATE 2011 73
(A)ERONAuT 119 74
TIN(W)ArES 418 74
NEUT(R)ONS 2376 62
GIr(L)IEST 2832 59
WERG(E)LTs 10831 72
ShAVERS 17311 74
(D)EFENDER 19895 89
ARTERI(A)L 1092 61
OUTSPAN 5858 80
BuTENES 6446 82
BEAVERE(D) 12325 69
(A)CRIDEST 1010 72
DEVE(L)OPs 15063 80
T(E)LSONIC 1423 74
INTENSE 1903 79
PUNGENT 14758 76
ARMlIKE 7808 94
Ge(R)ANIAL 628 82
MOILERs 2035 82
IOLITES 704 61
SALTIRE(S) 2090 68
EXTRUDE 10034 73
(T)OWERiNG 932 86
ACTIONE(D) 188 74
(S)TuRGEON 1662 80
HEADERS 4052 83
SEREnA(D)E 1878 66
(O)RGANIZe 1165 88
TAENIaE 67 80
RENNETS 3766 71
SIENItE 763 74
BEMOaNS 4793 89
(D)ERAILED 2617 83
TRIDENT 1295 62
BRA(I)LLES 8145 90
COAS(T)INg 3836 59
(R)EGAINED 260 70
(I)NARCHES 3133 78
LOITERS 180 92
WANIEST 680 79
APAcHES 17208 87
A(P)HElION 1944 98
ENTrEAT(Y) 3669 80
FOLIoED 5163 67
(D)EXTRANS 5046 86
AVODIRE(S) 559 92
(F)iNAGLES 3450 89
BETTORS 7424 74
STANNIC 8885 76
RESEALS 6325 77
INPUTT(E)R 5288 72
RESEALS 6325 77
INPUTT(E)R 5288 72
QUERC(I)nE 10730 68
FREE(Z)ING 13232 79
(S)ISTEREd 4863 74
OREIDES 283 87
(A)RGUfIED 3436 77
SLASHER 12337 77
RECLAME(S) 9858 76
(EX)TRANETS 6893 68
LESBIaN 1390 75
REALIST 111 78
FERNI(E)ST 1536 76
RETREa(T)S 5507 122
hORRORS 23328 64
DIETaRY 627 71
STROUDs 14102 78
AGINNER 1065 82
MAiDISH 15316 85
(R)OTURIER 6969 60
DILUtES 2275 77
cARGOES 2800 71
CLEAT(I)NG 1814 94
(N)ONARIES 141 72
NUT(R)IENT 4548 60
CH(I)POTlE 11355 72
GENITUR(E) 716 80
DILUtES 2275 72
SEEkErS 19963 66
VErISTS 9401 79
HOUSELs 15980 85
(D)OWERIES 1833 64
(Z)OOECIAl* 0 72
TONiEST 755 70
TRUSTED 7858 63
S(T)ARTLeD 3763 72
ENURESI(S) 4869 68
FiDGETS 7222 80
(R)ESHAVEN 6780 94
(P)ARAdISE 2419 60
PASTING 6556 76
(D)AINTIER 86 86
mOdE(R)NLY 9755 131
PR(E)UNITE 1542 62
PIRA(c)IES 5995 68
V(I)RTUOSA 2326 91
DRA(G)NETS 1105 62
TABAN(I)DS 6911 78
(B)AREFOOT 4967 88
E(Q)UATION 668 84
SAGGiER 5971 78
TANNERS 1289 76
WOORALI 4334 78
N(I)HILITY 22834 88
AGOU(T)IES 239 70
PUTtING 16082 71
DETAINE(D) 1250 62
(G)UMWEEDS 21702 75
DIPT(E)RAL 972 74
APOLOgI(A) 11387 74
PEDlARS 5371 83
KEySTON(E) 11753 79
SOCkMEN 18064 84
SERIAT(E)S 1255 68
PETUNIA 708 67
SENARII 143 80
VITAMe(R)S 3375 63
WERG(E)LTs 10831 72
ShAVERS 17311 74
CO(N)TRaIL 1107 62
ARTIGIS 3457 80
ReBOILS 1985 73
EN(T)ITIES 3192 68
M(E)TALIZe 7794 94
TI(M)ElIER 3304 68
PAROLE(E)S 1809 74
pARKETT(E) 16310 98
DEV(I)ANTS 1039 74
wAL(L)EYED 22250 63
VIrE(L)AIS 2585 60
RELEVES 12111 70
BEA(T)INGS 1811 63
TREnDOI(D) 1279 77
VARIERs 3826 76
C(I)TRINeS 2669 72
(N)ITROgEN 913 74
OUtLOVE 8086 77
IDEAT(I)NG 635 90
AMASSER 13646 71
JOTTERS 11301 75
MUNTING(S) 20568 86
LABORIT(E) 181 83
MONAZi(T)E 2405 106
AVeNGES 5738 75
TRIO(L)ETS 1163 59
THEREIN 1082 81
SPAROID(S) 12336 86
PAST(O)RED 1374 94
GRUELeD 7218 77
EqUATED 7307 71
TANGELO(S) 687 72
FLUTTE(R)S 14805 72
JOyA(N)CES 16066 74
MICRO(BI)AL 14225 68
FRoGEYE 10849 109
DAIKONs 5950 74
ORGEATS 374 78
ARTICLE 597 77
BEPAIN(T)S 4194 65
CAREEnS 2073 92
VIOL(A)TED 522 76
TH(I)ONINE 3759 62
TENOURs 501 75
CARRIED 3610 76
BEAChES 15232 96
STUNNEd 7855 77
SLITHER 3289 77
(B)ALLONET 6477 61
PEACHES 15942 85
(O)RGANISE 65 76
FEDERAL 3863 77
PORT(R)AIT 9139 78
AIRLINE 136 65
ACTIVEs 4170 80
DE(C)URION 1342 74
UNITIES 1232 69
uNHAIRE(R) 2771 83
PINCERS 6838 76
HEALERS 4088 64
ENTErON 1210 80
THrEEPS 11503 88
TYROPIT(A) 10350 92
JINGALs 13142 91
GeLADAS 6163 76
VAPIDLY 18309 90
NAILERS 101 77
MIN(G)LERS 5917 61
TOADIED 781 75
NuMBErS 12804 80
(D)ENtURES 2099 66
PRIZERS 16892 93
ENqUIRE(R) 10538 58
UP(R)IGHTS 21218 68
MI(S)TRAIN 4415 62
TRIS(T)ATE 6117 82
(M)ARKETER 16308 68
(U)NpLOWED 13958 86
NICOISE 2363 81
INHAUL(E)R 1052 66
MANDATE 3442 76
DARTLES 1093 78
OBlIG(A)TE(S) 1105 65
pENNIES 7738 77
lYRICI(Z)E 22823 73
OVE(R)EATS 783 62
TOWABLE 5002 66
(N)UDITiES 1960 70
LANCe(T)ED 3012 90
EL(O)IGNED 917 61
SU(B)TREND 7559 72
(H)OARIEST 196 76
INST(R)OKE 1618 74
(C)OFFInED 20258 86
RUMINAL 4756 70
HET(A)IRAS 1146 76
uRBANIz(E) 6305 78
COVERL(e)T 8006 78
WARMEST 7073 86
SEDARIM 1516 75
REDTAIL(S) 267 76
MaLTOLS 16118 70
WH(E)TTERs 18764 76
INPU(T)TED 8375 65
LA(C)iNESS 8588 68
SPOrOID 10332 80
DRAGOON 4772 72
GRA(N)ITAS 2370 63
GENITUR(E) 757 74
SAUNTeR(S) 4334 59
OUTRI(D)ES 342 86
