Matt Graham
Matt Graham
Color Key
= Triple Triple
= Bingo 9+
= Improbable
= +
= +
= +
= + +
Player Lists
Type Play Probability Score
CUTESiE 4131 76
lE(S)SONED 9225 131
SUbDUA(L)S 29474 68
INTONES 792 79
TaPETAL 10190 82
ENNEADS 3715 68
DARIOL(E)S 97 68
dAUTIES 428 95
REMITTE(d) 6434 80
ELAST(A)Ne 1123 61
NOVENAE 3068 70
SINUaTE 116 79
bIOTITE 4791 62
CODIREC(T) 11043 78
TIREDLY 3255 80
B(O)RNITES 598 70
P(Y)RENOId 4134 74
LORRIES 1701 88
MOTIONs 7386 90
AM(I)TOSES 3782 61
AWNINGS 13978 76
BAGgIER 11091 88
AV(I)OnICS 9904 74
E(S)OTERIC 834 64
TEETHIN(G) 8488 64
SCARRED 9394 80
(A)QuIFERS 9989 119
SEEDIER 2627 74
SONARmA(N) 12785 64
SAVORER 4628 70
AGMINAT(E) 1940 89
PIlSNER 3040 75
D(A)ZzLING 26402 88
SECEDER 12067 90
PACK(I)NGs 25816 69
PURSIE(S)T 12282 62
PLAY(M)ATE 18922 80
STENT(O)RS 9158 70
SESTINE 3659 86
CRAZIES 7788 125
LAUWINE 1557 85
ASSAYER 13650 81
WINTLES 3301 68
UN(R)EPAiR 2940 72
FrOM(A)GES 8046 67
BLOwUPS 20933 70
CREaT(I)NG 717 61
TOASTED 1558 62
UNiTARY 2499 77
L(I)MNETIC 9808 78
OErSTED 782 80
TRIsOMY 9647 77
GJETOST 16231 75
SPOORED 8076 79
RELAPS(E)S 13732 82
DILAT(A)TE 2331 72
(N)EUrONAL 1145 74
OVERBl(O)W 20894 82
PREDATO(R) 3233 74
SO(B)RIETY 3740 63
D(E)NTALiA 278 60
TRAP(U)NTO 8574 64
fUSTIER 3287 79
RAILWAY(S) 16211 68
T(W)ENTIEs 6470 90
TAnGLED 1715 70
SHEARIN(G) 1838 98
TUFTIER 6547 75
COTINGA 2676 72
ROTATES 781 64
PALATES 6055 86
NELUMbO 11214 68
ArGALIS 5474 77
TR(U)NDLES 3414 68
OLESTRA 163 74
UL(C)ERING 5677 73
BULKIeR 13041 92
SARODES 3291 65
CENTRIs(M) 5354 86
BUDGEt(E)D 22603 70
ARGIN(I)NE 1953 59
VENISON 4654 86
CASERNE 2179 86
U(D)OMETEr 3760 66
TANG(E)LOS 687 70
OVeRAPT 2749 77
CTENiDI(A) 1130 74
MEDI(A)TED 6618 68
VO(C)ALIST 9194 86
(D)EFERr(I)NG 8444 80
E(N)tICING 11296 65
ALIGNER 255 69
FRiEZES 11516 74
TRASHED 2968 82
W(E)BBIEsT 22890 71
DEFIERS 3952 76
P(A)LINODE 545 72
COWiEST 5110 98
rEPINES 2299 76
(E)NFLaMED 10394 67
MENTORS 2086 79
FAr(N)ESOL 1376 72
(P)RESAGEd 7502 83
INDAG(A)TE 627 74
RECITAL 629 66
EXHUMEs 22241 117
A(T)TAINER 443 59
QU(E)RCINe 11276 68
(H)EPAtIZE 13166 113
(C)OTININE 3960 69
PA(N)MIXES 15678 90
NONMETR(O) 7893 74
(G)REATESt 4212 77
DOgwA(T)CH 23466 98
(E)STRANGE 746 80
DYSP(N)OEA 6762 92
(C)HERTIER 11475 68
DEGREAS(E) 4792 66
HURlEYS 15605 106
LiNECUT 3086 66
RATTLES 2828 74
vAGUELY 15333 78
NUTRIAS 1017 70
RIPOSTE 1010 75
CE(N)TRALS 2241 90
(B)REEDErs 18451 83
(s)UNDIALS 12449 80
ELAPINE 1055 71
NACELLE 11100 76
STOMPER 8149 74
RET(A)KING 2180 76
INUNDA(T)E 927 72
aE(R)ONAUT 127 68
uNGOTTE(N) 11048 62
OESTRUA(L) 335 68
GALIPOT 4842 68
EARNEST 214 74
ANNELID 1270 70
DEBO(N)AIR 167 65
STHENIA 637 74
OLESTRA 157 68
INWOvEN 8563 76
HORNIST 3273 79
(S)CRAwLED 11979 83
CONNOTe(D) 10680 74
D(O)ODLING 18421 72
ANtENNA 11426 68
DENTURA(l) 680 68
I(D)EATIvE 1662 77
ME(T)HANES 6523 73
INOSITE 229 66
PReENER 12199 78
EVILDOE(R) 1756 64
l(O)ITERED 174 82
(E)NERVATE 2521 74
LOCALES 10656 69
(C)ONJURED 14156 77
BEASTIE 993 74
CRA(V)INGs 13660 102
(P)EARLASH 12639 77
VISION(E)D 3062 76
P(O)NDEReR 7091 78
RAPPELs 16791 74
NEUTERS 1375 74
(C)OTERIES 790 66
SANDLOt 2361 77
OUTRI(D)ES 422 60
Q(U)ITRENT 11822 84
MINeRaL 851 89
PRETTY(IN)G 11785 66
(U)NDERBiD 11618 74
NATIVEs 677 78
