Joshua Sokol
Joshua Sokol
Color Key
= Triple Triple
= Bingo 9+
= Improbable
= +
= +
= +
= + +
Player Lists
Type Play Probability Score
SCLERO(I)D 2811 78
(Q)UeSTION 3386 67
ELUSION 520 70
THRIV(E)rS 14038 67
DOGGIES 10287 86
BIOTyPE 9518 68
MERGeRS 15777 91
FLOORIN(G) 11564 66
FIsHNE(T)S 17915 95
D(I)GISTAT* 0 67
cOAPTED 5015 81
TIRADES 105 90
DANGLES 3461 67
LA(R)BOARD 16505 78
STERICA(L) 1016 64
ALKYNES 14094 88
THERE(M)IN 4322 72
GOODIES 3029 87
REPLaNT 1600 72
(L)INDANES 2068 70
SOOTIER 367 77
R(E)ASONED 167 61
ATTORNE(Y) 1791 65
THEREIN 1084 78
(E)NDEAVOr 814 88
TRIOLEt 790 73
RELOADS 509 77
MON(I)TION 14600 90
OUTRAN(G)E 259 70
LARDIER 1335 76
oFFERIN(G) 14604 78
AIRTIME 831 67
GLAIVEs 4660 83
OUTRA(I)SE 22 70
BROOc(H)ES 19825 63
DETAILS 426 68
(E)RIGERON 1185 68
UNiPODs 8827 79
PIASTER 718 90
AEROBEs 1237 82
HILLOED 10661 104
GENITU(R)E 757 72
HARLOTS 5839 79
INHOLD(E)R 1434 66
T(A)ILBONE 180 62
GINNERS 4443 69
EL(E)CTIVE 12993 86
REBUILT 3216 74
DaYCARE 10701 83
GRA(V)IDAE 4182 80
RECLIM(B)S* 0 80
(N)IdATION 2474 74
SONnETS 10291 86
GROWLED 8535 67
OUTLINE(D) 338 72
iNFIDE(L)S 7916 81
ORPH(A)NED 4038 65
UNITIES 1293 72
R(E)TWiSTS 17213 72
ANERGIA 369 73
(C)ORNETTE* 0 83
ORRiSES 7191 78
A(Q)UARIST 11294 70
DILaTES 427 81
R(I)NGToSS 9477 74
U(N)WITTED 8377 68
WoRSENS 10871 78
TOQU(I)LLA 17010 89
ROQ(U)ETEd 7074 66
M(A)RINATE 506 83
WETTESt 20564 93
(C)ROONERS 11229 83
LUNGYIs 15948 90
A(N)TIARIN 4547 70
PUR(I)tANS 3903 76
DEPAIN(T)s 1035 90
(B)IOMETER 2598 64
REIVING 5275 80
DANDIeS 2746 78
ANTLERE(D) 351 63
AERoBIA 392 90
WORSENS 10408 67
ELYTRUm 13396 79
ANImIST 5492 74
LEVANTE(R) 1604 86
LOWRID(E)r 6058 76
YTtRIUM 18823 73
LEANERS 580 71
STANDEE 575 72
DENuDES 12482 78
(T)UTORING 5826 80
COSTATE 4604 68
iNTERIM 1843 81
LAM(B)IEST 5642 98
ENGR(A)VES 4624 74
CLOUDIn(G) 13394 86
STaNDEE(S) 5103 80
EpInAOI 416 66
LINDIES 2684 73
HEL(I)STOP 6857 63
TiNGLES 1743 78
GLOBOID 15363 76
OATIEST 249 80
(L)ITTERER 5794 64
HITTERs 6539 66
WAgTAiL 10444 77
HELPERS 14497 77
TEARERS 1890 70
(D)ISgAUGE* 0 80
RINSING 13184 75
TOMENTA 2584 83
(E)PISTLED* 0 92
DURrING* 0 70
AR(G)ENTAL 1563 63
(D)RAWBEDS* 0 104
AmORINI 1864 75
UNDERLI(E) 959 62
OAKIEST 1092 72
(E)YEtOOTH 18007 92
ROOTLIN(G) 3891 80
U(N)PRICEd 9098 83
DATIVaL 8481 77
(A)NTISTAT 16560 77
R(A)TIFiES 1244 74
ENERgID 1195 74
COIGNES 2969 78
GLOXIN(I)A 11091 86
FILETIN(G) 6983 89
ACRI(M)OnY 11143 74
NITRILs 4458 67
SNIgGER 9297 88
PROBAt(E)D 3994 78
(L)UDdITES* 0 74
IDEATIv(E) 1756 77
FA(C)TOrED 4002 80
FOlIATE 321 76
TAL(E)NTeD 2683 67
ROUSING 3682 94
(U)NGRATEd* 0 77
ARCHINE 2398 69
E(B)ONIZES 8692 88
STOMPeD 11240 74
ANcIENT 2101 69
HOmETO(W)N 17639 80
MILAD(I)ES 4792 64
TRIGONs 1851 83
STATURE 2837 77
COASTER 891 81
REENROL(L) 10515 77
l(AN)THORNS 8514 86
MUNSTER(S) 16289 83
(C)ENTUPLe 14200 74
SOLA(T)ING 1623 65
SERAFIN 856 86
SEDATER 579 69
MINST(e)RS 8786 72
(I)SOCLInE 3228 68
(D)ESOLATe 496 82
BITTERS 6518 82
REALISE 210 71
PRALINE 681 72
TRIA(L)IST 6609 60
SEGM(E)NTs 19775 72
sLINGER 1737 77
VEInLE(S)S 18116 149
SKEINED 7313 79
PIETIST 10199 81
KETONoN(E)* 0 76
dORMINS 5874 68
LIG(A)TING 15261 70
ISOBARE 305 74
EJECTOr 9739 96
SOLERET 849 64
(R)EORIENT 286 60
LeNDERS 2912 80
(A)MARONEs 1681 80
SPOILER 2040 73
GUNITEs 2317 66
CASTLeD 7444 81
MAILING 10457 75
TRAIPSE 724 75
OUTRANg 1850 71
uNSEXIE(R) 6024 96
GUNSElS 16342 78
DI(E)STRuM 4548 98
COGN(O)VIT 17257 64
WRENTIT 4005 76
ED(E)NTATE 5804 72
REALIZE 3227 126
(P)ISMIRES 21594 76
(W)iNDiEST 4946 86
(S)CHNEIDS 21151 78
fEEDLOT 4795 69
OUTLASt 8232 81
IMPASTE(D) 5713 88
RaC(E)GOER 6100 90
CoNGEST 5512 82
LAIrIER 1678 69
TEN(U)RIAL 80 60
VOLUMIN(G) 18977 92
SAPONI(T)E 228 74
ALpHORN 10383 71
YEELINs 4179 77
ANiMIST 5495 87
TREBL(I)nG 3711 76
NITROSO 1711 73
RICHENs 7113 79
(I)MAGINES 4184 78
ST(A)IDEST 7981 72
VAUNTIE 715 78
EGO(T)IZED 5796 71
O(U)TWILLs 19787 68
(T)ITRANTs 12144 74
ANOXIAs 6783 86
DISQUI(E)t 12137 84
EARLESS 6314 76
MITrING 10587 90
cHUTNEE 11458 91
INCLOSE(D) 2807 74
DEPUT(I)NG 6204 68
BREA(C)HES 16039 82
SAUcEBO(X) 20211 93
DIO(C)ESAN 535 74
OVERRAN 2584 78
SASSiER 14422 82
DeNTATE 1869 72
CRETINS 1620 78
ARSENIC 632 96
POLEYNS 11277 72
POST(F)AcE 11892 76
EXEQUIA(L) 15998 76
CAUSING 9689 91
DECANAl 6017 97
(B)ILANDER 992 83
FROWNER 12135 100
INWALLE(D) 8624 67
(T)EOSINTE 739 59
PATTIES 3820 76
INAR(A)BLE 1190 64
FINaGLE 2540 83
MUR(I)ATED 1031 72
PR(O)r(O)GATE 6685 78
TOENAIL(S) 24 62
JUdASES 18930 92
STANING 6224 90
MEDIGAP 8589 83
BAgGIER 10619 81
(S)ALTERNS 4326 77
TREBLED 6713 78
ROMULAN(S)* 0 83
RISOTTo 6852 80
EBONIES 1248 74
ANT(I)LIFE 1242 65
RAILWAy(S) 16181 61
MARINEr 2113 89
VENTURE 4225 79
CES(A)rIAN 1200 70
ENDORSE(E) 2226 80
PANFORT(E) 2114 101
ORATOrY 11525 77
GLE(E)TIER 2704 63
IGNATIA 3991 64
MONAZ(I)TE 2402 128
L(E)ERIESt 1888 75
(P)aNTILED 1023 83
R(E)MOVINg 5605 78
TAUNTED 2813 76
(D)EUTERON 516 72
SECLUD(E)S 23383 77
ARG(U)FIED 3630 76
(A)ERONAuT 127 74
SPRIT(Z)eD 13836 69
AEROfOI(L) 892 74
Pa(R)TICLE 3312 94
UNCA(S)ING 17017 74
(I)NDITERS 869 80
AIRPOST(S) 8810 83
TARTUFE 6473 91
TENSI(B)LE 3090 149
RERIS(I)NG 6141 74
LADINOS 1175 71
SADISTs 20673 83
CAScADE 20137 79
BENtHOS 8090 83
QUIETuD(E) 18130 104
MONKISH 20387 99
JEALOUS 6874 87
yAChTIE 8702 90
ANTI(R)UST 3509 62
ACRIDlY 12378 70
ePOXIED 9548 92
iN(T)ER(FE)RED 4133 64
LITTERS 2854 79
S(I)DESMEN 13740 67
PR(O)CEEDs 11346 74
A(d)RENALS 1957 60
InULINS 14258 64
VARIAB(L)E 6262 68
EXULTED 13598 117
ULCER(A)TE 3026 90
(G)ENEROUS 2130 61
REDR(O)OTS 6135 65
BON(F)IRES 4090 65
TrUNDLE 2443 76
CRISTAE 638 81
OUTLAWS 8826 73
rESHOOT 5233 98
FRONTAL 3413 69
ALIMENt 677 69
ENLISTS 5428 73
(S)MITHERS 17935 101
BOTAN(I)ST 5367 61
(F)ORTUNeS 2961 70
R(E)QuITER 10540 88
FOWLeRS 11245 82
D(R)ILLERS 15151 68
GjETOST 16196 79
TAVErNS 1613 76
PETARDS 3138 76
SEssION 15306 78
bE(F)LOWER 17132 76
R(A)TTLINg 5042 64
EXACTER 8533 103
AZUr(I)TES 2511 194
VErMEIL 8033 78
DeSKMAN 13474 89
SLANTED 1091 69
ORACIES 314 79
(A)NEURYSm 9069 85
SECONDE(D) 14613 76
T(R)OLANdS 1761 66
Am(A)NDINE 5575 70
FIERIES(T) 3491 86
HOGgERS 17014 87
ENGINES 5305 68
OvARIES 339 69
DEAFENS 4046 76
EDApHIC 11743 96
LABELER 11118 89
TESTOON 4862 74
VI(R)UCIDE 13310 78
INVES(T)ED 3135 89
EnGLISH 7557 86
FOLATES 1963 81
(I)NSNARES 5013 77
CAViLER 4339 101
EbONITE 486 61
PAR(C)HESI 10866 70
(S)TELLIFY 21153 78
OSTEITI(C) 6679 74
IMPEL(L)ED 22253 88
MOSQUEs 21952 95
DENUDES 12475 72
A(LI)ENATES 137 72
ETHIONS 976 79
SATYRId 4955 77
CLONERS 3852 102
ZAB(A)IONE 4964 73
NEStINg 4450 79
EPINAOI 416 73
aNORTHI(C) 3507 86
RU(B)ASSES 26834 74
PALETOT(E)* 0 74
HANDIES(T) 1021 74
pE(R)ORATE 2334 74
EDEMATA 4562 76
S(O)BERING 2252 72
PAROTID 1657 77
PIASTRE 719 82
ThROATY 14521 104
HOLLERS 13942 87
AVENgI(N)G 18477 67
OT(I)TIDES 2854 60
V(I)OlATED 549 74
DArIOLE 32 68
NEATeST 1798 62
H(O)IDENEd 7650 72
RETICE(N)T 3876 61
(P)IAFFERS 20309 98
A(C)ROSTIC 14965 70
bODFINS* 0 79
EDUcATE(D) 13651 68
UNIBR(O)WS 12928 71
EARFULS 5610 71
(DE)BONAIRE 101 64
PUTTIES 9475 82
AdORABL(Y) 17192 89
LEIS(T)ERS 5123 70
HERNIAE 370 77
REALISE(D) 368 80
(R)EVOICeS 4833 89
FAST(E)NER 1597 65
BEDlAMP(S) 21479 72
DE(F)INITE 3487 76
HINTERs 1622 83
SNEAPEd 4081 82
BLoOPER(S) 15558 78
OUTLAiN 468 67
UNENV(I)ED 9618 111
PERLITE 2289 71
DUEL(L)IST 10499 72
IN(T)ERACT 1503 149
PERMIAN 2417 69
(I)SObARIC 9911 80
NEA(R)LIER 519 62
O(V)ERLAiN 216 62
(T)ENTORIA 43 77
AMIDINS 8500 69
(R)IPIENOS 1693 83
(N)EWSROoM 11836 76
ROSER(I)ES 7070 70
PALAcIN(G)* 0 83
AUREoLA 734 64
LINTERS 451 71
(W)OODLiCE 11732 92
HUmATES 10058 79
FOLDERS 6370 76
APNOEIC 1298 78
DASHEEN 4054 83
pETIOLA(R) 218 71
DETA(I)LED 2763 70
HARDENS 3099 66
INvESTE(D) 3135 77
AR(R)OGATE 2329 70
pIPETTE 19067 71
BLINGED 7512 68
REIn(F)ECT 4319 89
BLUE(C)APS 21476 86
TRAV(E)LED 3049 63
BURDENS 8672 73
ICEWiNE 8863 78
ENDOSOM(E) 7973 72
RATTLES 2829 69
THIOnIN 10435 72
SaLUTER 1154 74
SOREdIA 50 75
rEENDOW(S) 3762 86
DARNERS 2810 76
REENTRY 7938 82
(D)EcEIVES 16619 86
MANUCOd(E) 6720 72
ADDReST 5402 72
O(L)EASTER 170 70
TOADLeT 1689 60
ENvIERS 2300 79
t(H)IONINE 3969 71
RETOOL(E)D 1994 70
(H)AIrLESS 8643 74
RAMBLI(N)G 14316 73
AMAZiNG 18354 103
(C)ILIATED 2559 76
BONESET 2636 65
LIaNOID 1309 70
GARNETs 810 89
REGOLI(T)H 2263 66
DIgLOTS 6097 77
BEWARIN(g) 4869 76
UNCA(L)LED 15910 72
W(AL)LETFUl* 0 66
ADOPTIv(E) 2053 83
(I)NSPECTS 17910 76
EN(D)OsTEA 168 61
ENLACES 4035 84
OUTRaG(E)D 685 76
ERGATES 1194 72
STAGNA(T)E 6141 72
(U)NGAiNED* 0 65
ANN(E)ALED 5409 70
S(O)LVENTS 13540 65
F(I)EFDOMS 23976 86
SYNTONI(C) 17675 92
EXCIT(O)NS 7676 101
CLEATED 4028 83
DYnEINS 9452 89
MAUSIER 1568 76
GRAI(N)IEr 1954 62
AIRlOCK 11085 86
ANTHERS 1596 76
cERISES 11132 71
SCAMMED 22112 75
(B)ROwNIER 7832 77
VIRGATE 1234 79
MURAGES 7508 70
SCATHED 9986 88
NELUMbO 11214 70
BR(A)V(E)RIES 7589 94
VARO(O)MED 7860 68
(P)ErSONAE 780 80
AR(T)ERIES 527 58
sIENITE 803 75
DIAZOLE 2321 95
HYPERON 12721 72
AVeRM(E)NT 4309 74
ESTRO(G)EN 944 61
OD(O)mETER 4977 82
OATIEsT 248 68
rETAXES 4543 92
ESERINE 1270 61
PITHEAD(S) 5704 104
D(E)LETiNG 1733 68
CH(I)RPIER 22788 88
RELENTS 1442 74
(T)ATtOOED 12266 80
ACINOUs 3344 72
PISTOLS 16117 78
MOLDIER 2003 76
WH(I)RLERS 17475 74
SLIVERS 13037 72
LORNEST 528 70
AmOEBAN 5544 65
INROADS 461 70
(V)ORLAGES 4364 92
F(O)RESTAL 1380 72
OUTChA(N)T* 0 72
DIETING 2151 76
DOTIN(G)LY 9872 80
DEArIES 206 77
FIGTREE 3384 79
MISA(T)ONE 225 72
(R)EBOUNDS 5184 74
SEQUOIa 2323 77
ALIBIES 3527 84
CuRvIES(T) 9126 77
TERRITS 6013 68
OUT(W)RITE 3615 63
PISS(O)IRS 28576 90
STEE(V)ING 4665 74
IR(O)NISER* 0 62
TREPHiN(E) 4324 74
CRAGG(i)eR 18514 78
EU(G)ENIAS 719 60
RESEDAS 6311 78
pERUKES 17857 80
INCURVE 7138 76
uRINAtO(R) 965 71
REsEDAS 6060 71
ALCOVES 7633 93
CENTRAL 1581 69
CICERON(E) 9743 89
MISATON(E) 225 70
TOURNEY 2092 77
OVE(R)SOUL 10140 65
OEIL(L)ADE 1751 72
cHIN(O)OKS 26001 86
PETUNiA 710 74
TAWNIER 239 71
BEAUIsH 6902 76
ElISION 739 86
BUlKIER 14112 80
(A)NTIROlL 2286 74
ANISEED 205 70
M(Y)ELINES 10485 68
SCORIAE 314 79
OXTAIlS 6203 84
RElLENO 4670 68
LIfEBO(A)T 2021 77
GLA(C)IERS 3621 67
INTE(R)NAL 355 60
FULCRaS* 0 72
SIFTERS 9784 74
STANNIC 8871 82
RES(C)HOOL 15569 80
INV(E)RTED 1617 74
fORSPEN(T) 7026 86
NIRVANA 9322 76
LeOTARD 150 68
rEMELDE(D)* 0 72
RENT(A)BLE 1582 72
dYEINGS 7550 83
SCALIER 1418 85
SEMINAL 1473 87
FARIN(O)SE 208 82
(E)NABLING 7337 72
TOLUATE 2252 72
RESIDUA 548 72
CINCHES 28102 84
pREDRA(F)T 13974 72
WIN(D)ABLE 5622 72
LENTOID 167 69
CoNTEST 7419 73
(T)ERTIArY 6097 78
E(J)ECTION 5480 84
DEFAMER 8301 95
URODELE 1812 81
(R)eTRIALS 934 74
LEGA(L)ITY 10950 66
PRO(T)RaDE 3555 70
(E)ISWEINS 14326 86
RECANi(N)G 4419 77
GANGLES 12457 81
DARTLIn(G) 2222 80
MENTION 2600 68
REDOUTS 1328 88
BARTERs 6446 79
DIM(P)LINg 24248 74
MOOTERS 5242 75
HARdLIN(E) 1020 70
fATALIS(M) 16208 72
(A)LTRUISm 6598 74
(R)EVISORS 14502 72
FARIN(O)SE 208 82
(E)NABLING 7337 72
CO(R)TEGES 5255 65
b(IT)EWORMS* 0 76
LEONINE 1177 69
FOLIATE 321 78
(O)PERETTa 2338 80
cEROTYP(E) 13569 89
N(O)NVAlID 8463 72
(C)OWERING 5608 66
AIRSOME 329 69
TRASH(E)RS 17184 63
DeFINED 11155 77
THYmIER 11887 78
RaV(E)LLED 13707 82
VEXIL(L)AR 18825 74
PANDECT 7004 78
CEMENTS 15400 78
RE(T)RAINS 454 59
LOLLIES 24044 65
RANDiES 86 71
fERRI(A)GE 5243 59
TOOLING 4980 79
OPERATE 482 74
G(R)AECISE* 0 75
ECH(I)NOID 7394 80
FuLMINE 10161 81
BARROOm(S) 22388 61
TRICO(R)NS 8561 70
STrOKER(S) 29389 92
TARRIES 719 70
ARCHEAN 10336 76
PINNaTE 2811 64
ACTI(O)NED 188 94
VIRaLLY 19057 69
EXECRa(T)E 13970 68
ATRESIA 139 70
FLOUTED 6381 104
t(E)AHOUSE 1911 86
VALETED 4076 96
OPERATE 482 74
G(R)AECISE* 0 75
ECH(I)NOID 7394 80
FuLMINE 10161 81
BARROOm(S) 22388 61
ENaCTED 2170 90
LEVaNTS 3171 79
YAcHTI(N)G 19918 68
TrILITH 15549 70
AMNIOTI(C) 6579 70
OUtRIDE 180 71
STEALER 586 79
NEARiSH 668 85
dOZENTH 11897 130
O(V)ERDYED 20162 88
EREPSIN 2298 81
RENTAbL(E) 1583 74
SE(P)TARIA 1226 70
(R)ELAXiNS 2641 106
AMBOnIc* 0 84
LU(R)CHERS 23496 102
DURABLE 5565 78
HEMaTIN(E) 2182 86
RESTABL(E) 3006 83
ANISEED 205 73
TIArAED 134 81
MA(N)GROVe 5592 82
M(I)SINFeR 9815 76
gAVOTT(E)S 8164 67
LA(N)IARDs 3191 68
CLE(R)GIES 7503 65
ISSUANT 7587 78
PLENIsT 3295 75
MENTI(O)NS 3601 78
OLOGIEs 3030 75
(R)ESPONsA 6496 86
VIcUNAS 12400 72
DOPAMI(N)E 2051 88
GRANITA 1711 73
OVERTLY 8149 71
NoNGAYS 14779 83
DROSERA 1692 68
CLI(N)gIER 6988 70
INDENES 3718 72
DESTA(I)NS 2194 70
CaRRION 4194 66
SOARING 838 95
sTHENIA 670 80
ARANEID 125 71
BoRANES 832 71
(M)OzETTES* 0 80
N(O)sEDOVE 7975 69
LI(C)HTING 21721 66
PENTADS 3128 73
OVERS(TE)PS 16213 65
TAC(O)NITE 762 90
UREtHR(A)L 8338 86
TANGENT 8159 68
PIMENTO 2772 68
CABANAS 21400 69
A(G)UElIKe 8108 62
(F)RANkERS 18487 80
OPERATE 621 65
MORRION 15458 64
BURr(O)WED 24472 76
JA(V)ELINS 13146 86
SULFATE 5619 86
BLITHE(S)T 17498 64
STEALER 586 79
NEARiSH 668 85
LOUVERE(D) 6157 64
bRAISES 6658 66
TA(b)OUrET 3533 69
R(E)TAILER 519 70
CASEINS 6661 79
DEVILiS(H) 16961 95
AERATOR 1068 72
DECRETA(L) 3010 72
(T)REENAIL 31 77
SIzZL(E)RS 30027 88
GoLFeRS 8551 87
THiOURE(A) 211 83
SPRIN(T)ED 2390 64
O(U)TWAITs 8472 72
B(A)NDIEST 996 72
GAUNTEr 810 71
UPTEARS 3200 78
POI(N)TIeR 713 63
INOSITE 247 83
NEGATER 476 62
(V)OLERIES 1944 63
INLACES 1480 74
FESTIVe 8376 87
ORALIST 468 70
TELEDUS 5321 62
INEXPER(T) 7888 86
T(E)LECINE 4746 78
RET(O)TAlS 1149 78
SALTERN 439 79
cRE(E)LING 4625 82
SE(R)iALLY 8639 70
REFINES 2279 81
ENGINES 5312 73
DIT(C)HERS 9094 65
GELATIs 767 79
HaRPIST 8879 78
UNDOABL(E) 2771 64
NET(T)LIER 1300 58
ATTE(N)DED 9405 62
TORREnT 4483 68
LIGHTEN 4747 91
VIPER(I)nE 7712 98
CRUSTAL 11043 75
ETALONS 161 73
GRODI(E)sT 695 65
TENURED 1440 72
PELICAN 4335 77
AER(O)nAUT 127 61
CARNIES 633 88
TET(A)nIZE 4302 194
PERITUS 3314 74
(P)RuNELLe 17348 74
SUGARED 3464 74
AN(O)DALLY 26469 69
CEsIUMS 26233 79
URA(L)ITES 344 68
EUcLASE 6589 86
PERITUs 3314 78
ADRENAL(S) 1956 80
sTOWING 7541 78
EsERINE 1211 72
ADVISEE 2124 82
OUTREAD 156 77
(S)ALUTING 4301 80
sTRAfES 9748 85
AIRSICk 16661 74
mUNT(I)NGS 20524 82
(P)LEATERS 3076 80
MILDEST 5652 74
sTRAFER 6472 81
RELENTS 1442 69
JAvEL(I)NA 10658 89
(O)UTDRIVE 1861 76
SATINET 554 81
HOWLETS 11274 83
RE(D)EFINE 4750 78
ORIGINA(L) 1579 83
VeALIER 1057 76
HOSTLER 3920 83
SNOUTED 1325 70
WAISTeR 728 72
FELL(A)tIC* 0 74
ASTRIDE 100 82
LINTERS 452 72
(O)STINAtO 3178 74
DROOLIN(G) 6519 74
PATOnCE 2730 66
MOT(I)ONED 2089 63
BLUND(E)RS 10785 74
bALEENS 3838 69
BOTA(N)ISM* 0 64
VeRDINS 3125 81
SUNDIAL 3553 75
MoN(S)OONS 29830 59
OLEATES 296 71
vAMPIRI(C) 25206 67
(C)HINLESS 21139 80
TONGMAN 11799 96
AERATES 799 79
OVERDA(R)E 4444 98
REFAS(T)EN 1599 74
L(E)NITIES 1128 70
PROSTIE 1008 75
MINDERS 3114 74
OUSTINg 3514 75
RADI(A)NCE 1193 94
TAbOOED 2776 68
NITRO(G)EN 913 60
INC(L)UDES 7422 62
MOvABLE 12561 81
IMITaTE 4278 70
COWIEST 6845 76
TURG(I)DlY 16134 63
SANTIM(U)S* 0 70
ElEGIST 2470 66
UNRANkE(D) 12787 77
RESHOED 4791 76
FIRMNES(S) 17917 98
NOT(A)RIZE 262 67
ROUNDL(E)T 918 72
OTALGIA 2318 70
UNITIZE 6660 86
PiLULES 15929 89
ESTO(V)ERS 11094 76
R(EH)ANDLed 9792 74
TAMPERS 7071 80
PuLINGS 15981 81
NOBO(D)IES 3934 76
I(G)NITERS 1568 86
TOW(N)SITE 3609 62
DELE(t)ION 171 62
MIGRATE 1227 73
SINGLET 1739 77
CONNOT(E)S 11243 69
LEOTA(R)DS 328 68
bARE(F)OOT 5238 60
PAI(N)TERS 436 90
MAUSIER 1568 73
ID(E)ATIVe 1756 74
SLITHER 3287 83
C(I)TRUSEs 12248 60
ApAT(I)TES 5571 76
ME(T)HANES 7133 69
RAFTs(M)AN 16347 72
COSS(E)TED 14635 76
TRAINEE(S) 36 60
STRIVED 3275 71
ANTI(C)KED 6631 66
SESTINE 3963 61
ARRASED 5801 72
FOREDON(E) 4976 89
T(A)ILLEUR 2201 59
DA(F)TNESS 12199 78
EpINAOI 416 61
INFLA(T)ED 1018 98
SaVINES 6691 99
AcQUITS 16215 122
SNAGGED 12428 74
TERRoRS 11655 68
LEGaTOS 1101 69
(T)RIBADEs 998 83
MEnTHOL 8131 77
DICKIES 17232 74
TANT(A)LIC 11607 74
GAsI(F)ORM 11577 65
SEROT(I)NY 619 76
APTERIA 827 68
TIEBAC(K)S 15647 67
DIGENDA(l)* 0 62
ORIENTE(R) 285 60
MANWIsE 4403 78
C(O)LDNESS 17054 62
(FE)ATHERED 9246 84
DONATEs 152 74
gRAINIE(R) 1953 66
SOLERET 849 86
aLIENEE 499 62
AERIESt 57 73
ONWARdS 5835 86
OVERUS(E)D 6170 64
pALLORS 16119 73
(R)EHEATED 4736 82
SAU(T)OIrE 26 63
SaRMENT 1603 73
POURERS 10552 74
SpECIES 18219 98
ANABOLI(c) 9894 61
INH(A)ULER 1052 62
MiLADiS 11501 78
OUTFIRE 925 72
BIENNIA 4276 74
PAINTED 618 89
ZIRCoNS 14355 73
TALLIEs 2901 72
InOSITE 247 78
aUDI(B)LES 4417 90
ERECT(I)ON 300 72
REsLATE 585 73
VALISES 9610 98
AVIATES 1785 79
SPEED(I)LY 14075 67
WARISON 1669 94
STANDEE 574 83
TERRItS 6013 64
(S)URFABLE 12610 67
DIST(A)INS 10242 70
GlAIVES 4665 88
HEROICS 5098 95
OUTBOAR(D) 9265 74
(A)LLOxANE* 0 71
DIRDUMS 20059 83
FOCUSES 27206 80
sETTLOR 4685 69
MELANGE 5491 85
SCREAME(R) 15126 89
(R)ATSBANE 2653 72
T(E)RPINoL 611 64
APpOIN(T)S 14951 70
ELISION 739 68
CoUVADE 7955 88
ENTICES 2252 72
CABResT(O) 3994 83
ISOTONE 344 84
PrOVI(D)ES 6503 96
NEATENS 1881 76
AMORINI 1862 69
(P)EACOATS 7387 70
ANnOYED 4607 75
LETTeRS 6240 74
gILLNET 7340 72
DIALECT 1405 79
CLArIED* 0 80
LARDOnS 2476 72
ROOTAGE 731 77
ETHANEs 2214 74
VENOGRA(M) 5602 82
STIRRED 2851 77
(O)UtFLoOD* 0 83
AIRSIDE 495 79
LOGOUTS 13993 66
(D)ISABLED 12056 89
COLlEGE 16762 75
ORIGAmI 5309 67
SEASONA(L) 5395 60
S(C)RIPTER 14020 63
REVEALS 4105 79
ALUNITE 116 70
REsHINE 2283 91
O(U)TSAILS 7254 59
ANnEALE(D) 5418 68
CLARION 1644 68
ARMOR(I)ES 1775 60
(I)SOGRAMs 14885 83
CREa(M)ERY 20547 65
R(E)INSURE 2718 68
FRAUL(E)IN 1046 67
(W)EASElED 10947 88
DEACONS 1927 88
ANTIpO(P)E 5249 77
STREAKS 13762 76
T(A)UTENED 2687 62
BA(L)MORAl 24406 62
P(R)AIRIES 7355 70
RISOTT(O)S 22830 70
CaNDLER 3069 74
LIERNES 575 63
PI(L)OTAGE 927 78
UnBA(R)RED 7885 76
PoSTERS 10410 85
PINOT(A)gE 394 86
EV(E)CTION 2603 90
ECUMENs* 0 74
ETHNiCA(L) 3303 89
(T)ORNiLLO 8882 59
OBE(L)ISES 10840 76
cAPTURE(R) 13997 70
(E)NGINEER 6090 62
TREMBLE 15318 77
SESTINA 1834 67
ASTONI(E)S 502 62
(W)ELChING 20635 80
D(I)EsTRUM 4550 72
ALMONER(S) 1388 64
UNBALED 5563 84
TOAstED 1693 79
(M)OTIVATe 4705 98
FANBAsE* 0 86
SEGWAYS* 0 106
DOMINAT(E) 202 65
N(A)RRaTOR 14127 68
DENDRIT(E) 2863 72
ALBITES 1461 106
AMIRATE 827 72
Be(A)RCLAW* 0 78
(S)NOOPERS 15298 72
FACTOID 7227 105
SOAPIER 336 76
DARNeRS 2810 74
(AB)NEGATES 5198 89
LEGATOR 389 77
GARDENS 1718 65
O(U)TRAISE 25 68
iN(T)ER(FE)RED 4133 64
TILTERS 2856 79
BIl(AB)IATE 21200 78
TORMENT 4691 70
ROUL(ET)TES 3367 68
HORDEIN 1258 74
OBTUsEr 5158 81
GIAOURS 2416 83
Qu(E)RIERS 14236 82
EARNEST 214 74
MINOTA(U)R* 0 61
(C)ALORIES 537 90
SCORNED 5156 75
UNfAITH 12450 71
OUREBIs 1988 72
ORNITH(E)S 610 72
REFINES 2279 73
TAWPIES 4229 72
LABROiD(S) 4351 83
WATER(A)GE 6623 66
tROLLIN(G) 12460 77
BIgFOOT 22604 92
ME(D)ICATE 4252 80
AIRPOWE(R) 4716 78
SOnDERS 6180 93
URBAN(E)ST 2358 72
(C)O(N)TAInER 352 76
STELENE 4857 72
OVErING 1433 79
MANGERS 4711 68
sON(G)BIRD 9846 72
NOVENAs 4621 86
POTTInG 11310 74
COR(T)EGES 4984 63
BONIEsT 898 79
JERRIDS 13335 96
PAG(A)NISE 4177 62
SEEKInG 9149 74
AN(G)ARIES 632 63
REDCOAT 881 69
lIBERA(T)E 641 68
MILAGES 4659 71
PRoVaBL(E) 11872 101
WaRDENL(Y)* 0 86
TAJINES 1755 75
ANNUlOS(E) 2489 61
P(O)NGIEST 2276 63
AIRSHOT 1660 81
PANDIES 2008 74
(E)PIgENES* 0 80
(D)ELAINEs 345 77
VISItED 5829 103
RETYING 2621 79
BORAGES 2923 68
MUST(E)RER* 0 63
TELNETS 5991 88
ALTHEAS 6039 73
SEI(G)nIOR 777 68
MANUrES 3186 76
(T)ANGLIER 145 63
cHARGES 11682 73
RETAIL(E)D 106 60
NEUSTIC 3235 79
LInGERE(D) 1732 83
AnTIMI(N)E 3268 72
RETAIN(E)D 28 70
OVULa(T)ED 2789 94
BOGGLE(R)S 21780 74
TRITONE 290 66
OUTSIDE 518 90
MOTH(E)RED 10554 86
ENSURED 3921 83
l(A)NGUoRS 6543 66
CAFARDS 18586 69
ANTiCU(L)T 10954 63
AMOsITE 331 86
LOONIES(T) 622 77
INTERNE(s) 1301 64
(E)xCLUDES 23193 90
OrBITED 897 89
FORTIES 924 73
RE(A)CTING 743 71
DILATES 403 76
PELOTO(N)S 6550 62
UN(R)AISED 269 86
BEmI(X)iNG 24528 69
SEROSAE 2507 74
LASTING 2907 75
(I)OdINATE 38 66
oVERL(A)ND 1361 65
(G)AMESTER 4623 74
OVERBAK(E) 14458 94
N(O)TCHIER 2117 71
LUNGEES 7222 71
PUNChER 17722 71
RELATES 765 85
(U)RANITIC 4413 83
UMPIRES 10193 66
EXERTIO(N) 948 69
D(I)APAUSE 4790 63
ALIbIEd 3526 62
R(E)DYEInG 4642 76
MEN(T)HOLS 10290 77
SUPE(R)NAL 4517 72
STUNNER 5290 73
SAILHeA(D)* 0 88
DEPLORE 4794 80
PROLIFI(C) 22205 67
WEIRDoS 2023 72
C(H)ANTERS 5836 102
WINESAP 4414 69
ThERA(PI)ST 6937 78
REDEARS 3717 76
PROpANE 9339 72
EPISOME 5983 87
RELENTE(D) 3677 61
BIMODAL 10253 74
ANECHOI(C) 14316 98
OUtlAW(E)D 2793 96
WATER(A)GE 5031 63
FoILIST 9192 73
RADICES 1477 86
P(Y)RITIzE 19971 78
aMORTI(Z)E(D) 2741 78
VIdALIA 12054 77
FETIA(L)ES 1547 72
HONEYiN(G) 13809 86
DRAINED 1384 72
RAUNChY 19306 77
GELA(T)INE 281 70
OPIATES 338 76
(V)IRGATES 1878 76
GEN(D)EREd 16879 86
INFERrE(R) 16496 83
RESUPI(N)E 3156 72
bOTANIZ(E) 2398 101
VORLAGE 2952 80
CASBARs* 0 80
MEHNDIS 10127 89
LA(T)EWOOD 5152 76
(R)EAdDING 4483 62
(T)ENTINgS* 0 74
WORRIeS 4457 64
SALINI(Z)E 5140 71
eOSINIC 2250 74
SNARLER 2823 73
TaKEoUT 8020 101
JURyMEN 20323 96
AGISTED 757 73
DEFiANT 641 75
PRESTER 10918 82
CITRONS 3424 68
AILE(R)ONs 20 83
REL(I)STED 963 68
PROSTAT(E) 3573 83
ECSTATI(C) 19480 89
STONiLY 5889 76
REIN(C)ITE 1782 140
GR(e)MLINS 6229 66
DIEStO(C)k 10992 70
T(O)PLINES 1468 74
PELTING 4752 78
AGIOTAG(E) 3881 83
ThE(MA)TIZE 17354 89
CAP(O)EIRA 2282 74
OInOME(L)S 3947 68
OLDSTER 1320 72
DEX(T)rALS 8144 73
NUMER(O)US 13528 74
(R)OSEOLAR 3610 68
OLEATEs 296 69
TILlERS 5419 68
AVER(R)ING 4421 74
sYENITI(C) 9802 89
(U)NDREAMT 2372 74
AUDItIO(N) 879 61
LATENCY 7009 78
PANIERS 704 77
(J)ETTIsON 6930 80
OVERTLY 8146 85
HEADnO(T)E 809 63
COTIDAL 3338 76
rEFUS(I)NG 6222 80
IDONEI(T)Y 1600 78
(E)qUALITY 10000 83
RO(U)TINES 105 70
PLASHeD 13285 82
ROADIEs 36 79
ARACEOU(s) 3220 80
APaTIT(E)S 5578 72
ENNEADS 3712 70
INDENT(O)R 485 68
INCREA(S)E 645 63
(T)UTELAgE 6906 74
FELSITI(C) 13311 80
EnTE(R)ICS 1612 74
CAUDaDS* 0 89
ENEMIES 5938 65
(C)ALIFATE 6259 78
T(RE)PHiNES 4508 96
A(C)IDURIA 11084 85
(R)OCkETTE* 0 70
LEANEST 553 72
TR(A)ITORS 4959 66
INVAdED 6671 88
FuSIONS 16121 91
RESAWED 4084 97
URTI(C)AnT 7724 60
DELIrIA 495 69
TOLUIDE 517 68
lINKABl(E) 18798 86
WA(S)TRIES 5468 82
PL(I)GHTED 15217 86
GLOTTIS 10206 67
bANJOIS(T) 10229 95
SEAFOAM 8570 74
bEDIRTY 7092 84
MO(P)ERIES 4841 76
ITeMIZ(E)R 11771 94
(I)NDENTOR 485 80
P(E)TIOLED 2502 74
F(L)EAPITS 5728 67
IN(T)ERIOR 639 68
ROUSTIN(G) 2721 61
CONT(O)uRS 12946 76
OUTD(R)EAM 1755 64
OESTrIn 64 99
NITRIDS 4267 64
ALODIUM 5691 76
ROASTED 153 90
RESIZES 14768 98
DEFIAnC(E) 4255 92
RE(F)USALS 15943 76
STR(I)DDEN 4338 61
COOEYI(N)G 10710 78
TOLANES 162 71
RECI(T)ERS 6425 64
UNEVENE(R) 16039 81
OSTIARI(ES) 741 72
RADDiNG 9480 75
(A)STONIED 25 80
DISPORT 7850 87
GRADINg 15757 72
CILANTR(O) 1105 61
SErENAD(E) 1878 68
DETOURE(D) 7859 83
LOaNEES 386 84
DEERFLY 14482 83
LOON(I)ESt 622 59
VERDURE 13865 70
RuBIGOS 10783 85
ENSNARL 2820 83
PHILtRA 12457 74
MURIATE(D) 1323 72
TE(N)EBRAE 2518 68
FILT(E)RED 3117 66
RONNeLS 3499 68
(F)ECCuLAE* 0 92
ANgELUS 3489 64
ROLLIES 3606 82
TOADIED 820 71
FANT(A)SIE 1210 65
GOATEED 532 78
(T)OPSpINS 27124 80
OCTANES 892 82
G(O)ITrOUS 6559 82
CALD(R)ONs 7603 63
uLULaNT 19760 65
A(T)ENOLoL 3854 122
LARDIER 1333 68
wISSING 21408 75
MANNITe 2120 72
ALLERGY 15148 67
BROIDE(R)S 6083 76
SHOT(G)UNS 24528 66
S(Q)UaRELY 17380 88
FLANGED 7476 69
IRON(I)ZED 3796 68
SOLERET 851 67
PeCTID(E)S* 0 76
FRUIT(I)ON 5052 62
GAROTES 395 78
GEM(A)TRIA 2130 94
INVeRT(E)R 3877 64
ENQUIRE 4550 102
ENOUNC(E)S 10692 74
(AN)tIWoRLD* 0 78
R(E)ADAPTS 6483 72
CROW(D)IES 8925 68
OXyGE(NA)tE 10644 80
HEATING 1220 80
GNAWERs 4720 110
B(R)AUnITE 409 60
ANISE(E)DS 2763 60
TApADE(R)O 1678 62
SYNDE(T)IC 9113 67
WOODIER 2789 71
SL(U)DGIEr 4775 68
C(O)NDoNED 22722 80
OUTLEAD 512 74
sLENDER 2911 66
A(R)SEnOUS 2619 131
DEEWANs 4079 82
OUTACTs 12751 67
INCItED 3635 73
EAr(P)IECE 5998 94
(G)OLDeNER 2126 63
OESTRU(A)L 335 74
SLEAZeS 17418 76
MOvABLE 12554 93
(L)ECtuRES 8540 82
(E)NTRAINS 356 70
FETI(A)LIS 2577 63
ZA(C)ATONS 18082 88
sHIRKED 14137 113
O(U)TEATEN 735 62
PASTOR(E)D 1373 69
(V)IZIRATE 7256 92
DRIVELS 5660 76
EuCAINE 1045 80
ENdPL(A)TE 2886 67
CANDlIN(G) 17034 65
LEACHIN(G) 7934 80
sNEEZER 12548 92
UN(S)TRAPS 17824 74
INSURER 2732 68
DELEtES 7266 69
INDUCED 12392 88
SALARIE(S) 4439 60
ANTIAR(I)N 5992 66
(P)IPELINE 26502 80
OARAGES 1630 81
TR(E)MOLoS 9023 72
USERN(A)ME 2924 61
(S)HAKEOUt 10443 80
CO(I)NMATE 1144 74
pLA(C)ENTA 12851 131
SHARP(I)nG 13673 77
SENTIN(E)L 2573 66
DIPLON(T)S 7600 64
(G)APESEED 13438 89
FORSAkE(S) 19927 78
ARMHOLE 5050 69
AChIEVE(R) 8669 89
TIMBRES 7112 78
OSTEOID 1356 74
R(E)ADAPTS 6483 72
CROW(D)IES 8925 68
OXyGE(NA)tE 10644 80
LADRONS 3290 78
PrAISES 8972 74
WiNGNUT 22647 63
WANToNS 12972 80
ALIENAT(E) 170 77
SAPROBE 6693 81
TELOMES 6444 79
ENVYING 16189 86
(P)RONATeD 583 80
ARSE(N)OUS 2619 67
BE(S)COrNS* 0 94
ERO(S)IBLE 1919 74
NITRIDS 4457 72
SPIROID 9174 78
GEReNTS 2503 72
INDEXEr(S) 6008 98
WAvERIE(R) 7985 83
BLO(N)dINE 6050 70
MARTLET 6480 70
NEA(R)LIER 518 62
SUNB(A)KED 17369 65
TR(A)NSePT 5263 62
SORTINg 1763 86
TAGINEs 279 74
RIDABLE 1450 71
SCANTEr 1588 83
CARM(I)NES 3143 77
hARDIES(T) 969 80
DREEING 1196 72
DUaLIZE(D) 16841 90
HORNI(E)ST 578 80
SAPLING 9306 75
ScULP(T)OR 19130 77
SNORTeR 1801 73
IRONIES 234 79
I(N)FLATER 397 65
RA(C)KETEd 10703 76
AIRIEST 139 77
SIGHTER 4548 75
RETREAT 4587 71
ORATION 272 66
DEALERS 1307 75
NITRIDE 475 83
MURdERS 15007 72
SHARkED 13471 79
POT(L)ATCH 24939 69
INEDI(B)LE 5876 158
MOC(K)ABLe 24492 71
GOUTWE(eD)S 8317 80
I(N)DOLENT 1155 72
ROOtAGE 951 66
POLE(N)TAS 1788 83
AeROLIT(E) 11 74
OUTRAVE 942 80
ETHICAL 4325 81
IMBA(R)KEd 15677 86
TAUNtED 2812 73
DE(C)LINES 5326 76
SUAVITi(ES) 9180 63
MAlA(R)IAS 16426 61
BA(R)NIEST 407 83
FlEECI(E)R 12975 74
ElYSIAN 1558 82
PSALTER 3176 79
INEDITA 141 69
(G)RAtINEE 85 68
RECITEr 4911 72
AIRSOME 329 74
INVeRTS 1633 70
(B)REASTEd 2998 80
TOOLSET 10131 74
cURLERs 20999 86
MIRINgS* 0 71
LEGAT(I)NG 5080 74
mOANFUL 13470 64
SHALL(O)ON 27826 74
POLEYNS 11277 72
QuEENDO(M) 16210 73
LOANERS 158 67
ALUNITE 116 73
(s)NACKERs 22036 80
FAIREST 665 70
ELITIST 5797 70
NITRO(G)EN 913 60
INC(L)UDES 7422 62
MOvABLE 12561 81
LAR(Y)NGES 6192 76
TWeRKED 15270 77
RAGWoRT 15865 74
AMIDInE 2383 68
(R)ETICENT 5079 62
WINDAgE 2539 72
(I)NTERBED 1610 74
LAVI(S)HED 8912 67
GOUTIER 414 80
bO(O)MLETS 15584 86
AGOUTIS 1810 66
RETILEs 610 78
DEBIlIT(Y) 13290 80
(S)IBIlANT 7289 77
ApOGEAN 4615 66
DAIRIES 497 75
FROSTIl(Y) 12302 78
AMIDInE 1702 84
NEAREST 208 69
CORBIES 6796 77
(R)AINIEST 95 77
DiGGERS 12467 78
GERMInA(L) 1841 94
INCASIN(G) 17642 86
CORNUaL 5812 72
(T)EEtHING 8474 94
ANG(A)RIEs 632 82
LANCERS 3081 72
DINETTE 1895 68
PROWLED 11243 88
INDENTE(R) 1294 74
pIGGIER 17424 67
GRINNER 8160 70
SpIRUL(I)N(a) 7229 78
STAITHE 5104 69
SENECIO 1648 76
OUTLOVE 8086 98
EMENDAT(E) 4737 72
ANT(H)ELIA 1208 63
TENDRIl 445 79
PANEERS 2231 68
ESTRONE 341 73
SWATHES 17315 99
POLLIST 16150 82
ANSATeD 1275 83
AIRFOIL 3708 75
DESTINY 3275 82
B(O)GGLErS 21780 69
(T)ELSONIC 1422 86
WATERER 4905 78
uNCLEAN 9382 74
DEEPESt 12069 73
WAVIEST 4417 77
A(C)RIDINE 1232 72
gROUTiE(R) 2011 71
MAT(U)RING 5513 63
TRANS(U)DE 722 86
cRAWLIE(R) 10162 74
(S)HOUTIEr 1464 92
(R)INGETTE 2186 61
NOTeL(E)TS 3401 74
PRO(T)RADE 3555 74
ARCH(A)eON 4462 72
TELSONS 6175 68
LATTINS 4583 72
L(E)WDNESs 20662 83
cHI(A)NTIS 12427 90
ADVISEE 2123 81
(S)EDATION 18 80
FREEDoM 12236 83
JEtTYIN(G) 27435 107
VERsANT 1614 71
(F)IDEISTS 16667 78
TELEDUS 5321 67
ANNE(L)IDS 2067 70
ZAnI(N)ESS 17869 76
BA(C)KTIME* 0 88
(T)RAINMEN 1504 83
UNIFIEd 6061 73
TANGOEs 393 75
MA(s)TERLy 9070 131
SANTERA 473 83
TILAPIA 8581 82
BURNIES 3213 78
ReVOLTS 3933 69
MARINES 691 71
AGE(N)TIVE 1088 82
REtAINE(R) 166 64
TENnIST 5764 72
AL(I)ENATE 131 59
PUNTIES 3316 81
WARNiN(G)S 13500 72
SLEAZES 17456 76
DOTiEST 1698 82
ToYLIKE 8777 91
FAINEsT 662 83
NE(U)RITIC 2672 74
UNLATcH 15585 87
ETERNIZ(E) 5218 78
STRIATE 563 85
SOLVAT(E)s 9677 72
SAFET(I)ES 6613 62
UNGRoUP 19995 68
UNLIVED 5659 71
ROTINIS 1330 67
sERIATE 58 80
UNOAKEd 4269 71
RANGIES(T) 164 83
SERGEAN(T) 751 83
COM(P)ENDS 19400 80
I(N)ERRANT 1187 62
cROQUIS 17068 82
FINLESS 13002 75
PARTING 4262 75
(I)NDUCERS 4547 74
RISKERS 19553 103
ChOREM(A)N 8489 94
POINTER 357 64
SYCAMi(N)E 10932 90
NOV(E)LIST 1471 72
TAR(L)ETAN 2464 131
BINOCLE 5091 80
PREYING 9150 95
RONDE(L)ET 516 60
CUrATIO(N) 1113 68
(A)LTRUIST 5905 72
HIE(R)AtIC 3831 84
(R)UDDOCKS 29383 70
BAReF(O)OT 5259 82
MISLEAD 3037 86
DRIVERS 9520 76
AIRsIDE 495 80
PERIL(I)NG 7026 72
LATENED 568 87
OUTFEAs(T) 6074 92
SENOPIA 334 75
(R)OTOTYPE* 0 92
LEPTiNS 3297 83
ETEsIAN 56 83
C(A)NeWORK* 0 76
SHoRTIA 1659 87
B(L)OATING 3829 70
QUAERES 7317 92
KLEPTOS 15032 82
(G)aLIPOTS 6334 89
DOuTING 3678 73
SANYASI 15741 83
DITTOEd 7199 71
TWINKLE 11034 97
FACtUAL 18631 80
IDEA(T)ION 37 72
CALLETS 12851 83
A(N)TENNaE 11546 72
MANNERE(D) 6365 86
ADAmaNT 16357 64
INVeNTS 6599 69
(F)ORESAIL 561 74
Qu(I)VERED 15011 94
cONGERS 5516 90
TABOURS 5814 85
ERMINES 2180 70
NEROLIS 175 74
CUBiCLE 21111 67
LOANEES 293 66
REaSO(N)ER 734 71
R(E)ORIENT 286 131
TaCNODE 881 80
UNTEsTE(D) 7653 68
TENSEST 13729 70
TOLUAT(E)S 2490 68
XaNTHIN 17060 98
RAISON(N)E 142 70
VERONAL 920 81
S(Q)uADRoN 11724 90
AUGITES 768 87
INdUSIA 4258 64
(T)RIOLETS 1162 77
fERRITE 4910 72
GaRDENI(A) 626 83
ON(a)NISTS 8201 61
MITIGA(T)E 7480 76
ATLATLS 19096 79
HORkING 16331 78
URINOUS 8636 76
L(E)AKAGES 15981 66
D(A)INTIES 293 72
PEcORIN(O) 4975 68
H(E)rBLIKE 19400 94
AGISTIN(G) 14513 66
STOCKAg(E) 13563 98
ETERNAL(S) 377 77
(ARE)COLInES 97 72
SPACIER 4354 81
(P)EARLING 1848 86
INkHORN 17839 80
DISTANT 4581 75
R(E)SEATED 1879 72
bOTANIS(E) 185 85
(D)ELETION 171 80
POWTErS 8152 66
RENTALS 439 84
ATRAZ(I)nE 1574 86
DIORITE 242 66
T(H)READER 6373 74
DALTONS 2476 70
aTTEN(D)ED 9390 68
NATTERS 1355 70
BLEAKER 12002 79
DE(M)ONIST 1437 94
RHeOCRA(T)* 0 74
PESTLeD 9619 77
AUTOLO(A)D 8108 72
ESTANCI(A) 1201 83
PREC(A)VAL 18876 68
VA(R)IOLAS 4991 72
GUTTERs 9911 80
PEDAN(T)IC 3297 68
TROU(B)LeD 5173 140
F(O)LACINS 9170 76
RELAXES 7303 94
fLEURON 3910 63
(S)ONARMAN 12763 74
INCUSED 5639 67
(I)NTeGRAL 153 74
(T)ACtIONS 5379 86
ANSATED 1275 69
cHARADE 10697 82
BOuG(H)TEN 12548 76
TABLOID 3326 83
OUTDOES 3971 71
(P)TERYGIa 4883 101
InFAUN(A)E 5567 76
eNTOMBS 7745 83
REFLATE 2102 112
AR(O)USING 1196 63
SEALING 723 83
(U)NCAUGHt 26676 77
AnNO(t)ATE 3670 71
SHINIER 3647 73
TYPEbAR 11852 80
(T)REPHINE 4326 78
ZEALOuS 6885 108
TINEIDS 1690 69
VAGiNAS 14032 70
zOISITE(S) 14888 74
DANCERS 3066 72
RENNInS 10637 70
MANTIDS 4955 76
GORIEST 413 75
REF(L)OATS 1381 66
LIONI(S)ED 986 70
UPRIG(H)TS 21218 108
OUTEAR(N)S 102 73
LiNEAGE 455 70
(R)OUTINEs 98 68
INSOLES 3419 81
FRESH(I)NG 10867 67
R(O)ULADES 883 68
ARBoREA(L) 8745 74
RUSHING 13074 83
SEARING 271 73
JU(D)OISTs 22082 66
DEPONES 4602 90
CAREWO(R)N 7823 92
LINTERS 426 75
HEADERS 3871 65
HOOPERS 12622 89
ET(C)ETErA 8749 63
InERTLY 1625 87
R(E)STROOM 11243 61
AIRsIDE 495 74
BAL(A)NCED 17384 84
CHAINER 3191 79
TANGLED 1717 72
SCATTIE(R) 2905 83
DARTLES 1093 78
VARiAT(E)D 1142 71
MIS(V)ALUE 8450 76
RAVINEs 675 70
BaNDIES 1382 76
TEENIER 506 74
dR(A)I(N)AGES 666 70
ANISEED 205 94
BANTERE(R) 3858 90
GlANCES 7474 77
PORTLIE(R) 3597 74
(I)NDENTER 1296 70
InCREAT(E) 239 80
(I)NPUTTER 5288 83
(T)HEBAINE 2173 68
LEArIER 862 68
EN(N)EALED* 0 60
FOOTRA(C)E 4968 76
ATRAZI(N)e 1492 101
ALIENER(S) 113 68
(A)DENINES 1263 68
GLASSIN(E) 5808 80
D(I)GERATI 636 74
PI(N)NIEsT* 0 70
RESTING 815 77
RIKIShI 22909 79
ALUNITE 116 72
IRONIES 245 76
(I)MPAIRED 6303 92
HEMLINE 8375 83
sID(E)SMAN 8664 90
(I)NCLINeR 8972 63
DItTOeD 7190 68
POLYG(O)NS 25666 65
(G)NARLIER 1646 66
ENACTOR 348 77
(T)EOSINTE 740 68
SU(B)NODAL 10862 63
MARbL(I)ER 10160 61
WICCANS 21863 83
WORTHED 8123 109
ANATTOS 5926 69
MESCLUN 16286 78
FLATLIn(E) 5444 78
LEDGIER 2464 72
Cl(U)MPILY* 0 67
NONTI(T)LE 3205 68
ANEURIN 548 66
DEAER(A)TE 2172 60
ALAMOdE 4263 75
RABIDLY 12395 69
RAP(I)DEST 1040 72
AEOLIAn 60 68
DEANING 2345 72
BEMOCK(E)D 27081 88
R(E)ADORNs 1141 61
PIO(N)EERS 853 64
STOURIE 191 70
GA(N)TLOPE 2241 64
RETURN(e)D 5028 62
ENTIRET(Y) 3884 65
OBLIGES 5165 71
LEERIEr 5689 64
CA(S)tRATE 8922 76
RE(r)ISING 6149 62
n(U)DITIES 1960 66
PREVAIL 4399 84
TENsION 793 85
INV(E)NTER 3875 82
TRACH(E)ID 3294 74
LIMEA(D)ES 2967 74
BLOWERs 11193 82
DEMETON 2644 67
INTER(V)aL 431 83
(A)NTIRAPE 507 76
BLISSf(U)L 30439 60
TEENIER 506 75
TARTuFI 8876 71
(U)NDERPAY 9047 86
SERPEnT 4037 81
HA(N)DLERS 4258 74
DONATES 152 75
SKIDOOE(D) 19649 98
(C)ENTNERS 9890 83
LAVEN(D)ER 3985 74
NEGATER 609 78
UREIdES 1829 79
ENSURES 8971 61
IS(O)LATED 92 63
DIETING 2150 72
RE(G)ALERS 6904 63
EsCALOP 7961 83
DIA(S)PORE 556 63
MELANIC 4326 77
BEGO(N)IAS 972 72
EXPIRIE(S) 15535 75
(C)OLLEgER 17208 70
ROTATED 772 73
BOTHRIA 4506 68
OVERs(E)EN 5486 72
(R)EmIXERS 19638 80
INDUSI(A)L 5462 61
(I)GNIFIES 15988 78
HA(P)LOIdS 12715 116
(D)ETAILEd 2619 77
DISRATE(d) 2072 77
AGAROSE 1237 73
cOLOR(I)SE 3933 74
TABUING 6787 71
SALTIES 2893 77
REMaINS 658 80
UNlISTE(D) 1610 77
ERASING 253 70
VA(Q)UEROs 10449 71
DEITIES 1610 82
SHORTIE 934 88
(F)LOATIER 264 86
PEMBINA 11620 76
LITHAR(G)E 1834 74
ToVARIc(H) 11158 98
L(A)STBORN 4681 62
EPIGONS 2990 69
REVERSo 8654 92
RAISING 3456 76
HErOIN(E)S 841 76
OUT(L)INED 338 63
D(I)LUViAN 10562 76
TAPERIn(G) 792 80
LITOTEs 1621 64
bOUGIES 5166 66
HInNIED 10262 78
M(A)LTINGS 8785 74
(E)ARPLUGs 9558 72
SOIgNEE 536 74
ENABlED 4009 68
ROuLADE 510 64
(A)EROLITh 195 69
SARDiNE 88 74
BaNIS(H)ER 3110 76
AFEARED 4366 85
P(E)TUNIAs 1025 68
bASIDIA 12027 72
PLATOON 7375 76
PANEERS 2231 73
(J)uNKETED 22696 118
BECOWAR(D) 11856 101
(D)E(V)ERGING* 0 67
BITTERE(D) 6406 86
GL(I)TCHES 15195 74
INCHO(A)TE 898 64
DUeLERS 5317 77
STARVER 6511 86
SANTERI(A) 90 70
(C)HEAPEsT 16061 101
(D)ENTINAL 925 80
SO(D)OMITE 3960 65
END(O)RSER 3404 63
(E)RUPTION 619 70
INSPECT 7169 78
TR(I)MoDAL* 0 70
REACHES 8323 78
DRAGONS 3692 77
T(H)IOTEPA 4704 67
VOLOSTS 21271 104
AIRTHED 646 79
HARNESS 9749 78
aNGRILy 6822 59
AWAITE(R)S 1228 62
OUTRANC(E) 582 90
e(N)TWINES 6453 86
OLESTRA 163 75
FlAXIER 7782 95
MA(N)DATES 4906 63
IN(T)ERMIT 5782 72
MINdING 18517 74
SHATTeR 6477 88
LIAISED 1265 78
LEIsTER 610 80
(G)EMINATE 1084 65
SCULpIN 18196 76
(A)LIENEES 773 77
ADORNED 1815 73
LOG(G)IEST 9296 76
NITERI(E)S 453 60
(M)OTIONeD 2087 74
LINTERS 451 63
DOTTERS 3499 65
AUNTIES 124 75
(P)ROTEASE 825 72
SH(O)RTIES 6500 76
ANT(I)NOME 765 61
D(E)vIANCE 4253 78
CARNIEs 635 76
TO(A)DLETS 2487 72
GILTh(E)AD 3628 83
OvER(C)ALL 14591 86
OUTRAGE 376 64
VERONAL 920 89
RADUlAS 9856 77
PRANCES 7022 76
RIPE(W)EED* 0 78
WORDI(E)ST 1452 64
VALOR(I)ZE 4600 92
LEGATOR 390 70
(A)POCRINE 900 78
UNFaITH 9317 69
RETAKI(N)G 2189 76
mORRION 11587 63
NOSINGS 23103 72
DACTY(L)Ic 35550 64
ERoSION 472 69
NEAREsT 216 74
ORAtIO(N)S 450 64
ESPOUSE 15024 74
TOoTSIE 2623 74
JINGOES 5713 86
ME(A)SLIER 1467 61
BETAKEn 8532 70
R(O)UNDISH 7599 63
OUTROWs 13599 87
ISATINE 138 69
rETINAS 24 84
ENAMOuR 884 78
PENNIES 7409 82
MaNTLED 2970 80
ORGIAST 805 86
PRIO(R)IES 6678 63
QU(I)NTETS 12797 68
gAL(L)ErIA 6534 70
IDEATEs 208 72
(O)LEASTER 170 74
oUT(R)AGED 685 72
WINTER(E)D 1618 75
DIaRIST 2380 70
TOUGhLY 20150 67
NAT(I)VISM 11824 102
RHUmBAS 20081 86
AN(O)INTER 36 66
Ov(E)RWISE 4598 176
SPACIER 4349 78
ARIDNE(S)S 2189 72
TANNATE 6770 75
BERATIn(G) 779 83
REVERI(N)G 8480 78
IMAGINE 2799 71
DRATTEd 8812 68
SPIROiD 8794 67
(G)REENIES 2707 80
(G)ASALIeR 1490 84
GuNNERA 4425 72
SORDINE 172 87
NEUR(I)NES 2717 70
REsONAN(T) 482 64
AG(R)IMOnY 8119 73
ASTRIDE 125 77
NUCLE(A)Te 3961 61
RINS(A)BLE 999 72
CARNAGE 5258 75
DEFoRMS 11229 82
OUT(L)INER 104 66
E(G)YPTIAN 4888 74
FOREDaT(E) 808 86
LIGNANS 9151 70
INN(E)RVES 8463 72
pISTOLS 15439 64
NORItES 48 71
STINKIE(R) 5465 78
A(N)ISETTe 523 61
DISABLE(D) 12063 89
mAILLOT 9868 73
PU(R)EEING 4660 65
PI(G)NORAS* 0 64
CAVELI(K)E 16946 71
TAQUErI(A) 3159 84
LOBELIA 6380 69
TRoUNCE 2771 80
MOTION(E)R 941 61
COALIE(S)T 540 61
ELUTION 238 71
BENDAyS 9956 74
PRESAGE 5740 83
(E)NTAILED 109 80
DInITRO 1328 67
NITROSO 1709 65
MATINAL 5460 71
MURINES 3305 79
MEANERS 2224 76
bRISTL(E)D 4523 60
MARROWE(D) 11180 84
BUTaNON(E) 3530 74
ROSELL(E)S 17870 82
UPRATIN(G) 5515 74
YAcHTI(N)G 19901 82
LIPoIDS 12283 70
(R)ESUMING 6236 63
ISOLeAD 146 84
P(U)RPLEST 23223 74
JaDEISH* 0 96
(R)ESUMING 6236 63
ISOLeAD 146 84
MUDDIES 15894 81
VeSTING 4763 76
dENT(I)NAL 1177 74
FARDELS 5358 71
SANGERS 7040 71
ShMALTZ 22806 106
HAVENEd 8292 81
(L)IFTBOYS 28701 114
A(N)TELOPE 1042 77
TAXINgS 14189 103
TANTRIc 7906 66
PARTNER 3996 77
INOCUlA 3340 72
MURRAIN 8884 71
GL(A)ZIERS 7066 86
bARYONI(C) 11146 98
(T)APADERA 10019 65
PLANTED 3109 73
INTER(A)CT 1503 61
BEHOWLS 18371 108
KiRTLED 6135 82
ARAb(i)ZED 10598 114
RAIDING 3447 69
cURARIS 11873 65
OuTFACE 5011 77
MEANEST 2226 70
R(EL)IGiOUS 1943 63
HOTLIN(E)R 608 76
TR(A)I(N)LESS 1176 72
LIMPERs 10162 84
BINGERS 4722 74
TURISTA 4586 69
OPERA(N)CY* 0 84
S(Y)NOVIAl 9216 176
TENDRIL 444 76
IRATElY 690 76
TOKENED 5283 76
BITTIER 7199 69
SOLAC(I)NG 6313 62
(T)ACONITE 762 68
DUALITY 7905 80
(A)NsERINE 522 74
ELEVATO(R) 820 94
STOUtEN 3505 74
FORTIEs 924 78
JUDOIST 11846 78
LEGATI(O)N 60 72
VaGINAL 13971 74
IAMbICS 26335 75
A(C)IDNESS 8633 72
WI(N)NABlE 10211 74
TERMINI 1845 67
RA(I)NLIKE* 0 78
(D)ESCRIES 13725 63
SEAwANT 3625 78
PAlLETS 12347 76
ERRANTS 1290 98
BIRDIES 5810 96
MISTRAC(E) 3329 80
UNNaMES* 0 74
STR(A)n(G)LER 3171 72
(T)wEeDILY 10469 86
FUGATOS 10773 79
UN(D)RAPES 4501 72
HUC(K)STER 24912 68
(A)GONISES 2106 68
LOnGT(I)ME 2269 70
(T)INHORNS 8577 86
PRINTER 4008 74
PANDERS 3123 82
(U)NDERMIX* 0 88
cLEFtIN(G) 11408 92
SAF(R)OlES 9676 90
OPTION(E)E 1268 70
AVODIrE 319 72
CANNIES(T) 2896 83
cENTILE 2246 78
VORLA(G)ES 4356 74
rA(V)IGOTE 395 86
RAMpING 11575 94
(V)EGETIST 11812 68
HAV(E)LOcK 24534 118
CARRIES 3789 78
ANALYTE(S) 4920 78
(E)NAMELeR 4734 86
FARINHA 9863 84
BReaSTS 9735 68
(I)NDOLENt 1155 77
THE(O)RIES 843 94
TIERING 1073 70
ROOMfUL 19818 66
SCALE(LI)KE 19192 95
aQUARI(UM)S 35113 88
LEUKOmA 11752 72
EViNCES 8355 77
ENDE(M)ICS 10445 67
FA(T)TENER 3863 71
GUENONs 7939 74
BUDDYIN(G) 28155 107
MANGO(N)IA* 0 89
eNPLANE(D) 9584 83
TRA(I)PsED 1041 90
SOLIDER 516 68
CONEPAT(E) 2592 82
REU(N)ItER 1308 66
IMIT(A)BLE 6297 82
DENNING 15603 68
TETROSE 2495 70
(N)EURONEs 3403 78
POUTIeR 1012 79
SPELAE(A)N 5872 74
AGAROsE 1237 68
POLICES 7995 76
(E)USTELEs 17932 74
REVERSO 8643 85
MARTINS 2713 83
SNARLER 2824 74
EucRITE 2255 64
GITT(e)RNS 4278 59
AErUGOS 1461 75
BESTIAR(Y) 3304 82
DENOT(I)NG 2012 64
GINNERS 4443 69
EL(E)CTIVE 12993 86
RuBIGOS 10783 85
ENSNARL 2820 83
ARTSIER 554 88
OUTwEAR(Y) 4084 83
SIGNIO(R)S 13811 70
RALLIES 2881 75
T(R)OUPIAL 2446 70
OROIDES 1030 78
LEVATI(O)N* 0 74
ALUNITE 116 75
RECENTL(Y) 10583 78
FANGLES(S) 18237 78
NOUMENa 4420 83
CHOOSI(N)G 19539 86
VeNTRAL 1527 64
STANDEE 574 75
ENTOiLS 182 86
(D)AINTIER 92 61
LAKESID(E) 5891 92
AU(D)IeNTS 271 66
S(T)AShING 17527 77
FLOATI(N)g 3842 72
TURGITE 4452 68
bILSTED 5628 87
RECOINS 954 76
AORISTS 3033 69
dATURAS 6938 68
LEANERS 579 75
CHUFf(I)ER 28160 73
IONISES 4024 71
ARBORI(S)T 5092 74
RESTATE 1803 71
CUBOIDS 15617 75
DeLEAVE(S) 10956 86
ENHALOE(D) 1899 89
I(G)NOBLEr 2254 90
DEISTIC 6055 78
GROINED 400 76
GRAINIE(R) 1954 61
OCREATE 481 77
F(O)OTiEST 7809 149
ErETHIC 5353 112
AGO(U)TIES 254 60
FAdEOUT 1944 76
HEROICS 5098 102
OUTFaWN 10367 82
ANOMIES 328 96
mAHONIA 7886 67
wAFTING 11088 76
PUNNIER 6294 63
STALkED 8732 72
SWINGEr 4760 82
UNEDI(T)ED 6741 70
SIDERIT(E) 1451 77
BOwKNOT 30491 97
ReNOVAT(E) 373 62
PLAINED 1431 87
TUNiCAE 604 66
(W)aGELESS 25689 74
EXTR(O)Rse 10927 102
DILATIN(G) 4460 83
EPI(G)ENIc 13433 72
(M)ACuLATE 13255 86
DANDeRS 5391 69
ACON(IT)UMs 6043 62
SKiRTED 6137 87
PARO(D)IES 556 74
ORIEN(T)ED 47 68
DESTINE 567 76
ALB(U)MeNS 11971 149
HEARTEN 1025 82
NITR(I)LES 826 82
FANGiR(L)S 8743 72
P(A)lIMONY 14872 74
(T)RISTEZA 5787 104
RESEDAS 6060 70
PINTAD(A)S 6921 72
OUTGLOW 17263 82
NITRATO(R) 2723 66
ETALONS 161 77
UNDERS(E)A 953 77
BE(S)HIVER 16102 67
DESPOt(I)C 6815 98
ME(D)I(A)tING 2343 72
LICTORs 5867 79
DECRIaL 1469 93
DISSeNT 5411 85
MATRONS 3412 74
CAnTINA 9301 87
DEVIANT 656 80
(D)YSPNEIC 18337 86
BiOGENS 2964 74
HAIRIE(S)T 1246 71
STrEAMY 7075 78
RET(I)ARII 3669 59
TANGLER 808 64
FARCING 11556 100
SHARPER 14375 70
STEALA(G)E 3851 60
(S)tORMING 6544 74
U(D)OMETER 3754 62
AReOLA(T)E 255 68
STRANDe(R) 2138 60
SCORIAE 297 82
RATOONS 1709 68
OUtFIRE(S) 1458 92
LAAGERS 3985 66
DUNNAGE 6877 70
S(A)LIENCY 5672 80
ANTEATE(R) 1639 68
AnTE(A)TER 1639 113
BR(E)ADInG 1802 74
NOTIcES 958 77
GOUTIER 415 65
S(A)p(O)GENiN 3035 66
C(O)LLiERS 9201 72
UNH(A)TTED 8310 72
FEMaLES 11360 80
ENCINAL 3783 73
PINNATE 2115 67
UNPIt(I)ED 4943 68
ALLUREd 8416 66
DATURAS 6937 76
(E)NSIFORm 4136 73
LacTONE 883 83
BLEEDER 12034 76
COdEIAS 855 69
COLLIES 10656 67
MISDRAW 12409 71
MA(T)ELOtE 4444 59
AIRPOwE(R) 4714 80
FL(A)TBEdS 12597 78
DISTEND 5411 90
(E)ROSIBLE 1920 81
NO(P)ALITO 3454 74
SINUSES 19367 72
FINiTES 3645 73
RETOTAL 775 89
RADIANT 1168 75
NEMESIA 1060 73
PHORESY 15801 89
(C)AMELIaS 9604 91
BrOO(K)IES 12882 78
PANNIER 2113 74
FIRET(R)AP 6925 71
SY(L)VATIC 20769 77
ONERIER 473 63
DISRA(T)ES 2198 60
S(N)OOTIEr 235 68
ANIsEED 205 76
INTH(R)ONE 1797 74
DELOUsE 3562 80
IR(O)NIEST 129 77
(V)ITIATOR 5900 86
(S)CARLESS 26814 68
ANTIGEN(E) 945 70
ARiSTAE 137 81
KALIF(A)TE 10604 90
OREADEs 384 77
TONIEST 1037 69
CLIENTa(L) 7152 75
V(A)NISHED 5700 71
FALT(E)RED 3028 78
dEPIL(A)TE 1537 72
pHENOMS 15795 80
(O)uTGAZED 7986 104
GAIE(T)IeS 866 68
ERO(S)IONS 3860 68
NON(I)MAGE 2756 65
(C)ATARRhS 23394 80
HONEYEd 9049 82
(F)ROIDEUR 6065 64
tALIPED(S) 2315 89
O(V)ERBETS 7992 76
TAEnIAE 67 71
MELDERS 9613 74
PORTaLS 5849 80
(NO)STAlGIC 4008 78
FENINgS 11654 76
PRELIMS 10163 77
EUPAT(R)Id 1042 74
(L)INEATED 110 70
TANGOeS 393 72
TRAITOR 3734 66
MISDA(T)ES 8621 76
CAnAPES 10701 75
BORANES 874 80
(E)NFORCES 8001 78
M(O)NITIVE 4462 65
GASCONS 17809 97
BEsIEG(E)D 13448 94
H(AB)ANEROS 4680 65
UNcOLO(RE)D 6793 81
P(E)ABRAiN 3819 62
(C)HOREGIC* 0 84
DECANES 4028 66
(E)RASABLE 5859 83
REMATED 2193 70
AREOL(A)TE 255 59
GENI(AL)ITy 2351 86
T(ET)RAGONS 1044 74
PAR(E)NTED 1596 72
COeNURI 958 72
GRAfTED 4692 82
DAMNERS 3113 101
PA(R)TIbLE 3288 77
ENA(C)TIVE 2175 65
ALODIAl 8952 65
REAlIZE 2440 100
SILANES 2886 70
RAWHI(D)ED 14245 69
E(F)fUSIVE 26258 64
SLIMIER 6072 77
AUREOLE 294 72
ARANEID 131 64
FIr(E)ABLE 4236 82
ELEVATE 5697 72
ENTErON 1154 73
NOODLeS 3789 70
INEPTER 1085 70
S(E)AFLOOR 3924 62
bILLiES 16400 62
THRILLS 17918 70
AUCTIoN 1651 72
FELSITE 4168 97
STRANgE 811 83
TuRACAO* 0 88
RAISINS 8215 75
POETISE 1261 66
LABORED 1914 69
cOSTATE 4604 78
AIRTHED 646 84
AMREETA 2515 65
(R)ENATURE 1291 68
MARTIAN 3038 95
WEAKONS 8731 83
DESCENT 6721 83
KINESES 14117 100
NO(N)ELITE 736 61
NIMRODS 5869 80
SAMPHIR(E) 10882 82
ENVIABL(E) 4242 92
RESITED 602 80
pALACEs 13804 73
OUT(L)INES 324 62
RENNETs 3595 68
CAROLER 4598 72
PATENTL(Y) 13984 92
Gy(N)ECIUM 20591 84
RELI(E)VOS 1840 94
SLI(P)kNOT 16745 131
U(R)INEmIC 9797 67
LISTERI(A) 297 68
VIRTUOS(I) 8139 86
DENARII 140 64
ALIUNDE 420 89
SmIDGEO(N) 4370 86
REACTOR 2577 74
STAnDIN(G) 7698 80
FENN(I)EST 6446 62
WARTIM(E)S 3376 76
STEEPEN 8995 80
AEROBAT 1134 67
JOLTIER 2340 73
MOIET(I)ES 2152 90
HOOPING 16780 80
SOLATIA 1308 66
DENARII 134 79
REcLEAN(ED) 4581 65
STERNAL 440 67
(C)AbOVERS 11884 89
NAuSEAS 8896 71
SIDA(L)CeA 4776 61
CILI(A)TES 3372 70
EgESTIO(N) 448 68
SEARINg 270 73
TARRIES 555 79
QUE(T)zALS 21740 84
GOEtHIt(E) 5793 74
R(E)GRATES 4217 70
BANDORE 864 78
MOLDIES(T) 2824 89
BROTHEL 8076 84
R(E)ASONED 167 72
NAUTIL(U)S 9505 62
L(I)FECARE 4254 64
VEsTIGE 5762 122
sURREAL 5180 67
TECHIES(T) 15137 71
DEFANGs 7477 100
VIRGAT(E)S 1878 89
TELoMER(E) 5494 77
DAPHNeY* 0 76
WHiTTLe(D) 23156 63
TINKLED 6133 92
EUL(O)GIST 1636 60
BREAtHS 6976 79
SINKAGE 5223 83
HEILING 8241 88
SCAnDIA 8527 84
QUINTES 6193 102
sIERRAN 551 87
U(N)DERTOW 2957 66
GUITARS 2908 64
EvASIvE 12671 63
CABERNE(T) 4303 64
TODDIEs 3580 83
DaCTYLI 12380 74
ENa(M)ELeR 4501 122
LEPT(O)NIC 4108 64
SIXTEEN 4548 73
MOTIVA(T)E 4705 78
WAC(K)IESt 15662 82
MAIOLI(C)A 14126 78
ANEURIN 549 70
FALTERS 3146 70
MUTINEE(R) 1624 74
SAlVOED 3745 78
ANTIRIO(T) 1131 77
xENOGAM(Y) 19267 76
ESTRIOL 186 73
uNLIVES 5679 86
U(N)TIDIER 871 60
ALDRINS 2490 69
(S)ORBITAN 1421 83
LAYE(T)TES 9603 65
(W)OODlICE 11732 78
TEN(E)bRAE 2518 113
PREsA(G)ED 7500 94
OV(E)rGILT 2273 67
(C)APERERs 15118 86
FATTIES 3803 76
CuRTANA 8598 73
(C)USPiDOR 16648 86
(P)RONATED 583 72
F(A)cETIAE 4669 61
OBTAINE(R) 51 68
DISRObE 1983 75
O(V)ENBIRD 4089 92
PuNKAHS 22818 100
StYLATE 9025 112
BURGLIN(G) 24030 78
PRERIOT 2605 79
HATREDS 3106 105
PLAcING 14009 66
DERATES 548 76
EARNERS 1796 66
ACINOSE 313 68
TAILRAC(E) 1197 72
UN(T)InGED 5558 76
rESURGE 11342 81
DECANES 3848 65
SAIlING 5678 66
THRIVEs 6875 110
NERItIC 1840 94
FOOT(W)AYs 22944 68
MALEATE 4565 74
I(D)OCRASE 536 94
MORD(E)NTS 2953 65
QUIXOTI(C) 27574 131
URetHA(N)S 2375 75
SNaRLER 2823 68
NARRAT(E)S 2330 70
METALED 4062 81
ROAdIES 36 72
AV(O)DIReS 531 80
dINGIER 2149 67
ANILINE 1679 69
SLeAZIN(G) 7056 86
(D)OUBTINg 9847 89
HEMPIER 12795 83
SODA(M)IDE 6237 64
cANTERS 1584 77
(F)EVERING 9223 80
(C)OTININE 3960 83
MORTISE 999 84
DEITIEs 1690 67
ENcORED 2516 68
(E)GEsTION 331 70
BARTERS 6188 79
ANISEED 205 77
FUMIG(A)TE 7945 68
M(AR)SHLIkE 14574 118
GORILL(A)S 8859 72
ANT(E)ATER 1642 59
CHOOSER 12695 86
MEANEST 2235 70
HELIcES 11457 88
BONNILy 17189 72
ERASERS 10520 65
(L)ITERATI 1098 71
SUL(P)HATE 12630 76
NOSHiNg 14779 76
OWLE(R)IES 1944 63
ENTRAIN 185 67
RE(T)AINER 166 73
vEHEMEN(T) 20707 82
TAVERNS 1613 80
IsTHMO(I)D 17225 76
CRESTAL 3086 80
COL(O)RING 11554 63
CATTIES 3791 73
VIRTU(O)SA 2451 78
A(L)GUACIL 23788 67
COASTIN(G) 3830 74
EQUATIn(G) 4289 101
DETERG(E)S 8209 74
dI(S)SOLVE 13198 72
rEPULSE 9653 72
RAVIEST 723 74
EM(P)LOYER 17157 70
DiALOGE(R) 244 80
SWATTED 9413 93
ACETONe 480 68
mATTOID 6615 70
JASMINE 7793 124
(P)ARODIED 3778 92
COALES(C)E 17100 78
DUETiNG 1737 78
TANGLER 768 71
VE(X)ILLAE* 0 69
GAMIEST 2562 76
UPSIDES 15892 70
D(R)ATTING 5032 64
VENENaT(E) 8751 63
INcREAT(E) 239 74
CONTRAS 3403 88
DELATOR 149 73
S(A)NGREAL 2971 76
hOR(O)LOGE 19494 82
LEADENs 1368 78
(A)RSENITE 33 77
(G)ELATINS 444 80
DISTAIN 2379 84
sT(U)RDIER 3979 82
E(MA)NATING 4956 78
pR(E)TERIT 10788 64
UNB(e)lIEF 10430 72
DIS(U)NITE 1958 140
OE(D)IPEAN 368 72
KEELsON 11018 77
TARDIVE 852 72
HERITA(G)E 1083 82
CRe(d)IBLE 10417 78
SLITTER 2869 87
AKIN(E)SIA 5849 74
ENTREAt 1019 75
RADIANT 1170 68
ReCLUSE 9605 92
TRAVOIS(E) 231 84
WANTING 10462 69
(C)REVASsE 18216 89
SHRiVEN 6870 92
OVERfIL(L) 14620 61
CiRCL(E)RS 24953 72
AMpUTEE(S) 10424 80
PARADI(N)G 9375 71
COAGEN(T)S 2230 65
ENDITES 597 69
OUTRIDE 174 70
FOO(T)BALL 23787 67
MARTINS 2714 76
TRIBADe 616 73
REV(I)LeRS 9136 90
MANHOL(E)s 6428 78
PALMERS 9641 80
TR(O)TLINE 486 59
EPAULE(T)S 5319 64
AUTO(P)ENS 1401 74
BYRNiES 7105 69
ORIGAmI 5309 72
GENTILE 1202 70
LETTING 4441 75
SNAILED 395 84
(B)ALLONET 6477 61
PEACHES 15942 85
(O)RGANISE 65 76
AIGRETS 267 77
RAfFL(I)NG 21724 73
ISLETED 1316 80
(BE)WAILErS 4408 92
TRI(E)NNiA 421 78
CLOUDI(E)R 2668 62
SWIT(C)HER 14023 70
SHUNnER 12656 84
ArABLES 6011 74
MuRDERE(r) 25077 68
STANDER 432 74
DIATR(O)NS 289 68
AENEOUs 296 78
ARtIGIS 3455 83
RIFLERS 9457 69
TWEENI(E)R* 0 94
LARDERS 5175 68
LOBTAIL 9844 72
INT(E)RNED 1296 59
SITHENS 9789 74
TERTIAL 546 66
BOVINES 5075 75
QUERIDA 3532 95
GOUrDES 4252 69
LOAFERs 1961 72
IND(EN)TERS 1472 90
STrAYED 3145 89
FoLI(A)TED 541 94
EREMITE 3558 63
BARGEES 5706 95
WHINERS 7156 85
OVe(R)NEAT 298 72
SOLERET 849 92
sAUCIER 1492 82
AUTOmEN 930 64
ST(Y)LIzED 17411 89
bRAMBLE 20735 86
(C)OOLAgES* 0 80
SUNTrAP 8009 87
(A)GONISED 245 83
IODINeS 735 72
RELYING 4553 67
COWRI(T)ES 3916 102
LEAvENS 3914 64
DISROOt 3436 73
TERETES 8799 70
EQUALEd 10300 128
C(A)TERANS 2652 61
STEAMED 4076 75
INLAYER(S) 1070 86
AUG(U)RIES 5812 60
BORNITE 355 78
PALMI(E)RS 5739 82
TALIPOt 6621 75
SMARTEN 1606 74
OU(T)VYiNG 15417 65
ZIT(H)ERNS 10141 94
PASTO(R)ED 1373 69
FAKeERS 11993 72
(E)STATING 1656 80
REwE(A)VES 12966 106
ESCALOP 7958 96
DEvEINS 4149 71
GUERI(D)ON 693 62
NODUlAr 2475 66
ELAPINE 1055 73
CoRTEGE 3992 84
H(E)ADSAIL 4777 83
FAkEOUT* 0 69
GELA(T)INE 281 59
ENDMOST 3886 79
SEMiO(V)AL 3913 76
aIKIDOS 9720 90
HAR(E)LIKE 7787 110
fOOTAGE 4265 61
EPO(X)YING 19293 79
LOGIEST 1113 81
INVADER 620 65
RAFTSME(N) 5546 71
ST(R)ANGLE 1107 80
SORRIES(T) 5771 70
EUDA(E)MOn 1904 74
TOUZING 15628 86
TURFMEN 10317 80
fATSOES 7612 70
(M)IDnIGHT 21725 80
OV(E)RRATE 2339 65
T(E)RP(I)NEOL 400 74
ANTI(L)eFT 2914 90
(P)HRASING 14346 95
APERIEN(T) 228 68
(D)RIFTeRS 7954 86
DEBONES 4579 75
A(N)URETIC 418 61
SALLIER 2882 87
sEABOU(N)D* 0 62
TE(R)TIALS 937 68
PURITAN 2592 67
tOLANES 156 81
SUNlIKE 9127 80
(U)NDERARM 8313 86
pOTLINE 985 73
