Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Games in which the combined score is no greater than 200 points. Many games on end before a combined score of 200 points but are considered incomplete and are not counted. Many valid six pass games are not included because they are malformed.
I had spent probably half my time at the point of making this play. But I just couldn't spot REIGNED. Again, I felt like I was falling into my old patterns this game and couldn't escape. No excuses. Couldn't even spot DE(R)INgER or anything that didn't open a 3x3 or score too low. I knew this was wrong but my time was ticking so fast. #findingsaddest
wow, i would hate to play QaTS here, but it sims best by a little. lol. i should keep RS? or ST? or something. i don't need this ugly RSST? leave. jeez. -3 #tacticssmall
H1 GANEF; let's keep some good leaves, open boards, and score. GID keeps an inflexible leave for next turn and i will struggle a bit more to score. -10 #strategylarge
i got so afraid that he would have some 3-3 through IT that i decided to block it, instead of just play AA, keeping EINRS for the triple-triple (or a likely bingo) myself! i really psych myself out a ton when playing top players. -10 #strategylarge
Case S is extremely strong here with LUVS and a very bingo-friendly pool, so I played CROZE to at least partially block some stuff through the K and completely take out the the row 2 bingo line; 1I MOCKERS was very tempting as well. Obviously, I'll feel pretty stupid any time Joey triple-triples through the K after CROZE, whereas pretty much no bingo after MOCKERS will score enough to threaten me, especially with me holding the Z. I think I got a little greedy here and should've played MOCKERS just to secure the win. #strategysmall
had better spot for these letters, which I either saw during the game or upon analysis on a previous device I forgot about. 13I FROWARD or FORWARD #findingSADDEST
wasted a lot of time here and didn't even find all the plays. NEWB is there as well as WREN (I saw WREN but not NEWB), BR(E)W I didn't even consider, but I don't like it. Not sure what is right here, but I am sure that I overscored this by 2 and Joey called me on it, and 2 points is a lot. B(U)RGER might just be the play at E7. I was trying to get a blowout here also, since if Karl beat Mack, I would have to have beaten Joey by more. I was hoping that my insolence wouldn't cost me the game, so there was a lot of pressure. This is probably a bit much especially since I'm trying to win by a lot. #strategysmall
incredibly frustrated here. The board isn't close to being contained and now if he gets a bingo I am barely ahead. E7 T(U)RR is winning a sim, isn't that ridiculous. I saw it but thought it took an E. lmao fuck. I can just block the S hook later with a VIVAT play ending in RT. #knowledgemedium I exchanged XTTRT keeping RZ
mistake here. LAR is simming best, and then LARN. i really should have played LARN, but i became afraid because the pool is pretty consonant heavy (21V 31C and a blank). surprised LAR is best. IRS just doesn't bingo enough. -4.5 #tacticsmedium
NOOOOO I FORGOT THEY ADDED A THIRD WORD TO THE ADEIINOT RACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -50 also maybe 3F ION. #knowledgelarge
considered QUAGS as well, since the G is a huge impediment here. Incredibly, my reasoning was off. The S doesn't improve Joey's chances at a bingo, since QUAGS is otherwise quite defensive. He also scores a whole lot more after QUATE because of the hooks, and my chances of a bingo next turn are only slightly better with GS, perhaps only because of how open of a play QUATE is compared to QUAGS. #strategysmall
I immediately miss one of the three extensions of QUATE, ADEQUATE. This is pretty terrible. I only saw TORQUATE and COEQUATE when playing QUATE. Last turns' slight mistake snowballs into a much larger mistake on turn 2. #findinglarge
The PELFS hook seemed like it would be more annoying to deal with long-term than the FOU(L/R) hooks so I opted to use this spot, but I should probably just take the extra 3 for MANGELS/FOUL. He's really not likely to 3*3 through an M in that spot. #strategysmall
Was nervous about big bingos making LOX and EPIC after E5 OX and figured WYE could outrun any airballs with SEPIC. I think the idea is fine with WYE, but if I'm gonna do that I should play YOWIE. #findingsmall
MM: This is not a good play for two reasons. 1) I should block 2B RIN/NEW with TOLT, which is 10 better. 2) TROOK* is not a word. #endgamemedium
JM: No such thing as TROOK*. I must have been thinking of STROOK. Spread meant very little to me at this juncture.
