Michael Baker
Michael Baker
Color Key
= Triple Triple
= Bingo 9+
= Improbable
= +
= +
= +
= + +
Player Lists
Type Play Probability Score
ENCoDER 2515 73
ENTOMBs 7745 92
BR(O)MINES 4092 64
(E)NDORSES 5675 80
SNORTER 1799 73
ANNULeT 2825 60
SLAINTE 108 98
EuSO(C)IAL 1215 68
ReNVOIS 957 79
OUTREAC(H) 3814 80
ENAMORS 881 67
DOlLARS 11103 86
ERGATI(V)E 1035 66
SUDSIER 8444 92
AUREO(L)AE 680 68
BRAVOES 4797 77
BL(A)NDISH 14709 80
EDI(T)ABLE 1517 72
I(N)UNDATE 927 67
STErOID 177 81
STRIDER 2627 77
GLEAMIE(R) 2140 63
EvOLV(I)NG 16763 65
OvER(L)EAF 4567 72
NOTIO(N)AL 2901 62
EQuATOR 2148 103
PRETTI(E)S 5921 61
FET(A)TIoN 763 90
PEROXID(S) 10999 71
TONNEAU 776 77
INTIM(A)TE 3265 78
(P)RESaGED 7490 62
ADHeS(I)ON 516 63
VE(R)DUReS 16141 83
TWEeTER 12640 76
SL(I)GHTER 5914 74
S(I)lICONE 3059 140
KEROS(I)NE 2053 63
GrOtTIE(R) 4466 74
SEDGIER 2350 65
DONATED 1669 74
PE(R)IGEES 9049 62
UnSAWED 5194 77
ShORTLY 16525 87
T(E)rMITES 5911 70
hEFTILY 13782 98
RELEAsE 2504 80
INDIGEN 7596 84
DINITRO 1330 66
ENTAILS 110 88
AREOlAE 384 60
HUrT(L)ING 12320 76
ASsORTe(D) 2613 74
HOPABLE* 0 100
MIDDLES 15880 94
FLANEUR 3143 69
(R)OMANTIC 3502 82
wHOOPER 17127 80
C(E)REMENT 13139 74
DEIFIES 7300 76
REUNITE 223 72
WONKiES(T) 7316 78
ENTI(R)ELY 1538 76
BANZAIS 15368 78
SIEVING 8245 75
COARSEr 4603 72
(R)EtAXING 2181 82
UNTIRIN(G) 11567 80
ANIsOLE 36 70
JoINDER 2227 91
BARYTON 7353 74
(F)RaCTuRE 13975 86
TA(B)ORINE 53 70
MIDYEaR 4365 78
(K)EROSINE 2167 91
BREgMAT(A) 12026 83
SHOrTIA 1661 65
RuNNIES(T) 2151 83
OPErATE 482 79
DISA(B)USe 11460 64
ADMIRED 6678 86
(F)LOATiNG 3843 86
FLInGER 4537 78
BIoCIDE 8211 76
C(o)TTIERS 3393 64
TZIGAN(E)S 4078 88
REQuITE 4355 96
ANORAkS 9407 72
ANATAsE 4009 71
TONIEST 755 70
NURsERY 12124 79
RESTORA(L) 1087 77
TORCHED 8088 105
SEISAB(L)E 9992 89
LEGIONS 1113 66
GOLDeNE(R) 2133 61
SMOTHER(ER) 11738 68
HELPmE(E)T 23073 74
SEREINS 3784 71
AR(R)ANGES 5828 76
BREAtHE 5103 73
AR(T)ESIAN 88 131
SLIV(E)RER 9632 76
CRoWDER(S) 18566 92
BAT(T)ENED 6025 65
IMAGINE 2675 72
hOMAGES 9419 76
ENTRIES 210 75
PADnAGS 15753 74
REDCOAT 841 81
HOTTIeS 4446 97
sINGULA(R) 4308 70
GNa(R)LING 18362 72
SMARTEN 1530 93
T(O)OLHEAD 3718 70
TATtERS 10175 79
HOARsEN 868 73
REM(I)SING 6652 78
(T)RAmMELS 17617 86
ANTINGS 5976 63
ANISO(L)ES 1118 59
TOLUA(T)ES 2363 60
DIGITAl 5674 71
AReNOUS 165 64
EMIR(A)TES 671 90
SORTING 1851 75
ABUSING 9683 79
(d)ENOTERS* 0 74
POWEREd 8674 78
PIGEONS 2857 66
REB(O)OKED 16930 86
SEAriNG 271 78
VIBRATE 2396 73
SnOTTIE(R) 491 78
INTE(R)AGE 86 61
OUTRANG 1848 79
TOLERA(N)T 480 66
MUT(T)eRED 12707 62
REGR(A)DES 6900 66
BLUEISH 13277 80
THRONG(E)D 4231 64
DOTTILY 12203 78
AIRpLAY 12566 75
SNOTTIl(Y) 12019 70
(S)PEARMEN 7146 64
LITERAT(E) 522 77
TEnTAGE 2768 65
E(L)OIgNED 869 66
EBONITE 459 71
CA(p)RIcES 19290 66
FORDING 7516 93
BALLADS 20745 76
SESTINa 1330 76
ELAPSiN(G) 3457 89
PIRATEs 720 70
AMOSItE 312 74
SWEETEr 8624 76
V(E)NATION 727 74
CRINGEs 4528 76
