Jeremy Hall
Jeremy Hall
Color Key
= Triple Triple
= Bingo 9+
= Improbable
= +
= +
= +
= + +
Player Lists
Type Play Probability Score
C(R)USADES 15996 94
REALISE 210 73
RECOI(L)ER 4447 63
(P)ATINATE 3260 83
FIL(T)HieR 9867 76
OUTDOES 3995 75
ANTI(W)EED 652 64
pIRANHA 9865 72
(U)NSETTlE 8047 74
RENVOIs 1004 72
INSURES 5429 74
NEUTRAL 441 82
(C)ONDONES 14868 74
REVISES 11159 88
PORtAGE 1424 74
TRILLIO(N) 7895 68
AIRLINE 142 69
mAGNETO 1418 80
A(V)IDNESS 8633 66
NIT(R)ATOR 2723 70
ALBITES 1461 78
LUMI(N)ARy 11701 72
SANTERA 500 65
BaLANCE(S) 13233 62
HOISINS 16577 101
AURORAE 2128 72
GrOANED 364 66
TIRLInG 5740 73
REGrOWN 8921 80
(E)QUISeTA 3249 128
NEROlIS 175 70
CA(P)TIvES 10876 74
TEENIER 506 74
INVESTe(D) 3134 63
MOONSET 5236 76
EARNEST 214 72
GLORIEs 1114 73
TRUF(F)LED 24439 80
MOBILES 7998 76
CATERiN(G) 783 76
T(E)ENSIER 816 62
INMATEs 696 67
SWATTER 6553 98
STENTOR 1802 72
DEvIOUs 3755 70
(T)ERRAPIN 1507 72
(R)ESONANT 481 85
TOOTLES 7276 71
LAIR(I)EST 316 82
(P)ARAGONS 10555 74
BREAT(H)ER 10900 68
NOVENAS 4424 78
FRESHET 11472 84
DOWNIE(S)T 1442 65
HOlLERS 14046 95
INJURES 6179 86
MADONNA 13525 75
CULLIES 15876 77
MEETING 3233 80
DeRATTE(D) 8920 65
OUREbIS 1988 76
ALINERS 106 84
DETINUE 597 74
QuITTIN(G) 24371 104
LUNGERS 5985 77
R(E)PEATER 8754 84
PASTRI(E)S 5463 70
NOMINeE 3328 83
LoRDLI(N)G 13042 62
PRoFANE 2736 78
RENAI(L)ED 107 60
(U)NDRAPES 4518 86
SMELTIN(G) 6255 76
GA(R)oTTED 1999 76
CINEOLE 1251 73
aNAE(R)OBE 949 63
SATI(N)ETS 5019 68
AErOSAt 231 62
RESENTS 6319 82
(P)EREIONS 808 62
(S)TUDLIeR 1707 77
WENDIgO 2975 88
OLIVIN(E)S 3233 62
INGEnUE 5339 68
TRi(D)ENTS 2155 82
CHAR(P)AIs 21365 78
ZO(O)LATER 4587 68
MAGuEYS 15454 77
DOPINGs 10794 80
PERINEA 376 79
BARBOTS 17807 92
COWPEAS 12561 81
(C)ARIOlES 538 63
IN(C)REATE 239 74
GASEOUs 8157 75
COSIGNs 17035 62
(L)OCATIVE 2042 65
STARTED 2818 81
(R)ERAISES 5965 65
D(O)CTOREd 15285 74
UPRISEN 3333 77
(F)AINTEST 2931 86
ZAPA(T)EoS 11582 72
MISOR(d)ER 6067 63
UNREEV(E)S 11144 76
(A)UREOLAS 985 77
ROUPIER 4651 70
DIASTER 101 80
VIOLONe 2791 61
VISIT(I)NG 21843 89
(H)OtLINES 1385 83
APNOEIc 1300 72
SLU(R)RIED 6680 62
PE(D)ESTAL 5315 76
TOLUATE 1616 72
ApPEASE 18907 85
ACHIOTE 1300 74
ROASTER 781 79
(C)ELERIES 7368 72
(b)LUNTINg 20537 57
TE(E)NAGER 1495 72
NEAREsT 216 73
RELIEVE 5946 64
(S)lEDDING 12068 86
ECLOGI(T)E 2725 72
(D)ETRITUS 3980 61
PReST(I)GE 4658 74
GAINABL(E) 4170 76
UNTAKEN 9789 68
TAMALES 5804 79
SW(E)ETENS 19905 62
AErOSAT 240 73
RECANT(E)R 3661 62
GLEAMI(E)R 2349 71
CLO(W)NiEr* 0 74
OPAL(I)NES 541 70
VITRAIN 2909 84
THEREON 1209 78
FR(E)AKOUt 7286 66
INT(E)RVAL 407 62
