Michael Early
Michael Early
Color Key
= Triple Triple
= Bingo 9+
= Improbable
= +
= +
= +
= + +
Player Lists
Type Play Probability Score
GENOiSE 534 76
AUDIEnT 92 68
ENROOTE(D) 834 80
CAESIUM 6644 84
PLATIER 653 69
RESIDUE(S) 7795 80
NONHOME 15878 91
M(A)NICLES* 0 66
EPIGONE(S) 2872 63
HOGMANE 6857 103
(A)VEnTAIL 1153 74
ALIZ(A)RiN 11205 114
MILI(T)IAS 15656 63
HAIRNET 221 84
NAILERS 101 72
AGARIcS 10005 74
(L)ITERaRY 2779 70
HEROINE 486 74
s(T)UBBlED 26617 94
FRENULA 3148 75
(S)EROTINY 619 65
LENTIgO 407 64
(D)rEARIER 7478 70
POINT(I)LY* 0 63
FI(N)IShES 20497 80
STANGED 1720 72
ZINgARE 2806 106
DIOrAMA 3700 83
IMPURER 13804 78
(g)ASOLINE 233 71
GRASsIL(Y) 20762 86
DIPT(E)RAN 421 74
SQU(I)RTED 8149 71
SA(T)IATED 2207 63
PE(T)IOLEs 1838 60
ELYSIAN 1485 86
(F)ILArIAE 2835 80
(T)RAVOISE 231 71
(T)ELPHeRS 13530 98
SAILBO(A)T 4734 64
CRATERS 6198 72
F(L)OAtIER 193 62
SU(L)FATED 7419 76
VOL(E)RIES 1944 74
INFAUnA 12377 79
ISOLEAD(S) 2529 62
(F)ORESEES 17360 62
hONEYeD 8669 81
SOARI(N)GS 6077 63
(L)INGERIE 1996 68
APTERiA 829 83
UNEArTH 1523 75
HARRIED 3623 80
RONTGEN 2673 75
TABLING 6509 82
DEAErA(T)E 2055 77
JE(T)LINER 3328 98
SEAGIRT 284 73
fLIRTIE(R) 8927 64
ENOLAsE 292 69
LORIC(A)TE 195 78
ALEGARs 3988 61
(P)ICTURES 8648 64
LEV(E)LINg 16143 70
(g)RANTEES 747 61
MEANIES 1059 75
DROUTHS 11936 67
CONnATE 2589 72
SKINNER 10227 87
ORPINES 1001 68
SEINErS 3783 64
D(E)RATING 137 73
SpONGIN(S) 23622 60
RAVINEs 675 79
ENTERON 1154 64
DISP(L)ACe 8941 66
SEDILIA 1269 82
ALMONDS 8433 77
(A)CTINIUm 11807 80
MEANEST 2122 74
(A)WAITINg 9495 80
PETUNIA 674 72
STRUDEL 4285 63
PuNDITS 10599 70
DAUNTeR 408 71
RElAXIN 1677 77
BRONcHI 15223 80
STRIVEN 1632 77
aNTERIO(R) 42 74
URA(N)ITES 78 59
UN(R)ETIRE 1308 70
TArNiSH 2587 87
A(N)ALCITE 1130 70
IDEATIN(G) 603 83
TRIGRA(M)S 12831 63
BIDdERS 12382 89
RUSSEtS 20204 69
MATRONS 3261 77
TUnABLE 2923 70
V(E)RBIAGE 5785 66
NATURES 443 76
AENEOUS 296 75
BOATING 2673 89
VENTa(I)LS 1072 90
ORG(A)nIZE 1166 68
(F)OREsAID 543 83
AERAtES 761 68
TACRINE 219 73
UNVOiC(E)D 6471 76
LORINER 748 69
DESTINE 567 85
MERINOS 944 78
IdE(a)LISE 1047 60
UTTE(R)ING 3082 72
SWINKED 13544 81
IOdINAT(E) 35 74
DANGL(I)ER 430 70
(O)UThOMER 11249 72
AGNATIN(G)* 0 62
(G)ARMENTs 3511 83
CISTERn(A) 390 68
lEGATED 2335 67
