Nitya Chagti
Nitya Chagti
Color Key
= Triple Triple
= Bingo 9+
= Improbable
= +
= +
= +
= + +
Player Lists
Type Play Probability Score
SEALI(F)TS 11357 62
uNDYINg 25772 77
GE(L)LIEST* 0 60
EU(P)nOEAS 2486 80
(E)NROLLEd 7856 74
StOURIE 245 76
REQUESt 14070 122
R(E)SeARCH 19856 74
RIALTOS 601 78
AMIDONE 417 83
SENHORA 1190 72
BRIDLES 7550 80
DINEROs 210 82
(E)rIONiTE 81 71
CANON(I)SE 2303 64
IGNAROs 1098 74
SOLARIS(T) 5786 77
REM(E)lTED 14653 72
PAGEANT 7052 83
INDoRSE 212 75
(o)TTERING 1162 66
VENTAIL 888 69
TEEVEES 23116 79
REBATEs 2889 77
ESOTErI(C) 1061 77
(U)NRESTEd 2886 64
MINIEST 4890 85
INTORTS 4032 69
(S)TOOPiNG 15237 89
sLOTTED 7961 82
BIOTIcS 18853 69
TRUS(T)IER 10281 68
(H)EARTIER 2557 83
RECLUsE 12906 77
PLUNGER 14267 68
MISRATe 909 80
AGENTED 1559 71
REMAkES 16131 62
VAnITIE(S) 1610 62
SARNIES 1840 75
DIOCESe 3485 78
REAGENT 610 67
PaRASIT(E) 1572 68
dIETiNE 1053 69
LINDIES 3587 80
DENIALs 536 72
GESTAtE(s) 20088 69
LORICAE 410 86
BALONEY 6682 74
MOLEST(E)R 4951 74
(L)EADIEST 469 70
RIGHT(I)Ng 31020 94
CA(T)TIEST 19613 70
ENSURER 8377 75
ENT(A)ILER 40 70
FOLIaTE 423 69
MIsR(O)UTE 1902 86
TETHErS 14621 69
TOTALED 2245 82
TRIpLiN(G) 17187 74
cENOBIT(E) 3405 63
TEASL(I)NG* 0 72
sTARING 1865 77
HESIT(A)NT 3818 72
MARINER 2824 63
BURNING(S) 27112 86
mATINeE 491 75
PESTLES 22760 74
EXT(E)NDER 15536 98
SIMP(L)ESt 27989 94
PRO(t)EgEE 10059 58
sNOWIER 1319 75
GOATI(E)sT 1111 72
DEnARII 170 66
(R)ENEWALS 4027 76
OXIDISE 9989 120
TaN(G)IBLE 2357 61
LING(E)RED 2254 61
F(L)ATTERS 10962 72
EROTICs 1255 70
ROTAtED 1005 68
ORATING 401 76
(C)IVILIAN 28245 84
TEERING 613 67
FOREtOL(D) 9002 86
RuSTLIN(G) 9494 60
SHAGgED 25945 74
LEECHES 25392 89
EXALTIN(G) 5641 101
NUTRIaS 1337 71
(A)TROPInE 71 86
TReMBLE(D) 18629 63
AEROSAI(L)* 0 66
dOULEIA(S) 400 74
ACETONE 617 76
P(E)ACHIlY 26587 96
REPAINT 308 74
TRIUNES 582 68
LETTiNG 5939 65
FLUTING 17570 86
DIETInE 1053 74
D(O)UBTeRS 6824 70
I(N)ERTIAS 118 60
MIGRATE 1629 104
INEPTER 1436 65
H(E)ARTENS 2078 76
DETAINE(E) 370 63
(R)OSERIES 9261 82
SA(F)ETIES 8669 65
(V)OLTAGES 5736 89
sTAGIER 373 69
AERATIN(G) 297 63
SEMINAr 897 90
D(O)MICiLe 14046 82
GRILLeD 13828 63
CInDERS 4314 73
STANIEL 143 81
MAJORED 11707 75
DeNIALS 536 64
OVERSEE 9168 75
nEUROID 217 67
SEELING 3283 71
ONSTEAD 188 62
DOATERS 189 70
OUTINGS 4936 69
R(E)ASONED 213 68
CLEANeR 2899 93
OUTSIDE 673 77
LOOTERS 2858 69
WAN(D)ERED 13213 65
FLOaT(I)NG 5038 76
RALLIEs 3877 68
SWEATED 5474 90
REROuTE 3316 70
EIdOLON 1353 84
NASCENT 8664 82
UNKEMPT 27476 97
RELIVES 5597 83
PLEAdIN(G) 4768 83
RO(S)INATE 13 59
BLADIER 1912 82
LOMEnTA 1197 81
DAIRIES 639 75
(C)OURTIER 4694 83
T(R)AWlING 7248 74
IRONISE 319 80
STATUED 6930 78
GLaMoRS 14457 69
TUNICAE 828 82
(K)ERATOId 900 86
SINCeRE 2998 70
TERCIoS 1256 65
INSIG(N)IA 23558 60
OU(T)DArES 417 59
QUiETEN 6081 69
CUTLETs 21076 87
RAINIeR 973 67
D(O)UBTeRS 6824 70
I(N)ERTIAS 118 60
ANTIAIR 1715 63
GREASIE(R) 2777 71
NEUTERS 1906 86
ONLIEST 236 73
PATC(H)IEr 10011 80
INOR(N)ATE 51 59
ReNAILS 135 69
RANTERS 1795 82
ErOTISE 92 67
U(R)ALITES 345 59
RETIN(o)LS 134 68
FOAmIER 1712 79
CANTIc(L)E 14539 63
SILTIER 1700 74
MUTTErS 17038 82
SAUNTER 568 88
nAILSET 139 79
SOCIATE 416 69
RELINEs 789 67
AEROBIA 534 74
VAURIeN 922 62
SEXTAnT 13721 72
NANITES 714 66
PL(AT)ELETS 24008 72
GOITRES 531 70
GRAIN(E)RS 2146 60
QuEeRIN(G) 10795 104
UN(D)ERLIt 932 59
lAIRA(G)Es 1919 59
FOLATES 2613 71
APOGEIc 5629 74
PE(N)ITENT 14196 149
INcANTE(D) 3774 77
(A)RIDNESS 2850 60
SOlVENT 5249 72
SeALANT 1683 77
INTENSE 2536 69
REa(D)IEST 151 68
ACETAT(E)S 13581 62
LINE(A)GES 918 65
WAItRON 970 76
(G)REISENS 9619 61
CINE(R)EAs 813 62
DeTUNES 3923 81
LOOTERS 2858 74
COUPLEs 19192 69
POLENTA 1200 74
ETCHInG 12200 80
RENEWAL 2957 64
H(A)RSHINg 30314 76
EASIEsT 2752 74
ADVISER 2018 71
ENcASIN(G) 9636 77
SHIFTER 9561 109
ETERNAL 272 82
(T)ERATOID 178 63
DISFAvO(R) 12086 72
(C)URBINGs 28009 80
(W)rESTING 4892 86
FROSTIN(G) 8580 64
(C)RaVENLY 19334 67
PINCERS 9540 77
ORdEALS 657 73
FEMi(N)INE 20787 78
ETH(A)NOIC 1141 102
LORNEsT 687 73
STRIGAE 374 85
RATTEeN 1340 64
BANSHEE 11062 77
SON(A)TINE 185 82
ETIOLA(T)E 346 74
HEART(I)ES 837 62
GElATIN 344 72
STARNED 555 73
CHAPaTT(I) 32717 82
N(E)GATION 403 65
FRONTER 6265 70
PROSTIe(S) 8545 81
ME(G)ATONs 2926 68
TAGINeS 364 69
TERNATE 1341 63
ELoGIS(E)S* 0 77
AGONiS(E)S 2733 68
LONI(C)ERA 248 61
IRaTEST 729 64
CINDERS 4314 68
ATEBRIN 289 65
DRE(A)RIeR 9836 66
(G)ENErALS 2247 74
AVENGER 4502 80
CANON(I)SE 2303 72
PO(L)ARISE 719 83
DILATED 3862 84
INSNA(R)eS 6604 68
PO(R)RIDGE 10757 88
LAIRAGE 1363 79
PIRATES 937 78
OLESTRa 203 69
PAINTED 844 70
ReMNA(N)TS 6933 68
TREELIN(E) 1091 77
COsTUME 15076 70
RELIEVE(s) 10205 72
POA(C)HiNG 22848 79
The of bingos played by the player that were not challenged off.
Triple Triples
Type Play Probability Score
PE(N)ITENT 14196 149
Triple triples played by the player that were not challenged off. They do not have to be bingos.
Bingo Nines or Above
Type Play Probability Score
PL(AT)ELETS 24008 72
Bingos played by the player that were nine letters or longer and were not challenged off.
Challenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
AWS* 0 0
CAIRN(E)* 0 0
COM* 0 0
ROAT* 0 0
FAM* 0 0
WOOH* 0 0
TOX* 0 0
JIS(T)* 0 0
GLOT* 0 0
VoLT(I)NGS* 0 0
YAIR* 0 0
LAN* 0 0
BIGAS* 0 0
(TI)M* 0 0
MEAgERS* 0 0
DN* 0 0
MURIuTE* 0 0
(P)LaNTIeR* 0 0
Ac(QuITTORS)* 0 0
MU(D)I* 0 0
PUTZY* 0 0
FOOLERs* 0 0
BOOP* 0 0
DAI* 0 0
BIRDY* 0 0
GRA(W)* 0 0
RURE* 0 0
YEL* 0 0
PAA* 0 0
ERB* 0 0
EXOS* 0 0
UN(W)ARN* 0 0
YEL* 0 0
(HE)ELY* 0 0
AVIDE* 0 0
JOV(E)* 0 0
OHOS* 0 0
AYA* 0 0
JIST* 0 0
HEE* 0 0
TOX* 0 0
LEIN* 0 0
UNRIVAl* 0 0
VAURIeN(T)* 0 0
BOA(T)Y* 0 0
SID* 0 0
OBID* 0 0
LON* 0 0
POE* 0 0
UNEDiTS* 0 0
P(I)XI* 0 0
AIERI(E)* 0 0
TUTE* 0 0
PE(D)O* 0 0
JO(N)SEY* 0 0
HOOS* 0 0
POl(A)RIST* 0 0
UNAbAIN(G)* 0 0
PUGHS* 0 0
UnTRITE* 0 0
STAN* 0 0
APTERI(a)S* 0 0
(NU)DS* 0 0
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were challenged off by an opponent.
Unchallenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
GE(L)LIEST* 0 60
MIT* 0 23
I(UR)ES* 0 13
(T)UILED* 0 24
FENG* 0 32
TEASL(I)NG* 0 72
PEL(T)Y* 0 36
(C)IAOS* 0 20
GUED* 0 21
O(BY)* 0 8
U(G)G* 0 10
AEROSAI(L)* 0 66
(D)IVY* 0 15
NAR(R)Y* 0 27
DAT* 0 75
ORED* 0 23
(F)AUNT* 0 24
EVOES* 0 78
GOW* 0 25
aV(IS)* 0 6
ZYGOT* 0 56
VIBED* 0 32
POOFY* 0 46
A(PI)S* 0 38
KOE* 0 20
CHIMS* 0 46
ELoGIS(E)S* 0 77
BOWIES* 0 56
TOS* 0 18
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were not challenged by an opponent.
Plays That Were Challenged
Type Play Probability Score
SALTIES 3890 0
CAIRN(E)* 0 0
COM* 0 0
(P)OTT 3739 12
ROAT* 0 0
FAM* 0 0
HE 51 0
(D)I(V) 715 7
TR(A)T 1555 8
PAISE 697 31
(M)IB 1053 20
TOX* 0 0
SOLARIS(T) 5786 77
REM(E)lTED 14653 72
(o)TTERING 1162 66
JIS(T)* 0 0
GLOT* 0 0
VoLT(I)NGS* 0 0
MINIEST 4890 85
YAIR* 0 0
MANS 2340 0
KINES 3537 0
(TI)M* 0 0
MEAgERS* 0 0
REAGENT 610 67
(E)XODE 4719 63
ENSURER 8377 0
MURIuTE* 0 0
(P)LaNTIeR* 0 0
BONIEsT 1233 0
D(EWE)D 9470 10
BURNING(S) 27112 86
Ac(QuITTORS)* 0 0
EXT(E)NDER 15536 98
MU(D)I* 0 0
FLOwERY 21247 0
FOOLERs* 0 0
LEECHES 25392 89
UNRUL(E) 10081 12
BOOP* 0 0
DAI* 0 0
PONY 3857 0
GRA(W)* 0 0
EARRING 1483 0
YEL* 0 0
VEHME 10071 28
DIETInE 1053 74
PO 93 0
DOP 810 22
NUB 946 0
ABID 1506 20
JILT 3311 19
SUB 1132 0
DOATERS 189 70
PR(E)TAX 9306 45
VA(N)T 1586 14
QUADS 9562 0
(H)IPT 3652 27
CHELA 5664 34
RO(S)INATE 13 59
BLADIER 1912 82
LOMEnTA 1197 81
UN(W)ARN* 0 0
YEL* 0 0
(HE)ELY* 0 0
STATUED 6930 78
(VIRULENT)LY 15735 32
EEN 61 0
PHARM 10642 54
G(A)S 494 18
JOV(E)* 0 0
CuTTERS 17021 0
TERCIoS 1256 65
AYA* 0 0
JIST* 0 0
TYE 287 0
TYE 287 0
COZE 3347 37
YOGEE 3805 29
S(I)F 719 26
CANTIc(L)E 14539 63
SILTIER 1700 74
LEIN* 0 0
UNRIVAl* 0 0
VAURIeN(T)* 0 0
SEXTAnT 13721 72
BOA(T)Y* 0 0
GED 323 0
GALLY 11424 24
QuEeRIN(G) 10795 104
(E)RK 552 12
C(I)T 462 10
OBID* 0 0
LAH 669 25
LON* 0 0
POE* 0 0
(G)REISENS 9619 61
UNEDiTS* 0 0
P(I)XI* 0 0
AIERI(E)* 0 0
OFT 582 0
H(A)RSHINg 30314 76
ADVISER 2018 71
WAFT 3601 30
DEN 86 23
(T)ERATOID 178 63
TOZES 3925 61
INLIER 747 42
PE(D)O* 0 0
DOEK 2042 45
CHAPaTT(I) 32717 82
FRONTER 6265 70
DEGLAZ(E) 16572 76
JO(N)SEY* 0 0
HOOS* 0 0
POl(A)RIST* 0 0
PROSTIe(S) 8545 81
WIL(L)Y 11884 51
VI(N)EW 4205 30
TERNATE 1341 63
UNAbAIN(G)* 0 0
PUGHS* 0 0
UnTRITE* 0 0
STAN* 0 0
LAIRAGE 1363 79
APTERI(a)S* 0 0
MIHI 4468 36
EJIDo 2391 42
(NU)DS* 0 0
Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Opponent Lists
Type Play Probability Score
TOURACO 9858 69
bLO(V)IATE 2630 72
NAIADES 632 64
TeNSORS 5000 70
VAUNTIE 931 82
BARRAGE 16319 80
INDU(V)IaE 3372 65
RIN(D)IEST 1103 68
REPLEAd 5444 90
CREAKin(G) 11568 92
STUDEN(T)S 24758 60
EROTICA(S) 255 82
NIGGLER 12501 76
RAD(I)ALIA 15189 63
SONsHIP 26563 86
TILE(R)IES 1453 68
B(R)aINIAC 17216 76
TEDDIEs 8494 86
TENSION 1033 70
aTAXIES 5315 91
EARNERS 2515 62
EGALItE 585 68
AR(G)ENTAL 2021 86
fAMINES 5850 89
UNTrIED 577 65
ArROGAT(E) 3035 59
SUBRENT 7770 72
AnTEA(T)ER 2127 68
SEELING 3283 69
FANJEtS 14716 90
PESEWAS 24555 87
(I)nDORSED 3436 72
LoRNEST 687 83
ALIBIED 4714 81
FLORETS 5229 76
INACTIO(N) 7754 72
OSSETRA 2431 78
BLENDEd 22694 76
ETCHANT 15173 76
(P)ROTEANS 752 83
SINgLED 4635 79
SMARTIE 911 85
AerONAU(T) 165 74
STRIVEN 2163 76
COOLERS 10790 78
LIVEDOS 5030 77
RADwA(S)TE 6485 70
R(E)FINERS 8447 72
SETUALe 1821 73
(O)VERLIES 2525 80
NAIVETE 496 81
SWOTTER 9985 88
LINDIES 3587 71
AUN(T)lIEr 97 57
HOARSEN 1189 95
F(L)URRIES 15490 65
DeTOX(I)nG 6452 80
(R)ESINATE 44 79
RESTAGE 1573 70
RIPtIDE(S) 6519 70
DENTALS 1501 79
NITROUS 1594 80
OUtRUNG 18477 91
(P)eLOTONS 9024 80
PUDEnDA 17285 76
FE(n)TANYL 18384 67
(F)ORESAYS 20191 74
(E)TOURDIE 225 80
RESI(D)ING 3895 62
CLERIDS 7566 86
TRIVIAl 7361 103
T(O)XICANT 19637 84
TiNGLES 2323 78
STrANDS 14433 72
(D)RAPINGS* 0 89
QuITTO(R)S 22107 68
DEADPAn 18279 74
T(E)NORITE 359 59
GREMLIn 6350 86
TWEENIE 4761 65
PE(R)VIATE 2838 64
SI(G)noRIA 2051 113
TEASL(I)NG* 0 72
sTARING 1865 77
TO(I)LINET 1937 58
SPANNER 8714 79
SITUA(T)ED 2689 63
REGALES 3263 66
DARBARs 24413 75
FISTI(A)NA 10271 63
sERPENT 5646 98
(M)ONILIAE 896 83
LUNIESt 1528 75
ASTONED 186 71
AI(R)BOrNE 975 70
O(V)ERRUNS 12452 62
ENTICEr(S) 2093 92
SALTInE 141 74
INVADES 2011 75
MEALING 3390 66
SEATERS 5287 80
ANILInE 2226 72
SEVERAL 5499 89
BAR(R)IEST 3769 78
BALDIEs 4042 73
ESTRUAL 1516 77
(R)EENLIST 488 72
PRALIN(E)S 1368 61
TOURIeS 246 78
ORATIOn 377 61
SEXTInG 11043 109
CRATERS 8667 69
Pa(T)OOTIE 3267 60
rESTORA(L) 1475 74
GATHER(E)D 6073 76
SEEpING 7746 81
DIStILS 22994 69
FRANKEd 14712 87
HaN(D)SOME 8841 65
OU(T)EARNS 132 131
DEItIEs 2243 67
ExPELL(E)D 38806 72
MALISON 4482 70
BRISTle 4306 67
ENDORS(E)R 4449 61
ANNoYED 6161 83
PISTOLE 2728 72
DOLLISH 25241 83
gIRASOL 2421 71
NONRATE(D) 599 80
REEFaBL(E) 17045 76
InCITES 4871 70
P(A)tRONAL 6663 76
ARTISTs 15684 66
BOATMAN 14793 77
MUShIER 13632 74
ORGiAST 1107 83
ENLACES 5408 94
SoFTEST 23484 84
(R)EASTIEr 665 74
SLANTEd 1502 76
SLIMMED 26676 85
R(O)TATInG 2279 59
RETCHiN(G) 10652 76
HANGOU(T)S 12941 74
CARLIN(E)S 1290 90
TRISeCT 8750 74
NUMbER(E)D 18630 70
UNMOLDE(D) 22512 78
PATROON(S) 7877 68
sTOnIER 66 84
EStOIlE 397 68
(AN)THErIDS 643 76
PAV(E)MENT 16167 82
GlORIES 1464 96
TAENITE 447 72
MEDIANS 1995 74
d(E)CAYING 10449 64
RETARD(E)R 14204 68
STINTED 3825 71
ONERIES(T) 60 68
LOUDeNS 3645 93
WELTING 6357 77
MAR(I)NERS 3829 73
cONSULT 16019 64
DISA(S)TER 2856 70
(D)ENIABlE 1954 83
REPINES 3058 66
TOREaDO(R) 2530 74
ARMLETS 4244 84
ELATIVE 1395 76
DURA(N)CES 5902 64
LOONIES 1357 66
READERs 4978 72
ST(E)EPING 6135 62
INDItED 7954 73
MINGIeR 7059 76
SNATCH(E)S 23565 78
VIR(U)LENT 3133 72
CANIEST 826 75
TEQUILA 4741 81
O(N)ERIEST 60 70
(F)RIGATeS 2387 68
ORATiNG 401 71
(R)ETAILED 145 63
(C)OWRITER 10316 64
ENTAiLS 138 78
ENER(V)INE* 0 63
THIsTLE 12717 78
(M)ORTICES 5396 89
ROOMING 12364 78
ANNoYED 6161 83
PISTOLE 2728 72
SALTeRN 562 63
DREA(D)ERS 16866 76
BETIdES 5513 72
GAINERS 350 88
UNCLOSE(D) 10824 76
GLADDER 13809 80
fATEFUL 23658 69
SLITHER 4394 76
INVENtS 8792 83
RETOTAl 1009 69
AsTOUnD 3296 71
SIENITE 1054 65
SELLiNG 13837 77
DeVIaNT 848 73
DORRING 9748 76
PAINTER(S) 548 89
TERMIT(I)C 19060 74
(A)LDOLASE 11114 70
EmaNATO(R) 910 74
HE(MA)TINES 3312 78
TROWELS 5255 78
RELEASE 3507 66
GAUCHER 16396 77
INSTA(T)ES 6608 82
BEnEMPT 21584 79
GARCONS 10483 88
CENTRIC 15889 72
EREMI(T)aL 840 77
REGRETS 11285 84
pAYOUTS 18130 80
ANT(I)WEAr 641 83
DEFI(N)ERS 4080 62
TWIGGEN 19277 68
cARITAS 7301 62
SANTERA 646 72
MAGNET(A)R 5545 74
APOLUnE 2625 70
COITIOn 10749 63
COGNATE 1871 76
HOUSIER 2718 101
BRASIL(I)N 9581 72
kENNELS 23122 83
ISOTONE 476 80
DE(T)ONATE 938 72
(G)ILLNETS 12153 80
ATOMIES 435 79
LENTORS 686 74
(E)RECTIoN 376 80
URbANER 8650 62
AIRI(N)ESS 3248 60
ENGRASP 6307 75
ANTISAG 4599 85
MISDONE 2682 79
STRIPER 8801 71
(D)ISDAINs 29024 83
TOlEWA(R)E 1045 64
LUSTIER 1532 84
ENGINES 7107 69
FANTASi(E) 1552 83
I(C)EhOUSE 10382 70
BRASSED 17221 83
APAREJO 12226 89
TATTIES 10151 69
(T)EASELED 4614 63
GLoXIN(I)A 14610 71
STRONTI(A) 1230 77
BELAYEd 15248 80
AcETOUS 2584 82
REVEL(I)nG 6123 69
ROUGHED 11456 69
DARKEST 8208 98
(S)TRIDINg 10249 80
NO(N)METAL 4659 65
PETUNIA 919 64
(P)ItIABLE 8270 86
D(U)ELISTs 13810 77
(O)RGANIST 646 80
REVILES 5598 75
CORoNAE 1774 83
WRITERS 8809 70
InDURAT(E) 86 70
BOATMEn 3652 69
PREM(O)UlD 18326 185
GARNETS 1062 74
AVIATOR 2485 70
IDEALI(S)T 1019 60
BORNEOl 6970 75
NURHAGS 17550 80
TRAITOR 5004 74
EUCaINE 1373 67
SNARERS 12373 74
(B)UDGETER 14239 78
AZURIES 4743 93
G(L)UElIKE 30610 68
PLANkIN(G) 33413 62
(E)NWREATH 5666 94
SANIt(I)SE 3251 61
The of bingos played by the player that were not challenged off.
Triple Triples
Type Play Probability Score
SI(G)noRIA 2051 113
OU(T)EARNS 132 131
BL(AN)KIES 13118 171
PREM(O)UlD 18326 185
Triple triples played by the player that were not challenged off. They do not have to be bingos.
Bingo Nines or Above
Type Play Probability Score
(AN)THErIDS 643 76
HE(MA)TINES 3312 78
Bingos played by the player that were nine letters or longer and were not challenged off.
Challenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were challenged off by an opponent.
Unchallenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
ROQUED* 0 34
DES* 0 27
PUNE* 0 19
(D)RAPINGS* 0 89
TEASL(I)NG* 0 72
NES* 0 17
ALD* 0 22
VEGS* 0 35
THUIA* 0 17
SIFS* 0 12
EENS* 0 26
ZLOTES* 0 36
P(E)OY* 0 39
ENER(V)INE* 0 63
JIZE(S)* 0 66
(CHIMS)y* 0 12
DUR* 0 21
BIZED* 0 21
(ALOW)S* 0 8
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were not challenged by an opponent.
