Michael Fagen
Michael Fagen
Color Key
= Triple Triple
= Bingo 9+
= Improbable
= +
= +
= +
= + +
Player Lists
Type Play Probability Score
BETAINE 370 66
ARPENtS 1607 96
TOGaTED 2713 67
L(O)RDLING 13126 74
SOARInG 840 65
STUDIED 8435 81
EYEHOLe 14453 80
sATINET 553 73
aNECDOT(A) 1677 72
TRITOMa 4205 73
ASOCIAl 6166 74
(T)EAROOMS 2079 72
(G)IRlIEST 2985 74
sUITA(B)lY 15456 74
(D)ITTOING 9737 83
AIMLESS 9588 86
AgROUND 3669 67
ADOpTED 7610 66
QUOtIEN(T) 6934 114
FuNNEST 12648 85
MIRIeST 3650 72
(T)REASONS 1277 68
(T)ERTIANs 366 74
WHINERS 7165 82
(L)EADINGS 1134 63
CANONIS(E) 1766 70
TENUReS 1444 66
GAlIPoT 4842 77
AVIATES 1785 67
STANCES 9755 75
FITTING 17268 80
DAILIEs 1262 75
cONVE(R)TS 7023 176
OUTLIES 523 61
SeRIATE(D) 118 68
WHErEAT 5345 82
SEAGIRT 284 77
(A)PHORIsE 2057 66
ANOD(Y)NES 6038 63
ENTOIlS 182 71
AVENGeS 5729 72
UNSAL(T)ED 1698 68
DANSEuR 1151 80
aDIPOUS 5683 92
(R)EMOLADE 1901 86
(E)ASTINGs 3420 77
dEPOSIT(s) 9709 77
SPRAINS 11669 87
tEQUILA 3567 90
AeRATES 800 81
NOTATEs 778 64
(V)IRELAIS 2585 65
DErANG(E)S 1720 86
READ(I)ESt 117 82
PA(t)INAED 1208 60
B(E)LONGER* 0 65
(S)TAUMREl 4530 86
HOTHEAd 12527 81
AT(R)OPINE 59 63
(D)ONATING 3407 83
NAIVEST 710 73
DOw(N)TOWN 28891 61
REROUTE 2493 60
AEOLIAn 60 60
(I)NTRUDES 729 62
SEATRO(U)T 1157 70
(M)ISENtER 1623 80
Pe(N)TOSAN 3569 86
RELAXI(N)S 2644 67
ATRO(P)INE 59 60
OR(A)NGIER 318 70
DOTTERS 3497 64
ANSATED 1275 67
BARG(A)INS 9409 65
AEQUOR(I)N 708 88
(O)FTENeST 7496 64
DROPpIN(G) 22444 63
FORES(I)DE 1822 68
TONIGhT 11306 66
TOUSLES 9108 83
REGENTS 2504 68
INFOrM(E)D 4125 65
LAIRIEs(T) 315 74
ImAGERY 5965 72
(E)STEEMED 20722 72
fRITZES 11005 128
SOLICIT 9170 78
BEPa(I)NTS 3288 73
URANISM 4971 84
MINUTI(A)E 1249 68
HALTeRS 3152 73
PAVI(O)UrS 9219 98
DARKENS 6115 74
rEC(E)NTLY 10592 78
(T)ENURIAL 80 70
TORQUIe(R) 6945 101
PAREIRA(S) 5570 83
PREDAT(E)S 3060 76
rA(I)NBOWS 5916 64
VIGANOE(S)* 0 89
(N)EUTIONO* 0 60
JEWD(A)INS* 0 88
D(I)GICiTY* 0 82
(S)OLIVATO* 0 94
FRETBR(OW)N* 0 104
HARRIES 3804 74
SH(E)ETING 4649 63
AMOEBIC 6311 82
FoURTEE(N) 1978 70
DESIGNE(E) 5045 83
(D)AmPENER 7117 83
CURATES 3092 75
STREAKY 10980 87
COYOTES 12631 75
rEHEARS 7694 82
LORRIES 1699 69
GASTREA 2148 79
PI(S)TOLEs 9726 77
SINCERE 2251 73
LARCHES 9985 85
ROTATI(V)e 772 80
R(E)ADOUTS 332 77
POWErIN(G) 5613 89
sENT(I)ENT 5802 61
oURANGs 3673 75
OVERR(I)DE 4225 98
SqUAR(I)NG 13180 68
TREENA(i)L 31 78
RETABLO 871 74
AN(T)ERIOR 42 82
MUNDANE 9399 81
HESItAN(T) 2925 78
M(U)STARDY 19140 65
(D)OURINES 340 70
ADORA(B)LE 3213 64
HO(R)NLIkE 7695 149
SIXTIES 17048 91
UNMI(T)RED 2389 76
UrIDINE 1282 78
ATReSIC 639 72
DRAWEeS 4084 71
cETANES 2189 79
nECROSE 2654 74
(R)AMPOLES 6780 66
yAHRZEI(T) 11857 110
OPENING 6287 66
ANO(D)YnES 6045 66
NUDIt(I)ES 1855 131
AMBIENT 2280 67
ANTRORS(E) 457 77
(Q)uINTARS 7070 84
REIGNED 1141 79
FUNnIES 9064 89
ESTRAN(G)E 747 73
(J)EALOUsY 14756 92
SEI(C)ENTO 832 70
SEISURE 6341 88
E(P)IDURAL 2190 64
YIELDER 3965 78
CON(V)ERTS 6668 76
cAMEOIn(G) 3041 80
Pr(E)VAILS 5466 98
AR(E)OLATE 255 68
INSIDEs 8898 73
MaTCHES 14841 112
STRIDe(N)T 2149 68
STANGED 1722 72
INNATeL(Y) 2936 83
NOBODI(E)S 3933 65
INTUITS 11174 66
HE(A)DGATE 7663 86
SLAmMED 18846 78
(U)NHELPeD 17684 76
TEARFUL 3010 69
STATuRE 2837 64
EMPTIER 5146 84
SPINOUT 5651 76
MINAREt 224 63
DUCKErS 18321 91
NON(r)ATED 452 68
EPI(L)aTES 1474 60
UNN(E)RVED 12709 98
TEnONER 1155 78
(C)HANCIER 16985 75
AIRP(R)OOF 15806 67
CaREFRE(E) 17731 89
ARISTAE 137 73
DRaPERS 9405 66
DOWER(I)ES 1936 66
CRITiCs 21378 92
(E)sTRANGE 746 77
wA(N)DEROO 2077 68
OEILLaD(E) 1751 70
fIRRIER 18277 60
VIRTUES 3317 82
RULINGS 8457 83
HOTHEAD(S) 15843 84
sWEETIE 5945 70
(N)OcTURNS 15827 78
STO(R)ABLE 1334 68
OEIL(L)AdE 1750 57