LARGEST 1727 70
(N)ONSKIER 6940 76
HUNDRE(D)S 18650 73
AMRITAS 5245 67
ASCEND(e)D 13001 76
(T)RAWLNET 4996 72
REG(R)AN(T)ED 2406 72
FR(E)EHAND 7120 66
cHARgES 12215 84
PIONEER 490 76
gEEPOU(N)D 7992 64
RAD(I)ANTS 1572 70
kNIGHTS 19211 73
LATENTS 2700 63
GRENADE 1126 77
SERINeS 3785 69
CARINA(T)E 477 62
EXtEND(E)D 22084 86
(U)NTESTED 8057 61
(N)UTRIENT 4797 77
WEAKEnS 12023 81
AC(R)OLEIN 191 61
COaSTAL 9157 91
(T)WaNGLES 6195 89
REDIA(L)ED 2762 74
FOLDErS 6378 75
(O)UtgOING 17561 74
MISTIER 3655 79
PINTAdO 1654 83
BETTORS 7424 74
STANNIC 8885 76
EvITABL(E) 4035 80
TEE(N)IEST 4436 62
aBSE(I)LED 2967 68
PONGEES 6170 76
TORTU(R)ER 17998 68
BANDIED 6384 87
INCOMES 5106 75
IN(T)RUDES 728 68
RAT(L)INES 70 82
FIR(E)aRMS 9662 80
NEONATE 446 66
UI(N)tAItE 1100 60
D(E)TRAINS 66 60
RERAISE 863 64
(P)ATCHIer 7620 101
OVOIDAL 7225 74
RETARdS 2817 80
ADORNER 732 69
STEALER 558 72
AUGU(R)ERS 16708 131
UNsHORN 15873 70
(T)URACOUS 16334 89
STRO(B)ILI 7730 90
(L)EUCEmIA 6678 80
gRITTIe(R) 10665 66
NAETHI(N)G 4415 72
(F)ASTENER 1596 74
CEASING 2532 85
ARMOuRS 12736 71
FOLIoED 5163 67
(D)EXTRANS 5046 86
AVODIRE(S) 559 92
LO(O)NIESt 622 66
NONAGES 2699 70
URBA(N)ITE 409 61
(E)NTWINED 6428 74
OUTsOLE(S) 13333 66
(W)ERGILDS 9535 65
AURISTs 7600 81
PTERINS 1556 86
BAITERS 591 83
(O)VERSOUl 10145 83
CHANTE(R)S 5836 76
TWINIER 1846 72
GUNITEs 1746 84
eCTOPIA 1300 69
MOI(E)TIEs 2155 86
tREA(S)ONS 1278 71
DEARIES 206 76
TITIANS 5179 68
SORORAt(E) 1947 74
(P)ARFAITS 11776 92
IdEATES 200 74
INDO(R)SEE 175 95
DISTORT 5377 71
GOLFeRS 8551 80
ImPHEES 15956 77
ANEARI(N)G 1952 61
CAUTION 1574 78
DOUZEPe(R) 15445 100
IdoNEI(T)Y 1600 72
CO(N)DUITs 7596 76
OUTVIES 2055 85
BUNDIST(S) 21860 80
TOADIEd 821 69
ALMNERS 3157 77
OLEINES 302 61
TWIRL(I)NG 13065 98
NEUTrOn 1800 66
RATIONS 129 72
CENTERs 4030 72
TIMEOUS 1951 74
HARDENS 2959 77
INHAlER 633 75
AEROSTA(T) 1420 77
(O)VERPULL* 0 67
SNELLeR 9360 66
TWISTED 9061 85
CHA(L)KIER 14906 86
UNREPAI(D) 981 86
LETTINg 4253 66
CU(R)TAINs 3902 76
DENOTI(V)E 794 64
GORIEST 390 69
NODDERS 5922 81
TRAWLE(Y)S 8606 78
VINEGAR 1175 75
I(R)ONIEST 129 59
DEMENT(I)A 648 78
OVER(P)AST 4081 167
FORgInG 17121 79
(D)OgGErEL 13625 72
KLUDgES 18526 79
(W)eAPONED 4564 80
ROTATED 735 87
GRAVITO(N) 1882 80
ABUSIVE 6630 97
St(E)REOED 2107 68
FA(I)RwAYS 20186 74
POTAGEs 2825 73
cAM(P)IONS 14122 84
RIvETTE(D) 6122 77
BOR(e)SOME 12564 72
NOPALES 1879 90
STRA(W)IER 2946 62
RECLI(N)eD 2935 89
ANiMATE(S) 1157 86
ORATING 288 73
SIERRAN 523 70
O(E)STRONe 835 66
PRER(A)DIO 1676 94
FAScIAE 7271 77
(E)LONGATE 328 70
BORAGEs 2795 78
(R)uNNIEST 2034 78
UNT(R)ACED 2240 78
UnVOICE(S) 6484 72
UNWISER 3169 78
RAINIE(S)T 89 66
DUSTIER 1105 70
EPERGNE 10687 76
PECTASE(S) 18215 89
REALISE(D) 346 72
(P)ROTEGEs 4990 74
ITERAT(E)S 502 66
DIETERS 571 72
GRIPPLE 18254 91
ROUTERS 3348 72
LA(C)EwING 7551 76
(B)USTLINE 4299 83
ATW(I)TtER 10699 90
REFLATE(S) 2909 86
(P)OUTINES 1402 83
TELERAN 205 68
PANtIES 670 91
tRITONE(S) 467 74
RIOTING 2214 70
De(C)REASE 7355 74
PrETZEL 14625 88
DILAT(E)RS 248 70
PRuDENC(E) 13507 92
FrILLIE(R) 19884 72
RAV(E)LINS 1016 62
DEPAINT 649 70
FaCTORE(D) 4009 76
OTALgIA 2207 76
TARRIER 4625 76
(F)LATTERS 7913 63
GRUNTIN(G) 21247 74
R(E)WASHED 9876 114
mALARIA 12846 68
STHENIA 637 87
HOTELIE(R) 797 74
gUESTED 6923 73
iNTROFY 7062 79
DINNERS 2713 88
MOUsIER 1950 66
bONNETS 7115 67
REGNANt 2314 87
RESIFTE(D) 2961 72
PERIOdI(C) 7030 74
FESSiNG 14416 79
INEDITA 135 79
PERUsED 9229 69
MOORHEN 9128 83
REGaUGE 10150 70
ISOBArE 289 72
BANTE(R)ED 1582 94
BURSTED 8663 90
(U)NwISHED 12030 94
LACIEST 1421 76
MURICaT(E) 3153 92
(E)GlATERE 2698 72
PISHOGE 9424 112
STANINE(S) 4756 77
REWOUND 3724 80
TIPpLES 16841 92
CO(L)LEENs 13924 60
(V)ALIdATE 2415 74
EXcISED 14558 86
bRIBInG 21136 78
STOOLIE 989 85
h(a)NDAXES 16977 66
FAST(E)NED 2874 70
A(Z)URItEs 2511 80
REsIGHT 4547 97
(C)UTIClES 20676 92
MA(N)AClED 12601 74
ALLSEED 8827 74
OV(E)RSIDE 1832 78
(I)NCANtED 2735 83
PA(T)ENTED 6061 76
TRINARY 5681 78
LORi(M)ERS 5767 60
UNlOOSE 3794 70
SPACIER 4164 68
PrEVIE(W)S 15342 67
PILEATE 1007 79
HEINOUS 1938 71
The of bingos played by the player that were not challenged off.
