Mike Frentz
Mike Frentz
Color Key
= Triple Triple
= Bingo 9+
= Improbable
= +
= +
= +
= + +
Player Lists
Type Play Probability Score
(G)RANDESt 1168 70
RETARDS 2814 70
RAVINED 655 70
ON(S)TREaM 591 80
APTERiA 789 72
AIRTIME 793 83
GALLOON 14594 70
(I)NDEVOUT 1368 76
WAGONER(S) 2131 89
UPsTATE 9030 93
ARNATTo 3367 67
FOReWAR(N) 7448 79
SPATHIC 22745 88
(L)APIDATE 3320 86
BEANIES 992 81
ATTUNEs 2707 76
LEGATEE 3949 70
ORGIAST 843 77
OPER(A)TIC 906 64
GYnECO(I)D 8392 78
ORGIAST(S) 5781 80
TENSILE 580 80
I(R)ONISTS 7510 70
ENCA(E)NIA 4063 90
E(L)ATERID 105 60
ORIENTE(D) 43 80
BI(T)CHIER 14641 70
EUGENIA 432 70
gAUDIER 719 64
RETIN(O)ID 120 72
(C)ATERING 741 74
SUDoRAL 4308 82
gELLANT 7039 72
B(A)LDRICK 23096 68
INeRRAN(T) 1122 64
NA(C)REOUS 1282 70
AUNTIEs 118 83
O(V)ERAWEd 4565 77
CANDELA 5777 79
ESTuaRY 3057 90
TENTER(E)D 7012 72
U(N)LOAdED 4603 72
(C)ANOEIST 185 64
REN(A)TURE 1224 62
(P)OUTIEST 5775 72
SENHORA 912 74
SIXTEEN 4553 80
REVERTS 10922 89
HOMOLOG 22804 84
RU(S)TIEST 10946 59
COnCERT 12726 78
OPErATE 456 77
DENSELY 9216 72
UNBOXES 14344 79
ANKuSES 16606 102
PI(N)NULAE 5171 63
TECHIES 8362 99
MAGnATE 5270 85
sECTION 957 76
OVERHA(R)D 11183 72
DERAIGN 249 79
UNTRIED 425 70
I(N)ErTIAE 40 60
UNSEATS 5412 73
fAERiES 1050 70
SQuAT(T)ED 16558 70
BEANIEs 1040 73
ZINCATE(S) 6643 116
DOMINA(N)T 5382 76
ANSATED 1275 73
INULASE 430 66
DOMAINE 316 76
SODLIKE* 0 103
ST(A)RRIER 6111 74
PENTODE 2649 68
LO(B)eLIAS 6242 72
(P)ORTIERE 2341 64
(L)IBRATES 1003 83
SIDEC(A)RS 8601 72
OPENNeS(S) 19375 80
ERAsION 6 63
TALENTs 2702 66
HOGNOSE 9486 75
(H)EREDITY 6831 69
RURALI(S)E 1960 60
ADAgIOS 5469 68
RA(M)OsITY 7627 98
O(U)TRAVES 1404 76
ROoTIER 1267 64
CITIFI(E)D 19052 65
PER(I)GEAL 2347 64
RAINOU(T)S 293 59
RE(P)OSERS 18405 61
REFINI(S)H 9320 100
(O)VERLOUD 9620 67
AERATES 799 66
PA(R)ODIeD 3784 67
GLOATER 389 75
CITOLEs 1997 78
(C)ALDERAS 7518 67
ALUNiTE 110 68
mINUTE(MA)N 14770 83
FOrERAN(K) 12118 78
APERIES 1064 72
ENDOWE(R)S 4793 74
STERILE 776 86
ACErBER 16055 80
RIMLAN(D)S 8401 88
RA(N)GIEST 153 86
FU(S)IlEER 5086 64
TOOTSIE 2503 76
ENSURIN(G) 5284 80
(B)OTONnEE 8503 83
NU(M)ERoUS 12883 60
RaGWEED 5486 87
SM(I)THERS 17899 86
FIRELO(C)k 16884 63
COr(Y)PHEE 22163 86
SHROUDS 20497 78
WaTeRIN(G) 755 72
(S)OUTANES 2620 66
ELI(C)ITOR 1684 61
pHONIER 2770 66
WO(R)RYInG 19976 90
TELESIS 6338 79
(B)RUISERS 19444 83
LAtINOS 439 64
(R)EGIONAL 58 73
SAUT(E)ING 476 86
K(E)ITlOAS 1671 74
COSINES 7317 80
PHRASAL 17781 95
(D)ETAINEE 277 68
UPRA(I)SeR 4905 86
GOnADAL 6713 71
MEALIER 1004 77
(C)ONTESSA 6475 83
(A)NiSOLES 1182 59
LONGeRS 2330 68
STErNER 3770 69
(I)RONWARE 728 95
INSTARS 4648 71
NEUR(U)LAE 4847 60
SIGnALE(D) 1074 70
No(V)ELIST 1393 70
(L)USTIEST 14442 77
lIMEADE 2019 74
DIS(C)EPTS 20079 82
GAVELIN(G) 13219 69
NeUTRAL 416 72
UNAVO(W)ED 6422 80
INF(O)LDER 1357 82
(D)IOPTERS 1369 94
(R)ELAYING 1751 78
TREATER 4392 61
vINEYA(R)D 3166 80
SIMMERS 20968 84
CRIMS(O)NS 21359 78
(Y)EARlIES 1557 83
MANAGES 8180 76
ENTRANC(E) 3860 83
MEALIER 1004 70
(H)EmIOLIA 4178 83
G(U)AYULES 20387 80
RISTRAS 11661 83
M(UT)ILATES 5044 74
CIRRATE 2000 76
DER(O)GATE 327 60
AMB(e)RING* 0 62
AIRWAys 13151 88
STEARI(N)E 35 59
FETaTIO(N) 721 80
(T)INKLERS 4789 77
OV(E)RBIDS 6452 88
PEMbINA 8331 76
(R)EACTORs 3353 74
BErOUGE(D) 7987 62
TR(O)TLINE 460 68
PEDANTS 2988 79
RINGERS 4259 65
ENHANcE 11731 76
GIARDI(A)S 7778 70
(N)EONATAL 1417 68
(T)IDeMARK 6310 68
CONGOES 9478 85
PATTIES 3648 66
(C)OMEDIES 7503 78
(M)ARQUISE 9487 73
(E)NLARGeR 4000 60
EGOISTI(C) 4524 72
DIS(T)RAIN 1573 61
NITROUs 1150 64
O(C)TAGONS 10974 72
EsERINe 1211 77
UPDATES 5379 76
CHOLE(R)AS 6389 84
BET(O)NIES 785 90
SHElVED 16380 93
TOLUEnE(S) 1190 66
ETALONS 155 73
LUNETTE 5992 79
UtILIsE 2562 73
OOSPERM 12625 85
PEnSION(E) 4444 80
I(V)ORIEST 1695 78
