Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Games in which there are at least 5 challenges made. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
dropping the Q bingoes way more than QA(T) here! 23% vs. 6%, AAILRV is surprisingly strong. however, Quackle likes playing QI/VIE or QI/POI best, cause it outruns more consistently. #tacticssmall
this was an odd decision by me. I don't think I saw or considered NOH 12C at all, the clear equity play blocking the clear scoring spot. However, I really enjoyed the look of the board after this. If he uses the full scoring spot at 12A, I might get a very nice score myself, even a 3x3. However, Joey is more prone to playing at 12C or 12B than he is to play at 12A given his style of late, so perhaps this was an oversight, since things aren't great when he does that. The bingo lines are mostly airballs and he has a significant lead before my turn. NOH seems standard and totally fine here. HOV(E)L also seems decent, setting up two lanes. #findingmedium
unfortunately I took 4-5 minutes here making sure there was no 3x3, and didn't count how much a play would score at 13B. TINHORn scores 3 more than my bingos to the C. #findingsmall. ORNITHIC was more defensive but I was only 80% sure of it or so. #knowledgesmall
unfortunately I took 4-5 minutes here making sure there was no 3x3, and didn't count how much a play would score at 13B. TINHORn scores 3 more than my bingos to the C. #findingsmall. ORNITHIC was more defensive but I was only 80% sure of it or so. #knowledgesmall
unfortunately I totally spaced on just VIA B1 here. That seems clear. I considered BIO and BOA there... I didn't like giving up the S here with VASE, but it did score well. I also didn't like the leave of BIO at all. #findingmedium
wow, missing stuff left and right this game. E3 OAF would be enough, but I somehow missed A1 OF as well... this looked pretty ugly and I needed to keep looking, but he was playing the fast game again since I took forever in the opening. #findinglarge
equitied badly. I have to exchange and keep DENT! is BNT really that terrible? -3.5 #strategysmall (interestingly, i simmed this in CSW19 accidentally first and it was 6 pts worse!)
this is likely wrong. a good player like Joey would be setting up a heavy tile to hit the spot at 10F after my inevitable bingo. i should dump the R there. I considered it but thought he might just be keeping low tiles himself and trying to race me to the bingo, and then OR would be easy for him to bingo to since it has so many hooks, etc. hard choice. i also considered abort for a while. -1.5 #strategysmall
sigh, hard choice here. 12A MAZER is probably right, but i just hated giving up a ton of points if he has an A. should i not care? hard choice.. but i think i have to play MAZER. ZARF's leave is just so lame. my average score after MAZER is higher, and MAZER also scores more. i regret this play. -2 #strategysmall
it's a significant mistake here to miss DORMY. YOU there is (a lot?) better; it sets up a new lane and it also gives up fewer points. -2 #strategysmall
i thought about this for a while and i've been studying 6s and only remembered UNGUAL and UNGULAR. i couldn't think what UNGULA could be the plural of. but i guess UNGULAR should mean pertaining to an UNGULA. he also took a while on this and thought he might be makng it up #knowledgelarge
giving him an inference of ES here. i didn't see PYXIDIA, but i thought PARDI had some troll value since he knew i had the X. obviously PYXIDIA is the play. sheesh. -35.5 #findinglarge
when I originally challenged THREATER*, the clock reset. We both had around 12 minutes left and we agreed upon that, but I had used a ton of time in the last few moves to which I only had around 2 minutes and change. It really bothered me not knowing how much time I had left exactly, but it shouldn't have. I should have been calm and collected. Instead, I played this because it seemed to accomplish a lot of goals, as well as setting my X up, and I didn't want there to be a dispute.