(M)ANLIEST 1005 83
RETOTAL(S) 1088 70
CORNETS 1898 71
YA(R)DAGEs 10195 74
INTImAE 832 67
AMARONE 1135 78
TENTAG(E)s 4210 63
SADIRON 464 65
tIERCEL 2142 90
AIRBAsE 1773 68
C(A)LORIES 661 74
PI(E)DFORT 5261 65
TERNI(O)NS 600 75
G(N)ARLIER 1646 74
ANALITY 5471 88
GRIStER 4455 75
OR(T)OLANS 2495 61
ENAMOR(E)D 811 78
D(E)ALATES 2338 60
ENAcTED 2170 68
UNSEATE(D) 956 68
STROYI(N)G 6550 67
OPp(I)LATE 8432 87
aTINGLE 260 78
AIRLI(F)TS 6948 62
(R)EALISER 1201 66
(T)RECENTO 4184 89
HEEdING 5741 78
UNEAS(I)ER 125 59
INTUITS 11169 76
P(R)EsIDIA 2574 72
WITlESS 13014 88
(C)HARIEST 3314 102
GRIDIR(O)n 9751 60
SNOWIER 1006 70
POURING 7533 80
MANTRAM 19680 78
TALKIN(G)S 13155 96
ROTENON(E) 2260 77
CAPsT(O)NE 4027 72
sITHE(N)CE 6815 89
TRUDGE(R)S 11857 78
GROUTER 4953 76
Ad(R)ENALS 1852 122
tAILORS 444 81
L(O)OSENeR 1993 59
(D)ARLINGS 4307 89
OBEISA(N)T 187 78
KETAMIN(E) 4719 68
SHOU(T)IER 1465 82
FOIBLES 7994 82
AvARICE(S) 6283 80
(T)EENSIEr 861 66
The of bingos played by the player that were not challenged off.
Triple Triples
Type Play Probability Score
lE(S)SONED 9225 131
Ad(R)ENALS 1852 122
Triple triples played by the player that were not challenged off. They do not have to be bingos.
Bingo Nines or Above
Type Play Probability Score
(D)EFERr(I)NG 8444 80
PRETTY(IN)G 11785 66
Bingos played by the player that were nine letters or longer and were not challenged off.
Challenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were challenged off by an opponent.
Unchallenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
LISPY* 0 46
AGENI(C)* 0 30
(SWIVE)LER* 0 42
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were not challenged by an opponent.
Plays That Were Challenged
Type Play Probability Score
NOVENAE 3068 70
LORRIES 1701 88
FLUKY 9166 60
uNGOTTE(N) 11048 62
NOMA 837 21
Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Opponent Lists
Type Play Probability Score
SYRINGA(S) 17547 74
IOLITES 740 73
sOAPIER 336 89
CAVIT(I)eS 6301 90
STARERS 9213 79
REsLATE 585 82
ACHIESt 4329 98
REGULI(N)E 1745 62
DeNTATE 1869 72
INTORTE(D) 485 70
STIT(C)HED 17466 93
cOUPLET(S) 13952 92
lAUDATO(R) 3549 60
(A)BoITEAU 638 76
TRIlLIO(N) 7908 59
DIvE(R)TED 10075 72
MINIVER 7774 80
UNtEACH 7014 76
ANEUrIN 506 67
DECA(Y)InG 7252 82
F(O)RESTAL 1380 72
OUTChA(N)T* 0 72
DIETING 2151 76
DOTIN(G)LY 9872 80
DEArIES 206 77
PI(N)NULAE 5171 63
TECHIES 8362 99
MAGnATE 5270 85
nOTIFIE(D) 1688 63
WHISTL(E)R 9141 82
OUTDATE 1559 68
(R)EBEGINS 4229 86
(F)RANkERS 18487 80
MENACED 8271 73
FIR(E)WoOD 8296 66
N(E)OtENIC 2340 70
(DE)CENTRED 15834 92
RAFTErS 5998 102
TRIAZO(L)E 706 68
(R)ELIANCE 644 76
VESTURE 6778 78
D(E)NTILED 5117 66
BLEeP(I)NG 12760 98
LEGIONS 1109 76
QUINE(L)lA 13169 104
LARDOnS 2476 72
ROOTAGE 731 77
ETHANEs 2214 74
WARNING 10111 68
COnSENT 6881 82
JAMbeAU 20549 86
CR(e)OLIZE 8709 88
RENEG(A)DE 2843 74
EERIeST 1271 75
BRACTED 6978 73
(G)OODLiER 2031 63
ENDWISE 3838 86
tHOUInG 7859 77
ANEARED 735 66
WATER(A)GE 5031 63
FoILIST 9192 73
RADICES 1477 86
P(Y)RITIzE 19971 78
DRAINED 1384 72
RAUNChY 19306 77
GELA(T)INE 281 70
OPIATES 338 76
REIN(C)ITE 1782 140
GR(e)MLINS 6229 66
TRAVELO(G) 2048 64
EASTERN 202 71
UN(E)RASED 876 60
APnOEIC 1298 76
M(A)NURERS 8357 74