Plays That Were Challenged
Type Play Probability Score
ENTRY 1973 0
TOURACO 9858 69
MARLS 6331 31
bLO(V)IATE 2630 72
TeNSORS 5000 70
TRAT 1555 19
RYA 450 19
F(Y)KES 11634 46
VOR 604 15
DIVAN 2734 38
(BA)LKY 12011 28
INDU(V)IaE 3372 65
JEW* 0 0
REPLEAd 5444 90
VIBS 4297 44
SEZ 775 0
BILKE(R) 12228 36
NIGGLER 12501 76
RAD(I)ALIA 15189 63
SONsHIP 26563 86
CES(T)* 0 0
TILE(R)IES 1453 68
B(R)aINIAC 17216 76
QAT 740 47
KIF 1203 0
aTAXIES 5315 91
D(R)UB 4021 17
(W)EMB 4729 33
ES 25 0
MIL(O) 1915 18
BUD 1129 17
AR(G)ENTAL 2021 86
WICKS 12052 0
UNTrIED 577 65
OUF* 0 0
N(A)IF 837 32
BURRO 8890 14
CA(R)P 3590 29
VASTY 8703 34
ArROGAT(E) 3035 59
SUBRENT 7770 72
COD 800 21
HOHA 4704 20
WU(L)L 5380 14
FANJEtS 14716 90
PESEWAS 24555 87
HOUT 2750 26
D(I)RNDL 12106 11
GUTS 3389 28
RETIA 6 26
IM(BLAZED) 25493 66
ETCHANT 15173 76
(P)ROTEANS 752 83
(J)IGGER 17894 51
FOXED 8269 43
STRIVEN 2163 76
SHRIVE 8767 36
DITA 242 22
NUT 363 11
LIVEDOS 5030 77
RADwA(S)TE 6485 70
(D)OOZY 11677 32
(D)EZINC 12240 84
NON(P)AR 8285 18
BOSH 4487 41
N(E)TOP 1087 26
LINDIES 3587 71
(P)eLOTONS 9024 80
IO(S) 108 24
GON 331 17
T(O)XICANT 19637 84
AGARIC 9043 32
AV(I)NE 279 16
(V)OCALIC 28200 34
QuITTO(R)S 22107 68
(S)ETT 1675 8
(R)ETOUR 2689 16
PE(R)VIATE 2838 64
D(EWE)D 9470 10
ARROYO 13025 25
FAVEST 8549 43
FLIVV(ER) 28131 32
FISTI(A)NA 10271 63
sERPENT 5646 98
THEED 3957 37
LUNIESt 1528 75
V(A)NT 1586 15
WER(O) 659 21
ENTICEr(S) 2093 92
KEP 1118 36
RA(T)H 1576 33
(R)AAR* 0 0
IN(V)AR 1343 20
MEALING 3390 66
DAUTIeR* 0 0
ANILInE 2226 72
B(I)CE 2104 16
BAR(R)IEST 3769 78
PATHS 8652 44
Pa(T)OOTIE 3267 60
rESTORA(L) 1475 74
FLEXO 8280 25
NELLY 8927 18
LE* 0 0
FRANKEd 14712 87
SUQ 1264 39
SMIRK 10297 41
ADOBE 956 18
MALISON 4482 70
H(U)RD* 0 0
ENDORS(E)R 4449 61
PISTOLE 2728 72
YEN 274 0
REOIL 68 17
NEEDY 3967 24
AWE(E) 725 0
R(A)UX* 0 0
TASK 3300 51
NOS(H) 2741 20
SHIfTED 13582 0
(AN)THErIDS 643 76
BYOG* 0 0
ChAYING* 0 0
(K)INGER* 0 0
RETARD(E)R 14204 68
YARES* 0 0
(P)EAVInGS* 0 0
PRETTIn(G)* 0 0
MAR(I)NERS 3829 73
PEH 891 37
DISA(S)TER 2856 70
(D)ENIABlE 1954 83
REPINES 3058 66
TOREaDO(R) 2530 74
CE(C)A 4008 16
DURA(N)CES 5902 64
MINGIeR 7059 76
(C)OWRITER 10316 64
OVISAC 8833 47
ENTAiLS 138 78
OA* 0 0
BEI(G)Y 7000 0
(M)ORTICES 5396 89
(KO)T(O) 3998 20
E(A) 2 6
MEE 370 22
PISTOLE 2728 72
DREA(D)ERS 16866 76
BETIdES 5513 72
UNCLOSE(D) 10824 76
(J)IBER 6004 28
(M)AK 1188 19
CITE 499 14
GRIOT 1019 24
WINKE(R) 9370 39
(C)ITO 1162 30
LE(G)GY 11408 28
VENISsN* 0 0
INVENtS 8792 83
YEP 900 34
DORRING 9748 76
TERMIT(I)C 19060 74
LEASH 3004 0
(A)LDOLASE 11114 70
FL(EE)TER 12071 30
HE(MA)TINES 3312 78
HOLP(EN) 9682 28
BEnEMPT 21584 79
(L)EU 211 0
(n)URS 2066 19
ALAE 389 24
BLAE 882 36
EREMI(T)aL 840 77
EF 48 37
MAGNET(A)R 5545 74
APOLUnE 2625 70
UNTAX 6618 33
COITIOn 10749 63
HOUSIER 2718 101
BRASIL(I)N 9581 72
THRID 4672 21
MIRKER 15817 25
ISOTONE 476 80
DENIM 1773 31
oXERS 3921 79
(G)ILLNETS 12153 80
O(V)ERFO(N)D 15575 34
PA(C)EY 8356 26
URbANER 8650 62
AIRI(N)ESS 3248 60
DAMPING 19683 0
(F)ICIN 9020 33
ANTISAG 4599 85
MISDONE 2682 79
(F)UMADO 14633 39
EXAMEN 10428 98
TOlEWA(R)E 1045 64
(W)EEL 2151 21
CI(N)D* 0 0
FANTASi(E) 1552 83
I(C)EhOUSE 10382 70
TU(F)TY 11820 36
APAREJO 12226 89
TATTIES 10151 69
BLEB 5105 41
(T)EASELED 4614 63
LAX(A)tING* 0 0
GLoXIN(I)A 14610 71
BL(AN)KIES 13118 171
STRONTI(A) 1230 77
THRAW 7161 32
PIUM 4338 28
VANE 453 30
NO(N)METAL 4659 65
(P)ItIABLE 8270 86
D(U)ELISTs 13810 77
HOUF 4527 39
SLEEK 7600 49
YER 282 32
FINE(R)Y 5855 32
CORoNAE 1774 83
V(A)LI 1541 33
QAID 2502 66
(ZEN)DO 3894 30
GOLI(A)TH 6473 21
MOPED 6198 43
TES 103 22
KYRIN* 0 0
BOaTMA(T)E* 0 0
BOATMEn 3652 69
REVU(E) 4061 16
BOVIN* 0 0
BOWIE 2678 33
GL(A)RY 7338 33
PREM(O)UlD 18326 185
(V)INIC 9021 33
H(I)LLOA 11335 26
GE(R)ENUK 16723 36
DENAR 106 42
FEY(L)Y 12238 18
BORNEOl 6970 75
AR 16 15
FOIN 1166 31
NURHAGS 17550 80
LOUED 1359 27
(N)ICAD 2710 9
(B)UDGETER 14239 78
CO(R)F 3830 36
AZURIES 4743 93
G(L)UElIKE 30610 68
OO 63 12
(E)NWREATH 5666 94
KINA 1620 26
GLOZE 6993 72
ATOP 1147 0
Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Notable Lists
Many Double Words Covered
Games in which at least 15 double word bonus squares were covered.
Many Challenges
Game Stats
Stat Average Total
Games 1.00 165
Invalid Games 0.01 1
Incomplete 0.01 1
Disconnected 0.00 0
Other 0.00 0
Total Turns 28.02 4624
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Player Stats
Stat Average Total
Wins 0.38 62
Score 393.48 64925
Score per Turn 28.1304
Turns 13.99 2308
Vertical Plays 5.62 927
Horizontal Plays 6.79 1120
One Tile Plays 0.67 110
Other Plays 0.92 151
Firsts 0.48 80
Vertical Openings per First 0.0000
Horizontal Openings per First 1.0000
Full Rack per Turn 0.9705
Exchanges 0.36 59
High Game 570
Low Game 237
Highest Scoring Turn 149
Bingos Played 1.67 275
Sevens 0.96 159
Eights 0.70 115
Nines 0.01 1
Tens 0.00 0
Elevens 0.00 0
Twelves 0.00 0
Thirteens 0.00 0
Fourteens 0.00 0
Fifteens 0.00 0
Bingo Probabilities 5827.62
Sevens 4346.97
Eights 7784.75
Nines 24008.00
Tens 0.00
Elevens 0.00
Twelves 0.00
Thirteens 0.00
Fourteens 0.00
Fifteens 0.00
Tiles Played 47.37 7816
A 4.32 713
B 0.88 145
C 1.04 171
D 1.84 304
E 5.72 943
F 0.92 152
G 1.36 224
H 1.08 178
I 4.15 685
J 0.53 87
K 0.47 77
L 1.84 304
M 1.00 165
N 2.76 456
O 3.89 642
P 0.99 163
Q 0.42 69
R 2.76 455
S 1.80 297
T 2.79 460
U 1.92 316
V 0.92 151
W 1.06 175
X 0.52 86
Y 0.97 160
Z 0.47 77
? 0.98 161
Power Tiles Played 4.71 777
? 0.98 161
J 0.53 87
Q 0.42 69
X 0.52 86
Z 0.47 77
S 1.80 297
Power Tiles Stuck With 0.13 22
? 0.02 3
J 0.01 1
Q 0.02 3
X 0.00 0
Z 0.00 0
S 0.09 15
Turns With a Blank 2.46 406
Triple Triples Played 0.01 1
Bingoless Games 0.08 13
Bonus Square Coverage 15.12 2494
Double Letter 4.67 771
Triple Letter 5.42 894
Double Word 2.80 462
Triple Word 2.22 367
Phony Plays 0.72 118
Unchallenged 0.18 30
Challenged Off 0.53 88
Challenges 2.58 425
You Won 0.31 51
Opponent Lost 0.39 64
You Lost 1.35 222
Opponent Won 0.53 88
Challenge Percentage 0.1868
Defending Challenge Percentage 0.4211
Percentage Phonies Unchallenged 0.2542
Comments 10.64 1756
Comments Word Length 96.24 15880
Mistakeless Turns 6.33 1045
Mistakes per Turn 0.6672
Mistakes 9.33 1540
Knowledge 5.17 853
Finding 1.42 234
Vision 1.33 220
Tactics 0.15 25
Strategy 0.79 130
Endgame 0.43 71
Time 0.04 7
Dynamic Mistakes 0.00 0
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Player Confidence Intervals
Tile p CI
A 0.4800 (0.4403, 0.5071)
B 0.4400 (0.4029, 0.5445)
C 0.5200 (0.4029, 0.5445)
D 0.4600 (0.4236, 0.5238)
E 0.4767 (0.4448, 0.5026)
F 0.4600 (0.4029, 0.5445)
G 0.4533 (0.4159, 0.5315)
H 0.5400 (0.4029, 0.5445)
I 0.4611 (0.4403, 0.5071)
J 0.5300 (0.3736, 0.5738)
K 0.4700 (0.3736, 0.5738)
L 0.4600 (0.4236, 0.5238)
M 0.5000 (0.4029, 0.5445)
N 0.4600 (0.4328, 0.5146)
O 0.4863 (0.4383, 0.5091)
P 0.4950 (0.4029, 0.5445)
Q 0.4200 (0.3736, 0.5738)
R 0.4600 (0.4328, 0.5146)
S 0.4500 (0.4236, 0.5238)
T 0.4650 (0.4328, 0.5146)
U 0.4800 (0.4236, 0.5238)
V 0.4600 (0.4029, 0.5445)
W 0.5300 (0.4029, 0.5445)
X 0.5200 (0.3736, 0.5738)
Y 0.4850 (0.4029, 0.5445)
Z 0.4700 (0.3736, 0.5738)
? 0.4900 (0.4029, 0.5445)
To learn more about these statistics, check the 'Confidence Intervals' section on the about page.
Opponent Stats
Stat Average Total
Wins 0.62 103
Score 432.56 71372
Score per Turn 30.8169
Turns 14.04 2316
Vertical Plays 5.85 966
Horizontal Plays 6.88 1136
One Tile Plays 0.56 92
Other Plays 0.74 122
Firsts 0.52 85
Vertical Openings per First 0.1486
Horizontal Openings per First 0.8514
Full Rack per Turn 0.3225
Exchanges 0.41 68
High Game 622
Low Game 265
Highest Scoring Turn 185
Bingos Played 1.82 300
Sevens 1.08 179
Eights 0.72 119
Nines 0.01 2
Tens 0.00 0
Elevens 0.00 0
Twelves 0.00 0
Thirteens 0.00 0
Fourteens 0.00 0
Fifteens 0.00 0
Bingo Probabilities 6966.71
Sevens 6688.13
Eights 7482.60
Nines 1977.50
Tens 0.00
Elevens 0.00
Twelves 0.00
Thirteens 0.00
Fourteens 0.00
Fifteens 0.00
Tiles Played 49.98 8247
A 4.54 749
B 1.12 184
C 0.90 148
D 2.07 341
E 5.98 986
F 1.05 173
G 1.56 257
H 0.91 150
I 4.48 740
J 0.47 77
K 0.52 85
L 2.01 332
M 0.98 162
N 2.90 479
O 3.99 658
P 1.00 165
Q 0.53 88
R 2.97 490
S 2.05 339
T 3.00 495
U 1.98 326
V 1.05 173
W 0.93 154
X 0.47 78
Y 1.01 167
Z 0.53 87
? 0.99 164
Power Tiles Played 5.05 833
? 0.99 164
J 0.47 77
Q 0.53 88
X 0.47 78
Z 0.53 87
S 2.05 339
Power Tiles Stuck With 0.11 18
? 0.01 2
J 0.00 0
Q 0.03 5
X 0.01 1
Z 0.01 1
S 0.05 9
Turns With a Blank 1.20 198
Triple Triples Played 0.02 4
Bingoless Games 0.07 11
Bonus Square Coverage 16.35 2698
Double Letter 5.19 857
Triple Letter 5.87 969
Double Word 3.07 506
Triple Word 2.22 366
Phony Plays 0.42 70
Unchallenged 0.12 19
Challenged Off 0.31 51
Challenges 2.58 425
You Won 0.53 88
Opponent Lost 1.35 222
You Lost 0.39 64
Opponent Won 0.31 51
Challenge Percentage 0.5789
Defending Challenge Percentage 0.8132
Percentage Phonies Unchallenged 0.2714
Comments 10.64 1756
Comments Word Length 96.24 15880
Mistakeless Turns 13.60 2244
Mistakes per Turn 0.0324
Mistakes 0.45 75
Knowledge 0.14 23
Finding 0.07 11
Vision 0.07 12
Tactics 0.02 4
Strategy 0.12 19
Endgame 0.03 5
Time 0.01 1
Dynamic Mistakes 0.00 0
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Opponent Confidence Intervals
Tile p CI
A 0.5044 (0.4664, 0.5332)
B 0.5600 (0.4289, 0.5707)
C 0.4500 (0.4289, 0.5707)
D 0.5175 (0.4497, 0.5499)
E 0.4983 (0.4709, 0.5287)
F 0.5250 (0.4289, 0.5707)
G 0.5200 (0.4419, 0.5577)
H 0.4550 (0.4289, 0.5707)
I 0.4978 (0.4664, 0.5332)
J 0.4700 (0.3995, 0.6001)
K 0.5200 (0.3995, 0.6001)
L 0.5025 (0.4497, 0.5499)
M 0.4900 (0.4289, 0.5707)
N 0.4833 (0.4589, 0.5407)
O 0.4988 (0.4644, 0.5352)
P 0.5000 (0.4289, 0.5707)
Q 0.5300 (0.3995, 0.6001)
R 0.4950 (0.4589, 0.5407)
S 0.5125 (0.4497, 0.5499)
T 0.5000 (0.4589, 0.5407)
U 0.4950 (0.4497, 0.5499)
V 0.5250 (0.4289, 0.5707)
W 0.4650 (0.4289, 0.5707)
X 0.4700 (0.3995, 0.6001)
Y 0.5050 (0.4289, 0.5707)
Z 0.5300 (0.3995, 0.6001)
? 0.4950 (0.4289, 0.5707)
To learn more about these statistics, check the 'Confidence Intervals' section on the about page.
Player Mistakes
Play Type Size Comment
8G BUG +12 Knowledge Small
Round 2 Word Cup July 4th, 2023 8D BAGUET #knowledgesmall
11E SALTIES +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
AWS* #knowledgeSADDEST
A3 SEALI(F)TS +62 Knowledge Large
7G OGAM +23 Knowledge Large
6I CHI +37 Knowledge Medium
6I THORIC and 6I RHOTIC #knowledgeSADDER
13B NOT +16 Knowledge Medium
M8 uNDYINg +77 Knowledge Large
K1 P(O)M +7 Strategy Large
12L G(I)MP is fine, i was playing too scared #strategylarge
K10 WOX +33 Knowledge Large
#knowledgesaddest for chickening out of challenging ROQUED*
F4 EJI(D)O +20 Strategy Small
6B EMOJI is fine too #strategysmall
4C VOL(E) +14 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for the challenge, #KNOWLEDGESADDEST for 14H L(O)VEsOME
4C VOL(E) +14 Knowledge Large
#knowledgesad for the challenge, #KNOWLEDGESADDEST for 14H L(O)VEsOME
J10 HEY +37 Vision Medium
14E HYE #visionsadder
13K (W)IRY +20 Vision Large
15A MIG +42 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for the challenge
B5 OH +28 Knowledge Large
5F (JO)KIEST +36 Strategy Large
He ALMOST played L9 RAIS(I)NG, which would have given me M5 PINKEST D3 P(O)KE here? Keep trying for a bingo? #strategylarge Also, I miscounted 5F (JO)KIEST as 34 oop
9E AMU +10 Vision Large
9G UTA #visionsaddest
7I FAH +22 Strategy Large
9I FA is fine #strategylarge
7M XI +36 Vision Small
12K LEX #visionsad
O8 (E)NROLLEd +74 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for the challenge
11C DEFO +28 Knowledge Small
4D KINGLY +35 Knowledge Large
#knowledgeSADDEST for the challenges #KNOWLEDGESADDEST AGAIN for O1 WINKL(E)
4D KINGLY +35 Knowledge Large
#knowledgeSADDEST for the challenges #KNOWLEDGESADDEST AGAIN for O1 WINKL(E)
O1 JED(I) +36 Vision Large
H10 (A)V(O)WED holy shit #visionSADDEST
E3 V(I)M +16 Vision Large
2H CANISTR(E) +0 (Lost challenge) Strategy Small
*Overdrew one tile; opponent saw ICW and threw W back into the bag L10 (EW)T gives me a 37.50% chance of winning #strategysmall
2J CAIRN(E) +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
2J CARNI(E) #knowledgesaddest for phoneys
H10 (A)C(O)RNS +24 Knowledge Large
I6 LIN +18 Knowledge Large
4J FOAL +25 Knowledge Large
F5 DUE +15 Knowledge Large
11E DIsEUSE #KNOWLEDGESADDEST #knowledgesad for challenge
F5 DUE +15 Knowledge Small
11E DIsEUSE #KNOWLEDGESADDEST #knowledgesad for challenge
10F HA +28 Knowledge Large
10J (C)EP +7 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for challenge G5 OP #visionsaddest
10J (C)EP +7 Vision Large
#knowledgesad for challenge G5 OP #visionsaddest
O4 StOURIE +76 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for challenge
2B GIP +21 Vision Large
1A LAM +23 Vision Large
O12 O(X)IM #VISIONSADDEST Also, note to self: learn your threes
C6 DU(G) +6 Vision Large
O12 O(X)ID #VISIONSADDEST Please someone put me out of my misery
M13 (V)OW +11 Vision Large
I think it's funny now that I keep missing O12 plays #VISIONSADDEST
2M DEV +18 Knowledge Large
2F ADVEW #KNOWLEDGESADDEST but also im like way short on time by this point
11G NAW +9 Endgame Large
K7 B(OH) +8 Vision Medium
H10 (T)ABLET sims better #visionsadder
2J CH(A)NT +32 Knowledge Large
13K RIM(S) +12 Vision Large
I might actually be a dumbass. #VISIONSADDEST 15L MIST
14F DON +14 Vision Large
H1 RENO(W)N is cool #visionsaddest
E4 GRAY +27 Knowledge Large
10D COM +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
Note to self: learn words 10B CLOAM is cool #knowledgesaddest
10I MOL +20 Knowledge Medium
10B CLOAM #knowledgesadder
exch EQ +0 Knowledge Medium
F8 (JAY)CEE #Knowledgesadder
H12 (V)IEW +30 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for challenge
14G R(E)SeARCH +74 Knowledge Large
N7 B(A)TON +9 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for challenge N5 TON(A)NT #knowledgesadder
N7 B(A)TON +9 Knowledge Medium
#knowledgesad for challenge N5 TON(A)NT #knowledgesadder
L5 UND(I)D +19 Tactics Small
12B DUN(K) #tacticssad
J2 ZIT +34 Tactics Small
M3 ZITE is slightly better #tacticssmall
C12 (P)OTT +17 Vision Medium
13B OAT(Y) #visionsadder
15A TI(T)I +15 Knowledge Medium
15N EX +32 Vision Small
1M RIN +18 Knowledge Large
G7 H(ER) +10 Strategy Large
O10 MEH I think I just need to go for points here #strategylarge
J8 ABB +21 Knowledge Large
11I DAD +18 Knowledge Large
L8 ORZOS +36 Knowledge Large
5I ZORRO #KNOWLEDGESADDEST and #knowledgesad for challenge
L8 ORZOS +36 Knowledge Small
5I ZORRO #KNOWLEDGESADDEST and #knowledgesad for challenge
C3 TON(I)C +20 Knowledge Small
C3 LOT(I)C #knowledgesad
5I LOOM +15 Knowledge Large
3L RAT +17 Knowledge Medium
13C XED +27 Vision Large
A13 WEN +35 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for challenge I considered A5 UNWET but didn't play it because I wanted the 3 more points I guess? #tacticssad
A13 WEN +35 Tactics Small
#knowledgesad for challenge I considered A5 UNWET but didn't play it because I wanted the 3 more points I guess? #tacticssad
A8 UH +26 Knowledge Large
14F CO(P)YIST +22 Vision Large
11C VINA +18 Knowledge Medium
M9 VI(E)NNA #knowledgesadder
O7 GLUT +27 Knowledge Large
exch QR +0 Knowledge Large
M9 AR(E)NES #knowledgesaddest
5E WOW +30 Vision Large
B2 TA(J) +23 Knowledge Large
K13 (RE)I +3 Knowledge Large
K5 (M)U +6 Strategy Small
7K U(N)I #strategysad
M10 R(E)I +8 Knowledge Large
6J I(UR)ES +13 Knowledge Large
I3 A(L)TE(ZA) is notable #endgamesaddest #knowledgesaddest
6J I(UR)ES +13 Endgame Large
I3 A(L)TE(ZA) is notable #endgamesaddest #knowledgesaddest
8D WAIFT +30 Knowledge Small
Round 14 Word Cup July 4th, 2023. 8H TAUIWI #knowledgesad
13B RO(N)EO +10 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for challenging WEEDINGS 14B DO(G)IE #knowledgesaddest
13B RO(N)EO +10 Knowledge Large
#knowledgesad for challenging WEEDINGS 14B DO(G)IE #knowledgesaddest
12F BRIDLES +80 Knowledge Small
K8 BRIDLES #knowledgesad for HONEYS
10J Q(I) +31 Knowledge Large
L4 DINEROs +82 Knowledge Large
Chickened out of 5E dEN(D)ROID #knowledgeSADDEST
7F HI(N) +18 Knowledge Large
N6 JI(L)T +27 Vision Large
J2 FAM +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
O7 F(L)AMElET #KNOWLEDGESADDEST Note to self: learn words
O6 aF(L)AME +25 Knowledge Small
O7 F(L)AMElET #knowledgesad for upcoming challenge
8G WOO +12 Knowledge Small
8D MOWRA #knowledgesad
12J YET +19 Knowledge Medium
J9 EY(N)E #knowledgesadder
15H (E)rIONiTE +71 Knowledge Large
J8 HE +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
12B THRENE #knowledgesaddest
F9 HE +14 Knowledge Large
F9 HE +14 Vision Large
J7 (U)TE +12 Knowledge Large
O8 ETERNI(ZE) is notable #knowledgeSADDEST
G11 (D)I(V) +12 Vision Medium
12J (YET)I #visionsadder
5K FAIR +26 Vision Large
8A NINT(H) +27 Vision Small
14F NO(W) #visionsad
1G OUPA +22 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for challenge
B4 LOOF(I)EST +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for challenge 4L FLO(B) #KNOWLEDGESADDEST
B4 LOOF(I)EST +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
#knowledgesad for challenge 4L FLO(B) #KNOWLEDGESADDEST
A12 FOOL +42 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for challenge
8H OUK +14 Knowledge Small
Round 17 Word Cup July 4th, 2023. 8H DROOK #knowledgesad
7I GOOF +24 Strategy Medium
I saw 7F FORGO and then didn't play it for reasons unknown to mankind #strategysadder
10D DADO +21 Knowledge Unspecified
G7 AD(Z) #VISIONSADDEST also #knowledge sad for challenge
10D DADO +21 Vision Large
G7 AD(Z) #VISIONSADDEST also #knowledge sad for challenge
F10 (D)ITTY +20 Knowledge Medium
N11 E(X)AM +35 Knowledge Medium
6J WYE +45 Vision Large
6J WYE +45 Strategy Large
K10 TR(A)T +13 Knowledge Medium
14B TETR(Y)L #knowledgesadder
F5 LIRI +17 Knowledge Medium
F4 DILLI #knowledgesadder
H1 FRAU(D) +30 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for challenge 1C (T)ARTUFE is notable #knowledgesadder
H1 FRAU(D) +30 Knowledge Medium
#knowledgesad for challenge 1C (T)ARTUFE is notable #knowledgesadder
4G A(U)REATE +16 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for challenge B5 TARO #endgamesaddest
4G A(U)REATE +16 Endgame Large
#knowledgesad for challenge B5 TARO #endgamesaddest
8G HAH +18 Knowledge Small
Round 19 Word Cup July 4th, 2023. 8G HOHA #knowledgesad
E10 (O)P +8 Knowledge Large
6I DI +12 Knowledge Large
13G XU +34 Knowledge Medium
13B VIG +17 Vision Medium
N3 CANON(I)SE +64 Knowledge Large
L4 VAT +19 Tactics Medium
4M T(A)J #tacticsmedium
13M JOR +40 Finding Small
13M JOL #findingsad
exch DFLM +0 Knowledge Small
#Knowledgesad for challenging a three but that's how we roll in this biz #tacticssmall for keeping CTZ instead of TZ
exch DFLM +0 Tactics Small
#Knowledgesad for challenging a three but that's how we roll in this biz #tacticssmall for keeping CTZ instead of TZ
6E EWT +21 Knowledge Large
5C GAZE +55 Tactics Medium
5B GLAZE is better #tacticsmedium
A6 MELD +28 Knowledge Small
D1 DERM(A) doubles my chances of bingoing next turn. #strategysmall #knowledgesmall
A6 MELD +28 Strategy Small
D1 DERM(A) doubles my chances of bingoing next turn. #strategysmall #knowledgesmall
C7 CROpS +16 Endgame Large
I have no wins. B10 CoR(V)US #endgamesaddest Also, this play was miscounted as 14
I5 CRY +25 Knowledge Medium
I5 COYS #knowledgesadder
M3 YGO +18 Knowledge Medium
K7 OTA(R)Y #knowledgesadder #knowledgesad for challenge
M3 YGO +18 Knowledge Small
K7 OTA(R)Y #knowledgesadder #knowledgesad for challenge
N2 POON +23 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for challenge M8 OP #visionsaddest
N2 POON +23 Vision Large
#knowledgesad for challenge M8 OP #visionsaddest
1K PAISE +36 Strategy Medium
Quackle really likes 11F AI #strategymedium
2J HOT +20 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for challenge B5 THIONAT(E) #KNOWLEDGESADDEST
2J HOT +20 Knowledge Large
#knowledgesad for challenge B5 THIONAT(E) #KNOWLEDGESADDEST
12G NAV +13 Knowledge Large
B11 V(E)NA #knowledgesaddest
C12 (F)UTZ +51 Knowledge Large
N9 TOUZING #KNOWLEDGESADDEST Play was miscounted as 52.