SHINIER 3479 76
(R)EUnITED 364 70
(EL)EVATING 1222 92
WAITRO(N)S 1058 71
SHARI(A)HS 28265 68
PYREN(O)iD 4134 80
(I)NERTIAL 93 68
S(T)A(T)IONED 145 72
iNANEST 550 81
ORIEN(T)ED 43 60
GERBE(R)AS 11212 86
FAnTODS 5588 90
UNPRO(V)ED 10271 68
(U)NMERGED* 0 65
HEDG(I)EST 7507 88
RetIAR(I)I 3669 66
TONIEST 795 66
CELOSIA 856 70
(C)ARLINES 1010 72
ICHNITE 7431 82
BROW(N)EST 6663 102
SEgETAL 2345 70
TONEARM(S) 593 83
TEcTONI(C) 16991 80
NEATEST 1885 78
DENDRIT(E) 2863 74
LOu(D)ENED 9210 86
INCOMEs 5100 70
SECRET(I)N 1613 90
RACKING 15350 87
CANINGS 13970 70
SANITA(T)E 1093 82
PINDeRS 3264 79
UD(O)METER 3754 62
BhISTIE 10723 94
ELATIO(N)S 22 70
PeRTAIN 237 90
bIGUINE 8186 68
ARTICL(E)D 1004 62
THErE(O)UT 7462 70
PLASMON 13483 97
ETOILES 303 87
M(E)RChANT 11059 72
STAG(H)ORN 6536 66
INSANER 547 84
WeDGIER 5748 76
SAUNtER 444 78
KINARAS 8961 82
PITcHIe(R) 15380 83
T(H)INNERS 5273 72
p(A)RODIST 2435 82
HAUTEU(R)S 12201 72
(P)EARMAIN 3611 74
(D)EBITiNG 6636 86
RAZEEIN(G) 2584 107
(T)ETRAGoN 912 71
DENTINA(L) 924 65
RO(M)AINeS 207 79
GRATINS 1343 89
ALIEN(A)TE 122 68
DEPRA(V)ES 9886 106
AORISTs 2897 76
COBNUTS 16479 75
RESOLVE 4818 77
REMATeD 2194 84
LODGERS 4064 72
TROPHIE(D) 3920 85
TRAIKED 1669 79
DEL(A)TION 10 60
ELIC(I)TOR 1596 77
INTENDs 2718 82
LEADENS 1306 68
RIVe(R)INE 6722 74
LINTOLS 8218 81
DOORNA(I)L 1059 65
sOLERET 811 86
(O)UTsWARE 1332 92
INFECT(E)D 6804 68
DEA(D)NESS 16105 83
AUDIENT(S) 254 80
TAXIInG 10700 94
BIASSED 9579 77
TWINkLE 10548 66
FUnER(E)AL 2908 61
vAGINAE 2674 84
ANT(R)ORSE 457 82
M(A)JOLIcA 21696 82
NAI(V)ETES 638 149
VOC(A)LEsE 7897 98
ONEROUS 2041 71
TEDDIES 6076 86
(M)UTUALLy 28233 70
RUStLED 4284 80
SaMBARS 22514 76
NIBLIKE 14621 92
ALLOwED 10661 62
SHORTEN 2082 82
uXORIAL 5956 95
Y(E)ARENDS 2898 63
LAITIES 471 71
(C)ANTERED 1502 86
G(EN)TlEMAn 7972 63
ENTr(E)SOL 490 78
DIS(C)RETE 2942 65
TONNERs 1712 73
DILUTES 2275 71
pOINTER 338 60
INSTArS 4648 80
DEvOTES 4608 67
GR(I)TTIER 10138 60
ROAReRS 8200 75
UNvEILE(D) 5075 68
eMIGRAT(E) 1031 90
C(O)NvEXES 20324 74
TrIAGED 241 72
GRUNGER 18015 70
NEOPREN(E) 9908 89
DIGITAT(E) 3664 78
PROTEC(T)S 15016 63
(D)RoPLETS 5201 83
FREEGAN 3366 78
BO(N)EYEST 7991 86
(B)OLIVARS 9157 101
UTENsIL 1109 72
TaENIAS 130 80
(S)LIMIEST 15892 70
EGA(L)ITES 678 86
PA(T)OOTIE 2369 64
TERRIEr 8495 79
MItERED 2158 83
ARGeNTA(L) 1480 77
EChI(D)NAE 4039 70
OU(T)SMART 11424 63
COHObA(T)E 13369 74
INLAN(D)ER 875 63
PANIERS 668 74
INSTALS 7278 82
mIAOUED 818 62
fOLIOUS 12842 66
D(O)MINATE 188 69
(T)OSTADOS 19554 61
SOMEONE 6171 81
(C)URVIeST 9126 64
SNoOZED 11241 99
DEPeRMS 13879 73
DEBU(T)ANT 7886 69
gLANCER 4492 88
GALLoNS 13666 69
DESIG(N)ED 10543 80
(I)NTRANET 1187 68
HURTLED 8316 79
bRAISED 1385 84
DUNITES 1104 67
(O)TALGIAS 2840 72
RECODES 4585 77
PELTERS 6485 79
DEVIATE 999 71
TRIOLET(S) 1101 77
COLOGNE 9477 88
aLPINES 1478 79
UNVA(R)IED 984 65
EDITION 232 70
TETrAG(O)N 865 72
BLUNDE(R)Y* 0 65
EP(I)GEnIC 13456 82
(E)ARLIEST 115 77
EUCHRES 13867 73
FUMIgAT(E) 7557 70
cOINAGE(S) 924 76
FESTERS 13700 79
NATION(AL)S 2508 68
sQuAT(T)ER 12152 75
MATIlDA 8126 70
NO(T)IFIES 1601 94
EYELAsH 10886 79
SADdLE(BA)G 19920 74
OVERTIP 2650 74
SKIRTED 5894 89
ReGULAT(E) 1635 60
ANOlYTE 878 96
WIRIEST 3498 70
RAGGEDE(R) 16961 72
DILDOES 5752 88
DEVOTEE 6564 79
LESBIaN 1390 75
REALIST 111 78
FERNI(E)ST 1536 76
GENTLES 4359 68
KIRTLEs 5905 101
(G)YROIdAL 6010 80
AUNTIES 118 85
NEAREST 208 66
BAnDOgS 10311 67
OvERUSE 4624 82
(I)NSTATES 4758 77
AcEROLA(S) 3049 74
TIGLONS 3510 75
EXaC(T)ION 2276 194
SIB(I)lARY* 0 98
BILIOUS 11760 78
PET(I)TIoN 3760 76
CORDA(G)ES 4124 82
D(E)SIGNEE 4794 64
SOmEDAY 7982 83
ENROOTS 1068 74
SNaRLER 2699 75
INTRUDE 422 77
AVIATIN(G) 9494 89
UnRE(E)LED 5791 62
DEE(R)SKIN 5710 76
LUTEOLI(N) 2492 59
P(I)NTADAS 6921 76
CUDg(E)LER 13831 63