ARMHOLE 5044 72
STUMPED 15598 80
BOdEGAS 5158 71
F(L)OoZIES 16565 98
(G)EODETIC 2870 64
VIRELAY 4400 76
STEAMIE 1065 79
WAVElET 8318 82
ANT(IT)OXIN 14133 68
(N)AUSeATE 1124 69
ETOILES 286 66
TINEIDS 1223 79
(S)TINTERS 7745 77
(N)E(GO)TIaTES 153 70
OUTWORE 5243 72
DRO(O)LERS* 0 60
G(A)LAXIES 10265 70
FOREkN(O)W 20742 89
SNEERI(E)R 4213 76
TERRANE 1016 65
GROUTiE(R) 2013 77
(T)ENORITE 287 77
SQ(U)AlENE 9349 82
DEVIoUS 3756 91
COINFER 2753 94
THRIVEN 4487 72
ToURNEY 2092 77
IRONIST 1331 77
CENTUmS 13381 72
FA(S)TENED 3029 72
DENSITy 3270 87
AD(U)LATeS 3675 70
JESTING 8225 96
mODERAT(O) 2078 77
EMUlATE 4096 72
OVERCAS(T) 4040 92
BLANDIN(G)* 0 64
LUTEInS 1165 72
TROI(L)ItE 1501 68
PLAITED 1505 76
DOG(N)ApED 11981 72
LAIRIES(T) 315 77
REV(I)SITS 12388 74
DURANCE 2933 94
GAN(T)LOPE 2244 74
MESOGL(E)A 5137 71
AURoREA(N) 1498 66
BIDDIeS 16411 72
SONlIKE 4090 95
CLO(G)gIER 14178 78
B(O)RECOLE 12560 63
VIOLETs 1947 76
(C)OAPTING 8103 65
(D)IETHERS 3120 76
DRIL(L)ERS 15151 61
LIMBErS 10087 74
R(U)INATES 81 77
TOONIES 366 91
DEGASES 11528 76
PErINEA 376 72
CHARTIS(M) 17488 98
SyNOVIa 7273 83
SIFTERs 9784 88
CONGEES 6421 74
DILUENT 1158 68
A(D)HEsIoN 543 92
SIDEwAY 6931 76
a(M)ITOTIC 14551 62
SALTIER 119 69
RARE(FY)ING 12310 70
(G)ARDyLOO 20139 68
R(E)PINERS 8507 62
cYA(N)ITES 4387 72
DuNNIT(E)S 3978 60
EIReNIC 2517 87
ENRAGES 1576 80
AGELESS 11506 75
ADVERTS 3137 69
GULDENS 8970 67
(RE)INCITES 1906 72
FEEDERS 12048 79
STRIATE 563 78
TOWE(R)iNG 983 62
AM(N)IOTES 223 65
INERRAN(T) 1186 77
(N)AKEDEST 6000 96
PESTERS 14307 73
PIMIENT(O) 4245 64
(ID)OlATERS 20 86
HEADGA(T)E 7663 64
REVILER 7723 78
IN(TE)RFACE 1164 66
DI(A)STAsE 4664 82
(R)AINIEST 95 63
eUGEN(I)AS 719 82
SORTeRS 10282 73
ALANINE 1676 72
AIGUI(L)LE 9634 74
SENEGAS 8513 73
SNORTER 1801 80
METRICS 7121 73
TAU(T)OMER 3562 62
AIRwAYS 13126 78
OPERA(T)IN(G) 128 73
RECTOrY 11621 80
ANSERI(N)E 496 70
GORIEST 390 71
ASsWAGE 18072 76
FeDER(A)LS 5291 94
AnAGOGE(S) 9415 77
INFLA(T)ER 421 76
TENAILS 115 72
UNWEaRY 7082 69
SATIRES 1399 76
SNAC(K)IER 6642 78
(R)EASONED 167 86
P(E)CULiAR 5686 76
ARENOUS 165 66
SQUIRLS 21874 119
BE(N)AMING 12500 64
BOSRAUl* 0 98
AEONUTA(R)* 0 77
LiTREAG(E)* 0 70
REDROOT 4858 92
CARESS(E)D 13654 63
NOTIONS 6851 65
(R)ETInOID 128 77
sTOOLIE 1038 73
PLAINER 682 85
FL(O)ATIER 207 72
G(R)ADUATE 2972 63
CAPI(T)AtE 10754 65
STAPLER 3179 69
(A)ORISTIc 2606 71
mETEORI(C) 2467 72
(H)EMLINES 10473 71
AREOLAT(E) 255 77
DAIRIES 497 86
ARGO(N)AUT 3179 80
uNHaTT(E)D 8310 76
CARRIOL(E) 1765 70
MAROONs 7376 76
LOTUSES 8725 87
TENAILL(E) 1251 77
DREAMER 7676 76
AnTHOID 1651 77
AN(T)IRIOT 1131 82
ENSUITE 612 77
vERITAS 725 69
CREnELS 6453 77
INUL(A)SES 4071 70
MELaNID(E)* 0 72
TE(N)EBRAE 2518 68
lANGUES 3469 71
eLOIGNE(D) 869 72
TILL(A)GES 5805 60
INTROR(S)E 490 62
StARTLE(R) 7435 66
(C)OLINEAr 192 80
GOITRES 412 77
V(I)TAMINS 12452 84
SERENA(T)E 858 68
UNITIZ(E)S 8693 84
SUlDANS 16601 78
AGONIEs 78 76
LOVIEsT 2043 90
BUR(G)ONET 4446 72
MAXILLA 22767 105
ANTIGEN(E) 945 83
CAROLER 4598 72
PATENTL(Y) 13984 92
Gy(N)ECIUM 20591 84
DO(M)INEER 835 72
S(T)EELiNG 1747 70
MEALIeR 1054 80
IDEATES 208 83
(Q)UITtORS 16787 84
INSIDER 1279 77
CESURIc* 0 90
DoNZELS 9916 93
TIERCES 2147 82
LATINoS 439 66
POLY(M)ERS 19403 68
DU(E)TTING 5561 74
B(E)ERIEsT 4745 72
(U)NHOLIeR 1383 66
MODI(F)IES 10136 80
STINGER 776 63
ENVIA(B)LY 10844 86
NETTIES(T) 10795 66
dISUNI(T)E 1959 68
PODAGRA 11429 85
ROUTEIN(G) 261 70
EDUCT(I)VE 10450 72
SEMINAR 693 83
TELEOST 4493 69
P(R)EADApT 19038 90
ALfAKIS 18122 81
PARSNIP 16240 80
F(OR)MaTION 4907 76
DAISIES 5896 82
TYPIsTS 23552 80
GELATIO(N) 63 68
ENCLOS(E)D 6153 74
DENTATe 1869 66
LINtERS 451 77
SUTUrES 18279 72
RO(T)TENEr 4278 82
PLAINTS 4964 91
NAILSET 111 92
CHINOIS 14029 88
mISSPEN(D) 21150 89
UMBRAGE 12192 78
TEOPANS 934 82
EGESTIO(N) 353 61
(M)IGRAINE 2139 80
BATTENS 6444 93
PINaTAS 5475 82
CENTILE 2246 76
CORTINs 3421 72
PrEOWN(E)D 8025 84
NETTLED 6232 68
DiSPU(T)ER 4549 90
TARRIeS 527 75
ARCHFOe(S) 11889 80
(M)ENTORED 1975 65
BOUTAdE 1917 79
TUNdISH 11070 81
DELTOID 3579 64
SOCAG(E)RS 11980 69
PRISTA(N)E 440 74
BOTONeE 3560 71
TROVERS 7157 90
ZONATEd 2336 100
mENDIGO 2976 86
(O)UTSCORE 6881 70
RANGIES(T) 164 83
SILANES 2886 74
DAPSONE 1957 81
R(E)SETTER 15390 72
NOdALI(T)Y 2424 80
c(A)NNONED 16021 66
ARUgOlA 6434 70
VIR(U)LENT 2393 71
STEAmIE 1063 82
LEANERS 579 74
ARANEID 131 70
PHOTICS 17768 100
AcEROSE 1240 72
ENTOZOA 3044 102
D(E)MIGODS 15726 64
CLUINGs* 0 76
ASCITES 6664 75
INTONER 289 80
NONHOmE 16600 62
TAEnIAS 136 75
OUT(C)RIES 1431 74
NI(T)RIDES 870 83
RIDOTtO 6850 64
P(R)UINOSE 1480 70
(F)uRCATES 9031 95
PrEVENT 8115 72
R(ET)ESTING 2410 74
ESCOTED 4787 82
RAINIEr 712 75
LOIDING 6436 77
IMBlAZE 15527 108
UP(l)IGHTS 23784 69
gELLANT(S) 9228 68
(D)OMESTIC 6814 92
BESTING 4728 100
ALIUNDE 419 74
SImULAR 7917 78
hARM(L)ESS 21084 86
cANDLER(S) 4471 66
INCENS(E)d 9611 62
T(A)NGRAMs 13068 149
FORMAN(T)s 9416 75
SLE(I)GHED 10766 82
(G)LAIRIeR 3476 70
FIbULAS 14842 98
LEANEST 553 66
VAMOSEd 7966 95
U(N)HEATEd 2881 70
(G)AMENESS 15371 65
RAIDERS 1724 73
(N)OVELISH 8726 95
IONONES 2502 67
AQUEOUS 13954 77
AUDITO(R)S 703 80
CENT(R)OID 599 82
(S)ANTOORS 8868 77
BELUGAS 10132 74
ADIPOSE(S) 5936 92
rATANIE(S) 83 61
BARONGS 7490 89
DIARIST 2268 76
rETHINK 7605 84
SUPE(R)ING 5927 74
TENUTOS 3346 68
DAT(E)LINE 108 74
RISIBLE 6051 73
OVERLaI(N) 202 72
FOREMAN 2611 79
(T)ASTIEST 17205 64
fONDUES 6373 73
WARISON 1671 85
COVARI(E)S 2044 80
AdJOINS 5948 90
VELOURS 6417 80
DIOrITE 233 71
QuARTAN 12171 91
F(L)UTIEST 11761 71
M(E)dICAID 18400 78
DABSTER 2920 78
RAINIES(T) 89 60
eLONG(A)TE 328 59
S(A)MPLING 16955 82
ALPINES 1478 81
NARCeiN 1996 65
STURGE(O)N 1575 72
(Y)EASTING 1875 89
FERITIE(S) 3484 72
bARYTON 7353 70
SHAgGER 16984 76
SPAVIET 4414 85
(U)NLEARNT 2141 62
SERIOUS 3590 80
OMENTaS* 0 77
GAS(O)LIER 249 66
SAFFRON 17798 93
A(M)ORETTI 767 64
HUsTLED 11673 65
VERSETS 14310 75
LEONInE 1179 64
u(N)BEATEN 6339 63
(D)EPILATE 1536 86
SLOgGeR 12983 75
PORTALE(D) 1290 86
DUCKIER 14116 74
TANAgER 1071 67
(S)AILINGS 15519 67
SU(R)EFIRE 9613 64
TO(D)DLING 13040 72
ELOINED 281 72
LANIAR(D)S 3026 68
ULU(L)AtES 19091 78
SORB(I)TAN 1102 70
TEREDOS 849 72
PR(E)BuILT 9098 149
(D)OGCARTS 9850 64
UNSUITs* 0 74
BLASTER 2924 77
UNF(R)IEND 8411 67
REARGUE(D) 6927 72
sINOPIE 2378 86
BIT(T)ERNS 5274 90
TAENIOI(D) 39 80
GROCERS 11925 81
EmANATO(R) 671 68
TREN(D)ING 3076 140
BANTERS 1506 74
PROTEAS 892 74
CHAnGES 11681 102
RA(V)ELINS 1016 74
SC(AR)REDlY* 0 64
(C)aRLINES 1011 63
PESTLIN(G) 6233 63
LORINE(R)s 1160 64
(R)EBEGINS 4395 74
cONTROL 10058 67
REP(L)UNGE 10824 71
TESSERA 3958 90
RET(O)OLEd 1994 66
(l)EADLESS 19216 76
MARL(I)NeS 1056 86
ANEMO(N)ES 4462 74
CENSORE(D) 3731 89
RUsTInG 5432 84
DOTA(T)ION 3178 61
VALeNCE 8289 80
INDIRE(C)T 2667 76
TUrGENT 6893 71
LORrIES 1620 67
CHIRMIn(G) 25374 98
SEMINAR 695 77
ARTEfA(C)T 14478 86
CRESCIV(E) 22895 84
LIGNITE 2051 63
EXCRETE 16333 89
BEANIES 992 63
SATIATE 1599 65
SHAlLOW 20322 94
IN(C)REATE 224 70
BRAINED 584 80
DETRAC(T)S 7894 94
LE(N)ITIES 1068 66
LUXaTES 8737 114
SCANTER 1513 85
TRUAN(T)RY 19455 65
OVERRAN 2584 83
DITcHES 10099 100
RAIDERS 1273 79
REIGNIT(ED) 975 65
(B)LUFFInG 29892 110
NArCOSE 891 71
BOOBIES 16960 81
gUTTATE 15593 78
DEPAI(N)TS 982 82
ANOMIEs 311 75
(B)ReAMING 6380 74
GESTALT 9180 79
NETTIER 1026 61
AURICLE 1419 67
P(I)CTURER* 0 80
ORIENT(E)R 285 60
ETHYNyL(S) 27350 71
RADULAE 2682 70
B(R)OOKITE 9315 86
SHREW(D)IE 10473 80
AEOnIAN 347 71
RENAiLS 102 79
GRADA(B)LE 9679 167
HAIRIeR 4277 82
NOTArIZ(E) 246 86
D(O)CkSIDE 21619 72
TOQUETS 19411 70
(C)APAcITY 38990 64
(H)OaRIEST 196 83
NEUTERS 1375 90
VENTERS 4221 81
(E)LECtION 831 70
PIVOT(I)NG 16050 65
(V)ERBOTEN 5007 76
ALcOOLS 19566 67
REP(L)IERS 9631 78
GENNINg 21891 70
(T)ACNODEs 1272 76
LOONIES(T) 590 84
(R)uNNABLE 8296 70
dAISIES 5893 77
(G)lITCHES 14463 89
TALENTS 2827 65
tALESME(N) 3071 80
FERNIE(S)T 1536 72
OSTEOID 984 72
RUnNING(S) 22811 60
TELERAN 205 67
LIMNERS 3145 74
ANORET(I)C 55 74
UNRATED 410 70
SURGEON 2222 77
DIGERAT(I) 636 83
ALEXInE(S) 3431 95
PA(N)ThEON 7450 86
CaTTIEs 3620 74
POTHERS 10977 79
DESErTI(C) 4076 83
TUNNAgE 5954 61
ADVECTS 13486 68
REE(S)TING 714 68
ROTTINg 4558 64
HAUlIE(R)S 2319 66
(D)ILUTORs 3411 77
LOMEINS 2035 81
RESPO(N)DS 12863 74
HIDEOUt(S) 2672 86
DEFINES 4132 86
DECRIAL 1948 78
WEDeLNS 13004 78
HAILIEr 2401 77
DATChAS 18601 76
(R)OTATION 1553 60
ERMINES 2180 70
ENvISIO(N) 6348 74
(M)ANURERS 8354 74
MISTIER 3483 84
LiSTE(R)IA 297 135
AsSEIZE* 0 104
ADEPTER 2094 122
LETD(O)WNS 5207 68
AIGRET(T)E 947 61
RIGOURS 10222 70
(S)EROtINY 619 83
CAVI(T)OUS* 0 67
COATIN(G)s 3632 74
AEnEOUS 297 64
EP(I)LATES 1556 61
DOgGONe(R) 14107 70
REEMITS 2184 74
R(E)FINERS 6126 74
LAZARET(S) 8232 69
ECTOZoA 10207 106
MASSIVE 13943 74
STERNaL 415 76
STEROLS 5933 75
ENDITES 568 71
INSTATE 552 68
I(R)ONLIKE 3595 74
POUT(I)NEs 1402 70
FAIREsT 631 74
RE(D)TAILS 250 68
DRILlED 14971 99
gLI(N)TIER 1483 59
(P)ENURIES 3158 72
uTENSIL 1164 79
IRONIES 234 69
UNLEAR(N)T 2027 68
IRONiES 234 64
CRANNIE(D) 2734 74
EUG(E)NOID* 0 72
SELFISH 18609 83
sITUATE 1338 69
(n)ONmETAL 3368 68
BEVOMIT 9502 86
INKH(O)RNS 21803 114
SNIFF(I)ER 19026 74
DONE(G)ALs 1630 70
LAYERED 4070 67
ENR(A)GERS* 0 68
R(E)GAINED 260 70
TOA(S)TING 3226 91
SITUATE 1336 69
SLOTTI(N)G 8967 60
FISTU(L)AS 17776 74
ROSEOLA 1030 71
IMPOL(I)TE 7398 62
CARNA(G)ES 6619 65
PLEATIN(G) 1748 86
REe(S)TING 714 72
TUNNELE(R) 4779 60
WEAPo(N)ED 4564 88
LINTERs 426 64
ARRAnGE 4676 68
DOU(R)INES 319 68
HEA(D)SMEN 9872 86
(G)LAZIEST 6709 107
TA(I)LLEUR 2082 68
CREODoN(T) 3982 86
ENDLESS 12487 68
ENQUI(R)ED 6014 72
VIRGATE 1234 69
ALEXINS 3546 80
QUEsTED 12997 95
CUTTIES 9046 67
LATEN(E)SS 4848 80
NAVETTE 4697 78
ERASING 253 72
CADAS(T)rE 4897 86
METALI(N)G 1844 82
CREE(L)ING 4625 74
(A)cTINIAE 1572 74
OLEFINS 2028 79
(E)NROOTED 881 80
TA(L)IPEDS 2312 63
SATiRIZ(E) 3165 114
ELATERI(N) 29 68
STRIKER 10231 84
QU(A)NTICS 16554 88
(E)MITTING 11305 76
TOASTI(n)G 3407 72
TONNERS 1799 88
ALASToR 2716 68
SH(I)TTIeR 8480 90
LUSt(R)INE 730 78
D(I)VINiSM* 0 76
UTI(L)IZES 12132 69
BARN(I)EST 383 60
TROPiCS 9970 85
(A)LIENiNG 3475 70
MILORDS 8825 79
WO(B)EGONE 15701 65
ARREST(e)D 2548 82
WRAsTLE 3183 96
THRENOD(Y) 7014 67
TRIBADE 618 68
ALBINOS 3329 74
A(I)RDATES 306 68
ARANEID(S) 305 72
EIRENI(C)S 3479 72
ARPENTS 1607 74
(L)UTEOLIN 2627 77
HERNIAE 371 74
PIGME(N)TS 11446 64
AS(T)ERNAL 821 82
WANIEST 680 81
SAILING 5678 80
INT(R)UDeR 2031 72
MOIDOrE 2660 76
GARBLES 7168 78
ME(E)TINGS 4419 72
SOLUTI(O)n 4441 68
DOWERED 11440 95
LINDIES 2685 76
KERNI(T)ES 3522 63
T(R)ApUNTO 8574 58
SLEAZED 10301 107
RETIN(O)LS 103 66
(S)HTETELS 24195 86
SIMNELS 12448 78
CONSIGN 14152 100
RUBIGOs 10326 74
(M)ARINATE 480 83
SINNERS 8822 84
ANsATED 1216 67
BErETTA 4683 64
DENTUR(E)S 2099 77
(M)ETALING 1845 74
AMIABLE 7588 72
(C)ENTUPLE 13517 78
ARTLeSS 5181 79
pANDOUR 5596 68
ENSU(R)ERS 16741 68
EVASIoN 335 83
HISTONE 977 72
HANDLEs 5363 76
BITuMEN 6816 74
(K)NITWeAR 3899 104
(R)ECORDER 20691 86
tERRAIN 187 75
VERITAS 689 74
RELENTs 1374 70
GaNDERS 1638 76
MEMBRa(N)E 20361 69
MINARET 224 77
GRI(T)TIeR 10138 64
REORBIT(S)* 0 70
CAPiT(O)LS 8713 62
oUTLIES 496 78
DELIRIA 468 70
SLOTTER 3341 73
hERDSMA(N) 8578 72
TRO(U)BLED 4912 65
(H)EROIcAL 1928 83
MUSC(L)InG 23813 62
RATTAIL 5171 66
DIA(S)PORE 556 82
CUL(T)LIKE 24563 86
uNTAGG(E)D 11130 74
(N)ARRATED 2327 80
VACUOLE 7635 74
ORGANI(S)E 61 61
ABORTeD 827 68
ORACIES 314 77
LINNETS 2850 73
REALGAR 7595 80
DIScO(V)E(R)T 4270 70
ERODENT 341 68
(T)ACRInES 417 80
LiM(B)ETIC* 0 78
LE(A)DIEST 349 63
ENTICES 2252 71
AILE(R)ONS 17 70
bUDDIES 15205 77
BROIlI(N)G 9975 70
VAR(i)ETAL 1219 61
DIGESTS 10306 80
wART(L)IKE 6316 73
STEAMED 3895 73
ORALIST 442 63
NE(AR)LIEsT 28 60
MINARET 224 76
PISTOLE 1946 68
RESILED 1315 73
SLATTEd 4965 65
MEr(R)IEST 6132 72
BONIEsT 898 75
CO(M)BINER 8081 65
BETTORS 7424 74
STANNIC 8885 76
RESEALS 6325 77
INPUTT(E)R 5288 72
AiRHORN* 0 70
CRATERS 6198 76
S(U)ITABLE 2171 72
dEF(A)MING 7555 65
INDITES 1222 70
ALARMI(S)T 6927 68
(R)ELOANED 155 61
ENAMORS 881 83
ORIOlES 986 61
WEARIES 1067 79
NETTLES 6236 61
ARCHaEA(N) 15496 82
OUTRAI(s)E 22 74
DIcTATE 3611 68
DIAMI(N)ES 2575 67
FORINTS 3427 76
PROSIeR 4452 67
MINARET 224 65
C(O)WRIT(T)EN 4744 82
SNEEZeR 12020 78
SINEW(I)Ng 14223 60
(O)BlIGATE 922 70
STEROLS 5933 79
OPAQuES 11255 85
IGUaNID 5676 73
RETILES 582 69
CONCEP(T)s 22844 64
ENTRANT(S) 4547 77
AIRLI(N)ES 294 59
LIO(N)IsER 380 68
RATLINS 967 69
ArEOLAS 697 78
RUNDL(E)TS 3227 60
SOLIT(U)DE 888 65
BENdIER 2239 73
SNEERER 8796 69
VILAYET 4402 79
(J)ADEITeS 3424 98
ANDIRON 1334 70
(A)LIQUOtS 7806 90
CULTuR(E)S 19588 68
ICTERUS 3233 104
RESEALS 6325 77
INPUTT(E)R 5288 72
EDIFIER 4374 74
PARENTS 1533 89
UNTIRED 424 67
(S)LATTErN 2028 68
FRONTIE(r) 1697 80
DAUTIES 428 75
RECONNE(D) 7446 63
DERIVES 4157 98
(M)INUENDS 11765 65
SLOPiNG 10818 79
UN(E)DITeD 5119 59
GLEANED 2448 77
DISPEND 12984 77
SADNESS 19388 73
REFLATE(S) 3068 76
STARING 1410 72
UNiCOLO(R) 9296 63
ENP(L)ANES 9599 61
GIRTHeD 4736 93
ROSETTE 2494 75
nONELEC(T) 7448 68
ETIOLA(TE)S 299 80
SCALARE 6026 74
(R)ENiTENT 3463 74
ONaNI(S)MS 17279 85
DOILIES 1496 84
(R)ATANIES 83 70
EErIEST 1212 66
ILLUDES 10923 73
(P)ARVENUS 8611 101
TrIV(A)LVE 10493 76
fIFTEEN(S) 15478 74
GRABENS 4490 103
(V)ENERAtE 2389 62
(B)ROOKING 20333 84
DOMIN(I)ON 18135 78
(E)RIgERON 1186 74
pRETEEN 6083 76
BISTERS 9776 77
ERAsING 265 76
ST(O)OLIES 6341 70
ASTRIDE 100 95
NITRA(T)ED 354 72
RIB(B)ANDS 20925 76
UNFr(I)END 8376 62
TASTIER 563 79
BREATHE(R) 11465 71
RE(J)OInER* 0 66
WHINIEs(T) 9831 78
TAuNTED 2688 68
REDUCIN(G) 5891 76
LETTERS 5993 65
B(L)INkERS 13163 70
PEARLIN(G) 1747 86
PIEtIES 4579 82
KE(Y)hOLES 23987 176
SABINES 6657 72
fURRiER 17085 66
NEPETAS 2126 85
ZAIKaIS 21527 97
PYURIAs 11898 80
(K)NIGHTED 15585 84
SOLDERE(D) 8744 64
INTEG(E)RS 754 72
EMEROI(D)S 1931 63
ATTORNS 3003 66
PENT(A)rCH 11076 84
D(E)FILAdE 9950 87
NIGGLER 9296 63
SOAPIER 336 90
WOnKIER 5475 81
ROUGHIE(S) 4160 72
MODEsTY 11264 75
FU(S)ARIES* 0 72
AIRsOME 329 84
BUDDIES 15903 69
R(E)LIVINg 6650 70
ROSIEST 1740 105
JUGGLER 22842 74
EXPIATE 5892 98
GIFtL(E)SS 18256 65
D(I)SiNTER 822 66
LOMENTS 3921 79
FIGtrEE 3382 72
TAhINAS 5456 68
REORgED 5993 75
AMANDIN(E) 5573 86
ROAsTER 742 67
JERRIdS 13335 82
ENRAGES 1189 73
WAILINg 10477 74
BEDLINE(R) 3084 77
NASTILy 4972 75
ATOMIsE 314 72
TONIEST 755 72
UrEMIAS 1494 71
PLIO(C)EnE 4581 65
AGENTED 1127 64
(E)SPECIAL 6680 90
IMMINE(N)T 21717 80
RETINO(I)D 128 60
LI(O)NISED 934 74
LAUDAN(U)M 24729 74
RENTAB(L)E 1582 64
LOBE(F)InS 6794 158
C(U)rATION 1111 76
MILDEWy 17497 69
NICTATE 1998 80
TREPaNG 2496 89
InTERWA(R) 1431 68
(NO)ONTIDES 1948 64
zOOLO(G)Ic 28864 58
DIATRON 127 82
ARTSIeR 526 76
STRAW(I)ER 2943 65
OV(E)RUSER* 0 72
AnIlINE 1677 62
P(A)TINAED 1206 72
BLOOD(I)ER 3932 80
(T)OASTIER 146 77
MO(R)iBUND 12925 78
DOMA(I)NES 552 94
GEN(E)TICS 4628 86
SINUATE 125 79
EVAdI(B)LE 7027 74
DI(G)ERATI 636 72
E(N)G(L)IShED 7505 83
TITULaR 4389 64
ROSARIE(S) 3084 77
PROVINg 12343 78
INT(O)RTED 486 61
HYOID(E)AN 2050 72
SONAT(I)NA 2472 58
WICKApE 19379 89
MAESTRO 931 76
A(Z)URITES 2651 84
ScANNED 9376 72
DOGBANE 2920 84
VENTURE 4226 79
CaTERER 4889 85
S(A)FROLES 9664 78
VENTING 8619 80
ROSINol 3434 85
LAI(C)IzES 14212 86
(I)NDUCTED 12231 64
ONANIsM(S) 17260 80
MAN(G)RELS* 0 72
R(E)FA(C)TORS* 0 78
(B)IOETHIc 12587 89
B(E)ADSmEN 10343 78
CROPPED 21246 81
QUI(V)ER(I)NG 16307 94
TROPICs 10403 80
(M)ISiNFER 9815 89
WaXIEST 7809 97
DIVERTS 3276 68
COATERS 892 73
T(R)EElIKE 8240 72
QUANTI(Z)E 11039 82
NITRIDS 4267 71
pARIANS 5248 75
SOLITOn 3284 67
GRIDDE(R)s 16711 76
PAROdOI 4333 63
LARC(E)NER 6358 61
RENAILS 108 65
MOUSiER 2048 78
(U)NPAIRED 1033 94
STINTeD 2847 82
AMBRIES 4303 87
OVErRAN 2586 76
COULOI(R)S 12728 63
(C)HiMENEA 8666 90
ENERGID 1195 65
I(R)RITATE 2990 70
LOGI(C)ISM* 0 67
ENTIRE(L)Y 1621 88
FETA(T)IoN 763 72
SEAGIRT 284 71
ORGANON 8890 73
CASEME(N)T 6758 74
QUIXO(T)Es 15100 74
TINNeRS 1297 73
CARI(N)ATE 477 62
NUANCES 9384 75
VISiTER 3665 79
OR(o)METRY* 0 98
RIGATON(I) 684 68
ARTIEST 558 73
BELIERS 4115 88
FET(A)TION 721 65
O(T)ALGIeS 238 131
NESTL(E)RS 8264 59
UNT(R)ACeD 2365 70
D(I)STOMES 9718 74
ABS(I)NTHE 3285 64
INtERVI(EWER) 5235 90
PONIA(R)DS 2431 74
DePOSIT 1919 83
GIAOURs 1723 72
GREATER 2769 84
BEAsTIE 1041 83
ExUVIAE 8870 63
VErITAS 689 95
REAMERS 7702 72
gOUTIES(T) 3896 64
ALFAQuI(N) 20336 88
AN(T)IRIOT 1130 59
DISGA(U)GE* 0 79
GADRoON 4773 83
W(O)RNNEsS 18158 64
BA(N)ALITy 12391 86
TAIlWHI(P)* 0 96
ANTINGS 6231 69
FOSTERS 10878 79
ADVIsER 1456 100
SMALT(I)NG* 0 74
PINNATE 2011 75
SMaCK(I)NG 24450 71
H(A)BITUDE 5344 82
DoURInE 167 72
SWiSHED 18606 88
B(E)ARSKiN 6300 78
A(N)DESITE 109 60
iNFARCT 6046 64
TANKAGE 8849 75
CABiLDO 10251 75
ALIE(N)ORS 18 74
DAUTIES 428 75
RECONNE(D) 7446 63
AVERRiN(G) 4206 65
MONIL(I)AE 893 61
ST(O)rEYED 4916 72
CRANNI(E)S 3764 78
WEAkONs 11666 74
STEVIAS 8938 73
HOISTER 933 84
IN(S)TATeD 882 77
MEANIES 1011 66
PR(O)TENDS 2804 63
C(R)AnKIER 10504 76
wOrRIED 4443 66
CAVERNS 6730 72
APNOEIC 1239 99
(E)LOIGNeR 329 80
SUITERs 5209 79
GANDERS 2294 72
TESTIER 2561 76
PLAQUEs 22829 85
DIA(T)RIBE 1581 62
LISTENS 5202 65
REiFYI(N)G 11446 83
CRYOGEN 9494 79
RAPISTS 16487 77
LARNIeS(T) 90 74
RATT(a)ILS 6279 68
PEnURIE(S) 2995 67
cENTUP(L)E 13517 70
BIScUIT 17787 63
WoNNING 28547 78
WAISTED 2024 77
LEMONAD(E) 2469 76
OUTRAVE 1226 75
RELUMED 9614 71
NONLIFE 4642 76
(S)AUTEING 476 80
BENZId(I)N(E) 19346 94
LAR(I)ATED 383 63
HERESIE(S) 21673 74
RECITER 6594 74
SLItTIN(G) 15861 62
U(N)E(D)IFIeD* 0 75
CENSINg 11155 83
CADAsTR(E) 4655 83
STINTED 2847 81
BARON(I)AL 2723 68
RUMINAT(E) 436 72
ENDNOTE 2486 66
CITRALs 4945 82
VERDU(R)ES 22350 68
WENNI(E)ST 8466 72
CODEIAS 855 74
DENTILS 1159 74
COMFrE(Y)S 23792 70
(S)HINBONe 11205 67
(O)RIGINAL 1579 70
S(O)lITARY 2445 70
TENE(B)RAE 2515 61
dETUNED 9411 72
(T)ABERING 739 78
TALKERS 5885 82
ASTA(T)INE 1038 85
tAEN(I)OID 39 82
StUNNED 8198 68
(L)IqUATES 4980 74
pANTIES 704 84
REMINTE(D) 1617 63
ENROBES 2635 84
SYLVITE 10191 82
rEFEN(C)ES 16821 90
DETA(I)NED 1316 64
aRRISES 6190 70
LITORaL 4054 64
HERDiNG 6302 89
PANIERS 704 74
TIMBERs 7111 83
TANNEsT 6004 68
TONSILS 8577 79
TI(M)ARAUS 7296 74
DELIVER 4141 80
SPINOUT 5885 77
GORIEST 414 64
RE(A)TTAIN 444 62
TOLANES 162 81
RONDELS 1316 75
WASPIER 4418 82
MORT(I)CER 7850 66
AZOTISe 1093 94
CAKINgS* 0 82
(R)ADIATES 308 70
NOSHING 14156 104
WETLAND 3108 80
POS(T)ANAL 8122 68
OInOMEL 2790 71
CHIRRES 14390 79
ORANGEY 1423 89
ISS(U)AbLE 12052 78
BIGUINe 8186 80
SCOUTER 3866 69
(P)OLICING 19492 67
MAShERS 17264 89
AWAItED 1778 80
BOUVIE(R)S 6795 76
(T)ANTaLUS 13551 77
RONDELS 1316 70
(R)EOBTAIN 52 83
(E)LEcTION 1061 74
CANDIDS 20678 83
AE(R)OgRAM 8317 61
RAPHID(E)S 5694 78
FITmENT 11315 77
CONELRA(D) 1337 86
dELOUSE 3561 66
BUR(N)OUTS 18888 64
GRANNiE 1068 68
STEROLS 5933 66
BLOAT(I)NG 5042 62
OUTSEEN 1123 66
(C)ALCINED 19489 80
SARCOID 3190 71
MERLOTS 3747 77
j(I)HADIST 20370 71
NIRVAN(A)S 11619 67
OVERHO(L)Y 20896 88
DARNEST 432 67
FANJETS 10966 89
E(L)OINERS 176 60
MANTRAS 8612 74
rEADIED 2057 100
SCROOGE 9904 96
(B)ALLONET 6477 61
PEACHES 15942 85
(O)RGANISE 65 76
C(A)TcHIEr 16989 94
(U)NDERLET 2217 72
TRINDLE 445 68
OUREBIS 1986 73
SLITHER 3287 79
CoRNFED 8088 71
REOILIN(G) 776 63
ZeaLOTS 5739 102
DALLIES 7109 81
GoRHENS 5516 72
BEANIEs 1040 72
NEPOTIC 2764 76
CAVI(T)IED 5988 66
PlAGUER(s) 9030 83
REVOKE(R)S 19572 81
LIERNES 575 72
RESTAG(E)S 6962 70
URANIAS 2266 69
MoTLIED* 0 74
L(I)TERARY 2931 65
(W)EAKnESS 22907 80
ANODI(S)ES 1182 72
M(O)TIONED 2089 67
MILITIA(S) 15656 83
OvERDUE 4607 71
(R)ESTRiNG 3079 73
(A)MENAbLE 10911 74
PRE(V)ISED 10477 84
A(C)IERATE 759 74
M(E)TALING 1845 158
WAFTAGE 12699 78
VETOERS 2671 84
NARDINE 536 79
ROTTENL(Y) 6127 74
aLERTIn(G) 151 74
BIFOrA(T)E 895 82
SHI(N)GLED 9528 80
FATTEN(E)D 6366 66
CArEENE(R) 8757 70
INSULTS 13799 68
JUVeNAL 14092 93
ApHETIC 8702 98
ROOTIER 1265 66
BEsT(R)OWN 7015 98
V(E)NTaILS 1072 74
EUCLASE(S) 17290 72
rOSINOL 3436 71
BINARI(E)S 1167 70
gENETTE 10610 67
(T)RAWLING 5510 89
REINSER(T) 1304 66
GOLiATH 4844 78
IDEA(L)IST 799 60
INDOLEN(T) 1156 68
OLESTRA 163 85
AL(I)ENIST 313 73
TAENIAS 136 71
pTERYGI(A) 4890 88
INTORT(E)D 486 60
SHRIVeL 10155 102
BEGRO(a)NS 2230 78
(E)THEREAL 4740 88
PIGLETS 7561 95
DEtONAT(E) 731 74
DIEStER 570 77
REBEgAN 3217 68
OUTLEAD 512 74
sLENDER 2911 66
A(R)SEnOUS 2619 131
SuDORI(T)Y* 0 74
(D)EAIRING 602 64
BEN(A)MING 11885 65
INHALES 1465 72
CITOLAS 3195 89
TESTILY 9075 76
D(I)URETIC 4682 72
B(E)DEMaNS* 0 74
CYANIDE 4311 83
(I)DEATIvE 1756 74
INV(I)TIvE* 0 86
QUE(L)LINg 21221 86
S(T)RIDERS 10938 72
RETI(L)ING 1566 74
BLINkE(R)s 13818 66
GRO(U)nDER 6657 74
N(E)OLITHS 1462 65
ORANGES 371 71
RUNTIES(T) 2035 68
AGAMoUS 13831 77
(J)OHNNIES 15046 88
NEURONs 3342 74
TRIPLES 3156 74
O(B)TAINED 168 158
TRA(P)EZEs 11269 90
ELATIVE 1010 78
ACR(I)DInE 1168 97
SETTLER(S) 15914 68
(E)NTICErS 1613 86
fO(r)EGOES 10239 61
(A)IrFOILS 4745 70
SLAINTE 108 68
TROIkaS 3523 75
By(ZA)NTINE 15464 90
MENTOR(E)D 1869 77
AI(R)DATES 306 72
CHANSON 17130 102
MANITOU 1663 78
DARI(O)LEs 97 82
(H)EREuNTO 1978 80
MEMBERS 22693 95
ADDENDS 19343 101
MEDIACY 15759 91
REFUE(L)Ed 19298 90
COESITE 1251 71
HYPOgEI(C)* 0 75
ICELIkE 15544 68
PLIABLE 14570 82
NATA(T)ION 5422 59
EDUcTI(V)E 13689 72
FETERI(T)A 2543 76
LAUWINE 1559 74
AVERT(I)NG 793 76
P(U)NCHIER 14722 110
OVE(R)EDIT 839 78
TEnS(I)BLE 3090 59
EARThME(N) 4313 80
INTENTS 6010 70
CURDIES(T) 4534 72
PE(R)OrATE 2337 70
INGATeS 275 89
LIN(G)ERED 1732 90
LOBTAIl 9859 80
LACTASE 5789 85
BIRDIES 5810 78
RECITAL 631 74
NATTI(E)ST 6100 70
DOMaINS 3351 92
LACEWE(E)D* 0 78
HEATI(N)GS 1839 63
CHITaLS 12385 71
TRIBADE 616 75
gUR(D)WARI* 0 72
TuRBITH(S) 21792 95
IMP(U)GNED 14470 78
TAMP(E)RED 6769 102
HOTTIEs 4446 76
REDO(L)ENT 514 92
CRI(N)KLED 13848 185
THYMOmA 23747 97
AE(R)ONAUT 127 70
LENDERS 2782 85
beDE(V)IL(IN)G 8839 78
OXTAILS 5957 94
CHUF(F)iNG 30654 72
SLITTED 5183 82
RURA(L)ITE 936 68
L(E)AGUING 8205 61
LEA(C)HERS 10368 86
PIEHOLE 5973 71
SPIN(I)eST 13018 88
NODDLES 9091 75
ROBOTI(C)S 14778 65
(F)LATMaTE 18019 86
REFACEs 8266 68
BLITZE(R)S 13821 94
UNSEAMS 12916 83
CArE(T)AKE 11756 63
ENTItLE(S) 2712 68
DELETIN(G) 1733 83
WRINK(L)ES 13850 92
UN(P)USHED* 0 70
PHE(L)IMER* 0 88
BANGERS 4693 75
BErETTA(s) 8336 77
LIVERIE(S) 7744 72
TO(W)PlANE 4078 74
ANCIENT(ER) 1023 72
(H)ERMITIC 15407 98
HALITuS 7924 106
UNIfIeS 6079 75
BELLMAN 17280 77
FEEDLOT 4795 119
ADJOI(N)TS 5065 68
EARSTON(E) 45 84
DERO(G)ATE 348 70
PARTING 4236 65
EEnSIES(T) 7554 66
TINWAR(E)S 443 72
ENSNARE 1879 75
TELLiNG 7350 63
pARAGON 8461 71
D(E)MISTER 3129 76
(L)EUCOSIs 13214 63
PAINTI(N)G 14153 69
INSERTS 3007 75
RAVINES 711 92
INEDITA 141 64
PAcKFUL* 0 92
EpINAOS 333 67
DISPROV(E) 6849 101
STEEPLE 12110 70
WANIEsT 714 87
ETOILES 286 66
TRIPLIN(E)* 0 89
ANCHO(R)ED 3798 76
NESTL(E)RS 8264 59
UNT(R)ACeD 2365 70
H(I)LDINgS 20057 74
STALLED 8066 75
COTTERS 7125 74
(M)OpERIES 4593 80
hE(L)LBOOT* 0 70
(C)RANKERS* 0 68
DINeROS 168 82
bR(A)NDERS 8305 74
bURkITE 11004 72
TIM(ID)NESS 12666 63
(S)TRAINER 360 77
IN(S)NARED 878 72
PROtEGE 3814 64
BLEATER 2163 74
(L)AtTIcES 5150 80
STANNUM 15190 74
PENTODE 2649 76
E(D)UCATOR 1346 64
M(O)UTHIlY 21729 80
PARTNER 4000 67
ENLARGE 1185 70
(U)NWoRTHY 21859 101
REINVaD(E) 651 86
(P)LUSHIER 12681 101
LOMeNTA 916 72
(R)EUNITED 386 61
(N)OVERTUM* 0 73
ELATERI(N) 26 62
BRASIL(I)n 6936 70
MOTIO(N)ER 893 64
AmNESTY 6785 68
NITERIE(S) 429 66
REMaTES 2227 76
BOGARTE(D) 2229 86
DIORITE 242 66
BIRLINg 13700 65
SKEINEd 7314 92
TO(R)QUIER 6943 88
(F)IANCEES 4262 78
ROU(N)DING 8962 70
(A)ddABLES* 0 83
MEIOTIC 5544 78
EDGIEST 2467 78
BRACTIN(G)* 0 98
EST(R)ANGE 746 72
E(P)ICOtYL 11965 82
S(t)ROBING 6548 63
C(A)ROTINS 1108 70
HAV(E)RING 4875 75
REStABL(E) 3006 80
UNyOKED 14996 82
FENUR(O)NS 9459 72
QuINOAS 6203 68
(R)OUTiNES 105 74
LETCHES 14475 72
ANORE(XI)CS 2736 92
ALI(E)NATE 131 59
PLOTT(E)RS 9466 64
NEUrINE 1904 69
ANOSMIA 3701 72
ENRaGED 1124 82
FANCIES(T) 3130 98
COASTL(IN)e 202 72
H(A)LIDoME 3910 86
DENARII 140 78
SANTOOR 1710 68
WAMBlED 17494 86
TERRAIN 195 70
pATINAE 826 74
REFUTED 6742 79
HOTLINK 14356 88
GERBERA 9548 78
RESIDUA 427 87
STERNeD 1435 73
NITRIDS 4462 74
(I)NVeNTOR 1798 72
T(H)IRTIES 8935 62
ABuTMEN(T) 13954 86
SPEARIN(G) 1867 74
(G)ASELIER 717 70
ECOTAGE 2061 76
pORTENT 4692 72
ENTERIC 1079 72
IMPUR(E)sT 9153 64
ORDINES 170 70
K(I)BBITzY* 0 86
CAN(z)ONAS 24668 72
ARISTOs 3032 78
ENDITES 597 76
NAIADES 493 70
APOSTIl 3212 92
CLOwNED 11221 80
LIKEaB(L)E 20004 78
dInITRO 1328 69
Q(U)ADRATE 8682 86
ABLUTED 5569 76
FAILU(R)ES 2320 65
CHARNEL 7009 83
BIOTINS 6273 76
FAROLIT(O) 3451 82
RIVIERE 8452 78
BROThEL 8076 64
MENSING 11674 95
(D)IvIDEND 27089 83
H(O)RNIEsT 609 149
PRATERS 6506 78
PORTOL(A)N 5995 61
(R)UBBLING 27100 80
BETTORS 7424 74
STANNIC 8885 76
STRO(M)ATA 12765 70
ANTIWEA(R) 508 65
ERICOID 2360 65
ATTORNS 3000 78
uNLACED 5570 71
VE(R)ONIcA 903 70
DEBEARD 11099 78
SINKERS 13766 98
TRAIN(F)UL 3904 86
FuRIOUs 16122 72
IMPEACH 16396 116
DESTINE 595 70
(A)RCHAEAN 15524 71
pEROXiD 8753 105
EPISODE 2611 95
BlO(T)c(H)IER 8617 98
GREATEN 475 77
SOU(T)ANES 2623 59
NOVELLE 11951 78
ToLLAGe 5248 64
FR(O)UNCED 10245 65
ASTO(N)IES 502 62
TERa(T)OID 139 59
SURVEIL 5682 78
OUTsEES 7393 74
ORPINES 999 74
TEASELs 6319 73
IONISED 736 75
JANiT(O)RS 2770 78
EMPIRIC 15417 82
sHOWILY 19874 106
SWA(R)DING 8739 76
DICTIER 3633 80
(T)IREDEST 2713 83
S(T)RONGLY 13552 72
YU(L)ETIdE 5348 62
(G)OLDTONE 4431 86
SeTLINE 607 80
ME(L)AENAS 5862 61
EsCOLAR 1930 88
ROTATES 781 82
CAL(L)OWEr 15355 80
OSMOTIC 14485 71
ENTREAT 970 75
RECTOrY 12126 79
(A)BRASIVE 6265 84
uNWRAPT* 0 82
GUTTERE(D) 10303 83
LA(R)DIeST 266 70
SEINING 7604 67
SALTIER 113 81
SPONGER 5529 76
HALFTON(E) 4051 104
(A)VERAGED 8068 80
(A)DAMaNCE 19067 98
(B)REaDNUT 2358 86
NEEDIER 1210 75
UNNERvE(D) 12709 77
LORGNO(N)S 18089 62
nINNYI(S)H 29439 84
BR(I)STLES 12239 60
SECONDI 1988 89
RAT(L)INES 70 82
FIR(E)aRMS 9662 80
NEONATE 446 66
HOPLITE 5126 82
FEEDERS 12048 85
bOUNCER(S) 10230 80
LOGWAYS 18043 76
(T)RISOMES 6515 83
(E)XtENDER 15536 98
MARLIsH* 0 71
AN(G)ELICA 3963 64
TeRRINE 976 73
BITuMEN 6816 73
TETRADs 2819 72
(N)EEDIEST 1784 80
STOWInG 7541 76
AUBERGe 5479 83
SHELLAC 19475 72
(E)NTAILER 30 71
TIPTOED 4638 68
A(C)TIONER 54 72
SLAYERS 12913 82
GOLIA(R)DS 2585 64
CON(T)AINS 5363 78
O(V)ERcOAT 5233 80
FLANGER 4697 87
ALOpECI(C) 17832 84
SAV(O)RIES 3793 94
DEXTR(I)NS 5039 70
(F)ORgIVER 13783 89
INOsItE 248 68
SWILING 16477 69
POLICED 7989 78
PERIDIA(L) 2568 94
SOMItIC 14027 70
SHARPEN 7047 90
ZInGIER 8836 70
OUTAGES 1105 71
SEGMENT 8843 83
INTONES 792 85
READERS 3541 81
(M)EdIATOR 189 80
LINTERS 452 72
Ac(R)OLEIN 191 77
PURITA(N)S 3903 74
LE(C)ITHIN 9298 64
LEERIE(S)T 1788 68
CREA(T)INE 223 77
SENATOr 41 76
TANGOED 386 79
MoSEYED 12157 82
GESTURE(D) 5814 74
FILLETS 12976 76
(L)YRIcONS 12920 72
MADDEST 12860 72
INHERIT 1840 81
(M)ATERIAL 1214 62
E(R)OTICAS 200 76
DRAFTEE 2186 82
tENEBRA(E) 2515 80
R(A)PIDEST 1039 72
IN(S)NAReR 2507 68
NOvENAs 4424 67
L(E)ATHERN 1599 72
IGUANAS 5905 72
SEDILIA 1266 68
EN(D)ERIMC* 0 68
ENSNArE 1879 64
STATING 6225 69
INFARES 663 65
TEMPURA 7072 67
NAIADES 493 66
TRAINER 188 67
RUBIcON* 0 66
TER(A)TOID 130 80
FlUN(K)IES 17394 68
ELEgANT 1190 64
GEOLO(g)Ic 20097 61
EPILATE 1056 79
THIAZO(L)E 4595 71
OUTDRE(A)M 1366 63
iNSTATE 553 83
TEALIKE 2438 70
CA(P)ITAtE 10745 72
S(W)ITCHER 14725 94
HO(U)SIEST 9718 82
TELSONS 6175 75
tAWDRIE(D)* 0 92
TOUS(L)ING 4963 61
DAImIOS 6158 69
CoNNATE 2575 70
LUStI(E)ST 14442 68
(E)ANLINGS 3030 72
OSTIArY 1675 65
RA(I)SoNNE 142 88
sWEATED 4090 77
DEALAtE 1687 73
ABO(U)LIAS 7978 61
BEGONIA 566 81
HURRIeS 9464 75
STA(R)TLED 3973 80
SARSNET 3005 64
(B)EdPLATE 10341 92
SNEEReD 4854 73
AdOPTED 7622 81
ISOTHE(RE)S 4834 64
LAWINGS 9728 76
rE(C)EMENT 13133 94
AREOLAT(E) 255 62
TEENIER 505 78
DEVIATE 1047 66
CRuDITE(S) 4533 80
TENSING 4451 68
(M)ONEYERS 8043 78
SEEDIER 2625 92
AnOMIES 329 73
ELOIG(n)ER 351 61
cAGE(F)ULS 17816 74
HARDIeS(T) 969 89
PANDERS 3123 76
MUR(A)ENID 1027 94
INFUSED 5647 88
HOgTIE(IN)G 11574 94
INSURER(S) 11504 70
HAUNtED 3098 81
SCoOPER 12605 87
AE(R)ATORS 1498 68
BINGERS 4722 74
ELoI(G)NER 351 82
GEMOTeS 6425 83
(P)ERIODID 10322 78
(S)TRICTEN* 0 89
(N)ONDAIrY 5383 80
RESIDUE 1381 74
INDICAT(E) 1235 76
LIBRATE(S) 1002 72
BEV(O)MITS 11342 66
M(E)ATLeSS 13700 77
AGNOSIA 2318 70
UNT(R)UTHS 25498 62
A(L)IENATE 122 62
THE(B)AINE 2173 65
ALIENE(R)S 120 61
SerOTIN(Y) 619 80
LAcUNES 5586 64
INTRANt 5533 72
TaLONED 148 74
BOPPINg 22998 80
ZANiEST 1768 99
ANTIWAR 3041 76
SINCERE(R) 6422 75
sTOUTED* 0 69
PREBOIl 5073 77
GUINEAS 769 76
TOLIDIN(S) 3885 83
LADANuM(S) 17718 76
PASTIME 4406 82
FLEAPiT 4376 80
LOONIEr 362 72
DALAPON 9161 65
CA(S)ERNES 10031 61
WOONERf 9525 78
MIGRATE 1229 108
(S)ANTERAS 4713 77
CU(R)TAINs 3902 76
(O)INOMELS 3947 72
(S)KITTERS 21258 86
SECONAL 1929 65
PELAGIC 8967 74
SaRCENE(T) 1592 86
ANOXIAs 6774 86
DISQUI(E)t 12130 84
NEROLIS 181 71
(R)ETAINED 28 61
HEtAERI(C) 2173 82
TUGGeRS 15610 68
PANDOOR 7372 85
HONDLES 6374 80
LITERA(T)E 521 59
HEARTIL(Y) 3355 95
DO(O)RnAIL 1117 72
ABLATES 6012 70
(G)YRATION 1990 67
rIGADO(O)N 1992 76
FL(A)PPERS 25588 80
ANGUISH 9718 66
(C)ONVuLSE 13950 89
STRIP(I)NG 17106 78
LANNERE(T) 1655 82
DOOLeYS* 0 81
WANTAGe 5270 70
MEANEST 2227 79
BEVoMIT 9105 82
LIQUATE 3544 80
REASO(N)Ed 167 69
DETraIN 12 82
OBELISE 2488 76
R(E)ORIENT 268 66
SARONGS 10115 83
NAI(V)EtES 674 90
BANDOrE 864 72
OZONISE 5554 90
EbONISE(D) 1918 77
STAGI(E)ST 10296 72
PURITAN 2716 69
DePOSiT 1919 98
PHONERS 8138 84
gLENOID 1104 79
GELATIo(N) 63 77
(C)ANDIDER 5434 92
TURKEYS 16921 77
(O)vERBETS 8003 86
JIGGLES 21484 72
ENTI(R)ElY 1622 74
GRADATE 2145 73
HAIRNET 230 76
DRAGON(E)T 256 74
(O)VERTALL* 0 74
PAlLIDE(R) 8614 90
V(E)STIGED* 0 80
(D)EFUSING 9526 80
dELIRIA 494 72
(S)INISTER 4716 77
hIGHTOP(S) 28294 101
R(E)TAcKLE(S) 11077 74
RATInES 22 73
RIALTOS 443 66
DEMOTES 4601 77
TRAIL(I)Ng 2372 58
PI(N)NuLES 11762 86
DEAREST 575 78
INTONED 786 66
(E)VeRTORS 7473 83
EMEErA(T)E 10495 74
ROOTLeT 4859 69
SALVOED 3573 82
UNIVO(C)AL 8712 67
COOlEST 8051 79
OPALINE 324 74
(F)IRRIEST 8476 72
HEALERS 3908 67
GLADDEs(T) 12686 86
INCiSOR 6268 89
OPERONS 5024 80
RE(H)INGES 4410 70
COOLANT 7068 63
GE(N)TRIES 753 60
DENTILS 1157 64
BErRIES 7705 82
AREOLES 293 77
TEARIER 343 70
MISKEYS 23438 81
sOLIDI(T)Y 11538 76
REGROwN 9314 76
TONNEAU 778 68
REAT(T)AIN 444 82
EaRTHED 2188 78
ST(O)PWoRD 21527 64
SNAILED 418 88
MINTERS 1625 79
SESTINE 3967 71
INCIpIT 19729 72
PUEBLOS 14277 82
EnTASIA 135 75
DOUCEUR 13912 73
ARENOsE 68 81
PlACATE 10696 81
TIMBERS 7101 79
ALGINA(T)E 598 68
ABATERS 4823 75
CURSIvE 10119 83
HARMING 11571 83
E(n)TASTIC 2898 68
TARRIES 556 75
(RE)SIGNeRS 11272 68
TYRoSIN(E) 620 74
ENEMIES 5975 75
GORM(A)NDS 9896 64
WANTERS 1539 71
T(A)DpOLES 2644 72
UNLOA(D)ER 306 60
TANGLIN(G) 18363 83
NOTICER 357 88
(E)XEGETIC 19856 92
URANIAS 2378 72
SEAkALE 10911 72
AMORINI 1864 64
ELEGizE 14669 67
oVERH(A)NG 5316 68
BANTEN(G)S 10168 69
ViSITER 3497 89
SUBRING 13062 71
ALIEnAT(E) 131 58
AGNIZED 5188 92
SEQUI(T)UR 17006 68
AIRWAVE(S) 6294 80
YEAR(L)ONG 2245 76
ONENESS 11509 67
IN(tE)RSECT 3957 78
ANTI(R)iOT 1131 78
SAPIENC(E) 4265 89
hADITHS 19243 71
rEROUTE(D) 3394 65
EMPTIES 8389 93
GENTiLE 1144 66
TABANI(D)S 6911 64
WEA(L)DING* 0 67
ACINOUS 3344 88
HOuSELS 16714 76
A(R)TERIAL 1092 70
PINNATE 2114 74
TEAPOTS 4622 70
vAR(O)OMED 8276 80
CL(E)AREST 3023 78
UR(I)NATES 84 69
AWESoME 5735 80
TURBAN(E)D 2234 65
STIMiED 5827 70
TR(I)ACIDS 6939 74
sUTURED 11045 72
T(R)IGONAL 484 72
SURMISE(R) 19460 74
BERLINS 3067 76
DoCENTS 3675 91
UNMOOR(E)D 6539 76
OLEFINS 2027 73
INT(E)RMIT 5789 72
PRECAvA(L) 18898 76
GUMLIkE 17736 64
URINOSE 183 70
UNgLAZ(E)D 13538 67
D(A)RKENER 9994 82
LAZAR(E)tS 8232 86
HEARSIn(G) 1837 80
(T)REENAIL 31 68
T(E)MPTINg 16456 72
SILE(N)TlY 12253 74
COLEsEE(D) 11986 62
NONFaNS 20050 78
AIRIEST 145 74
rEACTI(N)G 785 78
AIrIEST 145 83
RETOUcH 8108 76
SMOOT(H)ER 11840 76
DIS(G)RaCE 3625 62
RINKS(I)DE 8683 64
REELInG 1199 70
(L)INECUTS 5969 83
(C)ELESTAS 13010 83
(S)oLICITS 19175 86
EXISTIN(G) 10482 68
ELEGITS 2354 72
ALtERAN(T) 2328 74
UNDERLI(E) 910 77
(E)NROOTED 834 68
STE(E)RAGE 2703 72
STERILE 583 84
STRUNTS 18805 72
REBOIL(E)D 1917 65
AERO(L)ITH 209 62
LESBIAN 1459 65
SNARLIN(G) 8093 80
WiDEOUT 2027 86
(W)ATCHmAN 25600 66
FOOTAGE 4260 80
(E)NTHRaLS 2375 72
INEARTH 231 80
KILTIEs 9573 66
LARGEST 1727 87
GRAN(D)EES 1720 76
TUsSOcK 23765 86
MALAISE 3523 68
RAMPION(S) 5959 66
HOVELEd 16343 82
(C)HANSoNS 35317 74
COAXInG 17723 88
VENERA(T)E 3297 74
RANDIES 110 85
Oc(E)LLATE 10037 68
UNCLoAK 17018 103
TRANSIT 2606 70
ESTRINS 3006 81
CO(P)REMIA 5228 66
CHAIRED 4310 84
CARR(I)AGE 7860 67
LoONIER 363 83
PaRDINE 650 98
SEmIRAW 4408 76
(m)ENSTrUA 2379 71
DOTIEST 1698 83
NOnLIFE 4642 71
RUINERS 2861 73
GRaPL(I)NE 1847 88
(C)OUrANTS 4683 80
QUAYSId(E) 13659 92
PILOTA(G)E 976 71
IM(P)ORTER 7869 64
(A)IRFIELd 2569 62
hOAGIES 1366 70
g(R)EENERY 18191 61
PU(T)TERED 13376 74
cOLLARS 16097 73
Am(A)NDINE 5575 70
FIERIES(T) 3491 86
SAR(D)INED 2188 70
AIRSIDE 495 90
PIERCER 12288 70
THORIAS 1660 76
WEIrDIE 4577 78
(D)EUTERON 516 83
FEIJOAS 5543 94
O(V)eRLAIN 216 149
SWANLI(K)E 9991 80
SEXtAIN 1765 102
POLENTA 919 67
WIDOwED 21000 80
OUTwEAR 943 70
INDENTS 2842 81
TR(E)ENaIL 31 64
DaT(A)BASE 13613 167
DONAT(I)ON 3175 70
SLIPPER 17604 75
INTERB(E)D 1610 76
LAAGERS 3985 71
ROADEOS 1028 85
INCISES 13639 82
MARTENS 1604 73
AGOUTIS 1812 71
THEINES 2284 94
BOUTADe 1919 68
(H)APLITES 5729 102
mIJNH(E)ER 17098 89
ATTAIN(T)S 16561 60
lITCHIS 18624 74
SEA(B)ORNE 800 83
B(E)DRESTS 17331 82
DENTiNE 1894 72
F(A)NDAnGO 18712 74
S(U)NCARES 12191 76
OUTLEAD 511 67
p(E)ANUTTY 13992 74
RETRAIN 194 72
SALTIER 119 72
NUANCES 9384 73
wAIL(S)OME 3919 72
SPRITIN(G)* 0 69
CAST(R)ATE 8922 74
LInEATE 54 71
DIVESTS 12973 102
TARRIES 556 83
ANTIDO(R)A 319 60
SHITTER 6540 78
UNSaNDE(D)* 0 77
DIRTIER 3399 75
PRAISER 3644 76
TaNNATE 6498 69
(A)LENCONS 6031 89
STeRNAL 415 66
SIENITE 763 81
(C)ZARINAS 17062 80
ESTA(N)CIA 1201 64
ENDITES 597 79
P(A)RTAKEN 10647 82
LOCATI(V)E 2040 66
THI(N)GIEs 6988 167
TELOMES 4813 89
BLEATED 4012 76
(T)RIAZOlE 706 128
SOLERET 851 74
FOM(E)NTED 8011 95
PoSABLE 7961 86
(U)NHAIRER 2924 74
CA(N)ISTER 388 68
ErOSION 343 82
DEU(T)ERIc 3103 95
LIGAT(I)VE 4191 62
cONDUIT(S) 7594 80
FOOTSIE 2790 77
QuEN(C)HER 23346 92
EAsTERN 215 76
MAULERS 5613 86
aLBINOS 3327 85
UPDRAFT(S) 19100 104
FORTU(N)ED 2954 68
(D)OWNLIKE 11006 70
(F)ORaMINA 6571 76
INTROFy 7358 79
LORIN(E)RS 1161 59
LEMONIE(R) 845 74
PUTTiES 9477 82
SOBERER 8634 89
LeNDiNG 6886 72
(R)ETiNALS 75 74
RESIGNS 7343 84
(E)nTRaINS 356 71
FARCIES 4318 70
AB(S)ENTEE 4721 74
SAUTOIR 472 61
FERuLED 9608 78
C(O)LUMNED 13937 78
hISTONE 977 78
ESCOT(I)NG 2259 76
rA(D)IOING 1576 70
MaLIGNS 9705 91
(U)NBIAsED 2289 83
PETARDS 3136 76
SEssION 15282 78
DENTURE 1438 70
(T)ROLLING 9476 61
URA(L)ITEs 275 78
TARTLET 10614 73
PERUSED 9629 82
TENT(O)RIA 43 62
OLDSTER 1318 80
INTERN(E)D 1229 74
LITTER(E)D 2565 63
SAVORER 4426 67
ANORETI(C) 51 90
ABLINGS 9278 94
EMETINE 3557 69
sOAPIER 337 73
TAENITE 342 81
CORBIES 5072 70
JOInDER 2338 94
TARGETE(D) 4207 86
TR(I)PEDAL 1026 62
OVE(R)WIND 4135 70
A(V)IARiES 2990 64
ANA(L)ECTS 4899 61
G(A)ROTTeS 2005 62
HAVIORS 6974 97
NACE(L)LES 17970 90
LI(B)RAI(R)IE 14454 61
GAfFERS 25794 98
(IN)DENTORS 503 74
EN(D)EARED 7170 64
CHE(E)SIER 12346 84
L(A)pIDATE 2414 65
BA(C)TERiA 3602 69
NATIONS 1337 75
OUTWENt 7147 66
(L)EMPIRaS 5458 86
QUOINED 4087 91
BAROQuE 11644 90
MAESTRO 1211 76
WOOLMeN 12624 91
GLEE(T)ING 9539 62
(R)AISONNE 142 70
BEDUINs 5626 70
sTORAGE 397 72
UNAIMED 1513 76
UNMAILE(D) 2303 76
SAUCERs 12838 94
EuLOGI(A)E 322 70
ACERAT(E)D 3461 62
RETINTS 1362 75
OV(E)R(T)IRES 2581 74
GRAdATE 2146 74
EPHeDR(I)N 7177 69
V(OY)AGEURS 8915 82
VALINES 1556 74
SAU(R)iANS 10241 78
ENtAI(L)ED 109 77
QuINTAS 8563 101
ARGENTS 809 65
(T)WERPiNg* 0 74
The of bingos played by the player that were not challenged off.
Triple Triples
Type Play Probability Score
VEInLE(S)S 18116 149
TENSI(B)LE 3090 149
AZUr(I)TES 2511 194
IN(T)ERACT 1503 149
TET(A)nIZE 4302 194
REIN(C)ITE 1782 140
cH(AN)DLER 9008 99
bI(JUG)ATE 11720 135
A(T)ENOLoL 3854 122
A(R)SEnOUS 2619 131
pLA(C)ENTA 12851 131
INEDI(B)LE 5876 158
MA(s)TERLy 9070 131
TAR(L)ETAN 2464 131
R(E)ORIENT 286 131
TROU(B)LeD 5173 140
Ov(E)RWISE 4598 176
S(Y)NOVIAl 9216 176
F(O)OTiEST 7809 149
ALB(U)MeNS 11971 149
AnTE(A)TER 1639 113
SLI(P)kNOT 16745 131
ENa(M)ELeR 4501 122
TEN(E)bRAE 2518 113
DIS(U)NITE 1958 140
T(A)NGRAMs 13068 149
BEsWO(ON)S* 0 144
PR(E)BuILT 9098 149
TREN(D)ING 3076 140
GRADA(B)LE 9679 167
LiSTE(R)IA 297 135
KE(Y)hOLES 23987 176
LOBE(F)InS 6794 158
O(T)ALGIeS 238 131
M(E)TALING 1845 158
A(R)SEnOUS 2619 131
O(B)TAINED 168 158
CRI(N)KLED 13848 185
H(O)RNIEsT 609 149
GLOA(TE)RS 688 81
O(V)eRLAIN 216 149
DaT(A)BASE 13613 167
THI(N)GIEs 6988 167
Triple triples played by the player that were not challenged off. They do not have to be bingos.
Bingo Nines or Above
Type Play Probability Score
l(AN)THORNS 8514 86
PR(O)r(O)GATE 6685 78
iN(T)ER(FE)RED 4133 64
A(LI)ENATES 137 72
(DE)BONAIRE 101 64
W(AL)LETFUl* 0 66
BR(A)V(E)RIES 7589 94
b(IT)EWORMS* 0 76
OVERS(TE)PS 16213 65
R(EH)ANDLed 9792 74
(FE)ATHERED 9246 84
(AB)NEGATES 5198 89
iN(T)ER(FE)RED 4133 64
BIl(AB)IATE 21200 78
ROUL(ET)TES 3367 68
(C)O(N)TAInER 352 76
ThERA(PI)ST 6937 78
aMORTI(Z)E(D) 2741 78
ThE(MA)TIZE 17354 89
T(RE)PHiNES 4508 96
OSTIARI(ES) 741 72
(AN)tIWoRLD* 0 78
OXyGE(NA)tE 10644 80
OXyGE(NA)tE 10644 80
GOUTWE(eD)S 8317 80
SUAVITi(ES) 9180 63
SpIRUL(I)N(a) 7229 78
(ARE)COLInES 97 72
dR(A)I(N)AGES 666 70
(D)E(V)ERGING* 0 67
R(EL)IGiOUS 1943 63
TR(A)I(N)LESS 1176 72
STR(A)n(G)LER 3171 72
SCALE(LI)KE 19192 95
aQUARI(UM)S 35113 88
ACON(IT)UMs 6043 62
ME(D)I(A)tING 2343 72
S(A)p(O)GENiN 3035 66
(NO)STAlGIC 4008 78
H(AB)ANEROS 4680 65
UNcOLO(RE)D 6793 81
GENI(AL)ITy 2351 86
T(ET)RAGONS 1044 74
REcLEAN(ED) 4581 65
M(AR)SHLIkE 14574 118
E(MA)NATING 4956 78
(BE)WAILErS 4408 92
IND(EN)TERS 1472 90
T(E)RP(I)NEOL 400 74
ANT(IT)OXIN 14133 68
(N)E(GO)TIaTES 153 70
RARE(FY)ING 12310 70
(RE)INCITES 1906 72
(ID)OlATERS 20 86
IN(TE)RFACE 1164 66
OPERA(T)IN(G) 128 73
F(OR)MaTION 4907 76
R(ET)ESTING 2410 74
SC(AR)REDlY* 0 64
REIGNIT(ED) 975 65
DIScO(V)E(R)T 4270 70
NE(AR)LIEsT 28 60
C(O)WRIT(T)EN 4744 82
ETIOLA(TE)S 299 80
(NO)ONTIDES 1948 64
E(N)G(L)IShED 7505 83
R(E)FA(C)TORS* 0 78
QUI(V)ER(I)NG 16307 94
INtERVI(EWER) 5235 90
BENZId(I)N(E) 19346 94
U(N)E(D)IFIeD* 0 75
By(ZA)NTINE 15464 90
beDE(V)IL(IN)G 8839 78
ANCIENT(ER) 1023 72
TIM(ID)NESS 12666 63
ANORE(XI)CS 2736 92
COASTL(IN)e 202 72
BlO(T)c(H)IER 8617 98
ISOTHE(RE)S 4834 64
HOgTIE(IN)G 11574 94
R(E)TAcKLE(S) 11077 74
(RE)SIGNeRS 11272 68
IN(tE)RSECT 3957 78
LI(B)RAI(R)IE 14454 61
(IN)DENTORS 503 74
OV(E)R(T)IRES 2581 74
V(OY)AGEURS 8915 82
Bingos played by the player that were nine letters or longer and were not challenged off.
Challenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
TILTY* 0 0
P(R)UNY* 0 0
MEETLI(E)r* 0 0
H(E)ILER* 0 0
TITHERe(D)* 0 0
CARYOtI(D)* 0 0
(C)ENTUPLy* 0 0
SARRAZ(I)n* 0 0
BOFFI* 0 0
BAIRD* 0 0
ZIN(K)IER* 0 0
Dr(A)FTMEN* 0 0
PIRE* 0 0
BOOKY* 0 0
VAlGI(C)* 0 0
FI(S)K* 0 0
(K)AYAC* 0 0
(D)URAN(T)* 0 0
(R)OLIC* 0 0
VIBrI(u)MS* 0 0
P(Y)ING* 0 0
(S)PInITIS* 0 0
BE(E)DIE* 0 0
RADNESs* 0 0
TREFS* 0 0
(BA)RONEtRY* 0 0
G(R)AMErAL* 0 0
NO(N)SnOWY* 0 0
vISCIVE* 0 0
(B)ULLER* 0 0
RATON* 0 0
SlEE(K)ISH* 0 0
BLEE(C)H* 0 0
A* 0 0
(D)OPISH* 0 0
(T)IBIATEd* 0 0
sTA(C)CADO* 0 0
(JABOT)ED* 0 0
PrES(H)INE* 0 0
U(N)DRIVeN* 0 0
SCUPA* 0 0
CL(O)ON* 0 0
OUTTIMe* 0 0
FELL(I)E* 0 0
ASKID* 0 0
SALIHeA(D)* 0 0
LOOKwAY* 0 0
A* 0 0
cOADHE(R)E* 0 0
aD(JUG)ATE* 0 0
BUCKY* 0 0
S(TE)NOCOD(E)s* 0 0
(R)A(C)ELINER* 0 0
HAReLIP* 0 0
ORADS* 0 0
ORADS* 0 0
SpATULE* 0 0
pASTULE* 0 0
pAL(O)O(ZA)* 0 0
lOL* 0 0
FE(C)AlITY* 0 0
(S)TRAKINg* 0 0
WOED* 0 0
CHET* 0 0
JAIL(M)AtE* 0 0
ELFS* 0 0
SIN(D)* 0 0
KEELHOl(E)* 0 0
BA(TON)ED* 0 0
FRIJoLE(D)* 0 0
RUMLIEr* 0 0
(B)ULLER* 0 0
B(U)R(b)ELLEd* 0 0
ORRI(FY)* 0 0
LOWRY* 0 0
(C)OWTIP* 0 0
ELA(P)IN* 0 0
GORS* 0 0
(D)URRED* 0 0
sILTILY* 0 0
OBAH* 0 0
TO(R)ILLAs* 0 0
(BRAG)U(R)* 0 0
(ACUTER)U(N)* 0 0
HY(P)ION* 0 0
L(U)NKIER* 0 0
G(O)RMY* 0 0
rEA(C)QUIT* 0 0
C(O)BLED* 0 0
LAVINGs* 0 0
ELUTErS* 0 0
(R)IMOUT* 0 0
CAKER* 0 0
CORFS* 0 0
(U)NJINXEd* 0 0
WI* 0 0
PU(R)D* 0 0
GEYS* 0 0
RAM(B)A* 0 0
(E)UcHRASE* 0 0
ApHORIA* 0 0
UN(VYING)* 0 0
TeX(T)ILED* 0 0
OUT(TAX)* 0 0
BUN(D)ING* 0 0
sTILBIN(E)* 0 0
SC(AB)BER* 0 0
UNGON(E)* 0 0
W(A)* 0 0
aCHELES(S)* 0 0
ENRH(E)UmS* 0 0
cABALES* 0 0
INROL(L)E(D)* 0 0
HOODIL(Y)* 0 0
GAPEY* 0 0
SWA(R)K* 0 0
(HADJ)E* 0 0
EDDOS* 0 0
ElITEST* 0 0
S(aL)ARISTs* 0 0
FROWN(Y)* 0 0
FIB(R)IC* 0 0
LEGIONe(D)* 0 0
TU* 0 0
PERTS* 0 0
(B)OATRAcE* 0 0
iN(O)SCINE* 0 0
BLAT(C)H* 0 0
DIT(C)HABL(E)* 0 0
TORS(A)L* 0 0
FOIBL(ED)* 0 0
IMPAI(N)* 0 0
HIT(B)OX* 0 0
DA(V)O(N)* 0 0
COPOLiS* 0 0
(G)RAMmING* 0 0
SCInDED* 0 0
T(O)MP* 0 0
INVIsUA(L)* 0 0
A(C)E(TA)tION* 0 0
DAYM(E)N* 0 0
YIPED* 0 0
(MA)GING* 0 0
BUTIN* 0 0
STO(P)pERY* 0 0
SPILErS* 0 0
BUD(G)Y* 0 0
Q(U)AYED* 0 0
ROOT(I)LY* 0 0
UBEIT(Y)* 0 0
VI(RE)VoLTE* 0 0
Ju(BI)LITY* 0 0
BERNIeS* 0 0
JIgGER(E)R* 0 0
FLU(G)* 0 0
(F)INERS* 0 0
POI(N)TI(SH)* 0 0
A* 0 0
MATHY* 0 0
ARSEN* 0 0
(NE)RVAtIZE* 0 0
RELIEvI* 0 0
GU(N)KET* 0 0
(S)ECLUdER* 0 0
CUPIDlY* 0 0
DO(W)NsTEP* 0 0
MAISE* 0 0
PROEMiU(M)* 0 0
(VAC)ANCE* 0 0
HINK* 0 0
AUREOUs* 0 0
(EX)ToRSION* 0 0
HOZeLS* 0 0
HARPIeR* 0 0
BOXT(I)E* 0 0
BOXT(E)R* 0 0
NID(A)R* 0 0
(s)CARFISH* 0 0
In(S)EEMED* 0 0
LeTOF(F)* 0 0
LORDhOO(D)* 0 0
WA* 0 0
(A)nTIC(U)RE* 0 0
(D)ITTED* 0 0
VAcILLI* 0 0
TYPER* 0 0
CENO* 0 0
JESSY* 0 0
SANtALS* 0 0
URCAN(A)* 0 0
C(Y)TOSOmE* 0 0
DONATvV(E)* 0 0
M(E)ADOWEd* 0 0
GOO(BY)* 0 0
(OX)AZIDE* 0 0
ExOGENY* 0 0
DE(F)E(C)T(A)BLE* 0 0
BLINS* 0 0
JE(E)RY* 0 0
Dr(A)FTMEN* 0 0
bOTTONE(E)* 0 0
cOTTONE(R)* 0 0
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were challenged off by an opponent.
Unchallenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
MOILY* 0 32
D(I)GISTAT* 0 67
TI(V)IES* 0 32
FOOLER* 0 46
RECLIM(B)S* 0 80
BAMB(I)* 0 22
TOR(P)OL* 0 27
(C)ORNETTE* 0 83
WH(A)RVED* 0 33
GAPEY* 0 42
CLOZE(D)* 0 48
(R)EGNIC* 0 33
(D)ISgAUGE* 0 80
(E)PISTLED* 0 92
DURrING* 0 70
(D)RAWBEDS* 0 104
(AVA)ILERS* 0 36
(L)UDdITES* 0 74
(U)NGRATEd* 0 77
VINAE* 0 32
(BRILLO)ES* 0 30
WI(N)E(R)* 0 16
(B)ANT* 0 12
KETONoN(E)* 0 76
(V)IRTUED* 0 36
BRANG* 0 21
ONIUMS* 0 76
ROMULAN(S)* 0 83
VALED* 0 27
HA(LO)NIC* 0 48
FI(LAR)OTIc* 0 38
RETES* 0 38
FOO(D)Y* 0 28
JILTY* 0 35
PALETOT(E)* 0 74
bODFINS* 0 79
BILED* 0 38
ITHER(S)* 0 30
CHOWER* 0 38
PALAcIN(G)* 0 83
VILLE* 0 24
NUNNE(D)* 0 9
W(AL)LETFUl* 0 66
K(A)LIX* 0 42
(U)NGAiNED* 0 65
GRUML(Y)* 0 32
F(U)RLY* 0 27
REPI(C)K* 0 42
RINK(I)NG* 0 28
HIC(K)ED* 0 48
OUTChA(N)T* 0 72
IR(O)NISER* 0 62
CLEW(IS)* 0 22
FULCRaS* 0 72
rEMELDE(D)* 0 72
K(I)PPOT* 0 48
L(Y)RED* 0 30
HOO(P)Y* 0 39
GON(E)V* 0 28
F(R)OCKY* 0 44
b(IT)EWORMS* 0 76
G(R)AECISE* 0 75
APSID* 0 44
G(R)AECISE* 0 75
AMBOnIc* 0 84
UN(J)OIN* 0 30
P(H)ATS* 0 30
(INTEraCT)ER* 0 31
IL* 0 38
PODIAL* 0 25
(M)OzETTES* 0 80
(F)ATGUT* 0 20
FELL(A)tIC* 0 74
MO(G)GS* 0 45
DHUMB(A)* 0 24
BOTA(N)ISM* 0 64
SWEIR* 0 39
BU(L)BY* 0 24
SuN(GAZED)* 0 54
SANTIM(U)S* 0 70
(ADENYL)IC* 0 42
BE(SAY)* 0 28
RERIP* 0 36
JE(E)RY* 0 39
(B)OLTON* 0 24
DIGENDA(l)* 0 62
BAGGIN* 0 26
(A)LLOxANE* 0 71
CLArIED* 0 80
(O)UtFLoOD* 0 83
REL(I)MIT* 0 36
TURRE* 0 88
ECUMENs* 0 74
BAFFE* 0 19
FRONTE* 0 34
FANBAsE* 0 86
SEGWAYS* 0 106
Be(A)RCLAW* 0 78
MI(G)GED* 0 33
MINOTA(U)R* 0 61
WaRDENL(Y)* 0 86
(E)PIgENES* 0 80
MUST(E)RER* 0 63
RE(OrBITED)* 0 33
SAILHeA(D)* 0 88
LAWINS* 0 87
ORRAS* 0 19
STA(N)Um* 0 28
(UN)P(A)NNED* 0 45
(A)NNUM* 0 24
CASBARs* 0 80
(T)ENTINgS* 0 74
(C)ONATE* 0 23
(AR)BORAL* 0 18
F(I)NNER* 0 11
(S)HEETY* 0 32
REFIXT* 0 34
AMPHI* 0 26
CAUDaDS* 0 89
(R)OCkETTE* 0 70
GO(R)MY* 0 13
WA(Y)ED* 0 24
(BULL)E(R)* 0 17
ASCITE* 0 44
WEDG(E)R* 0 22
(F)ECCuLAE* 0 92
PRO(XI)ED* 0 25
LE* 0 16
MI(G)GED* 0 26
(O)XHUNT* 0 32
PeCTID(E)S* 0 76
(AN)tIWoRLD* 0 78
WISHAS* 0 25
CRESTY* 0 37
BE(S)COrNS* 0 94
MANCE* 0 24
WIFT(e)D* 0 20
(F)AUGHT* 0 14
OUTWIN* 0 25
PI(C)TO* 0 30
MIMS* 0 31
MIRINgS* 0 71
THYMED* 0 33
FACTI(N)G* 0 28
FL(A)WN* 0 21
IKENTS* 0 19
BART* 0 27
M(O)G(G)S* 0 16
(FAIL)SAFE* 0 45
(Y)AFFER* 0 48
GORMY* 0 42
TONIT(E)* 0 21
SAXON* 0 49
HAGGI(E)R* 0 26
BA(C)KTIME* 0 88
FUDGER* 0 40
GIMMEL* 0 47
LIPES* 0 23
(N)ODED* 0 26
(R)OTOTYPE* 0 92
C(A)NeWORK* 0 76
CALL(UP)* 0 26
PREFIT* 0 45
TRIFF* 0 70
PIROGS* 0 70
RHeOCRA(T)* 0 74
QUI(L)TY* 0 56
(C)UREX* 0 22
SWEIR* 0 48
(THING)IE* 0 11
MUT(I)NGS* 0 40
BLY(M)E* 0 36
FICOS* 0 38
ELVEN* 0 24
EN(N)EALED* 0 60
PI(N)NIEsT* 0 70
(MONGER)ER* 0 33
TINTY* 0 21
Cl(U)MPILY* 0 67
BONG(A)* 0 24
GUMP* 0 33
OBAH* 0 17
(A)NN* 0 9
D(R)O(O)LER* 0 19
MOULE* 0 37
BOTHI(E)R* 0 26
CLOWN(Y)* 0 28
BLUE(S)ED* 0 33
(D)E(V)ERGING* 0 67
TR(I)MoDAL* 0 70
RE(P)ELT* 0 34
RIPE(W)EED* 0 78
CA(B)LOAD* 0 39
OUT(TAX)* 0 14
TOWNE(Y)* 0 24
PI(G)NORAS* 0 64
JOC(KED)* 0 40
MI(C)KED* 0 36
JaDEISH* 0 96
SCUDOS* 0 35
LEDGIN(G)* 0 22
OPERA(N)CY* 0 84
RA(I)NLIKE* 0 78
UNNaMES* 0 74
(U)NDERMIX* 0 88
TONIES* 0 27
PER(U)QUE* 0 54
P(I)TTER* 0 22
HOOLEY* 0 32
VALGOU(S)* 0 30
BRI(S)E* 0 26
MANGO(N)IA* 0 89
LEVATI(O)N* 0 74
BEAM(E)R* 0 42
MEWER* 0 26
(P)I(N)ONE* 0 31
BE(CLOVEN)* 0 45
(C)HOREGIC* 0 84
VAXE(R)* 0 16
VAXERS* 0 28
OUTDU(B)* 0 30
TuRACAO* 0 88
SWARMY* 0 55
(M)IOAW* 0 20
MISC* 0 44
DAPHNeY* 0 76
ARRATE* 0 32
QUIN(A)L* 0 30
CNID(AS)* 0 12
WRILY* 0 30
INROS* 0 44
ST(AW)ING* 0 44
DUR(RAH)* 0 12
BUK(S)HAS* 0 63
VE(X)ILLAE* 0 69
CUER* 0 42
(PE)TRI* 0 16
(R)OOFEY* 0 40
(B)OBETA(H)* 0 42
(G)API(E)R* 0 31
FOR(M)IL* 0 30
HOLER* 0 17
ALL(O)WER* 0 22
TWEENI(E)R* 0 94
V(E)RR(E)L* 0 9
R(I)FFER* 0 24
(C)OOLAgES* 0 80
(JACK)NI(F)E* 0 48
FAkEOUT* 0 69
DAWTY* 0 58
MOTRIC* 0 26
H(A)PANG* 0 32
sEABOU(N)D* 0 62
TEC(T)I(Z)E* 0 36
DRO(O)LERS* 0 60
UNT(O)OK* 0 40
BLANDIN(G)* 0 64
PONED* 0 47
J(G)U* 0 43
ASGGAD* 0 40
BOSRAUl* 0 98
HU* 0 34
(D)AMEF* 0 40
OB* 0 29
AEONUTA(R)* 0 77
EW* 0 30
I(BO)* 0 7
D(JUT)IET* 0 30
LiTREAG(E)* 0 70
VERNIS* 0 38
MUDKI(N)* 0 54
MELaNID(E)* 0 72
SWARMY* 0 55
CESURIc* 0 90
C(ERE)BRO* 0 30
ULVAE* 0 30
CLUINGs* 0 76
FLO(R)IC* 0 22
(O)UTWIN* 0 18
(W)INCY* 0 26
KNOPT* 0 25
BEsWO(ON)S* 0 144
U(N)BLENT* 0 16
SKEEVE* 0 38
FRAYER* 0 39
TAXAL* 0 29
BI(D)EW* 0 36
UNB(AR)ED* 0 40
OMENTaS* 0 77
UNSUITs* 0 74
SC(AR)REDlY* 0 64
G(U)YER* 0 18
A(G)ADDA* 0 27
P(I)CTURER* 0 80
OUTDIG* 0 18
AsSEIZE* 0 104
CAVI(T)OUS* 0 67
RILER* 0 21
EUG(E)NOID* 0 72
ENR(A)GERS* 0 68
(D)OMINY* 0 24
D(I)VINiSM* 0 76
C(U)TTIER* 0 26
REORBIT(S)* 0 70
JUK(ER)* 0 24
LiM(B)ETIC* 0 78
(UN)FILED* 0 38
AiRHORN* 0 70
TORILA* 0 27
GLARE(R)* 0 22
VINER* 0 26
RE(J)OInER* 0 66
FU(S)ARIES* 0 72
BOOTER* 0 36
OV(E)RUSER* 0 72
OUT(PROVINg)* 0 42
MAN(G)RELS* 0 72
R(E)FA(C)TORS* 0 78
BE(E)PY* 0 26
CORB* 0 48
LOGI(C)ISM* 0 67
SENORE* 0 88
TOFTED* 0 29
CR(YE)R* 0 10
CRYERS* 0 73
OR(o)METRY* 0 98
(G)UCKY* 0 48
DRUFF* 0 37
DRUFFY* 0 55
BACKIE* 0 50
DISGA(U)GE* 0 79
RYRON(TA)s* 0 31
TAIlWHI(P)* 0 96
SMALT(I)NG* 0 74
FAINE(D)* 0 20
VINER* 0 26
HIVER(S)* 0 40
U(N)E(D)IFIeD* 0 75
(T)W(E)ENIER* 0 36
(OBEY)ANCE* 0 48
CAKINgS* 0 82
T(I)CKIER* 0 52
ADIPO(ID)* 0 42
MoTLIED* 0 74
GL(O)WIER* 0 17
HOLA* 0 24
SuDORI(T)Y* 0 74
MILIAS* 0 89
B(E)DEMaNS* 0 74
INV(I)TIvE* 0 86
(K)EGEL* 0 32
TH* 0 25
HYPOgEI(C)* 0 75
LACEWE(E)D* 0 78
gUR(D)WARI* 0 72
UN(P)USHED* 0 70
PHE(L)IMER* 0 88
AARGHH* 0 106
PAcKFUL* 0 92
TRIPLIN(E)* 0 89
LIAT(R)I* 0 16
hE(L)LBOOT* 0 70
(C)RANKERS* 0 68
(APOLOG)IC* 0 39
BEGADS* 0 46
INJO(IN)* 0 26
(N)OVERTUM* 0 73
VI(N)AE* 0 24
(A)ddABLES* 0 83
(T)HALE* 0 36
BRACTIN(G)* 0 98
KUNAS* 0 34
K(I)BBITzY* 0 86
BEDUS* 0 78
IL* 0 37
FRACT(A)* 0 42
PUNITY* 0 25
NIGIRI* 0 26
POGIE* 0 19
(T)ABIDS* 0 36
(P)ANMIX* 0 50
uNWRAPT* 0 82
SWICK* 0 38
SWICKS* 0 81
UNCLO(T)* 0 18
MARLIsH* 0 71
(K)USH* 0 33
(F)LARY* 0 33
ENORMS* 0 90
NI* 0 24
(KITHE)R* 0 15
EN(D)ERIMC* 0 68
RUBIcON* 0 66
MU(R)RIE* 0 24
tAWDRIE(D)* 0 92
(C)UIR* 0 18
HOVES* 0 73
NA(F)FY* 0 44
(S)TRICTEN* 0 89
(D)ELLED* 0 27
WA(K)EUP* 0 30
sTOUTED* 0 69
INDULT(ED)* 0 24
RHE(M)IC* 0 37
CRAN* 0 28
(EM)BERY* 0 48
DOOLeYS* 0 81
MOILY* 0 29
(O)VERTALL* 0 74
V(E)STIGED* 0 80
CUI(S)HED* 0 30
(S)WILED* 0 36
WEA(L)DING* 0 67
PO* 0 22
RAPP* 0 31
WILTY* 0 34
FULCR(AS)* 0 32
PAIRER* 0 24
BAL(O)O* 0 26
DERIG* 0 32
CO(R)T(A)L* 0 27
SPRITIN(G)* 0 69
WABB(E)d* 0 45
J(AG)GEDY* 0 22
UNSaNDE(D)* 0 77
PALLIC* 0 26
NUM* 0 15
GOTTA* 0 15
GUMBI(E)* 0 12
(T)WERPiNg* 0 74
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were not challenged by an opponent.
