John Karris
John Karris
Color Key
= Triple Triple
= Bingo 9+
= Improbable
= +
= +
= +
= + +
Player Lists
Type Play Probability Score
RET(O)RTeD 6946 60
TREATER 4593 74
SaNDERS 5405 67
GENiTO(R)S 239 66
EARnEST 214 72
PHOtINA* 0 68
R(A)DIATES 308 68
STARERS 9201 85
(A)STOUNdS 10631 74
BESTR(O)DE 3727 72
DeNOTES 847 69
MOUSIER 2048 77
IN(V)ERTED 1534 63
THIEVES 8391 75
REGAUGE 10594 63
RE(P)ULSES 20683 80
TRAiNEE(S) 36 68
cARRION 4199 78
FARTInG 4232 78
P(A)LSIEST 8643 70
SLICERS 12942 75
AIrPORT 4021 63
ABAShED 13794 76
GAV(E)LLeD 19545 64
BARONN(E)S 3530 61
i(N)VADING 17643 74
MINST(R)EL 2391 72
SALTERS 5410 85
TR(I)BADES 945 72
REDLINE(D) 4853 83
VO(I)DANCE 2036 74
(A)NTIQUER 1272 77
ABORTeD 866 66
S(E)VeRING 4424 74
PAESANI 1783 72
TANGLEs 1725 70
QINDARS 8572 108
AREOLAS 733 74
lIO(N)iZED 6255 194
DI(V)INESt 4515 74
(C)ELOSIAs 6245 66
DRAFTED 9339 78
(S)UBTILeR 4301 68
RETAXI(N)g 2067 66
AEROSAT 231 68
LATIGOE(S) 237 80
RETAINE(D) 25 63
PINBonE 8556 85
RAISING 3452 69
TOADIes 38 68
(G)ELATINS 444 70
SLO(T)TING 8498 59
GAROTTE 1315 63
(E)uPNOEAS 1915 80
E(N)DORSER 3212 63
(E)NLISTED 911 82
AdVISER(S) 8625 83
S(E)lFWARD 12626 69
N(A)VETTES 6406 62
EGOTIZE 4453 81
dOU(G)HIER 4364 63
w(O)ODSIER 3951 74
rEMAILE(D) 1534 72
ORANGES 391 75
REHEA(T)ED 4727 78
(I)NNOVATE 768 63
(F)LOORINg 11548 72
ANER(G)IES 283 86
NEOnATE 473 76
(I)NDUCTER* 0 76
TAPEREd 2202 71
(E)NDITInG 6142 80
OUT(L)IERS 346 70
UNHIRED 3250 67
SATINET(S) 5017 77
TaLENtS 2826 78
RANKEST 3594 101
DEtAIN(E)E 295 68
TRAINER 196 70
fEARING 1216 80
sCENTIN(G) 10722 80
OUTRANK(S) 8259 89
FRUIT(I)Er 8944 86
SLEETIN(G) 1746 80
CARRIES 3789 86
(S)NICKeRs 22046 95
wHITIeS 10744 73
EM(P)LACES 18578 78
sTARING 1345 77
SOF(T)ENER 1871 63
UNITEd(L)Y 4548 70
SHuTING 13100 91
AtRESIA 139 70
(U)NSPACED* 0 88
GUEsSED 17210 88
SNARFI(N)G 13465 85
D(E)STINEd 5116 65
ENVElOP 9059 84
REbORES 8630 74
ENDINGS 6888 72
UPFO(L)DEd 24549 80
REGIMEN 3384 70
TEETERS 8419 67
JAUNTI(E)R 1203 67
EMBrACE 12781 80
INTONEs 790 70
REPAIRE(r) 12536 71
LONGEST 2331 77
STRAND(E)R 2024 62
FRONTAL 3413 78
AIRIEST 145 70
MEDIATo(R) 203 80
THONGED 5513 70
ATTUNES 2832 86
(E)NGAgERS 9548 72
ASSERTS 17117 85
SATIRES 1399 81
MO(O)NIEST 2095 76
UN(T)IDIER 871 60
(C)HOLATeD* 0 80
UNPRE(T)TY 16761 67
URINALS 1780 67
D(R)EARIEr 7117 72
OUTYi(E)LD 2683 72
VETERAN 1078 68
INSUlTS 13799 69
HeISTER 2285 97
CALYpSO 19856 69
RELEV(A)NT 1606 62
R(E)QUITED 5713 71
REImAGE 1503 70
REVO(L)vER 22915 70
(Q)uANTILE 2504 98
(C)OASTERS 6163 72
HO(T)ELIER 840 71
RE(P)INING 11316 74
SOOTHEd 8060 82
DENtATE 1782 68
INNER(V)ED 6114 76
OUTSIDE(R) 322 61
ITeRANT 190 66