N(E)TTIEST 10786 59
STUNNEd 8198 67
NITRo(S)YL 4693 70
GASO(L)IER 249 72
PAT(E)NTED 6379 80
INVOiCE 5545 80
HEREUN(T)o 1980 78
gENERAL 1186 72
OPTIONS 7388 84
FEUDIST 5648 80
CRINGL(E)S 6195 72
TANGLER 808 75
UNbEARS 3061 80
SOOTIER 367 67
(L)eVELLED 30107 63
MILESI(A)n 2580 67
I(N)SULTER 729 68
(E)NDORSER 3390 76
PO(E)TRIES 856 72
UNTIDIE(R) 871 80
AIRIEST 145 79
AtELIER 55 73
R(E)CRUITS 8365 61
BOt(T)LING 14499 76
BORANES 874 95
GUTSIeR 1748 77
VIGANOE(S)* 0 89
(N)EUTIONO* 0 60
JEWD(A)INS* 0 88
D(I)GICiTY* 0 82
(S)OLIVATO* 0 94
FRETBR(OW)N* 0 104
ROlAMIT(E) 213 80
(T)HINNEST 13097 63
LAME(N)TER 1604 61
VER(T)IGOS 2281 74
FANCIER 2397 78
ANALYsT 11618 75
GARDENS 1720 79
OUTLIES 496 70
NUME(R)ICS 9117 78
APOSTIL(S) 12340 62
aIRBO(R)NE 719 86
(FA)NTAsIES 5777 83
AB(s)INTHE 3280 62
(S)tODGIER 696 83
RESIDUA 428 64
AERAT(I)ON 10 68
MOONRiS(E) 2093 80
LANNERS 2821 71
ROULeAU 3576 74
CONNOTE 9010 84
PRANCER 11299 69
S(U)PERMaN 9066 78
STARVEs 9769 97
SEAFO(W)LS 18848 80
CoNTEST 7421 71
A(T)TAINER 444 61
POL(A)rISE 543 86
DIN(I)TROS* 0 65
VEINIER 2400 79
FIL(A)GrEE 2222 149
AECIDiA 3828 74
GRAZIER 8625 72
(C)ROSTINI 5051 62
TRiVETS 6574 66
UNITAGE(S) 476 72
PREV(E)NTS 10588 76
TEMPLAR 7058 86
KAISERI(N) 3162 78
ENTITLe 1902 67
FINNIER 7201 101
MEDICIN(E) 10384 92
GOLDEN(E)R 2012 74
(M)ELODIaS 1216 88
AGAROSE 1179 66
BIENNI(A)L 5572 61
pEBBLED 23552 77
TALI(p)EDS 2312 122
FOOTERs 5224 81
SIERRAN 552 68
GaTHERS 4502 67
OPAqUES 11754 75
ARTIFi(C)E 3817 89
ERRATAS 3245 65
SEPTA(R)Ia 1227 140
PATE(R)NAl 2520 76
S(T)ENCHeS 21168 78
GNAWERS 4715 98
HEPTAne 5340 78
A(n)ETHOLS 1382 63
A(C)AULINE 2536 61
AVERAgE 5963 65
UNWARIL(Y) 11118 70
sURLIER 4975 69
AIRLINE 136 74
INS(U)LARS 9503 59
PERCENt(S) 10060 92
C(U)RaTInG 5226 60
EXAc(T)ORS 7653 80
CH(A)LKIER 15653 84
LITERAT(I) 1097 64
PENUR(I)Es 3157 59
RELIaNT 17 77
PEANUTs 3190 74
CHAFERS 14822 113
RAdIANT 1170 64
GAROT(T)ED 1999 60
iSOLaTE 40 69
SNEAK(I)NG 11402 78
(A)ERoLItH 209 76
MISTAKE 7481 119
DAnCERS 2932 81
LEPORIN(E) 802 83
cORVINA 4516 70
AN(E)THOLS 1383 74
P(O)TTERED 7465 72
(D)OWNSIDE 9710 78
SUITINg 8950 75
(D)EMISTED 13731 76
COARsER 4603 78
FOL(K)IEST 11013 66
(E)ROTIZED 2165 107
TWISteR 6576 68
SCRIbES 17325 75
ATONING 2473 78
UINT(A)ITE 1045 59
DOTTIER 747 66
HALOGEN 2943 80
LENIENT 1901 79
BAILEES 2121 68
mAULERS 5613 67
REMINT(E)D 1616 64
QUOTERS 6965 102
LEARNED 568 70
CLAWERS 10007 74
(G)OVERNED 5248 102
(E)InSTEIN 3186 74
HAILERS 1538 79
rEHEARS 7694 82
WALlINg 17055 77
AMOEBAE 6586 80
(A)NTEROOM 940 70
DIS(G)AUGE* 0 62
MALAISE 3523 73
OUtDRAW 5837 67
NOoN(t)IDE 1948 66
CRITE(R)IA 3265 68
CREOD(O)NT 4197 80
sPEANED 4082 67
OVERS(H)OT 11851 68
R(E)LEASOR 1706 70
CELIBA(T)e 4236 76
(M)EDIATES 1540 86
ENHaL(O)ES 1908 70
VOICErS 5108 82
(O)UtGIVEN 2282 72
(P)ETITION 3969 83
(E)NTICERS 1613 83
RETInUE 222 63
RESpOND 3892 79
TONSILS 8577 72
STEE(R)ERS 19201 58
HUSTLED 11680 77
DA(R)TLInG 2222 63
COTTERs 7433 68
ETIOLA(T)E 276 61
G(R)ILLADE 5806 70
SER(I)ATES 1322 82
JAUN(T)IER 1269 66
DIATOms 3352 66
VENDERS 6737 94
INTRIG(U)E 1571 65
BARTERS 6446 71
(M)ORAInES 220 70
DELaTES 1373 79
(I)NARCHED 3306 78
UNSEATS 5438 61
(E)LONGATE 350 72
AgENTI(V)E 1088 61
TRI(A)ZOLE 706 78
NARROWS 9660 93
COEDI(T)Ed 7637 72
OLEINES 302 63
MEANERS 2225 72
sTENGAH 4705 113
OUTS(T)EER 3406 60
AVOIdER 320 76
TENOURS 529 71
FINITeS 3649 66
The of bingos played by the player that were not challenged off.
Triple Triples
Type Play Probability Score
cONVE(R)TS 7023 176
HO(R)NLIkE 7695 149
NUDIt(I)ES 1855 131
FIL(A)GrEE 2222 149
TALI(p)EDS 2312 122
SEPTA(R)Ia 1227 140
Triple triples played by the player that were not challenged off. They do not have to be bingos.
