Joel Sherman
Joel Sherman
Color Key
= Triple Triple
= Bingo 9+
= Improbable
= +
= +
= +
= + +
Player Lists
Type Play Probability Score
mOISTEN 946 93
RESEEI(N)G 2708 72
CRUMPlE(D) 23019 101
O(U)TRATED 1082 72
(C)OTHURNI 8948 92
TRAVOIS(E) 216 95
SHAKING 17151 111
aVENGED 5483 84
AIRLINE 136 75
(I)RONLIkE 3595 74
fASCIAS 20151 68
M(O)NETARY 2000 64
SILKIE(S)t 19741 82
BRANDIE(D) 5155 74
mIGRATE(D) 1724 80
OUTGL(E)Am 4354 68
(F)oUETTES 10688 83
S(O)NOGRaM 10976 90
BUSINgS 20120 88
PROFITS 9977 83
AIGLETS 727 89
AORISTS 2897 80
CLAM(O)ReD 6379 66
lITI(G)ATE 3477 58
ELoIGN(ER)S 400 59
BEAcHES 15232 81
STOURIE 184 61
HIsTONE 931 78
PREsENT 4035 82
(G)ASALIER 1412 61
BANT(E)NGS 10168 63
A(G)AROSES 7168 63
TAWDriE(R) 2763 86
(T)HEORIZE 5206 113
RE(G)ISTRY 10200 68
UNHiNGE 11163 78
BAR(O)NETS 576 68
ENTREAT 1017 66
(T)AILOREd 14 71
SANGARE(E) 1889 70
(R)EZONInG 8453 88
UR(I)NATOR 965 62
NOTELET(S) 3397 70
S(T)AGgIER 5085 60
PR(E)VENTS 10064 69
JO(Y)RIDES 10455 70
(D)IVESTED 13083 78
A(N)ERGIES 265 60
PASTURE 3053 83
EMBROWN 12175 73
HERALDS 5365 78
(D)ONATIVE 191 76
P(R)EvIOUS 6522 74
TRIH(E)DRA 2760 66
INSPIRE 3485 79
cANFIEL(D) 5365 95
TOAsTED 1614 68
CREO(D)ONT 3982 72
AVIAR(I)ES 2837 76
DEsPAIR 1453 73
TINST(O)NE 3038 68
BLAZErS 13446 97
ERISTIC 3468 85
DEARIEs 198 64
(T)OLUIDIN 3686 80
SANITA(R)Y 4189 72
CA(R)OUSER 5737 74
sERIEMA 1013 76
AN(A)EROBE 900 72
DECALOG 5159 79
(C)ArOLING 3495 83
N(I)RVAnAS 10606 74
RENATU(r)E 1179 61
Pa(R)TYING 10118 66
SoNGFE(S)T 15076 76
GoRSiER 2701 80
ENSIG(N)cY 18881 74
d(U)NNITES 3634 68
(R)EFRAINS 2666 88
mAGNET(I)C 4455 72
DIAMIDE 9579 76
rESULTE(D) 4081 77
NILGAUs 5098 73
vAULTIN(G) 8301 77
NEUROMA 885 74
dOILIES 1496 76
OARFISH 6735 92
AMENITY 2303 92
IMITABL(E) 5984 86
(P)IERROTS 3416 83
OU(T)GIVEN 2160 68
FOAmIER 1241 75
BIPLaNE 4299 72
LANDAUS 9840 68
(D)ARIOLES 97 68
INVAdED 6670 89
A(C)ERBITy 7231 63
ORIEN(T)ED 43 68
R(E)TORTED 6597 72
N(E)GATING 8876 61
SMALTI(N)e 1007 61
(M)ACRURAL 24305 64
bARTISA(N) 4180 74
PTERY(G)IA 4641 78
UNHAIRE(D) 967 76
DOOBIES 4942 70
(I)NCEPToR 1930 92
CLE(A)NERS 2754 74
BRA(C)KISH 24744 77
ESCROWE(D) 11348 80
JA(C)INTHS 19821 73
PRETTIE(R) 9846 72
(G)ESTUReD 5527 80
(BO)LIVARES 2130 95
sILKIER 9157 77
B(R)OODIER 7417 76
RESLATE 543 61
OCTANES 821 70
RoTAT(I)VE 730 60
PEDAlE(R)S 5039 74
ANNULET 2698 70
ADENOID 754 72
PETIOLE(D) 1755 78
MI(S)FAITH 21234 84
WAsTERI(E) 677 78
STErNLY 5787 73
OF(T)ENEST 7457 65
VITT(L)INg 19095 64
HAR(P)ISTS 18561 73
DOYLIEs 3463 76
SABInES 6169 68
EUCRITE 2148 68
ORIOLES 986 83
(E)NGINEER 5782 61
(DO)WNTrEND 13408 76
IDEAT(I)NG 603 70
JAUNTEd 6121 85
acYLATE 10254 83
MOUNTER 1917 74
O(U)TPRICE 3770 70
RINSI(B)LE 4503 61
ENDOC(A)RP 3802 68
AUTOGIR(O) 1885 68
Cl(O)WNING 21690 63
STENTOR 1715 69
LIANOID 1247 66
HAMSTER 6763 91
D(I)RENESS 5114 72
P(E)sANQuA* 0 77
HOISTEr(S) 6184 78
UNTRUSS 20492 73
mA(T)TOIDS 8032 75
FO(I)lSMEN 6505 76
ERRaTIC 2105 76
kEYNO(T)ED 11747 67
OVARIES 321 74
THEREM(I)N 4104 80
CA(B)eZONE 13746 90
VARIOLE 309 78
NAIlHE(A)D 2410 72
TRU(E)BLUE 16513 64
OSTIOL(A)R 1064 66
GOOPIE(S)T 5073 67
V(e)RaTRUM 12790 72
VERNACL(E) 6504 92
PIDGINS 15215 79
(S)NUgGLeS 24758 74
GAUNtRY 9425 78
RETS(I)NAS 919 73
OILsEED 805 83
PUNCHES 19783 86
GIGLOTS 15018 77
DIOCESE 2489 76
OCH(R)EOUS 14828 65
GOANNAs 10373 72
TWISTED 9061 84
p(R)AEDIAL 2413 60
ONERI(E)sT 44 72
mYIASIS 21112 76
EPON(Y)MIC 17724 84
VAcATIO(N) 6562 83
HaLB(E)RDS 15 67
TENDRIL 419 68
(E)ARRINGS 1568 80
PROSOD(I)C 17325 86
WHOOPIe 14336 79
QUESTI(N)g 10572 102
AN(T)IFOAm 6246 72
OPERONS 5024 76
MALAISE 3361 80
INACTI(O)N 5596 70
(R)eOUTFiT 3401 80
TRINItY 12515 76
MOSEyED 12157 90
(I)NVOKInG 24732 80
STOUrIE 184 80
REOILED 299 68
m(E)GABITS 7929 70
(N)EOLITHS 1462 63
(H)ARDNOSE 1357 74
GERANIU(M) 1856 63