All of this to excuse the fact that I still cannot see the word VIAND immediately when I see DIVAN. VIAND is just a much better version of this, especially when you consider what happened in the game. #tacticslarge
this is the worst possible draw to EINSS, seriously. i need the blank after the bingo! although H1 HIES actually looks better than my play. -3.5 #strategymedium
worst mistake of my life. i thought SOY closed that part of the board permanently and forgot about the H hook on RAKIS. additionally the leave is so much worse than playing YOU 14F. of course YOU has its own defensive issues, but then maybe YOUSE is an in-between play. SOY is so so so bad and lost me the game. but would YOU be comfortable playing YOU here? -12 #strategylarge
now i'm treading water but should still be strongly favored to win if i make the right play here. 6I NEWIE is fine, score 11 more and keep a more balanced leave at least! argh! -10 #strategylarge
why was i so nervous? my brain settled in on CARIES and considered nothing else except CRANES (which is better). but I didn't like CRANES because if he draws the S he can have an easy high scoring overlap like MATED, etc. but i didn't think of the simple CARERS, which keeps a vowel (i DID notice the bag was vowel heavy, but i was so nervous at this time after the RAKIS mistake ...) and i'm quite likely to draw an E because the bag is E heavy, but i thought of nothing else!!! #strategylarge
this is very bad for preventing bingos, given his last move. i was thinking i can't win without drawing the blank here. while that's still likely, if i play COAPT at 14G that scores quite a bit and maybe i can draw an H or something to score next turn. i don't know. but COPAL is wrong. Quackle likes 10K COAPT best, i don't really get it. -10.5 #strategylarge
missed a couple of things here, mainly MAR(CELLED). Didn't know MARCEL was a verb. I guess I'll know for next time CELLED is the opening play. I also missed OZA(L)ID for 40, and potentially misevaluated ZO(O)ID K2. Wanted to do a bit more to the board here, felt in control. #knowledgemedium #findingmedium
missed a couple of things here, mainly MAR(CELLED). Didn't know MARCEL was a verb. I guess I'll know for next time CELLED is the opening play. I also missed OZA(L)ID for 40, and potentially misevaluated ZO(O)ID K2. Wanted to do a bit more to the board here, felt in control. #knowledgemedium #findingmedium
put some thought into D4 BARITE to clamp down on the position but I'm not up by enough. Didn't see B(A)KER for 2 more, and it's compounded by there being a ton of unseen E's, making AIT a better leave than EIT here. Thought there was a small chance of a challenge here, but not enough. #findingsmall
calculated GUY being a bit better, but for some reason got worried I was allowing something bad, but even the worst possible thing still loses by 1 for him. -1 #endgamesmall
Josh: had I seen ESCARGOT during my thought process last turn or as a review of said thought process this turn, I would have challenged QUICKY* off the board and been ahead by 200. I should still challenge because how likely is he to block the D anyway? I don't need to worry pretty much at all about having a spot to bingo. Horrible #knowledgesaddest
I always underestimate how much more bingo-prone the I is than the A. I felt that AD had enough synergy over DI that ADES was the better leave, but the difference in scoring isn't that great and DEIS bingoes a few percent more than ADES. ex AE also bingoes more than both, which I find kinda surprising cause I felt ADEIS was one of the worse 3v2c leaves, since the D is less flexible than stuff like the LNRT tiles. Ofc that's with no inference in the sim, Joey will restrict my bingo% more after an x2. I'm willing to say this is a #tacticssmall since I doubted DEIS too much. IDEA or AIDE are okay optimally, but it's pretty close, and my plan against joey is definitely not to play either of those plays, giving back a lot more in score and bingoes. even optimally I tend towards exchanging.
ouch big miss of FELLA here. VAT is definitely the play. I considered VACANT, which seems more thematic with the lead, but I felt like it was too big a sacrifice, and the top-left defense it does is only minor cause the C is aready fairly defensive in the position it's in, and VACANT gives up a few more bingoes immediately than VAT. def a #visionmedium for the hook - in the sim this play is only 4 points back, but that's assuming I find FELLA next turn, which I don't
big error, and I didn't properly find my options here. My thought process was very much focused on JET, and I really remember kinda pretending to myself that I was looking for other options when I was really just excited to play JET cause it felt so good. I want to not make these sort of excitement errors in the future, and truly look for other options. I think I was temporarily unaware of the SEGO threat or something, because once I notice that longterm threat I should be less satisfied with JET. JIB(E)R is absolutely the play here. Not only cause PLT is better than BILPR on this board (more flexibility, not as many problem consonant racks), JIBER takes out the SEGO spot which will be a bitch to block, and the recursive threat will let joey wait for a big play there. #strategylarge even though I didn't find the play, it was based on being unaware of the threat, and JIBER isn't hard to come up with once the threat is noticed
at this point I should be playing RYA 11b. that blocks the SEGO spot, which is now a threat for me. the R is also not so dangerous with 3 in the pool, and especially since Joey has a knack for keeping scoring tiles so his DEV range is less bingoey than one might expect. this sets up AY above, but that may not be enough to consistently outrun SEGO plays #strategymedium
big oversight here. I should plaly FA/AI, which I rejected because of the easy parallels it gives back. however, if I took a closer look I would realize that all of Joey's responses will give back an even bigger parallel to me. TIE wil give TIER, TIL TILE, TIN TINE, TIP TIPI, TIT TITI. same with FAN FAR FAT giving E hooks. #tacticslarge
Duplicate game detected (Tournament 11366, Round 7).
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