Bingo Nines or Above
Type Play Probability Score
FRETBR(OW)N* 0 104
FRETBR(OW)N* 0 104
(FA)NTAsIES 5777 83
Bingos played by the player that were nine letters or longer and were not challenged off.
Challenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were challenged off by an opponent.
Unchallenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were not challenged by an opponent.
Plays That Were Challenged
Type Play Probability Score
R(E)N(E)G* 0 0
CAPA* 0 0
MATHY* 0 0
B(Y)RA* 0 0
MAU(D)Y* 0 0
OY 85 0
P(EWE)D* 0 0
US 87 0
VEX(E)S 7050 0
(QUALE)S* 0 0
COV(EN)T* 0 0
GILL 3286 0
VEGET(A)* 0 0
FLU(K)ER* 0 0
GASH 2669 0
(U)NHELPeD 17684 76
TEnONER 1155 78
(M)YTHOI 11535 50
VICARS 7562 0
BAAH* 0 0
HOH* 0 0
(CREME)T* 0 0
(A)R 13 0
UNbEARS 3061 0
rE(ADJURED)* 0 0
S(AR)* 0 0
I(L)EATE* 0 0
(TI)C 371 0
GRAZIER 8625 72
(M)ELODIaS 1216 88
BOS 613 0
NIQAB* 0 0
AYE(D)* 0 0
SUD* 0 0
(D)EMISTED 13731 76
GR(R)R* 0 0
NIEF* 0 0
F(L)INK* 0 0
HAILERS 1538 79
WAGGY* 0 0
DECILES 6611 0
IGGY* 0 0
AXI(C)* 0 0
CL(I)NT* 0 0
Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Opponent Lists
Type Play Probability Score
PEM(O)LINE 4832 66
GEARHE(A)D 8052 85
gRAVITO(N) 1987 92
REMAILE(R) 3708 70
PREWARn(S) 14083 98
ROULEA(U)x 14358 59
A(T)ENOLoL 3854 122
ORNITHI(C) 10006 76
IN(T)EREST 1311 74
BEELINE 5943 72
ANNuLAR 11164 64
PL(A)NCHET 14695 66
JeRKIES 15951 75
CODEINS 1995 75
ALLoVER 7667 65
ANISE(E)DS 2763 60
TAGINEs 279 74
RIDABLE 1450 71
SCANTEr 1588 83
SANIFIE(D)* 0 90
AIRTHED 646 79
KAISERI(N) 3160 89
(W)InSOmER 4156 80
ANATTOS 5926 69
(C)OOLAgES* 0 80
SUNTrAP 8009 87
STAIDER 103 78
TECHIEs 8362 95
(I)SOCLInE 3228 68
QUeRIER 11437 118
EvA(C)UATE 10929 72
(V)EALIEST 1561 74
REINDUC(E) 3095 86
RESITED 602 80
pALACEs 13804 73
TAENIOI(D) 39 70
BUTy(F)IED* 0 76
ENC(A)NTED* 0 94
rEHIRES 7719 80
BATTUEs 9374 79
(RE)ALITIES 139 80
ADDENDS 19343 101
EXACTER 8533 103
AZUr(I)TES 2511 194
VErMEIL 8033 78
ANORETI(C) 55 74
EROSIVE 1260 75
REDLIN(E)S 958 61
SEDITIO(N) 403 62
(S)PINULED* 0 86
(Z)AIBATSU 20475 107
OUTL(I)NER 104 60
DEALATE 1687 72
REPAVeS 8326 95
R(E)TRiALS 934 75
CELLIST 12946 73
PLAINTS 4964 91
NAILSET 111 92
ACETONe 480 68
(R)ESONATE 46 77
CEN(T)RING 7462 65
BIGuINE 8238 74
ANTHERS 1596 76
O(V)ERNICE 2605 68
(E)UGLENAS 3270 72
iNFLATE 660 69
NAUGHTs 13062 86
CROONeR 9014 79
HACkIES 15649 80
LIT(E)RARY 2940 63
SCALIER 1418 85
SEMINAL 1473 87
UnWAR(I)ER 2941 70
(T)RECENtO 4577 72
ANEARED 797 69
(N)OVERTUM* 0 73
LEGATOR 390 70
(A)POCRINE 900 78
SNAGGED 12428 74
TERRoRS 11655 68
OU(T)EATEn 735 70
CONCHAE 17187 112
TELEOST 4493 69
P(R)EADApT 19038 90
eUGEN(I)AS 719 82
TOU(G)hIES 4384 82
PITMANS 9288 76
LIN(G)ERER 4222 140
(A)NGIOMAS 7045 86
BlONDIN(E) 6050 76
GHASTLY 19490 85
MODEsTY 11264 75
FU(S)ARIES* 0 72
iNPOURs 5887 66
UNLEArN(S) 3976 74
mELODIA 855 69
FIL(I)ATES 2581 79
RIVIERE 8452 78
BROThEL 8076 64
TEENAgE 2130 61
LOGI(C)ISM* 0 67
ENTIRE(L)Y 1621 88
FETA(T)IoN 763 72
AGEINGS 6222 76
DENIALS 417 72
TRILL(E)RS 11515 59
VIO(L)ATOR 3453 63
DUOTONe 2136 79
iN(T)ER(FE)RED 4133 64
TILTERS 2856 79
SOUnDED 9095 75
TAILORE(D) 14 84
PIGnUTS 13084 81
SA(V)ELOYS 18830 82
INER(R)ANT 1186 58
AGoNIST 841 77
ARAbIZE 8398 122
SAP(I)ENCY 10883 69
LEA(D)IEST 371 72
MILEsIA(N) 2583 88
IN(E)RTIAL 93 66
PRORATE(S) 3571 62
FORDONE 5001 84
AGISTED 757 73
DEFiANT 641 75
PRESTER 10918 82
W(AL)LETFUl* 0 66
ADOPTIv(E) 2053 83
(I)NSPECTS 17910 76
UNSTABL(E) 4477 83
PATONCE 2733 81
R(E)QuITER 10540 88
TRaM(P)LES 9059 72
REFUTER 10892 85
(A)RANEIDS 305 61
(R)ESINOID 400 80
KATHODE(S) 10978 72
M(ONO)TONIES 7553 76
GRADA(B)LE 9679 167
HAIRIeR 4277 82
CREnELS 6453 77
INUL(A)SES 4071 70
MELaNID(E)* 0 72