Not playing 6F JAR with 7 As out, and liked JERID over JIRD to make the S hook harder to bingo with since I know Joey has another S after VIGORS. Didn't see I7 JUT though, which looks a little better. #findingsmall
I was really happy to have found this unorthodox play, figuring it frustrated Joey's S spot while setting up the BLE combo at H4. To my indignation, Quackle absolutely HATES this play, going for KEBLAH F9 (which I didn't see), or the more obvious BARE, BARD, BARED 10G. (-13) #visionlarge, #strategymedium
I was really happy to have found this unorthodox play, figuring it frustrated Joey's S spot while setting up the BLE combo at H4. To my indignation, Quackle absolutely HATES this play, going for KEBLAH F9 (which I didn't see), or the more obvious BARE, BARD, BARED 10G. (-13) #visionlarge, #strategymedium
Too weird. I thought Joey might be setting up something big with AUGITE, and maybe he is. But PRIVETS doesn't do much to take out 15H. Something like SORPTIVE 2G (which I don't think I saw) or PRIVIEST 3F (which I did see) is best. (-6, #strategymedium)
I saw sim-winner WOW 12B but didn't like keeping a vowel heavy rack. It's better than opening the TWS. I just can't think without sleep, and consequently I'm making mistakes on nearly every turn. (-6) #strategymedium
With 90s left, I played this quickly, having noted it as the best out-in-two that I saw. I had been looking for out-in-twos because I figured Joey was going to bingo. There's actually one better sequence: DOSED J14, threatening TIDY N12 and TYIN J1. (-2) #endgamesmall #timemanagementmedium
With 90s left, I played this quickly, having noted it as the best out-in-two that I saw. I had been looking for out-in-twos because I figured Joey was going to bingo. There's actually one better sequence: DOSED J14, threatening TIDY N12 and TYIN J1. (-2) #endgamesmall #timemanagementmedium
totally at a loss because I didn't know GUGGLE. I tried to push the issue as a result. KUGEL might have been better if it weren't for his range of mostly consos. #knowledgesmall
kind of an insane idea. Thought about IND(I)CT 5E which was also insane and fun. I also considered (I)NDICT, X(E)D and NIX(ED). The problem with this move is that I am keeping NN even when I cash the X on column F, which I think is workable, but what can't be worked around is that cashing the X sets up very easy overlaps for Joey. This means I either need to make sure I'm not keeping NN and score 4 less (and draw an O or A more often) or I just need to stomach playing the X now and ether fishing (XED now hits 30% next turn) or NIX(ED) which hits 20%. Quackle can't decide which INDICT placement is better, but those sim best. This is around 4 down. #strategysmall
now I need to play with INDUSIAL and forgo the cheap bingo. I knew that even if INDUSIAL was no good he was likely to let it go. It was the small percentage of the time it wasn't good and he challenged it off that would have potentially thrown me off even more. Fear management. #knowledgesaddest
now this isn't actually so bad since I have a pretty good stranglehold on the position afterwards, but 15A LO is still the play by a few points. #knowledgesad
an inexplicable miss of just 10H (D)UIT, which is worse than average but still has to be worth playing. Hyper leave-oriented play seems to have permeated my brain in NWL of late. I only considered exchanging and playing RUTT(Y). #findingSADDEST
it was at this point that I knew I would lose the game. I somehow missed 7F HOYA, which despite sucking, is far and away the best shot I have. #findingsmall
PEEpULS is much better. I only see UPSLEEP* and recognize that as a phony, and I had already lost 2 minutes because I was late from lunch. Still need to see that shit.
