Mack Meller
Mack Meller
Color Key
= Triple Triple
= Bingo 9+
= Improbable
= +
= +
= +
= + +
Player Lists
Type Play Probability Score
LiGNINS 15944 89
TRIREMe 4914 71
RET(U)RNER 13858 59
ALeWIFE 5254 72
REINV(E)ST 1627 94
ANTIGE(N)E 945 76
MAN(D)ATOR 5046 83
LEANEST 581 75
PODI(A)TRy 5946 140
(O)MELETTE 13386 72
AdAPtI(V)E 6286 86
REPOURS 10570 74
ARIETTE 345 61
H(I)RELING 6985 66
aPOM(I)XIS 22821 106
FRo(N)TLET 6124 61
C(H)ILOPOD 25334 82
(A)LIENEEs 773 59
GHOSTIE(R) 2265 89
NEOTeNY 5767 70
(T)ANKARDS 15076 92
SERIO(US)LY 9547 64
FLATTI(S)H 20053 80
(F)ORmICAS 14852 66
TONSURE(S) 5019 77
ARRIVED 3799 80
AENEOUS 297 73
SALL(Y)ING 20711 158
(G)ABELLEd 19542 83
RIPARI(A)N 12305 80
PRETRAI(N) 1506 70
ENOR(M)OUS 6888 62
BETAKEN 8907 90
CUrTANA 8595 85
ESCALOP 7958 69
FINNIER 7211 77
I(N)TONErS 488 66
ANt(H)EMIA 3807 98
BIRA(M)OSE 2024 66
WH(I)TENED 7189 75
(E)CDYSIAL 8905 95
D(U)eTTING 5563 68
CULVE(R)Ts 16574 80
TEOPANS 934 98
OOLA(C)HAN 18960 76
tERYLE(NE)S 7762 95
(A)IGRETTE 947 63
(V)ItAMINE 3819 95
SHOALED 3740 72
EUCR(I)tES 3114 79
AUNTIES 124 73
SOD(AL)ITES 1295 61
P(E)RISARC 9658 76
ENTOILS 176 67
MARTENS 1602 96
NAPALMs 18650 92
INVADED 6680 67
CUTTING 16072 76
VeRANDA 3443 88
MALWaRE 10719 78
STRIPED 3275 82
UnCROSS 18686 68
ANOSmIA 3701 72
ESTRIOL 186 73
NONAnES 8554 77
NE(OP)HILIA 2537 69
RARITI(E)S 1100 76
TR(A)VERSE(R) 15688 66
DOORMEN 5216 65
U(N)SEXIER 6017 84
LaBO(R)ITE 181 86
QuAERES 7015 84
FOLKIES 11261 87
(D)EDUCTOR* 0 95
RA(D)IOING 1577 64
RATLiNS 1014 73
AErAT(I)ON 8 61
TREnDIL(Y) 2384 76
NOTELET 2489 64
FORNI(C)AL 5913 65
(U)NDENIED 12827 83
(E)GoISTIC 4760 62
CRYOGEn(S) 12531 95
HEMATIN 2413 81
TuLADIS 3555 75
MINIVER 7774 80
UNtEACH 7014 76
SARNIES 1391 76
OPERATE 483 77
AD(J)OINED 7227 84
A(D)vISING 12847 86
NEUTRAL 442 62
(C)ONDOLER 6865 86
ROU(N)DUPs 21559 64
C(O)RRADED 13770 66
INTE(R)V(A)LE 262 63
R(E)GRATES 4002 86
SOUNdLY 14928 77
ANIsE(T)TE 524 68
(D)IALOGER 244 72
MANGLES 7505 80
(U)NVESTeD 8565 88
HAGRIDE 2538 98
(R)ESIDING 2979 64
(F)rICTIOn 10005 86
VIT(A)LISE 2583 62
REORGEd 5992 63
ER(O)TICAL 194 70
DOTTE(R)EL 3387 61
nE(G)RONIS 2009 131
ELYTROI(D) 1436 76
NITRATE(S) 364 77
OUTRA(T)ED 1142 72
O(P)ERcELE 14131 131
S(N)ARLIER 933 70
ECUMENe 16553 76
WANTAGE(S) 6975 76
T(U)TORIAL 2160 66
NAPE(R)IES 673 60
NUME(R)AtE 1607 65
BEE(C)HNUT 19676 66
ENROOTS 1070 82
(t)E(N)ORITES 321 62
SALMOnS 15408 72
CANDoUR 5810 74
sUBSOIL 18568 92
TOU(G)hIES 4384 82
PITMANS 9288 76
LIN(G)ERER 4222 140
FOlIUMS 16313 80
TOA(S)TIER 146 62
CAUDLEs 8584 84
(UN)DeRSOIL 418 80
LIATRIS 2382 92
FIL(I)ATES 2581 79
NONFaNS 20050 69
sTREUSE(L) 11659 66
TACITU(R)N 7723 63
ETHENEs 8997 66
TEA(C)AKES 15532 65
LEGIONS 1109 76
QUINE(L)lA 13169 104
MEOUInG 2984 72
NITRATo(R) 2720 74
EPIT(AX)IES 8267 86
SUBBINg 23160 79
SORBIT(A)N 1102 61
(T)ONs(I)LLAR 2488 62
URINOSE 190 71
SENARII 143 71
SpLENII 6086 69
GRUNgIE(R) 16763 70
SPACIER 4349 79
WINKERS 11021 86
(F)AtIGUES 3641 86
OUTGlAR(E) 690 80
SCO(T)TIES 14468 62
RAVINGS 6833 69
DENIAB(L)E 1515 94
EMIGRAT(E) 1086 86
EASIEST 2060 73
PHELOnI(A) 2054 89
SLATIER 121 61
ROULEA(U)x 14358 59
BeTTORS 7413 81
NICTATE 2102 74
(U)NDRAPES 4494 94
(F)UMIGATE 7945 66
LITERAL 1388 73
(G)HoSTIER 2265 86
ENTICES 2144 75
V(E)NOMiNG 13131 80
kHALIFS 21508 82
PEARLIE(R) 3700 74
SHRo(O)MER 20222 82
pEREION 489 66
VISITED 6078 70
WEAPON(E)D 4813 80
(U)NHEALtH 18534 88
NITRIDS 4462 76
ALEHO(U)SE 3661 71
RuSTILY 11095 73
TADPOLe 1952 74
GALENAS 3982 79
ROSOLIo 11845 77
TRAINLO(AD) 406 83
DIvER(TE)RS 6361 68
ANgORAS 4228 81
ECORC(H)ES 24744 80
OUTEaRN 46 75
I(S)OcRACY 23306 82
SE(D)AT(I)ONS 562 61
BIrDL(I)ME 13311 80
SEDILIA 1264 83
REASONS 1818 68
IDOCR(A)SE 536 94
NApOLEO(N) 7793 64
PARTI(A)LS 7283 74
B(R)OCATEL 3986 86
TRA(I)LING 2502 70
TETRADI(C) 2891 86
VOLUTeS 6410 77
SERIALS 2891 74
DEVOIRS 2018 78
(G)ORDITAS 1193 62
TURFIeR 6275 67
NOTAR(I)ZE 262 84
REPLIER 7726 89
ES(C)ALOPS 18837 86
(R)EAVAILs 2555 90
BONEM(E)AL 4802 63
PEM(O)LINE 4832 66
GEARHE(A)D 8052 85
gRAVITO(N) 1987 92
PAESANO 2359 67
(PA)STOrALI 2994 80
WaRRAnT 12514 74
(AG)ELESSLY 24770 67
RATH(O)LES 1385 76
D(E)wCLAWS 27308 82
WORRIE(R)S 16033 65
STIRRED 2848 66
PONTo(ON)ED 17397 62
ABOIDEA(U) 1637 63
INSIDE(R)S 7726 70
(B)ESETTEr 15990 63
TRIOLET 790 62
ALIE(N)AgE 864 68
P(R)ETREAT 10238 74
INVITES 3490 94
(A)NAlCImE 6263 83
DAMPENS 10032 85
CYGNETS 15375 92
DEmARQ(U)E* 0 84
HEA(D)NOTE 809 64
F(I)SHMeAL 14580 96
FOLAtES 1965 76
DROPpER 20823 75
(W)RESTLED 8556 64
AFTeRP(A)I(N) 2170 76
RA(I)SONNE 132 68
To(N)ETICS 3391 72
DRAGgLE(S) 15497 77
SAX(I)FoRM* 0 126
AUSFORM 13476 77
TRAN(S)ACT 15438 61
DOmINIE 2363 73
FURNA(C)eS 9019 67
DERIDIN(G) 9939 63
BrIQuET 10991 84
(I)NTROMIt 9328 80
URALITE 123 67
BELA(U)DED 17265 65
INVERTE(D) 1617 79
STAVInG 6835 80
BHEL(P)URI 18328 80
AUREOLE 295 64
N(E)RDIEST 381 75
STICKIE 14599 104
(A)RANEIDS 305 80
FATTENS 6469 74
SE(A)SONAL 5395 59
TR(A)DITOR 4950 68
SOAPING 4847 74
U(L)TERIOR 1161 70
SANI(T)IZE 3163 69
PLEURON 3926 78
AMBONES 4997 71
AUNTIES 124 67
I(N)FERrED 6417 94
TRAVES(T)Y 13995 70
EClOSIN(G) 4362 83
EPERGNE 11161 63
YESTERN 4225 81
PRIMUL(A)S 15468 102
fOUETTE 8637 64
WITHER(E)D 7179 89
R(E)ASONED 167 60
SHEAFI(N)G 7944 101
ALLELuI(A) 21339 74
INTERNE(E) 2352 78
NEUTERS 1443 76
W(R)ECKErS 27739 67
UNLIVeD 5659 75
E(L)OIGNER 351 74
LOIASES 1752 84
COESITE 1253 75
AUNTIES 124 69
ARIETTA 749 72
(M)ONISTIc 13602 80
ERODI(B)LE 1915 63
RAD(I)ATED 2475 64
RAViGOT(E) 395 78
CAUSEW(A)Y 21966 67
A(C)ETAMiD 6291 74
(F)ISHIEST 21718 80
UPALONG 10848 95
TAILLES 2884 76
sOAPIER 336 74
ANISET(T)E 524 66
COeDITS 1992 74
paTERNA(L) 2520 74
S(p)OLIATE 544 58
uNBINDS 16853 61
TROILUS 2369 87
AbOMASI 10358 80
REAPInG 1231 79
INCASED 1476 78
FOLIAG(E)S 2212 74
FiREBR(A)T 6906 76
(A)SSENTED 5094 80
HEINOUS 2033 73
THUnDER 5779 72
SILLIeR 8899 66
LUGWORT(S)* 0 67
GOL(D)ENER 2012 64
TWEENIE 3561 67
CODINGs 10786 78
HOMAGED 9824 85
R(O)OTLInG 3896 59
INOSITE 236 74
NEUTRAL(S) 724 77
hEPATIC 8703 71
INSANER 546 77
PReV(A)ILS 5755 62
RESTAGE 1193 86
ADENO(I)DS 1175 90
BEASTIE 1041 77
OTTOmAN 11523 66
pRORATe(D) 3564 74
AGrY(P)NIA 14919 102
GRAHAMS 19922 77
EUlA(C)HON 6727 74
SA(P)HENAE 10925 76
ANN(U)LOSE 2489 71
ETERNIS(E) 860 68
PALTERS 3172 73
OvERSET 2667 77
UNADUlT 13784 84
EvINCES 8353 74
ALTOIST 2868 78
GUARDIA(N) 4688 83
FRIENDs 3243 91
ARO(Y)NTED 589 74
PI(G)GIEST 21413 63
G(A)DFLIES 6097 64
(O)UTTESTS* 0 77
DIA(ME)TERS 713 98
GL(E)AMIER 2349 65
SNITCH(E)S 17907 82
LE(C)HERER* 0 76
TROTLIN(E) 486 59
EASIEST 2060 61
ARIS(t)ATE 1095 71
D(E)VOUTER 3763 90
IGNORES 409 70
RIOTERS 756 73
AUD(I)TORS 703 72
sHORTIE 934 96
M(O)RTISED 1439 68
VEDaLIA 3521 88
REFILMS 10148 75
