Joel Horn
Joel Horn
Color Key
= Triple Triple
= Bingo 9+
= Improbable
= +
= +
= +
= + +
Player Lists
Type Play Probability Score
REAsONs 1820 66
BILLeRS 12935 73
NARcIST 2706 82
BRAINED 584 78
SISSIER 19712 66
HEaRsAY 10717 100
IMAGERS 2561 73
BET(T)ERER* 0 72
POTEENs 2665 69
ThRASH(E)R 22531 70
NAIVEST 710 85
MATUReD 3124 67
EJ(E)CTiNG 13903 88
RO(O)TAGES 989 60
WATTLEs 9418 74
SPURRIE(R) 21589 74
IMPAI(R)ED 6313 84
FRISKE(R)s 27001 98
TROLLIE(D) 2488 63
P(R)ONATED 555 72
KINDLES 8738 66
AIrFLOW 6971 70
COOeEIN(G) 3979 68
EtESI(A)NS 1319 68
AREOLAS 697 75
SYN(O)VIAL 8739 82
MItIGA(T)E 7862 74
RESAM(P)LE 10410 65
SOUBIsE 10648 70
DARKENe(D) 14541 92
CArRI(A)GE 7873 61
LATEENS 580 75
P(R)ALINES 1065 72
GUYLInE 7557 78
TOLERAN(T) 479 68
mEOWING 6869 78
BAILEES 2120 69
JaWLINE 7795 94
(D)ECANTER 1587 86
IGNEOUS 1114 70
FOISTED 1996 92
LATINOS 465 68
NUANCED 9392 80
(G)RIsTLeD* 0 62
(D)EMERSAL 5298 74
SENDiNG 6385 68
PeNISES 11157 73
IMPLIES 13826 84
MURDERs 14490 78
(G)AINLIEr 637 66
(P)EATIEST 3706 62
REGINAS 249 90
STRINGY 9854 90
OUTRIGS 3518 67
R(o)SINESS 13753 64
RIVALeD 1385 74
(N)ARRATES 2455 77
UNBELTS 8020 73
PL(A)NTERS 2379 64
MArQUES 13033 91
OU(T)PAINT 5398 72
DiLUENT 1156 77
BANgERS 4693 72
F(I)LIATES 2581 74
DOMINIE 2364 87
LANdGRA(B) 16726 62
ENFORCE 6094 71
VIrELAI 1795 74
OUTLANd 2478 62
eVENEST 9000 75
JOINDER 2227 70
(U)NHEATED 3038 69
(R)UGGeDER 23797 86
G(R)EENIES 2854 63
PReVAIL 4399 80
(F)INGERED 4638 92
WHiRL(I)NG 21700 68
SPIRULA 7918 73
FIZzL(E)RS* 0 79
MOURNED 3889 70
NEGATES 1191 76
SIGNAL(E)D 1135 73
LAITIES 498 71
GAZETtE 13423 88
UNSATED 1152 81
AERIFiE(D) 1756 74
INTRUDE 447 77
MEASLED 6593 72
sHADIER 1430 80
SCAn(TI)EST 9108 72
ETOIlES 302 60
SARcOID 3340 71
GEsTURE 4556 70
BROAD(E)ST 1326 82
BE(W)ARINg 4860 82
RECOO(K)Ed 17771 64
PIOLETS 2040 83
FARINaS 5458 90
(C)ARRIONs 4913 68
THINNED 6050 69
ASSERTS 17143 74
(A)NALYSER 4498 72
DILUTEd 7810 73
ERRATAs 3399 73
DARNERS 2810 73
ISOLEAD 146 69
sEEABLE 8915 73
(A)RSENAlS 7733 64
RECEDES 12066 96
SLATTED 5178 77
YAKI(T)oRI 10742 96
FENnECS 17180 74
(M)OODIEST 3738 64
SNoOZIE(R) 4575 101
CORrIdA 6653 70
R(E)ADIEST 117 65
(F)aINTING 14149 83
THIRtIE(S) 8945 67
REjEC(TI)NG 10096 62
(R)ETAKING 2189 80
(R)EDATING 149 72
(T)USSLING 19238 80
PoSTING(S) 18645 62
VANI(S)HED 5700 84
D(R)AINERs 928 68
(R)IpARIAN 12292 59
INSHORE 977 94
FERALIT(Y)* 0 95
AERATOR 1066 68
sWANKIE(R) 6656 80
P(O)RTABlE 3790 80
SCANNED 9378 78
(D)OVELiKE 12169 98
REPUR(PO)Se 23301 76
gARGLES 11909 83
(D)RYSToNE 2805 76
CAROUsE 1847 81
ENTRAIN 192 66
SLITTeD 5184 85
OVeRJOY 19957 140
YO(D)ELErS 5854 72
TUNICLE 3087 86
DENIALS 417 74
DEV(I)ATES 1543 72
NIMBLER 6812 67
(V)OmERINE 2473 62
GENE(R)ICS 4634 69
SILENTl(Y) 12265 83
ELUTION 184 72
ELUATEs 1374 64
PE(N)TANES 6402 72
MODESTE(R) 3758 76
(N)aRROWED 3551 86
sLUTTED* 0 67
IRONERs 794 69
DECILEs 6601 67
SITUATE 1336 85
MINORED 961 68
SHaRPED 10024 95
SCANTER 1588 74
(I)DEATING 603 70
TINDERS 421 64
LAZIEST 3545 133
(A)GEnETiC 1081 80
ALINERS 106 72
ENTRANT 3689 66
CoRDAGE 2927 85
OuT(L)OVES 10141 90