Plays That Were Challenged
Type Play Probability Score
TILTY* 0 0
P(R)UNY* 0 0
MON(I)TION 14600 90
MEETLI(E)r* 0 0
ROQ(U)ETEd 7074 66
H(E)ILER* 0 0
TITHERe(D)* 0 0
(E)YEtOOTH 18007 92
CARYOtI(D)* 0 0
(C)ENTUPLy* 0 0
VEInLE(S)S 18116 149
LI(N)KUP 18770 26
H(OYE)D 6186 63
MUCRO 9131 40
WO(S)T 2801 30
PEISE 2420 34
G(I)RT 1039 9
VOLUMIN(G) 18977 92
SARRAZ(I)n* 0 0
OD 37 26
BOFFI* 0 0
VEG(E)S 5014 34
BAIRD* 0 0
ZIN(K)IER* 0 0
S(I)DESMEN 13740 67
FOWLeRS 11245 82
(PALM)ITATES 7461 45
Dr(A)FTMEN* 0 0
EXACTER 8533 103
DeSKMAN 13474 89
PIRE* 0 0
POINTES 1001 0
NARY 1200 0
VAlGI(C)* 0 0
FI(S)K* 0 0
MAUSIER 1568 76
(K)AYAC* 0 0
HYPERON 12721 72
(D)URAN(T)* 0 0
(R)OLIC* 0 0
BEAUIsH 6902 76
VIBrI(u)MS* 0 0
TEGULA 1933 33
RES(C)HOOL 15569 80
SCALIER 1418 85
HOXES 8284 58
(C)REPY 9629 27
P(Y)ING* 0 0
(S)PInITIS* 0 0
BE(E)DIE* 0 0
CUBBED 15713 33
RADNESs* 0 0
TREFS* 0 0
(BA)RONEtRY* 0 0
G(R)AMErAL* 0 0
NO(N)SnOWY* 0 0
AGLOO 4716 14
MORRION 15458 64
AN(O)DALLY 26469 69
HOLL(O)S 14244 30
VAPE 2101 42
vISCIVE* 0 0
(B)ULLER* 0 0
VO(L)UBLE 27202 32
WIPE 1604 40
W(I)NK 3324 0
SlEE(K)ISH* 0 0
ZA(z)EN 7914 46
BLEE(C)H* 0 0
OU(T)BYE 6757 32
A* 0 0
(D)OPISH* 0 0
EV(E)CTION 2603 90
(T)IBIATEd* 0 0
BIl(AB)IATE 21200 78
VIE 137 16
sTA(C)CADO* 0 0
WATER(A)GE 6623 66
(JABOT)ED* 0 0
KR(A)IT 2023 21
PrES(H)INE* 0 0
U(N)DRIVeN* 0 0
AE 1 0
CL(O)ON* 0 0
OUTTIMe* 0 0
FELL(I)E* 0 0
AGAROSE 1179 0
DILATES 403 76
SALIHeA(D)* 0 0
LOOKwAY* 0 0
LOWED 2729 41
A* 0 0
LOOKIE 6967 22
CENT 775 28
HU(G) 926 14
SALINI(Z)E 5140 71
(R)OSEOLAR 3610 68
cH(AN)DLER 9008 99
cOADHE(R)E* 0 0
HEADnO(T)E 809 63
aD(JUG)ATE* 0 0
FEYLY 8876 0
S(TE)NOCOD(E)s* 0 0
(R)A(C)ELINER* 0 0
VA(U)LTY 16264 48
HAReLIP* 0 0
PHILtRA 12457 74
ZI(P)PO 8985 76
(G)OLDeNER 2126 63
OESTRU(A)L 335 74
MISO 1449 0
VOCABS 13008 0
BACONS 8508 0
(J)INX 3639 34
SpATULE* 0 0
pASTULE* 0 0
pAL(O)O(ZA)* 0 0
lOL* 0 0
FE(C)AlITY* 0 0
OM 77 12
POSH 3297 0
(S)TRAKINg* 0 0
DYNE 1731 0
FEED 2127 0
(T)AWER 804 27
ARSE(N)OUS 2619 67
CHET* 0 0
I(N)FLATER 397 65
WI(D)OW 7469 28
JAIL(M)AtE* 0 0
TOG 254 11
CUE 391 25
MUrDERS 15007 0
SIN(D)* 0 0
GOUTWE(eD)S 8317 80
MUDRA 4622 0
KEELHOl(E)* 0 0
BA(TON)ED* 0 0
TOOLSET 10131 74
FRIJoLE(D)* 0 0
RUMLIEr* 0 0
(B)ULLER* 0 0
B(U)R(b)ELLEd* 0 0
DEBIlIT(Y) 13290 80
A(H)S 544 29
ROTTE 1001 15
ORRI(FY)* 0 0
STAITHE 5104 69
TENnIST 5764 72
Q(At) 572 11
LAZIES 3532 0
LOWRY* 0 0
HA(N)UMAN 20950 50
(C)OWTIP* 0 0
ELA(P)IN* 0 0
VA(R)IOLAS 4991 72
GORS* 0 0
FRESH(I)NG 10867 67
KHETH 12333 51
DEPONES 4602 90
RIKIShI 22909 79
(D)URRED* 0 0
LUM(P)IA 9932 39
(R)EmIXERS 19638 80
(I)GNIFIES 15988 78
sILTILY* 0 0
WOT 467 0
TO(R)ILLAs* 0 0
FLUR(R)Y 14554 39
SHORTIE 934 88
VESTA 1704 34
(BRAG)U(R)* 0 0
(ACUTER)U(N)* 0 0
HY(P)ION* 0 0
BECOWAR(D) 11856 101
YOGIC 6206 0
L(U)NKIER* 0 0
G(O)RMY* 0 0
ORAL 254 33
O(L)IO 891 8
CA(PE)RER 12251 44
GYR(A)L 5366 18
SPIROiD 8794 67
CAVELI(K)E 16946 71
rEA(C)QUIT* 0 0
SEEL 802 27
(D)ORYMEN 10838 26
LIEVER 3274 43
C(O)BLED* 0 0
sIMPLER 10165 0
LAVINGs* 0 0
IAMbICS 26335 75
UV(E)A 711 24
DEVOTEs 4813 0
SCALE(LI)KE 19192 95
ELUTErS* 0 0
(R)IMOUT* 0 0
OD 35 13
CAKER* 0 0
PUNNIER 6294 63
BOwKNOT 30491 97
(W)aGELESS 25689 74
ACON(IT)UMs 6043 62
ALB(U)MeNS 11971 149
EN 4 0
ENTRIEs 210 0
A(V)IATIC 13145 26
(U)NJINXEd* 0 0
GLUM(E) 5656 9
W(E)T 286 0
PU(R)D* 0 0
CHUSE 6571 0
GEYS* 0 0
RAM(B)A* 0 0
(E)UcHRASE* 0 0
ApHORIA* 0 0
L(I)FECARE 4254 64
UNDRA(W) 9546 33
(V)OGS 2989 0
UN(VYING)* 0 0
(S)ORBITAN 1421 83
TeX(T)ILED* 0 0
OUT(TAX)* 0 0
ROMAN 1459 47
BUN(D)ING* 0 0
sTILBIN(E)* 0 0
SODA(M)IDE 6237 64
(C)OTININE 3960 83
SC(AB)BER* 0 0
UNGON(E)* 0 0
A(L)GUACIL 23788 67
W(A)* 0 0
VEE(R)Y 4612 27
aCHELES(S)* 0 0
WITHERS 6877 0
ENRH(E)UmS* 0 0
cABALES* 0 0
INROL(L)E(D)* 0 0
(A)GRO 465 15
H(E)ADSAIL 4777 83
RAFTSME(N) 5546 71
TOUZING 15628 86
HOODIL(Y)* 0 0
GAPEY* 0 0
TORULAS 2481 0
SWA(R)K* 0 0
(HADJ)E* 0 0
VE(N)D 1269 0
ElITEST* 0 0
S(aL)ARISTs* 0 0
FROWN(Y)* 0 0
FOREkN(O)W 20742 89
DURANCE 2933 94
BOA 231 27
SONlIKE 4090 95
CLO(G)gIER 14178 78
B(O)RECOLE 12560 63
FIB(R)IC* 0 0
SENEGAS 8513 73
REDROOT 4858 92
LEGIONe(D)* 0 0
UH 93 0
EQUITES 7328 0
(B)OATRAcE* 0 0
ARUgOlA 6434 70
FLAMS 7215 0
TAEnIAS 136 0
iN(O)SCINE* 0 0
FEEING 3400 29
(N)OVELISH 8726 95
BLAT(C)H* 0 0
DIT(C)HABL(E)* 0 0
TORS(A)L* 0 0
SUPE(R)ING 5927 74
FOIBL(ED)* 0 0
IMPAI(N)* 0 0
TO(D)DLING 13040 72
PROTEAS 892 74
HIT(B)OX* 0 0
MU(R)R 3461 27
SWINK 7151 63
DA(V)O(N)* 0 0
COPOLiS* 0 0
LUXaTES 8737 114
(G)RAMmING* 0 0
GRADA(B)LE 9679 167
SCInDED* 0 0
T(O)MP* 0 0
(R)uNNABLE 8296 70
INVIsUA(L)* 0 0
CaTTIEs 3620 74
A(C)E(TA)tION* 0 0
DAYM(E)N* 0 0
WEDeLNS 13004 78
DIRTI(E)D 5688 0
M(O)L 668 0
BOLD 2494 0
(MA)GING* 0 0
INKH(O)RNS 21803 114
DEIL 216 40
BUTIN* 0 0
STO(P)pERY* 0 0
HEA(D)SMEN 9872 86
VARLET 1613 0
SPILErS* 0 0
BUD(G)Y* 0 0
I(N)DEEDY 11136 24
EIRENI(C)S 3479 72
Q(U)AYED* 0 0
RUBIGOs 10326 74
TENA(C)E 1057 24
ROOT(I)LY* 0 0
SINEW(I)Ng 14223 60
(P)ARVENUS 8611 101
UBEIT(Y)* 0 0
VI(RE)VoLTE* 0 0
(B)ROOKING 20333 84
Ju(BI)LITY* 0 0
BERNIeS* 0 0
(K)NIGHTED 15585 84
IMMINE(N)T 21717 80
JIgGER(E)R* 0 0
LAUDAN(U)M 24729 74
FLU(G)* 0 0
CHITO(N) 6315 36
(F)INERS* 0 0
QUANTI(Z)E 11039 82
POI(N)TI(SH)* 0 0
(EPOXY)ED 18716 23
GREATER 2769 84
A* 0 0
YE 49 0
(Y)IRRING 23142 26
PR(O)TENDS 2804 63
ARSEN* 0 0
(NE)RVAtIZE* 0 0
CENSINg 11155 83
BARON(I)AL 2723 68
RELIEvI* 0 0
GU(N)KET* 0 0
(U)NDREW 5315 20
(S)ECLUdER* 0 0
(GRUMPH)IE 27366 56
CUTES 3641 31
CUPIDlY* 0 0
(C)ALCINED 19489 80
DO(W)NsTEP* 0 0
MAISE* 0 0
OvERDUE 4607 71
SLAY 2419 0
PROEMiU(M)* 0 0
ZI(P)PO 8985 76
(VAC)ANCE* 0 0
TITI 1998 0
(J)OHNNIES 15046 88
G(LOB)OSITY 18567 48
UNC(O)RK 12186 0
AUREOUs* 0 0
(EX)ToRSION* 0 0
CLAW 3160 0
HOZeLS* 0 0
(u)NFENCE 17181 38
HARPIeR* 0 0
THYMOmA 23747 97
BOXT(I)E* 0 0
BOXT(E)R* 0 0
NID(A)R* 0 0
(s)CARFISH* 0 0
In(S)EEMED* 0 0
LeTOF(F)* 0 0
LORDhOO(D)* 0 0
GALLOPS 19886 0
HAW 781 0
(A)nTIC(U)RE* 0 0
(D)ITTED* 0 0
TOUS(L)ING 4963 61
NIQABS 10400 0
VAcILLI* 0 0
ICK(I)ER 9297 0
(P)ERIODID 10322 78
CENO* 0 0
TUGGeRS 15610 68
YO(G)I 1664 0
SANtALS* 0 0
URCAN(A)* 0 0
C(Y)TOSOmE* 0 0
CURSIvE 10119 83
DONATvV(E)* 0 0
M(E)ADOWEd* 0 0
STIMiED 5827 70
D(A)RKENER 9994 82
GOO(BY)* 0 0
WIFTY 7408 36
OVALL(Y) 13442 39
(OX)AZIDE* 0 0
S(W)INGY 17774 50
ExOGENY* 0 0
DE(F)E(C)T(A)BLE* 0 0
FORESEE 6841 0
FALSIE 1504 0
JE(E)RY* 0 0
CEAsING 2533 0
CA(P)RIC 14400 30
Dr(A)FTMEN* 0 0
TARTLET 10614 73
LI(B)RAI(R)IE 14454 61
bOTTONE(E)* 0 0
cOTTONE(R)* 0 0
A(L)ULA 6618 18
V(AHI)NES 4384 52
BEDUINs 5626 70
Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Opponent Lists
Type Play Probability Score
JeT(T)IsON 6930 94
SERIOUS 3590 67
SHEeNIE 5936 99
RETAILO(R) 140 64
WArTIM(E)S 3377 74
(A)NOINTER 40 62
TARSIER 556 83
DEVIATE 1047 85
PROTEIN 358 72
pOTTIES 4652 81
SAUNTER 443 71
RELIqUE 7320 64
ABA(L)oNES 3212 86
FA(R)THEST 13978 82
UNB(O)ILED 2801 80
TRIGRAM 10942 72
S(L)ANTING 8105 67
sOUVE(N)IR 1482 62
DUMPErS 16294 74
LUCIfER 10109 76
WANTOnS 9657 75
L(I)ONIZEs 6249 84
M(A)SONITE 224 74
UNB(E)NIGn 23383 74
INMaTES 697 72
REDEFIE(D) 16344 101
D(O)WNiEST 1442 62
(D)EnARIUS 268 82
ARANEID 131 70
FAILI(N)Gs 12849 74
ONER(I)EST 48 70
(D)EPLoRES 6154 80
DYnASTI(C) 11658 80
(I)sLANDER 264 77
APpEASE 18792 76
BE(A)RINGS 1808 72
RADDeST 5396 88
SUNNILY 16858 78
sPL(I)NTED 4316 68
TRIAGED 254 74
SELL(O)FFS 30530 65
sEAF(R)ONT 559 60
LOWEREd 4595 92
DESERVE(D) 21535 92
S(I)NCERER 6422 64
MAJORLY 20392 124
mONA(R)DAS 8127 68
SCENTEd 6732 87
SCORIAE 314 78
DONGLES 4250 78
ORGIAST 843 70
BA(T)TErIE 1963 66
V(I)OLATOR 3458 62
CREATIN 227 64
G(R)ADiEnT 148 140
FILT(E)RED 3118 66
(F)OLIATES 562 74
AGEISTs 4498 76
NEEDIES(T) 1884 83
ANTILIf(ER) 590 77
(O)VeRLAIN 216 80
TH(E)ANINE 1966 72
TONGMAN 11817 78
LAMBIER 4299 74
RADICEs 1478 82
BOO(Z)IEST 12802 90
NORTENO 2688 62
DAMPEsT 10035 90
RAINIE(S)T 95 61
CENTRES 4215 77
ELECTOr 2637 92
TREELIN(E) 859 77
STARReD 2815 69
MOLDErS 6379 72
sPRAINE(D) 1032 83
CAStIG(AT)E 7734 72
DiNEROS 168 80
REMINTS 1628 95
HUNTERS 5785 77
UNsURER* 0 68
tENONER 1213 75
TuNNELS 8203 59
WINTERS 1636 79
UINT(A)ITE 1045 59
DOTTIER 747 66
COVETEd 9035 84
(T)ORRENTS 5540 60
ESTrONE 342 62
STUNNER 5290 70
AIRLIFT 5484 75
INS(E)RTED 380 74
SLUICEs 15877 84
LACE(R)TID 1006 78
INS(O)LATE 23 82
VIsIO(N)AL 5003 64
LEARNED 568 70
ANOlYTE(S) 1393 72
AChIEVE(R) 8666 82
SCANTES(T) 17167 83
WOODEN(L)Y 15603 84
GRUNTED 3563 68
rEPUTES 6767 61
INfRACT 6297 72
NEON(A)tES 733 61
LUPINES 5673 65
TEARIE(S)T 530 70
GYRaTES 4719 79
ZONULAE 4267 73
VOCAL(I)ZE 13070 94
YeLLERS 16923 82
FORKiER 12708 81
RATTIES(T) 6114 77
SERENer 8783 73
RITUALS 1868 78
(I)NTORTED 486 80
SETTlIN(G) 5557 77
SNIPERS 9793 85
GENTLIS(H)* 0 89
REMINTS 1628 77
StONING 7284 73
LASSOED 5988 70
sPOILER 2040 68
(F)ENURoNS 9459 83
PRINTER 4004 91
R(E)LEASOR 1706 131
DI(V)aGATE 4181 70
LOuSIER 521 69
EVANgEL 5725 78
Un(C)RATES 2366 70
ESTEEMs 18716 89
I(N)POURED 1440 62
TRUN(D)LER 6950 68
CRuDEST 8668 95
(A)MIRATES 1222 83
QUOTERS 6965 102
LEARNED 568 70
CLAWERS 10007 74
(G)OVERNED 5248 102
(E)InSTEIN 3186 74
HAILERS 1538 79
A(F)EBRILE 4240 76
RE(L)ACING 1813 78
(P)ADRONES 1369 62
BESTOwS 18086 83
ANTEING 1126 78
StAMINA 5467 63
N(E)RDIEST 381 68
GROANED 384 74
(A)LDOLASe 8453 60
CHILDES 13280 92
DIATRoN 127 81
LISTERS 5427 81
APOsTLE 2628 79
A(P)HORIaS* 0 63
AGrAFeS 8190 76
ORATING 304 64
TROUNcE 2072 60
AsSO(N)ATE 3172 66
AVIATES 1785 67
VR(O)OMiNG 17261 77
SER(e)NATA 453 58
sONATAs 9017 73
(D)INETTES 2710 80
ACCURST 21152 109
NARWALS 11624 79
RIPENI(N)G 11317 76
SErFDOM 11235 93
iNTROLD 1590 67
ELANETS 760 70
MEDINAS 1996 96
QUARREL 13332 102
EcLAIRS 1486 71
EERIEST 1271 67
ARRI(V)ALs 15283 74
HUNKE(R)ED 18706 80
BAR(O)NETS 576 68
ENTREAT 1017 66
(T)AILOREd 14 71
OUtRAIs(E) 25 69
SINUATE 125 68
ER(I)GERON 1186 63
TEPhRIT(E) 11496 77
TOSTONE 4868 66
ROTENO(N)E 2474 70
(s)CALIEST 8592 80
AT(R)ESiAS 2480 71
MUNIT(I)ON 16705 104
DRESSED 25574 77
tO(R)QUATE 6927 86
ARRIVED 3799 78
REMANAG(E)* 0 86
UPSTIRS 17940 86
HOLlERs 13950 74
UNSATED 1150 78
SPINTOS 17719 81
WATERIE(R) 1970 86
AIRHOLe 322 79
I(N)STATED 930 60
UNEASIE(r) 125 66
ORALIsT 600 74
G(EL)ATINES 438 61
ENTHRON(E) 6024 74
AUrI(C)LES 3000 67
GAL(I)LEES 7066 63
STEnOTI(C) 3577 84
NEURONA(L) 1145 60
SER(E)NATA 453 68
(F)OLIaGED 2213 86
ECLOSES 15010 85
APNOEAS 2358 79
(T)WENTIES 6460 86
REAGIN(I)C 2134 74
CAREWOR(N) 7823 84
(D)ELIMItS 7920 74
COACToR(s) 23013 89
SNOOLED 3967 89
HOARSE(s)T 6493 149
PELORIA 325 77
BENE(D)ICT 7155 66
NOSTRUM 8907 79
VIrELAI 1795 74
OUTLANd 2478 62
BEARING 1212 70
COU(R)TIER 3584 72
KERA(T)INS 1269 98
PENlITE 2286 65
NOSEDIv(E) 1931 68
DATInGS 2902 72
(A)mIDINES 2574 80
BANSHEE 8253 70
DEMENTI 2264 76
CHIMERS 14885 88
SAUNTER 444 84
UNRIsEN 2855 77
ELAST(A)Ne 1123 61
(A)RBOUReD 6024 82
OOLA(C)HAN 18960 76
tERYLE(NE)S 7762 95
(A)IGRETTE 947 63
pEREONS 2663 64
ALINERS 106 71
EYESTON(E) 5494 86
(N)EWSREEl 11138 92
STHENIA 670 78
sMECT(I)TE 15156 69
(F)IRELOCK 16903 94
DoGMATA 11428 81
SONnIEs 7191 81
ROSACEA 2354 70
UNSEXIE(R) 6024 67
D(U)ELLERS 15436 80
MOtIVEs 5148 78
NOOKIES 5549 70
SEIZERS 14747 108
SOILAGE 381 72
InTWINE 7203 85
MIRAGES 2441 91
INSIDER 1220 74
I(N)QUiRER 12791 68
ECHOInG 6864 78
AlIE(n)ORS 21 74
TWIsTIE(R) 8948 70
REA(D)IEST 117 70
FLIRTED 3236 74
SECONDI 1990 72
Pr(I)NTERS 5275 74
GASTREA 2148 85
(B)ARRAGED 14931 76
STUdIER 1163 72
T(R)ESTLES 16708 72
(P)UpILAGE 20669 72
PERIODS 2010 93
STUDIES 8456 95
(R)ENTABLE 1583 70
COASTED 1835 97
FERUlAE 3907 67
CHA(R)LIES 5379 92
NOStRIL 1207 71
(B)INOClES 6787 92
THICK(E)NS 19436 75
SH(I)TTIER 8944 82
UNLEADe(D) 8189 80
VOR(L)AgES 4362 90
UNTaGG(E)D 11712 78
NEUROID 174 70
VErSING 4759 85
E(N)ROLLED 5968 72
AUTHORS 5837 72
TERTIAL 546 64
ELOINER(S) 176 62
TEENAG(E)D 2841 64
REN(E)GERS 12864 62
BRAU(N)ITE 408 63
NAUTICA(L) 7280 72
pOLITER 988 79
KNEADE(R)S 6008 64
IDE(A)LIzE 6536 58
OWNABLE 4989 69
(G)RANTORS 5816 63
SLAT(T)ERN 2142 70
rEHEARS 7694 82
OVE(R)fISH 11964 64
sALARIE(D) 798 60
ALLOCAT(E) 10317 83
BOLETES 4782 85
AVOIdER 320 76
TENOURS 529 71
FINITeS 3649 66
ANEARI(n)G 1952 66
GO(N)OpORE 16136 61
TEDIOUS 519 88
(V)ENTRALS 2381 76
FANwISE 4379 85
MUTATI(O)N 5393 70
LOCATI(N)G 3833 72
CHARTER 11315 80
TAnGOES 393 80
ETOIlES 302 60
SARcOID 3340 71
ADORA(B)LE 3213 64
HO(R)NLIkE 7695 149
SIXTIES 17048 91
UNMI(T)RED 2389 76
GEN(D)ERED 16846 74
EQUITES 7337 102
M(E)TERING 2463 67
ARISTAE 137 67
SPRAINS 11669 87
ARREST(E)E 4211 66
PORtAGE 1424 74
TRILLIO(N) 7895 68
AIRLINE 142 69
(S)TUPIDER 4543 86
BUGG(I)EST 20813 68
(D)RIVELER 9617 63
DENTuRE 1370 68
(D)AEDALIC* 0 84
TAHINIS 5261 78
WACKIER 11962 99
(N)ASALIST(S)* 0 63
sTEELER* 0 76
AZOTISE(D) 1668 107
ROBIN(I)As 2742 70
LATTERL(Y) 17175 63
COALERS 1929 93
SIMULAR 7914 79
UnHAIRS 4959 74
DOTAGES 1097 72
MEDIANS 1509 80
TUMBL(E)RS 16568 64
OvERLE(A)P 4818 72
DEHAIRS 1497 80
ALBINOs 3329 74
TAMBORI(N)* 0 66
DEFROST 3699 94
TUNNeL(E)R 4779 58
PEELIN(G)s 7156 66
INTREAT 197 69
ATOPIS(M)S* 0 63
TONALI(T)Y 5393 71
DIsCOED 10667 77
GRACiNG 16392 74
LEaNEST 581 91
NARR(A)TER 10294 82
(B)RACKETS 19397 113
SARDOrS* 0 84
FOrMULA(E) 6763 95
THRIVeD 7135 84
TURIsTA 4586 70
OC(T)ANTAL 12770 78
ROASTED 153 79
SWOONIE(R) 2104 66
VeILING(S) 10228 83
DREA(R)IES 1265 74
GO(R)DITAS 1259 70
UNIDEAe(D) 2764 72
rElEASE 2624 72
(G)ALLEOnS 6950 77
(U)NEARNED 2683 80
MARINER 2113 71
(L)OOSENER 1993 60
NaEVOID 318 86
NOtEPA(D)S 1370 90
INCItER 1839 109
T(I)NTLESS 11501 60
LEpORIN(E) 846 74
(M)ARINAdE 1203 80
OOSPERM(S) 23286 95
DEITIES 1690 77
WOOLIES 5163 78
CESSING 15046 93
TASTIER 535 93
CONEPAT(L) 3817 82
CARLINS 4941 82
PENALtY 7063 85
iNTER(I)OR 639 61
PuLSING 15958 74
SUsPECT 20248 75
AURORAL 8497 67
M(A)NNERLY 13982 64
GELATIS 767 71
CITTE(R)Ns 5275 68
bRANDED 9732 69
WASTeRS 9785 79
DIVeRGE(S) 7528 82
EN(C)ODERS 3727 63
RECITIN(G) 4231 86
sULKIER 9130 89
WRITH(E)RS 14029 78
RAINBO(W)S 5916 64
SAT(I)NETS 5010 59
LIAISO(N)s 7814 64
TEREDOS 847 68
SHOwMAN 17789 86
TRI(N)ODAL 288 83
PERI(A)NTH 1715 76
C(O)NNOTED 11241 62
DUE(T)TING 5554 62
(L)OGIStIC 14098 70
NAIVETY 2425 79
(L)AWSUITS 18693 76
RECITES 2253 95
D(E)VILISH 16980 84
NAmETAG 5266 70
NESTERS 6583 77
mOI(S)TFUL 16649 83
(V)IBRATOS 5915 80
DENOTeS 845 89
PARIEtI(C)* 0 63
CRONISH 10411 81
BArTEND 1578 79
VARIOLE 326 68
T(R)O(I)lUSES 2880 70
SUDARIa 4255 61
TR(O)UTIeR 3208 61
S(T)RAINED 68 60
LEaVEN(E)R 4742 64
EDITION 312 71
REPoRTS 9975 87
ISOGONE(S) 8474 83
mEISTER 2292 65
NATION(A)L 2471 60
(C)HOLERAS 6730 92
MOTIO(N)ER 941 64
OFTENEr 1266 66
G(E)RARDIA 3665 76
INOSINE 2129 70
BERETTA 4887 62
AGRy(P)NIA 14919 140
BEZANTS 10968 82
ROU(N)DERS 4729 70
ANISEED 205 72
(C)HELAToR 4015 89
WAVERIN(G) 4880 88
H(E)ADGEAR 8053 64
TOUSLED 2724 72
PILOTeD 2003 84
WE(B)INARs 3294 167
NUTSIER 453 81
(J)ETLINER 3521 67
lEVOGY(R)E 14053 185
AN(T)ERIOR 42 82
MUNDANE 9399 81
PRUNiES(T) 2394 80
ABUSIVE 6908 82
URANi(T)IC 4405 76
CAROTIN 745 68
TROCHEE 6104 76
NEgRONI 1314 74
OSIEREd 301 64
D(I)SROBES 9682 72
(L)IKEWISE 19102 69
ORATuRE 780 81
NANNIED 7566 81
TINDERS 446 72
TING(L)IER 1568 62
ROTA(T)ION 1639 68
GANNETS 4426 75
pROT(R)ADE 3550 122
DERAILS 422 72
SWEETlY 14509 95
ONERIEr 474 77
(D)EALINGS 1132 74
BOATErS 876 71
RINGLeT 813 65
NONACID 6610 72
ACc(O)STED 15839 70
PRIO(r)ATE 771 72
(M)ISENtER 1623 80
ELUSIvE 6608 67
SOUnDLY 14928 69
IDOLAT(E)r 13 59
PINDERS 3268 76
SOLITU(D)E 888 65
ENTASIS 1327 74
EASIEST 1960 76
sWOONED 7726 64
BRIDALS 7890 88
REIn(J)ECT 7876 67
NOSED(I)VE 1931 72
INjURED 6131 67
LOFTERS 3913 93
VANITI(E)S 1253 74
CUtOVE(r)S 10273 61
HERNIAE 370 91
(A)BAtISES 9325 80
PENTADS 3130 73
FLOODER(S) 10121 89
OcHER(i)NG 5597 76
TWISteR 6576 68
LAZAR(E)TS 8671 70
RE(S)OLvER 10689 61
WRAPpIN(G) 26398 78
(T)REENAIL 31 77
OUT(D)UEls 11344 64
CRAZIES 7788 125
LAUWINE 1557 85
ASSAYER 13650 81
sTONILY 5889 87
INVE(R)TED 1618 82
FOODiES 5164 77
AMNESIA(C) 6280 64
THIO(U)REA 211 62
rEGLU(I)NG 11725 65
OREIDES 299 62
FEE(L)INGS 7528 74
DIL(A)TORS 741 60
BRUiTED 3210 74
STEALER 586 78
FASTENE(R) 1597 94
TILTERs 2728 76
O(B)TESTEd 10685 68
ORANGES 392 74
ONESeLF 4809 63
RE(M)ANENT 3870 63
DIGEsTI(F) 10214 89
NAILERS 107 68
IATRI(C)Al 7804 60
FoRDERS* 0 71
BROM(A)NCE 8485 68
RELOANS 159 66
DITHERE(R) 6420 70
CTENOID 946 79
DIFF(U)SER 21776 65
TAGGERS 9294 75
TOrN(I)LLO 8879 59
N(E)USTOnS 12563 64
BLEARED 4010 90
CRINGED 4724 69
(S)ANYASIN* 0 76
PEDIcLE 11374 95
TORTUr(E)S 8746 58
FAiNTER 229 75
ATRETIC 2106 80
(N)UDItIES 1959 68
mEMBR(A)NE 21411 72
ALIq(U)OTS 8217 78
(S)PIRULAE 2328 70
(R)EAGINIC 2134 72
MURRAIN 8884 74
P(I)CKeTED 20392 73
FEATHE(R)S 7119 92
V(E)LOUTES 6166 74
StALLED 8428 72
FAINT(E)RS 423 74
DROPpIN(G) 22444 63
FORES(I)DE 1822 68
TONIGhT 11306 66
PURIT(I)ES 4958 61
(R)EVENANT 3872 72
ANTELO(P)E 819 74
IMBIbER 21040 84
ETEsIAN 56 68
ORACIES 313 79
dETONAT(E) 731 74
(T)RoUNCER 8040 86
A(C)ONITES 252 74
TWIRL(I)Er 11760 80
MINAR(E)TS 545 83
sEAGIRT 284 72
OUTFEE(D)S* 0 63
CopAIBA(S) 19021 83
H(A)NGNEST 10714 74
SOAPIER 337 71
E(R)INGOES 352 68
(O)UTFLIES 2834 76
SITHENS 9803 85
TERRaCE 4897 81
NEATENS 1883 82
EIRE(N)ICS 3479 74
GELLANT 7332 75
(R)UNNIEST 2151 62
AMOUNTE(D) 1366 86
PURIT(I)ES 4958 61
(R)EVENANT 3872 72
ANTELO(P)E 819 74
IMBIbER 21040 84
cALA(M)ITY 21262 66
NOISOmE 2794 64
PLANNeR 6481 79
TRUIS(T)IC 18989 63
HARASS(E)S 27084 76
ROASTER 779 80
ANNU(L)ATE 4558 60
pORGIES 2996 83
REBOANT 347 74
CElOSiA 854 83
G(L)ACIERs 4748 72
BREAThE(s) 9297 82
P(R)OFITED 5413 65
SWELTe(R)Y* 0 76
CHORTEN 5228 79
CORROdE 12094 75
A(C)COUNTS 21872 167
INVALID 8499 80
L(A)RYNGeS 6184 72
RATTAIl 5170 66
SARC(O)IDS 11698 67
TO(W)ERING 932 66
IgUANID 5676 62
FANbASE(S) 28527 83
OV(E)RBIdS 8857 80
ECLIP(S)ED 18420 69
LE(A)RNING 1643 60
SATIATE 1676 78
(B)ANISTER 407 72
IRONlIK(E) 3798 86
TEENIE(S)T 4429 61
AUTOD(Y)NE 1372 82
ROMAN(T)IC 3508 63
CURe(L)ESS 20624 70
GRACIlE 2533 72
OSSEINS 15281 85
OVERSAD 1958 83
sIRUPED 5669 71
(C)ANTONAL 12769 62
SNATHES 9766 72
UPLOADS 11756 76
REVOI(C)ES 4826 64
CONTOUR(S) 12946 70
COARSER 4603 75
RAVAgES 8195 87
EASTERN 215 74
SECREcY 22698 81
MUL(L)ITES 15968 64
CaLLOUS 18564 74
(S)TRINGER 3248 80
INTEraC(T) 1502 77
BREA(T)HES 7083 64
NEGATiO(N) 317 81
WHEELIN(G) 12746 98
SAUcIER 1491 71
(I)NTRUDES 728 70
SUNCARE 3090 75
SMOLdER 6382 82
ROOsTED 2137 79
HAIRDOS 3349 84
(R)ETITlED 2707 77
C(R)ANKEsT 10144 84
INFUSEd 5650 100
ORANGEs 391 71
DAILIES 1204 76
S(C)aRTING 5224 74
PORTION(S) 6001 83
PEATIER 378 89
AERIALs 493 67
SAILORS 5433 73
SNIVELe(D) 5346 86
OUTRA(T)ED 1142 72
O(P)ERcELE 14131 131
S(N)ARLIER 933 70
T(W)EENERS 7885 72
L(I)MNETIC 9808 78
REgNANT 2431 64
SEMIW(I)lD 16997 102
ANGRIER 1127 80
(R)ETAILED 113 72
tOAS(T)IER 146 66
GRACIlE 2533 72
SAUNTER 444 64
(L)OAMIESt 568 70
PEELiNG 5753 73
SWATTED 9411 77
REHIRES 7719 80
faIRIES 1793 64
BE(A)RSKIN 6625 82
PANDER(IN)G 4596 66
INDORsE 169 73
(E)NTICERS 1613 83
ALLEGRO 5252 63
UREtHRA 6484 68
NITROSO 1709 71
SERIAT(e)D 118 82
CREoDON(T) 4199 64
sCOOPED 15667 75
AUtOING 841 68
(P)RONATES 596 90
(E)nCLAVES 10380 86
s(O)LATION 1120 64
INSIDES 8912 77
SAURIES 2893 74
SORBIT(A)N(S) 5730 76
URIDINE 1280 70
ONStAGE 392 71
BARYoNI(C) 11136 80
VICAR(A)Ge 8020 64
(W)EaRIEST 678 90
ROAdIES 36 70
RESOUND 1320 75
COL(O)NIST 9282 70
ASUNDER 1150 81
(R)EAGENTS 750 72
TrEN(D)IES 482 70
DRON(G)OES 5814 62
ESCROWE(D) 11348 80
GOVErNS 5526 83
S(P)OTTIeR 3606 72
AMITIES 1796 74
(R)EOVIRUS 6074 86
HATTERI(A) 3255 65
i(N)VENTED 6427 158
PARADER 10186 68
EARNEST 214 72
EDUCATO(R) 1345 67
ERRHInE 4911 76
BOSSIEr 7625 67
FACADES 13807 84
R(E)CLINeS 3104 60
FASTING 6853 105
GIBbETS 19250 80
NATRONS 3018 79
WEAPONs 6754 72
TOLLaGE 6997 67
DRIL(L)eRS 15151 68
NUTRIaS 1017 72
BEaRERS 7677 72
UNBOOkE(D)* 0 61
DE(S)IGNEE 5045 68
EMPOWER 13899 84
FELSITE 4168 85
sINUOuS 18378 77
UNERASE(D) 954 68
GNAWERS 4715 98
DREEING 1194 72
EXPIaTE 5892 94
ANIMIST 5492 70
OREIDEs 300 80
PORTAGE 1424 76
ADORNER 732 80
BUGGIeR 16254 67
QUOtIEN(T) 6934 114
FuNNEST 12648 85
AIRTI(M)eS 1250 63
TOTALeD 1690 78
ROOKIES 5553 65
GLOTTIS 10221 75
DEDuCES 19157 110
TAUnTIN(G) 12598 70
SELTZER 10491 76
DEMOC(R)AT 4013 84
CIRROsE 4635 74
DAhLIAS 11515 81
INSTARS 4854 84
ISATINE 138 66
AErATIO(N) 8 64
pEASANT(Y) 9800 83
(N)OCTUrNE 6121 80
ENTOIL(E)D 172 75
PEELERs 12090 73
TARGeTS 4433 68
DOWRIES 1929 96
DALEThS 5594 86
GAM(I)FIES 15535 67
(G)UAYULeS 28397 83
RATOONS 1707 80
C(O)NTINUE 3580 64
UNIDeAL 420 67
AUDIT(O)RS 744 68
KREPL(A)cH 26092 94
t(H)IOUREA 211 74
SP(E)CIALS 17779 63
ADnATI(O)N 2469 70
(L)ANGUETS 2521 68
REUS(A)BLE 5284 72
DIH(E)DRON 6496 80
(C)OLlATES 9661 75
TANNERS 1352 65
REDRI(V)En 6429 62
ANERGIA 368 62
tU(T)ELAGE 6908 68
A(L)AtIONS 877 66
NIELLOS 3586 63
GREYEST 8861 76
A(E)RATING 236 70
D(E)ClINES 5335 61
ALFREDO 1941 84
COLORED 8039 71
SOlARIA 1307 73
ERUDITE 603 67
LANITAL 8214 64
TUNNAGE 4427 68
UNF(O)RGED 7357 65
Q(U)INALOL* 0 71
GRAnU(L)ES 2520 60
NONSELf 10543 62
IGNITeS 2156 84
SLeEPER 12084 76
I(M)BITTER 14511 78
S(T)ILlSON 19355 68
IN(T)ImATE 3269 73
(RE)iNSTATE 182 60
RATTOON 4420 61
SOLICIT 9170 78
(R)ENATURE 1291 68
(O)ZONATeD 4568 86
GEN(T)RIES 753 86
BaLANCE(S) 13233 62
A(C)R(O)leINS 198 86
FlUSTER 8685 70
HEADIES(T) 1531 92
GLOwIES(T)* 0 74
PAINTER 235 66
DIESTER 598 89
LEADIE(S)T 371 61
ETHENEs 8997 66
TEA(C)AKES 15532 65
SPIDERS 12997 73
RETIN(O)Ls 103 64
(E)LATERIN 29 77
cITOLAS 3346 64
CRE(A)tINE 238 86
QUAILED 5986 102
GLIMN(E)SS* 0 63
ARENOUS 159 70
(I)GnIABLE* 0 83
PORTERs 7457 72
MISLAID 11520 71
URINA(T)ED 71 68
MOUlAGE 5388 64
DIsPO(S)ER 9722 149
CUISINE 6057 74
(S)AMizDAT 20334 70
(P)ROVINcE 8528 89
D(E)cAPODS 18847 62
BRULYIE 10104 85
LINTeRS 451 70
(E)uPNOEAS 1915 80
LAB(O)RIST 3162 72
ANIMA(T)ED 1548 84
INSEAMS 6412 71
SITtENS* 0 82
DAsYURE(S) 15942 95
MESSIER 11149 86
SU(L)FATED 7419 76
VOL(E)RIES 1944 74
ARGOn(A)UT 3016 68
T(R)EDDLES 11070 74
ORAnGEY 1422 95
sUNWA(R)DS 21905 74
INDICES 6062 70
POPULAR 19965 68
WIELDER(S) 5353 64
STANDEE(S) 5103 83
VAWNTIE 2424 79
OVERAgE 2063 75
BoRANES 832 71
ALOETIC 311 74
(P)AReNTED 1596 83
MALADIE(D)* 0 89
cOMEMb(E)R 27640 167
ALEURON 160 63
(C)ORONETS 4192 62
PENISES 11152 70
TORULAe 164 68
MASTING 6826 81
KNaRREd 10214 66
TRA(V)OIsE 231 74
ANTLION 1401 71
ENDEARS 574 72
dIASPOR(A) 4988 68
(N)ICETiES 3480 80
ENR(A)GING 9362 64
ELDESTS 12507 80
COLOBoM(A) 28411 76
DUNG(A)REE 1723 90
wIPEAB(L)E 12128 80
(B)OTTLInG 14526 62
ExCITER 8921 80
CAT(E)NOiD 189 65
GO(D)LI(N)ESS 6893 69
AGAINST 3443 75
MELANO(I)D 544 67
ENQuIRE(R) 10523 122
POINTIL(Y)* 0 82
A(G)OUTIES 254 72
ZARA(T)ITE 6473 87
SQUAReD 9116 76
STAMINA 5470 76
E(N)TERING 2185 62
ArCADED 18273 74
SERPIG(O)S 12017 80
DENSITY 3274 80
EVOLvES 19073 79
I(N)THRALL 10836 64
UNFO(R)MED 9751 106
TARGETS 4433 70
AUTOING 843 63
P(I)GTAILS 12854 76
LACEWO(R)K 16865 70
INJEcTS 10991 83
w(O)ODSIER 3951 74
rEMAILE(D) 1534 72
ORANGES 391 75
DEJEcTA 16049 89
Gr(O)WLERS 20243 62
V(I)OLATED 550 68
DISHInG 15760 97
UnCH(A)IRS 11091 63
SON(A)tINA 2469 78
AN(T)BEARS 2649 65
GOODLIE(R) 2225 72
STIFLED 5646 84
PAtENTS 6500 90
STRInGY 9839 72
SORTIeD 170 79
BEAMiNG 5717 82
GRECIZE 14241 108
TAVERN(E)D* 0 74
PATOOT(I)E 2496 74
REGAI(N)ER 946 68
ArGALIS 5913 78
sHELTER 6759 89
SuLFONE 6399 69
INFLAME 4373 81
WITHOUT(S) 20939 104
INCOMER 2757 79
MITOtIC 17560 82
VE(G)ETANT 8484 63
INsHORE 975 83
VIRgULE 7571 74
AZURITE 1768 77
AIRsPAC(E) 6282 65
rEHEARS 7694 82
RED(I)RECT 8418 64
AEQUO(R)In 905 89
GOWNS(M)AN 22857 68
STEEP(I)NG 6138 94
ARRIVED 5098 81
cENSUAL 5613 73
RETITl(E)S 2713 58
PEEPING 17636 100
MOL(E)SKiN 14515 76
sTAIRED 129 66
REPLIES 4181 75
RUNNERS 12184 69
ALDRINS 2488 77
SeRRANO 1011 80
mAROONE(D) 2075 77
DINEROS 162 68
ALERTES(T) 2560 62
IMPUTER 9599 79
SYND(R)OMe 10269 78
DAFfIE(S)T 14744 83
DASHEEN 4050 83
REBUILT 3212 71
AlANINE 1674 64
ANTRUMS 8020 84
C(A)STR(A)TER 13400 65
WI(N)TERED 1619 72
DELaTES 1373 79
Smo(O)THER 11829 86
LISTENS 5422 80
Y(E)ASTIER 679 76
CLIENTs 3223 76
OUtSIDE(S) 4853 66
PL(U)NGERs 13193 70
RESINED 594 79
OPIATED 319 76
ST(R)INGED 1170 64
UNDERTO(W) 2957 86
(V)ITELLUS 15970 72
TESTIER 1913 77
EXAMI(N)ED 7771 122
sCORNED 3846 90
AmNESIA 2375 67
TARRIeR(S) 8026 74
(C)ABOODLE 11716 95
(RE)WoRKING 14294 76
(E)NTRepOT 4582 71
BAITERS 591 74
SUNNIER 2729 82
(M)ORALIZE 4598 90
TOI(L)ETeD 1707 131
MEGADY(N)e 12728 78
OUTSW(E)AR 1406 76
EROTIcA 69 63
ENDIVEs 3969 75
ARG(E)NTAL 1480 60
OUtSEEN 812 65
RETInUE 222 63
RESpOND 3892 79
TONSILS 8577 72
TRI(A)ZOLE 706 78
NARROWS 9660 93
COEDI(T)Ed 7637 72
OLEINES 302 63
HEARTEN 1076 87
DIETINE 1053 72
NAIVETY 3224 75
LEPTINS 4402 76
HEMpIER 12795 80
EARRInG 1128 77
SANDBOX 17051 108
DROVErS 10556 73
RADIALE 492 68
VINE(G)ARy 4881 74
DESCANT 2935 84
AGROUNd 3501 66
SEDA(T)ING 436 72
(B)LInKERS 13163 104
BORATED 867 74
PLOuGH(E)R 16451 92
SEVERAL 4110 72
DISCASE 9585 87
PARTIER 2117 69
DR(A)GLINE 456 76
UNs(E)ATED 956 82
DARNERS 2810 73
ISOLEAD 146 69
sEEABLE 8915 73
M(E)ThADON 4036 70
RESIDES 6329 69
NONUsES 13326 71
(K)AkEMONO 37094 67
(A)RSENAlS 7733 64
RECEDES 12066 96
H(A)PLITIC* 0 73
EPIz(O)OTY 18602 98
FIGWORT 12357 71
DICENT(R)A 410 64
REDAMAG(E) 8056 80
(L)UTANISt 5896 64
STOOLIE 1038 76
KERATI(N)S 1270 65
LUNATED 1146 73
NEATHER(D) 1595 68
HOI(D)ENED 7652 67
D(E)NTeLLE 14476 62
EDACITY 4317 76
PENNING 19231 67
DETECTs 13881 73
MUTTeRS 12680 69
TRA(I)LING 2502 70
TETRADI(C) 2891 86
BUDGEt(E)D 22603 70
ARGIN(I)NE 1953 59
VENISON 4654 86
CASERNE 2179 86
LOVAGES 5389 65
LANTERN 1350 74
U(D)OMETEr 3760 66
TANG(E)LOS 687 70
IVORIES 2370 69
TIMBERS 7111 74
HEAUmES 11385 69
OReIDES 299 99
MEDLARs 5592 68
JAYBIrD 19831 110
LARDERS 5181 66
pARADOR 13452 67
OMINOUS 10339 74
MINARET 303 77
GNoSTIC 10518 94
ELATERs 554 77
RELINED 561 73
SYRING(E)D 6207 76
TIFFANY 20421 73
SURBASE 12815 66
SqUAR(I)NG 13180 68
TREENA(i)L 31 78
RETABLO 871 74
WRESTED 6751 78
DEsTROY(ED) 10842 78
LINOCuT 5860 68
GAYDARS 16462 73
ChUTNEY(S) 21573 80
MARAUDS 14714 82
OVeRAPT 2749 77
cOTERIE 487 66
sALUTED 2387 83
REI(G)NiTE 890 64
qUESTED 13573 76
bITSIER 3628 68
SHORANS 13203 72
SUG(A)RIER 3200 72
SYRINGA 6835 80
VIOL(A)TED 550 64
(L)ABElING 10944 80
AERATES 801 81
HISTONE 979 97
tRIAGED 254 71
DEPLETE(R) 11116 76
OUTCaST 12727 94
(H)EARTIlY 3350 76
ATOnIAS 526 78
O(P)ERATES 824 74
SHOrTIA 1661 65
AVOIdED 4775 89
CAT(M)INTS 16750 66
TOUTERS 3517 82
SOMITES 7335 82
CHOLATE(S) 6391 65
SEAWAnT 3457 73
TRoPIC(A)L 5931 72
RAMENTA 1833 73
UNVOICE 5110 83
TE(N)ORIST 493 62
SPILITE 6079 76
ERECTiO(N) 300 65
UNDRAwS 11058 78
MISCUED 13278 77
INTERrO(W) 1800 83
ACIERAT(E) 759 83
MURINES 3303 81
POLEaX(E)S 12152 93
SNiCkER 10530 77
ENLAR(G)ES 1727 70
(D)EIONIzE 4666 77
AERIALS 493 62
DEVIANT 654 69
PaTRIA(TE)D 3392 76
SNEERfU(L) 8564 68
ELECTRO 2639 79
POESIEs 8853 84
SOUNDME(N) 13048 72
MaDUROS 8809 75
EPISODE 2611 100
MENTHOL 8131 89
hORRENT 4684 68
PR(E)TENCE 13118 65
LIGURES 3484 64
NASTIES 1392 80
ANTLION 1400 70
NOTAR(I)ZE 262 84
REPLIER 7726 89
ES(C)ALOPS 18837 86
(R)EAVAILs 2555 90
UREDINI(A) 389 72
ENsUITE 797 68
BE(W)ARINg 4860 82
RECOO(K)Ed 17771 64
BONEM(E)AL 4802 63
ARTSIER 555 72
(S)TEREOEd 2224 59
RUGOLAS 8174 72
T(E)NSIBLE 4051 63
EUcRASE* 0 81
OUTVIEs 1956 79
EMERIES 5703 89
UNTIRED 424 77
FEMaLES 11382 76
bARRIER 12131 76
ANNOYER(S) 3570 72
GLUN(C)HES 21971 82
RIVuLET 3305 86
TRAbEAT(E) 7080 68
OMNIBUS 13526 102
FOIlInG 11453 75
A(G)ENESIS 4326 73
AIRsHOW 7265 71
UTRICLE 4312 65
rEMINTE(D) 2090 83
cHEESIN(G) 12744 99
ENSEAR(E)D 2446 68
(A)gENESIA 1098 74
SQ(U)AREST 16977 69
uPSTAGE(D) 9500 74
A(G)ENCIES 2341 94
sLEEKIT 7319 80
UpRIGHT 17362 80
(A)NAlCImE 6263 83
DAMPENS 10032 85
CYGNETS 15375 92
E(N)ATIONS 184 69
SIENNAS 6190 65
(R)OUTINES 105 77
hEINIES 4574 66
REBOARD(S) 6055 66
LeTDOwN 3883 76
DEPARTS 3137 93
BEDTIME 8384 70
SNEERER 8784 68
PANEERS 2230 64
STUDIED 8435 81
EYEHOLe 14453 80
FLINGEr 4741 65
InPOU(R)ED 1442 76
OVArIES 340 72
RETILED 592 76
REVILER 7736 78
(R)ETItLED 2707 66
OPENING 6287 66
DELET(I)ON 171 63
SMA(R)TInG 5505 83
HEA(D)NOTE 809 64
F(I)SHMeAL 14580 96
CASTLED 5582 87
RE(M)AILED 1534 72
HEISTED 4140 88
NUTRIaS 1015 82
U(N)SAFEST 12215 63
DOoRMEN 5222 88
sUITA(B)lY 15456 74
(D)ITTOING 9737 83
URINOUs 8579 64
BRIGHTE(R) 16450 69
LATENED 569 70
(D)EBATING 1803 92
rETAPES 2237 93
(F)ERNIEsT 1620 83
ONESElF 4809 83
PREEDIT 2275 77
RAtLINS 1016 81
DELA(I)NES 367 86
TEMPER(E)D 16793 67
THENARS 1597 89
AUDITI(O)N 879 61
OCREATE 482 74
RESTiNG 815 79
SEEDIER 2625 74
AGNIzED 5188 67
ANTLIoN 1401 83
M(I)STAKEN 6645 78
DEIFIES 7290 79
C(A)VoRTER 7445 63
(N)OTIONAL 3014 71
(A)RGOSIES 2107 72
SALINES 2885 70
RE(M)OVERs 16403 64
ELEGANT 1132 68
ACE(T)ONES 764 68
MARLITE 645 77
REOBTAi(N) 48 86
NIELLOS 3417 71
METEoR(I)C 2467 72
TR(A)INERS 340 59
DURABLE 5331 80
FAILING 10021 70
OUTSEES 7095 69
PIVOTAl 9735 67
(I)NCURRED 11010 74
(A)NTRORSE 457 62
RAILERS 1770 72
VESTINg 6375 93
HORDEIN 913 74
R(E)GISTER 4008 60
REGIvEn 3238 64
E(N)DOSTEA 157 74
TIDBITs 18134 76
(S)TRADDlE 7207 83
SRADHAS 27423 73
(W)AkENInG 22765 83
FINESTS 9780 80
TORSADE 154 75
O(R)IBATID 2740 63
HENRIES 2281 84
ARENOsE 87 74
(H)EPaRINS 4399 89
PANTLEG 6295 83
(S)EABORNE 1020 64
(A)PRICATe 4998 104
IN(T)ERNET 4539 62
GUTTERS 13313 77
AVEnUES 5509 68
KERATI(N)S 1638 66
BLI(T)ZERS 18183 88
(P)ERCOLIN 5386 89
LAETARE 1050 61
(D)ECEASES 26006 74
RORTIE(S)T 4201 70
GENISTA 360 94
sTRIGIL 12018 77
ISoBA(R)IC 13027 78
THrOATS 12963 75
PANDITS 4951 74
CISTRON 3421 86
SCARPER 14362 79
U(R)InEMIA 1248 68
GAI(N)LIEr 637 68
AIMLESS 9588 86
ROADEOS 979 68
(D)IHeDRON 6182 64
rELEASE(R) 6894 74
RELEAS(E)R 6894 66
LOGgIER 6998 71
SANGR(I)As 12505 62
aERIEST 54 65
fINISHE(D) 12658 86
rEGIONS 386 82
UNSNApS 20907 72
LoaNERS 158 77
AEROSAT 241 72
INSIsTS 21347 71
RETCHES 10976 70
TRIeNES 212 76
FOrGETS 5289 74
(R)OCAILLe 3779 80
STROYER 7459 74
E(N)ATIONS 143 62
(T)AnGIEST 1658 77
CAROLED 1922 76
OVeRSU(D)S 17115 65
BAGnIOS 4836 90
(C)OEQuATE 8687 78
NEEDIER 1673 68
ERGATOI(D) 73 63
(R)IgHTIES 9163 89
BOISERI(E) 2151 83
(B)rOWNEST 7007 89
(I)NVADERS 1036 76
ALOGICA(L) 18999 65
SUNNIeR 2857 73
NETTERs 3771 73
CITOLAS 3342 74
(E)PILAtOR 217 72
REVERIN(G) 8480 67
PELOTaS 1978 87
BAYSIDE 6900 79
OUTGL(E)Am 4354 68
(F)oUETTES 10688 83
OVeRSAW 5061 76
(E)NTR(E)SOLS 3638 60
INSI(D)ERS 7738 72
SHALLOT 16080 78
PARA(K)EET 11760 68
HEADSET 5414 94
BAGNIOS 6439 73
VER(D)URES 16938 63
STEWPAN 7080 84
PERAEON 620 78
INSURED 1522 96
LOViNGS 14494 81
FrEESIA 1003 80
PIC(R)AtED 3128 70
EVASION 317 93
pEREONS 2663 64
ALINERS 106 71
pURITAN 2714 84
WANDERE(D) 10031 67
COlEADS 3742 74
CA(R)OLING 3832 74
EGE(S)TION 353 70
OPAL(I)NEs 569 86
REB(O)NDED* 0 62
TARGeTS 4433 68
(G)IROLLES 6954 80
ASTERIS(K) 9555 78
ANTIGE(N)E 1202 72
STALAgS 18724 67
RAFTERE(D) 6369 89
PROMOIN(G) 17274 89
YACHTER 11838 88
STRANGE 811 67
(O)UTLIErS 346 64
CRAYO(N)ED 3803 66
SIMITAR 5504 74
fI(D)GETED 16170 60
(C)LOSABLE 18840 89
NAS(A)LIZE 5411 69
SEI(C)ENTO 832 70
SEISURE 6341 88
sHOEPAK* 0 84
SOU(P)IEST 9743 64
FORCINg 12334 77
GOaL(L)ESS 18859 68
UNTILED 1520 87
FENITAR 298 74
ROARIEs(T) 186 68
BANDItO 2171 71
MO(P)ErIES 4843 80
ISoHYET 5142 80
RE(N)EGUED 8221 76
MiDLINE 6072 74
UNH(O)LIER 1460 76
EnERGIS(E) 2853 70
cREMAtE(D) 7101 65
OVERWI(N)D 4135 72
a(L)EURONE 169 59
ELDRESS 12481 70
F(A)SCILES* 0 86
NEONATE 473 63
LENDERS 2910 66
(A)VIONICS 9915 67
BA(T)HROOm 20157 80
WILDEST 5664 99
(C)OPIABlE 8398 76
AGROUND 3669 73
SENATES 3951 69
CON(I)OSES 11443 70
PETa(L)INE 662 70
AULDEsT 2386 71
Ad(V)ISERS 8635 72
BAcHING 18664 80
BLU(D)IEST 9797 65
TROT(L)INE 613 70
cONSENt 7418 70
R(E)PEATER 8754 84
RENVOIs 1004 72
WETNEsS 14314 76
LATCHEd 9968 67
lUTHIER 3288 69
ZiNNIAS 16063 86
sCRIEVE 8361 80
(A)STASIAS 28128 70
VULPINE 10172 82
SEcONDS 13324 67
MA(N)DRILS 6582 62
(I)NfOLDER 1431 68
AERIAlS 494 76
(C)OENUREs 3741 80
SATInED 96 76
INSNA(R)ED 926 72
ENTENtE 12696 69
INJEC(T)OR 4696 75
FORTIES 970 82
WINT(E)RED 1619 74
WAShOUt 13509 82
NUTTIES(T) 13126 68
REVAMpE(D) 16099 92
WeTLAND 3112 79
REEnROL* 0 64
GROUCH(E)D 16446 80
EERIEST 1271 65
(A)GENEsiA 865 70
MEANIES 1059 77
R(E)DRYiNG 10725 62
VANITOR(Y) 3512 95
BUNGLED 13764 78
(G)RATINEE 85 80
COeDITS 1992 74
CR(O)usELY 13954 86
STU(L)TIFY 25301 68
PITT(A)NCE 6923 78
EREmURI 7737 62
(S)TYlISES 27010 83
DEFLEcT 14573 65
TONEARM(S) 593 83
TEcTONI(C) 16991 80
HORDEI(N)S 1436 84
ANISOLe 39 83
CREMATE 5338 79
NUGATOR(Y) 6548 89
CORrIdA 6653 70
R(E)ADIEST 117 65
SOLi(D)EST 4878 59
RETAINE(R) 178 68
pYRO(N)INE 7870 74
CHaRTED 6993 80
PRIVETS 7219 78
DENTILS 1159 82
BARONET 346 68
DUODeN(A)L 4870 68
(U)RETHRAl 8373 72
STOTiNS 12598 76
SEISAB(L)E 9992 89
LEGIONS 1113 66
GOLDeNE(R) 2133 61
EXILERS 7368 81
FRABJOU(S) 25131 92
sTARL(E)SS 21081 80
AVIATED 1775 75
MOO(R)AGES 5540 62
R(A)ReFIES 3697 70
HYAENaS 10731 82
TEOPANS 934 87
DESI(G)NEE 5052 70
TRIODEs 179 85
TRI(C)ORNE 1793 140
OVERBEA(R) 8873 76
GoUTIER 414 73
STeVIAS 6712 84
PERSONS 10887 68
SAUcILY 15493 68
DIETaRY 661 97
POT(E)NCES 8007 80
TIMBRES 7102 79
NEUROID 174 74
(EX)OGAMIES 7710 107
SLANTED 1149 66
(R)EADIESt 117 68
(S)OFTENER 1977 62
AMULETs 5389 94
REBEGAN 3365 68
G(A)UDIEST 1136 66
FUSTIaN 4958 83
rEPINES 2299 76
REGOsOL 7433 73
(T)ICKLERs 18194 92
AGAROSE 1179 66
SAND(I)EST 2192 63
(P)rISTANE 440 80
(U)NHELPeD 17684 76
MARTENS 1604 71
SYRINGe 4762 81
T(R)AINEES 36 70
(H)OSEPIpE 22252 95
EBONITE 485 74
PORCIN(I)S 13622 82
TRAVE(L)ER 6389 63
COINTER 356 76
(L)EAViEST 1559 92
TWaNGER 2497 78
PARChIS(I) 21383 92
DENTALS 1148 72
TEARFUL 3010 69
STATuRE 2837 64
HEMAtOI(D) 1937 92
P(E)ARLING 1747 62
pETERI(N)G 2465 62
(E)XPLODES 19610 104
LAZUR(I)TE 2644 71
NICOISE 2362 75
SPIRANT 2713 65
sHOALER 1967 95
(T)ERNIONS 489 77
INDORSE(D) 2622 83
PL(A)yABLE 27197 72
SHORTIE 980 77
(C)OURTeSY 10275 89
HAUnT(I)NG 13466 62
SERINGA 272 67
TOTA(L)LEd 8875 78
GARROTE 1314 70
SCoWLIN(G) 18968 78
D(I)RTIEST 4556 70
OIlIEST 743 78
SE(P)TORIA 230 61
STERANE 217 70
cHEER(I)nG 9221 64
HEINOUS 2033 73
APER(I)ENT 228 72
NAE(V)OiDS* 0 74
(T)ENANTRy 9056 78
L(A)MINATE 1212 90
ALIUNDE 420 70
UNDER(L)IE 959 60
GREaTLY 4708 77
RIFFL(I)NG 36343 77
SALUTEs 11315 85
FORTUnE 2081 70
(I)RONISEd 399 82
C(L)AMORED 6718 73
L(A)NDWaSH 22645 68
qUER(C)INE 11292 70
MEERKAT 8926 69
TRIUNES 453 77
R(A)TTLERS 7434 62
CAtEN(O)ID 177 90
PROMoED 12639 78
TALLOW(E)D 9673 76
LEErIER 5695 69
ATTIRED 704 64
hEADNOT(E) 809 80
W(O)RSENED 3758 68
PENUC(h)ES 22572 62
(P)ICKETED 20392 86
bOOTLEG 9883 66
(FE)NESTrUM* 0 92
REDIALS 400 76
(T)AENItES 524 59
MENDErs 6461 71
GREEdIL(Y) 7147 76
SMARtES(T) 16353 80
MOnTAGE 1878 73
GyROLIT(E) 2959 74
EAGEr(E)ST 2845 70
REPLaNS 3166 68
M(E)aSLIER 1467 77
METIERS 2183 94
DOUSINg 6089 64
CLO(S)INGS 21602 94
pALLIAT(E) 9315 68
ReDBAIT(S) 997 86
MOOTERS 5237 73
LAITIES 498 73
gENTLES(T) 10351 74
ESCA(P)IST 14269 158
ZA(B)AIONE 4964 126
(D)EcISION 3057 71
TAUTENs 2834 64
UNWAVER(S)* 0 80
STANDER 432 70
REBU(I)LDS 7423 74
LAWINeS 1555 79
INF(R)UGAl 8731 74
OUTR(A)ISE 25 59
TOURNEY 2092 64
GALOPE(R)S* 0 72
ADVERTs 3137 67
GRAnITA 1713 68
S(E)CATEUR 3024 74
OVERPLU(G)* 0 80
(A)TAVISMS 23750 76
UNP(A)IRED 1036 63
EDACIOU(S) 1281 67
AVOSETS 7628 76
STAVING 6836 84
ANOD(Y)NES 6038 63
ENTOIlS 182 71
AVENGeS 5729 72
ESTRUAL 1157 73
INWARDs 4980 71
THRALLS 18055 73
sEMINAR 693 78
TENABLE 2161 72
(T)ERTIANs 366 74
WHINERS 7165 82
(L)EADINGS 1134 63
PROTE(AS)ES 4825 63
A(U)ROREAN 1498 60
(E)NTAiLER 30 68
TREADlE 572 68
PATSIES 6709 96
INTAKES 1759 69
ANSWERS 9779 75
E(Q)UATING 4297 86
GUAnACO 11444 72
VOCABLe 12552 84
oRGANZ(A)S 14924 83
WAITrON 746 89
FEASI(B)LE 7029 176
EARLI(E)sT 122 131
DEV(I)ANCE 4044 78
(L)aTRINES 69 74
ANNU(L)LED 15130 68
(D)AMOZELS 14672 83
INCISOR 6268 64
(L)EAGUINg 8216 74
FOOTAGE 4261 80
WARIEST 730 95
BANTiES 621 79
MIRACLe 4329 76
PUR(I)TANS 3903 90
VAINEST 714 81
VALINES 1556 72
IRR(I)TATE 2987 70
KEyLESS 23201 82
AtRESIA 139 70
(U)NSPACED* 0 88
sUPINES 13021 69
REACTIN(G) 785 74
NoTATED 734 76
(U)RaNITIC 4413 80
AN(T)IHeRO 58 74
BA(L)MIEST 7419 78
INDUCES 7574 76
PR(A)NcING 18076 67
OVE(R)LIES 1942 63
AGISTED 757 72
uNSHAV(E)N 17480 84
IMPART(E)D 3342 67
NATTERS 1355 64
ESTRIOL 186 72
TaENIAE 67 64
CRO(O)NERS 11229 70
LIPPE(N)ED 19687 78
ALErTLY 9757 77
DAUTIES 428 76
(I)DEATIOn 37 77
S(C)IMItAR 11808 94
PARENTS 1533 81
(Y)ODElING 4367 86
IRENICA(L) 1237 62
HOTL(I)NER 608 72
LOUSIER 494 69
RESITES 3787 71
BA(R)ENESS 9512 72
TRuDGIN(G) 17339 86
CaNNERS 6194 76
gOALIES 360 66
RO(T)ARIES 186 66
GALeAT(E)D 5024 72
oLI(G)URIA 3900 59
RAISING 3456 70
EMULATE(D) 5309 65
SLANTED 1145 73
A(R)GININE 1952 68
ODORFUL 16367 73
WETTERS 10909 87
SINCERE 2143 74
NECTARY 4508 70
INDUSIA 4283 85
URETERS 6284 70
DATiVAL 8479 75
MUSTARD 11049 89
DOTTIER 787 73
ADHERES 4051 82
QUINiNe 13850 123
TIREs(O)ME 806 68
NEUROSA(L) 314 68
EDUCTO(R)S 4923 62
ENTREEs 2690 80
LOATHER(S) 1384 71
OCTANES 892 73
ANTI(P)OLE 215 72
SIxFOLD 19226 79
SEABORN(E) 800 81
URA(N)ITIc 4405 64
DIO(c)ESES 10826 70
eXTORTS 11283 82
(R)ATOONED 234 86
LION(I)ZED 6245 88
sILTING 8947 71
A(s)TERIAS 2479 70
RES(L)ATED 952 74
U(N)peGGED 24649 74
GEOTAGs 7333 70
IMB(R)OWnS 18727 86
MEDIALS 3035 80
TRIAGES 285 75
FoNDUES 6413 78
CAUSTI(C)s 28320 76
SWEETIE 5982 76
I(N)uNDATE 928 131
LIbRATE 618 78
BRO(A)CHED 11854 68
tSORRIS* 0 77
CHUTNEY 17687 96
MIRIeST 3650 72
(T)REASONS 1277 68
DATARI(E)S 307 60
ELOINEd 298 69
FETIALS 1535 86
SHANTEY 7050 84
gILLNET(S) 9234 74
cURRANS 15157 79
gENIT(O)RS 245 78
SAMLETS 12354 80
REMAIN(IN)G 4964 70
POTTEEN 5768 75
DEcANTE(D) 10016 80
EDGIEST 2467 74
sEABAGS 18066 91
nOSTRIL 1207 64
JUNkIES 17597 77
LOAMIER 323 78
FOZIN(E)Ss 19938 70
sHOEING 2978 72
RESISTO(R) 5769 72
UNaWA(R)ES 4924 70
NITRIDS 4457 84
DEbAT(I)NG 1804 61
DEFIERS 4134 77
BENEdI(C)T 7144 76
ORALIsT 469 71
MOuTHIE(R) 4146 76
ANN(U)LOSE 2489 71
ETERNIS(E) 860 68
iNsTATE 524 76
PINIEST 3487 101
OUTSANG 3506 78
OEsTR(O)NE 835 64
CArOMED 5012 82
REGINAE 126 73
CANOERS 888 73
INTIMAE 832 65
REIFIEs 4573 75
A(C)UITIEs 2564 77
ImAGERY 5965 72
(E)STEEMED 20722 72
fRITZES 11005 128
AZOTISE 1097 96
(a)VIGATOR 4314 72
CA(R)INATE 505 149
LObEfIN 5069 62
MIAOWED 2695 83
I(M)PRISON 13608 74
WANDERs 4184 75
(S)TORmIER 4685 74
TURNING 9227 67
SOFABED 7946 91
AMIRATE 827 85
CaLCAN(E)I 15276 84
(S)INTERED 383 74
V(I)TALiTY 19565 67
(R)OTARIES 135 77
BAILERS 1459 75
S(T)EERInG 715 59
(Q)uESTION 3386 101
FEINTED 2259 80
OU(T)RANCE 582 72
GOLIArD 1804 70
DEFAMER 8288 79
TENPINS 6556 69
COnIDIA 3706 76
TARTANS 8167 71
LITTERE(D) 2565 61
UN(S)EARED 955 60
(D)EFAULTs 7406 74
SNOTT(I)ER 491 66
EULO(G)IAS 683 61
FAR(O)LITO 3451 61
VOMI(T)IER 5891 67
rEJ(O)NEOS 11383 106
PAREIRA 5976 86
AGONIEs 78 78
IT(E)RATES 530 131
A(R)TMAKER 19031 69
OFTENEr 1266 66
G(E)RARDIA 3665 76
INOSINE 2129 70
BERETTA 4887 62
AGRy(P)NIA 14919 140
REDR(I)VeN 6429 76
TERTIaL 545 80
DRIVERs 12705 76
SUMMATE(S) 25628 76
C(A)LENDAR 4651 72
SEDATER 579 74
ENTICES 2252 73
APLITEs 1559 77
UN(H)EATED 3039 66
STARLET 2832 63
sTINKER 3603 73
OvERpAY 9506 74
FRONTIN(G) 10834 76
NITRIlE 652 64
TINTERS 1806 78
B(A)RHANdS* 0 82
(F)EATLIeR 837 83
LIBRATE 807 71
ASSUREs 19391 69
(S)NEERERS 19239 77
TA(M)ENESS 10049 74
wOODBIN 15120 71
RE(D)RYInG 10719 98
GReEDIE(R) 9319 80
PERKIER 15970 93
pATZERS 10985 88
FOVEOL(A)S 11731 82
pATZERS 10985 88
FOVEOL(A)S 11731 82
N(O)TATORY* 0 63
FAIRIeR 4468 80
DIN(G)IEST 3898 72
SERRATI 723 76
mOUsIER 1950 68
STRAYeR 6512 73
DANDERS 5393 80
bAGUETT(e) 11801 66
PUERILE 4178 77
LARDIES(T) 266 72
VINEWED 11232 87
CHUNTER 13847 80
FLIM(S)IER 17515 63
INOT(R)OPE 1200 74
ORNISES 2434 84
EmEUTES 16194 65
R(O)OSTING 5075 60
OUTRAgE 398 64
OVE(R)TONe 2724 64
INLIERS 1286 73
(G)lEETIER 2848 77
EN(G)RAILS 463 68
T(R)OCHEES 8016 76
SANDLOT 2478 75
E(N)DoDERM 11076 80
D(I)AZOLES 3240 88
FREsHM(A)N 14724 88
PRO(C)HAIn 11150 80
ARS(E)NIDE 114 72
LAUGHED 10576 82
TAB(L)EAUX 17839 86
PURIF(I)ES 13335 76
w(A)NTONER 1789 68
TA(I)LWiND 7303 62
CU(B)OIDAL 12723 78
lINGER(i)E 1998 64
CRIM(I)NAL 12429 76
(R)EIMAGES 2352 76
PR(E)VISES 19207 64
RECOUNT 2071 71
RE(S)IDENT 382 72
COUGArS 10766 76
PE(N)ITENT 10781 78
SWOONeD 8064 78
AS(C)RIBED 5612 76
EL(E)CTrON 1969 60
MARRERS 17865 88
VeINU(L)ES 5355 70
bU(N)IONED* 0 59
CORTILI 8375 79
PERLITE 2298 72
MANGOEs 2968 89
DECILEs 6601 67
GAROTEs 373 80
TESTOON 4660 74
OVERcOA(T) 4971 74
ESTRIOL 179 70
D(E)FINiTE 3486 68
LATEENS 580 72
DR(A)WLING 8735 76
RuSTIES(T) 11516 74
EDIT(A)BLE 1437 94
CANOERS 845 76
BEETLIN(G) 4628 86
RECITAL 629 74
NONTIDA(L) 2159 80
DIETARY 659 80
ANKLEtS 6125 70
UNR(U)STED 10610 70
APTERIA 829 75
(S)PENDIeR 3130 81
M(I)SREaDS 8618 60
BOTCHED 15746 94
bULLION(S) 19732 61
DERATES 577 74
DELOuSE 3561 86
MOONSAI(L) 5825 62
FA(t)TENED 6358 62
PUTTERS 12663 76
BRIOCHE 9493 86
BOaSTeD 1917 71
UNHE(A)TED 3036 98
ROLFiNG 7840 78
RAIS(O)NNE 183 82
REqUOYL(E) 21386 64
NANNIES 10149 63
NOVE(L)IST 1471 74
ReCOILS 1994 76
PA(N)DORES 1370 74
AVOWa(B)LE 16458 82
dUALIST 3725 66
SWIsH(I)NG 28401 82
PHO(N)EMIC 17744 70
pENNING(s)* 0 63
SITUATE 1336 85
MINORED 961 68
A(D)VISEES 9947 74
COlOU(R)Er 14872 84
CISTERN 1617 85
pRURIGO 14792 66
UNTIDIE(R) 871 80
GNAWERs 4715 78
FLINDER 3236 69
THiRDLY 15595 86
AUD(I)TION 879 70
PeTTLED 18751 69
HINTING 23373 81
PRIMUSE(S) 28141 86
REBAITS 624 83
OnESELF 4836 76
ORGIAST 843 70
BA(T)TErIE 1963 66
UpRIGHT 17362 80
STRAYeR 6512 73
DANDERS 5393 80
bAGUETT(e) 11801 66
PUERILE 4178 77
COREMIA 1299 80
EROTIcA 73 70
(D)eVONIAN 1770 76
LAD(R)ONES 323 70
(S)IRUPING 16745 92
JAUNTED 6113 76
NOTIFIe(R) 712 72
AMBrIES 4303 69
RATOONS 1709 78
ARIDITY 5490 69
N(I)TERIES 454 66
PALATES 6055 72
GERaNIO(L) 61 62
TRaNSIt 2607 70
LAN(C)IERS 1011 72
BLIND(E)Rs 4512 78
(C)HiEFDOM 20983 71
AReNOUS 165 64
ISATINE 138 70
F(O)LIAGED 2213 65
QuAINTE(R) 1273 91
ALOPEcI(A) 4398 72
TORULAE 164 68
SEnDING 6889 74
EMPlANT* 0 63
(C)LEMATIs 5673 92
(T)HiOUREA 211 83
EMIR(A)TES 671 90
(T)OADYINg 3637 71
TARWEED(S) 3064 74
SVELTER 6762 82
HiSTOGE(N) 2267 86
FAIR(I)EST 1244 82
DISTEND(S) 15544 83
(E)GOMANIA 1129 74
UPSTAIR 4976 77
OvEREAT 484 60
uNHOPED 11240 104
ADDREST 5402 81
MOThERY 12745 82
TIDINGS 8959 65
CO(N)TRAIL 1107 74
UNMElT(E)D 8554 70
STEALIN(G) 472 70
S(T)ALKERS 16995 63
DURANC(E)S 4479 72
MASTERL(Y) 8601 82
(P)ERVERTS 17874 92
AD(U)LTeRY 4490 63
COSIEST 7631 82
RENAILS 135 74
(P)ENSIONE 5867 72
EUlOGIA 502 70
FLARIER 5095 71
(L)EADINGS 1454 90
dURABLE(S) 9699 68
SANDlOT 3277 82
COA(S)TING 5002 63
ENAmINE 3573 71
SLAIRGS 16782 89
ROaSTER 742 75
RESINAT(E) 44 83
BROMIDE(S) 8855 78
OUT(P)LACE 8787 76
LIQUORS 11848 72
EDITING 2048 71
IN(F)OLDER 1431 74
CR(E)ATORS 3539 68
OVARIAN 1861 73
(P)OInTING 14483 83
TUNICAE 604 79
TUREENS 1445 67
OUTlAIN 467 64
STA(C)KING 18950 66
(D)ELUDERS 15446 70
StRAINE(R) 338 74
BLUNDEr(S) 10247 83
R(I)VETING 4020 78
FLUID(R)Am 15481 73
ATEmO(Y)AS 7390 61
RAD(I)ALIA 11527 63
PR(U)NIEST 2397 72
WELfAR(E)S 10417 72
LATENED 568 82
QUIETER 4549 95
S(O)FTWARE 4056 82
LITTERs 2851 64
ROE(N)TGEN 2611 61
INdEXES 7314 77
cORRALS 12725 80
ANODIZe(R) 704 86
LAMiNAE 1779 83
TALONED 148 74
TAlLITS 14719 73
EOSINES 2506 66
DIsPOsE(R) 9220 86
BOOtEES 8264 72
SERViNG 6370 80
(A)RTINESS 967 77
ANOSmIa 3701 70
DEcORA(T)E 802 70
AIGRETS 282 72
LOUNGE(R)S 3209 60
INSURED 1160 68
VOTABLE 4994 81
FESTIVE 8027 82
RE(L)IABlE 6604 63
REAcTO(R)S 3540 66
tR(I)AZINE 1575 86
uNSMART 8008 85
(C)ORdWAIN 5912 74
(C)REATINE 238 83
(E)VOLvING 18361 86
SA(L)ARIED 798 67
TRaSHIN(G) 5502 95
AEROLIT(H) 209 74
MATINGS 6827 85
ERO(D)ABLE 1892 72
MINICAR 9872 74
(D)OTTEREl 3387 74
GOA(D)LIKE 4786 78
RATAN(I)ES 89 68
WASTERi(E) 677 83
(T)ACONITE 762 72
OEDIPAL 856 69
DOUCeUR 13920 65
sTEAMIE 1063 86
UNcROSS 18673 74
THIOnIN 10435 78
ORIE(N)TER 285 70
SA(U)tOIRE 26 64
LAYWOME(N) 11917 74
LArDERS 5176 91
mU(R)IATED 1032 80
Ho(R)NDOGS 18817 76
MOnITOR 4667 70
TEEVEES 17178 82
PI(L)EWORT 4158 66
DEVEINs 4149 69
TOLUIDE 672 78
(B)RASSEUR* 0 62
IdEA(T)ION 37 58
DECIARE 1042 78
DEtE(C)TED 25696 72
SORBINg 7834 68
ROSIEST 1826 81
SEDGIER 2467 74
(R)ATTEENS 1293 77
RET(S)INAS 968 70
FEMINIE 8863 71
DI(S)TANCE 1008 67
INGESTS 7392 71
GNATL(I)KE 4303 86
PELAGIa(L) 15248 83
(S)TURDIER 3979 80
LOITERE(R) 737 62
SOAPFI(S)H 25162 67
TR(E)ELAWn 1606 90
DEPLAN(E)D 13666 65
INSTATE 552 72
RETRAI(N)S 359 60
SCALADO 12296 74
ANTILE(A)K 3169 74
FA(T)IgUES 3656 79
TINWARE(S) 444 86
REGROWN 9314 80
(D)ISEAsED 13138 86
TRAINE(E)S 36 60
RAILERS 1335 69
SUBuNIT 17928 72
(T)HEATRES 6418 74
MATA(D)ORS 8128 64
ROILIER 2128 73
GaLA(X)IES 10796 80
DINGIER 2150 89
(T)ORTIOUS 8530 59
pERSONA 933 82
RELATI(N)g 154 79
CaT(H)ODES 6707 80
FOOTL(E)RS 6883 76
SANTERA 473 75
RE(L)OANED 166 74
SEAriNG 271 78
VIBRATE 2396 73
SnOTTIE(R) 491 78
INTE(R)AGE 86 61
SANGRIa 3440 83
TANG(I)BLE 1806 74
ASPIRED 1522 75
BIVA(L)ENT 3282 67
EYESHOt 9057 82
FIXATES 7784 107
(D)eCOYINg 8840 89
(O)ESTRIOL 624 74
UNFENcE 17970 76
WAIVERS 4416 83
DAT(E)LESS 8182 86
SPACI(O)US 21229 70
TALEYSi(M) 5755 86
DENdRON 10288 72
ThIsTLE 9463 71
LOATHFU(L) 22712 74
SWeLTeR(S) 16536 80
(E)NCEINTE 8313 82
ORANgEY 1422 76
(B)LENDERS 8542 89
S(C)ARRING 13462 64
DeNTALS 1146 76
LORDING 3508 68
HETAERA 2392 82
AILEROn 2 74
(I)MpALERS 7550 80
VIRELaI 2390 67
S(H)IVERER 14434 92
InCOMES 4891 84
I(N)ErTIAE 44 59
WRE(A)KING 8790 68
(G)LAIRIEr 3476 68
sPINATE 709 71
MOURNE(R)s 9467 74
NuBILER* 0 94
GRANNIE 1068 63
INCLUDE 5635 89
DAIKERs 3532 92
AR(C)hAEAS* 0 60
TURNINg(S) 11587 66
TITRA(T)ED 6099 68
bASALTI(C) 16150 80
DIORITE 233 76
ASSERTe(D) 4845 60
INTER(C)OM 2116 62
LINGUAE 995 71
SNIFTER 2157 77
STIN(g)ERS 5971 78
sWINGLE 7556 78
ALEURON(E) 169 60
CISTERN(A) 414 61
MUDDIeR 12958 65
STEREOE(D) 2224 68
TESTIER 1822 79
(A)LIENING 3670 80
LINTiES(T) 4567 74