EROsION 343 71
MEANIES 1059 75
DROUTHS 11936 67
THRO(W)ERS 18995 82
AREOLAE 487 74
TENNIES 1817 63
CO(T)ERIES 790 74
BARMAiD 12545 67
(V)AGARIEs 3969 72
ABO(D)INGS* 0 68
FEUDING 7219 83
UNRAVEL 3030 72
PO(M)FrETS 15063 92
STABILE 1398 75
STYLISt 20911 80
(F)INAGLEd 3435 89
SEEDIlY 6341 76
CR(E)STING 3518 78
CANDELA 5777 76
LAIT(A)NcE 1131 78
TRUDgEN 3401 70
MELA(N)ITE 623 62
WOMbIER 9104 80
GALERES 2339 70
SEALANT 1219 74
NEUM(A)TIC 3148 63
lABROID 3180 73
RELOANS 153 69
TITTERE(R) 14856 59
ADMIRE(R)S 4889 72
FRoNTIN(G) 10288 86
CAROMEd 4801 76
ENT(E)RING 2068 74
ELEgITS 2354 75
uNAWARE 3456 67
ENGINES 5087 70
AlDOSES 5750 69
PROFiLE(R) 10661 74
UREMIAS 1494 79
FATTiER 2007 90
(E)DITaBLE 1517 90
AIrLIKE 3978 79
R(E)TAINER 166 61
CRUSTAL 10575 88
MANsArD 11124 77
ACR(E)AGES 7659 72
NEOTERI(C) 283 64
UPSIDES 15227 87
TEARILY 656 67
(E)XUVIATe 7409 84
BRINIER 6910 82
EXOTiCS 8381 73
BORNITE(S) 568 62
(C)RINGERS 10179 89
ShI(N)DIES 16668 77
M(A)NNITEs 2931 74
BOTHERS 8078 78
bASIDIA 12027 73
CRANK(L)ES 13799 65
Q(U)ADRIGA 17417 70
FIASCOS 17365 84
OUTGONE 3321 80
RE(T)InOID 128 72
HE(R)ITAGE 1083 65
UNOILED 487 74
FILa(M)ENT 3169 158
OsTEOMA 2777 69
WHOOFED 19311 85
ANUR(E)SIS 2207 59
ORATING 288 72
INCuRR(EN)T 8873 64
RATTIES(T) 5804 77
NAZ(I)FIEd 10075 126
(d)IABETES 1439 68
oUTSHO(O)T 25944 86
URINOSE 183 74
MIsDONE 1914 87
(A)UTOWAYS* 0 104
DELETIO(N) 171 72
N(E)TTABLE 6338 64
GAsTeRS 7334 75
ENDnOTE 2370 74
BUS(H)INgS 26714 66
SOiGNEE 507 73
TZ(A)RITzA 27281 104
FOURGON 15488 68
ELUANTS 1151 80
TONSURE 530 81
GUTTIEs(T) 18086 68
PAIRA(B)LE* 0 62
(L)ERGERON* 0 68
BEANpO(L)E 4554 68
LOMEINS 1939 68
G(R)OUPIES 4165 65
LANgUID 5094 70
VERANDA 3611 75
The of bingos played by the player that were not challenged off.
Triple Triples
Type Play Probability Score
FILa(M)ENT 3169 158
Triple triples played by the player that were not challenged off. They do not have to be bingos.
Bingo Nines or Above
Type Play Probability Score
INCuRR(EN)T 8873 64
Bingos played by the player that were nine letters or longer and were not challenged off.
Challenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were challenged off by an opponent.
Unchallenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were not challenged by an opponent.