PARIANS 5474 76
TEENtSY 10901 75
DINGERS 1731 80
SOLERET 851 67
PeCTID(E)S* 0 76
BRATTL(E)S 7889 78
MESSING 14423 87
SAn(G)UINE 3034 59
cRATONS 3406 68
InCIVIL 20432 65
GN(A)TTIER 669 86
RODE(O)ING 938 60
CERA(M)ALS 13341 74
TANNeST 6033 71
CORNUaL 5812 72
(T)EEtHING 8474 94
TRAVOIS 1595 104
ANERGIA 348 64
UN(A)RgUED 8759 80
NA(R)RATES 2330 70
CAPSiZE(D) 19302 93
HANGUPS 19502 90
(K)ERATOID 703 69
RE(S)ONATE 46 70
UNDARIN(G) 8089 64
REpAIN(T)S 441 74
VEcTORE(D) 7999 65
GOORALS 7923 80
R(I)NGNECk 20793 78
PLASTeR 3176 75
(G)ARdENER 4208 77
DENTUR(E)S 2099 77
TENSEST 13729 70
D(A)INTIES 293 72
PEcORIN(O) 4975 68
GLAmO(U)RS 12727 62
ROOFiNG 8805 74
(R)EINSmEN 6131 74
UNSTEEL 2790 71
dREDGER 17323 81
(L)ATTICES 4883 83
E(N)TWINES 6140 62
SAnICLE 1413 87
DAUTIES 428 70
Ch(O)OSILY 25314 74
FAIrEST 663 78
ATOMISE(R) 227 74
RADULAE 2682 70
B(R)OOKITE 9315 86
SHREW(D)IE 10473 80
JESTING 8225 96
mODERAT(O) 2078 77
DELLIES 9214 75
SAGUARO 6707 73
SPAREST 9769 72
PELTATE 7686 74
REENdOW 2648 72
LENDERS 2782 85
beDE(V)IL(IN)G 8839 78
OXTAILS 5957 94
CASTLES 12831 72
NONDRUG 13402 68
SHAVERS 17285 77
REsIDUA 427 67
PREFA(D)ES 10391 65
STIpEND 3268 85
RHEUMiC 14895 86
WAILERS 1564 74
FUSTIAN 4958 76
ADVISED 9575 69
NIDUSES 8442 74
UPSELLs 23452 70
CADdIES 9567 96
ENTASIA 135 81
TEARIER 344 67
C(O)LEWORT 11811 65
AKIN(E)SIA 5849 74
ENTREAt 1019 75
OVE(R)WIND 4135 70
A(V)IARiES 2990 64
ANA(L)ECTS 4899 61
AGAROsE 1237 68
SCHmEAR 14862 90
PURLInS 11072 69
RESINED 595 77
TOUTERS 3515 71
GALENAS 3982 71
I(N)TERNED 1296 62
T(A)IlHEAD* 0 72
ARTLESS 5401 86
HYOScI(N)E 11961 64
READIES 207 73
ABeLIAN 1769 70
TUITION 5919 66
EREWHIL(E) 12987 80
SlURPIn(G) 16123 86
(E)XTRANET 7222 98
BIOPIcS 20159 80
LETTERs 6239 64
PICOT(E)ES 4825 80
DECANES 3848 65
sOCAGER 2932 72
BOTHERS 8081 73
PAR(E)NTaL 2658 67
LEANERS 579 76
VE(X)ILLAE* 0 69
sT(U)RDIER 3979 82
E(MA)NATING 4956 78
(O)RGANDIE 60 83
(N)ATIvELY 3364 78
INTRANt 5533 72
TaLONED 148 74
TOWlINE 986 76
NERVATE 1077 88
MoSEYED 12157 82
GESTURE(D) 5814 74
FILLETS 12976 76
(L)YRIcONS 12920 72
ADIPOSE 860 92
GAR(D)EnIA 626 61
AU(N)TLIKE 2638 67
SOILURE(S) 4863 77
GASTRIN(S) 8427 80
FENiNGS 11654 80
BUSTARD 11044 83
(S)PARoIDS 12329 90
O(U)TGAUGE* 0 70
DISJoIN 13093 82
nARCEIN 2099 70
C(E)NTRINg 7423 76
(S)TRONtIA 966 74
P(R)EPLANS 18498 70
BELUGAS 10132 74
ADIPOSE(S) 5936 92
rATANIE(S) 83 61
gRADATE 2146 82
PINTAdO 1656 89
ANEARED 799 62
(W)AVELETs 10414 76
(T)HORAXEs 7660 92
sAF(E)TIED 1529 80
DILUEN(T)S 1699 76
AREOlAS 735 83
rEACTI(N)G 785 78
AIrIEST 145 83
MANLESS 12895 87
UNSUITs* 0 74
BLASTER 2924 77
UNTEsTE(D) 7653 68
QUERIED 7325 104
(E)UGLENAS 3270 68
TESTATE 11836 79
rIN(G)wOR(K)S 22811 86
PyR(O)LIZE 16900 122
APIA(R)IST 7808 72
ANORET(I)C 55 74
PRIMATE 2305 75
RIG(H)TISt 19924 96
DATChAS 18601 76
PRESIFT 7144 83
CORBIES 5067 84
DEME(R)SAL 5305 82
BUGAbOO 21878 74
RIVAGES 2447 76
SpIRITS 18441 71
ROAD(S)TER 1142 70
BORNITE 335 73
PATOnCE 2730 66
ARANEID(S) 305 72
EIRENI(C)S 3479 72
ELODEAS 764 76
SToTIN(O)V 13454 74
(U)NLOAdER 306 74
PIRATES 686 67
BANKiNG(S) 25187 84
DRAW(B)ORE 11164 176
(I)NTeRLAY 433 70
MON(T)AGED 2238 70
IOLITES 704 66
(A)NTISERa 82 59
EClOSIN(G) 4362 83
EPERGNE 11161 63
YESTERN 4225 81
PRIMUL(A)S 15468 102
DOILIES 1496 84
(R)ATANIES 83 70
UTOPiST 12753 70
SCALIER 1486 82
ANAE(M)IAS 6630 70
BOOSTED 8039 79
sAF(A)RIED 2539 74
NAGGIER 3736 79
SEDIlIA 1266 79
RENOVAT(ED) 380 65
TOLER(A)TE 732 62
LACEWE(E)D* 0 78
MALAISE 3523 68
RAMPION(S) 5959 66
WANTING 10462 69
(C)REVASsE 18216 89
BREWERS 17981 74
CHAS(T)ElY 18327 84
TELSONS 6175 75
tAWDRIE(D)* 0 92
TOUS(L)ING 4963 61
CH(I)RPIER 22788 88
(R)ELOADED 3438 83
ENTREES 2693 105