BET(R)AYED 7082 68
ANURESI(S) 2091 77
(G)RANuLAR 15101 66
LaRGEST 1647 82
SWEETIE 5511 88
SCHOLA(R)S 21756 176
SNORTER 1799 64
(I)OTACISm 9918 86
(E)DITABLE 1516 86
BATT(L)ING 13456 65
S(C)LEROId 2811 70
KANTARs 11657 71
FLOORAG(E) 5255 92
FOODIES 4947 71
M(I)NUeNDS 11175 70
D(IF)FICULT 27062 102
O(R)BITALS 2289 70
FLYTIeR 6856 79
BROMIDE 4859 81
SELE(N)IDE 3522 70
HALIDOm(E) 3910 89
SABOTEU(R) 1335 74
REWOUND 3724 80
TIPpLES 16841 92
CO(L)LEENs 13924 60
SLEAZiE(R) 3247 98
NImIETY 7445 76
ROOMIe(S)T 1986 74
BODILE(S)S 12547 80
SILIqUA 14592 72
RADIANT 1113 68
TOASTIe(R) 136 74
nI(C)TATES 2750 140
fOLDBO(A)T 17295 88
(D)ETINUES 886 61
LaN(D)MARK 21175 68
SATORIS 2796 82
VEI(N)ULES 4900 66
(R)EFOREST 7101 71
nO(T)ArIZE 246 185
IRO(N)WEEd 836 64
TRACHLE 7001 78
dYSUrIA 7330 86
MITOSES 7091 77
PARVISE 4087 81
CYaNI(D)ES 5375 102
INVOKE(R)s 7315 221
ANANKES 12799 76
WOR(K)INGs 18984 84
RON(D)EAUx 3202 58
FAVOrED 4824 98
DERM(I)SES 13741 82
BUSTIeR 3215 73
PIETIEs 4383 70
PLEN(I)STS 11650 66
REVISaL 1438 79
TIRrIV(E)E 6475 70
EVICTOR 2639 82
inDEMN(IF)Y 20674 72
PINATAS 5252 78
AMOUNTS 5613 78
BATARDS 11599 76
SUD(A)TORY 7579 65
BrUCITE(S) 9074 63
NEATNIK 4454 72
AC(T)INIAE 1572 64
TALARIA 5931 61
(S)lOUCHED 17415 98
SeQUINE(D) 9341 104
ENF(O)LDED 14625 84
TRAVOIS(E) 216 95
OUTYELP 10786 74
COMfIES(T) 11351 83
T(H)IAMINE 3619 76
COUtEAU 7296 71
OSIEREd 301 70
PROTEIN 359 72
NERVOUS 3633 72
DI(S)AGREE 651 63
RESOLVE 4618 76
LOANERs 152 75
SADIRON 437 68
HAUtEUr 9029 65
EXTEN(S)OR 3939 98
DANDLER 4997 70
sUbOVAT(E) 6143 82
TOWLINE(S) 1471 65
RADIABL(E) 2540 72
AREOLaE 384 64
WHINGER 9080 74
JOBNAM(E)s 16057 72
E(R)OGENiC 1495 70
GENOTyP(E) 10306 68
SUDORAL 4166 70
GUMTREE(S) 9886 76
COW(B)ANES 11882 80
DATURaS 6947 73
SUNNING 19674 70
(A)LEaTORY 1535 80
WReATHE(N) 3943 92
UTI(L)ISeD 3486 82
WOOD(S)IER 3741 66
FAILU(R)ES 2196 65
EN(A)CTIVE 2061 67
(P)ERACIDS 5376 98
D(E)VOUTeR 3769 62
RAmBU(T)AN 16356 68
BIFAC(I)AL 23066 66
EVENTUA(L) 2918 71
DOWNIER 917 68
GATEFOL(D) 4341 92
PAROLEE 1186 74
LEISURE 1319 80
(S)ARDiNES 2074 77
lOUVRED 6399 85
sCALENI 1482 85
O(U)TBOxED 18308 63
TENUREs 1329 72
(N)OTARiZE 262 84
(T)ENTORIA 43 77
D(O)TTEREL 3087 86
INBURST 7677 74
A(d)EEMINg 2220 86
InTRU(D)ED 3966 86
MALEAtE 4369 72
VINEGAR(S) 1768 78
NEGATIV(E) 1034 89
CODRIvE(N) 3886 83
INSUReD 1103 74
TROW(E)LeD 3423 66
E(U)GENIST 1593 65
(T)OASTIER 133 73
SQuINT(E)D 7445 67
ORNITHE(S) 561 76
ALEMBiC 10837 80
ATONABL(E) 1675 68
UPT(I)LTeD 11764 76
BORDELS 6344 97
RINGLET 813 72
FIANCe(E)S 4047 86
qUATRES 5887 75
LACIEST 1421 80
sUgARED 3307 64
ENDO(R)SER 3212 86
DOMI(N)ATE 188 61
RA(L)LIERS 7591 70
NAIVETE 357 77
DEFLaTE(D) 13012 89
MOORHEN 9128 83
REGaUGE 10150 70
BRiSANT 2703 72
NAuPLII 8157 69
pIX(I)EISH 26350 100
B(O)ISERIE 2037 61
SEMINAL 1473 74
LENITI(V)E 3305 63
ROBINIA 1861 72
(P)UTtERED 13376 83
FUNDERS 8314 83
s(P)LITTER 7973 73
URINOSE 183 78
ErUPT(I)VE 6843 78
T(ER)AFLOPS 4021 80
(A)bSENTEE 4721 74
PLATOoN 7375 76
HaDJEES 14548 92
CANTERE(D) 1502 69
NEREIDS 565 70
(R)IMSHOTS 20315 65
RAdWAS(T)E 4668 64
FICTIoN 10567 72
SOLATES 3411 67
RECUsAL 5355 82
RUTILES 1167 64
SUrGERY 16642 80
V(A)LERIAN 1152 72
TW(A)NKIES 6323 90
DELE(G)ACY 16522 65
hOSANNA 13426 71
PRISInG 13713 84
InVITEE 2401 76
(L)ONeLIER 1683 66
TONEARM 321 71
WaSTRIE 675 88
A(L)IENEES 773 70
(O)UTSPELT 12402 89
UNLEAR(N)s 3766 79
GULFI(E)ST 9524 72
(N)OTARiZE 262 84
(T)ENTORIA 43 77
(O)VERPAST 3869 98
EX(P)IAT(I)ON 2864 68
TORULAS 2483 69
SIF(T)ABLE* 0 71
REAL(I)SED 368 60
BENE(D)iCT 7144 98
ECLOSES 15010 85
APNOEAS 2358 79
I(N)VOLUtE 1395 70
ERRANDS 2587 73
RATOON(E)R 862 70
DRAMMIN(G) 22849 78
tALONED 148 73
ASTERIA 132 71
(P)HYTANES 14010 70
LEISTER 581 66
LURCHES 16274 77
SuBF(L)OOR 24150 90
OUTvOTE(D) 14860 77
sPARRER* 0 72
RODSMAN 5592 73
