Maxim Panitch
Maxim Panitch
Color Key
= Triple Triple
= Bingo 9+
= Improbable
= +
= +
= +
= + +
Player Lists
Type Play Probability Score
ADRENAL 1272 69
CURIOsA 3348 69
(U)NSONSIE 8892 70
(R)OOSTERS 14554 62
SOLANDE(R) 403 61
(W)ArTiEST 3743 80
vISAGES 11815 91
FLEYING 12241 116
ERRANDS 2809 73
bIMET(A)Ls 5641 82
SOUnDLY 14928 69
IDOLAT(E)r 13 59
PILLAGE 11793 76
PORRECT 12131 80
ALLEGRO 5252 63
UREtHRA 6484 68
NITROSO 1709 71
dIABASE 3354 68
REVISAL 1491 71
BOOTIES 2655 71
AREOLAR 2023 77
TUTOReD 3336 66
(A)CUITIES 2432 76
ORANgEY 1422 76
(B)LENDERS 8542 89
NANOWI(r)E* 0 63
GOITR(O)US 6559 86
S(I)RVEnTE 1631 72
RINGL(E)TY 3731 63
LEpORIN(E) 846 74
(M)ARINAdE 1203 80
CR(A)NNIED 3671 82
(T)ELLTALe 32307 64
SOUtANE 201 78
VOlT(A)GES 5579 94
GUIL(D)ERS 6110 62
PHOnI(E)ST 3939 82
TERI(Y)AKI 7264 67
STR(A)ITER 2512 62
BANGLES 7476 79
GERONTI(C) 980 86
(G)ErANIUM 1857 83
TuNICLE 3232 70
DIAMINE 1703 78
AREoLAE 363 61
BATIKED 7446 88
TOENAI(L)S 21 70
N(I)OBATES 175 82
ElEVATE 7779 62
AeROLIT(H) 261 90
OSTEOID 1325 82
IN(F)eRIOR 3962 72
U(T)RICLeS 4531 72
LaBORER 4598 82
MAILERS 1546 77
AERATIN(G) 236 61
OUtSOAR 3433 73
BEER(I)EST 4745 63
(L)EgATION 64 61
(R)ESPITES 9570 75
NEMATO(D)E 770 65
oRA(T)ORIO 8092 68
Ou(T)LINER 104 122
Bea(U)COUP 22239 86
RADIALE 492 68
VINE(G)ARy 4881 74
E(D)GEWISE 13449 64
R(E)FLECTs 14207 78
TREFOIL 1239 67
(H)AUNTERS 3023 65
STEER(A)GE 2847 63
VIBrATO(R) 10327 86
(P)RECLEAn 7101 63
(T)rIpODIC 13614 80
PENITEN(T) 10781 64
DARkLI(E)R 8508 70
M(I)SENTER 1540 70
SILI(C)Ide 17217 68
SHORTI(N)G 6553 63
GLUT(E)LiN 9249 60
LINTERS 452 64
cR(E)AKIER 12162 72
ABETTO(R)S 3530 74
DECAYER 8266 88
FACET(E)LY 16069 82
(V)ERONALS 1393 74
sTATI(C)KY 26777 72
ZE(N)AIDAS 5408 69
HET(A)IRAI 1574 94
CaJOLES 11747 78
(A)LEURONS 333 68
ANYMOrE 2747 74
ARCHFO(E)S 11294 90
LEADENS 1306 75
RATEABL(E) 3275 76
CAnDLES 5344 81
RENTALS 413 71
TEENAG(E)D 2697 61
(O)TALGIAS 2993 83
SURI(C)ATE 1017 62
MILTERS 3290 87
RENAILS 108 72
THIAZ(O)LE 4604 82
S(I)NGULAR 4308 68
E(D)GEWISE 13449 64
R(E)FLECTs 14207 78
CAnArDS 11602 72
SUDAT(I)ON 743 60
tOECAPS 5028 72
DESSERT 9371 72
brEE(D)ING 4629 70
ENTREES 2690 68
nEONATE 473 74
RE(D)RYInG 10719 98
BaIRNI(S)H 11791 70
STOURIE 184 72
TRIpPED 14322 74
NEO(N)ATES 692 70
CiRRATE 2726 77
AIrDATE 154 72
CRUSHER 19294 89
(S)PRAWLEd 12623 74
(g)RAPHITE 4634 80
LINGUAE 724 75
PEAVEYS 15246 78
sORBENT 1966 72
TILAPIA 8957 74
F(AS)TEnERS 6730 83
(R)ELIAnCE 644 80
HEAVIES 5255 83
lEVI(T)ATE 3501 70
TURNAB(l)E 2235 67
RA(I)NLESS 2083 70
ENAcTOR 349 76
IODATED 820 70
ST(I)NGIER 1570 68
ORNA(T)ELY 589 62
TRAILER 544 62
OEDIPEA(N) 276 80
NUT(C)ASEs 11581 131
SAUTOIR 445 72
ROTA(R)IES 145 60
(B)RoTHIER* 0 98
(R)ECONNeD 7434 83
RAFTERS 6213 74
D(I)ASTASE 4435 70
(T)RIPLANE 406 83
INDeXER 4345 99
LAMiNAE 1779 83
TALONED 148 74
RIP(E)NERs 6465 86
THE(N)AGES 4619 74
VIOLENT 985 68
RELOADS 508 76
REBATOS 878 72