SCRAWLS 21179 73
REIsSUE 6089 72
AUDILES 1062 65
(G)ARDENiA 594 61
WITLESS 12464 78
ROUTiNe 49 77
CAN(O)EIST 185 70
ACHIOtE 1297 65
TENOURS 530 74
FO(R)EtELL 11070 70
sNIFFLE 17606 78
(C)OmITIES 7037 61
(S)mEARING 1755 70
P(H)EASAnT 9290 74
TUNDRAS 3602 69
RESIDUa 404 87
SOGgIER 6999 83
VISAGED 4460 94
PRALInE 681 72
NOSEGAY 2955 81
MENORA(H)S 4068 80
CONTUSE 3863 74
ATOpIES 338 66
NEROLIS 181 98
VESTING 4763 81
STaPLED 5601 73
CLIQUEs 16841 87
(E)NDORSER 3394 65
dOT(T)IEST 10537 58
FR(E)EHAND 7120 66
cHARgES 12215 84
PIONEER 490 76
STyLIZE 14194 91
lEAGUES 4462 67
REP(R)OVED 16406 80
DIETARY 659 81
cLEAVES 11354 76
EUCAINE(s) 1446 61
SLATTIN(G) 8095 63
EVOLUtE 4820 62
WANDE(R)ER 6373 68
DELAINE 203 70
(T)INKEReR 7223 65
DELAT(I)ON 12 63
R(O)MANCES 4032 76
(V)AnITIEs 1253 80
LOAMIE(S)T 568 70
OVERDUE 4812 88
TOLANEs 162 67
AERIAlS 467 63
SLUDg(I)ER 4528 140
SCALIeR 1418 78
AIRIEsT 139 60
UN(B)URIeD 11619 80
LAdINGS 5310 78
FORET(O)LD 6872 63
AIRLESS 2887 71
PLaNNEd 9407 66
The of bingos played by the player that were not challenged off.
Triple Triples
Type Play Probability Score
lIO(N)iZED 6255 194
SLUDg(I)ER 4528 140
Triple triples played by the player that were not challenged off. They do not have to be bingos.
Challenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were challenged off by an opponent.
Unchallenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
PHOtINA* 0 68
PULIKS* 0 24
(I)NDUCTER* 0 76
GOY* 0 31
W(O)G* 0 12
BLINN* 0 27
(U)NSPACED* 0 88
ZONAS* 0 48
PIBALD* 0 22
ELODIA* 0 16
(C)HOLATeD* 0 80
A(L)U(V)IA* 0 14
(D)OWAGE* 0 45
BUDG(Y)* 0 15
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were not challenged by an opponent.
Plays That Were Challenged
Type Play Probability Score
CRA(V)IT* 0 0
CrANERS* 0 0
SQUAT 6007 0
PHO(T)INiA* 0 0
(B)EGOWN* 0 0
P(A)LSIEST 8643 70
UnALIVE* 0 0
MERCE* 0 0
ADLIB* 0 0
TECTIOn* 0 0
TENSiLe 609 0
StRANGE(D)* 0 0
VISAGED 4460 94
Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Opponent Lists
Type Play Probability Score
SMA(R)AGDE 10208 98
SOLOING 7889 73
MALTIER 678 74
T(O)WNlETS 9480 61
MANI(T)oUS 2236 83
RESTART 5558 74
SALUTeD 2388 69
OERsTED 846 68
STOVING 7866 82
MELODI(O)N 3941 72
LATRINE(S) 73 77
U(N)FALLeN 20427 78
TEIG(L)ACH 7936 78
MARV(E)LED 9878 80
VENULOS(E) 5860 86
ENdOSTE(A) 157 64
LABORIT(E) 181 83
RE(S)PECTs 22320 61
(R)ARIfIES 5587 71
aEROBIA 415 72
FORE(G)ONe 7039 74
SATIETY 3824 82
(R)UmORING 14542 70
ALIeNEE 499 72
PODGIER 2979 71
CURATED 3075 77
ItEMIZ(E)S 14777 92
LENITES 577 80
E(A)RRINGS 1568 78
ERRINgL(Y) 10735 83
MALLETS 12913 72
(H)ETAERIC 2176 65
hANDO(U)Ts 7584 66
MASTHEA(D) 13291 95
