Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
i saw YOWZA but didn't like the leave and what i thought was worse defense. guess i was wrong though. ZONARY has much worse defense; lots of overlaps i guess, or plays through the Z. -3 #strategysmall
nooooothing is worse than ur opponent opening with a bingo and having a shitty response. Q likes UNBIND a lot more, I really considered it to put pressure on and maybe to induce a mistake. I should have done that, I got fixated on making this JIN spot and keeping the G open and stuff like that, but I don't hit enough with this. #strategymedium JUT is also better, or JUG. I do hit 1/5 about, but this doesn't seem good enough. also doesn't really keep things open if I play horizontally with DJINN
I need to play BOURN here, also makes his parallels give back more, another shot at the extremely important S. Sliiiightly fewer bingoes on average though, but still looks worth. #findingsmall
phony! I saw AWL/JARL, not PALEAE, and I think I considered EEW. this isn't even a great play if it's good! EEW sims best. #tacticssmall #knowledgesmall
phony! I saw AWL/JARL, not PALEAE, and I think I considered EEW. this isn't even a great play if it's good! EEW sims best. #tacticssmall #knowledgesmall
then I promptly forget about reovirus! I played this to make the position tougher and to keep the S open for me to hit, as I likely have the better rack. this may not actually make his position too hard as he has lucrative hooks with BDFKM. REOVIRUS is a big miss. #visionlarge
now I am finally burned for missing ASCRIBES! ARIARY comes up for the second game in a row, but this time I'm more confident it's best. TIARA has defensive merit as well, but I will want to deal with ASCRIBES at some point, especially because he can use it to fork the board and open the top left. ARIARY given his EFIKN rack looks best. This play error looks medium in size but the mistake of missing the A hook is a huge error. #visionlarge
Although I'm in a great position after HAMATE (his bingoes will empty the bag, leaving me up a tempo in a close endgame, meaning a very likely win), I should still do AHEM N11 - I really loved what that did, but I was only 90% sure that AHEM didn't take an S, and if it takes an S that could be a game-losing mistake. I felt like the chance that AHEM took an S was higher than the chance that HAMATE would lose me the game when AHEM would win me the game. Either way this is just an estimation and a clear word knowledge error. #knowledgemedium
still in a really good position, even though I can't block the 14 lane without giving back a bigger lane. I would have liked to leave 1 in the bag, but didn't realize at the time how crucial that was. The entire plan with U(K)E or 10M (N)EE is for him to bingo on row 14 immediately, giving me back plays on row 15 that should easily outrun. However, leaving 2 in the bag allows him to fish one, possibly N(U) 12C - after UKE I'm up 60, 58 after the fish. It's really hard for me to block bingoes, and I'm stuck either trying to outrun by playing something clunky on row 14 (again hard to not give back good overlaps, gotta hope for like GENUS or something), or outrunning with a UKES play, which will put me up 84 or 87 (depending on if I draw the G). After he gets my rack, I will be up between 76 and 81, and a lot of his row 14 bingoes score more than that (e.g. GIGATON, INNAGES). I'm still in a decent position given that outcome, but he could also fish for a higher score and still not allow me to block - e.g. ZA or ATE. Perhaps I should do RE(D)E 13K to play 3 tiles, forcing him to bingo immediately. It puts me up 60, but all his bingoes will be on the 14 row, and I saw my T for HIST and S for other HI? plays, so I should be outrunning even his 80 point bingoes very often. Although UKE is great for spread, it opens the door to some really great 1 tiles fishes that I can lose to quite often. #strategylarge
AGINT better than EGINT, that's news to me. I'm heading nowhere in this position without an S, though if he bingos first (which I would prefer to prevent) it will often give me a commeback. FEH sims 4 points higher, gotta trust that #tacticssmall
fuck, 13C OGLE is a setup. It's a good one because if I hit an A or O, I'm not opening a lane on row 15 after the X bomb. This was a key miss. Just found a good play getting rid of the X and sent it. #tacticsmedium
yeah so I started to get quite low on time here. The pool is extremely strong, and I thought my best chance was to bingo back. I didn't even know if that would score enough though. I don't think it does, like, at all. So this was just not a good move, since when Michael doesn't outrun with his bingo, he just blocks. I need to bite the bullet and play 15F INKED. I thought it might be giving him bingos he doesn't have, but a cursory glance shows that no, INKED doesn't give him anything new. Gotta try that. It would have won. He actually only bingos around 50% of the time. #strategySADDEST
hated the idea of a forking bingo at 14H, creating H15 and O column stuff. This still creates long-term weaknesses. A similar idea is to play 8M LOO, block that S hook and scoring spot and keep a better leave. This deals with the more troublesome of the two spots a 14-row bingo would create, creating indirect prophylaxis. The idea of creating a new lane without blocking any specific bingos might have given me too much pause. #strategysmall
oh maybe just FYK(E) here, a bit less defensive. didn't see it. I was close ot playing DYKE, hoping he might not know the D hook, but I think he would. Q has it similar to FYKE, and that seems a bt better than FYKES. #findingsmall
yeah this is bad, I need to be more proactive. obviously REHA(B) is the play here, but I started doubting myself on HEAPER , which I think is justifiable to open the board. I should have tond that. this is overly optimistic, it doesn't work out well usually. #findinglarge
I didn't like 11I MOW because it didn't give me an S hook, but I still bingo so much more since 8s are a thing. I could just do DOW if that bothers me so much. #tacticssmall
XI C9 might work enough that it's worth playing? Man, plays like that are so hard to pull the trigger on. I think Michael would even sniff the setup sometimes. Dunno? XED in the same spot is probably a bit better, which I figured afterwards, just liked the E a lot more than the I. #tacticssmall
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