GOBShIT(E) 8836 83
(C)ANNIEST 2892 72
BRA(K)IeST 6629 78
INT(R)ANET 1188 68
eULOG(I)AE 322 70
STANzAS 20648 77
mILREIs 6072 74
ELON(G)ATE 349 131
VUlGATE 7507 80
BRA(C)IOLE 2017 78
LEnTOID 167 62
FADEOu(T)S 2784 73
COnVOYS 22047 83
DETAIL(E)D 2760 70
DOGGIER 7287 80
eNDPLAY 10029 79
SURFIER 9461 88
VETCHES 18541 84
CORSAGE 2801 79
DEMOUNT(ED) 10249 67
CAN(T)ERED 1585 63
STORAG(E)S 4201 63
MISEASE 7926 68
SENEGAS 8160 70
ARMLETS 3023 75
ENFOr(C)ES 8014 74
VIzOR(I)NG 20292 94
HUTTING 16813 71
TUATERA 3398 73
T(W)ANGIER 796 78
NEARLI(E)R 519 68
PROCEEd 9033 78
BESTIAl 1464 84
EMERS(I)ON 847 78
(S)PECTATE 15120 89
BU(R)SEEDS 20648 64
ANNEAl(E)R 3186 61
DIRTIER 3399 69
TURFLI(K)E 13854 80
hEADSET 4054 87
ENTiTIE(S) 3191 74
REAwAKE 12470 78
NON(A)RIES 141 70
REUNIT(E)S 394 77
INsULIN 14228 74
(S)TRINGED 1170 83
C(L)EAVAGE 17002 86
oUT(R)AVES 1331 62
A(N)EMOSIS 3787 63
AnTIGAY 7410 78
COUNSEL 6371 69
R(E)TAKING 2183 64
MONTAGE 1420 75
INTI(M)ACY 18022 84
TAL(A)POin 2598 149
LOoKERS 11742 69
TOODlED 10842 70
(U)NPOLITE 1470 72
LIATRIS 2382 68
MORTARS 9654 74
ACULEuS 15863 78
PLEDGER(S) 14538 72
L(E)NITIES 1128 59
SCaNNED 9378 68
TEABOXE(S) 8696 110
LENiTIV(E) 3496 83
MINST(R)eL 2391 63
DISORDE(R) 8888 83
SUITERs 5431 78
O(U)tSIZED 5763 212
SHITt(A)HS 29487 67
NoRLAND 5149 66
AMITIES 1709 80
FOR(E)SAIL 533 82
IDEATEd 1959 68
O(V)ErEASY 4571 76
AERONAU(T) 119 70
EUCAI(N)ES 1446 74
REsEA(S)ON 1681 68
GRANI(T)ES 151 75
(L)OCkAGES 16443 72
OUTWEAR 895 88
(E)NDuRING 5549 80
DEVoTES 4808 91
TABOOLE(Y) 8256 78
STEAR(I)NE 35 66
ISATINE 144 65
ENhANCE 12251 73
HOLS(T)EIN 1461 65
(Q)UaRTIZE* 0 102
MORuLAR 12738 72
SENT(R)IES 2864 122
QUEE(N)DOm 16228 86
PORTIoN 4668 65
(V)IRtUOSA 2454 64
SPICIER 10738 81
PRELOaD 1949 82
SQUATTE(R) 12792 71
NOTIONS 6852 73
PEN(T)ANOL 3369 70
DEGREAS(E) 4792 73
BlOSSOM 22719 83
COENURI 955 74
DOGT(A)ILS 2590 60
O(U)TspENT 9481 66
E(N)HANCES 15107 66
mISTAKE 7800 94
CINEOLE 1251 67
(T)HALLOID 12327 89
N(I)TERIES 454 59
E(C)OTONES 4719 70
GOAdING 8941 78
ESQU(I)RES 17238 86
SEMiNAR 693 80
RISOTTO 6853 83
PoSTDOC 19813 71
NUTATED 2812 77
COSTATE 4604 84
(H)AIRLInE 1246 72
INFIn(I)TY 26649 86
ZItHERN 7935 106
(B)LONDInE 6057 83
OVE(R)TOIL 2091 94
ANIMA(T)ER 505 61
(D)IOCESAN 535 92
IRE(N)ICAl 1237 86
OUT(R)IDES 342 61
bRAVOIN(G) 8113 95
(V)OLATILE 3786 74
UNBASTE(D) 4474 74
INQUIRE(D) 8685 104
TO(T)ALITY 18695 76
UNSUIT(E)D 7221 70
LOMEINS 2034 83
(D)ECLarED 13666 89
STRAnDS 10825 70
LASSOED 5751 70
N(O)NDAIRY 5107 78
ERRANDS 2809 73
bIMET(A)Ls 5641 82
DISTAIN 2379 79
uNTAGGE(D) 11712 71
MAUSIES(T) 8656 83
ENCOMIA 1298 72
(B)ELAUDEd 17265 83
PROBAND 10344 74
HE(P)TAGOn 5597 84
VIRtUO(S)O 9308 62
INSANER 546 78
TONI(F)IES 1692 62
FR(O)NTALS 4687 62
PROSUME(D)* 0 89
BEASTIE 1041 78
SITUATE(D) 2072 70
WA(G)ONERS 2251 98
SALTERY 3186 76
(O)RATURES 1152 62
The of bingos played by the player that were not challenged off.
