Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
TOPS is just so good on both row 10 and column i and also maintains a better balance and I really like it in terms of decreasing variance: I'm basically assured a decent play next turn with a balanced leave that has good upside, as opposed to PRS which can easily crash. Still, this isn't worth it: I know Norases has an A a lot, these spots are not really that good, and I'm giving my opponent over 8 points in expected score next turn while sacrificing 2 points. The OPST flexibility just doesn't make up for the fact that it's certainly nowhere 10 points better than PRS #strategymedium
RandomRacer says I exchange too much, and if so, this could be an example, as OGEE 11h isn't such a terrible candidate. But I just really don't like playing through with QCR behind on this board when there's plenty of floaters and a perfectly good leave. Quackle has OGEE winning slightly but I just don't agree, but it also has CEOR as a trifle better which I think I agree with: I jettisoned this because of the O floater at b8, but after analysis I think the O is barely worth it, so this is #strategysmall
Fairly close, as WIZEN is just better points and leave, but doesn't risk some some sort of disaster o1 type scenario where the blank never realizes its equity. This does a lot more to end the game faster and is a lot less volatile, especially towards S setups that I don't have. Slight edge to WIZEN #strategysmall
FFIN just isn't that good here, and I probably can just play PLOT next turn, if not better, whereas VIFF is about as good as FF gets here. #strategymedium
This is just really bad. You have the pool. You know the threat is WINOS, and you saw it. You know there is no possible bingo. You have to trust your tracking. You are not getting stuck. He will find it. Block it! #endgamemedium
#findinglarge Missing this was frustrating but not surprising. High point tiles in weird locations like this has been a pretty persistent weak spot for me in practice.
This line certainly looks weird, but the S just doesn't have a lot of value here, and I really want points this turn. Quackle is convinced that TOE bingos over 1/3 of the time and thus prefers it, but I just don't know if I believe that, especially since Sam is more likely to block than Quackle believes and doesn't have VW as much as randomness dictates, but still, that is a massive number, so I'll go with it. #strategymedium
Wasn't really sure either way here. Decided to go with it, but was kind of aware it might not be a word. Some are intentional, some are unintentional, and this is somewhere in between. #knowledgesmall
It's probably just MINCY here. I don't hate this I guess, but if you don't hit you're in a lot of trouble. The sim has this very close, and MY does underperform since I'm farther behind than Quackle realizes, but OPA means that I really need to kill the C and T more than Quackle would think too #findingsmall
This actually isn't paranoid nor confident enough and there are some really unlucky things that can happen here. The play here is HEM 14m, as there's no 3x3s, you have a pretty much guaranteed score, if Jackson blocks it's game over, and if he plays/bingos elsewhere you can get 50. Yes, losing here requires some horrible draws, but this just doesn't prepare well enough. #strategymedium
This is lazy AF. What does this accomplish, really? Anything at all? Probably FAUCET. But like, this doesn't even do anything other than win the game without tracking, which you shouldn't be doing at this level. #endgamemedium
Not a very good endgame by me, as OUTA completely escapes me despite seeing the hook earlier. Just didnt think about it in the context of blocking both URUS spots. #endgamelarge
This is just horrible. I need FEAT for guaranteed future scoring, and I'm giving that away for some OUT bingos, some column m junk, and some duplication? I thought there were more As in the pool (I mistracked and had to retrack later) but still, just, no. Something like AHI, otoh, may very well be worth it. Definitely want this play back, and I even identified how bad this play was immediately after the game. #strategylarge
The listing of all of the player's mistakes. For more information about mistakes, check the 'Mistakes' section of the about page.
SEROW wins the sim instead. I would have thought that slating the R (the first R, at that) would be less dangerous than an S, and harder to parallel besides, but I guess not. Or maybe SEROW is better precisely because it's easier to parallel, taking out the lane. (-1) #strategysmall
Quackle tries to outrun with LAH 11C. Not sure how I like that. The sooner Kenji bingos, the sooner he bingos again, and the fewer lanes there are, the less likely that happens. Then again, sometimes the best defense is a good offense. There are plenty of lanes to deal with, and I probably won't get to all of them. Also, notice that RHINAL isn't even that good for defense. It's not too implausible that it could get paralleled with a bingo. (-12) #strategylarge
I should probably leave the 3 row open, it's hard for him to close. I hated all my options - DAV(E)N? that puts pressure on at least, it's probably better than VAN. I was kinda hoping he wouldn't have a good TAGS block, but he can always do a mediocre one from the G in KLEAGLES or with ETA, and then I have to bingo on some terrible marginal lane. I think I got too obsessed with staying in bingo range, DAVEN isn't likely to win but at least I will be able to have a place to bingo. I think B4 ADD is good as well, keeping the 3 row and 13 rows open. either one of those seem way better than VAN #strategylarge
7F UPO sims best, and I probably would have played that if I had seen H8 RaMSHORN; Kenji's best play after UPO is B7 RAMSHOrN. CAPOT is bad even if RaMSHORN doesn't exist, because of Kenji's next play. #knowledgelarge
QUODS is better: it scores 6 more points, and my rack is full of consonants, making the S less worth keeping. K4 VELD is interesting, setting up 8K SQUAB or SQUIB with the right draw. #strategysmall
I chose this over AY/YA plays because I hate F's and because AY/YA plays close bingo lanes. But ?AFIS > ?AISY, and 3M YA makes column O a bit harder to use. #strategymedium
Quackle heavily favors 13J ETIC. I suppose it reduces Kenji's scoring potential by blocking 15J plays making ZA, and 10N YE is likely to stay open. #tacticsmedium
I talk myself out of EXORABLE, remembering that there was something weird about it. What I was remembering was the fact that EXORABLY* is no good but that INEXORABLY is. #knowledgelarge
this will be the last time I confuse WEEDBED and BEDEWED for BEDEWED and DWEEBED* and BEDEWING and BEWINGED for BEDEWING and DWEEBING* (I hope) #knowledgelarge
although this game is not realistically winnable, i can get some spread back by continuing to fish, for example, H12 BELT is just a couple points below but it keeps a much better leave. i partially thought GLOTTALS* was good. -5 #strategymedium #knowledgemedium
although this game is not realistically winnable, i can get some spread back by continuing to fish, for example, H12 BELT is just a couple points below but it keeps a much better leave. i partially thought GLOTTALS* was good. -5 #strategymedium #knowledgemedium
TALLY isn't really a dramatic enough fork to do over just I6 LAZY; a play to the triple after TALLY leaves a horrendous board for scoring if I don't hit a bingo, and hitting one isn't very likely. That being said, LAZY can get me fenced in pretty much immediately as well. Tough spot. I think LAZY is better. #strategysmall
Generated a lot of options here. For some reason I seemed to be reluctant to just play OXIDE. Sim likes 11B OH, but I don't, since it blocks UTS and incentivizes Kenji to block SOH at all costs, leaving me with much more difficult lanes to hit. I didn't generate 9H TALLYHO which looks stronger than DO solely on the basis of the RIDES leave hitting so much more than HIRES. Also thought of N10 HORDE, 14B DEHORS, and a few other things. Ultimately OXIDE is just too many more points not to play, but the idea of making more S hooks that can't ever really be usefully addressed was very appealing. #strategymedium
I strongly considered LANATE to go harder for the blank, but figured I could keep a leave that had a strong chance of connecting. Still, spending my L with LACE gets me another point, another tile pull, and several more percentage points of bingo%. #tacticssmall
Duplicate game detected (Tournament 10791, Round 17).
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