vICTUAL 12417 65
vELARIA 1781 69
CoNTUS(E)D 5190 70
(D)ESTRIER 2712 73
AEROnAU(T) 127 78
BITTINg 17229 72
ALE(R)TEST 2698 60
AGOUTIS 1812 64
F(I)NaLIZE 10601 71
TETROSE 2494 79
OVeRHAN(D) 4041 95
D(e)VIATOR 206 84
MOONLiT 7384 74
(T)OTALLeD 8875 66
TURIONS 1212 65
DUVETIN(E) 3144 74
F(A)RInOSE 209 74
DEpOSIN(G) 4392 81
PELMETS 14610 84
SCOOTi(N)G 11616 65
SANDBAN(K) 27902 92
(M)OSEYING 8853 66
A(R)SENATE 451 66
BORANES 874 88
GUM(L)INES 9525 72
EPHEBOI 10181 72
BREAKI(N)G 8783 80
ClAQUER 14059 92
TrOUPIA(l) 2443 66
KYANITE 4876 88
ANISEED 205 97
BITEwI(N)G 12032 62
RE(S)IGNER 4222 62
FIREWO(OD)S 8397 67
T(E)MpLARS 9068 74
OUTRID(E)S 342 72
(M)ONOClES 15573 86
E(N)GIRDED 7324 65
(L)ONgTIME 2269 74
RE(Q)UINTO 2220 84
ANORETI(C) 67 83
GLARIER 2348 72
OX(I)DATeS 1668 76
(D)iASTASE 4671 77
gRA(N)DEUR 5550 70
(R)EVENANT 3872 86
EELIEST 2628 70
GrIsTER 4450 70
ARENOUS 165 70
(U)NDERATE 375 61
CITEA(b)LE 4237 76
SANTER(A)S 4481 62
ROaRING 2356 64
DONNIKE(R) 6590 76
AMORE(T)TI 767 70
LaRGEST 1727 69
UNDERLA(P) 4490 63
SOPRANO 7389 75
GUESTIN(G) 11726 62
ACETOSE 1239 68
VENO(M)ERS 8029 65
INARAbL(E) 1189 71
FORBaDE 4986 84
RESTERS 13738 67
OUTLIES 496 70
INSANER 518 69
SOLERET 811 61
E(L)ATIONS 22 68
DOWERED 11938 67
c(A)REWORN 7823 70
COAXERs 8721 89
AUNTIES 124 77
(D)ISRATED 2072 83
PHONIER 2646 70
ELASTIN 109 75
DEV(I)LIsH 16994 67
PINNIES 9772 66
OuTREA(D)S 331 131
ChAISES 14545 68
NATIVE(L)Y 3364 65
THALaMI(C) 21204 80
GANGLED 12425 85
(O)STEITIC 6672 86
RAPINES 705 75
APOGEIc 4208 91
EUPNEIC 8352 78
bROTHI(E)R* 0 61
D(I)SRATEs 2195 85
NESTiNG 4445 77
RE(T)AILER 519 59
PUMICER 14273 76
LENITES 577 71
CURATES 3090 71
TORtILE 789 69
F(E)WTRiLS 9122 63
mALONAT(E) 1679 74
(E)NRIcHED 7154 83
ENDU(R)ING 5275 60
BELOvED 12240 69
CoNFUT(E)D 10298 76
ADElG(I)DS 8970 70
CERAMI(S)T 3328 64
WEARIES 1067 81
PERSONA(E) 823 83
(P)ERMEATE 9438 89
TRUEInG 817 62
RADIATO(R) 2341 68
SUrGEON 2222 71
ArIDEST 93 66
SITTING 12606 70
TOTEM(I)ST 15270 64
ROCAILL(E) 3577 72
DOWNHiL(L) 23952 104
(C)OTERIES 833 70
REDOING 404 70
RAtIF(I)ED 1239 94
REIMA(G)ED 2343 65
TRUN(D)LES 3409 63
AUGITES 768 69
tOTALIZ(E) 3960 86
(L)INGERER 4222 70
UNNEr(V)ES 13374 72
REROUTE 2493 60
IN(T)RIGUE 1571 62
dEBITIN(G) 6978 83
SEALING 723 74
SOIREES 2388 84
OUTFIRE(D) 1358 98
aIRBO(R)NE 719 86
(FA)NTAsIES 5777 83
U(N)REELEd 6089 60
RU(I)NABLE 999 74
STAGIER 285 72
ARbALES(T) 4891 76
CH(I)LLERS 21106 64
DE(T)AILeD 2760 59
ECTOZOa 10207 87
ADzUKIS 21068 74
UNE(A)SIER 125 60
ECONOMY 17096 73
SETOUTS 13336 68
TONLETS 3338 72
kAURIES 3379 79
CRETONS 2069 76
RUBOUts 18672 79
AB(s)INTHE 3280 62
(S)tODGIER 696 83
RESIDUA 428 64
GASKETS 18299 85
TROPINS 3429 70
HELLION 7652 79
BRA(K)IeST 6629 78
ROTTENS 2400 86
MoLASSE 14285 90
OrISHAS 9919 89
TROdDEN 3751 76
AdRENAL 1274 66
ENCRUST 5778 82
UnTAGG(E)D 11773 78
OvERTAS(K) 7703 86
MILESI(A)n 2580 67
I(N)SULTER 729 68
(E)NDORSER 3390 76
PI(T)TANCE 6913 78
UdOMETE(R) 3754 72
MISTAKE 7481 119
DAnCERS 2932 81
LEPORIN(E) 802 83
F(E)NESTRA 1515 71
DoATING 795 69
GAOLERS 1046 71
(T)IDEWAYS 5718 107
I(R)ONLIKE 3797 76
Q(U)ANTILE 2643 88
TAMPERs 7071 80
BRIGAdE 2404 64
HOOkERS 16388 86
lOADING 1801 96
FRIENDS 3243 72
BANgERS 4693 72
F(I)LIATES 2581 74
DOMINIE 2364 87
ARANEID 125 70
AMOTION 2500 91
WOOPSED 15640 85
FERRE(O)Us 10687 74
INFAN(T)ES 2916 62
AVIATOR(S) 2739 71
SIBILAT(E) 2425 90
RO(M)ANIZe 2277 78
CO(W)RITES 4132 66
STOOLiE 989 75
DECAYER 8266 88
FACET(E)LY 16069 82
(V)ERONALS 1393 74
OVERSEA 1188 78
GUE(R)IDON 693 62
GAuDIES 1682 71
(O)ESTRUAL 335 70
(S)HInIEST 13025 83
BIgFOOT 16786 71
uNSI(F)TED 4534 94
d(ET)ONATES 792 59
DoWSING 10796 86
LAWYERS 10072 125
(T)HREADER 6363 89
WANTOnS 9657 82
AMUSING 9733 75
(P)OSTDATE 6049 89
SUBErI(Z)E 14974 104
RECANES 2179 75
DAlAPON(S) 11532 76
DISTANT 4581 68
LOGGiES(T) 9296 70
BRISANT 2705 71
ANdIRON 1399 71
P(A)TINATE 3260 88
CANONIS(E) 1766 70
RETsINA 26 80
INGATES 275 72
OUTRIDE 174 76
W(I)NDABLE 5346 80
PRE(S)TIgE 4429 59
FINLESS 13002 70
BEATINg 1213 75
PEC(O)RINI 4467 63
U(R)EdINIA 309 68
Br(A)NDIeS 994 76
SNEERER(S) 19200 70
DANCERS 3066 76
(O)UTRAIse 25 71
RETAI(N)ED 25 70
U(N)VARiED 984 61
RETAILS 112 80
COnVOYS 22047 83
DETAIL(E)D 2760 70
DOGGIER 7287 80
YODELER 4797 80
R(E)LATIVE 666 67
(C)AESURiC 14742 86
(O)UTFLIEs 2831 92
TITHERS 6541 75
TOOTL(I)NG 10794 72
SALArIE(D) 798 60
REGAINS 268 79
TOLLERs 6175 70
LAICISE 3528 80
(C)eNTESIS 10064 80
O(D)dBALLS 27492 167
(R)EFLOATS 1380 74
SI(D)ELESs 24480 82
(R)EDENIES 1883 61
RICOTTA 4198 64
MIX(T)uRES 13856 72
ANTIGE(N)E 945 72
A(C)ROLEIN 191 64
INFRAC(T)S 8234 68
STASHeD 12890 66
InSHRI(N)E 8942 90
ISATInE 144 80
(A)TROPHIA 6247 76
REsE(A)TED 1779 131
J(A)UNDICE 9462 86
TESTInG 4449 68
UMBERED 14458 81
NETTIES 2554 89
REPUTEs 9117 79
MATToID 8916 81
NIELL(O)Ed 3437 58
SYMBIO(T)E 11939 68
WEANING 5507 75
AERADIO(S) 126 72
(C)ERULEAn 3020 80
fLOSSES 23368 72
(I)NTIfADA 7426 74
(S)AILINGS 15519 80
BIRDMEN 7088 67
GnAtTIE(R) 709 74
nOSTRIL 1207 73
BICORNE 2747 67
STODGED 11329 86
AXOnEMA(L) 11580 86
NICTATE 1998 78
DONGlES 4062 88
(M)UNCHIER 14719 107
TSARINA 1173 65
RADI(A)ToR 2467 82
(B)ARITOnE 50 80
(U)NLISTED 1610 61
TUNICaS* 0 79
(O)BEDIENT 827 86
WHITIES 10744 87
(T)OASTINg 3407 74
FORAGeS 2942 79
DENTATE 1871 70
TSARINA 1173 73
(T)IRELESS 5124 65
MAN(T)EAUS 4922 68
nOBIL(I)TY 13591 98
IN(T)ERaCT 1423 140
SCHE(D)UlE 19895 82
KEyNOTE 9326 80
STORING 1764 72
(A)GOUTIES 239 72
TRAVEL(O)G 2126 64
GOLDfIS(H) 20903 92
(f)iBRANNE 6568 66
CANTEEN 4684 79
NARCEIN 2100 87
(E)DUcTIVE 10441 71
MOSEY(I)NG 8853 69
BIGgEST 16255 72
OLEATES 279 71
DEANiNG 2344 70
BERLINS 3207 81
COoEEI(N)G 4188 74
NIFTIER 1839 66
bRAINIS(H) 12406 72
(R)EPAINTS 441 83
AUThORs 5837 68
R(E)BROKEN* 0 78
VOLANTE 923 70
ARISTAE 137 73
DRaPERS 9405 66
DOWER(I)ES 1936 66
ORGIASt 805 72
TENAILS 109 66
HI(N)DEREd 9553 62
RANDiES(T) 67 82
TEAR(D)OWN 586 72
(G)IGANtIC 20577 86
FITTERS 6276 76
SCENARI(O) 196 83
SM(A)TTERS 16354 61
ED(U)CATES 5023 72
zANANAS 21662 76
DELtAIC 1473 74
pOND(L)IKE* 0 84
RONDEAU 151 65
CARInAE 823 69
NEUSTON 3508 79
PLESSOR 13956 81
TRAVELO(G) 2243 89
PERINEA 377 90
FoLIATE(D) 687 93
cESTOID 1991 67
REEFI(E)sT 4744 61
BACUlIN(E) 5614 86
(B)RANTAiL 4394 80
cOINTER 356 65
STANDAR(D) 14035 70
AMIdONE 316 81
(T)EREBEnE 14145 68
LIZARDS 11594 95
B(O)RNItES 598 61
TAMPERS 7071 83
ENSO(U)LED 2527 86
(R)OULADEs 883 62
(B)ROOChES 20844 86
(C)RItICAL 21378 76
REGAIn(E)D 277 60
RE(L)IANCE 610 80
TE(R)TIALS 889 61
BRACKeT 15037 92
LEGATI(V)E* 0 74
LADDIeS 5278 81
MINUTI(A)E 1249 68
HALTeRS 3152 73
DIURnAL 1866 70
REbUILD 5624 64
BEdTIME 8331 82
(P)ArIETAL 1219 80
OReOLOG(Y)* 0 63
IGNITOr 2324 68
R(E)ALTERS 2695 70
CERItES 2145 71
ELOINED 298 76
(C)ELERIES 7368 72
LaNI(A)RDS 3191 82
SINUATE 125 65
DIAZINs 12091 103
(H)USTLING 16150 89
OLD(S)TeRS 8072 66
RU(T)ILANT 3507 131
(N)SREOTIE* 0 87
COSIGNS 17818 87
SPANGLE 7495 77
AIRST(R)IP 11638 61
aLMONER 915 73
INTEGER 479 71
SUP(IN)ATOR 1332 80
HENBITS 7096 70
TOLLING 10558 75
DEMENTI 2264 76
ETE(R)NISE 860 70
GAUDIER 758 74
CATTiSH 16419 82
dEP(U)TING 5901 74
CESSIOn 7632 69
OuTPUNC(H) 28487 80
SLEDGES 17221 82
CITHE(R)NS 5848 102
TH(E)REMIN 4322 90
TEREDoS 847 79
DEVICES 10899 85
PETARDS 2997 70
RIVERM(E)N* 0 67
STALlED 8415 68
ISOM(E)RIC 7391 98
ErODENT 341 68
IN(T)ERNED 1229 63
LeAD(W)ORT 1363 74
REI(N)DUCE 3097 74
PEDOCAL 7955 80
(P)RIEDIEU 5884 74
NORTENA 287 64
r(A)dIOING 1577 122
OPALINE 324 75
(L)IBRATEs 1003 80
LUSTR(A)TE 3978 70
SKYWARD 22804 76
S(A)TINIER 96 77
ICEB(O)ATS 2018 78
MEGARON 1418 74
DOTAGES 1099 75
ScATTED 9380 86
HiPSTER 7158 80
AnTIDOT(E) 136 68
FROSTIL(Y) 12931 66
DEXTRIN(E) 3519 70
A(N)EROIDS 13 61
INERTIA(E) 44 77
RELOAdS 508 76
MEANERS 2224 82
PILoTED 1911 66
PROMiSE 5143 97
BOuNCER 8077 68
R(E)CrEATE 8758 70
EANLING 2346 70
ABASINg 10436 75
GRIE(V)ANT 752 78
vIOLATE 310 76
SAtORIS 3035 68
MUSIcAL 15500 70
eNAMO(U)Rs 1325 66
STURDIE(D) 6857 62
C(A)MPINGS 22741 73
BUNIONS 12745 74
(U)NRIPEST 2398 70
MEs(O)GLEA 5137 62
NAIVEST 710 73
DOw(N)TOWN 28891 61
REuNION 789 64
OLESTRA 163 71
SOLeMNE(R) 3767 77
(K)EDgEREe 25421 86
BATTIER 2095 80
hAYF(I)ELd 14594 74
ALEWIv(E)S 7038 176
UR(T)ICANT 7724 90
RELEAS(E)E 8579 131
REC(H)OsEN 8004 78
ADDREST 5395 84
AIRBASE 1773 72
RULIEST 1166 80
RETIRED 1896 73
IN(C)rEASE 645 60
CORNETS 2067 82
TARWEEd 2100 74
GAR(L)ANDS 11061 62
PA(G)ANISM 18448 76
UNITAGE 280 76
MI(D)LINES 7929 74
AR(B)ALEsT 4898 61
TIRADES 105 82
INqUIET 6649 73
D(A)RKENER 9994 82
LAZAR(E)tS 8232 86
LI(O)NISER 405 66
U(N)TIEING 6140 70
CANINEs 3786 87
ENRAGED 1182 72
CHASErS 17245 76
SEROSAE 2386 73
ISATINE 138 82
ENJoYER 9728 88
BETATR(O)n 1785 72
TOPA(Z)INE 2405 88
vALORIS(E) 573 59
pRIESTS 9801 69
B(I)GArADE 4169 80
RAINOUT 130 64
CREMA(T)OR 7831 70
fANZINE 11788 82
LAMINA(R)Y 12407 69
OUTRI(D)ER 1159 86
THEOrIS(T) 3403 72
UNCLeAR 3080 73
SLIDErS 8088 81
MISEASE 7926 68
UNHAIRe(R) 2924 83
(U)NSOAkED 5762 77
PROETT(E)S 7481 70
LUCITES 5643 65
TOIlING 4242 69
ASTON(I)ES 502 59
ABSENCE 8232 69
PEsTIER 2310 75
APTERIA 829 77
(O)UTPRICE 4127 70
A(P)OSPORY 28009 110
M(I)sDOiNG 14115 70
L(I)TERATE 522 60
ENTwIST 6300 81
ObLIGES 5384 68
SEASiDE 3758 73
GARTERS 4243 80
INeRTIA 38 72
REBoRES 8630 82
S(A)UNTERS 4115 70
EIDOlO(N)S 1866 66
sPALLER 12345 70
REALIS(E)D 346 86
kNIGH(T)ED 15585 63
TANA(G)ERs 1563 66
RETIRES 1910 67
AECIDiA 3828 74
GRAZIER 8625 72
(G)OODLIER 2108 72
AGITaTE(D) 3471 86
T(A)LKIEsT 8510 76
L(I)CENSED 5061 76
BAGUEt(T)E 11213 70
SETTLES 16517 79
STEEP(E)sT 25662 60
ATRESIA 133 67
DI(F)fERER* 0 72
ReAGENT 451 83
uNGOTTE(N) 11048 62
OESTRUA(L) 335 68
dENSIFY 9699 81
AROUSeS 3581 73
PEELING 5524 68
RANTERS 1291 74
SOmEONE 6163 64
UREIDES 1381 67
REALT(O)RS 1146 61
PElERIN(E) 4754 80
UNTRIED 425 74
(L)ASSoING 8862 70
NO(N)IDEAL 422 65
DEDICAT(e) 6285 74
ERAsION(S) 473 74
RETRA(C)ED 6036 74
AILERON(S) 17 62
REMo(V)ING 5605 82
QUEStIN(G) 10572 101
(R)ASORIAL 4661 60
FRATTIE(R)* 0 65
(V)ItAMINS 12452 76
ELUDERs 5318 85
PrEBIND 7089 65
PI(N)TADOS 2432 62
GORdITA 836 62
ZAPA(T)EoS 11582 72
(R)AtANIES 89 74
ELEGIAC 2913 76
FOOTI(N)GS 11551 64
ANIMIST 5492 72
UNSExES 18816 66
SITTERs 8825 70
HEARTEN 1078 78
AERO(S)TAT 1499 62
DELIRIA 495 71
TERMa(R)I(E)s* 0 79
PREhEAT 5125 73
GALIPOT 4842 68
EARNEST 214 74
lANDG(R)AB 16759 62
MEDICIN(E) 10384 92
GOLDEN(E)R 2012 74
(M)ELODIaS 1216 88
SARAPES 13723 70
ACROLEI(N) 192 75
(C)REODONT 4209 64
HEMMERs 22753 70
DILAtES 403 77
TIMB(E)RED 6798 66
aEOLIAN 56 70
VOLUMED 13679 82
GLEETI(E)R 2851 65
PLEASEd 6594 81
ROADwAY(S) 16398 65
RE(C)EIVED 12344 82
LAPIDES 2888 81
DRASTIC 4939 97
MaNDOL(I)N 8459 77
URA(N)IUMs 14327 70
NEUROID 174 70
PRAEDI(A)L 2555 72
CITRuSY 15705 91
D(E)SALTED 8191 64
FA(C)ELIKE* 0 72
ElODEAS 804 74
BLEATER(S) 3005 72
ERE(C)TILE 4740 90
PET(A)LOID 546 76
GELAtOs 1102 70
TITTIES 14427 69
VISIO(N)eD 3228 82
WAI(T)ERED 654 74
A(C)cENTeD 15455 140
TOLuIDE 490 73
ANNULEt 2698 62
EGOM(A)NIA 1069 65
PO(U)TINES 1402 68
M(I)LADIES 4545 63
PIGOUTS 10353 86
UPsTAGE 7205 69
ELATIOn 4 77
FL(e)NSINg 13726 60
(S)EVERING 4424 72
TERTIAN(S) 344 60
STATION 1339 66
AbSENTE(E) 4721 74
INTERI(O)R 639 70
MEIS(T)ERS 9561 64
DANDiE(S)t 2071 80
RIGAUdO(N) 1257 77
(I)CEFIELD 14560 82
SEMiNAL 1473 74
ERADIAT(E) 121 83
SOaPI(E)ST 3590 70
TOASTED 1695 67
(E)NGRAVES 4617 89
(A)GENDUMS 9498 92
(S)TOREMAN 592 83
ERLKING 8224 93
STEARiC 642 89
INURNED 2715 72
CONFI(N)Es 10656 87
SLAiNTE 141 68
P(I)ERROTS 4694 74
DUrABlE 5556 82
STAViNG 6559 86
UREDIAL 401 72
SCARERS 16740 72
ELASTiN 109 72
AIRP(R)OOF 15806 67
CaREFRE(E) 17731 89
REEDITS 572 70
GERBILs 7211 65
TROOPEd 5006 72
ORBIEST 899 65
(S)TERNITE 1245 77
STA(M)PERS 23719 98
(S)EGOLATE 1171 68
CALLETs 12283 74
BRACInG 11069 69
OUTR(A)IsE 25 78
ENDORrE* 0 75
GASOLE(N)E 915 72
REENLI(S)T 389 74
(D)ETaILED 2760 77
GU(A)RDIAN 4688 74
SeNSERS* 0 68
DIATRON 121 69
INDORSe 163 69
DE(V)IATOR 206 98
TOLANES 162 72
POUTiNG 7537 82
DENARII 134 74
LINAGES 759 83
(E)NLISTED 911 82
ST(O)CKIER 7302 90
R(E)MOVALs 6440 78
AGE(N)CIEs 2219 66
FOOTERs 5224 81
SIERRAN 552 68
RAINIEs(T) 89 64
ARSINES 1326 81
(G)HERAOED 2866 84
(E)NTRAINS 356 60
(D)IEHArDS 8611 89
DEARIES 198 69
Be(T)AINES 609 76
RANTERS 1291 67
SURREAL 4968 79
IN(S)NARED 1183 61
FLUTINA 6666 82
MISTiER 4922 87
CUSTOMs 21628 75
RU(P)TuRED 23250 61
PAR(O)LEES 1911 72
AgIO(T)AGE 3680 64
GLACIER 2410 68
INCHO(A)TE 898 64
rOPEL(I)KE 8706 88
M(O)REsQUE 16215 88
SEAGIRT 284 75
TE(R)RARIA 6954 68
(G)ERMAINE 1399 63
VEA(L)IEST 2025 63
OPAqUES 11754 75
DIS(T)RAIn 1573 68
OFTENES(T) 7098 72
CAUSINg 9284 71
NEROLIS 175 80
IN(T)RONIc 9339 59
LE(P)IDOTE 1926 76
ELEGIzE 14677 86
INCUDES 5641 91
OLESTRA 157 68
REAwAKE 12470 78
NON(A)RIES 141 70
REUNIT(E)S 394 77
NIT(R)ATED 354 63
CHe(R)VILS 18380 69
RENAILS 108 75
TEENIER 478 65
BuRNERS 12635 78
ISOZYME 16509 85
SHORTIE(S) 6186 86
P(I)NIToLS 7740 70
PAROTID 1579 79
LIQUORE(D) 5473 107
(O)UISTITI 16018 66
AVIATED 1690 68
GrADIEn(T) 138 80
TERNION 274 66
NOSHING 14779 74
lITERAT(E) 521 74
IOLITES 742 70
WEsTERN(S) 13225 72
WIdGEoN 2844 85
(G)ENITORs 260 68
READAPT 3445 80
DONATEs 146 76
HEaDSET 3874 78
oUTWARS 5616 80
SoRBATE 837 74
DiCKENS 13516 84
ADJURED 15881 90
CAROLER 4598 70
MANDOLI(N) 8448 86
(D)ELATIOn 10 77
(S)TEAMInG 1860 70
(R)ETABLOS 1332 73
AErIfIE(D) 1755 59
TApiSES 6431 72
INER(T)IAE 44 68
R(E)pUGNED 10828 72
D(I)SAGREE 674 76
NEEDLER 4651 66
PHONERs* 0 96
AMYLOID 9823 81
tINNIES(T) 8003 74
sILTIER 1231 74
(O)UTLEaDS 837 70
I(N)VASION 8525 71
aLIENED 194 65
Ol(E)FINES 1836 61
RE(D)TAILS 250 62
BISt(E)RED 2930 70
STINTED 2722 79
DESKMAN 13474 80
LIMO(n)eNE 4226 82
ROASTED 147 78
TE(R)ATOId 130 122
BREWERS 17178 97
MIRKEsT 11019 82
ALATION 524 68
RELOA(N)ED 166 62
NEgATES 1191 87
ORDINAL 433 77
MiTOSES 7334 77
HEIRDOM 4903 84
SNoUT(I)LY* 0 70
MURKIeR 16890 80
(E)MERSION 803 83
DIETHER 2261 66
RIVETeR 4926 72
mUTABLE 9955 72
GL(A)DIAtE 1489 68
SCARRED 9379 73
OvERSEA 1247 70
UNfAZED 14064 77
DEDIcAT(ED) 19741 86
(R)ELIAnCE 644 80
HEAVIES 5255 83
MORaINE 70 71
DAREFUL 5587 74
(R)ETRYING 7435 78
INCePTS 6840 96
(S)TRONGYL 12908 89
M(A)CArOON 14687 94
S(E)EDIEST 10209 86
STANDER 407 70
PEAB(R)AIN 3807 66
EPEEItT* 0 80
REINCUR(S) 8373 62
CARLINE 596 72
SINLeSS 18492 68
TARTUfO 9650 67
ALATION 525 77
SEMIH(A)RD 5695 72
(K)EYNOTES 12377 75
ANDr(O)GEN 1999 70
HEPTAne 5340 78
A(n)ETHOLS 1382 63
A(C)AULINE 2536 61
mEASU(R)ED 5315 70
(L)AMIsTER 1061 80
ABH(O)RRED 11161 72
(D)uATHlON 7581 92
SE(T)LINES 5129 83
NICE(T)IES 3295 68
sTREA(K)eD 5705 76
ENTASIA 129 62
DIESTER 570 72
GOALIEs 380 70
AMPhORA 18178 76
AUrEOLA 734 69
WREATHE(D) 7127 96
OUT(S)INGS 13068 72
PAnADAS 17907 86
FRAPpED 19816 89
SE(A)FARES* 0 74
HE(A)DGATE 7663 86
SLAmMED 18846 78
TEnSILE 580 75
ArIOSOS 6951 65
INULASE 406 76
NAGGIER 3740 73
TULAdIS 3555 71
DIABE(T)IC 5982 88
ACINOUS 3197 81
YEaSTIE(R) 643 80
GRASPED 7496 75
T(U)NICLES 4308 70
NITR(A)TES 342 82
LEPORI(N)E 802 64
SIENNAS 5944 67
REBUILD 5398 67
OUTW(E)ARs 1334 62
STRIATE 534 72
MEATIER 376 79
CARoTID 1645 87
N(E)TTiNGS 10001 74
RIBALDS 7891 74
MUT(I)NEER 1541 68
PaRGETS 4517 79
wEAKS(I)DE 11100 84
LATTINS 4583 62
AMANIT(A)S 12678 72
wIZARDE(R) 14670 84
INTERNS 1296 63
SPIc(A)tED 5654 86
TANNERS 1352 67
AN(G)INOUS 5610 60
CLEPiNG 12210 78
B(L)OWIeST 6794 74
NESTLED 2785 69
AVISUAl* 0 83
NITrIDE 475 73
pREXIES 11525 80
RUSTING 5210 79
INH(A)LERS 997 61
NEAREST 208 81
VAMOSED 7639 82
OUTSOLE(S) 13356 62
LANATED 1273 80
PARErGA 12164 78
DIP(T)ERAL 1026 81
ANCIENT 2101 72
DORMO(U)Se 10143 62
(U)NSTEaDY 4278 86
BATHING 11071 69
iMPRESS 16564 84
GRAND(A)ME 6962 76
(D)EVISALs 11472 72
MEATIES(T) 3505 64
SOUTAnE 166 71
EQUINES 7031 89
TRIAZO(L)E 666 70
CENsURE 6457 83
SIN(G)ABLE 3429 74
EA(R)sTONE 41 64
ANISEED(s) 2622 71
(W)ATERSKI 6662 82
tOLUENE 850 68
(L)ITERATE 495 68
SCRIBED 9655 81
STEA(D)INg 461 122
ANCIENT 2101 72
DORMO(U)Se 10143 62
HEloTAG(E) 2719 80
(D)EEDLESS 25262 70
PILEOUS 3585 65
HADRONS 5589 94
C(H)IEFESt 16121 90
(W)ORTHIER 7864 80
(T)ABOUlIS 4584 86
vE(G)ETATE 14624 61
LUTiSTS 19594 66
EMOTION 1345 74
ELEVONS 4819 86
REsONA(TE)d 50 64
PERDUR(E)S 16970 76
BERLINE 2241 89
CORVINe 2765 71
TIBI(A)LES 2560 61
REUNI(T)ED 386 60
C(U)RaTInG 5226 60
ENTRAPS 1532 68
IGNORES 408 72
(S)UNNIEsT 11513 74
INTERCO(M) 2118 76
sOLANOS 13193 77
(E)NLISTEE 1887 66
BoTHE(R)ER* 0 72
ELECT(R)OS 3744 68
RESTrOO(M) 11243 80
EARTHEN 1075 65
COU(R)IErS 6063 76
(T)AUTNESS 11502 77
NORTeNA(S) 481 71
ROTA(R)IES 145 70
LEGIONS 1056 66
INARmED 613 75
T(E)RRINES 1240 70
ISOLINE 702 84
NIDGETS 1734 79
TICKLEd 13515 68
UNHAIRS 4964 78
LIPEmIA* 0 78
FILAREE 1048 86
ESERINe 1270 73
(E)STREATs 9417 74
START(E)RS 15707 70
DEODARA 4023 84
GAS(O)LINE 233 72
PREDAT(E)S 3060 76
rA(I)NBOWS 5916 64
FISSATE 6683 78
ENTIR(E)TY 3885 71
INTERN(E)D 1296 74
WEAPOnS 5063 106
s(A)UTEING 450 68
(D)ULCiNEA 2172 64
EVENIN(G)s 11221 65
SeNTImO 994 75
FIXURES 14156 72
IONOmER 1343 67
COADMIT 7232 69
ADREN(A)LS 1852 72
(O)BEiSANT 176 80
RE(V)ENANT 3871 64
AU(R)EOLES 497 59
DE(U)TERON 516 62
UNTI(D)IER 871 63
DOYLEyS 20364 77
W(I)RETAPS 3379 84
(C)ORPsMEN 15832 98
PANIKIN(s)* 0 78
HELICES 10900 76
FREEDM(E)N 15997 66
TImEOUT 4448 68
PENNIAs* 0 70
ASSOR(T)ED 2478 70
OIlIEST 705 66
WEANERS 2128 88
BITT(E)RNS 5002 64
T(R)eFOILS 1456 94
OUTLiNE 185 61
AUDIEN(T)S 254 63
(R)EMINTEd 1533 70
AeROBIC 1233 74
OUTLEAD 512 69
cOAN(C)HOR 26472 90
ACONi(T)ES 197 65
STANINE 550 69
SEnILES 6335 68
ABLEIST 1392 85
vENDING 11644 70
MINDERS 3256 82
sTENCIL(S) 12235 69
VE(R)ATRIN 1510 76
DOSSIER 3582 81
AGOUtIS 1810 70
ONERIE(S)T 48 66
EQuATOR 2337 95
VE(N)DEtTA 6374 62
EPHOraT(E) 2595 86
SENEGAS 8515 83
ALDERM(E)N 3040 66
TENSION 791 71
(a)IRWOMEN 863 76
SUBTIlE 5405 71
OSMoLAR 10325 72
TOOTLES 7586 65
HOIsTER 979 80
FORINTS 3425 77
ENTR(E)SOL 517 77
GAOL(B)IRd 6319 64
SAWBILL 20842 79
PERSONA 935 82
ORGIAST 845 70
COtEAUX 8725 96
TOAsTED 1695 70
TRIV(I)UMS 19784 76
EASIEST 2060 66
RETREAT 4587 72
RE(C)ITALS 1014 72
DI(S)INTER 868 72
SAMPLER 10061 98
ENCINAs 3787 72
GIRL(I)EST 2985 68
VAGInAE 2799 78
A(G)ENESIA 865 72
ARAcHNI(D) 12387 88
PE(R)ILING 7000 74
(E)STROgEN 944 74
EPA(U)LETS 5054 60
THORNIE(R) 1699 76
T(A)UTENED 2547 60
URI(D)INES 1853 63
DESTINE 595 72
TOILET(E)D 1707 72
GAINLI(E)R 637 77
R(I)NDLESS 6859 72
OLEINES 285 83
FACADEs 13216 91
PROGE(R)IA 2614 76
STUrDIE(D) 6857 72
TREMBLE 10964 94
DUPABLE 12683 72
REINV(E)ST 1544 72
DOGEARE(D) 4752 86
(G)lOSSIlY 26893 72
SOLANI(N)E 447 68
GOOLIES 3027 66
CAEsURA(E) 5859 77
PRO(C)AINE 902 72
(R)EVoLTED 3748 71
REC(R)EaNT 3862 86
OO(S)pORIC 23860 70
RE(C)ODING 2253 63
BASTERs 9329 72
TOWPLA(N)E 4078 80
RURALI(S)M 14596 64
HEI(G)HTEN 18574 185
EmOCORE 10830 68
MOUNTER 1986 73
BR(A)IsING 8902 70
MOUSSAk(A) 26775 80
(C)IPHERER 20506 67
LIRIO(P)Es 3231 72
INDITEs 1283 81
CURVETS 12819 76
UN(C)LOSED 7819 76
R(E)ORIENT 268 68
HINDERE(R) 6429 92
L(A)MENTER 1604 61
CR(O)cEINS 12108 76
ANODIsE 34 70
HALOGEN 2943 80
LENIENT 1901 79
BAILEES 2121 68
PHILTR(E)S 8664 64
F(L)AGrANT 12416 72
ERASERS 10067 68
SIDERIT(E) 1127 80
(s)ERVICES 19200 84
TRIT(O)NEs 494 74
SPAdOSE* 0 72
LANDLER(S) 6848 70
INSTEPS 9387 93
INSANER 518 69
sINUATE 119 86
SUGARED 3307 68
(E)UGENIAs 679 77
TRIODES 173 81
REGULIN(E) 1650 63
DELATIN(G) 432 74
GUINEAS 730 75
STREUSE(L) 11665 60
INOsINE 2130 80
N(E)UTRALS 684 59
C(H)IEFESt 16121 90
TUcKERS 16171 82
ORANGIE(R) 299 76
(A)CETATES 9798 74
GAOLERs 1440 78
DODDIE(S)T 24536 64
STYMIED 9717 78
(O)UTRAGES 654 63
OVERSAL(E) 1810 86
LOUSIER 494 76
DOWElED 14378 74
S(T)INKILY* 0 66
DEAcONS 1834 68
(D)ISPENSE 13089 86
mONITOR 6283 72
SlIMIER 5832 83
INERMOU(S) 1906 62
eMOTION 1793 70
(H)ISTOGEN 2146 76
SRADDHa 19377 84
WINGLET 4555 95
IRON(C)LAD 2291 62
JOGGLES 20839 79
SEArCES 14900 68
STRIATA 6922 74
TE(R)RIERS 10798 131
T(E)LERANS 378 68
SEEINGS 11509 70
FAKiEST 10498 109
ENGAOL(E)D 1167 74
BReWING 12277 84
VERONIC(A) 1152 65
OPH(I)URiD 22831 102
ANERGIA 486 79
MISEATS 9009 95
CERESIN 2250 74
EAGERES(T) 2845 80
GERMIFy* 0 71
FL(U)ORINE 1455 72
(E)NdEAVOR 814 86
S(T)UDDiES 19116 61
FILIBEG 15711 79
AVIAnI(Z)E 11055 83
SAcQuES 21635 97
(I)GnATIAS 6764 77
FOLIOED 6897 80
OSTIARY 1680 81
qUIE(TE)NER 5414 82
AMaTORY 11107 95
ARCHAEO(N) 4455 76
TIN(H)ORNS 8563 61
UMPI(R)aGE 7955 74
ROSELLA 3593 88
DREEING 1199 85
DISBArS 15395 74
TEACART 6908 70
OUtLINE 178 76
PERIGEE 7996 75
RHeBOKS 19048 85
RATLINS 1017 67
RESOFTE(N) 1974 76
POTTIEs 4657 76
ORALITY 1663 78
LE(V)OGyRE 14027 62
(N)ANDINES 12336 70
INNOVAt(E) 768 83
DEV(O)TION 2089 82
LEAgUES 4462 64
WINTLES 3301 81
(U)NWISEsT 12262 72
HEKtARE 8913 88
AMBE(R)INA 3806 66
mAULERS 5613 67
REMINT(E)D 1616 64
BIKEW(A)Ys 23723 108
NEEDING 5304 85
RERAISE 865 71
UPSTaTE 9440 87
SOLa(R)IUM 4597 60
(I)NTARsIA 1956 74
BEA(C)HING 13448 82
ABORTED 827 78
MIsEATE(N) 633 80
TArTUFO 9650 73
CYANIT(E)S 3329 71
PERIG(E)Es 9920 70
TAILORS 471 64
(B)ARRANCO 18146 89
mAFIOSI 10837 70
PIG(N)OLIA 7060 80
AcROMIO(N) 7693 80
pIPEAG(E)S 18395 77
OVERAWE 4778 90
FALsIES 12958 82
HObBITS 22282 78
VAINEST 678 85
IODInA(T)E 35 60
INTRIG(U)E 1571 65
BARTERS 6446 71
(M)ORAInES 220 70
ALUNITE 116 66
OVERAGE 2064 77
BARLOWS 13443 67
JON(E)SING 12524 114
SENhORA 914 71
NIMBLER 6812 67
(V)OmERINE 2473 62
AI(R)WARDS 20206 74
(F)ANAtICs 16387 83
INDITER 474 72
dEmEANE(D) 15569 74
(D)REAMIER 3691 92
GOOFILy 19070 93
LIGATES 768 75
(T)IBIALEs 2557 72
BANDEAU 6017 72
sAUTOIR 471 75
CO(W)RITES 4132 66
TOMENTA 2583 65
AIbLINS 8507 64
STAtION 1404 81
DEWOR(M)ER 21724 68
RESTING 1074 76
EXULTED 13571 102
LYRATED 3114 75
BERETTA 4892 68
(G)RANITEs 151 77
RIANTLY 2588 83
NETTIER 977 69
WANIEST 680 75
TABORi(N)S 1048 70
dERO(G)ATE 348 122
PREVAIL 4399 71
ELOINED 297 70
TOASTeD 1693 69
rEFUSAL 5612 78
DETE(R)GES 7810 64
(b)LUNTINg 20537 57
TE(E)NAGER 1495 72
CRINGES 4727 64
DETAI(N)EE 295 86
OVERRUn 7445 83
iRATEST 560 72
aNNOTA(T)E 3675 78
ANTIaIR 1304 67
OUT(E)ARNS 102 59
RENTAB(L)E 1583 65
HARdIES 1498 73
RA(T)IONAL 321 68
DOTIEsT 1698 71
ALeURON 160 73
IN(O)SITES 3175 70
(s)TERTORS 17440 61
RIP(E)NERs 6465 86
THE(N)AGES 4619 74
NIDGETS 1654 69
ARENOsE 64 62
IDOL(I)SER 987 68
cUNEATE 2182 77
SE(T)IFORM 4146 76
EPICURE 8371 94
SOURINg 3686 79
LOITERS 187 73
(B)ACKFIrE 21020 86
INOcULA 3342 68
VIOLENT 985 68
RELOADS 508 76
EQUINEl(Y) 15009 110
LE(A)RIEST 123 68
CaRDI(T)IS 7299 66
(M)ACRAMES 25904 66
DETAIN(E)e 277 82
RUNAb(O)UT 11893 66
NUTTIER 1302 71
SWILLE(R)S 22328 63
PAgURID 9291 74
pARA(G)ONS 9974 68
TIGrESS 7054 72
NECTARS 1511 68
(S)ULfONES 16281 74
DORK(I)EsT 3207 98
PARTITE 2014 76
SEEPING 5530 71
FEN(L)ANDs 11154 61
(E)LUTIoNS 323 74
GEARING(S) 4830 62
ROBUSTL(Y) 19126 78
(V)ERBIAgE 5785 76
FO(R)KINGS* 0 76
O(UT)SCORED 6795 110
(A)NTIdOTE 136 61
BOODLES 11178 80
STAG(N)AtE 5829 70
TONGUES 2334 70
DAWTIEs 1530 77
PENATES 2233 81
RAISINS 7872 76
(C)AVALIEr 5964 74
GRAND(E)ST 1106 76
ELISION 739 80
RAWB(O)nED 3991 82
HEIRDOM 4903 86
COMPET(E)D 16313 86
UNWEAVE(S) 9903 86
REQ(U)ESTS 20378 71
LOANERS 152 69
RATFI(N)KS 12170 67
PARTIED 624 69
rEDEYES 11572 82
SCALIER 1418 75
RIBALdS 7891 82
SNEEzIE(R) 8243 72
RICk(S)HAS 28505 76
TEOPaNS 934 72
RE(D)OLENT 513 70
(R)EMOLADE 1901 86
(E)ASTINGs 3420 77
dEPOSIT(s) 9709 77
HIRUDIN 15632 80
(C)OGITATE 3600 74
INTUSES 7274 88
ERADIAT(E) 169 83
EARsHOT 915 73
EnDORSe(R) 3395 74
UNEASIE(R) 125 60
DRAINER 695 65
MORGANS 7822 74
COURIER 4634 71
EXt(R)ADOS 3379 119
IMPAS(TI)NG 14420 68
C(H)ARRING 19024 69
HOTEL(I)eR 840 61
NUTCASE 3093 74
RAIDERS 1334 71
STERNLy 5790 79
M(A)NNITES 2934 66
DITHERS 3253 108
RURA(L)ISE 2073 70
DeR(I)VING 6638 74
(G)REASIER 2023 72
ELEVaTE(D) 7362 95
DOGN(A)PER 2236 78
REMAND(E)R* 0 64
GAROT(T)ED 1999 60
iSOLaTE 40 69
(A)UTOBAhN 13574 86
ANGSTRO(M) 6537 74
RADIOED 817 69
TE(T)ANOID 137 70
(C)RANNOGE 4811 76
(S)TEADIES 2623 65
JAVELI(N)S 9477 71
SAUCERS 12295 69
OPa(Q)UERs* 0 203
POACHER 9500 77
DIVERTS 3278 75
QUILtER 6151 100
BESEEMS 22635 88
RE(t)AILOR 140 58
PARVEN(U)S 9072 71
ACETOSe 1241 84
PUNIT(I)vE 9825 68
UNCRATE 1592 67
(U)NMOoRED 6876 83
T(R)UCKMEN 22487 94
cATALOS 9154 83
mYIASIS 21112 76
EPON(Y)MIC 17724 84
VAcATIO(N) 6562 83
EAST(W)ARD 4911 64
M(I)NIVANS 20566 64
(S)CATTIER 2905 74
ROOmIER 5952 71
(A)ROMATIC 6560 89
AURICLE(D) 2297 63
THI(A)ZiNS 17039 110
SQUAD(D)IE 16842 88
LINIEST 1290 84
SANTERA 501 76
sMOKING 18698 83
SIDER(I)TE 1126 63
OVERmAN 2744 75
IMpROVE(D) 11981 78
AtTA(I)NER 444 113
(R)EDOLENT 514 80
WELlIES 14250 70
WOOLIeR 2796 64
(T)AUTNESS 11508 77
(B)OOSTERs 20129 80
MALIGNS 13044 76
V(A)NItIED 1242 94
POLENTA 919 86
ATROPIN 745 73
AORISTS 3035 72
WAGONED 2941 100
OUTGIVe 3000 78
H(e)LlBENT 22313 82
L(O)UNGERS 3211 63
MERCADO 5009 94
PROEtTE 5778 72
(A)NTRORSE 484 70
DEFACER 8266 97
DR(A)PINGS* 0 78
R(E)VoLVED 20599 92
EN(T)HUSED 8542 63
ROTEn(O)NE 2474 66
SODOm(I)ST 21072 59
NOMbRIL 10402 68
LINTElS 5423 64
RATL(I)NES 74 82
pASTERN 1608 81
FlENSER 6752 85
GASI(F)IER 4188 65
REL(O)ADEd 3251 82
(E)SSONITE 1684 66
FEASTeD 3868 81
TOWPLA(N)E 4078 80
RURALI(S)M 14596 64
HEI(G)HTEN 18574 185
EmOCORE 10830 68
PRALInE 681 72
NOSEGAY 2955 81
INSERTs 2875 73
CoJONES 16380 93
NEBULAE 4025 74
PIRAGU(A)S 12863 64
ASUNDER 1148 80
CUlTIvA(R) 11683 77
SLITHeR 3142 72
GRIEVES 5769 83
FORED(A)TE 808 63
kAIsERS 10496 76
OUTRACE 894 74
AUREOLE 294 66
AlARMED 6039 88
EVANG(E)LS 7508 66
BEADIER 1039 75
ANTEnNA 11409 65
REGENTS 2504 68
INFOrM(E)D 4125 65
LAIRIEs(T) 315 74
SAILINg 5678 68
DINNERs 2713 69
sATIATE 1676 65
MENORA(H)S 4068 80
CONTUSE 3863 74
ANOOPSI(A) 6559 70
AGENTRY 2619 77
(P)EARTIsH* 0 89
ImBOSOM 23652 83
D(E)CREERS 19409 76
NOVELIS(T) 1471 63
MISOR(d)ER 6067 63
UNREEV(E)S 11144 76
E(L)EPhANT 7130 80
S(E)DATION 18 60
OARsMEN 929 73
RESiTES 3964 76
s(C)ANDIUM 15477 66
REALISE 210 65
ACETONE 481 65
(S)UPINATE 1079 83
EPISTLE(R) 3150 91
OUTW(R)ITE 3615 74
CRADlES 5571 103
DEIfIES 7290 83
sITUAT(E)D 2072 66
SCORIAE 314 79
REPUTES 6777 79
UlTIMAS 7915 72
OMELETs 4812 72
GELATES 2458 69
ReTHINK 7605 86
NEARLIE(R) 492 62
HUSTLED 11680 77
WANTONS 9657 74
SWINGeR 4760 80
IN(D)URATE 69 62
PYO(R)RhEA 16911 70
SELFISH 19518 76
OPERANT 351 70
AdHESIO(N) 544 80
RODENTS 526 71
(C)ANOPIES 2041 89
HYAlINE 4375 83
SWINdL(E)S 15984 61
MEDIAT(O)R 203 76
HARDIE(S)T 1022 63
A(M)IdOGEN 974 74
LAdRONE 147 69
SEEMInG 5755 72
DRAg(G)LES 15480 63
PERG(O)LAS 4141 74
ANXIOUs 5959 100
(R)OTARIES 145 68
ERELONG 1348 82
(S)CUTTLES 25511 83
S(U)NBELTS 19621 61
InTErW(A)R 1511 86
RE(D)ENIES 1884 68
UNERA(S)Ed 954 64
HEMATI(N)S 3357 78
SILVErN 3300 97
DESIGNE(E) 5045 83
(D)AmPENER 7117 83
ROSiNOL 3438 73
FISSION 16576 77
CELLIsT 12941 80
RESEDAS 6320 71
CAVORtS 10376 96
FLIRTIE(R) 8940 70
OUTSOLE(S) 13356 62
LANATED 1273 80
PARErGA 12164 78
DIP(T)ERAL 1026 81
CLATTE(R)s 8306 70
SENOPIa 335 82
INSTA(N)Ts 19039 59
SNARING 6222 70
(T)ENDRILS 725 70
A(N)EMOSIS 3787 63
ANNULET 2823 66
MALT(I)EST 5164 74
S(A)FETIED 1530 63
(P)OTHEENS 8034 67
VERMINs 7168 76
TE(A)BOWLs 6710 82
CR(O)STINO 5996 74
BUTT(E)REd 13356 86
P(L)EASERs 13722 64
HETAIRA 822 78
AVODIRE 319 76
RE(E)ARNED 4430 68
(V)ALOnIAS 4997 72
sTEA(M)ING 1861 72
OUTRATe(D) 1143 77
FANTODS 5824 78
SLAInTE 114 69
OU(T)RANGE 259 72
bLENDES 9598 73
DILATI(O)N 878 60
(M)OtORCAR 19446 74
R(E)ASSAIL 4667 72
MESHING 12227 86
FRaG(G)ING 29357 84
fORLORN 17173 70
H(E)ADINGS 3630 83
GOMUTIs 10808 73
S(N)EERING 4221 61
hANDLED 12849 75
BiOTRON 4670 63
MURRHAS 20673 86
ARRAnG(E)S 5828 60
I(N)QUESTS 16185 68
STALING 2907 70
AErAT(I)ON 10 64
DEM(E)NTED 19898 98
(V)ICEROYS 11978 84
O(R)IENTER 285 66
CON(C)ISER 12099 74
(S)TROWING 6229 98
PLoTT(I)NG 13823 74
TURMOIL 5880 86
PROVIS(O)S 23803 73
TITANIA(S) 6992 60
GHEtTO(E)S 13110 72
F(R)EEBoRN 12538 66
DEARIES 206 74
ROSACEA 2354 68
(G)ALIVaNT 9380 70
FAINEsT 662 72
ENDO(C)ArP 4013 63
GUTTIER 4263 70
GUARD(I)AN 4458 76
(R)ESCHOOL 14826 67
SExTARI(I) 3164 74
STRID(E)NT 2146 60
DIPTERA(N) 421 74
DEAFENS 4045 109
sELLINg 10308 74
(I)NVOCATE 1150 78
DISToRT 7202 62
LOITERE(R) 696 66
ANEUrIN 520 76
R(E)TAILED 106 70
DIPROTI(C) 12948 78
LaVEND(E)R 3044 72
BLA(S)TIES 8594 64
ISATINE 138 78
REtENES 2694 80
INVEIG(L)E 8078 74
FEASiNG 2545 93
JOLl(I)EST 14364 68
DInEROS 168 69
(S)UNNIEST 11503 60
BEMUSI(N)g 15192 67
ICEHOUs(E) 7901 98
LARDIER 1333 82
TREATIN(G) 710 70
TONIEST 795 70
SIDE(R)ITE 1126 72
RELATIv(E) 666 74
TSA(R)INAS 7036 93
TRIBAS(I)C 12402 76
LIqUATE 3543 64
RAISINS 8215 66
kHaMSIN 19840 97
TROUNcE 2072 60
AsSO(N)ATE 3172 66
InITI(A)TE 3668 61
INLAYER 686 73
LIZARdS 11111 85
PARENTS 1609 87
CEILERs 3943 81
MOLDiER 1909 77
AsSAILS 21315 79
VENDE(U)SE 13981 63
HEADERS 4052 80
(T)AUrINES 82 77
(T)ONSILaR 292 74
CONNOTE 9010 84
PRANCER 11299 69
C(R)OSTINI 5080 61
EMOTI(C)ON 5266 75
VARUSES 13020 73
EULOGIa 382 69
REfRIED 7710 70
SCAr(L)ETS 12190 74
UN(C)HAstE 9029 67
DELATI(N)G 456 76
D(I)OXaNES 1665 84
OUTCOuN(T) 26500 86
RETINES 220 73
BOASTEr 875 73
DUSTMAN 10579 88
CROSTIN(I) 4800 70
PO(R)TAGED 2120 78
SE(A)WANTS 13004 65
A(S)TOMOUS 21020 64
Re(L)ANDED 5089 60
ANtISEX 1766 104
VIATORS 1674 81
(D)RONGOES 4432 72
(U)NIVERSE 3157 76
cONCAVE(D) 21267 65
(A)GREsTIC 1815 80
(E)ROTIZED 2165 107
IRO(N)WEEd 836 64
TRACHLE 7001 78
COTIN(I)NE 3960 65
SIL(I)CATe 2563 72
IDEOlOG(Y) 8316 89
T(I)LLERED 4857 60
HEMATIN 2298 91
INTROI(T)S 4709 59
ENERGIS(E) 2853 61
(F)oREPAST 4061 95
nIOBOUS 10328 72
APLA(S)TIC 16185 78
APATiTE 4471 76
MEaNDER 2191 67
ASSIG(N)ED 5807 76
OROIDEs 1032 74
TERRITS 6004 75
CANNErS 6452 72
REGALES 2455 80
BRI(E)FEST 7149 84
sTEROID 177 80
(P)RISONER 3607 62
BROASTE(D) 1326 86
TAENIAe 67 65
PLICaTE 4337 69
MARLITE 679 77
RATOONS 1707 90
TRASHER 6483 74
BULGIE(S)T 9524 76
bESMEAR 8261 87
MATIN(E)ES 668 78
bLUNGES 13799 85
PECULIA(r) 5686 86
TOWeLIN(G) 2272 83
SEDA(T)InG 460 72
NIOBIT(E)S 1595 74
ROCkETS 11887 80
ALTOIST 2868 68
INgRATE 64 80
PUNTIES 3312 82
EMERSED 12062 98
PASTOrS 13210 76
TRAINeD 14 65
ENDEARS 574 85
BISMuTH 21101 85
STATION 1405 80
Up(R)OOTAL 9274 58
KALiANS 12089 73
CU(R)RENTS 11847 61
NAmETAG(S) 6628 68
SYNDRO(m)E 9759 84
(R)ENTIERS 1239 77
ANTLERS 412 71
REGATTA 4881 67
(B)AWDRIEs 5627 78
(C)ALECHES 26253 104
(U)rINATEd 71 64
BRAWLI(E)R 9646 66
ROUTERs 3348 74
ORG(A)nDIE 56 83
KATSINA 8976 82
BiNGERS 4727 80
lACUNAE 6033 82
WRITHI(N)G 18675 92
SIENNAS 6190 83
ARGALAS 16743 70
HOMIEST 5136 98
BRACIN(g)S 14312 69
INTERW(A)R 1510 74
(C)UNEATEd 3013 80
SNIGGLE 12446 66
RISkILY 20890 80
SPER(M)INE 7187 78
AliDADE 5890 83
(T)EMPURAS 9070 89
(S)UEtIEST 12835 74
SA(L)LOWER 9671 158
INCENTE(R) 3870 70
EqU(I)TAnT 5776 74
EVEN(T)IDE 4742 78
AURORAE 2128 66
SPOI(L)aGE 2216 90
SU(Z)ERAIN 2650 101
LAMEN(T)ER 1604 76
SLURRIN(G) 15241 80
PROsTIE 1008 95
TABERED 2159 85
INHALES 1535 68
EClOGIT(E) 2871 83
(E)mIGRATE 1085 77
NEURITI(C) 2669 74
EM(A)NaTED 3469 90
BROI(D)ERS 6058 76
HOARSE(s)T 6491 149
PELORIA 325 77
BENE(D)ICT 7153 66
NOSTRUM 8895 79
CROSsES 22314 72
TIEPINs 3657 89
NEU(T)EREd 3674 64
CARIBES 4284 103
CODEiNS 1989 75
(C)LOWNING 22814 66
REI(N)KING 15804 86
(D)IORITeS 403 77
sPEANED 4082 67
OVERS(H)OT 11851 68
R(E)LEASOR 1706 70
ADMIRES 1513 76
OUTLIEs 523 59
NEATEST 1885 77
TERRE(L)LA 9406 68
TON(N)EAUS 1151 77
RuIN(A)TED 70 82
MANLIER 865 70
RIVIERE 8452 79
StOOGED 5319 86
AUTOD(I)AL 1991 68
(T)ERNIONS 489 70
AP(H)ELION 2055 67
(F)RIENDLY 8653 88
P(R)OVINCE 8089 75
PTERINS 1556 74
WASt(E)LOT 5750 80
ADDABLE 15694 78
NATI(ON)ALS 2656 70
BR(A)NDIED 5430 74
LINDENS 5182 68
JETLIkE 15839 85
OUREBIS 1986 76
COSIGNE(D) 4147 74
LAWINGS 9714 85
(L)IsTERIA 316 74
pRESID(I)O 3232 70
CURSIVE 10120 82
fLAT(C)ARS 19786 131
CITyFIE(D) 18909 76
SEAWA(L)LS 26084 76
ANGSTRO(M) 6545 63
E(N)VIROnS 3605 72
P(A)lOOKAS 25073 78
EU(P)ATRID 1042 72
INVADES 1520 97
(I)SOTOPEs 11449 80
CHASING 14631 100
URI(N)ATEd 71 66
HEAd(L)INE 1531 60
HOIDEnS 1998 88
BRAININ(G) 14148 74
ENTA(I)LED 109 63
ROSAcEA 2354 64
SERENA(T)A 452 68
ATOMISE 332 84
STOURIE 191 85
sTIN(G)IER 1488 82
SANTE(R)Ia 84 68
(V)AVAsORY 27612 90
BRINI(E)ST 2525 72
BIOMETe(R) 2464 74
ENTOILS 182 63
RETUNES 1444 65
MeDIATE 1047 80
ANTIHE(R)O 58 64
SMOKi(N)GS 27671 69
QUILTeR(S) 7753 101
(C)REATInE 238 80
ARTLESS 5401 73
LIGRO(I)NS 5419 72
HOGTIES 2980 84
ACERA(T)ES* 0 90
ADAPTE(R)S 4916 72
GUNNERS 9910 75
REKNOTS 4464 88
BUDGIEs 10594 77
DIATOms 3352 66
VENDERS 6737 94
EARLOBE 1238 75
INUR(EM)ENT 3962 63
UNIqUES 16612 67
ACEROSE 1240 86
UNpLACE(D) 12618 72
JOH(N)NIES 15831 90
RETINEN(E) 2356 68
(H)ORDEiNs 1435 86
AGNOST(I)C 3835 63
EROTI(C)AL 194 70
WHIST(L)ED 12665 65
(D)AYCARES 13264 69
AtRESIC 639 72
MINSTR(E)L 2388 90
gROOVES 9917 76
NOoDGES 5551 75
SOLIDER 517 69
METHANE 5337 70
DOTTLeS 5690 72
(G)LASSIEr 5524 77
VINTNER 5369 65
GRiEsIE 3614 78
HEdONIC 5079 80
(RE)SEnTIVE 2764 95
POINT(I)ER 713 74
c(O)NC(H)OIDS 27116 90
OCELOID 5155 85
SHOALIE(R) 563 63
A(N)TIMINE 3264 68
sOUTANE 166 62
KNEADER(s) 6031 84
OUTLIeR 189 72
SMARtEN 1530 76
HANkEYS* 0 105
A(E)ROBATS 1675 61
ENtICED 2242 92
STYMIES 17321 82
PRO(T)RADE 3555 76
VET(C)HINg* 0 185
SYN(T)OnES 18144 72
P(E)NCILED 10435 64
IRRIGAT(E) 1954 70
STETSON 10278 76
SHALOMS 21287 77
NETTlED 6231 61
SUBPEN(A)S 21080 74
(L)ARCeNER 6356 80
MOtI(O)NED 2089 74
(U)PDATiNG 8737 71
BR(A)TTIER 6104 149
IOD(A)TIOn 1486 66
TEenY(B)OP 13534 69
LAUNDER 1144 82
NARRAtE 1685 59
SERRATE 1887 70
STADiUM 7907 74
CANDORS 5807 76
FERMEnT 8113 81
TZ(I)GANEs 4078 86
DeBaT(E)RS 2999 86
ESTRONE 342 75
OESTRIN(S) 1279 68
OL(E)ASTER 170 59
TEARIE(S)T 531 62
SEINERs 3960 72
EPIGONS 2856 77
AVIaTES 1700 72
ROseATE 65 73
(M)AUSOLEA 5530 90
cLENCH(ER)S 24026 92
(C)OMATOSE 7857 76
BR(E)THREN 15302 65
BOTONeE 3560 71
TROVERS 7157 90
IGNEOUS 1114 70
UNBI(T)TEN 13092 60
(F)REESIAS 6619 62
KAISERI(N) 3162 78
NAYSAID 8485 84
SHUDdER 18499 87
R(O)YALIST 2447 76
BL(U)NGERs 13184 61
STRANGE 809 88
MANIPlE(S) 5742 92
TACNODE 879 79
(V)ERTIGOS 2972 68
LAMPYRI(D) 27433 96
NEU(R)OSEs 7867 66
ANCHOVY 19776 94
(S)URETIEs 4870 64
OUTDrAG 3502 66
(r)EWrITES 6150 78
FOLaTES 1871 82
VOCATIO(N) 7321 76
HUSTL(I)Ng 15357 62
PROLINE 936 68
TOAdIED 781 80
AROUSIN(G) 1262 61
ESTrONE 341 71
ADhESI(V)E 7035 76
MORALIT(Y) 5947 82
pRES(I)D(I)NG 6927 74
FUNDERS 8314 83
s(P)LITTER 7973 73
REM(O)LdED 14644 90
SAT(I)RIZE 3167 68
EUCAINE 1043 66
uTER(U)SES 20279 78
PLOSIOn 10335 72
MiSLIVE 13819 79
ELEV(A)TED 7751 98
REMOUNT 2088 62
SNEAK(I)NG 11402 78
(A)ERoLItH 209 76
I(G)NORANT 2278 61
TITLERS 3834 81
LONgEST 2332 70
GUNITES 1748 70
ELOiGNS 1110 74
(C)ONSENTS 18116 72
(C)INEASTE 646 72
SABATON 6248 93
AERO(L)ITH 209 63
SEMINAR 695 82
LUN(U)LATE 15526 62
PINERIE(S) 3494 64
BRA(I)LLED 8570 65
OUTFIRE(S) 1458 72
SPINAGE 2566 89
POrCINE 2760 78
NE(U)RONES 3404 68
AUTO(D)YNE 1372 74
(A)bSOLVED 10092 72
(N)EGRONIS 2011 80
sPILLER 13017 77
INTENTS 6010 65
BUGG(I)EST 20813 68
(D)RIVELER 9617 63
(A)VULSInG 12149 72
NOISILY 9194 74
sWEEPER 16596 79
RATIONs 129 69
RUTILAN(T) 3513 68
DETESTS 16552 80
HER(A)LdRY 17474 71
S(T)ORmIER 3602 66
LIpREAD 1502 79
ALIQUOT 6201 88
ETESiAN 56 80
P(R)ALINES 1065 72
GUYLInE 7557 78
VALIANT 5462 75
IVORIeS 2369 71
EUGE(N)IsT 1749 82
LATRIAS 2375 70
HUsTLER 8689 93
FELsITE(S) 13754 80
SIEvERT 2313 76
TOLERAN(T) 479 68
mEOWING 6869 78
REJOInS 2342 72
AUdILES 1117 74
NIT(R)OGEN 913 60
SOYUzES 21953 63
ACRIDIN(E) 1232 72
DEVOURS 6398 79
fICTIOn 11035 82
INGEsTA 276 71
PETUNIA 708 66
(S)TRINGED 1170 83
C(L)EAVAGE 17002 86
CASTeRS 9743 80
nO(T)ARIZE 262 84
DANdIER 1384 68
RAD(I)USES 4281 72
SYENITE 2309 97
BLINdES(T) 4515 77
D(E)NTINES 2705 68
OUtPUSH 22692 78
ENCOMIA 1298 72
(B)ELAUDEd 17265 83
PROBAND 10344 74
sPUTTER 12689 79
EM(U)LATES 5326 72
SARDIN(E)D 2188 70
EnTASIA 135 66
oUTGIV(E)S 4168 82
FaNIONS 6619 73
AEROBAt(S) 1675 80
SONSIEr 1738 84
UNEaSI(L)Y 2327 66
RE(IN)HABIT 2172 80
PrONGED 5510 74
sTEREOS 4672 67
S(C)ROUNGE 7347 67
ENTA(I)LER 30 78
vERITES 2315 70
UTILIS(E)R 1857 59
InCHOA(T)E 898 83
STRAFED 3094 80
(U)NIRONED 1157 80
WEAPONR(Y) 8501 69
STONERS 3729 73
CALoYER 5022 98
SANIClE 1481 81
INTINEs 3401 65
R(A)NDIEST 67 62
STE(A)DILY 2317 66
RETREAT 4587 73
STINGOS 10564 70
RENTERS 3769 65
OENOMEL 6162 85
TAINTED 539 65
FAIRIER 4468 75
COGItAT(E) 2751 72
MOLDERS 6379 85
sLAINTE 114 77
APoTHEG(M) 14533 67
OUTSEEN 852 78
gOL(L)YWOG 31043 66
BIGFOOT 16812 69
TERRINE 1023 93
PEARLIE(R) 3700 83
FLAPER(O)N 4046 76
SUCKIES(T) 24568 68
EQUITES 7328 102
AlIENED 202 70
MISLaB(O)R 9168 94
ABSOLVE 7962 66
SELtZER 10040 100
DECILEs 6335 88
ANERGIC 1216 76
UNTYInG 16806 74
INSNAR(E)R 2510 131
TRaVOIS 1671 79
TIsANES 1396 71
SLICERS 12942 94
HAEMOID 2694 86
PO(E)TRIES 856 72
ANTsIER 21 68
MOODILY 16752 82
FrON(T)AGE 929 76
NEUROSE(S) 5684 60
U(N)SALTED 2205 68
BAREGES 5477 80
ZONATED 2225 104
SLOSHI(N)G 20546 72
UNFET(T)ER 9381 62
S(A)VORERS 13777 85
(A)POSTLES 9190 76
DIAPErS 1454 90
DARTING 1340 79
GURNEYs 10190 101
HAZIEST 7472 116
CIRROSE 4432 70
NAUgHTS 12503 77
BIOGENS 3966 79
HErOIZE 8848 106
O(B)SIDIAN 6549 86
SPILITE 6078 69
PEONAGe 2063 74
AUSTERe 588 64
(P)HILTrES 9127 76
(E)NdITING 6134 77
(PI)LFERERS 14629 80
PR(E)UNITe 1625 140
ANCHOR(E)T 2108 67
ME(A)TIEST 3699 61
EROTICA(L) 194 72
OFFERER 19682 84
TUNNAgE 4427 66
CAIQuES 10824 80
GAUDIER 756 77
SCRAPIE 4353 72
FOLIATe 322 77
FAILUR(E)S 2317 72
RETIE(i)NG 891 72
The of bingos played by the player that were not challenged off.
Triple Triples
Type Play Probability Score
G(R)ADiEnT 148 140
R(E)LEASOR 1706 131
HOARSE(s)T 6493 149
HO(R)NLIkE 7695 149
AGRy(P)NIA 14919 140
WE(B)INARs 3294 167
lEVOGY(R)E 14053 185
pROT(R)ADE 3550 122
A(C)COUNTS 21872 167
O(P)ERcELE 14131 131
i(N)VENTED 6427 158
DIsPO(S)ER 9722 149
cOMEMb(E)R 27640 167
TOI(L)ETeD 1707 131
TRI(C)ORNE 1793 140
ESCA(P)IST 14269 158
FEASI(B)LE 7029 176
EARLI(E)sT 122 131
I(N)uNDATE 928 131
CA(R)INATE 505 149
IT(E)RATES 530 131
AGRy(P)NIA 14919 140
OuTREA(D)S 331 131
O(D)dBALLS 27492 167
REsE(A)TED 1779 131
IN(T)ERaCT 1423 140
RU(T)ILANT 3507 131
r(A)dIOING 1577 122
ALEWIv(E)S 7038 176
RELEAS(E)E 8579 131
A(C)cENTeD 15455 140
TE(R)ATOId 130 122
STEA(D)INg 461 122
HEI(G)HTEN 18574 185
TE(R)RIERS 10798 131
dERO(G)ATE 348 122
OPa(Q)UERs* 0 203
AtTA(I)NER 444 113
HEI(G)HTEN 18574 185
SA(L)LOWER 9671 158
HOARSE(s)T 6491 149
fLAT(C)ARS 19786 131
VET(C)HINg* 0 185
BR(A)TTIER 6104 149
INSNAR(E)R 2510 131
PR(E)UNITe 1625 140
Triple triples played by the player that were not challenged off. They do not have to be bingos.
Bingo Nines or Above
Type Play Probability Score
ANTILIf(ER) 590 77
CAStIG(AT)E 7734 72
G(EL)ATINES 438 61
tERYLE(NE)S 7762 95
(N)ASALIST(S)* 0 63
T(R)O(I)lUSES 2880 70
PANDER(IN)G 4596 66
SORBIT(A)N(S) 5730 76
(RE)iNSTATE 182 60
A(C)R(O)leINS 198 86
GO(D)LI(N)ESS 6893 69
C(A)STR(A)TER 13400 65
(RE)WoRKING 14294 76
DEsTROY(ED) 10842 78
PaTRIA(TE)D 3392 76
(E)NTR(E)SOLS 3638 60
(EX)OGAMIES 7710 107
(FE)NESTrUM* 0 92
PROTE(AS)ES 4825 63
REMAIN(IN)G 4964 70
FIREWO(OD)S 8397 67
(FA)NTAsIES 5777 83
d(ET)ONATES 792 59
SUP(IN)ATOR 1332 80
TERMa(R)I(E)s* 0 79
DEDIcAT(ED) 19741 86
REsONA(TE)d 50 64
qUIE(TE)NER 5414 82
O(UT)SCORED 6795 110
IMPAS(TI)NG 14420 68
NATI(ON)ALS 2656 70
INUR(EM)ENT 3962 63
(RE)SEnTIVE 2764 95
c(O)NC(H)OIDS 27116 90
cLENCH(ER)S 24026 92
pRES(I)D(I)NG 6927 74
RE(IN)HABIT 2172 80
(PI)LFERERS 14629 80
Bingos played by the player that were nine letters or longer and were not challenged off.
Challenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
FERED* 0 0
AIRNINg* 0 0
VENTR(A)* 0 0
UNCH(A)NGe* 0 0
AsSIZED* 0 0
IX* 0 0
BINK* 0 0
(DA)IL* 0 0
THOR* 0 0
AME* 0 0
RAHS* 0 0
B(Y)RA* 0 0
IDeOCR(A)S(E)* 0 0
DU(R)* 0 0
(E)LMING* 0 0
JOB(B)Y* 0 0
DANI* 0 0
G(L)OTTAlS* 0 0
FOUS* 0 0
SAUNaES* 0 0
FO* 0 0
NOOKY* 0 0
JEW* 0 0
CYCAE* 0 0
DUCTI* 0 0
NAYAH* 0 0
UR(E)AI* 0 0
ATTS* 0 0
IN(G)REAT* 0 0
KAMIS* 0 0
SNEE* 0 0
DEIGnLY* 0 0
(EX)ILIA* 0 0
OBAH* 0 0
GA(Is)* 0 0
ENGLOSs* 0 0
(T)AIKA* 0 0
AWATT* 0 0
RANA* 0 0
BUNKBeD* 0 0
AnTIART* 0 0
OLA* 0 0
(I)Q* 0 0
(ERE)Q* 0 0
MYHRR* 0 0
MIAOuES* 0 0
(W)AUP* 0 0
dEPLA(N)ER* 0 0
D(AR)* 0 0
FOGgIES* 0 0
VIBI(N)G* 0 0
(F)aSCIEND* 0 0
eSLOINS* 0 0
TETE* 0 0
LINT(I)iER* 0 0
PUNT(A)* 0 0
(C)ILIAL* 0 0
L(A)CTITIc* 0 0
R(AMA)LS* 0 0
SQUAmAL* 0 0
T(E)AKED* 0 0
FIORE* 0 0
AXI(C)* 0 0
UN(M)OBBeD* 0 0
PARQuES* 0 0
(L)IQUIDEr* 0 0
(O)URN* 0 0
NI* 0 0
GOR(G)ERY* 0 0
CUV(E)T* 0 0
BUd(D)ISTS* 0 0
CAPA* 0 0
EDITA* 0 0
EXE* 0 0
(R)EBOX* 0 0
GOLDY* 0 0
CARO* 0 0
CELO* 0 0
(E)MF* 0 0
KATI* 0 0
STIER* 0 0
SOmnI(FY)* 0 0
SECTInG* 0 0
GAUNO* 0 0
BRI(C)T(H)* 0 0
pASSI(V)ER* 0 0
GOOR* 0 0
MAZEY* 0 0
HOITE* 0 0
NEFF* 0 0
SIXTO* 0 0
EJEcTAS* 0 0
T(REaSONER)* 0 0
TWiNGER* 0 0
UNAVO(W)* 0 0
VE(L)O* 0 0
GINO* 0 0
CRON(E)RIT(Y)* 0 0
DI(MY)* 0 0
UNpAY(ED)* 0 0
OMISIOn* 0 0
PAIKA* 0 0
NOO(G)Y* 0 0
F(I)GGY* 0 0
LOCAS* 0 0
GEYS* 0 0
YI* 0 0
DAMA* 0 0
O(U)TADaPT* 0 0
GAGAS* 0 0
D(U)R* 0 0
(U)NRIPpLE* 0 0
ADEN(D)A* 0 0
IN(a)CT* 0 0
FEE(L)Y* 0 0
SKAIL* 0 0
BOGO(R)* 0 0
JU(I)CEBOx* 0 0
S(AR)* 0 0
aRSENI(TI)C* 0 0
(M)ATY* 0 0
A(R)IOLE* 0 0
NED* 0 0
P(U)KY* 0 0
TRILO(B)E* 0 0
O(C)ULEI* 0 0
BEsC(R)IBE* 0 0
BEAnIER* 0 0
A(P)OXY* 0 0
FOD* 0 0
(H)ONIE* 0 0
UPO(S)* 0 0
EE* 0 0
(B)OOER* 0 0
UG* 0 0
TOQ(U)ED* 0 0
DUN(C)* 0 0
HOSTiN(G)S* 0 0
(U)NJOIN* 0 0
LODI* 0 0
CO(N)AL* 0 0
ALLOTeD* 0 0
AN(T)ICKY* 0 0
REHIDEs* 0 0
LAPE* 0 0
ABOMAn(C)Y* 0 0
AM(O)RE* 0 0
DeFUNCT(ED)* 0 0
U(N)GIRTEd* 0 0
LIVEY* 0 0
T(I)rADING* 0 0
L(E)NTE* 0 0
(E)XORIA* 0 0
BLIN(T)* 0 0
(LO)NEST* 0 0
WI(n)GE* 0 0
TYRAnIC* 0 0
DIABE(T)E* 0 0
AHAS* 0 0
AXALS* 0 0
FIEsT(I)ER* 0 0
HOSTiN(G)S* 0 0
ArOWANS* 0 0
GORTE(X)* 0 0
HAJEE* 0 0
GITF(I)NG* 0 0
ZILlED* 0 0
KE* 0 0
KE* 0 0
I(N)DY* 0 0
ALM* 0 0
KI(L)TiEST* 0 0
SKITTEd* 0 0
DOMA* 0 0
BL(U)RR* 0 0
UNNOT(I)Ng* 0 0
TRED* 0 0
HITE* 0 0
YET(S)* 0 0
WA* 0 0
IL* 0 0
NIX(A)* 0 0
CLiNG(I)LY* 0 0
HUPS* 0 0
VI(T)ULIN* 0 0
TWEES* 0 0
FIY* 0 0
MU(N)CHIE* 0 0
(BI)TONAL* 0 0
D(U)PO* 0 0
WISTY* 0 0
DiARIZE(S)* 0 0
FICOS* 0 0
(Z)ENNIA* 0 0
OURIE(S)* 0 0
CL(I)NT* 0 0
CILL(A)* 0 0
ZOOMY* 0 0
RA* 0 0
QED* 0 0
B(I)DEN* 0 0
FOUS* 0 0
GIrASOU* 0 0
IGGY* 0 0
AU(R)IR* 0 0
(L)URIDiTY* 0 0
YOWEE* 0 0
PA(V)* 0 0
(T)YG* 0 0
(S)O(L)U* 0 0
LE* 0 0
GOW* 0 0
(N)ETRZ* 0 0
OL* 0 0
(D)ANE* 0 0
(B)ORD* 0 0
JARVY* 0 0
BEC(L)ADS* 0 0
ANNUM* 0 0
OVE(R)tYPE* 0 0
IMPr(C)VED* 0 0
RODDIEs(T)* 0 0
VUGGH* 0 0
(UN)TRESSEd* 0 0
MBRANgA* 0 0
(V)OGEL* 0 0
METS* 0 0
LORS* 0 0
BEDE* 0 0
(s)W(YE)* 0 0
O(V)eRLORN* 0 0
ARU(W)ANA* 0 0
UNRA(W)* 0 0
GUAYA* 0 0
COOTY* 0 0
LILL(Y)* 0 0
NILL(Y)* 0 0
RAHS* 0 0
pENUcHA* 0 0
r(TOUT)ER* 0 0
GR(R)R* 0 0
DES* 0 0
SAMA* 0 0
EY* 0 0
FIGgIER* 0 0
ALO* 0 0
YEILD* 0 0
ME(L)InIDE* 0 0
sUBmAN* 0 0
FiTaBLE* 0 0
PRELEN(D)s* 0 0
NOTAS* 0 0
(P)U(N)GO* 0 0
ALGOL* 0 0
GLOWY* 0 0
NEICE* 0 0
rE(ADJURED)* 0 0
B(O)WTIE* 0 0
MISOG(E)nY* 0 0
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were challenged off by an opponent.
Unchallenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
TOEPI(C)K* 0 60
DRAIGH* 0 43
HELVER* 0 24
UNsURER* 0 68
GENTLIS(H)* 0 89
FRI(L)L(E)* 0 26
A(P)HORIaS* 0 63
REMANAG(E)* 0 86
(P)RITHY* 0 28
KORAE* 0 28
(D)AEDALIC* 0 84
(N)ASALIST(S)* 0 63
sTEELER* 0 76
TAMBORI(N)* 0 66
ATOPIS(M)S* 0 63
SARDOrS* 0 84
CYCA* 0 22
TAL(K)EY* 0 42
RINN(ED)* 0 9
BRANG* 0 22
PARIEtI(C)* 0 63
(C)URVILY* 0 25
F(O)ZILY* 0 93
ABO(R)N* 0 18
FoRDERS* 0 71
(S)ANYASIN* 0 76
COFTS* 0 46
FUDGEY* 0 30
HENGED* 0 33
OUTFEE(D)S* 0 63
SWELTe(R)Y* 0 76
UNBOOkE(D)* 0 61
TIR(E)FUL* 0 40
GAW(D)* 0 27
ZEIDA* 0 49
Q(U)INALOL* 0 71
GLOwIES(T)* 0 74
GLIMN(E)SS* 0 63
(I)GnIABLE* 0 83
U(N)DRY* 0 12
SITtENS* 0 82
MALADIE(D)* 0 89
POINTIL(Y)* 0 82
TAVERN(E)D* 0 74
IN(CURLS)* 0 9
FOLIAE* 0 41
H(A)PLITIC* 0 73
HORALS* 0 69
(L)AWIN* 0 16
SNAB* 0 68
RUM(E)* 0 12
TE* 0 20
EUcRASE* 0 81
PITT* 0 19
ROLI(C)* 0 24
PUNG(E)* 0 16
C(AL)LOUT* 0 17
(ANA)GOGUE* 0 33
REB(O)NDED* 0 62
sHOEPAK* 0 84
F(A)SCILES* 0 86
GLEBAS* 0 57
MIS(FIX)* 0 21
BOU(L)TER* 0 36
REEnROL* 0 64
(L)UNARY* 0 18
TOL* 0 20
HOK(Y)* 0 42
NAE(V)OiDS* 0 74
T* 0 0
BOODIE* 0 24
(FE)NESTrUM* 0 92
UNWAVER(S)* 0 80
GALOPE(R)S* 0 72
OVERPLU(G)* 0 80
NOI(L)ED* 0 20
(U)NSPACED* 0 88
KAAR* 0 21
CLOM(b)S* 0 30
tSORRIS* 0 77
WALLYS* 0 73
B(A)RHANdS* 0 82
N(O)TATORY* 0 63
(O)UTWIN* 0 18
VITAS* 0 56
bU(N)IONED* 0 59
PAVEN* 0 26
pENNING(s)* 0 63
CLO(V)ED* 0 30
ILEAD* 0 9
EMPlANT* 0 63
HA(G)RID* 0 39
(B)RASSEUR* 0 62
RUNU(p)* 0 5
(K)OROVA* 0 34
ETA(P)ED* 0 18
NuBILER* 0 94
AR(C)hAEAS* 0 60
bROTHI(E)R* 0 61
ABVECT* 0 44
BUN(J)EE* 0 42
TUNICaS* 0 79
BRUC(I)D* 0 22
R(E)BROKEN* 0 78
QUILTY* 0 48
pOND(L)IKE* 0 84
CUER* 0 30
LEGATI(V)E* 0 74
OReOLOG(Y)* 0 63
COVEN(E)D* 0 26
KURM* 0 28
VCIT(E)* 0 28
VOI(V)ET* 0 32
DO(l)Y* 0 33
(N)SREOTIE* 0 87
(A)PNYD* 0 51
RNE(V)I* 0 33
(T)QR(A)N* 0 34
EWO* 0 28
OEH* 0 28
SAZLNo* 0 83
(I)X* 0 19
RIVERM(E)N* 0 67
(TWINK)ING* 0 48
(F)ERMIC* 0 39
(A)G(U)ED* 0 27
CO(B)BED* 0 39
EM(BO)ILED* 0 26
PEACN(I)K* 0 42
LIT(US)* 0 15
(F)LEAR* 0 25
DI(F)fERER* 0 72
FRATTIE(R)* 0 65
TERMa(R)I(E)s* 0 79
QUICKY* 0 35
FA(C)ELIKE* 0 72
FO(R)MIN* 0 45
HEM(A)N* 0 36
F(L)OWY* 0 28
HULL(A)* 0 16
HULLAS* 0 22
ENDORrE* 0 75
SeNSERS* 0 68
PHONERs* 0 96
SNoUT(I)LY* 0 70
EPEEItT* 0 80
(S)UEING* 0 24
SE(A)FARES* 0 74
IODINI(C)* 0 11
REWA(T)ER* 0 40
AVISUAl* 0 83
DRA(P)Y* 0 33
B(I)RDY* 0 22
PIRCH(E)D* 0 54
PIEROG* 0 41
BoTHE(R)ER* 0 72
(SWIVE)LER* 0 42
LIPEmIA* 0 78
PANIKIN(s)* 0 78
PENNIAs* 0 70
SPAdOSE* 0 72
WA(R)PY* 0 51
S(T)INKILY* 0 66
GERMIFy* 0 71
UN(D)EADS* 0 27
(BI)LCH* 0 24
FO(R)KINGS* 0 76
H(I)CKY* 0 22
REMAND(E)R* 0 64
OPa(Q)UERs* 0 203
DR(A)PINGS* 0 78
(P)EARTIsH* 0 89
(ONSET)TED* 0 27
(C)ER(U)S* 0 17
UNSH(Y)* 0 22
WOG* 0 25
VE(LO)* 0 7
COTT(E)D* 0 18
ACERA(T)ES* 0 90
THE(R)MET* 0 26
(GORP)ED* 0 18
HANkEYS* 0 105
VET(C)HINg* 0 185
V(A)LIUM* 0 22
HEXEN(E)* 0 34
(S)UBACT* 0 39
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were not challenged by an opponent.