DIO(C)EsAN 535 90
ENFLAM(E)S 9888 82
bA(G)GIEST 13212 60
RAZEEIN(G) 2722 107
NE(U)RITIS 873 70
(B)EACHBOy 29059 110
R(E)ORIENT 286 131
TaCNODE 881 80
ADENO(I)DS 1175 90
BEASTIE 1041 77
OTTOmAN 11523 66
(G)OATLiKE 2512 89
EATE(R)IES 296 82
AT(TE)NDEES 4457 70
PRALINE 683 65
(E)DUCTION 1417 74
GASOGEN(E) 7255 86
FABLIsT* 0 74
(W)ATERlOO 1967 62
DIORITE 233 69
OUTSOLE 3795 76
GAVeL(I)NG 13219 63
PROSIER 4452 74
MUTTERS 12118 69
SCARIES(T) 5436 72
ReSPOND 3892 80
AbANDON 13419 67
R(E)CENTLY 10583 73
PATIENT 2116 74
UN(E)ASIER 125 70
GAMBLeD 15321 86
FI(R)EbASE 4238 80
MELENAS 4091 77
XENOpUS 15006 85
SC(R)OUGED 10626 63
ToRNAD(I)C 1104 74
AUGITES 770 65
TRAINE(E)S 36 73
fONDUES 6373 73
WARISON 1671 85
COVARI(E)S 2044 80
ULU(L)AtES 19091 78
SORB(I)TAN 1102 70
TEREDOS 849 72
LIOn(I)ZER 3596 122
nOISETT(E) 697 74
MISTIER 3483 84
LiSTE(R)IA 297 135
AsSEIZE* 0 104
ADEPTER 2094 122
WAMEFOU 12036 88
(R)EGALERS 6559 61
OLIVINE 2366 72
MEiSTER 2293 73
ADORERS 1612 82
UlTIMA(C)Y 19725 74
(R)ENEGADO 326 64
EXONU(M)IA 4610 71
SHUTEYE 14531 89
CAgIEST 2327 72
NOSED(I)VE 1760 69
INF(E)RIoR 3619 74
UnEATEN 1882 66
LETTERS 5993 65
B(L)INkERS 13163 70
PEARLIN(G) 1747 86
spRIT(Z)ER 17580 80
R(A)THOLES 1313 88
T(R)eNDOID 1212 68
AMIRATE 787 68
S(I)NGABLE 3429 76
DILATES 403 85
RELuCE(N)T 5148 72
DR(A)CENAS 4652 76
REHING(E)D 4404 67
(S)LEUTHED 15352 66
COLLIDE(R) 9198 74
A(P)IARIES 2836 76
MOISTER 949 92
HERDMEN 10992 84
SOCAGE(R)S 11393 67
(T)OrNADOS 2367 77
WIFE(L)iER 10387 102
(Y)EASTIER 621 63
D(E)FEATeR 4724 88
AMOUN(T)ED 1365 78
LAVR(O)CKS 24941 86
AUBReT(I)A 1126 70
oED(E)MATA 2150 90
(S)UBViRAL 19769 86
GREASIE(S) 5533 61
DRIVELs 7418 99
CANI(s)TEL 1259 59
(E)TAGErES 3628 80
NE(E)DFULS 12019 63
ICEBOAT(S) 2020 76
fUNNIER 6542 63
TUNnAGE 4432 80
TrEASON 45 82
RILIEvI 11171 61
CRANNOG 11298 70
ENRO(O)TED 834 63
TAILfIN 5259 69
(G)YnECOID 8392 101
(c)RADLING 8719 61
UNFASTE(N) 8326 76
VELARIA 1781 79
RECEDIN(G) 4624 92
SEITANS 1394 85
PARTIaL(S) 7283 70
TANnERY 3816 80
AToMISE(D) 510 83
IN(G)ATHER 788 66
(R)ETINUED 385 63
PETROSA(L) 1394 72
aREOLAE 384 78
GOSPORT 15515 74
TaN(G)ENCY 16479 76
SEISURE 6090 75
LEGHORn 5515 80
LIBRA(T)ES 1002 63
bRULYIE 10089 74
SAnTOOR 1710 69
TENsILE 609 77
TOLANES 153 66
H(O)ARDING 3502 80
ORBI(T)ERs 3255 61
(G)OEThITE 6093 74
NORITEs 45 70
REN(I)TENT 3274 68
ArENOSE 64 64
ATHEISM 4195 78
THE(N)AGES 4386 76
(O)RDAInED 499 80
NIDAT(I)oN 2474 71
SORDINE 172 83
The of bingos played by the player that were not challenged off.
Triple Triples
Type Play Probability Score
REIN(C)ITE 1782 140
R(E)ORIENT 286 131
PLAT(EAU)S 7527 90
LiSTE(R)IA 297 135
Triple triples played by the player that were not challenged off. They do not have to be bingos.
Bingo Nines or Above
Type Play Probability Score
(DE)CENTRED 15834 92
AT(TE)NDEES 4457 70
Bingos played by the player that were nine letters or longer and were not challenged off.
Challenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were challenged off by an opponent.
Unchallenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
OUTChA(N)T* 0 72
FABLIsT* 0 74
GEMINI* 0 22
(T)ALED* 0 24
AsSEIZE* 0 104
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were not challenged by an opponent.
