Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Games in which there are at least 5 challenges made. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
i didn't see ANNUL, i did see ANN but didn't like keeping a U -- but even ANN sims a lot better than BLUNT. i think ANNUL/ANN are nice because of the defense, BLUNT gives up more pts. -8 #strategylarge
3F VAW results in a significantly higher score next turn, as well as higher bingo %. if i don't bingo i score a lot at 6N frequently. -3 #tacticsmedium
great play for Mina to make me totally freak out. i figured she for sure had a T, and maybe both Ts. i didn't think she'd have the blank, but it's possible. REFI# sims terrible; if i infer ET? for her it does go up a bit, but it's still too meek. i almost laid down 2B FLOOD, but my worry was that she'd just score a lot up there, and save her T for next turn. i have a lot of trouble when other players do stuff like this against me. quackle likes ignoring it and playing FOLIO at 2A (which is also actually a weak block sometimes), i considered this as well and was just worried about opening up another big bingo lane - but then again, maybe you do want to do this when you're up to decrease volatility (if there is a big bingo lane open, and you open another one, your variance in score difference after two plies goes down, and this is what you want when you're ahead by a bingo). -11.5 #strategylarge #niceplaybun
i deserved to draw another I. i recognized here that i was in trouble, and i took a deep breath to calm down, i spent about a minute before looking at the board again -- then i still was unable to find a spot for IDIOM even though i saw it on my rack. sigh. it's the best play here, at 11J. -4 #focus #visionmedium
i didn't know MEISHI# (or HOTELINGS#) or SHIAI#. i would think i would have seen the latter in a high playability list of some sort. SHAME is obviously quite weaker, but at least it scores a lot. -10.5 #knowledgelarge
i chickened out on (G)LUER -- was pretty sure but if i'm wrong i probably lose the game. my move also wins 100% of the time but i wasn't totally sure i would win, i had about 30 seconds and i saw that i just might outrun M10 NOIR, although i wasn't sure. too much nervousness early left me scrambling for time. -1 #endgamesmall