OuTF(L)OAT 16722 70
AEROGEl 504 71
BEANIES 992 74
TABOUlI 3333 76
HA(M)PERED 16085 67
UNLOOSE 3972 64
MOtHIES(T) 10665 74
TrAN(C)ING 9433 76
AEqU(O)RIN 667 78
RAINIES(T) 89 77
RELISTS 5206 76
DeVIOUS 3584 79
ALIENAT(E) 122 77
(A)NgSTROM 6547 68
CLAVERs 10020 95
BEATNIK 4873 72
UNEASEs 6068 65
TR(I)AGiNG 11009 72
INKJeTS* 0 98
PINCERS 6838 76
VOMITUS 12965 82
(Z)ENAIDAs 5134 71
PORTIER(E) 2216 83
GA(S)IFIES 14517 63
TROLaND 1146 67
(U)REdINIA 291 74
(I)NTRuDED 4331 76
THEINEs 2283 72
HYD(R)OGEN 11916 76
AGITP(R)OP 16601 78
ArIOSOS 6662 69
S(T)RINGED 1109 70
AUDITEE 201 73
FIEr(C)EST 6813 66
O(UT)SCORED 6795 110
(A)NTIdOTE 136 61
BOODLES 11178 80
GuNITES 1746 72
(O)vERNEAR 2336 74
RADULAE 2682 64
MISTRI(A)L 7313 80
TUNICLE 3228 80
FANcIES 4314 75
OVERsEE 6842 74
NOT(I)FIEd 1599 78
GAITERS 268 76
(A)nTSIEST 4757 58
KNEECAP 16640 90
TRAWLE(R)S 8351 84
MAR(R)YING 19015 84
PERG(O)LAS 4141 74
ANXIOUs 5959 100
REPANEL 2219 67
(T)ANdOORI 450 74
cABARET 7752 89
APPRAIs(E) 15279 74
OUTAGES 1105 79
DOOLIES 2061 71
BLEARIn(G) 1804 83
TAXITES 6673 84
OUTfEEL 4610 68
BUGSEED 14753 104
LACUNaT(E) 4901 72
(F)AINTERS 398 86
GRADeRS 6601 85
PENSILE 3991 85
(A)BRASION 2587 90
(T)YROSINE 588 86
(D)ENARIUS 251 68
OCULARS 8426 76
SALTIES 2766 71
TAWnIER 239 75
(M)ODESTLY 13932 82
BOLETES 4787 74
SLAINTE 114 74
DARNERS 2807 80
DEUTE(R)ON 515 74
DAMPERS 10034 94
tINWArE 240 74
GENERIC 3375 96
H(E)aRTING 787 80
ORATINg 305 64
FU(R)ANOSE 1381 72
LE(M)ONISH 6844 64
FATTIEr 2111 78
PUT(T)EREd 13353 63
SE(d)ATINg 460 74
E(N)TRAINS 356 69
BEFALLs 19429 88
(A)MERCInG 4867 89
DISSEAT 2879 73
RETAKES 4536 87
BEADINg 2521 74
BR(I)DOONS 9276 78
D(EF)EATERS 4828 78
SAVARIN 5477 66
(R)EADORNS 1140 68
ION(O)MERS 2092 61
LASERED 1371 74
AIrTHED 612 83
wETWARE 12226 73
(I)NACTIVE 3815 102
BRAWLER 14344 79
HIRSuTE 3287 91
STEELIE 2627 77
SeVRUG(A)S 18220 65
COTTERS 7422 74
sIMITAR 5496 72
uNIONI(S)M 15723 72
(WO)ODENEST 4764 92
CANNoNS 20036 62
(L)IONIZED 6245 126
UNWARiE(R) 2789 80
cONSORT(S) 20267 74
UNSPA(c)ED* 0 61
(P)LAITING 8906 76
BANNErS 6182 77
Y(E)ARENDS 2898 74
SNARLER 2823 71
fELLoWS 19226 74
PUrISTS 17926 73
OBVIA(T)ED 1914 70
WOmMERA(S) 20247 82
ERUCTED 6452 72
SeNSORY 10409 87
TRIENES 221 74
aUTO(D)yNE 1300 78
(S)AILLESS 25187 68
EXPENDS 17853 92
GoDSONs 19936 79
HAYRIDE 4363 100
CHILDES 13280 92
DIATRoN 127 81
MUL(L)ITES 15968 64
(T)RIcORNE 1793 74
UPSOARE(D) 2791 63
(D)OWNcAST 12882 61
(C)UTIClES 20676 92
EN(T)HRALS 2250 72
ANTIGEN(E) 896 72
SObERER 8631 72
(V)ERBAtIM 7603 95
A(C)UITIES 2432 70
SP(I)CATED 5377 67
(A)LUnITES 256 74
(F)INAGLER 1726 92
ANTsIER 21 68
The of bingos played by the player that were not challenged off.
Triple Triples
Type Play Probability Score
NAI(V)ETES 638 149
EXaC(T)ION 2276 194
Triple triples played by the player that were not challenged off. They do not have to be bingos.
Bingo Nines or Above
Type Play Probability Score
mINUTE(MA)N 14770 83
M(UT)ILATES 5044 74
(EL)EVATING 1222 92
S(T)A(T)IONED 145 72
G(EN)TlEMAn 7972 63
NATION(AL)S 2508 68
SADdLE(BA)G 19920 74
O(UT)SCORED 6795 110
D(EF)EATERS 4828 78
(WO)ODENEST 4764 92
Bingos played by the player that were nine letters or longer and were not challenged off.
Challenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were challenged off by an opponent.
Unchallenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
(B)EGIFT* 0 42
ORADS* 0 80
SODLIKE* 0 103
(LUTE)IC* 0 24
(PHRASAL)ITy* 0 42
BENNO* 0 27
AMB(e)RING* 0 62
FARCIS* 0 85
(U)NMERGED* 0 65
MAT(Y)* 0 15
FLOWY* 0 36
MIMS* 0 21
FATtIE* 0 42
NODIC* 0 29
BI(N)G* 0 27
BLUNDE(R)Y* 0 65
PANI* 0 16
SIB(I)lARY* 0 98
EX(A)PT* 0 30
INKJeTS* 0 98
UREA(TE)* 0 21
(W)EINIE* 0 11
UNSPA(c)ED* 0 61
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were not challenged by an opponent.