DANDIeS 2746 78
ANTLERE(D) 351 63
AERoBIA 392 90
WORSENS 10408 67
DISGA(U)GE* 0 79
(L)UDdITES* 0 74
IDEATIv(E) 1756 77
FA(C)TOrED 4002 80
iN(T)ER(FE)RED 4133 64
LITTERS 2854 79
SAUTERN(E) 379 68
OUTRIDE 180 72
INWA(R)DLY 11682 68
cIT(I)ZENS 14397 102
VELCROs 11227 81
RACE(M)OSE 4806 70
PReADUL(T) 4494 76
(WE)IRDNESS 9907 92
FILATEL(Y)* 0 80
HEARTIL(Y) 3355 95
CHOOSER 12604 91
NIBLETS 3210 95
INLAYER 684 66
REELERs 11665 64
RESIDUA(L) 702 80
D(U)TIABLE 2291 89
GEOP(H)ORE* 0 68
ERiGE(R)ON 1186 64
THiOURE(A) 211 83
SPRIN(T)ED 2390 64
O(U)TWAITs 8472 72
B(A)NDIEST 996 72
RETAIN(E)D 28 70
sPIROID 9174 73
RE(s)CALED 5287 90
BATTENS 6444 71
PaRAGON 8448 83
COASTL(IN)e 202 72
U(n)WISEST 12281 78
TE(X)TURAL 12796 84
(P)RAWNERs 14016 78
vIRGIN(AL)S 9264 83
OUTRAVE(S) 1405 63
(T)URNDOwN 15858 77
TONNEAU 778 68
URBAN(E)ST 2358 72
(C)O(N)TAInER 352 76
pePER(O)NI 9802 131
LADLERS 8468 76
BISTROS 13237 78
OVULa(T)ED 2789 94
BOGGLE(R)S 21780 74
STURG(E)ON 1663 59
INTAgLI(O) 1580 74
BIMODAL 10253 74
ANECHOI(C) 14316 98
OUtlAW(E)D 2793 96
A(d)RENALS 1957 60
PIEtIES 4579 82
KE(Y)hOLES 23987 176
SABINES 6657 72
The of bingos played by the player that were not challenged off.
Triple Triples
Type Play Probability Score
A(T)ENOLoL 3854 122
AZUr(I)TES 2511 194
LIN(G)ERER 4222 140
GRADA(B)LE 9679 167
DRAW(B)ORE 11164 176
pePER(O)NI 9802 131
KE(Y)hOLES 23987 176
Triple triples played by the player that were not challenged off. They do not have to be bingos.
Bingo Nines or Above
Type Play Probability Score
(RE)ALITIES 139 80
iN(T)ER(FE)RED 4133 64
W(AL)LETFUl* 0 66
M(ONO)TONIES 7553 76
beDE(V)IL(IN)G 8839 78
E(MA)NATING 4956 78
rIN(G)wOR(K)S 22811 86
RENOVAT(ED) 380 65
iN(T)ER(FE)RED 4133 64
(WE)IRDNESS 9907 92
COASTL(IN)e 202 72
vIRGIN(AL)S 9264 83
(C)O(N)TAInER 352 76
Bingos played by the player that were nine letters or longer and were not challenged off.
Challenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were challenged off by an opponent.
Unchallenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
FO(R)DER* 0 45
(P)AWA* 0 27
SANIFIE(D)* 0 90
RE(P)ELT* 0 34
DULC(I)* 0 33
(C)OOLAgES* 0 80
HATTY* 0 60
C(O)RMED* 0 22
(MONGER)ER* 0 33
TINTY* 0 21
BUTy(F)IED* 0 76
ENC(A)NTED* 0 94
JILTY* 0 35
(S)PINULED* 0 86
XYLIN* 0 46
BEGADS* 0 46
INJO(IN)* 0 26
(N)OVERTUM* 0 73
FU(S)ARIES* 0 72
FRACT(A)* 0 42
LOGI(C)ISM* 0 67
SENORE* 0 88
BEN(I)N* 0 15
W(AL)LETFUl* 0 66
MELaNID(E)* 0 72
PeCTID(E)S* 0 76
TERGE* 0 21
BART* 0 27
C(U)TTIER* 0 26
TRIFF* 0 70
ENGENU(E)* 0 27
GOTA* 0 24
XG* 0 42
HEND* 0 29
LO(G)OES* 0 24
T(A)IlHEAD* 0 72
INROS* 0 44
VE(X)ILLAE* 0 69
(R)OOFEY* 0 40
O(U)TGAUGE* 0 70
UNSUITs* 0 74
DHUMB(A)* 0 24
(T)AMMOR* 0 42
LACEWE(E)D* 0 78
(B)OBETA(H)* 0 42
W(I)TFUL* 0 32
tAWDRIE(D)* 0 92
DRUFF* 0 37
DRUFFY* 0 55
BACKIE* 0 50
DISGA(U)GE* 0 79
RYRON(TA)s* 0 31
(OBEY)ANCE* 0 48
(L)UDdITES* 0 74
FILATEL(Y)* 0 80
(EM)BERY* 0 48
GEOP(H)ORE* 0 68
T(I)CKIER* 0 52
ADIPO(ID)* 0 42
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were not challenged by an opponent.
Plays That Were Challenged
Type Play Probability Score
(A)X 89 27
CLAW 3160 0
EXACTER 8533 103
SCALIER 1418 85
GRADA(B)LE 9679 167
(C)OWTIP* 0 0
JEST 2125 0
UREDIAs* 0 0
W(A)* 0 0
TORS(A)L* 0 0
(E)XOURGIc* 0 0
PyR(O)LIZE 16900 122
EASING 345 0
EIRENI(C)S 3479 72
SINTERs 2876 0
PRIMUL(A)S 15468 102
RR* 0 0
AErOL(I)FT* 0 0
TOUS(L)ING 4963 61
AE 1 0
PaRAGON 8448 83
Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Notable Lists
Many Double Words Covered
Games in which at least 15 double word bonus squares were covered.
High Scoring
Four or More Consecutive Bingos
Games in which the player bingos at least 4 times in a row.