Plays That Were Challenged
Type Play Probability Score
S(Y)LVO(N)IAS* 0 0
UNRI(V)E* 0 0
LOOKwAY* 0 0
(B)EACHBOy 29059 110
ECdYSIA* 0 0
ASCI 1152 0
FE(R)AcIES* 0 0
SC(R)OUGED 10626 63
LI(V)Y* 0 0
CHUR(L)ED* 0 0
BERNIeS* 0 0
LAVR(O)CKS 24941 86
LINDA(n)* 0 0
NAEVO* 0 0
YEW 729 0
L(I)STeNED 912 0
UN(HOT)* 0 0
AIDES 79 0
Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Notable Lists
Many Double Words Covered
Games in which at least 15 double word bonus squares were covered.
Game Stats
Stat Average Total
Games 1.00 114
Invalid Games 0.04 4
Incomplete 0.04 4
Disconnected 0.00 0
Other 0.00 0
Total Turns 25.18 2871
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Player Stats
Stat Average Total
Wins 0.51 58
Score 414.79 47286
Score per Turn 32.9519
Turns 12.59 1435
Vertical Plays 5.30 604
Horizontal Plays 6.37 726
One Tile Plays 0.48 55
Other Plays 0.44 50
Firsts 0.47 54
Vertical Openings per First 0.0000
Horizontal Openings per First 1.0000
Full Rack per Turn 0.3875
Exchanges 0.28 32
High Game 616
Low Game 252
Highest Scoring Turn 131
Bingos Played 2.05 234
Sevens 0.94 107
Eights 1.10 125
Nines 0.02 2
Tens 0.00 0
Elevens 0.00 0
Twelves 0.00 0
Thirteens 0.00 0
Fourteens 0.00 0
Fifteens 0.00 0
Bingo Probabilities 5958.38
Sevens 5039.36
Eights 6663.86
Nines 10114.50
Tens 0.00
Elevens 0.00
Twelves 0.00
Thirteens 0.00
Fourteens 0.00
Fifteens 0.00
Tiles Played 49.12 5600
A 4.32 492
B 1.04 119
C 0.82 93
D 2.09 238
E 6.11 697
F 0.91 104
G 1.47 168
H 0.89 102
I 4.30 490
J 0.47 54
K 0.53 60
L 1.87 213
M 0.95 108
N 3.11 354
O 3.82 436
P 1.04 118
Q 0.53 60
R 2.98 340
S 2.08 237
T 2.94 335
U 1.90 217
V 0.95 108
W 0.99 113
X 0.46 53
Y 1.03 117
Z 0.50 57
? 1.03 117
Power Tiles Played 5.07 578
? 1.03 117
J 0.47 54
Q 0.53 60
X 0.46 53
Z 0.50 57
S 2.08 237
Power Tiles Stuck With 0.10 11
? 0.00 0
J 0.00 0
Q 0.03 3
X 0.00 0
Z 0.00 0
S 0.07 8
Turns With a Blank 1.16 132
Triple Triples Played 0.02 2
Bingoless Games 0.04 4
Bonus Square Coverage 15.64 1783
Double Letter 5.28 602
Triple Letter 5.35 610
Double Word 2.94 335
Triple Word 2.07 236
Phony Plays 0.11 13
Unchallenged 0.05 6
Challenged Off 0.06 7
Challenges 0.31 35
You Won 0.18 20
Opponent Lost 0.04 5
You Lost 0.03 3
Opponent Won 0.06 7
Challenge Percentage 0.8696
Defending Challenge Percentage 0.4167
Percentage Phonies Unchallenged 0.4615
Comments 6.69 763
Comments Word Length 153.61 17512
Mistakeless Turns 12.59 1435
Mistakes per Turn 0.0000
Mistakes 0.00 0
Knowledge 0.00 0
Finding 0.00 0
Vision 0.00 0
Tactics 0.00 0
Strategy 0.00 0
Endgame 0.00 0
Time 0.00 0
Dynamic Mistakes 0.00 0
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Player Confidence Intervals
Tile p CI
A 0.4800 (0.4510, 0.5314)
B 0.5200 (0.4059, 0.5765)
C 0.4100 (0.4059, 0.5765)
D 0.5225 (0.4309, 0.5515)
E 0.5092 (0.4564, 0.5260)
F 0.4550 (0.4059, 0.5765)
G 0.4900 (0.4216, 0.5608)
H 0.4450 (0.4059, 0.5765)
I 0.4778 (0.4510, 0.5314)
J 0.4700 (0.3706, 0.6118)
K 0.5300 (0.3706, 0.6118)
L 0.4675 (0.4309, 0.5515)
M 0.4750 (0.4059, 0.5765)
N 0.5183 (0.4420, 0.5404)
O 0.4775 (0.4486, 0.5338)
P 0.5200 (0.4059, 0.5765)
Q 0.5300 (0.3706, 0.6118)
R 0.4967 (0.4420, 0.5404)
S 0.5200 (0.4309, 0.5515)
T 0.4900 (0.4420, 0.5404)
U 0.4750 (0.4309, 0.5515)
V 0.4750 (0.4059, 0.5765)
W 0.4950 (0.4059, 0.5765)
X 0.4600 (0.3706, 0.6118)
Y 0.5150 (0.4059, 0.5765)
Z 0.5000 (0.3706, 0.6118)
? 0.5150 (0.4059, 0.5765)
To learn more about these statistics, check the 'Confidence Intervals' section on the about page.