Triple Triples
Type Play Probability Score
TITMO(U)sE 6081 158
REA(T)TAIn 420 113
TRE(A)DLEs 903 122
TRE(N)DIES 362 131
LENTAN(D)o 1077 131
rOQUET(E)D 6725 212
DIS(G)uISE 17034 131
N(O)nTAXES 6959 185
RENE(W)ING 8487 158
GrUNGE(R)S 22969 140
SEl(F)WARD 12626 176
RETREa(T)S 5507 122
mOdE(R)NLY 9755 131
AUGU(R)ERS 16708 131
OVER(P)AST 4081 167
Triple triples played by the player that were not challenged off. They do not have to be bingos.
Bingo Nines or Above
Type Play Probability Score
(OR)DAiNeRS 134 77
(UN)DeRSOIL 418 80
ATTRi(TI)On 6659 64
(BAL)LOtEERS* 0 72
ECHIUr(OI)D 7417 107
glAMAZ(ON)S 22468 86
C(IS)TERNAE 248 62
TEL(ES)cOPE 12909 63
PRO(T)EAS(E)s 4556 80
(EX)TRANETS 6893 68
MICRO(BI)AL 14225 68
OBlIG(A)TE(S) 1105 65
REG(R)AN(T)ED 2406 72
Bingos played by the player that were nine letters or longer and were not challenged off.
Challenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
PIL(A)* 0 0
(M)Y(N)AE* 0 0
(BED)E* 0 0
TRO(O)N* 0 0
EMEUtIC* 0 0
GONO(F)F* 0 0
(B)IBLIC* 0 0
CORInGS* 0 0
PON* 0 0
CRAPO* 0 0
WAYSOmE* 0 0
N(I)C(OD)* 0 0
V(Y)INGS* 0 0
StOOGIL(Y)* 0 0
DIETY* 0 0
BAW* 0 0
(V)IOLE* 0 0
THIO(N)E* 0 0
PUK(Y)* 0 0
R(AWED)* 0 0
(BE)LY* 0 0
ING* 0 0
OVER(L)EaN* 0 0
YAHS* 0 0
RESnAGS* 0 0
(B)ULLER* 0 0
DONER* 0 0
OWER* 0 0
BR(I)DGERs* 0 0
DI(C)TAL* 0 0
WHEA(P)* 0 0
BUCKY* 0 0
YArNIES(T)* 0 0
SHAg(G)ERS* 0 0
HA(U)ME* 0 0
(B)ULLER* 0 0
OISE* 0 0
A(N)NEXER* 0 0
R(AD)IC* 0 0
SCRIT* 0 0
SERT* 0 0
KAFE* 0 0
LEC(H)E* 0 0
VOXES* 0 0
PURI(C)* 0 0
I(N)SCAPeD* 0 0
cINGULA(S)* 0 0
R(E)N(E)G* 0 0
TrIAZOL* 0 0
BOtO(X)* 0 0
(C)HOLIC* 0 0
ELUTErS* 0 0
COM(P)ER* 0 0
GLEGS* 0 0
SIlAGIN(G)* 0 0
AZ* 0 0
GE(L)L* 0 0
ANNOYA(N)t* 0 0
qUINE(L)LE* 0 0
QUON(D)AMs* 0 0
OVERlIN(E)* 0 0
SCrIVEN* 0 0
DORT* 0 0
EAUS* 0 0
(BUD)DS* 0 0
TE* 0 0
WI(R)TH* 0 0
UNCI(T)Y* 0 0
VEGItA(T)E* 0 0
SUBLISt* 0 0
C(A)VEY* 0 0
FA(I)TS* 0 0
YOWEE* 0 0
H(U)ND* 0 0
TOCON* 0 0
IX* 0 0
BLIT* 0 0
(D)NE* 0 0
MeTAPL(O)T* 0 0
WA* 0 0
PICO* 0 0
FEOF* 0 0
BELK(S)* 0 0
TI(K)A* 0 0
(OuTLIFT)ED* 0 0
LASSY* 0 0
ENROL(E)E* 0 0
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were challenged off by an opponent.
Unchallenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
OK* 0 25
ASSUrAL* 0 67
TOD(G)ER* 0 18
SU(R)ES* 0 18
OVERME(A)N* 0 64
(W)OMBING* 0 34
(CIMEX)ES* 0 36
(BAL)LOtEERS* 0 72
MWO* 0 27
FIENT* 0 38
TTOSREN* 0 127
(PE)XLOEA* 0 48
GA(V)N* 0 30
EIBDU(G)* 0 45
OURPD* 0 39
IO* 0 35
WA* 0 21
FRAGI(L)ER* 0 74
CALL(UP)* 0 26
mON(N)IKER* 0 74
mON(N)IKER* 0 74
PEARLIK(E)* 0 90
TAXIN(g)S* 0 44
E(P)ILoGIC* 0 78
ACHIL(Y)* 0 42
(Z)OOECIAl* 0 72
THAI(N)* 0 27
VAN(I)NG* 0 16
(Y)ILLED* 0 30
(O)VERPULL* 0 67
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were not challenged by an opponent.
