Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
looks like WAND or exchange here (CNS or CST are both fine, going for the COBIA hook). CDNST is really lane cause I don't even bingo often, and when I don't I'm not in a great position. WAX also encourages COBIA to be blocked. I think I should exchange. #tacticssmall
This was one of my favorite positions. So much potential! I have SHY J8, HeY J6. PRY 5I. PERKY 9I. SHY J8 is right, and it wins the sim by a fair amount. My only regret is not seeing DEY 6H, keeping a much better leave. SH has synergy; DS has anti-synergy. -4 #strategysmall
Sim winner is STUPA 5F, blocking LE(TUP). Ok, I'm sleep-deprived and all, and I have no time left, but I'm just saying: even on a good day, I'm never finding that. (-13) #endgamelarge #timemanagementlarge
Sim winner is STUPA 5F, blocking LE(TUP). Ok, I'm sleep-deprived and all, and I have no time left, but I'm just saying: even on a good day, I'm never finding that. (-13) #endgamelarge #timemanagementlarge
I was out of time, and in fact went OVERtime, and didn't see SABIR, let alone BAs O11, forming ZEBRASS. Ouch ouch ouch! (-17) #endgamelarge, timemanagementlarge
tough situation here. should i do 14A JIG for real? it sims far best. but if i don't, JIG at H4 and GITCH at D2 are still significantly better than my lamish move. i definitely saw JIG, but it really didn't seem right. -14 #strategylarge
stupid quackle. i'm basically just going to get every move wrong this game as it wants me to keep making dumb plays at 14A. yes 14A LOVE scores good and keeps a nice leave but then i have to worry about that spot all game if i don't draw the S! -10 #strategylarge ?
i should have just played VIPER at 8A. i keep the Z to score next turn. i thought she was less likely to have a bingo through the O, after what could be a vowel dump. quackle likes 15A UP keeping VIZOR for next turn. -7 #strategymedium
JUBE sims a little bit better. i guess quackle wants me to keep the R and S open for my own strong leave.. even though it's a little more volatile and i'm up. shrug. i do like starting to close down stuff early if possible. -1 #equity #strategysmall
-0.5 i think, QUELEA lessens disaster racks next turn. i typically like taking Ys in triple lanes because they're good dumps of ugly letters for my opponents. #strategysmall
-14 ! bad bad move here. i liked it thematically; blocking a few vertical bingo lanes. quackle prefers three moves at 12K - PAW, MAW, WAP. ordinarily, with a nice lead, it would be foolish to open the board like that. however, her bingo chances are very low - there's only 1 E, lots of I's and other ugly letters left. so PAW is good! #strategylarge #focus #bag
quackle doesn't like moves like this, trying to "end the game faster". i was mostly going for some of those goodies, like the S or the third blank (the Z). but a V leave sucks. V(E)ENA at K2 is awesome and it blocks the R in case she has some crazy bingo. -13 #strategylarge #focus
I saw I8 LAURElED before entering this rack into Quackle, and I missed L1 qUAVERED entirely. This is a weak fish. Somehow Quackle prefers L12 RUE with two R's unseen?? #findinglarge
I had a hunch that ARREArED* might be phony, and I saw bingos on 14F. So why didn't I just play DREAREr for only 7 fewer? Quackle strongly prefers fishing off two tiles with O10 EGGER.... #knowledgelarge
VAR(I)X might be better since I keep the W for J10 and G7. I don't like 2E AX since it leaves me vulnerable should Leesa decide to gambit and throw a 3x3 or a lucrative hook open. I thought I could just draw an A and play J4 V(I)VA, which doesn't seem to get blocked a ton. I think VAR(I)X is OK but I liked using columns L and M instead of J. #tacticssmall
once I actually realized my misplay in this position I assumed YEAH was probably an 18-point mistake. I mistracked a U instead of a D, so I thought my Q had a better chance of not getting stuck. I also didn't notice that INSNARE played under DIF which I was not blocking. So I should play QA(T) 8C and just brace for impact I think.