Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Games in which there are at least 5 challenges made. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Game Stats
Invalid Games
Total Turns
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He ALMOST played L9 RAIS(I)NG, which would have given me M5 PINKEST
D3 P(O)KE here? Keep trying for a bingo? #strategylarge Also, I miscounted 5F (JO)KIEST as 34 oop
N9 ICE #endgamesad
I went over time so we tied with the scores that we had (376-376). There was no recount (I would have lost by 1 point had there been one).
I have no idea what I was doing at this point. I saw the J, I saw the open triple, and all rational thought left my body. The J was definitely my number one nemesis this tournament.
L1 JEL(L) is fine here. #STRATEGYLARGE
I needed to pay better attention to the pool. My opponent is unlikely to bingo. I don't need to block the A column. In fact, I kinda need it to stay open for myself. L2 JO(L) is fine. #strategysmall
#knowledgesad for challenge
M1 Z(E)X #endgamesaddest #timesaddest I need to pay better attention to what my opponent has. Hopefully, by some miracle, they don't see 14B ANDR(O) and C6 DRAN(T) and I get another turn to go out with 7A JEDIS.
#knowledgesad for challenge
M1 Z(E)X #endgamesaddest #timesaddest I need to pay better attention to what my opponent has. Hopefully, by some miracle, they don't see 14B ANDR(O) and C6 DRAN(T) and I get another turn to go out with 7A JEDIS.
#knowledgesad for challenge
M1 Z(E)X #endgamesaddest #timesaddest I need to pay better attention to what my opponent has. Hopefully, by some miracle, they don't see 14B ANDR(O) and C6 DRAN(T) and I get another turn to go out with 7A JEDIS.
I was trying to set up my S for PECS, but I didn't actually note that there's still two Hs out. I score and bingo the most next turn after J12 PEC, but my opponent also scores substantially more. L12 TEMP is fine here. #strategymedium
My opponent has ALIBIED on his rack. I just need to block the bingo by playing on the H column (H2 BAE is fine). I do not see the bingo. I proceed to lose the game. #KNOWLEGESADDEST #ENDGAMESADDEST
I don't need to be worried about being bingoed on, I need to worry about being outrun with the Z still out. H1 CEILIS is best simpy because it scores. #KNOWLEDGESADDEST #strategylarge
I don't need to be worried about being bingoed on, I need to worry about being outrun with the Z still out. H1 CEILIS is best simpy because it scores. #KNOWLEDGESADDEST #strategylarge
N: 15F ULVAS sims better but I kinda liked putting the V out there to block #strategysadder ? definitely a #knowledgesadder for ULVAS
ALSO play was miscounted as 33 oop
N: 15F ULVAS sims better but I kinda liked putting the V out there to block #strategysadder ? definitely a #knowledgesadder for ULVAS
ALSO play was miscounted as 33 oop
Not really sure what my rationale for not playing I5 WYNS was. Wanted to hold onto my S in case I felt like trying PACOS? #strategyLARGE Gonna put a #findingsaddest here too because I can't remember if I saw this
Not really sure what my rationale for not playing I5 WYNS was. Wanted to hold onto my S in case I felt like trying PACOS? #strategyLARGE Gonna put a #findingsaddest here too because I can't remember if I saw this
I get DETAILS and DENTILS making FIXT if I draw the blank + A or N; AUDILES, DUALISE, DUPLIES, SULLIED, SULFIDE, and DUELIST if I draw the blank + U to make UREDO; and SCAILED if i draw the blank + A making CREDO. #strategysaddest
7I HIRCINe and I chickened out of I4 CHIR(M)INg because why would that be a word? #KNOWLEDGESADDEST
Spoiler: I maintain that spending like 100 minutes on this move is what cost me the game (along with all of my following mistakes). Stay tuned for primo facepalm opportunities.
2B POA is nice #findingsadder. I mean yeah Quackle likes 14B APSO too, simming just below POA, and it scores 30, but I really don't want to open the triple lane for no good reason. Thoughts?