Plays That Were Challenged
Type Play Probability Score
PIL(A)* 0 0
(M)Y(N)AE* 0 0
(BED)E* 0 0
TRO(O)N* 0 0
EMEUtIC* 0 0
GONO(F)F* 0 0
BUHR 3516 0
(B)IBLIC* 0 0
CORInGS* 0 0
DRIP 1776 0
CRAPO* 0 0
WAYSOmE* 0 0
N(I)C(OD)* 0 0
V(Y)INGS* 0 0
StOOGIL(Y)* 0 0
DIETY* 0 0
FLAYS 6906 0
(E)NS 74 0
VAW 796 0
(V)IOLE* 0 0
THIO(N)E* 0 0
PUK(Y)* 0 0
R(AWED)* 0 0
(BE)LY* 0 0
CRI(n)GER 8251 19
GIRTH 4138 0
OVER(L)EaN* 0 0
GRASSEs 20627 0
RESnAGS* 0 0
(B)ULLER* 0 0
(N)OsELIKE 4012 86
UrINAL 1059 0
NArCEIN 1996 0
BR(I)DGERs* 0 0
DI(C)TAL* 0 0
WHEA(P)* 0 0
FEYLY 8876 0
YArNIES(T)* 0 0
SARODES 3406 0
SHAg(G)ERS* 0 0
HA(U)ME* 0 0
(B)ULLER* 0 0
OISE* 0 0
A(N)NEXER* 0 0
R(AD)IC* 0 0
SOCIETY 4901 0
SERT* 0 0
(A)UE 36 0
LEC(H)E* 0 0
VOXES* 0 0
PURI(C)* 0 0
I(N)SCAPeD* 0 0
cINGULA(S)* 0 0
(O)TTAR 1434 18
R(E)N(E)G* 0 0
TrIAZOL* 0 0
C(IS)TERNAE 248 62
BOtO(X)* 0 0
WEST 1370 0
WEST 1370 0
(C)HOLIC* 0 0
(C)AUDATED 15852 78
ELUTErS* 0 0
KILTY 7466 0
COM(P)ER* 0 0
SPANKED 14072 0
SIlAGIN(G)* 0 0
LIPA 1129 0
REZ 450 0
GAUdIES 1682 0
GE(L)L* 0 0
ANNOYA(N)t* 0 0
qUINE(L)LE* 0 0
QUON(D)AMs* 0 0
FEDS 1948 0
OVERlIN(E)* 0 0
SCrIVEN* 0 0
DORT* 0 0
ESTRIN 170 0
NOES 133 30
(BUD)DS* 0 0
MOSSiNG 17038 75
J(A)TO 1435 0
WI(R)TH* 0 0
UNCI(T)Y* 0 0
sLOGGED 16390 0
VEGItA(T)E* 0 0
SUBLISt* 0 0
C(A)VEY* 0 0
FA(I)TS* 0 0
(F)ENNY 6594 22
(R)ESHAVEN 6780 94
(G)UMWEEDS 21702 75
YOWEE* 0 0
H(U)ND* 0 0
TOCON* 0 0
(S)IB 572 0
BIPARTy 13686 0
(D)NE* 0 0
MeTAPL(O)T* 0 0
HAW 781 0
NOH 472 0
DECILES 6611 0
STOOGES 12218 0
NODDERS 5922 81
FEOF* 0 0
BELK(S)* 0 0
UNBEARS 2927 0
TI(K)A* 0 0
(OuTLIFT)ED* 0 0
LASSY* 0 0
ENROL(E)E* 0 0
Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Notable Lists
Many Double Words Covered
All Triple Words Covered
Games in which every triple word bonus square was covered.
High Scoring
Games in which at least one player scores at least 700 points.
Combined High Scoring
Games in which the combined score is at least 1100 points.
One Player Plays Every Power Tile
Games in which one player plays the Z, X, Q, J, every blank, and every S.
Four or More Consecutive Bingos
Games in which the player bingos at least 4 times in a row.
Game Stats
Stat Average Total
Games 1.00 782
Invalid Games 0.03 26
Incomplete 0.03 26
Disconnected 0.00 0
Other 0.00 0
Total Turns 25.43 19889
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Player Stats
Stat Average Total
Wins 0.63 489.5
Score 435.57 340619
Score per Turn 34.0789
Turns 12.78 9995
Vertical Plays 5.75 4499
Horizontal Plays 6.01 4703
One Tile Plays 0.49 385
Other Plays 0.52 408
Firsts 0.50 390
Vertical Openings per First 0.4375
Horizontal Openings per First 0.5625
Full Rack per Turn 0.9595
Exchanges 0.40 312
High Game 919
Low Game 271
Highest Scoring Turn 203
Bingos Played 2.12 1654
Sevens 0.95 743
Eights 1.12 879
Nines 0.04 31
Tens 0.00 1
Elevens 0.00 0
Twelves 0.00 0
Thirteens 0.00 0
Fourteens 0.00 0
Fifteens 0.00 0
Bingo Probabilities 6421.92
Sevens 5546.26
Eights 7156.82
Nines 6799.41
Tens 0.00
Elevens 0.00
Twelves 0.00
Thirteens 0.00
Fourteens 0.00
Fifteens 0.00
Tiles Played 50.18 39241
A 4.63 3620
B 1.02 797
C 1.02 795
D 2.03 1589
E 6.05 4733
F 1.02 796
G 1.51 1178
H 0.97 756
I 4.56 3567
J 0.51 400
K 0.52 404
L 1.98 1552
M 1.01 790
N 3.00 2345
O 3.99 3120
P 1.03 803
Q 0.48 378
R 2.87 2246
S 2.03 1590
T 2.94 2296
U 2.01 1569
V 1.02 800
W 1.00 780
X 0.48 373
Y 1.00 785
Z 0.49 385
? 1.02 794
Power Tiles Played 5.01 3920
? 1.02 794
J 0.51 400
Q 0.48 378
X 0.48 373
Z 0.49 385
S 2.03 1590
Power Tiles Stuck With 0.07 51
? 0.02 12
J 0.00 2
Q 0.01 9
X 0.00 2
Z 0.00 3
S 0.03 23
Turns With a Blank 1.91 1496
Triple Triples Played 0.03 22
Bingoless Games 0.03 24
Bonus Square Coverage 16.43 12845
Double Letter 5.49 4293
Triple Letter 5.46 4272
Double Word 3.10 2424
Triple Word 2.37 1856
Phony Plays 0.19 147
Unchallenged 0.13 98
Challenged Off 0.06 49
Challenges 0.29 228
You Won 0.18 144
Opponent Lost 0.03 24
You Lost 0.01 11
Opponent Won 0.06 49
Challenge Percentage 0.9290
Defending Challenge Percentage 0.3288
Percentage Phonies Unchallenged 0.6667
Comments 7.82 6112
Comments Word Length 209.76 164030
Mistakeless Turns 12.78 9992
Mistakes per Turn 0.0003
Mistakes 0.00 3
Knowledge 0.00 0
Finding 0.00 1
Vision 0.00 0
Tactics 0.00 0
Strategy 0.00 2
Endgame 0.00 0
Time 0.00 0
Dynamic Mistakes 0.00 0
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Player Confidence Intervals
Tile p CI
A 0.5144 (0.4864, 0.5172)
B 0.5100 (0.4692, 0.5344)
C 0.5100 (0.4692, 0.5344)
D 0.5075 (0.4788, 0.5248)
E 0.5042 (0.4885, 0.5151)
F 0.5100 (0.4692, 0.5344)
G 0.5033 (0.4752, 0.5284)
H 0.4850 (0.4692, 0.5344)
I 0.5067 (0.4864, 0.5172)
J 0.5100 (0.4557, 0.5479)
K 0.5200 (0.4557, 0.5479)
L 0.4950 (0.4788, 0.5248)
M 0.5050 (0.4692, 0.5344)
N 0.5000 (0.4830, 0.5206)
O 0.4988 (0.4855, 0.5181)
P 0.5150 (0.4692, 0.5344)
Q 0.4800 (0.4557, 0.5479)
R 0.4783 (0.4830, 0.5206)
S 0.5075 (0.4788, 0.5248)
T 0.4900 (0.4830, 0.5206)
U 0.5025 (0.4788, 0.5248)
V 0.5100 (0.4692, 0.5344)
W 0.5000 (0.4692, 0.5344)
X 0.4800 (0.4557, 0.5479)
Y 0.5000 (0.4692, 0.5344)
Z 0.4900 (0.4557, 0.5479)
? 0.5100 (0.4692, 0.5344)
To learn more about these statistics, check the 'Confidence Intervals' section on the about page.