Game Stats
Stat Average Total
Games 1.00 221
Invalid Games 0.02 5
Incomplete 0.01 3
Disconnected 0.01 2
Other 0.00 0
Total Turns 26.05 5758
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Player Stats
Stat Average Total
Wins 0.43 96
Score 410.91 90811
Score per Turn 31.5974
Turns 13.00 2874
Vertical Plays 5.84 1290
Horizontal Plays 5.94 1312
One Tile Plays 0.57 125
Other Plays 0.67 147
Firsts 0.48 106
Vertical Openings per First 0.0000
Horizontal Openings per First 1.0000
Full Rack per Turn 0.4475
Exchanges 0.24 54
High Game 791
Low Game 262
Highest Scoring Turn 176
Bingos Played 1.81 401
Sevens 0.85 188
Eights 0.95 209
Nines 0.02 4
Tens 0.00 0
Elevens 0.00 0
Twelves 0.00 0
Thirteens 0.00 0
Fourteens 0.00 0
Fifteens 0.00 0
Bingo Probabilities 5247.66
Sevens 5314.70
Eights 5209.42
Nines 2894.00
Tens 0.00
Elevens 0.00
Twelves 0.00
Thirteens 0.00
Fourteens 0.00
Fifteens 0.00
Tiles Played 48.12 10634
A 4.33 956
B 0.93 206
C 1.01 224
D 1.93 427
E 5.71 1261
F 0.99 218
G 1.47 325
H 0.92 204
I 4.27 943
J 0.48 105
K 0.48 105
L 1.84 406
M 0.96 212
N 2.91 644
O 4.01 887
P 0.98 216
Q 0.48 106
R 2.80 618
S 1.93 426
T 2.92 646
U 1.99 439
V 0.94 207
W 1.00 221
X 0.47 103
Y 0.91 201
Z 0.52 114
? 0.97 214
Power Tiles Played 4.83 1068
? 0.97 214
J 0.48 105
Q 0.48 106
X 0.47 103
Z 0.52 114
S 1.93 426
Power Tiles Stuck With 0.11 25
? 0.04 9
J 0.00 0
Q 0.02 5
X 0.01 2
Z 0.00 1
S 0.04 8
Turns With a Blank 1.31 289
Triple Triples Played 0.03 6
Bingoless Games 0.10 22
Bonus Square Coverage 15.86 3504
Double Letter 5.33 1179
Triple Letter 5.34 1181
Double Word 2.85 630
Triple Word 2.33 514
Phony Plays 0.39 86
Unchallenged 0.15 34
Challenged Off 0.24 52
Challenges 0.43 94
You Won 0.12 26
Opponent Lost 0.03 7
You Lost 0.04 9
Opponent Won 0.24 52
Challenge Percentage 0.7429
Defending Challenge Percentage 0.1186
Percentage Phonies Unchallenged 0.3953
Comments 9.56 2112
Comments Word Length 236.09 52175
Mistakeless Turns 13.00 2873
Mistakes per Turn 0.0003
Mistakes 0.00 1
Knowledge 0.00 1
Finding 0.00 0
Vision 0.00 0
Tactics 0.00 0
Strategy 0.00 0
Endgame 0.00 0
Time 0.00 0
Dynamic Mistakes 0.00 0
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Player Confidence Intervals
Tile p CI
A 0.4811 (0.4523, 0.5101)
B 0.4650 (0.4200, 0.5424)
C 0.5050 (0.4200, 0.5424)
D 0.4825 (0.4379, 0.5245)
E 0.4758 (0.4562, 0.5062)
F 0.4950 (0.4200, 0.5424)
G 0.4900 (0.4312, 0.5312)
H 0.4600 (0.4200, 0.5424)
I 0.4744 (0.4523, 0.5101)
J 0.4800 (0.3946, 0.5678)
K 0.4800 (0.3946, 0.5678)
L 0.4600 (0.4379, 0.5245)
M 0.4800 (0.4200, 0.5424)
N 0.4850 (0.4459, 0.5165)
O 0.5012 (0.4506, 0.5118)
P 0.4900 (0.4200, 0.5424)
Q 0.4800 (0.3946, 0.5678)
R 0.4667 (0.4459, 0.5165)
S 0.4825 (0.4379, 0.5245)
T 0.4867 (0.4459, 0.5165)
U 0.4975 (0.4379, 0.5245)
V 0.4700 (0.4200, 0.5424)
W 0.5000 (0.4200, 0.5424)
X 0.4700 (0.3946, 0.5678)
Y 0.4550 (0.4200, 0.5424)
Z 0.5200 (0.3946, 0.5678)
? 0.4850 (0.4200, 0.5424)
To learn more about these statistics, check the 'Confidence Intervals' section on the about page.
Opponent Stats
Stat Average Total
Wins 0.57 125
Score 423.79 93657
Score per Turn 32.4747
Turns 13.05 2884
Vertical Plays 5.93 1311
Horizontal Plays 5.93 1311
One Tile Plays 0.57 126
Other Plays 0.62 136
Firsts 0.52 115
Vertical Openings per First 0.6429
Horizontal Openings per First 0.3571
Full Rack per Turn 0.9379
Exchanges 0.32 70
High Game 664
Low Game 225
Highest Scoring Turn 223
Bingos Played 1.90 421
Sevens 0.91 202
Eights 0.93 206
Nines 0.04 9
Tens 0.02 4
Elevens 0.00 0
Twelves 0.00 0
Thirteens 0.00 0
Fourteens 0.00 0
Fifteens 0.00 0
Bingo Probabilities 6281.95
Sevens 6389.76
Eights 6183.47
Nines 6001.38
Tens 6164.50
Elevens 0.00
Twelves 0.00
Thirteens 0.00
Fourteens 0.00
Fifteens 0.00
Tiles Played 49.21 10875
A 4.54 1003
B 1.02 225
C 0.95 209
D 1.98 438
E 5.96 1317
F 1.00 221
G 1.43 315
H 1.04 230
I 4.42 977
J 0.52 114
K 0.52 114
L 1.97 436
M 1.00 221
N 2.88 636
O 3.82 845
P 1.00 222
Q 0.47 104
R 2.92 645
S 1.99 440
T 2.89 638
U 1.83 404
V 1.02 225
W 1.00 220
X 0.52 116
Y 1.08 238
Z 0.48 106
? 0.98 216
Power Tiles Played 4.96 1096
? 0.98 216
J 0.52 114
Q 0.47 104
X 0.52 116
Z 0.48 106
S 1.99 440
Power Tiles Stuck With 0.10 21
? 0.01 3
J 0.01 2
Q 0.03 6
X 0.00 0
Z 0.00 0
S 0.05 10
Turns With a Blank 1.98 438
Triple Triples Played 0.03 7
Bingoless Games 0.07 15
Bonus Square Coverage 16.31 3605
Double Letter 5.52 1221
Triple Letter 5.40 1194
Double Word 3.00 663
Triple Word 2.38 527
Phony Plays 0.43 95
Unchallenged 0.31 69
Challenged Off 0.12 26
Challenges 0.43 94
You Won 0.24 52
Opponent Lost 0.04 9
You Lost 0.03 7
Opponent Won 0.12 26
Challenge Percentage 0.8814
Defending Challenge Percentage 0.2571
Percentage Phonies Unchallenged 0.7263
Comments 9.56 2112
Comments Word Length 236.09 52175
Mistakeless Turns 12.81 2832
Mistakes per Turn 0.0187
Mistakes 0.24 54
Knowledge 0.05 11
Finding 0.08 17
Vision 0.01 2
Tactics 0.04 9
Strategy 0.05 10
Endgame 0.02 5
Time 0.00 0
Dynamic Mistakes 0.00 0
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Opponent Confidence Intervals
Tile p CI
A 0.5044 (0.4632, 0.5210)
B 0.5100 (0.4308, 0.5534)
C 0.4750 (0.4308, 0.5534)
D 0.4950 (0.4488, 0.5354)
E 0.4967 (0.4671, 0.5171)
F 0.5000 (0.4308, 0.5534)
G 0.4767 (0.4421, 0.5421)
H 0.5200 (0.4308, 0.5534)
I 0.4911 (0.4632, 0.5210)
J 0.5200 (0.4055, 0.5787)
K 0.5200 (0.4055, 0.5787)
L 0.4925 (0.4488, 0.5354)
M 0.5000 (0.4308, 0.5534)
N 0.4800 (0.4567, 0.5275)
O 0.4775 (0.4615, 0.5227)
P 0.5000 (0.4308, 0.5534)
Q 0.4700 (0.4055, 0.5787)
R 0.4867 (0.4567, 0.5275)
S 0.4975 (0.4488, 0.5354)
T 0.4817 (0.4567, 0.5275)
U 0.4575 (0.4488, 0.5354)
V 0.5100 (0.4308, 0.5534)
W 0.5000 (0.4308, 0.5534)
X 0.5200 (0.4055, 0.5787)
Y 0.5400 (0.4308, 0.5534)
Z 0.4800 (0.4055, 0.5787)
? 0.4900 (0.4308, 0.5534)
To learn more about these statistics, check the 'Confidence Intervals' section on the about page.