Plays That Were Challenged
Type Play Probability Score
FERED* 0 0
AIRNINg* 0 0
RADICEs 1478 82
VENTR(A)* 0 0
UNCH(A)NGe* 0 0
AsSIZED* 0 0
SLEePER 12091 0
EDIT 84 0
HAILERS 1538 79
GIBE 1094 0
LOTTA 2333 35
QuO(I)ST 10727 79
(DA)IL* 0 0
ORE 16 0
AA 41 0
TENOURs 529 0
B(Y)RA* 0 0
IDeOCR(A)S(E)* 0 0
DU(R)* 0 0
SNOOLED 3967 89
TERET(E) 5485 12
MIRAGES 2441 91
(E)LMING* 0 0
JOB(B)Y* 0 0
DANI* 0 0
(WIFE)LIER 10387 45
G(L)OTTAlS* 0 0
TONLETS 3498 0
SAUNaES* 0 0
FO* 0 0
VIED 749 63
NOOKY* 0 0
JEW* 0 0
CITTE(R)Ns 5275 68
EVILLER 11166 0
ZEP 913 0
DUCTI* 0 0
RUNG 1993 0
UR(E)AI* 0 0
(H)ACKIE 9894 48
SUAVEsT 12924 0
IN(G)REAT* 0 0
US 87 0
QIS 738 0
Q(I) 88 22
DEIGnLY* 0 0
LOFTERS 3913 93
(EX)ILIA* 0 0
NOSTRIL 1205 0
HOE 122 0
GA(Is)* 0 0
ENGLOSs* 0 0
(X)ERASIA 5319 45
(T)AIKA* 0 0
A(B)O 239 0
RANA* 0 0
BETTY 9489 40
BUNKBeD* 0 0
AnTIART* 0 0
TIVY 3669 25
PRIOR 4112 0
(I)Q* 0 0
(ERE)Q* 0 0
MYHRR* 0 0
MIAOuES* 0 0
(W)AUP* 0 0
dEPLA(N)ER* 0 0
D(AR)* 0 0
FOGgIES* 0 0
ARVO 872 24
INCA(V)I 11362 22
WAS 563 0
VIBI(N)G* 0 0
CaNDIES 1475 0
(F)aSCIEND* 0 0
Es 22 0
eSLOINS* 0 0
VEX(E)S 7050 0
LINT(I)iER* 0 0
PUNT(A)* 0 0
(C)ILIAL* 0 0
L(A)CTITIc* 0 0
BL(A)IZE 9183 43
PWN 1174 34
R(AMA)LS* 0 0
SQUAmAL* 0 0
T(E)AKED* 0 0
DOZES 4094 0
GALUTH 14207 37
FIORE* 0 0
AXI(C)* 0 0
UN(M)OBBeD* 0 0
PARQuES* 0 0
(L)IQUIDEr* 0 0
TIFFANY 20421 73
(O)URN* 0 0
OOGAMI(E)S 3182 0
W(I)GLETS 7257 34
AGENT 242 0
GOR(G)ERY* 0 0
PR(E)TENCE 13118 65
RUGOLAS 8174 72
ENSEAR(E)D 2446 68
CUV(E)T* 0 0
sLEEKIT 7319 0
BUd(D)ISTS* 0 0
CAPA* 0 0
EDITA* 0 0
(N)OTIONAL 3014 71
METEoR(I)C 2467 72
HOGGET 15968 34
(A)NTRORSE 457 62
(A)GUNOT 2764 34
HORDEIN 913 74
MOTTY 10700 27
(A)PRICATe 4998 104
OFFY 5528 40
ECHO 1667 0
(R)EBOX* 0 0
BR(A)G 2113 0
UNSNApS 20907 72
CARO* 0 0
HO 77 0
(E)MF* 0 0
ERGATOI(D) 73 63
HEADSET 5414 94
AGG(A)DIC 28260 48
LOViNGS 14494 81
pURITAN 2714 0
KATI* 0 0
YACHTER 11838 88
DEFrOST 3873 0
SOmnI(FY)* 0 0
UTS 509 0
UNTILED 1520 87
SECTInG* 0 0
GAUNO* 0 0
BRI(C)T(H)* 0 0
pASSI(V)ER* 0 0
THERE 1823 0
BLU(D)IEST 9797 65
VOTES 1745 0
MAZEY* 0 0
HOITE* 0 0
NONA 867 13
NEFF* 0 0
SIXTO* 0 0
EJEcTAS* 0 0
POT(E)NCES 8007 80
T(REaSONER)* 0 0
BOS 613 0
(U)NHELPeD 17684 76
TWiNGER* 0 0
TWaNGER 2497 78
UNAVO(W)* 0 0
RILEY 1383 37
VE(L)O* 0 0
OWNER 809 0
CRON(E)RIT(Y)* 0 0
DI(MY)* 0 0
UNpAY(ED)* 0 0
B(U)LGE 5413 0
METIERS 2183 94
OMISIOn* 0 0
PAIKA* 0 0
NOISIEr 235 0
(Q)UEUING 18261 19
oRGANZ(A)S 14924 83
NOO(G)Y* 0 0
F(I)GGY* 0 0
QU(I)T 2425 33
GALeAT(E)D 5024 72
(QAT)S 2490 0
SOFT 2067 0
FO(G)S 2978 0
EON 14 0
HEXER 6139 38
AIR 21 0
FETIALS 1535 86
WED(S) 1964 0
(P)EALED 4033 26
PINIEST 3487 101
VENUS 3737 0
O(U)TADaPT* 0 0
QUINO 5348 49
PAREIRA 5976 86
OBLASTI 4449 0
D(U)R* 0 0
TINTERS 1806 78
(U)NRIPpLE* 0 0
ADEN(D)A* 0 0
IN(a)CT* 0 0
SEI 33 0
FEE(L)Y* 0 0
SKAIL* 0 0
bULLION(S) 19732 61
REqUOYL(E) 21386 64
BOGO(R)* 0 0
JU(I)CEBOx* 0 0
S(AR)* 0 0
aRSENI(TI)C* 0 0
PRIMUSE(S) 28141 86
MASTERL(Y) 8601 82
(M)ATY* 0 0
ENTS 321 29
A(R)IOLE* 0 0
SLAIRGS 16782 89
OUT(P)LACE 8787 76
NED* 0 0
P(U)KY* 0 0
TRILO(B)E* 0 0
O(C)ULEI* 0 0
cORRALS 12725 80
POWIN 5930 27
BEsC(R)IBE* 0 0
BEAnIER* 0 0
A(P)OXY* 0 0
FOD* 0 0
GOA(D)LIKE 4786 78
YEUk 3468 0
SRI 155 0
(H)ONIE* 0 0
UPO(S)* 0 0
EE* 0 0
(T)ORTIOUS 8530 59
(B)OOER* 0 0
POUT 2112 0
INJECT 6581 42
LOATHFU(L) 22712 74
TOQ(U)ED* 0 0
DUN(C)* 0 0
AURIFY 10826 32
HOSTiN(G)S* 0 0
(U)NJOIN* 0 0
SHORTI(A)S 8806 0
FISC 3117 26
LODI* 0 0
CO(N)AL* 0 0
ALLOTeD* 0 0
SHED 1949 0
AN(T)ICKY* 0 0
SEI 33 0
BOWAT 5883 22
REHIDEs* 0 0
BE(G)UINE 5736 22
VIGIAS 8666 27
VOLTE 1651 0
ABOMAn(C)Y* 0 0
PINNIES 9772 66
AM(O)RE* 0 0
DeFUNCT(ED)* 0 0
U(N)GIRTEd* 0 0
XEROSIS 11038 0
LIVEY* 0 0
(K)HARIF 17875 60
ROTTENS 2400 86
T(I)rADING* 0 0
L(E)NTE* 0 0
(E)XORIA* 0 0
GRA(VID)AE 4174 52
BLIN(T)* 0 0
(LO)NEST* 0 0
PIECE 3492 0
AS 31 0
CURAtES 3090 0
SCANT 3373 0
(S)AILINGS 15519 80
WI(n)GE* 0 0
STODGED 11329 86
MEINY 3074 30
TYRAnIC* 0 0
(f)iBRANNE 6568 66
bRAINIS(H) 12406 72
DIABE(T)E* 0 0
VIDS 2358 0
SM(A)TTERS 16354 61
AXALS* 0 0
(G)RIFTS 11384 40
FIEsT(I)ER* 0 0
YUPS 3769 29
HOSTiN(G)S* 0 0
ArOWANS* 0 0
GORTE(X)* 0 0
HAJEE* 0 0
GITF(I)NG* 0 0
SOLeMNE(R) 3767 77
ZILlED* 0 0
YOK 1004 0
YAK 967 0
D(A)RKENER 9994 82
SNOUTY 7614 90
I(N)DY* 0 0
HEM 717 0
E(M)S 437 0
KI(L)TiEST* 0 0
SKITTEd* 0 0
ADMIRED 6668 0
BL(U)RR* 0 0
PI(C)RIC 15699 30
EIDOlO(N)S 1866 66
(A)MMINE 7013 39
GRAZIER 8625 72
UNNOT(I)Ng* 0 0
uNGOTTE(N) 11048 62
REF 204 0
RANTERS 1291 74
(G)ENiUSES 10027 0
YET(S)* 0 0
(M)ELODIaS 1216 88
AXE 195 0
LOGS 2169 0
NIX(A)* 0 0
PET(A)LOID 546 76
PIGOUTS 10353 86
CLiNG(I)LY* 0 0
INURNED 2715 72
GASH 2669 0
(S)EGOLATE 1171 68
VI(T)ULIN* 0 0
TWEES* 0 0
GIED 459 0
AMYLOID 9823 81
(BROOK)LET 15956 42
RAJ 568 39
RIVETeR 4926 72
FIY* 0 0
JERID 2601 0
MU(N)CHIE* 0 0
(BI)TONAL* 0 0
D(U)PO* 0 0
CAN(T)O 1452 35
WISTY* 0 0
DiARIZE(S)* 0 0
PAYED 4187 28
FICOS* 0 0
MEG 1 0
(Z)ENNIA* 0 0
HADRONS 5589 94
OURIE(S)* 0 0
CL(I)NT* 0 0
CILL(A)* 0 0
SHEArED 3873 0
GOWA(N)Y 9505 26
WHUPS 8519 31
A(V)E 98 0
GLARIER 2349 0
JAPES 5455 0
UN(C)LOSED 7819 76
(T)HY 894 0
DODDIE(S)T 24536 64
TOTIENt 7477 0
WINGLET 4555 95
(K)OTARE 1463 0
QED* 0 0
B(I)DEN* 0 0
SOAP 1429 0
FAKiEST 10498 109
OPH(I)URiD 22831 102
TEACART 6908 70
GIrASOU* 0 0
(N)ANDINES 12336 70
pIPEAG(E)S 18395 77
GRUMPH 21880 58
IGGY* 0 0
AI(R)WARDS 20206 74
THRIVE 5903 41
AU(R)IR* 0 0
(L)URIDiTY* 0 0
YOWEE* 0 0
PA(V)* 0 0
(T)YG* 0 0
(S)O(L)U* 0 0
GEARING(S) 4830 62
LE* 0 0
JEW 852 0
(N)ETRZ* 0 0
rEDEYES 11572 82
OY 85 0
WOLV(IN)G 20802 22
(D)ANE* 0 0
(B)ORD* 0 0
OJIM(E) 4779 38
JARVY* 0 0
BEC(L)ADS* 0 0
VICARS 7562 0
cATALOS 9154 83
ANNUM* 0 0
OVE(R)tYPE* 0 0
MA(R)DY 8624 30
IMPr(C)VED* 0 0
RODDIEs(T)* 0 0
SHH 1007 0
(UN)TRESSEd* 0 0
MBRANgA* 0 0
(V)OGEL* 0 0
WINLeSS 13029 0
LORS* 0 0
AMINE 213 0
(s)W(YE)* 0 0
WOTS 2123 0
O(V)eRLORN* 0 0
ARU(W)ANA* 0 0
UNRA(W)* 0 0
BAI(L)EE 1043 18
(A)NCONE 2605 33
GUAYA* 0 0
RI(G)S 1689 21
COOTY* 0 0
LILL(Y)* 0 0
NILL(Y)* 0 0
TENOURs 529 0
pENUcHA* 0 0
OUTCOuN(T) 26500 86
r(TOUT)ER* 0 0
PO(R)TAGED 2120 78
A(S)TOMOUS 21020 64
(D)RONGOES 4432 72
SITUP 4732 39
GR(R)R* 0 0
SEX 629 0
MONISH 8608 0
INCENTE(R) 3870 70
SNARL 1755 0
sQUARES 16610 0
ERR 253 0
FIGgIER* 0 0
RIPS 2487 36
QANAT 6994 0
YEILD* 0 0
ME(L)InIDE* 0 0
sUBmAN* 0 0
ROUE 198 24
GRiEsIE 3614 78
(RE)SEnTIVE 2764 95
FiTaBLE* 0 0
cLENCH(ER)S 24026 92
PLOSIOn 10335 72
DURRY 10882 34
TITLERS 3834 81
PRELEN(D)s* 0 0
NOTAS* 0 0
T(OF)F 3859 10
(P)U(N)GO* 0 0
ALGOL* 0 0
GLOWY* 0 0
NEICE* 0 0
rE(ADJURED)* 0 0
BAREGES 5477 80
UNFET(T)ER 9381 62
PRAD 2295 28
TUNNAgE 4427 66
B(O)WTIE* 0 0
MISOG(E)nY* 0 0
Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Notable Lists
Many Double Words Covered
All Triple Words Covered
Games in which every triple word bonus square was covered.
High Scoring
Combined High Scoring
Games in which the combined score is at least 1100 points.
One Player Plays Every Power Tile
Games in which one player plays the Z, X, Q, J, every blank, and every S.
One Player Plays Every E
Games in which one player plays every E.
Many Challenges
Games in which there are at least 5 challenges made. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
No Blanks Played
Games in which no blank is played. Blanks in words that are challenged off do not count.
Four or More Consecutive Bingos
Games in which the player bingos at least 4 times in a row.
Game Stats
Stat Average Total
Games 1.00 2478
Invalid Games 0.01 30
Incomplete 0.01 17
Disconnected 0.00 8
Other 0.00 5
Total Turns 26.09 64649
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Player Stats
Stat Average Total
Wins 0.60 1491.5
Score 427.82 1060128
Score per Turn 32.6988
Turns 13.08 32421
Vertical Plays 6.14 15203
Horizontal Plays 5.75 14260
One Tile Plays 0.59 1457
Other Plays 0.61 1501
Firsts 0.50 1246
Vertical Openings per First 0.9433
Horizontal Openings per First 0.0567
Full Rack per Turn 0.9454
Exchanges 0.33 824
High Game 731
Low Game 241
Highest Scoring Turn 223
Bingos Played 1.97 4878
Sevens 0.99 2455
Eights 0.94 2331
Nines 0.03 86
Tens 0.00 5
Elevens 0.00 1
Twelves 0.00 0
Thirteens 0.00 0
Fourteens 0.00 0
Fifteens 0.00 0
Bingo Probabilities 6123.72
Sevens 5393.62
Eights 6897.17
Nines 6459.75
Tens 3471.00
Elevens 5235.00
Twelves 0.00
Thirteens 0.00
Fourteens 0.00
Fifteens 0.00
Tiles Played 49.81 123432
A 4.45 11024
B 0.99 2461
C 1.00 2490
D 1.98 4903
E 5.96 14767
F 1.02 2526
G 1.45 3598
H 1.01 2515
I 4.50 11147
J 0.51 1252
K 0.50 1251
L 2.02 5012
M 1.00 2488
N 2.96 7331
O 3.96 9824
P 1.01 2511
Q 0.49 1217
R 2.96 7345
S 2.00 4956
T 2.98 7381
U 1.98 4899
V 1.00 2488
W 1.01 2514
X 0.52 1287
Y 1.01 2509
Z 0.52 1295
? 0.99 2441
Power Tiles Played 5.02 12448
? 0.99 2441
J 0.51 1252
Q 0.49 1217
X 0.52 1287
Z 0.52 1295
S 2.00 4956
Power Tiles Stuck With 0.08 202
? 0.02 44
J 0.00 2
Q 0.01 25
X 0.00 10
Z 0.01 13
S 0.04 108
Turns With a Blank 2.09 5183
Triple Triples Played 0.02 43
Bingoless Games 0.05 135
Bonus Square Coverage 16.31 40404
Double Letter 5.41 13394
Triple Letter 5.47 13546
Double Word 3.13 7759
Triple Word 2.30 5705
Phony Plays 0.38 930
Unchallenged 0.21 527
Challenged Off 0.16 403
Challenges 0.48 1182
You Won 0.18 438
Opponent Lost 0.08 187
You Lost 0.06 154
Opponent Won 0.16 403
Challenge Percentage 0.7399
Defending Challenge Percentage 0.3169
Percentage Phonies Unchallenged 0.5667
Comments 10.44 25880
Comments Word Length 290.87 720783
Mistakeless Turns 12.44 30832
Mistakes per Turn 0.0521
Mistakes 0.68 1689
Knowledge 0.14 335
Finding 0.28 693
Vision 0.01 32
Tactics 0.05 131
Strategy 0.11 276
Endgame 0.09 214
Time 0.00 8
Dynamic Mistakes 0.00 0
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Player Confidence Intervals
Tile p CI
A 0.4944 (0.4895, 0.5067)
B 0.4950 (0.4798, 0.5164)
C 0.5000 (0.4798, 0.5164)
D 0.4950 (0.4852, 0.5110)
E 0.4967 (0.4906, 0.5056)
F 0.5100 (0.4798, 0.5164)
G 0.4833 (0.4832, 0.5130)
H 0.5050 (0.4798, 0.5164)
I 0.5000 (0.4895, 0.5067)
J 0.5100 (0.4722, 0.5240)
K 0.5000 (0.4722, 0.5240)
L 0.5050 (0.4852, 0.5110)
M 0.5000 (0.4798, 0.5164)
N 0.4933 (0.4875, 0.5087)
O 0.4950 (0.4890, 0.5072)
P 0.5050 (0.4798, 0.5164)
Q 0.4900 (0.4722, 0.5240)
R 0.4933 (0.4875, 0.5087)
S 0.5000 (0.4852, 0.5110)
T 0.4967 (0.4875, 0.5087)
U 0.4950 (0.4852, 0.5110)
V 0.5000 (0.4798, 0.5164)
W 0.5050 (0.4798, 0.5164)
X 0.5200 (0.4722, 0.5240)
Y 0.5050 (0.4798, 0.5164)
Z 0.5200 (0.4722, 0.5240)
? 0.4950 (0.4798, 0.5164)
To learn more about these statistics, check the 'Confidence Intervals' section on the about page.
Opponent Stats
Stat Average Total
Wins 0.40 986.5
Score 399.90 990955
Score per Turn 30.7483
Turns 13.01 32228
Vertical Plays 5.73 14205
Horizontal Plays 6.03 14944
One Tile Plays 0.54 1332
Other Plays 0.71 1747
Firsts 0.50 1232
Vertical Openings per First 0.2633
Horizontal Openings per First 0.7367
Full Rack per Turn 0.4836
Exchanges 0.36 890
High Game 666
Low Game 204
Highest Scoring Turn 203
Bingos Played 1.77 4380
Sevens 0.88 2170
Eights 0.88 2169
Nines 0.02 41
Tens 0.00 0
Elevens 0.00 0
Twelves 0.00 0
Thirteens 0.00 0
Fourteens 0.00 0
Fifteens 0.00 0
Bingo Probabilities 5977.34
Sevens 5284.93
Eights 6663.03
Nines 6679.51
Tens 0.00
Elevens 0.00
Twelves 0.00
Thirteens 0.00
Fourteens 0.00
Fifteens 0.00
Tiles Played 47.46 117607
A 4.37 10828
B 0.97 2415
C 0.94 2340
D 1.92 4765
E 5.73 14207
F 0.96 2368
G 1.45 3597
H 0.96 2376
I 4.18 10366
J 0.49 1213
K 0.49 1204
L 1.82 4508
M 0.96 2378
N 2.81 6951
O 3.85 9541
P 0.95 2346
Q 0.48 1194
R 2.81 6975
S 1.89 4686
T 2.80 6929
U 1.85 4572
V 0.94 2337
W 0.96 2380
X 0.47 1174
Y 0.97 2405
Z 0.47 1157
? 0.97 2395
Power Tiles Played 4.77 11819
? 0.97 2395
J 0.49 1213
Q 0.48 1194
X 0.47 1174
Z 0.47 1157
S 1.89 4686
Power Tiles Stuck With 0.13 311
? 0.03 76
J 0.00 11
Q 0.02 42
X 0.00 7
Z 0.01 13
S 0.07 162
Turns With a Blank 1.39 3441
Triple Triples Played 0.02 46
Bingoless Games 0.09 211
Bonus Square Coverage 15.55 38530
Double Letter 5.02 12435
Triple Letter 5.35 13253
Double Word 2.86 7079
Triple Word 2.33 5763
Phony Plays 0.27 663
Unchallenged 0.09 225
Challenged Off 0.18 438
Challenges 0.48 1182
You Won 0.16 403
Opponent Lost 0.06 154
You Lost 0.08 187
Opponent Won 0.18 438
Challenge Percentage 0.6831
Defending Challenge Percentage 0.2601
Percentage Phonies Unchallenged 0.3394
Comments 10.44 25880
Comments Word Length 290.87 720783
Mistakeless Turns 12.93 32034
Mistakes per Turn 0.0062
Mistakes 0.08 201
Knowledge 0.01 30
Finding 0.02 41
Vision 0.01 23
Tactics 0.01 28
Strategy 0.02 46
Endgame 0.01 20
Time 0.01 13
Dynamic Mistakes 0.00 0
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Opponent Confidence Intervals
Tile p CI
A 0.4856 (0.4660, 0.4832)
B 0.4850 (0.4563, 0.4929)
C 0.4700 (0.4563, 0.4929)
D 0.4800 (0.4617, 0.4875)
E 0.4775 (0.4671, 0.4821)
F 0.4800 (0.4563, 0.4929)
G 0.4833 (0.4597, 0.4895)
H 0.4800 (0.4563, 0.4929)
I 0.4644 (0.4660, 0.4832)
J 0.4900 (0.4488, 0.5004)
K 0.4900 (0.4488, 0.5004)
L 0.4550 (0.4617, 0.4875)
M 0.4800 (0.4563, 0.4929)
N 0.4683 (0.4641, 0.4851)
O 0.4813 (0.4655, 0.4837)
P 0.4750 (0.4563, 0.4929)
Q 0.4800 (0.4488, 0.5004)
R 0.4683 (0.4641, 0.4851)
S 0.4725 (0.4617, 0.4875)
T 0.4667 (0.4641, 0.4851)
U 0.4625 (0.4617, 0.4875)
V 0.4700 (0.4563, 0.4929)
W 0.4800 (0.4563, 0.4929)
X 0.4700 (0.4488, 0.5004)
Y 0.4850 (0.4563, 0.4929)
Z 0.4700 (0.4488, 0.5004)
? 0.4850 (0.4563, 0.4929)
To learn more about these statistics, check the 'Confidence Intervals' section on the about page.
Player Mistakes
Play Type Size Comment
10L G(O)JI +28 Tactics Small
Yeah ugh this was difficult. On the one hand JOB C1 just looks like the play. Creates a big spot but blocks the likelier lane, and scores better than GOJI. But I got worried about him fishing for JEZAIL or having it. That's not really enough for him to win though, so I shouldn't have worried #tacticssmall
6H FLOORIN(G) +66 Knowledge Medium
4H ROOFLIN(E) missed #findingmedium #knowledgemedium
6H FLOORIN(G) +66 Finding Medium
4H ROOFLIN(E) missed #findingmedium #knowledgemedium
3E (C)AURI +9 Endgame Medium
J: got worried that I was missing a play of his, M9 (P)IU is best, missed ARSHI(N) as an out. #endgamemedium A: (-14)
10G JAKE +35 Finding Medium
missing ROMAJ(I) D4 which is just nice, even though this is good for aggression. #findingmedium
5C (U)NlIVED +20 Knowledge Medium
I really only considered QaDI O1, VE(G) I6 and this. I was worried SERIFING* was good, so I calculated the endgames with that in mind. This is wrong since SERIFING* is not a word. 3K V(OWE)D blocks REFINES/SMEW, the only available bingo, and keeps threats of Qa(D)I open. #knowledgemedium
I7 FOY +28 Finding Small
need to see (JUN)IORITY. Sims around even with this, and may very well get challenged at this score differential #findingsmall
H12 W(E)AL +33 Strategy Small
didn't know whether to cash the X or block the H12 spot. I think I chose wrong. 12C LOX sims best. #strategysmall
A6 TOILET +25 Strategy Small
this isn't going well, but I can't play scared scoring defense. A5 IOLITE is much better balance and gives back way fewer game-losing bingos. #strategysmall
J2 (T)RANQ +34 Finding Large
totally missed that I still had QA(T) 6F. #visionSAD #findinglarge
J2 (T)RANQ +34 Vision Small
totally missed that I still had QA(T) 6F. #visionSAD #findinglarge
O3 TRIOLEt +73 Finding Small
TREfOIL #findingsmall
O11 THIRD +41 Finding Large
Missing DHUTI again #findinglarge #recurringtheme
M9 BARMS +43 Knowledge Medium
M9 SAMBUR even, over H10 SAMBUR, with the inference. And this is a good inference, since his range with FERED is random. Until I figure out what his other two tiles were very quickly #knowledgemedium
12K VU(M) +16 Tactics Small
I know he opened horizontally becuase I remember where he played REDEFIED. K11 OVUL(E) appears to be a better version of VU(M). It scores the same, blocks more and scores 6 more than VU(M) next turn because D1 plays appear more often. #tacticssmall
E8 (E)RIGERON +68 Finding Large
IGNORER #findingsaddest
N11 BEAU +19 Finding Large
missing BUREAU as always #findingsaddest
5J (K)Y(A)R +32 Finding Medium
I misssed RE(d)EFY here, which has to be the play. #findingmedium
E5 FE +27 Tactics Small
I once again, every single time, get EE vs EO wrong. This is no exception. OF bingos 7% more! #tacticssmall
15A I(D)IOT +21 Endgame Small
IDIOM. (-2) #endgamesmall since I was out of time
11D UVUL(A)E +18 Tactics Small
perhaps L2 OVULE instead? This was a stylistic choice to try and limit the left side as much as possible. After a play comes down at 12A though, who knows if I can keep it up. #tacticssmall`
E9 NA(V)S +23 Tactics Large
just play X(U). This was stupidly fancy and cost me the game. It just seemed to fit my Nationals profile. Also shout out to PAN(CREATIN). #tacticslarge
15H WAMUS +44 Knowledge Large
ugh! I studied the list BUMWADS would be on before it was valid, I think. Still, horrible miss. #findinglarge #knowledgelarge
15H WAMUS +44 Finding Large
ugh! I studied the list BUMWADS would be on before it was valid, I think. Still, horrible miss. #findinglarge #knowledgelarge
G1 OOH +34 Finding Unspecified
14G YODH was missed. #findinggsmall
13C LA +18 Endgame Small
-1 URIAL or ARIEL or UREAL because I overscored this by 2 #endgamesmall #endgamesilly
13C LA +18 Endgame Unspecified
-1 URIAL or ARIEL or UREAL because I overscored this by 2 #endgamesmall #endgamesilly
H6 OXER +22 Tactics Small
I didn't consider for long enough the option of exchanging OQ. I also eschewed the defensive aspect of LOX. It would appear exchanging down to ELR is best here #tacticssmall
10D QAI(D) +16 Strategy Medium
I put some thought into this and F4 PARLE. PARLE reduces opponent's average score by 9 over this. If scorinig defense were equal, QAI(D) would be the right play. However, I grossly undervalued defense again here. #strategymedium
D11 (A)RROW +24 Strategy Small
not good, should play 10 ROW if I'm gonna keep the G. #strategysmall
J6 JU(N) +26 Knowledge Large
JUNKETER K2 is the play. #knowledgeSADDEST
2J DOBIE +31 Finding Large
best chance is to play UBI(ET)Y or DUBI(ET)Y on the G column. #findingSADDEST
K5 VE(L)D +16 Vision Large
never considered VELDS here somehow. Completely asleep. #visionSADDEST
D8 MEA(T)Y +26 Knowledge Large
saw (E)YESOME but was unsure. The S has a lot of recursive value, but probably not enough to overcome the 16-point deficit according to Quackle's evaluations. This is definitely a board I can come back from a 20-point deficit on. #knowledgelarge
L1 BEAN +31 Endgame Medium
best is M12 BAN(I). I had been aware of the M13 (r)A(GI) spot, but didn't see this one. That saves OI 4L for 15 and stops Stefan from going out in two with W(ON)T 11J. -7 #endgamemedium
12A PICE +32 Knowledge Large
APERIODIC!!! #findingSADDEST #knowledgeSADDEST
12A PICE +32 Finding Large
APERIODIC!!! #findingSADDEST #knowledgeSADDEST
O8 (D)RAWBEDS +104 Knowledge Large
oops, it's BEDWARDS. I thought it wasn't. #knowledgeSADDEST
A8 R(U)NNY +36 Finding Small
saw TUNNY and RUNNY but not RUNTY, which is what I would have chosen. I knew EIT was worse than EIR but felt the R in UNDERLIE gave the leave a nice boost. However, if I had seen that there were many T's to duplicate, I wouldn't have made this decision. Who knows if I ever would have spotted RUNTY. This was overthinking and bad playfinding. #findingsmall
G1 OAKIEST +72 Strategy Small
really tough to sacrifice 7 points, but with both blanks out and no great scoring spots, it's potentially worth doing. Quackle thinks this is a significant mistake. It definitely makes things a lot easier as well. #strategysmall
I1 R(O)M +16 Finding Large
RIP, completely forgot to consider AHOLDS being valid, which I knew. SMUGGER wins. I made some insane calculation that this would tie if she saw (YE)TI 12A setting up (N)IDI and I blocked with G(I) D14, but she was low on time and I hoped that wouldn't be found. Quackle can't even find that sequence because it's so weird (and just flat-out wrong). Somehow didn't think of NIDI first. Oops. Also, just (YE)GG which I didn't have time to calculate wins as well, since she can't block oMeRS and go out in two and will lose by at the least 1 point! If she blocks the 3rd and 1st row with ID 1K, I win after (WIZ)aRdS and M(E) F14 since she isn't going out. Horrible miss on my part to finish a crazy game. If I play QUERYING first here, she can play I1 D(O) and just outrun me. #findingsaddest #endgamesaddest
I1 R(O)M +16 Endgame Large
RIP, completely forgot to consider AHOLDS being valid, which I knew. SMUGGER wins. I made some insane calculation that this would tie if she saw (YE)TI 12A setting up (N)IDI and I blocked with G(I) D14, but she was low on time and I hoped that wouldn't be found. Quackle can't even find that sequence because it's so weird (and just flat-out wrong). Somehow didn't think of NIDI first. Oops. Also, just (YE)GG which I didn't have time to calculate wins as well, since she can't block oMeRS and go out in two and will lose by at the least 1 point! If she blocks the 3rd and 1st row with ID 1K, I win after (WIZ)aRdS and M(E) F14 since she isn't going out. Horrible miss on my part to finish a crazy game. If I play QUERYING first here, she can play I1 D(O) and just outrun me. #findingsaddest #endgamesaddest
9F TORO +14 Finding Small
Ah, I7 ONO is the play probably. Tilt miss. #findingsmall
6E OAF +24 Knowledge Large
#knowledgesaddest for INsOFAR. One day I'll stop missing bingos. This felt like I was back to square one. But wait, it gets better (worse)
B1 ENERgID +74 Finding Large
I had spent probably half my time at the point of making this play. But I just couldn't spot REIGNED. Again, I felt like I was falling into my old patterns this game and couldn't escape. No excuses. Couldn't even spot DE(R)INgER or anything that didn't open a 3x3 or score too low. I knew this was wrong but my time was ticking so fast. #findingsaddest
B9 YIN +20 Finding Large
failed to see INBYE on my rack. I knew this also had to be wrong #findinglarge
13C TORRS +16 Endgame Large
never saw (WO)RRIT B10. -9 #endgamesaddest
8A TYR(O) +21 Endgame Small
out of time. Just dropping the Q is 3 better. #endgamesmall
G3 COGWA(Y) +19 Knowledge Medium
I sadly thought that ALOGIC* was valid. LOGIC 7F is definitely correct here. #knowledgemedium
8K IDEAL +26 Finding Small
missing ALIA(S)ED, which allows me to get boxed in quicker, but might have to be played regardless. #findingsmall
4B (C)ENTUPLy +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
greedy. wasn't sure, but thought I could draw a free turn a lot. Didn't want to put the E at 4I. knew he couldn't block everything if this came off. Also he might just assume this was an E and not look at the slip. Stupid. #knowledgeSADDEST
3C KETONoN(E) +76 Knowledge Large
I didn't have to phony here. I saw TOKENING but it looked awful, and missed everything else. KENoT(R)ON is a word I was not familiar with, and it plays for 94! I also had NEKTON(I)c. #knowledgelarge Thought this was a good phony though. I chose the more volatile spot because it was less likely to get challenged if it meant leaving big spots open.
1H AZO +45 Tactics Medium
super interesting choice between D1 ZO(E)A and this. How dangerous is the H1 spot? He took a while to play JOG, does that mean he doesn't have an A or E? I think my gut was really wrong here and I should have played ZO(E)A. In my opinion this is #tacticsmedium but Quackle says it's a 1-point mistake. Quackle has zero hindsight obviously. Jack was setting himself up under JO.
B1 Q(I) +11 Tactics Small
I really just need to play M11 PRO. This is bad. #tacticssmall
B7 dORMINS +68 Finding Medium
I think I saw INfORMS but not that it played at B5? #findingmedium
E10 EA(U) +16 Tactics Medium
this seemed relatively straightforward, but this lets him play 5s at D6 and go out in two, which might catch me. G8 (P)EA is probably best to block FOX and VOX? #tacticsmedium
C9 OE +13 Endgame Small
luckily he has no outs. -3 to N10 OE which I saw and didn't play since I was scared I had mistracked. #endgamesmall
7I A(E)RIES +17 Endgame Medium
4J (E)ASIER... #endgamemedium -6
C3 INLAID +23 Strategy Small
I guess L2 LININ leaves 7 in the bag and I should win in most post-bingo endgames. But this way, it's very hard for him to bingo. I didn't think there was a heavy chance that he could outscore me in some other way. INLAND sims slightly better as well, because fewer bingos fit on the D column. Realized this after the fact. #strategysmall
L6 Si(X) +23 Endgame Large
went overtime here and also didn't make the best play #endgameSADDEST
D2 ROLFIN(G) +22 Strategy Small
prob just FLON(G) #strategysmall
exch PV +0 Strategy Large
mix of not caring, being bad, and missing VETC(H) #strategySADDEST
11A LAIrIER +69 Finding Large
sad miss of VIRELAI. Ouch #findingSADDEST
A14 ZA +44 Knowledge Large
completely missing (HE)RTZ as usual, and talking myself out of WALLAH. #findingSADDEST #knowledgeSADDEST
A14 ZA +44 Finding Large
completely missing (HE)RTZ as usual, and talking myself out of WALLAH. #findingSADDEST #knowledgeSADDEST
H11 (T)OPIC +30 Strategy Medium
WOP 10B was obvious, and yet I just hated the board and despised my letters after that. This is just bad. #strategymedium
C9 B(AR)TER +29 Knowledge Medium
the amazing (MAKE)B(A)TE is best here. I don't remember that word, but did notice possible extensions there, and failed to see any. #knowledgemedium
O11 PEISE +39 Knowledge Medium
now I was hoping she'd just challenge PEISE, and not MUCROS, which I was still unsure of. EPRISE# is best. I have to give +5 again next turn to report the score accurately #knowledgemedium
E6 TH(R)IVE +24 Finding Large
completely missing THERMIT. I also don't have all of my racks for this game #findingSADDEST
13B FAN +22 Finding Small
Didn't like all the unseen Ns. FAT still sims 2 better. 11G MANAT seems right #findingsmall
B2 LAPP(E)D +22 Knowledge Small
this was a really interesting spot. I would have played PALPED had I known it to valid. Barring that, tons of options existed. I doubted how important the hooks on LAPPED were in the grand scheme of things, other than their effect on standard deviation from the norm. A1 plays were kind of likely to block that hook. This board was also full of scoring potential, and I didn't like squandering myself at all here with equity values. DAPPL(E) was an option, I thought of APPLED* and doubted it. TAPP(E)D leaving LN seemed ugly. I didn't see LAPP(E)T or APPL(E)T keeping DN. That looks fine as well. #knowledgesmall for PALPED.
A6 (B)IDE +24 Endgame Small
15D DEFI first is one point better. I missed OCTYL-S #endgamesmall
K5 VAUS +26 Finding Large
J3 VANqU(I)SH #findinglarge He took over 3 minutes on his opening move, I should have seen all the possible 8s since there are only 3... Just saw UNSHAVEN and UNSHAVED fuck
12K HEX +37 Finding Small
missed H10 H(OY)DEN which if I see I should play instantly because it will tilt the hell out of Matt. It's also probably best? #findingsmall
15A GIRO +22 Strategy Large
tried to calculate everything here, it appeared that I couldn't necessarily outrun (C)OWBELLS/BELLOWS 15G with (OY)E(R) H13. In effect, my time-troubled calculation was actually correct. If he has BELLOSW, OY(E)R is only a 4/5 win. Since I didn't know if that was the only loss after (OY)E(R) and OYER was really bad on spread, I decided to go for the obvious play here. It blocks all of the J bingos that I didn't calculate, though they probably all lose to OYER because they use up all the remaining vowels. The problem is that GIRO is only a 50% win if Matt has BELLOWS, and is very likely to lose to BECLOWN (4/5), by far the biggest threat in the position. GIRO also loses 4/5 to WEBCAST. GIRO appears to beat everything else. OYER might be better than GIRO. Upon further analysis, (OY)E(R) is probably best, though I haven't looked through all the fishes Matt could make thereafter. I am a bit upset that I didn't play it. #strategylarge
exch AAANOQ +0 Strategy Small
should keep the N at least #strategysmall
B1 JI(V)E +28 Finding Large
terrible miss of JIVE(R) 6B #findingSADDEST
10J POT +24 Finding Large
OPERETTA was missed everywhere #findingSADDEST
F10 OMENTA +33 Finding Large
could not see TONEARM on my rack #FINDINGSADDEST
6J AHING +24 Finding Small
AHI on either side of BIBE looks good. I overthought this position I believe. #findingsmall
M1 HOK(E) +22 Finding Small
I think I would have played KO(ALA) had I seen it at J2. Other plays are interesting as well, and don't open such an obvious spot. #findingsmall
1J TIT(H)ER +30 Finding Small
Just T(H)IN is better. The ERTV leave is just too good compared to NV. Also missed L6 (I)NVITER. #findingsmall #tacticsmedium
1J TIT(H)ER +30 Tactics Medium
Just T(H)IN is better. The ERTV leave is just too good compared to NV. Also missed L6 (I)NVITER. #findingsmall #tacticsmedium
I7 YER +26 Tactics Small
Just dropping the Y for (AB)Y is probably best. It hits a ton of stuff at 3C. #tacticssmall
13A CES(A)rIAN +74 Finding Large
missed PISCINAE and decided to play this over ACARINES. I was only 99.9999999% sure of ACARINES. #findingsaddest
7B VARIAB(L)E +68 Finding Small
I missed ABRA(S)IVE, which is slightly better. #findingsmall
2D FOHN +31 Tactics Medium
Apparently FOX is better, but it seemed like it gave back sooo much and I can score with the X next turn, but DHNR can turn into something as well. I could hit INHOLDER or something #tacticsmedium
exch DGTWX +0 Tactics Small
Quackle likes keeping the X. Quackle is experiencing some sort of foreshadowing #tacticssmall
D8 COL(L)IE +22 Strategy Medium
trying to set up my R I guess. I think REOIL or OILER under FLOW are probably what should be played here. #strategymedium
14F FARRO +34 Finding Large
had better spot for these letters, which I either saw during the game or upon analysis on a previous device I forgot about. 13I FROWARD or FORWARD #findingSADDEST
7F UH +19 Knowledge Large
onrushes, inrushes #findingSADDEST #knowledgeSADDEST
7F UH +19 Finding Large
onrushes, inrushes #findingSADDEST #knowledgeSADDEST
H1 ERIN(GO) +24 Knowledge Large
ironness #knowledgeSADDEST #findingSADDEST
H1 ERIN(GO) +24 Finding Large
ironness #knowledgeSADDEST #findingSADDEST
8D VOLT(E) +12 Finding Medium
this was an odd decision by me. I don't think I saw or considered NOH 12C at all, the clear equity play blocking the clear scoring spot. However, I really enjoyed the look of the board after this. If he uses the full scoring spot at 12A, I might get a very nice score myself, even a 3x3. However, Joey is more prone to playing at 12C or 12B than he is to play at 12A given his style of late, so perhaps this was an oversight, since things aren't great when he does that. The bingo lines are mostly airballs and he has a significant lead before my turn. NOH seems standard and totally fine here. HOV(E)L also seems decent, setting up two lanes. #findingmedium
A5 aNORTHI(C) +86 Knowledge Small
unfortunately I took 4-5 minutes here making sure there was no 3x3, and didn't count how much a play would score at 13B. TINHORn scores 3 more than my bingos to the C. #findingsmall. ORNITHIC was more defensive but I was only 80% sure of it or so. #knowledgesmall
A5 aNORTHI(C) +86 Finding Small
unfortunately I took 4-5 minutes here making sure there was no 3x3, and didn't count how much a play would score at 13B. TINHORn scores 3 more than my bingos to the C. #findingsmall. ORNITHIC was more defensive but I was only 80% sure of it or so. #knowledgesmall
I5 AVO +17 Finding Medium
unfortunately I totally spaced on just VIA B1 here. That seems clear. I considered BIO and BOA there... I didn't like giving up the S here with VASE, but it did score well. I also didn't like the leave of BIO at all. #findingmedium
B11 F(U)GIO +23 Finding Large
wow, missing stuff left and right this game. E3 OAF would be enough, but I somehow missed A1 OF as well... this looked pretty ugly and I needed to keep looking, but he was playing the fast game again since I took forever in the opening. #findinglarge
13C OAF +21 Finding Small
I completely failed to see the hyper-agressiive 9J OF here. What a play. Just decided to equity here and see what happened, since I wasn't ahead by enough to play defense at the expense of my rack with all the lanes on the board that weren't getting blocked and an unseen blank to boot. #findingsmall
14J MUR(E)D +28 Finding Small
DIRDUM best because no triple after that. #findingsmall
D8 (C)OUGH +22 Knowledge Large
when he played CLOTH I realized that I was at a huge disadvantage, since he knew all the extensions and I didn't. Thinking about extensions did not help me find OIL(CLOTH). #findinglarge #knowledgelarge
D8 (C)OUGH +22 Finding Large
when he played CLOTH I realized that I was at a huge disadvantage, since he knew all the extensions and I didn't. Thinking about extensions did not help me find OIL(CLOTH). #findinglarge #knowledgelarge
8A BED(CLOTH) +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
J: I thought about this and then realized BLOTCHED probably doesn't have an anagram. Still thought that I was desparate enough. I had O7 GYBED though, and honestly only saw it after losing the challenge. This is on one of Carl's phonies lists and apparently he had just recently mentioned it to Sid. #knowledgelarge C: During my insomniac studying session on Friday night/ Saturday morning, this was one of the phonies I studied. I always see BLOTCHED/BEDCLOTH* but I was ready for it this time. Some sick timing!
10F GOA +21 Finding Large
this was absolutely terrifying. I saw that I didn't have DOGMA through the D in DEFINITE. I saw that I had GLIOMATA with an I or an L. I saw the -MATA suffix more than once. Yet, I miss dOGMATA. #findinglarge
12I Q(U)ART +28 Tactics Medium
1N HM was just better. Too concerned with getting rid of the Q. #tacticsmedium
14I SNEAPEd +82 Knowledge Medium
once again being safe, though I missed SPElEAN in the same spot which I would be sure of as opposed to SPEANEd, which I was not, given I always confused SNEAPED SPEANED with SNEAKED SKEANED*. #knowledgemedium #findingmedium I suppose he could have S(E)RAGLIO, the only playable 7 on row 14, and nothing else. I should therefore play deP(L)ANES A2 or fish with E(ME).
14I SNEAPEd +82 Finding Medium
once again being safe, though I missed SPElEAN in the same spot which I would be sure of as opposed to SPEANEd, which I was not, given I always confused SNEAPED SPEANED with SNEAKED SKEANED*. #knowledgemedium #findingmedium I suppose he could have S(E)RAGLIO, the only playable 7 on row 14, and nothing else. I should therefore play deP(L)ANES A2 or fish with E(ME).
L1 BLoOPER(S) +78 Tactics Small
convincingly better to put the blank on the 4 row rather than the 3 row oh nvm things evened out at 19000 iterations I remember when I relied on short sims to justify totally ridiculous nitpicky situations like these, now I'm sitting here super happy that BLoOPER(S) is now on top by .1 point Oh wait I'm simming the wrong position. He played MOJO(S) E4 instead of L4, but you know that because I've already changed the annotation. Now to sim the actual position 20 thousand times well PROBLEm(S) is simming on top. I lose. #tacticssmall Just kidding, we're now at 6500 iterations and my play is on top. BLOoPERS is 3rd behind PROBLEm(S).
H13 FOG +26 Strategy Medium
I need to continue my plan of lowering std rates and play H12 INFO to block the 2x2 and not set up a possibly big lane with the G. #strategymedium
2A ARMOR(E)D +23 Endgame Medium
ROA(R)ER 3C is great to set up D(O)M 10D. Jackson might also challenge because this is way too good of an out sequence. -7 #endgamemedium
4I R(E)BEG(I)N +22 Strategy Small
wasted a lot of time here and didn't even find all the plays. NEWB is there as well as WREN (I saw WREN but not NEWB), BR(E)W I didn't even consider, but I don't like it. Not sure what is right here, but I am sure that I overscored this by 2 and Joey called me on it, and 2 points is a lot. B(U)RGER might just be the play at E7. I was trying to get a blowout here also, since if Karl beat Mack, I would have to have beaten Joey by more. I was hoping that my insolence wouldn't cost me the game, so there was a lot of pressure. This is probably a bit much especially since I'm trying to win by a lot. #strategysmall
exch IIIOO +0 Knowledge Medium
incredibly frustrated here. The board isn't close to being contained and now if he gets a bingo I am barely ahead. E7 T(U)RR is winning a sim, isn't that ridiculous. I saw it but thought it took an E. lmao fuck. I can just block the S hook later with a VIVAT play ending in RT. #knowledgemedium I exchanged XTTRT keeping RZ
K9 U(V)EA +14 Finding Small
rough, but I need to find EAU 9M for 2 less. This is just slightly too reckless. EAU sacrifices 2 points, but sims 4 better. UVEA doesn't create a great lane, and I have OHMS that is hard to deal with, as well as the deterrents on the F column and 11 row. Marginal lanes are good to deter opponents from playing overly defensively, but also sufficiently defensively. The difference between the two can simply be lack of information. #strategysmall #findingsmall
K9 U(V)EA +14 Strategy Small
rough, but I need to find EAU 9M for 2 less. This is just slightly too reckless. EAU sacrifices 2 points, but sims 4 better. UVEA doesn't create a great lane, and I have OHMS that is hard to deal with, as well as the deterrents on the F column and 11 row. Marginal lanes are good to deter opponents from playing overly defensively, but also sufficiently defensively. The difference between the two can simply be lack of information. #strategysmall #findingsmall
2A AEON +20 Strategy Large
I either have to fish eit something like O(C)A or A(C)E, or I do this, which seemed to win if I drew some X? stuff. I did not iterate properly though, and this seems to always lose with the draws I was hoping for. I have to avoid stuff like FOIBLE, but a lot of outs in two will be good enough for Arie even without big plays. Spread was not important here, so I needed to find something better. Maybe I had to play A(C)E or O(C)A, though I felt he could too often block everything with a play like FIL(AR) 5B, although those plays are hard to find and make with one in the bag. Gotta try something, so maybe I do something like (P)EE or (L)EE going for ANOXIA for 67 and complications. Maybe best to play EE somewhere else. Yeah, I think that's the right idea. If ANOXIA?T or ANOXIA?B are unseen to Arie there's (P)AINTBOX, if ANOXIA?E is unseen there's (A)NOXEMIA. Damn, wish I had thought of that. Way better at conceptualizing wins that don't involve very specific bingo threats. #strategysaddest
O8 (W)OODLiCE +92 Knowledge Small
outruns most out-bingos, but not all of them. Had I been sure of CLODPOLE, I might have played that, since most of her bingos fit there. I think CLODPOLE should win the most games, since I don't foresee losing in any endgames that don't involve bingos. 32 draws seem to win for Chloe after WOODLICE, and 27 after C(L)ODpOLE, so a slight edge to blocking. If it were the beginning of the tournament, WOODLICE would be the best play for spread. #knowledgesmall
3B GAM +16 Endgame Medium
this is only an 8-point mistake, but it's laughably stupid. Completely spaced out on GAM's obscure hook. Best is 3G AGMA which I saw as a 2nd play following F(R)EMD, but thought this was best because it blocked RAYAH plays. Great job, me. #endgamemedium
B3 FURL +29 Finding Small
M11 F(R)IZ looks good here. Missed that due to tunnel vision. #findingsmall
10A EM +28 Finding Large
missed a huge A8 (OP)TIMIZE. #findinglarge
G11 TIZ +25 Finding Small
I could ignore everything and play 4H (PAS)TIL I guess. Seems decent to keep the Z again. #findingsmall
J9 OE +10 Finding Medium
ughs 11D OLE is the play. #findingmedium
H1 QI +38 Finding Large
spacing on (N)IQAB 8K, totally tunnelled after drawing the Q again. Definitely tilted. BOVI(D) 8A is also better than this. #findinglarge
H4 VILLE +24 Knowledge Large
BLIVE# and this is phony #knowledgeSADDEST
G6 (F)ABRIC +22 Finding Small
VRAIC# sims best. I didn't think VICAR was better than FABRIC but it sims higher. #findingsmall
K4 VASE +25 Knowledge Large
ASSEVER# still 101 :( #knowledgeSADDEST
D9 GE(C)KO +24 Finding Large
missing the beautiful (JIN)GKO at 10F. This seemed better than GE(C)K for draws at RESEX* which I hope I would have remembered is invalid. #findingSADDEST
4K (V)OX +26 Finding Large
missing JINX yet again. #findingSADDEST
13C N(O)NAGE +32 Strategy Small
thought it was close between this an NANG# I8. But this is just unnecessarily dangerous after his fishy plays. #strategysmall
2J BRU(M)E +30 Knowledge Large
WEAMB# missed #knowledgeSADDEST
D1 (S)YLI +14 Knowledge Small
thought a lot about LI(E) 10B to set up PLIE, but if he plays QI/LI there I might be in trouble. I didn't know PULY#, which seems right at 3L #knowledgeSAD
14B POST +31 Endgame Small
out of time #endgameSAD
11K AZAN +36 Finding Small
now, CZA(R) 4G is important to find. I can also just play CA(V)A, not sure how I missed that one. I knew this was a terrible move, but for some reason I just couldn't find anything else. #findingSAD
G3 NUNNE(D) +9 Knowledge Medium
this is not a word and certainly not signifcantly better (or better at all) than the best valid options. 9F NONE sims a lot better due to scoring defense and immediate score. I had gotten way too averse to bad leaves at this point in my Scrabble quest. #knowledgemedium #strategymedium
G3 NUNNE(D) +9 Strategy Medium
this is not a word and certainly not signifcantly better (or better at all) than the best valid options. 9F NONE sims a lot better due to scoring defense and immediate score. I had gotten way too averse to bad leaves at this point in my Scrabble quest. #knowledgemedium #strategymedium
K3 CAMPE(R) +24 Knowledge Large
I chicken out of CAMPAGNE because it's French. -40 #knowledgesaddest
8G (DEBARK)ING +51 Strategy Small
tough choice here again. I could open nothing of import with M3 JOG and sacrifice a lot of points, go with DEBARKING now and eat his bingos, or go with JINGO 4A which seems to be most thematic, hoping to respond to a bingo with a scoring play from the J. Big issue with both JINGO and DEBARKING is that they bail out a lot of draws. AI and II in particular get bailed out bigtime with bingos after DEBARKING and JAILER with JINGO. That's just the beginning. However, he bingos so often no matter what (2/3 if I do nothing and he finds everything) that it's maybe worth giving up here. I so often sacrifice points to play JOG and get bingo-ed on from the C. But the lingering issue is DEBARKERS. Since Quackle once again assumes DEBARKERS will be played if Wally doesn't bingo, other plays (JINGO and JOG) are a lot more reasonable than Quackle thinks. Considering the numbers and what I know here, I think this was a minor mistake, despite winning the sim. Definitely a tough position to sus out without calculating and iterating, which I don't think I did either. #strategysmall
F9 ADDReST +96 Knowledge Large
BUT ANIMI TAKES AN S. lol... #knowledgesaddest
O12 MUSO +35 Finding Large
I missed E2 MISSOUN(D). I looked through all the other letters, never shuffled or put in MIS- as a prefix. Sorry Tunnicliffe for I have failed you once more, bingo finding with prefixes and suffixes is still hard for me. #findinglarge
11D ENvIERS +79 Finding Small
this was probably the most idiotic thing I did at Nationals. I saw that I could probably find a 2x2, but thought that I could just hook AY and score just as much, since the 2x2 was just 6 more points, equivalent to hooking AY! So I just went for the first thing I saw. Unfortunately, math does not work like that. #sad #findingsmall
L4 EGG +24 Finding Small
lol did I miss GEEZ for 47? I did didn't I. I passed up O7 LEZ to try and gather some spred but I missed GEEZ... very nice #findingsmall
E3 INBR(E)E(D) +20 Vision Small
M1 BRED -3 #endgamesmall #visionsmall
E3 INBR(E)E(D) +20 Endgame Small
M1 BRED -3 #endgamesmall #visionsmall
11C UNCA(L)LED +72 Finding Small
96% to win, but this turn called for more than combinatorics. DULC(I)NEA is two more points, and I don't really see why I shouldn't play DULC(I)NEA. #findingsmall I spent most of my time on this turn trying to figure out how to block his 3x3 in a strategically sound manner, but DUNE H12 did not come to mind. That would have been a lifesaver.
13K NEG +12 Tactics Medium
13I ENTER might be correct here. I inferred he had the last D so I thought setting up an S he was less likely to have was the way to go. Could be led to believe otherwise. My bingo is also unlikely to get me there after NEG, so I should be scoring. #tacticsmedium
M3 V(OI)LE +18 Tactics Small
C1 VER(B)S must be the play here. Score and pry open more of the board. I had checked out. #tacticssmall
14F B(E)T +26 Vision Medium
#spreadsavingmedium #visionmedium
L9 AIRlOCK +86 Knowledge Large
couldn't remember if it was AIRSOCK* or OARSICK*. Turns out it was ARKOSIC, which is probably best at N8 for 98. This and it sim evenly, surprisingly. #knowledgeSADDEST
5J (O)X +36 Strategy Small
Definitely should've thought a bit harder about this turn. DET(O)X 13I should be better #strategysmall
O8 MITER +30 Endgame Large
was pretty nervous here for some reason. Just wanted to play something I was sure of. But I was as sure as I could be of MUTER. I then thought it didn't make a difference between MUTER and MITER, but the difference is 13 points. I'm expecting Q(I) 10K, so I should be able to see that I get a much stronger play after that if I keep MI than keeping MU. MI(R) would then be 32. Orry has to forgo QIS to play optimally after MUTER. #endgameSADDEST
F6 FI(E)ND +21 Finding Unspecified
this seems like a mistake over FIND for the same score underlapping. #findingFINDSAD
6F FU(S)SY +27 Finding Small
totally didn't think of VOMITY. J6 FAY there might be better. #findingsmall #visionsmall
6F FU(S)SY +27 Vision Small
totally didn't think of VOMITY. J6 FAY there might be better. #findingsmall #visionsmall
I3 KEA(S) +29 Finding Small
I missed a rare opportunity to play KAAS here, in the same spot. #findingsmall I'm not too worried about the C hook here, since The C is usually a word-starter and he only has 6 squares to play a word starting in C.
12K WAP +24 Tactics Medium
super conservative here in not playing WHAP, but I should have realized that WHA was better than WAP. I think I was a bit overloaded with options here. This is a bad play. #tacticsmedium
5I (AG)HA +28 Finding Medium
losing the wheels on the bus here. Missing G10 H(OW)F, but holding on to what I hope will be a closed board soon. Also missing 13I DASHI which is fine. #visionmedium #findingmedium
5I (AG)HA +28 Vision Medium
losing the wheels on the bus here. Missing G10 H(OW)F, but holding on to what I hope will be a closed board soon. Also missing 13I DASHI which is fine. #visionmedium #findingmedium
15D FI(E)ND +39 Tactics Small
now I figure I can't play (REJECT)IONS because he just opened a 3x3, but I guess I can still play D(E)AF and save the 60 points for next turn. #tacticssmall
1A GOA +16 Vision Small
missing 14B GROS(Z) #visionsmall
C4 AmOEBAN +65 Finding Large
I missed literally all of the bingos he could have at 14H. What the fuck was I doing this game? EMERITI, EUCRITE/ERUDITE, RETINUE. I need to block those, the best way is to play 14F (Z)OA which saves (REJECT)ABlE for next turn, which I at least saw. I just though that this didn't give anything back but it does, it gives back nITERIE too. #findinglarge #preendgamelarge
I4 VEGES +20 Knowledge Small
almost did G7 V(E)G. Didn't see D7 G(Y)VE. Was unsure of VE(G)GES, only knew VEGES, VEGED* and VEGGED #knowledgesmall
10B VIN(E)D +21 Finding Small
13C VI(A)ND is better in a vacuum, but perhaps I was glued to his range and made the right sacrifice. #findingsmall
3B WEB +33 Knowledge Large
15A NUBBLE! I didn't know that word. #knowledgelarge
J10 BU(R)G +25 Finding Small
both aitches are out, so this is highly dangerous. It's notably better to play 10J D(E)BUG against a robot, but perhaps not against a human, as the extra points keep the pressure on, especially if he doesn't have the H or any easy play elsewhere. #findingsmall
12A DRIF(T) +22 Finding Medium
13C FR(A)CT(I) is awesome and I am ashamed I also missed FRIT(T) #findingmedium
2J sOK(O)L +22 Endgame Large
this was purposeful, I was extremely rattled at having drawn my 8th blank in 4 games as the last tile in the bag. I saw that this was 20 points off but had to do it. #endgamelarge
K7 DIETING +76 Finding Medium
any bingo with KAPUT is better. #visionmedium #findingmedium
K7 DIETING +76 Vision Medium
any bingo with KAPUT is better. #visionmedium #findingmedium
F1 Q(I) +11 Knowledge Medium
best is 9J C(E)RMET #endgamemedium #knowledgemedium #findingmedium
F1 Q(I) +11 Finding Medium
best is 9J C(E)RMET #endgamemedium #knowledgemedium #findingmedium
F1 Q(I) +11 Endgame Medium
best is 9J C(E)RMET #endgamemedium #knowledgemedium #findingmedium
O6 STEM +34 Finding Medium
MERCS???? #endgamemedium #findingmedium wtf
O6 STEM +34 Endgame Medium
MERCS???? #endgamemedium #findingmedium wtf
5J (T)URF +14 Tactics Medium
pretty bad play here, way too fishy #tacticsmedium
F2 ZEE +37 Knowledge Large
another poor decision. I felt I had a larger grasp on this game than in actuality. I should play 8L (O)OZE for more and leave the R open not challenging last move was #knowledgelarge this move is #tacticsmedium
F2 ZEE +37 Tactics Medium
another poor decision. I felt I had a larger grasp on this game than in actuality. I should play 8L (O)OZE for more and leave the R open not challenging last move was #knowledgelarge this move is #tacticsmedium
11E WAT +24 Finding Medium
missing anew #findingmedium
C12 AUK +20 Finding Small
didn't want to do this since he probably had an S. I should play this at J9, don't think I saw it there. #findingsmall
A8 CuRvIES(T) +77 Finding Small
one of many ridiculous draws at the start of the tourney. I missed the two 8s that doubled the C after looking a bit less than a minute. I had already used a lot of my clock so I decided this was probably fine anyway since it blocks. #findingsmall
L9 NOPE +16 Tactics Medium
totally confused here. This was actually pretty awful since he can just re-overlap and fork the board. I did happen to block SUBATOM in two spots, but #tacticsmedium
6B IN(D)IE +10 Tactics Small
COR(R)IDAS still plays after this but this is the best I can do to block bingos. However, if he has the X I could possibly still lose, if he plays (M)AXI and threatens 5-letter words to go out or plays a 5 and gets AXI as his last rack, for example. So it might be better to play I(M)INE down low or something #tacticssmall
H7 VUG +14 Tactics Small
I normally play GUV but I not only liked the board shape after VUG vs GUV, but I also liked that I could re-hook if he played VUGG to VUGGY or even VUGH to VUGHS. GUV reduces opponent score by 3 over VUG immediately. hm so perhaps VUG helps him more than it helps me. #tacticssmall
K9 HILT +28 Knowledge Medium
I missed 15J TAHSIL! What a wicked play #knowledgemedium #findingmedium compared HALT and HILT, decided that yes there were more A's out, but the ZI combo is still much worse than ZA, although I get NAZI with an A, so hmm.
K9 HILT +28 Finding Medium
I missed 15J TAHSIL! What a wicked play #knowledgemedium #findingmedium compared HALT and HILT, decided that yes there were more A's out, but the ZI combo is still much worse than ZA, although I get NAZI with an A, so hmm.
9K (HO)NES +24 Endgame Unspecified
missing K1 GEN(T)ES and (HO)NGS... #endgameemedium -7
13L RO(W) +12 Knowledge Large
still did not see it. I'm fuming at this point #knowledgelarge
C12 (T)OCO +12 Endgame Medium
best is just 30 points for ZIPpO, just slapped this down with no time, hoping something miraculous happened. -5 #endgamemedium
7F TIP +16 Tactics Small
totally pissed after hitting my clock, I knew that PET was a better play. Gotta regroup my focus when my bingo is blocked #tacticssmall
10H (YEA)N +7 Knowledge Medium
maybe (PA)N since YEAN does take an S #knowledgemedium
12D ARENITE +72 Tactics Small
dunno, what letter do you put in the 2x2 lane if you know Matt is strong AND he has an A? He probably also has an E, so RETINAE looks better. #tacticssmall
H4 PEWEE +26 Knowledge Small
however, in 2017, I won against Joe Edley, thinking I had cashed, but everything else did not go my way and I ended up right outside the money. I saw WEEPIE and was just too uneasy about its validity to play it. I knew that I could afford a few small mistakes, so long as I didn't lose a turn. Though, I had lost a turn to Karl earlier in the tournament and still won that game. WEEPIE is obviously a word and I just have no self-confidence. #knowledgesmall
M9 PAG(E)R +22 Endgame Large
I panicked here. Massively. I didn't know what the standings were, I just knew I had to play a valid word to secure the win. I also wanted to play the endgame well. I saw (S)PURGALL and briefly wondered if I could be making it up. I tried to see what his highest-scoring play was, but with seconds to go I could only see 15, which would tie the game, but I couldn't be sure. Had I been aware of the standings, I would have played the bingo! #endgamelarge
8A CICERON(E) +89 Knowledge Medium
so many bingos here, too bad he blocked the 2x2s. I wasn't sure enough of CROCEINE, thought it might just be CICERONE, but I saw ENCHORIC too before he blocked! Just not CORNICHE. Learn dem anagram pairs bro #knowledgemedium
K5 DIVOT +26 Tactics Medium
missing OVIDUCT but wanting to get rid of 2x2 #tacticsmedium
L2 PUTZ +43 Finding Small
E5 UPT(R)E(N)D is now available, looks very good #findingsmall #visionsmall
L2 PUTZ +43 Vision Small
E5 UPT(R)E(N)D is now available, looks very good #findingsmall #visionsmall
C8 (C)U(R)BED +24 Tactics Small
DEBU(R) for 3 fewer looks worth it, no need to open the bottom and I didn't want to anyway #tacticssmall
5A MISATON(E) +70 Knowledge Large
BIG NOW #findinglarge #knowledgelarge
5A MISATON(E) +70 Finding Large
BIG NOW #findinglarge #knowledgelarge
3H cHIN(O)OKS +86 Finding Large
how does one spot KIbOSH(I)N(G) D7 and miss SINKHOl(E) O1. I sadly thought this was better than KIBOSHING so I played it. It is indeed better but ugh. #findingSADDEST
9E GREW +20 Finding Medium
Bad move. 7E WROTE is fine, despite how horrible the G is, two G's isn't much worse and it doesn't give back as much. Also points. I missed WROTE, too equity-minded #findingmedium #tacticsmedium
9E GREW +20 Tactics Medium
Bad move. 7E WROTE is fine, despite how horrible the G is, two G's isn't much worse and it doesn't give back as much. Also points. I missed WROTE, too equity-minded #findingmedium #tacticsmedium
7H YOGI +28 Strategy Small
TORY but I didn't want to set up an S hook that's tough to block. silly play number 2 #strategysmall
14J HOI(S)E +32 Tactics Small
totally auto-piloting here, no need to give so much back. L12 HOOT scores nearly as much , doesn't allow Tony to play as many tiles and score as much (gives me a better shot at the blank(s) further down the line). HOO in the same spot is fine as well, or OHO at J3 to try and maximize bingo chances #tacticssmall
15D LECTONE +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
classic, but this is pretty bad in terms of thinking this might be a word. LACTONE/LECTERN #knowledgelarge
H4 QUATE +48 Strategy Small
considered QUAGS as well, since the G is a huge impediment here. Incredibly, my reasoning was off. The S doesn't improve Joey's chances at a bingo, since QUAGS is otherwise quite defensive. He also scores a whole lot more after QUATE because of the hooks, and my chances of a bingo next turn are only slightly better with GS, perhaps only because of how open of a play QUATE is compared to QUAGS. #strategysmall
2B DEFOG +35 Finding Large
I immediately miss one of the three extensions of QUATE, ADEQUATE. This is pretty terrible. I only saw TORQUATE and COEQUATE when playing QUATE. Last turns' slight mistake snowballs into a much larger mistake on turn 2. #findinglarge
D4 T(A)CTIC +22 Knowledge Small
Lotsa N's left, C(A)NTIC which I didn't know is better. #knowledgesmall
G7 ANISOLE +65 Finding Small
somehow missed that this played at 10A. I chose this over row 2 ANISOLE because of defense. Very sloppy. #findingsmall
L12 FUJI +40 Finding Medium
FUJ(I) 8A retains a better leave and is less volatile. I missed this too. #findingmedium
14I TEE +24 Finding Medium
C9 ET(HE)NE is the play, very nice. #findingmedium
exch II +0 Tactics Unspecified
Wondered about EFIRS vs EIRS here. I thought EFIRS was slightly stronger for bingos next turn and also just more balanced in general, the F can be used for scoring as well as bingos. However, EIRS is remarkably stronge than EFIRS here, mostly because of the floaters on the board I imagine. EFIRS might hit a similar amount of 7s but definitely not nearly as many 8s. #tacticssmll
K4 IFS +21 Tactics Small
This was quite aggressive. I didn't see 7D OF, which makes it quite hard for Rob to do much of anything. This is a bit counter-productive, since my 2nd S is useful to hook LUV (or BUY for that matter). This nicely creates a spot to play a bingo that doesn't require the S to be in 1st to 6th position, but he is just too likely to play there, and there is just no reason to give up an easier spot for Rob to bingo as well. My rack is more than good enough to coast despite being a bit down on the scoreboard. OF 5J was definitely too aggressive though, at least I didn't play that. #finidingsmall #tacticssmall
O1 OX(Y) +39 Finding Large
Hide your eyes, folks. Missing OR(Y)X until a few seconds after I hit my clock. The big issue was that I don't see the word ORYX quickly enough. The next big issue is that I was concerned that I drew RUX to my bingo leave. The next smaller issue is that I played too quickly. This is a bush-league error that puts me back over 30 points, the leave of ERRSU being a few points worse than ERSU despite hitting a few more bingos. #findinglarge
H11 (A)URAE +18 Finding Large
and as all these thoughts permeated my mind, such as "I should lose this game now, I deserve it." and "am I going to blow this whole tournament now?", I once again faced fake results orientation. I saw REAROUSE, then REASSURE, andd wondered if there was an anagram. I got close, but failed to recognize my high-prob 7. ERASURE keeps me well in the game. #findinglarge
D2 ZIG +35 Finding Large
sigh, I really thought I tried hard not to lose by too much after these massive blunders. But W(AR)EZ 6B was there. #findinglarge
N9 THOU +32 Strategy Medium
now that I'm not winning, I should at least be able to limit the damage a bit. between HUT and this, HUT is a lot better, since it keeps a scarce vowel. #strategymedium
9B VE(R)T(U)S +26 Finding Large
4J V(IN) is the V fish I just missed. I also missed STILB(I)TE fwiw. I also missed SLITT(I)ER fwiw. But mostly I just missed V(IN) which is just dreadful. #findinglarge 50% chance I draw the R, perhaps there's a universe in which I get that down. Also VI(R)T(U)S is just better? Why did I miss that?