big oofs all around here, frens. 15A FOREtOL(D), 15A OvERFOL(D), 15A FORsLOE(D) 15B REFLOO(D)s all would have been fine #KNOWLEDGESADDEST #FINDINGSADDEST #VISIONSADDEST
big oofs all around here, frens. 15A FOREtOL(D), 15A OvERFOL(D), 15A FORsLOE(D) 15B REFLOO(D)s all would have been fine #KNOWLEDGESADDEST #FINDINGSADDEST #VISIONSADDEST
big oofs all around here, frens. 15A FOREtOL(D), 15A OvERFOL(D), 15A FORsLOE(D) 15B REFLOO(D)s all would have been fine #KNOWLEDGESADDEST #FINDINGSADDEST #VISIONSADDEST
Damn, I could have played a whole ass valid word and wont the game. Even 6B V(u)LN at 14 or 5B T(R)ONS at 10 lets me go out in two. I didn't even need to bingo. #STRATEGYSADDEST and also #knowledgesaddest for the phony
Damn, I could have played a whole ass valid word and wont the game. Even 6B V(u)LN at 14 or 5B T(R)ONS at 10 lets me go out in two. I didn't even need to bingo. #STRATEGYSADDEST and also #knowledgesaddest for the phony
Literally I had so many plays that would have won me the game, but noooooo. I was even considering D1 VOLTES! Never let me outside again, please #strategysaddest
I might genuinely be a dumbass. I considered 11E UMU and then decided to take the Z instead because I was worried about leaving it hanging. #STRATEGYSMALL the dumb bitch disease is alive and kicking, folks
There's 5 possible bingos through 14H OM and I just wanna quit. 10H sTONERS is notable #findingsaddest #Knowledgesaddest We out here turning up dumbassery to 100%
There's 5 possible bingos through 14H OM and I just wanna quit. 10H sTONERS is notable #findingsaddest #Knowledgesaddest We out here turning up dumbassery to 100%
IN MY HEAD I SHIT YOU NOT I WENT "oh I need an N for NEONATAL" and then i DIDNT. SEE. THE. FUCKING. N. I just spent the whole time being like "huh i wonder if I should play OAT or AAL" instead!!! AND I PICKED THE WRONG ONE LMAOOO #VISIONSADDEST
First of all, 4D FEBRIC(U)L(E) is notable af but it's a nine so i'm not counting it. Second of all, 1D FILBER(T) is next in the sim so for THAT, i will indeed give myself a #knowledgesaddest
O4 ACTUA(T)E OOF #KNOWLEDGESADDEST the funny thing is that I SAW O6 ACU(T)E and it would have still been better than O6 TAU(T). WHY didn't I just play it? Some mysteries shall haunt us forever, friends
I played too scared here. I thought my opponent was fishing but the bag is too crappy. It's more likely that he's bogged down with consonants and there's nothing he can do. I need to play O1 PONT or O1 SOAP and outrun. My play literally set up a lovely little X hotspot for my opponent to outrun me with. Genuinely, I could not have made a stupider move. Even passing is better. This is a time where knowing E4 PANTOS would have come in handy. #knowledgesaddest #strategylarge
I played too scared here. I thought my opponent was fishing but the bag is too crappy. It's more likely that he's bogged down with consonants and there's nothing he can do. I need to play O1 PONT or O1 SOAP and outrun. My play literally set up a lovely little X hotspot for my opponent to outrun me with. Genuinely, I could not have made a stupider move. Even passing is better. This is a time where knowing E4 PANTOS would have come in handy. #knowledgesaddest #strategylarge
Either I play 14M HI and fish for DIsCARD or 14L CHID and try to cut the spread. Either way, I played too scared and tried to stop my opponent from bingoing. #STRATEGYLARGE
3J (F)EAZE looks good here because I can use the D and S hooks + the Z isn't right on top of the double word as it would be with 3J (F)AZE. #knowledgesaddest
So I blew the endgame here. I knew what the 8 unseen tiles were and I knew there were two places on the board for bingos: the D column and under PRAISE on row 2. All I needed to do was calculate what bingo my opponent could play through the N on column D and then block the bingo lane under PRAISE. Even if I didn't see FAAN (which I didn't #knowledgesaddest) to play O1 CLUNG or O1 CLUNK etc., I still could have done N2 GLANS. BIG oof
I was thinking about blocking the N on M2 here, but Quackle thinks I should just play D4 WI(R)E. Playing N1 LAW doesn't stop the other bingo lanes that are still on this board, and I get hit back with O1 AVE anyway (and my opponent holds on to the blank). #strategysmall
B8 RIDABLE or 14B RIDABLE are better #knowledgesad
Also, a standing applause for forgetting how to pronounce MARINERS, thinking it was some dumb American naval force propagandist bull, and therefore challenging it even though I've read the stupid Rime of the Ancient Mariner. The second I stopped the clock I knew I'd fucked up. It's funny how the brain works sometimes. Anyway, the dumbass award goes to me, so everyone get your grubby hands off of my prize, please and thank you.
I want to begin by saying that I was absolutely disassociated during this game. What was going through my head? Nothing. I had two thoughts, they ricocheted off of each other, and then it was time to eat sushi. It's the sushi's fault. I just wanted sushi.