TROPINE 360 76
AScETIC 11710 89
(I)RRUPTeD 8391 62
AMASSER 13043 81
PELITIc 10283 76
PAR(V)OLIN 5957 76
BEATIFY 8706 112
TEOPANS 934 82
eREC(T)ILE 4749 80
ROSEBUD 6098 83
BATTENS 6186 69
PATT(E)RED 6065 74
TRUNDLE(D) 10623 86
TOODLEs 3974 75
NEtSURF 5792 75
GUENONS 7952 69
(R)EWATERs* 0 88
ARIETTE 344 66
OUTDONE 2137 71
INVERSE 2301 66
AGEN(E)SIA 819 86
STARING 1345 81
C(R)AmOISY 14124 63
(B)URGEONS 6993 74
FRIVOLS 12954 85
CUNeATE 2078 71
COEQUAT(E) 8247 137
B(O)TULINs 7213 77
TABOULI 3186 73
(U)NPoSTED 4945 72
SEA(F)LOOR 3722 63
CORDI(N)GS 9356 63
POSTMAN 10373 83
LACIEST 1490 76
A(N)TIWEAR 482 65
AbALONE 2241 69
ENTHRAL(S) 2250 65
(C)ONATIVE 857 92
SwEETIE 5709 79
B(R)AiDERS 4879 72
GRINDER 4438 76
T(IN)SELiNG 6167 80
E(A)RFLAPS 13277 64
CHOWDER 15765 90
(S)QuINTED 8148 131
THoNGED 5509 83
TALLIEs 2901 72
InOSITE 247 78
(A)LLOxANE* 0 71
DIRDUMS 20059 83
Sy(B)ARITE 3122 86
pAROTID 1579 77
STERNIT(E) 1311 77
FEOfDOM* 0 81
TH(I)NNERS 5273 65
SANICLE 1482 79
(E)NGINEER 6090 62
tEMPURA 7072 89
UNC(O)RKED 14873 110
RUTILES 1169 61
VO(L)ERIeS 1943 80
R(E)DTAILS 267 140
ELEVONS 4814 102
BLOODI(E)S 6662 80
CHARTER 11298 82
ALThEAS 6040 73
DUSKInG 18944 114
EASTERN 215 67
IsOGAMY 12236 82
InHALED 1495 75
(S)TATIONS 8202 77
VaRICOS(E) 2045 82
ARANEID 131 84
VI(Z)IRATE 7267 73
SO(L)ANINE 448 59
(T)ANAGErs 1564 78
PENTAN(E)S 6404 61
OVEr(L)OVE 22033 76
HYPERON 12721 88
TITA(N)IUM 11618 62
VEIN(U)LES 5355 74
ROASTER 781 73
CORONAE 1339 73
PANDOrE 858 74
LINEATE(D) 103 70
COL(U)BRID 16637 67
DU(N)GAREE 1723 74
BLISSf(U)L 30439 60
TEENIER 506 75
(P)ETROLIC 4110 89
EdITION 241 72
INDA(M)INE 5574 65
AV(I)ATORS 2742 65
SHABB(I)ER 20279 73
MOISTUr(E) 1479 68
STOcKED 14993 79
CLEATIN(G) 1714 69
SHAGGED 19217 99
BORNITE 335 75
(P)RoTAMIN 3317 86
MAtURA(T)E 8463 70
(B)UTTONEd 9457 68
PHON(A)TED 3833 68
PLaTIES 1489 82
(A)NtERIOR 38 59
INDEXES 7315 96
H(O)LUBtsI 16629 82
AAS(V)OGEL 7769 63
FARDELs 5586 77
TeDIOUS 519 82
qUIXOTE 12539 70
BAGUET(TE)S 11592 89
PR(E)ENING 8475 78
INQUIRE(D) 8685 104
TO(T)ALITY 18695 76
COdEINE 1250 75
SARODES 3569 82
KNIgHTS 20110 86
COEqUA(T)E 8687 62
HETEROS 2652 76
SURcEAS(E) 13678 79
AMUSING 9719 92
POSTEEN 2666 73
SLAvERY 9651 82
ISLANDE(R) 247 72
PL(A)CATER 9278 64
DUVETIN(E) 2973 93
EMERITA(E) 1103 64
ECLOGIT(E) 2725 72
(A)THLETIc 9650 83
EARNERS 1796 76
MAT(c)HERS 13996 63
SNEA(K)ING 10842 65
UNABID(IN)G 16908 64
LINTERS 452 74
UNOILED 515 69
SOmEDAY 7982 83
ENROOTS 1068 74
(R)OUTEMAN 564 74
(D)ESISTED 16107 83
SnOWIEr 959 72
rEVOKES 12492 79
SCANDIA(S) 18301 86
DEONTIC 901 72
LOANa(B)LE 9806 72
SYNERGI(A) 1772 89
WATChED 14196 87
(A)NVilTOP 5949 83