I7 O(G)EE +7 Knowledge Small
knowing REEDE# would have been nice. 4E REEDE# is the play. This is too weak. #knowledgesmall
14B AUTOS +26 Strategy Medium
maybe I can get away with A1 NOTA here, I just hated the idea of keeping the U. But that's such a damn dangerous spot, that it sims 6 higher than this, which was an attempt to create some counterplay and keep scoring. I think I was psychologically disinclined to play NOTA there because I was rebelling against my draw. #strategymedium
12J (T)OPING +22 Knowledge Large
still 6J PHANG# which I didn't know #knowledgeSADDEST
E11 INK +26 Finding Small
just KNIT on the other side is a significant improvement. A play I did not see. I would struggle later with the fact that EJECTIONS is just wide open. #findingsmall
1A HOO(P)Y +39 Knowledge Large
in big trouble here. Still, not enough trouble to justify completely forgetting that this is just not a word. HOOPIEST*=ISOPHOTE. Luckily, no hold from Darin. In terms of what to play here, I saw this, RYOT C12, and HOOTY 5K. I did not see 1A TRO(P)HY, which is just a better version of HOOPY* altogether. That seems correct. #knowledgesaddest #findingsad
1A HOO(P)Y +39 Finding Small
in big trouble here. Still, not enough trouble to justify completely forgetting that this is just not a word. HOOPIEST*=ISOPHOTE. Luckily, no hold from Darin. In terms of what to play here, I saw this, RYOT C12, and HOOTY 5K. I did not see 1A TRO(P)HY, which is just a better version of HOOPY* altogether. That seems correct. #knowledgesaddest #findingsad
exch BRRT +0 Finding Large
how did I miss 2M BRR? It's not great to block the C, but it's worse to score zero with a reasonable play on hand. This was horrendous. #findingSADDEST
2M AWN +27 Finding Medium
Now I have a reasonable option that doesn't block the C. C12 AW. #findingmedium
D1 F(R)OCKY +44 Knowledge Large
this is not a word. Gotta stomach just F(R)OCK #knowledgeSADDEST
13C STRAY +44 Endgame Medium
missing SORTA 13C which keeps a nice outplay on the 2nd row. #endgamemedium -7
H4 WIELD +26 Knowledge Large
Gawd I can't believe WILLY is a verb damnit #knowledgelarge
B1 fATALIS(M) +72 Finding Small
I think I took like 7 minutes here at least ugh, there's nothing better than this or (W)AgTAILS and (M)ATILdAS. This gives too many overlaps. #findingsmall
14C DOTE +20 Strategy Small
NOTA for 1 less is better #strategysmall
1L FAUN +46 Strategy Large
FAIL or FAIR because I don't give back any 9s! UNGUARDED, UNDERHAND, UNADORNED, UNFOUNDED, UNDERFUND, UNROUNDED, UNDERHUNG play. (L)ONGHEAD still plays regardless #strategylarge
E3 b(IT)EWORMS +76 Knowledge Large
I do draw a bingo starting in B, but I miss the gorgeous MES(H)WORK F2 and make my most hilarious blunder of the tournament. Thinking of BITEWING(S). This was so crazy it worked. Billy held and released. #knowledgeSADDEST
K2 WOV(E) +27 Finding Small
didn't see VID(E)O 6B, that looks like the right play. Just a step above the other options in the position. #findingsmall
7E R(A)B(I)C +15 Knowledge Large
thought it might be PREFOLIATE* but yeah, never was going to be sure of PERFOLIATE, which is best here. Dave Wiegand thought CARPETBED* was good, as did I. #knowledgesaddest
L8 PEL(T)ED +24 Knowledge Large
missed 3(!) bingos here, and I knew I was missing them too. LOPPERED and LAPPETED I didn't know for sure, and I chickened out of DEPEOPLE. #knowledgeSADDEST
13I KID(D)O +32 Endgame Small
played this once I saw it, but didn't think about adding the S for long enough to notice (T)AW 13A. KIDDOS is slightly better. -2 #endgamesmall
D7 N(O)NVAlID +72 Strategy Small
I figured DEVONIAN was probably better but maybe she would challenge this too and that would be memorable #strategysmall
F5 THYmIER +78 Knowledge Small
didn't see HERITABLY and probably would not have played it anyway. #findingsmall #knowledgesmall
F5 THYmIER +78 Finding Small
didn't see HERITABLY and probably would not have played it anyway. #findingsmall #knowledgesmall
K1 ATIGI +26 Finding Small
missed TAIGA 14J #findingSAD
H12 (I)ZAR +39 Finding Medium
damn, I missed (A)RROZ 8K, which has to be best. Also, J10 AR(R)OZ also better to not keep an O with so many to come. #findingmedium
K8 MA(Y)O +18 Knowledge Large
didn't know DOMATIA#, though this rack did scream of bingo. I missed DAIM(Y)O and OID(I)A which both significantly improve on this. I looked for something like DAIMYO, such a tough thing to spot. OIDIA should not be tough to spot, but I was intent on leaving the S hook open and totally distracted by what had just happened. Really bad. #findingSADDEST #knowledgeSADDEST
K8 MA(Y)O +18 Finding Large
didn't know DOMATIA#, though this rack did scream of bingo. I missed DAIM(Y)O and OID(I)A which both significantly improve on this. I looked for something like DAIMYO, such a tough thing to spot. OIDIA should not be tough to spot, but I was intent on leaving the S hook open and totally distracted by what had just happened. Really bad. #findingSADDEST #knowledgeSADDEST
N6 PE(A)G +13 Strategy Small
his rack is pretty specific here. I don't know that it's at all worth trying to block a little. But I didn't want to get boxed in after an O-column bingo by playing on the 13 row. And I completely missed just playing this on the M column, or DEG/GED M10. This is terrible in retrospect and I'm only hurting myself. #strategySAD
15D (R)ICIN +21 Finding Large
just missed CLIMB 12F. That's so much better than anything else. After this I can just lose to two bingos #findingSADDEST
G2 YAcHTI(N)G +68 Finding Small
didn't see anything else. the best bingo is in that last sentence. #findingsmall
1H ORLON +26 Finding Medium
now a complete miss of TROO(Z). I hated this move, and I should have kept looking instead of tilting. One-two punch and maybe I can no longer win this game #findingmedium
3I VUG +21 Finding Small
this was the ugliest play I've made in a long time. A better version of this would be VUG(H) to the H, which, again, I never saw. 3 misses in a row #findingsmall
10B JE(U) +26 Strategy Small
super low on the clock already. Couldn't stomach this, or HIT B6 (or HI). Sim says J(O)T 9C is an option. I didn't consider that, but did consider J(O) to try and maximize bingo. HIT sims best, so probably best play. #strategysmall
exch NPTV +0 Strategy Small
weird decision by me. I should just keep Z or ZN, ZNT is wayy to conso heavy in this early game position. I felt like I was responding to a bingo so I wanted to be ready, but ZN is ready. #strategysmall
M3 ARRIVE +29 Finding Small
totally missed F7 VICAR here. Missed all plays there actually. This is probably 2nd best, but VICAR is clear as day. #findingsmall
pass - +0 Knowledge Large
seemed really hard to win this, and I wasn't sure if it was CANTONAL, CANTONED, or both. #knowledgesaddest
2K T(I) +2 Endgame Small
this is 2 worse than F(LUTE). The optimal sequence goes 1. F(LUTE), M11 M(I) threatening (MI)C, 2. L12 (E)T blocking MIC, 8E C(ERE), 3. H12 (A)N with the setup, pass, 4. 15H YO, pass, 5. I6 (O)I +Q #endgamesmall #timesaddest
2K T(I) +2 Time Large
this is 2 worse than F(LUTE). The optimal sequence goes 1. F(LUTE), M11 M(I) threatening (MI)C, 2. L12 (E)T blocking MIC, 8E C(ERE), 3. H12 (A)N with the setup, pass, 4. 15H YO, pass, 5. I6 (O)I +Q #endgamesmall #timesaddest
1D (J)O +9 Endgame Small
-2. best is (A)N H14 to set up FOY for 45. This is tied for 3rd best, but there are 6 moves better than this. #timesaddest #endgamesmall
1D (J)O +9 Time Large
-2. best is (A)N H14 to set up FOY for 45. This is tied for 3rd best, but there are 6 moves better than this. #timesaddest #endgamesmall
1D (JO)Y +13 Endgame Small
-2 again! My best sequence is funny. it's A7 I(F), (IF)F, (IFF)Y and N(IFFY) #endgamesmall #timesaddest
1D (JO)Y +13 Time Large
-2 again! My best sequence is funny. it's A7 I(F), (IF)F, (IFF)Y and N(IFFY) #endgamesmall #timesaddest
6M (I)F +13 Endgame Small
-2 again!!! This time I play (R)IN 5M to set up my F for 26. It's not over yet. #endgamesmall #timesaddest
6M (I)F +13 Time Large
-2 again!!! This time I play (R)IN 5M to set up my F for 26. It's not over yet. #endgamesmall #timesaddest
I5 N(O) +2 Endgame Small
-2 AGAIN! 9F (DAW)N + I7 (O)I is 2 better. #endgamesmall #timesaddest
I5 N(O) +2 Time Large
-2 AGAIN! 9F (DAW)N + I7 (O)I is 2 better. #endgamesmall #timesaddest
A13 BOG +24 Finding Large
I missed BIRDSONG :( :( :( #findingSADDEST
9C POM +22 Finding Large
MOP(H)EAD #findinglarge 7C MOANED this is just bad
13M KOP +32 Vision Small
KIP because underlaps are a LOT harder. #tacticssmall #visionsmall
13M KOP +32 Tactics Small
KIP because underlaps are a LOT harder. #tacticssmall #visionsmall
8K C(R)OFT +30 Endgame Large
was very tired at this point, 5B IC(E) is the play. I was trying to figure out a way to block JA(D)E and score a lot while going out in two, didn't think of a setup. -11 #endgamelarge. Also missed C5 AIL somehow even though I considered that I could keep CROFT and COFT. Stupid
D11 (J)URY +28 Finding Small
(J)EU is nice here, keeps things quite tight and keeps a more balanced leave. This seems a bit worse since it makes things a bit easier on Rob #findingsmall
L9 D(AGO) +6 Strategy Medium
could just play DUD(E) here. That seems fine actually. The problem is the duplicate I's which might cause me some trouble here. As a result, fishing off the U with (K)U(E) is quite strong, since it hits with AAEEIIIIIOOORR. However, blocking the E in ZONAE is a good idea as well. KUE still looks too strong to pass up. This hits similarly often to KUE, but KUE scores 8 more points. The E is definitely a liability, but not that much, it would seem. #strategymedium
G7 ZED +32 Finding Small
I must not have seen LEWD. WiN(K)LED and some other plays are interesting here #findingsmall
10F GRR +12 Tactics Small
7L GRR has a considerable positional advantage over this placement. Leaves the easier 7s lane open on row 10, but moreover blocks the R and T in OVERTLY that aren't super useful to me and leaves the A in FAKED alone. #tacticssmall
14E OWIE +24 Knowledge Large
did not think that WINOES 15H was valid. :( saw OWSEN but wanted to block the R too. #knowledgesaddest
J5 JETE +29 Finding Large
missing EEJIT..... #findingsaddest
10F BU(Y) +14 Knowledge Large
SUBENTRY missed again #findingsaddest #knowledgesaddest
10F BU(Y) +14 Finding Large
SUBENTRY missed again #findingsaddest #knowledgesaddest
H12 TOPE +26 Finding Large
ah yes, the day I missed RECEPTOR. #findingSADDEST
H1 B(R)OAD +27 Strategy Small
DRAB looks good here. #strategysmall
6I HEN +21 Strategy Large
6E NAH looks best #strategysaddest
H8 (M)OzETTES +80 Knowledge Large
misdesignated blank but not actually. MOZETTE is plural. Saw MOfETTES and preferred this for style. #knowledgeSADDEST
L8 H(OY)AS +30 Finding Large
drew the KELIM extension!!!!!!! shiiiiiet #findinglarge
8B OVERS(TE)PS +65 Finding Small
missing P(A)SSOVER through the A in PENTADS. #findingSAD
A12 BA(D)E +30 Finding Small
missed BA()RNAClE which is probably worth playing. Saw CARABINE which is not. #findingSAD
4J PIMA +30 Knowledge Large
sad miss of PLASMODIA :O :O #knowledgelarge
10L POI +17 Endgame Small
I missed his out of CURT lol -3 #endgameSAD
E11 BU(T)OH +20 Strategy Small
wishing for a 3x3 of my own is not really a smart strategy here. The U isn't really that bad. 3L HOB is fine. #strategysmall
8A LEAF +47 Finding Large
CLEF is a bad miss, same spot. That's 6 more points and a better lane to work with. Rare lapse. #findinglarge
3K EKING +37 Tactics Small
I also considered KI in the same spot. Was going to play that until Mack gave me 2 more points for EKING. KI is potentially still better, but Mack is definitely likely to try and block row 5 next and if I don't hit immediately I might be in board trouble. Row 14 and column K are still available after KI, which is probably good enough. #tacticssmall
5B (B)LITZ +32 Strategy Small
the issue with EKING bares its teeth. Now I am potentially in range to come back without a bingo at least? Keeping the Z seems to have a lot of value, and I should play JILT 5D. #strategysmall
14A YOW +23 Endgame Large
L12 SWaY was missed, and it's better to block XU/XU with YOW 12A. -13 #endgamelarge
M7 P(O)I(N)TED +35 Tactics Small
I really wanted to play OUTFOXING but this looked better for me. 22 points is pretty good, the leave is better. And I know it doesn't take an S, unlike FOXING. #tacticssmall
L12 HO +23 Finding Medium
11D (V)ODOU is very nice. This is bad. #findingmedium
H1 WAIL(E)R +30 Endgame Large
Screwed this up, missed L-column plays, so WHAL(E)R is better. Spent forever too. -4 #endgamesaddest
H4 SOLVANT +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
Matt had never beaten me at this point. Definitely decided to give him a chance #knowledgesaddest
1A CANE +30 Knowledge Small
didn't know CANER at the time. CANER or CANERS look better in the same spot #knowledgesmall
D5 (J)UG +16 Strategy Medium
really weird decision if I wrote down my leave correctly. You can find a better play than this one, I'm certain of it. #strategymedium
M11 (Q)UIET +34 Endgame Small
had mistracked an L I think, so I didn't know if QUITE was going to give something huge back. It was either that or it was better than QUIET. -2 #endgamesmall
pass - +0 Knowledge Large
4K WINY +25 Strategy Small
probably trying way too hard to outplay, should just play WENNY or WYN #strategysmall
12F DURA +27 Strategy Small
missed a few plays that look slightly better here, like PAGOD 12K, PARGO, DOPA in the same spot. This is fine #strategysmall
10F (ZOEA)L +20 Knowledge Large
wtf #findingSADDEST #knowledgeSADDEST
10F (ZOEA)L +20 Finding Large
wtf #findingSADDEST #knowledgeSADDEST
15G GoLFeRS +87 Finding Large
didn't know or missed REFLAGS this time #findingSADDEST
B4 URAEI +9 Finding Medium
C2 UREA should be correct. I must have missed it #findingmedium
2C LA(C) +5 Finding Small
F3 AI much better execution. This is sad #findingSAD
C10 DOCK +25 Knowledge Large
missed RUDDOCKS #knowledgeSADDEST
9E D(O) +6 Endgame Large
blew this endgame because I chickened out of TYPAL and missed that P(A)TY won. I also probably missed his response to this. #endgameSADDEST
2N Y(O) +10 Endgame Large
TYPAL still wins. #endgameSADDEST
exch BIIOU +0 Strategy Small
BIDI is probably fine here;. This sims a bit behind plays like BIDI and DUI and OBI. #strategysmall
L1 HATH +38 Knowledge Large
missing HEI(S)HI, I word that still looks weird to me today. HI(R)E L8 also sims better than this. #strategysmall #knowledgelarge
L1 HATH +38 Strategy Small
missing HEI(S)HI, I word that still looks weird to me today. HI(R)E L8 also sims better than this. #strategysmall #knowledgelarge
H8 UH +10 Strategy Small
what a bad play. Just HAUNT #strategySAD
exch IIIM +0 Strategy Small
should keep AIMRT apparently #strategySAD
13I A(BE)TS +34 Finding Large
missing VOTARESS #findingSADDEST
D12 HI +22 Finding Large
I overdrew IIY and she threw back the Y. I missed ISCHIA here at O1 #findingSADDEST
9G FESTIVe +87 Strategy Small
I might have misevaluated this position. I didn't like creating the M7 lane after L1 FeSTIVE. If I try to block, I might open column N. It is true that the board control is better after my play, but I also didn't think about what Mark might be doing with BIT. #strategysmall
5K WAN +24 Finding Medium
I felt I was missing something this turn. Indeed, L8 A(V)OWAL was missed. #findingmedium
O1 FO(E) +20 Strategy Small
It's the year 2023. And I still can't get the damn EE vs EO positions right. FE(E) does 3pts better #strategysmall
B10 OURIE +18 Finding Small
G7 (K)OUROI sims a couple of points better. Makes navigating the game a bit easier, but probably still better #findingsmall
13A Q(I)S +24 Strategy Large
L3 FORB is so much better here. This was a huge lapse in judgment. #strategylarge
5E RET(O)TAlS +78 Finding Large
This turn, I completely failed to see TRISTE(Z)A through the Z, which was yet another case of complete blindness to a bingo I looked for. I realized I had TRISTEZA right after I made my play. I also looked for 5-way overlaps, but failed to see the only one, STARETS at I2. That's the play. I really didn't want to make an X spot, so failing to see STARETS and TRISTEZA, I could still make an effort to see RHEOSTAT, which doesn't create the X spot. #findinglarge
10B REV(A)MP +21 Finding Medium
tough turn! I somehow failed to consider 2I REV(A)MP. Not actually a tough turn now. I saw VAMP there only and hated the hook it left. #findingmedium
5D TEMP(O) +18 Finding Small
could not find a play to make here. IMP 8C looks best, and I also missed I6 KIT which is simple. This sucks but at least I have a chance of being able to shut the board down after this, but IMP is just superior #findingsmall
12F VIEW +19 Tactics Small
I could go the total opposite direction with 3L ERUV but that seemss very dump considereing the pool. I missed VIRU(S) which at least sheds the terrible U tile, but this was more defensive than anything else besides WIVER, and I thought the R was a bit better to keep. Seems better to play WIVER #tacticssmall
D12 PI(A)L +14 Endgame Unspecified
could not figure this out for the life of me. -18 to D12 CL(A)Y #endgamelargeg
F3 BOXE(D) +17 Tactics Small
this also seemed very wrong. It performs OK in a sim, but the sim does not comprehend Jackson's defensive responses that don't allow re-overlaps on the C column. I really have to throw out rack balance for a turn here and make a weird-looking play like B(A)TE G6o r just OB(E) 6F. #tacticssmall
exch BFGPT +0 Finding Small
missed the nice B(EWE)PT. Very equity-focused mindset. PET was also a leave I wanted, but I felt like Jackson would more often than not dampen the P by playing on the D column. Thought better to go for an S or R or blank. #findingsmall
B9 TORREnT +68 Vision Large
horrible board vision fail, missing the S hook on RESOUND! RETORTS and RESOUNDS is a lot better. #visionsaddest
8L (O)HIA +21 Endgame Small
the reverse order, VIN setting up OHIA, is a bit better for spread. -3 #endgamesmall
4H (K)URU +8 Finding Small
F1 DURO seems fine here #findingsmall
11D (E)LINT +10 Endgame Small
11C L(E)PTON is one point better #endgamesmall
E5 AZU(R)E +28 Strategy Small
my original thought was ZE(E) F6 for 32. But then I saw this, and wondered if it could be worse. Quackle thinks this is around a 3-point error, which I find hard to argue with unless somehow Ricky plays more closed after ZE(E) such a significant amount of the time. #strategysmall
D4 (TRIPLEX)ES +42 Knowledge Large
chickened out of ROSEFISH!!!! #knowledgeSADDEST
F12 VOI(D) +10 Finding Small
missed E11 SHIVE or SHOVE. SHIVE is best #findingSAD
H7 N(U)MB +8 Tactics Small
I really need to learn how to exchange in positions like thess. Would have saved the game for me, surely. #tacticssmall
13L (E)RG +20 Knowledge Large
wow. I am shellshocked. I never came close to seeing GESTURER. That should have won me the game. #findinglarge #knowledgelarge shit shit shit
13L (E)RG +20 Finding Large
wow. I am shellshocked. I never came close to seeing GESTURER. That should have won me the game. #findinglarge #knowledgelarge shit shit shit
1A sOMONI +44 Finding Large
I missed INvESTO(R), SEiGNIO(R) and dIGESTO(R) 15A, I should block those, even though this outruns it. #findinglarge
K11 GAMY +28 Tactics Unspecified
HAEM K11 is a good play. Doesn't give back the things that the Y does. This was not thought about enough. #tacticsmeidum
L1 FIFE +32 Tactics Small
FIFER still better #tacticssmall
J2 RUANA +19 Finding Medium
bad. I5 HA(ZA)N even protects the S lane on row 4 #findingmedium
F3 SH +17 Knowledge Medium
I want to do (NA)RDS 5J even though it blocks the D in FOOD, because YARAKS is good! I always forget that because of its definition: a fit condition for hunting: -- used of a hawk. The last part confuses my brain into thinking it's an adjectiive or an exclamation. #knowledgemedium #tacticsmedium
F3 SH +17 Tactics Medium
I want to do (NA)RDS 5J even though it blocks the D in FOOD, because YARAKS is good! I always forget that because of its definition: a fit condition for hunting: -- used of a hawk. The last part confuses my brain into thinking it's an adjectiive or an exclamation. #knowledgemedium #tacticsmedium
1H OU(T)PETER +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
so bad. OUTPREEN, SALTPETER didn't seem to deter me from believing this was valid. #knowledgelarge
L7 ROUPET +27 Finding Small
his range is nothing specifically good, fine to open with 8K RUPEE. I never even saw it. #findingsmall
J10 COG +22 Finding Small
I feel I've already lost this game. I missed ECO J9. Hoping I paralyze him with this play and that next turn I can either draw well or take a low-variance turn to exchange. ECO is the best play. #findingsmall
O5 INC(L)UDES +62 Finding Small
missing UNSLICED in the same spot. #findingsmall
12A FIFERS +45 Knowledge Large
chickened out of both SNIFFLER and SNUFFIER. It's not that I didn't think I could get away with SNIFFLER, but I was going to challenge the S hook, which means I was not playing optimal Scrabble. SNUFFIER just looked wrong, but FUNFIRES kept resounding in my head, so I should have gone with it. #knowledgeSADDEST
5B SANTIM(U)S +70 Knowledge Large
and then I didn't even question this S hook. Phony... #knowledgeSADDEST
4F OU(T) +9 Finding Small
OE B14 is decent here, and ONE 6A is also good. Quackle loves ONE. #findingsmall
K4 FINIS +29 Strategy Small
super regret not just playing N(E)IF here. Not sure what I was thinking. Misinferred, something something. #strategysmall
14B OLLA +10 Endgame Small
just flopped and forgot he had an A. Read tracking as EIILL. Should just play TOE first. #endgamesmall
15A WINE +29 Endgame Small
13C NAOI is best #endgamesmall -4
15H NINE +20 Finding Small
TEN 15F > NINE #findingsmall
N1 DEFT +27 Endgame Large
missed OFT L9 as an outplay. That's best now, saving DEX. -13 #endgamelarge
G5 UNITIZE +86 Knowledge Medium
the best draws, but I gots to play UNITIZE(R). #knowledgemedium
L11 EGRET +22 Endgame Large
he is stuck... with an R... -14 #endgamelarge
4D MIA(O)W +28 Vision Large
inexplicably missing the C hook on RAYON now. #visionlarge
A5 (T)RIJET +39 Finding Small
chickening out of JETTIER was justifiable. Not missing JITTER though... #findingsmall
L4 DOGE(Y) +20 Finding Large
(Y)OGIC is a miss. #findinglarge not the way to start this thing
15D (F)AWNED +39 Tactics Medium
gotta leave the F open and block this huge hotspot instead. Really tunnelled here. E11 EEW is the play. #tacticsmedium
C7 (V)ARIA +12 Finding Medium
(T)IARA is one more and doesn't set a huge scoring spot up. #findingmedium
1H RO(N)IN +18 Strategy Small
:O blocked IRONIES and DERISION and didn't have a blank! I think I have to go for turnover here with IRO(N)IES despite being more likely to hit a bingo after RONIN #strategysmall
M1 SEIZED +38 Finding Small
so bad!!!! I had Z(E)STED for 14 more! I also don't want to block the L's just in case I draw a blank and she blank bingos on row 15, leaving me nowhere to go in a hole I dug myself! #findingsmall
12C RUI(N) +8 Tactics Large
I did this... to set up a big Q play next turn and not give her an easy play of CIN(Q)S or DIN. This is still quite pathetic, and I have no idea why I did it. #tacticslarge
12L (N)U +2 Strategy Medium
I have to block INOSITOL! I can also just play OEsTRUAL which I missed, but that's quite bad on spread and I should only play if I have a read that she has INOSITOL. (D)A is a stronger fish, hitting 5/8 in both spots, whereas this hits 4/8. #strategymedium
B2 DA(F)TNESS +78 Finding Medium
just somehow missing SENSATED and STANDEES in the ADEENSST rack. Needed to alphagram on my scoresheet. STANDEES plays for 82 at 6B. #findingmedium
2H RUM +25 Endgame Small
-1 to K11 LIMO, which sets up UR(CHIN)S K1 next! #endgamesmall
1H RAMIE +32 Finding Small
probably MEDIA #findingsmall
10I (T)HE +30 Knowledge Large
#knowledgeSADDEST for all the missed bings
B4 TRY +18 Endgame Small
E1 R(O)OTY is best #endgamesmall
9B W(E) +10 Tactics Medium
this was so sad and bad. I should just do something more aggressive I think. This doesn't hit all that much and I'm just in the same spot next turn a lot, after having scored nothing and done nothing. Should just do SWAIL/TOMS, which I was going to do, but then didn't like leaving the N column bingos open forever. Had a silly idea of being able to fully control this board still. #tacticsmedium
12L E(T)UI +10 Strategy Small
I missed 6I DUI, which I think I would have preferred to play. #strategysmall
10D (HE)FT +34 Finding Small
just missed THEFT until it was too late. Luckily, the T helps me a small amount here, so this isn't just 5 points down the drain. #findingSAD
A1 VI(M)EN +33 Strategy Small
VI(N)E is a play I considered at 6I. This is a good practical decision, but VINE seems too strong to discount. It does a great job outrunning. #strategysmall
5J P(ER)RON +8 Endgame Small
-1 to PAD 14A which DOESN'T EVEN GO OUT ffs. Just scores two turns in a row instead of going out. #endgamesmall
A4 GAsI(F)ORM +65 Finding Small
missing MARIGOLD D1 #findingSAD
N10 AIRER +21 Finding Large
extremely sad TERRARIA miss despite looking #findingSADDEST
O1 IRIS +24 Strategy Large
this is actually bad because I can no longer Q stick him when he bingos, since 12B and N1 will be open. I should play URI(N)AL 14E instead. That solves all of the problems and should always win, while this does not always win #strategySADDEST
8A HERNS +34 Strategy Small
wow, really misevaluated this one. NEEPS for 37 is definitely better. Quackle also prefers playing HEP L11 and EPH(A) J1. HERPES at 8J also a good move here. #strategysmall
G8 APTERIA +68 Finding Large
so dumb that I didn't just stop for one second to realize he gave me what I needed for the bingo through the N to play #findingSADDEST
N2 TAST(Y) +34 Strategy Small
TEST(Y) was my first instinct and it does better, the old adage of A going with Q stands tall. I thought it didn't apply here. #strategysmall
1E (B)OLTON +24 Knowledge Large
oops #knowledgeSADDEST
12C HUE +15 Finding Large
missed HENIQUEN and HENEQUIN. Dah. Never played either still. #findingSADDEST
7G aLIENEE +62 Finding Large
but now I just miss EYELINER and DELINEATE. #findingSADDEST
D3 BIC(O)RN +22 Strategy Small
I didn't like LIBRI because the CN didn't seem to go well with the C in HAPTIC, but I guess I'm also not completely stuck having to use that C. I didn't like CIB(O)L because it's easy enough to dump an S for 30+ and outrun me. Still, that might be the way. C12 CRIB is also interesting, going all in on using the C next turn. This just doesn't hit enough. #strategysmall
C9 ALODIAS +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
wasn't sure about this being phony but I felt I needed this to win? #knowledgelarge
3J (S)COW +18 Strategy Medium
hmm. I wasn't sure how to proceed here, but I thought this woud lead to the most bingos, and opening was important. However, this play gives a ton back, and bingo chances are low regardless. It seems better to either score 24 with K5 TOW, play OUTGO 10C (hate it) or play the weird-looking GU(A)CO F3 to prevent big QADI underlaps. Quackle sees this as a significant mistake, and it's hard to disagree. It definitely didn't feel right. This board will open from the R in SPIDERS, and the 10 row is hard to deal with. #strategymedium
N10 BOW +30 Finding Large
sad miss of BROWbON(E). I saw BORON but I just lose so often after an S bingo. Sure, him playing YE doesn't mean much, but he probably has a lot of balance. YES is 13 more points, but I think Jon would be saving a case S with SAUTOIRES on the board and the game being close. I thought that after BORON and a BORONS bingo I could sometimes return the favor on row 14 with overlaps, and with 9s through the letters on columns C and D, and even more rarely with B column bingos. It's hard to set things up if I miss, and even harder to outrun. Quackle prefers BORON in a vacuum by a steep margin of 8 points. There are also a ton of N's left to duplicate, and the same issues apply after a BOWS bingo, but then it's even harder to overlap, and harder to play 9s. Still, if I bingo next turn, it's hard to imagine losing, which isn't really the case after BORON, unless that bingo is on the 15 row. Anyways, it's all moot I guess, because of BROWBONE. #findingsaddest
M12 OX +24 Strategy Large
I really just need to play off the X. Just gotta find my 9s. If he bingos with BOWS or BOWL, I get N(AT)ROLITE with an I or L, I get R(AT)TOONED, and with Y or S, I get (AT)TORNEYS. With an M, TORMENT(Or). And then there are the overlaps of whatever bingo Jon would play on row 13. Still, I do insta-lose after some bingos. X(ED) 13B is the alternative, setting up a new lane. There's only one E left. Even if Jon plays on the A column, I will usually win after an out-bingo. If he gets something huge like FILMIER A8 for 101, he will be at 439, with a full rack and an empty bag. If I draw the Y, I get ATTORNEYs for 94 and 14 from Jon, winning with a 455. If I draw a bingo on row 13 like TONNERs, I'm scoring 72 and getting 20, tying with a 439. That's at the upper end of bad for me. However, if Jon doesn't bingo immediately, the same will then apply for my bingos on the A column. So it gets kind of dicey. Still, it's a very interesting option. This one, OX, runs into some bad draws, with only a 2/3 chance at best of a bingo. Playing just the X off is more like a 75% chance. This does block a bit, and his bingos will actually open a lane after this, which is why I chose it. But this was a scared play. Could have really gone badly for me. #strategylarge
O9 RALLY +16 Knowledge Large
just with BRANG*, I was about ready to snap challenge, and the longer I took, the less I felt I should challenge. This is a huge mistake, but I still figured my best chances were holding on from this position. But I missed AR(M)Y for 39, which is too many to say no to. There is very limited risk of 7 consonants next turn being pivotal enough to lose the game, and also very minimal chance of not drawing a vowel, given the 15/10 vowel/consonant ratio. Something like 10-15%? I just missed AR(M)Y, but worse, I made this play with absolutely no clue about RALLYE, a word I know. I never saw RALLYE. This was Jackson's game to come back and win. Incredibly good pressure by him, picking at my confidence levels more and more every turn. #knowledgesaddest #visionsaddest #strategysaddest #findingsaddest
O9 RALLY +16 Finding Large
just with BRANG*, I was about ready to snap challenge, and the longer I took, the less I felt I should challenge. This is a huge mistake, but I still figured my best chances were holding on from this position. But I missed AR(M)Y for 39, which is too many to say no to. There is very limited risk of 7 consonants next turn being pivotal enough to lose the game, and also very minimal chance of not drawing a vowel, given the 15/10 vowel/consonant ratio. Something like 10-15%? I just missed AR(M)Y, but worse, I made this play with absolutely no clue about RALLYE, a word I know. I never saw RALLYE. This was Jackson's game to come back and win. Incredibly good pressure by him, picking at my confidence levels more and more every turn. #knowledgesaddest #visionsaddest #strategysaddest #findingsaddest
O9 RALLY +16 Vision Large
just with BRANG*, I was about ready to snap challenge, and the longer I took, the less I felt I should challenge. This is a huge mistake, but I still figured my best chances were holding on from this position. But I missed AR(M)Y for 39, which is too many to say no to. There is very limited risk of 7 consonants next turn being pivotal enough to lose the game, and also very minimal chance of not drawing a vowel, given the 15/10 vowel/consonant ratio. Something like 10-15%? I just missed AR(M)Y, but worse, I made this play with absolutely no clue about RALLYE, a word I know. I never saw RALLYE. This was Jackson's game to come back and win. Incredibly good pressure by him, picking at my confidence levels more and more every turn. #knowledgesaddest #visionsaddest #strategysaddest #findingsaddest
O9 RALLY +16 Strategy Large
just with BRANG*, I was about ready to snap challenge, and the longer I took, the less I felt I should challenge. This is a huge mistake, but I still figured my best chances were holding on from this position. But I missed AR(M)Y for 39, which is too many to say no to. There is very limited risk of 7 consonants next turn being pivotal enough to lose the game, and also very minimal chance of not drawing a vowel, given the 15/10 vowel/consonant ratio. Something like 10-15%? I just missed AR(M)Y, but worse, I made this play with absolutely no clue about RALLYE, a word I know. I never saw RALLYE. This was Jackson's game to come back and win. Incredibly good pressure by him, picking at my confidence levels more and more every turn. #knowledgesaddest #visionsaddest #strategysaddest #findingsaddest
11J A(N)OA +15 Vision Large
almost played ANNO(Y), which would have blocked RALLYE unwittingly. I wanted to block REFRAINS stuff, which is obviously far less of a factor given RALLYE. I thought this did a good job outrunning 14E plays. I could play EAU at L11 to also block the dangerous REFRAINS hook as well as scoring plays to the Y, but I was more worried about getting outrun from 53 ahead instead of 62 ahead, and that would allow Jackson time to play something on the N column like OE maybe, since EAU protects that sort of opening. #visionsaddest for RALLYE again.
11I WORD +21 Tactics Small
13I DROWN is simming best, which sort of says something about the position. I think I was trying too hard for the J setup, although he does have unconducive tiles to block the setup with. #tacticssmall
O12 (F)EUS +32 Knowledge Medium
This is when S(PORTERs) becomes relevant. I was not a fan of it at the start of the game, but I forgot about it when things started frowning upon me in this middlegame. It is absolutely relevant here and keeping my S is very important. #knowledgemedium
6A ZIRCoNS +73 Knowledge Large
Now, I need to see S(PORTERs) to even have a fighting chance. If I don't challenge, ZIRcONS ties the game up! #knowledgelarge #knowledgesaddest
6A ZIRCoNS +73 Knowledge Large
Now, I need to see S(PORTERs) to even have a fighting chance. If I don't challenge, ZIRcONS ties the game up! #knowledgelarge #knowledgesaddest
12H (A)X +18 Finding Medium
12A LUX is pretty great since I get a lot of 3x3s when he uses LUXE, and LUXE if he uses the L. Cool idea, thanks Kenji #findingmedium
10J A(N)NULI +10 Finding Large
lol missing NONI(D)EAL #findingSADDEST
2B INR(O) +8 Endgame Large
tough endgame. I have to block MELODIA (and EARLDOM which I missed). Didn't see any way to do this and save two outs, but NOM(O)I does it. MORI(O)N is very gutsy and also leaves outs. -10 #endgamelarge
D1 D(O)TY +20 Strategy Medium
confused at this play, why didn't I play like G11 DOTY for example. #strategymedium
H4 GAUZE +34 Strategy Small
The G is bad, mkay. #strategysmall
9J IGLOO +13 Finding Small
Wow. I had severe tunnel vision on this first move. I only saw X(U) which was very defensive and draw into some stuff like OTOLOGIC and ZOOLOGIC or something else if more stuff is opened. The other thing I considered was IGLOO 9J to try and set my X up. I totally failed to consider another X setup play, COL(U)GO I5. It's a less worrisome version of IGLOO, giving around 2 points fewer back on average, fewer bingos, and giving me a little bit more. IGLOO is more defensive down the line, which is good if things fall into place, but not good when they don't. I also totally missed OXIC 7J, which is standard. I would consider this a mistake over COL(U)GO for sure, even though IGLOO appears to benefit me over time. FWIW X(U) sims similarly well to the X-setup options, and it also seems to complicate the game the most. With so few moves available in the position, I find it most outrageous that I failed to see other candidates, and am more concerned about that than anything else. #findingsmall #tacticssmall
9J IGLOO +13 Tactics Small
Wow. I had severe tunnel vision on this first move. I only saw X(U) which was very defensive and draw into some stuff like OTOLOGIC and ZOOLOGIC or something else if more stuff is opened. The other thing I considered was IGLOO 9J to try and set my X up. I totally failed to consider another X setup play, COL(U)GO I5. It's a less worrisome version of IGLOO, giving around 2 points fewer back on average, fewer bingos, and giving me a little bit more. IGLOO is more defensive down the line, which is good if things fall into place, but not good when they don't. I also totally missed OXIC 7J, which is standard. I would consider this a mistake over COL(U)GO for sure, even though IGLOO appears to benefit me over time. FWIW X(U) sims similarly well to the X-setup options, and it also seems to complicate the game the most. With so few moves available in the position, I find it most outrageous that I failed to see other candidates, and am more concerned about that than anything else. #findingsmall #tacticssmall
10D ENTICES +72 Knowledge Large
I honestly thought he had taken away a ticket back into the game, but unfortunately I did not see my bing to the O, once again. Damn. If I had only thought about this rack as more than a "play ENTICES/IGLOOS if he doesn't block and play it with KIS if he does block" #findinglarge #knowledgelarge
10D ENTICES +72 Finding Large
I honestly thought he had taken away a ticket back into the game, but unfortunately I did not see my bing to the O, once again. Damn. If I had only thought about this rack as more than a "play ENTICES/IGLOOS if he doesn't block and play it with KIS if he does block" #findinglarge #knowledgelarge
14L TICK +42 Finding Large
uhhhh I missed CUTIN in the same spot. I was fastplaying but I could have seen that play on her time, wow. #findingsaddest
B10 MOO(C)H +36 Endgame Medium
-8 C8 TRIO setting up B9 OHM with HOM 2F as backup #endgamemedium
6F VAT +18 Finding Small
never saw TAV 11E, stupid and careless. #findingsmall
A7 S(C)RIPTER +63 Knowledge Medium
unsure of RESCRIPT, which is much better, but as always, my potentially disastrous mistakes do not end in disaster. Held and released. #knowledgemedium
10J HATED +36 Finding Medium
in speed games, there is enormous value in seeing bingos quickly. I unfortunately do not usually have that capacity, so I often make plays like this, that can't be too much worse than a bingo, but that are clearly inferior. The time I save is very valuable, but immediately missing the bingos is obviously a problem. Had I taken the time to see a bingo after not immediately seeing one, I would have lost a lot of time and it would not have been worth it. Best looks to be L5 cATHEAD, which looks like it would lead to a game where whoever gets the next bingo will win. #findingmedium
D4 ANnEALE(D) +68 Finding Medium
14H (S)pELAEAN is 78! Despite AnNEALED being better because of the placement of the N, it was not worth the extra second to replace the two N's once I had laid the play down. #findingmedium
2B M(O)ONY +36 Finding Small
failed to find plays here, many plays look good that I didn't see. This was the start of me thinking I was ahead, when Noah and I were actually around tied. DUNGAREE scored a lot. 13C MOONI(L)Y looks decent here. 9G O(T)IC is very nice, and M(O)ONY only does well because it keeps O(T)IC for next turn. N10 (D)OOMY is also a good play. #findingsmall
1F OXIC +44 Tactics Large
I now realized that I wasn't actually ahead, but this still looked quite strong to block the easy scoring spot, so I was happy to take it over XI(S) for 55. This is valid strategy for blitz, since I'm also leaving myself with FEH 4F for next turn, but the position is obviously richer than that. Not playing 4 tiles is good here because neither of us wants too draw the Q. The pool is very bad so blocking row 1 isn't really all that valuable, except for a game-ending play there like WEARY, TEARING, YEARN, which happens only once in a while. 14F XI(S) is definitely the stronger choice. #tacticslarge
6D (n)EG +18 Endgame Medium
missing that he gave me a spot for TEGG, freaking out because I was about to go over time and it might matter. #endgamemedium -5
G4 CREa(M)ERY +65 Finding Large
missed all the other bings here. Sadface. RECYCLER I should see, RECOVERY I should see. mERCERY I don't play because it opens a 3x3, I'd best play CE(L)ERY for 28. Also thought he might challenge this. #findinglarge
O1 FET(E) +21 Finding Large
really put me on the edge here, I cannot let him 3x3 here with how bingo-prone this board is, so I decided to throw a lot of equity down the drain to block. NUV were poor here, but the Y was very nice, and I get NY(AH) for 30 at a bare minimum. However I just completely spaced on (E)VENT which is just a way better version of this. In a sim this gets destroyed by ENVY 5I for 35 by almost 20 points. It still loses to ENVY if I add 100 points to my score, which gives you an idea of how bad I am at this game. EVENT is the play #findinglarge
8A RAKE(D) +33 Finding Large
Missing 15A EUREKA!!! #findinglarge
7C FRAUL(E)IN +67 Finding Large
UNIFILAR #findingsaddest
4H (W)ODGE +20 Finding Large
GARDEROBE!!!! #findingsaddest
A4 (U)MBER +27 Strategy Small
UMBRAE is probably still just better, even inferring a blank rack from Noah. #strategysmall
N1 (Z)ORI +26 Finding Large
#findingsaddest NOURISH, lost the game here.
L10 STANE +18 Endgame Large
TUNE 11K is best to block. #endgamesaddest
13B T(A)UTENED +62 Knowledge Large
I was ready to play UNTENTED despite being unsure, but he gave me an A to play through, and I decided to make a big sacrifice to play something I was sure of. Once I played TAUTENED I started getting a bit pissed off at myself. I had been convinced UNTENTED was valid, but was more like 70% beforehand. 30% of the time I lose way too much to justify not taking around a 10 point sacrifice, but this assumes Seth will always know. Once again intimidated by the word knowledge, to a fault. Seth was likely to have challenged this, as he demonstrated when I asked him about UNTENTED after the game. #knowledgeSADDEST
14A RASPS +45 Finding Large
Sad miss of ASPERSOR. That locks the game in so much better than this. #findingSADDEST
14J YO +28 Strategy Small
I really didn't want to play YOWIEs N10 because of the I draws, but this has to be worse. I ran out of time. Quackle likes 11E (Q)I, which is hilarious. I think this is just bad. YOWIEs has to be better #strategySAD
15A EW +27 Endgame Small
I should just go out. I chickened out of WIGGIER and missed WINGIER. I also had like 7 seconds. #endgameSAD
K7 (R)IGId +16 Endgame Large
not going out is better #endgameSADDEST
L8 PYR(I)C +30 Finding Medium
missing CYPRIAN #findingmedium
6J JAMB +39 Finding Large
totally missed BEAM(I)NG because I was tilting. #findinglarge #findingSADDEST
6J JAMB +39 Finding Large
totally missed BEAM(I)NG because I was tilting. #findinglarge #findingSADDEST
E5 DOX(I)E +45 Finding Medium
unbelievable, missing DE(T)OX again. #findingmedium
D2 (BI)B +14 Finding Medium
missed the bing here #findingmedium
I1 RAZ(E) +44 Finding Large
totally missed B11 A(D)ZE. This inexplicably sims better than ADZE. Horrendous playfinding this game. #findingsaddest
G12 (R)OVE +8 Endgame Large
sadly couldn't talk myself into LOUTER* being phony. Again. FFS. -6 #endgamesaddest
E13 (A)ZO +12 Finding Large
sonogram is now possible #findingsaddest
N2 BONEY +56 Finding Medium
missing BRIONY #findingmedium
G5 BARNY +32 Finding Medium
I just flat-out missed BARYE here. I was also unsure of BARNEY, even though I would have played that in an NWL game. I also just missed BYRE J5. #findingmedium
D12 UT +17 Tactics Small
weird spot. this isn't ideal since it's harder to trade bingos now. Stuff will play on the C column down to the 12th row and it's a lot harder to hook bingos on the B column up than down given how the English language works. So this doesn't do a good job at trading bingos, but it's such good equity. I recognized that I probably wasn't Q-sticking no matter what. Quackle suggested ET instead, which doesn't run into the same problem with allowing stuff down to C12, since there's only one R for REH#. But the main difference is that we just bingo a lot more to begin with. RE(ADO)UT is the other suggestion. I like ET. #tacticssmall
B2 IT(A)LIC +23 Finding Large
LECTIN just fits atop OE which I somehow failed to notice. That's far and away best. This was just poor. Totally rushed this turn. #findingSADDEST
G14 OD +8 Endgame Large
blew this endgame! Probably didn't see or think ODE(UMS) was valid. (LOFT)IER also wins because it blocks easy ALOFT plays #endgameSADDEST
3C CU(R)E +12 Knowledge Small
only bingo is REsECURE 3E, I think I didn't think it was a word. Still looks weird #findingSAD #knowledgeSAD
3C CU(R)E +12 Finding Small
only bingo is REsECURE 3E, I think I didn't think it was a word. Still looks weird #findingSAD #knowledgeSAD
K6 lIBERA(T)E +68 Knowledge Small
I guess I didn't know WHELKIER either #knowledgeSAD
D7 A(P)IECE +20 Strategy Small
quackle thinks it's a lot better to play APNOEIC or PAEONIC. The leave is similar if not better, and it's 2 more points. #strategysmall
H8 NERVY +30 Finding Small
realized VENERY was better too late #findingsmall
C9 CIR(R)I +20 Strategy Medium
this is a weird play compared to other options that keep a lot better and/or score more #strategymedium
K4 PANDIES +74 Knowledge Small
SPAINED# or PANSIED# score an extra point, but the former is a bit reckless. PANSIED is +1 over this. #knowledgesmall
N5 DI +19 Knowledge Large
best by far is N2 TINDAL# for 41. I've somehow never seen it. I was not 100% on POWN#, and knew this would be at least a small mistake if POWN# was good, so that didn't feel great. Still, I could have spotted NITID C5 which seems decent. #knowledgeSADDEST
J5 LOID +26 Strategy Small
A(QUA) doesn't seem all that important according to Quackle. Apparently I should play LOAD in the same spot, which was my original instinct. 11L (F)OLD is also reasonable if I think STOVE was a Z setup or if I don't want that variance in my life. Truth is I didn't even think of ZE. #strategysmall
D4 ELT +21 Endgame Small
missing (A)TTENT which goes out in two. #endgameSAD
O1 IT +41 Knowledge Large
not knowing or seeing CHUTIST #knowledgelarge
L10 (N)AUTCH +30 Vision Large
completely spacing on S(H)... #visionsaddest
N2 SERAC +42 Knowledge Large
If I was going to chicken out of a valid high-prob 7, at least I did it while making a pretty good play, but it's absolutely horrible that I couldn't be sure BORACES was valid. Noah thought BORACE* was good too. #knowledgeSADDEST
N10 CL(O)ON +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
and I lost the game on this turn again by missing VANPOOL. This is where I think I stopped analysis last time. #knowledgesaddest #findingsaddest
N10 CL(O)ON +0 (Lost challenge) Finding Large
and I lost the game on this turn again by missing VANPOOL. This is where I think I stopped analysis last time. #knowledgesaddest #findingsaddest
14I VOLCAN(O) +28 Finding Large
sick that it still fits for even more (which means her play would still fit for even more had I made the right decision but anyways. #findingsaddest
M2 DIPT +27 Finding Medium
I didn't see DI(R)ECT until afterwards. I also didn't consider EDIT or DIT with OVERBAKED, which are very nice here. #findingmedium
L2 R(O)OT +11 Endgame Small
missed TO(X)INE, L3 (O)RG is one better. -1 #endgamesmall
O6 EROS +34 Knowledge Medium
REDOS same spot #knowledgemedium
11K W(E)AK +22 Strategy Large
very weak and paranoid #strategylarge
5C DOJ(O) +24 Finding Large
missing J2 JOI(S)T and being paranoid again #findinglarge
I7 GEE +23 Finding Small
missed EXU(D)E #findingsmall
N2 DIVAN +26 Tactics Large
when I originally challenged THREATER*, the clock reset. We both had around 12 minutes left and we agreed upon that, but I had used a ton of time in the last few moves to which I only had around 2 minutes and change. It really bothered me not knowing how much time I had left exactly, but it shouldn't have. I should have been calm and collected. Instead, I played this because it seemed to accomplish a lot of goals, as well as setting my X up, and I didn't want there to be a dispute. All of this to excuse the fact that I still cannot see the word VIAND immediately when I see DIVAN. VIAND is just a much better version of this, especially when you consider what happened in the game. #tacticslarge
2L FUTZ +39 Finding Small
this was completely stupid, I missed this same word at J11 #findingsmall
15D XYLOSE +87 Finding Large
I have to play OXEY(E)S B9 to be more likely to bingo next turn. Thought I could steal it if he challenges or misses YOGINI #findinglarge
13B EPISOME +87 Knowledge Large
I didn't even hold here since I was so sure LAWINS was good. Lol. #knowledgelarge
F7 J(E)T(E) +11 Finding Large
missing THUJ(A) D4 #findinglarge
1M MOI +27 Finding Large
missing 13H (A)MNION #findinglarge scored as 28
10A aMORTI(Z)E(D) +78 Finding Large
J2 ORRAS +19 Knowledge Large
O12 VETS +51 Endgame Medium
E2 RAUNChY +77 Knowledge Large
I was unsure of TRUANCY and DURANCY*. TRUANCY plays for 90 at 13I. I forgot about UNCHARY, seeing it and not being sure. #knowledgelarge
15A FET +24 Knowledge Large
now worried about ABASIC* smh, the star play is 7G P(R)EED(I)T for 42(!). This hits PRIED 13I with an R, thought it might be worth going for. #knowledgelarge #findinglarge
15A FET +24 Finding Large
now worried about ABASIC* smh, the star play is 7G P(R)EED(I)T for 42(!). This hits PRIED 13I with an R, thought it might be worth going for. #knowledgelarge #findinglarge
K9 DIO(XI)N +31 Finding Medium
failed to realize this gave back OK #findingmedium
1G G(R)OAN +22 Endgame Large
G5 G(U)ANO ugh #endgamelarge and he shorted me 4 points from his rack even though I knew it. I was rattled after this game. Matt was very much a destabilizing force.
O7 BANDA +36 Finding Small
ANODAL better, LO not going anywhere. #findingsmall Also might be good to leave the spot alone and go for spread with F5 BAAL
F9 NOO +9 Finding Small
I don't believe I considered NOLO, which looks a bit less horrendous. #findingsmall
14A INLY +19 Finding Small
in huge trouble, need to bank on a 3x3 now. Really stupid to not play LINY instead, but his idea of playing ENTOIL might translate into not blocking the L next turn either? No, this was clearly a miss. #findingsmall
11C NU(s) +2 Finding Medium
start of really silly stuff, I think TUNING B9 is just fine. #findingmedium
pass - +0 Knowledge Large
this is an absolutely huge swing. I'm a favourite if I don't challenge, but I was completely tilted at this point and I didn't want him to be winning. It seemed almost inconceivable that this would be a word. #knowledgelarge
E9 COVE +25 Strategy Medium
OVA same spot don't give her (COVE)R #strategymedium
5G M(I)AOU +14 Finding Medium
UMIA(K) or (K)HOUM #findingmedium
I8 HU(G) +14 Knowledge Large
INHAULS #knowledgelarge
K8 eOSINIC +74 Finding Large
missed EQUATE! #findinglarge
13C GE(N)E +17 Endgame Small
-3 B5 (F)EAT #endgamesmall
G8 (C)ONATE +23 Knowledge Large
this is not valid. When will I stop thinking CONATE* is a dead 6 #knowledgesaddest
3I BESWOUN +0 (Lost challenge) Finding Large
does BESNOW ever win? I didn't think so. Thought I could get us into a complex endgame where he accepts and probably still wins. Never thought I would play a synonym of the phony 3x3 I got away with all those years ago at 2014 Nationals. Mack Meller found F7 B(O)W which fishes for LG, L? or G? and hits LONG(HO)USE through HO. That's got to be the best shot by a mile. Maybe not that long, but it's pretty long. #findingsaddest
13A BEGO(N)E +24 Strategy Small
as ugly as it looks, N2 B(R)O sims best. I hit AVERAGE with AA draw and OVERAGE with AO. #strategysmall
14J FETEd +45 Endgame Small
-7 to FAcET not setting up DINOS #endgameSAD
D11 (E)THIC +26 Knowledge Large
13H (AR)BORAL +18 Knowledge Small
dis phony #knowledgeSAD
2A F(I)NNER +11 Knowledge Small
phony number 2 #knowledgeSAD
4H (M)OVIE +20 Finding Small
VICO(M)TE is very nice #findingsmall
7B GUACO +14 Finding Medium
AGA(MID) 5D is the play now. #findingmedium
9N Q(I) +11 Finding Large
1A EEL sets up T(R)ANQ with one of the 4 N's, but I can even play it without drawing an N. #findinglarge
4A ZAX(E)s +30 Finding Small
13A ZANdER is best #findingSAD
2K BAIT +20 Finding Small
PT(U)I 3I looks better #findingSAD
8A COW(S) +27 Finding Small
IWI(S) much better I think #findingSAD
C8 (S)HEETY +32 Finding Large
sometimes you just lose a game on the first turn. This is #, couldn't remember even though I just checked this like two weeks ago. ETHERISE SHEETIER#. Thought SHEETIER was + rather than # and even then SHEETY# could just be invariable. But the elephant in the room is the bingo through the I. Alphabetized DEEHIRTY to no avail. #findingsaddest
O8 EGO +16 Strategy Medium
gotta be OGLE or LOGE for more #strategymedium
C7 rEFUS(I)NG +80 Finding Small
EfFUS(I)NG missed. I missed EFFUSION in the same cafe months ago against Jackson. Sucks. #findingsmall
10B QUO(I)N +36 Strategy Small
almost played QUA(I)L. Sim prefers it by 4 points #strategysmall
10I (W)HANG +20 Knowledge Large
9H (ZA)G actually sims best here. Really cool fish. I was unsure of THANGS and would rather have played THANGS or (T)HANG over this. #strategylarge #knowledgesaddest
10I (W)HANG +20 Strategy Large
9H (ZA)G actually sims best here. Really cool fish. I was unsure of THANGS and would rather have played THANGS or (T)HANG over this. #strategylarge #knowledgesaddest
15L MO(D)I +30 Strategy Small
MO(D)E sims better! Maybe because of Q draws? #strategysmall
G6 MIL +16 Finding Large
M1 I(T)EM was missed. Just have to do that. #findinglarge
3A ODE +13 Endgame Small
-3 to OE or DOE. I knew this won so I played it with almost no time. #endgamesmall
I6 FEME +28 Finding Small
FEM looks very solid because the leave is much better and I'm much likelier to hit PIEZO H1, can also hit ZERO and stuff 12A. The E is a good tile part 1209830935. #findingsmall
C6 PIEZO +59 Vision Large
was very happy with this play he gave me, and yet, H1 PIEZO is there for 81. Horrible #visionsaddest
2J TRONA +26 Strategy Medium
Really dumb, why am I keeping a W here. I need to either play 2M NAW or L1 (N)ONWAR to open the board. #strategymedium
6A T(APE) +6 Knowledge Large
going for NONFUTURE*, should have done (A)T but I saw that it wasn't enough anyway, so chose to try and induce some major error. #knowledgelarge
C12 (KA)E +10 Finding Large
this is bad, should play OE off for EUPNOEIC and other stuff. #findingsaddest
10L (RE)F +14 Finding Large
sad miss of FLUYT here #findingsaddest
N2 CANNUL(A) +22 Finding Medium
don't think I saw AC(Y)L here. This wasn't very good. I was unsure about CANNULE* #findingmedium
L1 FL(E)A(M) +28 Finding Large
FAIL 4I is the play. Didn't see he gave me that. #findinglarge
1H ADRI(F)T +30 Knowledge Large
TRIBADI(C). #knowledgesaddest
7E BEE +18 Finding Large
probably J column plays #findingsaddest
3D REIN +19 Finding Medium
J1 plays!!!! #findingmedium #endgamemedium
3D REIN +19 Endgame Medium
J1 plays!!!! #findingmedium #endgamemedium
10F FEYLY +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
8D URTI(C)AnT +60 Finding Large
missing TURISTA and TUTORIAL. #findingsaddest
11E GUR(U) +10 Finding Small
RUB(I)G(O) missed. That's the star play #findingsad
4H WA(S)TRIES +82 Finding Large
missing K1 WARIEST with overlaps #findingSADDEST
D7 MO(P)ERIES +76 Finding Small
missing REIMPOSE, which is more dangerous but potentially fine. Neither of us knew PREIMPOSE! #findingsmall
C3 COTTA +21 Strategy Large
this is bad for a variety of reasons, mostly because I took forever to play it. #strategysaddest
4I UNA(U) +4 Endgame Medium
2J RUANA #endgamemedium -7
12D OESTrIn +99 Finding Small
didn't think long enough about other vowel combinations under HW, but FOISTED or HOISTED score 2 points, and have different defensive value and different drawbacks to this. This is probably as close to a 2-point mistake as one gets #findingsmall
8K (G)RIFT +30 Finding Large
wasn't sure on GLIFT# and missed the 13A spot for CLIFT due to WOF#. CLIFT 13A is best, followed by LIFT in that spot #findinglarge
O1 AMBE(R) +30 Endgame Large
somehow missing REWARM but seeing BEWARM* #endgameSADDEST -10
10L POH +26 Finding Small
10K PHO is probably a bit better#findingsmall
A8 GAB(b)ED +30 Knowledge Large
I6 HE(R)BAGED is available here as my only decent chance back into the game. But I talked myself out of it! I also talked myself out of DEBAG! I have played too many games in which an option I am unsure of is invalid and reveals to me that I was too hasty with the comeback attempt. Scrabble is psychological warfare sometimes, and I am all but shielded from it. B(A)DGE is also not as bad as it looks, since 4 R's and 3 D's are already gone. #knowledgelarge
6L FOP +21 Finding Small
I hated making this play, and I feared I was missing something, but I was burning time. C9 FO(R)AM was there. #findingsmall
B10 Y(A)M +35 Knowledge Small
was too unsure of FA(R)CY, which plays at C9. Ugh. that's the play. #knowledgesmall
F2 G(R)OW +12 Finding Large
a really nice X-setup with 5E TOW(A)GE but I chose to play it safe and not even look for that. Seems way to prudent. #findinglarge
I8 (RE)V +6 Endgame Large
I2 T(U)T leads to an insane sequence that ends in a 72-point win. This is -10 #endgamelarge
10L T(OY) +6 Endgame Small
talked myself out of ATILT... -3 #endgamesmall
15L PU(N)K +39 Tactics Small
GU(N)K is an improvement, as I need an O4 bingo ASAP #tacticssmall
14J HM +32 Finding Small
I didn't see any moves here except this. I think 5D HETM(A)N is the play. #findingsmall
1M (D)UE +23 Endgame Small
I3 F(A)ENA -4 #endgamesmall
J6 FRORE +23 Knowledge Small
sims near to FROE J6 even without inferring Jason has a strong leave, but FROREN# makes this play a lot worse. I am supposed to know that word, since Matthew Tunnicliffe taught me the FRORNE# FROREN# FORREN# combo a couple of weeks ago #knowledgesmall
O12 MABE +40 Knowledge Small
only 90% on MOBE# #knowledgesmall
15B OUTRO +15 Knowledge Large
both TOURIE# and TOORIE# are words. Damn. They play for 25 at O1. #knowledgeSADDEST
14M WE(B) +16 Strategy Large
I wasn't sure if LEW(D) G5 would always outrun H1 plays, but it does just barely get the job done. This can lose to NO(C)T(U)RIAS if I leave the A in the bag. I only calculated RE(C)A(U)TION, which also loses when the A is in the bag. I transposed letters when thinking about the draws and didn't recognize this. Had I seen that drawing EY wouldn't necessarily win, I would have gone with LEW(D) #strategySADDEST
13K ZAG +41 Finding Medium
should probably play the bingos here for board dynamics and score control. Problem was I was unsure of both SLEAZING and GLAZINGS. I also missed D2 ZAG, gonna have to look harder in my cupboard next time. #findingmedium
G1 YEZ +46 Strategy Large
this was actually terrible. I wondered about SIZIE(R) and just tunnelled on keeping an S... This was a very scary misjudgment. I hope this was just a temporary lapse. #strategySADDEST
O4 CALD(R)ONs +63 Vision Large
for some reason I completely forgot to look through the E of BEDTIME for the simplest of plays, COLAND(E)r, which does almost everything right. #visionSADDEST
15D SABLE +35 Knowledge Large
chickened out of SABLER #knowledgeSADDEST
12G S(E)XY +14 Finding Small
this seemed like the right theme to go with, but XYS(T)S (I only considered XYST I think) is just too powerful I think. GNS is a whole lot better than GNSS even taking defense into account. I should want to get rid of these consos a bit more. #findingsmall
L11 WOO +17 Finding Small
I now began to realize how many damn E's were unseen. This would be a wet dream for some. I missed 6I (R)ATOO(N) which is a fantastic way to close the 3 row and further cripple Josh's options. WOOED L11 was a bit much for me, since after wISSING I'm basically just asking to get 3x3ed on. #findingsmall
D4 TUNDRA +21 Finding Small
Yeah MUDRA N9 was just a miss, that's some nice equity there. #findingsmall
11G IRON(I)ZED +68 Finding Medium
playing the bingo here wasn't at all a given. Z(E)NDO was also a consideration, but with two S's out, I felt my chances were quite poor in comparison to IRONIZED, which at least keeps more scoring spots open. However, I missed Z(E)ROED 14J, which definitely takes the cake here. Really poor playfinding, as I did everything necessary to find the right play and still missed it. #findingmedium
15H GO(OD)IE +27 Finding Large
I thought I was dead, I didn't see IO(t)A on my timie and thought he had just given me a chance to stay in the game with WO. IO(t)A is by far best. I was playing well until IRONIZED. #findinglarge
11I BYS +36 Tactics Medium
This was dumb. I should've played BYRLS 11G because points and no need to risk drawing more consonants when I can just coast. #tacticsmedium
8G V(O)LT +7 Strategy Large
this is just bad #strategylarge
L9 LOTA +18 Finding Small
missed 2B NOPAL #findingsmall
M4 OUTACTs +67 Knowledge Medium
fACTOTU(M) is the play. Didn't see it, not sure I knew it really. Still looks a bit off. #knowledgemedium
7B REGR(EW) +11 Endgame Medium
I shouldn't play so many tiles to let him stick me with RR. 15K RE is 8 points better than this. But I calculated it out and it seemed I still won. He was also low on time. #endgamemedium
C12 (P)UTZ +30 Finding Large
I saw YUZUS through the U in ULPAN and then missed YUZU to the U in FURL. How? Blew the game right here #findingSADDEST
B3 PrAISES +94 Finding Large
hilariously ran out of time here. I assumed he was going to play something with QUATE like ME(R)C so I put down PASSIvE and EQUAT* and only stopped because I didn't have enough time to circle the blank and hit the clock before going overtime. Then I realized I was about to play a hilarious phony and laughed instead of actually finding a better bingo. Then I was down to -00:45 so I had to just play the first thing I saw. #timeSADDEST #findingSADDEST
B3 PrAISES +94 Time Large
hilariously ran out of time here. I assumed he was going to play something with QUATE like ME(R)C so I put down PASSIvE and EQUAT* and only stopped because I didn't have enough time to circle the blank and hit the clock before going overtime. Then I realized I was about to play a hilarious phony and laughed instead of actually finding a better bingo. Then I was down to -00:45 so I had to just play the first thing I saw. #timeSADDEST #findingSADDEST
A8 ROB +21 Tactics Small
A7 BROO to maximize chances at VIVE or VIVA C6 #tacticssmall
J12 VI(C)E +9 Strategy Medium
I think just F10 (WO)VE #strategymedium
4H BEGIRT +30 Endgame Large
-23 to 3J GIRTE(D). I think I spaced on a few things here #endgamesaddest
1E FEES +37 Finding Medium
14A VISEED is the play. #findingmedium
O10 TUBINg +32 Strategy Large
definitely need to play NUBIlE instead of TUBINg considering last play. Still loses just barely. Maybe I fish a U for an A. I thought I could win if I drew the S. #strategysaddest
11E HOE +29 Finding Small
didn't see GHEE 11B OTB, definitely like that more because it gets rid of the G. I at least liked this for potential SQU plays down the line, or ENQUIRE and stuff like that #findingsmall
A12 BRAY +47 Finding Large
missing 8J B(O)UNCY #findinglarge
N12 PUNY +27 Finding Large
now I see the spot and decide POUNCY* is phony I missed every scoring option here. PUNANY# and UNPAY# and NU(N)NY# I didn't know, but L4 NANCY sims best. #findinglarge
G7 J(O)W +25 Tactics Small
J(O)G sims best because of BDMRW synergy and one fewer hook to deal with. #tacticssmall
H11 (G)ITCH +36 Finding Medium
wow I saw a play from the G and also missed a better play at the same time. 13I CHETH is 48, I guess CHET* still haunts me to this day. #findingmedium
D4 SOP +26 Finding Unspecified
I missed ISOSPINS #findingsomething
2C (I)RON +13 Finding Large
oh come on. OMIc/kRONS. #findinglarge
1A (ARRAY)ErS +32 Endgame Large
um, just ARRAYER. ughhhhhhhh #endgamelarge
B10 POLITE +44 Finding Large
PILEI same spot #findinglarge
E10 (V)IREO +31 Finding Large
HOTE(L)IER oof #findingsaddest
L3 AMIR +31 Finding Large
ACROMI(A)L #findinglarge
8K WOOER +38 Finding Small
I should have seen and played WOOF 10K. The leave is just so much better. #findingsmall
O4 VOTE(R) +12 Tactics Medium
10L TOKE is the natural play to make here, but I wanted to test Eric's closed-board skills here. I also really wanted a closed game. #tacticsmedium
O12 YAM +26 Knowledge Medium
such an insane bingo available here. Can you find it? This is probably worse than MAY L11 because although I block myself with MAY, I also give him a lot less to work with, and I have the blank, so I don't really need to leave everything open. #tacticssmall #findingmedium #knowledgemedium
O12 YAM +26 Finding Medium
such an insane bingo available here. Can you find it? This is probably worse than MAY L11 because although I block myself with MAY, I also give him a lot less to work with, and I have the blank, so I don't really need to leave everything open. #tacticssmall #findingmedium #knowledgemedium
O12 YAM +26 Tactics Small
such an insane bingo available here. Can you find it? This is probably worse than MAY L11 because although I block myself with MAY, I also give him a lot less to work with, and I have the blank, so I don't really need to leave everything open. #tacticssmall #findingmedium #knowledgemedium
6I NA(H) +14 Tactics Small
really weird position. I think this is OK, but I could see how something else would be viable, like SADL(Y) and SAND(Y), which are both very aggressive. SL(Y) now is also a thing. It looks like LA(H) is better than this though. #tacticssmall
10M Z(I)G +13 Strategy Medium
I should play E6 (F)RUG here. an A draw gets me kANZ(U), an O pONZ(U), and the Z has value later on once stuff opens up a bit, which is pretty necessary at some point. #strategymedium I was very intent on getting a bingo next turn, but I might not even win if that happens.
8A ROUN(D) +21 Finding Large
I wondered if bURNOUS(ES) was good, but not so much because it didn't score anything and this might be better anyway. However, I missed aNUROUS somehow, which fits for 70 at D9 and is clearly the right play. It will be a close game, but aNUROUS gives me the best shot. #findinglarge
H12 EAUX +41 Tactics Medium
I figured that with the blank in hand, I would rather bingo next turn than cash the X. But this was my golden opportunity to just play EAU. I even laid it down before adding the X. What is he going to do about it? It's perfectly unblockable. Really pissed at myself for misanalyzing this. #tacticsmedium
O1 KEELHOl(E) +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
KEELHALL, KEELHALE, KEELHAUL, KNEEHOLE, KEELHOLE*. I knew that this was very likely to be one of those one-two punches of letting a phony go because it gave me a phony. But I couldn't think of ANAGOGE, and I couldn't think of all of the KEEL words that this wasn't. Only KEELHALL. I knew there were more. I also wasn't sure of PEEKHOLE*, but then eventually remembered PEEPHOLE. I didn't know KNEEHOLE. I hated ANAGOGUE* at the start, I needed to act on that gut instinct. #knowledgesaddest
G9 KOEL +32 Knowledge Large
I still have KNEEHOLE but Jackson either missed it too or decided it wasn't worth blocking as I had already phonied. #knowledgesaddest
I1 HUH +22 Knowledge Large
#knowledgesaddest for not challenging ANAGOGUE* earlier. This is also a tilt play. UH is fine, even though he's likely to have a D. I eat those chances up with the benefits of the UH play, and it's not like HUH doesn't give him so much back. #strategylarge
I1 HUH +22 Strategy Large
#knowledgesaddest for not challenging ANAGOGUE* earlier. This is also a tilt play. UH is fine, even though he's likely to have a D. I eat those chances up with the benefits of the UH play, and it's not like HUH doesn't give him so much back. #strategylarge
M8 (G)RAtINEE +68 Finding Large
totally missing AGREEING #findingsaddest At least it's cool that this game has some really fun point sacrifices for both players, EAU vs. EAUX for me and SNOT vs ENTRESOLS for Jackson. I should also probably just play IN(H)ERE 1G in this spot, speaking of sacrifices. I just don't have a good shot leaving him to choose what scoring spot to use first and what letters to leave himself with for the specific board we have. HERNIAE would be better but it doesn't open anything. I should open something. #questionable
N12 MET +31 Knowledge Large
somehow neither of us noticed mims! #knowledgesaddest also TU(YE)RE exists.
C9 YAI(R)D +43 Strategy Large
DAI(R)Y scores the same you idiot. I realized after I hit the clock. Again. Reason DAIRY is better is because it allows bingos ending in E on both sides of 9C, creating a more viable comeback threat. I figured he probably had the S already given his confidence. #strategysaddest #countingsaddest
14J PI(PET) +15 Endgame Small
T(YE)E is 4 points better #endgamesmall
H2 RECITEr +72 Knowledge Small
EREThIC. Didn't know :( #knowledgesmall
2H (R)EFACE +21 Strategy Medium
F6 OAF obviously a normal play. This is a bit insane. #strategymedium
11H YcLAD +25 Endgame Large
Also chickened out of TARDiLY :( -58 #endgamelarge
exch DIUUW +0 Finding Medium
5J (C)RYING +24 Strategy Small
this is fine, but just (C)RY is really nice much of the time, giving nothing tremendous back, and bingo-ing way more than CRYING. reduces opponent score by almost 10 immediately. Should have given it more thought. #strategysmall
3N BA +14 Strategy Medium
this was wrong, point blank. I need to play BI N8. Realized I really want my A after hitting the clock. Too used to keeping QI over QA. I also know he didn't have an I last move, so maybe QUA G4 and hope he doesn't have the last A or some other big play? #strategymedium
D1 BILE +24 Endgame Large
saw a ridiculous amount of ghosts this endgame, most notable after D2 BEE, thinking that after (TE)MPT 5C, my outs were blocked and that my best was LI(T)U G3 which loses by 1 to uN(FAZED), until a recount would have tied the game up given my earlier misscore of TWeRKED. The worst part in all this isn't that I had misscored TWERKED, but that I missed that TEMPT gives me (M)ULIE E5 as an out. This endgame should have been clear as day to me and instead I just flushed 6 minutes down the drain and basically hoped (informedly) that this would be enough. -10 #endgamesaddest
11C FICO +27 Tactics Small
11J (L)OGIC appears better upon analysis #tacticssmall
B6 ZE(I)NS +36 Knowledge Large
chickened out of NUZZLERS since even if it was good he 3x3s sometimes so not much upside ugh #knowledgelarge
J6 VELD +23 Knowledge Large
11H H(O)LDoVER #knowledgelarge #findinglarge
J6 VELD +23 Finding Large
11H H(O)LDoVER #knowledgelarge #findinglarge
O1 OBE +27 Knowledge Small
again talking myself out of BOUSE because French #knowledgesmall
1D (O)RPIN +21 Finding Large
just failing miserably at seeing INPOUR #findinglarge
L8 DUI +17 Endgame Medium
somehow didn't realize AD A1 made valid 2s. Welcome to the panicum. #endgamemedium -8
7F JUN +19 Finding Medium
damn, I just didn't see MEOW at 9G. I thought a whole lot about this turn and figured I was overthinking, but I really enjoyed the defensiveness of this play. He's maybe not going to want to make the equity plays next turn since they throw the board dangerously open, so he might either exchange or make a small play that just gives me scoring chances with my M and my W? MEOW is clearly best here, and I liked WOMEN at 7F as well. JOW and JEW at 7F seemed close but gross. #findingmedium for missing MEOW and #highlyquestionable for the rest
13B DO(N)G +12 Knowledge Large
I saw DOGDOMS and him having blocked DOGEDOMS, but I couldn't convince myself that the 7 was valid. CATDOMS* is no good, how could DOGDOMS be? But I'm pretty sure I had checked this recently. #knowledgelarge
D10 RYU +25 Tactics Small
D11 YON is probably a tad better #tacticssmall
4A DiGGERS +78 Finding Small
GRuDGES oops #findingsmall
J8 L(I)MB +28 Finding Medium
CLIMB was not noticed in time, CNNS has some bingo synergy but CNNS is still 3.1 worse statically than NNS Josh: yeah I was quite annoyed when I hit my clock. Being a native English speaker definitely didn't help me here, as LIMB did not very easily turn into CLIMB in my head. I have made this same mistake before. I played too fast and there is an inferior stratategem my brain uses when looking at similar positions to these. #findingmedium
12D DEW(AX) +32 Finding Small
I did not see the best rack-cleanup options here, C8 (R)UBIED or 13B BEDUI(N). Again a lack of ability to generate certain patterns that I must attempt to eliminate. (R)UBIED looks pretty good. #findingsmall
I7 O(D)E +6 Strategy Medium
8A AEON was fine, no need to go on a fishing trip. 14B IRONE was OK too. #strategymedium
H12 JE(E)R +57 Knowledge Large
O1 AMIR +26 Finding Medium
I have so much trouble seeing the word WAIR. It's pretty insane. 3J WIRI(L)Y is nice. But yeah, WAIR. Wtf. #findingmedium
1H BAWT(Y) +39 Finding Medium
YABBY, BYWAY. Ouch. #findingmedium
J1 EX(E)RT +28 Strategy Large
and then I just make this inexplicably stupid play, going for ZI(G)S and ZA(G)S, but creating a new big threat and not having a response to a lot of plays that just block what I'm going for, or if I just miss completely. #strategySADDEST
exch QOODIAN +0 Strategy Medium
L3 ON(L)OAD is possible here to attempt to rid myself of the Q next turn with M2 QI. Otherwise, 6M NOO or 6L ONO make life very difficult for Seb with most racks. I was quite regretful of this decision to go for turnover over optimality. #strategymedium
H4 PETTO +20 Finding Small
8G TIPTOE looks best #findingsmall
N2 DESTINY +82 Vision Small
scored as 80 #visionsmall
5F PE(EWE)E +26 Finding Small
missing M6 PUREE after she blocked PUREE for 36 #findingsmall
14N (S)I +4 Endgame Large
for some bizarre reason I didn't see that she had VO(TE) here. What the fuck is wrong with me? #endgamelarge
9D CREPT +27 Finding Small
L8 EMPT(Y) seems like the play here. I missed it. #findingsmall
E8 A(R)ETE +21 Endgame Large
hoping for some massive blunder, but I should just give up and play E(V)E to block his huge plays #endgamelarge
J2 FAME +29 Finding Small
just missing MEAT J4 as a nice overlap. This was an uncomfortable play to make, I should have found the alternative #findingsmall
7H (L)AIGH +19 Strategy Medium
sim thinks I'm overthinking it and just HM 1A is fine. I wanted to block some stuff at some point with two blanks out. This blocks the C and sets up my M to block the BROWNS hook #strategymedium
12C OPA +19 Tactics Large
I think APO is a lot better to prevent 14 row stuff. Only one E left for AXE but OYY for OX #tacticsSADDEST
exch YIOTE +0 Strategy Large
this was a fail. didn't know TIT(R)E, which is best at 13C. I was maybe afraid of STIER* with 13C TIE(R)? I think I just hated the Y. #strategylarge
5F KVET(c)H +30 Finding Small
11E K(N)AVE #findingsmall
13F (R)YE +10 Knowledge Large
KVETCHY was missed/not known to me. This is also still bad. 2M YE is 9 more and barely more dangerous. #strategymedium #knowledgelarge
13F (R)YE +10 Strategy Medium
KVETCHY was missed/not known to me. This is also still bad. 2M YE is 9 more and barely more dangerous. #strategymedium #knowledgelarge
B10 FUD(G)E +36 Knowledge Medium
FUL(G)ID #knowledgemedium #findingmedium
B10 FUD(G)E +36 Finding Medium
FUL(G)ID #knowledgemedium #findingmedium
1L (J)ELL +33 Endgame Large
wow, M(AI)LE H1 is available for a whopping 42, but best is to block (L)UNGI D2 with C1 R(I)LE, R(I)EL or L(I)RE because MAILE is unblockable. -20 #endgamelarge
N3 ReVOLTS +69 Vision Large
this was the worst board vision blunder I've made in a while. I was definitely unduly tilted about FEY seemingly not giving me a play. #visionSADDEST
O6 POI +27 Strategy Small
Quackle remarks that MO 12A improves my bingo chances significantly. The I is useful since not many to redraw and the ING line I made with QUAG. MO is +5 apparently. PEONIS(M), which I also considered, does well too. #strategysmall
H7 CIG +12 Strategy Medium
I overthought this position incredibly. Just BIG is fine. Or exchanging. I thought this was defensive enough. Ugh. #strategymedium
3I GI(M)ME +24 Finding Medium
I am in awful shape already, just because I gave him that C to play through. L3 MITE was misse, and I didn't know GIMMIE. #findingmedium
C1 UTA +14 Knowledge Large
wowwwwww CIGUATERA H7, fun #knowledgelarge
2K (J)UBA +26 Strategy Large
I remember I had a super bizarre reason for playing this first before V(I)D. #strategylarge
C2 EM +29 Finding Small
AIM same spot I think I missed it. #findingsmall
N10 OATIER +38 Finding Large
OATER much better... #findinglarge
N1 OW +22 Strategy Large
I almost played OPIATE/AVAUNT to go for the blank, and then I didn't because I was worried about the spot it created. So fucking stupid, because O11 is already a thing. Idiot. #strategylarge
6G U(n)IFIC +18 Knowledge Large
this is probably OK since it keeps things more open long-term than other plays. #highlyquestionable #knowledgelarge for last turn
pass - +0 Knowledge Large
K5 A(I)RWAVE +52 Knowledge Large
#knowledgelarge for not challenging REENROLS*
12A WANTED +35 Finding Large
I missed WETlAND already. Game 1/20 and I'm already terrible! #findinglarge
M9 ToYLIKE +91 Finding Small
wow, this plays at 10A too, for 2 less but much less of a snapback from him #findingsmall
O1 HES +25 Strategy Large
ridiculously paranoid. Here is where I start making terrible moves #strategylarge over L11 B(A)G
D8 WE(A)RY +30 Finding Small
I should play WYE 11C, I still have AGENESIAS and SKIS and SKIS is not going away anytime soon. #findingsmall
D9 A(D)ZE +28 Finding Small
just missed ZEN 11C, quite annoyed at that. 9C ZA is interesting though, I didn't consider it. #findingsmall
E5 P(A)X +24 Knowledge Large
POX/PREDRYING this turn #knowledgelarge
13H (F)UG +20 Knowledge Medium
also felt the T helped my leave of OPINE. B10 GIPON is best. #knowledgemedium
L10 (S)OLATE +22 Tactics Medium
almost fished the O for ATELIER/LAETRI(L)E unblockable or ELATERS/STEALER. Fishing the O is .5 better for average spread than my play of SOLATE. The I, along with the A, is most likely to be in the bag given his last play of S(E)A. So fishing the O is best #tacticsmedium
J5 SOR(B)ITIN +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
didn't like playing ROTINIS 9B, thought this would stay, despite Jeffrey being a player that errs on the side of challenging. Stupid #knowledgelarge
B12 IXI(A) +22 Endgame Medium
realized that I fucked this up after playing IXI(A) I just can't see IRE(N)IC over the board for some reason. Thought it was -12 but Quackle says -9 #endgamemedium
D8 (I)CIER +26 Endgame Small
fucking hell -1 to (X)I or 12D REC since he can't go out #endgamesmall
K5 WAME +29 Finding Unspecified
this was very tough. (B)I(Z)E comes to mind. I really didn't like my position here, and felt the need to score. However, this is just a terrible leave, more terrible than WU would be. Just play BIZE. Tunnel vision. #findingmediu
E2 PARTING +75 Finding Small
missing PRATING J6 #findingSAD
K7 BOURN +21 Finding Small
BUR(T)ON 5B #findingSAD
3H UNGU(L)A +16 Tactics Large
I don't think I saw 6J U(NA)U at the time. But why not U(L)U? I probably had a stupid reason. #tacticslarge
H2 H(UT) +6 Strategy Large
This is kind of very silly. #strategylarge
K5 WHOR(L) +22 Finding Small
completely missing NOHOW 10J, a word that I spotted and played in a later game #findingSAD
8K IDEAL +30 Strategy Small
I(C)ILY is nice and tight, but makes the board too s-dependant for my liking. I wondered if ILIAD was worth the points sacrifice but didn't think about underlaps being easier after IDEAL, which tips the scales in favor of ILIAD. #strategysmall
10J HAO +27 Finding Small
I considered this, FIE 11E and FETA 7G. I missed OHIA 11D which seems like the play. I didn't want to play FIE because it set up PIER with ECO and 6 R's out without a good lane on the board. OHIA sims better than HAO by 4 points, and I imagine it's even better than that in this position. #findingsmall
8L U(N)AI +15 Finding Medium
F10 (Q)UOTA seems like a good idea here. I didn't like (Q)UAI despite it being more proactive than U(N)AI, since it could help Kevin a decent amount potentially. QUOTA is best by a lot #findingmedium
D8 VOI(L)E +24 Finding Large
I dunno why I failed to consider just AVO/OK. That's the play by a mile. Fuck. #findinglarge
D4 EV(E) +12 Finding Large
completely missed the PSHAW hook! I went for PAESANO 2B and APNOEAS 14E, and set up another hook just in case I was missing another bingo with the N/Kevin would be less prone to blocking with more live bingo lanes. I might be best off playing N2 (T)AE for 10 here. It threatens PAVANES with an AN draw and REPAVES with an ER draw. I think Kevin is very likely to have the R, which is why I rejected the hail mary bag-empting EAV(E) D3, which would set up REAVE and a possible bingo in two spots (maybe?). But (T)AE also sets up the Z, and maybe if Kevin messes up somehow I can win if I draw the Z for P(RE)Z or O4 Z- plays. #findinglarge
exch LLNN +0 Strategy Small
S isn't amazing here so it's best to take 13 points with SN(E)LL 6H which I considered. Also better to keep RS here, the vowels to play through do not comprise of an E so the D is not very good. #strategysmall
N2 S(C)REW +36 Finding Small
5B W(O)KS keeping a strong leave is a good concept here. That sims best by several points over E1 D(I)RKS and D(I)KES, which I didn't consider either. S(C)REW is also behind by a few points. #findingsmall
K9 AMA(T)OL +16 Endgame Large
somehow totally missed NA(T)AL and NO(T)AL here. Only saw A(T)OM and this as blocking plays. Also recognized after the fact that it was better to play YOM B6 and ignore the fact that Kevin can go out with LE(K)U. -15 #endgameSADDEST
M12 TAJ +28 Strategy Small
sim prefers JA(M) to not give too much back. I kept missing/underestimating the value of the double overlap with FAKE and GIF. #strategysmall
6J ROW +18 Finding Small
missing WOORARI which seems like the right way to go. #findingsmall
9B GHI +27 Strategy Small
apparently I keep the G again with HIM 9C. Quackle thinks that's 3 points better since we bingo a lot more. #strategysmall
13A JAYS +34 Endgame Large
best endgame blocks the outs with R(i)OJA. I got scared I was missing something. :( #endgameSADDEST
5D STY +26 Finding Small
completely missed VOT(AR)Y E8 and O(A)TY 2L. Keeping the S is really important. #findingSAD
K4 AWEI(G)H +26 Strategy Small
sim really likes (Y)EEHAW+! WHINE(Y) was my first choice and that sims a point better than my choice, which just makes things too easy for Wally. I think this was a pretty clear mistake personally #strategysmall
1L (K)ENO +24 Finding Small
AL(K)ENE was the play I was looking for, not keeping such a high variance leave like AELN on this board. That sims a bit higher than KENO. #findingsmall
J9 SQUID +40 Strategy Large
this is greedy as fuck. He could just bingo here. The S doesn't actually help him that much at A1. #bad #strategylarge
K10 INDEX +47 Finding Large
oh my god appendix fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk #findinglarge #fuck
exch EEO +0 Strategy Small
LOANEE? LEONE? I favour this but it might sim too poorly to be the best play. #strategysmall
4D LINE(Y) +16 Finding Small
9B LIEN is a great play. I should have seen that. I think it's best. #findingsmall
E10 ZERK +45 Tactics Small
I bingo and score more after ZARF. Looks better. #tacticssmall
G14 (o)R +20 Endgame Medium
I forgot about NEURULAR :( -6 #endgamemedium
7H AWE +24 Finding Large
If I could turn back time #findinglarge
4A CRIME +30 Finding Medium
missing M(U)JI(K) is a CRIME against SCRABBLE. God DAYUM! #findingmedium
exch VURUXIA +0 Strategy Small
probably VIA F9 to block bingos, or VU(G). This seems quite wrong #strategysad
L2 UKE +29 Finding Medium
wrote a big X here on my scoresheet, which seems to designate that I saw that I had missed NAKFA from the N in DESIGNEE. #findingmedium AUK L1 is only a 4-point sacrifice too, seems worth making for the leave.
15H NIXED +57 Finding Large
wow, 15C SHINED is 74!!! I can outrun with the X after that! Ouch. Also, INDEX 15E was a miss and it blocks some stuff too. #findinglarge
12J BO(L)O +14 Finding Unspecified
BOUL(T)S looks good here #findinggmedium
15A VIBE +36 Finding Small
VINED is better #findingsmall
E8 COLT +24 Endgame Large
I wondered if this was actually best, turns out it isn't :( Why isn't stickinig myself with RRR not best? -13 to N1 (FEE)T #endgamelarge
12A KA(I)F +42 Strategy Small
TASK 15A sims best. Probably with good reason. I was sort of in spread mode here? Still, TASK seems fine. #strategysmall
9G G(I)P +11 Strategy Small
lots of options here. This seems a bit too middling and remember regretting it. G(ID) is fine even though it doesn't hit much. I should block the spot and keep decently. #strategysmall
7E LOTI +16 Finding Large
oh my. I completely missed OESTRIOL! Bad Josh. Bad Josh! #findinglarge
3C HAP +36 Tactics Small
could also do PAH for one point less to further restrict overrlaps. I retain the only two letters in the pool that can overlap PA. Furthermore, he can set up D(RAG) or B(RAG) after either play with R(AG) for 4, but I can draw an E to block with TE(PA) after PAH and it is much trickier to block after HAP. B(ROO) is the lurking threat here, he could just bingo there at any time, but making another spot with R(AG) might just be his key to victory in some lines. #tacticssmall
3G TABOURS +85 Tactics Small
ROBUSTA or RUBATOS seem to favour me more in the endgame. #tacticssmall
exch A +0 Tactics Small
Exch AO better #tacticssmall
15B REaSO(N)ER +71 Finding Small
a few options score 74 #findingsmall
B1 TaCNODE +80 Finding Large
High prob miss of 13G CTENOiD #findinglarge
M7 JERIDS +28 Endgame Large
I panicked about the validity of MILDS #endgamelarge
13F (I)FF +26 Knowledge Large
C12 T(AX)I +13 Endgame Small
E8 P(U)GH +20 Finding Large
if I had already known GUTFUL, I probably would have seen my bingo #playlessscrabblestudymorewords? #findinglarge
exch BDGWX +0 Tactics Small
B(A)WD is apparently worth it at B7 #tacticssmall
K2 JI(N)NEE +26 Tactics Unspecified
#theAisyourfriend but JA(N)E is still probably the play. #tacticsssmall
B5 AQu(A) +38 Endgame Medium
Qu(A) still slowplaying is 5 points better! wowee lol #endgamemedium
F4 (P)OX +28 Knowledge Large
I talk myself out of EXORABLE, remembering that there was something weird about it. What I was remembering was the fact that EXORABLY* is no good but that INEXORABLY is. #knowledgelarge
C5 DWEE(B)ING +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
this will be the last time I confuse WEEDBED and BEDEWED for BEDEWED and DWEEBED* and BEDEWING and BEWINGED for BEDEWING and DWEEBING* (I hope) #knowledgelarge
D1 TETRAD +31 Knowledge Large
K8 ADM(I)TTER #findinglarge #knowledgelarge
D1 TETRAD +31 Finding Large
K8 ADM(I)TTER #findinglarge #knowledgelarge
14H JAUP +23 Endgame Small
out of time. -3 #endgamesmall
12G OF +19 Knowledge Small
I think I missed 3B NA(I)F. That seems good here as well, since I am not sure of SEPTORIAS, so a lot of the value of OF decreases if I choose not to play SEPTORIAS. #knowledgesmall
14I MOS +17 Endgame Large
14M BYS for sure. I was unsure of SEPTORIAS, which is annoying. I wanted to block RELAND. This is -21. The best non-BYS play is the crazy J13 (T)OR for 5. #endgamelarge
7G AWA +24 Finding Small
never thought of AHA, which bingos just about as much as AWA next turn, but is far more scoring-restrictive for Karl, as there are no vowels that can re-overlap HE. AWARD does a bit better than AWA as well, and I had definitely considered it. #findingsmall
2N J(O) +18 Knowledge Large
the only thing that would make up for the phony 4 would be to extend it to HOKYPOKY (which is obviously why I didn't just insta-challenge, why is that good but not HOKY*) Quackle much prefers JE(O)N 3I due to defense. Makes sense. (O)BE even does significantly better than my fish. #strategysmall and #knowledgesaddest for last move having scored 42 and not 0.
2N J(O) +18 Strategy Small
the only thing that would make up for the phony 4 would be to extend it to HOKYPOKY (which is obviously why I didn't just insta-challenge, why is that good but not HOKY*) Quackle much prefers JE(O)N 3I due to defense. Makes sense. (O)BE even does significantly better than my fish. #strategysmall and #knowledgesaddest for last move having scored 42 and not 0.