AI(R)HOLES 535 72
E(U)LOGiZE 8516 88
TIMEOUS 1883 70
AUR(O)REAN 1368 68
VILL(A)gER 9999 72
(S)APoNINE 1614 80
BEHOLDS 13187 75
BACTE(R)In 1619 94
PIGTAIl 10028 65
oUTSIZE 4092 105
RA(V)ELINS 1016 62
I(D)OLATER 13 68
FU(N)NIEST 8384 76
RAIN(I)EST 95 70
ECL(O)SINg 4370 97
(I)NTERNAL 355 66
S(E)QUINED 9356 105
DEHORN(E)D 10117 69
RosINOL 3171 69
NERViER 4565 64
ELIsIOn 739 73
(C)A(V)EATING 5496 84
MES(H)IEST 19171 76
INHALED 1375 72
CARrION 3879 82
INULASE 395 62
THIAZOL 10616 92
LUSTIES(T) 14442 68
JAILORs 5953 72
IODAtED 756 72
SUNbURN 21224 84
C(O)NTRiVE 1931 86
INN(O)cENT 11232 59
SY(N)DETIC 8291 65
(T)RENDING 2960 70
SANTIMI 5094 76
OUTSAIL 1176 71
fRINGIE(R) 11316 80
(U)NDuLATE 6598 77
(E)LECTROS 3413 83
VITTlED 9053 72
CR(I)NGERS 10179 72
rEDDISH 11972 80
ROILIER 2025 67
EGOTIsM 2855 80
SLIDERS 8088 68
IMAMATE 11631 76
OuTDREW 3733 94
JUjITSU 23795 87
SEABEdS 13576 87
B(E)TATRON 1689 74
TROUT(I)ER 3205 59
LOUSiER 494 64
FAScI(N)ES 13560 87
AIGLETS 764 70
YU(L)eTIDE 5357 76
RELIERS 3552 73
(D)IGERATI 604 64
wHALEM(A)N 17976 64
uNITARD 966 71
AUrATED 1217 70
TINWORK 10801 81
S(A)UTERNE 379 82
WEBFOOT 17079 94
P(I)PETTES 23332 80
Ju(N)iORED 3383 78
OSPREYS 18107 75
I(S)OPOdAN 5824 68
MINuET(E)D 3124 80
ALIENLY 6678 91
SA(T)IRISE 2486 75
ErUPTIO(N) 617 86
DAMAGED 18067 69
INT(E)RNAL 355 60
The of bingos played by the player that were not challenged off.
Triple Triples
Type Play Probability Score
SCHOLA(R)S 21756 176
nI(C)TATES 2750 140
nO(T)ArIZE 246 185
INVOKE(R)s 7315 221
Triple triples played by the player that were not challenged off. They do not have to be bingos.
Bingo Nines or Above
Type Play Probability Score
ELoIGN(ER)S 400 59
(BO)LIVARES 2130 95
(DO)WNTrEND 13408 76
D(IF)FICULT 27062 102
inDEMN(IF)Y 20674 72
T(ER)AFLOPS 4021 80
EX(P)IAT(I)ON 2864 68
(C)A(V)EATING 5496 84
Bingos played by the player that were nine letters or longer and were not challenged off.
Challenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were challenged off by an opponent.
Unchallenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were not challenged by an opponent.
Plays That Were Challenged
Type Play Probability Score
(U)NPLaTED* 0 0
CRYoLIT(H)* 0 0
MERGE 3798 0
R(EM)NaNTED* 0 0
(R)aTTLIER* 0 0
TRU(E)BLUE 16513 64
V(e)RaTRUM 12790 72
SHMOE* 0 0
YIPED* 0 0
TAXYI(N)G 14715 42
RELIEvI* 0 0
BAP 766 0
cOTTAG(E)D* 0 0
HIES 757 52
INNE(R)aNT* 0 0
Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Opponent Lists
Type Play Probability Score
MAlARIA 12846 77
HEALTHS 16785 79
STINGER 776 88
IS(O)LATES 1120 66
TAILGAT(E) 3472 80
NUTRIEN(T) 4548 77
STAR(T)LED 3763 86
ETHENES 8606 89
AERObIC 1233 73
OUTLI(N)ED 317 74
PSALTER 3176 79
DRE(A)RIER 7117 74
OUTWEAR 895 79
NOTATIO(N) 6211 68
BENCHED 17697 86
GRADA(B)LE 9679 74
(A)UDITEEs 350 82
ANGLErS 1642 79
FAIrIES 1706 67
D(A)LLIERS 4067 68
ANDROID(S) 4171 76
BLENDER 6440 77
NOSIeST 1739 77
EJECTOr 9739 96
(L)ISTERIA 297 77
OUTWITS 12213 81
SUBVENe(S) 23452 86
ENTRANT 3688 66
DEl(E)AVED 19701 86
SCiURID 14690 69
TAWNiER 229 76
(C)AlENDER 2854 83
PUsSIER 12473 90
LAM(I)NOSE 537 61
(U)NWEDDED 27217 67
AVENTA(I)L 1153 158
GR(I)PIEsT 6660 72
(S)EMANTIC 3147 89
OIL(S)TONE 591 66
(B)APTIzER 11261 86
HORSIER 4445 96
COSIGNE(R) 2137 94
SLOTtED 5691 68
FORKIe(S)T 7309 74
DE(P)UTING 5901 68
DONATIV(E) 191 98
INTERNE 973 62
eNGRAV(E)D 4383 167
AEGISES 5157 85
DEMO(N)ISE 1827 69
MARCHER 17575 85
TAIPANS 5476 85
ANGLERS 1724 83
V(E)CTORED 7608 72
GAMBIER(S) 7542 98
S(U)NDIaLS 12449 58
DEBItED 10294 83
OOGENI(E)S 1381 70
EROTICA(L) 178 82
(U)NDERSEA 904 80
(S)EASHORe 6987 92
(A)SHLARED 7521 89
TINTyPE 10847 72
IS(O)PRENE 807 70
RETA(I)NER 166 59
CURRENT 9142 72
DIALoGS 3395 82
SENNETS 12688 68
VAmOOSE 8615 83
SIgNORA 799 74
TA(P)ADERA 10008 72
(E)NTERONS 1659 77