Triple Triples
Type Play Probability Score
Ou(T)LINER 104 122
NUT(C)ASEs 11581 131
ELON(G)ATE 349 131
TAL(A)POin 2598 149
O(U)tSIZED 5763 212
SENT(R)IES 2864 122
Triple triples played by the player that were not challenged off. They do not have to be bingos.
Bingo Nines or Above
Type Play Probability Score
F(AS)TEnERS 6730 83
DEMOUNT(ED) 10249 67
Bingos played by the player that were nine letters or longer and were not challenged off.
Challenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were challenged off by an opponent.
Unchallenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
NANOWI(r)E* 0 63
(AN)EURIC* 0 22
CRISS* 0 28
(B)REGNA* 0 32
DHURRY* 0 23
(B)RoTHIER* 0 98
(G)OOPILY* 0 30
ARBING* 0 41
(Q)UaRTIZE* 0 102
(t)IGUE* 0 18
PROSUME(D)* 0 89
ARAMIC* 0 38
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were not challenged by an opponent.
Plays That Were Challenged
Type Play Probability Score
G(I)NK 2751 42
D(E)RAILeR* 0 0
IODATED 820 70
(e)XCITRON* 0 0
DERN* 0 0
EAsT 68 0
Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Opponent Lists
Type Play Probability Score
B(I)OTITEs 6676 72
VENaTIC 2407 80
BEgINN(E)R 8485 77
REAVING 1583 86
INROADS 461 83
NEITHEr 1081 87
NOODLES 3966 80
EDITORS 175 82
DEVOTI(N)G 2263 89
VIRGATE 1234 79
MURAGES 7508 70
CURLERs 15668 79
OUTrANG(E) 259 74
GAUNTEr 810 71
UPTEARS 3200 78
ME(A)THEAD 10381 78
NO(N)ELITE 736 61
NIMRODS 5869 80
HEALErS 4114 76
SN(O)OPIER 2106 82
PIASTRE 719 82
PHOTOED 16545 93
OBS(I)GNED 5582 76
DAU(N)TiNG 10370 72
ORI(G)ANUM 4903 62
(T)UITIONS 9756 77
PAEO(N)IES 362 64
REALLIE(S) 3521 77
URIDINE 1644 77
(O)UTBOuND 30620 70
OU(T)BLOWN* 0 67
ARMYwOR(M) 28597 84
NOVEL(I)ST 1393 84
FADeOUT 1944 78
(D)EaSHING 3635 78
AmORINI 1775 80
COUPlES 13676 72
IN(A)CTION 7540 68
RENEGED 8422 87
NITRIDS 5818 78
TIELESS 6339 78
GREASED 2452 71
REGiF(T)ER 8473 67
STARLIT 4584 76
BlAGUES 10573 91
STORAgE 396 80
GIFTEES 5760 74
WESTeRN 4227 83
OTI(T)ISES 9637 82
COMFITs 17774 87
RETAkES 4341 64
RELAY(E)Rs* 0 66
(S)POLIATE 544 70
(U)NTRAcED 2240 73
BOGbEAN 14749 74
SEAWARD 6038 79
DESPOIL 3750 90
TUNNIES 2857 70
PADDIES 9173 77
AMOsITE 331 86
LOONIES(T) 622 77
INTERNE(s) 1301 64
RATLIkE 1756 68
BROMISE 6638 94
t(R)APEZIA 9272 98
eNVIRON 3385 75
URE(T)ERAL 2697 68
(S)ECONDER 3729 86
HAPLONT 10368 93
S(C)ANNInG 25120 63
(U)NSTEELS 11648 77
N(O)NLIVES 6075 74
STRIVEN 1558 78
EXTENTS 13952 82
DECENTE(R) 7877 65
JANgLER 8234 70
(g)RADIENT 148 66
(BE)WAILErS 4408 92
STOMPEd 11245 73
LITERA(T)E 522 60
DIO(C)ESAN 536 86
cOL(E)SsEE 19605 74
TRANcED 1507 76
EREPSIN 2187 82
TWOPEN(C)E 13543 73
TOWP(L)aNE 4071 98
SELTZER 10474 84
RIGA(U)DON 1258 66
(V)ITREOUS 1485 74
RATLIkE 1756 68
ACHIeST 4324 80
THREA(t)EN 3869 70
ASPIRED 1521 81
LAMINAE 1777 89
TWENTIE(S) 6470 65
MA(R)BLIER 10150 75
GOlIAT(H)S 6321 74
MEANERS 2224 76
bRISTL(E)D 4523 60
FoLDERS 6115 78
INTERA(G)E 81 63
R(E)DTAILS 250 60
DE(P)AINTS 982 72
(T)EAMStER 6081 80
T(E)TRODES 3396 72
OUTFISH 13527 93
RET(I)RINg 3600 78
BONDL(E)SS 16238 62
BOLETEs 4782 75
(W)HEELERS 20058 69
END(B)RAIN 2874 63
SUCROSE(S) 27329 83
TOASTI(n)G 3407 72
TONNERS 1799 88
ALASToR 2716 68
(N)aPIFORM 10602 80
(V)INDALOO 5534 78
(E)MCEEING 15395 84
REPL(Y)INg 11442 98
SCOUSIN(g)* 0 68
(A)GNAThUS* 0 70
JINGOES 5713 77
ANTER(O)OM 892 90
REsIDER 3721 73
(S)PANNErS 17161 76
PULSATE 5619 83
COOLINg 11786 90
LENtOID 167 72
BONIEsT 944 77
SHARPER 14375 70
EUCLASE(S) 17290 72
rOSINOL 3436 71
SEI(C)ENTO 832 74
RIDGIE(S)T 2981 84
OPUNTIA 1667 78
NOTICEs 956 92