RALLINE 1323 76
PERINEA 356 74
TA(C)KLINg 18001 78
JA(U)nTIER 1203 82
TENSILE 580 64
RECOUPE 8664 77
ENACTI(N)G 4199 72
OUTSEEs 7095 63
BEERiLY 8335 70
INVOKES 8767 75
sTILLER 5198 75
(C)INERiNS 8469 80
S(T)ERNiNG* 0 66
SMARtIE 700 90
IOdINES 735 75
(R)ADIANCE 1193 78
PIPIEST 18040 73
FRUITIE(R) 8941 86
POLLUTE 13363 73
FAIRIEs 1706 77
SOLATED 483 69
ANDIRON 1334 74
I(D)EALiST 757 70
ABREAST 3436 78
(R)ECOILeD 1818 83
DIESTER 570 76
ROTATI(v)E 730 64
OUTSIDE 491 70
STEaRIN 27 80
BURRI(E)ST 7947 70
hARMONY 15219 77
SEl(F)WARD 12626 176
PLINTHS 15600 79
GESSOEs 20635 77
GeoD(E)SIC 4875 78
RUNTISH 7679 104
(N)EARLIER 492 77
OV(E)RLOAD 3719 66
BuTENES 6446 82
BEAVERE(D) 12325 69
FONDLES 6114 78
TITHERS 6280 110
PURiTAN 2592 85
IOLITES 704 61
SALTIRE(S) 2090 68
EXTRUDE 10034 73
(T)OWERiNG 932 86
BEMOaNS 4793 89
(D)ERAILED 2617 83
STOOLIE 989 66
OUTSOLE 3795 90
AIrT(I)MES 1144 131
GOOSIER 1501 68
NEONATE 446 64
SOUN(D)AGE* 0 83
PESTIER 2199 83
ALIENE(R)S 113 82
BaBYISH 22983 90
DU(M)PIEST 12033 64
RETREa(T)S 5507 122
ANOMIES 311 69
ANTBEAR 1745 73
OUTRIdE 174 67
REACTED 2069 67
(S)UBLUNAR 20770 83
(P)ENDaNTS 7905 80
CEMENTA 5112 67
MEALIES 2021 70
E(N)VISION 6348 72
ASPIRED 1400 77
ENOLASE 276 89
ClIQU(I)ER 16995 68
DA(L)ESMEN 5031 84
DRINKE(R)S 12154 75
BEDRAPE 7892 74
(R)OTTENEr 4062 68
REGRAT(E)S 4002 63
OBLiGER 2831 76
FUdDLIN(G) 24499 92
PR(E)TTIFY 18501 96
dALTONS 2476 78
EMETINS 2292 70
ARTERIE(S) 527 70
ATTIRED 514 72
CTENOID 900 95
FORTUNE(D) 2801 74
EXAMIN(E)R 4480 100
EU(G)EnICS 7140 74
STOR(M)INg 6226 72
GUARDE(R)S 8331 70
STE(T)TInG 14746 60
ECOTONi(C)* 0 72
LATENIN(G) 1503 61
cURARI(Z)E 13404 67
FURIOUs 15433 76
PLEURAE 3920 68
TRIENES 212 61
TANGeLO 367 65
TRITON(E)S 493 60
FACETIA(E) 4662 80
TRIABLE 588 73
b(E)TAINES 609 87
THREaDS 2967 67
LAcQUER(S) 17374 77
pEASE(C)OD 7880 72
(D)IECIOUs 5524 70
INEDITA 141 80
mISANDR(Y) 11105 86
VIRTUOS(E) 1405 76
LIToTES 1621 69
WH(E)TTERs 18764 76
INPU(T)TED 8375 65
LA(C)iNESS 8588 68
ACTIVES 4170 80
HASTING 6541 78
MOdERNL(Y) 9755 80
RAILERS 1337 65
SPATTIN(G) 13480 86
(A)SSERTER 9400 70
TENORIS(T) 492 66
DRAFTED 9339 72
RASSLED 8068 79
PRESIDE 4153 82
FASTENS 9341 69
AMAzERS* 0 73
APAtITE 4275 77
UNBIdD(E)N 20461 64
(E)RINGOeS 352 80
sPIRtED 3276 86
(I)DOLATER 13 86
GINNERS 4448 68
ADAPTOR 6011 66
REVILES 4001 86
DOLeRI(T)E 162 66
DUOTON(E)S 2965 74
JESTING 7880 96
BARR(I)ERS 14189 63
DR(O)WSInG 9364 74
AStRIDE 94 79
ReTR(I)ALS 886 66
CHEVRON(S) 15056 110
RoNTGEN 2673 97
ANT(e)RIOR 38 58
GL(I)TTErS 5283 70
(T)OLIDINE 373 63
ACHIEST 4140 87
AbSENTE(D) 2844 77
aNISEED 205 92
(R)uNNIEST 2034 78
tRITONE(S) 467 74
SCaMST(E)R 17895 61
UI(N)TAItE 1045 66
AVENGeS 5729 84
WAILERS 1566 71
MATU(R)ING 5235 67
EVASION 317 85
nEURONE 2373 67
ExTORTS 10808 68
R(O)mANTIC 3315 74
AMUSING 9718 81
TrAININ(G) 5514 59
(E)NMITIES 3306 83
GUTTERE(D) 9778 70
The of bingos played by the player that were not challenged off.