(V)ERSIONS 6195 72
STaRTED 2817 76
SHEERER 16041 76
Co(R)VETTE 12546 70
LATEENS 581 78
uNNAMED 9398 66
PROBITs 10390 70
E(V)ICTION 4243 66
(E)JeCtING 13231 82
UREMIAS 1569 76
D(E)CLaRES 5286 68
SILICON(E) 3225 83
(C)OWrITES 4124 86
mOTHERY 12726 82
N(E)RVIEST 1626 62
MI(t)IGATE 7873 90
(S)EASONeD 3439 68
DARTiNG 1406 83
ENtHUSE(D) 8553 74
tANGELO 387 69
TERTIAN 201 69
RERISEN 1906 64
TAXEMES 12012 86
IGNEOUS 1114 92
NORLaND 5149 76
CANNIER 1995 76
DE(l)EGATE 5042 63
JAILoRS 5953 101
UNITIzE 6651 66
OvERSO(F)T 11242 61
COA(C)TORs 23013 94
MENAGEs 5726 65
OUTC(R)IES 1431 74
The of bingos played by the player that were not challenged off.
Challenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were challenged off by an opponent.
Unchallenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
(TYPE)RS* 0 25
MI(C)KIE* 0 34
CLO(W)NiEr* 0 74
EPHORA* 0 50
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were not challenged by an opponent.
Plays That Were Challenged
Type Play Probability Score
Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Opponent Lists
Type Play Probability Score
PHy(S)IQUE 27833 100
L(I)EGEmAN 2354 74
(E)NUResES 14467 71
dAT(A)BASE 13613 74
LAMEN(T)ER 1603 64
NECTARY 4482 79
SEALERS 6317 73
ROA(D)STER 1081 93
RUSTLIN(G) 6876 80
F(E)iGNERS 4408 80
TELEDUS 5321 67
ANNE(L)IDS 2067 70
ZAnI(N)ESS 17869 76
EBoNiTE 485 74
sERICIn 3638 78
TON(n)EAUS 1151 66
LOF(T)IEST 6074 88
BE(R)GAMOT 5592 63
ORACIES 314 79
(A)NEURYSm 9069 85
INTR(U)DER 2148 60
FURBISh 21067 84
AdVISER 1525 86
(A)ERONAUT 127 77
NEATENS 1881 76
LEPIDo(T)E 1926 63
TANT(A)LIC 11607 74
GAsI(F)ORM 11577 65
SEROT(I)NY 619 76
(B)uTLERED* 0 74
PLUMAGE 15330 78
ANOXIAs 6773 106
THONGED 5509 107
LEADING 715 66
ALATIOn 497 67
PRISSED 12423 76
EU(G)ENIAS 679 72
L(A)RCENER 6038 61
F(E)ATHERY 11667 101
COTENA(N)T 6905 64
(B)ALUSTER 4251 83
TALLIES 2758 69
BARbERS 19416 75
(H)ARDPANS 19770 68
MACHETE(S) 16075 70
mUNT(I)NGS 20524 82
(P)LEATERS 3076 80
MILDEST 5652 74
sTRAFER 6472 81
IDEATED 2059 79
SPLIcES 19467 76
THIO(U)REA 211 63
STREAK(E)D 6010 64
CULPR(I)Ts 19108 67
CO(N)TESTS 18118 73
E(C)LIPSEd 14069 72
G(U)TTaTeD 18084 70
DRONERS 3332 74
ONSTAGe 392 86
PALIKAr 16657 73
SEqUELS 21371 84
STERILE 612 65
RESININ(G) 5836 70
u(P)DATING 8286 62
AZURI(T)ES 2511 71
DIEStO(C)k 10992 70
T(O)PLINES 1468 74
PELTING 4752 78
LEIsURE 1387 77
AGONIEs 74 77
sTA(R)DOMS 16306 90
EPOXIEs 9550 89
TWI(S)TiNG 21104 61
ETHIONS 979 69
PAStUR(E)D 4498 74
P(R)IVATER 6923 64
S(C)ALADES 19024 64
OReGANO 694 72
SAX(I)FoRM* 0 126
AUSFORM 13476 77
(I)NFIGHTS 21727 101
NOrITES 48 88
GREASIE(R) 2140 80