AL(I)ENIST 313 73
TAENIAS 136 71
pTERYGI(A) 4890 88
PREWI(R)ES 15169 65
NODDLES 9091 71
R(O)OTLIKE 4565 78
cEN(T)RING 7423 122
UNB(e)lIEF 10430 72
DIS(U)NITE 1958 140
DAIRIES 496 72
PER(I)GEAN 1086 62
DIASTEM 1518 91
FlOATED 1944 88
NERVOUS 3937 76
TOASTIN(G) 3411 70
THEINES 2283 85
PAgURID(S) 12136 83
ANI(L)INES 2335 62
OU(T)GIVES 4389 63
AUG(U)RIES 5812 60
BORNITE 355 78
PALMI(E)RS 5739 82
WANTERS 1615 79
BEASTIE 1043 78
(R)ESONANT 455 77
RAmPIKE 11966 79
URALITE 123 75
TRUDGEN 3563 80
SILvERY 10174 83
WONNERs 7438 81
ATTaBOY 16756 85
MILLIO(N)S 19178 64
ENtRAIN 185 84
STERILe 611 73
(I)GNATiAS 5135 77
IMBlAZE 15527 108
UP(l)IGHTS 23784 69
gELLANT(S) 9228 68
ORI(E)NTED 43 86
(G)RODIEsT 658 80
DIOCESE 2611 79
IDEALIT(Y) 2573 89
wES(T)ErLY 14219 86
LORNEST 528 65
BINDLes 5624 72
SA(N)ITARY 4410 82
AC(C)URATE 19037 86
(D)EMONISE 1930 69
SAHuARO 9164 77
UNGUI(D)ED 21179 67
SOLANDE(R) 324 75
INHALES 1535 85
SPACIER 4349 100
LETD(O)WNS 5207 68
AIGRET(T)E 947 61
OvERSEA 1247 73
p(E)ANUTTY 13992 74
HAWSERS 16525 84
(A)IRBORNE 719 72
M(U)LTIAGe 3456 68
DESTINE 595 70
(A)RCHAEAN 15524 71
PHElONI(A) 2056 76
UNMIT(R)ED 2389 72
ELEGiAC 3051 74
STRIPER 6576 80
(A)PHORIST 5952 76
INV(O)LUTE 1473 61
NONElI(T)E 736 70
LA(T)EWOOD 3927 76
HONO(U)rED 6883 74
PROVERS 15264 95
ADVERSE 3901 75
(H)YACINTH 26379 92
(R)ELIANCE 644 62
EgALITE 456 70
HEARTEN 1076 82
PRO(C)UrAL 20928 72
SINUATE 125 71
GASSIER 4497 91
(E)LUVIATE 1562 63
INARCHE(D) 3297 95
FLAXiER 7785 75
CURAT(I)VE 3338 76
SFORZ(A)TI* 0 90
OUtHEAR 871 65
PR(E)NAMES 6787 63
TOWAGEs 2827 87
P(R)OMINES 3945 76
R(E)GRAFTS 10170 86
(R)EAcHING 4622 76
SHOALED 3569 80
CRU(D)ItES 4303 90
SNOOPED 7724 72
WIDeNER 2163 68
(D)ESIGNEE 4794 72
ETAMINE 372 89
ILEITIS 6580 73
CANT(A)LAS 19892 74
mAIDENS 1508 81
T(h)IOUREA 211 64
REP(A)RTED* 0 65
BANT(E)rED 1582 140
(F)URIOSOS* 0 86
EUlA(C)HON 6727 74
SA(P)HENAE 10925 76
SOLANIN 2868 66
ADHES(I)ON 544 66
PAT(H)NAME 15394 88
A(L)LOtTER 5764 96
S(C)OWLERS 22103 92
THERIA(C)A 3808 76
HANDILy 12401 77
RACHITI(S) 11801 102
AER(O)LITE 11 82
(O)VEREDIT 839 84
RADIANt 1170 80
BO(W)ERING 5602 68
GASTRAE(A) 7333 72
BRaXIES 7450 90
POOREST 5242 75
WAMEFOU 12572 100
ASCItES 6665 66
AmERICI(UM) 20119 89
rEPA(V)ING 4884 63
(P)ATINAED 1206 74
(B)UTLErED* 0 83
CELLARS 12828 66
RAC(E)mIZE 13179 98
PYREnO(I)D 4140 64
SLATIER 121 75
OUTDRES(S) 8089 83
ELAPSES 14197 69
uNDRA(P)ED 12185 158
TETANIc 2103 64
PRIESTE(D) 3135 74
CARO(U)SED 2778 65
AMOSITE 330 90
JAW(b)ONES 16888 68
uNFI(T)TED 8380 63
(E)NGAgERS 9548 72
ASSERTS 17117 85
ENSUITE 612 68
EGLAT(E)RE 2845 63
HEARTHS 15050 76
ANURESI(S) 2091 77
(G)RANuLAR 15101 66
LaRGEST 1647 82
NOODLES 3966 80
EDITORS 175 82
DEVOTI(N)G 2263 89
LADINOS 1173 70
VIOLATe(S) 575 77
ANTERIO(R) 42 68
LInEATE 54 71
DIVESTS 12973 102
TARRIES 556 83
FAG(O)TING 14113 80
ALIENE(E)S 773 70
UNsEX(I)LY 17434 85
DEIFICA(L) 9564 82
ERElONG 1348 69
TOUSLED 2726 68
STILLED 8438 87
GERMInA 1221 64
VAInEST 712 70
PEcORIN(O) 5244 80
AGoNI(S)ED 245 140
OUTWIlE 2046 71
The of bingos played by the player that were not challenged off.
Triple Triples
Type Play Probability Score
cEN(T)RING 7423 122
DIS(U)NITE 1958 140
BANT(E)rED 1582 140
uNDRA(P)ED 12185 158
AGoNI(S)ED 245 140
Triple triples played by the player that were not challenged off. They do not have to be bingos.
Bingo Nines or Above
Type Play Probability Score
(BE)WAILErS 4408 92
AmERICI(UM) 20119 89
Bingos played by the player that were nine letters or longer and were not challenged off.
Challenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were challenged off by an opponent.
Unchallenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were not challenged by an opponent.
Plays That Were Challenged
Type Play Probability Score
FAH 822 0
ARMYwOR(M) 28597 84
OUTTIMe* 0 0
FELL(I)E* 0 0
ODIC 1437 0
TOWP(L)aNE 4071 98
BEN(E)T* 0 0
I(N)DEEDY 11136 24
CAJU(N)* 0 0
PROEMiU(M)* 0 0
NODDLES 9091 71
REM(O)ULT* 0 0
SWIFE* 0 0
JE(E)RY* 0 0
DI(S)oWNER* 0 0
BLINT* 0 0
COLEADS 3739 0
StRANGE(D)* 0 0
(V)IDEOcON* 0 0
Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Notable Lists
Many Double Words Covered
Game Stats
Stat Average Total
Games 1.00 154
Invalid Games 0.01 1
Incomplete 0.01 1
Disconnected 0.00 0
Other 0.00 0
Total Turns 25.19 3880
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Player Stats
Stat Average Total
Wins 0.43 66
Score 411.03 63298
Score per Turn 32.7121
Turns 12.56 1935
Vertical Plays 5.48 844
Horizontal Plays 6.06 934
One Tile Plays 0.52 80
Other Plays 0.50 77
Firsts 0.42 65
Vertical Openings per First 0.0217
Horizontal Openings per First 0.9783
Full Rack per Turn 0.4522
Exchanges 0.32 50
High Game 527
Low Game 271
Highest Scoring Turn 212
Bingos Played 2.05 316
Sevens 0.86 133
Eights 1.18 181
Nines 0.01 2
Tens 0.00 0
Elevens 0.00 0
Twelves 0.00 0
Thirteens 0.00 0
Fourteens 0.00 0
Fifteens 0.00 0
Bingo Probabilities 5913.94
Sevens 5602.80
Eights 6118.63
Nines 8489.50
Tens 0.00
Elevens 0.00
Twelves 0.00
Thirteens 0.00
Fourteens 0.00
Fifteens 0.00
Tiles Played 48.29 7436
A 4.43 682
B 1.05 162
C 0.99 153
D 1.94 299
E 5.87 904
F 0.94 144
G 1.32 204
H 0.96 148
I 4.34 669
J 0.47 73
K 0.51 78
L 1.98 305
M 0.94 145
N 2.85 439
O 3.90 600
P 0.87 134
Q 0.50 77
R 2.82 435
S 1.99 307
T 2.83 436
U 1.94 298
V 0.95 146
W 0.99 153
X 0.55 84
Y 0.88 136
Z 0.43 66
? 1.03 159
Power Tiles Played 4.97 766
? 1.03 159
J 0.47 73
Q 0.50 77
X 0.55 84
Z 0.43 66
S 1.99 307
Power Tiles Stuck With 0.08 13
? 0.05 7
J 0.00 0
Q 0.02 3
X 0.01 1
Z 0.00 0
S 0.01 2
Turns With a Blank 1.25 193
Triple Triples Played 0.04 6
Bingoless Games 0.04 6
Bonus Square Coverage 15.68 2414
Double Letter 5.31 817
Triple Letter 5.32 820
Double Word 2.79 429
Triple Word 2.26 348
Phony Plays 0.16 24
Unchallenged 0.08 13
Challenged Off 0.07 11
Challenges 0.25 39
You Won 0.14 22
Opponent Lost 0.01 2
You Lost 0.03 4
Opponent Won 0.07 11
Challenge Percentage 0.8462
Defending Challenge Percentage 0.1538
Percentage Phonies Unchallenged 0.5417
Comments 7.68 1182
Comments Word Length 189.91 29246
Mistakeless Turns 12.56 1934
Mistakes per Turn 0.0005
Mistakes 0.01 1
Knowledge 0.00 0
Finding 0.01 1
Vision 0.00 0
Tactics 0.00 0
Strategy 0.00 0
Endgame 0.00 0
Time 0.00 0
Dynamic Mistakes 0.00 0
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Player Confidence Intervals
Tile p CI
A 0.4922 (0.4483, 0.5175)
B 0.5250 (0.4096, 0.5562)
C 0.4950 (0.4096, 0.5562)
D 0.4850 (0.4310, 0.5348)
E 0.4892 (0.4530, 0.5128)
F 0.4700 (0.4096, 0.5562)
G 0.4400 (0.4230, 0.5428)
H 0.4800 (0.4096, 0.5562)
I 0.4822 (0.4483, 0.5175)
J 0.4700 (0.3792, 0.5866)
K 0.5100 (0.3792, 0.5866)
L 0.4950 (0.4310, 0.5348)
M 0.4700 (0.4096, 0.5562)
N 0.4750 (0.4406, 0.5252)
O 0.4875 (0.4462, 0.5196)
P 0.4350 (0.4096, 0.5562)
Q 0.5000 (0.3792, 0.5866)
R 0.4700 (0.4406, 0.5252)
S 0.4975 (0.4310, 0.5348)
T 0.4717 (0.4406, 0.5252)
U 0.4850 (0.4310, 0.5348)
V 0.4750 (0.4096, 0.5562)
W 0.4950 (0.4096, 0.5562)
X 0.5500 (0.3792, 0.5866)
Y 0.4400 (0.4096, 0.5562)
Z 0.4300 (0.3792, 0.5866)