S(U)BAGENT 6168 69
DORSIlS* 0 82
INT(A)RSIA 1851 60
LINGOeS 1057 81
D(E)CReTAL 2856 61
cHOREAS 4810 78
EToILES 286 66
GELA(T)ION 59 61
BoRINGS 7510 69
CIRRATE 2000 66
RESCIND(S) 11627 78
STAMPER(S) 17033 74
eNTOZOA 2910 87
C(R)EASING 1715 65
REVOLTS 3757 70
DeTRI(ME)NT 3959 61
ROLFI(N)GS* 0 76
STONKED 6956 77
BLOoM(I)NG 20533 76
RETA(I)NED 28 70
(R)OCKIEsT 7684 69
GRAVI(T)AS 9383 74
NESTING 4445 64
MILD(E)NED 13078 74
PAUSERS 12375 72
NOTELI(K)E* 0 65
H(I)LDINgS 20057 74
BIRLINg 13700 65
UNLEASH 5611 78
REPTI(L)IA 1247 61
DISROO(T)s 12455 60
ATELIEr 55 65
ENGAGES 10591 74
PiVOTM(A)N 11157 78
ACORNED 878 73
TALEGGI(O) 3417 66
UNBEIN(G)S* 0 67
UNCaSED 5583 81
OuTLAST 8219 70
MILAGES 4659 71
sIRLOIN 2721 69
DECARES 4032 79
PUSHING 19515 82
(D)iScOVER 6809 83
DININGS 15931 76
INTR(O)RSE 464 70
BETATR(O)N 1786 61
kURGANS 16658 72
AINSELL 2883 70
P(I)VOTMEN 8516 71
URANI(T)ES 83 83
N(E)UTRINO 489 66
FALDERO(L) 9656 68
NOvELTY 8144 75
hARRID(A)N 11616 66
(I)NSPECTS 17925 78
TEMPURA 7072 67
NAIADES 493 66
NA(P)ERIES 673 72
SaCRIST 12167 79
RET(I)NENE 2353 59
PIAN(I)STS 15658 63
(P)OUNdAGE 4355 72
(G)RADIENT 138 61
SOARING 800 72
TO(E)PLATE 4222 81
AGENCI(E)S 2219 72
ORDINaT(E) 3 77
ADE(L)GIDS 8957 62
INHE(R)ITs 2673 90
NAIAdES 493 74
SQUINT(E)R 5041 88
SALLIER 2885 79
The of bingos played by the player that were not challenged off.
Triple Triples
Type Play Probability Score
R(E)DTAILS 267 140
FOUR(GO)nS 17900 108
Triple triples played by the player that were not challenged off. They do not have to be bingos.
Bingo Nines or Above
Type Play Probability Score
T(IN)SELiNG 6167 80
BAGUET(TE)S 11592 89
UNABID(IN)G 16908 64
DeTRI(ME)NT 3959 61
Bingos played by the player that were nine letters or longer and were not challenged off.
Challenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were challenged off by an opponent.
Unchallenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
MUNGOE* 0 24
(R)EWATERs* 0 88
(A)LLOxANE* 0 71
FEOfDOM* 0 81
GLACED* 0 26
RIMP* 0 31
EPICL(Y)* 0 26
EX(A)PT* 0 30
DORSIlS* 0 82
(TI)THERED* 0 26
ROLFI(N)GS* 0 76
NOTELI(K)E* 0 65
STOWER* 0 41
UNBEIN(G)S* 0 67
BAL(L)PIT* 0 30
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were not challenged by an opponent.
Plays That Were Challenged
Type Play Probability Score
E(A)RFLAPS 13277 64
(R)EDRUNK* 0 0
ODES 292 0
o(V)ERSODS* 0 0
J(E)ERY* 0 0
FOUR(GO)nS 17900 108
LEH(U)* 0 0
TONTO* 0 0
OILIER 334 0
Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Notable Lists
Many Double Words Covered
Games that end in ties.
Four or More Consecutive Bingos
Games in which the player bingos at least 4 times in a row.