TUTORED 3498 76
VERsANT 1614 71
(F)IDEISTS 16667 78
BESTIAL 1464 74
LAKePOR(T) 7674 69
(e)NVISAGE 2353 74
NEAREST 216 70
SER(O)TINE 49 70
BISTORT 9664 82
ANTIGEN 1127 79
FEEDiNG 5739 84
GESsOES 21798 75
ARUgOLA(S) 8565 71
BURsATE 3064 77
S(O)NATINE 144 68
ANDROiD 3029 70
LATEnED 569 78
IN(C)URVeD 9112 67
(T)OEPIECe 7103 86
INTENTS 6039 68
SaBOTED 1918 85
pOULA(R)DE 2786 68
ASTRICT 8872 69
DOLER(I)TE 173 60
PHYTONS 19996 81
SERENAt(A) 453 64
E(N)JOINER 4981 101
CANARI(E)S 1201 74
(C)HOLINES 6846 64
R(E)PORTED 7493 72
TO(l)UENES 1255 59
EPIbOLY 12569 77
KER(Y)GMAS 22919 68
GUS(S)ETED 16879 72
UNLOD(G)Ed* 0 63
cALIBER 4279 72
(M)IsTRAIN 4413 80
HAIRNeT 230 87
SUASION 5433 85
KIndLED 16732 100
SK(E)EVIER 17557 96
FLEAB(A)GS 19414 89
NIDGETs 1742 66
(D)OWNcAST 12963 74
OMENTaS* 0 77
GAS(O)LIER 249 66
SAFFRON 17798 93
(A)ddABLES* 0 83
RE(C)ANTED 1588 65
HIDROTI(C) 12945 82
sABATON 6002 76
iNSI(PI)DER 9720 94
CO(R)DAGES 4337 63
UN(G)rADED 9236 70
BIPHENy(L) 21859 67
GENDERS 4358 77
(L)ITERATI 1043 70
ELEGITs 2354 75
ANOL(Y)TES 1393 63
ArEOLAE 384 63
SNiV(E)LED 5339 62
INWEAVE(S) 4289 69
A(D)ULATOr 3900 66
THORONS 10571 76
SENATO(R)S 1278 66
aBSTERG(E) 4628 83
LORDOtI(C) 9332 86
COTINGa 2673 66
NITRID(E)S 870 66
(W)hOOPSIE* 0 95
HEALERs 4089 73
GAMIEST 2562 71
CRUDITE(s) 4524 64
AnAGOGE(S) 9415 77
(A)MENAbLE 10911 74
PRE(V)ISED 10477 84
(M)INUTEST 8405 65
(I)NTITLES 4336 77
VOTE(L)ESS 13954 66
(V)OIDANcE 1926 72
cAYENNE(S) 15100 90
(W)OrMIEsT 3952 86
LECTINS 3083 82
EQUITEs 7337 87
PARDONS 5838 82
R(E)TAXInG 2067 82
cOINA(G)ES 924 70
PA(R)KIEST 6659 78
(E)NTAILER 27 79
NAC(R)EOUS 1282 61
NEgRO(N)IS 1903 68
BE(G)rOANS 2227 83
NOTELET 2489 64
FORNI(C)AL 5913 65
ANTLERS 412 88
AMITRO(L)E 198 64
F(U)NGOIDS 13379 64
CARLINE 629 83
BAwDILY 19153 83
(T)ANAGERS 1563 68
EGOTIZE 4453 75
STUBbIE(R) 18506 72
PEND(U)LAR 4482 65
INGrESS 7341 81
A(G)ITATED 3666 76
mEDUSAN 5604 76
VIRTUAl 4970 80
CANINES 3786 68
FOLiAT(E)S 561 75
RENAILE(D) 107 77
tR(EH)ALOSE 938 63
SHRIL(L)ER 20474 65
ECLAIRS 1486 74
SFUMATO 13477 85
OSIERED 301 82
EYESTON(E) 5487 65
VEINLEt 2288 83
DIATR(O)NS 289 60
OVERTAS(K) 7674 67
ALIENeE 499 73
FEVEReD 16566 84
FANT(A)ILS 7283 65
I(N)ERRANT 1187 66
FAlCH(I)ON 14840 66
SNOOTeD 2135 73
SELLING 10307 65
SIERRAN 523 73
AL(E)ATORy 1592 66
WO(O)RaLIS 5537 61
REdWING 4733 72
FElONRY 8124 69
SEDAT(E)ST 12197 69
AVERaGE 5963 79
B(E)AMIEST 4252 86
(T)ROpHIED 3920 65
DEEPEN(IN)G 13988 66
AER(I)FIES 1757 76
AIRLINE 142 73
NOTO(R)NiS 5501 66
RETEAMS 2229 81
GHET(T)oES 13133 78
The of bingos played by the player that were not challenged off.