? 0.5150 (0.4096, 0.5562)
To learn more about these statistics, check the 'Confidence Intervals' section on the about page.
Opponent Stats
Stat Average Total
Wins 0.57 88
Score 424.26 65336
Score per Turn 33.5918
Turns 12.63 1945
Vertical Plays 5.91 910
Horizontal Plays 5.85 901
One Tile Plays 0.42 65
Other Plays 0.45 69
Firsts 0.58 89
Vertical Openings per First 0.4079
Horizontal Openings per First 0.5921
Full Rack per Turn 0.9928
Exchanges 0.28 43
High Game 553
Low Game 267
Highest Scoring Turn 158
Bingos Played 1.99 307
Sevens 0.92 142
Eights 1.06 163
Nines 0.01 2
Tens 0.00 0
Elevens 0.00 0
Twelves 0.00 0
Thirteens 0.00 0
Fourteens 0.00 0
Fifteens 0.00 0
Bingo Probabilities 6061.15
Sevens 4924.89
Eights 7022.08
Nines 12263.50
Tens 0.00
Elevens 0.00
Twelves 0.00
Thirteens 0.00
Fourteens 0.00
Fifteens 0.00
Tiles Played 49.20 7577
A 4.40 678
B 0.92 142
C 0.96 148
D 1.99 307
E 5.83 898
F 1.02 157
G 1.53 236
H 1.01 156
I 4.42 680
J 0.53 81
K 0.47 72
L 1.87 288
M 1.00 154
N 2.95 455
O 3.91 602
P 1.11 171
Q 0.47 72
R 2.94 453
S 1.96 302
T 3.00 462
U 1.91 294
V 0.99 153
W 0.97 150
X 0.45 69
Y 1.10 170
Z 0.56 87
? 0.91 140
Power Tiles Played 4.88 751
? 0.91 140
J 0.53 81
Q 0.47 72
X 0.45 69
Z 0.56 87
S 1.96 302
Power Tiles Stuck With 0.06 10
? 0.01 2
J 0.00 0
Q 0.01 2
X 0.00 0
Z 0.01 1
S 0.03 5
Turns With a Blank 1.78 274
Triple Triples Played 0.03 5
Bingoless Games 0.05 7
Bonus Square Coverage 15.84 2440
Double Letter 4.86 749
Triple Letter 5.49 845
Double Word 3.09 476
Triple Word 2.40 370
Phony Plays 0.28 43
Unchallenged 0.14 21
Challenged Off 0.14 22
Challenges 0.25 39
You Won 0.07 11
Opponent Lost 0.03 4
You Lost 0.01 2
Opponent Won 0.14 22
Challenge Percentage 0.8462
Defending Challenge Percentage 0.1538
Percentage Phonies Unchallenged 0.4884
Comments 7.68 1182
Comments Word Length 189.91 29246
Mistakeless Turns 12.44 1915
Mistakes per Turn 0.0154
Mistakes 0.19 30
Knowledge 0.01 2
Finding 0.06 9
Vision 0.00 0
Tactics 0.03 4
Strategy 0.05 8
Endgame 0.05 7
Time 0.00 0
Dynamic Mistakes 0.00 0
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Opponent Confidence Intervals
Tile p CI
A 0.4889 (0.4574, 0.5266)
B 0.4600 (0.4186, 0.5654)
C 0.4800 (0.4186, 0.5654)
D 0.4975 (0.4401, 0.5439)
E 0.4858 (0.4620, 0.5220)
F 0.5100 (0.4186, 0.5654)
G 0.5100 (0.4321, 0.5519)
H 0.5050 (0.4186, 0.5654)
I 0.4911 (0.4574, 0.5266)
J 0.5300 (0.3882, 0.5958)
K 0.4700 (0.3882, 0.5958)
L 0.4675 (0.4401, 0.5439)
M 0.5000 (0.4186, 0.5654)
N 0.4917 (0.4496, 0.5344)
O 0.4888 (0.4553, 0.5287)
P 0.5550 (0.4186, 0.5654)
Q 0.4700 (0.3882, 0.5958)
R 0.4900 (0.4496, 0.5344)
S 0.4900 (0.4401, 0.5439)
T 0.5000 (0.4496, 0.5344)
U 0.4775 (0.4401, 0.5439)
V 0.4950 (0.4186, 0.5654)
W 0.4850 (0.4186, 0.5654)
X 0.4500 (0.3882, 0.5958)
Y 0.5500 (0.4186, 0.5654)
Z 0.5600 (0.3882, 0.5958)
? 0.4550 (0.4186, 0.5654)
To learn more about these statistics, check the 'Confidence Intervals' section on the about page.
Player Mistakes
Play Type Size Comment
G8 (I)X(I)A +36 Finding Large
french rant incoming "J'ai beau voir qu'il a joué IXIA pour 36 ici, je n'ai simplement pas réussi à voir où..." All the accents are probably screwy in the annotation. Anyways, I couldn't see where the hell ixia played for 36. Ugh. I'm giving myself a #findinglarge even though it's not even my play.
The listing of all of the player's mistakes. For more information about mistakes, check the 'Mistakes' section of the about page.
Opponent Mistakes
Play Type Size Comment
K2 WY(T)E +24 Strategy Small