Game Stats
Stat Average Total
Games 1.00 129
Invalid Games 0.02 3
Incomplete 0.02 3
Disconnected 0.00 0
Other 0.00 0
Total Turns 26.15 3373
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Player Stats
Stat Average Total
Wins 0.39 50.5
Score 388.59 50128
Score per Turn 29.7849
Turns 13.05 1683
Vertical Plays 5.65 729
Horizontal Plays 6.29 812
One Tile Plays 0.57 74
Other Plays 0.53 68
Firsts 0.43 55
Vertical Openings per First 0.0227
Horizontal Openings per First 0.9773
Full Rack per Turn 0.3464
Exchanges 0.30 39
High Game 569
Low Game 227
Highest Scoring Turn 194
Bingos Played 1.59 205
Sevens 0.81 105
Eights 0.78 100
Nines 0.00 0
Tens 0.00 0
Elevens 0.00 0
Twelves 0.00 0
Thirteens 0.00 0
Fourteens 0.00 0
Fifteens 0.00 0
Bingo Probabilities 5375.54
Sevens 4899.04
Eights 5881.52
Nines 0.00
Tens 0.00
Elevens 0.00
Twelves 0.00
Thirteens 0.00
Fourteens 0.00
Fifteens 0.00
Tiles Played 47.29 6100
A 4.18 539
B 0.91 118
C 0.97 125
D 1.89 244
E 5.84 753
F 0.97 125
G 1.43 185
H 0.95 122
I 4.32 557
J 0.42 54
K 0.46 59
L 1.75 226
M 0.89 115
N 2.82 364
O 3.61 466
P 0.98 126
Q 0.51 66
R 2.93 378
S 1.99 257
T 2.64 341
U 1.87 241
V 0.87 112
W 1.01 130
X 0.48 62
Y 1.14 147
Z 0.50 65
? 0.95 123
Power Tiles Played 4.86 627
? 0.95 123
J 0.42 54
Q 0.51 66
X 0.48 62
Z 0.50 65
S 1.99 257
Power Tiles Stuck With 0.06 8
? 0.03 4
J 0.00 0
Q 0.00 0
X 0.00 0
Z 0.00 0
S 0.03 4
Turns With a Blank 1.23 159
Triple Triples Played 0.02 2
Bingoless Games 0.07 9
Bonus Square Coverage 15.20 1961
Double Letter 4.81 620
Triple Letter 5.17 667
Double Word 2.87 370
Triple Word 2.36 304
Phony Plays 0.29 38
Unchallenged 0.13 17
Challenged Off 0.16 21
Challenges 0.26 34
You Won 0.07 9
Opponent Lost 0.02 2
You Lost 0.02 2
Opponent Won 0.16 21
Challenge Percentage 0.8182
Defending Challenge Percentage 0.0870
Percentage Phonies Unchallenged 0.4474
Comments 8.66 1117
Comments Word Length 175.84 22683
Mistakeless Turns 13.05 1683
Mistakes per Turn 0.0000
Mistakes 0.00 0
Knowledge 0.00 0
Finding 0.00 0
Vision 0.00 0
Tactics 0.00 0
Strategy 0.00 0
Endgame 0.00 0
Time 0.00 0
Dynamic Mistakes 0.00 0
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Player Confidence Intervals
Tile p CI
A 0.4644 (0.4352, 0.5106)
B 0.4550 (0.3928, 0.5530)
C 0.4850 (0.3928, 0.5530)
D 0.4725 (0.4163, 0.5295)
E 0.4867 (0.4402, 0.5056)
F 0.4850 (0.3928, 0.5530)
G 0.4767 (0.4075, 0.5383)
H 0.4750 (0.3928, 0.5530)
I 0.4800 (0.4352, 0.5106)
J 0.4200 (0.3597, 0.5861)
K 0.4600 (0.3597, 0.5861)
L 0.4375 (0.4163, 0.5295)
M 0.4450 (0.3928, 0.5530)
N 0.4700 (0.4267, 0.5191)
O 0.4512 (0.4329, 0.5129)
P 0.4900 (0.3928, 0.5530)
Q 0.5100 (0.3597, 0.5861)
R 0.4883 (0.4267, 0.5191)
S 0.4975 (0.4163, 0.5295)
T 0.4400 (0.4267, 0.5191)
U 0.4675 (0.4163, 0.5295)
V 0.4350 (0.3928, 0.5530)
W 0.5050 (0.3928, 0.5530)
X 0.4800 (0.3597, 0.5861)
Y 0.5700 (0.3928, 0.5530)
Z 0.5000 (0.3597, 0.5861)
? 0.4750 (0.3928, 0.5530)
To learn more about these statistics, check the 'Confidence Intervals' section on the about page.