SAINFO(I)N 8989 80
(N)ITERIES 454 60
INTR(E)ATs 363 78
GRAnDEE 1181 73
A(E)ROLITE 11 63
CEASING 2412 67
YESH(I)VOT 11382 84
INsULAR 1779 79
(R)AVENEST 1608 86
DuSTRAG 8453 77
DOYENNE 8635 90
AERO(N)AUT 127 70
MaGAZ(I)NE 13038 88
W(E)LD(M)eNTS 13739 73
TRI(C)KLED 13841 67
PLONKER 11903 67
EYeWATE(R) 9439 78
SLANTED 1147 76
RESO(L)UTE 1256 70
DRAsTIC 4939 80
BRIDIEs 6050 66
V(I)CARATE 3811 76
(R)ESONANT 482 68
HAULiNG 9700 68
ReMITT(A)L 2926 70
GLAIVES 4660 85
AEROGEL 532 77
P(E)TUNTSE 13375 64
GLi(T)CHES 15212 78
FANIONs 6620 98
AUREOLA 698 72
FiRSTLY 14938 84
GEReNTS 2516 83
BLEARED 3830 76
TAN(G)ELOS 687 63
(F)INITuDE 4932 86
PTER(Y)GIA 4890 68
TROIKAS 3693 82
AL(T)OISTS 11602 70
ThIAZI(N)E 6900 68
CARIL(L)On 8353 60
LIO(N)ISED 934 86
FARINAs 5231 80
(U)NCAPpED 24246 95
sIeRRAN 523 66
PETSAIS 6430 87
PEONAGE 2062 77
(D)IALLIST 13874 80
METEPAS 8322 73
sOIL(U)REs 4883 104
EPIbOLY 12569 77
DEC(A)YERS 10367 106
LEMO(N)IER 845 72
BIgAM(I)ST 18428 94
ACcRUAL 22650 76
PHORATE 2742 80
PHYLLI(T)E 25111 90
COMITI(E)S 7392 76
ALE(H)OUSE 3655 62
BEVA(T)RON 2106 65
TUNI(C)LES 4529 74
EThERI(Z)E 13946 77
EnGLUTS 5985 74
ZINCOUS 17029 100
DEVO(T)ION 2089 64
WIRIEST 3666 73
PITTA(N)cE 6913 63
(A)eRIFIEd 1755 89
REST(R)UNG 8872 70
WANTERS 1615 78
A(N)NULOSE 2489 70
GAYDArs 16450 76
ELEDO(I)S(I)N 681 74
HAPL(I)TES 5729 79
SOUPIER 2053 78
ANTIN(O)DE 133 60
CORONE(L)S 6868 63
TAB(O)URIN* 0 72
MINTERS 1627 69
LOITERE(R) 737 62
SOAPFI(S)H 25162 67
TR(E)ELAWn 1606 90
DEPLAN(E)D 13666 65
GO(N)DOLAS 9630 76
LONG(N)ESS 18670 68
OUtEARN 46 76
ANEC(D)OTE 801 72
TRINO(D)AL 288 80
DO(O)RNAIL 1117 65
(V)iOLATER 219 83
WIELD(E)RS 5346 98
GAzELLE 18935 74
PANOcHE 9484 91
FUSAINS 15298 78
WEArILy 4401 99
(S)IBILANT 7325 62
J(E)SUItIC 17965 70
(D)IPHENYL 18486 96
AIRPOwE(R) 4733 86
BRININg 16479 61
A(T)TESTED 13754 61
REORI(E)NT 286 62
MUSCIDS 23312 83
(R)ELISTED 963 70
dRAGEES 2451 70
aGENTIN(g) 9348 74
REVILIN(G) 6994 90
TELF(E)rED 11122 94
POL(I)TICO 18947 70
(C)hOWTIME 17745 66
OUABaIN 3693 68
RELE(N)DED* 0 63
pA(R)HELIA 6281 72
MORAL(I)ZE 4598 88
TROUVeU(R) 18261 72
TR(I)ANGLE 156 60
HISTONE 979 78
SALUTER 1156 73
ORGANDY 7820 69
RAMpANC(Y) 26970 86
DIESTER 599 74
EVERSIO(N) 854 65
AnOMIES 329 74
(R)ESINOID 400 80
KATHODE(S) 10978 72
M(ONO)TONIES 7553 76
OrISHAS 9919 89
TROdDEN 3751 76
UnTAGG(E)D 11773 78
OvERTAS(K) 7703 86
GR(A)TINEE 85 86
DIgNITy 13695 66
SALIEN(C)E 1525 74
NIFTIER 1753 72
REY(N)ARDS 7909 63
ADSCrIP(T) 11730 86
SPIELER 4203 78
G(A)UZIEsT 7068 68
NIDUSES 8442 84
INTRONS 3003 73
DECE(N)TlY 14189 82
BENDAYS 9941 73
ISOPO(D)AN 5831 76
TeLERAN 213 66
EROTIC(A)L 194 70
cOSIGNE(R) 2258 84
DUNITES 1159 63
ENDPlAT(E) 3043 89
PARTLET 6482 75
U(N)DARINg 8100 64
LI(BE)RATOR 849 65
RELATED 571 70
ArENOSE 68 73
LAD(Y)KINS 19995 67
SOLUT(I)ON 4678 68
aMESACE 11823 78
tENOURS 530 71
ELON(G)ATE 349 86
gUIDAbL(E) 6094 74
mEGA(D)YNE 12742 76
(P)ETALOID 547 67
GOATSK(I)n 7332 68
TROGONS 8001 68
(U)LTRARED 3966 80
sACHETE(D) 10358 98
TA(P)IROId 2747 63
PA(R)ITIES 1253 70
RAD(I)USED 4277 70
C(O)NCERTO 17710 86
StEMWA(R)E 7142 78
SPOILER 2040 74
GRUNTlE 3564 68
COTTERS 7422 74
CAD(A)VERS 13247 86
(L)EAlTIES 2765 74
GrOUPED 8537 99
ALUNItE 116 81
TRIChI(N)A 8818 73
ENTREAT 1019 73
BORREL(I)A 1764 74
HEREDIT(Y) 7180 98
ANT(E)RIOR 42 66
S(H)ELDUCK 28205 69
cAPTIVE 8705 78
(C)ALORIES 537 74
bEZANTS 10950 124
AE(R)OLITH 209 86
BALMIeR 4294 73
VOIDeRS 2022 87
BURGONE(T) 4446 89
AORIST(I)C 2606 70
NIQAAbS 16645 77
GaI(E)tIES 820 78
OUtLOVE 7738 75
(K)ITcHENS 18478 92
GRA(P)LInG* 0 94
FOETORS 5253 78
sUASIOn 5435 81
INSNARE 547 66
CARD(I)ACS 24035 82
DONA(T)ORS 2491 68
TRAPEZI(I) 7266 92
bESTUDS 18509 83
gEMINAL 2551 87
S(P)RINGER 10733 86
DISROOT 3434 80
ToILERS 188 76
DOURINE 173 75
ShO(E)TREE 5491 78
TOUZLES 9921 84
ALKINES 3536 76
SUrGING 17494 79
SKOLInG 14673 98
DENUDAT(ED) 18152 64
CHRONA(XI)E 6204 116
K(Y)PHOTIC 29440 284
T(W)ANGLER 3704 176
(R)EVISING 7001 89
OUTGAVE 2958 97
OEUvRES 4823 79
COLLAG(E)N 11391 76
FLOUNCE 10732 82
Wa(G)GONED 14890 64
C(U)RArIZE 14669 86
(E)ELWoRMS 11379 74
PREUN(I)ON 3599 78
LOGGETS 13561 68
(T)OaSTILY* 0 83
SKYWARD 22804 76
S(A)TINIER 96 77
ICEB(O)ATS 2018 78
MEGARON 1418 74
DOTAGES 1099 75
ScATTED 9380 86
BuLLRIN(G) 23570 70
ELATERS 554 81
(A)QuAVITS 19357 108
GRIE(V)ANT 752 78
vIOLATE 310 76
ARSINES 1326 73
s(EL)ECTMAN 7089 89
GAS(O)LINE 248 80
REFoUND 3871 98
P(I)LSENER 3142 70
ILMENIT(E) 3486 83
OPTIMAL 7268 67
E(ME)rSIONS 4810 94
CHInSED 10096 97
REMAINS 692 81
SYRUPeD 16296 81
AnTIFAS 5454 80
C(O)VERUPS 19368 66
sNAKIER 1760 94
RAINOUT 130 64
CREMA(T)OR 7831 70
fANZINE 11788 82
LAMINA(R)Y 12407 69
(T)ORQUERS 13380 86
URODELE 1814 66
ArENITE 8 72
(U)NbEATEN 6339 74
OU(T)BRIBE 11492 68
JASMINE 7793 98
OR(A)NGIER 318 63
EPIGONE(S) 2872 69
RH(E)UmIER 15158 83
OSTEOiD 1033 73
MELENAS 4091 77
XENOpUS 15006 85
SC(R)OUGED 10626 63
ToRNAD(I)C 1104 74
GAROTES 395 72
MONETIS(E) 848 83
sLIPKnO(T) 17578 89
LE(M)URINE 3140 61
ETC(H)iNGS 11412 167
CUSHATS 22201 77
FIN(A)GLED 3435 88
ROMANTI(C) 3315 70
GAIETI(E)s 820 70
GINGALS 14784 77
ROStRAL 5368 72
TACRINE 228 86
MIs(F)ILED 16960 65
ENROOTS 1017 66
SA(V)EAbLE 13866 62
MUtAGEN 4714 84
DOMIN(A)TE 202 72
cROZIER 12682 88
CAUDI(C)ES 17516 69
m(E)ZEREON 14235 102
(W)ATERLOG 2127 89
SARAPES 13723 70
ACROLEI(N) 192 75
(C)REODONT 4209 64
GLEETI(E)R 2851 65
(S)LATTERN 2028 62
SE(I)SABLE 9437 61
DEGREAS(E) 4792 66
P(O)INtIER 673 60
O(U)TSWARE 1405 72
AUNTIES 124 80
SHORT(A)GE 2240 66
FLaVIN(E)S 5718 76
T(I)TAnIUM 11618 62
EATINGS 274 64
TIRADES 105 66
STROBeD 3831 72
mORPHIA 11430 74
SPEWING 11718 96
AChROmA(T) 19080 77
HANTLES 3151 78
REA(S)ONER 734 66
(A)SPIRATa 12679 80
AFEArED 4561 81
AURORAE 2128 79
lEV(A)NTER 1604 90
HUNk(E)RER* 0 90
I(N)QUIrED 8675 88
(C)EINTURE 1614 70
KETAmIN(E) 4710 86
WETTING 8623 68
AsPIRED 1522 88
REPOSI(TE)D 973 89
INFECTS 7111 81
ACRAsIA 13410 75
(C)OATTENd 3537 70
INSN(A)RES 5004 122
DEMENTI(A) 614 76
STRIA(T)ED 883 76
TOONIES 345 79
TOV(a)RICh 11142 81
TWIRLeD 3254 78
EMBAYED 15899 74
UNSATED 1152 78
cONTENT 11629 69
RALLYES 12892 86
ALExIAS 6588 64
RELIV(I)NG 7004 68
BE(H)EADER 12975 82
(I)NDIGENE 7557 74
URE(T)ERAL 2697 68
(S)ECONDER 3729 86
HAPLONT 10368 93
ENGRAIN 1123 70
TIP(S)TERS 17177 74
E(N)FACING 12501 88
FUlSOME 14284 74
cAYENNE(S) 15100 90
MiSSENT 9790 72
Zi(T)HERNS 10151 92
TRI(L)OBI(T)E 4111 69
ADORERS 1612 82
UlTIMA(C)Y 19725 74
(R)ENEGADO 326 64
W(I)THERED 7188 71
GENoMES 6424 80
ENPL(A)NES 9596 68
GALILEE 5156 82
AN(E)MOSES 7262 72
RET(I)ARIi 3479 68
PAROLEE 1243 74
p(E)TANQUE 11278 84
VE(N)TURED 5419 66
WOOLMEN 12624 86
(I)STHmIAn 12428 104
EVEN(S)OnG 13112 72
UNHOrS(E)S 13516 68
NAGGIER 3740 73
FOREXES 13044 101