IODATEd 818 71
THiRSTS 20698 86
D(I)NGIEST 2989 83
tAENIAE 67 62
OSTIArY 1673 70
GEMINAL 2551 75
HE(R)ItAGE 997 72
TREADlE 572 68
SORBINg 7834 68
ROSIEST 1826 81
HASTIER 671 104
MuLLEIN 12987 92
TONUSES 6178 61
Di(S)PIRIT 19898 82
(I)dEATION 34 74
COSInES 7629 89
LEGATI(V)E* 0 74
LADDIeS 5278 81
R(E)NATURe 1290 68
SUGARIE(R) 3200 72
INSTATE 524 64
VERNIER 4720 88
DIO(R)AmAS 4738 64
DiNNERS 2713 67
NAIADES 492 66
SERE(N)ATA 453 70
(T)RINODAL 288 72
SNORTED 528 73
GRoSSI(N)G 23426 68
UNCRATE 1590 70
LADRONE 147 72
NOSHERS 10879 83
STRATUS 16658 71
A(D)ULATES 3485 68
BEDrAPE 7892 91
NEUROmA 885 72
BANTERS 1506 72
BOULDeR 6345 70
GAVOTTE 6284 80
STUMPER 13399 84
VARIoUS 3364 73
TRAINER 196 62
OVArIES 340 73
AD(U)LTeRY 4490 63
COSIEST 7631 82
LUCITES 5643 65
PAINTED 652 88
ASTRIDE 100 76
CARmINE 2401 72
(P)OSTDATe 6040 74
INQuEST 5704 70
ORPINES 952 74
DILAtES 403 77
TIMB(E)RED 6798 66
ROOSTED 2034 94
UNlIVES 5676 78
AtOMIES 332 80
MONADeS 1861 75
GELaTES 2343 67
OUTLAWS 8445 73
READAPT 3445 80
DONATEs 146 76
GROSSLY 21622 84
dENGUES 6922 76
DESTINE 567 84
OUTRID(E)S 321 72
HOIDENS 1906 84
EARLDO(M)s 2639 67
DARTING 1405 72
ENSUI(T)ES 5133 61
tOXINES 2343 85
WAGERED 5487 81
ROOkIES(T) 4345 64
C(A)VoRTER 7445 63
(N)OTIONAL 3014 71
AUDIEN(T)S 254 63
(R)EMINTEd 1533 70
AeROBIC 1233 74
pARA(G)ONS 9974 68
TIGrESS 7054 72
(E)UGENIAs 679 77
TOASTI(E)R 136 59
PINNAT(E)D 2762 62
QuE(R)IDAS 4729 86
(T)WIDdLES 15178 89
NoTICES 910 98
DETA(C)hES 9845 72
HAUNTED 2962 81
SqUATTY 21406 72
HIDEOUt 1908 76
(W)EARYInG 4640 66
REVELRY 17196 84
AV(E)RAgED 7666 62
StEAMIN(G) 1760 83
tAENIAS 130 70
sALUTED 2274 65
FO(A)MIEsT 1943 76
ENTRIES 219 77
TANSIES 1331 82
TANGlES 1645 88
DEWCLAw 21094 95
SANDIES(T) 2076 70
AVIATED 1775 75
MOO(R)AGES 5540 62
RE(G)IONAL 58 72
(C)RItICAL 21378 76
REGAIn(E)D 277 60
ElODEAS 804 74
BLEATER(S) 3005 72
MEDIANT 648 79
HERIOTs 981 76
NOVENAS 4647 72
dEADENS 6308 69
GUrNEYS 10190 75
MELA(N)ITE 623 70
dRATTI(N)G 4782 70
UNEAR(T)HS 2252 62
OVeRLAI(N) 202 72
C(A)PTIONS 5637 64
NATIONS 1337 75
NoNSALE* 0 63
AEDILES 564 77
hEROINE(S) 842 59
JOINTE(R)S 1712 69
iNSIPID 18897 79
STATION 1405 80
TONLETS 3522 63
mORROWs 22008 60
BEtISES 11134 72
EN(T)HUSED 8542 63
ROTEn(O)NE 2474 66
GALLIUM 19211 75
BEA(T)NIKs 6626 63
TIN(k)LIER 5464 59
FESTERS 13700 87
PERLITE 2298 73
DIURETI(C) 4956 86
BROM(A)TES 4016 65
DOZIEST 4089 85
TINNILy 14869 66
A(D)IPOSES 6240 64
(R)EeNTERS 7368 74
TErTIAL 546 69
ENROLLs 6173 67
CoMPLEA(T) 11899 98
SIERRAN 551 72
BIRDIES 6050 72
IMpROVE(D) 11981 78
AtTA(I)NER 444 113
(R)EDOLENT 514 80
BEAR(I)NGS 1807 67
CHElATO(R) 4015 70
OUTLIER 182 66
The of bingos played by the player that were not challenged off.
Triple Triples
Type Play Probability Score
AtTA(I)NER 444 113
Triple triples played by the player that were not challenged off. They do not have to be bingos.
Bingo Nines or Above
Type Play Probability Score
SCAn(TI)EST 9108 72
REjEC(TI)NG 10096 62
REPUR(PO)Se 23301 76
Bingos played by the player that were nine letters or longer and were not challenged off.
Challenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were challenged off by an opponent.
Unchallenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
BET(T)ERER* 0 72
PONGAS* 0 21
(G)RIsTLeD* 0 62
FIZzL(E)RS* 0 79
FERALIT(Y)* 0 95
BRI(T)CH* 0 32
sLUTTED* 0 67
LEGATI(V)E* 0 74
CLANGY* 0 30
THEMA* 0 22
UR* 0 13
(PE)INE* 0 14
PEINES* 0 14
NoNSALE* 0 63
UNSH(Y)* 0 22
ATWINE* 0 22
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were not challenged by an opponent.
Plays That Were Challenged
Type Play Probability Score
FO(O)DY* 0 0
HAyM(A)R(K)ET* 0 0
ALELuIA* 0 0
SUCKUp* 0 0
CO(T)A* 0 0
INSIGNi(AL)* 0 0
QUAERES 7015 0
AlODIAS* 0 0
DEMEANS 4073 0
ZI(N) 561 32
MELIA* 0 0
(N)OTIONAL 3014 71
SqUATTY 21406 72
pATRIOT 4022 0
OVE(R)tYPE* 0 0
Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Opponent Lists
Type Play Probability Score
DOTAGES 1099 74
S(A)UTERNE 379 60
RHYOL(I)TE 4150 88
GOONIEr 696 68
(O)UTPREEN 1878 70
N(E)rVINES 6139 86
ONERIE(S)T 48 62
RESKETC(H) 23344 84
ARNOTTO 4418 62
TErPIN(O)L 611 86
VOGUERS 8553 80
CERVICE(S) 24085 73
SEAlIFT 1536 90
(F)RONTAgE 978 83
NEAR(L)IER 519 59
TELEDUS 5321 68
ALTHEAS 6039 73
SEI(G)nIOR 777 68
MANUrES 3186 76
(N)EtTLIER 1299 68
D(E)VoUTER 3769 65
PINN(U)LAE 5171 90
GHERA(O)ES 2720 98
MANUALS 14066 97
PUtATIV(E) 9667 76
ENTRAIN(ER) 770 63
ELE(V)ATES 7364 74
ErAD(I)ATE 121 82
A(L)EURONE 158 70
TINDERS 421 72
TEENAG(E)R 1415 70
AERATES 761 72
(C)ALORIEs 510 70
DISGUI(s)e 16201 72
FEAtEST 7678 94
SELECTO(R) 3740 72
SNARFED 3091 75
RE(J)OINED 2164 68
OPERANT 352 76
BROMaTE 2726 71
SAUCING 9689 75
A(R)EOLATE 255 62
IRONIES 244 65
ENNEADI(C) 3688 78
RELIeVO 1257 87
OUTwEAR 943 70
INDENTS 2842 81
BOUTADe 1919 68
T(A)WDRIER 2915 65
(C)ATENARY 6538 90
DEmENTI(A) 648 77
HEARSIn(G) 1837 80
(T)REENAIL 31 68
PLOtZES 15013 104
MANChET 11836 73
ROENTGE(N) 2614 61
RELEASE 2626 75
SNEAkED 7302 71
REAWOkE(N) 5477 92
SHAITAN 5452 79
BUSTING 13063 83
LE(G)ATINE 258 72
GRENADE 1087 64
(B)rOMATED 3645 74
RETIAR(i)I 3349 64
BARITON(E) 50 83
I(D)OLATER 13 72
STARrED 2816 81
(G)ASLIGHT 20835 66
OUTRANg(E) 238 74
SIGnORS 10560 76
END(O)RSER 3212 61
cLOSURE 6111 62
HOGGIEr* 0 77
SUNDIAL 3433 71
RENDZI(N)a 5292 84
CA(U)TIOUS 11244 68
MOTIVAT(E) 4306 65
DEADENS 6056 80
RELaTIV(E) 630 74
ADJoINT 3401 87
R(ET)AInERs 178 72
ADH(E)SION 501 66
TONEARM 321 70
MOONSAI(L) 5834 70
R(E)PAIREd 3696 86
WHITIeR 7771 87
ELOIGNS 1108 64
cURARES 8681 78
RETILED 548 86
S(O)LENOID 1488 70
TSARISM 12199 92
ANGUiNE 2351 64
TRIBADe 616 73
PINIEST 3655 84
DEC(A)GONS 4336 66
EXHaLED 15185 114
ANTI(P)OLE 215 70
TINT(Y)PEs 13359 86
UM(B)RAGEs 14448 78
DERBIES 4112 76
D(U)eTTING 5563 68
CULVE(R)Ts 16574 80
TEOPANS 934 98
CANINES 3786 72
HIRABLE 4293 73
GAN(I)STER 160 86
(B)ALDpATE 13245 80
YTTRIUm 18864 77
POS(I)TING 10508 94
DESTiNY 3273 86
ENTERON 1210 85
SIDELON(G) 1634 83
VOLUTeS 6410 77
SERIALS 2891 74
DINGI(E)ST 2981 61
SINUAtE 125 63
THoRITE 2597 77
ELOIGNS 1108 67
TAlES(M)EN 3071 77
(E)NFORCES 7610 92
OUT(R)ANGE 244 74
ENLISTS 5428 73
IDEATED 2058 72
COAPTED 5010 90
EVAsION 335 75
STERILE 567 72
TERGI(T)ES 3862 68
HErNIAE 370 70
INFLAME 4045 82
ERUPTI(O)N 567 74