Plays That Were Challenged
Type Play Probability Score
NOsEBAG 2923 0
RE(P)OSERS 18405 61
FIRELO(C)k 16884 63
DIS(C)EPTS 20079 82
INTEL* 0 0
LA(V)A 2478 0
FUNEST 5322 45
PLASMON 13483 97
HEN 199 0
LO(R)DY* 0 0
WAFTED 6018 49
WI(R)E 405 23
NATION(AL)S 2508 68
RAGGEDE(R) 16961 72
(I)NSTATES 4758 77
D(E)SIGNEE 4794 64
(CIVIL)IZER 23967 46
DOR(MA)NTLy* 0 0
PNEUM* 0 0
ZAS 718 0
nEUTERE(R)* 0 0
(R)EADORNS 1140 68
TONLETS 3498 0
SEXTON 4103 82
Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Opponent Lists
Type Play Probability Score
SKIWEAR 7815 90
I(N)TITLES 4566 66
LIONISE(R) 404 66
NO(I)SETTE 738 59
(F)AULTInG 8733 86
BRAVOES 4797 77
BL(A)NDISH 14709 80
CYN(O)SURE 9747 76
T(E)AZELeR* 0 88
BAREFIT 2279 88
UPDIVES 12724 99
AUREOLE 385 61
DeISEAl 730 90
OpIOIDS 13407 72
SMErK(I)NG 15587 82
O(V)ERHARD 10623 66
RE(A)CTORS 3353 61
PENTODE(S) 3559 74
TILLAGE 4303 78
OUTRAN(C)E 554 72
RESTRA(I)N 336 64
A(LI)ENNESS 5998 72
LIB(E)LANT 5433 61
DAKOItS 6205 87
ALUMNAE 5801 70
(U)NSOILED 840 80
(D)RAgROPE 7757 83
ANTLERS 412 69
AEROSAT 231 77
WIDEouT(S) 2686 83
ORDURES 5692 77
CUTOfFS 22873 80
DOTINES(S)* 0 70
POETISE(R) 811 72
PRE(D)RIED 17402 74
ENOSIS(E)S 15691 70
DANsEUR 1095 93
uT(I)LIZES 11528 67
INVERSE 2190 77
CoNDONE 11589 76
DEVISAL 2891 80
ESTRUMS 15341 81
CRUSADO 8424 97
ONErIER 447 67
AMASSI(N)G 20210 158
VIRTUOS(E) 1405 72
ReLOANS 153 71
aMIDOGE(N) 925 89
(A)NTLERED 351 72
BEETL(E)RS 10562 78
MIsPLOT* 0 77
HERNIaT(E) 241 74
ASsAILE(D) 7568 60
CAV(O)RTeD 3805 102
REUNIFy 6858 81
HEIST(E)RS 9560 76
BEGONIA 565 78
RADI(A)NtS 1659 62
HISTONE 931 76
GELATIN 249 62
STOUTER 3352 77
P(I)ETISTS 20940 72
WINTLES 3301 68
ALUMINE 1545 76
INFLATo(R) 1113 83
EOSINES 2508 70
FOR(E)SEEN 5214 94
BELLOwE(D) 21764 70
GORIEST 413 73
RELATOR 774 66
GROUSES 11356 70
P(R)EFILeD 10467 76
HARVEST 7063 91
TABULIs 7908 78
OLOGIES 3032 82
TERCELS 6737 76
FAIRIsH 13167 71
TADPOLE 1950 86
LIBERTY 7109 82
SPInUlA 7930 74
(H)EADINGS 3636 89
RUBbLES 21545 88
(G)UANINES 3033 61
GODWITS 14116 82
BLISTER 3209 79
EXCITAN(T) 11045 106
SOAPING(S)* 0 67
QUANtIC 13310 91
(D)EfOREST 3744 77
T(R)AGICaL 8888 70
FELSITE 3986 73
CURA(R)INE 2901 90
C(U)LVERIN 9119 73
GA(V)OTTEs 8177 83
PInWEED 8367 76
DINITRO 1268 70
W(O)RMINGS* 0 72
STOMPED 10765 78
rEEDITS 572 89
BAN(T)EReD 1582 103
ELUANTS 1151 66
SILVERN 3300 70
CRAAlED 7889 74
(NO)NVIRILE 5384 78
MINTERs 1551 65
LEFTIEs 3987 69
PALIEST 1488 79
CA(N)ItIES 1174 68
PROPI(N)ES 11506 63
ORGIAST 845 83
HERNIAL 666 92
TAcTILE 3785 70
ACREAgE(S) 8050 63
NUTRIAS 1017 78
NITRILE 477 65
R(A)INOUTS 293 66
SALUTI(N)G 4301 63
GUilTI(L)Y 26090 80
MONTERO 2866 82
REA(R)OUSE 1614 82
mISTILY 17810 85
SPeAKER 11500 77
QUIETED 7316 102
GROSSED 11330 66
HEAPInG 5961 104
ISOTOPE 2672 77
(R)ENEWING 8056 78
INEDIBl(E) 5576 70
DIVAG(A)TE 4183 63
(M)ETRITIS 8953 83
SCLEROM(A) 6737 80
(G)ARDENEd 7323 80
bORINGL(Y) 14662 86
(R)ERAISED 1200 70
IRONERS 754 76
AUDILEs 1062 74
CONCEIT 8936 69
GAINERS 266 72
DUNGIER 1733 69
AUREATE 800 80
UNROVEN 7450 76
LEWisES 14253 85
(B)IOTItES 6341 80
UL(C)ERATE 2868 64
ANOO(P)siA 6233 70
DuRN(E)DER 16704 86
METERIN(G) 2334 63
eXAMINE 5654 96
HEROINS 928 77
CL(A)IMING 17551 86
(S)EDITIOn 378 62
BURNING 16067 68
(T)RIPLETS 7974 68
RENEWAl(S) 2916 70
SuBBASI(N) 26652 97
OpTIMAL 7268 73
W(H)EEPING 18391 71
kAURIES 3540 64
C(R)IMPLES 18349 78
ENDIVEs 4151 83
SE(L)ENIDE 3335 86
ATTAIN(E)D 1036 70
VEnIALL(Y) 14260 76
oUTWILE 2047 81
JoINDER 2227 91
eARL(D)OMs 2639 86
STEA(D)IED 2621 74
TEASERS 3780 70
TREADL(E)S 952 60
MEDIATO(R) 203 76
(G)uERDONS 3043 77
TROWS(E)Rs 17265 74
TENsING 4258 70
GLOATED 1042 72
E(L)ATERIN 26 66
TELEOST 4300 70
COLINe(A)R 180 60
(F)ORENsIC 3891 89
rELAXED 7004 67
LOANING 4287 67
CRUISER 9044 95
IMPLODe 7665 69
ALLURES 8072 68
IN(D)ITERS 823 72