2A TRIL(BY) +22 Strategy Small
sad (just LIM(BY)) #strategysmall
5D DRAP(E)D +20 Knowledge Small
PADD(E)R more defensive #knowledgesmall
B10 (W)ITHE +22 Tactics Large
this seems really bad, even if I infer that Ben doesn't have anything. He can just block the triple and it's like game over. #tacticslarge
15D (G)REBE +24 Knowledge Medium
chickened out of (G)URGE here. That's a baddie. (C)UBE 2K might also be an idea here. Even (O)BE 3K #knowledgemedium
O7 Q(A)T +12 Strategy Small
10L M(U)GS +40 Finding Large
D9 R(I)ND +10 Strategy Small
thought this could also be an exchange to keep more floaters open and keep one fewer conso. Maybe keep two fewer consos. In any case DNRS is almost identical to DRST apparently, so not creating G-RIND and RIND-Y is definitely worth it. #strategysmall
H8 SILEX +40 Finding Medium
8A zOISITE(S) +74 Finding Medium
3B LEAK(E)D +26 Knowledge Small
F10 L(I) +4 Tactics Small
D8 (B)UDGIE +20 Knowledge Large
#knowledgelarge for BOODIE#
A11 (A)FIRE +36 Finding Large
careless miss of F(A)CILE. That was an easy one. #findinglarge
K5 KAES +26 Finding Medium
E11 VODO(U) +18 Finding Large
spotted VOCAB after the fact. Wanted to block everything within a few turns if possible. #findinglarge
K3 AAH +24 Tactics Small
D12 HA might be better here. I am worried about JET D12, especially since I have 10 fewer points. NAH K3 seems to hit more bingos than this and accomplishes the same thing, also sets up QI for 33. Seems better. I liked blocking all of the bingos. Hard to infer anything from MY. #tacticssmall
N2 QIS +31 Endgame Medium
QI better by 6 #endgamemedium
A6 (M)UNI +18 Knowledge Large
UNITRUST! #knowledgelarge
C13 HEX +41 Knowledge Large
chickened out of SOFTY since Jackson didn't play it! PYX there is probably the play, though PYrEX is 83. #knowledgelarge
4B ZEBU +32 Tactics Large
update: ONIE did not block a lot of bings Wanted to do HUB to set up the Z plays underneath but thought the math didn't work out. Still, I should be playing more romantically than this. And the math does work out. #tacticssaddest
J2 WIN(D) +20 Knowledge Large
C6 WOWF#. Sorry. I just don't have a kow, man. #knowledgesaddest
C13 TAJ +36 Finding Medium
pivotal position I thought between this and (D)ATURA blocking scoring keeping the J again. But 10D RAJA is best balance by far. #findingmedium
15C (J)URANT +42 Knowledge Large
the idea behind TAJ was drawing good letters for a bingo. I saw NATURAE# and chickened out. Had I seen TAUREAN# I think I would have vaguely remembered the pair and just played NATURAE# and probably won the game. #knowledgesaddest
O8 (CODEX)ING +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
didn't think there was a win here, though noah was low on the clock. #knowledgesaddest
15A VIM +32 Finding Medium
O1 TA(U) +9 Endgame Large
-32 #endgamelarge
A7 BLY(M)E +36 Knowledge Large
12C FAS +23 Strategy Small
H11 FICOS +38 Knowledge Large
1J GOALED +36 Knowledge Large
E9 GOA(d) +18 Tactics Small
I2 HEADERS +65 Finding Medium
A12 (G)LOB +31 Tactics Small
E5 GO +20 Finding Small
12J APE +18 Strategy Large
12J (W)AP +16 Strategy Small
no idea what to do here. I took forever. Maybe (W)RAP to set up WRAPT. I hated (P)RAU because of all the extra bingos it gave back. It still sims best. #strategysmall
J6 YOW +35 Finding Medium
YOU is much better #findingmedium
10H (L)UAU +6 Finding Small
DOURAH 12H is the play #findingsmall
E11 (G)LIB +21 Strategy Small
F10 F(E)H is probably the best play #strategysmall
2F AW +46 Endgame Small
7M is one more #endgamesmall
D8 ANATTOS +69 Strategy Small
playing at D7 is better I think #strategysmall
pass - +0 Knowledge Large
forced challenge except I should know LEADINGS #knowledgelarge
1K F(A)UVE +33 Endgame Small
FI(Q)UE is best #endgamesmall
H6 Cl(U)MPILY +67 Knowledge Large
this is phony #knowledgelarge
M6 VAGUSES +71 Knowledge Large
#knowledgelarge VAGI only
5B JAWS +40 Knowledge Large
#knowledgelarge for BAIRNED*
13J MOORY +28 Strategy Small
14A (L)OOM is better #strategysmall
1H BONG(A) +24 Knowledge Large
not valid #knowledgesaddest
pass - +0 Knowledge Large
did not know fOOTFALL! #knowledgelarge
exch DRW +0 Strategy Small
exch NRW seems better because it bingos around the same but keeps a scoring tile #strategysmall
M1 BEAM +30 Finding Large
there it is... neither of us ever thought of NEWB!!! #findingsaddest
6I OOF +17 Strategy Small
this helps him too much even when it blocks his bingos. I was trying to do too much. Just OF or OFF are probably better. #strategysmall
4L IAMB +29 Finding Medium
this is actually a pretty counterproductive play. I need to admit I am at a disadvantage and play FIB 7K. This gives back too many bingos and scoring plays. I am setting up points on row 8, but also on row 4 with TEFF. Cool play that I should have seen. I saw BE(D)IM, which is also a lot better. #findingmedium #strategymedium
4L IAMB +29 Strategy Medium
this is actually a pretty counterproductive play. I need to admit I am at a disadvantage and play FIB 7K. This gives back too many bingos and scoring plays. I am setting up points on row 8, but also on row 4 with TEFF. Cool play that I should have seen. I saw BE(D)IM, which is also a lot better. #findingmedium #strategymedium
7K FUTZ +26 Strategy Medium
Never considered that TUFT 4C blocks X and Q bombs. That alone makes it worth playing. I was really close to playing this but just felt Jason was too likely to play on row 2 anyway, but the Z has a decent future on this board anyway. Even if I assume Jason plays on row 2 a ton more often than random, TUFT is worth doing. I thought I was being mature, but I was just being cowardly. #strategymedium
I2 DONATES +75 Finding Large
completely missed the obvious JO overlap omfg #findinglarge
B1 (K)LUGE +20 Knowledge Small
totally at a loss because I didn't know GUGGLE. I tried to push the issue as a result. KUGEL might have been better if it weren't for his range of mostly consos. #knowledgesmall
1L (W)IRE +21 Vision Small
top equity play is IO(N)S 10C. I missed that spot, should probably play GRI(N)S or GIRO(N)S? Seems IRO(N)S is the thing. #visionsmall
11H (N)OVA +14 Knowledge Large
I saw QUEYS this turn but didn't see AVIONS, and doubted AVIANS. This is why I lose so many games [against Joey] #findinglarge #knowledgelarge
11H (N)OVA +14 Finding Large
I saw QUEYS this turn but didn't see AVIONS, and doubted AVIANS. This is why I lose so many games [against Joey] #findinglarge #knowledgelarge
C3 PIETA +33 Finding Large
realized I missed SPECIATE at some point during the game. Slipping away for sure #findinglarge
3K M(O)VE +18 Strategy Large
maybe 4B (GI)VEN. Apparently that bingos a lot more than this. #strategylarge
I2 ENSURES +61 Knowledge Large
8H ANURESES #knowledgelarge
4I (S)OAK +22 Knowledge Large
KE(R)ATOID #knowledgelarge
exch DGLL +0 Strategy Medium
F5 (WO)LD is a great idea. GLAZE(D) and GLOZE(D) are quite likely draws, so it's probably a beter play than (HE)LD J5 for 6 more. Also, I should keep Z?, not ZN? apparently #strategymedium
8A FLUR(R)Y +39 Knowledge Medium
FLOU(R)Y #knowledgemedium
8L MOLD +39 Strategy Small
MODI best #strategysmall
D3 DE(V) +22 Endgame Large
DIGHTED is good -11 #endgamelarge
8D VA(V) +13 Strategy Large
this one was quite bad though #strategylarge
A13 DAB +29 Knowledge Medium
O10 BAD(G)ES #knowledgemedium
15L PLO(D) +10 Strategy Large
weak #strategylarge
H1 TR(A)Ik +15 Endgame Large
didn't see this sequence coming. Never saw his out. Bad endgame #endgamesaddest
exch AADUUWY +0 Vision Large
first instance this tournament of seeing a clear best play after making my inferior play. He gave me the perfect letter at 9J to play through this rack, in pretty decent fashion. 9F AU(G)U(R)Y is way better than this. AU(G)U(R) is actually a really cool play as well, and sims similarly to AUGURY given the huge scoring potential of keeping the Y, not only for 10 row plays, but 8 row plays, and also just stuff like K9 YOW that will often balance really well and score 31. #visionsaddest
4D DITC(H) +22 Strategy Small
kind of an insane idea. Thought about IND(I)CT 5E which was also insane and fun. I also considered (I)NDICT, X(E)D and NIX(ED). The problem with this move is that I am keeping NN even when I cash the X on column F, which I think is workable, but what can't be worked around is that cashing the X sets up very easy overlaps for Joey. This means I either need to make sure I'm not keeping NN and score 4 less (and draw an O or A more often) or I just need to stomach playing the X now and ether fishing (XED now hits 30% next turn) or NIX(ED) which hits 20%. Quackle can't decide which INDICT placement is better, but those sim best. This is around 4 down. #strategysmall
L3 (E)ARPLUGs +72 Knowledge Large
now I need to play with INDUSIAL and forgo the cheap bingo. I knew that even if INDUSIAL was no good he was likely to let it go. It was the small percentage of the time it wasn't good and he challenged it off that would have potentially thrown me off even more. Fear management. #knowledgesaddest
O9 LOO(N)IER +21 Knowledge Small
now this isn't actually so bad since I have a pretty good stranglehold on the position afterwards, but 15A LO is still the play by a few points. #knowledgesad
5K F(R)Y +33 Finding Large
K(R)AFT is just a better version of this. Never saw it. #findingSADDEST
C3 URAEI +16 Finding Small
A4 AURAE seems to have been missed. #findingsmall
I5 (QOPH)S +31 Finding Medium
G1 STrIGIL #findingmedium
6L (N)AE +5 Finding Large
3H (AMIR)ATE #findinglarge
12A JEST +56 Tactics Small
ZEST is worth the extra points #tacticssmall
A12 (J)EON +33 Finding Medium
missed 8L GYNO #findingmedium
O5 GAZ(I)NG +17 Finding Medium
I3 ZAG #findingmedium
11I POT +24 Finding Large
15A NONPOINT/NONPRINT #findinglarge
13D aNGRILy +59 Knowledge Medium
15A (N)uRsLING #knowledgemedium
D8 (B)ELCH +24 Knowledge Small
(B)LENCH is better #knowledgesmall
8K (R)UANA +18 Finding Large
B1 ANNUAlS #findinglarge
6C FL(O)W +18 Finding Large
10B WO is nice #findinglarge
M3 GROVE(L) +22 Finding Medium
G(R)OOVE 6J is best #findingmedium
N2 QI +25 Finding Large
7B TAI(K)O seems best #findinglarge
A6 HYEN(A) +33 Endgame Small
7A HEY -3 #endgamesmall
L11 TI(R)E +16 Endgame Small
6K (R)I(V)ET #endgamesmall
E2 EN(U)F +28 Knowledge Large
2A cONFE(R)EE and also FO(R)EsEEN #knowledgelarge
12K (K)U(E) +14 Knowledge Large
UPROUSE #knowledgelarge
J5 SCULpIN +76 Knowledge Small
was unsure of UNSLICk #knowledgesmall
L3 JURA +30 Finding Small
missed JEE and AJEE on the 6th rank #findingsmall
10F Q(I) +31 Tactics Small
KERF looks slightly better at F10. I thought FREAKER* was valid #tacticssmall
5K FEED +32 Finding Large
this is not a good play, missed DEFERR(AL) 8A #findinglarge
K7 MOPES +49 Knowledge Large
chickened out of CO(R)PSMEN #knowledgelarge
C1 BAH +36 Tactics Small
NOH might be better because it saves QA(T) 8D which is currently my best Q spot, and unlikely to improve much. I could also play QA(T) now #tacticssmall
5H P(U)NY +18 Tactics Small
stop keeping bad bingo leaves #tacticssmall
pass - +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
challenge #knowledgelarge
11E ORIEL +20 Endgame Medium
TRIOL is best #endgamemedium
13C A(Z)IDO +32 Finding Large
N5 DIA(M)ONDS #findinglarge
13B FE +18 Finding Large
EnFLAME plays #findinglarge
13E OUTRAGE +64 Finding Medium
L1 OUTG(L)ARE #findingmedium
3K B(R)UNG +16 Finding Medium
Quackle really likes (E)RUV, citing a nice increase in bingo and scoring chances next turn. I think the board is open enough that I don't need to worry about closing the N and O files with (E)RUV. #findingmedium
13B KEX +45 Strategy Medium
KIB(B)E is nice here, might set the X up long-term. I liked 13E NIX and NIXE but couldn't pull the trigger #strategymedium
B2 ZE(D)A +28 Finding Large
3A TET to set my Z up again!!! #findinglarge
2K (T)OTTY +16 Endgame Large
-19 to (T)YRO, this gives back G(Y)VInG for 42. #endgamesaddest
F10 M(I)AOU +27 Knowledge Small
14B AUTOME(N) is bette, was unsure #knowledgesmall
3B WY(N) +18 Finding Large
best play is easily I13 WA(E) making (N)A(BOB) #findinglarge
13F (O)C(A) +8 Endgame Small
weird #endgamesmall
G7 A(G)UE +7 Knowledge Large
#highprob EUpNOEA and EU(D)AEmON #knowledgelarge
F10 BOO +21 Knowledge Large
fO(R)BORNE and OvE(R)BORN #knowledgelarge
13C ENAMOuR +78 Knowledge Small
K2 MANROpE #knowledgesmall
K7 PENNIES +82 Knowledge Large
this plays with POTHER #knowledgelarge
7M G(O) +5 Finding Large
D6 (P)LOuGHED #findinglarge
5I (W)OST +14 Finding Medium
I think (W)ITTOL is the play #findingmedium
L6 DIaRIST +70 Finding Small
DITSIeR #findingsad
N6 MI(L)IA +15 Finding Small
9J MI(R)I looks best #findingsmall
1H LO(T)IC +30 Tactics Medium
I overlooked how strong KAOLI(N) was at 14J. Only three letters remain that can play underneath. 1F LIKU(T)A is also a great option. #tacticsmedium
M2 AWEE +29 Finding Small
M3 EEW #findingsmall
7E AXED +30 Finding Medium
13M DEX is better #findingmedium
14A BIO +21 Strategy Small
5J ORIBI looks better #strategysmall
15A IF +34 Strategy Small
14F FI(E)RY must be better #strategysmall
D2 FAKE +39 Knowledge Large
was unsure of FRANKER taking an S #knowledgelarge
F1 VOE +15 Endgame Large
I didn't think WARED was a word, this is bad because it gives him an outplay. F1 HON is best #endgamelarge
2C AG(R)IMOnY +73 Knowledge Large
didn't know MISOGAMY #knowledgelarge
4A WILE(s) +33 Knowledge Medium
WIDE(s) #knowledgemedium
2L (R)IDE +23 Endgame Small
TEI(N)D B10 is one point better. Not sure if I saw it or not #endgamesmall
11E COX +38 Strategy Small
I did not want to make this play. It's almost certain that Noah has another E here, as otherwise he would have kept his E and played FIST/FAST. Also, there are 8 unseen E's. This means that he's going to be able to access the O column a crushing amount of the time, and I'll be left with row 14 and whatever counterplay his O column play leaves me with, which is peanuts. I basically had to hope here that he just didn't have an E, which meant no A or I last turn either. I considered NIX 11E as well, to keep things open. NIX looks better because I draw COWED 12B which sets up SCOWED. #strategysmall
M10 LIMB +20 Knowledge Large
chickened out of TOMBLIKE :( #knowledgelarge
L3 TOWNE(Y) +24 Knowledge Large
just play QI #strategysmall this is phony #knowledgesaddest
L3 TOWNE(Y) +24 Strategy Small
just play QI #strategysmall this is phony #knowledgesaddest
N1 VIGOR +25 Finding Large
N2 GUIRO missed #findingsaddest
D7 B(I)LLOW +22 Finding Large
very bizarre misses of (E)MBOW and (E)LBOW down low. #findinglarge
14E OF +28 Finding Large
whiff on FLUOR(I)DS now, maybe I didn't like it? #findinglarge
D3 STY +33 Endgame Large
D1 LYSED -12 #endgamelarge
7F LE(v) +3 Finding Large
completely missing a few plays here, such a tough spot! 5J MES(N)E is pretty clearly best here, sets up a lane that's really hard to block completely. This is all I came up with. I can get something once in a while but mostly, I'm preparing to use the C next turn on row 6 to fork the board. Otherwise, if I want to wait, I can play C(H)EL(A) 11J. This doesn't score enough to threaten much #findinglarge
6B CREME +21 Finding Medium
I indeed hit a bingo, but Jackson blocks easily and usefully. Just CREM(E) G3 looks better, to leave possibilities on row 8 for later. #findingmedium
D8 MI(C)KED +36 Knowledge Large
#knowledgelarge this is phony
1C (Y)OWZA +21 Finding Large
missing ZA(Y)IN for the nth time. #findinglarge
O13 MHO +32 Finding Large
missing THEOREM, which was like part of the point of QI. #findingsaddest
L8 HE(R)BIER +32 Endgame Small
perhaps unsure of BR(OM)E but BI(OME) also works. -2 #endgamesmall
J2 HOME +37 Finding Medium
missed HEIR(D)OM, don't think other stuff is worth playing through the D but maybe #findingmedium
L7 AVENIR +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
missed VI(MI)NA until next turn I think. This is really bad, CSW confusion #knowledgelarge
4H RA(MI)E +31 Strategy Medium
A(MI)N is best, much more workable than this #strategymedium
B6 QA(I)d +66 Finding Large
failed to find QU words here that retained my vowel and scored the same or better. I imagine you can find them. #findinglarge
2B FL(I)R +14 Strategy Small
getting V stuck if I play REL(I)EF, so I need to keep at least an E or playing the V. Thought this would be good to keep VEE(P). Quackle doesn't find it but I imagine it's fine. I draw into EVENT sometimes as well. This play has a value of -3.875, average spread +137.125. Quackles best find is 2A LEV(I)N which has an accurately calculated value of -1.75, average spread being 139.25. So this is -2 unless there's something better #strategysmall
K8 PUlVIN(I) +22 Endgame Medium
so close. I knew nothing that I saw won, but I missed two of his J plays. Quackle again has nothing on my wordfinding ability since it cannot find this play -9 to just brute force with PUt(Z) E9 or VEIN 4A #endgamemedium
J2 KOONIES +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
I have no respect for my opponents and my results are suffering as a result. *OR* I have a high expections that max will not lose this game if I don't bing here, and that it was more likely he would not challenge the newly expurgated word. Obviously I played NOOKIES, not this #knowledgesaddest
exch OOU +0 Finding Large
F8 (C)OO(E)E is good. I drew my 3 tiles without shaking the bag too hard and before looking at them had the urge to put them back into the bag. I feel like it's often not the tiles that opponent threw back that you draw, even when you don't shake, but that whenever the draw is bad, you assume. I should have been allowed to put the tiles back before looking at them because Scrabble draws should be random. #findinglarge
2J (M)OHUR +20 Finding Small
just missing so many easy plays. C13 HAO is fine, no need to get rid of the U so urgently #findingsmall
A8 FEE +23 Strategy Small
I should probably get rid of my I. A8 FOIN sims best, which is crazy but just might work. But all the 4-tile plays on the A column are better than this aparently. #strategysmall
15M ION +16 Finding Large
missed the better N(A)I(R)U E3. #findingsaddest
B1 DOM +33 Strategy Medium
hoping to beat him to ADAMSITE here. I didn't see another 3x3 after this. Apparently it's better to allow way more 3x3s with HOM. Crazy plan. However, EDAMAMES, ADAMANTS, ADAMANCE and ADAMANCY are all words too. #strategymedium (?)
E7 R(A)VENISH +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
this was a disaster. I thought ENRAVISH had an anagram and failed to see what it actually was (VANISHER). #knowledgesaddest
13A UPRATIN(G) +74 Finding Small
this isn't the best play, I could lose to PICAY(U)NE. #findingsmall
B11 GI(P) +10 Endgame Medium
-5 12K ICE, missed SWAIN. #endgamemedium
5J AGO +20 Finding Large
4J WAVE +44 Finding Large
14B YAcHTI(N)G +82 Finding Large
3D LIPoIDS +70 Knowledge Large
chickened out of SIDESLIP #knowledgesaddest
15A REX +44 Finding Medium
XENO(N) a lot better to not give back easy A-row opening scoring plays on 13th row #findingmedium
D1 VI(L)ER +24 Endgame Large
I thought I had to block ENSUITES, even though I tracked properly. -11 to DOL first #endgamelarge
I13 (DA)M +6 Endgame Large
-10 to 14B ERRS to block a different way #endgamelarge
M2 EROS +22 Endgame Large
-16 #endgamelarge 00:01
10D GIF +32 Finding Medium
need to drop the S here. 11 points and one fewer consonant. Never even considered it. #findingmedium
B10 J(A)R +26 Finding Medium
jann, forgot that one #findingmedium
D2 RORY +28 Knowledge Medium
didn't remember PORY#. This takes an F, luckily those were gone. PO(E)TRY looks like a better play too. #knowledgemedium
1H KEBO(B) +39 Finding Large
STEENBOK has an anagram. BETOKEN 10H. Sad. #findingsaddest
7H PAP +18 Knowledge Medium
#knowledgemedium APP(U)LES or PAP(U)LES here, also BAP over PAP by 3 points! I was definitely focused on ABLE words too much here especially with no open A.
2I DO(C)KET +30 Tactics Small
maybe TO(C)KED (which I doubted) to induce a challenge. I realized shortly after playing this that LO(C)KET might actually be better as I retain the last D which goes a bit better with the pool and board. #tacticssmall
M9 F(O)ULER +26 Finding Large
I completely missed AR(M)FUL here, which is definitely optimal. I did this because things are starting to look dangerous and I'm ready to induce mistakes. This is #findinglarge way behind AR(M)FUL and 13J FERULA and even 13L TUFA but actually considering that I will likely get FOULERS* to fly or get a turn off of her playing it, I think this is correct. If she's 50% to lose a turn after FOULER, I'm right to play it, and/or if I'm somewhat likely to use the spot which I think I am (maybe 15-25% of the time or something).
4D BRIE(F) +20 Finding Small
missed AERIE I4. That seems a smidge better than everything else. #findingsmall
1K S(Q)UAT +42 Finding Large
missed EQUAL lmao #findingsaddest
exch EO +0 Strategy Small
exchanging one seems better #strategysmall
O1 HAU(T)E +24 Strategy Small
(B)AIZA seems better. I didn't like that it gave some vowel racks a place to go. Really stupid #strategysmall
3A JAK(E) +30 Finding Large
I missed that I had VAC and VEERY. JOKE is therefore better to leave that, but COV(E) or CAV(E) is a fantastic idea to set myself up for 66 #findinglarge
3G (ZORI)L +16 Finding Large
missing NUCELLI after seeing it pop up in my head but doubting its validity. #findingsaddest
B2 B(A)L(TI) +24 Knowledge Large
did not know FENCIBLE #knowledgesaddest
L12 GAUM +28 Finding Large
misread rack and played wrong vowel at 13L #findingsaddest
5H (A)GHA +16 Strategy Medium
had some pipe dream of preventing Mack from scoring next turn with this. Really not good. Just I3 FIG or FR(I)GID #strategymedium
2K F(U)ND +24 Finding Large
E5 INV(A)DER #findinglarge
15I DIALYST +99 Knowledge Large
4B NEU(R)Ul(A) +12 Endgame Medium
simple 10A RUE is best -6 #endgamemedium
N13 XI +32 Finding Large
4J (H)OAX missed #findingsaddest
13M NE +12 Finding Small
sort of balked here. Never saw 13K INN which looks pretty good to block the likeliest lane and score, while maintaining the R for RYA. I don't necessarily want to block one spot here, but I might be able to get away with it. #findingsmall
F2 FE +30 Knowledge Large
huge miss of SHEAFED, which I saw but chickened out of. Wasn't quite confident enough that there was a word in this. This is a huge 25-point mistake just as the momentum was turning in my favor. Maybe if I had but more thought into it and thought about SHEAFING. AEFGHINS looks potentially good. #knowledgeSADDEST
4C aCi(NU)S +31 Endgame Large
should not go out. -15 to just dropping the blank G at J10. Funny because I set myself up to do a better-than-optimal endgame with KAE. #endgameSADDEST
14J WR(E)AK +54 Knowledge Large
if I had just written down the alphagram of OVERWEAK I would have un-chickened out of it. That's 50 points. Sad #knowledgeSADDEST
12A FLIER +33 Strategy Medium
Hm. I recognized that 1) 3/4 u's were already gone 2) no good Q spots exist before or after this play but I don't think I ever considered just dropping the Q. I don't know that Matt can really afford to make up all that equity with a specific block at 3I, but he can definitely try. I just don't even think I considered Q(I) played at 10L. This is the best chance I'll likely get to get rid of the Q without significant lucking. FILET also sims better, so this cannot be the right play, and FILER too, of course. #strategymedium
10L C(I)G +10 Finding Medium
didn't see SUQ I think, but wasn't 100% on NYS either. Thought this had good recursive value, but SUQ is probably too good to pass up. #findingmedium
D4 G(a)WK +22 Finding Large
Saw the best play a bit too late. Sadly. Can you find it? It scores 27 points. This pre is otherwise complicated. DETOXING can happen and win whenever. I don't want to play more than 3 tiles because 4-tile plays by him make me have to play 3 (or hopefully 2) to not empty. I chose this because I can then play HE at 6F or M3 next turn if he plays 4 and maybe hold on. #findinglarge
L1 HEMP(S) +32 Finding Large
dead to DETOXING, unless I draw DEVO(U)TER F1 or E(N)ROOTED 14G or his rack is horrendous. DEPE(R)M H1 was missed, and does a ton better against DETOXING, allowing me to outrun and bingo more. This also could lose to stuff that draws into DETOXING, and that happens far more when I leave 2 in the bag rather than 1. PHEE(R)# is also an option. I also considered HEDE(R) which has to be better than HEMPS I think. Was tilted from missing HE M3 on the GAWK turn. #findingsaddest
F4 LOXE(S) +28 Finding Large
7I HILL and HELIX are a lot better than this. #findinglarge
11C HOVEL +29 Finding Small
HOOVER is better #findingsmall
13L EX +39 Strategy Medium
failed to track EViNCES so thought there were two more E's out. #strategymedium
J5 AE +17 Strategy Medium
this seems wrong. EASE J4 sims best, surprisingly. Exchanging also sims better as well as I(X)IA #strategymedium
E5 TOE +15 Finding Small
N6 TENO(N) sims best. I guess it makes sense. This is actually the pivotal turn of the game#findingsmall
15K PERT +19 Finding Small
8J R(IF)T is really nice defense. #findingsmall
9C QUIRE +31 Finding Medium
7I OI is such a great play. Damn #findingmedium
H5 PAG(O)D +27 Finding Small
10G POND looks good, Frank probably didn't have an S on LEGIT. #findingsmall
2A (L)O(W)N +14 Finding Medium
10G NANO was missed somehow. #findingmedium
H12 O(W)ED +27 Finding Large
missing AERODYNE #findingsaddest #highprob
8L JE(T)E +57 Tactics Small
JE(T)S is better here! I considered it and then just didn't consider it because I had given up on the game sort of #tacticssmall
C3 AY +19 Finding Medium
12G I(C)Y for sure, totally missed it #findingmedium
14J HaRDY +54 Finding Medium
missed KYTH(E) #findingmedium
11J LEM(A)N +20 Knowledge Small
REM(A)N #knowledgesmall
4L OX +31 Finding Medium
I missed LIMITABLE here! LOX/LIMITABLE looks great, even though I'm not sure my entire rack. LINN/LIMITABLE also looks quite good #findingmedium
pass - +0 Knowledge Large
challenged #knowledgelarge
12K SEEPY +34 Endgame Medium
12K SPEEL is best because it doesn't give big plays with the triple like SLEEP does and also sets up YA 10F. -9 #endgamemedium
L7 G(O)ODLY +22 Finding Small
missed GLOOPY in the same spot, which I imagine has to be better. PHYTOL I didn't count, but it seems potentially worth playing due to scor. POTTY looked awful. #findingsmall
N8 POUTIeR +79 Knowledge Medium
This is a mistake. PROTIUM was a word, I was unsure of it. #knowledgemedium
exch NNX +0 Strategy Large
NONNE(W)S is really cool #strategylarge #questionable
3A TOED +27 Endgame Small
-2 to ODE blocking N(A)N and slowplaying. He also would have gone over if I did that. Takes guts. #endgamesmall something was underscored by 2, so final recorded as 388-380
exch DLRV +0 Tactics Small
keeping RST just about always better, especially now that the N is blocked. #tacticssmall
F10 Z(E)N +32 Finding Large
just missed that MIZEN played at K9 for some reason. #findingsaddest
L11 ABUT +16 Finding Medium
U(P)BEAT is just too many points. Missed it #findingmedium
O6 YAP +36 Finding Large
Missing SATRAPY for 107 #findingsaddest
I8 DOE +12 Finding Small
I8 EON looks pretty good here. (V)OX is what I would normally do, but I decided to be frisky. #findingsmall
J10 XI +50 Finding Large
ALEXINS #findingsaddest
exch ITU +0 Finding Large
an inexplicable miss of just 10H (D)UIT, which is worse than average but still has to be worth playing. Hyper leave-oriented play seems to have permeated my brain in NWL of late. I only considered exchanging and playing RUTT(Y). #findingSADDEST
A12 (B)REE +18 Finding Large
missing AERO(B)E and losing the game as a result #findingSADDEST
5I (N)IEVE +16 Finding Small
I think taking the points for 13A (IN)VITEE is warranted here. I didn't see it. It does better things to the board and scores a lot more. #findingsmall
L10 DREAMY +39 Strategy Large
I might have completely misevaluated this. I'm probably just not outrunning, which was my goal. Or draw a blank somehow but I was like sure he had it. #strategysaddest
D11 PE +28 Endgame Small
O6 PU(T)RID -2 #endgamesmall
A11 NI(F)TY +36 Finding Large
TU(F)TY is a huge miss #findinglarge
9A JUG +23 Finding Large
totally missed JUBBAH and JIBBAH and JIBBA through the blank B! #findinglarge
14A (T)ABS +30 Endgame Medium
H1 BAN(C)S #endgamemedium -5
D8 MI(N)GY +28 Finding Small
12A (W)ISEGUY seems best #findingsmall
8A SEE(M) +18 Endgame Medium
tough endgame, missed a bunch of stuff, 5E OSES being best to set up EMU 6E. -9 #endgamemedium
11H DEWS +38 Tactics Small
11K SEWN is very nice for the board. I like it #tacticssmall
K2 DUTY +36 Finding Large
Totally just missed DOZY here, which is probably correct. #findingsaddest
12K (O)UZO +26 Strategy Small
J10 HUN seems like an improvement, no need to go aggro here yet. #strategysmall
10H ITH(e)R +15 Vision Medium
O12 S(I)NH is just too many points, I bingo through the E a decent amount. #visionmedium
1L (B)END +21 Strategy Small
G8 MED is straightforward and continues to fish for ANDES(IT)E. I missed that this got rid of my N. #strategysmall
10C SPEW +32 Tactics Small
SMEW sims a point better. Sad. #tacticssmall
12B IMIDO +26 Finding Large
There is a gorgeous nine here that I missed but was familiar with. FID(EL)ISMO E7 #findingsaddest
A5 (L)U(G)E +15 Endgame Large
JUTES is 16 points better, thought I might steal the game somehow. #endgamelarge
L4 HI +22 Knowledge Large
I thought there was a bingo in here, and there was. LIVERISH is very foreign-looking to me. It would not have saved me, but it's definitely the right play #knowledgelarge
K2 ROSTI +22 Endgame Small
Noah found SOL(A)R K5 which is one point better. -1 #endgamesmall. 00:02
F6 TO(N)ED +12 Tactics Large
NT(H) for 6 was my original idea, but I felt it could not be right somehow. #tacticssaddest
H10 (I)NVEST +39 Finding Large
STOVED #findinglarge
H10 AVE(R)TS +30 Finding Small
STA(R)VE has to be better here. #findingsmall
14G S(T)AShING +77 Knowledge Small
STAGINGS #knowledgesmall
B6 (W)AKE +11 Tactics Large
this is just bad #tacticslarge
H4 TURGITE +68 Knowledge Large
GUTTIER seems best. I just couldn't pull the trigger, was not convinced there were two words in this rack. #knowledgesaddest
2G PUDU +22 Finding Small
A4 (M)UDPIE just scores too well #findingsmall
H7 MIC +14 Knowledge Large
TRISMIC #knowledgelarge
12J WINO +24 Endgame Medium
12J TOW sets up INIA -8 #endgamemedium
D3 DREG +23 Finding Small
totally missed HEDG(E)R 4A. #findingsmall
3I G(U)YED +24 Finding Large
missed HEDGER now I miss HEDGY. #findingsaddest
13J ZO(O)TY +34 Finding Small
did not see that 13K was better, since I draw into QA(T) simply 14J when I draw an A, and a bunch of other plays through the T that score 60+ #findingsmall
E7 C(O)VEN +20 Finding Large
saw EVANESCE after making this sad play and hitting the clock #findingsaddest
L3 GUIRO +14 Finding Large
missed 3F EU(L)OGY #findingsaddest
1D (F)OLIATE +30 Endgame Small
-3 to FOLIA #endgamesmall
K11 FEU +25 Knowledge Large
#knowledgesaddest for HAGRID* he bingos less after FEU for 24. Might be worth the sacrifice #questionable
L1 FA(I)RY +30 Finding Small
I missed (I)NFAMY L3. Shit. #findingsmall
15L (C)LUB +24 Tactics Small
(C)URB seems a decent amount better, since I'm hitting some plays from N10 a lot. #tacticssmall
C3 GAM +18 Tactics Large
If Andrew doesn't block along the F or E file, C7 GAM is best by far. BEGO is still there at 7B but I have to end in an E. But I think he blocks too often and I just lose. Here, I thought he can't block both bingo spots on column F and row 2. Seemed like my best shot. However, he can just play with GAME on the 6th row to block everything. So I'm kind of boned regardless. So maybe it's back to C7 GAM, since that might outrun some blocks? Maybe I just have to make a desperado play opening up row 15 such as (S)AG and go for CAMEOED or CAROMED. That also threatens DORMICE, but Andrew can probably block both lines and still win. Toughens things tho. #tacticslarge
11C FANGiR(L)S +72 Knowledge Small
chickened out of SCARFING #knowledgesmall
14F JE(E)ZE +39 Finding Small
didn't see JEEZE for 41. So many options jeeze #findingsmall
4I G(R)AD +22 Knowledge Large
I was a fan of BARYTA until I talked myself out of being a fan. Ugh. That's so much better than anything else here. #knowledgelarge
N9 BEAM(E)R +42 Knowledge Large
Saw AMBEERS and remembered it had an anagram but couldn't see BESMEAR. Jackson didn't see AMBEERS and so he let this go. Weird word knowledge mutuality. #knowledgelarge
5J (E)W +26 Knowledge Large
Jackson overdrew and I overturned EIN putting back the N B1 WOOdR(U)SH iis therefore the play because he can't have a game-winning (W)HITENER to go out Here I'm hoping he doesn't block the N and I get DISHONOR 3x3 #knowledgelarge
3B RE(STACKING) +34 Finding Large
terrible miss of G(A)ROTTED A7. I saw GROTT(O) B10 but I seem to have misevaluated things slightly, as GROTTO looks a bit better. #findinglarge
2B ELOIGN +24 Finding Large
should definitely find a block of AEFRSTW here. This gives way too much back. TEAWARES and SOFTWARE. I think I probably missed both. His leave after JUN basically never contains an F or W, so there are so many reasons why this is a bad play. #findinglarge
1K C(A)GEY +33 Finding Small
Didn't see GR(A)PEY, keeps a bit of stuff open. Was confused between CREEPY and CAGEY but missed that one #findingsmall
12I ALLUREd +66 Knowledge Large
ALLURER is a word. Damn it. #knowledgesaddest
5K WAIF +32 Strategy Small
FLAW was better, wow. I guess it doesn't give back a SWAN and HWAN hook #strategysmall
H4 PETTO +20 Strategy Small
This was just a clear misevaluation of an opening position I think. The math in my head was all wrong. There are three plays better than this one, I like VET the best #strategysmall
4H (P)I(N)ONE +31 Knowledge Large
was pretty sure this was phony #knowledgelarge
A12 WILE +42 Endgame Small
K7 J(U)N is best. -4 #endgamesmall
pass - +0 Knowledge Large
12G GYBE +38 Strategy Small
counted this as 40 for some reason. I think I like BOGIE 15F now that this scores two fewer. #countingsaddest #strategysmall
B11 FINAL +25 Endgame Large
INF(O) is 11(!) points better than this somehow since I block and set up A(W)L 3M for 24. lol #endgamelarge
4G Z(AN)IER +30 Finding Small
J2 ZIT looks best #findingsmall
15G BI +24 Finding Medium
15F DUI looks better #findingmedium
1J ADORED +29 Finding Small
DADOED #findingsmall
C3 ViNIC +37 Finding Large
VIDICON #findingsaddest
8H (C)AMELIaS +91 Finding Small
CAMISOLE is better #findingSAD
N7 F(a)QIR +18 Strategy Medium
hoping for EXTOL or EXALT O11, and also trying to block bingos, thinking she's close. Quackle says I'm wasting points and should play FLIRT 13I or F11 F(A)LX to set up QI/IF, which I think is super risky since she could just 2x2 there. The problem with this play is although it blocks things immediately, that S is now just gonna sit there until it gets bingo-ed to most of the time. #strategymedium
N9 TOTARA +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
I didn't see E2 OAT this turn. This was my only CSW confusion of the event, thankfully #knowledgesaddest
N9 ROTATE +31 Strategy Medium
now I definitely need to play OAT. Regretted this instantly #strategymedium
15L KIDS +50 Knowledge Large
I am terrible. I thought it was only KNAIDELS and that I had phonied with SANDLIKE before, but it was DIRTLIKE* against Vera in 2013 where I had TIDELIKE available and chose wrong. Stupid stupid, this is the perfect time to phony anyway. Dahhhhh also KADI and KINDA..... #knowledgesaddest #findingsaddest
15L KIDS +50 Finding Large
I am terrible. I thought it was only KNAIDELS and that I had phonied with SANDLIKE before, but it was DIRTLIKE* against Vera in 2013 where I had TIDELIKE available and chose wrong. Stupid stupid, this is the perfect time to phony anyway. Dahhhhh also KADI and KINDA..... #knowledgesaddest #findingsaddest
14C SLAW +30 Endgame Medium
1G AWL -6 to block AGENCY and stuff #endgamemedium
K1 MOIRE +24 Finding Small
missed K4 ROM(E)O and other plays. I do not need to play this. #findingsmall
N11 YENTE +24 Endgame Small
13G (C)ENTU or N11 TEENY are best. -3 #endgamesmall
13G (C)RU +16 Endgame Small
took all of my time to make sure I still won if SYLVATICS* was somehow good. I would have still won by 1. Also 9J UR(D) is 2 more #endgamesmall
3M WUZ +42 Finding Small
N2 UN(S)AWN seems pretty good to keep scoring before I try to bingo #findingsmall
3G A(G)UE +16 Finding Medium
AGUES is probably a lot better, I really need to score. E(XED) is also an idea to fish for like EULO(G)IAS #findingmedium
N7 S(N)OOTIEr +68 Strategy Large
this has to be wrong. I can't bingo again and I'm giving him another Q spot. I need to Q stick basically. I must play at 12F #strategysaddest
H1 TOWIN(G) +33 Tactics Small
I think I should have played WITING here just in case what happened next happens. Also, I underscored this by 3 #mathfail #tacticssmall
D12 ZI(N)E +28 Finding Large
MEZE is just a miss. #findingsaddest
C3 dEPIL(A)TE +72 Finding Small
PIXELATE is better because X bomb spot #findingsmall
B10 HAO +27 Endgame Large
This was a stupid moment. Thought that he only had one out after O(W)IE (he doesn't, I'm setting up the second with C(HE)ESE). Even so, I CAN'T BLOCK his other out of A2 CEES... I thought I was clever here going out in 3. I also just flat-out missed BOH(E)A 15A. (M)OAN is best, forcing him to block with (J)O #endgamesaddest
H3 pHENOMS +80 Strategy Small
Why don't I just play SHOWMEN? I had some silly logic. HOMiNES H on the star is best though, setting up HOMINESS #strategysmall
E2 Q(U)OTED +32 Knowledge Large
#knowledgesaddest for RUNUP*. Also, QUOD is still better here. #strategysmall
E2 Q(U)OTED +32 Strategy Small
#knowledgesaddest for RUNUP*. Also, QUOD is still better here. #strategysmall
H7 JO +18 Strategy Small
really should have just gone with ARVO H6 to set up the J. Sad. I am sad. #strategysmall
1H AEON +21 Finding Small
totally spaced on ANION here at 1G. That's a miss. #findingsmall
G10 EIDE +22 Finding Small
(N)IDI seems better, didn't process is as scoring well enough I think. I really need to play that. #findingsmall
exch FIIQW +0 Strategy Medium
Really surprised with the sim result here. Can I really withstand this Q and play K6 IF? That's too patient for me I guess... Damn. #strategymedium
K4 (L)UCID +16 Finding Medium
this is pretty bad. Was unsure of CUDDI(E) and missed everything else. 3L MUD is nice and strong. #findingmedium
7J Z(I)N +12 Finding Large
totally missed on B10 ZONaL. Jesus. #findingsaddest
B9 PORTaLS +80 Knowledge Small
chickened out of PORTLESS here. 9C POLLSTER also available. #knowledgesmall.
L7 (NO)STAlGIC +78 Tactics Medium
lol I am a playful fellow, hard to say no to nostalgia #weirdflexbutok #tacticsmedium
I7 A(G)IO +7 Finding Small
it was at this point that I knew I would lose the game. I somehow missed 7F HOYA, which despite sucking, is far and away the best shot I have. #findingsmall
H4 PRIZE +38 Finding Medium
1) I should know the extensions for PRIZE if I play PRIZE 2) I should have calculated the difference between ZIG and PRIZE better 3) I should see PIEZO ffs #findingmedium #strategymedium
H4 PRIZE +38 Strategy Medium
1) I should know the extensions for PRIZE if I play PRIZE 2) I should have calculated the difference between ZIG and PRIZE better 3) I should see PIEZO ffs #findingmedium #strategymedium
15C (E)NDEAR +24 Knowledge Large
chickened out of NEEDER since I knew Sid would have challenged. #knowledgesaddest
14B E(V)E +14 Endgame Small
should block CAREX with 7A (G)O. -3 #endgamesmall
6E RHO +33 Knowledge Large
chickened out of ARTHROS(ES) very very sad #knowledgesaddest
O1 GA(Y) +21 Finding Small
5B DOGE looks pretty good here. #findingsmall
4H (V)AGUE +20 Knowledge Medium
I took over 8 minutes on this rack. I eventually saw ASSUAGER, the only bingo, around 6 minutes in, after generating AGERATUM, ARGUABLE, GRADUATE and RUNAGATE. At first, I thought ASSUAGER made sense, but because I was fairly certain that ASSWAGER* was invalid, despite ASSWAGE being an alternate form of ASSUAGE, I ended up deciding against playing it. Throughout the rest of the game I was fairly certain ASSUAGER was valid. If I had pulled the trigger on ASSUAGER, the time I spent would have been somewhat reasonable. I never saw D1 AREG for 30, which trumps my play of VAGUE by a few points of equity. In and of itself, ASSUAGER is around 9 points better than VAGUE, which is about what I intuited during the game. This was my first stroke of luck in what would become an absurd work of art, as not even making the best non-bingo play worked out by blocking Jackson's huge double-double. #knowledgemedium
M3 GRAfTED +82 Finding Small
Spent around 1.5 minutes here, knowing I needed to speed up. I should have easily spotted TRiAGED, which doubles G and D. The only issue is the X spot that creates, but I would be slightly closer to drawing it than Jackson, so it might even be beneficial to me. Quackle rates this as a bit more than 2 points worse #findingsmall
J6 PA(R)TIbLE +77 Finding Small
Absolutely insane. To make matters worse, despite slowing down for a half a minute to look for row 9 overlaps, I somehow fail to spot PLATIEs for 3 more. This time, creating the X and Z bomb spot at 10F is somewhat contemptible, seeing as Quackle cannot quickly decide if it likes sacrificing the 3 points or not. PARTIbLE has some decent control. I can see attempting to close things off within 3 moves or so after PARTIbLE. After PLATIEs, not as much, since the R and S of MATADORS and the E and R of ROILIER aren't very intuitive to deal with without opening new threats, despite their closeness. Furthermore, the P on B9 can always be used to make desparate forking plays. Still, I rate this as yet another mistake. #findingsmall
F7 ROLL +25 Finding Medium
just toally missing JARL. Bad. #findingmedium
2H RAH +34 Strategy Medium
just 2F HARE I think #strategymedium
13G A(Y) +17 Endgame Medium
3K A(NA) -5 #endgamemedium
I6 NO(N)ELITE +61 Strategy Small
ENTOILE(D) was best #strategysmall
3G JOKE(D) +30 Strategy Medium
K8 (E)MOJI looks best #strategymedium
13C MIGRA(TE) +22 Finding Small
ORIGAM(I) seems best at 14B #findingsmall
H8 LUMPY +32 Knowledge Large
GLUMPY #knowledgesaddest
5I F(O)G +14 Knowledge Large
2E FELTINGS #knowledgesaddest H1 FINEST #findinglarge
5I F(O)G +14 Finding Large
2E FELTINGS #knowledgesaddest H1 FINEST #findinglarge
2D OUT(L)INES +62 Strategy Small
ELUTIONS much better #strategysmall
C3 FAVA +25 Knowledge Small
13A FAVE #knowledgesmall
B6 RENNETs +68 Knowledge Small
HETAERAE stuff again #knowledgesmall
D1 HUGE +28 Finding Large
6G G(A)UZE is just too much better #findinglarge
4A ZON(ER) +24 Finding Medium
missing 2A ZON(U)LE and 7E (I)ON(I)ZE. ZONULE is best #findingmedium
4L KELP +38 Finding Medium
G7 K(E)G is best. The G sucks. #findingmedium
A12 AGUE +22 Strategy Medium
playing on the 7 row makes a lot of sense here to block X plays like RAX 7K and J/X plays making IKAT. I like 7K GAT upon reflection. I now misread my pevious indicated score of 389 as 387, so 409. instead of 417. #strategymedium
G3 AAH +17 Finding Large
4G H(Y)AENA is miles better than anything here #findinglarge
I2 PEE +12 Knowledge Large
#knowledgelarge for GOITERING* I thought this was a decent try, considering there were already 7 E's in play and 3/4 of tiles unseen. He's still at like 41% to have an E though. I should probably just play E7 TE(E)PEE and brace. Thought there was a chance Noah would miss EPEE? But he's a young player, why would he miss that? #questionable
A4 BOXIn(G) +54 Finding Large
I am most angry at this one. I honestly tried really really hard to see Pe(G)BOX but something in my brain just wouldn't process it. I can't see BOX words, I can't see some ING words, and I just feel like I never will. I literally stared at the -GBOX extension for many many seconds. After I made my play, I saw it, so maybe there's some slim chance I will start seeing more of these things. Until then, #findingsaddest
K2 STOB +23 Strategy Large
just BOXINGS is pretty good I guess. This is really bad. Maybe was trying to bait a challenge? #strategylarge
L4 RAJ +28 Knowledge Large
#knowledgelarge for UNINCLUDED*, 3/4
pass - +0 Endgame Large
-27 #endgamesaddest
O1 G(R)ID +32 Endgame Large
he had an out with bALSAS. I don't remember if I spotted it and expected him to miss it, or if I missed it myself. -29 #endgamelarge
4K GAZE(D) +32 Tactics Large
the best play here is an awesome setup, I12 E(V)E. This sets up ZA J14 and if I draw one of the 6 remaining I's, I get ZI(N)GY K5 as backup (or front-up, depending on position) TE(N)GE is also better at K5. I don't think I ever saw GHAUT. Wanted this over GAZE for 1 more so inhibit L-column plays down the line that open up annoying parts of the board #tacticslarge
H1 MY(C) +30 Strategy Medium
LY(C)EE looks good here. Shouldn't be going this route. I thought I would bingo a lot. #strategymedium
M9 KRAIT +39 Finding Small
considered dropping the K and this or TRAIK. I didn't consider KI or KA. KI is clearly better than KA because it allows so much less counterplay at N10. TRAIK might also be better than KRAIT because is slows Steven down more than it slows me down, I don't really want to bingo at M1 despite it being the most fortuitous lane on the board. M9 KI is the play. #findingsmall
B1 HOY +32 Knowledge Small
figured I missed a play or two here. Saw LYTHE# though, so I didn't technically miss a thing. Just had no idea if it was good. It was between 11D HEY and this, seemed like a coin flip so I went with the play I was most comfy with. It is indeed a coin flip. LYTHE# is best, 8K. #knowledgesmall
M2 PIX +41 Finding Large
#findinglarge for missing Andrew's playable NWL bingo
13I MA(S)HED +30 Knowledge Large
damn, saw I was close to JOLTERHEAD# but didn't remember the shorter form JOLTHEAD# #knowledgelarge
H4 WRILY +30 Finding Small
knew this was invalid, but missed better alternatives. This was the first play of the tournament, and I purposely phonied. Lol #findingsmall for WARILY which I think is best.
15G SUKH +41 Knowledge Large
too bad so sad, didn't think KASHRUT took an S. #knowledgesaddest
10C LAYE(T)TES +65 Finding Large
missing EASTERLY because Y #findingsaddest
8F J(OY) +13 Vision Large
completely missing the C hook on HAP. Lmao. #visionsaddest
E5 TAX +45 Finding Large
ok, breaking the silence to let you all know that I missed my 2nd 100+ point bingo this game on this turn. Excitant times #findingsaddest
15A PAWNEE +38 Finding Medium
missed 15L YAWP, which seems like the play for sure. #findingmedium
15L (Y)AWS +32 Vision Large
totally missed that he set up SCANT here #visionlarge #endgamesaddest
15L (Y)AWS +32 Endgame Large
totally missed that he set up SCANT here #visionlarge #endgamesaddest
F3 FUMY +33 Strategy Small
Really tough spot here. FUME F10 was my first instinct, and then I deferred from that thinking about the board long-term, etc. MIME H12 scored the most and set up a lane for later, but I think I overreacted here by trying to keep the bottom untouched. #strategysmall
E2 CONE +27 Strategy Small
HONE is better because it just bingos more and scores more. CONE also takes an S hook and I didn't see it. ONE also might be the play because it doesn't create the S hook #strategysmall
C10 OPA +17 Finding Large
really had no clue, missed everything. I died on this move. #findingsaddest
C1 (V)AU +12 Endgame Large
terrible #endgamesaddest
D6 D(IF) +7 Knowledge Large
CADAsTR(AL) 3C. I missed he could have WEEDLINE, which wins 50% of the time if he has it. #knowledgelarge
B5 OBTAINE(R) +68 Finding Large
TABORINE... #findingsaddest
A12 (C)OHO +27 Finding Medium
O(C)HRY missed #findingmedium
2A (V)ALUED +28 Finding Large
UNDOA(B)LE, also UNDOE(R) is better than this too maybe #findingsaddest
M11 WORN +18 Finding Large
missed a bunch of stuff #findingsaddest
15C VIBE +18 Strategy Medium
K10 VIBES is best #strategymedium
M2 C(H)I +17 Strategy Large
This seems totally wrong when there are plays that bingo a huge amount. For example, if I am going for the A (the main goal of this play), I can play 15K IT, which bingos with every single combo with the A besides AR and AA, but it can be blocked by OLDER 11H or (H)OLDER M3, OARED 11H. Quackle suggests CR(U) J12 wihch also bings a lot, but Jeff can play stuff like AE/ECRU to block, so that doesn't seem like it. Maybe 6I (E)R. I saw I was drawing TRAN(Q) so often here especially with an inference, and I was going down by only 17. I figured I was winning so often whenever I drew a vowel, but I don't think that's necessarily true. TRAN(Q) would take Jeff by surprise, but only puts me ahead 42 not including his play. If he plays 4 tiles such as with DALE A1, he's threatening to go out and win anyway. I can do better with IT, certainly. #strategylarge
A10 VOI(D)ED +36 Knowledge Large
UPDIVE(D) is best by far. Chickened out. #knowledgesaddest
4L GE(E)Z +48 Finding Large
missed plays on column B #findingsaddest
K5 BAD +22 Endgame Medium
-8 to the beautiful J8 kIB(BI) and also worse than a number of other easier-to-find plays #endgamemedium
K9 D(R)UMLY +24 Strategy Medium
should probably just do LUM M2. I thought this might get a hold/challenge or at least unsettle Jason if he didn't know the word. Then I noticed A(LUM) and was annoyed at that prospect, although that could be good for me if I draw an A. I didn't think Jason would miss a play with ALUM. DU(A)LLY was an option I didn't consider. I also considerd (A)DYTUM but that looked to make the game too easy for him and too tough for me with my LL leave. #strategymedium
9G DRY +20 Knowledge Medium
wrote down BYRON* here, didn't play it. Didn't know D(O)RMY surely. I also wrote down "NOT BEST" next to my play because I really didn't like it. #knowledgemedium
10C BR(I)M +14 Strategy Small
BLIP retains better rack synergy #strategysmall
C10 (B)LIP +16 Knowledge Small
H11 (L)IPIN #knowledgesmall
7H PLAcING +66 Knowledge Large
H1 sPANGLI(ER) #knowledgesaddest
5C DERATES +76 Knowledge Large
MOO was only better than 8L DOOM because it retained PLACINGS as a bingo lane. I have my bings there instead for 87 #knowledgesaddest
D2 VEX(E)D +32 Knowledge Large
UNFRESH* #knowledgesaddest After this game I think I looked up all the FRESH words and that allowed me to win a turn on FRESHING against Jason Li some months later in Ottawa.
13A (MOP)E +12 Knowledge Medium
O3 A(H)ORSE #knowledgemedium
14D SERRANE +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
oof #knowledgesaddest
F10 (MA)E +9 Endgame Large
-8 1F (AQuA)E #endgamesaddest final 423-398
M9 BO(G) +21 Finding Small
BOSTON N9 sims best. No. 4H (M)ONDO is what I was looking for. That looks best. #findingsmall
H8 REPAYED +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
9F AERY +28 Strategy Large
#strategysaddest #tiltsaddest
H13 (N)EE +9 Finding Medium
G7 E(PE)E is nice, maybe just PEE and call it a day #findingmedium
H4 CLUNG +22 Strategy Small
I honestly didn't think too much about this opening. I thought this was clear given that it was a lot more defensive than other stuff. Quackle doesn't like it, at all. Surprising, and I'm not often surprised. -4? #strategysmall
K1 BIC(E)P +22 Strategy Medium
I overdrew here for the only time this tournament. And it's obviously since I had the blank. Luckily I didn't mix, so he only chose from the 5 I drew. CIZ and the Z is gone. Quackle agrees with that choice. Lucky it wasn't a bigger mistake, but losing the Z is pretty bad. B11 (J)IBE is the favourite. I couldn't stomach it. #strategymedium
K9 dINGIER +67 Finding Small
I hated (N)IdERING creating that S hook and easy forking options. I missed (T)INGlIER N1 which is probably it. Took forever. #findingsmall
14J M(E)LTED +30 Strategy Large
after CARD I want to reduce bingos as much as possible, but I don't need to open a 3x3 and try to outrun that way. I can just play M(E)TED and do virtually the same things. This was game-losing. #strategylarge
13C UGH +26 Tactics Large
tough spot. I saw J7 (SAD)HU but did not like that Q(I) 2J would not empty the bag. However, it keeps E4 EGO behind which I missed. That's huge. This just doesn't get the job done. #tacticslarge
L10 NOO +16 Endgame Medium
I had also completely missed QIS, thought I was winning until he made his crushing move. Having to block RE(G)INA(E) was just the icing on the cake. -7 to LO(G)OI, but this seemed to have the only chance of winning. #endgamemedium
4I JA(C)K +34 Finding Large
why not 12A plays #findingsaddest ?
2G ERASERS +65 Finding Large
10C RARE(N)ESS #findingsaddest
O4 DIODE +39 Strategy Medium
I should probably take points with O5 HIDED here #strategymedium
7E RI(B) +5 Endgame Medium
-9 to just IXORA/AB #endgamemedium
H2 rEPULSE +72 Finding Medium
PEEpULS is much better. I only see UPSLEEP* and recognize that as a phony, and I had already lost 2 minutes because I was late from lunch. Still need to see that shit. #findingmedium
I1 HEW +28 Strategy Small
I had problems focusing and counting plays here. I don't remember exactly, but I remember counting both plays and getting it wrong and then trying again and getting it right, but blocking the TO and partially the E in AUTOED is much better for bingo defense than blocking up top. This is a stupid decision on my part. I think I thought I could deal with the right side later. #strategysmall Even if the scores of both HEW plays were reversed, I should still play under AUTOED.
A10 (O)WLERY +39 Finding Medium
Wow, (O)VERLY was missed, so much better than OWLERY. #findingmedium I was playing fast still. Ugh.
H4 GROPE +20 Strategy Small
It's not like I was a huge fan of this play, but again, it seemed pretty straightforward. It's not. It's way less defensive than POGO and even EGO. POGO is probably the best play #strategysmall
3J T(U)TTI +10 Knowledge Large
this is a bad play for many reasons. Reason number 1 is that I didn't think this took an S. Reason number 2 is that TIT(B)IT is a word. I once again thought this was a great play since it set up my X a lot and blocked EMPLOYERS. #knowledgelarge
9F SORB +35 Strategy Large
Once I made this play I realized it was not good. There's one place left to score easily on this board and it's E5. If I draw poorly after this, I won't necessarily be able to withstand a bingo and a scoring play from Noah. E5 BO is far and away best #strategylarge
15B SWATTED +93 Knowledge Small
so now this plays with TUTTIS for 101. I considered many times whether I would be game to challenge TUTTIS this game, and figured that I wouldn't be able to. #knowledgesmall
10I AZOIC +40 Endgame Medium
I somehow missed that he could play NAES 11I after this. I also missed FILMI. E10 ZOIC is best. -6 #endgamemedium
I1 YAGE +12 Tactics Small
this seems middling #tacticssmall
F6 FoCI +41 Strategy Medium
gotta play something on row 2 #strategymedium
E9 ACETONe +68 Finding Large
J4 TACNOdE #findingsaddest
13A MOVI(O)LA +26 Finding Medium
3C AVAIL #findingmedium
M9 PORES +39 Finding Large
number of plays better than this, such as PAREO same spot #findingsaddest
pass - +0 Knowledge Large
such a bad challenge #knowledgesaddest
A7 EJIDO +46 Endgame Medium
2A JE(L)L is 9 points better, blocks GAFF and leaves unblockable DIDO plays. #endgamemedium
E5 RE(V)ERTS +40 Finding Large
just dropping the D with M3 (WEAL)D is best here. Thought I'd be OK most often after this. But still a lot of game to be played. #findinglarge
15G FE +50 Endgame Large
AMIDO gave back UNMIX, so was bad #endgamesaddest
D8 (B)LOOIE +16 Finding Small
#findingsmall on (B)OULE D8
13G SHUNnER +84 Knowledge Large
RoU(G)HENS at 5D, talked myself out of it #knowledgesaddest
C12 AFT +27 Finding Small
K1 DA(V)IT seems right here #findingsmall
5B D(I)TA +15 Finding Large
J4 ArABLES +74 Knowledge Large
#knowledgesaddest #findingsaddest BALASEs
J4 ArABLES +74 Finding Large
#knowledgesaddest #findingsaddest BALASEs
C12 HEX +35 Strategy Medium
not playing DEX is a big mistake #strategymedium
3M PIA +22 Finding Small
probably should play U(L)PAN or P(L)AIN here O1 #strategysmall #findingsmall
3M PIA +22 Strategy Small
probably should play U(L)PAN or P(L)AIN here O1 #strategysmall #findingsmall
I9 E(C)U +17 Strategy Large
F3 UN(D)UE is a lot better. #strategysaddest
A13 WEE +32 Finding Small
G5 AWO(K)E seems good here #findingsmall
2F LEAVY +33 Finding Large
2F LOVEY is much better #findingsaddest
H1 W(A)LE +29 Finding Small
W(A)GE is better #findingsmall
B9 OD +21 Knowledge Large
INDOCILE #knowledgesaddest
4B D(EMIC) +10 Endgame Medium
D(E) to block GR(R). -7 it would seem #endgamemedium
6J (T)UN +3 Endgame Large
VI(S). Completely missed that. This sticks me with a tile which means I don't get any of Mad's rack added to my score. -17 #endgamelarge
H1 PIN +17 Strategy Small
I might prefer playing this for 9 more at I5? Can't imagine this is worth sacrificing so much. Upon reviewal I like I4 TRIP, since it blocks a lot of annoying scoring plays at H1, despite allowing me to bingo next turn significantly less. #strategysmall
A12 (C)LAD +21 Finding Large
2M DAD looks a lot better. This seems like an auto-pilot. #findinglarge
C9 HOM(I)LY +36 Finding Small
4J (P)HYLUM seems better #findingsmall
E8 R(I)FFER +24 Knowledge Large
phony #knowledgesaddest
I3 QI +26 Finding Large
QWERTY!!! #findingsaddest
D12 WARY +40 Tactics Small
WANY a lot better, this is a bad oversight #tacticssmall
15K YODLE +42 Endgame Large
should go out in 2 -11 #endgamelarge
F8 (C)EE +7 Knowledge Large
#knowledgesaddest #findingsaddest
F8 (C)EE +7 Finding Large
#knowledgesaddest #findingsaddest
1E (C)OOLAgES +80 Knowledge Large
4D J(O)E +20 Tactics Medium
should play the Q first #tacticsmedium
D6 (QUALM)IER +38 Knowledge Large
10B TI(M)B(E)RMEN #knowledgesaddest
A3 (P)ITIERS +30 Finding Large
H1 (L)ISTERI(A)S and PERITI and PITIER are much better #findingsaddest
5I (O)XY +26 Strategy Medium
N(O)YAUX #strategymedium
3J KAON +29 Strategy Small
4J OAK for sure, don't want to give access to 4L and beyond. #strategysmall
4L GIRT +31 Endgame Medium
don't give back Z play. F12 HI is 8 points better #endgamemedium
I3 Z(A)MIA +36 Knowledge Medium
missed a couple of things here, mainly MAR(CELLED). Didn't know MARCEL was a verb. I guess I'll know for next time CELLED is the opening play. I also missed OZA(L)ID for 40, and potentially misevaluated ZO(O)ID K2. Wanted to do a bit more to the board here, felt in control. #knowledgemedium #findingmedium
I3 Z(A)MIA +36 Finding Medium
missed a couple of things here, mainly MAR(CELLED). Didn't know MARCEL was a verb. I guess I'll know for next time CELLED is the opening play. I also missed OZA(L)ID for 40, and potentially misevaluated ZO(O)ID K2. Wanted to do a bit more to the board here, felt in control. #knowledgemedium #findingmedium
11B K(A)BAR +37 Finding Small
put some thought into D4 BARITE to clamp down on the position but I'm not up by enough. Didn't see B(A)KER for 2 more, and it's compounded by there being a ton of unseen E's, making AIT a better leave than EIT here. Thought there was a small chance of a challenge here, but not enough. #findingsmall
M5 UNITY +26 Endgame Small
calculated GUY being a bit better, but for some reason got worried I was allowing something bad, but even the worst possible thing still loses by 1 for him. -1 #endgamesmall
H8 ODD +10 Tactics Small
exch D is best #tacticssmall
11K (F)UG +7 Finding Medium
this has quite good recursion potential, so it's not as much of a mistake as quackle says over OU(T)AGE. But it's a testament to how OUTAGE is better than FUG doesn't immediately do as well, since it means I don't draw a huge Q play as often as I would like to. #findingmedium
O12 MIRE +41 Finding Medium
somehow, even after looking for a bit, I missed the ELMIER fit. #findingmedium
K7 STEAMED +75 Finding Small
this plays with WISS #findingsmall
C9 VI(R)GA +26 Strategy Medium
I think VI(R)TU is best here. #strategymedium
13F PUNTE(D) +18 Endgame Small
-4 to 14B PENT or PEEN but was trying to be as tricky as possible #endgamesmall
E8 (B)ULK +20 Finding Small
H(A)IKU F7 #findingsmall
2J GO +9 Strategy Large
A4 BOSsED +38 Endgame Medium
-6 #endgamemedium
H4 HEMMER +34 Knowledge Small
FEMME is best. Not sure I knew that was valid. I also didn't know if HEMMER was valid. #knowledgesmall
4K OY +24 Strategy Small
this seems quite wrong. I have lots of plays that score better than this and keep similarly. #strategysad
E1 GELA(T)INE +59 Vision Large
completely spacing on the ATONES hook. #visionsaddest
L12 WORE +29 Finding Large
damn, BURROWER extends. and J6 WRES(T) #findingsaddest #endgamesaddest
L12 WORE +29 Endgame Large
damn, BURROWER extends. and J6 WRES(T) #findingsaddest #endgamesaddest
7H fOOTAGE +61 Finding Large
OOGAMETE #findingsaddest
F2 OVOID +27 Finding Medium
I guess not opening the 3x3 is OK. I think D1 VOICED is still the play. #findingmedium
F10 TIE +20 Finding Small
9C TE(L)IA #findingsmall
14J ODEON +28 Finding Large
14A NOL(O) seems good here #findinglarge
15L NEEM +30 Strategy Medium
now 14A LEMON or MELON. I think I considered those too, but wanted to cover the big spot I shouldn't have opened up last turn. #strategymedium
L1 WAIN +37 Finding Small
L2 WIN is a nice idea to set up my case T. TWIN also sims better than this, not a human move, though I guess considering there are no vowels left it's fine. #findingsmall
10C FL(IT)S +20 Tactics Small
2K S(A)LTS does best. #tacticssmall
2E V(O)LT +7 Endgame Medium
-9 M7 (GI)MP setting up VOLTS #endgamemedium
H4 MOTRIC +26 Knowledge Large
MORTICE #findinglarge this is also phony #knowledgesaddest
H4 MOTRIC +26 Finding Large
MORTICE #findinglarge this is also phony #knowledgesaddest
G3 UH +13 Knowledge Large
PREHUMAN #knowledgelarge
F6 (J)OE +10 Knowledge Medium
PER(I)NEA #knowledgemedium
J1 APERIEN(T) +68 Knowledge Medium
PERINEA again #knowledgemedium
4L WAUR +21 Finding Medium
7M WAR #findingmedium
pass - +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
challenged? #knowledgelarge
N2 YO(U) +25 Strategy Large
bad #strategylarge
13I H(A)PANG +32 Knowledge Large
phony #knowledgelarge #geniuslarge
12M (XI)S +21 Finding Large
still missing orgiasts #findingsaddest
J6 XIS +34 Finding Small
definitely a lucky draw. I never considered XI B6, which appears to be consistent with my previous play to keep the S. #findingsmall
12H (M)UTCH +24 Finding Medium
missing 12D THRU(M). MUTCH was held and released. #findingmedium
15A GROUTiE(R) +77 Finding Small
looking for and missing 4D GOURmET #findingsmall
E10 (F)AH +18 Tactics Small
AGINT better than EGINT, that's news to me. I'm heading nowhere in this position without an S, though if he bingos first (which I would prefer to prevent) it will often give me a commeback. FEH sims 4 points higher, gotta trust that #tacticssmall
H6 VAU +12 Strategy Small
dunno why I didn't play this one spot down #strategysmall
exch OO +0 Strategy Large
exch HO +0 Strategy Large
5B ZOEAE +30 Strategy Small
probably YO(G)EE was my last chance at saving this game #strategysmall
3L BEY +26 Knowledge Large
BEDI(Z)EN B1 #knowledgesaddest
L6 EMUlATE +72 Finding Large
L4 AMpUTEE #findingsaddest
8A PI +16 Endgame Large
Oh my goodness. (B)I is 52 points better on spread here because he's I-stuck. I play HM/HI at any point. #endgamesaddest
E8 (Z)ING +28 Knowledge Large
GINZO, GINZOES, EGESTION #findingsaddest #knowledgesaddest
E8 (Z)ING +28 Finding Large
GINZO, GINZOES, EGESTION #findingsaddest #knowledgesaddest
12C KOS +29 Knowledge Large
6H (S)IX +26 Finding Medium
WEI(G)H #findingmedium #strategymedium
6H (S)IX +26 Strategy Medium
WEI(G)H #findingmedium #strategymedium
L2 WHE(N) +20 Strategy Medium
too fishy and HEW(N) is better to set up SHEWN #strategymedium
B13 PAN +27 Finding Large
B9 CANAPE #findinglarge
N8 (V)AC +14 Strategy Large
no comment #strategysaddest
14J PONED +47 Knowledge Large
1C (J)AILER +42 Strategy Large
Better to fish here, but the Q is in the bag 1/3. 2/3 times I draw a bingo 4/8 times, so there's around a 1/3 shot at CALIBRE, BRAILLE or whatever with the blank. I guess it's worth it considering the likelihood I get Q-stuck after this play. #strategylarge
13C LOGAN(I)A +20 Finding Small
missing the better OTALG(I)A #findingsmall
F12 (DA)Y +15 Strategy Large
really bad mistake over playing off YE instead, and also scoring more with YEN or STEY on the 14th row. #strategylarge
15A VERNIS +38 Knowledge Large
bad bad bad bad this is not even valid UNRIVETS #findingsaddest #knowledgesaddest
15A VERNIS +38 Finding Large
bad bad bad bad this is not even valid UNRIVETS #findingsaddest #knowledgesaddest
7L (A)L +3 Finding Large
J1 CAPI(T)AtE +65 Knowledge Large
didn't know anagram APATETIC, Chloe saw it. Also hEPA(T)ICA missed #findingmedium #knowledgesaddest
J1 CAPI(T)AtE +65 Finding Medium
didn't know anagram APATETIC, Chloe saw it. Also hEPA(T)ICA missed #findingmedium #knowledgesaddest
G11 POW +29 Finding Large
#findingsaddest for TWOPENCE :(
J10 WO(N) +29 Strategy Small
dunno why I didn't go with WINO, that was stupid and super fishy #strategysmall
D3 VIG +17 Finding Medium
nah, I couldn't have missed MIGG, could I have? ... #findingmedium I guess? I liked this over C5 for some bizarre reason
3G GAZO(O) +55 Tactics Small
BAZO(O) sets up OGE(E) undernearth immediately and is therefore better #tacticssmall
7J B(O)OM +28 Knowledge Large
#knowledgesaddest for TWINKING* B(R)OOM was also a consideration. It might be a bit better #questionable
12H (Q)UITtORS +84 Finding Small
12E TUR(Q)uOIS!! #findingsmall
J4 BLUR +10 Finding Medium
J10 SLUB is definitely right here #findingmedium
8J (A)TWAIN +39 Finding Large
8J ABWATT!!! #findinglarge
K7 TUXES +30 Strategy Medium
perhaps this was wrong. Considered YENS K9 as well which sims a lot better. 14I (K)YE and (K)YTE sim well as well. #strategymedium
10F DO(R) +17 Knowledge Large
#knowledgesaddest for FERMIC*
10A (A)W +26 Endgame Small
14I (K)NAWEL is one point better #endgamesmall
3B DOWAGE(R) +26 Strategy Small
G2 WOAD sims best. OWE 13D also. Guess there's a lot of horrible stuff unseen. OK. #strategysmall
O2 SAU +14 Finding Large
missed ASSAI O1 lol. I think that's best. Also, missing simple better way to block with 3L AIS, which keeps better. #findingsaddest
1L BEL +29 Knowledge Large
fuck DISUNITER is good. ROPABLE fits. #knowledgesaddest
N10 KOR(S) +22 Endgame Large
ran out of time, would have lost 10 if I played OK 6E even though I assumed it was best here. #timesaddest #endgamesaddest
N10 KOR(S) +22 Time Large
ran out of time, would have lost 10 if I played OK 6E even though I assumed it was best here. #timesaddest #endgamesaddest
M1 TIES +12 Endgame Small
just STIPE(D) anyway because (L)UST 15A scores too much #endgamesmall -4
12B GEED +27 Knowledge Large
GETTE(R)ED 3C, was unsure #knowledgesaddest
G2 (UP)O +13 Endgame Large
-7 to O(GEED) 12A #endgamesaddest
12A D(O)RKS +38 Endgame Small
-2 to K(O)RAS #endgamesmall
13C C(ERE)BRO +30 Finding Large
just 4D BORT(Z), no need to phony really #findingsaddest
J2 (QUOTE)D +19 Finding Large
7I (O)DD for sure #findingsaddest
8A AXIA(L) +39 Finding Large
ABAXILE #findingsaddest
9G I(ZA)R +20 Strategy Medium
definitely just XI here 10I #strategymedium
6I RI(P) +7 Endgame Medium
RET 14D is 6 points better #endgamemedium
4H DRO(U)K +24 Knowledge Large
K11 POG(Y) +20 Finding Large
3J P(R)OG missed. #findingsaddest
J8 (D)IVOT +17 Finding Small
9C VOLTI #findingsmall
B2 VERATR(IN) +26 Strategy Medium
probably unsound #strategymedium
A3 WAY +23 Finding Large
F9 (L)WEI #findingsaddest
2B TUNdISH +81 Knowledge Large
5E SU(PE)rTHIN!! #knowledgesaddest
8A TI(L)ED +27 Endgame Small
12D EON first -2 #endgamesmall
L4 R(E)WAX +46 Tactics Small
VAR(I)X might be better since I keep the W for J10 and G7. I don't like 2E AX since it leaves me vulnerable should Leesa decide to gambit and throw a 3x3 or a lucrative hook open. I thought I could just draw an A and play J4 V(I)VA, which doesn't seem to get blocked a ton. I think VAR(I)X is OK but I liked using columns L and M instead of J. #tacticssmall
12J (GO)B +20 Finding Medium
oh there are two bingo in here oops I was too confused about BRUCITES #findingmedium
E6 (O)UTSCORE +70 Tactics Small
probably CROUTES/HODS? Didn't know how likely her range was hitting the P in POI. #tacticssmall
C12 YEAH +40 Tactics Medium
once I actually realized my misplay in this position I assumed YEAH was probably an 18-point mistake. I mistracked a U instead of a D, so I thought my Q had a better chance of not getting stuck. I also didn't notice that INSNARE played under DIF which I was not blocking. So I should play QA(T) 8C and just brace for impact I think. #tacticsmedium
8C L(IT) +3 Endgame Small
LIM(IT) would be the play here but I thought she had a U. #endgamesmall
B7 RAM +11 Endgame Small
thought I was very smart here but she has a D instead of a U so she can block both spots for QI quite easily :( #endgamesmall
I8 NONHOmE +62 Finding Small
I didn't see NONHErO which I would have been more sure of, and also sure that it doesn't have an S hook. The R placement makes G8 NONHErO the move. #findingsmall
12I (O)VOLO +16 Strategy Small
seems clear that I should just do G7 OVOLI now that I am analyzing. I knew I was playing scared here, but felt Mack still had a decent play at H12 despite challenging. #strategysmall
15C TAEnIAS +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
so bad, ruined a good position because I thought he wouldn't challenge again and that this might be good #knowledgesaddest
15A DICED +38 Finding Small
sloppy, I should play IODID in this spot. The leave is tremendously better, making up for the 6 points and some. #findingsmall
3I P(I)PAGE +28 Finding Small
This has to be K9 PAG(OD)S for 40. #findingsmall
B4 DUAL +15 Finding Large
totally spaced on the OR here, missing LAUDATORS and ADULATORS M6. I also tracked myself having the last A. #findingsaddest
6J SATI +26 Endgame Small
O1 GIST or GEST #endgamesmall
H7 WELT +14 Strategy Small
hm, definitely thought WELT had better equity overall. Seems TWEET is slightly better as Mack bingos significantly less given the lack of home for lots of 7s and only 3 floaters. Didn't think of that. WELT seems around a point worse #strategysmall
F6 AWE +29 Strategy Small
AWEE seemed to give a lot more easier plays back, but that shouldn't be a huge concern since I'm probably slightly behind regardless, so the extra point, better opportunities next turn and one fewer vowel might be good. #strategysmall
K12 FUG +20 Strategy Large
this was really dumb. I can actually outscore if I play K11 OF (or EF which is just slightly worse but same idea). It's 31 points and does actually threaten a lot of stuff when the right letters are in the bag. Really dumb of me. I have to make a play making FEH to reopen the N column, but I can also do other stuff at the same time. This just never outscores. #strategysaddest
G7 H(E)X +33 Finding Small
I think 9E SOX might be too many points to give up. Even OX, keeping the X, setting up my scoring tiles. #findingsmall
10B (LOWE)D +13 Finding Large
My worst fears became reality. and yet, I had a bingo with DOMESTICS, which I never saw. So bad.... #findingSADDEST
H4 KINDER +32 Vision Small
Pretty insane that I didn't even think of playing DRINK here. That's a small improvement I think. #visionSAD
E4 iN(O)SCINE +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
and how stupid to see CONIINES and know it has an anagram, see this, and not take a bit of time to make sure this was it... I've messed this up before too. I knew the anagram didn't take an S, but this ain't it. Wow. #knowledgeSADDEST
8B INCENS(E)d +62 Knowledge Large
and now I consider BOXINGS and don't even think about what it could mean, just that I must be confusing it with FOXINGS. Idiotic. CENSING or INCENSE play with BOXINGS. This is horrible in comparison #knowledgeSADDEST
D8 (C)UBER +18 Finding Small
horrible position. (C)ORBIE is probably a better version of this. CURIE or CURIO also. #findingSAD
11D DOGG(O) +16 Knowledge Small
could not be 100% sure of COGG(E)D, so given Glenn's challenge-y nature of years past, I couln't pull the trigger despite being pretty confident. #knowledgesmall
15H BERIME(S) +42 Knowledge Large
This set in motion a very sad tournament for me with regards with spread. I know there are many more examples of this, where I could have won by so much more in a game that ended up being very tight. EMBODIER seemed totally ridiculous to me, since IMBODIER* was surely invalid. But that is logical. Not NWL-based thinking will not get you far in NWL. #knowledgelarge
G5 LE(E) +3 Endgame Small
3N EL. I was now out of time #endgamesmall
J1 EXAMS +44 Finding Large
looked really hard, but could not spot TAXEM(E). Wasn't too fond of this play, so spent a while. This is a huge mistake. #findingsaddest
B6 (D)OGCARTS +64 Knowledge Large
Joey: ESCARGOT Josh: had I seen ESCARGOT during my thought process last turn or as a review of said thought process this turn, I would have challenged QUICKY* off the board and been ahead by 200. I should still challenge because how likely is he to block the D anyway? I don't need to worry pretty much at all about having a spot to bingo. Horrible #knowledgesaddest
M10 SHEENS +26 Strategy Large
SNEESH denies GUA(R)DANT but H(A)USEN J9 blocks the most bingos. #strategylarge
H1 DUPE +38 Finding Large
there is an 8 through the M that I missed. #findingsaddest
13A NOW +27 Strategy Medium
I put an exclamation point here. I don't know if I didn't see that she had AXE for 57 (doubt I missed that) or if I felt she would miss it again or if I just wanted to go for equity despite knowledge of her rack. Weird. I feel like J5 OW is clear. #strategymedium
exch OOQA +0 Strategy Small
reallllly overthought this one. Why didn't I keep my A instead of my O? Worried about duplication with 3 A's unseen DO(D)O H6 is also probably fine.#strategysmall
13H (O)Y +9 Endgame Large
from this position arises (edit: what I thought was) the most amazing endgame sequence I've ever seen a sub-1000 rated player play. I genuinely thought I was Q-sticking here. (edit: And I was) Quackle's choice is N1 NU, and it seems to win by 209 according to its endgame analysis, so at least that's consistent with its estimations here. Still don't know if I should trust this. #endgamesaddest
G11 L(A) +2 Endgame Large
I thought the A(V)A play was genius, which it was, setting up Q(A)t/t(OY) and Qu(AY) unblockable. Sadly it gives me an out I somehow failed to see!!! And then I play this for some really stupid reason. Maybe hoping she missed Qu(AY)? #endgamesaddest
O14 MU +19 Knowledge Small
saw the only bing of OUTSMELT and chickened out. #knowledgeSAD
8A IN(d)IE +15 Endgame Medium
below 10 seconds. Couldn't fine NIE(C)E K2 to block L1 and go out next turn. -5 #endgamemedium
H4 VALeNCE +80 Knowledge Small
glad I remembered VALANCE taking a D and VALENCE only taking an S. However, I didn't remember VALENCY, which is definitely the play, as although it doesn't double a letter already on my rack, making 8-letter words less likely, it takes no hook, making 7-letter words completely unplayable. Not only that, but VALENCE takes the 3-letter PRE(VALENCE) extension, whereas VALENCY does not. TRIVALENCE is also a word, but neither Bryn nor I knew of it. #knowledgesmall
6J HES +35 Finding Medium
SHEISSE!!! Hilarious rack, what do you even do with this stuff? 8A SHIES is the play #findingmedium
8A MOUE +29 Tactics Medium
MOUES is better but I wanted him to think he might be able to draw the other S. #tacticsmedium
I13 TAE +19 Vision Medium
I missed UNDEE, 12B CETE looks good, or CEE #visionmedium
1A DUTY +45 Knowledge Large
5J HANDAX +39 Finding Large
D8 (E)XHA(L)ED :O #findingsaddest
13L FISC +28 Finding Medium
YOLO moment. LATRIUMS* still in play, but I didn't think this would matter much. Kyle won't play it, I probably won't, he could definitely challenge. 6J F(U)SE is best, missed it. #findingmedium
8A MANT(E)L +27 Strategy Small
no clue. I thought about this and AVANT. Regretted not doing AVANT. The V is bad reminder #1248793751 and also no need to open unneccessary lanes #strategysmall
A4 PELMET +42 Strategy Large
This doesn't always win. He can have DAReSAY and tie... :O #strategysaddest
7L BED +23 Finding Large
5E (CRIB)BED #findingsaddest #endgamesaddest
7L BED +23 Endgame Large
5E (CRIB)BED #findingsaddest #endgamesaddest
10A VUM +18 Finding Small
wow. 3J (A)MPE(RE) :O that probably makes V(I)EW C10 the best play, since it keeps AMPERE behind at the very least. #findingsmall
13C LEX +35 Tactics Medium
fuck, 13C OGLE is a setup. It's a good one because if I hit an A or O, I'm not opening a lane on row 15 after the X bomb. This was a key miss. Just found a good play getting rid of the X and sent it. #tacticsmedium
3M I(RE) +6 Strategy Large
yeah so I started to get quite low on time here. The pool is extremely strong, and I thought my best chance was to bingo back. I didn't even know if that would score enough though. I don't think it does, like, at all. So this was just not a good move, since when Michael doesn't outrun with his bingo, he just blocks. I need to bite the bullet and play 15F INKED. I thought it might be giving him bingos he doesn't have, but a cursory glance shows that no, INKED doesn't give him anything new. Gotta try that. It would have won. He actually only bingos around 50% of the time. #strategySADDEST
F2 JIH(AD) +32 Finding Large
J(E)HU 15E was missed #findingsaddest
M3 COULD +31 Endgame Medium
-5 to Ur(A)CIL A10 #endgamemedium
3K HEMP +30 Finding Small
missed a toughie! HYPERNYM #findingSAD
D10 H(O)E +25 Finding Large
so I missed (G)HAZI. That's a huge miss. Saw TEL(O)I but wanted to block something or score something. This seems like second best but it's a far, far second. #findinglarge
1F MOO +39 Finding Large
sadly I didn't do all the work required to make the play of VINE, since I missed two outplays. #endgamesaddest #findingsaddest -15
1F MOO +39 Endgame Large
sadly I didn't do all the work required to make the play of VINE, since I missed two outplays. #endgamesaddest #findingsaddest -15
10L (I)Ds +20 Endgame Large
he's C-stuck so I should play ?(AXED) #endgamesaddest again
B13 AT +6 Endgame Large
best is nickel-and-diming with any sequence of C6 (C)U(T), 13A JA(R), A13 (J)o and (Jo)T, which gets 54 points total, whereas this one gets 45. I saw JA(R) as an option over the board and dismissed it too quickly. -9 #endgamelarge
G8 Q(A)T +30 Finding Small
missed Q(A)NAT in the same spot, which is technically better, but I thought it was unlikely he would be able to overlap on row 11 all the way #findingsmall
12B NOTA +19 Tactics Small
I might have to keep the vowel here for 6 fewer. TON looks best. #tacticssmall
C5 CL(EAR) +7 Knowledge Large
missing SILICLE #knowledgelarge
M5 ADDS +22 Finding Small
never saw or considered F8 S(A)DI (or anything there for that matter), SADI looks right. #findingsmall
4A KN(E)LT +28 Endgame Large
very happy with this simple win, but CL(E)AN is best, setting up the sick TSK I5 for next move. I think this is something like 17 points back. #endgamesaddest
E2 AC(T)S +20 Endgame Small
one more for (IN)CAS(ED) 7G #endgamesmall
H7 QUAD +28 Strategy Small
stupid placement #strategysmall
10H (DO)C +12 Finding Large
goddamnit #findingsaddest
J6 HET +31 Finding Small
did I actually assess this as "I'm setting up TI(NKER) for 3 more and blocking IZARD-like plays so I'll sac 2 points" or did I just flat-out miss THE. I think the latter #findingsmall
C8 (M)ETALING +74 Tactics Small
i7 ATINGLE is the auto-pilot play. I liked trying to control the board with this, blocking more lanes, but I overestimated the bingo defense this provided. #tacticssmall
B7 L(I)PIN +23 Knowledge Large
I didn't think PLATTING was valid. #knowledgelarge
L1 HOED +30 Tactics Small
was worried about a worst case scenario J play down L1 here followed by a bingo. I should probably let that worry go and play K3 EDH. #tacticssmall
3B JE(A)NED +32 Knowledge Large
I could also just miss DEJEUNER. -64 #knowledgelarge
H4 WROTH +30 Knowledge Large
tip: if you have a bingo on your first move of the tournament, play it. You'll be infinitely more likely to win said tournament if you do. I saw TROWTHS, but ROWTH didn't have a hook in my head #knowledgesaddest
I7 (Z)EE +18 Finding Small
missing (Z)OEA(E) same spot #findingsmall
E9 A(L)E +17 Endgame Small
sNIDE first because she can just block with DOTY #endgamesad
A11 RO(U)TH +27 Strategy Large
need to play H(U)RT or HO(U)RI in this spot, better chances overall #strategylarge
A1 OVA +30 Finding Medium
J2 VO(DO)U has to be right. Missed it #findingmedium
11J (N)AZI +26 Finding Large
ZOA(R)IA 4G by far best #findingsaddest
10E UNiCOLO(R) +63 Finding Large
COLONUs #findingsaddest
D1 DOMIN(I)ON +78 Finding Small
missed MIDNOON... #findingSAD
4L OE +15 Finding Small
D7 OLEO looks best here. Don't think I saw it #findingsmall
exch QYN +0 Strategy Large
I need to keep my N here and fish off my S for JUBILANT!! #strategylarge
4F BISTERS +77 Knowledge Small
BESTIRS seems best #tacticssmall #knowledgesmall
4F BISTERS +77 Tactics Small
BESTIRS seems best #tacticssmall #knowledgesmall
8D UNFr(I)END +62 Finding Large
INFECUND #findingsaddest
E5 SLU(I)CED +40 Finding Large
B4 RE(J)OInER +66 Knowledge Large
#knowledgesaddest, REJOIcER
4L TEIN +17 Endgame Small
-7 to C12 ETA #endgamesad
1E ANATTO +23 Strategy Small
probably A(R)NATTO #strategysmall
11B LIPID +23 Knowledge Medium
B1 IN(C)LIP missed #knowledgemedium
13I JE(A)NS +40 Finding Small
9G B(E)G(I)N is the play #findingsmall
14H B(OX) +16 Finding Small
not sure about ORBING, I guess I missed it. #findingsmall
2K (F)OZY +38 Knowledge Medium
D11 (T)OTTY seems right, I hit SIZ(Y) with an I, DOZ(Y) with an O, ZEDS or DE(CRYING) with an E, and a whole host of other fun scoring plays exist because I kept the Z, the best tile in Scrabble. #knowledgemedium #findingmedium
2K (F)OZY +38 Finding Medium
D11 (T)OTTY seems right, I hit SIZ(Y) with an I, DOZ(Y) with an O, ZEDS or DE(CRYING) with an E, and a whole host of other fun scoring plays exist because I kept the Z, the best tile in Scrabble. #knowledgemedium #findingmedium
G2 GRAB +14 Finding Small
this was frustrating. I missed GERB(I)L which seems like the play I would make. Quackle prefers fishing again with (E)RG or B(E)RG. Either way, this seems like a mistake #findingsmall
M11 J(O)E +20 Strategy Medium
now, the same idea is potentially completely ridiculous and bad. I have to give up here and play JETES or JEES, the latter of which I missed. This is the problem with playing B(A)D last turn. One of the reasons is that I will have K column plays to score next turn, and I should play those. But I forwent those last turn. So it's sort of a paradox, and very human to try and continue in the same vein as last turn. But now, I'm sacrificing far more by not taking the points. This play is very commital and I'm basically deciding to never play on the K column unless Lou plays a bingo elsewhere or plays on the 15 row. Quackle hates this because it mainly assumes I will use the K column when I miss. The point is that when I miss, I'm more and more screwed by not scoring. #strategymedium
11A FU(S)ARIES +72 Knowledge Large
5J EYE +15 Finding Large
horrible miss of I(V)Y and even OLI(V)E on the 7 row #findingsaddest
1A CON(G)ER +27 Finding Small
keep missing N(AS)CENT #findingSAD
6H (O)AT +10 Endgame Small
totally forgot about B(ED)/B(OP) despite him having it on the board on the OP turn and taking the B away... -2 #endgamesmall
M9 AS +24 Finding Small
URASES M5 is best. Should have focused and remembered that IONICS was definitely a word, so that I could spot this play. #findingsmall
N3 RENAILS +65 Finding Large
the worst miss of the tournament I would say. Saw RENAILS and NAILERS and knew there was a 3rd. Then I couldn't find it. So I stopped looking and decided this was better than NAILERS despite TRENAILS because I needed to maximize scoring spots for myself for the rest of the game to try and outrun. ALINERS is just better. How could I miss this. #findingSADDEST
K4 BA(N)ALITy +86 Finding Large
missing SAILBOAT #findingSADDEST
A4 BESET +37 Finding Large
noticed him noticing S(CENT) finally and didn't notice my bing in the minute or so preceding this realization. ABSENTEE missed for the nth time #findingSADDEST
K8 C(U)RVED +24 Finding Large
VEREC(U)ND #findingsaddest
12A ENROBES +84 Vision Large
11B BOREENS is 6 overlaps. My max was 4 apparently. #visionsaddest
F1 (A)N(I) +15 Endgame Large
?? I must have been low on time or just stupid. Probably just the latter. #endgamesaddest
6D BECL(O)UD +22 Finding Large
7F BA(R)LEDUC #findinglarge
10D DETA(I)NED +64 Knowledge Large
DEN(T)ATED #knowledgelarge
1C (Q)I +15 Finding Large
N9 RILIEvI #findinglarge
12J FEED +36 Finding Small
missing DEAF in the same spot #findingsmall
15L MEO(U) +9 Strategy Medium
2J MOO is just too many points. #strategymedium
J1 O(B)A +5 Strategy Large
this looks potentially pretty stupid compared to ANOA. #strategylarge
14B CURED +34 Finding Large
totally missing COU(V)ADE which I saw instantly today. Interesting that I'm patting myself on the back for an error I made. I guess people (never) change #findingsaddest
11E HUG +28 Endgame Large
18 points off of HET because blocking the 2 row costs Deen dearly. HET follows a very complicated out-in-5 sequence according to Quackle. #endgamesaddest