Bingo Nines or Above
Type Play Probability Score
iNSI(PI)DER 9720 94
tR(EH)ALOSE 938 63
DEEPEN(IN)G 13988 66
Bingos played by the player that were nine letters or longer and were not challenged off.
Challenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were challenged off by an opponent.
Unchallenged Phonies
Type Play Probability Score
Plays made by the player that formed at least one phony and were not challenged by an opponent.
Plays That Were Challenged
Type Play Probability Score
R(A)MA* 0 0
LoRIMaR* 0 0
PALIKAr 16657 73
D(I)DYNAsT* 0 0
BISTORT 9664 82
ZITS 2426 44
HIDROTI(C) 12945 82
iNSI(PI)DER 9720 94
SLAY 2419 0
TERRA 513 0
DITZY 7453 0
aRIOSIS* 0 0
Plays made by the player that were challenged by an opponent. This list may not be completely accurate. Check the 'Challenge Heuristics' section of the about page for more information.
Notable Lists
Many Double Words Covered
Games in which at least 15 double word bonus squares were covered.
Four or More Consecutive Bingos
Games in which the player bingos at least 4 times in a row.
Game Stats
Stat Average Total
Games 1.00 112
Invalid Games 0.02 2
Incomplete 0.02 2
Disconnected 0.00 0
Other 0.00 0
Total Turns 26.26 2941
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Player Stats
Stat Average Total
Wins 0.27 30
Score 385.09 43130
Score per Turn 29.5007
Turns 13.05 1462
Vertical Plays 5.83 653
Horizontal Plays 6.21 695
One Tile Plays 0.44 49
Other Plays 0.58 65
Firsts 0.47 53
Vertical Openings per First 0.0204
Horizontal Openings per First 0.9796
Full Rack per Turn 0.2839
Exchanges 0.26 29
High Game 586
Low Game 247
Highest Scoring Turn 128
Bingos Played 1.56 175
Sevens 0.80 90
Eights 0.76 85
Nines 0.00 0
Tens 0.00 0
Elevens 0.00 0
Twelves 0.00 0
Thirteens 0.00 0
Fourteens 0.00 0
Fifteens 0.00 0
Bingo Probabilities 5924.74
Sevens 5030.20
Eights 6872.52
Nines 0.00
Tens 0.00
Elevens 0.00
Twelves 0.00
Thirteens 0.00
Fourteens 0.00
Fifteens 0.00
Tiles Played 46.70 5230
A 4.20 470
B 0.96 107
C 0.93 104
D 1.83 205
E 5.76 645
F 0.88 99
G 1.31 147
H 0.96 108
I 4.19 469
J 0.60 67
K 0.43 48
L 1.88 210
M 1.03 115
N 2.68 300
O 3.95 442
P 0.95 106
Q 0.42 47
R 2.86 320
S 1.71 191
T 2.68 300
U 1.86 208
V 0.99 111
W 0.96 107
X 0.49 55
Y 1.00 112
Z 0.38 43
? 0.84 94
Power Tiles Played 4.44 497
? 0.84 94
J 0.60 67
Q 0.42 47
X 0.49 55
Z 0.38 43
S 1.71 191
Power Tiles Stuck With 0.13 15
? 0.02 2
J 0.00 0
Q 0.04 5
X 0.00 0
Z 0.00 0
S 0.07 8
Turns With a Blank 0.97 109
Triple Triples Played 0.00 0
Bingoless Games 0.10 11
Bonus Square Coverage 15.50 1736
Double Letter 4.85 543
Triple Letter 5.54 620