MANGR(O)Ve 5317 64
INURNED 2715 71
REvI(E)WAL 4060 90
COM(B)INER 8081 64
FETIALS 1463 65
WEDGInG 16992 82
pROTEGE(ES) 7129 80
EPHEDr(A)E* 0 67
INSIDER 1220 67
DURIoNS 2368 68
(T)REATISE 505 82
RECA(N)TED 1587 63
(D)EBATERs 2846 68
SALTIR(E)S 2090 65
VAU(N)TERS 2258 74
NEAREST 208 70
TANGE(L)OS 650 77
wOORARI(S) 9786 68
ADVICeS 6915 79
STRIATE 563 82
STRI(G)ILS 19800 60
ZITHERS 11009 97
ONsTAGE 393 70
(S)UNDOWNs 27324 89
VENDA(C)ES 9852 82
RISKERS 19553 103
ChOREM(A)N 8489 94
REJOICE 6643 81
AlAmODE 4259 71
DEBATIN(G) 1803 66
SNOOLEd 3967 72
WINDI(N)GS 23627 64
CA(S)EATEd 5855 67
GERMIER 9537 79
V(I)ATORES 232 82
rE(S)HAVES 19147 92
REDOWAs 1962 63
BLUEB(E)AT 19643 76
DArTLES 1149 86
LION(I)ZER 3793 78
HOPLITE 5126 81
ATRIUMS 4975 92
DARLING 2898 72
REGENTS 2504 72
FL(O)UNDER 5190 78
(S)IGNALER 467 80
(D)ELICATE 1522 65
OuTMODE 8058 77
BILSTeD 5625 65
ORALISM 3358 75
O(V)ERABLE 4797 80
SENIORs 1825 88
STErNLY 5787 73
OF(T)ENEST 7457 65
(U)PROOTED 6543 86
(V)ERNIeRS 6459 62
SANICLE 1482 66
OUTwEAR 895 72
(G)RISETTE 4009 80
ROWELED 4596 90
UpTEMPO 20299 68
INLaCED 1399 72
ALERTED 570 70
GREENIN(G) 14417 72
MOUN(T)eRS 2960 62
NON(H)ARDY 17632 69
UNfROZE(N) 19536 122
(e)NVISAGE 2350 76
(L)ACUNARY 18814 88
iPOMOEA 3592 73
GuMSHO(E)D 18863 70
RoSEBAY 4798 94
pARAN(O)EA 4469 61
DILAT(A)TE 2206 74
FOR(T)UNES 2807 74
OVErSEA 1188 75
PR(O)NATED 555 76
(D)ESIGNEE 4794 64
AqUAN(A)UT 26433 61
ARIETTA 711 70
STEA(L)ING 446 86
OLI(G)URIA 2842 70
OVeRNE(A)R 2211 74
DIG(IT)IZER 15386 74
WITLEss 12464 76
POUSSIE 10225 74
W(A)RDENLY* 0 82
JA(W)LINES 9478 70
R(E)ACTAn(T)S 5496 71
PROTONs 10517 71
(E)REcTION 300 74
SOUTANE 160 69
R(E)TAINED 25 60
F(O)ReWING 5327 78
OARLIKE 1037 81
O(R)IENTED 43 63
SESTINE 3786 64
GREETeD 6174 70
REALEST 583 71
NEGRONI 1314 62
(H)OrNIEST 578 83
LAETRI(L)E 1252 70
PER(F)ECTO 12891 73
SPLININ(G) 22462 86
(UN)lOADING 5447 66
DESPITE 4161 78
FACETED 7911 74
SITEWOR(K)* 0 98
sOL(E)MNER 3570 60
REAT(T)AIN 420 66
UNRIbBE(D) 17621 83
REBATOS 836 89
N(O)NuPLES 12400 74
FOAM(I)EsT 1943 66
(J)OYRIDER 15044 110
RINGERS 4259 86
UNTACK(E)D 13144 66
OFFENcE 19279 69
SILENCE 3941 86
(R)EIMAGED 2221 98
L(I)GrOINE 732 66
PAN(C)ETTA 13795 76
OESTR(I)OL 592 59
(W)RESTLES 16537 86
LINTOLS 8218 66
AIRL(I)NES 294 82
TwATTLE(D) 21577 77
(T)HINKERS 10140 80
I(N)DORSED 2622 76
POITREl 989 83
WINTE(R)ER 3878 62
BIGA(R)ADE 3960 98
AUR(E)OLES 470 60
(E)NTICERS 1529 89
LACTEAN 3438 73
V(E)CToRED 7608 76
RULIEST 1111 77
cASTING 6523 70
INTONED 746 82
TEDDIES 6076 70
KEtTLIN(G)* 0 89
DRyABLE 9952 76
NETTLER 3769 70
WINTERS 1560 75
LUTHIeR 3143 70
ARNATtO 3527 69
(A)UBRIETA 1191 83
SATURAN(T) 9493 60
EyELIDS 6340 79
SuBERIC 9656 77
BE(G)INNER 8052 69
SERvILE 4002 67
ROBO(R)ANT 9990 62
qUAGMI(R)E 11729 82
CUMBErS 18878 78
ANISEEd 205 67
VET(E)RANS 1610 82
DIO(C)ESAN 508 74
R(E)LOCATE 763 74
ALIENE(R)S 113 82
AN(O)INTED 123 63
FLAI(L)InG 20215 72
BASTARD 11114 100
TAR(D)YONS 4447 62
(D)ROWSIlY 15842 95
UPSTR(E)AM 8610 66
SPEAR(M)AN 9294 74
REMOLA(D)E 1801 64
(R)EINVADe 616 76
WAITRON 710 65
AREOlAE 363 66
SKlENTS 18145 72
sTOOLIE 989 77
mINERAL 641 80
EDITION 232 71
POTAB(L)eS 6369 76
INTREAT 189 72
D(I)ASPORE 528 74
R(E)NOVATE 281 80
AeRIALS 467 83
WAL(L)OWER 22431 78
(A)IRTIGHT 13484 76
GERENTS 2384 71
(C)AROTENE 279 74
PLATIEs(T) 4904 80
LOUVRES 6152 87
Qu(I)NTINS 21555 82
RELEV(A)NT 1606 62
SUAsION 5213 68
AG(E)nCIES 2219 61
HEXApOD 15797 94
INArA(B)LE 1125 60
FrEESIA 1003 66
COVARIE(D) 1927 102
SIAMESE 7602 90
REGALES 2456 71
LINTiER 503 68
TIPPERS 14337 84
TIN(F)OILS 7738 86
GISARME 2439 76
R(E)TINITE 1556 70
HuRTLED 8316 77
ACCE(D)ERS 18701 64
GARNETS 770 78
FUMI(G)ATE 7557 68
(RE)COUPlED 10577 66
U(N)RAISED 269 68
SLAN(D)ERS 6849 60
INERT(I)Al 87 122
NIOBIuM 13424 76
ELASTIC 1420 92
GRANTED 767 72