Plays That Were Challenged
Type Play Probability Score
Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Opponent Lists
Type Play Probability Score
AMENTIA 823 72
R(A)TOOnED 234 74
CLEANSE(R) 3018 76
MALEA(T)ES 5572 61
AUDIToR 438 82
DOESKIN 4086 93
APAtItE 4275 69
HARDIES 1429 107
(e)NCLAVEs 9859 84
O(U)TLAWED 2647 66
JALOUsI(E) 3242 78
RANCH(E)RA 14495 64
RETINES 220 81
(C)YSTEINS 17890 78
sNARLER 2823 69
ABDOmIN(A) 9881 70
NODDIES 3414 72
sOUTANE 160 67
RAPINES 669 80
SYNOvIA 6984 75
PlEADED 13583 107
CORR(A)DES 5732 76
EA(R)LOBES 1793 60
(U)NSADDLE 9965 86
COR(N)ETTI 1798 68
EASTERS 3977 70
ANYMORE 2748 82
S(C)ANNERS 17180 70
(R)OUPIEST 1483 68
ETIoLA(T)E 276 58
(V)ERATRiN 1430 83
SHAVINg 14033 92
SULTANA 6660 70
AErATES 761 73
SLUDGES 18784 76
DEVEINs 4154 80
BUNTINg 16793 85
BARRAGE 12137 70
ArISING 3451 80
FILIATE 1705 78
QU(A)INTER 1206 71
OUTCUrV(E) 18122 84
NoNSLIP 12207 68
NEO(N)ATAL 1496 60
WhEEZI(L)Y 26543 110
Im(P)OUNDS 16629 80
D(E)RATING 137 69
(I)NTEGRaL 143 66
ENTICES 2252 72
CABResT(O) 3994 83
INt(E)RNAL 355 78
I(N)SERTED 380 79
CERIUMs 10133 72
HARMONy 15242 102
LUNGEES 7222 77
STEALER 558 79
ADDITI(O)N 4773 72
VESTeES 18721 97
SEDIT(I)ON 378 72
RIESLI(N)G 2829 61
f(A)CETIAE 4433 60
StA(I)RWAY 11786 86
BIOTYPe 9106 82
LACTONE 843 68
FOOTIER 1280 78
(R)ETURNER 14575 72
ElEGANT 1188 80
SNIFfLe(S) 25635 89
DI(S)ARRAY 14528 63
G(R)EENIES 2707 68
ArENOSE 68 70
CONF(I)NED 11213 70
REGInAL 258 79
AIR(D)ATES 306 72
NEbbI(S)HY 28111 86
TOLERAN(T) 479 60
TUR(N)ABLE 2235 62
(L)OUNGERS 3044 68
A(D)ULATES 3485 70
OuT(W)EARS 1334 74
DI(A)LOGUE 645 61
IN(C)ENSES 18398 90
S(C)HERZOs 26421 96
ScORNER 7121 71
(T)REENAIL 28 62
PR(I)ORAtE 729 72
VANTAG(E)S 6632 66
PENULTs 8328 80
MASSIER 6414 69
SHORING 7524 102
NEUTRAL 441 77
TAWSINg 6560 70
PIrO(g)UES 4166 82
TOURNEY 1989 80
FIRINGS 13700 80
(D)IABOLoS 8970 72
SOViETS 7658 74
EARLESS 6062 73
NITRA(T)ED 332 72
REVE(R)TED 15244 65
(D)EFIANce 4038 83
SINCERE 2143 80
OUREbIS 1894 78
TANSIES 1396 83
(O)VERHEAT 2594 106
bEELINE 5934 74
bRAw(N)IER 6917 104
AeONIAN 347 64
FLOWERY 15122 73
(C)OTTAGES 7756 86
(F)ETIAlIS 2445 83
OUTSWA(R)E 1406 71
(R)EBURIAL 5145 76
ASTATi(N)E 1038 66
PETR(O)NEL 1875 70
TRANN(I)ES 335 62
eNCLO(S)ER 3540 61
Ad(V)OCATE 7020 64
EaR(D)RUMS 11161 90
HEGARIS 2427 77
(G)ASALIER 1412 72
FI(L)TRATE 2766 89
SUSPEND 17673 65
DOOlIES 1961 76
FREELO(A)D 1797 74
CONF(I)NED 11213 70
REGInAL 258 79
GiGATON 8342 70
WILDERS 7359 81
PISHOGE 12773 74
UMLAUT(E)D 20149 74
ENAMORE(D) 997 65
LYRI(C)ISE 16819 176
REPAVI(N)g 4635 76
LINDIES 2561 64
OvER(L)EAF 4567 64
MADRON(E)S 1292 74
BOO(S)TING 10980 92