Player Mistakes
Play Type Size Comment
13G R(E)LEASOR +70 Knowledge Large
accepted when he realized it gave him this. I was 90% sure it was good but decided I had to chall since I won if it came off #knowledgelarge
The listing of all of the player's mistakes. For more information about mistakes, check the 'Mistakes' section of the about page.
Opponent Mistakes
Play Type Size Comment
O12 (P)AWA +27 Knowledge Small
phony! I saw AWL/JARL, not PALEAE, and I think I considered EEW. this isn't even a great play if it's good! EEW sims best. #tacticssmall #knowledgesmall
O12 (P)AWA +27 Tactics Small
phony! I saw AWL/JARL, not PALEAE, and I think I considered EEW. this isn't even a great play if it's good! EEW sims best. #tacticssmall #knowledgesmall
6L (N)AE +5 Finding Large
3H (AMIR)ATE #findinglarge
D8 ANATTOS +69 Strategy Small
playing at D7 is better I think #strategysmall
pass - +0 Knowledge Large
forced challenge except I should know LEADINGS #knowledgelarge
1K F(A)UVE +33 Endgame Small
FI(Q)UE is best #endgamesmall
F8 (C)EE +7 Knowledge Large
#knowledgesaddest #findingsaddest
F8 (C)EE +7 Finding Large
#knowledgesaddest #findingsaddest
1E (C)OOLAgES +80 Knowledge Large
4D J(O)E +20 Tactics Medium
should play the Q first #tacticsmedium
D6 (QUALM)IER +38 Knowledge Large
10B TI(M)B(E)RMEN #knowledgesaddest
A3 (P)ITIERS +30 Finding Large
H1 (L)ISTERI(A)S and PERITI and PITIER are much better #findingsaddest
5I (O)XY +26 Strategy Medium
N(O)YAUX #strategymedium
3J KAON +29 Strategy Small
4J OAK for sure, don't want to give access to 4L and beyond. #strategysmall
4L GIRT +31 Endgame Medium
don't give back Z play. F12 HI is 8 points better #endgamemedium
H6 DJ(I)N +12 Strategy Medium
nooooothing is worse than ur opponent opening with a bingo and having a shitty response. Q likes UNBIND a lot more, I really considered it to put pressure on and maybe to induce a mistake. I should have done that, I got fixated on making this JIN spot and keeping the G open and stuff like that, but I don't hit enough with this. #strategymedium JUT is also better, or JUG. I do hit 1/5 about, but this doesn't seem good enough. also doesn't really keep things open if I play horizontally with DJINN
10E BURN +21 Finding Small
I need to play BOURN here, also makes his parallels give back more, another shot at the extremely important S. Sliiiightly fewer bingoes on average though, but still looks worth. #findingsmall
8A AXIA(L) +39 Finding Large
ABAXILE #findingsaddest
I1 YAGE +12 Tactics Small
this seems middling #tacticssmall
F6 FoCI +41 Strategy Medium
gotta play something on row 2 #strategymedium
E9 ACETONe +68 Finding Large
J4 TACNOdE #findingsaddest
13A MOVI(O)LA +26 Finding Medium
3C AVAIL #findingmedium
M9 PORES +39 Finding Large
number of plays better than this, such as PAREO same spot #findingsaddest
12B GEED +27 Knowledge Large
GETTE(R)ED 3C, was unsure #knowledgesaddest
G2 (UP)O +13 Endgame Large
-7 to O(GEED) 12A #endgamesaddest
E5 TOU(G)hIES +82 Finding Small
Played this very fast, missing OUTGIVES and EULOGIST, which avoid giving back X bombs. #findingsmall
6L SAGS +20 Endgame Small
Not worth it to block ADZ, as I determined, but missed VAV setting up a basically unblockable GASSY. -2. #endgamesmall
11A FU(S)ARIES +72 Knowledge Large
I3 FIL(I)ATES +79 Strategy Small
FETIALIS is slightly better to make 7s a little harder to play. #strategysmall
15K P(R)OVE +30 Finding Medium
Missed PEAVEY. #findingmedium
O1 NATURE +26 Finding Large
Ughhhhhhhh missed OUTREA(SO)N #findinglarge
12C FYKE(S) +30 Finding Small
oh maybe just FYK(E) here, a bit less defensive. didn't see it. I was close ot playing DYKE, hoping he might not know the D hook, but I think he would. Q has it similar to FYKE, and that seems a bt better than FYKES. #findingsmall
M7 Q(I) +21 Finding Medium
I said no, no, no to 8A REHAB. actually I just didn't see it. it looks better, especially with 7M QI draws. #findingmedium
M1 REE +20 Finding Large
yeah this is bad, I need to be more proactive. obviously REHA(B) is the play here, but I started doubting myself on HEAPER , which I think is justifiable to open the board. I should have tond that. this is overly optimistic, it doesn't work out well usually. #findinglarge
1A DUTY +45 Knowledge Large
5J HANDAX +39 Finding Large
D8 (E)XHA(L)ED :O #findingsaddest
E10 (F)AH +18 Tactics Small
AGINT better than EGINT, that's news to me. I'm heading nowhere in this position without an S, though if he bingos first (which I would prefer to prevent) it will often give me a commeback. FEH sims 4 points higher, gotta trust that #tacticssmall
M1 NAPA +30 Knowledge Large
chickened out of panduras #knowledgeSADDEST
10A VUM +18 Finding Small
wow. 3J (A)MPE(RE) :O that probably makes V(I)EW C10 the best play, since it keeps AMPERE behind at the very least. #findingsmall
13C LEX +35 Tactics Medium
fuck, 13C OGLE is a setup. It's a good one because if I hit an A or O, I'm not opening a lane on row 15 after the X bomb. This was a key miss. Just found a good play getting rid of the X and sent it. #tacticsmedium
3M I(RE) +6 Strategy Large
yeah so I started to get quite low on time here. The pool is extremely strong, and I thought my best chance was to bingo back. I didn't even know if that would score enough though. I don't think it does, like, at all. So this was just not a good move, since when Michael doesn't outrun with his bingo, he just blocks. I need to bite the bullet and play 15F INKED. I thought it might be giving him bingos he doesn't have, but a cursory glance shows that no, INKED doesn't give him anything new. Gotta try that. It would have won. He actually only bingos around 50% of the time. #strategySADDEST