Double Word 2.89 324
Triple Word 2.22 249
Phony Plays 0.23 26
Unchallenged 0.05 6
Challenged Off 0.18 20
Challenges 0.31 35
You Won 0.09 10
Opponent Lost 0.00 0
You Lost 0.04 5
Opponent Won 0.18 20
Challenge Percentage 0.6667
Defending Challenge Percentage 0.0000
Percentage Phonies Unchallenged 0.2308
Comments 8.37 937
Comments Word Length 204.47 22901
Mistakeless Turns 13.05 1462
Mistakes per Turn 0.0000
Mistakes 0.00 0
Knowledge 0.00 0
Finding 0.00 0
Vision 0.00 0
Tactics 0.00 0
Strategy 0.00 0
Endgame 0.00 0
Time 0.00 0
Dynamic Mistakes 0.00 0
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Player Confidence Intervals
Tile p CI
A 0.4667 (0.4265, 0.5075)
B 0.4800 (0.3811, 0.5529)
C 0.4650 (0.3811, 0.5529)
D 0.4575 (0.4063, 0.5277)
E 0.4800 (0.4319, 0.5021)
F 0.4400 (0.3811, 0.5529)
G 0.4367 (0.3969, 0.5371)
H 0.4800 (0.3811, 0.5529)
I 0.4656 (0.4265, 0.5075)
J 0.6000 (0.3456, 0.5884)
K 0.4300 (0.3456, 0.5884)
L 0.4700 (0.4063, 0.5277)
M 0.5150 (0.3811, 0.5529)
N 0.4467 (0.4174, 0.5166)
O 0.4938 (0.4241, 0.5099)
P 0.4750 (0.3811, 0.5529)
Q 0.4200 (0.3456, 0.5884)
R 0.4767 (0.4174, 0.5166)
S 0.4275 (0.4063, 0.5277)
T 0.4467 (0.4174, 0.5166)
U 0.4650 (0.4063, 0.5277)
V 0.4950 (0.3811, 0.5529)
W 0.4800 (0.3811, 0.5529)
X 0.4900 (0.3456, 0.5884)
Y 0.5000 (0.3811, 0.5529)
Z 0.3800 (0.3456, 0.5884)
? 0.4200 (0.3811, 0.5529)
To learn more about these statistics, check the 'Confidence Intervals' section on the about page.
Opponent Stats
Stat Average Total
Wins 0.73 82
Score 428.33 47973
Score per Turn 32.4361
Turns 13.21 1479
Vertical Plays 6.10 683
Horizontal Plays 6.08 681
One Tile Plays 0.55 62
Other Plays 0.47 53
Firsts 0.53 59
Vertical Openings per First 0.2553
Horizontal Openings per First 0.7447
Full Rack per Turn 0.9784
Exchanges 0.35 39
High Game 564
Low Game 247
Highest Scoring Turn 126
Bingos Played 2.08 233
Sevens 0.88 98
Eights 1.18 132
Nines 0.03 3
Tens 0.00 0
Elevens 0.00 0
Twelves 0.00 0
Thirteens 0.00 0
Fourteens 0.00 0
Fifteens 0.00 0
Bingo Probabilities 6637.49
Sevens 5636.30
Eights 7341.26
Nines 8215.33
Tens 0.00
Elevens 0.00
Twelves 0.00
Thirteens 0.00
Fourteens 0.00
Fifteens 0.00
Tiles Played 50.40 5645
A 4.66 522
B 1.01 113
C 0.99 111
D 2.12 237
E 5.94 665
F 1.06 119
G 1.61 180
H 1.00 112
I 4.45 498
J 0.40 45
K 0.55 62
L 1.97 221
M 0.95 106
N 3.08 345
O 3.86 432
P 1.04 116
Q 0.53 59
R 2.80 314
S 2.21 248
T 3.08 345
U 1.89 212
V 0.96 107
W 1.01 113
X 0.51 57
Y 0.97 109
Z 0.62 69
? 1.14 128
Power Tiles Played 5.41 606
? 1.14 128
J 0.40 45
Q 0.53 59
X 0.51 57
Z 0.62 69
S 2.21 248
Power Tiles Stuck With 0.02 2
? 0.00 0
J 0.00 0
Q 0.01 1