BOTHERE(R)* 0 85
STEARIC 608 84
POUTERS 3941 74
ARRoYOS 14456 80
(A)NTHELIa 1209 68
ANSeR(I)NE 496 78
TOWARDS 5599 81
ORALIST 442 70
AMERCES 7938 79
TARDI(E)ST 884 68
(G)AdARENE 1888 68
WIDENI(N)G 14220 65
INTRAD(O)S 272 72
FILMErS 9721 94
PRESAGE 5503 78
METaPHO(R) 8075 90
TOLIDI(N)E 373 70
SENArII 137 68
LE(G)ATINE 264 61
ShOALER 1873 78
REEN(L)IST 367 70
sEAGIRT 269 90
sEXTA(R)II 3004 80
INTONED 746 70
SALLI(E)RS 11126 59
LATTINS 4387 71
PRaLINE 647 72
VARNISH 8878 81
ITERANT 190 70
CANOE(M)AN 11710 74
AMNESTY 7069 79
zOOGLEA 10159 70
INdU(R)aTE 65 57
PATIENT 2012 77
RE(L)AXING 4074 84
SILENCE 3941 79
PISO(L)iTE 3066 76
FETTERS 10428 95
INStANT 8116 61
(C)ONDUITS 7214 74
LUSTRIN(G) 6875 61
NUTATES 2833 79
AIGR(E)TTE 947 72
(E)NTERONS 1753 77
REPEATS 2236 89
DUtIABL(E) 2288 83
BONNIES(T) 3570 83
LANCERS 3077 70
(G)LITTERy 10721 77
BANDI(T)Os 2286 76
TENSORS 3730 82
NEOLITH 975 79
PEACHIN(G) 12806 84
AU(B)ERGES 7122 62
(R)EINVAdE 616 83
INT(R)ADOS 272 61
REWELDS 9221 80
TOLANES 156 66
PELTATE 7370 85
DILLuV(I)A* 0 72
(S)OFTENeR 1975 83
SEDGIER 2466 91
APHOR(I)SE 2057 66
REASONE(D) 167 63
ICTERUS 3092 74
RAINL(E)SS 2083 70
LOONIES 985 69
SOUTANE 160 75
MItTENS 6549 72
PLAINED 1500 92
CLARIES 1416 69
ATTENDS 2685 78
NAILERS 101 71
MA(N)UbRIA 11759 72
COR(O)tATE 4529 76
HOSIERY 4924 84
NAVETTE 4697 70
REITbOK 5466 89
SEQUOIa 2322 91
SLANTeD 1145 80
The of bingos played by the player that were not challenged off.
Triple Triples
Type Play Probability Score
bRAw(N)IER 6917 104
LYRI(C)ISE 16819 176
Triple triples played by the player that were not challenged off. They do not have to be bingos.
Challenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were challenged off by an opponent.
Unchallenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
BATER* 0 29
MOKED* 0 30
VINAS(E)* 0 52
HEBE* 0 34
BOTHERE(R)* 0 85
uNCA(BLED)* 0 39
AWHEEL* 0 33
DILLuV(I)A* 0 72
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were not challenged by an opponent.
Plays That Were Challenged
Type Play Probability Score
AVISO 1432 26
EASELED 4475 0
T(H)URL 5660 24
EX 74 45
OUTCUrV(E) 18122 84
I(N)BE* 0 0
BLEE(C)H* 0 0
B(E)TOSSeD* 0 0
COOEY 5257 39
FULL 4041 18
FEEB 2428 26
A(D)ULATES 3485 70
FIDO 1390 33
(H)EAPER 4762 33
TAWSINg 6560 70
PONGED 4917 37
Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Notable Lists
Many Double Words Covered
Games in which at least 15 double word bonus squares were covered.
High Scoring
Games in which at least one player scores at least 700 points.
Combined High Scoring
Games in which the combined score is at least 1100 points.