4C IGNAROs +74 Vision Medium
K6 NO +13 Knowledge Large
K6 NO +13 Finding Large
G1 EL +8 Knowledge Small
#KNOWLEDGESAD for challenge 12K (B)ELON is nice #Knowledgesad
G1 EL +8 Knowledge Small
#KNOWLEDGESAD for challenge 12K (B)ELON is nice #Knowledgesad
12K (B)IO +10 Endgame Medium
E11 (L)EI is best #endgamesadder
H12 (A)CRE +18 Endgame Small
N9 ICE #endgamesad I went over time so we tied with the scores that we had (376-376). There was no recount (I would have lost by 1 point had there been one).
7I OAK +19 Strategy Medium
Quackle reeeally likes 7I OKA #strategymedium
L5 VLY +20 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for challenge because yes im a certified dumbass also #KNOWLEDGESAD for chickening out of L4 CAVY
L5 VLY +20 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for challenge because yes im a certified dumbass also #KNOWLEDGESAD for chickening out of L4 CAVY
N8 (M)IB +25 Knowledge Large
K7 (KAB)OB #knowledgesaddest
10H TOX +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
11H OXCARTS #knowledgeSADDEST also #knowledgesad for not knowing any words
10H TOX +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Small
11H OXCARTS #knowledgeSADDEST also #knowledgesad for not knowing any words
10H TAX +32 Knowledge Large
12L HOOR +26 Knowledge Medium
12J SOHO #knowledgesadder
C3 REM(E)lTED +77 Knowledge Small
C2 TEMp(E)RED #knowledgesad #findingsad
C3 REM(E)lTED +77 Finding Small
C2 TEMp(E)RED #knowledgesad #findingsad
O1 YIN +23 Endgame Large
E5 (FRIZ)ING #endgamesaddest
6I (V)EG +9 Knowledge Large
J9 UM +22 Knowledge Large
10B MURINES #KNOWLEDGESADDEST #knowledgesad for the challenge
J9 UM +22 Knowledge Small
10B MURINES #KNOWLEDGESADDEST #knowledgesad for the challenge
5B INDoRSE +75 Knowledge Medium
L7 REScIND #knowledgesadder #findingsadder
5B INDoRSE +75 Finding Medium
L7 REScIND #knowledgesadder #findingsadder
H1 MAI(ZE) +48 Knowledge Large
L11 ATOMY is best to block 11E RIDICU(L)E #knowledgesaddest #strategysaddest
H1 MAI(ZE) +48 Strategy Large
L11 ATOMY is best to block 11E RIDICU(L)E #knowledgesaddest #strategysaddest
3G Q(I) +21 Finding Medium
4B TOEY #visionsadder #findingsadder
3G Q(I) +21 Vision Medium
4B TOEY #visionsadder #findingsadder
I1 OY +14 Knowledge Large
2D RAT +15 Knowledge Small
6C TARE #knowledgesad
F10 DUO +22 Knowledge Large
F10 DOULA #knowledgesaddest #findingsaddest
F10 DUO +22 Finding Large
F10 DOULA #knowledgesaddest #findingsaddest
J1 LEA(N) +19 Knowledge Medium
Quackle really likes D12 EORL here? #knowledgesadder
O14 OE +9 Strategy Medium
D12 EE #strategysadder
15D (C)EP +7 Strategy Large
I have no idea what I was doing at this point. I saw the J, I saw the open triple, and all rational thought left my body. The J was definitely my number one nemesis this tournament. L1 JEL(L) is fine here. #STRATEGYLARGE
13B JO(T) +20 Strategy Small
I needed to pay better attention to the pool. My opponent is unlikely to bingo. I don't need to block the A column. In fact, I kinda need it to stay open for myself. L2 JO(L) is fine. #strategysmall
A6 (I)NERTIa +18 Knowledge Large
N2 LINTERs #knowledgesaddest for NAES
8A (E)L +12 Endgame Medium
7K (E)L #endgamesadder Final score was noted as 440-414
8G NEK +14 Knowledge Large
Round 24 Word Cup July 4th, 2023. 8D RENKEST #knowledgesaddest
I3 ZONE +50 Tactics Small
I3 ZO #tacticssmall
2K (J)IRD +24 Tactics Large
7B VENTAIL +69 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for challenge
1L BAIL +39 Vision Large
M11 W(O)X +26 Vision Large
D4 GRA(N)D +18 Knowledge Large
H1 DOM +33 Knowledge Small
A4 IODATE #VISIONSADDEST #knowledgesad for the challenge
H1 DOM +33 Vision Large
A4 IODATE #VISIONSADDEST #knowledgesad for the challenge
O8 HE +32 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for challenge A6 EATHE #KNOWLEDGESADDEST
O8 HE +32 Knowledge Large
#knowledgesad for challenge A6 EATHE #KNOWLEDGESADDEST
G1 EL +7 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for challenge A7 AUE #VISIONSADDEST
G1 EL +7 Vision Large
#knowledgesad for challenge A7 AUE #VISIONSADDEST
M6 HAPU +28 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for challenge A6 TAUPE #endgamesaddest
M6 HAPU +28 Endgame Large
#knowledgesad for challenge A6 TAUPE #endgamesaddest
O11 TIE +34 Endgame Small
B2 ETI(C) #endgamesad Final score was recorded as 467-415
J7 FY +14 Knowledge Medium
6I YEVE #knowledgesadder
15G INKY +45 Knowledge Medium
15F KILEY #knowledgesadder
5I OLI(V)E +25 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for challenge 9F LILO #knowledgesadder
5I OLI(V)E +25 Knowledge Medium
#knowledgesad for challenge 9F LILO #knowledgesadder
14L HUN +21 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for challenge 2J JU(T) #visionsad
14L HUN +21 Vision Small
#knowledgesad for challenge 2J JU(T) #visionsad
1G PIU +24 Knowledge Large
1G PUIR #knowledgeSADDEST
O6 PIER +34 Strategy Large
M1 J(E)E #strategylarge Play was miscounted as 35.
1M ZEX +70 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for challenge M1 Z(E)X #endgamesaddest #timesaddest I need to pay better attention to what my opponent has. Hopefully, by some miracle, they don't see 14B ANDR(O) and C6 DRAN(T) and I get another turn to go out with 7A JEDIS.
1M ZEX +70 Endgame Large
#knowledgesad for challenge M1 Z(E)X #endgamesaddest #timesaddest I need to pay better attention to what my opponent has. Hopefully, by some miracle, they don't see 14B ANDR(O) and C6 DRAN(T) and I get another turn to go out with 7A JEDIS.
1M ZEX +70 Time Large
#knowledgesad for challenge M1 Z(E)X #endgamesaddest #timesaddest I need to pay better attention to what my opponent has. Hopefully, by some miracle, they don't see 14B ANDR(O) and C6 DRAN(T) and I get another turn to go out with 7A JEDIS.
C7 JIS(T) +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
#knowledgesaddest for always getting JIST* and GIST confused in my head
9D REBATEs +77 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for the challenge E4 BERT(H)AgE #KNOWLEDGESADDEST
9D REBATEs +77 Knowledge Large
#knowledgesad for the challenge E4 BERT(H)AgE #KNOWLEDGESADDEST
12A ME(N)U +28 Knowledge Large
12A KI(N)E #knowledgeSADDEST
10I AIA +10 Vision Small
J6 KAI(s) #visionsad
6I KI +18 Knowledge Small
11J RIVO #knowledgesad
5J VRIL +20 Knowledge Large
12L TALC +24 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for challenge #KNOWLEDGESADDEST for B4 CaTTALO and B4 CALOTTe
12L TALC +24 Knowledge Large
#knowledgesad for challenge #KNOWLEDGESADDEST for B4 CaTTALO and B4 CALOTTe
M8 JO +24 Knowledge Large
#knowledgesaddest for not challenging PUNE* 7C JOT is fine too #visionsad
M8 JO +24 Vision Small
#knowledgesaddest for not challenging PUNE* 7C JOT is fine too #visionsad
3I CO(Z) +17 Strategy Medium
13K V(EX) because I draw into bingoes with G, I, L, R, S, and T. #strategymedium
H11 DIV(N)A +30 Endgame Large
H12 PA(N)D #endgamesaddest
E13 P(E)N +5 Endgame Large
12F PE(I)N #endgamesaddest
10B E(F) +9 Endgame Large
N12 (L)E(NO) #endgamesaddest Final score was recorded as 372-407.
8F GLOT +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
Round 28 Word Cup July 4th, 2023 8C TRIGLOT #KNOWLEDGESADDEST
9E TROG +15 Knowledge Large
8A DIAL +26 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for challenge 8A TWAL #KNOWLEDGESADDEST
8A DIAL +26 Knowledge Large
#knowledgesad for challenge 8A TWAL #KNOWLEDGESADDEST
D10 YUM +31 Knowledge Large
I2 DRAWL(S) +11 Vision Large
C11 LAW #visionsaddest
exch PBT +0 Knowledge Large
4H B(A)TTS #knowledgesaddest #strategysaddest
exch PBT +0 Strategy Large
4H B(A)TTS #knowledgesaddest #strategysaddest
L2 VoLT(I)NGS +0 (Lost challenge) Strategy Large
K5 L(U)V #strategysaddest
4L V(I)G +14 Tactics Medium
4L V(I)NT #strategymedium #tacticsmedium
4L V(I)G +14 Strategy Medium
4L V(I)NT #strategymedium #tacticsmedium
3G L(OR)N +5 Strategy Medium
5G L(AW)N #strategymedium
K6 (U)NRESTEd +64 Knowledge Large
J12 PEC +18 Strategy Medium
I was trying to set up my S for PECS, but I didn't actually note that there's still two Hs out. I score and bingo the most next turn after J12 PEC, but my opponent also scores substantially more. L12 TEMP is fine here. #strategymedium
2D VICE +17 Vision Large
B8 (IN)VOICE #visionsaddest
D4 TOT(AL) +10 Endgame Medium
13G TO(ZEd) #endgamesadder
5J BRA(W)N +20 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for challenge 2J BAR(E)R #knowledgesad
5J BRA(W)N +20 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for challenge 2J BAR(E)R #knowledgesad
O1 ZO +43 Finding Medium
O1 ZORIS is better #findingsadder
10C INTORTS +69 Vision Medium
10D TRITONS #visionsadder
A1 INNATE +26 Vision Small
O1 (ZO)NE #visionsad
A8 (D)IV +7 Knowledge Large
O5 YAIR +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
#knowledgesaddest for YAIR*
D12 A(J)I +27 Strategy Large
Quackle REALLY wants me to go for the blanks with 12G C(I)LIATE #strategylarge
15A TEGs +43 Endgame Large
15A LEGs #endgamesaddest
1J CLI(P) +29 Endgame Large
I'm supposed to play one tile at a time because my opponent is Q-stuck. 14G (ME)L, then B12 C(OKE), and going out with A8 (DIV)I. #endgamesaddest
8G LUZ +24 Finding Large
Round 30 Word Cup July 4th, 2023. 8H GLITZ #findingsaddest
8K IVIES +39 Knowledge Medium
H1 VESTIGI(UM) is INSANE L8 VIG for us non-9s-learning folks #knowledgesadder for MANDI
H7 J(UMP) +15 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for the challenge 14M JI(N) #strategylarge
H7 J(UMP) +15 Strategy Large
#knowledgesad for the challenge 14M JI(N) #strategylarge
K11 SQ(U)IT +28 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for challenging DIRNDLS Quackle likes 14I QI #strategylarge
K11 SQ(U)IT +28 Strategy Large
#knowledgesad for challenging DIRNDLS Quackle likes 14I QI #strategylarge
14E CREEK +21 Knowledge Large
11C ICKER #knowledgesaddest
15A MARCH +52 Knowledge Large
13A AREAE +18 Vision Large
Spoiler: I do not know how to deal with the barrage of vowels that I subsequently pick up. L8 (V)IAE #visionsaddest
F4 GIE +11 Knowledge Small
I8 (ZA)TI #visionsad #knowledgesad for SWAPT
F4 GIE +11 Vision Small
I8 (ZA)TI #visionsad #knowledgesad for SWAPT
8A OFTE(N) +27 Knowledge Medium
C8 (T)AO +15 Strategy Medium
I'm a dumbass for trying to play through this rack. Exch. AAIOOO is fine #strategysadder
N10 OO +13 Vision Large
3G BAE +16 Endgame Large
My opponent has ALIBIED on his rack. I just need to block the bingo by playing on the H column (H2 BAE is fine). I do not see the bingo. I proceed to lose the game. #KNOWLEGESADDEST #ENDGAMESADDEST
exch DLMNV +0 Knowledge Large
#knowledgesaddest for not knowing any words
L11 HUNG +23 Finding Large
H11 L(I)VER +24 Tactics Medium
H10 OL(I)VER #tacticsmedium
15H (R)OO +3 Knowledge Large
15A PEA +22 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for the challenge N10 QUEP #FINDINGSADDEST This Q is my enemy
15A PEA +22 Finding Large
#knowledgesad for the challenge N10 QUEP #FINDINGSADDEST This Q is my enemy
L1 QI +26 Endgame Large
9G AM #endgamesaddest I can still win if I draw the E out of the bag. Or the H after I play QI.
O1 MANS +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
O1 MANS +0 (Lost challenge) Finding Large
9G AMU +18 Knowledge Medium
E3 UMAN(GITE) is cool #knowledgesadder
8G FOP +16 Knowledge Large
N: I miss like a thousand bingos here. BIG oof #findingsaddest #knowledgesaddest
8G FOP +16 Finding Large
N: I miss like a thousand bingos here. BIG oof #findingsaddest #knowledgesaddest
13A C(R)OWN +20 Finding Large
N: Missed C7 CWM whoops #findingsaddest
10D M(EL)D +7 Finding Large
N: Didn't see 10D V(EL)DT even though VELD words are famous now. #findingsaddest
O13 TAV +21 Knowledge Large
N: What even @ 13H LARVAT(E) #knowledgeSADDEST
F6 HO(O) +29 Finding Small
4C PO(T)HOLE #findingsad
C9 L(I)FT +17 Knowledge Large
D12 EAU +16 Knowledge Large
5H A(C)UtANCE #KNOWLEDGESADDEST #knowledgesad for challenge
D12 EAU +16 Knowledge Small
5H A(C)UtANCE #KNOWLEDGESADDEST #knowledgesad for challenge
B5 AY +28 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for challenge G8 (V)AGrANCY #KNOWLEDGESADDEST
B5 AY +28 Knowledge Large
#knowledgesad for challenge G8 (V)AGrANCY #KNOWLEDGESADDEST
J1 JAG +19 Strategy Large
7H R(A)J #strategysaddest
2G Q(I) +11 Tactics Small
Exch. QRR #tacticssad
5I (C)ORNY +20 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for challenge
C4 PRE +19 Endgame Large
J10 PENN(ED) #endgamesaddest
7E PLUNGER +68 Vision Small
Lol didn't even count to see that I3 PLUNGER is one more point #visionsad
8L (M)AGE +21 Knowledge Medium
8A CADGE #Knowledgesadder
5K BIG +22 Knowledge Large
K5 B(OR)IDES #knowledgesaddest
8A SUEDE +28 Knowledge Large
O1 KINES +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
#knowledgesaddest for the phony T_T
O1 KIN +27 Strategy Medium
O1 KINE #strategysadder oof
5C REALISH +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
A1 HAIRLES(S) would have been nice instead of phoneying, just saying #KNOWLEDGESADDEST 2x playback speed
4L H(OM) +26 Knowledge Large
13A ARIA +35 Knowledge Small
A1 SALARIE(S) #FINDINGSADDEST also #knowledgesad for the challenge
13A ARIA +35 Finding Large
A1 SALARIE(S) #FINDINGSADDEST also #knowledgesad for the challenge
N10 CLO(Y)S +32 Strategy Medium
Quackle really likes dumping my L e.g. J6 (ZE)L. I draw into bingos to the S with D, E, I, N, and R #strategymedium
D2 QUEEN +32 Knowledge Large
C2 QUEENL(E)T #KNOWLEDGESADDEST also #knowledgesad for the challenge
D2 QUEEN +32 Knowledge Small
C2 QUEENL(E)T #KNOWLEDGESADDEST also #knowledgesad for the challenge
9F EKE +36 Strategy Medium
7I KIEV #strategymedium
exch V +0 Knowledge Large
E10 VIM #knowledgesaddest for VLEI
K5 LOO +12 Finding Medium
L8 ALONG #findingsadder
13D AGENTED +71 Knowledge Large
13H ENDGATE #knowledgesaddest for GANG
12B WET +20 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for challenge M12 WENT #visionSADDEST
12B WET +20 Vision Large
#knowledgesad for challenge M12 WENT #visionSADDEST
10B JO +28 Knowledge Small
#Knowledgesad for challenge 6E JUN #strategysadder
10B JO +28 Strategy Medium
#Knowledgesad for challenge 6E JUN #strategysadder
H13 (TI)M +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
chickened out of N1 UNSMART and played a phoney 3 instead like a boss #knowledgesaddest
13L (Y)UM +16 Knowledge Large
N1 UNSMART #knowledgesaddest
14M HAD +27 Finding Large
15H STAND #findingsaddest
B2 CAR(D) +20 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for the challenge
8G GOO +8 Knowledge Large
Round 5 Scrabble Soiree at Sammy's 2023 8G UPGO #Knowledgesaddest
K4 PIE +13 Knowledge Large
I missed every iteration of EPEIRAS and APERIES here and wasted like 30 minutes doing it too #KNOWLEDGESADDEST
11D YA +19 Knowledge Large
15F AHI +44 Knowledge Small
M1 LAIR #visionSADDEST and #knowledgesad for the challenge
15F AHI +44 Vision Large
M1 LAIR #visionSADDEST and #knowledgesad for the challenge
15K L(E)GER +18 Vision Small
7H GL(I)T #visionsad
M2 BIT +37 Knowledge Large
exch FUV +0 Strategy Medium
Maybe 13B FE or 12K F(A)V(O)R #Strategymedium
13B PE +32 Knowledge Large
N6 WIRE +25 Knowledge Small
9E FLAM +21 Finding Large
9F GIF #findingsaddest
F3 GIGA +15 Tactics Medium
D6 EGG #tacticsmedium
7H CONE +21 Knowledge Large
13D VAnITIE(S) +62 Knowledge Large
13G IzVE(S)TIA is notable #knowledgesaddest
C2 WET +24 Vision Small
8K (F)ENCE #visionsad
14B CL(O)NE +23 Vision Medium
14B CL(O)NE #visionsadder
3F (G)I +4 Finding Large
12C B(I)B +13 Vision Small
12G TEX #visionsad
11J T(E)X +10 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for challenge also #knowledgeSADDEST for 12K (R)EDUX. Maybe 12G TUX here instead
11J T(E)X +10 Knowledge Large
#knowledgesad for challenge also #knowledgeSADDEST for 12K (R)EDUX. Maybe 12G TUX here instead
N6 MURID +36 Endgame Medium
12G MUTE(R) #endgamesadder
8G WAY +18 Knowledge Large
10A DIOCESe +78 Knowledge Large
B14 UH +21 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for challenge 12A (Z)ONURE #knowledgeSADDER
B14 UH +21 Knowledge Medium
#knowledgesad for challenge 12A (Z)ONURE #knowledgeSADDER
7H BANGORE +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
This is a font. Not a valid word. Do not play it. D4 BONGRA(C)E #KNOWLEDGESADDEST
D12 OB +20 Knowledge Large
D4 BONGRA(C)E #knowledgesaddest
9B OY +20 Knowledge Large
H11 (E)XODE +68 Finding Small
H11 (E)XPOS #findingsad
O13 (S)IF +18 Finding Large
14M FAT #findingsaddest
K4 PaRASIT(E) +68 Knowledge Small
L4 PaRTISA(N) is two more points #knowledgesad
3G BOD +18 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for challenge
1F GOAD +36 Knowledge Small
1D ORGIA #knowledgesad
1M ERN +13 Vision Large
I10 N(A)I(V)ER is notable #visionsaddest #endgamesaddest
1M ERN +13 Endgame Large
I10 N(A)I(V)ER is notable #visionsaddest #endgamesaddest
7H KUE +19 Knowledge Large
5E PYA +20 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for challenge and #knowledgesadder for F7 PATY
5E PYA +20 Knowledge Medium
#knowledgesad for challenge and #knowledgesadder for F7 PATY
3C REN(A)ME +22 Knowledge Large
2H dIETiNE +69 Knowledge Large
exch GOOU +0 Strategy Large
3M GU #strategysaddest
15A MU(S)ED +35 Knowledge Small
15C (S)EDARIM #findingsad also #knowledgesad for challenge
15A MU(S)ED +35 Finding Small
15C (S)EDARIM #findingsad also #knowledgesad for challenge
12A QA(D)I +48 Knowledge Large
#KNOWLEDGESADDEST for challenges
13E GOV +20 Endgame Large
3N GO is interesting, setting up OVERGO #endgamesaddest
5L ERGO +13 Endgame Large
L9 ORE because my opponent doesn't have an out in one so I can just play it slow #endgamesaddest
I6 OO(M) +11 Knowledge Large
Missed 4F CORO(N)ATE #knowledgeSADDEST
E2 CLUE +16 Knowledge Large
3G RET(I)CULA. #knowledgesaddEST
D3 AX +38 Knowledge Large
Missed 14J VIT(E)X and 12K VA(R)IX because looking at this board is physically painful at this point #knowledgesaddest #findingsaddest
D3 AX +38 Finding Large
Missed 14J VIT(E)X and 12K VA(R)IX because looking at this board is physically painful at this point #knowledgesaddest #findingsaddest
9E DENIALs +72 Knowledge Large
H8 (D)eADLINE #KNOWLEDGESADDEST #findingsaddest because it's a common word
9E DENIALs +72 Finding Large
H8 (D)eADLINE #KNOWLEDGESADDEST #findingsaddest because it's a common word
15G BAA(S) +18 Knowledge Large
11D hABANE(R)A is fucking OP and 15C ANABAsE(S) is notable #KnowledgeSADDEST
10D AAH +34 Knowledge Large
O8 ANE +13 Finding Small
12L AE(O)N #findingsad
K2 GESTAtE(s) +69 Knowledge Large
M3 SEGETAl is notable #knowledgeSADDEST
J4 OUP +27 Vision Large
11D EL +16 Strategy Small
11C ILL is nice. I'm playing too scared #strategysmall
H4 WIS +25 Knowledge Large
I don't need to be worried about being bingoed on, I need to worry about being outrun with the Z still out. H1 CEILIS is best simpy because it scores. #KNOWLEDGESADDEST #strategylarge
H4 WIS +25 Strategy Large
I don't need to be worried about being bingoed on, I need to worry about being outrun with the Z still out. H1 CEILIS is best simpy because it scores. #KNOWLEDGESADDEST #strategylarge
K2 FORUM +32 Knowledge Large
B1 FUMEROL(E) #knowledgesaddest
A1 DUO +18 Finding Large
A1 OUTED #findingsaddest
M2 DAB +24 Knowledge Small
10C LADING #knowledgesad
6F ZO +33 Finding Large
F2 G(LI)TZ #findingsaddest I needed to keep that vowel
F2 G(LI)T(Z) +19 Endgame Small
I6 C(ORE)R #endgamesad #timesad
F2 G(LI)T(Z) +19 Time Small
I6 C(ORE)R #endgamesad #timesad
6K (MO)C +7 Knowledge Small
but also i chickened out of I6 C(ORE)R so #knowledgesad and #endgamesad
6K (MO)C +7 Endgame Small
but also i chickened out of I6 C(ORE)R so #knowledgesad and #endgamesad
O1 QI +36 Knowledge Large
Didn't know WEFTE #knowledgesaddest
9C ZOOEA +39 Tactics Small
7C ZOO #tacticssad
B2 COY +21 Knowledge Large
11I ORIENCY #knowledgesaddest
7H JIVE +24 Knowledge Large
H10 (E)VEJAR #knowledgesaddest
H10 (E)NTRAP +27 Knowledge Large
lol #knowledgesaddest for challenges 12D TARP #knowledgead for KORAT
H10 (E)NTRAP +27 Knowledge Unspecified
lol #knowledgesaddest for challenges 12D TARP #knowledgead for KORAT
C3 WEND +32 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for challenge 12A WEST #knowledgesad for KORAT
C3 WEND +32 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for challenge 12A WEST #knowledgesad for KORAT
8L (U)TE +3 Knowledge Large
12H (T)ECTITES #knowledgesaddest
13F CA(R)ITIES +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
J2 CAITI(V)ES oof #findingsaddest and #Knowledgesaddest for phony
13F CA(R)ITIES +0 (Lost challenge) Finding Large
J2 CAITI(V)ES oof #findingsaddest and #Knowledgesaddest for phony
D8 (KORA)I +18 Knowledge Large
12G A(T)TICISE #Knowledgesaddest
12F CA(T)TIEST +70 Knowledge Small
13G C(R)ISTATE #knowledgesad
K4 MIsR(O)UTE +86 Knowledge Large
N: gotta go back to my roots #findingsaddest H1 TUrMERI(C) also a big ole #knowledgesaddest
K4 MIsR(O)UTE +86 Finding Large
N: gotta go back to my roots #findingsaddest H1 TUrMERI(C) also a big ole #knowledgesaddest
2J FA(I)RY +38 Knowledge Small
N: 1J EF(F)RAY #knowledgesad
12I PUDGE +29 Finding Small
N: J11 PUGH #findingsad
M9 PYR(E)X +40 Vision Large
N: I7 (JA)XY #visionsaddest
3D TETHErS +69 Knowledge Large
N: 2B TeETHES #findingsaddest and #knowledgesaddest oop
3D TETHErS +69 Finding Large
N: 2B TeETHES #findingsaddest and #knowledgesaddest oop
9G B(O)I +20 Finding Large
N: 10F QIS #findingsaddest
15F VAUTS +36 Knowledge Medium
N: 15F ULVAS sims better but I kinda liked putting the V out there to block #strategysadder ? definitely a #knowledgesadder for ULVAS ALSO play was miscounted as 33 oop
15F VAUTS +36 Strategy Medium
N: 15F ULVAS sims better but I kinda liked putting the V out there to block #strategysadder ? definitely a #knowledgesadder for ULVAS ALSO play was miscounted as 33 oop
9C HOME +23 Knowledge Medium
D7 A(P)OTHEM #knowledgesadder
11J AWE +18 Knowledge Large
J4 LATEWA(K)E #knowledgesaddest
N4 FOX +56 Finding Large
N3 FLOX #findingsaddest
O8 (P)LaNTIeR +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
Y'all ever just keep guessing a phony for a high prob alphagram and then lose a turn? Straight to jail #knowledgesaddest
1H TRIpLiN(G) +74 Knowledge Small
O8 (P)LIoTRoN #knowledgesad
3K COD +16 Strategy Large
Chickened out of 15E DOV(E)D/DOV(E)N and also got wayy too concerned about closing off that E. #strategySADDEST
15B VILD +22 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for challenge
2N Y(A) +20 Finding Large
Not really sure what my rationale for not playing I5 WYNS was. Wanted to hold onto my S in case I felt like trying PACOS? #strategyLARGE Gonna put a #findingsaddest here too because I can't remember if I saw this
2N Y(A) +20 Strategy Large
Not really sure what my rationale for not playing I5 WYNS was. Wanted to hold onto my S in case I felt like trying PACOS? #strategyLARGE Gonna put a #findingsaddest here too because I can't remember if I saw this
3A BRIN +20 Knowledge Medium
#knowledgesadder for 3A BRINS
7H WALK +21 Finding Small
9E CLAW #findingsad
K4 PAC(K) +24 Finding Small
10C PECAN #findingsad
M3 OY +22 Knowledge Large
D9 F(E)NNY #knowledgesaddest
D9 M(E)NT +12 Knowledge Medium
D9 F(E)NT #knowledgesadder
2N FE +31 Knowledge Small
13C FOB #knowledgesad for D9 (MENT)O
A5 BONIEsT +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
6I VA(C) +21 Strategy Large
Didn't play B12 VOX because I didn't wanna give back the overlap but it's so many points oof #strategysaddest
O5 QI +15 Finding Large
Oop 3D QI #findingsaddest Play was miscounted as 14
5J G(AL) +8 Strategy Large
3D TOR? idek #strategysaddest
6B FRONT +30 Knowledge Large
Definitely not supposed to play a word I don't know the front hooks for #knowledgesaddest
14B PEL(T)Y +36 Knowledge Large
14A SPRI(T)ELY #knowledgesaddest also #knowledgesad for challenge
14B PEL(T)Y +36 Knowledge Small
14A SPRI(T)ELY #knowledgesaddest also #knowledgesad for challenge
15A RIF +27 Finding Large
E5 IN(TOXICANT) #findingsaddest
9C VO(X) +22 Finding Small
E5 IN(TOXICANT) is out here to haunt me #findingsad
13J DORM +24 Knowledge Large
Lol M9 DORMINS and M9 NIMRODS #knowledgesaddest and #findingsaddest
13J DORM +24 Finding Large
Lol M9 DORMINS and M9 NIMRODS #knowledgesaddest and #findingsaddest
L3 HESIT(A)NT +72 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for challenge
10D M(I)Z +42 Knowledge Large
H1 YUM(P) #knowledgesaddest this turn probably lost me the game
5I DEY(S) +35 Finding Large
The universe really gave me a chance to crawl back with 5I UEY(S) and i was literally just like #findingsaddest plz and thx
N1 AIA +20 Strategy Large
I really gotta exchange down to AS here. #strategysaddest
3C TUI +13 Endgame Large
B2 (T)UI and hope to draw the blank+bingo? #endgamesaddest
11E (C)IAOS +20 Knowledge Large
11E (C)ArIOUS #knowledgesaddest
N13 yU +17 Endgame Small
M13 (M)Us #endgamesad
8A FEZ +60 Tactics Small
8A FAZE #tacticssad
O1 HUT +24 Knowledge Large
O1 MUTHA #knowledgesaddest
F1 OUTHARM +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for challenge and #knowledgesaddest for phony
F1 OUTHARM +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
#knowledgesad for challenge and #knowledgesaddest for phony
D11 HUM +21 Finding Medium
1H TRAUM(A) #findingsadder
15A IRE +25 Knowledge Small
A11 ORI(B)I #knowledgesad
10A DOX +39 Finding Medium
L11 INDEX #findingsadder
5D SWI(N)G +21 Knowledge Large
13H GAWSIEr #knowledgesaddest
2E EA(T)s +15 Endgame Medium
I4 zEA etc. #endgamesadder
7C FOX +32 Finding Medium
F6 FO(R)EX #findingsadder
2K H(I)RE +25 Knowledge Large
8K (G)URRY #knowledgesaddest
3L (T)YE +27 Finding Medium
F6 EY(R)Y #findingsadder
B2 L(O)Y +21 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for challenge and #findingsad for O3 RYU
B2 L(O)Y +21 Finding Small
#knowledgesad for challenge and #findingsad for O3 RYU
15H BURNING(S) +91 Knowledge Large
#knowledgeSADDEST for letting DRAPINGS* go
12G AA +8 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for challenging a valid bingo (and not the invalid one)
13B Ac(QuITTORS) +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
#knowledgesaddest oof shoulda just stuck with 14B mAIMS
14B mAIMS +34 Endgame Small
14B AMI to set up outplays underneath #timesaddest #endgamesad
14B mAIMS +34 Time Large
14B AMI to set up outplays underneath #timesaddest #endgamesad
E3 (L)IE +8 Endgame Large
9K (L)IE #timesaddest #endgamesaddest
E3 (L)IE +8 Time Large
9K (L)IE #timesaddest #endgamesaddest
7G COO +21 Finding Medium
G5 VOICE forgot about the COXY hook oop #findingsadder
6I DIVA +21 Tactics Small
6I VIAE #tacticssad
K4 HO(V)E +20 Knowledge Medium
chickened out of K3 HOO(V)E #knowledgesadder
13A mATINeE +75 Finding Small
13A cANIEsT is slightly better #findingsad
O7 WAD +38 Knowledge Large
14B SALEWD is insane #knowledgeSADDEST
1I GAU +8 Knowledge Large
1F GULAR #knowledgesaddest
exch LLMNN +0 Strategy Small
Quackle wants me to exchange everything here so #strategysad i guess?