X 0.00 0
Z 0.00 0
S 0.01 1
Turns With a Blank 2.13 239
Triple Triples Played 0.00 0
Bingoless Games 0.03 3
Bonus Square Coverage 16.50 1848
Double Letter 5.65 633
Triple Letter 5.39 604
Double Word 2.99 335
Triple Word 2.46 276
Phony Plays 0.21 24
Unchallenged 0.12 14
Challenged Off 0.09 10
Challenges 0.31 35
You Won 0.18 20
Opponent Lost 0.04 5
You Lost 0.00 0
Opponent Won 0.09 10
Challenge Percentage 1.0000
Defending Challenge Percentage 0.3333
Percentage Phonies Unchallenged 0.5833
Comments 8.37 937
Comments Word Length 204.47 22901
Mistakeless Turns 12.99 1455
Mistakes per Turn 0.0169
Mistakes 0.22 25
Knowledge 0.01 1
Finding 0.07 8
Vision 0.03 3
Tactics 0.03 3
Strategy 0.05 6
Endgame 0.03 3
Time 0.01 1
Dynamic Mistakes 0.00 0
To learn more about these stats, check the 'Statistics, Lists, and Notable Games' section in the about page.
Opponent Confidence Intervals
Tile p CI
A 0.5178 (0.4634, 0.5446)
B 0.5050 (0.4180, 0.5900)
C 0.4950 (0.4180, 0.5900)
D 0.5300 (0.4432, 0.5648)
E 0.4950 (0.4689, 0.5391)
F 0.5300 (0.4180, 0.5900)
G 0.5367 (0.4337, 0.5743)
H 0.5000 (0.4180, 0.5900)
I 0.4944 (0.4634, 0.5446)
J 0.4000 (0.3823, 0.6257)
K 0.5500 (0.3823, 0.6257)
L 0.4925 (0.4432, 0.5648)
M 0.4750 (0.4180, 0.5900)
N 0.5133 (0.4543, 0.5537)
O 0.4825 (0.4610, 0.5470)
P 0.5200 (0.4180, 0.5900)
Q 0.5300 (0.3823, 0.6257)
R 0.4667 (0.4543, 0.5537)
S 0.5525 (0.4432, 0.5648)
T 0.5133 (0.4543, 0.5537)
U 0.4725 (0.4432, 0.5648)
V 0.4800 (0.4180, 0.5900)
W 0.5050 (0.4180, 0.5900)
X 0.5100 (0.3823, 0.6257)
Y 0.4850 (0.4180, 0.5900)
Z 0.6200 (0.3823, 0.6257)
? 0.5700 (0.4180, 0.5900)
To learn more about these statistics, check the 'Confidence Intervals' section on the about page.
Opponent Mistakes
Play Type Size Comment
J11 PINT +14 Finding Large
There's no excuse for missing 8L DITZ. Let's just leave it at that. I'm glad I didn't do F5 TIZ because I could sorely use an S hook to bingo and get back in this one. But I needed to see DITZ. That's just too many points right there, not to mention the Z is a sucky tile on this board. #findinglarge
O13 DAL +30 Endgame Medium
2B AD(U)NC gets more stuff off my rack despite only scoring 2 less. #endgamemedium
7H (L)AIGH +19 Strategy Medium
sim thinks I'm overthinking it and just HM 1A is fine. I wanted to block some stuff at some point with two blanks out. This blocks the C and sets up my M to block the BROWNS hook #strategymedium
exch HOQ +0 Tactics Small
-0.5 #tacticssmall. basically a choice to not keep the H this time. i thought it might sim slightly worse but i wanted more bingo % since he exchanged if that makes any sense.