Game Stats
Stat Average Total
Games 1.00 114
Invalid Games 0.05 6
Incomplete 0.05 6
Disconnected 0.00 0
Other 0.00 0
Total Turns 25.61 2920
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Player Stats
Stat Average Total
Wins 0.39 45
Score 388.78 44321
Score per Turn 30.4821
Turns 12.75 1454
Vertical Plays 5.54 632
Horizontal Plays 6.01 685
One Tile Plays 0.39 45
Other Plays 0.81 92
Firsts 0.46 53
Vertical Openings per First 0.0000
Horizontal Openings per First 1.0000
Full Rack per Turn 0.3398
Exchanges 0.46 52
High Game 588
Low Game 243
Highest Scoring Turn 158
Bingos Played 1.93 220
Sevens 1.00 114
Eights 0.92 105
Nines 0.01 1
Tens 0.00 0
Elevens 0.00 0
Twelves 0.00 0
Thirteens 0.00 0
Fourteens 0.00 0
Fifteens 0.00 0
Bingo Probabilities 5581.60
Sevens 4702.10
Eights 6571.11
Nines 8873.00
Tens 0.00
Elevens 0.00
Twelves 0.00
Thirteens 0.00
Fourteens 0.00
Fifteens 0.00
Tiles Played 47.55 5421
A 4.29 489
B 0.96 109
C 1.01 115
D 1.82 207
E 5.72 652
F 0.88 100
G 1.46 167
H 1.10 125
I 4.36 497
J 0.45 51
K 0.47 54
L 1.91 218
M 1.04 118
N 2.67 304
O 3.85 439
P 0.94 107
Q 0.49 56
R 2.86 326
S 1.89 216
T 2.91 332
U 1.83 209
V 0.83 95
W 0.86 98
X 0.46 52
Y 0.95 108
Z 0.56 64
? 0.99 113
Power Tiles Played 4.84 552
? 0.99 113
J 0.45 51
Q 0.49 56
X 0.46 52
Z 0.56 64
S 1.89 216
Power Tiles Stuck With 0.15 17
? 0.02 2
J 0.01 1
Q 0.01 1
X 0.00 0
Z 0.02 2
S 0.10 11
Turns With a Blank 1.10 125
Triple Triples Played 0.01 1
Bingoless Games 0.03 3
Bonus Square Coverage 15.30 1744
Double Letter 5.30 604
Triple Letter 5.25 599
Double Word 2.60 296
Triple Word 2.15 245
Phony Plays 0.33 38
Unchallenged 0.13 15
Challenged Off 0.20 23
Challenges 0.42 48
You Won 0.08 9
Opponent Lost 0.04 4
You Lost 0.11 12
Opponent Won 0.20 23
Challenge Percentage 0.4286
Defending Challenge Percentage 0.1481
Percentage Phonies Unchallenged 0.3947
Comments 9.40 1072
Comments Word Length 268.64 30625
Mistakeless Turns 12.75 1454
Mistakes per Turn 0.0000
Mistakes 0.00 0
Knowledge 0.00 0
Finding 0.00 0
Vision 0.00 0
Tactics 0.00 0
Strategy 0.00 0
Endgame 0.00 0
Time 0.00 0
Dynamic Mistakes 0.00 0
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Player Confidence Intervals
Tile p CI
A 0.4767 (0.4353, 0.5157)
B 0.4800 (0.3903, 0.5607)
C 0.5050 (0.3903, 0.5607)
D 0.4550 (0.4153, 0.5357)
E 0.4767 (0.4407, 0.5103)
F 0.4400 (0.3903, 0.5607)
G 0.4867 (0.4059, 0.5451)
H 0.5500 (0.3903, 0.5607)
I 0.4844 (0.4353, 0.5157)
J 0.4500 (0.3550, 0.5960)
K 0.4700 (0.3550, 0.5960)
L 0.4775 (0.4153, 0.5357)
M 0.5200 (0.3903, 0.5607)
N 0.4450 (0.4263, 0.5247)
O 0.4813 (0.4329, 0.5181)
P 0.4700 (0.3903, 0.5607)
Q 0.4900 (0.3550, 0.5960)
R 0.4767 (0.4263, 0.5247)
S 0.4725 (0.4153, 0.5357)
T 0.4850 (0.4263, 0.5247)
U 0.4575 (0.4153, 0.5357)
V 0.4150 (0.3903, 0.5607)
W 0.4300 (0.3903, 0.5607)
X 0.4600 (0.3550, 0.5960)
Y 0.4750 (0.3903, 0.5607)
Z 0.5600 (0.3550, 0.5960)
? 0.4950 (0.3903, 0.5607)
To learn more about these statistics, check the 'Confidence Intervals' section on the about page.