was happy to draw the last remaining Ss and to see him play BIKE and block most of the ?AT setups. I might want to play wyn/by here. looks close. EGSS at least takes out the 7 conso rack danger. I should probably do that. I wanted to keep both Ss to hit SCURVY as a scoring play, hence not WYTES. however there is something to be said for playing the S to avoid the 7 consos. I think WYN is the play #strategysmall
I3 Q(I) +21 Strategy Small
I think I just have to bite the bullet and play Q(I)S here, sacrifice my precious S. Q prefers QI, but between blocking bingoes and avoiding 7 conso racks (especially if he makes a board opening play, I want to be able to block). #strategysmall
9E D(O) +6 Endgame Large
blew this endgame because I chickened out of TYPAL and missed that P(A)TY won. I also probably missed his response to this. #endgameSADDEST
2N Y(O) +10 Endgame Large
TYPAL still wins. #endgameSADDEST
I6 NO(N)ELITE +61 Strategy Small
ENTOILE(D) was best #strategysmall
3G JOKE(D) +30 Strategy Medium
K8 (E)MOJI looks best #strategymedium
13C MIGRA(TE) +22 Finding Small
ORIGAM(I) seems best at 14B #findingsmall
13C OAF +21 Finding Small
I completely failed to see the hyper-agressiive 9J OF here. What a play. Just decided to equity here and see what happened, since I wasn't ahead by enough to play defense at the expense of my rack with all the lanes on the board that weren't getting blocked and an unseen blank to boot. #findingsmall
H7 WOE +12 Tactics Small
out of the EO/EE + FS/WS comboes, I liked EEFS best, at least right now. the W could be useful at other times, and maybe FOE is a bit better than WOE here. I didn't like the FO combo, so WOE over WEE, plus the hooks. I can also do EEEW here. I didn't like EEOS after FEW, inviting overlaps that I won't be able to hit well, and making no S hook. Q likes FOE best by a bit, I bingo a smidge less than after WOE but score a bit better w the W for overlaps. #tacticssmall
N2 YA +26 Knowledge Small
eep I saw my best bingo, NEGATORY, but thought it was collins! this seems close-to as good, negatory gives back way more and this bingoes a ton. #knowledgesmall
A1 VELD +37 Finding Medium
oh no DELF is 47! #findingmedium
F6 COP +26 Strategy Small
with not many bingo options available, seems okay to go with 15a CODE to outscore, especially with more vowels than consonants left in the bag. I liked this because I keep CL for MYC/AAL, but realistically I barely hit that ever, and I should go all in on outscoring here. I do hit 11% after COP and only 1% after CODE, but the real kicker seems to be that CODE blocks a ton of big scores. looks kinda close but I think CODE is reasonable here #strategysmall
6A AQUA(S) +41 Endgame Large
quite a few plays with with blank draws, but it's highly unlikely I'll draw the blank after he played bemix. I didn't see any legit wins over the board so I went with AQUAS which put enough scoring pressure on to make his endgame fuckupable. I missed a win with the S though - QUANT wins with the S cause he can't play TiME cause I get STIME/BATS for the win! #endgamelarge
F1 BEN(E)T +0 (Lost challenge) Endgame Large
he was low on time in the endgame, and I spent a lot of time on AQUAS so I was low on time. I have a win here - 2K B(I)N(I)T. fucking awful #endgamelarge I thought this might be good, wasn't sure
12C O(L)EO +4 Tactics Small
probably a #tacticssmall for 11B PA(R)EO which only raises his avg. by 2 points over this. AEPR is nice though and I'm opening the 11 and 13 lane, so it's a small difference.