Opponent Stats
Stat Average Total
Wins 0.49 56
Score 413.68 47160
Score per Turn 32.8412
Turns 12.60 1436
Vertical Plays 5.46 623
Horizontal Plays 6.04 688
One Tile Plays 0.51 58
Other Plays 0.59 67
Firsts 0.53 60
Vertical Openings per First 0.2600
Horizontal Openings per First 0.7400
Full Rack per Turn 0.8837
Exchanges 0.32 37
High Game 638
Low Game 280
Highest Scoring Turn 140
Bingos Played 1.86 212
Sevens 0.82 93
Eights 1.03 117
Nines 0.02 2
Tens 0.00 0
Elevens 0.00 0
Twelves 0.00 0
Thirteens 0.00 0
Fourteens 0.00 0
Fifteens 0.00 0
Bingo Probabilities 5409.40
Sevens 4688.38
Eights 5893.36
Nines 10145.50
Tens 0.00
Elevens 0.00
Twelves 0.00
Thirteens 0.00
Fourteens 0.00
Fifteens 0.00
Tiles Played 48.30 5506
A 4.46 508
B 0.96 110
C 1.12 128
D 1.78 203
E 5.58 636
F 1.07 122
G 1.46 166
H 1.10 125
I 4.39 500
J 0.53 60
K 0.46 53
L 2.01 229
M 1.02 116
N 2.71 309
O 4.00 456
P 0.94 107
Q 0.44 50
R 2.78 317
S 1.77 202
T 2.85 325
U 1.95 222
V 0.99 113
W 1.00 114
X 0.54 61
Y 0.94 107
Z 0.50 57
? 0.96 110
Power Tiles Played 4.74 540
? 0.96 110
J 0.53 60
Q 0.44 50
X 0.54 61
Z 0.50 57
S 1.77 202
Power Tiles Stuck With 0.10 11
? 0.01 1
J 0.00 0
Q 0.01 1
X 0.00 0
Z 0.00 0
S 0.08 9
Turns With a Blank 1.83 209
Triple Triples Played 0.04 4
Bingoless Games 0.09 10
Bonus Square Coverage 16.11 1837
Double Letter 5.44 620
Triple Letter 5.20 593
Double Word 2.94 335
Triple Word 2.54 289
Phony Plays 0.23 26
Unchallenged 0.05 6
Challenged Off 0.18 20
Challenges 0.31 35
You Won 0.06 7
Opponent Lost 0.03 3
You Lost 0.04 5
Opponent Won 0.18 20
Challenge Percentage 0.5833
Defending Challenge Percentage 0.1304
Percentage Phonies Unchallenged 0.2308
Comments 6.69 763
Comments Word Length 153.61 17512
Mistakeless Turns 12.04 1372
Mistakes per Turn 0.0501
Mistakes 0.63 72
Knowledge 0.13 15
Finding 0.19 22
Vision 0.04 4
Tactics 0.03 3
Strategy 0.18 20
Endgame 0.07 8
Time 0.00 0
Dynamic Mistakes 0.00 0
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Opponent Confidence Intervals
Tile p CI
A 0.4956 (0.4428, 0.5232)
B 0.4800 (0.3978, 0.5682)
C 0.5600 (0.3978, 0.5682)
D 0.4450 (0.4227, 0.5433)
E 0.4650 (0.4482, 0.5178)
F 0.5350 (0.3978, 0.5682)
G 0.4867 (0.4134, 0.5526)
H 0.5500 (0.3978, 0.5682)
I 0.4878 (0.4428, 0.5232)
J 0.5300 (0.3624, 0.6036)
K 0.4600 (0.3624, 0.6036)
L 0.5025 (0.4227, 0.5433)
M 0.5100 (0.3978, 0.5682)
N 0.4517 (0.4338, 0.5322)
O 0.5000 (0.4404, 0.5256)
P 0.4700 (0.3978, 0.5682)
Q 0.4400 (0.3624, 0.6036)
R 0.4633 (0.4338, 0.5322)
S 0.4425 (0.4227, 0.5433)
T 0.4750 (0.4338, 0.5322)
U 0.4875 (0.4227, 0.5433)
V 0.4950 (0.3978, 0.5682)
W 0.5000 (0.3978, 0.5682)
X 0.5400 (0.3624, 0.6036)
Y 0.4700 (0.3978, 0.5682)
Z 0.5000 (0.3624, 0.6036)
? 0.4800 (0.3978, 0.5682)
To learn more about these statistics, check the 'Confidence Intervals' section on the about page.
Opponent Mistakes
Play Type Size Comment
L3 FIB +26 Knowledge Small
shoot, i considered RIBLIKE but thought i was making it up. i guess FIB is fine though. #knowledgesmall -1
F5 BLINK(ED) +16 Knowledge Small
KILNED might be a tiny bit better. i wasn't totally sure of it either. -0.5 #knowledgesmall.