Opponent Stats
Stat Average Total
Wins 0.61 69
Score 427.79 48768
Score per Turn 33.2660
Turns 12.86 1466
Vertical Plays 5.83 665
Horizontal Plays 6.22 709
One Tile Plays 0.46 52
Other Plays 0.35 40
Firsts 0.54 61
Vertical Openings per First 0.2679
Horizontal Openings per First 0.7321
Full Rack per Turn 0.9877
Exchanges 0.20 23
High Game 727
Low Game 281
Highest Scoring Turn 176
Bingos Played 1.96 224
Sevens 0.96 110
Eights 1.00 114
Nines 0.00 0
Tens 0.00 0
Elevens 0.00 0
Twelves 0.00 0
Thirteens 0.00 0
Fourteens 0.00 0
Fifteens 0.00 0
Bingo Probabilities 5359.56
Sevens 4802.90
Eights 5901.30
Nines 0.00
Tens 0.00
Elevens 0.00
Twelves 0.00
Thirteens 0.00
Fourteens 0.00
Fifteens 0.00
Tiles Played 49.47 5640
A 4.51 514
B 0.99 113
C 0.93 106
D 2.07 236
E 5.89 671
F 1.11 126
G 1.47 168
H 0.86 98
I 4.27 487
J 0.54 61
K 0.53 60
L 1.88 214
M 0.94 107
N 3.09 352
O 3.91 446
P 1.04 119
Q 0.48 55
R 2.92 333
S 1.99 227
T 2.88 328
U 2.00 228
V 1.10 125
W 1.11 127
X 0.54 61
Y 1.05 120
Z 0.41 47
? 0.97 111
Power Tiles Played 4.93 562
? 0.97 111
J 0.54 61
Q 0.48 55
X 0.54 61
Z 0.41 47
S 1.99 227
Power Tiles Stuck With 0.08 9
? 0.02 2
J 0.01 1
Q 0.02 2
X 0.01 1
Z 0.01 1
S 0.02 2
Turns With a Blank 1.91 218
Triple Triples Played 0.02 2
Bingoless Games 0.05 6
Bonus Square Coverage 16.17 1843
Double Letter 5.12 584
Triple Letter 5.61 640
Double Word 2.89 330
Triple Word 2.54 289
Phony Plays 0.17 19
Unchallenged 0.09 10
Challenged Off 0.08 9
Challenges 0.42 48
You Won 0.20 23
Opponent Lost 0.11 12
You Lost 0.04 4
Opponent Won 0.08 9
Challenge Percentage 0.8519
Defending Challenge Percentage 0.5714
Percentage Phonies Unchallenged 0.5263
Comments 9.40 1072
Comments Word Length 268.64 30625
Mistakeless Turns 12.76 1455
Mistakes per Turn 0.0089
Mistakes 0.11 13
Knowledge 0.02 2
Finding 0.04 4
Vision 0.01 1
Tactics 0.02 2
Strategy 0.03 3
Endgame 0.01 1
Time 0.00 0
Dynamic Mistakes 0.00 0
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Opponent Confidence Intervals
Tile p CI
A 0.5011 (0.4545, 0.5349)
B 0.4950 (0.4094, 0.5800)
C 0.4650 (0.4094, 0.5800)
D 0.5175 (0.4344, 0.5550)
E 0.4908 (0.4599, 0.5295)
F 0.5550 (0.4094, 0.5800)
G 0.4900 (0.4251, 0.5643)
H 0.4300 (0.4094, 0.5800)
I 0.4744 (0.4545, 0.5349)
J 0.5400 (0.3741, 0.6153)
K 0.5300 (0.3741, 0.6153)
L 0.4700 (0.4344, 0.5550)
M 0.4700 (0.4094, 0.5800)
N 0.5150 (0.4455, 0.5439)
O 0.4888 (0.4521, 0.5373)
P 0.5200 (0.4094, 0.5800)
Q 0.4800 (0.3741, 0.6153)
R 0.4867 (0.4455, 0.5439)
S 0.4975 (0.4344, 0.5550)
T 0.4800 (0.4455, 0.5439)
U 0.5000 (0.4344, 0.5550)
V 0.5500 (0.4094, 0.5800)
W 0.5550 (0.4094, 0.5800)
X 0.5400 (0.3741, 0.6153)
Y 0.5250 (0.4094, 0.5800)
Z 0.4100 (0.3741, 0.6153)
? 0.4850 (0.4094, 0.5800)
To learn more about these statistics, check the 'Confidence Intervals' section on the about page.