N(O)SEBAND 6027 62
CAJONES 8355 89
(R)ETAGGED 9057 92
NEtTIES(T) 10795 64
NEOMyC(IN)S 16353 76
SEArING 258 76
RE(T)INENE 2231 59
LOwBALL 23392 71
ARTLESS 5181 66
NOV(E)LIST 1393 72
PHrASED 10023 88
ELUSOrY 6410 74
U(T)ILISER 1962 59
(D)IAMETER 615 92
YOHIMBE 16373 92
OXAZEP(A)M 25907 392
AEPYORN(IS) 1048 68
ADEN(OS)INE 281 90
(AB)ORIGINE 506 64
V(E)RJUICE 19406 239
T(R)OUVEUR 17268 65
HEADIER 996 80
IMMO(L)ATE 8011 82
REAC(H)ING 4622 78
(RE)SaTISFY* 0 80
B(R)UISING 15943 76
cARGOES 2800 71
DIETERS 571 70
SENORES 4473 83
(B)ENzOATE 5199 70
IDEALIS(T) 757 80
PECT(O)RAL 3820 80
UNRIsEN 2730 77
C(H)IANTIS 11800 68
RIOTING(S) 3181 61
(R)ETICULE 3109 89
TRIToM(A)S 5387 110
(E)LOiGNED 917 83
FILEmOT 5122 83
ALL(E)GORy 11985 68
BANDITS 4934 78
FERMeNT 8463 71
C(AR)ETAKER 15297 80
ACOEL(O)US 6694 70
REL(A)CInG 1816 76
SUPPLI(E)R 21915 66
THAnAGE 5290 77
(O)VERBITE 2610 89
YARDINg 6805 67
GEARCAS(E) 8051 63
TIMeL(I)ER 3489 86
OSTIARY 1680 81
qUIE(TE)NER 5414 82
AMaTORY 11107 95
pHOEBES 16711 80
STRAFEd 3092 80
SPINDLE 5653 73
WIND(PI)pEs 24977 76
ORATRES(s) 5761 64
REMIN(T)ED 1616 72
ANTIMIN(E) 3264 83
(M)OoNFACE* 0 92
CURRIED 9435 92
RESHINE 2283 72
(I)NSUREDS 7210 72
(G)rIEVANT 794 74
ROSELLA 3593 88
DREEING 1199 85
DISBArS 15395 74
ROMA(N)TIC 3502 66
D(E)FEATeR 4724 88
AMOUN(T)ED 1365 78
LAVR(O)CKS 24941 86
PERIGEE 7996 75
RHeBOKS 19048 85
RATLINS 1017 67
cAIRNED 627 68
oUTRAVE 942 73
SO(L)ARIZE 1672 77
TaTTOOS 18027 71
ORALITY 1663 78
LE(V)OGyRE 14027 62
MOTILES 2037 82
ELUsION 521 72
(I)NTARsIA 1956 74
THER(MI)ONS 2399 106
TApA(DE)RAS 9771 61
(D)OORNAIL 1116 61
(B)IOWAsTE 2027 82
T(O)ILETRY 3594 62
JOk(E)STER 17249 80
S(E)PTORIA 230 62
A(N)EMOSES 7632 64
(F)lEETIER* 0 72
STAVINg 6835 94
AdOPTEE(S) 1906 86
COWIEST 5110 101
TRa(M)PIER 6583 94
UNDE(R)ATE 353 63
NEUS(TO)NIC 3690 62
ANOdY(N)ES 6038 90
TALKERS 6128 77
gALAXES 14791 102
UNDARIN(G) 8089 64
REpAIN(T)S 441 74
VEcTORE(D) 7999 65
(D)EKAGRAM 20183 88
mUDPIeS 13286 71
SHELTER 6749 77
SABOTED 1918 86
UNSAVEd 5603 81
GEOIDAl 359 71
TEASING 265 85
EMOTIvE 3394 82
ECARTES 2081 91
SMARA(G)DE 10202 66
(E)RUcTATE 6365 66
AN(D)ESYtE 3055 94
NIGG(L)IER 12460 66
gLAIRIE(r) 3476 64
G(O)ATSKIN 6970 80
SOLVENT 3753 97
HYSTERI(A) 3186 74
BAILORS 3183 69
GLARIER 2237 70
CE(R)OTYpE 12901 70
ACINOUS 3197 78
MELDINg 7530 74
TROPICS 10402 72
NUTTERS 5294 70
VERMINs 7168 76
TE(A)BOWLs 6710 82
PEATIER 358 82
(O)RGANISE 61 76
V(I)ZORING 19269 92
ANGA(R)IAS 9144 59
(O)RANgISH 3642 80
RECITAL 598 85
TRIDENt(AL) 404 72
hONOREE 3562 61
CITOLES 1997 77
D(IS)CLaIMS 24801 76
SNAkIER 1674 74
STUNT(I)NG 18932 70
ExILIAN 3800 71
GAROTT(E)S 1899 68
N(O)ISIEST 3011 59
WINtERL(Y) 5557 89
U(N)IcORNS 11426 68
S(O)LENOID 1488 70
TSARISM 12199 92
ANGUiNE 2351 64
DEO(D)ARAs 5401 72
SURMIsE 13024 86
CABBIEs 18894 80
TIDE(L)INE 1126 63
SC(R)AIGHS 24829 82
SCHmEAR 14862 90
EVICTOR(S) 4128 73
F(L)ANNELS 20453 72
ROQUE(T)eD 7083 84
AVIATES 1785 76
MOONL(E)TS 6885 65
xYL(I)DINE 17843 72
(V)OYAGERS 8844 78
LOMEINS 2034 77
PECULIA(r) 5686 86
TOWeLIN(G) 2272 83
sHAD(I)EST 8611 94
BE(T)RAYED 6733 68
FI(L)AMeNT 3169 167
BOLUSES 15961 78
S(U)BDWARf 24534 76
MINcIER 7752 72
RELATED 572 73
WOR(R)YiNG 19976 212
SNIT(T)IER 2457 122
SVELTER 6761 77
GEODEsY 9404 80
UNCOINE(D) 6087 65
SHUNTER 5823 89
FLAShES 19457 83
WEIGELA 3052 68
(N)ARCOTIc 11232 82
ENSUITE 612 68
EGLAT(E)RE 2845 63
TERRAN(E)S 1289 75
vIRGIN(AL)S 9264 83
OUTRAVE(S) 1405 63
(T)URNDOwN 15858 77
CORNUTE 2069 84
REMOtIO(N) 942 80
WEENIES 5942 78
MOiSTEN 992 89
AC(A)NThAE 15514 86
GRUE(S)OME 8424 78
AUT(O)SoME 3931 101
(H)AYSTACK 29700 113
(P)ATINAED 1206 74
(B)UTLErED* 0 83
CELLARS 12828 66
(C)YLINDER 9105 66
POLyBRI(D) 21688 74
LOCA(T)IOn 3447 60
SOIREES 2508 77
ROUTING 1854 68
O(R)INASAL 876 70
BIRRET(T)A 6103 70
RAC(E)mIZE 13179 98
PYREnO(I)D 4140 64
SLATIER 121 75
OUTDRES(S) 8089 83
ANAEMIc 4772 72
HEFTILY 14904 73
R(EH)EATING 522 80
BUTAN(O)LS 7563 70
SNARLER 2823 70
A(G)ENTIVE 1087 68
SA(p)ROPEL 15845 86
UNTwINE(D) 8374 70
RIdG(E)TOP 2261 72
CHORTLE(S) 10247 92
DAPHNIA 13116 82
MUSCLED 18727 94
OSSIfR(AG)E 5467 70
SPAWnED 10038 83
EOBIONT 1341 67
(M)ISGIvES 25654 70
OVERD(O)gS 12444 94
RAIDERS 1336 75
(S)lOPPILY 30507 78
HANTING 10920 83
TABLEAU 6012 77
HENBITS 6811 78
DES(O)RBED 13912 74
A(D)JUrING 12514 82
ELOINER(S) 165 82
OUTL(A)WED 2647 63
(O)RDAInED 499 80
NIDAT(I)oN 2474 71
AnNE(A)LE(R)S 3202 60
INVITES 3659 91
ENTA(I)LER 30 78
vERITES 2315 70
UTILIS(E)R 1857 59
ReDPO(L)LS 17107 167
cI(C)OREES 13431 77
ANYMORE 2622 82
DETAI(N)ED 1250 74
ORIB(a)TId 2601 59
DEVAlUE 6607 79
REC(U)RVES 21943 80
QUERIED 7325 104
(E)UGLENAS 3270 68
TESTATE 11836 79
rIN(G)wOR(K)S 22811 86
OSTEOID 1031 81
MODUlAT(E) 2786 78
SaNTOUR 1148 79
ENRAV(I)SH 3361 65
CO(E)VALLy 23396 70
EM(I)GRATE 1085 158
(E)NCRYPTS 18471 92
STOLID(E)R 318 86
The of bingos played by the player that were not challenged off.
Triple Triples
Type Play Probability Score
PODI(A)TRy 5946 140
SALL(Y)ING 20711 158
nE(G)RONIS 2009 131
O(P)ERcELE 14131 131
LIN(G)ERER 4222 140
sOIL(U)REs 4883 104
K(Y)PHOTIC 29440 284
T(W)ANGLER 3704 176
ETC(H)iNGS 11412 167
INSN(A)RES 5004 122
OXAZEP(A)M 25907 392
V(E)RJUICE 19406 239
OVEr(WET)S 8035 117
FI(L)AMeNT 3169 167
WOR(R)YiNG 19976 212
SNIT(T)IER 2457 122
ReDPO(L)LS 17107 167
EM(I)GRATE 1085 158
Triple triples played by the player that were not challenged off. They do not have to be bingos.
Bingo Nines or Above
Type Play Probability Score
SERIO(US)LY 9547 64
tERYLE(NE)S 7762 95
SOD(AL)ITES 1295 61
NE(OP)HILIA 2537 69
TR(A)VERSE(R) 15688 66
INTE(R)V(A)LE 262 63
(t)E(N)ORITES 321 62
(UN)DeRSOIL 418 80
EPIT(AX)IES 8267 86
(T)ONs(I)LLAR 2488 62
TRAINLO(AD) 406 83
DIvER(TE)RS 6361 68
SE(D)AT(I)ONS 562 61
(PA)STOrALI 2994 80
(AG)ELESSLY 24770 67
PONTo(ON)ED 17397 62
AFTeRP(A)I(N) 2170 76
DIA(ME)TERS 713 98
W(E)LD(M)eNTS 13739 73
ELEDO(I)S(I)N 681 74
M(ONO)TONIES 7553 76
LI(BE)RATOR 849 65
DENUDAT(ED) 18152 64
CHRONA(XI)E 6204 116
s(EL)ECTMAN 7089 89
E(ME)rSIONS 4810 94
REPOSI(TE)D 973 89
TRI(L)OBI(T)E 4111 69
NEOMyC(IN)S 16353 76
AEPYORN(IS) 1048 68
ADEN(OS)INE 281 90
(AB)ORIGINE 506 64
(RE)SaTISFY* 0 80
C(AR)ETAKER 15297 80
qUIE(TE)NER 5414 82
WIND(PI)pEs 24977 76
THER(MI)ONS 2399 106
TApA(DE)RAS 9771 61
NEUS(TO)NIC 3690 62
TRIDENt(AL) 404 72
D(IS)CLaIMS 24801 76
vIRGIN(AL)S 9264 83
R(EH)EATING 522 80
OSSIfR(AG)E 5467 70
AnNE(A)LE(R)S 3202 60
rIN(G)wOR(K)S 22811 86
Bingos played by the player that were nine letters or longer and were not challenged off.
Challenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were challenged off by an opponent.
Unchallenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were not challenged by an opponent.