Triple Triples
Type Play Probability Score
S(I)lICONE 3059 140
AR(T)ESIAN 88 131
SEl(F)WARD 12626 176
AIrT(I)MES 1144 131
RETREa(T)S 5507 122
Triple triples played by the player that were not challenged off. They do not have to be bingos.
Bingo Nines or Above
Type Play Probability Score
SMOTHER(ER) 11738 68
Bingos played by the player that were nine letters or longer and were not challenged off.
Challenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were challenged off by an opponent.
Unchallenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were not challenged by an opponent.
Plays That Were Challenged
Type Play Probability Score
NAH 334 0
bLINS* 0 0
OVeR(MAD)* 0 0
UnSAWED 5194 77
KINDA 3491 0
MIDDLES 15880 94
LUNGEES 7212 0
YArNIES(T)* 0 0
HA(U)ME* 0 0
RELU(C)ID* 0 0
FAH* 0 0
cINGULA(S)* 0 0
SORTING 1851 75
SEXING 6905 0
(B)OOER* 0 0
(E)C(A)RT* 0 0
REcENCE* 0 0
AE 1 0
(P)ITTY* 0 0
PR(E)TTIFY 18501 96
PUT(Z) 3791 21
NOSY 2102 0
HAI(R)IES* 0 0
FAL(S)Y* 0 0
Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Opponent Lists
Type Play Probability Score
REPAINT 228 74
DUSTILY 13438 81
KER(N)ITES 3329 86
(D)EWINESs 13760 86
(s)HUtTLES 25491 80
STING(I)ER 1571 74
RATOO(N)ED 234 63
sUDSIER 8444 65
E(V)ULsION 2838 61
cHE(E)RLEd 19076 86
FRIDGEs 7534 86
ELATIV(E)S 1559 88
I(N)DUCTOR 4454 65
COU(R)ANTE 553 62
AGOnISE(S) 1992 74
BURDENS 8298 78
rO(T)ATIVE 730 67
m(I)NUTELY 8672 70
TORSADE 148 72
djEBELS 19978 78
APTERiA 789 72
AIRTIME 793 83
GALLOON 14594 70
(I)NDEVOUT 1368 76
DERATES 576 78
PI(V)OTmEN 8530 76
dEMETON 2647 81
BRITCHE(S) 14742 98
INVERI(T)Y 5991 68
a(V)IATION 2912 70
REBEG(I)NS 4229 65
D(I)VALENT 971 64
SOURISH 15435 81
MOONSET 4851 75
(A)NNOYERs 3248 92
STRAIN(E)R 328 62
LE(G)AtION 58 70
S(U)ITABLY 15456 66
DOILIES 1569 75
(T)ROUNCES 2953 83
(T)ERTIALS 937 77
JELLiED 17420 82
INDUCES 5413 76
PEtTING(S) 10196 74
EMERITA(e) 1103 67
INDOL(E)NT 1094 68
THOR(N)IER 1699 63
PIGEOnS 2857 81
ODORA(N)TS 2365 63
RONDEAU 145 74
FR(E)ELOAD 1730 86
STEREOS 4326 71
BeNEDI(C)t 6543 86
TENOR(I)TE 262 62
LAuN(C)HES 11513 98
ABlATED 6015 75
ALEURON 160 75
SERRANO 716 71
QUOTIEN(T) 6596 84
sWAGGED 18351 79
TRISOME 1000 93
FoOTSIE 2789 72
DARTL(I)NG 2219 72
ASSENTO(R) 1274 68
(S)hIVAREE 4275 70
END(O)WERS 3762 98
WA(S)TElOT 6056 70
p(UP)IlAGES 19980 149
(T)ARLETAN 2457 77
PAI(N)TIER 510 61
BEASTIE(S) 6284 83
TODDLeS 8713 68
(T)aRDYONs 4280 92
EROSIVE 1162 76
RHETO(R)IC 7874 80
(W)ATERLOO 2084 63
FORAGEd 2950 85
ViBRIOS 13425 81
M(UT)ILATES 5044 74
CIRRATE 2000 76
SNARLER 2824 76
(DE)FLaTORS 1561 89
DETAI(L)ER 111 67
kULTURS 23086 68
ECOTO(N)ES 4965 63
TANGENT 8172 65
(P)ODESTAS 9677 65
lE(V)EEING 9423 62
RINSERS 8824 73
FACU(L)ATE* 0 65
D(E)RIDInG 9432 70
VOmERIN(E) 2473 74
(B)OLIVARS 8693 65
(L)ATTICES 4883 83
SANGA(R)E(E)S 7331 73
MaRTING 4051 102
TaTT(L)ERS 12466 58
ASTERIS(M) 5457 72
(D)IACONaL 4993 76
BRIEFES(T) 7160 92
COWE(R)iNG 5324 73
RUNNIE(S)T 2034 62
(O)PtATIVE 4476 94
VISUaLS 17880 70
mANTEAU 3620 68
PERIL(I)NG 7026 72