14F REC +15 Strategy Large
I should just get the points. quackle is not a fan of me blocking #strategysaddest
15D NUN +6 Knowledge Medium
I saw K11 F(L)EW but then i wanted to get rid of my Ns. M10 UN(S)EWN is nice #knowledgesadder
F4 WON +14 Knowledge Large
K9 REF(L)OWN #knowledgesaddest
C1 M(I)D +20 Endgame Medium
C1 R(I)M is slightly better but i forgot MEL existed #endgamesadder
M7 (JAR)L +11 Endgame Small
O7 (WAD)T is better to stop WADSETT i guess? #endgamesad
13L R(E)T +5 Endgame Large
A13 (mE)T to stop 15A ES #endgamesaddest
8D BLOWN +26 Knowledge Medium
BALDERDASH, Round 10. 8H ABLOW #knowledgesadder
5D IO +14 Finding Large
D2 IDIOT #findingsaddest
A1 BRA(V)O +30 Knowledge Large
13G DIG +25 Tactics Large
Quackle loves 13G CIG #tacticssaddest
9I ZEK +35 Strategy Large
Quackle likes J14 Z(A) a lot and I'm not sure why. Like is it thinking i draw into 1A (B)ICKERER ? #strategysaddest
N2 REFI(X) +30 Strategy Small
13C ACE seems better here because N2 REFI(X) gives back a lot of points and isn't suuper hard to block. #strategysad
4A (VINT)S +16 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for challenge and #findingsadder for L6 (OnO)S
4A (VINT)S +16 Finding Medium
#knowledgesad for challenge and #findingsadder for L6 (OnO)S
8G RUN +6 Knowledge Large
BALDERDASH, Round 13. 8G CURN #knowledgesaddest
4I (C)OCKY +32 Knowledge Medium
J5 RYOT #knowledgesadder
J3 L(O)WT +18 Knowledge Large
6G TR(A)WLNET #knowledgesaddest
D3 VEND +23 Knowledge Small
12B V(E)NTRED #knowledgesad
H10 YBR(E)NT +36 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for challenge also i have no idea what i kept here but i'm pretty sure there was a B?
11H (B)UBO +16 Knowledge Large
1H BLOUSON(S) #knowledgesaddest
14F MO(N) +23 Knowledge Large
N8 LOMENTS N8 MELTONS #knowledgesaddest
F2 UNTIE +12 Knowledge Small
15E TEN(T)IE #knowledgesad
J6 HES +28 Tactics Medium
9H EE #tacticssadder
9M FY +30 Knowledge Medium
B6 WO(O)FY #knowledgesadder
D2 WOW +30 Knowledge Large
#knowledgesaddest for not challenging TEASLING*
E3 REI +15 Knowledge Medium
E3 MERI #knowledgesadder
O1 I(T) +6 Finding Large
1K IO #findingsaddest
F2 RE(D)O +13 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for challenge and #findingsaddest for 10N ER
F2 RE(D)O +13 Finding Large
#knowledgesad for challenge and #findingsaddest for 10N ER
G8 (JO)UR +11 Knowledge Large
#knowledgesaddest for 1F UREDIA and UREDO
I4 MAC +17 Knowledge Large
1F CAM #knowledgesaddest for CREDO
6F XI +54 Strategy Large
I get DETAILS and DENTILS making FIXT if I draw the blank + A or N; AUDILES, DUALISE, DUPLIES, SULLIED, SULFIDE, and DUELIST if I draw the blank + U to make UREDO; and SCAILED if i draw the blank + A making CREDO. #strategysaddest
H1 FLEE +29 Knowledge Large
H1 ELFED #knowledgesaddest My opponent went overtime so the final score was recorded as 382-354
6E (M)OO +13 Finding Large
F5 (L)OO(I)E #findingsaddest
6I LAIC +25 Knowledge Large
#knowledgesaddest for challenge and #findingsadder for 6B QI
6I LAIC +25 Finding Medium
#knowledgesaddest for challenge and #findingsadder for 6B QI
14J QUA(G)S +70 Strategy Medium
11K JA(G). Bingo chances go way up #strategysadder
15H JAI +41 Finding Medium
15G EEJIT #findingsadder
A4 (B)EERY +30 Knowledge Large
B9 TY(P)IER #knowledgesaddest
O1 W(E)IL +24 Knowledge Large
1H TWILIT #knowledgesaddest
3B OM +23 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for challenge and #findingsadder for 10D I(S)M
3B OM +23 Finding Medium
#knowledgesad for challenge and #findingsadder for 10D I(S)M
2A IF +28 Knowledge Large
C10 T(R)IFID #knowledgesaddest I saw C10 D(R)IFT but got greedy for points. I need to block the bingo lane #strategysad
2A IF +28 Strategy Small
C10 T(R)IFID #knowledgesaddest I saw C10 D(R)IFT but got greedy for points. I need to block the bingo lane #strategysad
6A (E)N +8 Endgame Small
F10 (WE)N(T) #endgamesad A tile was left in the bag so the final score was recorded as 382-433
9E ICH +23 Knowledge Large
7I HIRCINe and I chickened out of I4 CHIR(M)INg because why would that be a word? #KNOWLEDGESADDEST Spoiler: I maintain that spending like 100 minutes on this move is what cost me the game (along with all of my following mistakes). Stay tuned for primo facepalm opportunities.
13D sNOWIER +75 Knowledge Large
11B bI(J)WONER #knowledgeSADDEST
14E OX +52 Knowledge Medium
E6 OUG(I)YA #knowledgesadder also AX would have been better than OX because I keep both O and Y #strategysad
14E OX +52 Strategy Small
E6 OUG(I)YA #knowledgesadder also AX would have been better than OX because I keep both O and Y #strategysad
O8 MU(D)I +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
#knowledgesaddest for phony. #findingsaddest for 8L Y(O)GI
O8 MU(D)I +0 (Lost challenge) Finding Large
#knowledgesaddest for phony. #findingsaddest for 8L Y(O)GI
L6 YUM +21 Finding Large
L6 GUY #findingsaddest Play was miscounted as 20
15N OI +11 Finding Large
4H GOU(G)E #findingsaddest
J3 GUE +9 Finding Large
7F GIE #findingsaddest Also this play was miscounted as 8
7F QI +21 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for challenge 4D QI #findingsad
7F QI +21 Finding Small
#knowledgesad for challenge 4D QI #findingsad
11D (JOL)T +11 Strategy Large
I saw 6B DELT and then didn't play it because I wanted to keep it closed lmao oop #strategySADDEST
6J D(OY) +21 Endgame Large
12C D(A) #endgamesaddest #timesaddest also GUED*
6J D(OY) +21 Time Large
12C D(A) #endgamesaddest #timesaddest also GUED*
4J (UG)LIER +16 Endgame Small
6A RELIT #endgamesad #timesad UGLIER gives back ENNEADS. Play was miscounted as 14
4J (UG)LIER +16 Time Small
6A RELIT #endgamesad #timesad UGLIER gives back ENNEADS. Play was miscounted as 14
8E TOYO +14 Strategy Small
BALDERDASH, Round 17. 8G TOYO sims slightly better #strategysad
I6 DEnARII +66 Finding Small
I5 AIRsIDE is slightly better #findingsad
J5 PI +11 Finding Large
E5 PI(ETAS) #findingsaddest
L4 OLE +20 Tactics Small
I have to stick the A on it. L4 OLEA #tacticssad
15F VARVE +47 Knowledge Small
15G VIVER #knowledgesad
14B PANT +24 Finding Small
I2 APT #findingsad
L11 MIC +22 Knowledge Small
L11 METIC #knowledgesad
I3 WE +19 Finding Large
O7 WHIR +36 Finding Small
I gotta do 14L HOW if i wanna keep my bingo chances alive #strategysad #findingsad
O7 WHIR +36 Strategy Small
I gotta do 14L HOW if i wanna keep my bingo chances alive #strategysad #findingsad
D4 CAGY +31 Knowledge Large
D2 CArBOY #knowledgesaddest, also this loses to NITRO(X) #endgamesaddest
D4 CAGY +31 Endgame Large
D2 CArBOY #knowledgesaddest, also this loses to NITRO(X) #endgamesaddest
5B BO(A)s +16 Knowledge Medium
N9 (NANO)BOt #knowledgesadder
D6 WO(V)EN +11 Knowledge Small
I dont know enough words to get out of this situation. spent like 5 minutes here just completely befuddled F4 EWKE(D) #knowledgesad
C3 JUKE +35 Knowledge Medium
F4 EWKE(D) #knowledgesadder
B6 FINCH +46 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for challenge C9 FINCH sims marginally better, better bingo chances. #strategysad
B6 FINCH +46 Strategy Small
#knowledgesad for challenge C9 FINCH sims marginally better, better bingo chances. #strategysad
5J (B)Y +26 Knowledge Small
A10 SPACEY #knowledgesad
A10 CAPERS +46 Knowledge Medium
M3 SECPAR #Knowledgesadder
8M (N)YM +24 Knowledge Small
E6 SM(I)LEY is notable #knowledgesad for challenge
14A (R)ENEWALS +76 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for challenge
F5 GAU(D) +12 Knowledge Large
C10 OURA(N)G #knowledgesaddest Also play was miscounted as 15
13C UDO +20 Knowledge Large
L9 URODELE #knowledgesaddest Also, play was miscounted as 19
N5 EEL(Y) +19 Endgame Small
N5 EER(Y) is slightly better #endgamesad Final score was recorded as 400-521
8G QI +22 Knowledge Large
8M MOC +28 Knowledge Large
L5 OR(G)ASMIC #knowledgesaddest
O10 EASIER +26 Finding Large
O8 (C)EE looks better here #findingsaddest
5D FLAYED +30 Knowledge Medium
B8 (A)LCAYDE #knowledgesadder
D2 COI(F) +18 Knowledge Large
4A CONIA and 4A CIAO look good here. #Knowledgesaddest
1E TaN(G)IBLE +61 Finding Large
13G NIBLETs #findingsaddest
13H PARK +21 Knowledge Large
10I KAPU is nice #Knowledgesaddest
H4 LING(E)RED +61 Knowledge Large
H8 (E)NGIRDLE #knowledgesaddest
8L A(N)EW +24 Knowledge Large
2J WHE(A)RE #knowledgesaddest
13L POH +28 Knowledge Large
D3 (N)EPHROID holy god #Knowledgesaddest
4C MED +23 Finding Large
6D DOMI(N)EER big oof here #visionsaddest #findingsaddest
4C MED +23 Vision Large
6D DOMI(N)EER big oof here #visionsaddest #findingsaddest
C3 (AM)I +5 Finding Large
9A InTERIO(R), 6D eRIO(N)ITE, 6D RETI(N)OId, 6D RETI(N)OIc etc are all laughing at me rn #findingsaddest #visionsaddest
C3 (AM)I +5 Vision Large
9A InTERIO(R), 6D eRIO(N)ITE, 6D RETI(N)OId, 6D RETI(N)OIc etc are all laughing at me rn #findingsaddest #visionsaddest
14F EROTICs +70 Finding Large
11A OuTCRIE(D) #findingsaddest
9F ROTAtED +68 Knowledge Medium
I was thinking of H8 (I)DOlATER but couldn't decide if it ended in -OR or -ER lmao #knowledgemedium
M5 VIM +29 Knowledge Large
7D GULP +19 Finding Large
11C G(A)UP is nice, N6 NUG #findingsaddest #visionsaddest
7D GULP +19 Vision Large
11C G(A)UP is nice, N6 NUG #findingsaddest #visionsaddest
3D PANICS +16 Knowledge Large
I challenge ENTICERS just in case there is a god. And then I proceed to miss 3D PISCINA #knowledgesaddest
8G GOLFED +26 Knowledge Small
8D FODGEL #Knowledgesad
7K REE +9 Finding Large
12I RETIREE lmao #findingsaddest
12K KYE +43 Knowledge Small
12H GRYKE is cool #knowledgesad
5E GRIT +12 Finding Small
5E DICT sims best #findingsad
6D COD +22 Knowledge Large
3C NARCO is nice #Knowledgesaddest
D1 PA(ID) +10 Finding Medium
2B POA is nice #findingsadder. I mean yeah Quackle likes 14B APSO too, simming just below POA, and it scores 30, but I really don't want to open the triple lane for no good reason. Thoughts?