Opponent Stats
Stat Average Total
Wins 0.37 292.5
Score 397.30 310687
Score per Turn 31.4016
Turns 12.65 9894
Vertical Plays 5.51 4311
Horizontal Plays 6.08 4751
One Tile Plays 0.48 373
Other Plays 0.59 459
Firsts 0.50 392
Vertical Openings per First 0.2136
Horizontal Openings per First 0.7864
Full Rack per Turn 0.5337
Exchanges 0.32 247
High Game 593
Low Game 230
Highest Scoring Turn 212
Bingos Played 1.78 1393
Sevens 0.85 666
Eights 0.91 714
Nines 0.02 12
Tens 0.00 1
Elevens 0.00 0
Twelves 0.00 0
Thirteens 0.00 0
Fourteens 0.00 0
Fifteens 0.00 0
Bingo Probabilities 5976.96
Sevens 5382.02
Eights 6525.59
Nines 6619.83
Tens 0.00
Elevens 0.00
Twelves 0.00
Thirteens 0.00
Fourteens 0.00
Fifteens 0.00
Tiles Played 47.08 36817
A 4.21 3290
B 0.94 735
C 0.93 727
D 1.86 1454
E 5.66 4427
F 0.95 741
G 1.41 1100
H 1.02 794
I 4.13 3230
J 0.48 374
K 0.48 374
L 1.85 1445
M 0.96 749
N 2.75 2154
O 3.81 2976
P 0.92 719
Q 0.49 380
R 2.92 2284
S 1.86 1451
T 2.84 2218
U 1.83 1433
V 0.92 719
W 0.98 766
X 0.51 400
Y 0.97 755
Z 0.49 387
? 0.94 735
Power Tiles Played 4.77 3727
? 0.94 735
J 0.48 374
Q 0.49 380
X 0.51 400
Z 0.49 387
S 1.86 1451
Power Tiles Stuck With 0.16 122
? 0.03 23
J 0.01 6
Q 0.02 15
X 0.01 7
Z 0.01 7
S 0.08 64
Turns With a Blank 1.34 1049
Triple Triples Played 0.02 15
Bingoless Games 0.09 73
Bonus Square Coverage 15.42 12057
Double Letter 4.95 3867
Triple Letter 5.34 4175
Double Word 2.89 2263
Triple Word 2.24 1752
Phony Plays 0.22 175
Unchallenged 0.04 31
Challenged Off 0.18 144
Challenges 0.29 228
You Won 0.06 49
Opponent Lost 0.01 11
You Lost 0.03 24
Opponent Won 0.18 144
Challenge Percentage 0.6712
Defending Challenge Percentage 0.0710
Percentage Phonies Unchallenged 0.1771
Comments 7.82 6112
Comments Word Length 209.76 164030
Mistakeless Turns 12.54 9805
Mistakes per Turn 0.0093
Mistakes 0.12 92
Knowledge 0.01 10
Finding 0.05 39
Vision 0.00 1
Tactics 0.01 6
Strategy 0.02 18
Endgame 0.02 18
Time 0.00 0
Dynamic Mistakes 0.00 0
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Opponent Confidence Intervals
Tile p CI
A 0.4678 (0.4555, 0.4861)
B 0.4700 (0.4383, 0.5033)
C 0.4650 (0.4383, 0.5033)
D 0.4650 (0.4478, 0.4938)
E 0.4717 (0.4575, 0.4841)
F 0.4750 (0.4383, 0.5033)
G 0.4700 (0.4443, 0.4973)
H 0.5100 (0.4383, 0.5033)
I 0.4589 (0.4555, 0.4861)
J 0.4800 (0.4248, 0.5168)
K 0.4800 (0.4248, 0.5168)
L 0.4625 (0.4478, 0.4938)
M 0.4800 (0.4383, 0.5033)
N 0.4583 (0.4520, 0.4896)
O 0.4763 (0.4545, 0.4871)
P 0.4600 (0.4383, 0.5033)
Q 0.4900 (0.4248, 0.5168)
R 0.4867 (0.4520, 0.4896)
S 0.4650 (0.4478, 0.4938)
T 0.4733 (0.4520, 0.4896)
U 0.4575 (0.4478, 0.4938)
V 0.4600 (0.4383, 0.5033)
W 0.4900 (0.4383, 0.5033)
X 0.5100 (0.4248, 0.5168)
Y 0.4850 (0.4383, 0.5033)
Z 0.4900 (0.4248, 0.5168)
? 0.4700 (0.4383, 0.5033)
To learn more about these statistics, check the 'Confidence Intervals' section on the about page.
Player Mistakes
Play Type Size Comment
H7 YERK +22 Finding Medium
SKYEY #findingmedium
4H (PAW)NED +24 Strategy Small
MM: First of several awkward decisions especially as I was getting low on time. Mainly considered this, AVOWED, and PAWN/NU. With still a small lead and 2 Ss unseen I decided the conservative approach was better. AVOWED opens a dangerous 2x2 lane for SO----- bingoes, and NU could give back huge scoring plays with SH--- and such at L4. In hindsight, my small lead didn't turn out to be very safe, so I perhaps should've done with NU. I'm going to hit SNED next turn, and if Noah does hit a big play there (which is still fairly unlikely) he'll give me an opportunity to bingo back with my AEDNS leave. Going to go with a #strategysmall here.
3L HABU +29 Strategy Medium
MM: Quickly narrowed my options here to HABU and 2L HUB. Especially with only 1 S unseen not, I think HUB is correct and I once again got too paranoid about setting up S hooks for Noah that he might not have but I already have. HABU puts me up 28, which felt pretty safe on this board, but as will be shown was not safe at all if I have a suboptimal draw. HUB also keeps a vowel which is very important here. #strategymedium I think.
The listing of all of the player's mistakes. For more information about mistakes, check the 'Mistakes' section of the about page.