LATENED 568 87
OUTFEAs(T) 6074 92
sTANZAS 19717 100
(s)ELENIDE 3335 77
RESONAT(E) 42 77
UNTiTLE(D) 3771 59
CARpALE 10250 72
GALERES 2339 68
(t)EVATRON 1693 72
DIRTILy 11143 73
PLENISM 9734 81
SPRI(N)GaL 8297 74
THANKER 7603 82
TITANOU(S) 2047 60
rONDLET* 0 71
NATIVES 711 83
OV(E)RTIME 2474 69
tAPA(D)ERO 1591 70
DeVOTI(N)G 2142 66
HORNIsT 3273 76
SOMEONe 5918 69
SERA(G)LIO 236 72
ROULADE 482 69
bLOUSIE(R) 2662 74
SI(L)ENTER 368 70
SOCCAGE 17465 73
AGrOUND 3673 76
STAIDES(T) 7994 85
FAVUsES 18585 104
(D)EMONIST 1363 86
FAERIES 1002 86
EcOTAGE 1962 71
Q(U)INOLES* 0 88
EDaCIOU(S) 1214 66
AlIUNDE 396 71
PERKIlY 17529 80
ObLIGEE 3604 70
THEREON 1209 67
FIBERIN(E)* 0 78
FANGLES(S) 18237 78
CHUFf(I)ER 28160 73
ME(L)ANiZE 7781 88
UNRE(N)TEd 5027 113
EQUITES 7034 100
TRiJETS 9800 85
A(S)PIRANT 4185 82
O(C)ULISts 18787 64
THRILLS 17918 70
AUCTIoN 1651 72
WOODsIA 7217 78
ACtINON(s) 5368 77
RO(T)ARIES 145 62
PEnNIES 7409 73
uNPACKS 22815 88
OUTLINE(S) 345 68
UNREPAI(R) 2787 72
PINKENS 17663 88
IDOCRA(S)E 536 78
ISSUA(N)cE 8593 68
(N)ONOBESE 12529 64
C(O)LOReRS 14870 86
WIRINgS 13725 66
QUINTAN 11945 102
FOVEOUS* 0 113
GELADAS 6163 69
UNSNApS 20907 69
SECTARY 7022 83
DOMInIO(N) 18135 80
(E)NLIsTED 911 77
JUdOIST 11846 90
ASTERIA 132 80
GOATIsH 4640 92
STR(E)AMED 2896 69
UNItING 12605 66
AEROSAT 231 87
TEAB(O)ARD 1586 62
UnGEN(T)LE 9779 66
SOLANDS 11104 70
ALENcON 4401 65
(B)ANDEROL 1256 86
TRIENES 221 72
AERATI(O)N 10 66
O(B)LIGATE 922 63
DER(A)IGNS 458 90
(D)RInKERS 12794 101
HALtERS 3154 81
DiA(L)OGUE 682 60
(M)ISDOERS 9215 81
EROTISM 948 75
EATABlE 4364 65
REGrOO(V)E 14238 65
ENEMIES 5702 74
CARTAGE 5044 86
STRAV(AG)eS 14018 64
FuNER(A)LS 4283 83
NIvEOUS 1953 68
REWAKEN 8538 84
RIPE(N)ESS 9565 78
FREN(E)TiC 4099 66
PINKEST 10552 83
TErEDoS 849 88
LOR(D)INGS 4962 61
EUGlENA 2338 69
OUTVIeS 1956 75
INTITLE 3248 76
DINGIES 3810 89
NITR(A)TOR 2723 66
LEASING 758 79
(D)ARIOLES 90 80
mARPLOT 9944 71
RAIDERS 1273 68
sI(C)KLIER 16994 75
REGLAZE 8766 73
F(A)CTIOUS 8708 76
sPERM(I)NE 6838 61
ANgUINE 2239 67
G(O)LIARDS 2453 70
(D)oWNTIME 3924 68
RE(B)AITED 607 83
CREO(L)ISE 1821 62
sLE(I)GHED 9830 64
INFESTE(D) 2851 76
GROOvI(E)R 9453 60
DECLAIm 6634 66
rENTERS 3597 76
INCITES 3467 94
(E)RYTHEMA 11668 70
AERO(ME)TER 3651 65
SWEARIN(G) 1770 74
ANEAR(I)NG 1847 60
R(E)ADDICT 5161 78
FESTERS 13700 79
NATION(AL)S 2508 68
sQuAT(T)ER 12152 75
PRAIsED 1455 86
TENTIER 978 65
sORBENT 1966 78
GORILLA 7097 84
TEIGL(A)CH 7549 88
DE(T)RACTS 7894 72
SUpERIO(R) 5774 83
(L)ORICA(T)ED 181 66
pATEL(L)AE 13630 61
POCHA(R)DS 20566 72
T(A)LEnTED 2449 64
CuISINE 5614 81
SHoRTER 7132 90
PRIsTIN(E) 2540 77
RETRIAL(s) 886 66
(Z)AbAIONE 4709 84
ABSOLVE 7622 85
EScAPED 10876 89
SILTIER 1231 82
RETaG(G)ED 9057 70
bLEA(R)IER 3488 68
UpROARS 12737 80
LIqUATE 3543 74
WILDESt 5664 81
upSHOTS 21635 87
INTERBE(D) 1527 65
TETRODE 2372 70
MISLAIN 8155 66
(F)REESIAs 6289 83
OVE(R)DOGS 11830 73
OUtWISH 12957 82
BIRADIA(L) 10541 86
STOWING 7289 78
DASHERS 11890 79
REPUTED 6739 77
NIN(E)TIES 3187 68