Just play I7 JET, Nits. #visionSADDEST
PEOY* #KNOWLEDGESADDEST Also Quackle likes 13A QATS but i'm not about that dangerous life. Not that I made the correct decision, because my opponent ended up playing for the same amount of points under 4J QAT next turn anyway #strategylarge
PEOY* #KNOWLEDGESADDEST Also Quackle likes 13A QATS but i'm not about that dangerous life. Not that I made the correct decision, because my opponent ended up playing for the same amount of points under 4J QAT next turn anyway #strategylarge
Now I know there's a chance my opponent can take the triple lane, but I couldn't figure out how to block it. Definitely needed to score a lot more than I did, though. F10 CEBID is nice here. #knowledgesaddest
I chickened out of 11H INLIERS and then never saw 14A RESILIN #KNOWLEDGESADDEST oh my god. All I had to do was play a valid word. Like, just a valid word. I before E, bro. I before E.
N: I saw 5K EX but I wasn't sure if I should go for the bingo that I was sort of sure of or play EX and hope I could find a bingo next turn. I figured the game was close enough that I needed to just get the points. Also a #knowledgesad for the challenge
N: L2 GIRRS gives me a better shot at drawing a blank, though I played N14 G(U) just to make it harder for my opponent to hit O8 bingos. #strategylarge
Potomac Tournament Round 3. 8D BANGS is better, obviously, and I did consider that I was giving up 8 points to play 8G BANG, but I genuinely don't know what was going through my head that I didn't play it #strategymedium
whichever god blessed me with these tiles four times in a row is crying in their bedroom listening to emo music from the early 2000s. 13H GLARIER #KNOWLEDGESADDEST
I didn't want to play N5 NY while my opponent still had the hooks, but I didn't pay attention to his leave because I was running short on time. It was safe for me to play #strategylarge
C7 ECU is good here because I'm still scoring enough to stay in reach and, assuming my opponent has the J, I can still pick up a bingo after this. #strategylarge
I genuinely was considering D10 Q(A)T, which sims better here, but eventually went with C9 WO(R)DS instead in hopes of giving myself a chance to end a bingo with an E on the B column. Plus, if I drew an I, I had the 12A QA(D)I setup next turn #strategysmall
#knowledgesad for challenging JOBE. I swear my brain was like "yeah that's a word" but I was like "hmmm what if my brain's lying to me and it's NOT a word?" anyway. that happened.
I'm down, so I guess I need to be aggressive by playing L2 ETCHInG. I didn't want to do it because there was still an F, two Ls, and an R unseen. IDK, maybe I distract my opponent with this while I hope to bingo elsewhere. big oof. #strategysmall
I don't think I was mentally present during this game because so far I've 1) EXCHANGED MY S and 2) fished OO for 4 (not even 8!)
Also 11E COO(R)IES #VISIONSADDEST #FINDINGSADDEST and #knowledgesad for the challenge
I don't think I was mentally present during this game because so far I've 1) EXCHANGED MY S and 2) fished OO for 4 (not even 8!)
Also 11E COO(R)IES #VISIONSADDEST #FINDINGSADDEST and #knowledgesad for the challenge
I don't think I was mentally present during this game because so far I've 1) EXCHANGED MY S and 2) fished OO for 4 (not even 8!)
Also 11E COO(R)IES #VISIONSADDEST #FINDINGSADDEST and #knowledgesad for the challenge
I'm more than a bingo behind and I'm not comfortable fishing because there's not a lotta places to bingo AND my opponent's gonna block them. 14I LARIAT also accomplishes the task of just scoring to keep the spread down. #knowledgesad for not knowing LARIAT
NC: Exch. NOQ I'm a dumbass. I saw the floating G and I thought "I don't need the G" but I can play 5F bingos ending in ING by keeping it #STRATEGYMEDIUM #VISIONSADDER
NC: Exch. NOQ I'm a dumbass. I saw the floating G and I thought "I don't need the G" but I can play 5F bingos ending in ING by keeping it #STRATEGYMEDIUM #VISIONSADDER
Quackle likes 1H OX just a smidgen better, probably because my opponent threatens plays on that triple. It leaves me with QADI for next turn, should 7M QI get blocked #strategysmall
B1 CHAPaTT(I) allows for triple-triples so it's actually not the correct play here. B2 PATHeT(I)C(S) is better so a big ol' #KNOWLEDGESADDEST because i didn't know it.
#knowledgesad for challenging LEAR AND A WHOLE ASS #KNOWLEDGESADDEST FOR O8 eL(E)GISES O8 SE(E)LInGS and O8 EL(E)GIStS oh my GOD because I instead phonied with ELOGISES*
#knowledgesad for challenging LEAR AND A WHOLE ASS #KNOWLEDGESADDEST FOR O8 eL(E)GISES O8 SE(E)LInGS and O8 EL(E)GIStS oh my GOD because I instead phonied with ELOGISES*
H1 INfAUNA(E) #KNOWLEDGESADDEST and a big old "what was I thinking?" because I spaced out and thought I had a T. It took me until walking over to the challenge computer to realize that I never had a T and I'm just stupid.