NOTePAD 859 74
VIRIdI(T)Y 22833 86
S(I)PHONED 6493 78
(R)AmOSELY 6441 70
S(A)NTALIC 6916 74
ANyTIME 2304 77
REUNION 751 71
ALINERS 100 80
(b)AtTERIE 1858 71
SNORING 6991 70
CrEMATE 5113 76
INVE(C)TeD 6809 78
AUNTIES 124 75
ORBIEsT 947 80
(M)ISPRIzE 22777 86
GUiLTIL(Y) 24772 74
ROsACEA 2243 78
(R)EDERIVE* 0 89
fLEDGIN(G) 18926 83
EUcLASE 6589 86
PERITUs 3314 78
ADRENAL(S) 1956 80
TRICING 9799 74
PLEIADs 2787 88
UNiVAL(V)E 13483 63
AMI(D)ONES 523 94
C(A)BAREtS 9264 84
UN(U)NITED 10936 86
ADVISER(S) 8192 90
fETATI(O)N 697 122
BIOTIT(E)S 6341 68
TABULAR 10737 67
sOURISH 14900 68
ANALOGS 6212 62
BEGORRa 6277 68
UNSEATE(D) 956 63
INTERCO(M) 2116 89
HAUTEU(R)S 12201 72
CAsERNE 2000 75
PARADES 5594 69
CREATIN 213 80
NARRATE(D) 2327 70
CAROLi(N)G 3627 80
sEDATER 550 81
PETERIN(G) 2336 78
TENAILS 109 78
EUROK(I)ES 4014 69
(D)oUBLETS 7818 83
sE(N)ORITA 7 68
STHE(N)IAS 5175 76
SENECI(O)S 7268 63
UD(O)mETER 3558 70
FAINTER 220 77
BESTEaD 4021 68
(N)ONIDEAL 447 83
LEMNIS(C)I 13319 65
ACONIT(E)S 184 92
OUTINGS 3515 65
QUiNNAT(S) 14186 101
(F)IGURATE 1729 89
(R)EYNArDS 7909 74
SATINET 525 64
ESERiNE 1211 77
AREOLAR 2023 77
TUTOReD 3336 66
(A)CUITIES 2432 76
STAPLI(N)G 8299 65
EXAPtED 11491 84
IVORy(LI)KE 15925 84
(V)EINIEST 3498 83
INNER(V)ES 6138 64
MAlAISE 3361 81
REtICU(L)E 2952 72
UP(B)RAIDs 14710 76
VAPOrIZ(E) 8961 92
ZAIKaIS 20505 119
TOASTED 1614 65
ERODI(B)LE 1915 63
SEABOOT 2652 74
(F)EISTIER 3298 88
PaSS(A)BLE 22983 65
REALISE 202 66
CEstODE 4586 82
(L)EGATION 60 61
NeATENS 1731 64
GARBLED 6927 72
SENARII 134 70
RETI(R)ANT 1124 82
DIViDE(N)D 25650 67
WOODMAN 14463 85
ECHIdNA 4309 79
(Y)OGOURTS 18801 89
A(N)TISERA 87 66
INFLAT(E)R 397 74
DIAZInE 3798 95
VIRAGOs 4647 76
PIEHOLE 5973 71
OUT(H)EARS 1386 72
OATIEST 249 72
ABALONE 2352 85
TABOR(I)NE 49 70
VOlUMEs 13684 90
KAInITe(S) 3001 74
AGENETI(C) 1027 86
EL(I)CiTOR 1684 74
(R)EOBTAIN 52 74
AMNESTy 7068 79
ATRO(P)INE 59 72
ETOIlES 286 65
ANLACES 5784 69
NOTATED 734 76
LI(N)GERER 4005 68
GENToOs 3175 75
RESILIN 1228 72
I(N)SOLATE 20 70
MELAN(I)TE 659 64
PAGE(A)NTS 6972 76
ANISEED 197 72
OVERACT 2609 80
FORGETS 5289 99
(I)NERTIAE 44 66
S(L)IGHTEd 9518 72
RIFTL(E)SS 12244 80
LASSOED 5751 70
N(O)NDAIRY 5107 78
gRANTER 2230 80
RaDIOMA(N) 2496 82
INSANER 546 63
iNIT(I)ATE 3478 78
OUTRAGE 376 72
GRE(A)tENS 707 72
mAJES(T)IC 14909 98
NARCOSE 848 74
ROWiNGS 7861 73
PREVUI(N)G 10885 68
I(D)EATION 34 70
NONEq(U)AL 9675 78
GRAVIES 2446 96
NET(T)LERS 4780 82
DESPOT(I)C 6473 68
OUTRIDE 174 75
DEIFIES 7000 88
AGiT(A)BLE 3817 90
CADaVER 9894 82
IGNIF(I)ES 14614 78
DILAT(I)ON 804 72
IND(E)XING 18390 90
(I)TERATED 475 72
ANNEAL(E)R 2907 61
HELLcAT 15920 75
D(E)mONIAN 1610 60
TWIRLED 3112 73
(G)ODLIEST 1549 83
NEUROID 168 70
BUSHIER 9665 82
TERTIAL 517 67
GLE(E)TIER 2603 53
SCrOOGE 9153 77
BlONDES(T) 4730 83
ANALYS(E)D 7525 63
I(N)ULASES 4071 59
(P)RIORATE 771 72
STAN(D)ING 8090 83
NO(T)ELETs 3397 59
MaNA(C)LED 12601 65
DURIAnS 1715 67
(A)NOxEMIA 4533 80
ENSNARL 2598 78
F(A)BULIST 14119 64
GrIM(I)EST 6654 90
HEMATIN 2298 72
DEAERA(T)E 2055 74
(T)RANSUDE 682 72
RANDIER 510 70
COWBAnE 9083 70
BANTERE(D) 1499 86
(C)AmPOREE 9730 76
SETI(F)ORM 4138 65
GAROTES 395 72
DENOTI(V)E 794 74
(S)UGARIER 3035 61
ACE(R)BITY 7231 98
GU(N)ROOMs 17903 72
U(N)WARILY 11118 65
RESCUiN(G) 6199 89
(R)EADDICT 5429 92
PANt(R)IES 400 86
CALEnD(A)R 4476 83
PLASTER 2929 80
MU(N)ITION 11665 74
LENITED 562 74
DOcTR(I)NE 570 64
LO(C)ATION 3260 70
AURATED 1217 78
IMPl(O)DED 17945 66
GREASIL(Y) 3462 89
AGITA(t)ED 3341 86
SNEE(R)ERS 17522 68
DEME(R)ARA 9414 74
FATTENE(D) 5828 98
E(R)INGOES 321 72
(S)COLDeRS 17056 80
rEALI(S)ES 2766 58
ARRASES 13148 71
SNoRTED 527 62
CHINOOK 20191 92
DOuBT(I)NG 9354 84
SPAROID 3207 93
SAUTEED 1374 70
DeLUSIO(N) 885 77
SOOTIER 346 69
LARDO(O)NS 4440 68
NONsUIT 5154 75