(W)IfELIER 10922 83
DIALLED 12473 72
PeTIOLA(R) 218 80
SNAtCHE(R) 5835 86
URALITE 123 71
POETICS 5106 92
LATINAS 2373 70
TANNERY 3995 84
(R)EDSHiFT 9115 95
JEERINg 6209 82
AqUIFER 7783 66
ERECTED 8595 75
INHALEr(S) 997 72
GALEA(T)ED 3650 61
cHADORS 12881 73
A(B)LEGATE 7658 62
VERM(I)ANS* 0 67
BI(C)KERED 19399 86
CATENAE 2389 69
SOUTANE 160 64
D(I)ATRIBE 1229 72
INPOU(R)ED 1440 74
AV(I)ANIZe 11055 90
REBLOOM 12588 82
OVE(R)LENT 1980 62
vAULTIE(R) 1075 74
iNVADES 1521 72
UNALIkE 3376 64
GAVE(L)ING 13219 73
lETHEAN 2106 80
ALAnInE 1674 62
SPO(R)TERS 18147 89
BENZOIN 12684 78
(E)NDOZOIC 12179 145
(S)TORMING 6226 92
NICOISe 2251 63
ANNATeS 3396 66
ETAlONS 161 84
STEARIC 640 68
ARANC(I)NI 12301 61
ACQUEST 14090 100
MOUSIER 2047 76
SOUBIsE 10205 75
RUR(A)LItE 936 58
TROPINE 360 67
GARRETS 4430 68
OVER(B)ItE 2465 74
SINOpIA 3539 78
E(L)ATIONS 19 134
RUI(N)ABLE 947 61
R(EM)oUNTED 2002 72
LI(T)ERATI 1043 66
SPIROID 9188 72
ROsEATE 69 90
TAKAhES 14616 83
(O)UTCHIDe 6466 101
(G)AINSAID 7777 62
(D)EFINITE 3296 64
TARRYIn(G) 9434 86
REVISAL 1491 91
SURNAME(S) 11613 83
NODAL(I)TY 2300 78
REGNANt 2314 66
DAUBIER 1457 74
INClINE 10208 80
BEGONIA 565 75
(N)AUSeOUS 12958 64
SANDALS 16327 73
ACHENeS 7925 93
TREELIN(E) 859 77
TOGGLES 12986 87
HERIOTs 932 90
IN(S)oLENT 1098 74
CITRINS 8245 70
GLAI(R)IER 3476 63
COLTERS 3682 90
DIALYsE 2892 68
COVERED 9032 74
(D)eNDRITE 2860 70
MOORHEN 9128 80
RASpING 6554 83
The of bingos played by the player that were not challenged off.
Triple Triples
Type Play Probability Score
p(UP)IlAGES 19980 149
UNRE(N)TEd 5027 113
E(L)ATIONS 19 134
Triple triples played by the player that were not challenged off. They do not have to be bingos.
Bingo Nines or Above
Type Play Probability Score
p(UP)IlAGES 19980 149
M(UT)ILATES 5044 74
(DE)FLaTORS 1561 89
SANGA(R)E(E)S 7331 73
STRAV(AG)eS 14018 64
AERO(ME)TER 3651 65
NATION(AL)S 2508 68
(L)ORICA(T)ED 181 66
R(EM)oUNTED 2002 72
Bingos played by the player that were nine letters or longer and were not challenged off.
Challenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were challenged off by an opponent.
Unchallenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
YARNY* 0 28
(B)EGIFT* 0 42
KAI(D)* 0 27
BENNO* 0 27
BO(U)CHE* 0 27
FACU(L)ATE* 0 65
rONDLET* 0 71
Q(U)INOLES* 0 88
FIBERIN(E)* 0 78
FOVEOUS* 0 113
H(AI)FA* 0 33
UMBO(N)E* 0 20
BL(A)RNY* 0 38
BEARED* 0 32
HYRA* 0 29
HMD* 0 11
CILIAL* 0 82
VERM(I)ANS* 0 67
SACE* 0 30
DOO(B)Y* 0 30
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were not challenged by an opponent.
Plays That Were Challenged
Type Play Probability Score
WAP 792 0
ANES 53 35
IC(ER)* 0 0
(H)EAVE 3268 22
IN(T)ER(T)IED* 0 0
sWAGGED 18351 79
M(I)TT 2657 0
HON 445 25
CLU(P)E* 0 0
TEAB(O)ARD 1586 62
WIPES 4098 41
A(T)OMY 4164 32
(E)RYTHEMA 11668 70
NATION(AL)S 2508 68
FER(A)M* 0 0
SINOpIA 3539 78
Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Notable Lists
Many Double Words Covered
Games in which at least 15 double word bonus squares were covered.