(T)EVATrON 1693 70
TRAV(E)STy 13335 64
NoNLIV(E)S 6067 90
LACTOSE(S) 9653 78
B(R)OOMIER 13083 78
ANgELIC 2528 83
ARIETTA 747 76
SNARLER 2699 67
OUTPlOD 15679 69
INV(I)TIvE* 0 86
T(O)LERANT 480 62
IDON(E)OUS 1489 63
BATFoWL 17762 77
(R)IMESTER 6457 83
RADOMES 1862 81
(S)APREMIa 5980 63
IVORIEs 2257 80
GROVIER 6289 76
SEXIEsT 14748 110
BELLhOP 22378 91
APOSTIl 3212 92
EFTSOON 5227 86
DISTAIN 2379 77
RO(S)ARIES 3084 66
SvELTER 6489 72
E(P)ITASIS 9325 70
VERBeNA 5322 69
ANDIRO(N)S 2157 68
(B)LEATING 1707 74
ENOUNcE 8274 70
(T)HROATED 3354 78
VEStIGI(A) 3976 83
aLLOWIN(G) 14152 74
REGNANT 2314 74
(B)IAsEDLY 8432 101
POTEN(T)Ly 14302 70
SINCeRE(R) 6414 72
TOURI(S)Ts 15453 59
DAWNIN(G)S 17053 67
(E)PIDOTIc 7397 74
A(C)QUIRER 14668 81
OAKIEST 1094 83
TEENiE(S)T 4429 58
GRoSSER 15343 74
RADDLIN(G) 11762 89
PREvIEW 12796 67
IGNOR(A)NT 1751 67
RE(C)iTERS 6415 61
BEMISTS 16541 80
MELANGE 5719 71
CONKiNG 20999 83
OUTSEEN 852 75
AIRWIsE 1797 73
BESTING 4723 78
INSANER 547 79
SEMINAr 695 83
SHEENIE 5936 78
FONDNE(S)S 21347 78
PAlMATE 10715 100
DELAINE 195 65
NAbBERS 14296 85
nONWORD 16430 75
LENGTHs 10185 76
BIRDSHO(T) 12909 66
(R)EINFECT 4313 71
EDGIEST 2467 88
F(I)BROSIS 23166 73
RONDELS 1256 80
CHARTER 10818 84
AIRLINE(S) 294 68
B(R)IONIES 1594 64
V(AR)IETALs 1338 86
COLONEL(s) 17839 80
CRO(S)STIE 6181 74
AIRShED 1496 80
(W)HIPPETS 26683 88
GREEN(E)ST 4909 74
EMEUTEs 12088 71
C(A)LTRAPS 18815 66
RIVAL(I)Ng 8907 70
GEMSTON(E) 4988 86
(T)RAWLEYS 8606 95
LINGE(R)IE 1890 65
UINTAIT(E) 1045 68
GOETHIt(E) 5793 86
D(E)NTALIA 303 60
vAGINAE 2798 66
MIDAIRS 8502 68
ROSINED 165 70
(B)ARITONE 50 90
SECURER 13857 74
MILAD(I)ES 4792 64
TRIGONs 1851 83
ANISEED 205 73
TIArAED 134 81
MA(N)GROVe 5592 82
eYELESS 20525 73
cITTERN(S) 5005 74
ATTENDS 2685 70
PARKInG 14713 82
INSURES 5427 87
oRIENTS 47 72
INTERC(O)M 2002 74
(E)NTREPOt 4350 80
G(A)ROTTeS 2005 62
MIXINgS* 0 80
iNSULAR 1779 89
DEN(T)ILED 4854 62
The of bingos played by the player that were not challenged off.
Triple Triples
Type Play Probability Score
AMASSI(N)G 20210 158
INERT(I)Al 87 122
Triple triples played by the player that were not challenged off. They do not have to be bingos.
Bingo Nines or Above
Type Play Probability Score
A(LI)ENNESS 5998 72
(NO)NVIRILE 5384 78
pROTEGE(ES) 7129 80
DIG(IT)IZER 15386 74
R(E)ACTAn(T)S 5496 71
(UN)lOADING 5447 66
(RE)COUPlED 10577 66
V(AR)IETALs 1338 86
Bingos played by the player that were nine letters or longer and were not challenged off.
Challenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were challenged off by an opponent.
Unchallenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
T(E)AZELeR* 0 88
DOTINES(S)* 0 70
MIsPLOT* 0 77
POGIE* 0 20
SOAPING(S)* 0 67
W(O)RMINGS* 0 72
VALED* 0 26
P(O)RER* 0 16
EPHEDr(A)E* 0 67
FINERS* 0 68
EMYDIC* 0 42
PERV(Y)* 0 26
W(A)RDENLY* 0 82
BEINE(T)* 0 16
BEIGER* 0 37
SITEWOR(K)* 0 98
KEtTLIN(G)* 0 89
(S)EEMY* 0 33
(R)EDIG* 0 24
WEINIE* 0 30
UTO(P)IC* 0 18
B(L)AES* 0 35
INV(I)TIvE* 0 86
IL* 0 37
BON* 0 27
RUP(I)AS* 0 33
OT* 0 30
UN(J)OIN* 0 30
(U)TOPIC* 0 33
NUM* 0 15
MIXINgS* 0 80
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were not challenged by an opponent.
Plays That Were Challenged
Type Play Probability Score
JEUNE 5827 40
O(V)ERHARD 10623 66
hONORES* 0 0
Q(U)EINT 4762 37
(NO)NVIRILE 5384 78
JABIL* 0 0
TROWS(E)Rs 17265 74
WINDI(N)GS 23627 64
REGENTS 2504 72
O(V)ERABLE 4797 80
MERGE 3798 0
OMNIV(OR)As* 0 0
GED 245 0
TAR(D)YONS 4447 62
FaECAL 8445 0
EVE 282 32
ZIR(A)M 5127 32
T(I)NMAN 5468 16
PAlMATE 10715 100
SYN 795 0
dYELESS* 0 0
eYELESS 20525 73
DEN(T)ILED 4854 62
Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Notable Lists
Many Double Words Covered
Four or More Consecutive Bingos
Games in which the player bingos at least 4 times in a row.