Opponent Mistakes
Play Type Size Comment
7G FIRTH +27 Strategy Small
7G FIB is better. I wanted to unload more consonants, but HNRT is synergistic, and FIB doesn't open the 8K-8O hotspot. #strategysmall
9E GOB +28 Finding Medium
I don't think I saw 4G BOUGIE, but J4 BOUT is also significantly better than GOB. #findingmedium
10E OK +40 Strategy Medium
I liked that OK set up -NE- plays at 11E. But NOOK is still much better. #strategymedium
O7 A(D)IEU +6 Finding Medium
I missed O6 AUDITEE, which scores three more points and gives me two more chances at the two blanks unseen. N6 AUNTIE is also slightly better than ADIEU despite getting rid of my only consonant, the case T, and setting up the O1-O6 hotspot. #findingmedium
15B ETIoLA(T)E +58 Knowledge Large
There is a nine starting at 5C (answer on next turn). I did not know the word. Every other bingo plays at 15B. Of these, ETIoLATE, LATErITE, and LITErATE score 58 but have front hooks (I thought of PETIoLATE afterward), and LEvITATE scores 57 without a front hook. Thus LEvITATE is second best, after the nine. #knowledgelarge
14A VAW +32 Tactics Medium
WOW Quackle hates this, despite that VAW has the highest score and best equity. 14A QI is best by far. The next best Q spot scores 11 points, and QI saves N8 NAW for next turn. #tacticsmedium
N8 (N)OH +29 Vision Large
What a horrific play. I mean, 13G HORRIFIC is available for 42. #visionlarge (-23.25)
M5 CIR(E) +7 Endgame Small
The best endgame is 6K PeRC, 2L IRE (to block IRID), O1 ID, 3L RE. #endgamesmall
10I OW +29 Strategy Medium
I played this fairly quickly but didn't consider WA(N)ION which looks way better. I think this is a strategic error because I didn't really think about how OW keeps duplicated tiles in AN and blocks the E, so I didn't look for a play that played more tiles. I bingo a bit more after OW still, but not by a ton and I score more. It's a bit better for the board longterm as well, I expect a play on row 15 which will help keep things open for another couple turns, rather than a blocking play after OW. I also lower his average score by a point with WANION! surprising. #strategymedium
9J IGLOO +13 Finding Small
Wow. I had severe tunnel vision on this first move. I only saw X(U) which was very defensive and draw into some stuff like OTOLOGIC and ZOOLOGIC or something else if more stuff is opened. The other thing I considered was IGLOO 9J to try and set my X up. I totally failed to consider another X setup play, COL(U)GO I5. It's a less worrisome version of IGLOO, giving around 2 points fewer back on average, fewer bingos, and giving me a little bit more. IGLOO is more defensive down the line, which is good if things fall into place, but not good when they don't. I also totally missed OXIC 7J, which is standard. I would consider this a mistake over COL(U)GO for sure, even though IGLOO appears to benefit me over time. FWIW X(U) sims similarly well to the X-setup options, and it also seems to complicate the game the most. With so few moves available in the position, I find it most outrageous that I failed to see other candidates, and am more concerned about that than anything else. #findingsmall #tacticssmall
9J IGLOO +13 Tactics Small
Wow. I had severe tunnel vision on this first move. I only saw X(U) which was very defensive and draw into some stuff like OTOLOGIC and ZOOLOGIC or something else if more stuff is opened. The other thing I considered was IGLOO 9J to try and set my X up. I totally failed to consider another X setup play, COL(U)GO I5. It's a less worrisome version of IGLOO, giving around 2 points fewer back on average, fewer bingos, and giving me a little bit more. IGLOO is more defensive down the line, which is good if things fall into place, but not good when they don't. I also totally missed OXIC 7J, which is standard. I would consider this a mistake over COL(U)GO for sure, even though IGLOO appears to benefit me over time. FWIW X(U) sims similarly well to the X-setup options, and it also seems to complicate the game the most. With so few moves available in the position, I find it most outrageous that I failed to see other candidates, and am more concerned about that than anything else. #findingsmall #tacticssmall
10D ENTICES +72 Knowledge Large
I honestly thought he had taken away a ticket back into the game, but unfortunately I did not see my bing to the O, once again. Damn. If I had only thought about this rack as more than a "play ENTICES/IGLOOS if he doesn't block and play it with KIS if he does block" #findinglarge #knowledgelarge
10D ENTICES +72 Finding Large
I honestly thought he had taken away a ticket back into the game, but unfortunately I did not see my bing to the O, once again. Damn. If I had only thought about this rack as more than a "play ENTICES/IGLOOS if he doesn't block and play it with KIS if he does block" #findinglarge #knowledgelarge
The listing of all of the player's mistakes. For more information about mistakes, check the 'Mistakes' section of the about page.
Game Line Error
Game 15854 39 Game is incomplete.
Game 4870 29 Game is incomplete.
Game 16430 46 Game is incomplete.
Game 29048 16 Game is incomplete.
Game 17673 47 Game is incomplete.
Game 9787 35 Game is incomplete.
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