Opponent Stats
Stat Average Total
Wins 0.61 78.5
Score 423.38 54616
Score per Turn 32.3172
Turns 13.10 1690
Vertical Plays 6.01 775
Horizontal Plays 6.16 794
One Tile Plays 0.54 70
Other Plays 0.40 51
Firsts 0.57 74
Vertical Openings per First 0.3333
Horizontal Openings per First 0.6667
Full Rack per Turn 0.9675
Exchanges 0.24 31
High Game 647
Low Game 273
Highest Scoring Turn 140
Bingos Played 2.01 259
Sevens 0.92 119
Eights 1.05 136
Nines 0.03 4
Tens 0.00 0
Elevens 0.00 0
Twelves 0.00 0
Thirteens 0.00 0
Fourteens 0.00 0
Fifteens 0.00 0
Bingo Probabilities 6463.10
Sevens 5580.43
Eights 7140.44
Nines 9656.50
Tens 0.00
Elevens 0.00
Twelves 0.00
Thirteens 0.00
Fourteens 0.00
Fifteens 0.00
Tiles Played 50.32 6491
A 4.60 594
B 1.06 137
C 0.99 128
D 1.98 255
E 5.89 760
F 1.00 129
G 1.51 195
H 1.05 136
I 4.45 574
J 0.58 75
K 0.53 69
L 2.07 267
M 1.08 139
N 2.97 383
O 4.23 546
P 0.99 128
Q 0.49 63
R 2.92 377
S 1.94 250
T 3.09 398
U 1.97 254
V 1.08 139
W 0.99 128
X 0.52 67
Y 0.84 108
Z 0.50 64
? 0.99 128
Power Tiles Played 5.02 647
? 0.99 128
J 0.58 75
Q 0.49 63
X 0.52 67
Z 0.50 64
S 1.94 250
Power Tiles Stuck With 0.06 8
? 0.02 3
J 0.00 0
Q 0.00 0
X 0.00 0
Z 0.00 0
S 0.04 5
Turns With a Blank 1.92 248
Triple Triples Played 0.02 2
Bingoless Games 0.05 7
Bonus Square Coverage 16.47 2124
Double Letter 5.57 718
Triple Letter 5.80 748
Double Word 3.10 400
Triple Word 2.00 258
Phony Plays 0.20 26
Unchallenged 0.13 17
Challenged Off 0.07 9
Challenges 0.26 34
You Won 0.16 21
Opponent Lost 0.02 2
You Lost 0.02 2
Opponent Won 0.07 9
Challenge Percentage 0.9130
Defending Challenge Percentage 0.1818
Percentage Phonies Unchallenged 0.6538
Comments 8.66 1117
Comments Word Length 175.84 22683
Mistakeless Turns 12.80 1651
Mistakes per Turn 0.0237
Mistakes 0.31 40
Knowledge 0.02 3
Finding 0.12 16
Vision 0.01 1
Tactics 0.03 4
Strategy 0.12 15
Endgame 0.01 1
Time 0.00 0
Dynamic Mistakes 0.00 0
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Opponent Confidence Intervals
Tile p CI
A 0.5111 (0.4654, 0.5410)
B 0.5300 (0.4230, 0.5834)
C 0.4950 (0.4230, 0.5834)
D 0.4950 (0.4465, 0.5599)
E 0.4908 (0.4705, 0.5359)
F 0.5000 (0.4230, 0.5834)
G 0.5033 (0.4377, 0.5687)
H 0.5250 (0.4230, 0.5834)
I 0.4944 (0.4654, 0.5410)
J 0.5800 (0.3898, 0.6166)
K 0.5300 (0.3898, 0.6166)
L 0.5175 (0.4465, 0.5599)
M 0.5400 (0.4230, 0.5834)
N 0.4950 (0.4569, 0.5495)
O 0.5288 (0.4631, 0.5433)
P 0.4950 (0.4230, 0.5834)
Q 0.4900 (0.3898, 0.6166)
R 0.4867 (0.4569, 0.5495)
S 0.4850 (0.4465, 0.5599)
T 0.5150 (0.4569, 0.5495)
U 0.4925 (0.4465, 0.5599)
V 0.5400 (0.4230, 0.5834)
W 0.4950 (0.4230, 0.5834)
X 0.5200 (0.3898, 0.6166)
Y 0.4200 (0.4230, 0.5834)
Z 0.5000 (0.3898, 0.6166)
? 0.4950 (0.4230, 0.5834)
To learn more about these statistics, check the 'Confidence Intervals' section on the about page.