13B JO +24 Endgame Large
wow this is actually horrible! I only really win with the A and L draws. with the other draws he has a lot of 1 and 2 point wins, often stuff like R(I)VAL or V(I)TAL saving TU(R)F and TUF(A), and some other stuff. I realized that the O setup here was kinda weak, but still just assumed I was in a great position. That's totally not true. I missed F2 JIAO, which is far better. #endgamelarge JIAO only loses with a V draw to 14G TURF setting up LAT. Although JO will win a lot in reality cause most of the endgames are somewhat difficult, it's still horrible and a massive oversight
J2 KOONIES +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
I have no respect for my opponents and my results are suffering as a result. *OR* I have a high expections that max will not lose this game if I don't bing here, and that it was more likely he would not challenge the newly expurgated word. Obviously I played NOOKIES, not this #knowledgesaddest
exch OOU +0 Finding Large
F8 (C)OO(E)E is good. I drew my 3 tiles without shaking the bag too hard and before looking at them had the urge to put them back into the bag. I feel like it's often not the tiles that opponent threw back that you draw, even when you don't shake, but that whenever the draw is bad, you assume. I should have been allowed to put the tiles back before looking at them because Scrabble draws should be random. #findinglarge
2J (M)OHUR +20 Finding Small
just missing so many easy plays. C13 HAO is fine, no need to get rid of the U so urgently #findingsmall
A8 FEE +23 Strategy Small
I should probably get rid of my I. A8 FOIN sims best, which is crazy but just might work. But all the 4-tile plays on the A column are better than this aparently. #strategysmall
15M ION +16 Finding Large
missed the better N(A)I(R)U E3. #findingsaddest
2M (Y)OU +12 Strategy Medium
I almost played E(A)U, but decided that that was insane and I deserved better. #strategymedium
11E FUB +20 Strategy Medium
saw L8 (P)UBE(S) but thought this was better. #strategymedium
J2 BINDLes +72 Tactics Medium
it's not that i missed every other bingo but i wanted to start killing the board a little bit. idk, it's probably not right. windslab is nice. B(E)DLINer is the "best" play here. #tacticsmedium
F2 JIH(AD) +32 Finding Large
J(E)HU 15E was missed #findingsaddest
M3 COULD +31 Endgame Medium
-5 to Ur(A)CIL A10 #endgamemedium
10J YE +30 Finding Large
this word might be expurgated soon 8L ETUI sims best, with good reason #findingsaddest
E8 AGOUTI +16 Finding Large
SAD miss of AUTOGI(R)O #findingsaddest
N2 GROTTO(ES) +22 Tactics Small
I may have chickened out of DOGTROT here. But maybe that was some other game. GAROTT(ES) seems better since only OI are out to overlap on the O column, and I would be keeping an O. #tacticssmall
K4 (T)UB +10 Endgame Small
CUBI(T) is the best block -1 #endgamesmall
The listing of all of the player's mistakes. For more information about mistakes, check the 'Mistakes' section of the about page.
Game Line Error
Game 43049 32 Game is incomplete.
Errors are (most likely) the result of malformed GCG files. To learn more, check the 'Errors and Warnings' section in the about page.
Game Line Error
Game 45333 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 11347, Round 7).
Warnings are notifications to players that they might want to update some of their GCG files. To learn more, check the 'Errors and Warnings' section in the about page.