Plays That Were Challenged
Type Play Probability Score
C(O)RRADED 13770 66
(I)ZARD 3493 35
PRIMUL(A)S 15468 102
BLADE 2149 56
INsULAR 1779 79
(i)X* 0 0
LORICAs* 0 0
(U)NCAPpED 24246 95
PHYLLI(T)E 25111 90
ZINCOUS 17029 100
PET(T)E(D) 9123 0
SC(R)OUGED 10626 63
RALLYES 12892 86
(BLOCK)Y 16103 24
CURRIED 9435 92
LAVR(O)CKS 24941 86
NEUS(TO)NIC 3690 62
V(I)ZORING 19269 92
TRIDENt(AL) 404 72
PI(L)Y 3143 18
UNTwINE(D) 8374 70
HANTING 10920 83
Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Opponent Lists
Type Play Probability Score
CRISPES(T) 17913 89
INT(R)ADOS 272 68
BESTIAl 1396 84
DELE(G)ACY 16522 65
hOSANNA 13426 71
PRISInG 13713 84
POtABLE 4993 76
GENERIC 3377 68
DEFUS(E)RS 20660 86
(T)RACHEAL 9777 102
REC(A)NTED 1588 69
REELe(C)TS 11110 80
INOSITE 247 92
TANRECS 1587 91
INSHRI(N)E 8945 62
MAnGIER 1224 71
tALIONS 467 80
aNNOTAT(E) 3670 68
NOoDGES 5546 76
SOUCARS 16079 89
(A)ZOTISED 1668 72
tOWNEES 2666 88
TIMELIE(R) 3489 64
FURN(A)CEs 9019 66
PINIONS 13434 77
RE(F)ORMER 24734 76
PANOCHE 9499 78
VI(C)INAGE 8455 78
IDEAlIS(E) 1102 77
STRiVED 3275 91
ERRANDS 2808 72
AUBR(E)tIA 1191 67
(F)INGERED 4638 92
ARSENIC 632 96
APOgEIC 4212 76
TRAcHE(A)L 9777 74
DAUpHIN(E) 5412 83
FIsTN(O)TE 3398 80
BAWbIES* 0 75
CLOU(D)IER 2815 72
SYRINGE 4767 78
STAtEHO(OD) 7696 86
TROILUS 2369 77
(C)LAYmORE 11305 76
NEEDI(E)ST 1884 60
pUMICIN(G) 27150 80
AINS(E)LlS 11694 78
EGOI(S)TIC 4760 61
DIAsTEM 1448 86
IGNORES 385 79
bA(C)LOFEN 11869 74
DU(O)TONES 2965 65
OUTDATE(S) 2361 83
SIRUPED 5439 78
REIFIES 4377 78
ECOL(O)GIC 21713 64
ISOLEAD 146 73
Co(R)VETTE 12546 70
RATOON(E)R 862 70
DRAMMIN(G) 22849 78
tALONED 148 73
(S)LITHERS 12249 95
NOTaR(I)SE 8 83
ISOPREn(E) 807 86
(A)UNTLIER 73 70
WAN(T)ONED 3357 78
DEPUTI(E)S 5085 74
PLAY(M)ATE 18922 80
STENT(O)RS 9158 70
ANIsEED 205 74
UNARgU(E)D 9226 66
OVERB(R)ED 16371 86
BA(N)SHEES 19121 86
ATA(B)RINE 502 74
Li(G)ROINS 5412 74
EU(P)ATRID 1041 63
uNB(I)TTER 5266 67
EASIEST 2060 64
(U)GLIFIER 10215 98
NAUTCH(E)S 9028 81
PI(N)NATED 2911 158
TOO(T)HIEr 4771 78
SEDARIM 1516 85
(R)ETRIALS 934 77
MeDIANT 614 71
MARTAG(O)N 7228 72
RESIDUA 427 75
uNQUOTE(D) 18011 104
SYNC(L)INE 17468 194
EN(V)IABLE 4242 66
DISUSED 18202 72
sNOOKER 8777 74
(E)NFEVeRS 16794 92
TANGENT 8159 68
PIMENTO 2772 68
PISTOL(E)D 2823 65
LE(O)TARDS 328 61
(B)REAMING 4859 76
ETe(R)NALS 377 59
ROB(O)RANT 9990 70
MONOS(o)ME 27408 62
GNATTI(E)R 709 62
(T)ENURIAL 80 70
TORQUIe(R) 6945 101
CRINK(l)ED 13823 70
STINTER 1363 75
INfAMI(E)S 6314 77
SAtIRES 1398 81
REFR(O)NTS 6123 94
PAINT(I)ER 510 64
AMOEBIC 6311 82
FoURTEE(N) 1978 70
RERAISE 863 81
OVERUS(E)D 6170 64
pALLORS 16119 73
TAnGLED 1715 70
SHEARIN(G) 1838 98
TUFTIER 6547 75
SPACIN(G)S 24770 65
FOXIEsT 8756 94
ASUNDER 1150 67
LONGeRS 2330 68
STErNER 3770 69
FABbEST 20721 94
DANC(I)EST 1007 65
ALiENER 53 66
STRAYIN(G) 5544 89
UNITAGe 280 71
REAL(I)SED 368 60
BENE(D)iCT 7144 98
HELMEtS 14495 93
HEADIER 1046 72
REBLENt 4209 78
(A)TROPINE 59 72
CrANN(I)ED 2885 60
fATUOUS 16114 70
vALETED 4072 72
ACQUIRE 7774 76
PARA(N)oEA 4701 60
TOWABLE 4996 77
OUTRACE 896 74
SOARInG 840 65
GNAWERS 4715 82
INDORSE(E) 175 80
(M)YOSCOpE 26710 68
LInO(L)EUM 9232 61
gOONIER 732 68
TOILETS 1701 70
MONTAGE(D) 2238 66
ERRATAs 3399 73
C(AR)BONATE 2632 78
bED(E)AFEN 12974 149
TAENITE 342 63
MUTABlE 9970 76
SIDEReA(L) 370 60
VIOlENT 985 76
OUT(R)AGES 691 59
RISIBLE 6060 80
INDIR(E)cT 2667 59
AREOLAS 735 69
SEALANt 1280 66
UTILISE 2686 71
(C)oATTEND 3543 83
KERATIN(S) 1270 64
ORBIEST 945 84
(C)RISPiNG 21741 95
HAUnTED 3102 84
TRI(P)ODAL 2426 67
TOUGHIE 2981 68
OUTsUNG 16564 77
ENROBE(R)S 7432 74
THALWEg 12197 78
(B)ANTERER 3858 72
(Y)OdELING 4367 86
GOO(N)IEST 991 86
OUTLI(V)ER 1476 72
AShAMED 13814 65
PROpANE 9339 72
EPISOME 5983 87
RELENTE(D) 3677 61
UNSATED 1152 81
PETUNI(A)S 1079 72
EnGLISH 7557 85
FETErI(T)A 1860 70
INLIERS 1227 78
TELOM(E)RE 5216 61
GLOTTIS 10206 67
bANJOIS(T) 10229 95
SEAFOAM 8570 74
bEDIRTY 7092 84
MO(P)ERIES 4841 76
ITeMIZ(E)R 11771 94
(I)NDENTOR 485 80
F(L)EAPITS 5728 67
IN(T)ERIOR 639 68
ROUSTIN(G) 2721 61
BETAINE 370 66
ARPENtS 1607 96
(S)ERRAtED 2688 77
TRAMPI(n)G 10644 66
(R)OTATIVE 772 72
UND(E)RRAN 7812 72
OUT(P)LACE 6732 63
ORINASA(L) 876 60
LEFtIEs 4169 80
(E)ARrINGS 1653 77
UNRIsEN 2855 64
GNaRRED 4422 70
(A)TELIERS 114 77
DIAmANT(E) 1140 66
CENtRAL 1508 72
CR(E)MATEd 7090 74
GEM(A)TRIA 2130 94
INVeRT(E)R 3877 64
DERANGE 1181 74
ASUNDER 1150 89
GAUNt(L)ET 5552 68
EULOGIA 382 73
M(A)TERIEL 624 74
pELTING 4552 71
IRoNISE 245 75
OUREbIS 1988 76
ROUS(T)ERs 12566 78
INSPIRE 3653 84
PARERGA 12146 76
CANTR(I)PS 8246 70
pRECI(E)UX 20403 84
ELASTAS(E) 8794 77
hANDLED 12844 71
IDL(E)NESS 8188 86
(B)ONEMEAL 4793 89
MORtGA(G)E 11219 65
C(I)TEaBLE 4231 72
OLOGIST 7878 76
ANsATED 1277 98
T(A)VERNAS 2660 62
(B)ENDIEST 3085 63
ROAStED 153 86
(S)ANTOORS 8868 74
ANEROId 1 69
RATANIE(S) 89 62
COrPO(R)aL 22342 167
cOLOG(N)ES 12442 62
QUiP(P)ING 30633 92
Ca(R)EENED 4722 76
SIRENIA(N) 1098 68
PA(T)INATE 3257 70
NONINER(T) 4411 59
AREOLAr 2127 62
BODYMeN 15752 85
OUT(L)INER 104 60
DIGgERS 12442 68
AGENDAS 3980 81
TWASOmE 5056 85
JoIN(T)ERS 1708 176
RESILED 1379 72
VAHiNES 4384 100
ERRaTIC 2105 76
COATING 2672 72
INOSINE 2130 79
AZuRITE 1770 89
S(T)UDDInG 19350 68
NIMBLER 7140 69
E(X)ONUmIA 4608 66
CAMERAE 8862 76
TURGITE 4457 68
VENTAGE 3376 100
ST(R)oLLED 8084 62
SAFET(I)ES 6613 62
UNGRoUP 19995 68
UNLIVED 5659 71
INFEST(E)R 1537 72
ERAsION 6 70
U(N)WASTED 4276 76
HAPTENE 5121 72
LAGOo(N)AL 18129 59
SERENIt(Y) 1629 83
sEDGIER 2468 75
cICALAS 21271 81
WEEPIES 13627 89
INTREN(c)H 10312 80
THIoURE(A) 211 80
OBELIAS 853 64
TABLOID 3326 83
OUTDOES 3971 71
(P)TERYGIa 4883 101
InFAUN(A)E 5567 76
HOOPERS 12622 89
ET(C)ETErA 8749 63
InERTLY 1625 87
tU(B)EROID 1338 70
EATE(R)IES 278 62
RONDeLS 1256 68
SNEAKER 4535 82
HA(D)RoNIC 5618 76
SPONGiN 14158 77
V(E)STiARY 3381 71
DEFEA(T)ER 4731 74
SUBLATE 5570 75
(E)NFLaMED 10394 67
EATINGS 273 75
SLENDER 2912 73
IRRIgAT(OR) 12286 66
EQU(I)TANT 5783 71
(B)EELINEd 7781 80
HEA(D)SAIL 4804 66
(F)LEEcING 12821 83
MORuLAR 12738 72
SENT(R)IES 2864 122
GILTh(E)AD 3628 83
E(R)EMITIC 7711 76
LEANERS 580 68
REFIn(E)RY 11478 80
CO(R)NERER* 0 64
hYENOID 5146 78
AU(D)ITEES 373 60
(P)ARTNERS 5291 72
EObIO(N)TS 2088 58
A(G)ONiSED 245 72
REFlECT 11454 68
RELINI(N)g 6144 66
BASTa(R)DS 22298 61
(E)BONISeS 7636 80
HEInIES 4574 78
GLANCeD 7469 73
FEStIVE 8374 80
RADIANt 1113 70
EXPANSE 12013 75
HARM(I)NES 3355 102
TaKINGS 10571 84
WOODCu(T)S 24189 89
TIPPLER 14970 78
ARSONI(s)T 2287 66
LOGIEST 1115 80
iNFLICT 16164 74
LETDOWn(S) 5200 86
(D)ESCRIES 13725 63
SEAwANT 3625 78
RAV(E)LING 1749 66
ORI(G)ANUm 3646 66
(C)oINSURE 1426 80
BOLETES 4782 84
NAVARiN 9308 88
OrDEALS 507 86
TIRR(I)VEE 7081 62
TIMPANA 9867 78
A(R)RANGER 16314 62
BATSmEN 6981 81
fRENETI(C) 4311 61
SNIFTER 1623 80
WhEREON 6103 70
ONSTAGE 393 73
GURNEYS 10636 85
EXORCIS(T) 7689 104
AMIDoGE(N) 974 83
R(e)FORMED 16404 76
OORALIS 1680 71
GLABR(A)TE 6966 62
CONDOES 8044 100
SENdING 6611 76
DIORAMA 3720 69
rAINIES(T) 95 66
DiA(L)INGS 7251 86