TARRIES 527 67
DOTtING 7278 70
TARTUFI 8876 78
SERIOUS 3590 73
INDICES 6053 76
(G)ASOLINE 227 80
PANTIEs 652 88
ABAL(O)NES 3215 70
(P)INiONED 6682 83
EXERTED 11596 87
P(E)DImENT 7192 90
AvENUES 4116 71
DUvE(T)INE 2861 82
TEARO(O)MS 1896 74
MAEsTRO 887 76
AIRSHOW 6975 70
DEODARs 3405 83
ONSTaGE 372 69
GASTR(I)NS 8430 77
VERAT(R)IN 1510 65
RELENDS 2783 76
TOuR(I)STY 11433 80
lAMPR(E)YS 18319 65
(E)XOSpERM* 0 86
OVERD(O)nE 4723 72
(E)RECTInG 2332 74
CARRELS 8989 84
rETILIN(G) 1484 66
(I)ONOMERS 1980 74
RESIZES 14768 88
INARA(B)LE 1087 64
rEBEG(I)NS 4229 61
(T)ROAKINg 4015 98
ISOhYET 4762 71
EXURBI(A)S 9085 106
RIVE(R)BEd 14402 72
ESURIE(N)T 369 70
RAIDERS 1231 65
YEA(S)TING 1709 72
STANiNE 508 65
TERRaIN 187 71
SNIGLE(T)S 8772 70
(B)ROWNISH 17707 101
OFT(E)NEST 7098 65
UNFAI(R)ER 2667 72
THR(E)NODE 1798 78
ENNEADS 3715 70
A(N)ORExIA 778 63
NOISIER 246 82
HOODINg 12304 67
dETAI(N)EE 295 66
STENT(O)RS 9145 62
RINGERS 4259 75
PLODD(E)Rs 16265 78
LI(T)ERALS 2080 70
UNID(E)AEd 2620 70
LENTIS(K)S 16183 63
DE(L)ATION 10 60
COWROte 9123 78
ANOlYTE 878 69
URINOSE 183 78
VISO(R)ING 9982 64
(B)ORESOME 13203 89
PARTITE 2118 90
SECTI(L)ES* 0 70
AbDU(C)TED 20014 74
FAINTER 220 78
NEATENS 1794 75
TEARGAS 2045 72
m(E)MBRANE 20361 66
GHASTLy 18624 67
(S)TACKERS 20950 78
SUPREMO 10790 76
DALTONS 2360 71
T(O)RRiDER 6968 61
SEALERS 6066 74
zE(A)LOTRY 7679 80
(W)ATCHmAN 25600 66
wHEE(Z)ING 21348 70
SIGN(E)TED 1646 75
OUTLeAP(T) 5749 86
R(E)NAMiNG 4202 66
DE(L)ETION 160 60
ESSONI(T)E 1780 70
VINI(F)ERA 3617 88
UNdERAG(E) 1630 77
RESTOR(A)L 1087 82
(S)HADOWER 6758 98
ERMINES 2291 68
(R)ElIVING 7004 95
DUrANCE(S) 4254 83
ALeWIFE 5254 72
REINV(E)ST 1627 94
ANTIGE(N)E 945 76
MAN(D)ATOR 5046 83
SEqUOIA 2212 60
INTIT(U)Le 4338 78
EN(T)REPOT 4350 64
(T)RAMPLED 8583 80
pITHIER 7190 72
UNLoVED 6385 65
bANSHEE 7896 86
ZENITHS 11008 93
URAEmIA 1784 63
BrE(C)HAMS 21847 66
(E)ArPHONE 2457 98
NONELi(T)E 736 59
(O)PERANTS 595 83
BIDAR(K)EE 7773 66
GRUNgIE(R) 16763 70
SPACIER 4349 79
TREBL(I)nG 3711 76
NITROSO 1711 73
URI(N)ATES 79 66
SOUTANE 156 69
(C)ENTIaRE 217 80
(E)DAcIOUS 1170 77
BEDR(A)ILS 2085 67
EULoGIA 351 69
(U)NDENIED 12827 83
(E)GoISTIC 4760 62
REMOTE(L)Y 7636 69
ANEmONE 3177 84
(L)IGrOINE 774 77
ZOO(L)ATER 4563 89
P(r)ETRIAL 2927 68
CALLEES 14177 70
B(A)NISHER 3279 76
(L)OItERED 174 77
RAT(A)NIES 83 82
CINDERS 2970 87
ERAsION 6 72
MELTING 4551 76
MOD(U)LATE 2640 65
LATER(A)LS 7720 59
BREeZED 19248 79
SOL(A)RIZE 1672 68
VELcROS 11222 95
VIRELAI 1793 78
bE(A)TIFIC 11528 70
EXULTI(N)g 10048 82
AIRL(I)NER 1096 59
DELETIO(N) 157 70
LE(G)ATEES 4616 60
vENIRES 2115 64
PeRVERS(E) 21568 98
ALUNIT(E)S 250 59
(S)IRVENTE 1545 74
VAGRANc(Y) 23069 66
RAVENI(N)G 4047 76
REvISIT 3378 71
OODLINS 5668 72
IN(D)AMINE 5106 74
(N)ITRATOR 2487 60
ANImATO 1709 78
BIOT(I)tIC 22999 80
DEAREST 575 94
CONgEED 6429 81
(R)EMEDIAL 1403 78
(O)PTIONEE 1160 74
A(u)THORED 1241 72
(R)OUTEmAN 546 74
RESILI(N)G 2724 60
ANGA(R)IES 581 71
ANIMATE 762 63
rAVIOLI 3538 74
AL(l)USION 6890 64
NITRATo(R) 2720 74
EPIT(AX)IES 8267 86
SUBBINg 23160 79
LIGhTER 4393 76
CHImLEY 19737 86
(I)NERTIAE 40 62
G(R)ADABLE 9679 65
AERIEst 54 76
AMAR(E)TTI 3088 64
REBOARD 4396 82
lUPANAR 11129 77
pLANERS 3026 73
COLEADS 3567 75
QUI(N)INES 17007 89
kEEPING 14245 94
LITA(N)IES 296 59
OVENWA(R)E 2462 65
ELOINER(S) 165 82
OUTL(A)WED 2647 63
IOD(A)TION 1486 63
MIRADOr 6348 82
IBOG(A)INe 1070 72
sU(B)FRAME 18292 66
(L)INGERIE 1996 72
PRIESTl(Y) 9138 89
LEGAToR 390 73
RE(G)ULINE 1744 60
MES(T)ESOS 26286 64
UN(C)ARVED 9016 65
(E)XTENDED 23229 102
CINEOL(E)S 1922 61
CiSTERN(A) 414 80
AE(R)ODyNE 815 68
(L)AUREATE 1123 70
WE(L)COMER 17126 75
THESAUR(I) 1052 86
EqUITES 7327 77
PRESI(D)IA 2574 86
(C)OCAINES 8426 89
The of bingos played by the player that were not challenged off.