15H OARS +21 Knowledge Large
8A SpI(V) or 8A ShI(V) *facepalm* #knowledgesaddest
1M (C)HI +24 Knowledge Medium
1K AR(C)HI #knowledgesadder
7H N(U) +4 Knowledge Medium
L2 (WOO)N is cool #knowledgesadder
J13 (N)Y +13 Knowledge Large
N4 FoOLERY, N4 FORELaY, N4 FLYOvER, even N4 FLOwERY would have worked just fine had I seen it #visionsaddest #Knowledgesaddest
J13 (N)Y +13 Vision Large
N4 FoOLERY, N4 FORELaY, N4 FLYOvER, even N4 FLOwERY would have worked just fine had I seen it #visionsaddest #Knowledgesaddest
D7 FOOLERs +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
big oofs all around here, frens. 15A FOREtOL(D), 15A OvERFOL(D), 15A FORsLOE(D) 15B REFLOO(D)s all would have been fine #KNOWLEDGESADDEST #FINDINGSADDEST #VISIONSADDEST
D7 FOOLERs +0 (Lost challenge) Finding Large
big oofs all around here, frens. 15A FOREtOL(D), 15A OvERFOL(D), 15A FORsLOE(D) 15B REFLOO(D)s all would have been fine #KNOWLEDGESADDEST #FINDINGSADDEST #VISIONSADDEST
D7 FOOLERs +0 (Lost challenge) Vision Large
big oofs all around here, frens. 15A FOREtOL(D), 15A OvERFOL(D), 15A FORsLOE(D) 15B REFLOO(D)s all would have been fine #KNOWLEDGESADDEST #FINDINGSADDEST #VISIONSADDEST
O8 MAD +36 Knowledge Large
Have I mentioned that I hate K words? #knowledgeSADDEST @ KEP
E2 VOLENTS +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
Damn, I could have played a whole ass valid word and wont the game. Even 6B V(u)LN at 14 or 5B T(R)ONS at 10 lets me go out in two. I didn't even need to bingo. #STRATEGYSADDEST and also #knowledgesaddest for the phony
E2 VOLENTS +0 (Lost challenge) Strategy Large
Damn, I could have played a whole ass valid word and wont the game. Even 6B V(u)LN at 14 or 5B T(R)ONS at 10 lets me go out in two. I didn't even need to bingo. #STRATEGYSADDEST and also #knowledgesaddest for the phony
D2 VOLES +19 Strategy Large
Literally I had so many plays that would have won me the game, but noooooo. I was even considering D1 VOLTES! Never let me outside again, please #strategysaddest
8L BING +37 Knowledge Large
K5 BING(O)ED is nice + #knowledgesaddest for challenging MEALING
6E SHAGgED +74 Vision Large
3A D(E)LI +10 Finding Large
H1 TIDIN(G), H1 DITIN(G) or H1 IDLIN(G) are fine #visionsaddest #findingsaddest
3A D(E)LI +10 Vision Large
H1 TIDIN(G), H1 DITIN(G) or H1 IDLIN(G) are fine #visionsaddest #findingsaddest
O1 EXALTIN(G) +101 Knowledge Large
#knowledgesaddest to lil ol' me for challenging SEATERS and AMAS
N6 PU(N) +23 Knowledge Large
M2 POWAN is baller but I was too tunnel-visioned about the N6 Q hotspot. #knowledgesaddest #visionsaddest
N6 PU(N) +23 Vision Large
M2 POWAN is baller but I was too tunnel-visioned about the N6 Q hotspot. #knowledgesaddest #visionsaddest
G8 TEGG +18 Knowledge Large
I6 GUGA #knowledgeSADDEST
6F HAR(P)Y +29 Finding Large
6F HAR(P)Y +29 Vision Large
D1 CHUR(L) +26 Knowledge Large
1A TIN(CAKES) +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
1A TIN(CAKES) +0 (Lost challenge) Vision Large
1L WEFT +51 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for the challenge
6B YA +30 Finding Small
1A PAN(CAKES) #findingsad #VISIONSAD
6B YA +30 Vision Small
1A PAN(CAKES) #findingsad #VISIONSAD
A6 PINED +32 Strategy Small
L1 (WE)ND because I have the P and R to get a bingo on the triple for next turn #strategysmall
11G (GO)V +7 Strategy Large
Exch. NRTV #strategylarge
F4 R(EH) +6 Finding Medium
C10 TRIN #findingsadder #strategymedium
F4 R(EH) +6 Strategy Medium
C10 TRIN #findingsadder #strategymedium
12A NUTRIaS +71 Knowledge Small
O3 SIRTUiN Yeah, a huge #knowledgesad for missing every bingo down the triple here
C8 DOF +30 Finding Medium
C8 OOF #findingsadder
N1 (F)A(N) +12 Knowledge Large
B4 O(BY) +8 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for the challenge, a maSSIVE #knowledgeSADDEST for MANO making O3 OTARINE, and an even bigger #knowledgeSADDEST for the phony
B4 O(BY) +8 Knowledge Large
#knowledgesad for the challenge, a maSSIVE #knowledgeSADDEST for MANO making O3 OTARINE, and an even bigger #knowledgeSADDEST for the phony
B4 O(BY) +8 Knowledge Large
#knowledgesad for the challenge, a maSSIVE #knowledgeSADDEST for MANO making O3 OTARINE, and an even bigger #knowledgeSADDEST for the phony
O3 ANTIRED +121 Knowledge Small
O3 OTARINE #knowledgesad for MAND
N13 GEO +15 Finding Medium
Totally missed N12 OGEE whoops #findingsadder
3M EW +28 Finding Large
H10 STREWN is so much smarter here. #findingsaddest
G1 TReMBLE(D) +63 Knowledge Large
12G LaMBERT is so much better here aṇd that, folks, is what we call #knowledgesaddest
12C VROW +38 Finding Large
Bruh 12B VROUW is so much better here #findingsaddest
5E UN(B)AN +14 Knowledge Large
4G (M)IBUNA wins static and sim hands down here. #knowledgeSADdEST
6K HAO +21 Vision Large
L10 OOH looks a better #visionsaddest
N12 BOP +20 Knowledge Large
1L BOEP seems fine here #knowledgesaddest
1A UP +16 Vision Large
5K PO is significantly better here. hella oof #visionsaddest
K10 SOLD +23 Knowledge Large
Missed hella bingos here #knowledgesaddest
M11 U(G)G +10 Finding Large
8H (E)UGARIES #findingSADDEST ALSO I phonied with UGG* so big oof on that
E11 QI +25 Vision Large
3A FAQI(R) is nice. #visionsaddest
K10 IFFY +32 Knowledge Large
11E EFFIGY making CHECKY #knowledgesaddest
7F ZAG +20 Finding Large
14H (H)AJ sims best #findingsaddest
10B JOE +35 Knowledge Large
I'm too busy thinking about PYOID to challenge ALD* #knowledgesaddest
L8 MET +15 Knowledge Large
4A TREM #knowledgesaddest I really need to focus on scoring as much as I can
K9 DEEP +28 Knowledge Large
K3 SPEELED #knowledgesaddest
L8 GEL +22 Knowledge Large
12F LANGS(P)EL and L3 LEGLANS #knowledgesaddest
M7 COAST +33 Knowledge Large
13E COLTANS #knowledgesaddest
15A LI(M)B +33 Knowledge Large
15A LI(M)BO #knowledgesaddest
1K UNIF(Y) +12 Knowledge Large
3J FIBU(LA) seems ok #knowledgesaddest
C5 NUN +18 Vision Large
4L RU(I)N #visionsaddest
K4 WENDS +25 Finding Medium
J7 W(I)ND #findingsadder
H12 (G)OOF +24 Knowledge Large
Holy shit H1 FOUT(H) #knowledgeSADDEST
M2 MI(Z) +28 Strategy Small
I might genuinely be a dumbass. I considered 11E UMU and then decided to take the Z instead because I was worried about leaving it hanging. #STRATEGYSMALL the dumb bitch disease is alive and kicking, folks
11D AUA +12 Knowledge Medium
4E ATUA #knowledgesADDER
2K KE(M)PT +26 Knowledge Large
C3 TUP(E)K #knowledgeSADDEST
7K (D)IVY +15 Knowledge Large
The ol' Yes and No, folks. Don't do it. #Knowledgesaddest for me being a phoneying dumbass. 10B (J)IVY is much better anyway
8N UR +11 Knowledge Large
M6 O(V)eRTURE #FINDINGSADDEST also #KNOWLEDGESADDEST becuase I haven't studied it as an 8
8N UR +11 Finding Large
M6 O(V)eRTURE #FINDINGSADDEST also #KNOWLEDGESADDEST becuase I haven't studied it as an 8
1K OR +12 Finding Large
O8 (RE)ORiENT +21 Knowledge Large
There's 5 possible bingos through 14H OM and I just wanna quit. 10H sTONERS is notable #findingsaddest #Knowledgesaddest We out here turning up dumbassery to 100%
O8 (RE)ORiENT +21 Finding Large
There's 5 possible bingos through 14H OM and I just wanna quit. 10H sTONERS is notable #findingsaddest #Knowledgesaddest We out here turning up dumbassery to 100%
N12 BAA +19 Endgame Large
J13 SAU gives me an out in two places. N11 ABRI, B2 RABI(C) and B2 BARI(C) #endgamelarge
M13 SRI +15 Knowledge Small
J4 S(R)I #visionsadder also #knowledgesad for that challenge
M13 SRI +15 Vision Medium
J4 S(R)I #visionsadder also #knowledgesad for that challenge
7H WAN +22 Knowledge Large
L8 REPAINT +74 Knowledge Small
#Knowledgesad for challenege oof
K11 JA +39 Finding Large
4J G(R)OG +12 Finding Large
4J G(R)OG +12 Vision Large
11C PONY +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for challenege and a big ass #KNOWLEDGESADDEST for phoneying
11C PONY +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
#knowledgesad for challenege and a big ass #KNOWLEDGESADDEST for phoneying
11B PONY +34 Knowledge Large
9C APE(R)Y oof #Knowledgesaddest #visionsaddest
11B PONY +34 Vision Large
9C APE(R)Y oof #Knowledgesaddest #visionsaddest
N10 VIE +22 Finding Large
H12 (O)DEA +15 Knowledge Large
Gotta be scoring when I'm so far behind. 13A TEEND may be best here #KNOWLEDGESADDEST
10F ME +24 Knowledge Large
B10 (W)INZE +34 Knowledge Small
B10 (W)IZEN #knowledgesad
C12 AAL +32 Vision Large
IN MY HEAD I SHIT YOU NOT I WENT "oh I need an N for NEONATAL" and then i DIDNT. SEE. THE. FUCKING. N. I just spent the whole time being like "huh i wonder if I should play OAT or AAL" instead!!! AND I PICKED THE WRONG ONE LMAOOO #VISIONSADDEST
H10 NOT +9 Finding Large
H10 TENDON imma just kms now thank you #FINDINGSADDEST
J10 DOG +18 Knowledge Medium
J7 GRONED #knowledgesadder
10J (D)RY +7 Knowledge Large
11G R(OBO)TRY is a straight up #knowledgesaddest
8L Y(O)DH +45 Knowledge Small
#Knowledgesad for challenging DRYS
J1 TRIUNES +68 Strategy Small
J1 UNITERS sims best for some reason #strategysmall Spoiler alert: I probably should have done that and avoided all the subsequent heartache
15K FIB(E)R +33 Knowledge Large
First of all, 4D FEBRIC(U)L(E) is notable af but it's a nine so i'm not counting it. Second of all, 1D FILBER(T) is next in the sim so for THAT, i will indeed give myself a #knowledgesaddest
K10 (R)EAD +27 Knowledge Small
K9 A(R)LED #knowledgesad
1C OX +36 Finding Large
I'm a dumbass and/or blind 1A COAX #FINDINGSADDEST #ENDGAMESADDEST #TIMESADDEST Also the play was miscounted as 35
1C OX +36 Endgame Large
I'm a dumbass and/or blind 1A COAX #FINDINGSADDEST #ENDGAMESADDEST #TIMESADDEST Also the play was miscounted as 35
1C OX +36 Time Large
I'm a dumbass and/or blind 1A COAX #FINDINGSADDEST #ENDGAMESADDEST #TIMESADDEST Also the play was miscounted as 35
6F CAG +21 Endgame Medium
N3 GLACE(D) #endgamesadder
8G HET +12 Knowledge Large
10D EXIT +32 Strategy Medium
10F IO #strategymedium
5B BO(x)ED +14 Finding Large
7C B(E)GOT #findingSADDEST
7H LETTiNG +65 Knowledge Small
11G ETTLiNG #knowledgeSAD
6B YE(P) +33 Finding Small
F2 HEE(D)Y #findingsad
6I JEE +28 Knowledge Medium
C2 EVH(OE) #knowledgemedium
F5 (D)ZO +33 Finding Large
K3 ROZ(ET) #findingSADDEST
4A WAV(E) +28 Knowledge Small
4A WAV(E)R #knowledgesad
A1 GRA(W) +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
11B RU(DIS)H #findingsaddest (and a big ol' #KNOWLEDGESADDEST for the phoney)
A1 GRA(W) +0 (Lost challenge) Finding Large
11B RU(DIS)H #findingsaddest (and a big ol' #KNOWLEDGESADDEST for the phoney)
E3 UR(E) +14 Knowledge Large
11B RU(DIS)H OOF #knowledgesaddest
12L HAGS +31 Knowledge Large
11D (DIS)HRAGS #knowledgeSADDEST
13K NOD +19 Knowledge Large
12G NIM +14 Knowledge Large
9H HEM +22 Knowledge Large
9H REHEM #KNOWLEDGESADDEST and #knowledgesad for the challenge
9H HEM +22 Knowledge Small
9H REHEM #KNOWLEDGESADDEST and #knowledgesad for the challenge
15G PILI +20 Knowledge Medium
15F PILEI #knowledgesadder
L2 OYEZ +51 Knowledge Large
L1 ZOOEY #KNOWLEDGESADDEST and a #knowledgesad for the challenge
L2 OYEZ +51 Knowledge Small
L1 ZOOEY #KNOWLEDGESADDEST and a #knowledgesad for the challenge
14F OUT +11 Vision Large
13L (I)NTO #visionsaddest
N10 YE +26 Knowledge Large
13B TINGLY #visionsaddest and a plain ol' #KNOWLEDGESADDEST for my phoney
N10 YE +26 Vision Large
13B TINGLY #visionsaddest and a plain ol' #KNOWLEDGESADDEST for my phoney
O6 TAU(T) +12 Knowledge Large
O4 ACTUA(T)E OOF #KNOWLEDGESADDEST the funny thing is that I SAW O6 ACU(T)E and it would have still been better than O6 TAU(T). WHY didn't I just play it? Some mysteries shall haunt us forever, friends
E5 PANTS +16 Knowledge Large
I played too scared here. I thought my opponent was fishing but the bag is too crappy. It's more likely that he's bogged down with consonants and there's nothing he can do. I need to play O1 PONT or O1 SOAP and outrun. My play literally set up a lovely little X hotspot for my opponent to outrun me with. Genuinely, I could not have made a stupider move. Even passing is better. This is a time where knowing E4 PANTOS would have come in handy. #knowledgesaddest #strategylarge
E5 PANTS +16 Strategy Large
I played too scared here. I thought my opponent was fishing but the bag is too crappy. It's more likely that he's bogged down with consonants and there's nothing he can do. I need to play O1 PONT or O1 SOAP and outrun. My play literally set up a lovely little X hotspot for my opponent to outrun me with. Genuinely, I could not have made a stupider move. Even passing is better. This is a time where knowing E4 PANTOS would have come in handy. #knowledgesaddest #strategylarge
O1 OS +24 Finding Large
I5 ANO(DE)S is cool or even B2 NAOS #findingsaddest
B2 NA +24 Knowledge Small
J7 N(OM)A is nice #knowledgesad
J4 VEHME +33 Strategy Medium
J7 VEHM #strategymedium
K8 TAXI +30 Finding Small
6E IXIA #visionsad #findingsad
K8 TAXI +30 Vision Small
6E IXIA #visionsad #findingsad
M11 KUE +24 Finding Small
2G MEOU #visionsad #findingsad
M11 KUE +24 Vision Small
2G MEOU #visionsad #findingsad
J11 FILM +26 Finding Large
J11 FILM +26 Vision Large
9E POO +13 Knowledge Large
14A bIOTOPE #KNOWLEDGESADDEST and another #knowledgesaddest for the two challenges
9E POO +13 Knowledge Large
14A bIOTOPE #KNOWLEDGESADDEST and another #knowledgesaddest for the two challenges
2B DIETInE +79 Knowledge Small
2H DEITIEs #findingsad and a #knowledgesad for the challenge
2B DIETInE +79 Finding Small
2H DEITIEs #findingsad and a #knowledgesad for the challenge
N6 JAGIRS +44 Vision Large
N6 JAGIRS +44 Strategy Large
O5 LOBO +40 Knowledge Medium
O4 OBOLI #knowledgesadder
E9 (PO)H +16 Strategy Large
Either I play 14M HI and fish for DIsCARD or 14L CHID and try to cut the spread. Either way, I played too scared and tried to stop my opponent from bingoing. #STRATEGYLARGE
1F DA(ZE)D +24 Endgame Large
8A CA(R)D #endgamesaddest
E7 D(O)UBTeRS +70 Knowledge Large
N: E5 ReD(O)UBTS #knowledgesaddest
exch CC +0 Finding Large
N: K7 GEN(E)TIC might have been better here. #visionsaddest #findingsaddest
exch CC +0 Vision Large
N: K7 GEN(E)TIC might have been better here. #visionsaddest #findingsaddest
A9 GOO(F) +8 Knowledge Large
N: H8 (MON)OCOTS #Knowledgesaddest
G11 TIC +11 Finding Large
N: G1 STRICTI(SH) #findingsaddest #visionsaddest
G11 TIC +11 Vision Large
N: G1 STRICTI(SH) #findingsaddest #visionsaddest
8D HIE +20 Finding Large
B6 HIED #visionsaddest #findingsaddest
8D HIE +20 Vision Large
B6 HIED #visionsaddest #findingsaddest
O1 FRI(L)L +24 Knowledge Large
2A RIFFL(E)R is better here #knowledgesaddest #visionsaddest
O1 FRI(L)L +24 Vision Large
2A RIFFL(E)R is better here #knowledgesaddest #visionsaddest
J10 BAM +25 Knowledge Medium
E2 BIMA is better here #knowledgesadder
9C COV(E) +12 Knowledge Large
C6 OCTAVOS #knowledgesaddest
2N CH +24 Knowledge Large
15H UNCHOkE(S) #knowledgesaddest
10J YAE +29 Vision Medium
15H YEA oof #visionsadder
7E MOPE +24 Finding Large
9G AMIGO is nice #findingsaddest
6H JOT +22 Vision Medium
6B JETE #visionsadder
4K EDH +23 Knowledge Large
4J HAINED #knowledgesaddest
E9 (V)OL +12 Finding Large
Oh my god I'm a dumbass holy shit I missed 12D ALERION, 12D AILERON, 12E ALERION, AND 12E AILERON. Fs in chat please. #findingsaddest #visionsaddest
E9 (V)OL +12 Vision Large
Oh my god I'm a dumbass holy shit I missed 12D ALERION, 12D AILERON, 12E ALERION, AND 12E AILERON. Fs in chat please. #findingsaddest #visionsaddest
A1 CURIA +26 Knowledge Large
O9 URICASE #knowledgesaddest
10I SHILL +30 Finding Large
10I EH #findingsaddest
G9 AEON +11 Knowledge Large
L3 (L)EONE #knowledgesaddest #visionsaddest
G9 AEON +11 Vision Large
L3 (L)EONE #knowledgesaddest #visionsaddest
L9 C(L)OP(S) +18 Knowledge Large
F9 CAPO or F9 COP would be nice here #findingsaddest #knowledgesaddest #visionsaddest
L9 C(L)OP(S) +18 Finding Large
F9 CAPO or F9 COP would be nice here #findingsaddest #knowledgesaddest #visionsaddest
L9 C(L)OP(S) +18 Vision Large
F9 CAPO or F9 COP would be nice here #findingsaddest #knowledgesaddest #visionsaddest
11E FR(OW) +20 Vision Large
L2 F(L)AN #visionsaddest
8D WATER +24 Knowledge Medium
8D WARRE is notable #knowledgesadder
E6 FR(A)P +9 Finding Large
E5 FRI(A)R is cool #findingsaddest
5I LAIR +22 Knowledge Small
5I LAIRD #knowledgesad
L1 COZ +30 Knowledge Large
I challenged LAIRD #knowledgesaddest also I missed 2J ZOO(N)IC so double that #Knowledgesaddest for me please
L1 COZ +30 Knowledge Large
I challenged LAIRD #knowledgesaddest also I missed 2J ZOO(N)IC so double that #Knowledgesaddest for me please
1H DORI(C) +24 Knowledge Medium
1H CONI(C) is cool #knowledgesadder
3C CLOT +18 Knowledge Large
4B ST(O)LONIC and 4A COL(O)NIST are cool #Knowledgesaddest
9E (P)I +6 Knowledge Large
10D MENIScI, 10D MEINIeS, 10A MINIESt #knowledgesaddest
O3 SEMINAr +90 Knowledge Large
I didn't challenege THUIA* #knowledgesaddest
I9 Q(I) +21 Knowledge Large
11E QI making TITI #knowledgesaddest
13M VE(G) +14 Knowledge Large
11B KEEVE is cool #knowledgesaddest
11B FADES +22 Knowledge Large
13D DAFTIES #Knowledgesaddest
J6 CO(N) +11 Knowledge Large
what even in the world is D7 DECANOIC? #knowledgesaddest I play CON to set up a lane
M1 WARDE(D) +22 Knowledge Large
I miss 7A WANDERE(R) #knowledgesaddest Who is wanderer15?
H2 VOITUR(E) +11 Finding Large
should've just done F6 VI(R)TU #findingsaddest
E11 AUA +15 Knowledge Large
2F NA(V)ICUlA and I8 (D)UlCIANA #knowledgesaddest
9I INIA +9 Knowledge Large
There's about a million bingos I missed here. #knowledgesaddest
11K B(I)RCH +24 Finding Large
3F BR(O)aCHeD is totally gettable. OOF. #findingsaddest
K2 I(C)ED +25 Knowledge Large
OOF @ G8 (T)OILETED and 11A TOE(NA)ILED #knowledgesaddest #findingsaddest
K2 I(C)ED +25 Finding Large
OOF @ G8 (T)OILETED and 11A TOE(NA)ILED #knowledgesaddest #findingsaddest
B9 SOLARES +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
B9 SOLERAS, B9 SEROSAL, and B7 LASSOER #knowledgesaddest
15G (E)LOPES +27 Finding Large
missed H11 POSSE #findingsaddest
11I JAU(K) +30 Finding Large
Missed 10B JIRD #findingsaddest
12K R(E)IN +6 Knowledge Large
Wasn't confident about 8L (B)RIN #knowledgeSADdest
C11 ABID +25 Knowledge Large
Did not know G2 ABDOMI(N)A here oopsies #Knowledgesaddest
B5 MAJORED +75 Knowledge Large
bruh why are my 3s the worst #knowledgesaddest
exch FIII +0 Finding Large
E8 (R)IFE wins static and sim #findingsaddest
A1 ZLOTE +50 Knowledge Large
A1 TOZIE would have been nice #knowledgesaddest
9B nEUROID +67 Finding Medium
Blanked on 13A DOURInE #findingsadder
exch QW +0 Finding Large
I'm thinking so hard about trying to get a bingo here that I don't even consider 2B QINS #findingsaddest
N4 SEELING +71 Knowledge Large
I chickened out of trying 15H (H)EELINGS #knowledgeSADDEST
H13 J(E)E +39 Finding Medium
Didn't even see H13 J(E)U jesus #findingsadder
15A HM +25 Finding Large
I do not see 13B MIHI oof #findingsaddest
3J (F)AZED +36 Knowledge Large
3J (F)EAZE looks good here because I can use the D and S hooks + the Z isn't right on top of the double word as it would be with 3J (F)AZE. #knowledgesaddest
4L EL +32 Knowledge Large
Didn't even see 4L ILEA big oof #knowledgesaddest ALSO, I miscounted the play as 30 so that's another big oof
I9 SAIL +19 Knowledge Large
I9 SILESIA #knowledgesaddest
B4 COY +29 Knowledge Large
B2 COSEY scores well and opens stuff up. #knowledgesaddest
L4 HEEL +33 Vision Large
8J I(N)HALE #visionsaddest
8D FOLLY +30 Knowledge Medium
8G FLOOEY looks nice #knowledgesadder
E8 (OBI)A +26 Knowledge Large
14H (G)AIETIES #knowledgesaddest Also I miscounted this play as 27
8G WEPT +18 Finding Large
8G TWP #findingsaddest
7F GO +10 Knowledge Large
I do not catch EENS* #knowledgesaddest Also SEXTO is a cool hook, making L9 GLOZE notable. Let's add this to the #knowledgesaddest boys
7F GO +10 Knowledge Large
I do not catch EENS* #knowledgesaddest Also SEXTO is a cool hook, making L9 GLOZE notable. Let's add this to the #knowledgesaddest boys
6G VAW +18 Knowledge Large
5E (O)VErCRAW #knowledgesaddest
11D TUI +17 Knowledge Large
3K TUFA #knowledgesaddest
H13 ICY +29 Finding Large
3K FAY looks good here #findingsaddest #visionsaddest
H13 ICY +29 Vision Large
3K FAY looks good here #findingsaddest #visionsaddest
B11 VAMP +30 Knowledge Large
B7 VAMPIsH #knowledgesaddest
13G R(IF) +7 Finding Large
15D RELA(Y)INg and 15D INLA(Y)ERs #findingsaddest
C1 LA(B) +5 Knowledge Large
C3 (B)IEnNALE, C3 (B)AsELINE, C3 (B)EANLIkE, and C3 (B)ANLIEuE are laughing at me #knowledgesaddest #findingsaddest
C1 LA(B) +5 Finding Large
C3 (B)IEnNALE, C3 (B)AsELINE, C3 (B)EANLIkE, and C3 (B)ANLIEuE are laughing at me #knowledgesaddest #findingsaddest
A2 GrAINE(D) +13 Knowledge Large
Yeeeeeaah I should have challenged off ZLOTE* big oof #knowledgesaddest + I get -20 for going overtime
G5 WAN(D)ERED +65 Knowledge Small
I don't think it's worth 3 extra points to put the D near the triple with G1 DAWNERE(D). Not to mention I don't know the word #knowledgesad
F9 BORIC +24 Finding Large
H1 TURBO looks nice #findingsaddest
N11 VA(N)T +19 Finding Large
B10 ZAT(I)s seems fine here. #findingsaddest
O13 (T)IZ +38 Finding Medium
4L FIZ is nice #visionsadder #findingsadder
O13 (T)IZ +38 Vision Medium
4L FIZ is nice #visionsadder #findingsadder
B8 FLOaT(I)NG +76 Knowledge Large
B8 sOFTL(I)NG #knowledgesaddest
C3 CLUNKS +40 Knowledge Large
So I blew the endgame here. I knew what the 8 unseen tiles were and I knew there were two places on the board for bingos: the D column and under PRAISE on row 2. All I needed to do was calculate what bingo my opponent could play through the N on column D and then block the bingo lane under PRAISE. Even if I didn't see FAAN (which I didn't #knowledgesaddest) to play O1 CLUNG or O1 CLUNK etc., I still could have done N2 GLANS. BIG oof
11I STUN +15 Knowledge Large
3B (K)EG +24 Knowledge Large
3D CHaRGES #visionSADDEST I found CHaRGES on my rack but not a spot. Also #Knowledgesaddest for 3D GaCHERS and 3D CREaGHS
3B (K)EG +24 Vision Large
3D CHaRGES #visionSADDEST I found CHaRGES on my rack but not a spot. Also #Knowledgesaddest for 3D GaCHERS and 3D CREaGHS
13B VIS +18 Vision Large
7B SHIV #visionsaddest
8G VET +12 Knowledge Large
8D VEdETTE #knowledgesaddest my bros oof
I13 YO +21 Knowledge Medium
J7 TOEY oof #knowledgeSADDER
K4 UTE +11 Vision Small
G12 TOE is nice #visionsad
L6 REROuTE +70 Finding Medium
L1 REwROTE oof #visionsadder #findingsadder
L6 REROuTE +70 Vision Medium
L1 REwROTE oof #visionsadder #findingsadder
1L (H)IPT +32 Knowledge Large
A4 (H)AZED +54 Finding Large
C2 BA(L)D +14 Finding Large
C6 LAB oof #findingsaddest
3K C(R)ANK +28 Finding Large
3K C(R)ANK +28 Vision Large
N9 LOSERS +30 Knowledge Medium
N6 RELLOS #knowledgesadder
4H (B)OUGH +22 Knowledge Large
11E EIdOLON +84 Knowledge Small
11E pOLONIE or 11E OINOmEL are one more point oof. #Knowledgesad
10J JOT +53 Knowledge Small
#Knowledgesad for the challenge
6D R(E)Z +32 Knowledge Large
6D R(E)Z +32 Vision Large
H11 (O)XIDE +63 Knowledge Large
1A PA(U)A +21 Vision Large
D3 AWA(R)E is notable af #VISIONSADDEST
N1 LAW +21 Strategy Small
I was thinking about blocking the N on M2 here, but Quackle thinks I should just play D4 WI(R)E. Playing N1 LAW doesn't stop the other bingo lanes that are still on this board, and I get hit back with O1 AVE anyway (and my opponent holds on to the blank). #strategysmall
13L EM +18 Vision Large
14K LIEU +16 Knowledge Large
2B E(N)IAC is cool af #knowledgesaddest
4H J(O)INS +40 Knowledge Large
J2 JOIN sims best #visionsadder #knowledgesaddest for the challenges
4H J(O)INS +40 Vision Medium
J2 JOIN sims best #visionsadder #knowledgesaddest for the challenges
M1 KEX +48 Knowledge Large
0C BUIK sims best by far #KNOWLEDGESADDEST Also play was miscounted as 46 oop
10D BAC +28 Vision Large
2J CU(RE)D is nice #visionsaddest
15H DRU(G) +18 Vision Large
B9 BLADIER +87 Knowledge Small
B8 RIDABLE or 14B RIDABLE are better #knowledgesad Also, a standing applause for forgetting how to pronounce MARINERS, thinking it was some dumb American naval force propagandist bull, and therefore challenging it even though I've read the stupid Rime of the Ancient Mariner. The second I stopped the clock I knew I'd fucked up. It's funny how the brain works sometimes. Anyway, the dumbass award goes to me, so everyone get your grubby hands off of my prize, please and thank you.