D1 CHAtEAU and D1 CHApEAU. Not me looking for a V to play VAUCH, not spotting it in AVIATOR, and missing every bingo ever while i was at it, too #knowledgesaddest
Yeah i don't think i have any wins here. I had hoped going out first might help the most but idek. championship player likes 10E (R)OO fwiw #endgamesaddest also #knowledgesad for challenge
Yeah i don't think i have any wins here. I had hoped going out first might help the most but idek. championship player likes 10E (R)OO fwiw #endgamesaddest also #knowledgesad for challenge
N: 1H COPI(T)A or H10 (G)AUCIE should be okay here. #knowledgesaddest Even if i HAD known these words, i was playing too scared. my opponent just blew up his rack, played 6 tiles. gotta be smort here
N: Literally just any valid bingo here thank u #knowledgesaddest i spent like all my time looking for a valid bingo, SAW 12F ToUTIER and then dismissed it as a funky lil thing my brain made up for funsies. why must these maladies befall me? america explain.
F9 (BIG)GS keeps me within scoring distance, though it blocks a lane, so I like F9 (BIG)G. Unfortunately, I have never seen a single word in my life, so I play H7 G(EN). Not great, in hindsight, because it does kinda self-block bingoes to the T. HOWEVER, spoiler alert, it does actually work out for me in the end somehow. Note to self and moral of the story: learn words. #STRATEGYSADDEST
6C DI #VISIONSADDEST Spoiler alert: thus begins a series of the most ridiculous fishes, serving absolutely no-one. Do not be like me, folks. I just clocked out at this point in the game and never actually hit my bingo.
Exch. AIOOOU keeping just the E is better #tacticssad
Spoiler: no nits's were harmed in the playing of this game, except, like, psychologically and in every other way that counts.
J4 ICEB(O)ATS #findingsaddest also #knowledgesad for challenge also I'm so sorry if you're rooting for the underdog in this game because i straight up zonked out
J4 ICEB(O)ATS #findingsaddest also #knowledgesad for challenge also I'm so sorry if you're rooting for the underdog in this game because i straight up zonked out
I have like 0% chance of winning. With L11 SIEGE at least I can prioritize reaching 300 sometime this century. But, like, it's the case S. I'm feeling greedy. Also I forgot to look on that side of the board. #strategysaddest ? #visionsaddest ALSO #knowledgesad for challenging a 3. May or may not have been a "stop closing down the board for the love of god" challenge, but my lips are sealed
I have like 0% chance of winning. With L11 SIEGE at least I can prioritize reaching 300 sometime this century. But, like, it's the case S. I'm feeling greedy. Also I forgot to look on that side of the board. #strategysaddest ? #visionsaddest ALSO #knowledgesad for challenging a 3. May or may not have been a "stop closing down the board for the love of god" challenge, but my lips are sealed
I have like 0% chance of winning. With L11 SIEGE at least I can prioritize reaching 300 sometime this century. But, like, it's the case S. I'm feeling greedy. Also I forgot to look on that side of the board. #strategysaddest ? #visionsaddest ALSO #knowledgesad for challenging a 3. May or may not have been a "stop closing down the board for the love of god" challenge, but my lips are sealed
#knowledgesad for challenge also can someone make this man please stop bingoing. im asking for my health just nbd
also O10 TENT(H)S but who's counting #findingsaddest #endgamesaddest
#knowledgesad for challenge also can someone make this man please stop bingoing. im asking for my health just nbd
also O10 TENT(H)S but who's counting #findingsaddest #endgamesaddest
#knowledgesad for challenge also can someone make this man please stop bingoing. im asking for my health just nbd
also O10 TENT(H)S but who's counting #findingsaddest #endgamesaddest
There are 7 wins for me here, ranging from just blocking 14J to outrunning with C1 CLOW. I have tracked correctly. I know my opponent has QUARTET on her rack. Unfortunately, I am low on time and do not see 14J QAT because I'm too busy looking for a spot for QUARTET. HUGE fail not blocking 14J. #endgamesaddest ALSO TOS*
I'm not counting this as a knowledge sad because I would have challenged had my opponent not drawn the last tile out of the bag immediately. I did not have a chance to challenge.
5M SUQ #endgamesadder
J: I couldn't find a win and ran out of time. I was considereding 10K T(O)Y(O), but even if I hit the TOYON hook it never scores enough. L11 A(G)ONE seems to give me an chance if I can draw some IES bingo like N5 DOILIES or something. #strategysaddest
I get DETAILS and DENTILS making FIXT if I draw the blank + A or N; AUDILES, DUALISE, DUPLIES, SULLIED, SULFIDE, and DUELIST if I draw the blank + U to make UREDO; and SCAILED if i draw the blank + A making CREDO. #strategysaddest
Duplicate game detected (Tournament 11350, Round 9).
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