Game Stats
Stat Average Total
Games 1.00 274
Invalid Games 0.01 4
Incomplete 0.01 4
Disconnected 0.00 0
Other 0.00 0
Total Turns 25.87 7088
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Player Stats
Stat Average Total
Wins 0.51 139.5
Score 418.31 114616
Score per Turn 32.3317
Turns 12.94 3545
Vertical Plays 5.87 1608
Horizontal Plays 5.97 1637
One Tile Plays 0.41 112
Other Plays 0.69 188
Firsts 0.50 138
Vertical Openings per First 0.0000
Horizontal Openings per First 1.0000
Full Rack per Turn 0.8006
Exchanges 0.51 140
High Game 660
Low Game 257
Highest Scoring Turn 194
Bingos Played 2.09 573
Sevens 0.99 270
Eights 1.07 292
Nines 0.04 11
Tens 0.00 0
Elevens 0.00 0
Twelves 0.00 0
Thirteens 0.00 0
Fourteens 0.00 0
Fifteens 0.00 0
Bingo Probabilities 5837.22
Sevens 5459.48
Eights 6175.37
Nines 6183.00
Tens 0.00
Elevens 0.00
Twelves 0.00
Thirteens 0.00
Fourteens 0.00
Fifteens 0.00
Tiles Played 48.70 13345
A 4.48 1227
B 0.91 249
C 0.99 271
D 1.94 532
E 5.96 1632
F 0.91 249
G 1.46 400
H 1.00 275
I 4.36 1194
J 0.47 129
K 0.49 133
L 1.91 523
M 0.96 262
N 2.90 795
O 3.89 1065
P 0.99 270
Q 0.48 132
R 2.87 786
S 1.96 537
T 2.92 801
U 1.78 488
V 1.05 287
W 0.98 268
X 0.56 153
Y 0.99 270
Z 0.49 133
? 1.04 284
Power Tiles Played 4.99 1368
? 1.04 284
J 0.47 129
Q 0.48 132
X 0.56 153
Z 0.49 133
S 1.96 537
Power Tiles Stuck With 0.12 34
? 0.03 8
J 0.01 2
Q 0.01 3
X 0.00 1
Z 0.00 1
S 0.07 19
Turns With a Blank 1.83 502
Triple Triples Played 0.01 2
Bingoless Games 0.03 8
Bonus Square Coverage 15.84 4341
Double Letter 5.20 1425
Triple Letter 5.52 1513
Double Word 2.81 771
Triple Word 2.31 632
Phony Plays 0.17 46
Unchallenged 0.10 27
Challenged Off 0.07 19
Challenges 0.23 64
You Won 0.06 16
Opponent Lost 0.05 14
You Lost 0.05 15
Opponent Won 0.07 19
Challenge Percentage 0.5161
Defending Challenge Percentage 0.4242
Percentage Phonies Unchallenged 0.5870
Comments 9.84 2695
Comments Word Length 193.32 52969
Mistakeless Turns 12.94 3545
Mistakes per Turn 0.0000
Mistakes 0.00 0
Knowledge 0.00 0
Finding 0.00 0
Vision 0.00 0
Tactics 0.00 0
Strategy 0.00 0
Endgame 0.00 0
Time 0.00 0
Dynamic Mistakes 0.00 0
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Player Confidence Intervals
Tile p CI
A 0.4978 (0.4611, 0.5129)
B 0.4550 (0.4320, 0.5420)
C 0.4950 (0.4320, 0.5420)
D 0.4850 (0.4481, 0.5259)
E 0.4967 (0.4645, 0.5095)
F 0.4550 (0.4320, 0.5420)
G 0.4867 (0.4421, 0.5319)
H 0.5000 (0.4320, 0.5420)
I 0.4844 (0.4611, 0.5129)
J 0.4700 (0.4092, 0.5648)
K 0.4900 (0.4092, 0.5648)
L 0.4775 (0.4481, 0.5259)
M 0.4800 (0.4320, 0.5420)
N 0.4833 (0.4552, 0.5188)
O 0.4863 (0.4595, 0.5145)
P 0.4950 (0.4320, 0.5420)
Q 0.4800 (0.4092, 0.5648)
R 0.4783 (0.4552, 0.5188)
S 0.4900 (0.4481, 0.5259)
T 0.4867 (0.4552, 0.5188)
U 0.4450 (0.4481, 0.5259)
V 0.5250 (0.4320, 0.5420)
W 0.4900 (0.4320, 0.5420)
X 0.5600 (0.4092, 0.5648)
Y 0.4950 (0.4320, 0.5420)
Z 0.4900 (0.4092, 0.5648)
? 0.5200 (0.4320, 0.5420)
To learn more about these statistics, check the 'Confidence Intervals' section on the about page.
Opponent Stats
Stat Average Total
Wins 0.49 134.5
Score 411.96 112876
Score per Turn 31.8589
Turns 12.93 3543
Vertical Plays 5.73 1569
Horizontal Plays 6.23 1707
One Tile Plays 0.48 132
Other Plays 0.49 135
Firsts 0.50 136
Vertical Openings per First 0.0645
Horizontal Openings per First 0.9355
Full Rack per Turn 0.5893
Exchanges 0.33 90
High Game 610
Low Game 235
Highest Scoring Turn 158
Bingos Played 1.87 513
Sevens 0.91 248
Eights 0.94 257
Nines 0.03 8
Tens 0.00 0
Elevens 0.00 0
Twelves 0.00 0
Thirteens 0.00 0
Fourteens 0.00 0
Fifteens 0.00 0
Bingo Probabilities 6325.19
Sevens 5459.78
Eights 7148.34
Nines 7094.38
Tens 0.00
Elevens 0.00
Twelves 0.00
Thirteens 0.00
Fourteens 0.00
Fifteens 0.00
Tiles Played 48.80 13372
A 4.36 1196
B 1.05 289
C 0.95 260
D 1.99 546
E 5.70 1562
F 1.07 293
G 1.47 402
H 0.97 265
I 4.34 1189
J 0.52 142
K 0.51 140
L 1.96 538
M 1.01 278
N 2.89 791
O 3.96 1085
P 0.99 270
Q 0.49 135
R 2.95 809
S 1.92 527
T 2.87 787
U 2.03 557
V 0.92 251
W 1.00 275
X 0.44 120
Y 1.00 274
Z 0.50 138
? 0.92 253
Power Tiles Played 4.80 1315
? 0.92 253
J 0.52 142
Q 0.49 135
X 0.44 120
Z 0.50 138
S 1.92 527
Power Tiles Stuck With 0.08 23
? 0.01 3
J 0.00 1
Q 0.01 4
X 0.00 0
Z 0.01 2
S 0.05 13
Turns With a Blank 1.43 392
Triple Triples Played 0.01 2
Bingoless Games 0.07 20
Bonus Square Coverage 16.02 4390
Double Letter 5.16 1414
Triple Letter 5.55 1520
Double Word 3.11 851
Triple Word 2.21 605
Phony Plays 0.19 53
Unchallenged 0.14 37
Challenged Off 0.06 16
Challenges 0.23 64
You Won 0.07 19
Opponent Lost 0.05 15
You Lost 0.05 14
Opponent Won 0.06 16
Challenge Percentage 0.5758
Defending Challenge Percentage 0.4839
Percentage Phonies Unchallenged 0.6981
Comments 9.84 2695
Comments Word Length 193.32 52969
Mistakeless Turns 12.85 3520
Mistakes per Turn 0.0068
Mistakes 0.09 24
Knowledge 0.01 2
Finding 0.01 2
Vision 0.01 2
Tactics 0.02 6
Strategy 0.03 7
Endgame 0.02 5
Time 0.00 0
Dynamic Mistakes 0.00 0
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Opponent Confidence Intervals
Tile p CI
A 0.4844 (0.4621, 0.5139)
B 0.5250 (0.4330, 0.5430)
C 0.4750 (0.4330, 0.5430)
D 0.4975 (0.4491, 0.5269)
E 0.4750 (0.4655, 0.5105)
F 0.5350 (0.4330, 0.5430)
G 0.4900 (0.4431, 0.5329)
H 0.4850 (0.4330, 0.5430)
I 0.4822 (0.4621, 0.5139)
J 0.5200 (0.4102, 0.5658)
K 0.5100 (0.4102, 0.5658)
L 0.4900 (0.4491, 0.5269)
M 0.5050 (0.4330, 0.5430)
N 0.4817 (0.4562, 0.5198)
O 0.4950 (0.4605, 0.5155)
P 0.4950 (0.4330, 0.5430)
Q 0.4900 (0.4102, 0.5658)
R 0.4917 (0.4562, 0.5198)
S 0.4800 (0.4491, 0.5269)
T 0.4783 (0.4562, 0.5198)
U 0.5075 (0.4491, 0.5269)
V 0.4600 (0.4330, 0.5430)
W 0.5000 (0.4330, 0.5430)
X 0.4400 (0.4102, 0.5658)
Y 0.5000 (0.4330, 0.5430)
Z 0.5000 (0.4102, 0.5658)
? 0.4600 (0.4330, 0.5430)
To learn more about these statistics, check the 'Confidence Intervals' section on the about page.