Opponent Mistakes
Play Type Size Comment
1H OU(T)PETER +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
so bad. OUTPREEN, SALTPETER didn't seem to deter me from believing this was valid. #knowledgelarge
L7 ROUPET +27 Finding Small
his range is nothing specifically good, fine to open with 8K RUPEE. I never even saw it. #findingsmall
J10 COG +22 Finding Small
I feel I've already lost this game. I missed ECO J9. Hoping I paralyze him with this play and that next turn I can either draw well or take a low-variance turn to exchange. ECO is the best play. #findingsmall
O5 INC(L)UDES +62 Finding Small
missing UNSLICED in the same spot. #findingsmall
10J HATED +36 Finding Medium
in speed games, there is enormous value in seeing bingos quickly. I unfortunately do not usually have that capacity, so I often make plays like this, that can't be too much worse than a bingo, but that are clearly inferior. The time I save is very valuable, but immediately missing the bingos is obviously a problem. Had I taken the time to see a bingo after not immediately seeing one, I would have lost a lot of time and it would not have been worth it. Best looks to be L5 cATHEAD, which looks like it would lead to a game where whoever gets the next bingo will win. #findingmedium
D4 ANnEALE(D) +68 Finding Medium
14H (S)pELAEAN is 78! Despite AnNEALED being better because of the placement of the N, it was not worth the extra second to replace the two N's once I had laid the play down. #findingmedium
2B M(O)ONY +36 Finding Small
failed to find plays here, many plays look good that I didn't see. This was the start of me thinking I was ahead, when Noah and I were actually around tied. DUNGAREE scored a lot. 13C MOONI(L)Y looks decent here. 9G O(T)IC is very nice, and M(O)ONY only does well because it keeps O(T)IC for next turn. N10 (D)OOMY is also a good play. #findingsmall
1F OXIC +44 Tactics Large
I now realized that I wasn't actually ahead, but this still looked quite strong to block the easy scoring spot, so I was happy to take it over XI(S) for 55. This is valid strategy for blitz, since I'm also leaving myself with FEH 4F for next turn, but the position is obviously richer than that. Not playing 4 tiles is good here because neither of us wants too draw the Q. The pool is very bad so blocking row 1 isn't really all that valuable, except for a game-ending play there like WEARY, TEARING, YEARN, which happens only once in a while. 14F XI(S) is definitely the stronger choice. #tacticslarge
6D (n)EG +18 Endgame Medium
missing that he gave me a spot for TEGG, freaking out because I was about to go over time and it might matter. #endgamemedium -5
7C FRAUL(E)IN +67 Finding Large
UNIFILAR #findingsaddest
4H (W)ODGE +20 Finding Large
GARDEROBE!!!! #findingsaddest
A4 (U)MBER +27 Strategy Small
UMBRAE is probably still just better, even inferring a blank rack from Noah. #strategysmall
N1 (Z)ORI +26 Finding Large
#findingsaddest NOURISH, lost the game here.
L10 STANE +18 Endgame Large
TUNE 11K is best to block. #endgamesaddest
N2 SERAC +42 Knowledge Large
If I was going to chicken out of a valid high-prob 7, at least I did it while making a pretty good play, but it's absolutely horrible that I couldn't be sure BORACES was valid. Noah thought BORACE* was good too. #knowledgeSADDEST
10B QUO(I)N +36 Strategy Small
almost played QUA(I)L. Sim prefers it by 4 points #strategysmall
10I (W)HANG +20 Knowledge Large
9H (ZA)G actually sims best here. Really cool fish. I was unsure of THANGS and would rather have played THANGS or (T)HANG over this. #strategylarge #knowledgesaddest
10I (W)HANG +20 Strategy Large
9H (ZA)G actually sims best here. Really cool fish. I was unsure of THANGS and would rather have played THANGS or (T)HANG over this. #strategylarge #knowledgesaddest
15L MO(D)I +30 Strategy Small
MO(D)E sims better! Maybe because of Q draws? #strategysmall
G6 MIL +16 Finding Large
M1 I(T)EM was missed. Just have to do that. #findinglarge
3A ODE +13 Endgame Small
-3 to OE or DOE. I knew this won so I played it with almost no time. #endgamesmall
I6 FEME +28 Finding Small
FEM looks very solid because the leave is much better and I'm much likelier to hit PIEZO H1, can also hit ZERO and stuff 12A. The E is a good tile part 1209830935. #findingsmall
C6 PIEZO +59 Vision Large
was very happy with this play he gave me, and yet, H1 PIEZO is there for 81. Horrible #visionsaddest
2J TRONA +26 Strategy Medium
Really dumb, why am I keeping a W here. I need to either play 2M NAW or L1 (N)ONWAR to open the board. #strategymedium
6A T(APE) +6 Knowledge Large
going for NONFUTURE*, should have done (A)T but I saw that it wasn't enough anyway, so chose to try and induce some major error. #knowledgelarge
C12 (KA)E +10 Finding Large
this is bad, should play OE off for EUPNOEIC and other stuff. #findingsaddest
10L (RE)F +14 Finding Large
sad miss of FLUYT here #findingsaddest
N2 CANNUL(A) +22 Finding Medium
don't think I saw AC(Y)L here. This wasn't very good. I was unsure about CANNULE* #findingmedium
L1 FL(E)A(M) +28 Finding Large
FAIL 4I is the play. Didn't see he gave me that. #findinglarge
1H ADRI(F)T +30 Knowledge Large
TRIBADI(C). #knowledgesaddest
7E BEE +18 Finding Large
probably J column plays #findingsaddest
3D REIN +19 Finding Medium
J1 plays!!!! #findingmedium #endgamemedium
3D REIN +19 Endgame Medium
J1 plays!!!! #findingmedium #endgamemedium
10F FEYLY +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
8D URTI(C)AnT +60 Finding Large
missing TURISTA and TUTORIAL. #findingsaddest
11E GUR(U) +10 Finding Small
RUB(I)G(O) missed. That's the star play #findingsad
4H WA(S)TRIES +82 Finding Large
missing K1 WARIEST with overlaps #findingSADDEST
14J HM +32 Finding Small
I didn't see any moves here except this. I think 5D HETM(A)N is the play. #findingsmall
1M (D)UE +23 Endgame Small
I3 F(A)ENA -4 #endgamesmall
exch VURUXIA +0 Strategy Small
probably VIA F9 to block bingos, or VU(G). This seems quite wrong #strategysad
L2 UKE +29 Finding Medium
wrote a big X here on my scoresheet, which seems to designate that I saw that I had missed NAKFA from the N in DESIGNEE. #findingmedium AUK L1 is only a 4-point sacrifice too, seems worth making for the leave.
exch DRW +0 Strategy Small
exch NRW seems better because it bingos around the same but keeps a scoring tile #strategysmall
M1 BEAM +30 Finding Large
there it is... neither of us ever thought of NEWB!!! #findingsaddest
G3 J(O)LT +19 Strategy Small
MM: Lots of mediocre choices here. C1 JET sets up DU-- plays but seemed too risky with DKR left to hook EF and AAUU left to hook UTE. I liked that JOLT saved UNFED, which is fairly unlikely to get blocked. Noah pointed out after the game that UNFED first might be better, as I have a chance of hitting 3G JAR next turn for a lot if I can pull one of the 2 remaining As. And DUNE as a leave probably doesn't have much potential to improve beyond UNFED. So going to call this a #strategysmall.