N12 (W)AQF +38 Vision Large
C2 EVEN +24 Knowledge Large
12D NIEVE is cool #Knowledgesaddest Also ring me in for another #Knowledgesad for that challenge because yes I am, indeed, stupid
C2 EVEN +24 Knowledge Small
12D NIEVE is cool #Knowledgesaddest Also ring me in for another #Knowledgesad for that challenge because yes I am, indeed, stupid
exch PE +0 Strategy Medium
8G PE is better #strategymedium
exch IIY +0 Strategy Small
I6 YI(TE) maybe? There should be three Is in the bag if my opponent kept IRS. Hmmm. #strategysmall
K2 ZENITH +49 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for challenge
1L (F)OLD +24 Knowledge Medium
M2 LATI is nice #knowledgesadder
H12 (C)LAT +18 Strategy Medium
Fishing off my A is still best here #strategymedium
13C WAY +27 Finding Small
L7 YAWING oh my god #findingsad
3B GU(V) +14 Knowledge Large
L8 PIE(C)E +24 Knowledge Large
L8 PIE(C)ENS is cool af #knowledgeSADDEST
13L SAI +16 Endgame Large
B13 AI #endgamesaddest Also something went wrong because I did not end up drawing the last O, which should have been in the bag. WTF
9F HOD +15 Vision Large
I want to begin by saying that I was absolutely disassociated during this game. What was going through my head? Nothing. I had two thoughts, they ricocheted off of each other, and then it was time to eat sushi. It's the sushi's fault. I just wanted sushi. Just play I7 JET, Nits. #visionSADDEST
10D JEE +19 Knowledge Large
J4 HEJRA #knowledgesaddest and I'm a certifiable dumbass who doesn't know how to play Scrabble
11B WH(I)T +24 Finding Large
11A WRA(I)TH is cool. But no, I had to play 11B WH(I)T. Not even 11C W(I)TH!!! #findingsaddest
K10 DAM +23 Knowledge Large
#knowledgesaddest for AGAR K8 MENAD is notable #knowledgesad
K10 DAM +23 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesaddest for AGAR K8 MENAD is notable #knowledgesad
L4 LINE(D) +12 Knowledge Medium
10I N(ID)AL is cool #knowledgesadder
1L BA(T)S +27 Knowledge Large
1K BLA(T)T #Knowledgesaddest #knowledgesad for challenge :(
1L BA(T)S +27 Knowledge Small
1K BLA(T)T #Knowledgesaddest #knowledgesad for challenge :(
C3 OUT(F)IT +20 Knowledge Small
Had to challenge CECA if I was gonna have any chance of playing 3D TUTORIN(G) next turn #Knowledgesad 4C RU(C)TION might be fine
13G PaV(S) +15 Vision Large
C13 PaV lmao #visionsaddest
9H WUD +21 Knowledge Small
9H DOWIE #knowledgesad
E7 OH +10 Knowledge Large
E8 HO(R)A is better. 8H (EME)RITAE is notable #knowledgeSADDEST
E3 EAT +15 Knowledge Large
C6 JUG +27 Finding Medium
C6 JUVE is much better #findingSADDER
11C OBE +18 Finding Large
12F T(R)AWlING +74 Knowledge Small
K2 TAWINGs is nice #knowledgesad
3K NOD +18 Strategy Medium
13K DOO is better but I didn't want to block the floaters. Which I ended up doing anyway with 3K NOD #strategymedium
4J QAT +33 Knowledge Large
PEOY* #KNOWLEDGESADDEST Also Quackle likes 13A QATS but i'm not about that dangerous life. Not that I made the correct decision, because my opponent ended up playing for the same amount of points under 4J QAT next turn anyway #strategylarge
4J QAT +33 Strategy Large
PEOY* #KNOWLEDGESADDEST Also Quackle likes 13A QATS but i'm not about that dangerous life. Not that I made the correct decision, because my opponent ended up playing for the same amount of points under 4J QAT next turn anyway #strategylarge
H12 (A)NIL +14 Knowledge Large
7J NOLL sims well #knowledgesaddest
N4 KOB +24 Knowledge Large
N10 BOSKy jesus #knowledgesaddest
13B (C)REW +18 Knowledge Large
M8 (I)NTERWAR #knowledgesaddest
N11 BEAN +21 Knowledge Large
A11 BASEN #knowledgesaddest #visionsaddest
N11 BEAN +21 Vision Large
A11 BASEN #knowledgesaddest #visionsaddest
F8 (P)OI +13 Knowledge Large
10F O(N)IONIER #knowledgesaddest
E10 WUD +20 Knowledge Large
B2 WAU(R)ED #knowledgesaddest
A8 ZETA +48 Finding Large
14D OAK +26 Finding Medium
4A KO(R)A looks nice #findingmedium
6I AYU +18 Knowledge Large
8J CAU(S)EY #knowledgesaddest
K3 (VIRULENT)LY +37 Knowledge Large
2J LACEY here is nice #findingsaddest #knowledgesaddest
K3 (VIRULENT)LY +37 Finding Large
2J LACEY here is nice #findingsaddest #knowledgesaddest
13G J(E)E +22 Finding Large
B1 JIBE(R) #findingsaddest
3E aECIA +24 Knowledge Large
4A CE(R)IAs #knowledgesaddest also I get -20 for going overtime
10A GLaMoRS +69 Vision Small
10G GLaMoRS is better #visionsad
J6 KE(Y) +20 Knowledge Large
B3 POTZER #knowledgesaddest
7L Q(I) +11 Vision Large
F4 Q(I)N and I7 B(RE)TON both seem fine. There's 4 Us out so I definitely should not have played 7L Q(I). #visionsaddest
4D NOT +13 Knowledge Large
N6 ANENT #knowledgesaddest
6D ATE +16 Knowledge Large
N6 ENATE #knowledgesaddest
7D MAX +24 Finding Large
7D VAX why didn't I just do this? #findingsaddest
3A DOD +18 Knowledge Large
A4 DOTARDs and B1 ADD(I)TORy #knowledgesaddest
5E MEW +37 Finding Small
5E WEM #findingsad
3K BOAT +23 Knowledge Large
I missed hella bingos here: 3C TABOrET, 10G BOTTEgA, 3B TOTABlE, 3B BATTErO, and 3A ABETTOr #knowledgesaddest #findingsaddest
3K BOAT +23 Finding Large
I missed hella bingos here: 3C TABOrET, 10G BOTTEgA, 3B TOTABlE, 3B BATTErO, and 3A ABETTOr #knowledgesaddest #findingsaddest
C7 (V)OE +7 Knowledge Large
10A EChOISE, 10A dIOCESE, J9 SEnECIO #Knowledgesaddest
D9 SINCeRE +70 Knowledge Large
H7 R(EM)iNISCE holy crap #knowledgesaddest
L8 NA(Z)IS +30 Knowledge Large
L8 JA(Z)IES #Knowledgesaddest
6I FED +28 Finding Large
N6 JEFES is cool #findingsaddest
B8 WAGER +31 Knowledge Large
12B S(E)WERAGE #knowledgesaddest
13E CuTTERS +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
Big oof with OHOS* and missing 13C (D)ESTRuCT #knowledgesaddest
14D TERCIoS +70 Vision Medium
E9 tRISECT is cool #visionsadder
15A FACE +35 Vision Large
A12 FACE #visionsaddest
2D MAKING +29 Vision Large
1A MAKING or 1A MAIKO forming ASTRAY #visionsaddest
F5 AYA +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
Double big oofs here because I didn't challenge ENERVINE* and I played a phony #knowledgesaddest
9F A(I)N +5 Knowledge Large
9A ANTIAR(I)N #knowledgesaddest
H1 TOL(D) +15 Knowledge Large
13B ANTIRO(L)L and 6F (ME)NTORIAL OOF #knowledgesaddest
D11 ARF +21 Knowledge Large
15A SAFRANI(N) and K2 FARINAS #knowledgesaddest
15C INSIG(N)IA +60 Knowledge Large
13H (L)IAISING #knowledgesaddest
7J WAGE +14 Vision Medium
K2 WAGE scores so much more #visionsadder
1F OU(T)DArES +59 Knowledge Medium
O3 OUtAS(K)ED #knowledgesadder Also the play was miscounted as 69
8G BAP +14 Knowledge Large
8D PIBAL #knowledgesaddest
9F LID +17 Finding Large
G8 (B)ILLIARD #findingsaddest #visionsaddest
9F LID +17 Vision Large
G8 (B)ILLIARD #findingsaddest #visionsaddest
1M (R)EM +15 Finding Medium
3I QUE(NA) lets me bingo significantly more #findingsadder
13E QUiETEN +69 Knowledge Small
N3 sEQUENT is cool #knowledgesad
pass - +0 Knowledge Large
G12 E(iDE) #knowledgesaddest
8G HOX +26 Knowledge Large
8H GOTHY #knowledgesaddest
6F TYG +17 Knowledge Large
10E YETT #knowledgesaddest
L12 WI(N)D +34 Knowledge Large
12F WINDL(A)SS #knowledgesaddest
E7 D(O)UBTeRS +70 Knowledge Large
N: E5 ReD(O)UBTS #knowledgesaddest
exch CC +0 Finding Large
N: K7 GEN(E)TIC might have been better here. #visionsaddest #findingsaddest
exch CC +0 Vision Large
N: K7 GEN(E)TIC might have been better here. #visionsaddest #findingsaddest
A9 GOO(F) +8 Knowledge Large
N: H8 (MON)OCOTS #Knowledgesaddest
G11 TIC +11 Finding Large
N: G1 STRICTI(SH) #findingsaddest #visionsaddest
G11 TIC +11 Vision Large
N: G1 STRICTI(SH) #findingsaddest #visionsaddest
9G PAL +18 Finding Medium
9G PAAL is so much better #findingsadder
E10 PONY +22 Knowledge Large
M7 PYR(A)NOID and K3 DRYPOIN(T) #Knowledgesaddest
7H LUV +10 Finding Medium
C10 VUG is better #findingsadder #visionsadder
7H LUV +10 Vision Medium
C10 VUG is better #findingsadder #visionsadder
O13 (G)HI +21 Finding Large
6F WHIG #findingsaddest
C2 ECR(U)S +14 Knowledge Large
G1 CREN(A)S #knowledgesaddest
K10 ARF +18 Knowledge Large
11I WAFT is cool but it required me knowing MARKA #knowledgesaddest
2F YOGEE +34 Finding Small
M3 Y(G)OE is cool #findingsad
G8 (G)UV +8 Knowledge Large
L1 FAVUS is cool #knowledgesaddest
4K AUF +17 Knowledge Large
L1 FUCUS is cool #knowledgesaddest
N1 CU(T) +10 Knowledge Large
O2 NEUSTIC #Knowledgesaddest
12H TONSILE +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
Who allowed me to play Scrabble? Also 1G TELSONI(C) #Knowledgesaddest
12F ONLIEST +73 Vision Large
I mean sure I missed 1G TELSONI(C) but O3 ENTOILS too? #visionsaddest
1M I(C)Y +24 Knowledge Large
14E AYe(N)BITE and 14F BI(N)ATElY #knowledgesaddest
14F BI(N) +11 Finding Large
14E BAI(N)ITEs #findingsaddest
D7 PATC(H)IEr +80 Knowledge Large
O3 ECToPIA is cool #knowledgesaddest
L10 (P)AV +16 Knowledge Small
I saw OVATING but not where I could place it (M6) which is a BIG #knowledgesad for POLYPI
J6 IO(S) +5 Knowledge Large
M9 GIT(A)NO is cool #Knowledgesaddest
O13 TEW +26 Knowledge Large
Hoo boi I wish I'd known HEARE was a word because O12 WEET, O11 TWEET, O11 TWEEN, and O12 WENT all look nice #KnowledgesADDEST
1D INOR(N)ATE +59 Knowledge Large
Not knowing POLYPE meant I couldn't play M4 NOTAIRE or M4 OTARINE for 72. #knowledgesaddest
L3 COR +18 Knowledge Large
Literally went to a Classics PhD program and didn't know CICEROS was a word. Someone show me out. #Knowledgesaddest
E9 BYT(E) +18 Finding Large
13G TYND is cool #findingsaddest
10B ZAN(Y) +36 Vision Large
6J Z(UP)AN is notable #visionsaddest
7E ODA +10 Knowledge Large
B6 DAnA(Z)OLS is notable #Knowledgesaddest
D1 ReNAILS +69 Knowledge Large
15H LARNIeS(T) and 15H LuNARIS(T) are notable #knowledgesaddest
A13 F(U)R +18 Vision Large
I was considering 15G F(E)IRIE! Didn't see it at A3, though. #visionsaddest
B10 (Z)IG +13 Vision Large
M13 IDE is fine #visionsaddest
9C NO +14 Knowledge Large
15G NONARTS and 15G NATRONS #knowledgesaddest
A13 MEE +21 Knowledge Large
I get a lil #Knowledgesaddest here for challenging JIBER
8G BALM +16 Finding Large
8H ALBUM is nice #findingsaddest
K9 HOWL +31 Knowledge Small
11H THOWL is notable #knowledgesad
9E DUET +13 Knowledge Medium
I5 TAU(L)D is cool #Knowledgesadder
A7 U(R)ALITES +59 Knowledge Large
#knowledgesaddest here for challenging BEAUT, which I was almost positive about anyway. We live in Nickleland
H12 (E)DGE +18 Knowledge Large
H11 P(E)NED is nice #Knowledgesaddest
15G P(E)NNY +10 Finding Large
6A RYND is nice, though I bingo a lot more with M11 NY #findingsaddest
exch DFMQ +0 Knowledge Large
14K FREMD #knowledgesaddest Also, I bingo a lot more next turn according to the sim if I exchange just FMQ keeping DENR #strategysmall
exch DFMQ +0 Strategy Small
14K FREMD #knowledgesaddest Also, I bingo a lot more next turn according to the sim if I exchange just FMQ keeping DENR #strategysmall
2D (D)ENgUE +37 Finding Large
O11 UNsEE is cool #findingsaddest
7F QAT +15 Finding Large
11E QAT #findingsaddest
N10 F(E)ATS +45 Knowledge Medium
N10 F(E)TOR is better #knowledgesadder
11E BOH +22 Knowledge Large
Now I know there's a chance my opponent can take the triple lane, but I couldn't figure out how to block it. Definitely needed to score a lot more than I did, though. F10 CEBID is nice here. #knowledgesaddest
O13 AID +16 Finding Large
N4 AIA is niiiice #findingsaddest
E11 (B)UG +6 Knowledge Large
F10 C(O)GUE is nice, 12A GAUCIE is fine #knowledgesaddest Let's be honest I spent this whole game fishing big oof
6G MEWL +18 Finding Medium
6G MEOW is fine #findingsadder
15H HIE +22 Knowledge Large
M7 CASHIER calls for a big oof and a #findingsaddest while M3 ERIACHS and 13A CAHIERS just get the usual #knowledgesaddest
15H HIE +22 Finding Large
M7 CASHIER calls for a big oof and a #findingsaddest while M3 ERIACHS and 13A CAHIERS just get the usual #knowledgesaddest
7J DU(C)K +16 Knowledge Large
E3 DUIKERS #knowledgesaddest
M9 SILTIER +79 Finding Large
5D (G)IRLIEST #visionsaddest #findingsaddest
M9 SILTIER +79 Vision Large
5D (G)IRLIEST #visionsaddest #findingsaddest
K4 EE +12 Vision Large
12J (GO)A(T)EE is cool and 1A EE is fine too #visionsaddest
N12 AS +6 Knowledge Large
1E ARAISES #knowledgesaddest #visionsaddest
N12 AS +6 Vision Large
1E ARAISES #knowledgesaddest #visionsaddest
E1 Q(I)N +14 Vision Large
1E QINS #visionsaddest
J5 WAV(E)D +14 Knowledge Large
9H DAWAH is cool, 7H DAWD looks nice too #knowledgesaddest
K8 DAMP +32 Finding Large
Oh my god L1 HUMAN #findingsaddest #visionsaddest Also VIBED*
K8 DAMP +32 Vision Large
Oh my god L1 HUMAN #findingsaddest #visionsaddest Also VIBED*
M3 HUN +39 Finding Large
G3 UNSHA(V)EN and 11F UNSHA(P)EN #findingsaddest
H7 K(I)NG +9 Finding Large
oh my god H3 SNEAK(I)NG #findingsaddest #visionsaddest
H7 K(I)NG +9 Vision Large
oh my god H3 SNEAK(I)NG #findingsaddest #visionsaddest
12L (U)R +2 Vision Large
12B R(A)I oh my god #visionsaddest
M10 WO(R)N +27 Knowledge Large
N6 WARISON #knowledgesaddest
F7 (DA)RN +7 Finding Small
H7 R(E)N #findingsad #visionsad
F7 (DA)RN +7 Vision Small
H7 R(E)N #findingsad #visionsad
5I ALERION +66 Knowledge Medium
I chickened out of AGEN which is why we give this bad boy a tiny lil #knowledgemedium
2M FIB +21 Knowledge Large
12E BAI(T)FIsH #knowledgeSADDEST
1N HO +32 Finding Large
1A gHETTOS #FINDINGSADDEST but also how could i have missed the extremely obvious and totally knowable L7 THEO(R)b(i)ST?
A9 EXU(L)TED +45 Knowledge Large
B8 EXUD(A)TES #knowledgesaddest
D10 OAF +16 Finding Large
6G (C)ONF #findingsaddest
5H METH +28 Finding Large
C10 THEM ?????? #findingsaddest
7G (ZA)G +21 Vision Large
F11 HI sims well. 10G SIGH is good too and scores while I'm at it #visionsaddest
J4 U(TE) +3 Knowledge Large
I chickened out of O1 (P)URLINES #knowledgesaddest
N1 (I)D +6 Knowledge Large
#knowledgesaddest for challenging TATE. Quackle likes J3 L(UTE)S, I guess because it fishes 2 tiles and scores (comparitively)
O8 LEIN +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
I chickened out of 11H INLIERS and then never saw 14A RESILIN #KNOWLEDGESADDEST oh my god. All I had to do was play a valid word. Like, just a valid word. I before E, bro. I before E.
A12 BI(D)S +30 Knowledge Large
Can we get a #knowledgesaddest in the chat for challenging DORRING? Also A12 BU(D)I is better. Even
K9 MEOU +24 Knowledge Large
K8 ULEMA is wild #knowledgesaddest
14I LEAKEN +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
O10 ALKENE aaaaaaaah #knowledgesaddest
15K NAE +11 Finding Small
N13 ANE duh ofc #findingsad
6D VIA +15 Knowledge Large
6E TAV is nice, though L4 TRAVIS sims best #findingsadder #knowledgesaddest respectively
6D VIA +15 Finding Medium
6E TAV is nice, though L4 TRAVIS sims best #findingsadder #knowledgesaddest respectively
11A SOCIATE +69 Vision Small
13A SOCIATE lol #visionsad but also 13A SOCIATE which is much safer. I had three options and I picked the worst one
9C (I)GG +5 Vision Large
8C WAX is nice, so is 8C WAG but I REALLY didn't wanna have Gs on my rack for longer than I could help it #visionsaddest
13L WAX +35 Knowledge Large
N6 WRAXLEs and 3D WRAXLEd #knowledgesaddest
9C VAURIeN(T) +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
N: Confused it with HAURIENT oop #KNOWLEDGESADDEST Also, at this point, I'm already sure I've lost the game
H3 AGOG +20 Knowledge Large
N: 5D GEWGA(W) #knowledgesadDEST
E4 ZO +37 Knowledge Small
N: 3H (A)ZIONE #knowledgesad also this play was miscounted as 34 + a #knowledgesad for the challenge
E4 ZO +37 Knowledge Small
N: 3H (A)ZIONE #knowledgesad also this play was miscounted as 34 + a #knowledgesad for the challenge
4C SI(ZE) +26 Knowledge Medium
N: W bad. Needed to get rid of it. 4B WIN(ZE) #knowledgeSADDER
3B WUD +21 Knowledge Large
N: Either 14A SUNDEW or 14B INDEW are nice here. #KNOWLEDGESADDEST
4K BONIE +31 Knowledge Large
N: E7 BO(R)EE is OP #knowledgeSADDEST also a #knowledgesad for the challenge
4K BONIE +31 Knowledge Small
N: E7 BO(R)EE is OP #knowledgeSADDEST also a #knowledgesad for the challenge
14C SEXTAnT +77 Knowledge Small
N: I saw 5K EX but I wasn't sure if I should go for the bingo that I was sort of sure of or play EX and hope I could find a bingo next turn. I figured the game was close enough that I needed to just get the points. Also a #knowledgesad for the challenge
E9 (R)EP +33 Knowledge Large
N: E7 SE(R)IPH is OP #knowledgeSADDEST
15D HUE +30 Vision Medium
N: I needed to play 1A UH to block row 1 plays #visionsadder #strategysadder
15D HUE +30 Strategy Medium
N: I needed to play 1A UH to block row 1 plays #visionsadder #strategysadder
10M SLY +17 Endgame Small
N: K2 L(OB)S blocks QUOIF; 2 point mistake #endgamesad
B1 C(OW) +12 Endgame Small
N: 11B C(HIP) duh #endgamesad
9K TUX +23 Knowledge Small
N: K7 T(A)XUS is better. #knowledgesad
9H ST +13 Knowledge Large
N: I chickened out of D7 (V)ASTIEST because I thought that was stupid #KNOWLEDGESADDEST
E9 NANITES +66 Knowledge Large
N: I didn't wanna mess with MOBIES #knowledgesaddest
12D H(I)NNY +30 Knowledge Large
N: Let him get away with JIZES* #KNOWLEDGESADDEST
13B BOA(T)Y +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
M12 GED +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
N: J10 HE is much better. J: Obviously. It's valid. N: #KNOWLEDGESADDEST
A3 LAP +18 Vision Large
N: 14C AP(E) #visionsaddest
N14 G(U) +6 Strategy Large
N: L2 GIRRS gives me a better shot at drawing a blank, though I played N14 G(U) just to make it harder for my opponent to hit O8 bingos. #strategylarge
14E (E)R +4 Vision Large
N: I am a certifiable dumbass, I need to be playing more tiles. 14D R(E)I is better. #visionsaddest #strategylarge
14E (E)R +4 Strategy Large
N: I am a certifiable dumbass, I need to be playing more tiles. 14D R(E)I is better. #visionsaddest #strategylarge
8H IF +10 Knowledge Large
Potomac Tournament Round 1. Big oof chickening out of 8D FISTIER here #Knowledgesaddest
5E MON +24 Knowledge Large
8L MONG is best here #knowledgeSADDEST
O3 GRAIN(E)RS +60 Finding Large
I'm a dumbass O8 (E)ARRINGS #findingSADDEST
D2 LAB +23 Knowledge Large
Chickened out of 3H BLARTIN(G)!!! #knowledgeSADDEST
N5 EH +28 Knowledge Large
L6 H(EMO)LYZE is notable #knowledgesaddest
B12 Z(I)T +28 Finding Medium
B12 Z(I)G obviously is better #FINDINGSADDER
M1 GALLY +29 Vision Large
Oof i knew I had REGALLY but I didn't see where to place it. 14D ReGALLY is the answer, my dudes #VISIONSADDEST
2L O(A)K +14 Knowledge Large
Jesus H1 QuONK is killer #knowledgeSADDEST
8G BANG +14 Strategy Medium
Potomac Tournament Round 3. 8D BANGS is better, obviously, and I did consider that I was giving up 8 points to play 8G BANG, but I genuinely don't know what was going through my head that I didn't play it #strategymedium
O6 UN(D)ERLIt +59 Knowledge Large
O1 UNRIfLE(D) is much better #knowledgesaddest
B5 GAG +21 Knowledge Large
M1 AGEE, M2 GEE, M2 GAE are good #knowledgesaddest for TELA and TALA
N8 DEE +15 Finding Large
N2 NEEDIER is obviously the move but because I am blind and also should not be allowed out in public, I did not see it. #FINDINGSADDEST
G7 U(R) +3 Finding Large
12J FIN +20 Knowledge Large
Okay this one I just straight up didn't know: M1 FLANERI(E) #knowledgeSADDEST
13K GIRL +19 Knowledge Large
whichever god blessed me with these tiles four times in a row is crying in their bedroom listening to emo music from the early 2000s. 13H GLARIER #KNOWLEDGESADDEST
C5 lAIRA(G)Es +59 Knowledge Large
M1 AcIERAt(E) and E4 pERIAg(U)A are notable #KNOWLEDGESADDEST
14E FOLATES +71 Knowledge Medium
5B F(l)OATELS is better here #knowledgesadder
13D OIS +10 Strategy Small
I had the case S with no blanks or Fs out, so I wanted to be clever and make a set-up. 6J OI(K)S is better though #strategysmall
7K R(E)Z +49 Knowledge Large
ALSO yes I let my opponent get away with DUR* because that's how we do here #KNOWLEDGESADDEST
5C (l)AIR +14 Vision Large
7A VOM +26 Vision Large
7C VOM is better #visionsaddest
A7 (V)I(L)E +21 Knowledge Medium
A7 (V)E(L)LICATE is notable for TWO HUNDRED AND THREE POINTS. A5 CA(V)E(L) is next best #knowledgesadder
G3 MACE +22 Knowledge Large
F10 KOA +35 Knowledge Medium
F10 KOGAL and F10 KGOTLA are notable #knowledgeSADder
C12 BLIN +19 Finding Small
C12 BI or 6D BI(ZE) are good and H10 BLIN sims better than C12 BLIN #findingsad
9I HET +18 Finding Large
1I STRETCH #FINDINGSADDEST oh my god. Even if I wasn't gonna bingo, did I have to open the board?
1L (W)HAT +30 Knowledge Large
O8 (N)EAR +4 Finding Medium
N6 RA(R)ES is better here #findingsadder #strategymedium
O8 (N)EAR +4 Strategy Medium
N6 RA(R)ES is better here #findingsadder #strategymedium
N1 (A)WRY +20 Knowledge Large
14H SOWARRY #KNOWLEDGESADDEST and I11 YARRS or even 14H AWRY to stop the 14H bingos. #visionsaddest for that
N1 (A)WRY +20 Vision Large
14H SOWARRY #KNOWLEDGESADDEST and I11 YARRS or even 14H AWRY to stop the 14H bingos. #visionsaddest for that
9J OXO +22 Knowledge Small
E9 V(E)GAN +18 Knowledge Large
K3 OURI(E) +10 Knowledge Large
1K WA(G)ER +30 Knowledge Large
12K MIL +18 Strategy Medium
2L L(A)M is good but I was trying to create a lane with 12K MIL #strategymedium
G3 FEAR(ED) +14 Knowledge Large
F12 REF(T) is nice #visionsaddest #knowledgesaddest
G3 FEAR(ED) +14 Vision Large
F12 REF(T) is nice #visionsaddest #knowledgesaddest
8A ALIT +29 Finding Medium
8A LOIN is better #findingsadder
13J OUK +19 Vision Large
jesus christ F10 (n)UKE #VISIONSADDEST
H4 NYE +20 Strategy Large
I didn't want to play N5 NY while my opponent still had the hooks, but I didn't pay attention to his leave because I was running short on time. It was safe for me to play #strategylarge
10F DEEP +20 Finding Large
10H ELD is nice #findingsaddest
exch MYLT +0 Finding Large
11E BATS +24 Finding Small
B5 BA(C)S is better but i didn't wanna close off plays through the E #findingsad
D3 RAVE(N) +16 Knowledge Large
Chickened out of C2 RAVEN(E)RS #knowledgeSADDEST
5I GOOFY +36 Knowledge Large
I was too unsure of A11 TO(F)FY to play it #KNOWLEDGESADDEST
2E TONG +15 Vision Large
C7 (E)RK +17 Finding Large
B11 VO(L)T #visionsaddest #findingsaddest
C7 (E)RK +17 Vision Large
B11 VO(L)T #visionsaddest #findingsaddest
K9 SOlVENT +72 Knowledge Large
N6 SOlVENT has a valuation 10 more than K9 SOlVENT fml I didn't wanna risk BLAES being a phony so let's give a big ol' #knowledgesaddest for BLAES oof
exch GIIOV +0 Strategy Small
Quackle likes exchanging all 7 #strategysmall ?