INSOLES 3304 86
THEREOF 5650 86
SCRIBeD 9326 77
VISITED 6078 70
WEAPON(E)D 4813 80
(U)NHEALtH 18534 88
LUNGEES 7222 71
PUNChER 17722 71
(U)RANITIC 4413 83
UMPIRES 10193 66
FOL(I)ATeD 542 61
ISOBARE 289 70
GRINNER(S) 9499 72
ReADDI(C)T 5436 76
TAR(L)ETAN 2464 131
BINOCLE 5091 80
REDOUBT 3835 83
FOXIEsT 8756 77
LEANERS 579 70
AUDITEE 209 66
(F)ARINOSE 209 86
ANOLYTE 922 78
SAUnTER 443 71
WATAPeS 10740 73
RITUALS 1868 75
(D)OMINATE 202 86
BECLOwN 15783 79
LOITE(RE)RS 800 72
INCISOR 6268 72
ICIClED 20111 75
PERILUN(E) 3145 64
LEGeNDS 7205 80
ETALONS 161 77
JANITOr 1849 81
NoISILY 9180 87
AeROSAT 240 63
SEDGIER 2468 73
TR(A)CINGS 5495 84
ABa(L)ONES 3212 86
DERI(S)ION 397 74
ErISTIC 3637 75
DESIRES 6329 69
GR(I)TTiER 10138 131
AMBErOI(D) 1913 89
GAITERS 268 75
sERVING 4558 68
SALTINE 107 64
SAINTLY 4968 82
GORI(N)ESS 3988 63
ENORMI(T)Y 2011 67
(S)CURRILE 11169 62
POSIt(I)VE 7045 66
BAN(N)ERED 6342 72
U(R)ALITES 275 61
(P)LAINEST 1069 83
IDONEOU(S) 1489 61
MOIdORE 2660 77
UNSWEAR 3051 70
IDEATES 200 81
INLANd(E)R 923 59
C(O)OkABLE 21762 64
BUR(N)OUTS 18888 64
GRANNiE 1068 68
STEROLS 5933 66
O(B)SIDIAN 4999 72
(N)oVERCAL 4029 74
GANGST(A)S 27151 66
UTILI(S)ED 3681 61
KNAIDEl(S) 4974 65
NOURISH 5876 68
FORmYLS 21563 86
TERMINI 1845 67
RA(I)NLIKE* 0 78
SOLIDER 516 68
CONEPAT(E) 2592 82
REU(N)ItER 1308 66
EIKONES 2801 90
RUNTIER 1298 66
POSTURE 3940 94
ENDRINS 2839 71
DIRTBAg 6780 67
GNATTIE(R) 709 70
SEISURE 6342 86
UNR(A)VELS 4516 62
TRADING 1406 82
TIME(L)INE 3503 74
(U)REDINIA 310 80
AERA(T)ORS 1499 60
GOLDEST 4253 72
DILUTES 2389 77
R(E)LISHES 12578 76
(T)ACkIEST 13402 70
Cl(U)MPILY* 0 67
NONTI(T)LE 3205 68
NON(I)MAGE 2756 65
(C)ATARRhS 23394 80
AIRTING 1712 64
WAnTONS 9658 86
SOLATI(O)N 1062 70
NEEDL(I)NG 6900 74
BIOTRON(S) 5988 83
(E)NTICErS 1613 86
fO(r)EGOES 10239 61
REVILER 7723 78
IN(TE)RFACE 1164 66
DI(A)STAsE 4664 82
(R)AINIEST 95 63
AlIENER 53 62
CLICKE(R)S 27822 68
VaRNISH 8878 80
STAPLES 12359 84
DOUGhIE(R) 4149 63
DENOTES 807 95
URODELE 1814 66
ArENITE 8 72
(U)NbEATEN 6339 74
WE(A)ZANDS 17866 85
BENEFiC 12813 82
(B)ONDYARD* 0 80
EUcAINE 1043 73
DESTiNY 3129 81
ONERIES(T) 44 77
ANTER(I)OR 38 70
AECIdIA 3828 69
(L)INEATED 110 65
TARGETs 4433 74
FRONtA(G)E 978 72
SNITCH(E)R 5843 76
PALADIN 8478 80
RE(B)ATERS 6340 72
S(A)NDLOTs 10621 74
PER(S)ONAE 823 149
SWINGEr 4760 82
hARM(L)ESS 21084 86
cANDLER(S) 4471 66
sIALOId 2687 77
T(E)TRODES 3396 72
DOOMSTE(R) 6877 92
I(D)EALISE 1101 60
POLYt(E)NE 7335 72
(R)ANGIEST 150 83
T(R)ENDILY 2262 76
GROCERS 11925 81
EmANATO(R) 671 68
TREN(D)ING 3076 140
ALFReDO 1849 71
PLANTER 1601 79
URODELE 1814 75
EXCLUDE 19969 102
I(R)ONLIKE 3595 74
POUT(I)NEs 1402 70
cOACHED 19446 82
STANDEE 546 68
DIESTER 570 87
RIPIENO 1082 74
TOWERI(N)G 984 71
EqUATIO(N) 708 73
OUTDOES 3793 68
HAGdONS 10313 76
DEFEAtS 3867 88
CLOTUR(E)S 4925 64
UNBAITE(D)* 0 65
ROMANIs(E) 208 80
ENdPL(A)TE 2886 67
LI(O)NISED 934 74
CITOLAS 3195 89
SMaCK(I)NG 24450 71
H(A)BITUDE 5344 82
DRA(G)NETS 1105 83
DIGE(S)TOR 657 74
WAFfL(I)NG 26466 70
HOMERI(N)G 5328 74
BOEHmIT(E) 9246 98
(S)TEADIES 2623 63
LA(C)TONES 1279 70
HYSTERI(A) 3186 74
BAILORS 3183 69