ACEROUS 1846 83
ILLITES 8525 70
(A)NGLInGS 22282 80
BARIUMS 12377 69
INARC(h)ES 3133 70
S(E)RENITY 1546 64
TINKLER 3430 74
ACETONE 454 72
LATHE(R)ER 6069 94
FIREDO(G)S 4148 89
PERIGo(N)S 2276 70
ATTAG(I)Rl 8669 72
ANGINOS(E) 874 65
(T)ATtOOER 8823 74
FELINES 4162 73
URBANIT(E) 411 90
BEASTIE 1044 72
GASEOUs 8157 75
OUTFIR(E)S 1458 74
cLOSU(R)ES 17062 78
SNEERIN(G) 4215 66
MOUNTED 3888 74
S(E)RRaNID 929 72
fRA(C)TION 3500 70
INfIdEL 6058 80
S(T)APElIA 2551 62
RENEGES 6432 68
THiNNER 4002 76
PALMATE(d) 13272 92
(A)CENTRIC 7646 70
RETAILS 118 61
ADoRING 834 77
JA(L)OUSiE 3239 78
(V)ENOMOUs 15599 64
ArENOSE 68 74
ROTATEs 783 72
(E)NFORCES 8001 78
M(O)NITIVE 4462 65
GASCONS 17809 97
TUTELaR 2831 67
(T)RIPOSEs 6515 84
URALITE 123 71
fESTIVE 8376 80
BAPTI(S)ED 5633 92
MANUaLS 14686 72
BoWHEAD 12553 71
VArROAS 13436 89
TAJINES 1753 83
RELEARN 1876 65
RONDEA(U)X 3392 82
WARPAGE 12794 99
ANoLYTE 924 76
UNITERS 429 77
ANNEALS 5793 66
HEADIEr 1046 81
REMAi(L)ER 3693 60
S(E)PALOID 1283 62
TEAR(d)oWN 586 72
A(N)ATOMIC 6559 78
(R)EBATINg 780 80
STERANE 217 68
CESSION 7632 74
LAAG(E)RED 3854 64
NIDATI(N)G 8662 63
WARSLED 5636 81
uNROOTE(D) 1514 77
DECR(I)ERS 9652 78
OuTSIZE 4277 100
(O)LIGARCH 11560 98
M(E)LANITE 659 72
ATReSIC 639 72
DRAWEeS 4084 71
SLITTER 2869 87
(C)ANALISE 2545 72
HYST(E)RIA 3376 88
ANTIc(U)LT 11019 61
RIPENER 4922 76
CAsINOS 9438 70
DEFE(C)ToR 7604 101
STERANE 217 67
OV(E)RBoLD 15659 82
(G)ASOLINE 248 61
TOA(S)TIER 146 62
SIDEbAR 1456 92
HALTERS 3154 72
AgE(N)IZED 5031 87
S(T)EAMING 1861 72
EXTREMA 8917 98
WAlL(O)WER 23630 68
EPILOGs 5390 93
ABIOSES 4769 78
COU(R)TIER 3584 61
TRAC(T)ILE 2892 62
DEPURAT(E) 3062 89
RETA(I)LED 113 61
VIRAGO(E)S 977 82
(M)URIATES 1077 83
FAIN(E)ANT 3257 75
(F)ERRULED 16954 74
LATINAS 2373 65
STrINgY 9839 72
DIETARY 661 68
(G)UNNERAS 5546 77
RETINTS 1362 71
OXAZOLE 16958 128
TROLANd 1204 73
SEXTARI(I) 3164 84
REUSING 1747 70
aDIOSES 1751 81
LINTERS 452 64
cR(E)AKIER 12162 72
ABETTO(R)S 3530 74
RAMPIOn 4521 69
F(OR)EWOMEN 14727 98
PA(R)ANOID 2731 67
(R)EEnGAGE 12023 61
COLOGN(E)S 12442 62
(L)INGUICA 12843 63
(I)NFORMER 7846 73
ARTIEST 529 71
BaTTERE(R) 10234 80
ADWAREs 6036 69
EN(C)ASING 7329 62
DOW(N)TIME 3924 65
B(E)CRIMED 15319 80
LEANEST 582 79
ITERANT 198 70
(S)ELENITE 1888 66
HER(B)IEST 7150 67
SATIAT(E)d 2329 122
(P)EMICANS 10868 92
SYRETTE 10928 85
TOOTERS 4872 82
(R)EMAINED 647 74
CRISPED 10101 83
PATINAT(E) 3260 72
GeMOlOG(Y) 27927 80
IN(G)ATHER 788 72
DETONA(TO)R 899 61
SAFETIE(S) 6620 86
LOB(E)LIAs 6240 68
LI(E)NTERY 1623 63
REFLATE(S) 3065 66
DEEMInG 5744 76
TEL(E)StIC 9599 95
(H)EARTILY 3350 82
WOMANIS(E) 2060 67
DOUPIO(N)I 13485 78
ANABATi(C) 18133 92
uNDREST 2328 75
OREIdES 283 74
FLIPP(I)ER 25884 66
ReF(R)AINS 2917 62
UNH(O)ODED 18738 102
CI(T)RATES 2903 68
(T)ENAiLLE 1318 61
AGONIEs 78 76
LOVIEsT 2043 90
BUR(G)ONET 4446 72
MAXILLA 22767 105
AIRTInG 1712 61
(N)EATENED 4431 80
DARNING 5974 72
I(N)DAGATE 595 64
SoLUNAR 2364 79
ALfAKIS 18122 81
PARSNIP 16240 80
OUtRAVE 894 96
RaLLIED 2877 76
ANT(EF)IXAL 7281 70
(R)EINDEER 4427 62
ROASTED 153 68
(R)ADIANtS 1658 66
DEF(L)ATOR 1357 80
ORRICES 4633 83
REGALIT(Y) 1854 76
TrESSED 9357 75
TWANGL(E)S 6185 74
NONHOmE 16600 62
TAEnIAS 136 75
OUT(C)RIES 1431 74
NI(T)RIDES 870 83
(F)OReTIME 2471 89
SNORTED 528 73
bIOFU(E)LS 9592 70
(I)NVESTOR 586 74
TELLURI(C) 12234 80
STOMPER 8149 74
RET(A)KING 2180 76
AC(T)INIAE 1572 64
TALARIA 5931 61
(S)lOUCHED 17415 98
SeQUINE(D) 9341 104
ENF(O)LDED 14625 84
AG(E)DNESS 10533 70
AN(O)INTER 40 82
BEDSOR(E)S 14609 72
EARThED 2188 78
GUNITES 1748 73
SMaRTED 3121 73
ESTRONE 323 72
VENTa(I)LS 1018 80
MEDIANT 648 79
UNTWiST 15169 77
HARMO(N)IC 10594 80
VAR(M)INTS 7837 73
SCRIBED 10075 80
TA(R)DYONS 4677 74
(M)ELANGES 7493 86
PISTONS 12663 97
(N)IDATIoN 2345 68
UNF(R)IEND 8411 67
REARGUE(D) 6927 72
sINOPIE 2378 86
SC(AR)REDlY* 0 64
(C)aRLINES 1011 63
PESTLIN(G) 6233 63
GAyNESS 14401 68
(N)OTIFIED 1599 64
UvEITIS 5839 62
(V)OyAGErS 8385 83
EELIEST 2506 78
LOUDEST 2723 68
BLI(T)ZERs 13821 68
F(E)RrETED 16001 82
PAGINA(T)E(s) 2329 74
REBO(D)IED 7634 64
NUNCLEs 15658 77
DROL(L)ING 13041 66
cONTR(A)ST 8129 78
VENETI(AN)S 1988 64
T(A)PERING 792 62
ORRISES 7191 66
STRIVED 3275 75
B(R)ANCHES 14684 73
BECLOWN 15749 84
DIGESTE(R) 1741 90
(F)ELTINGS 6210 64
AMOEBAE 6585 78
CLARIO(N)S 2421 74
SA(T)IRISE 2486 70
JETLI(N)ER 3515 69
TRAWLED 3131 65
VIrOSES 7709 89
CAPT(U)ReD 9017 68
DIARr(H)EA 5565 74
PAELLAS 15705 74
REBOUNd 3656 79
YaRNERS 6504 78
TONIEST 795 63
(T)ENURIAL 80 68
SE(E)DLING 3268 61
DIVESTE(D) 13735 89
REALISE 210 66
COATINg 2672 64
PARTIE(S)T 2945 70
STEER(A)GE 2847 63
VIBrATO(R) 10327 86
DEAI(R)ING 634 90
RoTATIO(N) 1638 74
DUALISE 1118 81
BALLOTS 16058 83
(D)ETRITUS 3980 61
PReST(I)GE 4658 74
GAINABL(E) 4170 76
ROSEOLA 1030 71
IMPOL(I)TE 7398 62
GREAS(i)NG 5089 68
NEGLECT 8841 74
DENTURA(l) 680 68
I(D)EATIvE 1662 77
MIS(D)ATED 8613 89
NITROUs 1206 66
STRUDEL 4285 73
LItHOPS 12955 76
WAITER(E)D 619 72
SCUTAGE 7477 77
TOIlETS 1701 82
CETANES 2181 82
O(B)LIQUES 14661 73
ENSU(R)ERS 16741 68
EVASIoN 335 83
HISTONE 977 72
pINBONE 8933 70
pATAG(I)UM 18450 63
MARKETS 10976 98
HEIRESs 10668 96
V(A)NITIeD 1177 63
ANEMO(N)ES 4223 74
OUTRIDE 180 66
OUTD(O)DGE 14931 76
(I)NEARTHS 400 76
NEDDIES 6072 74
NONG(L)ARE 1894 62
tUXEDOE(S) 9969 80
ARTSIER 554 74
ARIStAE 131 68
ANERGIA 348 68
LIGASES 6898 76
O(L)DSQUAW 22391 329
HALFBE(A)K 26384 266
R(E)DIN(G)OTE 115 98
CaLOTT(E)s 5736 83
LIFT(G)AT(E)S 6916 78
PA(R)ASAIL 15652 68
FLOUTEd 6118 73
TR(A)MPInG 10117 74
TODDLES 8713 71
D(A)RTLINg 2103 64
DERBIES 3932 83
(F)EWTRILS 8659 80
APOSTA(T)e 6340 68
REYNARD 6207 97
QUAnTIL(E) 2504 84
E(N)HANCER 10906 73
sIMILAR 8156 83
SYNCHED 18892 125
UNT(A)NGLE 5270 70
STANDEE 546 76
AROUSES 3412 70
(W)EDdINGS 17361 89
PRAETOR(S) 3378 74
SORRELS 13325 81
ROTA(T)ING 1752 74
DEONTIC 949 81
PRES(i)DIA 2574 90
SCREENS 14298 73
STETSON 10278 86
CARiOLE 309 87
SELENIU(M) 5354 83
REDBAIT 585 81
INDENTU(RE) 1383 72
RENiTE(N)T 3274 64
(M)ISGUIDE 13207 89
INTERNE 1023 67
SNIFTER 1623 65
CODEIAS 855 74
DENTILS 1159 74
DINITRO 1330 66
(R)ATANIES 89 70
BIRAM(O)sE 2024 62
LOGIEsT 1115 84
TALIONS 467 77
DITS(I)EST 15782 74
REsHONE 2651 84
DYsURIA 7908 83
FINALES 1532 77
dETUNED 9411 72
pEONAGE 2063 68
TENTAG(E)s 4210 63
SADIRON 464 65
tAEN(I)OID 39 82
SID(E)RITE 1126 86
bLITZES 14108 84
C(A)TBOATs 21400 74
HIRSUTE 3287 75
F(I)NENEsS 18272 74
DETA(I)NED 1316 64
aRRISES 6190 70
SIERRAN 552 66
WASPIER 4418 82
MORT(I)CER 7850 66
AZOTISe 1093 94
NoSTRIL 1207 72
MOONIEr 1346 89
TROIkAS 3692 78
PANNI(E)RS 2935 70
CARDIAE 1774 90
(M)ITOGENS 2271 89
RUDDIES(T) 7206 72
MOUSERS 13377 63
ARBITE(R)S 2731 72
AEQUORI(N) 707 88
STANGED 1722 72
INH(I)BINS 28033 70
QUILTE(R)S 8150 84
TREADLe(R) 2681 68
kNAWELS 14085 70
LAUNDER 1088 62
(R)ECENTLY 10592 73
BROADIS(H) 9150 68
OuTVIED 2026 77
(S)APONINE 1775 83
rECITES 2146 68
PINNAT(E)D 2762 62
QuE(R)IDAS 4729 86
(T)WIDdLES 15178 89
SATC(H)ELS 21057 64
(T)ERATOMa 3959 72
PEAR(L)IER 3500 90
EBONISE 1190 91
TORULAS 2365 61