L12 NE +16 Tactics Small
probably need to take the points with L12 NENE; NE only bingoes slightly more than it. -3 #tacticssmall
J4 BEY +35 Finding Medium
DWEEBY; missed it, hard to see. -3.5 #findingmedium
H1 F(U)D +21 Finding Medium
i gotta find FL(U)ID ... FUD is not good enough. i was a little worried about the X so that flipped the scales, but i hadn't seen FLUID. -4 #findingmedium
15B LEPIDo(T)E +63 Strategy Medium
i thought i had a better chance of drawing the X if i just bingo now. the worst thing is that ELEPIDOTE is not available because i have the last two Es. quackle thinks I should do 15L DUPE or PULE which i considered. maybe i draw the X, use it, and bingo the following turn?? -7 #strategymedium. honestly i don't know how to compare the two plays.
3F CO(D) +10 Endgame Large
-10 LOCI but i finished with 0:00 on my clock #endgamelarge #time
3F CO(D) +10 Time Unspecified
-10 LOCI but i finished with 0:00 on my clock #endgamelarge #time
A4 GAsI(F)ORM +65 Finding Small
missing MARIGOLD D1 #findingSAD
N10 AIRER +21 Finding Large
extremely sad TERRARIA miss despite looking #findingSADDEST
O1 IRIS +24 Strategy Large
this is actually bad because I can no longer Q stick him when he bingos, since 12B and N1 will be open. I should play URI(N)AL 14E instead. That solves all of the problems and should always win, while this does not always win #strategySADDEST
L4 EPIZ(O)A +34 Strategy Medium
-3.5 J5 AZIDO is probably fine. for some reason i thought it would be too easy to overlap. shrug. #strategymedium
K4 OOT +18 Strategy Medium
it's more important here to keep a balanced leave; OOZE does that better despite giving up quite a bit more points. i also score a lot more after it than OOT. -3 #strategymedium
exch DFLNN +0 Tactics Small
cool -- bag has good enough letters (including the blanks) and is consonant-heavy enough that quackle wants me to keep S instead of ST here. oops. -0.5 #focus #tacticssmall
A5 BAAED +28 Vision Medium
gg, i've already won this game. but 6D ARVO wins by more -3.5 #visionmedium (or does it? why fish? dumb quackle)
M2 UR(G)ENCY +32 Strategy Small
come on tile gods give me an X or Z, it will suck if he gets both. i saw D8 BOUNCY which is best equity wise. oops, i guess i should keep going for good racks :/ -3.5 #strategysmall
H1 TYPE +42 Finding Small
PIPET in this spot would have kept a little better, although I did submit this for best office word. #findingsmall
12G A(M)OU(R) +13 Vision Unspecified
While this play might have been #visionsolid, I crossed out the wrong letters and had him having ANR left instead of AER. If I had gotten it right, I would have done C4 AVO blocking RAVE knowing he has many outs. Luckily I only lost a couple of spread points because of this.
G1 DID +24 Knowledge Large
I did see CANDIDS but chickened out on it. I wish ATE was on the board because I did see a 10 through those letters for CANDIDATES! #knowledgelarge
C10 KAVA +29 Vision Small
Probably just 6H OAK is fine. Was too focused on dumping the V, and I don't even have an S. #visionsmall
4H FEH +28 Endgame Large
5C E(ATE)R sets up FIGHT/HEATER unblockable. -20 #endgamesaddest
12B W(ON)T +10 Finding Large
am I supposed to be scared of this? I think I also just flat-out missed WALT(Z). This has to be wrong right? #findingsaddest
5J GE(L) +18 Finding Large
SUPER pissed after I realized I could have kept going with GELANT. Was time rushing, but still. Need to see that and play it #findingsaddest
The listing of all of the player's mistakes. For more information about mistakes, check the 'Mistakes' section of the about page.
Game Line Error
Game 13811 25 Game is incomplete.
Game 17490 26 Game is incomplete.
Errors are (most likely) the result of malformed GCG files. To learn more, check the 'Errors and Warnings' section in the about page.
Game Line Error
Game 21962 0 Duplicate game detected (Tournament 9196, Round 5).
Warnings are notifications to players that they might want to update some of their GCG files. To learn more, check the 'Errors and Warnings' section in the about page.