ENTAILs 104 84
OVERRAN 2464 75
A(N)ALECTS 4657 83
bETAINE 349 72
JAR(G)oNEL 4645 82
STRANDS 10303 67
(G)AROTTES 1899 80
CH(L)ORATE 3811 71
SPRINTE(R) 5013 74
SEEDING 2349 71
SN(O)UTIER 99 66
TARL(E)TAn 2329 68
LEACHER 7923 76
MINOR(I)NG 14481 71
SATIATE 1599 67
AEROn(A)UT 119 78
DEFILED 13605 87
OCELOId 4944 68
(E)NDPLAYS 12000 95
C(A)TALOGS 13427 62
EPISODE(S) 10297 80
ANTHEli(A) 1211 68
COADMI(T)S 9216 82
(E)YEWATER 9493 95
ARISTAE 131 72
VOLCANI(C) 22153 82
MOLDIEr 1909 75
HEIFERS 8023 112
BARTEND 1505 69
WONKIER 5475 107
LEPTiNS 3297 83
ETEsIAN 56 83
TENUTOS 3346 66
DEJECtA 11481 72
eARWIGS 2448 88
PESTERS 14307 73
CHIRMIn(G) 25374 98
GINGALS 14784 77
ROStRAL 5368 72
StILETT(O) 10591 74
BIENN(I)AL 5579 61
VIRTUES 3319 86
DOGtA(I)LS 2590 74
RETITLE 1901 71
SITUATE 1275 72
nIRvANA 9309 87
RITARDS 4386 77
EUTa(X)IES 3250 65
EMEUtES 11584 74
(O)uTSWEAR 1333 92
B(O)RNITES 568 74
AROINTS 122 71
VIcUNAS 11873 77
LOONIER 362 70
HEELERS 12173 80
CREAMIE(R) 8010 64
T(H)ERIANs 427 70
RESIDUE 1381 74
INDICAT(E) 1235 76
DEXTR(I)NS 5039 70
(F)ORgIVER 13783 89
TERETES 8845 71
FAITHED 4356 83
L(A)NGUETS 2524 76
(S)IGNALED 1135 83
COO(E)EING 4194 65
RAVINES 711 92
CAhOOtS 15097 75
TITANA(T)E 6953 59
TOkENIS(M) 7687 80
OmICRON 11463 72
fUGLIER 7592 68
INSULTS 13799 68
JUVeNAL 14092 93
ApHETIC 8702 98
AU(B)RETIA 1190 60
T(H)IAZINS 17058 90
OUTROCK(S) 24802 72
DESTINE 595 79
sANDLOT 2478 71
G(E)RALDiA* 0 61
FoRNIC(A)L 5920 72
ISOLEAd 146 73
UN(P)USHED* 0 70
UNSWEaR(S) 12218 70
MAFIoSI 10819 69
THWArTS 17980 82
TUTOrED 3336 64
GONIDIA 2209 73
The of bingos played by the player that were not challenged off.
Triple Triples
Type Play Probability Score
TAR(L)ETAN 2464 131
GR(I)TTiER 10138 131
PER(S)ONAE 823 149
TREN(D)ING 3076 140
Triple triples played by the player that were not challenged off. They do not have to be bingos.
Bingo Nines or Above
Type Play Probability Score
ENTRAIN(ER) 770 63
R(ET)AInERs 178 72
LOITE(RE)RS 800 72
IN(TE)RFACE 1164 66
Bingos played by the player that were nine letters or longer and were not challenged off.
Challenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were challenged off by an opponent.
Unchallenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
FU(s)ER* 0 30
PONGA* 0 30
EUROKE* 0 29
RAPP* 0 31
HOGGIEr* 0 77
FANED* 0 22
BRANG* 0 21
WA(Y)ED* 0 24
RE(SIGNAL)* 0 18
EXUDER* 0 22
DI(C)TI* 0 31
BYRD* 0 20
OW(R)E* 0 30
RA(I)NLIKE* 0 78
Cl(U)MPILY* 0 67
(B)ONDYARD* 0 80
GASCAN* 0 45
(T)OFTING* 0 38
UNBAITE(D)* 0 65
MILIAS* 0 89
LEED* 0 16
(D)ELLED* 0 27
G(E)RALDiA* 0 61
UN(P)USHED* 0 70
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were not challenged by an opponent.
Plays That Were Challenged
Type Play Probability Score
HA 62 28
M(A)S 556 20
(O)UTPREEN 1878 70
U(N)DRIVeN* 0 0
FALSIE 1504 0
UT(TE)RLESs* 0 0
AR(B)IT* 0 0
SCRIBeD 9326 77
TINING 8156 40
(DE)RN* 0 0
(S)CURRILE 11169 62
HELIJE(T)s* 0 0
(WAFT)AGE 12693 28
GINNIER 4678 0
(ME)RIN* 0 0
HAGdONS 10313 76
OCELOId 4944 68
MONTY* 0 0
LOWRY* 0 0
QAT 572 29
MACInGS* 0 0
Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Notable Lists
Many Double Words Covered
Games that end in ties.