Triple Triples
Type Play Probability Score
AVENTA(I)L 1153 158
eNGRAV(E)D 4383 167
fETATI(O)N 697 122
Triple triples played by the player that were not challenged off. They do not have to be bingos.
Bingo Nines or Above
Type Play Probability Score
IVORy(LI)KE 15925 84
EPIT(AX)IES 8267 86
Bingos played by the player that were nine letters or longer and were not challenged off.
Challenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were challenged off by an opponent.
Unchallenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were not challenged by an opponent.
Plays That Were Challenged
Type Play Probability Score
SNA(G)GLEd* 0 0
UPFlIES* 0 0
GER* 0 0
(S)AVE 703 0
GUMP* 0 0
(A)DJUcANT* 0 0
YOGH 3407 0
BL(A)IM* 0 0
CHONS* 0 0
(AVOID)U* 0 0
OVER(G)O* 0 0
FL(AR)E(R)* 0 0
AMNESIC 4158 0
AGiT(A)BLE 3817 90
FRAUP* 0 0
(IN)CISURE 4506 33
CUbITAG(E)* 0 0
TITTINg* 0 0
TARTUFI 8876 78
ID 29 0
AIRSHOW 6975 70
ENCLOsE 4588 0
EXURBI(A)S 9085 106
SUPREMO 10790 76
mOVEDLY* 0 0
VIVAS 7068 42
NOO 258 0
FAT 333 0
UNS(U)NK 15340 30
AMAR(E)TTI 3088 64
ZILLE(D)* 0 0
VILL(I)C* 0 0
(r)LENC(O)N* 0 0
Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Notable Lists
Many Double Words Covered
High Scoring
Games in which at least one player scores at least 700 points.
Combined High Scoring
Games in which the combined score is at least 1100 points.
One Player Plays Every Power Tile
Games in which one player plays the Z, X, Q, J, every blank, and every S.
Four or More Consecutive Bingos
Games in which the player bingos at least 4 times in a row.
Game Stats
Stat Average Total
Games 1.00 264
Invalid Games 0.02 4
Incomplete 0.02 4
Disconnected 0.00 0
Other 0.00 0
Total Turns 24.81 6549
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Player Stats
Stat Average Total
Wins 0.53 139
Score 415.31 109643
Score per Turn 33.4686
Turns 12.41 3276
Vertical Plays 5.48 1448
Horizontal Plays 6.11 1613
One Tile Plays 0.45 120
Other Plays 0.36 95
Firsts 0.54 143
Vertical Openings per First 0.0000
Horizontal Openings per First 1.0000
Full Rack per Turn 0.4176
Exchanges 0.22 59
High Game 803
Low Game 252
Highest Scoring Turn 221
Bingos Played 1.88 496
Sevens 0.78 206
Eights 1.06 280
Nines 0.04 10
Tens 0.00 0
Elevens 0.00 0
Twelves 0.00 0
Thirteens 0.00 0
Fourteens 0.00 0
Fifteens 0.00 0
Bingo Probabilities 6344.49
Sevens 5804.02
Eights 6674.69
Nines 8455.89
Tens 0.00
Elevens 0.00
Twelves 0.00
Thirteens 0.00
Fourteens 0.00
Fifteens 0.00
Tiles Played 49.72 13125
A 4.42 1166
B 1.03 271
C 1.02 268
D 1.93 510
E 5.86 1547
F 1.03 273
G 1.47 389
H 1.00 263
I 4.50 1189
J 0.49 130
K 0.44 117
L 2.01 530
M 1.01 267
N 2.89 763
O 3.95 1042
P 1.03 273
Q 0.48 127
R 2.91 768
S 2.02 534
T 2.90 766
U 2.12 561
V 1.02 268
W 1.05 276
X 0.53 141
Y 1.03 273
Z 0.52 138
? 1.04 275
Power Tiles Played 5.09 1345
? 1.04 275
J 0.49 130
Q 0.48 127
X 0.53 141
Z 0.52 138
S 2.02 534
Power Tiles Stuck With 0.10 26
? 0.01 3
J 0.00 1
Q 0.02 6
X 0.02 4
Z 0.00 0
S 0.05 12
Turns With a Blank 1.25 330
Triple Triples Played 0.02 4
Bingoless Games 0.09 24
Bonus Square Coverage 16.05 4237
Double Letter 5.30 1400
Triple Letter 5.48 1446
Double Word 3.00 791
Triple Word 2.27 600
Phony Plays 0.10 27
Unchallenged 0.05 14
Challenged Off 0.05 13
Challenges 0.22 57
You Won 0.12 31
Opponent Lost 0.02 4
You Lost 0.03 9
Opponent Won 0.05 13
Challenge Percentage 0.7750
Defending Challenge Percentage 0.2353
Percentage Phonies Unchallenged 0.5185
Comments 5.24 1383
Comments Word Length 118.70 31336
Mistakeless Turns 12.41 3276
Mistakes per Turn 0.0000
Mistakes 0.00 0
Knowledge 0.00 0
Finding 0.00 0
Vision 0.00 0
Tactics 0.00 0
Strategy 0.00 0
Endgame 0.00 0
Time 0.00 0
Dynamic Mistakes 0.00 0
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Player Confidence Intervals
Tile p CI
A 0.4911 (0.4708, 0.5236)
B 0.5150 (0.4412, 0.5532)
C 0.5100 (0.4412, 0.5532)
D 0.4825 (0.4576, 0.5368)
E 0.4883 (0.4743, 0.5201)
F 0.5150 (0.4412, 0.5532)
G 0.4900 (0.4514, 0.5430)
H 0.5000 (0.4412, 0.5532)
I 0.5000 (0.4708, 0.5236)
J 0.4900 (0.4179, 0.5765)
K 0.4400 (0.4179, 0.5765)
L 0.5025 (0.4576, 0.5368)
M 0.5050 (0.4412, 0.5532)
N 0.4817 (0.4648, 0.5296)
O 0.4938 (0.4692, 0.5252)
P 0.5150 (0.4412, 0.5532)
Q 0.4800 (0.4179, 0.5765)
R 0.4850 (0.4648, 0.5296)
S 0.5050 (0.4576, 0.5368)
T 0.4833 (0.4648, 0.5296)
U 0.5300 (0.4576, 0.5368)
V 0.5100 (0.4412, 0.5532)
W 0.5250 (0.4412, 0.5532)
X 0.5300 (0.4179, 0.5765)
Y 0.5150 (0.4412, 0.5532)
Z 0.5200 (0.4179, 0.5765)
? 0.5200 (0.4412, 0.5532)
To learn more about these statistics, check the 'Confidence Intervals' section on the about page.