11E COX +38 Strategy Small
I did not want to make this play. It's almost certain that Noah has another E here, as otherwise he would have kept his E and played FIST/FAST. Also, there are 8 unseen E's. This means that he's going to be able to access the O column a crushing amount of the time, and I'll be left with row 14 and whatever counterplay his O column play leaves me with, which is peanuts. I basically had to hope here that he just didn't have an E, which meant no A or I last turn either. I considered NIX 11E as well, to keep things open. NIX looks better because I draw COWED 12B which sets up SCOWED. #strategysmall
K8 PUlVIN(I) +22 Endgame Medium
so close. I knew nothing that I saw won, but I missed two of his J plays. Quackle again has nothing on my wordfinding ability since it cannot find this play -9 to just brute force with PUt(Z) E9 or VEIN 4A #endgamemedium
5J AGO +20 Finding Large
4J WAVE +44 Finding Large
14B YAcHTI(N)G +82 Finding Large
3D LIPoIDS +70 Knowledge Large
chickened out of SIDESLIP #knowledgesaddest
15A REX +44 Finding Medium
XENO(N) a lot better to not give back easy A-row opening scoring plays on 13th row #findingmedium
D1 VI(L)ER +24 Endgame Large
I thought I had to block ENSUITES, even though I tracked properly. -11 to DOL first #endgamelarge
I13 (DA)M +6 Endgame Large
-10 to 14B ERRS to block a different way #endgamelarge
M2 EROS +22 Endgame Large
-16 #endgamelarge 00:01
exch DLRV +0 Tactics Small
keeping RST just about always better, especially now that the N is blocked. #tacticssmall
F10 Z(E)N +32 Finding Large
just missed that MIZEN played at K9 for some reason. #findingsaddest
L11 ABUT +16 Finding Medium
U(P)BEAT is just too many points. Missed it #findingmedium
5I (N)IEVE +16 Finding Small
I think taking the points for 13A (IN)VITEE is warranted here. I didn't see it. It does better things to the board and scores a lot more. #findingsmall
L10 DREAMY +39 Strategy Large
I might have completely misevaluated this. I'm probably just not outrunning, which was my goal. Or draw a blank somehow but I was like sure he had it. #strategysaddest
D11 PE +28 Endgame Small
O6 PU(T)RID -2 #endgamesmall
A11 NI(F)TY +36 Finding Large
TU(F)TY is a huge miss #findinglarge
9A JUG +23 Finding Large
totally missed JUBBAH and JIBBAH and JIBBA through the blank B! #findinglarge
14A (T)ABS +30 Endgame Medium
H1 BAN(C)S #endgamemedium -5
D8 MI(N)GY +28 Finding Small
12A (W)ISEGUY seems best #findingsmall
8A SEE(M) +18 Endgame Medium
tough endgame, missed a bunch of stuff, 5E OSES being best to set up EMU 6E. -9 #endgamemedium
A14 YE +20 Finding Large
MM: No. One of my biggest misses of the tournament -- ENZYM/ENZYME at 8A. I saw stuff like 12D ZA and 6C GYOZA, and D12 ZANY but really felt CONGOU/CONGOS needed to be blocked with SSUU unseen. Plus YE saves ZA next turn which is fairly unlikely to be blocked. ZANY blocks the CONGO hooks but AGEE is a pretty bad leave especially with a somewhat vowel-heavy pool, I'm confident I average 20 more after YE as opposed to ZANY. Perhaps this is too paranoid, but I think YE is reasonable over the other options I considered. ENZYM/ENZYME are obviously best by a long shot, though. #findinglarge
O13 BED +25 Endgame Medium
MM: I missed 7B REBRED to go out, but this is enough. #endgamemedium
14A QI +32 Endgame Small
MM: L2 MAR is actually 3 better as it blocks ADORERS and saves QI for next turn. #endgamesmall
L4 HI +22 Knowledge Large
I thought there was a bingo in here, and there was. LIVERISH is very foreign-looking to me. It would not have saved me, but it's definitely the right play #knowledgelarge
K2 ROSTI +22 Endgame Small
Noah found SOL(A)R K5 which is one point better. -1 #endgamesmall. 00:02
M11 GNAW +30 Endgame Small
MM: M10 WAGER 2 points better #endgamesmall
H4 CLUNG +22 Strategy Small
I honestly didn't think too much about this opening. I thought this was clear given that it was a lot more defensive than other stuff. Quackle doesn't like it, at all. Surprising, and I'm not often surprised. -4? #strategysmall
K1 BIC(E)P +22 Strategy Medium
I overdrew here for the only time this tournament. And it's obviously since I had the blank. Luckily I didn't mix, so he only chose from the 5 I drew. CIZ and the Z is gone. Quackle agrees with that choice. Lucky it wasn't a bigger mistake, but losing the Z is pretty bad. B11 (J)IBE is the favourite. I couldn't stomach it. #strategymedium
K9 dINGIER +67 Finding Small
I hated (N)IdERING creating that S hook and easy forking options. I missed (T)INGlIER N1 which is probably it. Took forever. #findingsmall
14J M(E)LTED +30 Strategy Large
after CARD I want to reduce bingos as much as possible, but I don't need to open a 3x3 and try to outrun that way. I can just play M(E)TED and do virtually the same things. This was game-losing. #strategylarge
13C UGH +26 Tactics Large
tough spot. I saw J7 (SAD)HU but did not like that Q(I) 2J would not empty the bag. However, it keeps E4 EGO behind which I missed. That's huge. This just doesn't get the job done. #tacticslarge
L10 NOO +16 Endgame Medium
I had also completely missed QIS, thought I was winning until he made his crushing move. Having to block RE(G)INA(E) was just the icing on the cake. -7 to LO(G)OI, but this seemed to have the only chance of winning. #endgamemedium
H4 GROPE +20 Strategy Small
It's not like I was a huge fan of this play, but again, it seemed pretty straightforward. It's not. It's way less defensive than POGO and even EGO. POGO is probably the best play #strategysmall
3J T(U)TTI +10 Knowledge Large
this is a bad play for many reasons. Reason number 1 is that I didn't think this took an S. Reason number 2 is that TIT(B)IT is a word. I once again thought this was a great play since it set up my X a lot and blocked EMPLOYERS. #knowledgelarge
9F SORB +35 Strategy Large
Once I made this play I realized it was not good. There's one place left to score easily on this board and it's E5. If I draw poorly after this, I won't necessarily be able to withstand a bingo and a scoring play from Noah. E5 BO is far and away best #strategylarge
15B SWATTED +93 Knowledge Small
so now this plays with TUTTIS for 101. I considered many times whether I would be game to challenge TUTTIS this game, and figured that I wouldn't be able to. #knowledgesmall
10I AZOIC +40 Endgame Medium
I somehow missed that he could play NAES 11I after this. I also missed FILMI. E10 ZOIC is best. -6 #endgamemedium
3H LEN(I)TY +27 Finding Small
LAITY has the best equity and doesn't make a scoring spot at H1. #findingsmall
8A EX +36 Tactics Small
Quackle prefers KEX, blocking JUPONS with four S's unseen. I chose EX because I wanted scoring potential with the K, though it is not all that helpful on this board. #tacticssmall
F4 QAI(D) +16 Finding Small
2B AECIA is best, unloading vowels and occasionally drawing into 1A QAT with four T's unseen. I seem to never find AECIA, especially when I am distracted by the Q on my rack. #findingsmall
E10 VARA +21 Strategy Small