CASTORS 13200 77
UNDERLi(E) 959 77
AGItATE 2628 63
HEATERS 2216 79
GREATEN 475 77
SOU(T)ANES 2623 59
COMFIE(S)T 11935 68
LENSmEN 13873 75
TOUCANs 5817 98
ANDroID 2895 68
SALA(r)IED 756 82
MIN(E)ABlE 4031 94
RENDIBl(E) 2926 86
ATROPI(N)E 55 74
SER(G)EANT 710 72
DENATUr(E) 352 66
BEMISTs 17290 100
XEROTIC 5471 90
ISOLAT(E)D 92 72
iNV(A)DING 16773 68
TRA(N)CING 9433 94
REPI(N)NED 6113 67
INDITES 1222 78
OU(T)PAINT 5398 72
DiLUENT 1156 77
SPITTED 9455 74
DOWELIN(G) 4372 67
RET(A)ILOR 140 82
WEIrDOS 2023 97
AIRIEST 145 79
AtELIER 55 73
PURTIER 6567 74
INFESTS 9782 72
GREISEN 1201 68
TENSING 4451 68
(M)ONEYERS 8043 78
GEORgIC 11951 74
STRO(L)LED 8071 60
JAl(O)PIES 7185 114
(T)OVARISH 5650 78
LOCUTIO(N) 8815 72
(D)IVALENT 971 66
WITNESS 9391 87
EUdEMON 4599 78
(G)AUCHING 26379 104
A(N)SERINE 524 70
READERS 3736 73
UNSUIT(E)D 7221 70
LOMEINS 2034 83
(D)ECLarED 13666 89
ANOMIEs 329 64
INCITED 3631 67
SER(I)ATES 1322 82
JAUN(T)IER 1269 66
REAdIES(t) 117 62
ARISTAT(E) 1096 66
(I)NCREATe 239 74
ENSURER 6244 71
PoSTDOC 19813 71
ASUNDER 1148 84
REVILED 4143 72
MINUSes 13021 83
BEAGLED 8644 84
NUTATED 2812 77
COSTATE 4604 84
(H)AIRLInE 1246 72
INFIn(I)TY 26649 86
TOTALIS(E) 448 60
(c)APRIOlE 2038 78
TEeNaGE(R) 1494 66
WIsEA(C)RE 4261 78
TUNGST(E)n 17314 68
ANT(E)RIOR 42 59
EARpIE(C)E 5998 62
DEADEYE 16194 95
(R)ETINUES 392 77
SpEARMA(N) 9784 70
CHElATO(R) 4015 70
GODET(I)AS 247 64
AV(E)RTERS 6403 80
TARBOO(S)H 14762 86
DEcOYIN(G) 8840 89
LACUNAE 6024 82
ANAEMI(A)S 6623 149
(E)VaNESCE 12962 78
B(O)ARDERS 6022 76
TR(E)CENTO 4570 62
SMEARED 3894 83
INTIMA(T)E 3097 61
LEG(A)LIST 5518 60
FAScI(N)ES 13560 87
(D)ARLINGS 4307 89
OBEISA(N)T 187 78
KETAMIN(E) 4719 68
SHOU(T)IER 1465 82
INEPTER 1083 68
GrIFTER(S) 10721 95
PoSABLE 7961 86
(U)NHAIRER 2924 74
CA(N)ISTER 388 68
ErOSION 343 82
FOXTAIL 11108 76
DAE(M)ONES 1904 74
GE(O)TAXES 5503 72
aCTINID(E) 1169 83
T(E)RGITES 4010 60
ALINERS 100 71
ACT(I)NIUM 12441 65
THAN(A)TOS 12784 94
OESTRUM 3939 71
STARTLE(R) 7827 60
AGNAILS 5912 70
(N)AIVETES 674 86
SOWABlE 7623 86
bR(A)INIAC 13110 68
SAURIEs 2896 81
MAESTRI 700 74
ABREAST 3603 68
RADIO(M)EN 201 72
InFULAE 1533 68
(P)ANETELA 3284 62
THI(A)MINE 3619 80
FRON(D)OSe 6536 65
LADRONE 141 70
I(N)sTANCE 2746 76
STIbIAL 8142 73
The of bingos played by the player that were not challenged off.
Triple Triples
Type Play Probability Score
PI(N)NATED 2911 158
SYNC(L)INE 17468 194
bED(E)AFEN 12974 149
COrPO(R)aL 22342 167
JoIN(T)ERS 1708 176
SENT(R)IES 2864 122
T(OR)QUATE 6927 243
SATIAT(E)d 2329 122
O(L)DSQUAW 22391 329
HALFBE(A)K 26384 266
A(GO)NISES 2104 90
ANAEMI(A)S 6623 149
Triple triples played by the player that were not challenged off. They do not have to be bingos.
Bingo Nines or Above
Type Play Probability Score
STAtEHO(OD) 7696 86
C(AR)BONATE 2632 78
IRRIgAT(OR) 12286 66
F(OR)EWOMEN 14727 98
DETONA(TO)R 899 61
ANT(EF)IXAL 7281 70
SC(AR)REDlY* 0 64
PAGINA(T)E(s) 2329 74
VENETI(AN)S 1988 64
R(E)DIN(G)OTE 115 98
LIFT(G)AT(E)S 6916 78
INDENTU(RE) 1383 72
Bingos played by the player that were nine letters or longer and were not challenged off.
Challenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were challenged off by an opponent.
Unchallenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were not challenged by an opponent.
Plays That Were Challenged
Type Play Probability Score
Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Notable Lists
Many Double Words Covered
All Triple Letters Covered
Games in which every triple letter bonus square was covered.
All Triple Words Covered
Games in which every triple word bonus square was covered.
High Scoring
Combined High Scoring
Games in which the combined score is at least 1100 points.
One Player Plays Every Power Tile
Games in which one player plays the Z, X, Q, J, every blank, and every S.
No Blanks Played
Games in which no blank is played. Blanks in words that are challenged off do not count.
Four or More Consecutive Bingos
Game Stats
Stat Average Total
Games 1.00 471
Invalid Games 0.00 2
Incomplete 0.00 2
Disconnected 0.00 0
Other 0.00 0
Total Turns 24.52 11549
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Player Stats
Stat Average Total
Wins 0.64 302.5
Score 438.24 206412
Score per Turn 35.6806
Turns 12.28 5785
Vertical Plays 6.00 2826
Horizontal Plays 5.62 2647
One Tile Plays 0.35 167
Other Plays 0.31 145
Firsts 0.49 230
Vertical Openings per First 0.9104
Horizontal Openings per First 0.0896
Full Rack per Turn 0.8251
Exchanges 0.26 123
High Game 1010
Low Game 268
Highest Scoring Turn 392
Bingos Played 2.15 1012
Sevens 0.89 419
Eights 1.15 543
Nines 0.10 49
Tens 0.00 1
Elevens 0.00 0
Twelves 0.00 0
Thirteens 0.00 0
Fourteens 0.00 0
Fifteens 0.00 0
Bingo Probabilities 6903.14
Sevens 6025.83
Eights 7591.05
Nines 6972.11
Tens 7553.00
Elevens 0.00
Twelves 0.00
Thirteens 0.00
Fourteens 0.00
Fifteens 0.00
Tiles Played 50.27 23677
A 4.43 2085
B 0.94 445
C 0.98 463
D 1.98 934
E 6.10 2875
F 1.02 482
G 1.52 717
H 1.05 493
I 4.49 2115
J 0.48 228
K 0.52 246
L 2.03 957
M 0.98 462
N 2.99 1406
O 3.95 1861
P 0.98 462
Q 0.48 227
R 3.07 1446
S 2.04 962
T 2.98 1405
U 2.03 955
V 1.06 501
W 1.02 481
X 0.48 227
Y 1.06 500
Z 0.54 252
? 1.04 490
Power Tiles Played 5.07 2386
? 1.04 490
J 0.48 228
Q 0.48 227
X 0.48 227
Z 0.54 252
S 2.04 962
Power Tiles Stuck With 0.07 33
? 0.01 4
J 0.00 1
Q 0.01 4
X 0.00 0
Z 0.00 0
S 0.05 24
Turns With a Blank 1.67 786
Triple Triples Played 0.04 18
Bingoless Games 0.04 20
Bonus Square Coverage 16.42 7732
Double Letter 5.63 2653
Triple Letter 5.35 2519
Double Word 3.04 1431
Triple Word 2.40 1129
Phony Plays 0.08 39
Unchallenged 0.07 32
Challenged Off 0.01 7
Challenges 0.16 76
You Won 0.10 49
Opponent Lost 0.04 19
You Lost 0.00 1
Opponent Won 0.01 7
Challenge Percentage 0.9800
Defending Challenge Percentage 0.7308
Percentage Phonies Unchallenged 0.8205
Comments 7.37 3473
Comments Word Length 219.05 103172
Mistakeless Turns 12.15 5725
Mistakes per Turn 0.0105
Mistakes 0.13 61
Knowledge 0.01 6
Finding 0.03 12
Vision 0.01 3
Tactics 0.00 0
Strategy 0.05 24
Endgame 0.03 16
Time 0.00 0
Dynamic Mistakes 0.00 0
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Player Confidence Intervals
Tile p CI
A 0.4922 (0.4829, 0.5225)
B 0.4700 (0.4607, 0.5447)
C 0.4900 (0.4607, 0.5447)
D 0.4950 (0.4730, 0.5324)
E 0.5083 (0.4856, 0.5198)
F 0.5100 (0.4607, 0.5447)
G 0.5067 (0.4684, 0.5370)
H 0.5250 (0.4607, 0.5447)
I 0.4989 (0.4829, 0.5225)
J 0.4800 (0.4434, 0.5620)
K 0.5200 (0.4434, 0.5620)
L 0.5075 (0.4730, 0.5324)
M 0.4900 (0.4607, 0.5447)
N 0.4983 (0.4785, 0.5269)
O 0.4938 (0.4817, 0.5237)
P 0.4900 (0.4607, 0.5447)
Q 0.4800 (0.4434, 0.5620)
R 0.5117 (0.4785, 0.5269)
S 0.5100 (0.4730, 0.5324)
T 0.4967 (0.4785, 0.5269)
U 0.5075 (0.4730, 0.5324)
V 0.5300 (0.4607, 0.5447)
W 0.5100 (0.4607, 0.5447)
X 0.4800 (0.4434, 0.5620)
Y 0.5300 (0.4607, 0.5447)
Z 0.5400 (0.4434, 0.5620)
? 0.5200 (0.4607, 0.5447)
To learn more about these statistics, check the 'Confidence Intervals' section on the about page.