Opponent Mistakes
Play Type Size Comment
8H OK +12 Strategy Small
the previous game against chris schneider was one of the worst games i've ever played. i know i like saying that a lot and hyperbolizing, but it really truly was; it's up on cross-tables for your viewing needs. i still blame it on that first round loss; i truly believe that if i had won the first game i would have won this tournament, but instead i am sitting here at 5-7 with 8 games to go. after tacos el gordo, one of my favorite restaurants in north america, i felt like it would be a waste of my time and money to not give it my very best shot, so i resolved to play the next 8 games as well as i possibly could. i think KEG or OAKED are a little better than my move, though. -1.5 #strategysmall
11G V(e)RSE +26 Strategy Small
3J BRAVE is fine. i hold a bunch of the hooks for it. -2 #strategysmall
3F DRUB +17 Strategy Medium
i did actually see BUSLOAD but i didn't love using my S like that. dunno, DRUB is overall pretty weak, i suppose. should just take the points. -5 #strategymedium
13A VIGA +21 Strategy Small
-1, quackle like using the S again, for C9 AVISO. eep. i don't think HOP actually implies he has the S, though, but if he did would that make AVISO even worse? #strategysmall -- another move that looks good here is 13B AVO, which blocks the S but doesn't give up pts like VIGA.
15A (W)ITHY +18 Strategy Large
quackle never likes plays like this, but i'm fine with it. just trying to avoid miracles. -6 vs the straightforward B10 TIYIN.. #strategylarge ?
14I NIDATE +35 Finding Medium
this seemed like a decent block, but it could backfire. DILATE is a little harder to underlap (LA LI LO vs NA NE NO NU with the blanks as vowels), and there are two Ns left. -3 #findingmedium
L3 BRAVER +27 Strategy Medium
AVER 7J sims best. he has a decent M spot there but there's no good reason to give him a bunch of letters to bingo through. -4 #strategymedium
J5 OTIC +14 Strategy Large
well now i'm worried so it's ok to sacrifice some equity to block here. 3K OBOE just seems way too aggressive right? i guess OTIC keeps way too terrible of a leave, and he could still bingo through the B or something. M3 OE might be ok. idk. -12.5 #strategylarge
I4 OLIO +12 Strategy Small
with an ERS inference, OLIO is second best to 3K O(B)OLI, which i thought about and wasn't 100% sure was a word. i still don't like OBOLI all that much, i give him his choice of two lanes to bingo to. i like that OLIO sets up a spot for the W i might draw here (since he likely didn't keep it). still, quackle says it's a -2, and quackle is gospel. PBUH. -2 #strategysmall
H1 BLED +32 Knowledge Large
not sure enough of BLAWED (and i really should be because i know BLAW is a verb, but maybe its only past tense is BLAWN, who knows). but whatever, this wins. -9 #knowledgelarge
8D CHOKY +40 Tactics Small
wow!! i really, really must have been out of it. i was 1-4 for the day, having just ruined my nationals, and i suddenly got demoted to table 22 for some weird reason. it's more crowded, less comfortable, and i somehow doubled the C instead of the Y for literally no reason. the higher scoring CHOKY is even more defensive. -3 #tacticssmall
D1 PEIN +27 Strategy Unspecified
i think if i were to train a neural network to play scrabble, it would choose 10B PAINED. that really really is not my style, but i did very strongly consider it. i think i do need to play like that when necessary. PAINED puts me up at least 50 on a closed board. now he has the responsibility to open it and i can just keep it closed. i would come to regret this move strongly. #strategy?