Opponent Mistakes
Play Type Size Comment
10B HU(R)LY +27 Knowledge Medium
i actually chickened out on HILUM. i thought HILI was the plural of HILUS and didn't think of HILA. oops. -7 #knowledgemedium
N2 (FAB)LER +13 Finding Medium
he blocked LEANERS. i'm not unhappy with this play. sometimes i just like going for it. he seemed unlikely to have the last E and actually was probably very consonant heavy (bag only has 4 vowels in it). the best simming play is 5I E(ATE)N though, which also looks pretty good. perhaps this is the play and i just got too greedy. -5.5 #findingmedium
2D RADI(A)NtS +62 Strategy Large
i suppose i should play a proper endgame here. this is how to get spread. i knew with near absolute certainty DOWNSME(N) was phony and didn't bother looking for a bingo from it (pretty sure i'd find ordinals if needed). i have to block ENOW with 12C DE, and then draw an F or a G, which i know are in the bag. G bingoes in both lanes, and F bingoes up top with SAFRANIN. i also have tRI(JUGATE), in case i draw the F and he blocks the top lane. I was going to try it if i needed it, but wasn't sure of it. in any case, this results in a very large spread error, even though the game is 100% won. -85 #strategylarge #endgamelarge
2D RADI(A)NtS +62 Endgame Large
i suppose i should play a proper endgame here. this is how to get spread. i knew with near absolute certainty DOWNSME(N) was phony and didn't bother looking for a bingo from it (pretty sure i'd find ordinals if needed). i have to block ENOW with 12C DE, and then draw an F or a G, which i know are in the bag. G bingoes in both lanes, and F bingoes up top with SAFRANIN. i also have tRI(JUGATE), in case i draw the F and he blocks the top lane. I was going to try it if i needed it, but wasn't sure of it. in any case, this results in a very large spread error, even though the game is 100% won. -85 #strategylarge #endgamelarge
I6 MO(J)O +15 Strategy Small
LIMO at 9F ? sigh i guesssssss isn't EOR a pretty crap leave? -3 #strategysmall
1M PEA +27 Strategy Small
-2 ONAGER, i suppose that's pretty nice. #strategysmall
10D RIGORS +25 Strategy Medium
i thought this was ok since his next rack is random/bad, but GIROS keeps a significantly improved leave, and also gives back a whole lot less. oops. -5 #strategymedium
11J PHOT(O) +30 Vision Small
12A POET is the slightly stronger play. -1.5 #visionsmall
A3 LEWisES +85 Knowledge Large
the Lewises say hi. Hi Lewises! wasn't sure enough of webless or aweless for that matter, although i liked the second more. but i should find tWELvES. bingos with two blanks are hard. #knowledgelarge -9
8G JEUX +36 Tactics Small
8F JEUX is slightly better. #tacticssmall
9H (S)H(Y) +22 Tactics Small
Quackle picks the standard G8 JOHN, but I prefer SHY because JOHN opens high-scoring bingo lanes on rows 11 and 12 and sacrifices 4 points. But I didn't know TREADLES takes an S, and thus there was already a bingo lane on row 10. This may be a #tacticssmall
H11 LORAN +23 Vision Small
H11 NORIA is best, keeping the L for K9...wow. #visionsmall
J11 TEIN +13 Tactics Small
I don't know why I played this over J11 TENIA--maybe to keep the A for G9? Quackle prefers short plays like 4N DA, 14H AIT, and O10 AIT, but it doesn't realize that Mike has just fished. I like J11 TENIA best. #tacticssmall
E5 PIE +20 Tactics Large
Plays on column B making EWE block all of Mike's bingos, and they even preserve column E for me to use next turn. Quackle chooses B4 POPE, followed by B6 PE; although I might have chosen PE just so Mike doesn't know my rack. E5 PIE allows AILMENT, ALIMENT, ALUMINA, AMENTIA, and VALIANT at B1. #tacticslarge
4A CR(A)NED +35 Strategy Small
SCEND looks a little better now after FAH, my DS leave after CRANED isn't that good to play down from H1 and there are no good S hooks left. #strategysmall
H12 V(A)GI +36 Finding Large
Total whiff on the lovely 5H QIVIUT. #findinglarge
15K UNITE +29 Endgame Small
Should block the W plays on column N with ETUI, leaving UNITE for next turn - five better than UNITE, the next best move #endgamesmall
13B U(N)I +5 Endgame Small
12L DUI for 3 more #endgamesmall
B10 CUZ +41 Tactics Small
I guess I play 9C T(O)QUE. That's how bad the Q is. #tacticssmall
15H NENE +23 Tactics Small
I guess I need to play J1 NEATENs and hope to 3x3 next turn. This was brutal and an attempt to prevent Mike from being able to score. #tacticssmall
O7 PHO +33 Endgame Small
-1 #endgamesmall
2L (K)IWI +24 Strategy Medium
What a horrible position this is! PED was such a scary play, and I can do very little about it. KIWI is dangerous as hell, especially since Mike almost certainly has bingo tiles after PED. But that means that oftentimes Mike will bingo on Row 1 next turn, and I'll get a big score at O1. Quackle exchanges here, and I don't blame it. I had half a mind to do so myself. (-2% win chances) #strategymedium
1I POI +12 Strategy Large
I didn't want to do BIO and offer a new bingo lane for Mike that gives back nothing that I can use. If Mike bingos, I want him to do so at B1, opening up lanes I can use for a comeback bingo. BIO sims best by a mile, but I'm skeptical. #strategylarge?
4A B(I)CE +22 Endgame Small
(T)ErEBIC 5B is good for one point more. (-1) #endgamesmall
The listing of all of the player's mistakes. For more information about mistakes, check the 'Mistakes' section of the about page.
Game Line Error
Game 18409 23 Game is incomplete.
Game 16991 36 Game is incomplete.
Game 16988 39 Game is incomplete.
Game 16989 39 Game is incomplete.
Errors are (most likely) the result of malformed GCG files. To learn more, check the 'Errors and Warnings' section in the about page.
Game Line Error
Game 33187 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 10791, Round 6).
Game 33235 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 10791, Round 13).
Game 33278 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 10791, Round 16).
Game 34253 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 10523, Round 9).
Game 34473 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 10791, Round 3).
Game 33108 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 10791, Round 12).
Game 30524 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 10523, Round 17).
Game 33286 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 10791, Round 19).
Warnings are notifications to players that they might want to update some of their GCG files. To learn more, check the 'Errors and Warnings' section in the about page.