Quackle prefers 2M AVA, keeping the R. I don't like opening 3x3 spots so cheaply, so I would play the second-place 3B VARA. #strategysmall
M6 SLOWED +26 Strategy Large
Quackle hates this play, and I agree that it is unsound. My idea was to generate turnover for the blank while setting up a marginal lane on column N that is difficult for Noah to close (without opening another lane or sacrificing points) or to hit, because I have the last E. I considered 12H DOWSE, but Noah usually has one or more of DRRRS and can close the board easily by playing on column M. I did not consider any fishing plays. L8 WE is best by far, setting up OKES on column M and tempting a play at 8L that opens lanes for 8s. #strategylarge
N8 RETARdS +80 Tactics Small
RETARdS allows O2 BAILOUT or OUTBRAG; 13I RoASTER allows only O6 MIGRATOR. #tacticssmall
13D BUR(F)I(s) +10 Finding Large
I decided FU(G) was such a weird play that it had to be a setup an overwhelming majority of the time. I did a bunch of estimations here and determined that this was barely worth playing if his play was a setup 80% of the time. However, what I failed to analyze was that this does block the hardest-hitting X plays, but gives back easy -AX plays in return which score around 40 points, so I'm not actually reducing Noah's average score by nearly as much as I thought I was. My other thought here was YO(K). I thought his range was specific enough now that the 14K spot would be mine a lot and that I could draw YO(K)ES or even something better a lot of the time. On paper I average well after BUR(F)I(s), but not nearly enough. There are plays that average more immediately as well, such as the bingo-seeking plays of M7 BUY and BUOY. BUR(F)I(s) should edge those out pretty convincingly in the turns after next, though. Even when I specify OUX as a partial rack leave, BUR(F)I(s) performs remarkably worse than YO(K). And unfortunately, just like Noah, I missed a cool disconnected play that solves most of my problems and keeps the game much closer. 13G (F)U(s)IB(L)Y is the way to go here. It blocks any setup potential better than any other candidate play and scores well. It does block the 14J spot which I still thought was a good asset, but that's OK. I've already tried to draw into a big play there and failed, no need to put all my eggs in one basket with the score so close. A ton of time and thought went into this play, and it's a glaring error. Tunnel visioning into not seeing that this didn't rid the board of big X plays like I wanted it to, as well as setting myself up for only one good outcome. #strategylarge #findinglarge
13D BUR(F)I(s) +10 Strategy Large
I decided FU(G) was such a weird play that it had to be a setup an overwhelming majority of the time. I did a bunch of estimations here and determined that this was barely worth playing if his play was a setup 80% of the time. However, what I failed to analyze was that this does block the hardest-hitting X plays, but gives back easy -AX plays in return which score around 40 points, so I'm not actually reducing Noah's average score by nearly as much as I thought I was. My other thought here was YO(K). I thought his range was specific enough now that the 14K spot would be mine a lot and that I could draw YO(K)ES or even something better a lot of the time. On paper I average well after BUR(F)I(s), but not nearly enough. There are plays that average more immediately as well, such as the bingo-seeking plays of M7 BUY and BUOY. BUR(F)I(s) should edge those out pretty convincingly in the turns after next, though. Even when I specify OUX as a partial rack leave, BUR(F)I(s) performs remarkably worse than YO(K). And unfortunately, just like Noah, I missed a cool disconnected play that solves most of my problems and keeps the game much closer. 13G (F)U(s)IB(L)Y is the way to go here. It blocks any setup potential better than any other candidate play and scores well. It does block the 14J spot which I still thought was a good asset, but that's OK. I've already tried to draw into a big play there and failed, no need to put all my eggs in one basket with the score so close. A ton of time and thought went into this play, and it's a glaring error. Tunnel visioning into not seeing that this didn't rid the board of big X plays like I wanted it to, as well as setting myself up for only one good outcome. #strategylarge #findinglarge
E7 NINJA +30 Finding Large
now I'm pretty much completely 50/50 about whether Noah has the X, and when I make this play, I'm closer and closer to realizing FU(G) was not an X setup. The best play here is 3I FIN(N)AN. That's a huge miss once again #findinglarge
D6 FOX +40 Tactics Small
Drawing the X was so painful, but at least I felt the game was somewhat even at this point despite my attempts to sabotage it with BUR(F)I(s). I had realized at this point that my play had allowed -AX words and was really upset. Also, I could be better off here playing POX and keeping the F considering Noah's last play. I think the defense is well worth it here. #tacticssmall
The listing of all of the player's mistakes. For more information about mistakes, check the 'Mistakes' section of the about page.
Game Line Error
Game 31849 33 Game is incomplete.
Game 11176 35 Game is incomplete.
Game 32585 32 Game is incomplete.
Game 11006 34 Game is incomplete.
Game 11150 30 Game is incomplete.
Game 11206 33 Game is incomplete.
Game 33472 37 Game is incomplete.
Game 36553 16 Game is incomplete.
Game 14349 35 Game is incomplete.
Game 4289 34 Game is incomplete.
Game 12307 27 Game is incomplete.
Game 36030 35 Game is incomplete.
Game 36031 36 Game is incomplete.
Game 36033 29 Game is incomplete.
Game 36728 29 Game is incomplete.
Game 36854 30 Game is incomplete.
Game 36857 30 Game is incomplete.
Game 42192 34 Game is incomplete.
Game 14602 38 Game is incomplete.
Game 40738 26 Game is incomplete.
Game 16275 35 Game is incomplete.
Game 16276 34 Game is incomplete.
Game 16906 23 Game is incomplete.
Game 4255 32 Game is incomplete.
Game 16907 27 Game is incomplete.
Game 16961 21 Game is incomplete.
Errors are (most likely) the result of malformed GCG files. To learn more, check the 'Errors and Warnings' section in the about page.
Game Line Error
Game 14347 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 8021, Round 12).
Game 34331 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 10713, Round 4).
Game 36895 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 11153, Round 39).
Game 37066 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 11158, Round 12).
Game 37068 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 11158, Round 14).
Game 37069 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 11158, Round 15).
Game 36897 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 11153, Round 41).
Warnings are notifications to players that they might want to update some of their GCG files. To learn more, check the 'Errors and Warnings' section in the about page.