Game Stats
Stat Average Total
Games 1.00 198
Invalid Games 0.02 3
Incomplete 0.02 3
Disconnected 0.00 0
Other 0.00 0
Total Turns 26.34 5215
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Player Stats
Stat Average Total
Wins 0.34 66.5
Score 379.21 75083
Score per Turn 28.9003
Turns 13.12 2598
Vertical Plays 5.63 1114
Horizontal Plays 6.42 1272
One Tile Plays 0.49 98
Other Plays 0.58 114
Firsts 0.49 98
Vertical Openings per First 0.0115
Horizontal Openings per First 0.9885
Full Rack per Turn 0.3226
Exchanges 0.31 61
High Game 513
Low Game 237
Highest Scoring Turn 140
Bingos Played 1.68 332
Sevens 0.99 196
Eights 0.67 133
Nines 0.02 3
Tens 0.00 0
Elevens 0.00 0
Twelves 0.00 0
Thirteens 0.00 0
Fourteens 0.00 0
Fifteens 0.00 0
Bingo Probabilities 5476.46
Sevens 4967.31
Eights 6032.49
Nines 14168.33
Tens 0.00
Elevens 0.00
Twelves 0.00
Thirteens 0.00
Fourteens 0.00
Fifteens 0.00
Tiles Played 46.96 9299
A 4.28 848
B 0.99 197
C 0.94 186
D 1.83 363
E 5.66 1121
F 0.90 178
G 1.43 284
H 0.99 197
I 4.21 833
J 0.55 108
K 0.49 97
L 1.88 372
M 0.93 184
N 2.77 549
O 3.74 740
P 0.96 190
Q 0.51 101
R 2.76 546
S 1.85 366
T 2.71 537
U 1.83 363
V 0.91 181
W 0.91 181
X 0.43 85
Y 0.98 195
Z 0.51 101
? 0.99 196
Power Tiles Played 4.83 957
? 0.99 196
J 0.55 108
Q 0.51 101
X 0.43 85
Z 0.51 101
S 1.85 366
Power Tiles Stuck With 0.13 26
? 0.02 4
J 0.01 1
Q 0.03 6
X 0.01 1
Z 0.01 1
S 0.07 13
Turns With a Blank 1.22 241
Triple Triples Played 0.01 1
Bingoless Games 0.07 13
Bonus Square Coverage 15.13 2995
Double Letter 4.90 970
Triple Letter 5.55 1098
Double Word 2.39 474
Triple Word 2.29 453
Phony Plays 0.21 41
Unchallenged 0.10 20
Challenged Off 0.11 21
Challenges 0.24 48
You Won 0.07 14
Opponent Lost 0.02 3
You Lost 0.05 10
Opponent Won 0.11 21
Challenge Percentage 0.5833
Defending Challenge Percentage 0.1250
Percentage Phonies Unchallenged 0.4878
Comments 8.84 1750
Comments Word Length 184.88 36607
Mistakeless Turns 13.12 2598
Mistakes per Turn 0.0000
Mistakes 0.00 0
Knowledge 0.00 0
Finding 0.00 0
Vision 0.00 0
Tactics 0.00 0
Strategy 0.00 0
Endgame 0.00 0
Time 0.00 0
Dynamic Mistakes 0.00 0
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Player Confidence Intervals
Tile p CI
A 0.4756 (0.4391, 0.5001)
B 0.4950 (0.4050, 0.5342)
C 0.4700 (0.4050, 0.5342)
D 0.4575 (0.4239, 0.5153)
E 0.4717 (0.4432, 0.4960)
F 0.4500 (0.4050, 0.5342)
G 0.4767 (0.4169, 0.5223)
H 0.4950 (0.4050, 0.5342)
I 0.4678 (0.4391, 0.5001)
J 0.5500 (0.3782, 0.5610)
K 0.4900 (0.3782, 0.5610)
L 0.4700 (0.4239, 0.5153)
M 0.4650 (0.4050, 0.5342)
N 0.4617 (0.4323, 0.5069)
O 0.4675 (0.4373, 0.5019)
P 0.4800 (0.4050, 0.5342)
Q 0.5100 (0.3782, 0.5610)
R 0.4600 (0.4323, 0.5069)
S 0.4625 (0.4239, 0.5153)
T 0.4517 (0.4323, 0.5069)
U 0.4575 (0.4239, 0.5153)
V 0.4550 (0.4050, 0.5342)
W 0.4550 (0.4050, 0.5342)
X 0.4300 (0.3782, 0.5610)
Y 0.4900 (0.4050, 0.5342)
Z 0.5100 (0.3782, 0.5610)
? 0.4950 (0.4050, 0.5342)
To learn more about these statistics, check the 'Confidence Intervals' section on the about page.