11E XU +36 Finding Medium
B10 HO.X is 49 pts, too many to give up. #findingmedium
B6 HAO +33 Tactics Small
haha, getting careless. HOO in the same spot... #tacticssmall
F3 ROO +8 Vision Large
then I promptly forget about reovirus! I played this to make the position tougher and to keep the S open for me to hit, as I likely have the better rack. this may not actually make his position too hard as he has lucrative hooks with BDFKM. REOVIRUS is a big miss. #visionlarge
9K (T)IARA +17 Vision Large
now I am finally burned for missing ASCRIBES! ARIARY comes up for the second game in a row, but this time I'm more confident it's best. TIARA has defensive merit as well, but I will want to deal with ASCRIBES at some point, especially because he can use it to fork the board and open the top left. ARIARY given his EFIKN rack looks best. This play error looks medium in size but the mistake of missing the A hook is a huge error. #visionlarge
12H HAMAT(E) +30 Knowledge Medium
Although I'm in a great position after HAMATE (his bingoes will empty the bag, leaving me up a tempo in a close endgame, meaning a very likely win), I should still do AHEM N11 - I really loved what that did, but I was only 90% sure that AHEM didn't take an S, and if it takes an S that could be a game-losing mistake. I felt like the chance that AHEM took an S was higher than the chance that HAMATE would lose me the game when AHEM would win me the game. Either way this is just an estimation and a clear word knowledge error. #knowledgemedium
11L U(K)E +9 Strategy Large
still in a really good position, even though I can't block the 14 lane without giving back a bigger lane. I would have liked to leave 1 in the bag, but didn't realize at the time how crucial that was. The entire plan with U(K)E or 10M (N)EE is for him to bingo on row 14 immediately, giving me back plays on row 15 that should easily outrun. However, leaving 2 in the bag allows him to fish one, possibly N(U) 12C - after UKE I'm up 60, 58 after the fish. It's really hard for me to block bingoes, and I'm stuck either trying to outrun by playing something clunky on row 14 (again hard to not give back good overlaps, gotta hope for like GENUS or something), or outrunning with a UKES play, which will put me up 84 or 87 (depending on if I draw the G). After he gets my rack, I will be up between 76 and 81, and a lot of his row 14 bingoes score more than that (e.g. GIGATON, INNAGES). I'm still in a decent position given that outcome, but he could also fish for a higher score and still not allow me to block - e.g. ZA or ATE. Perhaps I should do RE(D)E 13K to play 3 tiles, forcing him to bingo immediately. It puts me up 60, but all his bingoes will be on the 14 row, and I saw my T for HIST and S for other HI? plays, so I should be outrunning even his 80 point bingoes very often. Although UKE is great for spread, it opens the door to some really great 1 tiles fishes that I can lose to quite often. #strategylarge
11H MEOW +36 Tactics Small
I didn't like 11I MOW because it didn't give me an S hook, but I still bingo so much more since 8s are a thing. I could just do DOW if that bothers me so much. #tacticssmall
E11 XI +40 Tactics Small
XI C9 might work enough that it's worth playing? Man, plays like that are so hard to pull the trigger on. I think Michael would even sniff the setup sometimes. Dunno? XED in the same spot is probably a bit better, which I figured afterwards, just liked the E a lot more than the I. #tacticssmall
C10 DOCK +25 Knowledge Large
missed RUDDOCKS #knowledgeSADDEST
H12 (BI)RO +18 Strategy Small
hated the idea of a forking bingo at 14H, creating H15 and O column stuff. This still creates long-term weaknesses. A similar idea is to play 8M LOO, block that S hook and scoring spot and keep a better leave. This deals with the more troublesome of the two spots a 14-row bingo would create, creating indirect prophylaxis. The idea of creating a new lane without blocking any specific bingos might have given me too much pause. #strategysmall
O1 TRIsTE +22 Endgame Small
If you see Michael's best outplay of F12 U(MM)A, you might have a chance of finding my best endgame. -1 #endgamesmall
E3 ZONAR(Y) +36 Strategy Small
i saw YOWZA but didn't like the leave and what i thought was worse defense. guess i was wrong though. ZONARY has much worse defense; lots of overlaps i guess, or plays through the Z. -3 #strategysmall
K7 OKEHS +46 Tactics Small
quackle likes H11 AKEES about as well; says i score a lot more next turn! i guess it keeps a better leave. i like OKEHS though... -1 #tacticssmall
The listing of all of the player's mistakes. For more information about mistakes, check the 'Mistakes' section of the about page.
Game Line Error
Game 38350 44 Board error: disconnected play detected.
Game 36847 33 Board error: disconnected play detected.
Game 16857 46 Game is incomplete.
Game 34212 11 Game is incomplete.
Game 38131 17 Game is incomplete.
Errors are (most likely) the result of malformed GCG files. To learn more, check the 'Errors and Warnings' section in the about page.
Game Line Error
Game 31272 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 10590, Round 18).
Game 44452 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 11522, Round 15).
Warnings are notifications to players that they might want to update some of their GCG files. To learn more, check the 'Errors and Warnings' section in the about page.