J10 Z(O)O(I)D +39 Strategy Large
this move symbolizes everything that is wrong with my scrabble game (i know that sounds hyperbolic, but hear me out). of course i should try to block, but the only thing that looked halfway decent was ADZ. still, the most important thing here is to ask myself how I can lose this game, and it is by him hitting a huge bingo afterwards, and me drawing poorly to RTVY, and him bingoing again. can that happen? absolutely. if i play ADZ, i force him to bingo at the top; row 2 or 3 most likely. I can then overlap his play, blocking any potential bingos, and i'm still up by a lot, and should be heavily favored to win. i even thought about something silly like VIZSLA being possible but if anything i have the V. ZOOID sims best of course. the biggest mistake i made here, and one that i make often, is not having enough empathy to put myself in his shoes and realize he's likely keeping an extremely strong leave. of course i thought the leave was probably pretty good, but it also seemed desperate enough that ZOOID might just block whatever he has, and that there's a decent chance he missed his fish as well. i didn't think he would have the blank. if i give him AEIS? as a leave ADZ DOES sim better than ZOOID, lowering his average score by about 24. with 4-ply ADZ is still on top. the only issue is that the win% diff is so tiny, yet i'm convinced this is a massive error. #strategylarge
3F GYV(E) +15 Finding Small
it's happening. G3 TRY for the slightly better leave -1 #findingsmall #tacticssmall
3F GYV(E) +15 Tactics Small
it's happening. G3 TRY for the slightly better leave -1 #findingsmall #tacticssmall
K5 VAUS +26 Finding Large
J3 VANqU(I)SH #findinglarge He took over 3 minutes on his opening move, I should have seen all the possible 8s since there are only 3... Just saw UNSHAVEN and UNSHAVED fuck
12K HEX +37 Finding Small
missed H10 H(OY)DEN which if I see I should play instantly because it will tilt the hell out of Matt. It's also probably best? #findingsmall
15A GIRO +22 Strategy Large
tried to calculate everything here, it appeared that I couldn't necessarily outrun (C)OWBELLS/BELLOWS 15G with (OY)E(R) H13. In effect, my time-troubled calculation was actually correct. If he has BELLOSW, OY(E)R is only a 4/5 win. Since I didn't know if that was the only loss after (OY)E(R) and OYER was really bad on spread, I decided to go for the obvious play here. It blocks all of the J bingos that I didn't calculate, though they probably all lose to OYER because they use up all the remaining vowels. The problem is that GIRO is only a 50% win if Matt has BELLOWS, and is very likely to lose to BECLOWN (4/5), by far the biggest threat in the position. GIRO also loses 4/5 to WEBCAST. GIRO appears to beat everything else. OYER might be better than GIRO. Upon further analysis, (OY)E(R) is probably best, though I haven't looked through all the fishes Matt could make thereafter. I am a bit upset that I didn't play it. #strategylarge
C3 W(A)ILING +28 Strategy Large
crap!! i did that thing i do when i'm down early and instead of trying to keep a good leave i turn over tiles like an idiot! 3F OWIE keeps a great leave of GILN especially with the open letters on this board. -10.5 #strategylarge
11G C(I)THE(R) +22 Endgame Medium
11E TELIC setting up HEW is 7 pts better #endgamemedium
G5 YURTA +15 Strategy Medium
interesting position, depending how I view his odd placement of BLITE. it could be something weird like a scoring rack where he wants too make two spots, or a K. most likely is probably an X. not really sure. it's hard to justify blocking the X bomb cause my plays there are pretty bad and leave the G column. I could also counter-setup with ZA/BA, which mmight actually be fine anyways. this play was a sort of counter-setup, keeping 12a possibilities and h1 possibilities. Q thinks it's way too big a sacrifice, that I should just play YA. i'll call this a #strategymedium
B10 WH(E)AT +38 Finding Medium
fuckkk I missed WAHI(N)E #findingmedium
A7 DAGO +23 Finding Small
CODA is the sorrt of play I usually make, but COS scores way better than GOS here. this is also only slightly more defensive, and the top left is gonna get plays in the next turn so I'm not worried about the lane longterm. for reference, i score over 10 more after DAGO than CODA! I can also score an extra 6 points next turn by playing GOOD 2c, keeping the A for overlaps and a better leave overall. that is probably the play, it gives up fewer bingooes than DAGO as well. #findingsmall
4A REEVE +23 Finding Medium
I could do EE(K) here to outrun, Ii think that's better. #findingmedium
K2 ID(E)AL +26 Strategy Small
Quackle despises this, but I think it's fine - GOO isn't a good leave but the PLAYMATES spot is quite dangerous and IDEAL does as good a job of blocking it as I can while scoring a lot in the process. I saw GEOIDAL but it leaves lots of stuff like ZEES there and also puts an A in a dangerous spot at K8. Maybe a #strategysmall, but I still think my play is ideal.