All Triple Words Covered
Games in which every triple word bonus square was covered.
High Scoring
Games in which at least one player scores at least 700 points.
One Player Plays Every Power Tile
Games in which one player plays the Z, X, Q, J, every blank, and every S.
Four or More Consecutive Bingos
Games in which the player bingos at least 4 times in a row.
Game Stats
Stat Average Total
Games 1.00 186
Invalid Games 0.01 1
Incomplete 0.01 1
Disconnected 0.00 0
Other 0.00 0
Total Turns 25.95 4827
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Player Stats
Stat Average Total
Wins 0.38 70
Score 391.18 72759
Score per Turn 30.3795
Turns 12.88 2395
Vertical Plays 6.15 1144
Horizontal Plays 5.64 1049
One Tile Plays 0.45 83
Other Plays 0.64 119
Firsts 0.47 87
Vertical Openings per First 0.7949
Horizontal Openings per First 0.2051
Full Rack per Turn 0.2973
Exchanges 0.32 59
High Game 711
Low Game 261
Highest Scoring Turn 176
Bingos Played 1.77 329
Sevens 0.92 171
Eights 0.84 157
Nines 0.01 1
Tens 0.00 0
Elevens 0.00 0
Twelves 0.00 0
Thirteens 0.00 0
Fourteens 0.00 0
Fifteens 0.00 0
Bingo Probabilities 5651.30
Sevens 4866.43
Eights 6468.20
Nines 11738.00
Tens 0.00
Elevens 0.00
Twelves 0.00
Thirteens 0.00
Fourteens 0.00
Fifteens 0.00
Tiles Played 47.47 8829
A 4.35 809
B 0.99 185
C 0.84 157
D 1.90 353
E 5.83 1085
F 1.00 186
G 1.46 271
H 0.98 182
I 4.40 819
J 0.44 82
K 0.48 89
L 1.82 338
M 1.02 189
N 2.81 523
O 3.73 694
P 0.98 182
Q 0.47 87
R 2.77 515
S 1.96 364
T 2.79 519
U 1.75 325
V 0.89 166
W 0.97 180
X 0.55 103
Y 0.89 165
Z 0.46 86
? 0.94 175
Power Tiles Played 4.82 897
? 0.94 175
J 0.44 82
Q 0.47 87
X 0.55 103
Z 0.46 86
S 1.96 364
Power Tiles Stuck With 0.12 23
? 0.02 4
J 0.01 1
Q 0.02 3
X 0.01 1
Z 0.01 1
S 0.07 13
Turns With a Blank 1.06 197
Triple Triples Played 0.03 5
Bingoless Games 0.07 13
Bonus Square Coverage 15.35 2855
Double Letter 5.07 943
Triple Letter 5.23 973
Double Word 2.59 482
Triple Word 2.46 457
Phony Plays 0.25 46
Unchallenged 0.06 11
Challenged Off 0.19 35
Challenges 0.32 60
You Won 0.05 10
Opponent Lost 0.03 5
You Lost 0.05 10
Opponent Won 0.19 35
Challenge Percentage 0.5000
Defending Challenge Percentage 0.1250
Percentage Phonies Unchallenged 0.2391
Comments 6.83 1270
Comments Word Length 151.66 28208
Mistakeless Turns 12.88 2395
Mistakes per Turn 0.0000
Mistakes 0.00 0
Knowledge 0.00 0
Finding 0.00 0
Vision 0.00 0
Tactics 0.00 0
Strategy 0.00 0
Endgame 0.00 0
Time 0.00 0
Dynamic Mistakes 0.00 0
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Player Confidence Intervals
Tile p CI
A 0.4833 (0.4433, 0.5061)
B 0.4950 (0.4080, 0.5414)
C 0.4200 (0.4080, 0.5414)
D 0.4750 (0.4275, 0.5219)
E 0.4858 (0.4475, 0.5019)
F 0.5000 (0.4080, 0.5414)
G 0.4867 (0.4202, 0.5292)
H 0.4900 (0.4080, 0.5414)
I 0.4889 (0.4433, 0.5061)
J 0.4400 (0.3804, 0.5690)
K 0.4800 (0.3804, 0.5690)
L 0.4550 (0.4275, 0.5219)
M 0.5100 (0.4080, 0.5414)
N 0.4683 (0.4362, 0.5132)
O 0.4662 (0.4414, 0.5080)
P 0.4900 (0.4080, 0.5414)
Q 0.4700 (0.3804, 0.5690)
R 0.4617 (0.4362, 0.5132)
S 0.4900 (0.4275, 0.5219)
T 0.4650 (0.4362, 0.5132)
U 0.4375 (0.4275, 0.5219)
V 0.4450 (0.4080, 0.5414)
W 0.4850 (0.4080, 0.5414)
X 0.5500 (0.3804, 0.5690)
Y 0.4450 (0.4080, 0.5414)
Z 0.4600 (0.3804, 0.5690)
? 0.4700 (0.4080, 0.5414)
To learn more about these statistics, check the 'Confidence Intervals' section on the about page.