11B HAMS +32 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for challenge. E7 H(OWE)S lets me bingo the most next turn #findingsadder #strategymedium
11B HAMS +32 Finding Medium
#knowledgesad for challenge. E7 H(OWE)S lets me bingo the most next turn #findingsadder #strategymedium
11B HAMS +32 Strategy Medium
#knowledgesad for challenge. E7 H(OWE)S lets me bingo the most next turn #findingsadder #strategymedium
B11 (H)ILI +14 Finding Small
B11 (H)IOI is better #findingsad
5F QUINOS +42 Knowledge Large
H1 SQUINT(ED) and A7 QUOIST are notable #findingSADDEST #knowledgesaddest
5F QUINOS +42 Finding Large
H1 SQUINT(ED) and A7 QUOIST are notable #findingSADDEST #knowledgesaddest
14A D(I)G(I)T +7 Knowledge Large
H4 D(I)T(ED) is nice #knowledgesaddest
15D (D)EVIL +29 Knowledge Large
N4 SeALANT +77 Finding Large
C2 PEON +18 Knowledge Large
B2 COPEN is nice here #knowledgeSADDEST
K9 C(I)T +15 Strategy Large
C7 ECU is good here because I'm still scoring enough to stay in reach and, assuming my opponent has the J, I can still pick up a bingo after this. #strategylarge
13G INTo +13 Knowledge Large
O10 sENITI #Knowledgesaddest
N13 (R)UE +6 Vision Large
J10 (B)I(Jo)U is notable #visionsaddest
8F OBID +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
Potomac Tournament Round 9 8D DOBLA and 8G BOD are better. Well, ANYTHING is better than a phoney #KNOWLEDGESADDEST
9H XI +23 Strategy Small
N: 6J (F)LIX is best. Two Ls fml #strategysmall
O7 DIC(E)R +24 Knowledge Large
N: O8 CL(E)RID gets rid of the L. #knowledgesaddest
13J LAMP +35 Knowledge Large
I4 TWO +11 Strategy Large
N: Didn't wanna play 14M OWN because I was too afraid of opening the triple lane. WHEN IN DOUBT, PLAY EQUITY (also I had an N). #strategylarge
D2 JAV(E)L +30 Vision Large
H13 O(I)K +21 Knowledge Large
N: 15A ORTHO #knowledgesaddest
13B ARCH +24 Knowledge Large
E7 BATON +23 Knowledge Large
N: E7 BIOTA is best because my opponent can't bingo through the A. #endgameSADDEST #KNOWLEDGESADDEST
E7 BATON +23 Endgame Large
N: E7 BIOTA is best because my opponent can't bingo through the A. #endgameSADDEST #KNOWLEDGESADDEST
F6 KI(L)O +18 Knowledge Large
9J POE +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
K5 OPENE(R)S damn instead I played a phony like dumbass #KNOWLEDGESADDEST remixed
C9 PEONS +36 Knowledge Large
C9 PEONES #knowledgeSADDEST oof
E11 FED +32 Knowledge Large
M3 COW +25 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for the challenge Quackle likes F13 OWT and maybe I gotta make the board more volatile when I'm so behind #strategysmall
M3 COW +25 Strategy Small
#knowledgesad for the challenge Quackle likes F13 OWT and maybe I gotta make the board more volatile when I'm so behind #strategysmall
J4 ACETAT(E)S +62 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for the challenge
O7 HOT +31 Knowledge Large
2E LINE(A)GES +65 Knowledge Small
Chickened out of 14E SEELING #Knowledgesad
H1 J(E)E +33 Vision Small
1F LIE or K8 LI(R)I would have been better. I saw K8 LI(R)I next turn but by then my opponent had already taken the spot #visionsad
3C TYIN +18 Knowledge Small
Quackle just wants me to dump everything but either the L or the N at this point. BIG oof. Also i chickened out of I10 (T)INILY #Knowledgesad
G13 GAL +18 Finding Large
4A LUAU is nice #findingsaddest Lmao i'm so out of time by this point that I can't think
7I ZEN +45 Knowledge Large
O1 HOVERS +45 Finding Medium
O1 PROVES fml #findingsadder
5E PAROLER +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
5G PALER +40 Knowledge Large
Still 5C PERORAL and 5C PREORAL lmao OOF #Knowledgesaddest
J5 EM +25 Knowledge Large
H10 (L)IFTER +39 Knowledge Small
chickened out of H10 (L)OFTER #Knowledgesad
15D CINE(R)EAs +62 Finding Large
C9 WO(R)DS +26 Strategy Small
I genuinely was considering D10 Q(A)T, which sims better here, but eventually went with C9 WO(R)DS instead in hopes of giving myself a chance to end a bingo with an E on the B column. Plus, if I drew an I, I had the 12A QA(D)I setup next turn #strategysmall
C5 JET +32 Strategy Small
5C J(O)T is better #strategysmall
O7 DeTUNES +81 Knowledge Large
#knowledgesaddest for my phony. O7 rETUNDS is better #knowledgesadder
O7 DeTUNES +81 Knowledge Medium
#knowledgesaddest for my phony. O7 rETUNDS is better #knowledgesadder
10E WIG +21 Knowledge Large
N4 WIGLETS #KNOWLEDGESADDEST also a #Knowledgesad for the challenge
10E WIG +21 Knowledge Small
N4 WIGLETS #KNOWLEDGESADDEST also a #Knowledgesad for the challenge
D7 LOOTERS +74 Knowledge Small
11C LOOTERS OOF also #knowledgesad for the challenge
3E P(I)XI +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
I had no idea what to do here, but that's okay because I phoneyed instead like a n00b. Yes, I'm a dumbass. Yes, I'm aware of it. #knowledgesaddest
L12 XI +36 Knowledge Medium
12H CAP(E)X oof #knowledgeSADDER
J1 COUPLEs +69 Knowledge Large
Holy shit 1C OPUsCLE #knowledgeSADDEST
4J (P)RICEY +34 Finding Large
4J (P)RICEY +34 Vision Large
1A ALIENS +34 Knowledge Small
#Knowledgesad but I had to challenege THRIDS if i were to have any hopes of winnning Also, 15L LI(E)N blocks F(E)H and is better
8D KOBOS +32 Knowledge Large
8G BOUK #knowledgesaddest
I9 POLENTA +74 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for challenging JOBE. I swear my brain was like "yeah that's a word" but I was like "hmmm what if my brain's lying to me and it's NOT a word?" anyway. that happened.
12D AIERI(E) +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
E2 ICIER #VISIONSADDEST and also #knowledgesaddest for the phoney
12D AIERI(E) +0 (Lost challenge) Vision Large
E2 ICIER #VISIONSADDEST and also #knowledgesaddest for the phoney
5B CI(R)RI +14 Knowledge Small
Still E2 ICIER #VISIONSADDEST also a big ass #knowledgesad for challeneging OXERS lmao oop
5B CI(R)RI +14 Vision Large
Still E2 ICIER #VISIONSADDEST also a big ass #knowledgesad for challeneging OXERS lmao oop
K8 AUA +15 Knowledge Large
F8 (B)IZ +34 Knowledge Large
O7 ECHoIZ(E) and 8J (NA)ZIfY are notable #KNOWLEDGESADDEST
11E HEY +33 Knowledge Medium
B2 YEC(C)H oof #knowledgeSADDER
2I ETCHInG +80 Strategy Small
I'm down, so I guess I need to be aggressive by playing L2 ETCHInG. I didn't want to do it because there was still an F, two Ls, and an R unseen. IDK, maybe I distract my opponent with this while I hope to bingo elsewhere. big oof. #strategysmall
1G VATU +26 Finding Small
1H FOU is nice #findingsad
12K OFT +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
L4 ATOPY keeping 12K IF for next turn *facepalm* #knowledgesaddest Also I phoneyed here anyway, so that's another whole ass #Knowledgesaddest
12K OFT +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
L4 ATOPY keeping 12K IF for next turn *facepalm* #knowledgesaddest Also I phoneyed here anyway, so that's another whole ass #Knowledgesaddest
12K OF +38 Knowledge Large
8G YU +10 Strategy Large
Shoulda just exchanged YUI #strategylarge
exch AII +0 Strategy Small
Just need to exchange II here #strategysmall
12D B(L)ING +20 Finding Medium
7D NE(W)B seems best #visionsadder #findingsadder
12D B(L)ING +20 Vision Medium
7D NE(W)B seems best #visionsadder #findingsadder
9H RENEWAL +64 Knowledge Large
11J BOP(S) +16 Knowledge Large
I knew I was missing stuff here. J7 PI(N)BOnES, J4 hOPBI(N)ES, J4 hIPBO(N)ES oof #knowledgeSADDEST
13A V(I)G +14 Vision Large
13A J(I)VE(Y) and F2 JUG are cool #visionsaddest
12K PE(H) +28 Knowledge Large
Still F2 JUG lol #visionsaddest and a sprinkle of #knowledgesaddest for AKING
12K PE(H) +28 Vision Large
Still F2 JUG lol #visionsaddest and a sprinkle of #knowledgesaddest for AKING
8F CHOW +24 Knowledge Large
E9 OBIA +21 Knowledge Small
5A OUBAAS is OP #knowledgesad also another #Knowledgesad for the challenge
E9 OBIA +21 Knowledge Small
5A OUBAAS is OP #knowledgesad also another #Knowledgesad for the challenge
E5 GU +10 Vision Medium
7H GAU #visionsadder
13F ADVISER +76 Vision Large
J4 ADVISER I'm a dumbass #visionsaddest
12K MONK +28 Knowledge Large
exch OOEE +0 Knowledge Large
exch OOEE +0 Vision Large
O8 RAZES +57 Knowledge Large
N6 MOUE +16 Knowledge Large
exch FUGS +0 Strategy Large
Just play 8G FUG ???? #STRATEGYLARGE
G4 OO +4 Knowledge Small
I don't think I was mentally present during this game because so far I've 1) EXCHANGED MY S and 2) fished OO for 4 (not even 8!) Also 11E COO(R)IES #VISIONSADDEST #FINDINGSADDEST and #knowledgesad for the challenge
G4 OO +4 Finding Large
I don't think I was mentally present during this game because so far I've 1) EXCHANGED MY S and 2) fished OO for 4 (not even 8!) Also 11E COO(R)IES #VISIONSADDEST #FINDINGSADDEST and #knowledgesad for the challenge
G4 OO +4 Vision Large
I don't think I was mentally present during this game because so far I've 1) EXCHANGED MY S and 2) fished OO for 4 (not even 8!) Also 11E COO(R)IES #VISIONSADDEST #FINDINGSADDEST and #knowledgesad for the challenge
8A MICA +30 Knowledge Large
K5 ASEI(S)MIC #KNOWLEDGESADDEST and a #knowledgesad for the challenge Also this play was miscounted as 27 because I think I just clocked out
8A MICA +30 Knowledge Small
K5 ASEI(S)MIC #KNOWLEDGESADDEST and a #knowledgesad for the challenge Also this play was miscounted as 27 because I think I just clocked out
10J HIE +29 Knowledge Small
K5 SHEE(S)HA #knowledgesad
K2 WAFT +35 Finding Large
K2 WAFT +35 Vision Large
11E HEI(R) +14 Knowledge Large
12D RINS +17 Finding Large
4K (F)AUNS #strategylarge #findingsaddest
12D RINS +17 Strategy Large
4K (F)AUNS #strategylarge #findingsaddest
L12 ABUT +24 Finding Medium
11K BA(I)T #findingsadder
O8 WAVES +42 Knowledge Large
C13 EGO +20 Strategy Small
Quackle prefers 4K (F)LUNG #strategysmall
I5 DEY +25 Knowledge Large
6G T(RE)E +13 Knowledge Large
6G T(RE)E +13 Endgame Large
L4 FOE +19 Vision Large
10I FO(E) #visionsaddest #strategylarge
L4 FOE +19 Strategy Large
10I FO(E) #visionsaddest #strategylarge
10F ZOA +36 Finding Large
10F ZOA +36 Vision Large
O4 AVIA(N) +9 Finding Large
14A VOM #findingsaddest
1L MO(L)E +27 Knowledge Small
1I MOREL(L)O #knowledgesad
15A EN +24 Knowledge Large
A1 HUR(T) +21 Knowledge Large
M8 (C)LaSPED +24 Finding Large
M8 (C)LaSPED +24 Vision Large
H7 R(E)V +6 Vision Small
7H TAIVER #visionsad
14F FOO +21 Knowledge Small
14B FORMEE #knowledgesmall
4L UMU +20 Vision Small
EMEU #visionsad
13E EE +7 Finding Large
13E EE +7 Vision Large
H1 JE(A)T +36 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for challenge
8A BRI(M) +24 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for the challenge #KNOWLEDGESADDEST for 1H (J)IRBLING
8A BRI(M) +24 Knowledge Large
#knowledgesad for the challenge #KNOWLEDGESADDEST for 1H (J)IRBLING
11A WIL(D)ING +24 Knowledge Small
1A U(D)O +12 Strategy Large
C1 ANOA leaving 4B (FA)UNA or 4E AUN(T) #strategysaddest #endgamesaddest
1A U(D)O +12 Endgame Large
C1 ANOA leaving 4B (FA)UNA or 4E AUN(T) #strategysaddest #endgamesaddest
D1 NANA +16 Endgame Large
1H (J)NANA is better because it doesnt make a spot for C3 ORE #endgamesaddest
G5 DUV(E)T +14 Strategy Medium
G7 D(E)V #strategymedium
12E (C)URBINGs +80 Knowledge Large
9L WAZ +24 Knowledge Large
N10 SAWER #knowledgeSADDEST
9C RA(N) +13 Vision Small
K10 (P)A(G)RI or H1 RAISE #visionsad
H1 AROSE +22 Vision Large
11J OI #visionsaddest
A13 HOI +25 Vision Large
5E H(IDE)OUS is notable #visionsaddest
1F LU(A)U +4 Knowledge Large
15H (W)rESTING +86 Vision Small
O9 zESTING #visionsad
5K EX +31 Knowledge Large
C11 FID +36 Vision Medium
C11 HIC #visionsadder
3G H(O)Y +17 Vision Large
14J HE is fine, I'm overthinking it #strategylarge #visionsaddest
3G H(O)Y +17 Strategy Large
14J HE is fine, I'm overthinking it #strategylarge #visionsaddest
3A CAKE +22 Strategy Large
1K NE first, my opponent can't go out #strategylarge
E7 R(U)N +3 Knowledge Small
E5 INT(U)RNS is slightly better #knowledgesmall
G1 FROSTIN(G) +64 Knowledge Large
6F Q(I) +31 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for that challenge
3M ROK +20 Knowledge Large
H10 ROKY #KnowledgeSADDEST for this and #knowledgesad for the challenge T_T
3M ROK +20 Knowledge Small
H10 ROKY #KnowledgeSADDEST for this and #knowledgesad for the challenge T_T
13C (C)RaVENLY +67 Knowledge Large
4G (S)YLVaNER daaaaaamn #KNOWLEDGESADDEST (Also, I miscounted this play as 65)
12G HOE +17 Vision Large
3J EL +16 Knowledge Large
14I TAILER +29 Knowledge Small
I'm more than a bingo behind and I'm not comfortable fishing because there's not a lotta places to bingo AND my opponent's gonna block them. 14I LARIAT also accomplishes the task of just scoring to keep the spread down. #knowledgesad for not knowing LARIAT
N9 WYE +33 Knowledge Large
D4 AWHA(P)E(D) is OP af #knowledgesaddest
4C WAVE(S) +22 Finding Large
10J HAW #findingsaddest
10J HAT +29 Knowledge Large
E7 F(I)BRE +20 Vision Large
9G FOB #visionsaddest
G4 GUTT(E)D +11 Vision Small
F11 GUT #visionsad
H1 NAOS +25 Strategy Medium
Quackle likes straight up fishing with D8 (J)A #strategysadder
11H (D)ARER +12 Knowledge Large
B7 PINCERS +77 Knowledge Small
M12 AUA +11 Finding Large
K2 OUTA is better #visionsaddest #findingsaddest
M12 AUA +11 Vision Large
K2 OUTA is better #visionsaddest #findingsaddest
N14 XI +36 Vision Large
O11 TOZES +66 Knowledge Large
2K (MI)LL +18 Endgame Small
M1 (E)LT #endgamesad
G8 WAAH +21 Knowledge Large
G6 DAWAH #knowledgeSADDEST
F10 KAY +42 Knowledge Medium
F10 VODKA #knowledgesadder
exch QVOD +0 Vision Large
D12 DOVE #visionsaddest I'm a dumbass.
D12 DATE +31 Knowledge Large
L10 DEE +13 Knowledge Large
J10 ROVE +18 Knowledge Large
13L VAIR #knowledgesaddest
L3 DUI +10 Vision Large
C13 LU(R) #visionSADDEST
N1 ORdEALS +73 Finding Medium
N1 ORdEALS +73 Vision Medium
O7 TUX +32 Finding Large
14I (U)NMIXT #visionsaddest #findingsaddest
O7 TUX +32 Vision Large
14I (U)NMIXT #visionsaddest #findingsaddest
G3 VIN(E) +11 Knowledge Large
8A WA(N) +18 Vision Large
M7 PAW #VISIONSADDEST #endgamesaddest
8A WA(N) +18 Endgame Large
M7 PAW #VISIONSADDEST #endgamesaddest
13H P(OE)M +16 Vision Large
B8 (A)MP #endgamesaddest #visionsaddest
13H P(OE)M +16 Endgame Large
B8 (A)MP #endgamesaddest #visionsaddest
5E ETH(A)NOIC +102 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for challenging FANTASIE
6H (S)OX +53 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for challenging ICEHOUSE
13H BUM +14 Knowledge Large
15C INLIER +47 Finding Large
15B NIRLIER #FINDINGSADDEST I should not be allowed to play this game
exch RRL +0 Knowledge Large
12D TRICK +47 Knowledge Small
Quackle prefers 12D TRECK or 12D ERICK #knowledgesad
E8 VAPO(R) +20 Knowledge Large
E8 VAPO(R) +20 Vision Large
1H (F)LAWED +14 Endgame Large
G8 JUNK +30 Strategy Small
Quackle likes G8 JUN #strategysmall
exch WWGO +0 Vision Large
I8 WOW #VISIONSADDEST I'm a complete dumbass
C3 ZON(A)E +30 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for the challenge and #VISIONSADDEST for 12A ZONE
C3 ZON(A)E +30 Vision Large
#knowledgesad for the challenge and #VISIONSADDEST for 12A ZONE
I8 LORNEsT +73 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for that challenge
2F YONI +32 Knowledge Medium
12C TONEY #knowledgesadder
12G SA(E) +20 Finding Medium
12D ATES #findingsadder
D9 PE(D)O +0 (Lost challenge) Vision Large
10D OPE(N)E(R) #visionsaddest
A12 POET +37 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for that challenge and a #knowledgesaddest for A8 POTAE
A12 POET +37 Knowledge Large
#knowledgesad for that challenge and a #knowledgesaddest for A8 POTAE
15A (T)EACHIER +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
14I (T)HRICE +38 Knowledge Large
15N AA +8 Knowledge Large
K11 AFA(R)A #knowledgesaddest
F5 Q(I) +11 Knowledge Large
F5 Q(I) +11 Endgame Large
E9 AURA +19 Knowledge Large
10G AN +13 Knowledge Large
K9 RATTEeN +64 Knowledge Large
NC: 5E TETRA(X)oN #KNOWLEDGESADDEST and a #knowledgesad for the challenge
K9 RATTEeN +64 Knowledge Small
NC: 5E TETRA(X)oN #KNOWLEDGESADDEST and a #knowledgesad for the challenge
5I A(X)OID +26 Strategy Large
NC: J13 AZO #strategylarge
4L MIRI +25 Knowledge Medium
NC: 12H MIO(T)IC #KNOWLEDGESADDER and a #knowledgesad for the challenge. I really didn't want it to be true
4L MIRI +25 Knowledge Small
NC: 12H MIO(T)IC #KNOWLEDGESADDER and a #knowledgesad for the challenge. I really didn't want it to be true
N10 MOTIV(E) +34 Finding Small
NC: O1 OV(OI)D #visionsad #findingsad
N10 MOTIV(E) +34 Vision Small
NC: O1 OV(OI)D #visionsad #findingsad
15A ACE(R) +18 Knowledge Large
15A ACE(R) +18 Strategy Large
exch GNOQ +0 Vision Medium
NC: Exch. NOQ I'm a dumbass. I saw the floating G and I thought "I don't need the G" but I can play 5F bingos ending in ING by keeping it #STRATEGYMEDIUM #VISIONSADDER
exch GNOQ +0 Strategy Medium
NC: Exch. NOQ I'm a dumbass. I saw the floating G and I thought "I don't need the G" but I can play 5F bingos ending in ING by keeping it #STRATEGYMEDIUM #VISIONSADDER
14F YE +16 Finding Medium
NC: C13 EY(E) #strategymedium #findingsadder
14F YE +16 Strategy Medium
NC: C13 EY(E) #strategymedium #findingsadder
B4 BANSHEE +77 Knowledge Small
NC: #knowledgesad for the challenge
4B (B)OT +30 Knowledge Small
4B (B)OT +30 Endgame Small
K5 SON(A)TINE +82 Knowledge Small
H8 (B)ONNIEST #knowledgesad
E6 ROG(E)R +6 Knowledge Large
N6 XE(d) +25 Strategy Medium
I6 AX(EL) #strategymedium
D1 TEARIED +0 (Lost challenge) Finding Large
D1 TEARIED +0 (Lost challenge) Vision Large
H12 (C)ADI +27 Finding Large
H12 (C)ADI +27 Vision Large
D3 PIVOT +24 Knowledge Large
13M KA +29 Knowledge Medium
Quackle likes 3L (L)EK(E)? I can't actually win here, I just need to cut my spread with O12 KANE #knowledgesadder
M2 QIN +30 Knowledge Large
O12 QIN #knowledgesaddest
15M EEL +22 Knowledge Large
F4 LEDE #KNOWLEDGESADDEST also #Knowledgesad for the challenge
15M EEL +22 Knowledge Small
F4 LEDE #KNOWLEDGESADDEST also #Knowledgesad for the challenge
8G FUB +16 Knowledge Large
9F LYR(E) +25 Knowledge Large
H10 ANERLY #knowledgesaDDEST
5B AEON +14 Finding Large
H5 A(L)E(UR)ONE is OP #visionsaddest #findingsaddest
5B AEON +14 Vision Large
H5 A(L)E(UR)ONE is OP #visionsaddest #findingsaddest
A1 PANE +27 Knowledge Medium
4A P(H)ENE #knowledgesaDDER
3F NU +8 Knowledge Large
5I (L)OUN #visionsaddest #knowledgesaddest
3F NU +8 Vision Large
5I (L)OUN #visionsaddest #knowledgesaddest
L8 GElATIN +72 Knowledge Large
13I ZAR(I)S +48 Finding Large
13I ZAR(I)S +48 Vision Large
C1 PAY +29 Knowledge Large
7M QI +47 Strategy Small
Quackle likes 1H OX just a smidgen better, probably because my opponent threatens plays on that triple. It leaves me with QADI for next turn, should 7M QI get blocked #strategysmall
14F XI +28 Finding Large
1H OX #FINDINGSADDEST I swear to god I must have just blanked
A7 (B)OVID +33 Knowledge Large
I6 WU(D)U +10 Knowledge Large
J6 WUSHU #knowledgeSADDEST
K10 HOY +27 Vision Medium
9E AUA +9 Knowledge Large
10B STARNED +73 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for the challenge
14B ARMOIR(E) +22 Knowledge Large
L4 FEG +19 Knowledge Large
L4 FEG +19 Finding Large
B1 CHAPaTT(I) +87 Knowledge Large
B1 CHAPaTT(I) allows for triple-triples so it's actually not the correct play here. B2 PATHeT(I)C(S) is better so a big ol' #KNOWLEDGESADDEST because i didn't know it.
4B (P)OEM +31 Finding Medium
D1 FL(O)G #visionsadder #findingsadder
4B (P)OEM +31 Vision Medium
D1 FL(O)G #visionsadder #findingsadder
M1 JOLE +27 Endgame Large
H12 HARP +50 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for the challenge
10H N(E)GATION +65 Knowledge Large
15H (P)OIGNANT #knowledgeSADDEST
A7 (P)YOID +33 Knowledge Small
Maybe 6A OY #strategysmall and a #knowledgesad for the challenge
A7 (P)YOID +33 Strategy Small
Maybe 6A OY #strategysmall and a #knowledgesad for the challenge
O7 VAR(N)A +24 Knowledge Small
Didn't note down my full rack oop also B10 NAVAR #knowledgesad
J1 FRONTER +75 Knowledge Medium
1H WI(F)ED +42 Knowledge Large
4D WEDELI(N)G #knowledgesaDDEST
4H JO(N)SEY +0 (Lost challenge) Vision Large
A1 AY +29 Knowledge Large
14L JOEY #VISIONSADDEST AGAIN and a #knowledgesaddest for the phoney T_T Play was miscounted as 26
A1 AY +29 Vision Large
14L JOEY #VISIONSADDEST AGAIN and a #knowledgesaddest for the phoney T_T Play was miscounted as 26
C2 HOOS +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
C2 HOOS +0 (Lost challenge) Endgame Large
11E POl(A)RIST +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
14A PROSTIe(S) +86 Knowledge Large
A12 DO(P)E +27 Knowledge Large
L3 RA(J) +20 Finding Small
13F A(XI)L #strategysmall #visionsad #findingsad
L3 RA(J) +20 Vision Small
13F A(XI)L #strategysmall #visionsad #findingsad
L3 RA(J) +20 Strategy Small
13F A(XI)L #strategysmall #visionsad #findingsad
5B LACE +24 Finding Large
5B LACE +24 Vision Large
D10 FEND(S) +18 Knowledge Medium
10F ME(G)ATONs +68 Finding Large
10F ME(G)ATONs +68 Vision Large
B2 WIL(L)Y +56 Knowledge Large
O8 (E)BONITE +10 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for the challenge and #endgamesaddest because 7M TIT
O8 (E)BONITE +10 Endgame Large
#knowledgesad for the challenge and #endgamesaddest because 7M TIT
exch BGLP +0 Strategy Large
Just play 8F GLIB #strategylarge
7I CIDER +22 Knowledge Medium
8L WERO +44 Knowledge Large
4K AH +26 Knowledge Large
Missed mutliple bingos here including 4F tAHINAS #KNOWLEDGESADDEST
11H TAGINeS +69 Knowledge Large
I3 COW +19 Vision Large
1G FA +26 Knowledge Large
3C ILIA +17 Knowledge Small
E6 LAO(G)AI #KNOWLEDGESAD (The Earth King has invited you to Lake Laogai)
G12 BAA +15 Finding Medium
10H ABA #findingsadder #visionsadder
G12 BAA +15 Vision Medium
10H ABA #findingsadder #visionsadder
7E OVA +14 Vision Large
F13 EVO #visionSADDEST
I10 N(A)PE +18 Finding Large
I10 N(A)PE +18 Vision Large
12K DATES +28 Finding Large
12K DATES +28 Vision Large
F7 J(UT) +10 Finding Large
7D RE(J)IG +28 Strategy Small
7H OE #strategysmall
C2 TOTE +22 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for the challenge and C2 TOT #strategysmall
C2 TOTE +22 Strategy Small
#knowledgesad for the challenge and C2 TOT #strategysmall
E10 (L)EA +15 Knowledge Large
O4 ELoGIS(E)S +77 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for challenging LEAR AND A WHOLE ASS #KNOWLEDGESADDEST FOR O8 eL(E)GISES O8 SE(E)LInGS and O8 EL(E)GIStS oh my GOD because I instead phonied with ELOGISES*
O4 ELoGIS(E)S +77 Knowledge Large
#knowledgesad for challenging LEAR AND A WHOLE ASS #KNOWLEDGESADDEST FOR O8 eL(E)GISES O8 SE(E)LInGS and O8 EL(E)GIStS oh my GOD because I instead phonied with ELOGISES*
M2 ANOA +16 Knowledge Large
M9 W(A)URS +24 Strategy Large
2L W(A)UR #strategyLARGE
14F FE(L)T +31 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for challenging DOBE and a big ol' #KNOWLEDGESADDEST for 14J FORTE because WAURST is a thing
14F FE(L)T +31 Knowledge Large
#knowledgesad for challenging DOBE and a big ol' #KNOWLEDGESADDEST for 14J FORTE because WAURST is a thing
6J KY +36 Knowledge Medium
A8 (P)OKILY #strategylarge #visionsadder #knowledgesadder
6J KY +36 Vision Medium
A8 (P)OKILY #strategylarge #visionsadder #knowledgesadder
6J KY +36 Strategy Large
A8 (P)OKILY #strategylarge #visionsadder #knowledgesadder
A6 LO(P)ER +9 Strategy Large
I need to fish for A8 PELORIAN, PERCOLIN, PLERIONS, or PROLINES by getting rid of my R somewhere #strategylarge
2A CI(T) +10 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for the challenge also 1I CIN(Q) #endgamesaddest
2A CI(T) +10 Endgame Large
#knowledgesad for the challenge also 1I CIN(Q) #endgamesaddest
D1 UNAbAIN(G) +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
H1 INfAUNA(E) #KNOWLEDGESADDEST and a big old "what was I thinking?" because I spaced out and thought I had a T. It took me until walking over to the challenge computer to realize that I never had a T and I'm just stupid.