I had problems focusing and counting plays here. I don't remember exactly, but I remember counting both plays and getting it wrong and then trying again and getting it right, but blocking the TO and partially the E in AUTOED is much better for bingo defense than blocking up top. This is a stupid decision on my part. I think I thought I could deal with the right side later. #strategysmall
Even if the scores of both HEW plays were reversed, I should still play under AUTOED.
i7 ATINGLE is the auto-pilot play. I liked trying to control the board with this, blocking more lanes, but I overestimated the bingo defense this provided. #tacticssmall
this was a pretty bad move. i was going to play P(O)W, and i talked myself into this somehow. i think a large part of it is that i wasn't sure if POWS was good. but clearly, POW is much better than TWA. i could at least play it at 10E. i think once in a while, i just have one move where i completely don't have a focused brain, but hopefully this will improve! -7.5 #strategymedium
i had a feeling this wasn't a good move, but i actually could not find anything better. i think i thought of OUCH E4 but that's only marginal. i like TOUCH but there's a lot of unseen Es. 2B URETHAN is the clear star play here; just need to improve anagramming. -7.5 #visionmedium
clearly i should block his F spot and play DIB at F2 but no matter what i lose. he can set up an unblockable FLAM at H12 by playing ER. still, endgame fail. #endgamemedium
Current opening theory dictates that I exchange A. But Quackle likes 8H AL followed by 8G LA, probably to reduce Joey's average score next turn, despite increasing Joey's likelihood of getting a bingo and decreasing mine. #strategysmall
O1 BEAU is best, but again, I don't know the hooks to pAtHOGEN. #knowledgelarge but there are also better plays that I did know, like G4 UPO and 3D UVEA. I would like them more if they didn't kill the row 3 lane....
5A CIG sets up a potent lane on column A that Joey will almost certainly take. I suppose Quackle's idea is that he would play at 15O some of the time (more often than I would expect from a human opponent) or that his column A play would make a lane on column B. My idea with REGIUS was to set up (DANK)E(R) and hope that Joey doesn't see it. #tacticssmall
3L REI.... but then I have to find CRENATION after C2 CHOIR and C1 ICHOR are blocked. Also N4 CIRRI is better than this because it does not allow 6M MIG. #endgamemedium (-10)
weird spot. I saw 4G EE(R)IE which has the best equity by a longshot. I decided against it for reasons. Those reasons are pretty frivolous, but I thought I could control this board I think. But EKE is also a fish, so if I bingo where is the control? I dunno. This is a huge sacrifice so I hope I'm not crazy. #strategymedium
probably EpEEIS(T)S 5C for 2 fewer to not set up long-term forking potential with the W hook or something. Not the 2x2 ending in E thing, no, not that!! #findingsmall
suddenly, things aren't so clear. I don't remember if I missed VIN(Y)L or not. I think I really need to deal with one of the threats this turn. This seems like a tactical failure. #tacticsSADDEST
did not see the H hook on HUMP, and probably would not have known HUMPHS was valid. A play like HIE or HILI at 14L is a good idea here to set up a big lane #findingsmall #knowledgesmall
did not see the H hook on HUMP, and probably would not have known HUMPHS was valid. A play like HIE or HILI at 14L is a good idea here to set up a big lane #findingsmall #knowledgesmall
i am so doubtful that 9H GIE is the play here. i really am shocked that it sims better than exchanging. i know 18 pts is 18 pts, but come on, how could keeping AEEI be right here. -4? #tacticsmedium ?
a little sad that FORGETS was blocked and he didn't give me any floaters for a bingo. i was thinking if he bingoes through the L he'd at least give me an E for GOREFEST! i considered GOFER, but not strongly enough, I guess; should have counted it and compared to OFTER. quackle prefers FOG(Y) best, keeping a great leave that bingoes > 2/3 of the time. i tend to dislike not taking points early and staying within striking distance; if FOGY doesn't work out I'll fall farther behind. It's hard to really know. -3 #strategysmall
i missed TEREDO; always gotta practice anagramming. i'm fairly sure that's the best play, it's gotta be. i wanted to play AVIATE but it seemed trivial for him to just go downward and block me. with AVIATED, if he doesn't have an O i can use that lane, but it keeps a subideal leave. -3.5 #findingmedium
maybe I should do COUNTERS here, I think that is fine. I don't want the top left to get opened, and right now it's gonna be pretty hard to open it. I didn't 'know HOROLOGER, and I think with my huge lead I'm taking I should take COUNTERS and be more defensive. #tacticssmall
The listing of all of the player's mistakes. For more information about mistakes, check the 'Mistakes' section of the about page.
Duplicate game detected (Tournament 10541, Round 14).
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