Opponent Stats
Stat Average Total
Wins 0.66 131.5
Score 429.70 85080
Score per Turn 32.5105
Turns 13.22 2617
Vertical Plays 5.88 1164
Horizontal Plays 6.31 1249
One Tile Plays 0.49 97
Other Plays 0.54 107
Firsts 0.51 100
Vertical Openings per First 0.3289
Horizontal Openings per First 0.6711
Full Rack per Turn 0.9530
Exchanges 0.34 67
High Game 654
Low Game 277
Highest Scoring Turn 149
Bingos Played 2.06 407
Sevens 1.03 204
Eights 1.01 199
Nines 0.02 4
Tens 0.00 0
Elevens 0.00 0
Twelves 0.00 0
Thirteens 0.00 0
Fourteens 0.00 0
Fifteens 0.00 0
Bingo Probabilities 5288.62
Sevens 4994.60
Eights 5687.82
Nines 728.00
Tens 0.00
Elevens 0.00
Twelves 0.00
Thirteens 0.00
Fourteens 0.00
Fifteens 0.00
Tiles Played 50.39 9978
A 4.54 898
B 0.98 194
C 0.98 195
D 2.06 407
E 6.08 1203
F 1.05 208
G 1.49 296
H 0.98 195
I 4.50 891
J 0.45 89
K 0.49 98
L 1.99 394
M 1.03 204
N 3.05 603
O 4.08 807
P 1.01 200
Q 0.43 85
R 3.02 598
S 2.06 407
T 3.02 598
U 2.00 396
V 1.01 200
W 1.08 213
X 0.56 111
Y 1.01 199
Z 0.48 95
? 0.98 194
Power Tiles Played 4.95 981
? 0.98 194
J 0.45 89
Q 0.43 85
X 0.56 111
Z 0.48 95
S 2.06 407
Power Tiles Stuck With 0.08 16
? 0.01 2
J 0.00 0
Q 0.03 6
X 0.01 1
Z 0.01 1
S 0.03 6
Turns With a Blank 1.96 388
Triple Triples Played 0.02 4
Bingoless Games 0.06 12
Bonus Square Coverage 16.35 3238
Double Letter 5.31 1052
Triple Letter 5.53 1094
Double Word 3.32 658
Triple Word 2.19 434
Phony Plays 0.21 41
Unchallenged 0.14 27
Challenged Off 0.07 14
Challenges 0.24 48
You Won 0.11 21
Opponent Lost 0.05 10
You Lost 0.02 3
Opponent Won 0.07 14
Challenge Percentage 0.8750
Defending Challenge Percentage 0.4167
Percentage Phonies Unchallenged 0.6585
Comments 8.84 1750
Comments Word Length 184.88 36607
Mistakeless Turns 13.03 2579
Mistakes per Turn 0.0145
Mistakes 0.19 38
Knowledge 0.04 7
Finding 0.07 14
Vision 0.04 8
Tactics 0.00 0
Strategy 0.03 6
Endgame 0.02 3
Time 0.00 0
Dynamic Mistakes 0.00 0
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Opponent Confidence Intervals
Tile p CI
A 0.5044 (0.4734, 0.5344)
B 0.4900 (0.4392, 0.5686)
C 0.4900 (0.4392, 0.5686)
D 0.5150 (0.4581, 0.5497)
E 0.5067 (0.4775, 0.5303)
F 0.5250 (0.4392, 0.5686)
G 0.4967 (0.4511, 0.5567)
H 0.4900 (0.4392, 0.5686)
I 0.5000 (0.4734, 0.5344)
J 0.4500 (0.4124, 0.5954)
K 0.4900 (0.4124, 0.5954)
L 0.4975 (0.4581, 0.5497)
M 0.5150 (0.4392, 0.5686)
N 0.5083 (0.4665, 0.5413)
O 0.5100 (0.4715, 0.5363)
P 0.5050 (0.4392, 0.5686)
Q 0.4300 (0.4124, 0.5954)
R 0.5033 (0.4665, 0.5413)
S 0.5150 (0.4581, 0.5497)
T 0.5033 (0.4665, 0.5413)
U 0.5000 (0.4581, 0.5497)
V 0.5050 (0.4392, 0.5686)
W 0.5400 (0.4392, 0.5686)
X 0.5600 (0.4124, 0.5954)
Y 0.5050 (0.4392, 0.5686)
Z 0.4800 (0.4124, 0.5954)
? 0.4900 (0.4392, 0.5686)
To learn more about these statistics, check the 'Confidence Intervals' section on the about page.
Opponent Mistakes
Play Type Size Comment
C3 MEET +26 Strategy Medium
this was an adjustment to what was probably better equity, but it sims like 10 points worse than other options, so I don't think I can justify this. Gotta keep a better leave. M(A)LLET 3C seems best. #strategymedium
B2 RAPP +31 Knowledge Large
rapp is not a word. I was pretty certain of its validity. Held and released. #knowledgeSADDEST
14H AIDE +22 Knowledge Large
terrible word knowledge continues. I put down STINGE and AIDE, and then take it back, and put this down. Joel says "you weren't going to play that." UGH!!! #knowledgeSADDEST
12I ZOEA(E) +28 Vision Large
Ack L11 ADOZE is nice! #visionlarge
J4 W(AB) +8 Finding Medium
ewer is killed 4l #findingmedium
9A FIVE +19 Strategy Small
Looks like I should definitely play 9D IF here. I bingo about the same amount, but it looks like I drastically overestimated the dangerousness of the -IF hook. Apparently he averages 11 (!) more after FIVE than IF, which is far more than I would've guessed. I suppose I just give him a cheap 30 or 40 with stuff like OH so often. I'm just gonna call this a #strategysmall though since it only sims like 1% worse.