A1 DE(L)E +27 Endgame Large
being super careful -15 #endgamesaddest
10E TOLANES +81 Tactics Small
didn't want to hang an S but ETALONS is better defensively #tacticssmall annotated on stream sept 03 2020
10D COOS +21 Strategy Small
I6 CASE sims best by a lot. Hm. #strategysmall
F2 WI(Z) +45 Finding Large
missing QOPH and thinking I could afford not to block the 15 column #strategysad #findingsaddest
F2 WI(Z) +45 Strategy Small
missing QOPH and thinking I could afford not to block the 15 column #strategysad #findingsaddest
H4 FAIRY +30 Strategy Large
Just AERIFY was my original instinct. That was the correct instinct #strategylarge
13I K(N)URL +28 Finding Large
14E KRUBU(T) for sure #findingsaddest
H7 (HO)N +6 Strategy Large
not the right move, but I thought I was going for CORNFLOWER, though I kept an E... #strategysaddest
N8 PHUT +24 Strategy Small
O1 UH bingos a lot. Can't argue with those numbers #strategysmall
13A TIL +10 Finding Large
M9 TRILL by far best #findingsaddest
14I RAPIN(I) +26 Finding Large
was a huge ball of nerves here. Missed the easy FRA(N)C. This was just me throwing tiles down and hoping it was enough to win. #findingsaddest
F14 HM +29 Knowledge Large
chickened out of BROMIC I suck #knowledgesaddest
12B W(ON)T +10 Finding Large
am I supposed to be scared of this? I think I also just flat-out missed WALT(Z). This has to be wrong right? #findingsaddest
5J GE(L) +18 Finding Large
SUPER pissed after I realized I could have kept going with GELANT. Was time rushing, but still. Need to see that and play it #findingsaddest
O1 M(E)TALING +158 Finding Large
oof, TEGMINAL so much better. More than the 18 points immediately. Tunnel vision #findingsaddest
A12 YI(P)E +39 Strategy Medium
should go with 1G AY, bingos more, protects score a ton more... #strategymedium
D8 VETOERS +84 Finding Large
oof O1 (C)OVETERS #findingsaddest
15J ABLY +21 Finding Medium
clueless here. I could play something like F9 BE and give up on equity. That sims a lot better than other stuff, maybe because U draw and some other 2-tile pulls give me 15J stuff. #findingmedium
15F MIAOWS +44 Finding Small
realized I missed SWAMI after making my play. Thought it was a 5-point mistake, but maybe not. Dah. Also H11 W(H)AMO #findingsmall
O13 OI +9 Finding Small
B10 OI #findingsmall
6F Z(A)P +34 Finding Medium
missed P(H)IZ E3 #findingmedium
H4 MANGO +22 Finding Large
lowest point of the tournament, missing AMONGST despite looking really hard and knowing that there was something #findingsaddest
2C INSULTS +68 Knowledge Small
chickened out of LUMINISTS #knowledgesad
3C DUI +26 Finding Large
missing UNAU completely, 1E beautiful play #findingsaddest
12D LU(S)TY +24 Finding Large
THU(S)LY #findingsaddest
exch LNQY +0 Tactics Medium
really misevaluated this, should play through with NONYL fo sho #tacticsmedium
3K PAUA +32 Finding Large
missed PULAO 3I, that's best #findingsaddest
10I MODEL +21 Endgame Large
top 6 plays set up OPINE K2!!! #endgamesaddest
2M (Y)OU +12 Strategy Medium
I almost played E(A)U, but decided that that was insane and I deserved better. #strategymedium
11E FUB +20 Strategy Medium
saw L8 (P)UBE(S) but thought this was better. #strategymedium
H4 DROKE +24 Strategy Small
OK sims best. and TOKED over DROKE surprisingly #strategysmall
I6 TAE +27 Finding Small
SAD miss of TAUTENED #findingsmall #findingsaddest
I6 TAE +27 Finding Large
SAD miss of TAUTENED #findingsmall #findingsaddest
B5 PHI +18 Finding Large
missed PHISH again #findinglarge
12B AUDIO +14 Finding Small
10B DOULA looks best, keeps DI for 13M. Overscored by 2. :O #findingsmall
M3 AERATES +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
felt too dead not to do this, even though I gave BACKFIRER* pretty much 0 chance at staying on the board. #knowledgelarge
4D SUBAH +41 Finding Large
D5 BUSHLA(N)D #findingsaddest
B2 R(I)SKY +40 Knowledge Large
prob didn't know POSY yet #knowledgesaddest
1H ORACH +52 Knowledge Large
didn't think it took S #knowledgesaddest
12H sLENDER +66 Knowledge Large
#knowledgesaddest for ZIPPOS again
B10 CUZ +41 Tactics Small
I guess I play 9C T(O)QUE. That's how bad the Q is. #tacticssmall
15H NENE +23 Tactics Small
I guess I need to play J1 NEATENs and hope to 3x3 next turn. This was brutal and an attempt to prevent Mike from being able to score. #tacticssmall
O7 PHO +33 Endgame Small
-1 #endgamesmall
J10 FAMED +38 Finding Small
L7 A(C)ADEME #findingsmall
14C ENUF +30 Strategy Large
definitely should fish here. F10 FUG. #strategylarge
H1 TRAC(T) +30 Knowledge Large
chickened out of LOVEYS. 13H SCARTED is 88 #knowledgesaddest
15L DRAB +42 Strategy Small
BALDS has better equity? I should have played that then. Although DABS has the best equity, and I'm not doing that for reasons. #strategysmall
8J BO(V)IDS +36 Finding Large
8A DORBU(g) #findinglarge
N1 TIED +20 Finding Medium
I betcha I missed EIDE again (N2). I think this may have been after I said that I would never miss it again. Sad. #findingmedium
M13 BAN +39 Knowledge Small
shit. Saw SANDBANK and didn't think it was good. Saw KANBANS. #knowledgesmall
3C PE(R)OrATE +70 Finding Small
of course I miss OPERETTA again. I liked that it was difficult to score using the B column after this and open another lane, but that lane will be easier for me to score on and outrun N column stuff, whereas after this a play like RAN(D) 4B might actually be a problem. Not sure. #findingsmall
I8 OAR +17 Strategy Small
I don't quite understand playing through with ROO instead, other than I get QUA(y)S a lot more. I wasn't sure if I should exchange instead. This sets up QIS at least. But maybe I just have to Deal With It. #strategysmall
14I ODE(A) +24 Finding Small
I didn't like (W)OOD instead because she had first dibs on extensions that she certainly knows better than me, but (W)OAD is totally fine here. This is too aggressive with the Z. #findingsmall
3L BEVY +28 Strategy Small
this shouldn't have been automatic. But it was. Bad autopilot. I should probably chill and play IVY now. #strategysmall
B3 D(O)RR +12 Finding Large
really sad miss of t(O)RRIDER, since I saw hORRIDER in the same spot. I just couldn't come up with it. It might seem wrong to bingo here, since I am still behind and it gives her free reign, but I need to and threaten some big H1 play. That's my best shot #findingSADDEST
H8 EF +10 Finding Large
SAD #findingsaddest
11G gUR(D)WARI +72 Knowledge Large
uh... oops. It's GURDWARA. Very fortunate that Lloyd's weak point is the newer words. #knowledgesaddest
O7 GLUES +40 Knowledge Large
almost played RUGLESS* here. Also thought LUGGIER and SLUGGIER were valid??? What the hell man #knowledgesaddest for GURDWARIS*
5G (G)R(I)PT +16 Finding Small
14H SP(E)NT sims best. There's also 13I N(O)NP(A)R which I missed. #findingsmall
exch GNPV +0 Strategy Small
just keeping S? is best. I dunno why I thought I was bingo-ing on this board. #strategysmall
E5 AFA(R) +14 Finding Large
completely failed to find a good play here. Among FE(R)IAE, FAE(R)IE, AFI(R)E, but then also just completely spacing on FA(C)ETIAE. #findingsaddest
C3 AYE +24 Finding Medium
missing EYED C3 #findingmedium
A11 ONCET +26 Finding Large
DOCENT. This might be the worst played game of 2019. #findingsaddest
11G KUBI(E) +11 Endgame Small
-3 BOUL(E) keeping better outs. this is -3, a couple of better options #endgamesmall
3C (SQUAMA)TE +20 Strategy Small
very much wanted this to be the best play, but since almost no A's and only 2 U's remain, I2 TE/SQUAMAE is better. Also, just dropping the T at O3. She almost bit on SQUAMA, so thought she would challenge this own. #strategysmall
13M P(U)N +20 Finding Small
probably just dup for 2 more and better leave? #findingsmall
L2 BELLMAN +77 Vision Large
somehow missed putting this one spot down. Could also play for 86. #visionsaddest
8B OCUL(I) +8 Knowledge Large
FLOCCULE... This was so beautiful tho #knowledgesaddest
J5 EM +23 Endgame Small
14A MOVE #endgamesmall
L4 EKE +17 Strategy Medium
weird spot. I saw 4G EE(R)IE which has the best equity by a longshot. I decided against it for reasons. Those reasons are pretty frivolous, but I thought I could control this board I think. But EKE is also a fish, so if I bingo where is the control? I dunno. This is a huge sacrifice so I hope I'm not crazy. #strategymedium
12D EEnSIES(T) +66 Finding Small
probably EpEEIS(T)S 5C for 2 fewer to not set up long-term forking potential with the W hook or something. Not the 2x2 ending in E thing, no, not that!! #findingsmall
D3 JIVE +31 Tactics Large
suddenly, things aren't so clear. I don't remember if I missed VIN(Y)L or not. I think I really need to deal with one of the threats this turn. This seems like a tactical failure. #tacticsSADDEST
5H (AG)LU +10 Finding Large
I don't know if I ever realized I had SOLUNAR. My handwriting later in the game doesn't give anything away. I know I never alphagrammed just the rack on my scoresheet, just 8s through the I and T. #findingsaddest
L1 CERO +22 Strategy Small
should play D(E)COR 8K #strategysmall
1L (C)AGY +30 Finding Large
ACIDY same spot #findingsaddest
O5 TID(Y) +8 Endgame Small
DEIT(Y) is an improvement #endgamesmall
E4 WI(C)H +24 Tactics Small
UH 7B is a fascinating option. I bingo a bit less than with WI(C)H or wHI(R) 5I, but my bingos score a whole lot more, without actually giving Ricky that much. He is less likely than average to have a D or an H to hook UH also. This would have been the right play. #tacticssmall
pass - +0 Knowledge Large
I thought it was just REFACED. I think I thought Ricky did too. Ouch #knowledgesaddest
E7 BR(A)NT +14 Knowledge Large
#knowledgesaddest for DRAPINGS*
H1 GENO(M)E +40 Finding Small
13A ENGORGES #findingsmall
M4 (L)EUCOSIs +63 Finding Large
O3 d(I)ECIOUS #findingsaddest
15H REAIS +31 Endgame Small
really wanted the challenge, should have just played ARIOSE or AERIES or EASIER #endgamesmall
B5 (P)IU +7 Finding Small
2I (G)UINEA looks like the play here #findingsmall
J9 INEDITA +64 Knowledge Large
F6 (V)ANITIED, saw it but chickened out... #knowledgesaddest
L12 X(I) +18 Endgame Small
G6 (O)WL -4 #endgamesmall
12G (R)EIMAGE +22 Finding Medium
12F G(R)IMACE is a bad miss... #findingmedium
1A NIM(B)I +27 Knowledge Large
talked myself out of MINIUM #knowledgesaddest
F4 ABOO(N) +24 Finding Large
tack the G on dumbo #findingsaddest
4H OF +12 Finding Large
definitely just fold 13A #findinglarge
O12 HIST +41 Finding Medium
4J HA(A)R seems best, leaves S hooks on the board and balances #findingmedium
N2 TAVERN(A) +24 Finding Large
N2 VERAND(A) was missed, #findingsaddest
H12 FAN(G) +12 Finding Large
realized I missed13L D(E)F(I) pretty quickly #findingsaddest
O1 NYAH +57 Finding Large
ANYHOW for 79. Dahhhhh #findingsaddest
M8 M(O)UTHIlY +80 Knowledge Small
This seems like the 4th best play. O7 THYMI/EDUCATORY, K7 cY(A)THIUM, and k6 HUM(A)nITY all look better #findingsmall #knowledgesmall
M8 M(O)UTHIlY +80 Finding Small
This seems like the 4th best play. O7 THYMI/EDUCATORY, K7 cY(A)THIUM, and k6 HUM(A)nITY all look better #findingsmall #knowledgesmall
7B JOB +23 Strategy Small
not really sure what I was thinking not to play this for 4 more. It's slightly better positionally but not good enough. #strategysmall
7F WI(Z) +25 Finding Large
fatal miss of 15J (E)R(E)NOW and (E)M(E)TIN, seeing EMETIN right after hitting my clock #findingsaddest
H8 (U)NWoRTHY +101 Knowledge Large
K5 THR(A)WNlY is 114, looks totally unfamiliar. #knowledgelarge
1L (P)RIG +21 Strategy Small
apparently I keep the G #strategysmall
D11 ETN(A) +8 Endgame Large
did not block EARWI(G). TI(R)L is best with same idea #endgamesaddest
4A LOMeNTA +72 Finding Medium
missed TOLLMAN... At least I know MONTA(DA)Le is a word now. #findingmedium
3G FUG +25 Finding Large
did I miss FRUG? wtf #findingsaddest
8L K(N)EW +48 Strategy Small
Realized I didn't need to rush this. Just R(E)Z gets the job done better I think #strategysmall
I5 QI +13 Finding Large
missed QOPH. #findingsaddest
11B POUF +28 Strategy Small
CUIF seems better for scoring defense #strategysmall
K8 REMaTES +76 Finding Small
missed cERMETS same spot #findingsmall
N2 LA(Z)Y +32 Strategy Medium
should play N1 OYE(Z) #strategymedium
5D GALL(I)C +18 Finding Large
missing 5E HEL(I)CAL #findingsaddest
M9 ANT +18 Finding Large
just dropping the N at 8A is best #findinglarge
B9 SKEINEd +92 Finding Small
B9 SKEEINg is better #findingsmall
12J W(A)IF +20 Finding Large
13H FRO(L)IC is best #findingsaddest
2G JAW +22 Finding Large
B8 TAJ just destroys any other play here. Weird miss #findingsaddest
4H FEH +28 Endgame Large
5C E(ATE)R sets up FIGHT/HEATER unblockable. -20 #endgamesaddest
D7 C(A)ROTINS +70 Tactics Small
or C(A)NTORIS, S(T)RONTIC seems too volatile, would much rather put a T in the 2x2 lane. Quackle obviously disagrees. This might be because S(T)RONTIC is a lot better for the board in the long run. #tacticssmall
4L HANK +45 Knowledge Small
chickening out of HARK? #knowledgeSAD
1A FIS(H) +30 Knowledge Large
#knowledgesaddest #findingsaddest
1A FIS(H) +30 Finding Large
#knowledgesaddest #findingsaddest
H12 (BI)RO +18 Strategy Small
hated the idea of a forking bingo at 14H, creating H15 and O column stuff. This still creates long-term weaknesses. A similar idea is to play 8M LOO, block that S hook and scoring spot and keep a better leave. This deals with the more troublesome of the two spots a 14-row bingo would create, creating indirect prophylaxis. The idea of creating a new lane without blocking any specific bingos might have given me too much pause. #strategysmall
O1 TRIsTE +22 Endgame Small
If you see Michael's best outplay of F12 U(MM)A, you might have a chance of finding my best endgame. -1 #endgamesmall
3H (u)M +13 Strategy Large
don't have my racks from hereon out. I think I saw most of the candidate plays and felt lucky about hitting the I in GUILT. This is bad. I think I soon regretted this fishing expedition. This is my best guess about my rack given what I wrote down on my scoresheet (EGLMNOR and EGILMNOR) #strategysaddest
M8 (I)RONIER +16 Finding Small
gah this was annoying, but I should do IRONE(D). 10J OE sims best. No. #findingsmall
N7 N(E)EM +24 Finding Small
O4 VELL(U)M and also keep the vowel with V(O)LT #findingsmall
E5 E(R)GOT +12 Endgame Large
missing PACT and GETO(U)T -10 #endgamesaddest
7J V(A)R +6 Finding Large
she gave me a bing #findingsaddest
O5 FAIN +30 Strategy Small
I really enjoy sacrificing points don't I. Just QADI #strategysmall
2D BOA +16 Strategy Large
13C A(D)OBE probably #strategysaddest
1F HA(J) +22 Endgame Small
chickened out of HALER probably, or just flat-out missed it -5 #endgamesmall
E2 FADO +24 Strategy Small
FORD same spot looks better. The Q prefers another vowel with the U. Could also just do QUO(T)A now #strategysmall
G11 J(O)KY +23 Finding Medium
missed (T)RI(C)KY and also that QUI(T) draws into JERKY 11G for 48 and sheds the Q first, which is usually correct to do. #findingmedium
11G (J)AWED +32 Tactics Small
always keep the VOD. This was silly, actually. Sure, more O's out than A's, congrats. DOV still too much worse than ADV and also 4 O's is a lot still #tacticssmall
7B SPRY +15 Endgame Large
ran out of time -15 #endgamelarge
J2 REM +19 Finding Large
missed bingo :( :( :( :( thought Carl might miss the newer T hook. (EX)ERT is also a better play. #findinglarge
B11 J(A)BS +26 Knowledge Large
I had no idea about QUADRATE hooks. Thought just S if anything but was upset that I couldn't pull the trigger on anything. #knowledgesaddest
13B (B)OSUN +32 Vision Large
this was my most unfocused moment of the tournament. Totally tunnelled on this spot being where I could score and keep scoring tiles. Carl just gave me a great scoring spot. My best play is probably with QUADRATED but I need to at least consider the top of the L column. DOH L4 sims a couple better than BOSUN. This would we an interesting idea if 1) QUADRATED weren't valid and 2) I would have considered stuff like DOH L4 #visionSADDEST
5G H(A)EMIN +22 Strategy Small
this really didn't seem like the sort of play I would normally make in a position like this. Keeping things a bit more tight and keeping better with G3 HIN was the fiirst thing I considered, for a decent amount of time too. Quackle agrees that this is substandard. HIN hits a bingo 10% more and scores better than HAEMIN. #strategysmall
D8 (R)UBBLING +80 Knowledge Small
wow, my fallback play if this was somehow not valid... is not valiid! BULBING* BULBED! My confidence in the words in this position, from most confident to least confidence, was 1) BULBING* 2) RUBBLING 3) BLURBING 4) BURBLING #questionable #knowledgesmall
O7 VENIN +32 Finding Small
oh shit C3 ENVIR(O)N is an option here. Dig for the blank again, perhaps give myself better tempo, but it doesn't seem like it's the right play. Hm.. This whole game was hm. O7 LEVIN is better at least. #findingsmall
E7 VE(R)ONIcA +70 Finding Large
I guess I flat-out just missed EVASION? There's really no way I can justify this points sacrifice. #findingsaddest
12C (W)H(I)TING +30 Strategy Small
really chose this over F(O)RTH? #strategysmall
4B JEFE +30 Strategy Medium
I think I have to just do RAJ I9 despite the risk. #strategymedium
10J YE +30 Finding Large
this word might be expurgated soon 8L ETUI sims best, with good reason #findingsaddest
E8 AGOUTI +16 Finding Large
SAD miss of AUTOGI(R)O #findingsaddest
N2 GROTTO(ES) +22 Tactics Small
I may have chickened out of DOGTROT here. But maybe that was some other game. GAROTT(ES) seems better since only OI are out to overlap on the O column, and I would be keeping an O. #tacticssmall
K4 (T)UB +10 Endgame Small
CUBI(T) is the best block -1 #endgamesmall
11G YEL(P)S +42 Finding Large
Missed GY(P)S and G(R)EY I7 #findingsaddest
M1 N(O)H +24 Strategy Large
Should play R(A)H to hit things from the J, was scared he would respond defensively or have A(J)I #strategysaddest
14M BOW +28 Time Large
I took 4 and a half minutes to make this play. I couldn't remember if BOWSER was good. If I could remember I probably play that instead. #timesaddest
N2 OVUM +24 Endgame Large
-13 #endgameSADDEST
8J (T)ABIDS +36 Knowledge Large
this one I thought was valid. Should probably go with 11D (L)IP anyway. #knowledgesaddest
I3 D(U)RA +32 Tactics Small
did not notice the pool, DURE is much better. #tacticssmall
4H (H)ERBY +26 Finding Medium
BEW(I)G looks right. G3 WEB is also a lot better. #findingmedium
exch LQ +0 Finding Large
oh. Just burn the blank with QuELL 4A obviously. Tunneled on him having blocked F10. #findinglarge
M9 TEASELs +73 Strategy Small
didn't like the long term N column, so I should just do cELESTA. Was playing very open to give myself easier decisions while having to direct. #strategysmall
O10 SPIRIT +36 Strategy Large
had no clue there were 6 in the bag here, just played this without checking. Disastrous. Thought it was close between SPIRIT and SPAIT and hadn't tracked TEASELs so wanted to go for the blank. #strategysaddest
C12 (M)E +14 Finding Large
missed G6 #findingsaddest
4K P(E)H +23 Finding Medium
6F PH(EN)YL #findingmedium
6G (DEN)Y +16 Finding Large
14B RID(G)Y... Saw DIRGY* and was like "yeah that's not a word" #findingsaddest
4G EVIL(E)R +26 Strategy Medium
tough spot. Thought I was in bad enough position to fork with this, but with VIL(E)R forks are threatened and outscoring is threatened. And the E really really helps my rack. So I think I screwed this one up. Sad, because VIL(E)R was my instinct. #strategymedium
6C INPUT +15 Strategy Large
horrible, mistracked a U for an X. This is very bad. I can't win though. #strategysaddest
L4 DESEX +63 Knowledge Medium
first example of FRAGGINGS being important. DOXIES there is much better #knowledgemedium
D8 (D)OODY +20 Finding Medium
M4 OOTID looks best. Missed that. #findingmedium
O6 SeTLINE +80 Knowledge Large
J3 ER(R) +3 Endgame Medium
-5 to slowplaying with R(EX) setting up LE(I) underneath. Not sure how I miscalculated this. Thought it was worse to let him slowplay #endgamemedium
H4 COTTA +20 Strategy Small
TOMCAT is just better. Forgot Noah had just studied his 5s and got pretty far alphabetically. I saw TOMCAT but convinced myself I would try to exploit his weaknesses that didn't actually exist anymore #strategysmall
F9 MARINED +73 Finding Large
at some point before my turn realized this likely wasn't a word, and that INARMED was the word in here. Still, didn't find MIDRANGE so I had to phony. Got away with this, but MIDRANGE is probably correct #findingSADDEST
L11 VU(G) +14 Vision Large
now I just totally miss MEMO. VUM there is clear. Even VIM is better than this. #visionSADDEST
5H Q(U)OIN +28 Finding Small
missing QUBIT #findingSAD
M11 HEIL +31 Knowledge Small
did not see the H hook on HUMP, and probably would not have known HUMPHS was valid. A play like HIE or HILI at 14L is a good idea here to set up a big lane #findingsmall #knowledgesmall
M11 HEIL +31 Finding Small
did not see the H hook on HUMP, and probably would not have known HUMPHS was valid. A play like HIE or HILI at 14L is a good idea here to set up a big lane #findingsmall #knowledgesmall
pass - +0 Knowledge Large
just looked wrong, Chloe is the Roger Cullman of top expertdom #knowledgesaddest
3M BUG +22 Strategy Small
extreme G aversion was bad here. BUN sims top. #strategysmall
10J PUNS +27 Finding Large
huge lowlight where I completely fail to see the possibility of a word fitting through an I in 3rd position. Andy had a 1/3 chance of winning by 2. I recounted everything after seeing a possible word there would tie. Found Andy underscoring MAW by 2, got pissed off, and was not able to see the possibility of EV(I)CTION. Horrible. Obviously, 9s may exist, and they happen not to. Terrible. #findingSADDEST
L4 JIAO +30 Finding Small
missed 10B JAILO(R). This opening of the left side was totally unwarranted #findingsmall
E7 HAULED +26 Tactics Small
I was too afraid of all the lanes on this board. I should still just play HEA(R)D because it scores well. I felt like I needed to be proactive and try and go for blanks and stuff, but yeah... #tacticssmall L(E)HUA 9F is also an option
C5 ENSNArE +64 Finding Large
M7 ANNEXES is 7 more but this has certain advantages as you will see later. Josh: I completely missed ANNExES. This should have cost me the game, this is a very bad mistake. #findinglarge
C12 NEO(N) +16 Finding Large
wtf... never considered just OE, only DOE. Opening bingo spots is slightly worse than usual, but definitely not worse enough not to do that. Unbelievable. #findingsaddest
10I JIN +21 Finding Large
yeah, I just didn't see HM at all. M1 MEN is clearly best. #findingSADDEST
14H MOXA +33 Vision Large
and here is where I throw the game away, missing the X hook on JINX!!! #visionSADDEST
C7 EUCLA(S)E +26 Strategy Unspecified
realized my thought process was flawed after I made this play. I have to hope Jason has the worst rack ever here. So if I do that, then I don't want to let him be allowed to exchange next turn. Which is why I didn't play CUE 11J. But I can actually win if he exchanges, even when it throws bad letters into the pool. That's something I might need to hope for. #strategyquestionable
K10 TELLY +22 Knowledge Unspecified
sick block, though I guess it was pretty likely. This was a huge blunder since TELLY takes an S! I would like to say that I knew this and it was an exploitative move, but it wasn't. Optimally TROLLY is the best play here despite hanging the Y. Or just CLOY or COLY for safesies. #knowledgequestionable #tacticsfail
K10 TELLY +22 Tactics Unspecified
sick block, though I guess it was pretty likely. This was a huge blunder since TELLY takes an S! I would like to say that I knew this and it was an exploitative move, but it wasn't. Optimally TROLLY is the best play here despite hanging the Y. Or just CLOY or COLY for safesies. #knowledgequestionable #tacticsfail
11A AdOPTED +81 Finding Large
fucking cOAPTED again. I saw that on my rack but once I finished looking through the O and U I didn't realize it also played in the same spot. Feared this was wrong but I had all the tools necessary to make the right play here #memorysaddest #findingsaddest
F4 ISOTHE(RE)S +64 Finding Large
This was my chance to extend AZINE. Completely missed THI(AZINE). That's 60 with a fantastic leave. #findingsaddest
H1 LEGA(L) +21 Knowledge Large
Freaked out a lot here. I'm up by so much now, basically can't lose. Unless CLAWINGS* is a word and I set up a 3x3 putting the other C at K1. Or maybe if I sacrifice loads of equity for no reason multiple turns in a row. #knowledgesaddest
A8 THI(AZINE) +60 Finding Large
oh look, I actually saw THIAZINE. OH lOoK, i MiSsEd (D)ISPATCH FoR 101. Karma is strong. Funnily enough I think I get Q stuck after DISPATCH if I don't draw AI. #findingSADDEST
E8 (L)OAF +14 Finding Small
LOOFA is the better version of this I fear. K2 AFAR is also 32 but very bad defensively. #findingsmall
K2 ORAD +27 Finding Medium
I2 ODA is sick, very strong and aggressive. #findingmedium
K11 Q(I) +22 Finding Large
I probably missed the spot for QUIRTED here. Actually I think I chickened out? Though UUUU? is out, still probably worth it? It's hard for him to fish for a big QU play, especially if I could just draw a U. #findinglarge
O5 CRuDITE(S) +80 Finding Large
a minor miss of curtsied yeah I remember this game now, classic luckboxing Josh #findinglarge #findingsaddest
O5 CRuDITE(S) +80 Finding Large
a minor miss of curtsied yeah I remember this game now, classic luckboxing Josh #findinglarge #findingsaddest
E3 QUI(P) +30 Strategy Medium
missed a bunch of better options here. QUIFF and QUAFF 9C are the most obvious. I couldn't stomach AQUAFIT 13I opening a 3x3, so I tunnelled on how I didn't like this play or that one. #strategymedium
1A YAM +32 Strategy Small
lots of things are close here. I should probably play longer and leave more promising tiles with J4 TRYMA. The K column will probably get opened regardless. #strategysmall
8A OAK(I)ER +46 Endgame Large
+12 in this endgame #endgameSADDEST
1L (P)ROD +21 Finding Small
A(R)DOR 5C seems right #findingsmall
7B MI(C)RA +23 Finding Large
5A UNA(R)M #findinglarge
10G OYE(Z) +28 Endgame Medium
13H IO(N) to protect against (YOW)L(E)D and set up for OYE(Z) next turn -8 #endgamemedium
C3 PAD +20 Finding Small
14A TAPER was my first thought. G11 R(I)P sims second best, and I never thought of it. I decided there's no need to open the bottom, but I think RIP is probably correct, it sims 5 points higher. I bingo much more. #findingsmall
6J MY +28 Finding Large
absolutely horrendous and proves my weakness as well as my tilt. Saw TYRAMINE instantly, and never found ENORMITY or MISENTRY. I decided against TYRAMINE because he is a lot closer to 3x3s than average. This I think was fine, if TYRAMINE was the only bingo. #findingSADDEST
L12 DIVE +26 Finding Small
so stupid and tilted I was, getting pissed I didn't bingo and missed DEVI in the same spot for better scoring defense and likelier 3x3 through the I than the E. #findingsmall
9H sTOUTED +69 Knowledge Large
I look at this funny, but given the bajillions of other bingo options, double challenge, and my uncertainty, I leave it. JS-So bad #knowledgesaddest
F10 BEMA +25 Tactics Small
When you bingo and then draw an unplayable Q, it's as if you scored like 30 points on your first move instead of 80. I wanted to leave options for next turn, but I should just play ABEAM G2. I considered BEAM to set ABEAM up, but not ABEAM for long enough. This seemed better than MABE to not leave an S-hook that might stay open and to perhaps induce BEMAH*. #tacticssmall
3I ELATED +34 Finding Small
nothing great dig for here, or rather, too much bad versus only some good. Better to just score a few lesss and keep a bit better with OLDE 3J. #strategysmall #findingsmall
3I ELATED +34 Strategy Small
nothing great dig for here, or rather, too much bad versus only some good. Better to just score a few lesss and keep a bit better with OLDE 3J. #strategysmall #findingsmall
12C RHE(M)IC +37 Strategy Small
a rare purposeful phony from yours truly, but I was so tilted here. I should think about the position here and play 2M DIG. This is still not the best play. #strategysmall
3A DYI(N)G +20 Tactics Small
DYEINGS vs DINGEYS against Wally, now DI(N)GY vs DYI(N)G vs Don. I got both of them wrong. Thought I needed a floater. #tacticssmall
K9 VOE +20 Endgame Medium
After TREM, I would have to find EF B7 over OF, to set up OV(ER), perhaps, to win in the endgame. For some reason Quackle can't find this play in the endgame, but it's 8 worse than 7B OF setting up STOVE 6K. #endgamemedium
9F VAT +16 Finding Large
horrible play #findingSADDEST
N2 NAPE +26 Finding Large
missed MIXTAPE #findingSADDEST
G11 FLAW +28 Finding Small
shoulda played WAIFS, or even FLAWS probably. #findingSAD
13D BUR(F)I(s) +10 Finding Large
I decided FU(G) was such a weird play that it had to be a setup an overwhelming majority of the time. I did a bunch of estimations here and determined that this was barely worth playing if his play was a setup 80% of the time. However, what I failed to analyze was that this does block the hardest-hitting X plays, but gives back easy -AX plays in return which score around 40 points, so I'm not actually reducing Noah's average score by nearly as much as I thought I was. My other thought here was YO(K). I thought his range was specific enough now that the 14K spot would be mine a lot and that I could draw YO(K)ES or even something better a lot of the time. On paper I average well after BUR(F)I(s), but not nearly enough. There are plays that average more immediately as well, such as the bingo-seeking plays of M7 BUY and BUOY. BUR(F)I(s) should edge those out pretty convincingly in the turns after next, though. Even when I specify OUX as a partial rack leave, BUR(F)I(s) performs remarkably worse than YO(K). And unfortunately, just like Noah, I missed a cool disconnected play that solves most of my problems and keeps the game much closer. 13G (F)U(s)IB(L)Y is the way to go here. It blocks any setup potential better than any other candidate play and scores well. It does block the 14J spot which I still thought was a good asset, but that's OK. I've already tried to draw into a big play there and failed, no need to put all my eggs in one basket with the score so close. A ton of time and thought went into this play, and it's a glaring error. Tunnel visioning into not seeing that this didn't rid the board of big X plays like I wanted it to, as well as setting myself up for only one good outcome. #strategylarge #findinglarge
13D BUR(F)I(s) +10 Strategy Large
I decided FU(G) was such a weird play that it had to be a setup an overwhelming majority of the time. I did a bunch of estimations here and determined that this was barely worth playing if his play was a setup 80% of the time. However, what I failed to analyze was that this does block the hardest-hitting X plays, but gives back easy -AX plays in return which score around 40 points, so I'm not actually reducing Noah's average score by nearly as much as I thought I was. My other thought here was YO(K). I thought his range was specific enough now that the 14K spot would be mine a lot and that I could draw YO(K)ES or even something better a lot of the time. On paper I average well after BUR(F)I(s), but not nearly enough. There are plays that average more immediately as well, such as the bingo-seeking plays of M7 BUY and BUOY. BUR(F)I(s) should edge those out pretty convincingly in the turns after next, though. Even when I specify OUX as a partial rack leave, BUR(F)I(s) performs remarkably worse than YO(K). And unfortunately, just like Noah, I missed a cool disconnected play that solves most of my problems and keeps the game much closer. 13G (F)U(s)IB(L)Y is the way to go here. It blocks any setup potential better than any other candidate play and scores well. It does block the 14J spot which I still thought was a good asset, but that's OK. I've already tried to draw into a big play there and failed, no need to put all my eggs in one basket with the score so close. A ton of time and thought went into this play, and it's a glaring error. Tunnel visioning into not seeing that this didn't rid the board of big X plays like I wanted it to, as well as setting myself up for only one good outcome. #strategylarge #findinglarge
E7 NINJA +30 Finding Large
now I'm pretty much completely 50/50 about whether Noah has the X, and when I make this play, I'm closer and closer to realizing FU(G) was not an X setup. The best play here is 3I FIN(N)AN. That's a huge miss once again #findinglarge
D6 FOX +40 Tactics Small
Drawing the X was so painful, but at least I felt the game was somewhat even at this point despite my attempts to sabotage it with BUR(F)I(s). I had realized at this point that my play had allowed -AX words and was really upset. Also, I could be better off here playing POX and keeping the F considering Noah's last play. I think the defense is well worth it here. #tacticssmall
11A POW +26 Knowledge Medium
wow I don't remember COWSLIP at all! That's the play at 2H. #knowledgemedium
H1 TIYI(N) +27 Finding Large
a very unforced error here, missing CY(L)I(X) C10 for a far superior leave and far superior score. This is over a 10-point equity blunder. #findingSADDEST
3K (L)AV +12 Endgame Small
very low on time, saw I had L(I)MN 2G if he tried to slowplay.This is -4 compared to C5 (U)LVA, and slightly worse than 6 other plays at least. #endgamesmall
11H MEOW +36 Tactics Small
I didn't like 11I MOW because it didn't give me an S hook, but I still bingo so much more since 8s are a thing. I could just do DOW if that bothers me so much. #tacticssmall
E11 XI +40 Tactics Small
XI C9 might work enough that it's worth playing? Man, plays like that are so hard to pull the trigger on. I think Michael would even sniff the setup sometimes. Dunno? XED in the same spot is probably a bit better, which I figured afterwards, just liked the E a lot more than the I. #tacticssmall
14G (HE)UGH +16 Finding Medium
I would've been screwed after OUTWASHES probably. I missed F6 ULV(A) which is definitely the play here, and HUL(A) is good as well. #findingmedium
2B JURAL +34 Finding Large
gawd L8 JARfULS is 105 smackerss and I thought there might be something here ugh this is really bad! #findinglarge It's sad because I did see the only 8s with this rack, JOURNALS and JUGULARS, but just totally failed to see the pair of 7s.
12F R(ID) +4 Endgame Large
I have an out... -22 #endgamelarge
6F HORD(E)IN +19 Finding Large
missing DHI(K)R #findingsaddest
H7 LUN +6 Strategy Small
I would normally have played NOUN here. This is not good according to quack. #strategysmall
J8 SOBBER +31 Strategy Medium
dunno, should just play BOOB I guess. Didn't want to fish. I am a donkey. #strategymedium
13F ENTI(R)ElY +74 Finding Large
just couldn't fucking find ETERNITY #findingsaddest
3A N(I)M +10 Finding Large
just totally missed (I)NS 14H. The better endgames involve that move. -7 #endgamesad #findingsaddest
3A N(I)M +10 Endgame Small
just totally missed (I)NS 14H. The better endgames involve that move. -7 #endgamesad #findingsaddest
1G YIRR +24 Finding Large
didn't quickly see HEAd(L)INE and just figured I wouldn't block. This I think is like 15 points off or so? Not terrible, but stupid. He could miss it I guess, but that would require me to see what it is he could miss. #endgamesaddest #findingsaddest
1G YIRR +24 Endgame Large
didn't quickly see HEAd(L)INE and just figured I wouldn't block. This I think is like 15 points off or so? Not terrible, but stupid. He could miss it I guess, but that would require me to see what it is he could miss. #endgamesaddest #findingsaddest
C3 TURTL(E) +14 Knowledge Large
was 90% sure of TURTLER, which wasn't enough apparently. Really bad confidence at this point. This could theoretically lose to something like BROADAX J7 and I don't draw a vowel. #knowledgesaddest
14I KAB +25 Endgame Small
this is 1 off M11 DR(A)B, blocking LUN like I wanted to, but going out for 20 with KA(F). Thought about (TURTLE)D to go for some fun AQUA stuff if he plays LUN, but it works out 1 worse for me if he plays it right. -1 #endgamesmall
H5 DISC +14 Finding Small
Quackle prefers DISCS by enough of a margin that I agree. No hooks, I bingo a ton with the S or through the I as a 2x2. #findingsmall
E4 PI(N)NuLES +86 Finding Large
the most heartbreaking miss of the entire tournament. DISCIPLINES from DISC. And it's not like I didn't look. I was just thinking about DIS as a prefix. #findingsaddest
A13 FAX +49 Tactics Small
I super regretted this over WAX. Never considered that him overlapping FAX is significantly easier, even though it's easier for me too. Quackle thinks this is around a point worse. #tacticssmall
K2 CA(r)ER +12 Endgame Large
no time. 7I NAG is best, CURE 6C was possibly some path to improbable victory. #endgamesaddest
F7 U(G)LY +16 Finding Small
This game is going to be interesting. Too bad I missed a key option here, E5 LAY(O)UTS, so perhaps things would have been different if I had seen that. I liked this over (G)UY because the leave was less bingo-dependent and slightly less variant. I probably missed LAY(O)UTS because I spent the first minute or so of my time lamenting that SALUTORY* was the word I think Nigel Peltier played against Conrad at 2014 Nationals which Conrad accepted. #findingsmall
C12 QU(A) +24 Finding Small
interesting spot number 1. I never considered Q(A)T C13, but that and QU(A) are incredibly close in a sim. Q(A)T definitely bingos more, though is a bit less defensive than QU(A). However, considering Matthew's last play was forced, I should be less worried about scoring and bingo defense. Q(A)T is superior to QU(A) in this context. SQU(A)T was also considered, as it scores well and doesn't eat into my bingo chances too much, and I can bingo later anyway when better lanes are possibly open. Other than that, P(A)R, P(A)T, T(A)P, R(A)P, P(A) and PR(A)Y are also options here, which I didn't consider all of, but they are all pretty similar. I decided that my Q bingos weren't likely enough and high-scoring enough to justify scoring around 15 less immediately. Quackle agrees. #findingsmall
2E WYN +19 Strategy Small
hated everything. Quackle suggests W(I)G 7M. I get AUTO(g)ENY with AE and TOURNEY and YOUTHEN with VILLAE, YOUN(g)EST as well with ES, BUOYANT with 2A. If you're wondering why I'm treating this position like a pre-endgame, that's how bad this position is. I ended up running out of ideas and wanted to continue to distract Adam from VILLAE. with the E I figured I get TOGUE/EW if that huge scoring spot I shouldn't open stays open. This was a very difficult position that I failed to navigate. GUY M12 is also recommended, but yeah, I think W(I)G 7M. #strategysmall
F3 ENNUI +19 Finding Small
missed D8 L(E)ONINE. A few plays seem slightly better than this. Tough turn. #findingsmall
6H (W)EB +14 Finding Medium
totally missed GRATE hook for a few turns. #findingmedium
M7 WIL(T) +12 Endgame Large
WIL(D) is best, saving unblockable outs. We had both pretty much run out of time. -18 #endgamesaddest
L4 IF +28 Endgame Small
This idea was a good one. Keep DULsE O11 and LUVVED C9. Playing DULsE first is one point better since he can block DULsE with ORC N9. #endgamesmall
11K L(OR) +6 Endgame Large
who misses two-letter words? I miss two-letter words. I think I might have been conflating the C's inflexibility with my irrational despisal of the G. #endgameSADDEST
13G FORELE(N)T +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
very sad Collins confusion. Saw ENFOLDER and though FORELEND# could be its anagram. Greedy #knowledgeSADDEST
A9 VERTs +11 Endgame Large
KHa(T) 8A goes out in two with R(I)VET 6C or VERT(U) 9K. This is -10 #endgamelarge
6C THIO +15 Tactics Small
trying to set my X up, but this is kind of a weak setup. F7 (P)ITHOI and M13 OH(O) sim better than this. OHO is interesting, not a human idea, but since I am already keeeping the XI combo, I am planning on playing it next turn anyway, so the I duplication is less of a factor if you consider that my leave is actually a leave in two parts. The IX+ play that I will be playing next turn, and the leave I will be keeping. It's commital, but sound. #tacticssmall
14J XI +52 Strategy Medium
this was a pretty crazy draw. Quackle doesn't care and tells me to play NIX for 53 and open that huge spot. I felt I could hold this closed position, but maybe the leave is just too unwieldy. I score 10 points more on average after NIX, which is relevant here. #strategymedium
C3 MEET +26 Strategy Medium
this was an adjustment to what was probably better equity, but it sims like 10 points worse than other options, so I don't think I can justify this. Gotta keep a better leave. M(A)LLET 3C seems best. #strategymedium
B2 RAPP +31 Knowledge Large
rapp is not a word. I was pretty certain of its validity. Held and released. #knowledgeSADDEST
14H AIDE +22 Knowledge Large
terrible word knowledge continues. I put down STINGE and AIDE, and then take it back, and put this down. Joel says "you weren't going to play that." UGH!!! #knowledgeSADDEST
M1 NAPA +30 Knowledge Large
chickened out of panduras #knowledgeSADDEST
8L O(T)IC +21 Finding Medium
pretty bad miss of AC(T)OR. (FE)M M1 hits bingos with a D, S, U and V and also Quackle wants me to play SCORIA 15A next turn a lot which I will never do, so M1 (FE)M has the best valuation. #findingmedium
8E UN(PIN) +7 Strategy Large
totally lost my mind here and thought I could block her bingo. Turns out she was holding the nuts. Well, actually, quite the opposite of the nuts. #strategylarge
D1 VARNA +28 Finding Large
4A BRAV(u)RA was missed. #findinglarge Quackle likes 6D R(E)B. Not sure what to make of that other than there are no scoring spots on this board for Fern so I can leave myself with my case N for D4? I don't buy it.
5H (OX)AZIDE +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
decided this was worth a shot, even over (OX)IDIZE, since it was an amazing Q setup, and I just win if he lets it go basically. He challenged not based on knowing OXAZINE, OXAZOLE or OXAZEPAM, but on just not liking this. Ugh. #knowledgelarge
8D QADI(S) +25 Tactics Small
Quacklee likes QAID(S) a bit more. Perhaps limiting overlapping potential. Trust. #tacticssmall
F8 (D)IDO +22 Strategy Large
I need to exchange here. Totally worried about random threats. I can still hold out for ELEVATEDS. I shut down here. #strategylarge
K5 (C)HANSoNS +74 Knowledge Large
missed SUNNAHS, not sure I would have played it in 5-point though. #findinglarge #knowledgelarge
K5 (C)HANSoNS +74 Finding Large
missed SUNNAHS, not sure I would have played it in 5-point though. #findinglarge #knowledgelarge
13C S(W)INGY +55 Finding Large
not sure why I missed TYING A11. Was debating fishing the Y, but saw it only seemed to hit 27/37 or something not so good. I realized that this wasn't right after I played it. Jason insta-challenged IGNORANTS#, which I hadn't even thought about. Just another reason I am the luckiest player ever. TYING is still significantly better than SWINGY+5, which I should have realized. #findinglarge
J2 MOV(I)E +25 Knowledge Large
thought about ENMOVE# but didn't like it. Thought this was a good time to block SHOVELED, since it didn't seem like a big equity swing. But ENMOVE is too good. #knowledgesaddest
L1 MICS +48 Strategy Small
I could go for more bingos with MOMS, which sims best. MOCS keeps a better leave overall, but I wanted to keep the O for the 8 row, which I realized might be not so important, as many other vowels are lurking. This seems like a small mistake #strategysmall
D11 BYS +39 Endgame Medium
missed his best outplay, and also missed BOSH in the same spot. -7 to BOSH and -1 to simpler HOY H13 #endgamemedium
H3 AXENIC +46 Strategy Small
I overthought this a bit I think. XENIC simply is probably fine. She held this for a bit. I think considering she might not know this, and how easy it is to overlap the X and score after this, I should have just done XENIC #strategysmall
F2 GRO(T) +9 Finding Medium
the best play here is probably fishing the G with (PI)G, followed by 5 extra points for GRO(IN), which I missed. This reduces counterplay maximally, but it's not good enough #findingmedium
2M TA(R) +30 Endgame Large
missed W(RET)CH N10. #endgameSADDEST -18
2D IM(P)ORTER +64 Knowledge Large
chickened out of REIMPORT #knowledgelarge
M5 BL(E)ED +21 Endgame Medium
G12 DEBT is best, followed by 6M BEE. Didn't see EDUCTS, totally missed DEBT. #endgamemedium -8
8J SEIZOR +54 Finding Large
somehow missing EROTIZES. Pretty inexplicable, since I remember looking at the T. #findinglarge
F10 (M)EDICO +17 Finding Large
really bad, missing K7 D(E)ICE and CODEI(A) with the same letters. I don't know how unfocused I was here, but probably quite, since Joey hadn't come back for his round 7 game (and wasn't going to). #findinglarge
1A cOLLARS +79 Finding Large
missing ROSELLA, somehow that word was pretty unfamiliar-looking when I looked it up after the game. #findingsaddest -6
8J LIQU(I)d +72 Finding Small
missing FaQU(I)R in the same spot #findingsmall
12L SPEW +34 Knowledge Large
I chickened out of C(R)EWED M9 for some reason... #knowledgeSADDEST
A12 F(R)OE +33 Knowledge Small
chickened out of HOOFE(R) #knowledgesmall
N6 FE(E)ING +20 Strategy Small
the aggressive 14K F(I)CE sims far best, but are the 10 extra points of equity worth the incredible defense I am planning to play after FE(E)ING? (yes) #strategysmall
12H I(N)CURVE +26 Knowledge Large
played this thinking this was a noun... Since INCURVE is not a noun, I should play O1 VIE or K1 CUV(E)E. #knowledgeSADDEST
pass - +0 Knowledge Large
O4 STOGIE +33 Finding Small
completely spacing on 6I TI(N)GE. Still had good intuition about his rack.TINGE is still better even knowing what he has #findingsmall
B10 NUTANT +20 Endgame Small
M3 P(OD) first to set up NUTANT for 23 #endgamesmall -3
K2 EXTR(A)S +31 Endgame Medium
missing EXS(E)RT B5, but I wanted to C+V stick myself and wondered if Jared would care. #endgamemedium
8G J(AG)GEDY +22 Knowledge Large
not a word. looked very funny. #knowledgesaddest
15A UNSaNDE(D) +77 Knowledge Large
this is phony... #knowledgesaddest
14K MU(N)I +12 Knowledge Large
this takes an S, idiot #knowledgesaddest
5E AD(JOINED) +34 Strategy Medium
bad play. play PAUA or PUDU, I just didn't want to give him the extension and it looked like he had it. Silly. #strategymedium
B6 OEU(v)RE +9 Tactics Large
there are no scoring spots on this board, and the pool is clunky. Therefore this is actually a really poor decision over U(K)E or (K)UE. KUE was my other consideration, but I liked how this kept a bunch of things open and allowed me to sscore well next turn if I couldn't bingo. #tacticslarge
O5 PoSABLE +86 Knowledge Medium
A1 BEcLASP! #knowledgemedium #findingmedium
O5 PoSABLE +86 Finding Medium
A1 BEcLASP! #knowledgemedium #findingmedium
4J ZEE +37 Finding Small
missed ZOEAE or preferred not to play it #findingsmall
A13 (V)AU +18 Finding Large
terrible miss of EULACHA(N) #findingSADDEST
B6 CArIBE +33 Endgame Large
absolute dumbness, not thinking about the overlaps this gives #endgameSADDEST
B10 VAND(A) +20 Finding Large
awful miss of VeRAND(A)H in the same spot #findingSADDEST
O6 EAsTERN +76 Finding Small
missing EARThEN #findingsmall
5D FA +37 Finding Large
sad miss of FATIGUED. #findingSADDEST
C2 JU(G) +22 Knowledge Large
chickened out of JUSTLE, which plays at 15J for 52 #knowledgeSADDEST
B14 YO +22 Finding Small
Or L9 O(N)LAY, which sims slightly higher. Probably should have done that #findingsmall
2E (L)ANGUI(D) +13 Endgame Small
(L)UNGI is a similar idea, but one point better -1 #endgamesmall
14A LEMONIE(R) +74 Finding Large
missing LIMONENE #findingSADDEST #findingsmall
14A LEMONIE(R) +74 Finding Small
missing LIMONENE #findingSADDEST #findingsmall
I1 ALI(T) +27 Knowledge Large
absolute donkness, didn't know PULPITAL and totally missing nUPTIAL (saw UNPLAIT) #findingSADDEST #knowledgeSADDEST
I1 ALI(T) +27 Finding Large
absolute donkness, didn't know PULPITAL and totally missing nUPTIAL (saw UNPLAIT) #findingSADDEST #knowledgeSADDEST
3L AVID +19 Endgame Large
both of us missing RUPEE!!! So bad. -31 #endgameSADDEST
15E ENDEARS +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
there is absolutely no reason to do this. I didn't think SOBERERS* was valid, but because I wasn't sure, I think I was kind of punishing myself, and also, *maybe* he doesn't challenge somehow. #knowledgesaddest
C13 AE +10 Endgame Large
mistracked him as having CIOU lol, also scored this as 12!!! #endgamesaddest
13I WEF(T)S +30 Finding Medium
not sure what happened here. If I missed VIEW, if I didn't think it scored anything, what. It's a ton better. I played this whole game like Cesar, especially starting here. #findingmedium
O1 KOL(A) +24 Finding Small
rough, he missed STERNER and I'm still in dire straits. I tried to take that as a good thing. ILK(A) I think was missed, that is similar, probably better #findingsmall
K7 E(N)O(R)M +20 Knowledge Large
this was really bad, since I was almost sure ENORMS* was good, despite it coming up with Rafi at 2022 Word Cup. Misremembered, horrendously. #knowledgesaddest
12H CEAsING +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
12A CAGE +24 Finding Large
missed a bingo here, GyNECIA still fits on row 2 #findingSADDEST
15A (E)nTRaINS +71 Finding Small
wanted to find a huge overlap, but missed TSaRINa. Also wanted to exchange both blanks. I'm dead anyhow #findingsmall
D7 EOLITH +31 Knowledge Small
totally forgot about OOLITH here. I saw 14B OTOLI(T)H even. Tunnel vision. #knowledgesmall
J4 hISTONE +78 Tactics Small
apparently -1 NOSIEsT #tacticssmall
B6 BR(A)W +25 Strategy Medium
this was a grave mistake. I am not in a position to be able to afford just pure balance. Sure, keeping a vowel is a plus, but it's not a plus enough. I'm going to need more than just a balanced leave to stay in this game. L13 FEW is the play. #strategymedium
H1 REIV(E) +36 Knowledge Small
didn't know for sure if ROQUE had a hook in CSW (CROQUE*, etc.), had I known I probably play ROQUE. QI(S) was not on my radar, sims close to ROQUE. REIVE is a bit behind #knowledgesmall
14A L(E)VY +25 Finding Large
huge miss of 1C (P)HYTOL. Ouch #findinglarge
The listing of all of the player's mistakes. For more information about mistakes, check the 'Mistakes' section of the about page.
Opponent Mistakes
Play Type Size Comment
A12 A(T)OM +28 Tactics Small
Quackle likes 11I OMEN a lot, blocking columns J-L and, to some extent, M. I wanted to keep my N for E4 INFLUXES, and ATOM is the best equity play, but blocking the board is of greater importance. #tacticssmall
15H EDUCT +33 Tactics Medium
EDUCT closes the easiest bingo lane, row 15, which I shouldn't do when I am this far behind. Quackle suggests 2I LUCITE to open a lane on row 1, or C2 CLUED for equity. #tacticsmedium
7H LANE +21 Vision Medium
K4 ANOLYTE is awesome, and best. #visionmedium
2F JOE +42 Tactics Small
L1 JOTA and JATO are better despite creating a hotspot on row 1, because they save 1L JUPE. #tacticssmall
A8 PAUA +63 Knowledge Large
INHOLDER does not take a P, but my other options score so little (F6 PULAO 15 is best), and if it does take a P I don't want Joshua to be able to use the spot. Somehow Joshua was only a PINHOLDER* holder and not a PINHOLDER* challenger. After the game I learned that INSETTER takes a P. #knowledgelarge
L1 BA(T)EA(U) +22 Strategy Medium
I basically stopped looking after I found BATEAU. There are many plays better than this, including Quackle's pick C2 ABATE, C1 ABYE, 2L AYE, and 7B BATTIER, which is significantly more awesome than this. #strategymedium
C1 TUNEd +18 Endgame Small
2L AkEE, AlEE, or AwEE. I only considered ANE in that spot. #endgamesmall (-2)
M5 CREATIN +64 Tactics Small
since i'm at a disadvantage even after i bingo, quackle actually prefers i volatilize it a bit with M5 TACRINE. i didn't want to fall behind again to a lucky X, but i do need more scoring spots since there's a potentially big one in the left of row 12. -3 #tacticssmall
10D C(A)M +30 Tactics Medium
i can smell that X setup from a mile away, Josh. YACK is the obvious play here, but when you infer an X, 10D DAM goes up to the top. there is a lot more C-K synergy so CAM is not right here. -5.5 #tacticsmedium
G8 (B)Y +20 Knowledge Large
bingoes like B3 GYrAtED are not worth it here, but IDEAloGY is definitely the right play here. it's 83 points and i should be able to survive a bingo back on column B. i should have looked a bit harder. -16.5 #findinglarge #knowledgelarge
G8 (B)Y +20 Finding Large
bingoes like B3 GYrAtED are not worth it here, but IDEAloGY is definitely the right play here. it's 83 points and i should be able to survive a bingo back on column B. i should have looked a bit harder. -16.5 #findinglarge #knowledgelarge
1A G(R)ADiEnT +140 Finding Small
then again there was something to be said for waiting for him to bing first. gradated is a better bingo, not giving up any X points. #findingsmall
5B ANEARI(n)G +66 Tactics Small
Quackle prefers 5G AnEARING, which floats a G rather than an E and doesn't get X-bombed as hard. #tacticssmall
B1 GO +19 Tactics Small
13I LOG sets up a lane on row 12 ending in S, which only I can use. #tacticssmall
H12 CA(FE) +12 Strategy Medium
Quackle doesn't seem to consider this. But 12H CAL scores the same and blocks more effectively, and ANST > ALNST. #strategymedium
15A T(O)RY +33 Knowledge Large
luckily I wasn't the only one missing plays. Joey missed L(O)RY or the star play, the weird 5 T(O)LYL #findinglarge #knowledgelarge
15A T(O)RY +33 Finding Large
luckily I wasn't the only one missing plays. Joey missed L(O)RY or the star play, the weird 5 T(O)LYL #findinglarge #knowledgelarge
G8 (I)X(I)A +36 Finding Large
french rant incoming "J'ai beau voir qu'il a joué IXIA pour 36 ici, je n'ai simplement pas réussi à voir où..." All the accents are probably screwy in the annotation. Anyways, I couldn't see where the hell ixia played for 36. Ugh. I'm giving myself a #findinglarge even though it's not even my play.
8D CLOTH +26 Strategy Small
I was surprised to see NOTCH H8 outsim CLOTH-- probably due to the CLOTHE hook, as well as the possibility of the Q at J6 after NOTCH. (-2) #strategysmall
N5 A(X)E +16 Strategy Small
I saw APE C11 but figured I was closer to a bingo than Josh, and didn't want to block D13. This turned out to be a pretty costly mistake. (-3) #strategysmall
15G TELIA +25 Vision Large
Quackle burns the S for an extra 5 points with STELAI. I'm not sure why that is. Another superior play is OILCLOTH 8A, which I never would have seen. I'd find it as a bingo every time, but not as an extension. (-2% win chances, -10 valuation) #strategysmall, #visionlarge
15G TELIA +25 Strategy Small
Quackle burns the S for an extra 5 points with STELAI. I'm not sure why that is. Another superior play is OILCLOTH 8A, which I never would have seen. I'd find it as a bingo every time, but not as an extension. (-2% win chances, -10 valuation) #strategysmall, #visionlarge
J10 FOU +27 Finding Medium
I should do I6 UNROOF. I figured he always has a Z bomb with the second A of ACETA, but maybe sometimes whiffs the top one, but it draws into stuff enough on a four tile pull that I should be blocking both. Unfortunately, I looked through the R for only a little while for plays like that, figuring I had nothing worth playing, and didn't think of it as an option. #findingmedium
H1 WA(D) +21 Tactics Medium
Getting a decent S hook on the board while the equity hit to do so is minimal - I say decent because it takes too many other hooks. Of course, the AANOS leave is pretty gross. It looks like H1 NADA is actually a fair bit better to create an S-specific hook and undouble the A's. #tacticsmedium
3C CUD +17 Vision Small
Disappointing to not generate 14E CUD as an option instead of my inferior CUD. That being said, the difference in bingo% on my next turn is not particularly large (Quackle estimates are 47% to 43%). #visionsmall
8E SAT(I)NETS +59 Finding Small
#findingsad :( definitely should have played QI with Q on star. dumb.
9A PARIEtI(C) +63 Knowledge Large
I didn't like this, but really tough spot to challenge. I should have gone with my gut. #knowledgelarge
5C V(E)RY +20 Vision Large
VOYEUR 5A is the play here. (-9) #visionlarge
3A T(R)O(I)lUSES +70 Strategy Medium
I had seen the 9 before Josh played ADOPT, but then spent way too long trying to find a decent bingo on Column M. There aren't really any that don't allow comeback plays on column N. I saw that TROILUSES was vulnerable to X plays, but if he didn't draw one after ADOPT, I like my chances. The sim winner here is OUtSETS M9, but I'm skeptical. (-4?) #strategymedium
G13 JI(N) +29 Endgame Large
This was an echo of the MUL(ATT)O/MO(G)UL position against Kevin Fraley at California Open 2018. JEW 4J is way better because FIDS M1 is unblockable. And I even saw it too! But I worried that I had mistracked and thought that Josh might play out and win if I was wrong. After JEW I'd be up 41 points but he'd get 16 from me, and his tiles look like they could score 25 points if there's a spot for them. With more time, I would have retracked the game to be dead certain that Josh can't play out, because that being the case, JEW/FIDS is best by a large margin. (-29) #endgamelarge #trackinglarge #timemanagementmedium
G13 JI(N) +29 Time Unspecified
This was an echo of the MUL(ATT)O/MO(G)UL position against Kevin Fraley at California Open 2018. JEW 4J is way better because FIDS M1 is unblockable. And I even saw it too! But I worried that I had mistracked and thought that Josh might play out and win if I was wrong. After JEW I'd be up 41 points but he'd get 16 from me, and his tiles look like they could score 25 points if there's a spot for them. With more time, I would have retracked the game to be dead certain that Josh can't play out, because that being the case, JEW/FIDS is best by a large margin. (-29) #endgamelarge #trackinglarge #timemanagementmedium
4J F(EW) +9 Endgame Small
I saw enough that FOX allowed REP, but didn't see that he had REM B13 as well. -1 #endgamesmall #timemanagementmedium
4J F(EW) +9 Time Unspecified
I saw enough that FOX allowed REP, but didn't see that he had REM B13 as well. -1 #endgamesmall #timemanagementmedium
8G FAWN +20 Tactics Medium
i equitied badly. 8G WAW is the play. -7 #tacticsmedium
K8 SWIM +29 Tactics Large
i don't remember why i played this instead of MIX(T). that's bizarre! wtf. -9 #tacticslarge
exch BDXY +0 Strategy Large
wow. quackle actually wants me to burn the blank with L10 BoXY. pretty sick. -12 #strategylarge
M2 FROZ(E) +34 Vision Large
oh god i played badly the entire day. why?? this is the day i slept best. L10 FEZ is the clear play. -11 #visionlarge
6A BRUiTED +74 Tactics Medium
oUTBRED. i could only find one bingo... -3 #tacticsmedium
O7 STEALER +78 Knowledge Large
palestrae. amazing. -8 #knowledgelarge
14F AVIDIT(Y) +18 Tactics Large
i missed 2c trivia although i don't like it that much. maybe it gives up fewer pts though, scores more and keeps a nice D. -9 #tacticslarge
G7 MOI +18 Finding Small
the key play here is EURI(P)I 4D. #findingsmall
A7 (T)RoUNCER +86 Vision Large
current.... #visionSADDEST
4I WITI(N)G +27 Strategy Medium
Didn't like C10 WIDGET now that EW is good. I thought about just C12 DIG, and in hindsight I think it's actually best - it's a huge equity hit but makes it virtually impossible for Josh to bingo either now or later as I can just close any new openings he makes in cat-and-mouse fashion. And DIG puts me up 80, which should be enough to avoid being outscored without a bingo in basically all circumstances. Quackle still likes WITING, but I'm gonna call this a #strategymedium since leaving Josh an easy way to tie the game with a 7 on column C or an 8 on row 15 seems plainly unnecessary here.
A6 DU(X) +11 Tactics Medium
7G D(ZO) #tacticssadder
13F GAYE(R) +24 Time Large
Was low on time and lost my mind here. #TIMESADDEST
O1 NEONs +27 Endgame Large
H12 (AY)IN #endgamesaddest
O13 AI +15 Time Large
K10 AI(R) #timesaddest
12A POINTIL(Y) +82 Knowledge Large
this is just not a word. It doesn't make sense as a word, but I wrote out the alphagram and it looked decent. I also trust Seth, perhaps to a fault. #knowledgeSADDEST
J8 Q(I) +11 Strategy Medium
C2 QIN. I need to score more. #strategysadder and also #drawinglarge I guess
C1 VROW +25 Time Large
A13 PAV #timesaddest
10I QAT +31 Finding Medium
tranq fuq #findingmedium
15A EON +25 Finding Medium
HOi(D)EN is 60 and saves the X, it's great. #findingmedium this is to block the triples triples available and save the X for outscoring.
12G (A)X +34 Strategy Medium
#strategymedium for JiNX, which is more blocky, and this can run into trouble with drawing another consonant and being unablee to block properly.
J5 QIS +20 Strategy Large
10E AI is a clear sim winner. 10B QuASI is also better than this. #strategysaddest
10B ELIAD +28 Strategy Medium
Sims says G5 (M)U(REX) but I think this is assuming way more openings than Sokol would make, though it also partially blocks 6F plays. I dunno. #strategysadder
4D OUT +11 Strategy Small
This play somehow wins a sim, though again a pure equity sim won't give great results for this situation. I really thought this was an error after I played it. I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do here. I thought later that 4K OUMA might be okay, but seems reckless now. I dunno. #strategysad
14J FRANC +49 Finding Small
14J FINCA. I sorta stopped looking after finding this. #findingsad
12A CO(N)D +26 Knowledge Small
This is top equity but 12H (H)ODDIN sims best. I saw 12H (H)IDDEN but I don't think I knew HODDIN. #knowledgesad
O1 VOW +34 Endgame Small
O1 VaWTE #endgamesad
11E K(E)RB +20 Finding Medium
I missed the super-aggressive B(I)LK, which is probably fine. Or E3 TREBL(E) to score. Missed both. #findingmedium #tunnelvision
L12 PARR +33 Tactics Medium
really obsessed with keeping a vowel nowadays. PAIR is just better. #tacticsmedium
O1 VOGS +32 Finding Large
GIVE(N) is a given H1 ugh. #findinglarge
A5 AMAH +53 Endgame Small
B13 MAE is one better. #endgamesmall
6D EJID(O) +15 Strategy Small
A rather bizarre play, sacrificing a lot of equity over JEER or either JIMP. I just couldn't stomach the CDIIM leave after JEER, and also didn't like that JEER invited underlaps that block the GURUS hook. EJIDO does a much better job keeping the left hand side open in the long term and floats an E that's not too easy to block without giving back a new lane. DIME(R)I(C) is another option I missed, but I prefer getting rid of the J ASAP since bingoing quickly is of paramount importance. I'm still fine with EJIDO, but Josh preferred JEER and Quackle agrees with him by a decent margin, so I'll call this a #strategysmall.
14F F(RE)NA +27 Endgame Large
G8 LOVAGES +65 Strategy Large
so this was a huge mistake on many levels! Firstly I somehow got it in my mind he had DEHIMOS on his rack. LOVAGES/MICROS would give him DEMOLISH, whereas he would get HOMIE after G8 LOVAGES. That's why I played it here, but not only was I wrong and he has ADEHMOS, I average so much after DEMOLISH that it's actually worth it to play 9B lovages even if he has dehimos! that being said the post-HOMIE board is better for me so I think it's closer than the sim says, but the sim still prefers 9B by like 11 points. #strategylarge for being dumb
11G (A)UDIT +12 Finding Medium
I didn't see TUR(BI)D, which looks like a better X setup. It's not as clearly an X setup and doesn't open an S hook for him. With ADES I wasn't so concerned but I'm still giving him a couple awesome lanes, and he's taking the spot very often anyways. Even XU/LOT is probably fine here. #findingmedium
exch LPPTX +0 Finding Medium
damn didn't see PROMPT! that looks better here. #findingmedium also not much inspiration on this exchange, I guess it's fine? not much scoring power with PR so I wasn't a huge fan, same w the X
8L G(L)OW +30 Finding Small
maybe GWINE? sets up X? plays underneath for later. also might be decent to just leave the L column cause the bingoes don't hit super hard, GLOW sets up the A hook whichmight be hard to block later, and the W is a high scoring lane. I think GWINE is a bit better #findingsmall
C3 QI +25 Tactics Large
wow this is awful! I def overestimated EEESX and underestimated EIQ. Us are out, I have QI as backup, and QUIN? plays at the bottom right can hit hard. M1 EXES looks like the play here. I also didn't realize K6 QI is better than this cause I set up EXES next turn for 51!! well worth the 2 point sacrifice, but EXES still kills that in a sim #tacticslarge
N5 EXP(O) +29 Tactics Small
I felt like my S was going to be very powerful here with LANTERNS and other scoring plays, so decided against EXPOSE for 8 more, even though the blank is good to draw. Q prefers EX/BINE by a bit, I score as well with EEPPS next turn. #tacticssmall also prefers EXPOSE, that ends up simming best. I suppose reaching for blanks mainly, hmm.
H7 YERK +22 Finding Medium
SKYEY #findingmedium
9D PINK(Y) +19 Strategy Small
VIN looks pretty good here #strategysmall
J6 AE +15 Strategy Small
(F)EASE is probably fine, or maybe exchange. #strategysmall
12K OGEE +11 Strategy Large
missing OGEED and floating E's when they shouldn't be floated #strategylarge
8A CE(D)E +24 Tactics Medium
10G G(R)EGE #tacticssadder
7B F(E)Z +31 Tactics Small
B10 (W)HIFT #tacticssmall
I3 AXAL +30 Finding Small
I hated this, but there aren't any great options here. I missed FAUX, which looks a tiny bit better. #findingsmall
15A LEADS +27 Endgame Small
11G EST is apparently 4 better. #endgamesmall
H11 SHIVE +57 Knowledge Large
damn #knowledgelarge
13I SLINKER +79 Knowledge Large
this is # only. #knowledgeSADDEST
3E FLINGEr +65 Knowledge Small
I held this for an incredibly long time. #knowledgesad
15A (K)UTI +9 Finding Large
A5 LUETI(C) #findingsaddest
exch Q +0 Vision Large
K5 ON(BO)ARD #visionsaddest
E5 KUD(O) +18 Finding Small
missing UNDO(C)K. I miss plays like this all the time. Gonna have to fix that. 9H OK is also interesting, good bingo chances. I also briefly considered UD(O). #findingsmall
C2 INFL(O)W +32 Vision Large
after him missing NIX a few spots over, I just totally space on F(LAX) This is barely on the generate choices list #visionlarge
H1 RO(S)Y +33 Finding Small
EA(S)Y is a better version of this #findingsmall
7H BALD +16 Tactics Small
BLAT might be best, DNV scores better. #tacticssmall
1G (BRAUnITE)S +30 Endgame Large
missed my outplay. -13 #endgamelarge
J8 STALAgS +67 Finding Medium
J6 ASSAuLT #findingmedium
3J (L)UGES +12 Endgame Large
ouch, classic Josh endgame missing a weird out -48 #endgamelarge
K10 QA(T) +24 Knowledge Medium
QA(T)S is super cool setting up the I, denying good bingo chances in favour of scoring a guaranteed 40+ next turn #findingmedium #knowledgemedium
K10 QA(T) +24 Finding Medium
QA(T)S is super cool setting up the I, denying good bingo chances in favour of scoring a guaranteed 40+ next turn #findingmedium #knowledgemedium
6F (M)OI +5 Vision Small
Everyone hated this play, and so did I. But I couldn't figure out what to do, and MOI actually sims decently. The correct play is probably SINOPIE B8, which I didn't see. It's the highest scoring play, keeps the R, and goes for turnover. Turnover is not usually that important this early, but sometimes there's nothing else to do. (-5) #visionsmall
A9 PLIER +16 Vision Large
This sims way, way back: I didn't see EH 10A. No one mentioned this in either the commentary or the chat, which vindicates me slightly. SHH must be difficult to spot for everyone. (-12) #visionlarge
K3 fI(D)GETED +60 Vision Small
I spent a long time on this rack but still missed INGESTED. So annoying! (-4) #visionsmall
N1 MiDLINE +74 Knowledge Medium
a little upsetting that i missed mingled. i saw melding, and didn't immediately think it had an anagram, because i don't study as much as i should. pretty important to find the right plays in this game. -5 with an inference of IST or something like that; josh would never play ZIG without an S. #knowledgemedium
B10 F(O)UNT +32 Finding Medium
NOOO i need to find BUMF. -5 #findingmedium i was too trolled this game.
A8 CRO(P) +29 Strategy Small
the main problem with CROP is that it's much harder to open on the left side now. quackle prefers I11 B(E)D by win%, wish i'd thought of it. #strategysmall.
4D YAR +26 Strategy Medium
if i play AOUDAD here, josh is just blocking and i lose. i don't think i have a realistic chance of winning this game. quackle is so optimistic. i was hoping to keep scoring as much as possible and maybe i'd draw some miracle pREX or kYAR bingo. lol. I think DOURA gives me the best chance, though. #strategymedium
15H DAL +20 Vision Large
um. It would seem that I let him get away with TOL* here? This seems very weird. But this is what I have recorded. I'm gonna go with this not having happened, but I'll record the game as it is! Heh. #visionlarge?
I13 ZA +43 Finding Medium
15G CAZ(H) #findingmedium
8A (N)UBIA +8 Finding Medium
D6 (R)OBINIA #findingmedium
B10 C(O)OEY +32 Knowledge Large
chickened out of SOFTY #knowledgelarge
8N (E)R +10 Endgame Large
JAPER #endgamelarge
D10 (RE)MEX +28 Strategy Small
10I EX #strategysad
10I MOnTAGE +73 Strategy Small
B14 GO #strategysad
O3 GyROLIT(E) +74 Finding Large
E13 PYE +35 Strategy Large
14B P(OX)Y #strategysaddest
15G JIBE +44 Strategy Small
14B B(OXY) #strategysad
13G AULA +12 Strategy Small
13G AURAL #strategysad
14B P(OXY) +40 Strategy Large
8L SHEW +45 Knowledge Large
now I give it some second thought, and still misremember the definition in Zyzzyva being an adjectival one. #knowledgelarge
F6 FA(M)ED +54 Strategy Small
G5 HAF(I)Z #strategysmall
G6 TY(I)N +40 Finding Medium
K10 ZAY(I)N #findingmedium
B6 ZHO +37 Finding Small
C9 ZAR(A)PE #findingsmall
O6 OBLASTI +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
10G DRIVERs +76 Knowledge Large
L2 Q(U)ALE +28 Tactics Small
L2 Q(U)ELL #tacticssad
1G LINDY +33 Strategy Small
This is probably playing too scared, O1 D(E)NY is fine. #strategysad
4E GAN(JA)H +22 Time Large
12C COGNA(C) #timesaddest
L5 B(A)RHANdS +82 Knowledge Large
this is phony #knowledgelarge
N10 STO(G)IE +28 Endgame Small
-5 to SIE(G)E same spot #endgamesmall
9N (O)D +9 Knowledge Large
This is absolutely horrendous. #knowledgelarge
I2 PeTTLED +69 Vision Small
G8 PETTLeD #visionsad
K8 FUME +26 Finding Large
2E EX +54 Finding Large
M9 DIR(G)E +18 Endgame Small
G8 RE(IN) #endgamesad
C3 PLA(N)KED +42 Knowledge Large
UPTALKED #knowledgelarge
15A HiSTOGE(N) +86 Finding Small
14G E(I)GHTvOS scores the most here, that's probably the play. #findingsmall
H7 PAX +24 Strategy Small
CALX much more defensive #strategysmall
M6 DEVOTE +24 Tactics Small
DEVOT(E)E is so much but it's very hard to make that play and tie the game when Josh can score 40 and there's not much left to do after. #tacticssmall
11E ETA(P)ED +18 Knowledge Large
held and released #knowledgesaddest
G5 AUA +11 Strategy Small
6F OU(T)A #strategysad
I3 NON +12 Finding Large
I7 ENOL #findingsaddest
12B WIDE +35 Finding Medium
12A DWILE #findingsadder
13A HOB +31 Tactics Large
13C BOLE #tacticssaddest
exch FLQ +0 Strategy Small
14A EFS #strategysad
15H (I)MpALERS +80 Vision Small
8H (E)MERALdS #visionsad
M10 THRON(E) +18 Strategy Small
Exch. NNQ #strategysad
2B JEANS +61 Endgame Small
J2 JAN(T)Y is probably better. #endgamesad
K3 BABOO(N) +20 Strategy Medium
BABOO is massively better defensively, yikes. #strategymedium
C9 FL(EX)OR +40 Strategy Small
This was a very lazy sequence for me. The first thing that crossed my mind after FUG was, hmm, I bet he has QU more than usual after a move like that; but I really should've stopped, taken a second, and realized that he practically always has QU after FUG - he also made setups on me in each of our first two games! Therefore, I should have at the very least considered 12I LITHO, which obviously is gonna do very well against the QU range. This isn't as bad as the next turn, but still probably at least a #strategysmall
12I MA(T)H +28 Strategy Large
OK, even less excuse now with some time to think about it, and another turn for him to draw something there - I gotta do something like M9 MAGIAN to block that area. I think I thought that after he gets 80 there, I bingo for hopefully a comparable amount and still have tempo on a crummy board. But why wouldn't I try to stop the 80? FLEXOR and MATH would have been ok plays otherwise, but...come on. I will say that of all my turns at Nationals this year, this one was most tilting, because I saw all 4 of my playable CSW bingos here, and got agitated that I somehow didn't have a single TWL one...stopping myself from those kinds of reactions might be a bigger challenge than actually keeping the words straight. #strategylarge
15H TRIP +26 Finding Large
Somehow spaced on DRIPT, I need the points and extra draws at the S. #findinglarge
14E FAX +24 Strategy Large
...this should be b7 #strategylarge #dumbasslarge
I1 FEW +27 Tactics Small
4A WEFTE #tacticssad
9D I(L)IA +11 Vision Small
B10 LI(A)NA #visionsad
L8 VI(T)ULIN +0 (Lost challenge) Knowledge Large
11K XI +38 Strategy Large
I ran out of time, mistracked, and gave up and just scored, which wins 4/8 with no inference. M6 DIRL(S) wins 5/8 with no inference when he doesn't have a bingo on the O column (if I draw EIRS?) and O3 DIXI wins 5/8 with no inference when he doesn't have a bingo from the V (if I draw AERS?). The evaluation of this endgame with inference is left as an exercise to the reader. #TIMESADDEST #STRATEGYSADDEST
11K XI +38 Time Large
I ran out of time, mistracked, and gave up and just scored, which wins 4/8 with no inference. M6 DIRL(S) wins 5/8 with no inference when he doesn't have a bingo on the O column (if I draw EIRS?) and O3 DIXI wins 5/8 with no inference when he doesn't have a bingo from the V (if I draw AERS?). The evaluation of this endgame with inference is left as an exercise to the reader. #TIMESADDEST #STRATEGYSADDEST
4A D(A)LI +14 Time Large
4A L(A)RD #timesaddest
13F (E)L +9 Time Small
2A L(U)R. I made these last 3 plays with 0:01 on the clock without going overtime, which is notable but also #timesad
12J R(OE) +3 Time Small
M3 (O)R #timesad
7F BALM +31 Knowledge Small
7C BLAMER #knowledgesad
M1 CRUD +18 Finding Large
K11 UNCUT #findingsaddest
14F BR(ON)ZE +43 Strategy Medium
10B KEFIR #strategysadder
5B LOCKS +44 Endgame Medium
This gives back a cool 10. #endgamesadder Sokol: this is my analysis of what should happen after (F)UN for 6. tl;dr the play, all things considered, probably wins 50/50, due to inference. My calculations come to a cynical result of 216/360, inferring that Josh will always block correctly when I can only hit one area. Optimism gives me closer to 2/3 when he blocks the wrong spot. CE loses CO wins 16/360 GE dead with O in bag, K in bag, 1/2 C in bag, L in bag, S in bag, probably dead with E in bag, so 5/16*2/45 so 5/360 GO dead with E in bag, L in bag and K in bag, 8/360 EE loses KO loses KE loses KG loses with E in bag, O in bag, 4/360 KL wins 8/360 KS wins 16/360 CG wins 8/360 CL wins 8/360 CS wins 16/360 GS wins 16/360 LS wins 16/360 ES wins 32/360 OS wins 32/360 EO loses OO loses SS wins 8/360 EL wins 16/360 LO wins 16/360 GL wins 6/360 CK probably loses
J2 QA(ID) +34 Vision Small
9D CI(N)Q #visionsad
5C JEFE +32 Time Large
A8 OUR +13 Time Large
O8 ABID(E) +24 Endgame Small
6B BA #endgamesad
D4 E(EN) +14 Time Large
10F (N)E #timesaddest
9C RELOA(N)ED +62 Tactics Small
or OLEA(N)DER. Karl wasn't sure whiich to play, and neither am I really. I guess OLEANDER forks the scoring spots better. #tacticssmall
N1 FIG +26 Strategy Small
Discarded L1 FYTTE because of the ugly CGI leave, but it's still probably best win %-wise since it leaves the PHOTOG hook open and opens another lane on column N. At the same time, spread was an important factor at this point in the tournament and FIG does a better job at limiting the chance of a blowout loss, so FIG has its merits too. Tough call, maybe a #strategysmall.
C9 FRO(T)H +30 Vision Small
F6 FROG sets up QI and doesn't open a bingo -- still very close because FORTH and FROTH block high-scoring lanes #visionsad
exch CDGL +0 Strategy Small
Exch. CDFGL is better. I held the F because of the F10 F spot if I hit an E, and also the D9 spot -- those aren't good enough, unfortunately. #strategysad
D6 ZARF +26 Vision Medium
K6 ZARF No Comment #visionsadder
14H AGOUtIS +70 Finding Small
14H OUGIyAS -- just didn't iterate through the alphabet far enough #findingsad
14E EX +52 Strategy Small
Most interesting position of the game is here. I spent a while considering the merits of E4 GLAD and E4 GLADE -- the X setup is beautiful and massive, and hitting an A or O with 4/5 draws seems pretty likely. It is probably pretty important for me to hold the E and only play E4 GLAD on the offchance that I miss every vowel draw. Ultimately, I chickened out and decided to take the guaranteed points. But it seems like blocking lanes to the E + scoring + setting up a SECOND X bomb outweigh the security of crushing the spot now. After the game, I pointed out the potential setup to Josh, and he said something like "that would've made the game interesting. " So there's that. #strategysad I guess.
2F PL(A)Y +20 Vision Medium
4K (S)YL(i) blank makes it hard to see ("impossible to see" per Josh) whatever it's ok #visionsadder
11I J(E)ELY +30 Tactics Small
11I J(E)FE #tacticssad
6C VERONIC(A) +65 Knowledge Medium
7A CORVINE #knowledgesadder
E11 O(XI)M +26 Finding Small
A1 UM(B)O #findingsad
2K NEIF +31 Tactics Small
3L FIL #tacticssad
8D LIDA(R) +7 Strategy Large
G7 DALI #strategysaddest
B1 VIA +17 Finding Large
F8 (D)ILUVIA #findingsaddest
D1 OIL +10 Strategy Small
9E OIL #strategysad
7G W(E)B +32 Finding Large
C9 U(P)LAY +22 Vision Large
A8 (F)ANAtICs +83 Knowledge Large
N1 THRIVE +46 Knowledge Large
I didn't think SPERRED was good, lol. N3 RIVET is best. #KNOWLEDGESADDEST
12G RIFF(I)NG +30 Knowledge Large
VIFFING #knowledgesaddest
3J (BI)LCH +24 Knowledge Large
so close to snap challenging, but after IDOLISER I felt like I was losing my mind. Such a bad moment #knowledgesaddest
B1 UNRA(W) +0 (Lost challenge) Vision Large
and then I snap challenged this, not realizing I should have left it on!!! After I 3x3 with OUTRATES, the score would be 541-364 = 177. As it were, the game ended 500-348 = 152. Challenging this was a 25-point mistake! #visionSADDEST
E3 B(U)GGY +24 Knowledge Medium
E2 BLUGGY #knowledgemedium
J2 (ZE)D +23 Knowledge Large
14G STRIDD(L)E #knowledgelarge
15H STOMP +52 Finding Medium
15H STOWP #findingmedium
13G R(E)LEASOR +70 Knowledge Large
accepted when he realized it gave him this. I was 90% sure it was good but decided I had to chall since I won if it came off #knowledgelarge
8G GUE +8 Strategy Small
Champions Cup 2023, Round 1. 8G GU #strategysad
E3 JOLE +24 Strategy Small
I7 J(E)ON #strategysad
I7 D(E)G +14 Vision Large
M2 VEE +20 Vision Small
6J W(AT) +14 Endgame Large
L2 HAUBER(K) +32 Tactics Small
didn't like what this did to the board, but something like AW only leaves the 3 row open, the other lanes aren't good anyways. looks between this and AW. AW seems to leave more space open and bingoes a bit more immediately #tacticssmall
D7 FO(R)DID +24 Finding Small
Missed DEVOID, which keeps a better leave and doesn't give back column C. #findingsmall
8A G(U)Y(O)T +34 Strategy Small
10 points seemed like a bit too much to give up for 11A LEVITY, but in hindsight it does seem worth it. GNS has decent bingo potential with 3 Is unseen, and minimizes my chances of consonant overload since it keeps one less consonant. It also blocks the A11 spot and keeps the A1 spot, which I'm probably a favorite to use over Josh since I can put my S at 6A. The LNSV leave after GUYOT really isn't going anywhere on this board and could turn disastrous very easily. #strategysmall
M8 (L)UMS +29 Endgame Small
Didn't notice he had ATAXIC. -6. #endgamesmall
12A BARF(S) +26 Tactics Small
My issues evaluating V-containing leaves continue. FAVES is the better option; it scores 4 more than BARFS and bingos approximately 1% more without yielding any higher opp. avg. score. #tacticssmall
1K (J)URAT +39 Endgame Medium
Better by ten points is just playing JURA. Very nice. #endgamemedium
12I (P)IE +15 Endgame Small
M1 REI for one more #endgamesmall
The listing of all of the player's mistakes. For more information about mistakes, check the 'Mistakes' section of the about page.
Game Line Error
Game 21220 24 Game is incomplete.
Game 49131 35 Game is incomplete.
Game 46414 30 Board error: disconnected play detected.
Game 16523 55 Board error: disconnected play detected.
Game 47241 28 No valid 5 item sequence found.
Game 48502 19 No valid 5 item sequence found.
Game 12974 39 Board error: disconnected play detected.
Game 36356 51 Game is incomplete.
Game 38132 34 Game is incomplete.
Game 25581 61 Game is incomplete.
Game 13721 31 Game is incomplete.
Game 36420 28 Game is incomplete.
Game 36550 12 Game is incomplete.
Game 36847 33 Board error: disconnected play detected.
Game 36854 30 Game is incomplete.
Game 36857 30 Game is incomplete.
Game 14224 50 Board error: disconnected play detected.
Game 38350 44 Board error: disconnected play detected.
Game 26239 41 Board error: disconnected play detected.
Game 34212 11 Game is incomplete.
Game 21081 2 Both players have the same name.
Game 16396 52 Game is incomplete.
Game 38131 17 Game is incomplete.
Game 17989 66 Game is incomplete.
Game 16552 41 Board error: disconnected play detected.
Game 19616 15 Game is incomplete.
Game 30343 25 Game is incomplete.
Game 41783 8 No valid 5 item sequence found.
Game 30386 29 Game is incomplete.
Game 21080 2 Both players have the same name.
Errors are (most likely) the result of malformed GCG files. To learn more, check the 'Errors and Warnings' section in the about page.
Game Line Error
Game 48305 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 11626, Round 2).
Game 48306 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 11626, Round 2).
Game 48307 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 11626, Round 2).
Game 48308 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 11626, Round 2).
Game 48309 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 11626, Round 2).
Game 48310 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 11626, Round 2).
Game 47244 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 11589, Round 14).
Game 48311 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 11626, Round 2).
Game 29527 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 10381, Round 21).
Game 41581 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 11377, Round 21).
Game 41797 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 11377, Round 23).
Game 34497 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 10791, Round 25).
Game 37432 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 11180, Round 21).
Game 37671 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 11183, Round 12).
Game 41695 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 11377, Round 18).
Game 41796 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 11377, Round 5).
Game 37426 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 11180, Round 15).
Game 34480 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 10791, Round 9).
Game 37066 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 11158, Round 12).
Game 37557 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 11183, Round 4).
Game 41798 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 11377, Round 22).
Game 41793 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 11377, Round 14).
Game 37572 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 11183, Round 19).
Game 33163 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 10791, Round 27).
Game 41794 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 11377, Round 16).
Game 39729 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 11288, Round 1).
Game 46407 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 7927, Round 2).
Game 41615 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 11377, Round 9).
Game 33278 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 10791, Round 16).
Game 39769 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 11288, Round 5).
Game 29825 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 10381, Round 14).
Game 41689 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 11377, Round 12).
Game 33430 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 10835, Round 11).
Game 33058 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 10791, Round 17).
Game 36024 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 10590, Round 5).
Game 42502 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 11425, Round 6).
Game 20725 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 9000, Round 11).
Game 46429 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 10777, Round 6).
Warnings are notifications to players that they might want to update some of their GCG files. To learn more, check the 'Errors and Warnings' section in the about page.