Opponent Stats
Stat Average Total
Wins 0.36 168.5
Score 404.41 190476
Score per Turn 33.0458
Turns 12.24 5764
Vertical Plays 5.56 2618
Horizontal Plays 5.75 2706
One Tile Plays 0.40 189
Other Plays 0.53 251
Firsts 0.51 241
Vertical Openings per First 0.2600
Horizontal Openings per First 0.7400
Full Rack per Turn 0.6202
Exchanges 0.34 160
High Game 1010
Low Game 187
Highest Scoring Turn 329
Bingos Played 1.91 900
Sevens 0.85 402
Eights 1.03 485
Nines 0.03 13
Tens 0.00 0
Elevens 0.00 0
Twelves 0.00 0
Thirteens 0.00 0
Fourteens 0.00 0
Fifteens 0.00 0
Bingo Probabilities 5865.78
Sevens 5078.85
Eights 6539.55
Nines 4855.50
Tens 0.00
Elevens 0.00
Twelves 0.00
Thirteens 0.00
Fourteens 0.00
Fifteens 0.00
Tiles Played 46.93 22103
A 4.37 2058
B 1.02 479
C 0.97 455
D 1.91 898
E 5.60 2639
F 0.93 440
G 1.39 653
H 0.93 437
I 4.18 1967
J 0.51 241
K 0.47 220
L 1.79 841
M 0.99 464
N 2.78 1310
O 3.81 1795
P 0.98 461
Q 0.49 231
R 2.70 1274
S 1.85 872
T 2.76 1302
U 1.86 877
V 0.89 418
W 0.95 446
X 0.51 242
Y 0.92 432
Z 0.46 216
? 0.92 435
Power Tiles Played 4.75 2237
? 0.92 435
J 0.51 241
Q 0.49 231
X 0.51 242
Z 0.46 216
S 1.85 872
Power Tiles Stuck With 0.11 54
? 0.03 13
J 0.00 1
Q 0.02 9
X 0.00 2
Z 0.01 3
S 0.06 26
Turns With a Blank 1.50 705
Triple Triples Played 0.03 12
Bingoless Games 0.06 29
Bonus Square Coverage 15.23 7175
Double Letter 4.79 2256
Triple Letter 5.27 2481
Double Word 2.86 1349
Triple Word 2.31 1089
Phony Plays 0.14 64
Unchallenged 0.03 15
Challenged Off 0.10 49
Challenges 0.16 76
You Won 0.01 7
Opponent Lost 0.00 1
You Lost 0.04 19
Opponent Won 0.10 49
Challenge Percentage 0.2692
Defending Challenge Percentage 0.0200
Percentage Phonies Unchallenged 0.2344
Comments 7.37 3473
Comments Word Length 219.05 103172
Mistakeless Turns 12.17 5732
Mistakes per Turn 0.0057
Mistakes 0.07 33
Knowledge 0.01 5
Finding 0.02 10
Vision 0.00 0
Tactics 0.00 2
Strategy 0.03 12
Endgame 0.01 4
Time 0.00 0
Dynamic Mistakes 0.00 0
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Opponent Confidence Intervals
Tile p CI
A 0.4856 (0.4496, 0.4890)
B 0.5100 (0.4274, 0.5112)
C 0.4850 (0.4274, 0.5112)
D 0.4775 (0.4397, 0.4989)
E 0.4667 (0.4522, 0.4864)
F 0.4650 (0.4274, 0.5112)
G 0.4633 (0.4351, 0.5035)
H 0.4650 (0.4274, 0.5112)
I 0.4644 (0.4496, 0.4890)
J 0.5100 (0.4101, 0.5285)
K 0.4700 (0.4101, 0.5285)
L 0.4475 (0.4397, 0.4989)
M 0.4950 (0.4274, 0.5112)
N 0.4633 (0.4451, 0.4935)
O 0.4763 (0.4484, 0.4902)
P 0.4900 (0.4274, 0.5112)
Q 0.4900 (0.4101, 0.5285)
R 0.4500 (0.4451, 0.4935)
S 0.4625 (0.4397, 0.4989)
T 0.4600 (0.4451, 0.4935)
U 0.4650 (0.4397, 0.4989)
V 0.4450 (0.4274, 0.5112)
W 0.4750 (0.4274, 0.5112)
X 0.5100 (0.4101, 0.5285)
Y 0.4600 (0.4274, 0.5112)
Z 0.4600 (0.4101, 0.5285)
? 0.4600 (0.4274, 0.5112)
To learn more about these statistics, check the 'Confidence Intervals' section on the about page.
Player Mistakes
Play Type Size Comment
12J BIND +20 Vision Small
Considered BIPOD in the same spot, but didn't want to allow high-scoring 7s ending in S with all four Ss out. Also PRO is a much better leave than NR especially with no Ns played yet. At this point I'm pretty much conceded to an open board so wasn't that worried about the BINDI hook, so chose BIND over BOND to avoid a possible onslaught of Is from the pool. The best play is probably 2J IODIN, which I didn't see. #visionsmall
H11 (H)EXED +51 Strategy Small
Another interesting call between HEXED, INDEXED, and XI, all of which score essentially the same. Whichever I play, Jackson pretty much has to bingo immediately, since otherwise I can play down through the D in BIND and block everything at once. XI is pretty clearly worse since it blocks nothing and also allows plays like JOINT/BINDI to not empty the bag, which makes it possible that they might outrun me without a bingo (virtually impossible if they empty the bag, as they would after INDEXED or HEXED). As for HEXED vs. INDEXED, it looks like I misevaluated the danger or row 14 after INDEXED. There's really not that many bingos he can have there with that pool, but HEXED gives back stuff like DIVINING, DONATING, DONATION. These bngoes also score more than row 14 bingos do after INDEXED, making me less likely to be able to outrun them. So INDEXED looks like a small improvement. #strategysmall #preendgamesmall
N10 ANIONS +24 Knowledge Small
I thought DIVINIST* might be good so I tacked on the S to be safe. #knowledgesmall
K2 ID(E)AL +26 Strategy Small
Quackle despises this, but I think it's fine - GOO isn't a good leave but the PLAYMATES spot is quite dangerous and IDEAL does as good a job of blocking it as I can while scoring a lot in the process. I saw GEOIDAL but it leaves lots of stuff like ZEES there and also puts an A in a dangerous spot at K8. Maybe a #strategysmall, but I still think my play is ideal.
11B MANGLES +80 Strategy Small
The PELFS hook seemed like it would be more annoying to deal with long-term than the FOU(L/R) hooks so I opted to use this spot, but I should probably just take the extra 3 for MANGELS/FOUL. He's really not likely to 3*3 through an M in that spot. #strategysmall
exch IILRRR +0 Vision Small
I should probably save an R for DOZER/RYA. Missed the spot. #visionsmall
4D WYE +26 Finding Small
Was nervous about big bingos making LOX and EPIC after E5 OX and figured WYE could outrun any airballs with SEPIC. I think the idea is fine with WYE, but if I'm gonna do that I should play YOWIE. #findingsmall
1M TIT +18 Endgame Medium
MM: This is not a good play for two reasons. 1) I should block 2B RIN/NEW with TOLT, which is 10 better. 2) TROOK* is not a word. #endgamemedium JM: No such thing as TROOK*. I must have been thinking of STROOK. Spread meant very little to me at this juncture.
11G JER(I)D +26 Finding Small
Not playing 6F JAR with 7 As out, and liked JERID over JIRD to make the S hook harder to bingo with since I know Joey has another S after VIGORS. Didn't see I7 JUT though, which looks a little better. #findingsmall
E5 TOU(G)hIES +82 Finding Small
Played this very fast, missing OUTGIVES and EULOGIST, which avoid giving back X bombs. #findingsmall
6L SAGS +20 Endgame Small
Not worth it to block ADZ, as I determined, but missed VAV setting up a basically unblockable GASSY. -2. #endgamesmall
9G A(G)A +16 Finding Small
Didn't seem necessary to give back a large scoring spot with WEAK, but missed AWAY which seems very slightly better. #findingsmall
I3 FIL(I)ATES +79 Strategy Small
FETIALIS is slightly better to make 7s a little harder to play. #strategysmall
15K P(R)OVE +30 Finding Medium
Missed PEAVEY. #findingmedium
O1 NATURE +26 Finding Large
Ughhhhhhhh missed OUTREA(SO)N #findinglarge
4I WITI(N)G +27 Strategy Medium
Didn't like C10 WIDGET now that EW is good. I thought about just C12 DIG, and in hindsight I think it's actually best - it's a huge equity hit but makes it virtually impossible for Josh to bingo either now or later as I can just close any new openings he makes in cat-and-mouse fashion. And DIG puts me up 80, which should be enough to avoid being outscored without a bingo in basically all circumstances. Quackle still likes WITING, but I'm gonna call this a #strategymedium since leaving Josh an easy way to tie the game with a 7 on column C or an 8 on row 15 seems plainly unnecessary here.
9G P(U)L +19 Strategy Small
I8 SPOOL looks a little better. NORSS doesn't even bingo more than NRS and is much higher variance, plus SPOOL creates another S hook I can use. #strategysmall
1A JO +29 Finding Small
9C FRIG is probably better to limit his scoring options a bit, but I was getting very low on time so slapped this down quickly. #findingsmall
9G WOK +31 Strategy Small
Played this WOK thinking I keep the E for EWE but there are more front hooks to WE if I play the other WOK, but I realized after I hit my clock I should've probably played the other one because of JEW and other hard-hitting overlaps there. #strategysmall
9K (B)O(T)S +29 Vision Medium
Mainly considered BOTS, 6I IONS, and D8 VIATOR. I discarded IONS pretty quickly as I felt it needlessly gives Ken an easy like for 7s. The main downside of BOTS was that I can draw 3 Is, but I felt with VIATOR the upside of ISS wasn't that great - in all likelihood I'll be making a play like BOTS anyway next turn, and perhaps not even that if I don't draw an E or O. The one benefit that makes VIATOR worth considering is that it blocks plays like 12A ZETA, but I decided those were unlikely enough and would probably give me a big play back enough that BOTS was worth it. But the best play, which I didn't consider, looks to be 6G SARINS - the second S isn't that valuable after BOTS anyway, and SARINS gives me more chances at the scoring tiles in the pool while minimizing the chances of I trouble. #visionmedium
B4 BOUTS +20 Knowledge Medium
Chickened out of TSUBO. #endgamesmall #knowledgemedium
B4 BOUTS +20 Endgame Small
Chickened out of TSUBO. #endgamesmall #knowledgemedium
I2 pEREION +66 Strategy Small
Quackle prefers I3 hEROINE, which I considered but passed up because of the H4 spot. I guess 5 is a bit too much to sacrifice. #strategysmall
4L (W)OO +6 Endgame Small
Not bad, but M9 ODEON setting up N11 WEST works out 5 better. I missed that he had O1 sEC to block SWEET, but he did as well. #endgamesmall
14M LE(E) +18 Strategy Small
Going for an -ED bingo on column I. I felt plays there like RED or ICED are too easily blockable since they take lots of hooks, but column I gets blocked a lot too so perhaps it's still better than LEE. I also considered NEREID, but that seemed bad as well after he parallels. Everything is quite bleak in any case, so this is a #strategysmall at most.
2B TaNNIS(H) +22 Endgame Small
Looked for a while for 8s and 9s on column B, but nothing plays. TaRNISH is 1 better not to give back INDOLE. #endgamesmall
M5 NTH +20 Endgame Small
F1 NO setting up 3A RUTTISH and K5 HURST is 3 better. #endgamesmall
pass - +0 Knowledge Large
I didn't recognize BECHALK at all and challenged. Nice play by Karl. #knowledgelarge
O6 EASE +24 Endgame Medium
I should block IZARD/DIP, which I forgot about. Turns out he missed it too though so it didn't matter. #endgamemedium
B12 E(R)E +12 Endgame Small
14I ERA works out 8 better since he can't block N7 FETES if he wants to unload the Q. #endgamesmall
7K DOLT +15 Finding Medium
I saw M3 ALLODS but missed 7I ALLOD, which still sets up the S and is clearly better. #findingmedium
3G NTH +20 Strategy Medium
It's better to go the aggressive route with 2J NTH since it sets up plays like 5I FAS next turn while taking out a lot of Karl's scoring plays hooking YE. #strategymedium
6D EJID(O) +15 Strategy Small
A rather bizarre play, sacrificing a lot of equity over JEER or either JIMP. I just couldn't stomach the CDIIM leave after JEER, and also didn't like that JEER invited underlaps that block the GURUS hook. EJIDO does a much better job keeping the left hand side open in the long term and floats an E that's not too easy to block without giving back a new lane. DIME(R)I(C) is another option I missed, but I prefer getting rid of the J ASAP since bingoing quickly is of paramount importance. I'm still fine with EJIDO, but Josh preferred JEER and Quackle agrees with him by a decent margin, so I'll call this a #strategysmall.
J7 (NU)TSY +21 Strategy Small
Quackle likes 11E TREYS to score 10 more and restrict the 11 row, but I'm not so sure - between row 11 and SAL I'm pretty likely to bingo with EIRS after NUTSY. #strategysmall if anything.
9D PINK(Y) +19 Strategy Small
VIN looks pretty good here #strategysmall
J6 AE +15 Strategy Small
(F)EASE is probably fine, or maybe exchange. #strategysmall
12K OGEE +11 Strategy Large
missing OGEED and floating E's when they shouldn't be floated #strategylarge
I3 AXAL +30 Finding Small
I hated this, but there aren't any great options here. I missed FAUX, which looks a tiny bit better. #findingsmall
15A LEADS +27 Endgame Small
11G EST is apparently 4 better. #endgamesmall
9G OM +19 Knowledge Small
I wasn't sure if MOVING took an S (it doesn't), so didn't want to play MOVING at 7H or 9H. OM is good in that it gives less back, but EGINV doesn't seem good enough to justify the point and turnover sacrifice assuming I know MOVINGS* is bad. #knowledgesmall
H1 AZ(a)N +39 Strategy Small
I tunneled in on using the H column and didn't adequately consider J2 ZEN, which keeps a better leave and doesn't give back a bingo lane. Column H isn't too dangerous with the given pool. #strategysmall #zenstillshouldntbeawordlarge
G3 J(O)LT +19 Strategy Small
MM: Lots of mediocre choices here. C1 JET sets up DU-- plays but seemed too risky with DKR left to hook EF and AAUU left to hook UTE. I liked that JOLT saved UNFED, which is fairly unlikely to get blocked. Noah pointed out after the game that UNFED first might be better, as I have a chance of hitting 3G JAR next turn for a lot if I can pull one of the 2 remaining As. And DUNE as a leave probably doesn't have much potential to improve beyond UNFED. So going to call this a #strategysmall.