N6 XERIC +61 Strategy Medium
I liked this for defense, but XI bingos so much it looks like it's worth it. Especially for spread purposes it's probably the correct play, which would matter a lot later in the tournament. #strategymedium
14I DESTiNY +86 Vision Unspecified
#visionsolid on this one with another 5 letter underlap. I also saw 14A sYNDETS, L6 aNDESYT(E), and DENSiTY in the same spot. I did not, however, see 2B eN(C)YSTED, but I would have passed it up anyway.
O6 RAJ +32 Vision Unspecified
8A JO would have really taken out the left side. #visionbad
L1 MUCRO +27 Finding Medium
This isn't bad for scoring, but 7C CORIUM is probably a better defensive option at this score because AWED takes too many hooks. #findingmedium Also, if CORIA and CORIUM are both good, and SCORIA is good, why can't SCORIUM* be good?
2J Z(O)NES +68 Finding Unspecified
I liked how much more defensive this was compared to 2I OZONES, but unfortunately, E4 ZONELESS does play for 118 pts. #findingbad on this play.
1D (K)ALIF +36 Finding Small
No way will I be able to Q-stick him unless something miraculous happens, so I had the right idea to score again, but 1A FOLKIE is slightly better. #findingsmall
15E SiPE +30 Vision Large
I did see 10J (E)POdES as an out play. Spread matters, so not going out is better. 1K (C)OmPS is nice which was a miss. #visionlarge
4L (W)OO +6 Endgame Small
Not bad, but M9 ODEON setting up N11 WEST works out 5 better. I missed that he had O1 sEC to block SWEET, but he did as well. #endgamesmall
L2 R(O)OT +11 Endgame Small
missed TO(X)INE, L3 (O)RG is one better. -1 #endgamesmall
11K W(E)AK +22 Strategy Large
very weak and paranoid #strategylarge
5C DOJ(O) +24 Finding Large
missing J2 JOI(S)T and being paranoid again #findinglarge
5B FOL(I)ATeD +61 Finding Large
This might be 1 of only 2 bingoes that play, but C7 (G)ATeFOLD is clearly better and was a miss. #findinglarge
K5 WHOR(L) +22 Finding Small
completely missing NOHOW 10J, a word that I spotted and played in a later game #findingSAD
C3 JIB +38 Finding Large
Given what I drew, it was not necessary to make this play, O6 JINKE(R) is clearly the move which was a miss. #findinglarge
L10 M(AX) +12 Endgame Unspecified
This was a big mistake though. I should have realized that L2 (A)V(A) is my only spot to dump my V. Now I allowed him to slow play me instead of forcing him to go out. #endgamequestionable
2I A(J)I +10 Finding Unspecified
This was a mistake however. B4 AIT needed to be done to keep Row 2 open as well as Row 15. #findingbad
14J HaRDY +54 Finding Medium
missed KYTH(E) #findingmedium
11J LEM(A)N +20 Knowledge Small
REM(A)N #knowledgesmall
9D HIYA +28 Vision Small
Not bad in terms of opening up, but 9F HAY is a little safer. I will get X parallels more often next turn and Joel would have to open up for cheaper on his next move. #visionsmall
6B P(I)E +11 Vision Unspecified
This endgame was terribly played. I spent way too long looking for bingoes and there were none, which put me on the verge of going OT after this play. EPIGEAn doesn't play, and I failed to spot Row 10 plays, namely 10K GAPE(D). #visionterrible
H6 Cl(U)MPILY +67 Knowledge Large
this is phony #knowledgelarge
M6 VAGUSES +71 Knowledge Large
#knowledgelarge VAGI only
5B JAWS +40 Knowledge Large
#knowledgelarge for BAIRNED*
G10 EIDE +22 Finding Small
(N)IDI seems better, didn't process is as scoring well enough I think. I really need to play that. #findingsmall
exch FIIQW +0 Strategy Medium
Really surprised with the sim result here. Can I really withstand this Q and play K6 IF? That's too patient for me I guess... Damn. #strategymedium
O12 WORT +44 Strategy Small
WORN sims a point better, I'll trust #strategysmall
14F PIMA +35 Vision Medium
C9 MIAOU was missed and is easily the play. Very sloppy. #visionmedium
5H (A)ZLON +28 Finding Small
4G B(E)NZOL was the play I was looking for here. Right idea to dump the Z because it's a sucky tile on this board, but the B also needed to be dumped. #findingsmall
15N OF +17 Vision Unspecified
This should have been played at 2A. #visionbad
H4 MANGO +22 Finding Large
lowest point of the tournament, missing AMONGST despite looking really hard and knowing that there was something #findingsaddest
2C INSULTS +68 Knowledge Small
chickened out of LUMINISTS #knowledgesad
3C DUI +26 Finding Large
missing UNAU completely, 1E beautiful play #findingsaddest
The listing of all of the player's mistakes. For more information about mistakes, check the 'Mistakes' section of the about page.
Game Line Error
Game 30691 34 Game is incomplete.
Game 3165 28 Game is incomplete.
Game 6056 38 Game is incomplete.
Errors are (most likely) the result of malformed GCG files. To learn more, check the 'Errors and Warnings' section in the about page.
Game Line Error
Game 40646 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 10777, Round 6).
Game 50615 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 11745, Round 6).
Warnings are notifications to players that they might want to update some of their GCG files. To learn more, check the 'Errors and Warnings' section in the about page.