Opponent Stats
Stat Average Total
Wins 0.62 116
Score 423.21 78717
Score per Turn 32.3672
Turns 13.08 2432
Vertical Plays 5.68 1057
Horizontal Plays 6.30 1171
One Tile Plays 0.64 119
Other Plays 0.46 85
Firsts 0.53 99
Vertical Openings per First 0.2073
Horizontal Openings per First 0.7927
Full Rack per Turn 0.9445
Exchanges 0.35 66
High Game 610
Low Game 253
Highest Scoring Turn 149
Bingos Played 1.99 371
Sevens 0.96 179
Eights 0.98 182
Nines 0.05 10
Tens 0.00 0
Elevens 0.00 0
Twelves 0.00 0
Thirteens 0.00 0
Fourteens 0.00 0
Fifteens 0.00 0
Bingo Probabilities 5978.27
Sevens 6264.19
Eights 5686.49
Nines 6252.89
Tens 0.00
Elevens 0.00
Twelves 0.00
Thirteens 0.00
Fourteens 0.00
Fifteens 0.00
Tiles Played 49.73 9250
A 4.48 834
B 0.98 183
C 1.07 199
D 2.05 381
E 5.79 1077
F 0.99 184
G 1.45 270
H 0.98 183
I 4.25 790
J 0.55 103
K 0.50 93
L 2.04 380
M 0.95 176
N 2.92 544
O 4.08 758
P 0.99 185
Q 0.51 94
R 2.98 554
S 1.96 365
T 2.92 543
U 2.08 386
V 1.06 198
W 1.03 191
X 0.44 82
Y 1.11 206
Z 0.53 98
? 1.04 193
Power Tiles Played 5.03 935
? 1.04 193
J 0.55 103
Q 0.51 94
X 0.44 82
Z 0.53 98
S 1.96 365
Power Tiles Stuck With 0.03 5
? 0.00 0
J 0.00 0
Q 0.01 2
X 0.00 0
Z 0.01 1
S 0.01 2
Turns With a Blank 2.04 380
Triple Triples Played 0.02 3
Bingoless Games 0.06 12
Bonus Square Coverage 16.23 3019
Double Letter 5.17 962
Triple Letter 5.75 1070
Double Word 3.28 610
Triple Word 2.03 377
Phony Plays 0.21 39
Unchallenged 0.16 29
Challenged Off 0.05 10
Challenges 0.32 60
You Won 0.19 35
Opponent Lost 0.05 10
You Lost 0.03 5
Opponent Won 0.05 10
Challenge Percentage 0.8750
Defending Challenge Percentage 0.5000
Percentage Phonies Unchallenged 0.7436
Comments 6.83 1270
Comments Word Length 151.66 28208
Mistakeless Turns 12.93 2405
Mistakes per Turn 0.0111
Mistakes 0.15 27
Knowledge 0.01 1
Finding 0.04 8
Vision 0.01 1
Tactics 0.05 9
Strategy 0.03 5
Endgame 0.02 3
Time 0.00 0
Dynamic Mistakes 0.00 0
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Opponent Confidence Intervals
Tile p CI
A 0.4978 (0.4658, 0.5288)
B 0.4900 (0.4305, 0.5641)
C 0.5350 (0.4305, 0.5641)
D 0.5125 (0.4501, 0.5445)
E 0.4825 (0.4700, 0.5246)
F 0.4950 (0.4305, 0.5641)
G 0.4833 (0.4428, 0.5518)
H 0.4900 (0.4305, 0.5641)
I 0.4722 (0.4658, 0.5288)
J 0.5500 (0.4029, 0.5917)
K 0.5000 (0.4029, 0.5917)
L 0.5100 (0.4501, 0.5445)
M 0.4750 (0.4305, 0.5641)
N 0.4867 (0.4587, 0.5359)
O 0.5100 (0.4639, 0.5307)
P 0.4950 (0.4305, 0.5641)
Q 0.5100 (0.4029, 0.5917)
R 0.4967 (0.4587, 0.5359)
S 0.4900 (0.4501, 0.5445)
T 0.4867 (0.4587, 0.5359)
U 0.5200 (0.4501, 0.5445)
V 0.5300 (0.4305, 0.5641)
W 0.5150 (0.4305, 0.5641)
X 0.4400 (0.4029, 0.5917)
Y 0.5550 (0.4305, 0.5641)
Z 0.5300 (0.4029, 0.5917)
? 0.5200 (0.4305, 0.5641)
To learn more about these statistics, check the 'Confidence Intervals' section on the about page.
