Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Games in which there are at least 5 challenges made. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
CHAMP seems like the word to play here, but which placement? There are so many. I think after Matthew's move I need to be making as few floaters as possible and definitely not a double-double line, making 9G CHAMP the best choice. #tacticssmall
Here I overreacted to my good 7s lane being blocked and grabbed at points. 9C LUG has the nice attribute of setting up a new lane for ING with GLUG hooks; but it's very hard to imagine Matthew not blocking it somehow. Instead I think I prefer the simple C7 LIG over GRIG, just to maintain much better leave synergy. I also get some draws towards GLIFT and GLIFF 8A, which would be annoying board openings for Matthew. #strategysmall
Waffled over VAWS, O1 EA, and NAVE for quite a while. I was going for the final blow bingo, and indeed I do get a massive amount more bingos down after NAVE; but VAWS still seems like the right play here, going up by 70 and keeping the board very tight. #tacticssmall
Regretting not doing VAWS now as I could have just kept scoring instead of commit myself to bingoing. I would've done C11 ABY except that I was easily envisioning situations where I hit a bingo that didn't play. Indeed, I get 77% bingo after ABY and 90% after BYE. Still at least a #strategysmall and maybe medium.
I have a habit of misevaluating Gs and Vs. 7G MOG is clearly better, bingoing a whopping 10% more often and yielding 7 fewer points per turn to Matthew. Oddly, I'm not sure it crossed my mind as an option. #findinglarge
Quackle doesn't like this either because the leave is too gross (too GROST...heh). It prefers F5 GOOK, but Matthew is perhaps least likely to play the way that Quackle expects of anybody I know. Maybe 9H DOG or 6H LOG are more reasonable. #strategylarge
OK, I drew some A's - that was lucky. I have to play AI over AIL here; for one fewer point I get 15% of bingo. Why do I keep making this mistake over and over? #tacticssmall 20:10
Whiffed on some good options here, especially L1 DUSKER, and definitely should've done L1 RUSK, taking a small advantage on a bad board. KNAUR is also better than DROUK just to avoid keeping a U. #findinglarge #strategymedium 11:10
Whiffed on some good options here, especially L1 DUSKER, and definitely should've done L1 RUSK, taking a small advantage on a bad board. KNAUR is also better than DROUK just to avoid keeping a U. #findinglarge #strategymedium 11:10
A bunch of plays sim better, including G6 AKA, E5 RAKIA, and a few more plays on the G column. I played HAIKA quite fast - clearly I should've slowed down and looked harder. #findingmedium
N10 BEG sims best against a random rack, but after 9K S(O) and the available pool, it seems extremely likely that he has another S. It seemed like the game would be over if I play N10 BEG and he bingos on the O column or even just plays there with his S and I'm holding the Q. I thought my best shot was to to throw the Q back (holding consonants because I thought the bag seemed slightly vowel heavy) and hope he draws it after his N column bingo and I respond with an 1H bingo or column O bingo. However, even simming against the best possible racks, N10 BEG is winning every time. It's probably partly because he is unlikely to be holding a U, which gives me a good chance of drawing a U after N10 BEG. But even with AENQU??, I'm not sure how I can ever win after a column O play. #strategysaddest
Played over CONURBAN because I hoped it would drop Matthew's bingo% more; but actually CONURBAN yields about 1% fewer bingos than CORNLAND because it blocks both the B and the O (and I suppose the F of FIGGY) compared to just the D. #tacticssmall
The options are 15D OBE(S)E, 15G (S)EX, and L5 EXO. Quackle is saying blocking the triple is best, so this is probably a slight mistake. #strategymedium
Hm. I recognized that 1) 3/4 u's were already gone 2) no good Q spots exist before or after this play but I don't think I ever considered just dropping the Q. I don't know that Matt can really afford to make up all that equity with a specific block at 3I, but he can definitely try. I just don't even think I considered Q(I) played at 10L. This is the best chance I'll likely get to get rid of the Q without significant lucking. FILET also sims better, so this cannot be the right play, and FILER too, of course. #strategymedium
Saw the best play a bit too late. Sadly. Can you find it? It scores 27 points.
This pre is otherwise complicated. DETOXING can happen and win whenever. I don't want to play more than 3 tiles because 4-tile plays by him make me have to play 3 (or hopefully 2) to not empty. I chose this because I can then play HE at 6F or M3 next turn if he plays 4 and maybe hold on. #findinglarge
dead to DETOXING, unless I draw DEVO(U)TER F1 or E(N)ROOTED 14G or his rack is horrendous. DEPE(R)M H1 was missed, and does a ton better against DETOXING, allowing me to outrun and bingo more. This also could lose to stuff that draws into DETOXING, and that happens far more when I leave 2 in the bag rather than 1. PHEE(R)# is also an option. I also considered HEDE(R) which has to be better than HEMPS I think. Was tilted from missing HE M3 on the GAWK turn. #findingsaddest
14E R(A)ND is the kind of play that I have a really hard time seeing. It sims best, but I'm not sure what is actually best since I assume a human would play very differently from Quackle. On the other hand, the EDS/EDH hook is difficult to block without the hooks. I dunno. #strategysadder
M13 N(O)R and other similar plays such as K13 R(A)N and D13 (E)RN are probably the saddest top simming plays I have ever seen. I should have recognized that I need a huge Q bingo to hope to win the game, so despite the sadness, I would have to agree with Quackle. #STRATEGYSADDEST
I gave up 10 to play this over C3 TOOLING because I wanted to kill easy double-triple plays. But when I'm up this much I shouldn't be opening another triple-triple. #strategymedium
Duplicate game detected (Tournament 11378, Round 3).
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