I4 VEGES +20 Knowledge Small
almost did G7 V(E)G. Didn't see D7 G(Y)VE. Was unsure of VE(G)GES, only knew VEGES, VEGED* and VEGGED #knowledgesmall
10B VIN(E)D +21 Finding Small
13C VI(A)ND is better in a vacuum, but perhaps I was glued to his range and made the right sacrifice. #findingsmall
3B WEB +33 Knowledge Large
15A NUBBLE! I didn't know that word. #knowledgelarge
J10 BU(R)G +25 Finding Small
both aitches are out, so this is highly dangerous. It's notably better to play 10J D(E)BUG against a robot, but perhaps not against a human, as the extra points keep the pressure on, especially if he doesn't have the H or any easy play elsewhere. #findingsmall
12A DRIF(T) +22 Finding Medium
13C FR(A)CT(I) is awesome and I am ashamed I also missed FRIT(T) #findingmedium
2J sOK(O)L +22 Endgame Large
this was purposeful, I was extremely rattled at having drawn my 8th blank in 4 games as the last tile in the bag. I saw that this was 20 points off but had to do it. #endgamelarge
K7 DIETING +76 Finding Medium
any bingo with KAPUT is better. #visionmedium #findingmedium
K7 DIETING +76 Vision Medium
any bingo with KAPUT is better. #visionmedium #findingmedium
F1 Q(I) +11 Knowledge Medium
best is 9J C(E)RMET #endgamemedium #knowledgemedium #findingmedium
F1 Q(I) +11 Finding Medium
best is 9J C(E)RMET #endgamemedium #knowledgemedium #findingmedium
F1 Q(I) +11 Endgame Medium
best is 9J C(E)RMET #endgamemedium #knowledgemedium #findingmedium
O6 STEM +34 Finding Medium
MERCS???? #endgamemedium #findingmedium wtf
O6 STEM +34 Endgame Medium
MERCS???? #endgamemedium #findingmedium wtf
H4 SOLVANT +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
Matt had never beaten me at this point. Definitely decided to give him a chance #knowledgesaddest
1A CANE +30 Knowledge Small
didn't know CANER at the time. CANER or CANERS look better in the same spot #knowledgesmall
D5 (J)UG +16 Strategy Medium
really weird decision if I wrote down my leave correctly. You can find a better play than this one, I'm certain of it. #strategymedium
O5 FIR(E)WoOD +66 Strategy Medium
considered just 10B FID. the amazing K4 WIF(EH)OoD is available for MORE pts than the bingo, keeping an R. but FID still sims best. oops. got a bit too greedy/scared since matt has beaten me like 6 times in a row. -5.5 #strategymedium
A5 UNRI(V)E +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
oh my god what am i doing #knowledgelarge
N4 NIX +56 Strategy Medium
the X spot might stay there; quackle likes getting rid of the Q first. - 4 #strategymedium
C3 YETI +25 Knowledge Small
i would have played TIYIN but i was scared after losing the UNRIVE* challenge. i knew TIYIN was good in at least one dictionary. i laid down YETI at L2 but i really don't think that's the play. -2 #knowledgesmall
9G P(U)L +19 Strategy Small
I8 SPOOL looks a little better. NORSS doesn't even bingo more than NRS and is much higher variance, plus SPOOL creates another S hook I can use. #strategysmall
F7 J(E)T(E) +11 Finding Large
missing THUJ(A) D4 #findinglarge
1M MOI +27 Finding Large
missing 13H (A)MNION #findinglarge scored as 28
E2 RAUNChY +77 Knowledge Large
I was unsure of TRUANCY and DURANCY*. TRUANCY plays for 90 at 13I. I forgot about UNCHARY, seeing it and not being sure. #knowledgelarge
15A FET +24 Knowledge Large
now worried about ABASIC* smh, the star play is 7G P(R)EED(I)T for 42(!). This hits PRIED 13I with an R, thought it might be worth going for. #knowledgelarge #findinglarge
15A FET +24 Finding Large
now worried about ABASIC* smh, the star play is 7G P(R)EED(I)T for 42(!). This hits PRIED 13I with an R, thought it might be worth going for. #knowledgelarge #findinglarge
K9 DIO(XI)N +31 Finding Medium
failed to realize this gave back OK #findingmedium
1G G(R)OAN +22 Endgame Large
G5 G(U)ANO ugh #endgamelarge and he shorted me 4 points from his rack even though I knew it. I was rattled after this game. Matt was very much a destabilizing force.
J6 APnOEIC +76 Knowledge Medium
missed PAEONIC for 4 more.. dammit. -4 #knowledgemedium
O8 CLIP(T) +27 Finding Unspecified
LIBEL 11I is actually simming better; i suppose there's the dangerous hotspot i'm creating, plus it's relatively easy for him to score a bunch at 11K as well with the right letters. -2 #strategysmall #finding
O8 CLIP(T) +27 Strategy Small
LIBEL 11I is actually simming better; i suppose there's the dangerous hotspot i'm creating, plus it's relatively easy for him to score a bunch at 11K as well with the right letters. -2 #strategysmall #finding
H11 E(V)OKE +38 Finding Small
11I BIKER sims a bit better, significantly more bingos next turn. -3 #findingsmall
B1 TORR +12 Strategy Medium
GRR. -7 i don't care #dumb #gg #strategymedium
B1 TaCNODE +80 Finding Large
High prob miss of 13G CTENOiD #findinglarge
M7 JERIDS +28 Endgame Large
I panicked about the validity of MILDS #endgamelarge
9G OM +19 Knowledge Small
I wasn't sure if MOVING took an S (it doesn't), so didn't want to play MOVING at 7H or 9H. OM is good in that it gives less back, but EGINV doesn't seem good enough to justify the point and turnover sacrifice assuming I know MOVINGS* is bad. #knowledgesmall
H1 AZ(a)N +39 Strategy Small
I tunneled in on using the H column and didn't adequately consider J2 ZEN, which keeps a better leave and doesn't give back a bingo lane. Column H isn't too dangerous with the given pool. #strategysmall #zenstillshouldntbeawordlarge
4D CAN(I)D +20 Strategy Small
I'm not sure... I think a12 plays come down a lot, in which case I want to keep as much bingo space open. based on a sim, it seems like the top left marginal lanes are realllly marginal, keeping them open barely improves my bingo chances. I think I should do WAND or D(A)N L7 over CANID, if an a12 play is happening I want to go harder on the bingo%, it will be difficult to outrun. WAND could possibly outrun. #strategysmall
4I LO(DE) +5 Finding Medium