Opponent Stats
Stat Average Total
Wins 0.47 125
Score 406.89 107418
Score per Turn 32.8194
Turns 12.40 3273
Vertical Plays 5.63 1486
Horizontal Plays 5.75 1518
One Tile Plays 0.49 129
Other Plays 0.53 140
Firsts 0.46 121
Vertical Openings per First 0.1667
Horizontal Openings per First 0.8333
Full Rack per Turn 0.9138
Exchanges 0.34 91
High Game 547
Low Game 211
Highest Scoring Turn 167
Bingos Played 1.90 501
Sevens 0.77 203
Eights 1.12 296
Nines 0.01 2
Tens 0.00 0
Elevens 0.00 0
Twelves 0.00 0
Thirteens 0.00 0
Fourteens 0.00 0
Fifteens 0.00 0
Bingo Probabilities 5629.66
Sevens 4872.65
Eights 6110.01
Nines 12096.00
Tens 0.00
Elevens 0.00
Twelves 0.00
Thirteens 0.00
Fourteens 0.00
Fifteens 0.00
Tiles Played 47.52 12546
A 4.35 1148
B 0.95 250
C 0.94 247
D 2.01 530
E 5.83 1540
F 0.94 247
G 1.43 377
H 0.96 254
I 4.20 1109
J 0.50 132
K 0.55 146
L 1.86 491
M 0.96 253
N 2.83 748
O 3.85 1016
P 0.95 250
Q 0.47 124
R 2.83 747
S 1.87 494
T 2.83 746
U 1.73 457
V 0.96 254
W 0.94 247
X 0.44 117
Y 0.94 249
Z 0.47 125
? 0.94 248
Power Tiles Played 4.70 1240
? 0.94 248
J 0.50 132
Q 0.47 124
X 0.44 117
Z 0.47 125
S 1.87 494
Power Tiles Stuck With 0.10 26
? 0.01 2
J 0.00 1
Q 0.02 4
X 0.01 2
Z 0.00 1
S 0.06 16
Turns With a Blank 1.82 480
Triple Triples Played 0.01 3
Bingoless Games 0.06 15
Bonus Square Coverage 15.73 4154
Double Letter 5.29 1397
Triple Letter 5.20 1374
Double Word 2.88 759
Triple Word 2.36 624
Phony Plays 0.15 39
Unchallenged 0.03 8
Challenged Off 0.12 31
Challenges 0.22 57
You Won 0.05 13
Opponent Lost 0.03 9
You Lost 0.02 4
Opponent Won 0.12 31
Challenge Percentage 0.7647
Defending Challenge Percentage 0.2250
Percentage Phonies Unchallenged 0.2051
Comments 5.24 1383
Comments Word Length 118.70 31336
Mistakeless Turns 12.29 3245
Mistakes per Turn 0.0098
Mistakes 0.12 32
Knowledge 0.00 0
Finding 0.01 3
Vision 0.00 1
Tactics 0.03 9
Strategy 0.04 11
Endgame 0.02 4
Time 0.02 4
Dynamic Mistakes 0.00 0
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Opponent Confidence Intervals
Tile p CI
A 0.4833 (0.4488, 0.5016)
B 0.4750 (0.4192, 0.5312)
C 0.4700 (0.4192, 0.5312)
D 0.5025 (0.4356, 0.5148)
E 0.4858 (0.4523, 0.4981)
F 0.4700 (0.4192, 0.5312)
G 0.4767 (0.4295, 0.5209)
H 0.4800 (0.4192, 0.5312)
I 0.4667 (0.4488, 0.5016)
J 0.5000 (0.3960, 0.5544)
K 0.5500 (0.3960, 0.5544)
L 0.4650 (0.4356, 0.5148)
M 0.4800 (0.4192, 0.5312)
N 0.4717 (0.4429, 0.5075)
O 0.4813 (0.4472, 0.5032)
P 0.4750 (0.4192, 0.5312)
Q 0.4700 (0.3960, 0.5544)
R 0.4717 (0.4429, 0.5075)
S 0.4675 (0.4356, 0.5148)
T 0.4717 (0.4429, 0.5075)
U 0.4325 (0.4356, 0.5148)
V 0.4800 (0.4192, 0.5312)
W 0.4700 (0.4192, 0.5312)
X 0.4400 (0.3960, 0.5544)
Y 0.4700 (0.4192, 0.5312)
Z 0.4700 (0.3960, 0.5544)
? 0.4700 (0.4192, 0.5312)
To learn more about these statistics, check the 'Confidence Intervals' section on the about page.
Opponent Mistakes
Play Type Size Comment
10G BESTEaD +68 Strategy Large
ugh i was so frustrated by JAUNTEd that i spent literally 9 minutes on this move. i spent a very long time trying to alternatively talk myself out of BESETTED*, talk myself into playing DEBT instead of bingoing, and then trying to find a better bingo than BESTEaD. then for about two minutes i started even doubting BESTEad was good. With about 12 minutes on my clock i said screw it and just played bestead. very frustrating, constantly losing to Joel. DEBT sims significantly better than BESTEaD, and BEDrEST is also a better bingo. -8.5 #strategylarge -- i didn't think he would leave the 3-3 open
9I (G)UY +14 Strategy Medium
ugh this is too difficult. with such a small % chance of winning, i don't know what's right anymore. it seems in these types of situations i have to limit the amount of damage he can do, so something like 4K AY or YA is going to sim best despite keeping a U. the problem with GUY, even though it does play short and keeps a good leave, is that it gives back so many points; i know this but have to hope he can't punish it too much. -3 #strategymedium
13K AWA +28 Endgame Large
awful and discouraging. I completely forgot that DEVI was a word so i only thought of making the hook an A. also, because I had spent like half my time on the first three moves, i was pretty low here and could not see a good way to win. i did see FRAT, which quackle says is a winning play, but where's the other spot for WAI besides WAIT? -8 #endgamelarge (edit: 5B WAIR, making three "new" in the last few years 2s!! how can I hope to play Collins if I can't find TWL 2s??)