A14 YE +20 Finding Large
MM: No. One of my biggest misses of the tournament -- ENZYM/ENZYME at 8A. I saw stuff like 12D ZA and 6C GYOZA, and D12 ZANY but really felt CONGOU/CONGOS needed to be blocked with SSUU unseen. Plus YE saves ZA next turn which is fairly unlikely to be blocked. ZANY blocks the CONGO hooks but AGEE is a pretty bad leave especially with a somewhat vowel-heavy pool, I'm confident I average 20 more after YE as opposed to ZANY. Perhaps this is too paranoid, but I think YE is reasonable over the other options I considered. ENZYM/ENZYME are obviously best by a long shot, though. #findinglarge
O13 BED +25 Endgame Medium
MM: I missed 7B REBRED to go out, but this is enough. #endgamemedium
14A QI +32 Endgame Small
MM: L2 MAR is actually 3 better as it blocks ADORERS and saves QI for next turn. #endgamesmall
M11 GNAW +30 Endgame Small
MM: M10 WAGER 2 points better #endgamesmall
6B HUE +27 Knowledge Medium
Didn't think NUBBER was good, and eschewed NABBER because of the leave and opening more lanes (remember I'm effectively winning here since Karl needs to beat me by 43). HUE is probably fine over NABBER, but NUBBER is certainly worth it. #knowledgemedium
1L (J)EON +33 Strategy Small
JOBS is much better equity, but the S seemed really important to keep for the EQUINES hook. Also, the N at O1 is much harder to use than an S for 8s. Even adding +45 to each play (to account for the 43-point head start I have), Quackle strongly prefers JOBS, which I find fairly surprising. #strategysmall?
F7 RELIV(I)NG +68 Strategy Small
LIVERING allows slightly fever plays on column E and plays at 8A. #strategysmall
15G UNWON +31 Finding Small
Pretty sure this was my rack, in which case K5 WANGUN is probably advisable to take out the 2*2 lane. #findingsmall
N1 FIG +26 Strategy Small
Discarded L1 FYTTE because of the ugly CGI leave, but it's still probably best win %-wise since it leaves the PHOTOG hook open and opens another lane on column N. At the same time, spread was an important factor at this point in the tournament and FIG does a better job at limiting the chance of a blowout loss, so FIG has its merits too. Tough call, maybe a #strategysmall.
9A FIVE +19 Strategy Small
Looks like I should definitely play 9D IF here. I bingo about the same amount, but it looks like I drastically overestimated the dangerousness of the -IF hook. Apparently he averages 11 (!) more after FIVE than IF, which is far more than I would've guessed. I suppose I just give him a cheap 30 or 40 with stuff like OH so often. I'm just gonna call this a #strategysmall though since it only sims like 1% worse.
N6 XERIC +61 Strategy Medium
I liked this for defense, but XI bingos so much it looks like it's worth it. Especially for spread purposes it's probably the correct play, which would matter a lot later in the tournament. #strategymedium
13K PITOT +19 Knowledge Small
Wow. I didn't know HOVERPOrT. It's not a big mistake, but it looks worth it especially since it takes out HOVER hooks. #knowledgesmall #nineslarge
8A CL(E)W +39 Strategy Small
I liked this to save 11C AXED and 12L XED for next turn then the Z the turn after, but Quackle prefers 11B WAXED. I guess 11 points is a lot to give up and I'm really handcuffing myself with the power tiles by essentially guaranteeing I won't bingo for at least 3 turns. #strategysmall
D7 FO(R)DID +24 Finding Small
Missed DEVOID, which keeps a better leave and doesn't give back column C. #findingsmall
8A G(U)Y(O)T +34 Strategy Small
10 points seemed like a bit too much to give up for 11A LEVITY, but in hindsight it does seem worth it. GNS has decent bingo potential with 3 Is unseen, and minimizes my chances of consonant overload since it keeps one less consonant. It also blocks the A11 spot and keeps the A1 spot, which I'm probably a favorite to use over Josh since I can put my S at 6A. The LNSV leave after GUYOT really isn't going anywhere on this board and could turn disastrous very easily. #strategysmall
M8 (L)UMS +29 Endgame Small
Didn't notice he had ATAXIC. -6. #endgamesmall
B12 (J)ET +26 Endgame Small
Nearly out of time from analyzing the pre-endgame so quickly played this. F12 TIE is apparently 8 better. #endgamesmall
14D SEI +15 Endgame Medium
Out of time again. This is really bad. It looks like I can even stick him with some stuff after 8N ES. #endgamemedium
8A (T)IL +9 Endgame Small
M5 AAL is better by 1 -- he's G-stuck. #endgamesmall
The listing of all of the player's mistakes. For more information about mistakes, check the 'Mistakes' section of the about page.
Opponent Mistakes
Play Type Size Comment
E11 BU(T)OH +20 Strategy Small
wishing for a 3x3 of my own is not really a smart strategy here. The U isn't really that bad. 3L HOB is fine. #strategysmall
8A LEAF +47 Finding Large
CLEF is a bad miss, same spot. That's 6 more points and a better lane to work with. Rare lapse. #findinglarge
3K EKING +37 Tactics Small
I also considered KI in the same spot. Was going to play that until Mack gave me 2 more points for EKING. KI is potentially still better, but Mack is definitely likely to try and block row 5 next and if I don't hit immediately I might be in board trouble. Row 14 and column K are still available after KI, which is probably good enough. #tacticssmall
5B (B)LITZ +32 Strategy Small
the issue with EKING bares its teeth. Now I am potentially in range to come back without a bingo at least? Keeping the Z seems to have a lot of value, and I should play JILT 5D. #strategysmall
14A YOW +23 Endgame Large
L12 SWaY was missed, and it's better to block XU/XU with YOW 12A. -13 #endgamelarge
D3 BIC(O)RN +22 Strategy Small
I didn't like LIBRI because the CN didn't seem to go well with the C in HAPTIC, but I guess I'm also not completely stuck having to use that C. I didn't like CIB(O)L because it's easy enough to dump an S for 30+ and outrun me. Still, that might be the way. C12 CRIB is also interesting, going all in on using the C next turn. This just doesn't hit enough. #strategysmall
C9 ALODIAS +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
wasn't sure about this being phony but I felt I needed this to win? #knowledgelarge
13B EPISOME +87 Knowledge Large
I didn't even hold here since I was so sure LAWINS was good. Lol. #knowledgelarge
D7 MO(P)ERIES +76 Finding Small
missing REIMPOSE, which is more dangerous but potentially fine. Neither of us knew PREIMPOSE! #findingsmall
C3 COTTA +21 Strategy Large
this is bad for a variety of reasons, mostly because I took forever to play it. #strategysaddest
4I UNA(U) +4 Endgame Medium
2J RUANA #endgamemedium -7
4H (PAW)NED +24 Strategy Small
MM: First of several awkward decisions especially as I was getting low on time. Mainly considered this, AVOWED, and PAWN/NU. With still a small lead and 2 Ss unseen I decided the conservative approach was better. AVOWED opens a dangerous 2x2 lane for SO----- bingoes, and NU could give back huge scoring plays with SH--- and such at L4. In hindsight, my small lead didn't turn out to be very safe, so I perhaps should've done with NU. I'm going to hit SNED next turn, and if Noah does hit a big play there (which is still fairly unlikely) he'll give me an opportunity to bingo back with my AEDNS leave. Going to go with a #strategysmall here.
3L HABU +29 Strategy Medium
MM: Quickly narrowed my options here to HABU and 2L HUB. Especially with only 1 S unseen not, I think HUB is correct and I once again got too paranoid about setting up S hooks for Noah that he might not have but I already have. HABU puts me up 28, which felt pretty safe on this board, but as will be shown was not safe at all if I have a suboptimal draw. HUB also keeps a vowel which is very important here. #strategymedium I think.
5H (A)GHA +16 Strategy Medium
had some pipe dream of preventing Mack from scoring next turn with this. Really not good. Just I3 FIG or FR(I)GID #strategymedium
2K F(U)ND +24 Finding Large
E5 INV(A)DER #findinglarge
I8 NONHOmE +62 Finding Small
I didn't see NONHErO which I would have been more sure of, and also sure that it doesn't have an S hook. The R placement makes G8 NONHErO the move. #findingsmall
12I (O)VOLO +16 Strategy Small
seems clear that I should just do G7 OVOLI now that I am analyzing. I knew I was playing scared here, but felt Mack still had a decent play at H12 despite challenging. #strategysmall
15C TAEnIAS +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
so bad, ruined a good position because I thought he wouldn't challenge again and that this might be good #knowledgesaddest
15A DICED +38 Finding Small
sloppy, I should play IODID in this spot. The leave is tremendously better, making up for the 6 points and some. #findingsmall
3I P(I)PAGE +28 Finding Small
This has to be K9 PAG(OD)S for 40. #findingsmall
B4 DUAL +15 Finding Large
totally spaced on the OR here, missing LAUDATORS and ADULATORS M6. I also tracked myself having the last A. #findingsaddest
6J SATI +26 Endgame Small
O1 GIST or GEST #endgamesmall
H7 WELT +14 Strategy Small
hm, definitely thought WELT had better equity overall. Seems TWEET is slightly better as Mack bingos significantly less given the lack of home for lots of 7s and only 3 floaters. Didn't think of that. WELT seems around a point worse #strategysmall
F6 AWE +29 Strategy Small
AWEE seemed to give a lot more easier plays back, but that shouldn't be a huge concern since I'm probably slightly behind regardless, so the extra point, better opportunities next turn and one fewer vowel might be good. #strategysmall
K12 FUG +20 Strategy Large
this was really dumb. I can actually outscore if I play K11 OF (or EF which is just slightly worse but same idea). It's 31 points and does actually threaten a lot of stuff when the right letters are in the bag. Really dumb of me. I have to make a play making FEH to reopen the N column, but I can also do other stuff at the same time. This just never outscores. #strategysaddest
6D BECL(O)UD +22 Finding Large
7F BA(R)LEDUC #findinglarge
10D DETA(I)NED +64 Knowledge Large
DEN(T)ATED #knowledgelarge
1C (Q)I +15 Finding Large
N9 RILIEvI #findinglarge
G12 MI(RE) +14 Endgame Large
-6 to L10 (A)IM. #endgamelarge
5E AD(JOINED) +34 Strategy Medium
bad play. play PAUA or PUDU, I just didn't want to give him the extension and it looked like he had it. Silly. #strategymedium
B6 OEU(v)RE +9 Tactics Large
there are no scoring spots on this board, and the pool is clunky. Therefore this is actually a really poor decision over U(K)E or (K)UE. KUE was my other consideration, but I liked how this kept a bunch of things open and allowed me to sscore well next turn if I couldn't bingo. #tacticslarge
O5 PoSABLE +86 Knowledge Medium
A1 BEcLASP! #knowledgemedium #findingmedium
O5 PoSABLE +86 Finding Medium
A1 BEcLASP! #knowledgemedium #findingmedium
The listing of all of the player's mistakes. For more information about mistakes, check the 'Mistakes' section of the about page.
Game Line Error
Game 41880 30 Game is incomplete.
Game 19616 15 Game is incomplete.
Errors are (most likely) the result of malformed GCG files. To learn more, check the 'Errors and Warnings' section in the about page.
Game Line Error
Game 34549 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 11009, Round 1).
Game 34570 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 11009, Round 22).
Game 42767 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 11436, Round 15).
Game 21959 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 9196, Round 2).
Game 21961 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 9196, Round 4).
Game 21962 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 9196, Round 5).
Game 21964 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 9196, Round 7).
Game 21960 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 9196, Round 3).
Game 21963 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 9196, Round 6).
Game 21958 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 9196, Round 1).
Game 21965 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 9196, Round 8).
Warnings are notifications to players that they might want to update some of their GCG files. To learn more, check the 'Errors and Warnings' section in the about page.