ugh, this move is so bad. at least i realized that i can't play 4J O(DE) by itself, it doesn't hit enough and scores abysmally. but LODE bingoes even less so it also sucks. i did see 2L ULNA and considered it for a while, but i hate ROTE and i'm down by 100 pts already, i absolutely need to bingo next turn. i didn't see M1 ENOL despite breathing deeply, so maybe there is no hope. -8 #findingmedium #strategylarge
4I LO(DE) +5 Strategy Large
ugh, this move is so bad. at least i realized that i can't play 4J O(DE) by itself, it doesn't hit enough and scores abysmally. but LODE bingoes even less so it also sucks. i did see 2L ULNA and considered it for a while, but i hate ROTE and i'm down by 100 pts already, i absolutely need to bingo next turn. i didn't see M1 ENOL despite breathing deeply, so maybe there is no hope. -8 #findingmedium #strategylarge
10B INTINE +20 Strategy Medium
i don't have time for this garbage. i need to like take care of my house and work on some side projects, not draw EIIN to INT. so i don't know, excuse me for not fishing again when i'm down by 150 pts with 12L INIA, this game is done. -6 #lucklarge #fml #strategymedium
F6 FR(I)TH +27 Strategy Medium
Quackle hates this and likes 7C HUE; FLRT is a bad leave, but ELU is worse, and HUE scores one more point. There are also many plays better than FRITH that sacrifice points but keep better leaves, such as 9B UH and 7B FLU. #strategymedium
I1 fUNNIER +63 Tactics Small
bongo! Although I should play A3 MURINE instead to block column A and keep the blank for a later bingo. #tacticssmall
J6 WED +32 Tactics Small
Again, I should block column A, this time with A1 GUM. #tacticssmall
A1 CA(M)PI +42 Strategy Small
Quackle very slightly prefers GIMP, which has better equity and saves a tile that can play at 15G. #strategysmall
8J (D)ATIVE +33 Vision Large
12C BAY has the best equity, doesn't give Matt any floaters, and often draws into DATIVE next turn anyway. I'm not sure whether I even looked for anything after I found DATIVE. #visionlarge
B6 YO +28 Vision Medium
I saw D11 YOBBY after I hit my clock. Honorable mention to 6H NEWSBOY, which mostly blocks the lanes I formed with DATIVE. #visionmedium
N6 BE(V)Y +18 Endgame Large
I did what I thought was essential--block M7 JINGLED/JINGLER while guaranteeing an out--although I didn't see my backup out, C1 ASKOI. But there is so much more scoring potential! 14M YE sets up O11 OBIAS for 36, with a backup of A1 COBIAS, and Matt cannot both block OBIAS and use the J. M11 AIYEE blocks all of Matt's 30+ point J plays while saving K2 SORB for 25. Both YE and AIYEE are 19 points better than this. #endgamelarge (-19)
J6 QA(T) +32 Finding Medium
oh wow, OEDIPEAN is beautiful. it didn't occur to me. i think i gotta take that. -4 #findingmedium
9C Z(E)K +32 Knowledge Large
i chickened out on ICKER. that's by far the best play here. i just need to learn the words basically. i don't know how to learn 4s and 5s. i don't think Aerolith is the best way for short words. -11. i also considered C12 MM but it seemed too weak, it sims better than my play though. #knowledgelarge
2B RET(E)M +26 Finding Medium
i should still do C12 MM. it just seems so lame. i'm not enthused by that leave and would rather get some more points. RETEM does give back a few more, though. if i'd seen CERMET i might have played it. -3 #findingmedium
12I FOAM +27 Vision Medium
i didn't think making dinky two-tile plays was gonna get me very far here (10F FA). i wanted to at least semi-block a lame lane (the L column). i didn't spot 2L O(V)UM which i like quite a bit. i also didn't spot 10I FOUL. that's better than FOAM for sure. i think i didn't look there too hard because it wasn't a double word score? lame. -4.5 #visionmedium
13G BUT +16 Strategy Medium
i think this was a massive mistake. i didn't want to play 3C TAX for 29 because it keeps two Us, and i was worried that i was just going to have a very clunky rack the following turn and lose that way. my play at least sets up a lane. but, if he has WAX or TAX himself i'm dead. i really regret not playing TAX. i think i could survive with BLSUU and 29 pts. having the case S is awesome. i can also do E11 HABU, which i also like. -6 #strategymedium
F10 L(A)VA +15 Strategy Medium
14D ULVA is a nice play. i saw it, and passed on it because there's a lot of big tiles left and he can just score there and outrun me (GOUTY or something). but maybe i should do this, so that i have a good scoring spot myself. maybe i don't have much choice. quackle likes ULVA a lot. i think the main point should be to try to find a winning line. what do i have after LAVA? nothing. after ULVA, i get to draw for a big play somewhere, leave 1 in the bag, and then maybe win that way. #strategymedium
14A SL(Y) +12 Endgame Large
-12 #endgamelarge i didn't see A(V)E for him.
13K PITOT +19 Knowledge Small
Wow. I didn't know HOVERPOrT. It's not a big mistake, but it looks worth it especially since it takes out HOVER hooks. #knowledgesmall #nineslarge
8A CL(E)W +39 Strategy Small
I liked this to save 11C AXED and 12L XED for next turn then the Z the turn after, but Quackle prefers 11B WAXED. I guess 11 points is a lot to give up and I'm really handcuffing myself with the power tiles by essentially guaranteeing I won't bingo for at least 3 turns. #strategysmall
The listing of all of the player's mistakes. For more information about mistakes, check the 'Mistakes' section of the about page.
Game Line Error
Game 18383 50 Game is incomplete.
Game 32832 20 Game is incomplete.
Game 2274 26 Game is incomplete.
Game 28849 27 Game is incomplete.
Errors are (most likely) the result of malformed GCG files. To learn more, check the 'Errors and Warnings' section in the about page.
Game Line Error
Game 33128 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 10791, Round 20).
Warnings are notifications to players that they might want to update some of their GCG files. To learn more, check the 'Errors and Warnings' section in the about page.