C10 C(A)RD +14 Strategy Large
This play doesn't even sim because that's how bad this rack is. Probably should have exchanged down to CR instead of forcing my way through this. #strategylarge
M4 SNoRTED +62 Finding Medium
5D STRaNDE(R) is clearly a better choice and his next move explains why. If I'm going to miss that, maybe 15C NERDi(E)ST is a better choice. #findingmedium
2K H(O)P +17 Vision Large
Looks great for bingo potential, but 2J TR(O)PIN was missed and is not the easiest play to spot. #visionlarge
exch EII +0 Tactics Small
keeping ES is also worth thinking about. i figured that one was slightly better, but sometimes it's worth not always making the top equity play. i don't think that is a mathematically apt lemma (the top play should always be made) but i figured the difference was small enough that once in a while i like going for it. -0.5 #tacticssmall
A5 (C)HARY +39 Strategy Medium
should have considered 7H QI for longer, of course that's better! -5 #strategymedium
M7 GOOIE(S)T +22 Tactics Small
i spent a little while doing math on this move. 2 of the 43 unseen tiles are Z and J, so the chance he drew at least one of them is 1 - (41/43)*(40/42)*(39/41)*(38/40)*(37/39)*(36/38)*(35/37) or about 30%. First of all, is that actually right? And second, i estimated it as roughly 25% - which is not quite right, but i figured it was close enough. I should figure out a better way to do this kind of math. either way, it is probably for naught because the best play is either NOOGIE or GOOIER, sacrificing 8 pts but keeping a more workable leave, and not opening up as huge of a hotspot. -1.5 #tacticssmall
I7 U(T)E +5 Strategy Large
i spent a long time on this move and then made a bad play. i should play CURIE 10K here, i considered it and it is aggressive, and good, i have the case S. it might be slightly worse because he is consonant heavy. i strongly considered 9C UNTIE as well, and saw that the bag was consonant heavy (11 vowels and 16 consonants unseen). i knew he probably had like 4-5 of the consonants at least based on his last few plays, so that may even out the bag a little bit, but still, UTE seemed to bingo a lot. my problem is that the bag still has a lot of ugly high point tiles that won't bingo. i was worried that if i played UNTIE or CURIE i would draw 4 consonants and my rack would go to hell. still, i don't know how i spend such a long time on this rack and then make such a lame move. i should be less afraid and play CURIE. there are high scoring tiles to go for like the J, Z, X which i need to outrun him. i even considered DA(CE) for quite a while, which sims almost as well as CURIE. i basically grossly overestimated how much UTE would bingo, and then spent a while trying to justify to myself that i should play it, and then decided it was worth the risk. i was totally wrong. -9.5 #strategylarge
6D (A)BED +20 Finding Large
i missed ZIBET, which is weird because i'm pretty sure i thought the words "i have ZIBET". -8 #nervousnesslarge #findinglarge i knew i was going to find a way to lose this game because i haven't beaten joel in like 6 games and no matter how positive i was trying to think it was over as soon as something told me to play UTE.
B9 A(Z)O +17 Tactics Large
i blocked my own DIASTOLE. OPINIONED is nice, i wish i'd thought of it. i did think of the hook earlier on. it seems like he is going to block much of the time if i do that. #tacticslarge
8G JET +20 Tactics Small
-FJT is actually a little better, i think. -1.5 #tacticssmall
K4 CHEF +31 Tactics Small
just weighing different leaves and scores against each other. REF and TREF score quite a bit fewer, but definitely keep better leaves. maybe i misevaluated a little because REF sims best. -2 #tacticssmall
M2 HERL +23 Strategy Small
3G HERL sims a little better. seems to be a bit better defense plus keeping the R hook open for my bingo next turn. -1 #strategysmall
B1 (Q)I +22 Strategy Medium
a bit of a hard move here. i had a feeling this wasn't quite right, but it seemed worth it to go for the small chance at IKEBANA/ABELIAN (~12%), score 22, and if it doesn't work i can fish next turn too. quackle likes D3 ABA for some reason, ugh. or BAIT 6B. i don't know. -3 #strategymedium
G1 BA(R) +13 Tactics Small
JAB G8 seems a little more aggressive, but i don't have the S.. but maybe he doesn't either? -1 #tacticssmall ?
14C VERAT(R)IN +65 Strategy Small
veratrin takes an E as well as an S. but that's a tiny number of the unseen tiles. maybe just take the points? would you? i suppose if i'm playing someone better i should try to make it a bit more volatile. -2 #strategysmall
exch IIIOOWY +0 Tactics Small
seriously, this draw... quackle wants me to keep the beautiful IY leave for some reason. maybe the bag is too consonant heavy. -1.5 #tacticssmall
15I (L)UCK +17 Finding Large
bad! by far the best play is the excellent 11J AMUCK. i have the case S, score 28 pts, and go for letters like the Z to score a lot with. i thought of AMUCKS/AMUCK on my rack, but didn't quite look hard enough. LUCK is very weak and is the type of game-losing play i make way too often. the fact that it takes a Y makes it even worse. 9J MUCK is ok if i don't think of AMUCK. -15.5 #strategylarge #findinglarge
15I (L)UCK +17 Strategy Large
bad! by far the best play is the excellent 11J AMUCK. i have the case S, score 28 pts, and go for letters like the Z to score a lot with. i thought of AMUCKS/AMUCK on my rack, but didn't quite look hard enough. LUCK is very weak and is the type of game-losing play i make way too often. the fact that it takes a Y makes it even worse. 9J MUCK is ok if i don't think of AMUCK. -15.5 #strategylarge #findinglarge
10G G(O)WD +13 Strategy Large
10G G(O)WD doesn't win often. i bingo rarely with that fairly ugly pool. neither does M11 GAWPS, but that one wins at least a little more often because of going for the Z or something. -12 #strategylarge
N8 PIMAS +29 Endgame Large
ooh, IMPROVS. #endgamelarge #time -11
N8 PIMAS +29 Time Unspecified
ooh, IMPROVS. #endgamelarge #time -11
13I CONgEED +81 Strategy Small
i liked sacrificing some points here to kill the bottom left of the board; i thought it was worth it. 13G CODEiNE sims best because it scores best, i guess, lol. maybe i should do it. quackle doesn't like these types of sacrifices. is congeed correct? i also saw encoded etc at 13G but it still doesn't kill the bottom left quadrant. -3.5 #notanerror? #strategysmall?
H10 RAD +17 Tactics Medium
i didn't think of G7 HERD. it seems relatively easy for him to block downards though, with either HERD or my play (column G down, or even something like AE, lol). i'm in more trouble than quackle thinks. quackle likes N12 DENE but that doesn't open a new lane. should i do it anyway and try to open a lane later? i don't know. -4 #tacticsmedium
C6 TE +7 Time Unspecified
i ran out of time and made this terrible, sad play. none of quackle's top choices are sensible, like 3H OK. #time #noideawhattodo
C9 (E)KING +20 Endgame Unspecified
i ran out of time, but PIVOT is the play #time #endgame
C9 (E)KING +20 Time Unspecified
i ran out of time, but PIVOT is the play #time #endgame
11B V(I)S +6 Endgame Small
-2 #time #endgamesmall
11B V(I)S +6 Time Unspecified
-2 #time #endgamesmall
E10 JOW +35 Tactics Small
unmown is winninger. oops. #tacticssmall
The listing of all of the player's mistakes. For more information about mistakes, check the 'Mistakes' section of the about page.
Game Line Error
Game 3163 28 Game is incomplete.
Game 10229 27 Game is incomplete.
Game 23049 21 Game is incomplete.
Game 17540 33 Game is incomplete.
Errors are (most likely) the result of malformed GCG files. To learn more, check the 'Errors and Warnings' section in the about page.