Opponent Mistakes
Play Type Size Comment
8A PER(C) +24 Strategy Medium
Quackle prefers M2 NOT, though it is reckless with ?KSSS unseen; next best is 8A PONCE. PERC sets up the S on column E, which makes potential bingos more likely to play (note that POSTERN on my rack is homeless), but it apparently sacrifices too much leave value. Note that there are five E's, three R's, and no O's unseen, which influenced my choice. Interestingly, despite this, none of Quackle's choices use the R. #strategymedium
10D MOZO +41 Strategy Small
crackle thinks i should dump the S with it. -2 #strategysmall
E10 (O)LDY +16 Finding Large
wrong by quite a bit; 11A LYSED is straightforward and best here, scoring a lot more and keeping a great leave. -9.5 #findinglarge
5D STY +26 Finding Small
completely missed VOT(AR)Y E8 and O(A)TY 2L. Keeping the S is really important. #findingSAD
K2 DUTY +36 Finding Large
Totally just missed DOZY here, which is probably correct. #findingsaddest
12K (O)UZO +26 Strategy Small
J10 HUN seems like an improvement, no need to go aggro here yet. #strategysmall
10H ITH(e)R +15 Vision Medium
O12 S(I)NH is just too many points, I bingo through the E a decent amount. #visionmedium
1L (B)END +21 Strategy Small
G8 MED is straightforward and continues to fish for ANDES(IT)E. I missed that this got rid of my N. #strategysmall
10C SPEW +32 Tactics Small
SMEW sims a point better. Sad. #tacticssmall
12B IMIDO +26 Finding Large
There is a gorgeous nine here that I missed but was familiar with. FID(EL)ISMO E7 #findingsaddest
A5 (L)U(G)E +15 Endgame Large
JUTES is 16 points better, thought I might steal the game somehow. #endgamelarge
D3 DREG +23 Finding Small
totally missed HEDG(E)R 4A. #findingsmall
3I G(U)YED +24 Finding Large
missed HEDGER now I miss HEDGY. #findingsaddest
13J ZO(O)TY +34 Finding Small
did not see that 13K was better, since I draw into QA(T) simply 14J when I draw an A, and a bunch of other plays through the T that score 60+ #findingsmall
12A HEATH +41 Tactics Small
Quackle prefers K9 HATH, which I considered. HEATH has the better equity, but the board is good for bingos in the short term, with row 12 and column B, and HATH preserves both lanes and keeps a better bingo leave. #tacticssmall
A2 ROsEATE +90 Tactics Small
I saw OcREATE, but I didn't want to give up a C hook at A1. This sacrifices 3 points, yet Quackle rates this an 8-point mistake. In hindsight, it was a mistake; I drew both C's and the other blank this game. #tacticssmall
K9 TAKAhES +83 Tactics Medium
I'm far ahead that I can sacrifice over ten points of equity to avoid allowing triple-triples. In this case, I should play 10D SIKA. This play got probably the longest hold of my career, because Michael was directing the tournament and a bag of tiles was spilled. #tacticsmedium
C11 V(A)LOR +16 Tactics Small
Quackle assigns this the highest valuation, but M11 TOR and a few other plays have undetectably better win chances (99.99 > 99.99 apparently). I considered TOR but I did not realize that it forced bingos ending in S to play on column N instead of column M, thus giving me high-scoring responses. #tacticssmall
N10 TALON +26 Tactics Small
This has the best equity, but now that I win 100% (more than 99.995% anyway, but it appears as 100% due to rounding error), I should give myself a chance to pad my spread with 8L LINO--which makes a bingo lane on column O and prevents Michael from using the hotspot at 8L-8O. #tacticssmall
8L F(I)CO +39 Tactics Medium
I missed an opportunity here--8L FIG sets up the S at O8, and it can be blocked only with the remaining A. Quackle prefers GIF for some reason? #tacticsmedium
D1 MINUS +27 Endgame Medium
I have to block C7 YEP. D4 AMIN is best, saving J2 SOU. (-12) #endgamemedium
14A NOSHED +43 Knowledge Medium
A8 HODDEN is a word. I considered only SHODDEN, which is also apparently better than NOSHED. #knowledgemedium
B6 AHI +22 Tactics Small
When will I learn that I should never keep two I's? AHI has the best equity, but 12C TAHINI is best overall; having two I's greatly hinders my potential for a 2*2 on column K. #tacticssmall
12A RO(T)INI +14 Finding Medium
D7 ORIBI scores 7 more and keeps the N, which helps the I. #findingmedium
14H INClINE +80 Tactics Small
This has the highest valuation, but Quackle prefers the safer 11G CoNIINE. INClINE takes D, R, and S, all of which can easily end a seven-letter bingo to bring Michael back into this game. #tacticssmall
13L OU(T) +12 Strategy Medium
Championship Player likes 4F PROTEI, which is an awesome find but doesn't block FARL. Of the plays that block FARL, CP prefers K9 PUERIlE. PUERIlE also wins the sim, with O13 ORE/IRE close behind; OUT is too much of a sacrifice. I suppose now is the time to confess that I wasn't certain of INCLINER. #strategymedium
4B S(L)AY +28 Endgame Small
N1 YAS is best, threatening O1 EL, which cannot be blocked without boosting 1M LYE. #endgamesmall (-1)
The listing of all of the player's mistakes. For more information about mistakes, check the 'Mistakes' section of the about page.
Game Line Error
Game 10559 26 Game is incomplete.
Errors are (most likely) the result of malformed GCG files. To learn more, check the 'Errors and Warnings' section in the about page.