I3 WAX +31 Finding Small
tawpie, -2. nice play! oops. #findingsmall
13C UTRIC(L)E +26 Knowledge Large
i missed reticule... sigh. yeah, i was definitely not feeling it at all this afternoon :( i'm not surprised i missed it. i don't think i miss it earlier in the tourney. but then again, this just shows me how much i need to study. that way even if i'm having a bad day, the words just come automatically. #knowledgelarge
12H (I)NJERA +28 Finding Large
wow i actually missed 12A JANE? unbelievable, seriously. -15 #findinglarge
A13 B(I) +4 Strategy Large
really wasn't sure about reboring. i was worried i would play it and he'd come back with some big Q play. i didn't think i was going to win if i bingoed, in any case. either i draw the Q and have to go out in two turns, or he has the Q and even if he doesn't have the U he can score enough. however, he does have 20 fewer points because of his clock. this was a desperation move to block QUIT, maybe he doesn't have QUATE or QUOTA, i don't know, i suck. quackle says ReBORING almost never wins, and 7M B(E) will win a bit more often (but again quackle doesn't have his correct score). #strategylarge
8G JAW +26 Tactics Small
8H VAW is best, likely because if John overlaps on row 7, he sets up my J at 6J. #tacticssmall
10H DEVI +27 Strategy Small
Quackle prefers F9 CUB to fish and set up my E. #strategysmall
J6 VAS +28 Strategy Small
9K NAV is apparently better despite sacrificing 15 points, because Quackle likes ARST a lot. #strategysmall
N7 ENUF +28 Tactics Medium
7I TAU is best for unknown reasons. But ENUF and many other plays on column N have the drawback of opening a hotspot on column O. #tacticsmedium
M4 TARD(Y) +16 Strategy Small
7I TAR is best, saving my vowel. #strategysmall
7I T(A)X +20 Tactics Medium
5K ORAL is best, fishing for O10 TAXMEN; second-place 5L MARL fishes for the likelier O10 TOXINE. #tacticsmedium
5K OM(A) +18 Finding Medium
I saw O10 FAKEER as I entered this rack into Quackle. Surprisingly OMA is only about 7 points worse, but that is likely because it keeps FAKEER for next turn. #findingmedium
F9 (C)LOUR +9 Strategy Small
COLOUR is better despite that it creates a hotspot on row 15 for which I do not have a hook. #strategysmall
12C GRO(U)P +20 Finding Medium
12C TROUPE is better despite two unseen G's. #findingmedium
5F ETUI +15 Finding Large
I don't remember whether I passed up on the bingos or missed them entirely. But the top 5 plays are all bingos: D5 mUTINEER is best, followed by D6 cEINTURE, D5 rEUNITER, D6 gENITURE, and D6 UNrETIRE. #findinglarge
4A ALIeNEE +72 Finding Small
I think I chose this over the other 4A bingos because it formed EEW--yes, for that reason alone. But I missed C3 pLEBEIAN, which scores the same and doesn't open a TWS-TWS lane. #findingsmall
L8 PYR(I)C +30 Finding Medium
missing CYPRIAN #findingmedium
6J JAMB +39 Finding Large
totally missed BEAM(I)NG because I was tilting. #findinglarge #findingSADDEST
6J JAMB +39 Finding Large
totally missed BEAM(I)NG because I was tilting. #findinglarge #findingSADDEST
G8 (Q)UIT +14 Strategy Unspecified
Wasn't exactly sure how to feel about telegraphing another S here. L3 HUTS would have really blasted the board open better and he would have a really hard time closing the board down after this. #strategymeh
2K B(I)DI +21 Finding Large
I don't know how to find anything this game. 2I BIFIDA. #findinglarge
N9 DRAG(G)ER +24 Endgame Unspecified
N10 GADGET doesn't allow him a nice out play. #endgamebad
12A BREW +37 Finding Small
Ack, missed the BLAZING hook on this turn, although I would see it later. If I'm not gonna see that, maybe it's better to ditch the V with VERB in this spot. #findingsmall
14F PA(I)R +14 Knowledge Medium
I did not know 14F PAISA, which would have blocked many more bingoes. #knowledgemedium
D8 H(O)LUBtsI +82 Finding Large
I didn't even consider doing 8A BUsH for 51 which would have been sick! While I'm glad to have seen this one with 2 blanks, as well as D8 H(O)LIBUts, D6 BIH(O)UrLy is the safest one for only 2 less. #findinglarge
7F DAK +17 Vision Large
Ah crap, 15A BEFITTED! #visionlarge
4H OF +12 Finding Large
definitely just fold 13A #findinglarge
5D GALL(I)C +18 Finding Large
missing 5E HEL(I)CAL #findingsaddest
M9 ANT +18 Finding Large
just dropping the N at 8A is best #findinglarge
The listing of all of the player's mistakes. For more information about mistakes, check the 'Mistakes' section of the about page.
Game Line Error
Game 22133 34 Game is incomplete.
Game 12827 43 Game is incomplete.
Game 28386 38 Game is incomplete.
Errors are (most likely) the result of malformed GCG files. To learn more, check the 'Errors and Warnings' section in the about page.