D7 I(G)UANA +14 Knowledge Large
H1 INfAUNA(E) still #KNOWLEDGESADDEST and a #Knowledgesad for the challenge
D7 I(G)UANA +14 Knowledge Small
H1 INfAUNA(E) still #KNOWLEDGESADDEST and a #Knowledgesad for the challenge
H1 COD(E) +21 Knowledge Large
L3 AGONiS(E)S +68 Finding Large
11F SlOGANS #visionsaddest #findingsaddest
L3 AGONiS(E)S +68 Vision Large
11F SlOGANS #visionsaddest #findingsaddest
K3 FAB +32 Finding Small
10H ERF #visionsad #findingsad
K3 FAB +32 Vision Small
10H ERF #visionsad #findingsad
11B J(IN)X +36 Strategy Medium
I was between C5 YEX and 11B J(IN)X and decided (incorrectly) on 11B J(IN)X #strategymedium
M9 (R)ICEY +22 Finding Small
7H EYE #findingsad #visionsad
M9 (R)ICEY +22 Vision Small
7H EYE #findingsad #visionsad
7H HYE +32 Knowledge Large
C5 LET +11 Knowledge Small
Type a note here!13I TEL #findingsaddest #endgamesaddest and a #knowledgesad for challenging FANOS
C5 LET +11 Finding Large
Type a note here!13I TEL #findingsaddest #endgamesaddest and a #knowledgesad for challenging FANOS
C5 LET +11 Endgame Large
Type a note here!13I TEL #findingsaddest #endgamesaddest and a #knowledgesad for challenging FANOS
G13 HUP +27 Knowledge Large
J10 PU(N)A #knowledgesaddest
L8 (T)ASE(S) +21 Knowledge Large
7G EASE to stop my opponent's bingo #strategyLARGE #knowledgesaddest for not seeing their bingo
L8 (T)ASE(S) +21 Strategy Large
7G EASE to stop my opponent's bingo #strategyLARGE #knowledgesaddest for not seeing their bingo
6G SAGEIER +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for the challenge #knowledgesaddest for the phony
6G SAGEIER +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
#knowledgesad for the challenge #knowledgesaddest for the phony
8A GARE +27 Strategy Medium
8A GAE #strategymedium
9F DAN +17 Knowledge Large
9K (TA)O +4 Knowledge Large
B2 ESCRI(BA)NO #KNOWLEDGESADDEST and another #knowledgesaddest for AMIDE and AMIDO which would have allowed CRINOSE, ORCINES, and CRONIES
9K (TA)O +4 Knowledge Large
B2 ESCRI(BA)NO #KNOWLEDGESADDEST and another #knowledgesaddest for AMIDE and AMIDO which would have allowed CRINOSE, ORCINES, and CRONIES
K3 GED +18 Knowledge Large
4E GINGE(R)ED #KNOWLEDGESADDEST and a #knowledgesad for the challenge
K3 GED +18 Knowledge Small
4E GINGE(R)ED #KNOWLEDGESADDEST and a #knowledgesad for the challenge
4C CR(E)W +18 Knowledge Large
3C CL(E)W #knowledgesaddest
D12 DEW +33 Endgame Medium
G1 AWNED #endgamesadder
8H OUK +14 Knowledge Medium
8E HOIK #knowledgesadder
7G UH +12 Knowledge Small
J6 HO(KO)NUI #knowledgesad
J8 (KOB)O +10 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for challenge 11I ION is slightly better #visionsmall
J8 (KOB)O +10 Vision Small
#knowledgesad for challenge 11I ION is slightly better #visionsmall
E1 OOZIE(R) +30 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for challenge Considered B8 OOZE but then decided I didnt want the I on my rack #strategylarge
E1 OOZIE(R) +30 Strategy Large
#knowledgesad for challenge Considered B8 OOZE but then decided I didnt want the I on my rack #strategylarge
B6 (T)EENY +23 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for challenge H11 (V)ENEY #knowledgeSADDEST
B6 (T)EENY +23 Knowledge Large
#knowledgesad for challenge H11 (V)ENEY #knowledgeSADDEST
4C UN(I)S +18 Knowledge Large
C8 AE +12 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for challenge
C11 ADD +21 Strategy Large
I was going to play C11 ADDED but changed my mind last second for reasons unknown. 9L ADD is cool too #STRATEGYLARGE
O8 JESTED +56 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for challenge
15A IF +53 Knowledge Large
Low on time. Missed 4H FLi(R)TIER, 3H FLo(A)TIER, 3H FIL(A)TuRE, and 5H FLi(N)TIER #KNOWLEDGESADDEST
10A AH +26 Knowledge Large
D1 CHAtEAU and D1 CHApEAU. Not me looking for a V to play VAUCH, not spotting it in AVIATOR, and missing every bingo ever while i was at it, too #knowledgesaddest
D3 CLUE +15 Knowledge Large
D1 fECULAE, 4G LEUCEm(I)A, 10H EUCLAsE etc. etc. you know how it goes #knowledgeSADDEST also #knowledgesad for challenge
D3 CLUE +15 Knowledge Small
D1 fECULAE, 4G LEUCEm(I)A, 10H EUCLAsE etc. etc. you know how it goes #knowledgeSADDEST also #knowledgesad for challenge
12C AW(e) +23 Tactics Large
12C AW(e)E I guess? #tacticssaddest
exch AOOO +0 Tactics Small
14F AE(R)O #tacticssad
8A OF +24 Knowledge Large
3C O(C)TOFID #knowledgesaddest
14H (R)IP +17 Finding Small
10D D(R)IP #findingsad
L10 ZIT +39 Strategy Small
L10 LIDO is slightly better here because i can still use the Z for points next time #strategysad
10E (R)ODEO +19 Knowledge Small
Yeah i don't think i have any wins here. I had hoped going out first might help the most but idek. championship player likes 10E (R)OO fwiw #endgamesaddest also #knowledgesad for challenge
10E (R)ODEO +19 Endgame Large
Yeah i don't think i have any wins here. I had hoped going out first might help the most but idek. championship player likes 10E (R)OO fwiw #endgamesaddest also #knowledgesad for challenge
A1 WOL(F) +30 Knowledge Small
Chickened out of A1 WOL(F)S #knowledgesad also #knowledgesad for challenge
A1 WOL(F) +30 Knowledge Small
Chickened out of A1 WOL(F)S #knowledgesad also #knowledgesad for challenge
7H DOPA +14 Knowledge Large
10H GAYS +28 Vision Large
N: 8A SC(AVENGER) #visionsaddest i think i had scavanger available for like four turns in a row this game and never once saw it
4B CANON(I)SE +72 Knowledge Large
N: 3G (F)ACONNES #knowledgesaddest oop
3I PUGHS +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
N: #knowledgesaddest for phony
8K (V)UGHS +39 Knowledge Small
N: 8K (V)AUCH #knowledgesad
N2 KAF +40 Knowledge Small
N: N2 POAKA #knowledgesad
2J CU(R) +11 Knowledge Large
N: 1H COPI(T)A or H10 (G)AUCIE should be okay here. #knowledgesaddest Even if i HAD known these words, i was playing too scared. my opponent just blew up his rack, played 6 tiles. gotta be smort here
11D UnTRITE +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
N: Literally just any valid bingo here thank u #knowledgesaddest i spent like all my time looking for a valid bingo, SAW 12F ToUTIER and then dismissed it as a funky lil thing my brain made up for funsies. why must these maladies befall me? america explain.
14B TIREd +22 Knowledge Large
14F TERTIUs #knowledgesaddest #endgamesaddest am i a dumbass? i might be a dumbass.
14B TIREd +22 Endgame Large
14F TERTIUs #knowledgesaddest #endgamesaddest am i a dumbass? i might be a dumbass.
8G MOBE +16 Knowledge Large
Word Cup 2023, Round 16. 8D BOMBE #knowledgesaddest
exch GTV +0 Knowledge Small
Exch. GTVX #tacticsmedium #knowledgesad for challenge
exch GTV +0 Tactics Medium
Exch. GTVX #tacticsmedium #knowledgesad for challenge
6G MAX +16 Strategy Medium
K5 MNAS #strategymedium
4I STAN +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
#knowledgesaddest note to self: learn words. #knowledgesad for challenge
4I STAN +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Small
#knowledgesaddest note to self: learn words. #knowledgesad for challenge
O1 TIN(Y) +21 Knowledge Small
O3 S(Y)NTAN #knowledgesad
C6 INSNA(R)eS +68 Knowledge Medium
1H NaISSAN(T) #knowledgesadder and #knowledgesad for challenge
C6 INSNA(R)eS +68 Knowledge Small
1H NaISSAN(T) #knowledgesadder and #knowledgesad for challenge
exch VVW +0 Vision Large
N2 PE(R)V #visionsaddest
A1 KEG +29 Knowledge Small
4A P(U)DGIER #visionsad #knowledgesad for challenge
A1 KEG +29 Vision Small
4A P(U)DGIER #visionsad #knowledgesad for challenge
L8 (J)ELLY +30 Knowledge Large
D3 CLUEY #knowledgesaddest
F11 (G)UL +4 Knowledge Large
L3 E(W) +5 Knowledge Large
L2 H(EW) +9 Knowledge Large
15H (E)CHINAtE #KNOWLEDGESADDEST #knowledgesad for upcoming challenge
L2 H(EW) +9 Knowledge Small
15H (E)CHINAtE #KNOWLEDGESADDEST #knowledgesad for upcoming challenge
8G FEME +18 Tactics Large
Round 12 Word Cup July 4th, 2023. Exch. EEFOQ oop #TACTICSLARGE
exch EOQ +0 Knowledge Medium
10E LAREE #knowledgesadder
10B HOA +31 Knowledge Small
A6 AIRHO(L)E maybe? Sims about the same. #knowledgesad
L4 APTERI(a)S +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
H1 PISTARE(EN) is notable #Knowledgesaddest for phoneying instead
A13 (Q)IN +36 Tactics Small
A13 (Q)AT #tacticssmall
K10 (C)OX +24 Knowledge Small
K10 (C)OXAL is slightly better #knowledgesad
O13 SAP +35 Finding Large
H1 SPATLES(EN) is notable but also #FINDINGSADDEST for 14E STAPLES
H7 G(EN) +4 Strategy Large
F9 (BIG)GS keeps me within scoring distance, though it blocks a lane, so I like F9 (BIG)G. Unfortunately, I have never seen a single word in my life, so I play H7 G(EN). Not great, in hindsight, because it does kinda self-block bingoes to the T. HOWEVER, spoiler alert, it does actually work out for me in the end somehow. Note to self and moral of the story: learn words. #STRATEGYSADDEST
J12 OD +12 Knowledge Small
2I TO(PI). I have the last blank, the last S, and the last vowel that can go over the T. #strategySADDEST and #knowledgesad for challenge
J12 OD +12 Strategy Large
2I TO(PI). I have the last blank, the last S, and the last vowel that can go over the T. #strategySADDEST and #knowledgesad for challenge
I8 WOO +17 Knowledge Large
H1 KOB +35 Knowledge Large
2G (P)EMBrOKE #knowledgesaddest
L11 VE(R)Y +20 Knowledge Large
14I MY #knowledgesaddest for PEERY
F1 VAG +22 Knowledge Large
1L (J)IBE +39 Knowledge Large
5B ReMNA(N)TS +68 Knowledge Medium
4C ZA +40 Tactics Small
4C ZEA is better #tacticssmall
F9 C(HI)D +10 Vision Large
6C DI #VISIONSADDEST Spoiler alert: thus begins a series of the most ridiculous fishes, serving absolutely no-one. Do not be like me, folks. I just clocked out at this point in the game and never actually hit my bingo.
M13 (S)UI +8 Strategy Small
3L (D)UI #strategysad
1H (K)UE +7 Vision Medium
M3 AUE #visionsadder
H13 (N)UN +9 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for the challenge O4 UNITE #VISIONSADDEST
H13 (N)UN +9 Vision Large
#knowledgesad for the challenge O4 UNITE #VISIONSADDEST
15E ATO(N)E +5 Knowledge Small
B1 AE #endgamesaddest and #Knowledgesad for challenge
15E ATO(N)E +5 Endgame Large
B1 AE #endgamesaddest and #Knowledgesad for challenge
11L (V)IAE +7 Endgame Large
M3 AI #endgamesaddest
exch AOOOU +0 Tactics Small
Exch. AIOOOU keeping just the E is better #tacticssad Spoiler: no nits's were harmed in the playing of this game, except, like, psychologically and in every other way that counts.
N2 BA +27 Knowledge Small
J4 ICEB(O)ATS #findingsaddest also #knowledgesad for challenge also I'm so sorry if you're rooting for the underdog in this game because i straight up zonked out
N2 BA +27 Finding Large
J4 ICEB(O)ATS #findingsaddest also #knowledgesad for challenge also I'm so sorry if you're rooting for the underdog in this game because i straight up zonked out
9I MU +16 Knowledge Large
K5 TUM(E)SCE #knowledgesaddest also im a dumbass who miscounted this as 20?
13E TOC(K) +13 Knowledge Small
straight up kmn i guess 7G E(G)O? also #knowledgesad for challenge
K5 GIV(E) +16 Knowledge Medium
10B GIVED #knowledgesadder
exch AEGI +0 Knowledge Small
I have like 0% chance of winning. With L11 SIEGE at least I can prioritize reaching 300 sometime this century. But, like, it's the case S. I'm feeling greedy. Also I forgot to look on that side of the board. #strategysaddest ? #visionsaddest ALSO #knowledgesad for challenging a 3. May or may not have been a "stop closing down the board for the love of god" challenge, but my lips are sealed
exch AEGI +0 Vision Large
I have like 0% chance of winning. With L11 SIEGE at least I can prioritize reaching 300 sometime this century. But, like, it's the case S. I'm feeling greedy. Also I forgot to look on that side of the board. #strategysaddest ? #visionsaddest ALSO #knowledgesad for challenging a 3. May or may not have been a "stop closing down the board for the love of god" challenge, but my lips are sealed
exch AEGI +0 Strategy Large
I have like 0% chance of winning. With L11 SIEGE at least I can prioritize reaching 300 sometime this century. But, like, it's the case S. I'm feeling greedy. Also I forgot to look on that side of the board. #strategysaddest ? #visionsaddest ALSO #knowledgesad for challenging a 3. May or may not have been a "stop closing down the board for the love of god" challenge, but my lips are sealed
O12 FE(H)S +42 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for challenge also can someone make this man please stop bingoing. im asking for my health just nbd also O10 TENT(H)S but who's counting #findingsaddest #endgamesaddest
O12 FE(H)S +42 Finding Large
#knowledgesad for challenge also can someone make this man please stop bingoing. im asking for my health just nbd also O10 TENT(H)S but who's counting #findingsaddest #endgamesaddest
O12 FE(H)S +42 Endgame Large
#knowledgesad for challenge also can someone make this man please stop bingoing. im asking for my health just nbd also O10 TENT(H)S but who's counting #findingsaddest #endgamesaddest
8J HUIA +19 Knowledge Small
4I (P)HIAL #knowledgesad
G8 PRELINE +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
10I PER +11 Knowledge Large
#knowledgesaddest for not challenging BIZED*
11D LENTIER +0 (Lost challenge) Finding Large
L1 MIHI +41 Knowledge Large
11H FANE +25 Vision Medium
C2 OAF #visionsadder
12F FOY +25 Knowledge Small
12E OOFY and C2 FON are nice #knowledgesad
14F BON +35 Strategy Large
Should've just done 14D JOB #strategysaddest Thus begins my streak of being terrorized by the J for the next few endgames
15H EJIDo +47 Vision Large
15H EJIDo +47 Strategy Large
E1 CLOW +18 Endgame Large
There are 7 wins for me here, ranging from just blocking 14J to outrunning with C1 CLOW. I have tracked correctly. I know my opponent has QUARTET on her rack. Unfortunately, I am low on time and do not see 14J QAT because I'm too busy looking for a spot for QUARTET. HUGE fail not blocking 14J. #endgamesaddest ALSO TOS*
11D LUNE +21 Vision Large
I2 COsTUME +70 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for challenge
14A GHI +35 Knowledge Small
C3 P(E)GHING #knowledgesad
2F POA(C)HiNG +79 Knowledge Large
B2 aG(R)APHON is notable #knowledgesaddest
3K DAIRY +28 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for challenge 1K DIARY #VISIONSADDEST
3K DAIRY +28 Vision Large
#knowledgesad for challenge 1K DIARY #VISIONSADDEST
4L EF +23 Knowledge Large
6G JE(U) +10 Knowledge Medium
6H S(U)JEE #knowledgesadder
8M TIE +14 Knowledge Large
12C (KINA)SE #Knowledgesaddest
9L NAME +19 Strategy Large
10A MEUS apparently is good here? Beats me. #strategylarge
10K RUTS +21 Endgame Medium
I'm not counting this as a knowledge sad because I would have challenged had my opponent not drawn the last tile out of the bag immediately. I did not have a chance to challenge. 5M SUQ #endgamesadder
10F (AWE)D +8 Endgame Small
G8 (YOWE)S #endgamesad
F9 (NANA)S +13 Vision Medium
G8 (YOWE)S #endgamesadder #visionsadder
F9 (NANA)S +13 Endgame Medium
G8 (YOWE)S #endgamesadder #visionsadder
The listing of all of the player's mistakes. For more information about mistakes, check the 'Mistakes' section of the about page.
Opponent Mistakes
Play Type Size Comment
L4 aTAXIES +96 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for challenge
2I ALIBIED +89 Knowledge Large
#knowledgesaddest for the upcoming challenge
F2 ZAN(Y) +36 Strategy Small
6B ZILA #strategysad
A4 (C)HICO +36 Knowledge Small
A4 (C)HORIC #knowledgesad
14B N(E)TOP +31 Strategy Small
15A PO(S)T #strategysad
I11 BRAG +20 Vision Large
C1 B(ORA)GE #visionsaddest
8H CAHOW +34 Strategy Small
J: 8D OWCHE is best given her rack. #strategysad
L1 FILE +30 Vision Small
J: 4H FIL(M)I #visionsad
8A OO +24 Strategy Large
J: I couldn't find a win and ran out of time. I was considereding 10K T(O)Y(O), but even if I hit the TOYON hook it never scores enough. L11 A(G)ONE seems to give me an chance if I can draw some IES bingo like N5 DOILIES or something. #strategysaddest
J6 HES +28 Tactics Medium
9H EE #tacticssadder
9M FY +30 Knowledge Medium
B6 WO(O)FY #knowledgesadder
D2 WOW +30 Knowledge Large
#knowledgesaddest for not challenging TEASLING*
E3 REI +15 Knowledge Medium
E3 MERI #knowledgesadder
14D (O)RC +11 Knowledge Large
A2 SERICI(T)E #knowledgesaddest
O1 I(T) +6 Finding Large
1K IO #findingsaddest
F2 RE(D)O +13 Knowledge Small
#knowledgesad for challenge and #findingsaddest for 10N ER
F2 RE(D)O +13 Finding Large
#knowledgesad for challenge and #findingsaddest for 10N ER
G8 (JO)UR +11 Knowledge Large
#knowledgesaddest for 1F UREDIA and UREDO
I4 MAC +17 Knowledge Large
1F CAM #knowledgesaddest for CREDO
6F XI +54 Strategy Large
I get DETAILS and DENTILS making FIXT if I draw the blank + A or N; AUDILES, DUALISE, DUPLIES, SULLIED, SULFIDE, and DUELIST if I draw the blank + U to make UREDO; and SCAILED if i draw the blank + A making CREDO. #strategysaddest
H1 FLEE +29 Knowledge Large
H1 ELFED #knowledgesaddest My opponent went overtime so the final score was recorded as 382-354
F7 GAU +14 Strategy Large
F6 GOAL sims best. The defense is too powerful. #strategylarge
H12 D(E)ED +24 Strategy Large
10D (FA)NDED. Playing too scared. #strategylarge
14L Q(U)OD +28 Vision Large
5A InCITES +70 Strategy Large
12G I(D) is best. Apparently I can always bingo out. #strategylarge
E1 GEES +18 Knowledge Large
I do not challenge SIFS* because challenging words is against my religion #knowledgesaddest
H4 CLEPT +24 Finding Large
Spoiler alert, I pick up both Ys this game and do NOT see the hook. BIG whoops #findingsaddest
8G FUN +12 Knowledge Large
8G FUNG #knowledgesaddest
8A GEM +24 Knowledge Large
8A TEMED #knowledgesaddest
13B ODEA +21 Finding Small
10B AUA sims best #visionsad #findingsad
13B ODEA +21 Vision Small
10B AUA sims best #visionsad #findingsad
7D DUI +15 Finding Large
7A AGUTI #visionsaddest #findingsaddest
7D DUI +15 Vision Large
7A AGUTI #visionsaddest #findingsaddest
3I B(O)OAI +20 Knowledge Large
I1 TABO(UR)I(N) is cool af. I chickened out of MICO plays #Knowledgesaddest
15G GO(N) +12 Knowledge Large
L9 GOLP or 4L GOLP #Knowledgesaddest
D4 GOL(D) +12 Knowledge Large
Lol 4L GOLP again #Knowledgesaddest
A1 PRETTIn(G) +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
B1 PERmITT(ER) and B1 TRIPmET(ER) are notable. I should've found N3 sPITTER oof #KnowledgeSADDEST
8L (C)RIT +18 Knowledge Large
N3 sPITTER still OOF #Knowledgesaddest
E3 FOP +27 Knowledge Large
2L ETAt +12 Finding Large
2J (W)hEAT is cool #findingsaddest
M7 V(I)M +15 Strategy Large
J: I didn't realize that VAURIEN was the only available bingo and if I had, I probably would have played something like H7 V(A)T. #strategysaddest
I5 WID(E) +20 Strategy Large
J: I should've played 9E WAID for similar reasons to last turn #strategysaddest
D8 R(U)PIA +16 Vision Small
J: 10F TRIP(Y) #visionsad
O8 LEASH +0 (Lost challenge) Strategy Large
J: Maybe she wouldn't challenge because she played AEROBIAL* herself #strategysaddest
C11 HAE +19 Vision Large
J: E7 HA(R)ES #visionsaddest
H12 KA(n)G +39 Strategy Small
J: 2A KEN is better because it opens row 1. #strategysad
13G J(A) +34 Endgame Medium
J: 13G J(A)I is 7 points better #endgamesadder
1K QUOI(F) +18 Endgame Small
J: C7 QU(A) is 2 points better #endgamesad
F5 MO(B)IE +11 Finding Large
15A JIZE(S) +66 Knowledge Large
D4 MAU(V)E +22 Vision Large
L12 ROID +22 Vision Large
6I CA(P) +18 Vision Large
J: A3 CAUsE(W)Ay is notable. #VISIONSADDEST
15L (D)AUR +15 Vision Large
J: 14C UR(E)A #visionsaddest
J10 WE +28 Time Large
Had no time. 14B WAN(E). #TIMESADDEST
C13 (C)O(Z) +14 Finding Large
10I EROTISE +65 Knowledge Small
J: #knowledgesad for challenge
E5 GUY(L)E +18 Strategy Medium
9F AYE #strategysadder
10F EA +14 Finding Large
12K EL +6 Strategy Large
H11 (R)E #strategysaddest
3G H(O)VED +20 Tactics Medium
J4 D(E)V #tacticssadder
M10 KUTA +19 Strategy Small
6J DAUT #strategysad
N9 BY +32 Strategy Small
8J BRA(T)TY #strategysad
2M (E)XO +43 Endgame Large
14M SOX #endgamesaddest
13F FORES(E)LL +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
NS: #knowledgelarge
H12 B(U)RN +27 Finding Small
H11 BR(U)NG #findingsad
4A FEY(L)Y +23 Endgame Large
14A AGO +16 Vision Large
L1 TRITON +21 Tactics Small
L2 LIROT #tacticssmall
2A MEAL +27 Finding Large
9I AR +20 Tactics Small
9I ARD #tacticssmall
H7 D(O) +3 Strategy Large
H10 (E)DITOR #strategylarge
D10 W(H)AT +29 Strategy Small
D4 JOT #strategysad
H12 (C)OZE +45 Strategy Medium
D2 TOZIE #strategysadder
O6 ABID +24 Endgame Large
13M BE(E) #endgamesaddest
The listing of all of the player's mistakes. For more information about mistakes, check the 'Mistakes' section of the about page.
Game Line Error
Game 39562 44 Game is incomplete.
Errors are (most likely) the result of malformed GCG files. To learn more, check the 'Errors and Warnings' section in the about page.
Game Line Error
Game 38765 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 11255, Round 5).
Game 40846 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 11350, Round 9).
Warnings are notifications to players that they might want to update some of their GCG files. To learn more, check the 'Errors and Warnings' section in the about page.